Princess Leah’s Unicorn STOLEN by Evil Wizard! Minecraft Drama

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Good morning little Donnie how are you today good morning baby Leah I’m really really good I had such a fantastic dream I dreamt like I was in a rainbow full of clouds and fairies and it was so nice and lovely I love this place that’s not a dream that’s not a dream that’s

Reality we here now we’re actually here right now but I was streaming of it as well it was so nice I love rainbow L it’s so cool oh my gosh it looks so nice and bright hello Rainbow Man hello let’s go say hello to the king oh the king’s

Not here rainbow King are here oh check this out I’m going to put this on what’s this show look cool show me show me show me oh yeah look at me very pink I’ve got some pink I look so cool you look like a girl I wonder why this is here maybe

This is here because they remember they talked about that evil queen ooh maybe that’s why this is here yeah that sounded pretty scary Little D I hope she doesn’t come and attack us when we’re here I don’t like to sound her I know I know she might come after

The the unicorns as well oh no no no oh let’s go down and check on unicorns make sure they okay oh you know what this rainbow fell is really cool I like them I know they’re so cute I like rainbow people okay uh let’s go check on the

Unor make sure they’re okay are you following me where are you I’m here oh yeah I’m coming down this way quick quick come on I love the way the fairies are so small I know they’re so cute but this one is a big one is I like this I

Want to get into his big for you tiny I want to get into his outfit just be look at his cool hat hello hello so awesome hey fairies hey fairy Gars how’s it going want to check out our unicorns fairies oh look here’s a sky over here o she’s doing okay she’s

H I think she likes the uh Pink Grass the grass looks like cake s does it looks like Cy floss oh look here’s my one over here he’s having so much fun hanging out with all the where are you all way can’t see you can’t see you you

Not you can’t see me cuz the grass is so long I’m too thly I lost you the Unicorn over here taking a bath cuz they’re so hot today open da unicorns look so happy here it looks like they’re having so much fun they made so many new friends I

Think they’re making loads of friends they absolutely love it here it’s so cool let’s go inside and check out the kingdom because it’s really massive we haven’t seen it yet oh yeah good idea let’s go come on maybe we can find the king of the unicorns and we can have

Dinner or something like that yeah breakfast you mean we just woke up breakfast I I love it here in Rainbow maybe we could move here and live here forever I love this so awesome it’s so cool maybe we should change your Palace to this kind of color I love that I love

It’s so colorful uh which way is it okay it’s over here it’s this way are you behind me no I’m here in front of you okay Sil you’re a silly Billy oh look at this G faere is a really tall aren’t they hey big fairies and they have big

Swords I wonder why they have big SW taller than you I know they’re huge but they’re girls they’re still girls maybe they’re really strong fairies yeah don’t mess with them I know I know I know oh well look here there candy houses look at this little fairy here unicorns

Pretty pretty fairies everywhere where are you in you w this place is so cool and so massive look at it look at all the fairies there’s so many pretty houses I want to move here that’s it I’m I’m going to move toland I’m going to live in what about donut and Baby Max

Uh maybe they can move over here as well but they need unicorns as well this house is empty maybe we can just move in here and we can put our own bedrooms in and our own lights and all our own cool little things I like it that’s so cool

So I think we should move to rainbowland cuz it’s awesome me too where are you I’m back outside I’m just get lost it’s so big lost yes that’s it I’m lost come on back outside I’m lost baby Leah you silly Billy oh oh there we go there there

There come on baby you silly Billy I want to have a big look around this whole place it’s so huge and massive look at the it go let’s go let’s go let’s go it’s such a big Kingdom isn’t it it’s so colorful woohoo I know I love

It hello oh look I wonder are these unicorn Sky brothers and sisters show me these right here maybe it’s Sky brother oh maybe what do you think maybe I think he likes me look he’s giving me a kiss hello hello unicorn hello there so many of them I know it’s

Awesome faes and rainbow people hello there’s just unicorns and fairies everywhere everybody seems to be so happy here as well don’t they I know I know it’s such a lovely place to live o it’s so nice I want to bring Baby Max here as well I know I the dog dog

They’re going to love it we could have so much fun up here oh well look there’s another big huge rainbow ooh so oh look I saw a wind look at the Windmill chubby where see it over here look o maybe this is where make uh rainbows in the windmill rain rainbow

Make rainbows in the windmill I don’t know and they’ve got loads of we here as well this wait let’s have a look over here oh I want to play a game what game game let’s play uh hideand-seek can you see me in the grass oh you’re so tiny

You’re so fun you’re so funny okay let’s play okay you have to hide okay okay I’m hiding okay count you count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ready or not here I come you big smelly bum bum you’re bum bum find

Me find me find me uh let me see let me see uh I found you no that didn’t take too long right there okay you can find me okay but I’m so tily I won’t be able to see you you have to count you have to

Count you have to count count uh until 10 o can I count till 10 uh I think so you not Lear that in school okay come find me okay now are you ready yeah I’m ready oh where are you oh I’m hiding where I can’t find you can you

Find me no uh you’re not very good people are you are you in the grass uh no I’m not in the grass where you dnie silly Billy where did you hide um I’m hi hiding in a secret place and if you can’t find me in 10 seconds I’m going to

Win 10 seconds oh H are you in a house might be in the house might be in the house uh s where’s the doors where’s the doors 4 I know you’re here somewhere oh my go You Found Me gotcha gotta got found me right at the very end

I can’t believe it so you okay come on this place is so cool and fantastic oh look at the size of the castle I think we have to go in see if we can find the uh unicorn King what’s his name again El Elis King Elis

We got to go find him and maybe we can have like a big festival with him like a big unicorn party that sounds good with fairies with fairies all fairies and the unicorns and we can play loads of games and have a big party that sounds good we

Can dance we can dance like this I’m going to dance like this all day long in rainb I’m dancing in rainbowland it’s so much fun dancing in rainbowland okay come on you’re about at sing you’re not that good I am the worst singer in the whole world me and you

Should go on thex factor and see be the best singers I don’t think we could we can go on Minecraft pop Idol and we can win a big PR I don’t think we could win um okay we got to find our way into this big huge castle because I okay Daddy

You’re too quick for me don’t forget I’m a baby don’t work so quick hurry up big slow Co you know what we should have done we should have got on our unicorns and flew around the palace so easier to find everything around that seems like a

Good idea but it’s a bit too late now it’s a bit late now it’s a bit late oh look at this pig huge there’s like a church over here rainbow Church oo oo cool Som if I get back with little Kelly we can get married here what you

Think about that oh my gosh that’s such a great idea can you imagine getting married on the rainbow Beres d d I know maybe to make C with little Kelly you could bring her here oh wow that’s a great idea we din for Like A Rainbow Land kind of she would

Love she has a unicorn you have a unicorn so you could go here together yeah maybe I could ask the king Lisa if we can like have dinner here in one of the big special rooms in the castle ooh that would be so cool that’s an awesome idea baby

Done okay come on we got to go find the Unicorn oh look there’s a big gate over there I think this is the way into the castle is it yeah come on follow me hey unicorns hello hi guyss up here there’s so many unicorns here it is the land of

The unicorns this is where they from this is pretty cool uh oh there’s big steps up here into the castle okay I’m getting tired now oh my gosh the C so high oh no okay quick quick quick yeser than you there’s a little cherry tree over here inside the

Castle it’s so cool look at the Lily hearts and everything oh this c is awesome I love it but Donnie it’s kind of empty where is everybody yeah I want to find out where everybody is Donnie it seems very empty it does seem pretty empty I wonder why there’s nobody up

Here in the palace oh look there’s the king oh where is he so cool isn’t it than hello hey it’s D and baby Le this room is so awesome this must be his his main Chambers oh yeah look and look at the dining table set it with loads of

Cake I want some cake cake cake cake n n cake is awesome let’s have a look around uh King LC can we have a look around your awesome room this is so cool up here oh look at this balcony you can see the whole place me whole place through here oh look there’s

Another Village over there like a this place is awesome yeah it’s so cool I love it I know it place is fantastic colorful I can’t wait to bring little Kelly here she’s going to love it actually uh King L is it okay if I bring little Kelly here for a date or sometime

It’s going to be really cool and uh baby Leah do you want to ask come work where everybody else is excuse me King Elis do you know where everybody is good morning baby Leah and Prince Donnie I hope you guys slept well and had some fantastic dreams in The Candy House Prince Donnie

You’re more than welcome to bring uh little Kelly here whenever you want I bet she’ll absolutely love it and maybe it’ll help you get her back and baby Leah thanks for asking everybody’s actually preparing for the Unicorn festival at on tomorrow it’s going to be fantastic and you guys are welcome to

Come there’s going to be lots of parties and a big Feast well yeah that sounds fantastic little Kelly’s going to love it here and that Festival sounds awesome to that’s so cool I can’t wait ddy I know it’s going to be so much fun there’s going to be like unicorn parties and uh

Be somewhere around H maybe down beside the church we can have like a big uh unicorn party down there yeah yeah that would big so cool oh Donnie what’s what’s wrong Donnie I heard a big explosion oh my God I just heard a big explosion as well it sounded really bad

What’s going on oh my gosh here we got to get back down to the Unicorn make sure they’re safe oh no no no come on quick quick quick oh Elis Elisa we just had a big huge explosion outside we’re going to run downstairs is going on

Donnie this is not good this is not good oh my gosh what was that what was that I hope that wasn’t the Dark Storm Queen oh no don’t tell me please quickly bab come on follow me follow me I can run quicker Oh no tny come on quick I’m worried about Sky I’m worried about her I hope she’s okay I know I heard that explosion as well I think I came from that area so we better hurry up let’s take a shortcut come on jump down here through the trees

On follow me quickly quickly quickly oh I got hurt there as well it’s so far down okay um it’s over this way which way where are you where are you that way oh okay okay okay quick quick quick follow me sorry unicorn sorry angels we heard a big explosion I

Did you hear anything excuse me guys did you hear anything no no look guards are here so maybe nothing happened because they’re still here guys we had a big explosion not sure what it was everything seems to be okay baby yeah everything seems to be fine maybe it was

Just maybe it was just in their heads maybe just like a big rainbow just kind of fell down and make a big loud noise yeah let’s hope so cuz I’m really worried about Sky all the angels are just around everything is okay hey guys going

To check on the unicorns we had a big explosion oh my gosh baby hello oh Donnie what what is it Donnie check it over here look some of the fence is missing what happened oh my gosh there was a big explosion here look look all the ground’s blown up and all the fence

Is gone oh no oh oh my God sky where is she Dar Sky hello oh it’s star the rain as well it’s so horrible oh look’s happening where is Sky my horse my unicorn is here he’s okay he’s okay okay where’s SK hello oh no we’re get so hello oh my gosh oh

My gosh what happened oh my gosh Sky Is Gone Baby Le sky is gone do you think she’s just walking around because she um the F the fence got broken maybe she’s just um around here somewhere so oh I think somebody’s have to taken her somebody’s have to kidnapp in Sky oh no

Donnie no no no please don’t tell me please oh my gosh guys somebody kidnapped Sky if you know who it was please please please leave comments down below because we really need to find her yeah guys oh my gosh I can’t believe this guy’s been kidnapped uh we don’t

Know what to do but if you know let us know what happened because uh we don’t know we were upstairs with the the king and guys I’m so scared I don’t know what to do I’m so worried if you know guys let us know and uh if you want to see

Tomorrow’s episode just go to baby Le’s Channel make sure you subscribe and to mine too and uh guys we’re going to be back tomorrow for another adventure in rainbowland cuz we got to get Sky back come on follow me baby this way I’m coming I’m coming you okay I’m so

Worried Donnie I’m worried poor Sky I promise you I promise you we’re going to get her back don’t it’s going to be no problem okay we’re definitely going to get her back okay okay no matter what happens we can use my new unicorn as well to fly off and find out where she

Is as well okay you promise me yeah Donnie I promise pinky promise to pinky think keep promise I’ll you do it oh we got okay we’re definitely going to get her back Happ I trust you I trust you we’ll spend the rest of our lives trying

To get her back go to the ends of the Earth we defit it’s going to be okay it’s going to be okay maybe maybe she just went for a walk somewhere I don’t know maybe she I don’t know about that there was a big explosion and there’s

All fences and everything missing oh no no no okay let’s just hope for the best where we we have to go the long way because we jumped down to the trees last time okay okay okay okay okay there’s lots of fairies around in unicorn so somebody must have saw something so

Hopefully this King what happens I think it’s going to be okay we just need to go find out and um maybe maybe she just got hungry and she went somewhere to get food okay maybe that maybe that’s it uh don’t don’t be wor about it though um hopefully that if the

Dark Storm Queen did take her I don’t know I don’t know why she would have taken Sky though maybe because Sky’s special unicorn um maybe because she can talk yeah she can talk but lots of the unicorns can talk here as well um I stairs let’s go why sky why nobody else

I don’t know I don’t know poor Sky I’m so fighting for as well come come oh oh hope she’s not too scared and too worried oh she’ll be okay I know she’ll be okay okay we’ll get her back we’ll get her back come on this guy so far

Away uh oh here is King King l king Li hello went downstairs and there was we I think there was a big explosion down where the unicorns are and sky’s gone missing and we don’t know what happened did you hear anything from anybody else oh my gosh baby Leah and Prince Donnie

I’m so sorry this happened here in rainbowland I thought your unicorns would have been safe here I found out from one of the angels that it was the evil Dark Storm queen that took your unicorn Sky you can get some armor and weapons in the room next door and you

Can take any of our unicorns to get her back oh my gosh D what are we going to do that’s terrible news oh no it’s so bad it’s so bad we’re going to have to help her uh thanks so much for telling us King Lis okay baby Le we got to get

Some armor on and get some weapons and go rescue Sky because this is really bad I don’t like it oh look there’s stuff in here okay okay do you want to get the pink one yeah I’m got pink one as well it looks like it’s fun where are you

Okay you’re there okay and I white and pink sword as well I have to just take my crown off oh yeah you can’t put your crown on you got armor on yeah I’m telling you I’m really really nervous I’m kind of scared oh you look so cute

Though on your little pink hat oh your pink armor is so cute Sor look at my one what’s like I look all pink and silly in mine but you look amazing thank you I need to take a sword oh did you get the sword oh no what happened there it is

There we go let me see oh my God God you look like a to Warrior dangerous J look dangerous you look like a pink Warrior it’s going to be crazy okay come on back out to King Le okay okay K say we got our weapons and we got our armor but uh

We’re ready we’re ready what do we do now how are we going to get to this place that she’s keeping Sky now that you have your armor and your weapons you can take any of our unicorns fly to the evil Dark Storm queen’s castle and get

Sky back but hurry guys hurry before she hurts her okay okay that’s cool uh okay bab come on follow me okay let’s go get back downstairs we got to get some unicorns we to get to the Evil darkstorm Queen’s castle and get Sky back oh I

Hope she’s okay I hope she didn’t get hurt Donnie I’m so hope she’s okay I hope she hasn’t been hurt as well hopefully that evil queen like won’t use her to like fly around and do evil things all the time no no no I hope not

You can take my uh unicorn and I’ll take a different one okay oh okay thank you D thank you so much come on come on quickly we’re going to take down this way I know which way it is it’s really hard to work in this armor it’s really heavy oh it’s very

Heavy isn’t it but it’s going to protect you though against all the evil people I’m really really scared Donnie oh look there’s loads of unicorns here but they don’t have any saddles on we can’t take them okay we can’t take them um where’s your unicorn he’s back out here she the

Evil queen didn’t take him so at least we have him anyway okay okay okay so fairies aren’t very good you’re not very good there was a in over there and you did no excuse me nobody protected K mad you guys need to sort yourself out get some better training okay cuz this

Is terrible it’s not baby no not acceptable not Sky we got to get down here coming coming we’re going to rescue Sky we’re going to rescue Sky that’s what we’re going to do we’re going to Res res Sky we’re going to rescue safe Sky come on you slow coach hurry up

You’re so slow and so tiny I know I know but I think should keep this pink armor though because it looks so cool in here we’ll have to get some of this and put it I can’t wear my crown okay we need to get some unicorns with

Saddles and let me see let me see let me see oh here’s mine over here look take this one over here side wait wait wait on this tonny take the one with wings oh yeah I’ll take that one with wings but ton um how do you know where to go I

Don’t know where the castle is oh my unicorn just told me he knows where it is he’s been there before to rescue somebody else so they’re going to lead us the way okay you ready to fly yeah I’m ready let’s go okay come Time come

On it’s over the top of the castle oh my gosh my guy got Wings it’s so fun oh oh oh oh oh well I’m going straight to the Castle come on baby Le follow me follow me kind of scary too high up Okay baby Le I think this is it the unicorns brought us here to this scary looking Castle I don’t like it oh it’s so scary I don’t like’s I don’t like it I don’t like it either let’s just leave go there and let’s just go home oh no

No no we have to resc her who’s this guy here look at this burritos walking around oh no hey hey mister what are you doing he’s scary you oh okay let’s just go there okay baby be very careful okay this place looks really scary I don’t

Like it at all quiet be quiet are you following me yeah come on scared stay close to me oh look this looks like a bit of a roadway here oh where where where kind of marked off with like fire and stuff okay okay okay oh I think I

Can see some gold Dark Knight or something up there okay jump off jump off jump off your horse Tony Tony you have to protect me have to protect me please please please please okay got our we’ve got our swords unicorns you stay here guys and wait for us we’re going to

Have a quick Escape after we get here us please hey baby come on follow me this way oh here comes a guy here comesy Qui get him get him oh he’s attacking me he’s attacking me it’s okay he’s dead he’s dead stay close to me come on baby

Just hide behind you cuz your first crazy adventure we have to try kill it’s so scary okay come on stay close oh there’s more guys up here oh here comes one here comes one get him get him get him get him get him get this get him get

Him get him come on get him get him no no no no no I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared oh my gosh baby did they kill him yeah you have to hit him have to hit Him this what happened get him I get him what’s going on what what’s going on I’m getting I protect your baby there you okay oh my God there’s somebody he’s right behind you he right behind you I don’t know if that’s it but look there’s I think there’s a bit of a

Doorway over here just be careful maybe there’s more scary nights in here too have you seen Sky anywhere can you seey no no no no I don’t think so oh there’s more golds in here and there’s of fire Danny please please please please be careful please scared that got stuck

In the we I’m scared ha he got stuck in the webs me whoer no this D over there look at him the web oh there two help baby come on help me help me get oh you got him well killed him let’s get this fell we’re going to get you oh

No I’m soing webs okay don’t get distracted we’re here to get Sky quick come on come on I got him I got him I got him oh baby I can see Sky oh no I’m on fire on fire hello okay okay what’s going on I got him I got

Him hey you we how dare you take Sky oh look at her all your how how do you open this someone was killing me it was you you tried to hit me oh sorry sorry sorry sorry that evil storm Queen is this is not working is itad thing it’s okay it’s

Okay I’m going to you keep knocking out that that and I’m going to go over and give out to her right ready oh SC you okay oh no Donny please come on quickly let’s get him oh my gosh baby Le the evil queen just escaped oh it’s okay dny I broke

The gate we have Sky now so it doesn’t matter hello okay cool Sky we came to rescue you I hope you’re okay hope everything all right she okay that evil queen that took you she got away but don’t worry about it we protected you from here we’re going to take you home

Now hi Donnie and baby Leah I am so happy to see you thank you so much for saving me from the evil storm Queen let’s go back to the Rainbow Land as soon as we can before she comes back oh no problem Sky of course we came back to

You to save you you’re the best unicorn ever and I love you so so much and yeah that’s a good idea Donnie come on let’s go don’t worry about it Sky we’re going to get you out of here come on baby jump top of Sky there be careful of all the

Fire okay just follow me really slowly there’s lots of holes here in front everywhere I’m so happy that we got her and she’s okay oh my gosh baby I’m so happy we’re back in rainbowland it’s such a nice place here know I’m so happy brought that pegas back he’s okay in

There as well so let’s head up to the uh unicorn King Elis and tell him that we’re back and then we got Sky back okay he will be so happy woohoo I’m so happy to have her back I know it’s great being back on the

Unicorns I love it I love S I know but we’ve been here for so long baby I think we’re going to have to go home soon as well oh I don’t want to Donnie but I think we have to come on which where are you I’m here just behind you going to

Bring our unicorns up to the Unicorn King as well and show that we have Sky we got to put the back and we got to put our weapons back as well oh yeah we really like the armor can we keep it uh maybe we can get some new ones okay

We’ll get some for the castle we we’ll put some in the castle and we’ll put some in the oh I’m stuck oh are you going have to fly over here oh as well no you have to fly over you have to fly over look ooh Shelby look all the

Way over here oh I can’t did you make it up no come on you can do it okay one sec you’re supposed to be expert at flying unicorns now okay okay okay woo oh I did it I’m on the top of the tree where are you top

Of the tree oh there you go you C okay come on follow me stand this way okay this Castle is so big I am so happy no there hey unicorns here okay no unicorns there sky and actually having got a name for my unicorn yet but guys

You stay here we’re going to talk to the uh King of the unicorns tell them that you’re safe and be back in a second okay we’ll be right back guys come baby here baby yeah you’re flying what you’re flying what oh wow look oh we can fly

What’s good the Unicorn armor can make us fly oh no oh that’s so Co we didn’t even know that before that’s awesome we’re so silly we didn’t know that come on down here quickly uh King L say went to the Evil Queen’s castle and we got back SK so

Everything is okay she’s okay she’s really happy and I’m really happy thanks for helping us out we’re going to put back the armor and the uh sword and we’ll definitely see you again soon but we’re going to head home now cuz we’ve been here for so long and we got to get

Back to my castle Yeah and we got to see Baby Max and donut cuz I missed them and we got to tell your mom and dad about everything that happened as well oh yeah okay come on inside put everything back on here put back the sword as well where here

Yeah okay sword is gone up there coach hurry up I want to go home and get some S I know I know so hungry two seconds please okay get back on I need my Crow back on you look so silly Crown blonde hair look so cute there it is perfect okay follow me

All good you look beautiful thank you King L we’ll see again soonk you we’ll see you crazy adventure here and I can’t wait to come back but it’s time to go home it’s time to go we got see unforunately okay I don’t want to go but

We have to quickly get back on your unicorns come on where’s mine oh hello over there’s my unicorn over here uh that’s it baby Le we’re just going to fly home now yeah uh yeah okay come on follow me do you remember the way this way have to fly over the rainbows and

All the way down o it’s so cool oh my God it looks beautiful I know it’s amazing bye-bye rainbowland we’ll see you soon let’s go home bye oh my gosh we’re back home already unicorns are so fast I love okay we better drop them down cuz I bet are

Really really hungry after that long flight yeah I know where are you I’m just here do you think there’s enough space in here for both of them um I think so yeah maybe we’ll make it a bit bigger sometime soon oh yeah later on maybe that was such an awesome adventure

It’s so much fun me me too care careful oh it was so cool seeing the Rainbow Land but it’s good to be home you know what’s cool as well this is a boy unicorn and Sky’s a girl unicorn unicorn so maybe they’ll be like boyfriend girlfriend oh maybe boyfriend girlfriend

Unicorn that’s so cool oh my gosh baby Le I’m so tired after that crazy adventure I think I just want to go to bed um can we say hello to Alex first please oh yeah come on let’s see Alex um I didn’t see her for a long time let me

Said I thought you left Alex back at Mom and Dad’s house no no she’s here she’s not here what no the last time you were mom dads you left her back there no you did what she’s not here you left her back there I tell you what we’ll do

Tomorrow we can go to Mom and Dad’s and we can see pick up puppy Alex and we can take her for a walk okay okay okay okay come on it’s getting really late now let’s go in and get ourselves some food and let’s go to bed because that was

