PrinceZam’s EPIC Mission to Rescue Minecraft SMP

Video Information

What happened is mic just gone no no he’s over here I don’t see him oh what I just popped to it so I just got one shot by a warden and as if that wasn’t already bad enough it happened during what was genuinely one of the most

Important fights of my life and to fully understand just how tragic me dying here was I need to take you guys back back to when I first joined this season of Life steal and was trying to take down the server’s strongest player pangy him and his allies have been killing players

Left and right on the server because this server has a plugin where every time you kill someone you steal one of their hearts him and his friend redun are now at 20 hearts and Unstoppable however a few months ago I successfully managed to steal 10 Hearts off of pangy

By going to his house in real life and typing a command on his computer honestly it’s his fault for letting me get away with that oh my God but anyways now here we are on my first day on the server and he’s about to kill me in the

Exact same cave where I took his heart I don’t know what that means what does the word debt mean explain please oh well so basically you owe me crazy amounts of hearts and if you don’t give them to me right now you will have some trouble not a big not a

Big trouble fan not a big trouble fan huh yeah not really all right so I got a deal for you okay what’s the deal where are you uh not important why I just want you to apologize py I am sorry for stealing five of your hearts all right

We’re good now that’s all I wanted to say have a have a great day okay so somehow I was able to get out of there without losing a single heart and to make sure nothing like this happens again I decided I probably need to find myself some teammates however something

You guys probably don’t know is that I’m joining the server like a month after it started so everybody kind of already is in their own little clicks which means that finding myself a teammate is going to be unbelievably hard however thanks to my Shenanigans at pang’s house a

Player by the name of roshambo was on good terms with me meaning that there was a good chance that he’d led me into his team known as Team Awesome led by him and his friend mapic however when I messaged them they said that they were a

Little busy with a private project so I guess for now all I can really do is just continue Mining and hope nothing bad happens to me oh goodness okay I’m playing through risky I can’t be doing this oh my God he’s here oh okay what’s up Z hi hi all right

Let’s talk let’s talk let’s talk let’s talk what are you doing in this Minecraft Zam I’m just chilling I’m doing nothing wrong give me your pickaxe give me your pickaxe give me your blocks okay I’ll give you my pickaxe yeah there’s really no getting out of this

One really oh God so about the death give me your water bucket I’m not giving you my water bucket give me your water bucket it has a lot of sentimental value you don’t want to take it from me I listen listen stop stop stop stop stop

It drop itop stop stop okay so you remember you remember getting those 10 Hearts away from me please don’t you remember please please you were laughing and you shook hands with me IRL where you would give me five of your hearts I not the worst guy in the world but I’m

Sorry no no no no don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it don’t don’t don’t no please please please I’ll talk to you I’ll let let me talk let me talk let me talk let me talk I don’t need I’ll drop it I’ll drop it I’ll drop it please

Please please just stop just stop just stop I’ll drop them please listen let’s talk all right let’s talk I just let’s talk all right let’s talk let’s talk let’s talk let’s talk please please please please please please please water water water water water okay to be honest this death

Was actually pretty deserved I literally went to his house and stole his hearts and besides nine Hearts 10 Hearts it doesn’t make that much of a difference anyways now we’re 1,000 blocks away from Spawn and working on a base I decided to call this base new sington named after a

Base I had on an older server and while I was here I was freaking out okay because I was on hold with Team Awesome I didn’t want to find any new teammates and because of that every time someone logs on I get unbelievably afraid and and assume they’re hunting me down for

Example this is a clip of me hiding in a 2×1 hole because a player named wiie told me he was going to kill me he didn’t even know where this base was but anyways the points I’m trying to make was that I was scared okay but after 4

Days of grinding on the server non-stop I finally had enough gear to calm down and stop being on edge all the time so much so that I decided to visit another player’s base you see it hasn’t been all that bad on the LIF steal smpp because a

Few days ago I found Rec RP tw’s base which was like 50 blocks away from mine in the nether making us Neighbors in my eyes so when he invited me to his friend bacon waffles base I decided to say yes and go with them it was this big thing

We were inviting a bunch of players to Bacon’s Bas in order to start what they called a function and it was actually really cool I had a lot of fun but then we were attacked by two familiar faces now you’re probably thinking run and pangy they’re the villains it’s got to

Be them but it was actually mic and roshambo the people I was supposed to team with they just started jumping me out of nowhere why what did I do I was so in disbelief that that I didn’t even think they were actually trying to kill

Me until like 30 seconds later I kind of just sat there and curled into a ball as they beat me up and after my new friends saw this they began fighting back against them but because roow and mapic are really good at PVP my friends were getting obliterated so I had no choice

But to fight Rowan mic wait no no no no no this I came prepared bro no I came prepared maybe’s dead where you my heart is in my stomach bro they’re on me like real bad they’re on no no no don’t worry is about to die bro yeah May’s so done Bro wait no he was low yeah Ro was low I went the wrong way I’m One oneing mic and it’s going crazy in my favor no it’s going crazy in my favor bro he’s stasis I think mapic and R managed to escape for me and my friends using a stasis

Chamber and let me be honest with you all I was really mad about this okay first of all the people I’m supposed to be teamed with start jumping me out of nowhere and then on top of it they say I was caught in the the crossfire which

Was a blatant lie they started killing me first what clearly I was the main target of this attack for whatever reason which really shifted my viewpoint on everything that’s happened so far previously I thought mapig and row were supposed to be the heroes of the server

Trying their hardest to put a stop to runes and pangi however after seeing how they just tried murdering multiple innocent players it’s clear to me that mapic and row are just as bloodthirsty as runes and pangy and both of these groups need to be put to a stop how

However I’m just one person I can’t really do that on my own lucky for me my friends from the function were still kind of mad about the fight that we just had so I propose to them an offer if they were to make a temporary alliance

With me just for today I would lead them to mapic and Rose base and we could all get our revenge in surprisingly all of them agreed including players that weren’t even at the fight I had a few doubts about this team for example lugie is an ally of runes and pangy and

Literally threaten to kill me earlier in this video but I guess if I want to get my revenge on Mig Andro I need to bite the bullet and just work with these guys just for today so after brewing potions for all of us I began marching my Army

Towards M and Rose Bas let’s go I don’t have arrows it’s not the time for get him get him re re if we get him cornered we win I got him my I got him I got him I got him he’s boed is not that he’s Mario carting away Mario still at

Theill I hope I hope I get a snip no no get the boat unfortunately because map and Rose’s base was right next to a frozen ocean they were able to use the ice around them to boat out of the fight escaping us almost immediately after this me and my friends went to their

Base and just stole everything that we could so overall I’d say this was a pretty big success for us after this fight I broke up our temporary Alliance and went back to my base speaking of which my base sington now has two new residents nippy doodle my beloved pet

Frog and Walter my beloved Pet Goat now both of these guys were super important Walter will be a little later in the story but nippy doodle attracted a player named the terrain to my base you see terrain had a frog of his own that was kidnapped just the other day and he

Was looking for help anywhere he could and I was gladly offering it so the two of us began searching for Clues around the server when all of a sudden we were approached by none other than pangi it turns out that pangy and terrain both owned pet frogs and kind of had this

Frog Duo thing going on so pangy felt sort of obligated to help us look and after spending the whole day with these guys looking around for Clues interrogating random players and just having fun together I learned a lot more about pangy it turns out that ever since

The first day of the server pangi has actually never gotten into a fight that he started after he reached 20 Hearts he decided to stop using violence and began living in peace all he wanted to do was just build around SP but for whatever reason he kept getting provoked by

Players like mic and row and it was at this moment I realized I was wrong everything I thought I knew about the life steal smpp was completely upside down mapic and roshambo have been the villains from the start not only do they kill innocent players for no reason but

They’ve also destroyed the entirety of the end and when it was time for the server to fight the dragon instead they were greeted by mapic and row who slaughtered every single one of them there was no doubt in my mind now that they were the villain but one part of

The equation was still missing who was going to be the heroes to stop them pangy and runes refuse to fight they will only fight unless they are provoked meaning that mapic and roshambo are completely unopposed there was nobody to stand up for all the innocent players that were getting slaughtered left and

Right by them nobody except for me I had an idea if I were to form a team with pangy and run that got into a fight with mic and roshambo they would have no choice but to help me which would in turn lead to us taking down mapic and

Row and fixing the server once and for all so now all I had to do is figure out how to join redun and pangi so I logged onto the server to begin planning when all of a sudden pangi asked me to join his call to tell me something massive it

Turned out that my pet goat Walter had been kidnapped by mic and Rose allies the N triple p and after pangy told me this I was Furious if these players were willing to kidnap the pet of someone who hasn’t done anything to them imagine what they’re doing to the countless

Other innocent players on the server this was the final nail in the coffin I now knew for a fact that I needed to take down these players however before I was able to do anything against them hangi then continued the story and told me that he got Walter back I was so

Relieved Walter could have been kidnapped or Worse killed but now he was safe and on top of that I could now ask pangy to help me get my revenge I was about to become pang’s Ally without lifting a single finger everything was going perfectly but then My beloved Pet Goat was drowned by pangy and although it was an accident I couldn’t forgive him Walter was really special to me I’d always let him run around the base and go wherever he wanted sometimes he’d Ram into me while I was in the middle of doing something

Important and I’d always find it super funny but now he’s dead so that’s gone forever after watching this happen I decided to leave the call with pangy and go back back to my base once again everything I thought I knew about life steel was upside down everything I said

About pangy mapic row all those guys was completely false and on top of that I now know that there are no heroes or villains on This Server everybody is just as guilty as everyone else we’ve all killed we’ve all stolen we’ve all lied we’re all just as bad as the other

And I mean after all this is a world built entirely on stealing other people’s lives and in a world like that I can’t be wasting my time thinking about morals if I wanted to protect the only pet I still had I needed to become my worst self so naturally I approached

The people that I previously thought were the worst people on the server mapic and Rambo and asked to join their side once again and what do you know considering we had a common enemy they decided to say yes this time I was now solely driven by Revenge because that’s

All that mattered to me I needed to avenge my goat no matter what even if it got me banned from the server I would do anything to get my revenge on pangy and conveniently for me May pi and and Rambo already had a plan so I decided to spend

The rest of my day at Walter’s grave this area was really significant to me because I came here on the first day of the server and thought it was the most beautiful landscape I’d ever seen so I figured it was the most Fitting Place for me to leave Walter behind however I

Couldn’t mope around here forever if I wanted to make sure that everything would be all right for me I needed to keep going so I got in a call with mapic and Rambo and they began explaining the plan to me okay so in order for me to

Officially join team awesome I needed to help mapic and r kill pangy today and at first I was a little skeptical because you know they tried killing me earlier in this video but then I found out mapic and row only did that because they thought I was Allied with pangy so now

That I knew I could probably rely on mic and row I was more than okay with helping them with this Mission anyways let me explain the plan basically pangy and runes are about to fight this clown Pierce guy because clown Pierce stole pang’s frog and as soon as their fight

Ended the three of us would jump into the battle and kill whoever was still standing it was a foolproof plan that was guaranteed to help us get some hearts and revenge on pangy which is more likely because it’s a 2v one clown is not going to win this so all three of

Us got our invas ready and began watching the fight and what you look at that clown Pierce is winning oh my God and then all of a sudden hany and runes disappear from the fight you know what else is going to disappear soon this part of the video pangi and runes

Disappeared from the fight using a stasis chamber which was super unfair because they’ve been preparing for this fight for like weeks and considering clam Pierce managed to hold his own in a 2v one we were unbelievably pressed and wanted to help him out so we began searching the server for pangy runes and

Their Ally wiie and as soon as we reached the nether roof we just saw them in the distance and after realizing we were following them they decided to split up so maybe androe went after wiie and runes and I had pangy all to myself it was finally time for me to get my

Revenge for Walter I was going to avenge My Pet Goat no matter what even though he had 11 more Hearts than me I was still going to try my hardest to avenge my goat it was finally time for me to fight pangy [Applause] no no no negative one negative oh wait guys I’m running into you wait guys who is this there’s a person with me and W or with what’s upo what pois poison me me try I’m try try let’s go let’s go just him out him out him out out out

Prince could survive this the not you py sorry not Prince Pi he’s done he’s done he’s done bro he’s done my bad don’t do that smoke so there we have it ladies and gentlemen it may have took me losing the pet that I cared about the most but I

Was finally able to take down pangy and on top of that I was now an official member of Team awesome however little did I know everything was about to take a turn for the worse and that’s because somebody is turning all of my Builds on This Server into obsidian and I want to

Make it my mission to find out who’s doing this and put a stop to them once and for all however this would be a lot harder than I expected because the player who’s doing this is completely Anonymous and seemingly only strikes in the middle of the night when no one is

Online so to find out more about this player I decided to head to spawn and begin looking for Clues however when I got there I was shocked to see that spawn was more than just covered in obsidian everything was completely destroyed including most of the builds I

Just showed you and in their place were signs cryptic messages from the player doing this who is now going under the Elias Medusa these signs claimed that by covering spawn and obsidian it would be eternalized never to be destroyed again but this is a massive contradiction

Because due to the obsidian a lot of builds are just being destroyed and replaced with nothing I was absolutely Furious and wanted to get to the bottom of this more than anything I mean how could I not be mad Medusa’s main reasoning was already flawed proven by

The fact that jiren’s pig statue is now just a massive crater and that my courthouse is just absolutely missing so to Showcase my anger I left behind a sign for Medusa with the main message being that I was going to kill them and stop at nothing until I did however

