PaulGG – Building A GIANT Underwater Farm On Hardcore Mode! | Minecraft

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What’s going on you guys welcome back to my channel if you guys new here my name is Paul but Before we jump into today’s video guys I want to thank today’s sponsor secret labs that’s right guys my butt is now officially reserved for seeger labs first of all guys they’re

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Boy likes a flex with this slightly above average height though I had to get the big chair okay that’s that’s the tightened chair that’s this T right here tighten that it’s a big boy chair alright but they do have other sighs chair now let’s talk a little bit about

The unboxing and the assembly guys beautiful packaging first of all it comes with easy to understand instructions literally on the back of this official letter of how you own a secret labs chair now so I made the assembly super easy now guys quality I want to talk about

This first this is this literally this is a real real leather guys real like this pillow memory foam who does memory foam on a gaming chair this is insane this quality is great and yes guys it could even do this So click my affiliate link down below if you guys want to get yourself a secret chair go check them out trust me guys they’re 100% worth it they’re amazing quality and I’m gonna be sitting in this thing for the rest of my life now on to

The rest of the video so last episode we went out of our way to go get some dough goes because we’re gonna build a dog army that’s on the agenda for today we need to feed the dogs breed the dogs and the last episode I asked what I

Shouldn’t do while expanding out the entire underwater beautiful base here cuz we got a village going on over here this one’s still empty any a move I want to make a lectern but I need to make these guys mate first and then we got Richard bridges been working hard guys

So first let’s go to the dough goes that’s a spider in my house dude how did he get in there it must be nighttime because I villagers sleep stuff don’t rolling up in the wrong house okay so there’s obviously some mobs in my house guys I don’t know

Where the dark spots are is this too dark just in case with that do you know I want a creeper just up through in the series you know Sam fel miserably alright let’s go sleep stressing out already bro nothing like making the hardcore series even harder for myself

By being underwater and crap continuing on with what we’re doing check out the new doghouse I kind of rearranged it a little bit now a little bit I changed it a lot okay when I was recording I was like half asleep the entire time I was not feeling creative I kept to

This look and then I realized I was like you know these look mad good also added the pillars like I said these are the walls the walls kind of break up the pillars and make them look really cool I I made paint glass you know why because

I have pink sheep okay chat said chat oh man I stream too much so go on inside we have this a lovely waterfall so this is obviously the dog’s water you know whenever they need a drink or something I wonder if I push them into it if

You’ll go up it this might be a problem is he gonna drowned no y’all try it out alright going up so this is the first floor there’s the windows that you can’t look out of and then we go the top in which the best boy will be staying I

Added these to be able to hold the water in so it didn’t what’s it called flow down the the house a little bit dog house I want to add like a bell or something like that right here that’d be really cool cuz it looks kind of like a

Bell tower I’m not gonna lie which one of you age it’s what who’s dying stop dying do you need eat hey you get up get up we’re going at we’re going downstairs oh okay come on this way it’s time for the great breeding and come back here

Bro what’s up why I’m just so hungry I only need potatoes you guys know that Oh guys come on what come on do you want to hang out with each other yeah there they go there they go the great breeding 2019 welcome little buddy everyone everyone coming to

The dog house they teleport you sit no he’s just so hungry oh come on guys come on I might have to push him these this is the problem is I keep having to push him to be able to get inside and also we still left the other dogs stranded out

There the other one with the nametag and stuff we might go back on the adventure to go get them in another episode for now these two are gonna have to work alright so no he’s inside now let’s get this one come on do you don’t get stuck

Stupid idiot do you come on follow me come on there you go there we go but I think there’s gonna be big enough for a lot of dough goes you know and that was the goal is that I’m gonna have a lot of dogs so I need a really big doghouse so

We’re expanding the downstairs now you guys know I have this this waterfall or thing you know it goes down there you go cool but I realized a way cooler way to make a waterfall I also need the villagers to breathe but I need teh toes gotta go over to Richard’s quarters

Because Richard he’s been working so hard getting this all sour it’s a potato easy like I said the guys this is working flawlessly this villager farm it’s been amazing check this out boom potatoes when I saw how much work this guy’s putting in guys I was like wow this thing’s tiny and

And he’s planting wheat seeds are you joking Richard what are you doing yeah I’m gonna have to fix that look down there guys look at that giant giant dome that I haven’t gotten all the water out of so we’re gonna be doing that villagers it’s time to do the breeding

Maybe I should like make this room a little bit more function to set the mood you know I need to block off this doorway though unfortunately the little kid villagers they’re able to climb through the the windows come on guys get get to work get to work

Boom pow yeah don’t just stare at each other you could do you didn’t Richards know Richards always been the problem he never wants to breed the guys just he’s that’s okay so we’re gonna be working on the giant dome farm and to be able to do so we’re

Going to need our underwater breathing potions but this still not doing it oh wait there’s a kid okay what name works I respect I respect nope you’re not leaving it’s making a crafting table real quick I want to make the new elevator guys I thought of a new belt

