Pranking Friend with Secret Bosses in Darkomode

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Today my friend Dino is trying to catch the bloop in Minecraft and little does he know I’m actually going to be pranking him by morphing into the bloop and not only that I’m actually going to be morphing into a mutant bloop later on keep watching if you want to find out

How I’m going to do this but first things first got to start as a tiny fish you know every bloop has his humble beginnings we’re going to prank him as his little cute tiny fish first oh oh my God I can’t believe it it’s finally time my survival rules have been acting

Really weird lately and the real bloop even showed up so this time I’m actually going to catch him I came prepared I have my sword ready and this time he won’t get me I’m going to get him does he really think he’s going to be able to

Catch a bloop with a regular fishing rod he can’t even catch a tiny fish look I’m going to prove it he’s not going to be able to catch me fishy hey there a fish wait it did it it did it work oh my God is this Fishing World broken okay I’m

Grabbing another one real quick just to make sure he thinks the fishing rod is broken he has has no idea he’s being pranked again let’s keep it going all right here we go I have another fishing roll hopefully this one does work oh there’s the fishing gun come on go into

The bait go into the bait I’m going to be so annoying God I missed him again you know what fish this is not really the time to mess around I’m going to get you the normal way here come here boy where you at where the heck did you go

Who he’s going to try to catch me with a sword okay it’s time to annoy him look I feel like a bull it’s not even working oh my God you know what I’m going to try again throw the fishing roll out we just wait again come on boy fishy fishy fishy fishy

Fishy boy fishy fishy fishy fishy fishy boy where are you oh fishy boy yeah there we go I CAU my first fish you know what I’m actually kind feeling kind of hungry I’m going to put it in my f wait what did I see something here that’s actually really weird all right

You know what it doesn’t matter I’m probably just seeing things okay time to steal his boat get rid of his boat oh my God this is what he sees he sees a little little fish under his boat just stealing it I I hope he sees it though

All right here we go I put the fish in the oven and what the heck what is happening to my boat wait wait there’s nothing inside of my boat huh how is this supposed a both go back here I got to pull it back in oh my God what the heck is happening

Here it’s a fish that stole his boat oh it’s a fish hey stupid fish it’s you from earlier stop stealing my boat it’s mine stay away from it here we go here we go you know what the boat is not safe here out the water I’m going to take it

And just put it in my inventory where did my boat go oh he’s in the water this the perfect moment to morph into the bloop and freak him out here we go all right wait it’s already turning dark no way I thought this was going to be a

Successful fishing day what oh my God I can’t believe it the bloop is here already this is my time hey bloopy bloopy bloopy boy Bo here I’m going to catch you oh my God he’s actually trying to catch me with a fishing rod is this

Guy trying to get pranked here we go oh I’m actually pulling him closer wait this is actually working here we go ah oh no he hit me yo this bloop is actually really friendly considering the last bloop killed me so many times hey what are you what are you doing hey oh

No hey what the heck how am I going to catch this guy oh my God I can’t even hit the bloop no way no come on oh now you know what I’m going to get in my boat I’m going to escape from the PO right now this is way too scary I can’t

Even hit him oh he’s leaving his base that gives me a pretty good idea I hope he doesn’t return fast though okay what if we go inside of his base we place down some explosives and that’s how we turn into the mutant bloop it’s like a like a explosion going wrong okay let’s

Put down this again and let’s put down some pressure plate now we just have to wait for him to come back oh my God where where did the bloop go he’s not even chasing me where the heck did he go this is actually really weird normally bloops keep chasing you until you die

But they’re not even here anymore what the heck why is he in my base hey Mr bloop what do you think you’re doing over here huh what do you think you’re doing in my base you think it’s some kind of joke oh we just got to wait for

Him to walk over the pressure plates and when he hears the TNT he’s going to run away hey Mr boo I’m going to give you one chance okay you walk away right now out of my day ah oh his bed is still good he still spawned there okay it’s

Time to morph into the mutant bloop my bed almost got destroyed but my whole house is gone no way time to reveal myself I am now a mutant bloop caused by some strange reaction from explosiv what what the heck wait is this the bloop what the heck happened to him

Oh my God this is so creepy oh he’s right I do look kind of creepy it’s like I’m burned from the inside and I that’s so gross anyways it’s time to ramp up this prank where did he go I want to hit him with my magic bow and arrow oh my

God where did the bloop go I don’t even see him anymore he was right there on the front of my base but I don’t see him right now huh what what what hit me huh wait there must be a skeleton somewhere right is there an arrow inside of me oh

My God he on top of my B I see him right there so what this what this magic bow and arrow do guys every arrow just does random stuff like that Arrow right there spawned a chicken which is kind of cute let’s see if we can get some more random

Things oh my God no okay you know what you know what this is I’m no he shot my boat no way I got to what I’m hell for heart no no okay he’s going to spawn back there okay now I’m going to use my bloop gun this little bloop gun actually shoots

Off tiny little bloops oh there he is oh my god there he is I’m stuck here yo I’m running screw this I don’t want to hang out anymore this base is ruined already I got to get out of here he’s going in the water okay time to use this bloop

Gun wait what the heck where are these sharks coming From oh my God that’s insane oh my God how am I ever going to get out of here oh wait I have a plan I have a plan I’m just going to create a new boat and then just sail away to a new safe spot this stupid bloop keeps chasing me everywhere

Oh he’s going to build a boat okay let’s make him think he’s actually safe by making it daytime wait a second it’s daytime what I’m pretty sure the bloop only comes out at night right so I must be safe now all right this is perfect

I’ll have enough time to get a boat and just leave this place oh my God where am I going to build my next base I probably shouldn’t build my base that close to the water because the blop actually lives in the water oh no no way he

Actually thinks I’m not here during the daytime let’s see how long I can stalk him in his boat before he notices that I’m right behind him o let’s try not to get caught I’m going to go right under his boat this going to be so funny let’s

See what would be a good place to build my new base do I want to live in the Hills not really I’m kind I’m kind of afraid of heights not going to lie come on he still hasn’t noticed me I’m literally right under his boat this is

So hilarious let’s shoot off some bloops all right here we go f wa where the heck did it come from hey yeah that’s right stupid fish you can’t leave the water you are St how the heck did you get here oh my God no did he just die that means

He’s back at his bed he literally can’t escape his old base let’s rush back there oh my God I am back at the base I’m just trying to leave this area all right you know what I’m going I’m not going to use a boat anymore I’m just

Going to go by foot oh he’s not going to use a boat maybe he learned his lesson but it doesn’t matter we can still stalk him and stay right behind him Y what the heck there are monkeys over here that monkeyy is cooking kind

Of cool all right so where am I going to build this new base let’s see what would be a safe spot for a potential bloop attack what’s a safe spot from a potential bloop attack the mutant bloop is literally behind him all right let’s see you know what I think this this wood

Area would be pretty decent for a new base let’s just get some wood so I can actually build a new house here we go grab some more wood okay while he’s busy collecting wood I have a really good idea I’m going to spawn some diamond blocks and then I’m going to hide right

Behind them so when he’s mining them okay I’m going to hide right behind him so when he mines them he’s going to find me and I’m going to jump scare him I should probably give him an iron pickaxe as well let’s drop that right there we

Go wait I be a oh my God stupid zombie no please no I’m not going to die again right I half a heart W that was close oh I’m glad he survived okay is he going to see this wall now all right let’s see I think this place would be perfect for a

New base let’s just start what why are there diamonds over here no this can’t be real right are these real diamonds wait wait there’s a pickaxe that’s actually kind of nice uh let’s see is this a real block wait it actually dropped a d no way yo I’m going to get

These all oh my God I’m going to be so no what the yeah he’s running come back here maybe I can catch him with the fishing rod oh my God right this is I got to escape I got to escape oh that was so close okay he going in a boat again is

He stupid the bloop is literally in the water Dino okay oh my God this place is perfect I’m pretty sure this this is way too unde for the bloop to actually come here you know what I’m going to build my base right here in the mountain ooh he’s

