OMG! Th3Phoenix Half Way to 100 in Minecraft Hardcore!

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Yeah M check what’s going on ladies and gentlemen we are back for another stream it’s me your host the Phoenix we’re playing hardcore Minecraft again if you can’t read That’s All Right but it’s in the title make sure you go check out the description below find out what we’re trying to do today

Um we are currently on day 53 uh it’s been a long time we we probably spent way too much time uh just messing around not really getting anywhere uh so we’re going to try and push uh maybe by the end of the stream to go to the nether hopefully get some nether quartz

We can start automating some Farms um now the other thing too with that is if we can get some blaze rods which would be perfect um then we could start uh a villager trading post and that will help us with a getting better gear and B uh

Cheater you were playing in the starting soon I wasn’t playing in the starting soon I had to take a screenshot earlier for the thumbnail actually so but believe what you want I guess um yeah so let’s just hop straight into it here uh I don’t really have too much

To say before we start let’s hop into uh our game my bad that was a wrong one wrong scene wrong scene all right here we are we’re up to 207 beautiful subscribers so thank you guys so much uh for the love and support on the channel has been awesome

Since I’ve been back streaming as you can see we have uh full diamond armor now uh we’re working on more of course and on top of that you know we have our efficiency four pick I would like Unbreaking on it because well let’s face it it will just break eventually but

Okay wait for Christmas I need some stuff uh to help with gaming I think you just need to get better at gaming bro I don’t think the the uh the stuff is the issue here hey make sure you hit that thumbs up yes sir make sure you listen to Shel

And hit that thumbs up for me it does help the channel and it pushes the video out so more beautiful people could join this lovely Community full of of fun energetic uh amazing people all right so as we go through Let’s see we got all that sugar cane

Cool sugarcan down we need to get some automated Farms going um I’m really tempted to go steal some villagers cuz we do have a uh Village right over here and one not too far but if I could lure the villagers over here maybe even on this side of the river we can just

Create a small Bridge or something here um we can then of course of course uh expand what we’re doing here let’s let’s see if we catch a mending book real quick I think we can watch this do a 360 do some old Cod Easter eggs just keep spinning until you get

One all right come on there it is there it is let’s go let’s go oh we got we got a rock cod that’s that’s kind kind of sucks um but yeah so we do need to progress here we have our starter house kind of completed we still of course

Need to do inside a little bit more decorating of course but we’re not too worried about that today uh we have a boat with Unbreaking to do we have any iron we might have to go iron mining because I think we are actually low on iron right now which kind of

Sucks and I think yeah all right the other thing we can work on is actually labeling our storage um so actually thinking about that I don’t know how much leather we have so I’m going to go breed the cows real quick and then once we get the cows uh

You know bre up we can go through another another cow slaughter here soon um yeah so once that one wasn’t ready that’s my bad so we got 13 13 wheat from this very very small farm replant all the seeds we have a bunch of potatoes here too should actually grab those I

Guess I don’t know why I don’t think we need them but we can trade them with uh the farming villager I think there’s a farming villager over there and if we could do that that would be fantastic get a few emeralds get us started on some trades you

Know um yeah let’s just clear some of this out uh yeah okay so so let us go over here and what we might actually do is we might go caving instead of Mining and see if that actually helps us out any I don’t know

If it will or not like I wonder if I just go that way for a bit what I’ll find I don’t think I’ve explored that area yet but who knows who knows eat eat the wheat yeah yeah Slaughter Slaughter Slaughter Slaughter Slaughter all right let’s murder these cows uh I am really good at TR to get stuff that will make it easier what I really need is keyboard and mouse why why do you need a keyboard and mouse I don’t know I always played on controller uh like basically until I started

Streaming actually entirely till I started streaming and then even with streaming and making content I was still all controller uh other than Minecraft now I do play um other games with keyboard and mouse and it’s still a bit of a learning curve by no means am I like the next you

Know a phas clan member in Call of Duty but I mean I can hold my own and I don’t think it really would make a difference fast turning like this you can do that on uh uh controller too it’s really not that difficult at all uh it’s actually

Extremely easy and probably easier on controller than it is with a mouse and keyboard because that is just a flick of my wrist that would be like if I wanted right just a slight flick but I can do that with my thumb too so it it it

Doesn’t really make a difference I think it’s just a skill issue there but uh turn maxity it goes 1 mph it sounds like you just didn’t realize uh there is actually a setting in uh for like most FPS games um and I I forget exactly what it’s called but it

Changes the curvature of how your controller reacts so if you have it set like uh I forget what it is but I know I have mind set to like reverse linear or something and instead of it just going like fast and then slow it goes slow for like small movements and then really

Fast and it makes it way easier all right we have a bunch of leather actually and I think we have some sticks we don’t have a ton of sticks on us can I I can make this into wood perfect good enough um let’s Just sure uh 48 sticks which means we got six item frames here okay so what we have is wood we can put Spruce Wood Uh oop that we have dirt we can put Dirt dirt boom let’s try and get these sorted out a bit here is kind of a junk one tools uh yeah right this one yeah all right tools tools and armor nothing in this deep slate gravel so we’ll say like keep slate that one’s got bricks in it this

One could be food food and leather yeah I think we can put like meat and stuff in this one so what we will do we leave one beef out is this chest yeah and boom food all Right and then all this stuff goes in here so what we will do is we’ll put seeds no I’ll put a potato on this one just a raw potato uh actually we’ll put some Moss I think Moss would represent it well it was this one here boom Moss

And I think that’s all we have for now and this is just random junk that we can actually throw in here take the tough out deep slate we’ll take out send that back in there and we can go deep slay tff boom just like that real easy raw meat Cod

We can put Spruce saplings in here Controller actually take this Here There we go and of course this will all grow as we grow and then we could do like mob drops in this one I guess maybe yeah that might work for now um we we’ll leave it all for now uh just the way it is here we’ll grab

Those I’ll throw that in there Armor this will just be like our junk Drawer uh we can make a cobblestone one too I guess Eh H I’m not too worried about it cuz I don’t think anything else has anything in it yet no no it does not all right uh we have six eggs we could start a chicken co uh I don’t think that’s going to work Well yeah uh we have a torch I’m going to go actually light up the inside here cuz it looks a little Dark right back here all right um so we have that and I think here what I wanted to do something here oh I wanted to do armor stands here for different kinds of armor um so we can have like three three armor stands here like as a little wardrobe kind of

Thing we will figure that out momentarily all right we have 18 iron which is not enough to really do anything unfortunately um we don’t have any in here either but we do have some extra steak just wondering just just wondering what we do here what do you guys think

What do you think we do I think we go find a cave might be a bad idea right now but we’re actually actually we’re at level 30 so why don’t we grab some lapis make a quick enchant here and then we can work our way back up 230

Again all right uh sure we’ll go with boots why not protection three not great but we’ll take it maybe it’s got ah Unbreaking three okay I I can live with that I mean obviously I want feather falling and you know uh some other enchants but you know I can I can live

With that for now um H all right so we’re at 27 or level 27 let’s see if we can go should be some mobs over here let’s go kill some mobs go this way I want to stay out of the snow area cuz the husks are really annoying obviously kill the spiders cuz

Spider eyes are going to be essential for our weakness potions and that’s a witch over there I want to avoid her too witches can get stitches man I don’t want to deal with them there’s couple skeletons and a creeper there I don’t like that darn super unfortunate creeper blew

Up I thought I backed up far enough clearly I did not oh there is a cave here look at that and some coal right there but we don’t need coal right now ow Ow sir that wasn’t very nice let me tell you that only thing too is we only have three torches which I didn’t really think about uh and we do have a diamond pick I would have preferred not to use this but with a ficiency it’s all right it kind of

Goes through the coal pretty quick so we’ll get get some more coal I guess uh which will allow us to actually get some torches if we cut down some trees and it’ll kind of even everything out let’s go through this Ravine real quick some iron right

Here yeah that’s what we want we wanted a little bit iron I would like some more iron than that but you know Beggars can’t be choosers Beggars can’t be choosers we do our best we do our best with what we have you know um yeah all right let us get out of this

Ravine I wish all the caves weren’t so flooded like I don’t know if that’s just this spawn but like I’ve been having a terrible time uh recently with um these these caves and stuff all being flooded so let’s make uh some sticks 40 sticks which means 64 torches

So we’re good to go explore a cave hopefully we don’t die this time we probably should have equipped our diamond armor thinking back about it but that’s all right we we’ll risk it for the biscuit you know give this uh this stream a little Edge if you will we need

To uh make some progress here because I feel like we’re way far behind where we should be you know at day 53 54 now yeah day 54 now I feel like we should have a lot more accomplished uh maybe you know the Ender Dragon can killed that that’d

Be good couple XPS Farms would be nice too so we can really really work on some gear and stuff um couple wolves here I don’t know we haven’t really done too much in this world I guess not to the level that I would be happy with but

Maybe I’m just picky and uh being a little too hard on myself I don’t know what do you guys think do you think we need to make some more progress or we’re progressing just fine let me know what you guys think in the comments it takes forever to progress in

Hardcore I fine or maybe that’s just because I’m timid to to not lose the world and don’t don’t trust my my abilities in this game I don’t know just kind of jumping around little XP from those cows lots of sand here if I needed I don’t actually have a shovel either uh