There’s still one big piece of information I haven’t told you guys about yet I am currently on five Hearts man now you’re probably wondering Prince am how exactly are you on five Hearts well on the life steal smpp every time you kill someone you steal one of their

Hearts and every time you die you lose a heart and I have to explain this in every video man they’re new people watching me like every day I think but you’re probably still wondering how how did you lose that many well it all started with a silly little bet me and

My friends made my closest Ally mapic found this cool idea for a prison and decided to trap two players inside of it and if they managed to escape somehow our entire team would give away four of our hearts to the players that rescued them and surprise surprise we lost the

Bet so now I’m on four hearts and thanks to my massive heart disadvantage I’m kind of useless right now conveniently however there’s already a team of people people trying to stop Medusa so all I had to do is DM them and I’d get a bunch of free information and after dming one

Of the main players going after Medusa for a bit he finally decided to get into a call with me and my friend ashwag why do you sound like that oh my what that was so mean no no no I mean the mic wait is there something wrong my

Mic okay now that you have anxiety my is everything you know you said I was mid and now I’m upset I did say you you shouldn’t be upset you shouldn’t be upset no I tell us everything you know medus I am not telling you anything I don’t know if I can there’s

Like plans that have already been made and I don’t know if I can like leak the plans because the plans are cool and stuff so I can’t I’m Team Awesome you can leak them to me I don’t know about asag I can give you the name as long as

You’re not like going to do anything with it ready to find out who Medusa is it’s paa what paa being Medusa was a massive curveball for me as throughout the server he’s been known as quite a neutral player so him being the the person covering all of Spawn and

Obsidian just seemed out of character to me on top of all that he was the main person cleaning up after Medusa’s obsidian but then again that would be the perfect Alibi as where else would he be getting the obsidian to continue being Medusa eventually mapic decided to

Log on and began telling me the full details of everything that’s gone down after a war between my team and a player named yaron spon was left completely desolate and destroyed filled to the brim with ugly statues of pigs and because POA was the one to clean it all

Up he decided that in order to get revenge he’d cover everything in spawn with obsidian and to avoid any suspicion he’d clean it all up afterwards allowing himself to look innocent as well as never running out of obsidian however Pua was unbelievably sloppy as with every build turned into obsidian he’d

Leave behind a sign hinting at what the next build to be covered in obsidian would be for example after my Courthouse was covered in obsidian Medusa hinted that the boat would be the next thing to go so to combat this mapic and r destroyed the entirety of the boat but

Before they did POA managed to get a schematic AKA an exact layout of what the boat looked like and what do you know despite it not being there the boat was still covered in obsidian and considering POA was the only person with the schematic he was the only person who

Possibly could have done this and to top it all off in the statistics tab you can see exactly how much obsidian you’ve plays and when mic and roshambo asked POA for his obsidian stats he was reluctant but if eventually ended up sending a screenshot with the count

Lower than a screenshot he sent just a few weeks prior meaning the screenshots he was sending were edited to be lower than his actual count which 100% proved that POA was Medusa he was the man behind all of this destruction everything at spawn was ruined because

Of him and with the help of my teammates I was going to make him pay for it no matter what it took I was going to take POA down and stop his Medusa project once and for all and after after telling all of that to mapic he decided to let

Me in on the plan to take down Medusa mapic and row had thought up a very simple yet effective plan we were going to invite the entire server to spawn to reveal who Medusa was once and for all as well as providing all of the evidence and after proving to the server that

Poofa was Medusa we’d ask them all to join us and then defeat poofa together afterwards poofa would respawn at his bed which was now covered in obsidian cuz he like placed obsidian everywhere it’s like a punishment it’s like Poetic just or something I don’t know anyways

The only problem with our plan was that Pua could just move his bed before the meeting and there would be nothing we could do to stop him so we kind of just had to hope our plan would work but before any of that I wanted to tell you

Guys that at the end of the year I’m going to be building a cactus that’s as tall as my subscriber count all within a world that has no build limit and then at the end of the year I’m going to break it down and watch it all fall live

On Stream So if you want a spot in the mega massive awesome Prince Dam Cactus then just subscribe and you’ll be getting one it’s as easy as one click and costs you literally Lally nothing uh anyways back to catching Medusa so the next day comes around and it’s time for

The trial however I’m not really there because I’m waiting at pua’s base to pull a stasis for apic as well as confirming that paa respawned at his bed anyways the trial begins and roshambo starts giving out all the evidence however most of the server isn’t really paying attention because they think that

This is some kind of big trap this is pretty bad because if we failed to convince people that POA was Medusa then Not only would paa go unpunished for his crimes but it would also cause our team to lose our credibility which would lead to the server losing their trust in US

Eventually roow is able to clutch up and get the server’s attention again providing some final points against POA and finally convincing everybody to believe that paa was Medusa and just as we predicted as soon as Rose started attacking POA the rest of the server followed Su and shortly after POA was

Dead and mapic and I were in his Base by his bed however paa wasn’t there just as we had feared he set his bed somewhere else and after he respawned respond wherever he did he convinced the server that he was innocent once again discrediting me and my team and causing

Us to lose the support of the server this led to accusations getting thrown everywhere nobody knew who to suspect anymore and literally everybody on the server was being accused even players that hadn’t logged on in months were being accused of being Medusa and to top

It all off even I was convinced that poo wasn’t Medusa anymore but before I could come up with any theories at all my teammates called me with some new information you want to introduce the main topic of this conversation Ro yeah I guess I will the main topic of the

Conversation is that me and mic are Medusa and just like that everything began to click together ever since the very beginning mapic and row have been behind everything they’ve lied to every single player on This Server including one of their closest allies and on top

Of that pinned all of their crimes on a player who is completely innocent my closest allies the people I thought I could trust have practically betrayed me most of the builds at spawn that they turned into obsidian were built by me their teammates did this mean that throughout this entire thing they didn’t

Stop to consider once how I’d feel about all of this did this mean that they don’t care about me anymore after all we’ve been through the countless battles we fought together were they finally done with me my mission on the server at this moment is to stop Medusa and if my

Closest allies are Medusa what does this mean for me obviously I can’t go against the only people that has stand to fight with me but at the same time I can’t stand for what they’ve done one of the very few things I care about on the server is how spawn looks like meaning

That if spawn doesn’t look its greatest I’ll get really mad I spend so much of my time trying to fix and clean up after everybody on this server just for it to get turned into obsidian by my own allies I was more than furious with this

Revelation but at the same time I began to sit down and think about it despite all my best efforts to clean up spawn people keep destroying it no matter what most of the time just for my reaction so instead of making this into a big problem I should turn it into an

Opportunity roshambo and mic just gave me the chance to get revenge on everybody who’s bullied me for cleaning up this server and after thinking about that some more my thirst for vengeance against everyone who’s destroyed spawn outweighed whatever hatred I had towards Medusa so I finally came to the

Conclusion that instead of trying to stop mic and row I was going to put my morals aside and become a part of Medusa after discussing with M and row for a bit they revealed to me that their master plan had just failed they wanted to frame pua’s Medusa and then ban him

So that the server would think that the threat of Medusa would be gone forever then when everyone least expected it they turned the entire server into obsidian all in one night but because Pua wasn’t banned or even looks like he’s Medusa anymore people are still afking the server overnight to watch for

Medusa so while we were looking for a new person to frame May and R got me to log on during school hours so that I could turn my own fishing Hut into obsidian it was a little bit of a Bittersweet task but in the end I managed to get it done without anyone

Logging on afterwards I went downstairs to get myself some water and came back to see paa online I had fallen right into his trap what mapic and row forgot to tell me is that in order to check which players are online overnight the players watching the server keep their

Accounts logged off and then have a bot log them in every 5 minutes to check the TBL list on top of that while they’re logged off the bot every now and then hits the refresh button and checks the server list through the multiplayer menu meaning there was like a 90% chance POA

Saw me online however later that day POA told me something unbelievably interesting while dming him about something unrelated he mentioned how frustrating it was to be unable to catch Medusa his main goal on the server right now is to clear His Name by finding out who Medusa is yet every night when he

Sets up his bot he never sees anybody log on and then he added on to it by saying the only person he saw log on last night was me meaning that I was caught red-handed yet POA couldn’t believe for a second that I was Medusa

And after he told me this I wanted to question him more but then I got an idea if we could ban somebody that everybody including POA agrees as Medusa then mapic and row can turn the entire server into obsidian in one night just like they wanted to however finding the

Perfect person to frame would be really hard they had a really good thing going with POA because he kept making himself look guilty but then I thought about it more what if the person we were framing wasn’t someone random what if it was somebody who was in on it from the start

What if the person that we framed was none other than me somebody’s V it’s Zam bro just bro we just found Medusa it’s Zam actually that’s so funny come to the H after filming this clip we held a trial exactly like the one with poofa and showed everybody this footage and

Immediately afterwards mapic and row got POA to ban me from the server ridding us of Medusa once and for all or so everybody thought that very same night mapic and roshambo got together to revive me and finally turned the entire server into obsidian after months of my builds constantly getting destroyed things were

Finally perfect everything was covered in obsidian Eternal never to be destroyed again we successfully turned the entirety of the life steal SMP into an indestructible Utopia and all that was left to do was rid our Utopia of anybody who stood against us because unfortunately for us most players on the

Server didn’t understand why we needed to do this so to prove that we were in the right we decided to hold a battle at spawn our ideals versus their ideals a battle for the sake of LIF steal smpp and despite us being heavily outnumbered the the three of us didn’t waver for a

Second and as soon as our enemies came through the portal the fight had begun clown subs and planet on me I’m one one I’m like focusing Planet though going really well I’m here I’m here I’m here let’s go CL pop Turtles I mean sorry Focus they’re focusing they’re leading us to

Clown yeah they’re defin leading us Clown’s under the bridge right now I’m one plan I pop Planet I pop planet on me clown onom me hey CL just calm down man oh no I got app crap I’m with you running out of pots really fast I’m with you I’m

With you crap I got you I got you they’re all chasing me down here okayy guys stop freaking out real okay okay be fine ground we got it crap all right here we go here we go I’m back in it or on me four on me four

On me I see you I’m with you I’m with you I’m with you I’m with you look at them all bro there’s a lot I’m hitting Planet a lot crap I need to P out oh God here we go here we go we immediately uh-oh you’re good you’re good I’m here I’m

Here yeah come on we got this bro bad maying no NOS I’m not winning that are not looking good Z where are you I’m in the water go for Subs bro you got it just keep going keep on Subs you can win what I low bro

It’s just me I’m going to have to One V everyone stay alive just stay alive just stay alive just stay alive just stay alive just stay alive just stay alive I’m trying yeah this is inevitable there’s nothing I can do wait just wait just stay alive just stay alive stay alive I popped

Again stay alive just keeping survive survive I can’t I body C oh God no no no this is the enemy now I’m out of pearls barely running stay alive stay alive oh no no no no it’s over it’s over it’s over it’s over it’s over it’s over it’s over it’s

Over they’re all cing me yep there I [Applause] go GG’s so there it was with the three of us dying in this battle Medusa was officially gone after our loss roshambo decided to give a speech in front of the entire server he told everyone that we conceded and that instead of continuing

To fight we should just work together and clean up what we still had and believe it or not everybody on the server came together to start mining down all the obsidian we had placed however there was still one thing that was left unresolved ever since I joined

Medusa I never actually wanted to turn the server into obsidian sure I wouldn’t want to live on a server where spawn is completely destroyed but I also wouldn’t want to live on a server where spawn is completely covered in obsidian we shouldn’t have to go this far just to

Keep spawn safe there could have been better Solutions but instead of telling that to Rowan mapic I decided to keep it to myself I was too scared of how they’d react and just chose to bottle up my emotions so to solve my issue I began putting on an act I started pretending

As if I was completely on board with what mic Andro wanted I pretended that I wanted to turn the entire server into obsidian but now that Medusa Was Defeated I’m back to being lost do I tell mic and row that I thought Medusa was a bad idea or do I double down and

Continue pretending I’m completely on board with what Mayan R want if I ended up choosing option one I’d go back to being completely alone on this server and that’s something I really didn’t want so I ended up choosing option two however this time around inad instead of

Being as bad as them I was going to go out of my way to be worse than them however I can’t really achieve this goal right now since after the massive fight we just had all I have are diamond pants please don’t laugh at me oh my God

Anyways let me introduce you to my awesome plan to get rich step one sell your soul to this guy named leok and buy a membership to a store known as the APO step two convince him you’re one of the richest players on the server so that he

Lets you in step three buy a full set of netherite off of him and step four go on a Killing Spree against the entire server and become the most evil player like you wanted to but wait dramatic plot twist my closest Ally mapic thinks that me joining the APO is betraying him

Somehow like all I did was sign up for this kid store I just did the Minecraft equivalent of buying a Costco membership but nope Prince Sam has to be betraying napic somehow so yeah I just lost the trust of the guy that I’m doing all of

This for and to make matters worse Leo’s store just got robbed of literally everything in it and he thinks that had something to do with it mainly because the main suspect is mapic which I mean makes a lot of sense like it’s totally on brand for mapic to just rob a bunch

Of netherite sets for no reason but anyways he thinks I’m doing it and I’m Panic messaging mapic nonstop and after a little bit we came to an agreement if I gave mapic information about the APO he trust me again and wouldn’t kick me off of our team so for the next hour me

