Saving the President in Hardcore Minecraft

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Okay we are live let me go ahead and pop out the chat and copy this and put it into my custom browser docs paste that in apply close top chat goes to live chat share copy and all right we’re good to go oh my gosh it’s pesto dyo watch

You not even get first even you have to you have to spam it pesto you’re going to have to type it more than just once what’s up shus how’s it going at notifications how’s it going it’s going pretty well today we’re going to be playing Minecraft with the girlfriend

She is right behind me say hi hi you’re not at all there you go okay I’m back anyways what do you mean keep the president isn’t it isn’t it wait oh it’s keep the president alive I was like did I just write keep the president and forget everything else no

I I also wrote other stuff congrats on getting first Z what is up everyone um okay so yeah so we’re I haven’t actually played in this world in a hot minute but you know while we’re waiting for my girlfriend I will show you guys something real quick so the new

Computer is kind of dope um I haven’t so this is the go this is the gold farm that I designed and it’s it’s pretty laggy generally oh hold on oh no wrong button dang it that awkward moment when you mean to click stop recording but you accidentally turn off the world silly

Goose okay so it’s it’s normally uh on my old computer it was pretty laggy it would be uh it would be about 45 mspt on average but on this computer it’s it’s around like 25 which is really good how’s it going bdd sorry I’m late I was getting into my

Aunties and uncles side by side to pick up my auntie what does that mean we started 30 minutes ago I don’t think that’s true also it is not working okay I think that has to do with the chunk loaders honestly but D mute that guy he wants a shout

Out why isn’t it why why must it stop working on me hold hold on I want to show off the thing but it isn’t working why is it not working who knows um whatever it is what it is I’m not going to give you a shout out uh these guys should be working

Shouldn’t they huh that’s interesting where did the items go the items all got oh it looks like oh interesting okay oh yeah cuz I unloaded the chunks since I since I disconnected that’s what I did I disconnected um from the world while the Overworld side was

Still loaded so I had to or while the items happened to be in the Overworld side of things and so what that wound up doing was it got the item stuck there so now if we do this again let’s try this try this again and let’s see if it will Work everything must bus I mean break at one point interesting my auntie is at the airport and my uncle I are going to pick her up oh word okay so let’s see it should hopefully work now hopefully I am streaming so you know it would it wouldn’t surprise me if it

Didn’t work correctly because that would be too easy okay it’s not working that’s awesome all right whatever do I even care enough to to bother it’s fine let’s just play Minecraft that’s so annoying but trust me it works your girlfriend is the reason your world will end up I don’t she’s not

Playing on my world we’re playing on a different world all right bye-bye alter Rock what alter rock is my girlfriend I don’t think that’s true actually I would even say that I know that’s not true okay we’re inviting pesto Dino I just invited you oh sweet where are we

Pesto oh hi not even in the world I see you oh my gosh need to learn ways of m word forgot how to do everything I’m sorry to hear that anime yeah I can’t remember at all what we were doing last time or where we are honestly it’s been forever yeah it has

Been like like months I think I think we were out mining I want to say there’s a village over there fun wow I have my simulation distance and render distance so high right now oh my gosh they’re like glitching what is going on over there that’s so weird why are

They how do I zoom what is happening with them how do you zoom yeah I think it should be if you hit C what happened to the ranch what what Ranch was that like the house we were building Testa there’s some bad guys over here you want to go kill them no

I’m not ready for that too bad let’s go you got it easy these guys are actually pretty easy you’re just going to want to block you know how to Shield right yeah also use your sword not your pickaxe there you go you’re you’re going to want to block their arrows how do you

Um Sprint again uh hit control and then hit W or you can double tap W that also works look they’re down here let’s get them get him yeah get him wait you don’t want to spam click remember oh I forgot get him pesto yeah wait get this

One help pesto I’m dying help me yeah get Him yeah good job yay woo Testo is so mince Testo is so nice say haha or I will leave stream well I guess I just did come on you got it I believe in you you got this okay that that works why good work okay where do you want to go I

Can’t really remember what direction we were going honestly um oh you just spent like like a minute trying to get out of the pit just to fall back into it wait do you have a bed it’s night time we should sleep best Parkour you event like La we haven’t

Played in so long she did that for a while and then eventually like stopped messing that up but then you started messing it up again it’s okay happens to the best of us wait she can hear what you’re saying I’m going to make this the weirdest stream

Possible she can always hear what I’m saying like when I whenever we played together she could hear what what I’m saying um do you want to go mining or what do you want to do forgot what our whole mission was I I also did I feel like mining would be

Fun we can get you some good stuff here get in the boat we don’t get out of the boat though if you got out you might die I agree um oh you know what I think we might have already explored this area I see some Cobblestone that we placed I

Think unless we haven’t been over here this area might kind of looks new yeah this area looks good to explore oh sorry I’m like leaving you behind oh no don’t don’t fall okay wait come you now you now you can come down here we’re we’re going deeper

Into the cave anyway I see some iron that I want oh watch out there’s a there’s the water kind of ends here so oh don’t fall onto the Big Spike oh see this is the iron that I was talking about wanting uh what do I get rid of for this Dripstone spy yeah how dark is it for you I don’t remember if I downloaded like a like a bright a brightness mod for you I think I did can you help me over here pesto get him yeah she even got a crit wow look at her go very impressive pesto you you

Show great potential as a Minecrafter you know thanks you’re welcome you missed iron I I’m I was going to kill the mobs man let me kill the mobs first um okay I am going to put down a furnace over here and start cooking up some of this stuff some of this iron cuz

A lot of my Iron Equipment is uh very close to breaking oh thank you can you get that one for me and put it into the furnace or into the blast furnace you have to get in the hole oh you probably don’t have room in your inventory dang

Rip you said your girlfriend has great potential to kill I don’t think I said that um you know what would also be fun to do today maybe we’ve yet to go into The Nether if we get like sufficiently good armor for you we could go into The

Nether what oh it’s a zombie you got that that’s easy that’s light work it’s not even it’s not even chasing you it’s chasing me oh watch out for the creeper though oh sorry where did that guy even come from who knows oh there’s a creeper over here pesto you want to kill

It you remember how to kill creepers yeah but I don’t know if I’m ready you got this I believe in you it’s mad at me anyway why are you using your pickaxe right now I’m scared pesto help quick I’m going I’m I’m trapped in a corner I can’t good

Job I don’t know if her Thorns is good enough to kill that creeper man dang you just got roasted oh wait look pesto pesto there’s a chest over here do you want to go to m shaft M shafts are not super dangerous look check check what the chest has ooh has a

Diamond you can take the diamond I’m going to take the name tag what are glowberries they’re like berries they’re like normal berries except they they glow yeah I’m getting lost in the Maze of this m shaft right now o you know what we could do I see a guy over

There I’m just thinking we could potentially if we find a a cave spider spawner we could make a cave spider spawner XP farm which would be pretty cool a block wait I want to go deeper honestly cuz I want to get diamonds I want to try and

Get you like full diamond armor and stuff you know um but right now right now we are not deep enough underground to actually find Diamonds oh my gosh watch out that guy scared the poopy out of me holy okay that’s fine that’s that’s one way

To go about it I know I just realiz that took way too long all right uh do you want to go this way this way looks promising just jump oh okay or don’t don’t jump that’s fine I don’t have the um like the hand movements like all these

Buttons fair enough you’ll you’ll get them one day we just have to keep on playing no cave spiders yeah we haven’t found any yet yeah that’s that’s true we will okay I’m just looking around trying to scope out the area make sure you don’t die you know oh hi there’s an Enderman

Down here no but there’s also a zombie yeah but he’s going after me not you oh there’s the skeleton um I actually think we may have explored this area already CU I see a bunch of torches are you following me okay good did I when I hold a torch in my hand out

Of curiosity does it light up around me yes okay good I didn’t know if I had installed that mod for you or not cuz that unfortunately is not a oh let’s go oh wow there is a deep there’s an ancient city down here or no a deep dark

Biome down here okay be very Careful I feel like I feel like I definitely remember us going down here before I’m going to jump down you just chill here but what if something comes after me it’s dark then uh L plus ratio Bozo no wait hold on I’m just I’m just scoping out the area you you can also

Jump down into the water no we definitely we definitely did explore here I would I would say chill up there for now I’m going to come back to you oh jeez ouchie I just fell and took like half of my health n I’m chilling I’m chilling I’m really good at this game so

I’m I’m good you are he’s the best guys oh there’s water that leads all the way up to here neat pesto is the best Minecraft player second to only me for real all right pesto uh we’re going to try and find I think we’re going to go

