Prismarina’s Minecraft Wedding Disaster! Craftmas Finale

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Everyone’s getting ready for the wedding of my Dreams this is so surreal I’m so nervous everyone’s uh Gathering and doing their wonderful organizing things I don’t know I’m I’m in over my head really with knives as my Made of Honor and mousy officiating us this is going to be the best day of my life I’m so nervous and

So every everyone started Gathering I didn’t expect so many people to come I’m not going to lie it’s so gay what have wait M 2023 no for real the flower girls were absolutely magnificent I could just feel the love all around the Venue Thank you thank you you all look stunning today I’m so excited to see my future wives thank you knives for being my maid of honor thank you Mousie for doing this and for standing on that cake we’re going to eat oh oh I’m going to take my horse to the old

Yeah you you look beautiful you look beautiful beautiful and I’m crying my wives my wives my wife wow this is beautiful this is really just I have um flowers everyone’s in a group flowers I thought you I I only have one flower dearly gays beloved gays and shenko we are gathered here today

To join these three lovely people people in marriage it will be the best thropple to ever exist on the craftmas as yeah yay what else do I say um does anyone have vows like Chad GP ask for the vows like no no no no okay I’ll start

I’ll start with you Dave cuz you’re on my left side and I’m left-handed Okay so from the day I met you even before I met you actually I I just knew you were the one for me you’re just amazing and your eyes the color of your eyes is so unique

And beautiful and the hair you know your hair just shines lusciously and the volumes that you speak I just really admirable as someone that screams all the time I really appreciate someone that can match that energy and someone that can you know really just touch my

Touch my soul and I just know you just everything to me and than you for everything I love you f together and I love you thank you thank you and Lena swee guys who has another Bounty ever since this is my time this is my time

Let’s go go thought I was going hold on let me do my moment um just you know ever since I saw the the hair really just what just happened God damn it guys you know the pink and the blonde hairs always just caught my eye and even

Though you had a child I was ready to take that responsibility of a stepmother I was ready to do anything for you and you also have Exquisite taste um considering you pick Dave and I would pick Dave any any moment I think the universe really just formed us together

I just it really did did thank you so much for so beautiful everything and your Baker beautiful so beautiful it’s so beautiful I made this gay heart in M mousy move it thank you oh it’s so beautiful it’s so beautiful even B is crying oh you guys made my twin cry I love

It oh my God okay am I am I allowed to say Lena mhm I am so incredibly lucky to have you as a sibling and you’re going to make me cry I mousy may give you to Dave the Frog and prism oh my God they will protect

She is not an object to be given away of your question um Can my siblings speak up or or or do they just not want to Oh so see well I just didn’t want to make it all about me but I guess here we are um thank you all for coming today my ceremony I am really honored this is not your ceremony this you’re just it’s it’s my this is my ceremony but it’s it’s my

Turn now stage who said that oh my god well I just well I did just want to say um congratulations to all the attendees today you will be getting 50% off at my shop so yeah Cala Mouse who is yelling back there I’m so sorry that you’re marrying um this witch

But uh at least you’ll get 50% off at my store okay congratulations say my vows um Elena you are one of the swaggiest women I have ever met and I love you and I can just cherish you forever and ever and we’re going to have such a swag

Family with our our other wife pis who is also a swag the swaggiest woman I’ve ever met and I love you and everything about you and you and you are just the loveliest people I have ever had the the the the the though I can’t English but

The the yeah shut up back there I didn’t know you very long before we got engaged it kind of happened like the same within like 5 minutes but I’m so thankful for five that I knew you literally Love at First s also a little bit of thevery uh

You try to take my child but that just proved that you knew how to be can where is our child you proved very quickly that you just you wanted to be a part of our family and now you’re officially going to be a part of it and

Dave you are also going to help unite and complete this family as well the three of us forever and ever and ever and ever until the end of craft smpp oh wait the end of Craftman that’s not how long my contract is oh mine’s also not

Until death do us part and oh yeah yeah sorry I thought I forgot craftmas S&P isn’t forever okay Mousie I think this is your turn now yeah yeah take it away Mouse um yeah guys um okay so how do I H PR if anybody is going to object speak

Now or forever be killed on this side yeah or forever hold your piece with my axe say Speak I’m just so happy to be here thank you guys anytime God where from you get behind get behind I have the X you get behind me I will we I thought this was a peaceful wedding that though I’m not fighting that oh God I need help yeah I’m I’m

Just here for the free wine the open bar a oh and the cake oh I’m sorry I didn’t know was an accident it was an accident yeah okay everyone [Applause] silent thank you that was hot as damn pris hi do you take Lena as part of the circle thropple

Absolutely yes prism do you take Dave as the other part of the circle the the circle thropple sorry yes absolutely yes Lena do you take pris to be part of the circle thropple I do Lena do you take Dave to be the other part of the circle thropple I

