PoyoPerson Live Minecraft 1.20 SMP

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Oh hello uh hello hello everybody um it’s been a while since Minecraft oh ah that’s what I do this every time I do this every time oh shut up I’m I’m sorry if only that guy would shut up but anyways hello everybody I I keep on forgetting to meet my own stream hello

Um it’s been a while since Minecraft so why don’t we head on straight in yeah it’s it’s been such a while hasn’t it I don’t know i’ just being so busy with life what’s it and finally I got the time to join back again but yeah

Hi this is basically where we where we were last last left off I I will say I had I would say like I did I did do some other stuff like off off camera and all that like like in in this in the span that in the like the huge month span

Which I didn’t do which I didn’t stream I did like a I hopped on a few times and like did some work slowly and surely so what do you need help with Max W play but anyways what’s it today um what’s it hello Y yamie is it is it echoing

Actually let me let me hear Let me hear Let me hear thank you for letting me know um if you might be referring to the beginning of the stream where I messed up there but let me let me see if it’s echoing sorry it’s sorry sounds sounds about right

Everything sounds sounds about right Yi but anyways um what’s it we we love love good out Good Old Cherry town but what’s it today what’s it since since we’re coming oh it has been a while hasn’t it since since we’re coming back since we’re coming back it’s been a while

We’ve haven’t touched much of this for a very long time I think the best course of action but something I came up with was just to start off fresh Beginnings you know what’s it we won’t be completely abandoning this place I’ll come back here a lot but what’s I think

Today is the start of a new new new settlement perhaps I’ve already planned out a location and built something built something small to begin with oh hello Maxell I see you down there can’t play today sadly that’s all right that’s all right if you can’t join today what’s I’m

Glad I’m very thankful you could at least join to say hello though very nice you’re completely lost oh what where it uh what’s it where where abouts are you trying to go anyways what with that moving to somewhere else I think what what would be fun as well is for now

Just to what’s it to retire our stuff what’s it we’re going going to New Beginnings it is time to stow away some some of this for now I don’t think I have space I need to toss I need to moove something from my we’ll just put this somewhere else and we’ll take the

Torches out and this one piece of gold I need to go to the end and get Sher boxes it’s such a mess what do you want to show me Maxwell oh my armor as well I forgot about that just shove this in um I don’t want the singular

Emerald I’m just going to I’m just going to take these out or something we just we just put fun out our old stuff back in here and we’ll move on to something new time come to the of course I I’ll go have a look Maxwell we’ll let the shield stay on the ground

Shall we you managed to get cats that’s great Maxwell that’s very nice that’s very nice you managed to get them all back oops um I picked up random ladders and doors but anyways what’s it now it is time for us to meet out a very very cruel and cruel and violent

Death I’m just going to break this bed for now you can you can stay in the barrel and I shall jump off the Tower or something who knows don’t do don’t try this at home do not jump off toll toll buildings that is this is not this is not

Advice I don’t think I will I die ouch let’s try that again let’s try let’s try that again and basically since I broke my bed it shall transport us transport us to to the new spawn what’s it I did I did a little bit of little bit of work the new spawn

Location is actually somewhere new now it’s closer to this area so it’s easier to get get by and all that time to jump ouch we don’t we don’t need to see that for now oh but anyways this is the new spawn oh my God Bedrock ilal oh no uh

Bedrocks just there just just so there’s always something to stay on there’s always something to stay on there’s also like a what’s it what’s I’ve also made like a quick little server guide and ser a guide and all you can press this button then you can get a book tells

Tells you a few of the rules where to find some places it’s just generally it’s generally like pretty makes it easier to like know what’s going on and all that oh yeah Panda no no worries Max what are my cords my cords so the spawn area right now is let me press F 51,000 and basically I’ll be heading up 2,000 not 2,000 sorry 200 blocks to where the new place is so it’s it’s not a it’s not a far walk if you’re still in

The if you’re still in the initial if you’re still in the initial like a jungle Cherry Village Place there’s just a if you go down the mountain and find the PATH near the front it should lead you all the way there but we don’t need

This we we made that book we don’t need to read it anyways we should I jump across so basically basically I shall live with live with nothing at all you’re at negative 1.5k on the on the x- axis Y what took you so far out but anyways we shall spend for today what’s

It with all all our old items are gone or in the Ender Chest chest of course but for today we shall just make a big Bare Bones beginning and I think our goal for now is to obtain is to mine One Singular diamond and we can get it all

Back because I could I could be bothered to I could be bothered to have all to lose my stuff for that long anyways the usra first well whenever whenever we whenever I create a new place ouch you always got to have you always got to have the classic the

Classic poopus and Cherry tent no it’s it’s always nice I just I preemptively built this just so there a place where I can actually set my spawn cuz I don’t don’t want to go through all that hassle anyways I also stashed some just a little bit of food in here for myself

Until we starve we do need to create a food source that is a priority but anyways we have we have this whole area as a as a canvas toout a canvas for our creative for our creative desires woohoo so fun so fun oh what signs on the stairs what signs

Are you talking about oill 6 but yeah like I said we’re not completely abandoning the old place in fact we’re actually going to go back to it very soon if you guys if you guys didn’t see I know not all of all of you have seen and stuff I’ve created a new

Discord server for for the actual Minecraft server to keep things organized and what’s it basically what’s it we are we are basic running some fun games of sple today the drip Leaf sple I think it’ll be fun even if not many people turn up it would be it would be a fun

Experience yeah that that’ll that’ll happen in well maybe I don’t know if we’ll strictly follow the schedule but it will happen soon hello frle fry welcome welcome you’re in the city o kill 6 but yeah with with our new place we must we must do the grueling task of

Punching down trees ah so boring so so so boring I can’t believe I have to go all the way to the start of the game to punch trees we got past this ages ago ah distance Horizon mod is crazy o i I’ve seen people have that

Before what’s it does it look very cool I don’t know i’ I’ve never actually used it before hello angel boy YouTube you kind of quit Minecraft oh I I see I see I mean what’s it every everybody everybody what’s it we eventually move on from things that’s all right though whatever

Whatever whatever Direction you want to go in life what’s you you just give it your best all right punch punch punch wow so I can’t believe it we’re back to punching trees this is we’re back to we’re back to the very beginning but yeah basically basically

Just just for just for this short stream today we shall with with barely anything get ourselves geared up and make a very very small settlement just to have a start do you do I remember you angel boy YT uh to to be to to be to be very

Honest I don’t I don’t NE when I I can’t really was that I don’t really I don’t remember the name Angel boy YT if you went by any other name please let me know but I don’t know I don’t I don’t actually remember I usually remember everybody but for some reason not today

No it’s it’s all right kill six I’m just exaggerating it’s it’s fun to play Minecraft but I can we we might may need to kill mobs eventually when we go find stuff you were in the server angel boy of course of course I I might I might remember that there was someone named

Angel boy there there was just a lot of people there was a lot of people there was a lot of people that I don’t know I usually remember everybody but for some reason I can’t remember you’re watching nesmo too FR fry he is streaming at the moment isn’t he watching two streams at

Once but anyways here it’s that wood we turn that all into all into stuff for a crafting table woohoo and without our crafting table we shall make sticks and obtain Stone Cobblestone that is oh jelly Minecraft you know I do I do actually remember I do remember I do

Remember I do remember angel boy yeah I guess so with Minecraft server as well there’s like the difference between the YouTube username and the and the Minecraft username I guess I didn’t remember your YouTube username but I do remember I do remember jelly I do remember jelly

Minecraft ouch let’s let’s go up the other side no let’s go down actually let’s go over there to the stone down down down the hill oh yeah if you if you guys if you guys do want to if you guys do want to come here as well what’s it it’d be really

Fun if you guys want to settle down here as well what’s it kind of think of it as a secondary a secondary Place what’s it Cherry Town’s kind of all filled up so I thought it’ be a really cool idea if we could start somewhere else as well so we

Can kind of have both of them the coordinates are 500200 it’s not too it’s not too far from I’m sorry it’s not too far from the um initial the Cherry town and all that yeah that’s you angel boy sorry sorry that sorry that I didn’t recognize you

Initially I do I do remember though don’t worry I remember playing with you yeah we should we should go down here for some Stone shall we oh hello hello hello Bey Balloon Man AKA fre fry oh we do we do actually have like the the graves I I installed like the some

Like Graves data pack as well because what’s it I know it can be annoying when like the items like spread out everywhere I think this just makes everything less of a hassle more convenient and all that anyways let’s it when I get the materials I’m I’m going to build a big

Fat poo face over there there’s no new settlement is complete without a big fat poo face on the wall anyways we have our pickaxe where where shall we we did I don’t want to I don’t want to destroy this place immediately thank you thank you Angel

Boy don’t worry don’t worry that I I try I think it I think it can be rude that somebody forgets you and all that so I try I try my best to remember everybody I want I want to make sure everybody’s remembered and gets all attention as well anyways why don’t

We I don’t know I don’t I don’t want to break into the stone too much you why do we why do we why don’t we just mind over here you cannot find me well I I’ll I’ll head up quickly you should you should see a nice pink cherry cherry blossom

Tent over there that should be a major signifi H what did I just say a major signal of where you are it’s it’s very dense in this jungle I’ll go to the oh the hello retain bug hello retain bugle hello welcome welcome welcome you go now angel boy all right

Take care angel boy see you later yep of course I’ll type them in the chat once again oh retain Bugs Got It retain bules got it yeah of course we we always have to have the the we always have to have the tent whenever moving to somewhere

New the t is the essent an essential part of an essential part of settling somewhere new but anyways let’s not get distracted shall we ouch we nearly would have died of fall damage let’s go dig ourselves into the side of a mountain shall we okay I got really scared there I I

Thought the dirt the dirt breaking sound sounded like a creeper I got really freaked out there yeah I know usually usually the oh is my sound a bit loud do ouch I need dropped my microphone um let me know if my sound’s too loud as well I don’t

Know an armor Trim Shop but is randomized O look and like a armor trim armat like what’s the word armat Lottery perhaps armat Mystery Box O that sounds kind of funny actually we love gambling just for just for now just for now retain bugle I think for this stream

It’ll be it’ll be fun it’ll be fun to just it to to start over and just makes I I’ll probably I’ll probably like grab my stuff afterwards and all that once I’ve like I said once once I have achieved the singular Diamond I I shall I shall return re return with my

Gear yeah we dig that inside I’m sorry if my commentary is a bit bad as well I don’t I don’t really know how to stream anymore it’s been too long grabs 500 slash SL give SL give po person diamonds am I right so true so true what’s it challenge over

Immediately H Panda I’m glad you managed to walk one 1,500 blocks oh you’ve traveled 21,000 blocks to find a trail ruin how so so much e so much effort yeah I have I I probably should have fought of like potential things I could have done in this area but I

Don’t I don’t actually really know why don’t we just dig out dig out some of this for now perhaps we’ll make a silly room inside of here A Silly Fun room or something but yeah also I did mention this already but I did mention this

Already but what’s it we can we can do I set up like a little leaf sple thing in the in the community center I don’t I don’t know if many of you have actually seen that cuz it’s that’s was actually kind of a recent installment well not

Really re recent I kind of I kind of made it like a month ago well completed it at least I think that’d be really really fun to play We Shall I think we dig out this Hall and this can be our little little starter base as much as we love our tent what’s

It we we won’t we won’t live in our tent for now because T there for decoration oh you saw you saw it in today today pirate I see I see yeah as much as as much as we love our our lovely tent the tent is there for decoration purposes only no function at

All hello it’s Gabe I’m finally back back yeah it’s been a while I’ve been super busy but what’s it now I’m not super busy so woohoo I’m going to I’m going to steal one of these torches I think I’m sorry past me who plac these

Down I just put it in here I don’t know whenever whenever starting off a new new place in New in Minecraft it’s always fun to dig a random hole on the side of a hill wow so fun isn’t isn’t it yeah what I did schedule it for about

This the sple thing for about 4 minutes but why don’t we why don’t we give it a bit of time until you guys are ready cuz I did only just just start playing Minecraft here we might we might as well just do that oh you’re trying to bring your cats

As well Max will place oh good luck good luck the most powerful player to return of course it’s gabes but we sh we shall create a very ugly a very simple hole hole in the side of the worldall which I will probably upgrade in the future we’ll make it we’ll make a door

Uhoh it’s it’s the Note Blocks again I remember this not again my ears about to be pierced with varying notes oh we we’ll keep this random door in the middle of the house shall we we can why don’t we just I’m just going to make random things in here random very cheap

Things I like this like this couch wow wow what a what a cool couch am I right and what else what else is random and cool I know this fence post I think wait wait wait not just any fence post ah a fence post with a wall underneath so fun

Oh I don’t think snowballs do damage to damage to people I don’t think snowballs do damage it’s just uh it’s just um it’s just funny projectiles beautiful music oh I should have a listen I um the current coordinates I am at it’s not too far from the initial Cherry Village it’s

500200 the server the server is updated to the updated to 1 20.2 you should be able to join on the latest version though it’s just that 1.2.2 is the latest I can do which can also like include all the stuff is there a problem it’s

Gabe but yeah we have a we have a lovely little hole it’s not lovely at all it’s not lovely at all we we’ll do we’ll do our best We’ll add some random features just to make it a little more bearable yes it’s it’s still playable on 1 Point 1

1.2.2 oh my God not we have not done enough building in Minecraft we are so bad I’m a oh I retain ble this this is this is not looking good not looking good oh you want to go to the music first oh what’s being played here shall we watch oh I’m going

To put put my seat down to have a Watch all right still setting up we shall we’ll return here soon we’ll return here soon to see the the final performance but our ugly our ugly house is coming along oh this is this is horrible you know what it doesn’t it doesn’t even need it doesn’t need to

Look good on the outside does it we will focus on making it as ugly as possible in the inside what it maybe maybe through random digging as well we’ll we’ll find a piece of iron I’m just going to randomly start digging I think I think it will make

Make create a chaotic effect of some sort I don’t know what I’m trying to do here this is this is so Bad what’s it perhaps we can make we can make this some sort of fun house of ugliness I’m not too sure I probably should have thought of what to what to do beforehand I do have some other ideas for actual actual nice looking builds in in the

Future but for today starting off fresh with nothing at all I have no idea what I’m doing and we shall create the most ugly monstrosity we can think of what’s it we shall have our second floor under here yeah we should I think I think we just

Keep randomly digging until we hit iron you know actually let’s let’s grab a torch quickly Prelude Inc Oh oh I I do actually recognize this song yeah H retain Bu round app FL woohoo seeds thank you thank you for the performance how’s the Paris papus song go again oh I I remember how the papus songs go ouch why are you on fire I don’t have a water bucket I have somebody’s rocket as well the music was too fire indeed Panda

Indeed that’s so true so true this is 1 Point uh oh oh hello pyro is 1.2.2 the only one which works I’m playing I’m playing on 1.2.4 at the moment I think it should work oh lovely Juke Boxing hello hello W wz City what’s of course you can join what’s it the the details you need to join are you can find them in the pin message I will quickly put this repac this you liked and Sub of course thank you very Much uh sorry let me Quickly there we go thank you thank you very much thank you very much wz but there um you can find all the details you need whether that be Java or Bedrock you should be able to join uh is is this too is this too loud by the way is like

Organization you know so we can like communicate with people if you ever have any issues on the server I can always like I can you can alert me more quick than more it’s good WC of of course I don’t know I think personally the music

The music was a bit too loud but let me know if the music’s too soft now oh that’s a concern what’s it we what’s it we have abandoned our place I don’t I don’t know I don’t know what we’re doing today I don’t I don’t know we we’ve ditched

Everything we’re back to Stone pickaxes speaking of which our stone pickaxe is going to break I think what’s it until we get our first until we get our first piece of our first piece of iron we shall not stop randomly digging we shall I I have I have an idea actually

We could make this place like a little a little cave of sorts with random cave systems I I’m going to dig random tunnels today but in the future you might you might see some very very nicely well sculpted caves with very weird very fun and twisty passageways I

Don’t know that sounds like a fun idea hello retain bugle oh what is everyone else doing in here get get trapped ha you you are trapped no you you’re not trapped that’s all right oh you are free you you have been freed let’s borrow a b a torch shall we

The cave Goblin oh no the cave Goblin haunts Us in the cave oh turn it up of course far oh yeah also as well I don’t know if I mentioned but basically I because like random killing people can be like an issue what’s it we’ve had that issue

Like a few times before where people would go crazy and kill other people randomly and all that but but basically as you can see retain bugle over here they are currently in PvP mode basically what you can do is PVP toggle and it’ll switch yourself to PVP oh

Yeah you see now we can oh we got we better stay away from The Sword we’re unarmed yeah but and if I do PVP toggle once again it can switch me off from PvP so yeah it’s a it’s a cool way that we can still have PVP but not have it so it

Harms everybody yeah I’ll stream more frequently from now it’s g i have a I have a lot of free time now what’s it I I really I still retain my like love for this server still it’s a really fun place I just really love Minecraft still

There’s a lot of things I want to do what’s it I’ll come I’ll come back more often and all that and I’ll try work on making the community oh we’ ran into the cave Goblin with was ugly villager face stay back stay back stay back and foul Goblin let’s dig our tunnel

Away yeah but but I also work on work on doing more stuff for the community as well like the upcoming sple event I don’t know really to call it an event but is that really I don’t know but I’ll basically we can do some little drip Lea sple once I find Iron that’s

The only cause until I find my first my first raw iron we shall not begin yeah the shaders do look very cool here I don’t know the the jungle just got a very Charming Vibe a very very Charming Vibe we are randomly searching for iron please iron please show your face iron iron

Iron all right we we shall be starting the event soon because the iron is right over here right right here it’s up here to the right back behind there upwards it’s right behind the stone B do I have a bed to give you ow just gravel I don’t actually have a bed but

Basically you know how there’s like the the tent up there I built that before coming here but basically you guys can all use that bed for now we only we have single player sleep and all that so if you guys want to set your bed there for

Now if you want to stay here that’s why I built the tent just so a nice place to spawn back anyways back to our iron search our iron search will be complete soon because the iron is Right Here Right the iron is right around this corner iron is

Above the iron is right through here the iron is right underneath it was underneath us the whole time it is only a few blocks further the iron is the iron is not there we’ve run out of thing again I don’t think we’re I don’t think we’re ever going to find the

Iron we shall create create another pickaxe how how many pickaxe will we burn for until we get our first piece of iron oh my God the the cave troll is looking a little a little bit different I don’t I don’t remember the cave troll looking looking like

That looking a bit feline if I do say so myself the cave Goblin has no explanations what’s I think the cave Goblin is getting evicted from the cave because of that I have not found the iron but at least we’re getting some ra some really Rand random windy caves the industrial revolution has

Happened there are iron Farms indeed so what’s see even even I built an iron farm for everybody once oh my torch everyone is industrializing okay that that’s more like the cave goem we got to we got to run back off Cave gobl shoo shoo SHO we got to run away before that thing

Devours Us uhoh I can hear the the very the very deep note blocks as well oh the cave Goblin and its p we could we could build the back rooms one day actually honestly it’s a very repeated repeating pattern isn’t it I know I have

A I have like a I have like a build idea for over here oh found coal that’s kind of cool I have a bit of a a build idea for for this place sort of oh the cave noises no don’t do that to me don’t do that Minecraft don’t

Don’t give me those freaky cave noises this is supposed to be happy not scary but fun fun fun we’re getting a bit of experience in all oh my god when are we going to run into iron is iron actually rare or something oh there’s clay that means that means we

We’re near one of those um when want what what it’s a lush cave why did I forget that that means we are close to some Lush cave should dig with our fist for now because we are dirt pool the cave Goblin is wondering why everyone has better ping oh no I

Actually I actually don’t have oh my my name is blood out well like kind of out I don’t know I have to I have to I have to see about that I have to see about that in the future but the cave Goin is British ah so sad oh it’s the actual

Cave we shall find our first piece of iron in here I actually I actually don’t have the best ping either if you can see my thing all most all most of you guys have like the full bars I got one missing oh we actually found iron and we’ve lost our

Pickaxe do not do not fear though we we have our crafting table we can easily make another one to obtain our first bit of iron for today wow so fun quickly take that back oh look at this beautiful sweet delicious iron yummy yummy yummy yummy is

The what is happening in the caves I got to the cave goem is lost in his own caves uhoh managed to get oh hi retain buggle oh there some oh there’s more iron actually there’s a lot of iron down here what shaders am I using I am using a shaders called compl complimentary

Shaders I think I think that that was the name it might be I think more specifically it’s complimentary unad I think these shaders are what’s it they’re really they’re really nice shaders but at the same time they’re like they’re more friendly towards like they’re more friendly towards your PC

They don’t like absolutely blow it up that’s why I like them so I can actually o a big cave I think we’ll we’ll go here later we’ll go here later it’s time to it’s time to back off we’ve done our bit of exploring haven’t we but these shaders that I use they

They work pretty they work pretty well for your computer whil basically not not making it blow up or anything whil also allowing it to look good but anyways we shall up up up up up yes retain bugle what’s see what are you what are you asking for we shall head back up

