Peppa Pig’s CRAZY Adventures in Minecraft!

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Hey Papa pig family urgent news there are advertisements all over the village saying that papa pig is sought and rewarded what have you done that the police are looking for you all over the village I’m just shocked and I can’t believe what is happening in the village

Now there’s a policeman at every turn or so oh my God Even in our house wor this ad that’s how we have the police that climbs other people’s houses but why am I wanted I’ve been in the mines all the time and I’ve never done anything wrong

And then all of a sudden they’re looking for me and there’s a huge reward for catching me we must think quickly how to get out of here we just need to sneak between all the cops and run into the woods I’m shocked our dad’s been reported missing I think it’s some sort

Of wanted for higher mistake because our dad never breaks the rules and lives by the laws of the settlement where he lives but not so many people police looking for one daddy pig it’s 100% some mistake but it is impossible to decide with the police because there are so

Many of them and they will not hesitate to take take papa pig that’s right we need to think about a plan to escape the village George I don’t think it’s funny at all look out the windows we’re surrounded on all sides and there’s a whole Squad of these cops in the middle

Of the village you cannot leave the house because they will see me and run right here they will definitely catch me like this so we need to think about another plan so far I have no ideas in my head I’m just in shock right now you can’t look through a window without at

Least one cop in each one there are many of them in our village and it is very frightening it looks like they’re all here for a big reward for catching Pig but we know he didn’t do anything you can’t go out there cuz it’s going to get

Ugly and I don’t have any ideas it’s just awful what’s been going on since this morning Mom how did you even get outside in the village there is not a single inhabitant and we come alone here are not policemen we have already blocked the door to the house so there

There is no way back we’re either going to give up or we’re going to figure out how to get out of here is there any underground tunnels out there that’s right Peppa you’re doing a great job of reminding me of that you see the toilet does it give you anything right in it

You can go but where is everything washed off of course in the sewer there’s going to be a very dirty escape from this house and this Village but only one we just need to get to the sewer and then get out in one of the hatches far from the village wow Peppa

That’s some intelligence you got there even dad hasn’t figured it out yet it’s a good thing we found a way out of here I don’t want to go into the sewers of the whole village but we don’t have a choice so we just have to act we take

Everything we need now and we can start running away from here hurrah Harrah Harrah we will finally escape from this horror these policemen are already tired of knocking on the house and the door we will not give up and run away from this Village ha I hope soon the whole

Situation will improve and they will stop looking besides this Escape just appeared a reason to move and I love moving very much and will be happy to help us build new housing so I’ve taken the iron axe from our chest and I’m going to dig up our

Toilet and find the sewer I think it’s not too deep because there are very few houses in the village and there is no need for a large sewer Harrah so we found a sewer there are a few boats we’re going to sail to the nearest hatch

I hope none of the cops heard our plan cuz they were standing right outside the house if they hear this plan they’re already waiting for us on the other side where we should be getting out wow this place is so creepy and doesn’t smell good I wouldn’t wish the enemy here but

We’re only here for dad’s sake so he doesn’t go to jail George probably liked it here the most haha all right let’s not stay too long so let’s jump faster into the boats and swim to the nearest hatch and that’s him all this Rusty it seems long ago

There were no people Luke I have already opened climb out and await further instructions family oh my God it’s all full of lava it’s just awful looks like the cops did it so you couldn’t leave this Village and they’d find you it’s not even possible to dig underneath I

Think because if they dug a lava wide ditch like this they’ll do the same thing underneath what shall we do papa pig papa oops this is exactly what I didn’t expect to see these policemen are very focused on me so you need to stay out of sight they even shortened the

Manhole and poured leftover lava I’m just shocked but I have a genius plan rumor has it that the chief of police in this Village has a bunker with a helicopter in it now we need to climb that mountain and wait for the Knight to get into his house and find that bunker

Wow breaking into someone’s house and the chief of police it’s very exciting and I feel like a spy so I’ll see a helicopter I hope this bunker isn’t a myth and it’s really going to be at his house I’m going to do whatever dad tells

Me to do to to get out of here and I’m going to fly a helicopter so it’s night and it’s time to break into his house he’s asleep now and more than half the cops are gone now there are only night Porters left who can’t see us and we can safely break

Into his house his house is the only one with an Annex that can be seen from this Ridge we just need to run up there and go in and the rest is for the little bit lava is so beautiful to Glow in spite of the fact that prevents us so much so

Papa pig I see his house and we are left to play in Silence with cops and each other it will be easy to come quietly to his house but you must quietly open the doors and quietly enter his house Peppa George I hope you understand your task

So right now we’re going to do it Peppa and George are spies and we have understood our task we will be so quiet that even the grass will not move we will also cover ourselves with dirt so that the police will not see us and we

Will merge with the ground I really see the secret bunker so I am ready for anything I also really want to save my dad from the police because I really care about him and I don’t want him going to jail so this is the main entrance to the

House of the chief officer of the Village Police on entering it is immediately visible that he is fast asleep and not a fact that he will wake up now we have to look for what opens the basement oh it was not necessary to look for a long time I found some kind

Of lever wow he opens a Hidden Door in the Floor that leads down a beautiful staircase to the bunker wow this is so beautiful I would live here wow it’s really beautiful here and you can’t tell from an ordinary village house that under it is such a huge and expensive

Structure I didn’t even think we had that in the village I didn’t even know there were sewers and this I feel like I’ve been here before but I don’t know when I imagine this is the bunker so big very protected by iron blocks and with beautiful lighting also there is a very

Comfortable and very steep [Laughter] staircase I think this is the last door to our escape and I can already see a big helicopter on the helipad it’s pretty cool that the helicopter isn’t a myth and it exists except that’s how it comes out of this bunker I think the

Roof blocks are just a dummy to keep this bunker safe I’m even sure that when we fly we will go through these blocks because they are transparent let’s fly wow it’s really so big I’ve only seen it high in the sky and up close I didn’t

Think I could see it Papa pig I hope you know how to drive such a large transport of course if you’re making this up you know how to control it the most important thing is for us to get out of here and forget about this Village and

The police Gathering oh my God this is a real big helicopter I’m just shocked that I could see it I believed it was here now I can’t wait to fly it far away and start building a new house I hope we will not find there damn I would fly

This helicopter and fly and would not Tire I have long dreamed of traveling by air and my dream almost came true fly that’s the big moment of the day after they started looking for me we needed to find a way to get out of this Village from the police and we were able

To do that we found the chopper and are about to launch out of this bunker fortunately I know how to fly this aircraft and we will successfully fly out of this Village the lava mode is very long we could never have crossed it without a helicopter so we took the

Right path we managed to escape and now we are flying far away from this Village Hi family hi audience today we continue to play the game Minecraft in this series we hit the open ocean without any islands and our task will be to survive on this little raft I think

This survival will be very diff difficult but also interesting have a good time hello subscribers Hi family nice to see you again in the game Minecraft it’s such an exciting game but today we’re going to have to do our best to survive for today we shall survive on

One single raft in one great ocean I hope we can do this and build ourselves a shelter hello audience hello family I don’t even know how we got here I appeared immediately in the ocean and on the raft I don’t know how we’re going to survive out here but I’m going to help

You parents with all stuff to make us comfortable and get out of here first I think we should see what’s in the chest let’s take a closer look at the contents of this one trunk that is on the raft wow it has a set for every person in our family one person will

Have nine loaves of bread and one fishing rod most likely we’ll need to catch something from the ocean to survive or catch something new because it’s dangerous to go into the water there could be sharks wow this is super we’re going to be eating under the opes

Of survival and it’s cool I suggest we start fishing now to see what resources we can get in the ocean in case we catch some treasure but first of all we definitely need a lot of fish so that we can eat more than bread hrah hurrah

Hurah now we will have food I will eat some bread immediately I am very hungry and after that I’ll be ready for anything I’ll load up some food and I’ll go fishing with you just Dad show me how to fish for a start I’ve never even held

A fishing rod in my hand and here you have to fish show me show me so starting our lesson on how to fish properly first of all you need to throw the rod as far as possible because the raft fish will Shuffle this huge and

Just swim away then we just wait for a cool easy to spot even from a distance after the bite we pull the rod back and take our prey the main thing is to make sure the fish does does not fall off here is an example throw a fishing rod

Waiting for the long awaited bite of the fish we see that the fish swim to the hook and when it will be right at him to get a fishing rod that’s how easy it is so while we were fishing we had a lot of interesting things we really found them

