PrestonPlayz – Top 105 Most SECRET Minecraft Houses!

Video Information

You’re watching us build and judge over 100 secret houses in minecraft so if you love secrets this video was made for you plot number one owner mr fa diva mr fabida okay i’ve never been good at pronouncing names so please have mercy on my poor soul

This is epic so i i’ve actually not played the new version of minecraft yet i didn’t even know these blocks existed i feel like a giant minecraft noob right now where is the secret entrance to the house you know it’s in here somewhere though

Oh my gosh okay i think i know where the secret is so you’ve got dude this guy is making me work to get to the secret i’ve gotta parkour up all of these individual islands to get to the very top this is so cool dude oh my gosh you

Could give me an entire year to build this and i still wouldn’t be able to complete it in time this is so cool dude it’s a dragon there’s a dragon skull on the very top look at this this is the cool this is one of the coolest builds in minecraft i’ve ever seen

Oh this is it this has got to be it oh my gosh [Laughter] that was so sick look at this you got the master bedroom you got the double chests on each side you can tell this person spent all of their time building the above area compared to the secret entrance i am

Still going to give this an a plus this was a fantastic build plot number 28 the bulgarians are you can tell this person watches anime madame daisy sun awaits hi preston i’m a big fan and i hope you like my building let’s check it out oh no

Yo if you’re a big fan you would know how much i hate doing mazes i don’t know why but mazes in minecraft absolutely drive me nuts no am i gonna get lost in it please i could i cannot afford to get lost come on come on we gotta be in close where is

It yes we found it oh my gosh oh it’s a daisy i thought the person’s name who built this was daisy no she built a giant daisy from mario this is epic oh what’s on the inside oh this is cool it feels weird that i’m inside of a

Mario character right now but i really like the build the spiral staircase making me a little bit motion sick i’m not gonna lie oh my god he put skulls of brianna’s skin in here and then skulls of mine i actually like this yo come back down and be right over

Here look at this you have this viewing platform i guess you can’t really look at a lot because it’s just stone walls on the outside but it’s the it’s the thought that counts okay this is plot plot number 18. they call me alexa so this one caught my eyes because it

Looks so basic it’s like a bunch of dirt blocks and a waterfall hippity hoppity welcome to my property hippity hoppity welcome to my property trust me it’s better inside okay let’s see we’ll be the judge of that grab a paper from the chest and slap it in the dispenser

You may also consider reading the papers themselves oh my gosh wait one no this is the greatest thing i’ve ever read so it’s an arrow it goes you should bring back tnt wars you know what just for you i will bring back some more tnt wars because i haven’t missed filming those

They’re just so much fun all right we’re gonna put the key in the dispenser oh and it opens up oh my gosh oh okay they were not joking about it being a lot better on the inside this place is so fancy full kitchen over here i love the

Idea with the smoker to make it actually feel like a stove top oh my gosh we have a bartender there’s even a butler inside is there a secret behind the painting no no secret behind the painting i will say this this place is very well decorated i love this in the

New version of minecraft they’re called soul campfires i have no idea what they do but they look incredibly epic so this is like the downstairs area you even have a nice little swimming pool i like this wall decor i’m actually gonna use this in my next couple of build battles because

This looks amazing fun fact i actually want to do this at my house the fake grass wall uh as my mother-in-law would call it the wall of foliage now i have a favor to ask of you guys as well when you’re watching this video i need

You guys to rate these builds down below in the comments i say the plot names at the beginning of each video so you guys should know the number of the plot this one really caught my eye this is plot number two and this is built by

Brasius this guy has built a lot of my minecraft maps he is one of the most talented minecraft builders i’ve probably ever seen in my entire life he’s got a sword leaning up against the logs over here i don’t even know what these are these are like target blocks for archery

This build is incredible i don’t even know where the secret entrance is oh my gosh look he even put little pieces of kelp down to make it feel more like a forest all right we’ve got a book getting into the base can be fun or easy take the rude goldberg machine you have

To stand on the coal or then ignite or put out the campfire with a shovel according to braziest all you have to do is ignite this campfire and it should work okay so we have we have a little bit of problem so the timing of the redstone is a little bit

Weird because we’re on a public server you’re supposed to fall into the slime blocks get boosted over here fall down here oh what is this it’s kind of spooky go this way drop down into here oh my gosh oh this is what is happening i’m not even controlling my minecraft character

This is all being done for me look my hands are up oh where are we going my hands are still up wait wait i saw a sign oh control your movement almost there aim for the booster what is the booster oh that’s the booster oh where oh dude

This is crazy i’m not even touching my mouse oh no what happened wait we’re here the automated journey to the secret house this place is fantastic the humble secret base i love the name guys i gotta give it up to brazie he is one of the most talented minecraft

Builders in the entire world not only does he make things look beautiful but he makes it so fun like i had like i had the biggest smile on my face i felt like i was at a theme park oh there’s even like like you got like a little dock

Oh what’s up here oh my gosh is it like a tree house under the tree oh he’s got a parrot in a cage how did he do this oh where does this ladder take us does this take us back to the top i would expect this out of a minecraft map

That you would pay like hundreds of dollars to i mean this is it’s fully automated to get to the secret place i’m almost getting lost look at this get ready to drop and then you just fall down boom into the secret area god that is so cool

Okay listen i’m not trying to show favoritism if i um i’m going to rate this one an s plus that is the best rating i could ever give something but an s plus this place deserves an s plus can we can can you guys give some

Can you guys put some clap emojis down below in the comments for braziest he must have spent days on this there’s no other way this is plot 13 it was built by squirt squirt kurt I’m sorry it’s just really funny squirt kurt 2 has built this oh this is so cool look at this that’s where the secret entrance was preston plays parkour god look at this he even has slime blocks here and down below diglett’s girlfriend is inside the secret place

Oh my gosh and there’s even trap doors with more secrets beneath them i challenged you guys about a month ago just to come and build creative things on my server you guys absolutely love that video i think it got over 200 000 likes i would love if

This video gets the same support that would be awesome so you guys are the best viewers on the whole entire platform of youtube and the entire world i appreciate you guys so very much what about this one so plot 36 made by zero wacky zero looks like they didn’t have enough time

To finish their build but there’s a sign in the front says please look at this preston okay i’m looking at it he said it again twice chest underneath well you can’t tell me what the secret is a chest underneath with the skull of the lazy girl that

Lived here and a fire resistance potion which means i’m gonna go back into game mode zero drink the fire resistance potion oh i wonder what could be under the lava a lectern that just says buy thank you zero wacky zero for this hilarious build this is awesome

Now we got plot number 17 md blocky this one really caught my eyes because look at all the diamonds this is almost hurting my eyes there’s so many different colors going on right now oh we got some signs hi preston i am your biggest fan team trees let’s go dude all right

Where’s the secret over here preston you are the best okay stop you guys are spoiling me i literally don’t deserve viewers as amazing as you guys but the question is how do i get into the secret oh wait dude i’m sorry for laughing but i’m so dumb okay i’m not gonna move

I’m gonna give you guys two seconds to find your way into this iron door that’s right the giant button at the very top how i didn’t see that i i don’t know maybe i’m just getting too old and i’m going blind look at this he even put all the little

Cacti over here oh what is this secret room yes subscribe to prestonplays like this video and turn on the notification bell hey listen you hurt the man himself if you see a red subscribe button you gotta make it gray and enable his notifications look we got a little kitchen area this