And mapic convinced Leo that I was no longer affiliated with mic whatsoever and then after we got bored of that I gave mic some TNT and he blew up the apl’s headquarters so in retaliation Leo ordered me to fight mapix so we start fighting and I almost die right off the

Bat and then for some reason I decide to miss all my shots on purpose which results in me getting my totem popped and Leo telling me to run from the fight and just like that we successfully tricked Leo into thinking that I’m on his side and not at all associated with

Mapix so after getting back to my base while still in call with Leo he begins telling me some of the secrets of the APO specifically why he even formed the Apo in the first place now I was really curious because I figured the APO was literally just a store and had no

Alterior motive but it turns out the only reason Leo started the APO was so that he could get robbed and then start a war over it so naturally I told mayic about all of this and it turns out that the only reason he robbed the store was

Because a player named parrot paid him to do it now this got me really curious because if I remembered correctly parrot and leok were somewhat Associated at some point so it was totally possible that this entire thing was being orchestrated by Leo and parir it from

The very beginning and I really wasn’t a fan of potentially getting played by these two on top of this it was very blatantly obvious that the APO was trying to take over spawn in some way or another and because of those two things I decided to tell mapic that I wanted to

Go to war against the APO with him so from this day forward mapic and I were devoted to each other and our goal no matter what happened no matter what it took we’d kill every single individual player that has bought an APL members all for the sole purpose of taking down

Leok crushing his organization and becoming as evil as possible so I can fit in with my teammates no matter how many hearts I’d lose in the process no matter what methods I’d use to do it I was going to kill every last player with an APO membership and I was 100% certain

About it so in order to get this plan in motion I decided to start with my first Target as Planet Lord planet and and his allies are known as the three heart Trio this is because on the life steal smpp every time you kill someone you steal one of their

Hearts and they choose to stay around three hearts now because of this planet is the weakest member of the APO which made him a perfect candidate for the first person we’d kill plus if we were to kill him he’d probably get back up from the other APO members almost

Immediately to make things even better for us one of his allies jiren is currently banned from the server cuz they lost all their hearts and today was going to be the day they were planning on Reviving him so we were going to go to the exact area where jiren was banned

Place his bed back where it used to be and as soon as he respawned we’d kill him again and draw out his allies one small issue however we didn’t know exactly where his bed was so we just placed a bunch of them all over the place and just HED he’d respawn in one

Of them and after a few minutes he did so we killed him covered his bed in obsidian and now hopefully Planet Lord as well as his allies on the APO should be on their way and after a few minutes of waiting we got our confirmation when we saw pangy another APO member

Approached the scene however when we attacked him he claimed he was only here to watch which made it super obvious that he was just a distraction and we found out the hard way when we saw a bunch of invis particles breaking all of the beds around the obsidian we placed

These particles obviously belonged to planet and bacon who managed to break every single bed except for the one that jiren was at so when they ran away thinking they won jiren respawned and was killed immediately afterwards I began chasing around bacon and he pulled out TNT and started placing get around

The bed however because we placed water everywhere the TNT was completely useless but jiren had already respawned so we were able to kill him again now jiren was only one death away from being banned making him a lot more hesitant to respawn which was absolutely perfect because now we could leave the bed

Without worrying about him getting away so I waited until I found Planet Lord and left the bed to chase him down I need this kill I want my 10th heart planet yeah popped him get him nice another pop he was another One got him just like that planet was defeated along with bacon waffles forcing our enemies to give up for the day and leaving jiren on the respawn screen so we decided to move on to pangi who annoyingly only watched the fight between us and three heart Trio this guy

Has 20 Hearts yet didn’t do anything he just said I don’t want to fight today anyways me and mayic start rushing him and he starts running and boating and pearling and boating until eventually he gets a dolphin and then swims away and makes a nether portal and just gets away

From us and logs out for the night that was the most boring thing ever pangi is off the list now that I was done with a third of the apo’s members I decided to go after one of the most interesting members they had his name was subs and

He decided to renounce violence at the beginning of the season however since then he’s been dragged into countless fights and is kind of doing a really bad job at being a pacifist I’ll be honest however the most interesting part about him is his base it has literally every

Single farm in Minecraft and also it’s super far away like it’s impossible to get there oh my God anyways instead of just killing Subs we were also going to blow up his entire base and this idea didn’t come from me or mapic it was once again something parot hired mayic to do

Now this was really confusing because I was convinced parrot and Subs were on good terms they’ve helped each other out numerous times in the past so why would parrot want to do this and on top of that it also kind of disproves my theory of parrot and Leo working together

Because why would parrot want to hurt an APO member if he’s working with the leader of APO maybe it was part of some master plan or maybe he had nothing to do with it and it was just some random request regardless mapic really wanted

To do it anyways and in the end all I really had was a theory so there was nothing I could do so I ended up just staying quiet and going along with it however little did any of us know blowing up subs’ entire base would change the server

Forever anyways in order to pull this off I was going to blow up the base with spoke while mapic and Subs had their own little duel around the explosions so I got on top of sub’s Creeper farm and began waiting for my signal and after letting them talk for a little bit I

Ignited the TNT and the entire creeper Farm was gone within an instant and as I watched mapic and Subs fight one another I began blowing up more and more of subs’ Base a lot more than May said I should have hours upon hours thousands of items all gone nearly every single

Farm in sub’s base wasn’t functional anymore all because of what I had done I even got his horse killed by riding it into the center of their battle and the craziest part about all of it was that I didn’t even feel that bad after blowing

Up the entirety of sub’s Base I felt as if I had accomplished my goal after months of being on mic and Rose team I finally feel as if I can do things that are just as bad as the things they do and to take it one step further after a

Little bit of watching the fight I decided to jump in making it an unfair 2v one and killing Subs within an instant i’ finally completed my goal although only half the APO members were killed I felt more than fulfilled however despite seemingly overcoming my insecurities I still had a

Long way to go overcompensating wasn’t going to magically make my issues with my teammates go away and unfortunately all of these issues would end up coming up again during our next war and it all started a few months ago when we banned a player named Leo when he was killed he

Dropped all of his items along with five Hearts fast forward to just a few days ago and we managed to find and kill him again and to our surprise he dropped five hearts in the exact same gear from last time we killed him meaning that there were now two versions of Leo’s

Inventory and I knew right away that this could only mean one thing that there there was a way to duplicate items on this server and the key to doing so was by losing your final heart and being banned so to find out more we decided to

Ban our friend mapic and see what would happen when he died he dropped all of his items just like normal but when he was revived he came back with the exact same items meaning we now had two versions of mic’s inventory and also had the ability to duplicate as many items

As we wanted so now the only question left was what were we supposed to do with this power because now we had access to infinite items we were now the richest players on the server and also practically Immortal since we could never run out of Hearts we were

Unstoppable and now the only question left was what do we do with this power and my teammates and I ended up agreeing on using our power to take down leok in his organization known as the APO since they currently rule over the server and that’s something that my teammates

Wanted to do themselves so just like that the apo’s Fate had been sealed and they were going to be destroyed however before any of that something else needed to be done something big we needed a vault to store all of the duped items we created because right now we

Have way too much to carry now this Vault needed to be as hidden as possible because if any players found this all of us would be banned from the server so to make sure the Vault was as hidden as possible we built it thousands of blocks

Away from spawn on the nether roof from there we began duplicating items for hours on end and then sorting it in all of these barrels which ended up taking more time than would ever believe but in the end it was worth it as we now had a

Very well organized Vault for us to get any items we ever wanted it was amazing it was like being in creative mode but in survival anyways by the time we were done with all the Vault stuff I was called for a meeting with the APO this

Entire time I’ve been posing as an APL member so every time there is a meeting I still have to attend so I left the Vault to go to Leo’s base and sit down for a meeting however as soon as I got there I couldn’t help but notice that

There was one more APO member than usual a player Nam named parrot whose alignments recently have been a mystery what made this really weird is that the APO had a maximum member count of seven meaning that Leo wasn’t allowed to add anybody if we had seven members so if

Parrot was here that means somebody has been kicked out of the APO and I wouldn’t be surprised if that person was me as I’ve been spending the last week cutting down APO members on top of that leok had a sitting down in Minecarts and if I know anything about Leo he loves

Trying his hardest to trap people so there was a 90% chance that I was sitting above a trap right now now in a few seconds after making that connection Leo told us that there was a mole in the APO however instead of accusing me he accused Planet Lord and I immediately

Knew this was an attempt to put me into a false sense of security so the second planet Lord got up from his chair I switched into his seat as soon as I did this Leo began cracking under the pressure so parot had to step in and

Tell Planet Lord to sit back down when he did he asked me to go back to my seat as well I was now 100% certain that I was sitting above a trap right now at this current moment my heart was racing parents started mumbling about the true

Identity of the mole and I knew exactly what that meant this was it this was the moment I was about to get trapped if I were to escape I’d have to fight through seven people completely on my own luckily my teammates were waiting for me

On the other side of the nether just in case anything went wrong nevertheless this was the moment Leo began making a break for my chair with a shovel in hand I’m not surprised after nearly passing out from all the stress we were now fighting at Leo’s base just like we planned you see

The main reason Leo has so many allies is because he’s buying all of their loyalty with armor sets so if we successfully destroyed his entire base he wouldn’t have the resources to make any new armor which would in turn and make most of the players on his side

Eventually quit on him however if we wanted to make sure this works we had to defend our teammate spoke while he blew up Leo’s entire base and this was going to be really hard because the APO members outnumbered us and on top of that spoke doesn’t wear any pants so

He’s like a three shot luckily I was doing a really good job holding off subs but unfortunately roshambo got quick dropped by leoa and just a little bit later mayic also fell to the APO defending spoke and distracting the APO members was now solely left up to me

However if I was able to buy enough time Rowan mavic would be able to regear at the Vault and then come back and help us fight so all I had to do was just survive a little bit longer and eventually Rowan mapic would be back but things really weren’t looking good for

Me because there were three people on me at all times and my armor was on the verge of breaking and by the time I used my last stack of XP bottles spoken finished blowing up the base and went to meet mapic and row halfway in order to

Help them gear up faster now I only had to survive a little bit longer but before I knew it my helmet was broken and I was dying but right as I thought it was all over rosh Ando came to the base and started backing me up however we were still outnumbered and things

Weren’t looking good as my chest plate was about to break too and after a very long drawn out battle the enemies trapped me in cobwebs around a bunch of trees broke my chest plate and finally killed me afterwards they all scattered in different directions and left the

Area the APO may have defeated us but in the end our mission was completed and both sides knew that this was just the beginning of a very long War so with our first mission in the quest to stopping the Apo completed it was time for us to

Move on to our second mission which was to show the APO just how powerful we were all with the hopes of making them surrender and hopefully disbanding their team now if we wanted to show them how powerful we were we needed to do so without outright telling them that we

Were duping but instead making them come to that conclusion entirely on their own so to string them on a little bit we decided to go to one of their most secret bases and then spawn trap literally every single bed in the vicinity and then leave 15 netherite

Blocks in a chest with the message saying 20 more for Leo’s ban now I know that was an outright saying that we were duping but oh my God that wasn’t subtle at all anyways what we did at that base had the APO trembling because the next day they were asking literally everyone

On the server if they knew anything about us duping and one of the people they decided to ask was terrain an ally of ours so the second he got a DM from the APO he decided to tell us and we told him exactly what to say in order to

Scare the APO the most and he could say for certain that by the end of the their call Leo along with the rest of the APO were not only scared but convinced that we were duping quick little disclaimer since there’s no physical evidence of us duping they had no way of actually

Banning us so as long as the Vault was hidden we were completely fine anyways now that our enemies were filled with despair it was time for us to finish off our second mission by drawing them to spawn and then killing them however we weren’t just going to be killing them

Normally we were going to be doing so while using Stacks upon stacks of God apples you see if we were to fight our enemies while using God apples it would basically convince anyone who had any doubts about us duping into believing that we were duping which would in turn

Make them even more scared of us and more likely to surrender and disband their team so in order to get our enemies to spawn we decided to hatch a little plan which involved pretending to take terrain hostage and threatening to ban him however before we were even able

To set up the spawn trap I couldn’t help but notice an in person trying to rob us who was none other than the man himself Leo and shortly after taking care of him the three other APO members began approaching us with the hopes of avenging their boss however little did

They know they were all walking into their deaths what’s up Logan he’s Got Pops just accept the death P what uh do it do it do it do it do it okay hey guys I’m on red alone me and on Sub I got it hold up get him got him him he’s up he’s up nice he’s chugging gaps he ped me lava frozen lava nah he’s done yeah this is the end of you Subs I’m Sorry he’s done he done that was him now he’s done he’s taking it let go after all of our fighting runes and wiie managed to get away on top of that Leo and spoke were having a meeting in the middle of our fight where Leo essentially said that he wasn’t

Afraid of us and was going to stop at nothing until he found our vault and got all of us banned and after saying all of this he tried assassinating spoke which didn’t really go too well for him but the main takeaway here is that Leo and his team are actively searching for a

Vault now and the first place they were guaranteed to check was the nether so in retaliation we began searching for them someone in someone in someone in someone in on me on me on me on me in Nether on my way yeah par par Bann so um parrot was banned yeah

Apparently this entire time he just was playing on one heart so the second mapic hit him while he was inis he kind of just went like you know what else is blowing up this part of the video also anyways back to the plot it was clear to