Such a crazy day I know do you want to go back to rainbowland again very soon but I’m really scared of that storm Queen to be honest I don’t know I hope she doesn’t come back down here to try take sky as well I wonder what does she

Want she wants unicorns to fly around and cuz they’re so awesome but why sky there was so many of them but she took Skye maybe she doesn’t like you oh no what do you think I’m just a baby I don’t know we’re going to have to put

Some extra guards outside so that she doesn’t take them oh I’m scared now Donnie okay come on let’s get some food and then let’s get to bed cuz it’s getting really l SK there come but I feat her first I’ll give her one carrot first okay give her thr

Car get Oh no I got on her by accident okay oh look she’s picking up her legs oh she’s so excited to see it oh she loves it is she going to eat it yeah okay come on outside okay I just have to close this Okay jump on Sky there and we’ll go

Down and get Caramel as well you ready come on follow me just second let you race down here come on you’re so slow you’re a really fast unicorn look caramel caramel I can fly with oh my gosh so cool I wish roof on the roofs okay be careful don’t crush caramel’s in

Here hey chocolate caramel chocolate wa I’m going to give chocolate presents chocolate here’s two cards for chocolate because we can’t bring you today chocolate because Donut’s not here to take you so it’s only going to be two of us with sky and caramel we’re going to

Have loads of fun but I promise it next time we’re going to bring him as well okay I have caramel oh wait I got to jump out here are you ready to go y where’s Alex we’re going to ride all the way there hello Jimmy hey Alex I me oh

Look at me I jumped inside look at that I’m C fly inside oh I can only jump really high you can fly that’s not fair okay come on we’re going to go uh to the uh Forest Area and go for a little p down there you want to have a race to

Where to downstairs to the picnic area the forest come on down this way follow me which way woo uhoh into the wall the wall you’re so Sil I’m okay I’m okay okay stand this way ready Max get it go oh my gosh little Donnie it’s so amazing here

Thank you so much again forget me Sky I love her so much and I love flying oo I can see everything I know it’s crazy Looks So Co I know be careful don’t go too high don’t want to fall I know I have to be really really

Careful it looks like so much fun riding your Unicorn it’s amazing I wish I could have one Donnie Donnie where are you I’m just here I’m just here I saw you I saw you rid in the Unicorn it looks so cool oh I love it’s so amazing I love her so

So much I know she’s amazing I love it and it’s such a beautiful day for riding the horse isn’t it yeah I know it’s so nice and warm I love the lake as o oh my goodness it’s such a pretty Lake isn’t it can I fly there uh yeah but be

Careful I’m going to have to ride down the side here so you be careful flying down are you flying oh my gosh she going so fast okay I’ll come back to you okay where are you going oh I’m just here I’m just here oh I’m on a tree Oho you’re on

A tree oh you’re crazy okay I’m here now well I’m coming towards you where are you I’m down front of the lake ooh so many animals here where are you C just here behind you oh awesome okay come on follow me no more flying there okay just

Kind of have to walk behind me because oh look there’s the village where we got uh the Unicorn oh yes this where I got caramel as well that’s like their home little turkey it’s so cute you found a turkey that’s going that’s where we bought turkeys as well for Christmas uh

Okay come on follow me be careful now there’s a big hole there oh wa just down there careful now fall in don’t fall in I’m trying not to fly it’s okay you can fly a little bit but just be careful you don’t crush anything this is where myself and little

Kelly went for a ride of our horses as well oh really oh oh look all the little piggies they’re so so cute they sound like Don withd the dog oink they’re py Wy like you aren’t they py Wy little piggies this is such a pretty little

Forest is I know I love is great I’m so happy we’re doing this for my first Adventure it’s so much fun I know it’s awesome is are you still with me come on yeah oh sorry sorry sorry I’m playing again I’m playing again it’s such a nice relaxing little time especially uh just

The two of us hanging out with our horses I know I love you so so much you’re the best big brother ever I know I’m awesome you’re the best you’re the best little sister ever oh no I fell in the water oh no oh no are you okay it’s

Okay I’m coming out now I’m coming out now okay but usually we have donut here and he’s always kind of Playing Tricks on us and always kind of I know but this time he’s so relaxing and so nice but I miss him so much though and it Me Baby

Max too I haven’t seen donut ages we’re going to have to do some Ventures really really soon I know I know we will be careful don’t fall in there oh I’m being really careful now look what I just saw I forgot about that that’s a special secret rose garden over there that I

Brought little Kelly for a picnic oh show me show me wonder is is still there maybe we could use that for a picnic as well oh yeah that’s a good idea show me oh look there’s a place here look we can leave the uh we can leave the horses in

Here okay okay okay I’ll just F you jump off oh oh you get him inside okay okay okay I don’t know F want to go fly up and land in there oh camera got it got it got it got it got it okay jump off I

Put camera back in again cuz she escaped out I look so cute come on let’s go up to the picnic area quickly quickly quickly quickly close close close is closed gates are closed safe now are safe in there yeah there you okay caramel you okay okay they’re all good let’s go awesome okay

Let’s have a look over here oh remember all the broses that were here are so pretty ooh they’re so so pretty oh look the picnic area is still here as well O show me I bought on a day here such a long time ago and there’s the fire and

Everything so so romantic it’s so pretty isn’t it she’s such a lucky girl to have you Donnie did you build all of this she doesn’t have me anymore because we kind of broke up it’s going to be okay it’s going to be okay I’m sure you guys will

Sort things out and get back together I’m not going to be sad though because we’re having such a wonderful day with the horses so we’re having loads of fun it’s amazing please please please okay okay you want to sit down here and have some some pic here’s some juice let me

Give you some juice and I’m going to give you some a cherry oh my gosh baby Le it’s such a beautiful day for a picnic isn’t it I know I love it so much o what’s my drink here I think you have some apple juice I’ve got some chicken I’m so hungry

Cher I’m putting chicken all over myself oh oh oh did you just do a burp no no I didn’t I think I heard doing a burp no no I’m a lady you are a little gross little baby and you drink all you drink as well M was so yum I’ll keep the

Sandwich for later I’ve had such a lovely day at this picnic and riding the horses it’s been so fantastic we need to have loads more Adventures as well don’t we I know I’m so excited okay so let there lot more Adventures to come let’s jump up and go

Back over to the horses and then maybe we can ride around a bit more and then go back to the Palace oh yeah good idea come on over this way follow me I think it’s getting a little bit late now is it yeah it’s getting a little bit late all

Right come on follow me over this way where we going back and I’m like the same size as the H flow the grass I know it’s hard to see around isn’t it look over this way okay okay okay come come uhoh what’s where’s where’s the Unicorn where is Kai um Johny where’s where’s

Sky oh my God I don’t know oh no no camera camera what happened to Sky oh no oh my gosh we got to go find him come on we got to go find Him Come on baby we got to find where is she oh I think she’s over there look oh she’s there’s all kind of particles coming off her look I think she’s injured oh Sky oh what’s what what is this oh those flowers are really dangerous be careful don’t get too close

Don’t get too close for oh I near died let me I’ll try get it I’ll try her I’ll try get her I’ll try get her oh my gosh oh I got her here I got her here oh my God is she okay I don’t know look there’s all particles coming out of her

Oh oh Donnie I don’t think I don’t think so Donnie she won’t fly anymore will she not oh my God I’m trying I’m trying to fly but she’s not flying anymore oh no I think she got stung by all these dangerous flares in here like really bad

Flares oh my gosh Dy what are we going to do it’s okay it’s okay look she’s still alive she’s still walking around maybe she’s just like so bad for her God I think she’s lost her special powers maybe she’s just like a normal horse now

Oh no no okay baby look you wait there I’m going to go get really quickly I got to get a caramel you wait there I’m going to get Caramel okay just wait there baby I’ll be back in a second okay Danny please help we need to do something she’s not flying what’s wrong

I know I know I don’t know what’s wrong she just walked into those crazy flowers um it’s okay I’m going to get camel I’m going to be back over there in a couple of seconds you where you where you I’m coming I’m coming coming fast really

Fast as well okay I’m here I’m here you’re going to have to follow me right and be really careful don’t walk in any more of those crazy flowers over there okay where are we going uh we’re going to go back to the stable where we got

Her and maybe the guy that that had her at the start can like help us out maybe got why did this happen did you not close the gate I did close the gate but she can fly so maybe she flew out because inner stable at home there’s a

Roof on it poor skull I feel so sorry for her I know wait for us wait wait wait is she going really slow is she she is she is oh it’s going to be okay it’s going to be okay come on keep following me the village is

Just over this way oh my God come on Sky it’s going to be okay we’re going to get you back to normal I don’t know how we’re going to do it but we can do it and even if we don’t she’s still a pretty horse and you can still ride

Around her but she’s a unicorn there’s a turkey there’s a turkey come On come down here with me the main gu is going to be here coming she is really really slow uh oh me your buff oh I think she’s in pain you stay there stay on top no no stay on the Unicorn it’s okay okay okay okay um sorry how you

Doing sir we were here before and we brought unor please please please for baby Leah so uh we she just happened is that she just walked into some dangerous flowers and she got kind of hurt and now she can’t uh fly anymore what are we

Going to do oh my gosh guys that sounds absolutely terrible but there’s nothing I can do because she’s a unicorn she needs a special spell to make her better um the last I heard only the fairies have this special spell so I don’t know where any are maybe you could find some

Oh my gosh Donnie oh oh thank you sir um Donnie johnie I know where the fairies are come on quick we have to hurry up quick quick quick this magical fairy garden back in my Palace we don’t have time we don’t have time oh no back on okay okay okay okay

We’re going thank you so much sir go let’s go let’s go let’s go this way baby it’s this way come on way my God I’m so nervous and so know where to go it’s okay it’s okay we’re going to get back to the fairies get back to the fairy garden right away and

Uh we’ll find out what this spell is going to be okay okay okay okay okay hope it works come on quickly follow me follow me come on baby Leah quickly hurry coming coming we got to get down to the fairy garden poor Sky po Sky poor

Sky I feel not it’s our fault Donnie it’s our fault I know it’s only it’s our fault go gosh it’s our fault can’t blame yourself we didn’t know she was going to fly out the fence come on follow me it’s a big ton of tight but it’s going to be

Okay you okay come on I am okay I’m just so sad and poor Sky she’s not flying I know she’s not flying but the fairies that that man said the fair is going to be able to help us so hopefully they will come on down this way the fairies

Are really small but they usually have awesome potions and spells so hopefully they’ll be able to help us where you D dny come look okay okay poor just over here somewhere just be careful come the trees oh there’s all the flowers oh there’s some those dangerous looking

Flowers here are they Dangerous Ones no I think the pink ones are okay okay I think it was the red ones that did all the damage I’m not sure are these flowers okay Donnie uh I think they’re all right yeah she seems to be okay so

Maybe just jump off of there and we going and tell the fairies what happened come on baby Leah just up here quickly quickly we got to get tell the fairies what happened oh look there’s the fairy princess here hey hello hello hello hey fairy queen it’s Prince Danny back again

With baby Leah we had a bit of an accident baby Le’s unicorn ran into some scary kind of dangerous flowers and he lost his power of to flight or her power of to flight so I don’t know someone told us that you might be able to help

Us please please please help us oh my gosh guys that sounds terrible but we know how to make a spell that will save your unicorn we need baby Le to give up something that she loves dearly oh my gosh Danel what are we going to do I’m

Like something that I love dearly um I love you um I love you um I I love puppy Alex um I know but you can’t give up me you can’t give up puppy Alex I know I know um what you going do what my my

Pink doll I guess uh your pink doll it’s in your bedroom but that’s like your that’s your favorite doll in the whole world I know but for sky for Sky I’ll do anything okay okay come on uh Fair we’re going to be back really really soon we’re going to get um baby’s favorite

Pink doll and uh we’re going to make everything back to normal again okay come on baby Le jump out here on Sky look she’s going for walk over there oh my God hold on to save you come on D come on hurry hurry I’m right behind you I’m right

Behind you keep going keep going I hope we’re able to find the doll do you know where you put it hey she’s always there because I love her so much and I can’t sleep without her there she is oh your favorite doll Mia okay but I have to

Give you up now sorry Mia s i remember you I bought you that dog when you were first born I got her I got her come on let’s go oh my gosh it’s so sad I have to give her up but it’s going to be for

Sky so it’s going to be okay I know I know I know it’s worth it I know I hope the fairies can make that spell as soon as possible as soon as we get back there because where are you I’m right behind you right behind you come on I’m so

Tired we’re going to have to run all the way back down here back down to the fairies come on come on come on quickly quickly follow me follow me I’m just so tired and I can’t walk around really really fast so it’s okay it’s okay come

On we’ll be back there in a few seconds dny Danny hurry hurry I’m right here right here hello hello we’re back and um there’s my dolly me I love love her so much but I’m going to give her up for Sky to make her feel better I know fairy

Princess this is her favorite doll in the whole world I bought it for when she was firstborn and she’s had it beside her bed ever since and she sleeps every night with it and it kind of keeps her safe and happy but going to you me I’m

Going to miss you sorry she’s going to give it up to uh save Sky the Unicorn so please make a spell as soon as you can okay I again with unicorn with a rainbow tail fly against s unicorn with the deepest love the is fly fly fly again oh

My gosh that was such a cool spell thank you so much Donnie Donnie we need to check if it works I know thank you so much fairy queen that was fantastic I mean of such a beautiful spell um I don’t know baby Leah did it work did it

Work just check it out there okay come on Sky please please please can she fly oh my God she’s flying she’s flying oh my gosh that’s so amazing it’s so good baby okay go back towards the castle I meet you in the castle did it work y it’s amazing she’s

Flying I’m so happy that’s so cool I can’t believe the fairy works so good where are you now just in the castle just like okay I’m nearly there I’m just jumping up here oh oh the fountain okay Wai for you okay here I am I made it back I made

It back oh look worked oh my gosh let me see let me see fly fly again wo oh W that’s so cool that was such a crazy adventure we had okay let me just put it back in theable you thank you thank you it worked I’m so happy oh my gosh I

Can’t believe it works okay we’ll just put her back now I hope you’re feeling okay Sky he you Johny are you putting caramel back in put caramel back in yeah come on we better put Sky back in Hello Alex here are you I’m sure she’s really tired after that crazy day and getting

Stung by those horrible flowers still weak oh she’s still a little bit weak maybe she get up some some some carrots eat as well have you got a carrot for her there baby Leah yeah I do I do I do there you go she looks bit weak after

Her crazy day with all those crazy flowers I know poor Skye she had such a tough day I know but I think she’s going to be all right though she’s flying again and she’s got that fairy spell so I think she’s going to be all right oh

Give her back to the carrot did take her back sorry oh wait baby Leah yeah I think she’s trying to talk is she trying to say something oh my gosh I think that fairy spell made her be able to talk as well listen listen listen baby Leah

Thank you so much for giving up your favorite doll to save me you’re the best baby in the whole world I was sent to Earth from the Rainbow Land to be your guardian Unicorn oh my gosh um Skye you can talk oh Don you can talk and um what

Do you mean Rainbow Land rainbowland is a magical place where all the unicorns are from with lots of rainbows and fairies I can take you there someday oh my gosh guys I can’t believe that Sky talked I know guys it’s absolutely amazing the fairy spell made her fly

Again and made her talk it’s so crazy and baby Le she said she came from a place called rainbowland it sounds so magical I know I know so guys if you want to see me and little Donnie go to rainbowland with Skype please like And subscribe yeah guys don’t forget to hit

The like And subscribe and check out all the links in the description below and we’re going to see you again tomorrow for another awesome adventure from baby Leah and little Donnie and Sky the Unicorn bye guys W byebye oh my gosh baby Lee it’s such a beautiful day for

Swimming isn’t it I know it’s so warm and sunny wo it’s awesome I love it um oh watch this watch this I’m going to do a big huge spin backward tumble everything are you ready watch this watch this oh W oh my gosh I want to do

It as well Donnie I want to do it as well come on have a go how do you do that uh you got to make a big huge run and then do a big jump and a big spin a big jump and a big spin yeah so just St

From the back here St from there really high I’m kind of scared okay okay okay come back a bit come back a bit okay okay so I have to run yeah oh okay okay I run and I jump yeah and spin around go for it woo oh that was

Terrible was it it didn’t spin at all oh just jum off maybe because I’m a baby maybe that’s I’m really scared we have to teach you how to do swimming properly and how to uh jump around and spin around all the time okay okay you

See me now uh yeah so what are we going to do today all day long um Sky said something about rainbowland yesterday so maybe we can ask her if he could come I remember that sky was talking that so cool yeah that’s amazing that your unicorn talks yeah I know I’m so excited

I know it’s amazing how can a unicorn talk she wants to go to a place called Rainbow Land that sounds pretty cool doesn’t it she said it’s a magical land Donnie I know yeah definitely I want to go there as well but I don’t know if I’m

Going to be able to get there cuz I don’t have unicorn so maybe you have to go on your own I’m sure you can Donnie maybe both of us can sit on Sky yeah maybe she’s a big horse so I don’t know I’m unicorn not horse a big unicorn I’m

A bit of a pyi do don’t I’m going on okay come on we got to go downstairs and see if we can uh jump on her and go to this crazy Rainbow Land I wonder what it’s like there I bet she do loads of other unicorns as well M yeah I think

She’s had all the Unicorn of course live there so Lo of them I’d love the rainbows as well it’s going to be so exciting I know I know oh I can’t wait Meo I hope we can go today yeah me too I mean uh she said get she said she take us sometimes

So maybe today it’ll be fine for her but uh I don’t know we’re going to have to get changed as well but we got to go ask her first forgot I’m wearing my swimsuit I hope she’s able to talk today as well I know she was talking yesterday because

Of the magic spell but yeah I don’t know is she going to talk today as well I think I hope so Donnie oh baby Le guess what what I haven’t done anything over here oh come on oh yeah I think done training in such a long time I think I’m

Just solve for this okay have to some practice okay want to go this do you okay okay okay okay so I just jump come back down here no you got to run you got to race so I got to run and jump jump all the

Way over that you ready okay okay so get here this is the practice so when we race against D the dog and Max Max oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah then we them okay okay okay Max get set go go woo woo oh make it yeah oh no oh no no

No I’m under the water come on come on you can swim out you can swim out ah I’m stuck in the web how did you get oh no me too I made it over still stuck keep coming through I’m still stuck I’m still stuck Daddy okay

That’s not fair you got to jump on oh oh no I’ll the water again oh me too I’ll just swi too I’ll just swim too it’s okay I’m kind of cheating but it’s oh oh oh oh yes that was so good I like this okay acoss

These um jump jump oh no you fell off let’s see if I can make it okay I’ll just from here oh no what’s wrong made I made it oh did you fall up again yeah I I’m good at this I don’t think I’m good at this

Oh oh no oh no oh no I fell again okay no problem it’s okay it’s okay you did kind of well any need make more practice tired I’m so tired you tired yes okay we’ll go talk to Sky and then we’ll find out what’s going to happen with Rainbow

Land and maybe we can get changed and get lunch before we go o yeah good idea maybe we can take a picnic and have a rainbow picnic okay uh I’ll get some Carrs can I get some carrots there no have any there there any leprechauns live in rainbowland at the bottom of rainbow

Where lepra yeah o i wonder are in Rainbow Land are they scary Johnny no they’re nice little green fellas and they give you pots of gold really yeah ooh that’s good that’s cool you say hello to puppy Alex hello puppy Alex hello Jimmy how are you

Today we haven’t taken puppy Alex on a walking ages so next time next time we will I’m so excited about the Rainbow Land we’re going to what’s going on here walk soon okay um okay come on we unicorn or what ooh sandwiches I’ll take a sandwich took two sandwiches H so what

Bring the bainb yummy Yum Yum Yum okay you get oh did you hit me no it wasn’t me don’t the dog who was it was th the dog he’s down there hiding no it wasn’t I thought it was you Daddy I can’t suchar oh come here come here t t I have

To say something yeah Goa Goa oh no stop fighting now I’m only a baby catch me B can’t catch me I can can’t catch me I’m just SW where are you oh no are you hiding oh there you are can you catch me tag tag gotcha got you roll roll roll no you

Have to catch me now uh did you get me yeah I did oh my God I so did I’m coming right behind you where going to get you where where you oh yeah okay okay come get me come get me H now you can now you can just straight no no no you’re

Lying oh getting close getting close got got okay come on we got to talk the sky stop messing around okay okay okay hello Sky how are you what’s going on is she talking or not hello we’re here to talk to you about rainbowland that we want to

Know all about it okay so uh let us know if we can go or what’s going to happen hello baby and little Donnie how are you today I’m very really good Skye thank you and how are you and um I’m really really excited about going to the Rain

On can we please please please go today yeah uh Sky well baby Le is crazy excited we were just going for a swim and she maybe come down and talk to you again it’s so cool that you can talk it’s really really amazing but um yeah

We both want to go to Rainbow Land so hopefully we can both jump on your back is that cool Baby Leo of course we can but Little Donny can’t come because he doesn’t have a unicorn only people who have unicorns can visit the Rainbow Land

Oh my gosh Donnie what are we going to do I really want to do to come as well oh no what are we going to do um I don’t know baby Leah I maybe I can put some wings on cam like stick them on the side

Will that work um I don’t think so you need that unicorn not the horse with the wings I’ve got a good idea I’ve got a good idea maybe we should go to where we bought sky and maybe see if he has a unicorn for me as well yeah yeah yeah

Yeah I think so I think so but first let’s go get change quick quick quick come on I’m really excited come on SK we’re going to come back and get byebye going to get changed and then we’re going to come back and see if you can

Get me unicorn bye bye I’ll take caramel and you can take the unicorn and we can go back to that stable okay oh yeah yeah yeah good idea oh my God you’re getting unicorn as well they can be two best unicorn friends I know yeah they can be

Friends and everything and I can keep mine here and you can keep yours in your castle that’s such a great idea daddy have to build a bigger place as well okay you go to your bedroom get CH see back here in few minutes okay okay okay

Okay oh my gosh baby Le I’m so excited I’m actually going to get un I hope it’s a boy and then I’m going have think of a really cool name or too oh yeah yeah yeah yeah get a boy get a boy I’m really excited to go to Rainbow

Land it’s going to be amazing my no it’s so exciting oh hello turkey hello again hello turkey I wonder where it is because uh I don’t know where I’ve never seen a Rainbow Land anywhere but hopefully sky can bring us it’s going to be so much fun oh

Yay I’m going to jump off you stay on okay okay is there any unicorns there um I can’t see any unicorns down here uh hello sir it’s Donny we’re back again I know we’re here yesterday but guess what um the unicorn’s okay she’s flying again and she can talk and we’re wondering if

I can get a unicorn as well yeah Donnie that’s no problem I’ve got a real nice unicorn in the back uh he doesn’t have a name yet but maybe you can give him one and he’ll make a fine companion to Sky the Unicorn uh just head down the back

There and you can grab him okay oh my gosh that sounds fantastic thank you so much baby he said he has a boy unicorn down here for me oh no so oh go I it’s so cute okay put your unicorn over there come down here and have a look at me I

Think caramel’s going to get jealous caramel it’s okay you’re still my favorite horse don’t get too jealous okay think he’s going to eat that hay there come on down here baby let’s have a look what you see where is it where is oh here it is here it is there’s unicorn

Here W it’s beautiful he’s so happy to see me as well I think do it’s beautiful let see if go I just Clos it oh he’s awesome oh can he fly can he fly he can fly I think he can fly oh where am I

Going in here I was oh come on get out you can TR the Unicorn going have to break this fence cuz I can’t get it with him he’s too big he’s too big and he’s too strong it’s okay he’s so cute oh look at the car here this oh no what sh

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh fly fly fly weing W it’s amazing that’s so cool oh we can fly together now that’s so cool go let’s go I think we should try to get up somewhere really really high and then ask guy what to do because

