Ruthless dragon takedown in our Minecraft server

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[Applause] Hello good morning everybody hi Cary hello Stickman and yeah Welcome Back Carmen I hope you’re doing good I hope you all are doing good I’m still setting up a little bit because haa I didn’t update my game not yet on this profile okay one second I have to do one quick

Thing and my model’s going to completely break uh yeah I’m doing good thank you for thank you for asking I’m very sleepy I went to bed very late last night um so we’ll we’ll see how this goes and Stickman I hope you’re ready because um I don’t know where we’re going so

We’re and I feel that kind of bad for this we’re going to be fighting the Ender Dragon CU Stickman Steve has been bugging me to do this and I thought hey we should stream it so here we are we’re going to be streaming it I don’t know where it is is

I think I’m ready we’ll see I’m kind of relying on on Stickman to uh guide me here but uh this is also this is on the community server so if anybody wants to join our fight you feel free to I just have to do of course somebody’s asking me to do something for

Them right as I start streaming cuz why not apologies we we’ll get started really soon Here but yeah how how is everybody’s day day going oh okay I as far as I know I don’t think any anybody has has done it so far has has Cod the uh Ender Dragon so far so we’ll we’ll see I think it it will be okay I think we’ll be good Do go almost done and I actually have to do the do the Game this is SCU this isn’t Scuf at soup oh what kind of soup sounds so good it’s such such the weather for soup I love a good soup okay that should be good it should be good oh he I’m back almost almost oh I’m shaky there we go oh

Ah come on you can do a V2 Studio mushroom Soup sounds good oops okay there we go all right almost there but yeah it’s um it’s like it’s been very cold here we’re we’re trying to figure out if it’s going to snow or not where I live and uh if it’s snowing for any of

You guys let me know cuz I love the snow got unsold fish bread for my local fish Bakery huh what is fish bread is it just like um fish baked in a bread kind of a thing okay I think this is there we go there we go is it going to let me

Yeah bread with fish on it I see okay sounds good sounds good I’m a fan of fish Hey we’re here finally okay oh what happened to oh it’s just loading I think why am I Getting such low frame rates why why I mean that’s fine okay so I have been playing a lot just on my own I don’t know if anybody’s watch the last stream but we we built a bunch of things uh since then uh or stuff another oh hey

Stickman um okay so if we want to go do that immediately let’s go let’s do It but yeah I made this cool patana thing oh I have a bunch of stuff it’s fine it’s not like I’m going to die or anything oh gosh frame rates Please Oh Goodness but yeah also I’m very i’ I’ve checked out some of the stuff that stick’s done is their tree that has a very um dangerous looking uh nuclear reactor in it oh my God gosh this frame rate this stupid frame rate oh I can’t even okay use this how do I

Okay how does that help Us I don’t know I know very little about what’s oh excuse me what’s going On that’s a little better okay all right let’s do it um yeah I have a ton of stuff that should be fine that should be fine I’ll put on my um my jet pack though I did make a jet pack can I just do no okay that’s lame that’s fine

That’s fine it’s already over there okay I’m ready I’m ready watch this just crash that’s the other thing that um about this mod pack is just it it boy does it crash but I try to do my best to like fix all of it oh there we go yeah okay oh this is

Cool very cool I see I See all right Stickman Ah okay before we start one second I need to change one thing or did we start we may have started okay well never mind I’m sure it’s fine it’s cuz um my key binding is kind of suck right now watch my a it’s I have plenty plenty

Of fuel what what’s the worst could happen bang bang hey JQ welcome welcome a we just fighting this end Dragon we’re getting right into It Bang let’s see can I just um yeah yeah I hope you’re doing well JQ but uh I wonder what mod uh does all this oh I missed there s flying all over the place okay I guess we just attack that’s all of them yeah oh dang uhoh s Red is that it are we we done with the fight now oh yeah G3 oh I’m I’m sorry to hear that oh yeah oh my goodness there you go there you go you can get your stuff back well that was Fun I’m stealing all the experience it looks cool this whole Arena looks pretty Cool I feel like I was probably a little over prepared well JQ no oh my gosh my my bad JQ Stickman I don’t know what Stephen did has like crazy stuff my week my we was pretty good I’m pretty tired I just didn’t go to sleep last night pretty

Much so I’m I’m very uh very sleepy oh we fighting again okay that’s fine or is this like a phase two sort of a Thing heang Wow if I could hit that oh I guess stman already did it hey Diddy welcome welcome enjoy your stay uh we’re just uh I am kind of help being fighting this fight I don’t think I’m doing much though uh stick and Steve here’s the thing with stick and Steve they

Basically live on the server pretty much well yep there’s That so they have all sorts of crazy crazy cool Stuff Heang Uh this doesn’t look Good well there goes number two that’s two d yeah cool that’s real cool though I wonder I see this I wonder what Mom oh my goodness am I tired I I wonder what mod does this is what I’m trying to say not Mom we did it cool and I didn’t

Die and that’s all honestly that’s the best I can hope for uh I guess we just go explore now oh it’s m Sky I see yeah I whenever I play um whenever I end up playing Minecraft stuff I never end up doing magic so I know very little about magic mods I end

Up doing tech tech stuff even then like I don’t know much about I I honestly don’t know nearly as as much as other people do about attacking things but anyways that was fun that took us a whole 10 minutes I was even joking to myself before the stream was like oh man we’re

Going to theme this whole fight well this whole stream this like 4our stream about um fighting the Ender Dragon and it’s only going to take us like 10 minutes but it’s fine it’s fine we’ll mess around exploring stuff we’ll go uh did I bring I didn’t I don’t I don’t have

Another way Stone but we can go go into the next area but first I need to fix this stupid controls this key I didn’t add them okay this it’s this dumb thing so I don’t use this at all so um plus No what’s yeah there we go all right let’s go we figured it out assuming it’s one of these it was nice it was fun oh s did you bring a um how have I been I’ve been doing doing good I’ve been tired I didn’t sleep well

Last night but I’m doing a lot better so thank thank you for asking and I hope your your day is going good too what’s this A wow cool um but yeah I need I need a wayone we probably should have one here somewhere okay cool oh you got the wink

Okay all right here you go jaku there we go there’s a wink uh there’s not a lot around here is there I do wish the St pack was faster but yes how how’s your day been uh dy I hope I hope everybody days been going good been staying warm I don’t really know what I’m looking for I guess oh oh look at that we already found a thing pretty good some SC go Pikachu I haven’t played let go Pikachu yet I’m a I’m a fan of Pokemon um that was one of the ones I didn’t end up playing but

That sounds like fun I hope I hope uh I hope you enjoy right now tell me how it goes too cuz I don’t really know too much about that one I know it’s um gen one uh which is cool but I don’t really know much Else bang you can’t make me fly I’m already flying Socialized wow cool oh cool cool ooh things nice nice I I’ll take these are these okay those are those are lter gu this bicyle s what oh my gosh that’s horrible I think okay dang this is good loot and then I’m just going to take this elyra cuz I have a feeling nobody

Else really Cares yeah dang that sucks I I’ve seen things like that happen so I was a while back when we were me and my brother were uh waiting to pick up waiting some for some food we’re picking up some food so uh and we were just sitting in the car and this

This poor girl she like was skateboarding and absolutely ate it on the sidewalk right in front of us and we felt so so bad I don’t know if she knew we were if we were there or not probably not considering uh ah ah these things stop it

Yeah uh but yeah we felt so bad about about her she it must have been very um embarrassing I’m sure but anyways that that kind of stuff really sucks a dang we’re getting all sorts of stuff Shadow GLA oo more diamond stuff okay I have no idea where stick Steve

Is I guess I could just teleport yeah yeah I I really hope she was fine she she seemed fine though cuz she like called like her parents or something um cuz she just like sat on the sidewalk um it didn’t seem like she broke broke anything so she she seemed

