OMG! Will I survive in Minecraft Hardcore?

Video Information

E [Applause] e [Applause] E Okay okay hello hello hello to do a little bit of adjusting because computer is not set up correctly like fully set up yet um right hey welcome okay so welcome back Everybody uh it’s been a while since we’ve done hardcore that’s for sure let me go ahead and double check everything is ready to go this is the first stream of the Year lads Let’s see okay all right I think we’re good to go let’s swap on over to my Minecraft game playay epic Minecraft Gameplay Tim LS I still don’t have a mouse I don’t know I don’t know if it’s the optify version or what but anytime I stream I just don’t have a

Mouse and anyway welcome everybody to the hardcore world again it’s been a bit V Domino welcome welcome welcome how’s it going uh yeah so I got to explain what the title of the stream holy crap these shaders are nice anyway uh title of the stream I almost lost the hardcore

World there’s there’s a little bit of context to it I didn’t die I didn’t almost die it’s uh it’s a little more interesting than that basically um I got to turn off the music basically in um the last week of December I tried to upgrade the RAM in my

Computer and because of that it it for some reason it just gave my computer an absolute seizure and uh the operating system got corrupted so I had to completely reinstall Windows losing all of my data all of my Minecraft worlds everything it was all gone if I go back to my title screen

This is the only world that’s left and the reason for that is actually unknowingly the multiplayer stream that I did with kala when I invited her to the world um in order to set up the multiplayer mod I set it up in curseforge which uh obviously created its own separate instance and right

Before I did my ram upgrade I thought of the idea of clearing up some space on my C drive so I moved all of my curse Forge installations to a another drive right and in that drive had the multiplayer world uh which is basically the hardcore world uh just multiplayer so when my

Hard drive corrupted and I had to reinstall Windows and lose everything the curse Forge installation was still on that external drive which I was able to go in and copy the world over to my C drive so I still have the world luckily so we didn’t actually lose it we don’t

Have to start over again which is really nice uh the only thing is I don’t know how far behind I am cuzz um it is a little separated from what I was playing uh I just don’t know how by how much so let’s actually check so we have

The storage room which that’s not too far off how okay I don’t know if I’ve moved everything over looks like I got a decent amount Though uh Cobblestone well I’m going to I’m going to pull up the stream on my phone just so I can see make sure all the quality is good I forgot to do that just a second ago yeah so as well as as well as losing all my data I lost all of my

Settings so I had to reset everything up back in streamlabs So if things are off that would be why uh let’s see where where do I have gravel at Building Stone uh gravel yeah so this is my little storage room don’t know if anyone who’s seen

It uh let’s see let’s see I had a okay yeah so I I had a house here for the villagers once I got them breeding uh but it looks like I’m going to have to rebuild that uh not terrible though that’s not it’s we’re not too far

Off it’s not bad we can we can easily catch up uh I’m in diamond armor though so not bad enough bad I really like this area that we’re set up in and I kind of like how I have my uh base kind of spread out along this

Big area it gives me a lot less room to die for the most part at least uh we got the portal room do we have everything required to go to the end it’s a lot of steak we do okay so we just need the ender pearls then and then obviously we need like

Enchanted diamond armor and crap cuz no ain’t no way I’m fighting a dragon and with iron tools and then along with some exciting news the rise SMP is actually starting back up again soon so uh I believe it’s going to be up on Friday Friday or

Saturday one of the two um be I I really enjoy playing on the race SMP so that’s something to look forward to oh and it’s also it’s also been over a year since our season 2 of Hardcore are we on season 4 I can’t remember what season is

This I fig out what my mouse is okay attempt number four so we’ve gone through two attempts in the past year which is a lot less than I thought it would granted I didn’t play on it every day but it’s where did this come from so at the start of 2023 I started

Hardcore attempt number two and I believe I lost that in a few days which I then started number three which lasted for a little bit and then I died on that one and started this one so we did we’re doing pretty good we’re doing pretty good what is the state of the villagers

Do I have at least two no the other one isn’t cured oh boy is it up here it’s probably still in Zombie form it is ah dang it I had him cured in Everything do I have the weakness Potion only one way to find out Okay Brewing stands nothing going on There I don’t have the weakness potions I guess there’s more chests that I can check but I doubt I have It dang man okay I’m going to have to reheal that villager and everything beehive fun right so I’ve I’ve got a bit of catching up to do then uh you know what this is fine cuz I didn’t really like the original villager house I had so we can use this chance to

Remodel Mr Hyman shed let’s go sign to Jerry real quick hello Jerry give me a few Pats you know oh my bad my bad Jerry my bad that’s that’s on me that’s on Me right so ni little like actually what would no I’m not going to I’m not going to build too much down there I’m not I was thinking of like maybe building just like a village down there you know have a little Lakeside Village but at the

Same time it might be a little bit hard to work with the land shape oh we could probably use this hill though for the iron farm I don’t know how that would go out when I B was Cool like an iron farm is going to be a necessity on this world like I I’m going to need an iron Farm so I might I might just build like a basic villager breeder before I build them a house just cuz I I need the iron you know the way I’m doing things right now is just kind of Inefficient see like H fre I broke my shovel I’m going to run all the way back grab my iron make a new shovel I’ll probably make two actually I really like these shaders like it’s so nice so nice and I upgraded my GPU as well so I have

A I have an RTX 4060 now so shaders run way better than they Were I moved all of my Valuables they’re now in this house woo okay Should probably adjust my sensitivity ham hey welcome how’s it going what’s going on we are back on the hardore world we are just surviving having a good time getting some stuff done um almost lost the world but it’s okay I still have it so we can continue on our epic game play

I’ve also upgraded the shaders we got nice looking shaders as we’re playing so it’s very epic we’re we’re chilling we’re fre chilling right Now how also how’s the music going how’s how’s the music can you hear it I don’t know how well the audio is balanced so I’m trying my best Man it’s dark over here I got to do some Lighting How was it I mean the stars are out so I’d assume it’s time to sleep maybe maybe just just a tiny hunch you Know I think I had a diamond pickaxe before I lost the world Frick oh that’s fine uh does anybody remember how to make a weakness potion isn’t it like a how do how do you make a fermented spider eye that’s a real question is it like sugar a mushroom and a spider

Eye I can’t remember For no question what’s your favorite movie uh favorite movie H it’s got to be one of the Kung Fu Panda movies honestly like I know what I know what stream works I know it’s a children’s movie technically but you can’t go wrong with Kung Fu Panda like for real

It’s he’s such a good movie dirt chest wo I am so glad I have one of those now okay I need to pull up the plans for iron farm favorite movie of all time is Transformers one fair enough fair Enough um let’s see if I can find the iron farm design that I like using There’s a there’s this one there’s this one iron farm design that I really like and it just it gives me just enough iron that I just the right amount that I Need I don’t know if this is it what’s it which one is it is it this One that kind of looks like the design butless your competitive match what you’re playing Allant Valor of course fair enough fair enough where is the iron farm I why can’t I find It oh wait these are 0 1.20 I got to go back to 1 18 that’s where I got the design originally uh is this it no yeah this is it right here Okay okay back to iron one Rip okay let me just like adjust these windows so I can see both chat and the video okay this is going to be interesting okay so question is do I just want to make it out of cobblestone or do I want to like decorate it a bit cuz I I don’t know

It’s going to it’s it’s pretty basic it’s nothing too fancy you know three four five 6 7 8 n oh actually if I make it like this it might be all Right one two three hold on one two three four five six s eight oh my goodness I suck at Counting two three two three four five six seven okay okay eight it’s just cuz the screen’s so bright okay uh let’s here eight Five two three four five that looks right that looks right okay and then from here we go two down 1 2 3 four five 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine I’m going to have to do a lot more digging that is a big r I’m going to need a lot of space for like slabs and stuff to stop the spawning uh yeah it might make our might make our place look nicer who knows but we got we got to we got to give it the benefit of a doubt you

Know okay so we go like two blocks up tall with this I’m pretty sure it’s like this uh let’s grab some Ladders just so I can actually like reach it you didn’t even do that much Dang okay I did That yeah looks right looks right looks right Okay and I have the boat already nice Okay I’m going to block that up real Quick then I’m going to place torches in here just cuz it’ll be easier long term and then I need three beds uh you know what let’s set up the breeder first if Anything it’s like we’re we’re going to need a Breeder Do they even have a bed in there they don’t okay okay I know I know y’all are going to judge me for this but but I’m going to extend this and I’m using PCH to do So Okay we’re going to need another Villager it’s totally fine that’s totally totally totally fine the wood chest I have a wood chest that’s fine it’s Whatever so I just the morning I’m going to go grab a villager we’re going to bring it in we’re going to we’re going to start breeding you know we’re going to do the fun stuff it’s I don’t know why I said it that way okay uh it’s