Is like a this is like an underground vault that would protect you from like nuclear destruction you’ve got an underground kitchen with a table bedroom and then this was like i don’t know what oh there’s a second area oh and subscribe to unspeakable what all right this is a really creative

Build i like this one a lot oh no plot 49 pokey droids 2. welcome to the school of minecraft please do not spam open all the doors at once thank you hope you enjoy bindi was here what in betty white crocker nonsense is this we’ve got the cool kids table is that a

Diglett it’s a flag it’s a banner that looks like diglett the loser table which nobody is at thankfully i am so confused why did we it’s the middle of summer and somebody decided to make a school i’m not seeing any secret entrances right now though oh wait a second hold on

I see this little trap door boom go up here the lord preston and brianna’s throne oh my gosh it wouldn’t be a minecraft video if we didn’t have some form of parkour would it i will say this the parkour is not too bad i’m climbing the top of the tower

Eventually i will get to the top it’s just taking me a little bit longer than i expected oh boy oh my god yo why would you put a double neo jump do you guys know how difficult double neo jumps are they’re really difficult but you can use science to cheat them so watch

Boom boom boom made that my first try that was sick got ya this is not the secret brianna’s thrown preston’s throne and diglett wait so if this isn’t the secret where’s the secret ladies and gentlemen we got him this is where the secret is it was hidden

In the i don’t know the bathrooms oh they that is not a bathroom bro that is a that that is um all right i’m just gonna leave here that’s kind of giving me the creeps no one of these doors has the secret inside of it

There it is okay this has got to be the secret entrance yes we found it and you know there’s something already behind this painting look at this what is this contraption oh it’s a button um it’s a button that doesn’t work wait a second wait am i supposed to okay

I think we’re supposed to have a mine cart oh it’s in the barrel okay oh where are we going i have no idea where this leads to oh i fell off of my mine cart so you you guys i got to the end and it’s just sea lanterns

And blocks of diamonds plot number 19 the randomizer 04 oh my gosh i’m about to cry dude i’m about to cry right now i know that i won’t win you have really inspired me made by the randomizer it is underground and i worked real hard i couldn’t use world edit

And even put two sad faces bruh bruh i’m gonna cry this is my first time in your event okay let’s see what he made oh we made something else over here too the bats never rest you are the best youtuber ever okay now i’m just being spoiled all right let’s go downstairs what’s

Inside of here he said he worked really hard on this go in the lava don’t be scared all right thankfully i’ve got game mode i’m never scared you know what randomizer i gotta say this is a great looking place i can tell you put a lot of effort into it

I like the multi-colored walls and the living room made with the shulker boxes or sorry the dining table looks like we got a singular did you guys just see that did you see that i knew he hid something behind the painting preston preston you are the best

Bro this is how you know he’s like a loyal fan because he put something hidden behind a painting look at this you got a netherite sword diamond sword this is so cool i don’t even know netherright swords existed this is why i’ve got to stay better up to date with the new versions

Of minecraft and last but not least a large toilet because everybody needs a big toilet obviously and then a very nice shower doo dad looking thing it has started nathan it started now good luck nathan you’re gonna need it okay bye present this is it ladies and gentlemen we cannot lose too unspeakable

He’s one of my best friends but at the same time i’m a competitive man and i do not want to lose if you think i have what it takes to beat unspeakable i need you to leave a like on this video right now now without further ado it’s time to start building so

For our very first floor which we are currently in right now i’m going to make this the living room so we have to place down every single block by hand we are not allowed to use world edit or any other awesome minecraft commands only creative mode is allowed ladies and gentlemen

Which makes things incredibly difficult this will be our lobby slash entrant living room whatever you want to call it if you guys didn’t see it i just did a build battle versus my wife brianna it turned out epic so if you haven’t watched that on the channel yet i

Recommend after you finish this video to go watch it it was simply amazing but now i feel nervous because what if nathan somehow builds something incredibly awesome and i’m like not expecting it and i just get wiped i really don’t want that to happen you

Guys are the judge at the end of this video you have to judge whose build you like more mine or unspeakables if i’m your favorite youtuber or nathan’s your favorite youtuber you can’t pick our builds just because we’re your favorite oh my gosh um um did you guys just hear that i

Deserve nathan exploding over there what did i just hear nathan um what was that ah it was nothing what do you mean are you lying to me i heard a giant explosion over there are you trying to make your hole bigger we’re not we’re not having a tnt war this is not

Tnt wars this is underground base building i thought this was tnt okay that’s it i am muting up you’re driving me crazy there’s got to be a faster way to place walls if anybody knows a faster way to build walls like this without using the fill command or world that it i need

To know because this takes so long ladies and gentlemen we only have 26 more minutes the time is ticking so fast it’s got me feeling really nervous finally the roof is done i’m not going to leave these dirt walls they are very very ugly what i’m going to be doing is grabbing

The wool of my fire logo colors if you guys are a big fan you know it goes red then it goes orange and then it goes yellow this is so time consuming i’m telling you this is going to make our base worth so much more though than just leaving the walls purely dirt

Once we’ve got all this wool added though we can finally start building the living area so down here i’m gonna be building another floor that’s gonna have like our bedroom game room library tons of floors it’s basically gonna be like a three to four story underground house

It’s going to be sick i’m pulling out all the stops i’ve got ladies and gentlemen the last person i want to lose to is my opponent unspeakable okay he may be my best friend but i’m not gonna lose this build battle and if i do lose this build battle i will literally

Give unspeakable floopy who was sitting on my microphone right now and if you didn’t know floopy is available on amazon for only 13 yes this looks so good it was a lot of work but you can’t tell me this doesn’t look amazing it’s time to build and decorate our living

Space area how’s it going there nathan you doing good oh i’m just still building my walls preston it’s time consuming isn’t it yeah it is time consuming dude i wish i had world at it you have no idea how bad i wish i had world at it right now

I would cry tears of joy oh yeah yes yes okay i i had hiccups don’t make fun of me in my hiccup state then you know what you always do this you’re so much sensitive i’m muting again okay 23 minutes remain what do i want

Okay what do i want what do i want up here i think i want some slabs all right the reason for slabs is you could do really cool things when building because look at this you can’t tell me this doesn’t look really really cool yes okay i don’t know what i’m gonna put

Right here but this looks awesome and that’s what really matters you got to put down some like little decorations yeah look at that what goes here what goes here is this the swimming pool i might make this the swimming pool now that i’ve just now realized that

This would actually be a really good spot for a swimming pool i don’t know why i didn’t think of this sooner okay i think the swimming pool should be built out of diorite blocks come on this looks way too good i really wonder what nathan’s house is looking like i mean

I hope nathan doesn’t just like smoke me and build like a way better house this is a really cool looking little pool in here i mean look at this if you saw this there’s no way you wouldn’t want to swim in this oh no what about what have i done bruh

The swimming pool is epic i’m just gonna change the stairs yes this is it baby this is it all right so we got the swimming pool set up over here obviously we should probably put down a ladder so people can you know get out of the swimming pool i don’t

Want them to be stuck inside of here with no way to get out i really think that diorite stairs make for like a really cool lounge area so this is the pool we probably want like a big lounge area around it you know what i’m saying yeah like i’m talking about a massive

Lounge area this is pretty big this is what i’m talking about oh yes this looks awesome we’ll get a little bit of fences going on over here i think this dark gray wool will make like really good this is like a little think about this this is like little tables okay