Okay he freaking sh for things or yeah it it’s it sucks ah you’re on the main island okay I’m just wondering cuz I don’t want to like go back home without find it it wouldn’t be that big of a deal these little um I don’t know why but these little pop popper

Things always remind me of like Candy yeah There’s so many of these um well I do have a uh a thing oh I’m going to die oops uhoh that’s not good no get away get away I have a thing that will P me back home I just don’t want stop stop it stop following me oh my gosh so

Stupid uh okay you can kind of get out of here I don’t have my shield equipped I don’t know why but uh but yeah I forgot what it’s called she’s Stupid oh almost died there we’re good we’re good I think we’re good now what do I have I have this mirror thing so I I can War back so we’re good I just can’t get back Here but it’s fine it’s fine I might be able to find a always going anyways maybe o t turquoise that’s that’s actually something I need I guess we just kind of explore and do some random things I don’t know I didn’t plan this far ahead my oh almost halfway through our Stuff But anyways yeah I have I’ve definitely had my embarrassing moments too where just oh I didn’t put my my sh planing for nerds yeah exactly my shield what happened to it did I not bring my shield did I just like My gosh or am I just blind that could definitely be it oh gosh we do this why isn’t this working well never mind okay well it’s okay it’s okay we don’t need a shield right Out do these things respawn wasn’t you what wasn’t you what happened did something so these things ah spawning is like they don’t do a ton of oh yeah I don’t have there wait no yeah this has looting no it doesn’t never mind Why I don’t know that that’s a that’s a that’s a good question ask um ask the Minecraft devs why they made the lights Val okay stupid things I just want to steal from you that’s all oh it’s right there it’s right there Ah so many that’s where we were is there anything else in here anything else to loot I should watch my watch my stuff I guess we don’t need to kill all of them I probably don’t need to mass murder them all what was that I guess I’ll take that

Yeah oh oh I see okay well I I won’t kill all of them then I don’t particularly care about o magnet interesting I don’t particularly care about like farming everything but I know Stickman you probably would like that so I I won’t I won’t feel crazy uh Oh but don’t tempt me did I already yeah I already did this um are these hard to make I might steal this under Ender Chest oh they’re not that hard to make okay I won’t I won’t take it ow I can kill all this okay I mean I don’t need

To if they just annoy me I Ah there we go Cool okay I’m going to go back I can take it with you um uh I’m going to keep it here cuz I’m going to come back here I need to dump all this stuff out cuz it’s too much too much things too much loot um I just need to where’s my my

Mirror where is it how am I oh it’s right there I was about to say how I this blind okay how do I use this how do you use This after use teleports the we TOA Point well does not work in the end might not oh oh that’s right well that’s boring how dare it be um reasonable and not Overpowered oh gosh the Lighting what was it l no no oh okay yeah I haven’t I haven’t used at all at all so dark okay so much stuff I really wish you could Like take oh thank you yeah I’ve been doing some some upgrades to it I don’t know why my stupid shaders are doing this what was shaders oh Um I forgot what refresh was we can just do that yeah there we go sometimes it kind of messes up it’s a very buggy mod pack but yeah we uh I did some some changes to just kind of make it look better I got a fancy

Bed um I lost my fox or I should say stick and Steve stole my fox and look at this look at this little guy oh so cute little plushy yeah I just needed room for all of my machines and then I did a bunch of deforestation uh so I can expand further and

I think that’s it decided yeah I don’t know how that worked but okay there are a lot of foxes actually you want to get We There is this mod that I added which was it it was pocket packs pocket yeah so all of these a bunch of these and you can get

Like you can get a feret I really want a feret but it’s kind of hard to get or kind of annoying to get I should say I should say yeah stick Steve is the the fox Snapper the fox Snapper and the weird cages this is stickman’s

Doing every once in a while they’ll show up here and hang out in the guest room yeah they’re they’re around but they’re weird the ferrets are weird because you can’t just like tame them normally you have to like give them sweets and then it’s like their offspring that you can

Tame it’s weird I don’t fully get it okay so I’m not going to be using iron does have mending I guess there really I guess there isn’t a way to take mending off we we already have a mending thing so it’s fine person try to Cage My Fox that you

Stole okay we’re just going to drop things off I wonder if what do I have protection four that’s not bad just breaking I wonder if I could I don’t know if this would work since this is already no no it doesn’t work dang It oh you Tred to cage the fet I see I see well I guess these aren’t is this protection 4 I’d rather have mending okay we going to do this use that we have mending do we what else did we did we grab fire protection that’s Fine um I will be careful JQ because not only that but apparently Stickman has this magic that will um sees where I’m at the all the time so stickman’s been stalking me secretly in the game but I don’t know how I feel about that I have to think about that a little

Bit um I guess that’s fine we didn’t grab any boots did We that’s okay though okay uh let’s just take all this everything everything pretty Much okay I promise this won’t just be me doing more um organizing I already did all that so it’s fine but I will I want need to do I guess I should do a anied energistics thing I’m really not wanting to because I don’t want to get all the materials for it

Um let’s throw it in there thr that in there throw that in there don’t need another one of Those so much stuff okay we can keep those organizing yeah if it turns into that I’ll I’ll Supply the quartz may maybe maybe in the future I don’t want to do that right now I don’t feel like it I don’t want to maybe um I want to just explore a

Bit that’s what I want to do I just want to Explore where why does all my so annoying okay I I did a bunch of exploring but my um my map’s not showing up I wonder why maybe it’s um on the other profile I guess oops No throw this in here we have all these oh this thing so much so much stuff way too much stuff I don’t care I’m just going to throw that in there that in there Lush fruit I don’t know what that Does um I mean that is a good it’s mine it’s prismarine but we could add it Affinity respiration doesn’t really oh also improves Vision okay Okay okay we’ll do this that into That will do that here is what most of my Minecraft turns into anyway it’s just me standing in a circle just moving things around oh I I do want to see what this is time oh what is it when use returns Where long the route traveled I see okay interesting I don’t know where that went who cares oh wow out of this thing oops ah where they where are they Going Justice I see I see I don’t really know I don’t know what these are also I don’t know where they’re oh they’re just going straight into my oh I see it’s because of this the Magnet uh we can keep the knife I don’t know I That Okay that that more organizing I I put on my M outfit for this this continuous anymore I do want to get like an actual with I I need to stop talking about my uh next model but I with my next model I do want to have

A a uh an actual made outfit not just PNG that would be kind of fun see I don’t think I Can no you I just have to smelt it whoops we’ll go back I promise stupid okay I’m getting rid of this cuz it’s so annoying Ah mies Enderman oh very nice okay that’s useful what does this do sofs ofwar with Target in range of sight oh that’s interesting cool that’s cool how I there we go we’ll keep that on that in there HP it well that’s why I need to I I need to stop talking about it

Because it’s not close and I’ve been working on all stuff too so it’s yeah I don’t want to like keep hyping it like it’s not going we’re going to be like where is it it’s nowhere close to being done so I just need a quiet down but I’m it’s

Cuz I’m also hyped for it oh hello scorcher haven’t seen you before love the setup oh thank you how am I doing I am doing good um we’re just playing some modded Minecraft today so welcome enjoy your stay uh I’m just struggling to get things

Organized uh but I I’m going to end up doing some organ not organization some uh what do you call it exploration it is difficult um it isn’t the easiest thing ever but it’s also cheap it also means I don’t have to spend anything I guess it’s not cheap in in

Terms of my time uh I can spend whatever time I want uh which isn’t always a good thing there’s my shield I did have a shield wow good job this away that away those don’t go in there oh my goodness oh that don’t want that I’ll do that later I don’t care I

Don’t want to do okay we’re heading back we’re going to put our shield in a place that I’ll remember it there is my is my Jetpack done yes okay but yeah I’m hoping to uh to have as many costumes and things to uh to do oh that costed oh that’s fine that’s