Elevator idea of elevator thought of a new elevator idea and I want to do this so let’s make some sticks and let’s make us our signs okay so place you down oh there we go now it says da D exclamation mark so I think if I place it this way the water

Can’t flow through okay sick this is actually gonna be so cool by the way it works okay I see a lot more water it’s fine I can get more water it’s okay there it is so I could just jump into it and swim up now I don’t swim faster but

I do swim a lot there we go infinite water and now we can plug this back up actually I still need a lot more water now think about it hmm to be able to get all the way up big brain big brain hours perhaps some more water place it right there there we

Go that’s what I wanted and then all the way up again place it right there perfect all right now we shouldn’t need any more water question mark if I wanted to I could just swim up go through here and I’m back how do I stop this water

Flow real quick this is not gonna be is gonna be like that forever I don’t like the movement or what if I made one side The Dropper style and then the other side the elevator style because one thing I hate and it’s super frustrating is going up seems to always be fast I’ve

Been playing too much RL craft I’m still crouching to pick stuff up all right so if we go over here to my other elevator my problem is going up is fine because you go super fast going down feel sloppy I wanna be able

To go down fast but I want to go up also fast so it’s obviously a night time everyone’s going to sleep okay good okay got a whole queen sighs bed the parents are sleeping separate what’s wrong with you kid am I gonna move Richard to the new farm I

Honestly don’t think so because at this point this guy’s planing more wheat like why why you do that if I wanted to do it this way then I’m gonna have to play stout more science I’m gonna place down signs on every single one get that crafting table backbone let’s bring a

Bunch more signs no no Richard no bad bad Richard get back inside get gonna have to do the trapdoors someone said that they can’t use gates but I feel like I’ve seen them use a gate that’s what I thought okay so let’s place these all the way down to there it’s just a

Water over well this is tripping me out right now okay so that’s that is still water why is that still water this is all messed up that’s kind of what I want this side oh this side’s messed up because I don’t have the signs there we

Go okay play see you down no let’s go down right here place that sign right there see this is what I want it to where it’s like it breaks my fall on the way down so I don’t take any fall damage let’s get some more water real quick and

Then let’s put it right here it needs a sign like that perfect there it is that’s what I wanted I’m able to get down quicker but up slightly slower also the signs are different colors all right guys I hate myself it turned into a hot mess guys I’m sorry all right and

I had more signs the entire time I dig it for the most part it looks kind of like a ladder all right so next goal next thing we have to do is we have to clear out this entire room I made a tiny pocket up here to get started you guys

Have seen me do this in the past but you guys still comment wondering how I clear out these rooms so I’m gonna kind of just real quick just do it a little bit so you guys kind of get the gist I’ve been using stone people recommend using

Sand because you break it faster I don’t want to use that so here let’s just real quick drink us a potion and then we go on here and I just play stone get rid of all the source blocks and bada-bing bada-boom be dunzo oh no I didn’t bring

Enough stone did I oh yeah since I have a mending pickaxe anyways I just like when it starts getting low take it in and I I just get it worked on you take it and go do you know I’m saying it so like since I have the mending pickaxe

I’m able to just easily go punch some coal call it a day and we Gucci gang yes I got rid of all the source blocks on the outside now I’m able to destroy all these I like using the stone because it’s distinct maybe dirt dirt would be the best

I think dirt would probably end up being the best then because the problem with sand is that it falls you have to go source blocks top down it just not worth it yeah I guess this does take a little bit longer because breaking the actual block itself

Probably gonna go for sure with dirt if I’m enchanted shovel oh what a dream now lets us begin with this thread all these source blocks with dirt then oh wait do have more dirt nope I don’t know anymore all right great now I can stand on it

Too perfect and then we need to chop off the section I believe that’s how that works right man I don’t have enough dirt we’re continuing with stones all right so I’m pretty much just gonna clear out this room as fast as I can and then

We’ll get started on the ein farm on my potion ran out man dang it see this room is so big I do have my turtle helmet which I should probably go get I will in a momento let’s draw these alright guys we’re almost done finally only last

Layer holy crap dude I am never doing this ever again on camera I don’t care what you guys say this takes actually five ever it’s sucks man alright hold on let me real quick just like this place up just in case I don’t want anything spawning just fill in this very last

Layer bust it all down call it a day cry about it later man this room is just too thick bro there’s just too much to this room so close man I just want this to be over with I hate doing stuff underwater now guys it was fun at first and now

It’s just a chore and now I know you guys are probably thinking wow Paul’s an idiot he’s not using a sponge oh my gosh okay guys how about I go get a sponge from a guardian on hardcore mode all right it’s not that easy it’s hard to do

That on regular mode yes we will we will get a sponge because I’m not gonna this is the last time I’m doing this power and boom blah space okay oh my goodness punches hold water everywhere new source blocks is fun what we’re gonna be doing here is we’re gonna go up our new

