R0yal MC – THIS IS THE *BEST* OP SPAWNER TO EASILY GET RICH! | Minecraft Skyblock | ChaosCraft

Video Information

Yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today back for another episode of The Sky Block series here partnered on the brand new server royal. chaos. org if you guys want to come check out the server please consider using that custom IP because whenever you guys do it does

Directly support me in the channel and if you guys don’t know I think I’ve been forgetting to mention this in like every single video but this server is Java and Bedrock compatible as well so even if you guys are on Bedrock you can still hop on and check out the server play the

Same exact realm that I am in today’s video now for today’s intro we actually have ourselves a big update to the island or not big but I guess a kind of necessary one a nice one at least okay got my ALT in the background this is the

Regular money farm that we uh have set up and you guys know the island has been a little cluttered as of late all right with all of the stuff that we have been building especially in the last episode we got all of our Automatic Farms going

Pretty much not all of them just quite yet but but we’re going to be saving up for that in today’s video as well but if I go ahead and get out of F5 bro bang repto Zone has given us a new build a lot cleaner a lot more compact it’s not

Going to be cluttered everywhere so right up here we have ourselves our little blaze farm it looks like repto Z’s AFK in it and we have a grip of blazes over here ton of stacks um you guys already know uh from the last episode if you watched it blazes are

Elite if you guys want silver okay I have almost 300,000 silver on me right now for some reason I am not killing these things that fast I think you actually have to like Fly Above their heads and then you start getting the uh the silver going 91 right there or maybe

It’s just a little slow right now it is kind of luck based but you need Surplus 10 if you missed yesterday’s video honestly it is a super helpful one if you guys are planning on playing the server but anyways we have the blaze farm right here and if we come right

Below we are also going to have our money Farm it seem now the thing is I’ve been keeping Blaze Spawners in our money farm so I’m not really sure if that’s a meta or the move or what’s going on with that honestly I kind of wanted to make a

Bigger Farm in general but it’s not like we have a ton of spawners right now anyways I’m just hoping everything fits in here so so let’s go ahead we are going to start moving everything over this minion only has an hour left of fuel anyway I just recently sold the

Chest but we have also upgraded our void chest to 110,000 Slots of storage which is huge so let’s go ahead sell this thing real quick bang and then yeah we are going to move everything I don’t actually know if you can pick up this void chest that’s something that I don’t

Know I’m kind of hoping you can oh you know what else we could work on in today’s video bro if I go into my Ender Chest I have so many of these Iron Golem skulls that just like collect in The Hoppers because they die like look there’s some right there we might be

Able to work on an IG set in today’s video but another thing that I want to try in today’s video I don’t know if you guys remember but at the very start of the season in the first episode we ended up pulling dungeon dungeon tickets and I

Haven’t used them at all so I want to attempt the dungeon in today’s video but I do think I’m going to need a little bit better of a set yeah I don’t know why I have a prop four helmet on me whenever I should like surely I have a

Full Autumn set right here yeah okay Pro six helmet right here let’s go ahead and exchange that out immediately we don’t even need that helmet but I’m not going to necessarily make a fool out in entire God set I don’t want to say that but I

Definitely want to work on a little bit better of a set so that way we can attempt the dungeon because the one that we got was the hard ticket we actually have two so I’m probably going to give one to repto and hopefully we can complete it because I’ve heard that the

Dungeons actually give decent loot but for right now let’s go ahead we are going to remove all of our spawners from this grinder and move it over to our new build it’s not necessarily more of an efficient build it literally just looks nicer and everything was so cluttered on

The island it was lowkey giving me anxiety I cannot lie to you so this is going to be a nice change shout out to repto Zone you guys already know if you watch the channel I cannot build at all ooh and looks like we have a free Square

Over here because we have our fishing over here we have this minion over here um I guess we could just extend the money farm with this yeah I think that’s probably going to be the move cuz I think we’re going to fill this up at least relatively soon but for right now

Let’s start placing all the spawners in here and we’ll see what we’re working with so yeah I do believe this setup is slightly faded because if I place a spawner right here I’m pretty sure the mobs are going to get stuck and they’re going to like smack it so they won’t

Actually die this is definitely not the best spawner setup but we can change this pretty easily as long as we just bring it down a little bit give ourselves a little bit more space to stack spawners I believe this setup will work at least I’m hoping it does I don’t

Know if I place blaz spawners in here if they’re just going to stack up there though that’s kind of what I’m worried about we’re going to try oh okay yeah you see they are adding to a stack above us that is not ideal actually I think we

Can remove at least one stack of these because they’re overflowing like crazy I think you might only need a stack of blazes to have an infinite Farm let’s remove a stack from here if you guys can’t tell we are really bad at Sky Block bro well let’s try and place it

Right here and see if it actually works and we do have to move our Slayer minion and the void chest over as well because right now we are making zero money but let me go ahead grab those back are these going to spawn right here like I