Fine uh three beds three beds shall do except we need three more beds 2 three four five six who 2 3 4 5 okay yeah that’s six beds and now we just need a bunch of wood uh for beds and then we can start breeding villagers the composter uh grab some Spruce I’m just going to put Birch in here Cobblestone dirt that should give us enough inventory space here we go okay that can get us nine beds we only need six though so that’s good I don’t know where that zombie is I don’t like that I can hear it Mr

Zombie is there a hole somewhere is there a cave there is okay that’s probably where he is you know what that’s fine that’s fine fine I really Pine hey welcome how’s it going wait do I have compost on me I do got to go kidnap another

Villager how I how long have I played in this world uh it’s been a good few months I think uh I think oh I don’t remember when I started this that’s a good point that’s a good question been a while though uh not not too long but not too short of time it’s

Only day 61 good are you I’m doing pretty good myself thank you for asking man this water’s clear I like these shaders better than the other ones you ever heard of Doom yeah I’ve heard of Doom I I got I still got to play it but yeah I’ve heard of it

Okay you sir don’t have a job so I’m going to take you let’s go now I got to figure out the best way to do this which games do you play uh I play a lot I play like Call of Duty um a lot of VR

Games um so like beat saber and all that stuff um but I do I like a good FPS game every once in a While see what games have I played recently I played a little bit of Big Planet Little Big Planet oh Doom games um I haven’t played any of the Doom games yet I plan to at some point but I’ll probably Doom Eternal sounds like it’s a pretty fun game so I’m probably going to start with that but I I I basically own all of them I just haven’t played them

It’s where they trust me yeah it sounds like it everybody Hypes up Doom all right buddy come clean your job cool going to move this recommend from starting from Doom 2016 all right I might just do that along with me good sir my my ax is about to break it’s not uh

On there we go uh has about nine more okay I got to I got to use these wisely where did he go there he is play doing Eternal and it’s very hard interesting sound hectic uh oh I’ve played Borderlands that’s a good game series come back it’s a sequel to Doom 2016

Okay yeah it’s like I’ve got I’ve got like um all the classics I’ve got Doom N64 I got Doom 64 that’s what it’s called where L coded it is I just finished the pre-sequels DLC the other day it’s pretty good except the uh the one the the the

Weird one where you’re in clap trap and it turns into the freaking Helio space station that fight I hate that want to hear a joke Sure oh oh where’d you go come along let’s go man they followed the block far come on wait can I just I can okay SP I why aren’t basketball players allowed at the airport why are they not allowed at the airport what at the best basketball players

Do okay I’m going to trust you to get on the grass that’s not the gr okay cuz they’re not allow okay they’re not allowed to travel that that makes sense you know what that’s that’s not a bad one that’s that’s pretty good you’ve been bamboozled you are in the boat

Now I only have two yeah yeah traveling is against the rules actually kind of surprised it wasn’t a racist joke all right you Twoo that was very scuffed oh no made it worse okay I’m going to go get a new Axe A crud So Yeah is this my dog it is my dog Okay Do you have a dog I don’t remember it’s been a While put the compost over here I need more Oak H okay you guys get to sleep for once in your life go to Sleep I’m going to expand their enclosure tomorrow they need more space actually I can do that right now trust me this looks very scuffed with the three different wood combinations but trust me it’s only temporary even know how fun you sub oh thank you for the sub appreciate

It you have a good rest of your day you ain’t escaping you thought you could be free nah I don’t want to break that do I we don’t do Freedom around these parts You guys are slaves you will do is I say I’m going to get banned if I say that off to bed once Again good hey gold bars how’s it going welcome welcome he I need bread already have bread made I don’t I’m use these got to let these grow I think I’ve been out of distance for them though that’s the problem uh let me turn up my simulation distance or

Something oh that drops my frames a bit though that’s that’s sad oh let me bring it back that’s oh well just playing Cod which Cod pretty good okay I need three Oak No no no you get back in there you get back no you get back in there you you suck you suck get back get back your job is to make children not grow plants stop the new MW3 nice fness crime P did you really post the F of course you

Did okay uh where’s the composter do I have it in my inventory no I don’t okay here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to trick him into jumping into the Hole so I just line this up here back up just a little bit you play lethal company I have it I don’t really play it that often I don’t find it that enjoyable uh playing the worst map dang yeah I mean I have lethal company I just haven’t played it very

Often guess not really much of a reason to I don’t have enough oak wood oh I let him loose for no reason Ah this back okay first off let loose the bread that’s Right now they got to make me a child that they can I can steal Baby zombies okay yeah no no I got I got it all planned out it’s all good it’s all good I’m going to start making Cobble slabs clipped br actually I’m going to leave this open for Now You hate a state is that the map you’re playing or is that something else [Applause] Is there a child in there yet do they breed with potatoes can I give them potatoes I don’t have carrots yeah okay it is co I haven’t really uh bothered looking into the newer cods cuz uh they they just don’t intrigue me as much as Black Ops 2

Does I’ll probably I’ll probably look into the uh new Black Ops game coming out though no fan of Black Ops series Wonder toast hey welcome how’s it going ignore this amalgamation of wood okay are you going to can you guys breed with that I don’t know at least this okay yeah point oh

They do pick it up okay is that enough though Do they need a door do I need to give them a door it’s like they don’t really have any Privacy think about it maybe that’s all they need maybe they just need a little Privacy That is the safest thing you’ll ever see now I can’t see them though you’re going to go now all right you have a good day enjoy the rest of your day now really fine toss these guys some potatoes have a good stream thank you see you Later oh sorry my bad my bad didn’t didn’t know you didn’t want my fault for watching I better come back and see children though just saying your traveler go to lonely live streams fair enough fair enough it’s not a bad thing to do you can find some interesting

People and to get some of these potatoes Cooking oh my goodness where do I put potatoes here Cool I don’t have use poison potatoes I’m just going to toss them into the cactus e out and myself Apparently put the composter back man you guys suck at This if you down a whole bottle of bleach I’ll do nothing that sounds like quite the compromise there man yes so far everybody you’ve met hey that’s nice doing their best yeah we’re out here trying it’s fine hi is that your favorite map or are you like Complaining all I can do is wait for this to finish ah look at look look at my ceiling I’m proud of this ceiling I really like it look at this it’s beautiful it’s a good map one of the best nice yeah I I just have not played the

New MW3 yet oh speaking of how is the audio everybody like can you hear the background music ceiling looks great thank you my guy but you know what maybe maybe since I didn’t let them sleep in their bed yet okay audio’s good sweet it’s an old map okay so it’s from

The classic I’m to be3 okay make me a child please please I’m desperate I need my iron farm y do it do I need to raise the roof oh no they’re doing it they’re doing it okay let me open that bad boy up needs to hold your child’s hostage in the basement I

Mean kind of looks like a basement I mean at least from the inside I mean look at this it’s definitely a dungeon or Something where’s the child where’s the child I saw you guys with the hearts how is there no child you guys are the worst baby makers I’ve ever seen what the heck I need more Potatoes give me those Child might be able to get out yeah but his the goal is to let like have him get out at the um aborted child for real like oh my God they didn’t like the potatoes so they decided to have an abortion you know the go the goal is to

Get the child to go through the uh trap door opening cuz it’s a lot Easier and if he besides if he does go out the door I’ll just catch it’s Fine now make a child Please are you just you’re just going to oh they can’t reach the potatoes they can’t reach it oh they’re trying oh goodness okay um oh frick you know what let me replace the roof over here if I turn those into SL laabs it’ll be easier we’re going to raise the roof as

They call it oh don’t you try to get out yeah I know what you’re I know what you’re plotting it ain’t going to work I’m trying to be nice here potatoes on the bed for real all right I got to dip we’ll be back later

All right you have a great night see you later ham I’ll keep Jerry Safe oh yo that’s so cool I can get in and Out haha abusing Minecraft’s mechanics let’s go this building is just going to get so scuffed by the time I’m done with it listen you guys don’t want to make children under your circumstances I’ll fix it for you you know I’ll make a master the no clip for real oh my

Goodness and the best Minecraft no Clipper that’s ever lived I look at that that’s such a that’s so cool I didn’t even know you could do that yet I just did it I’ll just give myself a little step I guess okay I’m coming in giving you guys

Potatoes and now you’re going to now you’re going to make me children cuz you have you have a tall roof you can do it you have access to the B sharing food you’re just you’re just you’re just throwing the potatoes at each other come on guys it’s what are these guys

Into they’re just throwing the potatoes at each other stop it look okay grab the potato make child see simple I’ll even close that for you you know ultimate privacy all right my bad villager Food Fight For Real carrots I don’t have carrots that’s the thing ultimate privacy as I’m standing there on the bed watching them I need I need villagers I need I need children please get to it chop chop you know I’m going to place another bed in there I don’t have another bed back

