OMG! OP Furnace XP Farm for Insta-Tool Repair!

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Hello everyone my name is pixel riffs and welcome back to the minecraft survival guide i hope you guys are having a good day we’re back here in founders forge next to the alchemists guild which still has not developed all that much i haven’t had as much time to

Play over the weekend but what i did get done is a little bit more work on the other houses here in the town because these were just the ones that we were going to knock out with our usual build style and i am changing a couple of

Things up a bit here and there where i feel like we need it for a start this roof here has a stripped spruce log instead of an oakwood log which might not seem like such a big change to you but for me i’ve never really liked the

Stripped spruce texture so i thought i really wasn’t gonna like it for the roofs but after building a few roofs out of that stripped oak i kind of felt like we needed a bit of variety in here and you know what the occasional stripped spruce roof is really going to work out

Well for us i still need to pepper in some planks here and there but i really like the way these have come together diagonal builds are not super straightforward to do but we managed to keep the roof line even and i’m really happy with how these have to come

Together these are all just houses by the way so don’t expect any big you know things to happen in any of these places they are just meant to be residential places we’ve got one in here we’ve got another one over there and we have a uh

A few gaps left to fill in a few doorways still to make but i think these houses are actually coming together quite nicely they look a little bit blocky right now but we can always add a few more details here and there some things that are really going to help

Them stand out and also blend together in a weird sort of way so today we’re actually going to work on something completely different we’re not going to do any building as such we are going to be working on another mechanism and this one is going to be quite cool because

It’s an xp farm that does not require you to work with mobs at all so you don’t need to worry about killing any mobs whether they are hostile or passive we are going to be making an xp farm using furnaces and i’ve mentioned this in previous weeks but we’re only just

Now getting around to it and an xp farm using furnaces is possible thanks to some mechanics which i believe are only possible in the java edition right now but might be coming to bedrock edition at some point and that is that furnaces will now store xp from items that have

Been smelted by the furnace even if those are removed using a hopper so normally we are used to the way furnaces work right you cook some stuff in a furnace it gives you xp once you take it out of the furnace output slot and prior to minecraft 1.13 it was not possible to

Gain any xp from furnaces which had smelted items and had them removed by a hopper mostly because the items would leave the output slot right away but also because they just didn’t remember which items they’d smelted and they just didn’t give you the xp all at once now

If we smelt a whole bunch of stuff using a furnace and it’s removed using a hopper we can actually claim that xp afterwards and just by removing a recently smelted item from the output slot we can access all of the xp that that furnace has smelted up till that

Point and in combination with some mechanics that we have explored recently that will allow us to create an automatic experience farmer and i want to make mine up here the main reason i want to have this sort of accessible close to the center point of all of the

Stuff i do in this world is because it’s going to be a viable alternative to going out to somewhere like the nether where we have the zombie pigman xp farm or the end where we have our enderman farm which are my two primary sources of xp typically and it’s going to be nice

To have effectively a tool repair station close to where we are doing a lot of our mining and a lot of our building around the area of founders forge and the farmhouse here and since we weren’t able to put our cake staircase up here behind the sheep farm

I think i might hollow out an area of the wall here and conceal some of the mechanism that we’re going to need for our xp font because it is going to be kind of a mechanical project there’s going to be a couple of uh a couple of

Hectic farms that we want to have in this this thing and i want to put them not necessarily out of sight but i do want to have them kind of concealed so that we have a fairly like unassuming furnace interface over here we want to have something that we can just walk up

To casually right click on a furnace take some items out and bam tons of xp potentially enough to repair our tools armor elytra anything that we’re holding that has mending a bunch of stuff is going to be possible to repair using this we’re going to be building a zero

Tick bamboo farm we’re also going to add a zero tick cactus farm which i don’t think we’ve explored in the series before but will be fun to include here it operates on much the same principle as the bamboo farm does and we’re also going to install an item trash can because

This is a really really quick way of generating a lot of cactus green and we’re probably going to want to get rid of that because i’ve got enough character screen already so let’s create a temporary cobblestone platform here we’ll probably make this look prettier in a second i just want to make sure

That i don’t walk backwards towards the sheep farm and potentially just drop down into this little ravine down here and we’re going to place our furnaces we’re going to make eight of them we’re just going to put them along here in a row like so and ultimately these are

Going to have hoppers all of which come out the bottom of them go into droppers the droppers are going to push any items that they collect out into a water stream and the water stream is going to carry the items into a cactus just to be destroyed i gotta say thank goodness

That we have a lot of iron now thanks to the uh iron farm being back up and running because we are going to need quite a few hoppers for this design for outputs inputs and fuel and that kind of stuff as well but i’ve dug a trench down

Here for now because we are going to need to add droppers to the underside of each of these and the role of these droppers is going to be as i said to output the items into a water stream that’s just going to lead to a cactus at

The end here that’s going to destroy the items for us and by placing a block over the top of the cactus we can make sure that it’s not going to grow any higher so that doesn’t need to be a problem we’re going to put the one cactus in

There with no blocks around it just to make sure that it doesn’t end up breaking and we’ll have a water stream placed at the opposite end here and then the items should all just end up getting propelled into the cactus there which is lovely now behind each of these droppers