Want them too and I don’t believe they do um okay so that was kind of what I’m worried about bro do people not put Blaze Spawners in their money Farms because I’ve already shown you guys this blaze rods go for $150 per iron goes for $30 per and then Magma Cream is going

For 175 so I feel like you definitely want blaz spawners in your money Farms or am I tripping bro somebody let me know like immediately so let’s hit a cell on our void chest we going to attempt to mine this thing please give

It to me oh my God you can just mine it bro why did I think like you couldn’t move it ever again bro that’s on me let’s go ahead fly over here place down our void chest bang and what we’re going to do is I’m going to change this Hopper

System up probably just a little bit really quickly because yeah I feel like you can just make it a little bit more efficient so that way it’s not all going into this Hopper and probably overflowing with loot and there we go that should be a little bit more

Efficient I just don’t like whenever everything goes into one hopper but now they should be split loot wise um we will go ahead add some more Hoppers right here and then I’m probably going to go bang and then this one’s just going to kind of be whatever we will

Throw it into that Hopper there we go this should be like the same exact system that we had over there ooh low key actually I’m going to make a little bit bigger of a collection system because sometimes our boid chests do get a little full where’d it go wait no it’s

Gone all right luckily I do have another one where the hell did that one go though like am I bugging can I get an instant replay on that I’m looking I do not see this chest actually anywhere luckily I have another one oh I see it

Oh my god dude that would have been terrible I cannot lie to you actually it wouldn’t have been that bad but like obviously it wouldn’t have been fun okay okay there we go I honestly just wanted to extend the collection system just a couple more chests that way we have some

More like leeway if we don’t sell our boy chest right away whenever it fills up it did kind of go into our sugarcan farm but it’s only like four little spots it’s fun now I need to go ahead place down this minion and I believe we’re going to place it right here this

Looks like a perfect spot to me does oh wait okay got to put some more fuel back in it does does this work please tell me it does he is hitting the IG I think oh you see some of the loot right here okay I mean that should be easily fixable

Actually if we just Place Glass I think everything will actually be fine the range on the uh on the minion is a little far I’m not going to lie but all of the loot just going to go ahead flow right on down there straight into The Hoppers bang this should work perfectly

Fine so now that that is all out of the way I’m currently at another $90 million so slis upgrades I don’t really know what I want to go for just yet the spawner limit costs 100 Mil so we cannot get that um the void chest we need

$200,000 of Vault value but it might be worth it to get that Vault value and then upgrade our void chest but we could also upgrade our Sky based crystals $50 million we meet all the requirements I believe oh no okay never mind this is actually going to be 90 mil because we

Have to upgrade our bank limit again so actually I think I’m going to go for the void chest storage limit real quick we’ll let that upgrade but first we’re at 173k Value that is not the greatest and black market these blocks are super expensive but are there someone

Is a question sometimes there are well today it doesn’t look like there is oh there’s seven right here for okay this guy’s actually smoking crack GG’s um yeah these are all crystals I’m not going to buy iron bro yeah there’s no Emerald blocks on here that is tough man

It’s all good we’re going to make the money back anyway all right so SL shop we’re going to have to buy I’m thinking probably like 10 of these wait how much is it per no no it’s going to be a little bit more than 10 this is already

Taxing our balance let’s just try 13 see where that puts us bang oh my God on the freaking Dot and we have $36 million left over was that enough for that upgrade I already forgot and oh my God it is barely is bank deposit 30 million

Is upgrades once again we are going to start on this bang There we go and you do not have enough okay so it just rounded up okay so we’re going to have to SL shop real quick I kind of thought I was going to do that let’s just buy a

Couple Gold Blocks all right surely this will be enough we just need 201k bang all we needed is upgrades once again this is a 4our upgrade though bang it finally worked it’s going to take 4 hours I’m going to go ahead take a cut I

Do want to work on my God set off camera as well just going to get some health boost maybe like Revival on my set and then I think we will be attempting the dungeon in the next clip all right guys we are finally back online I did go

Ahead use all of my XP and try to make a Gods set guys I’m not going to lie there’s not that many enchants you really need on like a quote unquote god Set because I’m not making it to go PVP actual players I just wanted to set so

That way we could try and complete this hard dungeon and realistically speaking how hard could this thing be all right so if I take a look I have Revival 5 I don’t know if Revival Stacks but anyway bro these enchants are dumb expensive I was grinding blazes for a couple of

Hours saved up a couple million XP and I’m not going to lie I only got one Revival five out of all of that I guess I could have saved some like Revival 3es maybe like Revival 2 but I don’t even know if the enchant Stacks so we have

Revival 5 we have the overload three and then this one just strength two neutralized one which I don’t even think is maxed but again those pink enchants bro are like 50,000 XP per Rune which is absolutely nuts so yeah I wouldn’t really call this a god set but hopefully

This set is going to be good enough to actually complete a hard dungeon but not only that guys it is now a couple days later and we have made insane progress on the island so many things have changed and we’re going to be going over it right now it’s honestly probably the