Us that the APO didn’t care that we were duping items and still wanted to fight us as a matter of fact now that they knew we were duping they wanted to stop us even more I mean Leo said it himself they were going to stop at nothing until

They found our vault and got us banned and after a little bit of discussion my teammates and I decided that we’ve messed around with the APO enough and it’s time we finally finish them off it was time for us to use our last resort it was time time for us to begin mission

Three this was going to be the biggest thing that we’ve done so far and would be leaving an impact on the surfer that was so massive that it was practically irreversible you see one of the apo’s main beliefs was to uphold and protect Spa going as far as to build a glass

Dome around it so in order to hit them where it hurt the most we were going to destroy all of Spawn right in front of them we were going to show them just how useless and pathetic their stupid team was we were going to show them the power

Gap between our two teams and lastly we were going to show them exactly why our team should be the ones in charge of the server and not theirs and we were going to achieve all of this by unleashing thousands of Withers upon spot oh my God there’s so many of them

Bro they P there’s L expion on me there are 10 on me oh my gosh dude I can’t hear anything bro I’m literally floating oh my gosh and now they’re all here dude we gone we’re all no matter how hard the APO members tried stopping us the withers were

Already spawned and they could do nothing but watch as the entire server they cared for was taken from them and after it was all said and done the APO assured us that this wasn’t over and that they were going to spend the entire night searching for our

Vault however we weren’t going to let that happen my teammates and I were tired of this war and we wanted to finally put it to an end and the only ending we deemed fit was the ending where the APO disbands itself so we came up with one last move one that would put

Leo in the entire APO into Checkmate one last time you see the apo’s only goal at this moment was to find our vault and get all of us banned so if we got rid of our vault we’d also be getting rid of their only goal which would then render

Their team completely useless giving them no choice but to disband so that night we gave leok an offer if he were to disband the APO we would show him our vault and then destroy everything with him and after a little bit of back and forth leok agreed and just a little bit

Later we all set out to the Vault and began destroying everything every single barrel all of which were filled to the brim with duped items were now all burnt everything in the vault was blown up or destroyed in some way or another the Vault was completely destroyed destroyed

And in the end there was nothing left it was time for us to start a new era an era without duped items an era without the APO and lastly an era where my team own spawn and leools didn’t at the end of it all the war was over and my team

Came out on top spawn was free for the taking and we could finally have it to ourselves just like we always wanted leok was finally defeated I had won and at long last I was finally at peace or at least that’s how I wish it was throughout this entire war I’ve had a

Big issue that I’ve been keeping secret and that’s the fact that I can’t stand duped items something about them just creates a massive power imbalance it’s allowed us to go into battle countless times without fearing any consequences and now that the war was over I was glad

To be rid of it however my teammates weren’t they decided to keep dup stashes around the server all so that they could continue using duped items for the rest of the season and something about that just didn’t sit right with me and as soon as I made that realization a bunch

Of other things started coming to mind I began looking back at everything I’ve done since I joined mayic and Rose team and I was filled with regret all because of my actions this server has been destroyed Beyond repair duped items were being passed around left and right spawn

In all of the areas around it were now just massive craters I’ve destroyed multiple bases just for the fun of it I’ve ruined this entire server I felt as if everything that’s happened on this server was entirely my fault I felt the weight of the world I felt completely

Alone and I felt like I needed to do something anything to make up for what I’ve done and that’s when I got an idea mapic gave me the locations of all the dup stashes so if I went to all of them and took them for myself I could destroy

Them and save the server from duped items and after a lot of contemplating eventually I decided to go through with it I felt awful but at the same time I felt like this was the only way to make up for what I’ve done for the sake of

The server I was going to betray my closest friends I felt horrible while doing this to them but after all the awful things I’ve done to literally everybody on the server the bases I’ve destroyed the withers I’ve spawned the players I’ve killed finally I’m doing something that has their best interest

In mind as opposed to my Own however things were nowhere near over yet because as soon as I made my way back to my base mayck and R Shambo logged on and immediately they knew what I was up to and wanted to meet me at spawn so I put most of my duped items

Away and made my way to spawn to talk to my former teammates one last time as soon as I got there Rambo began questioning me he wanted to know what I did with the four shulkers and why I stole them so I explained that I needed

To take the items for myself because I couldn’t trust it in their hands anymore so naturally they began questioning me more why would it be safe in your hands why can’t you trust us and after a very long talk I eventually mustered up the courage to tell them that I’ve been

Having trouble trusting them recently and that I want to leave the team and naturally this made them quite upset so that’s exactly when they revealed that they had multiple backup dupe stashes this meant that the shulkers I stole were nowhere near all the duped items they had meaning that everything

I’ve done so far has been worthless essentially I stole those items for no reason I betrayed their trust for no reason I felt awful but I also realized that that means that they never really trusted me to begin with both sides have done something behind the other side’s

Back neither of us were in the right for any of this and all of it is because of duped items as we continued to argue on the nether roof I began thinking back if only I had never killed leok that day if only I had never told any of them about

The dupe I discovered if only it weren’t for duped Items as the talk went on eventually we reached the boiling point I’m I’m not going to act like doing that so bad it’s just it’s not right how are we supposed to ever lose how are we supposed to ever win if we’re ever in the wrong on

Something then they should be able to beat us and prove it to us that we are in the wrong beat us to prove we’re in the wrong all right people need to be able to beat us to prove we’re in the wrong beat us to prove we’re in the wrong Zam so be It I don’t want to do this it doesn’t matter Ro he does we’re giving everything back not as stupid items I don’t think he has a right to those [Applause] Godol Oh he’s restocking I’m so sorry don’t me clear all the god apples nice and just like that it was all over at first I wanted nothing more than to destroy my enemies and take power for myself but in the end all I wanted was to get rid of the power that I brought

Into this world and now after everything I’ve done I was left with nothing there was nobody on the server that I could call my Ally and there was no spawn for me to return to within 24 hours I had lost the only things on the server that

I cared for and all of it was because of the items I duped however whether the duped items existed on the server or not was completely out of my control I did all I could to stop it and now I just want to be left alone but unfortunately

This was never going to be possible since my former teammate still had a vendetta against me I had betrayed their trust and because of that they were going to stop at nothing until I was dead I had this constant sense of paranoia making me unable to do anything

That involved leaving this area so I turned this place Into My Sanctuary I built myself a castle and I kept myself safe this area already had a lot of meaning to me so doing this really helped me a lot for the next week I was able to live here completely in peace

Away from all of the conflict going on on the server however my past was bound to catch up to me it was only a matter of time and unfortunately that ended up happening a lot sooner than I would have hoped I was traveling back to my base

When suddenly I encountered him this was mapic a player known for tracking down bases and then cutting down whoever it belonged to when they least expected it and he’s been searching for my base specifically since not too long ago I decided to leave his team all because he’s been using illegal duped items

Which gives him the power to take down any player he wants and also makes him practically Immortal and since he was right here in front of me in the NE he’s probably here to find my base and kill me so the second I got the chance I

Began running from him to get to the end because if I went through the end portal I could get back to my base without showing him where it was however as I started making my way there he started following me so I just kind of acted

Casual until I got to the end portal and luckily he left me alone but as soon as I got back to my base I was still horrified I was so scared that at any moment he was just going to pop up at my base crap I was so screwed I was going

Through like every emotion possible just freaking out thinking this is the end for me and after doing that for like 5 minutes mapic invited me to a call a snitch will tell on somebody and betray them for something in return but a rat will go behind his team to save his own

Cowardly ass the difference is that a snitch is human but a rat is a rat no no no no no stop okay wait we can talk about this please probably good chance you know yeah was that necessary you don’t want to do this to me my BET’s right here I’ll break it

Okay no that’s not nice is it hey man hey dude bye man see you so after escaping into The Nether I decided to dig into a wall and make myself a little box and while in here I began stressing out the entire time I was so scared that mapic

Was going to somehow find me however things got 10 times worse when I decided to start asking questions what are you doing taking a tour of my castle yeah reminds me of the season 3 one that had like a bunch of TNT under it and after hearing that I began freaking out even

More mayic was hinting at blowing up my castle and that was the last thing that I wanted to happen my castle as well as the area around it is very very special to me and that’s because whenever I need to make some kind of important decision or I’m feeling super vulnerable and need

Help I always tend to come here and afterwards I feel a lot better on top of that I found this place on my very first day of the server and upon finding it I was overwhelmed it was the most beautiful landscape I’d ever seen and it

Slow SL over time became my happy place so if anything were to happen to this place I don’t know what I would do with myself and for that reason alone I decided to head back to the Overworld despite my lack of food and the massive gear difference between mic and I I was

Going to head back to my castle and fight till my very last heart to make sure it stayed safe because my castle getting destroyed was the last thing that was going to happen today however as soon as I saw mapic instead of killing me he decided to give me some

Food wow you have seen brighter days huh I’m not going to punish you for uh not trusting us I if I if I would I was going to kill you already but I do want it to be common knowledge that there’s no escaping so watch your back man what the all right

Oh that’s it what the you just gave me better armor what what the oh oh my God I can’t escape why oh my God holy oh my God oh my God it doesn’t even so if you’re wondering why I’m freaking out over free gear it’s because these items were duped

Which as I mentioned earlier was the main reason I ended up leaving mapic I helped him create these duped items which have now put this server way out of balance and in order to get away from it I decided to leave our team abandon the rest of the server and live

Peacefully and quietly inside of this Castle but now that mapic was here with duped items to give me everything I’ve done so far has been for nothing this Castle’s only purpose has been ruined I don’t even want this armor I don’t even want this armor I don’t even want this

Armor do I take it I don’t know be stupid of me to take it right I don’t want it this is oh my God on top of all the stress from the duped items there was also the fact that mape could come back at any moment you have a

Wonderful Abode can’t wait to visit shortly threats like that became more and more common which added on to the endless stress and panic I was going through if mapic were to kill me 12 times I would lose all of my hearts and be B off of the server which frankly

Wouldn’t be that hard especially since I wasn’t planning on leaving this castle for anything mayic had backed me into a corner I was completely trapped and there was nowhere I could go on top of that there is nobody to call upon as my only Ally on the server has been him and

Now that he was the one killing me there was no one to run to however despite how awful my situation was I wasn’t just going to lie down and let maybe kill me no matter how much I wanted to run away I couldn’t leave my castle behind so I was left

With no choice but to stay here and keep it safe despite how powerful mapic was despite his infinite items and my lack of items I was going to do everything in my power to protect this place and if I were to do that I needed more than half

Max diamond armor so I decided I was going to finally stop holding myself back I don’t care about Pride anymore I don’t it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter I will take his gear I will take whatever I can and with that I began working my way towards a Counterattack

At the end of the day mapic is just one man if I could Assemble some kind of team that could help me take him down maybe just maybe I could survive the rest of the day so I decided to swallow my pride and set up a meeting with a

Team known as the three heart Trio they weren’t the strongest players on the server but I knew damn well they were the only players that were willing to accept me since as I mentioned earlier I used to be on mic’s team and have terrorized practically everyone on the

Server with him and luckily the three heart Trio didn’t really hold any grudges and were more than willing to accept me onto their team however they could only hop on on 30 minutes from now so all I had to do was hold on for a little bit longer and hopefully I’d have

Some allies to have my back oh he’s here and just like that I lost all of my bravery my time was up mic was here I began panicking and scrambling for any gear I could get I didn’t have any gapples I didn’t have ender pearls I

Didn’t have anything to fight with all I had was a Smite sword in my netherite armor and after panicking for way too long eventually I decided it was time to finally go downstairs and face mapic once and for all however once again he wasn’t here to kill me instead he just

Gave me a sword and an Axe and left the area somehow I survived yet another interaction but a little bit later he came back again this time to build whatever this was and once again reminding me that he’d be back for more visits at this point I was way more

Terrified of mic than I was before there was no doubt in my mind that he was going to kill me now everything that’s happened so far is clearly just a slow buildup that will eventually lead to him killing me and yet despite the fact that

There was no hope for me I still wasn’t going to give up I still wanted to try my hardest to take down mapic and if I wanted to do that I needed to gather some resources yet as I began doing that something else happened oh that’s not good immediately after

Seeing this I started panicking like crazy I’m running out of time I’m running out of time I’m running out of time I’m running out of time I’m running out of time I need to hurry to hurry to hurry to hurry the reason I’m panicking so much is because this visit was very

Very close to the last one meaning that mapic was getting bored and since he’s already blown up a little bit of my castle the next thing he’d most likely do is either kill me or blow up more of the castle so whenever his next visit

Was I’d need to fight him so I began Panic Brewing as many potions as I could but because of how scared I was I got very very clumsy oh no this is the end okay yep yep that’s it yep okay okay okay wow wow hey Man Crap Crap no oh my God come on Crap he’s on me crap crap crap crap crap crap oh God I fell that’s not good no no no no no no no no come on I can do this I can do this I can do this I can get out of this I can get out of this this is nothing this is nothing this is nothing this is nothing this is Nothing Crap come on come on come on come on come on come on I can do this I should build a portal or try to get to the portal I don’t know one or the other I can do this I can do this I can get away

I can get away I can get away come On do I want to run though no I’m not running I’m not leaving this place I’m not going through that portal I refuse I refuse I refuse I’m standing my [Applause] Ground Crap crap get strength no I just have to run out of strength I just have to run out of strength that’s all this is I can do this I can do this I can do this come On crap it’s better than Me crap that’s not good Boat uh-oh come on man The Shield broke no there’s nothing I can do it was finally fin all over we were at the end of the line if I were to respawn right now mic would just have to kill me another 11 times and he’d finally be rid