Guess it’s rainbowland so it’s probably open in the clouds or something like that um yeah I think it is it’s it’s rainbow so it’s in the sky let go to the top of this mountain over here Dan dny what’s up what’s up Rainbow Land is in

The sky like Sky I know it’s such a great name for isn’t it I know oh I wonder what I’m going to call my unicorn he’s so cool I love him oh maybe we can oh cool look fly up to the top of this hill up

Here come on you can do it there you go y okay come on let’s walk up D yeah what’s up and we can ask guys to comment and leave suggestions for guys um I need a new name it’s going to be awesome we need a new name so

Please leave lots of comments and let me know boy unicorn boy unicorn okay baby got to ask guy how we’re going to get to this Rainbow Land okay yeah okay guys I’m really excited to see the got a new unicorn he’s very handsome I can’t wait

To take you to Rainbow Land you’re going to love it just hold on tight and follow me oh my gosh baby I’m so excited we’re going to to rain too me too me too okay let’s go what’s what’s going to happen is she flying oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m flying

As well we’re going towards the sun this is so pretty oh it’s amazing Oh wow look at this place baby Lee it’s absolutely beautiful my gosh look the big huge rainbows everywhere it’s like land in the middle of the sky there’s another unicorn here as well oh hello it’s so cute hello this is absolutely amazing there’s unicorn look at all the

Rainbows baby Le look there’s giant fairies here ooh they’re like Guardian fairies wonder why they have swords I don’t know is that dolly dolly is that a baby is that a baby unicorn baby unicorn it’s so cute that’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen look here’s another one

Oh they’re so cute oh my gosh look at this huge rainbow over here as well it’s so pretty and look what they have on the ground lollipops some hearts oh look there’s little fairies everywhere and all the ground is all made of rainbows and look at oh wa look over here look at

That big rainbow over the castle wow big huge Rainbow Castle in the rainbow gosh this is absolutely amazing oh my gosh it’s so cool it’s a bit of a road let’s go down this road here see what’s down here wait wait wait there this unicorns everywhere this is absolutely magical so colorful and

Fairies everywhere as well oh my go so gosh I love it there’s another rainbow down here oh there’s some fairies down guarding this gate here as well oh they’re so cute oh is that a little Rainbow person oh my gosh around it’s so pretty here look at this let’s fly in

Let’s fly in woo oh look there’s load of other unicorns here taking a bath oh there must be really warm they’re just cooling down cuz it’s pretty warm here it’s really close to the Sun I know yeah cuz we’re up in the sky so it’s really

Close to the Sun so it’s really warm oh it’s so cute maybe we should get off the unicorns and leave them in here wait in the pond uh just in this area here cuz it’s kind of closed off okay okay okay so they don’t W jump off SK there okay

Okay okay uh Skye and my new unicorn we’re going to leave you here for a bit we’re going to have her walk around than for bring up here bye it’s absolutely amazing oh my God I love this baby Le this place is amazing I can’t believe it amazing look strawberries lollipops

Cupcakes Beres everywhere with dust kind of coming out of them I can’t believe those cupcakes just cupcakes just grown on the ground it’s so amazing oh Dolly we better get out from here because you’re going to get pyi oh no I’m going to eat I’m going to eat everything

That’s on the ground you can’t you can’t do this oh this looks amazing there things here to see it’s so crazy I’ve lost where’s the way out oh yeah follow this way oh yeah sorry I for you o hello rainbow person hello oh look a little Rainbow manag just run around the place

Made so cute look how small he is is he the same size as me D look are we the same size same size as you yeah so there’s like fairies living here and there’s big fairies and small fairies and unicor oh my gosh look at this place I

Want to live here forever me too me too I wonder how long can we stay here um I don’t know Sky brought us up here so and look at the place is huge there’s a big huge cast in the back over there we should check it out we should

Definitely check it out let’s oh look there’s no rainbow man run around oh hello oh he’s just made it rainbows I love all the big rains a little bit bigger oh look there’s another rainbow bed but it’s a different one oh I kind of like him he’s kind of

Shiny look there’s a little house over here check out the house yeah what’s there did you jump up yep there’s a couple of fairies garders oh my gosh look inside oh oh you see o oh oo hello oh Lord look at him he is absolutely huge I wonder who is this he’s massive

Unicorn and he he’s the biggest one as well it must be a queen or a king of unicorns um hello uh Mr big huge unicorn fell we I’m Prince Donnie and this is uh princess baby Leah hello we have two unicorns and they uh brought us up here

To to visit the place so I don’t know I don’t know if we’re lowed stay are we l to stay hello Prince Donnie and Princess Leah my name is elicier I’m the king of of the unicorns welcome to rainbowland you’re more than welcome to stay as long

As you want there’s a little house beside here that you can sleep in but at night time be wary of the Dark Storm Queen oh thank you so much King ky say that’s fantastic I know that’s so cool thank you for letting us stay here as

Long as we want um I’m so excited L the place looks absolutely huge so I can’t wait to go in and check out the kingdom inside there as well um baby wait let’s just say uh it’s getting dark is it yeah I think it’s night time King Elisa maybe

We’ll have a look around the kingdom tomorrow and uh we’ll definitely keep a look out for that Dark Storm Queen you were talking about cuz she sounds pretty scary doesn’t she oh yeah I know kind of scared now I know I don’t like the sound

Of her and it’s getting a bit dark as well so maybe we should just go to bed and we can look around tomorrow yeah sure um I’m getting pretty tired anyway we did so much stuff today oh yeah oh look there’s a little house over here look where where where where on

This side okay okay it’s get really dark it’s like a little candy house it’s so cool so cute okay let’s have a look inside oh yeah there’s two little pink beds here that’s so cute Dary it’s CFE get this bed oh look kind a door

Right there I’m going to get this bed as well okay look at this we’re going to stay here tonight and then tomorrow we’ll go check out the rest of the Kingdom in rainbowland okay yay that’s cool it’ll be awesome okay good night baby good night byebye byee I’m really

Sad Donnie what’s going on why you laying down so much I’m really sad what you sad you got a lovely room here with loads of toys lots of play with why are you sad I’m sad because I miss puppy Alex oh I know you miss puppy Alex so I

Went and got you a surprise what what is it I love surprises follow me come on is it puppy Alex uh maybe but we have to go and find it first okay okay okay o I’m so excited I know you’ve been missing puppy Alex a

Lot so I went and got you a little surprise to Che you up come on slow coach come here come here comeing okay where are you oh I like tricking you come come on over here coming can you guess what it is we’re getting very close yeah it’s

Puppy Alex isn’t it puppy Alex go in there I went back to Mom and Dad’s house this morning and I picked her up and brought her back where is she she’s right there her IEX SC you she’s running around she’s so cute she’s back in her tail she misses you so much

A how is she she’s great yeah Mom and Dad said she was really really good and she’s having loads of fun over in their house with all the other animals than her so much she likes hanging around with the elephants as well with the elephants really in your

House so cute oh T’s go crazy look at tmy do you want to take her for a walk today he yeah Timmy Timmy get back inside here Timmy come on stop being CRA think he’s getting jealous he wants to go for a walk as well czy oh she’s so

Cute and also oh she’s so happy look oh wait my phone’s ringing baby my phone’s ringing oh who H hello who’s that oh baby duck how’s it going I’m just hanging here with baby Leah oh wait wait wait baby Leah baby Leah what it’s baby

Duck he says he wants to come over and hang out is that okay oh yeah okay but I’m really shy I know I think he kind of fan here as well oh no come on I’m just a baby okay one sec one sec okay yeah baby duck yeah baby Lee is here with

Puppy Alex so maybe you can call over and we can hang out a little bit and maybe I don’t know play some games or something okay no problem we’ll see you soon bye-bye okay baby look’s on the way over is he oh my gosh oh oh my gosh how

Do I look do I look okay really pretty yeah of course you look you look gorgeous okay okay you always do so maybe when he comes over we can hang out with puppy Alex and baby where puppy Alex out he’s over here hi behind this

Look at in there oh are you hungry uh really hungry actually I’m going to be bold today what are you going to get I’m going to have a cupcake oh really oh oh yum yum yum oh up so good what will I get I had a chocolate cupcake what are

You having o e cake oh dear look at this what is it the size of that cake which one this one over here show me it’s absolutely huge where is it there red cake top oh what why is there a cake here I put it there oh I just had some I

Just had some I’m going to have some more oh oh my gosh no darlly come on it’s so tasty but it’s only morning I know I’m being such bold boy today I’ll take one small cupcake okay I’m just going to sit down here you can play puppy Alex and we’ll wait for baby

Dogs to come over okay yeah sure oh D is Castle is so nice hey Dy baby is that you hey Dy hey who was that Daddy who was that talking that was uh baby Leah I’m hiding hi she to talk baby Le you talking yes oh my gosh Dy you never told

Me she’s talking uh yeah she learned how to talk a couple of weeks ago and now she’s doing her own adventures and everything and we’re having so much fun oh my gosh I did baby Leah oh here a big hug for you hey you too be careful

Sorry sorry D don’t get too close now Danny I kind of brought baby Leah a present but I didn’t bring you what did you get baby Leah I I you a cookie I got you a cookie I have a question I have a question how did you how did you pay for

That cookie how well I baked them I have a cookie tree well I found out something very bad what did you find out D you’re in trouble why am I in trouble got a huge bill from the mall someone big shop bill from Mall came all these on all

These toys running and I found out that you’ve been in shop Mall buying all the stuff put it on my tab yeah you’re very rich turn around you’re so bald yeah I know but it’s funny oh Leah you’re so pretty and I love your voice oh my gosh I’m so

Happy you two look so cute together really yeah you think we look cute together you’re the same size and you both have cookies it’s beautiful I think we’re so cute good sh I just think you’re so pretty hey Donny do I smell different today I showered today cuz I

Knew I was you put some on did you put some After Shave on as well yeah this is the first time I’ve showered in two months oh my gosh that’s kind of gross I’m going to shower from now on baby Leah I promise okay Alex is smelling your boom buom cuz it’s so

Stinky he’s so cute I have a really really big a she baby she’s a she the she do you like my new house yeah w d this Castle is awesome see see this is why I put things on your tab look how big your Castle is I know it’s

Okay just don’t put too much expensive things okay no cars there were oh no donut B me cars uh baby Leah do you want to show baby duck our surprise down the back of the garden there oh yeah follow me baby duck follow us baby duck something really really cool has a

Surprise for you do you just have a cookie tree as well it’s awesome I look Alex come with us today tree is a great idea I love that a cookie tree oh my gosh what is this unn unicorns cloud and Sky oh my gosh CL and Sky I have one has

Watch this what are we watching what are we watching you fly you’re flying watch this watch this ready oh my gosh def flying horses everywhere it’s so much fun unicorns do you want to try baby duck you want to try I’m I’m kind of afraid of flying oh really oh scared I

Was in a plane the otherday and I crashed it oh no you crashed the yeah it was I’m okay yeah nothing can hurt me baby Le why were you flying a plane because I was taking plane lessons but you only a baby yeah I know but so is

Baby Leah but she can take plane lessons oh don’t know about that oh maybe next time we can go together maybe really guys arranging there no no shh don’t tell Donny don’t tell Little Donny no little Donnie we’re definitely not planning on going on a date okay okay

Come on come on inside I’ll show you around okay this is awesome do you live here as well yeah uh well baby Lee has her own palace with and Dad but she hasn’t been there in a cuz she’s just hanging out here all the time cuz we’re

Having so much fun and loads of Adventures well I think I’m going to be here all the time then it’s a nice place isn’t it yeah it’s really nice why do you want to hang out with me all the time is it um well it’s it’s not you I’d

Like to hang out with Donnie see you’re lovely and you do smell nice which you see baby Lee is just so pretty keep aning you young man she smells like waterfalls and rainbows on look this is the main hall area Okay Okay o this is very colorful and nice it’s pretty isn’t

It w this is Kelly’s bedroom which is say anymore cuz we broke up I I heard you guys broke up Little D I’m sad to see that I’m so sad I’m just going to lie down here ddy no come on get off Daddy come on come on get any think

About little Kelly I just want to lie down and be sad no Donny come on oh baby ly down with me that’s it everyone’s s everyone’s lying down no come on guys let’s go baby duck what do you want to do today to cheer everybody up I don’t

Know maybe we should like are you coming with I have an idea what’s it baby Leah H I want to see baby dog’s house oh yeah baby dog I’ve never seen your house either you guys have never seen my house oh my gosh I’ve got tree pets tree pets

Y oh that’s so cute baby look I’m going to kidnap you and you’re going to be my pet no I can’t be your pet my pet I think I might be your little brother what I might be his little do you want to bring us over to your house and we

Can have a look around yeah guys come on we house let’s take puppy Alex come on you get did you drive over here or did you fly over here I walked over you walked okay get into my SUV and I’ll drive over to your house well baby duck

Is this it are we here now yeah this is my house baby Leah this is my house oh is this your car it’s yeah this is my car maybe I could bring you for a drive someday baby look can you drive I I’m a really really good driver uh excuse me

Can you see over the front seat I I have a booster seat uh I’ll put baby Leah I can put your seat belt on for you I don’t know if I want a baby driving around my baby sister but it’ll be okay I’m I’m a really tough baby and where

Are you going to take her on this little Drive uh wherever she wants to go okay I’m going to have to follow you in my car and make sure that you’re safe okay is he always like this baby Leah yes he’s really really protective I like

Your garden nice it’s a bit messy come on we’ll go in the front door the front door is really nice I’ll get the door for you baby Leah oh thank you baby dog you go you baby sorry Donny but the door’s closed no excuse me let in oh

Okay he’s here so this is your lovely house thank you this is Mr Knight oh yeah I’ve got one of them as well this is Moose moosey Moosey Moose he’s up here this is him oh my gosh there a dead bear on the ground in here he’s not a

Dead bear that’s Barry what is this bear oh no he’s de carpet he’s not he’s not dead he’s okay de he’s not he’s not real oh okay okay that’s I like a TV thank you I have fishies around here where are they where I’m around here oh well I’ve

Got some of them as well they’re so cool oh wow this is the kitchen cute this is where I bake all my cookies here’s all my cookies that I made this morning I want a cookie yeah you can have one these are just for you I got a cookie cookie cookie cookie

This is my fridge where I keep my watermelon and I keep my pork chops in there because I have a dog who eats raw pork chops sounds tasty the dog eats raw pork chops as well really yeah I’m Baby Max I’m Baby Max Yeah Baby Max he’s he’s

Like my best friend I really like him have you met him upstairs yeah he’s my best friend too he’s really well he he better only be your best friend he better not like you too I oh no oh Daddy I would found the back Garden let’s

Check out the back Garden where you at the back Garden o it’s nice out here yeah it’s nice there’s a big huge fire pit that’s cool yeah that’s where I can sit and relax maybe Leah maybe we could sit there after we have a barbecue or

Something oh yeah SS that’s good I like that it’s reallyy cool oh who’s this dog oh my dog is over here and my giraffe oh you got a little baby giraffe oh that’s so cute this is my dog his name is kitten hey kitten hello Kitt called your dog kitten but guys don’t

Jump in here cuz this is where he poops oh so he poops in there so Leah don’t go in there or else jump in there yeah my draft’s name is Colin Colin Colin Colin hello is that cuz he’s big tall and lanky is it yeah that that’s why he’s he’s my best

Friend and this is his bed he needs a really really big bed oh that’s a cool bed it’s really nice isn’t it I like that and this is the and this is where they drink from and this is where kitten does his pee so don’t stand on that okay

What’s down here I have a swimming pool down here cuz I’m in the baby Olympics oh it’s so big can you swim yeah I can swim a little bit Le I’ll save you I’ll save you if if anything happens I’ll swim thank you baby baby wait what’s why is there fish in

Your swimming pool because fish live in the water yeah but they’re going to poo and it’s going to be gross yeah but I poo as well swimm uh no but Donnie you’re embarrassing me in front the baby Le I think you’re embarrassing yourself there baby duck I’m no I’m not no baby

Leah okay I’m get out I’m get out that’s kind of gross you got some showers over here as well the showers over there if you guys want to have a shower cuz with there’s no poop make sure you turn the water off all them water charges oh

So cold yeah it’s pretty cold it is turn off hey you have to hit it again there it is we can turn it off hey guys I’ll bring you up to the roof there’s a big surprise Up on the Roof you got a Sur what’s it over there what’s this big Muk

Area oh that’s my farm that’s where I grow watermelons it’s not very good for in it it’s empty that’s cuz it’s not planting season oh okay and that’s where I grow flowers Maybe Baby Leah if it’s okay with you I I could give you some flowers

Or oh I would love this baby really oh yeah okay baby duck yes can still hear you okay oh sorry mind yourself sorry I I’ll be good we can go up the ladder this way baby D there’s a letter and next time we leave Donnie at home okay I

Agree we can go on a date without excuse me excuse me I’m Sho on today don’t forget the two of you are babies well we’re we’re grown up babies hey we can go up the ladder here uh I want to show you as a big surprise up

Here go for baby baby Leah you go first EP okay oh no oh I just fell oh no I keep falling off I had to go to the hospital last week cuz I fell off oh my gosh I can’t get up can you make it no I C it C it

Oh just look up go straight up care careful oh no oh no you hurt yourself oh my leg are you okay I’ll go get you okay I’m okay come on baby Le one more go okay okay there you go do it you’re just messing around you know J come with

Us see B that’s why I love you you’re so funny I mean that’s why I like you I mean what what’s disappear this is my pet ghost oh don’t don’t be afraid baby I’ll protect you but he’s kind of cute he’s friendly his name is John John the

Ghost you’ve got a ghost and you got a scarecrow yeah his name is Mr Crow his first name is scare second name Crow what’s up what’s over here and this is my Kaji this is where I relax yeah I’m nice and relax now yeah oh well Danny I wouldn’t go in there

There’s a reason it’s warm water what yeah oh no no sorry guys oh you can get to the upstairs of my house this is my bathroom this is where I poop I do not poop in my diaper this is where I poop you do a lot of peas and poops don’t you

Yeah but not in my diaper I promise baby Leah I am a grownup and this is where I have a bat oh cool yeah oh another TV room yeah this is my TV room where I relax uh this is my bedroom it’s is it a

Mess oh no it’s clean I forgot I clean tidy in here y this is this is my bedroom here wait Oh Daddy you’re you’re in little Kelly’s bedroom oh okay yeah I have the curtains closed but maybe I should open that’s cool that’s really cool that’s the bed I like to jump in

The bed like it’s a trampoline it’s very funny so what what are we going to do here in your house I mean it’s really nice and everything but it’s kind of a bit boring though I have idea I have an IDE yeah let’s go to a

Playground are you asking me on a date no no not you sorry dny sorry dny know baby we can’t say it in front the D I think we can have you can have like a play at the playground yeah good idea yeah that’s awesome let’s go to the playground okay

Come on let’s go guys we go down we’ll take my car again we’ll jump in and maybe we can get some like ice cream over there oh thats good yeah I think there’s an ice cream stand I know a good playground oh really where is is it

Close to here it’s kind of close but I think we’re better off driving uh okay let’s GOP my car get to the playground so baby Leah this is the playground I know we still didn’t get rid of dny but it’s okay excuse me I’m next time next

Time next I’m going to stay here and guud you I’m watching your boat he can he can hear us especially you baby duck why why why why me look this is the sandbox sandx is cool there’s loads of babies in here as well I was here before

I I have some sad news I was here before and I got bullied in the playground oh no oh no wait what happened baby Mike was bullying me but it’s okay I went and I told the police and they went to his parents baby Le got bullied in school

Before by baby Ralph as well really bad baby Ral I’ll beat him up if he bullies you ever again again okay thank you nobody bullies my baby Leah baby duck yes I want some ice cream you want some oh ready yeah but but you’re a grownup

If you want ice cream you can have ice cream where is it it’s it’s over here the sandwiches over there and then there’s ice cream in the douge park over here nobody wants sandwiches oh look a doggy perk yeah there’s doggies in here that’s so cool oh the Dog like donut I came here with donut once and he bought me a doggy no way this is where we got from oh look it’s like a big version of puppy Alex y so look at this little look look how cute this little one is oh he’s so cute

He’s like us he’s very cute their little houses over here yeah some of them live in there that’s awesome I want to live in here hey baby Leah do you want to come get some ice cream yeah just me and you yeah okay bab me okay Donny come on

You can come and get ice cream see always like this baby dug I tell you what you can do you can put it on my tab you can get whatever you want you hear that baby Leah I’m going to buy you some ice cream thank you hey lady we’re going

To have some ice cream put it on little Donny’s tab but don’t tell baby Leah I want one of these ones I’m going to get some which one do you want baby Leah um baby dogful choth for me would you like some caramel ice cream or would you like some vanilla ice

Cream uh vanilla vanilla I got vanilla ice cream you go oh it’s under ground oh it’s okay oh I got it ooh M so tasty yummy just burp it wasn’t me it would you like some more baby bur okay now thank you I’m going to eat more

Cuz I’m a bit of a py Wy py Wy like uh dny yep D not py W I’m very fit and healthy I TR all the time I eat loads of fruit salads you’re a py w you’re a p w p w you hit me baby he hit me I have an

Idea I have an idea let’s play a game of tag oh okay ready tag run run run run I’m coming after you baby Leah run I’ll protect you I’m coming after you baby Le I’m going to get you I’m going to get you got you baby is hey wait dny is it kiss

Chason uh no because she’s my sister she’s not going to kiss me going get oh my gosh she kissed me just a little cheek you’re such a rascal oh my gosh I got a kiss oh my gosh right baby don’t you to catch us I can’t walk I just got

A kiss you have to try catch me okay let’s get him bab let’s get him oh wow this playground is awesome I’m trapped already are you trapped you’re too big I got him he missed me he no he didn’t he got you ah trapped in I’m not try to

Give him a kiss though oh I’m going to get across here uhoh that was so cool uhoh no no oh no is this a trampoline don’t go under there Dy it’s dangerous that’s a dangerous trampoline I don’t know I might fall off and hurt myself oh

Look it oh wow look there’s a water SL over here oh that’s so cool yeah I want to go you oh we’re too small we’re tiny oh there’s I want it sorry you won you won you’re so amazing water slides are so much fun yeah that’s awesome do you guys like this playground

Oh I love it it’s so cool baby Leah maybe sometime me and you could come to this playground and maybe have a picnic or something yeah that’s sounds good baby dog what about me yeah no dny no dny though no dny oh that’s mean well

It’s just D we we we we want to I think maybe I can try to get little Kelly back and the two of us can bring the two of you here and good idea we can go on a date and you can have a little play day

As well yay yeah I like that wa do we all have to sit together no you can sit over there and we’ll sit over here just me and you baby Leah yeah that would be really nice that was good what else can you do in this park and you can just run

Around and mess and ow I Hur a leg oh I have an idea let’s play hideand-seek okay not on but you’re on dny okay 10 one oh crap crap God we 5 6 7 hiding I’m hiding 9 10 give you a few more seconds you better hurry up

You ready to go yeah I’m ready to go Not Here I Come Baby Le baby Le’s like standing right beside me where the worst position ever to hide in the history of hide seek ever okay I can see youy I’m hiding oh I think I saw something yellow stick is head it over

Here gotcha wasn’t me gotcha got you gotcha ah you got me you got me oh no it’s raining guys it’s raining we stand under here until it stops okay just wait here till it stops okay here okay babies I think it looks like the rain has

Stopped it’s okay to come out now oh my gosh I don’t like the rain my hair goes all fuzzy oh it yeah and baby you will not like me when my hair goes fuzzy on let’s play in the sandbox for a little bit who wants to build a sand castle I I

Would like to build a sand castle are building a sand hole what what are you doing are you breaking it I’m going to try build a love heart I’m going to build a castle with these blocks look I’m going to try build a love heart a