Title of this video if I just take a look you guys can see my ALT is now AFK way over there let’s go ahead and get a little bit closer to see what’s going on so the grind has completely changed okay you guys know we just set up this brand

New build in today’s episode and we still have the build it’s just a little bit uglier now and this is our new grinder for some reason the main thing I want to highlight though is that we have completely gotten rid of all spawners besides Magma Cube spawners all right I

Was mentioning it in uh like all of my episodes but SL shop dude you guys already know Iron does not sell for a lot of money all right $30 per iron ingot yet Iron Golem spawners are the most ensive spawners on the entire server by a pretty decent margin but

Right here Magma Cube spawners are cheaper and their drops are selling for about five times what the IG drops are selling for so we went ahead made a full money Farm I’m not going to say we because uh repto Zone built all of this I just hopped online he’s like yo I

Changed everything it’s a lot better and I was kind of already thinking that anyway but apparently Magma Cube spawners are the best spawner to go for here on chaos craft Sky Block and I’m not going to lie bro I definitely see why like I said it’s been a couple days

I’ve sold the farm a couple times and if I just look at my balance we currently have $771 million which is by far the most amount of money we have had on Sky Block this season I know it’s was just kind of like a random cut and a random

Jump in how we started making so much money but I’m telling you guys if you want to get rich on Sky Block literally just make a Magma Cube Farm immediately now this system is actually new for some reason we have it like actually flowing down this way maybe so that way we can

Get stacks of five 112 I don’t actually know the point of this apparently this is a design from like one of the top Islands though or that’s what repto said again repto built this entire thing but now we have them flowing all the way down over here to our robots now if we

Come take a look at the void chest there are currently 790 million items in here we’ve started making so much money that we have just been spamming is upgrades and we have maxed out the void chest upgrades we can now hold a million items in here currently at 790k so I’m going

To to wait till this thing is completely filled up and then we’ll sell it yeah we’ve been going absolutely crazy here on Sky Block all right so this is the brand new money farm and this thing makes a bank whenever it fills up I will

Go ahead hit a cell on that chest just to show you guys how much money we are now making but this thing is nuts trust me if you guys want to make money build a farm kind of like this and it and it actually looks like we just put water

And then signs around this as well because if you guys have played on here for some reason the magma cubes sometimes get stuck on the spawners so I’m guessing this kind of eliminates that I haven’t seen a magma get stuck on our spawners in literal days so I’m

Assuming this is the method as well but taking a look at slis upgrades um we have maxed out our void chest storage limit which is huge I don’t think we’ve really touched portable veins haven’t touched the sky base boosters minion limits anything like that but look at

This upgrade right here spawner limit we are currently at 1,000 spawners which is basically all right here but we can upgrade it to 1,500 spawners for 750 Mill milon and $400,000 of Vault value I’m going to go ahead purchase this upgrade right now because if I also come

Look at our vault value shout out to repto Zone he’s been grinding but now I think we make so much money that we can just start buying value from the black market and it’ll actually add up because if we come take a look at this thing we

Have over $1.2 million of Vault value so we should be good for the rest of the season to just start bopping out all of these uh little challenges right here so listen slis upgrade we are going to be spending a ridiculous amount of money $750 million oh wait I think I actually

Have to deposit it into the is bank so we’re going to do that and it’s going to take 5 hours to unlock so slis Bank let’s get this done we are going to deposit 750 mil done and then is upgrades once again upgrade this immediately and I’m thinking after this

Like I don’t think you can get more spawners than 1,500 this might be the maximum level but I guess we’ll find out so for right now I’m going to head over here um there are a couple pots in here that I guess repto left and I think you

Actually have to brew potions on here cuz I went through all of SL shop could not find any pots at all and I cannot be asked to brew potions so I’m going to grab this and then wait can we pop a kit um God kits do we have any of these oh

We can pop our September G kit again bang that gives us a large money pouch this $1.8 million is no longer anything to us but a large silver pouch still kind of decent XP pouch 2.5k ooh silverfish spawners oh my God wait silverfish spawners are still really

Good as well what did repto do with my silverfish spawners bro I had like 20 maybe he put them in one of these justest oh my god there were books in here this whole time dude I had no clue okay let’s actually grab a couple of

These and we’re going to try to apply them to our set right now like Escapist one it’s probably not maxed but I didn’t even know that there were actual books in here so I’m going to take a look at this we’re going to try to apply some enchants but I’m definitely going to

Need um white scrolls which I believe I have in my PVS okay never never mind I thought we were going to need this white scroll but uh we had enough dust to get both books to 100% so we have Escapist one I’ll just throw a white scroll on

The chest plate anyway bang There we go we added Revival 4 again I don’t really know if this stacks on here but for right now I’m going to see if I can ask in chat and see if I can get anybody else to help me with this hard dungeon

And actually we are going to want some pearls I believe if no one’s going to help me we’re just going to do this thing solo I think I can still complete it but we’re just going to have to play like super passive and kind of go uh