Going to build a Mountain Base hm what if I make these bloops explode whenever I shoot them that’d be so funny let’s do that so all we have to do is change this command to summon TNT got to put these little thingies here I don’t know what

They are supposed to be boom and now whenever I shoot these bloops they’ll actually explode let’s test it out real quick oh did he hear that wait did I just hear an explosion oh my God are there creepers near my base creepers hello are there any creepers here oh I’m

Not seeing any creepers this is perfect I’m pretty sure no one will find out that I live here now you know what Dino always says he wants a drop top Let’s help him out with a drop top house what the heck oh my God but how

Did this happen did a creeper fall on top of my house oh my my god do I got to check this out is there like a creeper family living up here hello creepers sneak into his house oh my God all right let’s just rebuild the house real quick

Pretend like nothing happened here we go create a roof let me just put the sign back oh he’s placing down a sign uh let’s hope he doesn’t come back yet I’m going to give him another iron pickaxe I’m going to do the same thing I did

Before I’m going to hide in here um there we go I put the sign down it says not a house seriously come on so I’m pretty sure no one will find out that I live here now this is perfect let’s just there’s iron pickaxe here a why are there diamonds here I’m pretty

Sure those weren’t here before but I mean there are free oh there he is I can’t believe he fell for that again where is he going where’d he go he’s running we got to catch him how am I ever going to escape this bloop keeps chasing me where did he go he’s right

There okay let’s shoot him with some more bloops oh wa this actually what whoa oh no I got him all right you know what I’m going to barricade the door here we go no one can get in now oh he’s going to barricade it all right since I’m a

Mutant bloop I should probably spawn some mutants as well H how about I spawn a bunch of creepers evolved creepers said de and I’m going to spawn him right outside his house okay right here oop oop oop boop boop boop boop boop there’s a lot of creepers right here okay and

Now what we’re going to do let’s spawn some more we’re going to actually make them look like mutant bloops check this out oh just like that now they all look like little baby mutant bloops let’s spawn some more and now we have to lure

Dino out of his base H how are we going to do that I don’t know I guess uh Diamonds oh my God I’m seriously stuck here in this stupid ho re really really now do you really think I’m this stupid I’m going to close the door for you thank you for the free

Diamonds oh my God this guy is so stupid oh well I’m surprised that didn’t work hm in that case maybe we should just um you know give him an an a surprise visit break through here oh no no no no no no SC oh my God there’s so many baby

Mutant bloops yeah we got him today my friend Dino is trying to create the best aquarium that Minecraft has ever seen but little does he know I installed this little morph mod that’s going to let me morph into different members of the bloop family these bloop family members

Are so insane all of them have different colors and I’m pretty sure each of them has a different size as well so let’s start off with the orange one which is the youngest member of the family this is what he looks like I’m pretty sure he’s also supposed to be the smallest

One he’s kind of cute I’m not going to lie F anyways now that we’ve morphed into the bloop we have to wait for the perfect moment to sneak into Dino’s base and go into his aquarium oh my God this is perfect I have everything I need okay

All right let me just go outside so I can finally build my own dock here we go all right let’s just first create a little SPO where I can create it this should be a perfect place oh my God guys he’s building a pier that’s going to

Take a while I could probably use this time to actually sneak into his base let’s hope he doesn’t see me yet cuz I don’t want him to see me until I’m actually among his fish we’re going to see if he’s actually going to notice me

Okay sneak in here wow this is what his aquarium looks like this is actually pretty impressive what kind of fish does he have down here it’s like jellyfish I’ve never seen that before all right we have to get in here before he comes back to collect more resources oh no I don’t

Have enough wood to create a boat that’s the only thing I’m missing now all right you know what let’s just go back go through my chest um do I still have enough wood oh my God I ran out of wood all right hey fishy fishy fishy hey

Fishy fish oh wait who left this open did I do that that’s not supposed to happen oh my God that was close guys he totally almost got me but I don’t think he’s noticed that I’m down here yet does he not notice this weird blue creature amongst the jellyfish no wait a second

That’s a really big clown fish oh my God wait let me get a closer look at that one what he thinks I’m a clown fish when have you ever seen a clown fish that looks like this Dino you have to do your research better if you want to make an

Aquarium in Minecraft you know what hey Mr big big big clown fish you want some seeds boy yeah you must be hungry H from all that growing in size here we go grab some seeds oh he’s actually feeding me that’s so nice of him I I don’t think he

Likes the potato seeds oh my God uh uh uh maybe he likes melon seeds you know I’m not really the fish expert or something here we go you like those boy no I don’t like seeds I want meat maybe he’s going to freak out if I start

Eating his other fish let’s start with this jellyfish I’m so sorry jellyfish but you look so tasty wait wait what the heck is he hey Mr clownfish what are you doing that’s not polite of you hey what the heck is going on oh my God this clownfish wait

No way is he actually doing what I think he’s doing he’s eating the other fish oh my God no that’s so low I got to get over there yummy yummy I ate some jellyfish okay he’s freaking out now is he is he actually trying to come down

Here that would be so dumb you better stop eating the rest of your fishies okay hey they’re all your friends and you’re supposed to be friendly with them what oh my God all right you know what that’s it I’m coming down there oh he’s coming down here guys I should

Probably Escape now how am I going to do that oh this a quing liter oh ah look at that he had no idea stupid fish that ah oh my go wait what what’s hitting me what’s hitting me ah ah ah oh my God okay I didn’t really think that

Through oh my God that’s hilarious I’m pretty sure he just got stung by his own jellyfish I’m lucky I didn’t eat this one yet thank you jellyfish friend but now you have to get in my tummy did he just eat another one come on man I worked so hard to catch all

These fish wait you know what you know what I got a little plan for you watch this hey hey hey Mr clownish do you want something to eat yeah that’s right oh is he actually trying to catch me okay I’m going to freak him out with the bloop sound effect listen to this

Guys oh my God what the heck was that noise wait where did that no I fell in the water wait where did that noise come from oh my my God no no no Mr no no Mr cloudfish sorry sorry I didn’t mean it okay I didn’t mean it come on you’re

Orange I’m orange we’re supposed to be friends right okay this is the perfect moment I’m going to escape from this aquarium then I’m going to come back as my bigger brother one of the other bloop family members hey where do you think you’re going hey I’m not done with you

Hey you know what you hungry boy yeah that’s right okay I could totally morph into a different bloop right now let’s do that let’s morph into the green one who’s a little bit bigger than the orange one do you guys see that now I’m going to let him actually catch me and

Then I’m going to start freaking him out oh my God all right you know what let’s just catch a few more fish to actually put into my aquarium uh come on fishy fishy fishy fishy boy come on fishy fishy well I will be a good father for

Oh my god there was that noise again where the heck is it coming from wa it’s me woo wait wait wait wait what the heck W wao whoo whoo whoo wo what the heck was that that’s a really big green one wait I’ve never seen such a big green

Fish okay let’s actually give him some Karma I’m going to use my fishing rod on him oh oh I think I got him wait what the heck is going on hey I’m being pulled in hey stop wait stop it yeah let’s go let’s get him in

The water go back to the house quickly oh no this is turning really weird oh my god well at least I’m say live in my house over here you know what let’s just fish from over here this is perfect I’ll be safe here oh my God there’s the green

Fishing again what is he doing hey wait wait what he has four legs uh Mr Fish what are you doing outside of the water wait what is he whoa wait wait wait wait what are you trying to do no no oh my

God I fell it I fell it no no oh my God I can’t believe that worked I actually pull him into the water he must be freaking out I’m surprised the water is still blue and not brown all right you know what I’m just wait I see him right

Over there what is he doing is he oh my God is he coming for me yo this green fish is acting really weird I have no idea what the heck this green fish is okay I’m going to try to jump scare him guys if I can manage to sneak up behind

Him without him noticing I’m going to see how long can stay there before he turns around where the heck did that green fish fishy fingo hey hello Mr g fishy oh my God where the heck did it go okay he’s fishing now I’m just going to stand right here until he actually