Love heart for who for you look I bu castle that’s so cute look I built the S castle look at me it’s my awesome castle it’s only room for one person though sorry you can’t come into my castle get off oh Oho Dar you silly be

Oh H look what’s happening over here I don’t know if my love her is very good I don’t think you’re doing a good job of this that’s a very bad look that’s like a a triangle kind of star Diamond type thing yeah that’s not good I’m going to

Make a new one oh there little kids in my way I look this big huge baby over here baby get out yeah I I got I think he likes it in the hole Yeah he likes he likes he going to stay there forever in there he likes that but I’ll try build

One over here I’ll try build one outside it oh yeah okay what you love heart yeah okay I’ll come build but who who are you building a love heart for little Kelly for little Kelly oh yeah that’s true are you you okay Little Donny kind of sad

Let’s do this it’s okay though Donny I’m sure she she’ll take you back yeah she will I’m going to have to do some soon though because it’s been ages since we had a date and I know we’re broken up but well Donny know you you can have me

And baby Leah you can say you want to bring us out on a date and little Kelly thinks I’m cute cuz D maybe I could say it to little Kelly because me and little Kelly are best friends in the world are you really yeah we’re best friends so

Maybe I could say it to her dny would that make you feel better yeah we can help them we can help you Johny we can organize a date for you guys you we need cheron and you can’t look after us on our own cuz we’re such a handful

And know you were a handful we’re not a handful We’re Cute crazy crazy babies we’re crazy babies my come look at my love heartby look at it oh that’s a pretty good love heart my D dny I need a me I need to have a meeting

With you dny what’s up can we pretend I made that for Foria uh no afraid not a please you have to make your own one bad one did you I made a really bad one but it’s the Tata counts yeah thank you baby doc you’re so cute it’s the T I need L

More blocks to finish it off I’ll finish it off for you I’ll help you I have lots of block okay we can do like a team team job I have to as well you go there you go for you I made this baby it’s so nice you’re so

Romantic I know I don’t know where I came up with the idea I just I know you’re like baby du if you see baby Kelly or little Kelly anytime soon you tell her that I built a heart for her okay of course I will I think I’m

Supposed to be seeing her soon because I haven’t seen her in a while so I’m going to see her soon and dny don’t worry I’ll put in a good word for you why did you guys break up um we just needed a break because we didn’t really see each other

That much we’re always so busy and everything so we’re just taking the time out baby I just want to let you know I’ll always make time for you a thank you baby dog you’re so cute thank you D you’re so beautiful in your oh hello dar

I’m sh oh be careful be careful that fell over there he’s bit a cheeky fell isn’t he hey I’m that cheeky I’m cute baby look the sun’s starting to go down I think it’s getting a bit late it’s time to go home I think yeah it’s time

To go uh baby dog it was um nice date play I I I had sandwich for baby do you think we could do this again soon maybe yeah very soon okay bye baby hey can I give you a hug goodbye okay okay okay give me a little kiss in the

Cheek you two Little Rascals okay come on time to go home let’s go okay come on byebye you guys bye-bye okay baby City come on this way let’s go I can’t wait for you to oh I can hear somebody wa I can hear Daddy that Sharky ah Daddy how

Are you shy what’s going on helloo is this the famous baby Leah this is baby Leah oh my gosh daddy I’ve just realized you and me have never hung out never I mean I’ve met you at a couple of parties before but we’ve never really hung out

Like this it’s really really fun yeah it is I iar that you have All the Monies and you’re going to buy me things oh I have loads of money cuz I’m a prince and I actually have a tab in this mall so whatever you want just put on my tab oo

Oh okay okay sorry sorry AP guys who is this this sorry sorry Lilia my name is Shy nice to meet you nice to meet you oh she’s so cute okay okay so this is baby Sydney she’s my little sister oh hello can she speak can she speak no she can’t

Yet she’s still learning oh maybe you could teach her oh yeah May that’s a great idea you can bring her to school and she can talk to her sly say baby Leah say baby Leah no she doesn’t like saying anything no Sharky I have a

Question I have a question is she like a human baby or a shark baby yeah see it’s a bit complicated you see cuz my mom is like half shark half human and my dad is full shark half and half yeah she got to half and half she but she won’t eat you

If that’s what you’re worried about I’m a bit scared I’m a bit scared I’m really scared I think she’s going to bite my leg off no if you’re a pancake she loves pancakes she loves pancakes she love pancakes okay so you’re telling me I could have whatever I wanted in here and

I’ve told baby Sydney that she could have a Ferrari come on Sydney come on baby put they don’t sell Ferraris in here so ha oh okay okay so um she going have a toy Ferrar oh a toy ferar Sydney would you like a toy Ferrar I think she

Would okay baby Le you’re going to have to teach her to say yes okay say yes come on silly please just say yes to everything say yes no no not yet okay let’s head inside I think the two of them are going to be best friends wa

Look at this place I hope so she’s so cute so baby Leah what age are you uh I don’t know okay you can talk May it’s like like maybe like one and a half or something like that one and a half No 9 months 3 years 4 years one months no

Knows you’re like 18 years of age good job it’s a secret I like your crown oh thank you it’s so cute it’s so pretty whereit did you make her did you play her crown um yeah when she was born mom put that crown on her straightaway so

She’s always had it where’s your crown um I don’t have one oh in myfe at home not a real then I don’t bring it out cuzz Donut’s always messing and he’s just going to rub it on me so you’re not a real Prince I am a real Prince

You’re oh here here you probably you probably more than I do here oh thank you so much I got some go need that more than I do I going to get some stuff over here what’s over here come on baby come on baby let’s go what’s here oh that’s

The security oh sorry security sorry sorry you only go there if you like lost something I’m going to get in trouble for ring Bel okay okay so I think we should definitely have a walk around this place this place is ginormous I’ve never been here before have you been

Here we’ve been here lots of times but sometimes it looks a little bit different I think they get new shops every now and then oh okay this is pretty cool so what have you been up to lately I hear um things aren’t good with you and little Kelly uh no we actually

Broke up I’m really really sad oh that’s I heard you was really really sad too cuz I I don’t know if you know this but Scuba Steve broke up a little curly well they broke up together I heard they broke up as well it’s so sad everybody’s

Breaking up but I don’t know I think maybe we’re all going to get back together again eventually yeah I think you do because I know Scuba Steve loves little Kylie still and little Kylie loves Scuba Steve and I know you and little kayy both love each other so it

All work out I just you have a girlfriend no I have no girlfriend no girlfriend and Dona has no girlfriend either what’s going on there oh maybe Dy and D could be best friends uh baby Lee has a guy that kind of fancies her what

I heard baby duck has a crush on you really yeah oh no I would go near him he’s a bit of a smelly ductor he’s um I know he he’s um you know been been known to quack if you know and again guess what happened to us the

Other day uh baby Lee has a unicorn the Unicorn spoke and then unicorn us to rainbowland and it was amazing it was so cool oh that’s pretty cool baby baby Sydney you you don’t go walking away baby Leah would you look after baby Sydney please come on baby Sydney let’s

Go look around hello that’s really cool I’ve had a lot of fun let’s go into here where you go I don’t know this look this is like a fashion show Oh look baby Leah baby Sydney are going to model for us oh that’s so cute yay

Look at you go come on baby give us a look give us a spin baby Le good that’s awesome you like Ste oh yeah blue steal okay okay tny I need to ask a question come here let the two babies have the front time play okay so

I’m quite hungry know I’m a vegetarian so I don’t know what she’s behind you oh hey bab Sydney okay I don’t know what we should eat maybe maybe we could head over here oh I know what we should do we should get into a really big deep conversation not pay attention to

Anything else other than our conversation oh I know there’s nothing El important here just us to talk about girls and stuff okay maybe you could help me find a new girlfriend what about that o maybe I could try I could definitely try I I don’t really know how

To talk to girls but I could try I’m not very good either because I was always with Kelly and nobody else okay well listen let’s go have a walk up the ball let’s see what else you can find okay come on come on silly follow me come on

Just leave them leave them there talking come on let’s go where are you comeing oh what’s this oh hello babies oh they’re all so cute Hello Sly let’s go here oh death slim oh no silly Billy baby where are you oh it’s so cute come on Save baby Leah see Le save baby

Leah please come on no okay o this is so cool do you like it say yes no say yes okay let’s go let’s go upstairs we’ll see U maybe there’s some toy shops oh are you coming let’s go up these stairs oh I was here before but I don’t know

Where the toy shop is come on C let’s go um do where oh oh there’s nothing here this door is empty ooh where could they be H where are all the toys oh guitars you want to take a guitar silly do you like music no yes no okay you have to say

Something come on say something yes or no okay let’s go o Pi I love this oh oh silly you coming are you coming where are you come on follow me oh come on let’s go maybe we should go back downstairs so um shark and Dy doesn’t get worried come on quick quick

Quick quick oh oh hello okay uh how do you get back those stairs oh okay um do you remember which way we came um okay I’m starting to worry now oh okay uh this is definitely the downstairs oh no oh where we going okay okay okay where should we go okay uh um

Uh silly do you remember do you remember where to go uh um okay come on cuz D is probably really really worried by now you coming where you oh no oh no you can fall be careful oh I don’t know where to go oh no I was never here before not at this

Floor um uh who could we ask for help uh oh there’s a key I was level there um excuse me how do you get those stairs please help oh they’re not speaking to me oh do you go where do you go CIA you here oh no don’t get off you can fall

Oh I don’t know where to go I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know okay um let’s just look uh for stairs and we go back there everything is going to be okay don’t worry um uh okay okay okay okay okay not

This way oh my gosh um D is going to be S oh there’s the stairs okay let’s go okay okay okay uh okay I remember here we were here before um okay come on come on Syd come on are behind me okay quick okay downstairs okay um uh okay okay stairs

Here oh I think I think we’re here um you yeah um there were just oh no where are they oh I think we lost them oh no um I think they were just here silly okay don’t worry okay we’re going to find them don’t worry don’t cry it’s

Going to be okay okay um Dolly Sharky where are you hello hello um s you see them no uh oh no where are they oh they’re probably looking for us oh no oh what are we going to do oh no where are they oh so sorry we

Shouldn’t have left them oh no that was such a bad idea okay don’t worry we’re going to get him they’re going to find them maybe we should just um sit here and wait oh I’m so worried doy where are you oh no he’s not here I can’t find him um Dy

Hello okay S I don’t know what to do oh silly I have an idea let’s go uh to the security office maybe they can help come on quick coming okay Daddy we have to go upstairs I think they’re upstairs let’s go okay come on let’s go follow me come back you’re

Going to get me oh D where they go they’re down here beside McDonald’s I think come on they went in here where they go went in here they they go in the kitchen oh my gosh I thought they went down this way oh no where did they go baby Leah you’re in

Trouble this way where she gone oh syy she beside the babies I can still hear them Sy is with me S is with me know where they are I think McDonald’s uh baby come back here baby Sydney baby oh I can see her I can see her she’s over by Builder

Babies come on I’m going to get you I’m going to get you you got us oh guys what was going on you guys had us worried we were worried as well we were um just looking for some toys and then we got lost and then we could to find

You I think you found it look there’s a big toy room down here the toy room oh we went all the way upstairs oh SOS SOS come on Sly at least you found it now come on more running around oh jeez D I can’t believe we lost they went hiding I

Was so scared I was crying and S was crying as well but then we saw you and then we thought we’re just going to run away I know at least guys got some phone anyway yeah baby C have a lot of fun there I think she likes I think she

Likes all the toys oh bless we thank you so much for looking after at least she didn’t get taken or get lost get St in the toilet we got lost together look at me where are you here oh you’re Batman Batman see you where are you oh that’s

So cute think I can R the Superman suit oh my gosh you’re so fast shy that’s crazy oh that’s so cool I can actually fly in the suit who I don’t know what I can do with Batman do anything oh you can fight crime is what you can do can

You fight crime there’s loads of stuff here somebody else baby put on the Wonder Woman outfit where is it it’s over here over here uh where I don’t know where it is I don’t know where it is Captain America there we go Oh Captain America can jump and run really

Fast too oh that’s so cool I have to take my Crow off okay take my Crow off oh no W oh oh I’m Spiderman oh I’m Spiderman okay baby Donnie or not baby Donnie little Donnie yeah I figured out what I want want Daddy I want this PS3

And I want all them suits oh my gosh a PS3 as well okay okay look weird I look weird you oh it’s too big for you what I look so weird that’s so funny oh I can fly oh W that looks so weird that’s oh my gosh oh well guys it

Is look pretty and I think I’m going to bring baby Leah home cuz oh not baby Leah baby don’t bring me anywhere please Noy it’s getting very late it’s time to go home you two had a bit of a crazy day I have to take this up put your soup

Back up there okay going to have to say goodbye to Baby Johnny I think we should hang out again soon that was a lot of fun we just maybe we don’t bring the babies the next time cuz they bring the babies bring us we won’t run away next

Time we bring the babies but you Pro have to promise to be good babies okay okay okay we promise where come back out this way guys this is the way out here let’s go guys let’s go home D you’re let’s go I’m driving guys follow me uhoh

Come in come in come in wait up we are still babies remember we can’t walk this quick baby Kye what’s going on why you not eating your pizza it’s so delicious I’m going to eat yours if you don’t keep eating it m you can have mine no problem

I really don’t have an appetite baby Kai after what happened with the bully like he just ruined my date and I still haven’t even talked to Brad and on top of that I have my first ever swimming class tomorrow and guess what I’m so nervous because I can’t even swim and

I’m so scared that all the kids are just going to laugh at me baby Co they’re going to think I’m a silly cow don’t be so silly you’re not a silly K you might be a city sheep but not a city K look you know what we’re going to

Do let’s go get you a new suit then you’re going to look super super cool and your new boyfriend Brad’s going to think you’re awesome but what about the swimming part it doesn’t matter what swimsuit I have if I can swim everybody is just going to

Laugh at me because all those kids over there they’re like in swimming competitions and everything and the second can all get in the water just drown people are just going to laugh at me swimmer I’m a great swimmer I’m going to teach you how to swim okay okay so

We’ll get you a new swimsuit and then I’ll teach you how to swim all right M really I didn’t know you’re a great swimmer excuse me sir Madam H we’d like a swimsuit for this young lady please thank you very much so baby C It Go in

Here first of all yeah now try it on is it a nice swimsuit okay one second let me just try it on wow baby Kai it’s actually really lovely have a look isn’t ITW very very nice yeah it’s super super cool it matches your colors I think it’s awesome thank

You sir put that on my daddy’s account his name is little dny okay awesome we got it let’s go bye okay let’s go oh my goodness so are you lying to me are or are you actually a good swimmer because I’m not prepared to die today okay baby

Car do you not remember that we have a big swim pool at home we had a lake we had an ocean we had loads water around our entire Island so yeah I can swim I know but I thought that I could swim as well but I actually can’t you know I

Know we paddle a little bit but those kids over there they’re just so good at swimming and guess what that swimming pool in the school it’s so big it’s actually a little bit scary baby Kai I don’t know if I can do it I’m really really scared and nervous I mean I

Couldn’t even sleep last night I kept having dreams I’m drowning can you imagine that’s crazy well you know what first thing we got to do very very important you have to eat loads and loads of food before you go swimming okay so make sure that you get a full

Stomach and you got loads of energy so grab some food in here and eat all look over this side okay but are you sure that’s how it works absolutely I remember daddy said make sure you eat loads of food before you go swimming I actually heard that eating loads of food

And having a pool bed one swimming it’s a bad thing don’t be S that doesn’t make any sense at all you need to get loads of energy in your belly so get loads of food cupcakes sweets Donuts corn strawberries everything okay I guess you’re right I’m going to eat all of

This I got a tomato banana and a cupcake that should keep my belly nice and full and give me loads and loads of energy that I can use to learn how to swim now come on let’s get to the swimming pool okay well I’m going to be your teacher

For today so you have to promise that you’re going to do everything that I tell you to do okay of course baby Kai I trust you if you say that ah it’s raining run okay I’m in a bikini oh my goodness I’m getting so

Much oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I cannot believe it’s raining slow okay okay I’m here okay there’s lots of people here as well to watch you swimming as well and also we’ve got some fish that are living in the swim pool which is awesome there’s fish as well

What if they bite me okay baby Kyler first thing you got to do go over this side of the pill okay now you need to do some exercise you need to Sprint up and down five times go okay o oh my gosh oh my

Gosh oh my gosh are you sure I need to tie myself out like this yes this is to get you warmed up get the muscles moving get the blood flowing plus you’ve got all that food your belly so you’re going to have tired muscles food in your belly

And you’re going to swim so good uh I don’t know if that is how it works I’m afraid I might be a little bit too tired for swimming okay one more one more let’s go let’s go let’s go pump it I’m so tired already baby car you sure this

Isn’t right thing to do yeah okay so this is what you going have to do okay come up here you’re going to start off in the diving board right oh I think I need a little bit of a break I’m so tired baby Kai I don’t know if I I’ll be

Able to sleep to swim when I’m so tired of course you will I’m an expert trainer of the swimming people okay so now I’m down this end you have to swim all the way down here to me was but I can’t even swim a little bit how you sink or swim

Lessons so either you swim or you drown your choice go oh my gosh baby card this is a little bit harsh if something happens to me will you be able to save me I mean I am really scared let me just get R of my crown if something happens

Just grab onto that fish oh God I fell in oh gosh oh gosh are you okay are you okay okay okay let’s see if we can get out oh my gosh is the water warm stuck okay you AIT there for me baby you have to wait there for me in

Case I drown okay you’re wet now anyway so it’s fine okay I got it I got it it’s okay oh go okay I guess I should jump in oh I’m so scared get it go oh gosh it’s so here I’m at the bottom but I think I can make it okay

You’re doing a good job come back up the top some somewh oh gosh where am I okay see if you can swim down to me now oh go to tired all that food in your B should be giving you loads of energy no it’s not it’s actually dragging me down and I’m

Getting a stitch oh I need I can’t I can’t do B I’m somebody help help think she’s drowning oh gosh I’m drowning oh my bell can help you my belly I’m going to stitch Baby K I can’t get the top oh gosh oh gosh my my legs they even up on

Me help me help me I’ll save you I’ll save you I’m going to get out I’m going to get you out get out oh gosh oh gosh baby Kai I knew you drowned I’m drowning now I have no energy left baby this is a disaster I can’t even walk

Where are you come on get out of here I can’t get out get out I can’t get out stop hitting me oh sorry stop hit me ah now I can’t get out this is a disaster this is so embarrassing get me out get me out come come you know what I think

I’m done I think maybe instead of swimming lessons I should just take some other lessons I mean this was tough man I nearly died I nearly died let’s just forget about the swimming maybe you could do like gymnastics or basketball or something instead oh gosh I don’t

Know baby Kai I’m so sorry to tell you but I think you’re actually the worst teacher for swimming in the whole universe I mean you made me eat loads of food then you made me jog around the swimming pool to warm up but actually I

Just got so tired and now I can’t even feel my legs are my arms you know what whatever I was just trying to help you you can just go go swiming on your own don’t ah baby Kai I’m too tired I’m sorry help me I’m sorry I didn’t mean it

Like this yeah baby Kai you’re the best teacher oh gosh why would you do something like that you’re terrible terrible terrible boy CU you being mean to me okay you know what this is what you’re going to do you’re going to come out here and you’re just going to run

Around in the rain and that teach you how to swim cuz it’s so wet oh my gosh you know what maybe you’re right maybe swimming isn’t for me and I was going to only do it just because Brad will be here but maybe I shouldn’t

Be chasing boys like that I mean if Brad likes me he can chase me himself am I right or am I right you go girl H okay I think I’m not ready to go to class baby Kai I’m just so traumatized after those we gaming glasses I’m all soak in wed I

Actually don’t even know where my clothes are I think I left them in the shop so how about we just skip school and go home what do you think Mya let’s have a party instead come on let’s just go home and let’s just hope I don’t run

Into Brad now ah was that you that was the Bell quick get out everybody evacuate everybody evacuate get out before Brad comes out gosh can you imagine if he sees like this all W oh let me at least put my crown on okay much better where did you go baby Kai over here

City okay let’s just go home it’s a terrible day today lots of rain so you know what I think I just need a warm shower put on some pajamas and let’s watch a scary movie what do you think let’s do it that’ll be so awesome and

Maybe tomorrow I can just talk to Brad and be his friend first I’m just so sick and tired of trying to impress people I just need to be myself and guess what if Brad likes me I’m sure he’s going to make the first move right absolutely

You’re the best ever M okay Baby K let’s just get some food what can we get oh do you want a slice of pizza no I’m going to bed see you I wasn’t going to give it to you anyway cuz it’s the last one left ha baby

Kai baby Kai what are you doing okay play hide and seek you know what just go to bed I’ll just sit here on my own and watch a movie oh my gosh you guys today was so difficult I can’t believe I actually trusted baby Kai to give me

Swimming lessons he’s just such a terrible teacher and I nearly drowned but you know what at least he tried I mean he thought he’s doing a good job but telling me to run all those laps and eat so much food before swimming I mean that’s never a good idea to eat so much

Because then you can get crumbs and then you won’t be able to swim so guys make sure when you swim that you stay safe and always have an adult supervising you so you don’t St drowning like I nearly did oh gosh what is this is is baby Kai okay is he

Breaking something by accident oh gosh is that the window smashing hello I’m coming out to the hallway whoever this is stop playing around and go away baby call where are you oh gosh oh gosh the window’s still breaking baby Kai baby Kai okay I’m in

His room now baby Kai where did you go are you hiding are you trying to prank me and scare me because we watch that scary movie hello baby C just answer me please I’m a little bit scared you got me you got me okay who is that oh gosh who is it

Okay I better go downstairs and check it out hello oh I’m so scared why do we leave alone I wish we had mommy and daddy here to protect us baby Baby K is that you okay stop it now I’m too scared oh gosh okay I have to go

Downstairs but I’m so so afraid is there anything here in the balcony baby Kai just come out I know it’s you and you’re faking a scary voice you got to come out baby Kai who is it oh my gosh okay I’m going downstairs I just have to be brave I

Know was just baby Kai pranking me okay let me go to the kitchen and grab a knife ah oh gosh something keeps breaking where is that noise coming from okay okay let me just grab a knife okay now I feel a little bit safer okay

Whoever this is I’m Not Afraid a oh my gosh who was that who who are you I’m going to call the police go away this is my house go away oh gosh guys who was that he’s that oh my gosh that’s daddy long legs oh no

No no eat the baby I’m going to eat the baby no you’re not no you’re not go away where is my brother what have you done to him hungry hungry oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I have to hide quick quick quick quick quick daddy long legs is here

What’s going on and baby Kai has gone missing I have to hide here under the couch okay hopefully he’s just going to leave me alone where is he oh my gosh I don’t have my phone on me to call somebody for help baby I want baby I want to eat the

Baby oh my gosh there he is but he doesn’t know I’m here okay run run run run oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh where can I hide you guys where can I hide I’m not going upstairs okay I’m just into this little room he doesn’t know I’m here oh

Gosh baby for dinner yum go away I’m not here go away I have a knife you better watch out ah no you can’t have me for dinner no way go away please oh guys I got to get out of here I got to get out of this

House oh gosh but where is my brother where is baby Kai is it bad if I just leave him here oh gosh oh no this is a trap I have nowhere to go that was a fake window find a go away y leave me alone you scary monster what

Do you want from us and where is my brother what have you done to him I ate him he’s in my belly no you can’t eat baby kai no way okay guys I’m just going to parkour over here Hide here he’s never going to find me here no

Way oh oh gosh he’s there I can see him oh my gosh oh my gosh this is so ah go away oh my goodness Baby K where are you I need your help I need your help Baby K what are you doing baby k where are you

