SB737+ – I Survived 4,000 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]

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First things first we’re gonna go out and find another not chapel and the way i shall do that is by flying very very far away building a portal that’s not my best efforts and then heading on through and from here i want to search for

Deserts and not be stuck in a cave i finally made it out and tracked down a desert is the first of the pyramids and no not chapel in here seems that this one is directly in a village if i go into this person’s house yeah what on

Earth is going on here mate don’t mind me just just mining on through there’s a farm in here this is a very very cool one to be honest but the villagers have not they have delivered okay i take it all back guys well i never only took two of

These pyramids and we have a nut chapel you guys enjoy but find the tnt down there and i can build another portal and head on home and it’s very nice having all of these notch apples but i think it’d be a lot nicer if they were all on

Display so that’s the next thing that i’m gonna build there’s gonna be some pretty major changes down here by the time i’ve finished to start off with we’re gonna be going a lot more open plan this beacon is gonna have to go i never didn’t plan to do this five

Minutes ago it’s been a bit of a spur-of-the-moment thing thing i’m thinking all these gaps up here should be changed to be black stone and then if i mine out this ceiling and i can fill all this in as well it’s starting to look better now emphasis on the wood

Starting i think there’s still a long way to go to get it to ship shape condition more stone bricks around here is going to help let’s also getting rid of this excess stone and i’ll try blackstone underneath i think i like the way that this looks i’m not entirely

Sure where i’m going with this to be honest but let’s see what a checkerboard pattern of diamond ore would look like got an interesting look but it’s it’s not quite right solid deep slate does look a bit better they’ve tried a few different things what do you think bit

Of glowstone beacons gone all out here have enough now where am i gonna put the notch apples i’m gonna grab some glass panes and some glass and see how a wall along here would look and so this is how the wall is gonna look next i’m gonna

Put all of them in you know what i’m starting to think already i think these shouldn’t be glass panes i think it should be actual glass let’s try that instead if i place them quick enough look at that they won’t even pop off and that is my display board complete i’ve

Got space for 12 more which should keep me going for a while actually you know what make that 11 more it just looks a little skewed for now and now there’s there’s just something missing from my house yes yeah we need a new beacon ray and i reckon building one that actually

Alternates colours could be very very cool indeed it’s a very very simple contraption i’ve got all the materials that i need this is where the beacon shall be now to start adding everything in now to add pistons in these different spots and i’m gonna need three of each

Glass so it’s gonna be up this high there’s also gonna be pistons behind the higher ones as well just like that down to a little bit claustrophobic in here let’s go and add four tick delay repeaters all along here this will be for going into every single one of the

Pistons got a little slime mechanism here and the final thing to be done is cover all of these blocks in redstone that is all the dust down and theoretically when i do this it it should be working and look at that it’s changing color now to dig

Underneath of it and turn this single layered beacon into a full one now to try and get out of here and that looks pretty good if you ask me as you can see it just cycles through all of the colors all of the different shades yeah i

Really like that and so the north chapel display room is more or less complete and i got quite a few emerald blocks from that which means i can repair the floor in my treasure room the repairing of this place will uh will have to be

Done later and now i don’t know what i did but i have lost my food shulker box don’t know where i left it i’m thinking maybe it was at the eol farm so i’m going to go and have a look there doesn’t seem to be any sign of it so

Instead i’m going to head to the hogland farm and afk there for a bit more food now that plenty of time was passed and i’ve got loads of pork chops i’m gonna grab a new orange shulker box and fill them up i’m sure the other one will turn

Up eventually it feels strange every time i come upstairs and i see something completely different to what i’m used to but it has to be said i do really really like it and something else i really really liked is somebody downloaded my world and then tweeted me a picture

Where they had color coordinated my beacons you know what i think well i think the white stained glass is kind of useless but i think it makes the beams look even better and now it’s time to build a collection system for my end of light farm which does unfortunately mean

Building another update suppressor i was hoping that i’d be done with them by now it looks like i’m gonna have to build one just just one final time this one’s gonna be a lot smaller and more compact than the last one because this slice ball right here needs to be much

Much higher up also here’s all the items i got for briefly running the eol farm last time quite a lot in fact if i just fly on down i don’t think i can even begin to fit all of this into shulker boxes my goodness guys i’m just starting to

Realize how crazy op this farm is going to be like i can’t even you know fit anywhere near all this stuff into a shulker box almost feels sad just letting all of those items despawn now before building this suppressor i’m creating a massive platform so that when

I break it all i won’t lose all my items into lava but now finish that let’s grab the sandstone and start building this thing just like all suppressors this one will involve placing a lot of rails that’s the first layer done definitely much faster than this one than the last

One but different types of suppressors are useful for different things this suppressor wouldn’t have been useful for doing all the sliced portals in the aol farms it’s too small but for the sake of this little slice bottle it’s pretty useful and that is the second layer completed the fourth fifth sixth seventh

And the eighth layer is also done which means they’re all done yeah it looks pretty awesome doesn’t it just a little bit more redstone to be added these rails along here is where the update suppressing will be taking place once i place this redstone block everything is

Done i can grab the obsidian and the flint and steel build a portal right here and i can turn on the suppressor by doing that slide up the pole because i forgot to do it if i break this obsidian watch what happens it’s a beautiful moment look at that nothing happens to

The portal do the same with these obsidian blocks and there you have it a completely perfectly working slice portal a little bit higher than that one and i have the very fun project of just mining absolutely everything up and that is the whole thing removed just

Like that that was a lot quicker than having to build it and now before building the next part of the collection system think it’s a good idea for me to fly over here head to my pikmin farm and repair all my items and now i think it’s

Time i fix the light levels on my eol farm this is going to require loads and loads of netherrack and a lightning rod will also be very useful now before i do any of the light suppressing i first need to build another giant roof at y equals minus 51. i should also probably

Go to sleep otherwise i’m going to end up with millions of bats spawning that just sounds like a very stressful experience the reason that my skylight suppression didn’t work before is because i accidentally built this platform a couple of blocks too high but the person who made the ear wall

Tutorial sensei has explained it to me so now there’ll be no more mistakes and finally the entire roof is finished i don’t ever want to have to do that ever again now to grab a bit of string start the timer on the light suppressor and head all the

Way back to the eol farm it’s currently on the timer so that i can actually load in all of these chunks and whilst i wait for it to kick in i’m going to go ahead and add a lightning rod up here because otherwise lightning could mess up the

Levels on this farm you know if someone sets on fire it’ll brighten up all that kind of thing so this will just absorb all the lighting lightning and thunderstorm and solve that problem enough time has passed i can go ahead and fly around and as you can see new

Chunks are just not loading in that means the light suppressor is definitely working now to turn on chunk borders i’m going to add a piece of string to every chunk that will make it so that the lighting doesn’t break at a later date on the farm adding the string does

Slightly lower the rates it’s only by a very very tiny amount if it means that the farm is never ever going to break then that is worth it to me now to save and quit the game then kill minecraft in task manager then when i load it back up

The game will still think that it’s dark down there which is why things like bats are spawning and now i just have to try and get back to spawn of course you know we are going to be overrun with that i’m just going to mine my way out of here

Next i can fly up to the suppressor at spawn and switch it off now to create the drop shoot a lot of glass will be needed as well as hoppers droppers and a bunch of other redstone items let’s also grab a shulker box and it can be filled

With lava first things first let’s create a bit of a border around this portal and this area right here is what is going to deal with all of the spiders the outside is going to have glass with gates all around here and lava in these parts so the spiders will get taken out

By the lava and their items go into the hoppers and now to build the exact same thing on this side there we go that looks perfect to me and now to build the massive glass chute which is what all of these mobs are going to fall down that

Is now complete and i’ve got a few warped fence gates but i could probably do with quite a few more so i’m going to fly over to this warped forest and mine up some of the trees then all of those can be turned into way more gates we’ve

Got we’ve got plenty now and now to build the system that’s going to deal with the excess bats there’s going to be lava like this and then the bats will fly into it nor the mob can the bats will stop spawning don’t do that especially i was about to

Say that the bats will stop spawning once you’ve been ruining the farm for about a minute but doing this for me i’ve got about a thousand of them just chilling in there in the tube and now i am fresh out of lava well thankfully we’re in a place where hover isn’t uh

Isn’t that hard to find and very quickly restocked by doing this and now it’s back to placing it all again that is all of the lava down those bats don’t stand a chance before i can do much more i need to get rid of all these portals and

The glass down here goodbye original slice portal it was uh nice knowing you well that is pretty much all the glass gun i’ll i’ll deal with that a lot later let’s just get this shoot brought down a bit lower now i need to quickly pop home

Grab some pistons and iron bars and i’m going to head to the end fly to an end city and grab lots of end rods i’ll also grab a bunch of chorus fruit so that next time i need end rods i don’t have to come all this way and now i’m going

To place iron bars and also end rods along here and in theory all of this redstone should make it so that yeah look at that we’ve got a moving floor now and so mobs will land on here and then they will fall through but they will take damage and probably die before

That okay what am i doing here i was fresh out of firework rockets would you believe it so yeah the items will be able to fall through but the mobs won’t except for the baby slimes which i will deal with next now to build the exact

Same thing as they’re on this level the reason i use a mix of iron bars and end rods is because sometimes the items will get stuck if i only use end rods and if i use only iron bars as you can see they all attach up to each other and this one

Should now be working perfectly as well and this right here is the part where pistons are going to push all of the items into the middle this will make him much easier to deal with in the next section and all this creates a nice little clock that pushes each piston

Individually like so and any items are just sprinkled around like this notice how they will gradually get pushed into the middle this next bit we’re going to need blue ice as well as some slime and string and to get blue eyes i’m gonna have to mine up loads of all of this ice

However my pickaxe probably won’t survive that also apparently hidden under the snowy the shulker boxes with loads of icing and that’s kind of cool might as well start crafting and before i grab any more ice let’s get this pickaxe repaired that’s everything fixed up now to mine up loads of ice made it

To the end and this is all of the ice i’ve got time to craft it up and it gives me a grand total of about 73 blue ice wait there’s more ice here and that means i have 89 pieces actually 79 i am apparently can’t count for the next part

A lot of redstone components will be needed and i think for now i’ve got enough of everything that i need let’s go and build a massive storage system so the items are going to land on this block right here let’s also turn this off the noise is kind of driving me

Crazy there’s gonna be a slime here and a sticky piston that will push the slime block the magmas also drive me crazy so i’m just covering up and from here i would dig in this direction but as you can see there’s lava in the way and

Rather than clear out the lava i’ll just go ahead and make it so the items go in this direction so the items will go on this blue ice and be fired over in this direction and they’re going to go about this far before dropping downwards and

If i place a few ender chests here when the items are fired along as you can see because this is slightly smaller block it’s kind of part way on this block as well and then hoppers along here can go into comparators and when they get fired along this ice these hoppers will be

Able to collect them it’s a pretty foolproof plan but for the amount of items that are going to be coming through here i’m going to need a lot of hoppers also after a bit further thought i’m going to make this pathway right here quite a bit longer i also get a

Very fun job of having to deal with lava because we’re in the nether this is the general shape of it so far if i go any further than this and out of the chunk then the chunk will not be loaded at all only a three by three around that portal

Will work a bit of string here is gonna detect when items come down and activate this piston as you can see it works like a charm then some more string here we’ll extend this piston so if i go ahead and test it out okay that went to there and

What happened here i’m just an idiot and can’t do basic redstone apparently time for take two so they are going to be shot along there and then obviously these items are going straight into this hopper but if i fill all of these up then they’ll be shot a lot further along

And this is how the corner system is gonna work so when an item gets that corner as you can see it will get pushed although why is it got stuck you know i think it’s in my best interest to move everything a bit lower that way there’ll be no need to

Worry about items getting stuck and on take two everything seems to be working as intended the blue ice in this direction goes all the way down there now to turn another corner and repeat the same process again i also think it’s time that i got rid of this massive i

Don’t do that but yeah there’s a massive lake right here and i think it’s time i got out my scaffolding and got rid of it all [Applause] And finally i have made it down to bedrock now i can get back to building my storage system hard to believe that not that long ago this was full of lava look at that found a bit of ancient debris whilst i’m digging everything out makes sense that this would happen when

You’re mining such a massive area plenty more of the area has been mined out but before i go any further i should definitely heal up my pickaxe i don’t want to have a breakage on my hands i also need to mine up lots more ice getting blue ice is a very expensive

Task i went around this a few times and managed to get 60 blue ice from all of that in fact 61 now to repair my pickaxe again and continue building this collection system and once again i have run out of ice if we complete those i’ve probably got enough where there’d be

Enough hoppers to collect everything but just in case i’m gonna mine up even more ice i only got 14 blue eyes from all that i think it may just be quicker to mine it from the bottom of these icebergs and i can also get loads of

Practice this way as well from that i got so much blue ice yeah that should see me through for the rest of the build i’ve been adding the slime piston system to this but then i ran out of vendor chests i could use something cheaper like normal chests like a normal person

Would but hey i’m rich i’ve got loads of obsidian so i might as well use it although despite being so apparently rich i only have 32 blades powder which isn’t a huge amount it’s enough to make the end of chess i need to finish the build but i should definitely take a

Trip to the blaze farm at some point now to add the hoppers the comparators and all of the redstone i have now run out of comparators and i’m nearly at a redstone just a few blocks left so i shall fly home buy more redstone which means my pickaxe at the same time then

I’m going to craft many more comparators and many more repeaters with these new materials i can finish adding all of the redstone it’s going to be a very straightforward sorting system you’ve seen me build these many times before it’ll just involve these hoppers going into chests and redstone torches right

Here repeaters going into those torches and then redstone dust on this bit and that creates an item sorter and the next thing we need to build under here is some shulker box loaders but to build those i’m going to need loads and loads of shulker shells and this shulker farm

Was pretty good when it was first built but it’s time i built a much faster one using portals and i reckon right here is the perfect place to build it that’s the area cleared out now to grab all of the materials and begin building this 19 by

19 is gonna be the size of the portals and there’s gonna be a glass wall one block away from it now that that’s complete and i’m gonna build another portal right here followed by another wall and another portal and i have now completed building five portals right

Here is where the shortcut that is gonna be duplicating itself is gonna go and these stairs are good because the shulkers can only attach to one side and in here is gonna be where my snow gums go but i’ve got a problem don’t have a single

Pumpkin oh that’s that’s kind of a lie i have loads of loads of pumpkins they just need to be harvested also it would appear that the gums have made an absolute mess of this yeah i just need to rebuild the iron farm higher up got loads of pumpkins from that over yeah 49

Of them and there’s someone here as well let’s grab those now to carve 24 of them which for some reason is a very satisfying process the seeds can be sent for composting and all of these can be mined up now to begin spawning in all the golems that’s 24 of them in there

Any more under they’d start down and this trapdoor will keep them safe and now we can continue building the chamber for the shulker she’s gonna have a banner right here i’m going to waterlog the trapdoor and add two more obsidian right there next i’ll light a portal and

Build a corresponding portal above the bedrock back in the day this was all very useful for transporting shulkers but i think i can break it all now right here is where i’m going to build a bit of a collection system pistons along here are going to be pushing the

Shulkers and these observers will detect if there is a shocker actually there same thing is going to be on this side and every piston will have redstone behind it so you can see if something updates okay well don’t do that sp maybe just with a normal block as you can see

The pistons extend gonna use slabs to stop the shulkers teleporting onto the observers trap doors to hold them in place and i’ve just realized these pistons and observers are in the wrong place couldn’t even build it symmetrical with the other side could have now everything is built correctly and now

It’s working much better everything is spawn proofed string along here will allow the observers to detect the shulkers and with the roses will damage them i’m gonna do the same on this side and all i need to do now is build a system for a backup shulker which will

Be just in case my main shulker dies and i need to replace it just realize i’ve actually built this on the wrong side and it needs to be redone i have to move to this side i realize it doesn’t actually matter which side you put it on

But yeah so that should work fine let’s light up the portal extend the storage down a little bit further and remove a bit more around the edge of this portal here in fact i’m just going to completely remove the portal full stop and everything’s complete all i need is

A few shulkers we’re going to go and head through this just to make sure that it connects up properly and look at that it does and i think it’s going to be easiest and makes the most sense to just take the shulker from this farm so the

Shulker will be able to teleport onto this block and i just need to make a long bridge all the way to there that is this bridge complete and that is all of the rails down as well right here i’ve set up the area where the shulker is

Going to go still this minecart for the process okay please come out now when i break this in theory oh no don’t kill it nope nope okay that could all go wrong i think it’s okay bit of a close shave but let’s just get rid of the lava before i do

This the shulker is teleported onto the piston so we’ll go ahead and break the pistons now right now it’s searching okay they’re perfect it has now found the block that needs to land on and then going to be very brave and flick this lever there you go look at the snow golem send

A few stray snowballs it’s no use mate you’re just you’re just too far away and now the shulker is traveling at very high speeds down here he’s gonna he’s gonna drop into my chamber is it’s on the block i need them to be i’m gonna push the

Pistons in i can break all of this scaffolding and it’s ready the farm is completely ready i’ll just light up all of the portals and flick this lever which will set the farm off all right there we go we’ve got a shulker where is it i think he’s already gone

Through you know and would you look at that guys it’s um it’s not properly working this is gonna get very messy very very fast if i do not quickly get rid of this high-end golem portal don’t teleport me through just break okay we can make a new iron farm that’s bigger

And better now i’ve got 60 million shulkers to deal with but that’s nothing i can’t handle that’s the last of them and i’m very happy to see that they are now going through into here okay maybe i shouldn’t do that but it’s working they’re getting taken out by the wither

Roses my backup shulkers are right there and already the shulker shells are coming in so whilst that is very very good news one duplicating shulker is it’s just not enough for me so yes you guessed it i’m gonna build another one of these so i can get twice as many

Shulker shells also a wither rose with a turf leg on top will deal with any stray pigmen that come through the portals before i begin building i wanted a bit of snow to spawn more golems than i uh i got a little bit carried away but all

This snow will be very useful for a future date and over the last 15 minutes or so my farmers got me nearly two stacks of shulker shells i’m pretty happy with the performance although i am now going to make it much much bigger I built another two layers of the farm and to finish it off i just need the third shulker which is going to go in this minecart let’s go ahead and place a minecart right there which is sent a shulker through the portal then i head over here and flick this lever which

Sends him on down yes it does and to get him properly in i just turn that on perfect let’s go and break the pistons and i’m going to line up all of the portals and that is three shulker farms complete if i flick this lever the farm

Will begin all the other ones seem to be working fine as well so it is going at triple the speed as it was before and just look at all of the shulker shells that i’m getting all of this is definitely going to be enough to work

For my eol farm drops and now to build the shulker storage system most of the items i’m going to need for the shulker loader are in that box but i’m also going to need a load of dispensers and a load of barrels and now let’s start building this so we’ll start with a

Couple of hoppers coming down into this hopper there will be a observer and another one facing down piston right here that will have a barrel behind it this dispenser is what is going to send out the shulker boxes and this comparator is going to detect if they’re

Full another observer is going to be there with a torch on the end and then an observer kind of going well it’ll be going this way no we’re going this way and if i put a shulker box on here that is almost full just for demonstration purposes it

Could be like that and a stack of items can be filtering in and once this box gets filled up that does that and uh you can see the shulker will go into there and yeah okay i was wondering where that comparator came from that was just from me earlier and a

New shulker box gets placed right there so yeah it works perfectly and so now i’m going to create a row of these all the way along underneath this ice it seems that the easiest way to do that is just to place every single thing in a

Row or at the very least that makes it much faster to build and that is 19 of these all in a row completed now to complete the redstone for the sorting system part and start creating shulker boxes all of them just go into this barrel this has made me realize that i’m

Missing some hoppers because there should be hoppers like that so that they can actually go into the dropper i have now run out of shulker shells so i’ve just got these 11 left but i’ve still got quite a few barrels left to fill as

You can see so i’m gonna fly over to the shulker farm and see just how many shells i’ve now got look at that that’s a lovely little boost and it seems like the farm is working as intended there’s chalkers around although apparently the shulker in this top one has died but

Thankfully it’s a pretty quick process to get it back now we’ll just need a bit of scaffolding here activated to rail on top with a lever open this up with sticky pistons a shulker through and now to send him down and close that pushes him in and okay tell but i don’t think

That’s going to happen always remember to turn the farm off when loading in a new shulker time for take two and that is mission successful now to light up the portal and turn the farm on whilst it was dealing with that extra shortcut loads more shells have been coming

Through and all of these will be used to get even more shulker boxes all of the shulker boxes along here for the rotten flesh are done now to craft a lot more hoppers and place them along here now i’m gonna quickly fly home get some yellow dye and white dye and i’ve also

Got a bunch of other colors as well it would be useful to have even more yellow i’m gonna get lots and lots of dandelions from the flower farm i reckon all of this should be enough that’s been a pretty successful mission in my opinion and now to continue loading up

Shulker boxes everything on this straight is now fully loaded and ready to go so now it’s time to add some along here i’ve realized a slight floor to my system i can’t build a shulker loader going this way because this truckload is in the way i’ve managed to make room for

All these i think i might even remove these two end chests and this whole system just so that it’s kind of a better corner but that’s something i’ll worry about at the very end i’ve now run out of droppers i’ve run out of dispensers i’ve run out of observers and

I’m out of cobblestone so i think it’s time i did some restocking but apparently i already have tons of cobblestone in these chests in fact they’re overflowing so it’s very convenient that i built a shulker farm because i can help fill all of these shulker boxes but four shulker boxes

Worth isn’t gonna be enough i want even more guys i’ve got bad news i left the cobblestone farm running for too long and let me pick out break i did get a lot of cobblestone from it though on the plus side i can fill up loads more

Shulker boxes and now i’m going to buy more books and get my pickaxe back and whilst i’m here i might as well buy a load more redstone it’s very sad to say but that is every single one of me emerald’s gone and i think it’s a real problem that my pickaxe doesn’t last

Forever when using this farm so i’m going to create a super quick and easy little farm that will give me xp whilst i’m afk although to build this i’m going to need quite a bit more glass and whilst that’s smelting i’m going to dig out a massive hole i think this room is

Going to be big enough kind of ironically i’m building this so i can get more cobblestone but um i got loads of cobblestone just from mining all this out and now to start building some giant portals things like this that i made are with a powered obsidian farm because i

Just use so much obsidian for stuff and having to manually mine all this up would have just taken forever using scaffolding is the only way i can see that i can realistically do the roof and that would have to just build massive towers everywhere and that is the roof

Done as well as this wall before i light them i’m also gonna do all the portals on this side and also the mechanism in the middle and at long last every single portal is built now pigment are gonna spawn in these portals and they are then gonna go after

A turtle leg i’ll put the turtle leg right here and then a hole here they’ll be stupid enough to think they can get it and walk down the hole although to make sure that they’re stupid enough i’m gonna use trapdoors to trick them this is the tube that they’ll be rising

Upwards in what’s going to need to get a pigment into that hole there so i’m just going to build a temporary tube right here sign can go there and we’re going to have a load of water that’s going to be flowing all the way down here might as well

Finish this tube as well while i’m at it there we go looking pretty good let’s add the trapdoors and now for the system that’s going to be down here place that there i am going to need a load of kelp as well so yeah let’s just make it onto

Water sources now now the trick at the bottom is to have a little wall so that when you walk along here you can see it just steps you straight up i’m also going to break all of these and that water can go there and then we can kind

Of just do something like this so yeah they’ll fall in here they’ll get pushed along and then from here they will get pushed by other pigmen and go all the way up from this bit i’d better make this wall a little bit higher but one of

The guys is going to float along and fall down there i’ll just have to light up a bunch of portals to get him to show up now then we’ve got a pigment coming through he’s falling down the hole and he is rising up and there we go he’s

Trapped in there although apparently i have no name tags that’s a slight problem i’m just blind guys seems to be a few coming as well right look we can only have room for one in here okay the rest of you you’re just gonna have to land on glass we’re gonna call him

Aggressive man because he’s gonna be making everybody else angry and now i’ve just got to work out how i’m gonna modify this farm so that the pigmen will drop next to me who just thought someone would have put this much effort into just farming cobblestone i know i could

Just use a tnt jupiter and make it afk but i don’t really like using tnt jupiters when i’m farming for resources i’m starting to get a decent design together now this door will instead be here all of this crying obsidian is going to instead be hoppers which stairs

On the sides and underneath the hoppers is also going to be this crying obsidian and all of these need to be waterlogged which is quite convenient because i’m right by a river and then lava is to go on top of the water this is looking very good indeed although i have realized

That it’s a little bit flawed because the water can’t always get through but it’s actually more efficient to look at it at this angle anyway which then works fine and the pigment are going to be landing right here got a little bit carried away with building this tower

Made it way too high now if i’ve built this correctly when i mine away the dirt the water should flow all the way along i forgot to put a sign there hold on get there you stupid sign now we got that sorted well it’s probably gonna be

