RIGBYTE – An Explorers Guide to….. Vaults And Base Building! | Vault Hunters | Modded Minecraft |

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There we are I I thought for a second it wasn’t walking and I was kind of scared I’ll be honest but hey everyone welcome back to the stream I hope you’re all having a fantastic day welcome aboard to welcome back to another Minecraft stream

Uh my name is Rick p and yeah uh today we’re going to be doing some more wal Hunters last time we left off um deciding where we’re going to build a base what our base is going to be and we also decided um on you know running

Walls what we have planned for the future today we are going to be running some more walls as usual as well as going forward and um going forward and just managing everything and seeing how everything goes uh let’s see if uh nope none of the Bots are in chat

Surprisingly I don’t know why I need to fix that I need to fix this issue I need to find out a way to fix it uh but yeah we we’ll jump straight uh into the game I don’t want to delay too much today because I just CAU off a stream over on

Twitch we were doing some timefall with our dear old friend blue star who actually hasn’t joined us in a while um so yeah it was it was it was fun to see him around as well so you should be able to see the game that is weird there we go and we’re

Going to hop straight into the game going to take a little bit to load in and everything we just going to wait and yeah I just took like a short break uh from like my twitch stream to get like myself some tea which I have right next to me now so

We don’t have to worry about that uh we have I have probably uh T is probably one of my favorite things out there um so yeah um I’m I’m a huge uh te guy Uh uh the game is still not up it’s loading he still um repped I guess because I’m using a teab bag I would have made property but that would have taken time so I thought I’ll just do a quicky use a teabag going to take like a few seconds

Less and we going to stra up get to the stream any how is everyone’s uh Friday coming along uh it’s a start start of a weekend so I hope everybody has something planned for the weekend I definitely do let me guess more Minecraft yes uh but yeah that’s that’s

My plans for the weekend maybe get some work done and everything uh well well well here we are in Minecraft um back in Minecraft as you can see we got like a jewel chest set up we got this thing set up uh a few streams back we have our Walt gear stuff and

Um actually let me transfer this over there itself so that I have this chest uh empty to do whatever I want to do with it a minut discovered Rusty boots uh Maniac we’ll we’ll do some Base building today but first off I want to start off with some mods because I want

To get the quest line progressed is still stuck on God Alters then we can go perfecting jewells Black Market Soul diffuser which can’t research yet uh then there’s identification stand um knowledge level 20 changes Spirit extractor Trinkets and stuff Hello user welcome to the stream it is great to

Have you here man how are you doing how are you doing message Maniac want to run a w together how you doing user it is it is great to have you here uh let me see I do have Wall Su we’ll take like a stack of them Groupa oh anyways want to run a vault Maniac real quick who are you again mhm good question Maniac why don’t you answer that question for me what do you mean well you tell me netherite scrap what ancient detin where do you where do you think I’m going to get it man Phantom uhhuh

Uhhuh I wish okay do you want to hop on because I have a portal open Maniac VA um yo man you want to hop in because I have portal open we all are going to hop in bro nice uh don’t want no no that’s to come no that I I the

The they won’t get I’m saying the more the marrier and why did you take so long to say what yeah you took like one year to reply did I maybe you’re uh just delusional mate no that’s because I’m making a vault Forge because my last one got blown up

By a creeper got Dam creepers or you can give reasons like this sure if if that’s what uh you know you might if you just want to say that hey zie and firey you are Noob you don’t join us you can say that you don’t have

To like hey do you want to join for a it doesn’t it doesn’t it doesn’t matter to me if join or not because they I know they survive I I know you won’t survive but said it doesn’t matter to me how can you say that bro they do you not think

They will feel bad I’m saying they’ll survive I know zie and fire Fury will survive I don’t know about you I went with fire Fury into a vault I know but you literally just said ke it doesn’t matter if they join I heard it your meaning my what I was trying to say

Is it doesn’t matter if they come along I don’t mind them coming again and they can’t come along what’s the issue with it I don’t see it doesn’t matter I I I don’t know what you’re trying to say mate I mean I’m running low sleep yeah meaning that’s what I

Said I don’t minding it doesn’t matter you’re confusing me anyways uh make your way to the base I’ve made a uh Elixir run uh poison themed Vault gather your supplies and make a way uh m is level N I might have some gear for you what is skill

Shard um you you you can’t use them yet what is I can use everything no it’s level 25 plus no trust me you can’t use it yet ask him it matters to you if they as if you don’t want them to come when are we leaving again I said come to my

Base we leaving ASAP your Vault will be port you right you’ll be fine you’ll be fine trust me you’ll be fine it’s not going to be that hard you get high level Vault yeah you’ll get high level gear as well will we get high XP yes okay then let’s do it

I also have some gear in the chest uh what you have a good sword Mania I have nine attack damage sword which does plus 24 uh Undead damage on mobs uh plus damage compare it to this compare it to this oh my God Phantoms compar to this

Bro this is 9 plus 25 2.5 that does 11.5 points sorry yeah 11.5 points of damage and why does my sword is 8.5 plus 6 can you share your sword H I hate this t oh my God je what the do you think my sword is op because it does one hit

Damage and it’s level one mate that sword is absolutely busted I don’t know what you’re talking about that’s what is that’s s is very good what else do you want me to say absolutely busted it’s a good sword hello hello you got like the max roll on

Damage there I don’t know what else you want how do we do this thing uh shift shift leave your party on the item I I am not in a party you are hello says I’m not in the party hello shift what does it say what you

Doing huh I was for a while there we go we go uh which key do I need to press shift shift plus shift or t that that’s a high base damage oh no we will reload this so it’s like how about the item I just

Ah yes got it got it got it did you have dirt uh I I have she’s confused only dude she’s already in the world right yeah she’s already there we’ll do next now let her do one two I think it’s the second right we’ll do six-man wall I’ll come

I’ll come yep let’s do come to ri’s place I don’t Rite your level 13 now put level 13 they’ll be fine they’ll be fine uh trust me share me your location trick I come uh hold up yeah okay if you are seeing hey trust me man trust me as long

As as long as you’re careful you’ll be fine just just don’t go go fire Fe is it’s her base is closer but your base is like far away I hate these guys I’m very closer to fivey so put the crystal in I already placed it that’s the

Issue okay I have placed but yeah wow it’s okay I like your helmet nice helmet thank you where should I come technically rig you want high risk High reward yep exactly V guys see you want us to die not you guys I’m also probably going

To be dying you want us to carry as a ghost what you are going to die then like we are done I I am because because I’m I’m planning on going into dungeons normal rooms will be fine dungeons I don’t think so what is that okay let’s go TOS sort of kind of

Wherever you guys want to come just share the location I’ll come there um ask I did not understand what you meant hey come we we’ll go in fire Fury bottle okay okay I’m here wait let’s wait for Crystal now I mean she’s already in right well yeah

Roll this more but I think wait hold I don’t like the taste of the tea very it is he’s bullying meting potential is pretty low and we can’t reach use this VA Cobblestone that’s what I’m using normal cobblestone still it will be confusing I’ll use dirt I

Will our current boots are like seven armor entr I I’ll remember my I’ll remember my uh Waypoint because I put a torch on the Cobblestone I have black color blocks I remember I’ll leave diamond blocks behind dude okay that’s D okay okay sure okay okay okay all right ex you got to

Do that I won’t come in your direction Maniac might steal all the diamonds but hey that’s just part of the RIS why do you what do you mean Maniac will steal bro why are you accusing Me why won’t you do that you’re already rich yeah me I don’t need anymore that’s the point right oh and I’m pretty sure uh you were responsible for stealing melons uh pumpkins last time so I’m pretty sure you’ll do the same for diamonds which are more valuables excuse me that was Inon SMP

Yep this is not the SMP he I I trust you I trust you all right look at me I trust you do you actually yep I trust you man I trust you me okay I’ll take your word that’s great brilliant what is this what do you call it I forgot I

Think life boy life yep life boy I don’t know it name I I don’t have it hold I I’ll go check now I genuinely want to know what’s the name tube yes I think it’s called a life tube maybe I don’t I don’t know it is it is called life boy life

Boyi it’s yes it’s it is it is called a life boy whoever said that is 100% right guys I think maybe it was me I don’t know okay uh invite everyone to party everyone everyone is coming I won’t loot anything I’ll just find try to find like Omega rooms and complete the objective

As all objective what objective do you have I meaning the theault objective every objective is a different part when once you get more level it won’t be like that that you have to activate that thing it will be something else did you okay EX on quick question did you get