Please help me I’m hiding I’m hiding I don’t know where I am I was dark and I ran around and I hid in a cupboard oh my gosh come see me thank gosh thank gosh that you’re alive baby Kai I’m going to find you I’m going to find find you and

Save you don’t worry but I scary that long L running around the house he’s trying to eat us I know he is but I think I think I have to get rid of him he’s not going to leave us alone until he eats us baby Kai I’m just hiding with

The animals here oh gosh it’s raining baby to hide he’s coming for you I think I heard him he coming for you oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay I’m hiding I’m hiding Baby K you’re going to have to get him you’re going to have to get a knife and attack him

Okay oh gosh I have to be quiet I have to be so quiet this is too scary does he even know where I am I can hear something oh my goodness oh my goodness this is a really good hiding spot though ah he’s breaking some windows

We oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh where are you go away ah no leave me alone what do you want from us no leave me my brother alone this is not fair go away go away oh my gosh to get you I’m going to

Push him I’m going to push him into into the Sharks okay come and get me come and get me ah goodbye the Sharks come on Jack get him get him jack back ah you can’t get me you get in there no you can’t have me I have to

Protect myself and my brother go go go oh gosh Come on Jack eat him eat him Jack eat him jacking okay I have to run the way I have to run the way the shark the shark is going to get him oh gosh baby KY are you

There baby Kyle where are you quickly come back into the house and find me baby Kai one second I pushed him into the Shark Tank I think I think Jack is going to eat him but you have to come with me so we can check if he’s gone or

Not I’m just in the kitchen I’m looking at the cupboards in the kitchen but you’re not here baby k get a knife and get rid of him but I think he’s dead already baby Kai ah she’s here ah go away leave me alone that’s it oh my gosh baby Kai he’s

Gone awesome you can come out now oh my gosh that was a scaryest thing ever I’m just in the garden I’m looking for you baby Kai it’s okay you don’t have to be scared anymore baby Kai it’s all good he’s dead now and we’re safe no way I’m

Staying here forever I’m not coming out why not come out please baby Kai come on M no I’m staying here I’m sleeping here bye-bye good night see you oh my goodness baby Kai we have to get some gates we have to get some security this is just insane I can’t believe daddy

Longle came after us he was trying to eat me and my brother but thank gosh I had the knife and I could protect myself but that was a really close call Baby Kai will you come out please I need to tell you something come on I’m too

Scared to be alone what what if there was two of them oh gosh now my brother is not even talking to me I better go up to my room and just make sure the coast is clear I need to check all the bedrooms to make sure that Daddy Long

Legs didn’t have any friends that came with him okay well my room looks all clear baby C is the co clear yet it’s clear baby Kai I’m just checking the bedrooms at the balconies he everything is clear over here now I’m going to check your room and then you can come

Out okay I don’t know I still a bit scared okay your room is all clear too baby Kai all good let me just check your bathroom okay that’s great I think he was on his own and now he’s gone we we got him baby Kai now where s but I’m not

Sure if I can go back to sleep I’m still so so scared I can’t believe this happened to us I’m starting to think that maybe we shouldn’t leave in a big house like this on our own oh gosh there you are baby Kai thank goodness you’re alive I was so

Scared I thought i’ he ate you he said that he ate my brother he tried to but I ran away and I escaped and I hid somewhere safe so I’m okay now are you okay uh yes but instead of hiding somewhere safe I would appreciate if you would get given me a

Heads up or maybe help me a little bit you literally just left me there on my own and I had to do everything yeah but you did an awesome job high five high five oh my goodness Donnie when we find those little rascals they’re going to be

Grounded for a whole year I can’t believe they disrespected us like that and just run away just because we told them that they can’t skip school and they have to do their homework I know it’s actually ridiculous they’ve been gone for like 2 weeks we’ve been searching everywhere and now we get

Reports that the two of them are running around this town going to the mall going to the school eating burgers and you know what they’re just having loads of fun we’ve been worried about them the whole time so we got to find them and get them home I know I was so worried

About them as well but then I saw all those bank statements and I’ve seen that they are spending money on food clothes Parks ice creams you know what I don’t even feel sorry for them anymore all I am is really really angry and when I see those kids oh my I’m taking everything

Away all the credit cards all their toys all their TVs computers everything they’re going to be locked up in a cage for a whole year absolutely okay look we got to investigate this situation we got to look around for them see if we can find any clues see if anybody else saw okay

Well they spent $1,000 in this Apple Store so let’s just talk to this guy here and see if he can give us some Clues um hi there sir how are you about a week ago two babies came in here and bought one iPhone they spent more than $1,000 in the store do you

Have any ideas where they live or where they went anything like that well actually uh yeah they bought an iPhone but they put it on little Donny’s t AB so that’s the only information we have little Donnie and his address we don’t have their address so but uh I think

I’ve seen them run around the town here around that school maybe you want to check over there m okay interesting thank you so much running around the school I mean are our kids actually in a school the whole point kind strange that they yeah they started their own fresh

School H okay well maybe it’s not that bad but I’m still really upset with them okay I we know that they love pizza a lot so let’s just have a look maybe they’re just sitting here eating loads of pizzas and putting it on your tab KY Kai are you here somewhere Baby Kyla

Baby Kai them and there’s babies as well but they’re not here maybe I’ll just take this pizza for myself o nice have it have it okay come on let’s have a oh she actually bought a bikini recently as well a excuse me sir was there two babies here buying a swimsuit or a

Bikini I got a bill for $100 and I was never in this store before how come I getting charged if I wasn’t here well Madam actually yes it was a couple of babies they bought a pikini here and they left it on little Donnie’s tab so that’s the only information I have from

Fred okay thank you oh my goodness Donnie those kids are just crazy they just go around and they put everything on your tab no wonder you’re missing loads of thousands of dollars I know it’s unbelievable we got to find them and stop that credit card fraud absolutely straight away and you know

What the school is just over here it’s quite big so maybe we can go inside and have a look and maybe find the principal and talk to him cuz he should have an address for him okay unless they did use some other names Donnie but I mean we

Could describe how they look and maybe they will have some info oh gosh I don’t even understand how could they sign themselves up to a school don’t you need your pres parents to be present this is just ridiculous they must be lying to everybody about everything yeah they’re very good actors

All right I bet you they made up a good story look what’s this little car doing here I mean I remember donut and Baby Max used to have those little cars all the time and that’s donut house over there oh Donnie can we just stop talking

About donut and baby MOX please I mean everybody has those cars come on let’s just talk to the principal hi there where’s the principal’s office can you tell me please hello oh you know what she’s just looking in the computer she doesn’t even know where it is come on do you know

Where the principal’s office is okay let’s look up here second floor mats third floor first floor medical head Headmaster on the first floor that’s down here first follow me oh my goodness and keep an eye out maybe they’re around the school somewhere just running around Baby Kyla Baby K your mom and D

Here oh it’s here okay oh there we go hi there sir how are you my name is Lil and this is my husband little Donnie uh we just wanted to ask you a few questions if you don’t mind about our kids uh it’s a Baby Kyla and baby Kai did they join

In your school by any chance do you maybe have two babies that fit their description so baby KLA is blonde wearing pink has a crown Baby K is wearing old blue outfit any ideas well we don’t have anybody by that name KLA and Kai but we did have two

Babies start uh recently and they gave different names but I can’t give them to you because you might be some strangers but yes that’s the only information I have the two babies did join but they weren’t baby on baby kite okay well how can babies join a school without the M

I’m not here to give you the information of different children okay you can find that out for yourself if you want to bring your kids in they can sign up um well they are our kids and you signed up our kids without our permission no no no

I have no proof of that at all I signed up two different kids that’s not my problem good day to you uh oh that is very rude sir you know what when we find out that there our kids that signed up to this school we’re going to bring you

To court because you should never ever sign kids up without parents consent come on Donnie let’s go okay but I think that’s them I mean they’re coming in with different names and they’re going shopping on the credit card and maybe they joined school cuz they wanted to make friends and like

Have a party or something oh gosh Don I don’t know I’m pretty sure it is them but the principal is just so rude but it just doesn’t make sense that they run away because of school and now they’re going to school it literally it it shocks me those kids just shock me

They are ridiculous we have to walk around and find them this is the only clue we have okay one of these cars it’s either baby Maxs or Donuts but they don’t go to school anymore so maybe they they knew that donut was over there and they went stayed in his house so you

Think that your friend doned had a babies for the past two weeks but didn’t even call you to tell you I mean what kind of is that donut could be away for a couple of weeks they could be just staying in his house P has been there

Before so maybe she just lied and said that she wanted to stay over there oh my gosh those kids are too smart they’re too smart for their own good but it’s okay because we’re going to find them I have a feeling that we’re getting closer and closer to getting them home Baby

Kyla baby Kai come out oh look there’s all my security guys let’s just talk to him maybe he knows something uh hi there we’re actually Donuts friends we’re wondering if you saw two babies around somewhere no babies no babies you didn’t see any babies at all no babies okay he’s

Literally like a robot let’s go thank you for not helping us thank you bye-bye well maybe you should call Donna the dog he’s obviously gone and he’s not home but it doesn’t look like our kids are here either Donnie I’m starting to lose hope now okay what about baby Max’s

House I mean that’s just down the road over there what if they stand down there okay let’s just check but I really don’t think so I mean do they even know where Baby Max used to leave I don’t know I think baby ky’s been there before so

Maybe they just thought theyd come down here and hide there we’d never find them okay let’s have a look what’s oh my gosh Donnie look at them there’re they are there’s the cars and they’re just sitting there watching TV skipping school again even join come

Here come here we need to we need to come up with a plan now they don’t know that we know where they are so what are we going to do oh we got to get them good Donnie we got to get them good I want to scare them so much that they

Never want to run away from their mom mom and dad ever again you know what we do we go in there and we tell them that we have bought this house and now it’s our house and they have to do what we tell them and we’ll ground them and make

Them do all the chores M okay let’s do it I mean they’re not going to be happy about it well well well you two are in big trouble we finally found you guys what are you thinking leing in baby Maxis house all on your own do you realize how

Dangerous this is and we also found out that you signed up to the school but we’re really confused because we thought that you hate school so come on answer us what are you guys doing here mommy daddy listen this is our house now we moved in and we’re taking care of

Ourselves we joined the school and you know what we don’t need you and we don’t need your help so get out of our house and leave us alone well I actually the payment for the house can get through because both of you are just babies so we’re going to find that real estate

Agent and we are going to buy this house instead so then this will be our house and you will have to leave on their arules and about the school uh we were actually talking to the principal and you gave them fake names and do you know

What can happen when you lie about your identity you can go to jail so do you want me and your father to go to the police and tell them that you were lying about who you are also you spent thousands and thousands of dollars of our credit card and guess what that is

That is theft as well so you can go to jail for a long time babies oh my goodness I cannot believe it and Mommy and Daddy they found us you guys and now they’re just here in this house was watching us constantly I mean we run a away to get

Away from them and now they’re here and they said that they’re not leaving and that we are grounded I don’t even understand why we’re grounded okay we did so well I mean look at this beautiful house we bought it’s so clean we can cook for ourselves clean for

Ourselves we even go to school but our parents are still not happy they’re always microm managing us and look at my mommy there in the garden digging some holes what is she doing why is she looking at me like this oh my gosh uhoh she’s looking she knows I’m looking at

Her okay I better get C we need a plan to get rid of them we can’t have them leaving in our house baby C knocky knock baby C I’m I’m doing a poo poo on the toilet what are you doing uh okay we come out when you’re finished

I really don’t want to see you doing a poo poo come in come in what’s going on ah oh my gosh it’s so smelly baby Co oh thank goodness you have the door open here I can’t even breathe what did you have for breakfast I don’t know what I was eating

But it’s pretty bad it’s nasty oh it is nasty e you better wash your hands we washing them right now yeah in the S there you go uh okay I don’t really think that you wash them properly but you know what just don’t touch me and then be good look I’m washing

Them okay good boy okay Baby K what is going on here I really don’t like Mommy and Daddy being here I mean all they’re doing is just watching us closely and we can’t even do anything fun anymore you know what it’s terrible them having here and you know what we’re grounded as well

We’re grounded for like a week we can’t do anything I don’t want to be here anymore we should we should just escape and go back to the palace and leave them here oh oh my gosh that would be so so funny but I actually don’t want to go to

The Palace baby KY I mean I have my crush here that I want to see in school and I actually really like living in this house we’ve been living in that Palace for years and years and years and it’s so small like the village we know everything and we don’t really have any

Friends here where is here we have the beach the park the shopping center the diner we have to school everything I really don’t want to leave this place me too you know what we have to get a plan to get rid of mom and dad again maybe if we’re like super super

Good and really nice to them they’ll just leave us alone and they’ll go back to their house what that will never happen I mean think about it if we’re super good and we act happy and really nice they will think that we want them here and they will stay here forever and

We can’t have that I I think we have to do exactly opposite we have to be really bold really mean and prank them all the time and hopefully they just get sick of us and move out that should be a brilliant idea you know what we can just make their life

Really really miserable and really really difficult and then they’ll just get fed up and they’ll just go home exactly now how do we do that I mean mom is just there gardening and I have no idea what that is but I seem pretty relaxed daddy here let’s just annoy him

Okay we want let him watch TV D what you doing hey Daddy we missed you so much woo just jump on the couch baby C okay okay you two back to your bedrooms you’re grounded now let me watch TV wo but Daddy we missed you and we want to

Hang out with you jump jump jump stop jumping on you’re going to break the opena stop it w come on Daddy come on get up now stop messing around go Andy your mots what are you two doing get out of here uh okay Daddy you know what are you

Enjoying these little candles well you know it’s bad because we don’t want you to enjoy anything just break the TV baby car Break It smash the TV smash the TV smash the TV it’s smash oopsy buy I think baby Tri to smash the TV oh my goodness baby Kai what that’s it

Baby Kai you’re grounded for a whole month now you’re grounded even longer than you were before I can’t believe you just smash the whole TV well done baby Kai keep going keep going look I found a new bedroom oh that’s a lovely bedroom daddy is that yours and Mommy’s well

Guess what I think it needs a little bit of red decorating now get rid of this get rid this that’s enough for you’re messing around get out of here stop smashing up the bedroom and the TV just go back to your bedrooms you’re grounded for for one month but Daddy we just want

To play with you we missed you so much when we were away and now you’re just sitting there watching TV o I know baby kind let’s get those cars and drive around the house with them I think a few of the wheels have some poo poo in there

But it doesn’t matter cuz mommy’s just going to clean it la la la woo mommy mommy where are you woo where are you mommy oh what are you doing are you doing some gardening mommy look we’re going to smash up all your flowers even flowers yeah drive to the flowers

And just smash them mommy the flowers are so beautiful I just want to put them all in my bedroom yeah they’re so gorgeous so gorgeous oh lovely Baby Kyla Baby K what are you doing get out of here you are grounded for 2 years my flowers I’ve spent all morning

Planted them and now you’ve red it all you’ve learned everything Oopsy Daisy sorry Mommy but they were just so beautiful that we wanted to like pick them and put them in the house I mean what else are they for not for picking and putting them in a lovely

Face get away from me you kids I’m just so annoyed at you I’m going to talk to your father we have to do something about your behavior okay sorry Mommy byebye M Baby K what did you just do I’m stuck here Daddy help me somebody help

Me right now oh my gosh baby k we’re going to get in so much trouble both mommy and daddy just so annoyed at us but I think maybe maybe they will actually leave I mean mom looked pretty upset that you put her in that hole full

Of water and Daddy was pretty mad too that you broke that TV I think we just have to keep going what else can we do let’s keep an eyeing daddy he’s just sitting there like a big zombie let’s see maybe throw some food at him ooh do

We have any eggs oh got a banana cupcakes tomato ice cream bottle water in the head lovely lovely lovely lovely okay you go first oh right in the head ice cream water daddy daddy watch out there’s a chocolate cupcake on your head bananas woo you two kids are just non-stop you

Just won’t give up you just want to be grounded you know what no more grounded I’m calling the police and getting you put in jail and you’re going to stay there for 10 years but you know what Daddy we were talking about the jail part and we are your kids and we are

Actually miners so if me and baby Kai do something wrong it’s actually yours and Mommy’s responsibility so go ahead call the police but just so you know you might be the one going to jail and not us haha you know what you two might just be better off whatever maybe we’ll just

Leave you here and you can fend for yourself but you’re not getting my credit card and you’re not getting me to pay your rent you two you can get jobs you know what that actually sounds like a fantastic idea and daddy we don’t need your money me and baby Kai were well

Able to get a job there’s so many jobs we can get we can work on the beach we can work in the park we can work in the diner it’s actually going to be pretty cool so yeah I think you and mommy should just back up your stuff and leave

Us alone great idea Daddy see you later wouldn’t want to be it see you oh my gosh baby Kai I think it actually worked Mommy and Daddy got so so fed up of us now they don’t even want to leave here anymore what a great idea

To annoy them and to prank them all day this is so super cool now we can get jobs ourselves we can earn our own money and we can do what we want with our money it’s going to be awesome oh my gosh baby Kai we’re going to be like St W this SCH looks so so awesome I cannot wait to start this is just like my dream but even better I cannot believe I’m finally here this is so exciting okay my mommy told me first things first I have to go to look for the principal now where

Could he be oh I think it’s down this way oh my gosh now where is this principal principal principal where are you there is principal’s office Mr Ryan now mommy told me that I have to be really really nice and polite with the principal because he can be really

Really tough sometimes but it’s okay I’m a good baby and I will do my best to impress him knock knock good morning Mr Ryan how are you doing today my name is Baby Kyla and today is my first day in school good morning Baby Kayla my name

Is Mr Ryan and welcome to the little rugrat School here’s your schedule for today your teacher’s name is Mr Bert and your class is 1A thank you so much Mr Ryan I’m so happy to be a part of this amazing School best of luck on your first day Baby

Kayla and if you need any help you know where to find me thank you sir but I’m sure I won’t have any problems all the babies seem so nice I’ll see you later bye okay I’ve got my schedule here let me have a look so my class is 1 a and my

Teacher’s name is Mr bird the first lesson is MTH that is my favorite o oh my gosh there it is there’s the class I’m so nervous it’s okay Baby Kyla you can do it okay here we go knock knock oh my gosh oh this is so cool

Hello sir my name is Princess Baby Kyla everybody meet princess Baby Kayla she’s going to be in our class for the rest of the year Baby Kayla please take a seat the first lesson is math yay I love math I cannot wait for this class we’re going to start with a

Few questions raise your hand if you know the answer question number one what is 3 + 2 ooh ooh I know I know this is so easy the answer is five question number two this one’s a little bit tougher what is 10 – 5 um I

Think I know I think I know uh the answer is five again am I right am I right well done Baby Kayla question number three what is 25 – 7 oh teacher teacher I know this one as well the answer is 18 wao Baby Kayla I’m very impressed

You’re getting a gold star for today well done wow really thank you so much Mr BD I can’t believe I got a Go star on my first day at school my mom will be so Happy okay guys it’s lunchtime be back in 30 minutes and we’ll do some spelling Bye-bye teacher ooh I just got a note let’s see what it says oh you took my gold stuff you will regret it what is this a joke oh my gosh I hope that girl didn’t mean it I didn’t mean to steal her star I just knew all

The answers I better find her and say sorry because I want to make friends not enemies now where could she be um I mean it’s lunchtime so maybe she’s outside playing on the playground now let’s see if she’s around here somewhere hello the girl girl with a pink outfit

Hello M I don’t think she’s here no she’s definitely not here what am I going to do oh she’s so upset with me I need to apologize to her and say that I didn’t mean to take her gold star I was just trying to answer all the

Questions like the teacher asked us to maybe she’s in Cen eating her lunch let’s see M can’t see her here can’t see her here where is she oh my gosh oh oh there she is I can see her I think she’s looking at me I’m so nervous okay I just

Need to go over there and say sorry to her oh my gosh oh my gosh um hi there girls may I sit with you please sorry princess but you can’t sit with us oh um um I just wanted to apologize to you but never mind you are a nerd and a loser that’s

Why you are so mean to me I canot believe this I just want my mommy I want to go Home I just just wanted to apologize why is she so mean to me why why wa why did you call me a loser I just want to go home I hate school I hate this I never want to come back oh wait oh I can hear something

Somebody is here somebody’s here I need to calm down OMG G can you believe this that stinky Baby Kayla wants to stick with us I need to wash my hands so I don’t get any diseases of her she is so full of herself just because she is a

Princess I hate her and we need a plan to get rid of her did she just call me Stinky and diseased that is just so mean I cannot believe it I’m so angry right now and also she says that because I’m a princess I’m full of myself that is so

Not true I’m telling the principal everything excuse me how dare you call me diseased that is just so mean you girls are just mean girls all I want you to do is be friends to you and apologize to you for taking your gold star but

Guess what the gold star is for for the smartest students and anybody who answers the questions right can get it okay I’m telling the principal everything and I’m showing him this note that you left for me if you tell the principal you are really going to regret it I’m telling Mr Ryan everything

Bullies need to be stopped you girls are not going to get away with this you hear me oh now you are in big big trouble get her girls Are you okay what happened I’m not okay those girls they just started of me out of nowhere they start hting me in my face and everything oh my gosh those girls are such bullies they’re always bullying on new kids cuz they’re so jealous all the time what’s are you okay

Let’s go to the principal no no no there’s no way what’s your name by the way my name’s baby Scotty what’s your name um my name is Baby Kyla thank you so much baby Scotty for saving me but there’s no way I’m going to the principal oh it’s no problem look I was

Just outside and I heard all going on but look you got to go to the principal okay those girls are like really mean bullies they’re always bully new kids if you don’t go they’re going to bully other people you got to stop them but baby baby Scotty what if they start

Hitting me after school schol don’t you worry I’ll walk you home and I make sure no one’s going to hit you okay okay thank you baby Scotty will you come to the principle with me of course come on let’s Go Mr ride I need to tell you something I’m so sorry but something really really bad happened to me what happened Baby Kayla are you okay it all started in my class Mr BT was asking loads of questions and I knew all the answers and then I got a gold

Star and then this girl I think her name is Katie she gave me this note and it said that I stole her gold star and that she was being really mean to me in the bathrooms and then when I said that I’m going to tell the principal she started

Hitting me and she also called me diseased and a loser oh no that’s terrible why don’t you go see the school nurse and I’ll have a chat with the bullies I can assure you they’re going to get in lots of trouble for this don’t worry Mr Ryan

I’m going to take her down to the nurse and make sure she’s taken care of well done baby Scotty for helping Baby Kayla you’re very Brave there is a zero tolerance for bullying in this school you girls are suspended for one week your parents have been called and you’re in a lot of trouble you’re going to apologize to Baby Kayla when you get back and if you ever bully another student again you will be expelled do you

Understand we are so so sorry sir please don’t expel us we will apologize to Baby Kayla and we will bully anyone ever again now get out of my office thank you very much nurse thank you oh baby Scotty what’s up um I just waiting for you here CU I want to make

Sure you’re okay oh I am okay thank you Den to good care of me oh um I got you a sandwich cuz touch might be hungry do you want to go to the playground and eat it oh my gosh um that’s a great idea butd I actually have a class now it’s

Okay the principal said you don’t have to go to class and you can have a bit of an extra day off okay M baby Scotty this sandwich is delicious yeah my mommy made them for me she makes them every single day but uh I think I might bring you one

Tomorrow as well oh that would be great but I don’t want to be eating all your lunch maybe I could bring you some donuts M that’ll be delicious maybe we can have lunch together every day in the playground and don’t you worry about those bullies if they ever come over

Here again I’ll get rid of them for you okay okay thank you so much baby Scotty I hope that they will never bully anybody again ring is just so mean I don’t think they will I heard the principal screaming at him they got suspended for a week and he shall get

Out of my office and they were all crying when they went outside and their parents are going to be so mad at them oh my gosh I hope they don’t get in too much trouble but I’m so glad that I told the principal and I’m so glad that you