Do Dave do you take pris to be part of the circle thropple I do I do I very much do yes yes Dave do you take Lena to be the other part of the circle trle of course of course of course yes yes yes invested in me and all the gays

Except for shenco you may now kiss okay Hey go I took like so many [Applause] screenshots pick up the diamonds quick pick the now we can procreate now we can procreate we can I’m so happy this is so gay and so happy getting attack CR theing no more killing at my wedding you guys I got a gift

Congratulations and good Lu I to S at the guy in front of you mixed two up as my sister so apologies for that in advance who you who’ you mix up I accidentally thought Lena was my sister how you fre oh uh at the door you both

Have similar eyes oh my God I love I Loveat where’s pis hello there you go congratulations you guys thank you so much oh my God Diamond I’m watching now is the time to drink your eggnog and just really feel the vibe of of love in the air and I’m so happy and I’m so ready to make so many babies and

And break the rules on the server and you know there is liit Liit for presid all right so first and foremost what I would like to say is congratulations to the happily married uh trle now the second thing I would like to say is pris Marina we have known each other for a while uh unfortunately but what I will say is that despite

Everything we’ve been through quite a lot together I mean come on let’s think back for a second look no you got to look over here oh yeah sorry sorry let me just okay got what are you doing no what are you it’s so cool right we’re going to be neighbors no whoops

Chris anyways um I would just like to say I’m happy to be here today on your wedding day thank you and um good luck with thank you these people you’ve been great throw that away I just want to say congratulations to Lena Dave and Perez

I’m so happy for you three I do want to add that there is a three baby lemon on this server and it will be enforced pris for president pris for president for President pris will not be president as much as I do love her President also I want to add uh pris

Even though you did try to kill me more than 50 times the other day I do friendship and I hope you have a beautiful and lovely life for the next two weeks okay can I announce something okay you have FL Club is hosting a uh first wedding wedding night honeymoon

Downstairs we have a baby we have a baby who you have a baby with me oh my god this is my child it’s your baby yes that’s okay congrats Prince we can separate let’s go fight Club is having a what you to call them both we didn’t no

We didn’t talk wait no wait a goddamn minute we didn’t even talk about babies yet you guys just decided to have one without cons Consulting with me oh you guys just decided to have a baby without consulting with me well it’s our child we’re going to parents cuz you’re

Straight is I decorated all nice too no you weren’t going to consult about before we brought the child into this world it sounds like you guys need to go have Club hand this pretty Dave we have a baby boy didn’t even talk about we about it yes we did we we we

Talked about it in detail Dave e no we didn’t in detail time we’ll argue about this later Prince we’ll argue later I going eat that baby talk about it later what is going on Lena yes we need to name the child we have a baby boy be good a boy

God damn it see you’re not even going to ask me well if I want to help name the B I’m leaving I can’t I can’t Dave you didn’t want you didn’t want to talk to me Dave Dave Chris Marina yeah this is my offer to take care of

Your child for you so you can live a stressfree marriage for the next few weeks mhm no one’s going to eat that baby I’m not going to eone it’s present first episode ever we have history remember Dave you can’t be mad at me Dave I’ll take the beer and

I’ll keep being mad because that was heartbreaking I can’t I can’t Dave no i i k I’m sorry I just I I I had expectations cuz we we talked about having babies when we were planning the wedding and I just got very excited you did not consult with me I you

Jealous um I can’t I can’t I can’t do this why would you ask about jealousy what I can’t I can’t do this now she’s saying I’m jealous I’m asking if you’re jealous Dave sweetie sweetie no you cannot come into my house you can get out of my house out my house new born

Baby okay I don’t care get out of my house Dave I’m the one who built this house God are you carrying me I’m very sorry it’s just I’m trying to figure out why why this offended you could you just please explain to me why why this offended me me having a

Child with one of my wives yeah it’s because we’re a thruple we talk about things where was the communication with me it’s like I’m don’t exist in it then you and Lena might as well just be a couple without me take your your freaking rig back I don’t want it

Dave Dave you got do this to me that’s not Dave PR PR look around God damn it I can’t leave look around this house isn’t even ready yet and Dave has been putting all this time and effort into this house it’s not even no I got excited near ready for a

Child I just I’m trying to escape what do I do with a child then doesn’t matter it’s not mine apparently do have a clinic on the server if you guys would like to visit no no yes no no no no who wants the baby

Give me the baby put it in the the chest okay put it in the chest this is there’s no baby baby doesn’t exist baby doesn’t exist oh hi it was a test I’m not there’s no baby there is no baby was to give you the baby ask to give you

Baby they killed the baby the baby di we didn’t you would have you would have saw a um uh a in the chat oh that’s true not if NOA did no because you guys have all you guys have murdered babies before okay Dave I would do anything for

You even if it was killing my own child I didn’t ask you to K your baby oh my God you gave me no choice no I didn’t you had the choice to communicate with me from the beginning you could have held us to the consequences of your away