We are going to want to add a one wide comparator clock design so we’re going to be using a design i’ve used in the past with the observers facing into each other rather than having the one where the the clock is a little bit slower so this

Is potentially going to be a little bit noisy once it’s all built but what we’ll want to have is a bunch of pistons sticky pistons are behind here with observers facing inwards towards the comparator here and we’re going to have to have a row of observers facing this

Way so i might actually take out the hoppers here to make it a little bit easier observers facing this way over the top of the comparators and observers facing this way on top of the sticky pistons now anytime anything gets into the droppers the comparator will activate the sticky piston pushing the

Observer up facing the other observer and that’s going to create a redstone clock which will empty out the contents of the dropper and we can fill in this back section here if we want to but you need to remember to leave an air block over the top of these things so that the

Sticky pistons can still move the observers around but that should be all we need to do for the comparator observer clock stuff back here now we can replace the hoppers going back into those droppers and we’ll need two more sets of hoppers for the furnaces one for

The fuel line and one for the item input line now to save a little bit on materials here and because it doesn’t matter if the items are evenly distributed along the top of here we’re going to be using a water stream instead of a row of

Hoppers or a hopper minecart set up here but if you remember back to the witch farm when we set up a water stream along the top of some hoppers we had a little bit of a problem whereby the items would kind of get bunched up inside the hoppers because the hopper actually has

A dent in the center of the hitbox there where you can actually stand like i’m standing right now with my feet inside the hopper and items would occasionally get caught on that section of the hopper and would not be able to flow over to the next one and that’s fine if you’re

Just dealing with one item and the items aren’t very precious but of course stuff starts to stack up there and it becomes a little bit awkward but we have a way around that and that is to line up the items in a water stream by using chests

Along the outside here and bear with me while i set this up so i can explain exactly how this works the hopper actually has this edge to the hitbox which is taller than the section in the center and by pushing the items into the side of a chest using a water stream you

Will guarantee that the item entities basically get pushed along the very edge of the hopper here and will end up going into all of the hoppers in order making sure that they don’t get caught on the hitbox here because they are traveling along the very edge these last kind of

Couple of pixels here if they’re coming around this corner with enough speed they might do that anyway just with a water stream and some blocks but the chests allow you to line this stuff up a little bit better and uh that just means that some stuff ends up going into the

Uh into the hoppers a little bit easier so we’ve got a set up here where a water stream is pushing them into this block here which has got a block of blue ice it could be packed ice if you want and a slab over the top of it to separate the

Two water streams out and make sure the water doesn’t flow backwards into this channel and then i’ll put a water stream here and you’ll notice that when the items fly around the corner here they should all end up going into that first hopper quite quickly so it’s kind of

Difficult to see let me try and grab a few different items here so we can test this out so i’ve already thrown a little bit of andesite and stone in there so let’s see if we throw in a few different colors of wool like so you can probably

See those going around the corner a little better they line themselves up with this edge of the hoppers and hopefully this should prevent any items from getting caught up on the dent in the hitbox of the hopper and we should just be able to uh send them all around

The system along the edge there and then we can do the same thing reversed for the hoppers down here so for the fuel line we can have a water stream that’s flowing from this end down that way and then have chests lining it on this side and that does mean the fuel

Is going to have to come in on this side to make sure that it gets pushed over to this end and then we’re gonna add another chest there yep to line those up perfect okay so that’s gonna be the fuel lines and the uh item input line all taken care of next up

We’re gonna have to build the two farms that are going to be powering this entire thing a cactus farm and a bamboo farm now the cool thing about this farm is it’s pretty much completely passive once you’ve got it set up meaning you can set up more or less any kind of

Cactus and bamboo farms or really any farms that can passively provide stuff that can be smelted or used as furnace fuel and then you can leave the farm to its own devices and come back to it whenever you need it however for what i

Want to do today i kind of want to get results fast and for that we’re going to turn to the zero tick cactus and bamboo farms that we’ve seen elsewhere in this series and on the channel of ill mango who is one of the wizards from the

Scicraft server and is the person i’ve turned to for the tutorials for these farms i’m not going to be using the most efficient designs of both because there are expansive cactus and bamboo farms that are really meant to provide a huge amount of experience and possibly even experience for people across an entire

Server of course with this being a single player world i’m just going to build a smaller version of it that’s adequate for my needs but of course if you want to expand upon that i do recommend checking out ill mango’s tutorials on both of these farms because

They are very very clever stuff and can be tiled or expanded upon as suits any individual player now to cut down on quite how noisy these farms are because as you may know if you’ve seen the zero tick bamboo farm that i built elsewhere in this series or if you’re familiar

With these things at all you’ll you’ll find that they get very noisy they tend to have a lot of piston noise involved with them and so what i really want to do is have them set back into the mountain a little way here and just have them drop the items into this water

Stream whenever they can so we’re actually going to build up a little kind of catchment area here and then any items that come along this road blocks will end up going straight into the water stream and input into the fuel line from there so we’ve got a water

Stream here that’s going to lead out there i’m going to try my best to build this farm from memory i’ll need my redstone box and yeah i might have to go back and look at the tutorial if i need it but we’re just going to need a couple