Saved me from them there’s no problem baby Kye I’ll do it every day for you baby Scotty you know what I think think we’re going to be best friends here we are excuse me come come back over here baby k no I’m just leaving it there okay that’s my new no

It won’t it’s my new parking okay that’s awesome that is so awesome you know what baby hug I’m so excited I’m going to see baby Steve and I just hope that he says yes to come over to my Palace oh he’s definitely going to say yes I think really really

Likes you and uh maybe say to bring baby Alex as well I don’t know she’s kind of cool no listen you sort yourself on baby Alex I’m not get involved in anything I told you that already I don’t want any trouble if you guys don’t work out yeah

I guess so maybe I’ll just find a way she stay where she’s in class and I’ll go and talk to her okay maybe she’s in the same classroom as you you never know maybe she is I’m going to go check out and see if I can find her you go find

Baby Steve and ask him on a little date play date over to the house later on and then I promise I won’t come and throw eggs in here excuse me you can’t do that if you do that you’re going to regret it you I get some water balloons and try on

Your head when you’re watching this no that will ruin my hair and it won’t be pretty anymore okay let me just go to the bathroom and I’m going to check if my lip gloss is okay if I need to brush my hair or anything and if I look good

And then I’m going to go find baby Steve and ask him on the date okay good luck cby says yes talk to you later byebye okay bye bye baby Hugo thank you for all your help oh gosh I’m so so excited let me just check okay my face is okay my

Hair is beautiful my crown all perfect oh I’m so nervous to ask baby Steve on a date I mean I was just with baby Scotty and now I like another boy but you know what it’s okay because baby Scotty was kissing this other girl and I’m not

Going to let him disrespect me like that so I don’t care about baby Scot anymore I’m going to make baby Steve my new boyfriend and we’re going to have so much fun together it okay I just texted baby Steve and he said that he’s on the

Way to school so I’m just going to wait for him here and my my own business and when he comes over I’m going to ask him to come on a play date with me after school hey you Baby Kyla I know that you used to date baby party but now he’s my

Boyfriend so you better stay away from here you got it he’s mine not yours get it into your little tiny head excuse you who do you think you are talking to me like this you don’t even know me okay and guess what I don’t even like baby

Scotty anymore so you can have him girl you can have them I like somebody else I like the new boy baby Steve and guess what if baby Scotty cheating on me that means he’s going to cheat on you so if I were you I wouldn’t trust him whatever

Girl just stay away from my boyfriend if I see you even talking to him you are dead what was that obviously that girl has some issues I don’t even like baby Scotty anymore I mean he’s a cheater and a liar I much prefer baby Steve he’s so

Handsome and nice to me and very very cute can’t wait to see him so I can ask you want a play Dat Baby kye you here I got your text baby Steve over here over here oh hey how’s it going it’s great to see you again I know it’s great to see

You too how are you I’m awesome I’m really liking this new school it’s so big and cool and there’s so many good people here m not really baby Steve you won’t believe what what happened to me you remember I told you about my ex-boyfriend baby Scotty um yeah you

Kind of said a few things about him and he’s not so cute but don’t worry if he comes near you I’ll get him my box in the nose well it wasn’t really him who came near me it was his new girlfriend and she was like stay away from him n n

N if I see you CH I’m going to kill you and I was like girl calm down I don’t need him I mean I’m so over him but she’s so mean oh my gosh she sounds like totally totally crazy just stay away from her and him and don’t worry about

The two them they’re probably just crazy together yeah just let them be I guess I don’t need baby Scotty I don’t need any of this trouble I mean she can have him I don’t care I kind of like somebody else baby kye you know what I was

Thinking we probably shouldn’t do it Bo do you want to ditch the next class and just go have loads of fun around school um I like that idea I like it a lot you know what I’m not really in the mood to study today so let’s just have lots of

Fun yeah yeah yeah we can just keep one class anyway it’s only one and and if we get in trouble just say that you felt a little bit sick and then we have to go to the toilet cuz you wanted to get vomiting okay vomiting ew you’re so disgusting stop it that’s disgusting

Okay for a skiing class we have to be really really quiet because if one of the teachers sees us we’re going to get in loads of trouble why if we prank the principal and tell him that someone just did poop on his car that’s a great prank

Okay come on I’m going to do it I’m going to do it knock knock oh my gosh principal I’m so so sorry but something really terrible happened baby Cara calm down there what’s the matter well tell me what’s happened um somebody somebody some baby I saw them taking a pool in

Your car I’m so sorry somebody pooped in my car this is a disgrace what is going on in this bloody scho I’m going toide right now okay I’m so sorry bye-bye you better hurry up cuz this thing really bad really bad oh my gosh can’t believe those we got

Him so good we got him so good he’s going to go outside and he’s going to be like what there’s little poop here so funny oh my gosh what look there’s cake up there let’s go in and see rubber cake okay you go distract the teacher and I

Rra the cake right okay okay okay excuse me teacher I have a question can you please tell me how to bake a cake or like a cupcake or a donut you see my mom’s birthday is coming up and I really want wanted to make something

Really nice for her la la la la la la cake cupcake are we down baby Steve get out baby get out go go go go go go go go you were so slow you Sil look didn’t get any cake but did weird things and I got loads of cookies M that doesn’t look

That good the cookies look good though I’m getting the cookies oh my gosh I have 15 cookies are you crazy I’ve only got one left you keep let’s go a class and make a train with the cookies Let’s Make It Rain Let’s Make It Rain let’s

Make a train with the cookies have a little picnic as well look there’s strawberries over here Donuts as well that’s so cute but I think these donuts and strawberries were here for like a month that’s delicious Baby K you know what I’m having such a great time

Hanging out with you maybe we can hang out some more after school um actually I was going to ask you kind of have a good idea um in my Palace I have this big big dollhouse it’s giant so both of us can fit in it and have lots of fun so I was

Thinking if maybe after school you want to come over and we can play awesome that sounds like a great idea like a little play dat yeah that’s so cool I definitely want to come over and you know what maybe I could call my mommy

And daddy and I can ask them if I could stay over like a sleepover yeah like a sleepover in your treehouse no I don’t think so let’s just have a play date first okay and see see how that goes we can have a sleepover on a school night

Maybe over the weekend maybe next week I could ask my sister baby Alex to come over and we can all have a sleep over together with baby Hugo too okay I wasn’t really going to say anything but baby Hugo really likes baby Alex and he actually asked me if she can come over

As well and I was like no no no but go baby Alex told me that she likes baby Yugo what yeah are you serious I’m serious because she’s in the same class as him I think she class she saw him and she said he was really really super cool

And she wants to go to dat with him oh that would be amazing I will let baby hug go know he will be so delighted awesome we can go like double days it’s going to be so super cool oh it’s going to be loads of fun baby Steve

I’m so happy that you guys joined our school because before you I didn’t really have any friends and I think that me and you could be best friends forever course we could be best friends you know what I’m going to have to learn how to drive though so I can drive to your

House so don’t oh gosh this is H going really fast okay come down this way we’re going to have a race okay where got to start at this yellow line here okay go ma Get It Go got to follow the yellow line go go go follow the yellow line oh gosh go gosh

Wow excuse me excuse me you’re going the wrong way baby you’re going theong way you’re crazy this is not the right way oh my gosh we did crashed I know I think we actually did crash baby Steve but it was so much fun it was awesome you know

What ditching school and ditching class is so much fun but I think we’re probably going to get in trouble if we ditch the whole day so we probably should be go to the class right now yeah I think you’re right and we have an exam

Coming up and I don’t want to miss that because I was studying all night for it baby Kye baby Kye I’m not in the same class to you right now okay I got to go downstairs to the library to the music class so I’ll see you after school and

We’re going to have an awesome play dater right okay I’ll see you later bye Steve bye bye m hi oh hey baby Carla how’s it going um it’s going good thank you where’s your girlfriend oh um she’s uh just on the way I’m kind of meeting her right now

And uh I’m kind of sorry that I’m kind of dating her now I mean I didn’t see you for such a long time I didn’t think we were dating anymore listen that’s okay you guys enjoy each other’s company she told me never to talk to you ever

Again so I don’t want to make any trouble here baby Scotty yeah I know she told me about the incident in the canteen I’m really sorry she went a bit crazy she’s just a little bit jealous but it’s never going to happen again okay that’s okay don’t worry about it

Baby Scotty I’m not mad at you listen to be honest with you I don’t really care if you guys are together because I really like somebody else now so I guess it worked out for the best yeah I guess so I saw you that new guy baby Steve he

Seems really nice so I don’t know maybe we could all be friends someday yeah no problem at all baby Scotty me and you can stay friends as as well I don’t mind as long as your girlfriend doesn’t go crazy at me again no no that’s not going

To happen actually here she comes right now excuse me what is going on here didn’t I tell you to stay away from my boyfriend how dare you talk to him can you please calm down you need to chill out girl myself and baby Scotty are just

Friends okay don’t dare to tell me to calm down I’m calm enough I just don’t like my boyfriend talking to stinky girls so don’t talk to him ever again you got it ow you’re so crazy what is wrong with you you just hit me okay you know what you guys be happy together

Wish you all the best I don’t want any trouble and all this kitting girl you’re going to get in trouble with the principal I’m selling on you hey what’s going on here leave my girlfriend alone what are you two doing to her um nothing it’s okay baby Steve don’t worry about

It let’s just get out of here I don’t want to talk to them okay no problem you two just stay away from her okay or I’m going to get you all right it’s okay baby Steve I’m fine I’m okay um myself and baby Scotty were just

Talking and I told him that I don’t mind that he’s going out with a new girl but then his girlfriend showed up and she said treading me and then she slapped me no way she hit you she’s so crazy do you want me to go back in there and tell the teacher

M no it’s okay I don’t want to get anybody in trouble but baby Steve you just called me your girlfriend oh yeah I kind of did I kind of said leave my girlfriend alone um is that okay that I call you my girlfriend um I guess you

Can call me your girlfriend does that mean that you’re my boyfriend yeah I guess so so we’re boyfriend girlfriend this is kind of awesome this is really really cute baby Steve I know you’ve got a boyfriend before but you’re actually my first girlfriend ever and I’ve never

Even kissed a girl before you never even kissed a girl I kissed a boy only one time and it was so nice awesome maybe okay look H come over here follow me where are we going I thought maybe we could just play in the playground for a

Little bit and have loads of fun M I don’t think so we kind of have to go to classroom you silly um yeah we got to go to classroom but we’ got like 5 minutes to wait so we can play with the helicopters and the dollhouse and

Oh look we can play the shells over here did you want to say something else to me yeah follow me over this way follow me over this way where we going this secret idea over here look okay what’s going on here um I just wanted to know if I could give you

A kiss I’m not too sure we’re not really allowed to kiss in school we can get attention if somebody sees us I know but look nobody can see us we’re kind of hiding around here and now that you’re my girlfriend and I’ve never better kiss

Before I want to get a little kiss M okay fine just one little kiss and that’s it baby Steve and then we have to go to class are you ready oh my gosh I can’t believe I got a kiss off such a pretty girl this is the

Best day ever a thank you thank you thank you it’s okay baby s you’re going to get plenty of more kisses from me don’t you worry cuz now you’re my boyfriend oh my gosh I can’t wait for a play day later on back in your house

Let’s go to class let’s get rid of this day and then we can jump on the bik and go back to your house for an awesome play day this is it baby coy this is our chance to impress the principal all righty so Follow My Lead come on

Absolutely let’s go let’s go do this and let’s get kissing Biz and let’s go princip principal we have a great idea knock knock hi dear principal how are you today it’s baby KLA and Baby K here so we were thinking today Baby K I’m actually quite busy if you’d let me talk

For one moment thank you very much okay can I finish what I was about to say sir yes you may all righty so sir myself and baby Kai we know we’ve been getting in lots of trouble lately and we had lots of detention and we kind of

Skied classes and stuff but we’re new people now we’ve completely changed we would like to raise money for the baby center wouldn’t that be amazing that’s actually a great idea it’s nice to see two students coming in and looking to help other people out so what would you

Like to do to raise is money so we were thinking of having a kissing boat I’m going to work well everybody everybody does it for charity so there’ll be one kissy boot where I’m going to be working and another one where Baby K will be working

And then we’ll give kisses and hugs to other people who give money for charity it’s going to be fun okay I guess it’s a good idea for charity you guys have lot of fun now and make sure sure you raise lots of money okay so can we do it today at

Lunchtime um yes absolutely go ahead awesome you thank you thank you thank you oh my gosh baby kite this is amazing okay the first thing we need to do is print out loads of loads of sheets of paper and give it to all the kids so they know that there’s a kissing booth

At lunchtime today awesome okay yeah let’s go to the P section get all the paper and then we can tell everybody better all right all righty baby coy I’ve got loads of little posters here how many have you got M I got like 64 I

Got 64 as well okay now it’s time to spread the world let’s go hi Lucy kissing boot today baby Kai is working and also he fanes you $ for a kiss hey guys everybody everybody we’re going to have a kissing boot today in school and everybody has to come and give us $5

Each for a kiss okay $5 for a kiss got kiss and but day girls baby King o o baby Kai we should have it over here on this stage over here we’ll have my kissing Boot and right opposite me will’ll have your kissing Boot and kids

Can queue up this way aome idea you know what we’re going to make so much money and but also we got to find out where Steve is I think he’s probably in his classroom we make sure that he comes here at lunch time make sure he sees you

Kissing all the boys okay you know what baby Kai I’ll be honest with you I don’t even care anymore I’m doing this for charity I’m sick of running off this what you to get Steve back this your whole point yeah but now I’m kind of

Over it I’m sick of acting like a baby I’m going to be like an adult I’m doing it for all the kids in the baby center I’m not doing it to get back at Steve or to make him jealous I don’t care about those things anymore and you know what

Maybe if I kiss a few boys I will like somebody else so there okay okay okay let’s just do for the charity guys kissing Bo today kissing Bo today hi kissing but today thank you very much this is for charity guys what come on getting ready it’s near lunch time oh

Gosh you’re right guys kissing Bo today at lunchtime it’s for charity at baby Center thank you very much everybody Come oh my my gosh I can’t believe my girlfriend baby Kye is doing a kissing boot in school look at all those boys King up the kiss her this is just unbelievable all I was doing was on holiday I wasn’t even not texting her because I don’t like her I do like her

This is just terrible what am I going to do I guess I better C up and pay some money for the charity I’ll give her a big huge kiss and I’ll just tell her that I really like her and I want to stay with her oh my gosh baby KY did you

See how many people in there there’s L people up for the kissing Boots oh my gosh I’m so shocked I didn’t think there would be so many I thought maybe there’s going to be two or three boys but look at it oh I don’t know if I want to do

This baby Kai hi so many girls there’s like 20 boys and 20 girls this is so crazy oh my gosh I’m going to get to kiss all those girls I can’t wait I want to kiss them all I know but I know it’s a good cause and all we’re going to

Raise like so much money but I’m really kind of scared to kiss so many boys what if baby Steve sees me and he’s going to think that I’m a bad girl and he’ll never want to be with me ever again I don’t know I haven’t even seen baby

Steve as he around did he find out about this whole thing there he is over there where he’s sitting over there his own oh he’s looking over he’s looking over oh gosh oh gosh where is he I see him I see him and he’s not even in the queue hi

Everybody hi boys oh my gosh he girls how you do my name’s baby Kai today I will be kissing you yay okay guys we’re doing all of this for the baby center charity each one of you must at least donate $1 and put it all in this chest here for the $5 for

Me okay guys $5 each Let’s Help praise loads and loads of money for The Babys Center let’s do it guys thank you so much for your awesome donation it’s time for the kiss now thank you very much next wo you donated $10 that’s awesome thank you

Very much it’s time for a little kiss let’s see okay thank you next wo another $5 thank you so much okay it’s time for the kiss oh thank you so much for the donation okay I’m going to give you the first kiss girls girls everybody calm

Down all the kisses are coming okay just make sure you got your money out okay here we go kiss number one just for you m M okay girls who’s next pick your money out please $5 minimum oh my gosh thank you so much for your donation that’s so

Much money oh you really want is want to kiss me okay number two kiss coming up you’re a really good kisser okay maybe we kiss later on beside the Bic chat anyway who’s next get your money out guys money money money money oh my gosh look at all the girls queing up to

Kiss me this is crazy we’re going to make so much money for Charlie okay this is number three kiss coming up let’s see let me jump down here okay there you go that’s your kiss now get out of here okay talk to you later bye-bye next on the list thank you come

On baby s what do you want get out of the cube there’s no way I’m kissing you today but baby klie you’re my girlfriend and you’re up here kissing all these boys what’s going on why you doing this really you think I’m your girlfriend you kept ignoring me for the past few weeks

I didn’t even see you in school wow I was on holiday for the last few weeks with my family we took it to to Disneyland oh I didn’t know that but you could have wrote me a letter or an email or something well I don’t have any

Internet connection I don’t have a phone because I’m not that rich like you are so I couldn’t do anything and now I came in school here you kissing all the boys but look I’ve got $50 for a donation and I want a biggest kiss off you the whole day

$50 wo that is the biggest donation we’ve had all day okay babyit you know what maybe I just overreacted of course I’ll give you a big big kiss aesome Baby K are we boyfriend and girlfriend still uh I guess so and thank you so much for your donation okay now

That I given you so much money you don’t have to kiss any more boys today you can just give me more kisses all day long okay okay Okay Oh it was so comfy to sleep on my lovely bed today much more comfier than the floor in D’s house H let’s see what’s going on outside oh the weather is beautiful it’s such a lovely day I wonder what can I do today h i don’t

Think Donnie is around he slept over at Key’s Castle yesterday um let’s see where is Mom and Dad maybe we can go shopping or go somewhere to eat Breakfast oh let’s see where here oh definitely not the gymm it’s too early maybe they’re in the room let’s go have a look Mom Dad where are you no they not here maybe in the garden H let’s see mom always likes to sit outside Mom Dad hello oh Little Fishies oh they’re so

Cute okay I don’t think anybody’s here okay the house seems pretty empty nobody around H maybe they’re in the kitchen I’m not that hungry but I could get some cookies yeah good idea cookies cookies Cookies oh I just got a text message what is it hey baby Lee how are you do you want to come over to my Palace today lots of love little Kelly oh little Kelly just texted me yay okay that sounds good little Kelly’s Palace I don’t think I was ever there before well

I don’t remember maybe I was oh is there anybody in the kitchen no no Chef what’s going on where is everybody okay I’ll just grab a cookie no no no no I’m not not hungry so I’ll keep it for later oh we should see how baby Alex is

Doing okay let’s go have a look I miss puppy Alex so so much such a good puppy and I’m spending lots of time with Sky now and I don’t think it’s good because poopy Alex might get a little bit jealous so that’s why I brought her

Over to my castle so I can spend more time with her oh my playroom is so so cute and I love how it says Leah okay let’s see oh the weather is so beautiful I’m so glad it’s summer I love summer so many flowers and it’s so

Sunny oh hello sir how are you okay let’s see oh why is this open oh hi Alex how are you oh you’re so cute how are you today a you’re such a cute puppy let’s see what’s here oh oh maybe for sweep it’s so

Warm oh my phone I better not get it wet sorry I forgot that I had my phone in my head um let’s see where Mom and Dad is it’s really quiet all morning H that’s strange maybe I should call them later and see what they’re doing and ask for

Permission to go to Kelly’s but I’m sure they won’t mind little Kelly is really nice and I’m sure she’ll take good care of me today and they’re not here H that’s so weird well I guess I’ll just go to little Kelly’s anyway hope they won’t be too worried I’ll send them a text

Message and I’ll let them know where I am little Kelly oh who’s at the door ah baby Leah come in come in come in Hi how are you I’m good it’s so nice to like finally meet you now that you’re talking and stuff oh yeah me too I’m so happy

I’m talking out how are you today I’m good I’m good I’m so glad that you decided to come over do you want to have a look around my castle yeah sure okay come this way it’s pretty big it’s probably not as big as your house though

Oh my gosh water slides oh that’s so cool I love it one comes from my bedroom and one comes from Little C’s bedroom so you can go on them in a while if you like yeah sure I love that okay let’s go and and then this is my mom and dad

That’s king Tom and queen Sophie hello guys oh my gosh you’re so cute and tiny okay and then over this way we have the kitchen and this is our Chef Marty hello Chef Marty look do you would you like an ice cream uh yeah sure okay what flavor

Would you like strawberry okay here you go ooh thank you you’re welcome thank you I’ll eat it later cuz I’m not that hungry now that’s okay uh yeah so this is the kitchen so that’s our makes all delicious foods for us so if you’re ever hungry when you’re over here you can go

Talk to Chef thank you okay and then over here we have the dining room ooh it’s pretty big so big look down look down it’s like lava down here look in the glass oh my gosh that’s so awesome and this is our Butler Dean so he looks after cleaning the castle and

Serving up dinner and stuff like that ooh nice yes that’s pretty cool and then then if we go this way we’ve got the library and I have someone I want you to meet hopefully she’s home in here well let’s go in here oh is she home yep

They’re both here okay come on in okay so this is the library but back here this is baby Alie um baby oh hello guys Hi how are you oh they’re so cute yeah they’re babies just like you they’re so cute and this is their room yeah this is

Their little room well baby Charlie kind of stay is in car’s room but he comes down here to play with baby that’s so cute they’re best friends yeah they are but they haven’t really started talking yet like you I think you’re a little bit more mature than they are but if you

Ever want to come and play with the babies as well that’s oh yeah that sounds good little Kelly thank you no worries okay so let’s show you upstairs I can show you my bedroom which I think you’re going to like and then I’ll show you little carli’s as well sure okay

Let’s go up here uh and then this way is my room so it’s a little bit I don’t know I still think we need to do more renovations to make it a little bit brighter and stuff it’s still a little bit oh my gosh this it’s so beautiful

And you have a count yeah this is she’s our petow so she used to live out in the Stables but she got a little bit sad so we oh hello Daisy oh you’re so cute but um your brother actually gave me this little garden he planted the flower

Garden for me when we were going out but I Johnny yeah but we we broke up baby dear but that doesn’t mean that we can’t hang out all the time okay thank you little Kelly he misses you a lot though a he always talks about you and he’s

Really sad oh no I’m sad too well well maybe we can talk and I know you will sort it out yeah and then this is Cassie over here oh hello Cassie oh I want that kitten as well a yeah you could you could get a cat as well and then this is

Buttons down here hello buttons he’s pretty cute and yeah I’ve got a little love hair mat here and some beds and some teddies and stuff like that oh your room is awesome little Kelly I really really love it oh thank love the pink so

Much so cute pink is my fav and then we have a bridge that goes over to little K’s room so it’s easy to go over there o cool yeah so all the way over here so uh little K’s room is it’s kind of like mine but a little bit different her

Favorite color is a little bit yeah good gu yes so this is her room she’s got a keyboard she’s got a little Igloo entrance cuz she likes snow and then she has a swimming pool up here have you learned how to swim yet yeah I can swim

I’m not that good but I can swim a little bit shouldn’t jump in the pool day maybe not today no maybe another time we could go to a beach or something and you can learn sounds good sounds good and then if we go out this way

There is a little closet then there’s a water slide but there’s a stairs or this way if you jump over yeah good job if you come up here there’s some cool rooms up here too show me so this is where we watch all the movies oh cool Cinema room

Yeah exactly so we get some popcorn and some Tre we watch some Disney movies yay what’s your favorite uh I like Beauty and the Beast oh cool I love that as well which one’s yours um I like Frozen oh Frozen awesome and Snow White oh Snow White is so cute they’re actually my

Friends all the princesses we all really I would love to meet them oh of course maybe we could do a steeple together oh yes so it’s good okay and then up this way we’ve got some more rooms to see so this is my mom and dad’s room it’s kind

