Omz – Mind-blowing Minecraft Dilemmas!

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Lily would you rather eat poop or drink beer that’s gross but you have to answer which one Lily yeah I’m not picking anything oh my yo that’s how the game works all right fine your turn give me one okay oh would you rather build a zoo or a bank

Um wow why would I build it big I don’t care about money but rocks he doesn’t a zoo sound awesome different mobs yo and we could even put dog just like us and even cats for Lily uh I’m gonna build a zoo what about you Lily

Obviously a bank what a bank why would you pick a bank cause money is the coolest silly Wow money is not better than animals well my bank is gonna be way better than any zoo that you can ever do wait what oh my God are you serious Roxy Lily just picked money over

Animals animals are so much better I know right and you know what let’s prove it to Lily let’s make a way better Zoo because she’s already starting to build a bank oh my gosh do you think we could really do it oh yeah yeah I Believe in Us so let’s go over

Here and I’m Roxy we have a big problem I’ve never made a zoo before have you uh me either oh gosh oh gosh all right let’s stink um we need to make the entrance to the zoo right yeah that’s what we have to do first so let’s grab

Some white concrete and we can make the zoo logo out of some orange concrete and to make this quicker let’s grab a magical wand so first let’s make the outlining how are we gonna do that first let’s set the first position all the way over there and the second position all

The way here and then set some away concrete boom perfect now on the inside let’s set it all with air just like that and kapow the perimeter is now complete now let’s make the entrance and it’s gonna be right over here so let’s break this area like that then let’s make a

Super duper ginormous skate like this and oh my God this is gonna look awesome now we need to make a driveway up how do we do this we have to build a road oh my yo Roxy you are literally a genius this is why I love building with you we’re

Gonna use some black wool to build a road and we can use the yellow wolf in to make the arrow so first let’s make the floor so let’s play some Black concrete just like this and make it go down over here like a little stairway so

The cars can easily drive up and you do the same on your side and oh gosh we have to fix this area because um it does not look right so let’s set the first position here and then the second one over here and then set a bunch of grass

Blocks and boom that is so much better and wait a minute oh my yo Lily’s almost done with the floor for Bank oh my yo Lily you are so mean it doesn’t suck we just started stop being rude and your big doesn’t even look good at all you only have the floor

Be quiet you pee pee what I do not have a baby head my head is completely normal Lily me and Roxy are good at correction oh my gosh my Roxy she is being so right now right yeah money better against so much animals exactly Roxy you are so intelligent at

Smart and you’re also a dog and I’m a dog so we got along so we’re gonna make the ultimate zoo and Lily’s gonna be super jealous and she’s like wait a minute oh wow you guys are awesome and I smell like poop I heard that oh gosh you

Heard that um nothing nothing but the road is looking really good now let’s build over here and we could just use our magical wand for this and then set some black whoa just like that and perfect now let’s use our yellow wolf to make an arrow to know where to go so

Let’s do it just like that then put another one over here so we know where to go perfecta then put the last one here and come out oh my yo this is awesome but we need cars oh yeah great Point what color what car we gonna use

Um let’s use how about a tractor that sounds really cool and a go-kart oh my oh those are awesome Vehicles so let’s play stuff first one which is a tractor right here and oh my yo this looks awesome check me out I’m literally on a tractor perfect and then for the next

One we’re going to use the GO card so let’s put it just like that and oh my yeah which one do you want Roxy all right and I’m gonna take the tractor so now when we walk we could ride up into the zoo perfect but um wait a

Minute the zoo logo isn’t there still so now let’s go to this side and build out and up just like this perfect then let’s go over here build to the side and then build out over here and then use our magical wand to fill it all in and

Boom perfect now it’s all filled in so we can make the signs so we’re gonna make the word Zoo out of some orange concrete but we have a problem Roxy wait what’s our problem I do not know how to spell Zoo do you know how to spell zoo

Of course I do oh all right how do we spell it first z z okay so let’s make a z just like this Kaboom perfect and oh my God that looks awesome then what’s the next letter it’s o oh Roxy are you serious Z oh I’ve never seen a word that

Has z-o in it are you sure that’s how you spell Zoo yeah z-o-o Roxy now you’re literally messing with me a word with two o’s yeah oh my yo I don’t know about this but we’ll try and we’re gonna see if it looks good so let’s put in oh over

Here perfect and let’s put another oh like this and oh gosh it’s going off the side we have to make the sign bigger so let’s grab some white concrete and place it all behind it and wait a minute that actually does kind of look right so now

We have our outside complete the zoo is looking awesome well what’s gonna be your first exhibit um that’s a really good question what animal or mob should we use creepers um Roxy are you sure we want to start off the creepers yes that would be awesome all right so let me just grab

Some creepers and since we have to make their enclosure we need some creeper heads then wait Roxy what if we use a nope mutant creeper those are so powerful all right let’s use it and we’ll get some stuff creepers as decorations you’re creeper what little my yo you’re so

You’re so sucked right Roxy we’re gonna make it awesome yeah it’s gonna be so dangerous did you hear that Lily it’s gonna be so cool no it’s gonna be poop how dare you oh my young Lily is being so rude she leaves us no choice we have to make this

Awesome right yeah but how are we gonna do it well first we’re gonna need to get some green blocks to make the exhibit and um what blocks should we use how about Emerald oh my yo Emerald is a genius idea yes let’s use emerald and how about some lime green wool and some

Lime green stained glass I know right and we’re gonna make the first exhibit right over here so let’s get started with the build so let’s make the outlining out of emeralds just like this and to make this even quicker we’re gonna set the first position up over