To the surface and try and find a new a new cave to explore okay I’m going to eat my bread I’m I’m up I’m right next to you oh okay we’re going to walk across this path very carefully okay well shift as you walk across it oh how shft yeah how do I

Shift is labeled all right uh let’s go this way oh look lava fun oh are you good are you are you are you coming no oh was it just like frozen oh diamond look at that two diamonds three diamonds holy cow that’s crazy here wait I’m giving them to you

Though cuz you you’re the Diamond H how many diamonds do you have now that you have three more five you have five okay we’re going to save up to seven and then we can get you a a set of leggings oo okay yep puncher off girlfriend content let’s go

As that’s that’s the correct response to girlfriend cont content okay um I think we’re just going to basically go out the way that we came in be Careful um we’re going to go this way come over here oh there’s a zombie hi Zombie kill it I can’t get him ow stop hitting him into me AB it’s okay it’s no big deal um yeah actually we might be able to to find I’m kind of stuck here we might be able to actually find a new oh there’s a cave spider okay pesto

Look these guys are very scary and bad because if they hit you they will give you the poison effect which is bad okay this is a cave spider spawner right here are you good so we so you can disable it by putting bless you um cave spiders

Spawners or spawners in general have to be dark around them for them to work so if you place a bunch of torches around it it will uh it will stop working so that’s that’s what I just did I just put a bunch of torches on it and now it won’t work

Anymore I hear oh um I am hearing a cave spider oh there’s a cave spider right here Leto help me oh there are two of them ouchie oh my gosh turn around over here look see how I’m taking damage I’m poisoned right now oh how do you fix is

It a double you just waited out here this is a cave spider oh sorry I think I just hit you by accident um that’s a good question sheru it didn’t look like a do like I couldn’t see another spawner behind it but it might be if this no I think this just

Ends yeah it’s not a double sometimes oh if you take your sword you can break uh string you can break these cobweb blocks and get yourself out oh no are you oh you’re fine I’m fine okay I just looked at your health well okay so poison doesn’t actually take you to

Zero Health it will get you to half a heart and then it won’t do anything further oh there’s another one where are these guys coming from are they where are they how are they like how do they keep appearing that’s crazy all right dash you don’t know dang I’m so sorry I should

What’s up wishing gamer how’s it going all right pester ready let’s go let’s uh Venture onwards oh is this a new cave or is this an old cave this is an old cave oh sorry watch out there are skeletons that are shooting at us they’re meanies all right we’re going back this

Way I’m I’m going to I’m trying to find us you know a new cave to explore but I don’t know exactly where that would be so we’re just going to kind of explore around oh hi Enderman how’s it going um I think we’re actually going to go

Down this way where did you go oh I’m right here oh look look at this oh wait there’s a creeper but behind hold on we have to kill these mobs oh I got him stuck in the cobweb look at that idiot he’s he’s just stuck there okay wait look look at this pesto

It’s so pretty it’s purple it is purple my gosh I have never seen this before yeah it’s an amethyst geode honestly one of my favorite blocks in the game oh I think I found a new area for us to explore oh wait you know what I’m actually going to take the coordinates

Of this amethyst geode so that we can keep them for later yeah everything is just pesto Dino oh I see diamonds that’s exciting I also see a skeleton oh help me kill it pesto oh watch out for that little Gap there’s a gap right in front of

That you can just run over it oh ow where did the skeleton come where the freak did it come from what dude where did that skeleton come from it’s so weird I need more coal I’m out of torches but we did find a diamond you

Want some oh yes please how do I give it to you hit Q wait here there are two diamonds down here thank you that’s just one but yeah okay well can you grab those diamonds down there though they’re for you you can you you should be able to make

Diamond leggings now which is pretty Dope oh I leveled up oh I’m level 30 I can get like a good enchantment soon what’s up potato how’s it going welcome to the stream I forget how much lapis do we have at home pesto I know you would not remember that cuz that’s forever ago

Okay wait can I get more torches oh you put you left them up here I got them um seven okay let’s come over here for now there’s a creeper but we’re going to kill it watch out I got it um we just want to have you know when

You go caving you want to be able to see as much as possible so so this is like a a decent spot but the other way is probably better I’m going to grab this lapis though cuz that’s useful for enchanting and I’m level 30 which means we can start

Getting good enchantments now which will be pretty dope um I’m going to get rid of the sapling I don’t know why I have a sapling on me what’s up bro how’s it going BR you’re such an underrated Channel thank you you have what I have

Some coal oh do you can you give me some how much do you have 11 can I have it I can make more torches oh you know what I just realized I left my blast furnace and crafting table up there I think I left it with Co

With iron in it too that’s okay though dash you got 150,000 you average yeah I know do you want all of them um yeah just give me all of it if you don’t mind you can hit control Q by the way and it will give it will drop all of

What like the whole stack oh okay just so you know oh there’s the lapis you were talking about Right if I’m not seeing a mega base my next stream you fell off man okay come with me pesto let’s go uh oh hello little hole hold on I’m coming up to this surpose uh I don’t see any diamonds so we’re going to go this way

Then didn’t you have like 100k a month ago yeah I think so um oh I just watched a a creeper despawn before my eyes I love that how nice of them get it pesto get him a you were so close you don’t have to be that you can you can avoid getting

Hit by just being a little bit further away from it when you hit it there you go you were so close to not getting hit but you know one of you’ll get it one day I’ll take the lapis bro’s getting the attention he deserves thank you so M don’t worry I’ll actually help

You you got that guy I’ve just been well I’ve just been like letting you do all the work for most of them so I’ll actually help you you know if there are a bunch of them which there were oh you’re right you’re actually right with me nice really

Glitch like you were holding the skeleton oh I would never hold another person than you exact ooh there are glow squids down oh I see diamonds I haven’t I actually have not been looking in the ceiling enough there’s a diamond up there I see Diamonds oh I see a bunch of diamonds

Actually okay we got to get these diamonds that are up here um do you want to pillar up and get them um oh just like the you just yeah you just Place some blocks and go up and get them oh wait honestly I forget you we oh

Wait there are mobs coming for you I’ll protect you I’ll protect you oh I was gonna you can just go get the diamonds I got it okay I got it under control they’re just zombies you know if it was like an Enderman maybe I would ask no I wouldn’t even ask

For your help I would just tell you to run oh I need way more blocks don’t all right here I’m going to just pill her up then here you st you just stand down here there we go I put that there for you you’re welcome I know I’m just a

Hero your armor bro yeah my armor is very bad why is pesto so quiet I don’t know she is just talking quietly she’s also facing away from you from like the mic oh yeah sorry guys hi yeah I I unfortunately some her uh roommate was on FaceTime in her room

So pesto couldn’t just be over a Discord if she was over Discord she’d be a lot louder but uh you know it is what it is tell pesto to get a better stream set up yeah I’ll I’ll let her know okay wait come with me this way onwards wait what’s down

Here ooh deep dark biome hello I just want to I’m oh Diamond wait worth it you oh you didn’t have to come down here with me what are these things again like the blue stuff that’s the that’s the skull that’s the deep dark biome oh okay get the diamond oh I just got

Sneaky word oh wait do you need a second oh okay um all right then let’s come back up how many diamonds do you have okay okay we we are about to be we’re you’re very close to being able to afford a full set of diamond armor which would be pretty pretty poggers all

Right yes yeah I just thought it was I just think it’s funny oh my armor just broke I need to get a new helmet hold on one moment protect me for a second while I craft I’m I’m not oh so who who else should I ask

Then all right let me uh all right I have my helmet again now let’s go get these diamonds I’m taking that rotten flesh I’m very low on food so I’ll start oh wait I have so I actually have a lot of food I lied Das if pesto got you Legos would

You get her egos uh yeah perhaps I don’t know though that’s a hard decision all right protect me I’m going to just be up here T Dino is carrying Dash right now if she switched m Dash would die for real she’s actually using the car Mouse right now because

This goober I I was like hey can you bring she she was like can we play Minecraft soon and I was like yeah but just you have to get your mouse when you’re at home and so she was like oh yeah I’ll get it so she got her Mouse

But she forgot to get the uh the USB that like plugs it in cuz it’s a wireless mouse so uh she’s using the car Mouse right now silly me like a true gamer using the car Mouse let me redeem Mouse for pesto oh no please I’m good thank you she yeah