Be careful don’t die I’ll try my best Dakota I’ll try my best but we’re looking for a nice cave here with some iron or like maybe like uh a wind swep Mountain there’s a little cave here what’s down here skeleton I hear a skeleton over here too That’s like my thing like if I jump down here like looks like a m Shaft or something down here I I can’t tell that’s right I learned don’t worry yeah that’s right that’s right skeletons you ain’t got me this time spam some torches around just to

Make sure no mobs spawn here let’s grab some of this Coal’s always good to have I guess and you know the XP that’s kind of what we’re doing it for not really so much the coal it’s definitely the XP cuz our inventory fill up quick if we just do it for the

Coal I mean we have a bunch of copper too that we could smell I guess and that was close you could have died when the creeper blown up yeah that’s why I had my shield there I was trying my best with The Shield at least got a nice Lush cave down

Here just take some more glowberries I think I already have glowberries but it’s always good to take extra Let’s get some more iron and we can make some anvils and you know combine some stuff if we Need but also we get the XP from smelting it So oh my God creepers oh we got a crit on him or maybe it did fall damage to himself I’m not 100% let’s follow this let’s see where this goes it’s pretty bright down here I’m not too worried about mobs here on the other hand is much darker so there’s

Probably a creeper up here look at all this coal though take some more Moss too why not Moss is always good to have you can do so many so many things with moss get rid of the chicken egg we don’t need that we don’t need a chicken egg I mean

We don’t need the copper either but we do need this iron however this is kind of why like I want to really push to get to the end here soon excuse me wish to get to the end here soon because uh brain fart there I why did we want to go to the

End I don’t even remember now jeez Louise so many creepers man like y’all can just stop go away uh I completely forgot what I was going to say that that’s a little Annoying my apologies fellas uh little Spore Blossom would be nice that one’s low hanging so it’ be easy to get die right we don’t need that he let’s

Get out of this cave Uh oh that’s why I wanted to go the end so I get shelter boxes so my store like my inventory wouldn’t be uh so full all the Time okay we don’t need that what we’ll do boom boom boom just like that what is that oh it’s a fox look little foxies little foxies never tamed a fox either should do that one of these days tame a Fox I would really like a win sweat Mountain just for the XP right now but I’m not it’s not looking good for that there’s so much Spruce in this world though like so much Spruce like I could like completely flatten this area and like it would it would take

Days months months to chop down all these trees and flatten this area out just cuz it’s so vast And we’re back into more Tundra here so we have Tundra on our right and we have Tundra on our left but we don’t have any wind swept Hills wind swep Hills is really what we need cuz the extra coal and iron would just just make my day you

Know we got 22 iron from that Adventure not going down there I don’t like small crevices like that We’re just hustling through this Spruce Forest right now trying to find something that looks promising that is not it that looks like getting stuck in a Hole and this looks like an ocean out here all right little frozen ocean area where does this lead where where does this go some some ice Hills okay some more ice lots of ice ice is good not right now but eventually it will be maybe some polar bears let’s stay away from

Those the polar bears drop anything good I I honestly don’t know I don’t think I’ve ever like fought of polar bear since they introduce them into the game I kind of just try to avoid them all right we have all of this ice everywhere which is just fine and dandy don’t get me

Wrong but it’s not what I need right now I need a hill a Windswept Hill uh I might just have to head back to base and go a different direction cuz I’ve been going in this direction for quite some time and it’s not getting any better and now we got to worry about

Those guys yeah that’s right get slapped excuse me yeah let us just uh head back I guess I thought this you know would eventually lead to something but apparently not I mean a little Lush cave is nice if we could have found uh flowering aelia above that though that would have

Been really good because we could actually use the rooted dirt for our pathing there out in front of our starter base just to to break up the texture a little bit would have been nice it’s the nice thing about these Ice uh Lakes too is is you have increased

Speed so and mobs don’t spawn on it which will be a little bit of a different story once I’m through the ice it could be a little bit of a pain Little Wolf there skeleton there you’re not going to shoot me cuz you’re too slow some Enderman there I

Don’t want to I don’t want to make them mad just yet oh yeah these guys can go away Now All Right a I just missed the corner that have been an epic jump to make Almost got me they almost got me crazy thing is like I really should just create like a mob XP spawner but I haven’t done that for like so long where I actually like built like an XP spawner and I I don’t know how it would

Make it look look good or fit in with like our current base you know that’s my other concern it’s like yeah I could do all of these things but I don’t think they would look good and I don’t want to just like make them for the sake of making

Them because eventually you’re not going to need them right like once you get a a villager trading post you don’t need a mob XP farm now mind you that being said obviously excuse me the extra mob resources would be useful unless we got like uh a bow with

Like infinity and then pretty much none of them other than like uh gunpowder and spider eyes would really be useful suppose I could trade string with villagers too but and we’re back home just like that can’t seem to get lost so far you sir have a sword but I’m not ready to convert

Things and I don’t have a name tag yet either so that also kind of sucks if you don’t know zombie I’m not going to lie I want to see if you die of course of course you do Dakota I wouldn’t expect any less from you Buddy all right let’s throw all this junk that we don’t need in here there and go in a dirt chest meat meat meat uh coal like I said we’ll keep on us bones throw bones in here throw all of that stuff in here uh Moss block though throw in here

Actually we could throw the glowberries in here as well actually cuz yeah I don’t think we had glowberries before might be our first one uh Unbreaking two that bow is kind of terrible so what I’m actually going to do I’m going to make a new bow and then we’re going to work on

Enchanting it as well and then from here what we can Do make that and then boom boom make a barrel we’re going to end up making a bunch more barrels I’m sure but for now we’ll just take the one and we’ll put it here put it like right what right here excuse me I don’t know where that cough came

From anyways I’ll put the barrel here for now and this will just be for our lapis cuz we seem to have a fair bit of it and it’s taking up inventory slot spots so it should have its own I guess what you get so you get for chasing me you get stuck

So what do we need what do we do what do we do uh not another fishing rod we have a bow right we can make a bow yeah yeah okay good not not losing my mind not losing my mind can can I put a bow on this no can’t

That’d be cool I think you can in Bedrock but Unbreaking three kind of not great but we have a few more things we can enchant anyways so for now we will put our bow in here with our lapis and let’s go out hunting for mobs so we can get some

XP I guess and get closer to level 30 um also since we have excess coal right now why don’t we grab all of our copper I think there’s some down here as well you just grab a whole bunch of copper and smelt it and that’s going to yeah that’s what

I thought that’s what I thought and now if we follow this here it should take us to a cave which has a bunch more copper with our diamond pick yes there it is grab all this copper why not we can use it for an XP farm well maybe not XP farm but we’ll

Get lots of XP from it and some iron look at that sometimes see lots of iron actually shees it it it helps to dig copper sometimes not always but quite often it can be very beneficial so let’s go dig up like I said all the copper that’s around here

There’s quite a bit of it hopefully it’ll lead some more iron as well I completely forgot about that so let us plug that [Applause] hole there we go all right we’ll leave that copper cuz I don’t want to deal with the water there’s an Enderman down here and

I kind of want to beat it death cuz it’s been here for a while but at the same time I know it could probably kill me but I do need to get those Eyes of Ender started I guess too that’s the other side of it all right hopefully I don’t got I

Don’t die chat hopefully I don’t die woo got him got him I hate the sound they make to it’s so creepy after like if you hear that down in a cave you’re like oo you get the chills running up your back you know Well you almost have died so many times I would be surprised and what day you are we are on day 55 now to go to 55 Oo yeah let’s hop into this geod I I knew it’s been here for a while so like I want these crystals some tinted glass you know so pretty these are so pretty Stone up there that’s all right I thought there’s a lot more copper down here or am I just

Blind yeah so we’re we’re halfway through to 100 well 55% now of our way to day 100 on Hardcore Minecraft uh of course that’s not where we’re going to end it all uh we’ll keep it going I guess for a bit we’ll see see if there’s interest in it

And what I what content I can create from it I guess um all righty sure let’s let’s follow this cave down why not it seems like a good idea right probably not extra iron that’s a great thing like all of these extra ores that we’re getting are all

Smeltable so then we get the XP which is what we’re really aiming for here we don’t really need iron at this point other than uh anvils I mean we could create an iron farm too like villagers aren’t that far away but oh some gold up here let’s grab this coal too cuz the XP get some copper some more copper I thought we really have a use for it like I said I don’t have any plans right now for a build with it but it could happen in the future all right what can we get rid of I don’t

Need a dirt grass block once we get a pick or a shovel with silk touch that’s really easy tough we can get rid of we don’t need a single piece of Tough mine and the copper uh what can we get rid of diorite we don’t need a piece of diorite why why would we need diorite do make any sense know there’s some mobs down here there was a second ago where’ they go there’s a skeleton there I don’t like that but that’s all

Right lot different stuff down here get the iron going some more copper and stuff we can come back for that our inventory is pretty full now so let’s actually pop right out of here that water is good there cuz it’ll kind of stop the mods mobs from being able to come up that

Way if there is more down There feel like I’m more likely to die on all this dripstone sheesh I probably could just break it all too but I kind of like leaving things natural looking you know mind you I do I could use it for some things I don’t know what do you