Here then fly all the way here and then set the second position now let’s set it all with some Emerald blocks just like that and boom that is perfect but now we have to fill it all with air so we have room for all the creepers so let’s mine

Inside over here set the second position and make it air and come out we just made so much room right yeah this is awesome but um wait a minute we have a problem we don’t want it to be all made out of emeralds we want it to be so we

Could see inside so let’s change all of these blocks into some lime stained glass and oh my God that looks so much better so let’s set it just like that perfect and let’s set the last area over here all out of some lime stained glass and even for the this wall over here

Let’s do the same and this is a little bit more tricky we don’t want to get in the way of the zoo sign but that should be good then let’s do the same over here like this uh Kaboom perfect and whoa this is super duper awesome right yeah this is perfect

I’m gonna be honest the lime stained glass is really ugly it’s so nasty to look through what if we replaced it with some normal glass yeah that’s a great idea so let’s type slash replace near all the blocks that are made out of some lime stained glass with some normal

Glass just like that and boom they’re all replaced and wow that is so much better now we can see the creepers so much easier yeah this is perfect so now we have to make some design on the outside so let’s add some stuffed Creepers on all of the corners just like

This and oh my God that looks super duper adorable perfecta and now we have to add the actual creepers and whom Roxy I have a good idea wait what’s your idea what if we make our exhibits walk through exhibits so we have to walk through that Mom

Cool all right let’s do it so if we’re gonna make it like that we don’t want the mobs to already be here we want them to spawn in once we come in right yeah but how are we gonna do that um good questions so we can make the

Entrance to the creeper area just like that and then we can grab a door and um what’s a good door how about a keypad door so not just anyone could get in then we could put it right over here and Surround it with glass like this perfect

Then we have to pick a passcode and we’re gonna make it something Lily could never guess one two three four awesome so now when we type it in we can enter and Kaboom we’re in and oh my oh this is sick but we’re in the mom’s gonna spawn in from

Um we can make it on this wall over here so we’re gonna spawn them in with some dispensers just like this and we’re gonna spawn in one two three four normal creepers and then we could spawn in one mutant creeper above them won’t that be awesome yeah stronger than normal creeper exactly so

First let’s put some Creeper eggs in all the dispensers on the bottom just like that Kaboom perfect then we’re gonna put some mutant ones on the top ones but now we have to activate them how are we gonna do that super duper simple all we need is some Redstone repeaters then

Some Redstone and then of course a lever so now let’s do the Redstone how do we connect it come follow me I’ll show you so first we have to go around the back then we have to add some redstone on the back of the dispensers just like that

Then hook up all the Redstone together perfect so now if we activate all the creeper spawning and now we have to do this one over here how are we gonna do the top one um this seems a little bit more difficult but I think I know how all we

Have to do is place a block over here with a redstone in it then we have to break into the wall and then just connect the Redstone to all the rest of it so now we repower it let’s do our first test all right let’s see if it

Works so when we flick the lever yes they all spawn in and oh my yo this is gonna be a crazy first obstacle right yeah this piece I know right they’re super duper powerful so let’s get rid of them for now by making it peaceful then let’s

Make it easy so they could spawn back in and um wait we have a problem how are we gonna activate this from the inside Stone into the inside oh yeah that is super smart and we’re gonna do it super duper hidden so we’re gonna place the Redstone from underneath like a little

Tunnel just like this Kaboom perfect all the way until it reaches here and yes this is a perfect spot then we’re gonna grab an emerald block and put it back right over here with some Redstone underneath and connect the Redstone all the way to over here Kaboom perfect now

Let’s fly back over and go inside and wait where’s the Red Zone okay it’s right over here now let’s put a lever on top and when we flick it uh wait a minute only one of the creepers spawn in Hawaiian oh I see why it’s because the

Redstone reach does not reach all the way it dies um how do we extend it oh yeah because if we add a repeater it refreshes the Redstone and activates all the dispensers and now they’re all in wait wait let me retry that so let’s make it into peaceful then let’s make it

Into easy now when we hit is leverica Boom all of them spotted and Lily’s gonna be in for a really big treat right yeah um wait a minute Roxy I did not think about this at all um how is only gonna fight all these guys off if she doesn’t

Have any armor at all maybe we should go some oh yeah that’s a great idea so let’s grab a chest and hum what armor should we give for what’s something that she would like give her some pink leather armor armor huh pink does sound like a good idea but I only have normal

Leather how can we make this into pink grab pink dye oh yeah if we use some pink dye we could transform it into some pink leather so let’s grab a crafting table put it down over here next to the chest and combine it and oh my oh this

Works so well let’s make them all into bank armor and yes that is awesome now let’s put them all in the chest so she has a full set of some pink armor then let’s grab her a weapon and what sword should we give her um how about diamond sword all right

Well we got a red diamond sword and let’s put it inside but um do we really think leather armor is enough to protect her uh maybe not oh yeah you’re totally right so what if we Enchanted let’s grab an enchanting table and put it right over here now let’s grab all the armor

And let’s enchant it and um let’s see what did we get from this ooh protection one that’s good then this one protection too awesome and then and we don’t want projectile that sucks so let’s enchant the helmet first and it’s still giving us dookie dookie enchants oh gosh wait

Let me see what happens if we enchant the sword to give us something good and ooh sharpness perfect and now the helmet end oh yes protection and then finally even more protection yes Lily’s gonna love this it’s a full set of shiny pink Enchanted armor and a sharpness one