That also doesn’t even work you know it’s not not allowed she’s already using the car Mouse you can’t even redeem it you know can’t make her use Mouse when she’s already using Mouse oh wow this is a very nice cave oh I see a diamond I also see a deep dark

Biome again deep dark is such a cool looking biome honestly oh watch out for the Skelly bun I’m trying to see is there anything in there I think I might see a diamond over there I do all right pesto you stay here okay okay I’m going to run through

The deep dark biome and probably summon a war but it’s fine because I’m a pro at this Game oh I just watched a a bat die oh I forgot how scary the darkness effect is yeah scary where’d it go why did you get affected with it oh my goodness hey are there mobs attacking you yeah oh that’s unfortunate oh that was a really scary

Effect yeah that’s what happens when the warden uh when the warden is nearby it it gives you the darkness effect did you just get it again oh interesting does it how how wide of a radius does it affect people in cuz I’m I feel like I was pretty far

Away when I just got that very interesting I don’t know all right anyways I got I got the diamond oh wait let’s get you we have I’m pretty sure we have enough diamonds for you to get full diamond armor at this point so here ready we’re going to get you an

Upgrade take those just made them for you oh you don’t have room in your inventory for usual Minecraft Inventory management is so bad man come on you got this you have to you have to take something out of your inventory let her fight the warden for real does this get rid of the

Enchantments it does okay I kind of don’t want that what a idiot Halen uh look at this look at this stupid dumb guy he’s like stuck stuck on the freaking thingy mood what a silly goober for real PESA is so good that she kills the warden with fists no armor and

A pen Mouse that’s right that’s so so true pesta would do that casually honestly oh okay wait and you have to make yourself leggings now you got to you got to complete the set wow they’re all getting stuck here why are they so dumb they like can’t they can’t handle the

Spikes that’s that’s quite quite comical I was looking away when you said what an idiot and since pester Dino was trying to pick up the boots I got a little confused interesting oh wait I don’t need leggings I or what do I need you need leggings yeah oh my gosh

Her pants are off guys look away um choose one Aiden Walker or Challenger uh I don’t know ooh this is a nice axe here you can have it back all right now we can start getting me diamond armor yay well so here take the three oh okay

Sweet what you say and command com uh yeah I think it would be command Q on Mac I’m just drop those boots oh you can have them I guess if you like o I see diamonds I’m just I’m just trying to find diamonds um I am going to

Jump I’m a pro wait hold on I’ll put water for you as well can you land in that do you think or do you need a wider area probably not my oh oh that’s my that’s my bad I was trying to make a wider area for you and I

Placed a block exactly where you landed wait eat some food I’ll eat my baked potato I I I I thought you were going to wait longer so I was like oh I’ll make it you know make it an easier Target okay what’s up a frosty God how’s it

Going are you low on health I guess I can look behind me I’m good okay sweet wait I just looked at the stream title is pesto Dino the president of the United States yep yeah it’s a secret though don’t tell anyone one there a lot of spikes over

Here oh I don’t really there’s nothing up here we can come this way wait turn around over here um I think we’re going to go out this way I’m just going to place water and we can just swim up that’s cool with you you good you got it I believe in you good

Work all right now we’re going to go over this way oh diamonds hello hello diamonds ooh two diamonds neat oh oh oh look at that you want to swim up here are you good no swim up like keeping forward by you hit the space bar it’s like the same way

That you would jump will move you up oh yeah there you go good work hi hi just remember it’s Sunday why I know right why why does it have oh diamonds why does it have to be Sunday it’s nice playing one thing that I really like about this world is pesto

Like as you get further into Minecraft diamonds stop being exciting cuz you like have full diamond gear and you don’t really need it anymore you know but it’s pretty nice when you are playing on a new world and diamonds become like a a fun thing to get

Again it’s also fun just like seeing m Through Your Eyes cuz like you know you’re new to this yeah like teaching you how to play is fun oh diamonds I should really stop calling them out and let you find them do you do you see it no oh my gosh

I see multiple oh hold on all right jokes on you guys I’m sick so I get school off tomorrow ooh Nice you see any of the any diamonds anywhere oh are these not diamonds right here those are I don’t know how to get up well I just wanted to see if you would find them I’ll I’ll mine them that’s okay o two neat oh I have seven or I have nine

Diamonds I mean I don’t know how to count actually it wasn’t even counting I just like you ever do that where like you look at something and you just say the wrong word I just looked at nine and went o I have seven diamonds

H oh that’s just a one Bane okay now I have now I have eight diamonds or as some people call it 10 diamonds all right let’s go this way onwards I tend to try and look around a little little bit upwards while I’m moving around because that way oh there

Are so many mobs over here my goodness I’m going to uh what I like to do pesto is I like to focus on mobs like creepers first because they’re the most dangerous so if I like have the option you know between certain like yeah if I have if I have to you

Know choose to fight one first I will go with creepers also a lot of the time a skeleton will accidentally shoot uh another mob and if a skeleton accidentally shoots another mob they’ll like fight and so a lot of the time I’ll just let them fight it out you know you

Can just allow them to fight each other and it yeah and it it like works in your Favor we’re getting higher up but I don’t like that I want to be deep I want to be low so that we can actually find diamonds um I saw a creeper over here I want to find it oh there it is I just didn’t

Want it to sneak up on me you know wait watch out um I don’t know why I chose to type a mad face into the chat but I did because I’m quirky word and his girlfriend playing right now I don’t know I don’t know what’s going on uh pesto you know one thing

That’s really nice is an iron axe can two hit a creeper if you do Critical Hits so like okay yeah so they’re that’s pretty good I’m going to make myself some new armor I think I’m going to make leggings is gold good gold is relatively useful but not good for

Armor look pesto pesto look do you approve I do approve very handsome thank you yeah dashing but oh what I actually need to do what is that is no it’s a skeleton what I actually needed to do the main thing that I wanted to do was make a new

Shield because I have cuz my shield was on one durability and then I forgot um I’ll grab this while I’m here snazzy pants thank you thank you green thing versus green dino for real hey man what is the bestest way for fixing trust issues please help asking a Minecraft YouTuber that is

A crazy is a crazy strategy see like why are you in I was why am I in the little hole I was going to ask such a stupid question I thought it was a glitch and I was like he’s just like in the ground like in the floor but no

It’s what happened to the bottom half of your body dash bom I don’t see any diamonds anymore I’m I need to get rid of this one bread from my inventory by eating it um okay we’re going to try and go deeper oh oh bro are you on your phone right

Now watching this stream why are you what but that’s what I oh well like like good I guess thank you for the extra viewer but like are you trying to chat in my stream oh no oh okay oh I thought you were like like hold wait where are you

Going I thought you oh I no you know what oh yeah you can you can get him get him I thought you were like holding your phone and then dropped it it did it just like slide down it just slow down oh okay ooh a potato nice teamwork

Teamwork yep all right we’re going to go further down into the caves though cuz we need we need better stuff than this or I I want more diamonds and diamonds do not spawn high up so we need to go deeper whoa that’s crazy that’s the name

Of an achievement that I just I just said we need to go deeper go deeper yep I’ll let you find out on your own what that like when you actually get that achievement um I’m gonna jump oh I’m going to jump to here but don’t follow me yet cuz there’s a

Creeper all right now you can follow me can you can you like can you make that okay it’s all right it’s all right that was like two blocks in front of you she she’s a pro she’s a pro trust trust guys oh hello Skelly bun you had a Cinnabon earlier

Today you had a cinnabun like half an hour ago but do you know like the actual store yeah yeah like that like a real one yeah I mean for sure obviously that would be more enjoyable I keep I’m getting I’m scared of getting jumped on by a creeper again where are

Oh don’t stand underneath that wait did we already check oh wait stop no don’t stand in that see this middle area here try not to stand there because you could get jumped on by a mob here so let’s go back this way I wish there was coal lower in mines

I have like no coal man I’m lost oh that’s it that’s the lost lost well it’s like pretty easy I mean we can just dig up to the surface but I’m lost in here like we came from somewhere but I don’t know where oh yeah I’m

I’m Q are Noob Noob Noob player yeah I’m such a noob where the freak did we come from man I feel like we’ve gone in like every direction but like I don’t know which direction oh it was this way I found it wait turn this turn over

Here face reveal no bro I end my one day hardcore world to that I got jumped on by a creeper earlier today but but I ooh but uh it didn’t it didn’t explode like instantly so I had a second to like hit it back away from me are you

Good where yeah my thing definely I lose you wait stay there I’m coming to you it might just be because you’re well you’re first of all on Wi-Fi instead of like an Ethernet cable so your internet is probably a lot worse than mine and then I’m the host of the