Better for the farm if i break this sign and make it higher by one or even better what if i made this underneath the water ice that would make it even better anyway you know we don’t need to overcomplicate this let’s just get rid of the dirt tower and also the lava on

This side because it’s only gonna cause me problems you see now i can mine the middle ones and not have a problem and if i want to go for the edge ones as well to get even more i can just do that i’m also curious to see if i can cactus

The drops by putting a bit of sandier cactus on top the only question that raises is is it going to stop me from getting the xp and if we punch the aggressive man to make him angry that is where falling pigmen should give me xp but i don’t think they really are i

Think the cactus is probably messing up let’s let’s get rid of that and go with this again yeah look at that we got some xp that time everything seems to be working as intended so let’s go and light up the rest of these portals look at that you

Just jump straight in to say it looks very very cool in here can i even get out okay i mean might be trapped it might be going through no we’re not yep we’ve gone through okay where have we ended up okay we ended up down here unfortunately it seems like the farm

Isn’t quite working as intended i’m guessing it’s because i don’t have line of sight or something so i’m just going to slightly adjust the design down here to make it properly work the aggressive mat is instead going to live right here and the plum will be for the pigment to

Die to drowning okay drowning is just taking too long instead we’re using a rail and a whole load of minecarts the rail’s going to go like that and i need 24 mine carts on here that right there should be enough there’s also going to be a sign with some water yep that’s

Perfect break that okay in theory this this should all now just work perfectly and it will also need a load of snowballs do i grow the pigment and i do seem to be getting xp from it perfect it’s working but the question is will it be stopping enough to stop my pickaxe

From breaking well i’ve been running for a bit and it does seem like the xp is it’s generally going up as the durability at the very least staying in roughly the same area right before 1027 now we’re 1046 yeah i think i think this might be renewable my plan might

Actually be working so i’m going to afk here get loads of cobblestone and you know put it to the test i’ve left it running for quite a bit of time and look at this me pickaxe has actually gained durability which means against all the odds my plan has actually worked now i

Should probably gather up all this cobblestone and get back to work on the eol farm we’re getting so much cobblestone from that that i think i’m gonna need to make a bigger storage and whilst i was trying to build that how much shook oh my goodness this farm is

It’s just way too good i was expecting maybe like i don’t know two layers or something not flipping stacks and stacks of them i don’t know what i’m gonna do with all this i’m gonna have to use these shulker shells to transport more shorter shells definitely been a worthwhile thing

Building a new and improved shulker farm thank you so much enx04 for the design although one layer probably would have been enough for it i didn’t need to build three of them this one lonely sugar shell now has a family of millions of shortcuts let’s start loading these

Up with cobble and also change the way this storage is so that there’s twice as many chests and it’s also annoying that every time i come into this room there’s no ender chest i want to get down the chest i’ve got to go over here or up these stairs and that’s that’s just

Extra effort that’s unnecessary so i’m thinking i could make a little hole in the wall here and and the nhs could literally just live there nothing nothing fancy i can grab an upside down stair to go above it just so that it mirrors the other side and you can

Actually open it just a very nice little touch there we go this is also a great opportunity to craft loads and loads and loads of observers all of these should keep me going for now before i get back to finishing the eol storage i’d like to

Grab a bunch of magenta wool and then i’m going to change the bottom layer of this shulker farm to no longer be made out of glass i just think it’ll fit in a lot better if it’s a different color and where the magenta is going to be the

Correct one that still remains to be seen well i’m happy with how this first one looks so i’m going to go and change all the other glass ones to magenta wall as well it’s all been smooth sailing changing this but but now i’ve got to do

The one next to shulker i hope this doesn’t go wrong you know i’m going to just stand back a little bit i go like that okay we’re good did he get angry i think we’re all right let’s just move oh no how am i gonna

I would do the one next to all those snow golems you know what no one’s gonna know if i just leave a window there you know what i can do it no i’ve got a plan here on the sb 737 channel we do not do

Half a job speaking of half a job guys i’m trying to hit four million okay that was a little too many i’ve tried it four million subscribers this year so if you’re enjoying the video it would be amazing if you could subscribe and i just realized that that’s all i have to

Do because yeah look at that peacekeeper and now back to changing these walls finally i have done it was it worth it well you know what i think it looks a lot better now before having glass at the bottom it just didn’t make it look all together i would like to add another

Layer but it’ll clash with that pulsar i think we’re done with it now to also get rid of this big train track bridge and that is mission accomplished even though this old chukka farm is kind of not going to be used anymore it’s going to stay because you know it’s a good memory

Let’s also pick up all this junk that i’ve got lying all over the ground now which is apparently despawning right before me very eyes okay this is not good we better get a move on i think that’s enough of that on the plus side i got so much glass back from mining all

About glass which i’m sure will come in useful later on down the line my pigment farm is not working and this tells me something might have gone wrong i don’t know what’s going wrong but does it involve shulkers like is there just a shulker overload somewhere there is a portal i

Think that is is sending shulkers through that aha all i’ve got on me is an axe i’m just gonna have to go for oh my goodness okay there’s a lot of them i don’t know exactly how many but what is going on it’s just a ridiculous

Noise at the moment i’ve got to be careful this isn’t how i died to the hand of a hundred shulkers they’re just everywhere i thought they’d maybe all gone but they just looked through here as well i’m not sure why that happened but i i hope it doesn’t happen again and i got

43 shulker shells from that so i guess that was a bonus and now i can actually use my gold farm to mend my pickaxes everything’s now fully repaired i think it’s time i got back to building shulker loaders although i just realized i need more droppers and dispensers as we said

Dispensers one of the most annoying thing to craft to just take forever it’s all because bows don’t stack so you can only do one at a time but that is now mission accomplished before i add to these i want to change something here because i’ve realized if i throw an item

Notice how this extends and sometimes mobs will land on this slime maybe some baby slimes will land on it and they won’t take the fall damage so i just need to make a few adjustments to this system this observer will go here and the piston will push a block as normal

Have a repeater coming out of here and then this redstone will power it any time anything falls down so if i just go and put a string there as you can see it does that which will be pushing this block and it’s gonna go over to here and land on this bit of

Terracotta so i’m just moving everything here along by one and this is where the second piston will then push the slime and push the items we also have a couple repeaters here to make sure there’s enough delay so now when some items come down they’re gonna get pushed okay that

Didn’t work been playing minecraft for seven and a half years now still can’t do basic redstone that’s gonna go there repeater there and i think this could just be a block at the end this needs to also be a block that can actually be pulled by a piston like glass them like

That right now when i send some items down there we go you can see they’re going through you see they get pushed off there and they get pushed along it it is working and full damage is back and now that’s finally managed i’m going to continue building loads of these shulker box loaders And now all of the shulker loaders are complete so now i’m going to grab an anvil rename netherrack so it’s called blockers and start putting the items in for all of the different filters that’s all of them done on this row and the reason i rename them is that so that an

Item can’t randomly fall in by mistake and mess it up in theory this entire storage should it should be unbreakable that is every single one of the blockers put in now to head back home and grab some shulker shells on the way and now to collect all the different drops i

Need to create the filters and these are all the different kinds of items the farm’s going to give me and i’m going to need to filter for now to start putting all these items in all along here it’s gonna be arrows followed by bones and then gunpowder and string and this last

Strip is more for the whole miscellaneous drop so it’s gonna have the slime balls i think i’m just gonna do 16 hoppers of those and then these meager drops as well which will fill up very very slowly then these final ones i’m gonna leave empty there’s gonna be

Things like bows that come across so i i guess i’ll collect them i don’t really have any use for them although they could be a cool fuel source i don’t know we’ll just we’ll just see but i’m gonna leave them open and see what happens with those hoppers and i need to also

Remove this string because yeah there’s not it’s not gonna be going any further everything is just gonna stop right there so it’s almost ready it’s getting so so close to being done however there are still a couple of things that need to be sorted i’ll need

A system that collects all of the string from the spiders so a couple of hoppers here will be useful and now if we mine on in i’m going to put a dropper there one on this wall and then there’ll be one on this side if i also make a stairs

I can put one here and this will make the items that come out of these droppers more like to go into the middle it doesn’t matter if some of them do get stuck on this ledge because mobs will pick them up as they go down as well so

It’s just a great little system out of here i’ll have a comparator going into a repeater which is going well it’ll go into a block and underneath that block there will be a redstone dust which will connect to a piston and that piston will have an observer on it and right here

There’ll be another observer with a block there so you can see now that if an item goes in let’s just go and chuck in some of this you’ll see look at that getting dispensed out and now to build the same thing on the other side comparator repeater redstone piston and observer

One final observer right here i also need all of these hoppers to go in like this i’m just gonna make sure you know there’s plenty of poppers going in and next i’m gonna create the exact same thing on this side and this side is also done and you’re probably thinking what

Else could i possibly have left for this farm to be finished well you probably realize this but spiders spiders are a pain you know look at they’ve got all this just to deal with them but some of the more persistent ones will manage to fall all the way down here and land on

These end rods so i better build something that’s going to get rid of them it’s a pretty simple thing it’s just going to involve some gates again with lava on the outside pretty straightforward but somehow occasionally a few spiders will sneak through that as well so to deal with that i’m going to

Do the exact same thing here and that is also now complete what about the few that somehow managed to get through this one as well you know what i don’t care about i can’t really bother to build another one right here in fact i’ve had an idea any that miraculously survive

That far down will land on magma i think it actually makes sense to make this quartz magma as well in case any mobs land on that this farm is getting more and more efficient all the time but yeah it’s done it’s now it’s now finished okay and mobs are gonna come down here

And then yeah they’re gonna they’re gonna get kind of stuck like this at the end of veneer and all the item sources are done there’s just one fine i promise you guys this is the final thing thank goodness we need shulker boxes we need lots and lots of shulker boxes all of

These ones are going to be dyed like grey and i’ve already filled up all of these ones along here as you can see but i still need to fill up the ones that do the gunpowder and then the ones that do the string and bunch of miscellaneous

Drops after that and i’d love to add every single shulker box right now but alas i am almost completely out of wood and that was after restocking back at my house and that unfortunately is all of my wood used up which gives me only one choice i’m gonna have to head all the

Way to spawn and spend a bit of time at my tree farm and from all that i think i’ve probably now got enough wood so i’ll craft a load of chests and continue adding shulker boxes i’ve almost filled up all of these but i’ve now run out of

Black dye i’ve been using wither roses to get it so it looks like it’s time to make a trip to the end from there i’m going to head through this gateway and fly to the wither rose farm now at the moment there’s no way the roses in here

I’m going to have to head up to this little afk platform let the enderman spawn and the weather will do the rest think enough time has passed and i’ve got loads more with the roses right there and now it’s time to get back to work and that’s all of these ones done

As well now it’s time for the final row and finally that is every single colored shulker box done i’m gonna put a bunch of generic ones in these n ones in case they do get used and that is mission accomplished and now the question is is

It ready to now finally test well of course there is one tiny little thing i need to do and that is to go to my storage room grab a bunch of stone make some buttons and then when i press them on these barrels it’s just for the first

Time it will dispense the shulker box it’s just to get the farm going i’ll never have to press these ever again but just for the first time i’m gonna do it it really adds some color to the area doesn’t it now that all the shulker

Boxes are in none of this stuff needs to be here anymore i did also make one tiny mistake with the farm as you can see there’s a tiny bit of netherrack here which needs to be broken but if i go and break it right now it’ll mess up the

Skyline suppression so yes you guessed it we’re first gonna have to do a bit of light suppression before i can break that block the suppressor does now appear to be working because chunks will not load let’s break this piece of netherrack then i’m going to quit the

World and when i load it back in i can turn off the light suppressor and the skylight suppression on the farm will have still been successful let’s turn on the redstone mechanisms turn off the mob switch that way hostile mobs will be able to spawn in fact just before i do

Test this farm i i i’m worried about this i don’t think this system is reliable enough because when i unload the chunks these tend to stop working for some reason and that could cause me problems with the farm when i’m not here and i wouldn’t know about it you know if

I’m afk and i you know how am i going to know what’s going on in the nether pretty simple solution for it though we’re just going to run this clock to go up higher if i put a torch here you can see that that is now moving in and out

With the clock i’ll also do the exact same thing on this side and look at that it is working perfectly and that means i can run it up even higher and with that all of that redstone is done if i push the button it’s all working perfectly at

Some point i had an off switch where it blocks the redstone but i’m not going to do that right now and now guys i think it’s time for a heartbreak moment i’m just doing the final test before i uh booted up the old farm and i’ve made a

Mistake i’ve made a big mistake guys honestly this is this is pretty crucial watch what happens okay you know what we’re gonna push an item okay looks like okay well i didn’t work but let’s just try again okay so push an item okay it goes along well goes along goes along

Stops going along yeah apparently it can’t get pushed 32 blocks so i’ve got to move all of this in by a few blocks all of this across by a few blocks and i’ve got just five days to do it time to get serious And there we go it is now all moved and hopefully never doing that ever again and i’ve also worked out a way to make this system even more reliable by adding an extra repeater it increases the delay and it kind of syncs it with the other pistons otherwise some items will land

On top of the slime block whilst it’s extended and then they won’t go all the way to the edge and then they won’t get sorted if i moved all this even closer that would have been an issue but i i thought for a moment that i’d i’d

Completely messed up but no i could just do this and it solves it let’s also add a two repeated delay on this first little piston as well and with that i don’t think there’s anything more i can do there is loads of random shulker boxes and barrels of i will finish

Starting another time i am sick of working on this project to be honest let’s go ahead and test everything out now whilst i’m using this farm i’m going to kind of be flicking between replay mode and showing you how it works just so you know you can see what’s going on

In the dimension and i can explain everything properly first things first you can see the mobs are spawning in bats will also be spawning so i’m going to turn this portal on so the bats can come back through so about 1 100 bats are gonna spawn here and most of them

Will end up in the lava but after about 45 seconds some of them will find their way back through the portal so that’s what i’m waiting for right now there we go our first one has come through and now there’s another one and before you know it look at that we’re getting loads

Of them through we can see on the f3 screen how many we’ve got we’ve still not got enough to reach the bat cap but now i can tell that i have got 27 28 i’m gonna let it get to 30 i can turn off the portal now we have a

Working bat switch and over time all the bats on this side will just die in the lava after just two minutes there are only about 25 bats on this side that’s not going to cause any lag no new ones can now spawn as you can see when

Spiders spawn they are going to climb upwards the lava will take them out and the dispensers will send out the string the mobs will take fall damage on the moving platforms but the items can fall through and then the pistons will push all the items into the middle where they

Go along the ice pathway and can be sorted into hoppers when the items go over hopper they can enter they will go in and this carries on all the way around until when it gets to the end and there is no items remaining so yeah the eol farm is now fully complete it

Collects all the items i don’t know many people have made a full collection system for one this particular one gets me 230 000 items per hour it will get me more if i’d have broken my bedroom but i just didn’t have time in the last video

To break loads of bedrock i’m going to afk here now and see just how many shulker boxes it can fill up i mean this is this is just such this insane farm i will never need gunpowder again never need string bones you you name it this your slime even it’s probably my fastest

Slime farm it really is unbelievable well we’ve now reached a 3100 everything seems to be working fine let’s see how the farmers performed please also forget to turn these pistons on for a bit so um that that did ruin the race had to come

And turn it on so i’ve got quite as much as i could have done but let’s see did everything get picked up okay it looks like it’s not like we’re getting too many items for the farm because you can see a lot of items have come through i can

Just send them back through the system like that though i see the problem with my system look at this completely packed up because for some reason when that goes along it is powering the torches which is powering the pistons and they’re not retracting it’s definitely fixable i want to move the

Shock loader i’ll just have to move things around here a little bit but in the ones that actually do work as you can see we have got full shulker boxes so that’s a slight teething problem nothing i can’t fix i should have just built it a little bit

Lower but yeah nothing that i can’t repair seems to be a problem for all of them but as you can see we are getting full shulker boxes so once once i fix that this is just going to be brilliant it’s going to get me stuff so so fast what about the

Gunpowder look at this i’m just going up with loads of gunpowder which is perfect for all my firework rockets first things first i’m gonna go and get another notch apple right wrong instead i’m going to get another goat to be friends with that guy finally i found a goat you shall be

The chosen one i’m gonna warn you now this will be a stressful journey and you probably will die but sometimes i’ve just got to do what i’ve got to do this is probably a recipe for disaster but we are going to head on up and then fly

Home as long as i can see the later i know he’s still there this has been a pretty successful flight let’s just make it a successful landing there we go we can do it all over again and away we go again feel like this landing is going to

Be a little bit more dangerous so we just got to commit to the water this goat is still alive from now on the journey will be on foot we’ve gone as far as we can on land but it’s time to sail in a boat this is much much easier

Than it was dragging him across land the first signs of civilization are ahead and finally we have made it home sweet home now you’re probably wondering why i brought you all this way i’ll just let me head down here grab some wheat and breed you together i think you need to

Be off the lanes for this to work yeah okay you do now this baby goat has a two percent chance of being a screaming one and i don’t care how long it takes me i am going to get one could put you guys here for a second because i’ll have to

Build some sort of system to make this work and that system will not be right by my house i’m not listening to screaming goats all day instead this poor trapped snow golem can so right here is where the goats are gonna be bred bear with me on this one guys i’m

Completely making this up as i go along the other goats won’t fit through this gap but the baby goats will once down here they will fall onto water which will be right here it will flow along like so as they go along each one will

Be put into okay that is not meant to happen as we’re saying each one will be put into a boat also what kind of a crazy attack is going on here i don’t know who you guys think you are i’m just over there and you’re going to attack me

House i better grab a bucket of milk and get rid of you drink the milk and deal with the rest of you and this goat can refill my bucket now to build the exact same thing on this side and collect up the goats this is basically the only

Thing that could go wrong but look at that the plan worked perfectly what on earth you just jump straight up i forgot it goes good jump get yourself back in there none of that for the next part of the operation we’re gonna need a load of

Wheat all of this will be perfect and then to do a load of feeding and breeding i have lined up all of the boats that we need for this experiment let’s get ourselves a screaming goat i also have a serious lack of wheat lots and lots of bone meal that means i can

Grow this harvest it and regrow it all extremely extremely fast but exactly one stack from that and i’m just gonna feed it all to this baby one to make it grow these slabs are also completely useless so now all four of them have grown i can break this breed them and start

Collecting baby goats well guys i’ve been busy i have read hundreds and hundreds of these goats and whilst i was moving these over here i heard a screaming goat i don’t know which one it is did you just hear it just then so now i’m gonna nip to my

House grab a bunch of fencing and put them in a bit of a pen and put all the non-screaming goats over here i think this little fella is the screaming goat there we go did you hear that it just there’s a weird scream and so

You are going to live with the goat of minecraft and you’ll be called screamer it’s just such a funny sound that they make and what will i do with all of these other goats i’ve absolutely no idea but if you do have any good plans for me just let

Me know in the comments and speaking of letting me know stuff in the comments a lot of you guys told me that instead of using glass blocks right here i could use glass panes and then you can’t see it that is that is such an ingenious

Idea look how much better that one looks compared to that one you’ve really outdone yourselves this time guys so once again they are all color coordinated but now they just look so much better master matter i might as well add a bit of color to some other of

The beacons and now that i’ve got my screaming goat i think it’s time we went on an expedition to find notch apple number 32. just made a portal and spawn right in amethyst geode what are the chances stumbled across a dungeon on me whale but sadly no not chapel and so now

It is my goal to try and find a desert finally i have found a desert there’s a pyramid right here all it has of use is a couple of gold knuckles and this room portal has nothing in there the second pyramid is up ahead once again completely empty same with the third one

The fourth the fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth and the elytra i’ve now broken looks like i’ll have to get some xp from mining up this nether quartz ore and then it’s back to flying with full durability this is the 11th one and still the search goes on i also

Like blowing up the temples now and as for the 12th well it’s it’s just really not going well for me same trouble in the 13th one i’m going to start losing count with this rate but i have searched 14 of these it is not my day for finding

Not chapel and that 15th pyramid was also empty which was a bit of a letdown same news in the 16th the 17th even the room portals aren’t much help today emptiness in the 18th as well as the 19th the 20th 21st this is my 25th one

Still not found it i should have found two by now i may have just found the coolest cave ever look at it outside but it’s i might this is so cool in a lush cave wow if i could find a notch apple in this mine shaft it really would be

The perfect cave managed to successfully find one not what i was hoping for but hold on there’s one two three more down here nothing useful in this one or this one oh this one did they just remove not chapels from the game or something well this cave does keep finding me new

Minecarts no minecarts with nothing in them there can’t be many more of these left in here but as long as i keep finding them i’ll keep searching them i’ve even found a dungeon in here sadly no good luck maybe i don’t know i should get back to searching the pyramids

Pretty sure i’ve exhausted that mineshaft so searching for deserts is indeed what i shall now do although right here we’ve got one two three minecart chests all in the open you just never know with these once again i let down let’s head back to the pyramids where i know where i am we

Can’t say i didn’t get a lot of good stuff i’ve got 37 gold knuckles from this journey so far but the main treasure continues to elude me and that is 30 of these desert pyramids i have searched today is just not my day finally finally i have found one 39 of

These stupid desert pyramids and i have got notch apple number 32. finally i can build a portal and go home although before i go i do just want to check the rest of this desert since there are some unlooted pyramids i doubt there’ll be anything useful but you never know i’ve searched

Another three more and it looks like we’ve got nothing i’ve also run out of unsearched desert but this time i really will go home you know there really is no place like home i mean electra have just broken and we’re on the subject of election what do you think of the cable

I’ve got now yes i have got the cape that you get if you migrate your microsoft account but it looks really good on the electrode doesn’t it my first real cape that isn’t an optifine one and look at all of this free xp just laying at the bottom of the farm

Although sadly it wasn’t quite enough to repair the electra just means i don’t have to waste time climbing up the ladder now everything is repaired and i’d like to welcome not chapel number 32 to the wall you really were a pain to get and meanwhile something’s gone wrong

Everything seems to be backed up for some reason and i don’t know why oh it’s backed up because i’m i’m an idiot what why would i what happened there then again guys me being an idiot is uh it’s not really anything new i’ll grab a hopper and put

It back where it’s supposed to go looks like it’s problem solved next i’m going to grab a few resources and i shall also mine up a load more wood although i think i’m going to change up this redstone because use this comparator system it’s it’s just not very reliable

He said i should have an observer like that and one also right here and that that will as you can see that’s just moving them all upwards with no problem going all the way up and if you also put a piston right here as well as a

Comparator into a block with a torch and redstone actually never mind it should be redstone followed by a repeater slightly adjusted the redstone so that i could have a comparator coming out of this one as well and it looks like everything should be working fine now i’ll start mining up

More wood and i can take all the wood which will later be used to make chests so i can make hoppers because to fix my eol collection system i need to make all these ice pathways to be one block higher and that includes moving the auto storage one block higher and then

That’ll need extra hoppers which is why i needed loads of wood fixing this should not take me too long at all so let’s get to work And that is now completely done all of the ice is now one block higher oh my goodness where does a gas come from i just can’t catch a break with this machine that’s that dealt with there we go i can very quickly fix the redstone i also

Just need to hook up this piston to the redstone quite a easy task so now when an item falls all the pistons will extend so all that’s left to be done is test it out also apparently my skylight suppression broke in this middle chunk here i think i didn’t put any string in

It i i’m gonna have to fix that all it requires is for me to grab loads and loads of blocks turn on the light suppressor and then build a roof i’ve now covered up the three chunks where the light suppression had broken i just have to build out 15 more blocks on all

Sides so that it skylights the presses again which means filling in loads and loads more blocks finally everything has been placed down so i’m going to reload the world now let’s get this suppressor off seems like only covering some of it has has not worked because like the

Light level here is now messed up so i’m just gonna skylight suppress the entire thing and the full roof is now finished i hope i never have to do this ever again now to light suppress again and then remove this roof and for what will be the last time

It is mission accomplished next i’m gonna turn off the mob switch and properly test out the eol farm because it should be 100 finished plenty of time has passed let’s go and see how much loot we’ve got as you can see it has been getting me a lot of different items

All these chests are just full of shulker boxes but the items i care about the most are going to be the bones and also the gum powder i’ll be able to make a lot of tnt with all of that and i’m not going to use all these bones to make

A really quick and simple little wheat farm because it seems to be a bit of a recurring problem but i just never have enough weight oh look scream is an adult now it’s just a hilarious scream isn’t it now i think it’s a good place in the

Corner for this wheat farm since it’s right next to the tower of slavery i mean the uh the employment tower water goes here with a dispenser on top and then dispensers on either side as well and basically what’s going to be housing the crop is this piston is going to be

Repeatedly going in and out as you can see right now there’s light inside and now there’s no light inside and now everything is fully done i moved it one block lower as well i’m also going to add a couple of hoppers going into the dispensers and then i’ll fill it all up

With bonemeal i’m gonna manually get some weight from here and then fill up my inventory so that will be the only thing that i can pick up so now if i flick this and hold right click okay in theory there we go it seems like it should be