Of me once and for all and honestly if this was the end for me I’d be perfectly okay with it however instead mayic decided to just sit there and let me grab the stuff again he wasn’t even interested in killing me again as a matter of fact he

Decided to go as far to say that I wasn’t ready to fight him yet he deemed me an unworthy opponent and yet this entire day he’s been prodding me trying to get me to fight back against him I didn’t understand it why would mapic push me into fighting him only to go

Back on it as soon as he saw me making potions what did it mean was there even a deeper meaning or was he just no longer interested in fighting me regardless of the answer he gave me back my heart and then logged off for the day

And now I was left with my castle all alone in a place that used to be considered My Sanctuary but has now been turned into a battlefield all because of one person mapic he ruined everything that this place stood for and I wasn’t planning on forgiving him for it from

This day forward I devoted myself to one goal and one goal only which was to get my revenge on mapic no matter what it takes I didn’t care how long it would take me as long as at some point I’d have my chance to take down mic I’d be

Happy so to begin working towards my goal I finally had my meeting with the three heart Trio and oh my God were they useless they just kind of kept changing the topic and not talking about how much they hated mapic and I was not vibing with that like that was not cool that

Was not okay so as soon as I got the chance I kicked them out of my castle and got back to work from that point onward I began working very very hard to get myself as much gear as possible I set up an entire Village of breeding

Hall I brewed shulkers upon shulkers of potions I made Iron Farm after iron farm after iron farm and finally after a whole week I had all the materials I needed to take down mayic all that was left was to find him and have another fight so I headed to spawn in order to

Catch him but instead I ran into another player a player known as Subs he was on a mission to restore all of the destruction that mapic and I caused not too long ago and he was doing a really good job you could barely tell that spawn used to be a massive crater and

Slowly but surely I began to feel awful the destruction of Spawn was entirely mapan I’s fault and now Subs a player who had nothing to do with any of this is forced to clean up after us nothing about that was okay the entire server now had to deal with a blown up spawn

And it was entirely my fault I was filled to the burm with regret and for whatever reason I decided to share all of that with subs and to my surprise he was very understanding he told me stuff about how he tries not to hold any grudges and just wants what’s best for

The server and also that by restoring all of Spawn things can potentially go back to the way they were before the dup war and I couldn’t help but feel inspired his view on things was a lot more optimistic than mine and I wanted

To be a lot more like him so to take my first step in that direction I began helping him clean up spawn and by the time he logged off for the day I felt a lot closer to him I wasn’t too confident but I felt as if I could call him one of

My allies for the next few days I ignored my feuds with mapic instead I focused solely on repairing the spawn that I destroyed I’d simply log on help Subs repair spawn and then log off mic was in the back of my mind or at least he was until one day while I was

Cleaning spawn him and and his teammate roshambo began making taunts about destroying my castle I chose to ignore it for a while until mic started pointing out very specific details about my base details that he’d only know if he was there right now so I began

Rushing back to my castle only to find him just standing there menacingly then his teammate roshambo showed up and started dropping him potions so I began Panic messaging Subs my location as I said earlier him and I weren’t really that close but I consider him my and was

Really hoping he’d show up and thankfully he said he’d be on his way so now all I had to do is grab myself a bit of gear and prepare for a massive fight I don’t have a lot of gapples oh and I’m getting C Okay yo what why do I suck What oh my God I haven’t PVP in like 10 years crap Subs bro what is he doing Subs after that mapic and row were able to escape us in a forest and shortly afterwards they both logged out for the day and although it didn’t feel like it I had practically won despite everything mapic put me through I was still able to come out on top and force him to run

Away from me granted I had Subs to help me but this wasn’t the only time this would happen as the very next day I did the exact same thing in just the span of a week I managed to flip this entire situation around mayic had gone from

Hunting me down and harassing me on on The Daily to now not even being able to come close to me due to the fact that he was so scared I’d kill him and as I’m sure you all know I relate very heavily to that feeling so I decided to put it

All behind me I told mic that there was no point in me hunting him down anymore I’ve already gotten my revenge and all I want to do now is just live peacefully in my castle and surprisingly he understood and agreed to leave me alone so just like that our score had been

Settled mapic and I had no reason to fight one another and I could finally go back to my castle without being bothered by anybody if there’s one thing that I can take away from this entire Journey it’s that no matter how tough the situation is even when the odds are 100%

Against me as long as I try my hardest and never give up as long as I’m able to give it my all eventually I will be able to come out on top but despite this realization despite everything that had happened mapic and Rambo still wanted to kill me they still had their Vendetta

Against me and weren’t going to leave me alone and to make things even worse they were going to come after me in ways that I didn’t even know were possible and this all started up again when they found an exploit to literally freeze time oh my God this player was just

Slain while Frozen in Time allowing the players who just did it to steal his heart without him being able to fight back and the worst part is the Players responsible for this are mavic and Rambo two players that have wanted me dead for quite some time and since I won the last

Time that we fought each other they probably wanted revenge and going to use their abilities on me next however I wasn’t going to let this happen so with the help of Subs the player that they just did this to we were going to take down mapic and roshambo and stop them

From using these powers on us ever again so to start our mission we needed to find mapic and roshambo before they found us and we figured the first place they’d go to if they wanted to kill me would probably be my base so we started making our way there and what do you

Know both mapic and roshambo were there and within a few seconds roshambo is down here in the water water fighting us oh my god he has a dolphin why is he hitting me hey hey wait he’s jumping us come talk or we crash again now we weren’t entirely sure what this meant so

We just decided to stop fighting them for a moment and after receiving a ton of threats from our enemies eventually this happened wait is it permanently day the Sun keeps going down no I dropped an item I dropped an item and it’s no look

At the sun I I am look it’s going up am I crazy it’s going down it’s going down for me as well it’s flagging back down they stopped time they stopped time they stopped time blocks couldn’t be broken anymore items couldn’t be picked up and time had literally stopped moving

Forward everything on the server was frozen and for whatever reason our enemies logged out after doing this so subs and I began investigating whatever it was they were doing and through using the F3 menu we were able to figure out that they were using thousands of

Entities to lag our games and thanks to a video that was sent into Discord of mapic doing whatever this was we were able to that they were using this weird Pearl duplication glitch in order to create massive waves of lag and freeze time on the server for everybody but

Themselves and subs and I quickly realized that the key to stopping them was by figuring out how exactly they were able to avoid the lag however before we could do any kind of digging I’m oh no oh they set it up under us they did the thing they did the thing I

I full crashed I full crashed I’m safe I full crashed for some reason the ender pearls weren’t enough to lag me and I was just able ble to swim away which was insane because it was enough lag to cause Subs to completely crash but not

Enough for me to even be frozen in place it felt really cool being immune to the Ender Pearls however that was very shortlived because now I had the task of saving Subs since he crashed he was logged out right above all of the Ender Pearls so as I’m sure you can assume if

He logged back in he’d just instantly be killed so if I wanted to save him I had to fight off my enemies while also trying to avoid the lag oh I’m lagging I’m lagging now I’m lagging now oh he he he poed on me he poed on me but I’m able

Toight back my game insta crashed again oh okay in Crash thank God thank God thank God okay I’m fighting mic now okay okay here’s the thing are you lagging yeah I’m able to just fight I’m just able to fight there might be a certain area where there’s L loaded so just be

Really careful I’m going to keep trying to log in he has more Hearts than me this is annoying you have a set spawn point cuz make sure they don’t have me at spawn um pring Zam spawn point might be inside it Castle Zam you might need

To try and stick around the area so the spawn so I can eventually I’m sticking in the air I’m lagging like crazy now though uhoh uh-oh uhoh I’m frozen I’m frozen I might be dead I might be dead yeah my game crashed my game crashed oh wait you’re fine though

Yeah yeah you left the game you left the game you’re fine since subs and I both crashed we were technically now both safe the only reason we left the game was because our enemies forced us to meaning this wasn’t really combat logging and we were free to just not log

Back in but I didn’t want things to end like that I wanted to log back in and face whatever my enemies had laid out for me and if I was going to do that I was going to make sure I’d get something in return so I messaged my enemies and

Gave them a proposition if I were to log in and fight them right now they’d have to leave Subs alone and let him leave the area and surprisingly they agreed so now I had to log into the server and face what was probably going to be my

Death if I log on he just kills me I guarantee he’s po me already cuz I was low already when he oh dude when we Frozen I’m was going to die it might happen well they try to get out like don’t just die out oh my God

He’s like he’s he’s chilling holy okay so I’m a little screwed but I’m not lagging so that’s cool wait if you’re not lagging can I log in you think maybe yeah I don’t bro has never fought a guardian origin in his life oh my God

Okay I’m going to try and log in I’m trying to P I’m trying to Pro I’m good I’m good I’m good I got him I got him get the mic he’s going to run toward don’t follow don’t follow him that way don’t follow him that way it’s very

Risky to follow him anywhere because he could easily bait us do you want to just leave like the Portal’s right here dog like it might be for the best we don’t know where row is so after quite the close battle we ended up making it to the nether from there Subs decided to

Log out for the day which left me completely alone with our enemies and because of that I was starting to get into my own head I was beginning to freak out over my circumstances if I were to go to spawn I would be killed

Immediately if I were to go to my base I would be killed immediately nowhere on this server was safe for me anymore and fighting back against mapic and row wasn’t going to solve any of that just a week prior I had a huge conflict with mapic which was basically me being

Trapped inside of my castle and him constantly coming to fight and harass me and just as I’m able to finally get my revenge on him an entirely new conflict starts where they have the power to stop time I couldn’t handle this anymore and I wanted it to stop and I figured the

Best way to do that was to beg for mercy I was going to surrender to mic and Rambo I couldn’t handle the constant fighting I needed to be done with this so I scheduled a meeting with them for the following day in order to discuss something anything that will get them

Off of my back and to my surprise they agreed to have a meeting with me when I showed up I was half expecting to die immediately but instead I was greeted by mapic and row who were both wearing no armor the two of them were more than

Willing to discuss everything with me so I began the meeting by asking them why are you doing all of this our goal is to maintain absolute power over the server now this had me even more confused why were mapic and Rambo trying to control the server was this truly why they

Gained the ability to stop time not to solve some petty beef between the two of us but instead to take over the entire server this whole thing was a lot deeper than I initially anticipated and I genuinely couldn’t believe that that was their true goal so I asked them another

Question why did they choose to attack subside the other day to which roshambo responded it was merely a Showcase of power there was nothing personal about any of this which meant that mapic and row weren’t after Just Subs and I anymore instead they were going to declare war on the entire server their

Goal was to take over the LIF steal SMP he claiming every single part of it for themselves and nobody on this server was going to stand by and let that happen everybody was going to join together and oppose them and all of them were going to fail miserably considering how

Powerful mapic and Rambo were they could literally stop time no players on the server were going to defeat them especially me and that’s when they decided to give me an offer if I made sure to never leave my castle never make contact with any players on the server

And just stay put where I was they’d leave me alone forever as long as I stayed out of their way they’d stay out of mine and I decided to take this offer I stood no chance against mapic and row nobody on This Server stood a chance

Against them so what was the point of fighting them I’d just lose all of my hearts and get banned there was no point after the meeting I fled to my castle and locked up my gate no players were allowed to visit me and no matter what I wasn’t allowed to

Leave the next few days went by exactly as you’d expect I stayed locked up in my castle and did nothing but but trade with my villagers and after just 3 days I began growing very tired of this I felt like some kind of prisoner forced to do the same routines over and over

And this made me Restless I wanted to see people again I wanted to see what spawn looked like so that night when nobody was online I finally left my castle I brewed up invisibility pods just in case anybody were to log on and began making my way towards spawn

However when I got there I stumbled upon something sinister what the are there items in there ender pearls what the there’s like a bunch of pearls over there what is the Sun moving it is I just slept I just slept at first I believe this Tower

Was some kind of lag machine but then I realized it was a little bit deeper than that this Tower was a nonviolent threat to the entire server a way to make sure everyone remembered what kind of powers mapic and roshambo had and after connecting all of that I rushed back to

My castle as fast as I could if mapic and Rambo were bold enough to build a tower at spawn in order to display how powerful they were to everybody on the server then that meant that they were dead serious about taking over life steal this entire time I’ve been trying

My hardest to deny it but at this point I just can’t anymore in order to cope with all of this I began writing out signs on the wall it started out with some strategies to stop M and R Shambo but after a bit it turned into just

Crazy nonsense and after a week of doing nothing but just sitting in this room everything took a turn for the worst for me and it all started with Subs the player I was working with earlier in order to take down mic and Rosano for the past month he’s been working very

Very hard to rebuild the life steel SMP spawn but now it’s been claimed by mapic and Rambo so to get back the land that he worked day and night to build he was going to duel mapic and Rambo in a 2V1 but if he were to lose this battle he’d

Be exiled from Spawn forever so considering it was the only way to get his land back Subs took on mapic and Rose shampo in a 2v one and was defeated almost instantaneously and afterwards he was exiled from Life steal s SMP spawn forever the worst part about all of this

Was that I felt as if Subs dying here was entirely my fault if I never made that deal with mic and R shampo maybe just maybe he wouldn’t have had to go into that fight alone all because I chose to hide away inside of my castle