To the back to the House look at that Sky I like that sky Bacon Potato uh crafting Table find a village and can have a child I’ve already taken like half The Village’s population I don’t want to take all of them they have lives to live not these guys but the other ones have lives to live like I only want to take what I

Need you know I got to grow my own Population also the village is like all the way across the lake so I don’t want to I don’t want to continuously walk over there and continuously kidnap villagers you guys suck at making children you know that you guys are absolutely Garb you know what do I need

To give one of you a job do you guys need to make a living for your family I’ll give you a job if you want get carrots from a v oh might have carrots I I think that Village had beetroots though okay look you have a Job look look at that potatoes it’s crazy now now give it to your give it to your give it to your other and make children did you just compost my Potatoes are you seeing this no no your your job’s been revoked Frey go away get get it I’m using bread I’m using bread there’s this these potatoes are not working sus Potatoes who would have thought that I would spend today arguing with villagers Yeah where do the seeds go where do I have things I don’t know what is this mending I like mending mending is cool how much bread can I make with this 17 it’s not bad you know I’m going to let them sleep the night off you know just give give

Them a bit of time to warm up to each other maybe maybe maybe they’re not just maybe they’re just not ready yet maybe they’re just not at that stage um so I’m I’ll I’ll give him a little bit I’ll give him a little bit of

Time and buy a little bit of time I mean they they’re going to have to be ready tomorrow this whole thing makes me sound like a terrible person BR really just type the entire alphabet in my chat I see how it is can I sleep yet you look Minecraft version of me yeah

Breed actually do I have no no I Don’t how is it oh my goodness only downside to [ __ ] packs is it looks like it’s night time way too early like now it’s definitely got to be night time right I got to be able to sleep there we go he’s got a donut half sprinkled nice is it

Like I like what kind of what flavor is it it’s like glaze chocolate vanilla I don’t know I don’t I don’t know my donut flavors personally but like okay you guys get five loaves of bread I’ll make me a child get to it They just staring at each other chocolate ooh chocolate pretty good okay you know what I’m just going to they’re making this really difficult like I hate everything about this look full block roof it’s not slabs it’s nothing just give me a child please I’ll give you the rest of the bread I’ll

Give you the rest of it look bread why is it so difficult These guys are impossible they are impossible I Don’t why do we need a child I need to get villagers in this thing it’s going to be be an iron farm uh but I need villagers and I only have two and then I also need to create a trading hall for later so I can get better gear and stuff

But they’re being difficult you guys suck I’ll just come back and hope there’s a child waiting for me you Know I’m going head to the village and see if they actually do have carrots Though remember helping make that tunnel yeah indeed we’re There I know something kind of unfun funny What let’s hear It no carrots these aren’t carrots are they oh those are carrots they’re not grown Though bro don’t really hit me with that Among Us I cannot believe you Why would you do That I trusted you just steal these ha Balls nothing personal guys I just need children and they’re not cooperating wait hold on Bell they have two Bells I want one I’m taking at least one of them Woo look at that mountain though that’s a nice Mountain I like that mountain second time youve portrayed a life stream bro got a track ready going for Him I’m going to start putting out wanted posters for him like look out for Wonder toast he’s going to Among Us you that’s does that’s totally a word you know that’s totally a um verb why you steal the Bell cuz I had two I wanted one Like if they didn’t want it stolen they wouldn’t have had to cuz then I would have been more polite but no no they had two so I’m I’m taking one it’s mine now this look look look look I’m going to put it I’m going to put it Boom yeah okay I got 18 more Bread I hate this box oh hey welcome how’s it going I’m raising the roof see if that helps cheese of Truth can use the cheese of Truth to figure out if I’m going to get these people to make children or not six bread you can make a child with that do you

Understand don’t look at me like that look I will I will leave you guys alone see now I’m now I’m in now now I’m in the Pole and I’m going to need to install a window on their building oh my goodness it said yes let’s go I have Hope you can also throw food to villagers villagers become willing to breed when they have either three bread 12 Cas or 12 potatoes in their inventory I gave them 12 pieces of bread No I gave them 17 and then I just gave them six more so like if they’re

Not willing to breed that’s they’re me mean they they are very mean you know what I’ll give them an outside area too you know we give them their own little prison Area Prison Prison yard you this building gets uglier by the minute what you you don’t have you don’t

Have cheese you lied to me toast come on Man does that help it would help if it worked listen guys listen I think we I think we started off with a misunderstanding okay I need you and you to make me a child okay this is this is really important okay this is this is your

Life this is what you were designed to do yeah yeah see you’re understanding oh you he gave a head ey guys he’s understanding here I’ll you can you can give you access ACC to the outside if that’s what you really want you guys look you can go outside you see sunlight sunlight you’re

In the boat they’re they’re in the they’re in the boat look look look you’re free you’re free don’t make me a child please here look I’ll even I’ll even give you bre h i I don’t even know I don’t I don’t even know These Guys these these guys I don’t

Know I don’t know what to do with you would you like a nicer house can I can I renovate your house is that would that encourage you like would a would a better looking house suit you better You figured it out what’ you figure out come on let lay it on they have to be able to pathfind to the pillow side they can they can it’s right here they can stand right here wait there’s Hearts there’s Hearts wait there’s a child there’s a child child okay uh uh Breck I need to sleep they needed more space I gave them access to the outside for a little bit and they and they did It even the fake cheese didn’t like let’s go it’s probably the most excited I’ll be over a child just special in like doing it uh Yes public indecency got to love it let’s make a little hole that they can walk out of come here come here Child come here Child now you can’t escape the front door come here Child come live your new life in the in the in the thing that doesn’t look like a creepy old basement get on fortnite after stream Bro hey guys I want Another make another make it happen come I have candy okay little little one you get to go over here right through this fine and dandy hole okay stop jumping on the bed stop it stop it go in the hole go in the hole ah there we go aha see you guys later

Oh what kind of candy you have super I don’t have Super Mario Bros Wonder no do have to be three in each what do you mean three three in each like three what okay so this is where the appeal comes in like this is a fully furnished room and

It’s it doesn’t matter it’s hardcore I can’t respond anyway um so there’s three beds in there once it goes night he’s going to want to sleep and He will sleep in the bed which I will then trap him in um and then I’m only going to leave two

Beds in here so these two can get busy you guys make me another child I will take care of your child don’t worry he is in good hands you need three three what four what do you mean four huh for what you need a bed for every added

Child okay there’s only one child and he’s going to link to these new Beds nice try yeah go to your new home don’t be try going in all right have a good time in there bye have a great time so you don’t want them to get busy what do you you mean there’s only two of them oh wait oh I see what you

Mean take more bad make me a Child you can have all the beds you can have all the beds I don’t care just just make it happen do it freak these guys you know in joh simulator over time you can still come infinitely there’s a lot of things you can take infinitely like the

Banana do I need to wait an entire day before they can breed again probably need to wait like 10 minutes or so just like every other animal I can’t just casually breed it would kind of be helpful if they could but they Can’t right you know what I feel charitable we’re going to we’re going to we’re going to decorate their house a bit we’re going to make it bearable to live there so I mean look what they got right now that’s that’s terrible oh oh they’re doing again Hey where’s the little Guy come on make it happen yeah there he is come on out little One yeah oh I’m so good at Minecraft you see now that I’ve broken that right right right I can go back in Here I can break the other Beds I can open this and I can let him go go on in look look you have a sibling waiting for you look at look at look at him it’s having a great time where did you go no go inside go inside what are you what are you doing are you autistic go

Inside and there we go okay he’s got theism for real oh God and now we give these guys their bed back so they can do whatever they want I need one more Though you guys going to do it again did you just ask if he was autistic perhaps maybe perhaps I did PTSD for not jumping on the bed Hey listen man as long as they’re not monkeys cuz those guys those guys fall off the bed all the time it’s crazy they’re even still

Around yes I did just quote a nursery Ry just grab this wood oh I have four bread I can make him go one more round sending It childhood Trauma you guys got this I believe in you I may have kidnapped your last two children but you can do It o o there’s some there’s some stuff there’s some rejection going on or something there he’s Nervous is that a bee there’s more more beehives around here that’s so great putting too much pressure on them well I mean I got to got to help him get pimped out Now like I’m I’m helping them get the Ladies okay let’s See it’s not going to be the best looking house like I don’t I’m not going to put too much effort into this But uh I’m going to make it at least look livable Have a window Here I that’s the best writing TR Forest quarters Exactly Glass Panes there we go got more Glass oink cool let’s grab a bit more oak wood cuz I’m probably going to need it not even a sapling that’s cringe oh well and you know what if they behave and they’re good little villagers I would potentially give them a little front yard to wander around you

