Pur3Tic – I Spent 1000 Days in Different Animes in Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]

Video Information

This is the tale of how I survived 100 days in better Minecraft one piece for those of you who don’t know one piece is a mod that adds Pirates and devil foods to the game and better Minecraft get this makes Minecraft better within these 100 days in better Minecraft one piece

My goal is to become the pirate king and defeat all the bosses along the way it all began with day one where I was stranded in this little boat with no food I don’t want to end up down there so my game started to lag and if you’re

Wondering why it’s because the broth is born oh okay I was wondering why it’s lagging I guess because of this thing oh damn who’s that oh villagers oh we are in hardcore mode so I don’t want to go up to any of those because I might die please bro don’t worry all

Right what do you have oh yeah he’s got a sword I don’t think I should go up there because they might attack me and I don’t want to die so for now Don Craig gets to live because we weren’t strong enough hello Marine captain I am totally a friend please don’t kill me

Are you like best friends now I’m gonna be a pirate so he might try killing me later on he’s trying to kill me now actually I’m just gonna quickly run away kind sir don’t mind me just taking the long run there’s a big there’s a big ax

Let’s see what I can just normalize to me actually I’m just gonna make my way on to land because once I get them through I cut oh my God oh my God perfect timing actually wait a minute okay can I kill you can I you know what you’ve been a bad fish buddy

Come on oh we are on hardcore mode so this is going to get me killed isn’t it I don’t die boom all right that was easier than expected we are playing with three different Minecraft uh one piece mods so we’re gonna have three different um devil fruits

But one of them is reserved for Luffy style food because I want to have Luffy’s Powers but till then we can go exploding what’s that oh hello it’s a ladybug I thought you attacked me and it’s dead it’s dead it died a peaceful death not with the

Sword all right so while we’re here let me quickly just uh do this so for one of the mods we need to select our faction and everything so we’ll become pirate will be let’s say human and then we’ll be brawler because you know Luffy’s a

Brilliant one no we got a few stacks of bread from this Marine building and it looks like the Marines still don’t know that I’m a pirate but that does change kizu I don’t know who that is but I don’t want to fight a boss I want to go explore all of this stuff

Actually oh my God how big is that boat oh my God I didn’t think I’d come across a Thousand Sunny this soon this is the Thousand Mary or something is Luffy’s boat it’s a Luffy’s current boat I’m not go up to one piece so yeah I won’t know

Much about this but hey pretty sure this is their current boat this has to be the caramel you know what I know I’m gonna do you see all of that gold that’s gonna come in handy later on I spent majority of the day exploring the ship and when

It got dark we might have broken it let’s while we’re here I want to see if Luffy’s here we’ve got Sanji oh wait we can right click on information right click to get okay learn black like all right we’re gonna We’re not gonna start doing any quests

Just yet because I want to explore everything before I started but where’s Luffy Frankie hello buddy yo yo it’s a full-on cyborg all right oh Luffy we found the man himself right click to get gear Quest all right I’m not I’m not gonna start any Quest but I really

Remember this because I want to come back here later on and I want to unlock those but first I want to do a bit of just exploration what’s up here okay we got a library and everything okay well I wouldn’t say this is much of a library but here thank you please

Don’t be mad I know you maintained the ships but I’m I do the apologizing bro I I do apologies I I just need it for a bed he’s gonna borrow three words I’m pretty sure they won’t mind right they definitely won’t mind I asked Luffy

And he said it’s fine but I can just make a sleeping bag oh if you’re enjoying this journey remember to like And subscribe don’t worry we will come back to replace that word later attack a marine or not where’s this guy sorry you can’t I’m lonely pirate go away oh my God

Saver I’ve got an eye patch or can be a pirate with just one eye it’s fine also’s fighting this lady oh no oh no get me out of here please please please please please I don’t die I Don’t Wanna Die I don’t want to die I don’t want to die

We need the armor we need to die myself I think there’s diamonds up here so on top of the Marine buildings there is a chest with a diamond block in here and from the first building I made a chess play from the second building I made the

Leggings and from the Lost building we made the helmet and boots with full diamond armor so we’re gonna be pretty safe but now I want to go explore this world because this isn’t just vanilla Minecraft it’s it’s better Minecraft so there’s so much things to explore so let’s go have fun

With that shall we can we take these low-level captains on I don’t I don’t I don’t want to challenge them I want to be more overpowered before I even try to attempt to kill them all right we found this base this offers us a diamond set

I wish I found this a bit earlier just so I didn’t have to waste my diamonds you know I could have actually used them for something else but having a space of diamond armor doesn’t hurt okay it was a lot easier to beat what do you draw drop the framework oh

Gonzo okay okay I got a gun now I didn’t realize it’s nice to use Okay boom if anyone messes with the boom boom boom you’re not B you’re there oh it does 100 damage okay we might be stronger than I thought all right all right it’s the Marine captain he’s the Marine Captain about to die come on come on Okay get back nobody oh is that alvida nope I just want to kill this guy I don’t want to fight the other two all right I’m just gonna run away thank you thank you don’t mind me oh no oh no I don’t know who that is but

He’s even strong he’s from strong I don’t wanna don’t wanna die so I’m just gonna run for my dear life one two three and he’s almost dead there you go buddy come on all right he’s dead oh no I’m being chased by more Marine Captain’s Kobe come on

He’s dead you see another one how many is there buddies die so I went FK and I thought the game would be pause but turns out it doesn’t for a second I thought I was being killed by a ghost but it just turns out there was a marine on top of the tree

Come on I just I was FK for two seconds buddy oh my God weapon down there budgies my HP keeps getting released that’s just very weird don’t know why if you keep seeing my HP garage it’s just the two mods of being weird but don’t worry it

Does fix itself later on you know what can I take this guy one don’t seem that strong come on oh you dropped something okay oh get back all right I want to see what this guy dropped what’s this looks interestingly odd weirdly odd if you guys mind can you just like move

Out the way please thank you bazooka is strap bazooka it’s literally a straight up bazooka yep four of them on him while I was trying to figure out how the Rockets worked I was attacked by not one Captain but two eight ammo let’s try this oh no this is actually

Oh no oh no he said he’s he’s a high level he’s a high level captain these are both high level captains actually oh boys your boys time out time it’s great recent timer actually worked okay time to run when you come can I actually ah nope nope we’re going to run away run

Away save us if you’ve been watching my videos then you know this is what I like to call it tactic and Retreat this is a pillage Outpost it is villages can I just like take the loot without starting the battle can you guys like no attack me okay okay

All right together I didn’t want to risk dank after those pillages I found this Watchtower and they didn’t like me oh oh there’s no way I’m gonna win that bad or can I or would I or should I come on come here buddy come here buddy come

Here buddy we might actually be able to take them on actually where are they come on oh you dropped yourself oh no way oh I gotta try it let’s go how do I use it I’ve never had one before come here come on there’s an accident it’s more of them ouch

It’s very mean what you’re doing buddy just you know just don’t do what you’re doing whoa okay I like that I like that I like that look having difficulties using a ladder no please or anything stop it no let me use the ladder please don’t don’t shoot don’t shoot you know I was

You’re gonna die trying to use the goddamn ladder bro let me use the stupid ladder all right all right you guys have to die you guys are dying all right so I need a gun to get double food where’s these guys right there dad one two three boom why please you know what

I come here you’re dead you’re all dead you’re all dead you’re dead you’re dead you’re dead come on just die just ah boom yo this is a witch I don’t like witches all right boom there’s one more there’s one more there’s one more oh my God I almost

Jumped off now buddy come here buddy you know what I wanna I’m gonna hit you off well I’m gonna kill you apparently this is that’s a strong man yeah they didn’t have the best loot it’s not just me right this looks like something you can open but turns out it’s just a

Normal block while giving a raccoon some food I accidentally hit her and Mr Bones wasn’t happy about that hello coins there’s some red oh my bad my bad okay that guy seems strong that guy seems strong I kind of forgot that swords don’t work on this guy so that’s

What we’re barely doing any damage okay I need to get some Enchanted armor ASAP can I take you on just gonna run away you know what please let me run away bro please just let me run away I don’t want to deal with you please I just want to place food I just

Want a place to sleep it’s fun place to sleep please pirate Captain come on we should have mutual respect to each other and not just kill each other yo it’s kind of cool what’s this come on come on dude just get away from me just get away

Oh all right we found some ancient ruins I don’t think this was a ruin but maybe a dragon skull so there’s a chance of finding a dragon in a temple and it’s around 10 but I wasn’t so lucky and you’ll see why oh a jungle Tom Pearl or I would find a temple

Now Legend has it that inside of these if you’re lucky who does this law and his lawn needs to be bad I’m not challenging is that a release sorry snake you know you know all right so as I was saying Legend has it but if you climb down here there’s a

Chance of you finding a mythical dragon I really hope I get one I really want one please please please remind that what is that the mouse it allows you nope no dragon All right we’ve got horse armor so I’ll keep that for the dragon that we are gonna find and we’re gonna we’re gonna find one yeah I’m not gonna Rob The Village’s house not yet maybe later on look at me I’m so nice I didn’t Rob them because they literally didn’t have anything good

Where’s this guy is the blind guy isn’t he he’s a blind guy that can bloody bring down a meter on it it’s gonna run for my dear life come here oh my God there’s a there’s a lot of views in there come on Boys Boys Boys calm down let’s let’s

Oh get me away from this guy I don’t want to die I Don’t Wanna Die why is he still chasing me go away let’s go away I’m not ready to fight you yet just go away come back in about 30 maybe 40 days maybe a few take your time going

Back in 60 days okay oh all right you’re the trainer hockey training you’re not strong enough all right what about the Snowman I don’t have any chance okay come on buddy come on someone has to have trials for me all right so we’re gonna learn hockey eventually just don’t know how to get

Started on that okay okay I don’t know the guy’s name but I know of that logo or the guy actually I’m not gonna lie this was a really good ship maybe we can steal it later I don’t want to take that challenge here but you know is that

It’s a lot a lot of pirates hey guys could I could I join your crew I’ll take that as a no who is that oh that’s you just oh that’s the guy with the mask okay I really need to catch up with that I don’t know who that is but yeah I don’t

yeah I’m gonna quickly run away before he gets out of that ship I don’t want to die I found this really cool thing underwater I’m not gonna die by coming in here some oh I’m drowning oh I’ve got observation hockey all right let’s go wait is that that guy

I’m gonna do something you should never do and dig straight down so while in a weird sand biome I noticed on the mini map there was a night so I began investigating excuse me hi sir just thank you damn well I don’t think we’re gonna mess with him

Just yet I I’m not fully prepared to just die just yet so yeah I didn’t feel like dying yet so we’ll come back to him later I found another Temple and you know what that means oh that was very close honey bottles saddle we need to saddle

Now that horse please wait fully flavor come on please please please please is it just a myth these dragon eggs not a thing just everyone’s been lying to me they are not a myth and I do find one later on it’s just not the color I wanted so my game started lagging and

This is why holy okay I understand the lag I understand why I lagged we found something it looks like I figured out how to kill this guy we’re so close to being just that where’d he go where is he oh buddy he’s so close to death just die

All right we killed him we killed him officially murderous since we’re here let’s get revenge for Nami all right buddy let’s go just give me buddy you and me let’s go I can be this guy I can do this guy this guy’s another challenge

How did it was he he was the one that made you um what’s her name the Navigator’s name I forgot Lucy is it Lucy I don’t know I forgot there’s a main guy you guys aren’t the main guy where’s he gone just run away there you go finally show your face fine

You know let’s be you’re a fish man you should be able to swim oh this this is too easy come on make a make it a tiny bit hard for me come on buddy come on all right that’s that’s way too easy literally way too easy oh it’s knife It does more damage but it’s definitely slower oh actually oh it’s because abilities I have my knife oh it’s it has a really long cool down okay okay buddy I forgot I got there for a second technically this isn’t stealing because if you watch the anime you know the raw people so I’m

Just stealing it back and that kind of means I’m a good person first Village I killed some Marine captains I don’t know there’s two of them sorry Lads one at a time one at a time shall we say nobody I challenged Aladdin to a fight maybe I’m stronger than him he’s just arrogance

Come on buddy you don’t seem that strong just slithering smoke I need to keep power on my HP that’s gonna get me killed I’m not really sure why I’m killing these low-level Marines and Pirates who’s going to town with a gun we’re trying to use it purity’s reach the goal open your eyes

Wide I’m gonna show you we went inside of this Marine base and pretty much killed everyone this is when I realized we were starting to get super overpowered or a smoker smoke a smoker okay you’re quite strong come on buddy oh let me keep my gunshot

There’s a Logan so I don’t know if my gun will hit him it doesn’t okay okay okay come down here come on buddy I got conquerors hockey already there’s Ace Ace you’re strong but oh my God oh my God all right I think the Mind piece mod is making me overpowered as hell and I like it oh you’re the one that gives me okay nice okay all right you’re the person you’re the right person trial all right

Okay I think I got a mission from your abilities I don’t know what this does but hey uh allows the user to move at extremely high speeds in burst Okay so do this one okay oh all right nice I like it okay I can’t use any more though what’s the quest we

Were given we’re given a quest Kill 30 enemies using your fists all right that’s easy that’s doable oh yeah actually one thing I forgot to do is open request book so welcome to better Minecraft I’m just going to quickly do these tutorials and I’ll be right back all right so for me for

Finishing the tutorial we got a bit of bread and this charm which is supposed to go in one of these slots but it doesn’t so if anyone knows what to do with this please let me know in the comments because I can’t figure out I challenge

The sniper King usop tour duel can I take you on maybe this was a mistake oh what’s up can I take you on actually maybe I can’t take loose upon this guy’s a sniper bro come on let me fight you actually you know I got a gun too

I got a gun too we’re playing Call of Duty right now let’s go I don’t think my gun does much damage to you though oh come on what’s up stop it all right what’s up is dead excuse me guys excuse me move full unlocked I don’t think I can

Use any of the moves until I get oh you were giving me trouble earlier you’re giving me a lot of trouble are you dead okay I can I can break Vlog time to be super careful now so I found the Sanchez minions and I knew he had to be close I found the

First bosses but I don’t want to fight them I wanna I don’t know why is he fighting though all right let’s go to sleep and then we’ll come back and take them on oh no okay where’s the guy in the chair I don’t see the main guy my game like Guys guys one at a time please I can’t take you all alone okay no get away get away No get away oh my God how is this guy not dead yet just die kill you with my punches bro for some reason I couldn’t find their leader and soon you’ll find out why take me take me to your leader dude yes take me to your leaderboard is he listening

Yo yo take me to your leader don’t fight me take me to your leader I think he’s in here let’s say Lido remember when I said I was getting super overpowered well this fight will prove how strong I am am I gonna die am I still gonna die like this King too overconfident

Oh no maybe I’m not maybe I’m not maybe I’m not gonna die of being overconfident or maybe I am actually foreign Goku doing all of that yo stop ruining the village bro they’ve done nothing to you Son Goku these people have done nothing to you I don’t think you should be

Destroying their Villages buddy where’d he go Okay oh my God he turned into who the this is where it all ends for me I can’t see nothing get away okay come on come on just die die oh my God I can’t see anything I don’t even have a devil fruit and I’m almost killing them well almost I mean I

Am killing them literally come on nobody just die Jesus is this guy strong this diaper I’m so sorry Villages this ain’t me I promise hello gonna die now come on and he’s dead you can tell how overpowered I am we couldn’t find the leader the sanchi because he wasn’t even

At the Village turns out he didn’t respond what’s that seems interesting hello Google buggy oh this is low oh my God oh look this I don’t know if I should be taking on low this was this might have been a mistake hello oh we defeated low

Okay all right yo who are you say this is your bill oh you’re this guy you’re the clay guy I remember you I remember you come here and you’re dead yo guys guys relax please there you go oh my God I have to say low sword has to

Be one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen in a Minecraft mode I’m trying to find I’m trying to find the first better Minecraft boss not you guys where’s your boss oh no there’s Odin hello Odin don’t mind me if I just you know just kill you come on holy sugar honey okay

After so long guess who we found oh my God oh my God we found him we found him after so many long minutes of waiting that’s the beacon oh he’s attacking me that’s the beacon oh my I was standing still for him not gonna happen today buddy took me forever to find you

Who’s this tiger mink yo hello no excuse me I can’t buddy how do I kill you no don’t oh yo yo yo can you not burn me sir please all right it’s my first time taking this boss on so what is why is the tiger protecting him

Oh no my sword and my sword oh all right we might be able to get something from this hey bro this this is this has been easier than ever yeah not the sun cheese and this time to make it harder I only use my gun pretty much rest of the day was spent

Exploring I opened my first gold treasure chest and the loot was kinda disappointing or barista’s all stats points oh I don’t want that I’m still not giving up on finding a dragon so let’s keep exploring inside this Marine building I found one of the coolest things hello guys don’t mind me

Oh all right it’s getting much easier to kill them oh my god oh look it’s it’s me it’s it’s dead or alive 2002 on only two thousand come on guys put some respect on my name but put it a bit high oh Bazookas nope oh my God that’s a pirate captain and

He’s dead this iron chest gave us our first devil fruit ah um I know disability I know disability loses it yeah let me quickly Google who’s dealt with eyes I I literally just had done a video on this devil fruit not that long ago oh it’s foreign

I really don’t want to use this well keep it in our inventory we’ll keep it I’ll add another one of these Marine buildings and it didn’t have a devil fruit all right kind of we can let’s just I don’t know am I strong enough okay he seems strong

Okay he’s actually strong all right okay okay buddy come on he might be actually where is he oh he’s up there come on come on oh that’s a Time visibility isn’t it who’s that yo can you stop burning me dude thank you all right where is he

We burning me for can you just go away come on dude dude they’re being annoying the big I’ve already killed you once come on it’s dead let me just open my chest in piece did I destroy it no please he made me accidentally destroy my chest

Come on dude seriously how do you do something oh my goodness two of them now you know let me try to take both one at once oh this might actually be the death of me I’ve got two overconfidence oh never mind come on come on buddy you’ve got no eyes but you

Can’t see me and he’s dead I found this weird Temple oh then hello long time no see two odors I didn’t sign up for this bro this might be easier than I expected who’s so stronger that has 8.5 damage I think it’s 1.5 I’ll take I’ll take golden sword I’ll take his sword

Yeah I think next time I do this or when I redo this which I’m probably gonna have to do because how easy this was I have to disable the leveling system and make it way harder because currently I’m just great this is only day 10 we’ve almost

Just become the obvious play in the game I found Riley who was offering a hockey Quest I mocked her on the map and we’ll come back to it later I found this weird bass thing this is quite interesting I don’t know this holy sugar is a filled to the brim with enemies

Okay what is this come on but it’s ties just die die die die it’s filled with Marines and just normal creatures excuse me thank you don’t mind me just like walking in here just want to see this game is curious just curious don’t mind me guys sorry excuse me thank you

Ooh music disc sadism guys excuse me excuse me sorry sorry my apologies have this have this as a peace offering don’t really like the anyways thank you excuse me thanks to this place we got our first dragon egg finally oh my God that took way too long

That took way too long oh thank you you guys you know what I’m never gonna kill you you guys might be shooting at me but you know what it’s fine you give me a dragon you know it’s fine I think you guys might have one more Dragon Egg for

Me I think you’re hiding it that was the stick it’s a crocodile oh look I just want to enjoy your crocodile all right this is quiet is that mushroom Village I think it seems all mushroomy this was one weird Village uh mushroom which is let’s just mushroom something

They clearly do not like they don’t like me being here so you know I think this is a dungeon this seems like a dungeon yo what is this Guns and Roses excuse me I don’t have any oh am I not supposed to be you know what let’s go say hello to whoever’s down

Here don’t mind me spono thank you I have a feeling I’m going down to my death but you only live once we’ll find out oh it’s blocked off who’s trying to make us not come down here is there nothing there it’s just messed up deterioration generation

Oh maybe not actually I think it might just be messed up generation I found the seal that Luffy trained and then I got a bit of a surprise oh hello hello mister like like click you oh you don’t interact or is these things these are things that Lucy trained

And I have my show what do you do can I pick it up oh my God holy oh my God I didn’t expect that okay oh my God this crab is actually strong not strong enough to defeat us apparently but you dropped something for us oh hello

Smoke on the wood you guys might have something for me excuse me excuse me excuse me I can’t open I need to open all of these chests see here lord of the coast who’s the lord of the coast is that you are you the lord of the coast move five unlocked

He’s ain’t giving me devil fruits I yeah I think what we’re gonna need to do is we’re definitely gonna oh fire iron this remember we saw Don Krieg on day one and he was allowed to live well now we’re much stronger and discovered all the cheap tricks I think

That cloak turns into spikes or something like that all right buddy come on let’s go one on one we’re gonna okay that was um easier than expected to say the least but we finally found who the lord of the coast is come on die die you huge sea creature

It’s one of these things that took off shank songs turns out all this gold is fake so we can’t even use it oh my God it’s fake gold okay wait wait there’s fake gold in this so we go oh my God so we can’t Rob them I’m not sure what this

Place is at first I thought it might have been an underground Village but it wasn’t excuse me excuse me not y’all are gonna die altogether oh no come on let’s come on let’s slow down please please you can all take turns dying I might have found the gold duplication glitch

By accident so if I do that I think it’s really nine wait oh my God wait I want to do okay so all we need to do all right so we got I get one use like that gives me nine we just found a dupe I feel I want to

Make a house because we got way too in is that kaido can I oh my God we can’t be kind of there’s no way come on come on you’re not gonna be any challenge for us are you here’s a devil who uses and he was stuck in water so you know what

That wasn’t really fair for him we went past some really cool biomes we finally found an area to make a house let’s put our stuff here for now because I don’t want it to get destroyed then we got wood which was made super easy by one of the mods that breaks the whole

Tree when you just break one block I got a bit more wood then I began clearing some land and making a flat surface it’s a new day and with the latte look at how cool the fences are in this mod I went around and fenced off this whole area so

Mobs couldn’t come in but that kinda failed you’ll see why I made a little area for the dragon and now it’s time to wait for it to hatch while killing this pirate I blew up some land I’m just glad he wasn’t near the dragon but now we gotta fix it now it’s

Time to make a farm and this one wasn’t that hard to make but I think it looks really good after making the form the dragon hatched my fishes with my fish I carried these forever but now okay come on buddy okay we got my you Tamed

Don’t say he eats all the fishes and he’s still a baby so we have to wait for it to grow you know it’s been a while you know we might as well strike um Kuma’s ability so Oh wrong button this is the abilities I will go through so

Oh there’s actually quite a lot in here I’ve also we unlocked a bit of this but we don’t need that let’s try this out so I wanted to try out my new devil fruit and I saw a NL ship so I went to say hello all right anime how you doing long

Time no let’s try to kill me oh akasi what do I have I can’t see anything Roblox me teleport I’m active in abilities I have no idea what they do and oh wow okay this one’s alive hopefully this time we don’t run away buddy oh oh whoa whoa whoa I didn’t realize this

Happened you’re sick okay yo I didn’t realize it okay I didn’t realize it does that oh kind of one tapped him I found the legendary Shanks we have the legend shank should I try to you know let’s try taking them on I mean we already know we’re strong as hell so

That’s the telephone whoa I do the apologizing Shanks I might end up dying here bro thanks buddy oh it’s lift look at this guy all right come on I’m gonna have to use my sword too why sharks are strong I was one showing everyone but now Shanks just came along nope you’re not gonna want to show me foreign How is this guy too strong we don’t have a devil fruit so that’s making it a lot harder actually we do have a dog food but not not the correct one all right okay ready okay thank his diamonds die come on foreign I can’t get close to water Shanks get away

Let me clean your water you know I’m trying to tease my devil geez why is this guy so strong Okay finally be redhead Shanks this was one of the hardest battles so far I found two two years later Luffy and Anna hiding inside his bow oh Jesus strawberry come on how many Luffy’s is there there’s two luffies okay come on doofy’s back up are these the ones with the fifth gear I

Hope they’re not yo he’s got 40 yeah that’s not good okay you know what I’m not as strong as I thought I was come on leave me just die buddy I don’t kill Lucy whoa whoa whoa come on one of these dead I don’t die All right you know I want to get to the level where we can just one tap these people I opened some treasure chests hoping I could find another devil fruit we didn’t get a devil fruit but we did get two netherai ingots I did a bit of

Fishing so we could get some food for our Dragon I opened another chest and guess what damage route I got now we have the same devil fruit twice and this is only possible because I have three different one-piece modes installed so technically we can still get one more

Which we will do later for some reason my carrots weren’t growing so today is the day with all my problems began because this is such a huge mod pack it made my game Crash a few times so I lost today’s footage and it messes some things up I decided that I wouldn’t make

A house because that would be a mistake as it’ll probably just get destroyed our Dragon still needs to grow so we did some more fishing I tested the sun Chief’s mask and it was really cool so Broski swimming for the dragon to grow I was fighting a few Marines when the

Dragon teleport to me no dragon dragon go away dragon go away dragon Go away You’re Gonna Die oh no try again please please please run dragon he’s stuck oh no sit down so that’s it done okay boo now let’s make this quick because I don’t want to lose everything oh ready go

Oh I’m dying am I dying I don’t know I’m dying come here buddy is he dead where is he he’s behind me no come here while holding an item how do I keep getting an item in my hand oh did that actually work nope didn’t work it’s day 20 and finally

Our dragon is fully grown so we can put a saddle on him me and the dragon flew back to the night boss and we challenged him go go go go fly but who’s here go away stupid boy stop playing the dragon he did nothing to you be careful the cactuses when you sit

Down okay come on buddy okay he’s barely doing any damage to me actually When you do that I’m gonna fix this don’t mind me actually you know what don’t hit me nothing he’s doing absolutely nothing All right now now we can hear him I think can one tap it now well this has made this a lot easier than expected so let’s do that so we’re just doing normal swing right yeah it’s the normal swing but the shift right click oh all right oh whoa whoa

Whoa took me a while to figure out how to do the right shift but yo can you find diamonds like this maybe maybe I saw some lava and we needed obsidian so I landed my dragon that’s when I was attacked Dragon sit down hello oh no sit down dragons

No he’s dead his room made us kill a dragon but last of I I didn’t mean to kill him I thought I was attacking it’s all your foot he didn’t have a very long life but hopefully he had a happy one we got some obsidian today was spent going home I

Wanted to make an enchanting cable but I didn’t have sugarcane or leather so I went to find some I found this Marine base and hopefully they have bookshelves oh thank you for making oh perfect actually excuse me Captain don’t mind me you know borrowing some books this Marine

Building gave us a enchanting table with all the books that we needed oh this kaido come on title we can beat you buddy come on buddy where’s that he’s dead two Diamond chests okay nice that has to give us different fruits a good one I got a new devil fruit from a treasure

Chest but when I ate it nothing happened all right what do we get for this whoo okay now this this is something I cannot try okay then let me switch my abilities but let’s hope this can give us a devil fruit and some lapis oh That’s actually amazing I was hoping for Luffy’s but hey I’ll take it I’ll eat that okay nice we got Aces Powers now as well so right now we got three double fruits so Aces and the other two mod has excuse me five sir

Oh yeah I can fly and yep so this is the thing now because you know I got Aces power he’s gonna fly around using it it’s Unbreaking today all right protection to Unbreaking three Protection full no lap is left for us or okay that’s fine take that take that I’m Gonna Let

The Right another right another right boom boom boom excuse me or this I wanted poster oh and my band is worth 6930 now which is still kind of disappointing I thought you’d be worth a lot more oh this is one rock Luffy he’s running he’s actually running away from me

Snow White Luffy was running away from me Oh diet what is yeah forcing I’m sorry goofy 50 aloof yellow buddy you look very cool don’t you you know what I was about to go to the nether but I forgot that we need a flint and steel so let’s go find some gravel today was basically spent exploring the nether

Detroit I press around to kill one of this to summon the thing upstairs All right that’s about the ashes now I think what I need to do is literally just summon this right smacking They go we have the man himself ignis He’s barely doing any damage to me oh you can do the teleportation Jutsu come but you’re doing nothing to me oh come on no one tablet oh it’s actually quite strong about how about now come on wait wait a minute oh he’s gone blue I like this blue English

Come on this is super easy for me how about you know what it’s crazy hey let’s not ruin the battle arena come on come on leave this call my name this is so easy to be but where’s he gone oh he’s there home buddy come on buddy And that was easier than expected thank you very much three ignis uh ingots he only dropped three of the ingots and we need four to make a full set so let’s pile him again come on how fast I bet he’s been vanilla this is super hard but you know stay stay cool

Give me your stuff don’t drop it don’t drop in the lava please don’t drop in the lava he gave us three more and we got a book and that’s not the book all right oh we’ve got another bounty what’s about you now 7221 next to ignis is Arena what’s the

Other boss so I had to fight him how do I destroy this thing um hello you want some nice battle music you got there buddy can I like just one tap here how does it work oh he’s quite strong but you know sadly not strong enough to kill me Come on come on time he’s strong but not strong enough and that was easy sorry buddy didn’t mean to kill you well technically I did I just lied whoa or did I just destroy my loot or Fasteners to be another right oh makes sense makes sense all right so

I’m trying to kill me day 25 was spent trying to find the Fortress let me tell you that didn’t go so well for some reason it’s so rare to find fortresses in this mod pack so I gave up and now we’re trying to find Enderman we didn’t find the Fortress but I didn’t

Find this weird cave with blazes and I didn’t find any Enderman so I traded with piglets we have everything we need so let’s go find the Ender Dragon game not loaded in this is actually how it generated so I’m guessing my luck is just up wait what

What lava Walker oh I didn’t know I didn’t know this was a thing all right let’s get the let’s get this finished okay I don’t take that much damage from this sorry Mr Dragon just give me a second it’s gonna quickly finish this up don’t mind me

Just you know quickly finishing this up boom and boom oh well that’s kind of cool I don’t want it though I don’t want it and then if you just go over here oh we’re actually doing damage too it’s kind of attached to this one attached it no it doesn’t

All right that’s all of them destroyed now This is glitter damage without Foods Okay I guess you have to damage like this oh And his runoff no the sword try to do damage I don’t know do I he’s dying the preacher’s dying right he’s dying am I am I seeing stuff was he actually taking damage he is oh my God who’s going up to him punching him come on