Of fairly simple components a little bit of redstone dust some redstone torches and some pistons we all need some sticky pistons for this and then of course some uh some dirt to grow the bamboo on and a little bit of bone meal just to get the

Bamboo started okay there we go took me a minute but we got there and now if you remember quite why we need to have a means to turn this off and why i want it to be a little bit further away so that i can hear myself think while i make

These things and as if that wasn’t noisy enough i’m about to make this a little bit noisier because i have noticed that there are a few items just getting stuck around here and unfortunately when new bamboo stalks get generated here they actually get stuck so we’re losing a

Fair amount of bamboo just here that’s like yeah that’s been over a stack of bamboo that we’ve just lost there so by removing this lever which is going to enable everything again but we can input a redstone signal underneath this block here to disable it if we want to what

I’m going to do is add a dropper clock basically we’re going to have that facing outwards into this water stream like so and yeah the dropper is going to be taking over a whole lot but by adding a hopper on top of this that should just spit it out basically any time this

Receives a pulse and all we need to do is block off the sides like so and that will make sure that all of the items that this machine outputs gets spat out into the water stream meaning pretty much a hundred percent success rate one other thing to remember is that you need

To have a light source up near the bamboo or it’s not going to grow so building it in a cave like this is all very well if you want the uh gadget to remain out of the way of anything that uh is going to be too noisy but remember

To put a light source in there with the bamboo otherwise it’s just not going to want to grow at all there we go the bamboo is flying out of this machine now which is absolutely great and while bamboo does take four items to smelt a single item it is an infinitely

Renewable fuel source that can be generated very very quickly by these zero tick machines so if you have another source of fuel like a witch farm that generates sticks or something like that that you would like to turn to instead then fair enough but i guarantee

That building a few of these will mean that you really never run out of fuel in these furnaces this has already got onto the second hopper here having only been running for a couple of minutes if we uh take a look down onto this set of hoppers here you’ll see that it’s

Starting to fill them up oh i’m standing a little bit too close and i’m getting some of the items but that hopper there has already completely filled up the next one is in the process of filling up and while i’ve got my block sounds turned down we might as well build the

Cactus farm as well so we can leave the uh the bamboo one running and filling up the rest of these furnaces with fuel now we are actually going to be building multiple cactus farms in this little row here and i’ve actually put a pre-emptive packed ice block underneath there with

Some slabs over top of it so that we can have a second water stream because all of the zero tick cactus farms we’re going to be building along here we’ll be outputting into the same water stream the reason i’m building multiple of them is because cacti have a habit of

Destroying items specifically themselves if you end up with a cactus that ends up falling on top of another cactus it will end up obliterating that item and then it won’t get to go down into the furnaces so we really need to make sure that we’re getting a pretty decent

Cactus output here which means multiple cactus farms now in case you didn’t catch the zero tick bamboo farm design in a previous episode or in case you want to see how this works for cactus i’m going to try and run through this as best i can right here and right now so

We want to start off with a single block with two redstone torches on either side which we are going to disable using a lever to stop some stuff from moving around too much while we do the next few bits we’re going to be placing two blocks of sand one there and one there

These are the sand that is going to be shifted back and forth underneath the cactus which if i don’t throw it on the ground is going to be placed there like so and either side of this we’re going to be having some sticky pistons one facing into this block of sand here and

One a block away on that side so that they can shift these uh sand blocks back and forth and believe it or not the cactus will not break when the sand is shifted back and forth underneath it in fact it will actually zero tick the cactus plant encouraging it to grow and

If that gets done 16 times in quick succession the cactus will actually guaranteed grow one block now we are gonna need something to break that second cactus block as it grows probably something like a fence gate like we’ve used in previous cactus farms we’re not going to worry too much about that now

Instead we need to set up a little bit more stuff around the outside of the farm here first of all we’re going to be placing a block there and a block there next to each of the redstone torches and we’re going to be placing some redstone

Dust on that one and that one and this is the point at which if we didn’t have that the redstone torches disabled the farm would probably start to jiggle around a whole bunch and we don’t want that to happen just yet instead we’re going to break out these two blocks here

And we’re going to place some regular pistons firing underneath these pistons there and on the opposite side there like so and those two should be the only ones we need occasionally you can put the pistons on that block there and that block there if you want to sometimes that is necessary depending on

How the uh the sort of update order is working it’s it’s something a little bit more complicated about these farms that i won’t go into now because i don’t think it will be necessary and when i switch the farm back on just then it did actually break the cactus right away so

We might need to put the pistons there and there and hopefully that should allow it to tick properly yes there we go fantastic that’s working and now as you can see that piston down there isn’t doing anything so we can remove that one we don’t need to worry about the rest of

Them and i think that was the piston that was causing the trouble with the farm in the first place but as you can see that cactus has now grown take another quick look every 16 times the sand passes underneath the cactus it will grow an additional block and it

Will only do this once it doesn’t grow the cactus a third time it’s just this bottom block that is being encouraged to grow a block above it like so watch 16 times that happens bam it’s there instantly and you won’t see it growing another block on top of that after the

Next 16 times so what we need to do is break that block continuously to make sure the cactus is constantly producing and we’re going to build multiple of these along the length of this water stream and in the time it’s taken me to do that these first four furnaces and