Scared route almost cuz I just don’t know how many people are actually going to have a hard dungeon ticket I have two extras repto is not currently online so I’m going to ask chat see if anybody has one that would help me complete this thing if not we’re going to be going in

Solo Oh wait actually since I have three of these things we can kind of attempt it a couple times so let’s just go ahead how do I how do I do this slash dungeon I believe and then hard dungeons I can just host one if we get smoked then

Maybe I will go ahead and ask people to join but I just realized that the server is going to reboot in less than 30 minutes please wait until after this reboot to play in a dungeon that is unfortunate I will bring you guys right back all right server just restarted

Let’s go ahead start one of these dungeons up we’ll see how it goes bro I have God apples I have some regular gapples and I have a couple of pots obviously we already got strength two and everything and um I think you just walk to the middle and a boss is

Supposed to spawn oh I mean it’s going to start in 50 seconds my bad and the dungeon has officially started the Snowman I know he spawns in a couple okay he spawns in a couple couple minions there’s got to be a way to cheese this right I really hope there’s

No like time limit but let’s kill off the minions first you know they don’t really do that much oh my god oh no no they’re different I I lied they’re actually different they’re different all right we’re going to go ahead Chuck a pearl I don’t really want to use my pots

Too early pearls don’t work oh my God all right um I have no clue how I’m going to beat this thing I actually don’t think it’s possible you guys can see this is the snowman’s Health right here but he freezes you I legit can’t move right now I’m spamming WD it is

Just it’s not going to work so what is the god Apple cool down here let’s find out I’m going to come come over here maybe smacking the minions does that actually damage like the health of the Snowman is my question because he lost health and I only swung at the minions

But I’m on a god apple right now so we have to get off as many hits as possible this thing might take an hour bro I swear to God his health is not moving and the god Apple has worn off but I kind of have him in a corner we’re kind

Of jumping him at the moment hoping my Revival or something can give me a couple Hearts here and there I do have life steal on the sword I don’t know if that works on mobs and we are getting pretty low bro honestly I don’t think it’s possible I don’t think it’s

Possible to beat this thing on your own where’s the rival I need the Revival to go crazy I think it’s time to give up boys I just wish there was a way to like actually skillfully fight this thing but there’s just not bro like he just freezes you you can’t strape you can’t

Do anything like it’s actually impossible bro especially as a solo so that’s a little lame I don’t know if I’m going to be able to find people to actually help me complete this thing I mean it is lowkey a little low on health I mean not really bro it’s not even like

25% dead and I can’t use oh yeah we we might be dead right here because I’m not using my pots bro I have a very limited amount of pots all right guys yeah this is impossible as a solo bro you actually do have a time limit I was really going

To be super tedious about it and just Farm it and go super slow but you only have like 20 or 25 minutes whatever it is I’m already down to 15 minutes which I might be on Pace but I’m also out of pots there’s got Apple cool down bro I’m

So low but like when once you get him like right here you’re chilling but as soon as you un freeze he starts killing you again so I’m just going to die because I actually did buy a hard dungeon loot bag off of ah get me the

Hell out of there bro no thank you we have two hard dungeon Loot Crate keys right here I don’t even know if these things are going to be good so if I go through all of that I got them to half he if I go through all that and they

Suck I would have been insanely mad and I still wasted like 15 minutes trying to kill that thing so bang let’s try this click o you get to roll four rewards okay let’s actually see what we get um we got uh some boosters some aquam Marine crystals 10 Emerald blocks of

Value I think that’s actually pretty solid and then one more of these things let’s drop it down bang There we go open this last one up and see what we end up getting we got some keys silver pouches ooh extra large silver pouch though that

Is pretty worth I’m not going to lie to you some mythical Keys as well but boom that’s 27,000 silver right there and 290k XP those pouches actually go crazy but other than that I’m not sure if it was too worth it cuz I’m making so much

Money now with our new farm that I don’t really think these Emerald blocks are going to do anything I think it’s going to be worth like $10,000 of um is Vault value which clearly we don’t really need so we dropped it in and I guess it did

Make a little bit of a difference um I do have these fortified boosters but I’m going to save these because in the next episode I’m going to be maxing out our sky base cuz now we’re making the money to actually do so let’s go check in on our void chest over here

929000 items this thing is about to be fully maxed out and then I will show you guys how much money we are actually making for right now we might as well go ahead open up these Keys cuz I believe you can win some large or extra large

Even okay oh extra large silver pouch yeah I am going to take those 10 times out of 10 don’t need another Harvester tool please just give me a pouch and four ig’s yeah that is terrible open up the silver pouch though that is a w now

Surely the chest is ready to sell let’s go see if this thing is full bang 1 million out of 1 million let me grab my cell one right here and of course we’re grabbing our Fortune pet as well it’s still only level one so I’m not sure how