As if there was two overpowers they get dragon come on how are you going to come on Dragon to die let’s die buddy Well it’s nice it’s so nice knowing you we’re seriously overpowering this and my game’s starting to get so laggy I am reporting this on replay mode and just vanilla that is killing my game but I think we’re gonna definitely have to redo this because it’s way not fair it’s definitely not fair

I I’m not gonna go to any City well I think I’ll do is leave that for next time because I really want to redo this video and make myself not this overpowered because then we can actually have fun but I think for now we’ve completed what I’ve wanted to okay

Where did that go let’s see that’s what the heck oh I didn’t bring anything to pick it up with I didn’t break it oh no put it to that you have torches um hopefully this will work I don’t know if it will I’m just really hoping it will break yes without the egg

All right we’ve pretty much finished the vanilla version of Minecraft and even a bit of the better Minecraft but like I said it’s getting way too laggy all right so we’ve summoned them in now I’m pretty sure he’s gonna be one of the harder mods to actually build

I don’t know if we can actually beat him actually okay we’re gonna have to fight with our hands somebody so now he’s in trouble yeah and he’s not dying how is this overpowered but still can’t take on Goldie Roger You’re dead you’re dead I just gotta go on a buff or something’s happened I’m not even doing damage to him oh when I use that sword I don’t do damage to him that’s whoa This is really strange come on Seriously how are you not strong enough to beat the pirate king we’ve been one showing everyone Oh My God Still loaded I think I might die before he does there’s no way we die before he does Okay buddy oh okay buddy all right all right it’s a lot stronger than I thought he was Come on right you can’t even fly out I can’t use any of my turn to abilities oh wait okay nice I saved myself This man’s just broken water itself I’ve not been doing any damage to him am I foreign First we’re going to become a harshiro and defeat all the demons once we’re finished at that we’re gonna attend to the dark side and become a demon and be all the Asher is can we complete our goals well you have to watch till the end to find out trust me there was some

Crazy fight just look at this one only a few of my viewers are actually subscribed so if you’re one of them join the cool gang by subscribing I spawned into the world completing the first mission yeah that’s how good I am you know hello enosuke and then we have uh

Cobblestone and made some tools we killed a few pigs Look across our first demonstructure which sadly didn’t have much to offer Paco well actually made that I didn’t think I was gonna make it he got dark and I came across my first demon and I totally didn’t get scared of it oh my God I would actually scared me I

Thought we’re gonna die surprisingly it took a long time to kill not being a very good Demon are you being a very unconsiderate you know what yeah that’s right okay I was driving we got the Demon Slayer uniform we got a sword was it what are we gonna get

We’ve got missed okay all right I was hoping more tangible is fine we got the missed breathing style which isn’t tangerous breathing style but we’ll have to put up with it for now I was looking for demons to fly and I found one but yeah oh no that’s that’s upper Moon too

No no no that’s not the moon two we’re not level no no no no no no no no no no no no no get me out of here get me out of here wind torture or the sound sorcerer you’re the sound husher isn’t it

I think so can we get a rip in the comments for Mr Bull run run and day two was mostly just exploring and I think we’re trying to find the area to build a base I came across this demon and it took me a little too long to realize that I’m

Still really really weak I don’t think I’m strong enough to take you on broski [Applause] yeah that’s the sound of a defeated man looks like my luck’s turning around because I found a village okay we found the village was inside the village we got bad got some will you take the Emerald

I don’t know what I’ll use that for but hey I’ll take it the village didn’t have much to offer but I did steal just kidding I borrowed the hay bale forever we are still not high enough level to fight sabito so we have to fight a few more demons first Come on come on die die nice we reached a new level I came across the man the legend the myth zenitsu he’s got some very cool attacks if he’s in the anime you know I’m talking about hello zunitsu big fan big fan can I get an autograph can you please sign my bed

Oh handy mint sorry I had to pause the video but whenever I kill this handyman it doesn’t count towards the achievement so if you know what I’m doing wrong let me know in the comments go go go go come on come on come on come on we can finish this fight Well excuse me I just killed a hand demon why didn’t I finish the mission me and Salvador teamed up to kill the drum demon then I might have betrayed him for the greater good in this one time it’s one time for the one time nice oh buddy I don’t actually I don’t

Accidentally step on your toes come on samito come on come on no please don’t kill me saboto please we can be best friends we can be friends we can be friends no stop can I kill you are you dead I don’t know nice mission to complete it kills Sabato

We finally found an area to make our base so I set up a little work area I got too confident in my fighting abilities and had to pay for it oh we can take you on Mr rip demon oh okay okay all right run run tactical run tactical run in the whole

Yeah turns out I forgot to set my spawn point so we have to walk all the way back there and trust me it took forever I returned to where I was killed but sadly Malu had despawned yeah this wasn’t a great start I came across red

Goku and if you haven’t seen the train Arc movie you need to because you’re so good oh no Temple demon when did you become so strong oh no water breathing water breathing Fairway stay away from me demons oh no oh no I need help I need help defenseless I need help

Okay I’ve leveled up so I thought I was safe but turns out Arkansas was just waiting for me over there oh no he’s coming for me don’t look back don’t look back don’t look back Very loud please even Goku where’s everyone I only see demons please oh sure I shouldn’t be allowed to have a pair ball anymore just watch why oh my God um I really shouldn’t be allowed to ride these balls because I don’t even mean to get them killed but yeah wow seriously so

You don’t keep that enough killers killed it now we start a long journey to get to the mountain with those oars so we can make a new uniform I’m Gonna Save Us all some time because these were boring days but we went and collected those oars we finally get to make our

Uniform now we have our uniform let’s go kill some demons and level up I came across the best battle from season 2 where daki and her brother was fighting the sound Archer who do you think will win this battle turkey and her brother who’s winning the fight but you guys

Have your money on I do want to go help I’m just gonna die instantly so I’m rather not get close cow all right there you go oh no he’s about to die oh no dark is so low though All right this this might be a big mistake but hey Come on we needed food so we went on a killing spree we’re still not a hospital yet so let’s go kill some more demons and become one demon you shall die die die die die die all right he’s dead all right we’re one level away from harshera so close

Oh no you food eat food I don’t like this because this is the guy that killed me I think earlier nice we’re harsher we’re the strongest of them all yeah I found upper Moon too okay I’m not in the mood to die so I’m gonna run for my dear life that’s upper Moon two all right we’ve got some lower class demons we can fight oh yeah every time I use a different kind of oh he’s still chasing a seasoning you know what thank you water sword get me

Get me out of here I’m keeping food I need a hospital to help me out any hospital is willing to save me please I decided to fight the robot you Richie because he gives a lot of XP Come on come on you reach I think that’s yeah that is the robo version of him but easy XP right out while running from upper Moon too I saw animal then I was surprised attacked by upper Moon one yeah it wasn’t a fun day and move oh no

I thought I was only starting a battle with one demon but I was wrong to your two demons oh I probably should have used my demons landmark oh no oh no I’m in trouble oh no this was a big mistake was I don’t I don’t see anyone you know oh just disappeared

How many is daytime so you know I made a new nature in Sword the whole thing we could get the good breathing style but we only got missed what am I getting messed up okay I guess we’re stuck with mist I may have accidentally started a bile with the hashira Without Really realizing

Ow oh I’m forcing a harsher I just realized it’s a harshera I should probably get away while you two fight it out yo just get me out of here run while I can boom who is this oh look at this WOW Jesus this is tanjo helping out is that oh we found tanjaro oh we got the guy’s hand and more blood tonjour hello

Tanjiro since I died it means I have a chance of getting a different breathing style we got the best one we could have got and now we have to make more of these swords so we can have these breathing styles on them but first we need more resources so let’s go get some

Now we have a few of these nutrient swords so we don’t need to worry about it anymore yep we did lose the fight to darkiana brother but I promise you we’ll get our event later all right use this where is she She transformed okay Is she gonna die that’s the brother did I just see the hand demon again okay she’s missing her head and I want you to kill him Oh no I’m actually gonna die to these two I really hope I’m not come on this fight is taking way longer than expected come on We made a bunch of bookshelves and you can probably guess why yep it’s for an enchanting table now it’s time for us to actually build a house and yeah it’s not the best but it’ll do Then we built another hot flower mine I spent a few days finding the moves on train biome because it gives a lot of XP for killing those you reaches we needed resources and there’s only one way of getting them so we had to spend a few days mining we made some better uniforms

Which gives more protection today we collected some obsidian to make the enchanting table we finally made the enchanting table and placed it outside along with the bookshelves which gave us level 30 enchants now we can inch on our armor and I know it’s not the best in

Chance but we can get better ones later on since we lost a crawl well I think we lost him but he might actually be dead but that doesn’t matter because we need to tame a new one so he can show us the way to the mountain where Ruby and his family live

And since we’re a harsher now we have to help them okay we came across what ruins that is Louie’s dad to kill who is he sent it to after a while of running around finally I came across rui and I don’t like spiders so let’s make this a fast fight

Hello Mr rui we fight again now oh who’s that the whole movie oh which team are you lost head demon rui not the right time I didn’t eat some food before I can finish killing it I really just getting much easier to kill I saw a fellow hashra in need of

Some help so of course we had to help but I want to say I hate finding this fish guy I’m coming out here don’t die come here Where do you go yeah come on come on we got this battle oh no someone help me someone hit me up yo can someone help me please geez okay now now you’re dead buddy now you’re dead ready go where’d he go you just disappear oh no I just shake

Your lemon didn’t you we spent some time enchanting our sword to make the most powerful sword to kill demons we had to use muzon train biome to get the XP now we have the most powerful sword which will help us kill all the demons in the world I told you welcome revenge on

Docky and Alberta and now it’s the time come on Donkey you’re gonna die today are your heads gone now your brother’s turn racing e t t t now fight ow oh he’s got poison isn’t he come on come on come on you’re gonna die where is it hey come on come on

Oh Jesus he’s gonna set me apart is that the oh come on aren’t you going up because it’s up I’m going to this one all right now what’s happening too hard to have a break in between if I have to waste all my captains on this I’ll do it foreign Exploring oh also I found a few of those buildings that have gold blocks which was nice I was looking to find akaza but instead I found enmu come on let me get the kid on that move God damn it you got the kill again after a while I finally found nakaza

Okay let’s go oh my God he’s got a very nice oh because it’s making me lag lag okay ow I can I it’s so flashy okay I didn’t realize I’m fighting two people at once all right relax I said 2v1s upper Moon three and then I

Don’t know who I don’t know what level this guy is 91 Golden Apple at least because it’s a 2V1 I would not have taken any but the two of you once I have to and to be honest I can’t even see where I’m fighting all right maybe we took another one I’m

Gonna die What form is this Oh no okay Oh nice we killed him wait Lightning who’s a lightning person All right came in clutch and you’re dead after Moon one eat my golden apple oh no okay I was not prepared for this battle but you know what we’re gonna go with it Ready oh come on all right we killed him holy all right that was the I think it’s the first time I’ve ever killed him with one attempt because usually he has to go multiple attempts with this guy but cool there you go Transformer and that’s the one

God let’s see us transform open oh all right all right we’re going to enchant this weapon now I went to the Muslim train biome and gathered some XP to only discover that you could inch on the sword yeah that was a waste of time I was watching docky fight when the muzon

Boss Bar appeared yeah we lost him but we’re not giving up all right we found ourselves a move on come on All right Jesus I’m in trouble oh A lot come on oh no oh my god oh you dropped your hat thank you Mr Michael Jackson I’ll take the hat off you Actually what do I do more damage oh no okay you got your come on I went and borrowed more golden blocks from those buildings so we can make more golden apples finally we’re prepared to fight the main man Muson and luckily for us while climbing the mountain he’s spawned off we go

Michael Jackson you’re in for a treat buddy after an afternoon this I have to win this now is that in the background Come on okay he transformed that’s good we got our DDT gold it up Come on all right come on eating come on come on oh no oh now I’m about to die Come on no no no no no no I’m just gonna eat as much as much as much as much Musa let me go move on let me go Okay Come on come on Come on come on Okay am I being killed again it’s much much Where are you I’m so close I’m so close oh no come on come on Oh no okay oh all righty let’s go I can’t actually believe we were able to kill him in all my other demons live videos we had to achieve by using the lava but this time we actually did it without bare hands right after killing muzo and Demon

Tundra spawn so we have to go kill him okay you meant Angelo remember you’re meant to be a good guy all right come on come on you’re almost dead it’s almost daytime come on where is he oh he’s behind me boom I’m not gonna lie demon Tundra

Wasn’t that hard to kill now it’s time for us to turn to the dark side and become a demon three two one okay we are officially a demon so what we do is if we keep drinking blood we can keep leveling up I think so now

We’re super powerful and our goal is the opposite of what it was so now we have to go kill the harsher is I know you’re thinking it hasn’t been 100 days but I was playing around with the mod file and I kind of forgot to back up my world and

Sadly it got corrupted but I hope you guys still enjoy the video and let me know in the comments if I should attempt this again remember like And subscribe and I’ll see you in the next video this is a torch and he’s the strongest ninja and I’ve been tossed by the hidden Leaf

To take him down our journey starts with a young Naruto okay you’ve gone too far back go forward just a bit there you go like Naruto I’m going to become a ninja by doing missions and leveling up to become the Hokage and to achieve that I gotta do some s-rank missions like

Defeating later on hidden before I could even think about fighting Hitachi oh yeah I forgot to mention this is all happening about Minecraft where these mythical creatures like dragons and our goal are to collect them all but not all creatures are friendly because they are bosses like ignis who’s in control of

The Nether and in my Barrel you can see it didn’t go as planned but before that I got to take down lower level bosses like the forgot Knight and the sun Chief and if I can be all these bosses then Itachi will be waiting for me alright so

For the first time let’s see what clan we get and we got the uchihokla our Uzumaki Clan you know what look at those I’m happy with that I’m happy with that wait a minute did he just say this was the first time because I totally didn’t

Keep restarting the world until I got a good clan you didn’t see anything and let’s get back to the video and let’s hear choker type uh wind release and medical release I think that was already there right yes the medical release was already there you’re just blind oh and Fire release

Let’s go and we got fire releases sick how did I not see the Fire release I swear I’m going blind I’m I’m happy with this I’m really happy with this and I was lag but this was totally my first time um rolling that Clan tape and getting

This this I told him then re-roll actually or something I wanted anyways these are some of the presents from the mod creators so let’s see what we get undefined let’s see which one of these I can get so that one failed we got water DNA felt Implement water okay nice we’re

Just stuck with our two ones that’s fine that’s I quickly did the tutorial for better Minecraft which gave us a few Rewards all right that’s our first mission complete on better Minecraft you’re just finishing the tutorial and as you can see in my inventory we’ve gotten quite a lot of free stuff

First things first let’s see what’s the Naruto first mission of the Hidden Leaf so if you’re a OG Naruto fan you know what this is but oh my God that’s bright that’s right okay yes it’s bright it’s bright in your future in fact Works in class hello students today we are going

To be learning how technique and maybe not all of you will learn it the technique we are going to learn is the shadow clone technique okay that’s that’s fine I can do the shadow clone technique I think all right so we got it right here shutter Cloud no enough Ninjutsu oh oh

Okay let’s see you use skill points to level up your stats and you get these by killing mobs uh and now we can do a shadow clone technique which is like this out just fell off here’s our best friend and our best friend how you doing I

Don’t think he wanted to be my best friend just look at him I knew it look he disappeared alright so that’s the first mission complete in the second mission is bring bone gunpowder and ender pearl to show your courage so those are the items we need to collect

We can come across the Sun Chief which we can I think we can take him on with the iron armor I’m not too sure about that oh yeah I did want to mention the first boss that we have to defeat is the sun Chief we’ve got the ferris warnot

This is the night guy I haven’t fought the snow guy or the conjure why did I have so much trouble saying conjurer I haven’t fought those two yet which I look forward to but I also look forward to fighting the Naruto bosses but you know before we do anything I think

There’s a village up there all right nice we found ourselves a village and they’re gonna offer some hay I mean since we are borrowing hey we will defend them but you know look at me charging for protection like a true mafia boss to protect them hello Rayford

That’s a very unique name you got see I’m already helping them out I I have this I free this guy from his prison prison home Shikamaru all right if I right click him he will give me a quest and we’re gonna do that in just a

Moment but I want to find some wood first yeah when I said just a moment I lied because I kind of forgot about him but we do do it later hello Mr God yo look yes I can I borrow some of your normal do you mind what happened to I

Right click here I don’t want to hate him because he’ll definitely kill me we do have a shout out on YouTube I just got seven Shadow clones can I get seven more oh I just cooled out on it okay I do randomly jump on it while that is

More food Tomatoes what when was Tomatoes added to the game they were added since you installed by a Minecraft please no one mine a tree like how I did it should be a criminal offense but my one was okay because it’s still a bit attached I’m pretty sure they won’t mind

Me doing this because I’m definitely will replace this later I definitely won’t forget where this is and just you know forget everything so not only do I charge them for my protection but now I’m also breaking and using their houses to make my tools this one’s gonna be a

Hard one to explain when I become Hokage watch this epic fail not enough oh my God this sure you can do too it’s not oh oh my God and then in the better Minecraft won’t help me because this ain’t vanilla oh my God oh my God this might have been a mistake

Okay thank you thank you Angela I appreciate that I won’t forget this I like to play a tiny bit of risky Iron Golem iron golem bro it’s getting too close it’s getting too close okay okay okay I’m gonna save me I’m Gonna Save Me oh

No oh no no no no please please please please is there any mind Golem so is that the only one okay I think we’re gonna have to go to sleep I Don’t Wanna Die he’s chasing me I’m not surprised why he’s chasing me so why is that too I

Can’t see Iron Golem please help this reminds me of a cat and mouse game me just getting chased around yes all right nice okay Iron Golem is literally coming in clutch right now but I I say we stopped playing so risky because I don’t want to die

Um this isn’t what it looks like this was my good deed for the Dame you’re welcome Mister let’s see if we can learn our first move let’s learn F5 we’ll do it together we’re running fire what does it do this Jutsu basically creates a circle of fire around me actually wait

We can try on the skeleton oh no I accidentally just used it oh no please stop the fire stop the fire I don’t want to break the oh no that that won’t reach the village right totally won’t reach the village yeah the fight totally won’t reach the village I think I’m immune to

Fire because look at this skeleton trying to be Robin Hood I’m playing a really risky game aren’t I okay okay no no I’m gonna I’m gonna die I’m gonna die I don’t know I’m doing no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God don’t run in the street like don’t run in the state like eat food come on heal regenerate okay okay I’m safe I’m safe I’m safe I thought this day was already over

Okay I learned my lesson so don’t start a battle with the skeleton because they’re apparently stronger than vanilla mobs what a surprise and Bear Minecraft skeletons are harder to be alright so what my plan is I’m gonna try upgrading my health I think that should do

Something right so if I press I next page medicine so I oh let’s upgrade our speed to five and then medicine to five I think that makes us stronger and we got speed boost from that as well so we can run away from mobs we faster the medicines that gives you extra Hearts

Once you put enough skill points towards it what what’s that huge weird fly what is this that was one weird looking thing are you friendly please don’t hurt me myself oh we made the elephant noise yeah I wasn’t sure if elephants were strong so I didn’t want to test my lock

I wouldn’t recommend doing this and soon you’ll see why can I get close enough to use my Fireball juice and run away oh no they’re faster than me they’re faster than me they’re faster than me this was a bad idea this was a bad idea

Oh no well they say even a final juicer can I oh no they’re gonna kill me they’re gonna kill me can I make it to water yes led me to a weird encounter it’s very I don’t think this is a village oh okay oh my God what

That wasn’t me I wasn’t with it he was exactly on his own you have to admit this Village God looks cool okay I told you it was weak but he just got on the one oh no there’s white zetsu is there and I don’t want to mess with them

Is that Sasuke I think that’s Sasuke and I think they are hostile as well so I think these okay what made you think is hostile him throwing Fireballs at you oh my God he’s hostile okay I’m going to sleep I’m going to sleep I don’t want to deal with

This I don’t want to do it this was the bed the question is do we continue on our journey or do we all know turns out the mobs don’t die when the sun comes out so there’s a lot of hostile Naruto mobs oh this is just like um swamp but

Without the swampiness it’s just trees on water I’m not gonna lie that’s very unique but I don’t want to make your house a swamp without the swampiness I’m a genius okay I believe this is 10 10 and I think she has a mission for us was

It uh give me the 32 gold reel I will give you a seven star sword or give me 16 real and I will give you a Sasuke and then a Sasuke sword all right yeah I’m I don’t have enough I just need one more though welcome back to that welcome back

To that I just want to go make your house I want to get iron armor first yeah when I say we’ll come back to it I don’t mean anytime soon we are literally gonna die to anything oh Yak I think that’s a type of cow this

Was cool but only for looking at because the only thing you had to offer was some bookshelves we came across this little house again and honestly I’m still curious where the pool goes I’m gonna call it a new world because I have no idea where this goes to or what time it

Goes down we’ll put it as I made a waypoint to it but I never came back here so I don’t know why I made it oh that’s that’s a new unique bio yeah that was one weird bio oh what purple tree it’s like the new 1.20 but different yes

Different like that’s purple and 1.20 is pink trees this is how animals kill trip you there you go mate okay since I gave you oh my God how many is this if I give one of them food after you follow them food now oh my doesn’t you know what no I’m sorry

I have to run away I don’t have enough food for all of you I’ll get rid of the charm of life because it’s so useless at the moment I I still well it worked on 1.19 but it doesn’t work 1.16 so it’s Religion Open of us having it if you

Actually know what the thing does let me know because I still have no clue what it does it’s just I think I think it’s a good thing yeah if you actually know let me know because I think I’m just dumb talking about things it’s getting dark

And I really don’t want to be out at night especially not near oh my God we found him we found the fact we found the guy we found the guy we found the second boss tonight he’s under here somewhere if you look on the mini map what’s this thing do you attack me

A roadrunner no clue what you are but don’t hurt me please sir does anyone else think of this guy when you think of a roadrunner who’s this guy I don’t know why you’re chasing me buddy oh my God I’m in trouble I would say he’s chasing

You because he wants to hurt you hey is that what I think it is it’s just it’s a temple it’s a jungle temple not jungle temple it’s a desert temple oh my God oh my God all right okay this could be really good this could be really good we could get our first

Dragon okay I’ll explain so there’s basically around 10 to 13 chance of finding a fire dragon in a desert pyramid but I’m not that lucky or am I I drag in your mind dragon dragon spawn dragon spawn leave me uh leave a leave a comment saying if you think I’m gonna

Get a dragon diamonds I never thought I wouldn’t be as excited for diamonds but hey I don’t really need gold as much Golden Apple will take get rid of potatoes okay we can never get a dragon can we a jungle temple Dragon it’s just annoying our books oh my God there’s another one

There’s another night boss here I know some of you probably saw the Knight a bit earlier but as you can tell by this video I can be blind at times so this is actually my first time seeing it no it’s just the people again it’s just the peoples I still haven’t found the

Bossier so I don’t know where he is hiding but I guess we’ll come across him soon enough but I want to make a house somewhere here yeah this sanchi was definitely hiding from me but he is the first boss that we need to take down so

Don’t worry we’ll get to him soon enough you know I I think we’re gonna set up a little Camp over here so I kind of let this Village down in the future and I’m not really proud of it but enjoy it while you can oh my God another one

We’re gonna have a field with these night bosses no you won’t have a field day with the night boss because they’re a lot stronger than you think they are ah okay I’m not really good at making houses so I’m totally not gonna just find a good house on Google Images and

Copy that yeah I totally didn’t do that you know what they say about giving a kid a fire but surprisingly I didn’t burn this whole area down that’s right I can kill them this way okay now time to come up with my own unique house design which I will definitely not be

Stealing from the internet I can totally do that all right I told you didn’t Google a house design you know it’s gonna be original idea definitely didn’t look it up on Google so let’s get some wood so we can start making that house because it’s my very own idea excuse me mister

Uh this is my house could you mind like did I just say house what house where just don’t stomp on me that that won’t be good but that won’t go well for both of us mate today sort of boring but I was just clearing some dirt can I just

Burn you guys like are they scared of me to answer that question they weren’t scared and they didn’t attack me because I was wearing one of their masks I don’t know why is that why is that history okay okay I don’t think I can take on a white zetsu

I don’t I don’t want to use a golden apple I don’t really I really don’t use a golden apple where did he even come from I don’t even see him all right burn okay good okay okay all right I’ll wait to make this house ASAP I

Don’t want another one of them to spawn and kill us let me tell you making this house was definitely not quick now it’s time to make the house left off like how the thing’s not so it goes like I’ll start from here so one and then he has

One two three blocks in between and has another one I think this is going to be one of my better houses definitely because it’s my unique idea and you know I’m not copying your image from Google I mean who how bad of a builder would you

Have to be to do something like that so far I think the house is coming along good if I come back and see it broken was it I mean that one I mean that one all right listen up I need your attention if y’all mess with my post well it’s still setting

I’ma eat that one sorry all the elephants you heard me if you break my house I’m gonna eat your friend colleague family I don’t know guess what it’s back to making the house it’s a fresh morning I guess time to go do some more deforestation all right

I’m gonna have to use my flame powers to kill him if you’re gonna follow me through the Flames buddy you’re gonna die Through the flames come on come on I’m gonna use my big brain it means my big brain to kill me how’s this working how’s this actually working

Oh what hey what are you gonna do oh you gotta ha stay oh my God it’s getting way too close for comfort and then again come on walk through all this fight together yes uh that’s why he’s got Susan that’s smart how cool would it have been if the elephant actually helped me

Seriously why is that too come on I thought the elephant’s gonna help me okay I can’t use my fighting here because my house it might burn down well it’s not Mighty definitely I’m surprised I haven’t burned this whole area down all right okay I don’t like this why is

That too it’s getting so annoying okay this Village definitely has a lot of food that we are definitely gonna need to borrow we’re borrowing the food because we are protecting them so in a way it’s kind of exchange it’s not stealing or borrowing well it’s just boring it’s just that’s an exchange for

It there’s a trade so we’re giving them protection it sounds like I’m from the mafia they have to pay me for protection but you know it’s a fair trade they admit they know what it is you know they’re the one that actually came to me

Proposing I was like yeah I’ll do it for free but I know they feel bad they want to give me some bread some we you know I was like you know what fine fine we’ll do the Trade Center it makes you guys happy so that’s why we’re doing it yeah

That’s totally what happened yeah looking back I I feel bad because I failed as a savior and you got any more food anymore no I love the little outfits you know they’ve got the little backpacks they got iron armor they got a crossbow he’s ready for war back to making a very

Unique house that we totally didn’t steal from Google this is my first time actually making like a proper nice house um who’s gonna tell him those aren’t even remember when I said I was going blind I meant it oh imagine that being on the old being on the outside

All right okay we get it be quiet elephants oh my God they both spawn the Y zetsus and the sun Chiefs minions hey we got a little balcony who decided to let me build the house should I keep it like this just just for the sake of it no you shouldn’t keep it

Like that I think we’ve done a good job with the downstairs of the house now for the windows since we don’t have any gloss I think this will do and you know what I think kind of matches the Aesthetics of things because it’s Savannah bound and then I don’t think in a savannah

Area or like a in like a junglish area you won’t find Windows it’ll be these fenced off things I think it makes it look better then we finish the first floor roof all right so our house so far is complete well not completely we’ll just leave a 50

Complete for now and then we’re gonna come back to shall we say so our mission our second mission is still to bring bone gunpowder and the pearls do things so we have we have gunpowder we still don’t have bones because I was too scared to take on a skeleton let’s try

To find some eye in shall we let’s try to go to these mini openings I don’t I don’t know justify calling them caves with many openings to see if you can get some iron to get some armor they’ll ask how I thought cold was cold how’s this eye how does it you know

Never mind we didn’t find any iron until we came across a lot of it okay I think it’s getting dark outside so I want to get this iron and just leave and to keep an eye on the mini map just in case something just comes up attacks me from

Behind this is definitely a trap I don’t feel comfortable here there’s just like a Naruto mob or something just waiting here maybe Sasuke just waiting for us we’ve got 59 and that should be enough to make a few pieces of armor let’s go back up and then we’ll come back yeah I

Still haven’t said a waypoint where my house is so I can definitely lose it easily and I don’t wanna now he’s up okay oh sugar it’s night time we unlocked our first win Jutsu okay let’s try this move on this white zetsu okay well that was all good I

Thought it wasn’t attacking Jutsu I guess I just have to kill him through the sword I think we’re gonna be stronger so yeah okay so it’s still hard but it’s not as hard to kill him I find the spawner room and got my first well I’ll let you see it’s a great spawner

What room is this flame oh nice okay that’s gonna come in saddle Iron Horse I’m gonna take the Rope I’m not really sure what that means Max a dragon egg once again not the one I wanted but hey I’ll take it it’s just a dragon egg I always get cold like that

We got bones bones all right that’s for the Naruto Mission we got bones we got gunpowder now we just need to end the Eye of Ender sorry oh my God what did I find this was one weird spawner room what what there’s nothing in these chests I don’t have any

Seeds to tame you guys how am I gonna get an end up I got everything else but an ender pearl I don’t want to get that let’s let me leave it here and then I’ll right click as any begins at you in a minute well that was a mistake I shouldn’t have

Done that I shouldn’t have done that I should have done that right there’s two things we can do right now we can either go and kill the sun Chief which will give us a fishing rod as a reward so I think I’m going to kill him and they’ll

Give us a blazing fishing rod which we rarely need to tame that or we use a vanilla fishing rod which won’t be as strong uh okay I should have definitely just waited all right you might be thinking why not just kill the fish with your sword well I kind of

Forgot that that was an option let’s go find the sun Chief and take him down because I was stupid and oh my God oh my God that was a jump scare yeah that isn’t the last time I get jump scared so be prepared for a few more this Village literally had nothing for

Us because I can’t find the sun Chief I need to make something called a nature Compass which finds biomes and that’s gonna help us locate him we need wood we need saplings we need a compass oh my God this is the mob that never got added into Minecraft it’s this thing

I don’t know why he gave me you give me anything I could not find the I couldn’t find the boss don’t know where he was so he’s been hiding but I’m not gonna let that defeat us let me see please tell me about that Redstone please you have all the Redstone you can

Of course I’ll bring the Redstone my memory is bad as ever because I really thought there was some Redstone here I think there was a redstone here please say those Redstone maybe you’re somewhere else but I swear there was Redstone the one guaranteed way of getting Redstone is by mining so that’s