Guys think should I should I mine all the dripstone or just leave it the way it is what is up here is there anything good up here some iron up here let’s grab that I think we got space for iron yeah we got a little bit little space left in our

Iron stack so oh my God I can’t there we go par nope Gosh parkouring is hard in Minecraft just kidding um Parkour all right so we have some iron we dug into our amethyst geode there we have some more copper here I didn’t even realize it was right there I probably would have picked that up oh my God these little pointy drip stones are killing me quite literally I would love to explore down

Here too but the issue is is the whole thing’s underwater and I don’t know where I would get an AIR block now I could use the old cheating way I guess it’s not really cheating but the old uh workaround with uh doors or whatnot could do that could do that um

Yes can I I don’t know I don’t have an answer for this let’s just make a bunch of these blocks can we smelt the full block and now does that cost us more coal to do that cuz I don’t I don’t remember kind of want to find out and see like what

The XP difference is between the two you know like if I do a block of copper is it the same effect as in the individual pieces of copper or or or what are we what are we saying here it’s like yeah I don’t I don’t think we can

No okay cool that kind of clears that up then I guess uh yeah so let’s throw that in there and we can kind of wait for it I guess but I don’t really want to wait so you know what I made copper and I should be making

Iron I wasn’t even thinking about that I I don’t need the uh the copper right now I do need the iron however and the copper can just kind of be in the background doing this thing you know let’s throw it in here for now throw some this stuff in here as well so

That’s going to give us a bunch of tinted glass so if we have we could do like um I’ve done this before um when you do like a uh skeleton spawner um XP firearm you can have like one wall like tinted glass so you can actually see the

Spawn and they still spawn the same uh I found because of course tinted glass does not allow light to pass through it so you can still see through it but light doesn’t go through like it doesn’t count as light going through it back yes I could tell I could tell you we back

Thank you for letting me know um yeah so that’s kind of sucks though that we’re only at level 28 we have let’s go grab our did you hear cast stoping no I didn’t I had no idea cast stop in zero Clues You Dro up on the Ed door lights first oh

Cool I’m not putting those up and just like that let’s grab our whe our quen as the sun begins to set again I feel like the days go by really fast in single player maybe I’m I’m like tripping but I don’t know I feel like I I can’t

Get anything accomplished like the days just go by too quick uh no we only have one adult cow oops I might h i mean for those of you that didn’t know too is if you only have baby cows just feed them weat the more wheat you feed them the

Faster they grow and so on and so forth but I need XP though right I’m going to go Shear these sheep cuz we can use the wool for for something I’m sure but actually let’s let’s explore down here a little bit let’s see let’s see what’s down here

Down here anything good down here more dripstone skeleton how did you miss from that close sir you suck worst skeleton shot ever watch it’s going to be like a skeleton or like Zombie Farm down here or something that’d be funny maybe not a zombie spawner but a zombie was here

Much more copper so much more copper all right let’s dig out all this copper so much they said they’re integrating more uses for copper which is kind of cool and I’m excited about because currently it really isn’t useful for anything other than building but it it kind of looks

Terrible uh up to a certain point like eventually it starts looking okay but and like it’s I guess it’s kind of good for XP too you know what we should do we should create an XP farm fueled by kelp with copper being smelted I should have figured out how to do

That cuz I know you can do it I just don’t know how to do it I know you need an observer for the kelp uh but I don’t know actually how to convert kelp into a fuel source either So ow nothing nothing down Here oh that’s an axe not a pickaxe just a regular axe like I said the good thing about this coal is a it’ll help us get XP by smelting and B it gives us XP now there we go uh yeah I wish iron was a little bit more prevalent But Yeah we do have more copper here but and like as good as copper is to have and can be used for like the XP side of it like I was saying it takes up so much inventory space as well like if I had a silk touch pick it wouldn’t be

So bad cuz I would silk touch it and then if I had a fortune pick I would Fortune it and then we would have soak touch and Fortune uh picks but because I only have the one which only has efficiency and is already almost half broken because of

That factor that it doesn’t have Unbreaking or anything Bo blown up creepers Oh my God too many creepers all the zombies oh not these things again yeah that’s what I thought get deflected get deflected gu thought he had chance oh so did you you thought you were going to do anything he got me that time he he got

Me that time uh is your mic Vol I’m down you sound quiet but it could be my phone um shouldn’t be cat might have rubbed it or something but is that better just turn it up a little bit just turn it up a little bit uh Dakota one of these times I can

See you died I can’t like lie hopefully you don’t hopefully I don’t die that yeah that that would kind of suck you know we’re we’re at least trying to get to day 100 and preferably preferably uh further than that as well but all right 64 oh my knee I’m been sitting with my

Knee like crossed oh it’s all jacked up now there we go we’ll switch the other Knee all right um throw that in there that in there as well can we make should be able to make an anvil now right right guys an anvil how do you make an anvil oh you need to make three three of those and then it’s what it’s it’s

Two something like that or maybe I got it backwards or is it more is it five blocks oh no I had it upside down that’s all it was okay okay yeah oh I’ll make an anvil and we’ll place it right in here that’s not where I wanted that all right that’s

Okay there we go an anvil so now we can name some blocks and stuff toast what’s going on how you doing today Mr Phoenix please that’s my [Laughter] father ah gosh uh we have tons of Copper just throw throw that in There and let’s go back to making that yeah she let’s actually go throw the copper in here oop like so so oh gosh all right and we’re level 30 again look at that I didn’t even realize it um all right so what can we enchant next we can

Enchant Helm I guess let’s see what the helm gives us protection four all right that’s I can live with protection four that’s not a bad enchant I mean obviously protection five would be better actually I think protection four is the highest you can get I I honestly don’t remember

Protection 4 okay I you know I would like a little more than these one like level enchants you know I’m breaking three right yeah we are level 30 okay what I might what can I do maybe add I feel like I have enough I can make like a couple more bookshelves

Just to like even it out a bit here cuz this is going to bug me Otherwise oh yeah how are you doing a Day toast that is a good question hopefully you’re doing Splendid hopefully it’s a splendid day oh you know what we should have used that on our bow I guess darn I wasn’t even Thinking all right let’s go throw some of this stuff in our junk chest cuz our inventory is pretty unnecessarily full um yeah calate iron it could go in there for now Cobblestone Spruce planks rotten flesh Spruce laab Spruce Spruce fence cuz we don’t need it at the moment sticks will always keep on

Us lapis can stay Compass can go cuz that’s well useless to me smooth with salt can go in there Flint coal shark bucket will keep on us and the rest of the stuff will keep minus this pick because we actually have a plan for those picks and uh tools that we keep breaking

Um I got chest plate here could also go uh no I don’t have leather in there I definitely left it outside whoops let me get a few more item frames here this one organize my storage and Still Still Still mess it Up and we’re low on Stick so let’s go cut down some bamboo we should start a bamboo Farm too bamboo would be uh an excellent uh fuel source it grows so quick you know what I don’t understand too and maybe this is just me everybody makes their you know bamboo farms only

Like three tall why this grows so tall like and it goes like relatively quick like is is it faster just to wait for three I don’t know but like I literally like turn around and this stuff grows so if you wanted something less laggy I guess I would go with something taller

Because I don’t know I don’t know I feel like it’s it’s definitely under underused for like the tall bamboos you know there’s some bamboo up there but that’s okay like just a small amount and I have this much bamboo seems is reasonable to me um let us double up here take some sticks Sticks sticks sticks and the rest can go into a bamboo block and whatever’s left over can go into sticks boom like it’s so easy to get bamboo WR HS um yeah messed up my wrist a couple weeks ago and they said it wasn’t fractured or anything cuz I went to the doctor’s for it I think they’re wrong cuz it hurts some s real bad and like I’ve sprained my wrist multiple times I’ve sprained my fingers

Multiple times they said it’s probably just a sprain but every time I’ve sprained something like and I don’t know how many people can relate to this but like it swells man like spraining things cause like causes massive swelling like if it’s probably worse than a break like I found like when I

Broke my hand both times uh cuz I actually I broke this hand twice in the same spot um if like it didn’t swell up I found right like I maybe it’s just me I don’t swell too bad for like breaks but man when I sprain my wrist or

I sprain like I’ve sprained all of these fingers on both hands uh like it just Wells and then I I don’t know I find like I’m just not getting the same reaction um of like a normal spring here I don’t Know maybe I’m thinking too much about it uh let’s you know what I wasn’t going to do this but let’s hop down let’s go mine some obsidian and go to the nether cuz I don’t really have anything left in the Overworld to do Do uh I should have grabbed water it’s all right I don’t have to go all the way back up but I do have to go back up to our other mine here just high enough let’s go this could go faster that’d be great do you guys remember uh some of you guys

Might be too young and too new to the game for that do you guys remember uh I don’t know if it’s still a thing that people talk about but Herobrine do do you guys remember that do anybody remember Herobrine cuz that to me was like the scariest thing in gaming

Forever that ground gets close way too fast but it’s so slow going back up on a ladder all right all right all right boom see just like that all right let’s chop up some obsidian obsidian see I knew there was lava here I knew it ooh ooh that was not smart

Shees that was straight panic mode yeah I’m not going to lie I I panicked on that one hard was not prepared to fall into some lava and actually guys I’m going to be right back I got to pee so we’ll see you in a sec and just like that we’re back we’re