Let’s Escape now oh I don’t think we were this high actually oh let’s not go there there’s a creeper stuck in a hole we came from where did we come from now I’m lost oh dear the the goblin shall let none Escape From The Cave uh-oh where actually where actually

Where actually did we come from I’m confused I’m very confused ouch oh my God I’m I’m so confused I’m very very super duper confused at the moment oh we we’re we’re officially lost this is what happens when you venture too deep into the cave can we find an X it

Though oh my God please please let us out cave go please I’ve had I’ve had enough you found the exit cool maybe I maybe I should head back but we’re going up oh I actually see names I see grass as well so we probably need a surface

Oh I will say I would say as well just just for a disclaimer for disclaimer for everybody what’s it I did turn off like the the creeper griefing cuz I I know creep especially on a public server like there’s people like blow up creepers everywhere and they like destroy

People’s stuff and it’s a bit unfair to say to say the least but I guess by removing the creep the creeper griefing it also as a side effect has removed the damage they do that’s okay though we the less destruction is good we finally made it out have

Fun wow the first the first first thing we move into here is a amonga statue I can’t believe this this was supposed to be a fresh beginning away from all the sus imposters but here we are staring in the face an amongus character yes retain bugle oh you you

Want me to take all this clay thank you the cave thinks there’s something suspicious about this Perhaps Perhaps s oh thank you I I’ll just take all the random junk oh thank you for thank you for the server guide ooh wow this is this is my favorite book of all

Time wow I I love this book wow who who who who wrote This Book they must be a genius sh offer it to the Among Us here you go oh no it’s not really a it’s not in in that sense G everything’s still there but it’s it’s more that we’ve sort of

Not that we’ve moved away completely it’s just that it’s just that we found someone new to settle down just because it’s kind of like a it is like a new beginning isn’t it but everything that we’ve had before is still there in fact we were actually going to go back to the

Cherry Village very soon oh you cannot join because you’re a crack user I see I I see W City unfortunately unfortunately server isn’t really compatible with with cracked Minecraft that’s a that is a bit of a problem isn’t it I’m very sorry about that W

City what’s it I know it can’t I know Minecraft can be too expensive for some and a door making that noise I know Minecraft can be expensive for some people and if you can when you have the option to get it for free I I understand I’d probably take it as

Well but what’s it unfortunately with like all the serf and stuff it can’t really it can’t really support support crack players too well but what’s it it’s it’s a bit unfortunate I need I need a little bit more wood we shall quickly make a chest and store our junk

And we shall move back to the city let’s what should we Let’s uh where where can we get wood from there’s trees everywhere just get get it we’ll get it from a from this poor tree over here so could you say that again W City I didn’t I didn’t quite understand what you

Said you buy Minecraft for them wle wow what a kind soul wow M Mr Beast indeed oh we need a bit more wood well let’s put put some more chairs down here we got a live audience but we need one more piece of wood to make a chest and we can head

Back you’re in the server W City you managed to get in that’s great I’m glad I’m glad you were able to make it you’re at okay you’re you’re over there that means you’re getting close you’re getting closer Maxwell shall we this is such a this is such a

Rough this is such a such a rough little base but what’s it this thing is probably going to be ouch I fell in this thing is probably going to be abandoned as soon as I get everything back and I can build something nice anyways why

Don’t we put all of our clay in here all of our random Cobblestone all the junk we vum ated we don’t need put everything in there we we’ll take a few things with us it’s just to empty some of our inventory and we’ll put a random furnace in the

Roofa you didn’t see that one coming did you don’t close the door on me thank you and shall let our iron smell Elite duts all right w you CI very nice very nice to have you what if you just follow the path right out of Spawn you should be able to find

Us so now that now that we’ve actually now that we’ve actually managed to do that the exact cord I’ll pull up the exact codes right now um 47 474 11164 oops sorry 474 1164 this where we exactly exactly are yeah that that’s kind of what we’re

Doing pyro we we’re moving to a new spot but don’t worry we’re not abandoning the old spot I’m actually planning to visit that spot quite often and there’s still things I want to build there as well oh hello in the donuts hello no what’s happening to the mongus his eyes are getting taken

Out the amongus hello hello hello ouch I I shift keyed I forgot um sticky keyed I forgot about that oops oops I I’ve broken everything perhaps we could maybe one day we can make a new place in the Badlands too I remember that place I showed you guys before as a potential

Place for like a shopping center I think that could make for a really really nice place for for people to settle down so I do want to do this place first cuz it’s generally close around and what’s it it’s a nice lovely jungle and I really

Love jungle we we got to stay in the jungle for now but anyways it is time to spliff um yeah we shall head on over let’s see we shall head on over back to the Cherry Village for now you want a wild west world that could be really fun

Honestly we shall head head on back over to the Cherry town would you guys like to join me going back does anyone have bread oh elite elite Donuts I I’ll give you I’ll give you a few pieces of of steak for now but what’s it at the beginning that i’ I’ve

Put some extra bread as well if you’re if you’re starting off there’s always some extra bread there as well so you don’t starve to death we don’t want people starving to death but would you guys like to follow me back to Cherry Village oh you managed to get here

Maxwell oh you didn’t take all right that’s all right you can you can survive off the steak for now the Among Us is the Among Us it’s gone no poor poor Among Us what what did it do to be taken down it was too suspicious for this world oh and that’s my

Iron I think my we can take out my eye eye now we got 15 pieces what what shall we do with 15 whole pieces do a pickaxe for sure why don’t we make oursel a shirt we just make some shoes as well why not shirt and shoes wow we we look

We look so good now wow shirt and shoes Al so we’re halfway there hello sin for you’d like to join of course uh I will I will um quickly repaste the IP for you there we go that’s the all the server details you need I will repin

That again what’s it depend if you’re Java Bedrock you both of both versions should be able to join just enter that in oh hello Maxwell Place you’ve managed to come oh slabs as well thank you what’s it just what’s it we might we might actually wait for S to arrive if he’s if

If they’re going to come what’s it before we leave like I like I like I mentioned be before we can we play oh thank you for the cookies like I I’ve mentioned before I set up a little sple thing within the community center what’s it I’ll keep it the sple

Thing for a little bit as for a little while as well but I’ve set up a little sple thing we can play some fun fun fun Leaf sple not just the regular no thanks that’s that’s all right I I will I will I will get all my own Iron you can you

Can have your iron Maxwell I will obtain all my iron by myself but yeah I set up at leas Bing in the community center we shall say say a very temporary goodbye to our new tent oh version s for it should be compatible with the most recent version

But the exact version of the of the Minecraft is oh sorry my f the exact version is 1.2.2 but it should work with the latest version oh how to join Minecraft assassin just what’s it here is this details of the server that you need to join Java Bedrock you can join Java you

Just need IP and for Bedrock you’ll need all the other information you got it no worries Minecraft assassin what’s it why don’t we take oh I’m running out of hook I got a potion of string as well o you have shaders you can barely see anything oh that isn’t the shade away

The shade is just way too bright this torch is killing our eyes right now it’s glaring out my eyes it’s burning them up all right but when you guys are ready we can head on to the community center the torch oh the torch is back let me

Stare into it again I’m like a like a moth attracted to the flame flying straight into the burning Sun Oh My Stream is kind of L laggy sin oh I I see I see I’m I’m very I’m very sorry about that s for I see thank you for thank you

For letting me know I’ll try to see if I can improve on that lag so I thought I thought I I had like made my internet better but it doesn’t seem quite like that I’ll I’ll do my best in the future to make it better is there a Discord

There is a disc Discord Minecraft assassin there’s a Discord specifically for the server it’s it’s re it’s under construction at the moment oh I’ve messed up the Discord link let me um let me quickly uh am I going to here’s the Discord link though what’s it but it’s a very very

It’s a very I like made it yesterday I like made the server yesterday so it’s it it’s very it’s very very unorganized at the moment but yeah it’s it’s a very nice place just to just to or organize everything that’s what is the that’s what was lacking to begin with so just some

Organization for the server works out cool am I in a VC no I’m just by myself for now okay sorry for keeping keeping you guys so if you guys are ready do you do you want to head on to the community center woohoo so I’ll go see if I can round up

Everyone in this area I didn’t even know where anyone is actually I see two bad kid over here W this this place is coming along fun oh there’s just a door here to to a little a very very small house a a four a four Block House literally four

Blocks you got the eggs still very nice retain BG we are going to completely fill this house with fences ha so evil now the person can never go into the house it’s blocked out you’re Jake nice nice to meet you Jake I’m very nice to meet you too hell hello hello P5

X5 so if you guys if you guys just follow the path you should be able to find us here but we’re actually going to Embark back over to the Cherry Village very soon just to play some sple I don’t know I’m very excited I really wanted to I really wanted to play

This fle with like a lot of people it’s really fun it’s like with driple and snowballs you drop other people it’s really fun you thought this was EU oh I I guess there’s a lot of people from a lot of places I guess this is

Like a EU an EU um sort of time zone the server is actually situated in America but I’m not American I’m actually Australian oh you want to turn turn right but we will be going down the left path very soon if you want to meet us right here you want to turn

Right we shall await your arrival I can actually see someone coming in the distance oh I I I am at 50015 hello hoopsy hello Hoops hello hello hello I guess I guess so yeah I know there’s a there the the thing is right I’m streaming in in like a European time

There are like a lot of American players as well there’s a lot of people in America do I ever a VC um I don’t us I don’t usually VC VC on stream and all that I haven’t really VC oh Phantom y I haven’t really I don’t really VC much to

Be honest on stream and all that I mean I’m happy what’s it there’s the there’s the Discord server it’s it’s such a wreck at the moment I just it’s like I I got to like do a bunch of stuff I just set it up and all that but yeah potentially potentially

What’s it potentially I I’ll add some VCS there as well so you you guys can talk all that can you have a bit of food of course I I will use up some of my my survival steak that I gave myself to embark on the thing going to play Lego

Fortnite pirate of course oh yeah I am upside down Gabe that’s how we are in Australia we are dinner boned you’re at spawn P5 oh hello hello there ohop sorry that’s that’s that’s your log my bad hello oh bread thank you thank you thank you oh yeah what’s what’s the what’s the rarest

Rarest biome Panda you want to be a mod you’ll get you’ll get this someday I’ll be honest I don’t I don’t actually have any any mod moderators it’s all the moderating has been done by done by me so far I don’t know if this if the server ends up

Growing what’s it before like months ago when the server was was actually kind of popular popular there a lot of people playing but what’s it I kind of died for like 3 months so it’s dead again spare change spare change of course Hoops of course of course if I

Ever need support I I know here to contact yeah if I if I do ever need support with moderating or I might release like a like a what’s it moderator application all that what’s it for yeah I I’ve like installed some like anti-grief commands where I can like inspect like who stole

For this from the chest and like restore everything so generally everything’s all right although this is like no like cuz I’m really I’m kind of really against like land claims and all that I just don’t oh sorry I just don’t find them very very fun it’s kind of very limiting

To the Minecraft experience so although it’s more work for me I I want to make it I want to make it fun still you can be a mon from YouTube and MC oh the oo is really sell selling it yeah like like a community space you

Could say but anyways what’s it we shall we shall come back to this random hole in a sec would you guys like to go back to the Cherry Village what’s it I I will guide the way I will leave a a cookie crumb Trail oh follow the cookies follow

The cookies I don’t have enough cookies to sustain this I don’t have enough cookies to sustain this we’re going to we’re going to run out real soon no one’s going to follow me if I don’t have cookies no one’s going to follow me if I

Don’t have cookies a we we oh we had to turn this way oh wrong button we scatter our cookie crumbs all the way to Cherry Village we only have two cookies left the cave cin follows the cookies of course yes Hoops what is it oh hello m m fousy 82

Hello oh hello Rose hello Rose ah I nearly dropped into a hole oh thank you for the cookies back so that means I can do an even longer Trail aha we are the cookie scatterer Oh wrong wrong button I can’t see where I’m walking let’s this is a bad

Idea it’s a very bad idea a super bad idea you cannot find me Maxell Place well we’re just heading back to the Cherry Village so if you want to go there Maxwell what’s it if you want to go back there we’re going to run the first ever first ever po SMP

Event I guess I guess it’s I guess that’s what you call it an event I don’t know I’ve set up like a cool little sple thing that we can play I think it’ll be really fun I even I’ll give even give give out like my personal diamonds to

The winners I I think I have like in total four stacks of diamonds yeah I think I have four stacks of di I can I can spare a few I don’t I don’t I don’t really use all those diamonds they’re just kind of sick that sit there

I only have one cookie well uh we shall scatter dirt now oh who who loves who loves dirt everybody dirt dirt dirt we love dirt you got nine stacks on Panda server oh oh dear I don’t know I got four stacks of diamonds but I can’t really I don’t I

Don’t really know why why I don’t want to grind even more I guess I’d want to grind more diamonds so I can give them away I think I’m going to get stuck in a very very very vicious Loop of host event giveaway diamonds go back to the strip

Mines oh maxw place oh hello Max place but yeah we shall head up this Cherry Village is right here oh Hoops um basic basically Hoops what’s it this is like the the main area of of like where we first started off just for today just for today I’ve kind

Of like ditched everything you can see I have Bare Bones nothing just to like start off that new area over there what’s it cuz this place is kind of full now and I love it very much but it is full but there still are things I

Want to do here I’ll come back and visit quite a bit but yeah it’s very crowded oh yeah there’s there’s Farms over here for you guys as well if you want to take some bread we can take a quick bread stop if you want good memories good memories yeah oh

Thank you for cookies we could take a quick bread SP stop I need I need one slice of bread that’s all I need one one one slice of bread actually no I don’t I need two slices of bread two slices of bread please craft those up and with our

No rose everything’s everything’s all right Rose every everything’s all fine oh thank you for the bread but with our bread we shall create a sandwich which does not work unfortunately well Rose I’ve I’ve done I’ve I’ve I’ve done my best to try to make this make the server more peaceful

Everything I’ve actually I’ve actually implemented more more sort of moderation I’ve kind of taught my myself a few more things about all the plugins which help keep the server safe kind of like with the tickets thing that you that you sent me yeah we hate the rules don’t we we

Hate the rules what’s it although although the rules are strict they they’re just in they’re just there so everyone can have a fun time it but if everyone is ready would you like to head off what’s if you do get lost as well cuz this place this place is kind of big

It’s of course hoops of course what’s it I what’s it whenever I need help I I’ll always consider you shall we head off but basically um we are heading To what’s it if anyone is trying to trying to find the location it is 800 500 you love learning things Hoops as as we do oh that’s new oh this is this is from the trail ruins you did pyro isn’t it that’s that’s cool I’ve never I’ve never actually seen a trail ruins

Despite the fact that it’s the new update oh we got to place that back we don’t want to disrespect pyro like that we keep his keep his lovely achievement up there it’s really cool actually I’ve never actually seen it hi 6 no worries Hoops of of course no worries as long as

We as long as we as long as we return it to how is it’s fine oh cookies thank you maxw cave Goblin has to Depart of course I I see R what’s it maybe what’s it what’s I know I know it’s late for you I know it’s late for you right now

But maybe maybe tomorrow just just like what’s it send me just cont contact me like with what you’ve lost and all that and I I’ll be happy to refund it cuz I understand it was a bit care of but yeah look strip leaves woohoo there there’s a lot of bone meal

Which went into this but this is kind this is really cool I think what’s it we have to go through the side entrances though the main entrance is just Spectators only it seems but yeah if you if you come down here basically Bas basic basically um what’s it you can

Just take one of these trap doors down here or go down here I instead of a few Snow Golems basically what we’re going to do is basically what we’re going to do is what’s it if you guys want to quickly get some snowballs what’s it we’re going

To place sple from the drip leaves as we run across all the leaves are going to fall and oh don’t make sure not to kill the snowmen though we need snowballs but and we can fire snowballs at each other and drop the leaves I think it’ll be really fun I

Think oh don’t worry P they they they mean to harm it your pot is all fine yeah I I’ll I’ll take I’ll just what’s it contact contact me of all your losses roses and I’ll make sure to ref fullfill them but we need to fill up on

Snowballs in fact I’m sorry chess but I’m going to dump a lot of my random junk in here cuz I need full snowballs I need to I need to be fully decked out with snowballs I put my shovel in there I need that shovel we are going to be fully decked

Out with snowballs full inventory of snowballs ouch oh that wasn’t my shovel F you found you found an end City Elite how’ you find an End City so fast how’d you get to the end you just joined wow oh you don’t remember Rose sorry I didn’t I didn’t quite catch that

I I’ll make sure to reimburse you with your iron though okay just REM me later you know how forgetful I am ah like my shovel that’s all right more shovels so Bas basically what we can do we can just play play a bunch of snowball each other it’ll be heaps of

Fun you got to shower maxw play a too bad too bad hope you hope we see see you a bit later then I need more snowballs more snowballs how did you get to the end Elite DS I guess there are open end portals aren’t there but wow that’s impressive

Come on more snow this is taking too long this is come on snowman just just give me the snowballs at this point oh oh I understand ancient city ancient city okay so sorry about that Elite do do I didn’t I didn’t quite understand

Yeah I get I get you I get you yeah the one with the warden oh that’s scary we might have to tackle that someday can you play the mini game of course pyro you can join us we’re just at the at the big Community Center in the middle of cherry

Town you’re you’re a minor of course it’s it is so scary to so scary isn’t it it’s too scary to tackle alone oh yeah I I’ll work on the server as well as you can guys see there the Discord server is like super messy I I

Just I like just made it oh my God I’m burning through so many shovels oh my God I need shovels going to drop the cord Elite D of course yeah but if you guys want to play just head to the Cherry Community Center at 8001

500 oh yeah you can you can get Discord server templates I have seen that I’m not very experienced with Discord servers but you know it is what it is what’s it probably after after this stream it because it’s later from here in Australia I’ll probably go to sleep

But in the morning when I wake up I I will probably work on the server to make it a bit better I am nearly full up with I am nearly full up with snowballs yes I I think I’m full I’m full of snowballs oh he’s still grinding away aren’t we

The the hard labor of digging up snowballs I I never sleep Rose I never sleep no but I do I do encourage you guys to get a to get a healthy healthy sleep schedule sleep is the most important part the most important part of your day it is where growth happens

Where where your body restores itself you should not be like me I don’t I don’t know I think it’s it’s kind of bad bad for me as well cuz I’m in Australia right so basically with YouTube and all there’s like you know how people are online at different times of days

There’s more people like in like Europe and America what’s it so basically the YouTube algorithm sort of incentivizes me to stay up late so I can actually get more to to push my content out to more people I guess that’s sort of bad but I’ll probably have to work on a sleep

Schedule and all that I do stream at 5:00 a.m. a lot as well true it’s either I wake up really early or really late another one Elite do oh dear oh so about PVP so we love PVP Hoops it’s it’s a very fun part of Minecraft

But there has been like there has been a lot of like um people randomly killing stuff all that but if you look at my screen quickly if you tap the command PVP toggle see now you can see ooh spooky red red glow around me now I can fight people well you can’t

Hit me because you are not on PVP so just the simple command PVP toggle and you can PVP yeah so it’s it’s like a cool way to protect people but also have the fun of doing PVP I really I like this cool Circle as well it’s fun if you if you

Want to type it for yourself Hoops you’ll be able to punch me only nerdly am I right pirate am I right just SL PVP toggle and I’ll change your PVP mode and I can I’ll probably see like the red ring around you uh we don’t really need PVP for it it’s

More that we’re throwing snowballs at each other so yeah not really you can have PVP if you want but I would just suggest not to I’d suggest no PVP but yeah let me turn this off it is a bit disruptive as well SL oh sorry I’m like the the server

Admin I have like the server admin stuff so I could accidentally PVP people so PVP toggle that turns me off there we go go I’m oh yes Maxwell oh where is Maxwell yeah give me give you a second yes it it’s Leaf time when everyone’s ready someone stole your tools oh where

Whereabouts in here okay I think you guys also have to yeah um what’s it I don’t know I don’t know if you guys read read the rules and all that but what’s it basically basically basically you know it’s just a fun Minecraft server we try

We try not to steal from each other and kill and all that oh it P P P5 X5 if it’s all right would you be able to turn your return your stuff to Maxwell at least the stuff you took just SL in is that a command I

Don’t know but uh I can I can I can see that you’ve that you’ve taken a a few things and all that but yeah If he if he can please return that it’ be very nice thanks someone broke it oh no so sad so sad so

Sad what’s it I will I will do the the magical I would do magical commands oh wrong thing yeah but what’s it we try we try not to steal and grief and all that P5 X5 P5 P5 X5 oh if you’re if you’re able to stop like stop um what’s it stealing

And like breaking stuff what’s it we can all have a fun time all right what’s it you didn’t really cause much damage but try try to be try to be friendly and all that oh don’t worry o scks I can I can replace this with commands I can like reverse it

Back ooh wow lots of lots of dly fun oh you got a head as well that’s fun where’d that head come from but anyways is is every oh did oh did you put your stuff away I oh I’m I’m very I’m very sorry pirate um It reversed that as well oh my