Exactly what we’re gonna do come on I just need some Redstone please Redstone okay oh sugar I left my normal blocks up there as well lapis all right we can intro now just don’t have enough diamonds to make an enchanted table though and since we’re here let’s see if

We can find any diamonds actually where are diamonds I literally just need one diamond and I’ll be happy actually oh yeah we literally just need one we already have one at home we just need one oh actually no we need three we need a pickaxe to mine obsidian I only came

Here for Redstone but somehow now we’re on the hunt for diamonds that diamonds yes okay let’s go looks like my luck is finally changing finally some diamonds oh my yes yes we got more than enough we can get in 20 table as well oh glowing

Um thing is I don’t know what that is though playing squid I recently played that a new horror horror map so it’s a bit scary just going into caves are those diamonds please tell me the diamond yes that’s cool oh my God even more diamonds all right

It’s getting off to a gray star okay you know what there’s even more diamonds under there okay oh my god oh that’s not diamonds but this is all right let’s get out of here let’s get that we’re searching oh what is okay that timing on that was

Amazing okay maybe it waits for you to come back in the chunk before I spawns him but eat eat Please Be Tamed or is she going to go get more fishes we need to go get more fish we can get more fish that is the first of our dragon and

Remember one of my goals is to gather all the type of dragons oh yeah I have to move that Dragon before he grows up as well because if he’s grown up inside the house can have issues I made the nature compass and since this was my

First time using it I thought it was gonna be hard but turns out it’s actually really easy Nature’s Compass now how does this work I’ve never used this item personally oh there you go uh Savannah since we’re gonna battle the sun Chief I wanted us to at least have some Enchanted armor so

I made a diamond pickaxe and now let’s get some obsidian so I believe we can and Bam an enchanted table and then with the rest let’s upgrade our chest plate boom okay now we’re ready to take on our first boss is bosses oh it does make different kind of bookshelves okay I

Hope that doesn’t matter but the intro store it does matter but it doesn’t affect the enchanting level so I guess it doesn’t I know these aren’t gonna be the best insurance but I was thinking the sanchi was gonna be an easy boss but soon you’ll find out how wrong I was the

Jump protection take that protection give me something good just normal protection all right you might think this is a bad for diamond armor but we’ll upgrade the armor later on so take this W sharpness 2 okay that’ll upgrade that don’t Unbreaking on that efficiency too it’s just gonna give us

Ticket efficiency I went fast all right so we’re in charge of the armor we got our next Compass we got food and we’ve got a breathing style I think what’s the time I think tomorrow morning we set out to find the find the creature part two we

Still in the ender pearl I still don’t know how to get one only way I’m thinking is going to the Nether and trading with the thing other than that I don’t see any Enderman to be honest if you haven’t came across one now it’s time to set off and find the sun Chief

Trust me when I tell you this journey wasn’t fun it was super long and boring oh a monkey you look strange I’ve never seen a monkey in Minecraft before this is the first it looks strange they look like cats delicious do look like cats this is even oh my God they’re more monkeys

Chimpanzees sorry my apologies hello look they look really sick okay did they climb trees they can hold items oh look at the baby ones hello sick please says abandoned that um actually it doesn’t matter we can kill them we actually have a decent gear on all right

Let’s see if I can actually take these on come on that’s too dead foreign I don’t want to burn this place down okay I think that’s all of them right oh my God looting two on break to a knockback two that’s a really good sword oh that’s better than I’m wearing

Pretend to Unbreak into some gold all right thank you and I think this is all right okay nice we can make a sleeping bag so we can actually sleep through the night oh okay I know those guys are strong I’m glad I decided not to fight those

Because they would have killed me I don’t want to digest it so I’ll just go up here and put my bed down oh my God there’s a whale I I don’t know if it’s um what’s it called if it’s hostile I don’t think it will come kill us oh my

God for a second I thought I was following me oh look the boss is here as well should we go say hello to him you know let’s go say hello I think he’s down here hopefully we don’t start the battle just by you know just opening this

Oh oh is that great he’s accurate I’m no I’m not staying there bye-bye it’s National and you sir just want to say hello that’s all now that was the smallest thing I could have done I don’t want to battle me I want to get a bit more Diamond down before battle him oh

My God I’m not running on the boat we did some more boring traveling we came across a lot of different animals hello Mr seal could you give me a ride across the ocean please print please is oh God I don’t think they’re gonna give us a ride across the ocean let me

Tell you this is one big watchtower oh my God we found a Savannah Biome and we found a huge whatever that is I think we’ve I think we’ve been there before but it’s not the thing I’m looking for at the moment so many pillages inside right

I need to be careful I don’t think I’m strong enough to take a whole a bunch of pillages on yeah and to be extra careful don’t stop don’t attack don’t attack I I mean no harm I mean no harm oh my god oh the thing is right there

Or sugar I don’t wanna how do I fight the guy without starting a battle with these people look who we finally found okay okay we found him we found him but I think if I start a battle with him I think the pillars are gonna get activated as well

Okay this this okay I don’t know how I’m gonna do this but I actually did this really well I don’t think we should attack now because I think if we attack now it’s gonna turn night and the Naruto mobs are gonna spawn and if they spawn I have no chance

Because I know how strong they are this fight was not as easy as I thought it was gonna be does he not know who I am set mod fire Oh my God he’s strong he’s strong how did me guys oh no oh no oh no okay oh no he’s too strong I need to get rid of those minions don’t I oh no the white that’s spawning as well oh no I’m poisoned I’m poison I’m poisoned

Okay mini I stop healing him stop why is that you know stop healing stop healing him stop healing him who’s healing him guys stop healing bro bro stop healing stop I’m trying to kill him can you not heal him please all right we got this he’s burning okay out

In order to be me oh my God okay oh my God all right it’s so hard to control the Naruto abilities and this flame is getting annoying they’re healing him stop healing oh my God he’s just stop healing it get away bro stop healing him where is he

No I’m too overpowered this wind thing it’s taking me way longer than I should have where is he Oh my God all right let’s find this game okay come on please come on come on buddy all right there’s no minions healing and we can kill him we can actually kill him all right come on come on come on we got him we got him

Holy okay that that was way harder than it was well it should have been I’m sorry never breaks equip and right clicks someone follows okay let me write his mask no is that a pillar Joy pillage attacking me Broadway villager how many minions can I have I don’t even need to

Use my superintendo golden apple oh my God let me pick up all these minions minions coming okay oh my God if with these minions can I go attack the Pillager and they’ll help me I think they might actually do that what’s that undefined DNA let’s see what we get

Did it water do we already have water no we don’t successfully implemented water all right we got water technique oh nice nice okay we learned water as well if I click this I’ll get water but uh we don’t have enough due to points for that

So we’re going to level it up a bit Are you seriously attacking me dude I’m your leader my followers will kill all of you let’s go are they healing me oh my God they can heal me are they healing me or they’re attacking me I can’t tell oh my God the healing

Okay nice which one’s the enemy do I can’t tell okay okay I got the power of getting healed now all right okay all right all of you come down here he’s blocking my attacks okay if I excuse me sir do you mind oh just uh yeah I don’t think I’m strong enough to

Batter these just yet oh my God who are you this guy did so much damage what how’s the farmer that’s wrong we spent these days just going back home I’m gonna put all my minions in here so when I go to fight bosses they can actually

Come in handy okay we only have eight so that might be a bit of an issue but I can’t believe this second mission has taken this many days and we’re still not finished but I promise we do complete as soon right so bring bone gunpowder and

Ender pearl to show your card so I think we’re gonna have to wait till night time and then try to get the ender pearl otherwise we have to go Trader with pillages which I don’t know how well that’s gonna go so we’re gonna have to see there is a

White Z2 look you want to test out my power how strong I am so we’ll find out okay we can two tap him so and we’re not even using the best sword or best intron because this wasn’t a level 30. yeah I definitely let that get to my head

Because let me tell you I’m not that strong and a lot of mobs can still easily Kill Me by the way a white zetsu compared to a mod boss is literally nothing so that’s where my false hope came from okay oh he dropped something can I get another different tracker type

Oh we already got fires off yeah that doesn’t even matter because we already have fire truck right there fun fact did you know that animals defeated Australian Army yeah it might be hard to believe but Google it and let me know your thoughts in the comments because that’s actually kind of funny

Now we got enough food so let’s get back to building a house I think this house is going to be one of the best houses I’ve I make ever yeah I wonder why definitely not because I’m copying Google I need to remember which sandwich you can just I forgot which dude to

Upgrades my chakra so well looking back at this I’m not helping myself not look dumb but it’s not due to the increase in the chakra we got some sand which will be used for upstairs window if you watch boruto let me know in the comments if

You liked it and if you haven’t let me know why look at these white Jets who’s trying to catch me off guard close the door all right now I can fight you easy come on these are just annoying at this point just get away an Enderman is he underground oh there he is

[Applause] come on come on So I got mad at me all right looks like we’re finally gonna be able to finish our second mission seriously not bad come on have a bed for me oh look at this guy run look at where’s he going where you going you know I’m curious we’re gonna have to

Still have a billion I want to see what they’re going oh just like that it’s false alarm a home is this way where am I going bye-bye oh it’s right there come on okay this dude so I need to learn how to control it well today is finally the day we finish our

Second mission and the Pearl gun powder and Bone all right let’s see you showed that you were a real Shinobi here is your headband oh okay that is Boom all right we are real Shinobi right now oh I remember when uh Naruto actually got his and I think for a long time he

Never got it and then was that the third I think it’s the third Hokage I need to rewatch an artist it’s been a while but finally in the next mission finds another Sonata the fifth of car again speak with her biome Naruto Okay that’s gonna be hard to do let’s see if

This thing picks it up start search oh my god look how far that is these missions keep asking for me to travel for thousands of blocks but soon you’ll see I get an idea of how I can make it easier let me tell you River looks at

The rarest type of wood I found out the hard way first we finished the upstairs by adding the gloss then began on the roof we’re still finishing off the roof today does that look good not really now this on the other hand does look good let’s go try to find some

More wood children I’m gonna use a wind that took way longer than I should have but geez we gotta finish that took too long but at least now the house is finished all righty that’s the upstairs done now all we need to do is decorate

The house which we will do later on I forgot to claim the reward for defeating the sun Chief so let’s do that go to our Quest now we can claim this so XP and we got uh the fishing rod okay okay just give me a second dragon we’ll

Feed you so I tried fishing but I wasn’t patient enough actually I think it literally be just faster for us just come here and just kill them there you go buddy there you go buddy and then one more can we put a Saturn are you big enough here I think it might be

Nine is to go a tiny bit more I spent rest of the day in the mine actually what is one thing I I forgot to mention uh you might have seen it in the intro you probably have but one thing I want is to get the sage

Screw so we need a diamond and at the store and a ender pearl and a bunch of leather for that and you might be asking why well it’s literally two I want to become sage mode of Naruto so if you see Naruto you see me I’m going

To Sage Mode and that’s really sick and I want that and I think with that I haven’t tested out but there’s something to do with summonings you can get summonings in this mod which I definitely want to check out we might not do that this 100 days we might do

That in the next one if we don’t come across it but I definitely want to check that out today was also spent in the mind but we found some diamonds so I say it was worth it so our dragon is all grown up now and he can’t really fit

Through the door so we have to break him out okay let’s you know what since he’s old enough let’s get him outside I was gonna make some armor first but I feel like we can’t even trap our Dragon hopefully I can push you I don’t want to

Get on you just in case I start suffocating to death yeah come on you can squeeze on through there you go all right nicely done just now let me see now look at this clinically fly yes you can oh okay this is made traveling so much easier because I was regretting

Going to the Naruto biome hopefully this one can live longer and what I mean by that is the last one well in the last video my one literally died within a day yeah I recommend you check out the one piece video If you haven’t yet we made

New diamond armor and Enchanted it less intran uh I hope I just get some predictions we’ve got Protection One because literally protection one is better than no protection another Protection One all right we got protection 200 oh is that death Strider all right nice we’re definitely gonna need to get

Better diamonds there later on down the line which we will do because you know we can’t fight the end level buses with this but for uh for a low level boss like that night we can take him on I believe I believe so I’m gonna regret saying low

Level because trust me that night was strong so let me get my minions all righty now let’s set off to beat the Knight where is the night I think there was one appear if I’m not mistaken I want to have a few seconds to prepare so

I can spawn in my minions I hope I get that I get a few seconds just don’t like straight up fall into him all right I see him I see him I need to have Escape Route just in case you know there is there is a way out that way I think all

Right but I wanna have an emergency one just in case and um if you guys didn’t know what you have to do is just literally uh someone’s already done the main job for us just stuck a diamond sword in his back so just to keep hating that but you could there’s only certain

Times you can hear which is the hard bit summon one in can I not summon them in oh come on I didn’t okay you know what we’re going back we’re going back how do I get out how did I forget to bring the son Chief’s mask like I bought the

Minions I haven’t played this mod for a while so I kind of forgot that this move isn’t the best oh I could have used my dragon to get there you know what I think that’s what I’m gonna do I shouldn’t have made it I’m in helmet then should I have yeah I probably

Shouldn’t have look how blind I am like I can’t even find the mask I won’t say I lost it that won’t be good where is it Soul Vessel I swear Oh Derek is I’m blind Hello Dragon I know I haven’t fed you yet but you know you’re gonna

Quickly go be a boss and then I’ll do some fishing to get you get you your food see I’m actually not that mean unlike saluteful who treats his Minecraft pets badly another I know you can’t do much but your main job is to heal me all right whatever you do heal me

All right let’s go buddy I swear this fight’s gonna give me PTSD because the rule felt so small the I thought I was gonna die at every stripe no he’s gonna swing okay boys you call them kill me boys I see boruto just Valerio oh my God he got you can’t kill them man just leave them alone come here fight me right [Applause] come on I couldn’t damage him why couldn’t I damage him all right you’re not killing me buddy you’re not killing me you might have killed all my minions but

I’m a different story all the Minions are dead oh my God I’m scared I’m scared Oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my I thought it was dead I was like he’s gonna swing he’s gonna swing okay all the Minions died literally every single one of them he dropped his helmet and weapon which isn’t the best so we’re not gonna use it but we’ll keep

Them as a display item for this achievement it’s the same effect but we got a sword how much time is this to do this does nine talk Tana still is UN unmatched so with this one we can you know we can just do the regular swing boom like that okay the regular

Swing and then we can do the almighty shape okay all right I don’t want to battle this guy again that was way harder than expected well not let’s get a bit better can you believe it took us a whole day to beat this boss anyways I got my

Dragon and headed home if I was a quest book so if we go to the quest book now because the Overworld go to the night we get XP and we get an iron Hammer oh how much does it do it does nine and well no effects just an ammo this kind of

Reminds me of Thor’s hammer so it’s kind of like with the chosen one I I didn’t promise the dragon we’re gonna feed us some food so let’s quickly catch some food for the Dragon and then we can stop the next Naruto mission uh you know what it’s literally fast to

Kill the fishes rather than just you know fish for them so I’m sorry fishes you’re not gonna live a very long life you might live a happy life but not a very long one all right buddy I got you some fishes so before we head on our journey so eat up

Is that what they literally doing anymore you’re telling me you only needed one so I I killed all these fishes for no reason okay so you know what I think we are the water thing as well right yes we did okay so we need five Jitsu points which is our first water Jutsu

Put that back and what does this do so it’s a water formation one let’s see how it looks I don’t want to ruin our house so we unlocked our first water Jutsu but tens that we can’t even use it since we don’t have enough Ninjutsu uh due to

Points for quite 15 how much do we have and injutsu required 50. are you kidding me okay so we’re gonna have to spend a couple of days killing those actually wait a minute if I complete the Naruto Mission it’ll give me enough Jutsu points find Tsunade the

50 card game speak to her in the Naruto bio and for us to find the Naruto biome we need the Nature Compass which I hope I haven’t lost all right we’re gonna use the dragon to fly to the biome I got my sleeping bag yeah I’m gonna need to start a farm

Sooner than later because I am running out bread and then I got just the Naruto food left all right Dragon let’s go oh look at these pink biomes it’s like the new 1.20 Prime I recently tried playing 1.20 with slots a little bit that didn’t go well because apparently

The better Minecraft doesn’t want to work on that let me know if you want to see her 100 days as a duo in like an anime mod in Minecraft but yeah if you’d like to see me and Slots will do 100 days together let me know in the

Comments and if you have any ideas for what you’d like to see let me know all right we’re catch oh I don’t know what mods are from is that from Naruto is that from the better Minecraft you know what I think we should we need to come back to this later on there’s

Definitely gonna be some good doing that I’m gonna say don’t get your hopes High because I completely forgot about this but maybe we’ll come back to it in 200 days I find a weird pyramid thing but I don’t think our Dragon liked it oh wait a minute that’s a temple

Pyramid pyramid Temple is one of those no no come back sit down sit down okay I hope I don’t die it says the number two on there I don’t know what that means but this is a 10 okay nice oh no you say something down here I don’t know I’ve

Never found one of these before I kept thinking this was a trap and it would be filled with TNT to kill me is there a trap somewhere here I don’t I don’t it’s this is trapped chests no it doesn’t seem to be I need emeralds so I’ll keep you’re gonna have the

String and gunpowder back you have the random blocks back too so we’re open to please please be a dragon in here another Golden Apple my locker dragons isn’t the best but it’s fine it’s fine we’ll get our dragons one secure dragon is the Ender Dragon you know when you

Kill him you get the egg and that’s the Ender Dragon now where is the Naruto biome is this way I hope I’m good at this parkour because if I fail this I’ve lost you for a very long time ah Dugan okay nice come back okay bro I

Don’t know why you’re sitting on top of a tree I can’t get to the morning began with our Dragon messing about and maybe he was trying to run away well that doesn’t matter because he stuck with me foreign you’re gonna see me be fascinated by the simplest creatures this seals

I thought I thought they were dead for a second I mean you don’t look like you’re doing too well you know oh what are those seagulls seagull seagull single you are a single I love seagull I’m gonna bring the dragon along because I feel like we’re gonna forget oh we

Should name him I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I’m not very good with names You’re not gonna spawn in come on Dragon you need to look around for her she should be somewhere around here right there is a pirate ship so while we wait for her to just come on by I think it’d be best if we go check out that partnership I mean I’m definitely

Strong enough to take them on now I don’t know why we started a fight with the pirate ship but we did yo chill buddy one second I’m gonna get you in a second give me a second I’m coming okay ah come on come on oh this might have been a bad idea

Okay okay where is it this might have been a really bad idea Dragon oh no no please please please please please please please please please dragon dragon sit back down tracking sit down bro oh my God okay Auntie no no no it’s cold enough to eat the golden apple I was gonna try

Saving them but I don’t think that’s a good Shout okay dragon please don’t come on come on come on just die bro okay oh Jesus there must be some treasure in here because all of these are just not stopping look at him look at him now he’s gone

Back give me a heart attack now you’re gonna go back oh my God yo what the oh what how much damage does he do no don’t hit the Dragon bro he’s trying to kill the dragon okay what how do you do so much damage I’m trying to be super careful oh wow

Diamonds I’ll take diamonds I’ll take the gold actually I should probably check if there’s any more of those before I start looting oh I’m guessing this is the Captain’s Room oh I think we just killed the captain and the pulse another Dragon egg okay nice oh oh my God we should have

Came here sooner more and all right you know what this is Gonna Save Us a lot of time especially trying to get to the end okay I’m dead I’m so dead I’m sorry Dragon picking up dragon picking up dragon pick me up or can’t run to the dragon okay oh my God

Dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon come here bro bro you’re greeting me you’re griefing me go fly fly fly oh my God since we’re gonna fight Sonata in this Naruto biome I decided to go back home and later I will try to find another one what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna quickly

Intron if a thing or two which should give me level 13 chance oh I so stupid I’m so stupid I should have put the milkshakes on you might not notice what happened there but it wasn’t a Max Level inch on because there wasn’t enough bookshelves and I was rushing so

I didn’t notice yes I thought I was going to a new Naruto biome but I forgot to reset the campus so we’re going back to the old one I’ll let you see my reaction before you see that reaction look at this cool thing I found okay

Tell me this isn’t cool what the hell is this though okay what is this structure is does it is it filled with enemies is there like a boss in here that I should be aware of you know I think we might explore this I see most bonus oh my God they chase you

Can I all right let’s have a battle then let’s come on come on lads oh I’m playing a risky game I can’t hit them okay okay I go bad him I got him let’s go hit it line it up oh missed I hit him I hit him oh dragon no jacket

No he’s lagging okay okay okay okay okay you know what I’m not gonna risk out I don’t want I don’t want the dragon to die I want a french I should name it I feel bad calling him Dragon but I want to let you guys name him so when I do

Come back for 200 days we can have it perfectly but you know let’s go sleep because I don’t want to die I don’t want us to die wait no we’ve already been to this one I don’t want to come to this one I thought it was going

To take me to a new one if you wanted to get a different one then you should have reset the compass oh this giraya way up hello sit down Timothy what’s your address hello long time no see buddy uh I’m not gonna say a huge boil if you

Haven’t seen Naruto but I’ve missed you drive where have you been Buddy I think I’m gonna have to go with Jiraiya for the sage code when I do get it I mean how can I not go with him right I think July is one of the most

Beloved Naruto characters after a lot of complaining guess who I found hello jaraya hashirama please please anyway okay okay okay now we’re talking we’re hiding by the trees I could barely even see okay so uh drafted hello young Shinobi I’ve got a quest for you except here is your mission catch a

Cat and get back to me I don’t want Timothy to just throw up eat the cat where do I get the cat so I think this is how I get the car right it’s been a while uh I I’ll have to I have to punch that guy with it

All right we got it you tried he tried welcome back here’s your reward where’s our reward we got 50 levels we got a silver eagle I think I have to go to tension for that don’t know yeah I do and then 50 levels hopefully I get enough Ninjutsu to

Upgrade that thing and we only got two skill points from that and how much ninjas do we need 15 so nowhere near what we need to do is learn the substitution dude so I believe so we can do that bye okay so this is the story

Six learn the students I think if I click here I should get the stuff and cost 10 JP okay 10 juicy points so we can’t even complete even if I wanted to I think what we’re gonna have to do is just spend the night battling I think

That’s gonna be our best case scenario winning skill points we need everything let’s go home and then let’s battle we’ll just battle because we need well at least this is this trip technically wasn’t a fail because we did complete the mission it was a late mission of

Catching a cap so I found some I think dragons but I’m not too sure also I think Sasuke was Turner she was done with Fireball Jutsu oh my God oh my God he’s gonna attack me is that thing friendly can I catch it are these friendly I don’t think they are

No they’re not friendly they’re not friendly I repeat they’re not funny okay oh what the hell is that so scary all right you know no no no no no no no no no no I’m not sticking around I just saw him just Fireball due to if that would

Have hit us we were dead we were dead I was heading to get some wood then this happened excuse me sir I don’t think you’re meant to be here wait there’s more than one what what are you guys trying to do me I can’t be having this

Okay did he just kill his friend I thought that’d be funnier to watch than me kill you come on oh no he’s doing on purpose he’s literally killing his friend on purpose all right okay okay this guy he did that on purpose that was even he wasn’t even trying to

Hit me okay how do we make a backpack exactly back back rabbit’s height all right so we do you know what to read should we instead of getting wood should we go get some rabbits I think that might be the better shout I didn’t realize how rare rabbits were and you’ll

See why all right the hunt um so okay I’m gonna go back home because I need to get that looting sword rabbits you can run but you can’t hide because I will find you tenzo I’m wrong because apparently rabbits are really good ideas no lizard bro what is it lizza come back

Okay you’re on water how you not dying Jesus that took way longer than I should have that was one strong lizard oh damn oh my God did they kill me and they killed me oh oh this is a warning oh oh someone’s getting watched it oh okay all right keep my distance oh

How strong is he how much is PDF okay no come on come on we should put Timothy up against him he literally will destroy them more Timothy’s a dragon it’s just an alligator crocodile oh my God oh my God take you to the water and kill you

That’s kind of realistic I don’t like that get away because I definitely been dead help me are you gonna let your friend down and come back to the water huh are you gonna pretend like you weren’t there a second ago okay thank God I thought he was gonna

Bite me before I could kill him but that worked out perfectly and this one didn’t drop any oh no he did the panic thank you very much okay we might need to go back put Timothy back and then come out on our own don’t want Timothy to end up dying I

Took Timothy back home and returned to the battlefield which which knob is this huh where are you from buddy A’s land I’ll do him a favor and kill you for him huh how about that still no rabbits what’s up with these rabbits oh a skeleton and a why is that too

Right he’s getting they’re getting easier to kill like that’s just I’m just getting stronger two and then I let’s test our lot and see if I can get our first fire dragon come on please diamonds I’ll take diamonds I mean like diamonds are diamonds but I would prefer

A dragon please please please please your last hope for Dragon coin sir please and that was the lamest chest out of everything huh these minions were starting to annoy me seriously I hit you once and you guys run away but you guys can hear me I’m gonna kill you come on come on

Bro what the hell this is a cow it’s absolutely void why is there a random block face there come on come on your coward stop running I certainly got these guys the cowards I somehow forgot that I had wind nature ooh wind we actually want that please please

Why am I wrong about we don’t even need that we actually have Windows that’s a unique one you’re about to win it’s me trying to save the Village from a raid and I’m pretty sure this was a mission that I needed to complete uh oh

Oh sure I need to borrow some food ASAP this is gonna get me killed one thousand percent I need food I need food where’s your food where’s your food what’s your food please tell me you have a bit of food oh you could have gave me a bit of

Potion effects guys I’m just saying seriously is this all the food we have left is everyone Ready for War because you know it’s not going back now oh no we’re surrounded myself okay it’s fine we got this we got this I’m not doing this by myself so

I just have to make sure I don’t hit the Villager TNT oh my God it’s got mini creepers okay okay can I ignite them oh my God all right I need to be careful with that Creeper Guy this is how I die isn’t it this is 100 how I die

Oh my God what is that sword oh that sword shouldn’t exist come on buddy come on oh he dropped me something yeah oh my God these guys are Lifesavers I got saved by a villager thank you no am I call him all right let’s go let’s go teamwork is a dreamer class

Okay that thing is gonna kill me that thing’s gonna kill me that thing’s gonna kill me we need to do this really carefully I don’t know how much time okay does two odds of damage towards I’m gonna mind gonna do it just slacking buddy okay good

Kill the pet kill the pet kill the pet please please kill the pit design going down no I haven’t got them you’re my one and only hope oh my God oh my God okay okay okay okay two hearts too hot it’s too hot it’s gonna it’s gonna kill me it’s gonna kill me

Wait what happens if I summon some boruto’s finally we killed him what’s happened to the rest of the village then quick nap time for The Village Hero please thank you go and dice how many of them trying to kill the source I need to kill the guy

And kill the guy whoa yo yo yo okay we need to kill the guy otherwise they’re not gonna stop where is it there he is he’s hiding I see you I see you buddy you know what get out of the witch first because she can really kill us you

Really thought you could hide what what attack is that you still chasing me how many is there why is he hiding in a cave oh I don’t think they had a choice in hiding and I just fell down oh my God you’ve been here this whole time

Oh my God there’s another round to this oh yeah okay oh my my arm is almost broken how was oh my God oh my God almost all my arm is broken from this battle is this even a boss fight this is the raid okay I’m so dead I’m so dead I’m so dead

I’m so dead I’m so dead I’m so dead throw them off throw them off use the Border okay okay okay okay that got way too close for comfort sadly we lost this battle but I did try my best you’re about to see a guy that gives off main

Character Vibes if the guy just chill look at me he’s giving me main character vibes I’ve ever seen it gonna quickly go say hello though I can’t see nothing I can’t see nothing I can’t see nothing I can’t see that okay he was maybe a main character I shouldn’t have done that Oh my God at least give me diamond stuff I think I’ve earned it I was right they were the main characters and Target the blue guy you’re the main one you’re the main one you’re the main one you’re the main one I think you’re the main one no you’re

Not the main one where’s the main one who’s the main one it has to be here no it has to be you I don’t know which one’s the main one you say you you caught no it’s not you okay it’s him it’s all right give me a totem of undying at least

Bad guy’s power was overpowered because he confused the hell out of me oh I I think I oh my God there’s vectors yeah yep all right I think I’m gonna leave I think I’ve lost yeah okay okay you know what I’ll accept defeat because I didn’t kill them fast enough I’ll accept that

If he I’m sorry Village oh my God I just went to go buy some food man that’s all I wanted to borrow some food that’s what I get oh positive side we can unlock we can do the next mission now let me put this stuff away and then we can start

The next mission all right so we got 10 dudes actually you know what the first I want to try the water power we had already about it so let’s try the water ability out that we have so if I go here do I have arrows yeah there’s arrows

Everywhere in me so you can’t say I didn’t try defending that Village because I did board the food bar so I did try defending them all right so if you use this attack You straight up just a wall of water you know this would have came in handy literally in battle if I had enough Duty points now we’ll do the next mission so we need 10 new sequence we have that all right boom okay so now we’ve got what’s the subject if I do it

It just kicks me away is that yeah is that wood technically this is something to do too it is uh I don’t think this is gonna come in handy for anything we’re gonna play so I don’t I don’t think and then we come here and wait for new

Updates okay so we have completed the story mode up to the mod so now we can try battling the bosses which I’m not gonna try doing at all and you can see the reason why I really don’t want to die I think our goal today was to make a

Form but first we needed to get some wood we needed an area to make the form so I find some land next to the house it’s a brand new day but we’re still stuck clearing this land yeah we spent the whole day doing this how fun am I right

Today we still work on the farm I’m not really sure if we finish it today though if you’ve seen my other recent videos then you’ll recognize this form design but just like the house I think this is the best one I’ve made yet I almost died here all right come on buddy

How am I how did I almost die to these how many is the holy oh my God there’s so many of them oh my God boom how many is there oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God

Oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God HP back oh please please please how am I almost dead oh my God please please oh my God that’s my gift for understanding them oh my God please please now that was a

Close call go away go away you win oh my God does he even move oh it’s because my arm was broken no wonder why I’m dying all right back to making the phone we’re still making the form and I was so focused that I didn’t even talk I

Made some nearly changes which I think makes a form look way better I think this is gonna look so much better than what it would have looked like you know what might be better if I in each layer if I just replaced it with these blocks

Okay and then the one up there all right now if we go upstairs we can replace those ones yes all right so it’s much easier to replace them from up here than down there all right I think this form looks way better than if you’re just thinking