Any cake runs so far yep no I did Honey yo no the the objective of of the vault is to like find cakes no no I haven’t got a uh slarty acceptor invite space fire Fury 23 invite no join accept invite and you can just click in the chat as well oh

Are yep wow that’s a lot of people man wait hold up Exon what what is that HP which HP my HP okay uh Curious uh I’m curious how much armor do you have I have a lot of armor wait I have 14 oh I have 26 so more armor and less

HP I have Mana Shield also oh Mana Shield is good but it uses way too much Mana man yeah but it’s okay it saves it does the job okay let’s go to fire F yep I’m already you know everybody is here except for crystal crystal how was

Said that sorry welcome to the stream by the way it’s great to have you here sorry I was like either she either she needs to Reg or we all need to rein bro kabar you accidentally remove like kabar AC hide the icons of it so you won’t even know if you’re muted or

Not just press G G or B I like to keep it cleaner don’t yeah I really want to run level 13 yep if you if you want to run uh my VA after on come on it’s a Leger run as well as a poison who putting group uh it mostly

Poisonous me there is I have that set on push talk every time I talk I heal myself and everyone that’s great that’s that’s huge hell Crystal hello she just no no disconnected disconnected no no uh she uh left she shows up as offline wait wait wait

Wait I like I like your shield and me and like P number just like roaming around with like life boys Shi I lost it uh you can uh you can uh paint this like get the transport table to like change this into the Lily Shield oh yeah I forgot huh you can

Change the model of your weapons and all okay the the scen I was in uh I had op okay admin right so I was trying to clear chat I said I did SL clear so there is a there’s actually a good thing about Vault like every death you

Go in VA get saved it has history right all your items get saved no no actually there is a database get saved so I actually got my items that I lost dud by that’s that’s that’s a huge mistake yeah I know also when you when you craft double

Pouch make sure to take the upgrades out of it dude otherwise you’re going to lose that also yeah we saw the double pouches yeah yep yep you lose the upgrades yeah uh wait uh CU I I remember that yeah she’s coming she’s coming initially there was a bug that they

Fixed which I’m really sad about if uh you had like keep inventory like on and you had like the uh like the beginner phase of the wult right um and if you died in the wult and like one of the uh in party member was outside and one was

Inside and you died like when two of you are inside and one is outside you can die infinite amounts of time in the overw world and duplicate your items wow so literally everything in your inventory would just get wait so if you die in Vault you can carry their

Body right or something uh body I don’t think so uh that didn’t used to be a feature I don’t know if it is now I think it might be a feature now if you want a person’s loot to return I think you can take their body back and throw it through

Portal interesting um who who wants to be the guinea pig for this you I’m good man how about you uh you seem like a willing how about you where are there you are come on man you got this manic I trust you no why me why not you we choose the best

Amongst us so you know that’s why I chose it’s you or Exon yeah I don’t agree is best I think you you yeah it’s yeah I also agree I mean I also agree I’m not the best hello guys fire fire F Girl yeah what what a best best speedrunner Crystal at least you’re not like Po D you died in like three times and I I think all three times to fall damage Yep this is a pretty big house I think this is a bedroom yes yes yes know

How B bed actually died for the first time he did MLG water bucket jump but instead of landing on a block he land on trap door see open the trap door to wait what is a trap door that half door oh a trap door I exactly land on a trap door open the

Door how you do welcome excuse me excuse you’re calling stuff to my Shiva what stuff I just said your J is straight up whose build is this by the way huh fire Fury fire Fury where is this door leading just another mystery of the universe you can’t solve come it’s

Invisible yep you have to chant some special this is chilling room you can chill here meaning in a way you you can say that with with an open theater Ambiance yes bus actually she has a bus stop in her house what yeah she yeah because she she built her house

Half dude it’s like a half house so it’s like a best shed wow all right I think I think that’s all of us here yeah let’s go guess up yep yes are we ready oh ex already jumped in I guess we are ready let’s goite lead us no man that’s not my

Job one but wait before starting the timer yep yep team uh meeting count Round Table meeting all right let’s go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 guys who put okay everyone everyone put the everyone put their type of marking their way okay let’s see who’s going to find their way back I’m

Using mine is plank okay wooden plank is Cobblestone torch mine is going to be what is that that’s a staircase man I I’ll keep like this m just like this ah no okay no we I can I’ll do you one better mine will be this I’ll keep

Like let’s go let’s go dude let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go ah the power of flight I see all right I’m I’m going to go um I’m going to go west I’ll go North D go north aha white West room I’ll go west uh I’m going east west there’s a help

Me huh it’s random no hey RI bite is already here dude is going straight straight keep going straight I got it I would advise you to be extremely careful why you’ll see when you hop in wait P room I want to see it I mean even it’s low level there can

Be some bosses spawning dude they spawn a lot are you dying no I’m fine don’t punch the TNT whatever happens don’t punch the TNT it will blow everything up it already shows find if I open that room that room let’s go to that room dude let’s go let’s go let’s go guys uh

It’s in you’re the me room right it’s in the west yes let’s let’s go back dude let’s go back I want to see this party walls are in high levels be so much fun yeah yeah they are I’ve done like level 25 walls in the party and west from the

Main room right okay yeah come all the way back go follow the wooden plank middle okay then go left from Portal go room go left come here come here what to a actually spawn room say you just go left only Okay just don’t click on the everywhere just don’t don’t click on the TNT okay yeah look at right side I don’t have any oh poon is killing me dude this this this pickax makes everything so much easier when you loot carefully loot dude yep welcome to one of the more painful

Rooms in the world I hate this room yep I I share that sentiment man man you were asking last time right why you are running so much this was the reason this pick makes everything so much faster yep yeah man then running is explained I’m I don’t know why I’m

Lagging today from Portal room just take left that’s it outside is stream lagging chat that I don’t think a boss spawn this if we before leaving can we blow up the TNT yeah you can ah okay we’ll do that H by the way I’m pretty sure chests can

Be trapped and if they are tra uh they might explod come left coming coming um stream is good all right all right I’m glad the stream is running smoothly then uh it’s like slightly laggy looking for me I don’t know um I’ll trably like fixing something these are the rooms you’re

Going to find dude special rooms they some are rig with traps and all everywhere I saw one of this kind of room it was a kind of a library yeah yeah do we went West and then the main room we need to go South all right I’ll remember that

H oh another month living chest we need these we need these we need orate and living chest why is there no m in here because they it everything they’re like inside over like building like building you get it like but you be very careful welcome to the dinosaur great to have you here

Man you only needed to find one so it’s not that hard oh yep I kind of want to hit this we open be be my guest you’re just going to explode a little bit that’s about it a lot excuse me CH how you doing dinosaur welcome go to next room dude let’s

See I already went that’s it uh oh yeah I also need that then go to next room dude they already looted everything yeah so I’ll explore so we went West West is a dead end so we’ll head um wow just came around to chill hey that’s good that’s good nice streams I believe

In just relaxing chilling and just uh being um with people just talking um having fun uh nothing too serious around the loot can be and okay everywhere like most of the time it’s and below and it’s Junction we sleeping soon maybe mhm I think till like 1 a.m. and then I’ll also put

Myself to bed I’m slightly tired today got a lot of work to do tomorrow uh so yeah do need some rest South it’s south from the whoops but yeah we’ve got a lot of the things those are the rooms spotted can always I’m looking for o room as wellou and I’ll mine them

Later yeah just take it that’s a dead end so we head in this direction by your farm done yes the iron farm is completed uh now we have to build a base oh orary chest that’s good an crystal that’s good I don’t think I have like or any of my things so [Laughter]

What what do you mean I mean I thought South was a dead end there’s a room here mushroom room living chest oh portal this is really good this is really good chat we got an Omega room here CL your Bounty the nearest bounty table oh that’s a lot of living chest yes

That’s a lot of living chest and I needed them for uh Vault apples as well as knowledge Essence so this is very good having the CLE makes this so much faster I don’t even have to like open the GUI in it you can’t never loot a full wall to never no one can

Ever scrap oh I found a dungeon room wait is a dungeon oh it’s a treasure room uh we need to turn this off put this in and add that to our memory so that our bag actually pick things up and destroys them epic chest no Omega is the best oh yeah yeah sorry

Omega wa see if you can take her body but I don’t know where she died youu but you have durability penalty dude oh so the body won’t spawn right body will be like a ghost in the I seen it in the VA your body will be like a ghost

Body so where did you die sure many mods you unlocked with experience uh two so far we still have like a knowledge Point remaining which I don’t know how to spend we’ll think about it fun will start when you boss with the 20 ft boss going to start spawning dude oh 20 ft