Their hoppers have all been filled up and it’s now moved on to this furnace or perhaps it’s filling up the hopper behind this one so we’re about halfway to being completely fueled up here and i’m going to build a few more of these cactus farms we can disable and enable

These using redstone torches underneath this block or some other kind of redstone input into this block so we don’t have to manually enable and disable them using levers but all it’s going to take is a fence gate up there and that’s going to allow the cactus to

Fall either forwards or backwards into a water stream and we could widen out this water stream as well underneath here to make sure that it all flowed into a single stream that’s going to get directed into these chests and along the hoppers but ultimately we are going to

Lose a few pieces of cacti here and there they’re going to fall onto that block maybe or that block behind there they’re going to fall onto the cactus itself and destroy it that’s yeah we’re just gonna have to deal with that unfortunately that’s just par for the course building multiple of these zero

Tick cactus farms in the same place is what’s going to allow it to constantly provide items that can be smelted by these furnaces and once again remember those are just going to get ejected into the droppers and thrown away so i’m going to spend a little bit time off

Camera building a few more of these cactus farms and hooking them all up with redstone so that they can be activated and deactivated all at once and then we’re finally going to put the finishing touches to this furnace and see what it can really do and now we have three separate zero tick

Cactus farms all running simultaneously and i am not super happy with the amount of cactus that’s just being left on these blocks but i really don’t know if there’s very much we can do about that at this stage considering how much of this system relies on having those blocks

There with the redstone dots on them basically transferring power to all of the stuff around the outside here so i might end up in the fullness of time looking into ways that that can be improved but we do still have some characters flowing into the system i’ve

Got this hopper here that’s almost three stacks full we also have a little bit probably going into the other hoppers here and there but this furnace here is constantly now being fueled and receiving items that it can smelt and then that stuff is immediately getting flushed away into the other cactus and

Being destroyed i’ve also set up this lever here which with a single flick of a lever disables all three of these cactus farms so that i can go down here and collect all of these extra drops here but also so that we can turn off the

Flow of items from this if we need to it seems like we might also need to turn off the flow of items from the fuel separately so i might install a lever on this side just for simplicity that’s going to control the fuel input as well because looking at this i’m pretty sure

We’re already full up on fuel on this side and uh yeah we won’t really need any more bamboo for a little while but once both systems are running it’s going to help to have both things running and providing both fuel and items so that this system can constantly run in the

Background and now we come to possibly the simplest part of this design how exactly do we get the xp out of these furnaces because it’s all very well them smelting all of the items and flushing them away into the cactus to be destroyed but then how do we take

Anything out of this item slot here in the first place if it never even appears there for us to click on and the answer to that is quite simple underneath here we have a set of hoppers all of which can be disabled by placing a lever on

This block and switching it on because that disables the hopper by adding a redstone signal into it and this furnace here will retain one item then all we need to do is take that item out and we gather all of the xp that that furnace has acquired so far which up until now

Is not a lot but realistically this thing has only really been able to smelt you know a few stacks of items at the most so what we’re going to do is add levers along the front here we’re going to add a couple more of those in just a

Second we’re going to leave all of these furnaces there we go the next one just started up thanks to me putting some more cactus in the the first hopper there it’s going to take a while for all of these to completely fill up and to have smelted a reasonable amount of

Items but once they have that is a source of xp we can tap basically any time we want to and control just by turning on and off these levers when more fuel and more items get added to the pile to be smelted so i’m going to

Make a couple more changes to this i’m just going to add a lever on this side to make sure that we can turn the bamboo supply on and off but i think the best option here is going to be to afk overnight at this thing so it produces a

Bunch of xp and see how quickly it can repair some tools in the morning good morning so i made a couple of tweaks to the machines before i finished up for the night and made this whole afk session happen the first thing i did was to swap out the water streams in the

Cactus farm up there for some hoppers because the cactus just wasn’t being collected efficiently enough we were losing a whole bunch of it and so in here now we have a bunch of hoppers and some hopper minecarts to pick up the occasional cactus that was dropping onto

The blocks that had the redstone dust on but each of those is now being collected a lot more efficiently give or take apparently those ones over there at the back because i did have to leave in some blocks underneath there to see if i could disable the farms here and there

Unfortunately i don’t have a way of doing that automatically yet so that lever i put in there now does nothing but we’ll figure that out but even though i added a second bamboo farm in there we do still seem to have run out of fuel and we’re running out of fuel

Kind of towards this side here so maybe having a third bamboo farm in there to match the third cactus farm in there might be a good idea you’ll definitely need more fuel than you will need items typically so i think what happened was yeah we’re occasionally getting bamboo

Filtering through into here but the fact that yeah it didn’t quite reach all the way over there with fuel it’s just going to not be able to smelt all of the characters so the fuel has at least reached these five furnaces and of course now we can give it the test we

Can lock it off i will probably remove some of the other items i have and maybe just try mending my elytra and this backup silk touch pick i have that has mending and see how well we get on but i’m going to pick one of the furnaces over here that’s probably been burning

For the longest i will try this one to start with and once that’s locked off we just have to smelt one item in here and get one item over here on the output slot so that we can take out a cactus screen and then all of the