If you just fancy it you’d have looked okay but now you look so much better okay the bottom is a bit iffy there’s only two but I think that overall design looks way better now it’s time to make the animal farm and it wasn’t anything special just a simple design but I do

Want to improve it later rest of the day I try to find some animals but I had no lock literally all of today was spent getting animals for the farm I did that for a whole two minutes but I’ll save your ears today we fix the house by decorating it we started with

Doing the floor we’re using a lot of wood so I kind of run out let’s go get some more the rest of the day was spent organizing our stuff into this new chest it was boring so I’ll save her some time by skipping it we’re still organizing

But it’s not for the whole day okay I lie tenza we have so much stuff that I took another day the morning began with us feeling the animals looks like we still have a little organizing left I made a new Cortana then Enchanted the ankle sharpness four I think I was happy

That I got it but I’m not sure because I was watching The Big Bang Theory then we fed the animals again I spent rest of the night placing torch around the base then I made a chair to watch the sunset but I kind of missed it yeah it was already dark

Today began with getting more wood is starting to feel like all we do is cut down trees anyways now it’s time to start working on the mine it may not be the best looking one but it’ll get the job done I then began to dig out the

Mine these days were spent mining look at this huge cave I found tell me this isn’t the coolest thing you’ve seen Jesus I have to say this is one of the coolest things I’ve ever come across in Minecraft I’m not really looking for any iron or anything like that because we

Have plenty of those at home but I’m Gonna Keep exploring to see what I can find something just fell and died or I’ll take the XP oh no this is fishes and over here oh my God I should have been trying to maybe got a fortune three that would have been

So much better I want one look at them oh my God oh this one’s about to die you’re going oh okay I just block one off oh dick oh come on mate bro I wish I bought a Bucky I would have taken one okay I gotta remember where

This is so I gotta I can come back and get one when I collected obsidian to make the enchanting table I also collected enough to make another poll and now it’s gonna come in handy now where should we make our nether portal I want to make it so I don’t want to make

It above ground if I do I want to have a room for it but I think we’ll make a little basement in our house oh what we could do just shove it in a cave even then when we do get time later on we can you know improve it later on block this

Off all right so the another vertical here we are ready for our journey all right this is either gonna lead to my death she’s returning night well actually I made the chair for this exact reason last time I missed the sunset but this time I won’t I fed the

Animals once again now it’s time to go to the Nether and collect a lot of quartz for the XP I spent a couple of days collecting XP and enchanting our armor you know we’ll see which one gives us the best intro let’s see so 103 I’m breaking three protections okay nice we

Can get Protection full I think now call me yeah protection 4 right nice we don’t combine that anymore we’ll combine this and that it’s time to give Timothy his own place so he doesn’t have to live in our balcony but first we have to clear some land after we fed the animals I’m

Not gonna lie it felt like we’ve been feeding these animals a lot a lot I found out this vehicle slabs in this mod so I had to use them this is a very simple design because I didn’t want to make something that will take up a lot

Of space since we’re gonna be getting Timothy a lot of friends but it still looks good right all right little Timothy has his own land now we’re gonna depending on how many dragons we can get we’re gonna need to make a lot of these okay nice fit perfectly I don’t always

Show when I update my stats but I do here and you get to see I get speed boost okay nice oh we got 10 cheese points two more skill points um upgrade our speed oh okay I think that gave us a permanent speed or speed two and so that’s permanent speed two feels

Weird okay that feels hella weird I finally got enough G2 points so I can finally unlock the Uzumaki Clan stuff uh let me put these up here so if I right click this uh it should oh sugar this is kind of like the anime because in order to ship then Naruto

Gets new clothes just like we did we’re wearing the classic Nord if you want to show Naruto or the anime Naruto this is what he wears and then ship it and he upgrades his armor to this so he’ll buy oh dead demon summoning seal ah oh wait can

This summon this way yeah that was me being stupid because I didn’t remember that this Jutsu kills the user when you use it but don’t worry I do remember before I unlock here uh ninjuts required 20 or we can’t use it what does it do I

I’m not sure I know of a character that has I think red hair and every time she was in the Sasuke’s group and every time she bit someone they got healed I don’t know I don’t remember if she was a part of the Uzumaki I don’t think she was

Okay so I did some research and turns out that I was correct her name is Karine and turns out she’s actually in the Uzumaki clan we learn something new every day I put some of our items on display boom we put on display put down display put the hammer on display so I

Didn’t leave any notes for this part but I’m pretty sure what the plan was go to pirate ships and collect Lou and hope they had ender pearls because last time I found some alright I see the pirate ship now the question is where can I park little Timothy

Or Timothy please don’t die buddy can you just relax here nice just relax while I take care of the rest excuse me coincidence excuse me excuse me yup how are you shooting on me looking at me I call Ax yo guys okay oh actually

I do have an extra bottle of HP so you know that’s fine go go yo yo yo yo just cause I have extra bar doesn’t mean to go so try hard guys come on all right so that bro how I call hacks they’re using able I stop camping you can they not leave

The pose is that our thing all right how am I gonna come on seriously buddy oh they are giving me a lot of arrows and I do need arrows so I do appreciate that but you’re being hella annoying come on are they shooting at each other am I just seeing things

Come on just die just die you’re the last one all right success what do we have diamonds more diamonds don’t mind Diamonds oh he’s a captain I didn’t realize there was someone in here buddy the bro we’ll just die just die but you’re not dying finally

Oh and okay I need weather I need the bones so I can get bonus so that’s perfect yeah this this boat wasn’t as good as the last one because the other one knows so much better yeah so this pirate ship was a bit of a letdown but

Let’s go find another one let’s hope this has some ender pearls you know this time Timothy you can sit on land and wait right Pirates Ready or Not Here I Come actually can I just break in Captain oh there you are come on buddy you’re not gonna live a very long life

Are you guys shoot yeah now you’re dead I’m not really happy with the loot oh Jesus sir foreign Guys all right okay I shouldn’t have Luke at first I should have tried killing them this might turn out really bad for me yo yo yo tie him up just go guys all right now hide behind you you don’t see me I don’t see you you know it’s that concept

All right can we call the truth truth or truth yo yo yo oh die come on I should have got a bit of sword with me there’s a lot of arrows on me and around me and yeah I should be dead at this point you’re dead I think I’m positive they’re

Killing each other somehow come on all right that’s all of them I really wanted the lightning nature ooh lightning we can get minotaurs uh chocolate fail to implement of course you failed to implement oh hello buddy I’ve seen you’ve been waiting for me okay and dead oh and dead I have ended

All right nice perfect I’ll take those another one I mean getting the Eye of Ender saved me some time since I was gonna make them anyways in the morning Timothy decided that he wanted to run away but there were those weird dragons above us so we were in ninja buddy you

Couldn’t wait anywhere else oh my God look at them what is up with that oh my God don’t freeze don’t freeze on me why is up with that how many was there why was there so many of them there oh 10 10 oh I don’t

Have the eye oh oh look at that someone remind me to do the 1010 and check Mario missions next time because I kind of forgot about them in this whole video I don’t know why I thought it was a good idea to fight them you know what I’m gonna try to swing

Oh I tried this I missed oh he’s lining up a shot he missed I’m gonna try to hit one of them this might go really bad I probably should avoid him to be honest yeah you know what we’ll take the safe route the day ended with us feeding the

Animals again now we’re gonna have to go to the land of the nellore we’re to go to the nether to find more blaze powder we need blaze powder too I make eye Of Enders we got four already and then we got 13 to attend into that

And then once we find the stronghold I think we got enough gear actually we’re doing trying to ball let’s quickly do that on break literally just on breaking three power three I think we got a flamebook as well in there there you go pinchwanted that is one cooling John

Yeah finding blazes is a lot harder than you think I came across this weird room but I’m not complaining because he had a blaze spawner oh buddy oh I should have bought my looting sword what did I do I need quite a few blades oh oh nice all right we’ve got a second

One I do need to find some another I don’t know I’m gonna do that exactly I was trying to go back home when I came across these weird things oh look that oh so these are the fish they’re spawning in I don’t know what these creatures are never seen them before

Hello man how you doing yeah is he chalking them he’s pulling them in and chucking them at me well man I don’t know what to say your plan isn’t working there’s a bunch of lava there do I get anything for killing them you know what

I’m not gonna waste my time with you I’m just gonna go back home now today was mostly spent going home oh another egg let’s go all right same egg but okay our luck needs to change we’ve got another name tag they say fair man why do we keep getting the

Same oh my God another one of the same thing we’re gonna have ten timothies one punch okay I can put on my bow yeah I’ll still complain it’s better than none because the other time I played I couldn’t find any so I’ll take it wait I can’t leave

Please please oh okay I think I need to go backwards right backwards go backwards or forwards oh Jesus I was stuck in there forever well our Timothy looks like they’re gonna have a bunch of you mate a bunch of you we have three so I think we’re

Gonna keep Timothy’s name as Timothy and then when I come back for these these three I think you guys will get to name them because yeah the one name was enough two three names are I’m gonna be useless so you guys can help me come up with names on

That ones okay so as I said you guys get to name the dragon so leave some suggestions in the comment and I’ll pick them at random I bet you never saw this coming because we’re feeding the animals once again we’re almost finished making our diamond armor set for the Enter

Dragon Battle let’s combine our armor actually boom boom protection for Unbreaking Thrones all right good protection three petition for protection all right so that’s our armor we have a decent sword actually let’s put this on a different chest we’ll put it in this chest for now so armor is there sword we

Got sharpness for fire aspect too okay and the bow what’s up bro so we got power three and breaking arrested the day was spent making arrows okay let’s get a bunch of arrows at least so we won’t run our virus sorry chickens you’re gonna have to die after we beat

The Ender Dragon I think we’ll fight our first Naruto boss but I I know for a fact we know when you’re strong enough just because of how hard it is to get Jutsu points in this I’m not sure why I need to kill spiders but I’m guessing I

Need string for something all right now we can actually we do need to kill a spider too so spider spiders where are you spider where are you oh my God you look like a villager a villager skeleton that’s a first a little spider just need

You for your string so can you just die already how are you not dead thank you how much string is that it’s only what with that looting sword only gave me one as well disappointed today I spent the day preparing for the end and now if we use the healing

I’m not 100 sure what this is gonna do so it’s gonna be interesting did it just heal me I don’t really know little did I know this healing thing didn’t work oh I’m just dumb I can’t figure it out all right so I got water that’s back up here yo

It’s not doing anything wait looking back at this did this work or am I just being stupid again you know what let’s just say it didn’t work alright it’s off to our journey too bad till the end Your Dragon we’ll take Timothy with us but first item to see which direction this thing

Goes so it’s with Timothy come on come back egg yes all right Timothy I hope you’re ready for it oh okay I can’t go food with me there you go let’s go hope you’re ready for a journey buddy we’re about to go kill your I mean he’s also a dragon Ender Dragon

He’s your I don’t know why is it to you I don’t know if you know the relationship between Timothy and the Ender Dragon let me know in the comments because I don’t know maybe an uncle maybe an evil Uncle I don’t know yeah it’s gonna be awkward trying to explain

To Timothy that I’m going to kill another dragon I forgot your name how did I think her name was Tim Tim yeah Timothy really didn’t want to stay there for some reason all right Timothy sit down Don’t Run Away be doing buddy I just need you to chillaxio today our

Goal is to locate the end portal because the stronghold is huge I don’t think I’ve been here if I have had the held it or another one all right we’re gonna have two little timings of running around forever if you thought the normal stronghold was big then this is another story I’m saying

This is the longest it’s ever taken me to find the stupid stupid pool room how big is this you don’t understand how big this Castle Fortress Is we’re gonna get a running jump all right we’re gonna get the Naruto running jump on this I’m not gonna lie I thought either an

Enderman or the Ender Dragon was gonna mess with me here uh no did I really just do that wow that’s how stupid of me looks like we don’t have a bucket of water anymore alright Crystal it’s time for you to break if I can use my

Accuracy let’s not make fun of my aim okay we’ve all missed some shots before okay now we got this it’s fine it’s fine there you go the first time that was first time you know no no just wait that’s doing this excuse me mister you’re not supposed to be here

At least at least they’re one shots well almost one shot anyways when I was trying to break all the crystals for some reason the Enderman and why zetsu did not like that how am I not hitting that but I don’t have full damage so I can’t technically go and hurt him now oh

Foreign come on nice oh my God come on guys go away okay I’m sorry Enderman I shouldn’t have heard you okay boys boys one eye attack oh my God trying to kill a dragon bro you know nothing special and now it’s broken let me get golden apple knife I can just

Bro excuse me another Golden Apple I just you know don’t mind me okay this is not doing as much damage as I thought it was going to excuse me I’m just trying to kill you buddy I had to go have a look yeah huh you mister I shouldn’t have done that it’s probably gonna know you’re I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking Bro this Dragon knows what he’s doing all right nice where is he I see Shadow oh there you are now you can’t hear anymore Why are you under me what’s he trying to do okay please fall damage don’t work nice all right come on what the hell is wrong with you I swear I wish I had created more I would burn all of these end them and I put water you know what just

Because if we do 200 days just because of how much this Enderman annoyed me I’m gonna Place water every single place here it’s everywhere it’s gonna be filled up with water oh shouldn’t be in front of him Normal Apple Don’t push me off the map bro I was just kidding what no I will definitely get on this island in water trust me on that they have annoyed me so much that I’m willing to do anything at this point it took us a long time to bring the Ender Dragon’s

HP down look how close he is to dying you know let me kill him can I kill him before he lands I’m finally not oh buddy you’re dead okay okay I remember he can push me off the map Bro stop it let me just kill you you’re so close to death yes finally let me get back speed though thank you finally that took way longer than I should have all right nice thank you I’m gonna get my overpowered XP now come on 80 let’s hope for 18. looks like

We’re never gonna get nowhere near 70. now the only thing left to do is collect the egg but I kind of messed that up did I start hatching it here please tell me no the game plan is I quickly run home uh get grab some fishes I can take him

Get a lead and then come back and then hopefully push him down the portal with me otherwise I have just made a great mistake you know let’s try this I figured out why the egg color was different and it’s because of the block underneath that changes what dragon it’s

Gonna be and I’ll figure that out soon enough as you’d see if this is gonna work if I put another rack under it turn into the different color dragon I need to go get this oh you’re nice it’s a fire dragon or another Dragon oh sugar teammates is there as well all

Right so now we have to go all the way back to little Timothy does will a lead work on a dragon I don’t know hello mate what you been doing here then uh all right watch me luck buddy all right I’m gonna go try to get another I’m gonna

Try to get your friend buddy let’s go see if we can find the bloody room again I’m not making that mistake again for getting with this stupid boy it is unboxing on the map so portal here and I’ll put it as purple all right we’re back in the end and I

Was gonna wait for the Dragon to hatch but I kind of go impatient okay I hope this works if this doesn’t work we’ve lost the Ender Dragon egg but if it does work this can be genius we’re just gonna you know I hope this works

Um the egg the egg was the egg yeah it didn’t work so I think we lose the dragon egg I thought there could still be a chance of the egg still being in the end so I went to investigate if he’s still there swear to God I’m getting tired of this animal

Please actually be there somewhere I don’t see an egg I do not see an egg turns out we lost the egg because I was stupid I’m getting sick of this end portal because we have to go back there once again to collect Timothy let’s hope after today I never have to return to

The portal room yo look at the house it’s time to look sick the compound is coming together Lance you know Timothy it’s been a while since you’ve been home May our lady just rest up even though you’re just sitting there for a couple of days now it’s time to hatch more of

The Dragons but first we have to make a small area for them well I first we’ll do sand in the middle hopefully that’s gonna be fire that’s gonna be another dragon and this is gonna be the Ender Dragon because you know the end if I just put place these around

Oh I don’t types honestly that looks even better not gonna switch there you go okay so we go on End Dragon now the most the one I’ve been waiting or the one I’ve wanted forever this is going to switch to fire red please well that please don’t destroy the egg Huh you whacked you wrecked or is it just burning now oh no wait you can break an egg what let’s go well I should have learned the picking up the egg ages can I just oh my God you can pick it up by breaking it

Why did no one tell me that original oh wait if I put it in water will that be a water dragon I think if I did put one in water then it should in theory turn into a water dragon but we’ll have to test it in 200 days for rest of the day

I just fed the animals all right chickens I don’t have a massacred you lost some mouse here but this time I don’t kill you guys I know it’s getting a bit later into the series which means we’re gonna have to start fighting the bosses and that means

Diamond armor isn’t gonna do so well especially against the Naruto bosses so that means we need to get some better stuff so our goal is to get another armor which we’re gonna use to beat the upcoming bosses but first we gotta feed the animals again oh we got one more

Skill point so 17 points on skinny point I want to upgrade my medicine I want to see if I can get that HP because I don’t know what the hell’s happened to my HP it’s just disappeared apparently me and Timothy are off to see if we can borrow

Some weed from a village remember you get to name the dragon so leave some suggestions in the comments oh I see one I see one is it a crocodile or is it an alligator it’s an alligator it’s not an alligator or it’s a crocodile hello mate how you doing

Oh someone’s in a bit of a mood oh oh me me chillax are you mad it’s just a game we’re mad bro we’re mad it’s just game yeah were you mad you just came bro it’s just came oh and I was burning yeah man you might want to go back into the water

You’re kind of burning bro yeah I’ll make you two if you have a hey he’s actually chasing chasing me you’re not you know should I let him like oh god oh he’s got me he’s got me okay I’m actually you know what am I gonna die he’s breaking my stuff

What’s he gonna do yeah oh hello bye-bye look at that from that like this area looks sick I can’t I’ve done a good job I can’t lie oh all of them hatched so we got the Never now the dragon we got the fire dragon we got the Ender Dragon to end the Knight

We fed the animals once again we’re gonna be doing some netherite mining using beds so we’re gonna need a lot of wool luckily for us we have a lot of sheep I was trying to lose hope and I even had to message my friend slothful to make sure there was actually Asian

Debris in this version but soon we’ll find some oh my God that’s a big explosion I didn’t realize how big of an explosion is oh my God oh you’re okay don’t mind oh that’s a good deal I need you I need you I need I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry Okay so you’re trapped there for now so so if I give him four ancient degrees he’ll give me five okay that’s a good deal that’s a good deal you’re gonna stay there until

I come back all right found one let’s go I’m the goat all right okay we got one please say this is actually please I’m hoping it’s not just one is it it looks like my luck standing around I’m just kidding because I didn’t find another one for a while

It’s a new day but we’re still here trying to get some moist and debris I mean look he’s gone oh let’s go I was gonna say three piece wait a minute we can go trade with our fellow fellow yo buddy I gotta trade for you nice we’re

Out of walls so it’s time to share some sheep I replaced a lot of dirt with grass so the grass inside the Sheep form could grow faster but their gross wasn’t their problems it was the Sheep because they kept eating it too fast you need

Wood to make beds so I went to get some but I got attacked oh look yo yo yo yo okay they’re actually strong houses more how much flat do you want it to be seriously you used up my chocolate but you didn’t let me use the attack

It’s way so strong bro stop it bro he’s using like a water bug or something there you go we’re back to mining agent debris and when you watch videos of people doing this they don’t tell you how boring this process is and dangerous because there’s a few close calls where I almost died

Oh nice we got more debris oh my God we’ve got three pieces of debris let’s go nice record oh my God these are just one come on oh my God finally I should have just done debris running like this yeah you need gold to make another right and

Turns out I have none how do I have none anyways let’s go get some any more gold gold anyone got diamonds a diamond sorry not diamonds Diamond okay thank God I see okay so we got 20 okay that’s more than enough let’s go home

Less oh more gold oh my God now we got enough we’re gonna find so much gold on me it’s always when you don’t have the item you can’t you can never find it but once you have enough you’re gonna find it everywhere I repaired my armor which

We’re gonna turn into another ride now we finally get to make another right armor to another Smith yeah right there so boom another eye helmet another I just play ten percent turns out it gives you some extra boost like 10 more or more yeah this armor is powerful so this is time I

Think we can challenge the legendary Ignus himself if we can find them somewhere I’m gonna be honest I didn’t even use that heel by once now the next boss we take on is the legendary ignis trust me it’s an interesting fight oh I forgot to collect my rewards from the

End Quest but luckily I remembered so what what rewards did we get for defeating ignis oh wait a minute the end oh oh my God I forgot I forgot we get rewards for this okay so at the end two black beds and a 16 special Arrow I’ll get the anger I get

Both what the hell yo that Loki looks fire he doesn’t do as much damage as the Naruto one base I don’t know if upgrading the helmet was the correct call I probably should have done more research before doing it now we’re gonna try to find ignis so if I remember

Correctly to summon him is having to get the ashes and if we kill one of his minions down here we’ll see how hot they are I want to keep a normal golden apple on me so if we kill one of these we’ll get the ashes all right these people okay

He’s a lot harder than I remember yeah this was a sign because I was having a lot of trouble finding the minions so imagine how the boss fight goes alright finally okay nicely Dr Ash I was gonna say but after all that if you didn’t drop the ashes for us

I’m not gonna lie I’m really scared I’m definitely gonna have to be munching down on the enchanted golden apple on this battle but YOLO there he is oh my God he’s coming at me Okay okay he’s actually strong okay okay Oh my God you almost killed me oh my God okay actually is super good an actor oh my God he’s making everything Shake yeah I was scared for my life as you saw he almost killed me twice in less than a minute no keep running please yo pigland please go away

Piglet you are not him go away I think I’m gonna eat golden apple and just going for the kill I think that might be the strategy Leave me a super no Chopper come on bro okay my little chapel just went out of effect okay all right you know what I call timer after on the way I have to see how to actually defeat him because I can’t defeat him I don’t think he cares about

My time out so yeah I had to do a tactical Retreat for now I totally didn’t Google how to be ignis I mean why would I do that when I’m a pro gamer I came back to the arena but turns out he was hiding from me I’m not even gonna

Lie here I got super lucky because Ignus got stuck at the bottom of this Arena so I just bought him that battle took way too long I might die by doing this but you only live once all right don’t please don’t drop your Lou in the lava please don’t drop your

Lou in the lava please don’t drop your Lou in the lava please don’t drop your Lou in the lava I told you this fight was gonna be interesting oh my God I don’t want to do that in a long time I don’t want to fight ignis ever again

I thought I didn’t realize how hard it was well actually wait a minute I completely forgot about this so if you come Quest ignis because shield and some XP uh the XP already applied but so we can just boom I think this is way better Shield than the one we currently have so

I think we’ll start using that now now all we gotta do is go home what I was saying is I want to save this battle set to battle Itachi because yeah we’re gonna need the strongest armor set that we’re gonna need to bag him so I feel like we should make it almost

Oh my god do the dragons all they’re all grown up now this is probably a really bad idea wait can I yeah I can’t because it’s already another way but if I do this how many of you can spot what I’m doing wrong here why can’t I do that is

That because these need to be healed up oh that’s because I’m on Anvil stupid me oh it repairs itself I bet I love you love you there but that means if I’m wrong I didn’t think this was gonna be possible only thing is our helmet but us fine we’ve got the

Whole thing this outfit and it’s kind of overpowered if you ask me trust me when I tell you this armor was not enough and I was not as prepared as I thought I was you’ll see what I mean I don’t think we’ll get a chance to fight many of the

Bosses because we don’t have much time and so much things to do we don’t have enough time to do everything that I wanted to do so I think then to check it now look at this Terry’s though one of the coolest things in Minecraft taking the goddamn Ender

Dragon one of my goals was to collect all the dragons but I think I’ve done a pretty good job so far but we’ll definitely have them all by 200 days you’re good uh you know what that’s calm wait why how’s the driveway how it was what’s happened here then why

Are all of them just you know what you do you buddy you do you I look you want to make a better house like this is a nice house but I want to upgrade and uh well maybe on top of there so we’ll have a bridge from

This tiny Hill to that mountain and just have like a house on top yeah we don’t have enough time for that in these 100 days today our goal is to learn some new jutsus all right let’s go learn more due to Shelby where’s the what’s that YouTube stuff is here so let’s learn

Water gun and then this so fire so it’s just a fireball probably shouldn’t do it near my house because it’s all made out of wood and I don’t want it to bloody burn but if I do this okay just a great Fireball technique I press the magical button yeah so like

Don’t mind me you know I’m just climbing up a wall oh it’s one of these are is there a weird um portal to a different dimension I really want to check one of those out they look really odd oh yeah it is hello mister you give

Us a layer and a blue journal I really wanted to go inside this portal if any of you know where that leads please let me know so to summon the Naruto bosses you need to make spawn eggs for them and some of them are easy but some of them

Cost a lot how have I used all the diamonds what I thought we had diamonds but apparently we didn’t I don’t know I think someone definitely stole them from us this time we’re not feeding the animals but killing them for food well just the Sheep oh yeah and killing those

Animals actually gave me some things so I think what I’ll do is to upgrade my medicine to 20. finance the HP finally came back took your sweet time huh all right so we got our HP back X I wonder how long this is gonna last now

Isn’t it am I just blind it’s a seasonal diamonds I can’t accept the fact that there’s no diamonds left I still can’t believe we don’t have any diamonds I got super lucky with this pickaxe or dang it will just use it oh let’s go that’s what they come in to go

I will go Fortune tree nice that’s the only pickaxe we needed right is the easiest spawn egg to make as you only need clay I think we have some clay but just in case we don’t I do remember we need clay to spawn in I think they do right I don’t think I’ve

Been here unless this attaches back to that huge cave then I have some gold there went to get that all right so let’s see how well this is so from one we get one from two this is Fortune three it’s two seriously how is my locked up bad even

With fortune 3 I didn’t get any extra diamonds these days were spent mining all right how much do we get I ate nice we got three from one that’s a good deal but there’s diamonds I went in a circle but now I found diamonds single multiple hopefully

Multiple please don’t be a single block jeez just a single and he’s dropped me this Fortune no work on diamonds in this Bear Minecraft mod I’ve I’ve been here I don’t don’t diamonds no I haven’t no I haven’t if I have many of those diamonds that

Have been gone we go almost a stack of thing all right come on please so I got four right now four diamonds got me two finally it’s working nice so that gave me six from two hours six I’m happy I see diamonds I see diamonds I’ve I have not been here I’ve

Seen more diamonds okay I can repeat I have not been here before nice more diamonds I hope nothing spawns in the lava oh more diamonds we do need to get a lot more gold as well while I’m at it oh we just came across the bloody everything nice

I’m happy I’m happy with that that was a successful mining trip we got hella diamonds I’m kind of nervous I’m kind of nervous I don’t think I’m ready for this but YOLO you only live once right let me quickly get a bit far away from my base

Because I don’t want this to be near I was thinking because his spawning was easy to make that he would be easy to kill but boy was I wrong okay I I need to make this area safer so adding a trench is a must if you’ve been a

Subscriber for a long time on this channel you know I like to add trenches around my base ah run okay hello I remember you how’s it going let’s we’re still there can I how powerful are you okay um what about with the bow um and I have a golden apple on my hand

Just in case okay okay oh my God does he do damage if I didn’t have three rows of Health I would be dead from just that one attack but trust me he has an even deadly attack I should have probably worn my ignis outfit but I feel like we already here right

I’m gonna have to definitely fight him from afar there’s no way in hell I can fight him from close range he just got rid of half of my HP if I didn’t have these extra Hearts I would have been dead I I don’t I you know what you might

Count this as cheap because I’m pulling him from afar but if I get close I’m gonna be dead so I think if I do do 200 days we’re gonna have to redo this fight where we actually have decent HP and I upgrade other stats not just my Ninjutsu I don’t

Want to get too close because this guy’s gonna kill me I know that for a fact come on Deidra I’m not getting close I don’t care you can you can leave in the comments uh this doesn’t count but remember that deadly attack I was talking about yeah

It was crashing my game if you see my HP back to one row of Hearts that’s because I had to use a backup of the world and you might remember this happened earlier on the video but don’t worry it does get fixed later on now I did kill him it’s

Just now I have to re-kill him like that yo yo buddy chillax man yeah data is exploding explosion ah exploding explodes yeah that’s more powerful than thing but the one thing I learned from this fight from the previous time is not to get too close to

Him because you know now I’m pretty sure I do get some level rewards from kid okay seriously where they coming from zombies do you mind can I use my five or five boy five boy nice seriously zombies go away this is the most annoying thing about this mod all right now

Officially killed him now you get 250 levels this I think was kinda cool well it’s that thing it’s his eye all right we can put it on display you know let’s put that on here now we make rest of the spawn eggs at this point I

Was realizing how much danger I was in after that fight so I thought it’d be best if I spent a few days just leveling up so today we just collected all the miscellaneous things we’re gonna need for the end fights I spent a few days just leveling up but let me tell you

That didn’t help much just wait for the boss fights all right we come to day 97 it’s probably gonna be one of the finale’s and the game is oh as you can see it’s a lot buggy but that’s fine we can work with that but

Yeah as you can see I have got the lining technique which I found lightning DNA and um 15 job boys which means we can use on something else yeah as you can see I have definitely updated the stats I say we uploaded morning due to because we do need uh chakra points but

My cat’s been invisible for a second but yeah as you can see I used a lot of scale points to level up my HP and I’m glad I did because that’s the only reason I survived the upcoming fights and let me quickly go put an armor

Before any more porn shots me at this moment hello coins yeah I’ve been waiting for you for a while boom boom boom Oh yeah and as you can tell I did start using that Shield because I was like you know there’s no point because all the other heroes are gonna keep

Breaking okay yeah we’re not gonna use the wind yet but this is the great Fireball technique and it’s a great fire technique let’s quickly check that out I think it’s gonna be good is it gonna look like a dragon uh no it doesn’t oh yeah and I I

Unlocked the demon ceiling Jutsu and I decided to do a bit of research before I actually activate it and turns out yeah you actually do die using this it does one show where the opponent you’re fighting but at the cost of your life so you know it’s like when um Minato and

Naruto’s mother is still the demon inside him so yeah they did sacrifice their life but hey also the uncle version when the third Hokage sealed away or watch maru’s arms let me quickly boom boom and we’ll be right back I’m gonna make it double safe I’m gonna go

Save the world you know to create a backup just in case anything does go wrong wait a minute and I’m using the wrong sword let me let me get the right sword first so sharpness for fire aspect I should combine them shouldn’t I you’re about to