Notices me okay here we go I got another fish uh yeah I guess that’s enough for today if I don’t see the green fishy anymore I guess I’ll just go W what the heck where the heck did he come from how can he walk on land that’s so crazy wa

Did you guys hear him screaming that was sick that really worked that was the best jump scare of the day what am I going to do now he’s somewhere here on the land but I don’t see him anymore okay time to transform into another bloop family member this time it’s red

He’s also slightly bigger than green oh my God and he looks so creepy with that red color oh my God this day has been become really weird I don’t like this day whatsoever all these weird fish keep showing up you know what let’s just go to bed and hope that everything settles

Down in the morning oh he’s sleeping it’s time to make it daytime again oh good morning hey fishy boys a look at them they’re so happy it’s just like nothing happened yesterday a this is perfect okay it’s time to sneak in again into the aquarium oh he’s going to see

Me right now oh my god there a puffer fish and there’s clown fish and there’s a what the heck is that uh what the heck is that that’s not a fish right no it’s not a fish it’s a bloop l listen to the sound it

Makes oh my god did that come out of your mouth is that your noise what the heck that’s really creepy you know what’s hilarious guys he probably thinks he’s Sav as long as I’m inside this aquarium the next time he comes down here to take a closer look I’m going to

Break through the glass I just got to learn back down here somehow H oh I know how look at this guys he going to spawn some diamond blocks wait wait wait what the heck is going on here are there more of those weird guys are they down here I

Don’t see any of them is he still down here hey Mr wait wait a second I don’t remember there being diamonds down there how the heck did no diamond get there wait a second wait you know what I got a great idea let’s just go underneath here and

Secretly try and mine the diamonds here we go I’ll destroy these blocks what is he dumb this is obviously a TR did only got one hey Mr Fish I want the other Diamond give it back to me hey it’s my diamond hey what what do you think you’re doing I’m destroying his

Aquarium does he not realize that oh my God this is super big ho hey stop it stop it no no stop destroying my aquarium no I worked so hard for this no please okay guys time to go back down here I’m going to spawn in some more

Surprises give it back to me oh does he want to fight me I could help him out here’s a splash potion of water breeding War you don’t worry about it ah I’m getting you okay he can actually breed in the water now but now there’s something even more dangerous down here sharks wait

Wait wait wait why are there sharks here no oh my God I’m so slow in the water I’m so slow in the water leave me alone I’m taking damage please please I can’t get out of the water oh my God oh my God oh my God that was really

Close shark that shark almost got him that was hilarious okay guys time to sneak off and turn into another blo family member oh my God where the heck did that shark come from there’s not even a connection to the ocean wait that’s not possible right wait is there

Something I’m missing here ah another shark oh no get out of the water quickly okay so next up we have the yellow morph this one is even bigger holy crap I think we’re actually getting closer to the regular blue sizes guys and we still have two bloops left okay let’s go back

In there and spawn even more sharks but first time for another jump scare wait wait wait wait where the he did this come from what it’s yellow wait how is this possible first it was orange and red and now it’s yellow how is that even

Possible oh he has no clue I could use this moment of confusion to build a trap where do you think you’re going I see you you’re not smart I see where you’re going oh no I can’t build a trap while he’s watching me guys I need another distraction hey where do you think

You’re going come back here wait I can’t run why can’t I run oh my God I must have been poisoned what do you think you’re doing get back here oh no how am I going to distract him of course the only thing he loves more than fish is

Diamonds wait a second since when is it are fishes able to poop out diamonds like that that’s not uh uh uh I uh wait what okay I guess I’ll just take the diamonds thank you oh that’s perfect he must be distracted mining those diamonds now I can actually place a trap so when

He comes back here to put all the diamonds in the chest he’s going to explode this going to be hilarious guys okay we got that oh we got to hurry up I think he’s almost done oh my God I almost got all the diamonds wait there’s

A little bit of iron down here you know let’s just take that as well here we go and now I have everything thing let’s just get back to the house okay he’s coming back where did that yellow guy go I don’t see him anymore uh miss the

Yellow guy where did you go boy I don’t see you any ah stupid jellyfish oh my God I don’t see him anywhere what the heck that’s really weird oh my God I’m almost dying wait let me eat some food real quick oh my God the suspense what the heck happed what is

This what the the heck happened oh my God there’s a hole in his base there’s holes inside of my base from both sides come on this is not cool how the heck did this happen oh now there’s actually water flowing into his base I could spawn some more sharks in here wait my

Whole aquarium has been destroyed I worked so hard for this what are these sharks doing here hey you get back there sharks I don’t want you anywhere nearby ah what the oh oh no no please I’m sorry y I didn’t mean to avenge you Mr yellow

Guy ah leave me alone sharks leave me alone leave me Al oh no the Sharks got him all right it’s time to sneak off again guys okay we’re morphing into the blue bloop the blue bloop ooh and he’s also bigger than the yellow one he has the color of water

Which kind of gives me an idea I have this water bucket right here and I know Mitch wants to make the best aquarium ever what if I help him out with that by submerging his entire base underwater Oh my God the whole base has been destroyed

But luckily the rest of the base is still intact so I could just like maybe fix it right I just got to get find a way to get rid of all these sharks here okay so what I have to do is just make a hole in the ceiling hope he doesn’t

Notice now I’m just going to spawn water everywhere look at this oh my God wait what the heck is going on why is there water here oh my God wait my whole base is going underwater I this is not what I meant with having an aquarium

Okay this is going to be so cool and I’m going to spawn even more sharks down there he’s going to totally freak out oh my God wait I’m trapped there by all the water I can’t even get out anymore okay time to spawn some sharks what the heck

Is going on I’m completely stuck behind the water how is this even possible okay more sharks over here what the heck who is this blue guy what the heck are you doing here leave me alone oh he’s totally stuck in here everything is underwater it’s like the Titanic come

Back here din right behind me oh am I ever going to get out of here oh my God keep running keep running keep running no he’s escaping he’s escaping leave me alone leave me alone oh my God I got an amazing idea I just got to get a wait to

Get to my crafting table here we go here we go let’s help help him out with a potion of water breeding here we go let’s just craft this real quick ah this is perfect watch this let’s just go up here oh my God oh my God what did he

Craft guys I didn’t see oh no it’s a boat he’s so smart oh he thinks he’s going to escape no way we’re not going to let that happen it’s time to bring in the mother bloop the biggest bloop ever look at her wait a second what the heck

Is that thing oh wait how am I going to get out of here I can’t even get out of the water over here it’s time to eat Dino woo oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m going to eat him I’m going to eat him

Today my friend Mitch is living in this seaside village and he’s going to try to catch the biggest fish in Minecraft but little does he know I actually installed this morph mod it’s going to let me transform into a bunch of different fish and at the end I can even transform into

The bloop check it out he looks Absolut Ely terrifying and this is what he actually looks like in game I’m pretty sure Mitch is going to delete his game and never play Minecraft again when he catches this fish but first things first we got to start small we’re going to

Transform into the tiny fish and we’re going to jump into the water and we’re going to wait for M to actually catch us oh my God what a beautiful day for fishing let me check how is the water looking today looking kind of blue to me

Let’s check it out oh he’s starting to fish have they woken up yet good on fishy fishy fishy fishy okay he’s trying to catch me I could probably tease him a little bit CU I’m going to get super close to oh no he got another fish look

At that I got my first sabath oh my God this sabbath is going to taste so great tonight let’s try catch you another one oh my God guys I totally forgot that Mitch is actually a pretty good Fisher this time I’m actually going to bite oh

My God wait wait oh my God this stupid fish come on I got to catch you boy oh my God he totally wants to catch me but he’s not going to be able to look he’s right there boo why is it not working this stupid fish hey you know what if

You don’t want to be called I’m coming after you let me grab my boat oh he has a boat you stupid fish where did you go you were here somewhere I saw you oh I’m going to totally destroy his boat watch this guys he can’t see me while I’m