They caught us on the hook there were also some Treasures that we have kept from you for the time being also there was a lot of garbage that we will also leave just in case the most important thing is that we were able to catch a

Lot of raw fish which we will fry in the furnace thank God that you can catch a rock here okay I planted the first tree so this is the beginning of our Evolution after this tree immediately I can offer to make a workbench and on it already made and stove these two things

Are essential to us so we must keep them and not lose them yet where we will cook the food of course in the oven thank God we have more wood and coal for fuel wow our survival is already starting to be interesting we’re finally done with fishing and starting to develop at last

We have a workbench and soon the first tree will be this will be our Infinite Source of wood because from there often fall seedlings and sometimes even not one still interesting to make your home on the water with resources from the ocean wow this really is a hopeful raft

Becoming we now have a crafting table for all the things that Minecraft has and there’s even a stove where we can finally fry our fish I’m starting to like this survival more than anyone even survival in the air on the only block was not so interesting there are all the

Blocks and here for good luck you need to catch them so family we are now moving on to the construction of the foundations of our raft but first we need to raise a lot of resources after that we will start building our house on the water

This is very good so we are trying extracting from everywhere resources and we will quickly start building our shelter mama pig peppa I’ll give you the the tools you need Mom your job will be to cut down the tree that we grew just completely so there’s nothing left and

You Peppa’s assignment is easier you need to make a hoe and then plant the first seeds of the garden wheat on the raft will not be Superfluous all right papa pig I’m going to cut down a tree it’s so high I’m afraid it won’t fall down and destroy our raft but in

Minecraft like this you can’t have that so you just chop it wow it’s so big that I can’t even get to the top with an axe okay I’m about to embark on my first important mission in this survival to begin I need to scrape the hoe on the

Workbench it’s simple we need only sticks and Boards wooden ho we will be full enough then you just put a block of land on which the seeds will grow dig it up and plant wheat seeds that’s it now with the extraction of wood we can finally start building our home in

Our case we will use the boards from the wood we had but nothing these are also beautiful blocks now that I’m building a floor in our house I’ve left a special space so that you can get from the water to the house immediately after me we’ll build already Papa Pig and Peppa they

Will build walls and ceiling I cannot wait to settle here so parallell with Mom Pig I will build the walls of our house it will not be very large because the resources do not allow us yet hopefully there will be a few more episodes on this survival but it all

Depends on you followers if you show good activity we’ll continue this survival and build a much bigger house finally I finished the final part of our house while dad builds the beams I rather finish the ceiling it turns out a very beautiful house and I rather want

To settle down in it I want to put a crib on which I will sleep and all the necessary things let’s finish building our house family everyone at last we have finished our house and the time to transfer our things to the house itself let’s quickly do this and already settle

In our house I want to sleep very much but I’m willing to go on and do whatever it takes to finish it tonight we’ll put everything on one side and make beds on the other so that everything will be compact in our house so now I have

Scrambled us finally the beds will be sleeping on as well as the two hatches we’re going to put in front of the house so we don’t fall into the water the beds are arranged in this way as they fit into the house so that one of us will

Sleep at a distance of one block from all of us I think it’s okay the main thing is we have one house in common oh my God I’m so glad we finally built this house on the water we did it in one episode and it’s really cool and fast we

Are a close-knit family that was able to do this I am happy for us all and I’m ready to continue this survival again I loved it here what about you George so we ended up surviving on a raft in the middle of the ocean it was the Prototype game raft but in Minecraft

I think it’s much more interesting and multi-functional I really enjoyed fishing today as well as building our small but beautiful house I think we were able to convey our Impressions to you through the video hooray our exciting Minecraft Survival series is coming to an end this series came out

Very productive and interesting and I hope you enjoyed watching it viewers today we planted the first tree in the ocean and made a small vegetable garden and even managed to build our family house right on the raft I hope we come back here again because there are so

Many more plans subscribers I hope everyone enjoyed this series on survival on raft in Minecraft this series turned out to be very sunny and conveys the mood of rest at the ocean but of course it is not at all true if you show activity likes and comments we will

Certainly shoot the next episode on this survival subscribe to our Channel see you soon followers hello family hello subscribers here we are finally playing again a wonderful game called Minecraft I like it very much especially to survive here today we continue to spend our time in

The open ocean on the only raft and in the last episode we built a small house for our whole family as well as all the necessary things that are in the house hello hello viewers that’s right in this series we continue to survive on one raft in the great open ocean all that

Surrounds us is the sun the moon and water nothing else in this series we will be fishing for the first time as a family we will build a small vegetable garden for our family and if possible if we are lucky we will build windows in our house it’s all about finding the s

And hello family subscribers enjoy watching this raap Survival series should be very productive if we’re going to make a vegetable garden it’s going to be a big contribution to our survival we’ll have a source of wheat that we can make bread and eat it with fish we can

Also catch some other plant seeds and grow them in our future Garden the first thing we need to do to make this Survival series very productive in every sense is to get resources now as a family we’ll be fishing on all sides of the raft because

Four rods are much better than one hahaa so far I’ve only come across fish and a lot of garbage so hopefully I can catch something substantial tonight I don’t have enough space on our raft to fish so I need to cut through the raft fence and

Get out of here and then I have to remember to put the fence back I’m fishing for the first time and I hope I get something fun that I’m going to leave behind for life or I want a very tasty fish that will fry and eat so with

Papa pig I was fishing a long time ago and after a while I had almost forgotten how to fish well I guess I just have to wait for the end of the rod to puke so I’m just going to have to wait the main thing is not to miss the moment not to

Lose the catch it makes it even a little romantic when you survive on one raft with the whole family and no one else so we finished fishing and I got something interesting I got two potions that will give us a great contribution to our survival it’s a nice vision

Potion and an underwater breath potion you can do anything with them but my job is to explore the underwater world see if there’s any way to find the mysterious treasure the night vision potion under the water is going to help oh my God papa pig it’s certainly very

Cool that you caught such cool potions but it’s also dangerous for your health because you don’t know how long this potion will last in case you sink to the depths and it will finish its action before you get out God forbid papa pig you certainly Tred to explore the

Underwater world but only very carefully please wa dad you got something unusual while fishing man I only got raw fish but I’m not upset because I caught a lot of fish and we’ll never be hungry papa pig let’s try these potions already I hope that you will be all right and

Nothing happened to them in the water where did they come from I wonder okay let’s start the dive first of all we need to drink the potions they will help me very well with the night vision potion I can see everything underwater and the underwater breathing potion will allow me to breathe

Underwater which is very cool how beautiful it is underwater I’m just shocked by this beauty I like it here these beautiful whirlpools drive me crazy oh my God a strange chest among gravel have I found a treasure I hope our dad’s okay there and he’s coming

Soon don’t you kids worry either now he will find something fun and we’ll come back the main thing is to wait for him I hope he found some treasure there in the depth that would be really cool wow there are so many things we need that

Will finally get a good life on this one raft there was a lot of wood iron seeds for our garden coal for torches in our house necessarily a lot of sand thanks to which we can make Windows in our house and of course the land that remained in the chest it’s pretty cool

We can get out daddy pig how are you what was going on in the underwater world did you find any treasure are are there good locals or are there any sharks or piranhas I’d sail myself into the underwater world right now but I don’t have any potions that’s too bad

But I don’t think it’s worth it just being there unless it’s for Treasure and I’ve never even looked for Treasure so family questions all after yes I found a small chest with much needed things we now have a large stock of wood enough sand to make glass in our house as well

As trivia seeds for our garden and coal for torches this is very cool right family I really liked the underwater world there are very beautiful Limitless and lovely inhabitants papa pig how happy I am to see you no matter how it was in the underwater world or if you

Found any treasure the most important thing is that you could and came back to us from the underwater world I was very afraid that the potions were fake and it was just a hoax from some witch but it turns out no Miracles are real that’s really

Cool so Dad just ordered us all to go build a veget vegetable garden while he figures things out we’re going to build a little extension next to our raft where our garden will be located it is very convenient to have a vegetable garden on the raft because the water

Immediately gets to our garden and do not need to go after it or get it somewhere she’s here now and the main thing is not to fall between the beds but that’s what we decide mother while building the vegetable garden asked me to help her with it while she puts

Blocks of land my task will be to plow them and to plant immediately wheat seeds it’s going to be a a lot faster than taking turns and I love that we’re going to finish this Garden faster I hope he will look very beautiful next to