Know how’s it going in here oh there’s a child here to pick up like your new window Good that’s no good I have another Cool Listen this child’s going to love his new home okay it’s going to be great it’s going to be good for him his parents will be proud you become a great man you know making me iron making me Rich get rid of the two bird in the wall

I will I will I got to I got to fix the other sides though I I I am aware of having enough Oak I just got to there there’s a lot more than Birch honestly this backside is terrible I just kind of building it in a rush so it’s a

Mess oh all right good sir you ready to join your brothers oh look he’s he’s already pumped for it oh where are you going you guys are you guys Okay well they’re all in there so you know what I could Actually I can put a window here hey I can I can keep it y’all are trying so hard to get out it’s crazy I don’t even need this door here Anymore why don’t you guys head back Inside loves himself a crafting table for real all right now I just got to wait for them to grow up as for their parents their parents oh they’re going to have a big happy family listen up for now on all the villagers you make all the children you make in

Here you get to keep you get to watch them grow up you get to be a one big happy family isn’t that Fun they’re tiny yeah they’re small man you want more of than two add more B I’m going to add more beds I I just wanted the um I just wanted the base amount that I needed now that I have it I am good to go I’m all

Set I just need to let them grow up and that’ll be a good they will be some great additions uh one thing let’s see on I need to adjust these torches make it look decent you Know I’m going to raise this Roof sorry for not talking to playing Mario Wonder all right no worries man you’re still here you’re chilling you’re Ving a great time I think hopefully you guys have done such a good job I’m upgrading your house you guys are going to have a nice house uh and if you continue to

Behave you will get a nice little yard to be out in you know it will be Lovely Your children are in good hands I’m totally not just saying that because they’re totally not going to be scared by the zombie for rest their lives but you know what you didn’t you didn’t hear that so it’s all good it’s all good ‘s need some Slabs need plenty of slabs I also need a shovel Did you get a rec room backup uh I don’t remember if it’s installed but everything should be ready to go hopefully I don’t have a rec room Studio at the moment but man I really ran all that way and didn’t grab a shovel how much tools I break I definitely need this iron

Farm h Huh Can you all just like hop up on the floor so I can finish the outline thank you thank you thank You look at that they now have a nice proper house so no no no par no Platypus game yet unfortunately all you guys get some pumpkin pie look at that someone tells me they don’t like pumpkin pie so I’ll just take that back one of them’s all grown up looking good in

There do I have an Anil actually I should probably finish the building before I even attempt to do anything like that uh let’s see I don’t even think I have lava great I don’t know how I’m supposed to do this without lava I do have name tags though I don’t have an anvil

Though o it’s going to take a large chunk of my Iron let’s hope this is worth it hope I can get that up soon before run up okay So not so fast interesting this is inde G recipe okay I need more than that Though that cool looking good looking good cool want to see if Rec Works uh depends we’ll see depend on what happens after stream I guess actually I need to check something okay we’re good clear some stuff all right and off the races how you doing still not growing up so we got Time okay so what we need is to place some Water Okay and That Got run for a second all Right okay uh speaking of let’s take a look At I need to figure out what the uh Okay this ending side looks like right here should be 19 Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ooh that is like right up against that okay okay so now we’re just going to have to fill all this in with dirt

Cool at least we’re making progress we are making some decent Progress Okay okay and then we got 20 blocks total it’s going to require a lot of slabs let’s go and toss bir in here Spruce in here silly stream indeed it’s a Vibe the silliest billi stream what side is 20 is it the

That was fast 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 okay well you know what the path the path covers it you know what we’re we should be fine should be fine no this is not good this is not good this not what I wanted ah it’s the one block so lame why is there someone named bald on the

FFC I mean fire boy right cuz they joined guess there’s really not much else to it you know [Applause] It’s lame I don’t want it To I don’t want it to be over this Wall no we’ll we’ll go with it how it is and if it becomes a problem we will deal with it Then name Isone I like that word billi that’s an interesting word If it’s even a word in the first place then English dictionary is weird so could be what would it mean though what would be the definition for Bist all right well that’s finished we just need this last one to grow up and then we also need a zombie named yourself gold bares cuz you want it to be worth something harsh your name is a number burnt toast you’re literally that’s literally the whole point of your name is to be

Burnt just saying you’re just burned bread pretty much okay uh what do I need what do I need I need Hoppers four of them to be Exact Let’s use Birch okay one two three I one off okay four aha but I still need more somebody pinging me on Discord who’s pinging me that’s not you guys okay uh how many blocks down do I need to Go let’s see 21 Blocks and then I probably want to head this way about one two three 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 or 20 blocks One two three 4 5 six 7 this is going to take a B Okay cool cool I don’t have a way up huh well whoops freak two three four 5 Oh Boy I’m going to all going all going crazy in chat I need torches I need a lot of things actually I need a lot I really hope I don’t come down here to a bunch of mobs oh my pickaxe is Low okay how the freak did I get over here I went the wrong way God dang it man I’m so good at this crazy how intelligent I am like y’all can’t y’all can’t compare to my level of Brilliant Got 13 ladders I’m going to need more than That running on two hours of sleep in one can of Cherry Pepsi ha I’ve run on two days worth of zero sleep before it’s not Fun okay I need glass see okay so I need glass I need torches I need two chests and I need lava three coal three torches three three coal worth of torches uh I need more sticks I need more everything I just need more more 18 cans that’s a lot dude

You you uh you might want to drink uh less soda running on not a lot of sleep in random food I find in the pantry that’s basically me every day man I’m not the healthiest Individual okay so now I need glass I need except I don’t eat you should eat you really should eat it is very good for you I have an overflow on ladds no I’m not Uh that should be good okay so glass should be enough to get me two more blocks then I need signs that will get me three signs but I need four I make more than what I need uh and then I need a bucket of lava I believe I know where I can get

That just go ahead and equip my shield so I don’t Die you starve yourself for hour I don’t think that’s not good man oh at night okay yeah know that makes sense I’m too lazy to go downstairs at night and it seems like a simple task but is it worth it not really that was an easy bucket of water if gab

Swap bodies with me I could survive two and a half weeks of body fat alone I mean that’s the standard like who weeks it’s the standard survival rate without food or is it two no I think it’s two months without food two weeks without Water you don’t even have stairs you have cameras in your house I mean I have cameras too I just I have stairs too I got both Best of Both Worlds you know I need Glass cuz your metabolism is so fast I don’t I get that I am scrawny I’m very scrawny should grab the new pickaxe ah I’m not hearing any mob sound so that’s good sweet okay so first Off signs go here I think no they go down One Lava goes there right then I put the chests here when I get them cuz I didn’t I didn’t craft any but I can’t I can craft one craft a whole chest boom crazy I know I deleted it for a reason not cool to joke about someone like

That I didn’t even get to see it streamlabs doesn’t show me deleted m M just kind of lame but I appreciate you for being mature fire boy okay so everything down there is pretty much done I just need one more chest and now we just need the

Zombie first I need to make sure they’re all growing up yes yes they are Cool okay so boat is in position looking good just got to double check make sure they’re all grown up they are amazing I need to get a name tag so I can name the zombie and then I just need the chests and I think we’re good all right now yall got I’m curious

I got to Look stra doesn’t show me okay cool I guess all Right grab a name tag name the Villager Craig where is my mouse there it is I got to organize my inventory and then I need another chest and we are Good how many slabs do I have not any none only hard part is going to be luring a zombie In six six slabs not bad not Bad Birch I’ll just throw this out sings In Here gravel right uh really quickly I’m going to go grab some water I will be right Back What was talking so much that my throat was starting to dry up I needed to drink something looks like cow is not coming back all right and it’s starting to get dark woo great timing great timing great timing what if I just use this zombie villager just kind of been sitting there

You know I’m gonna leave him just because see if I can find a zombie Though I think the hardest part is going to find a zombie and lure him away from other mobs it’s probably going to be quite difficult let’s put some more torches around here cuz I don’t don’t think it’s all that bright that’s pretty deep there your cat’s holding your goldfish

Hostage why does why does my cat have your goldfish how did my cat get your goldfish that doesn’t make sense I’m sleeping peacefully too bad that’s only Temporary oh wait I need the slabs need to be able to cover up the zombie Axel would never exactly Axel is a good boy you know he is he is laying perfectly soundly on my my bed on my couch right now A icon he is you know what hold on where is the