Xp should start flooding in let’s give this a try and that didn’t look like a whole lot but it has repaired a bunch of durability on my pickaxe and a fair amount on the elytra as well i also can’t account for the fact that maybe my computer went to standby while i was

Afking overnight because it did the screens went to sleep at least uh let’s try one more time with this silk touch pick locking off this one and only holding the still touch pick let’s see if i can burn let’s burn these trap doors as fuel there we go making sure

The silk touch pick is the only thing i’m holding right now let’s see how much durability we get repaired bam and that completely repaired the silk touch pick there you go so we could have been holding a couple of other items as well although it’s worth remembering that any other items you

Might be holding or wearing that have mending can also pick up that xp and if they are completely full of durability then they will just redirect the xp to your xp bar so it is worth making sure that you’re only holding the single item that you need to repair but i think that

Was a success overall we do still need to balance out some of the inputs for the fuel and the items and we need to figure out a way of turning this thing off so it’s not running constantly unless we want it to but i think that has been a success and hopefully at

Least this should give you an example of how powerful furnace based xp farms can be in this most recent update to minecraft you can have a whole bunch of this and to be fair you don’t even have to have the automatic zero tick farms running you could just have a cactus

Farm like the one that we have over there and some other kind of fuel farm that could be running in the background and you could leave this thing to run for the majority of your world you could just forget about it and then come back

Later and grab yourself a ton of xp the upper limit of the xp for this is not really there it’s just sort of limitless so be careful you don’t crash your worlds with xp obviously but that would take a heck of a lot of smelting

To do in the meantime i hope you guys enjoyed this video don’t forget to leave a like on the episode if you did subscribe if you want to see more and i will see you guys soon take care bye for now You

This video, titled ‘Furnace XP Farm: Instant Tool Repair! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide [Part 211]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2019-08-26 11:00:06. It has garnered 636937 views and 13301 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:18 or 1638 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! This tutorial will show you how to build a furnace based XP farm which will smelt and destroy items constantly while loaded. You can siphon off the xp any time to instantly repair your tools!

ilmango’s channel:

The series will teach you how to master Survival Mode, and will also be my Single Player Let’s Play series!

World Seed (Java Edition only): 7574084833700264939

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    Daredevils Only: Watch This Video The Exciting World of Minecraft with CoolMan Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft with CoolMan? This popular YouTuber creates engaging content that will keep you on the edge of your seat. From challenging videos to entertaining gameplay, CoolMan’s channel is a must-watch for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Join CoolMan’s Community If you don’t want to miss out on any of CoolMan’s Minecraft videos, make sure to subscribe to his channel and turn on notifications 🔔. By doing so, you’ll be the first to know about his latest uploads and exciting adventures in the world of… Read More

  • Bedwars Showdown: Taking on the #1 Player

    Bedwars Showdown: Taking on the #1 Player Fighting the #1 Minecraft Bedwars Player Introduction In a thrilling Minecraft challenge on Hypixel’s BedWars, our protagonist takes on the daunting task of beating every single Ranked Bedwars level. Following a previous video where they played 100 games of Ranked Bedwars, this new adventure escalates to facing off against Dewier, the best-ranked BedWars player of all time. Can they emerge victorious against all odds? Watch the video to find out! Exploring Hypixel BedWars Tier Testing Embarking on a journey through the world of Hypixel BedWars tier testing, our protagonist undergoes rigorous challenges against players of varying skill levels. From… Read More

  • The Ultimate Hive Pack 16x | Minecraft Bedrock

    The Ultimate Hive Pack 16x | Minecraft Bedrock Minecraft Bedrock Channel Showcase Player Profile Apolo is a PC player with a sensitivity of 20 on Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Known for his aggressive playstyle, Apolo focuses 50% on the game with a concentration level of 40%. Texture Packs Looking to enhance your Minecraft experience? Check out Apolo’s recommended texture packs for a cleaner and more immersive gameplay. Gameplay Highlights In a recent PvP match, Apolo showcased his skills with a blue-themed texture pack that provided a fresh look to the game. With a focus on clean visuals, Apolo navigated the battlefield with ease, taking down opponents effortlessly. Aggressive… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Building Hacks

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Building Hacks Exploring Creative Builds in Minecraft Bedrock Edition Are you looking to add some unique and creative elements to your Minecraft world in the Bedrock Edition? Look no further! In this article, we will delve into two fascinating constructions that you can incorporate into your gameplay. 1. The Toaster One of the innovative builds you can create in Minecraft Bedrock Edition is a toaster. Imagine having a functional toaster in your virtual world! This build adds a touch of realism to your kitchen setup. To create a toaster, you can use a combination of redstone components and decorative blocks to… Read More

  • 107 Subs Special: Halonator Studio Update v1.21

    107 Subs Special: Halonator Studio Update v1.21 Minecraft Update v1.21: Exploring the Latest Features Join the adventure as Minecraft Mojang Studio unveils the new update version 1.21.0, packed with exciting features and enhancements for players to enjoy. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and discover what this update has in store for fans of the game. Enhanced Gameplay Experience With the latest update, players can expect a more immersive gameplay experience with improved graphics, smoother performance, and new content to explore. From new biomes to updated mobs, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this update. New Biomes and Environments Explore new biomes and environments… Read More