Working i think in a very short space of time i’ve already got over a stack of wheat and i haven’t really used up that much bone mail in the grand scheme of things so i’ll keep afk in here and get as much stuff as i can after a pretty

Short amount of time i’ve got a lot nearly filled my entire inventory with wheat let’s compact those down into hay bales and now that i’ve reset the inventory i’m going to do it again and i have pretty much run out of bone meal now this dispenser is empty so this one

I think yeah suppose everything seems empty but on the positive side i have got a lot of hay bales from this contraption so in my opinion that’s a massive success the next time we need to craft a million target blocks i love all the wheat that i need and now something

That i feel like i really need to build is a nether hub because what i’ve got right here is it’s just a very poor effort it’s got chickens laying eggs everywhere it just it just looks terrible it’s just nothing so as part of my next project i’m gonna do my best to

Improve it i have a vague idea of what i’m gonna do for this project but it’s gonna take a lot of hard work before it becomes a reality now if the floor i’m thinking this warped water could be very useful i shall also fly to a basalt

Delta to both collect up some basalt and also blackstone and i shall use these warped warp blocks to build a bit of a crossroads in the center and the basalt can be extra decoration along with the black stone as well i’ve made it a little bit bigger and i can even put a

Shroom light in the middle around the edge of the pathways let’s have stairs in fact hold that thought let’s put netherrack around the sides and then stairs on the top it might look a little strange right now but once it’s finished you’ll understand exactly what i’m doing

I’m gonna grab a load of glass and then turned it into gray stained glass i’ll also need loads of black stone which look at that we’ve got plenty equipped with these items i’m going to put glass on top of the pathways this just adds a bit more depth to the floor now to

Continue adding the stairs and next i’m going to decorate this areas well all these corner areas that’s where the black stone and the basalt will be coming in handy now that this is all down it can also be covered in glass already i’ve run out of glass and i’ve

Run out a black and gray die so i’m going to grab a shulker box head to the end and spend a bit of time afk at my wither rose farm also for those of you who are wondering how i got with the rose farm at the top of the screen i

Just simply renamed the wither that lives right here loads and loads of time has passed and loads and loads of wither roses have been gathered now to fly back home grab some more bones along the way and create more grade eye and gray stained glass i have to say when i go

Through this portal and come out the other side i already think it just looks so so much nicer there’s definitely still plenty of work to be done but it’s certainly looking much much nicer than before i’ve just got to finish the big project of placing down all the black

Stone and basalt which should make a very good looking floor in fact it’s actually getting quite difficult to place it on this side so having some sort of netherrack floor underneath is going to be my best bet It really is starting to come together isn’t it the next issue is i’d like to build the walls to be a lot higher than i’ve dug this ceiling so i think my only option is to just do a load more mining as we said i’m really going all out with

The size of the room i’m chiseling out look the floor’s all the way down there i’m all the way up here and i just broke i knew it was close to breaking why do i let this happen now to sadly use up one of those precious tetherite ingots but

It does mean i can continue clearing out this massive room And that is all of the blocks removed i’m pretty sure this should be a big enough area for me to build this nether up yes it’s not going to be a small one let’s drop all this stuff into the auto sorter grab some more pork chops from

Here and then i’m going to have to craft another silk touch pickaxe i’m trying to beat the record for how many i can break in a single episode or at the very least it feels like i’m trying to do that and that’s the pickaxe sorted now to head

Back up here and fly up to the gold farm since all of my tools need repairing everything’s repaired and i even got up to 175 levels now it’s time to get back to building on all four sides is going to be archways right here which is going

To look something like this although i think it may look better if it’s polish result i’ll test it out here and see if it looks better yeah i think the polish one definitely looks better so let’s line this one up and make it smooth instead yeah that’s looking much better

Now to build this on the other two sides and that is all of them complete next i’m going to connect up these pillars with some beams so the pattern of the beams is going to be like this in fact i’ll even do a little criss-cross right

Here and there’s also going to be more pillars on the sides that connect up to these beams and there we have it the structure is really starting to come together it just needs to be added to all these other sides as well that’s every pillar complete now for the beams

And that is all of these done as well and i think it is time that i moved this redstone as well as it is just starting to get in the way i’ll probably add some sort of button here that will connect up to the redstone it’ll still work fine

But now that it’s gone i can place in these other blocks now in these three wide gaps i’d like to make some more entrance ways which are going to be very similar versions of the big ones over there they’re just going to look something like that i’m getting kind of sick of mobs

Spawning on the beams now they couldn’t spawn the glass which was good but now they’re being very annoying and getting in my way so i’m gonna fly above the bedrock which will then turn on the trunk loader and activate the mop switch now i can work in peace and quiet

They’re also all filled in next i’m gonna need a lot more of the warped wart block which is this block right here i’m tempted to make a phone for this kind of block but i think for now it’s just gonna be quicker to manually mine it up

All this should be enough for now let’s use it to fill in some walls it’s also gonna come over part of the roof as well for example this right here is gonna be completely filled in with it although i think i’m gonna end up changing these ones to instead be polished blackstone

Slabs and the reason for that is because there’s going to be slabs like this all the way up i thought this was going to be difficult but it turns out to be very straightforward indeed we’re going to have the same thing above this little entrance way warped walk behind it and

Slabs in front of that so yeah the walls are really starting to take shape now i just have to do this seven more times i have now run out of warped wart blocks but as you can see it’s coming together nicely my best option is to now head

Back to the wall forest and mine up loads and loads more whilst i’m here i’ve been eating the warp stem as well so i’m gonna get to work mining that as well i also love this area you can just tell there’s been looking moving these blocks what a mess

You’ve made and really are a menace to society sometimes even more of a menace than the creepers themselves i can finish these two bits of roof right here and begin work on the walls in the corners so the corners are going to kind of be curved like this with stairs

Instead connecting up and i’ll just keep layering it up with basalt i think i’ve successfully built this up to the roof let’s see how it looks i think that worked i haven’t messed up the pattern which is a good sign and the gaps up there in each of those bits are kind of

Annoying me so i’m going to knit back home grab some sea lanterns and then they can be in the roof with a trap door below them now i’m faced with the very tricky task of recreating that in all four corners that’s corner number two complete and that’s the third side

Also complete and that is the fourth one also complete well it will be complete when i put these four pieces of assault right there anyway this is really starting to take shape even more so now i’m gonna craft a bunch of these polish black stone stairs and start doing a bit of

Work on this roof i’ve come up with a bit of a pattern which involves slabs over these gaps and that’s how it’s going to look from down here i’m pretty happy with how it’s taking shape so i’m going to repeat it on all the other sides and that is another step complete

Now it’s time to make these large entrance ways look a bit nicer which is going to involve warped wart blocks i really find it hard to say that and also more police basalt in fact we can also have some lights in the middle if we do something like that these can have

Trapdoors in front and more basalt going into them also if you wanted my mic was a bit dodgy before it’s because i’m an idiot this right here is my microphone it’s great but for some reason i had it all the way up there because i forgot to

Bring it down so you know that probably sounds terrible but yeah i’ve been doing youtube for years and years and i still forget the basics sometimes and that’s how that’s gonna look pretty good let’s also add some upside down stairs on both sides which will then connect to a row

Of slabs the stairs on this level can go all the way across and then also connect up in the middle as well this is how the roof underneath the beams is going to look and this is what we’re going to end up with it just needs to be recreated on

All four sides side number two is complete as well as the third one and the fourth one very happy with those now to build a kind of staircase that goes upwards like this and also done it’s made me realize i i didn’t quite dig the

Roof to be high enough so i’ll just do this on all four sides and dig out as much of the roof as i need to now that i’ve got more space to work with i’ll start adding in all of this roof it’s gonna be a little bit of a complicated

Pattern but i’ll soon get the hang of it and just as i was getting going trying to work out to make it into a spherical shape either i’ve run out of the blocks so it’s back to the warped forest to gather up warped wart now that i’ve got

Plenty more time to return to building and i think i should now have successfully done it oh look at that it just looks beautiful i just gotta recreate it three more times if i pull this off without getting any blocks in the wrong place it will be a miracle

Second one is also done believe it or not but that one is also with no mistakes once again i’ve run out of blocks so once again i’m going to mine up some more and with that i can get back to building side number three is

Also done just one more to go and the roof will be completed and finally side number four is done as well from down here it looks like there are absolutely no mistakes i think it would be really cool if eventually that was my way up onto the bedrock the current bedrock

Hole is no longer really in a good place in fact there’s no time like the present i’m going to grab the needed resources and begin breaking a new hole in the bedrock it’s a pretty straightforward process when i place the piston like that the bedrock underneath is broken

I’ve already broken plenty of pieces around this center bit but there’s still many more to go well the bedrock is gone in this shape let’s mine up the obsidian and dig a hole that goes all the way down now the real question is have i put the hole

In the right place i think it’s perfect once i remove this tree right here i can get all the way to the bottom and if i look directly up look at that i can fly straight above the bedrock i do want to be some sort of wall around though so i

Can fly up and i won’t like fall out or anything so i’m going to head back home grab some magma and then build a tube going all the way up i’ve almost made it to the top any gaps in the bedrock will also be filled with magma and i think

It’s complete and i have to say i think it looks good i think it adds a little bit of color a little bit of mystery up there we can fly straight up look at that really cool to fly through looks cool when you look down it as well from

Up here it’s a very cool addition if you ask me although i do still need to add a bit more lighting in here so i’m going to go back home grab some lanterns and end rods and the edge rods are going to be placed like this with a lantern on

Top and also lanterns in the corner like this something else that would be helpful is chains then i can place lanterns in the middle like this and also hang them down over these mini entrances and the idea for these little entrances is that they would have portals behind them most of them won’t

Go anywhere and will just be decorational but it’ll just make the whole place look like a proper nether hub with basalt behind it of course so that i don’t accidentally walk off a big drop now in theory this particular portal here should connect to my house

Have a look good news or bad no bad news we’re in the middle of nowhere well it’s not strictly the middle of nowhere but this is just my trunk loader for my furnace room i will try the one on this side instead and that one brings me to

The teleport i’ll tell you what this is um it’s just not going well just to test it out i will mine up the teleporter portal and see if that then allows the portals to connect up nope it’s taken me to my portal farm in here is not the place

That i want to make it means it’s now time for plan b which connects up perfectly now if i go back through break this portal we’ll see if this one is properly connected so yeah go in there it still is i’m going back yeah it still takes me to a portal so

That’s a good news because my original plan that i i kind of put on the back burner was to create a slice portal right here just a little one by one one i just thought it would just look cool but it also takes so much work and it’s

Not really practical it’s just aesthetic so i’m going to create all the other portals first and if one of them connects to my house then that portal will just be used but if none of them do then i’ll make a slice portal in the center and that is all of them done

Let’s get rid of this portal right here and i would also like to thank christian baylor for a lot of inspiration when building this place it has certainly come out very very well indeed so this might be a bit of a waste of netherright but it was going to put loadstones under

Each of these end rods i want to think about it maybe a respawn anchor yeah that that would actually look way better and if i was going to use lodestones i might as well just go to a bastion to track them down rather than using up these precious netherride

Ingots i think i’ll also benefit from putting crafting tables in all the corners with ender chests right next to them the actual lodestone is going to be hidden underground so if i go and right click that with a compass it’s now pointing there just in case i ever get

Lost i want to use the compass to find my way back and other than slicing the portal that is this room completely finished now at some point today i do want to go looking for way more ancient debris well the best way to do that is

With loads and loads of tnt and to make loads and loads of tnt you need loads and loads of gunpowder and my eol farm has given me a lot of that but i want way way more so first things first i’m going to fly to the pigment farm which

Will let me repair all my tools and my elytra and now that that’s done i will turn off the mob switch and spend loads of time afk at the eol farm i should have loads and loads of items from all that now so let’s grab a load of

Gunpowder and believe me i have loads and loads of it now whilst i’m here i’ll also grab a few more bones whilst i may have also got this partially filled up shulker box of redstone not loads in it but it was kind of one that broke

Because of the blue ice so i might as well take it home because it could be useful while this gunpowder will be used at some point for tnt for my next task i’d like to build a slice portal in the middle of this room i think it’ll just

Make things look so so much cooler i also didn’t realize i already had loads of shulker boxes in here of bones that i brought back earlier everything that i need for the update suppressor is right here the suppressor will be built right here where’s the most space i just have

To clear out a tiny bit of this at the bottom and this bridge will also have to go as well you’ve seen me do one of these before so i’m going to clear the area build a platform and then i’ll be able to build the update suppressor And the entire update suppressor is now complete and before i create the little one by one portal in there i’m going to nip home and grab a few extra resources one of the things i’ll be finding useful is a lot of respawn anchors and also a

Few sea lanterns so the sea lanterns are going to go here like this i’ll also take this opportunity to now build the portal next let’s turn on the update suppressor light it and break although i need to make sure i break the correct block here

Yeah i want to break this one up here as you can see we’ve got a little one by one so we can now break the blocks around it and break this one but i can’t break that obsidian otherwise the portal will break so to solve that issue i’m

Actually just going to move the track so it goes a little bit lower just like that then i can update to press once again and break this obsidian without causing any updates to the portal let’s check a respawn anchor underneath and charge it and i think i’m gonna have to

Move these up again update suppress and that means i can place glass blocks either side and it won’t break the puddle doesn’t matter if it blocks on this part because it like that just doesn’t update the pot or whatever and with that i think we’re completely done

So let’s just break these and replace all the glass let’s remove all that and this is my portal room so i can use this little one to go home whenever i want to but i do also think it would be cool if i was to remove a bunch of this warped

Wart and replace it with respawn anchors right now it doesn’t look very good but if i go ahead and charge them all up it will then create this very cool looking portal floor although to finish it i need a lot more glowstone and crying obsidian and having loads of crying

Obsidian isn’t too much of an issue but for now getting loads of glowstone is a bit more of a challenge although before the end of the episode we will rectify that problem before i can think about that i need to completely get rid of this update suppressor it takes an hour

To build one of these and less than five minutes to destroy all that has to be said it’s quite satisfying just to pick up all the items and now that that’s done i can begin work on the next project and that new project is something that is known as a stacking

Raid farm it’s basically a much more powerful version of a normal raid farm because my current one is it’s just not fast enough this new one will get me about 80 000 emeralds per hour and i will finally be able to fix the floor in my house not to mention the fact that

It’ll also get me loads of glowstone and redstone two very useful things film this is gonna take a huge amount of materials and a large chunk of those materials is gonna be glass so i’m gonna put my super smelter to good use although i’m fresh out of fuel which is

A bit of a problem so i shall head down here fly to the fortress farm and then i can collect up lots of coal after spending quite a bit of time with this farm i’ve realized it’s not really the fastest way to get coal but you know we’ve got a decent amount i

Will definitely come up with a better fuel solution at some point in the future but the good news is i’ve got plenty of coal to load up these furnaces and whilst they’re all smelting i can be gathering up all of the other items and finally i have got all of the different items

That i need well almost all the items anyway the only remaining thing i need is loads and loads of glowstone at least when i built this farm i’ll never have to mine up glowstone again it took ages but the mission to get all of the glowstone that i need is finally

Successful i’m glad that i can say that i will never have to do that ever again so that means i’ve now got every single item that i’ll need and before i start building i’m just gonna nip to the gold farm to make sure that all of my

Equipment is fully healed up and you know what whilst i’m here i think i’ll get to 200 levels as well i’ve got a few extra levels than i intended but at some point i’m sure they’ll be useful now let’s gather up all of these items and begin the project of building this farm

This should be a pretty good chunk to build it so now it’s time to grab a load of blocks and create a large stained glass room under the water and this is one of the reasons why i needed so much white stained glass that is all the glass

Placed down with some blocks on top and the next thing to be done is to grab a bunch of sponge and drop a load of gravel next i can drain it all remove this gravel wall and dig this hole to be even deeper still gotta dig another 25

Layers down here it’s going to take forever so i think it’d be a smart move to place down some iron blocks and i have now created a full beacon i use that to give a self-haste too and now mining up this hole will be much much faster i’ve made it to the

Bottom and this layer down here is going to have leaves on it with glowstone around the edge and this glowstone around the edge with leaves in between of it is going to go up quite high but before i add any more of that i need to add a white concrete floor right here

It’s all starting to come together let’s add some glass on top of this and continue on the leaf and glowstone walls so far it’s looking pretty good but now i’ve got to try and get past that high speed tunnel and i think the way i’m going to do that is by placing glowstone

Behind it which is where the glowstone would normally be anyway creates enough lighting but then without blocking off any important parts i’m pretty sure that doing it like this won’t break the farm at the very least i hope not otherwise it would be a disaster and it looks to

Me like that problem has been successfully navigated now to build these walls up higher and higher in fact this is the height i’m going to bring those walls up to just above this beacon thankfully the mining for this won’t take too long that’s everything successfully dug out now to start

Placing well despite mining up millions and millions of pieces of glowstone i’ve completely run out but it’s alright i’ve got a planet my sleeve all this glowstone in the corners is really just a waste and doesn’t need to be there so if i mine up all of these corners then

I’ll have enough to finish the project mission to place all the glowstone has been successful now to place down all the leaves and there we go mission accomplished i think my next project should be to remove the beacon perfect as we said that this tunnel is looking

Very very cool indeed but now i need my first villager now who wants to be my first victim i mean volunteer honestly i have no idea what’s going on here you know what it’s time to release oh that didn’t work release the villagers whichever one comes this

Composter will be the chosen one you are the chosen one welcome you are going to be put into if i can put the bow down you’re going in there and i’m going to briefly lower the drawbridge anybody leaves that they’re dying okay we’re going through oh we can’t get out

That way that didn’t work and you left well you know what that means you know what i always taking this chance to go back and that ladies and gentlemen is why i rule with an iron fist the villagers they all know their place composter’s coming with

Me and this villager is also coming with me oh look at that we can even fit under the oh i’m sorry what just happened all right guys don’t ask what happened to the last villager just just come over here don’t worry mate you’re an incredibly safe hands

Only this time let’s not go into the bridge yeah that’s much safer all right villager let’s get you to your new home and thankfully because the ice river leads to the ocean this part is pretty easy all right mate well it’s been a lovely journey with you it’s time for

You to arrive at your new home basically the goal is to get him to stand inside this comfort look at that it it couldn’t have been more cooperative i am very very impressed with this guy indeed all right now don’t try to jump out no resistance is futile mate you’re in

There now yeah there’s no going back in a way i’m kind of glad that first villager died and now we’re going to build the home of the second villager you have to say these phantoms they tried the best but ultimately they’re uh they’re not doing too well in there so yeah we’re gonna

Put some slabs here composter there and then a piston with a downwards facing observer and this hole right here is where villager number two will be going so let’s go and get him but guys i know it’s inconvenient and you’re trying to get some sleep but um i could really do

If one of you had does it just jump in the boat let’s go he looks so sad he’s looking back at his bed nope not for you we’re going on an adventure then you go as well that one was a little more precarious oh look at this straight in

Now you know what these villagers are very cooperative they’re all gonna be getting 10 out of 10 reviews from me now what i’m building here is a way to transmit signals up and down a load of blocks instantly and when you see how it works you’ll probably be like me and

Think that is really really cool also right here is the platform where the next village is going to go and now i’ve successfully made it to the top if i place an iron trap door here and then power it with redstone can you see just what look at how they are now they’re

All flat if i go like that can you now see how they like all got a little bit joining out you know i’m just gonna fall and see like look they’ve got like a bit jutting out like that can you see it’s like kind of 3d so yeah when that state updates from

All the way up there it will activate the observer which will then you know move these uh composters it works fantastically but that’s enough of me being impressed by the farmer’s mechanics instead it is time to kidnap another villager now this guy is going to be a little bit trickier

To get up there i’ll just have to build a bit of a staircase up but if there’s anything like the previous villagers we shouldn’t have a problem let’s release him out the boat all right mate you know you want to go and get that combustor that’s it don’t stop just keep going

Look at that you just a little bit further there we go mission accomplished if i just go like that and pick it up it should then be done perfectly there we go yeah everything’s fine now it was surprisingly way easier than i expected and now to build another of these wall

Towers going all the way up the ledge number four is ready to go to his new home these bridges are getting higher and higher aren’t they and for this particular villager okay don’t walk back in the water that’s it he’s gonna head on up and every time he gets to a

Composter okay apparently he doesn’t care about that one that’s that’s just a bonus mate but as i was saying every time he gets to a composter i’m gonna break it and he’ll just go up to the next one but they just are just so easy when you know how they work he’s now

Going to wander all the way up the stairs he got a bit wider towards the end not quite how i want it to be but look at that he’s in there he knows his place and then i have the task of removing this staircase and you’ll be

Glad to know that that is the final villager that’s going to be going into the farm the villagers will probably be glad to know that as well now to build some more on top of this guy and now to add another wall signal tower which is

Going to be a lot smaller than the other ones before i build the redstone that’s going to go up there above the wall signalers i’m going to build this platform which is going to allow me to get to where all the items will be stored somewhere around here right here

There’ll be a water elevator allowing me to get up and down and i can’t really build any higher with this tower until i have done all the redstone otherwise things are going to get in the way of each other the redstone up here is starting to come together quite nicely

And with that is actually most of the redstone now done in this section i’ve reached the top of the water tower so i can place some water that will go all the way down fill it in with kelp from here and once broken i’ve got my water elevator also grab some lanterns and

Place them on top of these walls just as a bit of extra decoration and lighting and right here is going to be the area where all the raiders are going to be taken out but before i build that i’m going to build all the shulker loaders

So that i can store all of the items it’s fairly similar to the one i built in the aol farm only the only difference with this one is i can use water which is going to make it better and the shulker loads a little bit better as

Well and that’s because this whole farm was designed by ccs covenant so of course the the shulker loader is also going to be superior to mine and all the redstone behind the shulker load is done looks a little bit complicated doesn’t it but now i get to use snow and blue

Ice to build the pathway that will carry the items so this right here is the blue ice pathway which is gonna eventually lead to this hopper everything in between is gonna be filled with snow and then these walls are gonna hold in water which will push the items along the

Water is going to be coming from these waterlogged slabs okay never mind the not water log slabs is actually just going to be something like this and then it flows above like that and it’s the same thing in these three places and i also need a sign above this hopper

Otherwise the water’s just going straight in and there’s a bunch of redstone components to be added everywhere now so i’m going to get busy with that and after adding a lot more redstone look at it there’s loads of it all in here i’m finally at the point

Where i can add the second ice pathway and i am also very close to running out of time whether i can finish it before the video ends it’s going to be tight that the sun is setting on day 3200 but we’re going to power on oh we’re not

Going to fall off though and the cool thing about this part of the farm is that the ice pathway actually snakes around like this i just think it looks quite cool any excess items that don’t go in the hoppers will go into that fire now the area that holds the water is all

Built let’s grab some water and add it to the system there’s also going to be a sea pickle in this one and that is now successfully done and the moon has said the sun has risen it is day 3201 and you can probably tell that i

Just want to keep going with this build i don’t want to stop however you know i’ve got to think we also need a second sea pickle there yeah as i was saying i’ve got to think this through if i carry on and rush this you know something could go wrong it’s a very

Complicated farm if i get one single thing wrong i could end up dying you know it could be that serious i could actually end up dying and it is also nearly midnight and the video is going to be done and dusted for tomorrow i still need to like sort out the intro

Record that and stuff so if i carry on who knows what i’ll be up to the video will probably not be here on time so i have no choice but to leave the video on a bit of a cliffhanger what other things are going to be built on this farm when

It’s complete well we’ve got to learn avoca from a woodland mansion also be some fancy piston glitches to create floating snow and loads of other things like an entire lava room for averages yeah it’s really exciting it’s such a cool farm ccs covenant has done an amazing job in designing it to begin

With i need a cartographer and you good sir i’m going to be the one the one that i shall give a load of paper then a load of glass and a compass from there i will fly to where this map leads hopefully it’s not going to be too far of a

Distance it has not taken long at all and already we are very very close here it is now to put on my chest plate and explore the area i’m here in search of one specific mob and that is the evoker any of the other ones that they’ve just

Got to go there’s a second one in this room and so from here i will make a portal which when i head through brings me right there now to dig upwards and remembering to break this portal first then put a ladder here and end up like

So build a new portal and they connect perfectly from there i can fly back home grab loads of rails and make a track going all that way successfully made it to the portal and i’d leave it so it actually works next to getting a vocal in a minecart and get him through the

Portal now for the risky part i am trapped in here with him but i’ve got to try oh i’m not oh no what i’ve been donating at home we need to just mine up this because yeah i’m a bit of an idiot there we go we’ve got out okay you no we missed

Take two yes he’s in and i will see you later he’s now trapped in that little area time for take two with the second one that went a lot better than the first one okay well i was gonna say it was just go through this time i’ve got a

Thing set up although vex has gone into it let’s get him in now and then he can be sent on his way there we go now it’s worked and he’s off oh no he’s not up yes he is off and that’s now two evokers in there i will need two more eventually

