Outsmarting Prokaryotes in Minecraft

Video Information

This is a series where I’m basically gonna recap my lectures from University and uh yeah I just play Minecraft while I do it oh ouch so today we are going to talk about procaryotic diversity basically procaryotic related stuff uh the FPS is very slow because I have a potato of a

Computer so this is what we’re going to get okay procaryotic diversity the first thing when we have to talk about when diving into the term Pro carot is what is it and what is the things beside it generally organisms are divided into ukar and procaryotes and in middle school I was taught that

Procaryotes we’re only bacteria and I do not know if this is still going around in Middle Schools but this is wrong lately or not lately it’s been a while since it’s been discovered that uh procaryotes also have another domain of Life called archa which have soul walls that are unlike the bacteria

Not made of pepo Pep dolyan I hope that’s how you say it and um these are like if you imagine a tree which is what we call in biology a tree of life there are two branches one leads to bacteria and the other splits off into

Another two ends which leads to ARA and ukaria so if you plot this out you’ll see that ARA and ukaria are more closely related and uh from my notes it says that they share transcription and translation Machinery so I haven’t specified in my notes but I’m assuming that this is

Referring to proteins proteins and and maybe ribosomes I have no freaking clue but yeah so the now we we can establish that life is split into three domains bacteria ARA and ukaria and procaryotes are basically bacteria and ARA who have no real nucleus let’s go to our next point which

Is the genome if you know biology you know that genetics is a huge thing when it comes to analyzing The procaryotic genome the first immediate thing that you should know is that procaryotes like every procaryote generally has a plasmid whereas very little UK carots have

Plasmids for now I do not know why that is the case so maybe I should check that out later it’s most likely having to do with soul structure so procaryotes have plasmids and plasmids are basically uh usually depicted as circular DNA but they can also be linear which they also

Have Tome mirors which is kind of cool but yeah they are extra CH chromosomal DNA molecules that basically replicate independently of the chromosome so if you know about the M if you know about mitosis the the cycle replic ation cycle I forget what it’s called I imagine that this means it

Replicates independently of that process okay plasmids they replicate independently of the mitotic cycle most probably so if you have read the selfesteem by the hit author Richard Dawkins then you would understand that maybe some people would uh speculate or maybe it’s just accepted as a general

Truth I’m not sure but plasmids may be selfish like independently of chromosomes and uh that I think has a lot of cool implications that I have not thought of yet that I should later oh wow that is kind of deep there are transposable elements on plasmids transposable elements the most famous

Example being jumping jeans are basically DNA sequences with the ability to move from their original strand something like that you can tell I’m reading it out loud because I’m not Moving okay and so they are they do this with transposons which are a type of protein oh holy it’s getting late and what they do is they find a section of inverted repeat uh sequences so for example ctg C A and then on the other end they’ll identify GAC GTC which is the

Uh flipped version if you like do the at CG thing and so they cut these ends and so these ends are now free to move around or they’re freely floating in the CYO Zone and uh I would assume that these transposons or not transposons these transposable elements they float around until they find

Another cut end with the same name sequence and then they stick themselves on there foros foros whoa what is that wait what a chest it’s crimbo holy it’s Christmas I didn’t even process that happy Merry Christmas guys wait I’m going to make a crimbo chest just for this oh my

God we were talking about transposable elements and so we just established how they work and so what do they codee for my notes say that transposons usually code for multiple things at the same time for example blah blah what is blah blah is apparently a piece of code a piece of

DNA that encodes for beta lactam lact which confers resistance to ampicilin ampan I I swear I know what that is I just don’t know how to say it trust me it’s a bad thing for Humanity not for the bacteria because if this Gene is jumping around then that means uh it can

Transfer its genes to potentially other bacteria and so it kind of spreads antibiotic resistance just like it spreads this an illness I guess uh this is all about transposons which is very cool very very poggers what is next on our list I have a very short point about phages which

Are integrated viruses and apparently fages are being studied as a way of combating antimicrobial resistance so basically we are creating super viruses that are killing super bacteria very poggers oh my God oh my God that scared me that oh my God I actually scared the crap out of me holy

hell yeah rotten flesh don’t mind if I do oh my God I’m so good at this game okay what is next on our list wow okay fages were not a short point I was completely wrong there is a whole section on them so how are fages created