Of boring though where where are you oh sorry in here this way sorry I forgot you only have little legs yeah I know I’m really slow but this one’s a little bit boring I don’t know it’s kind of like blonde M ooh what’s this o glass

Underneath yeah you can see out is that cool so cool I love this this way outside we’ve got some more rooms okay so up here I think you’re going to like this room too I don’t know if you’ve met this person yet but baby duck is a really good friend of mine oh

Yeah oh yeah I met yesterday we had a playd DAT wooho oh that’s so cute but when he comes over he stays in this room here so he’s got his own little bedro oh cute Maybe we could get you a bedroom here too when you stay oh I would love

That I would love that and we can make it kind of maybe pinks and purples just like you yeah awesome okay so follow me this way we’ve got some more rooms to look at uh we’ve got I think we’ll probably leave at this room for today

Cuz I kind of want to bring you to the mall to buy present yay y let’s go so in here is our like our little dressing room so we try on those and we walk the runway it’s like in the in the m mall they have this in the mall yeah they

Have one in the mall too can do little poses and struts and there’s little outfits as well but um I’m thinking we should get to the mall before it closes okay baby Leah let’s get you a present should we go to the toy store yeah good idea okay let’s go

Up the stairs I think I know where it is let’s go up here I have to make sure I don’t lose you cuz this mall is so big I might never find you again hello I got lost with a Sydney the last time and it wasn’t syy yeah shy sister up here okay

I think it’s on this floor let me have a look yeah it’s in here okay let’s go in so there’s a lot you can choose from oh they’re so cute oh wait is that a little chick or a duck I think it’s a chick I I

I think baby duck likes to pretend it’s a duck but I think it’s a chicken they’re all so cute I so I get to choose one yeah you get to choose one Teddy to bring home with you today so so there’s a piggy little little cow I

Really like both of these ones but um okay you have to pick one so which one would you like uh okay I’ll get the piggy please okay okay I’ll pick the piggy up and I’ll go pay for it hello Mr um my little friend baby Leah’s going to

Take the pig pedy so here is I think it’s five coins so there you go and yeah okay let’s get out of here baby Leah okay let’s go thank you so much thank you so much little Kelly no worries so uh what else would you like to do should

We go and I don’t know maybe get a McDonald’s or something oh yeah sounds good maybe some chicken nuggets oh yeah that’s awesome okay let’s go over and get some chicken nuggets I love chicken nuggets and chips too so it’s on this side of the mall we have to go down

Here okay a you’re so small I have to keep on forgetting your legs are so small I know I love so is your favorite thing yet of McDonald’s chicken nuggets chicken nuggets and I really like ice cream as well okay so I’ll ask for that uh hello there can we get some chicken

Nuggets and ice cream and I would like a Big Mac please yay no no no okay baby Leah here you go there’s your chicken nuggets and your ice cream and I have my big oh hey look there there’s a police officer oh hello hey you baby you didn’t

Buy that we’re going to have to bring you to baby jail oh no baby Leah I didn’t even realized you took the Kow as well little Kelly I just did it by mistake I don’t want to go to jail I’m so sorry sir I’m so sorry oh oh no baby

Leah I I think the officer is going to have to bring you to the baby jail but I’ll meet you there okay uh don’t worry I’ll try get you out okay little Kelly thank you thank You Baby Leah baby Leah where are you I’m here little Kelly I’m here here are you okay not really no I’m really scared little Kelly I don’t like it here oh gosh I can’t believe there is is a baby prison I didn’t know about this no there’s so many babies here

Little Kelly I wonder what they all did I bet you that one didn’t tidy his bedroom he looks like he doesn’t tidy his bedroom oh gosh okay um what am I going to do okay I have to try to get you out of here if little Donnie finds out that

You ended up in prison when you were with me he’s going to go crazy okay I know I know I know officer officer you have to let this little girl out I mean she’s a princess she’s like the sister of little Donnie and she’s a really good

Friend of mine and I’m a princess from the Magical Kingdom and I’ll pay whatever it is to get her out of here please let her out I hope you learned your lesson baby Leah it’s not nice to steal yes I promise it’s not ever going

To happen again I’m so so so sorry oh okay baby I’m going to get you out of here okay you’ve definitely learned your lesson come on oh thank goodness thank you little Kelly for saving me thank you it was horrible in there oh my gosh I

Mean I can’t imagine what it’s like look at all these prison cells though it’s crazy oh my gosh so many babies so I wonder what like the how could there be so many babies in prison it’s just crazy and this is only one Ward there’s another one across here I saw when I

Came in look come over here okay let’s see look over here look there’s a whole other one over here oh my gosh there’s so many of them what did they all do I don’t know baby Leah but this is crazy okay we can never let you come back in

Here again or any of the rest of the babies like Baby Max or baby do we have to make sure that they stay out of prison yes little Kelly it’s horrible here I would never like to come back no way well I’ll make sure you’ll never

Come back but if you ever do you need to give me a call and I’ll come down and try to get you out okay okay thank you little Kelly okay let’s get out of here and get you some ice cream or a lollipop I think you deserve it thank you Lily

Darling I got your a little snack a lovely Apple hey Mama how’s it going I haven’t seen you in such a long time where have you been hi baby um I’ve just been away on a work trip and I missed you so so much oh my goodness look at you you’ve

Growing up so much and you sound more and more like baby Kai every day it’s so funny you know what I’m having such a great time here playing with my dollies you want to join me oh of course I’ll join you here grab an apple you have to

Eat some apples sometimes I’ll just sit here with you so tell me about your Dolly what’s her name m this is Dolly Pinky and this is Dolly bluee and they live in this little house over here aw I think that house might be a little bit too small for them don’t you think

Lily maybe maybe but you know what why don’t we have some fun together Mommy because I haven’t seen you in such a long long time and you’ve been away and I don’t know what you’ve been doing so let’s hang out together for the whole

Day and you can buy me some candy a you know what Lily that is the best idea ever I agree with you I haven’t been the best mom over the past few weeks but I promise you I’m going to make up for it I’m not sure if I can buy you loads of

Candy because your teeth are going to fall off because you’re already eating way too much sweets but we can do something else yeah yeah look I want to do hor ring because baby Kye and baby KY they always do hor riding but they always say that I’m too young and I’m a

Baby and I can’t do hor riding so I want to do H rting I want to do H rting oh I’m sorry baby Lily but they’re right and baby Kyle and baby Kai they’re bit more grown up and they had loads of horse riding lessons but I’m sorry oh

You see this is what I mean no get up baby Lily please listen to your mother you’re being very bold now it’s not safe look how far caramel is jumping it’s too high up if you fall you can break your neck or your legs or anything so come on

Come mama you can teach me how to be hor Rider come on you can teach me you put two on of chocolate fella and we go really really slowly all down around nice delirious and you can teach me how to hor ride okay okay I suppose but you

Have to promise me you’re not going to go too fast and all hey Lily I literally just asked you to promise me that you go too fast and you have to stay always right beside me okay caramel is really fast I’m not fast it’s caramel fast I know but you have to try

And control the horse look like I’m controlling chocolate you have to do the same to caramel and just be nice and calm because when you get too excited the horses get too excited too and then they run off and they jump and it can be dangerous okay be careful

Lily you see your getting too excited and now caramel is getting too excited just calm down okay it’s not safe this is so much fun this is so much fun I love horse riding it’s my favorite thing in the world can you buy me a horse as

Well um maybe when you grow up a little bit I can buy you a pony definitely not a horse though it’s still too dangerous oh oh swimm no no no they don’t like swimming so please let’s stay out of the water lily thank you come on let’s go

Out the back by the forest this a little bit safer there just make sure you stay close to me please okay I’m coming I’m behind you let’s go okay nice and calm isn’t it so much fun you’re actually very very good at riding the horse well done lily look

Look look we can jump over the cows oh oh no no jumping over the cows please that’s really dangerous oh get out of the water lily please okay oh my gosh this SC this horse is so crazy um well I told you you have to be able to control your horse

Okay use that lead and if it gets too crazy just pull out it just a little bit to calm the horse down caramel is a lovely horse but you have to know how to control her now follow me are you coming yeah right behind you momy up top up top

Well done Lily you’re doing so well I’m so proud of you oh my gosh M man you know what we should do we should have a race from here all the way to the other side of the island across the bridge uh I don’t think a race is a good

Idea Lily I told you no you can’t be racing on a horse it’s too dangerous oh my gosh um your horse is way too quick come on chocolate l so slow you’re so slow Lily you have to slow down oh you got the fast horse it’s really not a great idea okay okay

Okay oh I can’t even jump over this Fountain I’m stuck okay I’m coming I’m coming you’re so slow Mommy you’re so slow oh it’s chocolate chocolate is an old horse so he can’t go too fast now you be careful much chocolate that’s why be careful please come on come on come

On come on oh over the bridge Oh no just make over the bridge and we can have a lovely picnic okay okay just make sure you don’t fall off Lily please oh gosh why did I ever agree to this oh gosh L are you okay fine I’m fine come on don’t be

Serious don’t a small jump well it wasn’t that small it was actually pretty big look over this side it’s so nice and pretty we can have SL down a okay maybe it’s time to get off the horse now Lily now camel you stay here we’re going

To go play in the sand and go for swim Lily darling okay we have to go now the horses again really tired and I think they’re actually really hungry so come on jump on caramel and let’s go home look Mommy I got some shells for you look there you

Go so cute thank you so much darling okay let’s go let’s go let’s go have a race home byebye okay we’re not racing home Lily because caramel is really hungry and tired so you have to be careful and be more gentle oh Lily please dude the horse is like eating

Candy like me no they don’t I hope you didn’t give them any candy that’s not safe at all look Mommy I can go backwards okay just please don’t mess oh mind the people mind the people oh gosh Lily please please please be careful you’re going way too fast up the

Top oh my gosh where you going oh my gosh over here I’m Up on the Roof I’m Up on the Roof mama oh oh oh just stay there Lily it’s not safe it’s not safe just just stay there oh no oh no no oh my gosh oh no no no no oh Lily

I don’t feel too good oh my gosh Mama Lily what happened oh no no no baby there’s blood everywhere I think you’re really hurt my my my back my neck I can’t feel anything I can’t feel my legs everything no mama what’s going on what’s happening to me somebody called

The ambulance please my daughter fell off the roof please somebody called the ambulance it’s okay honey just stay with me okay you’re bleeding quite a lot from your head but just stay with me it’s going to be okay the ambulance is on its way Lily it’s going to be okay I promise

It’s been 2 hours already my poor little girl she’s kind operated on and I I don’t even know what’s happening to her and Donnie isn’t here either I have been trying to reach him all day but I don’t think he has his phone on him I have to

Go now and talk with the surgeon I need to know what’s happening and if the surgery is going well oh gosh doctor doctor what’s happening here oh no there’s so much blood it’s my daughter okay how was she doing excuse me Leah you can’t be in here we’re doing an

Operation okay this is a serious ser serious emergency I’m afraid your daughter has broken her neck and it looks like she could be paralyzed she broke her neck oh no that is literally the worst thing that could have happened is there anything you’ll be able to do she can’t be paralyzed

Forever can she doctor obviously you will fix her you will do your best right well I’m afraid we’re going to do our best but I can’t promise you anything this is a very serious serious operation and it’s a very serious injury I’m not sure how it happened but she’s such a

Small baby and I don’t know if we’re going to be able to save her I don’t know if she’ll ever walk again oh my God okay I’m not going to disturb you just do whatever you can to save her please oh gosh I can’t believe it my

Daughter they don’t know if they can save baby Lily and they don’t even know if she’s going to be able to walk over again it’s all my fault I should should have never let her drive the horse I’m such a bad mother I’m so bad oh Lucy Can You Hear Me

Lucy oh gosh my poor baby I can’t believe she’s in a coma she fell off a horse and she broke her neck it’s so scary the doctors they did everything they could they operated on her but now I said all we have to do is just wait

And see hopefully she wakes up soon my poor baby I can’t believe I’m a terrible mother I let her ride on that horse and I didn’t watch her close enough she was just going crazy and then she went into that roof and she fell there was blood everywhere and oh

My gosh how am I going to tell Donnie I’m I mean will he ever even forgive me it was 100% my fault what kind of a mother lets her baby get onto a horse and that horse chocolate he’s just so wild and so fast no wonder she fell off

Him I should have known better now all I can do is just blame myself and just pray pray to God that my baby wakes up oh gosh I have so many Miss calls from Donnie he doesn’t know where I am but I’m so so afraid to talk to him and tell

Him that his baby daughter is in the hospital with a broken neck and in a coma and it’s all my fault why did this have to happen why baby Lily she doesn’t deserve it she’s the best little girl ever and now she might never wake

Up okay okay I have to be strong I have to talk to Donnie and explain everything to him and I have to just say that the doctors did everything but she’s still in a coma he will never forgive me and you know what I understand him I probably wouldn’t forgive him either I

Mean putting a baby on a wild horse that’s a big no no I know I know chocolate was tamed and baby Kyle and baby Kai R him as well but baby Lucy she was just too small I should have never let this happen but I did I thought we’re just

Going to have a fun day mother and daughter because we never do anything fun together and now it’s all backfired and my baby’s in the hospital oh gosh everybody is going to hate me my whole family is just going to disown me and I can’t even blame save

Them because I would disol myself if I could all I need to do is just calm down Sit Donnie down and tell him the bad news and maybe we can go to the hospital and if Lucy hears our voices and maybe she will wake up then I

Don’t even know what to do anymore guys just please pray for her oh gosh I’m so scared Leah what’s going on I’ve been calling text you for ages where have you been what’s happening where are the kids um Donnie I’m so sorry I know you were calling and texting me but I just

Couldn’t talk to you over the phone I had to talk to you in person and you better sit down for this Donnie I have some really terrible news you’re scar me is everything okay no it’s not okay I hate myself Daddy I can’t believe this happened okay so myself and baby ly oh

We decided to do something fun together just me and her and she just wanted to go onto the horses and Rite them and at first I said no but she really wanted to and she was so happy about it and I was like okay fine let’s ride the horses and

She chose chocolate and chocolate just so fast and okay long story short they went on the roof of the supermarket and she just fell off and she broke her neck Dy our daughter Lily she broke her neck and now she’s in a coma in the

Hospital oh my gosh I can’t believe it I can’t believe it she was up on a horse she’s only a tiny little baby I mean what would she do riding a horse Le that’s so dangerous I know it was definitely my fault Donnie I should have

Never let her it’s just I felt so guilty that oh well whatever happened with my ex and I wasn’t here I never got to spend any any time with Lily and that’s the only thing she really wanted to do with me so I guess I just let her do it

But now I regret it so much she’s just a little baby and I don’t know what I was thinking and Donnie she even had to have surgery and I don’t think the surgery helped the doctor said they have to wait and see but now she’s just in the coma

And they can’t do anything to her and I was trying this is terrible I know it’s so so bad I was trying to sing for her to talk to her and all she does she just moves her head a little but nothing else and Donnie I’m really scared what if we lose

Her what if we lose Lily listen we got to go to the hospital okay we got to spend some time with her we got to sit beside her and we got to talk to her and hopefully she can hear our voices and that’ll help her fight our way through this I know that’s

Exactly what I was thinking it’s just such a terrible day I feel like I’m in a nightmare and there’s nothing I can do to wake up from it poor baby Lily and what about the kids when they hear about this they’re going to be so sad and so

Upset and they will hate me and I can’t don’t be silly look it’s just an accident things happen okay but just say she’s going to get better okay when she gets better no more riding horses but we got to make sure that she when she wakes

Up that she’s going to be in a good atmosphere okay so maybe we should get some flowers some balloons some candy and when she wakes up she’s going to see all that and be really really happy oh my gosh Donnie that’s a great idea okay let’s get some balloons we can make her

Hospital room really nice and colorful and then we’ll get some lovely flowers for her and we can even go to the store and get her some of her favorite food and hopefully the smell of donut donuts oh we wake her up I have some balloons here okay I got some balloons get some

Balloons oh gosh I just can’t stop blaming myself Donnie it was definite ah Donnie where are you oh I fell I fell but I’m okay I’m okay I’m here at the supermarket oh my gosh I can’t think straight time all over the place as well no no no I just don’t know what

Happening to me I’m losing control of my life is this where she fell is this the blood is this her blood yeah it is that’s all Lily’s blood terrible poor baby let’s clean this up let’s clean this up this is this terrible this is gross we can’t have our blood just L

Around like this I know I know I know I’m trying to clean it oh gosh and it’s raining and everything I really do feel like I’m leaving in a nightmare Donnie what’s happening why is this happen happening to our perfect little daughter okay I just have to be strong

For her it won’t help if both of us start crying and start just being negative we have to stay positive and Lily she’s such a strong little girl I know she will get through this we will all get through this and maybe someday we can even laugh at this whole situation yes I

Did I got her a cupcake and CLA and a donut she’s going to love that that’s pretty cool maybe she get her some flowers as well and then we’re got to go talk to the doctor figure out what’s going on and see if we can help her

Maybe there’s something we can do can we donate some blood or I don’t know maybe like I can give her my hand or something your hand she broke her neck hand give her a new hand I’m not sure Donnie I don’t know if there’s anything we can do

But we will talk to the doctor and see okay let’s get some flowers oh gosh okay um maybe some yellow flowers these ones look really nice okay we need the pot as well love them oh I can’t even get the pot they’re all glued in I don’t think the pots are for

Sale oh okay just got the flers it’s okay you don’t need pots okay awesome all right come on maybe she’s awake already we don’t even know oh gosh I’m just so scared I just hope she didn’t get worse Donnie I hope her condition is still stabilized let’s go hurry up why are you

So slow here let’s go let’s go let’s go okay quickly quickly let’s just go in and spend some time with her okay you got to keep talking to her tell her that we love her tell her that she’s she’s not going to be alone and that we’re

Going to take care of her okay let’s go see her she looks like a little angel just sleeping there okay just sh oh look at her baby Lily oh I’m so sorry darling it was all my fault okay we got some flowers for you here oh I got some more flowers I’ll

Just put them right over here and some balloons just wake up okay come on baby wake up we love you and everything’s going to be okay so you can wake up now you see what I mean she’s not moving at all daddy nothing at all I don’t know

If she can even hear us what what if she can never hear or see us again I mean breaking your neck is a really severe injury maybe she hurt all the nerves and the nerves they can never be fixed oh Lily it’s all my fault please forgive me and please wake

Up you can’t yourself just an accident I mean she shouldn’t have been on the horse but it’s not your fault she jumped up on the supermarket roof and jumped off there as well I mean it’s just a crazy accident okay so let’s just pray and let’s just hope for the best okay

You know what let’s just sit here and read Lily’s her favorite stories maybe she can hear us and maybe that will help her recover baby guys what exactly did Mommy tell you why are we going to the hospital I was watching Gossip Girls she just said that there’s an

Emergency down there in the hospital but I think it’s just Daddy I think he just heard his toe or something silly like that cuz he’s just a big silly B and he fell over I’m going got you you know what I know what it is they’re in the

Hospital because daddy couldn’t have a pool for like a week and then Mommy gave him a special tea and then I could hear him pooing away all night fighting around the place and he blocked the toilet could you smell it in your room M that’s so gross that he just pooped all

Over the palace that’s nasty so you think he’s in the in the hospital because he did too many poops yep that’s what I think I think maybe he got dehydrated so now they’re just giv him bottles of water into his veins to the IV where’d you go I’m going to the

Hospital you silly Billy H I went and got some candy for you candy for me none for you cuz I’m the best and you’re the worst smell like I wanted candy too and you know what baby Kai please stop being really annoying and hitting me all the

Time it’s not nice here do you want some of my candy M no that’s okay bad for you’re not getting any well I didn’t want any anyways I much prefer chocolate treats and this is just Frozen Sugar yeah but it tastes lovely no it doesn’t you will break your teeth eating that it’s too hard I told that sh he should soften them up but they way too hard I nearly block my too hey look we’re at the hospital now so let’s be on

Our best behavior okay we got to be good babies when you’re in here cuz there’s sick people in here I know there’s people in here that poop too much too like our daddy okay just be really quiet Daddy I hope you didn’t poop too much now daddy why is there balloons here is

There a party there’s Mommy and Daddy and they’re just sitting there is mommy crying oh my gosh look a bit serious What’s happen they’re looking I think there’s stop hitting me I think there’s somebody in that bed baby k i see her it’s baby Lily oh no

Baby k this is more serious than we thought it’s definitely that Daddy okay just be strong all right mommy daddy we got you text what happened here is baby Lily okay oh hey guys uh look uh just uh prepare yourselves okay there’s been an accident uh baby Lily was riding horses with your

Mom and she fell off and she broke her neck and now she’s in a coma and we’re not sure what’s going to happen but it’s very very serious and we’re going to have to pray for okay you guys need to be good to each other you need to go

Back to the palace and tidy everything up and make sure everything’s nice and ready for when she wakes up and we’re going to stay here and look after her okay you guys got to look after each other and look after the Palace of course Mommy and Daddy please don’t

Worry about me and baby Kai we are the best big brother and sister that Lily could ever have and we will do everything in the palace don’t you worry and Lily if you can hear me this is your sister Baby Kyla please wake up I’m so

Sorry that this happened to you I miss you and I love you I just please Lily please you got to fight this you you got to wake up right that’s don’t worry mommy and daddy we’re going to be the best brother and sister in the world and

You know what I’m the best brother ever so I’m going to be way better brother than she’s going to be a sister and I’m going to do everything for baby Lily and she’s going to love me even more lies that’s complete lies because I’m obviously the mature one so I’m the

Better big sister than baby Kai he is just useless he can’t do anything he can’t even tidy up he can’t make a toasted sandwich for Lily hm tell tell me what’s Lily’s favorite toasted sandwich okay okay you two it’s not a competition you just got to be on good

Behavior now go back to the Palace tidy everything up and make sure it’s nice and ready for baby L when she wakes up okay okay bye-bye well you know what guess what daddy said it’s not a competition but it is it is a competition I’m going to prove that I’m

The best sibling and not you you never even play with baby I’m the best look at me I’m the fastest as well I’m going to get all the flowers and all the candy and I’m going to tidy up her bedroom and she’s going to love

Me the most cuz I’m the best what no I’m getting the best flowers okay I’m getting loads of flowers here no way you’re going to be the best I’m going to be the best from the front don’t count they do count they do count I’m getting all of them bye-bye

They’re stealing no that’s it I got all of the flowers now I’m going to go to the supermarket and get Lily her favorite food so when she comes home she has all her favorite juices and favorite ice creams and sandwiches and candies waiting for her and then she will say oh

Who got it for me and I’ll say me your best big sister I’m going to tie you up and put a bandage over your face and then you won’t be able to talk and then I’m going to say it was all me lies because I’m get out here I’m getting

Stuff in the supermarket I’m getting stuff what what’s Lily’s favorite food hm you don’t even know but I know but I know I I know favorite food is Stones she likes to eat Stones so get her Stones no her favorite food is fish and chips and I just got 30 portions and I’m

Going to put them all in the fridge so it keeps nice and fresh and it doesn’t go off and when she’ll come home guess what baby Kyla the best sister ever will give her her her favorite meal yummy and you know what don’t even dare come to

Her room because I’m going to organize it I’m going to tidy it up and make it all lovely doely for her H hey that’s not fair you’re on a bike that’s cheating you’re going too fast no it’s not cheating I’m just trying to prove my word I’m trying to prove that I’m the

Best sister ever and you’re not going to be the best sister because you smell what no I don’t smell I had a shower this morning nobody wants you close to them because you stink you are just so mean and it’s not true ooh oh wow her poor puppy is here all on

His own oh the best of this I’m Tiding up cuz I’m the best I’m the best brother I’m the best brother you’re the worst sing and I’m just going to do all the flowers and make it all lovely and pretty for her a she to all over the