World and you’re just on my world so that also wouldn’t a thank you oh wait look chest chest chest o another name tag and iron and torches I’ll take the Torches cuz honestly that’s very helpful because I’ve been using so many of them lighting stuff up

Oh come this way once you’re once you’re done I was a little late what the heck you got a server it’s just for my girlfriend and I not just for her you would die so fast without me okay sure wait where did you go acting like countless times where I’ve almost

Died yeah that would never happen bro how did you lose me I was like 2 feet in front of you I they need to add a leash to Minecraft like a player leash you Know I’m just going to have to like turn around every 5 Seconds to make sure she’s still with me oh this area looks fun oh wait look at this look what I just found come here pesto look come here come here this right here sorry wait look this is a mob spawner oh

So you can actually make oh this is really far away from our base so I wouldn’t recommend that we go here but do you have any torches on you I do do you remember how you get rid of the how you make the mob stop spawning not you

Want to I the trick usually is you place one on each face of the on each face of the spawner and the top there you go and now we get to loot the chests ooh fun pretty pretty solid stuff pumpkin seeds how could they golden apple is good oh death

Strider 3 book is also good apple uh no you got it and then check over here ooh music disc you have you probably don’t have room for that do you a music disc yeah I have oh wait saddle too didn’t we didn’t we like didn’t you want to have a horse

But we didn’t have a saddle I’m going to take the the saddle take the gold and then do you have room for the music desk okay then I will I’ll get rid of that honestly um what’s up Nicholas plays how’s it going just playing Minecraft in

Interval that makes it hard to see your messages um still ignoring his Nemesis all right so oh so what you can do with these that’s kind of cool is you can make a really simple XP farm um because this guy spawns zombies so you just make it so that they all get

Trapped in a little area and you kill them for XP it’s a pretty it’s pretty good pretty nice thing that you can do all right let’s go this way that’s so cool reasons why I should get mod no um there’s nothing down here okay oh you’re stuck wait pesto you can mine

Your way out with your sword you can break that yeah what was I suck on oh scary cave sound the the um the cobweb look look if I jump into here you get stuck in it and you slowly fall out can you see me you see how I’m slowly

Falling out you can break you can break it though and then you’ll fall the scary cave sound scary yeah oh diamonds andin good thing I have my Diamonds oh oh it’s a big vein oh my gosh oh my gosh there are so many what in the world that’s awesome oh my

Goodness heck yeah dude that must have been oh all right I see how it is what you broke the block I was standing on wait look look pesto pesto I’m about to be fully fully stacked look at that isn’t that beautiful he is fine thank you thank you

All right we’re going to get a little a few more diamonds ideally so that we can uh oh I see one down there but it’s okay pest you’re going to stay up here um oh this is a place that we’ve already been that’s fun wait hold on I’m going

To kill these mobs and then you’re going to stay up here I’m going to get that diamond the warden might get summoned so I just want to give you a heads up so that you don’t die to it but do I how H die to it I’m not dying all right then

Stay here okay wait I don’t have to do anything he’s not going to come to me really um if he does summon in you’re going to want to stay quiet I’m going to well okay just just watch My Stream you’ll you’ll see I’m a pro don’t worry I got this this is

Handled this is easy honestly might work all right goodbye we out I don’t I think I have I think he didn’t spawn in yeah he didn’t okay but that means that the next time I activate a shrier he will spawn in which is really fun and then it will be a little

Scarier to deal with the it will be a little Scarier um fat diamonds yeah just one diamond the the like vein of like I don’t know what was it like an eight vein that’s pretty dope though um I don’t see any shriekers over here so that’s good so the basically with the ancient city or with the skull biomes

The warden is sound based so if you if there are there in this area there’s nothing there’s none of the skull sensors are here so it can’t it wouldn’t be able to hear you unless you were like really close to it and there the skull catalysts are the

Things that actually like warn the warden or like tell the warden to spawn in and there aren’t any over here so we’re safe if that makes sense mhm okay wait come come over here let’s go bdd is an omen oh wait have we been here oh what

The freak was that oh baby zombie hey buddy oh you’re dumb okay um reasons why I should be mod no I’m good thanks I just I just hear her behind me like opening gum mcraft makes me oh you know what I want to do hold on I want to try

Something I’m going to I’m going to go try something in the ancient city biome where did I’m behind you this is why this is why you get lost because you’re over there opening gum okay so this is a little bit of a dangerous maneuver that I’m about to

Attempt so don’t follow me okay okay I’m uh oh there’s a slime over there that’s sick not only does this give me a lot of XP but also there’s a chance that I could uncover some diamonds that’s the main reason that I’m doing this though I want

Diamonds but also the uh the XP is definitely nice you know XP in exchange for a bit of a a bit of durability on my on my thingy isn’t bad at all oh that’s I can’t really go over there or else I’m definitely going to trigger a a

Sensor does he read chat occasionally I do once in a while when the mood strikes me ancient city whatever it’s the same thing same thing ancient city biome pretty much okay well hello how are you I’m doing pretty well how are you oh pesto did come over here all

Right um you know what h I don’t oh I don’t have the resources for it never mind I was going to say what I wanted to do pesto was I wanted to the warden because it’s sound based is very easy to uh like trick basically

Mhm so what you can do is if you have some Redstone you can very easily um you can very easily get a little bit or you can very easily make a little machine that just makes a bunch of noise and then when the warden spawns in all you

Do is you just like it will just hear the bunch of noise and then it will uh it will go over to it and get confused okay I just cleared out this area so here if do you want to get some XP take this and just mine the skull

Blocks oh you can’t you need I don’t know what to what do you have um I would get rid of the leggings those those gold leggings you don’t need those Bam Bam Bam I’m going to make another hoe for myself what you set off the warden I’ll subscribe I don’t really I’m

Okay what’s up Luca how’s it going don’t die please I’ll do my best not to okay pesta so now go and you just want to mine these skull blocks which are all these thingies all of these guys yeah they they should be they’re insta minable and they’re going to how much xp

Do you have right now you have 18 yeah see how much xp you’re getting like so quickly you can get XP like really really fast using this actually forgot about that I kind of love oh okay do you have iron to do that I don’t think okay I kind of love that honestly

Because it’s like risk reward you know you can get like a bunch of Levels by going into the ancient city or or a deep dark biome the ancient city biome if you will um but it’s also kind of dangerous I don’t have the materials oh can you put down a crafting table and

I’ll make I’ll make you one here take that and I will be over here fighting off the bad guys and you just get a bunch of XP okay we’re going to start doing some enchanting when we get back oh jeez go netherite mining we haven’t even been in the nether

Yet the nether is a little scary for her wait can I use deep slate instead of cobblestone is that a substitute it is okay good I was like I know Blackstone works but I couldn’t remember if like normal uh if if uh deep slay works but it does kind a pog

Oh I have a bow now what if I just like shot this and and activated the the warden no thank you a but it would be so fun come on not for please please very scary I mean scared but it’ be so fun I wouldn’t oh

You die in our hardcore world I think you mean do you want to I would just keep playing I nah no we we made the rules from the beginning that if one of us die we both die basically you know not like actually well like we didn’t you know we didn’t

Set that up not actually well no I meant like we didn’t set that up like using commands or anything we just agreed that what do you mean you hope not actually if I died you wouldn’t die with me how dare you no I’m like dying in

Real life yeah that’s that’s what I you wouldn’t you wouldn’t die with me cringe um not allowed to die though true you know what I kind of want to do cuz it would be fun and you make me a ho I cannot but there’s stuff in the

Furnace to make you a hoe okay okay pesto I’m going to go do something dangerous you stay over here no please just you’ll you’ll be fine and I’ll hopefully be fine okay I’m going to summon the warden no W just let me let me summon the warden it’ll be fine

Maybe wait so do you want me to stop like like xping uh just watch and if the warden summons tell me where you see him summon I don’t even know what this man looks like you’ll see him come out of the ground I’m just trying to trap him why is he not

Summoning oh my gosh hello this a little nerve-wracking I’m so scared right now there we go oh he’s mad at me I’m going to run I’m going to let him cool off over there so he’s trapped in a little box I put him in a box um I don’t have torches

Though which is very annoying the Strat that I’m employing though is uh the trap him in a little box Strat um and then once he’s not mad at me I’m going to break all the skull sensors and then I and then we can mine the XP for

Free um that is the goal he should I believe he will calm down or he’s going to despawn after about 60 are you good oh my god oh oh my God oh my God oh my God just use your pickaxe no or your sword here you guys can watch her game