Win this me be super dumb did I really just do that there’s no way I just did that there’s no freaking way I just did that I wish I had to save like a second ago I didn’t think spy gets rid of wow I I really just did that didn’t I well

Now there’s literally not enough time for me to undo my mistake but according to the sharpness of my sword because I was in a rush well that’s what you get for being an Arusha I should have prepared for the sooner but right one second I’m gonna go make it

Safe I’m gonna make it back up the world is saved and now it’s time to fight all right nice that worked let’s get water juice now where is he hidon I see him look at him looking with the thing he killed um oh that reminds me of 1010’s mission actually Can someone please tell me why these bosses are so powerful like it’s not even a joke it took me forever to kill headon just watch this is a plot twist I thought he’d actually take oh oh I forgot it’s my shield isn’t it oh it’s my shield

Oh he’s not taking damage I’m gonna get golden apple just to be safe I don’t want to accidentally kill him I want to clean with my sword all right oh come on because it’s a battle for my life it’s a battle for my life it’s a battle for my

Life you got enough another one eat another one Okay nice all right this guy I think he drops his sword nice 17 damage 17 damage was sword you know not bad not bad almost died multiple times but not bad now it’s time you’ve all been waiting for the fight with Hitachi let me just say this I probably need a

Thousand days to prepare for this fight but let’s go on with it I am not ready for this fight I am not ready for this fight I am not ready for this fight I do not want the smoke I do not can I show you the moment we’ve all been waiting for

The Moment of Truth let me hear going up and see how much damage he does instantly I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared water he’s over there all right let’s hope our attacks actually do damage to him okay okay bro just his attack alone if they hit to so much damage

All right what are those little oh come on if you’re not if you want to fight me can they even look onto me from that far yes he can yes he can there’s no legit way I can kill the Torches just overpowered oh my God he’s just full damage and

That’s not even close range this is one tiny attack once I want to eat another one I want a chocolate Pearl and I’m gonna go in for a hair well activate Pearl activity boy he’s got his manga sharing on activity I would have died right there if I if I

Stayed for any longer did this guy break my helmet your time out I want to go check if he broke my helmet there’s no way he broken it yeah he did break my helmet so I had to take a break from the fight to get a replacement I hope I don’t accidentally

Just walk across where is it there you are oh time out time it food what’s the time Auntie food oh nice actually listened um oh yo don’t get too close don’t get too close to touchy don’t Hitachi touch keep a distance keep your distance I wish I bought a virus potion

How’s it going to go there okay nope nope nope Itachi Itachi back up Itachi back up bro how does his Fireball just to do five oh maybe I should have maxed up my thing maybe it would have done four damage for me as well Oh how close am I to time uh the answer is very close answer is very close oh water water put me in water oh my God bro how is this guy this powerful lightning oh I don’t have chocolate I didn’t see that I didn’t see that I didn’t see that

Maybe get a stuck in a hole oh oh oh he’s got me down to two okay if I had a single bar of HP this would be difficult to say the least we took a break to get some sleep because I was getting tired of blowing I should

Have saved my instrument to golden apples for this occasion but I didn’t realize that I would actually you know I didn’t realize how op this guy was okay okay oh no I’m not sticking around to find out bro okay if you if you see me start to get um

If you see me being quiet that’s because I’m really concentrating on this this is not as easy as it seems this is actually harder than it seems where’d you go they fall in a hole okay now run now run now run now run now run run run run run run run

Okay bro how does this Fireball do so much damage This guy only does one attack and is the most powerful thing on planet Earth maybe I should have done that just focused all my energy on the fireball instead of spreading out okay nope nope nope it’s getting way too close it’s getting way too close he’s getting way too close bye

Why these two not even doing anything heal me at least do something be useful for a white spot is so hard why is this so overpowered you know what fine you know since you like fire so much what if I put some water in you oh

I want to kill him before he gets night because I don’t know if I’ll get the opportunity again I can’t even see who I’m shooting I’m just shooting uh if this kills me I haven’t downloaded this game yes we killed him with a sword I don’t care I’m taking that win man

That was too overpowered he was too overpowered that was way too stressful this might not have been the ending you wanted but a win is still a win but don’t worry when we do 200 days I’m gonna focus more on leveling up my style so we can fight Itachi and hopefully be

It more fair but if we do do 200 days in this I’m gonna max out my Firepower because it thought you was doing eight hearts of damage with just one attack well that that is overpowered if I’ve ever seen anything okay and in one day 100

Wait does ignis not take any damage on this stuff okay I managed to make another eye set with ignis helmet we have to fight English again which I don’t want to do but for that help me I think that might be worth it to be honest with this whole

Outfit but have I got all my rewards yeah I collected all my rewards we still got a few more bosses to fight yeah we lost this one we could have got this super early on but we did lose our rate we seem to fight the frost monster and then we need to

I think there’s a few more bosses in the nether we only fought one we’ve seen a bit with the yeah so as you can see we have a lot more stuff left but sadly we did run out of time if I do when we do do it 200

Days if we do 200 days I should say I’m gonna focus on the maxing out the fire ability first and then the lightning because you know lightning Minotaur we all know we have to do that but we have to make a full Enchanted protection five set I think in repetition five

Get petition 5 we’ve got so many more builds I want I’ll make that bridge across there I want to make this form a bit better make like um pillars coming up make a roof and I don’t know what’s wrong with that thing that’s literally just a waste of

Time I don’t know why it doesn’t work but I’m going to make every single one of these dragons it has Timothy’s got a house which is not in nobody chillax um so we got uh what’s that four dragons up here two inside so we need to make

Six and then I wanna have a trench around the whole base so these units just can’t keep coming in wait did I just say zenutus I meant these white zetsus and I really want to have a bridge across there to there I think that’s gonna look sick but

We can’t do anything yet but yeah oh and we’re definitely gonna fight fight these um bosses again because to be honest I had to use the boat to kill them because if I didn’t let’s be honest I would be dead we also how overpowered

They are and I think what I would do is really focus on getting my HP to an absurd amount like super high those are some of the things that I want to improve on let me know what you think I should do and if you if you personally

Want to play this mod I’ll leave a download link in the description and you can just combine them and play together or if you want to give me advice on how to beat these Naruto bosses because technically because as you can clearly see I am having a bit of

Issues and I would appreciate the help I did enjoy this a lot and you know what it’s probably the most fun I’ve had in 100 days video so if you do want to see 200 days let me know in the comments if you enjoyed this video remember to leave

A like And subscribe and let me know in the comments if you want to see 200 days I’m going to attempt to survive 100 days in Minecraft my hero Academia but I get a new quack every 10 days and there are special villains who can do this Darby’s

Powers wow Jesus look oh my God day one I spawned into the world with toilet Rocky Square which lets us Control Fire and Ice our first goal is to kill the sludge villain but first we have to do a few things like test.work which one do I

Have a fight oh my God geez I’m almost dead um come on let’s quickly turn on ice or ice is on oh my God this is actually really good you can switch between the both make them warm and make them really cold here’s our stats card and it tells us

Our quack Rank and most importantly level when you level up you get skill points which you can use to boost your health power or stamina I came across the Mentos fighting Hanzo and I thought I could steal the kill but it went horribly wrong could I could I actually

Just come in last second like okay I should I shouldn’t have done that I learned my lesson now before we can complete our first goal we need to build a house and for that we need to get some wood for the tools but I had a bit of trouble with that oh Jesus Oh no you’re gonna see me be stupid here because I didn’t see this criminal thp I thought I one shot him but I didn’t keep an eye out on his health oh my God we can one shot then have I leveled up still haven’t leveled up here so that’s

Not good I did one show him earlier so I got jumped by a few criminals but I’m a hero so do you think I can win oh she has a knife in to be careful don’t stop us oh oh my God again how many of how many is there guys guys

Please step back that’s right thanks to my Quirk this was no challenge we came across a random staircase that goes down well too I’m not sure what so it seems to be an abandoned dungeon but there’s still spawners here um okay can we can we explore this guys back up back up Jesus

And soon we’re not going to be able to run because we don’t have any food okay I think this is abandoned ruin we came across our first Village let’s hope one of these houses have some spare food for us oh my god oh no oh no

Uh kind of fire Jesus I’ma just started a fire thanks to this Village day one came to an end I hope someone has a video that we can use um sorry sir thank you very much I forgot to close the door when I entered this house and the

Skeleton followed us in this is skeleton he’s gonna follow us in take the food take that we don’t need these two games but wow you actually chased me yeah well turn on ice because I don’t want to accidentally burn the village up that’s gonna give us all this free stuff

Me robbing them that’s fine but me burning down their houses I should sound call for as you can see I have some morals I’ll Rob them but I won’t burn down their houses we robbed this poor farmer and took all his hay oh my god let’s go Okay I completely forgot about this so we got XP we got level one which gave us one skill point and I think we should put that towards power because you know I want to level up our power nice we’ve got a fully shiny outfit we finished

Looting The Village so now it’s time to say our goodbye killing this dog leveled us up and this time we upgrade our health which gave us an extra Hawk I guess they’re all just criminals these are different names I say we put towards our health and then

Next we’ll you know what we’ll balance them out so each time we’ll get one we’ll just keep balancing now it’s time to make a house well actually first we have to find the area for it I accidentally used my Firepower and start burning myself going to quickly make a

House because oh Jesus Jesus as you can see I’m not really good at this I placed down my bed and crafting table then began getting some wood we made a chest and that was day two we need to make a house and for that we need trees so

Let’s go get some apparently Derby started caring about these trees and he wasn’t happy about us killing them oh um but he can’t scare us away because we’re right back to cutting down more trees we then clipped some land to make space for our new home so now it’s time to start

Making our house first I began with placing down the wooden outlines but I thought it wasn’t big enough so we have to restore this happened a few times finally I made up my mind so let’s start building for the roof I decided to go with slabs because we are poor and

Didn’t have much wood but it also does make it even more spacious now the only problem with the house is that there’s holes everywhere so we need to go get some gloss so we went and got some sand now we begin the work on the roof while

The furnace does its job so I was finishing the roof when I went down to see if it actually looked good and that’s when I was attacked oh Jesus no no no no I was trying to look at how the house looks I don’t think he likes to look so look

Of the house though I’m not gonna use fire because I don’t want to burn my house down oh you dropped us a gun um how do I use a gun and you’re not using gun yeah I didn’t manage to figure out how guns work so if

Anyone does know let me know in the comments I finished the roof and it wasn’t looking that good but I have an idea to save it I got some wood then added these beams and I think he looks better right I finally added some gloss to the house so criminals couldn’t just

Walk in they actually have to use the door now I saw a day six with my amazing singing skills I am not strong enough to battle you cementos oh let’s go come on you show him his boss buddy in the last minute I came in and saved

The day because clearly he needed my help come on I wanted to add some stairs to have access to our upstairs but I’m not good at that so we’re just gonna use some ladders we converted our attic into a storage room then moved all our belongings which isn’t much into it oh

And I forgot we found a thug oh a thug a thug hello Mr Thug you’re gonna die oh Jesus is actually strong the side quest of making a house is now complete now it’s time to go find and kill the sludge villain I think we need to kill some

Normal villains first before we can challenge sludge villain because he’s got some asset power and that’s quite strong before we confront this large villain I think it’s better if we reach level 5 since he’s strong and I don’t want to die so let’s kill some normal villains to level off I’ve walked

In on the wrong side oh no you know that she’s the gun wait can I give him oh no Jesus that does a lot of damage excuse me share the knife she adopt a knife and her hair so we came across muscular and we are supposed to fight

Him but not right now because this man is a Monster who would easily kill us oh no he’s Aggron to me he’s aggro down to me he’s not going on to me why do I have a flying ability I thought Chomper wouldn’t be that strong but boy was I wrong Trump oh no

Oh no we’re about to die oh nice way to kill him how did we die though also we got to level five and I used the skill point to upgrade our power oh wait a minute we’re level five that means we unlocked free slash burn I

Don’t know why it does but let’s find out oh if I shift I can only need to be careful I use that so if I hold shift it’s fire I can just I’m like a dragon breathing fire there’s a permanent turning into eye so it’s just

Oh it’s just a layer of ice on top okay okay let’s Powers overpowered all right can I freeze people Santos wait a minute wait oh no I’m sorry cementos Jesus just kill him kill him kill him please please kill him before this new ability is really good

But I really shouldn’t have used it against one of our fellow Heroes now all we have to do is find the sludge monster all right where where is hiding from us so we somehow managed to kill Darby but I wouldn’t say it was a fair fight and

To be careful because Dobby is right there I’m a dead man I’m a dead man okay okay I think Dobby is the one that chases a lot so Oh Daddy hello friend so yeah we’re no match for Dobby oh no actually where’s Dobby okay can we kill him

If we can kill him I’ll take that w ow we just defeated Dobby level six todidoki was in need of my hell because he was burning so of course I saved him I’m not attacking I’m just trying to save you with my eyes don’t get the wrong idea come on he died

What’s killing you there you go see I saved him I mean his power is the reason why we’ve managed to kill his brother right after we found this large villain so now we can complete our first goal oh he’s there villain get away okay this is going to

Be easy as long as he doesn’t attack me I just have to keep my distance is he running towards the water I think he might be running towards oh that’s a smart villain but not smart enough because put it up his powers overpowered oh excuse me sir don’t use your asset on me

Yeah if he uses the acid is game over but because we don’t oh no please I’m burning myself nice we killed him now we can move on to the next goal which is to be honzo seems that muscular wasn’t happy about us killing his friend oh no oh no oh no no

Please Jesus Christ This Guy’s drunk I came across Victor the handgunner and I ran to Endeavor for help but he wasn’t having any of it okay this was a mistake this was a mistake this was a mistake uh Endeavor Endeavor save me Endeavor look look bad guys enough look a student

Fight but but guys help endeavor there’s a student dying in the seriously gonna burn me just trying to get your help but it’ll be fine we’ll let the students die and you know what it will be on you it’ll be on you we then cleared some land to make

A very unique reform we spent all of the a collecting wood I was trying to make a circle shape for this wheat farm but for some reason I was having a bit of trouble with that don’t worry because I eventually figured it out I play some

Fences around the farm so no one could just walk over it we place some seeds down and the first layer of our form was now complete but we have to make a few more layers I was using my power to get rid of the fire around the house when I

Came across these villains thank you that was a close one I found Hanzo and we just need to kill him to complete our goal yep he’s a lot stronger than it looks and I did try again but yeah I found Hanzo fighting a police officer so I had

To help and luckily he was low on HP and because of that we killed him easily this completed our goal but it wasn’t really fair but we’ll challenge him again later rest of the night I just went around fighting Noble criminals it’s day 10 that means it’s time for a

New Quirk three a two a one yeah this quack seems to be interesting but we’ll find out how good it is now before we challenge Hanzo again we need to try to get to level 10. we’ll make quick just put the water out I’m gonna put the fire out part two

You know I thought I thought what was meant to put out fire no it just has school told me nothing and we missed and we missed we don’t have the greatest of aim because I’m not a strange sniper but We don’t how much damage did we do we done one damage while killing cows for food I found out they could fly sorry guys you thought I forgot about you but but I looked and now your he’s flying we were killing these normal criminals when muscular centers flying if someone

Tell me hello don’t mind me you know just need quick easy levels and you know what you’re easy to get okay nice I already wanna I Really Wanna annoy Moscow okay let’s go let’s go I found muscular who was barely alive don’t mind me just slowly oh oh okay okay never mind

Oh geez oh my God okay we then made the second layer of the form and it wasn’t big enough so we’re gonna have to expand later on we went and killed some normal criminals okay so basically we came across muscular and they killed me a lot but because of that they annoyed me

Enough for me to keep going back and eventually we managed to take one down this doesn’t really count towards our goal because I mean we died a lot a lot after some time we finally got to level 10 and that means we unlocked our next ability which is water hose yep it’s

Exactly what it sounds like and for some reason I decided to test it out on the student yeah this student almost killed me but I don’t think this attacks are powerful but I could be wrong now it’s time to make the third layer of the form

You know what this form isn’t that bad I actually like here since we’re Level 10 the hunt for Hanzo Begins the Scavengers bullying a student and as a hero we couldn’t just stand by yep tanzao scavenge is pretty weird the day began with the bear farming while exploring I

Came across this Village and it seems like they were under attack so we couldn’t stand here and watch so I had to help I don’t know what these criminals were doing outside my house but they didn’t stay there for long It’s a new day which means the hunt for Hanzo begins because I really want to complete this goal and move on to the next one I saw a student in need of some help so I went and saved them Finally we found a Hanzo when I didn’t expect him to be there strong that death won’t stop us because we’re going right back to the action and it seems like we’re not beating Hanzo today the morning start with the bill forming so we fight muscle man but can someone

Please explain to me what happened at the end hello muscle man sorry horse oh no the key is stronger than I expected him to be come on come on okay what that doesn’t how is that how since we’re running low on resources it’s finally time to make a

Mine so first I cleared some land then I began building and I tried to make it look similar to a house near the end of the night I added some stairs these days we just spent mining on our way to the Village we came across the sludge villain we reunite once again

Let’s let’s see how much easier is to defeat him now oh my God it’s still strong as ever No I didn’t bring my shield or anything Can I oh no oh no no no no oh my God Dobby’s there we’re running low on we so we’re just gonna borrow some from The Villages Farm I saw rapper block the entrance so I decided to make our own it’s gonna make my own way in

But seems like he wasn’t too happy with that yeah I’m not sure where he went but I found this parkour oh it’s a parkour system huh and we all know I’m the best at parkour as you can see I have amazing Parkour skins it definitely wasn’t easy

But as a reward of completing this it was just a map pretty lame now it’s time to make an animal farm but we couldn’t just make a normal one because these heroes and villains fight and they kill anything that means animals don’t live for long so I had an idea but for that

We need to make some flat land then I made some infants in areas where our animals were going to be and don’t worry we’re gonna have a protection system for the animals it’s day 20 and that means it’s time for a new Quirk so we got uraraka squirk which is anti-gravity and

Yeah I had a lot of trouble figuring it out no I got this pal how do I turn off how do I turn off wait um you’re gonna see me struggle with just a normal criminal because I had no idea how to use this quirk but don’t worry just like her we’ve

Managed to figure out later on and now it’s time to place down the outer fences and this would stop the villains from attacking but this isn’t our main defense system because some of the attacks can still go through but you will see what I have planned oh yeah and

Remember I said I’ll figure out how to use the correct well that’s now oh my God I think I figured out I think I figured out I didn’t figure it out okay so we have to use this okay and once we’re using this so we can use the next

One okay so let’s erase okay and now you use this normal one again okay so we’re using it we’re using it and then now fling okay nice before we can use our main defense we have to go get the animals so that’s what I did today first

I got the chickens then I got the cows and lastly I got the Sheep now we’re gonna use the main defense that I’ve been talking about and that’s literally just water you might be thinking why water well it’s because water can stop a lot of attacks for example when TNT

Explodes in water it doesn’t break any block and even at first I wasn’t sure if this would work but luckily it does the morning began with us feeding the animals then we did the bell farming it’s been a while since we tried to beat Hanzo so let’s try to find him I don’t

Know why I thought it would be a good idea of fighting students is this person crackless you crackless oh my God the bully becomes the bullied we finally found the man himself no use no dude okay we lost the sword I think he’s still chasing us as well

If he uses his work like we’re gonna be dead but where’s the sword where’s the sword it’s nice we got the sword if I use my quack Ness I have to be careful how I do this because this person’s correct I have I’m not sure who’s he is but this gravity

Is not meant for attacking someone that’s 400 sure but you know what I could use it as a quick getaway I found Hanzo again next to a house and we finally killed him okay go to fling him across he’s climbing the ladder honzo you dead

Okay I think we killed him look at what bakugou does oh wait oh my god oh foreign running low on resources so it’s that time again to go mining the day began with the brave spider challenging rapper to a fight no who’s gonna win I’m rooting for the spider I’m a spider oh

My gosh for office is coming in with the clutch he’s coming with assist but it’s not gonna last oh my God so officer is about to go down he shoots his show and he’s about to die and the Soul officer is down he’s still he’s

Still alive with 82 out of 100 HP so they barely did anything but a forever it’s day 30 and you know what that means it’s time for a new Quirk we got an Asus Quirk which is Whirlwind this quack is definitely better than the anti-gravity so I think we’re gonna have some good

Fights we’re gonna fly rapper was stuck in a hole in water so I took advantage of that and I tried to kill him after a very long time we managed to kill him okay nice okay you know what I’m impressed with uh on air kill now it’s

Time to make an enchanting table first we collected some obsidian then we found this cool building in the village and we borrowed some books I tried saving a villager but it didn’t go as planned villager run to safety bro what are you doing okay that that’s on the village I’m

Sorry but that that villager deserved what he had coming we don’t have anywhere to put our enchanting tables so I guess it’s going in the middle of the house it might not look the best but it’ll do for now then I made the best thought I could okay not the best sword

But hey it’s better than no sword then we killed some land because when I collect this obsidian to make the enchanting table I also collected enough to make another portal this might not look the best but it’s okay I don’t know how but cementos annoyed me enough for

Me to kill him today is the day we go to the nether I’m glad we had this quick because he allowed us to fly around I spent rest of the day collecting courts and not for the court but for the XP we Enchanted our armor decent entrance hopefully protection to that’s good

Protection One Unbreaking one two Protection One I think villains found out where I live well you see why I wasn’t expecting you here mate all right using my new ability I killed Victor the handgunner come on kill him kill him kill him okay nice I wanted to try on new ability on

Some villains from before and see how much easier it is to kill them come on here lady we’re about to test the power on you all right she’s gonna die and she is dead okay so your answer you’re gonna die again buddy oh my God I can put them on fire and

Just put them up on a tornado I saw this weird building so I went to investigate okay let’s see what it is it’s gonna fly over to it first I went upstairs and that was pretty boring because pretty much nothing was there now it’s time to see what’s downstairs turns out it’s a

Dungeon the day ended with us doing a bit of farming then feeding the animals these days were mainly spent in the nether because I want you to take advantage of the flying abilities and here’s what we did we found the first biome which will help us get ender

Pearls later on then I found this weird biome thing I’m not really sure what it is after a while we found a fortress and killed some blazes it’s day 37 and we’re still killing Blazers I’m not sure why but I wanted a horse so I went exploring

But there was no horses to be found I found a horse in the village but nothing to tame it luckily there was hay which I borrowed and that helped me tame the horse I don’t know how but I managed to walk across the only fire in this whole

Area and because of that my horse almost died but it’s not only my fault because the host did not want to go to the water I don’t know why I had nowhere for my horse to go so I made a little area next to the mine I found muscular hanging out

With Victor and just look at what happens oh my God nope nope nope fly fly fly killing Victor was easier than expected but muscular was a different story oh no would you say I want this or do we call this a draw today we didn’t do much but

Fighting so here’s that then I ended with me finding this hidden cabin in the middle of nowhere it’s day 40 and you know the drill by now that’s right it’s time for a new Quirk we go back it goes quick which is explosion and I have to be super careful while using this

Because not only does it hurt myself but he also breaks blocks now let’s test out this Quirk I have to be careful using his crackers yeah we all know every good Hero has a headquarters so we need one so I began with flattening some land where the headquarters is going to be

First off I start with making the foundation of the building then I began building the wooden beams which is when I realized we were out of wood so let’s go get some more alright so now we got some wood let’s finish off these pillars

And then I was gone not sure what I was doing but I was AFK for the whole day it’s been a while since we fed our animals so let’s do that then I opened the gates and the chickens try to escape but I managed to bribe them with the

Seat to come back I’m on back in Lads come on back in then we fed the cows and cheat don’t worry I didn’t forget about the horse the plan is to go check out the dungeon where we’ll go towards the scary route to solve it more spawn excuse me get away

I can’t hit you I know I’m another spawner uh excuse me more kind sir hopefully I don’t get lost in here I want to get rid of the spawners first because I know those are those the hard bits get away zombies go away Creeper go away Creeper spider stop these explosions don’t do

Too much damage okay you guys are making this too easy on me I was trying to leave the dungeon but Dobby had me trapped because he was blocking the X here so I had to outsmart him and trap him into this hallway and make my Escape I didn’t like the current

Design of the headquarters so I decided to change it so Darby and deck will start fighting near the house and yeah they destroyed a little bit of it no guys guys stop it guys no guys oh adding the glass windows actually bought this whole thing together and it

Actually looks really good today we’re working on the roof and I decided to go with the slab design I think this is one of the best roofs I’ve ever done it looks good right every Hero has a big chair in a room and I’m not very good at

Making chess so this will have to do then I began working on the entrance of our headquarters I literally signed this chair for the rest of the day I went to feed the animals but the chickens at the Escape Plan oh no I got seeds I got seeds come down come

Back I tried my best to bring them back but I failed but for those right to escape they will be punished most of the day was spent killing all the chickens that escape we needed Flynn so I went and got some gravel then I spent the whole day turning the gravel into Flynn

It’s that time again I hope we get a good Quirk looks like we go rap as quick which is strong arm it’s time to test out the square barrage seriously okay I’m dead ground slam oh I’m very sorry police officer we made a lot of arrows can you guess why I found

Hanzo and this time the tables have turned Hanzo timer I mean food Hanzo I mean food buddy these days we’ll spend fixing the mine and by that I mean just digging out the whole thing and adding stairs that they began with us feeding the animals then we went mining because

We needed a lot of resources for an upcoming trip can you guess what that’s going to be we did find this cool little dungeon but it did almost kill us you know the drill I just hope we get a good crack we got anti-gravity again which is

Going to come in handy we made a bow and Enchanted it then we Enchanted the chest play we went back to the dungeon that almost killed us don’t mind me kind sir you know I just need your Enterprise oh I should have bought my shield we Enchanted our leggings then spent a few

Days killing Enderman for pearls can you guess why we Enchanted the boots then made some eye Of Enders then made some golden apples I needed XP so I went to breed the chickens for it and I almost made the same mistake as last time I accidentally opened the gate and some of

The chickens managed to escape again now it’s time to enchant the katana rooting three for aspect okay you know what way better than I expected it way better so I had a plan to kill some of the animals for XP but I decided if they could get

Me to level 30 by just me breeding them then they could live using the XP I Enchanted another bow which got powerful then I combined the Two bows and got level five that dragon is in danger we geared up then start the journey to find the end portal it’s day 66 and guess

What we’re still looking for the portal after a while we find the Portal and you’re never gonna guess how lucky I get I hope this is it oh well we place the Eye Of Enders inside the portal and jumped in really hope I don’t die please don’t die first we had

To get rid of the crystal so the dragon couldn’t heal anymore come on my aim is a lot off all right I should maybe maybe I should have bought a few more arrows shooting us again no thank you buddy just gonna Dodge I’ve been playing a lot of our

Aircraft so a lot of the bow use been killing dragons oh my god I’ve been killing oh buddy sorry sorry sorry thank you I was having a bit of trouble getting the top ones but then I remembered this is even in a Minecraft yeah that’s what we’re gonna

Do it’s gonna build up to it actually what am I doing I can just use my Quirk I completely forgot how to quirk that can just do this and this we’re in the same level and we’ve killed him we’ve managed to kill the dragon itself all right you

Know what it was not as hard as I thought it was thanks to this ability I don’t have to be in the ground with his minions that was way easier than I expected huh look at him look at him he’s dead he’s dead all right just took a screenshot

Let’s go get our rewards what is this oh that’s the all right let’s go collect our reward shelter and boom we have ourselves the dragon egg then we killed a few Enderman I spawned a bit far away because my spawn point wasn’t set so let’s start

Going home I remember we broke the bed we were sleeping on so oh nice night time I found the village and decided we’d spend the night here it’s time to go home we fed the sheep and shared them don’t worry we did feed the cows and the

Chickens too I decided we were gonna have all the students and heroes uniforms in our headquarters but for us to do that we needed to First make some armor stands we placed down the armor stands around the headquarters and I think it’s gonna look really good with

All the uniforms oh and on top of you from the ceiling we can have like an iron bar hanging down with our dragon egg then we made a display area with gloss for the dragon egg in the middle of our headquarters this is gonna show all the villains not to mess with us

Because we’re that strong first we made the training outfit then we made the UA gym uniform it’s that time again and let’s just hope we get a good quack [Applause] ah we placed their uniforms inside the headquarters and I think it’s gonna look really cool once it’s all filled up now

We make shotos AKA todoroki’s uniform we’re not sure to write we’ll have shelter right here Twitter okay right there and then we’ll have deku’s uniform right there I found muscular and he was stuck in a hole and I challenged him to a fight slow fire okay buddy I can stop my fall

Is he still down there oh I think we might be someone’s taking one come on come on are we strong enough to take him on I don’t I don’t know I mean he is a bit low on HP so we’re finally stronger than muscular I went to

Get some water so I was AFK and as soon as I returned a creeper decided that he wanted to attack me seriously man so now we’re gonna have to fix our house we thought muscular again oh my God okay all right he doesn’t want to fight us but that’s because we’re

Strong and he’s scared because don’t worry buddy I’m gonna hose you with someone else and the coming for the attack don’t worry though I will let you burn or cool you down I’ll cool you down don’t worry you know what I’m gonna have a little food break food

Break time out okay oh I actually got my sugar but that actually defended me I think we might be stronger than was killer muscularly good that is running back look at him look at him running all the way back I’m gonna burn you oh he’s flying up

With us not today buddy not today these are correct to put him down all right eat some food so we can reach an HP real quick is burning us all right I guess told it okay is on nobody’s side he’s got his uh we killed

Him but I went to run before he killed us and raid was starting but rapper wasn’t letting us go time to end this battle quickly because our village is about to get raided come on how is rapper being more of a challenge than muscular we’re almost done we’re almost done come

On you’re big so annoying I think he’s trying to hold delay us until we can get to the Village pretty much most of the day was spent in defending this Village you wanna see what come here boy he’s running oh he’s going back come on my aim’s really bad he killed one other

One say he’s got both buddy you’re not strong enough all right that’s dead sorry complete nice so the hero of the village we completed almost ruined our sword but hey then we make the best Katana ever hopefully we can get sharpness sweeping Edge I’d rather have sharpness of sweeping Edge

Mate thank you it was getting really close and I wasn’t happy with that level so I decided to spend a few days just leveling up we did a bit of farming then feather animals oh and just look at the amount of eggs we have okay our whole

Inventory is just full of eggs now when I tried to leave the chickens attacked they shall be known as the third gray Escape all right okay let me out of you oh no close the gates okay oh my God as a punishment for me and the