Okay okay um I need to equip this before and I don’t what happened to my in my helmet in my helmet Did I just like destroy my helmet for no reason uhoh um was I just not paying any attention in just like shoot whoops oh whoops I guess it’s fine we’ll probably find another one Somewhere I’m good at this game aren’t I okay anyways let’s move on I think we looted everything I’m assuming there’s other things other structures we could find where I are so that was where we Spawn just wander around slowly with this trip back because my goodness is this trip F slow but you know what slow and steady wins the race even though there’s no race ah my my there’s all these um whoops all these all these stuff these things these Stuff okay okay I don’t really know what to do but okay I know it’s silent gear so whoops oh I didn’t mean to do that well and those are still following me ah wait so with my thing I guess they don’t get mad at me Now that’s cool it is there’s like a lot of the stuff it seems A lot of the gems I don’t know what they do though how do you get straight oh okay I see I see that’s ominous what’s going on here oh ow let’s see I’m actually surprised there isn’t um maybe that was a different mod that I was thinking of I thought biomes are pry

Added Wait where am I going Stickman before I accept where am I going cuz I’ve made that mistake before and I’m like in nowhere that I want to be before I Accept how are you going to deal with the dragon we did deal with the we did uh with the uh the End Dragon um although I didn’t contribute much it was mostly Stickman Steve’s fight okay okay I’m Here we don’t need more stases don’t need more stasis those I take the Outle what was that dropped down there oh I guess nothing I guess nothing um yeah loading andur yeah well you know what I’m the only one with that should be floating mean the the people the Players Y yeah oops H that’s what I want um treasure any treasure they make funny noises Though oh what’s this looing too very Nice I don’t need more SES oh and silk touch oh that’s Cool Ah there it is um protection three sure sure ah so much stasis I don’t need stasis give me something interesting like looting or or something anything anything else Honestly I would like them a lot more if they weren’t so dang annoying yeah those are following me all right the bubbl over oh okay I have like five so I think we’re Good we’ll put Lo on they’re slightly better I think I don’t know how’s my oh we’re doing good I wish you could upgrade the um the jetpack make it go faster yeah I think I already been been Here Have I been in here no um nothing I guess we’ll take it why not why Not okay cool cool I think that’s it probably well we’ll check these we’ll check These I can’t remember what I’ve been in and what I haven’t been in Ah well I guess nothing ow ow okay oh these are kind of cool now oh I wonder if cork is doing all a lot of the the changes in in in around here I we can pick up these I know you can put these in the the botney Poots let let’s grab these I don’t know what I’ll use them for but I just I don’t know it’s my kleptomania I guess where I going I think I’m going I mean I don’t have a way I’m going there more Fortresses I haven’t really explored um I haven’t really explored much of the nether either I know there’s more stuff around there go in there but so far these these have been having the best loot take that take these efficiency coal oh I guess we can’t yeah throw that in There Okay over Here I do like the purple the purple is nice or the per I guess that’s what it’s Called bre the glass Hey yeah stop it also perer I guess so gu it is perer and mending and efficiency Unbreaking very nice it is my favorite my favorite is more of the lavender I guess guess that’s what you would you would say a very lighter lighter purple get out of here you want to be Turtle there anything there probably something in here probably maybe no okay I think I was thinking of the main the main building see NE light yeah what El would that be I know um oh silk touch very nice I know to get the the neon lights it isn’t neon neon neon’s probably a

Different Color but uh they they put the they get those colors by it through noble gases if I remember right I wonder what it was I’m no scientist I’m just a silly camper okay that’s probably that’s probably Done uh where where ow Ow I wonder what you could do with this stuff make something it’s very um cloudy Looking I guess nothing wait what does it say player uses end teleports adjacent to multiple of these in the line I don’t really know I read that and I’m like I can’t had function my brain couldn’t figure out what that was meaning Okay oh I guess that’s going back to where we were hi springtrap welcome welcome I hope you enjoy your stay we’re just kind of exploring exploring the end which I guess we’ve seen most of it I’m guessing but yeah enjoy your stay I hope you’re I hope you are having a

Good a good day so Far oh wait that’s going back to where where I Was and that’s down there maybe you just go go north North north is the way I love the effects though I love like this kind of that I place I didn’t Place one I I have it I have it in my inventory I should make sure I don’t like Fall Into Me A this too I can totally see that happening where I’m

Just flying over and my Jetpack runs out of power that would be bad that would be very embarrassing speaking of of embarrassing oops You guys didn’t see anything you guys didn’t see any of that anyways speaking of Embarrassing bnny yeah very embarrassing who would who would be embarrassing not Me not Me okay I don’t really know where I’m going I’m just going you know just oh I should probably okay here’s what we’ll do here’s what we’ll do um we’re going to go back here pick this up And we we actually put it in here for a second here and rest dress go go back home real quick uhoh back no oh hello oh it’s a net we all like nwis around here we already did so funny enough it only took us like 10 minutes to beat it not once but

Twice or I should clarify it only took stick and Steve um 10 minutes so yeah we’re uh we’re just kind of exploring Now that have mending that has mending does everything I think everything has mending did we pick up uh I think that has curs of binding I don’t really care about That else do we have so many things no it’s okay I don’t need more it was more of just like an activity uh to do unless you need to but honestly you don’t really you don’t have to it’s fine it’s fine okay so I might actually

Go go into The Nether there there is stuff that I kind of need from there um so we’ll just kind of do more or organizing I guess I just need um that stuff in there that in there I I kind of need NE to just upgrade my chest a little bit

More and then eventually I’ll get a better system for all This silver but better interesting silent uh silent gear is one of those mods I I don’t end up doing a lot with so I know very little about do I play Minecraft Java or Bedrock this is Java I do have Bedrock uh I don’t end up playing a lot of it usually only

Um only if like uh friends or family want to play and they don’t have Java then uh then I’ll go I I’ll play that but usually or I’ll play dead Rock but usually it’s Java okay um I really wish I could transfer looting over to this really wish That oh my gosh it’s to me if only if Only but yeah I like um I like playing Java just because I I usually uh okay okay cool cool yeah um bedrocks bedrocks nice and just that yeah you can you can play it with more casually I guess why need NE you like to play that way cuz you know

When when you’re on the computer it’s just kind of more of a hassle so how how can you transfer cuz this is a completely different sword and swap the part oh I see I see but I don’t really want to downgrade the Crimson Crimson steel I I like the I like steel

The the power the strength or oh that’s good that’s good enough I put all these in the wrong chest um okay that’s fine I was supposed to put these in here but that’s okay we’ll fix that later um you can’t yeah it’s Fine this which was my what was I thought there was a a silk T oh it was this one yeah it was this one very cool okay I see I see that in there put this in there we’ll keep this around just cuz it’s a nice it’s nice to have silk

Touch and then I don’t know what why I put away my shovel oh yeah I have a s touch shovel as well okay that’s a really nice shov so we’ll keep that and that’s fine cuz this does have Fortune which is nice nice to have okay I think we’re

Good I’m go in the nether for a bit we’re just going to bring bring some CBL yeah look at that bang take that all right I that’s maybe I should put a stone in another we don’t have to keep doing this grab This sure I have my shield should actually use my Shield although even when it’s equipped I always forget to use it there we are so I did want to um why is my boots gone that’s weird I’m not going to bother with the oh wait no that’s right I have a I have a ring so the things shouldn’t shouldn’t attack me

They probably will anyways just because I’m going to ski some things from them okay uh cuz the stuff I need is um do netherite ow steal stuff from them yeah know you guys aren’t very happy sure we’ll take that take those oh a banner and a ring very nice