Little tables next to the pool oh oh we can fit in three mini tables over here yes this is a really cool area i know i said this is gonna be the living room but i might make this the living room slash the kitchen heads up nathan 17 and a half minutes

Oh my gosh i barely even finished my living room nathan okay i dude i haven’t even started them i haven’t even started on a single room yet no okay you’re lying to me i can’t trust this man i am placing down a little bit of carpet though because i feel like the

Carpet would look really good right here it just kind of makes our little like little pool area shenanigans really really nice oh yeah you gotta admit this is like really nice touch anyways it’s time for us to focus on our kitchen i’m thinking i want that

Uh that chiseled what’s it look at a chiseled quartz block countertops so we’re gonna go for a pretty big pretty big countertop okay like i mean i’m not we’re not all good small we’re talking pretty big we’re gonna want to go yeah this wide this is gonna be like

The little bar like area so you could come over here if you want to like eat breakfast it’s like a breakfast bar obviously we gotta have seats for our breakfast bar i might space them out now that we’ve got the table over here oh you know what we could do we could

Put the refrigerator like right here sometimes people got the refrigerator over here you know what i’m saying and we got a big refrigerator okay big refrigerator oh yeah hold on we gotta put it on the inside there we go just like this i’m just gonna put a sign down fridge so

For the cabinet i’m gonna be using polish diorites i really like polish dye right okay don’t judge me now we don’t have enough space for the ceiling i’m just gonna be placing direct glowstone above each one of these little areas i think the glowstone adds a nice little

Like layer and i like how it’s off-centered i think it looks okay maybe not i’m gonna match the glowstone with each piece of chair yeah okay this actually looks really good i love this this might be one of my favorite house designs yet honestly now we need a we

Need a water bucket we also need a furnace blast furnace chick cauldron check because we’re gonna want that double sink that double oven you know what i’m saying that double oven life is beautiful two ovens over here right next to the sink in case anything burns and then our furnace will be our

Dishwasher so i’ll place like a double sized dishwasher over here pretend that’s a dishwasher not furnaces okay what else do we want i feel like we’re missing something in our kitchen we need a trash can you want it kind of hidden so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna place down this

Lava bucket over here then we’re gonna get a piece of stairs place the stairs like this with this design you should be able yeah okay wait it’s not going in okay it’s so close here here’s what we’re gonna do to make this look better we’re gonna put a iron trap door above it

Yeah this actually looks really nice can we get a lever too oh this is perfect look then you can just like open this up throw it in and you’re perfect i actually really like this design okay so this is pretty much perfect this is exactly how i want this to look

We probably could decorate these a little bit better uh i don’t know if i like the end rods and rods don’t add a ton of decoration but they kind of look like candles though so they don’t look too bad i’ll leave them over here i think the

End rods actually look pretty good we’re probably gonna want to like yeah tulip over here too yes tulip looks perfect right there dude honestly i can’t even think about what to add right here it looks so good we are at 12 minutes remaining which means it is time for you

To help me beat nathan in this build battle i need you to take the device you’re watching on and turn it like this and make that red subscribe button great ladies and gentlemen maybe i should build this out of something else i’m going to try bedrock right here

Bedrock just you know adds a little bit of spice to the corners of the house and i’ll add some like random like pillars throughout the house too for you know structural stability i mean it’d be strange to be in a house without any kind of pillars okay like you

You want your place to be really safe i’ll make these a little bit bigger so it fills out the room a little bit more yeah this is looking really nice this is exactly what i want do we want crafting we might want some crafting tables i just realized that we

Have no crafting tables in our kitchen it doesn’t match the flow but at the same time it still looks good now what okay what are we missing i know there’s something else that we are missing did we want to add anything on these tables is there even anything that

We can add that’s going to look good oh i could for the freezer i just realized something i did not put the freezer over here or rather we could add dispensers on the back i feel like dispensers always look really good here just makes it feel more legit

So the dispensers look at dispensers over here look a lot better on the refrigerator let’s get some buttons over there too i’ll put the buttons down low yeah there we go so this activates the dispenser as well as the doors and i mean why not let’s put

Something in there we should also change the sign here this should say freezer not fridge so obviously inside the freezer we should have tons of ice tropical fish puffer no no puffer fish just tropical fish we’re gonna put this all in the freezer and then inside of here we probably want something like

Watermelon let’s just get whole melons we can put a little bit of cooked food in there oh cookies cause i think right here we can put cookies yes cookies i actually i love this no cookies should go over here wait these are the dishwashers never mind we shall put cookies next to the

Furnaces i like the cookie over there so i’m not gonna move it but we only have eight minutes left eight minutes left and we haven’t even built a bedroom what are we doing i got too excited about this area in here okay okay this we might not have enough time for this

But i’m going to try to see if i can make it work i’m thinking like a staircase down oh man this is i don’t know if we have enough time for this this is this is incredibly risky to be doing at this moment in time but we are risking it for thy biscuit

So i think the bedroom is okay it doesn’t have to be too big it’s just a bedroom remember like i think we just need a bedroom and a bathroom and i will be fine as long as we can finish those i will be content i think this area that

I’m sectioning off over here will be the bathroom it’ll be like pretty small nothing crazy we’re gonna build the bathroom out of diamond blocks because why not yeah this is dude this is actually looking really good um okay what do we do okay i guess we’ll make the ceiling out

Of diamond as well now the main thing we just we just need like a toilet okay i forget how to make a good toilet i think it’s a stair right isn’t it a stair we’ll go wild we’ll have fun with it we’ll do a purple stair

I think the stair goes upside down right isn’t that isn’t that the toilet i think don’t i don’t remember how to make a toilet okay so don’t judge me you know what no no it’s easier just to get a cauldron fill it with water get the lever okay lever’s gonna go over

Here then we’re gonna get the iron trap door okay this is a classic toilet everybody knows it everybody loves it it’s great we will put court slabs around the toilet to make it feel there yeah it feels great i’m liking this okay this gives us just enough room for that private entrance

How do we make this a secret entrance so people are not seeing the other people use the bathroom maybe we put it over here yeah that looks better right there there we go yeah we can bust this down put some more diamond blocks there we go oh this is perfect okay

We’ll put the boom looks great little little entryway over here too four minutes remaining nathan i totally forgot to check the clock uh yeah i know it’s uh really really just uh yeah goodbye what’s wrong why do you sound nervous i’m just i’m just very i’m i’m hurrying i’m in a hurry right

Now okay well i’m gonna meet up because i’m also noreen i love you i don’t want it to smell too bad in here so i’m gonna put down the flower pot if we have a daisy at least it’ll help soak up some of the smell in fact

I might go inside of here we should probably put more of these down yeah we probably want to put another flower over here otherwise it’s going to smell too bad for this one instead of doing the same flower i will put in what about a daisy we did not put a

Button on this side so now there’s no way to open it thank you okay but we have yet to decorate the bedroom the bedroom is just ugly right now it’s hideous we have we literally have no time so i’m gonna be using iron blocks because that’s literally all we could do

With the time that we were given i literally have no time to do this and it is stressing me out and i’m breaking blocks i’m not supposed to break so it’s stressing me out far more than it should even the floor will be iron blocks don’t stress me out viewers okay i am

Turbo building like i have never turbo built before now we need a bed all right we’re gonna make this ultra modern so we’re gonna be putting down the regular bed i’m gonna put the bed down oh my gosh there’s no i’ve done a terrible job building

