Reviving Axolox Hive LIVE: Custom Minecraft Bedrock

Video Information

He he D He hello hello hello wait is that too loud I don’t know hello is that loud is that to wait wait wait wait wait wait I didn’t I didn’t think I get this far wait is that too loud I I didn’t think I’d get this far wait wait I didn’t

Think I’d get this far hello hello hello hello hello welcome to the stream how is everyone’s day going yo hello just wolf hello Jaden hello Rosie hello Francesca hello cut hello fry hello Rick Roll did I already say that I think I might have I don’t

Know hello Rick Roll uh hello HPC hello sari hello Pro hello silly I don’t know if he’s still there hello Mystic uh hello veggie hello doc hello V hello cup duck I hope that’s R is wait and didn’t even have it ready okay I did

I did wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hello Francesa hello hello filis welcome to stream yes the best day of my life hi back I’m CT should have known this with this title C I saw the message all right how dare you totally normal stream not like you haven’t been here

For weeks I have not been here for weeks actually oh how’s everyone’s day going how is hive I haven’t logged on in ages besides today U let me just lower some of my settings real quick my settings I I cannot it’s too much to have fancy

Graphics all right listen we we we got to make some sacrifices actually it it felt pretty smooth I might be able to keep it on I close Minecraft hello guys how are you I’m doing actually really really good I I’m going to be more consistent now though like I I I’m not

Just going to do this isn’t not this is not a oneoff stream I’m going to be streaming more frequently as you can tell by the fact I made a whole stream intro which only took me like 5 hours because I I I made like three different

Ones and I didn’t like them so I’m glad you’re having a good day hello aquil I miss you too bro my mom and grandparents are assembling a wardrobe and totally not arguing that’s something that I feel like that’s something most most couples do they always argue over building a wardrobe I think that’s

Pretty normal uh I are we going to do a SkyWars first this feels awfully strange I just I’m on the High logo let’s go for Desa I got Axel yesterday that’s so cool my uh my tutor has an axel and and she talks about it all the time myx so it’s

Been a while it has been a while um I I I took a much needed break I didn’t know if I was actually going to come back but now I am because I I I I thought it through a little bit just at like that 1: in the morning

Yesterday no no no no no I changed my banner as well if you did if if you didn’t notice I was going to CH I want to change my profile picture cuz obviously my current one was made by my ex but like I I don’t have anything

Better to change it to so it’s going to for now all right I don’t have another pfp to change it so I’m just going to keep stick with it for now when I got any you the 2K pack 8 out of 10 let’s go dude I haven’t even taken this pack off

This looks this game looks really weird I properly in a while I’ve been console edition you play console I I don’t play console edition you know what I might actually be able to do a face cam stream at some point because my room is so much

Better I’m kind of glad I quit for a month because for two weeks of that month I was like in a spare bedroom like across the hall so this the quality would have been absolutely horrible yo hello dream play how you doing on the 11th of next month I get the masterc

Results story mode time maybe story mode probably not face cam not now um I don’t I need to buy one do do I do I buy a face cam for one stream PC specs um I5 in uh I5 CPU Iris X graphics card 8GB of RAM

Those are like the the normal ones oh and then like 500 GB of storage for Christmas that’s a good question what did everyone what what did everyone get for Christmas can I add you sure sure wait I guys I just realized I have 10 memberships I can give away when

Do I do them I I have 10 membership cuz everyone like per month gets 10 memberships warning the stream wait what I got that let’s go thatt is absolutely insane I got some some PS4 games I played stray um spoiler ruler I I didn’t I thought it was okay yo stepan

Fry thank you so to any to everyone that kept member even while I wasn’t posting I love you all right thank you thank you because I understand that if I’m not post you know I I didn’t say if I was going to come back or not until like

Yesterday so hello Wen welcome to stream and one terabyte Xbox series s let’s go dude Sonic Mania for Christmas W it’s a great game Sonic Mania I got Sonic Superstars as well for Christmas actually it’s okay I I just I don’t know if I’m a big fan of like the classic

Games but modern I like I I don’t oh oh yeah I need to buy this don’t I I need to buy the end of L plushy it’s it’s leaving in three days I need to get that cuz I’m otherwise I’m just like a failed Hive YouTuber at that

Point I got Goat Simulator and beef stick that’s Go goat simulator is pretty cool fix my profile all right that was good dude wait should I can do F okay you know what I’m going to do five member gifts now and then we’ll do five

Later cuz I think I get five me free member gifts right do I get five free ones do I need to be on my PC to get this I don’t know I don’t want to spend I wait hang on hang on wait I should wait wait I don’t have a code I don’t

Have the code on screen either but where’s the code do I do I just not have a code anymore code that’s the code right that’s not actually the code I need to I need to reset it up real quick hang on I didn’t I didn’t I completely forgot

That I need a code more memberships W yeah yeah I’ll set up in a second can hang On my bad my bad guys my bad I didn’t realize that the code wasn’t there I’m I’m too I haven’t streamed in a while all right can you tell 20 24 in like 2 days I know I got three let’s go I on God need mod maybe I have a lot

Of mods right now so like yeah I’m actually really excited to stream again I it’s been a little while it’s been a little while I I’m going to be more consistent now cuz I have more time besides the fact I have a bunch of exams in like January but we we ignore that

Right we need Death Watch to the what ax loock the movie comes out in 2024 for real let’s go I got logged off no no I’ve been hanging out with f you know what like one thing I will say is it’s good to spend time with family and friends over

Sitting at your computer so I I’m pretty glad I took a month off you know I I don’t know how much my my view account will be affected by this probably quite a bit but you know what it’s all right I don’t know what my stream schedule is going to look like I’ll

Probably do Friday Saturdays and then maybe also like maybe Mondays as well um I don’t know about throughout the week though oh qu what’s the Axel movie going to be about bro I need to know wait axo I’ll give I’ll give everyone I’ll give everyone a bit of time if you want to

Join hopefully you can hear the the music I don’t know if you can maybe I’ll turn up a little bit been gone so long I’ve got modern one near like two streams that’s how you know you’ve been gone a while I me I cooked not you oh my bad my bad

I remember when we did that UK City Quiz we to because you cooked okay yeah but like I don’t know UK cities if we did a we did do a country quiz and I destroyed you on the country quiz for like UK cities I had to go off

Of what I knew like you know and I don’t know anywhere really I don’t like ever really been around the UK I’ve never even been to London so honestly I’ve got no clue is chat Frozen for me I think CH might be frozen yeah it is never mind

Was anyone joining it’s probably because it’s a first game in the Stream I don’t mind though somehow my 800th day loging stream was streak was on Christmas day let’s go losing H SkyWars the under the underdog all right my chat was frozen my phone my bad I didn’t realize that was

Happening hopefully I read everyone’s chat hello Francesca how you doing you’re better off not going to London no no no I I I would like to live in London bro one place I want to live when I’m older is probably London hello there you go that should be good all

Right I’ll I’ll do invites I’ll do invites now just wolf I would add you but I I don’t really want to spend time I I probably could actually let me do that real quick 2327 there you go I can’t come on as there are old people assembling a wardrobe okay fair enough cut fair enough I got symbol for don’t please I want to live in London bro I I just depends how much money I make cuz honestly if I if I make like less than

Enough to live in London then I I think I’m I think I’m a and pay 1K a month for a box essentially essentially essentially all right I I kind of want to get stabbed and pay 1K a month for a box you know what I

Mean uh are we doing op I think we are axx op five lives all right that sounds about right I don’t really know come in your stream right now it’s okay Nuki it’s all it’s all good it’s all good is so depressing go to swnd and where where’s that we definitely live

South ampton or Brighton okay there’s no way I’m living in Brighton instead of London like that that’s outrageous maybe I live on like the outskirts but then that that that’s like drug town right I I maybe just like a maybe Brighton actually I could live him Brighton because that’s like close

But not What by the beach I don’t how long I’ll be in my room alone I need to finish editing the video I’ve got some like I want to make this my my actual best video so I want to actually put in a lot of work into this one which

Is why I’m spending so long on it h me a bunch alongside the movie Rosie the movie no way BR one stabbed come to whales we have not London listen all right let me let me go to London in peace okay okay I’m going to put it out there

I need to change this music playlist so whatever song plays don’t worry about it okay I have no clue what songs are going to be playing throughout the Stream I mean I know that they’re all okay hello just how you doing hope you’re having a good day that went South that

Did that did that one quite that one down very fast go to anywhere but South London okay I I’ll go to I’ll go to Northwest London then I don’t know what that is w w yo Esther how you doing Esther hope you’re having a very good day how is your day going

Esther can I okay okay let me let me get some better armor okay also I’ve got a question right wait risen raid are we getting Ren I just started the game yo risen thank you for the raid hello Jay hello squid hello daily meme hello Astro

Uh hello Esther hello ryen thank you for the raid hello Fox trp yo Ren thank you for the raid I really appreciate it how is everyone’s day going from The Raid though I appreciate it hello hello hello have a good stream I okay that didn’t happen Thank You Ren I appreci I

Appreciate that hello MC guy how you doing how how was everyone who 28 that’s that that’s that’s a bigger number than I had before Ren raid booked gravity do you want me to do gravity maybe I’ll do gravity I don’t know I feel like squid

