Papa Jake – Minecraft IRL Noob Vs PRO Floating Box Fort 24 Hour Challenge!

Video Information

Welcome back to day five of real-life minecraft the series where we survive using only real-life minecraft items today Jake and Logan squared off in a classic minecraft new verse Pro floating box for a challenge we set sail on the seven seas in search of treasure Logan heard about from a crazy pirate so

Sit back grab some snacks and enjoy another beautiful day in Minecraft I am currently inside my minecraft mansion I want to show you guys what happened last night though before it started caving in it started raining like crazy and my mind kind of Ford started breaking it is not me for water

But it is a beautiful day out as you can see here the Sun is just rising and I got my book here which I’m still not finished reading but let’s head on outside and smell the fresh roses over here Oh No Oh guys right off the bat we

Got a burglar up in here if you don’t know in the last video I planted literally seven potatoes in here and now they’re all gone alright well I did have potatoes I was gonna show you guys my beautiful potatoes all grown in the morning but it looks like someone came in the middle

The night stole all my potatoes that’s really like potatoes no I don’t ask for likes very often and by that I mean I ask every video but this especially guys every like this video gets is one potato for me

This gets 20,000 likes I’m gonna get 20,000 potatoes and put them in my fort because I deserve those potatoes they were stolen from me wrongly but I do have short game that’s that’s good we’ve been growing the sugarcane beside the

Water here so you know whenever you need to get some paper or build something you just take out some sugarcane yeah does not taste like sugar they named this wrong it should be called hard as a rock cane all right well anyway we got to go

Wake up Logan because it is a brand new day wake I’m ready for today already awake we are going in the ocean that’s right we are going traveling underwater okay oh no guys oh no he must had half a

Heart isn’t that feather falling on it wasn’t the funniest guy but it was Logan that’s want to take a moment to uh get an RI P Logan in the comments we’re gonna have to continue this without Logan I just you know he went so fast I

Thought if anything if he was gonna die he’d go fighting a dragon or a monster fine you just respawn in there guys it’s too early for it just told you you respawn when you die oh yeah all right uh don’t really know why G do not try

That at home though just at home it’s not real life minecraft I will Logan what is on the docket for today today we are going into the ocean we’re gonna travel far and wide we’re gonna make a boat Jake oh I like this Logan we are

Gonna build the biggest boat the Titanic of minecraft we are gonna travel long wide down up or any paper for TNT all the wood Logan where your diamonds we don’t have that kind of resource I’m gonna need to use it for the boat all we

Need is a little boat that’s it no no no we’re making a big boat we’re just gonna need wooden planks and we’re gonna make a boat to travel the ocean okay if we’re gonna travel the ocean we need to make a big boat Titanic cruise ship there

Should be a waterslide on our boat this little boat nonsense you know what no no I get it I get it I get what Logans doing here he’s trying to say that I’m Logan and I don’t need to use a lot of things to make things awesome I’m gonna

Make little boat and he’s gonna he’s good them and me I’m gonna make it awesome okay all right this is a classic Paul Pacheco slogan challenge fine you know what Logan you go make your little boat that no one’s gonna see and when the Kraken comes and chomps you up you are

Gonna be calling for me in my big boat I’m gonna take some of the wood off of here I’m gonna go mining I’m gonna go collect resources I’m gonna have the biggest boat you’ve ever seen in Minecraft

All right we’ll just see who gets across the ocean first Jake I need to get some wood as well as some other building material so I came over here to my secret I’m currently still only wearing leather armor which really isn’t my

Style and more of a diamond armor kind of guy or another right that would be nice but basically we need to find some new stuff so I’m gonna look around here trying to gather some resources and then we’ll get back and start building our

Ultimate minecraft boat all right guys check it out we haven’t found much but I was able to find looks like a coal deposit here oh yeah there we go that is a lot of coal so at least we got something power the lights and the

Furnace on our boat I was able to get some more stone to you so that’s gonna work for us now time to gather some wood here we go more wood those in the inventory guys I don’t know about you but I think well I know nothing about making boats but we’re probably about

Halfway there to make it about look what we got here guys we have an apple oh now that is gonna be now that is gonna be some food for us when we’re out on our long boating journey and it looks like a sapling fell down now guys you know

Whenever you play Minecraft you always got a replay at the trees so I’m a replant this beside my mine hopefully I’ll grow and do a big tree I think we got enough resources let’s go see what Logan’s up to and start