God oh I’m I’m very sorry the chests are too close to the um okay that was that’s that that was my fault that was my fault okay I can I can actually bring this back though I just need to I just need to quickly like research the remind myself what the command was

To to um undo that oh Dear so would I be able to would I be able to do that do that afterwards for you pyro so when everyone’s what’s it would would I be able to restore that for you after power what I’m very sorry about that thank you thank you I’m really sorry for the inconvenience as

Well we just yeah that that was that was all my fault sorry I tried to like replace the replace the drip leaves and then I accidentally affected the chest inside as well yeah are you guys ready do you want to go do you want to go up and

Play do you guys want to go off and play sple now what’s it I’ll give you a sec all right when you guys are ready what’s the I oh hey P when you when you guys are ready H just head up there’s no really good way to get up here actually but

Just head up to the top over here by the little Cherry town hall and that’s where the entrance is look you too come on we we want we want to we want to avoid the tensions and all that just you know it’s we can we can still have fun in Minecraft

Without stealing and all that look soltice I I’ll re like I said solstice I was going to I was going to give you back that the iron that you lost as well just just let it go for now it’s one piece of iron all right just let him have the shield for

Now I do need I do not I do I do need to actually like become more become more strict as well and all that but yeah oh what happened to the trap door that’s a bit wrong but look look just let’s just we’ll just leave it leave it at here for now s

Remember I was going to reimburse you with the stuff that you lost we what’s that I’ll go I’ll go ahead and like reimburse you with all that stuff later you’ll be you’ll be fine it’s just one Shield the trap doors the ladders but trap doors work as lad as as well you

Can actually climb them I think it’s fine he took your tools did you place them in here oops I see what’s it I think the best thing just don’t put your stuff in here uh Maxwell would you be able to give your stuff give the stuff back to Solstice

What’s it we can we can see here that um what’s it looks like Maxwell took it they might have thought it was theirs okay and Maxwell took your your your stuff oh hi hi Gabe hi Gabe oh the Redstone Armor is very intimidating can you have a shovel um

There should be CH shovels in the barrels unless everyone took them there’s more shovels like around there as well what’s C what’s cpvp oh the thing ow snowballs Maxwell would you be able to give the tools back that you took from Solstice they put it in the chest and you might have

Accidentally taken it would you be able to return them to them C oh Crystal PVP oh okay I get I get I know um I’ve never done Crystal PVP end crystals are really hard to come by um maybe one day I’ll make a go farm and have like a crystal

PVP place I don’t know it always looks so it always looks so cool it Crystal PVP always looks so cool we we just don’t have the resources for it yet just just just drop it sources for just drop it sources for now just like I

Said I was going to give you give you back give you back your stuff from from before yeah it’s it’s just it’s just one Shield okay and also P P5 X5 yeah X5 please try try not to steal or anything else other sequences we added some SMY face as well

Cuz we always got to hit him we always got to hit him with a smiley Face all right but yeah what’s it we we try we’ll try to we try to play by the oh you should you should be thankful I haven’t banned banned you yet sers all right we we allow we just allow for now what’s they haven’t really that’s fine I spelled that wrong I

Spelled that wrong I sound like Sand’s undertale that’s great I don’t know sounds like sans’s undertale that’s very interesting but yeah oh hey pyro oh YouTube chat of I was just typing because P PX P5 X5 I think I think they weren’t in the Stream anymore and I just wanted to communicate Oh the Trap do on L to suck cuz you’re in Bedrock I see um uh we we’ll consider revamping this a bit later okay oh hello Maxwell all right but there’s there’s no reason to fight anymore okay let’s just leave it at that so I really I really want you guys

I really want you guys to like have a good time and all that there’s no need for Unnecessary conflicts shall we start o we we have some fun time knocking us each other off the leaves let’s it if we just let’s it if we just

Head up there so I’m doing the co co inspect thing if we just head up there we can begin number one fan of the PO Nation that’s impossible cuz I’m the I’m the number one fan of the PO that’s I’m the number one fan of Po person that’s

Impossible let me get you some swers all right we we’ll wait for you Gabe we’ll wait for you once you’re done you can come up come up here then you’re second of course understandable oh ditch these sticks we don’t need sticks yucky sticks hello Maxwell yes what did you want

Me oh is your is your Infinity B is it glitched what’s it do let me know if you ever come across any um server glitches I I’ll do my best to I’ll do my best to fix them I’ll do my best to fix them I what’s it I know that sometimes like

Some weird things can happen so do let me know okay you wanted to attack me with your my snowballs I see I’ll attack you with my pickaxe I will mine you up yes PVP disabled thank you for spamming me oh hey pirate the Villager lag we may need to

Assassinate some villagers won’t we oh hey P5 X5 what’s it if you guys when you guys ready head up here so we’ll just enter we’ll just enter through the top here I I found that to be the best um solution yeah it is it is pretty CL cluttered isn’t it isn’t it

Rose especially this area I can understand that it’s laggy and all that what’s it Al so I did what’s it the server should the server at least runs though I don’t know how much more I could I could I can put into this how much more money I can pay for

This yeah but any if if you didn’t hear since you did join a bit later we I’m actually kind of we’re actually kind of going to somewhere news somewhere somewhere like a new little place of course we always have this place as well but what’s it a new

Little area to settle down as well oh yeah I I made this yeah I made this this is kind of like the the town hall sort of place it’s like a really nice centerpiece to the Cherry the Cherry um Cherry Village it’s so cool anyway uh what’s it oh my

God you guys ready for sple hello a dark raccoon welcome welcome welcome oh what’s going on Caden Smith uh-oh are you all right are the Iron Golems after you oh this those silly Iron Golems one sec two all right we’ll wait for you then we’ll wait for you today’s your birthday Darkon happy

Birthday happy birthday I hope you’re having a good day I I hope you’re having a good I hope you’re having a good day happy happy birthday what it that’s that’s really cool what it it hasn’t been my birthday forever but happy birthday what’s up what’s have you had a

Good day so far received any presents yeah this is this is this is basically the old Court Rose yeah this is like the the final version of the old Court oh where where are you Maxwell oh you’re up on the podium oh your birthday’s in 8 Days R Us

Happy birthday for them hope they can wish you a happy birthday then wait do you do you mean as eight days as in Monday or Tuesday Rose because you know it’s it is the next day for us oh po oh no that’s me uh we are at

Well the exact coordinates here um well like what’s it 8:30 1 530 it’s all right it’s all right gab we have the little PVP thing what’s it we don’t we don’t need we don’t necessarily need to Bodyguard from anyone what’s it but what’s it defend me defend me from those scary mobs

Please if you if you want to at of course your birthday’s on Tuesday how wonderful yeah but when everybody’s ready we can go ahead and sple woohoo a the trap doors my poor trap doors no my poor trap doors what have they done to you they flipped you the wrong way

There I shall I shall save my poor trap doors oh well thanks I guess oh there’s a hole there if you want of course yeah Rose this was just like a this this was just like a a little little stop here to play some spliff and all that

Oh the trap doors it’s it’s all why would you do this s it’s my my poor building it’s being torn apart it’s being trapo everywhere oh what are you getting for your birthday dark I wonder actually so many new players online yeah it’s it’s quite nice

It’s quite nice it’s really nice to see new faces and all that what’s it it I guess it’s been a while hasn’t it gab that no one’s no new people’s shown up it’s a new taste really cuz like I’ve been dead for 3 months or four months I I

Forgot you have a gift for me dark oh I nearly fell in I nearly fell in that would have been bad make sure you eat by the way you don’t want to go Splat on the leaves but yeah okay I’ll do I’ll ask again oh by the by the way who who who

Whoever wins the round of swe will receive a singular Diamond woohoo I I I’ll donate some of my diamonds to the winners you finally arrived to F kid nice where are we we are at 8:30 1 1530 the the Cherry Town Hall it’s it’s like the really it’s a really

Big structure up here so you you won’t you won’t miss it Sonic St Stars cool I’ve never really played a Sonic game but what’s it I hope it’s fun oh let’s let’s see oh everyone’s everyone’s ready I think I think is everything all right Max Maxell oh hey Kaden

Smith why are you invisible oh is that not your full skin h or is it I don’t or is it a ninja skin of course he’s invisible like that isn’t he oh is everything okay back oh you’re stuck down there on on the little I built this by the way I don’t

This is kind of a bit egotistical but I put my name on there I put my name oh you’re stuck on the Y too bad I wonder why you got there what was don’t worry just take the risk jump down oh I got a better

Idea aha no we didn’t we didn’t get them we did not trick them oh no no no I not like not like that Tad kid never never never oh the new town cords what’s I’ll take I’ll take you I’ll take you there once we’re done with the sple right but

The new town cords are I won’t type in chat cuz it might confuse people but 500200 you did a you did a carpet clutch nice but yeah okay there lots of distractions I can’t believe it Stice you’re going around you’re going around un flipping everything but yeah you’re po person

That’s that’s crazy I can’t I can’t believe it’s poo person oh my God F crazy famous YouTuber poo person with a zillion subscribers I can’t believe it’s really you wow again starting for real this time sure Maxwell why not why don’t you give us a taste of your

Language Al if if you guys are ready just don’t hit each other in oh there they go yeah what I I did have the carpet there before but I guess the carpet’s gone Now I guess you guys are starting without me sure but yeah uh what’s it um let me see if I can find a carpet real quick I’m just I’m just going to take from these walls I I don’t care I’m going to grief my own stuff I’m such a griefer

I’m so such a terrible person I’m going to grief my own thing for now we’re going to make a MOS caret so nobody Falls in you’re so lost EGF oh no if you want to find everyone we are at 8:30 530 yeah let’s let’s cover that up for

Now shall we yes maxo please oh you don’t even have that skin on Caden oh I see that’s that’s interesting oh you have a chicken skin now there we go when you guys are ready just come up here stand on the platform and we and we can

Begin oh you have to take the long way T Pack kid oh no oh no no no it was polish I see you’re not giving me a like no oh no I can’t believe it somebody is somebody is rejecting is rejecting not giving me a life you know what actually I don’t

Actually have to sub on the Minecraft overlay I got to I got to check but oh no I can’t believe I’m being rejected of likes no no no no visible on your screen I see it might just be a glitch I’m sure it’s fine whoa and what what happened to p p5x and

It escaped what’s it I would say you guys did have have have PVP on and all that yeah but Just yeah just it’s best if you just keep PVP off it’s best you keep PVP off okay yeah it just just pick up your stuff p5x or what’s it or allow um or or just get it back from whoever took it from you hello flu you lost your stuff you had diamond

Stuff oh how’d you get oh no oh we are at 8:31 530 by the way yeah look it’s it it’s it’s happened it’s happened guys so the best we can do now is just try to make try try to make um what’s it apologies and all that just get everything everything sorted

What does that mean oh sorry did you say something sorry no I’m I’m sorry I can’t I can’t really I don’t really want to use teleport commands I don’t think I don’t think they’re very fair or like minecrafty or anything I think i’ I’m sorry I’d rather I’d rather I’d rather

Avoid using them oh you have it back nice W CD I I’d rather not I think that really takes away from like the from actually being a mil in Minecraft but yeah we just hang hang out here for now are we starting oh this I don’t know

There’s there was a lot of things which happened look it’s G if if it’s all right could you just what’s it if you’re not like actively fighting someone could you like turn off your PVP it’s just so we can avoid void like troubles and all

That cuz like like we saw there with an accidental kill with an accidental kill we’ve accidentally caused a lot of drama and all that you’re bought of waiting Maxwell of course uh what’s it last chance to join in H report to the top of town hall we can do

Multiple rounds as well we can do multiple rounds as well so if you want to participate just head onto this head onto the center we shall we got so many snowballs yep so we’ll probably we’ll probably dropping like like 2 minutes or something and we can see how it goes there oh

Hello oh you got so much stuff already you’ve just joined us well wow you have 37 already wow that’s record record time record amount so Fast 21 iron super cool that’s so much oh you got no food just just take some of mine for now just take some of mine for now you take some of mine for now just eat up a bit all right but what’s it I think I last chance to play this round of

Spliff head to the center of town Town Hall of course lead you can build a home there’s heaps of homes everywhere that’s the whole point of playing we have lots of homes but yeah just stand stand in the center if you want to play just like right right within this this thing

Otherwise you won’t be able to play I I guess you will you can just jump in afterwards but like it’s just better to stand in here oh is someone coming to the Door oh say hi to Gabe for you all right oh Gabe’s right in front of me actually what well Gabe um it’s penguin says hii oh no not the carpet I think I think we’ll just starting now all right everybody over here quickly get in I guess we took too long

There’s not there’s not many people but yeah standing oh oh you know what you know that’s that’s fine that’s fine ouch that did take a decent chunk of damage actually o oh Fire’s already fallen oh there’s a zombie here yikes you don’t watch out for gab now uhoh oh I jumped

In I jumped straight in that was really fast oh good job gab and GG we can we can keep on playing there’s no there’s no really need to like wait for everybody we can just keep on playing and all that oh did I actually win no I thought

I thought you want no that’s okay I don’t need I don’t need some stuff I don’t need stuff it’s just it’s just like a I just offered some stuff like as a fun incentive for everybody now where is he where do I exit I forgot I forgot I forgot my own

Thing oh hey HF okay time to head back Up H is everything okay Tad kid what’s it don’t worry it’s it’s just a qu it’s just a quick Journey all the way back all right I’ll set up I’ll set up a bed oh I mean what’s it you should probably set up a bed nearby just to um just to

Make sure you don’t teleport too far oh hey djan St hey djan how’s it going I’m I’m going well thanks you’re angry and sad I’m really sorry oh what happened there why why aren’t they coming back oh no EGF over there but yeah um flip this back

Um what’s it I’m very sorry sorry about that what’s it we what’s it try to get try to get back as fast as possible all right so if you just follow that path if you’re at spawn just follow the path and you should be able to get there just take a left

Turn just take a left turn at the fork of the road you’ll get there easily oh hey pyro good good game good game oh you you’ll get this soon too pet it’s it’s not that far of a journey if you if you’re at the spawn just follow the path

Just follow just follow the path lit up by torches and then what’s it when you reach the fork in the road take the left swearing aloud um what’s it look I know people like usually like some people like naturally use swearing and stuff I get I don’t really mind find it too much

Just don’t use it to like to be mean to people that’s just that’s the main thing so I don’t I don’t really want to censor your language too much but yeah don’t don’t say any don’t say too many things to like be bad to people and all

That Ah that’s that’s all right oill s they’re angry they’re just angry they they need to let it out n vers 30 version version two oh dear we are not as family friendly as Nick FR unfortunately we we’ll never live up to his thing oh you can you can

Feel free to kill the villagers EGF they’re they’re plaguing the server not the ones which have like trades and all that though just the just the ugly one the ugly jobless ones you want what’s it we can we can keep on playing rounds actually we can just keep on playing rounds would you

You like some food Caden of course here you go would you like to would you guys like to play again head in the center to play would you like to hop in Caden pyate would you like to hop in we just play another around here shall we you should shall

Go uh-oh oh is is a big drop isn’t it P oh we might have we might have wanted to eat some food there oops sorry I should remind you guys to oh hi Gabe hi Gabe I didn’t see you there I forget how big of a drop it is

Cuz I made this while I had like all my diamond armor oh I think I’m the last person here I made this with all my diamond armor I forgot I forgot how much feather falling do does I would never say such a such a thing penguin I would never say such a

Thing what’s it I only I only call villagers ugly no villagers are beautiful in their own in their own special way but we shall go back down now oh all the all the snow golems are out what are these guys doing out I I’ll have to do a bunch of clean up

Afterwards I see it seems way too much clean oh oh hey Caden Smith oh yeah people were telling me about the trap doors not working not working well I’ll just um we’ll just quickly break this I I kind of under understand now for Bedrock it doesn’t work too well

Oh just try to place that down wait let me let me get rid of some snowballs quickly oh you good no good good good should I head back around let’s get back up there up up up ouch this I forgot I have no armor as well I have no armor we’re

Going to spawn a very far way away ouch ouch ouch ouch I completely I’m so used to having armor on that I forgot I had no armor shall we head back [Applause] up oh the trap doors poor thing oh my God he’s just shooting everything

Do I play fortnite it’s Penguins I I I haven’t I haven’t played much fortnite in my time I’ve played it a bit if you I have to I have to mention this every time someone ask me about fortnite if you s if you search up if you if you

Search on fortnite tracker poo person and you check the solo wins you can see I got 100% win weight all Victory Roy in in Solo I played one game in a b Lobby and I won and I will never play solos again it’s is so beautiful I’m the number one fortnite player

Literally we close that up oh never mind I accidentally unclos it there there we go oh how to set PVP on and off just do type SL PVP toggle all the salmon heads no you cannot have the debugs sorry sorry I won I wouldn’t allow That help you oh yeah there’s the there’s the thing down there of course yeah ouch I thought that was Fallen all right let’s see how we can do this um just just Place some blocks for now ouch I I think all you need to do is

Right click it so just just Place some blocks here and Tower up to right click it what is this guy doing here yikes oh hey GF ouch what do you do oh are you able to get it by just towering up oh hell oh my God the S so

Loud well nothing ever goes to plan I know I don’t know I think P if you just come down here and just Tower up you should be able to get your stuff okay Oh my God the snow golems are everywhere yeah some somebody broke some fences that’s all right though it’s just just means a little bit more clean up for me oh how how do they actually escape from here that’s crazy oh I guess that’s free snow for everybody I do actually wonder how they

Escape from there that’s that’s that’s a little wild anyways oh there goes Caden’s shovel I will um what’s this is this has gone this has gone very this has been very chaotic it seems oh why is there snow golems up here that’s all right though not everything goes to

Plan do you guys still want to play some SP I mean it is it is fun but like yeah it’s fun all right par uh oh okay you need to go that’s fine that’s fine I don’t actually know if I can take your stuff so your Grave’s just going to going to

Be sat there all right going to be sat there for now oh hey omix what am I doing oh we’re we’re currently well at least we’re currently trying to play some sleeve a nice profile picture by the way I’m I’m also I’m also a fan of solidarity

Gaming oh my God fish head everywhere all these these stinky fishy little fishes getting their way into everything I should I should go ahead and fix this actually ouch and we’ll just leave that one up there yeah we we do we do love him a lot don’t we don’t we

Or anyways up up up up up we got to go up oh we don’t we love explosions in the distance hey game ouch I I keep forgetting about the the sticky keys oops sorry about that all right I think I think for now this this blea was a bit unsuccessful we

Can do you guys want to head head back to the oh yikes oh there’s a carpet from before do you guys want to head back to the to to the new place what’s it let me know or do you want to keep on trying at this BL I

Think I think it’ll be fun if we properly organized something you do you want to do one last one last round it’ll be fun we can come back to this afterwards as well a yeah that’s that’s true it’s been very inactive hasn’t it I’m just going to run around the ble

Thing now woohoo wow so so many so many rotting courses hello EGF what do you think you’re doing up there with the wooden sword oh there they go you have an idea for a touchup what the what might that be orix yep also probably probably after a

While as well I’ll take this Leaf down and all that this is kind of like a a community center sort of thing we can always this is kind of M purpose is so we can always set up new stuff in here oh I’m being SPL from underneath don’t hit me from

Underneath I’m being shot from underneath I shall make sure not to drop hello math wizard gamer welcome welcome welcome I I don’t quite understand what you’re trying to say omix could you please explain that a little bit oh yeah oh I get it yeah I’ll I’ll get

That for you I’ll get you that VI power no worries no worries ouch now we we’re going to head we’re going to head back for head back for now how’s my day been it’s it’s been it’s been pretty good we’ll head back for for now you all right tupad kid we’re going

To we’re just going to head head back for now maybe we can do this a bit late we can play this a bit later but yeah I’m just going to head head back to that new place oh what’s going on here this is this is new oh hey ELO you settling down here

Very nice yeah don’t don’t look down on yourself please Tad kid what’s it oh you always got to think positive to be positive I did not make it yeah we’ll we’ll go back there it’s not going to be pretty for today but what’s it I do actually have plans to I

Do I already have like a a plan something to go there go around Thea why are there so many villages here there’s too many you can place powed pwed snow I don’t know I can’t I’m not really sure how that works as a sple sort of thing orx

But I think we’ll keep that for now what’s it the the community center of course can always can always change it’s kind of like a blank canvas for any place you want to hold anything hey Panda hey ill six hey gab the cave Goblin returns oh dear

I think we’ll head we’ll head back for now I think it’s a little unsuccessful that’s fine yeah skeletons can be annoying can’t they don’t don’t worry about it too too much though what’s it don’t worry about too don’t get let them get to your head too py we’re going to head

Back to that place now which is much closer are you around the area who oh who’s down here who’s I can’t oh that’s I can’t actually see the name cuz it’s like spency spency that’s what it was oh no no worries too bad kid it’s it’s not it’s not healthy to get your

Let your anger take control you and all just make sure make sure to be positive be happy and all that I know it’s a bit hard to do like it’s easy to say hard to do what’s it don’t don’t let them get don’t let those ugly skeletons get to you