Back all right back to it here I think there’s a bunch of lava over here as well so let us yeah there’s a little cave here too I don’t think it leads anywhere but let’s uh go check it out a bit we might get some diamonds no it doesn’t go anywhere

It’s just a little little outcropping here take the red stone cuz Redstone gives pretty decent XP look at some Iron perfect we’re talking about big WIS here boys big Wis What do we have we have nine let me think we need two right 2 by 4 2 two 4 4 eight we’ll get 12 just to be safe I always forget how to build these Things And we can get some observers and hopefully for next stream uh we can really automate some things much much Faster nice nice nice so we’re at 18 bing bada boom let see if we get some more diamonds here I don’t think we’re lucky enough to dig deep enough but there’s some iron here so we’ll take that H gosh nothing unfortunate all dig a Little Deeper I

Really hate using like I I don’t hate using the diamond pick cuzz obviously it’s much faster but I hate using it because I feel like there’s better like I don’t know I don’t know if better is like the wor but I feel like I don’t know maybe it’s a little bit of a

Waste You know I don’t know maybe I’m just losing my mind here see anything in there and like I don’t have Unbreaking which really bothers me like we should definitely have Unbreaking by now excuse me like I really need a decent pick so what I might end up grind stoning this

One when we get to level 30 next and using that actually what I’m going to do is let’s grind out to level 30 uh let’s enchant that bow hopefully we get a really good enchantment out of it um I would even take like I don’t even know just just like infinite uh if

We get infinite I’d be happy on a bow infinite and Unbreaking cuz then like we go to the nether all we got to worry about really is gas So um and like piglins I guess too but you wear gold you be all right I think I think maybe there’s a cave there Too what also is like crazy to me is like I play on I think like three three or four different servers right now um including this one and things start to like blend together like um for instance like on my other servers I have um M shafts that connect

To um excuse me uh that connect everything and here I just don’t have anything all right so let us build this like I said it’s going to be temporary so we will take it down after and because I don’t want to jump into itop Right this is how you build it I don’t remember either two or three I want to say it’s only two but I think three is the move three is the move here why not oh it’s cold what’s going on Welcome to the Stream welcome to the stream we’re about to head into the

Nether apparently I don’t remember how to build a nether portal but that works so good enough uh actually before we go there before we go there oh let’s not die to a bush how you doing man how’s your your weekend going I know it’s Sunday uh and

You know Sunday is the worst day of the weekend because you realize the weekend’s almost over and we can throw that out throw that in there so we can make two more iron picks uh a bow like we do have our Unbreaking bow but I don’t know that that is going to be

Enough you know what I mean throw that stuff in here for now it’s just become a junk drawer real quick oh yeah let’s actually take that out cuz we do have a purpose our very first diamond pick can go in there um yeah let us see let us see let us see we

Have Oh no I got rid of my sticks sticks come back to me uh two more two more come on come on give me the iron ingot let’s go let us go let’s get this iron ingot thank you it’s about time um that’s right that’s annoying um two iron

Picks and we’ll take our torches we’ll throw the obsidian in there actually we’ll take the obsidian just in case like we get hit by gas as soon as we get in there and we’ll take our flint and steel as well cuz I don’t want to get trapped in the nether

We only have 10 like that’s the other thing we only have 10 arrows and I would like more than that but I don’t think we have arrows anywhere Else if they were anywhere they’d be here maybe down below here let’s let check it out we do have another bow we have a power one one bow which really doesn’t make too much of a difference I don’t think yeah I’m not I’m not seeing anything not seeing anything in

Here for a for more arrows which kind of sucks 208 subscribers I assume that’s you just subscribe Colt if you if it is you I really do appreciate that if not either way whoever just subscribed thank you very very much we’re on our way to 250 solid subscribers so every every

Subscriber helps we’re we’re working on we’re getting there we’re getting there all right um yeah I guess we’re doing it with 10 we have actually we have a fishing rod so we’ll take the fishing rod too cuz for those of you that don’t know you can actually

Pull a gas closer to you with a fishing rod so we’ll we’ll see right into a warped biome that’s kind of nice I I I woo don’t know how to talk you know what I should have made not even thinking I should have made um an iron

Hoe not seeing any piglins or anything which is great cuz I forgot to bring gold with me let’s get this nether quartz and actually we’re just going to use an iron pick cuz I don’t want to break my diamond yet and I feel like it could last a lot

Longer if we wait to use it you know get some better enchants on it it’s the only thing like I’m very nervous of the nether gold zombie pigman yeah it always makes me nervous being here oh always makes me nervous Cuz get this this is such a good way to get XP though this nether quartz is going to be so useful for when we start doing some redstone contraptions you know once we get those nether observers still neite I don’t want to dig that gold only because if there is piglins nearby

Which I have yet to see cuz but there is a crimson biome right there so it really wouldn’t be too shocking oh God Heights in this and edges are terrifying nice all right bunch of nether bunch of nether fors just keep an eye out make sure there’s no Hostile Mobs coming to

Us there’s 30 would have been nice if we could have spawned like right next to uh nether fortress then we could have got blaze rods and then we could have started our villager uh project today too see as long as there’s zombie pigman I don’t care it should just the piglins

Themselves I don’t Like could make a XP farm out of zombie pigment as well is for those that don’t know it’s pretty easy to do just need some trap doors in a hole basically yeah I don’t like being close to the edge there so I’m not going to go

After that all it takes is one piglin to spawn in behind us and suddenly our hardcore world is over mind the gap go down there let’s not lose our nether portal either while we’re here there’s a whole lot of lava down there there is a hole Oh I thought I just heard a

Gas yep yep I did all right we’re level 30 so let’s go enchant a bow it’ll make uh fighting mobs and stuff way easier too if we can get infinity Bow oh yeah that’s right burn mobs burn we have to go collect their stuff after once they’re done burning um yes so let’s pull that out let’s see what we get we get flame o take the level two and guaranteed Infinity I got to do it I got to do it

And then we can actually combine those in um yeah I got to do it I got to do it cuz oh no it doesn’t work with the infinity bow darn cuz if you fire like with a normal bow you can pick up the arrows I thought you could with the infinity bow

Too but that’s all Right oh that’s way too high there we Go so that’ll be a lot easier to fight too especially like if we can get a better enchant now the guaranteed Infinity is nice uh but again it is a little Underpowering we might have had a better luck with the other one in case it did give us uh like Infinity as well but I like the guaranteed odds of infinity versus the possibility of infinity also we can fish let’s let’s go fishing for a little bit see if we get some uh maybe

Enchanting books or or other things like that right fishing goes by pretty quick ah boom we got a clown fish tropical fish sorry all right come on give me something good give me like a good fishing rod cuz you know fishing is the best way to get enchanted fishing rods in my

Opinion especially like once you get one with like u a lure lure 2 or um luck of the sea and then it just increases your odds of finding good stuff so I mean increased odds of finding good stuff and with lore three I mean fishing is like near instantaneous

So come on come on come on Fishy all right come on give me give me something good give me something good to eat not eat but like give me like a flame bow or Something not really too good but we do get XP from this as well so it’s kind of nice in that respect Uh all right that this is going to take forever let me go get a compost and or not a composter sorry I could do that I guess I could start up um a little villager trading over there with stock prices which is going to give us a good

XP I didn’t grab any Wheat I’m dumb we get some wheat get some wheat what we should do is we should actually do the crusher method um with entity cramming for these cows and then we don’t have to hit them with anything they just end up crushed to death I don’t know

Maybe no seeds go in the ground not the wheat all right we have an Unbreaking bow which we’ll put in there and we’ll make sh Infinity bows out look at that free free mob loot that’s the other thing once you make it through the night if you go around you

Usually get some pretty good free mob Loot these guys give you some XP too for feeding them So that’s pretty nice there yeah yep get some get some mob loot going I don’t think there’s Um flooded flooded cave always with the flooded caves um I think there I don’t remember if there’s a farmer villager over here if there is that would be kind of Ideal even a fishing villager really because we can trade him just about anything he needs needs right

Now a little bit of coal here let’s let’s grab the coal why not yeah a little bit of XP right there little XP for me I’m pretty sure maybe they all died they very well could have all died or despawned or yeah uh bread flint and steel full

By the way I I did live here for anybody that is new which is why there’s all of this stuff in here I didn’t get like the world’s luckiest chest or Whatever I know there is villagers around here there has to be I I cannot fathom that they all Died but it honestly wouldn’t surprise me May these I feel like they all walked into this lava hole you know I feel like that’s probably what Happened normally we don’t kill chickens but we have the feathers now so we can actually make our own arrows which will kind of help it it won’t really especially like because we have the infinity bow but if we can we get maybe a better bow with mending

Or something it it might be useful that way mind you I think I would rather have infinity and just transfer from a new like an old bow you know what I mean like transfer the enchants it’s way cheaper that way I find good try and fight that Iron Golem

Too for a couple iron but I know there was villagers here I seen them not too long ago my when I ran through here last but they all Also may have died villagers are not the smartest creatures in this yeah cuz craphy there was definitely a cartographer up

Here so I think they all fell to their death in lava I kind of really sucks cuzz I was hoping that there was some villagers here let’s kill you chicken let’s take your feathers I’ll pluck your feathers I’ll take your egg sheep we’ll Shear you cuz why