Underwater you know what let’s just throw some bait in there let’s see come on fishy fishy fishy what he’s right there hey oh my God you stupid fish hey come back here what are you doing do you think you’re funny how destroy my boat I’m going to get you oh he’s still

Trying to catch me oh he’s actually pretty fast I got to hurry up okay this is the moment I’m going to actually play a creepy sound just like the bloop does where do you think you’re going oh stupid fish come back here I’m going to

Catch you oh my God how does it keep failing listen to this guys I actually installed a soundboard with a creepy bloop sound oh my God what the heck was that I’m running back back to the base oh quickly I don’t want to die in the water

Quickly get back there oh I totally scared him he’s not going to go in the water again at night all right it’s time to transform into a different fish oh man this nighttime fishing is really scaring me I don’t know if I should actually go out there again oh wait but

Maybe I should maybe the biggest fish only comes out at night yeah oh he put on his armor he’s actually right during the night bigger fish come out fish like um I guess this one oh this fish is pretty cute actually look at it there we

Go let’s throw out the fishing R again and I hope that stupid fish from earlier doesn’t come back he was really annoying next time I see I might actually beat him up oh he wants to beat my friend up no sir cuz this fish actually knows how

To shoot a bow and arrow oh come on where are the bubbles where are the bubbles I don’t see oh fish fish oh wait what wait how did that fa oh my God God I’m so bad why is there Arrow hey oh my God I got him I got him wait there must

Be a skeleton somewhere here in the bushes where is he I don’t see this oh my God what the heck hit me he doesn’t realize I just hit him from the water okay what the heck what the heck is going on did I just see something flying one more

Time whoa whoa whoa whoa whoo that was a really crazy fish why are you jumping at me boy you’re going to stay in the oh my God here here you know what here boy take the bait take the bait yeah what oh my God how does it keep failing

Wait I got it I got hey no don’t jump back in the water hey where are you going come back here oh he jumped in the water again it’s time to freak him out with the sound oh no I heard the creepy sound again go back inside the wait what

Happened to my window okay guys time to transform into an even bigger fish that really scared me that was really creepy oh this is is totally going to scare him I’m a shark did I just see something really big move in the water I got to

Watch out I think the fish is actually here oh he has no idea I’m a shark right now okay I’m actually going to let him catch me this time here we go I’m going to throw out the road now we just have to wait here fishy fish oh my God big

Fish oh my god look no please fishy don’t hit me I got to keep him in the water oh my God oh my God Watch Out Mr villager there’s a big fish right here and he’s dangerous oh I’m going to let my fin stick out like

It’s a shark movie wait a second is that a shark oh my god I’ve never seen a shark in Minecraft before I got to catch him go he actually got me no way I got to be careful oh I got to be careful guys he’s actually a pretty good Fisher

Oh no this is not good oh my God I’m getting him I’m getting him no he’s getting me oh oh uhoh this is bad I can’t move on land let’s get you let’s get you in the house oh no I fell in the water let’s get you in there okay this

Is my moment I could probably just creep him out again oh oh my God what the heck was that noise the way where did the shark go oh my God uh This fishing job is starting to get really dangerous I I’m not really liking this anymore okay I

Actually escaped I guess now is the right time to actually bring out what you guys came here for the bloop the thing about the bloop guys he actually has legs so I could totally just leave the water and start terrorizing Mitch on land let’s just wait until daytime comes

Back oh my God you know what I don’t like this nighttime fishing it’s time to go to bed and just wait until it’s morning oh that’s perfect I could just make it morning now wow good morning wow that was a really good sleep I slept

Like a long time oh my god did I over sleep no I still got a fish I completely forgot okay he’s fishing again this is perfect fishy fishy fishy where are you I look so creepy fishy fishy fishy fishy oh my God where are the fishes don’t

They like the bait I’m using okay it’s time to bite the bait okay I’m coming for you Mitch oh let’s go wait wait is there a fish I got one who W what the heck was that that wait that’s on the normal fish why does

It have such a big mouth and so many teeth oh I totally got the fish that he caught in my hands I’ll just give it to him I’m such a nice blue no I just want to give you your fish Mitch here you go wait you just gave me a fish what well

That’s actually really nice of you uh sorry for trying to catch you I I I didn’t mean anything personal of course okay it’s time to reveal to him that I’m the one that’s been making all the sound I’m the bloop oh my God it’s you that was making the

Scary noise I don’t know can I trust you are you friendly hey are you friendly I’m totally not friendly guys but uh I guess I could just play along for now maybe he’ll trust me if I go into his base wait where are you going oh my God

What are you doing hey Hey this not a place for you my boat is supposed to be here you’re not my boat hey what what are you doing here look he thinks I’m his pet now he doesn’t realize I have legs he probably thinks he’s safe as

Long as he’s not in the water I’ll keep that a secret for now oh my God you want to be friends boy I could always use a friend you know you’re such a cute little fishy yeah you’re such a cute little boy oh my God he’s actually

Buying it okay I can win his trust even more by pretending to be His companion in fishing I’ll just go out there and catch the biggest fish for him hey where are you going boy wait are you going back into the water oh oh I in the water

Oh of course because you’re a big fish you like fishing as well right oh my God this is so awesome I found myself a f wait where did he go okay here we go I got a bunch of fish you don’t have to do any fishing anymore Mitch here you go

Wait a what are you dropp it in the water how did you catch so many fish because I am the bloop wao this is so awesome okay now I’m going to show him that I’ll even protect him I could totally just spawn a shark right guys

Spawn a shark and then l L just take it down dud this has been the most awesome day ever I found a new a new fishing companion wait where did he go away fishy boy hey fishy fishy fishy boy where did you go whoa what the heck are

All these big fishes doing here are these your friends are they friendly uh hello hello fishy are you friendly no he’s getting attacked I have to help him oh my God I’ll be a thing you have to help him no go away fish oh my God what

Are all these sharks doing here my whole base is completely surrounded by sharks it’s fine I’m going to show him that I’m friendly for now wait a second the fishy friendly boy is actually getting them for me yeah go boy go kill him go kill him he’s totally buying it guys he

Thinks I’m friendly this is perfect he’s never going to expect what I’m about to do next I can’t believe he’s helping me he’s such a good boy I I’ll try to help you as well ah oh my God all right now he trust me it’s time to bark oh

No oh my God look at that I’m being surrounded by Sharky boys okay now that he’s busy watching the Sharks I’m going to go back in here hey boy where are you going there’s still some sharks to kill w why am I in the water oh my God wait wait wait wait wait

Wait what wait you have legs what you wait oh wait those are balls I guess right not legs uh Hey whoo oh you have a really big mouth like if I get really close I only see the inside of your mouth you’re a really big fish he’s actually sticking his head inside my

Mouth is this guy dumb or something hey wao it’s kind of smelly in there you know you you shouldn’t be eating raw fish that’s really bad for your breath you should only eat cooked fish oh well actually what I’m craving right now is some cooked mitchcraft so um I’m sorry

Mitch but I’m hungry wait hey hey hey stop it I thought you were friendly no leave me alone leave me alone hey hey hey stop it leave me alone oh my God wait he’s chasing me no oh my God I don’t think he can fit through here this

Is perfect ah stupid fishy boy I told you you shouldn’t eat that much wow you can actually fit through no keep running keep running I’m being chased oh leave me alone oh my God he’s actually running away let’s play the sound a couple more times to freak him

Out oh oh my God that scary sound again no please leave me alone oh my God I got to hide I got to hide I just hope he doesn’t see me over here oh my God he’s way too close right now okay he’s hiding in this building I

Could totally build the Trap before he leaves okay so all we need is some TNT and some pressure plates we have to try not to step on them ourselves okay so we’re going to place a bunch of TNT under this house oh my God he’s toally

Going to blow up oh actually that was not smart okay there we go some more got to hurry up before he starts to leave the house here we go some more where did he go I don’t see the big fishy boy anymore wait is safe Oh no I got to

Hurry up before he leaves the house is it safe okay uh I guess I could put pressure plates everywhere and then before he leaves I’m going to actually make myself a little bit bigger check this out guys I’m twice as big as I was before so now I’m actually the size of a