In the background okay all right um I think he’s calmed down now so I’m going to run over oh jeez he has not calmed down I was I am such a liar holy cow why did he not calm down it’s one it’s one anger per second

I probably got him to 150 though and didn’t wait long enough that’s fine I just want to I just want to go break the skull things but he’s he’s Trapped In The Box oh I should oh I don’t have enough uh I don’t actually have why do I not have

Any Redstone hold on let me get a red stone and then I’ll make uh oh I don’t have I actually don’t have oh I also ran out of like oh nice me too Um I don’t have the resources for a repeater and I also don’t okay here we’re going to be resourceful pesto do you have any Redstone by any chance gosh dang it where is redstone at oh I see some over here but it’s kind of kind of scared to go over

Here don’t attack me please Mr Warden why do I not have any blocks just I just I have a strategy but all right I’m my strategy is running over this way and going and meeting pesto where there is light um here’s my next strategy what pesta I don’t

Know are you using the wrong item oh you just opened it oh there’s Redstone here okay wait so here’s my idea pesto this is this is a really stupid stupid idea but it’s going to it should be fine all right uh how much more that’s two okay so pesto here’s

What you’re going to do you’re going to just flick this lever every once in a while to make sure that this guy doesn’t despawn hold on warden’s going to one shot you the bats angering the warden yeah I just realized that that’s good honestly where’s this this lever right here okay

So every once in a while you’re just going to want to flick that cuz we want to make sure that the warden doesn’t despawn I’m going to put a torch over here so you can see wait should I now every once in a while yeah like just click it and then click

It back back again yeah okay basically what we want to do is I let me click it oh are you I don’t I don’t know what’s the problem oh it’s oh you’re just like really oh wow your ping is horrible I don’t know how I didn’t check that but your ping is really

Bad that’s yeah that’s why your experiencing so much lag yeah we need to get you on ethernet I think okay all right this guy’s mad at the he’s mad at the bats right now so I think I can come over here hopefully think I can come over here and break

These without it being a big deal be careful it’s fine guys I’m all right it’s all good oh wait pesto pesto I want you to flick the lever like constantly while I’m over here just like spam spam click it thank you keep clicking it I feel

Like feel like I might want to run at this point moments caught just before disaster why do you need the warden in the first place because then other wardens won’t spawn as long as we have this warden in there other wardens won’t spawn in and that’s what we want okay keep flicking it

This doesn’t actually need to be mined but okay so now the goal is going to be once we get rid of these remaining couple we will let the warden despawn and then we will be good to go yeah I think I think stop stop flicking it by the

Way all right now we’re good uh we just want to let the warden despawn which will take um about a minute I believe or no it will actually maybe take a little longer than that oh wait he’s going to get he’s going to keep getting aggravated by the

Bats hold on I’m going to kill the bats that was the worst oh that was so close oh I got him all right no bats bats don’t go over there oh my gosh why is this guy so hard to hit H did I get him I did oh there’s a bat

Wait I need to kill these bats gosh dang it so you see these bats around you you should try to kill them if you are able to how do I kill them oh you with you know same way you kill everything else in this game except don’t don’t like

Move around just if they get close to you gosh dang it bats are hard to hit oh and I’m out of arrows that’s unfortunate do I have gravel maybe I’ll just suffocate the warden to death yeah cuz he oh I didn’t add the Discord dang it

Oh well that sucks hold on let me get some gravel Jer do you want to do it oh well actually wait how long have I been streaming for I don’t want to like an hour and 20ish okay yeah you could we could still do it the warden will climb the gravel no it

Won’t dog I’ve I I’ve done this before it’s not going to climb the gravel word oh that might be mad at me I’m not sure actually I don’t think he’s mad at me though doesn’t suffocate no it does bro I’ve made I made a whole video about this it does

Suffocate I don’t know what you’re on about and I don’t have I don’t have like a flint and steel oh actually it doesn’t even burn no it doesn’t burn anyway though I I don’t have a flint and steel but even if I did I would need um I would need

Neck you zo against see don’t think he’s going to climb out of there you guys trying to kill the warden I am currently killing the warden it literally is suffocating right now I don’t know what you want yes see to zoom yeah you see the warden is dying in

There I’m just trying to get rid of the warden but it wasn’t despawning because the freaking bats were there the bats were uh were being so annoy oh my gosh ouchy wchi that’s so you might want to back up Yeah come over here I do know what I’m doing it’s still dangerous though what’s up how’s it going welcome hoppy 819 it won’t dude oh my gosh it will what are you talking about think people are confused cuz the warden doesn’t take damage from lava dude it literally does suffocate to

Death it’s going to it just has 500 hearts so it’s going to take forever or uh 500 health I think it’s 500 health not 500 Hearts but still we just need to not go over there for a minute pesto we’ll hear when the warden dies I Think oh man I wish we had torches why does why did they make it so that coal doesn’t spawn underground like at all does not take damage to Lava that’s true I know hardcore though and we’re fine I made I I was the one who made the

Video about about how to kill the warden and stuff so I better be able to uh I better be able to kill one I mean I know multiple people made oh I to do that trying to set me on fire now sorry after all I’ve done for you no I didn’t mean to

Um I love your vid thank you I’m going to test if the warden takes damage right now in my creative world yeah unless unless they changed which I’m like fairly certain they didn’t whoa Enderman party up there unless they made it so that the warden like regenerates health which I’m almost

Positive they didn’t do that um he definitely does take damage he just is going to take a while because you know M like really high HP mob and one you know I think it’s maybe one heart per second I just found three Diamonds though isn’t that

Epic oh you know what though we don’t want it to despawn now that I think about it if it oh well actually no either one is fine whatever comes first if it despawns that’s fine we don’t have to kill it killing it is fine who are you playing with yeah it’s my

Girlfriend I guarantee that it works yeah I don’t see why it wouldn’t this is so much work just for like this tiny thing well I mean we’ll get a bunch of XP pesto yeah pesto has 23 levels right now so that’s pretty good honestly oh pesto did you steal all the

Iron IR out of here oh yeah okay just make no no no you’re good just make sure you have a hoe to to mine what did you just call me I said make sure you have a hoe um I know but uh make sure you have hose

So that we can get the so that we can mine this uh yeah if you want to craft me a second one as well that would be good one ho coming oh there he goes he died yeah see see I just told I told you I told you why are you screen peing Yeah I’d be so mad if there was another another uh skull sensor somewhere here look I got a catalyst free Catalyst wait you’re oh may I have please I like I can’t hold it cuz there’s no oh okay that’s fine I’ll I’ll take it thank you all right so now we just

Mine the thing what’s your y level uh -48 I bet he was just going to look so smart but not attach is just the best for real I forget do these drop XP I don’t think so oh wait do they ever no I don’t I think so okay pesto don’t bother mining the

Little viny guys because they don’t drop XP okay don’t waste your durability on them also mine the the Catalyst blocks they drop a lot of XP so they’re going to be they’re these ones wait oh oh wait wait there’s a creeper hold on before it comes and kills you I’m going to kill

It P are just fully oblivious meanwhile there’s a creeper walking up behind her good thing I have my lovely boyfriend yeah good thing I’m I’m Vigilant you see you see the blocks that don’t look like the rest of them the ones that like let off some

Light oh those ones yeah they give a lot of XP so those are good how long have you guys been together over a year yes yeah that’s why I wanted to do this cuz we’re you’re going to be able to get a lot of levels

And then I’m also going to have a bunch of levels Yeah the more of these that we break the more XP we get you know there’s actually a really easy way of getting XP who knew I I didn’t so well I did but like I didn’t really know

That much you maybe I’ll make a Tik Tok about it or something or you cool because you seem very cool I feel like I would be biased if I said I was but but sure I I’m definitely biased but I am cool yes he’s very cool thank you

Pesto try negative 58 to 59 for diamonds uh oh yeah yeah sorry like if we wanted to be strip mining yeah strip mining is is fine but it’s very slow or it’s very like boring and I don’t want to bore pesto so at some point I’ll make her go strip mining with

Me how much xp do you have 27 levels very nice once you get to 30 you can get some really good enchantments and once we have once we have some level 30 enchants then we’ll be then we’ll go to the nether okay oh boy no no the nether

The nether is doable with level 30 enchantments the only that scared me what you didn’t hear that cave sound no I thought it was a shrier going off and I was like what no I was like are you kidding me I thought I got rid of all of