Big of a difference this pet is actually making but it’s better than nothing all right I don’t even know how this collection system is working by the way because we do have a void chest over here but it just Stacks in this one anyway like I don’t know but let’s pop

The fortune pet hit one cell $185 million and I believe some of these chests have some loot in there as well so we’ll come smack some cells on these I don’t think the bottom ones actually have any loot oh wa I lied let’s go ahead sell these Bang there we go I

Don’t know why this collection system works the way it does but it works so I’m not going to complain but yeah 100 almost $200 million every single time we sell that cell chest I think we can sell it like maybe twice a day I think that’s pretty solid and whenever the is

Upgrades finishes I mean it’s going to be even more times a day because we’re going to be adding 500 extra spawners so anyways guys I think that’s going to do it for this episode like I said if you want to get rich get yourself some Magma

Cube spawners stack up on them and make a grinder but if you guys did enjoyed today’s episode we made massive massive progress in the next video I’m going to work on maxing out my Island there’s a couple things that we got to do a couple

Of ways you could do that but not sure if we’re going to be able to fully Max it in the next video but we are going to try so anyways if you guys enjoyed drop a like sub if you guys are new obviously come check out the server with royal.

Chaos. org and yeah I will catch you guys in the next episode of Sky Block

This video, titled ‘THIS IS THE *BEST* OP SPAWNER TO EASILY GET RICH! | Minecraft Skyblock | ChaosCraft’, was uploaded by R0yal MC on 2023-10-16 01:56:28. It has garnered 4081 views and 126 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:47 or 1307 seconds.

THIS IS THE BEST OP SPAWNER TO GET *RICH* ———————————————————————————– Server | Royal.ChaosCraft.org (Skyblock) ———————————————————————————– Texture Pack: Stimpy Eum3 Remake ———————————————————————————– Hit “LIKE” for more MINECRAFT Skyblock! ———————————————————————————- Community Discord : https://discord.gg/kWZCNx5 ———————————————————————————- FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA! Livestream – http://www.twitch.tv/royal_k91 Twitter – https://twitter.com/R0yalMC

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    Dino Invasion at Bear Hill - Minecraft Mobile Game Exploring the Mysteries of Minecraft: Bear Ridge Tales and the Legion of Tyrannosaurus Rex Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where adventure and creativity collide in a pixelated wonderland. In this virtual realm, players can build, explore, and survive in a vast, procedurally generated world filled with endless possibilities. The Enigmatic Bear Ridge One of the latest updates in Minecraft introduces players to Bear Ridge, a mysterious location shrouded in legends and myths. As players venture into this treacherous terrain, they will encounter new challenges, creatures, and secrets waiting to be uncovered. Key Features of Bear Ridge: Unique biomes… Read More

  • Pandamium Snapshot Server: Vanilla SMP, Experiments & Snapshots, The Creaking & Pale Garden, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Discord, TPA & Homes, Cosmetics.

    Welcome to Pandamium’s Snapshot Server! Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends! Server Features: TPA Homes Mailing A Discord-to-Minecraft chat link Ranks Mini blocks Mob heads for every mob in the game and all of their variants Snapshot Highlights: Experimental features like bundles, 1.21 content, and more Monthly End resets for new players Enhanced dragon fight with a dragon egg prize Connect with Us: IP: snapshot.pandamium.eu Version: 24w40a (Latest… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “It’s Crafting TIME!”

    Minecraft Memes - "It's Crafting TIME!"So dangerous, this meme could give you a virtual paper cut! Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME MADNESS 🔥😂 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft

    Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft Minecraft: Discovering a Cute Little Creature at Block Pavilion Welcome to Block Pavilion, a channel dedicated to providing child-friendly content while avoiding any elements that could potentially harm their health and safety. Hello everyone, I’m Block Pavilion, a creator in the world of Minecraft. I produce funny and humorous Minecraft animations to spread joy. This channel is the only official channel for Block Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are pirated and unauthorized. Every day, a new exciting original video is released, so make sure to follow and subscribe for some fun content! Let’s spread happiness… Read More

  • Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6

    Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6 Minecraft Survival: A Brief Mining Adventure Join Catrophy in the latest episode of Minecraft Survival as he embarks on a short mining expedition. In this exciting gameplay, Catrophy stumbles upon coal instead of diamonds, adding a twist to his usual adventures. Let’s delve into the highlights of this mining episode! Exploring the Depths As Catrophy delves deep into the underground caves of Minecraft, he encounters a variety of ores and minerals. While his goal was to find precious diamonds, luck was not on his side this time. Instead, he uncovers a rich vein of coal, a valuable resource for… Read More

  • 🔥¡EL MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK! Minions, Habilidades, Encantamientos Personalizados🔥