Handy-dandy awesome elevator I know genius oh so the villagers have actually already grown up maybe I should go feed them again I need a handful of villagers for this project now the thing about it oh it’s nighttime dang it all right time we go sleep and then I feed the villagers give

Them more babies all right let’s go downstairs let’s feed the villagers those filthy ammonites and I’ll just take all them bad boys on them potatoes see the little kids already grown up which means I could take one of them that’s the only problem is I have to

Take like one at a time like I said I’m now taking Richard down there so he has to become a new farmer I also have to lay rails I also need redstone okay hold on let’s get let’s get ready for this any redstone ray any redstone torches let’s go down into

The storage ok got these bad boys right yeah I need more torches make sense bow am buh-buh-buh-buh boom so now I need rail carts what I’m thinking about doing is it’s gonna waste a little bit of space but I really don’t want to go back in the water because you boys triggered and

I’m tired of water so what I’m gonna do is I’m going to basically it’s gonna be basically I’m gonna make like little cubbies for the villagers that out there I’m gonna be trading with stupid transfer thing going on here because I need to place the blocks right here so

That I’m able to place redstone rails right there I’ll put another redstone one right there but that right there perfect then we place a redstone torch that’s an accident you guys want to get busy how about you guys start working huh just sound like a pimp oh you guys get to

Work oh yeah that’s good good hard work right there can I just place this on top of it or am I gonna have to sorry Richard it’s a it’s important or can I just shovel this I can’t dig it up could do that sorry Richard I know you’re hard

Working but I got more priorities now and then he’s gonna drop right through the water no qualms it won’t even matter alright we’ll be fine and then I need to come down here ow how dare you how dare you come into my palm like this I think it’s too dark in

The middle hold on so like this all the way around I can’t get on top alright whatever get and so back on task should do this just in case I don’t want any mobs spawning in here potentially hurting my validus perfect now it’s dumb linear I’ll make pretty like chandeliers

Later alright guys don’t worry so my original plan was to create that hot the same hopper system for the trading process however I wanted to do this place fences around but I realized that there’s just fences around they could potentially go around it so that means I

Might actually have to make a copy again unfortunately which means I got to go out into the water I don’t want to do that place these down for them to come into this room and this is where they will work very very hard okay let’s place down this and then torch and then

Let’s you know I was placed on the crafting table in here for now again okay place you like this so then they’ll end up in the room like I said I want like maybe two workers to workers in there Richard I know now Richards a veteran the students allege he could

Handle this room on his own I still need oh look baby villager I hear him hey it’s chillin right there I got to be careful I don’t want them to get out so we’re going to go ahead and thank you if I were to take one of these guys

Which one will be the chosen one truthfully I don’t care who it is it’s you now get in there we go see you later have a good trip parent oh no oh no hold on temp temporary flaw sorry about your ride it just it wasn’t as exhilarating I know

I’m sorry I’m sorry I have to make that too wide dad to get rid of this one I really don’t want to we’ll try that one more time for the home team go go go go go go go go go go he fits if he fits he ships get in there

Oh right onto the rails dude what a legendary play all right boom and now he’s in the room all right brother you’re gonna be a farmer all right you’re gonna be farmer Joe okay and I need a lump just when I think I’m getting to the part that I

Want to do it villagers hate you they’re so worth it once it starts paying out real quick gonna grab a smigiel of wood I need you just get rid of all this by the way totally don’t need any of this anymore so now that we got some wood

Let’s go all right guys coming down below by the way if you guys want me to build my good old horsey here that I never give any attention yeah I don’t know maybe maybe a yacht over there take him a boat it has to be like a Viking

Yacht because like castle castle thing a Viking young stupid let’s head on in but I need the wood for again ah yes I’m gonna make a composter okay so composters I believe are slabs I think it’s like slabs and then fence I gotta I have no idea what’s the recipe

Composter Oh what oh so it is block sorry I’m just dumping these slabs I don’t even want to look out as realize that that it’s it’s an even thing so now it’s gonna be ugly I just make them back here yeah make them back here okay so

For me to do this I’m going to have to swim out like this rather turtle hat on I don’t think I do oh no okay I needed the turtle hat on I came close to dying when I first started on this project and it wasn’t recording

So I was like okay I need I need a record for this at least okay let’s grab that you let me scrub somewhere all right now let’s go out here like so and then we need glass but right here this thing composter all right let’s do a composter right here right there and

Then it was glass on top like that right yeah that’s it oh hey I made it way too long though hold on I just realized that he has way too much room to wiggle around so it’s gonna be composter right there yeah yeah I wasted so much whatever too late to quit BAM

Okay like so so then he’ll sit right here mmm nope messed up again last time I swear last time we messed up and then it’s supposed to go composter is they stand in this block they have that in there okay so composter goes right here hey

You buddy oh look he’s already a farmer Oh cuz he senses the compost over there you’re gonna buy potatoes you know why so I want you to already had rails behave myself dude we can grab the rails cuz I was like oh this will help real