Okay what’s it we we’ll head back now are you are you near the like spawn area cuz we’re going to be near there as well that’s all right tupad kid you have to let out your emotion that’s all right what’s it it’s better that you like get

It out rather than like hold it in and bottle it up a stack of oak wood for 10 Diamonds oh my God what’s it I do I do actually have I don’t actually know I don’t actually know honestly I haven’t checked my storage for a while

I’m I’m still not quite sure what you what you’re trying to trying to say omix I’m still not I’m still not quite sure what you’re trying to get out there with the pwed snow I don’t I don’t really think I can fulfill that offer of of threee stacks of wood you know what

I’ll I I’ll quickly I’ll quickly check I’ll I’ll quickly check I’ll I’ll quickly check check my thing for check my thing for you DS I don’t mind giving away some wood I I don’t haven’t really used it much anyways my quick stop back am I even going the right way yeah I think

So you need it for your house of course there’s a lot of lot of trees around as well but I I’ll just go ahead and I’ll just go ahead and give it to oh I see omix I see I see yeah sorry it can be confusing sometimes I’m really

Sorry for not understanding oh yeah I mean in the jungle there’s actually a lot of oak wood in the jungle like like this tree over here that’s Oak a solstice I can I can get that back for you by the way I just just contact contact me in the morning all right like

In the in the actual morning not the not the the late late I mean the early early morning I can get that back for you okay so it’s a bit unfair how you lost all that so I’ll try get that fulfilled for you all right thank you thank you thank

You orix thank you I appreciate Sans did not ask for Sans did not ask for that oh hey hey tobo nice to see you there ouch let me squeeze through I’ll quickly check something for you all right let’s let’s head up shall we oh there it’s closed Corners everywhere too many

Trees this is such this place is such a maze we head up up up up up we’ll quickly get the get the oak wood for our for our friend that is not how we get down it’s in this silly well the where was the wood even I don’t even

Know oh there’s a big wood sign there isn’t I have two stacks would is two stacks all right that’s really what I what I have I I’ll just give you the two the two stacks I just have there we go up up up up up here you go take some take some Wood oh sorry it’s the Snowballs oh that’s all right you can keep the diamonds I I don’t need the diamonds I already I already got some you can keep them don’t worry about it you go have fun with the wood we oh Phantoms we can we can head back now

It’s it’s all right Elite though it’s all right you you you keep the diamonds for now you you’ll need them you’ll need them in the future we’ll head we’ll head back down to that new area though the villagers are dying well we’ll pretend we didn’t hear that we we

Don’t care about the the rising crime rates uh the Cod to this Village was 800 500 that was that was the Cod anyone have any eggs I don’t actually know if I have eggs honestly do I did I ever have a chicken farm I do you do you guys do you guys

Remember if I ever had a chicken farm I feel like I did have a chicken farm but at the same time I feel like I didn’t I feel like I didn’t actually I feel like I didn’t have I feel like I didn’t have them oh thank you so much math wizard

Gamer I I appreciate it very much I appreciate your subscription I’m glad you enjoyed ouch I did have one all right all right we’ll head back we’ll head back now and do do whatever dumb things we were doing back back at at at that PL at that

Place back down the path lit up by torches perhaps we should sleep actually it’s getting a bit late isn’t it we hope we hope that no no deadly monsters will pre upon us you need a single stick I I probably have some have a stick what’s it where

Where where are you you abouts Tad kid heading back back back back back should be nearly there actually down the path back at the hole which oh that hole over there yeah I’m I’m on my way I’m on my way here we are we’re all the way back there’s our there’s our lovely

Campsite we have we have made it back back here to our to our weird place over here hello oh hey solstice I have all snowballs um wow would you look at that it’s some sticks that’s crazy hey solers would you look that that’s crazy there’s some sticks right there wow so

Cool no thanks solers I’ll pass the codes they are what’s it 550 150 I think oh no actually no it’s it’s 450 11 1150 sorry my fault I got 100 off sorry hello this over Simplicity welcome welcome welcome yes so sorry about that I got the coordinates wrong we’re back in this mess

Again anyone have a yellow do yellow flowers spawn in the jungle I have no idea I don’t think I don’t think they do I don’t think many flowers spawn in the jungle all right this this this space is this place is is quickly becoming alive it’s it’s actually funny how there’s

Stuff appearing in here now grave how unfortunate you’re making a you’re making FL OE oh from under table of course oh Alix yeah um what’s it that is a pro project in in in the works Alix I I do remember it was in it was near your

House but something I’ve been working on is like a whole system Railway it’s like a huge underground Railway it’s taken so long and I’ve barely got achieved anything what’s it it’s like an underground Railway it’s not really complete or anything there’s no mine carts or anything but if you if you head

Down there’s like a station and all that it’s really cool I hope in future it will help people like travel around the server yeah we are sort of moving here Solstice it’s kind of been like a new new place to move in we’re not we’re not

Abandoning like the old one but like it it’s it’s quite cool I think to have a new place especially since the the old one um it’s a bit crowded hey Gabe the old one’s a bit crowded oh someone down there yeah but we we’re going to do our best to make this place

To make this place feel alive so of course we don’t only need to live in this little crater here so I had I had big I had plans to like the entire little jungle strip over here or the whole jungle strip from Spawn I think what’s it I feel like I’m

Already envisioning heaps of of beautiful buildings like across the little pathway way over here what was I doing for the whole three months what was I doing for the whole 3 months I don’t know I’d rather keep that private for now what’s it but it’s just generaliz stuff but yeah this I feel

Like this whole script all the way to spawn it would be it would be really fun just to it be it would be really really fun just to have like a whole whole lot of building like a whole sort of jungle jungle City and all that it’d be really cool I

Think but yeah let’s head back now let’s head back we we we’ve traveled too far you eat water you you have consumed too much water today EGF like actually I’m a little concerned for you how can how can how can one such tiny person fits so much water inside their

Stomach that is is quite amazing let’s head back now to our silly little crater hello crater peoples it’s a it is a grave U next time we’ll have to see we’ll have to see next time vibration Nation logs on vibration Nation will have to claim that why is water wet but lava

Isn’t oh my god um I I don’t know I don’t I don’t quite know please what is your what is the answer to your riddle cuz fish can drown in water I see I see I guess I guess fish don’t really drown in lava rather they they get scorched

Alive simple math indeed I agree um I don’t know what I’m going to do here so I’m just going to dig honestly I have no clue what I’m doing so digging is the only way when you never know when you don’t know what you’re doing just dig dig

Dig sure Alix hit us with your joke got your first diamond spency nice fish can’t drown in lava cuz they have fire resistance why didn’t I think about that next next time next time I I see a fish in lava I’m going to ask them for a fire resistance potion I’m sure

They have heaps I need to dump all these snowballs away there’s so far too many let’s go get some wood though all the trees this place is going to become Barren kind of like what we did to the big mountain up there we kind of got rid

Of all the trees then I spamed trees and now there’s too many trees these are the real questions we need to be asking if you drop soap on the floor is the soap dirty or is the floor clean this is truly philosophical things right here of course solitary Solitary Man of

Course you can join of course to too thank you thank you for your help I don’t know I’m kind of just messing around today I’m kind of messing around I’m just I just dug this random hole it looks so ugly but that’s all right there’s heaps of random doubles

The the best thing you can do to help is to dig in random directions like I don’t know I I L I literally don’t know what’s going on I don’t know what I’m doing I think this is kind of funny though it’s kind of funny I’m going to

Dump all my snowballs in here I don’t need that oh hey hey how do I pronounce that e e e I’m going to say eel 19 hello eel 19 that’s so true Stiers how did you know I did unfortunately make the the the grave mistake of dropping the so soap within the

Showers prison life prison life is tough isn’t it EC ecn L9 all right I refer to you as ecnl 19 all right hello e CNL 19 ouch oh my God so many holes everywhere I’m going to make this place like un liable honestly a totem no thank you I I

Don’t need a totem right now you can you can take that back too I don’t need this totem oh everything lagged for a little bit you can take that back for now I don’t need the totem don’t worry we we’re out here here living from from living from what’s it nothing we are

Booing up from nothing so true the the the ethics of undertale the the C the morals this is so true this is wow I can’t believe I can’t believe the characters un would do such a thing yeah I have no idea what we’re doing this stream but you know I think I think

What’s kind of fun is just digging around randomly I think I think this could I think this house can be like a community house and we just dig randomly and make random rooms you know what let’s let’s do that I I am going to

Where did I put my eye in honestly oh no I used it all that’s all right I used it all so that means we need a I’m just going to make an axe out of the sticks that we don’t have this is a this is a humble

Campfire oh it’s not much of a flame is it it’s it’s rather sad campfire if I do say so myself of course TOA you can join the hole gang this hole is everybody’s hole I don’t know I just made this so randomly I have I actually have plans

For like better like actually nice looking stuff I just wanted to make this random hole for for some reason sus never never good sir never sus that’s your hole no that’s my ho ecnl ecnl it’s everybody’s hole what’s it we all share the hole ouch I’m falling into all the

Holes I need sticks and I’m going to tear up this bamboo I hate the environment I hate bamboo I hate pandas you have a big hole ecnl ecnl that’s great thanks for sharing the cave Golem dwells in the cave uhoh back to the cave he goes thanks for sharing That Soviet an very nice yes this will be the the community hole not as in like a hole like a let me let me get a sign actually I need wood let’s see let me where can I get some wood I got to kill these trees I hate trees I hate hate

Environment I hate plants I hate I hate it all let’s kill this bush this bush doesn’t deserve to live goodbye Bush you know what let’s take it a step further this whole entire tree gone goodbye goodbye tree you will you will be killed po person is not team trees I

Remember I remember when the hash team trees like when when we planted all these trees and all that I remember now we’re going against our own morals now instead of spreading the trees and planting them now we’re just tearing them down we’re completely opposite

Per of course if if I get if I get the time P Panda what’s it uh what’s it I know I know we’re like like completely different time zones you can always try try to contact me but this is a very high likelihood I’ll be busy but I’ll

Try I’ll try arrange something for a quick look now I’m doing team Seas no we hate the Seas as well pollute the Seas I I hate Turtles no we we we actually love love seas and trees and all that oh send I’ll send you coordinates

Of course we are we are at was it 4:50 one more 50 if you’re basically if you’re at spawn just um follow if you’re at spawn just follow the path in front of you and take the right route yeah the path leads all the way here it’s not too it’s not too far

Okay frle fry oh the I think the the the dynamic lighting is just it’s just on my end oh no no worries solitary man I hope you get here soon thanks for watching yeah but what’s what’s it the dynamic lighting is just on my end for

Go fry it’s it’s just my shaders but you you can feel free to download shaders as well but I think we need to label this place this is the new be this is our new beginnings we shall label this in this is not the server hole but do you know

Um I don’t I don’t know what to call I’m just going to call our big hole because it is our big Hole it’s a lovely name do I like sticks I love sticks I love big sticks indeed but anyways we we got come up with a name of this place I remember last time when we went the Cherry Village it we didn’t really come up with a name of it and everyone just started

Calling that but we should come up with a name for this place straight from the start what do you mean I’m not sus at all never I would never say such suspicious things I’m I’m so I I would never say such inappropriate things ouch I keep pressing the I I do

Love big sticks indeed name it Frankston we are not naming it Frankston no no no we we’ll make it we’ll make it more of like a we’ll make it more of a like Comm Community sensus what’s it we’ll have this place up for a few days and I think

After after a while a name will naturally come to us Phantoms it is time to get inside everybody it is time to take cover this son very nice do I love sticks more than holes these these questions are ouch these questions are getting a a bit too a bit

Too a bit too much at this point I I will provide no further no further answers hey agf what’s going on oh yes both it’s all of all of the above of course let’s let’s keep digging randomly I don’t know why we’re doing this do you know what this

Is this is now my this is my now my section of the of the big hole this is this is now my room this is our big hole but this is this is my room in the big hole this little crevice over here there we go this is this is our

Little section now sweet let’s make a crafting table and all I don’t know what I’m doing man make a crafting table here make some chests fun fun fun oh I can hear the lovely music outside uh let’s let’s put our chest over here we will put our singular

Bamboo and our very big stick and decorate the place with some lovely Moss carpets we’ll put it over here wow this is so so be beautiful and we shall ouch I keep falling I keep folling me we shall we shall name it po person’s hole got to have the double Capital got to

Have the double Capital not just one p but two PS got to have the pp you’re making a house above us Rose of course of course we got to we got to see it yeah but you guys feel free to build where wherever you guys want and all

That ouch I’m being hit by Phantoms oh hey solers I see your place now ouch okay let’s run from The Phantom oh hello over Simplicity down down okay we shall hide from the Phantoms let’s let’s hide let’s hide let’s hide scary Phantoms scary Phantoms all right though yeah this this usually usually I

Have like a sort of plan for this stream oh where are my bey balloon man we are at 450 1150 okay yeah what’s it don’t don’t annoy each other okay Panda over here is just trying to play the not blocks just just let them be okay what’s it try try

Not to annoy everyone okay what’s up horx oh my God this is this is such a mess this is so cool though having just like a hole for everybody you guys should you guys should totally make rooms inside inside our big hole see look my room’s my

Room’s just up here wow and it’s got my it’s got my two sticks and we shall put our we should put out I I love po person sign because I love po person I’m so egotistical I can’t do the capital P there we go capitalize wow look at this this is such a

Beautiful house is it not you want to go in a h hotel that’s that’s crazy e ecnl you we’re going to we’re going to borrow some dirt from the walls oh my God this is I really find even though this is like not the best looking I find like these like when when

We do like the I guess like this really unpredictable nature it’s really fun it’s just really fun I’ve just kind of just now just randomly done all this and we’ve made something weird that’s that’s all right that’s all right e andl it’s it’s it’s it’s funny it’s funny but yeah don’t

Make people too uncomfortable don’t don’t think you’re doing anything too wrong I don’t want you to feel that way oh howdy you he a twoo bad kid what is going on the big hole you know we could turn all these snowballs into snow blocks how about that snow snow

Snow man I love snow we love snow I love I love eating snow so so yummy let’s make a shovel as well so we can actually pick up the snow without breaking it you got a phantom membran cool K good job oh hey Coro and we have all this snow what are

We going to do with this Snow oh my God I I know what we got to go down for them some deep slate Though we got to go down for some deep SL but I know I know I know what to do for this snow if if you would if I was to tell you you you I’m buying Villages what would you trade for a cleric do you mean like actually trade

For the Villager itself what would I trade for a cleric I’m not really I’m not really I haven’t really done much villager trading I’m not going to lie what’s it I’m not sure I would I wouldn’t actually know honestly I have no idea how to answer that question

Anyway we’ll quickly quickly get some stuff I have the the perfect idea here what we need though is some deep site you got full diamond armor spency sweet good job we’re just going to go down in the most random pattern ever oh we’re actually we’re actually running out of our pickaxe

So we should prob I’m going to quickly make a stone one as well oh you’re here for fry sweet nice can you have a torch just make just make some make some um what’s it get some coal and make some torches EGF this torches stay to keep the server

Safe don’t worry there there’s coal around everywhere oh I I see I see Rose um what’s it I what’s it just just join back I I know this the the anti-che can can be bad sometimes especially when you’re a bit laggy yeah and unfortunately for us in

Australia it’s a it’s the server is a little bit laggy as you mentioned before don’t worry it shouldn’t like have banned you or anything you got an iron pickaxe and just started mining nice just keep go I thought okay there is a zombie nearby I wasn’t hallucinating

You found a shipwreck out of every Woodside is it really a oh okay oh yeah ships come in different wood types don’t they good job over simplity that’s must be a lot of ship rags I I always love shipwrecks like in the early game though they’re like really

They’re always like really stacked in all that I know I remember I I remember once in a in in another SNP like when we started I just went for all the ships and I got diamonds like immediately it was so fun it’s going to take a while for us to

Get that back down oh coal down down down coal co co co coal I feel bad for being being away from you for a while oh yeah I did remember you did join in my turle Lobby didn’t you yeah I was I was just playing a little bit of

Turle I remember it it was kind of fun it’s funny when you get random squid parties in your lobbies isn’t it that was really funny yeah it’s it’s super fun whenever that happens isn’t it m we got to hit deep s soon come on I

Just need a bit of deep slate just a little bit oh my God I didn’t realize how high we were we were pretty high up actually cuz our elevation from the water level is pretty high this is going to be a terrible staircase to go up o copper as well though I’ll take

That I I hope you I’m honestly om whatever you put it I’ll probably love it I probably love it I just I just love seeing you guys build stuff it’s really fun but I I like building stuff myself but just just to see what you guys are

Able to create it’s really it’s really cool that we’re able to like work on the server together it’s just a cool feeling I don’t know I don’t know is it only me who feels that I I I feel very happy seeing the accomplishments of everyone else

I I think like seeing the community thve and all that it makes me really happy like that know that to know like that heaps of you having having heaps of fun on the server what’s it it’s kind of it’s kind it’s kind of a strange concept

To think about I don’t I don’t really realize half the time that that there like what’s it now there’s like there’s 16 people at the moment but there’s 16 people actively watching and potentially playing there’s oh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13

14 this there’s 14 people in the server at the moment but 14 people right now in one place just playing Minecraft together under the control of me is really cool it’s really cool to think about I don’t know was not really cool to think about is that the Deep SL is so far

Away I’m so the Deep slay I I will reach you soon yeah it’s it’s cool that we can play on like bed in Java you can see that the the play the dots on their names are are Bedrock people yeah I I think the more more so

Like bedrock and Java are different so for most servers it’s like a bit hard for them to to do Minecraft like that the thing is Right This Server is like not anything special like it’s just it’s just a random Minecraft server we’re not like we don’t really have like all those

Like VIP Rank and all that yeah there’s like no I’m there’s no way these say there’s no way to make money from this server like I’m I’m going to be honest it’s a it’s a net loss for me but yeah I mean having the simpler features than just being vanilla Minecraft as well

Like a lot of servers are optimized to make money and all that like this server is not making any money we we are G broke we’re going broke hosting the server but through that we were able to like add like bedrock and Java because like ooh it’s underwater as

Well oh your laptop went out what am I using to host the the server thing I use to host is is Apex server hosting that’s the one I’m using yes I just I just use a I just use a like a Minecraft servers like what do

I call that like one of those one of those like organizations which like have the Minecraft server for you use that too Panda of course yeah it’s pretty good honestly it’s one of the better quality server hosters now I need I need a bunch of deep

S cuz I I have to I have to build something and I think I think some some of you guys may re know what I’m going to build you use feather okay I I’m honestly don’t know don’t know much about all those server hosts what’s it I don’t I don’t actually know too

Much but yeah I heard Apex was a pretty good one so I decided to get that one we’ll go for a stack of deeps ler how about that or until we find die will we find diamonds actually that it’s not happening it’s not happening okay I you know what I I’m

Committed now I will reemerge once I oh post moral we picked up that totem from before I I’m I keep on see you guys chatting about the the up upstairs I need to go back upstairs to see what you guys done I saw nothing that’s all right I I

Kind of know I kind of knew you picked up that totem anyways that’s all right free achievement though isn’t it oh we will save our iron pickaxe in case we get a diamond you crafted it that’s crazy ecnl that’s crazy you must be crazy good to craft it so early into the

Game uh if you guys need food there’s a there’s a there’s a bit of a spawn chest at there’s a chest at spawn with like a bit of bread you guys can feel free to take from that for now but what we need to do first off is like actually build a

Farm in this area we’re we’re lucky to have the fact that um what’s it like we’ve already like pre got pre-established areas in the server so we I I just took the wheat from there from from all the old B from my from the old bases we lived at and put some up

There oh it’s empty I can’t believe people would take take so much of that you feel like that kid was hacking with x-ray or something um what’s it well I guess we can’t really prove if you’re x-raying or anything but what it just to keep this keep the experience fair for everybody

If you please try try not to do that try not to use X-ray and all that we do have antiche but I know sometimes it slips past yeah just don’t don’t don’t abuse it all right oh anti disestablish teritory I I can not even going to try

To not even going to try to say that there is water oh actually there’s a giant Lake frle fry but I don’t know if you want to go all the way down there for some measy for a pale of water I don’t think we’re going to get

Diamonds I think I think we got to head up W stream thank you math wizard I’m glad you’re enjoying you know actually actually this is this is kind of a weird observation like what’s it I guess some of you guys may also know I also play Splatoon and

All that cuz we love Splatoon but what’s it if you compare to if you compare like the the the live stream chats from here to I I’m underground at the moment if you compare the live stream chats from like spatoon to Minecraft the Minecraft one is so it’s so dead that’s CU

Everyone’s talking in the Minecraft chat which I understand it just looks so it looks so dead when I look over to it though oh this did we actually stumble on an ancient city oh dear I think it might be time to head up actually it’s it’s time to head up we’re

Not going to risk anymore it’s fun thank you so much triangular I appreciate it yeah I what’s it the whole my whole motive of running the Ser is just so I can see you guys have fun as well so I can have fun with you guys as well it makes me super happy