Or rather I was wrong they’re not artificial they’re they seem to be entirely uh natural which is very POG fages are split into virulent and temperate and virent fages basically they never integrate into the hosts chromosome so basically they always kill the uh kill the host and uh they don’t

Integrate so they come out of it completely intact a village yeah oh come back here where are you no no no no no no no there’s a zombie let’s get to a bed kick this guy out out my house now and um yeah so that’s a violent Fage

But a temperate Fage as the sweet name suggests basically integrates into the chromosome and so it’s kind of like a symbiotic relationship and um yeah that’s what fa oh my God why is there a portal here right next to the Village a hoe I’m so cra I’m I’m holy

okay what are we on what are we on I’m not distracted so basically in temperate fages they’re more intelligent than than I gave them credit for so they can Str up no they can what’s it called they can uh sense yeah that’s the word they can

Sense when their bacterial host host is stressed basically they’re not doing so hot and so when that happens they most likely they basically kill the host and spread to other cell so I guess that’s more evil uh so I guess temperate was a pretty misleading name oh my God a Saddle we saddle in what first happens is that the Fage a virus attaches to its bacterial or archo host and inserts its DNA which I assume is could be a plasmid but I could be wrong because I’m not too sure if viruses can have plasmids basically they insert their

DNA and then the DNA is integrated into the host’s DNA and they live peacefully together happily ever after except when the host is having a bad time and so the Fage it’s going to go through a lot of transcription translation and replication inside of the host and then it

Packages everything into more mini phages inside the host and um one interesting thing that I noted down this is my know is that it’s not just the fages DNA that is packaged it’s also very possible for chromosomal DNA to be pack packaged inside like inside the phages so

Basically that that just allows the transfer of DNA between organisms which is like really cool and um that probably has played a big role in evolution is my guess we I don’t think we talked about that in lectures we’ll see when the fages are all packaged and done holy it’s a

Horse after everything is packaged and done Lis will occur a huge dramatic thing where the cell bursts open the host cell bursts open and the face ages all come spelling out like some horror movie uh where’s my sad where are you are everything goes to after the Lis the big Lis of

87 and uh the Fage reemerges as a new individual I can’t believe I haven’t died yet I usually die on the first day we find ourselves in a new Point diversity in general okay this is a topic for sure um so diversity can come in several different

Places in the scope of biology for today we are going to talk about genome size and what else shapes and sizes and nutritional modes and other lifestyle adaptations these are basically like lists so I’m going to try to Breeze through them first of all in genome size genome size is very related

To oops don’t mind the L genome size is very related to an organ oh my God an organisms lifestyle you can be an obligate pathogen where you are basically unable to self-replicate and you depend on a host to do that and so these genome size are sizes are generally very small because

First you have to move around a lot when it comes to uh obligate pathogens so you have to make sure that very little info is is uh lost in in transverse so the on the flip opposite of that is are organisms that are in constantly changing environments and they have incredibly

Large genomes to deal with different situations basically and so some examples I have are the micoplasma genitalium which apparently exists on your genitalia and they are obligate pathogens so they have a very small genome size of 0.58 MB MB as in like the data type that you usually see in downloads opposite to

That is the ther no not is the strepto mes Co y coli or colar what the is this apparently it’s something that lives on the soil where’s my saddle oh here it is bro bro is so frisky holy moly I’ve never seen a frisky horse like this that like turns around so

Much how are you my little frisky guy you’re a bit faster a bit of a better jump and a bit of a Better Health you’re a good choice I like you the strep streptomyces cooler which has a linear plasmid of 8.7 megabytes and the explanation for that

Is that they live in the soil which is a diverse environment where you can either have very little water or very or a lot of water and you have to deal with a lot of other organisms so yeah they would need to have a lot of data to deal with those uh

Situations yeah uh another lifestyle that I have not mentioned are extrem Ailes which are things that live in extreme environments like the most typical example I think are the bacteria that live on thermal vents and they die anywhere else so basically they’re very dependent on high temperature and because it’s obviously

High temperature so it’s not a diverse environment in ter terms of temperature or other organisms where is my horse frisky frisky where are you where are you there are so yeah EXT extremophiles by that logic would also have a smallish uh genome size and uh yeah