Cable let’s see if we can do this without making a mess uh C around here here oh my goodness what have I done oh no unplug that try to get it through There we Go I should really be h hunting for zombies right now but I’m trying to do Something That got to set it correctly Okay pause that for a Second you think your dog has brain damage that’s Interesting oh dang it on better Reconnect sorry guys one second one second I promise I promise it’ll be worth it oh crap let fli It Maybe if it’ll even work please still Axel to give your goldf goldfish back you haven’t eaten it in 3 months what what is your goldfish going to do about It how’s your goldfish going to save you from being hungry like that’s one meal that’s Not St to set up please work I need to like start using a different or something man come On your goldfish ate a small child that’s I don’t know if this work I’m trying but It Know where the cable Went I lose the c or did somebody it questions that will never get answered all Right that is L I’m stuck with this cable lousy lousy cable it doesn’t even like me I know this whole camera but I You yeah I’m sorry I don’t I don’t think that’s going to Work so lame I Tried That well I gave it a shot I don’t think it’s going to work my camera is having issues so like basically M cat’s chilling on the chilling on the couch he’s having a good time um but I’m trying to put a camera on him and the camera doesn’t want to

Connect to my PC so IR chain oh wait I got something Okay see if it’s working Uh I am not seeing it that’s weird dude let’s see if I can find it in device manager no it says it’s Working okay let’s select it Again okay wait no I think it’s just in the wrong Port wait let’s try this again one more time come on you can do it yeah all Right ah it’s lame all right it isn’t working sorry guys I tried it’s on it’s connected it just doesn’t want to work all right let’s find a zombie there’s a creeper got to watch out for him jeez okay zombie need one zombie please where can I find one YooHoo zombie

Ooh you’re not exactly what I was looking for but you you could do come with me there we go that actually works quite well that’s shocking okay I’m going to go ahead and switch you there and then we will place a piece of glass just so I can keep an eye on

Him uh and then and a piece of cobblestone cool let’s go ahead and Sleep and now we just wait for him to grow up and that should be that how’s the status of my wheat looking I just realized I didn’t light up his room shoot that might be a bad thing I don’t know if things can spawn in there or not and hopefully not

But you never know do I even have a torch I don’t I’m going to need to grab One okay grab some coal and uh light up that Room I don’t I don’t trust it like the villagers aren’t panicking either so that’s good it’s like I think how it in its current state if it if it goes night um mobs will be able to spawn in here so I don’t want that to

Happen uh and then how he’s at right now um he’s tiny so if he manages to get out of the boat he’s going to kill the villagers so I’m going to let him grow up oh but other than that I think we’re all set up I think we’re ready to

Go that’s a cat oh that’s a cat I want the cat hold on I have a fishing rod hello welcome Back oh my God it was a ginger cat too that can be Axel we can have Axel in our World hold on I need fish come On can I use the camera yet I’m just checking every second every little bit okay I need as much fish as I can get I need that cat I need Him Can’t I I just go in there and actually like stab fish I feel like that would be more Efficient yeah there’s plenty what I’ve been up Doing this might be enough Wonder toast why are you there’s beehive right there oh look at them look at that FL look at that flower I laugh for no reason at all fair enough that’s a hole can’t believe you’re not playing SpongeBob in the cosmic Shake I’m indeed not playing that I

Don’t know what it is I haven’t seen any trailers or anything on it I know about Battle for Bikini botle but that’s it where’ the cat go where’s the cat did it fall down it didn’t fall down the hole did it I hope it didn’t Cat where did it go I’m not hearing any cats either did it fall down a hole I hope Grimace what huh how was what Grimace I’m confused you lost me man I’m lost I’m confused you’re still a child oh you let me let me let them have some children real quick delivery there’s two Battle for Bikini Bottoms right right yeah there’s the old one and there’s the new one Right where did the cat go I wanted it he’s Gone Gone With the Wind never to be seen Again yeah remaster Yeah have you seen a cat did you eat the cat yeah I don’t think so he’s a good boy he wouldn’t do such a thing All right you’re going to go all right well don’t hesitate to stop by in the future it’s nice having you around have a good rest of your day toast I’m just going to open that up now spawn me Golems yes Craig terrorized them have a good live stream thank you

You have a good Dr to you today oh my God and I’m going to have to see I really don’t want to but I I they leave me no choice And don’t die I will try my best not To all right sir you Are you’re not supposed to be here I’m sorry to say it but you’re not you’re not you’re not supposed to be here um what best way to kill this guy there’s fire but he’s on a slab so I can’t really can’t really flame him We’re playing it safe I don’t want to hit him cuz I don’t want him to hit Me Oh How long does it take this thing to die oh my goodness you got to got to go back Poppies how s anyway let’s actually see if this is worked at all so if it does work I should have at least a little bit of iron but I don’t I don’t know how many Spawned uh nothing okay I need that other chest Great okay uh you know what this gives me time to light up this area properly so I can you know not I have mobs everywhere put some torches on this side let’s go ahead and do this there we go not in perfect but it works And in the morning we shall grab more beds for the Villagers I guess the more villagers we get the more cats will spa mebe Hopefully hello villagers how’s it going have some bread I don’t know where that zombie is just blatantly chesing a boss exactly what are they going to do about it NS I’m not technically the one hitting them so you know I may be in diamond armor but I’m still a weak

Man compared to that Thing make three bets whoops went overkill on the wood I really like this rain effect I mean the sky is still blue but it’s raining it’s Beautiful top tier oh they do have it they have a child now how nice you guys are going to be such a happy family I come I really appreciate it if you guys spawn some Iron Golems I’m going to do something stupid there we go that looks better hey there we go Perfect Hey you know what I’m feeling generous we’re going to give this guy these guys a little yard who me on Discord absolutely nobody abuse that’s kind of lame it’s just another server fine uh let’s see okay Need more Spr I’m feeling quite kind today like to put it that way therefore I am allowing them to go Outside H Is it nice I get to go outside to enjoy the one ERS of the rainstorms okay now I got to now I got to do some building techniques here I got to figure out yeah I’m going to do a spruce outline sorry o planks you look good just not in that context

They’re making another child oh nice I didn’t even ask them to do that one I don’t think check it out look at that look at they got such a nice house look at that that’s it’s such an upgrade from what they originally had the little wood

Igloo oh look at you happy family happy family they’ll they’ll they’ll eventually forget about these three they’re living their life never said it was a good one it’s just a life I can craft the other chest look at that iron oh my goodness and there’s more coming so great so great they are doing such lovely Work Let’s get me a brand new pickaxe right now there we Go iron farm is successfully set up we are doing so good in the series we are doing great I don’t actually have wood so I’m thinking of tearing down the rest of the cell just cuz it’s kind of out of place now um I’ll probably keep

Like this half of it just so it nicely surrounds the animals but other than that I think it’s good to tear down let’s go ahead and put the lock back where they go and py is to go here glowing sack puffer fish I got a lot of random

Stuff uh you know what you know what I’m going to give these guys some decoration there we go nice little kid you all got there it’s pretty neat expose the side of their house just so it looks nice now I don’t have to worry about running

Down to the mine to get iron anymore this is so great and my actual work can begin cuz I don’t have to worry about food next up I think we’ll be the villager trading Hall as a project where’s the hole at it’s over here go around this torch just so I

Don’t have to break it and replace it Ni little mandoline for their house as well you own an exact replica of Axel in like a game or real life I don’t know about real life everybody camera still isn’t working that’s a shame I tried 768 subscribers we’re doing pretty good today can we hit two more subscribers can we hit 770 You want my cat well that that kind of sucks man he’s mine so not exactly for to take Him Are there any trees up there that I need to chop down Okay oh hey Hey a rude I’m just trying to have a nice peaceful log di session okay log chopping session e give me those logs give me the Torch you own my house I don’t think think so I think I don’t even know my house man how can you own my house if I don’t even own It it just just don’t make sense Man okay pop these in here pop this in here pop this in here this in here and probably split that in half just so I don’t have too much even though I don’t even know if too much is too much you know I don’t know hello world under need to

Die I hate creepers they have ended so many worlds you own my shirt okay well what shirt am I wearing if you can accurately guess what shirt I am wearing I will admit that you own my shirt you you own My Flesh I don’t I don’t I don’t think I I don’t remember

People owning other people you know well I do remember what well actually there the people days of people owning people are over you know you cannot own My Flesh oh you got a potion effect on your other oh my that’s Crazy You never said your current shirt but I’m going to say Adida shirt it is not an Adida shirt actually highly doubt anybody could guess what I’m wearing it’s not a brand can tell you that H Greenel or any flannel it is not a Flannel so many possibilities on what could be on my shirt I’m just saying like pattern shirt it is not a pattern Shirt and the paint that goes on your walls man this paint has been here for this this paint has probably been here longer than you’ve been alive Okay this not a Halo Shirt time to play who can guess right I shirt it’s another cat but it’s not an orange tabby I want an orange tabby y’all don’t y’all don’t understand my preferences here I want an axle cat in game like if I can get an orange cat I’m VI but I need an orange Cat Delivery all right heading straight to it let’s do it that’s what I like to See there we go Epic black hoodie no I was actually wearing that the other day though my black hoodie is sitting on top of my Bed okay where’s only dirt I’m going to need quite a bit of dirt there’s another cat we’re chilling with cats hey you know what the more cats we get the less creepers are going to be around here so that’s that’s actually quite a vibe another reason why cats are the