Okay is that it nah there has to be more than just That oh he’s strong oh I’m going to Die we do have these I keep forgetting to use these hello Was that it was that all the the Chests oh oh man that’s a fast Pick bang whoops oh gosh I’m not a very good aim at this yeah murdering you know what no Witnesses innocent pigs they were they had stuff I wanted you know I I wanted their things and that’s that’s reason enough to um but it was selfdefense cuz they they

Attacked first I just stole a bunch of their stuff oh this is big okay very nice very very nice Al I will have to be careful Um I guess I guess they don’t care if as long as you don’t see them or they don’t see you take Stuff I’m not see any more chests and wouldn’t you know what I love Chests oh look that we got a load Stone cool don’t know what that Does we got bananas love having bananas forun CH deeper darker cool okay [Applause] Okay what that does take the bananas I don’t know why I’ll I already have a bunch of the bananas so okay well that’s fun maybe we could find banan best fruit that’s right oh I love bananas like no for real like bananas are pretty good aren’t They Oops okay what would be nice though is I know there’s like these geod things and I know that you can find a netherite one that would be useful and some sometimes you can spot them on the map so Like maybe that that might be one zoom in enhance it could be it could be that’s back where spawn Was bananas are berries but berries are also Fruit what are bananas really really berries considered a berry oh well there goes all M that that’s news to me I always just thought they were just normal fruit but I guess in a way you could say most most fruits could be faes you just wouldn’t think of them that way but an

Herb okay I don’t know about that are you yanking my chain Stickman are you making me believe that a banana tree isn’t a a tree a tring a load of knowledge but I’m suspicious you see I’m suspicious Of the uh of this possibility that s and Steve is just messing with me cuz I am very Gable you could you could tell me anything I’d probably believe it okay where is this this thing maybe it’s maybe it’s further down there we go let’s dig dig down oh

Man but you are believing Me I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m not believing you it’s just what do you what do you think I would I would just believe that bananas aren’t real or something next you’re going to tell me that peanuts aren’t even real peanuts wait that doesn’t make a peanuts

Aren’t even real nuts is what I’m trying to say I’m very tired oh yeah here it is okay um aha ow hey look at that and I think somebody’s already gone through and harvested most of this well that’s okay though I can put I can put this way down Way Way Stone

Down um another right GE very nice and we’ll make this last day dangerous I I don’t I think that’s the thing that that was what I’m trying to was making a joke about they’re not I don’t think they are I’m pretty sure they’re not and that’s what

Um people say oh is there none that are actually ready gosh dang it ah is it the cluster okay I think these okay yeah it’s the Clusters so we don’t want to mine the buds I think it’s just clusters I wonder how long these take to uh to

Grow but yeah maybe they’re I think are peanuts considered legumes I can’t Remember um can mine oh yeah that’s right I do have silk touch so we can get this does it still grow in the Overworld I don’t really have a place for it which is fine dig ah I see I see interesting okay well I guess it doesn’t hurt to just grab

It I’m I’m sure I’m sure M hat did that’s a that’s I haven’t watched a long time can we just grab these oh yeah we can look at that hey look at that we can we can grab these I’m like 90% sure that peanuts are not actually

Nuts they’re just called that uh I don’t I don’t know what they are though probably a root considering they do grow in the ground hitting the hard fat here on my stream on my incredibly sleepy uh Minecraft stream oh I should be careful here our Earth nuts Interesting uh I guess we’re just grabbing all of These too bad for anybody who comes across this I guess I’m glad I have a a silk touch Finally Those whoops oh man so many of these well I guess we’re not leaving I’m probably missing a few that’s fine we don’t need to like get all of them I’m sure I’m sure German with Professor stick greeting me in German on purpose are we what what’s the I think I I only know um what do I know I don’t know very much German I know GS and is like good morning or something and that’s basically it I don’t know very much uh very many other

Languages okay that’s probably enough we’ll leave those for whoever else wants to uh oh hello hello I see I See yeah yeah it’s fun it’s fun isn’t it just throw like a random oh it’s good day okay I see I I’ll try to remember that boen Morgan that’s okay okay I see I See okay um I wouldn’t mind finding oh somebody’s already been been down here okay cool cool Wonder am I finding a another Fortress that would be kind of cool oh we have another one of these oh no this is the one we were we were at I see okay I’m just going

In in uh in circles oh what’s that oh I just saw something on the ah that plus plus thing oh it keeps disappearing naturally learn some German when living in Denmark I see that’s Cool oh how do I get over there oh really that’s a funny uh coincidence you do end up getting that sometimes um don’t you we just like random words in one language is just like something completely different and um at times inappropriate too so you know you

Never know you never know what you’re going to who you’re going to offend one day just SP talking if I was a linguist I would probably want to like just make a word I I don’t know why you would need to be a linguist to do that just like make words that

Are just happen to be swear I guess I don’t know if you guys can’t tell I’m very very uh tired right now what happened to this um thing oh oh I almost killed myself again I mean that’s true you can there’s nothing stopping you from just building

Your own language oh those things I hate those Things okay um what happened to this thing oh I wanted to see what this thing was where am I okay there I am um that is it above me oh no okay it’s right there so it’s over over here we way point hang sure uh you can also make your own oh yeah

Yeah I I do know of that cuz I I am a that’s not the right way I used to be a software developer and you do hear of that sometimes um and there’s kind of funny meme ones that don’t really serve a purpose they’re not like better in any way but

They’re just kind of there that you can mess around with I I can’t remember of any um off the top of my head uh but there there there’s funny languages up there that you can just you us make I never end up doing that but um dang it I keep doing

That how do I plan to stream for I don’t know that’s a good question I don’t really have a goal anymore the goal was to beat the Ender Dragon which we’ve done that and now um now I’m just kind of exploring so maybe maybe uh a little bit longer who knows

I’ll see how it goes if I yet to if I get bored I might play a different game I guess I don’t really know what but oh gosh only me would do that with the Emoji programing I could imagine how would that even Work I interested to see what this thing is oh wait was it a okay yeah it’s it’s like below me is like I’m I’m being careful don’t worry guys Aha o fun what is this what is this I don’t know what this is got a spawner oh a blade spawner very nice ow uh we’re just GNA block you in there we already have a blaze um ow a blaze thing a blaze farm so contribute to the list of curse programming

Languages you know what that would actually be a hilarious stream I thought about doing like programming streams but I don’t know programs can get kind of boring fire protection very nice oh a bunch of gas my goodness throw all the in there um but that might be cool I don’t

Know how that would go that would be really funny Though oh we got this very nice I was wondering how you got those I I guess you just have to like yeah you have to find it I thought we really need a for transport with our jetpack but oh nice we got looting ah very nice popular I don’t know about the most

Popular that’s a good question um I haven’t checked uh her numbers in a while but yeah uh Neo neuros is a an AI teer which is very interesting although yeah and and there’s a few others okay so there would be some interest in it I don’t know what I would

Do exactly but could be could be fun oops dang I keep doing that maybe that’s something I could do on Twitch because I don’t I don’t know if I put that on YouTube I guess I don’t know but it is very Niche all right how do I get out of here

There probably a bunch of stuff under the lava that I’m missing um but that’s okay how did I how did I get in here oh I’m Trapped I should check okay I I need to remember to keep checking my uh my hydrogen contribute to the Linux kernel okay so here’s the thing though I’m I don’t know the languages I know really well or the language I know know the best is Javascript uh cuz when I was a a

Programmer I did a lot of a lot of front-end web development I know this depending on who you ask that’s not always um they don’t always consider that being I don’t know there there’s always debates on what makes you a programmer or not but um so like really complex things like I feel

Like that would be kind of kind of difficult but we we could try it I do have a GitHub account with with my name in it for this so that would be Funny uh hover there we go okay we’re kind of out of here we can do it we can make our way out hopefully I we’re actually pretty close to where the geode was so well I do need to be careful though not to like to get myself swimming in lava that would be