Let’s go to ride on let’s oh that’s a zombie yeah let’s right on into our next point which is another type of diversity this time it is diversity in shapes and sizes this one is a bit hard to describe I think I’m just going to put a photo of

My notes because it’s basically pictures very pretty pictures that I drew but there are squiggly things squiggly bacteria I guess and uh cir bacteria balls nuts even oh oh that’s sick I have never seen that before the whole thing buried under a sand castle yeah yeah I I did I have

Never done that before come here chump I have this for you hell yeah look at you you’re a little guy oh my God you have like pants and everything your pant you’re you’re you have pants Direction right now I’m not sure if that’s showing up I need them I need them guys I

Need holy Mo hello hello hello guys okay let’s go get some fish another bacteria note is the Theo Margaretta magnificent SAA which the name implies that is absolutely massive it’s it’s a unit it’s a unit of a bacteria it’s it’s one cell remember it’s like one

Cell and you can see it it’s the size of your eyelash that’s how massive it is we move on to our next field of diversity which is Major nutritional modes and this one is uh really quick so you got two classifications you have the autor tro and you have the heter

Tro and the autor tro is split into photo autor trops and chemo autotop so you most likely have heard of these terms before autor tropes are organisms that produce their own energy from uh basically not other organisms I think yeah not organic compounds your carbon Source comes from carbon dioxide

In the air so basically you eat out of the air and your energy source for most likely your uh photosynthesis comes from light in the photo autot tropes and inorganic chemicals and chemo autr and uh that’s pretty cool so on the other side of the coin we have

Heterotrofos and these things are also split into photo and chemo and uh these they produce their sea Source from organic compounds so most likely other organisms most procaryotes are chemoot which they’re energy source comes from organic compounds and their carbon Source comes from organic compounds also so yeah that’s major nutritional words

And our next point is lifestyle adaptations so this links a bit up to the topic of extrem files that we mentioned a while before and uh the lifestyle of a procaryote can be separated into oxic or an oxic basically you either use oxygen as an electron acceptor in photosynthesis so except from oxygen

There’s also the possibility of arsenic uranium apparently or you can just not oh oh no no no come back come back you can also just not go through uh the thing which is I was wrong it’s not photosynthesis bro is napping oh my God you have you have to have a whole

Rising animation that’s awesome you’re oh my God holy moly do that again you didn’t do it again do it again oh my god wow okay what if I look up while I do it what I guess there’s like a really long uh cool down this guy is cute the camels really nice

Addition look at the ears keep getting distracted okay I need to stop and look at the cat and talk so other than having the distinction of oxic and anoxic we can also uh differentiate procaryotes based on the pH of their environment so they can be alfiles or acidophiles or neutral which I don’t

Have a name for other than pH there’s pressure for example there’s high pressure on H hydrothermic Vents and these are called barophiles maybe there are low pressure low pressure procaryotes uh that would be really interesting actually I wonder where they would live maybe like on high altitudes on

Mountains maybe what’s next there is temperature obviously hydro thermal vent also very hot and those are called thermophiles moderate temperature files are called U misop files and hot like super duper hot loving procaryotes those are called hyper thermopiles and of course there’s also salt concentration so uh High concentration

Of salt loving Pro carots are called Halo files so finally moving on from this topic which is honestly not very interesting until you think about the specifics are communities of procaryotes procars live in community so basically they’re separated into layers of a cake in like in the wild for example Forest environments

You’re going to get micro M microbial mats and uh these are more fitting of the cake metaphoria so they form these layers and the top layer basically accept light and carbon dioxide or organic waste based on what kind of proto pro procario they are and uh this the top layer is where metabolism

Occurs and the further down you go the more anerobic it gets because there’s no Oxygen right so the further down you go the more sulfates and sulfites are produced and uh I would assume that they sort of pile up and it’s sort of like a geographic sediment thing where keep

Forming layers upon layers of metabolic layers which slowly go down into uh non-metabolic layer or rather an a robic layers surprisingly this is also the case in our very own gut we have a gut microbiome which is an environment of procaryotes B basically all bacteria and they form micro biofilms in

Our intestines in our gut and so these films are also layers of a cake I guess you could say and these layers are supposedly made of polysaccharide based on my notes which apparently makes them slimy as which is a good lubricant I guess good for the body very

Okay and that’s the end of the pro carots there’s a virus section that the lecture included but my notes basically say nothing except that they’re very diverse so I guess that’s the end of the session we end up here in a Mesa with nothing basically and uh but we do have these

Two very lovely fellas we have Frisk the diamond back oh my God and the little Purry guy I’m going to call you a button nose we have button Nose

This video, titled ‘i talk about [Diversity of Prokaryotes] while i play minecraft’, was uploaded by Havatoast on 2023-12-26 20:08:19. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:16 or 1816 seconds.

