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Make sure to never miss another video by subscribing hit the bell to enable notifications hit the check mark save and if you enjoy the video leave a like okay so uh you gotta explain the outfit to me because you got like a hat for cold weather but then you have like

Shorts or a skirt or whatever that is and like I’ll have you know it’s a dress but okay whenever I don’t understand Girl Talk okay and you have like no nothing on your shoulders it’s kind of distracting by the way I’m just drawing my shoulders what is this

Your shoulders are distracting me Wow I mean you always distract me so I’m not even complaining that’s fine oh we’re not home so I mean way again we don’t have to answer the door I love company no you don’t creep to I ain’t come on in whoa he’s probably not the real Santa

The real Santa doesn’t come before Christmas well you don’t know that oh hi I crashed my sleigh um doesn’t look like crying it looks like he landed it there no no I crashed my everybody stolen it was much bigger so it just shrank in size when you crash

Hey Frank yeah I ate too many cookies yesterday and where’s your there’s a little Santa’s room why are you getting close to me hey I think you should just show him where the bathrooms at only holde I can we did target and you’re saying that can you give us a second

Santa come sure yeah if you just need to use bathroom sign so Santa um hence the North Pole house the North Pole yeah yeah just gonna bathroom no I oh my cookies that’s what that so quick he got a costume there’s a Santa’s code that you take any

Property yeah but you can get ago the bathrooms to go cuz bathroom sir oh it’s it’s fine thank you so much well close your doors bring you try to steal cookies it are you sure this guy’s like allowed to be in here apprehend him you want to apprehend okay cookies

You’re in my line of fire comes out of here he’s gonna get blasted all right um okay it’s the real sin of the way well the naughty list what if it’s not the really what if it’s the real Santa it looks pretty genuine to be dozy

Mm-hmm be sure you just try to steal our cookies I don’t know what’s more genuine than that cookie thief only makes me like look now I’m saying look I stole your cookies let’s see let me get the cookie see see I want the cookie see I

Knock knock Santa hurry up oh so much better I used your toothbrush thing don’t wait what yeah you clean the bomb of my friends oh thank you nice list you’re the nicest – for letting me use your toothbrush toothbrush for Christmas apparently that’s what I’m asking for which is no actually you’re getting

Dental floss no no I need a toothbrush in all your keep there – I mean yeah okay can I ask what is Bell’s get what is delicate yes I’m not no yes right she gets she gets just ring yeah whatever you guys want too much pressure already

Uh ringing for her boyfriend do you guys right oh no – he’s right okay I’m gonna get her get her a makeup studio a whole makeup story yeah is he gonna come with like it’s gonna come with a camera she can she can shoot her own line apart yeah okay Tana

It’s been lit deuces well I don’t looking around no it seems little bear for for Christmas you know pictures everywhere we’re just saying you know not my opinion fact of a favorite holiday of everybody so I think you should uh you know jolly Duncan here I’m not even JA

Lead up yet I didn’t know we were doing this today she didn’t tell me you know what I agree yes Girl Power Girl Power you say lad what can I say the girls always right apparently mmm-hmm yes okay we’re gonna get this done okay okay so wait someone start playing okay

You go get the Christmas jukebox alright start playing the Christmas music and and I’ll be in the kitchen where’s your kitchen wait no no no we don’t have a kitchen in this house actually it’s kind of weird oh really yeah sorry so maybe you can get us a new Christmas

Oh gosh you know I like the way she thinks yeah I do too that’s why I just wanna want a new kitchen kitchen that can be arranged you want a kitchen yeah we don’t have a kitchen I think it’s really bad to lie to see who’s lying is Anna

How will you tell me okay on a secret what’s up Brady thinks he’s on the naughty list what Brady hammer he does that’s cuz he is I don’t expect anything less I’m his father well um that’s my boy sorry we haven’t we have a strict code you know headquarters

Well code about what this is my headquarters I have a strict code in my headquarters yeah if how about this one cookie put them on the nice list two more all right Santa look women okay that’s a deal’s a deal I got a knife – what’s up so saying what’s up Barry