Would want me to do that but I hope everyone’s having a good day how are you guys’ days going hello hello can I I can I be any boss at this game now 2.2k let’s go I think let’s go I thank youen I I appreciate that Ren I appreciate the

Raid bro C fridge it’s been a month all right leave me alone it’s been a full month I’m not playing gra all right all right you used to love gravity do you not like gravity anymore 10 Maps no skips I used to do that yeah yo 2.2k W I

Need to actually gift the 10 memberships for free what is happening I feel so Rusty I’m going to be I’m like really bad the only thing I’m not bad at is is invading France on the certain game and dying to ghost in phasmophobia please die okay okay okay okay okay why I need

A challenge a challenge 10 m skips that’s not that bad you should do like okay do 10 games of gravity and try and win and if you can’t then you fail the challenge grab was fun but I’m not happy with my experiences so far what’s wrong with gravity squid it’s still sad for

Boo was just passed you when you took a break uh he did pass me yeah I did did he bring that up I’m sure he did it’s fine I I did notice I server Gaming’s been popping off though like server G server like honestly props to him like I

Did not realize man was popping off that much he was actually Popp off like actually you can never take the gravity out of squid but he can get bored of it all right that that that makes sense that makes sense I gravity can get boring very fast in my opinion I don’t

Like the gravity that much Ser yes Sera gaming like he’s on 2.32k now I think I checked last night before I before I like after I did the announcement I just like checked in everyone’s Channel s’s been popping off he was like below me and Boo and now he’s above both of

Us nothing’s wrong with grab my favorite game but I’m not happy with like sweaty players that’s fair enough sweaty players can suck honestly I never you’ve never oh wait no you’re capping bro you you you literally mod for the guy no way bro who is server gaming server gaming who oh my

Gosh please don’t clip that and send it to him bro you right there uh s did I miss your message on might have hello Jaden hope you’re having a very good day hello Shadow Studios been a while I haven’t streamed in a while either but I

Can understand if it’s also been a while since you’ve been in my stream uh I’m I I I wonder if my voice has G any deeper I feel like I’m just kind of excited to stream so maybe it’s not playing Gravity 5 days in a row I’m

18th on the monthly leaderboard at 87th and over that is mad okay I’m actually so bad but that Squad of bozos hates me a lot does he actually I feel like you’re being sarcastic but honestly who knows I think I’m his most hated mod he can’t hate you that much if you’re if

You’re a moderator surely not doesn’t sound lower honestly I I have a few you hated moderate mods I’m kidding that’s joke you have less chance of getting depressed in h and London and for restaurants that like both depressing like almost the same as the first stream

I was ever in do I actually I’m just talking a lot lighter at the minute because I’m like if you joined a stream before I took a month break I probably sound depressed I’m not going to lie I wasn’t but I probably did just because I was very

Bored like I didn’t even like I’m streaming cuz I want to stream now but before back but then I didn’t okay pleas please Francesca please please please get in okay I’m not sarcastic I am in pain I timed out his dream YouTube really oh no way bro you

Timed oh my God that’s did you time out like who was it DC or something DC’s it might have been bro it’s like no it’s the equivalent of like I don’t know like imagine if imagine if I don’t know like imagine if turbo piggy join this chat right now

Which he could do he has subscribed to me I’m Prett pretty sure but if you joined and you and someone time my one of my moderators timed him out I would be outraged okay I need to you know what I think we should gift the memberships now all

Right is this going to work how I’m hoping I hope so but I don’t know hopefully it doesn’t lag too much I timed out gm1 19 bro there’s no way you you need to be put in jail for that hello I am Tero boie I’m going to

Time you about gaming for real wait wait wait chat I’m gonna okay you’re going to hear an echo for a second but it’s okay right please please please don’t play Don’t Play Let me let me pause the stream I’m loading at my own stream hello Gabriel how you doing

What’s up kiddo why is this not pausing please please pause okay chat I think I can gift memberships now can I can I do that please show support for xlock Here We Go membership gifts I think I get 10 free ones don’t I yeah all right chat

Buy free gifted membership so you’ll get a membership for free there we go please laugh GM 19 more like timeout 19 membership moment yo all right do we do 10 more chat do we do 10 do we do five more you know what we’ll do five more all right here we

Go five more come on we we’re we’re gr I love these 10 free members a month that’s that’s that’s very POG all right I’m going to be honest yo let’s go by the way um memberships you you get memberships depending on how long you’ve

Been in a been in streams so if you if you’re new then you might not get it but I get but I’ll do some like probably in like a few weeks I don’t know I I’ll I’ll see whenever I want to I don’t have much money on actually on my bank like I

Have money in cash but like none on my bank so I don’t really want to spend any BR is wasting money it’s free and 10 free members a month Big W hello Dove how you doing welcome to the stream hello v as well hope you’re having a very good day

I kind of made this account did you what hello Kon I’m not new but I didn’t get one hello R Place it’s not guaranteed it’s it’s random so you might get one hi hello cup duck welcome to the stream but hope you having a good day random plays hope you’re having a very

Good day why is this failing so badly I don’t okay three people left do we do a new game that’s the question I should be asking everybody now gravity nuh-uh buddy n-oh buddy I joined the perfect time elox a long time no here Merry Christmas well Merry Christmas I I hope

You have a great day I got membership gifted let’s go all right chat all right let’s go back to back to gravity I’m not doing gravity guys all right I’m just putting it out there I no maybe okay listen all right maybe we’ll do gravity

But not yet all right give give let’s do some other games all right merry Christmas indeed oh yeah Happy New Year’s guys if you didn’t see my compost capture the FL I it’s Easter what do you yeah definitely Easter I love this Easter holidays that I’m

Definitely in I’m off till the 9th of January so I have a lot of time actually on my hands other games are fun squid you’re right also you have membership for a month now for free Capture the Flag I think I’m going to do a treasure

Wars but I don’t know I might do free shop I think free shop is fun uh we’ll do free shop now it’s Halloween I lost my member um Lucky Panda it’s it’s it’s all good it’s all good but hope you’re having a good day panda it’s been a

While since I’ve spoken to you how are you doing bro oh my God is that Atomic does Minecraft that’s actually insane oh my God he’s going to sa for once this kid is not on fortnite Battle Royale oh my God that’s no way he’s finally he’s finally gotten off fortnite which I I’m

Bar AR gritty I need to get that emote actually Atomic Atomic Atomic no way good what but you I’m doing pretty good I’m doing really good as well I have converted the gravity Army oh gosh is exams after that oh no it’s summer summer oh yeah it is summer my bad guys

I’m just going in this in this summer The Summer white white stuff summer white summer summer summer snow there we go that’s what I probably should have said that the first time Among Us no way on Among Us stream I’ve done them like three before but I don’t know if I’ll do

Another one yo rokio welcome to the stream sorry huh I’m confused I I no wait for invite code since I have not friended the you know what maybe I should be adding people but like I I don’t know do I do you guys want to be added I mean I do do some

Customs that allow you to get friended for free wait I also add paying members as well I I don’t know if I I I used to add gifted ones too but like I don’t know if I can add all 10 free members like do I do that maybe I do

Yes add me maybe also you if you’re just consistent then I’ll add you too think Hive is better when they haven’t updated listen bro all right I I feel I love Hive again bro Hive is so fun I’m actually having like a blast on the hive

Right now bro like it’s like I this is this is energy bro I I love the hive again it’s so fun I just disappeared for a month and now Hive is nice but hello up how you doing bro also you you’ve been popping off bro

I I didn’t check it on your channel and then I checked in last night and you’ve been like you you went from you were on like you were below me and both now now now you’re on 2.32k congrats bro congrats when gravity is being played pretty good how about you I’m doing

Pretty good too I killed Danny as the bomb no not Daddy has to bomb spending time with my sister let’s go I’ve been spending time with my friends as Well hi f Wars honestly I I don’t know gravity boring fair enough that’s kind of why I’m not playing it you know cuz gravity boring okay okay my moderators just silenced you sorry about that one but we have censorship in here all right this is a Communist dictatorship I I’ll have

You know um hopefully that didn’t offend anyone but it might do fun fact Hive has grown drastically since the last Survival Games update over 1,000 days ago that’s actually insane so I think I’m going to focus on that um we’re going as get fair enough

That’s why I took a a month break so that I can kind of reset myself so then I can do streams but like mostly have room for spending time with friends and family and then also to for videos and stuff just upset cuz you’re bad no I I I

Have an 100% win rate on gravity believe me I swear I have a 100% win rate okay let’s actually play the game my bad my bad guys my bad maybe we should actually play wait did I change the code on the bottom right I don’t know if I didn’t then I’m

Sorry but I I I I I forgot 1,000 days ago they forgot about that game I mean what do you update in SG though like I’m going to be honest right what do you update in SG like what do you do update like the sword from like doing six

Damage to seven damage that’s crazy bro update it immediately we need that H forgets a lot of games they do I’m still waiting for like I still need like a sto I need like a a a a hi Sky Block game I’m joking hello pixel Pizza how you doing more maps yeah

But like is that worth their time cuz surely they could build maps for new game modes you know you know what I’m saying it’s are we doing free Shop I actually don’t know if we’re doing free shop we might be doing free shop I don’t know let’s