Them but I was I was about to be like oh well I guess I didn’t but I think I did pesto can I ask you a question yeah why do I hear you back there you know you can just hold down the button really yes you don’t have to individually click

For each block I am so yes you are wait can I have two iron please or actually can I just get one iron how do I only give you or can I can I get three iron actually just hit Q three times oh no that’s the wrong wrong

Item thank you you gave me five actually I’ll refund you one there we go well I was going to say I gave you one for good luck but okay gave you two for good luck what I thought i’ give you four but I well you gave me you gave me five for good

Luck yeah oopsies it’s okay I appreciate the extra I’m never never opposed to extra resources you know I’m level 40 now look at me go yeah I’m pretty cool you are thank you I think I’m going to pour water over this oh is it are you good yeah okay let me

Know if you need any help but I feel like you’re a big girl you got the zombie can I oh I can’t insta mine this underwater I guess that makes sense since I don’t have aqua affinity all right wait there is still more uh there are still like a little

Bit more over here that we can get we oh you’re at level 30 let’s go I’m L she’s at yeah she’s at level 31 here try to mine all of these ones on the wall on the walls and then also these ones over here are good to

Mine and then we can start getting some enchantments enchantments go will be lovely we have to go home though which will be kind of annoying what’s up Finn how’s it going um you know you you guys doubted me said I was going to die I only almost died like three times okay

So I think that proves that I am the greatest Minecrafter to ever walk the face of the Earth for real is that a creeper oh hey hey hey buddy how’s it going all right that’s fine that’s three too many true but all so you but but risk reward man I now

Pesto and I now I have 40 levels and pesto has 31 levels like that’s that’s the price that’s the price you pay for a very good XP for a easy relatively early game XP Source hey buddy I’m going to try and find some diamonds you let me know if you’re good over

There you need any help I can be back in like you know 15 seconds ideally unless I go really far away which I don’t think I’m oh diamonds Yay see I’m good good thing I went good thing I went and and searched I got two of them

Too Testa what kind of diamond tools do you have uh diamond yeah wait hold on I’ll I’ll accompany you oh I hear you mining it jump scare ah I didn’t even really jump in front of you though which is kind of silly what are you doing I am we’re getting

XP Dash why don’t you just leave have pesto learn how to play Minecraft like the rest of us leave her alone and tell her to figure it out she would just die the the the proper okay I gave her the option on this I asked her if she

Wanted to play hardcore or just survival and she said hardcore but the one thing that comes with that is that if I just left alone she would just die repeatedly um so you know wait hold on you should try and get these ones that are up here here just like build

Up I don’t know if you do you have blocks you do perfect oh there’s there’s some more here I’m going to snag it cuz I’m right here we we I feel like there was another spot that we might be able to get that that didn’t have any sensors or anything so

We might be able to get more XP on uh from but also we can start heading up to the surface now if you like feel like that would be a good idea yeah here do you know where I am I’m right over here behind You um golden apples are good for low Health that’s true I miss my golden apples as my food source I miss like having really good armor and stuff but you know it is what it is I’m I’m playing because this is a world that I mean you know I care about

It but I don’t care about it nearly as much as like my main World ooh that’s a lot yeah I was going to say I’m playing it a lot more ballsy than I would in like my main world so it’s kind of fun to be able to just like go after the

Warden and trap it in a box cuz I would not do that in my normal world because I would be very scared that I would die to be fair in my normal world I will have much better I have much better gear but the warden does the warden is such a

Weird creature um pester doesn’t know this but the warden has his the warden’s ranged attack does the same amount of damage no matter what armor you have so you can have the best armor in the game and it will still kill you in two hits which is a very weird thing

That Mojang decided to do but they did it and you know is what it is I wish I had TNT or something to like blow up those guys from far away next live stream can you get crack I I’ve already played the Wither storm mod oh diamonds

Yeah let’s go I’ve been waiting to find some diamonds under this oh that’s sick oh my gosh is that six I just found six diamonds under under the skull that’s like one of the reasons that I really wanted to mine the skull blocks is because you can uh you can get you can

Find diamonds hidden underneath them and uh pesto just so you know one interesting thing about Minecraft is that that um is that diamonds are more likely to spawn underneath the ground than like exposed so if they’re touching air M like if there’s air that they’re touching then they’re not then they are

Going to spawn in smaller chunks like one or two but if you find them underneath something they’ll they’re more likely to be in bigger deposits like six or eight you know so that’s why it’s really good to mine underneath the skull blocks because

There’s it uh I am just a just a wee bit away from you do you see my name tag probably not I’m wait look up here come over here look I’m right I’m right here how much xp do you have oh you got 33 levels very

Nice um I think that’s pretty good over here has some skull sensors so I don’t want to mess with it um okay uh can wait do you want to just look on my screen those guys right there these are skull sensors these are skull shers the shriekers are the ones that you really

Want to look out for because the sensors don’t do anything unless the warden’s around or the shrier around so if there was like a patch of land with exclusively sensors it wouldn’t be a big deal because they they don’t they need to have something to tell that that they that sound was

Made if that makes sense yeah like when you make sound the sensors basically just take the sound and send it to someone else but if there’s so if there’s just looked at him oh don’t do that so basically if there’s a if there’s a sensor with no shrier mhm

Uh then the then it does nothing then then it’s safe or if there’s shriekers with no sensors then it’s safe um come come with me we’re going to go up to the surface now oh how did you get up here how did I get up no the the

Enderman he’s behind you he like he like climbed up I’m going to just do that and make him teleport away he doesn’t get mad at you for doing that here let’s swim up here oh wait hold on hold on there are two Creepers jeez Louise wait

Wait watch out they’re about to jump on you all right I got him he your ping is so bad oh there’s a creeper coming for you that’s why from the side oh he’s coming for you though so he didn’t even I I attacked him and he didn’t even care bro

Didn’t didn’t care at all look at us we got full diamond armor both of us let’s go that’s dope basically sensors are the middlemen true for real it’s actually so wholesome that Dash teach oh sorry I was trying to rehat oh wow you can do that who knew hm

You can triple hit a creeper if you time it really well I had no idea that you could do that I was wish I had someone to teach Minecraft yeah it is it is fun getting to teach someone Minecraft what pesto you had a boyfriend or a partner in general don’t

Think it has to be specifically a boyfriend ah don’t fall in this hole no it’s because you’re on a spike Minecraft’s a lot like real life where jumping on spikes is not uh it’s not the best for your health well that’s not great I I think you have

The common sense to not jump on spikes people people I’m oh watch out put up your Shield or don’t that’s fine too okay I’ll nice nice nice nice huh I don’t know what the best way to go up from here is might just be go it

Might just be digging a little path or actually you know what can you you want to swim let’s go for a swim pesto oh watch out there is a Creeper following you oh my gosh what there there was a creeper at the top bro creepers are scary man they need to leave me

Alone is it okay if I give him tips give me tips dog I know more than you about this game trust me trust me when I tell you that I know more than you do you can give my girlfriend tips if you like but the amount of tips that I found out in

The past like that are not building related the most of the tips that I learned that I didn’t know are like building stuff like building related tips but like the amount of tips that I found out about that I didn’t know you know that I

Didn’t know before is like is like a one it’s like it’s like five in the past five years all right anyways let’s go this way okay don’t place down torches next to shriekers for the girlfriend I wasn’t wasn’t going to but thanks for the advice I guess all right swim up

Here oh wait hold on hold on hold on there we go just so you know we are much like pretty much entirely out of the realm of uh wardens being up here they don’t spawn this high up so we’re like relatively safe except from like creepers and stuff but Creepers Are

Easy hey can I borrow your diamond pickaxe thank you I’ll trade trade you it will mine slightly faster so also my pickaxe was about to break I can tell yeah Pro tip not dying in Hardcore Minecraft allows you to play the game oh man I did not know that one can you go

To the nether now um I think we’re going to do some enchanting if we can before we go to the nether I think that’s the plan what’s up Alex how’s it going welcome back yeah I’m like that sheru do Dash everything he knows for

Real oh I think we’re about to be at the surface pesto oh yeah we are look oh I was going to say look daylight but it’s not not daylight all right let me go out and check check the surroundings we’re chilling we’re good we should sleep though oh Phantoms quick

Sleep are they annoying me actual IRL Pro tip orange juice and pretzels are one of the best combos in the world sounds like one of the worst combos in the world all right pesto um I want to go over here cuz this looks fun this looks interesting but then we’re going to go

Back to the base I think you have the boat okay so if you want to put the boat down we can row over to there oh do you want your pickaxe back oh it’s wait it’s right there it’s below you here get take pick up your pickaxe