Subs had to fight mapic and Rambo in an unfair 2v one whenever I needed help fighting mapic and rampo Subs was always there for me but when he needed help fighting them I wasn’t there for him by refusing to fight I allowed Subs to get exiled from spawn the very place that he

Spent countless hours rebuilding the very place that he only had to rebuild because of the destruction caused by mic Rambo and I at this very moment I felt the weight of the world all of my past mistakes were coming back to haunt me and were now affecting not only just me

But everyone else on this server and after realizing that I decided I couldn’t let that go on any longer just because of my dumb mistakes other players on This Server shouldn’t have to suffer I wasn’t going to let that happen any longer this entire time I I’ve been

Trying my hardest not to fight mic and R Shambo but after what just happened to Subs I couldn’t afford to Let It Go on any longer I needed to put a stop to mic and Rambo if I didn’t I’d never be able to forgive myself so just like that it

Was decided I began making my way to spawn and prepared myself for a duel against mapic and R Shambo a 2V1 the exact same scenario Subs was just in and after bombing a little bit of mapic and Rose Tower they were both online and ready for another fight if I were to

Lose here I’d be exiled just like Subs give me here some reasoning Zam might as well explain this to us since we’re going to die anyways I feel obligated to Zam we have all we’ve done is protect spawn no you haven’t what what have we done what have

We done wrong nothing as of recent but regardless in the past all the destruction of Spawn came from your guys hand is in the past we already had a duel over this you’re just wasting your life the only reason that spawn got destroyed is cuz I wasn’t there and now

I’m here we already had an argument over this spawn is not getting destroyed anymore not unless you interfere and you destroy yourself GG despite how it seemed it didn’t matter if I won or lost this fight the entire purpose of this fight was far greater than just winning or losing this

Fight was a matter of showing my resol showing the entire server that I was willing to fight mic and Rambo no matter how unfair the circumstances were I was going to stand up and fight against them I wanted to become someone that could Inspire the rest of the server to stand

Up with me and fight against mapic and Rambo however things turned South very quickly as mapic and Shambo weren’t planning on stopping this fight until I was banned off of the server so after I pressed respawn I prepared myself for 14 more fights hold on this is no Fun bro stop Bro help me HS bro leave my man’s alone where okay whatever I’m putting him to one I’m on two hearts right now BR you want me to ban you you’re not in our way it doesn’t matter I’d rather be banned than living in fear of you who said you to live in fear just live

Casually you weren’t going to hurt you living all we’re doing is protecting the server I don’t see it that way neither do many people namely Subs as he just sacrificed himself for no reason and I’m going to do the exact same thing it’s pointless though I don’t even want you off the

Go help your Rebellion friends I’m not giving up till you ban me so no there’s nothing you can do I’m not giving up no matter what you can ban me as many times you want don’t give up then you got to see you made me lose hope once never again okay isn’t this

Going to break probably yeah I’m laging imagine he lags out and wins the fight no yeah okay let me save him after mapic logged back on bro ended up fully crashing so I was left with no option but to stop fighting them however before I was able to leave the area mapic gave

Me back one of my hearts and told me something something that I was never going to forget he decided to tell me that I wasn’t enough of a threat to be banned off of the server when compared to him and R Shambo I was worth nothing

And in a sense he was right throwing myself at mic and row with no items wasn’t going to get me anywhere so from this day forward my only goal was to prove mapic wrong he claims I’m not enough of a threat to him and row to be

Banned off of the server so if that was the case I was going to do everything in my power to prove him wrong I was going to make mapix life on This Server hell and in the process I was going to save the server from them no matter what kind

Of unfair advantages they had on their side I was going to defeat mapic and roshambo and if I wanted to do so I was going to need to find myself some allies and after everything I’ve been through there was only one person that I knew I could side with the one player who

Wanted to kill mapic and roshambo as bad as as I did Subs the next time I logged onto the server I decided to message Subs I didn’t give him all of the details of what just happened but I did tell him that I was at two hearts and desperately

Needed help and surprisingly he decided to meet up with me at one of his abandoned bases wait you’re here oh hi oh hi hi hi you see I want to help you but I’m not sure if I can I have a place but I’m just trying to think if you’d

Fit in there you know or if I can trust you to help Subs get a better grasp on my situation I decided to explain everything to him using signs I wrote down every single detail of what just happened to me and afterwards Subs had this to say it seems like you’ve been uh

In a pretty rough situation and you’ve been wronged quite a lot here yeah this sucks so much I hate this so much I’m on two hearts please help me follow me now what I’m about to show you I’m showing you because I I think I can

Fully trust you and I don’t think you’re going to leak anything yeah I have literally no reason to I don’t trust anybody on the server other than you I’ve been I’ve been working on a little something for quite a while now in secret a secret uh secret based maybe a secret

Organization something kind of cool whoa something kind of Epic and the reason for this base is because this server has stolen everything from me time and time again so in secret I created this this is what I call the Federation this is my secret base and my secret organization that I have been

Working on to get revenge on this server for all of the wrongdoings that have occurred and you seem to be a person that has been wronged substantially yeah so for that reason I want to help you out and I this is the place that you should join holy thank you Subs oh my

God so now I was officially a part of subs’ secret team the eclipse Federation a team dedicated to taking down the tyrants on the server namely mapic and roshambo and if I I wanted to be of any help I needed to get myself some more Hearts as well as gear luckily Subs let

Me borrow two of his Hearts before logging off for the day and on top of that left me with this awesome base which was filled with resources that I could use to craft myself some more Hearts as well as gear and after spending the entire day grinding materials in the eclipse Federation base

I finally got myself maxed out armor maxed out tools and nine Hearts which was almost good enough to fight mayic and row but I still needed some Redstone to craft my 10th heart oh no no why Why how I’m lagging no no no why why why is this happening no what oh my God no what no damn it what the rose here too crap come on just throw a pearl please please damn it there’s nothing I can do there’s just nothing I can do

Just hold down right click and just die it’s over it’s just over I’m dead my helmet broke I’m done I’m done my God oh my how unfortunately our base was compromised and on top of that things were far from over as my spawn point was

Still inside of the base so if I were to press respawn May and Rambo would be able to kill me again costing me another one of my hard-earned hearts and if I wanted to get out of here without dying I would need to call upon Subs however

If he were to log on and fight mapic and roshambo he’d probably end up losing especially considering the fact that they can stop time inside of this area so I decided the best move that I could make from here was to resawn and allow roano and mic to Kill Me Not only did

Our team just lose my entire day’s worth of grinding but we also lost a month’s worth of Base building however I wasn’t going to let this loss get in my way of achieving my goal of taking down MBE and Rambo so the second I pressed respawn I

Made it to the nether got onto the nether roof and began running as far as I could so I could start working on a brand new base for the eclipse Federation and after doing an entire day of building we finally had a new area that we could call our HQ and the best

Part about it was that it was built entirely by me meaning that I finally contributed something to our team however I still felt as if it wasn’t enough so I began working on a secret project a project that would allow us to take down mic and roshambo once and for

All so have have you been wondering why me and Subs are the only people getting attacked by mapic and row well that’s because they think that me and Subs are the only players that are against them little do they know after I dm’d every single player on the server begging them

To help us the number of rebels went up about 10 times or so and everyone I dm’d agreed to log in the server at the same time to help us take down mic and row once and for all afterwards I dm’d mic and row asking them if they could log on

At that same time for a fight with our team and they agreed to our request quest for a 2v2 little did they know a million billion other people were going to log in to help us kill them once and for all and take back the server once

And for all anyways with our plan in motion it was time for me to go to bed and wake up in time for the war tomorrow except guess what spoiler alert I didn’t wake up in time for the war tomorrow instead I woke up to a million DMS from

The players I asked to log on asking me where I was I was um fast asleep during that time actually is what happened luckily nothing too interesting happened while I was asleep so I was able to pull up and see the entire server just in one Collective area and one of my former

Enemies Leo decided to just give me a bunch of armor and stuff for free which is super cool of him because again last time I interacted with him I was trying to kill him afterwards I got some more gear from various other members of The Alliance leaving me with enough gear to

Actually put up a fight so after Gathering all of the alliance members into one area I led all of them to spawn and we began our assault on mapic and roshambo it was time for us to finally reclaim the life steal smpp from them we were going to take back the server once

And for all and it was all going to happen right here right now bro just made a lag machine in front of me what he has no pearls he has no pearls I took all his pearls between between like that mountain Grid or whatever and that like

The big uh ender pearl thingy that he made I stole his Sher box and restocked myself on pearls and now he’s trying to pick up the pearls but he can’t we’re just fighting here we’re just fighting here he can’t do anything I’m just beating him up

Trying got get him going he’s going for the another he’s going in the another he’s got yes yes yes yes vcation with roshambo defeated mapic decided to run away from the battle leaving most players with a sentiment that this was the end of mic and Rambo’s rulership however another player saw mic and

Rambo’s defeat as an opportunity an opportunity to seize mic and Rambo’s power for himself this player has just declared himself as the king of our Minecraft server and the only way to put a stop to him is by killing him and taking his crown however this is going

To be unbelievably difficult and in order to understand why I need to tell you why he chose to Crown himself King in the first place you see it all starts with these two players mapic and roshambo two players that have been terrorizing the server for a very long

Time using any means necessary to kill every single player in their pth and with every single kill they gain themselves another hard making them even more Unstoppable and after showcasing their strength to a select few players May and rosh Ando chose to become the rulers of the server enforcing their

Laws on all of the other players and claiming every build at spawn as their own and after they cut down every player that tried to rise against them the two of them vanished for about a week or so but during this time period another player came along hangi and he chose to

Crown himself as the king of the LIF steal smpp it was practically the same thing that mic and Ros shampo were doing the only difference was pangy had a whole team backing him as well as a crown and a prize of eight hearts for anyone who could steal it from him and

With that many hearts on the line there was a lot at stake if the wrong players got their hands on those hearts they’d become practically Immortal and Unstoppable just like mapic and rosh bow so to prevent these Hearts from getting into the wrong hands I needed to kill

Pangi and take the hearts for myself so that I could burn them or give them to players that actually needed them however as I mentioned earlier this is going to be unbelievably difficult because not only did pangi have a whole team backing him but if I wasn’t able to

Kill him within the next week pangy wouldn’t be giving out those hearts anymore and he’d be king of the server forever which was also something I definitely wasn’t okay with since I believe nobody should be allowed to rule the LIF steel smpp so now with the goal

Of killing pangi and only 7 days to do it I headed towards spawn and began planning my attack as soon as I got the spawn pangy was in the middle of being crowned King so I interrupted the coronation to pull him aside and have a talk with him I

Told pangi that with eight hearts on the line there was no way he’d survive the seven days on top of that I explained that giving eight hearts out to the server was a terrible idea since the last time a large sum of Hearts were given out to players on the server those

Hearts were used to destroy the entire end Dimension and start a war and with the way things were right now eight hearts in the hands of the wrong people would probably lead to the end of the world as we know it however pangy didn’t listen to a single word of what I said

He was confident that he could survive the seven days and nothing would change his mind so I decided to let him continue on with his coronation during which I dm’d my teammates Subs in vitality and asked them to come to spawn because the second pang’s coronation

Ended the three of us would be killing him got him he’s not fighting back he’s only running and he’s spam peing too he’s trying to lead us somewhere so bad right now oh my God this wogie kid now oh my God they are all going for me I don’t

Want to fight you runes you have a shield and it is a annoying this spoke kid bro I’m actually going to start critting him out I’m actually just going to start critting out spoke oh my God bro are you goodam yeah I’m fighting so many people but like they’re also just

Not fighting me so it’s really funny I’m like scared because like there’s like a million people around me right but like none of them are fighting me it’s just wogie popped wogie I almost had him I almost had him I almost had him oh my God the repotted Again I’m risking it I’m playing way too risky right now I can’t let subs and Vitaly down W’s armor is totally low so any more fighting and it’s only a matter of time before he starts giving in see the second wiie gets low he lurs

Me In by making it a 1 V one with wiie and then as soon as as soon as that fight’s over what’s it called pangy jumps in they literally can’t hit me it’s crazy uh-oh this is beginning to like get really bad for Prince at this point pangy and his teammates had been

Fighting me for about 30 minutes and despite how outnumbered I was I was still Hanging On by the skin of my teeth luckily for me though pangy and his teammates didn’t want to fight me anymore they believed that the fight was going nowhere and instead wanted to talk

Things out and since I had no other option I decided to go along with it see you guys want to stop Ro AIC we do too the problem is the ways we get there is different see like pangy never really intended on actually giving the hearts

Away to map and R right it’s to call him out so that like to give them a reason I’m just saying Zam I feel like we shouldn’t focus on each other and focus more on are common enemy pangy wanted me to focus my attention on mapic and Rambo

Which to be honest was the right thing to do they were the Real Enemy here but at the same time I wasn’t going to condone what pangy had done today by crowning himself king of Life steel he’s just as bad as mapic and roshambo and if pangy was going to continue being the

King then I was going to continue being his Enemy so I managed to catch pangi alone on the server and immediately started attacking him and after 15 minutes of him just running he managed to disappear without leaving a single trace now this felt a little weird because normally I’m pretty good at tracking players so

Naturally I opened up replay mod to see what had happened and what I ended up finding shocked me okay so here we have pangy just mining into a wall you know normal stuff right but then after like blocking himself up he pulls out a fishing rod and just teleports away now

You’re probably wondering what the hell just happened well you see this is a machine that pang’s totally using in order to um teleport around the server basically all you have to do is just throw a pearl in here put a fishing rod here run over here go through a