Stop more M more maps I love that Maps bro a shrinking board and maybe even a couple of new items oh B I think SG turning into battle royale isn’t NE isn’t a bad call I’m going to be honest and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re

Actually going to work on that at some point are waiting for bedwars I’m not really but I I guess I should the average YouTuber response should be I’m waiting for bedwars I can’t wait and you guys should all watch the stream on it oh and the video on it

Definitely that would be my YouTube response but you know hi not really I don’t really care that much to be honest about bedw wars but I’ll play it I’m I’m I don’t know what game I’m liking now I played one game of Capt the flag for the stream intro which I might

Play at the end of stream if you want to see the stream intro again cuz I know a lot of you missed it but I I worked hard on it okay well hard right it I I spent like like 3 hours making a project that

Didn’t work and then I gave up and then did this one instead for like two hours so yeah so like five s is based off Hunger Games I mean that that is true yeah Hunger Games is the or original name for survival games isn’t it you know the Hunger Games

That’s what they called it on like Minecraft PE and stuff when it used to be like that so yeah it is just the Hunger Games but like it’s Hunger Games that renamed and Battle Royale that’s so sad honestly could they not just like surely they could just like not like kind of

Leave it open-ended in case they change their mind and like you know what battle royale is what we need like saying you’ll you’ll never add something it’s a bit bit of a farfetch cuz you might change your mind you know what I’m saying I’m going to get absolutely destroyed by kton right now

Teammate please help me yes yes yes okay I got French toast it was really good let’s go Rosie the maps are the maps are huge currently and when it gets down to the end it almost impossible to find lost people yeah yeah I see what you mean I guess that’s what Deathmatch is

For to be honest but a shrinking border would just make sense I think they I think getting rid of death match might be a good idea actually like making Death Match like the final border so then if you have like SG Death Match like the preset then it just starts on

The final border like just like with the uh with the loot that’d be cool I think I kind of agree with you but they should definitely add a border in my opinion IO did a lucky cake then become renamed Hunger Games I think there’s no point like it doesn’t change

Anything it’s kind of like how also I think it would unlike right okay cuz for wars did you see how the community reacted when they changed that from Treasure Wars to bedwars like how will they react for this because there’s like no need to change it right bedwar it’s

Fair enough cuz like it get gets more clicks and stuff but survival games I don’t know okay I’m actually so bad copyright maybe I don’t know if that’s the reason Hunger Games it might be actually I just need something new I don’t know if they I don’t if they think

It’s worth that time like why not improve on like SkyWars and stuff and like build it to be better and then it gets more players than it does now like SG it’s kind of like a it’s a bit declining in my opinion watch the AO eag

Stream no no you don’t need to watch that there’s also plenty of AO eag streams right that one stream I found really funny where I VC with viewers should I do that again where I call viewers like on stream CTF next what game do you guys

Watch chat I think that’s a pretty good question do I have an answer no not really but what what game would you guys like can I not make a poll I don’t think I can make a poll enable monetization to inster ads can I can I give you guys all ads I

Don’t think I can but I could that’s that that’s new I didn’t realize I could do that all right you know what next stream you’re getting ads all right I don’t care man hunt gravity story mode solos that badly not the ACT eag stream I can’t give you guys ads at the

Minute countless amount of eag streams okay well no oh I’m not giving you guys ads don’t worry all right yeah not with random but like it be Ground Wars survival ah manh could be fun scream like a girl no thank you I have I have more dignity than I used to

I can’t just say o on stream anymore all right I’m not the same person all right I’m okay you know what we’re going to you know I I’m looking add no I’m not giving you guys ads don’t not worry okay all right what game should we do now I mean there’s not

This is like the part where I’m I’m just too like I could do any game but I don’t know what you guys want I know but like is this on a daily basis no I did not say I did not say that are you sure about that okay right

Okay moving on all right I did not say wait yeah I did not say that Capture the Flag yeah uh capture I like Capture the Flag actually we’ll do capture the flag yo tiger Ro how you doing I might do manun next I don’t really know or maybe

Treasure Wars squads cuz like like scrims I don’t know if I should do that if you say in the you word I know you have it and I I I hate the fact you saved it onto your computer how dare you squid I’m blackmailing you to play Gravity please don’t blackmail me I

Don’t really feel like getting my stuff listen all right my my one of my I friends already blackmails me enough in a joke way right like like when he’s annoyed he threatens to Blackmail me on like some topics to like someone that I like and it’s just like he doesn’t

Actually do it but one time he nearly did so please don’t blackmail me I don’t I don’t I don’t I’m kidding by the way I don’t feel like getting blackmailed can I join of course you can what why is your name okay you know

What I’m this is what I this is what I get judgmental all right I shouldn’t be questioning your guys’ names okay if your parents named you HHA then honestly good on them all right cuz I would never do that all right qy uh FK there you go that’s a code look

I’ll do I’ll do gravity soon all right give me a bit of time skull say spider acto gets flashbacks I hate spiders I there was a whole stream of me like getting terrified of a spider and honestly it did better than all my other streams like honestly I don’t know I

Have the best name what what’s your real name I think I’ve said this before it’s Daniel my real name is Daniel but like I do I say that like normally no not really oh give me all of your subscribers or I’ll will throw a spider in your room okay take him take

Them listen buddy spiders like B they are literally my biggest fear all right I I would rather be in a room with a murderer than 100 spiders and I’m telling you now I like they all like I just no like I I I I guess that means

I’m not like I don’t have massive Arachnophobia like I I’m I can be in a room with one but when it’s like close and like I I I scream like a little girl all right the the code is too blurry uh look at the one down here I’ll make it

Bit bigger there you go the spider incident are you in bloody spiders uh yeah why not V go ahead are you in the Bloody Mother we been summoned no can you invite I could invite I’ll do invite like after finish after I finish code bro the spiders I’m

Actually so bad like you know like okay how would you feel right if when you turn on the shower and there’s a spider on your back like and you don’t know and you just okay like how would you feel all right you wouldn’t feel particularly good either all right or if you’re in

The in bed laying down and this huge spider starts like hanging over you right and starts moving down it’s a little web and like coming that like that is terrifying all right like my God we need squid I need to get something out my luck oh good all good it’s 1.9 PVP day

Is it 9,000 spiders yes yes three Ms definitely can I of course he can I just have bath screw showers okay buddy but then what if there’s a spider in the bath like that’s worse but not that bad no no I hate them right I just like I’ve gotten a bit

Better with them but now I’ve gotten worse like after have you heard the horror story where spiders defended a man and turn out they were doing it since they laid their youngs in his skin oh my gosh what they laid the no no okay look just for anyone everyone’s sake I’m

Not reading that again all right it was a story I take the spider for a walk not really that hard I’m not taking the spider for a walk you can you can I I will crush that one oh my gosh okay you know what sucks is my window is permanently open

Otherwise I just can’t breathe in it so like spiders coming all the time now actually ever since I moved back in here they haven’t really but you know they they they will make me hate spiders more is that the real axo plays I am axo

Plays 1492 okay who just put the oo in chat had a pet spider when I was five how did you live bro 12 like four spiders a year and you sleep that’s actually false I Googled it don’t ask why I Googled it but I Googled it and

You do not follow swallow four spiders in your sleep okay nuh-uh okay just deal with it I’m a huge man that’s on God true after just I got a oh good all good ROM plays all right let’s start champ huntsman spider my bad you are

Siri I will literally ex like stop I I do not want to hear about like oh my I I’ve been I’ve been on a call and a spider’s like literally landed on my desk like next to my hand and I’ve just okay right move I don’t want to

Live I I don’t like spiders like why why are there so many of them why can’t we just like put them on a like a ship right send them all to like a different continent because you know okay that that’s obviously a joke right I’m not yeah like they’re not horrible horrible

Like I just don’t particularly like them listen I’m putting it out there if I ever live with someone like a roommate of mine or like someone I like I or like a partner if they ever get spiders like a pet spider I I am no longer living

With them that that that’s the end of it you take them to Australia I wanted to join I’m sorry tiger I’m sorry dude I thought everyone had join my bad you can’t the spiders to walk on water no quick send them to Australia quickly it’s the penal colony quickly do

That oh my God that’s actually genius all right we we colonize Australia and we send all the spiders there sorry guys just got to you know decrease the Surplus population as they say okay what scog does oh spiders if good at Minecraft I am good at Minecraft Maybe not maybe maybe a

Little bit good at Minecraft I did hear about flying spiders actually flying spiders like oh my gosh why are you doing this to me chat I I have a fear of spiders no no right my friend and Ellie right she keeps sending pictures of of

Big spiders to me cuz she knows that I’m I have a huge Fair of them and it’s like oh my oh my gosh okay no no what am I doing okay you know what I need to actually play I Esther I don’t want to I

Do not want to see the this is why I’m I I kind of refuse to go to Australia like I I know I have to someday because I think like in the next 2 years I’m going to be going to Zambia which is where I was born actually if you didn’t know I

Mean I live in the UK but I was born there so I’m going to have to go there in like the next 2 years on holiday to meet my family but there’s spiders everywhere and there’s like lizards that go on the ceiling and I’m just very scared that be spiders it’s 10:00 a.m.