Building their boat cuz I’m pretty excited to get out on the open ocean and check out Minecraft underwater uh there is a spider here guys I missed your spider okay all right whoa whoa whoa whoa chill out mr. spider alright you know what I got a diamond sword and I’m gonna use it

Spiders crawling all over her face was minecraft come to Logan are you in there what are you doing here buddy you’re taking a nap Jake I have so much time on my hands what do you mean you have so much time I just have to craft a boat

You’re gonna craft a house all right yeah you know what fine take all the time you want because I’m gonna be making the better boat you’re gonna see guys Logan is a noob okay this is basically a pro versus noop

Situational situation we got going on here i’ma show him what a pro really does I got my resources I know what I’m doing it’s time to craft my boat the whole reason we’re building boats and going into the ocean is the other day I

Was walking through the forest when I met a villager another beautiful day in Minecraft huh what’s this dude doing hello I think this guy’s just sleeping hello baby trying to steal me treasure aren’t you you don’t mess with pirate

Beat you’ll be trying to steal me treasure are you no not at all I was just waking you up and seen if you’re okay sail the seven seas a Minecraft for 40 years haven’t seen land since I was a wee lad we’re literally standing on land right now because I’m retired okay well

I was just making sure you’re okay I’ll go on my way now you are looking for a treasure you’ll be looking for the best treasure minecraft has to offer then the great deep danced where people don’t be gone unless they know what they’re doing

I’m not really looking for any treasure to be honest all right yeah you be looking for a way to find the deep treasure that I could not find my white whale I mean sure yeah like I I guess I’d be

Up for finding some treasure where is it deep in the sea the depths also down low you need enough air to last you for days that sounds kind of dangerous but she’d be worth it everything I’ve done has led me to the treasure and I can tell you

Where she is okay tell me where it is it’d be that way far into the ocean somewhere in that area could be right could be down couldn’t even be up well it doesn’t really sound like you have that many

Directions but uh I’ll give it a shot you’ll be the richest man in Minecraft you know how I lost me aye how did you lose your I tripped and fell on sugarcane that makes sense sugarcane is pretty pointy it is well good luck

With your treasure finding all right thanks so much for the help kind of a weird guy don’t know if I trust them so I haven’t told Jake about the treasure yet but that’s why we’re doing this whole mission in the first place we’re

Gonna get in the boat we’re gonna go in the ocean and we’re gonna try and find whoa whoa whoa whoa well Logan realizes I can hear him from over here I mean he’s not 400 meters away he’s talking about a

Treasure that’s why he wants to do this challenge he wants to find an underwater treasure and take it all for himself all right well guys I didn’t tell Logan this but when we did that raid in the last episode I actually got some

Emeralds from it so I’m thinking we’re gonna use these to get ourselves a little more advantage what I think we really need is a helmet of respiration so I need to find myself a trader okay I got some emeralds to trade any traders

Around here hmm oh okay that was extremely fast hello good sir well I’m looking to buy something from you oh you’ve brought your Lamas hi well I I’m looking to purchase a well a the helmet of respiration could be diamond

Could be anything I’ve got some emeralds here to trade how much would that run man okay your llamas are really they’re kind of just going all over the place you made me control though why do you have a llamas what’s the point of the

Llamas mm-hmm yeah I know if you can really just kind of get these llamas under control they’re kind of everywhere I mean really that llama just spit in my face my face okay look I just want to buy a respiration the helmet please 12

Emeralds okay have us a lot but yeah okay I can do that okay fine here you’re 12 emeralds hmmm let’s see the respiration helmet hmm perfect Oh guys this is gonna give us the advantage against Logan now we

Got to get our boat ready and I think I know exactly how we’re gonna do this now that I’ve got my respirator I am officially ready to start working on my massive minecraft floating fortress but I had an idea

You know since Logan didn’t tell me about the treasure and you know he was kind of sneaky about it and he’s gonna try and probably steal it from me I thought to speed things up a little bit I’ll just take his house yeah yeah

I’ll just lift up his house I’ll put it on this platform and then we’ll have a house boat I mean he’s already off doing something he probably won’t even notice then I can add a little bit to it and we’ll have a massive Minecraft floating

Fortress in fact this is gonna save me so much time I went ahead and I crafted a little something Oh fishing rod because there’s gonna be lots of fish at sea and plus you can always find some extra treasure when