Bad but I have wanted to uh learn like Flavor of sea or something that that would be interesting I don’t know what I’d make but but yeah I could try interpretting but the funny thing too would be like I mean not that I would ever like change change jobs or

Anything but any any experience I would get here would wouldn’t translate well your condolences yes well technically full stack um what I ended up this wasn’t my portal uh hello made it just different St Place hello um let’s go let’s go here yeah so I I ended up working a lot with

Um I actually did make uh some node a apis uh but most of my stuff I did with um making like a Ruby on Rails apis so instead of using it as like a a full stack avocation like you would with Ruby on Rails you would make it you would use

It just as a back end so it’s like a really quick way to throw up a database and a back end to like get it running super quickly which was kind of kind of the only nice thing about working with Ruby UNS um which I desperately wanted to get

Away from a lot and then uh I ended up my front ends ended up being like react and um yeah just just react oh yeah we found that um I guess we could look for that later did find looting finally let’s throw this on Here but anyways that’s kind of all in the past but I did kind of for a while too I I messed with Java and I kind of I know I mentioned it before but I did want to um do a maybe make a a Minecraft mod that would be really

Fun that would be funny okay throw that in there we’ll put the these in here how long have been streaming for an hour hour 40 Okay so we get a bunch of netherite that’s good um we can’t stream making mod yeah that would be fun what was that you guys hear that am I going crazy uh I felt like my phone just Mak a noise that really scared me oh my goodness we’re not even playing a horror

Game that scared me wow but yeah one of the ones I wanted to do was was to make a chip mod which would be just like really funny it would be really easy all you’d have to do is make a an extra block and put chip on

It I don’t know what it would do other than just be there and it would be funny okay okay good um I Heard a lady’s voice which is very scary and it came out of my phone and I thought like somebody was like called me maybe it was like Siri or

Something I was going to Scream okay we got all of these I don’t know where to put these maybe we could do that make like a room to uh put all of this cuz we also have um we have some Emerald ones that I don’t know where I put oh that’s weird okay oh my gosh why wasn’t I yeah I think Siri was I think Siri was calling me and I wasn’t listening what did this do um what okay makes Pig neutral in relation to the word will indicate the location oh okay okay each additional trade oh so what does this do oh okay okay so kind kind of

Interesting I feel like these um these things take a long time to to upgrade I do have this the belt no that does not help never mind I thought that uh I thought this like increased the amount of um okay never mind I thought that did something never mind crsh I’m so tired

Okay what was I doing I needed the ancient de block this one this one I MA stream but an undergrad level oh the problem with that i’ probably i’ would probably not do well with this um okay oh how did this was in the crusher yeah I think I think you put

This through the crusher yeah yeah oh yeah yeah but yeah you guys would oh see just how bad I am at math okay and is there a more efficient way of oh oh oh that’s Cool I guess not do That o that’s Nice I getting distracted though although I don’t think we can we probably do that okay well we’ll get more more of this Later oh I see I see this is how you do that okay oh do we need to we might need to crush it First there we go Bang okay we need another one oh man I didn’t even make it in calculus so like here’s the weird thing that happened so in like 8th grade or something um I ended up cuz a while back um I was uh I did like kind of a different oh I

Guess that’s not enough well I just wasted that then I uh I ended up doing a different like curriculum in school so I couldn’t like so like the the new school that I went to didn’t know where I was at like in terms of math and so they were like well we’ll

Put you in the dumb class and so which it wasn’t called that but it’s what everybody knew it was and then I like freezed through it but nobody like put me up I guess and so once I got into high school like I could I actually couldn’t get

Into calculus because I was too far behind so they ended up kind of screwing me um not that I would have done good but I would have been able to like get some better credit I guess but in the end it didn’t even matter cuz here I am being a vtuber on YouTube

So jokes on them I guess but yeah I always get annoyed by that I’m like wow you guys really uh thought highly of me maybe they just knew maybe they knew more than I did and they just knew that I was kind of a Dummy they’re like you know what this this girl needs to be girl needs some help he’s not going anywhere okay we’ll put these in here I’m scared to like destroy anything anymore more because I destroyed my admit yeah totally did it was it was lame

Um so stopped is kind of a I I guess I should clarify more about that I didn’t like I should say I never got into it so I went through um I was mainly selftaught uh with with programming and development and so I was trying to get a job into it

And I went to like a boot camp and I did all these things I learned all these stuff I made all of these projects and things and the timing was pretty bad cuz that was at the beginning of the of the pandemic so and and that’s when everybody wanted to become a

Programmer uh cuz that’s like the only thing that could give you a livable wage and that you work from home so there was just a huge influx of of people with no experience like me and uh who were applying to all the same jobs and that ended up uh once again

Screwing me over a little bit and uh I just couldn’t didn’t get the right opportunity to get into it um and then I fell into fure youtubing and I fell in love with it and I found you guys uh but to answer your question more I’m just kind of in

Between or not in between I’m I’m just working off this job part time and it’s boring and I hate it but it lets me do this too so that it works out okay uh we’ll keep that there all right all right uh what should I do next like we’ve done a

Lot have a bunch of Stuff um I would like to have a place to puts where they go where they go the budding the buding things um I feel like it should be a way I guess we could put it under here I don’t know but yeah someday I would like to

Get it get back into programming if it ever um if it ever becomes a possibility because I did enjoy It I enjoyed it a lot it was one of the few things I actually uh had fun doing work I generally don’t have a lot of fun uh with with like doing doing doing typical work I guess uh I want just make it here yeah uh fingers crossed I I hope

So if not that’s okay like no no harm done I I’m going into this nowh going full full well like this probably won’t make me any money um but in in the future too I do kind of uh because I’m I am getting better at my art stuff I’ll probably uh open up

Commissions some point in the future uh just kind of helping that hey hi Tartus yeah um funny thing about the fight so Stickman you know how stickman’s like incredibly overpowered and has everything in this game so far uh he they’ve it took us like two minutes or like 10 minutes to beat it

Twice so I don’t know if you really missed much because I barely did anything anyways but um Stickman does have a a way to fight it again if you do want to like have that experience of fighting it I probably won’t whoops uh just so that I don’t

Know I kind of want to work on other things I’m going to build this thing boys Stickman two and that’s not judging you’re fine Stickman don’t worry about it you can be op uh D we yeah honestly could have uh could have fought it already didn’t need to

Uh didn’t need to wait for me but yeah yeah the oh it went it went fast if you could one shot the the warden then and yeah for Sure but anyways it was fun did some looting and now I’m just kind of messing around talking about boring jobs and stuff oops uh oh I seen rip plants oh why does that sound familiar I know that for some reason what is that oh hi NAA welcome

Welcome oh welcome to the stream yeah I stream on YouTube I’m a weirdo who streams on YouTube uh Na is a very very kind uh flower girl YouTuber that I hang out with and you all should uh check check her out in fact I’ll hold on let me find your Twitch

Ma oh gosh one second whoops oh I don’t know if I can find it uh oh rapture oh oh it’s your place Tartus I see I see no I have not I’ve not seen that yet oh gosh volumes High all right go go check NAA out there um CU she’s super

Cool super super cool but yeah I I haven’t um I have not seen it yet your your place I have seen oh who was it who made the um agricultural District cuz that that that was pretty cool um create was was a mod I’ve always been interested in getting into uh I

Just it’s just one of those ones that needs a lot of space and um I hav been I was I was always was too lazy to make this base for okay um we’re going to need a much bigger room this okay bang oh gosh my tummy my tummy’s