Diamond sword yeah this is perfect and Roxy do you know what this means our creeper enclosure is now complete so let’s seal it off from the front over here and then let’s make the entrance to the next area and this is going to be even cooler what is this gonna be wow we

Already did a creepers and huh what’s something else that’s cool how about oh my yo Enderman are awesome and guess what there’s even a mutant Enderman we could use yes let’s do let’s do all right let’s do it but uh wait how are we gonna design its enclosure what color should we use

Um purple duh all right all right let’s grab some purple wool and we’re gonna make the entire enclosure out of it so let’s grab the magic wand again and let’s make the floor over here all made out of purple wool just like this perfect that looks awesome then let’s do

The same design with the glass so we could see through it so let’s grab some glass over here build up just like this then let’s fill all of this up with glass Kaboom perfecta that looks super awesome now we have to hollow it out so let’s hit two positions like this over

Here and then set it all with Erica Bell perfect and now it’s time for the top and how about we use some black wool instead of purple oh yeah because the Enderman are black too oh yes yes so let’s place two blocks like that and oh

My yo this is gonna come out sick and I just came up with a really good idea wait what’s your really really good idea instead of just leaving it black like normal we’re gonna make it look awesome wait how are we gonna make this look awesome y’all see in a second first let

Me complete all this black wool like that and watch this so you know how Endermen have eyes right um I do they look super duper awesome check that out and we’re going to make him some eyes on the black part so first we’re gonna need some two purple wool

Like this perfect a boom then we’re gonna need to grab some white ones and put it on the side of it and check this out um does this look like an enderman’s eyes and oh it does it looks like it’s staring at us this is awesome I know

Right now let’s make a connection from the creeper exit to the Enderman exit right over here by making a little tunnel just like this Kaboom perfect now we can go inside what’s gonna be inside here here is gonna be some Enderman of course and of course a mew and Enderman

Have you ever seen one of these um I think so oh my yo you’re gonna love it so hum how many should we put because it’s gonna be a lot harder for Lily how about two Endermen and one meal and Enderman oh my yo that is a genius idea

And wait instead of using the Spencers I have a smarter way to spawn them in wait what’s more harder than dispensers well it’s not in the creative menu we have to type a command to get it and we’re gonna put it right over here underneath so we

Can hit it with a lever now we need to see where we’re gonna spawn in the Enderman so let’s grab the coordinates of over here by typing out this command perfect and now let’s go back inside and type in slash summon Enderman at these coordinates so now it should spawn them

In so let’s test it out by grabbing a lever and let’s see if this actually works I’ve never tried this before all right and Kaboom and wow he’s spawned in all the way over there and it’s wireless this is awesome right yeah two Enderman oh yeah you did and to do

That is super easy all we have to do is add a second command block over here and then grab the coordinates of over here like this by typing out the fill command now let’s copy it and paste it into the command block and then type in the word

Summon and then Enderman perfect now let’s grab a redstone repeater put it right over here and let’s test it out to see if it works so let’s break these blocks and when we flick the lever wait what it didn’t work why you have to move

The command block oh yeah so let me copy and paste this command and then let’s move it to over here just like this perfect and then now we have to put a redstone here so when we put the Redstone here it’s gonna activate and

Boom spawn them both in oh my oh this is perfect it spawns in sets of two Enderman what about the mutant one though um this one’s gonna be a lot harder oh gosh how are we gonna do this I don’t know the name from you and Enderman why

Don’t you just I mean Enderman oh wait that’s actually really smart so first let’s get the command for over here so let’s type it out just like that and copy it and let’s go down to the command block and set it right next to it over here and then let’s type out slash

Summon and then we’re gonna make it a mutanta and it would be beast and then it would be mutant Enderman and I think this is gonna work oh gosh let’s try it so let’s turn off the lever then grab a redstone repeater and put it right over

Here and now let’s test it out so let’s cover it all up just like this and when we flick the lever oh my yeah they all spawn in and um Roxy this is super duper scary look at how big he is huh right he looks huge compared to these

Guys they look like babies and oh my yo he’s taking so many hits from your swords and wait um he just teleported out how do you do that his super super gosh let’s make it into peaceful oh my yo when we become in survival it’s gonna be super hard to fight him right

Yeah let’s go wait a minute uh Roxy we have a really big problem that pink leather armor is not going to be enough for these mutant Enderman right yeah these aren’t you guys oh gosh we need something better huh let’s see what armor can we use let’s give her gold

Armor oh yeah that’s a perfect upgrade so let’s grab some gold armor just like this and what about a weapon what should we give her now how about another right sword oh my gosh that sounds awesome and this time we’re gonna get for specific enchants We’re Not Gonna use an

Enchanting table we’re gonna use an anvil with some Enchantment books what enchantments we’re gonna use protection and how about protection too that’s enough so let’s open up the Anvil and then put the helmet inside with protection too so let’s get the helmet then let’s do the chess play put the

Book in and Build Me Up protection too then protection two on the pants and then protection two on the booties oh yeah this is awesome they’re so shiny now the sword you sharpness all right let’s grab some sharpness and how much sharpness one two three four or five

All three three all right that’s a good medium it’s not too good but it’s not too bad so let’s put it inside and oh my yeah what if we rename it to Lily the sword [Applause] oh yeah so powerful oh yeah so now let’s break that and grab a chest and we’re

Gonna put it right over here next to the lever and let’s put it all inside Lily’s gonna love this right but where’s the exit gonna be it’s gonna be right over here and we already did two super duper deadly dangerous mobs how about we do something that we both love uh oh yeah