Different portal and as long as you never go into The Nether and no one goes near where the machine is you can just do this pretty cool right no no not at all because this means that pangy can just Escape From Any fight that he wants

Which you know is not ideal when you’re trying to kill the guy so if I even want to come close to succeeding in killing pangi I needed to find this guy St D’s chamber so I spent all of day three searching far and wide all across the

Server trying to find any clues that would lead me to pangi stasis chamber I tried spying on the guy I tried digging around in the nether I even tried asking my teammates for help what is Happening Okay I lied I got bored and felt like being annoying but while I was annoying my teammates mapic and rhambo logged on for the first time in a week and they were here to reclaim their titles as the rulers of LIF steal however as I’m sure you all could have

Guessed I wasn’t going to let them do that having to deal with pangi was already more than enough so I wasn’t going to waste any time finishing off mayic and row so after gearing up with my teammates the three of us made our way to spawn in order to finally take

Down the former tyrants I’m good I just forgot that get get row get get row get row get row get row he’s not pre Gap and he’s so screwed I fell in a hole bro wait he mic jumped down I’m going to cave with M okay let’s get him I’m

Jumping down too yeah no spling I guess may just trying as hard as to F out I’m on him I’m in an aquafer with Rambo bro I found him full Ino just went to the nether that’s me that’s me that’s me that’s me that’s me I see him I see yeah he’s

Trying to sple bro after managing to escape roshambo decided to log out leaving mapic alone to fight the three of us however due to his lack of teammates he just ran from us the entire time and no matter how hard we tried to chase him down he’d

Still just get away from us over and over and after this went on for about 30 minutes mapic decided to drag me into a call so that we could talk things out however this wasn’t going to be just any talk mapic wanted to settle our differences once and for all now this is

Really big since mapic and I have had a very rough history on this server at first he was one of my closest allies but after an incident involving duped items he became my biggest enemy he spent months trying to kill and torment me as I did everything in my power to

Fight back against him and now for some reason he wanted to put that all behind us but after talking to him for a little bit his reasoning became very clear mapic wanted to take the server back from pangi so that him and Rog could be

Back on top and if I was over here trying to kill him then that would interfere with his plans so to make sure he could successfully take down pangi he wanted to make peace with me but what map could fail to realize is that as

Much as I wanted to kill pangy I wanted to kill him even more as I said earlier he’s been my biggest enemy for the past few months he’s tortured me forced me to abandon all of my bases and has killed me and my teammates on countless occasions and now just because it’s

Convenient to him he wants me to forget about all of it but after I explained this all to him he gave me an offer mapic was willing to let me kill him if I were to leave him alone and on top of that was willing to let me help him take

Down pangy and both of these offers really bothered me at first because I wasn’t going to kill mapic on his terms and I wasn’t going to help him replace pangy with himself but then mapic told me something shocking he told me that him and roshambo didn’t want to own life

Steal anymore they wanted the server to go back to the way it was before there were any rulers and the only way they could do that is if they got to the top and then disbanded their team and at first this was really confusing to me

But then I thought about it some more and it made a bit of sense for mapic and R Shambo to want to go out on top so after getting persuaded a little bit more by mapic I eventually decided to take mik’s offer kill him to get my

Revenge on him and then help mapic take down pangi so that life steal could go back to the way it was before the age of tyrants but before any of that I wanted to tell you guys that at the end of the year I’m going to be building a cactus

That’s as tall as my subscriber count all within a world that has no build limit and then at the end of the year I’m going to break it down and watch it all fall live on Stream So if you want to spot in the mega massive awesome Prince Dam Cactus then just subscribe

And you’ll be getting one it’s as easy as one click and costs you literally nothing anyways that night mic and I came up with a master plan to take down pangi and the first step of our amazing plan was for me to infiltrate pang’s

Team so on day four I had a meeting with the king of Life Steel in order to ask him if I could join his side now of course pangy was obviously going to be wary of me since I’ve been doing nothing but trying to kill him for the past few

Days which is why conveniently a few hours before this maybe would post a video on Twitter challenging pangy to a duel specifically a 4v4 in which the winner is crowned king of Life steal now unfortunately for pangy he only had two teammates he could actually rely on and

Since the duel was right around the corner and he had a convenient Prince Zam trying to join his side he would have no choice but to accept me into his team and believe it or not that is exactly what ended up happening without him asking even a single question and

Now that I had pang’s trust in loyalty mayic and I could use it to our advantage and destroy him from within so I spent the rest of day four following pangy around and what do you know he led me straight to his stasis room now that

I knew exactly where it was I told mapic to go to it and set up a little trap for him because if we could kill pangy and steal the crown now then we wouldn’t even need to do the duel however as soon as mapic got near the stasis room

Disaster had struck and pangy was teleported into the room immediately now this is really bad for me because now I look unbelievably suspicious and there’s no way pangy was going to trust me however things got even worse because as soon as pangy was teleported into the

Room he saw mapic dug into the walls and then logged off for the day he did not say anything to me I had no idea if he was suspicious of me or trusted me wholeheartedly and unfortunately I’d have no idea how pangy felt for a while

Because on day five pangy did not log on once so instead I spent the day grinding up Gear with my former teammates mapic and r Shampo as I mentioned earlier May and R Shambo used to be my closest allies so getting to spend time with them again was honestly super fun and despite all the times that they’ve murdered me mayic and row were still just as goofy as I remember them being I was going to make

An arena cuz I think what I have no idea what he’s saying repeat yourself the coins coins me after this pangy sent sent me a DM asking me for help with the new stasis room that’s right by some kind of Miracle this idiot still trusted me so

On day six the two of us set out on a journey to find the most remote location we could in order to build ourselves a nice little stasis room and while pangy was building his little machine I was dming mapic our coordinates that way the two of us could kill pangy right here

Right now steal the crown and avoid the duel Al together however while I was waiting for mic to get over here pangy gets the sudden urge to Lo log out and play marbles on stream that’s right this kid just left the game in order to go

Play marbles instead of dying to me and mayic can you believe this guy however this wasn’t going to stop me and mapic from doing something silly what pangy hadn’t realized is that he left the two of us alone with his stasis room so we spent the entire night brainstorming

Traps so that when pangy logged on tomorrow for the duel we could kill him before the fight like we’ve been trying to do for the past few days that night mapic and I came up with a crazy discovery if one of us were to log out

On top of the pressure plate in pangi stasis room we could log on without activating the machine leaving us with one of pang’s Ender Pearls which we could then use to trap and kill him thus allowing us to steal the crown without doing the duel so that night I logged

Out on top of pang’s wooden pressure plate and had to hope that when I logged on tomorrow I would see pang’s ender pearl floating in the stasis chamber please be a pearl here mayic it’s here no you’re lying to me right now I’m not

It’s here we win we win we win I’m on my way Mig and I’s plan had worked perfectly and now we had access to one of P’s ender pearls all we had to do now was fill the room with obsidian teleport him into the room kill him steal the

Crown avoid the duel blah blah blah however as soon as we started placing the obsidian there’s TNT above it there’s TNT above it oh it’s a trap I’m not surprised okay you sure we shouldn’t like break this or something who cares what they going to do I’m standing on a

Pressure plate by the way like I am about to 5 one oh his Pearl he’s here he’s here he’s here just do it just do it just do it just do it Sam he’s he’s stasis again yeah he’s a new one so apparently pangy was a lot

Less dumb than I expected because this entire time he’s only been pretending to trust me so that he could get me into his fake stasis room and trap me however luckily for us when pangy was teleported into the room he just wasn’t at his computer and couldn’t activate the Trap

So now since both teams traps had failed it all once again came down to the duel however the teams for set duel were now completely different as I now had to fight on mapix side Shambo was in school so we had to replace him with subs and

Then the person replacing me on pang’s team was going to be clown beers that’s right this stupid idiot guy pangy decided to hire clown beers to his team we were going against clown beers it’s it’s the clowner clowner clowner just kidding this was not an issue because

First of all Clown’s washed he not even he don’t even play Minecraft and second of all me and mapic still had our Master Plan before the duel everyone on our team put on a texture pack that changed the color of our armor to match with our Minecraft skins then during the fight we

Could Splash everybody with invis and still know which players were on our team in which players weren’t giving us a massive advantage and hopefully allowing us to win the fight however despite our advantage my nerves were killing me I mean everything that I’ve been working towards for the past week

Was all about to be put on the line and if I were to fail right here right now my dreams of seeing a server without rulership without any kind of tyranny would never be able to come true this was my one and only shot my one

Opportunity and there was no way I was going to let myself lose I wasn’t going to die here I wasn’t going to let any of my teammates die here I was going to steal that crown and I was going to free the life steel smpp once and for all and

I would do so by killing pangi and putting an end to all of this right here right now I got it I got it I got it oh my gosh I can see nice Emerald pants Emerald pants Emerald pants Emerald pants running boie running Emerald pants

Emerald pants I sawo his pot I saw his pot he’s running this is clown this is clown Diamond clown Diamond a clown W’s hitting him W’s hitting him’s hitting him they literally do not know who true bro bodying wiie wiie is so screwed come on wiie invis again so he probably

Thinks he’s fine so oh I popped wiie again I popped wiie again oh P’s invis right now P inv I’ve got so much XP and dude clown is washed ready than you body bro part PE PE I’m AG gr I have four stacks on me

And I’ve only used like a bit of a stack yo come on% I’m getting 3 one I’m getting 3 one we’re here with you parrot trying to get clown off you trying to get clown off you right now we just left the arena okay nice

Clown just pearled out as well why do we own the center bro guys where did they keep going though are they like restock wait is that bacon no way they have an extra remember no way who prac I’m pretty sure that’s bacon out the person with no helmet p p took off the

Crown yes yes oh we didn’t get their Crown as if that matters just kill them they’re down a player who cares oh R bye-bye R oh R dude come on got him again finish him finish him now did I hear red broke red hel broke let me kill him let me

Kill him okay I’m going to help you drop him oh this is it this is it nice so after killing half of Ping’s team The Duel was officially over pangi was no longer the king of Life steal and his castle was blown to Smither and now after months of giving it my all

Countless battles in which I died in and an unbelievable amount of destroyed bases I had finally achieved my dream of ending any kind of rulership on the LIF steel smpp everything was back to the way it was before the age of tyrants before anybody had tried establishing dominance over the other players and

After all of this I think finally at long last I could be at peace Zam Leviathan was talking we actually just do not think that we do not think that dis Banning is the best situation for the server right now after everything we’ve been through after everything we’ve been through mic are

You serious yep we don’t we don’t have to fight you right now but we’re prepared to well no we kind of do have to fight him we kind of do have to fight him we kind of have to fight you yeah Okay oh he’s plugging that’s not bad that’s you went up what what did you just say to me okay oh what even is this any oh God it doesn’t matter where I go they’re just going to find me anyways oh they’re on me still too oh God there’s no portal here are you

Kidding me come on just take me wherever take me wherever take me wherever come on come on I’m not dying I’m calling the cation I’m not running I’m not running I refuse I’m not running I can fight I can fight I’m not as weak as I was before

Subs they walked into the Vault okay they blocked off the door said Leviathan is not disbanding we need to own the server in order for things to work what the hell I’m not running I’m not running again I can’t go back to hiding I can’t do this

Okay P has to go for dinner so it’s a 2v2 we got this okay this is going to be a tough fight still just get get as much resources as you can I’m going to try to get I’m going to bait them out I’m going

To turn on my second layer and I’m going to bait them out I found M I found mapic I found mapic I’m trying to get a One V one with them Zam I don’t think I can fight I have no XP my armor is like 80% each

Piece he even asked for the heart I got from him crap I shouldn’t have I shouldn’t have spoke up I trusted him too easily inventory strength I guess you good still yeah I’m still fighting him something blew up just near me it’s Roo he’s here okay I’m just going to go

There I’m going to try and just buy to fully repair my armor and then I’ll be there as fast as I can you just got to hold out for like 2 or 3 minutes crap taking some hits but I’m fine my Pearl went into a portal no okay goodness that was almost really

Bad for me ask bacon for XP ask bacon for XP if you can uh I don’t know where bacon is but uh I’m I’m coming I’m coming uh we don’t have time for that one of them doesn’t have fire reses right now and it’s really awkward are they using Shields or BR

Isn’t but maybe is um I see the option uh it’s not the one it’s not that one that’s exposed it’s a little bit one just tell me yours actually if you can oh crap 225 187 they’re both on me roow has 20 Hearts so this is really hard but

Wait roow has 20 Hearts now yeah they both have 20 Hearts I don’t know this is not I don’t think this is a winable thing I think it’s going be best to just try and get out I don’t want to run from them anymore I I know you don’t want to

Run but we literally do not have the XP for this if they have 20 Hearts it’s going to come down to who has the most XP and we just don’t have that I’m holding my own until you get here subs don’t worry see cobs here probably getting close pushing my luck a little

Bit but it’s fine like at the bottom of the another uh yeah really low really low but I see I see your name tags yeah I’m mining to you they’re beating me up a lot Subs but it’s fine okay hi Z let’s go go I’m

Going to fight Row in the lava okay he’s trying to go through the portal oh my God he’s escaping what he’s trying to run just Target row if you can he cannot fight I don’t know why but he cannot fight he’s trying to run crap they got

Me really low there they’re trying to get out ran May ran rose up here rose up here rose up here I’m on him I see him I see him I see him I’m sitting at the I thre him down I threw him down I threw