Growling uh do I have my I don’t have my jetp pack it’s fine it’s fine we don’t need a jetpack Um where is it shap this Bang okay uh it need to be even Bigger but yeah I’ll I’ll check it out later I know you were talking you were saying it was somewhere in the sea I Think oh that’s going to bother me it’s okay we’ll make it look nice later okay we’ll we’ll do this Bang Oh you know it is it is hard to keep secrets from Stickman I feel like anything well also Stickman oh I’m hungry I I mentioned this before but sticking likes to stalk everybody which I don’t feel I don’t I don’t know how I feel about that I guess it’s out love I might need to eat something Dam that’s a fast shovel efficiency Five Crazy Uh let’s see wood This bang a bang what would I do without um no to it is the it is like the most uh um oh what’s the word it spoils me it spoils me a Lot cuz like imagine spending the time to like go through all this you know and like dig all this out manual that would be just Ridiculous Okay there we go there we Go oh okay okay um let me oh my Gosh uh let’s see here is there a search oh yeah there is very nice Three 6 four and 3 71 where is it see oh gosh that’s Tiny oh it’s not that far I guess it’s like uh um ish is okay we go go check that out let me just oh we’re done here Anyways it’s underwater okay yeah look at all that Cobble Um I do not have water things okay do that too and we we’ll keep it like that okay do I have anything that’s going to help with that no I feel like there hold on I think I didn’t I pick something up from Silent

Here uh that I could do I feel like I did that that would let me breathe under water words Work poison invisibility doesn’t do Anything okay all right that’s fine then okay I won’t worry about it then I will get Distracted that’s pretty near this ow armor coating made out of seed and material I don’t have that anymore I’ve changed like my uh armor like several several times but that’s okay we’ll be fine oh it’s where this um this uh windmill thing Is we’ll just swim we’ll be okay okay I that we already have stuff like the only person who’s played Minecraft has ever used the con oh here it is I see very nice big old Dome I’m not going to steal Anything very cool oh that’s where the conduit is very interesting is there an entrance to this oh here it is I see I See cool it looks very nice did you say you had a a way down here I don’t want to like swim oh yeah there it is yeah that’s great very dppy um oh gosh I have to oh thring under the okay Fine wait what do you mean down rear dripping with style that’s right it is very stylish I like I like I Like well anyways I’ll probably check this out later but remove this but yeah it looks very nice I do need to work on my uh oh right it’s up here uh my style of buildings okay uh what was I doing right I I was putting yeah I sucks doesn’t it there uh

There was probably something I could do about it but I don’t know which is the shame about not streaming on Twitch because I guess twitch has a much better uh much less of what happened to all of those um there they are and then I also had a bunch of emerald ones didn’t

I I thought I did h fine I’ll go back one second I just want to make sure where this where is this what happens why do I lose everything okay I’ll go back I’ll go back we’ll we’ll check it Out this the last time of coming over here all right right there’s like a I almost forget you had this uh this a mod the secret door mod I see I see oh it’s dark ah I see I see yeah this is what I was trying to what I need to get

Into as the the geod the geod are nice uh oh did you not get any of the emerald ones cuz we did end up getting an emerald uh an emerald uh cluster I think I guess that’s enough all right uh okay so na this is very

Um do you not have a way out of here okay it’s fine I can just I can just do this yeah so this is very modded and there is a mod that lets you do Secret uh secret doors and stuff but there’s probably there’s probably ways to do it in World

Minecraft too I just don’t know yeah it’s fine it’s Fine yeah all of my all of my Emerald blocks disappeared okay I see woof woof one one one one woof woof woof there go JQ uh yeah I guess they I guess they don’t exist I like took like eight or something like specifically just so that I could have

Them well I guess they’re gone all right thank you for the hydrate oops that’s Coffee it just takes one person to remember all the uh all the redeems and then and then uh they go crazy yeah I see the meow meow meow there you go sikman to show the geod thing the geod thing seems a bit overpowered I’m going to say it’s fine it doesn’t need to

Be it doesn’t need to be Uh balanc is what I’m trying to Say um bu of these yeah yeah I found an emerald one which is very useful uh just because it’s so annoying to get the emeralds uh Normally okay we’ll put a bunch down Here Bang I didn’t mean to do that dang it I’m Tired go do this I’m not going to figure wait does this need this probably needs two spaces doesn’t It going to monopolize the industry wow sorry sorry I guess but I feel like Stickman would even if there was a way to monopolize I feel like Stickman would find a way find a way around it I’m like pretty sure it probably needs to doesn’t it probably we even using Secrets right

That’s fine that just means your secrets it’s like um like soda uh pop rants you know there’s lookalikes and and stuff but they they don’t they aren’t just the same or as good is the Original yeah so I I appreciate especially with netherite NE such a pain to get netherite and uh oh wait that’s right it wasn’t H okay well we’ll find we’ll find it All right fine it’s settle down you Too okay that looks good I’m to keep few extra just in case but how long does it take to like for it to grow grow a few dang isn’t trying to R up uh T there okay I’m probably just blind let’s go let’s just go grab the other

Ones okay bye NAA thank you for stopping by have a good sleep nighty night see you later About the com Lemons okay a look at that look at all them Crystal we just grab that and grab these although we’re we’re at the point that we don’t really need that many more Diamonds I already have 16 like gosh dang yeah Steve H I wish I had RZ this is having this conversation with somebody too like how my RZ is just it’s not effective ah I see Okay oh man Sigman already got a way to fly creatively cool well good job I guess I did actually want to add um better better jetpacks cuz what was it called electric jet packs or iron iron jet packs that’ be nice have nine let’s grab 20 of these blocks

Reese’s what it’s time of Mark research what research are needed what are you talking about oh whoops I didn’t mean to do that no that’s Fine with shorts yeah but they’re like I don’t know is that really rids is it cuz the cracks of my shorts are just like um calling calling you guys sweethearts or something or thing I love you and that’s it it’s not like it’s not anything special I guess I don’t know oops

Okay 20 should be good and we have a whole stack of diamonds my goodness I’ll leave the rest um oh we didn’t put a A Way Stone down for uh the emerald cave didn’t we oh did we delete it inre I might have deleted it well that’s s

Sucks um I could probably find it though that might be it or wait is it yeah that’s it um Emerald as I mean this the that we there’s another whole Diamond one over there The the journey Maps does make it a little too easy just a tad okay we’re going to make this a little a little easier bang bang oh oh gross gross gross gross gross Bad I hate those things ah there’s more No yeah where are you going oh wow that what is this I didn’t mean to break all of that Whoops Interesting I don’t know oh this is from hexr okay well I don’t use any of that so is fine is fine okay um a little bit further Oh um I guess we I’ll wait until tarders gets back about asking this but I am interested it’s I know it’s it still hasn’t been very long but oh whoops uh uhoh didn’t mean to do that I thought I had shapeless up um I’m interested in in

What’s next for the server like in general because I’m assuming Stickman if you’re still here I’m assuming you’re getting to the point where you’re we you’re through most of the mods I would assume like what else do you have left to do you know and I’m not saying I’m going to end

Anything soon I’m just interested mainly for my own s to move to a mod pack that’s not under my uh responsibility um cuz I would I would like to have more free time to work on other things oh uhoh uhoh oh shoot oh that sucks okay

Yeah uh what I was saying is I was interested in what’s going to be next for the mod pack or like when at what point are you would you guys be okay with going something to a new world is what I’m trying to say not saying that’s going to be soon just just

Curious oh I passed it oh gosh dang where is it oh it’s below me oh shoot it’s like all the way down there I need to know for sales reasons what is needed by the common server player well that’s a good question I don’t know like to be honest there’s not a whole

Lot of people Who kill your game ah fine and this one doesn’t uh fine I won’t use all the mods but it’s just up for discussion okay is There I really don’t want to spawn the board in but it’s like right around here maybe I need to find a different One raing make that armor okay using in two FPS it’s fair it’s fair that is the that is the issue with using using uh mods and stuff in mod Packs the re like I I think I mentioned it before the reason why I say that is is that this one is just like like there there’s this constant um crash with uh this mod pack that I have no idea what’s causing it and I have no