Okay it’s like 7:08 for me all right in like p.m. where are you from for to be like 10: a.m. are you from like India or something or or China I guess you couldn’t be from China cuz they like Blacklist everything don’t they unless like xiin Ping has something

For me and that’s why my stream’s allowed in China but honestly who knows I’m sure only like half the people in this chat got that a joke but you know what it’s okay uh iron sword diamond sword okay I mean I’m I’m fine with a diamond sword New

Jersey oh oh I guess that would make sense nja like damn really really be stopping new and everything from the UK huh no I’m kidding actually you shouldn’t have said that while I was spend sending C images to you well if I open my DMs later like the stream and

There’s spiders in my DMs I am blocking you all right there is no second okay I won’t block you but like I’ll I’ll send a very angry message all right of of of of emojis and stuff all right the AR doing is continuing listen buddy all right listen it’s not my fault

I just have okay I just have a huge fear of spiders you guys better not like start wearing Minecraft spider skins and stuff I will actually implode Spider-Man no no I love Spider-Man man he’s great cuz he’s just a I I I I recently I replayed the first Spider-Man game

Finish mouth Morales and I’m going to platinum both of them and I’m going to hopefully get Spider-Man 2 at some point I don’t know when that’ll be but but yeah do you like bananas they’re okay I mean with ice cream they’re pretty good don’t judge me bananas with ice

Cream actually kind of slap I’m I’m putting it out there oh my God I’m actually insane wait I help I’m I’m kind of Trapped I I think I just kill myself it to be honest I don’t know what else to do which team you want I’m on

Blue but my n open the window there’s a spider that lays egg in B okay buddy I’m never eating a banana again I’m never eating a banana again a spider that lays eggs and bananas I’ve got a question wait wait Ser gaming are you still there I’ve got a question for you

Buddy I think is everyone buying like the ax little plushy like like do I have to should I get it to like do I have to get it to really be in the in the Minecraft Hive Community like to be a Minecraft YouTube streamer I have to get

The a little plushy do I is that true do you think one get gravity game it’ll finish quick and you can play whatever else Tans Max y Ari how you doing bro how’s life been Dude full Christmas holidays I saw spider in my classroom and ran away

Really I’ve had spiders like I was an assembly and a spider was on the floor next to me because my friend it at me but yeah where I live I am so glad that I live in the UK where it’s cold and the spiders do come inside but they’re not

That bad like that they’re mediocre we don’t really get snakes here I mean there are some I think but I don’t think it’s many humans Max brother some spiders are not cute no all spiders are bad right hide and seek oo oh hide and seek you know what chat

Right I would love to to make a better stream intro but I I don’t know thre a spider you don’t worry about it all right I went to Scout and a friend threw a spider at me I could a snake in my backyard no cute spider exists valid that’s so true

All right you know what I think I think I think block Chase could be fun I like block Chase should we do block Chase I don’t know you want back blings you don’t have to get the plush okay Simon Says ooh Let’s do let’s you know what right let’s do a run from

Maxo Manhunt I might do that soon I’m not really sure when I’ll do Manhunt though I’m definitely doing it though I’m going to try to see if I can do as many games as I can today I I’ll be streaming for a little while I don’t

Know how long I’ll stream for there tiny spider with the empty eyes no no I hate any spider please get it out of get it get it away from me all right any spider I don’t like him humans Max I will do a gravity but I just don’t know when I

Want to do one okay chat right put should I do gravity guys should I do gravity this stream or not all right put one in chat if I should do gravity put two if I shouldn’t don’t spam don’t spam B though still talking about spiders okay I’ll stop all right fair enough

Miss me hello zombie how you doing what’s up uh maybe wait so it’s one gravity wait yo shy how you doing you missed the stream intro no I’m kidding yo 10 months of membership shy let’s go I appreciate you keeping member I didn’t even know which one was

One was one was one Manhunt no was one was one yes to to gravity on I don’t really remember my bad lowercase p capital a capital a capital S capital M oh there we go that’s your that’s your code one yes gravity okay let’s have a look all right

One two mostly ones okay we’ll do it at some point all right you’ve got my word we’ll do it before I we’ll do it at some point all right we’ll do it today that’s a good game okay all right you know what since Shi says and I have to listen to

Shy games all right we we will do gravity at some point but I I’ll also do manun maybe treasure squads this is going to be a run for maxo by the way guys run for maxo whoever last wait I don’t know if I can guarantee that I’ll kill everyone though so I don’t

Know all right remember me so I do remember you wait me murderer Sheriff who should get Sheriff uh who is this Rosie bossom K honestly got no clue do they want do you want Sheriff Rosie or have you changeed your ways I must fine go to camo all right ready you do that

One you my sister pranked my older brother by putting a massive spider room that is not funny all right that that is that is pure evil I’d rather someone put like poison in my drink all right then put put a spider in my room okay if it’s

A big spider yeah what what what is shy do is he grying are you stop gritt guys stop grying why are you guys grying I do not I do not I do not approve of this I don’t approve of this guys all right you ran away super annoyed you hello K

You doing poison yum no no no do not eat poison guys you ran away super annoyed I would too honestly like you don’t know where that spider’s going to go I’ve had a spider in my bed before bro it’s not fun like it just isn’t I hate

Spiders I did only I only say hi the stream hello H how you doing to where they bite you and you can’t tell if they did I hate I just hate them I hate spiders anyway I’m so tired you should go get some sleep kicked in

I’m into the goody lifestyle now no Shi we’ve lost you bro shy soon you’re going to start saying yet and skibby bro and and I’m not going to be there for it and I’m glad I won’t be there for it hello ZT I’m level 120 let’s go that is actually

Insane how do people have that much time to play The Hive okay I only played The Hive for like a couple like 2,000 hours all right that’s not enough time please please I’ve only played The Hive for like 2K hours bro I need more

Time ooh is that a is that a is that is that axo duck I don’t know maybe not I don’t think so cuz I do side pieces are this no oh you guys are like friends cuz you guys both have the same skin I think I don’t know star I a 2hour

Nap already I love naps they’re okay actually but they kind of I mean it ruins my sleep schedule though a little bit spinning is a water pool this give it I could probably get millions of views not knowing YouTube now listen all right 4K hours on Minecraft because of

Daily streaming I think I do I know on Playstation I have like 4,200 or something like that just on PS4 how do I check my how do I check this this this no I don’t want to go there what’s this don’t kick me from the game okay

Right 327 hours on uh um on on PC so probably like 4,400 hours on Minecraft or so I just 300 on Bedrock that too many bro wait me to rejoin all right hang on I’ll give you a second to rejoin maybe Dante wants to join to who knows buddy

All right the games are actually packed today bro I can see fluent gen Alpha I love gen Alpha bro no way fluent gen Alpha ski r no way oh my God that there you go that there’s your fluent gen Alpha bro all right 300 hours combin that’s insane and I check

Hours that is way too much okay hello buddy all right stop please we’re going to we’re going to start I think yeah I think I actually have like a bit of a bad back just because of how much I’ve streamed on my bed like okay I’m

Going to stop did fall get in Fall did okay private generation Alpha no no no I’m not doing that like okay I’ll give everyone like okay I am the murderer you guys uh running away from me Last One Alive wins all right there you go okay

Buddy is so ski R oh high style I just want to be like okay guys okay buddy okay buddy no thank you no Jaden I’m so sorry bro unlucky dude oh my gosh I I need to like ban some work after this stream all right it’s fine

I who is this is that that I like is that squid Squid’s not playing I don’t think no Squid’s not playing wait show man show no no no who are you wait um oh fire I had no clue sorry buddy I I I did say that I’d kill everyone that’s Fox my

Bad my bad Fox my bad for killing you straight away sorry about that one is that an axelo yo is that a is that a real Bozo oh my gosh where what the hell okay that’s a bit of an annoying spot can no no you little okay buddy that was

Me my bad bro my bad for killing you straight away but I did say to run so I don’t know I I I see you that bro I see you that I see you that you think you can oh my yes yes I’m so sorry pixel pizza but

I got you bro how are you how was your day going Moos I hope you’re having a very nice day cuz I made that skin yeah I I think that’s why I said it was probably might be you cuz it look like a skin you’d

Wear oh my gosh oh my you you okay why did you swerve left all right you should have swerved right into my knife please I having too much fun killing people on this game it’s it’s it’s honestly a fun okay okay buddy okay okay get back here bro I you you you are

Dying you are okay okay you know there’s more people there sorry buddy I think I killed two of the I I killed I killed okay I just got all the zombie people in the same time I passed you yesterday let’s go bro that’s actually insane I feel like I I did check

Yesterday n bro I’m I’m honestly down to I’m honestly down to like sub race with you or something bro I’m going to be more consistent now I’m I I I just took a month off okay right what what is this parkour all right what is my parkour skills

Having fun emo through the window I’m sorry bro I just I just wanted to kill you to 2.5 I I want to go to 3K I mean we could do 2.5 I guess but I don’t know you know what sure we’ll all three I I want to do three I don’t I don’t

Know it’s up to you though I’ll do both sorry just wolf sorry that Krypto I see you Mr Leaf man and I don’t anymore because I fell down all right buddy M Miss Mrs Mrs B is that a be I can’t call Rosie cuz Rosie is the impos no zombie