Our house and we’ll give style so at the end of the construction of our garden it is necessary to build a fence so that during the Harvest nothing falls into the water and we do not fall there so on the workbench we make a quick picket fence which is made very simple and

Cheap and go to Mark the place for the fence and put the fence itself and that’s sort of how we get a fence around the garden I think it’s very beautiful and it’s worth it because it’s very safe okay now it’s time to spend the other resources we’ve got we’re going to put

Sand and wood in the stove to get glass and we put them in the house okay well we’re going to spend the coal a little bit on the torch because it’s dark enough in our house at night and we need some glow well I’m going to spend some glass on our garden because

We almost fell between the beds and the water it is bad to be in wet clothes because we have no other therefore we need to create a safe movement in the garden now it is both fashionable and not dangerous okay well I’m going to use the glass right now to insert them into

Our house I’m going to use the freshest glass right into our Windows to make them much more reliable at least I think that’s what’s going to happen man I’m just a couple of glasses short and I need to get these windows done so we finish our raft survival

Video today we have done a lot of things but mostly tried dad p Pig because he found potions and found cool Treasures right at the bottom of the underwater world we also built a small vegetable garden today where I will be constantly looking after plants wo that’s the end

Of our next raft Survival Series this is a very interesting survival because here you can both fish and swim in the ocean here you can literally everything that is in the Ordinary World only there is no land only water and nothing else it’s very unusual for normal survival and I

Like it dear viewers this survival was very mysterious and interesting agree with me write in comments your opinion also do not forget to like And subscribe to the channel Peppa plays because here we regularly release videos and with us you definitely do not get bored I’ll see you [Laughter]

Soon hello family I have a little news for you it is that I am pregnant and not one child but twins I am shocked that I have twins this this is the first experience for me soon you children will have a little brother and sister literally today we will go to the

Maternity hospital to have them born I have a very large stomach I am very difficult to walk with it yes children it’s true it’s definitely not a joke I’ve known this for a long time but we haven’t told you to keep it a secret until the day of the birth I think it

Was a very unusual surprise for you so before the birth we need to definitely build a house in which comfortable to live and newborn children are not fren from the cold what our mom is pregnant with twins I’m just shocked I like this surprise Dad I’m waiting to take my mom

To the hospital and have a brother and sister with George as many as two babies in one birth it must be very dangerous you Mom the main thing now do not overexert while we are building a house you can just sit here so it’s time to start digging for

Resources for our house I’ll be cutting down a tree instead of my my mother Pig this is very exciting and I’m already starting to like it I still can’t believe that today we will have a replenishment for as many as two people in the family all right well we’ll have

To think about that later cuz now we’re all focused on building a house while everyone’s out looking for resources I’m told to sit tight and wait for them to get everything I’m so glad I don’t have to chop or dig because that would be hard for me with two kids in my stomach

It is very interesting to watch how everyone works and you sit even somehow boring has already become but it’s okay I cannot do physical exercise okay well I’m going to be mining a lot of rock luckily there’s plenty of it here so you don’t have to look for a place where

It’s there everything is already here from the boulder we will make the basis of our house so that it is strong and better kept warm the walls will be made of planks just for good thermal conductivity also we will need to make a large roof to save rain from rain it’s going to

Leak so we have secured all the necessary resources and have already found a place to build our future family home with us it should not be small but rather large enough because in our family will not be four people as it was but as much as six

So you need a lot of space we have to move fast on the construction cuz Mom could be having a baby right now and we never got to the hospital while dad’s building the house I’m digging up land to make a warm floor instead this is a

Very very good solution for the home because not only the body should be warm but also the legs instead you can also lay soft carpets that will also warm okay Dad I get it I’m speeding up so I can quickly build a house with you it’s hard without Mom while the whole family

Is making a house I’m picking flowers for our house we only have yellow flowers around here but that’s okay they will also make a beautiful patio which we will admire right from the window I don’t have to run very far because I’m very tired with this big belly so I will

Not strain in a little here will collect flowers the almost final stage of construction of our house will be the construction of a large roof I’m starting to build it now so we’re about to have a house with a big roof this roof will protect us very much from the

Rain because when the roof is straight then all the water accumulates and goes to the house and on such a corner roof water drops will roll down to the ground and nothing will get home so while Dan is building the roof of our house I think I’ll do the interior design of our

House because it was completely empty and now we have a workbench a furnace and even a double chest there’s so much space we’ll have separate beds for everyone I love the window layout dad’s so good he came up with the idea while everyone’s building the house I’ve collected all the flowers from the

Meadow and now I’m planting them around our cabin they can be seen from any window of our large house because the windows are located on each side of the house except the entrance these flowers are so cute they make me very relaxed and this is very good because during

Pregnancy you cannot stress especially when I’m giving birth today so we’ve finally built our very Cozy home and warm shelter now we’re going to live here as a family and even if we have two new family members we’re going to fit in I feel like we’re missing something for

Our new kids to live in any suggestions Peppa need to think Papa pig oh I invented Dad we need to build a big playground for everyone still we have four children already in our family and play what we will be at home it is very

Boring so we need to make it sure I hope dad that you will find how to make a slide or swing or even ordinary toys with which we will play WoW Peppa I think this is the best idea that ever could be I haven’t even figured out what

We need yet for the baby playground we definitely need the children to entertain themselves and develop their endurance for example when climbing the stairs but before this construction I have to go to the maternity hospital come more to it I know know where it is good afternoon I’m pregnant and would

Like to make an appointment with a doctor is it possible follow you okay it’s so beautiful here I love the conditions of child birth hello doctor let’s put mama pig in the hands of the master hahaa but if you’re serious please recommend diet and postpartum rules can you exercise

Etc Peppa George say a very be beautiful hospital it is made entirely of strong and expensive blocks it will be impossible to burn and blow it up a safe and comfortable hospital I love it here and I trust it very much wow I love it here it’s a very cozy Hospital although

It is not very large as in the TV it is very Compact and there are a lot of things you need for any tasks I would like to try myself in the future as a doctor especially to deliver I am very interested in how it happens but I will

Not know soon I dream of having having a baby or having one myself so while Mom pig is in the hospital we need to start building a playground I’ve already found the way things are done for the playground so it’s time to put them out we will have a

Big swing which will be nice to swing always and any time and we will also have a swing for two so that there is exactly enough space for everyone and there will be a ladder on which you can climb the main thing is to do it very

Carefully I’ll also make a big toy chest wow this playground is going to be awesome and I hope mom and the new members of our family are going to love playing here in the meantime I can try every single thing on this court what I love most about this is the swing

Because it’s very comforting and it’s very exciting to swing back and forth so our mom Finally checked out of the hospital did everything go well Mama pig what beautiful newborn babies we have they are very similar to George and Peppa come on tell me mama pig everything went well I gave birth to

Twins two new members of our family were born like this they are very cute and beautiful I think they will snuggle up with you children did you build a platform already wow how cute they are in your arms I can’t wait to play with them and meet them this is our brother

And sister and now we will raise them together with you long dreamed of a younger sister or brother and here too were born so we have completed at the end of this day the construction of our house and even the playground how fast and well we work even if one member of

The family is absent for help it’s great that we have two more kids and now we have four of them and soon they’re going to be teenagers and we’re going to have a big coherent family that will help and support each other you did a great job

With Peppa and George you built so many things in a short period of time while I was in the hospital I’m very grateful to you that you’re doing this for the good of the family as well as the newborn children now we are a family of six

People we need to watch and care for everyone I think Peppa and George Will well raise new children yeah what a big playground we have Mom don’t worry we’ll be watching our little brother and sister we’ll be helping them out supporting them and educating them in all areas you’re the main mom don’t

Worry better go look at our new playground maybe drive off the slide ha personally I’m going to go play with them right now hello family nice to see you again in Minecraft today we will have an unusual survival because today we have to really survive in these conditions we

Are now on a tropical island with a large volcano it will erupt in exactly 100 days in which time we will have to build our shelter and escape the lava hello family wow today’s survival at Minecraft will be quite challenging because we have a full-time limit but

There are four of us in the family and I’m sure we can handle it the most important thing is not to make any mistakes and then not to redo everything again so we start right now and do it as fast as we can and we have to survive

This eruption family hello finally we are back in Minecraft I’m very afraid of the thing that will happen to us today do we need a volcanic eruption and hide from it it is very scary but on the other hand very interesting I think I

Will try to help at all costs so that we can all survive and not burn in lava George will you also help your family today so the most important thing that you need to ract first of all this tree of course but immediately after it we