From me for the food and the after party we don’t even get one now I I I did get my drink I I want a divorce you know I didn’t Dave you can’t get a divorce the same day that you get married that’s like gu I want an

Inment i no it’s not I want anied who wants to be oh wait my lawyer Dave bth is my lawyer I will do anything what will what do you want from me to fix this sorry I got a little sorry one second this is kind of fun

Wait give me a second is cranking a man okay what do you want me to do I will I will do everything I don’t think anything can fix this PR if you guys don’t even want to consult with me and talk with me from the beginning then I don’t think I am a

Part of this how do you accidentally have a baby without talking with me about it that’s not that’s how pregnany Works my love so babies are a surprise you can’t do this Dave you can’t do this how about I meet you all at the shoot me I’m showing you my

Strength by shooting everyone around me to the everyone I’ll start with Lego my God help me help me holy she crazy guys Oh my Jesus Christ she’s holding me at gun Point Sor I’m just doing it for it’s fine dve I will kill anyone for you

Okay including me you are pointing a gun at me bro it’s a bow and arrow it’s a gun back Miss Arena no just I will if you I’m just saying that I would kill anyone for you so just give me a name and I will kill them just for

You to why do we have to kill why does death have to be something because we we already killed 504 children on this server and I children Dave no well we didn’t but it’s been the is in a chest the baby is just fine hi I didn’t kill the child

Okay so we’re back at the original issue you guys had a baby without consulting me D too this is kind of traumatizing to me right now Dave no I let’s talk this out what well you guys don’t want to be married to me anymore so I might as well

Look up myorder my court order in my court please please I’m a bisexual woman I order my court you know what who has a bone em I can use sh this one mouthy that one mouthy as I suspected okay all right all right can I

Get Pino it to just relax just stay calm stay calm got this Madam you are required to be on the uh on the get to the stand P Marina you got to go to I don’t know if I can do this I don’t know if I can do

This just go just just just that way yeah come on right right behind this this table to me can I have you raise your right hand please thank you thank for what what put her out okay I no that raing my right hand hold on hold

On why are you trying to kick me stand stand on that stand on that yes so people can see you there Wonder yes pris me can can I ask you do you have a lawyer present with you la lawyer lawyer lawyer lawyer lawyer of course lawyer of course where’s your

Lawyer knives right over there can I have kniv knives I wasn’t expecting this hello hi welcome to the okay I’m try my best girl can I speak yet or or would you like to like to share with the class or you done sorry I not sorry order

Order sh down photographer now as I see on these papers I’ve been summoned because person Marina and lenina Roi was it or was it Dave it was it was pris Marina YT and Lena Roki who had a baby without consulting me Dave the frog with two S2 GS I’ve never been in a

Polyamorous relationship I don’t know how the lawyer has I would like to add I State my defense can I speak first damn well can you get your words out quick I’m an old man R please we’re going to lose sorry nice bow you’re really sexy though that helps who the so

Um sorry it’s really hard to talk about um well I was really excited about the wedding I just got married I mean the the hormones were up were out in the sky and IAM oh my God we’re going to go to potty so I think okay that’s fine um

It’s fine I I I thought wow why don’t I start making babies I mean a single baby not many just one I just I thought you know maybe I’ll do one with Lena and then I’ll do one with Dave so that it’s equal that was my plan so that we could

All have children together and then they could have one together and then we could have the three children as the limit and I just I was under the impression that was okay we talked about procreating I assumed everyone was okay with that I was just so in the moment and I’m

Sorry I just it was really it’s okay it’s okay take your time take your time I it was just really really really difficult me and um and then I you know I think I I let my emotions get the better of me and I think I just I I I

Don’t know I I maybe should have just let Dave have the time I should have I should have talked it’s right I should have talked I was under the impression that it was okay and it wasn’t and I forget a lot of things and I I must have

Forgotten and I’m I’m I’m so sorry and I will do whatever it takes to get my marriage back because I’m so passionate about this and just I guess I guess that’s all I’m so I’m sorry to everyone involved that you had to expl that you had do this thank you

Thank you of course so we head to the reception and of course I start drinking because it’s a party it’s a party and then and then all I hear is that there’s a baby I had no idea that a baby was happening people start talking about a

Baby and then I look to my right where my wife pris Marina is and she’s holding a baby and I said said where did that baby go I know sorry I know it’s okay it’s okay right I said where did that baby come from and and she goes me and

Lena had it as a thrumble I thought that I would be consulted and I had no idea about the baby and then to put salt in the wound Mr Mr judge sir they didn’t even want to consult me to name they were only talking between them

Okay I’m sorry that will have to wait I’ve got one more witness to bring to stand if you can all go sit down please legal name please Loki Loki and Sh what the f is on the wall back there so I got a little confused there was a word of the

Procreation that we we have planned it beforehand when during the engagement to my knowledge but like I said I’m very drunk I may have forgotten Dave said they wanted to finish the house yeah they forgot about me they my laps of judgment I thought you were done with the build