Chickens I spent the rest of the day going around killing all the chickens Escape we have food for days now today was mostly spent looking for a desert biome I did find the lower volumes but a desert wasn’t one of them two one oh my God as you can tell I’m

Disappointed that we got this quick again not because it’s not good it’s just I was hoping we could get a better one why do I keep getting zero gravity please make my life a bit easier please the disability most of the abilities don’t even use for combat like yeah you can but

This is the main main character of power this is gonna make this is side character Powers I was looking for Darby but I found everyone except him when he lies I want to talk to him time out excuse me sir can you not like almost kill me please I’m not even using my

Ability after a while we did find him hey Darby finally decided to show yourself I guess he’s he was scared of dying all this time we’re gonna start with the comment the comment the comment the comment hopefully hopefully does something pick him up pick him up filling that way fling him oh no

You’re supposed to fling in power okay okay I’m still too scared to just file one-on-one Is up high he’s down Oh no I’m gonna burn I’m gonna burn Okay nice we killed him I don’t think we could have killed him if I didn’t run away but we killed him we’ll call this a draw for now because I don’t think today was spent collecting wood I felt that the headquarters was a bit too small so I decided to create

Three other buildings that was exactly like the main one the day began with us building the frame of the structures then I cleared a lot of the land around the headquarters building because we were gonna make a trench to keep the villains out these days we just spent

Digging out the trench and this took a long time we already killed the Ender Dragon and the only Big Vanilla boss we have left is the weather and I want to be here so I spent a few days collecting with the skulls it’s the last time we

Can you crack so I hope this is a good one I got Whirlwind and I mean it’s not the best but at least it’s not a gravity one I collected the Wither skulls but I completely forgot to get the Soul Sand and it took us a long time to find some

We were ready to fight the weather but first I had to go far away from my house because I didn’t want it to be destroyed here goes nothing put that stuff in our inventory and let’s see leveling up can we hear uh let’s just try to him with the blade come on

Okay he’s not Aggron to us so that’s good oh it’s going back where’s it going oh come on Where’s the weather Come on take it four horses dying come on come on he’s about to die start start no I want to use my my hero power to kill him boys come down here start stay you’re not gonna live that long just die it’s dead this fight wasn’t as hard as I

Thought it was going to be because it wasn’t that hard to fight the Wither I decided not to fight the other one and just use the heads as decorations in our headquarters I wanted to fight Dobby again so let’s go find him alright Mr Darby your time to die hopefully this

Sheep doesn’t offer something because of you but lots of flames and Flames is literally burning everything up I don’t think this is nice Darby I mean I don’t think this ever was a nice Target to be honest oh is that was that my powers that his power I can’t tell

And he’s gone up again in Flames I should carry probably a war bucket with me And you are dead so dab is definitely easier to be now way easier I wanted to see if I could take on the number one hero and here’s how that went up okay in the restaurant Gary is number one hero gotta hear golden apples because it’s the number one hero

Probably should have a water bucket with us oh no you might actually kill us I’m gonna have another goal enough just to be safe Come on endeavor oh yeah if I had if I had a water bucket with me this would be so much easy actually All right send them up eat some food and you know what we’ll do some long distance attacks for a few bit because I don’t waste all my golden apples on him and sorry Mr Endeavor we are already stronger than him so we made the trench but we can’t just leave it empty because

That won’t scare the villains away so I decided to feel about lava alright we’re almost finished with these 100 days and I really wanted to unlock the Lost ability so I decided that we’re gonna spend the last few days just leveling up before you see me fight this normal I

Just wanted to say I’m not sure if there was a Pacific way to fight or kill him because he felt weird fighting it three two one okay strong as ever and it’s taking any damage it’s not taking any damage why is he not taking any damage you have

To be on his head I haven’t fought one before no comment oh there you go okay oh okay now we can hear him case oh wow okay it’s not as strong as I told you well maybe there’s another Maybe speechless maybe there’s another normal what does it level up as he goes because

I know they can heal he’s running away I don’t like the fact that it’s running oh this one’s not that strong I would okay oh oh you’re back to full HP now he’s got he’s in devotronic or Endeavors that’s why how did he get level up again like

Come on student kill him kill him student he’s region in HP damn uh oh we’re in trouble okay Took a lot of fall damage oh maybe we should just do that climb around okay our boots are broken oh my God this might be doing this might be the way we can look nope he’s going back to being an invincible no we died for fall damage one thing I

Could have done but I was making a second pair of armor but I completely forgot and didn’t see that my armor was almost broken now we fight one for all there you go okay buddy okay all right now that’s that’s more like it now that’s more like it

Eat another Golden Apple where is he it is hopefully it doesn’t steal our quack Those that would be a bit of a thing Where’s your have I not even done a bit of damage to sky can region so fast All right mate that’s a bit of explosiveness for nothing all right can I get out please He’s using multiple Crooks at once that’s a bit of cheese in it he’s cheating the system I can’t begin this guy is almost Invincible isn’t it okay oh these holes are gonna die okay okay we’re doing a bit of damage all right count my distance

Yeah I don’t think there’s a way we can kill him legit way we could actually kill him Okay that’s my chest being broken He’s using my quick well he’s trying to use my crack okay nope send them back up send them back I’ll be my last Golden Apple I don’t think I’m gonna make it through I can’t even see anything this guy’s just what is it oh he’s in Douglas is that

Dog is following Devil’s power I’m trying to keep him up just keep him up yep you know how me down buddy yeah you know what for that you’re gonna go back up again yeah I think the only part that’s going to be a match for this and maybe death was power Come on he said exactly face it You barely have any armor we might actually be able to beat him you always clear don’t have to gear for that I think one fall might be way easy to beat than Deku I’m not Deku the normal oh no Oh buddy come on All right chucked him away that’s good he keeps resetting HP so it’s extra hard should you kill him I think we could have killed one for all only if our armor didn’t break but that’s fine for now because this battle isn’t over if you enjoyed this video then consider subscribing and checking

Out the videos on screen they’re like this one so I think you like them this is called you Roger and he’s the pirate king but not for long because we’re going to become the pirate king by defeating him but first we have to do a few things those things are to build a

House and hope it doesn’t get destroyed beat the weak Luffy because we’re not gonna be a match for the fifth gear Luffy at the start next one is easy and that’s to enchant Ola armor remember I said easy and not fast you’ll see why

Next on the list is to be ace and he can be annoying now we’re getting to the fun bit because we have to beat the man the myth the legend Shanks next is beating the full Empress version of Luffy which is a pain and I never want to do that

Again the only thing left on our list is to beat the pirate king and steal his title watch the full video to see our journey and if we become or fail miserably to become the pirate king we spawned into the world sadly without any damage through Powers but we did come

Across this Marine building okay so we’re in here you’ve got a lot of food you don’t have to worry about food which so does okay and iron suit does more damage I’m taking Ryan sword gonna take all the bread we can because I’m gonna come in handy later on now

Just like every other Minecraft video we cut down some trees so the best then I began to climb the Marine Tower to steal the valuables they had to offer okey dokey our iron blocks oh okay so this time we actually had the diamond block because usually for me that

Doesn’t spawn in I came across another Marine building and you already know what we had to do these biomes are actually really nice but I feel like it’s too scary it’s way too big oh no who’s that is why I’ve done nothing to you I’m just

A normal human being it was dark I was stuck in a forest and a lot of people wanted me dead and were chasing me as soon as it turns nine I need to go oh no there’s Pirates there’s Pirates I need to run away from anything because I’m too weak right now

Okay we have to abandon the bed abandon the bed I repeat we have to abandon the bed I thought I was trying to lose them but I was wrong luckily though we were getting close to the armor shop we found the shop however we didn’t have much

Time because they were right behind me all right I’m sorry you missed that bite okay nice we rub the stuff and well we borrowed the stuff we never up but now I think we might be able to fight back okay maybe maybe not I entered the dark

Part of the forest which was my first mistake that cost me oh my God okay we have to run back and get that stuff quickly I found an area to build my house but someone didn’t want me to I think you know what this would be a nice

Spot to make a house I’m not gonna lie I had a genius idea but it kind of backfired on me I’m gonna drop this and I believe that might have been a mistake you’re one of these Oh no it was supposed to be hold on Okay Morgan isn’t gonna mess with me so that’s fine I don’t know why but this cat guy wouldn’t stop chasing me he’s dying Run don’t let him slice you nice we killed him okay nice what level are we still level two I set up a little work area as I always do I tried getting a devil through by opening the treasure chest can we get a devil fruit please please please

No devil fruits okay now it’s time to go get some more wood I almost lost where my little work area was I really need to set away point out where my stuff is at because this is way too big I’m gonna lose it instantly time to go get more

Trees I might have tried to use a creeper to attack smoker oh look at that Mrs oh spoke I was gonna say smoker gonna get killed by the tree this is the first type of smokers that attacked us and that’s because we don’t have a devil fruit or we’re not wanted

But I have a great great idea how do you not get affected smoker always because of smoker that’s why no go away I’m just trying to mine my trees kind of mind my own business mining trees buddy you’re going to stop attacking you keep dying okay we’ve done our deforestation for

The day now it’s time to go back and nap after a hard day of work I’m really good at maths just listen to this or say even number seven that’s even number now let’s make a platform where your house is going to be because if it stays on the floor it’s

Definitely gonna get destroyed looking back at this I’m still not sure if I like it let me know in the comments what you think I added some fences for extra safety and you know what they actually come in handy later on we got some sand

To make some gloss oh look Ace is doing some clothes shopping that’s very nice of this Ace hello Ace I was trying to get Oakwood but every time I tried entering the forest the lightning said no oh not again not again who’s doofy fight why is Luffy fighting me all right let’s

See if we’re getting devil fruits any double fruits any damn fruits please don’t okay no double food it’s very sad we finally get to our glass to our Windows now the hunt for Oak begins this gym guy won’t leave us alone for some reason oh no we’re about to attack again aren’t we

Okay eat food eat food eat food okay nice now we all healed up buddy now you’re dead oh how sick would have been if he was in the sky we killed him oh nice we got his weapon he’s a whoop horn once we go home we finish the finished area rest of the

Day was spent working on a house then I started working on the second layer of the house yeah I didn’t like the second layer so I decided we should get rid of it now we need to finish our roof so upstairs is our storage area and

For the rest of the day I organized our chests we accomplished our first goal of making a nice house so let’s move on to the next one and get a devil fruit I was drinking some water whilst being FK and I leveled up I mean I’m not complaining

I just leveled up and I’ve done nothing I’ve just been literally sitting here anyways let’s go kill some people to get a treasure chest oh no Jesus he’s strong oh my God ow I can’t hit him okay oh he dropped the chest you know let’s save all our chests until

The morning and then we’ll see if we can open the devil fruit I’ll I’ll eat my food I I don’t remember him being this strong actually or cat guy I know he’s strong okay maybe I’m stronger Got myself another one oh my God I can deflect his moves while if I use my moves at the same time okay nice we’re getting quite a few of these uh chess oh we didn’t get many treasure chests the first day so we’re out here battling again and I think we’re gonna

Open all the treasures tomorrow and hopefully get devil fruit oh my God Jesus damn hello buddy we’re trying to uh well we’re trying to become the pirate king so we’re gonna eventually have to take him down don’t think that has to be yet though because you know I don’t want to die

We’re leveling up super fast and we already unlocked one of the hotkeys so we’ve got a locked our observation hockey he’s only got 15 and then we go level 25 unlock most of our abilities and as for achievements wise Minds we be crocodile and then that’s well we didn’t

Beat him we were just there with the cat going to be smoker yeah I don’t want to challenge anyone unless we get our devil too fast oh nice you just took all of them out at once now guys come on give me oh nice we’re already level 15. I came

Across Luffy eyes weakest form and defeated the future pirate king so that’s another one of our goals off the list sorry Luffy impressive come on nice oh my God I got the whole Lucy outfit on your dad nice I got the whole Straw Hat Luffy well almost I’m just missing his pants

But ouch excuse me missed I’m trying to check out Luffy’s outfit today is the day we finally get a devil fruit because we’re gonna open all the treasure chests let’s just Spam open all of them nice okay we got quite a few devil fruits we got Luffy’s uh I don’t know who this

Is I know this is the guy that killed Ace okay I’m actually happy that we got those are we gonna get more than fruits uh no we haven’t gotten anymore but we do have gold and diamonds uh I don’t know what we’re gonna do with those to be honest with you but

Anyways let’s spam through these okay we got AC definitely and two golden apples all right so we got we got we got quite a few identities so far I think that Dev from gonna use is the magu magu me um let’s hope this doesn’t kill us but three two or one

Okay nice it didn’t kill us oh my God I Can Fly like oh it’s just like Ace’s ability and I’m I still have my levels from earlier I’m not gonna lie this looks cooler than Ace’s flying ability because I mean it is magma I think I tested some of the

Abilities and they looked okay oh that’s the punched that’s the punch punch and the punch is going away forever Marine they’re gonna be the first one to face my wrath and that was quite easy and we leveled up from that as well that’s actually really nice I wanted to test out my

Powers but Luffy had other ideas oh no he’s actually gonna kill him he’s actually gonna kill me he killed me midday and at least annoying as ever with his lightning ow where is the lightning guy We still call him Nope don’t hit us don’t hit us underneath no he won’t kakai go away no no no I don’t want to die Okay I’m too healing to him stop electrocuting me bro okay oh wow this guy needs to stop this it’s not very nice it might actually kill us especially if this is consistent about it and I missed I missed oh my God okay you see that he killed us a Wiki

Element we’ve managed to kill him so we’re almost level 20 as well from that Shanks is over there I think he’s gonna try attack me if I get closer so we should probably avoid him right right Shanks oh no never mind after killing those low level bosses I guess I

Annoyed Hawkeye because he wanted to hurt me oh he’s after me what did I do to you buddy I don’t know why everyone’s challenging me like I’m not that strong okay I’m dead oh I made I got an advancements I don’t know what that is though um yep he’s all on The Chase

Let’s get above the tree shall we never mind Kuma was outside our house and I just unlocked a new ability I mean I had to test on him is this let’s see how strong this actually is always this thing okay rescue my gun no Kuma don’t get to enable I don’t want

To blow up my own house oh no thank God Blocked things off otherwise my house would have been gone all right come on buddy you’re dead you’re dead dead he judged what he dodged it who else is that I don’t think that’s Kuma’s abilities I asked if someone else’s

Seven Warlords is down I don’t know how but I was starting a fight with Luffy but I ended up fighting smoker yeah I’m not really sure how that happened are we ready to challenge two years later Luffy I should probably do this at full HP but okay

Oh the smoke I love smoker I don’t want to challenge you just here though oh smoker smoker go away come on night bro this punch is amazing it’s just they need to stop hitting me okay smoker did he die Whatever smoker needs this is not even hitting smoke for this oh nice to kill smoker now it’s time to fight wussop’s dad well I think this is his dad I’m not 100 sure if I can beat him then I can definitely be Luffy well that two years later Luffy not the

Other ones all right he’s this movie no aggro with them on me if it does not then whoa I think we might find the best Chi of the Moon oh my God I think we might have just found something all right okay uh be real close so we actually hits him nice

Is he gone is there am I actually doing any damage to him I don’t know yeah okay I am doing I’m doing damage he’s not getting egg rolled okay I think we’ve just found something here Are using Waters of my power is probably inactive oh no I like to do the apologizings I like to do the apologizing sir um I’m very sorry if you if you okay you know what I take that back I take that back right now did we just kill him we’ve killed him

But he’s left there’s no Treasure Chest oh never mind very kind of you so I’ll take those I don’t know if this was a good idea but we’re gonna fight Yamato I think we’re strong enough take on right are we Maybe not Jesus that hurts Hello and we run hit up with the combo one two run for a bit hit it with the one two yeah she’s definitely way way stronger than us now we do the running tactic because you know tactical Retreat is the best attack of the mode is the smartest one at the moment as

Well so Odin was stuck inside my house slowly dying while Yamato was stuck underneath yeah this was gonna be easy after Odin died we got to level 25 which unlocked the last hockey and we’re gonna keep getting stronger oh my God we we got the we’re level 25 because we’ve accidentally

I mean marvelously planned that out very well let’s get this show on the road I don’t see you at all hello she died oh that was easy it’s time to get an enchanting table but before we do that we need to make a sugarcane farm however

We need sugar cane for that so let’s go get some I found Mr Crocodile we got the kill for him earlier but we didn’t really that wasn’t us come on crocodile oh ow where is this it’s got me trapped easy crocodile buddy um I don’t like being stuck in here

I can’t oh I can’t fly out no I can’t oh my God you know what he’s he’s got a nice combo but now you’re dead that was very very nice this might not be the best sugarcane form but hey you’ll get the job done I cleared some

Dirt to make a room for our car form I think I caught anal trying to rob me quite a surprise you have for us here buddy thank you in my own house huh in my own house I’m so glad I turned off a block destroying because otherwise this house would have been gone 10 years ago now let’s make a little fenced area for the cows then I made another fenced area for a wheat farm because we’re gonna need wheat to feed our cows

Oh if I get close enough I might be able to benefit from this hello gents how you doing I don’t want to get too close where I die but time can I actually kill them both oh this actually close fight Now if we can kill Riley this would be perfect oh no come on Riley just die Riley oh we still know that is live and well oh he’s over there is really far come on buddy okay nice we killed the king Riley or the dark King Riley yeah this might not

Have been a fair fight because he was super low but I mean I’m super weak so I’m taking the dub then I finish making the wheat farm now we have to bring cows into our farm and trap them forever come on in Lads come on in I began battling a

Kainu and I didn’t realize how powerful he was oh look it’s US ah there can be oh Jesus there can only be one with this Devil Tree power and I choose me so you have to die buddy Silence is so strong oh no can’t take him towards our cows because our cows are gonna die but we’re basically a dead at this point so doesn’t really matter to them too sure okay let’s see if we’re more powerful than Sabo let’s hope this wasn’t a mistake where’d he go I lost him

Oh let’s put him really far Oh no come on 2 000 years later what’s up I got my shield up I’m sorry supper you’re dead nice we killed him I realized he would be faster to go around killing cows then waiting for a form so that’s exactly what we’re gonna do look at this nice

Selfless level up a bit we just killed them with the hockey then we came across the strongest Luffy four Empress Luffy yep I’m gonna die it was nice living It was nice living while I was alive let’s get these lost cows cows cows cows cows you know what let’s actually try to fight back Okay Jesus look at him oh yep I found the way of killing Luffy without him getting mad at us I don’t know we’ll find out Excuse me Hello Lucy I don’t mean to do this to you but you know he’s managed to dodge it without even being aggro to me how is this impossible I completely forgot about this version of Luffy had fifth gears so we might be in trouble I don’t know how I almost

Failed this but I almost did oh my God Obama have been the biggest mistake I’ve made in my life Please kill him please oh my God this guy almost killed me with the lowest HP I began battling a kainu but he’s a lot better at using this damn fruit than me oh this who’s that it’s a smoker Okay we’re both there now Guys he’s saying it’s fair at least there’s been one on one now it’s time for our revenge buddy You might be you might be better using this power but I’m gonna be the new Monster High okay oops come on everybody come on [Applause] come on all right that’s fine equal damage okay maybe just a tiny bit about using the power than me right now okay boo fly fly fly Jesus that was a Overkill I’d say so now we’re gonna miss the line you don’t yeah I died and lost Akainu but I found two

Years later Luffy okay we can kill this blue piano with that for a fact where’s the Loof come on Lucy Jesus Lucy oops come on Oh okay he’s getting his gear on otherwise I think there’s fourth gear right if I’m not making a mistake and that’s fourth gear Oh you’re stuck in there come on buddy you’re dead and you are officially a dead man it’s time all right now you are officially a dead man I got some sugarcane then made some books but it wasn’t enough the only options we have is to wait for our sugar cane to

Grow or we stop being lazy and go get some so I think it’s time we stop being lazy can someone please tell me why I thought it was a good idea to challenge Shanks to a fight right now okay I do see Shanks and um clearly I like being tortured so we’re

Gonna go challenge him for a fight even though we were nowhere near close or nowhere near ready but you know it sharks come on tracks thanks oh and this is foreign Isn’t this just great look at the whole gang together seriously lightning stop chasing me oh buddy oh buddy let me run let me run let me run We shot a golden apple or something because I could have taken on Shanks if I had that Mirror let me run let me run let me run oh now you kill me trees trees you’re gonna be the defining trees Foreign So we still don’t have enough sugar cane and Leather so we have to go find some more there are so many marines here for some reason and let’s just say they didn’t stay there for long okay we came across a lot of Marines here for some reason but you know no problemo

Common Marines will take you all on That’s a bunch of them down we found four Empress Luffy again but this time I was the man with a plan a very simple plan by a plan so the plan was to punch him in the water and beat him while he couldn’t fight back but let’s just say

That plan didn’t go accordingly and you’ll see why it’s really doing any damage to this guy nice is in the water oh no I mean yeah he’s in the water probably Thank you still know I’m in danger I’m in danger oh no he’s got 50 one how is he called 50 I barely even touched him okay I didn’t want to go hunting for more sugarcane so I decided to steal from my own Farm actually it doesn’t even count

If it’s my own thing I’m stealing uh basically we just dripped the form of everything and I was hoping that would be enough I made all the bookshelves to realize that we didn’t even have an enchanting table so let’s go get some obsidian now we can finally make the

Enchanting table I decided to put the enchanting table under our base because we didn’t have enough space inside the house this we don’t really need I’m breaking three okay I really wish I hadn’t done that now okay nice so protection three tones that’s all right with our newly

Enchanted armor let’s go fight some people this is the battle we’ve all been waiting for it’s gonna be us versus Ace Ace my friend how you doing come on Ace this isn’t personalized you know it’s just business okay ready to go seriously stop with your file power come on all right

Where’d he go I’ve actually he’s in water oh nice come on this you know what I might actually switch to Aces ability it’s actually overpowered as huh yeah that one that move is overpowered okay I might actually need to switch to this one or maybe even Luffy’s Luffy’s

Power I think that we can do that because this power to be honest yeah it’s all good but it’s not that good to be honest with you oh come on all right Fife is aced is gone it’s a four Empress Luffy I think that’s for Emperors do you think we’re in trouble oh no never mind we are not in trouble I misspoke come on let me just die all right nice so we fight Riley again and yeah this man is strong no no okay all right I just need to concentrate in this battle If I concentrate I might actually be able to win for some reason they didn’t want me to have a fair fight because a lot of them joined in but hey we still win I think I’m only after Riley can everyone else just go away seriously how many of them is there

This is a tad bit unfair you know I know Olivia oh there’s Ace as well come on Riley now you haven’t got your backup you know I’m counting that kill but that wasn’t fair there’s like five of them I was fighting at once now we have to be

One of Luffy alongside his brother this is really not a fair fight I’m 3v running right now I can’t I bring I’ll I’ll bring the fight to all of you guys one at a time can we take out Kuma quickly all right we took our cool man now we

Got Ace and Lucy left oh did we kill him nice we’ve managed to kill was that one o’clock Luffy off I thought I was wondering if you know four empress Jesus we beat three of them at one so we beat kuruma ace and this Luffy so not

Bad we’ve been fighting a lot and I think we need a bit of a break from the action so we’re gonna cut some trees down we were doing our deforestation peacefully until Hawkeye decided he liked trees and wanted to stand up for them okay we’re getting challenged by Mr Hawkeye himself

And I think where I take him on actually Come on Mr Hawkeye oh buddy oh buddy nobody nobody nobody oh everywhere he comes here I know seriously what are the chances what are the chances you two have to come together huh it’s like a combo package that I didn’t realize I was signing up for Oh damn I like the attack you know I confused him so that I confuse myself wow you got me It’s what you call the Tactical tree and Jesus we lived a long life it was nice knowing everyone oops oops I’m just waiting for the death message yep we made a mining Hut which I’m really proud of because he actually looks good compared to anything else I

Build then we improved our fenced area a bit which I think makes it look better day 21-34 these days were basically just been mining all right nice oh I was correct we got allocating at 11 45 okay I’m not sure why we fight Ace again but he’s super easy to beat now

Dude oh did we miss oh my God Jesus hello race are you oh I think it’s just dodging my attacks come on this my arm is actually coming in handy with the blast protection I didn’t realize this would actually come in handy but hey You know what let’s use continuous punch I never get to use these attacks all right did I haven’t do anything um oh he dodged it is that here oh nope nope that is overpowered attack that I don’t like Jesus Christ that’s overpowered herself and you’re down for the count we finally

Get to fight the third brother Sabo okay this ability is showing how useless this is come on 46 oh the Sabo there I don’t think we thought Sabo yet come on I’ll be I think I think we might be Sabo I’m not sure have we don’t I don’t remember

What time we got both the brothers on us while we’re missing is Luffy I killed someone don’t know oh no they actually gave me quite low we caught hand be having that camera that would actually kill me that would have killed me that would have killed me Jesus Christ

If I’m not careful um I’m getting too overconfident with this powers oh it’s time to open more treasure chests and hopefully we can get some new Devil fruits what can I get from these times let’s open the gold ones with that same down food oh we knew

Devil fruit I don’t know what that is another Golden Apple more gold chess play uh any new okay we got this stuff through again but I think it’s about time we switch our devil fruit two Aces one because I don’t like this territory power we have and

To be honest it’s not that good the last lesbian it’s not that good you know I would I’d like Lucy’s one but his one’s super rare so I think I’ll save that till the end well we just have to save that for display and do it

And we go all right okay I guess we have to die for the temporary ability to take over but we have Aces is definitely fruit right I think we should go test out this devil food because we can now defeat some opponents we couldn’t before as you can

See I can easily beat these versions of Luffy now compared to before because we were struggling watch this watch this we can take them both out of one go well maybe just one of them but doesn’t matter because Luffy’s dirt which I just miss nope now we’re here Go on spider go away okay we’re almost we’re at level 50 and then the arm just left over oh my God we found Shanks and challenged him to a fight Oh nice we go to the office HP all right oops I need to eat my food Mr Shanks is on really bad cool down though Jesus is gonna kill me come on okay before Batman and Riley oh no I’m in trouble uh Riley sorry Riley buddy it’s nice knowing you

Riley’s dead and then back when he’s still alive though you lived a long and happy life but here’s where it ends boom all right nice for a little 53 I know you guys gone in the morning Hawkeye was waiting for me outside my house is he trapped okay he’s trapped in our farm

Buddy just don’t put me in water nice we’ve got the strongest Swordsmen in the world so we killed a lot of people which means we’ve got a lot of trophies which I think we should display and for that we need the area so let’s make a trophy

Display area I didn’t realize how long this took to build but I think it looks good let me know what you think of this house in the comments because I think I did a goddamn good job now it’s time to display all of our valuables obviously

This has to go there we will put Aces one right beside it and then put um that’s two fiery ones put this I should put shag disorder actually look at that oh that looks much better and then we put this one over there and then the last one can go there I came

Across Odin and we haven’t beat him before so let’s quickly do that There you go Odin’s almost dead come on out in Now come on it’s diode and just die oh and you’re not dead now you are oh you give me his sword we can add that to the collection so it’s time to beat the strongest Luffy That is a lot of damage not just to survive literally just need to survived health right till he dies okay where is he he’s in fifth gear now that might not be the best news for us to watch the bad thing come on use attack sister I can’t even use my attack We land all right bro what is doofy I don’t see okay Jesus I thought I was dead there I honestly thought that we’re level 56. now we get revenge for our friend Ace trying to make sure I’m really careful though Storm over the way while this attack happens all right just stay right there buddy gotcha him that’s one of Luther you’re not good not good not good okay that’s good he’s dead but what about Luffy oh nice because we actually got his cloak out okay nope you do think having

It it’s time we switch our devil fruit to Luffy’s and use it to become the pirate king who died and now we got a lot of stuff now we’re all geared up let’s go find Goldie Roger and take his title and become the pirate king I’ll stop the

Commentary and let you enjoy the fight do we yeah you know we’re gonna eat one of the golden apples right away the enchanted ones activate fifth gear and then we’re gonna try to finish this as fast as we can come on mate oh this might have been a mistake

It’s fine because we’re gonna become the pirate king and this is the only way to do it come Mr pirate king okay he does a lot of damage so we need to yellow gold enough as well we do this okay buddy okay um sugar golden apples and to be really really careful

Nice Rick is it regening HP actually you know we’re gonna eat another Golden Apple when trying to Golden Apple now if you attack we’ve got a few minutes of invincibility so to keep going I am come on come on buddy are you a golden apple back up back up

We don’t want to let him get the upper hand on us okay where is he come on buddy it’s gonna be a fast fight I don’t realize how strong I am 80 my golden apple and then back at it again buddy I lost him he don’t okay he ain’t trying to Golden Apple

Now we’ve now we finished the battle we need to actually finish the battle okay and he’s dead well that was way easier than I thought it was going to be well it was 61 as well so hey you dropped the straw hat I think it was originally his and then he gave it

To Shanks and Shanks gave it to Luffy and then that’s the story of the uh straw anyways we’ve done it we’ve completed our goal we’ve became the pirate king outro this was us becoming the pirate king and I hope you enjoyed the journey and if you

Did and want to see more like And subscribe I mean it’s free and you can always unsubscribe later also if you want to see more one piece or just 100 day videos then check out my playlist of 100 day videos I think you’ll really enjoy them anyways I’ll see you in the

Next video you have to watch to the end of the video to see what happens in this 100 day video where we survived 100 days in soda online this was really fun to play and there were so many amazing things like the sword online menu the

Biomes and the bear mods did I forget to mention the fighting animations and some other new movements which look amazing anyways I’ll stop talking about this so we can get into the video but before I do a quick word from our sponsor nah I’m only joking but it would really

Help me out if you did subscribe and drop a like anyways let’s get into the actual video day one began with me falling into the world and nearly dying and of course the first thing I had to do to check if the logout button was there and it was

While running I began bleeding which reminded me that I took some foil damage while spawning into the world which is why my HP bar is half full and I need to heal or I would bleed out I had an explosion then saw a building which might be a dungeon or something

But I’m not making the mistake of going in there unprepared so I began Gathering some wood using the soda online interface felt weird and I know at times you might get annoying especially when I fight mobs after making a crafting table I made some tools then collected some

Stone using Stone I upgraded my tools now all I needed was some food however there was no animals near me so I began exploring the biomes which looked amazing but there was no food I couldn’t run anymore because of my Hunger but luckily I came across some chickens in