    🔥¡EL MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK! Minions, Habilidades, Encantamientos Personalizados🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK🔥 Minions, Skills, Enchants Custom… ✅Java y Bedrock/PE Minecraft 1.16 a 1.21’, was uploaded by CarloScore Minecraft on 2024-10-05 00:35:07. It has garnered 111 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. NEW SKYBLOCK SERVER and CUBY Modalities Available For JAVA and BEDROCK/PE No Premium and Premium in version 1.16 to the most updated 1.21 🌎 IP in the Description and Comments⤵ 🔥Similar Videos🔥 https://youtu.be/xHZwRjxwSos https://youtu.be/MfOKq3JdRmw ————————————————– ————————————————– ——————- 🔽CubyMC Network Server🔽 ✅JAVA AND BEDROCK IP: cubymc.net ✅Port: 19132 ⭐Your Discord: https://discord.gg/cubymc ⭐Web: https://cubystore.tebex.io/ ✔Versions: 1.8 to… Read More

  • EPIC TNT Run Fail! 😂 (98%)

    EPIC TNT Run Fail! 😂 (98%)Video Information This video, titled ‘TNT Run Failed 😂 (98%) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by SIDHU GAMING 9 on 2024-05-02 13:30:33. It has garnered 9125 views and 291 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. TNT Run Failed 😂 (98%) #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hospital Showdown: Rich vs Poor!

    EPIC Minecraft Hospital Showdown: Rich vs Poor!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Rich Hospital vs Mikey Poor Hospital in Minecraft / Maizen Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mikey Cartoons on 2024-10-03 19:00:02. It has garnered 1017 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:30 or 1110 seconds. JJ Rich Hospital vs Mikey Poor Hospital CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen Minecraft We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day! Watch a new video! Original Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #maizen #minecraft #jjandmikey Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!

    EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!Video Information This video, titled ‘🫧 [SATUNYAWA EP16] 1VS 1 WITHER | CaptainYani | Minecraft༊*·˚’, was uploaded by CaptainYani on 2024-01-10 20:37:55. It has garnered 26286 views and 2034 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:39 or 10059 seconds. ˗ˏˋ 𝘼𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙈𝙀 ˎˊ˗ ઇઉ Moshi Moshi Captainyani here ઇઉ From Malaysia ઇઉ Love video game ઇઉ Streamer ઇઉ Sometimes I do many different types of video just for fun… ———————————— ˗ˏˋ𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙅𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙈𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥?ˎˊ˗ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCXNVXsyNfwo617jVvviL9g/join 。⋆ʚ♡⃛ɞ If you donate or join membeship please let me know, thank you꒰。 › ·̮ ‹ 。꒱ ———————————— ˗ˏˋ𝘿𝙤 𝙁𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝙈𝙮 𝙎𝙤𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙖 ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑ˎˊ˗… Read More

  • UNSTOPPABLE PC Gamer in Minecraft Metropolis – EP 190 – Reaching 1500 Subs on 24/7 Server

    UNSTOPPABLE PC Gamer in Minecraft Metropolis - EP 190 - Reaching 1500 Subs on 24/7 ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Metrópole – Episodio 190 – Vamos chegar aos 1500? (Jogando com inscritos) Server 24/7’, was uploaded by Midi Gamer – PCImbativel on 2024-07-05 08:35:10. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:27 or 7047 seconds. k Livepix link: livepix.gg/midipro Video on how to join the server —- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVYQuw4ZjKg texture pack link: https://mtvehicles.nl/resourcepack/ https://www.dropbox.com/s/pq7pfzw5j2c3rsy/pack%201.4.7.zip?dl=1 Sign up. Leave your Like. Activate the notification bell and participate in this Channel playing live with me and our group of more than 1335 players. Server: Lobby Released. Server: Anarchy Released. Live… Read More

  • Pick the wrong tunnel, FACE ZOMBIE HORDE!

    Pick the wrong tunnel, FACE ZOMBIE HORDE!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLOSED TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-09-12 13:00:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLOSED TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT. Read More

  • Sakasandayo EXPOSED: Fauna’s Fake News!

    Sakasandayo EXPOSED: Fauna's Fake News!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fauna When She’s Spreading Misinformation’, was uploaded by Sakasandayo on 2024-08-14 14:06:33. It has garnered 24364 views and 1724 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:21 or 81 seconds. Livestream:【MINECRAFT】 Did you know there are over 60,000 tree species? https://youtu.be/v-v0VgBDjbk Ceres Fauna Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@CeresFauna Twitter: https://x.com/ceresfauna Thumbnail / Art Link: Literally two Fauna My Social Twitter: https://x.com/sakasandayo Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@KazukiSaka Donation, before: https://ko-fi.com/sakasandayo #hololive #hololiveen #hololiveenglish #holoen Read More

  • 🔥CRAZY! Starting a New Profile on HYPIXEL Skyblock with 160b NW/Max Skills! (Day 68)

    🔥CRAZY! Starting a New Profile on HYPIXEL Skyblock with 160b NW/Max Skills! (Day 68)Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HYPIXEL Skyblock Starting a New Profile From 160b NW/Max Skills (Day 68)’, was uploaded by Info on 2024-09-07 00:56:45. It has garnered 557 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:01 or 12961 seconds. Hi my IGN is “Info” we are here to vibe have a good time. I stream Minecraft mainly and some other games like CSGO. Youtube / @infowastaken Twitter https://twitter.com/infowastaken Instagram https://www.instagram.com/infowastaken/ Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/infowastaken Discord https://discord.gg/8Pna5ExB3H Kick https://kick.com/informations Read More