Santa’s very unfair he probably been shamed many times his life oh yeah one story of you saying oh you know I went to this house I found the llege it was actually just like this here actually little slipped like this I was last tell me our house had like 17

Cues definitely our house yeah I think I fell down like these two jumped on me started beating youth knives sounds like me that’s like you I’d say yes what they weren’t what – come to our house early do I come to your house early oh one night early um

And that’s not Christmas because I mean my recall this place I’m pretty sure I have come here Christmas it’s what you get shaved it wasn’t on Christmas was last year though definitely not last year some round last year I don’t know I think Sam is telling the lies in this household I

Think you know that means let’s go let’s go decorate no listen you make me uncomfortable Santa’s the guy who brings cheers or households okay so don’t stare intently they makes me late wait Santa would think of my pet horse your backers yeah what’s its name

You name it no Santa you should name it maybe put some jingle bells and you call it jingle red red ribbons Oh jingle bells for what a half a week how about you fellas that’s great Thank You Santa no problem okay yeah you guys have your bonding

Time I’m gonna actually decorate ice and you and a white football at a boy Santa doesn’t launch you should start sounding you wanted decorate with me let’s go decorate it sound like you’re way too happy to decorate don’t you have like your I’m like working what happen you’re

Like oh no no no I don’t have my own the barrier your own house I have a factory okay what happened don’t you have a house you have a factory you have somewhere for the elves to live are you overworking your elves Oh My house of chill they they work 24/7 for me they have no problem with it smart you have your bit clearly been around for a while you know what you’re doing I trust you we’re running out of construction stuff we would never get to this point I don’t know what to do Sanna

Do you have anything on you Santa have anything on yes no useless guy say that’s I didn’t say that did I I thought you had stuff in your bag Santa oh you have anything like that guy oh no we don’t have enough for a big Christmas

Tree I don’t have a big Christmas tree hey hey dude how about you go fetch oh I know we do what do you call me youngster yeah how’d you like 70 something that’s young I mean I’m like like 200 a 200 and so whatever one you die like if there’s

A new Santa coming in or like how there’s a dot man oh that’s alarming gonna test that do you want to test that yes and no let’s be good over here guys I’m just talking to Santa right Santa yeah so do we need stuff from the

Grocery store are we good for now um I think we’re fine I’m just gonna reuse our whole stuff oh yeah I’ll take I’ll take two canisters of the chocolate chip sprinkled donut cookie oh it’s not in here you don’t know this is not our kitchen Oh Oh what’s this

What is this sir they call it the cook room miss Monsieur your your husband is now he’s a white he’s a naughty not he’s a bad boy he’s a bad boy mm-hmm she likes bad boys say you live in Santa Claus si where’s your cookies

At I have cookie Santa are you sure yeah she traded all of them yeah I’m 100% positive looking right now really wants his cookies he’s only here to use this fruit why are you putting it man are you gonna help us santa needs cookie fuel

You’ve had six Santa need a good like 64 uh-huh here you go Santa hey say how about some steak and chips steak and chips protein yeah I need protein you need presents that’s what you need can I have scholars all those presents you know I want to help you want to help I

Want to help I have presents for you no he doesn’t get help he’s going Santa Danah Santa Santa family on stir your kids are on you since to the Santa Claus Factory get out and tell me something we don’t know we raised him like that so we should start buying kid

Really sleeves cleanup you like the leaves in this household life leaves yeah all right well everybody has their flaws that is low oh sorry sandy trying to get sheep shank shank I think it’s you oh my goodness you don’t got no knife Santa are you the

Real genuine oh he has he has an arrow and he just pointed at me what’s up nice can I shoot him map uh I’m about to say yeah cuz he doesn’t seem that genuine with all those threats see cause it’s very genuine maybe he’s only nice during

The OB but never breathe you can put this back now oh okay maybe you’re only nice during the hot Santa what are you doing well he’s looking at all our art no I think Santa’s it likes your art brief sounding like my art what art do