Okay order shut up for me go ahead go ahead you I thought it was okay with with Dave it’s also Dave’s last day so I was a little worried that you know the house is like not going to be finished you know this is so I thought we were going

To have you know our children my last day is on Friday Elena God damn it it’s you’re on stream stop talking this is my Rec um if I if I may your honor I I I can say anything I’m going to call my own client standy okay okay hi Hello go ahead and have a seat P hello okay uh pis um can you say 100% guarantee that you all did speak about procreating before this wedding happened yes I was there and what was in this theater we said that after we got married we could start having babies I

Know that the house wanted to be built but I we we do have a child already Bean be so I I I thought we already have a child without the house done so why can’t we have another house who has a child already and I have a

House me me and Lena and Dave well alt together we have a we we we have a child okay but was the child there before the trouble so it was David and Lena that had a child previously correct to my knowledge it was just Lena’s child Dave damn calm

Down so I can understand why my client might assume okay that it would be okay for her and Lena siena’s Dave and Lena already had a child go ahead and sit down is it not a one person objection uh irrelevant overruled when this conversation about waiting for the house

Happened was pris 100% paying attention or was she in her head at the time I cannot confir confirm or deny all three of us were having a conversation and I did say I wanted to wait till the house was done it was also about 4:00 a.m. in my are you are you

Speaking thank you thank you Mr judge sir yeah it was a spontaneous pregnancy it’s okay it’s okay uh I yeah I would just like to add that um you are aware that pris is very spontaneous right I want to divorce Mr judge and attracted to

People MH not your turn even so if they are spontaneous it is still disrespectful to you fell in love with me because of my spontaneity Dave that’s what you like the most about me sit down sit down can you sit down go sit down that’s all the questions I have your

Honor thank you can I get Vera to the stand please thank you go sit down sit down I would like to call I don’t know what’s going on I’m going be honest pris Marina is the baby as of yet walking or no the baby truthfully and honestly

Because I I don’t want to lie is in a chest where is that chest pis Marina I believe it is at our family home I’m going to need someone to go get bab you in my house house oh my goodness where’s the baby well it doesn’t exist what happened to the baby pris

Marina well if you can’t if there’s no baby then there’s no baby listen you’re going to tell me where this baby is right now darling or I’m going to go back to that court and tell them that I saw you eat the baby right in front of

Me so it’s there’s no evidence you can’t prove that I can improve it with my wise words Betha there is no baby what happened to the baby pris Marina tell me now okay I’ll tell you you you have to promise that you have to understand

Okay I had to sort things out with my failing marriage um so I put the baby in one of those chests I was going to so that um Lena could take care of the baby on knives could or someone could you know take care cuz I couldn’t drop the baby right

I had to pass it along to a chest and now that we are back the baby isn’t in any of the chests so all I can assume is that is that my baby was kidnapped and where is the baby so if you’d let me continue judge I hurry up today

I so the baby listen pris Marina after the whole situation felt terrible and I would I I think she kind of suggested the fact that she was going through post postnatal depression and she hated that baby she wanted it did what but that doesn’t meaned thank you I I’m just here

For the drama she didn’t kill the bab that’s not what happened I’m saying she didn’t kill the baby can I continue I B continue please what happened was she put it in a chest for knives or Lena to look after while she was struggling she did not hurt that

Baby however that’s what happened the baby is now missing and someone has kidnapped the baby what someone took the baby so we don’t have proof don’t act like you can that’s I don’t I didn’t want want a baby to die or get kidnapped I just don’t I don’t

Want to be married to you anymore why wouldn’t you love the child as your own Dave it’s not my child have you never been a step parent order P where is the child I have no idea I’m sorry oh my thank you Bera for this revealing may

Be SE may I have my final statement before I exit yeah yeah whatever go ahead yeah so I would like to say that Dave the Frog deserves to be to divorce Chris Marina and Lena Roki who sh are you on I’m on Dave’s all right okay go go ahead

Sh right first question is that the Mansion was called three hold um it has come to my attention that pris Marina has just proposed marriage to me in the car what I’m just exploring my options divorc yet you know what I think I’ve seen enough go ahead P Marina YT

And Lina Ria have you stand on this side please hopefully nothing happens while our backs are turn come over here is on on this side pris judge she’s too close to me she’s too close to me on this side pris Marina that was kind of nice thank

You earlier today a most joyous occasion happened between Dave the F of Raa pris Marina and Loki a marriage where there were Flower Boys and uh uh objections and gness everywhere everywhere did it again and then tragedy happened at the reception I just had a child again with knives with

Knives Please Mr judon give me my divorce give me my divorce right now please I deserve it I deserve it to put this to put this shortly I grant Dave the Frog divorced from new americ pris Mar to hear the divorce paper sign you might why you so quiet like this here you

Go thank you thank you we parents uh yeah congratulations on the divorce yay it’s okay Prince oh my God are you okay oh my god did she hear that we could we could do it did you we could do it BR think we could get rid of them get rid of all