When when I know that you guys are having fun what’s it just having this like Minecraft experience together it makes Minecraft so much better like single player Minecraft so boring but Minecraft everyone is very fun the Minecraft chat is the source of many me yeah what it so many weird

Things that get said in the Minecraft chat and it just disappears I know right math wizard like oh my what type of word is that what type of word is that like I I can’t even question it anymore I I can’t even question it with any more math was it this is

Crazy oh jump jump jump jump jump up up up I this taking some I don’t even think that’s a real word at this point oh yeah I got to see what what you guys have done I I probably will like it oh my God how far down does this

Go don’t worry Rose everything should be like stored inside a grave and all that you should I added that because a dying can be like a hassle and all that it’s like it very unorganized but yeah hopefully that should help you out like make things more organized when you die

Oh my God how do I get it up that’s the couch right oh no this is the flooring I’m just trapped under the floorboards now oh hey Gabe I’m just trapped under the floorboards now I guess I’m just like a a little rat now scaring under the floorboards oh there an exit oh

Okay hello hello daylight why would the grass girl I guess it t takes a while doesn’t it oh this actually looking nice wow oh my God you guys you guys did very well you like combined all the vines and all make it look like a ruined jungle temple

That’s really cool I like it oh this EGS hole you got the at the French flag beds it’s really nice sheets Co because you’re all of course hey corn this is lovely oh this is cool I really love I really love this like entrance thing we got to we got to put

The sign down though I got to replace the sign oh there’s no there’s no way to my hold so I need I need to build a staircase somewhere I need I need to get a staircase back to my hole um let’s see what what is the least destructive way to get up

Here we shall head up here maybe oh here’s here’s my area um let’s why don’t we make why don’t we make another sign so we can so we can rename this lovely establishment oh my God what are you guys saying that is not real words he’s laughing your butt off seeing

The Minecraft chat oh my God that they are not speaking they are not speaking any sort of language at this point ow big hole that’s lovely this is beautiful oh my God this is so so so cool all right oh what I have space one one two three

Four no we we got to build it somewhere else but what’s I I got the deep sleep because I don’t know I I’ve already built this I’ve already so true toag kid so true so funny so funny what’s it it’s stuck in the basement of course what a what a funny

Joke I’m G to what’s it where I was going to put bu there but I remember soltice was there so oh where is a good where is it just a good Splat spot on the wall we got to find somewhere would would I like to participate in a challenge for a prize I

Love prizes and I love challenges I’d love to do so I don’t I don’t know I don’t know what molecule this is I don’t honestly don’t don’t know Simplicity haven’t touched it in months of course do you know what actually people were saying that the that the chest over

There was empty and had no had no bread and all that pronounce this word uhoh oh have you got a farm set up yeah we got to we got to set up a farm probably yeah cuz there’s going to be a lot of people living here isn’t

There I might I’m should I do you guys want me to do a quick run back to to the Cherry town to grab some bread for you guys yab goo spread what you feel ilious hippo Hipp hippo nurious the word is okay um okay let’s let’s take a think

Here um let’s bring that up e you you you you you you U I have I have no idea yeah I think I think so too EC ecnl but we can never we can never we can never reject a challenge we got to take every challenge given to us I’d love a

Destination oh my God you’re setting me on fire no ouch I can’t believe you do such a thing ow ow ow ouch ouch ouch ouch I’m scorching I’m set alive okay interesting that’s very interesting fanda what a what a niche word I’m learning so many new words today what’s in

Here waiting for grass to go oh I see what you’re talking about the grass I don’t think the grass will spread down here cuz it’s a bit too far away I reckon what you want to do tupack kid is kind of have a a dirt Trail leading over

Here here to the grass and then the grass will slowly get its way into your building and then after that once you’re done with it you can like get rid of that get rid of the dirt Trail I think that’s your best option for getting grass no worries yeah the the class’s

Grass isn’t too far away it’s it’s just up there so if you have like a dirt Trail coming down that’ be good I’ll be oh here’s a infinite water source I’ll be I’ll be back really shortly I I don’t know I just I just need to Quick

Quickly do something I don’t know why don’t we I’m just going to stand on top of here you guys can do whatever you want to me what’s it I hope I hope I don’t come back and I have been absolutely obliterated by like a warden or something I’ll be one minute

Yay I’m alive so fun cool um yeah let’s destroy this ouch no somebody took the and aside from beneath me okay well this is big holes definitely interesting let me take my coal back oh but what were we going to do I need to find a good space space for this I was

Going to do it up there cuz there was a nice flat Cliff side but s just got this stuff up there we need to find another flat Cliff side potentially that one actually or for it’s going to be off-centered by one that that look weird I what’s it for for people for

People who have been around for people who have been around since like four months like 5 months ago I buil it 5 months ago for people who have who actually who were around before the the the great Hiatus what’s you will probably understand what I’m going to build that’s crazy shipwreck

Indeed yeah it happens sometimes yeah I I managed to get I thought that was Redstone for a second it was just gapes thing I make a grass pop you probably want to connect it up to some grass as well your Bedrock C math was it of course of

Course where’s a good place I I want to build this somewhere it’ll be funny why don’t we come out here maybe it’s a bit too it’s a bit crowded there I don’t want to like I don’t want to like overcrowd it overcrowd the area do I

Have an Ender eye I don’t I don’t actually have an Ender eye no I haven’t actually gone to the I haven’t like Gone Gone to defeat the Ender Dragon yet I know some of you guys have done that I’ll probably have to respawn the Ender

Dragon when I get when when I do do I have sand I I I’ve got like I’ve got like nothing at the moment because this is what’s it this is like the bare Beginnings oh someone leafed up my place this is lovely you know what why instead of

Building it outside why don’t we build it inside the hole that’s a great idea okay we got to I this is a good spot actually what I’m going to do here let’s empty some of our inventory first we got we’re carrying a little bit too

Much oh thank thank you orix thank you I I appreciate that let’s put some of that away let’s just turn that into snow blocks why don’t we yeah we we’ll dig out a little bit underneath there you going to put your drugstore back in business of course what’s it

It’s the it’s the prime location isn’t it everyone’s starting to live here but I reckon I reckon what we can what we can do let’s um how do I make a Wall we make a we’ll make a oops sorry I deleted some of the vines we’ll make a little path down here I know this is this is this is a bit of a mess because like it’s just every everyone doing everything at once it’s all right though it’s all right I I

Hope I’m not like trading on anyone’s like bu buildings and all that but we head head down a little bit oh my God our iron pickaxe is going to break that’s unfortunate let’s make a few more Cobble stairs oh my God there’s actually this has been like the first time in forever there’s

Been so many people and mainly because I haven’t streamed in a while but what’s it it’s really cool to see like a a super full super full thing again anyways we come down here see every every every new every new every new civilization needs something to worship am I

Right what’s every every civilization needs ouch I’ve broken my pickaxe needs needs a God to worship and we are going to be rebuilding we’re going to re rebuild a certain Shrine which which may which may be which you may recognize you love how I stutter I I do

Stutter quite a bit don’t I it’s a bad habit but we make do we make do you were here this morning you you were this here this morning weren’t you I don’t actually know I think you you went on the server once once recently I think I

I don’t know if I saw you this morning was I even on this morning for you no idea honestly you’ve crashed twice over Simplicity oh no that’s that’s unfortunate hopefully that doesn’t continue what’s it as as well also because this is like a server where you can kind of

You can kind of like break blocks anym like got no land clames or anything there can be a lot of sometimes that some bad things happens like people take from you and if anything ever happens to you please please let me know and I can

I can fix it up what’s it the best way the best way you can like report any like crimes like what’s it how if your stuff was taken away from you if maybe your base was griefed so the best way to do so would be would probably be like if

You join the Discord server we got this I set up like this support ticket thing it’ll make it much easier for me to help you out but what I do also need to set up like some sort of way you can actually report in game as well because

I know some people don’t have Discord just letting you guys know I I’ll will set that up soon okay 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 eight I haven’t I haven’t managed to get your your stuff back get py um I will what’s I’ll probably I’ll probably have to I’ll have

To probably have to get it back after the stream okay oh hey Panda oh what did you what did you accidentally kill a librarian zombie oh too bad oh that’s that’s too that’s too bad a we could have got Villages here I mean the problem in in Cherry town the

Problem is there’s too many villages over here there’s like no Villages I guess we just started you have a gift for me oh that’s not sweet wait let me let me just work on this quickly first I don’t know why I still have this random strength potion how did I get

That how did I get that strength potion I I not sure I’m not too sure but we will we will keep it maybe someday we’ll be fighting a hord of creepers and we’ll need that strength are you you play on switch math wizard gamer of course of course there

Are a few people who play on switch I know makes ooh you’re going to host this B concert now all right I mean what’s it I might I might go ahead cuz I do want to see the sple thing be used it’s really fun I might I might actually quickly

Head over there and like we’ll we’ll do this we’ll do this a little later yeah there’s like a I set up like a a big spling in the community center I was planning it to be like a a fun little event to bring back the server

What’s it if you guys are if you guys are interested in it’s like trip Lea blea so when you run the drip Lea it like goes down and all that you got snowballs and topple all and you can topple over everybody standing on there you’re so far away good sir Knight oh I

See I see I see it can be a bit of a hassle to travel isn’t it that’s a I guess that’s a bit of a problem with Minecraft oh hey frle fry to Beware of the Apocalypse of March 33rd the day that March 31rd comes I oh dear that’s going to be hectic

Texture put in some random blocks actually why not why we make it too theme wrong one we we’ll match some of the blocks to the theme why don’t we probably have to get some Moss a bit oh I got some random oak leaves actually we’ll have to fix that up fix

All this up later oh my brightness I know is this boring for you guys just watching me do random stuff what what do you guys I want to know what you guys find entertaining to actually watch you want to make this SLE tournament all right I I I’ll I’ll

Actually come I’ll I’ll come I’ll just finish this walkway and I’ll come don’t worry I’ll I’ll be there give me give me give me give me there we go I think I think we should go to that little sple contest that’ll be fun would any of you guys like to come

With me play a little bit of driple SP it’ll be a fun break from building all this base I’m going to shove in all my stuff because yeah we got to make as much room as we can where is the sple area the spliff area is by the Cherry Village which is

At 8001 500 if you’re if you buy this if you if you’ll buy our big hole then I can I can lead you guys over there actually the more precise coordinates are um let’s see 8:31 530 those are the more precise coordinates I are you guys oh sorry I

Picked up some with strip logs this thing such it’s coming along really cool it’s coming along really cool we I love our big hole you going to the hole all right I I’ll wait around for you I’ll wait around for you oh I keep on picking up

Random stuff no this is coming along along so beautifully uh oh oh oh no the room was over here oh my God what’s what’s going on over here EGF this is quite the expansion I I cannot read French this is quite the expansion isn’t it what’s it

What’s over here at this end of the hole who knows we’ll have to find out a bit later shut the door there you don’t know what you’re doing me nether EF that’s the beauty of this we don’t know what we’re doing oh you’re here good sir night

Hello so is it oh this is even this as well are you guys are you guys ready to go to to the sple thing I can lead you there but the coordinates for anyone who’s trying to get there alone is 8:40 um 530 wait for you all

Right of course oh there you are frle fry the hole’s coming along isn’t it oh it’s a long windy path oh I can oh it even comes out on this side that’s kind of cool oh my God this is this is really cool I really want to make this place

Place make this little creative pretty pretty cool for us but yeah um what’s it see oh I’ve left my food I forgot I need food to eat it won’t grow oh I think it’s hey look um I don’t do I have any dirt um uh-oh shovels and snowball yeah we’re

Going to have to bring our own shovels won’t we I’m going to bring some extra shovels so I can so I can do all that I need to bring my food and my and my and my shovels okay let’s make few more shovel here where’s there’s my crafting

Table we should make a furnace for this place as well that’ be cool oh where should I where should I put it I don’t want to ruin all this beautiful stuff orix has done for me we put it over here back behind back behind this corner there we go nice hidden

Furnace but yeah be sure to bring along some food and shovels I got my I got my shovels I got my food I’m actually running out we’ll Pro I’ll make a quick once we’re done with the you need food and shovels oh good night there’s also some there’s

Like a big Wheat Farm over there as well so you guys can go ahead and get food from there if you want if you don’t have food already you can go up there grab some bread hello hello fig hello welcome welcome welcome oh hey yeah if you don’t have food already

We can just go over there and shovels is just like Stone and sticks you can just destroy the local bamboo or trees have I got planks I I used all my planks I used my Planks on the walls didn’t I uh we probably need to cut some trees won’t

We oh oh this this tree just grew W your Minecraft house is on a hill looking over a cave that’s very very nice math wizard it’s very very nice you know what I what I haven’t done I need to re reload this I do need I do need to say do need

To say as well I need to remember to say this but what’s if you guys are are enjoying the server are enjoying watching just enjoy enjoying the live stream or anything enjoying enjoying this experience however you are please do consider um subscribing and liking and all that it’s it sounds a bit

Disingenuous for me to just keep on saying like oh subscribe subscribe subscribe cuz that is the the generic thing people say and all that but it helps me out a ton like it really does so if you if you do want to um if you do

Want to do so feel free to I’ll make me very happy can you join your beta you made it you made it yesterday oh what’s it I probably I probably can’t join at the moment fig but what’s it if you I I I will I I will

Try to join I do want to support of CAU you guys as much as much as I can what’s I I’ll join it but I probably can’t do it right now since I like live and all that it’s a pretty big cave too all right yeah I’m ready with my shovels if

You are if you want to if you want to head out head out to the SPL thing meet on the crafting table if you don’t sub to PO person you’ll be turned into a Goomba oh dear I would hate to be turned into a Goomba no way oops

Sorry not a not a Goomba not a walking mushroom like that if you if I say that again I am gay oh dear we got to beat those gay accusations only a small percentage of people who are watching po person streams are actually subscrib this is so

This is so this is true information EGF I I agree wow what a what a credible Source ouch this Phantoms oh cool you just got a a loot be you know I I should I should really do stuff with note blocks note blocks are cool I can I can

Make like I can make like silly little songs lead the way is is everyone ready to head out oh where did I put my torch I put my torch here oops I like having the torch in my hand goes in my shadish thing it like makes the light around

Me for stalking my analytics indeed all right it’s time to head off now it’s just along the path so what’s it try recognize these paths as well that that way you can get you can get between like the Cherry Village and and our big hole I guess that’s what it’s

Called our big hole it’s over this way that that way all all the way to spawn so if you just turn turn to the right instead oh every everyone’s just leaving oh okay I guess I guess you don’t want to go spleep then oh the Dingle coat oh the Dingle

Coat area was um I forgot I forgot where the Dingle Co era you can feel free to remove the villages though the the villagers are are infecting the server but yeah if you turn turn right if you turn right and just follow the path you’ll make it all the way to the Cherry

Village yeah feel free to feel free to sler them flimy like this everyone wants the villag is dead there’s too many it just don’t kill the ones of like professions and all that like the one the ones locked behind stuff and like with trades cuz people do actually use

Use the villagers just as as a bit too many they they’re breeding like crazy you kill who you like of of course of course FY of course I’m I’m in no no place to instruct you but anyway oh wait did we get omix sorry sorry omix did you did you manage

To follow along I I forgot are you ahead of me but yeah just follow along the follow along the path you’ll make your way over to the Cherry Village and the big structure at the back of the village is the is the community center try remember this or copy and

Paste um okay I’ll I’ll copy and paste it into a tab if you if you send it for shigo you’ll be back soon Minecraft sess all right yeah still still live oh we we love the little we love the little not blocks oh sorry did did I accidentally

Leave you behind omix it’s sorry the the coordinates are no sorry I got them the wrong way around these are the coordinates if you want how long will the stream be ecnl let’s see I probably probably probably one more hour I think one more hour and I’ll be

Good oh ouch stop stop stop these Phantoms let’s run up the hill you’re at the swe thing sweet I’m on my way now I’m very I’m very sorry Hoops but what’s it we we generally don’t we don’t use TP over here I don’t know it’s just

One I don’t know is it just I it it’s probably just me but I I really don’t like tping people it’s I don’t know it feels cheaty you know ow stop stop go go go away please I just want to play sleeve please I just want to play

Sleeve yeah the do you need the coordinates or anything what’s it if you’re at spawn the trip shouldn’t be too long it’s just along that path it’s just along that path if you if you’re heading from spawn um what you need to do is just turn left and turn

Right all right no worries Hoops is there a stream tomorrow uh I was I I’m not too sure actually do you guys want a stream tomorrow I’m not I’m not too I’m not too busy tomorrow um do you guys want to stream tomorrow oh these graves are very oh um

Frle fry if you look at this frle fry you’ve died over here you can go over here and collect your stuff that you died from if you right click it I think it’s right click when I did it stream tomorrow I think I can do that for you guys

Then um maybe you want to take the sword out of your inventory like just have an empty hand I don’t know oh sorry I picked up your cherry sapling here you go yeah so that’s how the that’s how the Grays work for everybody ouch sorry

That’s how the Grays work but if we head up I’ve kind of taken a wrong route oh we’re we’re going around everywhere but if we head up here you see this big massive thing this is the community center oh my God what what happened to the

Floor yeah this is the little ble thing but in order to start everyone’s going up to the Cherry town all let’s go up that’s where the sple is what’s it and the sple isn’t like a isn’t like a permanent thing like the community center can always be changed if you guys

Ever want to host an event in the community center it’s just basically it’s just like a a big flat Arena I just put the strip leads over it but if you guys ever want to if you guys ever want to use it oh s contest cool so many

Signs if you guys ever want to use it you do do contact me and you guys can hold your events of your own as well all right read the science first all right you have a grave in the slea arena you like my voice it sounds like

MJ do you mean like Michael Jackson I don’t know what other MJS but cool that’s interesting I I wouldn’t think I’d sound like Michael Jackson what does Michael Jackson sound like I forgot okay yeah Michael Jackson of course I got I got to search out what Michael Jackson sounds like first place

Upgrade template second place W armor trim ooh first place now that’s kind of cool me me me me me me me me what this this will be fun as well oh hey purple fish welcome Hey Hey Co coach early you going to join purple fish of

Course hello Coach early of I sorry I didn’t give you I didn’t give you a long enough hello all right though we wait for Gabe to organize this gab if you if you come back back here by the way just flip this thing there’s a level which contracts that so

You can drop everyone if you want Oh do we need something for entry oh you need a book oh the fruiter fr’s got one okay all right I’ll check for your I’ll check for your grave quickly tupad kid I’ll check for your grave quickly uh where whereabouts did you did you die

Did you die like on the bottom floor over here oh we got to collect snow as well I forgot all right if you guys are participating in the sple as well it’s important you collect snow cuz you can fire them at other people to drop them all right the coordinates

Are 8:30 530 hey pyro you’re you’re just on this guy cool uh we’re trying to find where Tupac kid’s f is you don’t have snow you can just if you just come down like if you come down for the entrance and down the side you

Can come down here I I set up some snow golem for this event giant bananas indeed wizard gamer we love giant bananas oh I think oh that’s P5 X5 uh I’m not too sure where exactly it is tupad hereid do you when you die it should tell you where your where the

Coordinates of where you died was I don’t know if I don’t know if you can access it anymore though I don’t know you have to find it somewhere but for now we for now we need we need snow oh these Snow Golems are getting out excuse me you can’t be laying snow

Everywhere that’s that’s illegal all right we’ll quickly we’ll quickly grind for snow though let’s put something heavy onto our onto our Mouse thing wait wait oh my god it works you guys can’t see my hands but I got I’ve got oh never mind it slipped off um wait I’m trying something I’m

Trying WR something oh wait wait oh no I I can’t do this I’ll have to find something else but I was trying to do it so I can just put something down oh turn around yeah oh hey Hoops wow that’s a that’s a lovely head I wonder where you got that

From that’s it I I do need to remind you guys I know the rules slip past some people but try not to try not to steal steal stuff as well don’t try not to steal and like grief and all that like what’s it like what’s it I assume I

Assume I assume you probably like took that head from somewhere but yeah that’s that’s all right that’s all right just try not to do it too much right hello amazing F welcome welcome welcome you just found it where whereabouts what was it okay the Snowballs are downstairs for

You if you guys want to if you guys want to do it no it’s all it’s all right you keep it you keep it don’t worry don’t worry my heads are free for everybody I I usually allow people just to kill me for my head it’s

Fine you you go ahead and pick it up it’s fine you keep it so looks lovely on you you provide background beats the the event DJ wow it was just an an empty chest okay yeah yeah try try not to take from like try try not to take chest which aren’t

Yours most of the time okay yeah we just try not try to upset as as least people’s less how do I say that how do we try to um upset as as little people as possible that’s how you say it oh if you guys need food there’s the

Farm I don’t know which direction it is actually because I’m underground but there’s a farm like at the front of the place it’s got all the wheat you guys can pick that up if you want okay I’m I might need to go to the front um I need a bit more snow

Though this is the most satisfying thing on earth M wizard gamer I’m I’m I’m glad you actually enjoy it I’m glad you guys are enjoying yeah I need to say it more I need to say it more I’m I’m sorry what’s it if if you guys if you guys are as