I have done a terrible job building i repeat there’s no room for a nightstand not even a nightlight this is awful can i at least build like some kind of headboard i know this looks hideous and you guys are judging me but this is all the time i have okay

I don’t know what to do it’s a bed it works okay what do you want from me let’s get let’s at least get some paintings in here okay that looks better at least there’s paintings to decorate so they know that they’re walking into a bed a bedroom

Okay the stairs function they work this is good it’s a bedroom i mean what do you want we have one minute remaining i don’t know what to add the stress is kicking again what do we add with one minute remaining we could get a sea pickle i love sea

Pickles there’s no room next to my bed for anything i didn’t make this big enough i will put it right here there we go we’ve got our seat pickles over here it’s a very very compact bedroom okay i don’t need anybody watching right now to judge me nathan 20 seconds

20 seconds bro okay i’m not even kidding 20 seconds i’m waiting for the timer to go up bro it’s about the beep it’s about to beep nathan it’s about to beep and there it is timer is done nathan timer’s up okay i’m done put your hands

Down okay this is how this is going to work on my channel guys you will be seeing my building with nathan but if you want to see how nathan’s house looks you gotta go to his channel and watch his perspective okay are you okay if i teleport you to my

House to show you go for it preston this is the uh this is like the living room slash okay i don’t know if i beat myself this time compared to the build battle i did with brianna but we do have a a little pool here we’ve got

This is a massive kitchen dude it’s really nice you need a kitchen this big okay look i like to host other youtubers at my house nathan including yourself hey you’ve come to my house multiple times in real life and i have hosted you have i not yes you

Have i just this is a massive minecraft kitchen oh don’t judge me i have no plan going into it yeah there this is a freezer it actually works yeah you like it i don’t know why there’s cookies in the fridge but i forgot to build a fridge in my house

There’s there’s not much for me to show so this is the little swimming pool area but if you come over here this is like little lounge area you know just like three tables because you know the more the merrier this is like a little breakfast lounge area got some candles

Some glowstone lights my double cookie uh oven so you can make two cookies at once wow i’m amazed you’ve got the double sinks over here these are double dishwashers the trash can i’m going to throw my cookies i thought dude that was a cookie i worked so hard

To create buy it right now okay if you keep walking behind this painting nathan in the middle there’s a secret room in there hey you’re just missing it there’s a secret room behind there are you sure do i need to stop the recording are you okay it’s not going again it’s

Not working hey do you need some help bro dude tell me did you do it i literally i knew something was up i was like i’m sorry i feel bad i feel bad okay so keep following me this is my very compact bedroom with sea pickles paintings there’s a

Little like entrance area right here a little daisy flower because this is the toilet so i wanted to make sure you know wait i wanted this board from the other side yes you can there are two bites i wanted to smell nice and good nobody wants to poop

In a pleb bathroom yep i feel you i feel you well preston i think your build is awesome all right so floopy and i still have yet to decide exactly what we want our underground base to look like both bree and i get this little underground plot so we don’t

Have to like spend hours digging and doing a bunch of nonsense this is what i am feeling and what i am currently thinking right now i believe that this area should be like the entertainment room so what i’m gonna be putting over here is like a little bit of billiards

I don’t know if you guys play the game pool but i actually really really enjoy pool i think it’s such a fun game check it out this is my pool table oh yeah boom the only thing is like no no i don’t want to use the black concrete i

Think it’d be a lot better if we did something like usually pool tables are green so i’m going to use green felted items oh green concrete will look really good here yeah this looks way more like a pool table oh and we got to do something about this hideous floor beneath us

We cannot be having a dirt floor like i mean we could have a dirt floor but like come on this is like this is just bad i do not want to have guests coming in and us have a dirt floor okay that would look so awful for them i’ve spent three minutes already

Breaking all of this dirt not only do my fingers now have carpal tunnel but i am wasting so much valuable time i almost forgot we need a roof holy moly i am so glad i remembered that i think we’re just gonna go really basic give this bad boy like stone roof i know

It’s not the prettiest okay but it it does the job oh no no i just realized how long this is going to take oh what have i done while i’m building this roof don’t forget do me a favor if you guys are watching this on a device

Turn your device this way and make that gray subscribe button red okay it’s going to help me win against brianna i promise you i need the motivation and let’s get some fire emojis in the comments viewers why because fire emojis are the best emojis one thing i’m starting to realize 30

Minutes is not enough time even though we both have creative mode it’s not enough time to build a wicked sick house i feel like i would need 45 minutes minimum maybe an hour to build a decent house like this is it’s not going bad but it’s not going great we finally

Just finished the roof after all of that this is where we can finally add like the glowstone lamps that’s hanging from the ceiling i i really like this type of design oh no okay it’s it’s oh whoa whoa whoa hold on oh no it’s not centered this is bad

Oh this is very very ugly okay we’re gonna turn this the other way um is there a center of the there is not a center of the pool table which means i am going to need to extend the pool table by one oh dude i did not think the

Pool table would cost me this much difficulty although you gotta admit this is a really cool looking pool table in an underground house you can’t have an underground house without a pool table that’d be weird okay we gotta decide what are we doing for the floor

I think we go with like the oak planks we could match the acacia with the acacia which would actually look really cool i think i’m gonna do it from corner to corner just like this only underneath the pool table area nowhere else inside of the house

Yes oh this looks so cool oh you know what i’m gonna do i’m gonna do one more layer around it yeah i’m thinking about adding some like little cool stairs over here oh i love court stairs if you guys watch my videos you know i’m a man of modern tastes

Like the the white marble and the granite and that kind of stuff it just looks so good we don’t have any kind of texture for our walls so i think i’m going to use polished adnocite should make the best looking texture for our walls another thing i kind of forgot to do oh

My gosh do i really have to build all of the walls right now this is dude this is so time consuming why did i forget to do all of this i am a pleb right now how much time do we hey siri oh my gosh we only have 22 minutes left

Ladies and gentlemen i repeat 22 minutes are left on the clock currently and i do not feel like i am anywhere ready to reveal my house to briana but this pool area though is looking so good all right so now that we’ve got the pool

Area done i feel like next to the pool area we can make like a little small kitchen oh i should think about what i’m gonna do for the floor so the big problem about this staircase design is i’m going to need to break all of the blocks again to change up the

Flooring and i am not willing to do that right now i’m going to add more of the like polished diorite walls over here because i’m thinking this would be a really good area for a tv almost like oh wait a second this would be a really good area for the movie theater

Yes we need a movie theater over here ladies and gentlemen i don’t know if this is like quite enough space for like a really good movie theater this would be a little bit small oh you know what okay if we just use carpet over the dirt yes

This is it this is oh this is so much better oh yes there we go this is what i’m talking about this is a very very silly question but can you put a door on carpet you cannot okay i’m really glad that i i can’t believe i didn’t know the

Answer to that question i can’t be the only one though come on guys please let me know i’m not alone on this i am basically minecraft’s worst builder and yet i’m doing a build off challenge against my wife who is very good at interior decorating all right we’re

Gonna cheat the system a little bit and we’re gonna place down a red piece of wool and then we will place the door down behind it yes this looks good oh my gosh another problem wait a second wait a second this is a bigger problem oh my gosh

Okay we’re going to have to get rid of all the carpet over here so i know i didn’t tell you guys what i was thinking for this room but i think this is like the land room i love computer gaming so much and i have such a blast with it i