We’re gonna make this next exhibit a bunch of beautiful beautiful dogs so first we have to make it and since it’s gonna be our exhibit let’s make it out of red and blue blocks yeah that’s block her dogs oh yeah so let’s grab some red wall and light blue wool and

Our magic wand and um how are we gonna do this how about we make this side over here all out of red wool like this then we make this side over here all out of light blue We’ll add wait a minute oh gosh I did this wrong we have to make it

Up here so we could have glass underneath so let’s make it like that grab our magic wand then put it over here perfect and now let’s set it all with some light blue perfect about then let’s do the same for over here and set it all with some red wool that looks

Awesome and then let’s make it go down over here for another wall then let’s make it go down this way all the way over here Kaboom nice and wait wait wait we have to make the bottom two layers out of glass so let’s set it like this

Cup out perfect and let’s set this one over here at a glass that’s awesome and also these over here nice and now this looks awesome all we need to do now is this size so let’s set a wall like this all the way to the red and then use our

Magic wand to set it all with some light blue wool like this and then finally we need some glass so let’s set it all down and boom we now have all the walls complete and this is going to be our dog enclosure won’t this be awesome yeah

This is the coolest thing in the universe Earth hi now and um how are we gonna do this how about we grab some fences and we’re gonna get some light blue ones and some red ones and then we’re gonna put some light blue ones like this then some red ones next to it

Like that boom perfect and then we’re gonna spawn in all the dogs and the reason I put in the fences is because we need to get some bones so we could tame all the dogs and yes they’re all becoming my friends oh yeah this is awesome so let’s tame all of them and

The fence is making them not run away perfect they’re all now about to be tamed and yes it’s done now we could break all the fences and they can roam freely but wait we actually need to put a gate hey do not go into the Enderman area that’s super dangerous guys wait

Let’s grab a blue fence gate and put it over here so we could go but they can perfect and oh my oh there’s so many dogs in here right yeah this is almost a billion I know but um dogs are gonna get hungry if we just leave them here right yeah let’s try

Food oh yes perfect and since we’re dogs we’re just gonna get them the food we like of course so let’s get some raw beef some raw mate Samurai chicken and of course Some Enchanted banana apples I love these so much and um what else how about some pork chops that’s awesome but

Um Roxy how are we gonna feed them automatically oh what if we have dispensers on the top that feed them that would be a great idea so let’s grab some dispensers now let’s make the ceiling just like this and we can make it all out of glass

Blocks just like that kapow now let’s go back underneath and we’re gonna set some dispensers facing down so it’s gonna shoot out food so let’s play something just like this all along the top cabal this is awesome oh my yo the doggies are gonna love this and let’s set it all the

Way and so we reach the end and boom now there’s a bunch now let’s fill it up with some food so this dispenser is gonna have some raw pork chops then this one over here is gonna have the enchanted banana apples then here’s gonna be some chicken then here’s gonna

Be some mutton then here is gonna be some beef and Roxy you do the rest and I’m gonna work on the Redstone so they can all fall in all right all right on it perfect and while he does that let’s go up here and now we have to make it so

All this food can be shot down down but um how can we do this I know for sure we’re gonna need some Redstone and of course a button to activate it and maybe some Redstone repeaters now what we have to do is obviously put redstone on top

So let’s just put them all like this Kaboom perfect and we need to connect it all and wait there’s an easier way to do this let’s just use our magical wand and then set this entire layer with some Redstone and got bow it’s now all set that is super duper awesome and let’s

Test it out so if we activate it will it spawn in food and oh it does that is perfect oh my yo there’s food everywhere right yeah look at this yummy yummy food oh my God I love it so much but wait a minute we need a way to activate it from

Down there um what’s the easiest way to do this use the redstone torch elevator oh my yo yes that is genius so what we have to do is go back over here just like this then put a redstone torch over here then let’s make our redstone torch

Elevator just like this leading all the way up to here compound perfect now let’s make the Redstone current go this way and then into the Redstone now let’s test it out so let’s go back down and then put a button right behind this redstone torch and now when we hit it uh

Wait what nothing happens oh gosh we need to see where we went wrong Roxy hit the button please okay boom and wait what nothing happens huh hit the button again okay here and wait what it’s not turning off the redstone torch huh maybe because it’s a glass block so let’s

Replace it with a normal block then now let’s go back over here and put a redstone torch here all right let’s test it out and weigh it activated and oh my yo that’s the food worked oh my gosh it works perfectly we have food for all the doggies uh

But um wait a minute Roxy we have a really really big problem um you know what happens when animals eat right oh my yo nasty nasty nasty Roxy but we need a toilet for these guys right yeah let’s build one right now all right and we’re gonna build it right over here so

Let’s grab some fences to Mark where the toilet area is gonna be and we’re gonna make these fences out of pink fences because Lily is poop what did you just say ah nothing Lily I didn’t say you were poop on my nose she heard me but

Let’s move these dogs come on excuse me and now boom this is gonna be the toilet area but how are we gonna make this work first make a toilet oh yeah that is super smart but what do we want our toilet to be made out of gold blocks duh

Oh yeah of course because our toilets are always super shiny and we’re gonna make soil it right over here so let’s make the bottom of it just like that and oh my own is gonna be huge then let’s make the sides over here yeah that looks

Good then let’s make it go this way oh gosh it’s gonna be awesome then let’s make the back of it just like that capella and now we’re gonna need a fence gate to enter the toilet of course so let’s grab one and put it right over