You like my art which one they say all of them Santa Santa look at me if you say yes I gave you this I love this piece of artwork right here I love them all these are amazing oh thank you I’m glad you think those things I think that think so too Santa

Yeah oh that’s cute I like that a little tree up there mm-hmm that was cute we need stockings do we have stockings ooh we could get some I think I need to reuse more stuff though I can go to there what’s it called you won’t go to store and go to the

Store really yes get the cookies for me all right fine zani knowing if that’ll shut you up I’ll get you cookies you don’t talk to Santa that way I just what’s up Yeah that’s what it does Silas you need to talk to your husband you know any people have told her that before yeah give them a spanking yeah ah you know do the bent-over whoa okay Barney right now okay I’m gonna go go I will shank you you get close to me

I’ll do it i’ma call the grocery store cause I wanted to be Simpson okay fine honey I’m home Sam I better not be here he’s right there hi I got stuff for you oh my god did you get this stuff I was I get Wyatt the

Stuff I request I got the stuff my wife requested did you stuff did you get the stuff the guy that determines whether you’re done the nice or naughty list I’ve been off the nice list what do you know how many years I’ve been off the

Nice list um your whole life yeah Wow he really knows I’m on the nice list some people just don’t change Alex I know look you think I don’t say it where’d you go why you disappearing on me hey guys let’s go look for some cookies I got cookies for you Santa I listened

To your demands better than you ever listened to mine call me cookie I got you cookies even though you’ve been a bad man and all you’ve done is threaten me I’m ready that’s all you’re doing this whole time Nashik me it’s me mister you threatened to spank me so I

Defended my side effects no there is not a famous very Bible who made you my mom That’s right Santa get Punk’d here take some cookies heel that off no more you’ve become a good boy you get more Wow how the roles have turn and I feel happier Sanna Sanna I made you something there you go I like that one way more

All this lady I love what’s up you want to be back thank you here you know that your husband is very very reasonable am I am i Santa yeah go you can’t have that – do you need more clay is that good do you want this I need more decorations I

Want some decorations you can have this thank you thank you anymore yes sir you can use this – ray you guys decorated but you’re picking everything out what I trust you like decoration plates okay sure Mike come come don’t don’t come I’m getting mixed signals here

I don’t know saying I’m confused – so Santa and when this moment happens what should you do what should you do well well I did I do – cause of it oh you’d miss around for very long time no no no miss causes down the south end she

Said all right actually so you let miss class in the South Pole oh yeah and you went up to them yes where yes ma’am Santa get out my face Oh the Santa has terrible advice as you hear he said by who hi hi Vanna come here away whoa

Never seen a trend suit you Vanakkam here they come you Santa being sneaky vadas Hannah Oh so Santa so you guys are supposed to be fighting where’s the love tabs like Cupid you welcome Santa yeah keep it hurts gonna come here yes awesome here no trap me

Come here all right nice no say that works look up guys look up it’s kind of far you know Owen classes myself what Santa Santa Santa I will a shank you V if you clothes sounds awfully silent today sinners hello terrifies this one of the scenarios yeah

Yeah these are the big candy canes what is that oh it’s Shelley Shelley did know Shelley was still alive I’ve been on it hey Santa yeah where’s Shelley on this list she’ll is all the way at the top a nutshell he’s a good girl good girl right yeah of course

She is what did you say you better put my snail daughter on the nice list right now she’s at the very bottom of the ninth excuse me Santa she’s all this I saw my I don’t get where she is honest I never see this list hmm a table witchcraft

Mmm let’s see what’ll feed me for Christmas with snow globe I like snow globes do you like snow globes hello snow globe Santa what are you doing you’re scaring me I know we just very quiet and it’s like okay no um so question how are you gonna

Fit all the stockings on our fireplace I just did you did yeah so we’re doing three um yes yeah I’ll do 525 yeah us too in our fingers okay that’s good bowels and Brady help oh wait what’s the middle one that’s five it’s me Hugh bells and Brady ah