Quick change his job before I get him locked into this hole about now still wheat is it past that time of day that I could change their jobs is that why yeah he’s not changing alright in the Minecraft world he can’t change their jobs anymore is there like I’m too

Tired for that I just want to go sleep just had a long day at work did that kid village already grow up nope he’s still over there okay I hate having to block out those holes man so inconvenient the way I made this let’s go to sleep so

That I could swap villager Jo’s make him buy potatoes this is gonna require quite a few villagers man that’s gonna be worth it in the long run they grab all these because I need to breed the villagers luckily I get a lot out of this this is a good amount of potatoes

Clemmy’s I didn’t hit that turtle I almost called my squirrel we should be Gucci I just got to breathe the crap out of him oh come here villagers we’re gonna hang out for a little bit alright the kid better not take all that a tows

No what no stop trying to feed the kid come on hurry up I need to know Oh yep they’re compatible alright moving on ok so let’s finish getting this all set up then I’m gonna need another composter and I need to change this guy’s job to

Buying potatoes okay so if I break that and then we get the composter swap that back down right there still buy his wheat why is that why aren’t you changing jobs huh because you’re in that thing better not be it’s gonna be too much work getting you back in it but

Yolo you have no job or is it because it is I know it hold on let me go let me go break Richards Richard I’m sorry I know you love this thing but it’s got to go for now yep see is because of Richard’s the whole time getting back in the

Minecart get in there go stop stop stop alright and then now let’s grab the compost err sit down oh okay what do you got potatoes sold all right you’re going back in your hole now hey brother welcome to your new job I know it’s pretty great I spoiled my

All of my employees pillaged her down then we’re gonna need a bunch of hoppers do I have all my iron I do have a bunch of iron perfect so we’re gonna need a couple hoppers and we’re gonna need a chest you you then I break this it falls no stay

That was an accident let me double check it so it goes oh yeah hopper sick so then let’s place down hopper right here we got to break this put a chest in there okay so we’re gonna place a chest right there perfect we’re gonna break this and then we’re gonna plop this down

Right yeah and then lastly that right there perfect it’s a flawless contraption I thought a toe Adam Harper says no chest says yes and then we’ll probably make one more of those guys and then we could start setting up all the potatoes boil of says potatoes hope you guys do you know that

Which one’s next someone lost a job I know how you lost a job you guys both become stay at home bumps so what this is get in the minecart eight stop don’t push that okay oh no you’re stuck Oh bye say goodbye to your mother she’s gonna

Go work the mines the fields I mean sorry not the mines well if I can make a villager mine for me you know cool Dodie and then you should automatically become a farmer because that guy’s composter no perfect k maybe it’s cuz not accessible for her Shem not gonna assume even

Though I have already like 12 times this was Richards compost from otherwise you better be sure okay let’s grab glass and let’s grab stone brick when he out is it to one two one two and then we placed glass glass we placed the dumb the dumb composter that they love so much yeah

Change jobs boom there it is potatoes Oh a bus potatoes and we you’re a legend okay let’s just a water coming in here okay face welcome to your new home hard worker I don’t you know it’s calling you guys what should we name this one welcome to your new home goodbye yeah

There you go have fun Sticks the landing I know you’re insane okay perfect perfect setup flawless I know so we got two workers in here I don’t know if it’s give me enough my hats puts you more over here I don’t know maybe now I’m gonna have to grab two farmers or two more villagers and

Unfortunately it doesn’t look like the kids are fully grown yet but I might take them down anyway kids you’re gonna work the mines with your mother I mean the fields the fields you gonna work the fields I can’t get to you i box myself

In get in get in get it get in okay goodbye say goodbye to the kids okay kids you’re next don’t worry I got to put another composter in here I think I’ll see you two for the aesthetic I think I need him to also want potatoes right okay he wants potatoes what a

Legend okay so then I need to harvest all this oh I have to wait for one of the kids to grow up guys and then I’ll send him down here but you guys get the gist of how Richards working and then when the kids grow up one of them grew

Up sick perfect hey wake up hold on wait let me let me just hold on pause I’m tired of wasting all my iron I’m gonna make an iron farm soon don’t worry guys bow I’ll be back no you’re not a lot no stop stop I’m trying to follow stop actually a little

Worried I was thinking what if he figures it out all my kids are geniuses hey you that’s why until they get older right yeah we’re not breeding them yet okay so now I need to grab my hoe my trusty hoe into the tools chest so let’s go down in

Here grab my hoe I kind of like the look of these trap doors on the ground personally I think it looks cool at least okay and then I plan to there you go you go come on there we go perfect and now he’s stuck forever I know it

Sucks doesn’t it start all the harvesting see and since there’s so much water everywhere everything is gonna be perfect am I gonna break this hoe from using it so much wait some of it some of it’s changing back but there’s water right there yeah there has to be right because all this

Is getting away no my hose about the some of its changing back guys I’m confused we’ll find out in just a momento there we go why are you changing Wow also I need a shovel oh I have a show legendary there’s water right there bro no a lot