Need a lot of rock it is very strong and does not miss lava at all so we need to build a solid home out of this rock and we can definitely escape this volcanic eruption we should also build a triangular roof so that the lava does not flow through the ceiling okay well

I’m going to chop down trees to get a lot of wood we need wood for the tools we need to survive we will also make a floor out of wood to make it comfortable to move around the house the volcano is so big at the bottom you can’t even see

The edge of it from above it’s so above the clouds that they cover the top of it my task will be to collect wheat seeds from ordinary grass on the mountain thank God it is here a lot and I will now collect a lot of seeds it’s so

Interesting to run in the tropics it’s so warm and beautiful even running some interesting animals I’ve never seen before in the Ordinary World Pussycats are so cute running around I’d like to get a cat like that home now we have gathered a lot of resources and are beginning to build a

House Mom Pig will build the floor and I am the basis of the house it will be compact because there is no point in building a large house that will then pour lava we are building a compact and cozy house in which we will spend all

100 days of our survival I scraped a shovel to make it easier to dig the sand we’ll have just the sand to scrape the windows into the house thank God we do not have too big house and do not need to dig very much and need a little

Blocks of wood the main thing is not to break the shovel because without it to dig it is very hard and long Peppa and you are digging sand there or have made glass Mom I’m already putting glass in our house we’ll have very large windows so we can look in all directions that

Are possible we will have a view of the river and the volcano and much more most importantly we will have a view and we will be able to understand whether lava is coming from the volcano or not hopefully it won’t be 100 days soon because we just started but it’s been a

Long time I think okay Peppa and I are about to start building our first wheat Garden Peppa it’s a good thing you picked a lot of seeds now we have a big enough Harvest to start with since we do not have a bucket we will build right by the river

Garden dig all the sand and put the ground in its place and in the space between the ground will flow clean river water mom you and I are really good together cuz while you’re digging sand I’m putting dirt right there there we’ve saved a lot of time and if we keep doing

This kind of work and saving it we’ll be able to build our safe house by the 100th day of the volcano it is good that I have scraped the hoe and will now open the ground and plant our wheat seeds I hope it grows very quickly so while Mom

And Peppa are building our first vegetable garden I’ll keep the house running I put up a beautiful door made of beautiful wood and I will now place the necessary things it will be a workbench a stove and necessarily four beds on which we will sleep exactly one

100 days it’s been hard to stay awake these past few days but we’ve managed and we’re still playing so family today we have an important task we need to explore the situation at the top of the volcano how much lava is already there and whether it is high be careful when you climb

This Cliff because there is a very steep climb and you can easily break I’m really worried about you so let’s stick together and not run away from each other hoay hey climb to the top of the volcano won’t it be too dangerous this is lava so it is better not to get too

Close or you can fall or burn it must be very hot the tropical island is already standing unbearable heat and there I think even hotter although I can see there’s snow on the top so I’m thinking it’s going to be just like the snow on the bottom papa pig we understand you we

Will be very careful I watch the children and do not lose sight if something bad happens I’ll be sure to report it but I’m hoping that nothing like this will happen and that we will quietly climb to the top of the volcano I think it’ll be really interesting

Because it’s so high up and if we go up we’ll be really good here we are at the top of the volcano it’s very dangerous because there’s already a vent under our feet so please stick together and stay away from the vent the lava’s not too much to go

On but it’s high enough we still have time so you can still stay here and quickly run home and build a shelter here is so warm though very high there’s a bit of snow here it doesn’t seem to melt from the lava wow it’s so scary

Here I have a strong fear of heights so lava adds a lot of fear it is good that we are still at a safe height from it so there is nothing to be afraid of the main thing is not to break down and roll straight into lava we were also very

Lucky to have a hiding place because we are at the very bottom of the volcano and lava will not immediately reach us for 100 days we’ll have to wait for her and that’ll give us time to hide oh my God it’s so beautiful it’s so scary M

Have just been in the sunny tropics and now have got to some top of a high mountain where there is snow I really like such a change of weather I can even walk a little in the snow or make some of it but I think it would be very

Dangerous to play near a volcano because something could happen and the volcano would wake up and there would be no time to run back now it’s time to build the next safe house it’s going to be a big bunker where we’re like lik ly to make our own

Artificial vegetable garden so we can survive the volcano in this bunker also there will be all the necessary things and of course beds on which we will sleep all the time I hope we do not get bored and everything will be fine the underground bunker is the best idea to

Protect against lava because we will be deep under the sand and the ground through which the lava cannot pass we’re going to need a staircase to our bunker so I’m going to build it in parallel with everyone again again we’re doing everything at the same time not one at a

Time this is very fast building well I’ll do the most important but not the hardest I’m going to have to put a torch in our bunker because it’s dark now and we’re going to need a light source to build a bunker I think it will be very

Beautiful and spacious so I rather want to build it already it will definitely save us from lava I really hope for it finally after so much time we finished building this large basement it turned out to be quite spacious and there is enough space for everything in

The corner we’ll make a small farm where we’ll grow wheat and maybe even sugar cane because we can’t do anything without it sugar is always needed for a person otherwise we will put enough chests in which to store some resources it was a very spacious shelter from lava

Children Here We Run in any emergency and do not just run it is also allowed to come here with parents during construction there’s no way you’re going to be here anymore because this is a very dangerous place Underground we just need to finish up a little bit get

Outside check out our garden all right mom I’ll make sure George doesn’t run around here and I don’t come here this bunker is so big that you can dig a little bit more and build a full house underground just like we have on top of the bunker haaha I really want sugar

Cane to grow here so now that we’re out there I’m going to run and find some cane and pick it up to grow here wow Peppa and I finally grew wheat there’s so much of it and it’s so high it’s pretty cool so now I’m just going

To pick it all up plant a new one next time now you also need to get water for daddy pig or the vegetable garden under the ground will not work otherwise if there is no water this will be our artificial underground water source otherwise it does not work I saw our big

Garden already I ran on because I saw a lot of sugar cane on the shore they are on the island so I even had to swim the water is very warm I liked it very much but there is no time for entertainment we have not yet fully prepared the

Bunker so we are engaged only in its construction and nothing else so no one has yet come I have already equipped our bunker not the house from above here I will put the same workbench furnace and necessarily several chests one big and two small will fit the big will be for

Me and my mother and two small for George and Peppa then you need to build the land for the beds and immediately plant their seeds just immediately make a plot for Kane it’s not just land it’s sand papa pig I’m I’m already back wow how beautifully you built our bunker I

Brought us some buckets of water for our underground garden now I’m going to pour the water into the holes you built thank you it was very beautiful and I’m proud of you for not having to build this Garden myself just waiting for pepu to plant the sugar cane mom I already

Planted everything haha you didn’t even notice me when I came and planted the cane it was very funny I really like what our underground hideout looks like I think it’s safe to put up beds and live here so now we’ve decided to go for a walk on a trop Island and found an

Unusual structure when we got inside we found the chest and I think it’s time to see what’s in it wow there’s someone’s armor on fire resistance 4 most likely it didn’t help someone and the chest survived after the last volcanic eruption it’s really cool that we found

This cuz now we can definitely survive the eruption wow it’s really good that we were able to find the armor because of it I’m going to make a few more sets of armor like this and there’s enough for everyone it’s heavy enough but it’s very safe to move around even if we do

Not have time to hide from lava we can run a little over it and hide in our bunker because this fire resistant armor is the best in Minecraft I love the news that we can still survive a volcanic eruption I’ve never been this excited because I’ve never had anything to do

With my life and there’s no threat I can’t wait to try this armor on myself and of course finally experience the danger of lava well it’s been 100 days of our survival and I can already see the lava coming down to us family run to our shelter I’m taking the beds now and

Running to you too Mama pig you go in there and you lock the lava blocks so the lava doesn’t reach us from behind so I locked us in blocks very securely I felt so much adrenaline and emotions but I did everything I needed to do this

Wave of lava was moving so fast on us I thought we would not have time but we did and now we will live here here until all the lava froze outside otherwise we have nothing to do upstairs because it’s very hot and there’s a risk that the

Lava will pass through the stone harah we were able to do it these 100 days flew very quickly and during this time we managed to do a lot of things now we have our own garden underground where we can live and make bread for example also

Here we have cozy cribs a stove and even a workbench with chests I feel comfortable here you can finally remove these heavy armor hello dear viewers of our Channel Peppa is with you today I will play with my brother George at the Minecraft George hi so okay today I’m going to play with