Not on the plus side there’s tons of gravel around yeah sheesh I seem so unfortunate right now that none of the villagers are alive there’s another Village that’s not like super far away too but I was hoping that one would be usable for a while but I should

Have uh should should have trapped them in their houses I guess cuz that would have been a a great start for our villager breeder uh now of course we need blaze rods and a lucky spawn of uh sure just Spam torches um yeah I’ll Shear you take your

Arrows that’s the nice thing about like an Infinity bow is I only need one arrow and I can collect lots more I Yeah Sniper Oh my goodness gracious What up Takota yeah yeah showed that skeleton who boss let’s go throw a bunch of this stuff in our junk chest we can sort it out later where did the steak go that can stay in our inventory though um back Luffy welcome back hello welcome back we got some nether quartz

Now nether rack shroom lights bones Cobblestone some wool I’m throw this in here what actually we can do we’ll grab this and now we can make arrows we got 43 arrows now not that it really matters with this Infinity bow But let’s uh go collect the loot over here that we dropped just got to keep my eye out for these guys so I don’t know what’s on these boots probably nothing like super crazy But so good it makes killing mobs way much easier when you could do it way way easier when you can do it from distance oh yeah what are you going to do you ain’t going to do nothing nothing at all We level 30 Again all right let us go enchant so we’re not wasting XP let’s see the new skin oh yeah yeah yeah hold up a sec uh if they get too loud let me know okay they’re too loud now cuz I can hear col screaming um yeah so the new

Skin there’s a a little representation of it here but if we do F5 here we are we have a cherry blossom cape on as well but yeah this was made by by Our Community member Nick’s uh awesome work again I love it it looks fantastic what do you guys think

Hopefully you guys like it but yeah so let us not F1 boom put all of our stuff back on here so we don’t get knocked out as soon as we go outside that would be terrible just to be on the live immediately how’d you get the cap honestly I don’t know it was

Just in my options of like when I picked a new skin that the cherry blossom Cape was there so I I I don’t know what it takes to get that not 100% sure but yeah uh when I when I changed skin it gave me the option for it so that’s

What I did and see how can I get golden boots from a skeleton that have Unbreaking three but I can’t get Unbreaking three on anything um yeah actually since we have efficiency four on this what I’m going to do is make a grindstone can I make one of those I

Don’t have one of those yet do I I don’t think so just make sure I didn’t put it in a corner here cool um how do I make a grindstone grindstone Grindstone I think I need uh what do I need for That yeah do you need a stone slab two sticks okay that’s easy enough that is easy enough we have all of this item so it’s not a big deal uh I thought we oh yeah we do have a stone slab two sticks we got another bow here

We’ll fire that in there for now um yeah so what did we need we need two sticks two of these and boom now we have a grindstone right yeah we do that’s what I thought so let’s go put this grindstone in our base right next to our enchanting

Table maybe not right next to it but we’ll put it uh actually you know what we can we can do we can put it right here sure why not it works there um yeah so put that in there take that back out get some XP for

It one two three cuz we only get the one chance with this Unbreaking three so hopefully this is it silk touch okay Unbreaking a silk touch that’s not bad I would have again preferred silk touch efficiency but uh I’m trying Gojo uh Luffy Phoenix what do

You think of my pfb I think a cat and a hat is uh is perfect for the Christmas holidays and before I forget let me grab this this throw up another item frame for our axe first Diamond Tool here it’s broken broken oh it’s all good it’s all good it’s all good um

Yeah let’s go I don’t know what to do with all this sugar cane cuz we have like a little bit excess right now and by a little minut I mean a ton now of course we could start making paper with it and you know some Rockets but we don’t have an elytra

Either so at the same time I’m just kind of been collecting it and seeing seeing how much we can get I guess all right let’s go back whe has not grown yet I have a ton of Bones any more mob loot around here no unfortunate very very unfortunate um

All right we have seven wheat but I want more than that cuz I’m greedy I think we have more than seven cows now so which is fine uh fill that in blah blah blah blah blah throw this throw this we can throw that in there we can throw

What else can we throw in there nothing right now okay so we’ll throw the Rotting Flesh in here we can actually take all of this stuff out that is this stuff and it can go here like so and then carrots we’ll throw in here all this stuff we can throw in there as

Well And yeah I don’t gosh I don’t really have a use for Flint at the moment could start a chicken coop what do you guys think do we start a chicken coop I would like some fan Coral if I’m going to start a chicken coop though because like it looks really good as like

Um like a chicken Nest there’s a lone cow right now maybe not think we’re okay um yeah so what else can we do while we try to level up I guess we can go right back to the nether now I mean I don’t really want to be in the nether cuz obviously like there’s a

Good chance we’re going to die there um but you know you got to do what you got to do I Guess let me just dig through here for a bit let’s see if I can find just some nether quartz digging Oh oh we found some Noto nether quartz I hear a gas though oh yeah I do yeah get get destroyed kind of want to fight these Endermen too because they give pretty decent XP what again the issue with fighting Endermen is they do do a lot of

Damage I just get some saturation up there CU right now we’re just looking for some quartz that’s all I really need are you angry at me I can’t oh no you guys are just mining away here see that’s what I mean like even with all my armor on these guys are

Like they do some damage but we do have warp nyum now which is kind of nice get these fungus cuz now we can like we can make the Crimson wood outside the nether if we wanted as long as we’re smart about it and you know get a little lucky Too still should have made an iron Hoe uh just a b Sal Area yeah Goodness all right let’s get some more nether quartz here cuz I’m sure we’re not going to you know have a shortage of observers and um other things here when we start automating this Sur rival series a little bit more I got to remember how to

Do all the Farms again it’s been so long since I uh actually like made a automative Farms that it’s going to be a little difficult I don’t think it’s going to be terrible But and again just got to make sure we don’t get any piglins cuz they do a lot of damage really fast same with these zombie pigment they hit man I forgot how much damage they did and I was playing on sle server the other

Day oh God I see a pigl one I don’t like that uh I was playing on swarley server the other day and uh I forget who it was one of us hit a piglin a zombie piglin zombie Pigman and uh it it messed us all up I think it

Killed like four of us like just the one by itself they are overpowered oh my goodness are they overpowered I didn’t realize how bad it was we can actually just throw that stuff in there for now I don’t really know what to do here I’m trying to get more levels so we

Can get you know full set of enchant and get some actual good enchants I don’t really have anything spawning around us right now either you know what I mean I might have to just fish for a little bit might have to just fish I know it’s not the most entertaining thing

But I’m trying to think how I can get XP faster I could do like a furnace XP farm I guess too but what do you guys think what should I be doing hey a name tag perfect well I mean if we get some villagers and uh some blaze rods that’s

The big thing like it’s a pain to get blaze rods if we get some blaze rods though we could start a villager breeding farm and a villager uh trading Hall C mind yeah I could like if I wanted fish I could just go swim out and take them out but I don’t want fish I want the loot that comes from Fishing Come on come on spawn give me Something man all right let’s go kill some more mobs I guess that in there throw a shroom light in there throw warped in there Netherrack can also go in the junk Drawer throw a bunch of coal in there yeah man that’s unfortunate super unfortunate we got nine eggs so we really could start a chicken Co which would help us with our feathers that we need I’m just trying to think of things like that are going to get us XP

Faster let me get all these enchants done oh my God go away Yeah going to end up breaking my diamond sword here soon get out of here Man the great thing too is like with a bow Can shoot all these guys yeah oh my goodness we’re already level 30 sweet which means we can get more enchants Yeah all right let’s go come on Now boom now we don’t have to deal with those annoying annoying creatures uh yes so what do we have left I think we need to do pants right some jeggings let’s enchant our jeggings or jeggings would they be dings diamond leggings yeah sure dings that’s what they’re going to be called from now

On diggings uh um protection Unbreaking protection four and Unbreaking three okay that that’s a good one that that’s a good one for pants and actually we could just switch over to full full diamond but I will be right back guys I have a small bladder you guys

Know that we’ll be right back much Love Oh and just like that we’re back again we are back back again all right so we still need more XP to get some better enchants on some things like our sword has sharpness three which is good mind I think at that point we should probably just get a new sword

But what do I know Right Also guys we’re on day 58 we still don’t have a challenge to start on day 60 B Man these things are so annoying bro just let me breathe holy crap these guys are just like relentless this Relentless out here all right um yeah does anybody remember how to do a kelp Farm I think you just plant the kelp with some observers I honestly don’t remember 100% honest Oh our helmet’s going to break soon and we have all of these Phantom membranes but I don’t think they have any use until you have an elytra like am I wrong I honest I don’t remember suppose C can go in here or salmon Sorry Phantom block is that a thing or are you messing with me I feel like you’re messing with me yeah you’re definitely messing with me nah what a troll this guy what a troll this guy Um yes so just trying to think here kind of resources I I really don’t know what to do at this point that’s uh not good all right let’s let’s go to the end here and see if we can collect some ender eyes I guess or you know or not the end sorry

The nether let’s go see if we can collect some ender eyes maybe find a fortress get some blaze rods I still didn’t bring any gold with me so I could be really careful look at all these pigman look at all the pigment oh that’s a pigin give me your gold