Boss yeah like super big I don’t know if I’m going to make that jump but we’ll try with a water bucket in our hand oh we made it this was a really really good oh there’s more living room like it be like anything could be any room guys I found the X

Room oh you found the X room down yep dig down from this what there might be two two chances it’s either a loot room or a mob trap oh what do you mean mob trap mob trap I mean what I mean they’re going to start chasing you a bunch of

Them you got this man I trust you I trust you come on you got this what are you scared of a few I’m in a living oh my God room so there’s a lot of chest I need I’m just relaxing you know my God look at this amount of uh chest I

Don’t know what mod to unlock next so I’ll probably take your advice chat um I I’m in yep wait wait there it’s going to either be a good thing or a bad thing so you got to do you mean I touched it and came up no no you got to stay down there

For a little bit you can’t just touch it and come it’s like a surprise who what is the surprise is it good or is it bad well hard to without Dash Escape you don’t have Dash is hard did you place a water bucket on top yeah okay good good

So you can swim up good okay let’s did mob spawn do I have to drink the ball uh no it should disappear on itself if it’s loot room there is water is yeah oh my God it’s my favorite room we have to remove the water chromatic iron

Uh no I don’t think so um I don’t know maybe maybe they changed it no it’s not a meme room trust me we got a chromatic Iron Room not some people will say it’s not the best thing in the world but hey man you always need more of these this stuff so having

Fortune and having Miner helps me so much here look at look at look at how much we got just from like that two pieces what if I portal please don’t exam wait you can do that I don’t know I haven’t tested it but I won’t say you cannot do it you

Know instant death for everyone so Co y rooms are actually important y yep I know it’s not that cool looking of a room right is what I’m trying it’s not like a oh cool looking room it’s it’s just a normal looking room but it’s so good

We’ll get like a few stacks and then we’ll this place because the people that don’t know how much chromatic iron you need in this game are just going to be like hey just a normal R room you are so wrong it’s not a normal room [Applause]

Mar what those blocks how do that like design wise uh which is the best room for you you can ping by the Press V and ping it yep uh I like the ones with the coins like the pirate one pirate Co I don’t know what the room’s name is but I call it

Pirate Co where you have like the pirate ship the ocean and the coin piles I love that design wise honestly I love Pirates overall and like just that aesthetic it’s it’s Prett good with you are you [Applause] following are you sure the can have this thing up here ah the generosity come

Here uh my uh how many stacks a lot of stacks these old room suck to this bro I think you mind all this no I may or may not have yeah you have I mind I need that red W dude pay night alexand right which one yeah alexand right open these doors

That’s a lot those are challenge rooms you can kill it go in there is it a challenge room or is he talking about like the treasure room if you can open it if yeah then it’s a challenge room kill it and there’ll be a lot of stuff inside

Dude can you mark where you are just press V Should we kill here press bot I mean there’ll be stuff inside someone will be there uh fire Fury can you I fighting you’ll kill it it’s normal difficulty and you can do it yes in the time you guys will come we loot everything

Guys room is really good dinosaur I like how it look looko we found good room man the living room and then uh the or tromatic Iron Room GG’s good luck good luck on this one um after this we’ll run my Vault the one I made Lev it’s like a little lower level

Okay yes same you’ll get like lower level gear and stuff but yeah group effort is I’m collecting decorative blocks here that’s it I’m not ah there are so many good decorative blocks here yeah wait I also have to complete an alar uh one I see wood there the whole room

Is filled with uh chromatic iron oh yeah the chromatic room we found it are you talking about the challenge room or isomatic room it’s a room like or boss yep yep that’s a chromatic room it’s really that’s a really good room I’m going to die I I not welcome to stream it’s

Great to have you here how you doing yeah that means they are boss they are boss they’re like a skeleton ion or a trophy they will they will also debuff you do they lose spells also ah yeah he just frosted us yeah how you doing not to if you look

At that mob no it will tell you what spell it do it’ll show I can I see someone hello hello guys okay just saying oh you got to find the exit man okay who has the who who made the Cobblestone and who has the planks uh planks is the Exon right plank

Is mine taking the SS and the Cobblestone is mine pointing towards the like the gate okay I exone’s pointing in the other direction the dirt is pointing in another Direction I think we came from this side right this is the entry is it bro that oh my God there’s some hidden rooms

Dude behind walls yep yep yep yep some of the spawners are like behind some corners dude deep inside how you doing on welcome how’s the Friday coming along Fury are you Lost who marked the starting room uh it was it was exan uh-huh so planks okay I found the wild west now I know you really want to do that oh my God who exploded this entire room okay this is I don’t know the starting room no no the wild

West yeah it was all of us wow uh come left what’s the sound oh you found on the crystal no I had Mana shield on dude I need dude I need to get regen dude I need more Mana actually it’s running out you need to get man the Mana region

For that yeah can I increase my Mana I don’t think this was the I’m pretty sure like high levels there is like gear that gives you like plus 20 Mana or plus like 15 Mana something I never seen plus 15 Mana I I only seen region so far no

There there’s plus Mana as well later on uh once you get a table I forgot the table’s name but there’s a table that you can use to like add the modifiers you want right once you get that you can just choose the modifiers which one is

This one where is the exit guys uh this this one South South this okay I’m just kidding did he just crawl through it we got some Jewels we got some gear uh the jewels are not really good we got a mode of clarity though which is

Good we got a oneand I’m not going to use uh maybe we get a good CH out of there I also leveled up what and not really wow [Laughter] Maniac what did he do what happened we have one uh unspent uh exp man removed the

Should be U what oh wow may you no bro he it was good thing I remember we took a left it’s it’s three people’s World against you man Maniac come on what are you saying bro wow Maniac wow Mania well I wouldn’t say I didn’t expect this out of you but

Yeah what is this what are you saying rig h what where yep I was checking my bag and he came from behind bastard like hell more Jewels would I for 13 that’s very good let’s go one more oh that’s legendary rooll but like the size is absolutely

Garbage um not a good one not a good one could have been at my house oh remember I have a house oh the only one who didn’t survive with The in the world you also completed bount you can have my crate have it mining mining that gives resistance what share share it in the chat no I’ll come now wa no no no put in the chat put in the chat Shifty 8:32 chromatic iron my crazy

What is this we got a lot of knowledge a lotties apples that was like such a good run we can make another knowledge y you don’t trust us no thank you the yeah just put in the chat Now press Q H over it and press q no no no h over and press shift and T press shift and T press h over it and press Q oh it has a crown on it dude damn that looks sick what that I still have benite to spare so h Which one look at it look at this you put this on you’ll put this on your left off hand okay like where Shield goes Crystal and you get the power from that thing B another knowledge point in the B uh what can we get for expertise we get infuser did take a

Tinkerer okay Divine heal okay you need to take theal get that that’s good um artian Bing breakable lucky alter Bounty Hunter got that CR after killing that boss now which we killed together no no no no the crown is random it’s not because you killed that thing okay oh [Laughter] Everything disappointing they’ll be useful later we got three Relic what does this Relic booster pack does uh gives you relics there’s a rare chance that gives you Rel chance right clicker I gotot say’ll be you’re level 16 now have two unspent skill points which I’ll probably use to upgrade

Javelin or can we get something make it uh eternals we can’t use that yet battle uh or we can get this see that if you do someone else’s VA no if you don’t have enough level you can’t it also what higher level sag if I’m doing a level 10 like level seven

VA and you get item from that thing which you can identify if it’s level seven you can’t wear it if you below that level seven oh so technically it’s like if you’re doing higher level balls yeah you can’t wear those thing gear you getting unless you’re that

Level okay you can’t level it up any what is the soul B thing I guess if you die in the vault you’ll still get that item wait I want to see the crown where are fire Fury at my home you still have the crown you thought you lost

It I got it back let’s go come cryst we should C this we need magnetite inot I can’t wait to get higher level and you’re going to start opening TT chest and all dude and it’s going to explode on you yep the fun TNT chests yeah there will

Be a trap chest once you get higher level right now you can die one shot you can right click loot everything you see oh at what level that you’ll see dude I think that’s level 20 plus once your beginner thing is gone damn that’s so nice dude looks so nice

Yeah hey give it to me for a second chromatic iron is expensive no did you mine it over there then it you were there right in the room uh no no not chromatic iron chromatic uh steel 3 HP we don’t have enough of those as well

Yeah you get these and all I mean it says on it no so knock back resist is there is a chance that if someone hits you it will knock back increase attack damage 6% you know yeah which thing I think last something increase area of effect there are some talents that you