  • Unbelievable Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! #shorts

    Unbelievable Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft herobrine animation #minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-02-18 15:59:32. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Minecraft herobrine animation #minecraft #viral #shorts Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. #freefire #ajjubhai… Read More

  • ✨ Aeltheria SMP Java 1.20.4 Jobs Towny

    Welcome to Aeltheria A realm where fantasy and magic come to life! 🎮✨ Server Highlights 🗺️ Unique Worlds: Dive into mystical lands like Eldoria, Avaloria, and the Twilight Realm with custom generation. Prefer a classic experience? Vanalia offers vanilla generation. Each world is full of lore and hidden treasures! 🌌 🔨 Custom Jobs & Titles: Choose paths like Architect, Prospector, Cultivator, Lumberjack, and more. Climb ranks and earn prestigious titles. Experience multiple jobs from the start! 🏗️🌳 🤝 Immersive NPCs: Meet friendly NPCs like Sunny the Greeter, Lorelei the Librarian, and Eldric the Master Artisan/Blacksmith. Each NPC has unique stories… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Live 2024: Recap with a kick!

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  • Chaos Craft: Surviving SCP Apocalypse

    Chaos Craft: Surviving SCP Apocalypse In the world of Minecraft, SCPs run amok, An apocalypse of chaos, no time for luck. Surviving the lockdown, facing anomalies grim, In a battle for survival, the odds are slim. From dangerous SCPs to creatures so deadly, Every moment is tense, every step is ready. Can I make it through, can I come out alive? In this Minecraft world, where dangers thrive. Join me on this journey, full of action and mystery, As I navigate through this world of SCP history. Stay tuned for updates, as the story unfolds, In this Minecraft adventure, where survival is bold. Read More

  • The Fiery Disaster Friend in Minecraft🔥😂

    The Fiery Disaster Friend in Minecraft🔥😂 When your friend accidentally sets off TNT in your Minecraft world and you’re just standing there like 😮💀 #RIPminecrafthouse Read More

  • Ultimate Magic Mods in Minecraft Pe

    Ultimate Magic Mods in Minecraft Pe Exploring Magical Mods with Ice, Fire, Thunder, and Poison Powers in Minecraft Pe Embark on a mystical journey in Minecraft Pe with the enchanting mod that introduces powers of ice, fire, thunder, and poison. Dive into a world where magic meets reality, and where your imagination knows no bounds. Unleash the Elements With this mod, players can harness the power of various elements to enhance their gameplay experience. From freezing enemies with ice spells to engulfing them in flames, the possibilities are endless. Experiment with thunder strikes and toxic attacks to dominate your foes and conquer the Minecraft universe…. Read More

  • Fleetbhai’s Diamond Scam Exposed

    Fleetbhai's Diamond Scam Exposed Minecraft: Fleetbhai’s Diamond Scam Unveiled Recently, the Minecraft community was abuzz with the revelation of Fleetbhai’s diamond scam. The incident, which unfolded in the virtual world of FleetSMP, left players shocked and intrigued. Let’s delve into the details of this captivating Minecraft saga. The FleetSMP Universe FleetSMP is a popular Minecraft server where gamers come together to explore, build, and interact. The server is known for its vibrant community and exciting events that keep players engaged for hours on end. The Diamond Scam Within the FleetSMP universe, Fleetbhai, a prominent player, was caught in a diamond scam that sent… Read More


    MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE CHEAT! 😱 (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated In a MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE! (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Daxx on 2024-09-21 14:13:09. It has garnered 2433 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:10 or 1750 seconds. I Cheated In a MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE! (Minecraft) Follow Me On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ra1neyX Addon : Tiredy #minecraft #minecraftmod #daxx #daxxandxoe Read More

  • Ultimate Overgrown Storage House Build

    Ultimate Overgrown Storage House BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a Overgrown Storage House | Relaxing Modded Minecraft Longplay’, was uploaded by GlowKing on 2024-09-06 17:01:01. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:57 or 4077 seconds. Hey everyone today we build a storage house because i really need it LOL ill continue to add more I just needed to structure layout first. please leave a like, comment and subscribe if you want to see more! :} Thank you Modloader – Forge Mods Used: Entity Model Features Entity Texture Features Creative Core Entity Culling Not Enough animations… Read More

  • Unbelievable 2h2b.org Secret Revealed!