Best themed shirt I mean I guess I mean it’s not themed off of a subject but it’s themed off of a Thing guess it depends on how you look at Theme it is not red it’s not blue it is not Green even if you guess the color you still have to guess what’s on it it’s not pink I’m just going to let you list it and then you have to tell me which one you guess it Is Making you suffer I do have carrots that’s crazy look at me and my riches absolutely crazy going to put the pumpkin pies in here cuz I’m probably not going to eat them for a while puffer fish too and glowing sack Peter Griffin No you own my hair follicles help can you tell him to like chill out on the growing then cuz like my hair’s getting pretty long I got to cut it but I haven’t it’s like if you could just like tell my hair follicles to chill Out would be greatly appreciated how much iron do I have right now let’s see how much iron we’ve got in the last little bit that’s a pretty dang decent haul I got to Say you got to admit we’re doing pretty well here infinite red die too I got you All right what can we build out there I don’t know if I want to build out there if I want to go build over there but I don’t know just remember I own your hair Kalen owns Israel what what does Kalen have anything to do with my hair what does

Callen owning Israel have anything to do with my Hair doesn’t make any sense this is Lame why isn’t my camera working for freak sake Just reminding You No like that okay I’m going to grab more water real quick I’ll be right back enjoy watching the sheep for me Y Handsome Well let’s see almost 3 hours in dang it man oh wait it showed up hold on wait I might have a chance Here why can’t I use it prick oh cuz it’s gone again the freak it’s there for like half a second and then it stops working God is maker of life that means he made slaves I mean yeah he did technically I don’t think this is going to work anytime soon it’s so

Lame all these eggs whatever reason to have all these eggs no I have them I got a buttload of chickens too that produce plenty more eggs so I’m just going to oh crap I have a bunch of wasable resources I might as well might as well use them sa more chests personally

Now I’ve got plenty more room for Eggs We doing Rec good question I’m vibing on here right now uh potatoes potato potato like so much potatoes I’m out of harness Fuel renewable resources I think let the man play Minecraft what on What on Full House do I have shears on me I don’t why do I have two flint and Steels in my inventory absolutely crazy right so I’m thinking for the trading Hall I want to have several villagers with the same Prof what are you doing what who do you think you are you

Are going to kill my spawn rides over here do you understand that do you understand understand what you’ve done this is unacceptable this Is just because I gave them a nice house does not mean you can come in here and uh take over my iron farm this is outrageous and I will not stand for it so you my friend get to be set on fire and you are going to like it into

The bit into the bit go into the bit get inside stop it go get go in the hole yes Burn Suff the fire out my bad let me let me just fix that for you ah it’s not what I meant to Do I should probably put this out okay did it for me are you dead yet A [Applause] sorry I had to answer a text but anyway uh hopefully we won’t have any more of those problems cuz we do uh it’s going to be problems you you you guys no more iron golems okay okay listen listen if you all behave I’ll let one of you guys have

Your own personal Farm okay you guys can work on you guys can you guys can plant your own plants you guys can do whatever whatever you want okay no more iron golems or or there will be consequences I will send you off to uh trading house and you will do my serving

For the rest Of what is that what is That these guys don’t know how to listen Gregory these guys don’t know how to listen like I I I told them I told them no no iron golems and what do they do they get they bring Iron Golems you guys are killing my spawn rates do I just need to trap

These it’s like I don’t want to keep killing Them okay I’ll let it you know what I’ll let it stay as long as I keep getting iron cuz if I stop getting iron that’s going to be an issue anyway let’s go start on the trading Hall cuz that’s going to be something we need to get done I’m not

I’m not liking this tunnel though I’m not I’m not liking how it goes through the hill like that I kind of want I want something that looks fancy you know and like this this bridge just going straight into a wall That’s I don’t think it’s going to work I don’t

Think it’s going to work so I say we start I say we start terraforming make something that works you know wasn’t the best looking cave I could have made realistically this is so uneven makes my eyes hurt looking at it Okay I’m going to replace these with logs and then I’ll have the stairway go up Move these grab some food actually probably just oh why do I have two shovels combine those all right slabs you get away from that farm you get away you go the other way you are not ruining my rates go get get out of here go stop it stop trying to go this way

It’s not that’s not there’s nothing interesting over there there’s really nothing interesting freak you okay whatever fighting with an iron Golem I might be better Here Going to be a large walkway oh my goodness am I able to do like a two block why hold on can I do this will this work hopefully so if this is two and that’s two that’s that’s weird uh so we’ll have it like this so that can be two and then this

Can be two and then this can be to you wait no that’s no okay so we’ll start here two two two two two two there we go this is going to look way better two it’s going to be me stand a whole lot of twos it’s fine though

Look at that that’s this is better this is better looking it’s looking better it’s obviously not going to be the best but it’s it’s better than it was realistically oh there goes my Phone okay uh let me make sure my drop rates for iron farm wasn’t messed up Yeah I think my drop rates are ruined right now it’s CU of you it’s you I really want to stab you right now but I don’t want to die so I’m not going to freak you iron golem I always end up putting my breeders right like the breeder or

Trading Hall always ends up right across from the iron farm and it screws up my rates What Oh Come all right uh I want to figure out how to get rid of this guy and make sure nobody else spawns probably cuz there’s like I’m assuming he’s spawning just cuz there’s a bunch of villagers in the house and I don’t really want That I’m go ahead and Like I could probably turn over here into like a little farm for him but like I got to make sure they stop spawning first before I even attempt that it’s so annoying that I have to remove them every 5 seconds so I can get an iron farm working

Okay where are you at Mr Golem need you to do me a little favor and you know Perish there we go and I got iron from it very Nice all right hopefully no more iron golems spawn I would really appreciate it if they don’t H you you you you you you you I’m going need you to do me a favor just like hop on up here yeah come on over here oh oh he wants to kill you want to kill him don’t you you want to kill the zombie we don’t you well unfortunately

For you he’s off so I need you to uh kindly kill yourself please please just hop on up there yeah just just follow my lead I’m just going to I’m just going to lead you to the right direction okay all right it’s it’s going to be fine it’s going to be it’s

Going to be fine Dy you know you’re going to you’re going to love it you’re I love it it’s a nice little pool nice little pool goodbye all right see look what you guys have made me do like I have had to pave this entire thing do the inside too Matter I go outside and I see one more iron golem I’m going to kill Something andite why why is that a thing oh my goodness that is lame as freak all right I’m going to be replacing some floors Then no no why would you guys do this to me why would you do this to me Mr signs oh this is so bad Whatever okay no more iron golems no more iron golems any iron golems back here please please spawn in the correct way oh my goodness you Suck I think I make a why Why listen I don’t I don’t want you guys spawning I Don’t you guys are killing my iron farm and making my place look bad in the process like this is not how I want to decorate my place I want to make my base look nice and clean and it’s the best thing you’ll ever see but no you want to make my life

Difficult you stupid iron gems I do not like you right now you are a great source of iron but you are killing my [Applause] Drops please do not spawn anymore Please I beg you to stop Spawning okay so far nothing this is good this is what we want we don’t want Iron GS we want to have them spawn over here I’m going to watch like this anything Spawns there’s no way there’s no but there’s no way you just did that there’s there’s no way I can’t why do you face favor this spot is it cuz there’s more villagers like what what do you want from Me I don’t understand yeah fight me almost messed that Up They’re lucky they drop iron so they can pay back those damage they’re dealing my Sword I’m watching look I’m going to turn around there we go look at that that’s where they should spawn that’s where they should should always spawn from now on they will spawn There not me just casually ra raging over Iron Golem spawns you know and just just be like that Sometimes if I come over here there’s another you you you suck you stuck I hate everything about you get out of here leave leave finding every tiny look and cranny to slip their slithery little iron fingers In I will not take It uh Uh okay all right um it is time for me to go eat dinner so as we are hitting the 3our and 20 minute Mark I think this is a good time to end the stream um just in case I’m going to pass all all of this freck those Golems anyway uh thank

You all for stopping by we got good few subscribers out of today’s stream very happy about that and yeah I’m going to try to get this stupid Iron Golem situation figured out as soon as I can so uh yeah thank you again for stopping by I very much appreciate it

Um and yeah I’ll see you guys next Time H

This video, titled ‘Almost lost the hardcore world! | Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by ruyguy9977 on 2024-01-15 01:56:16. It has garnered 53 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:52 or 12172 seconds.