Know Fireball and that will like do area of area damage perect for you yeah so if you have poison thing it’ll do like it’ll it’ll add on to that you get it it’ll increase that area okay thank you for the gift give it back a don’t do it are you coming back

No Gila I didn’t know you could get netherite scrap out of that that is like literally so why this thing is happening with me again I’ll not give it anyone now come dude here all right chat what should we resources your two unspent skill points we can

Do we can do easy piglins we can do easy villagers we can do uh look so cute though do potions we can do torch Master we can do W Compass we can do trash cans we can do elevators there’s like a lot of options here man we can do drawers we can tomato

Tomato no yeah tomato from Vault NOP no so see as say if you get burger and buns you are supposed to craft it and when you eat it you get experience out of Vault you don’t need to go into oh I have I only have have found like so

Far B che cheese and Patty right what level does tomato start In R bite what is fire element Relic fragment 20 20 plus yeah A Relic uh Relic fragments you need five of them from a set unique ones uh to uh make like a relic which like increases the timer in the waterall by power skill which power skill no I’m talking about knowledge

Points uh which power EMP power wait what did you say bite what uh you need five relics from the like the same group uh to make like a relic uh like Relic shards to make a relic which increases your wall timer inside the wall like I think 30 seconds per Relic nice

Empower what should I research with like my two knowledge points CH I need help I cannot decide moit and every everybody in chat anybody and and anyways welcome to the stream Mo it is great to have you here uh there are power skills in knowledge research or expertise where the knowledge where I’m

Confused these things wall tax is only for attacking and all now it won’t enement Mysteries it is slow yeah these things more talents all right I’m going to run a vault if anybody wants to join in what level is it 14 uh 14 yep yeah I can join I will

Try yeah I can come along no come see the difference in higher level I’ll share the wayo i in knowledge research in knowledge this knowledge I don’t see knowledge iron furnes no power oh yeah uh we can do iron generators but but we don’t need power yet we don’t need power yet MO

We don’t need power yet do we yeah we don’t we don’t have a mod that uses power yet we can go s Soul hares four though group she’s not in group um I don’t know what to research we have two unspent skill points we can go for

Something like to in the group uh we can go something like elev and Stones we can go for something like dra and colossal chest we can go for in the group G a let’s go to that base where he marked who marked me no no in the chat chat may there’s a link

Mine we don’t need power yet we going to need power when we get mods like um applied energetics I’m going to make train after I get unlocked create is six create is expensive man yeah it’s very expensive you’ll have to make it uh away from base or it’ll do

FPS lag FPS issues I have two knowledge points I just don’t know what to spend them on I’m being in dis iive pouch is the most important thing I already got pouches and like SSN I have SSN we have a we have we have a lot of we

Have a lot of Ben how many what is this 21 like Vana immortality means uh Vana immortality means there’s a 21% chance that the uh weapon doesn’t take any durability damage when breaking breaking Vana blocks so like wood uh oh like that okay and CB disum chance or

Trap disarm is very good so if you hold the weapon in your hand or if you add like living Affinity wooden Affinity oret Affinity which allows you to break the chest which makes it by the way very very faster I can break a living chest

Like in a second and I don’t have to open the GOI right um so it that allows me to like there’s like 11% chance if it is trapped it will disarm the Trap I see I don’t know what pulverizing does honestly and this item Rarity like what exactly

Is the item item Rarity basically it gives you um higher chance of getting like a higher level chest and item quantity just makes it so that there’s more items in the chest so it’s really good so when you open it that’s when it applies item Rarity yep item R and item

Gold 22 on this we can get something good on it hold let me get like a jewel applied to this I forgot my helmet can you make an iron helmet for me uh yes hold up what level are you w level W level so what do you need for transmogrification uh Vault

Bronze that’s it yep that’s it don’t you have to unlock the model you have to unlock the model of course ah uh there you go bottom take this it’s in this chest in the middle slot there’s a helmet thank you that thing died portal is just downstairs give me a few

I’m like getting a jewel for this thing yeah I’m pick can’t find it my God I hate having this these many jewels how you light wait can I do transm elra uh no unforunate how isra different color uh cap oh it’s that where you got that cap

From I forgot I have I remember where I got this I don’t remember that’s what I’m saying I disable my K I have one too let’s go I’m I’m ready is anybody else on us yes this is a crate yep right so it’s not a wood uh there’s food in this chest uh

Middle slot I only have those yeah let’s do it again eat a lot of food Okay carry a lot of food dude this Oneal is still I don’t know we’ll come back and we’ll decide but why would you need food wow man why why why yep why why why

Do you need food I mean you don’t regen but you still need it to do you even have heal ability no I don’t oh take it now you should have the point you get one point take this Crystal crystal crystal is level four yeah pacifist press it okay look at the chat

Fire my base my that link last one the crystal press it go to Second tab you’ll see a thing on you see heart icon just get that unlock it and when you press G you’ll heal when you Mana bus I almost thought I lost my chest plate not g second tab heart icon

Heal G is the I mean G is mine default H was default I don’t know if G is default okay you need wall and nether scrap I’ll say you get the wheel for uh every ability then you can select and press yeah I don’t use wheel I

Remoted we should be able to craft one hello de welcome to the stream it’s great to have you here man how you doing welcome aboard let’s hope get a better role on this thing I’ve done let me check I think I can open up my history to um

56 uh where where do you see like how many walls you have done toal 8 it’s in the third it’s in the other tab like second tab on the right side uh 1 M 13 30 13 13 13 yes 13 13 the 30 be level welcome to the stream it’s is great to

Have you here man how are you doing that’s actually good that removes HP but there’s like better armor on it we reroll the prefixes on this this is a sick house thank you appr where is the kitchen roof where’s the bathroom don’t care about those things I just care about

These accessories they are a coming on my way yeah bedroom mechanic this is a actual sheep or sheep statue of no it is an actual sheep yeah press press shift animal so you don’t spam you don’t need tons of sheld lying you don’t need FPS lag pass focus on item

Rarity you’re melting a lot of netherite dude you’re getting netherite scrap out of it you getra of it bomb all right uh who are we waiting on who’s left everyone is in the group right yep let’s hop in please give me seven monoliths uh no

It’s a Elixir run Elixir run oh what is that what is that you only get the bar up by looting boxes killing mobs that bar will go up that’s the objective to this yeah basically do your normal thing that’s it the barel start going up oh let’s

Go be careful okay they’ll do more damage yep um I’m going um West North from here let me Mark the entrance please Mark Mark it normally cool I’m going uh East Side okay actually sorry I’m going north I’m going east west I need to complete this thing where like a weird

Location uh I will find another one who going north with us uh be careful they TR to do a lot bit more damage than care cobone okay nice I broke [Laughter] it very nice firey I made it load Stone Lo Stone load Stone oh you’re going to need

That Mark it you’re going to need it it’s a load stone or is it something else it is a load Stone can’t the it has a e in the end it has e oh I reached this room nice or room nice trap rooms yeah be careful poison okay the

Slime will kill e you don’t need to kill the Slime if you don’t want shard my God they killed themselves and poison there now is The Gather Elixir individual for everyone yep it is individual for every oh guys then you have to the bar on your own

Okay uh so once once one person is done you can help the others they can help other people uh yes I think I remember if I remember correctly only one person can use a load Stone so I think everybody will have to find their own load Stones uh you need to complete the W once the meter is completed you can go right click a load Stone okay oh thank you for saying it early it’s fine it’s fine oh difficulty are you sure very quickly there’s a mob barrier mob cannot

Come out yep but once you go in I cannot come out you can come out I can come out cannot come out yep the mobs cannot clearly I found I found another treasure room dude oh my God no you can you can come out what does this mean uh gorgonite treasure door is

It a room for like entrance you need a key for that you need a key for that okay I don’t have it so everybody uh find their individual load Stones mark them uh because you’re going to need to find them again to exit the worldall okay uh I didn’t heard it

How it looks uh it’s purple it’s like a purple or floating in the air yeah than God ability have a lot of X have 90 minutes uhoh Hunter SP no dude what yeah they spiders are damn op dude they’ll destroy you which said the difficulty hard I

Didn’t know it was so hard I went into an extreme extreme uh door and I regretted it almost instantly yeah when an extreme bro I got destroyed dude I couldn’t do anything channel name 5 stream um uh yeah I’ll get the end roads good idea first things first we need to find

A uh Lo load Stone I got to find the load Stone where is it we lose another one to the world now hey welcome Crystal welcome to my world Turtle oh I’m breaking it with the wrong thing are these you chest both they do trap chest coins G give us like a lot