No bells Brady me oh yeah um we could have a competition they gotta earn it I’d sure why not what do you like one of them Kai and I he’s not really been around kinda makes me sad kind of makes me sad too we got the

Presence of his house and a lot of presents I mean we do have a lot of kids though I wait I almost forgot the most important part mistletoe come here yes ma’am no oh Santa did you bring snow I don’t know if he did yeah oh wow I made a mess I’m sorry

You didn’t make a mess hey Santa tada oh do you think I like it this is good I know huh yeah well you know what Christmas is not all about the presents wha it’s about who’s around the tree with you hello did you get our poetic and

This year I’m gonna be around the tree with you hi and that’s all that matters to me I’m gonna give you an applaud for that I got just enough love Oh whoo and the cookies and Santa don’t want to talk to me anymore let’s get it maybe he passed out

You think you passed out didn’t really seem right about saying I did it maybe we had one too many cookies I’m not gonna question it kind of thing just a little bit off yeah just just leave it oh that’s good I mean we can do some more decorations

Yeah you don’t have a snowball fight huh no hey hey hey stay away no no come work would you kill this no fair you can’t run she’s making like a witch noise that means you yeah by me okay you’re gonna go up the stairs is cheating no yeah no

She thinks you can get away huh I just did did you mmm-hmm did you really mm-hmm did you really really actually think I can’t go away my spot though ha hi my guard oh hey I’m eating Santa’s cookies hmm you know we can eat all the Santa’s

Cookies now mean you I got a lot

This video, titled ‘FIGHTING SANTA CLAUS?! | 100 Baby SMP | EP 34 (Minecraft 100 BABY CHALLENGE W/ My Girlfriend)’, was uploaded by PandaFire11 on 2018-12-02 19:45:01. It has garnered 20824 views and 564 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:07 or 1507 seconds.

FIGHTING SANTA CLAUS?! | 100 Baby SMP | EP 34 (Minecraft 100 BABY CHALLENGE W/ My Girlfriend) 🔥CHECK OUT ME AND BRI’S BRAND NEW 100 BABY SMP MERCH AND MORE! 🔥 ▶ Previous Episode: (Link will take you to the last video I uploaded!) ▶Next Episode: 🔥 Can we SMASH 200 LIKES?!🔥

The 100 Baby SMP is a challenge that was adapted to a smp format by ktmh96! This season is owned by ktmh96 and MoondustBri with Polarbear_x as a helper!

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    Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Có Thể Bạn Chưa Biết Bí Ẩn Này Trong Minecraft Creepypasta/ Tấm Bản Bí Ẩn Hãy Xem Đến Cuối Video Nhé’, was uploaded by Mkay MC on 2024-04-10 05:03:42. It has garnered 14151 views and 345 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Hello Hello Everyone I’m Mkay Chan You May Not Know In Minecraft You May Not Know This Mystery In Minecraft Creepypasta #minecraft #creepypasta #shortsfeed #shorts #creepypastaminecraft #minecraftcreepypasta #viralvideo #gaming #nubigamer #creepypasta #mcpe #minecraftshorts #viralvideo #dotmc #gaming #bigsharkofficial #shortsfeed #subscribe #gaming #bigsharkofficial #viralminecraftshort herobrine,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,help herobrine shorts,epic herobrine,herobrine… Read More

  • Potato-Network

    Potato-NetworkWelcome to PotatoSMP – The Ultimate Minecraft Experience! PotatoSMP is not just a server; it’s a vibrant community where players come together to create, explore, and embark on epic adventures! Immerse yourself in a custom 6k map, teeming with wonders and challenges. Read More