Real bloop it’s time to play the sound again to make Mitch leave the house oh my God the scary sound again I think he knows I’m here I got to run wait where am I going where am I going where I got to hide I got to hide maybe

I can hide behind the H wao he escaped the explosions oh my God oh my God that was really close you know I could have died right here in the explosion oh my God that’s fine though he might have escaped the explosions but he can’t escape this no please no no no

Leave me alone okay I’m actually going to eat him now I got to catch him so I can eat him come back here Mitch no oh my God I got to keep running you see that’s what you get from eating too much raw fish you become too fat and you can’t even chase

Me oh my God that was really close luckily I’m hid right now he doesn’t know where I am this is perfect oh no I actually didn’t see where he went he could have got into any one of these buildings I guess the only way to find out is by blowing

Everything up oh my God I see him he’s right there what is he doing he’s so wait is he placing down TNT since when the fishes have TNT no way wa is he trapping me here no no quick destroy the wall destroy the wall no no no I left a

Pickaxe oh my God that was a big explosion I survived again No Escape now I’m going to eat him oh my God where am I supposed to go where am I supposed to go Mr a villager watch out oh my god oh no he keeps going into

Buildings that are way too small for me to fit in it’s fine I’ll just blow all of them up oh my God I got to escape how am I ever going to get out of here in time oh waa there we go he can’t escape now it’s time to eat Mitch no please

Please please stop oh he tasted so good yummy yummy today my buddy Dino is trying to catch a shark in Minecraft but little does he know I secretly installed this mod in Minecraft that’s going to give me the ability to transform into different kinds of sea creatures

Including the bloop and even the dark bloop let’s check out the dark bloop holy crap this thing is huge and it looks so creepy it even has a red eyes Dino will definitely freak out when he sees this in the water but let’s start off small let’s start off with one of

These smaller fishes like this one right here looks like Nino wait a second did that just say Nino I meant Nemo let’s jump in the water wa all right there we go a beautiful day for some more fishies I really want to catch a cool fish today

W maybe I can even go shark hunting no way this dude actually thinks he can catch a shark not on my watch the only shark he’s going to catch is the shark I’m going to be morphing in later let’s jump in his boat and see how long it

Takes him to notice me in the back of his boat what the heck there’s no fishes in this location this is so stupid you know what I guess I’m going to go over here here we go are there any fishes in the water over here let me check it out

Hello fish you guys here uh fishes I don’t see any fishies wait wait a second where’s my boat going hey my hey boat go back here what the heck wait how is it possible that my boat is swimming on its own here we go wait wait a second I am

Not controlling my boat what the heck is happening right now no way this is hilarious I didn’t even mean to do this but check it out buddies if Dino looks under the boat he’ll see that it’s being controlled by a tiny Nemo looking fish yo this is so weird the boat is

Controlling itself uh Mr boat can you stop please I want to fish oh my God I’m never going to fish like this I’m going to destroy my boat this is so stupid stupid boat stupid here we go here we go wait wait a second where

Did my boat go uh do I have it in my my inventory no I don’t wait a second how is this possible he’s so confused he probably hasn’t noticed me cuz I’m so tiny let’s see what happens if I jump into his base oh wait a second there’s a fishy

Here Mr fishy you got to go into the water so I can catch you the normal way all right I want to be fair wa wait you got a B how the heck did you get that uh is the fishy what are you doing okay you know what I’m stealing your bat stupid

Fish bye-bye I can’t believe it I stole the boat no way did he just steal my boat I’m not going to let him get away with that wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo what the heck how did the boat get destroyed that was really weird you know the water has

Been at wait the boat is back again what the heck uh you know what I’m just going to fish from right over in here I guess that’s a lot saver today he’s so confused he has no idea what just happened a come on fishy fishy fishy

Fishy wait fishy fishy oh wait wait wait wa wait a second oh w i get in the water wa what the heck was that yo that was so weird is it like some weird skeleton somewhere on the Hills uh skeletons hello skeletons uh W creeper if you guys are confused as Dino

What just happened is I shot him with my lucky bow when he tried catching me check this out this lucky bow just does random stuff come on I really need to catch a fish I’m so hungry wa what what the heck what W wo wo whoo whoo wo wao

What the heck just happened yo you know what I am running back through the base that was so freaking weird oh he’s going back to the base maybe now I can transform into a bigger fish yo this is hilarious I could totally morph into Mr

Crabs that’s so funny I’m going to be a crab all right you know what I got to get back to the base quickly yo this is so weird I’m not quite sure if I want to go into the water again today wa wait a second there’s a crab in my face wo look

At him I have never seen such a cool Krabby before hey Mr Krabs you got like some Krabby Patties For Me Maybe I do do I even have any here I’ll give him a little crabby patty wa no way actually gave me one oh n n wo that was so

Delicious thank you so much yo we should give him something to drink what if we literally give him like a potion of potion uh a potion of poison I meant to say a potion of Po poison let’s give it to him he’s going to think it’s a Sprite

Wait a second what the heck this is like wao this is a green liquid is is like Mountain Dew I love Mountain Dew I’m taking damage what the heck wait what did you put in there Mr Crabs that’s not nice of you there extra bubbles in there

If you want to poison me I am going to kill you get out of my house wo after everything I did I gave him a crabby Petty and I gave him something to drink and now he wants to kill me that’s not nice at all get out of my H wao what the

Heck did you just jump up on my roof wo that was really cool actually uh you know what I got to close the door W I’m still dying I have half a heart wo that was so close I still have half a heart I got to heal do I have some milk

Somewhere I don’t hey Mr Crabs what are you doing here again didn’t I tell you to leave my house I should have hit him with my claws I think he deserves that w okay okay you know what Mr Krabs I am going to come back in like a few seconds

I just have to heal back my hearts okay give me one second oh B I only have two hearts I don’t want to get killed by a stupid crab that would be so embarrassing hey Mr Crabs okay you know what Mr Crab since you’re outside now I

Am going to lock you there here we go let me just barricade my house real quick so this stupid crap can’t get in anymore how funny would it be if I spawned the whole crab Army outside his house right now I bet that would freak

Him out you know what I am just going to create a little fence gate here so now no one can fit through here besides me because crabs don’t even know how to open the door wo look at all these crabs they look different and there’s even like little baby crabs they’re so cute

And they also look kind of delicious I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry I said that out loud crabs we’re all one big family now let’s wait for Dino to come outside and freak out wait a second that crap did he just leave me uh well I guess he did though

As as the water has been dangerous today maybe I can go mining or something here we what the heck there are so many freaking crabs you know what I am going to kill them all because I’m super hungry here we go wao it drove me a bone

Meal what I want some food hey why can’t I hit this crab hey stupid crab W being H ow what is hitting me the crabs actually fight back I have raw crab meat oh oh that thing is really nice wa wait a second where the heck are these crabs

Coming from these crabs are kind of creepy when they run away they all look like tiny sea spiders I hate spiders but they also don’t really do any damage they just let Dino get all their crap me I don’t think Dino should be able to get

Away with this why thought I hit this crab there’s always this one red crab which I got hit maybe red crabs are like the strongest crabs and they can’t be hit well I guess I’m going to go after the blue crabs if he’s too too busy

Taking down all the crabs I think this gives me a right moment to transform into a different fish like he did want to catch a shark I could totally morph into a shark right now that’s going to be hilarious oh look at that I have a

Lot of bone you know what I am going to create some more flowers in front of my house because that looks pretty wow look at that wait I’m still be my a crab okay I’m going inside stupid crabs you know what maybe crabs really are I think maybe I just

Got to go back to fishing here we go uh let me see are there any cool fishes in the water today fishy fishy fishy fishy fishy where are you guys let’s see how long we can stalk him before he notices us this is so funny buddies it’s like a

Real shark movie I’m right behind him all right let me see how is the water looking over here look to wao there’s a fish right here in the water I’m going to get this fish wa this fish is super strong I already hit him like eight what the heck is this it’s called