Oh hold on I’ll I’ll just hand it to you oh no hold on there we go there we go all right now get in the boat wow we look so good together we’re both fully decked down look at that isn’t that beautiful all right let’s go pineapple on Pizza is horrendous if

You’re reading this then you are now realizing that I wasted your time I don’t think it was a waste of time I had fun reading it okay so pesta look this is a ruined wait oh you want to get out of the boat look this is a ruined nether portal

Yo wait look look in the chest it’s an enchanted golden apple those are really rare really yeah take it just don’t eat it well I mean you can but like you don’t there’s no reason to eat it unless you’re in like unless you’re going to die also there are some gold blocks here

That you might want to grab because I know you have gold blocks in your inventory already and I don’t have room for them gold blocks yes block of gold block of gold yes wait oh don’t fall in the lava they just the magma blocks just deal damage to you but you’re fine just

Grab them they’re right here and then there there two others here you can also if you shift look if you shift on top of them you don’t take damage but if you stand you start taking damage okay that’s all but this is a ruined nether portal so

They like a nether portal normally is like this except uh you know these three Cobblestone blocks would be obsidian and also this crying obsidian block would be normal obsidian here wait can we go this way do you have the boat or did you just leave it over here I

Have the boat bless you thank you put it put it in the water Poore use diamond pickaxe we can but oh that’s my bed oh no bed come back here look I’m this is a this is a Pillager Outpost over here that we’re about to go to like mildly dangerous but

Significantly less dangerous than all the stuff we dealt with so far today so you can conquer anything true you can you’ll you’ll get there like I said oh wait we can free the Els they have this these pillagers are meanies and they have slaves we can free the

Slaves or prisoners as Minecraft would probably prefer them be called are you going to get out of the boat or you just going to sit there forget how to like get out you’re just going to sit there and get shot at or wait don’t kill this guy with the banner

On his head oh wait do we live in a village yeah we do so don’t kill this guy let’s just free these guys and and uh don’t if any of the guys that have banners on their heads you want to avoid those guys or you want to you want to not kill

Them just ignore them okay come with me oh wait what’s in here anything nothing okay cool Fess are you good helloow are you you all right I trapped him you can kill this guy though all right I just trapped that guy in a box what is this blue guy he’s in a

They’re friendly oh okay they’re kind of cute they dance if you put on music they dance I like them do a I dare you 11 out of 10 stream would watch again no this is not our house I mean no I was going to say you could make it your house but

That’s a terrible decision ooh armor trims fun look a horn as well you want to play the horn I’m going to take the armor trims and I’m going to take the horn if that’s cool oh do you want the crossbow crossbows are pretty cool pick the crossbow if you have

Room oh I forgot do I have my volume all the way down or something so it didn’t play there we go man really just took the coolest okay because she wasn’t going to take them Hester do you want the horn no you okay wait here just try playing it it’s

Fun I was was going to give her the I was going to give her the the smithing templates I’m just taking them for now because she doesn’t have room for them yeah look you hear it right mhm nice it sound great right yeah you’re you’re a real natural at that thank

You yeah but so pesto um you can’t really make this area home because um the freaking pillagers they will continue spawning like no matter what and they’re going to try and reclaim their home and I don’t think you want them to reclaim their home all right wait come with me ready

We’re going to water bucket clutch well I’m going to water bucket clutch and then you’re going to jump into the water I believe in you you got this this is easy this is easy yeah you did it woo all right let’s go get in the boat quick we’re running oh

We’re out we outtie we oh all right uh which way are we going oh yeah this is the right way to go cool oh you know what we’re going to grab this while we’re here press shift on your girlfriend no no well I mean I think they just mean like twerk on you

Oh get the get get the sugar cane sugar we need a lot of sugar cane do you have room for it oh you do okay cool get this one as well you can just break the bottom if you break the bottom sugar cane yeah all right so we’re going to we’re

Trying to enchant and to enchant we need bookshelves so anytime we see sugarcane we’re going to stop and grab it yeah I like your boat ride me too Dash will I ever get mod yeah probably honestly I I could mod you like right now I think didn’t haven’t you said in

The past that you don’t want to be mod you are indeed the top candidate though for mod Shu should get it right now Challenger is never here for real now Challenger is here sometimes he just had man we need to get you on ethernet this is so bad her connection is so

Bad being mod would be nice but sometimes I like to play Minecraft while watching streams so I don’t want to have to TK that’s fair you froze stream froze it’s back oh okay that’s good here sheru Uh here Shero is mod now congratulations Shero they’re mod for a second did oh interesting maybe huh maybe that wasn’t exclusive to pesto maybe just like the whole Wi-Fi died cuz pesto got kicked from the server maybe that’s just maybe it’s just uh you know maybe the whole thing is

Brocked you want to ride over the this Waterfall oh no it’s too late I wasn’t I wasn’t actually going to but didn’t really give me I wasn’t actually going to but then the current just kind of took us here come up here swim you want to leave your head out of

The water so that you don’t uh oh so that you don’t drown and then you’re going to move over to this water here and then you’re going to try and oh jeez oh no please don’t die please don’t die oh no land in the water wait hold on I’m making a platform for

You just jump onto this platform okay you’re good you’re good thank you’re I was so worried you were just going to die of fall damage right there see this is this is what everyone needs in their life this is what love is this is what love is making s wait come sleep with

Me okay does this count as the sleepover you’ve been asking for no oh dang it like a one a Minecraft one this can’t this can’t count for that you sure ah gosh dang it that’s always wants to sleep over but every time that she sleeps over I wake up with my entire body

Hurting um you know I just wake up sore in muscles that I didn’t even know existed and I get like the worst night of sleep of my life cuz pesto steals all the blankets from me and then you know I wake up and I I wake up 12 times cuz I’m

Freezing cold um so I was really hoping that that that would count is our sleepover but sleeping just over a cliff yeah true are you where are you oh you’re up there this is such a beautiful mountain range I don’t oh yeah you don’t have your render distance nearly as high as I

Do but look at this oh wow that is pretty yeah I love one thing pesto that’s amazing about the new computer is I have been playing on the highest render distance since I got it and I have like no issues with lag or anything it’s great it’s yeah it’s pretty

Dope um so we’re going to want to go this way like diagonally ooh there’s water boat travel is really fast so or well fast it’s faster than running so it will be great if we can get into the ocean I do want to go to that ruined portal

Though oh pesto I just want to make sure you did pick up that enchanted golden apple right uhhuh okay good I was going to be so so annoyed if you didn’t cuz those are pretty rare I think I have one in my hardcore world that I’ve been playing for 2 years damn

Really yeah they’re very rare espe especially to find it where we found it um they there’s like a it’s like a I think less than 1% chance that it spawns in a in one of these guys oh fun in a in a ruined portal they they spawn actually pretty frequently in uh

Ancient cities but those but it’s like you know it’s a risk reward thing where you know you can oh my gosh it’s my brothers hey guys do I blend in hold on I bet yeah you can’t even tell which one is me holy cow you got a problem with that all right

Good wait what if the iron nuggets are in a multiple of nine where did Dash go for a second I was like what are you talking about I’m right here and then I realized me when I make a joke and then someone oh bye pesto gosh dang it wait

Does hold on hold on I have a I have to check excuse me guys P can you entertain the the people oh my god do do a stand up set oh I don’t have a hey guys wait I do hold on hold on oh I don’t think I have an ethernet wire

Though I don’t think I have another one but I have I wonder if one came with your room yeah I feel like this one was just in the room to begin with cuz I have like you could plug this in and then you can wire in Ethernet but hey roommate he here

Oh do we have an extra ethernet cable by any chance okay dang I don’t think I have another one so um maybe when I go home I’ll get one when I go home I get my little thingy so you can stop using the car Mouse you

Know what though I’m not doing as bad as yeah you’re doing pretty good I just realized that I’m just like sitting here in the world something could have come and killed me I’m to yeah I’m going to invite you again I use Wi-Fi and my internet is super fast just got to make

Sure the motherboard has a new Wi-Fi version I think it’s just the school the wi-fi at our school is pretty horrible it is pretty horrible yeah how do I like the way that I saw that potato and thought she was just eating the enchanted gold snap

I if you want to eat the enchanted golden apple I will kill you in the hardcore world oh why did my dog just teleport to me I where’s my dog I don’t know but my dog just appeared here what the freck hi buddy I pet it I how you pet if you pet