Of it’s transforming is it the light no there’s enough light so what you can do is you can do water in a hole and then you can do a half slab just a half slab looks so ugly you know I’m just like this is this just so I could test its

Waters and then I could do that and at least then I could place like a torch on it instead of having the chandeliers so now there’s water directly touching these block it’s working all right so it’s the water which means I need more water and I need

To do the same thing like right here so then I place water right here half slab right there back at it that’s annoying that’s very annoying it seems like in the middle it’s just far enough to where the water below it isn’t touching so much is like how all the water is

Touching the edges of them now we finally have the entire thing just destroyed and now we could actually plant potatoes oh man it’s gonna be great dude you’re gonna love all these potatoes Wow I’m already almost through an entire stack Wow okay okay judging based off of this then I think this

Gonna be like three stacks of potatoes maybe even four all right brother have fun you have fun he wants to work guys we’re about to get rich off of these villagers hope you know that now I gotta have worry about cleaning all this up and I also got to breed these villagers

Yeah one still a kid dang it I want a bunch of workers sitting there that’s creeper outside the door when I go outside never again not going near the door all right guys that’s gonna be it for this episode hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you guys did you guys

Check out this one right here that is the last build that I did or this video right here that’s video that YouTube recommends just for you because they know what you guys like and if you guys are new here go ahead and hit subscribe and I’ll see you guys in the next one

This video, titled ‘Building A GIANT Underwater Farm On Hardcore Mode! | Minecraft’, was uploaded by PaulGG on 2019-10-26 14:50:00. It has garnered 296789 views and 7341 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:30 or 1350 seconds.

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    Golem vs Pillagers: Minecraft Battle Royale In the world of Minecraft, a battle brews, Iron golem vs pillagers, who will lose? Comment your answer, let the debate ignite, After 500 subs, free gold in sight. This gaming channel, PC games galore, Subscribe, like, comment, come back for more. Wot blitz account, this_28 in the mix, Narrating the action with rhymes that stick. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Crafting Minecraft news with a grin and a spin, Iacing every update, let the games begin. Read More

  • Minecraft Movie Trailer: Epic Fail or Epic Win?

    Minecraft Movie Trailer: Epic Fail or Epic Win? The Minecraft Movie Teaser Trailer: A Mixed Reaction The release of the latest Minecraft Movie teaser trailer has left fans with mixed feelings. The first glimpse into the live-action adaptation of the beloved game has sparked a wave of uncertainty among the Minecraft community. Concerns Over Steve’s Costume and Animation One of the main points of contention among fans is Steve’s costume in the trailer. Many have expressed disappointment over the simplistic design, questioning whether it truly captures the essence of the iconic character. Additionally, the blending of live-action actors with animated elements has raised concerns about the overall… Read More


    🔥SHIBILGAMER REVEALS LATEST MINECRAFT HACKS🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Status❤️❤️#shortsfeed #shorts #shortsviral #minecraft #status’, was uploaded by SHIBILGAMER on 2024-08-31 10:09:00. It has garnered 7 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. #Entertainment #Fun #Comedy #Vlog #EntertainmentNews #Celebrities #PopCulture #EntertainmentTonight #Trending #EntertainmentIndustry #BehindTheScenes #EntertainmentWeekly #FunnyVideos #EntertainmentBlogger #Music #Dance #Viral #InstaVideo #EntertainmentChannel #Movie #Gaming #Lifestyle #Laugh #EntertainmentVideos #LiveEntertainment #Actor #Actress #StandUpComedy #Performance #Review #Reaction #Film #Series #Television #TV #Theater #ShortFilm #Documentary #BehindTheScenes #Bloopers #Sketch #Funny #Humor #ComedySketch #Prank #Satire #Parody #Improv #Skit #Animation #Cartoon #Anime #VFX #SpecialEffects #Costume #Makeup #Beauty #Fashion #Model #Dance #Choreography #Talent #Singing #Rap #HipHop… Read More

  • Pig SMP

    Pig SMP―――――――――――――PigSMP――――――――――――― Come and join an exciting new 1.21 Semi-Vanilla Minecraft SMP that is completely free to play! We have a friendly and welcoming community and the staff team are on hand to answer any questions you may have. Everyone is welcome at PigSMP! ――――――――――――What we offer―――――――――――― – Premium server features whilst being 100% free to play! – Grief prevention to protect those epic builds. – Custom armour, tools, weapons and blocks. – PvP Duels and events. – Economy based server. – Custom fishing & tournaments – Vehicles that work like tractors, cars, planes and more. – Growing list of minigames… Read More

  • Draconicraft SMP – Semi-vanilla Java 18+ Whitelist 1.21

    Draconicraft SMP Features: Semi-vanilla Java Version 1.21 18+ Age Requirement Whitelist About Draconicraft: Draconicraft is a community-focused Minecraft server with a 20k world border. The world expands with each Minecraft update, allowing players to work on projects without the fear of resets. Our diverse community of players from around the world offers a welcoming and respectful environment. Server Plugins and Datapacks: Anti Ender Dragon Grief Anti Enderman Grief Bundles! Custom Armor Statues Custom Nether Portals More Mob Heads Mini Blocks Multiplayer Sleep Player Head Drops Silence Mobs Villager Workstation Highlights Configuration Info Join Us: Experience a chill, adult-friendly survival server… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nether what?