A what the heck is that for a fish that’s what shark shark wao why is there a shark in the water W that was so freaking close he could have ACH me wao if I was a real shark Dino would have been in my belly

By now did you guys see how long it took him to notice me he has like zero situational awareness in the water you know what stupid shark I’m going to get you here we go I want to eat you today boy ah oh no way he’s actually catching

Me wait I need help I need some shark buddies to back me up here we go I’m pulling him out of the water almost got him wa no way where the heck did the rest of these sharks come from and the worst part is my fishing R just bro go

Away oh he thinks the worst part of this is that his fishing rod broke no the worst part is me hitting him into the water oh there’s a shark here I’m being attacked I got to get to the boat here we go here we go get to the boat get to

The boat I could escape a there’s so many sharks in the water go quickly to the house here we go here we go here we go ah why am I no the boat has been destroyed it’ll land quickly wa that was so close oh man I got to keep running

You know here we go I got to get to my house quickly what is a shark in front of me no no quick keep swimming keep swimming go here we go no way I actually made it into my house haha stupid shark you can’t go in there haha ha oh he

Thinks I can’t get into his house this is going to be hilarious I’m just going to go on top of his roof break it and hope he doesn’t notice and what I’m going to do buddies I’m going to place some water in here there we go and then

We jump in his base it’s going to be hilarious look at that there’s like a ducky there what the heck what kind of a d what why why am I in the cor what how the heck did the shark get in here no way oh my God what the heck how did this

Shark get inside of my base this is my base now this is the shark house for all the shark buddies wa I’m being attacked by a crab leave me alone stupid crab I got freaking sharks in my base what the heck there are so many sharks in my base

How am I ever going to get rid of those maybe I can get rid of the water somehow let me see can I get rid of it here we go the water is gone does that mean that the Sharks will die because they come

Fre a be get into the water oh no no no no no no no I got to get out of here quickly oh he got so lucky the water disappeared I need to transform into a creature that can actually survive on land hm you know the bloop actually has

Legs so it could technically survive on land at least this bloop has legs let’s freak him out all right here we go I’m get I’m really taking care of all these stupid sharks a oh my God I was so close Okay let me heal up real quick oh look

At that I actually killed all the sharks and now I even have some more raw fish let be put it in my furnace and I even have some Cris Marine shards what the heck is a what I’m not here I’m just an armor stand what the heck is that yo did you

Guys see that that was like a super giant fishy with like a super big mouth and the Lord of th wao Dino is actually pretty smart do you guys see what he’s doing he’s pretending to be an armor stand and it’s actually kind of working that’s so funny y comment nice one Dino

If you think that’s smart too oh my can’t believe that stupid fish actually fell for it uh let me see is he still somewhere around here uh fishy wait did I just hear something break a he’s right there oh no no no no no no no it’s

Chasing me it’s chasing me all right you know I’m just going to stay on land because fishes can’t even walk on land that’s perfect let me grab a few bones just in case I got to escape oh grabbing my boats all right here we go so where

The heck did that stupid fishy go he’s not even here look you see I am super smart fishes can’t even walk on land I guess I’m just going to live on land from that W no more fishing for me this is hilarious Dino has no idea that I

Actually have legs and that I’m right behind him I’m going to keep sneaking behind them and try not to be noticed wao look at that there’s a new P you know what I am going to go fishing over here let me see put my boat in the water

And just like this I’m going to go fishing H he’s going to go fishing I could toally just drop raw fish on him and make him believe he’s is actually catching stuff wait wait wait wait a second where are these fishies coming from are they jumping in my boat wa this

Is like the most awesome and best fishing spot ever look wa I even got an enchanted book oh my God I’m so happy right now wait a second where are all these fish jumping into my inventory that’s actually kind of weird uh fishes where are you coming from wow what the

Heck yo no way it has legs I’m going to run away that’s hilarious he the fishes were jumping into his pockets why would you even think that oh no oh no I’m got to find a way to escape I am opening into my boat and I’m going into the

Water here we go I just got to get away as far as possible oh he might be able to escape the regular bloop but if there’s one creature Dino cannot Escape it’s definitely the dark blo wa this thing is so creepy he’s going to be so

Freaked out when he sees this in the water oh man no way wait wait a second was I being chased by a shark there’s no way right yo that shark actually chased me W the shark is actually going after my B I got to take care of this shark

Here we go here we go I almost got him I oh look at that stupid shark I got you let me grab it into my B here we go H wait a second the water ends over here wao look at that there’s the open ocean

I really want to go inside of the open ocean and fish oh he’s going into the ocean that’s perfect I’m pretty sure the dark blue also lives in the ocean can just hide and make him come my way yo what the heck is this kind of a mob what

The heck who is that was it like a crab that’s a weird looking crab all right you know what I am going to go into the water let me see there must be like a lot of cooler fishes in this water I feel I’m going to be like the best

Fisherman ever all right you know what let me just throw up my fishing rod here we go oh I’m right behind him I can totally just swallow him look at this he fits into my mouth okay let’s make him not know this is yet I’m going to wait

For him to be deep enough into the ocean so he can get back on land easily wao wait a second a Sal wao that must mean there’s more salmon all the way in the deeper ocean you know what I am going to go even deeper and catch a lot of saon

No way he’s going deeper into the ocean he doesn’t realize I’m about to eat him and he won’t be able to escape uh you know what whoa what the heck is that is that like a fishy wa did you see that he jumped out of the water that is so cool

Is that like a whale kind of thingy he’s distracted by that whe is he actually going to try to catch it unfortunately for him all he’s going to catch is a dark blue check this out buddies this is going to be hilarious who wa whoa whoa

Whoa what the heck is that yo no freaking way that’s like it’s such a big oh no my Bon wait luckily I brought a a pack of bows here we go oh no oh no no no that’s so creepy it has such a big mouth and giant Thief no my boat has

Been destroyed you know I’m going to hide underwater this is going to be perfect he will never notice me over here yo it’s actually really hard to see down here I’m being it oh he doesn’t realize I’m literally in front of him he can barely see anything in the water

Okay better wait top ofing I got to swim up quickly wao that was so close all yeah let me just get a land here we go oh man that was so weird the heck hit me that was like a really no way what the heck

Is it doing here wait a second it’s got walk on land no I’m going to run away if this was chasing me in Minecraft I would probably quit the game right now this is so creepy look at it he even has red eyes oh you know what oh man oh man

Wait am I losing it oh he is oh this is perfect you know this fish is probably way too big to fit through all these small holes I’m going to hide right over here but this is perfect he never going to fight me here you know Dino is very

Fun to prank but sometimes he does have good ideas he’s right I don’t really fit in inside these thed holes H where there oh there he is Oh no I got to hide over here oh no oh no please please please uh where am I supposed to go am I hearing

Dirt being destroyed where the heck is he is he over here you know what they say if the hole is too tight all you got to do is make it bigger uh where the heck is that fishy I don’t see him anym wa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck just happened

Uh is the fishy over oh there he is the one got went away oh come on why is this bloop so big we got to eat Dino right now let’s move up slowly he has nowhere left to go wait a second no way there’s lava here I’m absolutely trapped H hello

There big fishy I am so sorry about fishing all the other fishies I will never do it again okay I promise okay well too bad I’m still going to blow you up wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no okay that’s I’m running away I’m running

Away oh eat him we got to eat him I’m hungry come back here I f up to the hole here we go here we go I got to get away no what a beautiful morning I have to hurry up me and Dino have an amazing day

Ahead of us he actually invited me to go fishing with him now where’s that leg he told me about oh there it is let’s go over there he’s probably he’s already fishing without me oh my God I know Dino loves the fish so he probably couldn’t

Wait for me I was kind of sleeping in I wonder how many fish he’s caught already oh my God it’s not going well the fish I haven’t caught a fish all day I’ve been up since 5 a.m. and zero fishes I wish is even possible wao Dino sounds kind of