Satisfied as mass wed gamer you should totally subscribe and like and I I I would work out how to say that yeah it really does help me out a lot I’m yes I’m it feels it feels weird to say was it but yeah it helps me out quite a

Bit only a small percentage of people had that copy basted and not I do oh there’s all my snowball all my shovels I do kind of need I do kind of need to ask for subscribers though you know you you kind of have to ask people to

Subscribe I do I do notice when you do kind of for me oh my God what are all these guys doing for me it’s probably for everyone as well but when I do when I do ask ask for people to subscribe and all that it does it does usually like it

Brings more people who actually to actually subscribe rather than just let them do it by themselves it sounds a bit annoying doesn’t it when when someone just spams like And subscribe all the time it’s a pretty annoying line isn’t it but yeah I I I got to do what I got

To do I got to I got to make money no I I can’t make money yet do you know do you know actually I I can actually I can actually make money from YouTube pretty pretty soon what’s it you got to get a th000 subscriber get get that

AdSense what’s it well that can have soon like and sub indeed just do it just do it increases your life expens by 10 years who someone should have told told me this sooner oh hey Gabe would would I be able to sign up do you have me in the book

Yet what’s it oh yeah come come up to the front of town hall to to Gabe if you guys want to participate in the sweep thing if you you name your pig Techo blade it gets the crown does it really I didn’t know that that’s that’s a cool

Tribute yeah also I do want to I didn’t want to mention mention to you guys something something something big which might be happening so for for for a while now I’ve actually well not not a while actually it’s only recently come as a feature to Australian YouTube users

But what it for a while now I’ve actually had ACC I’ve actually had access to actually opening Channel memberships which is kind of cool what’s it um what’s it I might I might actually set up a channel membership soon and the thing is I don’t I want to find like a

Good medium balance to where I don’t charge where I don’t take too much money from you guys I don’t want to scam you guys but also want to want to get enough money where I feel like I’m getting my worth but yeah I think for the channel

Memberships right I think the main thing I want to do with it is put like some exclusive streams and like videos there more the stuff which will like bore the average viewer but will be entertaining for like entertaining for like people who actually want to watch it so more

It’s probably going to be more like some exclusive stuff I don’t know I’ll set that up soon and I’ll let you let you guys know I don’t I don’t expect you guys to like purchase or anything what’s it do spend your money wisely what’s it I want you to murder that like button

I want you to kill him as much as the fun family’s watches I want his death on like the but’s children’s nightmares oh no maybe maybe you don’t need to murder the button the the button the button doesn’t deserve that it doesn’t deserve that level of violence not Quite but anyways we just wait around a little bit more munching some of our steak we got we got a bit of bit of snowballs so is if anyone else wants to participate just come up here come here up to the town hall or all did someone take something from you panda what’s

It we got four players H that’s okay that’s that’s all right then that’s all right accidents happen of Course I no let let us know when you’re when we’re ready Gabe last chance Last Chance oh hey purple fish hello hello good to see you again oh purple fish do you want to participate they kind of they’re kind of starting the ble right now just go to

Just go talk to game if you want to do so all right all right all right oh we we we’re at the top of the um at the top of the town hall right over here at these coordinates also do do be sure to like eat some food before

Cuz you will take some damage dropping in it’s going to be fun isn’t it all right all right all right hey omix oh you still got the salmon head on now we love fish are we ready to SLE you made it Ohio mod interesting oh oh yeah yeah the the Minecraft chat

Can get crowded sometimes we can sometimes lose that lose the communication it happens yeah make sure make sure to eat before you drop in just so you you don’t die when you don’t you don’t die when um when falling down I got my snowballs all right um what it should we head inside

Now are we ready Gabe hey omix it’s so true math wizard that’s my favorite word yeah oh go get snowballs I already got snowballs I’m going to wait up here um if you actually I’ll go I’ll go down for snowballs as well why not we need we actually oh ouch we

Actually need a a shovel H I know I said oh I know I said I was going to um actually know what that that shovel is probably got um that shovels probably got silk touch it does have silk touch I’m going to use my I’m going to borrow

Some of my stuff I know I said I was going to like leave it for now because we’re going to start a new place we’ll leave we’ll leave this St I’m just borrowing a I’m just borrowing a shovel I’m just just a shovel let’s just I just need one piece

Of iron thank you you go back [Applause] here get a few more snowballs might as well fill up our inventory with snowball you know what I need take a take a little bit of food as well cuz we’re actually running low we’ll take the food until we fix our food situation but anyways

Let’s head back up let’s oh no let’s get our snow first I’ll be up very soon I just need to grab some snow hello uncomfy welcome welcome welcome welcome to the stream let me let me get some snow first we got to fill up on snow how much snow oh I accidentally

Grabbed some lapis and science for some reason oh is that your lapis and science I I don’t know you you can oh you do want the lapis in science where did that come from anyways what’s a d m i I have no idea at this point math was a

Gameer you have to go soon okay let’s let’s start it soon then let me let me just um I only got a few more left oh yeah yeah come come on come on come on give me snow faster snow faster I’ll take you up there Hoops I’ll take you up there okay all

Right I’m nearly full on snow boards I just need a few more there we go we’re we’re all full on Snowball oh we got one shovel actually where do we keep getting that random stuff from oh we we love the DJ don’t we good we love the

DJ all right we’re full on Snowballs you ready Hoops I I’ll check I’ll check your how soon Elite D I think what we do we we’ll do the sple tournament first and we can check your house out I know you’ve been building right behind the town hall all right oh there’s a DJ

Lovely oh oh yeah your hoop your gray fingers over here Hoops if you right click it with an empty hand you should be able to get your stuff back that you died with just have an empty hand I think there you go there’s all your stuff from before yes Elite dos lovely lovely

Music a Scenic rout I sure am I just got to wait for for Hoops I’m very sorry for holding you guys up oh my what are you saying math wizard gamer I have no idea all right let’s let’s head up then ouch why is the floor going in like

That um let’s just go around this way ah fast fast fast you get up there fast where can you find sand to make glass um if you had um what’s it what’s it there is like there’s like um rivers and stuff in a certain direction like a

Few hundred blocks off like ow oh did you fall down oh no oh but there the what’s house oh it’s stretching out like that oh that’s cool that’s really cool it’s it’s really Grand right behind right behind isn’t it but if you head over this direction there should be like

Some Rivers you can check out yeah like just over there all right let’s let’s head in let’s head in all right we are inside safe from the Phantoms right did what’s it um Gabe you can you can go in here flip the L when you’re ready make sure you eat up so you

Don’t have so you got Full Hearts yeah stand in this stand in here everyone make sure you’re on Full Hearts so true Flo I agre I agree I agree I agree with your Statement oh there we go I I didn’t I did not fall in wait wait um yeah I’m just doing this I’m pulling the lever I am pulling the lever okay oh we are sping now ow has everyone fallen in already hey hey don’t don’t don’t do

That don’t do that I must I must stay up wait oh I had I got the first round really wow oh my God I thought I thought that everyone was done all right do you want me to pull the lever for you Gabe I’ll prob the

Leave it for you when we’re ready all right we’ll just head up now oh thank you thank you thank you guys that’s that’s good that’s good it was a bit scuffed at cuz I I forgot to like pull the lever and all but yeah we we’ll do

That again that’s cool though that was fun it was really it surprisingly quick though I didn’t expect it to be so quick oh yeah Elite do uh what’s are you by your base or if you’re if you’re watching the stream I’m I’m right oh there you are Elite dos but if you head

This way if if you see my snowballs if you head that way there should be some Rivers you should be able to find some sand there there’s also a desert out there as well so you should be able to find it there all right good luck on your house

Ventures all right let’s go back over here though ouch sorry oh ouch let’s let’s we not touch that for now we’ll wait for everyone here oh no oh no don’t want to drop everyone yet yes everyone come back up here if you’re still wanting to run over the SLE

Things I I honestly math wiard game I I don’t know what language you’re speaking I have no idea there’s four people here there’s five people here is there anyone else trying to come up here oh you can’t sabotage the middle already oh are we ready though all right we wait for game signal

We wait for game signal oh I I’m I’m running running across all so many people oh oh oh oh I’m getting caught up in so many people oh oh oh jump jump jump jump jump oh snowball snow oh I nearly jumped into the thing oh I jumped straight in I jumped straight

In ah I didn’t win that one oh did did I actually win it no I fell in wait did I really win that I thought I fell in wait did I actually win that oh I fed the lost oh sweet I I got two wins in a row that’s great

Uh what’s it maybe since I since I’m already first Gabe um since I’m since I’m already first um why don’t we I I’ll just spectate this round okay you guys can go up I’ll just go down and spectate or something actually I need to flick the lever for you guys

Actually actually we get someone up there to F it oh what has Hoops been what has Hoops been doing Hoops if it’s if it’s all right please don’t go ahead and annoy other people what’s it just leave them be I know Panda’s like trying to do his note blocks and all that

And like he needs to like tune them to like specific notes and all that it can be like annoying sometimes when people like yeah yes yeah I know note blocks they’re very fun to hear but what’s it um what’s it note blocks are like they’re so tedious to tune like if you

Click it your right thing you have to go like 23 times to get the same note again yeah just just leave just leave leave um Panda’s note blocks to himself oh don’t don’t worry don’t don’t worry about it too much Hoops it’s just we we sometimes do stuff which annoy

People um on accident and all that it happens don’t worry oh there they go oh get in hoops I got to no let’s see let’s see let’s see o this is not a good angle we we got to head down quick see if anyone still

Alive ooh look at that we got two people over here we got oric and Hoops was it still battling out for that for that first place oh and orix wins Hoops accidentally Falls in look at that g g Alix oh did you did you die in here purple

Fish Alix gets the point sweet um okay is is this one news sorry oh that’s two pack kets okay so basically guys when you see a grave what you have to do is have an empty hand and right click it nobody got free points

Yet oh yeah I need to get free points I forgot about that sorry I I thought I thought I sit out cuz I thought there’s only three three rounds in total and I wanted to let someone else get a point d The Vines outside the town hall

Okay um yeah just so let’s try find your stuff first I think the vines is this way purple fish I’ll let you know if I find it oh here it is here it is right outside this Tower purple fish it’s around the little Lake thing over here

If you just right click it with an empty inventory you should get your stuff all right let’s go back up Frugal fry up we go this has been really fun hasn’t it probably J Al polish I see Rose oh people in the Minecraft server know what you’re saying I see I see I’m

I’m neither German or polish I I’m not bilingual unfortunately I only speak one language it’s kind of embarrassing cuz I’m supposed to I’m supposed to know another language but I don’t all right I got to I got to participate in this one oh my God so many salmon heads

Everywhere the background music is incredible it’s so dramatic oh hey guys is it just us just us five all right we’ll wait for gab’s countown oh try not break stuff we ready all right TR triangles I’ll Trust you I’ll trust you oh there we go ouch oh we’re right on WE

Nearly fell to triangles okay we dodged that one okay let’s let’s go on the fener we got to get the Snowballs oh watch out for the falling dribbles oh oh jump jump jump okay two other people oh don’t fall in don’t fall in hey hey hey don’t oh no I jumped

Straight in oh no I was that was that um Hoops up there oh triangular triangular TR triang triangula sorry I’ve been saying this the wrong the whole time triangu Lisa okay triangula one cool I’m sorry triangula I’ve been saying it wrong the whole time I don’t know how I assume

That oh left click may may I please have a click we love the dramatic M oh we got to go back up we got to go back up for for more rounds it’s crazy is so true that’s my favorite language isn’t it math wizard ouch a jump let’s not miss that jump shall

We oh okay I’m I’m here I’m here I think everyone’s here right oh let’s flip those craap balls back everyone ready oh you can drag click oh yeah yeah right you can you can do that can’t you ohop sorry I’m in ouch watch out watch out watch

Out let’s jump jump jump oh oh oh no no no no I went out immediately I tra I really trapped myself there didn’t I I really trapped myself there didn’t I oh who is anyone still alive oh there’s three more people alive this is intense we got Hoops we got friger fry

Bey Balloon Man and we got triangula oh friger fries out oh then we got we got hoops and triangula Hoops fighting for his first point triangula trying to get her second who will win this triangula is is very set on on Hoops tail who trying to go back for the

Offensive ends up running away looks like they keeping distance oh too scared to engage in close range combat oh but now hoops right on Frank’s tail oh they’re going back and forth this could last forever oh who’s trying to sabotage the ground underneath them all right oh my

God they’re wrapping around each other so elegantly he’s doing spins in the air wow oh this is this is going to take forever is oh get some food in of course got to watch out for those falling leaves so the two players just fall walking in circles opposite ends this

Won’t end anytime soon if they’re not going to play on the aggressive ooh oh they’re getting pretty close oh they’re going all out snowballs all out snowballs oh they’re right next to each other going to make a run for it oh they’re like right right on top of each other

Oh is that is that a skeleton and triangu Lisa fell I just turned away for that good job oh no she was she was shot by the skeleton oh okay okay that makes sense sorry my F1 was off um is there a skeleton here is actually a skeleton

Here wait where that skeleton come from from oh that that was a little unfair oh I got to I got to put my put my a game on I got I got to I got to win this I was I I got the first two rounds but I haven’t won anything

Since oh no where did that skeleton come from uh-oh I have good luck I I’ll head up I’ll head up now are you nearby Tri triangula sorry about that skeleton uh that was UN expected I uh do you do you remember the path to get back here what’s

It I’m going to what’s it do you remember the path to get back up here it’s um let’s see you just when you follow the spawn path turn left turn right and you make your way up here I where did that skeleton come from wow all right this has been really

Fun all right go get snowballs again I got heaps of snowballs we got to we got to figure out how to play this game actually we can’t just we can’t just run around run around aimlessly we got to play on the offensive or be be defensive spam our

Snowballs everywhere this is fun I’m really glad you I’m really glad you guys I said you guys twice I’m really glad you guys are having fun with this I’m I’m having a lot of fun with the slea I’ll keep up the SLE for a bit longer but what’s it eventually this

Eventually the spliff will be taken down maybe I’ll take take maybe I’ll make like a like a permanent like spliff Arena cuz this community center is sort of like a it’s kind of like those four higher um warehouses not really warehouse but a full hire like a gym for example like

You can hire a gym to like run a a badmington contest a a basketball game like you you kind of just hire it to host events like that’s what kind of the purpose of this place yeah and it can be used for a lot of things so yeah you might see new

Games popping up every time a lot of the time you guys can even organize some stuff just you guys just contact me and I’ll I’ll see what I can get done for you check the books did you put oh my God you subscribe to for person indeed

Oh my God you re wrot in the book books is that same skeleton still there okay we we need to deal with this guy I forget un unarmored as well oh what happened to the wall here someone took away the wall now we can escape that’s cheating where is that skeleton

Damn oh hey triangula where is that skeleton oh my God there’s so many graay on top of there um if you want to go claim your grave just go ahead and right click it with an empty hand there’s allix there’s triangula there’s pyrro there’s frle fries there’s frle fries again

Ouch where is that skeleton we we will handle the St oh triangula I found yours up here do you want to come up here with me it’s right up here for you oh I’ve gone up the wrong way yeah spit set your spawn nearby that that’ be a good

Idea where oh my God there’s so many graves everywhere Ser is littered with Graves oh we love the beads we we we love the the P the stalling beats anyways um which one was it it’s this one right over here this one right over here triangula is your

Grave so if you just right click it with an empty hand it you’ll be good you’ll be good to pick it up hey don’t sple me I’m just showing people Graves I’m being sped no your stuff may have fell down there if you didn’t pick it up

Already ouch I fell down oh we got to we got to practice when not good at this oh frle fry your stuff should be up there as well sleep indeed it’s is this one right here this one right here like near the near all the music and all oh be is oh there’s

One for you try right click it oh this oh you got it frle friy sweet oh we’re not playing at the moment or we’re just kind of just being here I got to practice leaing it’s possibly the last round all right there’s PIR there’s orx oh hey P

Purple oh did did you need your did you need your stuff purple fish um what’s the I found your your grave was outside do you want me to show it to you it’s like this way yeah was outside by the CH by the thing oh good night flim pooo what’s it

Thanks for joining us what’s it your grave is around here just yeah it’s right over here what so when you die as well um the coordinates of which you die should be displayed um what’s it try to try to check out for that ouch I keep on pressing the shaders reload button and

It glitches out yeah but it should be what’s it when you die it’ll say like your last death point was here or something along the lines of that yeah so that way you know where to pick up your stuff try to remember it all right let’s head up quickly

Though oh well I guess I’m the only one up here all right oh there’s triangula oh my God diamonds already oh dear that’s way too fast all right just waiting for a few more people are you back Onix sweet you just need to generate health of course yeah make sure you’re on full

Full health here you go make sure you’re on full health when entering and all that you don’t want to like go Splat when when you when you drop down oh thank you for the drip leaves I’ll go replace those I’ll go down and replace those actually on this one ouch there we

Go I’ll hit back on now oh there’s one broken over here as well uh let me quickly make this into a into some snow blocks there we go we’ll we’ll block this off for now hey Panda Let Me Wait how’s this go has it ah I see I see I see oh I’m the only one wait how does wait I can’t I can’t do I can’t do boss over I can’t do that silly boss overa try and be it’s I don’t know that’s it’s just hard for me to click for some reason I got I got to practice not

Blocking thank you panda thank you I’m it’s so inexperienced but I I did my best I tried to do like what’s it I like one of those like boss andova drum beats where I don’t know it was like the like the that was very terrible beatboxing but yeah that’s that’s that’s

Embarrassing anyways anyways are we ready hopefully no more skeletons indeed that would be bad if you guys Ready Step In the thing we wait for gab’s thing there we go oh no there’s two people everywhere oh down there’s one person down watch out watch out watch out oh too many

People too many people ouch got to watch out got to watch out we need to try to drop someone they’re trying to drop us I dropped myself that I threw that oh my God I ran straight into my own trap you are the word maker aren’t you math

Wizard let’s quickly go up and watch oh they’re still going at it oh there goes frle frat oh it’s triangula and Hoops again okay it’s completely terrible but this is going to be interesting to a watch o there we go we have the same two people bursting off again oh and and

Hoops goes down first there we go triangle Lisa gets a point oh we got to go up for another I won’t throw this one where what happened to our Rhythm we were winning the first two games now what now we’re we’re a failure absolute failure we we shall prove everyone wrong

We we are not washed we are not we we will win this going to grab dinner Hoops all right all right but I think oh yeah yeah of course just just come up here triang I I’ll TOS you some steak don’t worry hello Splat star welcome welcome

Welcome all right I reckon we we’ll continue this off we’ll finish off this blea tournament and we’ll head back home it took a bit it’s taken a bit long actually but that’s all right there you go all right there’s Alix Hoops went to dinner so oh yeah we’ll just head down here

We’ll wait for gab’s instruction R core beat for this one of course uh we we we wait for the signal of course we apparently we hate break cor now uh he has to he has to go for dinner so what’s it probably shouldn’t wait for them all right

Though ‘re they’re off to dinner so I don’t think we we should we have the time to wait we’ll just do it without them oh yeah dinner does take a long time doesn’t it triangula you got to eat a whole entire meal yeah I they did pretty well they

Might they may they did pretty well Al it wasn’t that they’re kicked it’s more what’s it just I don’t know it’s you’re the organizer but anyways are you are you ready for us to start Gabe okay well wait a second wait a second here our competitors is over here purple

Fish 2012 Beauty Balloon Man orx in triangula two of them staring me down with the salmon Heads This is intimidating now I’m going to go to this side of the room I I don’t like these salmon people oh dear frle fry indd all ears you do have all ears don’t you beautiful

Ears we we wait for oh what’s going on here hey Elite wordss hello do you want to do you want to help him with us all right all right you’re good all right you’re just here to watch you’re busy with your house of course did you manage to get the sand hope you Did starting in three two two one oh I missed I missed I missed I messed it up so bad oops okay okay we have to win this one we have to win we have to get first we messed up immediately I I should not run into people ah dang it

Already oh it’s just omx and tri triangula now okay oh I messed it up so bad I think I’m getting progressively more and more tired it’s it’s it’s it’s 3:00 a.m. we’re not winning sple at 3:00 a.m. oh you were going to win that purple fish oh too

Bad oh see you later purple fish do I have gray dye what is oh that I’m trying Ela got us GG what does gray D what does that gray dye come from again I don’t really think I have many dyes I’m very sorry um very sorry solstice

I it’s Tri triangu is on on two wins right oh GG I guess I guess there a tie then head back up of course that was fun thank you thank you for that thank you thank you very much for that thank you very much for that G

That was cool oh yes math a gamer what is it all right that was fun though that was fun hello n Channel hello hello okay flip this back up how that was that was cool that was cool it was real it was real fun that was real fun are we heading back up

Here oh hey triangula oh yeah some food of course I think before there you can have all that I think before we head back as well I might take some extra bread and bring it back to share with everybody by the our big hole I’ll bring some extra bed from

That big farm over there just so we have a bit of food for now before we set up some actual food by the big hole this is going to be a real channel so true math wizard gamer so true there’s om ex try why do the why do the chair signs