Of don’t even know that if it is a trap or not without opening it yeah that’s the best part of it dude you don’t even know what I’m lost hello lost I’m B okay I found my way let’s go my my scanner is not detecting anything dude yep same welcome to my

World it’s painful you sure there will be enough load stone for all these people there should be because if I’m not mistaken it generates it uh according to the a number of people that have entered the world it’ll be harder to find yes but they should be

Enough HP of the mob scale according to the how many people in party uh no it only scales about the world scales by the way anybody looking to complete their W I would suggest finding coin piles or ORS they give the most um opening chest also does it right yeah

Opening chest does it but it doesn’t give you as much as like coins and or I’m spider bro I got destroyed immedately spider I would touch it way to die why literally SP dude he just one hit me of course de yeah you’re not alone don’t worry not alone let’s gostal [Laughter]

It’s semi-automatic dude what’s wrong with this slime dude wow more oh I got I think I find I got mine it’s a floating purple right Rock yep floating purple rock did you find it through the like should watch your HP your HP Z your HP guys the status report how is

Everyone doing with their progress I’m done with the uh Pon I’m fighting a lot of slimes completed assist your allies wait so I should activate the load Stone right now or just wait uh you can help people help people so should I activate right now no

No no uh wait wait because you’ll get teleported instantly yeah yeah okay guys I’m helping you guys I’m assisting you how is the bar for everyone anyone is very low mine is half I is 33 I’m done I just don’t have a load Stone there are 10 have 40 minutes I’ll be fine

Though have 40 minutes just Loot and keep doing your normal thing bu you’ll get there guys bro I like these things attacking me and they’re killings which is so satisfying there’s a industrial room if anybody wants to go there’s a lot of mobs but there’s a lot of pack blocks as

Well IND wait wait wait wait wa where is IND I want to find that uh this is uh All the Way North from the main room all the way the yep no but there are a lot of these blocks huh that’s what I’m doing no it is RG gaming welcome to the

Stream it’s great to have here it’s Exon server on it no it is not my server and fine I can understand what you said that’s fine you can type it out you don’t need to delete it I don’t mind the mess I’m just saying I understand Hindi contrary to popular

Belief Bounty is also done nice let’s go I’m I’m concerned about zie slightly concerned about zie don’t did you forget he was a netherborn on your SMP true there were two famous nether BS oh yes of course of course and one useless nether B which is and you remember franel R bite of

Course it’ll be fun right and I’m trying to concentrate real hard and find like the load Stone good luck thanks mate uh you make your way to the uh thing let me know once you’re there I’m just like a few rooms over so I’ll make back I’m literally ignoring every chest I’m

Just looking for or that’s it Li chest oh my God that was a speedy man oh my God these Turtles are crazy dude yep they do a lot of damage and they’re fast as hell you better watch out for those turtles because they’re coming for your

Legs assist your allies like how does it count like if I the Y you anything you do like fills up the bar any action you if you open chest whose bar am I filling um the Clos who uh the person who’s closest to like completion a really so who’s who is

About to finish their bar towards the I’m 50% mine looks like 70% so someone like 75 80 I found a load Stone so I should be able to leave if you can’t finish the vault at least make it back to the portal room like that’s all if you if you think you

Can’t find this go go back portal you can do that yep yeah you can leave this thing but you won’t get any crat or anything you’ll get you get like uh you’ll still get like a lot of XP because it’s a higher level VA for you

Guys Ser I can make a server RJ gaming but I don’t have a hosting website yet I was trying to make like a Ser for like the longest time posting can you sleep in this like in that world and yep yep we count as another di right so yes yes yes we can

Say okay I getting assist your allies now yeah you’re done so any actions you do find lo you need to find load I don’t know how it looks red floating purple color thing yeah red color it’ll be like floating like you know the pylon right that that floating

Thing that gives you refill region this thing it say no there there floating Crystal W thing that’s the same thing it looks like that yep uh slightly different than that air or what uh no it’ll be like one block above the ground like the crystals you still have like 8 minutes it’s fine

Take wow I found thing that greeny to find what I saw it I was in the start who R this part he left the load to find some other load and you can’t find Lo uh always Mark your load Stone I need to set that key bind I’m near exit

Uh but I want to find the Lo Stone I need more more 7 Minutes France uh okay what’s the progress you guys because my end the bar is looking like 90% done 85 90% okay so so so um I’m just going to wow dude I’m just collecting W suet from the boxes because

Cook anyone see extra load you can cook them huh no I’m not I don’t cook no so I just take food only from the boxes oh that’s what I do that’s what I do I don’t I don’t have like how are you doing RJ gaming welcome

To the stream it’s great to have you sorry about that I’m going to un unbox in the found another I I found another no you can’t I don’t think you roll GE I found another load Stone yep uh so you come you come um all the way North from

Like the starting I can’t ping you won’t see it I’m way too far won’t see that far dude not yeah yep come to the main room come to the main room okay I’m coming to the main room I’ll guide you from there somebody completes all these objective till then

Man I’m getting a lot of netherite scrap which is nice netherite scrap is always good okay so uh once you’re there now main room let me know I am there okay go north go north you’ll see like wult rocks that I marked rooms with just keep going north going straight North man

Left what I see this uh not W Rock Cobblestone what I’m coming straight North you should see wall somewhere Vault Cobblestone yeah yep keep going keep going you’ll hit like a industrial room and there’ll be a dead end and you all you need to do is um go

Like um right straight North straight North uh once you hit the industrial room you need to head right and then straight um you’ll hit a hit a room and there’s like wall Cobble Stone in the middle of the room and there’s a load Stone next to it just keep running once

You hit the industrial room let me know well that’s trapped imagine loadstone also becomes a trap dude that’ll be very nice that doesn’t happen at least like till level 25 I haven’t played for wait does happen I don’t know didn’t before that be hilarious if they changed it I can’t tell youting back

Wait Z you found one yep it was right next to me H I got the indust okay head right head right head right right okay what try to find one I know I love how you found one and then then then head back man there’s no point

In waiting around you only have 3 minutes left so yeah I keep going keep keep going right keep going south south or east now I turned right okay go back go back keep going south from the place actually no that’s East that keep getting heat east east east east

East wrong direction keep going east if you still have 3 minutes you’ll be fine actually I think East only right yep east east keep going east yeah keep going east keep going east there should be like in the middle of the room there should be VA Cobblestone that is surrounding like a

Your keep going east I don’t know how load Stone looks it’s there this Lally likeall no there’s literally a wall of Vault cobblestone in the middle of the room and there’s like a purple floating thing next to it you’ll know how it looks then I think I have this

Uh just find the wall of VA cob I think it is there in the center okay go click it go right click it oh yeah I saw it okay go right click it okay now it will teleport okay uh does it say teleporting in yeah okay yeah you’re done with the wall Then bottom status negative sir so many things I’m running for my life Welcome oh man how was your high level experience bro dude those those Turtles no worries I have Turtles behind me I have creepers I have God I am dead no no turt run through different random rooms

So you probably find a load Stone if you can’t find it you’ll just just keep running through rooms don’t but get good oh meaning that’s clearly better than our current helmet it can be oer and Below also by the way like when you get in Junction

Can I don’t think he has enough time I don’t think he has enough time s that’s why you take Ki with you it applies in party also now if anyone has yes oh no welcome parted byep see the easiest way to Mark is just like put like blocks around it and like

As you go to different rooms place blocks behind you from the direction you came so that you can trace back your steps a okay that Mark yep that is until you get you’re rich enough to get like Walt Compass which is this is way far why the did you open the

Crate uh nope not yet I’m opening it fire Fury no not yet I God that’s a lot of stuff what level is it in front of you it’s level LEL 14 yeah can even equip it NOP no but they get other useful stuff uh from it yeah you shall be

Fine but if you get good stuff you can use it later on yeah yeah true wonk boots interesting yes you can equip it look like yeah man P I’m sorry that was that was honestly that was a good Vault but the the load Stone thing was um Elixir will be loadstone only

Obviously yes this was the first time what is this T bount table normal Shield Bounty table you can get extra missions done and you do that mission The Vault you get reward for it that that we’ll keep that I don’t know if that does more damage or not they’ll

Also give 23 fness leggings wait I want to see this it looks like this WOW legging and you guys are getting crazy luck here you saw saw it hard and you just went in there but he just to tap tap tap wait you can wear it what level is it

You can wear it but it is useless oh oh so the ability wait yeah won’t do anything it yeah it won’t do it is written there that this amount of level oh okay so you can put it on but it won’t give you any of the benefits