Let us get them from another mansion some other time now that they’re sorted it’s time to go for notch apple number 33. let’s get searching the first of the pyramids has been found i hope i don’t have to search 40 of them like i did in the last episode was expected the first

Ones got nothing and the second one has given the same result same with the third the fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tense which very bizarrely also has a blacksmith in it not a very good one no number 11 has been spotted and number 11 has let me down and so

Must be blown up in fact i have no rockets that’s sp don’t do dangerous things like that to yourself yeah you were you don’t end up down there same in the 12th ah and there we go in the 13th one we’ve got it that was certainly a lot faster

Than the searching in the last episode was so now to head back home let’s add that to the wall and then i can head back to the nether and repair all my stuff that is all now repaired so it’s time i get back to work on this raid

Farm which will involve adding more snow and more ice right here i’m building the place where the mobs will get taken out and all of their loot will go and it’s going to be mirrored on both sides and right here is going to be the place that the player stands basically there’ll be

A minecart on this hopper and breaking that will stack the raids and make the farm work and this massive glass platform is gonna have things like beacons and the invokers will be trapped on here which will stop vexes from being able to spawn and take me out the giant

Quadruple beacon is now being built and this is now complete you know something tells me i’ve not done this quite right one level of iron blocks too many and now it is complete and i can get all of the effects that i need and this will also

Need to be completely spawn proof with glass and that includes the top of the beacons as well now it’s time to build up the places where the mobs are going to be falling this right here is the exact place that the player is going to

Stand and that head is going to be for alignment and this right here is where all the redstone will be that will push the pillagers downwards i’ve now built this up as high as i want to right now because next i’m going to be doing something that involves a bit of blowing

Up now this flowing snow that’s going to be up here is key to the farm but i will need some end stone and an end crystal to do it i brought plenty of vent crystals but i completely forgot about the end stone well the floating snow is

Going to be all the way up here so along here there’s going to be sticky pistons and then a bit of glass right here with the stairs on the side that’s on fire redstone dust on top of here with a lever at the end and crystal right there

And if all this goes to plan when i flick the lever everything should blow up and look at that we’ve got a load of headless pistons so then there needs to be a bunch of normal pistons underneath these headless ones powered by blocks of redstone that have slime on top of them

I wish you guys would get lost i’m trying to do something quite complicated right now this is the last time you bother me this is where i need the most important thing but i completely forgot it the actual snow itself which goes on top of the pistons i have to place all

Of the blocks that are going to be touching the snow now otherwise the snow will get updated and stop floating if i was to do it afterwards but now that it’s all sorted if i flick this lever watch the pistons okay they all detract and yeah well that’s floating snow we fell straight

Through if i now carefully fly back up all of this can be removed just need to make sure i don’t touch the glass or these quartz bricks and that is mission accomplished well it will be mission accomplished but i’ve got to do the exact same thing on this side and to

Keep the floating snow on this side safe from the end crystal that’s going to explode them i’m going to make a really big obsidian wall so that you know nothing can get through at least in theory nothing should be able to get through i’m hoping this will be enough

Because i need one piece of obsidian left now it’s just rinse and repeat on this side it’s actually quite difficult to tell if all of this is in the way honor i think it might be blumbee is to do a little bit of mining although it’s not actually though you know what that

Needs to you know let’s just see what happens i’ve never done this before but honestly what is the worst that could happen do we extend them did it work let’s see my snow as it’s completely gone oh so some blocks did still manage to break not a problem

I will sort that out once i’ve done this side there we go floating snow 2.0 okay yeah well you know it’s floating when you fall through now to head to this ender chest grab more obsidian and this time i will truly make a wall that cannot be broken

I’m pretty hopeful that take two okay i got that completely wrong hopefully that hasn’t just scupped it that needs to be lit on fire then we’re gonna do that now we push this yeah something’s definitely gone majorly wrong hopefully romero doesn’t hurt me too much it’s just going to blow everything up

Actually it’s not too bad but disastrous struck again one of them broke are you kidding me come to realize that a massive obsidian wall is not the most effective way to do this so if i put a stairs there light on fire and crystal here flick that and

I’ve got a load of headless pistons and if i just put obsidian here that’ll protect the headless pistons and then i can do the same thing on this side this side can be the first one to actually get floating snow as well there we go

That is now done add the snow to this side and all of the blocks click the lever break the redstone and enjoy my two bits of floating snow and now to get back to layering this up below it and i’ve now built up all the way to the

Level of the floating snow which means that there isn’t that many levels left to go and right here is where the portals will be that will get rid of the ravages and that is this part of the farm more or less done there will still

Be some building to do on the other side of the portals of course but so far it has been an absolutely monstrous project still got all the fun to come with that in the evokers but first i’m going to build the portals in the nether and

Quickly before i forget i do also need to remember to fill these 10 dispensers with water buckets and i’m also going to go ahead and grab all of the shulker box of lava there’s one here two more right here right here is the place for the

Portal let’s see if it connects yep it has connected perfectly so now i’m going to knit back to my house grab loads more blocks and build a massive lava room to deal with the many many ravages that will be coming through this portal and that is this massive lava box

Complete it will not go well for any ravages that go through this portal my two evokers are still patiently waiting there but i do still need two more so i’m gonna drop off my stuff do even more trading with a cartographer so i can get another woodland mansion map and track

It down for more evocus now this is a strange one i have just flown over woodland mansion oh my god the map was just lagging never mind then we have we’ve made it to the mansion we’ve got one evoker in there and another one right here in fact very conveniently

There is one in there as well so both of these rooms in that case i will build a portal right here which should be perfect for getting them through then to remake the portal on the roof next there must be rails going all that way and i

Have now connected up the line to the previous one and that is evoker number one going through and away he goes and also evoker number two and now that i have all of you guys it is time to do the final part of the fire which involves walls going around like this

This right here is going to be the place that stops vexes from being able to spawn and get at me and that’s why we move four evokers all the way over here so dispenser facing down like that followed by six boats being put inside it then we’re just going to dispense

Them all break the bottom one remove the water and these five boats will catch all of the vexes and now to do the exact same thing over the other four gaps that has now been done successfully and must be completed in three more spots and

That is every single one of the boats in everywhere now for the even more fun task of getting the evokers let’s build a portal right here and a rail system for them to travel on we’re gonna attempt to swap that like that there we go they’re off they have fixes

Everywhere and this first guy can be sent on through and you go i’m kind of getting used to transporting these guys now he is successfully in position and look at that he’s summoning vexes it’s no use they’re just going in the boats that means i can set things up for

Evoker number two and in goes evoker number two as well as the third one and finally the fourth okay not finally the plot i misaligned it did i really have to fall right at the last hurdle going you get in there that’s it he’s not quite perfectly in

The center but it seems that none of his vexes can escape now the very final thing to be done grab a few pumpkins and then spawn in some golems so that the evokers will be distracted don’t go after him don’t go what are you doing i’m gonna be honest

Mate at this point you’re a lost course i know you’re just trying to do your job but uh you’re gonna have to go take two and this time it should fall straight in and now as you can see he’s going for the golem so when i’m stood here he

Doesn’t care about me okay wait is he looking at me now no oh there you go doesn’t care about me now to add another one right here one here and finally one here as long as i don’t go too near the golems they won’t be able to take any

Damage let’s gather up all of the shulker boxes remove this portal and then to add minecarts to this dispenser and i probably want to mend my armor before i test this farm just in case anything was to go wrong and i needed the armor i really don’t want this to

Break because it’s very difficult to get everything is now repaired let’s turn off the mob switch take out a pillager captain and test out the farm so i just stand right here and keep breaking the mine cart as you can see all the raiders are falling and being taken out around

Me now i’m going to stop breaking the mine cart and these mobs will just happily chill here and uh and and you know there’ll be no problem because to set up the storage system you need like 29 stacks of every item you can see from that already we cut loads and loads of

Stuff and now i will add a few chests along with hoppers and run the farm even more so that i can get loads more items to go in those chests i also might have made another mistake yeah there’s a hopper under here and it’s um it’s taking all the items and then putting

Them in here sometimes my stupidity really knows no boundaries pretty sure i’ve now fixed all the problems and everything is back to how it should be any items that float along here will go into these chests so now let’s get serious and run the farm for a bit

Well quite a bit of time has passed i’m just gonna leave all those guys in there so i can carry on the machine later and as you can see i have got so so many emeralds and plenty of glowstone and redstone in here now in order to finish

This sorting system each of these individual rows of item sorters needs to be filled with 29 stacks of items so hopefully i have enough emeralds too that on a few of them it’s like after break into all these emeralds to do it i’ve sort of done it on these ones but

Because the hubs are going into chess right now i’d need to move all that first i’ll just carry on filling them up from here there’s going to be 15 ones for emeralds but whether or not i’ll have enough for this it remains to be seen unfortunately i have used upon my

Emeralds so i’ll spend a little bit more time using the farm and with these extra emeralds i can fill up more hoppers i’m getting very very close to doing them all i’ll just keep going a little bit more and that is all of the emeralds that i need successfully added and with

These spare ones i can head back home and finally fix the floor of my house you guys have had to wait a long time for me to do this but finally it’s back to how it should be whilst i’m here man we’ll fix this treasure room as well

That looks so so much better now for the next filters i’m going to grab loads of sticks and also head to spawn to grab even more sticks and also mine up a bunch of trees now i can take all of that wood craft it into sticks and fill

Up some more of these hoppers all of the sticks are now in now for the gunpowder the glowstone dust redstone and all the rest of the items as well i still haven’t quite got enough of all of these kind of items so i will continue using

The farm until i do have enough i’ve spent even longer at this farm now if i just grab the items that i have been filtering into here i can continue filling up these hoppers except for a few more glass bottles and spider eyes the entire system has been filled up

With the necessary items i actually think it’s taking me longer to fill up the system they need to actually build the farm but i’ve had enough of that for now i will finish it all later instead i’m going to fly through this massive blizzard all the way back to my house

Because i’ve got another project that i want to be cracking on with i just head to this nether portal right here you’ll remember the last episode we built this cracking nether hub i mean just look at it it’s absolutely fantastic it’s even got a cool slice portal in the middle

And the reason i need all that glowstone from the raid farm is to make all these respawn anchor floors which we will sort out later but before that you’ve got to realize i mean look at it it’s great i’ll tell you you have to leave and then

You just look at it yeah it’s just it’s just not right so really i need to make some tunnels and the first tunnel can be the one to my eol farm and if i’m not careful i’m gonna end up making the tunnels too high and it’s just you screw

Me too much hard work so if i instead head to the blackstone area which is right here yes we’ve got these shulker box and there i’ve got i’ve got two piece of polish black stuff i came all that way for two whilst i’m here i’m

Gonna grab a sealant as well as a couple of trapdoors and plenty of basalt and i might regret this next bit because the tunnels are they’re gonna be quite long but i wish to do quite a lot of decorations on the walls slab floors are also useful because then no mobs can

Spawn and this right here is where the sea lantern is gonna go we’re gonna do something like that trap door in front and then some polished black stone iron like that now that that comes a bit lower i won’t have to build the ceiling quite so high for the tunnels and i

Think we do a similar thing to that along here so something like this okay that’s that’s not right i’m saying that’s up to there i’ll put a little bit of black stone like that and another basalt pillar now to repeat the same thing on this side and this ladies and

Gentlemen is coming together nicely next i think it’s time to grab the stairs and they can go along here like that oh don’t fall okay there’s just hazards everywhere nowadays maybe if i actually extended this platform building would be a little easier this tree is also going

To have to go but i’m not even sure if you call them trees in the nether well that crimson plant whatever you want to call it is now off the face of the well it’s not off the face but it’s it’s severely shortened and my pathway is being extended further and further i

Reckon this block here could also be a stairs yeah that i think that looks a bit better it’ll just go in line better with everything else and i think one of the biggest things i’m going to be doing here is a lot of mining this bit in between everything will not be covered

In lava okay that’s that is not ideal well i can’t even reach it now what’s going on here there we go that was what i was saying that is going to be warped wart block it was a pain collecting it all for that roof up there and it’s

Probably going to be a pain collecting it all for this roof right here since i am going to need such a lot of this and i’m sb737 i have a farm for everything but apparently not a farm for warped ward because i never thought i’d need it

So i’m gonna add a bit more to these walls using this polished but wow there’s just a lot of everywhere in the nether as i was saying polish basalt will make up these walls if i place netherrack all the way along here i can create pillars going all the way along

And i think you know that’s a little low tt on the pillars so i’m going to make it so that every three there’s a pillar yeah that’s that’s definitely a better design choice slabs can fill in the gaps and you guessed it i’m going to mine up

A little bit more warped wart hopefully for the final time and place it behind like this this is more or less how the tunnel is going to look it’s time to come together let’s also repeat it on the other side this bit right here does kind of look a bit strange because it

Doesn’t fit the rest so i think that should go like that yeah that is definitely things to prove it’s like there’s no right way to do it what if what if we just go all out and oh we can’t do that first we need you and then you just make

A state you know we can do that all the way along you know i’m just giving myself more work but i think it’ll be worth it this is basically the equivalent of being in the mind of sb although now when i compare both sides like i think maybe this side looks

Better and it’s less work so sorry this this plan is um it’s going back to the original and for the final piece of the puzzle i’m going to go through my little sliced portal grab some lanterns and also craft chains and these gaps can have chains with lanterns dangling off

The edge of them probably gonna be if i just place all the chains first okay yeah that is not what i was trying to do instead let’s actually make the chains fall from the ceiling this is what i get for trying to speed things up it ultimately just ends up taking longer

Than it should have done but despite the mishaps they’ve all been added in and i think i like it i might i might do something like this on all these bits just bring it to life with a little extra detail but i feel like these corridors definitely complement the main

Room which is exactly what i want and before i go any further the lack of extra warped warp blocks is definitely going to become a problem so we’ll head back through this portal get rid of these chickens in here i have absolutely no idea how you got in here but you’re

Not supposed to be here apparently i didn’t think chicken was good enough to have a chest for it so it’s gonna have to go into the shulker box yes the food trucker box i mean i don’t know why it’s gonna go in there but that’s that’s

Gonna be the plan feathers to the sorter and if this becomes a chicken the chicken may live nothing there once again i am getting somewhat sidetracked but yeah before we can go any further we need to make a warped wart block farm that is one heck

Of a tongue twister and in order to build this farm that’ll be how i’ll be referring to it from now on i’m going to need 12 warped nailing blocks just in case i need any more i might as well grab loads i came for 12 and left with a

Stack here’s all the items that i’m going to be needing i think building it at spawn is going to be the best idea because then it should still be running in the background if the calculations are correct i mean i haven’t tested it but i’m pretty sure so i’m hoping that’s

The case this one does not use tnt duplication because i prefer not to use tnt jupiters when i’m building farms when i want to make it a perimeter obviously there’s not much choice but to use those or i could mine it by hand without taking about six million years

But when it comes to farming resources there are alternatives so that’s what we’ll be using the game also goes extremely laggy over here what is going on over there it would seem that somehow a shulker has escaped now you are you are not meant to be here good sir and

You are going to have to be asked to leave and right here is where this new build can be a lot of these blocks right here are just down as guidelines for where i’m going to put the warp nylon there’s also going to be some on the

Corners of these blocks as well now for the dispensers which are going to be full of bone mail well i’ll fill them up later anyway then all of these blocks can be removed redstone into various comparators will be like this i cannot like that instead like that and these

Four blocks will be removed with torches on the sides and i might have known you guys would show up every night i’m sick to death of it i’ll get rid of you for now well there’ll probably be more to come later on top of each torch let’s go

Like that and add some observers yeah i think it’s gonna get a little bit noisy for a bit but you know what it’s gotta be that and you thought things were noisy before but don’t worry it’s going to get worse because i’m going to need four of these underneath every single

One at least these ones aren’t going off and now there’s three of you guys what’s going on let’s get these wired up so that we can have some bass speaking of pace to get away from those guys just chasing you guys are not following me all this way because i can outfly you

All haha anyway the best way for me to get some bass is to get some sleep and then i can return to building all right you know what something went wrong there there’s going to be some blocks here that block any signals from getting up i also don’t

Think i need the nylon there so i’m going to move those on as well and adding more redstone yeah that’s much better and there’s a little bit more redstone wiring to be done on this end look at that that’s made a nice clock now which is good to slow it down i am

Going to go ahead and put a repeater there there we go they also all move together now which which looks way more satisfying and i shall continue building the redstone for this bit is now fully finished and this is going to be on off switch right here with this piston but

For now i’m going to temporarily place that block there because i don’t want this going on enough whilst i’m trying to build this glass platform is going to go right round here like so and then there’s going to be an obsidian platform right above it and the plants should be

Able to bone mill through the obsidian this is the basin that will catch everything and there’s going to be water all the way along here of course i didn’t think about this we’re in a snowy biome it’s all freezing but to solve that there is a very very simple solution i

Just simply have to fly on back home like so go down to my storage room and grab a bunch of signs because of course a water source block will freeze with a water logged block well that can’t freeze at all can it there’s gonna need

To be signs all the way along here and if i also add more water on this side they can all be waterlogged as well as you can see everything is meeting in the middle now i do want to break some blocks but yeah water will just go

Everywhere if i do that so instead i want to block up the water and i can mine up all this obsidian in the middle without any worry now in this gap there can be hoppers which will nicely collect up all the items from this farm and also

Mine up all this and release the water we know it’s working because look at that all the concrete is just going straight into the hoppers might as well stick a chest at the bottom here and that is this system complete and in theory if i go and grab some bone mail

Which i’ll just steal from the tree farm it’s no big deal place a stack in each dispenser and in theory the beginnings of the farm should be working time also yes it works okay i’m so glad that that worked it’s really quite crazy though when you look at it like look

Straight through the obsidian the plant has grown it’s really cool as you can see sometimes it just makes these little roots and sometimes it will make a tree but now we need a system to get rid of the trees first things first we’re going to build a nice little hopper clock

Which is apparently a little bit too close to the lever take two on building a nice little hopper clock this clock is going to contain 40 items so if we go like that it will be going backwards and forwards now to wire this into the main machine and destroy a bit of this

Mountain although to be fair if it’s a mountain yeah this could be the world’s smallest mountain guys you saw it here first anyway torture repeater coming out of it this is where we have the torch tower that’s going to go up to the thing that will dispense tnt there really is

No easy way to make one of these unless just you just do something like this now i’ve made it to the top there’s a bit more redstone to be done and a few more torches to be placed here’s the piston and sand we can create a nice little

Multiples generator and this is where my dispenser is going to be i’m just using walls for alignment here the dispenser right here will have tnt in it and it will dispense them down here and blow up the trees and i want to create an extra

One of these above the first one as well thankfully they’re pretty easy to create and i can actually use them below to uh to get the exact right alignment and in theory unless i’ve done something very stupid all this up here should be done since it will be aligned and fall

Straight down here i think i just need a little bit of extra redstone down here as well like that last bit of redstone is just a second pulse like this and that is more or less the farm complete i’ll just remove all this dirt and head

Back to my house so i can grab loads of bones for bone meal and also gum powder for tnt there’s a little bit of tnt i want to grab from here as well i’m completely out of sand as you can see from this right here which is a slight

Problem although that slight problem can easily be solved if i just fly through this tunnel and harvest loads of the sand from this desert people always tell me about sand jupiters i can make but i don’t really want to ever use a sun duper like if i’m willing to duplicate

Sunlight why don’t i just use duplication glitches to duplicate anything i have my own set of rules of what i do and don’t want to do in this world i don’t know sometimes it doesn’t make sense but it’s my world i could do what i want let’s load the chakra books

Up with sand if i start doing some crafting all of that tnt should be enough for now so let’s load up the tnt add in lots more bone mail and there’s one more thing i forgot about that i’m definitely gonna need i don’t think i actually have any of it spare at the

Moment so i’m gonna steal some of the ancient debris from the walls not a very good look but don’t worry i’ll uh i’ll get it fixed pretty pretty soon under all these bits of trees i’m going to mine up the obsidian and actually don’t think i need anything else i think just

Mine up the obsidian will suffice i’ll test it out anyway and see how it goes believe i can just switch the machine on like this and it’s it’s all gone wrong it’s all gone wrong why is that oh no what a disaster i’m not entirely sure

What went wrong there i shall turn the machine off for now this snow is kind of doing my head in so um i’m gonna let the snowstorm pass rather than sleep through it i’ll spend some time at the raid farm and try and work out exactly what went

Wrong after spending plenty more time at this raid farm i have more or less got every single thing that i need all of the glass bottles are in and as for the spider eyes that’s all the ones that i need but if i just go something like

That then that should actually be enough the machine will be able to fill the rest of it in by itself now if i grab a few shulker boxes and i’m gonna need quite a few of them because all the items that are in those two chests are

Gonna have to be moved and put into shulker boxes if i just break them they’re gonna go into the system everything’s gonna start breaking so i really don’t want that to happen you know what i want to do with these straggler items right here i’m going to

Go and put an ender chest like that which will block the wardrobe okay i’ll just pick someone up i don’t want that then i will set it on fire which will burn it all perfect and then if i break that on i don’t want the other chest to

Burn but if i go like that perfect hopefully i actually pick up the crafting table i did and now all these items like the gum powder can be collected up like so we’ll grab it all and then they’re just going to go into the shulker box just a bit of light

Sorting there’s a little bit more gunpowder there so i’m going to put that in as well and as for everything else in here i’m just going to collect it all up completely fill my inventory and then take it and throw it into the ocean yes

I’m uh i’m not going to miss you guys okay i didn’t mean to go okay yeah you know to fall down here with it take two this time i will not walk forward so maybe it is kind of a waste to be throwing the sticks out as well but i

Get loads of sticks it’s not exactly like sticks are the rarest thing in the world and as for the totems i’m going to keep a few of them because if i dip into my ender chest as you can see i have my shulker box full of totems and we can

Just top it up yeah we might as well even though i have you know more totems and i know what to do with you can never have too many i always say because i don’t really fancy dying in this hardcore world for some reason now

To grab these final bits of items and we are going to chuck all of them almost chucked you out you just be careful a little another action but i haven’t chucked anything else important ever pretty sure i’m okay i might as well just keep all these sticks so since

They’re all in one thing i can just put them in yeah we’ll go in there in the in the sugar one for some reason and i actually realized that that was completely unnecessary because all these hoppers oh well not all these hoppers some most of these hoppers are

Completely stacked to the rafters full of emerald so they can’t accept any extra items anyway so that is not a problem we can gather up these chests without having to worry i’m not entirely sure okay don’t you go into that system as i was saying i’m not entirely sure

What i actually did with the hoppers that were there before and the comparators but i do need quite a few of them i know i’ll have a quick search in these places looks like there’s nothing to be found i’m going to quickly head to this portal over on the water so that i

Can get back home go down this chute into the sliced portal at the bottom while some here i might as well fix these bits of walls as well that i stole from before not not the best idea but yeah we don’t need to use them so they

Can go back the room is backed out it should be and apparently all my comparators aren’t here i’m pretty sure i put them somewhere and by some way i put them in this shulker box the sugar box is locked for now but yeah i’ve got my comparators and the hoppers that i

Need i’m going to get a few extracts just to be on the safe side we can easily craft them from in here if we just go ahead and make the hoppers like so that is more than enough now you know what else we’ll be needing some trusty

Blockers to set up the item filters so i’m gonna grab a load of dirt i think that’s gonna be the best way i do have an anvil but you know what let’s just use some levels and rename them they’re gonna be called blockers i don’t think i’ll need more

Than two stacks although i’ve just done the math and it’s 36 times four which is 144 which means three stacks will be more than enough now let’s fly all the way back up this shoot i just love going up every time it’s brilliant now that i have reached the raid farm i’m gonna

Grab quite a lot of emeralds also shove these sugar boxes down because they’re just it’s kind of in the way there’s gonna be a hopper here and then hoppers i think are these these this just can go down like this but then there will be a

Hopper i can’t quite i can do that and then we do that then these going into all of them followed by comparators on top and if i sneak on down underneath all of these extra okay that’s not meant to happen but as i’m saying these extra hoppers can also be filled with the

Needed emeralds i was just short on it by a few emeralds one of these hoppers is not quite full it is this one but now i’m pretty sure every single one is completely filled up which is great it means we can now work on the item

Filters and you know how i said the spider eyes would be fine if i was just to go like like i did there well they won’t be fine but i will need like two and a bit stacks of spider eyes which isn’t a massive problem sure i’ll be

Able to find some lying around somewhere in each of these we’re going to be adding the blockers this is one of those things that i have now done so so many times creating this entire system has just been such a big hassle like the whole item filter it probably could have

Been made in such a way that wouldn’t have been so difficult but i know that it’s going to work and it’s going to be reliable which is the main thing and having all of these items is going to be very very useful for my next project although i can’t really do the next

Project until i have got the remaining spider eyes i would like to use the raid farm to get the spider eyes but that’s not really going to work so he said i will have to chill at the very very slow game spider farm over two stacks is the