Have why do the chairs have writing on them who would graffiti all over the chairs uhoh alone with the salmon Co oh I oh no I’m going to be fish frle fry save me from these salmon please please you’re my only home save me from these darly salmon go away I hate

Fish wait get on the S platform or off do I believe in Salmon God oh of course we all believe in Salmon God salmon salmon is God we love God salmon is the the one true God oh so true I believe in Salmon Run as well perhaps even big runs or extra

Work who knows I am a worthy salmon I need a salmon head soon oh we’re doing another round okay I didn’t realize okay let’s not mess up please okay I’ve been messing up all my past games but we have to play it safe this time okay we’re going to play it

Safe I’m going to try we’re going to try play it safe we’re not we’re not going to do too many risky things okay oh okay there’s Frugal fry there’s oh is that triangula frle fry triang is Alix out yet oh we got to avoid that got to watch out when we first

Snowballs we might accidentally trip ourselves up okay we got to watch out for frle fry we’re not running into him this is scary okay triangu on our tail run around run around oh oh they’re trying to cut me off no I won’t let that happen no you can’t you can’t you

Can’t oh my no get off my tail okay we we can we can dodge this we can dodge this oh that was risky we’re running over like very soft dirt oh my God I’m so this is so tense all right jump jump jump let let them let them fight him out Let them

Fight him out triangu is on my tail I’m out of Sprint I need to I need to eat quickly quickly quickly quickly oh my God that could have been fatal oh are you out triangula it’s just me and fral Fry then all right fral fry it’s

On it’s on fral Fry I’m going to beat you all right he’s on the other opposite side oh he’s tossing snowballs all right okay we got to fill up our inventory with more snowball let’s just toss him across the map okay watch out he doesn’t spli us oh

My God we we’re playing it too safe we got to we actually got to push up if we want to do anything O Okay I need more snowballs I need more snowballs okay that’s hard to get it in our inventory while we’re actually running okay we got some snowballs I’m happy I’m

Happy watch out watch out oh he’s cutting us off he’s cutting us off oh my God this is taking so long oh we got to trip him up how going to do this oh oh oh jump jump jump he’s out I win I win I actually won I did

It a GG everybody I thought Frugal fry would have definitely got that good game everyone oh that was great oh that that was fun that’s fun oh you’re going to start a YouTuber career around Christmas math wizard gamer that’s great I mean I I hope to support you along your journey good

Luck this is this was fun this was fun this is great this is great this is great oh I’m still so I’m still so tense I’m I’m still so like oh shaking shaky from all that oh I didn’t think I’d win well that that was good that was

Good I can’t believe I got first place oh okay where’ everyone go did they go Upstairs all right upstairs upstairs upstairs hey everybody you were so shaky as well prle fry I know me and you the same you really enjoyed being the DJ perhaps we need you to be a DJ for future events Panda oh you’re back hoops welcome back I got first place yippy

Woohoo I got the ne the smithing t thank you GG thank you thank you oh that was so fun oh second place thank you onx thank you a good job the seven C prevails indeed hello jar of course you can join yeah of course to join the server what’s

I’ll quickly show the I I’ll quickly repaste the pin message here it is uh here it is yeah oh wait wait wait there we go that should be it there are all the things you need there’s a server IP depends on your Java Bedrock Java you just need the

IP Bedrock you need the other stuff too you can feel free to join ouch oops Phantoms that was really fun though oh that was that was good no worries jar I hope to see you there oh wait here of course it was sure it was stressing my hands

And my heart crying yisa I I was I was feeling so I was feeling so I was feeling so distraught when when I fell in when I kept on jumping into my own holes oh I’m I’m so I’m so lucky that I won in the end though that was

Cool all right of course what do you what do you need for me Victory fee of course oh very nice very nice Play it Again Play it again I need another Victory theme oh the Phantoms don’t want me to win oh never mind away goes the the Note Blocks that’s all right that’s

All right that was cool though that was cool oh there’s so many fants uh I only have a shovel I can throw snowballs at them wait cuz they get maybe they’ll go away if I throw snowballs yeah go away shoot it doesn’t harm them but it sure gets them

Away be gone Phantoms be gone oh let me let me get my snowballs out oh I put all my snowballs away oh this is this is so fun this so funny use the Snowballs to get them away oh be be gone be gone f poofy Phantoms oh they’re burning now all right

Sweet well anyways anyways guys now that that’s over do you want to head back to the big hole do you guys want to head back now the Phantoms are burning goodbye Phantoms you need food all right we’ll make a quick stop by the by the farm as

Well here just take some steak for now and we’ll take a quick stop by the farm yeah we we can oh oops can head back yeah thank you thank you so much gab yeah that’s really fun it was really fun I’m very glad to have won the never I template all

Right yeah let’s let’s go back to the let’s go back to the big hole now best Minecraft stream ever thank you thank you very much M gamer I’m so glad you enjoy we’ll head back now shall we oh oh yeah gab gab’s been on the server

For a while the server existed quite a while quite a while ago um what’s it it’s just that I’ve been super inactive but yeah I think I’m done with contests for today I’m going to head home I’m going to head home back to the hole um what’s it if anyone wants to

Follow me feel free to I’m going to stop by that big farm over in the distance if you guys want to meet up go through the gates oh my God I remember this there we go we’ll go over here maybe we pick up pick up some bread for everybody I’ve I’ve personally had

Enough contents for contest for there oh hey Alix I’m just going to pick up some bread for everybody there we go we’ll make sure to replant as well we just oh my God I just stepped on the Farmland oops all right we we’ll quickly clear out these Farms we’ll head back we’ll

Call it a day it was a really fun stre it was a really fun stream guys I appreciate it this is like my first Minecraft stream in like forever like basically the first time touching the server forever I I really appreciate you guys coming along what’s it I’ll continue to

Stre Minecraft as well since you guys seem to like it a lot what’s it but yeah we we’ll pick up some bread first thank thank you thank you I’m glad I’m just glad you guys glad are happy thank you thank you very much who thank you very much orix thank you thank

You frer fry yeah I I think for me personally I’ve had I’ve had enough competitions for one day I’m going to head back and call call a day I’m got to plant all this back as well oops I destroyed a torch let’s let’s plant this all back shall

We let’s plant this all back all right it’s going to make dinner now see you later triangula have a nice dinner hello jar welcome welcome welcome oh you you’ve got little seats before me oh I I I’ll go this side I’ll go this side I won’t Tread On Your Land

Oh I I’ll I’ll get this therea so many people planting seeds at once hey frle fry can to make an entire notebook song on creative mode that’s sweet good luck Panda all right let’s plant some stuff back here now yeah I think I think everyone’s everyone’s I think most people have

Already like what’s it we’ve already done the contest I think for today we’ve had enough yeah we can we can have one next time gab it’ll be fun as well it’ll be fun like this one I really appreciate really appreciate you hosting that Gab it was really really

Fun well whoops I I’m not What’s it for me personally I don’t necessarily Squad with anyone in particular I I think for me for me personally I quite I quite like making rather than squatting with some particular people I like creating like a giant Community for everyone to enjoy where everybody everyone’s welcome

It’s like a sort of a base for like hundreds of people hundreds is a bit of a stretch but honestly honestly like to to be honestly to be Honestly though like in terms of like amount of people have joins that it is like within the hundred

I don’t know if it wouldn’t be th it wouldn’t be a thousand yet but like so there’s like been hundreds of people who have joined over the over the times it’s pretty cool yeah I’m I I always love checking out your bases as well it’s super cool what you guys managed to make

On the servers what’s it if you guys invite me over any time I’ll be H happily I’ll happily visit all right plant all this down all right and it’s time to head Home um I don’t I I can actually go into the server server panel and see like people slash messages to each other but on my person on this personal Minecraft account I don’t have the slash messages displayed I do I do have the ability to

See them but I just don’t I don’t have them on there you guys deserve your privacy in terms of message Secret messages yeah I I can I can like go ahead and check them but like was it I don’t want to invade you guys privacy too

Much oh my God that’s I forgot that chest is full of seeds you guys want to head back now let’s head back let’s head back to the big hole I’m going to turn this bread first turn this wheat into some bread first it’s not going to be nearly

Enough I think as well I’m going to take a quick visit to the spawn quick visit to the spawn to load some bread in there for some new people I got to create a bigger farm so I can constantly be feeding the new people got cookies Bey Balloon Man

Nice ouch oh my God no I keep forgetting with the hole I do remember that I I do remember that we we love B Big Sticks here on the PO person YouTube channel you joined the server Panda nice the server is like it’s really messy at the moment like

It’s I like basic Al just created it I’m going to I’m probably going to go to sleep now like in terms of my thing but when I wake up I’ll go ahead and like work on work on it a bit all right see see you later are you

Guys you guys staying over there you going to you going to go to um Gabe and and tobo’s base oh we love big sticks indeed oh yeah is it I don’t know it’s a real if you look at it closer it’s a real mess like everything’s unorganized like

Yeah what it I’ll make it better though I’ll make like more VCS and all that more like selective um channels and all that for certain stuff um yeah but here we go we turned the path here oh yeah P right after I end the stream I’m going to I’m going to go

Restore your stuff all right I’m sorry for the wait P uh I think I’m sorry Elite do do but i’ I’ve walked all the way here I don’t I don’t I think for now I won’t have the time to like go back and check your

Stuff but what I can always check it out another time all right so true jar I agree that’s such an insightful s such an insightful statement all right though we made it back oh my God it’s been a bit of progress I can see s is building some

Something over here with calide and deep SL very very black and white staircase go to our big hole all the big hole Shenanigans oh my god there are a lot of a lot of holes but anyways there’s just one more hold on to this never right thing

Hey oh wait this is Vine sorry I thought those was leaves I’m going to put that torch in hand cuz it’s a bit dark here let’s put away some of the stuff and what I wanted to do we’ll finally finally we’ll finish off the stream making us making our last little

Item sticks of holes both both indeed both indeed oh this this base is a is a catalyst for for for dirty jokes one two 3 4 five actually you know what no we we’ll we’ll booty here still oh this is going to be a bit of digging dig dig

Dig yes jar what is it what do you need help with you need help what what help do you need J are you trying to find something are you trying to get Somewhere um like I like I mentioned before with the um with the teleportation with the teleportation um I’m I’m not I’m personally not a fan of it I I don’t think it’s a necessary component of a survival server I think I think what it’s I think Minecraft is better when

You can just experiencing without teleporting that you can walk the paths or what’s it even take take a mine cart ride your horse across the lands I feel like that’s what I think that’s what’s truly like more more to Minecraft nature yeah I feel I I person it’s it’s

More my personal preference I don’t I don’t really like oh do I need help oh I’m I’m okay thanks jar nothing at the moment oh hey hey FR I didn’t see you there there’s nothing at the moment I need help I just I just want to I just

Want to finish I just want to build something final here oh hey G oh my God everyone is jumping in here we going to build something final before we end of today mine Cobblestone we love Cobblestone a look at that fast shovel such a fast shovel and a fast pickaxe too oh I

Missed having a fast Diamond efficiency five pickaxe thank you Game okay one two three four five six I think we’ll go one more up and one more down oh I don’t actually you know where the ne portal is I I can’t help you there to hello hello star you Yuna sorry I I

Must I must have butched that hello welcome welcome welcome where am I at we’re at the the big hole we are at the big hole at 45015 one more 5 Z this is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 we love the big hole indeed too it’s such a beautiful beautiful beautiful

Hall your house is done very nice oh my pickaxe is done as well oh we’re going to quickly get a pickaxe oh I keep on running into everybody oops all right let me let me craft myself a pickaxe oh no I don’t I don’t have any

Wood I need to get wood quickly I need to get wood quickly your home is done at this beautiful EGF of course we got to check that one out as well just get rid of this random log here where can you build your hole anywhere jar feel free to go anywhere this is

There we don’t really have any rules for like where you want to build or anything but just yeah just go ahead wherever you want what’s it we kind of have like this we kind of have like this big shed hole it’s like this one entrance and everyone’s got their little house here

If you want to build in here it’s mine’s I don’t know mine’s super crammed actually now that I think about it it’s all right though we we’ll make a new hole Maybe or exp even expand a hole all right but we need we need the pickaxe so we can just build this final

Thing going to borrow some coal as well actually see block I can’t spell Block with some blocks of coal what’s it uh now how I was going on about this before but what’s it back in Cherry back in Cherry town it’s kind of Hidden Away by all the trees now but we have a particular shine Shrine there for something very important oh you got an

Idea oh of course so now I’m kind of oh I actually need more coal oops does anyone have a crafting table I don’t I forgot to bring it all right I have to remember now we’re GNA build some a particular something um wait what’s my okay we’re going to

Build a particular something here oh thank you thank you J Stu thank you oops I just I should build a shovel as well thank you jar I will delete this we need a few more coal blocks oh thank you all right we’ll quickly remove the crafting table

Oh yeah yeah what a about yeah what about that or you you might already know what I’m building we we we’ve got this back in Cherry town I got to bring it over here to our new place what does my face look like actually I mean my Minecraft skin face

Honestly I got to I got to check back and reference it a few times yeah we should make a farm near spawn that was that was my idea too oh you almost died oh no be careful yeah there definitely definitely om that’s a good idea I’ll see if I can

Work on something like that in in the future what do my face look like okay it’s the the hair goes over the eyes here every and every civil no civilization is complete without a Poyo person um statue thing um what does my face look like wait I’m going to see something

Very cursed for a second it’s skin customization hats yuck wait what is that okay okay that that’s way better that’s so much better yeah but we go back here this is just a very very temporary secret po person shine Shrine um how’s our face look it looks like

Oh all right I I could keep checking back oh too close wait closer oh you lost your emeralds don’t worry it’ll be saved within the grave don’t worry about it we got to check our face going to going to check our handsome face wow we’re so beautiful we’re so Beautiful I think it’s like that wait what I honestly can’t remember you know we’re going to going to make the face a bit like this there we go we every every civilization needs a PO person face that’s a that’s a that’s not even a question you found us SS

Nice this is beautiful it’s not as detailed as the one back home because I’ve got limited resources but it would do it would do oh that will not do it’s not correct okay it’s like that wait what what do I look like I can’t I can’t remember what I look

Like okay okay wait wait wait I got it now like that ah yeah of course jar you can live down here of course W statue indeed oh the one the one back in Cherry Town’s better quality but this will do for now this will do that’s you you can feel free to live

Here J St no worries oh sorry I wasn’t reading the chat sorry sorry oh I’m I’m very sorry for not paying attention I was too busy building but anyways um what’s it I don’t know if most cracked accounts can’t don’t really work but I think some cracked accounts

Work I don’t know you can you can try it out if you want to but what’s it un it may end up in disappointment what’s it do try it out though what’s I’m very sorry for not seeing your things earlier sorry I’m so used to like in Minecraft streams everyone talking within the

Minecraft chat I sometimes forget to look at the actual live stream chat I’m very sorry if you’re still here yeah you you can feel free to build in here if you want jar look at the lovely po person Shrine Ah that’s fun though oh hey GF I think I think though um yeah let’s let’s quickly eat first we should oh first off we got to deliver our measly bit of bread over to the over to spawn for plays to have let’s run run run to spawn oh I’ll I’ll come back soon solers all

Right we’ll quickly run to the spawn area drop off some bread the bread’s going to be eating straight away there’s not going to be none left I yeah I I wrote like a little server guide as well if you guys want I someone someone broke into it that’s all

Right does it work yeah it does I mean there’s there’s a bunch of like rules and like a bit of information as well for you guys if you if you ever need to know more about the server I’m going to toss this off the cliff hey you have wait did you

Die I leave I can’t believe you’d grief the server like that this is outrageous but yeah we should toss some someone just spammed it and put them all in the chest that’s great uh we just we just um fill these up someone can have a lucky 15

Bread oh my God why is this why is there so many in that one that’s funny anyways that’s that’s all right they can they can have a chest full of server guyses no I can’t I can’t have this I can’t have this this I can’t have this disgraceful message off the cliff with

You there we go down it goes it’s it’s gone it’s gone it’s gone forever anyways I we’ll head back oh um October if you’re if you’re listening right now if you go to the Cherry if you’re in Cherry town right if you just turn towards if like if you stand outside the

The town hall you’re facing the town hall if you turn right and just head forward you’ll find you’ll find their base oh what oh my God what’s happening here sers did you want me to see something what is EGF riding we await the message oh my God stop putting the emojis in

Minecraft oh my God you got a little bit of a monument going over here in the middle oh oh sorry I’m stepping over all over you guys oh there a fountain that’s sweet oh you for I was going to write something it it’s really cool though it’s really

Cool what we managed what we’ all managed to do today right there working on the amusement part in a creative world that’s that’s great math wizard gamer that’s really cool what we’ve been able to do today it all the works inside the hole so oh we still sell do that spawn good

Yeah if you guys if you guys live around here and if you you can set your spawn on this bed just just so you can spawn nearby am I joining the not channel of course of course the hole was great the hole is the greatest thing ever so is this

Fountain but I think for now this is this is about where we the hole is wonderful isn’t it I think this is about where we where we wrap it up oh my this is a maze absolute maze we should make this place like a super super duper big maze like with

Heaps of rooms we should all do that together wouldn’t that be fun that’ll be great we should we should totally do that the hole is full of snow where what happens to the hole where’s all the snow I mean we got the snow on my face you had J star’s J

Star’s hole over here next to the poer person’s head oh yes solers what is it it has battle arine in it cool oh hey I always get I always get an unsettling feeling from seeing that face I’m sorry EGF I’m sorry how long this server on the server

Stays on 24/7 you guys can you guys can play even when I’m online sure I I’ll check it out I’ll check it out oh okay I won’t I won’t go to your house entrance okay EGF I I won’t go there I’ll remember not to go to your house long

Camera h s is this WOW lovely house you got a quartz couch overlooking the hole love and axel lles and and a and a leaf roof with quartz floors and a triple bed a triple bed and acal circling very nice I can quickly check that for you yeah who just

Doesn’t seem like they did anything Solstice don’t worry about it all right I think I think I think we’ve told hoop we’ve reminded hoop enough I think hoop gets it I think hoop understands like not to take from people yeah just try try not to take from people try to ask first

Okay but anyways so that was fun the villagers courts um the Cherry Cherry V Cherry town is like 800 1500 that’s Cherry town but yeah I think I think we’re going to end it today pirate I will I’ll go ahead and do your thing once I and

Get your stuff while I once I end the stream all right and on the couch I think this will be it I I I’m I when I used to do the Minecraft streams I always like use the same thumbnail I was kind of lazy to do oh see you later

But I think for now I we I think we what we can do is I I think what we’ll do is like take a new thumbnail take a new thumbnail each um take a new thumb take a new thumbnail feure for each stream I think

Maybe maybe we’ll do one at the end of streams kind of like how I was going to do initially oh see you fre fry oh when will when will I stream again star um what’s it you guys having a lot of fun as fun with us what’s it

Since this was like the first Minecraft stream in forever I was debating whether to stream stream more stream like tomorrow not but I think I could I think I could stream tomorrow for you guys maybe at a bit later time than right now but I think I could stream for

Tomorrow yeah I reckon what we can do we don’t forget to I think it’ll be fun if we have the if if we have like the thumbnail if you like check the past live stream it’s all the same thumbnail but we’ll take a new thumbnail each time

All right uh we got to get get a good angle though I’m going to I’m going to take my shovel out my hand the shovel is not nice wrong shovel we’ll take that off as well oh my God why why is it the Minecraft Minecraft fire Emoji I hate the Minecraft

Emojis hello neso welcome welcome welcome you joined us at the perfect time Neo the flashing head all right I I’ll go forward a little bit wait could you yeah I I’ll go forward a little bit there we go I think oh that’s someone else ouch I’m getting pushed oh see you

Later n a real Channel we’ll take we’ll take the screenshot like this everyone look at the camera say cheese all right let me let me check that I’m going to check the Qui picture real quick I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t really like it can can we take

Another all right join when offline all right let me let me know how it goes you for oh you want to join in as well jar of course my hey jar oh this is so crowded there’s so many people how we do we need it maybe we should take it

Outside because it’s crowded well but the inside’s like the main cool thing of of this of today we take it inside what’s it if it’s all right could everyone go behind me cuz I’m the star of the show no I’m kidding but like yeah what it we shall oh we got to

Pickaxe straight through our heart oh my God I’m trying to figure out like cuz I have to put the text on the screen as well how much of this going to get cut off and all that um all right okay everybody I’m get keep on getting pushed ah squeeze in oh behind me

Please this is that is a beautiful face isn’t it there do you want to pop in and say hi that’s all right nesmo what’s it maybe maybe the way you can forgive me by maybe just giving me the win tomorrow you know hand me hand you know you know what I’m talking about

Nesmo hand me the win tomorrow right anyways ah there’s so many people I don’t know if I’ll get this good um okay three two one oh oh sorry do you want to go back back can sorry you guys were moving I didn’t know if I should take it oh okay you guys ready

Free two one okay I’m I’m going to check it oops so okay I’ll save that one I’ll save that one that’s kind of cool save yep okay yeah we we’ll make this a tradition taking a new thumbnail at the end of every stream how about that

Anyways thank you thank you guys so much for joining me we go back to this ow let me in we’ll go back to this spot anyways thank you thank you very much for joining me today it is super super super fun I’m very glad to be back on

Minecraft and this is and this stream has made me even more even more excited to play with you guys I hope the big hole becomes even bigger we get a lot of stuff done and there’s more things to come in the future what’s it I’ll be I I

Got a lot of time nowadays so what’s it I’ll I’ll be working on bringing some more exciting stuff to the server anyways thank you so much for watching us see you guys maybe tomorrow all right bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20 SMP With Viewers – LIVE 🔴(JAVA & BEDROCK)’, was uploaded by PoyoPerson on 2023-12-10 17:33:21. It has garnered 410 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:04 or 16924 seconds.