Boots give me your gold boots that’s what I thought leave me alone bro you start hit me we’re going to have issues bro I swear God these piglins make me so nervous all the time it’s like they do oh it’s a Bastion there’s a Bastion right

Here oh I would love to go raate it but I am so not prepared for that and the brutes do so much damage man oh toast what are you saying today what are you doing you sley server you’re playing some Call of Duty on this fine Sunday or are you just

Watching replays of uh you know the NHL I guess I shouldn’t assume you’re gaming but right I guess i’ probably say Call of Duty oh now the piglins are spawning they know I’m here so they’re like yeah this guy is going to get it so there’s a Bastion here but I don’t want a Bastion question I want a nether fortress and of course I can’t jump down anywhere this is kind of like a terrible

Nether spawn for me so far rewatching that Dallas game would be worth rewatching I am gaming okay I thought so I just wanted to make sure I don’t assume things you know playing Cod or you playing you playing Minecraft what are you doing what are you doing some more

XP this what I mean like why is this spawn so bad bro like oh know Noe don’t like that oh yeah that’s right I escaped You they do so much damage just got home how prob the server I should be working on that game on my server you should I I want to see how that turns out how the uh that big old Masterpiece that you have going on turns out cuz you’re trying to make your own

Version of deck out right that that’s what you’re doing I’m not crazy kind of want to make like a piglin like spawn Farm like you know what I mean like a zombie pigman um like XP farm but at the same time like I don’t trust myself to not just absolutely get

Decimated and that just wouldn’t be fun for anybody why did I do that let’s keep those on just in case just going to take so long it’s just putting me off from building it yo I I hear that whole heartedly bro wholeheartedly God that was close we have piglins down

This tunnel like there’s no Tomorrow actually you know what I can probably take the water bucket out that’s not going to do anything uh the Unbreaking one back keep the infinity one just see what I can find down here I don’t even know where I’m going I’m just digging try and get somewhere see

Something maybe I get some some netherite ancient debris what did he say I hear a gas which always upsets just digging all this Netherrack I don’t really have a purpose to be digging down here either it’s the worst part like what is what is netherite level toast do you

Remember like the best level for netherite it’s like something like way down there I do remember that But Feel like it’s definitely further than this I don’t even know what I’d use all these magma cubes for you know I I don’t think I have a use for them at all but I’ll pick them up just cuz swle raid oh a sley raid what’s going on Carter

Bball how y’all doing we’re in the nether right now you know trying trying to get you know some levels here and we can’t run into you know a good spawn whatsoever so yeah yo it’s going Oly hope your stream was fantastic bro I was in there for a little bit but had to

Prep for this so apologize for not sticking around more that’s not what stairs yes Jesus Christ Skyler thank you for the subscription God that scares me every time every time every time again I don’t know if you guys can hear it but there’s an emote or a sound that goes along with it

All and uh man that it startles me every time every time doesn’t matter cuz I forgot to bring a shovel with with me we’re doing this by hand what’s up Daddyo oh you know just just living hardcore you know Minecraft in the nether terrified trying not to cry you

Know worth the sub I mean honestly I didn’t but I’m glad it scared you okay I got to figure that out then I’m glad like I know now that you guys don’t get that sound cuz I could definitely figure that out um to make it so that you guys

Do hear that as well but it scares the [ __ ] sh shiznits out of me every time I don’t even know what I’m digging for here there’s some gold there I’m going to avoid that cuz I don’t want to deal with piglins like I said I don’t even know

What I’m digging for here I’m just kind of digging well I guess we’re done digging I mean I do have my diamond pick but I don’t want to use it in the nether not for that at least but we got some some magma cubes you know should probably light some torches

Along the way too like I said we’ve been digging for no apparent reason digging until you fall into lava yeah I’m just hoping not normal day then yeah we’re going you know we’re we’re mining uh I guess most you guys probably haven’t seen the fact

We just got a new skin too from our friend Nicks or our loyal our loyal uh what do you call uh subscriber Nicks uh they created uh this awesome skin that we’re about to show off here it’s actually in the thumbnail but let’s show it off again cuz I’m really psyched

About what NYX did here out did herself boom look at that that’s a smexy skin right there and of course we added a cape which is right there a little little Cape just to add a touch of flare but looks so good so far but hey Cass I’m sure sh to putting you

To work uh time to decorate H Fat Chance of that happening real fat chance of that happening I don’t decorate no I don’t care if CH decorates but I ain’t doing it let’s just throw all this Netherrack in here cuz why not throw no we keep the bow throw the magma

Cubes yeah it is awesome uh I’m so hyped that uh NYX made that for us so big shout out to Nyx uh actually we haven’t seen a couple days hopefully everything’s all right that’s needs to be done uh gave you everything you need yeah that that’s still not my job I

Don’t decorate for holidays I don’t I don’t believe in it so don’t worry talk going to do it outside it’s not safe for me to do it I’d probably fall yeah um I don’t think so talk yeah it’s more like she’s going to be like no you need to do it I’ll be

Like no no I don’t I don’t want them you do yeah no injuries uh you also forgot the part where that I don’t have a ladder so I’m not getting up on the roof and I ain’t decorating it ain’t happening don’t care holy crap guys we’re up to 210 Subs

Too that is amazing thank you guys so much uh that is fantastic we are 40 Subs away from our next goal of 250 subscribers and then we’re going to double our subscriber count making it to 500 so if we can make it to 500 uh that’ll be actually crazy

Especially like since we got back into streaming we were at 192 I believe so in a matter of like I think we’ve only been back three weeks two or three weeks don’t quote me on that we have the sky limit yeah easy to make louder seven

Sticks exactly exactly uh we are up 18 subscribers in just a couple weeks which is absolutely phenomenal you guys have been supporting the channel like crazy and I love it and I love all of you you for for helping me out you know pushing me making me a better streamer time and

Time again uh yeah that can go in there we don’t need that let’s go kill some zombies some mobs try and get level 30 here so we get some better enchant and then you know hopefully don’t you dare don’t you hit me that ain’t very nice Just had to get back to streaming yeah uh I got to make some more content too I’ve been slacking slacking I’m back to streaming but not making content so we we got to work on that we got to work on that see that’s what I was looking for

In the nether would have been some blaz rods so that villager could have been saved but unfortunately this villager is now going to die okay well now he’s going to drown now now he’s dead okay perfect what do you think can we hit it oh we hit it I hit a

Spider there’s the skeleton Oh my God there’s the skeleton we’re just sniping we just sniping in Minecraft you know how it is I just had to get bad I’m decorating the boys room so I’m out of stream you could decorate whatever you want like I said I am not getting on the roof and doing the

Outside lights sorry sorry not sorry my days of getting on roofs are well over when I took a salary position over my siding and roofing job so oh yeah you little bugger come here thank you oh God get out of here he snuck up on me I heard him at the last second All right we’re almost level 30 again we get another level 30 en champ out of Tonight I want some mobs that don’t shoot arrows at me but I don’t think we get the choice right now man we’re just too good these skeletons just can’t compete they just can’t compete getting a little chanted bow out of him oh we’re so close to

30 let’s let’s feed some cows here real quick make some some baby moves oh God go away God I hate those things yeah sniped out of the sky you guys don’t rule this place I rule this place gosh mobs are so annoying sometimes well pretty much just those

Guys the rest are fairly easy to deal with especially like once you have a bow especially an Infinity bow which is almost broken yeah we haven’t got a single Ender eye either I’ve killed like seven of these guys just this stream and I haven’t picked up a single Ender eye goodness gracious all

Right so we have another level 30 here I think what do we got we got Unbreaking and power two those would actually combine fairly nicely onto this I mean Unbreaking three would be much better I don’t yeah excuse me I’m going to make another bow cuz I want a superpowered

Bow and so far we just haven’t had luck with our enchants I should make another sword too but um yeah how do we make a bow again that’s right minus those and then string all right and then we can go what can we do we can we pull from here

And actually before I forget let’s just check what our Helm has our Helm doesn’t have anything good oh it’s got protection four which isn’t terrible our boots have protection three and Unbreaking three again not terrible I would like some better en chants for those punch one sucks yeah that’s just

Terrible that is terrible all right well well just cuz we can might as well right see what happens looting to Smite four which is good for Undead mobs and looting is good too but kind of sucks a sharp the sharpness three I think would have been better

Than the Smite but beggar can’t be choosers I suppose uh what can we do what can we do what can we do chat um what would you guys like to see me try to build I guess so I’m thinking I could do probably should do some

Redstone trying to think of how to make an observer yeah that’s it let’s make 10 of those cuz we can we can make 10 observers and now I need repeaters repeaters which require Redstone torches I’m not mistaken honestly not 100% sure take some more Cobblestone Redstone lever so how do you make repeaters

Again so I think you need do you need Stone you might need stone for that let us find out smelt some of that then throw the iron in there or not the iron the uh copper sorry all right Well Used a bit of levels for that but we now have power two and Unbreaking two so the bow is going to last a bit longer which is nice um and yeah I guess we can make another bow well we don’t need to make another bow I guess but this should kill things a

Little bit faster now too because of the power two enchant so while we wait for that uh Cobble to smell let’s knock down some trees Here and actually I’m just thinking about this now how do you get beehives or how do you get uh be be be I know campfire let’s go make a campfire I guess um do you need glass bottles I think to make honey I’m trying to remember here