You’re fishing so I’m gonna use this to be fishing off the side of my boat maybe we should go right now and give it a little test run I’m gonna see if we can catch some fish I think I already see some kind of swimming around down there

Well maybe we can find some other stuff here we go and now we wait I don’t really see anything down there I mean there’s some definitely some seaweed and stuff oh oh wait we got something oh we got something okay all right come on my soup is she going

Where you going not too bad for a first fishing job I think I’m gonna do pretty good at this all right guys I’m in Jake’s workshop now cuz it’s time to start building my boat first things first we need some wooden planks now

We’re gonna take our crafting table bring it outside now we just need to make our boat what is this Jake Jake why is my house on your pho D G where did my else go nice you can’t just take my fort ideas

Borrowed some inspiration taking my fort is not borrowing inspiration Jake she’s nice walk around now this is a pro minecraft floating fortress I mean I got a respirator in here I’ve got a fish you stole my house borrowed your house it’s right word to use also good luck

Hanging across the ocean G this thing’s gonna move so slow I don’t think so Logan if anything you’re gonna hit one wave and tip over and I don’t know about you but I’d be scared of the Drowned I don’t care about the Drowned okay here

We go I’m gonna build my boat I’m gonna get that treasure great what there we go guys we got our wooden boat this thing is gonna go faster than Jake’s houseboat I mean my houseboat it’s pretty much my house focus is my

House there we go guys my boats I don’t think Jake’s gonna be able to even carry this way 300 just keep giving away emeralds we don’t even have emeralds that’s a massive boat okay way I’m just gonna get inside my bow Jake

Alright and we are inside oh gosh I’m gonna paddle away it takes boats can take up the whole ocean wait wait Oh Jake Jake you’re hitting me on my boat and of course Jake’s boat looks like the Titanic in comparison I can stand on my

Boat we’ve got a little walkway here that we can use to walk around we’ve also got our entrance so we can go inside and chill out it’s like sleeping in a cruise ship now we just let the Minecraft sea

Take us where the Minecraft sea wants to take us once we get far enough out we can start exploring some shipwrecks go underwater I mean I’ve got a respirator Logan doesn’t come in my board what are you doing is is literally my house this

Is my boat this is my phone well the fact that you already came over here we’ve been literally at sea for five minutes shows me that the pro fort is probably winning cuz it looks like you don’t want to be on your little dinghy

Anymore look at that little thing you’re barely flew it can float just fine and I didn’t say I wasn’t gonna make a better boat I just said we need a simple boat that takes us from A to B yeah well it doesn’t look like your boats taking us

From A to B but it looks like this is I have a fishing rod what do you have I have my bare hand stick and go fish with your bare hands in the ocean with dead leaves all bees everywhere yeah I’ll just use my sword on my hands okay

Alright yeah you go fish I’m gonna use my fishing rod you know what fine go explore underwater I’m gonna be up here high and dry and my pro fort guys this actually works out because while Jake’s fishing I’m gonna go looking for treasure so why Logan’s going to fish underwater

With his bare hands and a sword I’m really gonna be doing what the objective is and that is finding this treasure I’ve gotten my respiration mask here which is gonna let me stay underwater a lot longer than Logan I think we’ll find this treasure in no time see ya Jake

There’s zombies in the ocean this is not good finding this treasure is gonna be a lot harder than I thought don’t a giant squid I am NOT down for a giant squid that’s it guys we are going full treasure hunting mode I don’t know where Jake is I don’t know what he’s doing

Well we are gonna find this treasure alright guys so I Logan’s swimming around looking for fish I’m gonna be looking for treasure I got my respirator let’s head down there see what we can find here’s the respirator time to put it on got the air feeding through here just like in Minecraft

Ha ho I brought for a lot longer just think that’s pretty crazy I can stand in there for almost 5 minutes look I already found the jellyfish ok we gotta keep looking for this treasure though so far no bad gas that’s a good thing

So far have found a treasure found a couple little jellyfish and a lot of seaweed but nothing else is under there I don’t know where this treasure is no what’s that oh no that might be a drowned guys I

Think we have a drought coming this way oh no we gotta fork over this way guys watch out we’re coming this way hello why there’s so many of them seaweed is everywhere there’s a lot enough Jake no giving I mean what am i doing I went down there there’s zombies

Everywhere came out here I couldn’t find the treasure wait you knew about the treasure about the treasure Logan I overheard you talking about it I wanted to find it too I didn’t know what was in it but I wanted it it will take I found

The treasure once you look at this I actually found the treasure down there things heavy I don’t know what’s inside but guys whatever it is it’s probably diamonds this actually might have been worth it after all

This video, titled ‘Minecraft IRL Noob Vs PRO Floating Box Fort 24 Hour Challenge!’, was uploaded by Papa Jake on 2020-06-30 18:27:19. It has garnered 1914930 views and 69418 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:00 or 1140 seconds.