    Because “what the nether” would’ve been too lit-erally explosive! Read More

  • Let’s Dive In: Lety’s Minecraft Axolotl Egg Bomb Adventure

    Let's Dive In: Lety's Minecraft Axolotl Egg Bomb Adventure In the world of Minecraft, a new bath bomb emerges, An axolotl egg from Lush, the excitement surges. But for Lety, it’s a different tale, Stepping on one in Mexico, a memory frail. In the virtual realm, axolotls thrive, A chance to interact, to keep them alive. But the video’s cut short, a change in the air, To protect her mental health, a break she must bear. Support Lety on Mastodon, for more of her wit, Or pledge on Patreon, to help her kit. Lewd modeling content, for those who dare, But delays may happen, so be aware. For… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos!

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Cheesy Dreamscape: Minecraft Animation

    Cheesy Dreamscape: Minecraft Animation The World of Minecraft: An Engaging Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers a vast and immersive virtual world for players to explore and create. From building magnificent structures to surviving in challenging environments, Minecraft has something for everyone. Exploration and Creativity One of the key features of Minecraft is its open-world concept, allowing players to explore endless terrains filled with diverse biomes, resources, and creatures. Whether you’re mining for valuable ores deep underground or constructing elaborate buildings on the surface, the possibilities are truly limitless. Building and Crafting With a variety of blocks at your disposal,… Read More

  • Surviving a Brave New World in Minecraft

    Surviving a Brave New World in Minecraft The Quest for Ender Pearls and Blaze Rods in Minecraft Survival Preparing for the Journey In the vast world of Minecraft Survival, every step is a new adventure. Our brave explorer is gearing up for a mission into the Nether, a realm filled with danger and mystery. Equipped with armor, weapons, and supplies, the journey begins. Gathering Ender Pearls Venturing into the eerie Warped Forest, our explorer sets out to hunt Endermen for valuable Ender Pearls. These shimmering orbs hold the key to unlocking portals and advancing in the game. With skill and determination, the Ender Pearls are secured… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Vx3 dominates SKYWARS CLASSIC on The Hive!

    Unbelievable: Vx3 dominates SKYWARS CLASSIC on The Hive!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing on The Hive live but SKYWARS CLASSIC?!?!’, was uploaded by Vx3 on 2024-08-16 03:41:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. hope you enjoy the stream! #hive #minecraft #live #survival. Read More

  • Exploring Illegal Farms & Spooky Caves in Minecraft

    Exploring Illegal Farms & Spooky Caves in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring Spooky Caves & illegal Farms in Minecraft | Minecraft in हिन्दी’, was uploaded by Zombie The Gamer on 2024-03-24 04:45:01. It has garnered 190 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:13 or 613 seconds. #minecraftindia #deepdark #minecrafthindi #scaryminecraft Join me on an exciting adventure as we dive into the latest version of Minecraft Survival, version 1.20.4! In this episode, we uncover the mysteries of scary caves and stumble upon secret illegal farms hidden within the game. From heart-pounding moments deep underground to the discovery of clandestine agricultural operations, this journey… Read More

  • Unbelievable Survival Tactics in Minecraft SMP!

    Unbelievable Survival Tactics in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Laten we eerlijk zijn. – Tijd4Survival S02E28 [Minecraft SMP] [44]’, was uploaded by Tijd4Jan on 2024-04-11 18:30:11. It has garnered 55 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:48 or 888 seconds. Today we’re going to take a step back from the normal Time4Survival formula. I have a few things I want to say, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. ⭐ Help me make better videos through Patreon: i|! Social Media i|! 🟥 Tijd4Jan: 🧪 Projects by Tijd4Jan: 🟪 Instagram: 📁 Tijd4Jan – Archive: 📜… Read More

  • Minecraft Bedwars Madness! Join me on the Road to 10k Subs

    Minecraft Bedwars Madness! Join me on the Road to 10k SubsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedwars Live! | WITH SUBS |Road To 10k Subs.’, was uploaded by Bukhari Gameplay on 2024-05-01 15:16:34. It has garnered 90 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:58 or 4738 seconds. Minecraft Bedwars Live! | WITH SUBS |Road To 10k Subs. Eagle’s Channel SUB!!!: Also AwesomePlayz : ServerI Discord VC-: Version-:1.8+ Welcome, everyone, to our Minecraft Bedwars livestream! We are thrilled to have you here with us as we take on some of the toughest opponents in the game, all while working towards our goal of hitting 10ksubscribers…. Read More