How you make honey blocks cuz I know I need honey and slime blocks actually we should go adventure and see if we can find a slime chunk or see if we can dig one out down down below maybe let’s yeah let’s let’s try that I

Guess uh I was going to go look for a swamp I’m trying to remember I don’t think there is one that way but I could be wrong I’ve been wrong before it happens it happens um let us three just because all right we’ll make two I guess we couldn’t make three

Um yes we throw that in there throw all of this stuff you sleep yet I have not slept yet and we are on what are we on we’re on day 60 so we need a new challenge for today guys we need a new challenge to start to make this more difficult for us

Let me know what you guys think some thoughts some ideas you know all the goodies uh we’ll actually keep those on us all right good enough cuz I think can make a little beehive area over here and then I can make some honey blocks forgot we need honey blocks

For most of our Redstone stuff so I know there’s a beehive right up here so all I’m going to do is take two uh definitely should have made another pick like an iron pick that’s all right though I’m breaking three in silk touch so durability should be good on this for a little

Bit let us go over here it’s empty that sucks that really sucks I was hoping it wouldn’t be empty but it appears to be empty see if we can go find um some not so empty beehives we had a boat over here too what happened to our boat

Was it over here maybe not I think it’s on the other side over there cuz we did explore uh this way last stream went to um actually we did find a swamp biome now that I’m thinking about it so let’s go check out the swamp biome let’s

Go see if we can spawn some spawn uh Farm some slimes only thing we do have to worry about with that too though is witches witches can uh you know could be an issue for us yeah witches could definitely be an issue did I get rid of my water bucket I

Did that is a shame not that I think that would really mattered right now but you never know you might get that MLG clutch if you fall in a hole or something right that’s probably going to be like the worst thing in Minecraft is when you’re just like traveling and you don’t see

Like a hole or like you miss a jump and you just like Plum it to your death that would be the worst way to Go I think we have a boat right over here right yeah there it is cuz if we go this way I think this way leads to the swamp it might lead to the ocean though which might be okay cuz we could go into the ocean and see we find some sunken ships maybe

Some some goodies what do you guys think find a monument mark down where a monument is and then we can work on killing the Elder Guardian Ocean’s kind of creepy I’m not seeing anything though like anything suspect yet that looks unnatural kind of just all a nice like

Um what are they called the tropical tropical ocean area the the coral Coral spawns would be good too get a little bit of coral those fan Coral are uh quite used useful for uh some redstone contraptions I know for TNT dupers got some TNT dupers going some drown some more Drowned stop throwing a trident at me it’s not very nice so I will just shoot you in the face with an arrow and then it’ll be k oh y so we’re at this nice little Landmark means yeah the swamp should be like right here pretty sure yeah

What is this what is is this I know this ain’t a monument I think it’s that underwater yeah just little underwater like monuments somebody’s hitting me with a trident I assume that’s what that was get the little Mangrove area here oh my God can’t hit nothing now what am I doing goodness

Gracious all these XP orbs over here couple levels already what we like to see not you guys you guys can go away now yeah that’s right get stepped on yeah so we do have a giant swamp by out here I’m just wondering we’re lucky enough to get some some slimes to spawn you

Know I would really appreciate some slimes we can make some nice Contraptions appar I can make the simplest of jumps right there oh goodness gracious we can’t not having any luck with finding things we need in this server I don’t know if it’s just a seed if it’s because it’s on Hardcore I could see some bouncing green slimes that’d be Great some bouncy some bouncy green slimes anywhere so I didn’t know you could do that with a boat Head shot all right take The Cauldron the only thing these are good for right pretty sure you I really did think I’d find some slimes through here I mean I know I can get some frog eggs probably CU I know there’s frogs over here actually since we’re here we might

As well grab uh couple of these okay apparently not apparently we just these little pods grow those big old trees yeah I thought for sure I’d find some slimes over here but I I guess not I guess not oh goodness goodness gracious could explore this area a bit

More too I guess I don’t think there’s anything in here though that we need although I do see a beehive over here So empty though the Smite does do wonders for killing zombies though I will say and I mean looting too ain’t really going to help us too much right now would help us if we found an Enderman I guess but we do a lot less damage to Enderman now because they’re not Undead

Mobs unlike zombies and skeletons oh I don’t like that that I don’t like that one bit we got way too low of Health on that hey we got some ender pearls though that’s what we’re talking about we got some ender pearls we need to get some more ender pearls Cuz yeah I still don’t like that Though yeah there’s only dirt there that’s what I thought yeah we’ve gone exploring we’ve found some things like I said there’s a little like Temple thing over here I don’t know what they’re called but like they’re not like a normal Temple you know I don’t know if there’s going to be

Any drown over here should go explore real quick no I’m getting hit by something I don’t know what I don’t know if I’m getting hit or is that just going over the magma magma block like stuff I’m not 100% I don’t know either way without some aqua affinity I don’t think it’d be

A smart idea to go go down there I think we would just drown drown while fighting the drowned we do have a jungle here too um is I kind of explored a little bit I didn’t see if we had uh a Jungle Temple Ruin or anything I don’t think like or like an

Ancient uh what are they I forget what they’re called now there’s so many ancient things ancient debris so many so many ancients but yeah let’s cruise through here cuz I’m pretty sure this loops around if I’m not mistaken just looking around not really seeing nothing too crazy here no Ancient

Temple it doesn’t seem to be at least I think was we get back to base though guys I think I’m going to end stream there I got some things I got to do so I think I think that will be the end of her and uh I know we’re a little late

We’re on day 61 we’ll come up for a new challenge for the next stream um to make this a bit more difficult obviously not impossible but make us struggle a little harder you know I think we go around here just keep going this way see what

Happens I don’t know if we get locked in or Not that’s the hard thing right like do I keep going around or do I get really lost cuz I’m pretty sure there that’s where we got on the boat but I think I can get closer to home cuz there is a river that runs through the

Ice Tundra I don’t know maybe we’ll find a village or something neat on our way to some turtles what do turtles eat turtles eat sear grass right I don’t remember I don’t have any sea grass but do have this so I could get some if we shift click

Out right that’s how you do it then we can get a turtle egg and then we can create a zombie trap right that’s how that that Works I’m not seeing a baby turtle So I don’t know I saw them like I got the XP and everything but I don’t I don’t see an egg Anywhere oh he’s digging that must be where the egg is come on now what are you doing lay the egg damn it give me your egg I don’t know how this works I’ve never done this before ah there it is oh my goodness goodness me that

Was way more difficult than it needed to be so we have three turtle eggs a turtle yeah yeah so we have some turtle eggs now bunch of kelp over here too we don’t have any inventory space for kelp that’s okay can we can we breed these guys again I’ll sit here collecting turtle

Eggs all Day Dar unfortunate unfortunate We got these guys in the water Though come with me come be nasty come on come on you guys come on we’re going to all y’all already did n didn’t you you’re Gross should just slaughtered them all see if I get a you know turtle shell armor oh well unfortunate unfortunate but that’s okay there is something over Here All right we’ll take an Unbreaking through fishing rod sure something a little nicer than that would have been good like you know lore or anything of that matter but uh that’s okay it’s okay it’s a start it’s a start that’s a sunken ship that is a sunken ship I see it can you

Guys believe it to all this stuff in here we don’t need those things we don’t need sea Grass either really that is definitely sunken ship right here right yeah it is yeah it is all right let’s let’s go quick quick quick quick quick quick nothing we really need unfortunate that was very mediocre

Ship so I don’t think there is yes that’s as low as it goes unfortunate unfortunate it’s the wrong half of the ship too that’s that’s the worst part I know there’s some some other things over there too but I’m just trying to get home now

Man I don’t know if I can follow this River where it’s going to take me I know home is like this way just based off of how far I traveled but once I start moving in land here it should be a little bit more easy to tell that mountain looks hell

Familiar I think the reason is because I’m pretty sure our base is right over here let’s not break that with a sword why does it take so long in a boat pretty sure our base like I said is right over here I think I could be completely completely wrong wouldn’t be the first Time I think we’re close though yeah we’re close it’s it’s right over here that’s why that’s okay what can you do with the eggs uh you can place them down and for whatever reason zombies love them and I don’t know why but zombies love the eggs and uh

What they will actually do is try to break them constantly I don’t know it’s a weird mechanic that they have in the game game I’m just throwing a trident at me yeah how do you like me now you don’t like me so much now do you give give me a

Trident no of course not you’re going to be stingy I hate that like if if a mob has an item let me get the item like why and our home will be right over the crest of this hill that’s what I thought uhoh something just broke I think it was my helmet

Yeah yeah your helmet broke bada bing bada boom see I can’t get lost in this game okay that is enough out of you guys you guys really need to back off now okay sir sir I’m getting like quad teamed here it’s not very nice you guys are so Annoying so annoying God Okay sir that went right through You Oh He oh my goodness we’re just killing all these zombies and Undead all right okay okay okay okay okay I’ve had enough I’ve had enough I’ve had enough go away thank you bye see you later bye see you later go away thank you all right H let’s head in

Here and that’s where we’re going to end it today folks and that’s where we going to end it today we have no Helm but we have one on our armor stand so we’re going to grab that on the next episode we’re going to come up with a new challenge uh

To last till day 100 to make this a little bit more difficult a little bit more interesting for you guys I am your host of Phoenix this has been a wonderful stream thank you guys all so much for all the love and support thank you for swle for the

Raid and thank you to all of our moderators for always uh you know keeping things clean in chat uh you guys are fantastic um but that’s the end of this one I’m your host the Phoenix I’m saying goodbye you’re saying goodbye we’ll see you on the next one

This video, titled ‘”Half way to 100″ Time to Hurry Up!| Minecraft Hardcore Survival Live!’, was uploaded by Th3Phoenix on 2023-12-03 21:39:29. It has garnered 39 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:42 or 10962 seconds.