Time but these weren’t your normal chickens because if you attack their friends they’ll kill you or they’ll at least try to kill you Anyways Abella furnace and cooked my food then I noticed a few more chickens and started the war I boxed myself up at the end of the day so the night could pass the day began with me collecting all my stuff because it was now time to find a

Place where we could build us a home I came across the jungle biome and collected some watermelon then ran along the side of this river to see where it would lead I noticed this dungeon and wanted to explore it why did I want to die yet so I ran away

Looking around made me realize how big this map was I then came across this waterfall and began climbing it and this River didn’t end here so I continued on with my journey days three to four were basically all span exploring because I wanted to find

A really good area to build a house oh and I did kill some sheep along with some pigs because I needed food don’t feel bad for them because they almost ended up killing me and to be honest I didn’t even want to show this I still haven’t found the end of this

River but I did find this fantastic spot to build a house so I set up this tiny work area and started construction on my starter house this house isn’t going to look gray but will upgrade it later on I collected some wood then finished the

Store a house and yeah it may not look good but you’ll get the job done finally to end the day I made some torches and placed them around my house then enjoyed the view until it was night pretty much all of these six was spent Gathering wood yeah it was very boring

And I would show it to you but it’d be a waste of all of our time the only way to stop the day is to kill something and those chickens near me so yeah I made a shovel mine some dirt then use that dirt to fill some holes so I’d have

A lot of flat land to work with before I knew it it was dark and I saw the zombie and realized that I haven’t fought him up yet so I fought him I won the fight so easily that I decided that I wanted to fight some more mobs so that’s

Exactly what I did once I killed the creeper I ran home and went to bed day eight began with me clearing more land and using that dirt to make the area more flat I came across this weird thing which turned out to be a flower

Which wanted to kill me so I kept my distance and killed it from before I made some fences and some fenced Gates because it was now time to start on our farm first I started working on the wheat farm by placing fences around where the form was going to be

I came across two more of those flower mobs and the first one got hit on me which took off my HP and now I had to be super careful because one more hit and I would be dead okay soon I realized I couldn’t build a weave

Form because I needed water and I didn’t have any iron to make your bucket so there’s no way I was gonna get some water so I started working on an area where I could gather some chickens to end the day I just run around doing nothing most of day 9 was spent Gathering

Chickens for my farm oh yeah I came across this lava place and instantly thought I could make another portal here but I have to wait until I can make the portal to end the day I killed two more of those flower things yeah those are starting to get scary because they spawned everywhere

Day 10 began with me mining even more dirt because I needed space to build my mining heart pretty much the rest of the day was spent building the heart well I didn’t want to include this bit but here you go so basically I was throwing eggs and I accidentally hit one

Of the chickens and they didn’t show me mercy yeah I lost all my loot but I managed to get most of the chickens back in the fenced area even though I wanted to kill them but I decided I needed them more today began with me making some tools

Then killed some chicken so I would have food the next couple of days was spent finishing the mind because I really needed some iron and I don’t know why but it’s so hard to find iron in this world day 17 I walked outside and there was a

Storm in the distance I saw a mutant creeper and didn’t want him to blow up my things so I did the only thing I could and I went to bed day 18 was unlike the day before because it was funny out okay I was meant to say sunny

I don’t know why I said funny all right I’m gonna keep this in because I was funny I grabbed some food made some torches then began heading down to the mine I found one iron and that was it and a lot of coal there was a mine shaft so I went

Down to explore it it felt super creepy and to be honest I didn’t feel safe because I don’t know which mobs could spawn here so I left after exploring a bit more my game started to lag so I decided that was enough mining for today and went back up

Day 19 began with me making a shield with my one and only iron and the main reason for it was so I don’t die to those chickens again I went back into the mine and fought a few skeletons which was made super easy thanks to that Shield

I found the law of iron and mind it returned to my house and put in the furnace then returned back to the mine I found the mine shaft again and this time it led to this huge area of biome which looked amazing but I had too many mobs

To go down and check the areas so I only looted the little bridge I was on I didn’t get much Lube but this got me excited because there was so many new things here to explore and kill I mean well if they don’t kill me first day 20

Began with me killing yeah another skeleton but this one was special because it was a pumpkin anyways I grabbed some water and began working on my wheat farm soon I realized I didn’t have enough seats for the farm so I went and broke some grass after a

While I started lacking again and pretty much the rest of the day was me messing around with the sayings trying to fix the lag by the way it did not get fixed day 21 began with me collecting and hatching some eggs I accidentally hit another chicken but thankfully I wasn’t

In there with them this time using the soda online menu I equipped some armor then made the iron pickaxe then prepared to go exploring on the ground I’m not sure why I did this but I ended up killing all my chickens I think it was because I needed some food or something

I wrote my coordinates down in chat and slowly began going down where I saw a skeleton yeah this didn’t go so well I’m sorry I couldn’t finish the 100 days because this mod got super laggy to the point where it would just freeze and I couldn’t even play it however I’ll find

It different mode that doesn’t lag as much and make a new video on it anyways I hope you guys did enjoy the video and if you did please drop a like And subscribe and I’ll see you guys in the next video I played Minecraft one piece

Using Luffy’s devil fruit for 100 days I had to fight Luffy Ace the guy who killed him and even Shanks and that’s not even all if you think this 100 days was easy you’re in for a surprise just have a look at this clip and that was only the first 10 days

Thank you yeah I thought I was going to die or maybe I did guess you have to watch to find out a lot of you guys are not subscribed so if you enjoyed this video remember to subscribe and like the video I spawned into the world and the only

Thing I had to start with was Luffy’s devil fruit you know we start for just a normal um punch how do I change the ability there you go that’s the only ability we have but if I eat the gum gum Nami devil fruit now I have Luffy’s Powers after the

Devil threw I had unlocked gum gum no pistol and no rocket as you can see from this list there are other abilities I can unlock as I get stronger these poor cows were the first animals I got to try my power on boom he’s really strong

Okay I like it I like it let’s try it so you can it’s not your lucky day okay as you saw this mod has amazing animations and let’s just say it keeps getting better the more we get into it okay come on all right oh yeah and I forgot to mention you get

You live a lot uh on mobs so every mob you kill you get an XP and you love a lot the leveling up system is here and the higher level we get the more stuff we unlock anyway I see something I see a building I didn’t think we would find this

Building this soon but they are very very common let me show you what’s in here yeah you see it I see it we will see it and there’s more not just that so first things first I was gonna try to get wood but since you know we’re here I might as well just

Help ourselves you know you’ll be rude not to can we still this is one pieces sword one piece of Sword I’m on about this is white beard sword can I can I have it oh hello who are you okay so this would definitely be handy to have so he has every single weapon

That we can buy Boeing to have Emerald for that so I hate these ones after I geared up using the loot I borrowed and totally not stole I checked out the sword abilities okay let’s see what this is the normal normal diamond sword candy let’s try it out okay this

All right here I came across my first opponent oh it’s the first guy okay I remember him accent it’s a cat guy do you think we can take him on I don’t have a shield oh no smoke I smoke oh my God I know there’s a smoker you know what crocodile

Always cooked eye toys oh crocodile yeah I don’t know how I thought crocodile was smoker but they both were smoking which confused me this guy shouldn’t be as strong though yeah okay he’s weak he’s gonna fight back I don’t want to lose my stuff okay nice okay he’s dead we got 26 XP

From that after killing the ax man crocodile wasn’t happy and wanted me dead no strong enough for crocodile we’re not strong enough for crocodile we’re not strong crocodile please oh okay okay we don’t have a bed either we don’t have a bed either I didn’t realize

What’s he angry why is he angry you’re asking why he’s angry well I mean you did try to kill him I got jumped by a group of pirates and I have to fight for my life do you think I survive oh no I’m in the water okay now it’s time for Revenge

Oh no let me see the feet I was just minding my own business and getting some coal in the water which meant I couldn’t fight back and I was really weak when I was surprise attack I realized when I’m in the water I can’t do any damage but unlike the other mods

You can’t swim it’s just you do zero damage and you’re extremely slow okay that was almost just the death of me I came across a huge robot guy and Luffy fighting and for some reason he wanted to kill me instead who’s that oh it’s that guy

I don’t know names of many of these people but if I be close by will I get the thing I don’t want to die I don’t want to die oh that guy seems weak oh no but I’m in trouble why is chasing me why I mean you’re just fighting did he hit Luffy

Is did he actually kill Luffy oh my God he’s off to me why is after me what did I do to you I did nothing I mean I’m out I killed a few Pirates or Marines or whatnot but I mean that’s that’s a reason for coming after me the

Morning of day two I came across a member of the redhead pirate okay he is strong I think he’s what Shanks crew I think it’s a part of shank stream let me know in the comments because there’s a lot of guys I’m gonna get wrong bro go

Away I’m clearly stronger than you oh my armor has barely done any damage taking any damage come on bro come on you ain’t got nothing on me chief you don’t have anything on me oh come on come on this is actually really fun let’s see will this kill us or what what

Loot we get so oh Diamond okay a diamond from I think that’s a gold chest it’s a normal one lapis Emerald oh we need those emeralds we need Emerald so we can go back and um get those extra weapons ah yeah I mean I’m gonna have it quite a

Few up there so you know I know what I get how do I call more iron I came across the legend himself the pirate king gold Roger the pirate king I I don’t I don’t we’re gonna I’m definitely gonna challenge him now 640. who is this guy oh you’re weak

Oh my God I almost just hit him I almost just hit him I almost just hit him I I don’t I don’t know I know I’m sorry I’m sorry I don’t even mean to be in your presence at this moment I opened my third eye and saw a pirate chasing me is

That pirate chasing me oh Jesus is Yo sit back stay back okay okay I was just joking I saw him in the mini map my game started to lag and when it stopped I was almost dead and he was my reaction uh my whole game just lagged I found the nearest

Building then set my spawn point and stored all my stuff in the chest because I don’t want to lose it it literally just made my game freeze who could have done this well I’m glad you asked it was crocodile this man is a monster in the morning I killed a few people

Then unlocked my new ability to throw your week get away from me but that guy I don’t know who he is I haven’t I haven’t caught up with anime yet to see him but I hope he doesn’t come kill me okay so I leveled up I’m

Level three now so if I click e level three all right if I go to this if I go back to mine piece not this one okay I’m just I’m a really strong punch apparently strong punch I got I got this ain’t just a normal punch it’s a strong punch I

Went to see who Luffy was fighting then came across Ace hello Ace my friend how are you oh my God the detail on this is amazing I mean he would have a circle there I mean a hole okay I should really stop making hips before I get any comments I do love

This one I’m just joking around tonight when I do say stuff like that the details that’s Luffy what are you doing Luffy Luffy beat the cat guy but I somehow got credit for it but hey I’m not complaining and I’ll take you uh thanks Lucy I’ve never beat the guy but I’ll

Take credit I mean I don’t mind if I do I felt like Zorro here because I kept getting lost I need to set away put on a house seriously I keep getting lost this isn’t my devil this is my normal what am I doing I should be using the pistol

So I dealt with that oh what he has a similar ability did you just use the same attack I think he did there was a lot of bread inside of these barrels so obviously I decided to borrow it I came across this bugged building which only spawned the

Diamond armor I guess it’s my lucky day clip shot all right let’s go there’s nothing in this chest I think this is the mod Creator’s head so you know huge shout out to him for creating the mod I would never be able to do uh do

Something like this on the way home I came across the third brother Sabo who is this Sabo hello Sabo I don’t think we’ve seen him yet okay so if we do all bazooka Let’s Help bazooka wax so we press okay let’s just against the cow

And there may be a village or if I’m uh if I’m feeling it we can one show a level 10 or not level 10 a 10 HP mod boss a mop since when did the car become a mob boss I meant to say just a mob I went

Exploring on day four and came across another one of these buildings okay does this close-up have anything for us I think it’s just different armor stands or different leather armor but you know no thank you I saw another Marine building which has iron so let’s go rob

It take the iron you know the iron with with earned because we have to get up here and climb wow what a nice Mountain I would love to make a house in the middle you know what we might we might just do that I got attacked by the cat guy but

It doesn’t matter because I was prepared to fight him cat guy our body oh buddy you’re in for trouble me last time Luffy killed y’all got the credit but this time I’m gonna kill you and I’m gonna get the credit come on come on keep here to keep like

This oh no you got your backup huh too bad I don’t need your backup did he just run away oh he’s using his attack especially go away oh there you are I think he just used his special attack so boom he didn’t drop his weapon oh I

Really want to use his weapon what do we get golden nuggets okay we’re level six now all right we’re slowly but maturely leveling up so let’s keep getting our cold that we were getting hello Ace long time no see how can I join the whitebeards I mean I

Would love to join you know Luffy won’t let me into his um there’s two hearts I would love to join the Whitebeard tour can you can you have a talk with them can you can you have a talk with Whitebeard so I can join please please

What if this if they subscribe you let me in I mean you just kill him but if if the people that are watching right now subscribe you you talk to YB to let me in well you guys heard it here first you better subscribe because I want to join

The whitebeards I came across a forest fire and thought Astonia Jesus Ace this has to be Asus start the first trial it has to be so I don’t think anyone else could have done this oh my is this who is this Jesus Christ oh no it’s a guy that killed this no

Wrong timing why would you do that I found a friend ax hand oh as I like to call the max man next to Sabo and of course we have to fight come on buddy nice while getting some water I’ve heard a member of the black car Pirates there’s that guy

I don’t want to go down then I should just electric I just hanging around your password coming down there to you okay9 to get out I heard I hit the guy I heard him I don’t want to mess around and after killing him I leveled off I’m

Almost level 10 so let’s kill some mobs and quickly get there or because of you I died it’s because of you that might come in useful okay man I’m coming oh at least one on me don’t you daddy’s boy ah okay not that way not that way another way after killing these zombies

That was level 10 I already had observation how he unlocked yeah this is about to get crazy come on your back you’re dead all right I’m level 10 I go uh as you can see from my advancements I’ve almost unlocked everything but now it’s going to be harder to level up after

Killing the X-Men again I saw enil and he’s got the power of lightning at first he scared me then you know what I’ll let you see the clip let’s go he dropped his ax again I just want the cat guys oh no no no no no no no no no no he’s off

You know what I think I can take you oh my God you’re in water you’re dead buddy you’re dead oh no he got up I missed I missed come on come on Ace help yes is that oh no I’m about to get jumped I’m about to get jumped

No no one at a time why is everyone attacking how many people were there yeah he got a little crazy and sadly I did die I managed to get back to where I was killed and get my stuff but there must have been a crazy fight after my death

Because the land was destroyed I found another one of these buildings which has diamond armor I killed Sam which leveled me up two more levels then we unlocked the new hockey okay I’m level 13. I’m to below 15 then I get my next hockey after helping Lucy I came across a crazy

Catman again and this time the fight didn’t last as long and he dropped his weapon you dropped online okay we’ll use that in the morning I don’t want to use it just yet I killed the cat guy again but didn’t realize Hawkeye was behind him and yeah

Let’s try to get our stuff back yeah after getting my stuff back I got credit for Hawkeyes kills and decided since I have my new abilities I’m gonna try to kill him oh my God I got gear two and three foreign oh Jesus okay um even with my hike yeah I can’t take

Him out I I seriously can’t yeah he kept killing me so it was kind of difficult to get my stuff back oh you do remember me I saw Hawkeye fighting someone and went to investigate oh turns out he was fighting dog King also known as Riley I’m pretty sure he

Was a part of the pirate King’s crew I didn’t realize it was Riley at the time of recording but who do you think would actually win in a fight Hawkeye or Riley let me know in the comments tell me I want to get the Finish Though I got the XP I may have died if I got back speed I wanted I don’t care happy I battled one of the seven Warlords of the sea Kuma and I can’t remember if he was a good guy or a bad guy in the anime but we’re still

Going to beat him you know what you seem like a guy that’s gonna die on the other hand you don’t seem like a guy that’s gonna die why is he so okay he doesn’t do much damage to me I want to do gardening trying to heal here

Come on come on come on I think we can actually take him on no I think yeah every time I go to Food he resets it now okay Oasis he’s he’s got an advantage of being a huge guy so I can barely even see him we’re almost going dead I feel like he’s

Gonna use some like lost the what wait anyway why are you running away from me I feel like he’s gonna have a move just you know as a backup plan she’s gonna want you amazing all right nice we got him did he drop anything we’re level 20. I came across Yamato and

I’m not caught up with the anime so I’m not really sure who she is but God damn she’s strong Charlie maybe I was wrong maybe maybe maybe maybe I wasn’t wrong thank you okay maybe it might have been a big mistake oh no creep what are you doing bro

You’re helping her not me Jesus Christ she only got 258 but she’s so strong do I need hockey to fight or something oh I’m a little man I’m a little man I’m a little man don’t hurt a little man I’ve done nothing wrong Retreat this is a tactical Retreat you

Might say how I’m winning this battle is unfair Bud said similar to slothful special technique so I count it as being fair if you don’t know what that is I recommend you checking out lotto’s videos so you can find out Link in the description you know I’m gonna take the

Full credit for this fight because I totally didn’t she like as you can see this is skills this requires a thousand percent skills know anything else hey I got a lot of XP but did she drop anything no level 22 Rish she adopted chest I can

Go back for that this guy I thought I could win this battle just like the last one but I was wrong and I’ll let you see what happens how is he using his okay we use something called tactical Retreat because he got out the water did you chasing me

I don’t think why are you chasing me none of you can compare to my power level what is this oh my God what’s this guy doing why is it electric too right here okay now I run I run I run like I never run before this guy

Is gonna try to kill me oh my God that’s scary I need food I eat food because apparently can someone please tell me why everyone is spawning in to kill me I mean just look at this land around me everything is going to be destroyed I am

A dead man I am a dead man look at this please mobs this isn’t the time or the place not giving up he really wants to kill me Jesus Christ has give up buddy who’s this guy that’s white smoker a smoker I can kill you but you know he started

Oh no he caught up he caught up why is everything okay no Sabo help me some he’s bringing me back who’s bringing me back I did nothing to you he said why did nothing to you I did nothing I did nothing come on run

I really wish I had a vote right now I really wish I had a boat right now Goofy’s now trying to kill me oh my God everything’s after everything’s out to get me no you know I’m not dying foreign never mind I am dying yep they trapped

Me in water and somehow managed to kill me but I promise you I’ll get my revenge okay I guess at least we beat smoker right Pete smoker after that fight I needed a break so let’s try to find the area to build our house look at all these amazing biomes today was another

Lazy day where I just ran back to our little heart after making the enchanting table I Enchanted all my armor with level one entrance I know it’s not level 30 in chance but for now retail 2 and we can always upgrade later and bang we have ourselves an enchanting table all

Right let’s enchant our star see what we can get so Protection One okay okay I’ve lost protection okay I mean some sort of protection and then we get protection okay I don’t know why but out of nowhere Hawkeye came and wanted to kill me why is he after me

Why are you after me I did nothing to you okay now we’re on the chase is on Jesus making my game like he’s trying to slow me down with lag says crocodile I’m seriously not in the mood to fire everyone today so see you in another life mate

Jesus Christ you almost had me crocodile got stuck in the water and I fully took advantage of that and easily beat him and now I’m level 25 which means I unlocked all the hockeys and even fourth gear but let’s quickly beat this lightning guy now wow crocodile is super easy to be

See ya nice we’re level 26 from getting those two kills okay so into defeat Norma Luffy and then two years later Luffy and then for the normal one we’ve unlocked the gift forward okay we’ve got gear four interest test out but let’s go home and sleep first on the

Way home I came across crocodile and I think this is the perfect time to use gear 4. wants to fight me again let’s try gear four and crocodile then oh my God look at me oh my God is he dead he’s dead oh man you’re dead

Okay I think I can defeat anyone now oh my how long do I stay in this form for Jesus Christ look at me this is amazing wait you got nothing on me I got DFO can I one tap this guy I can’t white tap him but I’m strong yeah gear 4 was super

Powerful and now I think I can challenge a lot more people and be all of them I challenge Lucy to a fight and completely forgot that this is the version of luki that has the same power as me and may even be stronger sorry Lucy it’s like I’m fighting myself oh no

This is the worst time this could happen this is literally the worst time it can happen it did oh my God he’s using case now I’ll have I’ll have to use get three oh okay I got cool down from everything Okay okay any help I can get is appreciated oh my God oh no he’s got the ability too okay okay I didn’t realize he’s got the ability to you know what let’s go Lucy let’s go Lucy it’s a Luffy versus Luffy let’s go I’m trying to eat food

I love Gatling it’s such a good move come on to eat food anti-food oh my God why is that okay that’s a powerful I’m gonna put my shield back on come on Chase it come on use my sword it’s nice all right we got him we unlocked something called nutrient defeat Luffy okay

New Generation rookie I’ll take it what level up we’re level 28. okay this is going well so far now I was leveling up super fast because these bosses dropped a lot more XP I came across Ace and wanted to see if I could beat him oh Ace is angry at me all right

I mean and why am I surprised he’s angry at me I did kill his brother where is it come on Ace okay Ace might actually kill me I didn’t realize how strong Aces Ace stay back Okay he’s really strong I have to use my shield with the gear 4. Jesus Christ is strong I can’t believe I’m running away from Ace while being in gear 4. he made fight another Ace decided to join yeah this definitely isn’t fair but we’re not giving up what would you say

I have to say there’s just a tightness Beyond Fair now okay yep yep yep that was a good run that was a good run let me go sleep so they despawn but I would like to say I would have won that against both the aces if Tardis didn’t join in yeah the

Land around here is pretty much destroyed so we’re gonna have to move soon because I feel like our heart is going to be next I came across mocha and yeah he’s in that strong ER smoker you know you’re not trouble to me anymore come on smoker

Oh smoker what are we gonna do with you stop playing around boom they do give a lot of XP though so I need to keep killing them whenever I come across because I do need a lot of XP right now yeah these little bosses only give me 500 or sorry five but the

Time I need 400 to level up now I’m almost level 32 so I’m leveling up really fast I decided to be a little Brave and I challenged a stronger Luffy that was a mistake let’s go Luffy okay this might have been a huge mistake I’m starting to realize

I haven’t brought a strong disguise no I pressed the wrong button I found the normal Luffy from the beginning of his journey and let’s just say he wasn’t that strong oh my God stroll if he only has eight HP can we can we can we do

This I’m sorry Luffy I don’t I don’t mean this at all but damn Luffy was actually really not that strong I found Odin and I think I’m strong enough to fight him you know I think I can take him on oh okay okay I might have died a few

Times but hey a win’s a win 900 levels level 31 to level 33 from one kill we’re leveling up super fast now with us being more powerful bosses so I don’t think he’ll take us much longer to become the pirate king I think Luffy remembers me

From the other five because as soon as he saw me he started attacking and yep I did end up dying once again that’s Luffy seriously guy not the right time again we lost to him I was just FK for a second and I got attacked

Oh him well he’s not strong enough but I do need my loot back and oh no if I stay around the area he’s gonna blow up my house and everything that belongs in that house and I don’t want that to happen so we need to run for dear life so he

Doesn’t blow everything up I got my stuff back and found Kuma stuck in the ground and I decided to help him and end his misery he’s dying but he’s down here see that I think we can take you one easily he’s only 200. I don’t even need to use any gears for him

Where’s Scotland yeah okay he’s easy to defeat he’s easy to beat all right let’s go see if we can beat this lady fan Square now because last time yeah I found Yamato in a cave and for those of you who said that lost fight wasn’t fair here I fight her again

And this time you can’t say it’s not fair because I be a fairly can I find me back right back there you go okay this time we actually did here the fair and square and we can actually say that and you know what she wasn’t that hard

She only had 340 levels but quite easy today was a pretty boring day where I just began to clean the area for where house is gonna be we need wood to make a house and we don’t have any so let’s go get some then using a share I started to

Clean these leaves because there was so much and we need an empty space to start building I came across Yamato and we already know I’m stronger than her so I really didn’t want to fight her but she wasn’t giving up so you know what let’s

Fight are you on a fight we’ll fight oh no no no stop this foreign now you’re both in trouble if you’re scared of all the water oh no that’s USA Thank you I went back to the heart to collect some stuff and bring it back to our new location I started putting the stuff in the chest when I was attacked and I really hope I don’t lose my stuff because that’s literally all our valuables Oh Come on no no no no

Seriously bro I really didn’t want to fight him but after that he needs to be punished no I’m not dying thank you Jesus Christ bro holy if you’re oh no did you break everything I have yeah that was a close fight but now we need to go and check if we

Destroyed our things no he’s ruined everything he destroyed all the chests but at least we got to keep the enchanting table here is when I decided not to build another house because no matter what most likely it’s gonna get destroyed so I think for now we’re just

Gonna stick with Ali when returning to Ali al-ha I was attacked by Sabo and Riley and it didn’t go well for me Riley Please really not now I have all my stuff on me Riley I had to run back to where I was killed and luckily my loot was still there I spent rest of the day collecting wood I wanted to make a level 13 charging table which means we need to find a bunch of leather and a lot of sugarcane and yes I

Had to kill any animal that dropped leather which did include horses I really didn’t want to but I had to we basically have no resources because we haven’t been mining here but we really need them so I went mining for a few days first thing I did was make a new

Diamond pickaxe because the iron ones feel so slow I had to go find some more sugarcane because we need more bookshelves I wanted to make an enchanting area but didn’t want it to be above ground because it’s most likely going to be destroyed so I decided we’ll

Make an underground base right next to a hop we finally had our level 13 chanting table so Less in China Stars yeah it’s not the best insurance but it’s better than what we have now I made a little storage area in underground base because I feel like it’s much safer down here

Than being up in the hall I spent a few days just collecting apples you might be asking why in the world are you doing that well you find find out soon enough now it’s time to get ready for our battles oh and I use the apples to make

Golden apples which do come in handy I ran around for a long time and I came across a pirate king but we’re not ready to fight him yet Raja May so we’re gonna have to take him one eventually while going home I came across album and of course we had to

Fight him and of course we did win I’m sorry I’m sorry sir but that wasn’t anything personal but it was just business I came across ace and I think he wanted eventually the brother gonna want to Avengers brother you’re not a stronger Subway I came across Hawkeye and of course we had to fight him let’s just say this fight was a very close call and I had to use a lot of my golden apples but in the end we did win foreign Jesus Christ this guy almost killed me Oh I thought I almost lost all my speed I just worked for that was a close fight and we won because we’re better after the fight with Hawkeye it made me realize we went that strong so I decided

That we need to do a bit of training before we continue on because I feel like that device will be impossible also unlocking 5th gear made this training Arc so much more easier what I reckon wait you can get 50k in this um no one told no one told me about oh my God we’re almost finished with the mod pack and we’ve almost achieved all our goals so I won’t show any of the boring bits and I’ll only show the fight

And trust me they are good first we had a fight with Luffy from the 100 orc and yeah it wasn’t much of a challenge one all right where is he [Applause] come on oh no he’s got he’s got this unlocked as well oh no where is he holy Christ Luffy

He’s got 50 gun locked as well okay I honestly thought we were dead there is okay because I completely forgot he has the same abilities as us I came across a marine but he said he was Ace I was so confused and actually I’m still confused now if you know what this

Is let me know in the comments that’s five fish days that’s not ace what am I am I missing out on something while fighting Luffy I was attacked by the dark King also known as Riley since I was in fifth gear I took the fight

Oh no Riley go away you’re meant to be off the Shacks why is this oh my god oh Jesus Christ This Guy’s strong okay he’s strong I don’t do I need all my Shields come on come on he can fly oh no why is he so strong get away from me

Oh my God oh no who’s coming who’s that Jesus I’m getting no no this is not good one at a time please now we’re Fair now we fight the strongest Luffy and yeah this was a challenge oh now you’re strapped in the water buddy this is a too fair by

Okay that was a big mistake from my end getting back to getting back in the water oh no he’s got he’s got the same ability to send it oh no all the water’s gone almost flipping the water mate does I don’t see anything oh no eat food you’re gonna die you’re

Gonna die these guys sick powers where are you oh you’re there foreign Jesus Christ is in the water oh my God I feel so bad but I’m sorry Luffy he’s not dying he’s yo it’s chic uh I I I’ll take you but you know I I I’m gonna say I killed him

I’m gonna see I can’t live but that’s not fair he died to the water he he didn’t want to die to me that’s not fair I asked nothing that’s actually not fair we got him so long we’re actually going solo that’s not fair we’re level 56. okay we have definitely made this so

Much easier by trade it for a little while but that’s not fair I’m sorry but I can’t get over that’s not fair that’s honestly not fair I was going back to my little heart when I was attacked by Shanks maybe here that I was going around being up Luffy and his family

Can I borrow that I have from you oh Jesus okay I’m gonna have to play defensive with this guy no no no no no get away from me sorry stop this stop this nonsense crazy we can actually defeat it I want to say we’re gonna actually

Defeat Shanks but I don’t know if he’s got like a move up his sleeve that’s gonna use okay 9 900 extra I was gonna say nine thousand almost level 58. later than night I came across and fought the pirate king Goldie decided oh my God you calling up foreign Oh he’s making my game crash I know that’s golden apple have a cooldown in this game let me oh my God I stopped talking because I thought he was honestly gonna kill us I had to stop talking I was like okay he’s gonna kill us we’re dead we’re dead

I don’t know how he managed to do that I’m speechless I don’t know I honestly thought it’s dead oh my God got to level 60 Joe just by killing him I know he hasn’t been a hundred days but we’ve completed everything we wanted to and even beat the pirate king so I feel

Like it’s bad if we end it here rather than dragging it out but if you want to see more videos in this mod let me know and which character I should do next anyways if you enjoyed the video remember to subscribe like and I’ll see

You in the next video we’re going to try to complete the chainsaw man mod within 100 days do you think I can let’s quickly go over our goals become the chainsaw man make ourselves a house make a form for all the pochitis that we will rescue kill all the devils and finally

Finish the storyline in the mod remember to subscribe I spawned into the world and thought I saw power here’s how that went we need to find ourselves with pochita I think there’s power over there it’s actually power imagine we see power within the first couple of minutes of being alive

Oh I think she’s going to be in the cave isn’t she yeah I don’t think she’s up here who who’s that nope there’s no one there after getting some berries I support got a couple of berries I see a pochito all right let’s swim across get our first pochito