Here so we can enter it yes and then we’re gonna need some water right yeah let’s get some alrighty I don’t wait a minute oh gosh I just got a funny idea what if we get something else what if we got some beer no this

Is oh gosh this is so funny and boom our toilet is done uh um if we poop we miss the poop is gonna stay here oh wait a minute let me test it out Let me poop out the food I just said oh yeah oh yeah I’m pooping everywhere oh my

Gosh we made a giant mess and yeah you’re kind of right about this all the poop stays we need to wait for it to disappear but how how about we add lava oh yeah we can add lava underneath it or we could replace all the blocks over

Here with lava and then make it replace it back with the p yes that’s a great idea but um how are we gonna replace all these blocks with some lava any ideas dispensers would be really hard to do we need another way oh my yo wait that might actually work

So let’s grab our Command Block from before and we’re gonna make the flusher for the toilet right over here so let’s grab a lever and put it on the command block like that now we’re gonna need to make all these blocks turn into lava so let’s set a block over here and over

Here then grab the two positions with a command like that and then over here and grab the command like this and I’ll copy it over and put it inside and I replace it with lava and now let’s test it out so when we flick the flusher oh gosh it

All turns into lava and oh my own that actually works so now if there’s any poop it’s gonna delete it yeah this is great I’m pooping so much oh my yeah but um wait a minute we have a problem how do we make it back into liquid so we can go inside

Oh yeah genius idea so after we poop we need a way to make it back to normal so instead of using a lever let’s use a button and then put it on the command block over here now let’s grab some Redstone repeaters and then let’s put

One over here just like that with some delay and then another one with some more delay than another one with even more delay and then put a command block this way and then let’s put in the exact same command but instead we’re gonna replace it with some piece so now let’s

Test it out when we hit the button yes it turns back to B and then when we hit it again it turns into lava then it turns into P automatically let’s test so I go in I do all my business oh yeah great then I come out and then I flush

It and then boom it all gets deleted and then we could leave and yes they all have a perfect toilet now this is awesome right yeah this is so cool I can’t believe it this is great we have a working food dispenser and then of

Course a way to get rid of the food but now we need a way to get out so we’re gonna make it right over here so let’s grab another gate and let’s put it just like that so they can’t escape hey hey guys you guys are not escaping hey move

Oh my yo don’t be crazy get out of here so now we can get out but they can’t perfecta and I have a perfect idea for the last exhibit oh what is it oh my God we’re gonna spot catch it wait wait wait wait we’re gonna like put

In cats because Lily’s a cat and then like put lava on top of them are you sure that’s nice huh um I don’t know oh gosh this really seems mean but it’s gonna be so funny when Lily finds out and she goes crazy yeah that’s new it’s gonna be so much

Fun so first we have to make the last enclosure so let’s set some glass and rocks you do that side oh my yo this is the most genius idea ever and since this is the Cat Side Lily’s gonna think it’s good but it’s gonna be bad so first let’s grab some

Pink whoa and let’s fill it all up oh my gosh Lily’s gonna be so excited Lily we’re making you something for cats wait what really ah you’re gonna laugh it so much we’re gonna make a cat enclosure are you serious uh something like that

Why did you tease I did not tee oh my yo this is gonna be so funny you just did oh no oh my gosh but anyways we’ll see you in a little bit Lily now Roxy it’s time to get all the cats so let’s get some catsman eggs and let’s put them all

Inside we’re gonna put a billion oh my yo this is perfect now we’re gonna need to put the dispensers above them so they’re gonna go crazy and wait a minute oh no they’re escaping hey stop oh gosh Roxy this is bad oh my yo guys oh they must have heard

Our plans cats are terrible and boom We Now watch them I’m sorry everyone in here ah this is gonna be bad for you but let’s grab our dispensers and now we’re gonna put it all the way on the top we’re gonna put we don’t really need

Much we could just put one in the center and it’s gonna have lava inside how we gonna test this out well first we’re gonna have to put a path over here like this with some Redstone perfect now it’s activated so when we flick anything to activate it’s gonna hit this and we’re

Gonna try it with water so let’s put our redstone torch right over here and yes so much water spawns in that’s perfect and then when we stop it oh gosh the water doesn’t get sucked out but it doesn’t matter we need it for one time use and we’re gonna add lava

Great oh Mario this is gonna be insane so let’s get the lava and we’re gonna put it inside the dispenser perfect and oh my own now if we hit it it’s gonna destroy all the cats so don’t hit it yet but we’re gonna have to make a redstone

Torch elevator so let’s put the first one over here then the second one here then the third one here and we’re gonna make the fourth one like this connected to the back and oh gosh more escaping hey stop oh my yo stop time to escape oh

My gosh these guys are so rude whatever you guys can stay in there but the redstone torch elevator is complete and right now it’s active so if we grab a lever and now if we flick the lever yes it changes the output so right now it’s

Off so let’s put it like this perfect so it’s connected so when we flick that lever it’s gonna be on and lava’s gonna fall in that’s perfect and now the zoo is complete so let’s make the exit somewhere where the cats can’t find us so let’s grab some ladders and then

Climb up over here boom and then we could jump down here and this is going to be our exit so let’s put some blocks like this Kaboom Perfecto and then get some water buckets and put them all in here so we could just jump out and come

Out boom we made it out of the zoo and oh my yo this is awesome Raya yeah this is the best and wait a minute I just got a really good idea you know how there’s three of us right and three letters in the word Zoo yeah I know that what if we

Make the first letter of zoo my color which is blue cabal boom and then the second letter of zoo your color which is red oh I see do it and yes yes yes and you know what that means for the last color we have to make it purple