  • Unbelievable Lifesteal in New Base – Episode 6

    Unbelievable Lifesteal in New Base - Episode 6Video Information This video, titled ‘The Journey to a New Base – Lifesteal episode 6’, was uploaded by V0idDagger on 2024-08-17 09:25:11. It has garnered 62 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:36 or 6996 seconds. Playing the public lifesteal server live Teamates: @FireLightning78 @xGrindin @realcritter @Imgid5803 #lifesteal #minecraft Read More


    DASH: EPIC ANGEL VS DEMON BATTLE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘ANGEL / DEMON Life in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-09-09 13:00:18. It has garnered 146387 views and 2535 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:01 or 1441 seconds. ANGEL VS DEMON Life in Minecraft This video Dash and Ruby live a ANGEL AND DEMON LIFE in MIENCRAFT! Who will live the best life? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash Read More

  • FLAME LEGENDS! Samsung Users Tauba Tauba 🔥 #freefire

    FLAME LEGENDS! Samsung Users Tauba Tauba 🔥 #freefireVideo Information This video, titled ‘TAUBA TAUBA para-SAMSUNG,A3,A5,A6,A7,J2,J5,J7,S5,S6,S7,S9,A1 0,A20,A30,A70 #freefire #shorts’, was uploaded by Flame Legends on 2024-08-02 11:00:34. It has garnered 464 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Link: #freefire #gaming #trending #viral #minecraft #freefire #catnap #minecraftshorts #gojo #anime #huggywuggy FREE FIRE FREE FIRE SAMSUNG,A3,A5,A6,A7,J2,J5,J7,S5,S6,S7,S9,A1 0,A20,A30,A70 Ramzan event in Free Fire #gaming #freefirehow to complete RAMDAN EVENT in Free Fire SAMSUNG,A3,A5,A6,A7,J2,J5,J7,S5,S6,S7,S9,A1 0,A20,A30,A70#freefire #Garena #Aksbyte_gamingfree fire shooting tips, free fire tips andtricksJ3. How to get free DIAMOND in freefireI|4. How to get 10 rupees airdrop tipsJ5. How to get 29 rupees airdrop… Read More

  • INSANE! Pillager Outpost Turned House! #minecraft

    INSANE! Pillager Outpost Turned House! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Transforming a Pillager Outpost into a House #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by ThaMango on 2024-07-04 19:13:05. It has garnered 12788 views and 1115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. im hoping my cold goes away tomorrow, but if it doesn’t I might take a few days off the series and return whenever it’s better (hopefully that’s not the case though) sorry Read More

  • INSANE! You won’t believe this MINECRAFT MOVIE flipbook by Andymation

    INSANE! You won't believe this MINECRAFT MOVIE flipbook by AndymationVideo Information This video, titled ‘I made the MINECRAFT MOVIE Flipbook’, was uploaded by Andymation on 2024-09-11 18:37:02. It has garnered 33169 views and 2212 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:13 or 193 seconds. Ima make a Minecraft Movie flipbook and see what the Studio thinks of it. 📦 Get my Flipbook Kit and supplies at ✌️ 📱 Share YOUR animations in the Andymation App – It’s FREE iOS: Android: Other Gear I Use: Mechanical Pencils: Copic Pens: Basic Copic Marker Set: Social: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok: 2nd Channel:… Read More

  • MhTreasure

    MhTreasure– Mine sand for treasure – Sell items for gold – Buy or upgrade items – Find rare shovels inside of treasure – 13 loot layers with scaling health having 250+ different items – Explore custom world generation – Custom enchantments – Few restrictions on crafting, enchanting, etc. providing a vanilla experience Read More

  • Ironclad Factions – Brand New World – PVP Focused – Custom Enchants – Factions & McMMO – No Hacking – Java & Bedrock Supported

    IP: Port: 25555 (Bedrock supported) Discord: Ironclad Network About Us: Welcome to Ironclad Factions Lifesteal, where every battle counts, and every heart is precious. Join us in our brand new world on 8/18/24 for competitive gameplay, intense PVP, and strategic faction warfare. What Makes Us Different: Lifesteal Mechanics: Gain extra hearts from enemy kills. Custom Enchantments: Enhance your gear with unique enchantments. Faction Commands: Utilize commands to dominate the server. PVP Enabled: Battle in the entire world. Economy & Trading: Sell items, manage resources, and trade in Auction House. Skill Progression: Level up skills with McMMO for powerful abilities…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My brutal take on the Minecraft film

    Minecraft Memes - My brutal take on the Minecraft filmWell, I guess the Minecraft movie has a higher score than my GPA in high school. Read More

  • Void Survivor, Cave Dweller, Herobrine: Minecraft Terror

    Void Survivor, Cave Dweller, Herobrine: Minecraft Terror In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of a man from the void, a story untold. With lightning strikes and caves to explore, The adventure begins, with so much more. Crafting a home, with blocks and beams, Facing the unknown, in virtual dreams. The cave dweller lurks, in shadows deep, While Herobrine watches, a secret to keep. With mods and shaders, the game comes alive, Each sound and texture, helping us thrive. Cartoon Dog and Iris Shaders in play, Immersive interfaces, guiding the way. Realistic sounds, of rain and footsteps, Adding depth to the game, with every step…. Read More