My brother in an awesome game such as Minecraft this time we will have a very unusual survival we will survive in the New Year style stop George and why we are in in the summer biome it’s all too strange so George we urgently need something to come up with and then our

Video may fall off H what would we do George do you have a plan um George to be honest I thought you would say that I just have the best conversationalist okay I’ll figure it out all right George to be honest I have a little plan I I think it can really

Work um my plan is so simple to be honest but I’m sure it can work um for starters I think we should get some wood to scrape up some tools and then we will go look for the winter biome without tools we can hardly find winter biome

It’s just that we can’t even get to this winter biome not even what to find all right George I see you don’t care H well well I think now we really need to go get a tree and after harvesting the wood we will have to scrape the workbench and after we have

The workbench we will be able to scrape the sticks and at the very end we will scrape the wooden tools such as a wooden axe with it you can chop wood quite quickly and it is also quite good to help protect us from zombies all right

George let’s go chop down the tree we need to find the winter biome as soon as possible George I have very good news for you we finally managed to get to the winter biome uh our journey was quite long and very dangerous but we still managed to

Reach the winter biome now our video will be very cool after all we are surviving in the New Year style uh by the way George with the past you New Year and you liked how we spent the new year with parents personally I liked every anything yeah George that’s when you’ll

Learn how to talk after all I don’t even know how to survive with you in Minecraft you just keep silent all right at least you will nod and besides laughter you say nothing well George you know what we’re going to do now you can’t even guess what we’re going to do

Now we will be extracting wood for our future Christmas house it will look just wonderful come on let’s get the resources for our house come on George Let’s Get resources for our house it’s a good thing we’re scraping wooden axes with their help we will be able to extract wood much faster

And we made ourselves leather jackets with their help we will be able to be in constant heat and we are not afraid of frost uh well George hurry hurry up with the prey tree we have to get a very large amount of wood in time and if we

Do not have time to build a [Laughter] house all right George I hope your laughter means you’ve already started digging for wood we just really need a lot of wood you just imagine we have to build a big wooden house it will take quite a lot of wood uh nothing I’m sure

That you and I can get enough wood and we will succeed we are the same team we must succeed too bad we’re surviving without mama pig and papa pig tonight but we still have to do it all right George let’s not get distracted by pointless conversations you’re right let’s just get some wood

This is really going to be good by the way how much wood have you got and wait I forgot you haven’t learned to talk yet all right K don’t be offended I’m just kidding personally I have already got more than 64 boards this is quite a

Bit but I will mine more you don’t have to worry about it all right George don’t worry we will definitely [Laughter] succeed all right George I hope you’re not mad at me all right let’s go find a place for our house I hope we have enough wood come on hurry

Up George we finally found a place for our house just look how beautiful it is here everything looks very New Year all right George then let me build the floor and roof for our house and you will probably be engaged in the construction of walls and the placement of glass I

Hope you will succeed please try to build a house very carefully and carefully I really hope you will succeed all right George let’s build a house quickly we have rather little [Laughter] time all right George I hope this means that you are well and soon we can build

A house well let’s try then George I think that we really should a little more haste we need to build it as soon as possible we cannot spend too much time on its construction we have very little time George hurry up please I want to build a house until the end of this

[Laughter] video George I hope this means that we are really all right it’s just that our house isn’t even half built yet okay so far our house turns out to be very beautiful beautiful and great I hope that this will continue and continue let’s a little hurry up come on George

Let’s build a house quickly I want the audience to be just perplexed by the beauty of this [Laughter] house H George we finally built a house with you I’m so happy we finally got it our house turned out just genius beautiful uh George you just look at this interior it’s just crazy beautiful

Oh I wish Mama would see what a beautiful house we could build although she will see what a beautiful house we got she will watch our video she will just be surprised that you and I could build such a big and beautiful [Laughter] house come on George we are just huge people

For we could build such a beautiful house I can’t believe that we are so great and next time we will have an even better house well let’s go say goodbye to our favorite viewers oh thank George for playing with me today at the Minecraft I really liked

Our New Year’s Eve survival all right George you and I are absolutely fine thank you again for this survival audience and thank you very much for watching don’t don’t forget to subscribe to our Channel and don’t forget to put likes under this video we will be very

Pleased with you as Peppa Pig audience hope we will see you soon good [Laughter] luck family hello I have a very strange and sad news for you I have decreased in size and now I feel like a baby I want to eat very hard and I can’t break any

Blocks under me I have a strong weakness and I don’t understand what’s happening to me I hope you will help me and we will get me out of the body of the child we do not know what will happen next oh my God hello everyone papa pig how could

This ever happen I am just shocked we will follow you very closely and of course look after you we do not need such a small daddy pig who will help us on this great journey around the world of Minecraft now we are urgently heading to the nearest Village to find you food

You shouldn’t stay hungry in the body of a child hello family I do not understand what happened to our father he became what he was when he was born but he can talk and think like an adult but is in the body of the child and feels

Everything the same as a real child now even George is older than our dad and it is very strange we need to know today all the secrets that took our dad oh I can’t move fast I literally crawl the ground like a real baby it’s very hard to move around the world I

Hope that I will soon learn to walk it is very difficult to climb the blocks they are just as high as me and even higher I barely climb them give me some food soon I’m very hungry and hungry oh my God I’m just shocked that our Pig dad

Is a baby and he can’t even move fast it will be very difficult for us if he stays like this forever but we will care for him to the last so that he feels good and does not get lonely I already found the right Potato Patch and now I’m

Going to dig it all up and give it to you Daddy Pig it’s so fun watching your little Dad it’s like watching a tape of a little dad but here is a very unusual situation because he thinks and talks like an adult and it looks very strange even sometimes very scary I’m very

Scared for Dad I hope he doesn’t stay like this forever and I’ll see him like he was before while mom and George are taking care of our dad I’ll try to find us a suitable cabin where we can stay for a while I think the residents will not

Mind if we occupy one of the houses anyway they are almost all empty that’s the one I found a large and empty house I think it is the biggest in this Village and we can fit everything the main thing is to place everything here for everyone a few moments later wow

Family I think I’ve grown up a little bit I feel very charged I think if I leave the house I can run the whole world and not get tired I have so much energy and I have nowhere to release it I’ve grown up quite quickly it’s very

Strange now I will have to save up resources for future survival while I am so active I will go look for a rock wow it’s really cool that you’ve grown up papa pig but it’s also very unusual and very scary because if you age so fast

You’ll be an old man and you’ll be dead soon and that would be very bad for our family we should definitely treat you somehow if it happens again and you grow up to be old in a short time we’ll be looking for a problem now papa is the

Same age as George they are children even though Papa participated in George’s birth it’s very strange and it looks like we’re in some kind of horror movie but I wouldn’t call Dad a scary monster because he’s my father and I love him very much even if you look at

It this way it looks really funny when it’s this small I mean he was just a big guy and he’s a little kid like George thanks to the fact that I grew up I began to do everything very quickly I run very fast and I also get everything

Very quickly on the ground I showed you how fast this was happening now I have to get some wood to scrape the pickaxe and run down to do the mine because after a very short time I can get even older and probably cannot do anything at all while the whole family is doing

Something I want to run around the village and go to the forge usually there are a lot of things that we need during this survival I hope there is something we need wow this is lucky a whole pair of iron knives eight obsidian and even a gold bar we are now rich in

Resources and can safely continue to survive and not worry about armor and portal to hell in my time I’m setting up our house so we can live here it was completely empty and I added all the necessary things here and now is very comfortable here I added four

Comfortable white beds on which we will sleep I also made a comfortable workbench next to the oven so that it was not necessary to run far she also put a big double chest in which we will store our belongings a few moments later a whole

Hour passed and I grew up again now I was the same as before I started to grow very quickly and I don’t know what it was about I think we need to find some potion that will cure me of this disease because at this rate in a few hours I’m

Going to grow old and die and it’s still very early I want to live happily ever after I’m in shock I don’t see how that could be only you were a baby who couldn’t do anything then became a fast kid and now you’re just as old as you

Were it’s just some kind of magic not a disease I think we should go to the swamp to the witch’s Hut I know a good way out of here so we should definitely go see if we can get anything yay Dad is Big again I’m so glad of it but I am not

Happy that he is aging very quickly and he may die in a few hours we can’t survive this we still need Dad so much so I’m willing to do anything to save dad rather run to these swamps and find the witch’s Hut I also want to go on a