Of them you didn’t hear anything yeah I’m not sure that’s okay hi bti bti and sure it is get out of my house get out of my house Dave did you I’m sorry I was told I had to do this don’t touch me I’m sorry Dave I’m

Sorry Dave alone let me out let me out it’s your time God damn it she’s crazy are you kidding me leave Dave alone oh my God where are oh my God I can’t I can’t stop don’t get the back get the fu back don’t you mess with me

No after my marriage and divorce on the same day I went back only to find my new houses blown up and I realized I was at fault so what did I do I went to karaoke night we both SL child hello I’m very sick right now

Oh I’m sorry sweetie hi well hope you you theate have fun who is that a beautiful if no one is going to I’m going to n my child the child’s name is little saffen is that child where’s my baby let’s talk about that I have I have a right here that’s

My that’s my son oh he’s so beautiful you see did you did you see my son son I didn’t steal your son I thought my son was gone yeah with me hi sweetie this baby don’t look nothing like me pis can you explain oh yeah that’s actually a little

Questionable hi sweetie let me talk to her mama gag what did you do with my son Mama I’m good play the one you just stole I saw you I’m going to hug you got oh my God this is beautiful once and twice shy I keep my distance you still catch

My eye tell me baby do you recognize me well it’s been a year it doesn’t surprise me Last Christmas I gave you my heart at the very next day you gave it away this year to save me from tears I’ll give it to someone special Last Christmas I gave you my

Heart but the very next day you gave it away this year to save me from te I’ll give it to someone special lening in the snow ising a beautiful sight we’re happy tonight walking in a winter wonderland G away is the blue bird here to stay is a new

Bird he sings a last Song and so we partied all night singing and enjoying each other’s company and I knew that soon we would have to depart from the server so I just enjoyed the time and even though you know My My Craft Miss experience wasn’t exactly what I expected it was such a fun experience

And merry craftmas everyone I love you all so much and don’t forget to S does not sing I don’t believe that for a damn second this this is my I’m going to do Fel na with only the Fel

This video, titled ‘Getting Married On Minecraft…GONE WRONG. |Craftmas Finale’, was uploaded by prismarina plays on 2023-12-24 15:00:10. It has garnered 263 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:08 or 2468 seconds.

A lot has happened. Just when I thought it would be the best day of my life, it went totally sideways…. Either way, thank you for watching this fun series. I loved having fun on this server!

Elves featured: @linarokii @davetheffrogg @mousey_may @BerthaDarling @NovaSoBored @MCLegoMan @knivesbow @moonintensity @shenko_ @AwesomeisBlue



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    Join Minewind Server for Epic Custom NPC Adventures! Are you a fan of Minecraft and all the amazing possibilities it offers? Do you enjoy exploring new maps, trying out different mods, and engaging in epic battles? If so, then you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! Imagine a world where you can experience the thrill of custom NPCs, immersive vehicles, classic guns, and so much more. With mods like Guard Villagers, Yes Steve Model, and Timeless and Classics Guns, the possibilities are endless. You can even battle it out with mobs using the Mob Battle Mod and ToroHealth Damage Indicators. On Minewind, you can explore… Read More

  • Dive into the Beat

    Dive into the Beat The Enchanting World of Minecraft Music Discs One of the many captivating aspects of Minecraft is its music. From the soothing melodies that play as you explore the vast landscapes to the eerie tunes that accompany your adventures in dark caves, the game’s soundtrack adds depth and emotion to the player’s experience. Among the various musical elements in Minecraft, music discs stand out as unique collectibles that players can find and play in-game. Discovering Fan-Made Music Discs While Minecraft offers a selection of original music discs composed by C418, a talented musician known for his work on the game’s… Read More

  • Frog Portal Prank in Minecraft PE

    Frog Portal Prank in Minecraft PE The Friendly Frog Portal in Zoonomaly – Minecraft PE In the vast world of Minecraft PE, players often encounter unique and fascinating creatures. One such entity is the Friendly Frog, known for its amiable nature and common presence in the Zoonomaly realm. These creatures are likely the first non-hostile beings players come across, with two distinct variants – the Green and Red frogs. Exploring Zoonomaly Zoonomaly is a realm within Minecraft PE that is teeming with diverse wildlife and mystical landscapes. The Friendly Frogs add a touch of whimsy to this already enchanting world, offering players a peaceful encounter… Read More

  • Droplet’s Skyblock Adventure with Subscribers!