I needed to revise lecture material and I also needed to speak more confidently so this was my solution yipee

notes to myself: – after the 20-30 minute mark I start to lose focus and my voice gets raspier. i need to take a break at that time – I say too much “uh” “and um” “so”, maybe set up a punishing detector next time (it’s a shame i dont have electric shockers………………………) – make a rough organization before starting. summarize more, make it shorter, dont just go over every note i wrote – swear less bozo

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    LipoSMP ServerWelcome to Bosano Craft, where survival meets innovation in the vast and immersive realms of Minecraft. Embark on an adventure unlike any other as you explore custom-crafted landscapes, engage in thrilling jobs, climb the ranks of prestige, and thrive in a community-driven ecosystem. Bosano Craft offers a unique blend of classic survival gameplay with exciting features to enhance your experience. Dive into our custom map survival worlds, meticulously designed to challenge and inspire players of all skill levels. From lush forests to treacherous mountains, each landscape is handcrafted to provide endless opportunities for exploration and discovery. But survival is just… Read More

  • Rosefall SMP 1.20.1 Survival Dungeons & Bosses Custom Special/Event Items NO Whitelist

    Server Information: Server Address: play.rosefall.net Join Our Discord! discord.gg/rosefall Key Features: Custom Vanilla: Experience our server with a twist on Vanilla Minecraft. Play with custom materials, items, and weapons to combat unique adversaries. Dungeons and Quests: Protect Rosefall and uncover its mysteries. Delve into dungeons, tackle quests, and progress through the storyline while collecting impressive loot. Player-Driven Economy: Trade freely and set up player-run shops anywhere in the world, shaping the server’s economy. User-Friendly Land Claiming: Safeguard your property effortlessly with Golden Shovels provided from the start. Free Ranks: Earn ranks by playing and advancing on the server. Each rank… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Who else misses this?

    “Ah, the good old days when all we had to worry about was Creepers blowing up our houses instead of adulting.” Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Build

    Crafty Creations: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Build Welcome, welcome, to my Minecraft domain, Where the challenges are tough, but the fun’s never wane. I found something strange in my Hardcore world, A mystery to unravel, a story unfurled. I survived 1000 days, a feat so grand, In this blocky world, where danger’s at hand. The perfect start to my Hardcore adventure, Each moment a thrill, each challenge a venture. This Minecraft build will blow your mind, With creativity and skill, it’s one of a kind. Join me on this journey, through blocks and through caves, As we explore, discover, and be brave. So subscribe to my… Read More

  • Minecraft Realistic Physics: When Blocks Get Thicc

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  • The Ultimate Dragon Shenanigans in Ablecraft

    The Ultimate Dragon Shenanigans in Ablecraft The First Dragon Of Ablecraft On the 24th of July, a monumental event took place in the world of Ablecraft – the first ender dragon was defeated! This epic feat was captured during a Twitch livestream, showcasing the thrilling moment when the dragon met its demise. Supporting the Streamer For those who enjoyed the content and want to support the streamer, there is an option to donate via the provided link: Donate to Clevprof. Every contribution helps in creating more exciting gaming experiences for the audience. Connect on Social Media To stay updated on future streams and gaming adventures,… Read More

  • Minecraft After Dark Edit

    Minecraft After Dark Edit Minecraft Edit | After Dark | 4K #shorts Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft with the mesmerizing “After Dark” edit in stunning 4K resolution. Dive into a realm where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Let’s explore the magic that unfolds in this captivating Minecraft creation. The Night Comes Alive As the sun sets in the blocky world of Minecraft, a whole new adventure begins. The “After Dark” edit takes players on a journey through the night, where mysterious creatures emerge, and the landscape transforms under the glow of the moon. With intricate details… Read More

  • Firey Minecraft: Kidnapped by Crazy Fangirl!