  • Forever Not Alone

    Forever Not AloneSmall serve to enjoy 😀 Rules: * Be polite. * Don’t lag the server. This server uses griefprevention to manage claims. Picture a cozy little Minecraft server, the digital equivalent of a snug living room where you and your buddies gather. It’s a place filled with laughter and mischief as you dig, build, and explore together. You create quaint houses, goofy pixel art, and underground hideaways, sharing tips and tricks along the way. When night falls, you huddle in your makeshift fort, swapping stories and battling zombies. This small server is your virtual hangout, a place where friendships are cemented… Read More

  • Mystmoor Semi-Vanilla SMP PVP Whitelist Hard Difficulty Land Claims Anti-Cheat Paper 1.20.6

    Mystmoor: Vanilla SMP Welcome to Mystmoor, a small whitelisted community dedicated to the classic Minecraft experience. Join us if you share our passion for the game’s core essence! What Mystmoor Offers: Friendly staff support Authentic vanilla gameplay with enhancements Immersive builds in the Overworld Challenge of Hard mode Strict measures against cheating and grief No pay-to-win Visit our website and join our Discord to embark on this journey with us today! Discord: Join us on Discord Website: Visit our website Instagram: Follow us on Instagram Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Steve, Mindcraft’s Sensation!

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Steve, Mindcraft's Sensation!Why is Steve so short in Minecraft? Because he skipped leg day at the pixel gym! Read More

  • Crafting Infinite Rails: Minecraft’s Short Tale

    Crafting Infinite Rails: Minecraft's Short Tale In Minecraft, rails are key for your trains to roam, But making infinite ones can be quite a tome. Fear not, for I’ll show you a trick so sublime, To create endless rails, it’s not a crime. Gather your materials, iron and sticks in hand, Crafting a rail is simple, just as planned. But to make them infinite, a loop you must create, A farm of rails, a never-ending freight. Place your rails in a loop, connecting end to end, Watch as they multiply, a rail-making trend. Infinite rails, a sight to behold, In Minecraft, creativity never gets old…. Read More

  • Only 0.1% of players have the balls to try this TNT experiment in Minecraft

    Only 0.1% of players have the balls to try this TNT experiment in Minecraft That’s probably because the other 99.9% were too busy accidentally blowing themselves up with regular TNT. Read More

  • Village Madness in Minecraft Superflat Survival

    Village Madness in Minecraft Superflat Survival Minecraft Superflat Survival: Exploring Villages Galore! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft Superflat Survival! In this first episode of the series, players are immersed in a unique survival experience filled with villages galore. Let’s dive into the action-packed gameplay and discover the wonders that await in this thrilling adventure. Survival in a Superflat World In Minecraft Superflat Survival, players find themselves in a world where the terrain is entirely flat, presenting a new set of challenges and opportunities. With no natural hills or mountains to explore, survival becomes a test of creativity and resourcefulness. Players must navigate the… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where New Members Thrive!

    Join Minewind: Where New Members Thrive! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of the game and looking for a new server to join, look no further than Minewind. With its unique gameplay features and active community, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Imagine exploring a vast, open world filled with endless possibilities. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or fighter, Minewind has something for everyone. From challenging dungeons to epic PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on this server. But what sets Minewind apart from the rest? It’s the sense of camaraderie and adventure that you’ll find here. Join… Read More

  • Join J4sh in Hardcore Minecraft Pt 2!

    Join J4sh in Hardcore Minecraft Pt 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘I PLAY MINECRAFT HARDCORE …… PT 2!’, was uploaded by G4M1NG WITH J4SH on 2024-06-10 16:43:48. It has garnered 25 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:28 or 6748 seconds. Welcome to a brand new Minecraft adventure! In this action-packed video, we dive headfirst into the blocky world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds. Join [Your Name or Username] as we embark on an exciting journey filled with building, exploring, and epic battles. 🏰 Build: Watch as we construct incredible structures, from grand castles to cozy cottages, using our imagination… Read More

  • Dangerous Minecraft Creepypasta Challenge

    Dangerous Minecraft Creepypasta ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Jangan Pernah Nonton Minecraft Creepypasta Jam 3 Pagi’, was uploaded by Kosapaci Live on 2024-02-13 04:23:22. It has garnered 3718 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. #shorts #minecraft Read More

  • Unbelievable 2B2T Revelations: Razoon’s Anarchy Adventure

    Unbelievable 2B2T Revelations: Razoon's Anarchy AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Story of 2b2t: Minecraft’s Biggest Anarchy Server’, was uploaded by Razoon on 2024-06-09 18:00:06. It has garnered 1160 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:30 or 450 seconds. 2b2t has a dark and fascinating history. Here’s why. Current Subscriber Count: 3,041 (Consider adding to this number!) ❤️ This video was inspired by: @CalebIsSalty 🔥 Credits for the scenes of 2b2t spawn: 📝 Sources:,referred%20to%20as%20,with%20its%20own%20unique%20form. 0:00 – Setting the Stage 0:26 – 2b2t’s Beginning 1:56 – 2b2t’s Peak Days 2:50 – 2b2t’s Destruction 3:37 – Creation… Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: Syringeon’s Secret Seed REVEALED!