Journey so I’m in a great hurry a few moment moment later oh my God papa pig is already old he’s got a big gray hair on his head so we’d better get real quick because Daddy’s Pig Power is running out we finally got to the swamps and already found the witch’s Hut

There may be some information on our infection that attacked our dad I hope we can cure our dad soon cuz we’re hours away wow dad you’ve gotten so old you’ve got a lot of wrinkles and a lot of gray hair now you can be called not Dad Pig

But grandfather Pig hahaa well now the situation is definitely not not funny I just wanted to dilute our Strange situation I really hope that we find something in this cabin that we really need for Dad so we can get this virus out of him yes I have become very old

It’s very terrible because I cannot move alone I’m sure I’ll need help but on the way to being cured I’ll definitely try to do everything myself I’ll be like my own hero ho ho ho so good thing we found this cabin mama pig please run into it

And look for something we need and Peppa and George will stay with me okay Dad Pig I’m going to this Hut how nice that I brought along some wood and even stairs I knew I would need them now I’m getting inside this house but it’s pretty heavy it’s in the water and it’s

Very wet I’m literally sliding on the walls of this house thank God I got in so now let’s see what’s in this witch’s chest whoa there’s some sort of GPS book I think we should go there there’s no choice okay Mom give this book here I know how to navigate the coordinates and

Minecraft so I’m going to walk you to this place we’re close enough to this place so you don’t have to go too far Dad so we came to this place and it’s kind of weird but I think that’s what we’re looking for all right well if

That’s the only thing we can find from the witch we need to get up there even though my joints hurt I’m still going up those stairs it’s so big I don’t think I’ll ever get upstairs no papa pig you can handle all the obstacles if we help

You at any time and even if you fall we will catch you and bring you up I think that’s exactly what we were looking for I am sure that in a few moments you will be cured and will be the same again I believe in you you can wow there’s so

Many people here I think someone is experimenting on them but you can’t see the owner of this building I think something happened to him and now these residents are sitting there like hostages and no one can let them out all citizens you are free to flee to your

Villages I think it will be the right decision if we release them after all they are not sitting here for the first 24 hours and they have not not done experiments on them it is necessary to let them out we are with you great good daddy pig did you find anything in the

Only chest under this crude Throne I found one single potion it says it’s a healing potion so I’m going to try to drink it it’s going to be all or nothing either I die or I go back to my old life hope for the best oh my God I feel much

Better it seems this potion has helped me and healed me from this infection I am very glad that I was able to return to my old age I feel positive and very charged and there is no fatigue at all and no splitting of any joints I am very

Glad that we could still cure me of an incomprehensible disease thank you very much family I love you all very much hurah I am very happy for you papa pig that you could heal we tried very hard to help you because we love you and do

Not want to lose you you’ve had a very long day today of course you’ve had time to be a baby and grow up to be a little kid just like George and you’ve grown old ha Very interesting day I am very glad that Dad will be with us forever

Now he’s no longer an old man or a little baby he is now exactly the kind of daddy pig that should be today’s survival at Minecraft was very mysterious and fun I really enjoyed looking for ways to cure dad and of course cure him hi family hi subscribers today we

Continue playing at Minecraft today we will have a new year series we will survive in a snowy world and build a house our task will also be to decorate it for the New Year I hope it will be very fun and everyone will have a Christmas mood I really want to build a

Big snowman this is my dream hello family hello audience yes we continue to play the game today Minecraft I really like this game because you can do anything here today for example we are already in snowy biome and our task will as papa pig said decorate everything for

The new year I don’t know any similar game where you can do it Minecraft is the best hello parents viewers also hello wow again we are back at Minecraft but here everything is snowy this is the first time I’ve seen snow in Minecraft and it’s so wonderful I think it’s going

To make beautiful snowballs that you can throw it is also good that there is a lot of snow with its help we will make a very big snowman which will guard our house I wish it was three stories tall so now I found some unusual place there’s lava nearby and there’s snow

Around it I wonder why it’s not melting here I will make a small mine from where I will extract some ores and necessarily a rock basically we need coal to turn it into torches that will light up the house we also need a boulder to turn it

Into a furnace and tools and now I’m going to mine the most important resource in survival this is certainly a tree it makes the most important thing in the house a workbench as well as a lot of necessary resources such as a stick or a door we will also make our

Beautiful house out of wood it will be spacious enough for us to be warm and cozy in it also need to make a corner roof my dad just made me a rock shovel and I run to collect snow we needed to build our huge snowman there are so many

Snowballs falling out of one layer of snow which is very cool because I’m going to pick up the right amount of snow very quickly already four snowballs make one big block of snow from which we will make our snowman so with the right amount of resources we begin to build our New

Year’s house now I will dig the ground and put the floor in our house and Dad Pig builds the basis of the house we have a very coordinated work and I like it we are a real family we have a big enough house just like I wanted it’s

Really cool and I can’t wait to move in while Mom pig is building the floor I’m building the basis of our house it will be large enough and it will have very spacious Windows there will be no very small windows so on each side of the house there will be either one large

Window in the whole wall or two middle Windows this this is very cool because we have a big view of all sides of the world while my parents are building my house I finally found a place in the snow where the sand is I really need it

To melt the windows into our house since we’re going to have a lot of windows in the house and each one of them isn’t so small I need to collect a lot of sand so I’m sure I have enough for every window at once I love living in the winter

World so far it’s a lot more interesting than normal the final touches of our beautiful New Year’s house are left now I’m starting to build a big Corner roof because it will be very useful to us it will protect us from all weather phenomena if it snows it won’t be on our

Roof and it won’t fall under the weight of all the snow and if it rains it all goes down and doesn’t come through the flat ceiling so while dad’s building the house outside I’ll finish it inside now I’m going to insert all the windows into their holes and we won’t have the wind

Blowing because there are no through holes the wind can blow our house is already very well transformed I think that we just have to hang some lights and put a Christmas tree with gifts well all I have to do is put some things in the house that is a workbench a furnace

One large double chest and of course four beds on which the whole family will sleep I purposely separated them so I wouldn’t disturb each other during sleep we will choose the beds as we want because someone likes to sleep in the corner and someone at the window we will

Figure out during the sleep so we have finished building our almost New Year’s house in the winter world now no snow and cold can get into our house because we have everything very hard and built with soul no mistakes were made in the construction I believe it is the best

House we have ever built all we have to do is decorate it inside and out and we’ll be ready for the new year it is very good that we have finally finished our house now we have somewhere to warm up and sleep now I suggest we get some

Sleep get warm eat and get ready to build a big snowman it will take many days to build bu it but it will be very beautiful and will be our great Monument I hope it will be two or even three times the height of our house I suggest

Starting from Tomorrow finally we were able to finish this wonderful house now I want to decorate our house very much for the new year I want to hang the lights hang some decorations make a Christmas tree and a lot of other things and I want to start building our huge

Snowman as soon as possible because I have never made anything out of snow at Minecraft so it’s time to start building our giant snowman next to the house the most important thing is not to let it fall on our house and so it will turn out to be

Very big and cool it will consist of us three balls one will be 6×6 blocks the second is 4×4 blocks and the last one will be mostly 2×2 blocks but on the sides we’ll be added a little more for the eyes I got part of it easier than my

Dad but I got it even higher I might as well try not to fall from here or I think I’m going to break my leg building a 4×4 unit isn’t that big a job and I’m going to be able to do it really fast and we’re going to have only one

Hit left that Peppa’s going to do very quickly we sent Peppa upstairs because it’s the lightest and if she can be caught from below so now I’m finishing up the final piece of our big snowman now we’re going to do a little something first and then extend it the most

Important thing is that we have a place for the eyes of our snowman and necessarily orange nose in the form of carrots it will turn out a little crooked but it will add to him some beauty then he will just have to finish his hands and he will be

Ready the final part of our survival will of course be to decorate our house with all sorts of New Year’s gadgets it will definitely be a small Christmas tree under which there will be gifts we will open them right in the new year you can also hang a little Garland Over The

Christmas Tree so that it personally illuminates this tree and everyone can see this corner in our house while Dad is doing the decoration of the Christmas tree and the arrangement of gifts I will do the decoration of the whole house I will now hang some lights around the

House thanks to this house immediately transformed into a real Winter Story also I will definitely put a Christmas wreath in our house which I made myself and for beauty can hang Christmas bows Papa Pig and Peppa Pig now decorate the inside of the house while they do this I