    Firey Minecraft: Kidnapped by Crazy Fangirl!Video Information This video, titled ‘He Got Kidnapped by A Crazy Fangirl in Minecraft! (Firey Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Firey Minecraft on 2024-07-15 16:33:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. He Got Kidnapped by A Crazy Fangirl in Minecraft! (Firey Minecraft) ————- ————– โญ Welcome to Firey … Read More

  • Nico’s Wild Vacation: Minecraft Shenanigans!

    Nico's Wild Vacation: Minecraft Shenanigans!Video Information This video, titled ‘Having a NICO Vacation In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-05-15 03:00:34. It has garnered 356182 views and 5196 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:59 or 1199 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Today, everyone has a NICO Vacation in Minecraft! The kids takes Nico and his friends on a mysterious island! What will happen on this Nico Vacation?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • “Tragic Minecraft Loss ๐Ÿ˜ญ MrCreeper’s Best Friend Dies” #minecraftshorts

    "Tragic Minecraft Loss ๐Ÿ˜ญ MrCreeper's Best Friend Dies" #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft death of best friend ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ญ #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by MrCreeper on 2024-07-13 14:52:03. It has garnered 485 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. #minecraft #Minecraft #MinecraftCommunity #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftMods #MinecraftGaming #MinecraftTutorials #MinecraftTips #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftServer Minecraft Creative Minecraft Building Minecraft Adventure Minecraft Multiplayer Minecraft Singleplayer Minecraft Mods Minecraft Skins Minecraft Maps Minecraft Server Minecraft Redstone Minecraft Crafting Minecraft Mining Minecraft Blocks Minecraft Mobs Minecraft Ender Minecraft Nether Minecraft Biome Minecraft Village Minecraft Farming Minecraft Seeds Minecraft Texture Pack Minecraft Resource Pack Minecraft Realms Minecraft Command Blocks Minecraft… Read More

  • “๐Ÿ”ฅ Ultimate Minecraft House Design by Gaming King! ๐Ÿ”ฅ” #minecraft #gaming

    "๐Ÿ”ฅ Ultimate Minecraft House Design by Gaming King! ๐Ÿ”ฅ" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft morden house design #minecraft #trending #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Gaming-king๐Ÿ‘‘ on 2024-07-27 12:03:35. It has garnered 420 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Minecraft morden house design #minecraft #trending #gaming #shorts Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live Stream! #24

    EPIC Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live Stream! #24Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live #24#shots #minecraft #shabirzzgamer #livestream #live #shabirzz’, was uploaded by Shabirzz gamer on 2024-09-11 16:33:00. It has garnered 1055 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:14 or 3014 seconds. IP. umar123.aternos.me:60680 descord link https://discord.gg/CUcT3v9M Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live #24#shots #minecraft #shabirzzgamer #livestream #live #shabirzz ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Minecraft Live is an annual online event hosted by Mojang Studios, designed to showcase major updates, features, and upcoming content for Minecraft. The event is packed with exciting reveals, including the announcement of new game mechanics, mobs, biomes, and… Read More

  • Unboxing Devil Fruit in Minecraft One Piece Mod!

    Unboxing Devil Fruit in Minecraft One Piece Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘DEVIL FRUIT UNBOXING! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 13’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-08-08 22:00:14. It has garnered 3231 views and 228 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:34 or 3034 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbx05etE90g MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/@miraigaming5644 STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs DEVIL FRUIT UNBOXING! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 13 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students… Read More


    INSANE TRAIN MINECRAFT COLLAB - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘train austria collab minecraft’, was uploaded by Hร ng Mang on 2024-03-18 05:02:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Boy 6 DB7 Boy 32 DB 5 Boy 5 Train Boy 9 DB OBB 1016 Boy 77. Read More

  • Insane hack: Craft a chair in MINECRAFT!

    Insane hack: Craft a chair in MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘how to make chair in MINECRAFT .#minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by AB Gamer on 2024-05-02 09:15:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to make chair in Minecraft. Minecraft meh op furniture kese bananeh.#minecraft #shorts #viral about by video yeh video real … Read More