  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+Bedrock

    ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+BedrockServer IP: Discord: Hello, fellow Minecrafters! 🎉 Unforgettable Minecraft Adventure Awaits at Shaded Discover amazing features and benefits: 🐟 NEW! Fishing Log. Experience fishing with custom textures for each fish. Check it out! 🦞 NEW! Lobster Pots. Dive into lobster fishing for a bountiful catch. ⚔️ NEW! PvP Arena. Test your skills in exhilarating PvP battles. 🏰 Land Claiming and Grief Prevention. Build and protect your creations hassle-free. 🛍️ Custom Gear, Economy, and More. Immerse yourself in a thriving Minecraft economy. 🌟 Free Ranks, Kits, and Perks. Earn rewards and stand out with free ranks and perks. 🗺️… Read More

  • Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | Survival

    Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | SurvivalNew serverstill a work in progress, but feel free to join, explore, and complete the quests waiting for you!Team up with your friends or strangers using the ImprovedFactions plugin.Trade with other players using TheGoldEconomy system.Furry and LGBTQ friendly!Join our Discord server to chat with us, and access the more private vanilla survival server: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition"That’s just the periodic table of Mine-crafting elements! Read More

  • Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft’s Ultimate Farm Build

    Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft's Ultimate Farm Build In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Millat Gamerz is here, with iron farms to explain. Building the ultimate, with skill and with flair, Crafting a masterpiece, beyond compare. Subscribe to the channel, for more gaming delight, With Millat Gamerz, every episode takes flight. From GTA to Minecraft, the adventures unfold, With rhymes and with humor, the stories are told. So leap into the verse, where gaming meets art, With Millat Gamerz, it’s a journey to start. Join the fun, join the hype, join the game, And let the rhymes of Minecraft, ignite the flame. Read More

  • SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS!

    SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS! When you combine SPAWN with ALL memes, you get a cat taking a nap during a poopy playtime in Minecraft. Now that’s a scary sight! #catnap #poopyplaytime #scaryminecraft Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos

    Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos Creating a Box PvP Server in Minecraft Aternos Introduction Creating a Box PvP server in Minecraft Aternos can be an exciting and engaging experience for players looking to challenge their skills in a competitive environment. With the use of various plugins and commands, players can customize their server to create a unique and thrilling gameplay experience. Plugins and Commands To set up your Box PvP server, you can utilize a variety of plugins such as GeyserMC, RealMines, World Edit, EssentialsX, EssentialsSpawn Shopkeeper, Item Edit, and WorldGuard. These plugins offer a range of features that can enhance the gameplay and… Read More

  • 🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨

    🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m a Farm Witch ✨ – Cottage Witch Modded Minecraft Episode 4’, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-06-14 21:00:17. It has garnered 6972 views and 423 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:38 or 2678 seconds. Babes, wake up! I have a new modded series! 💗 Come with me as I explore the magical world of Cottage Witch, a modpack filled with magic and witchcraft. This is episode 4 💜 Seed: -824306812584453536 I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me what you think! *✩‧₊˚ LINKS˚₊‧✩* Modpack: Added Mods:… Read More

  • Daring Minecraft Horror Mod Showcase

    Daring Minecraft Horror Mod ShowcaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Every Horror Mod in My Minecraft World’, was uploaded by GamerWolf on 2024-03-24 03:26:30. It has garnered 118 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:52 or 7492 seconds. Powered by Restream Go follow my kick – Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Transformation 🚀 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Transformation 🚀 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nether Portal Makeover 🌟 12-01-2024 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rohaan TV on 2024-01-12 15:30:02. It has garnered 8444 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Minecraft Glow stone and Honey Block #viral #minecraft #ytshorts Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Portal Build Prank 👑🔥 Must Watch!!

    Mind-Blowing Portal Build Prank 👑🔥 Must Watch!!Video Information This video, titled ‘nither🤯portel build 🔥like this 😱 #trending #minecraft #gaming #minecraftbuilds #shorts🌎’, was uploaded by Prank king on 2024-05-07 14:54:24. It has garnered 495 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. This Minecraft Portal Build Will BLOW YOUR MIND! #Shorts 🌍 nither🤯portel build 🔥like this 😱 #trending #minecraft #gaming #minecraftbuilds #shorts🌎 Get ready to have your mind blown with this incredible Minecraft portal build like you’ve never seen before! Watch as we create a mind-blowing nether portal build that will leave you speechless. This trending Minecraft gaming video showcases some… Read More

  • The Ultimate Showdown: Zeelophoney vs Nemesis in Minecraft Roleplay S5E7!