Ladies and Gentlemen! It is finally time to let the year come to a close! This will most likely be the last stream of the year, so I want to thank you guys for a great year! This has been my best year on youtube by far, gaining hundreds of subscribers from my streams! It may sound little compared to my other friends, but it truly does mean a lot to me that you guys enjoy my content, even if its a small portion of my overall viewers!

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    My WORST DEATH - DAY 5 - PC GAMEPASS MINECRAFT Minecraft Adventures with TheGuill84 Exploring the World of Minecraft TheGuill84 takes on the PC Gamepass Challenge in Minecraft, embarking on a thrilling adventure filled with creativity and challenges. Join him as he navigates through the vast world of blocks, monsters, and endless possibilities. Live Streams and Events Catch all the action live on Twitch at Don’t miss out on the excitement as TheGuill84 tackles various tasks and quests in real-time. Stay Connected Follow TheGuill84 on his main YouTube channel at for more gaming content. Check out his clip channel at for highlights and memorable moments. Engage… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 25/100 Quest

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 25/100 Quest In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Boom_CRAFT brings explosions in every episode’s vibes. With 100 videos planned, each one a delight, Subscribe and hit the bell, to keep them in sight. In video number 25, the action takes flight, With builds and explosions, a true Minecraft sight. So join the fun, in this creative land, With Boom_CRAFT leading the way, hand in hand. Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a modern and upbeat atmosphere, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world of adventure and creativity. The video you just watched may not be about Minewind, but it’s clear that the excitement and passion for Minecraft are present. Just like the content creator in the video, you can join Minewind and be part of a community that values creativity, collaboration, and fun. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Shulker Farm Tutorial: 6,500 P/H Speed Run!

    Shulker Farm Tutorial: 6,500 P/H Speed Run! Minecraft Shulker Farm Tutorial: Efficient and Easy Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, efficiency is key to success. The new Shulker Farm tutorial promises to revolutionize your gameplay with its speed and simplicity. Designed by the community, this farm is a game-changer for players looking to gather resources quickly and effortlessly. Key Features Shulker Shell Production: This farm boasts an impressive output of over 6,500 Shulker Shells per hour, making it a must-have for any serious Minecraft player. Compatibility: The farm is designed to work seamlessly on versions 1.17 to 1.21, ensuring that players across different updates can… Read More

  • Crafty Love: Minecraft Animation Boy’s Musical Voyage

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  • Water Pit Wonders: Time Travel with Minecraft

    Water Pit Wonders: Time Travel with Minecraft In ancient times, I traveled with Minecraft in hand, Dug a water pit, infinite water at my command. Block by block, I built my world so grand, Every adventure, every challenge, I withstand. With each update, new features to explore, In this pixelated world, I always want more. From crafting to mining, my skills I hone, In this virtual realm, I am never alone. So join me in this journey, let’s play and create, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no need to wait. Dig deep, build high, let your imagination fly, With Minecraft by your side, reach for the sky. Read More

  • Omnitrix Quest: Minecraft’s Rhyme Time

    Omnitrix Quest: Minecraft's Rhyme Time In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, S5João brings stories, both new and old. With his Omnitrix in hand, he’s ready to explore, Crafting and building, always wanting more. From Monday to Saturday, his videos shine bright, With updates and memes, bringing joy and delight. So hit that like button, and don’t forget to subscribe, To join in the fun, where creativity thrives. Follow him on Instagram, Twitter, and Discord too, For more gaming content, just for you. So leap into the verse, where the story sings, With S5João, where Minecraft brings. Read More

  • Mombo Combo Legacy: Minecraft Halo Mashup Madness

    Mombo Combo Legacy: Minecraft Halo Mashup Madness In the world of gaming, where sounds take flight, Did you know Halo’s effects were made just right? With clay dogs for sounds, a unique sight, Matching animal noises, a creative delight. Random sounds for games, a common trend, Creating stories that never end. In Halo, a developer’s coffee machine sound, Matched a game element, a discovery profound. In Minecraft, the Ghasts’ eerie cry, Made by a composer, disturbing his cat nearby. At Orube, Gab is the editor’s name, Creating sounds for videos, adding to the game’s fame. In Mombo Combo Legacy, a chair’s sound, Used for a boss,… Read More

  • Confronting the Ultimate Liar

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  • Digging for Trouble | MineCraft SMP

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  • Minecraft Meme Firestorm

    Minecraft Meme Firestorm Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Get Minecraft 1.21 FREE NOW! (Android, iOS, Windows 10, Xbox, PlayStation)

    Get Minecraft 1.21 FREE NOW! (Android, iOS, Windows 10, Xbox, PlayStation) Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Exciting news for all Minecraft enthusiasts! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, available for all platforms and editions. 🤩🙌 New Features and Enhancements The latest update brings a plethora of new features and enhancements to the game. From improved graphics to new gameplay mechanics, there is something for every player to enjoy. Some of the key highlights of the Minecraft 1.21 update include: Enhanced Shaders: Experience the game like never before with the best MCPE shaders available. Check out the Best MCPE Shaders video for a visual treat. Increased Render Distance:… Read More

  • Minecraft Museum Build Hacks

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  • Insane Speedrun Challenge in Spellbound Caves!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedwars Showdown with Dexoppp

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedwars Showdown with DexopppVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing 🎮 Minecraft Bedwars 🛌 ft.@Dexoppp || dex op’, was uploaded by Gamer Boy Saif on 2024-05-12 10:53:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Playing Minecraft Bedwars ft.‎@Dexoppp || dex op •Instagram … Read More

  • INSANE Sky Block Adventure! Eagle Joins Us!😱

    INSANE Sky Block Adventure! Eagle Joins Us!😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft /Sky Block /Eagle Joined The Party /Part 5’, was uploaded by V1kingTiger on 2024-03-09 07:43:55. It has garnered 70 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:22 or 5302 seconds. Like and Subscribe Gamer Kitty:… Background music: Read More

  • New Minecraft Pixelmon Surprise

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  • Unbelievable! Sapnap’s Survival in Minecraft Community by itsJanke

    Unbelievable! Sapnap's Survival in Minecraft Community by itsJankeVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Sapnap Survived The Minecraft Community’, was uploaded by itsJanke on 2024-06-15 07:51:03. It has garnered 5416 views and 257 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:44 or 584 seconds. Sapnap is one of the most popular Minecraft YouTubers in the world. One of the creators of the Dream Team, and one of the first members to join the Dream SMP. Today, I am going to be looking into the controversies that surround around people close to Sapnap, including GeorgeNotFound and Dream. Also, the one major controversy that he caused which sparked noise within… Read More

  • GameBotPocket – I Stole EVERYTHING on my MC Server (JOIN NOW!)

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  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Samsung S24 Ultra Build Challenge! NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD – Who Wins? Animation!🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Samsung S24 Ultra Build Challenge! NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD - Who Wins? Animation!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft WORKING SAMSUNG S24 ULTRA BUILD CHALLENGE – NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD | Animation’, was uploaded by Scorpy on 2024-02-26 12:00:09. It has garnered 2098 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:24 or 1824 seconds. NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD made a WORKING SAMSUNG S24 ULTRA House build in Minecraft! Easy Minecraft Builds with Noob, Pro, Hacker and Scorpy server! 👇 Subscribe for more 👇 👇 Check much more cool videos 👇 ► Instagram: Hello, my name is Scorpy and today Noob build… Read More

  • 🍕 PizzaBuff DESTROYS Minecraft Tournament – INSANE VOD Edit 🎮

    🍕 PizzaBuff DESTROYS Minecraft Tournament - INSANE VOD Edit 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘The Most Average Minecraft Tournament Player Experience (VOD Edit)’, was uploaded by PizzaBuff on 2024-05-12 14:00:18. It has garnered 122 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:14 or 4514 seconds. Woop woop, MCT, woop woop, gonna P-V-P, woop woop, gonna be on stream, woop woop, please sub please! Check out/support my teammates RGBWolf, Blinci, and JamesGames! -TIMESTAMPS- 00:00 Start 2:51 Clockwork 11:24 Spleef 23:50 Footrace 32:02 BREAK 37:48 Capture the Flag 44:20 MECHA 57:41 Parkour 1:10:37 Colossal Combat #minecraft #tournament #pvp #gaming #videogame #live #livestream #vod Read More

  • KingBoozle’s Insane Minecraft Transformation: Useless to OP!