Place this loads of toys and they’re not even nice toys I mean she likes the boats why do she have the picnic baskets here it’s so weird I think she’s just messing around okay let’s just tid away all this stuff okay everything looks so much better I’m putting everything here in

This chest that’s perfect now I think I tied it many things I did a better job than you oh why is there a big cake is that the one that explodes that’s the welcome home cake if she comes over she gets that welcome home cake maybe the

Doggy might eat it but you know what he needs some food anyway the doggy can definitely eat it okay there’s some chocolate bread doggy W okay that’s it that’s it baby cutter get out of here because this is the bedroom that I tied up you didn’t do anything now get out

Excuse me I Ted most of it you’re are a lion and cheater you know what baby you’re you’re AER just get over it I’m definitely the best sibling ever it’s not you and you know what if you come close I will slap you with this fish and

Chip you can stay here I’m going to go t momy and Daddy’s bedroom and they see that they’re going to be like oh my gosh you are the best brother because you did everything not just the bedroom for the baby no no no I’m Tiding it up I’m Tiding it

Up get out of the way you get out of the way I’m here first no no no I was me I was here first ah Daddy’s here sleeping don’t wake him up come on quick quick quick Don’t Wake Daddy up he’s supposed to be in the hospital but he was there

All day maybe he’s just too tired you know what I’m just going to tidy up the kitchen haha and Mommy will know that I’m the best daughter ever ha you won’t be able to tid it up the kitchen because I’m going to turn it into a beam extract

And make a big mess and then I’m going to blame you what no you can’t do that get up oh No you’re ruining everything oh no baby you Mak it this is all your fault this is all your fault okay you know what I’m putting all the stuff into the

Fridge so it’s nice and fresh for baby Lily okay baby Kai you know what I think me and you should just make choice we’re both the best brothers and best sisters anyone could ever asked for I mean look what we did already we cleaned up the whole house we got lily flowers her

Favorite treats and now all we have to do is just hope that she wakes up and it doesn’t matter if one of us does more or less what matters is that we love her and we will pray for her pray for her to wake up and come play with us you know

What you’re a boy you’re a girl and I’m a boy so you can be the best sister and I’ll be the best brother and that’s it exactly we’re both the best woo good morning Donnie how are you doing oh I don’t know I’m still a bit

Stressed out I mean poor baby Lily she’s been down in the hospital for a few days I don’t know what to do anymore yeah I know I was up since 5:00 a.m. I just couldn’t sleep because this morning is her second operation and hopefully she will up then but I just can’t stop

Thinking about it I keep texting the doctor but he is not getting back to me I think they’re still operating on her Donnie I just hope that everything is going well oh my gosh the poor baby she’s been down there for ages and me broken neck in the coma it’s so terrible

Nothing we can do about as well we just have to wait and just have to hope and hopefully when we go down there and talk to the doctor we’ll find out the operation went great and she’s going to wake up and everything’s going to be back to normal again I hope so too

Donnie I keep having nightmares that Lily that she never wakes up from her coma and I wake up and I just blame myself it’s all my fault oh how could I let her get on her first okay D you know what okay just stop crying Donnie please you got to stay strong my

Baby oh Donnie okay look why don’t we just calm down we’ve been sad long enough and we’re wor Bing so much and I don’t remember the last time I even had some food to eat so here please have some food let’s just sit down and talk about the good times remember the time

When Lily took her first steps oh that was the cutest thing ever she was running towards that Dolly remember that Donnie oh I know I know she’s so cute and when she spoke for the first time she said a bad word that was her first

Word it was so bad oh I know she did we can’t even say that word but it was really really bad I really thought she’s going to say mommy or daddy for her first word but she did say a na to first word oh she’s just such a great baby

Isn’t she Donnie she was always just so good always sleeping always behaving not like Baby Kyla and baby Kai they gave us loads of trouble when there were babies absolutely she’s such a good baby I mean she’s never getting in trouble she’s never causing any problems but

We’re going to have to take care of her she comes back and she’s healthy no more messing around on horses no more riding bikes I mean we just got to mind her we got to look after her yeah I know I think I just didn’t realize that she’s

Still a small baby and I thought she could handle riding on the horse and you know what to be honest she was actually really really good at it but I think maybe because she was so good she got just so confident and then she went on

That roof and she lost control and she fell oh gosh please please please she wakes up soon oh Donnie the doctor the doctor is calling me okay hold on uh hello doctor how did the operation go Leah um you know what the operation went pretty well on our neck okay I

Think we fixed everything she’s not going to be paralyzed anymore we’ve got high hopes of her coming out of that coma but unfortunately I’ve got some bad news she’s actually lost a lot of blood in the operation and we’re not sure what we’re going to do it’s quite quite

Distressing um well can we not get some blood from somewhere to put it into her body well she’s got a specific type of blood so we’re going to have to get a good match hopefully either you or Donnie could match but we need to see you right away down in the hospital of

Course of course um see you soon oh gosh Donnie the doctor said the operation went well and they fixed everything they could but unfortunately Lily she lost loads of blood and now they need a blood donor so it got to be either me or you Donnie we

Don’t have much time we have to hurry one of us will have to donate the blood to her I just hope that they can be a match okay okay oh gosh at least there was some good news Donnie There’s Hope once she gets the extra blood into her

Hopefully she will wake up and everything will be okay well that’s if one of us is a match I mean it’s not always the parents are matches to the blow type of their children so if we don’t match then she might not get a blood and then she’s going to pass away

And oh my gosh we can’t let that happen don’t even say that dony get a much I know it one of us will match and if we don’t then there’s your parents and you know what we can just call your parents and ask them for some blood I’m sure

They won’t mind donating but oh we haven’t even told them what happened to Lily they will get a big shock but you know what Donnie let’s just hope for the best I’m pretty sure one of us can help Lily out we can help save our daughter’s

Life let’s just talk to the doctor and see what he says oh I’m just so scared I’ve never donated blood before have you uh I don’t think so I mean I’m not sure but there’s been so many operations and so many injuries maybe we have much

Sure okay okay the doctor’s in there go go go um doctor doctor okay so we’re here what do we have to do tell us please okay Leo we’re going to take a blood sample from you and from Donnie and if we get a match we’re going to

Have to do a blood transplant as soon as possible so we can get the blood back at the baby Lily and get her back to life again of course doctor let’s not waste any time me and Donnie are ready we’re ready to go whenever you are come on

Dannie let’s go let’s go we can’t waste any time okay Leah congratulations we’ve done a good operation and it turns out you’ve got a match to your daughter’s blood I have it right here now we need to do a blood transplant as soon as possible we need you to go lie down

Beside Lily and we’re going to do the operation but just so you know this could go wrong we’re not 100% sure that your blood will take to her body um uh of course and Doctor what could happen if Lily’s body doesn’t accept my blood is there anything else we can do after

That well right now there’s nothing else we can do I mean we just have to get a good match on that blood and if we don’t get yours to match if we don’t get your blood to match we’re going to have to put out a call to the world to get a

Blood donation and see if we can get a match but it’s going to be very very difficult let’s just hope and pray that this is the right blood and she gets better okay doctor sounds good I mean hopefully it just works out I know that

My blood can save her I can feel it Donnie I’m really scared about this but this is something that I have to do I have to save her daughter it was my fault that she got into this place so I’m going to help her get out of it okay

Donnie just pray for us pray that my blood Works bye hey come on Le look just come in here lie down beside her and then the doctors are going to come in they’re going to do the operation okay Lily if you can hear me me it’s your mommy here I’m going to

Help you darling you’re a strong girl my blood it’s going to help you okay I just need to calm down and the doctors are going to come and take blood from me and put it into your body and hopefully then you can wake up darling and we can have

Loads of fun together me your daddy and your brothers and sisters we all miss you so much honey come back to us please come back to us Leah the doctors are coming okay good luck uh I’m going to have to leave you here so uh just uh

Stay strong and and just pray for the best okay bye-bye okay bye Donnie bye Mommy Mommy wake up wake up mommy baby Lily where are we what’s going on why are we in the hospital liily oh my gosh it worked oh my gosh Lily darling how are you feeling oh baby you’re awake

You’re awake you’re not in the ca anymore that’s that’s the best news ever what you talking about Mama the last thing I remember we were riding the horses and when never wake up in the hospital are you okay is every okay oh Lily I’m more than okay right now I’m so

Happy that you’re awake oh you don’t remember anything Lily because you were riding a horse and you fell off a roof and you broke your neck and Lily you were in a coma for nearly a week and you had two surgeries and then you lost so

Much blood that they asked me to donate some blood to you and they did a blood transfusion and I guess it worked it worked if you’re awake that means it worked oh darling I’m so so happy and I’m so sorry that I didn’t take good

Care of you that you fell off that horse it was 100% my fault but I’m so happy now that you’re awake and you’re healthy in your life oh my gosh M I can’t believe it I’m so sorry I fell off the horse but you know what from now on no more horse

Riding no more going crazy on bicycl I’m going to be really good and I’m not going to get any more accidents oh that’s amazing yes from now on we just have to be so careful because we have to be healthy Lily and to be honest I really

Thought maybe that you wouldn’t make it and I would never forgive myself for that and your daddy and your brothers and sisters they all miss you so much and they’re all so so upset that you were in the coma but now I get to take

You home and they’re going to be all so so happy for you

This video, titled ‘Princess Leah’s UNICORN is TAKEN by and Evil Wizard.. Minecraft Life’, was uploaded by Little Leah on 2023-12-10 14:00:24. It has garnered 390 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 04:05:17 or 14717 seconds.

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    Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players are immersed in a blocky world where they can build, explore, and survive in a variety of different environments. Let’s delve into some of the key features that make Minecraft such a beloved game. Endless Possibilities with Building One of the standout features of Minecraft is its building mechanics. Players have the freedom to construct anything their imagination can conjure up, from simple houses to intricate castles. The game’s block-based… Read More

  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

    The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Experience the magic of The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft with this special Note Block Cover! Dive into the world of creativity and music as you explore the intricate details of this unique creation. Shampoo Ingredients and Kinger’s Zingers From the playful notes of “Shampoo Ingredients” to the catchy tunes of “Kinger’s Zingers,” each segment of the Digital Circus comes to life through the power of Minecraft Note Blocks. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement as you journey through this musical adventure! Unleash Your Creativity Witness the dedication and skill required… Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 24

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 24 Minecraft Challenge: Day 24 Exploring the World Seed In today’s Minecraft challenge, the player found themselves surrounded by towering spruce trees in the world seed: -1206291632661826736. Using a clever technique of creating a staircase on the tree trunk, they managed to gather blocks from one of the large trees in a single go. Sending Greetings Not only did the player tackle the in-game challenges, but they also took the time to send greetings to fellow gamers on YouTube and TikTok. Shoutouts were given to creators such as @SilviaPatriciaNunezValdez, @m4xi_183, @facha918, @naim2518, @bwaaa-sdr, @jeffer2651 on YouTube, and @unpapelfurioso, @juanchy129k, @imm61664,… Read More

  • Minecraft Ice Island – Episode 2 – Sewage Treatment

    Minecraft Ice Island - Episode 2 - Sewage Treatment Minecraft Wyspa Mrozu I – Epizod 2 – Oczyszczalnia Ścieków Exploring the High Voltage Pillars As the Minecraft player ventured past the high voltage pillars, they stumbled upon a surprising discovery – the Sewage Treatment Plant. The sheer shock of the encounter was evident in their reaction, making for an exciting viewing experience. Stay tuned for more! Map Details For those interested in exploring the same Minecraft world, the map can be accessed at the following link: Mapa Wyspa Mrozu I. The map was created by the talented duo of RemBX and Astyn, showcasing their creativity and attention to… Read More

  • Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore!

    Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, no room for pains. With animations funny and bright, He crafts a world of pure delight. Children’s eyes wide, watching in awe, As Fangkuaixuan’s tales they draw. From jumping off buildings to forgotten kids, His rhymes bring light to what he bids. In the eyes of elders, children see, A world of wonder, pure and free. But Fangkuaixuan knows the truth, In Minecraft, there’s no need for proof. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Crafting stories that truly shine. For in the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay

    Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay Exploring the World of Minecraft Embarking on a New Adventure In the realm of gaming, Minecraft stands out as a sandbox game that offers endless possibilities and adventures. The thrill of starting a new world in Minecraft is unparalleled, as players dive into a world of creativity and exploration. Roohsclues: A Gaming Journey in Hindi/Urdu Roohsclues, a YouTube channel dedicated to gaming in Hindi/Urdu, has embarked on a new series featuring Minecraft gameplay. Episode 2 marks the beginning of an exciting journey in the blocky universe of Minecraft. Immersive Gameplay and Entertainment With a disclaimer emphasizing the entertainment nature… Read More

  • Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!

    Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘Expanding my Elden Ring inspired Kingdom | Minecraft Creative 1.20 LIVE’, was uploaded by JermsyBoy on 2024-06-21 22:07:38. It has garnered 5715 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:47 or 16967 seconds. Subscribe! Donate to the channel: Become a member to join us in building up this giant city!: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Our build server has been generously provided by DedicatedMC. Get your own server today by using code “JermsyBoy” for 15% off your first month. Valid for normal plans, excluding Dedicated Servers and Discord Bots. Check out DedicatedMC:… Read More

  • Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!

    Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘We’re Trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-02-15 04:44:25. It has garnered 591518 views and 7583 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:14 or 1394 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! Today, Nico and his friends are trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft! Nico gets trapped in a phone and must escape! How will Nico and his friends get out?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • Dronio In Minecraft – Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shorts

    Dronio In Minecraft - Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но Я Не Могу Касаться Зелёного Цвета 🟢 ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 10:30:07. It has garnered 979 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE MINECRAFT AGAIN…’, was uploaded by Mythbustingnoob on 2024-04-15 14:00:38. It has garnered 136507 views and 2526 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:44 or 5564 seconds. I survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE AGAIN . All The mods 9 has had Major Updates. So in these 100 days I harness the souls of a Warden and Make supercharged Farms to try and Get The ATM STAR. If You’d Like to Subscribe: —————————————————————————— Surviving 100 days like forge labs, lukethenotable, suev,… Read More

  • Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho’s Wizard Tower!

    Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho's Wizard Tower!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mysterious Wizard Tower! [Minecraft: Let’s Build Together Ep 02]’, was uploaded by Koffizinho on 2024-04-08 18:00:07. It has garnered 76 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:20 or 1100 seconds. SERIES SUMMARY Welcome to Let’s Build Together! A Minecraft series where your ideas get built in my survival world! With a fresh start we go into a survival world in 1.20.4 exploring for resources and building your wild ideas and themes inside Minecraft! How does it work? Glad you asked! A theme is chosen for the world and your job is… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai – Gilthunder’s Hidden Powers!

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai - Gilthunder's Hidden Powers!Video Information This video, titled ‘NANATSU NO TAIZAI ADDON SPOILERS!!! Gilthunder’s abilities’, was uploaded by Ric4rdo G4m3r on 2024-06-16 23:41:33. It has garnered 364 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:01 or 181 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftadventure #minecraftbedrock #minecraftaddons #minecraftarcane #minecraftbuilders #addons #nanatsunotaizai #anime Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!

    EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-02-29 16:50:25. It has garnered 2483 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle|| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy diggy hole… Read More

  • DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel Skyblock

    DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & UPDATE GRINDING TODAY! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:51. It has garnered 1543 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:45 or 6525 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️ #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ Discord ➡️ Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – Swurv – Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs All entries 🔥 🔥 #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Fardin Amjad Gamer 🇵🇰 MC on 2024-02-14 10:32:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Herobrine Vs All entries #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe … Read More

  • FriendsPlus

    FriendsPlusWelcome to Friends+! Here we strive to be a welcoming community of friends who don’t care about your background, all we care about is if you’re human! Read More

  • CoreMC Vanilla Whitelist 1.21

    Welcome to CoreMC! I started CoreMC about 2 years ago to create a simple Minecraft community for players of all skill levels. The server runs on stock vanilla .jar with minimal addons, allowing for a true vanilla experience. Our rules are based on respect for others and the server. Key Features: No PVP/Griefing/Stealing No item dupe glitches No excessive lag-causing builds No discrimination or harassment No hacking, but some mods are allowed Alt accounts allowed with permission Join Our Discord: If you’re interested in joining, please apply through our Discord. Server Info: Server Address: Specs: Ryzen 5 3550H, 32GB… Read More

  • Glorp Junior High School

    you need the modpack SteamPunk LPS on curseforge and 12gb of ram dedicatedage requirement is 18+⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions & 5 NEW Planets to Explore!⚙️ Skills, Magic, Tetra & most importantly Steam like Tech⚙️ NEW Game Mechanics such as Thin Air & Cold Sweat⚙️ NEW Game Features… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting OG Hoodie”

    Looks like even Minecraft mobs are trying to get a retail job to make some extra emeralds! Read More

  • Tax Time in Minecraft, Let’s Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes

    Tax Time in Minecraft, Let's Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes “When you’re trying to enjoy building in Minecraft but then remember you have to pay taxes in the real world #adulting #minecraftwoes” Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts! Exploring Minecraft 1.21 Update: What You Need to Know! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft 1.21? This latest update is packed with new features and enhancements that will take your gaming experience to the next level. Let’s take a closer look at what’s in store for players in this thrilling update! What’s New in Minecraft 1.21? The Minecraft 1.21 update brings a host of exciting additions to the game. From new biomes and mobs to enhanced gameplay mechanics, there’s something for every player to enjoy. One of the standout features of this update is… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft gameplay videos like “I MADE A SUGARCANE FARM | MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #21”? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of passionate gamers who enjoy Minecraft, Evil Nun, Gta San Andreas, Minecraft mods, horror games, and more! Experience the thrill of building your own sugarcane farm in a multiplayer environment. Connect with like-minded players, explore new worlds, and showcase your creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the Minewind server IP:… Read More

  • EPIC Cinematic Edit!

    EPIC Cinematic Edit! Exploring the World of Minecraft Cinematic Edits Step into the mesmerizing world of Minecraft cinematic edits, where creativity knows no bounds and imagination reigns supreme. From stunning visuals to intricate storytelling, these edits take the Minecraft experience to a whole new level. The Art of Cinematic Edits Creating a cinematic edit in Minecraft is no easy feat. It requires a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics, and a whole lot of patience. But the end result is truly something special – a masterpiece that showcases the beauty and complexity of the Minecraft universe. Key… Read More


    INSANE MUTANT ADD-ON! MINECRAFT LIVE w/ THE BOYSVideo Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] MINECRAFT w/ THE BOYS – MUTANT ADD-ON + MORE!!! (5/3/24)’, was uploaded by calebsmyth TV on 2024-05-04 05:35:38. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:38 or 7478 seconds. Yooo, these Add-Ons are insane! Read More

  • LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDarius

    LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDariusVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Party 2! LIVE’, was uploaded by NekoDarius on 2024-02-17 17:14:27. It has garnered 66 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:38 or 13178 seconds. Read More


    AnshStrive - ESCAPE THE BUTTON IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT , BUT I HAVE TO FIND THE BUTTON TO ESCAPE’, was uploaded by AnshStrive on 2024-05-18 04:46:54. It has garnered 999 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:28 or 448 seconds. I have to find the button to escape this trap for which I have taken some hints and find the button if if you enjoy my video and find my video interesting subscribe to my channel Read More


    DEATH TRAP IN MINECRAFT?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Worst Minecraft Saw Trap Ever?’, was uploaded by Harsh_ on 2024-07-04 01:06:46. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:37 or 157 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, procedurally generated world. Here are some key features: Creativity: Players can construct structures, mine resources, and craft tools, weapons, and armor. Survival: The game includes day-night cycles, hostile creatures, and hunger mechanics, challenging players to gather resources and protect themselves. Adventure: Minecraft offers various biomes, dungeons, and hidden… Read More

  • Unlocking Cosmic Power – Is he creating an animal jail? #Minecraft

    Unlocking Cosmic Power - Is he creating an animal jail? #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help #Minecraft’, was uploaded by CosmosMC – Power on 2024-01-11 00:09:43. It has garnered 3941 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay” #minecraftsurvival

    "UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay" #minecraftsurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Day7 (11k special live) #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #day7’, was uploaded by 𖤐Ɲ𝖊𝖼r̴o_𝑆ϯor̴m𝚆𝖎ŋ𝗀🪶 on 2024-05-17 16:43:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Dangerous Muslim Kid’s TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥

    Dangerous Muslim Kid's TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Muslim dhamaka short #mmuslim #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv ❤️👈’, was uploaded by Muslim dhamaka short on 2024-04-05 01:06:51. It has garnered 837 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #minecraft #music #muslimkidstv #mela #motivation #m #motivation #love#muslimkidstv ❤️#music❤️ #minecraft❤️ #mela 🌍#mMuslim dhamaka short subscribeMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #music #minecraft #motivation YouTube#music #minecraft #mobilelegends channel video #comedyvid #music #minecraft , #muslimkidstv z #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #memesMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #comedyvideo #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #muslimkidstv… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥

    Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Junkie SMP S4 | All Hail King Funkie! [Part 1]’, was uploaded by Xman 723 2 on 2024-06-17 19:00:06. It has garnered 4492 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:20 or 4580 seconds. *_Make Sure To Leave A Like And Subscribe!_* *_SMP Owner!_* @FNAFJunkie *_SMP Members!_* @Alextheunamazing @AsenEye @deadchannellmaooooo @CFMeibo/@CFMeiboVODS @ChevilFNAF @ClapzFolded @ConnerTheFozhead @DravenJV01 @EmmaTheTransFox @fnaf_and_the_gang @Foxy-Boy @FuntimeGmod @GJ_XD @inkmangmod0813/@inkmanlivestreamschannel662 @jakub_the @MimikTheRatRabbit @MrWarriorOffical @navilingyr @ofek105 @peggo_delego666 @Prowler18 @REDACTEDVODSANDCLIPS @SoraHeals @ThatOneFearMan *_My Other YouTube Channels!_* @Xman723 @Xman7233 @Xman7234 @Xman7235 @ToyFreddyPlaysGames @TheFazbearBand *_Become A Channel Member!_* #minecraft #survival #smp Read More

  • Chest Speedrun Madness in Minecraft

    Chest Speedrun Madness in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SPEEDRUNNING Minecraft In A CHEST’, was uploaded by SwapFlip on 2024-03-05 17:41:28. It has garnered 62 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. NEW BEST Hosting – –~– DONT CLICK THIS – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST SPEEDRUNNING MINECRAFT IN A CHEST #speedrun #minecraft About this short – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST Hashtags:- #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftspeedrunning #speedrun #minecraftchest Keywords:- Chest speedrun,Chest speedrun Minecraft,Speedrun,chest speedrun,dream speedrun music,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrun in the chest,minecraft speedrun seed,minecraft speedrun world record,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft speedrunning,minecraft speerun,minecraft swapflip,speedrun,speedrun in chest,swapflip chest,swapflip minecraft latest,swapflip minecraft,swapflip latest minecraft,swapflip… Read More

  • XGaming

    XGamingJoin us at for an unparalleled gaming experience! Dynamic Gameplay – Endless Possibilities! NPC-Crafted Quests Tailored Rewards Multilingual Interaction Personalized Trading Magic Spells in Any Language! Refer code: /refer xgaming Website: Ready for a gaming revolution? Join and redefine your adventure! Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP – McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets – 1.20.4

    Join ExeosCraft: The Ultimate No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQ+ SMP! Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win schemes? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where your experience comes first. Donations go entirely to charity. Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been up and lag-free since June 2020, with a massive map that will never reset. Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players. Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: A safe space for all, no hate speech tolerated. Custom Plugins: Enhance the vanilla experience with hand-crafted plugins. Cross-Platform: Optimized for Java and Bedrock, with unique features for Bedrock players. Our Features: Permanent World:… Read More