Think this has to be the room for the gaming place we need iron bars and then we need oh should we get pressure plates i don’t know what’s gonna look best in here like i want a lot of computer setups oh you can’t place these down on carpet

No okay we’re going to keep the carpets then see this is the problem about build battles you run into so many problems while you’re doing it you don’t realize them and then you start getting stressed and you start sweating how are you doing currently no lies i currently have not done

Any interior decorating because i’m making a mansion yeah you’re making an uh wait wait wait wait wait you’re making an underground mansion yeah why why are you making an undergrad sounds like such a headache brianna i know i should not have done this to myself and i’m

Worried i’m not gonna have enough time you know what i feel a little bit better now that you’re doing that so you know what go ahead do your thing i’m gonna mute back up you got this oh my gosh i am going to dominate brianna in this challenge

She is so far behind what do we use as computer monitors i think the only thing that we could probably use that would like represent a computer monitor would probably be like black concrete which even then doesn’t look like a computer it doesn’t look great but there’s really

Like we don’t we’re not working with a lot okay oh boy okay this is looking a little bit rough once we add the stairs to our computers it looks a lot better that’s enough for a five-man game of call of duty or a five-man game of

Minecraft oh you know what she had right here yes let’s get a cactus you guys know i already love cactus let’s get a cactus and let’s get a little i think it’s a plant a flower pot yep dude this looks so good okay i actually love this i feel like we’re still missing

Something else inside of here like we need something else and i don’t know what it is is it a painting maybe we are okay that’s way too big too big too big all right maybe we’re not missing paintings i don’t even know what we’re missing necessarily we do

Need some signage though above this like we can’t let people know like gaming land room subscribe there we go now we’re talking about it ladies and gentlemen much better you come in here you see the computers you see the cactus you already know what it’s about i

Probably need to put a sign over here so that way people aren’t confused as to like what this is yeah right here okay oh i love this preston’s pool hall hey okay this actually looks really good i’m glad that we have signs so people understand like where is where

Hold on we have right now we only have 13 minutes left oh my gosh this is literally a code red as we are speaking what am i gonna do with the rest of this okay never mind we cannot dig down and do anything down there i need

A bedroom oh unless wait i don’t even know what to do with the rest of this okay we can make this area right over here this could be a really really big kitchen and like seating area what am i gonna do what am i gonna do all right we’re gonna make a table

Out of this striped oak logs because i think it looks really cool actually i’m gonna make a really really big table yes yes this is perfect okay super super big table we’re going to need chairs though stone brick chairs i guess i don’t know oh this is too much

Pressure and i’m gonna space the chairs out a little bit they gotta they gotta have a little bit of space hundred percent though this needs carpet like 110 oh the light gray looks sick yes light gray carpet ladies and gentlemen this is what i’m talking about i think i’m

Gonna leave it just like that oh now i got oh my gosh what happened to the wood why does the wood look so bad no no no no no no no okay there we go this is much much better yeah you got to get the grain of the wood to go

One direction and no that is not a one direction joke to the band don’t you dare ladies and gentlemen so wait if this is the dining area i need paintings oh i don’t know what to put up here okay we got to do the walls the walls are bad we need we need

We need walls we need walls we need walls i repeat we need walls i’m just going to do stone here because i’m running out of time come on walls i need you i don’t even know if we’re gonna have time for the walls we have 10 minutes oh my gosh 10 minutes

You got to be kidding me no no no no no way we’re going to make this happen in 10 minutes all right but all we have to do is the walls and then we’re going to do the floor and then we still have to build a bedroom like if we have a

Bedroom kitchen billiards area land room i feel like that’s pretty good but like it’s not perfect oh and i gotta set the table i forgot to put stuff on the table you can’t just have an empty table what the heck oh my gosh my fingers are going to be so

Tired by the end of this and i missed a spot over here and i missed a spot over here we finished the walls finally this looks like one normal house but we forgot to do the floors no i’m going cobblestone i like cobblestone it’s got a nice look to it okay

At least for over here for oh my gosh for in here i don’t know we might need to cheap we’re gonna use black carpet because we do not have enough time i repeat we do not have enough time this is a code red ladies and gentlemen code red all right white

Carpet for the rest i really like actually how the black carpet came out over here on the corners of my little dining area but we need carpet carpet please place faster brie i don’t want to stress you out but we have eight minutes and 30 seconds left okay

So the time is ticking just get ready no okay you can’t tell me no the time decides what happens okay i’m leaving goodbye brianna okay what do we put on the table how do we what can be food i mean we could put like a watermelon on

Here but that would look kind of weird i mean i don’t know what to put here what what looks like you know like utensils or i wish i could put a bowl down all right i’m just gonna throw the bowls down okay this is a very new way of decorating in minecraft

Man i’ve never been this stressed out in minecraft in my entire life the time limit is killing me it is literally killing me right now here we go okay the table has been set with floating mushroom stew i love it it’s perfect it’s great we don’t gotta change the

Thing but the table does need some lighting we must light the table this is basically our chandelier okay oh i love that chandelier that actually looks ballin wait we still don’t have a kitchen and we still have a bedroom yet but i want to put up some paintings for the dining

Room because it’s like all right that’s it i’m just gonna swap paintings everywhere and make sure they’re not duplicates of each other all right no duplicates here this is perfect all right this is where the master bedroom has got to be and i don’t even

Know what else to do but like we have no other choice i don’t think we have enough time for a kitchen oh this is so bad dude this is so this is like incredibly awful if i had to rate this i would say this is terrible i’ve never

Been this stressed in my entire life to build in minecraft all right this is gonna be a very small bedroom because we don’t have a lot of time it will be a double bed of course polish diorite was the first thing that came into my hand we are going to make this work

All right this is looking good how much time do you have left five minutes and 40 seconds holy moly i don’t know if i want like an open bedroom i can’t tell maybe i do want an open bedroom all right let’s get a headboard rocking and rolling

This is not the time to make a pretty headboard but we gotta do it like i i need a pretty bed i don’t know about you guys but i really like this oh actually i like this more yes oh baby this looks so cool i was gonna put some stripped

Wood inside of here now why i don’t know but i mean it looks great this is all that we have time for so the bedroom is going to be open ladies and gentlemen we have four minutes left so i need i need i got to do something here like

We got to get rid of this dirt this dirt cannot stay we’re gonna go with a classic stone brick because we haven’t really used it a lot other than like i think for like stairs or chairs but it hasn’t been used a lot so this is perfect

Oh my gosh finally we have no more dirt yes yes oh this is so much better three minutes to build a kitchen oh my gosh all right we’re gonna need a furnace we got a furnace blast furnace we’re gonna need a cauldron we’re gonna need a water bucket this

Should be enough we’re gonna go with that double sink life the microwave above it actually yeah this will be our microwave these are our cabinets up here and then i want a double oven so our double oven is going to be our blast furnaces so top bottom just like that oh yeah

That looks really good that looks really really good we need a little little island over here to prepare our stuff oh this is looking perfect this is actually looking so much better than i thought it was going to be i can’t think of anything else that we need i know i’m missing and

Forgetting something but i do not know if we have any time we’ve got the table set oh my gosh my mushroom stew is evaporating no it’s this is bad okay it’s disappearing i did not think this through i repeat i did not think this through what about turtle eggs

Yes perfect they look like candles actually oh i actually really like that okay i’m gonna add a little bit over here um little flower here too yes make the kitchen look a little bit more personable we’ll even add in a double microwave because we rich baby we built this