It you would would just be punching it oh there yeah there’s the the way that you pet it look look that’s you do this you just go oh or you can I forgot you but only on your dog you can pet it he’s busting down bust down dog Tiana dog Tiana yeah

All right let’s go onward yeah I actually wait yours did why is it here what why did the dogs disappear oh I give it like food or yeah you can feed them give it sweet berries no it has to be like meat items I believe wait I have I have I have meat

Here you can give them rotten flesh they love rotten flesh even though it doesn’t really sound particularly appetizing yeah look at that wait can I can can our dogs breed are they going to breed if we breed oh yeah they are wait so do we both own this dog

Then oh yeah we both do right wait pesto are you able to sit down the baby it’s over here wait so who does it teleport to then how does that work no I can’t set the baby oh dang H oh I guess it’s mine then maybe it’s whoever maybe it’s the baby

You would be right clicking on it yeah you can’t baby donkeys in Minecraft so cute look at how big their heads are yeah that is crazy Dash teleports to you cuz you’re the ones who bred the parents no but I bred one of the parents pesto bred the

Other one I think it must be I think it must be that you that whoever bred the second parent gets to be the owner because I only bred one of the parents also pesto can you follow me also pesto you’re oh you’re right here oh your ping

Was good for a second and then you just got disconnected I think I think we might have to end the tonight’s stream pesto is not able to stay on the server for more than 5 Seconds without getting disconnected my dog only gets the most nutrient of foods and aren’t forced to

Eat the Flesh of my enemies for real that’s valid honestly good good dog owner oh I’ll I’ll I’ll put the dogs together let me put the dogs together so that they can have so that they can be friends I don’t want to leave your dogs all alone especially since they’re the

Parents of this child you know that would be they are so cute oh my gosh all right anyways what’s up hello people all right we are going to end the stream for tonight though thank you guys or she can watch you play Hypixel or something no I don’t really feel like

Doing that anyways guys thank you for hanging out I think I should be able to stream tomorrow so I’ll see you guys tomorrow bye everyone see you guys you’re welcome for mod

This video, titled ‘KEEP THE PRESIDENT (girlfriend) ALIVE in Hardcore Minecraft!🔴’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2023-12-04 03:39:36. It has garnered 498 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:24 or 7284 seconds.

Watch all my livestreams no longer live! Commands: !points: Tells you how many pumpkins you have type !redeem, then a space and then one of these options: first (1): Tell everyone that you were the first to the stream. hydrate (200): I drink water. mouse (750): Spin a wheel and make me use a goofy ahhh mouse FBI (750): Blast my ears with loud sound. creeper (750): plays a creeper sound. namepet (5000): Name one of my mobs in my HC world. nameitem (5000): Name an item in my HC world. duelme (7500): Duel me in Minecraft. void (10000): Throw your pumpkins into the void! Theyre gone now.

You can also duel other chatters for their pumpkins! (100 pumpkin minimum) Do !duel [username] [pumpkins]

I designed this insane gold farm, and now we are going to build it in my Hardcore world! 🗡️Watch the WHOLE SERIES:

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    😱 CRAZY Minecraft Stream! Sub = On Screen! #10KVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 JUGANDO MINECRAFT NO PREMIUM CON SUSCRIPTORES 😎| SI TE SUSCRIBES APARECES EN PANTALLA | #RoadTo10K’, was uploaded by elCarlitosGamer on 2024-07-23 23:41:52. It has garnered 364 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:33 or 10953 seconds. Welcome to a new live on the channel, I will be PLAYING WITH SUBSCRIBERS IN NON-PREMIUM MINECRAFT, we will be playing SKYWARS and BEDWARS in version 1.8 of JAVA. PRESS NOW! 💥 I invite you to join the channel members and I Zing you: DONOR OF THE PAST MONTH: Sans Gamer – 13.63… Read More

  • Vortex SMP Modded Factions EVENT 1.19.2 SMP

    We’re having an event soon! Scroll for more details! Vortex Discord server: Join Here ABOUT THE SERVER: The Vortex SMP is a modded, factions-based SMP built for multiplayer gameplay. With over 150 mods, the server offers a fantasy/steampunk experience set in Minecraft version 1.19.2. Customizing mods is possible by contacting admins or the server owner. ECONOMY: The server uses Lightman’s Currency mod for a coin-based economy. Players can exchange goods and services in a marketplace. Unique shops like Cosmic offer various items and can craft stronger weapons using the Tetra mod. Origins The Origins mod allows players to choose unique… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ultimate Minecraft Live Edit Ever

    Minecraft Memes - Ultimate Minecraft Live Edit EverWow, with a score of 52, this meme is more popular than my Minecraft house with a score of 0. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boomtastic Read More

  • 1300+ Iron Per Hour in Minecraft 1.21+

    1300+ Iron Per Hour in Minecraft 1.21+ Minecraft Iron Farm Tutorial: A Game-Changing Innovation Are you ready to revolutionize your Minecraft gameplay with an incredible iron farm that produces over 1300 iron per hour? Look no further! In this easy-to-follow tutorial, you’ll discover the secrets to constructing a highly efficient iron farm that will elevate your resource-gathering capabilities to new heights. Building the Ultimate Iron Farm With this step-by-step guide, you can create a fully automatic iron farm that works seamlessly in Minecraft versions 1.16 through 1.21. Whether you’re playing on Java Edition or exploring the possibilities on Bedrock Edition, this farm is designed to meet… Read More


    EXPLOSIVE MINECRAFT DEATHS?! Hardcore Part 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft bedrock Hardcore Part 2 | VTuberEN Live Stream’, was uploaded by r322c gaming on 2024-07-27 03:16:17. It has garnered 158 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:51 or 12171 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftLive #MinecraftStream #MinecraftGaming Today I am To make new Serious one my live streams With Minecraft Hardcore By collecting all Rare items Like armor shrimps music disk And other cool material So come join for the fun And I hope you all enjoy the life My Twitch My discord My Twitter Support the OtterFox #MinecraftHardcore… Read More

  • Horror Toilet in Minecraft: Part 3

    Horror Toilet in Minecraft: Part 3Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Horror SKIBIDI TOILET 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-3 ) |’, was uploaded by RICH GAMERZ on 2024-02-17 06:19:23. It has garnered 297867 views and 1361 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:37 or 637 seconds. i Found Horror SKIBIDI TOILET 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-3 ) | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Tutorial for Ultimate Zombie Survival!

    INSANE Minecraft Tutorial for Ultimate Zombie Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #tutorial #minecraftshorts #survival #letsplay #gaming #zombie #videogames’, was uploaded by Evie on 2024-04-29 12:56:32. It has garnered 418 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: Chris999’s Latest Updates Will Blow Your Mind!

    Unbelievable: Chris999's Latest Updates Will Blow Your Mind!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Mace, New Banner Patterns, Armor Trims And More’, was uploaded by ThisisChris999 on 2024-03-14 18:03:43. It has garnered 477 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:09 or 549 seconds. Hello and welcome to my channel. Here is where I do a variety of different things in Minecraft. Today, I share a new preview and what’s inside. #Minecraft Changelog: Twitter X: Discord: Instagram: Read More

  • ¡El mod que te hará temblar! 😱 #minecraftbedrock

    ¡El mod que te hará temblar! 😱 #minecraftbedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Serie Survival con el mod experiment 8 💀 links en los comentarios #minecraft #minecraftbedrock’, was uploaded by ★El Isaí シ on 2024-08-17 16:34:43. It has garnered 686 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: I BUILT a Dragon Base in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: I BUILT a Dragon Base in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILT a Dragon’s Secret Base in Minecraft! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by Clyde Charge on 2024-10-05 10:00:22. It has garnered 9400 views and 476 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:06 or 846 seconds. I BUILT a Dragon’s Secret Base in Minecraft! (Tagalog) Maizen, Nico and Cash Parody! Like and SUBSCRIBE Thank you!! Panuorin nyo din sila: Pepesan TV, Habitat Gaming,SheyyynPlayz, Ar Ar Plays, Olip TV, Clyde Charge, Esoni TV, Tankdemic, JUNGKurt_, Jey Jey, Moira YT, Micolee_, Shannel PH, Viccc TV, Astraeaa PH, Azen Gaming, Mizumi, Kimmie Like, Share and Subscribe! FACEBOOK PAGE:… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Pixel Art Survival Challenge!!

    INSANE Minecraft Pixel Art Survival Challenge!!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraftpixelart #minecraftsurvival #minecraft #shorts #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #ftypシ’, was uploaded by conmc on 2024-08-05 12:05:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft, minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft … Read More