Idea how to fix it uh but it’s just a random crash it’s like a concurrent memory Issue and things like that is really annoying with a with a custom mod pack and I’d rather have something else that somebody else’s um bug fixing so I don’t have to do bug fixes okay we’re going to delete this let’s find a different one um that’s red stone we don’t really need red Stone you don’t crash when you move move you don’t move well that’s good to know I have noticed I mean yeah exactly I don’t know how to help you with that like the best I can do is to keep adding um performance uh related stuff but the

Thing is is that all of the performance stuff is already in all the mods and most mod packs and that’s what makes this one they somewhat usable like even for me like this runs way worse than all the mods for for my system which is it’s also like half the

Amount of mods too which is why I keep bringing it up but anyways I know this is a community server so I want to make sure it appeals to everybody who is Interested not just you or I Tartus yeah I mean Sky Factory would be Nice yeah yeah Forge Forge is is a problem but the problem with other alternatives to forge too is is that um there’s just limited limited mods like I I was actually trying to do an alternate um version of this one but like using fabric which is which is the other

One that’s like comparably popular but like most of the mods that we’re using and that we like uh art here art with fabric so here this second can I I just don’t have the time to like curate everything and bug fix and do all of that okay I am not finding another

One of these um I WR one I can’t remember where that first one was I don’t think we took everything from it maybe new Forge but that’s the problem it’s like like I was saying before there’s just not as many mods so we have like almost 200 like 180 or

Something um and so it’s like you know it’s it it would cut it down to like four or five which wouldn’t be bad like it would be maybe to get more people interested too it it might be nice to have like um more of like a vanilla plus server without all these crazy Things but anyways just food for thought I wouldn’t want to go to well I guess all right can I use my mirror I might just be able to okay oh see you later jakq thank you for start stopping by I hope you have a good night’s sleep good night nighty night JQ good night kisses yeah that’s the that’s the thing it’s just like they’re they’re kind of older and there’s a lot of features and newer mods of newer mods that are kind of nicer I think the furthest back I would go maybe be like 16 16 116 or

Something any further than that it’s just like yeah cuz JQ deserves it good night kisses anyways okay so we have plenty diamonds we didn’t find the didn’t find the emerald ones to have the emal it’s fine it’s fine we’ll deal with it we the emeralds so time it l and those down

Um Z in there but anyways yeah it like who knows I end up doing oh okay all right I need to go grab something I’ll be back really quick I’ll leave you to speak with with the with chip okay I’ll be back one second I just had to pick up a package that’s all I’m sorry it’s it is the sad thing about mods they go go without updates or they get changed not much you can do about it okay that in there that’s not what I wanted whoops oh I should have thr There Oh yeah I saw that Stickman Steve finally after how long it has it been since um they did a bunch of those it’s been a while hasn’t it okay um yeah I can’t remember I remember the last time I I did the A on oh whoops chip is still in the way

Get out of here chip trying to steal the Spotlight get back in your corner okay I guess we just keep Expanding by the way has anybody made and I guess I’m just asking you stick rard has you have you guys made a uh a ex Farm yet CU that would be kind of nice that would be a nice to have but yes I did see that they they just did release a a

Recent a recent thing I don’t think I’ve watched it But like back to what I say I’m not going to I don’t want another custom one so it’s going to have to be a mod pack if you have a mod pack in mind that would work that’s the no the Plus for the server uh then I’d be then I I’d be

Interested but I do I do know there’s like um there’s a few few on on C board that are are vanilla plus that are are nice they’re lightweight sure plenty of people can use them uh cuz I do feel like even with this I feel like once things start dip

Belowing for uh 30 FPS for people it’s like eh not to keep getting back to the subject I I don’t oh whoops I’ve been using my Sil touch use the ore of Brilliance oh yeah that’s right that’s right I think I actually have a bunch of

That I just end up uh needing needing experience every once in a While eat it after oh I see you can just eat it eat the rocks I should probably fill that in I have a feeling that’s going to cause problems get zombies falling from the Ceiling Uh do I I do I still I don’t I didn’t bring the uh I didn’t bring back dang it uh but yeah the the package I got was my new drawing pet uh tablet so I got a a huan drawing tablet so on Wednesday I’ll do some drawing and we’ll uh it’ll be

Fun I think I hope do some more more art s looking forward to It killing the dragon gives good experience uh yeah I mean I got all the way up to what was it 40 something before I lost it all um it would just be kind of nice to have it also with the uh The Mending from ending but um I know I’ve done some

Before it’s kind of a pain sometimes to set them Up and I I I get that but that’s what I’m saying like this is if this is running if this mod pack is running running at like or or or whatever I’m using for the community service cuz that it’s Community still it’s not just us it’s for whoever uh is coming in the

Future you know possibly whoever wants to it’s going to be a bigger turn off if they’re running at 10: they’re they’re not going to want to do that or even bother downloading anything So so even if it if it’s like passable then it it it needs to be even more more passible is what I’m trying to say it needs to work really well so this like this mod pack probably won’t work I’m sure it’s it’s probably not the most friendly for for people to get

Into which that’s not a dis uh towards any of your hard work I really appreciate it still but that’s what I’m saying like if like some of the ones I’m thinking of from Cur Forge like would run fantastically well super lightweight and I think would would help a lot

More we’ll see we’ll see what I decide but again not anytime soon I don’t want to like just ruin all the progress you guys been doing so we’ll keep it as as is for now but get to a point where it’s like well we want some

We want a new world I’ll probably move to a different mod pack or just do vanilla you know and then like if uh if anybody wanted to like have better performance uh there’s like a lot of the performance mods are all client side so you don’t even need need to have

Like a whole server mod pack okay um oh dang I keep using oh I think that was from before okay I keep using my silk touch on accident going throw in there actually we need that Okay we need more of this we have plenty of torches okay remembering that very Nice okay we’ll keep it we’ll keep it Symmetrical bang bang oops oh that’s not symmetrical and I’m using my silk touch I’m going to put that away although it has mending on it doesn’t it yeah has Mening believe I got this one Perfect look at That clean this up boom okay and look they’re already getting buds look at That okay and then if we ever find Emerald one another Emerald uh uh ge make more space space for that cool okay uh where what else what else we have what we Doing that in there I did have that’s right we had all of these all of these buds so we’ll just throw them on the ancient debris things that we had there and let them grow oh excuse Me Okay perfect very nice Okay sounds good see you later then oh yeah we also have these uh can we just like I guess we can we’ll do That okay we don’t need this okay let’s um let’s go through these don’t need Those do this one don’t want a cursive Vanishing one two I mean our silk touch one is pretty good already so don’t think we’ll keep the silk touch shovel and I don’t need any of those separation don’t want that breaking three that’s fine we don’t need that we don’t need that Okay okay just double check keeping that one okay cool Get all that yummy XP I mean we already have plenty of diamonds but this is just to make space oh I guess you can’t remove the curse can You kind of wish this was Faster oh look at all that space Oh we also have these we we don’t really need these either we don’t need That This okay while while I’m waiting for that that’s ni around just to see oops no see what we can see Um whoops ah dang it okay okay we’ll finish this then I might end it for today we did a lot we did we did a lot buy the Sher shows Sure I’ll leave them leave them in here oh this is this chest by the way is where I’m keeping all the stuff I find that’s not mine but uh they’re in there if you Want right we have these that’s right that’s the that’s the The Experience stuff talking about man there we Go do this I don’t know what what do M do I can pay with emeralds okay whatever whatever you feel like it’s worth that Oh I guess we don’t need this one either keep that oh okay thank you I appreciate oh well that’s a lot all right if you if you Insist oops don’t need That we glowy thing they’re at the front door if you’re still Looking Oh yeah that’s right that’s what gives you the jump boost the jump boost here I bet make this a lot faster well a little little Better and actually I think I have more more of these chests don’t I somewhere maybe maybe oh well oh wait I can just use one of these we not using these okay now we can just like throw all in here cuz we don’t need I don’t want to keep doing that