Ourselves we’ve got two minutes there are two minutes remaining on the clock so we could cover up the bedroom we could add a little bit better paintings it might sound weird but i’m gonna just do a glass bedroom okay oh this looks really cool

Yeah i like this i i like this a lot okay this is as good as it’s going to get it’s an all glass bedroom basically but it will have a door to enter this is my underground house ladies and gentlemen and we have finished with 30 seconds remaining

On the clock check it out brianna what so this is my grand dining hall with my custom chandelier that i built this is my little kitchen area i’ve got my doubles and you cheated no i didn’t this is my double microwave my double seat this is my double oven these are blast

Furnaces but they look really cool preston you cheated why are you standing on my island you’re getting my my island dirty with your feet get out of here you definitely cheated in my house there’s no way you made this in the time limit did you just break something bree yeah like this

This for sure is a cheat i wish it was i actually did this all myself coming to my bedroom i’m going to use this sword well i’m in game mode yeah i got a little pattern design over here okay listen you cheated i did not cheat bri i just did a good

Job you like my pool table they got my little my little sign right here preston’s pool hole wait it’s not over yet it’s not over this is the gaming land room where to enter you must subscribe so come inside only once you subscribe did you subscribe of course i’ve been subscribed

Since i knew you okay well come on in come on in come on i’m your wife the land room is pretty weak but uh you know i got a little cactus over here i did forget to replace the dirt down here so that’s boy actually i could just

Put a carp oh i can’t put carpet there i just i uh we’re going to be seeing who can build the best underground secret base if you guys think i’m going to win let’s get some hashtag team preston’s going in the comments down below and let’s do this

Question are you ready to build the most secret underground basement ever i think i’m ready to win jelly beans i have a couple of years on you jelly i don’t even have a mouth well if it makes you feel better i don’t have any eyebrows all right listen rules are pretty easy

You have 30 minutes to build the secret underground basement and you’re allowed to use creator all right oh you’re ready yeah i’m ready i’m ready let’s go let’s go i’m nervous i have never done a secret base build off challenge i have like 30 youtube videos pulled up

On this computer monitor trying to find out what kind of secret base i want to build and i have no idea so i think the first thing i’m gonna do is i’m gonna get bone meal an oak sapling i’m gonna place it down right here bone meal the sapling

Oh i just accidentally got a really good idea for a secret base if i get a trap door i feel like that’s really obvious but it forces you to crawl around the tree how cool is this okay but here’s the next thing we’re gonna do so we’re gonna take a shovel

Then we’re gonna right click our dirt block i’m gonna actually put the button on the bottom so the only way you can reach the button is actually if you crawl underneath the tree using this trap door oh man jelly’s on the other side right now he’s already going down we need to

Replace our grass block right here we got we got to make it look a little bit less obvious as well i don’t want it to look too obvious what’s going on let’s get some flowers i feel like we’re spending a lot of time on this one small area but it’s a big

Deal okay that was the first step to our secret base now what we have to do is we need to hook up the redstone to some sort of block that’s going to let us into our secret base i’m thinking about doing something over here this is my first time ever making a

Secret base guys so i don’t want anybody to make fun of me in the comments i do however want people to comment down below what secret base you think i should make next since i’m kind of a noob but i’ve never done this thing before okay

I promise in the future i’m going to get much much better just doing a little bit more decorations on our place i don’t think i’m doing a very good job but i’m trying to make it look a little bit less obvious where my secret entrance is it’s right over here

Hopefully jelly doesn’t find it too fast but now we need to hook up the redstone and then of course we’re going to want to test this out just to make sure it works it actually pulls the block okay and here we go test number one perfect scoops up the block just how we

Want it to it never hurts to have a cobblestone generator above i don’t even know jelly’s new to minecraft so we actually might not know how to make a cobblestone generator i usually always mess up my cobblestone generators by turning my obsidian into lava there we go beautiful

This wouldn’t be a bad idea to put the secret base under the cobblestone generator but i think i’ll save that for next time don’t forget if you guys want to see another secret underground base episode with jelly maybe we’ll reuse mods hit that like button down below

Okay ladies and gentlemen it’s time for us to go down there we go one thing we could do here to freak out jelly that i just realized is get some lava get a sign play i think if we put the sign down right here okay this might not work this might work

I i don’t know i i don’t know so we’re gonna put the lava right here i’m gonna get some water put the water bucket down here as another form of defense for my secret base i actually made this lava hole very difficult so it’s now three blocks of lava instead

Of the original one block so if you jump from the corner post like this you should be able to make it without dying but it it’s close like you survive with one heart and unfortunately if you just walk off like this you’re gonna die you’re not gonna make it to the secret

Base i’ve also cleared out the entire area for my underground base but i do need you guys to do me a favor before we continue building take your phones while you’re watching this video turn them like this and make that subscribe button great i would appreciate that very much and it

Would aid me in beating jelly in this underground base battle so now that we’ve got our entire area laid out for us we have to decide what to put inside of here this is where i personally always struggle in minecraft i’m not the most creative builder

So don’t judge me please but i’m gonna do my best i think one thing right here which could be really cool is putting some dispensers with healing potions i would say though if you manage to make it down here to my secret base you deserve to gain access to my secret chest so

I’ve got my trap chest right here i’m gonna put this down right over here however the trapped chest is going to be filled with something that jelly might not want to find we’re going to put a ton of diamonds in this and then we’re going to surround it in diamond gear

I promise i’m trying to make this as pretty as i can i’m just not doing a great job at it place the light blue paint light blue paints go like this but underneath the chest lie unspeakable [ __ ] we must booby trap on chess you know what i’m gonna place a

Lot of tnt down if jelly decides to open this he is not gonna have a good time we’re gonna place tnt everywhere oh yeah that looks pretty good if i do say so myself ah you know what i think we can place a little bit more tnt

Ah there we go now now we’ve got enough tnt i’m going to just cover this up with purple slabs i actually really like building with these things i think they look sick plus we can place the stairs like this so the stairs look amazing some stairs over here oh yeah i mean who

Doesn’t want to open this chest if you see this chest you want to open it before we do the bedroom why don’t we just get a kitchen going you know i feel like kitchens are never a bad thing to have when you’re in a underground base cause you never know when you’re gonna

Get hungry for a snick snack i’m gonna actually make our countertops made out of solid quartz get our cauldron right there then we’re gonna use our orange shulker boxes as cabinets a little bit more of this probably get a furnace in here too oh honestly the blast furnace looks really really cool

The nicest thing about the shulker boxes is that they’re actually functional so we could put food up there probably want to get some glass trimming behind this little area i think the white stained glass will look very nice behind here oh yeah there we go what a beautiful view we

Probably should add a view in now that i think about it um what oh we can make an aquarium behind here hold on now we’re getting somewhere we’re gonna place oak planks back here since nothing should burn now we must place down the fish fill the aquarium with water oh no we

Have a leak oh we have a leak ladies and gentlemen i broke a piece of glass well actually where is this water leaking from ladies and gentlemen we have a leak where is okay wait a second how is this leaking can somebody explain this to me i don’t understand how water is leaking

Through look you learn something new every day in minecraft okay i didn’t even know that it could leak through glass panes like that but now i know and now whenever you’re cooking for your guests you’ve got a beautiful view of some amazing fish that are only in preston’s underground secret base

Obviously i’m preston so i must have a cactus somewhere you know i’m kind of angry that our kitchen is looking this good but nothing else in the house is looking this good what else do we need we need some kind of living room area maybe what i’ll do is i’ll get rid of