Yeah yeah that makes sense keeping the Box only just I got a fish from it that Myster you’re supposed to craft it you don’t open it into something yeah you can you need km for it you can craft that into a skeleton key or into a Myst hos

A sorry moit I forgot the end rods that would have been good decoration we make another can you guys stop please it’s we need um well I got like four or five nether scraps in one world at least I don’t know how to go nether egg using spawner ah oh yeah you

Can make spawners like and then put the eggs in it so yeah hard leggings nice to can it doesn’t look Good sand and Sal raw salmon and what is this chipped Joel have to go uh chip you use them for uh crafting you need a jewel cutting station Jewel okay that’s kind of expensive um we going need sand to smelt that down

We need um wood uh 1 2 3 4 we need uh steel one two uh get to level 17 eat burgers all righty and uh larimar which we have way too much of what what does this egg does mystery egg egg um burger if you don’t have any Burger stuff maybe maybe in

Here we already ate all the burgers so we can’t I hello what’s the next Bounty that gives us a lot of diamonds we can go with that pay night or but that’s going to take time to complete I should what do you think Chad should we reload

This it also gives like a lot of chromatic stealing GS but that’s going to take like a little while to like get started with roll uh Bounty p Comm Comm plus boots two WS at least yeah oh it gives us a repair code that is really really expensive you don’t

Know how expensive repair Cordes are look at this thing it needs an extraord repay night we have like a few of these but too much to M yeah but but this is a should should we do this 103 gold I don’t think we have enough gold but we

Can just go to the Nether and get it or should we roll it for like a better um I guess reward but it gives us diamonds gold uh VA gold as well as like repair core and Bo what do you guys think what are you guys thinking I’m see 103 is still easy

That’s what I’m saying it’s not that hard I just go to the Nether and but reroll or go do it we have a jewel applicator now we don’t need this St for now so we’ll this have a jewel cutting station now with uh a lot of work yeah okay we’ll go

To the nether then I don’t have a portal AR my God Phantoms are starting to get annoying yep a lot can we sleep today these guys okay black mark Matic iron we running out of hooked ones so we can hello JJ welcome to the stream how

You doing it is great to have you here man welcome aboard blood lines portal where is Bloodlines portal have that sleep is good sleeping I don’t have oh I can give you wol I can make and take anything but I am in the dungeons deep underground where’s blood where’s

Bloodline uh we place this down right under that’s not a good R it’s morning already none of these are good roles full diffuser I don’t think we can get that yet maybe we can black chromatic perect black opal which we can make man leveling up level dude need to ex

House oh yeah yeah it’s definitely a lot a little grinder but uh it’s fun fun especially when you have like a party good night dinosaur I’ll see you around have a good day take care that means in higher Lev you had to coordinate and play together dude uh because dude

Higher levels are brutal because before uh before like a few updates when I played last there was no like these potion whils m so the only way you could heal was golden apples and golden apples were expensive to make really really expensive we need gold blocks to make

Golden apples no no no uh yeah okay wait hold up uh I don’t know if the recipe has changed let me see I saw oh yeah these things uh and you needed portion of yeah W apple is needed Al yep and you needed to make like potion of healing which required I I’m

Pretty sure yes a golden apple so it was like really really expensive to heal in the world if you didn’t have the heal ability so I’m glad they added these Wilds which are like which gives you like a ton of HP for basically a uh those out we got like a single End

Rod I wonder where my Elite there it is Chad you didn’t tell me what should we research with our knowledge points what should we do with them I don’t know where blood lines portal is but I know where ex I needed to do a quest so I was here ex are

Home huh why uh do you have a portal NE the portal no I don’t have another portal bloodline has one dude go into the B sign it’s there b sign you want to come making right now see this one oh that c go down take left I got there’s a lot

Of those ah there it is it goes directly to Crimson for so they Crimson oh nice I hope I don’t die hogland hoglins are honestly more scary than anything found in the world um when will I see ravager in Vault oh no please no please I’m pretty

Sure that they’re going to be there’s going to be like a another themed one and they’re going to be there but I don’t want to I just funny dude D you get one shot lit yo y a second a second I us Dash by mistake mine see you there what

Let’s see what all versions of the uh there used to be like a fortune version but they added that into expert I used I that’s what I sorcery I thought I my gu Expertise oh Talent oh okay oh okay wow wow take some NE CH bye-bye bye-bye I don’t know bro 249 yeah you you are in nether rig yep I think I heard somebody needed NE come now where is your nether portal I don’t have one your xp5 let me check let

Me I if I remember correctly there was something that I just don’t uh but I don’t remember if it’s what what I’m trying to oh yep it’s it’s a knowledge concentrator um it’s from thermal expansion oh no okay I’m good you to research that first is it is it easy insightful

Crystal um I don’t remember hold up insightful Crystal knowledge concentrator right yeah should be allows XP to be stored and reted wait there should be that as well yes yes there should be that to the to uh no there’s no should be uh XP but there the X that’s that’s what I was

Checking there’s no X at least if there was I I couldn’t find X vuum magment yes I think so I might not be 100 can I store experience in my bag also when I get a bag don’t think you can there is experience from sophisticated core backpack how we get research Point guys

Uh you need I think we make another knowledge St we check druidcraft nope bro druidcraft would have been so nice that what should we research with our knowledge points come on chat help me out please I really want to research some mods but I don’t know what to

Research uh and we can make another one iron farm is not working it should be working let me check up on it I think because you AFK tell your options okay I’ll tell my options hold up let me make another knowledge star so that our options are more expanded now it’s working

Yeah I can just do balance GD here I’ll tell you the options hold up oh that’s exactly 103 de press how do I submit this there we go what a repair code now which is like a huge let’s roll this as well and let’s make another knowledge star so we need

Benti we need diamonds we need s that should be enough I think to make ourselves yep that is exactly enough to make ourselves another one of These oh oh my the boots are not exactly better they give the same armor they have healing efficiency and Mana region and health I’ll show you my options once we are done sleeping all right here are my options we have stack upgrade we have Auto refill we have Auto feeding we have

Bells um we have uh V Stones torch Masters trash can Vault Compass elevators we have potions we have easy villagers um I I don’t that’s not going to be useful kerium and mobs owners hm sounds useful um we also have mining gadgets um we we

We need one more for uh AE or uh refine storage um then we can okay those are the options what do you think chat JJ those were the options Kim sounds useful honestly uh what do you need for Kim though hey that is hella expensive oh we can’t make

That and not even get started with it man it is so expensive oh my I think it would be reasonable oh my that is the opposite of oh at the rate ice that oh but that is so expensive my God and know we we even if we research

Them they are useless they’re basically useless we cannot get started on them anytime soon so JJ what do you think what should we go for that’s on positions potions what do you mean potions I don’t know how useful portions are going to be I don’t know what they

Do I can’t tell po about like What potions are B potions on the AL table tions upgrad and they can hold one modifier actually that might be good alemy table can even make Che elevator yeah elevators are useful I I do know about elevators those are we don’t have the we don’t have

Yes we don’t need VA Compass we can just Mark for now that’s that’s how we going uh okay wait okay repeat that uh I have no idea let me check I I can hide the ions right that also yeah I don’t think you move this leave storage for now uh yeah I

Think I think Storage storage for now is s Ed off out with SSN maybe like I I can add like drawers to the mix but yeah for now it’s sorted out you can find whatever we need in there um so storage is not an issue for now elevators would be useful for um

Like just going from places or we can do W Stones like just going somewhere it’s going to be so much easier to just like just use a w Stone rather than flying there let’s say I have to go back to my base which somewhere I I think I didn’t mark this

Place you can go torch master that that that like then elevator yeah we or we can go torch Master which which will allow us to like anything of machine which machine create is six points so we can I guess wait for create or something party was disbanded Vault

Compass points towards the exit of the vault at all times that’s what uh wal do does anyways uh pH UHA and Tanish pil as well as Mash great to have you all here man how you all doing welcome AB welcome Phantom membrane yep and if it has enchants if

It doesn’t have enchants you can use a crafting table if it doesn’t have enchants then you can use a crafting table n crafting table invent I okay then I guess I’m remembering wrong then you’ll have to use an anal wait uh what does w Compass do uh W

Compass again as that’s what said W Compass is useless for you then uh yeah meaning we can just mark it right we don’t need the compass so we’ll rule out the compass elevators are useful later you can uh you can make robot you know

It I know that I know that but for now I’m talking about like for now early game we’re talking about early game useful mods I know Iron furnaces are going to be useful but that requires four so we going to have to wait uh building gadgets