In today’s Minecraft IRL video Jake and Logan, two brothers, have a NOOB vs. PRO box fort competition! Logan keeps his box fort cheap and simple while Jake goes all out and creates an intensely awesome Minecraft box fort mansion! They then have to decide who’s box fort is better! Stay tuned for more of our awesome summertime content! Thanks for watching our funny adventures and be sure to subscribe to Papa Jake for more family friendly funny vlogs videos in 2020.

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On this channel, you’ll see a bunch of family friendly, kid friendly fun challenges, board games, toys, bottle flipping, giant sports, gross food tasting, messy challenges, nerf challenges, and more!

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Fun Legal Stuff 🙂 This video is only for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt to recreate any of the acts in this video, as they may be dangerous if not done correctly, and could result in serious injury. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.

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    Unstoppable BLOOD WARDEN LUCIFER vs GOLEMS - EPIC Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘BLOOD WARDEN LUCIFER vs All GOLEMS in Minecraft Fight#minecraft #mobbattle #funny #horsy #24x7live’, was uploaded by Horsy on 2024-04-05 09:31:19. It has garnered 29 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:58 or 658 seconds. You have to agree i make real good content so.. Lets break Youtube Algorithms like Steveee, Alexa Real and Spectator did! Hello Guys We are going to watch, the legendary BLOOD WARDEN will Fight with the Incredible Army of All Minecraft Golems,😱🤔 Wait For Big Badass Netherite Golem 🙂 Lets see who wins the battle!🤔🤯 Mod Link… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft MLG moments!! Subscribe now 🔥

    Insane Minecraft MLG moments!! Subscribe now 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft MLG, please Subscribe my channel,#Aryan_bishnoi029 #song #bollywood #love #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by A_Bishnoi_Gaming on 2024-06-24 14:24:50. It has garnered 36 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

  • (formerly hisparquia) is a cracked vanilla anarchy minecraft server with no rules that started on August 2020 running on Minecraft 1.20.4 The world is 4 years old, it has never been reset, and is over 700 gigs in storage. (hisparquia) es un servidor de minecraft de anarquía de vainilla agrietado sin reglas que comenzó en agosto de 2020 ejecutándose en Minecraft 1.20.4 El mundo tiene 4 años, nunca se ha reiniciado y tiene más de 700 gigas en almacenamiento. Read More

  • The Worst Players Minecraft Server! Semi-Vanilla Adult-Community Survival Whitelisted

    Welcome to “The Worst Players 3ver” Minecraft Server! We’re thrilled to have you here! If you’re seeking a Minecraft server that offers a mature, drama-free environment where you can truly unwind and enjoy the game, you’ve found the right place. Dive in and become part of our close-knit community that feels more like a home away from home. We can’t wait to see what you’ll create with us! Quick Links to get started! Discord: Join our Discord community Socials: TikTok Instagram Website Facebook Threads Why Choose Us? Adult-Only Community: Drama-free and mature environment. Enhanced Vanilla Experience: Core Minecraft with enhancements…. Read More

  • 🌊

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Screaming Goat: Still loved, but stay off my screen

    Why was the screaming goat cast in so many movies? Because it was a bleat hit with audiences! Read More

  • Crafty Creations: 10+ Survival Room Designs in Minecraft

    Crafty Creations: 10+ Survival Room Designs in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I’ll show you room designs that will open your eyes. From bed rooms to libraries, each one unique, With a touch of my style, let’s take a peek. Dragon Egg Room, a mystical sight, Potion Room, where magic takes flight. Small Room, cozy and snug, Map Room, where adventures are dug. Dining Room, for feasts with friends, Greenhouse, where nature transcends. Blacksmith’s Forge, where tools are made, Library, a haven for knowledge displayed. Portal Room, a gateway to realms unknown, Spawner Room, where monsters are shown. Starter Base, where it all… Read More