Let’s play Minecraft 1.20 together! Today we embark on new beginnings, founding a brand new settlement from the ground up. Where will our new journeys take us? You’ll just have to find out!

Minecraft Server Details: IP: poyoperson.apexmc.co Port/DNS: 25786 Server Name: PoyoSMP

Rules: – Please be kind and considerate to your fellow server members. Respect them and their property. – Actions which hurt another player’s progress or gives a player an unfair advantage (griefing, altering base, stealing, killing, hacking, x-ray, duping, etc) is strictly prohibited and may lead to a permanent ban. – Please understand these rules have been implemented to keep our server enjoyable for everyone! Let’s keep this as a safe welcoming community!

🎮 PoyoSMP Discord Server: https://discord.gg/2cnwf6djvb

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    Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker - Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker Escape Challenges! Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft with the exciting challenge of escaping from various mazes as a Noob, Pro, or Hacker? Join the adventure as you navigate through intricate labyrinths filled with surprises and obstacles! Experience the Thrill of Escape Challenges Embark on a heart-pounding journey as you attempt to escape from challenging mazes designed for players of different skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner (Noob), an experienced player (Pro), or a master strategist (Hacker), each level presents unique hurdles to overcome…. Read More

  • Techno Gamerz: Fire Mc Find Sparks Minecraft Frenzy

    Techno Gamerz: Fire Mc Find Sparks Minecraft Frenzy In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Techno Gamerz roams, wild and free. In Fire Mc, a realm of flames and heat, He’s the hero we need, with skills hard to beat. With Techno Rogue by his side, they conquer all, Building, exploring, never to fall. Their adventures are epic, their laughter contagious, In the world of Minecraft, they’re truly courageous. So join them on their journey, through fire and ice, In the world of Minecraft, where legends arise. Techno Gamerz and Techno Rogue, a dynamic duo, In the realm of gaming, where dreams come true. Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

    Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work! Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks with Unspeakable Unspeakable Minecraft Build Hacks have been taking the gaming world by storm, offering players innovative ways to create and customize their virtual worlds. From intricate structures to hidden passages, these hacks provide endless possibilities for Minecraft enthusiasts. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Build Hacks Unspeakable’s latest video showcases some of the most creative and mind-boggling build hacks in Minecraft. Players can now push the boundaries of their imagination and construct awe-inspiring creations that defy the limits of the game. Breaking New Ground with Minecraft 1.20 Build Hacks With the release of Minecraft 1.20, players… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the exciting new show premiering on June 30th called Last Month in the Worlds of Minecraft? It’s a fantastic opportunity to dive into the diverse and creative Minecraft communities around the world. While you’re eagerly awaiting the premiere, why not join the vibrant and dynamic Minewind Minecraft Server? Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Join us at Minewind and connect with fellow Minecraft fans from all walks of life. Explore unique builds, engage in thrilling gameplay, and unleash your imagination like never before…. Read More

  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

    Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes The Diverse World of Minecraft Versions Explained In its 15-year history, Minecraft has seen dozens of different versions, allowing players on various platforms to unleash their creativity in this unique, blocky world. While many are familiar with editions like Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Pocket Edition, there are some truly peculiar versions out there. Have you heard of all of them? Exploring the Unusual Versions Aside from the well-known editions of Minecraft, there are some lesser-known versions that offer unique gameplay experiences. From educational versions used in schools to specialized editions for virtual reality, Minecraft has evolved beyond its… Read More

  • Minecraft Anarchy Server Explained

    Minecraft Anarchy Server Explained Exploring the World of Minecraft Anarchy Servers What is Minecraft Anarchy? Minecraft Anarchy is a unique form of gameplay within the Minecraft universe where there are no rules. Players have the freedom to build, destroy, and engage in conflicts with one another without any restrictions. It offers a truly chaotic and unpredictable gaming experience. Server Spotlight: Strad One of the servers that embodies the essence of Minecraft Anarchy is Strad. Here, players delve into a world where creativity knows no bounds, and the only limit is their imagination. It’s a place where alliances are formed and broken, where epic… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: AlmightyNibble’s INSANE Survival Stream!

    UNBELIEVABLE: AlmightyNibble's INSANE Survival Stream!Video Information on Twitch for 27 minutes without realizing that I was streaming on Twitch I’m back 6 months we’re here playing Minecraft we already got a little far we have add-ons [ __ ] I had to stop streaming because I realized yep uh I’m not streaming on YouTube we only have a little uh a little bling I need to see if we’re live one second on YouTube because I couldn’t figure out what I was streaming on I was okay [ __ ] wait oh my God I was streaming on Twitch well at least I did… Read More

  • Unraveling the Mystery of the Haunted Island

    Unraveling the Mystery of the Haunted IslandVideo Information ओम माम माम बि बिंग बूम ओ भाई ये क्या हो रहा है ओ भाई साब ये क्या आ चुका है भाई ये क्या आ गए क्या य क्या हो रहा है ओ भाई क्या हो रहा हैया कब से चल कब पहुंचेंगे अरे यार पहुच जाएंगे बस कुछ देर बस और ज्यादा नहीं जाना है बस पहुच गए अरे यार मैं तोय तक भूल गया हम कहां जा रहे थे वैसे क्या नाम था उसका हां मोरोको जा रहे थे यार भैया आपको मैं कह ही रहा था कि क्यों ना वो फ्लाइट कर लेते आपको ज्यादा… Read More

  • Build the ULTIMATE mansion in Minecraft Skyblock! 🏠🔥

    Build the ULTIMATE mansion in Minecraft Skyblock! 🏠🔥Video Information हेलो गाइस कैसे हैं आप सब लोग उम्मीद करता हूं आई होप सबब बढ़िया ही होंगे तो मैं फिर से आ चुका हूं स् ब्लॉक सीजन टू में पले वीडियो में बोला था कि मैं एक है ना बहुत बड़ा घर बनाऊंगा तो आज हम बनाएंगे अपना प्यारा सा एक घर तो यार वीडियो में नए हो ना तो प्लीज यार वीडियो को लाइक करना और चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना तो चलो यार वीडियो को स्टार्ट करते हैं मैंने ऑलरेडी ऑफलाइन बहुत सारे पेड़ काट लिए हैं आप देख ही सकते हो तो मेरे पास यहां पे चेस्ट… Read More

  • “Krimsy Catches Rare Cobblemons!!” #minecraft #moddedminecraft

    "Krimsy Catches Rare Cobblemons!!" #minecraft #moddedminecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gotta Catch Em All!! #minecraft #moddedminecraft #cobblemon’, was uploaded by Krimsy on 2024-01-31 18:00:03. It has garnered 2506 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Hello Everyone! I am Krimsy and I am a Minecraft youtuber. I Upload multiple things such as stream highlights (I stream on Youtube now, either this channel for Minecraft or my 2nd channel for other content) and even other things such as Lucky Block Battles, Letsplays, some 100 days, and even My favorite, Minecraft videos with a twist! Maybe more things in the… Read More

  • DOLT is Losing His Mind! Insane DC Driving LIVE 🔥

    DOLT is Losing His Mind! Insane DC Driving LIVE 🔥Video Information तो गाइस कैसे हो वेलकम बैक टू अने वाला ह डॉक्टर [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] अ च [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] भा [संगीत] हाट एमपी ऑन करो भाई ठीक है आप आप जाके खेलो मैं हा ऑन कर रहा व न है यार शायद तक मैं अभी देखा हूं छोटू भाई खेल रहे थेम में शायद ओके ऑन नहीं है चलो भाई मैंने ऑन कर दिया है ओके ओ [संगीत] यार भाई बहुत अच्छा है [संगीत] आप लिया कैसे क्या [हंसी] ओ माय गॉड क्या खतरनाक ड भी बहुत करते है 80 नहीं दो भगाए ये ट्रक भी ना स्पीड… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Manhunt: OP Superheroes!

    EPIC Minecraft Manhunt: OP Superheroes!Video Information Minecraft Manhunt but I get to play as overpowered superheroes I put together a special movie just for you guys to Showcase my best superheroes that I’ve ever morphed into so grab yourself a cookie and find a comfy spot because you are about to watch the most epic superhero Manhunt in Minecraft history it’s hunting time siren let’s get him atam we’re the Scarlet Witch my friends are hunting me down right now as two women where is he we got to get a wood and we got to get out of here quick click take all… Read More

  • INSANE GAMER BUILDS HOUSE WITH SHIZO – MUST SEE!! #minecraft #demonslayer

    INSANE GAMER BUILDS HOUSE WITH SHIZO - MUST SEE!! #minecraft #demonslayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘how girl build house and……….#minecraft #demonslayer #shorts’, was uploaded by GAMING WITH SADDIN on 2024-02-17 12:23:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Shocking Noob to Hack Master in Minecraft – Omz Roblox Exposed

    Shocking Noob to Hack Master in Minecraft - Omz Roblox ExposedVideo Information today me and my friends are going to be trying to beat Minecraft but what they don’t know is I have access to all commands like game mode creative and I’m going to be pranking them with all of these awesome items they’re going to have no idea I’m cheating so are you guys ready for this awesome survival Minecraft enjoyable experience sersi I’m already on my grind getting some wood yeah everyone we have to get some W Heather buy the wood Alexa buy the wood I’m going to go into this villager’s house and see if… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Transformation: Woggy Man 2012 vs 2022!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Transformation: Woggy Man 2012 vs 2022!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2012 VS 2022’, was uploaded by Woggy Man on 2024-03-24 15:41:07. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, bluexephos, uberhaxornova,… Read More

  • Pvp Legends

    Pvp LegendsWelcome to our Minecraft Factions server! Immerse yourself in a dynamic and competitive world where alliances are forged, battles are waged, and land is conquered. Build your faction, strategize with allies, and engage in epic PvP encounters. Join us for an exhilarating experience where survival depends on both skill and cunning. Will your faction rise to dominance, or will you succumb to the challenges of this unforgiving landscape? Join now and embark on an adventure like no other! Read More

  • Deep Season SMP Semi-vanilla Java 17+ Whitelist Proximity Voice Chat

    Welcome to Deep Season SMP! Hello, Deep Season is striving to create a hermitcraft-like SMP, with a community of active players of all types. We are creating a chill environment where people have the opportunity to create cool things and have fun together. About the Server: The 1.20.6 server officially launched about a week ago on a fresh map. Our shopping district is still in its infancy and the end is locked until next Saturday, so there will be plenty of time to catch up. The server is mostly vanilla, with just a few additions: A few vanilla tweaks datapacks… Read More

  • Bucketry Minecraft 1.21 🌟 [JUST RESET] {Pyro Mining & Pyro Fishing} {Dungeons} {Ranking & Prestiging} {Quest System} {Land Claiming} {Over 200 Unique Enchantments}

    Bucketry Minecraft 1.21 🌟 [JUST RESET] {Pyro Mining & Pyro Fishing} {Dungeons} {Ranking & Prestiging} {Quest System} {Land Claiming} {Over 200 Unique Enchantments}🌐 Server IP: play.bucketry.netDiscord: https://discord.gg/eZXqDPj3kEWelcome to Bucketry Minecraft, where the most epic Minecraft adventure of your life awaits! 🌟🌍 Explore a world filled with endless possibilities and challenges, where survival is just the beginning. Here’s a taste of what Bucketry Minecraft has in store for you:🏰 Progression System: Ascend the ranks, conquer challenges, and become a legendary player in our immersive world.🛒 Shops Galore: Build your empire with a plethora of server and player shops, where treasures and riches await your discovery.💼 Jobs & Skills: Take on thrilling jobs and refine your skills to stand out in the world of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 64 TEXTURES!! TOO SPICY!

    Minecraft Memes - 64 TEXTURES!! TOO SPICY!That’s a lot of textures for a game where everything is made of blocks! Maybe they should add a texture for every type of dirt block too. Read More

  • Mob Mysteries: Minecraft’s Savior Lore

    Mob Mysteries: Minecraft's Savior Lore In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of ancient Builders and their trials bold. The trial Chambers, a place of training, For soldiers to fight, their skills attaining. The breeze, a mob with wind charge might, Designed by Builders, to train for the fight. Illagers, allies in this grand scheme, Providing magic and items, like a dream. Crossbows and axes, rewards to gain, From completing trials, a victory to claim. The illagers, a crucial part, In creating the breeze, with a magical art. From Gail Sanctum to trial Chambers deep, The collaboration of friends, secrets to keep. A… Read More

  • Minecraft meme on fire!

    Minecraft meme on fire! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Revamping the Farm in Better Minecraft

    Revamping the Farm in Better Minecraft Enhancing the Farm: Day 10 in Better Minecraft On Day 10 of the epic 1,000-day journey in Better Minecraft, our intrepid explorer set out to improve the farm by adding a touch of natural beauty. Armed with a variety of materials and a creative vision, the farm was about to undergo a stunning transformation. Materials Used: Spruce Fence Dark Oak Fence Ancient Ochre Froglight Crop Heater Crop Chiller Season Detector Redstone Dust Magenta Flower Birch Leaves White Flower Acacia Leaves Apple Acacia Leaves Charcoal Block The farm was about to receive a makeover that would not only enhance its… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle: Ghost Armor | Dungeons & Dragons #3

    Minecraft Battle: Ghost Armor | Dungeons & Dragons #3 Minecraft Dungeons & Dragons Adventure: Fighting a Ghost Armor Introduction In the world of Minecraft, Lennert and BearSpirit embark on an epic adventure in the official Minecraft Dungeons and Dragons DLC. They navigate through the sewers of Candlekeep, facing off against a formidable foe – a ghost armor. Join them as they encounter challenges, puzzles, and more in this thrilling episode of Minecraft D&D. Exploring Candlekeep As Lennert and BearSpirit venture deeper into the dungeon, they come across various obstacles and enemies. From battling janitors in the sewers to discovering hidden treasures, every step brings new surprises. The duo’s… Read More

  • Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!

    Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!Video Information all right y’all what is going on everybody and welcome back to my channel you feel me or if you’re new welcome to my channel you feel me so we’re doing Sky Block again and this is Hypixel Sky Block so it’s like very complicated and [ __ ] from what I from what I’ve noticed let me make the chat smaller actually uh chat settings chat size turn it down to 50 turn this up because it looks weird yeah that’s better that’s better so um I actually tried to play this before with Dennis and my… Read More

  • Ultimate Aquatic Adventure: Season 5 Begins

    Ultimate Aquatic Adventure: Season 5 BeginsVideo Information [Music] iwhere find with you Lon strikes or any shade of blue the J the best part even when the RO is hard I Anywhere [Music] With You This video, titled ‘Minecraft Aquatic Survival Season 5 V2 Intro’, was uploaded by Golden Primvally on 2024-04-20 03:17:39. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. ***************************************** Theme song Credits: The Glitch Explorer’s Theme by Dalekium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmYYB_8xLg8 Intro & Outro themes: GP: Brand New Journey By Brian Skeel: https://youtu.be/kl4qLokmyzA GP: Journey Into The Haunted Manor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQWNjHlytI8 GP: Journey Into The… Read More

  • PurpleGecko’s Insane Deaths in Minecraft #memes

    PurpleGecko's Insane Deaths in Minecraft #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Worst Ways to Die #minecraft #mc #memes’, was uploaded by PurpleGecko on 2024-04-29 14:40:04. It has garnered 4508 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed – Modded Minecraft

    Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed - Modded MinecraftVideo Information greetings humans it is I Bay zipster and today I’ll be showing you how to get to the Aether dimension in modded Mindcraft without the need to find diamonds or mine obsidian step one your typical start punch trees for wood make a pickaxe mine Stone mine coal step to find iron three minimum for one bucket but I recommend finding as much as you can to make more optionally find flint but I forgot to this run so instead you’ll me try a different way to ignite the portal step three find a lava pool preferably on… Read More

  • “SazerStreams: Join Now for Nonstop Lifesteal Fun!” #minecraft #smp

    "SazerStreams: Join Now for Nonstop Lifesteal Fun!" #minecraft #smpVideo Information कैंडल लाइट हैज गन आउट सम वे विन एंड सम वल लूज नथिंग मच एल्स टू से थ आ सर्चिंग फॉर समथ डर क्लोज न साउ टेक लक ए आ एला स्ल आ प् स्लो ड स्लो डाउ स्लो डा [संगीत] स्लो कैंडललाइट है गन आउट सम विल विन एंड सम ल लूस नथि मच एल्स टू से थ आ सर्चिंग फॉर समथि क्लो न साउ टेक अ ल आ [प्रशंसा] स्ल प् स्लो ड से उ से उ से [संगीत] उ कैंडललाइट हैज गन आउट सम वल विन एंड सम वल लूज नथिंग मच एल्स टू से… Read More

  • Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster 😱

    Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster 😱Video Information लोगों को बताऊं यार ये वीडियो एंड ही नहीं हो रही है मैं कर ही नहीं पा रहा यार ये भाई पागल भाई पागल पागल पागल ओके हम आ चुके हैं एंड पोर्टल में एंड पोर्टल में आ चुके हैं हम पोर्टल में घुस तो गए थे मुझे लग रहा था हम दूसरी विलेज में आ जाएंगे लेकिन इस बार हम अलग ही एंड पोर्टल में आ चुके हैं एंड पोर्टल में हम यहां पर आ चुके हैं और यहां पर मुझे कुछ तो गड़बड़ अब यहां पर लग रही है वेट व्हाट यहां पर गाइज एक घर… Read More

  • Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON’T Mine at Night 💄🌙

    Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON'T Mine at Night 💄🌙Video Information don’t mind at night I know you’re looking at that cave and you’re feeling kind of Brave go to bed you’ll be all right don’t mine at night there’s nothing This video, titled ‘Don’t mineee at nighttt #makeup #makeupartist #viral #fyp #minecraft #makeuptutorial #meme #funny’, was uploaded by PorcelainxDoll on 2024-05-25 01:30:52. It has garnered 332 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!

    Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!Video Information [Music] good morning Mikey how did you sleep what are you doing there good morning JJ I thought you’d sleep the whole day as usual I’m just looking at what we can do with our resources and what can we do let’s take a walk around the village hm what is it there there seems to be a seller selling something let’s go there soon and see what he sells mhm Hi man we saw your poster there what does it say here buy a plane hi guys I’m selling a plane that you can buy and fly… Read More

  • Building EPIC PandaLand in 1 Block – EP. 5 #Minecraft

    Building EPIC PandaLand in 1 Block - EP. 5 #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] I [Music] so [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] you [Music] no [Music] a This video, titled ‘Making a PandaLand in Minecraft One Block [Episode : 5] #minecraft #trending #viral #viralvideo’, was uploaded by GamingSupro009 on 2024-03-04 12:35:18. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:51 or 351 seconds. Making a PandaLand in Minecraft One Block [Episode : 5] #minecraft #trending #viral #viralvideo minecraft house minecraft game minecraft house ideas minecraft videos for kids minecraft video minecraft house design minecraft live minecraft song minecraft… Read More

  • Fabelized

    FabelizedWelcome to Fabelized, your ultimate destination for all things Minecraft! Dive into a world of endless possibilities and unleash your creativity with our vast collection of exclusive items, skins, and accessories. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting your adventure, Fabelized has everything you need to elevate your Minecraft experience to new heights. Explore our meticulously curated selection of skins, ranging from fierce warriors to adorable creatures, and find the perfect look to express your unique style. Enhance your gameplay with our premium plugins, and texture packs, designed to immerse you in stunning new worlds and enhance every aspect… Read More

  • Aether Earth – Semi-Vanilla Factions SMP PVP

    Welcome to AetherEarth! Features: 1:1500 Scale Earth Map LifeSteal Fully Customized Shop Towny Make your own Vehicles (MoveCraft) Cross-play Welcoming Community Professional Staff Will you make peace or will you start the next world war? Join to make history! Join us on Discord Read More

  • AND Factions

    AND FactionsServer launches on July 10th, 4pm CET!OGFactions is a server dedicated to bringing back the nostalgic feel of classic faction servers. Where items are actually valuable, and players must grind to achieve them – there’s absolutely ZERO way to buy any kind of in-game advantage.The server is run by 2 seasoned MCPVP veterans who are committed to prioritizing gameplay and fun above all else.Discord: https://discord.gg/gCXuvCA4rh Read More