    Minecraft Mystery: Syringeon's Secret Seed REVEALED!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: What Is Syringeon Hiding On His SEED? (Ps5/XboxSeriesS/PS4/XboxOne/PE/MCPE)’, was uploaded by Drewsmc on 2024-06-12 16:15:02. It has garnered 811 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:19 or 859 seconds. What Is Syringeon Hiding On His SEED? For Minecraft Xbox Series S, Minecraft Xbox One and Minecraft Pocket Edition/MCPE Also Minecraft Ps4 edition and ps5 edition because all console editions are technically the same apart from the new xbox one bedrock version of minecraft which is different. ►TWITTER: ►FACE REVEAL Instagram : 🔥 NEW MERCH: SECOND MINECRAFT CHANNEL ►… Read More

  • Insane House Build with Epic Texture | Nearcraft 2 Ep 18

    Insane House Build with Epic Texture | Nearcraft 2 Ep 18Video Information This video, titled ‘Building a house with Texture | Nearcraft 2 Ep 18 | Minecraft 1.20 SMP’, was uploaded by Breadley on 2024-03-15 21:45:02. It has garnered 59 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:14 or 1994 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbuild #aestheticminecraft Welcome back to Nearcraft! A 1.20 vanilla minecraft server, with a few datapacks and plugins. Today, we’re expanding our base and adding a farmhouse, paths, a sheep farm, other small farms, and experimenting with texture. We also go AFK during an election and… well, you’ll have to watch and find out what happens…. Read More

  • Uncover Secret Witch House in Minecraft Village 🧙‍♀️ #shorts #trending

    Uncover Secret Witch House in Minecraft Village 🧙‍♀️ #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Witch secert house in Village Minecraft #shorts #minecraft #trending’, was uploaded by Cod Gaming on 2024-03-19 08:11:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Witch secert house horror minecraft short Witch house minecraft shorts minecraft shorts minecraft shorts minecraft animation … Read More

  • Unlock Hyperfrost’s Secret in Minecraft LIVE! #TwitchSurvivalKick

    Unlock Hyperfrost's Secret in Minecraft LIVE! #TwitchSurvivalKickVideo Information This video, titled ‘tene xrai? | hyperfrost_ en #Twitch #minecraft #mine #kick #twitch #survival #stream’, was uploaded by hyperfrost_ on 2024-05-31 14:37:00. It has garnered 454 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #shorts Read More

  • INSANE! AndrewAllCaps Tackles Hardcore Modded Minecraft 3×2

    INSANE! AndrewAllCaps Tackles Hardcore Modded Minecraft 3x2Video Information This video, titled ‘【 MINECRAFT 】Hardcore, Modded, Amplified RERUN 3×2’, was uploaded by AndrewAllCaps on 2024-05-22 14:24:28. It has garnered 64 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:31 or 7051 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftlive 🥭🥭Please refer to the Rules below..🥭🥭 1. ✿― RULES ― ✿ ➤ No spoilers or backseating. ➤ Refrain from all homophobic, racist, sexist, and transphobic comments. ➤ No NSFW jokes. If someone asks you to stop, then stop. ➤ No harassment. ➤ Follow the Youtube TOS. (This means the Chat is 13+) ➤ No doxing threats or jokes. ➤ Read the… Read More

  • OP Minecraft Mic – CRAZY Attitude and Love Song 😱🔥

    OP Minecraft Mic - CRAZY Attitude and Love Song 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘op Nice 🙂🙂#minecraft #attitude #microphone #love #miner #bts #video #song #minecraft #vtuber’, was uploaded by MR. status 7 on 2024-02-19 01:21:43. It has garnered 22 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Blocks of Champions

    Blocks of ChampionsBlocks of Champions is a new Network server that just came out from the events to the open world of Minecraft servers! You will be able to find some mini games in our server and play in the events! Read More

  • Arex Server Modded 1.20.1 Whitelist Age 14+

    Welcome to our Modded Minecraft Server! We are a friendly community looking to grow our server. Currently, 7 out of 20 slots are filled. We are seeking new dedicated members who enjoy playing modded Minecraft. Our server does not have a specific theme, but we have a variety of mods including Terralith, Create, Alex’s Mobs, and Caves. The modpack consists of 47 mods and we add more based on player requests. The general age range of our community is 14-18 and we are welcoming and have a good sense of humor. While there may be some power imbalances among teams… Read More

  • Bluerage

    BluerageBluerage is different from many other vanilla and semi-vanilla projects. We want to stand out from the crowd of similar servers in this format, and therefore, without the help of mods, we changed certain aspects of survival.So, the entire server world consists of small islands, water villages, new underwater structures and a huge ocean – players will need to swim across the ocean to start exploring the world. However, it’s not so easy to get into a boat and sail, because beyond the islands the Grayness extends over almost the entire surface of the ocean. Gray makes it difficult for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – He’s tripping out in Minecraft

    He’s on a trip to craft some unforgettable memories! Read More

  • 3D Minecraft Thumbnail: Banaye Swag Wala | Hindi Mein

    3D Minecraft Thumbnail: Banaye Swag Wala | Hindi Mein In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you news in rhymes, keeping it alive. Creating 3D thumbnails, a work of art, Capturing attention right from the start. With a laptop in hand and IQOO 7 Legend by my side, I craft thumbnails with passion, taking it in stride. From gameplay recordings to headphones that sing, Every detail matters, every little thing. So join me on this journey, let’s dive right in, Creating thumbnails that make you grin. With Minecraft as our canvas, the possibilities are vast, Let’s make magic together, let’s have a blast. So hit… Read More

  • Diamonds or death? 💎🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Diamonds or death? 💎🔥 #minecraftmemes I’ll choose the “ore-ganic” option and just eat dirt to survive in Minecraft! #dirtislife 😂🌿 Read More

  • Top 10 Tricky Minecraft 1.21 Seeds!