Um are you serious wait what do you mean are you serious purple’s the right color right yeah no it’s pink oh yeah I forgot Lily’s color is pink silly me so let’s grab some pink and then we’re going to make it all out of pink and oh my yeah

The zoo sign is now complete and that looks awesome and our Zoo itself is done but wait a minute remember the Eyes of Ender we made over here um yeah I remember that it’s kind of being covered up so let’s add it on each side so let’s add two purple like this

Perfect then let’s add the white around just like that Kaboom then let’s go to the other side of the two white like this perfect and then the purple in the middle oh my no nice and then finally let’s do this side right over here and this looks super duper awesome we have

Eyes on all four sides so you’re being watched but now we’re officially done so let’s go to Lily oh Lily are you done yet yeah I’m done and oh my yeah wait is this your Bangkok yeah isn’t it awesome oh I guess and wait a minute what is

That is that like an a what the hell is this ohms that’s a B for Bank Lily that is not a b Roxy take a look at this this does not look like a b right it literally looks like two circles not look like a bee oh my yellow Lily

You’re so silly but wait a minute what’s this over here this is parkour what is this for this is so you can enter my bank oh it’s like a secret mission so we have to do parkour to get up and oh my Yahweh I failed oh gosh wait let me do

This all I want to go just like that and wait Roxy’s ahead of me oh no he’s gonna steal everything inside the big I gotta hurry up I’m going as fast as I can oh gosh and yes I made it and whoa what the hell is this this is called water Trident

Parkour oh I got it and Roxy is cheating on my own Roxy get back over here hey come back here all right fine I’m coming oh my God your engineer pumpkin eater and oh I get it we have to use these tridents to move so I hold it and then

Whoa I go flying and land in here then I do it again and yes and wait I have a really good idea I’m gonna use the Trident to skip the parkour and oh my yeah I made it inside ha Roxy let’s go and oh my gosh there’s so much enchanted

Diamond armor in here this is super duper awesome and Enchanted banana apple so let me put it all on myself baby oh you have to be in survival wait what okay let me make myself in survival and let me do the same for Roxy and now what

And now you have to step on this pressure plate all right let me step on it this is not smart at all why would you put this in the bank he’s gonna blow everything up oh my God she is so powerful Roxy help me out I’m dying oh my yo he’s about to

Blow run run and woof I lived good thing we made it out and there’s no more mobs right yes sir yes there is wait what is that a million skeleton hey leave my friend alone and oh my you’re wrong so he’s using his special moves on us careful

Careful hey hey let me know die die yes we did it Roxy we are the Dream Team dogs are the best dogs are the best wait what Roxy why are you hitting me okay now let’s continue robbing the bank what else is in here Lily Holmes you

Went through all the levels at once wait what are you serious and um where is the bank vault I’m trying to rob this place there’s a ghost block wait what a ghost block oh so it’s like a secret room where’s the ghost block we have to find

It come on where is it Roxy do you see it anywhere I don’t know I don’t see it all Lily can we get a hit where is it I can’t find it anywhere it’s somewhere somewhere outside huh let me check and whoa oh my God Roxy I found all the gold

Oh my yeah we’re red wait Roxy there no don’t kill me I have one really dude all mine oh my yo not funny oh God let me TV back to you and yes we completed your bank thank you Lilia did you guys like it huh I don’t know because the

Question was would you rather make a bank or a zoo so let’s look at our zoo and then we’ll decide which one okay all right let’s go okay you’re gonna love this so let me go back into creative and let’s fly up out of here and oh my God

This place is oh gosh destroyed but Welcome to our zoo and wait wait we need to make another vehicle and let me grab one for you Lily what’s something you would like how about a mini bike so let’s put it next to the Tractor and oh

My oh that is perfect so Lily hop in the mini bike I’m in the tractor and let’s go to our zoo and oh my yo this is super awesome make sure to park right over here and cut power and as you can see the first thing we have is the word zoo

In all of our colors blue red and pink do you like it whoa this is awesome all right now and then to enter the zoo we have to go over here and type in the secret code try and guess it let me guess one two three four wait why how do

You know oh my gosh whatever and Welcome to our first exhibit oh there’s nothing in here well first opened this chest to get all of your gifts it’s some big armor and a diamond sword with sharpness one do you like it yeah this is awesome

But why do I need this wow you’re gonna need it in a second because guess what I’m gonna put you in survival because you have a big surprise AKA a bunch of creepers oh my yo and wait a minute I did not think this threw the creepers though there’s

No no no don’t let him get everything that oh gosh Lily has been killed and oh my yo I think the creeper is about to explode everything oh no no ah guys why do you do that this did not go to plan and I’m Lily I think all the catches got blown up

Gosh nothing bad was gonna happen to the cats anyway oh Roxy this is really really bad this is not going to plan at all right right next to the creepers oh gosh and now Lily has the butter armor back on put it back on you know what we’ll go

Into survival to help you out okay all right thank you no problem in here take some Enchanted banana apples you two Roxy because we’re going to the next area and nope I don’t know if we can even do this it’s an Enderman and in here there’s some new armor some

Enchanted golden armor with a lily the sword sword with sharpness three uh whoa this is are coming in three two one Liam uh never mind let’s do it oh my other hair and thigh oh my gosh wait guys uh this is Mario Roxy this is serious

Who can I oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m almost first die die die get out of here leave us alone and wait did we do it was it that easy oh my God how do you have you were so rude and oh my oh he just clapped oh