So using pochita we can become the well I think the chainsaw Devon obviously if you have seen the enemy you’ll know so we first came he’s our best friend and because he’s our best friend because we gave him blood I got some wood using pochita because he is a chainsaw after all

Then got some cobblestone after a while of running around I came across this lady with the eye patch I don’t I don’t think she’s you know what let’s let’s go see if she’s in there um mate oh my God it is a luckily for me she was

Standing on coal which I needed you know what you think I thank you you found me some code thank you very much turns out there’s a lot of coal here so I spent a lot of time just mining the next day we won the move again I wanted to find a

Nice location for us to build a house one of our goals was to rescue as many pochitis as we can and here I got another one okay we got our second rescue a second pole shooter oh come on brochita with this mod a lot of mobs

Spawn in caves under us which is kinda annoying I hear a skeleton underneath there’s an Enderman skeleton creepers underneath I think yeah that has to behave under us there’s power I see Power do you think she’s gonna be in a cage though I don’t know I don’t want

Her to be in a cave I’m not strong enough to go in a cave and punter down can we run out the pochita after some time we finally found a place to build our house you touched on so no mobs spawn near us I cleared some dirt

Then so I saw makima but turns out she wasn’t there what I thought makima was here I wanted to build a house but I didn’t have any wood so let’s go get some I decided to murder some animals On the way home We rescued our Fort boschito and I see some poor cars on the way but you know okay we’re gonna have the Portugal okay that’s our fourth poor cheetah okay we need to make sure we don’t die because if we die I believe they all

Um disappear and I get attention to the chainsaw man so we need to make sure then the nice little house before we die now let’s get started on our house foreign had to go get some but it was getting dark so I had to be fast I think I I can

Make a contract with them but I don’t want to do it just in case if it messes up my chainsaw man ability so that did happen and other times I’ve played this game so we’ll just leave them there for now but he’s not harmful at all I came

Across my first devil and power kinda stole the Kill by forgive us on everyone ah I was hoping you know we could do as a team team effort oh no that guy is even so that’s one double down but what we need to kill I think who we need to kill it

Or that one we’re going to kill a zombie you’re going to kill a zombie devil let’s try to find the zombie uh zombie devil tonight I let the power get to my head then quickly realize I wasn’t that strong okay we’re gonna we’re gonna attack her and then run to our teammate

Oh no oh no I didn’t get a chance I was still alive I was dead but I don’t know if you guys saw that but I was still alive this is where everything goes wrong in this video and I let the video me take okay so I’m dead I lost my pochita buck

I think I’ve unlocked the ability to transform to change other hand oh speak of the devil now chainsaw man and this zombie wtr okay it’s perfectly time worked out but oh no we’re getting excited no so many zombies okay all right oh there’s stuff in there okay

All right we are chainsaw man but we have lost the poor cheater so that’s not a good thing I believe we still have opportunities in here right okay good all right now we’ve killed we’ve killed the zombie devil now who else do we have let’s put that you know let’s make a few

Torches all right let’s go oh who’s trying to kill me with flames oh no I need to use a different ability let’s see obviously aligned to your line to heal heal me okay this guy’s got a strong power super strong power okay so let’s switch to all right swing

But we can use our particle okay this is gonna be a hard battle all right oh well myself now to go back to the swing oh my God why is he so strong devil Hunter’s name hybrid oh that’s the wrong one why is this a new one

Oh no I don’t pass to heal I don’t want my power to heal right we got this we got this we’re fine I’m fine it’s two of them well that’s oh no he’s super strong he’s he’s burning down my house no you know that’s it you caught me burning down my house no

He’s liter on purpose gonna burn down my house where is he kill him please yes what is it this guy is burning down everything I’ve ever worked for no we’re gonna change somebody kill him keep killing him come on no I don’t see it where is he where are they

Okay so I’ve managed to kill kill quite a few devils and I’ve managed to complete most of the storyline can’t kill Katana man I don’t know why he’s just Invincible guys possesses I’ve killed most Devils I don’t know why this has been unlocked here but

Kill the gun devil I’m not sure how to get him but I do have um I do have quite a few Beats from uh the moms I can become but I do have nine uh gun devil pieces and I think if I put them in a crafting table

Uh gun devil chunk I think that spawns in the condo now I’m not sure I’m not sure how this works exactly like women I can’t really put him in if anyone knows what to do with this let me know in the comments but I think I’ve almost completed the mod

Okay okay okay we just summoned in the gun Devlin who is that what is that um all right I don’t want to mess with that thing just yeah it’s coming towards me slowly I want to see what the other thing is that we have okay so this is a gun devil fiend okay

All right so they both lost all right so they both are strong super strong actually let’s sound like can I take that thing out I’ve got my blood full so my power is super high I guess that’s that question I can’t even reach it foreign leave in the comments and I’ll see you

In the next video can we survive 100 days using AC devil fruit we’re gonna keep the intro sure so let’s get into our goals which is to become the pirate king defeat Shanks and Luffy and get revenge for ourselves from the anime and beat the guy who killed us remember if

You enjoyed the video to like And subscribe the day began with me eating acid devil fruit which gave me the fire powers and now we have to test out the powers and you might not like how we tested it you might call me evil for this but you

Know this is the best way to check us out check out our powers okay okay I feel like those wolves can kill me now get away get away from me all right we’ve got two experience points and let me quickly explain the how we level up again so uh every time

We kill a mob or anything or boss we get some XP as you see in chat right there and using the XP we level up towards here you can see on our inventory soon I discovered that we could fly I’m gonna die for it I’m joining I’m gonna die oh

I don’t okay okay I don’t take four laps just good it’s good to know I think we found a village here just like every other Minecraft video we need to get some wood then made some tools we came across some pandas and totally didn’t set them on fire sorry pandas okay all right

Are they gonna attack you I don’t know if pandas are hostile creatures or not I’m really sorry pandas I don’t mean this I just need the XP it was beginning to get dark when we came across our first real opponent yeah our first Challenger our first shot oh no he actually does damage

We need some armor actually do we get away from me oh you can’t hit me I forgot he caught he he caught he ate can’t he because I’m basically just Invincible I just went on I if you’ve seen the first video on this mod that you know about our friend

Accent can you hear me yeah he can’t hit me get away okay this is gonna be super easy compared to Lucy’s Powers because Luffy can actually get hit or they used to just like hit right through me I’m not an expert on devil fruits but I didn’t realize his power can do this

Yeah yeah boom we’ve got our first treasure oh no we’re getting attacked get away get all right this is like a flamethrow that’s what this is a flamethrower straight up a human flamethrower okay I’m liking this power more and more what level are we now we’re still level

Two Jesus right all right we are a marine without a jacket so so far well we’re not a marine we’re just uh pretending to be a marry I came across a shop that was offering free stuff and I mean it would be rude not to take it

Right gonna help myself you know it’ll be rude not to it’s just here for me to borrow and never give back we’ll keep the Hat one we’ll keep the Hat one why not and you know what okay what do you do guys sir oh yeah oh okay what

Uh I’m sorry I don’t mean to hit you every time you know what I think we’re gonna go out of the way to try to collect these in this Marine building there’s a lot of loot for us to steal back from the Marines because let’s be honest they

Probably stole these from Pirates so we’re just getting our stuff back I’ve learned from my mistake from the other video and I’m not gonna build a house so we’re just gonna have to rob the villages house for now to start the day off right we had to fight our friend ax

Man hello ax man you’re no longer a challenge to me kind sir you know what level am I I’m only a level two get away okay this is getting easier and easier what do we get red star Redstone out of everything I get redstone I came across

Kuma and I wasn’t too sure if he could hate us but let’s just say I found out soon enough someone destroying blocks oh someone is can we can we take him on you know what we’re gonna try give me five can he hit me I wonder can you okay he can hit me

All right okay yep we don’t know that powerful just yet oh no he’s coming well it was fun while it lasted living all right now we’re just on the Run I can’t believe it either I found Lucy but not any Lucy he was the weakest one

So I could actually fight him this was the longest fight so far but hey we won and we unlocked the strongest pun and we also got an achievement for killing Luffy come on it was so close finally finally level three clearly Luffy didn’t get enough so he came back for round two

Out of nowhere I died and I’m not sure who killed me but when I tried going back to the crime scene I couldn’t because yeah I’ll just let you watch this yo okay no anyway Oh no oh no that Luffy killed me okay that’s some killed me This isn’t my proudest moment but I found a bug where right clicking did one damage but didn’t make them angry so I began my journey of killing Shanks and he didn’t even fight me back after a few deaths and a lot of clicking later we killed Shanks yeah one of the most

Powerful people and we managed to kill him within 10 days yep that’s how strong we are eight seven six five four three two one all righty we’re level 13 already does at night I came across Kuma and this time we’re a bit more powerful so we can actually fight back oh no

Okay I forgot I can fly out of his way yeah for some reason the whole gang started to chase us and I mean I did try to run away but yeah I’ve accepted I accept defeat I accept defeat I accept defeat in the morning we tried our new ability

Oh you’re super low so you know don’t mind if I do I forgot lattice we don’t give me that anyways let’s see what this ability is I’m just a this is oh it gives me power boost I think I think yeah this just gives me a boost for that why Okay all right now I had to go back and collect our stuff from where we died and sadly we did lose some stuff but hey we’ll get our revenge while exploring I came across the shop that gives free Diamond stuff so of course I took them

So I came across Ace and you unlock a new attack when you speak to him so I guess he taught me this new move which has a lot of fire and that’s a good thing uh which one is that which one is it is this thing right yeah what does it do

Okay all right we got the powers to destroy blocks we’ve got the parts destroy the blocks when I became night smoker came out of nowhere and tried to capture us but we couldn’t let that happen smoker oh you guess you do damage to us oh no smoker all right

Get away from me smoking oh yeah your thing is made out of the special sword thing in there okay out his sword is made out of a special material that can hit us I think it’s um some sort of salt something I don’t remember exactly what it was oh no okay

I’m not in the mood to die so I’m gonna run run like my life depends on it well my life does depend on it actually I don’t know why but Hawkeye really wanted to kill me so he did Hawkeye and Odin were fighting and smaller level bosses were getting killed

And because I was near I was getting the XP for the kills which I’m not complaining about that’s right I’m helping I’m helping no I’m not but hey I’m helping fight fight Odin’s almost dead Hawkeye’s barely taking any damage come on I just want to be here for them

Just thought oh look at this fight oh oh don’t don’t come next to me I don’t want to die hey wait get away get away get away quickly get away get away dude where are they fine where did they go oh there they are I came across Kuma once again and

Hopefully this time we can actually kill him can we take him on Instagram I think we might be able to fight Kuma now I think Grandpa oh foreign let’s go let’s go Bring It On let’s go let’s go we’re strong enough to beat you now let’s go bigger I’ll bring the fight to

You buddy yeah now who’s ready yeah not me I might need to run though oh he’s charging oh he keeps running he keeps running we’re actually stronger than that I can’t believe we’re stronger than it stay in the water stay in the Water by

Your path oh no no no time out time out I don’t time up okay now we can fight again Oh come on there’s another one hey oh no guys guys guys guys guys say phase it okay buddy yo yo yo I’m gonna get my revenge on you okay oh no okay no no you got the I forgot the magnaflu or something oh no

I had to go back to where I was killed so I could try to get my loot back and let’s just say the land was destroyed I was getting attacked by lightning and I couldn’t even see where the guy was yep I was right and that’s where I do

Die no don’t worry that’s why I die if I still okay I got some obsidian then using that made ourselves an enchanting table nice we got enchanting table I thought I was ready to fight Sabo but soon I realized that was a mistake Sabo this ain’t the way I want to die

Come here bring it to me boy thank you Sabo appreciate the love now I gotta pay it back thank you very much summer for the help assisting killing you okay so maybe it wasn’t a mistake fighting him I didn’t think I was powerful enough to fight

Yabato but tenzo I am and he helped us unlock in your ability that we need to test out once I got home I in charge of my diamond sword and pickaxe I came across Sabo and we’re gonna test our new ability on him just to let you guys know

This attack is more powerful it’s just I missed sorry Sabo okay for a very bad cooldown as I barely did anything we came across Kuma again and this time we’re a lot more powerful so hopefully we can actually kill him now Flame get flamethrower bro crazy you’re gonna get flame through it

Yeah blue play this might be the easiest dub of all time if I can keep finding equivalent I think we’re gonna win easily all right come on bro foreign so much stop running nice yeah this fight was super easy now and we’re getting to a super high level

In days 10 to 36 somehow got deleted or something happened because the file is just gone missing and to be honest for that reason I was thinking of not uploading this video but those days were just grinding and you don’t miss out on much content so I decided to still make

This video because at least you guys get something out of it and trust me the coming fights are good so you want to keep watching we spent a few days just collecting some obsidian you guys haven’t seen this but we made this little underground base with our enchanting cable and soon it’s gonna

Have a chest and everything because the house kinda got destroyed we made our little chest area then moved all our stuff inside I spent rest of the day cutting down trees because the leaves drop apples and we need those that they started off with us killing crocodile

And damn we’re level 49 so that explains how we killed him so easily we now get to fight Shanks again and this time it’s actually Fair because he actually fall back foreign Mission but Riley spawned so yeah we kinda have to fight him now finally I guess we’re killing Riley first who’s the other guy Foreign No I just wasted my special attack that’s fine that’s right oh this is all of them there guys seriously wanna attack this okay it’s almost dead there’s two Rileys oh no okay I don’t want to restore my golden apples come on Riley’s you’re dead foreign We found the strongest sword use the Hawkeye and yeah it’s time to steal that tile from him right oh God Jesus Christ why is it both of you okay okay there’s a lot of damage okay there’s a lot of damage oh no his sword just slapped right through my Shield

All right okay please do not kill me please foreign the only thing left to do is fight the pirate king and steal his rank so let’s go find him after a while we found him so now it’s time to battle thank you okay we’re done we’re done a bit of

Damage we’ve done a bit of damage to you we’re doing damage okay but you’re also doing damage a lot more than I’m doing to you okay I think one two more two more of those attacks and he’s gonna die but Jesus Christ I don’t know if I’m gonna live for that okay

Where is it oh no oh no fly fly fly fly fly okay Golden Apple we need to go in an apple get my move out and get them wrong one all right okay get me back give me back get me back online you’re gonna try to keep me off isn’t he

I think my best to hit him off oh no I missed again get away get away get away I think one more hit and then he’s dead but I think he’s going all out now get away get back now nice nice now nice we hear him off he’s gonna come

Back up yeah yeah I I knew you’re gonna do that I knew you’re gonna do that but as soon as you get back up guess what buddy you’re in trouble you’re in trouble go to Roger Jesus Jesus thousand um Overkill I hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you

Did remember to like And subscribe and the only reason we’re not continuing on with this video is because we’ve completed the mod pack as well as achieved all our goals so there’s no point but if you want to see more of this let me know in the comments and

I’ll see you guys in the next video in this video we play 100 days in Tokyo Avengers where we try to become the leader of the Tokyo Manji gang by challenging all the captives to a fight when we become the leader or not make sure you watch the full video to find

Out I arrived at Tokyo and was greeted by this cat I saw patchin who reminded me that I needed to find Mikey to talk about me joining the Tokyo Manji gang so I still have to find him while roaming the city I came across this Temple thing

And found a totem of undying and was planning on stealing it but decided to put it back because I thought it’d be a bit unfair I found this horse and instantly knew I was gonna Rob him because he would make my life so much easier then I realized it was a 10gq

Member’s horse so that’s even better anyways let’s continue to find my key I found the shopping area where I think almost being sold so I went to check it out I soon found Valhalla members inside so I’m assuming they’re having a meeting I don’t want to get caught by them so

Decided it’d be best if I leave I found the Tokyo Manji gang in the parking lot because baji with his second in command but I needed to find my key finally I found Mikey and he told me to join the Tokyo Manji gang I would need

To beat up a Valhalla member to prove my worth so let’s go find that Valhalla member for me to be upper Valhalla member I would need some tools so yep that’s right we’re here again cutting down some classic trees with my horse I left the

City and not so long after we found a village and you guessed it we robbed all the food they had and even a bit of their property because I needed some Cobblestone to make some tools I found this black dragon member and without thinking I decided to hit

Him quickly realizing my mistake I began running and try to get on my horse but fail the first time don’t worry though because I managed the second time and run away I went back to Tokyo and just look how beautiful this is once in the city I noticed this building

Was made out of iron blocks and as I’m a criminal I decided to steal it using the iron I made some armor and a sword which I turned into a knife yeah that’s right now the Valhalla member was in trouble I entered the shopping mall which was

Filled with torment members but to my surprise I found a Valhalla member but not just any member it was hanmar so of course I began fighting him yeah this man was powerful so I kind of cheered and used the environment to my advantage to kill him I completed my commission while doing so

I became a criminal now all I had to do was find Mikey again and let him know I completed my mission and join the gang I found some tall man members and decided to help fight since I will soon become their leaders but I accidentally hit my

Own member and he got mad so I ran away after a while of exploring I finally found the Toman gang and Mikey who told me I successfully joined the gang and there were some goodies waiting for me looks like I was given The Tall Man

Outfit and they even stole a bike for me yeah the bike was crazy fun using the bike I found the area to make my house I went out of the city and collected some wood when it and I I went into the village and took a bit of the village

And went to bed I returned home with the law of wood so now I can build my house I began with this wooden frame and made a really simple design yeah this was my best work but you’ll get the job done I also made this garage and now it was

Time to do the roof because I didn’t have a bed I had to go back to the village and sleep there and steal a bed in the morning there were Valhalla members and black dragons fighting and of course I had to beat them all up

Yeah I almost died and had to run away because that guy was too powerful to fight right now I found this Temple kind of place and there was neither right armor on display since I’m a criminal I decided to rob it but before I could I was attacked by a tanjiku member and

Surprisingly a black dragon member helped me fight him once we were done fighting I got the arm and now had the best armor in the game when returning home I found Omen members and Valhalla members battling it out with I think cops trying to stop it so I ran into

Battle to help my side for some reason the cops only targeted me and was really close to beating me up so I had to run into my house yeah this cop wanted me dead I killed the police officer with my amazing skills and got this gun yeah

This was going to be really unfair now I spent rest a day killing my enemies with my new gun I found Shiba and the enemy so I killed them using my pistol foreign it was now time to start climbing the ranks of the Tokyo manchi gang which

Started by me defeating the right hand of the first Commander after a long time I finally found him and challenged him to a fight and here’s how that went after my fight was finished I found patching and I’m pretty sure he’s the third division Captain so once again I

Began fighting him yes I then I had to use a knife but it wins a win he was getting dark and a lot of mobs were spawning so I decided it’d be best if I go home and sleep but on my way home I saw a police officer waiting

Outside my house yeah they wanted me dead in the morning I found takamichi and he is the new first division Captain so I fought him I was killing some tenjuku members when I came across Miley and I mean he’s the fourth division Captain so I fought him

Ashton killed this gang member with my gun by accidentally killed Smiley but once again I wins a win I came across the tanjiku gang and for some reason killed all of them using my gun now it was time to fight the second division and yeah this was really easy

I found two gangs fighting and decided to kill hanma then everyone else now it was time to fight baji when we began our fight he tied up his hair and was ready for war I’m not going to lie this was one of the hardest fight in the mod pack

If you thought fighting body was hard fighting dragon was even harder because every time he got close to me he almost killed me yeah without my gun he would have won In the morning Mikey was inside my house I think because he heard I was going around being up the captains to get their rank I mean this was perfect because now I can challenge him to a fight and become the leader yeah it looks like I wasn’t ready to become the

Leader just yet because Mighty defeated me easily but I hope you guys enjoyed the video and if you did please drop a like And subscribe and I’ll see you in the next video

This video, titled ‘I Spent 1000 Days in Different Animes in Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Pur3Tic on 2023-09-29 13:00:48. It has garnered 782 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 06:21:05 or 22865 seconds.

I Spent 1000 Days Different Anime in Minecraft [FULL MOVIE] i combined 10 of my 100 days which includes 100 days one piece, naruto, demon slayer and many more…

if you enjoyed remember to subscriber: @Pur3Tic ———————————————————————————- Business Email: [email protected] ——————————————————————————— Thumbnail Artist: https://twitter.com/QuincDzn ——————————————————————————— This Video includes: minecraft hardcore 100 days anime 100 days in one piece 100 days naruto 100 days demon slayer 100 days better minecraft and many more… #1000days #minecraft #animeminecraft

  • Cheating with Minerals for Rare Drops!

    Cheating with Minerals for Rare Drops! Minecraft Cheating with Ore-Dropping Items! Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure where cheating with ores that drop items takes center stage! Join the excitement as new possibilities unfold in the world of Minecraft. Exploring New Horizons Delve into the innovative concept of cheating with ores that drop items, adding a unique twist to the traditional Minecraft gameplay. Witness the magic as these ores reveal hidden treasures and unlock a realm of endless possibilities. Unveiling the Cheating Mechanism Discover the mechanics behind this intriguing cheat, where ores become the key to obtaining valuable items. By leveraging this cheat, players can… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Mastering Minecraft’s Build Mode

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  • Ultimate Guide: Create Mod Windmill

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  • Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial

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  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

    Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps In the classroom, Minecraft brings delight, With funny moments, shining bright. Fangkuaixuan, the MC animator, Crafting joy, a content creator. From ancient poems to silly jokes, Laughs and giggles, the classroom evokes. But beware of the teacher’s quiz, Mistakes in rhymes, what a fizz! Clear skies, rain falls, the scene is set, Students struggle, with lines to get. But laughter rings, in every verse, Minecraft fun, a playful curse. So let’s embrace the humor and fun, In Minecraft world, we all are one. Fangkuaixuan, keep the joy alive, In every rhyme, let happiness thrive. Read More

  • Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker – Minecraft

    Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker - Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker Escape Challenges! Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft with the exciting challenge of escaping from various mazes as a Noob, Pro, or Hacker? Join the adventure as you navigate through intricate labyrinths filled with surprises and obstacles! Experience the Thrill of Escape Challenges Embark on a heart-pounding journey as you attempt to escape from challenging mazes designed for players of different skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner (Noob), an experienced player (Pro), or a master strategist (Hacker), each level presents unique hurdles to overcome…. Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18

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  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

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  • Back in the Scary German Underground

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  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

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  • Dronio’s EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOW

    Dronio's EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:00. It has garnered 747 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson at the link” #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17

    Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17Video Information This video, titled ‘Selesaikan Rumah Bata Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-06-02 14:36:27. It has garnered 7957 views and 147 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:17 or 7997 seconds. Join Membersip Nase : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw/join skin minecraft: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_UHQ06CBhlsT7icJ7zs0ca53xxPb1LoJ/view?usp=sharing Donate saweria: https://saweria.co/RafliNagaraa17 socialBuzz : https://sociabuzz.com/rafli-adytian_-/donate cara register minecraft: https://youtu.be/x5NNMS9b8kA Social media🌎 Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rafli_nagara17/ tik tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@raflinagara17 Discord : https://discord.gg/wRan8ZxpPK Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kodiam !mentionname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM5DczGW60oIaCzJmajQz7zr7f4mRcXc5 Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village https://youtu.be/PlPZAHsGqOg?si=poiAN5XphqRC_nBn 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map showcase indonesia Minecraft… Read More

  • Beefton’s Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!

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  • Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in Minecraft

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  • The Lush Sanctuary

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  • Trading Post Modded Whitelist

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  • All The Mods 9 To The Skys 1.0.7

    Want to join a consistently updated modded Minecraft server with no whitelist? Look no further than the All the Mods 9 to the Sky server! We have a great community of players, and we’re always looking for more people to join us. Come play and enjoy your time! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Undertale meets Minecraft madness

    Minecraft Memes - Undertale meets Minecraft madnessIf Undertale had Minecraft logic, breaking blocks would only anger the villagers and cause them to attack you with flowers instead of swords. Read More

  • Breaking News: x59 Glam Fails on Minewind

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  • Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness

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  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipdrama 😂🎮 Read More

  • Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness

    Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness Minecraft Speedrun Race with a Twist! Jet and his friend Fred are gearing up for an epic Minecraft Speedrun Race. Little does Fred know, Jet has a sneaky plan up his sleeve – he’s using the Morphing Mod to gain an advantage! The Morphing Mod: A Game-Changer The Morphing Mod in Minecraft allows players to transform into different creatures, giving them unique abilities and advantages. Jet’s decision to use this mod adds an exciting twist to the traditional speedrun race. Will Fred Discover Jet’s Secret? As the race progresses, Fred starts to notice Jet’s unusual behavior and suspects that… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Epic Amusement Park Build

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  • Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)

    Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)Video Information This video, titled ‘Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-06-13 10:02:03. It has garnered 61551 views and 1931 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:15 or 1875 seconds. MINECRAFT:Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog) Today, Yasi informed CeeGee about the controversial Dump site that has been talk of the town lately because of the fear it may contaminate the water system and may cause the spreading or viruses and toxins among the nearby villages. Since based on the forecast, there will be an expected… Read More

  • Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & Mikey

    Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: Prison Escape Challenge in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizen & Mikey | Friends on 2024-05-28 07:50:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. We have a competition again! Today we will find out which of us is the better prison builder! After construction, we have a … Read More

  • Bowser’s Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT Shorts

    Bowser's Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT ShortsVideo Information 我的车不再有用了。你对他做了什么? 我只在上面放了一点熔岩,但 你为什么要这么做呢?因为它看起来 很漂亮。你疯了。就像我的 车加了熔岩后看起来会更好一样。 This video, titled ‘EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts’, was uploaded by NICO2DSCRAFT on 2024-06-06 20:30:01. It has garnered 10794 views and 411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #nico2ds #Nico2dscraft Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥Video Information huh [Music] [Music] okay oh no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no yeah This video, titled ‘Conquering the Nether dimension in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by 👇TAP THE LINK👇 on 2024-03-13 05:41:12. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More


    🤑 SENORGIRAFFE: INSANE QUICK RICHES SOTW (OP) 🤑Video Information yo what is up guys my name is Senor giraffe and we are here again for a brand new prison series on giraffe. lucky. net now this is the third season on minlucky and they have added quite a few things one of the biggest things is payout so I know a lot of you guys when you grinded did want to possibly get rewarded and they’ve added that if we type SL lb or leaderboards you will see they have highest ranks top blocks mind top tokens top gems top rubies all this stuff right here and… Read More

  • Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340

    Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340Video Information so hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Stream ich h es geht euch allen gut und heute bin ich natürlich wieder für euch live am 15.062024 um 11:13 uh und 49 Sekunden herzlich willkommen hi FIS the bubble hi Lias und hi Lucky Juno herzlich Willkommen an Euch alle drei schön dass Ihr da seid ich hoffe es geht euch gut zu spät kann man das nicht nennen weil am Ende haben wir zwar 11 Uhr ausgemacht ja aber das heißt nicht dass es so fix ist kann ich mitspielen du kannst mitspielen ja du müsstest halt auf… Read More

  • 🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #Hindi

    🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #HindiVideo Information तो गाइस आ गया [संगीत] मैं लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे गेमर लो लाइक लाइक कर दो लाइक कर दो जल्दी जल्दी यो किंग इज बैक अबे कौन है किंग हेलो लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे नए हो तो चैनल पर सब्सक्राइब मार दो अ डिकोड जा रहा रुद्र गेमिंग वाटी आय ओपी गेमर आय बहुत सारे मड आ रहे स्म [संगीत] में लाइक करके आ जाओ स्काई लेजेंड गेमिंग एफफ लाइक करो इतने सारे मोड्स ज्यादा ही हो रहा है मेरा शंकर किंग कौन से एमपी अबे एसएमपी बोलो एसएमपी हमारा न्यू डार्क एसम पी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

    Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!Video Information make your friend spell run or he officially SP no no cuz you thought you thought I a had brck n now hit me hit him let let him hit him go go got aim my zombie [ __ ] it though bro it’s your life wake up hell no no wait no it’s it’s becoming day now it’s coming day now you already know Chop Chop N Chill Out oh my God CH am I am I crazy am I crazy at the game you know what am I crazy at the game chat look how fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaisliveVideo Information start here guys hello hello hello yo yo Queen blink y Parky Arts yo PG PGG gamer hello black hello hello hello black sorry hello hello MC yeah 1 12.1 ID I what I don’t okay guys okay noise yes guys noise hello yes hello G magnet good thing hello [Music] [Music] 355 I I please create your own SMP with subscribe zes nice nice unsit oh zes zie please oh but hello 69 level guys how are you 95 what are you doing thank you thank you live and I’m so must [Music] out out to message… Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Any money we generate goes completely to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map! 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain. 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways. 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL. 🤖… Read More

  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

    RESET! DynastyCraft - 1.12.2 Modded MedievalDynastyCraft – Modded 1:135 Earth Factions set in the Dark AgesServer Modpack: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/dynastycraft-official-modpack.1982222/aboutDiscord Server: https://discord.gg/fRKxthEv32View our Dynasty Tree: https://app.mural.co/t/dynastycraft4614/m/dynastycraft4614/1703342169285/7d3e8296da894640518ff985c62981ae56bd74bb?sender=u4466355caa360503a5113250 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐Why did the Minecraft Gang always get lost in the Nether? Because they always followed their leader, GPS (Ghast Positioning System)🤣🔝⭐ Read More

  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

    Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet GodVideo Information ч начинаю рисовать танты спря не потерять моё справляюсь я может покажется это не заль не спомня This video, titled ‘GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-06 09:40:41. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG #minecraft #viral #gaming #gamerfleet #Jack #tanding Read More

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

    Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell In the depths of hell, I journeyed anew, With Minecraft news, all rhymed and true. No changes to vanilla, just mods for fun, Exploring the nether, under the sun. I faced off with mobs, in a blaze of fire, Searching for fortresses, my heart’s desire. Endermen angered, pigmen attacked, But I survived, my skills intact. With Nanachi by my side, a skin so fine, I braved the dangers, in the nether’s spine. Now back in the overworld, safe and sound, Reflecting on adventures, that I found. So here’s the tale, of my Minecraft quest, In rhymes and rhythms, I… Read More

  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥 When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up… talk about a real blast! 😂 #minecraftproblems #creeperexplosion #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can explore a vast and immersive virtual realm. One such adventure involves creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal, a portal that transports players to a frozen wonderland filled with challenges and excitement. Creating the Portal To embark on this icy adventure, players will need obsidian and Flint and Steel as the main materials. The portal is constructed with a size of 4×5, with obsidian blocks forming the frame and Flint and Steel used to… Read More