    Unbelievable 2h2b.org Secret Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why you should play 2h2b.org’, was uploaded by 2hotdogs2buns on 2024-09-02 13:58:56. It has garnered 527 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. 2h2b.org 1.12.2 you can join all versions #2b2tpe #2b2tjp #2b2tmcpe #2b2tpe #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #dream #sad #sad #crystals #anarchyonline #anarky #mcjava #minecrafthacks #caseoh #ermwhatthesigma #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecraftlive #minecraftmeme Pugman2013 Crystal pvp config 2b2tpvp.net Future Client FreeConfigs Free Configs Free Config Tuffty, 2b pvp, Pugman2013, 2b2t crystal pvp montage montage, Owning spawn on 2b2t.org, 2b2t, 2b2t cpvp, crystal pvp, 2b2t crystal pvp, 2b2t,5b5t,9b9t,eliteanarchy,fitmc,minecraft,crystal pvp, cpvp, montage, tutorial,… Read More

  • INSANE MLG Stunts by Mr. Lightning! 😱 #Minecraft

    INSANE MLG Stunts by Mr. Lightning! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft highest mlg || minecraft shorts || #minecraft #gamerfleetfunny #gamerfleet #herobrinesmp’, was uploaded by MR. LIGHTNING on 2024-05-22 10:29:12. It has garnered 14953 views and 265 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft 9 ways to host a minecraft server 9/11 minecraft 9 minecraft mod minecraft 94 minecraft 93 minecraft 9×9 house minecraft 9/11 8 minecraft techno gamerz 8 minecraft account minecraft 8×8 texture pack minecraft 8k minecraft 8 bit 7 secrets about cash in minecraft minecraft 777 minecraft 7 segment display minecraft 747 64 bit minecraft download 6 minecraft… Read More

  • Zzapz – Learn the TOP secrets of OneCraft SMP!

    Zzapz - Learn the TOP secrets of OneCraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘3 Reasons to JOIN OneCraft! | Join a Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Zzapz on 2024-04-07 17:49:28. It has garnered 121 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Are you looking for a Minecraft server/ SMP to join? OneCraft is the server for you. With many performance mods, and entertainment mods, you will never get bored of this world. Join OneCraft today and start your adventure. Join us @ onecraft.sytes.net Bedrock port :19132 Discord : https://discord.gg/TAAwV6wU #minecraft #smp #french #polska #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #viral #viralvideo #blowup… Read More

  • Yoshanity vs Anity – CRAZY COLLAB LIVE!

    Yoshanity vs Anity - CRAZY COLLAB LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘NO HARD FEELINGS!! | Anity Callaborations LIVE’, was uploaded by Yoshanity on 2024-04-12 06:03:02. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:09 or 11529 seconds. We are playing some Minecraft Dragon Block on this stream of Anity Callaborations Live! Hope you guys enjoy this one! You REALLY like this kind of content? You wanna thrown in a dolla? Feel free to!: https://streamlabs.com/yoshanity/tip THE YOSHANITY LINKTREE IS HERE!!! Linktree – https://linktr.ee/yoshanity ► Stay up to date on ALL of Yoshanity’s Platforms! Timestamps – 0:00 Intro/Waiting 14:13 Just Waiting and… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Pekora Exposes Crime Ring on Her Minecraft Server!

    SHOCKING! Pekora Exposes Crime Ring on Her Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Staff Reports To Pekora About Crimes In Her Minecraft Server【Hololive/Usada Pekora】’, was uploaded by Pekora Clips on 2024-09-08 16:35:30. It has garnered 14916 views and 956 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:43 or 103 seconds. Pekora Ch. Pekora Usada https://www.youtube.com/@usadapekora Stream:[Captain Tsubasa]Complete first look at “Captain Tsubasa RISE OF NEW CHAMPIONS”! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Peko![Hololive/Pekora Usada]*Contains spoilers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUfZYPTKU3s Please drop a like and subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed the videos! #Hololive #Vtuber Read More

  • 🤯 EPIC FAIL: Minecraft Movie DISASTER w/ Culture Casino | Salty Nerd Podcast

    🤯 EPIC FAIL: Minecraft Movie DISASTER w/ Culture Casino | Salty Nerd PodcastVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Movie DISASTER! ft. Culture Casino | Salty Saturdays’, was uploaded by Salty Nerd Podcast on 2024-09-07 19:10:00. It has garnered 1613 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:20 or 7340 seconds. The Minecraft Movie trailer drops and people aren’t happy about it. Acolyte shills are trying to cancel Nerdrotic, Geeks and Gamers, and Ryan Kinnel! George RR Martin slams House of the Dragon Season 2, and Elon is bringing X to TV. All this and more in today’s Salty Saturday, with special guest Culture Casino! What do you think of… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT RARE MOB!!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT RARE MOB EDIT #minecraft #shorts @YesSmartyPie’, was uploaded by 185k gaming on 2024-06-22 16:01:26. It has garnered 6959 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT RARE MOB EDIT #minecraft #shorts @YesSmartyPie o hello guys welcome to new video so first make sur subscribe to my channel and like the video and new topic is very long time I upload a new modern house tutorial on mu channel so enjoy the video so guys mene ek link diya hai uski help se aap without help apnea videos ke… Read More