People sorry guys my bad you guys are wearing very similar skins so I just killed all of you no that wasn’t deliberate I just did by accident okay that’s not me is that not you oh fresa sorry I didn’t even mean to kill you I was reading chat it’s another sloth oh

Wait that was me you are such a lucky okay all right I need to remember who’s Rosie oh shy games shy games okay okay bro you know I’m not letting you live now you’re dying I I’m I’m I’m going to kill you okay nah oh my you yes that’s who you get for

Flossing on me bro all right that’s what you get okay S have a great day bro ra my bad my bad Francesca the minion well then your old streams I think I’m just more energetic like I just I I have a passion for this now bro okay I missed

This I missed this bro I miss screaming at the top of at the top of my lungs and having an excuse for it you know what I mean anyone in here I am no one’s in here I should proba I should probably check these rooms a game chill hello

Android how you doing bro welcome welcome to stream I think everyone’s pretty chill oh oh c duck got you who is this sorry buddy had a little bit of lagma but I think we’re good no we’re not let me just okay better we’re back all right okay I didn’t even mean to kill

You that buddy I don’t know how I killed you zombie people well no right you you wearing similar skins and zombie was there and so I call the zombie people my bad my bad acts are crazy let’s go okay oh I don’t think you were expecting

That okay I I see you up there bro I see you you can you can be a little monkey and climb as much as you want but I’m going to mder you wait that’s not even a player that that that’s a wait what what am I chasing at then oh wait Rosie you

Know what Rosie I want to kill Rosie I want to kill Rosie yes yes let’s go all right good good job if you didn’t die guys all right good job Minecraft grinder maloon who else didn’t die I don’t did I kill who else did I not kill uh piggy I don’t

Know if I killed piggy maybe I did Malon Q I definitely kill Q uh I definitely killed you I think maybe I didn’t haisy maybe maybe veggie I don’t think I killed veggie I don’t know play more mother mystery it’s getting haunted by the ghosts but Rosie Rosie’s like the

Bro okay all right who is I if I’m Scrooge Who is like okay Kurt can be uh Kurt can be Bob cratchet and then we can have like sh Shi can be the Ghost of Christmas present Rosie The Ghost of Christmas Past no Rosie The Ghost of Christmas wait yeah and

Then and then proy can be the Ghost of Christmas future I think that’s what it is past birth and future yeah all right if anyone who’s in teal all right listen okay listen it’s a it’s a it’s a member exclusive thing to be made fun of

And and be put into it be put into different things listen don’t worry about it don’t worry about it bro all right sh what game what game you do now a cast for Christmas Carol mza you can be you can be uh you can be little You Can Be You Can Be Tiny

Tim can you handle a tacky takis are all right I can’t handle them though they’re too spicy can I be tamy Tim you know what you can be Tiny Tim um M you can be crit’s wife all right there you go all right should we do

A should we do a manh huntt guys I feel like people want Manhunt right I feel people just want to kill me uh so just because I know you guys will have a a bit of a thirsting likeit bit of a thirst for for blood right now

And because I I did kill all of you I feel like you guys get the right to kill me now so I’ll let you guys Mur me all right this is Manhunt whoever wins will get get added on the hive all right right I’m away no no no buddy

Don’t don’t worry about it bro don’t worry about it all right beautiful Christmas carol all right I actually really like a Christmas carol like I’m analyzing it in English class and I love it compared to everything else we’re analyzing it’s not that bad oh boy let’s get added no way shy

Games why are you giving punishment To the victor what do you mean no the the Victor wait oh mother no you know what mother I think I think that’s a that’s a that’s a crime right there you you just insulted axelo that that that’s a crime

All right you you could not be doing that bro actually it’s muza so he probably could be I mother will just like he will I I will get get can I go under the map you can not go under the map Rosie the m is Christmas Carol so when e Rock would

Just be leading you to your future grave yes also by the way guys there is a rule do not kill each other all right the goal is to kill me I mean if two people want to like seeo on the back it’s okay right also I do end the the server after

I get killed by the way just to not waste too much time all right did I just did shy just just where’d he go shy he’s gone never mind man I tapped out I’m smart no way bro big rain moment I’ll do invite the Raina I’ll do invite in a

Second ghost equals FNAF equals movie equals Disney flops equal bankr that’s so true how did a while ago cut is it guys you need to tell me these things all right I I said it’s my mic okay at the wait no it’s all right is my mic

Okay chat is it okay please tell me is my microphone fine I I need to know all right is it is it okay I I don’t it’s okay now all right that that that’s good all right I’m glad it’s doing a bit better isn’t now all right thank you guys all

Right I I okay I’m glad it’s better your mic’s fine all right W you I am dream I don’t like your graphics well I don’t like your your your your your your Minecraft game thing you want better graphics there you go wow so much so much smoother not for

Gameplay wise though I am my ping has dropped but it’s fine why do ends of series have to be so sad now I’m crying what did you watch L what did you you watch yeah I am not I am not having these fans I tell them these are for a

Reason all right it’s either smooth lighting or fancy graphics and smooth lighting just looks better so we have we have it on you go it’s smooth man open my window it’s freezing bro it’s it’s too hot in your room man it’s too hot in your room Super Store I don’t think I’ve ever

Seen that checking get down is it raining it is it’s light raining I think it’s raining a little bit I think I don’t know all right chat should we start guys all right oh my God that’s a lot of people I’m going to die so incredibly fast it’s

Unbelievable I’ve not played this game in a month guys give give me a break okay I don’t know maybe maybe age of History 2 skills do translate over to Minecraft so like maybe invading France will translate to killing CT you know what I mean qu what oh now it’s stopped all

Right it’s is it snowing uh I don’t think it’s snowing for me I don’t know when it will snow probably in January I don’t know when the last like UK White Christmas I actually knew was I think it was like the last white Christmas we had it must

Have been like the 2010 I think like early 2010s like a spider on your tail I don’t have a tail any% speedrun world record no way it’s snowing not for me I wish it was snowman though all right let’s start guys all right I we’ll we’ll do

Invite bro I wish you like it’s raining I don’t mind rain I I like snow though right cuz it’s more it’s more nice you know it’s frosty and I have an excuse to where my my Union Jack gloves and it’s frosty and they also have an excuse to

Him yeah yeah those are my two reasons leave me alone all right I I like my my Union Jack gloves okay this a ax does not have a tail I do have a tail wait this one doesn’t but if I drew my character from a distance it

Would have a tail I think yeah yeah it would that’s check on Minecraft no way let’s go all right reset resent what are you doing bro all right we doing a we doing axo hunt chat we’ll do an axo hunt Okay let’s let’s start I’m kind of

Scared I feel like I’m going to get absolutely destroyed all right I am you come you go for me guys all right the the white ax a you can boost people towards me but like don’t don’t don’t be don’t be bullies to other players okay your goal is to single-handedly mder me

All right please I have a family of one all right and that the family is just me please let me live for my family sake all right of me if I die then who else will be able to wear the Union Jack gloves okay Nobody it’s 50% good no no no I I I like rain rain is all right not like all the time time I think a bit of light rain’s nice though don’t give him mzy please please spam me spam me spam me guys okay come on 25 that’s all they have left

Okay I’m not feeling good I’m not feeling I’m not feeling good about this any% speedrun I’m going to be honest I have 15 seconds left okay now where am I going to go from here right I could go up there but I feel like I’m

Going to get hit down and die you know what we’re turning left you know we’re not turning left we’re not turning left why did every think I was going to turn left okay this is bullying I’m I’m getting I’m getting bullied I’m getting bullied please please listen I if you

Leave me alone I will give you all $10,000 all right how does that sound that’s I’m joking I don’t have the money you are now my son no no go to your room buddy no no do not ad I am not adoptable okay I’ll have you

Know Amy and Jonah are meant for each other who are those people who are Amy and Jonah I can’t like this is like really cringe kid in my class called Jonah and I’m going to be honest any name with Jonah I just can’t take seriously like I just I

Can’t right I don’t know it’s weird like one name like I I just I’m kind of glad I don’t know any other the Jonas because I just I feel like I wouldn’t be able to take them seriously at all I got married in the same season is that like Ross and

Rachel or something like is that similar where is the song bro there it is okay when’s the name te list I’ve already done an accent TI list I think I’d honestly change it like okay no no cuz I’ve learned like what I’m like I think that your personality really will really

Complement your your your uh looks and voice so just if if you’re generally if you’re nicer or like if you can okay right how do then it can it could come compliment your uh you know I should stop talking okay I I I I I don’t know what I’m saying please I’m just

Getting attacked I’m just getting attacked I I I hit my foot on the Rock please leave me alone that song was incredibly short I’m going to be honest I should remove that off the playlist just you apple with six seasons and 15 episodes in each season with 25

Minutes episode and less than a week what no way that’s that sounds really bad if you could do all that in that time no I open my inventory shy games please please shy shy game listen listen listen shy games we we we we could definitely talk about this we could definitely talk about

This Duff High control oh deleted okay do I have Duff added I don’t know if I do I kind of hope I don’t ad him I don’t think I do all right Dove you are now on my you are now going to get At there we go you should spectate us I don’t know if I’m going to what is happening here bro I I need to end the custom though I nor nor I normally do end the custom um some trolling and hits me a a little I think some I think some like