    Droplet's Skyblock Adventure with Subscribers!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky blocks with Twitch Subscribers (Stream 2)’, was uploaded by Little_Droplet on 2024-03-25 22:04:04. It has garnered 51 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:01 or 9601 seconds. Playing Sky Blocks on Hypixle with Twitch Subscribers! If you would like to join the world head over to my Twitch and Subscribe as it helps me, put more into my YouTube and Twitch Channel 🙂 TikTok: Discord: Twitter: Twitch- Kick- Read More

  • Shizo Clickbait: “Unbelievable GamerzMine Moment 😱🔥 #anshubisht”

    Shizo Clickbait: "Unbelievable GamerzMine Moment 😱🔥 #anshubisht"Video Information This video, titled ‘The Fleemtu Bhaiya 😎😂 | #anshubisht #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by GamerzMine on 2024-04-19 13:44:00. It has garnered 3696 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Hii Domsto ❤️ Welcome To My Gaming YouTube Channel @GamerzMineog 💖 ♦️ I Provided Funny Moments Various Popular Games/Gamers Edit 😈🔥 ♦️ If You Like My Content So Don’t Forget To Like, Subscribe 😍🫶❤️‍🩹 ♦️ For Credit – @Gamerfleet ‎@AnshuBisht  ‎@NotGamerFleet  📌 For Credits/Business/Removel 👇 [email protected] 🎧 I DON’T OWN THE MUSIC AND PICTURES. THE CREDIT GO TO *RESPECTIVE OWNERS* 📌IF YOU ARE… Read More

  • Uncover secret dimension mods in Minecraft

    Uncover secret dimension mods in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring Minecraft’s Forgotten Dimension Mods’, was uploaded by Daiazal on 2024-04-20 08:08:18. It has garnered 706131 views and 40994 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:52 or 1552 seconds. MODS FEATURED: Aether: DimensionalDoors: Tropicraft: My silly little social media: Read More

  • 24/7 Minecraft Survival Server – Java + Pe | EPIC gameplay

    24/7 Minecraft Survival Server - Java + Pe | EPIC gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | Java + Pe | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive Survival #shorts #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by AnxoIsLive on 2024-02-26 08:50:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Live Public SMP | Java + Pe | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive Survival #shorts #shortsfeed Minecraft Live Public SMP … Read More

  • JedKai Uncovers Secrets in Peter’s SMP: Minecraft Blockterria! 🔥

    JedKai Uncovers Secrets in Peter's SMP: Minecraft Blockterria! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘A New Adventure Through Peter’s New SMP: Minecraft: Blockterria[Live]🔴’, was uploaded by JedKai on 2024-03-10 04:14:33. It has garnered 24 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:43 or 11023 seconds. A new Adventure starts now Game: Minecraft Fwends: Peter: @PeterHowaryou Jill: @Eywa828 #minecraft #smp Read More

  • Shocking: NOTMINEXD Terminated 🕉️ #minecraft

    Shocking: NOTMINEXD Terminated 🕉️ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What happened to NOTMINEXD 🕉️ ( Channel Terminated ) #minecraft’, was uploaded by Notnikhil on 2024-03-24 06:45:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. youtube channel how to recover terminated youtube account my youtube channel suspended youtube channel suspended … Read More

  • EPIC Custom Warp System in My Minecraft Server! 😱🔥 #minecraft #smp

    EPIC Custom Warp System in My Minecraft Server! 😱🔥 #minecraft #smpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Custom warp system for my Minecraft Server! #minecraft #minecraftsmp #smp #mc #cozy’, was uploaded by StinkySurvival on 2024-05-20 13:50:13. It has garnered 781 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Toilet Fight in Minecraft ⚔️ BHALIYA OFFICIAL #skibiditoilet

    EPIC Toilet Fight in Minecraft ⚔️ BHALIYA OFFICIAL #skibiditoiletVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Skibidi Toilet 🚽 Fight #minecraft #skibiditoilet #phonk’, was uploaded by BHALIYA OFFICIAL on 2024-06-13 08:03:45. It has garnered 502 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. minecraft minecraft animation minecraft shorts shorts #minecraft minecraft mods minecraft pe minecraft edit minecraft 1.20 minecraft memes minecraft meme phonk minecraft funny edit minecraft minecraft video minecraft but shorts minecraft minecraft noob minecraft challenge animation minecraft meme minecraft minecraft tiktok noob minecraft minecraft live best phonk zonecraft minecraft hacks cursed minecraft phonk edit video phonk pvp minecraft minecraft mod minecraft… Read More

  • EuropeSMP

    EuropeSMPWelcome to EuropeSMP, the ultimate CPVP shop survival server where you can become the best player in the game! Join us and embark on an epic adventure as you build, mine, and conquer your way to the top. With a thriving economy, endless possibilities for customization, and a dedicated community of players, EuropeSMP offers a unique and immersive gaming experience like no other. So what are you waiting for? Join us today and start your journey to greatness on EuropeSMP! Read More

  • Ezartla SMP 1.21+

    Welcome to Ezartla Survival Server! We are excited to announce the grand opening of Ezartla Survival Server in just 2 weeks! Join us for an unforgettable survival adventure with exciting features for all players. Key Features: Land Claiming: Protect your creations with our intuitive system. Player-Run Economy: Trade and become the ultimate entrepreneur. Ranks: Earn perks and abilities as you progress. Custom Enchantments: Customize your gear with powerful enchantments. Massive World: Explore a vast 50,000×50,000 block world. Minecraft 1.21: Experience the latest version. And More: Stay tuned for exciting updates! Connect With Us: Server IP: Join Our Discord:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ultimate love in Minecraft