Him down I threw him down he’s in lava he’s stuck in lava he’s stuck in lava yeah yeah I’m on row I’m still on row I broke the portal I broke the portal he’s trying to place lava get him his helmet breaks surely come on he keeps body peing he keeps body pearling

Come on yeah I’m like I’m like hard stuck in wait he he was out of pearls that’s why may pick even more pearls just keep pearling keep pearling keep peing mapic and roshambo managed to escape from us despite all of my effort they walked out of this fight completely

Unscathed on top of this I felt unbelievably hurt I chose to trust mapic and Rambo over pangi and that got me stabbed right in the back I really wanted to be on good terms with mic and row I missed the days where it was just the three of us being Team Awesome and

While looking back at things I had a lot of regrets and besides my weird relationship with my enemies I also had my dreams crushed my goal of a server without rulership was just taken from me I was right back at square one everything that I’ve been working

Towards for the past week was all for nothing I attacked and harmed so many players for the sake of freeing the server but in doing that I did the exact opposite and gave the servers rulership back to the original tyrants mapic and rampo from this day forward things got a

Lot worse for me and my teammates I ended up losing a heart to mic and Rambo not even a day after the Betrayal the very next day I lost my heart in a duel with clown piers and on that same day I was killed three times by the Leviathan

All of which happening within the confines of my home another one of our bases was compromised and we were forced to move once again and after all of this I was down to 10 hearts and completely out of luck within just the past couple months I’ve lost five bases I’ve died

More times than I can even count and I’m nowhere closer to accomplishing my goal as a matter of fact I’m further away from my dreams than I’ve ever been on this server and at this point it was all just becoming too much to bear I didn’t

Want to go through with this anymore I didn’t want to keep fighting mic and row were always going to be more powerful than me I stood no chance against them even with all my teammates online they still outnumbered me this war was going to end with me getting banned and

Honestly I wanted it to happen sooner rather than later I was really considering giving all of my hearts to my teammates and just never logging on again but after opening up just a little bit to my teammate Subs he decided to leave a message for me inside Bas never give up it’s

Whoa oh dude everything’s okay keep fighting believe in yourself Zam You Are Not Alone alone in this we are all here for you I recruited you into the incarceration because of your situation I didn’t want to see you live your life in fear any longer and seeing that even

Now that is still the case fills me with great pain I want you to know that no matter what happens we will always have your back we don’t want you to live your life in fear trusting nobody forever that is not a fate anyone should bear so please don’t beat yourself up over

Anything everything will be okay now you have no reason to be afraid any Longer After seeing everything that Subs had ritten for me inside of that room I genuinely felt moved it was the push I needed to continue moving forward the push I needed to never give up again the very next day I ran to where me and Subs had set up our new base and immediately

Began trading with villagers all day long for a week straight I literally did nothing but sit inside of this basement and trade with villagers for the entire day until I had enough golden apples XP bottles and backup gear sets to last me a life time it was to the point where I

Could die three times in a fight and still come back with a full inventory every single time and now that I had this much gear death wasn’t an issue anymore I finally had the confidence I needed to begin chasing my dream once again I was going to save this server

From the rule of Leviathan and I was never going to give up until I did so I grabbed subs and the two of us made our way to spawn in order to take down Leviathan right here right now careful this one go out if you have to yeah

Mavic does not like knock back it seems no he just doesn’t like taking knock back like at all honestly I’m just going to try we need to double up I think on people yeah they have more Hearts yeah see that’s the issue we can’t really get 2v ones because we’re

The ones who have to run first n if we just use enough C we’re kind of Chilling goodness man as soon as you see both of them on you just PE out okay cuz our armor durability can’t take 2v ones at all wait does he have a pearls surely not right oh my God no way he tried to challenge us to fight without

Our pearls right oh subs subs Pearl Subs Pearl I thought I did it subs despite the fact that this is now an unfair 2v one I still didn’t want to run away from this fight if I did I’d just be letting my enemies walk all over me again

However despite how much I wanted to stay Subs would not let me he told me that staying to fight was pointless and that if I did we’d just be wasting more of our resources and on top of that he told me that if as soon as he was reared

We could go back and fight them again so I chose to listen to him and managed to lose parod and mic almost immediately however an hour later as I was wandering through the Wilderness one of mik’s teammates spoke ended up finding me somehow this was genuinely terrifying

Because I was in the middle of nowhere and I had no idea how he found me but after attacking me for a little bit he told me that he was bringing mapic to our location so that the two of us could have a 1V one and if I tried running

Away at all spoke would jump into the fight and help me kill me this was it I was cornered there was nowhere to run I had no choice but to take this 1 V one and to be honest I couldn’t be happier with this situation mapic has been

Trying to kill me ever since I left his team he’s destroyed every single base that I’ve had since then and has killed me countless times he even used me to take down pangi and then immediately betrayed me and at long last I finally have the opportunity to 1 V one him

Without him running away or calling for backup and despite his 10- heart Advantage I wasn’t going to waste this opportunity this fight is my chance to finally kill mapic in a 1 V one something that I’ve never done before winning this battle meant everything to

Me so there was no way I was going to give up or die so it was finally time to kill Mic you got this you got this just like film and stuff it’s just like PVP Legacy it’s just like PVP Legacy it’s just like PVP Legacy you got this just click on him more oh creeper oh oh that was clean you got this man you got

This I can’t get a shield pop like ever at all for some reason it’s not really try to stun him like ax and then double click and then bro he’s burning down my tree that’s crazy I’m literally shter by the way let me break a shield this is

Working oh yeah break it like with your durability oh that would be smart yeah I’m I’m fighting a battle of outlasting so my inventory is full of XP pods I’m ready dude that actually might work wait damn that might be actually a St yeah I

Think so make sure I watch my helmets I just keep backing up like I don’t know what he’s doing thank you woo go Zam his shield has to be low at this point come on he doesn’t put mending on me that’s good wait do you that actually do durability

Yeah I like the move like an unbreakable Shield imagine oh watch out he wouldn’t be peing in like this if it didn’t do damage so yeah check check your health check your health my Health’s fine this is it his shield broke his shield broke go okay come on this is actually where he

Win oh my God this is actually where he win Z this is actually where he wins this is where you kill him once and for all and I’m going to be here to witness it he pulled it back out bro he still had it oh my God that’s crazy nice nice

It’s just like PVP Legacy it’s just like PVP Legacy come on don’t be nervous there’s nothing to be nervous about just win I’m faltering I’m faltering he has 20 Hearts it’s a game of armor not combos crap just don’t be nervous just like this is just like I’m not nervous

I’m not nervous I’m not nervous oh yeah yeah I’m not nervous I’m not nervous I can I’m not nervous I’m not nervous I have to push yes girl you got this I’m out of cobs that’s fine it’s fine it’s the last if I just need them to get away

I can just pull the B it’s fine I can use the cops from the previous from the fight around us it’s my advantage hopefully you got this pushing myself and my Shields leftow did you not put Ming on it no my Shield breaking is what got me killed in

The clamp fight so try to I don’t know it broke uh your armor is good everything’s good right still yeah my armor is fine uh second stack of gaps out of um a few I have three total so again I need to stop aggro peing bro

Yeah play it the long game do I have left even my fire better run out oh I guess fire world yeah but now I’m on the defensive and that’s bad fire is just like poison it’s not scary at all I don’t have more uh-oh I have to

Fight him in the water I don’t have more fire something broke his boots broke his boots broke oh oh oh this is your chance you just pearled M come on you just pearled M come on come on come on W I’m out of pearls but it’s fine

Come on oh yeah actually got no death strier no death strier I’m out of pearls though but oh is he going to run oh my God he’s running wait he’s running oh my God wait no he said all except the L but I’m not dying to Bow spam he accepts the

Loss we cannot lose a heart and I’m the one who got jumped too that’s crazy I see him I see him I see him I see him I’m still getting him he’s restocking right now no way put on new boots I guess he that not allow nothing has changed nothing has changed other

Than I’m out of but nothing has changed keep my health up I can Outlast him still it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter what he does to me I can help last what the what the f why is there a warden what I’m going to die I’m

Going to die to the warden is M just gone I don’t see him oh what I just popped to it oh my so yeah during my biggest fight in all of life steel I was one shot by a warden now in a perfect world this is where the final video would begin but

Unfortunately even after all the work that I’ve been putting in the finale video still isn’t done it’s unbelievably close to being finished and it’s honestly crazy that it’s been taking me this long but to be fair it is 5 months worth of footage it’s definitely a lot

To work through but again I’m terribly sorry that it’s been taking me this long I really just want to get this project over and done with so that I can move on to like newly recorded stuff since I know a lot of you guys don’t like when I

Post events that happened like many many months ago and have already been uploaded by other YouTubers but the main point of all this is that I just want to say that I’m terribly sorry that it’s taking me this long to wrap up season 4 Once I get started on LIF still season 5

Stuff hopefully it’s all going to be just brand new content that no one’s seen before and I really hope that you guys just end up enjoying it because I feel really bad when people see my videos and they’re like oh I’ve already seen this this happened like many months

Ago but of course that’s not on you guys that’s on me to like get my videos out on time so hopefully 2024 we start doing that we’ll see I honestly also just want to take a moment to just appreciate anyone listening to this like the fact that people are here watching this

Listening to my voice right now is like just still insane to me like I know it’s been a couple of years but how are people watching a 2hour video made by Prince am like that makes no sense to me it’s so funny once again just want to

Apologize for the constant delays I feel really bad postponing this video as much as I have but I also really needed to get this pram compilation video out however if all goes according to plan I might be able to get the finale video out before the end of the year as well

So for those of you that are still looking for that I promise it will be out soon and for those of you that don’t really care I have new content on the way too maybe we’ll see I don’t know it just it just depends on how everything

Goes but you know it’s just this life I don’t know I really don’t know what else to say I just I’m really sorry and uh I hope you guys have enjoyed my content I really appreciate you guys like I don’t know this has been just insane and I’m

Just I’m really happy that there are people that are willing to like I don’t know sit here and watch my videos like that means a lot to me so seriously from the bottom of my heart thank you guys so much it means more than I could ever say

And I I just I really appreciate it hope you guys have a good rest of your days hope you guys enjoy the holidays and all that and uh yeah uh I’ll see you guys when I see you thank you thank you for Everything

This video, titled ‘My Quest To Save This Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by PrinceZam on 2023-12-18 13:00:13. It has garnered 91829 views and 4100 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:15 or 8175 seconds.

My Quest To Save This Minecraft SMP… This Was Insane…


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Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. This is a new and original Minecraft idea / challenge where you can steal SMP Minecraft player’s lives. Survival is harder than Hardcore Minecraft because PVP is a thing.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ This series is inspired by ParrotX2 and SpokeIsHere’s SMP Minecraft Series, as well as PrinceZam and PrinceZamLive. However, instead of it being SpokeIsHere, ParrotX2, or TommyInnit, it’s actually just PrinceZam, POG. I like to make super epic traps, and this is similar to a Custom Minecraft Challenge video, except the Custom Minecraft Challenge is to survive. You could call this Minecraft, But Lifesteal SMP.

My Quest To Save This Minecraft SMP

#minecraft #lifesteal #lifestealsmp ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

current sub count: 266,785

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  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in a Chest World! 😮 #Minecraft

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  • I regretted this in Minecraft

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  • Insane Experiment: 100 Zombies in 100 Year War Simulation!

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  • Minecraft’s CRAZIEST Modern Pool Build!! #MinecraftMadness

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  • 💥 EPIC Minecraft Public SMP Server! Join Junaid Kadu NOW! 💥

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  • Bambe’s Insane Loss: RAREST GOD Set Stolen!

    Bambe's Insane Loss: RAREST GOD Set Stolen!Video Information This video, titled ‘How I lost the RAREST GOD Set on the Server…’, was uploaded by bambe on 2024-05-31 05:12:31. It has garnered 1674 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:11 or 671 seconds. How I lost the RAREST GOD Set on the Server… 55 likes Hi, my name is bambe. I upload entertaining Minecraft videos from different gamemodes such as Hardcore Factions (HCF), Prisons, Factions, and Skyblock. If you enjoy this type of content, then consider subscribing, and turning on notifications as I upload and stream frequently and you don’t wanna miss them!… Read More

  • Ultimate Seiso Self care tips with Hololive Fauna!

    Ultimate Seiso Self care tips with Hololive Fauna!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Seiso Self care [Hololive / Ceres Fauna]’, was uploaded by Hololive_Curiosity on 2024-05-28 05:31:42. It has garnered 19900 views and 2936 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. 【MINECRAFT】 The one where Fauna memorizes 100 digits of pi Channel : #ceresfauna #fauna #caliopemori #mori #caliope #kronii #ourokronii #nerissa #hololive #hololiveenglish #hololiveen #vtuber Read More

  • EPIC BLOOD DRAW BATTLE in Titanium Warehouse!

    EPIC BLOOD DRAW BATTLE in Titanium Warehouse!Video Information This video, titled ‘KAN KESME CEKME ZAR DEPO SAVASI -sonoyuncu titanyum’, was uploaded by umuTcan on 2024-04-01 22:13:12. It has garnered 621 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:37 or 1777 seconds. Dcsi verse: Youtube ve klan Dcsi: hope , minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu launcher does not open, minecraft endgame macro opening, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars tactics, minecraft endoyuncu build battle , minecraft sonoyuncu free skin, minecraft house sonoyuncu… Read More