Deal with the outside of the house I’m going to hang four Socks by the door so that every member of our family gets some gifts also now I’m going to hang garlands around our whole house it will look very beautiful especially at night so here comes the long awaited New

Year we want to congratulate all our viewers on this long awaited holiday which happens only once a year today I really enjoyed surviving 100 days in Minecraft in the winter world we could build so much even a huge snowman to be honest I liked him best all these 100

Days we’ve worked and worked hard thanks to our cohesion by the new year we were able to build for us a cozy house a huge snowman and even managed to decorate our house now you can feel the whole new year’s atmosphere I hope you subscribers

You have it too and you have met the new year in the family and very fun and so we came to the end of our next series on Survival at Minecraft today as you realized we survived 100 days before the new year and we did it we are fully prepared and

Have greeted the New Year together if you liked this series support us with a like send a subscription to the channel you can also write your opinion in the comments see you Soon oh God Mom what is this monster more oh my God and this is still what kind of monster God forbid he will eat us now I hope that this is a joke and he will be our friend hello my favorite audience with you Peppa Pig today we will finally play

A new game it’s called Garden of B ban 6 friends this game is very cool I hope you like it and we will continue to play it by the way hello family hello audience hi Peppa George papa pig very happy to all of you to see finally we

Found some other game besides Minecraft of course I like Minecraft crazy but we need some new game I hope we completely pass this game hello family hi favorite followers very happy you all to see today we will finally start the garden of band ban 6 I

Told Mom to buy this game and we started playing it but it only happened today come on family let’s hurry up to start our passage of this fun game I can’t wait to see what is waiting for us unfortunately in the past parts we did not play so we have to guess what

Happened family what is this horrible place it creates a very bad impression I’m scared papa pig maybe you know what it is Mommy piggy I don’t see anything terrible in this this place just looks like some kind of Hospital H and what is this inscription on the board maybe it’s some

Kind of code and if we solve it we get candy oh my God what’s that big seal he’s so scary mom he wants to eat us let’s run from him what could be happening me picture hundreds of angry animals finally escaping with only one thing capable of giving them peace and that’s

To get you and your friends they’re Capt I’m not going to sugarcoat we’re in big trouble partner we can’t stay here long unless you want to be swallowed whole with sharp teeth making it easier to digest family it’s not a villain it’s like a a sheriff and it’s kind he won’t

Eat us and kill us he wants to help us he says that we are Partners so I think that we are friends with him let’s walk beside him and listen to him and I thought he wanted to eat us family that I do not understand what to do here mama

Pig maybe you know what to do here and then I have no idea Peppa you already did what you had to that drone should have pressed this red button well done Peppa you’re good family what should we do next George Well Done you were able to find

The card you needed to find oh family how good you are how lucky am I that we’re on the same team so and what is this tunnel Sheriff can you tell me where it leads get out of here partner follow me I know a it ain’t the prettiest

But it should be unoccupied at least looks like the sheriff knows where we need to go let’s just follow him and not ask any questions it will definitely lead us where we need to but to be honest I don’t need to I want to go

Home what come on we can’t stay in the dark let’s header that lad over there oh my God what’s going on here I don’t like it at all family dad oh God why we are running somewhere Shar where are we running we should be safe for

Now uh looks like we’re safe now family now you can take a break from this fuss I was already afraid that we would be eaten and why is the sheriff so worried because of the light because of him I was also afraid man do I not miss this

Place this is where I took Refuge after being dunked down any c old and lonely kns have been spent here once that I wish to forget I was found by the queen and bitter Giggle and a couple of others and was foolish enough to let myself believe

That things could get better but here I am back to square one like I told you earlier we need to get the queen scepter as soon as possible it’s the one thing that can allow us to recontain the naughty ones and seal the door behind them we had it stored this room away

From anyone that could get to it hoping we would never have to use it again but here we are the door opens by activating four switches scattered across the different sectors on this floor the naughty ones despise the light you should be safe from them as long as

You stay in lit spaces the first thing we should do is find a way to safely get to the other sectors let’s have a look around F finally the sheriff has finished I’m tired of hearing it oh my God not will be parkour now only that we did not Need Uh family finally we have reached the end of this parkour I thought it would certainly be longer it’s a good thing we got it so fast so and what do we do now it is so dark here and I cannot see anything at all is it just a dead end

Can it not be I hope not we spent so much time to get here oh God Mom what is this this monster more oh my God and this is still what kind of monster God forbid he will eat us now I hope that this is a joke and he will be our

Friend family how good that we appeared not at the beginning of the parkour but on top I would not endure it all again how good it is that everything worked out well I hope that at least this time no one will eat us so family let’s think

What we need to find here last time we took some detail and we ate some bird I hope this time if we take something no one will eat us well let’s look for something in this damn house wow family I see some kind of room maybe that’s

Where we need to be let’s see quickly what’s there wow there is exactly the same detail for which we were eaten how good is it that this time no one has eaten us and in this house there is something else I can’t believe we spent so much time breaking into this house and

There’s only one detail okay family let’s already finish our passage of this game today we have passed quite a lot I think it’s worth stopping audience thank you for watching do not forget to put likes we will be very pleased bye F family I’m already tired of looking for some

Incomprehensible details I also believe that we should take a little break from this game let’s continue with the next episode audience do not forget to subscribe to our Channel you are already more than 2,000 thank you very much you are the best papa pig was with you good

Luck audience thank you very much for watching don’t forget to press the Bell that is next to the button subscribe so you’ll be the first to watch our videos see you soon [Laughter] bye-bye hello family hello audio today we continue to play again in Minecraft today we have an unusual

Series because survival will not be easy we will have to survive in just one chunk of Minecraft it is 16 blocks long and 16 blocks wide that is so little the height goes straight to the thigh about 384 blocks so today’s survival promises to be interesting hello family hello

Subscribers wow today such interesting survival awaits us I think we can handle any task at Minecraft because we are a family and we are many together we can do absolutely everything ho ho surviving on one chunk is still easy compared to surviving on one block so we will

Definitely cope with today’s task hello family audience hello wow I love the unusual of today’s survival we’ll only have one chank and I think we have everything we need here there are enough trees for one chank and even two small lakes thanks to which we will make a

Beautiful vegetable garden where we will grow we and think that it is not only her so the first thing that makes everyone survive is cutting down a tree that’s what I’m doing now there’s only three trees hopefully enough for us to survive and we can build a beautiful

House tonight otherwise we’ll be looking for seedlings in these trees and planting new trees to survive on this chick weed you can’t play Minecraft without wood well my task now is to explore the underworld since you can’t dig straight down because there won’t be enough milk I’ll dig with a funnel that

Feels like it’s going down so I will dig until I find something interesting oh my God I almost crashed into a rock I seem to be in the crack of the sister you could say cave there is a chest in which there were carrots and potatoes that’s very good because in

Addition to wheat we’ll also have vegetables my job is to collect all the seeds I can find the first thing I found was a sugar cane that we could use use in anything so we’ll start growing it around this Lake now basically I have to break grass and look for wheat seeds

There so I’m going to do this right now I hope I find lots of seeds and we have a big Garden so having gathered enough resources I think it’s time to start building a house I dug up a lot of rock and made myself a stone shovel so now

I’m going to dig the ground and then I’m going to put beautiful wood in its place which will match the tone of our home and I’m going to warm it at any time because the wood has good thermal conductivity compared to the Rock while papa pig is building us a ceiling in the

House I will now start building the base of the house we will have a completely wooden house as there will certainly be no dangers here and no one will blow up and no Lava will burn our house most likely we will build a corner roof that

Will save us from heavy rains and our house will definitely not leak in this weather since I don’t know how to help me build a house for my parents I’m going to dig a lot of sand now we need it badly enough to melt the windows

Which in our house will be the main part after all we live in one goal and you can create your interesting atmosphere in the windows on this island of 16 blocks on 16 blocks the most important thing will not fall when mining blocks because I am at the edge of the island

So we’re almost done building the house just a little bit left now as my mom said Pig I will build a corner roof to protect the house it’ll be very good to save from the rain because all the water will roll to the ground not stay on the

Roof and come down to our house our house after such a roof will be very dry and cozy no harm will come to us okay well I’ve already made a lot of melting glass and it’s time to put Windows in our house we have so much window space

And that’s really cool because you can look in any direction and you can see the street not that we’re going to have one or more walls full of wood I like that idea I also really like the windows where we’re going to have beds where it’s going to be really cool to sleep