Goal i’m sure it’s not going to take me too long and now i have got more than enough spider eyes for this look at that there’s a lot oh there’s absolutely loads of them i think i’ve actually ended up getting too many and to be honest this will probably be the final time

That i ever use this farm because i just have no use for it now my ear well farm gives me all the string that i could ever dream of and this raid farm is going to give me all the spider eyes i could ever need yeah that farm it served

Its purpose while it was needed but the cave spider farm is redundant let’s load these extra ones into here and complete the rest of the item filters and that is all of them done the next thing we’re doing is grabbing a bunch of emeralds and adding them to 15 of these as you

Can see i don’t quite have enough but if i go like that it should get a filter some of them out really really fast now my inventory is clogged up with spider eyes i don’t really have enough space for all that and that is all of the

Emeralds now in fact we’re just going stacks that’s all of them done this one right here i’m going to need sticks and whilst i’ve got the spider eyes these three hoppers here are going to have them above so let’s go and put all of those in yeah look at that they’re

Filtering out as well which is perfect but you just love it when a plan comes together let’s add the three stacks of sticks into these hoppers the gunpowder right here followed by glowstone dust that’s kind of the the one of the pressing things i need a lot of and i

Need redstone thankfully i have this which has loads of redstone in it and the redstone’s gonna be a really useful one my days of epic needing to collected should hopefully be over after this i’m just kind of looking through you’ve got to make sure you put the right thing in

If i get it wrong it’s just gonna mess up the whole system but as you can see everything is working according to plan finally the sugar goes in and it’s complete the rage farm is now 100 finished but it’s kind of 100 finished i suppose there’s one more thing that i

Should do and that is to fly away from the raid farm fly up here again all the way over to the shulker farm which by the looks of things is nearly overflowing look at that is that oh that this side is overflowing i think maybe

It’s time i build a shulker load for the shulker shells because yeah we are well i just never need to worry about these again but anyway i’m going to grab loads of them so that i can fill up both of these two shulker boxes now to take

These away with me and get back to that raid farm a bunch of wood will be useful to make a bunch of chests and do you mind i’m i’m trying to craft over here will you stop crocodiling me good just mind your business and go after the

Golem anyway if we now go and fly down here we gotta be a little bit careful there we go we’ve got this here and this is what is going to be filled up with shulker boxes i’m gonna make as many as i have space for and get filling up this

Chest and these are just gonna all filter so that you can see you see the shulker box is somewhere around it yeah they’re just all along here so whenever one of these gets filled up it will have a new one straight away thanks to the system look at they’ve already all

Filtered through let’s put more in there this is certainly a lot easier to load than the eol farm was i don’t know how many shulker boxes it takes to fully load this thing but i am now well and truly out of wood which is a bit of a problem and it still doesn’t

Look like it’s going to be full i don’t know it’s taken a lot of shulker shells so far but holding a second it looks like right at the last moment we have managed to fill it which is really good news because yeah i was gonna be running

Out well i’ve got no wood anywhere as you can see completely empty we can keep the shulker boxes with the shulker shells in right here just in case i ever need them i think i won’t be able to get around that side if i fly into here i’m

Gonna mine up this crafting table and also light up this place because i don’t want any mobs to spawn but i think they might be able to in here and i think that’s that i think that is farm well and truly complete there is only one

Thing left to do that is to test it out now there are any mobs in here so i’m gonna have to go and find a pillager captain all these pillagers i can’t seem to find a cap okay never mind he’s down there i don’t know sooner if i walk down

Here and i’ve completely lost him where did he go unless i saw the banner and he was i don’t know actually maybe maybe i just completely got mixed up well this time i have definitely found one let’s get rid of you and then the raids can begin i’ve just stopped for a second

Because i want to see how well the farm’s working and uh what do i see behind me what enough are you doing here i’m gonna very carefully eat up and then try and and deal with him how did you actually how did you do it he just escaped so it

Is possible for ravages to escape in this farm they also have so much junk in the inventory which i can actually just send through the system so we can watch it go see all in action and you can see all the items that need to be getting

Picked up are picked up and the rest of them straight into the fire and i might as well also take the items out of these shulker boxes and send them through the system because there’s quite a lot of them and has to be said there is quite a

Lot of these items but it’s also very very satisfying to just send them all in now i’m actually sending too many through i’m going to be careful do they actually all get picked up or i just sent them to their doom yeah the farm wasn’t designed to be able to cope

With stacks and stacks of an item at once i just have to send half a stack at a time and finally all these shulker boxes of them well okay not these ones but i kind of can keep those just because look quite nice i’m just going to be putting these final bits

In here just let them filter through i’ve also got rid of that fire you can see so if any items do sneak through i can just go and pick them up and send them right back through the system you know what i’ll turn all this sugarcane into sugar for good measure fortunately

I don’t quite have the inventory space to take every single shulker box but if i put a few of these items inside one of them then i will have all of the space that i need i do also want to drop down here and have a look at these chests see

How much we’re getting look at that look at all the emeralds okay don’t know how glowstone duster’s got in there uh and none of the other ones appear to have filled up which is i guess makes sense because i haven’t been using it long enough so i’m gonna use it a little bit

Longer let’s hope that the farm is actually working correctly as well and collecting up all my items i’ve had enough of the farm for now so i’m going to go and grab this box of glowstone dust which is going to be useful since i will be creating a lot of respawn

Anchors let’s also drop off the millions and millions of shulker boxes i ever masked before i do get this floor completely finished i’m going to fly over to spawn because i need to find out a way to try and fix that tnt blaster that completely blew up that was

Meant to blow up the warped wart stems oh that was a bit of a mouthful but yeah i’m just gonna go and fix this machine or at the very least try to fix it top one’s being repaired but there’s no tnt in it i just want to turn on the machine

And see what went so horribly wrong before i think the issue lies here that i used redstone dust and not a repeater hopefully that works a bit better i’m going to change that to be a block as well the actual issue was that this repeater wasn’t enough i’ve changed the

Vortex delay and it works fine now and if i just add this redstone dust we will be able to see in action so that piston will extend and then it will come back in if i stick a piece of tnt in here we can actually see it properly in action

Just just to make sure it does definitely work look at that blew up perfectly let’s get busy on the one below and now this little bit redstone is done as well so i’m going to put the tnt into all of these and everything should be working i’ve just got to make it

Dispense the tnt a bit less by putting some more items back into the hoppers and i heard the tnt blob hopefully that is a good sign there comes some more yes two are coming down yeah blewed up pretty well and is is that working perfectly it looks like it i think more

Can grow in their place it’s all coming together guys the main thing that decides whether or not they’ll grow is whether or not i randomly get a little warped fungi on one of these as you can see i’m not really getting them at the moment so that is then what makes the

Piston extend and it just keeps trying as you see destroys it because we’ve not got one still not got one in it i don’t know what the chances are and get it but there we go we’ve got one that’s got bone milled and it has grown in fact two

Of them are grown and the tnt will blow it up make room for a new one to grow and just look at all of the warped wart blocks that i am getting in here actually quite a lot which is perfect this is way better than mining it and

Because the machine does now seem to be working as intended i think i can put more tnt in without having to worry too much about everything going wrong there should be enough tnt to last in there for quite a bit i can also go ahead and

Top up loads of the bone mail pretty sure that’s also going to keep working even when i’m not in the area which is the entire idea of it so i’ll put that to the test and move away and instead continue building this tunnel it’s not

Going to be too far that i’m going to have to dig to get to the aol farm but it’s still going to be quite the tunnel by the time it’s finished i have done quite the tunnel here as you can see and it has led me right next to where the

Stronghold portal is in a way that’s good news because i do want to make a tunnel that leads to the stronghold but the other side the coin is also bad news because it means i’ve still got a long long way to go before i reach the eol

Farm a big big part of this tunnel has now been mined out i think it’s time i grabbed a bunch of slabs because i’m sick of mobs like you guys all spawning instead if i place down all of these then none of you can spot do you mind

Trying to hit me in the back like that literally being stabbed in the back by a piglet i’ve got nowhere near enough slaps to do all of this in my inventory you can see we’re on the last ones right there that is the last five i do believe

Got a long way to go but i’m thinking i should do the basalt first because you can see i’m kind of then i’ll know which gaps to be filled in let’s grab loads of polished basalt and get to work with the building i’ve also got to be careful as

I get towards the end because there is a big drop straight into lava i don’t want to just walk off the edge i’ve successfully reached the big drop i should probably put some slabs over this before it becomes too dangerous there we go now to add all of the pillars in

Between i have run out of basalt nothing i can’t quickly craft and it has to be said it’s really starting to come together as you can see the pillars all the way down there are done and i’m just completing the ones on this side as well

I found that the best way to do it is instead of doing the pillow all the way to the top just to count every four blocks and just get the actual foundations in and then when that’s done all the way to the other end like it is

Now i can go and add all these top bits all the way along and i just don’t have to think about it anymore everything i know is marked in the correct place and so that is mission successful with all of those time for all these wart warp

Blocks which i think i’m going to have more than these that i know what to do with bad ender today and i want to begin by placing netherrack behind all the pillars just so that no mobs can spawn inside the walls and then all these gaps

Can be filled in with the warped ward which really is a very satisfying thing to do because it just brings the entire thing together and it looks like building the farm has been a massive success because as i said because i have enough to finish the entire thing i i will have

Enough if i just go ahead and mine out these two here they can just be changed to me nether quartz or something like that and i have the perfect amount now for all of them to be done and that means i have the opportunity to instead get myself loads of polish black stone

Turn it into slabs and fill in the entirety of this floor it’s also very nice to finally be filling in this big drop into the lava now that i’ve made it all the way to the end this is probably as good a time as any to go and check on

How my warped water farm is actually doing has it been working okay in the background and the answer is a very very resounding yes it has been doing insanely well in the background and this is why when i have to go out manually getting items i just make a farm because

I’ll never have to worry about this ever again it’s even completely exceeded my own expectations i’m gonna have to go get some shulker boxes and the perfect color for these i’m gonna be saying because basically i can barely tell the difference between the two also me i’m also gonna grab all

Of these stems and take them home with me but from that farm in that short time i got over two shulker boxes worth should be enough you know more than i ever need i will need to top that farm up with tnt of course but it

Doesn’t really use up that much tnt for the amount that you get i mean you can see we’re still going after all that time it is quite a slow using tnt farm let’s put all of these into this chest look at that’s brilliant and i’ll put

One full shulker box in here as well and i will still need a lot of the warped wall to do this roof so it’s time that we started mining the bit that i’m breaking right here is where all of these stairs are going to be going and

This middle bit is for the warped wart i don’t know how many times i’ve said warp what today but it has been way too many and that is all of that successfully done so all the money if this tunnel up to this part is complete which is a nice

Thing to see and if i just dip into here i thought i’d only grab these ones yet i’m gonna use the one that’s kind of partly used yeah well there’s not really gonna be enough to go out here but all i’m gonna do here is just filling in

This roof with the warped wart and if i look at this at the perfect angle then i can do it without having to jump as well and this method does work fairly well but as you can see uh i made quite a few mistakes if i it looks really bad when

You look all the way down there let’s go into me on the chest and grab the hole and i can easily tidy up all the mistakes that i made and mission to add the entire ceiling has been completed let’s go into the black stone chest we

Can grab a few stairs but we’re gonna need to grab a few more as well should really use a stone cutter rather than the crafting table to craft all those because you actually get a lot more for what you’re crafting if you use a stone

Cutter so i can just waste a load of black stone right before my very eyes but regardless of whether or not i’m doing a lot of wasting i still have enough stairs to complete the entire roof and in my opinion this is looking really really good look at that i can just fly

All the way down here yes i would like to add lanterns in between and i also apparently i didn’t fill in these bits of walls that need to be done but it really is an excellent excellent build i think i’m going to be building an

Entrance way down there so i can go and get the to the stronghold portal if i fly all the way back along this tunnel to the shulker box which is here i think not that shulker box not that sugar box but this shulker box contains lanterns it contains chains it’s probably not

Going to be enough for me to finish it all the way but i might as well add as many as i can seems like chains are actually the thing that i’m running out of the most i can actually go and craft some more because i’ve got some all the

Way well i’ve got some iron back there if i i’ve got so much i don’t know what to do with it all really and i probably have enough lanterns to just do the entire thing so let’s go into here to grab those make myself a load of nuggets

Then i can make a load of chains hopefully these 26 should be enough to get it finished as i say that is successfully done but i’m i’m one lantern short are you kidding me i’ve got all the torches i would need to do it but i’d need some iron but don’t

Worry if it’s iron that i seek i’m sure i’ve got some in this show not in that shulker box don’t worry there’s plenty more what about the iron block shulker box yeah there’s definitely iron in there that can make the final lantern and that means that this entire corridor

Is complete up to the part that i got up to i want to get all the way to the ol farm it’ll be much much longer but i ain’t got time for that right now also i lied about it being complete because um as you can see i put slabs around the

Lamps here and what that means is that we need more slabs around the lamps all the way down here despite my best intentions i can already tell i am going to run out yep i was right i don’t know about how by how many though we don’t

Need that many more if i craft these into slabs yeah 60 should be enough there we go they’re all complete and now the corridor is completely finished and i can move on to another project first phase not all the project is to head to spawn and then whilst at spawn i need to

Top up this and i do believe i am now out of tnt as well which is probably why i’m not getting quite as much as i was before but realistically for now i’ve got loads and loads i don’t really need to worry about getting more tnt i will

In the future it’s not a problem but for now i’m just going to switch it off and yes it doesn’t need to be running anymore we’ve got more than i could ever dream of and my only worry is that from digging all those tunnels in the nether

My pickaxe is quite broken now i do have a whole host of different xp farms to choose from but since i want to get a lot of the items that the raid farm offers such as the redstone the emerald the glowstone i think using the raid

Farm as my main xp farm is going to be the best thing for me you can also see just how many levels i went up today in this episode like 149 now nearly 350. it does get you quite a lot of xp pretty pretty fast let’s put the pickaxe in my

Offhand and start using the farm all my items have now been healed and so i can begin the next big project the emerald palace it’s not really the best weather for me to be showing you this but right in this forest is where i want this

Emerald castle to be so to build it i am going to have to demolish the entire forest i’m going to have to get rid of loads and loads of these trees although right now i’m really not enjoying being out in this weather right i hate rain in

Real life and in minecraft i’m going to go inside where it’s warm and instead gather up loads and loads of materials that i’m going to need look at the things well the main ones i’m going to need is lots and lots of green concrete now 21 is sadly not going to be enough

I’ve got a bit of gravel in here which which should be okay to do the job but the main thing that i’m really lacking is sand so that means that i get to go to the one place where it never rains yes that is correct i will be going to

The desert to get loads of sand to be honest it’s not the one place that never rains suppose the nether is another place where it never rains and all around my house it technically snows not rain so that’s another one and the savannah yeah it doesn’t rain here so

Yeah i’ve kind of outdone myself anyway let’s forget about that because we do know that it doesn’t rain in a desert and that is where i am right now so let’s mine up the colossal amount of sun that i’m gonna need since i will not only be needing the sand for the

Concrete but also for a lot of glass as well because yeah there’s going to be a lot of windows and stuff i always like windows and castles and big bills like that so there’s going to be plenty of glass in there and some glass domes at

The top as well so yeah it’s going to look very very good it’s just going to take a lot of materials and the day that the minecraft developers had it so that you can renewably farm sand without needing a duplicate uh it’ll be a special special day there is some cool

Data packs which allow you to get it from husks and stuff but uh nothing in vanilla so far all three shulker boxes have now been filled let’s grab them all i’ll head back home i’m going to craft as much of the concrete as i can i’m not

Entirely sure if i’m able to do it all because i actually gonna give 4 000 pieces yeah this policy is going to be quite the project and it’s going to be very very big indeed i’ve also seem to have apparently left a few why have i left these behind i mean these two

Shulker boxes they belong in the ender chest nice and safe and sound i’ve just worked it out and i actually need 60 stacks of concrete which means two of these shulker boxes more or less won’t be needed that’s kind of good news i don’t need too much of a ridiculous

Amount i’m just gonna get rid of these extra bits the bad news though is that i do not have enough gravel no in here i have just well about nine ten stacks of it so if i grab all the gravel and top up my inventory with sand as you can see

We can make quite a few stacks but we’re actually gonna need a little more dye it’s a good job of ridiculously big cactus farm isn’t it yeah you can see we’ve got quite a lot there and we can also grab those but we are out of gravel

Let’s turn a bunch of the powder into concrete and then go searching for gravel i will need to just repair my shovel before i do any mining for gravel and because i can’t be able to go to a pillager outpost so i can use the raid farm i’m actually gonna first come to

The bartering farm yeah this is a blast from the past isn’t it but if we give these guys a load of gold they will happily be battering away with that and in the meantime i can be repairing my shovel at the gold farm now then have you guys successfully bartered all my

Gold you guys go through it okay i don’t say i thought you went already but no you’ve you’ve got loads of it no you i don’t know if you are actually well here’s more for you anyway and from that i have managed to get quite a significant amount of gravel nowhere

Near as much as i’m actually going to need but for the time being it’s perfect because i can also now go through this portal which is very conveniently going to lead me to the ocean as you can see and what is on the ocean floor guys you

Know it loads and loads of seagrass yeah there’s sea grass everywhere this kelp it’s brilliant no but in reality i’m down here to collect all of the gravel now when i’m doing this most of the gravel does tend to float up to the surface because from up here i can just

Swim around and collect it all up don’t wonder if i’ve actually got enough infantry space for all this because i’ve already filled a shulker box up and i did get a little bit carried away with all the gravel that had mined but it looks like i’ve collected it all up and

Oh okay yeah you know i had a lot more space in inventory than i actually realized with that i’m gonna get back home craft all the rest of the concrete powder that i’m gonna need i believe with that i have got all of the powder

That i need now to take loads of this sand and set it off smelting into glass i actually don’t really have enough coal for that farm to be running but i’m just going to leave it as it is and instead continue turning the powder into concrete i’ve converted most of the

Powder into concrete but it just takes so long i can’t be bothered with it anymore but i need more of it during the build i’ll sort it but for now i’ve got all the places i need to go one of those places is the guardian farm now the main

Situation with the guardian farm is the new 1.18 update completely broken because there’s now loads of caves below my feet mobs are spawning in these caves meaning not as many guardians are coming through as you can see it’s it’s a lot slower than it used to be i was hoping

I’d have enough prismarine shards to make all the blocks that i need but it’s it’s going to look like that is not going to be the case because i’m going to need stacks and stacks of prismarine breaks probably like a similar amount to the concrete and not to mention i want

To make a load of dark prismarine as well so since this is most definitely going to be a problem i mean i don’t know how many we’ve got here not many at all it is time for plan b the idea for plum b is to first go back to my house

And then all the way to spawn this is just so that i can turn the mob switch back on and now i wish to head to a brand new ocean monument thanks to the mob switch there are no guardians here so i can easily mine up and do work without being

Attacked every two seconds i will eventually fix my guardian farm by spawn proofing all the caves and that way i’ll be able to do what i need to do without getting attacked every two seconds this is a big bottle done which is what the guardians are going to float through now

I just need to remove all of the seagrass and the kelp and these blocks around the edge as well to do the next thing i’m gonna need quite a bit of dirt thankfully getting hold of dirt is one of the easier things for me to do also

Need a bunch of breaks loads of this and plenty of chests and hoppers to collect the items i don’t think that’s gonna be enough chest so let’s go just craft a little more going through some precious wood i do need to get more at some point

Although i have loads of spruce logs in there you know what we can get 32 from that that’s definitely enough the only thing i will need is some campfires i’ll need 10 of them and thankfully they’re pretty easy to craft although can i only craft nine of course i can only craft

Nine oh if i get a few more sticks the fact that the raid farmer’s got so many sticks just waiting for me is about nine i’ve actually got more campfires than i need and the very final thing to grab is gonna be a load of fence gates i’m gonna

Use the warp stem that’s like my most uh well the wood i have the most of at the moment so i can easily get planks and sticks and then from there make the gates it is probably one of the more simpler farms and it’s not actually

Going to get me xp it’s it’s also pretty easy to do it so it does get you xp but i’m probably not going to worry about it for now it would just make more sense for me to make my original guardian farm work again rather than do that because

That is getting me xp from the cactus as well whilst i’m there but as a quick fix this new little guardian farm is gonna be perfect first things first i need to place loads of dirt in here so that i’ll be able to actually light the portal and

If i mine out this middle bit i’m going to my ender chest and find the flint and steel i can easily light it there we go and even if i get rid of the dirt now the portal will stay now to build a bit of a platform out here which is going to

Allow me to remove a load of the source blocks it’s quite a big area to be filled in and this is actually the main reason that i brought so much dirt and platform number one is now complete let’s go to this side and do the exact same thing i think i’ve discovered that

If i’m in the water i can actually place the dirt way way faster than if i’m doing it like this from up here just being careful well i’ll have one dirt behind but you know what i mean if i’m going like that it’s a bit slow but when

I’m in the water it really seems to speed it up just a few more dirt blocks to go and this is how i’m going to create the flowing water that is going to push the guardians into the portal this is why it needs to be such a big

Platform but it is almost done and there we go it is complete let us go back into this chest we can get rid of the dirt i don’t know how it managed to get so much kelp now it’s time for the building blocks because we need to make a nice

Little border all the way around that is now complete and looking very very good indeed the next thing we will be needing are these trusty fence gates i need to come across and on the ninth block i have a row of fence case of course my

Shulker box is in the way of all the rows for me to put it on i put it on the one where it shouldn’t be and then behind all of these fence gates we’re going to have another offense case so these are a little bit more finicky

Because i have to kind of crouch and place them slowly which is a little bit annoying but now they are all in and i mustn’t forget the most important thing i need to open them all no if they’re closed everything would go wrong that is all of those successfully opened let’s

Give her the temporary block and you guessed it we’re going to do it on the other side the exact same thing only this time i’m going to open him as i go you know what little uh time save in there guys although i’ll be opening this

Row as i go because it’s finicky enough i have to be crouched otherwise i’ll be opening by mistake and i can’t bother yeah that’s just too annoying to try and do that there we go that is mission accomplished with all of the fence gates

Once i open them all like so once i go into the shulker box and grab myself a couple of buckets this ladies and gentlemen is where the magic will happen so we’re gonna place a bucket there in a bucket there and as you can see we can

Just do infinite water sources all the way across and it’s what happens when it gets over here that’s quite interesting let’s just fill those up as you can see it kind of flows under the gates so if we i then crouch and we have to do on

Every single one place water which is it’s going to be a little bit annoying to do but if i just show you a sneak preview as i’m going along you can see it goes underneath but it kind of connects so the the guardians will get pushed and then they’ll end up going up

Into the next one and get pushed into the portal so the potential is there for it to work but i’ve still got a few things left to do to make it happen that is all the water on this side completed now to do the exact same thing on this

Side and there we go all completed now for the other side as i said i’m not going to make it too complicated in the way that i link the portals i’m just going to clear a big space for this one i haven’t manually connected these this is just the one that minecraft has

Naturally generated but all these blocks underneath are going to be removed just so i have plenty of space to work with and next there is going to be that was a nice little landing wasn’t it but yeah there’s going to be some walls around here just to leave a little two by two

Gap the guardians will be able to fall into these holes right here and they’ll have a roof so that they can’t escape and the exact same thing is going to be done on this side there we go that’s where the guardians shall be trapped extend it a little bit at the bottom and

We’re going to extend it by two blocks okay what’s going on here it’s all gone i went and placed the block wrong then we had netherrack getting involved we’re gonna go and put some there this is gonna come all the way down so that these have nowhere to go oh my god again

Okay apparently i’ve run out of building blocks although if i’m not mistaken i would have said we’d have something that you know what maybe maybe we just go on with netherrack do we do we make this a really much job yeah it’s not looking too good is it let’s just add these

Campfires in here and then the chests can be placed along like so although if i kept the chest like this i as you can see would not be able to open them because the blocks are in the way but don’t worry items will be able to go

Through them i’m just going to use the hoppers and place them into the chest so anything will come through the camp any items yeah they’ll come through the campfires into the hoppers and then there could be another row of chests under here those chests will also have

Hoppers going into them oh my goodness it wasn’t a great thing the day they added crawling to minecraft it makes my craft so so much easier to do things like that you just you know you just go up and down and you’re in and since i’ve

Got a bit of space i might as well add some chests and hoppers on the edges as well oh it’s a little bit tricky to place but i can still do it so all of these chests should definitely be able to keep up with the amount of drops the

Guardians will be giving me and that part is complete the guardians will go through there no problem whatsoever for some reason i didn’t go through that portal and i’ve come all the way over here to go back i don’t know i could have just go through that one no problem

But not to worry the journey there should not take me too long here is my little humble farm time to start placing this all over which will push the guardians up if i’m ever short on a bit of air all i have to do is just go in

Here and look at that i can get my breath back i might get pushed up but i can easily get out now to go around a layer lower and just keep doing that kind of just going with the shape of the monument and on this bottom layer it