Um that’s useful but not right now I will do it by hand easy Villers is useful because that that allow us to like make a trading Hall in like a tiny space make farms and stuff it adds a lot of things Jak tell me one thing my has

Nine mining speed okay mhm if I add a CH 12 which says plus 58 mining speed it will add right to the N mining speed yep it’ll add to the 9 mining speed yeah I know we can make like robots and stuff but like I’m I’m talking like what

Do we do right now we can thermal we can’t go mechanism we can’t go botania we can’t go create we can’t go we can’t go any of the big big mods we can go into a few of the production mods we can go into Alchemy mods we can go into

Quality of life changes we can go into Power which is not useful right now the main power mode I want is just power we can go belts which gives us like a bigger bigger pouch I think you make only 20 knowledge in total I think you can make more

Knowledge points right I don’t think there’s a limit to knowledge points and I’ve only made like five so far because you do get all of these mods later on so that’s maybe you say guess uh I think I I like the sound of potion because they can hold one

Modifier um and they’re better vials basically so that’ll give us more healing uh to work with um but we can’t make the AL me table we can go get the stuff for it sure um you can go for elevators which will just allow us down up easily um

Um or easy villagers which is I I I guess the best option I’m thinking easy villagers just because of the fact that all TCH torch Masters because this will allow us to light up our entire 64 blocks around the torch 64 blocks is a large area that huge island that we’re building

On 20 is for that expertise yeah expertise is 20 uh Tanish I think because uh when I was playing the game expertise was not a thing I was playing before expertise was added potion and W Stone I think we a little little t t here can I do a poll

Over here because I I’m really indecisive you is T Master sounds good let’s see we we have a few split options uh because I’m thinking torch Master is a really really good option but let us see what we need for torches right first uh because if it’s too expensive it’s

Not worth it torch Master Mega torch E Yeah there a no I cannot make it I cannot make it it’s an echo Jem I don’t I don’t have a single Echo Jam I don’t have a single Echo Jam not a single Echo Jam you can do poll one expertise for

Per five level yeah how do I do a poll sorry CH I’m new to YouTube and everything I I exactly me I’m I’m I’m coming back to YouTube after a while so I don’t exactly remember how do you do a poll we we’ll do a poll I

Um is it similar to like twitch or something where I just do SL pole that didn’t work that’s some bad Waypoint is the last option because that uses XP as well start a poll okay there we go ask a question uh I’m used to Twitch man uh what mod should we

Unlock yeah should unlock next we have okay we we’ll go from the few options we have elevator we have portions we have uh Way Stone we have torch master and we can only have four options that’s a shame and we have easy villagers which I can’t

Add so I guess elevator is uh actually elevator is still good I guess I’ll remove W Stone we don’t need that we have an elra we can fly around we’ll do easy Village what else was there yep that’s about it I’ll start the poll you guys

Can start voting on I think you invest in Those whom um you will B make for now yeah that’s what I’m saying uh we can make we okay torch Master is out of the question we can’t make it Echo jems out of the question Alem table we can get the

Ingredients and make uh villager stuff we can make I know for sure we can make vators we can make for sure I know that um belts we can make uh actually let me check up on belts they they they are expensive it needs a Pog I think if you

Don’t have aalum we don’t have Gite um G so we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 we’re missing two hello we don’t have like hi y oh hello make all right so we have a 62% vote for elevators and 25% for um Potions all right go with that then anyone name all come

Server no no right no no okay we literally need uh Maniac huh can I borrow a burger and a patty uh wait let me check yes all right I’ll come to I lost my uh yeah Patty I have buns I just need the Patty I just need the Patty I have

Buns sure what happened oh my God I am creepers are blowing up my Sher boxes dude like four there we go we got um I’ll have to go to the Nether Again ah I didn’t went to NE yet I need what to get the quarts that’s it then I

Went back I need the warts yep that does the job level up thanks man appreciate it I think we can make uh thanks for the uh uh the tip of making the pole by the way Maniac U really helped me out thanks a lot Mania has been sort of like my

Semi Mentor for YouTube um there we go and we have leveled up what should we put the skill point in I am thinking we upgrade our Dash I don’t we can get M Power um but he uses a lot of Mana 12 Mana per second we don’t have that kind of Mana Reon

Honestly that’s two that is good Rampage is very good um warp going upgrade on Nova which increases its ability power that increases its uh radius finess minor Mana Shield uh I tried it it uses a lot of uh is Mana Shield this thing oo giv you man Shield after absorbing

Your next attack damage should be uh added your next attacks damage will be added to a percentage of the absorb damage and dealt to the mobs around you oh oh that’s kind of crazy good that’s kind of good all right we go Mana shield and we’ll go select specialization try it

Out we toggle it if something hits me uh we got to find something to hit me uh zombie come hit me come on you got this 10 damage with the Thorns like that vibranium and it’s regenerating pretty okayish with the ability activated even hey thanks for the suggestion moit

That’s a that’s a really good ability that’s a really good ability uh we can make elevators yep see they’re not that X 100% of the damage damn we got to level that up uh can we do we want to remove points from anything and put that into there then I don’t think

So maybe we can get a point of Javelin but I kind of like the ability because it’s useful but you only get one back I used two for this we can get piercing Javelin sight Javelin the damage is like reduced way reduced like that there like 40 we’ll keep the base

Traving we can have like this Mana Shield up always yep let’s make a potion table uh alchemy table you’re going to need to have to go to the nether for it and look for a for TR because we need nether War unless there’s other another way to get it this

Mod pack which I don’t think there is except like maybe mystery boxes like mystery items from like mystery boxes why is there a creeper in a boat I won’t kill it maybe something somebody wanted it for something I’ll just let it stay there but it also absorbs fall

Damage but that’s a great ability to have um head to the nether probably end the stream it’s like almost first we got to Mark the you got to level this thing up man this thing is going to be useful also need a soul s for something I don’t remember exactly what but I

Think it was a soul diffuser because that needed Soul not This also needed this guy Ste for you NE Fortress the Bastion over there I can one of my speeduns but I don’t remember it so I guess we just fly around find Any doesn’t go exactly asra I this H fire Fury aha we found it hopefully there’s some nether warts in here don’t need H what’s this onite Rod I have no clue what it does seems fancy aha found it thing we were looking for technically speaking I can just things they attack me

Um this thing does it use more Ana yep it use good to know that is good to know chat yeah it’s getting pretty late we’ll get back to base we’ll make like the potion thing let see where we go can oh more of these always nice always nice all righty let’s head back

Now not forget that we what we were looking for think I remember how to get back is f up that’s still not enough here hello hello what’s going on here yep got them last here block what say oh there must be a Green Block here e d

E I’m used to having Dash on this like really short this long nice try speed running dude oh by the way I’ll be moving next to you what I’ll be moving in next to you where on the big on the island I think we should all build in the island itself

Bro uh okay if you can cut whatever I have done here no that’s why I Haven started building I have a few designs done I’ll cut paste it is actually build like in that main island only on honestly I don’t know why we actually feel so far

Apart honestly I just found this place it was like go with this let’s build on the island only no like the start Island start to spawn there are already reserved Nothing Is Res just build on your own if you want more spes make space in that Island

Dude Crystal’s house on there there is an iron farm and yeah but there is still a lot of space you can always like expand the side dude and just build over it it’s not like you can’t build anymore I needed a lot of space big space can grow NE WS I I’ll grow

That actually I need to make a space for Farms chromatic actually fire Fury these houses in a Mainland dude so you can actually build over there yeah I asked Spybot to build uh close by only he yesterday you’re going to need a lot like crystal hasn’t built either either

Just she just she just have burst up and this is expensive where did did people started people was there uh yesterday did she build no she looked for she said she’ll build backside between mine and Rick’s house okay we should do that only dude just build like close

Close I’m going to build another one after this where yeah near the mainland only dude somewhere near like all the people oh then build that canonic Canon dude you know how much you need research points for that dude I would actually pack this and build it

There I mean you only need six for create you know how six dude you know how much dude good luck getting knowledge sir dude too much expense yes yeah too much expenses dude you you don’t realize I’m trying to make a alchemy table right now all right you know how much carbon that

Uses I’ve used like eight stacks of carbon so far and it’s still not enough you put points into what thing uh I have put um hold up I have put points in uh double pouches simple uh storage networks elevators and pors portions technically speaking I’ve used enough points uh whereas I could have

Like used one more point I am going to probably get Creator mechm mechanism I’ll go with the reactor thing yep I I I’ll probably get create first like next the next mod that I’m unlocking is this thing is expensive comp uh research point what else do we need portal we that should be