These perper blocks we’ll just replace it with diamond ore blocks you know it looks snazzy it’s all kinds of nice if we had more time like obviously the time is running out so i’m getting more and more stressed as each moment goes on other than adding my bed somewhere that

Doesn’t look bad even if it looks ugly preston you need a bed you cannot have an underground base and not have a bed it just doesn’t work that way now this is probably not going to look the best but i really really really like orange and i also

Like red so i want to do some alternating four colors here as you all know i’m made of lava so i like these colors okay i want once again no judgment only love for the press to as he continues to place down his carpet very poorly and breaks things

Yo how low is jelly going in his underground base i just finished the carpeting at my place and i already feel like a dirty blood why can i not have nice things it’s because i built like a pleb my eyes are legitimately hurting from this i also realize i have no glowstone no

Light fixtures this looks a lot better my place has a little bit more character but still not a lot of character and i see jelly building like so far down and has me feeling incredibly nervous we got anvil and we’ve got our gear set right here in case we ever need to go

Into battle grab our gear from our secret base and get after it i really wish i had more time and more knowledge of redstone to build like a cool secret area that would like reveal an armor stand clothed and all the gear i need one of the last things i want to add

Over here is going to be a double chest and i don’t know if you guys have ever watched my tnt wars videos but you never know when it’s time to make a cannon of mass destruction so i’m going to be giving myself all the items required to make a

Cannon of mass destruction just in case i try to keep my cannons really simple i don’t want them like very complicated so i really am going to be having mainly tnt in this chest we’re going to have levers stone pressure plates dispensers we’re getting a lot of stone

Usually use a lot of stone when i build my tnt cannons we have repeaters buttons ladders water bucket and then probably the last thing we’re gonna want is cooked beef this is how you know this area is for tnt it’s going to be yellow and black wool

Which kind of looks like the nuclear warning symbol yes i understand it’s not the prettiest but you know what it’s going to work i’m telling you guys in the next secret base video it is going to blow your pants off because i’m going to be doing such a good job

And apparently jelly just found diamonds while making a secret base just a few more things oh no the time has ran up jelly time is up let’s go i’m not done yet preston look i’m not done either jelly but it’s time okay come over to the pea dog

Base all right all right we’re gonna have to drop the wall preston the wall is broken whoa jelly jelly all right here i i’ll let you in that looks interesting all right jelly the moment that you step onto my grass is the are you really trying to break

All of this jelly you gotta break it off oh my gosh jelly’s one of these people okay jelly it’s time for you to feast your eyes upon my face you can do this do i really have to do this yeah you have to do it jelly now

I gotta find your secret right you’ve gotta find the secret entrance and then uh of course guys don’t forget to go watch jelly’s video so you can see what his secret base looks like because i’m only showing him mine are you spoiling it no no no no no it’s

You’re hot but you’re actually cold there’s a secret way to get in all right there’s a secret way to get oh oh oh oh he found something oh he found a trapdoor he found a trap door oh wait are you telling me how did he [ __ ] oh

Oh wait did you hear that did you hear that jelly i did there was a something that happened oh wait wait this one oh yeah wait wait wait wait wait jelly you have to go in game mode survival for this i open that up by clicking the button yes sir

Now uh you’re gonna die right so you killed me perhaps no no no no this is a part of my defense okay in fact it’s just hard that it worked you have to use the momentum from jumping down into the lava to make it successfully without dying

Yeah buddy it’s just in case you don’t like two one there he goes is he gonna make it he’s gonna make it chilly you lied to me coupon jelly yes you should make it breastfed dude i’m not click baiting you i made it first watch papa okay i just jumped in like this

And i and i i made it give me armor give me armor or something keeps me armored yeah there you go brother mother there you go jump in jump in you get there there you go he’s gotta make it am i dying faster you shouldn’t be dying faster oh i might

We made it let’s go okay jelly here is my secret base now we have a small very very small tour so this is actually a studio apartment i didn’t have enough money so that’s why it’s not bigger and more fancy we had creative mode yeah a little bit of a budget happening

Creative mode so that’s why you’ve got a teeny tiny aqua aquarium behind here thank you i like that yeah that’s uh there’s there’s a lot more but i think they all died so we’re gonna move on but over here we have the nuclear section this is for our next

Video jelly we’re going to do a tnt horse i’ve already decided what yep we’re going to do a tnt it’s really fun if you’ve never done one before i won’t do it i was like dude jelly here we’ve got a lot of good stuff oh thanks man that’s so nice of you

You’re welcome i’ve got diamonds and stuff and it’s pretty nice you’re actually so lucky right now jelly because oh it’s because i it’s because i did this so as you can see behind me there are two separate entrances to the secret underground base you’ve got the boy entrance on the left side and

The girl base on that side now now you you can see that halfway through the video when brianna shows you what she’s made but i am gonna show you guys what i’ve made which is down here to the left as you can see as boy as can be there’s even lapis everywhere

You’ve got blue particles coming off of your screen that totally has nothing to do with the fact that i have night vision potion no no and these are a couple of the blocks i used which i no longer need so i’m just gonna go and spit those out

There for whenever brianna comes on the server now if you take a look at my secret underground house i got a spawn point right over here with emerald blocks amazing i know also guys comment down below what do you think it feels really weird not having my

Headset on i pretty much live and breathe life with this thing on so now that it’s off i’m feeling kind of strange but i don’t think i’m gonna need sound to show you guys my house or to plug preston styles merchandise link in the description down below sorry

About that that was just the sellout pressing that comes out of me every now and then i you know he’s really got to go aways he’s being a little bit too obnoxious these days now you might be wondering preston what are these iron doors which are everywhere

Each one of these leads to something else on my minecraft server well my secret underground base but you know what i’m saying for example if somebody finds my base and you walk through this one bad things happen to you i probably shouldn’t have showed you guys which door that was but

Pretend like you never saw that okay basically this is the death door you’re not gonna want to walk in that door no no no no it’s a dangerous time then we have the door to the right it also kills you just in case you were wondering i probably shouldn’t have showed you

Guys that either dang it you gotta think through these better now you might be wondering what about this left door preston well i’ll show you it also kills you so don’t go through it in fact stay out of my secret underground base there’s no reason it’s secret in my underground base

Not yours but if you do find it go through one of these three doors i promise nothing bad will happen what you’re going to want to do is come to this left door right over here because this leads you to my really and truly secret underground house ladies and gentlemen and there are

Going to be three different doors for you to choose from yet again i’ve got to keep my underground house as safe as can be have you guys seen all the videos of where brianna keeps finding my secret houses so yeah you can kind of get why i’m a little paranoid about my base

I’m gonna show you guys what happens if you choose the wrong door for example you choose the middle door bam you die don’t choose the middle door and you have to start all the way back over here if you don’t make it which is not good

But thanks to the magic of editing i am now back over here at this iron door you’re gonna want to open up the left one which is gonna bring you to a brand new area of my secret underground base yes that’s right parkour a secret underground base would not be complete

Without parkour especially because it’s my underground basin i love parkour more than any mans in the entire planet and i warn you this parkour is not easy there are quad jumps slime jumps and of course lava if you are unable to make it but if you are good at parkour you will not

Have too much of a struggle with the parkour but if you are a pleb at parkour you will struggle really bad i promise you that and but we ain’t no plebs of parkour up in here are we no we’re not everybody watches my video is probably a pro parkour player