Needs to go everywhere underneath where the dirt is so basically all the way up to that block i managed to judge it correctly let’s bring this around here it still needs to be a bit further this way just up to there and that means that

All of this kelp has got to go and i marked out the full area for this that needs to be filled in so now it’s time to place it all down that is this side complete and this side i was gonna say is also almost also complete but i’m i’m

Kind of stuck here and i how do i even get down i’m in a very a very tough spot there we go if i’m if i’m careful i can do that then i can place it now that that’s finished i’ve just got this little bit right here and i have plenty

Of blocks to do that perfect that is looking very very good indeed now to delve into my ender chest and grab some scaffolding and place it down so it takes me all the way up to y equals one eight four and it also turns out that i

Can’t count because it’s going to be taking me to y185 better clarify this okay so the scaffolding takes me to 184 and then i’m gonna play some blocks which apparently i have no blocks but these blocks will take me to one eight five i’m also doubling up the slabs so

That nothing can spawn here i’ll stand in this little bit right here and i want a couple of blocks and then a slab to protect me from anything like phantoms or you know anything like that basically remember the rule always protects your head so this part of the farm is done

Pretty much everything is done except for one thing okay oh well nice one especially good job totems are in the game they weren’t i get the feeling that my hardcore series would have ended a long long time ago but anyway we’re gonna go ahead and break the scaffolding which as usual is

Very very satisfying a lot of it is probably just gonna get lost because it’s all gonna go into the portal and the final thing to be done before the farm is complete is to remove all of the dirt which is also all going through the portal yes we’re just losing it all hey

We know the farm’s working if the dirt is getting pushed into the portal then we know that the guardians are going to get pushed into the portland oh no dolphin hold on for dear life i don’t see how you get out of this one alive mate honestly you’re too squid yeah

You’re going the same way because if i break this wait can you can you do it can you survive it can swim away they call me the dolphin lifesaver guys side one is done now to also mine up side number two and just like that the world’s simplest guardian farm

Is now done i might as well just nip through the portal and i can grab any items that came through or maybe they went into the hoppers i don’t know so i’m just gonna try and get a i’m kind of stuck now what’s going

On there we go if we go back through i reckon the farm’s ready for testing i could make it to xp farm if i was just more clever with the portals and the positioning of them in the nether which i may change at some point but for now

I’m not going to be worrying about that instead the main goal will be to head to spawn turn off the mob switch and go afk at the farmer just looking from there already you can see loads of guardians are spawning in all i have to do is just

Perch myself inside of here and many many guardians will spawn and get pushed through the portal well i’ve afk here for a long long time let’s get in the mix and see just how many items i have got and looking at the state of these

Chests it just it has been a very very successful mission so i’m going to start gathering all of these up and crafting the bricks and that is all the prismarine bricks that i need it is taking a lot and now this gust has come to ruin my day in fact there’s two of

Them how have you seen me from all the way over here oh my god don’t hit my uh my build you’re gonna get it and you know what you’re gonna get it as well just trying to peacefully murder a load of guardians and then use those drops to

Make bricks so most of my shards have been used up i think there’s some in these chests but i can’t really get into them i might even have to do something like that and then i can okay well he’s just happened but the bonus of this farm

Is it gets you ink sacks as well which is perfect for what i’m trying to do i think anyway as i said i thought i’d forgotten how to craft dark prismarine it’s because i turned it into black dye that is how you do it so yeah we should

Be able to get quite a bit we’re going to need 23 stacks in total seems like the main thing i’m going to be short of to do all of this is going to be the ink sacks yep that is indeed the case because this is the last of my black dye

So when i craft this dark prismarine that is all that i’m going to be able to do and we’re short by about nine stacks hang on a minute we found 46 more sadly that won’t really go very far but uh it is better than nothing and when i

Search the chest i am finding a few straggling ink sacks look that’s just stuck in there waiting hang on a minute these chests here might just hold the key never mind that they’re all empty more to the point i wonder if there’s a chicken got it there’s always chickens

Just you just never know how chickens get around here and now he’s literally in the way right you’re either move or you’re going on those campfires don’t say i didn’t warn you in your go chicken there you go actually way too evil doing that let’s

Just patch it all up right the last of the ink sacks and craft the lust of the shards and to fix this i’m gonna need another six stacks of dark prismarine so i reckon the best thing i can do is fly back to my house and obviously going

Through the nether is going to be way way faster and see what i’ve got lying around in my chest room because we’ve got a chest for it we’ve got 37 that’s a step in the right direction all these other ones are pretty useless only 21 in

There i’m not happy with that and poor people they use ink sacs when they want loads of black guy but i’m rich so i use wither roses for black dye yes that’s uh that’s how we do it grab a couple of extra stacks for good measure and then i

Think we fly back to this guardian farm and then fly up to the surface to farm more of the prismarine shards and to be honest if i turn this into an xp farm i could also get looting from it as well yeah you know what it does have its

Benefits but we won’t be doing that today we’ve got a palace to build the rain is pouring but i’m pretty sure i should have now got enough from all of these guardians i should also probably spawn proof the walls around here because then mobs keep spawning on there

Alrighty if this is how i die in my world that would not be good i’ve uh i’ve fallen on to the campfires that was not a very good idea but i can’t mind my way out and safely get back to harvesting the prismarine and turning it into blocks and i reckon with

All of that i have now definitely got enough so the guardian plumb is going back to being pretty much useless to me but hey maybe one day i’ll be back and i’ll improve it turn it into something special but for now it’s time to focus on building the palace another thing i’m

Gonna need quite a lot of is the green stained glass which we’ve got a lot of glass in there but we also have the issue of loads of sand all around here and nothing to smelt it with so my plan to solve that problem is to try and find

A brand new cave we have got one here the goal is just to get a load of coal at some point i definitely need to come up with a better fuel source for my super smelter whether that’s going to be lava bamboo something like that because when you’ve been playing minecraft for 3

300 days mining should be a thing of the past i suppose it is kind of nice to get back to your route sometimes and just just you know go back to the classic days after all literally half of the game is about mining you know it’s minecraft so

I can’t complain too much and to be honest coal is everywhere as well it’s really easy to find and the size of the veins is just amazing couple that with fortune three and already i have got three and a half stacks and there’s loads more in this game as well oh my

Goodness it’s like they may call more common even though this is one of the caves that we’ve generated in the old updates i’ve never seen a cave like this just everywhere i turn there is cold galore this section of the cave is also packed with coal and after much much

Mining i have more or less filled up the whole inventory although i can throw away some bits and bobs like these and continue mining up a bit more coal and look at this i’ve found a dungeon as well although sadly nothing very useful in it and now my inventory is well and

Truly full i’m just gonna have to get rid of a bit of cobblestone and then i think i will head back home well this has been a very very successful mining journey in fact i want to take all this coal with it i’m going to make a bunch

Of coal blocks and then i can fit it and with that let’s get out of here so my plan is to load every single furnace with a stack of coal i couldn’t quite do these last few furnaces but they usually have cold you know they don’t use as

Much cold as these early ones so that’s pretty good more glass is once again on the menu and it all needs to be dyed green once again green dye we have loads and loads of that and then shoved in a shulker box there’s also a lot of other

Materials but the main ones i have now successfully got i’m also gonna need 45 stacks of emerald blocks which is why i made the raid farm i have already got 22 but i’m curious to see if my raid farm actually has plenty more hopefully it

Does but if not then i may have to spend more time afk there yeah so there is quite a lot here and i have also realized something whilst like things like sugar and all the other ones are going into this first hopper and it’s because i need to add some item filters

Up there which are like shulker box sorters so make sure to get those added before the next time i use the farm and let’s see if we have enough emerald blocks so i have crafted every single emerald block i think we have enough never mind i’ve just done the

Calculations and we’re short by like 50 emerald blocks but i’ll just worry about those later on and do as much as i can for now all of this glowstone from the raid farm is now going to come in handy because i need to make quite a lot of

Redstone lamps the real worry here is that it might not actually have enough redstone although don’t worry there’s always plum b which is to grab a bunch of emerald blocks and trade for redstone at this trading hall that’s definitely got me way way more and i can go back

Round again with all these villagers and i think that will be mission accomplished for all the redstone lamps i need so let’s keep collecting all of the resources although i do still need a bit more redstone so i’m okay we found a cave as well that’s good news and it’s

Even connected to a dungeon come on give me a note chapel okay close enough although suppose it’s not really close enough so that’s got to go more importantly i shall try and track down redstone which i appear to have successfully done i built the raid farm

So that i’d have loads of redstone but i i took so much redstone to do all of the hoppers that i am once again having to go look for redstone it’s possible that i will never be able to escape this cycle found another dungeon in this cave

Let’s get rid of that anything useful at all doesn’t look like it but i’ll take the call since i went mining for that earlier and as cool as this cave is i’ve got all of the redstone that i need and so it is time for me to get out of here

And i’m happy with all the stuff that i’ve got so far so my next project is going to be to clear the space where this palace will go which involves mining a load of trees and mining the ground and that is the area completely cleared out i was minding this layer here but

I’ve realized it actually doesn’t need to go so kind of ways to be shovel a little bit there but now i can chuck all of these items into storage i’d say i really love having an auto sorter that has made it so so much easier i’m going

To gather up a few more needed materials and then work on this emerald polish can begin of course it starts raining just as i’m going to build yeah not what i wanted anyway first things first i’m going to begin by creating at the entrance way this is going to have like

Some stairs going up to the main building and i’m going to add some lighting in the floors with glowstone in the middle there we go and now we can begin on the stairs which are going to go along like this although apparently i’ve made a stupid mistake not brought

Any concrete which means i’m gonna have to fly through this blizzard grab a shulker box or two and fill it up with concrete okay this isn’t gonna work my image is just too full of other stuff all of that can go over here for now and

Then i can make much faster progress all of this does still need to be converted from powder into concrete but i will do that later because for now it is time to get back to work on the build the stairs are going to be split up into three

Groups like this and yeah they’re going to go like like that so you can see wider in the middle and then shorter in the in the center and i’m going to just add stairs along like so and this is how the staircase is looking it’s looking very

Nice indeed there’s gonna be a load of green concrete up here which can be stood on and that will lead to the main entrance way which is gonna be right here i’ve marked out the general area of it so there’s gonna be two doors right

Here and i’m also going to have a load of prismarine because that’s what a lot of the walls are gonna be as well and i might as well get started on building these big massive walls although before i do that there is also going to be some

Big pillars along here at the sides of each of the stairs which are going to be covered in emerald blocks like so and have a nice little cross like that of dark prismarine and the ancient sway is also going to have big pillars going up like this they’re going to be mainly

Emerald they’re going to connect up to the like the other walls and stuff and i’ve run out of emeralds thankfully there’s plenty more where that came from and by the size of how far these pillars up you can probably see just how big this building is going to go well hey

It’s got to be big so that all those villagers actually have somewhere to live so i’m going to build the same little box on this side as well as the same thing with the pillar and with this one i made it all the way up to the roof

And can actually connect it to the other pillar i could connect it if i hadn’t run out of dark prismarine thankfully there’s plenty more in here and now they can be connected and there is also going to be a couple of pillars in the middle which are going to have redstone lumps

At the bottom so we’re just going to have those for you know for a bit of lighting so we can see what we’re doing followed by more prismarine and emeralds going up the entrance away is really starting to take shape isn’t it although it doesn’t look like much of an emerald

Palace just yet so let’s grab a bit of glass and then this big wall behind the pillars can also be completed that is the entranceway complete and it’s just going to have loads of prismarine around it and that is the front wall all done and i do want to add some little

Platforms at this level and these are going to have some more redstone lamps on them as well i’m connecting up all of these pillars as well and it has to be said the more that i do the better it looks and i think that the best thing i

Can do now is just build some walls that are going to go all the way around and just check out those foundations and i should probably deal with this creeper i could just see it you know you blowing some up ruining everything but that’s what i get for leaving my mob switch

Turned off i’ve done the lowest level of all of the walls which means i have a guide to fill in the concrete floor in between and that is the entire floor completed i’ve left a gap here because there’s going to be a pillar covering this up anyway and the next thing to be

Done is to build these walls up even more work can also begin on some of the smaller windows there’s going to be a bunch of different places so yeah one there one there one there and there’s gonna be a big one at the back which will involve placing down a lot of green

Stained glass i took a little bit of a break from building because i do need a lot more emerald blocks and i’m hoping that a few more shulker boxes have come through the system oh okay oh yeah so we got one more i was gonna say they’re all

Kind of different ones but there’s two emerald ones so that’s perfect eventually i’ll get around to fixing the system so they’re going to the correct ones and then we don’t have sticks and sugar in random ones but for now i can leave all those guys in there craft the

Final missing emerald blocks and get back to building i have to say from a distance it is starting to look very very good i just need to continue building all of these walls and i’ve pretty much done all of the walls to the top i’m gonna be starting to work on the

Roof we seem to have already had a villager moved in the one drink trader has found his way here now this ceiling is going to be made out of green concrete which is one of the reasons why i needed so much of it i’ve left a nice

Little gap here for a chandelier that’s this half complete and now to do the same thing on this side which i would complete but unfortunately i’ve run out of green concrete there’s none in any of my shulker boxes so i’m gonna fly back home grab a load of this powder and turn

It all into concrete all of the concrete has been converted i have got more enough in this shulker box so let’s hopefully get this building finished but i’m gonna have to be quick because i have not got too much time left and the sun is now setting on day 3300 i’ve just

Caught the night to finish this entire build and i’m still working on the roof i’m sure you’ll agree that is looking very good indeed but it is now a race against time to get it finished and the bad news here is that i have now run out

Of dark prismarine because i had to make a lot of prismarine stairs i’ve already eaten into the next episode which i’m not supposed to do but i’ve come this far with the project i won’t be stopped now because here is where all the guardian drops are and i’m pretty sure

I’ve got plenty of prismarine shards and there’s also new ink sacs in the chest as well so let’s get crafting and i’m pretty sure those two and a half stacks should be enough but just in case i will fill this shulker box with prismarine shards as well that should be mission

Accomplished let’s get this building finished well despite going a little bit over time this roof is so so close to being done although i’ve been through the last second i am i am two pieces of glass short it’s all right i’ve got everything i need in my house i just

Have to quickly fly down here in fact i’ve got 24 in this chest okay well why are they just sitting there they could have been useful and now they will be useful but look at it it looks pretty amazing if you ask me but those two gaps

Get filled in and then there’s just some little bits up here that need to be done as well that’s these four towers complete and the last part is to complete this bit right here and there we go the roof is complete and this is what it looks like it’s it’s a

Completely different thing i think it just looks brilliant just sat behind the village a massive emerald palace i really can’t wait to decorate it all make it look amazing sort of the interior i mean yes it’s not completely finished right yeah right now for a start there’s a massive hole in

The floor but you know what i do think i have time for i think i have time to grab a couple of iron doors and make four iron chest plates and then place them on the entrance way like so there is still going to be a staircase going

Up here i need to get those lights on there’s going to be a second floor up there as well some chandeliers in both of those gaps it’s going to look amazing when it’s completely done but so far it is looking great i mean the outside looks absolutely amazing that’s why we

Need a raid farm to put those emeralds to good use and these villagers all down here i’m sure they are going to be very very pleased with this i also need to terraform the land around as you can see it’s a little bit far off the ground

Last episode i spent so long building this that i used up three days i shouldn’t have but there’s no time to waste i need to get notch apple number 34 and to do that i’m going to be flying far far away build another portal get trapped in a cave find some diamonds

Whilst trying to escape and then search for desert pyramids here is the first one and searching for these is also a great way to harvest sandstone and unfortunately well i wouldn’t say it’s too bad but it’s not what i want and there’s the second one and as i expected

It’s kind of empty but this third one i almost missed it it’s just hidden like in the side of a mountain but will it be a hidden gem nope it won’t be a hidden gem it’s got a couple of that okay i spoke too soon i spoke too soon my third

Pyramid and hidden in the side of this mountain there was a notch apple i did not expect that and before i head back home i’m gonna search the rest of this desert just to make sure i don’t miss any more pyramids after this one had nothing useful i actually checked all the chess

This time before saying it was rubbish will this one be any better and the answer is no so it’s getting blown up looks like it’s gonna be the same result for this one and also this one and if i mess up this singular firework rocket hardcore shoes is over but don’t worry

We’re absolutely fine and i’ve also run out of desert it seems to be turning into a mesa so i’m going home and on the way home founder and portal would sadly know not chapel do i just grab the gold blocks you know whilst we’re here okay

Maybe we got it let’s grab this one as well and i have made it back home let’s dump all these items in here grab an item frame and add in the 34th notch apple only got eight more spaces that i’m gonna run out of wall and now i

Want to take this opportunity to grab some iron blocks and mine a hole right here okay goodbye glass then i put down one bit of scaffolding so i can kind of go down here and i’ve actually realized this is gonna make no difference okay yeah the lava’s on its way down let’s

Just block that up and i’d like to build a beacon down here and what is the reason for this beacon well it’s actually because i’m tired of never having swiftness when i’m down you can see i’ve got haste but no swiftness i’m just gonna fix the lava repair the glass

Now to dig a hole going all the way down to the chest room the beacon has activated i believe i can keep a slab there and it’ll still go through and i can use it to give myself swiftness and also place a bit of glass here so that

It’s covered in snow yeah there we go it looks very very good i’m glad that’s done because i’ve been meaning to edit for like the last 300 days and for my next project i wish to change this entire floor to be respawn anchors and the main thing i’m going to do that is

Lots and lots of glowstone dust so i’m going to take out a pillager captain place some others in boats so i can save them for later turn on the mob switch and then spend a bunch of time afk at the ray farm this should get me the

Rest of the glowstone that i need i’ve been at this farm for quite some time and now to see if i’ve got that shulker box of glowstone that i need there’s one there we’ve also got redstone dust which is useful and i still need to fix this

So that the sugar box sorter actually works but i’ll do that some other time instead i’m going to grab some red and yellow dye to dye both of the shulker boxes the correct colors i’ll also be needing lots and lots of crying obsidian let’s make all of the glowstone blocks

Then the respawn anchors mine up the glass as well as the warped wart and place down the anchors now to power them all up and the floor is starting to look very nice indeed how to craft a load more and place them down looking very nice indeed they also have a bit more

Glowstone in this chest so i’m going to make a good use of that as well you know what i’m going to grab a little bit of extra glowstone out here as well i know armed with lots more glowstone and place them all down i’ve now nearly actually

Finished all of it and as we said it does look a lot better so you know what i might as well just get a few extra pieces of glowstone to fully finish it and it would seem that we have yet another stray chicken well we all know what happens to you guys now

I’m very sorry and now to sort out my next problem some of you may or may not have noticed but every time i open my inventory where’s my op chest plate not wearing it because i’ve got me a lighter on well fear not i i’ve watched my last video

Back and worked it out it would seem that whilst i was at the bartering farm i somehow emptied it into one of these chests and it went all the way through the storage system and i’m hoping it’s in here okay it’s not in that one it’s thank goodness for that and there’s

Some other random stuff pistons what’s that all about should probably just empty all these items out and i’m very very glad to have this back in my inventory and for those that are always asking me how i got such op amer what’s 2 100 days last episode we built

This amazing emerald mansion palace whatever you want to call it but there is a problem whilst it looks great from the outside the inside still got work to be done so i’m gonna grab a bunch of materials and get to work on building the inside and that is this side

Complete well it will be once i light up all these lamps anyway and this side is also complete i’m just gonna add some stuff to here and now since there are gonna be loads of villagers inside this building i think that it’s super important that i make it as safe as

Possible and now i think it’s time that i create the stairs that will take you up to the higher level it’s gonna involve those dark prismarine stairs along with these emerald blocks and prismarine behind and it’ll work its way up layer by layer like that i have now

Almost made it to the top just got a few more levels to go and that is all of the staircases now complete i really hope i don’t end up with any villager casualties from this i’m sure it’ll be fine and all that’s left to be done now

Is this pillar in the middle it’s gonna have some lights on it like that then some slabs above those and then lights like that and with that it’s it’s pretty much there i would like to add a couple of lanterns to the very very front and warped fences along here as well as

Adding lots of torches underneath here to activate the lamps and one other final thing i nearly forgot there needs to be chandeliers in both of those so let’s get to work on doing that the easiest way to activate them all will be to use redstone although i suppose just

Using four lamps would also oh no we’ve done the bottom ones then yeah no we need to do it like this and then loads of nether brick fences like this that is chandelier number one complete and also chandelier number two i also think it might be wise to go do something like

This just just for the villagers own safety yeah i’m looking that up as well yeah i don’t want any purchase to walk but i know how stupid they could be it just simply isn’t worth the risk all right i might decorate it eventually and add some beds for the villagers and

Stuff but before i can think about that i need to head back home grab loads of grass and also dirt and terraform this mountain so that it’s not a massive floating building and that is all of the terraforming complete it looks much much more natural now doesn’t it and i would

Also like to just go under here and light things up so that mobs can’t spawn and whilst i was lighting up down here i was just going into this cave and what should we have at the bottom a dungeon yeah this is unexpected nothing too amazing i decided not to break it in

Case it’s of use for me sometime in the future and that is operation spawn proof complete just want to craft a few slabs and place those along the front here and that’s probably as good as it’s going to get i think that’s perfect let’s gather

Up all of the shulker boxes fill in a little bit of extra dirt and that is that project complete i can move on to bigger and better things well maybe not bigger this one’s already pretty massive as it is but also guys if you are new

Here and you like my world you enjoy this series please please please could you subscribe i’m trying to get to 4 million subscribers but the channel happy kids tv nursery rhymes is looking like it’s gonna beat me there so if you’re new and you could subscribe that

Would be amazing or if you’re already subscribed please could you ask a friend and then together we can win this war and now the next thing that needs work is this the netherright beacon i have got a lot of netherite blocks i know it doesn’t look like many but it really has

Taken me so so much effort but of course until i finish it i will never have enough and i’ve realized that mining sand is it’s just not the way to go instead it’s much more efficient to use tnt and so that’s how i’m gonna do it

You see mining a stack of sand by hand well it it takes you know it takes a good few seconds but if i go ahead and just place a singular piece of tnt and light it up as you can see i get over a stack of sand just instantly and so then

If i find a good bit of desert to ruin like this where the tnt are far away enough from each other in a very short space of time i have destroyed a lot of sand and if i collect it all up you’ll see that really really fast it has given me a grand

Total of like i don’t know 20 stacks over 17 that’s crazy and with this new knowledge i should be able to get loads of sand and loads more tnt really really fast it’s actually an idea from a viewer so i really appreciate the person that told me about it it’s really going to

Speed things up and i also kind of feel like i’m going to ruin this desert it’s kind of an area i don’t know i kind of want a bigger flat one to yeah now this is the place trying to be as efficient as possible so i’ve lined them all up

Eight spaces apart and then i can run back along to collect the sand yeah now that i have an infinite amount of gunpowder this is definitely the best way to do it normally it’ll take me a couple of days to have got all this but i’ve got four shulker boxes worth i’ve

Filled my inventory so i think the best thing i can do is fly over to this portal also turn off the trunk borders are a little bit annoying now from there i might as well pop down to the eol farm grab a bit of gunpowder and begin crafting tnt strucker box number one

Filled up and quite a lot is filled up in a second one as well and now i’ve got a bunch of empty shulker boxes again i’m gonna go ahead and refill them i fear my tnt shenanigans piv may have gone too far run little rabbit you don’t want the

Same fate and that is another four shulker boxes completely filled i have to say the aftermath looks kind of crazy it looks like one of those broken seeds doesn’t it and one day the entire desert will look like that i think that’s better than looking like this one this one just

Looks like a mess now manning sand is something i spend a lot of time doing and the aol farm is still holding up strong look at loads and loads of gunpowder here apparently i’m an idiot and accidentally put the other shulker box of tnt into this machine but i

Didn’t lose that it could have been a massive disaster i don’t think i’ve ever got this much tnt for ancient debris searching before two shulker boxes and almost a third one’s worth as well i’ll just mine up a little extra sand for these last bits of gunpowder and i also

Want to repair all my tools particularly the flint and steel and since i’m actually very very near to the pillager outpost i might as well get rid of one of these captains that i put here earlier and began collecting up xp from the raid farm more than enough time has

Passed and everything is now mended and loads more emerald shulker boxes have come through i’ll clear them out some other time but now my main concern is ancient debris i also need to grab a couple of bits of wood to make a chest i want to place it here the reason being i

Completely filled that one up with choker boxes more or less now we’ve got more room for empty ones and next i’m going to head back to the nether dig all the way down to level 12 and create a really massive massive long tunnel when you combine all my tnt together i have

About 4800 tnt and all i know is that’s going to get me so so much ancient debris looks like we’ve crossed into one of these tunnels that i made some other time but don’t worry i’m just going to ignore it and keep on going while sticking this very very long

Tunnel found a couple of pieces of ancient debris already but i took out some stuff so i can actually pick them up it’s a tragedy if i couldn’t so far this tunnel is 800 blocks long but that’s nowhere near enough over 5000 is the goal and another piece here as well