    KingBoozle's Insane Minecraft Transformation: Useless to OP!Video Information This video, titled ‘From The Most Useless Minecraft Item To The Most OP…’, was uploaded by KingBoozle on 2024-04-08 16:23:03. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:47 or 1187 seconds. Today, I tried the April fools potato update. This included a new place, biomes, items, new structures and a boss. Will I defeat him watch till the end. Tags: Minemanner is cool, minemanner song, iusehuzuni, i use huzuni, ricefarmer11, rice farmer 11, rice farmer11, ricefarmer, ricefarmer 11, mine manner, i use huzuni song, hitsync songs, hit sync, 1.18 tutorial, 1.18… Read More

  • LukeCraft

    LukeCraftLukeCraft är en svensk Minecraft-server som ägs och drivs av lucastheb0i. Servern är en survival server och har funnits uppe sedan 3 september 2023, och vårat community växer mer och mer med tiden. Det är ett trevligt och hjälpsamt community av spelare som finns på servern. Om du har någon fråga eller fundering så kan du alltid kontakta mig här: [email protected] Read More

  • Purgatory SMP – SMP Modded – Whitelist

    Welcome to Purgatory! Purgatory is an ever-growing Vanilla++ server where you can join or create a town/village to live in. We use fabric for mods like Origins and other fun mods on our 1.20.2 server. Join our Discord server to apply and become part of our community of happy sinners! Join our Discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting be like 🥵

    Because even Minecraft blocks move faster than your WiFi connection! Read More

  • Block Brothers: Minecraft Banter

    Block Brothers: Minecraft Banter In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan creates, like a masterful dream. Animations that sparkle, with humor and glee, Bringing joy to all, for the world to see. No pirated copies, only originals here, For Fangkuaixuan’s channel, is crystal clear. With daily videos, filled with fun and delight, Subscribe now, and join in the light. From funny MC moments, to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s content, is where it’s at. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, And explore Minecraft, in a whole new light. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Redstone Door Hacks: Book Edition

    Redstone Door Hacks: Book Edition Minecraft Redstone Build Idea: Book-Activated Redstone Door Tutorial! Are you looking for a unique and creative way to enhance your Minecraft builds? Look no further than the Book-Activated Redstone Door Tutorial! This innovative build idea utilizes a lectern and a book to open a door, adding a touch of magic to your creations. Subscribe to @Retro-Revival for more inspiring Minecraft tutorials! Door Opened with Lectern! With the Book-Activated Redstone Door Tutorial, you can impress your friends and fellow Minecraft players by showcasing a door that opens with the simple interaction of a book on a lectern. This interactive feature… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Quest: Hunt Stronghold & Chill

    Insane Minecraft Quest: Hunt Stronghold & ChillVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lofi & ChitChat Let’s Play Minecraft | SMP Quest Day: Stronghold Hunt & Secure | Cozy Chaos Crew’, was uploaded by Lofi Explorer’s Channel on 2024-05-26 06:08:38. It has garnered 12 views and likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:15 or 14115 seconds. Come join me as I follow a few of the Minecraft Chill and Build SMP Crew to Find, Clear and Secure a Stronghold. Cozy Chaos Warning is at hand. Read More

  • Explosive Villager Pranks Gone Wild!

    Explosive Villager Pranks Gone Wild!Video Information This video, titled ‘VILLAGER TNT MEME 🤣😂#short #youtube #herobrinesmp #minecraft’, was uploaded by ANKIT GAMING on 2024-03-01 09:30:00. It has garnered 533 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. VILLAGER TNT MEME minecraft godzilla minecraft house minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft videos minecraft jj and mikey minecraft godzilla dlc minecraft aphmau minecraft animation minecraft asmr minecraft ambience minecraft armadillo minecraft armor trims minecraft animation movie minecraft arg minecraft ancient city a minecraft song a minecraft house a minecraft movie a minecraft parody a minecraft horror story a minecraft project a minecraft mod… Read More

  • Insane Anime Pixel Art Build in Minecraft #short

    Insane Anime Pixel Art Build in Minecraft #shortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pixel art #short #minecraft #minecraftpixelart #pixelart #anime #short #shortvideo #sasuke’, was uploaded by Sukardi Yanto on 2024-04-29 06:36:56. It has garnered 2754 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Tag: minecraft pixel art, minecraft pixelart, pixel art minecraft, minecraft pixel, minecraft stitch pixel art, minecraft pixel art pikachu, minecraft pixel art tutorial, pixel art minecraft tutorial, how to make minecraft pixel art, minecraft pixel battle, heart minecraft, how to make pixel art in minecraft, minecraft mapart, minecraft pixel art tutorial heart, minecraft pixel art tutorial luigi, minecraft,… Read More

  • Dominate Minecraft with Switch’s Ultimate Mod!

    Dominate Minecraft with Switch's Ultimate Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft’s Oldest Mod…’, was uploaded by Switch on 2024-06-11 21:00:28. It has garnered 1416 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:26 or 506 seconds. Me and my friends (tried) to beat The Aether Dimension twitter: Switchery_ ign: Switchery People in the video @nezoshoki @reuwick @T2K_Smirky This video was heavily inspired by Kunai’s The Story Of Minecraft’s ERROR 422 / Rekrap2’s Minecraft Aether Speedrun (former) World Record / WelcominTV’s I Spent 100 Days in the SCARIEST MOD in Minecraft. Unlike ParrotX2 and his Lifesteal SMP Series or School SMP Series, MumboJumbo… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft SMP with Friends! Build Bungalow Now!”🏠🔥 #Gaming

    "Insane Minecraft SMP with Friends! Build Bungalow Now!"🏠🔥 #GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build Bungalow in Our Universal SMP!🔥Minecraft Live with Friends! #Minecraft #LiveGaming’, was uploaded by ExArrowsV Gaming on 2024-01-16 20:17:53. It has garnered 27 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 04:35:19 or 16519 seconds. 🌍 Welcome to our epic journey in the Universal SMP! Join me and my friends as we explore, build, and conquer in the vast Minecraft universe. 🚀 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a Minecraft enthusiast, this live stream promises action-packed gameplay, laughter, and unforgettable moments. 🎉 GIVEAWAY ALERT! 🎉 Help us reach 250 subscribers, and we’re celebrating… Read More


    EPIC GAMER DESTROYS BloxFruit with GUNS LIVE! ?Video Information This video, titled ‘Live Beating BloxFruit with only guns #12 2200 – 2350 | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-05-28 18:58:43. It has garnered 258 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:56:55 or 17815 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: Zainny Discord: check out: Roblox group :!/about TikTok : twitch : Discord: Mods: Itrealzainny: LJ… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Ohio Challenge: Circus vs MrBeast vs Gummy Bear vs SpongeBob!🔥” #shorts

    "Insane Minecraft Ohio Challenge: Circus vs MrBeast vs Gummy Bear vs SpongeBob!🔥" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Challenge OHIO😂 – Circus Pomni🎪 vs MrBeast vs Gummy Bear vs SpongeBob🧽 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by TEXTIDER SHORTS on 2024-01-04 14:30:00. It has garnered 1139697 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. In this video I have to choose: Circus Pomni vs MrBeast vs Gummy Bear vs SpongeBob x Grimace Shake vs Titan SpeakerMan, who will you choose? I make minecraft videos every day and the best support for me is like and subscribe))) #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #skibiditoilet #pomni #mrbeast #challenge Read More

  • Uncover the Shocking Truth: Who Am I?

    Uncover the Shocking Truth: Who Am I?Video Information This video, titled ‘who am i’, was uploaded by standard on 2024-03-31 18:25:48. It has garnered 43 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. sedatives this mode was easy to improve in ngl IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster… Read More

  • Shad’s Crazy Minecraft Transformation: SUKUNA!

    Shad's Crazy Minecraft Transformation: SUKUNA!Video Information This video, titled ‘Shad Becomes SUKUNA in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-05-30 20:27:18. It has garnered 41502 views and 1052 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:46 or 1306 seconds. Today, Shad Becomes SUKUNA in Minecraft! ! Will Shad become the ultimate king of curses? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • Nothing mc

    Nothing mcA network built in just 4 weeks! And yes, the anarchy is without anti-cheat 😀 its crossplay able so you can join with any devise :DD pls vote ;( Read More

  • Stinky SMP Modded SMP No Resets 1.20.1 Java Origins No Whitelist No Chat Reports

    Welcome to Stinky SMP! This is a 1.20.1 and updating server focused on fair moderation, extreme longevity, and inclusivity. Whether you’re a nomad, builder, PVPer, or trader, you’ll find a place here. Have a suggestion? We’re all ears! Key Features: Great Performance: Minimal lag with optimized vanilla+ modpack and top-notch server specs. Safezone-Borderlands System: Enjoy peace or bloodshed within our unique gameplay area. The Origins Mod: Explore custom origins and balance for a truly unique experience. Join our server at Read More

  • A FreeBuild minecraft server…

    A FreeBuild minecraft server...just another minecraft serverjust another mc server that you can contact mr john doemann from. he will always expect you here even though he lives outside of your life, watchout and lookout. Read More