Gosh and wait he just teleported away ah you can get us what is he gonna do away Lily Lily oh my gosh Lily went out we have to go save her oh my yellow leave my friends allow new bully yeah powerful I know right and oh gosh what

Is happening guys run away he’s yelling oh my yo this is scary oh gosh oh gosh go get him get him get him while he’s weak we could do this guys uh let’s do it okay final boss come on and wait why he keeps teleporting stop being

A baby and what the heck he just summoned some clones oh my yo leave it out loud ow oh gosh I can’t see anything he’s pushing me in the water oh he is sorrowful I know right what do we do we need to do something bigger right

Now I’m Coming For the Kill where is he hey uh Mr Enderman you are dead leave us alone and wait guys right he’s doing something oh my yo he’s doing a special move oh I think yes we did we got him he’s dead we just need to survive and

Come on we lived and oh my oh he dropped his eyes off Ender good job guys we did it yes I was so powerful but we did it together oh yeah Lily great job Roxy great job now we can’t move on are you excited to see what’s nextelia

Yeah I’m so excited and don’t worry it’s not dangerous it’s something you’re gonna love it’s a dog area not like dogs at all wait what you know like dogs dogs are awesome check it out we have our own food thingy majingy it like launches out food isn’t this super cool oh

This was nasty oh yeah I forgot you’re a cat you eat like fish gross but check this out we have a golden toilet where if we poop inside just like that uh you might want to get out for this get out of the toilet Lily you don’t want to see

What’s about happened then we hit this button it turned to love it oh yeah Roxy what are you doing oh my oh super silly but yeah we have a working toilet and that’s super awesome and oh my L Roxy relax now let’s go out over here and um this was supposed to be

A cat area oh Mario they all died yeah we were gonna kill them anyways to prank you but they’re just dead so yeah that’s it you’re gonna walk oh nothing nothing let’s just run up out of here and then jump into the water and boom We Made It

Out guys isn’t that awesome yeah that was but the question is would you rather build a zoo or build a bank bank of course oh my y’all what about you Roxy let’s take a vote if two people vote for one of the things we’re gonna pick that

So what do you say Roxy you pick first well I pick zoo of course so that’s one for zoo and one for Bing so it’s all up to you who do you decide come on Roxy you help me build it come on foreign and that was an awesome adventure and if

You want to join us on our next click right here bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft But WOULD YOU RATHER…’, was uploaded by Omz on 2023-02-16 15:02:05. It has garnered 1023106 views and 4942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:35 or 2795 seconds.

#omz #Minecraft Omz and friends play Would You Rather in Minecraft!


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-Playing Minecraft as a HELPFUL Creeper!

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-Playing Minecraft as a HELPFUL Enderman!

-NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated In an Alphabet Lore Build Challenge! (Letter P)

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-I Survived 100 Days on ONE BLOCK in Minecraft!

-Omz Got 100% BUFF In Minecraft!

-Everyone WANTS TO KISS OMZ In Minecraft!

Using INVISIBILITY to Prank My Friends in Minecraft!

-Omz FELL IN LOVE In Minecraft!


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-I Became POOR In Minecraft! Homeless Story Poor to Rich

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-Minecraft RAFT But There IS ONLY ONE BLOCK!

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-Minecraft Surgery! Hospital Build Battle Challenge One Block!


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-I Became a VAMPIRE in Minecraft!

-Adopted By A ANGEL FAMILY In Minecraft!

-I Cheated with a PROFESSIONAL BUILDER in a building competition in Minecraft #minecraft #omz

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  • “Speedrun to the Nether 😂” #minecraft #meme

    "Speedrun to the Nether 😂" #minecraft #meme When you tell your friend you’ll just make a quick visit to their Minecraft world and end up spending hours building a giant dragon in the portal. Time flies when you’re having fun! #minecraftmadness 😂🐉🕰️ Read More

  • Uncover the Ultimate Minecraft Mod!

    Uncover the Ultimate Minecraft Mod! The Exciting World of Modded Minecraft Way Stones Mod Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Look no further than the Modded Minecraft Way Stones Mod! This incredible mod introduces a whole new dimension of gameplay that will keep you hooked for hours on end. What Are Way Stones? Way Stones are magical stones that allow players to teleport between different locations in the Minecraft world with ease. No more tedious journeys on foot or by horse – simply activate a Way Stone and you’ll be instantly transported to your desired destination. This feature… Read More

  • Meeting the Dark Trader in Minecraft! Lucky Block Island Adventure

    Meeting the Dark Trader in Minecraft! Lucky Block Island Adventure Exploring the Dark Trader in Minecraft’s Lucky Block Sky Block Islands In a recent Minecraft video, the player encountered a mysterious figure known as the Dark Trader on the Lucky Block Sky Block Islands. Let’s delve into the thrilling events that unfolded during this gameplay! Breaking Lucky Blocks and Discovering Islands As the video begins, the player starts by breaking Lucky Blocks, uncovering various surprises and challenges along the way. After navigating through different obstacles, they eventually stumble upon a series of islands, each with its own set of enemies and mysteries. Encountering Enemies and Unraveling Secrets On the… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Luc4s_974 Grows Giant Cactus! #MinecraftSkyblock

    Unbelievable: Luc4s_974 Grows Giant Cactus! #MinecraftSkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Une Plus Grande Usine A Cactus Nolvac – Minecraft Skyblock !ip’, was uploaded by Luc4s_974 on 2024-08-28 17:31:23. It has garnered 110 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 06:02:15 or 21735 seconds. Nolvac a Skyblock in 1.20.1 to 1.20.4 in the theme of a land destroyed by Volcanoes! Discord: IP : Site : ▬▬ My Networks ▬▬ ►Twitch: ►Instagram : ►TikTok : ►Discord : ▬▬ Support Me ▬▬ ►Make a Donation: ►Instant-Gaming : ►My Creator Code: LUCAS974 ►Become a Member of the… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft vs Zombies Mashup!