Things really are going swimmingly and after over a thousand blocks we’ve come to a basalt delta so i think the best idea is to kind of turn a corner and mine now in this direction and this right here is piece number four and i seem to keep running into lava on this

Way so i’m gonna start lining it up with tnt and now i’ve reached the end of my tunnel i’m going to dig the other way now that i seem to reach another very difficult lava dead end i’ll place even more tnt oh dear oh dear it seems to be

Blowing up a little bit prematurely but now let’s get all the rest of it blown up and start collecting the ancient debris look at that one two three and there’s one up there it is really just so satisfying to go around and collect uploads of the ancient debris i have to

Say all this lava is making it very annoying but i’m finding it it was just a few sections with a lot of lava caves on route now that we’re coming to the part where there’s broken chains in my tnt i think it’d be a good idea to go

Into me in the chest grab this shulker box right here then get the infinity flame bow along with some arrows and i can shoot the tnt to light it up and that in turn will reveal more ancient debris right here we’ve got a perfect staircase of three pieces which will get

Me 36 and with 36 ancient debris that is the equivalent of one near the right block it’s a good step but there’s still a long way to go i always find it so strange when you find an ancient debris inside a basalt delta it feels like it

Shouldn’t belong there the colour of it seems to fit a lot better with the red netherrack and you also apparently have no idea what’s behind one of those netherracks when you mine it they’re always seems to be lava hopefully this four pieces right here seems much safer

It’s not often you find four pieces together either now i managed to collect up a grand total of 64 ancient debris and there’s still more to be found and the end of my massive tnt tunnel has been reached the total amount of ancient debris i’ve got from this is 89 pieces

That is so so much but i’m not done just yet now i’m gonna dig an even bigger tunnel and place down all the tnt i have left in the shulker boxes my inventory i’ve got loads of it to go i’ve been busy i thought i was digging a massive

Tunnel that’s thousands of blocks long now it’s time to clear a bunch of space in my inventory add all this quartz or into here i have been mining the quartz where i need to repair my pickaxe then i can grab loads and loads of tnt and begin placing it all down this might

Take a while sounds like something has set off with the explosions and the tnt up there and it’s coming off after me i’d better get moving there we go okay it’s called up look at that ancient debris already but we’re gonna carry on it’s totally so long i even went through

A basalt delta which took a lot longer to mine and probably won’t be as good for finding ancient debris but it’s still not gonna stop me from blowing it up in fact i’m not gonna leave any gaps with this tnt because they’d probably wanted to blow up a bigger area and now

We’re back to the good old netherrack so i’m just going to go back to the two in a row kind of ones something tells me it is not gonna be a good day for that piglet you know what just have the satisfaction of watching it up

Sounds kind of evil but i’m blowing it up here we go there we go blown to smithereens i’ll teach him to get angry just because i’m not wearing gold and we’re now on day three three three three we’ve not had one of those since day two two two two oh it’s blown

Up i’ve just realized i’ve just gone past some ancient debris that i must have had when mining oh oh dear hey revealed a bit more though well that’s a happy days moment three here in total i did very nearly get blown to smithereens believe it or not it seems

That the tunnel is longer than the amount of tnt i have because that’s that’s the last of it so let’s set it off that’s a shame i didn’t bring more hold on a second i was wrong there’s more in this shulker box okay we can’t carry on that little bit more

Ancient debris in the roof there too and as it happens i’ve made it to the end with a bit of tnt to spare yeah like nearly two stacks let’s remove a bit of this lava and create a way for me to escape so when i blow this up

I don’t get blown up as well with it i hope that this will be safe yeah look at it go okay now we can get a load and load of okay that was a mistake let’s put my electron and as i was saying i can get loads and loads of ancient

Debris and is it a problem that the tnt just stops every now and again well no no it’s not whilst i’m mining that that’s all blowing up and so far i’ve got just over two stacks of ancient debris and i probably won’t find quite as much in the bus salt delta but

There’s still some around it and that was a vein of two there’s another one just here and it is actually a lot easier to spot because of the colour contrast this is also a great way to collect loads of basalt i might as well be putting this into air it’ll all be

Very useful for extending my nether hub i have noticed you definitely find a lot less ancient debris when you are in the basalt and can i please just get out of this lava that that would be nice you can tell i’ve got too overconfident in this world when i just willingly jump

Into lava but yeah without like this it’s it it does make me pretty safe and now that i’m back in the netherrack area i’m finding lots of ancient debris much much faster i’ve still got loads of this tunnel to go and we’re up to over three

Stacks and look at that i have now reached four stacks and i i can’t fit this poor little piece of ancient debris i’m sorry but netherrack you’ve got to go sad thing is by the time i finish that’s only going to be worth about seven netherright blocks it’s so hard

But i still won’t stop until this quest is complete with four and a half stacks we’re now re-entering a basalt delta and if my memory served me correctly that means we haven’t got too long until we reach the end of the tunnel at least i hope that’s the case because i’ve been

Exploring it for ages and after getting a grand total of four stacks and 63 blocks of ancient debris the end of the tunnel has been reached and i guess the fastest way to get back is just going to be to fly through which is actually

Going to be quite fun and it’s also an interesting challenge trying to navigate but yeah it’s not fun when you’re just going through lava i suppose well all the times it’s just a bit of skill yeah look this is great practice for me in my quest to get better with the elytra and

You never know i might spot an extra piece or two of ancient debris that i’ve missed on the way back although so far there’s not been any sign of any of them oh i think the total might be going here quick after heart going yeah there goes it

Sorry gives you fire resistance so it’s nothing to worry about but just to be safe i’d better get another one out of here before i let anything else happen and with fire resistance traveling back is way easier i can just fly through the lava and now i’m gonna dig a bit more of

A tunnel to place these last few bits of tnt to collect up even more ancient debris and the end of the tunnel has been reached with a grand total of 336 ancient debris i’ve also found myself trapped in a massive lava lake trying to get to the shore i mean with

This armor as you can see i’m basically losing no doubt look at that we’re we’re on full health and i’ve made it to land before i do anything else let’s load this up with more basalt grab some gum powder from this shulker box as well as

A bit of paper and craft myself a bunch of firework rockets because i’ve been missing those now that sorted i can fly on home and pop to my gold farm to repair everything up everything is now repaired but as you can see in all that

Time we have not got much gold at all and really we need to do something about it i need something that’s going to be much much faster but before i worry about that let’s head on through this portal and get all of this ancient debris smelting something very

Satisfying looking at six blast furnaces all with full of ancient debris let’s also take this magenta shulker box which has got loads of this nether quartz and fly on down here so that i can add it to this chest yeah now that’s looking a lot

Healthier cause i kind of used it all up on things like comparators and also observers so nothing like a healthy top-up there’s also loads in here for xp if i ever need it a bit more black stone to be added as well as okay i was going

To say more netherrack but we’re kind of full on that anyway if i grab myself a little bit of red dye this yellow shulker box can be made red and added to the collection and i can also put this shulker box down grab a load of basalt

And put it on there okay not quite full enough but it will do for now and for all this ancient debris i’m probably gonna need a bit more gold we’ve got all of these gold blocks here so i guess with that yeah we’ll have enough i think

I have a few yeah look at that a few spare netherite ingots wait in there but i’m still waiting for this to finish smelting and now it is all done as i use the xp to heal up my pickaxe then to craft all of these angles look at that

Over a stack oh it’s beautiful we make the blocks of netherride and we’ve got nine if i had one more four more asian debris and i have enough i i you know what i’ve got to go for it i’m just gonna swoop one down dig a massive hole

Into lava yeah good idea espe maybe maybe that wasn’t so wise anyway now i’m down here in one piece i can grab even more nether quartz or dig a massive strip mine in an attempt to find even more ancient debris okay well we found some already wait we

Found two this is brilliant and literally i i literally just dug out into this cave as you saw turned the corner it was right here so that’s two down and two to go and two oh my goodness it’s three that i have just got the luckiest i think i’ve

Ever got with ancient debris it doesn’t get any better than that literally went from there found some more here and then i’m just doing this that has to be the best i’ve ever done and people say finding ancient debris isn’t easy now let’s set these five pieces off

Smelting grab my nether quartz magenta box you know what i mean and put those in as well craft one more ingot craft the block there we go we got ten blocks of netherrite and yes i know it sounds like a lot but it is actually very very depressing

You see them all placed down and you realize it there’s still loads to go although once the bottom layer is done you would have to say probably one of the hardest parts is done and every layer from there will get easier and easier and that is how i’m gonna keep

Thinking positively now for this next bit i’ve got a bit of a plan the plan is to turn my lag machine at the nether perimeter into a proper gold farm i mean that was has always been the plan for ages and i’ve just never got around to

It so a lot of you will have seen this it is my massive massive perimeter and it’s actually yeah it’s got a massive lag machine which is probably making the game laggy as we speak yeah look at that you can see it’s it’s really lagging because i can

Just fly up and up and up and up and that firework rocket is lasting for ages so really the first thing i need to try and do is is turn off this farm and the way i’m thinking of doing it is just finding out what coordinates is here and then times

It by eight which gives me a grand total of 6784 on the x and 2762 on the zed because as you would expect the lag machine has completely lagged out my game i’d better reload the world and then somewhere around here i’m just going to build a random portal and

You know what completing the room portal seems like a fitting idea look at that it brings a tear to my eye to see it completed of course though it links down to a cave it’s just so annoying every time i generate a new i end up 100 blocks below the surface anyway it

Wasn’t hard to get up because we’re below an ocean an ocean right by a mushroom aisle this is interesting i don’t think i’ve ever been to this one before especially since it has those cool azalea trees below it well the lush cave is below it the azalea trees are on

It oh now i know where we are this is the place where i got my brown panda it really is a small world isn’t it anyway yeah i know i’m here now because the uh trunk load is right here and this can be turned off i think does that turn it off

Nope okay that didn’t work i’ll just break the red stone and put it on there that should do it and then if i work my way down underground there we go all the pigment that would have been under here have despawned and this pit down here actually won’t be used anymore and i’m

Thinking down here just make the most sense to create a bit of an entity crammer since i don’t have a very good portal set up as the way i set up the portals i can’t really get the pigment to come back through and then use looting because i’m too close to the

Edge so mobs will spawn on there if only i’d have built the middle of this to be in another waste yeah i’m a bit of an idiot when it came to that and you know what i have to give me a bit of thought i think i’m just going to use fall

Damage instead of an entity crammer this is going to be a very interesting design for a farm can’t say i’ve ever tried this before but hopefully it should also solve all of my problems feel like i’m going to be bringing so much kelp that it deserves its own shulker box there

You go let’s get all of you in there and half a shulker box worth definitely isn’t enough let’s fill it up as much as we can for now this is gonna be everything that i need let’s get this thing created so once a mob comes through the portal it can’t go through

Another portal for another 30 seconds so when i create this system it must take 30 seconds for the pigment to get to the other portal what is my plan to do that well it’s actually pretty simple i’m just going to create a massive water tower that goes all the way to sky limit

It’ll take him 30 seconds to float up it and then they will go through another portal and fall to their doom looks like we’ve made it up to the top and there’s some water already waiting but we’re not stopping here i want to go even higher and apparently i’ve run out of glass

Thankfully though hold on let’s get rid of all this junk we’ve got so much so much stuff i don’t need here and as i was saying i thankfully have loads more glass in this shulker box which should hopefully be enough to make the super high tower the tower is now over 100

Blocks higher still not high enough and it’s gonna go higher than this trunk load oh my goodness what a mess design nuggets everywhere now but now that it’s out of my way i can just keep going whilst i’m going i might as well get rid

Of this bit of obsidian as well as the droppers you know what i’m just gonna get rid of everything maybe some of it’s gonna get wasted which is sad but it’s all just got to go and now that this final bit of obsidian is just about gone

Like that we can get rid of a few stray pieces of glass just those two all that cobblestone that you know what i was going to say all that cobblestone there needs to go at some point that some point is right now i uh yeah i’m just

Going to get rid of it before i forget about it i can grab a bit of a few items on the way as well very nice indeed now that that’s out the way let’s try and fly all the way back up to the top well it’s pretty high already it’s kind of

Crazy that i plan to go like another 200 blocks at least i don’t know what’s gonna happen first i’ll run out of glass or i’ll get to the sky limit all i know is i’m not gonna have much glass left by the end of this and placing all of the

Glass has been going well although i am now unfortunately out of glass which doesn’t make sense because when you look at the size of this tower it goes up to about level 280 let’s just uh not die so i’m going to head back home fly all the way over to

This desert and start using tnt to get even more sand i have to say this bit is probably the most satisfying of all of it and there we have it all of them are blown up let’s start collecting sand although i’m a little bit worried that maybe i don’t have enough storage for

All this i didn’t really bring any any shulker boxes we’ll we’ll chuck it into here so what’s the one thing i can do is as i’m collecting the sand i am also accidentally collecting up sticks every now and again so sticks they’ve got to go we don’t

Need those in there although no sooner have i thrown them out my inventory and this there’s more back in also if i go ahead and jump into the inner chest we can trim like that in fact i’ve got loads of space in the under chest i

Might as well put a few other things in there as well this choker box can also be filled to the top right this is this is all the space we’ve got now okay i have got some sandstone but you know what i’ll see how i’m doing i might keep

The sandstone if i can but if i can’t then it too will be thrown away once again i’m fresh out of space but what i could do is take this brown shulker box and chug sand in there there we go you know it’s all about maximizing your

Space it’s a okay i put something important in there i think yeah the other sand one that doesn’t need to be that yeah i mean it’s not ideal is it to be using spare shock boxes for other things but you know what it’s worth it i’m gonna be able to carry the sandstone

Now and all the sand i just need to remember a note to myself next time you go to collect sand bring loads of shulker boxes but yeah now i’m very happy with that we’re going to fly over the grand canyon it’s like the grand canyon isn’t it but it’s the old eol

Farm and head back to my house now that i’m home let’s grab all the sand out of the shulker box that it shouldn’t be in and put it into the minecart and i’ll also fill up these hoppers and i have to say by the end of this i’m never going

To need glass again ever and thanks to me chuck loader which is constantly now going to be working and if i just grab some firework rockets that is going to load all of the chunks around this furnace array which will mean that even when i leave the area it’ll all still be

Smelting i’ll do one last top up on all of these hoppers and the rest of it i might be able to just fit into here and bad news is also stroke we are fresh out of coal in this furnace this one’s nearly out of it you know we’re back into the troublesome situation

There’s 31 furnaces here and do i have any coal okay i’ve got four pieces of coal and no coal blocks but lots and lots of coal or okay this could work i just nip over here grab myself a better pick out well the pickaxes can actually

Get the coal and i actually could just chuck all of that into well i took it into this dropper right here so let’s just go like that and then i can just sit here and and mine it up now there’s plenty more coal obtained but i still want more

So i’m gonna do what somebody recommended me to and find a brand new mountain bio because according to the person in the comments they have coal absolutely all over them i think i’m nearly into new chunks but we’ve got a room portal here now you just never know

With these there’s a chance of a not chapel well there wasn’t one but you know what i’m gonna take the gold because gold is always nice even though i’m literally in the process of making a new and improved gold farm but hey when you see a ruined portal it’s always nice

To go for it okay we’ve got a regular gold knuckle but i haven’t had a notch apple in a room portal one for ages you’ve got to search like 80 out of them to to find one on average no what i’m actually looking for is something that’s

Much bigger and much easier to find yeah that’s right a mountain and look at this it already has some coal in the side of it if i just grab a bunch of stone and i can glide on over here and land on a block and mine up lots and lots of coal

And there is quite a lot of coal here because look there’s just some down here the problem is is it just little bits of one no there’s loads of them and 31 stacks is my goal shouldn’t be too hard should it and what on earth is that that

Has to be the strangest place i’ve ever seen a tree generate before it’s listed on a little pole on itself it looks so bizarre anyway i’m not going to worry about that too much longer it’s the greatest tree ever instead i’m going to continue grabbing this look at coal

Emerald as well look i don’t think i’ve ever seen emerald inside of a mountain before today i knew it was possible since a new update but yeah i’m going to grab the ore because you know the olds are kind of rarer than the actual emeralds since i can normally just trade

For emeralds but to actually get the emerald all well that takes a little bit more effort look at that more coal down there and these are in quite high up as well i didn’t realize that was a thing and already i am up to a grand total of

Well a lot of stacks over 11 stacks so far and this mountainous area is just what i’m looking for look at this cave by the way how cool i love the cave update it just looks amazing under there and coal kind of pointed the wrong direction but there’s a few there

There’s also some coal right here whoever told me about this was right it is really easy to find coal doing this and just like that i have already filled up the inventory but don’t worry blocks of coal can be made then i can continue with my mining it’s actually so abundant

Like look how much i’ve already got nearly three stacks again and that was just from mining in that one place up there another room portal i am oh this is gonna say i’m gonna grab that gold block maybe i’m not gonna grab that gold block nothing too useful in there if we

Just place a couple of blocks like that is it gonna burn no it’s not gonna burn let’s also build our way up here very carefully there we go grab that i’ve got another mountain waiting for me do you see any coal or there’s some coal ready like that perfect nice nice landing

Let’s grab it now this has got to be the kind of mountain i’m looking for pure stone there’s absolutely loads and loads of coal on it and once again my inventory has filled up so let’s go and grab the crafting table create more coal blocks there we go i have got loads and

Loads of them i think maybe i’ll fill up my inventory one more time crazy i would start one project then just get completely sidetracked and go mining for gold for like three days nearly i’m supposed to be building a super fast gold farm and with that i think okay it

Keeps going to the goal but i was about to say i think i have got enough yeah i’ve got i’ve got bold enough for my entire super smelter like nearly four stacks of coal blocks which will definitely keep it going at some point i do want to actually build a much bigger

Super smelter as well i feel like it’s a bit of a sorry excuse for a super smelter and when i do eventually do that i’ll also find a way to solve my fuel problem i probably would end up using lava again i’m not sure if i can be

Bothered flying all the oh my goodness what is down here oh wow what a k it’s amazing you’re just flying along amethyst geode this is a i would build a base in this cave i’ll come here for diamonds but just look at that down that way is the diamonds down there no

As i was saying i’m just going to make a portal because there really is no point in flying all the way back home it’s like another 8 000 blocks or something so let’s create that do i have my flint and steel no i don’t have my flint in

The steel but me and the chest does no it does okay same imagery i’m just blind nothing that you guys didn’t already know though i suppose all right this is an interesting oh mike what is that all about okay soul sun not what i wanted to see can i actually get

Out of here i can get out of here perfect i’ve kind of come to a dead end so you know what i’m just digging a tunnel there we go now life is much much easier but apart from the fact that i was flagging that direction i meant to

Be flying in this direction but feels the nether is a pretty difficult place to navigate more tunnel digging is going to be needed and of course there’s a little bit of lava why what’s it all about what were the chances of that happening as i’ve got more quartz on the

Way as well this area does look kind of familiar and the reason for that is because we are now home sweet home let’s now go and head up these stairs up to the furnace room which seems to have stopped now is that because we’re out of coal no wait has it

Just smelted everything successfully i bet it hasn’t smelled it no you say there’s some sand left but first things first let’s chuck a load of this stuff into the system there ain’t no way to put this emerald door swell i’ll put it with the deep flame rule though i can

Turn loads of these blocks into actual coal and start filling the furnaces and apparently with all my glass because i made it so it didn’t go to the uh the chest room i’ve really uh jammed up the system here yeah that’s not good let’s get this shulker box

Filled up so i have a little bit more space and the rest of the glass can just be sent back through like that you know the great thing about this is i’ve got loads of spare coal as well and i can also in fact fill up the old blast

Furnaces for the ancient debris that i’m gonna be getting loads of over the coming episodes and all this spare coal can just be put into here let’s grab the shulker box full of glass i do not have a lot of spare glass so i’m going to

Chuck it into this chest as well and whilst i’m here i’m going to grab a bunch of other items such as slime blocks and you know what because i will be making a sort of sorting system hoppers and things like comparators will also be kind of useful and whilst this

Bits probably not necessary i am going to grab a few trapdoors and also some turtle eggs in fact i could also no i’ve got the glass i don’t need more glass i just need to get to work on building this thing so the first of the steps

With this is to grab a load of glass and continue building this chute realistically it probably is already tall enough but i always say it can never be too tall although it could possibly be too tall because they also have to build a portal here so i think

We’re probably a good enough height here let’s go and make ourselves another portal so here it is right here i’m gonna put some glass on top as well okay well we we just i did it to the exact right height then because nothing can actually go above that let’s light up

The portal now i need to make a portal that corresponds to this one but i’m pretty sure that as long as it is in the same place but just higher than the other one it should be fine let’s now go into here we want to grab the water buckets i think

Can we place that there there we go yeah we’re probably gonna need four of them or perhaps the easiest way to do it would be just to have two of them but with glass above so that’s going to create myself well for me myself all the

Port you know what i’m trying to say some water sources then if i break that one it will go all the way down and just up here we’re going to need a couple more like that so they’re going to be flowing into the portal perfect now to swim all

The way down hopefully without drowning look at that i actually swim down faster than the water can travel so that’s that’s a win and from there it’s time to go back into the ender chest get out the kelp and get to work placing it all down i’m not really sure if

There’s an easy way to do this which is why i’m just kind of going like this you know as i’m placing all this i’m starting to think to myself was it really necessary did i have to place all this glass and go so hot i mean i’m not

Even like i even see the top yet and i’ve been going for ages at this point i still can’t say the top i’m kind of surprised that i haven’t actually run out of kelp because i i can finally see the top i might just do it i might just

Have enough kelp to make it to the top you probably all thought i was going ott when i brought an entire shulker box worth of kelp but as you can see it was very very necessary now i don’t actually want to go too high with the kelp because otherwise well let’s just see

What happens we can actually go into those ones anyway we’re at the max okay now i’ve got to get all the way to the bottom and if you think i can be bothered to swim all the way down you’ve got another thing coming okay instead i’m gonna try and

Oh i missed how i was so close and then from here i’ll i’ll just do something like that yeah it’s making a bit of a mess can we even place them back no we can’t really no you know what let’s just swim to the bottom then i can break all

This kelp yeah that’s right and we’re going up okay now then was it on this side that i need to get out okay i missed it i get a feeling like it’s gonna be a sad moment where all the kelp just goes through the port and i can’t

Reclaim it yep that is what happened anyway let’s go ahead and break a bit of glass then i can fix this gap as well as this gap right here and head on through the portal i would seem that it was all coming through this trunk load i didn’t

Know this trunk loader was still in operation okay that’s not meant to be happening now it should be stopped so has this just been collecting kelp it’s been collecting all sorts of rubbish yeah come on out of here you go right i don’t really need that so that can go

Into there that’s there’s nothing in that one yeah it’s all there at least i had a nice collection system to get all my kelp anyway but anyway this portal has got to go the trunk loader is no longer necessary and thanks to my perfect sense of direction i can

Remember where this hole is so we’re gonna go and carefully float down and then build a tower right here at the top of this tower there will be a portal this one definitely needs to be spawn-proofed with glass and the pigment will fall either side down one of these chutes

Where they will land on this platform and be down to one heart before i do any more on that i should build this shoot upwards using all this glass that i now have loads of so i’ve actually just done a little bit of testing and i’ve had a

Change of heart because i was an idiot and didn’t build the center of my perimeter over in other ways it kind of messed everything up which means i can’t use two portals to make a looting pigment farm so he said it just makes way more sense to take out all of the

Pigment in this dimension and then use the water chute to send the items back through to the nether if it doesn’t make much sense don’t worry it will do very shortly so the pigment will be falling all the way down here and the trusty pistons will be pushing the items down

This hole let’s do the same thing on this side and once the items are down here they’re gonna get pushed along this way and from here i’m gonna have to create a little extra water chute all around here is going to be obsidian with two sticky pistons and slime like that

Pushing it into what will be another water shoot once i add the blue ice come up here so that i can craft some signs and also top up my water and i found myself building yet another glass shoot but realistically i think it’s going to

Be easy to do that rather than get the items to flow into there and this shoot is also not going to need to go all the way up to sky limit in fact i reckon it might even be high enough right here let’s light this portal and make sure it

Correctly links up which it does do no problem i can add signs right here and begin placing my kill and there we have it mission accomplished all the kelp can be broken and any items that float up here will float into the portal and i think i can actually make this portal to

Be much lower it turns out when i go through this portal yeah it’s a slight disaster i wonder if do i get out of this mess okay i’m actually getting back through the portal yeah i should stop being lazy and make this portal a bit higher up okay this time i’m fairly

Confident that i’ve actually built it high enough oh my goodness that was a that was an interesting moment didn’t expect them to still be angry at me is that two totem pops in one episode i i just use totems like it’s nothing but the very least it

Would seem that no pigment are coming through this top portal so let’s get the water down despite this supposedly supposed to push you upwards i’m swimming down through it i didn’t know you could do this if i let go look at that it pushes me looks like if you’re