Everything wait 5 how do you know about the schematic Cannon what what how do you know about the schematic Cannon I have played cre ah one speed for 10 seconds restore 40 Mana two absorption H one regeneration what should we add chat immortality okay um Maniac I’m going going need your help all

Right he’s ignoring you all right man fair enough okay Exon I’ll ask you the same question that I was going to ask Maniac I can get a extra effect on my potion what should I go for what is your options uh excuse me I can either make the

Potion restore 40 Mana uh give me one speed for 10 seconds give me regeneration for 20 seconds plus one uh give me plus two absorption Hearts give me immortality for 4 seconds or uh cast level one depends on how you play also no do it it like tank

HS tank hits then you don’t have Mana Shield or anything right uh I do have Mana shield now isn’t it so I guess have something that that is her Escape dude your thing immortality yeah that’s good because like can it refills also right yep it refills I exactly dude it’s you only die

In this game because of like you need time for some break couple of 3 4 seconds that change the game there was a time I got pushed into some things and I couldn’t get out if I had like 3 4 second I would have got out morality is poison

Yeah to make a w diffuser as well and people were saying to stop doing walls what the only reason I’m able to like make things without like thinking about them is because I did so many W runs have the materials to do this thing there we

Go glad we had that exra black running around Black Op is not easy something this chunk that junk h also have to we just need two pieces of we can actually find all the way over there what do you mean haha things are expensive man things are very

Expensive I end the stream in like 5 minutes after making this I’m tired P Miner saves lives there we go place it right next after knowledge start I’ve already done that oh my God that armor is crazy okay better helmet now um oh no no get uh chat that’s hope you

En I’ll be seeing you all in the next one so stay safe I’ll be thank you everyone foring by thank you for by good night good night M for hoping on appreciate it good day everyone I’ll uh

This video, titled ‘An Explorers Guide to….. Vaults And Base Building! | Vault Hunters | Modded Minecraft |’, was uploaded by RIGBYTE on 2023-10-06 21:11:03. It has garnered 176 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:39 or 10179 seconds.

Join me in uncovering the secrets of a new Minecraft mod pack as we start afresh and tackle the threats and challenges thrown at us by the vaults!!! If you are new around here, consider subscribing, its free and it really helps me out! Lets get to a 1000 subs soon! 📷 Instagram • https://www.instagram.com/rigbyte 🕊️ Twitter • https://twitter.com/RIGBYTE1 😃 Discord • https://discord.gg/p6hg3bx 🕹️ Twitch • http://twitch.tv/rigbytettv

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  • Surviving 100 Days in Enshrouded – Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber!

    Surviving 100 Days in Enshrouded - Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in Enshrouded as a Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber…’, was uploaded by Corinthius on 2024-06-22 18:10:33. It has garnered 23342 views and 1321 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:56 or 1496 seconds. Begin Your Own Adventure in Enshrouded Today: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1203620/Enshrouded?utm_source=Influencers&utm_campaign=Corinthius&utm_content=Youtube&utm_medium=220624 I survived 100 days in Enshrouded as a hardcore minecraft youtuber… Herobrine is back and infecting my whole computer! He managed to escape minecraft and went into a whole new game, corrupting it with his shroud of fog. It’s up to me to stop herobrine and bring him back to minecraft…. Read More

  • Exploring Minecraft’s Terrifying Creepypastas

    Exploring Minecraft's Terrifying CreepypastasVideo Information This video, titled ‘YUK NOBAR CREEPYPASTA TERSERAM YANG ADA DI MINECRAFT! Minecraft’, was uploaded by MOIK on 2024-05-31 14:12:00. It has garnered 15144 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:17 or 6017 seconds. ● Follow my other social media, guys: Instagram https://www.instagram.com/noffan.chandra ● Donation: https://saweria.co/MOIK For donations, I do not force you to donate because this donation can be for you to give appreciation to this channel and support this channel so that it continues to grow and become even better. Thank you to those of you who have watched this video until the… Read More

  • Surviving ULTRA HARD MINECRAFT without sound?! 😱 #minecraft

    Surviving ULTRA HARD MINECRAFT without sound?! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sobreviví en MINECRAFT ULTRA HARDCORE (Sin ESCUCHAR el Juego 😨 – El Primer CABALLO) #minecraft’, was uploaded by TheSamael on 2024-01-16 13:00:22. It has garnered 91 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. My Day 18 inside MINECRAFT HARDCORE.. No audio and some other stuff!! SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND SHARE! 📲 SOCIAL NETWORKS 👇 – I: https://www.instagram.com/antonnyjmd/ – T: https://www.tiktok.com/@thesamaelgamer 🔨 MC: Java version 1.16.5 Read More

  • Ultimate Enchantments Hack – Beginner’s Neural AI Setup

    Ultimate Enchantments Hack - Beginner's Neural AI SetupVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hostile Neural Networks – Beginner Guide & Automation Setup | All The Mods 9’, was uploaded by EpicEnchants on 2024-03-24 19:00:07. It has garnered 35334 views and 903 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:43 or 943 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft All The Mods 9 Guides! 🙌 I will show you the basics of the Hostile Neural Networks Mod in Minecraft All The Mods 9. Also I will share a easy and compact system for a Hostile Neural Network Automation. Have fun! 📌 In this episode, we’ll cover: 0:00 Intro 0:45 Data Model… Read More

  • Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server & Play Mini-Games 24×7

    Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server & Play Mini-Games 24x7Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft live with Subscribers | Join my Server || 24×7 Smp || Playing mini games with Subscribers’, was uploaded by Bladesoul Gaming on 2024-02-26 19:11:28. It has garnered 69 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:55 or 3535 seconds. 🎮🌟 **Welcome to our Minecraft Universe!** 🌟🎮 Embark on an epic journey with us as we delve into the vast and vibrant world of Minecraft. From constructing awe-inspiring structures to exploring the endless landscapes, each live stream is a unique adventure filled with creativity, thrill, and fun. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer… Read More


    🔥 SCARIEST MINECRAFT SEEDS EVER 😱 #666Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MOST SCARY SEEDS 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR SEED 666 | MINECRAFT HORROR |’, was uploaded by Prabhat Playz on 2024-04-25 03:41:32. It has garnered 415 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:47 or 1007 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art… Read More

  • Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex’s Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraft

    Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex's Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Touching Story about the brotherly love of Baby Steve and Baby Alex |Gegagedigedagedago #minecraft’, was uploaded by DinoToons – Funny Animation on 2024-05-06 09:00:33. It has garnered 46405 views and 1343 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Good Deeds VS Bad Deeds? Baby Alex VS Baby Nugget |Gegagedigedagedago #minecraftshorts #story #steve #alex #animation #minecraft #nuggets 👇👇👇 https://youtube.com/shorts/d5Hunp9oDvs 🦖If you like our videos please help us reach 10M Subs 👇👇👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmPD2hUI5xlN17sX2HxDKsQ?sub_confirmation=1 ♥ THANKS FOR WATCHING! ♥ ⛔️ Copyright by Antztoons – Do not Reup #antztek #antztoons #antzanimation Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys” #glavstroy #minecraft

    "Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys" #glavstroy #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Girls vs Boys in minecraft… #glavstroy #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Shadow Despot on 2024-05-02 16:30:18. It has garnered 10708 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore a pixelated, procedurally generated 3D world with infinite terrain. Players can discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures or earthworks. The game features various modes, including survival mode where players must acquire resources to build the world and maintain health, and creative mode where players… Read More


    EFEKAN TRANSFORMS INTO A CAT?! 😱🐱Video Information This video, titled ‘EFEKAN KEDİYE DÖNÜŞTÜ! 😱😺 – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft Parodileri on 2024-07-04 08:00:11. It has garnered 945208 views and 15005 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:06 or 606 seconds. In this video, Efekan turns into a Cat and has a bunch of new cat friends. While walking with his cat friends, they suddenly encounter a Dog gang and things get bigger. SUBSCRIBE NOW: https://www.youtube.com/minecraftparodileri?sub_confirmation=1 Don’t miss our #richpoor series, be the first to comment. Subscribe to my #Minecraft channel! Don’t forget to turn on notifications 🙂 Episode: 1860 MOST LOVED MINECRAFT VIDEOS… Read More

  • Vycital SMP

    Vycital SMPA fun Vanilla Minecraft server for you and your friends to play on! We offer solo survival adventures, factions, and more! Read More

  • One Month Survival SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist

    Welcome to my custom survival world! If you’re looking for a new world to explore with friends, you’re in the right place! I’ve created a form for anyone interested in joining. Just fill out some general information and how to contact me. Join the adventure here! Read More