Okay I don’t I I didn’t actually find any um uh wither skeletons when I was running around in the uh running around in the end move these over my uniform oh my uh my made outfit I’m assuming that’s what you mean why didn’t this work oh because that’s

Right that’s right we we had all this oh yeah we were G to do that okay right we do this make one of these for my do we do we need that it’s fine I’m sure that’s fine right that if we need to in the future we we we’ll do That okay and then I need where did all my where all my pipes go I just keep running out of pipes put them in here no what d I don’t know why that was in there okay um all right uh I guess we need make More pipes again oh my God list no not app listic Oh it’s a Spong okay Okay didn’t me to do that ah does not work does it have to be in the side it might need to be in the Side there we go that There okay very nice guess the only thing you didn’t end up getting is a good better L helmet but I’ll probably try to get some nicer materials to make some silent gear uh armor In the meantime I guess we only have one of those I can buy any of these I guess not we found in mechanism oh interesting don’t really need to do this but it’s fine okay bang actually you know what I could uh do a final upgrade for my backpack that would be

Nice get a netherite one yeah look at that oh so much space Okay I’m going to end it I was kind of uh I was kind of largic today I’m still very tired I’ll see you all later thank you all for stopping by for chatting and thank you Stickman for uh inviting me to fight the Ender Dragon with you it was fun uh but yeah

Uh thank you all for watching thank you all for joining please leave a like and comment and subscribe it really helps out and also uh follow me on Twitter and all my socials uh you can find it there hopefully that works I about to right uh yeah there we go and then join

The Discord uh cuz you can can join this world with me and everybody else and uh yeah I’ll see you all later thank you all for joining byebye byebye Byebye

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Beating up some dragon on the community server’, was uploaded by Maple Aurelia Ch. on 2024-01-09 10:48:54. It has garnered 32 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:25 or 11125 seconds.

*insert silly comment here*

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【Credits】 —————————————————- ♪ stream cafe – cherry blossoms link: website: —————————————————-

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  • Sneaky Survival: Ep. 12 Serbian Gameplay

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  • Experience Minecraft Characters Come to Life on Minewind Server!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Survival Adventures!

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  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

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  • Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft?

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  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive

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  • Crafting a Portal to Free Palestine in Minecraft

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  • Mine Rich, Jail Poor: Arasinho’s Minecraft Misadventures #2

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for 200 IQ Gameplay!

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  • Hot and Spicy Minecraft Madness

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  • Sneaky Vanilla Minecraft Server Mystery

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  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Build Epic Worlds

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  • Fersse77 EXPOSES Shocking MINECRAFT MYTHS! #minecraft

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  • “INSANE Sofa Transformation!! #shorts #minecraft” 🪑🔥

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  • Unbelievable: This Item OP AF – Stronger than Creative Mode! #Minecraft #Dreamsmp

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: Villagers Strike Back in Minecraft!

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  • Insane 17 Hit Combo in Minecraft PvP! #montage #clickbait

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  • Insane Minecraft Mob Killing Technique! 💥

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  • EPIC Tokyo776 Survival 100 Days in Minecraft! MUST SEE #viral

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  • Meowlands

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  • Verdania roleplay

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  • Bananarine | Server of Dreams

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  • Minecraft Memes – Real or Photoshopped?

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  • MC’s 100-Day Flight: Adventure Takes Flight!

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  • Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft

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  • Magic Machines: A Wild Ride

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video featuring Skizz and Impulse getting Taco Bell. While the video may not be directly related to Minecraft, it got us thinking about the importance of finding a fun and welcoming community to enjoy the game with. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience for players of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Minecraft: Sly Country House Build

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  • Unleash Power: Super Computer Build in Minecraft!

    Unleash Power: Super Computer Build in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILD MY SUPER COMPUTER in Minecraft All The Mods 8’, was uploaded by SpellitOut on 2024-05-30 14:00:28. It has garnered 62 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:03 or 1503 seconds. Today at the Spellcorp Industrial Complex we upgrade our Applied Energistics 2 setup a lot! With more storage space than I’ll ever need and a new super computer controller, we have all the room to automate everything we could ever want! Follow me on the other big sites! #minecraftsurvival #minecraft #modded #moddedminecraft #episode28 #createmod #create #letsplay #megabase… Read More

  • Sly Minecraft RTX Shaders LIVE

    Sly Minecraft RTX Shaders LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Live MINECRAFT RTX Shaders with viewers’, was uploaded by Robert on 2024-05-31 00:56:31. It has garnered 166 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 11:27:39 or 41259 seconds. We are playing MINECRAFT till the end of the stream with all you lovely people, feel free to become a member for added benefits and help me do what I love. Read More

  • Secret Plan to Enchant Sharpness! | Minecraft Shizo Golfeh

    Secret Plan to Enchant Sharpness! | Minecraft Shizo GolfehVideo Information This video, titled ‘He Wants To Do What With Sharpness?… | Minecraft Funny Moments.’, was uploaded by Golfeh on 2024-03-19 01:45:36. It has garnered 4199 views and 192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:26 or 206 seconds. DISCLAIMER! – Yo! I had to reupload this because there were some technical difficulties with the last version of the video. For those of you who haven’t seen it yet, enjoy! And for those of you who have seen it already, thanks for watching again. gg’s boys. gg’s. Watch and see what happens. Join my YT Community Discord! -… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Challenge on Hardcore Mode!!” #MinecraftSurvival

    "Insane Minecraft Challenge on Hardcore Mode!!" #MinecraftSurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘coba lagi – Minecraft hardcore mode- #Minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival#livestreaming’, was uploaded by didi _xy on 2024-01-05 02:12:22. It has garnered 53 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:43 or 5683 seconds. Hello everyone, I hope you are lucky every day, don’t forget to be grateful, brostarstarstarstar ================================} Don’t forget to support me with donations at saweria: sociabuz: discord: #honkaistarrail #honkaiimpact3rd #arknights #nikkegoddessofvictory #genshinimpact #LiveStreaming #LiveGaming #Gameplay #epicskin #guardiantales #guardiantalesguide #guardiantalestips #reverse1999 #w17 #didixy @didixy Read More

  • “Insane Tips for Fakepixel Skyblock in MCPE” #fakepixelskyblock

    "Insane Tips for Fakepixel Skyblock in MCPE" #fakepixelskyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Play Fakepixel Skyblock in Minecraft PE #fakepixelskyblock’, was uploaded by Spunky Sabin on 2024-04-07 08:49:32. It has garnered 111 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. How to Play Fakepixel Skyblock in Minecraft PE #fakepixelskyblock Fakepixel Ironman series: Fakepixel money trick: IP to play this server: Hope you liked the video if you did don’t forget to like a subscribe. Tags: #fakepixel #fakepixelironman #bestmoneymakingmethodinfakepixel Disclaimer – video is for educational purpose only.Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Gamer with NoHacksBro!

    Unleash Your Inner Gamer with NoHacksBro!Video Information This video, titled ‘ | GODY0LAS | #5’, was uploaded by NoHacksBro on 2024-03-21 21:58:00. It has garnered 679 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:35 or 95 seconds. #ez #nohacks #1v1 #minecraft Serveris – Mano discord serveris: TAGS ( IGNORE ): Minecraft PvP, Lietuviskai, Minecraft, Lietuva, McSlime,, combos,, mcprison, kaimux, minecraft lietuva, mc pvp, mckaimux, autoclicker, jitterclick, butterfly click, montage, sony vegas 18, fortis, mckoridorius, koridorius, mckoridoriuslt, mcslime community, 1×1, turnyras, lithuania pvp, csgo, miss the rage, 420, 69, nohacksbro, slime, shitpvp, pvpeditai, davinci18, editor, fortnite, omg, mc,… Read More