Sad that’s not like him usually he’ll have a whole stack of fish by now maybe I could help him out he doesn’t know I’m here yet let’s call for him hey Dino what’s up wait hey hey Darko how are you how have you been I’ve been pretty good see I

Couldn’t help but hear you talking about how you couldn’t catch any fish today are you okay I don’t know what is happening man I just can’t catch any I’ve been here I’ve been trying so hard I’ve been singing songs to lure the fish using all kinds of different pain but

I’m not getting any fishes really but you’re so good at fishing a you know that’s really sweet of you to say but I think I’m the good at anything anymore don’t say that you’re so amazing I guess maybe there’s just not any fish in there let’s see I’m going to check for you

Okay there’s probably just no fish in here no fish I haven’t caught a single fish either it’s not you it’s the leg that’s the problem see normally iish too of course I’ve been living here for so long I’ve been what you got a fish already wow I guess it really isn’t my

Day wait Dino no oh I feel so bad I don’t know why he didn’t catch any fish but it’s probably not his fault I hate seeing Dino like this I should figure out a way to make him feel better I could probably help him out somehow I

Have an idea guys okay so if I help Dino out he’s not going to want me to help him out he’s going to think I’m just being nice cuz I feel sad for him I’m going to morph into something else I’m going to morph into a tiny bloop with

This morph I can blend in with the water and I can just help him catch fish without him noticing and then he’ll feel better again just have to stay in the water and wait for him to come back oh oh my God you know that wasn’t really

Nice of me to just leave Darko out ofo like that I guess I’ll just come back and apologize to him let’s see Darko are you still here wait where did he go oh my god did I make him angry oh come on I didn’t want to ruin it we have such a

Nice thing going you know what let’s just continue fishing again I just hope that my luck changes okay guys this is perfect I could proba can I put this fish on there oh okay I got to figure out a way to get him the fish oh my God I got a fish what

Oh my God it’s the first one of the day I’m so happy oh my God guys he already feels way better uhoh he just fell in the water I can’t let him see me the water you know Darko was actually right there are a lot of fish in the water

Over that’s kind of weird normally there’s a lot of fish over here oh no guys I can’t let him see me I’m supposed to be sneaky don’t breathe oh look there’s a fish it’s a clown fish I’m going to catch you boy oh I got him

Okay he didn’t see me guys maybe maybe I can help him out some more what if I just um what if I put a diamond block behind him I know Dino loves this diamonds okay put this right behind them I hope he has a pickaxe with him oh okay

I guess I wasn’t right after all the fish is already wait wait what why are there diamonds over here huh diamonds aren supposed to spawn like this you know what I’m not complaining I guess I’ll just take the diamonds that does make me feel a lot better I’m going to

Put them in the chest to make sure that I don’t lose them oh my God he’s so happy those diamonds have probably made his day we we only just getting started I wonder how I can make him feel even better today be careful you know what since I’ve actually got a few diamonds

Even more diamonds than fish I guess I’m just going to go mining today you know I really like fishing a l more but you know it’s what I have to do unfortunately I totally forgot after we went fishing we were supposed to go mining oh no now he thinks I left him to

Mine by himself I got to make up with him a it’s actually kind of boring to mine on your own I wish Darko was here I should have been a lot nicer to him earlier if I show up now he’s going to be kind of suspicious on where I’ve been

I guess I could just pretend to be a helpful bloop right guys uh let’s hope he doesn’t get scared from seeing a bloop in the C oh I finally found iron here we go what the heck hey fishy boy what are you doing out here the water is

Over there aren’t you supposed to be in the water okay that’s good he’s not scared that means he’s probably going to buy it if I help him out uh hopefully he’ll realize what’s happening once I do this wait is he mining oh wait wait you want to mine with me that’s actually

Really nice I would enjoy that wo he’s actually really fast at mining oh yeah fishy boy you want to be friends oh he wants to be friends with me that’s perfect also guys do you see how I’m holding this pickaxe I’m actually kind of cute look at this I’m literally

Mining look at a little tiny pickaxe oh my God wait a second you have a diamond pickaxe wow that’s actually really cool I didn’t know fishes could get diamond pickaxes oh he likes my diamond pickaxe well luckily for him I have another one right here you go Dino that’s a pickaxe

For you what a diamond pickaxe is that for me oh that’s so sweet of you oh he already loves me he’s dancing all right let’s light this place up it’s kind of dark down here oh my God this is perfect I can mine so much faster now this

Really made my day I’m so happy right now okay I’m going to help him speed up with this mine it’s going to be super grateful check this out guys W Mr fishy boy actually so much faster in mining I can’t believe you’re my friend this is really awesome here I’ll put a torch

Down for you wo look at him go my finger going numb from clicking but it’s worth it to see Dino this happy smash that like button if you like seeing your friends happy as well here come on fishy boy I’ll help you as well oh wait is

This a cave oh my god look oh my God it isn’t even a cave how disappointing oh no ah wait I got to rise this mood again oh I know exactly how to do that let me plays down some more ore right here this let’s hide it

In there PL some gear blocks that’s perfect now we’re going to let him mine he’s going to think he found it himself he’s going to be even more happy than before I got to make come here hey fishy boy what is it wait where are you going

In there there’s nothing here oh you want to go over here okay I guess I’ll go over here what diamonds no way what how the heck are there diamonds over this is so cool Four Diamonds oh my God I’m going to be so I mean we are going

To be so rich fishy boy I’m going to share everything with you oh that’s so sweet of him I’m actually starting to get kind of hungry hopefully he’s going to go get some food soon I know we were planning on doing that after mining hey Mr fishy boy there’s a cave over here

You know you shouldn’t go in there it’s actually kind of dangerous come back home with me I want to show you something I got a little present for you wo he has a present for me W how the turn tables or the table turns whatever that saying is and it’s getting pretty

Dark I should probably get a sword just in case I have to protect him fishy boy where did you go oh there you are so I was thinking right since we’ve actually had a lot of fun today maybe I can cook you a nice steak uh uh just don’t watch

This I just oh I only got one wow that’s actually really stupid you know what fishy boy you are getting the steak I’ll cook it for you right now come inside No Way guys he only has one steak and he wants to give it to me that’s so sweet

Of him you know what I got something even better than that I got a whole stack of cooked steak he can have all of it here you go boy wait wait wait what wait a whole stack of steak where do you even keep that you’re so I mean you’re

No Dy you are very proportionately big for a fish and you’re very cute okay but that’s actually really nice of you it’s a lot of steak but you know I can’t take that that’s way too nice but you know I’m a fisherman and I got to stay true

To it I only eat fish oh he only wants fish well luckily for us I actually have some fish right here M but it’s all raw oh I have an idea I’m going to act like I just caught it in the water wait did

You go in the water for me what are you doing whoa wait did you just scatch two three fish four five wo how many fish did you catch oh my God you’re such a good Fisher man we could be like best friends I really like you oh that just

Gave me such a good idea I know exactly what to do in the morning as soon as we go to bed and wake up again I’m going to have a super cool surprise for him we just have to wait until he actually goes to sleep oh you know what fishy I’m

Really en enjoy the day with you okay wait I don’t even know your name do you have a name whatever you know fish can’t even speak I just wanted to tell you have a good night I’m going to go to bed I don’t know where fishes usually sleep

But I guess you can stay inside it with me if you want good night fishy boy I’ll talk to you in the morning okay now while he’s sleeping I’m going to get us a little boat we’re going to go fishing in the actual Lake tomorrow morning let’s spawn this boat let’s spawn this

Boat now let’s make it daytime so he’ll wake up oh good morning oh fishy you’re still here hey fishy boy’s you want to show me something waa wait there’s boats you want to go fishing in the boats oh that’s so awesome oh this is so cool I’m

Like a little ocean doggo I’m going to go out and find fish for him to catch all right so where do you want to fish boy I’ll follow you you’re probably a lot more experienced in these Waters than me okay the one thing that’s going

To make him super super happy is if he catches the biggest fish ever this is going to get a little bit dangerous but I’m here to protect them I’m going to go under the water and the fish I’m going to spawn okay hopefully this is not