Little bit like bit bits of that is okay but the last one for the last five Hearts all GG that’s 2 minutes there were definitely shorter rounds than that yeah that’s true I did pretty good I think do controls and spam click for the funny you know what right I’m sorry but you

Know after bullying me I think it’s only fair all right woo woo woo woo oh my God oh my God you’re you’re Vanishing like flies oh oh my I’m seeing people die in front of me who’s going to be last here that that’s the question I’m just clicking your an way come

On oh well I guess it’s me anyway I think for Des that was from Des all right what happened C kicked my bad guys my bad what happened uh I I I close the game I closed the game down I won definitely won no no no def I won def I

Won all right all right all right let’s go let’s go fores let’s go what game would you guys want now maybe like maybe we should try a scrims I don’t know if people like that anymore though like I it’s been a while since I’ve last been here Simon says

Maybe I mean axo says could we block I think block party would be fun actually although I haven’t on gravity yet so I don’t know and do I do I do gravity all right oh block Chase block Chase oh wait I mean I mean what’s it called cops and robbers cops and robbers

That’s the that’s the game mode I’m thinking of all right I’m not doing just SP there’s no way right Shane hello Shane how you doing bro should we do should we do some cops and robs chat I feel like we should do some cops and I feel like this is but

Cops and robbers is a bit clickbait no it’s a bit it’s a little a little bit clickbait all right it it’s just literally I’m not doing just build I’m sorry okay it’s just Vlog Chase but like it’s just fancier fancy a b Chase okay one curse game maybe wait wait chat I

Need your opinions I know you’ve been I I don’t know if I’ll do just builds cuz just builds is really bad for attention like like just a like really bad for attention like I I don’t think you understand like how bad it is um for for analytics and stuff right maybe another

Time like I might I’m going to do a subathon I think in the next few like the next week or so I’m definitely going to do just fil then like 100% cuz there’s enough time so oh yeah right let’s cou some there we go build but two teams and like one

Minute to build be funny you can you you can have like actually that will that would be funny two teams we we could do that actually we could do that but I feel like someone might build inappropriately and it would ruin the whole thing so I don’t

Know all right there’s the code there’s the code all right here we go capital b capital Q capital D lowcase O2 and capital u there is the code chat yo Oreo how you doing welcome back thank you bro it’s been a little while oh yeah

The rose Emoji Rosie if if you want me to change that emoji then let me know cuz I know it’s kind of old so like yeah I’m I’m going to change all the Emojis anyway cuz like they they’re very outdated now cuz I don’t use that

Anymore I kind of want to pay someone to make some custom ones I might do that I might have a look if someone can I might I might pay someone to do some actually when’s cut emoji I don’t know I might be able to do it now because I think I have

Enough slot but I’m not too sure listen C I don’t know bro I don’t know maybe I want to pay someone to make some though like I I think I’m going to do That wait em at the gritty bro why are they grying why did fortnite add this yo Sakura how you doing it’s been a while I hope you’re having a good day why did they add this bro I expect better actually I don’t I don’t really expect any better from this to be

Honest go away I’m doing pretty good can you move your arm like my IRL arm or like like like this I don’t know what you mean hi Pro how you doing nope that’s not happening CT don’t think so nukie nuke I’ve been playing gravity let’s go all right I appreciate

Everyone that’s been in the Stream guys I appreciate everyone that’s been sticking around in the Stream so far cuz it it’s very very welcoming uh but back I’m going to be posting soon though I need I need to prepare that I want of my friends to be messaging on

Discord I actually need to check because they often they often text and I need to make sure that they’re not getting mad at me for not responding to them because they they sometimes do let’s have a look to be fair they took two hours to

Respond to me the other day so like I have no sympathy but uh no there is no there is no messages okay that’s fine yeah I have air infection I’m sorry to hear that wello I’m going to change a bunch of the emotes I I want to have like actual

Expression ones that aren’t just me and IBS paint all right like I want to I want to pay someone to make some or unless somebody here wants to make any then that that’s fine but like 225 views let’s go Nuki let’s go dude or n dude I don’t mean like I’m not

Calling you I don’t know I actually don’t know your agenda but I’m not calling you a male I’m just sometimes I’ll say dude just like it’s like a bro like bro that’s so cool you know what I mean you you you know what I’m all about have

You heard of the KFC dating Sim I am not looking at that and I don’t want to hear about that open invite friends oh here we go n it’s all right bro I’ve not really been live much at the minute to be honest it’s okay I hope you feel better

Soon I hope you feel better soon bro honestly I it’s honestly like I hope I really do hope you feel better soon like like in air infection sucks I’ve never had one but honestly it must like if I ever got sick like that I’d probably just be sleeping for like a

Week straight to be honest that’s something I’d do all right chat two people are going to be Seekers does anybody want to volunteer as a Seeker what is happening here bro what are you guys doing what’s what’s what’s going on uh start yeah yeah anyone want to

Be anybody want to be I do okay me I’ll be okay Jaden and Nuki what is this song bro what what was I thinking when I chose FNAF W songs I’m an idiot oh my gosh like I I know I wanted to play fold songs so badly that I put a bunch my

Playlist but they’re not good they’re not good songs this is honestly badge like I I need I need better songs I’m I’m about to go like full on like where’s Jaden Jaden Jaden Jaden here we go yeah B me children this song is so oh

My gosh why did I choose this you know it’s it’s not horrible Colonel I love you Colonel Sanders bro which we’re going to the next song all right I need to change this playlist I might have a mix of Sonic songs and like um NCS music I

Don’t know what I don’t know what I’ll do hello buddy all right watch this cops and robbers although it’s just block Chase but like it’s block Chase but it’s just fancier okay there’s a lot of people here all right let’s stop orange concrete all right The Seekers are just Seekers now you get

Really good weapons a Hider simply because well you know it it’s when when a robber is escaping prison obviously they’re going to have a good knife you know what I mean they’re not going to have like toy knives well they might actually I don’t know but if if you got

Like a like a robber breaking into a house they they’re going to have they’re going to have good weapons okay me children enjoying a straight A straight I I was I wasn’t at first but I think I am now the break has just changed me bro

The break has like made me so much like happier just doing things you know what I mean like I can I can do this more CU I feel I just yeah I’m loving this train now I I I I need to like develop my character a bit more I just don’t have

The time to do that you know what I mean I know that like they’ve given me plots like points and stuff like I’ll kind of just do anything because I I don’t really mind if they like what just if it if it fits into lore it’s

Okay I did see y’all on a VC y’all okay you you guys on a VC last night I was tempted to join but I ended up not joining I was just thumbnailing at the minute straight POG yeah bu the end a little plush get a black blank I might

Buy it but I need to go to my bank and put the money in the bank in my bank account cuz I just have a lot of cash and then I can buy the plushy I’m not furry but what’s your opinion on fairies what’s my opinion on

Fairies um I think like it’s okay like I don’t have a problem with you if if you’re just if like if if you’re not necessarily hurting anybody but as soon as you start hurting people it’s a bit Shi games please leave me alone like I I

Will give you a bajillion dollars if you please get get get away from okay this is not good no no I think you might no no kind of fun that I’m running away from someone it’s playing full guys music let’s go no please please please he doesn’t

See me he does he doesn’t see they see they see me they see me they might see me they might see me oh no wait wait guys guys please come on guys you have to understand you have to understand guys you have to understand okay never mind all right Francesca have a great

Rest of your day bur is quite a controversial topic to be honest am i g to get blue screened no I’m fine we good chat we good gears and gravity and then we play Disco game let’s go also I also guys if you haven’t already please join the Discord server

Links in description uh I’ll be a little more active on there it’s a little it’s a little dead at the minute but I’m I’m going to try and uh revive it a little but obviously that mean like cuz I have a lot more free time I should be able to chat on that

More are married now it’s Canon really dang no way where are where where are the we need to find players I don’t know where they are they’re all they’ve got to be somewhere just hiding I don’t know why I’m running around the city there’s like tons of people here yo Pon welcome

To the stream how you doing I think it’s kind of funny that person joined right as you said that is this true person is this true it’s me unlucky unlucky good job lasting good job being last though that’s pretty cool dang no way I got longest hidden of

0 seconds and most to points of zero that’s insane I’m cracked damn I I even got more podiums than shy games did that’s insane sh all right we need to we need to what do we what do we play now guys all right maybe a death run like parkour

Does that sound fun po death run like that or maybe just regular death run actually I should have hid for negative seconds I F it yeah bro honestly honestly you should have yeah we’ll do we’ll do better we’ll do better parkour actually chat should we do parkour or

Regular death run I’m that’s a good question I don’t know like I used to do parkour but Bas plays was doing regular death run and now I’m wondering if I should you know join him on that stop posting my bad bro my bad my bad bro negative 76

Seconds what’s fun you’ll keep VI in I’m going to go have a meal all right all good Esther Esther I have a question are you American so if it’s just out of the blue I actually have no clue like I’m getting a mix of like British Australian and American like

That that’s just that that’s what I’m getting Ryan that sucks Britain Airways bad yeah let’s go Bri British Airways on top all right even though I’m Canadian oh right that was close enough close enough okay I mentioned three countries all right that they they were all similar