While Peppa puts the windows in I’ll be putting all the necessary things in our house it will necessarily be a workbench then a stove a large chest for the whole family and of course four beds for each person in the family although we survive on the same goal and the monsters are

Not scary but we have to sleep somewhere so we definitely need beds I found some wool walking around this island everyone at last we have finished building our house and now we can comfortably live on this mysterious chunka we haven’t gone down too deep yet so I think there’s a lot of interesting

Things we need to explore but before we do that we need to work on it so now we need to figure out what to do next personally I will now go to the mine to look for iron ore to make beautiful armor that will defend us ooh I’m so

Glad we could build a whole house with only 16 blocks and only three trees on it I agree with papa pig that we have not yet learned much on this island so it will be a good idea to dig up for example this whole island but this is

Later at this point I want to start making a little vegetable garden where we’re going to grow our wheat as well as the carrots and potatoes that dad found in the cave wow the garden is a huge idea I’ll help you mama pig I just have

To scrape the hoe and pick up all the seeds we have and we’re going to do it Papa pig I hope you will find a lot of iron ore and we will make enough iron tools that we will need in the future and George whatever you do you’ll have to plant trees

Just as I wanted I’m going to our mine now it is very good that we have a descent into it right in the house and day after day you can constantly run into it despite the weather the last time I crawled out of it I made a very

Beautiful descent into it so it won’t be a problem to descend into it without damage my job here will be to dig up some coal and definitely iron ore hopefully I will succeed okay well I’m going to start building our pretty Garden it’s a good thing we have two

Small lakes nearby where we can make a beautiful vegetable garden we’ll have plenty of beds so there’ll be plenty of food for everyone and there will never be a defis it is good that we have Peppa who helps me very well while I build the beds she digs them up and plants the

Seeds yes Mom it’s very good that we all do it together it speeds up the process very much and we do it in minutes we have very little seed yet but I think when these seeds grow and we Harvest we will have much more seeds and we will be

Able to plant all the beds that we have just be sure to grow a little sugar cane because this is also quite important plan so I got back from the mine and I got a lot of iron ore we’re going to need her a lot so we’re going to start

Her swimming just throw the iron ore into the furnace and you need to put the fuel in the furnace in the form of wood and will melt the iron while it is melting I will scrub the Torches and hang around the house and necessarily around it it will be very beautiful at

Night and certainly light so the Final Touch is I’m going to make a few flowers from our house to get out of it was very pleasant to look at them you can even smell them I think the family will like it and in principle it will be possible

To end today’s Series so our first and perhaps final series on the survival of Minecraft in one goal has come to an end it’s a pretty tough survival but it’s not as hard to survive on one block because there’s a whole lot of Chunk that has everything you need to survive

I really liked it here because it is a beautiful area especially two small lakes I remember very much so as Peppa said it was a rather unusual survival here I liked everything completely from small territory to limited resources it’s very resource saving and that’s the whole point of this survival I hope

We’ll come back here someday so at the end of our survival I probably won’t say anything I liked everything here especially the mysterious chest in the mine it wasn’t much of a resource but it was quite unexpected if you want us to come back here again and shoot you

Another series on surviving in one goal then show your activity likes and comments subscribe to our Channel see you soon

This video, titled ‘Peppa Pig Plays Minecraft Compilation’, was uploaded by Peppa Play on 2024-01-05 16:36:07. It has garnered 2071 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:08 or 5288 seconds.

Peppa Pig Plays Minecraft Compilation, Peppa Pig Play Minecraft, and George, heir own Minecraft server and playing.

Peppa Play this is an entertainment channel where Peppa Pig Family plays different games, SUBSCRIBE!

Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated

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    EPIC Hogwarts LIVE Tour Build Progress!Video Information [Music] hello and welcome I’m Prof and Prof gaming and uh this is a live uh tour of the Hogwarts build so far uh hopefully um you’ll enjoy what you see uh so please ask away ask any questions I’m here to well I’m here to answer it okay uh so first off um uh if you’ve been watching the series you’ll be aware that the first thing we built was the boat house and uh volume down a bit there we go um and here it is uh took a bit of planning in the planning phase… Read More

  • Pennywise Titan Attacks Mikey & JJ in Minecraft

    Pennywise Titan Attacks Mikey & JJ in MinecraftVideo Information we’ve come over to our friend Jimmy’s house to play but Jimmy isn’t here let’s look for Jimmy H I hope he’s okay what if something happened well it sure is strange that Jimmy isn’t here now oh where is he I’m worried let’s find him H maybe he’s not at home H is he here H I don’t think so he’s not here let’s try searching outside let’s go H where could Jimmy be let’s go outside oh it’s raining it is raining we should still go get on your tricycle H okay all right hold up… Read More

  • Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi – #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩

    Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi - #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩Video Information फ्री गेम्स आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में आज से हम लोग स्टार्ट करने जा रहे हैं अपनी माफ्ट की हार्डकोर सीरीज जिसमें कि मरना बहुत ही दर्दनाक होता है तो बिना किसी देरी के आज की वीडियो को स्टार्ट करते हैं तो हम लोग अपने वर्ल्ड का नाम रखने वाले हैं तो हम लोग स्पॉन हो चुके हैं जंगल बायोम के अंदर जो कि इतनी ज्यादा बहुत बढ़िया बात नहीं है क्योंकि जंगल बायोम में कुछ नहीं होता स्टार्टिंग के लिए तो चलो फिर से वही पुराना बोरिंग काम करते हैं… Read More

  • INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in Minecraft

    INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in MinecraftVideo Information hey Kibbles I got something to show you if it’s another horse I swear to God no it’s got nothing to do with horses are you familiar with the video game Minecraft uh yeah of course it’s Legos but on a computer yeah yeah I was on Twitter and I saw slippery T had a new animation in the works um slippery te slippery tea give me a [Music] second oh God oh God oh come on you know him he’s the Jenny guy uh ah hold on I got to call a friend um yeah Andy’s making… Read More


    ULTIMATE FIRE CANNON DEFENSE REVENGE!!Video Information welcome back to Squid Island the server in which me jelly and crina are stuck on an island with each other in Minecraft and we’ve got to be friends in reality that doesn’t happen that much anyway it’s just me on the server today and oh we have an action packed episode of things we’re going to do I also wanted to give you an update on the bco tower look at this thing it’s looking good okay we are going to make some progress on that today we’re also going to build another Factory we’re going to… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥Video Information my are you okay my feet okay well listen we’re we’re very much closely approaching that time yay the new Minecraft update tricky trials it’s about to go down can we kick squeaks from this Discord why what happened um I can’t I can’t actually we you’re going to have to RP this out Leslie’s the judge go ahead um squeaks Che in a game of One V one valerant and he also griefed Ellum in he’s a better player than you you have to accept it no he’s not he’s not he’s better than you in val… Read More

  • Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮

    Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮Video Information d o d hi I’m d d I’ve Got The Power of dark and white on my side hi I’m r e f i l i a [Music] [Music] I’m r e l i l i aiaia [Music] he o I’m I’ve got to power all Darkness and Light on my side hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] [Music] hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] I’ve got to power all Darkness and Light on my side hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] [Music] hi I’m r… Read More

  • Unbelievable Win in Bedwars – No Idea How!

    Unbelievable Win in Bedwars - No Idea How!Video Information This video, titled ‘I won this bedwars game without knowing how to play’, was uploaded by HBU mine on 2024-03-27 19:04:31. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:59 or 419 seconds. 1. Join me on my gaming adventures as I conquer the Minecraft world! Watch my YouTube channel for epic gameplay and exciting challenges. Let’s play together! 2. Get ready for non-stop Minecraft action on my gaming YouTube channel! Join me as I explore, build, and survive in this virtual world. Subscribe now for the best gaming content! 3. Dive… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Funny Chai Wala 😂 #shorts’, was uploaded by Adi Bhai Gamer on 2024-05-29 06:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Funny Chai Wala #shortsvoice credit @NOTYOURTYPE video credit @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft minecraft funny … Read More

  • Garrettmc Network

    Garrettmc NetworkHello and welcome to the Garrettmc network :). We have a variety of games to choose from, we have Minigames, Murder-Mystery, Skyblock, Classic smp, Smp, factions, creative, and an anarchy server as well. We know that the server wasn’t the best in the past and we are actively working toward making a higher quality server experience. We hope to see you on the server :), have a good day. 🙂 Read More