Going to go wrong in any way I’m going to spawn some sharks oh oh they after him oh uh-oh w why are there sharks in the water no oh no no no no this is way too dangerous what the heck are these sharks doing here fishy boy you going to

Get out of the water it’s way too dangerous here heck now I’m going to help you catch these sharks Dino wait what are you doing you just got a shark W that’s so cool how did you do that okay let’s see if that shark actually drop something wo that’s so cool look at

What it dropped he can have this he’s going to be so proud Chris Marine Shard what the heck is this wait there’s more he stay away from my boat stupid sh no no stay away from my boat it wasn’t gift no I’m dying oh my God fishy boy did you

Just take care of the Sharks for me I sure did now he has a super epic story to tell all his friends about how he and his little blue buddy actually took down a bunch of scary sharks oh my God this is so cool you know I’m sure you would

Love to meet my friend Darko you would be like almost best friends come come back to the house I want to show you to him uh are you coming with me fishy boy yeah come with me oh my God this is going to be so awesome oh uh-oh he wants

Me to meet Darko there’s a little problem with that um I’m Darko fishy boy oh there you are yeah go follow me you can walk the L right I’m going to show you where Darko lives he’s like my best friend ever a guys he just said I’m his

Best friend ever I’m going to cry that’s so nice to him I’m so happy I did this today I hated seeing him sad in the morning but now he’s super happy I’m going to try to make him even happier look this is where Darko lives is he home Darko are you

Home uh wa wait why are there zomes here there a creeper watch out fishy watch out why it toward me oh my god oh noish why did you hit the creeper toward me you know creepers are really dangerous you shouldn’t be doing that I’m so sorry

But here you have a golden apple you can eat okay a golden apple that’s actually really nice so I can actually regenerate all of my HP back thank you so much but you know we’ve actually ruined darko’s meal books we got to fix it up before he

Finds out I already found out and it’s kind of my fault but it’s fine let’s help him rebuild there we go we just need to place it back like nothing happened uh what am I missing here how do these things even work I have no idea

How me bookes work let’s just leave it at that I’m sure he won’t know wait did you just just wa that’s actually so much cooler I’m pretty sure Darko would love this it’s a shame he is an home Darko oh my God he really is an home what the

Heck good thing he bought that um we should probably leave from here before he starts getting susp fishes uh maybe we can get some food somewhere hey fishy boy where are you going what are you doing oh you want me to follow you I’ll follow you I’m hungry where are we going

To get some good food oh fishy boy I got an idea come follow me come follow me oh my God have you ever been to a restaurant before I want to show you my favorite restaurant in all of town oh my God a come fishy boy hurry up it’s right

Here around the corner it’s the Bean Building the brown bean coffee and cakes it’s so delicious com in inside oh my God there’s such a long queue today this is going to take like forever oh my god oh no he’s sad again yeah Dino doesn’t like waiting for food

This probably like his favorite place um maybe there’s a way for us to skip the queue without anybody noticing I’m so tiny nobody will notice me going between these villagers legs fishy boy where are you what are you doing fishy boy okay let’s go over here don’t worry D know

I’m going to sneak into the kit uh o they got hamburgers I’m going to pay for all these Burgers guys don’t worry the bloop is not a thief he just a Lon Cutter Dino look Dino over here hey there you are fishy boy did you go to the toilet Oh no I got his Burgers oh my God you got us Burgers wait a second H there’s a c oh my god did you just no

Did you skip the que oh my God no oh but at least we got food right Doo Oh this is so tasty oh he loves this I wonder if the bloop can actually eat this let’s try it out oh wa what’s going on uh-oh oh my God this is so Dy oh

Yeah Darko what are you doing here buddy look look see I’m I’m doing good that’s weird I guess when you eat a burger as a Boop it morphs you back into your did I just say that out loud a blo what the heck is a bloop uh well you know that fish that

Was like helping you out all day and made you feel better wait you know him as well yeah it was a really cool and nice fishy boy I think we became friends but you know not as close friends as we are of course well actually um let’s see

If it works again I was that fish I just felt so bad for you so I decided to help you out wait you were the fish no way that’s a dark out that’s so stupid I’m playing with you again I wanted to be nice a leave me alone that’s not funny

This video, titled ‘Morphing Into SECRET BLOOP BOSSES To Prank My Friend!’, was uploaded by Darkomode on 2023-12-04 23:00:16. It has garnered 23189 views and 316 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:01 or 4681 seconds.


📺 MY OTHER CHANNELS ► Dark Corners (Horror) – ► DarkoBlox (Roblox) –

Music by Kevin MacLeod ( Music: Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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    Dronio In Minecraft - Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но Я Не Могу Касаться Зелёного Цвета 🟢 ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 10:30:07. It has garnered 979 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE MINECRAFT AGAIN…’, was uploaded by Mythbustingnoob on 2024-04-15 14:00:38. It has garnered 136507 views and 2526 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:44 or 5564 seconds. I survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE AGAIN . All The mods 9 has had Major Updates. So in these 100 days I harness the souls of a Warden and Make supercharged Farms to try and Get The ATM STAR. If You’d Like to Subscribe: —————————————————————————— Surviving 100 days like forge labs, lukethenotable, suev,… Read More

  • Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho’s Wizard Tower!

    Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho's Wizard Tower!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mysterious Wizard Tower! [Minecraft: Let’s Build Together Ep 02]’, was uploaded by Koffizinho on 2024-04-08 18:00:07. It has garnered 76 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:20 or 1100 seconds. SERIES SUMMARY Welcome to Let’s Build Together! A Minecraft series where your ideas get built in my survival world! With a fresh start we go into a survival world in 1.20.4 exploring for resources and building your wild ideas and themes inside Minecraft! How does it work? Glad you asked! A theme is chosen for the world and your job is… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai – Gilthunder’s Hidden Powers!

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai - Gilthunder's Hidden Powers!Video Information This video, titled ‘NANATSU NO TAIZAI ADDON SPOILERS!!! Gilthunder’s abilities’, was uploaded by Ric4rdo G4m3r on 2024-06-16 23:41:33. It has garnered 364 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:01 or 181 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftadventure #minecraftbedrock #minecraftaddons #minecraftarcane #minecraftbuilders #addons #nanatsunotaizai #anime Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!

    EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-02-29 16:50:25. It has garnered 2483 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle|| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy diggy hole… Read More

  • DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel Skyblock

    DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & UPDATE GRINDING TODAY! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:51. It has garnered 1543 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:45 or 6525 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️ #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ Discord ➡️ Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – Swurv – Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs All entries 🔥 🔥 #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Fardin Amjad Gamer 🇵🇰 MC on 2024-02-14 10:32:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Herobrine Vs All entries #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe … Read More

  • FriendsPlus

    FriendsPlusWelcome to Friends+! Here we strive to be a welcoming community of friends who don’t care about your background, all we care about is if you’re human! Read More

  • CoreMC Vanilla Whitelist 1.21

    Welcome to CoreMC! I started CoreMC about 2 years ago to create a simple Minecraft community for players of all skill levels. The server runs on stock vanilla .jar with minimal addons, allowing for a true vanilla experience. Our rules are based on respect for others and the server. Key Features: No PVP/Griefing/Stealing No item dupe glitches No excessive lag-causing builds No discrimination or harassment No hacking, but some mods are allowed Alt accounts allowed with permission Join Our Discord: If you’re interested in joining, please apply through our Discord. Server Info: Server Address: Specs: Ryzen 5 3550H, 32GB… Read More

  • Glorp Junior High School

    you need the modpack SteamPunk LPS on curseforge and 12gb of ram dedicatedage requirement is 18+⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions & 5 NEW Planets to Explore!⚙️ Skills, Magic, Tetra & most importantly Steam like Tech⚙️ NEW Game Mechanics such as Thin Air & Cold Sweat⚙️ NEW Game Features… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting OG Hoodie”

    Looks like even Minecraft mobs are trying to get a retail job to make some extra emeralds! Read More