Enough I should just say Canadian I don’t know why I said American British and Australian you know what it’s fine I’ve always G on easy jet I’m more of a jet to holidays kind of person but that might just be me though the red looks sick though like I like the

Reds that’s that that’s what that’s the um I think I took that I don’t know I took that actually I might I think I did take that for my holiday to to Spain like a mix of those three countries together well actually I well actually according to history Canadians are just um Americans

Australians and Canadians are BR mostly British descendant mix with other Europeans and natives unless like you’re not unless you’re not that category Australia is not very similar to America in my opinion Australia is similar to New Zealand and the UK more so now um the UK is like the bridge between Australia New

Zealand and Canadian and then American all right should we start chat should we start the game oh AO is a nerd I am not a nerd if it flies it’s good honestly that’s untrue because like if it it can fly but what if it doesn’t fly for long you know what I

Mean AO is a nerd can confirm nuh I am no nerd all right is that why my is that why Ellie calls me a nerd constantly like is that is that why I think she’s joking right where I am is a mix of many different cultures

Maybe not all of Canada but here in New Finland you find people who act like different countries just mixes that’s the you New Finland kind of makes sense I think I think New Finland makes sense oh you’re from New Finland I would love to go to New Finland New Finland s

Seem school because it was an old British place all right oh good oh good EST have a great rest day goodbye K is known to be Multicultural oh I just regenerate the code it’s fine we’ll stop hell all do how is the day going I think I might have said that actually I

Don’t know who Asian in here I’m actually half asian but it’s kind of hard to tell I think if you look at me though then I think I I’m not I look a little Asian but not that Asian not that much Asian I’m going to count right now so I

Can’t hear you right now okay guys Jackie can not hear me Jackie is a silly potato all right there you go I I said it I’m sorry should we just do parkour I I think no no one really wants to be death to be honest death is kind of lame let’s

Just do parkal all right why this map I should have done I should have done survival yeah let’s go guys guys you good you good that proy you’re just putting a dash what do you think of the what’s a what’s a the am I am I am I imagining I don’t

Know will say English but then put an American flag by it I know they should just put the English flag in my I mean like I mean to be fair right the UK flag I don’t mind American flag I I do mind but it’s whatever I guess I

Mean I think the English flag just makes sense like like do what like du lingo does right I I think they put the English flag I’m pretty sure cuz it’s English you know I mean it makes logical sense right you know you don’t have to put the UK just

Put England thean are chill one game of GRA what’s a what’s a theion or am I am I dumb is English not American I think we could have this debate for a while I don’t really have a problem with the American flag being on it like it’s a little like I think

That they should use the English or UK flag but I think it’s what like I don’t really care do like use the American one more the more advanced version of the Texas flag I don’t think that’s very true I don’t know where you’ve heard that from the American flag it’s the 13

Colony flag but with uh but they they added a bit of spice to it cuz they had the um it was a mix of the the British cuz the the East India Company used it first with with the stripes and then the 1 colonies had it and then we just got rid

Of the Union Jack and put in like stars so yeah F Ola again Ola bro what is it Daran am I am I done am I dumb maybe I am maybe I’ll get canceled for this bro why are you guys all just sitting by the end and why is C so far

Behind all right let’s H chat should we finally do gravity like I I know I’ve been putting it off for a while hello Ethan how you doing bro how is your day going bro Texas FL look like I’ve seen the Texas and American flag I know what they are oh but that’s

Not that that doesn’t that’s not how but if you look at the 13 colonies flag then you’ll understand Texas didn’t have you seen the the old Texas flag the modern one only existed after it was in the United States so I I don’t know maybe I’m dumb he said Chile Chile did

He Chile you Chile no wait Meuse back welcome back welcome back a duck hello lady um curse gravity one round you know what chat right I don’t know is duck yeah l oh we have magenta I was your name okay what is is this a pet there’s a wait wait wait wait wait

Hang on hang on hang on hang on no wait how do I wait did I not get that I no I didn’t get that no it was it was from the the the the the the pack that we released a while ago I never got that

I’m an idiot yeah it oh my I’m an act oh no I should have gotten it that’s so cool I mean I have my Ed a little but like I a kid name oh block party P oh never mind okay I I thought that was from the

Thing they released a while ago but maybe it wasn’t all right let’s do okay you know what chat we we will do it all right I I’ll do the game you failed the hype Creator no no way bro no not Party Block Friday bundle that’s what I

Was talking about that’s what I was talking about oh yeah I know I didn’t get it I didn’t get it I didn’t get it I wish I got it I was I that’s when I was that’s when I was quitting so I didn’t bother getting it oh I’m so I’m so

Devastated I could I could have a little Earth and Moon following me around bro you know cool that would be I I don’t think you know like it that that would actually be insane have a little other mood to follow me around do you just build part fair

Enough and inconsistent month he can now be considered a hype Creator no I took a I took an unofficial break all right I just I left an announcement and then I didn’t say anything for 3 weeks and then 3 weeks later I’m streaming so yeah well you’re underrated thank you bro I

Appreciate it right now I’m not doing blindness bro we will I will literally die if I do blindness and I’m not doing blindness but I might consider 10 maps all right I I’ll do 10 Maps but blindness is a no-o I used to be actually really good at gravity I don’t

Know if I’m I don’t know if I’m Z good though what is his texture that might be from the axo pack actually I don’t really know all right champ let’s do c guys I’m going to be really bad at this cuz my Ren distance is pretty bad at the minute

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay so wait low case low case N1 capital x capital u lowas h like decent gravity I think blindness I told you two Max I am not doing blindness there’s no way I’m a skip grav you know what you do that then but

You can skip gravity it’s okay listen I I I’ve done blindness a few times and it’s just not fun no one likes it it’s just disgusting regular gravity is okay I’m going to have enough trouble with my render distance being Sol low anyway I should probably up that

Actually I’m sorry dude I’m probably not going to do that um well let’s up it to like 15 all right but guys the code is on screen guys the code is on screen if you want to join shy the thing hello Warden how you doing it’s like decent of gravity I think no

Way CET what the heck is that g in no way that’s wild w I will join after the Cs if that works a little more stressful wait wait for what wait for wait for wait wait for a storm to come in blinders gravity blinders is plenty fun for for you maybe

I I don’t know I I I prefer to like not memorize every every blindness map who’s skting no way bro that’s what I meant blindness ruins are fun I know I know that’s why that’s why I’m not doing minus like okay hello there no no no no no no we’re not doing

It all right let’s start C let’s stop the game Let’s we’re going to start guys we’re going to stop uh yes stop all right let’s see what Maps we get I’m going to really bad at this I haven’t played gravity in ages let alone Minecraft so like I okay it’s fine I got

This and Squid isn’t here so I cannot just follow squid like I used to you know what I mean like why can’t I just follow squid like that that was so helpful blindness does ruin it I I don’t like blindness you can swim on hive now that’s actually insane that’s really

Cool was does that lus is weird all right oh and look at that who’s in maybe fast am I in fast can I not anymore I think I think I’m third now actually I think someone was ahead of me oh I I’m following this person they know everywhere

Bro they definitely know everywhere I I I hate this map like it’s actually annoying oh my I don’t like this map like like why is there so many gaps but not like one actual place to land in you know what I mean you know I haven’t had to skip one yet that’s a

Positive here we go PR sure everything does that you mean you mean uh blindness blindness is weird I need a confront res about that no no why there’s got to be there got to be a like a skip to this map right like can I can I just go through the portal don’t

Think so you know it’s fine we’ll just go here okay buddy my I’m getting I’m getting a bit of lag because I have not been playing with 15 render since come on come on come on where is the music gone bro the music just the music just do not exists

Anymore you know it’s fine I’ll put it on afterwards hang on give me a second chat Mars okay okay never mind it came on it by itself all right there we go I pay my respects to Shoreline follow me and grab do they oh D oh oh I see what you mean

Yeah I need to I need to talk to Ren about using my strategy okay following uh that that is an AO certified strategy I’ll have you know and no one else can use it it’s illegal definitely what can you repeat that Nuki all El chi

Have a great day bro have a great rest of your day shy games I will talk to you a at the time bro good go goodbye shy games all right how long have I been live for an hour and a half or so I did just do that an hour and a half

What is happening yet no way all right you know what an hour I’m back welcome back hi back I’m maxo you you do the same thing to me bro someone beat me I have to go practice more if I let someone you let someone be me Fox is not

Being first no way wait who actually won that game uh I didn’t get first no I got like top 10 maybe shy first shy got first oh that that’s a 7 second hit all right what did I come fifth okay much you to be fair shy is just

Good like insanely good at this game are they getting a screenshot like is that that’s a screenshot all right chat do we do another game or should I it’s 6:00 okay did any of my friends message no they have not okay that that’s fun all right you know what

Chat all right I think I think this is a good time to maybe end the stream I don’t know if I’ll be live tomorrow I I might I think I will be cuz it’s week it’s it’s holiday so like I’m fine I’ve got holiday for another week so I might as well use

Excuse me excuse me Kon I I don’t have friends okay buddy okay buddy your specs I think I might end I might look up for a hang on let me let me let me look up for let me look for a a hive stream to raage if there is one that isn’t already

Like really really good oh there’s me okay you know what that that’s cool I said nothing you said something don’t don’t lie to me um rain sounds on Minecraft 24 hours hello St welcome to stream how are your day Going um all you know what chat you know what chat I think I think I don’t know who I I think I why is it playing the next song you know what chat I think I will end the stream that right I think I’m going to head

Out I tried looking for a hive it just it just it just like glitched out my thing I don’t know why I did that but let me let me have a look all right let me let me have let me have another little look M YouTube is St

To automatically make my slash into emojis no I just came I’m sorry Nick neck I’m sorry buddy I’ve been live for a little while so I don’t know bro my bad uh this guy called salmon YT should we rape this guy I might rape this guy also join the Discord server in the

Description if you haven’t already please do that that’ be very very cool uh live now but it’s it’s it’s 4,300 sub grind they’ve been streaming for two hours on one viewer maybe we ra this guy I don’t know chat uh you know what let let let’s rate

This I don’t think I’ve ever seen this guy let’s rate him let’s rate him all right everyone goes from XR in this chat okay yo swim how you doing bro I’m I’m just ending stream I I’ll be live tomorrow though guys I’ll be live I’ll be live tomorrow all right I I’ll talk

To everyone later though guys all right everyone go rap this guy all right good goodbye chat goodbye goodbye guys goodbye uh good

This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE but I’M BACK!! | Customs with Viewers | Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by Axolox on 2023-12-31 06:21:52. It has garnered 259 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:54 or 5514 seconds.