    The Ultimate Showdown: Zeelophoney vs Nemesis in Minecraft Roleplay S5E7!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Yugioh MY NEMESIS HAS GIFTS! Minecraft Roleplay S5E7’, was uploaded by Zeelophoney on 2024-04-16 17:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Yugioh MY NEMESIS HAS GIFTS! Minecraft Roleplay S5E7 w/ Xylophoney – Minecraft Roleplay! Help us get … Read More

  • Insane NEW ZONE in MINECRAFT! FREE boss battles🔥

    Insane NEW ZONE in MINECRAFT! FREE boss battles🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT na żywo🔴NOWA STREFA ! GIGA LIVE🔴Wolne? Wbijaj pograć szefie🔥’, was uploaded by neak on 2024-05-16 08:49:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Give me a sub ▻ My minecraft server! IP: version: 1.17.2-1.20.1 here I talk: … Read More


    ASIANJEFF PREPS FOR E DATE in FortnutBr!Video Information This video, titled ‘ASIANJEFF GETS READY FOR HIS E DATE… #fortnite #clixboxfights #twitch #clixfortnite #gaming’, was uploaded by FortNutBr on 2024-03-09 15:21:10. It has garnered 5100 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. 313,buckefps,clix,mongraal,motor,EU,NAE,NAW,Na central,central,Fn,Fortnite,Editing,Free Highlights Editor,Minecraft,Gaming,FUnny,Kids,Bugha,Dukezfn,SypherPk,Derekgraz,PilatFN,WebsterFN,Shorts,Tiktok,Tiktok CLips,Stream Clips,24Hr Stream Tags : fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity pc, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity settings, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity , fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity guide, fortnite controller sensitivity season 4, fortnite controller sensitivity x and y, fortnite controller sensitivity ps5, fortnite controller sensitivity bug, best ps5 controller sensitivity fortnite, fortnite ps5 controller building sensitivity,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Morning Madness! #gaming

    INSANE Minecraft Morning Madness! #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Some morning minecraft today #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Basicallyzs on 2024-07-03 14:50:36. It has garnered 228 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:42 or 9162 seconds. Thanks for tuning into the stream check out my discord Donation Link :$Basicallyzs DONATORS NAMES GO ON MY MAP (larger donation = larger name) #gamingshorts #funnymoments #warthunderjets #warthundertanks #shooter #minecraftmemes #livestream #ww2 Read More

  • Insane Mashup: Fortnite vs. Minecraft

    Insane Mashup: Fortnite vs. MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fortnite in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ChaosJul on 2024-02-22 13:46:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Mooinn guys!! What’s up?? In this video I played Fortnite in Minecraft. I would really appreciate a like and a subscription… Read More

  • Sarkarnetwork

    Minecraft lifesteal 24/7 Online Join now And not forget to vote our minecraft server For more information Join our discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: Y’all better accept it!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes: Y'all better accept it!Looks like this meme has a better score than my GPA in high school! Read More

  • Bedrock Battles: Minecraft Bedwars Gameplay Galore!

    Bedrock Battles: Minecraft Bedwars Gameplay Galore! Welcome to the world of Minecraft Bedwars, Where players battle with swords and stars. Fiizy and Wallibear, they’re in the mix, Crafting strategies with a few neat tricks. Hypixel Bedwars, the ultimate test, With teams of four, who will be the best? Roblox Bedwars, a different scene, But just as fun, with a twist so keen. Fiizy’s texture pack, a sight to behold, Making the game feel fresh and bold. Wallibear’s lucky block Bedwars, a thrill, With surprises at every turn, a true skill. So grab your gear, and join the fray, In Minecraft Bedwars, where legends play. Subscribe… Read More