    Top 10 Tricky Minecraft 1.21 Seeds! Exploring the Top 10 Minecraft 1.21 Trial Chamber Seeds! Embark on a thrilling adventure with the top 10 best new trial chamber seeds for Minecraft 1.21 in both Java and Bedrock editions. The Tricky Trials Update introduces exciting trial chambers at spawn, offering players a unique and challenging gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and discover these captivating seeds! Seed 10: Cliff Mansion Seed Seed ID: 8823677569925680079 Begin your journey with the Cliff Mansion Seed, where you’ll encounter a majestic mansion perched atop a cliff. Explore the intricate chambers within the mansion and uncover hidden treasures… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft SMP_V4 with Mods! #horror

    Terrifying Minecraft SMP_V4 with Mods! #horrorVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nightmare SMP_V4 #minecrafthorror #minecraftmods #smp #minecraftsmp’, was uploaded by BobbyBboley on 2024-04-29 08:01:56. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #herobrine #herobrineinminecraft #scary #horrorgaming #weird #forest #fear #entity303vsherobrine #entity303 #mod #nightmare #demon #gameplay #gaming #game #gamer #minecraft #minecraftworld #minecrafthorror #scary #horrorgaming #minecraft #zombiesurvival #apocalypse #endoftheword #minecrafthorror #backrooms #weird #nightmare #demon #survival #minecraftsurvival #vhsrecords #vhstapes #vhsrecording #playthrough #gameplay #game #gamer #film #scary #horrorstory #horrorstories #creepy #creepystories #foryou #foryoupage #weird #strange #unknown #monster #creature #gameplay #playthrough #fullplaythrough #gameplay #gameplaywalkthrough #fullplaythrough #zombiegamingchannel #playthrough #horrorgaming #game #gaming… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Build ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD – REAL LIFE GHAST HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE’, was uploaded by Scorpy on 2024-03-08 12:00:23. It has garnered 3373 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:32 or 2192 seconds. Hello everyone! We hope you enjoy our videos! Read More

  • Unbelievable: The Game That Changed My Life #shizo #minecraft #viral

    Unbelievable: The Game That Changed My Life #shizo #minecraft #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘More Than A Game: MineCraft #morethanagame #minecraft #mincraftshorts #funnyminecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by More Than A Game on 2024-05-27 11:50:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. More Than A Game: MineCraft #morethanagame #minecraft #mincraftshorts #funnyminecraft #shorts #viral Minecraft is a 2011 … Read More

  • Scary MASHA & BEAR exe vs Security House Minecraft!

    Scary MASHA & BEAR exe vs Security House Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Scary MASHA and The BEAR exe vs Security House in Minecraft Challenge Maizen JJ and Mikey’, was uploaded by Mikey and JJ + on 2024-06-09 11:45:58. It has garnered 54769 views and 315 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:37 or 2317 seconds. Scary MASHA and The BEAR exe vs Security House in Minecraft Challenge Maizen JJ and Mikey This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – Read More

  • Witness Insane Drunk Minecraft Tournament PvP! Joe Bart VODs

    Witness Insane Drunk Minecraft Tournament PvP! Joe Bart VODsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Joe Bartolozzi | Drunk Minecraft BlockWars Tournament #8’, was uploaded by Joe Bart VODs on 2024-03-30 23:30:05. It has garnered 39943 views and 1022 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:34 or 16054 seconds. with: @sneegsnag ,@hansumfella , @CheapPickle , @ZeusyAF , @FireBreathMan TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 Stream Start 00:30 Introduction & Talking to Chat 07:11 Block Wars Update Video 13:02 Preparing & Drinking 1:01:16 Wordle & NYTimes Games 1:15:33 Tournament Begins 1:21:00 First Game 4:17:14 Tournament Ends (Map Destruction) A big thanks to Everest for uploading all previous VODs. Streamed on: 03-30-2024 Watch it… Read More

  • Insane Jeffy Minecraft Marathon – 3 Hours of Sleep-Causing Videos!

    Insane Jeffy Minecraft Marathon - 3 Hours of Sleep-Causing Videos!Video Information This video, titled ‘” 3 HOURS” OF “BEST” JEFFY MINECRAFT VIDEOS TO FALL ASLEEP!’, was uploaded by Jeffy Minecraft Fandom! on 2024-05-12 11:00:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome To Jeffy Minecraft Fandom! We post daily Jeffy Minecraft videos, to keep our viewers entertained. Minecraft is a sandbox … Read More