    Ultimate Minecraft vs Zombies Mashup!Video Information This video, titled ‘PvZ Meets MINECRAFT! (Minecraft vs Zombies)’, was uploaded by MattShea on 2024-08-22 14:30:14. It has garnered 37427 views and 1660 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:48 or 1548 seconds. What if Plants vs Zombies took place in the Minecraft world and Crazy Dave was actually a VILLAGER? Let’s play this surprisingly awesome mashup! PvZ • PvZ 2 • PvZ 3 • PvZ:ND • GW2 • About Minecraft vs Zombies: Minecraft vs Zombies 2 (MvZ2) is a fan game of Minecraft, Plants vs Zombies and Touhou Project, it is… Read More

  • World Ending Tomorrow?! SofiaSurf Minecraft Adventure!

    World Ending Tomorrow?! SofiaSurf Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘esto pasaría si el mundo se acabara mañana 😨🌍 #minecraft’, was uploaded by SofíaSurf on 2024-04-21 00:54:07. It has garnered 213889 views and 12708 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE New Minecraft Mods 1.21-1.19.2!!

    INSANE New Minecraft Mods 1.21-1.19.2!!Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 27 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Week! (1.21 to 1.19.2)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-08-05 11:00:35. It has garnered 42766 views and 1305 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:08 or 1808 seconds. TOP 27 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Week! (1.20.11, 1.21 to 1.19.2) Join my channel membership to get more Useful contents : 00:00 -The Masquerade (Illager Boss) 1.19.2 (Forge) 02:48 -Sniff’s Weapons 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) 04:07 -Dropped Item Tweaks 1.21 —— 1.20 (Fabric) 04:52 -OutroNinja’s Fast Piglin Barter 1.21 (Datapack) 05:35 -Mob AI… Read More

  • Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft for Real Money in Discord

    Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft for Real Money in DiscordVideo Information This video, titled ’24*7 SMP Minecraft join Today Win real money in discord | 24*7 server || #Minecraft #gamerfleet’, was uploaded by GLAD TIME on 2024-05-05 18:05:49. It has garnered 91 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:14 or 11414 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to the World of MineCraft! 🌟 🎮 Join me on epic adventures through pixelated landscapes, mysterious dungeons, and hidden treasures. Whether it’s building towering castles, surviving zombie hordes, or uncovering ancient secrets, we’ll explore it all together! SMP Server :- IP: Port: 57892 Discord :- Youtube :- Instagram… Read More

  • Unlock the Haunted Secrets of BLCKRKN Village👻😱 #horrorstories

    Unlock the Haunted Secrets of BLCKRKN Village👻😱 #horrorstoriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The SECRET Village👻😨 | HORROR STORIES #horrorstories #horrorstory #trending’, was uploaded by BLCKRKN STORIES on 2024-09-24 12:50:00. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Minecraft video credit: naybr@Naybr Sound: Halloween by Pulsar_Sound Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Villager Love Story 💔🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Villager Love Story 💔🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Villager’s Love Story in Minecraft #minecraft #animation #shorts #gaming #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by FilmySteve on 2024-09-08 08:44:05. It has garnered 1114 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Villager’s Love Story in Minecraft Minecraft Shorts #minecraft #animation #shorts #gaming #minecraftmemes #memes #minecraftanimation #minecraftbuilding #bedwars #funny #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • INSANE! Beating Minecraft in Mid-Air?!

    INSANE! Beating Minecraft in Mid-Air?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft Mid-Air…’, was uploaded by Plix on 2024-05-08 05:09:50. It has garnered 621 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:52 or 532 seconds. In this video I’m attempting to beat Minecraft only floating, this makes it so I’m constantly stuck mid-air and the looming threat of floating away breathing down my back. This Minecraft challenge was extremely hard, especially entering the Nether, but beating the game and the dragon was clutch. SUBSCRIBEEEEEEEE Data Pack: kinda like minecraft challenges, minecraft hardcore,RageTrain, Minecraft lets play, minecraft survival, smp videos, beating minecraft… Read More

  • Insane School Rule You Won’t Believe!! 😲|#2danimation #funny

    Insane School Rule You Won't Believe!! 😲|#2danimation #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘😂 Rule No 10 😂 In School|#2danimation #animation #spongebob #minecraft #tf2 #cartoon #funny’, was uploaded by Tech Monster Gamerz on 2024-09-10 21:54:36. It has garnered 764 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. 😂 Rule No 10 😂 In School|#2danimation #animation #spongebob #minecraft #tf2 #cartoon #funny@Boogytoons Video Credit -@Boogytoons shortfeed #viral #funny😂  |#shorts #shortfeed #funny #mocodog #funny #shorts #mocodog #viral  #shorts #funny #cartoon #viral |#shorts #youtubeshort #funny #mocodog#comics#funnyvideo #funnyshorts #funnymemes #funnymoments #funnyclips #cartoons #animation #youtubeshorts #youtube #trending #trendingvideo #trendingshort #moco #aifay 👉Editing-Capcut 👉Voice Over- Tech Monster Gamerz 👉Mobile Phone… Read More