    The love in this meme is so high, it’s like trying to reach level 105 in Minecraft without even mining a single block! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Director Ao’s House Renovation in Minecraft World

    Crafting Chaos: Director Ao's House Renovation in Minecraft World In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Mengxuan Renovation School, where building skills come alive. Director Ao’s house, a masterpiece in the making, With every block placed, a new chapter in the remaking. 1 million guardians, a formidable force, Can they defeat the Ender Dragon, stay on course? In one second’s time, a challenge so grand, Only in Minecraft, where legends stand. Mengxuandada, the hardcore MC player, Crafting videos with style, a true innovator. Sharing insights and trivia, with a playful twist, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams exist. So leap into the verse, let the story… Read More

  • “Spicy Minecraft Memes” 🔥 #minecraft #game #memes #shorts #minecraftshorts

    "Spicy Minecraft Memes" 🔥 #minecraft #game #memes #shorts #minecraftshorts Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #boomtherapy 💥 Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Trash Can Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Trash Can Tutorial Minecraft Tutorial: Building a Trash Can with Zurtox Welcome to another exciting Minecraft tutorial with Zurtox! Today, Zurtox will guide you through the process of building a simple trash can in Minecraft. If you have any other building ideas or suggestions for tutorials on his channel, feel free to share them in the comments section. Building a Trash Can in Minecraft Creating a trash can in Minecraft can be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Follow Zurtox’s step-by-step instructions to add this essential element to your Minecraft world. Materials Needed: Iron Blocks: For the main structure of the trash can…. Read More

  • Villagers Sleeping in The Nether?!

    Villagers Sleeping in The Nether?! Minecraft Myths: Villagers Sleeping in The Nether? Exploring Player Myths in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, players often come up with myths and theories about the game’s mechanics and possibilities. Today, we delve into some of the most intriguing myths shared by players, including the question of whether villagers can sleep in The Nether. Unveiling the Myths First Myth: Players speculate about the existence of hidden dungeons beneath the ocean, waiting to be discovered for rare treasures. Second Myth: Some believe that certain biomes hold secret portals to other dimensions, offering unique adventures. Third Myth: There are… Read More

  • EPIC Finale: Lost Books Uncovered on SkyBoundSMP

    EPIC Finale: Lost Books Uncovered on SkyBoundSMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lost Books { SkyBoundSMP EP 34 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2024-07-09 01:28:30. It has garnered 330 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:33 or 2433 seconds. Hello! Welcome to Episode 34 of Rune’s journey on BoundSMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today Rune and Sylph meet someone new! Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! SkyBound: Find me elsewhere in the wild: Tik Tok:… Twitter:… Instagram:… Alright that’s all from me, see… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Redstone Build Hack in Minecraft 2.0

    Mind-Blowing Redstone Build Hack in Minecraft 2.0Video Information This video, titled ‘Amazing Redstone Build Hack in minecraft #shorts #minecraft #build_hacks #gamer #gameplay’, was uploaded by Dinar Gamerz 2.0 on 2024-04-06 04:00:25. It has garnered 300 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Amazing Redstone Build Hack in minecraft #shorts #minecraft #build_hacks #gamer #gameplay #craftingandbuilding #Roblox #clashofclans #craftingandbuilding #mecharena #indianbikerider3d #bestgameplayathome #grannyremake #mobilegameplay #pcgameplay #banglagameplay Hey Everyone! This is Dinar ! Welcome to My channel ..”Dinar Gamerz 2.0″ .. I created this channel for PC & Android games. I upload daily videos about pc & mobile related games, gaming news Reactions… Read More

  • Secrets of Midnightbirds: EPIC Hardcore Minecraft

    Secrets of Midnightbirds: EPIC Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft Ep.1’, was uploaded by Midnightbirds on 2024-02-19 18:00:10. It has garnered 31 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:42 or 1662 seconds. Sorry for the audio issues. they will be fixed next video. Hardcore Minecraft is Minecraft locked on the hardest difficulty. You have one life where you have to try to survive as long as you can. This is my attempt Read More

  • Insane Mining Academy for Creepers – The Respecter

    Insane Mining Academy for Creepers - The RespecterVideo Information This video, titled ‘Если бы криперы могли пойти в шахтерскую академию’, was uploaded by The Respecter on 2024-02-21 20:15:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft HACKS on Ander Bling’s FIRST VIDEO! Subscribe now! #SMP

    INSANE Minecraft HACKS on Ander Bling's FIRST VIDEO! Subscribe now! #SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘First vid subscribe #minecraft #smp #viral #hack #funny’, was uploaded by Ander Blings on 2024-01-07 23:35:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane 8 Mods for Minecraft YOU MUST TRY! 1.20.1, 1.18.2