Wait does that mean brianna doesn’t watch my videos because she’s really bad at parkour my wife doesn’t watch my video that’s okay i mean honestly i expected that she’s kind of a pleb so let’s just go ahead and move on so now in the next section you cannot

Cheat by jumping over this one you want to know why that’s why you hit your head and you will die so don’t do that and now we have head hitting jumps in minecraft very difficult jumps but once you’ve mastered them they’re very easy the reason i have them

Is because they’re difficult to do and i don’t want people getting inside my secret base dad gummit how many times do i gotta say it okay so here we go oh my gosh that was a difficult jump so difficult even uh even a it’s gonna say

Even a texan couldn’t do it but i’m texting and i just did it so take that map now we’ve got the next jump so these are even more head header jumps there really is no secret to this the way that i make these is i go all

The way to the edge like this sprint and jump at the same time and pretty much freak out and hope i make it but on this last one i yolo did yes all right now all we got to do is go to this ladder easy peasy lemons are as a mcsqueezy as mcsqueezersons

This is my cactus jones petting aquarium but not really an aquarium because the cactus isn’t underwater so it’s more like a zoo but if you didn’t know i’m obsessed with cacti aka succulents i love them i don’t know why it’s just in my genetic code i really like it they’re really cute okay

Anyways now this is where we get to the vault part of my map okay and of course i’ve got a little bit of a hint for everybody use your head check your character because you get items which you place then on the corresponding items like this one for example

Once you place down the diamond block it opens it up and bam boys rule use code tb and our frags in the fortnite item shop now let’s see how brianna’s secret underground base looks compared to mine you guys i am so pumped to show you the underground base that

I made it is so pretty because it is for girls it is basically sparkly i mean do you see these sparks flying around me i am radiant today i feel wonderful because yeah there is totally a boy base over there but there is totally an amazing girl base over here

That we are dying to all check out i mean come on let’s all admit it we are all super excited for it let’s get going because it is girl time i always had a dream that i would walk on a red carpet on my way out the door so you know your majesty

Let’s get going doo do okay so this part gets a little tricky because you have to choose the right door is this this one Oh no it wasn’t okay what about this one nope wait oh it was yay okay so it’s pink it’s pink look at this it’s beautiful like i love a pink hallway i just have to you know keep y’all guessing about which door i can’t have intruders coming

In and just you know waltz on in my underground base look at the little horsies they’re so cute i love it okay and then the little parkour clouds they they have the little fluffiness they’re pretty and then the flowers i’m just gonna casually do some parkour today

It may look simple but it’s actually quite complicated i can’t have super sleuths getting in my underground base that’s why i have attack horses they may look super cute but they’re actually here for intruders like boys who try to get in my underground face i made it

Okay it was harder than it looked okay there was more pink in the hallway because i made it very girly in here you should appreciate the girliness and then look at this carpet it is beautiful but look at this locked door it is stressful we have to figure out what we

Have to do okay apparently we have to put this in my inventory do something but what i don’t know um okay we’ll put all of these i like orange i like red it’s like fire merch i approve i approve this message yellow oh my goodness these are all fire merch

Colors right in a row red orange yellow green blue and then purple what is this trying to tell me there’s holes in the wall okay do i put them in the wall this part i don’t remember i this is also to ward off the really bad billy goats that can get into the

Building they just eat up all my furniture what if i start and i try to make it look like a rainbow it almost already looks like a rainbow in my inventory what if i just go for it orange yellow green blue purple did it do anything you guys did it work

Let’s see let’s see there’s a pickaxe in here okay let’s get some more blocks we’ve got to open this door oh wait i think that this door looks different than before don’t you guys there was a big glass covering before and now it’s gone i don’t think i could walk this far

Before yay okay now i just have to get this other side gone red orange yeah red orange yellow then green then blue then purple right purple you guys the door is gone i knew i put it in the right order if i did two rainbows it’s lucky a double rainbow i saw one

Once in hawaii and i knew it was the most beautiful thing i had ever seen in my entire life now let’s go girls rule use code grants also i baked you a cake two cakes to be exact let’s put on some music girls rule i have an awesome underground base

This video, titled ‘Top 105 Most SECRET Minecraft Houses!’, was uploaded by PrestonPlayz on 2021-01-08 21:24:28. It has garnered 19077935 views and 236953 likes. The duration of the video is 01:10:19 or 4219 seconds.

Top 105 Most SECRET Minecraft Houses! with PrestonPlayz 👊


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Slogo – We BROKE INTO An EVIL JELLY Base! (Minecraft)

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  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

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  • Surviving First Night in Minecraft VR

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  • INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS – Watch me dominate in Minecraft!

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    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MINI VILLAGE BIOME REVEALED!! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-03-02 01:37:29. It has garnered 9087 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu how to make easy trep to troll our friends in Minecraft #2 how to make end #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30… Read More

  • “Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!” #ClickbaitHoloLive

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    INSANE SHIZO HACKS: AETOS ANAS ZOOM MOD!Video Information This video, titled ‘ZOOM MOD in Minecraft Fabric is Insane!’, was uploaded by AETOS ANAS on 2024-03-29 08:37:15. It has garnered 438 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:09 or 129 seconds. __AETOS ANAS__ DISCORD – HOW TO DOWNLOAD FABRIC VERSION – Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft Fabric with this easy tutorial. Find out how to zoom in and enhance your gameplay experience! Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft with this easy tutorial. Zoom in like never before with… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182’s All The Small Things

    EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182's All The Small ThingsVideo Information This video, titled ‘All The Small Things – Blink-182 [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-30 20:00:21. It has garnered 210 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Lyrics: All the small mobs Can’t hit, I sob I try to crit But I, will miss Baby, chicken In the grass, is hidden Watching, waiting It’s aggravating This is too hard The chicken’s unscarred Using my sword Trimming my yard Na -na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na Google, wiki Somehow, save me Smaller… Read More

  • Fantasia SMP

    Welcome to Fantasia SMP! A vibrant Minecraft community where adventure awaits at every turn! Featured Plugins: GlobalWarming 🌍 Networks 🌐 Quaptics ⚙️ FNAmplifications 🔊 SfChunkInfo 🧊 and more… Explore a wide range of custom armors, tools, and vehicles crafted specifically for Fantasia SMP. Unleash your creativity and conquer the world in style with our unique arsenal of equipment! Website: Discord: Read More

  • TechCraftSMP 1.20.4 Fresh Start

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  • Minecraft Memes – My Minecraft tire Hell

    Minecraft Memes - My Minecraft tire HellLooks like this meme couldn’t even mine its way out of a joke minecart. Read More

  • Mine for Laughs: Golden Shovel Shorts Go Viral!

    Mine for Laughs: Golden Shovel Shorts Go Viral! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Updates and news, in every rhyme arrives. With a golden shovel, we dig deep and explore, In the gaming world, we always want more. Our gear is top-notch, our setup is prime, With HyperX headsets, we’re always in time. Recording with NVIDIA, our gameplay shines, In the realm of gaming, we draw the lines. So subscribe and share, join us in the fun, In the world of Minecraft, we’re second to none. With rhymes and updates, we’ll keep you in the loop, In this gaming world, we’re part of the group. Read More

  • Hot Golem Alert! 🔥😂

    Hot Golem Alert! 🔥😂 Why did the Iron Golem go to therapy? Because he had too much iron in his diet! #irondeficiency #minecraftmeme #irony Read More