  • Minecraft meme – versi @MCXbedrock #litAF

    Minecraft meme - versi @MCXbedrock #litAF “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 🤣 #minecraftmemes #creepertherapy Read More

  • Bigbroplays Gets Bullied by CDarkPlays

    Bigbroplays Gets Bullied by CDarkPlays Minecraft: Exploring the World of ZEQADUELS Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with ZEQADUELS, where players can test their skills and creativity in a competitive environment. From building elaborate structures to engaging in thrilling battles, there is something for everyone in this dynamic game. Unleash Your Creativity With a sensitivity setting of 10 and a DPI that remains a mystery, players like @Bigbroplays are able to craft intricate worlds using their trusty pk fire keyboard and Roccat kone pro air mouse. The possibilities are endless as you design and build to your heart’s content. Compete in Intense Battles… Read More

  • Eating in Minecraft Gives Me Items?!

    Eating in Minecraft Gives Me Items?! Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and immersive world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a realm where players can build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated universe. Discover Unique Peripherals Equip yourself with top-notch peripherals to enhance your gaming experience: Mouse: Logitech G102 Keyboard: Logitech G213 RGB Headset: HyperX Stinger Core Powerful Laptop Components Ensure smooth gameplay with high-performance laptop components: Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12500H Graphics Card: RTX 3050TI RAM: 16GB DDR5 SSD: 512GB Recording Software Capture your epic Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge – 100 Days in DUO CAVE World!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge - 100 Days in DUO CAVE World!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Days of DUO CAVE ONLY World in Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by IsKevin on 2024-08-02 22:00:39. It has garnered 45093 views and 1002 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:13 or 7633 seconds. 🙏 Donate here: In today’s video, My friend and I survive through 100 days in a Modded Cave only world! A world filled with dangerous caves, mobs and massive dinosaurs! Join us as we strive to make a living and conquer the dangerous caves in Minecraft! #100days #minecraft #minecraft100days Become a channel member and play with me on… Read More

  • Unbelievable Scary Story in Minecraft

    Unbelievable Scary Story in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What’s This Thing? 😯 #minecraft #scary #shorts #ai #story’, was uploaded by Minecraft X Scary Story😱👻 on 2024-04-30 15:08:34. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More


    HARDCORE ULTRA Full DIAMANTE Ep. 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Me Paso Minecraft en HARDCORE ULTRA || Full DIAMANTE || Episodio 3’, was uploaded by Hamboldor on 2024-09-12 18:56:55. It has garnered 76 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:22 or 862 seconds. Hello, everyone, in today’s chapter we will get the full diamond with the help of the ñatos villagers and we will explore the nether in search of a fortress Previous Episode 👍Like to keep it going. Instagram: Don’t forget to Subscribe 👌 @hamboldor #minecraft #serieminecraft #minecrafthardcormode #creadordecontenido #hamboldor #youtubegaming #uhc Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pixel Art! Watch Now 🔥 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Pixel Art! Watch Now 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART 🎨 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Viallity on 2024-06-18 14:54:10. It has garnered 10381 views and 346 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable! AsteroidLord’s Epic Fail in Minecraft

    Unbelievable! AsteroidLord's Epic Fail in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When 2 Idiot’s Play Minecraft..’, was uploaded by AsteroidLord on 2024-04-16 20:36:54. It has garnered 1308 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:05 or 125 seconds. SUBSCRIBE _______________________________________________________ thumbnail by: @imdudeman tags: (ignore) faduuvr jmancurly gorilla tag valentines space update gorilla tag swamp old gorilla tag with mods gorilla tag copy gorilla tag copy on applab gorilla tag mods gorilla tag ghost trolling gorilla tag ghost encounter gorilla tag copy with mods monkey project vr kintopet vr kintopet horror gorilla tag hacks how to get gorilla tag how to become a… Read More

  • EPIC WIN REACTION! Longest Minemen Victory 😱

    EPIC WIN REACTION! Longest Minemen Victory 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘This Way My Longest Minemen Victory Yet 😭’, was uploaded by ItsAkos on 2024-04-30 09:19:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. montage #bedwars #minecraft #shorts #hypixel pack: in the middle above, if not ask in the comments Mouse: Bloody A60 … Read More