    Insane 8 Mods for Minecraft YOU MUST TRY! 1.20.1, 1.18.2Video Information This video, titled ‘8 New Minecraft Mods You Need To Know! (1.20.1, 1.18.2)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-03-25 11:00:23. It has garnered 55611 views and 2253 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:09 or 789 seconds. 8 New Minecraft Mods You Need To Know! (1.20.1, 1.18.2) 0:00 -Epic Fight: Obsidian Can Cry 1.18.2 (Forge) 7:47 -Airstrike Mod 1.20.4 —— 1.20.1 (Fabric) 9:59 -Back Weapon Slot 1.20.1 —— 1.18.2 (Forge) 10:25 -Instant Sleep 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) 10:49 -Item sharpness 1.20.1 —— 1.19.4 (Forge) 11:17 -AutoHarvest 1.20.4 (Fabric) 12:10 -Xp from… Read More

  • Endless Minecraft Phone Addiction?! 👀 #Minecraft2024

    Endless Minecraft Phone Addiction?! 👀 #Minecraft2024Video Information This video, titled ‘POV: So-Called Phone Addiction. – (Minecraft Short) – #Minecraft2024 – @simonbreaofficial .’, was uploaded by JakeyDboy47 on 2024-06-12 06:48:50. It has garnered 8943 views and 232 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Hello, I am JakeyDboy47. I like to play Plants vs Zombies, Fortnite, Minecraft, Rocket League, Rogue Company, Among Us, Goat Simulator, Fall Guys and Multiversus. I also like to post cartoon videos and Minecraft Skits I’ve made. My Favourite YouTubers are Typical Gamer, SypherPK, Nick Eh 30, LazarBeam, Lachlan, Loserfruit, GhostNinja, CourageJD and Ninja. My best friends are… Read More

  • ¡Increíble video Viral de Minecraft Mod en 2021!

    ¡Increíble video Viral de Minecraft Mod en 2021!Video Information This video, titled ‘Vídeo completo en el canal #viral #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #mods #minecraftpemods’, was uploaded by Gotenks333 on 2024-02-20 00:10:57. It has garnered 1013 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Firework Show in WDW!

    EPIC Minecraft Firework Show in WDW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft/ WDW – Firework Show’, was uploaded by LegoMaker961 on 2024-06-17 04:12:07. It has garnered 3 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:15 or 375 seconds. From The Minecraft DLC: Magic Kingdom I don’t own any of the rights to anything. The Music in the show is owned by The Walt Disney Company. U.S. Parody and Copyright Law: Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section,… Read More

  • MineLett Network

    MineLett NetworkMe complace presentarles MineLett, un servidor que aspira a crecer junto con su comunidad. Nos esforzamos por estar atentos a sus inquietudes, quejas y sugerencias para mejorar constantemente. Actualmente, MineLett ofrece la modalidad de SkyBlock, donde encontrarás una amplia variedad de características. Además, estamos emocionados por las próximas actualizaciones que traerán aún más emocionantes características a la experiencia de juego. ¿Qué estás esperando para unirte a nosotros? Ven y diviértete con la comunidad de MineLett, ¡ayúdanos a crecer juntos! Read More

  • All Of Create SMP Modded Java Whitelist roleplay

    Welcome to All of Create! Version: 1.19.2 (Modded) Discord: Join our Discord server About Us: We’re a small modded survival multiplayer server looking for members to join and play. Get more information about us in our server! Join Us: First join our Discord using the link above, then fill out the application to be added to our whitelist. You can find the mod pack and IP in the server’s Info channel. Read More

  • Vampirism semi anarchy

    The version is 1.19.2 forge. The list of mods is here: Sundamage is disabled to allow for more natural combat between players and to allow people to skip the night if there aren’t many people on, also it uses pre 1.9 combat Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Stealing leads like a boss😎

    Looks like someone is really on a leash with those leads 😂 Read More

  • Mining Madness: Bnuuy SMP Minecraft Mayhem

    Mining Madness: Bnuuy SMP Minecraft Mayhem Welcome to the Bnuuy SMP, where Minecraft dreams come alive, From Warden encounters to Skeleton Horse rides. Besieged by Pigllagers, facing a three-fer scare, But don’t worry, our players always have a flair. Debris Beginner’s Luck, a Chicken Thief on the loose, Bunny Wrenches and AFK Saboteurs, what’s the use? A Death of a Friend, a YEET in the night, Hot Potato games and Axolotl Zoomies in sight. Stranded at Sea, with Chimkim by your side, Each moment captured, each adventure a wild ride. So join us on the Bnuuy SMP, where the fun never ends, With Minecraft highlights… Read More

  • Minecraft Troll Face meme💀🔥

    Minecraft Troll Face meme💀🔥 “Why did the Minecraft Troll Face go to the party? To mine his own business!” 😂 #dadjokes #minecraftmemes Read More