Welcome to my stream! You can support me on: Discord: Please do Subscribe! 😀 #minecraft #hivemc #hive #bedrock

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    Minecraft Troll Face meme💀🔥 “Why did the Minecraft Troll Face go to the party? To mine his own business!” 😂 #dadjokes #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaky Shenanigans at Havoc Haven

    Sneaky Shenanigans at Havoc Haven Welcome to Havoc Haven: The Ultimate Modded Minecraft SMP Experience! About Havoc Haven Step into the world of Havoc Haven, a modded Minecraft SMP like no other. This server offers a unique blend of challenges, creativity, and excitement for both seasoned players and newcomers alike. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure filled with surprises and endless possibilities. What to Expect At Havoc Haven, you can look forward to: Immersive and expansive modded world: Explore a vast and dynamic world filled with new gameplay mechanics and features. Epic builds and innovative creations: Unleash your creativity and build impressive… Read More

  • I survived ANARCHY server war for 2 months!

    I survived ANARCHY server war for 2 months!Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai survécu à 2 mois de guerre sur un serveur ANARCHIE (cheats autorisés) [3b3france s3 – Ep5]’, was uploaded by Xederma on 2024-07-11 15:30:13. It has garnered 19640 views and 1171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:44 or 2324 seconds. Already a Minecraft server in anarchy is difficult, but then if it’s total war, it’s even worse. But is it worse for us or the enemy camp? Official server Discord: IP: (1.20.1 JAVA) – Playlist of this season 3 to see the previous episodes: Subscribe and feel free to comment… Read More

  • Explosive Minecraft XP: JJ vs Mikey vs Maizen

    Explosive Minecraft XP: JJ vs Mikey vs MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Family and Mikey Family Were Caught in a WHIRLPOOL of XP in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by zenichi_maizen on 2024-02-08 08:00:35. It has garnered 37957 views and 214 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:04 or 964 seconds. JJ Family and Mikey Family Were Caught in a WHIRLPOOL of XP in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • CraftMasterRiley Exposes Top 5 EPIC Minecraft Servers #fyp

    CraftMasterRiley Exposes Top 5 EPIC Minecraft Servers #fypVideo Information This video, titled ‘Top 5 biggest Minecraft Servers #shorts #minecraft #fyp #viral’, was uploaded by CraftMasterRiley on 2024-01-16 00:09:25. It has garnered 1761 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: Mr Thunder9 Has Nothing to Do 😱 #shorts

    Unbelievable: Mr Thunder9 Has Nothing to Do 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘There Nothing 😭 to do #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr Thunder9 on 2024-01-04 04:00:05. It has garnered 2223 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. There Nothing 😭 to do #shorts #minecraft #gamerfleet #technogamerz #carryislive #dream #mcstan #instagram #reels #facebook #youtube #youtubeindonesia #greatyoutube #build #artwork #cool #trending #world #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimetion #pvp minecraft gaming gamer minecraft videos techno gamerz sourav joshi vlogs minecraft smp smp mr indian hacker yes smarty pie mythpat Wait for It Paise Ye Konsa Desh Hai Asa Dost Sabko Mile Ye Kya Hua Bach Gaya… Read More

  • World’s Smallest Violin Saves Prayag Ishu in Minecraft😲

    World's Smallest Violin Saves Prayag Ishu in Minecraft😲Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: That was close…😮 (world’s smallest violin) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Prayag Ishu on 2024-03-09 13:33:02. It has garnered 17336 views and 323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Minecraft: That was close…😮 (world’s smallest violin) #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftmeme #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftvideos #minecraftbuilding minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft… Read More

  • Shocking Twist – Gingershadow’s Epic Win! Jujutsu Kaisen Mod

    Shocking Twist - Gingershadow's Epic Win! Jujutsu Kaisen ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘FINALLY GETTING A W! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 17’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-02-18 21:00:03. It has garnered 3273 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:40 or 2740 seconds. Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Review (v28) – No – Zaro – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyGames Channel – FINALLY GETTING A W! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 17 #JujutsuKaisen #Minecraft Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Gain a Heart in Minecraft with Just a Click! #shorts

    Unbelievable! Gain a Heart in Minecraft with Just a Click! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But If You Subscribe I Gain A Heart… #shorts’, was uploaded by Frosty on 2024-04-24 12:00:16. It has garnered 24215 views and 867 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Minecraft, But If You Subscribe I Gain A Heart… #shorts Frosty does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2024! Today… Read More

  • Ultimate Cow Crusher Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20+

    Ultimate Cow Crusher Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20+Video Information This video, titled ‘Cow Crusher for Minecraft 1.20+ Java edition(TUTORIAL)|Marshallcraft’, was uploaded by Marshallcraft on 2024-03-29 05:15:01. It has garnered 61 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:41 or 161 seconds. Hi guys in this video im gonna show you how to make a cow crusher for minecraft 1.20 java edition.I hope this video helps you a lot. Stay tuned for more videos. Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Enderman Moye Moye Short!!

    INSANE Minecraft Enderman Moye Moye Short!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft EnderMan Moye Moye Short #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-04-09 16:02:57. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Minecraft EnderMan Moye Moye Short #minecraft #shorts Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use…. Read More

  • PrimeNetwork

    PrimeNetworkPrimeNetwork Türk bir towny sunucusudur amaç altın toplayıp kendi kasabanı kurmak ve diyer kasabalar ile anlaşmalar veya savaşlar açarak en güçlü ulus veya kasaba olmaktır Read More

  • BudderCraft Network: Bedrock Support, Anti-cheating, No toxicity, Survival, Skyblock, Prison, Parkour, KitPvP, Factions, Tower Defense, Mini Games

    Welcome to BudderCraft! BudderCraft is an in-development server that focuses on: Providing a variety of feature-rich modes Strict prevention of cheating A friendly community for all skill levels Our team is small, but we are constantly working on updates and improvements. We welcome players to join, playtest, and help us grow by providing feedback and reporting issues. Our server strictly prohibits cheating of any kind. We do not allow mods, game exploits, or any form of piracy. We also promote a toxic-free environment by enforcing rules against rude behavior and personal attacks. Some additional points to note: We have a… Read More

  • City Craft

    This a good server for you. You can build your base and connect others player. You can use tp and sethome or register/login. This server supported java/ bedrock thejava✅ip:> the bedrock ✅ip:> port:> 5020When think you like this server if you want a good SMP so join this smp good luck.If you want to join our massager group massage me in FacebookLink 🔗👇 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mojang’s Dumb Move: The Minecraft Meme

    Well, looks like Mojang may be onto something if they’re getting a score of 175 for their “stupid” decisions! Read More

  • Slender Man’s Minecraft Mayhem: Nightmare Unleashed!

    Slender Man's Minecraft Mayhem: Nightmare Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of Slender Man, a nightmare so bold. A figure without a face, lurking in the night, Bringing fear and terror, a chilling sight. In 2018, a movie was made, Directed by Sylvain White, a horror cascade. Based on the internet legend, a group of friends in fear, Summoning Slender Man, their nightmares near. Created in ’09, by Eric Knudsen’s hand, A figure so tall, in a black suit he’d stand. No face to be seen, just long arms and dread, Taking children away, filling hearts with dread. So beware… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether portal!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether portal! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his spot! Read More

  • Neighbor Prank Gone Wrong

    Neighbor Prank Gone Wrong Minecraft Adventures with Monster_coon Monster_coon takes on the Minecraft world in this unedited video, showcasing his adventures in the game. Despite the raw quality, the video is a testament to his survival skills and determination in the virtual realm. Exploring Minecraft Bedrock Monster_coon delves into the world of Minecraft Bedrock, navigating through the unique challenges and landscapes that this version of the game offers. From building structures to mining resources, he showcases his prowess in this edition of Minecraft. Joining the Elite SMP As part of the Elite SMP community, Monster_coon engages with other players in a shared Minecraft… Read More