Hey everybody, I’m a small time creator trying to build a Fun community for all to enjoy!

Currently on the Road to 1000 Subscribers here on Youtube so if you wanna help, smash that subscribe button and help us on our path to being monetized!

Today we are going to be gettiong level 30 enchants on all our diamond armour, hopefully head into the nether, to get a ton of nether quartz so we can really amp up our progress with some automated farms! also seems like the appropriete time to begin a villager breeder, zombie converter ( once we get blaze rods ) and villager trading hall for massive amounts of goodies in ashort amount of time as we are getting much closer to day 100 of Hardcore survival minecraft

We are starting today on day 53! and we still havent killed the ender dragon or a wither! we must be playing at a turtles pace!

How Many days do you think i will survive this time?

Make sure to subscribe if you enjoy Minecraft content or want to support our journey to 250 hundred subcribers!

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Winning Maybe

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  • Rede Notz

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  • Minearchy SMP Minigames 1.21 & 1.20.6

    Minearchy SMP Minecraft adventure starts here at Lands of Minearchy! SMP Join our vibrant SMP community packed with exciting features. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, our inclusive community welcomes you. Minigames Experience endless fun with our selection of minigames! From classics like Prop Hunt to KitPvP and upcoming Bedwars, we’ve got it all covered. Ready to Start? Dive in now at: We can’t wait to see you in-game! Cheers! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Symble Raid on June 13th. Intentional?

    I guess you could say they really “crafted” that date on purpose! Read More

  • Minecraft Hide and Seek: A Pixelated Peek-a-Boo Adventure!

    Minecraft Hide and Seek: A Pixelated Peek-a-Boo Adventure! Leap into the verse, where Minecraft news unfurls, GeminiTay’s hide and seek, with twists and twirls. Scott, Jimmy, Shelby, and Joel, seeking with might, In Gem’s intricate plot, hidden out of sight. Underwater caves, a challenge to explore, Scott dives deep, seeking more and more. Jimmy follows suit, but takes his time, Double the effort, in this hide and seek climb. Shelby and Joel, in the porch they roam, Searching high and low, for Gem’s secret home. Joel struggles, feeling lost and cursed, Gem’s hiding spot, the hardest, unrehearsed. Gem’s plot, a masterpiece, a true delight, Torturing friends, in… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! “I asked my friend if he wanted to play Minecraft with me, but he said he couldn’t because he was ‘mining’ his own business. Guess I’ll have to go solo in the virtual world!” Read More

  • Crafting Iron Armor in Hardcore Minecraft

    Crafting Iron Armor in Hardcore Minecraft Minecraft Hardcore Series: Crafting Iron Armor Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft as our protagonist dives into the Hardcore series to create Iron Armor. Join the adventure as they navigate through challenges and triumphs in this survival-based gameplay. Exploring the Hardcore Series The Hardcore series in Minecraft offers a thrilling experience where players must survive in a harsh environment with limited resources. It adds an extra layer of difficulty, making every decision crucial for their survival. Crafting Iron Armor Iron Armor is a vital component in ensuring the player’s safety against hostile mobs and environmental… Read More

  • Gamers uncover shocking threat in Minecraft world #viral

    Gamers uncover shocking threat in Minecraft world #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is my world in danger I Here what’s happened #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by This is gamerz club on 2024-05-11 10:11:42. It has garnered 31 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:23 or 1343 seconds. So this is me a.k.a GAMERZCLUB from this side you usually know me i try to make best content as possible in my reach so i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please make sure to like and subscribe and BYEEE Is my world in danger I Here what’s happened #Is my world… Read More

  • Castle Build & Spooky Moments! | Minecraft SOS #18

    Castle Build & Spooky Moments! | Minecraft SOS #18Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Build a Castle & Scary Moments!!! [Minecraft SOS – Ep.18]’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2024-05-17 14:00:41. It has garnered 42662 views and 3411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:49 or 1909 seconds. In today’s episode of Minecraft SOS, a Hardcore Minecraft SMP, we’re taking on the great hole challenge!!! The First TEAM to dig up a chunk wins…but then CHAOS HAPPENS!!! After the events of the hole, we’re building up a brand new Small Castle in our base!!! ==================================================== MY LINKS BELOW: ►Twitch ➜ ►Youtube Member ➜ ►Patreon. ➜… Read More

  • Insane 50-Hour Skyblock Minecraft Survival Movie

    Insane 50-Hour Skyblock Minecraft Survival MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS In Skyblock Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Moguin on 2024-07-04 15:30:10. It has garnered 49227 views and 764 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:29 or 9809 seconds. Social Media: Discord: Twitch: Twitter: Tiktok: Music provided by: @lowresbones @epidemic sound #minecraft #100days Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Duel: NGUYEN JD MC vs Yoizol #insane

    EPIC Minecraft Duel: NGUYEN JD MC vs Yoizol #insaneVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me vs Yoizol (minecraft skills)#shorts’, was uploaded by NGUYEN JD MC on 2024-01-15 14:03:09. It has garnered 763 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Me vs Yoizol (minecrft skills)#shorts =============================================================================== Discord: nguyenjdmc Donate: Tiktok: Facebook: IGN: NGUYENJD1234 =============================================================================== Pack: Dewier 5k =============================================================================== Recorder: OBS 30.0.2 (60FPS) Video encoder: x264 Rescale output: 1280×720 (720p) Rate control: CBR Bitrate: 30001 (my setting) =============================================================================== Edit: CapCut (mov) File video: 0114 – blur ~ 60fps (1440, 1.3).mp4 =============================================================================== Specs: Windowns 11 Version: 10.0.22000 Build 22000 SSD: 137 GB… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server 24/7 Stream + Giveaways!

    Insane Minecraft Server 24/7 Stream + Giveaways!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 24/7 Online Server | Turnip Live Stream |’, was uploaded by Dolt on 2024-04-05 20:09:03. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:37 or 7117 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip @Dolt_601: Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, Become a… Read More

  • Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! – BoomMC SMP – Minecraft

    Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! - BoomMC SMP - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft’, was uploaded by BoomMC on 2024-03-25 14:59:13. It has garnered 126 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:30 or 5850 seconds. Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft Thank you for viewing. It is an honor and a blessing to be part of Slackville.  I wanted to livestream a little bit on this server as I try to get my mojo going! Free for everyone,  is my Thank… Read More


    🌱 EARTHLING PROBLEMS - STOP BULLYING ME 💔😭Video Information This video, titled ‘WHY IS EVERYBODY ALWAYS PICKING ON ME 😥/Gacha trend//’, was uploaded by Earthling🌱🐌 on 2024-07-06 10:35:52. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. TAGS:gacha,gacha life,gacha club,meme,trend,adopt me,dance,girl,boy,gender reveal, robot,fortnight, Minecraft, Royale high,battle Royale,brookehaven roleplay,Brookland,role-playing,rp,preppy,emo,scene,outfit,trendy dance CREDITS: Credits for sound:WMG,RHEI MUSIC/REHI MUSIC and Credits for original creator sound of their video Read More

  • EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯

    EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz’, was uploaded by Demon Playz on 2024-03-28 12:02:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz HELLO GUYS😃, In This Video We Made An Enchanting Area So That We Can Enchant Our Tools⚒️ And Can Get Overpowered In Future Episodes And We Also Made A Small Beautiful Mine⛏️ To Collect Underground… Read More

  • Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock Action

    Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock ActionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing on Cubecraft Stream :3 Come & join! Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by TheOrderOfSapphire on 2024-02-14 16:03:57. It has garnered 171 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:09 or 8709 seconds. Texturepack/skin made by Lillvy: Be sure to subscribe to her channel here: My discord server: My second Channel with other games: Become a member here: Donation link: Subscribe for more videos of games and if you really want you can donate to give me support! Become a Patreon member here: #skywars #blockwars… Read More

  • VoidedMC

    VoidedMCWelcome to VoidedMC, we are a brand new 1.20.4 server with a friendly player base offering semi-vanilla survival, by merging McMMO, GriefPrevention, Essentials, and many more plugins! We are working on expanding the server currently. We also plan to bring a creative world where you can show off your amazing building skills! Feel free to join! Our staff is extremely nice and always willing to help. So if you have any questions please reach out to us! Have an amazing day! Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants Pets

    Java & Bedrock IP: Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): Online In-game map: Features: Running with backwards compatibility on the latest Minecraft version: 1.21 Tricky Trials Bedrock and Java cross-play (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Put a lead on mobs to teleport them Free fly in the overworld every Sunday ProtectionStones for land claiming Bartering economy system No grief Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation allowed in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging, homes and player to player teleportation Minecraft-Discord integration to interact with the community even when away… Read More