  • Oppise moment: Creeper in the hot tub 🙈🔥

    Oppise moment: Creeper in the hot tub 🙈🔥 When you accidentally mine straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, that’s the ultimate “oppose moment” 🙈🙊 #minecraftfail #rookiemistake #shouldhavewatchedatutorial Read More

  • Piston Power: Block Exploration

    Piston Power: Block Exploration Minecraft Piston: A Redstone Marvel Exploring the world of Minecraft is always an adventure, especially when delving into the intricate world of redstone contraptions. One key component that has revolutionized the way players interact with the game is the Piston. Let’s dive into the fascinating mechanics and possibilities that this block brings to the table. The Power of Pistons At its core, a Piston is a block that can push or pull other blocks when activated by redstone power. This simple concept opens up a world of possibilities for creating complex mechanisms, traps, doors, and more within the game…. Read More

  • Ultra Sneaky Minecraft Server Raid! Part 8

    Ultra Sneaky Minecraft Server Raid! Part 8 Minecraft: Exploring the Exciting World of Gaming Embark on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s always something new to discover in this virtual realm. Unleashing the Power of Elytra Experience the exhilaration of soaring through the skies with the Elytra, a powerful set of wings that allows players to glide effortlessly across vast distances. For the first time, players can now harness the incredible abilities of the Elytra in the latest installment of… Read More

  • Insane Kids’ Minecraft Gameplay Goes Viral! 🎮

    Insane Kids' Minecraft Gameplay Goes Viral! 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons – part 1 pc game gameplay #gameplay #viral #cartoon’, was uploaded by MG kids Tv 🧸 on 2024-06-18 00:50:36. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:25 or 445 seconds. Minecraft Dungeons – part 1 pc game gameplay Welcome to MG kids Tv , where the magic of gaming comes to life for our young adventurers! 🎮✨ 🌈 Dive into a world of fun, laughter, and endless gaming excitement with MG kids Tv, your friendly guide through the realm of pixels and power-ups. Our channel is… Read More

  • Massive Mansion Build + Discord Nitro Giveaway

    Massive Mansion Build + Discord Nitro GiveawayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Livestream | BUILDING AND DECORATING MASSIVE MANSION + DISCORD NITRO GIVEAWAY’, was uploaded by MA_FatherGucci on 2024-04-13 20:18:57. It has garnered 155 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:45 or 8385 seconds. We’re doing the finishing touches and doing a discord nitro giveaway! Join me at Make sure you’re in the server and at the end we will do the giveaway!!!, just add your discord user at this link!!! Tips are appreciated and thanks to all who do donate! #Minecraftmemes #Minecraftbuild #Minecrafters Meme asylum FYP Minecraft Building… Read More

  • Draven’s Sand Art Creates Mind-Blowing Masterpieces! #shorts

    Draven's Sand Art Creates Mind-Blowing Masterpieces! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Falling Sand Art Minecraft – owlette #shorts #minecraft #owlette’, was uploaded by DRAVEN IS LIVE on 2024-04-22 12:45:00. It has garnered 20337 views and 564 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. This is a satisfying video Hope you like this Minecraft Sand Art Video and share it with your friends! #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #owlette Read More

  • Unbelievable Aquatica Tower Build | ABGee’s Magic | Time-lapse

    Unbelievable Aquatica Tower Build | ABGee's Magic | Time-lapseVideo Information This video, titled ‘The starting tower in Aquatica! | Time-lapse’, was uploaded by ABGee’s Magic on 2024-03-07 06:42:33. It has garnered 24 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:39 or 99 seconds. Experience the magic of Minecraft as we build our starting tower in Aquatica! Watch the time-lapse of our creation unfold in this exciting first episode of our series. Dive in now and be inspired to start your own epic builds! Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Rebirth! Don’t Miss Out!

    EPIC Minecraft Rebirth! Don't Miss Out!Video Information This video, titled ‘New Beginnings in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-16 19:00:17. It has garnered 109 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:53 or 1733 seconds. Thanks for stopping by! Come along with me as I start my journey on the AfterLife SMP. Today’s goal is to just… not get kicked off the server on day one. Baby steps! ————————————— AfterLife SMP is a private Java survival multiplayer server that started December 21, 2014 created by AllOutJay. We’re a wonderful group of YouTubers who enjoy playing Minecraft, creating riveting stories, making monstrous… Read More

  • Minecraft animation: Boy love rebirthISODE 6

    Minecraft animation: Boy love rebirthISODE 6Video Information This video, titled ‘[S.2 | P.6] MINECRAFT ANIMATION ||Boy love|| •Rebirth•’, was uploaded by KIRA on 2024-07-16 11:21:00. It has garnered 3145 views and 394 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:20 or 260 seconds. Tracks from the video: 1. – Floatinurboat x Chris Linton – Holding On [NCS Release] My tg channel : My TikTok: My Roblox: Read More