In the corner and you swim downwards it’s it’s doable anyway i’ve got to re-add all of the kelp i’ve made it all the way up to the top now to break it all right that’s the last time i’m doing one of those and i can test to see how

Well the farm is working based on where the kelp’s gone so it has all come out on the end there’s some of it like just flown out it’s all it’s all here which is perfect i’m thinking i might have to slice this portal for the items to fall through but i think

They’ll just naturally come down here and i can then push them together using pistons from here i’ve got a slime block that’s going to push the items which will have blue ice right here this is what i’ve created so far it’s going to be ice system that

Transport the items all the way to where i’ll be standing but i do need to get rid of this old portal up here i think i’ve mined up as much as i can i’m just going to put some glass on top of that to spawn proof it and now i just need to

Knit back home and grab more blue ice it is still such a massive achievement wasn’t it to take that perimeter it took so long i would make another one that was better in like in a better location if i could but it already took me like

300 days to create the last one i am not doing that ever again there’s the blue ice that i need in fact whilst i’m here if i’ve got any spare i’m gonna grab some glowstone look at that we’ve got loads the reason for that will just be

To light certain things up to spawn profit since i don’t really want any mobs to be spawning give me system this is about as far as the atoms can reach without getting stuck this is all starting to look very nicely set up indeed this is where my little afk

Platform is going to be and so i want these items to drop down to a level just above that in fact i might as well build a decent sized platform if i make this go to about here that should be more than enough space i want to grab a piece

Of magma from the wall which is what will get rid of the extra swords i don’t need and then hoppers along here which will be going into comparators with repeaters underneath and redstone on top and i also will need redstone torches which i i didn’t bring i only need eight

Of them but to craft them i’m going to need some sticks or wood or something like that and i don’t seem to be coming across any of that in trying to find some i’ve pretty much flown all the way home am i going to take a tree or do i

Just you know let’s just go all the way back and second thoughts i can just get rid of one of these it’s a lot quicker than going all the way back i don’t think i’ll need any extra items after that anyway although on second thoughts i i’m gonna need to

Collect some string which i have loads of right here i’ve already got the observers but some extra repeaters could come in handy there’s only three torches there anyway let’s craft all of the sticks use i think i can use that redstone yeah we’re all right the rest

Of the stuff could just be dumped into there and the build continues we’ll need hoppers all the way along here with hoppers facing into those and then these will go into chests now that should all be fully completed there just needs to be some item filters added and since i’m

Only going to be filtering out the gold i can just grab some from here so golden guts are just going to go straight in like that and i’m also going to need a few nuggets and any other items are just going to get burnt there’s no point

Keeping the other ones they’re just just annoying and you know like smelting gold swords to get it to nuggets it’s just not worth the effort let’s get this wired up to an observer i think if i put a piece of redstone there that should be

Fine and then a string in front when an item drops down oh there we go it gets burnt i better be careful about that but yeah it’s working for this one i’m going to use two repeaters something like that should work i need to make sure that all of

This is also spawn proof same for these bits down here and to spawn proof this obsidian because i can’t really do it any other way if i use glowstone it’ll be lit up i’m really doing my best to think this through hunter that’s all of them done which means when i flick this

Lever that redstone don’t get stuck it didn’t get stuck okay it got close to being stuck but it hasn’t i don’t think so it’s coming along come on redstone no don’t pick it up let me just try that again so the redstone has successfully got to here and then

What on earth happened there so it one block too high didn’t i it annoyingly means i’ve got to make all of this one block lower but that’s exactly the reason why we test these things now i can conduct attempt number three here comes the redstone it’s going along it’s not falling off

Okay if it gets all the way to the bottom and it’s got burnt yes oh it didn’t get burnt even better although i do need to remove this to make sure that all future items do get burned now i just need to put a bit of glowstone here

And hook this up to a bit of redstone this is just a very simple hopper clock that will just keep pushing it in and out let’s just test it is that i think it’s a pretty good spot i might just speed it up a little bit yeah i’m very

Happy with that now to go through one of these portals i need to hook up all of these pistons to some redstone well it’s going to be very difficult with some random water where is this water from oh it’s from there let’s just patch it up

And forget about it so these pistons are going to be connected like this so they can be periodically pushed so when i flick this lever yeah look at that we’ve got we’ve got that going in and out pushing the items down this also needs to connect to those pistons which can

Easily be done by doing something like this does it does it reach no not quite okay i just need a one extra repeater one second and it’s pushing the items which will go up that you know what it’s working everything’s working the only thing left to be done is to test it so

If i stand right about here pigman will be spawning and very soon look at this items are coming through you know what a decent number of them are coming through now then how’s it looking in my chest down here is it filling up no not just yet but that’s because this

Hopper is still filling up in fact i bet they are now filtering in aren’t they yeah look at that we’re getting nuggets we’re not going in there yet but it seems slow i i feel like i’ve done something wrong and yes this is what i’ve done wrong items are

Coming through out fine that’s working absolutely perfectly but the idiot that i am forgot to hook it up to the pistons if i go like that look at how many items are going to be going through now this is going to be too much for me storage to handle all of a sudden

I thought yeah surely it’s slightly faster than what it’s currently doing and indeed it is this is now looking much much healthier and look at the nuggets just fly in you look at these the chests are filling what will i be doing with all this gold well i’ve got

Plans for it i’ve got actually more than one plan for it yeah this is all working fine i’m gonna afk here for a bit and just see how much gold it gets me just let me yeah just get loads and loads plenty of time has passed the drops are

Still flowing and as you can see i have got so so much gold from it look at that it just goes into all these chests i’m gonna have to clear some space in my inventory i’m right here i’ll put a crafting table a piece of glass above it

To spawn proof it now if i start grabbing all of the nuggets and i’ll craft them into ingots i have to say just crafting all these nuggets into ingots has taken me forever look how many call blocks i’ve got already and i’ve still got entire double chest worth

To go through and it seems that because i haven’t personally aggro the pigment i’m not getting things like gold swords and gold ingots coming through which in reality makes my life much much easier and that’s pretty much all of my gold crafted that i need to worry about we’ve

Got some more here i’ll shove the ingots in there for now you know what i think i can just shove all the gold in there for now this chest is already filling up at a rapid speed because that farm is just working in the background whilst i’m

Still crafting this farm really is much much faster than the last one before i start the next build that is going to involve a lot of gold blocks i want to sort out the situation of all these villagers they deserve to be unleashed onto their new home so it’s time that i

Actually made that possible for them and the first thing we’re going to need is beds lots and lots of different colored beds you see if my estimations are correct there is like 50 villagers in here well i don’t know how many of these a lot just give me a second i’m going to

Count them all up one two three four five difficult to count them because they’re all moving around but i think there’s about 43 in there and as you’d expect 43 villagers are gonna need plenty of places to sleep so that will be the first project to accommodate all

These villagers probably gonna be a big mistake but i’m gonna place all of the beds upstairs for them now with all these colors i’m gonna craft one of every bed and they can all go in a line along here that’s all of them crafted and i’m just going to the fact we’re

Going to go i don’t know why it makes a difference but we’re going to be very particular about it and that is how the beds it looks so empty in this massive room since i’ve got so much lime wall i’m gonna make a bunch of carpets and

Create a bit of a flooring around here i will finish that once i go and get more lime wall but for now let’s go ahead and put a couple of crafting tables here and there and we’ll do more beds and that is all of them done on both sides and since

The sun is now set up i think i’ll have a sleep in one of them let’s swoop on down here and a little bit more grass down and go into the sheep why on earth is there snow everywhere in the sheep farm this has rogue snow golem written

All over it anyway as i was saying before i to clear everything up let’s grab some lime wool maybe not quite that much lime we’ll make some carpets and decorate the floor a bit more in the end i’ve gone for this kind of carpet pattern i think i’m just gonna fill in

The entire thing with light blue and that is how each side is gonna look i don’t think it looks too bad certainly looks better than it did before anyway i’d also like to add a couple of ender chests up here just for a bit of decoration in fact that might look

Better if they’re on top like that you know even better what if they’re right up there yeah i like that better than just randomly being to one side yeah that doesn’t really work i would also like to decorate the floor down here and i think carpet is probably not good

Enough i think i’d like more emerald blocks and the best place for emerald blocks will be the raid farm so i’m going to fly to the portal that leads me to the stronghold and also pillager outpost that’s going to say the portal rooms through there but if i instead go

This way and i’ll let you know i’ve never got lost okay that was actually that was not doing that on purpose guys but yeah this is the right way here’s a captain that i saved earlier but you’re not even a captain so you can just be

Getting rid of and now we fly to the raid farm where i can begin collecting all of those emeralds plenty of time has been spent here and a milestone of 400 xp levels has been reached and if it’s emeralds that i wanted it’s emeralds that i’ve got now to start emptying

These shulker boxes and turning them into blocks that is all of them crafted and we have one entire shulker box of blocks and all these other shulker boxes can be gathered up and put back into the system now with these emerald blocks i wish to make some sort of floor pathway

I’m pretty sure that’s symmetrical it took me about a minute to work it out and i can fill these in with emerald blocks instead and you know what i’ve learned from this the emerald blocks just just don’t work in that situation instead i’m going to head back to my

House and all the way down to the storage room so i can grab some black dye or at least some weather roses to make black dye and then i’m going to fly all the way over to the guardian farm and whilst i’m flying over there i’m now asking myself the question

Has this room portal been searched i’ll grab the gold box so that i know for next time it definitely has and i can’t seem to spot a chest okay that’s that’s a new one either i’ve broken that chest in the past or i’ve just been completely

Scammed i also had to do a bit of searching but i finally found the guardian farm only to realize yeah i didn’t turn on the mob switch hopefully there is going to be plenty of prismarine already there and the answer is there’s a few that might just be

Enough actually i go so far as to say that there’s loads more than enough for me to do what i need to do that’s why i brought an entire shulker box with the hoses because running or die we can just make more all this dark prismarine

Should be more than enough and i might as well just head back home by going through the nether now that that’s sorted let’s get back to work on doing the bottom of this palace so dark prismarine like this definitely does suit better than emerald blocks but we

Can’t add a bit of decoration in there i also want to mine up both of these because this is also going to be turning into dark prismarine of course i’ve lost a door underground but i’m gonna have to go on down and whilst i’m here i can

Actually go ahead and if i can just reach i can go and do that this is a nice bit of extra underground work and i also think it’d be good to just mine out underneath the fences and again play some emerald blocks i mean i did

Take the time to make a farm that would get me millions of them i might as well make use of that now can i create some sort of floor pattern by using these lights well you know me i’ll try anything once whether it actually works though will remain to be seen alrighty

This is what i’ve come up with i tell you what i like it i think it brings a bit of something to it but i also reckon i can make it look even better and the way to do that will be by getting a load of green stained glass which i’m gonna

Have to craft you know what do i craft a load of stuff i don’t want to do craft too much don’t want to go over the top we have also got loads and loads of green dye here so we’ll just go and craft as much of it as we can yeah

That’s going to be plenty and then i’m going to redo all of these blocks to be one block lower which shouldn’t be too difficult i’ll just do something like this probably the likes that are the most if you want to move down so i’m gonna break each and every one manually

Like that and do that and replace it all manually to light it up but despite that it is slowly but surely coming together now it’s all been moved down one block i do believe all i need to do is just try and get out of here

Okay i didn’t mean to break that many blocks now that i’m out here i want to get inside out of this horrible rain and mine away at this floor and this is what we’ve got now it’s not quite finished yet since i firstly want to cover it in

Green stained glass which i have now successfully done next i’m going to take this dark prismarine and create a bunch of stairs mine a border all the way around the outside and then use these stairs to go all the way around the outside will this work will it look good

Only time is going to tell with this one there we go what do we reckon you know what i like it and i like it enough to do the exact same thing on this side although before i actually finish it i definitely think that i won’t quite have

Enough dark prismarine to do everything and even though i’ve already made one trip to the guardian farm i’m gonna grab a shulker box head to spawn so i can actually remember to turn off the mob switch this time and then i will make the journey

Not into the lava but all the way over to the guardian farm by this time guardians will actually start spawning plenty of time has now passed i think we’re going to see what we’ve got we’ve got plenty more prismarine shards that’s what we’ve got and for now that should

Be all of the dark prismarine that i need i’m going to use a stone cutter to make the stairs because it’s actually much more efficient and now i’m going to get to work on doing this part of the floor That’s this floor complete i decided to try it with normal glass to see if it looked better than the other side but i do think that green stained glass looks much much better looks like i get the very fun task of just breaking all of this glass now and place the green glass

All back down and there we go i think i’m pretty happy with all the floor designs although a board around the edge of emeralds might look pretty good if i do something like that yeah i think i like that adds a bit more extra color reminds everyone that this is an emerald

Palace so i’m going to carry on mining out a trench around here and then it can be filled in with emerald blocks so i really like that i don’t think it would make sense to have it go all the way to the door before i forget i do want to

Mine into the floor patch it up and collect up all the concrete that i mined up because i don’t want to waste it a lot of it took me a lot of effort to get i think it’s worthwhile just nipping back home so that i can drop off all of this stuff

And now i’d like to grab loads and loads of different job site blocks they want some bridge stuns but apparently we need blaze rods and something tells me the blaze farm will be the best place to get those not the fastest thing in the world but it does work none of them are

Waiting for me let’s just wait for them to spawn and then take them out i’ve got seven from that it is enough really you know i’ll get you as well i’m not gonna leave you behind now i’ve got ten that is definitely enough and you know what i

Might as well take on some straight blaze as well whilst i’m at it turns out i had plenty of blaze rods in this barrel yeah you know next time i should probably just look but not to worry i can now craft my brewing stands for quite a bit of time

But i have now got every single jobsite block which in theory should keep all of these villagers very happy and very busy and the plan is to just put them all in a row along here like so looks pretty good if you ask me because i have an odd

Number of job site blocks but an even number on the wall that’s why the broom stand is going there i’m not going to bother putting them in the exact same order as the other side you know we’ll mix it up a little bit there we go

That’s all of those done i also wouldn’t mind just quickly nipping home grabbing six more blaze rods an 18 cobble that i can craft six more brogue stands why do i want six more brewing stands i just feel like it just didn’t make sense you know just

To have one on each side you know what i mean just those one on each side when there was equal spaces in all the areas so instead i’m thinking yeah we’ve got one there but why don’t we also put one there and then on this side we could

Also have one here one here and then do the exact same thing on this side both on there and both on well that one’s already there and i really can’t think what else could be done i think i’m ready to just extend this fence which probably involves me going

Back to my house to grab a little more spruce fences so that i can extend it properly and safely i’m gonna say safely i mean safer for the villagers you know it’s not like the most dangerous thing in the world placing fences but if i get

This wrong for the villagers it could be a matter of life and death there we go that’s up to that wall i should probably fence off this cave because i i really don’t want them disappearing down here or down here you know what villagers are like they love wandering off there we go

I wouldn’t want to be on the other side of that you’d be like you’d be in prison but on this side there’s no problem whatsoever i’m also going to extend this fence ride here to go up with yep you guys are going to be getting out real soon they’ve literally spent their

Entire life living in a tiny waterfall maybe i am the real monster of this place so i think it’s ready i don’t know what could possibly go wrong let’s first get rid of the old fence and then we can let all these villagers go free there we

Go guys you’re finally allowed out now then who’s the first one is anybody going for it come on mate you know you want to so far they just look like they all want to get me no leave me alone guys that’s it so far none of them have

Worked out where to go maybe i need to open the door for them or something i don’t know how smart their brains are for pathfinding and while i wait for them to actually use the emerald palace i can get rid of this wall here as well

And i’m even getting a few extra emerald blocks from this as well i’ll actually mine the entire floor of my house when i had spare emeralds just sitting here right oh i’m so sorry that was an accident mate don’t run i’m sorry i built you a big house just want to mine

Up these spinning tables and they too can be placed in this house to hopefully lure them over i’m guessing the reason this hasn’t been the grand opening i was hoping for is because you guys are just all having a big meeting at center this guy looks determined to go in there look

If i’m if i mind this what do you reckon they say why do you want to go in there there’s really nothing to say now we know no look mate they trust me there’s nothing to say guys i know some of you want to go to bed there’s loads of beds

Up there it’s entirely possible that this is a bill a bit too far away from the village but one way or another i will get them here all right guys if you come this way there’s an entire world waiting for you that’s it villager you fall for my trap yes you might think

You’re here for a job but no you’re going to be working in here welcome to your new home you are the first villager and he’s got a job there you go happy days right mate i don’t want to be horrible to you but you’re staying here

For now look at that they’re all coming in now but they’re all getting the idea really brings a tear to my eye to see them finally using this place and because this villager right here was the very first one to enter you shall become the emerald leader congratulations mate

Enjoy your position alrighty your brains really got you through this time meanwhile these stupid villages can’t even work out how to use a front door not to worry though i’ve got more important things to be cracking on with such as my new and improved bartering

Farm and the reason it’s going to be new and improved is because it’s going to involve update suppression all the items that i’ll need for it are right there however it would also be useful to have even more powered rails so i’m gonna grab all these ones that i placed for

The evokers grabbing the powered rails is pretty straightforward it’s picking up the levers that’s quite annoying so i might even just leave those behind although it’s weird to explain it but i feel like if i leave the levers i’m kind of like littering if you know literally

In minecraft i know and you should never literally in real life or in minecraft so we’re taking the labels with us well i’ve made it back to the first portal which is a good sign i’ve nearly filled this shulker box up with rails you know what i’ll leave all of those behind to

Be collected another day and now i’m going to go ahead and start building the update suppressor inside the massive perimeter and you know what because you’ve seen me build these loads of times before you can have a time lapse The entire update suppressor has now been built one thing i have realized is that i want the slice portal to be more over in this direction but i built it in the wrong place so instead i’m going to extend this end bit over this direction a bit more i’m hoping doing something

Like this will work only one way to find out no i didn’t and after a few more attempts and adjustments it’s it’s now sorted and whilst i’ve been building this update suppressor i have been getting gold as you can see there’s loads of nuggets in here but very

Annoyingly i don’t have any obsidian to build a portal and i don’t have any under chests so i think it’s important that i solve that problem and the way i shall do that is by grabbing a bunch of obsidian as well as eyes of ender and then crafting plenty more ender chests

In fact i’m just going to grab a little bit extra obsidian from here as well because there’s plenty more in the chest that i can be crafted so there we go got 44 that should be enough let’s get back to work so right here i am going to

Build the portal hoping it will work if i do it right here then i’ll light it up and i think if i break this piece of obsidian there we go we’ve got a little one by one all of the obsidian around it can be broken and in order to break the

Obsidian below it i just need to move this down a block i’m hoping that this will still work let’s just do that and okay yeah the update suppressor is no longer working maybe if i move this to here it should now do it let’s have a

Look yeah there we go it’s working and if all goes to plan i can break this piece of obsidian there we go we’ve got a little one by one portal and i cannot place any blocks on any of these four edges of it otherwise it will break well

That is mission accomplished this update suppressor can be taken down i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again these suppressors take it here to build and five minutes to destroy and that is everything collected up the next thing to be done is make a portal that

Perfectly connects to this one and as i’m building this it does make me realize that it’s a completely pointless way of doing a battering farm could have achieved all this just by keeping all the items in the same dimension but i also think it’s a really cool way to do

It update suppression isn’t going to be in the 1.19 update so i’d like to use it whilst i still can and now the slice portal on the other side needs to be right here but you know what it’s going to be just too much effort to build it

Underground we have to dig out a massive area to build the updated suppressor so i’ll just build it somewhere up here so the other suppressor is gonna be built right here i just need to clear out some leaves and it probably makes the most sense to you shears to do that and from

What i can tell the entirety of this tree is in the way so it’s all got to go i mean i know if i just mine up the wood it will disappear on its own but i’m kind of trying to give it a bit of a helping hand as well we don’t really

Have any storage i think i think we need to store some of this stuff it could all come in useful one day just got no idea when that day will be that should give me enough space to do the building so now it’s time to get to work and of

Course as soon as i start building it starts raining i i hate building in the rain but oh well it looks like i’m just gonna have to power on through and that is update suppressor number two complete let’s turn it on i believe we are now update suppressing right here is

Gonna be the portal block that’s gonna be staying so we’re just going to go like this apparently i’m not updated preston now we are and next i shall light the portal break this block right here and then all the blocks around it and i need to do

The same thing as before to be able to break the obsidian creating something like this suppressing it all and mining it up now just to double check let’s head on through and make sure it works and look at that straight through okay we fell down but we went through that

One that means i can go back through this one and begin removing this update suppressor and i think everything has now have been destroyed so now i can go back through this portal and head back home to get some more items and the main item we’re going to need to get is going

To involve me crafting a lectern there we go and what’s the mountain about i’m also going to grab a bunch of emerald blocks you see my pickaxe needs repairing and i could go out and use an xp farm and oh my goodness what has happened to you guys i guess that’s why

You should never leave the door open change your plan we need to do some brewing using a couple of spider eyes i should be able to get the weakness then i can make it splash with gunpowder and whilst i’m waiting for that if i head on

Down i can grab a bunch of golden apples from here i didn’t expect to be doing this today but hey at least it’ll get me better trades in the future let’s grab all of these do some splashing whilst i wait for that i can trade with you guys

I know i have a raid farm so i don’t really need to buy redstone but i also have way more emeralds than i know what to do with now let’s head on down here to the trading hall which is it’s still a bit of a work in progress guys but

Despite that i need to get a cursive binding book from this fella right here oh my goodness i got it first time i got it all my work you know what that’s the best rng i’ve ever seen in my life you sir really are an amazing villager it’s

Nice to see that one of the bits that i thought was going to be the hardest was was very very easy all of these can go into a shulker box for now i’m also going to need to come down here to purchase a load of name tags and i can

Buy loads from you guys you know you want me to buy more don’t worry i’ll buy loads from you hold on for different prices don’t worry i’ve got plenty more emeralds i’m stinking rich mate the economy you guys you don’t stand a chance i’ve got over a stack of

Them i i think that should be enough to see all of you guys looking much much better let’s buy loads and loads more redstone and my pickaxe is nearly being fully mended as well but as we said this trading session has been very successful indeed having unlimited emeralds really

Is the best thing ever and speaking of having unlimited emeralds i’d like to spend even more of them to get loads more books and this time i’m going to actually remember to close the door and you’re probably not wondering what is the next phase in my plan

To do this fancy bartering farm but we’re going gonna be moving on to what i like to call the annoying phase why is it called the annoying phase well that’s because i’m gonna need to get hold of loads and loads of piglets and then not only do i

Have to find them all i’ve got to lure them right here now we’re not in the right biome for piglets to spawn so i’ve got to go and find that first and it looks like this is the nearest crimson forest and so i’m going to build a

Platform in this biome right here i reckon all the way up here should be high enough i don’t seem to have any gold armor so i think i’m gonna have to go into this treasure shulker box grab a few pieces of gold and create a gold helmet from that that’s just going to

Make the pig lands be nice to me because i can’t be bothered to deal with them the other way this is the size of the platform a pretty big one and i also really don’t want hogwarts to spawn so i’ve got a plan to stop hello little

Fella you’re uh welcome welcome up here to be honest mate you’re no use of me though yeah i need adults not not children anyway as i was saying i do not want hoglings to spawn so the way i’m going to get around that is by grabbing some glass and placing it like this

Because hoglands need more than one block to spawn so they won’t be able to well i was trying to tell you guys they can’t spawn yeah on the bits i haven’t placed the glass they can though boiled again by those beasts okay mate you’re kind of getting in the way now let’s see

You go over there oh my goodness no why did he walk off i was actually planning to murder him because he’s not supposed to be able to i mean definitely not but then he accidentally walked off i tell you 100 blocks in the air he’s not the safest place there’s definitely too many

Hogwarts starting to spawn i should be placing the glass at least this gives me a bit of extra food all right little fella i know you like it up here i know it’s fun try not to walk off but apparently baby piglets have a habit of doing that

Gets spliffed i may have the most powerful nether right tools that you can get but sometimes she’s just just got to outsmart him and the piglet farm is pretty much complete i just need to place these final bits of glass all right guys there’s loads of you up here and i’ll be

Honest i don’t really have a good plan on how to get them all to the bartering place oh my goodness oh now you’re all angry at me oh dear i completely forgot how protective they get over into chests so for this i am going to need a lot of

Boats i’ll craft a few right now and start collecting piglens yeah i have no real plan other than just sending them over the edge but a pretty good system for sending them off i just go like that they go spiraling down on a terrifying experience and i just stay up here i’m

Also only choosing piglets with swords not crossbows that way i don’t have to worry about them accidentally damaging each other if you think i’m gonna one by one boat them all the way to the battering farm you’ve got another thing coming and i’ve now got 24 piglens which

Is all the ones that i really need if i try to put more than that in a one by one they’ll start entity cramming i could use vines but it just over complicates everything so the next thing to do is make loads and loads of leather

Boots why do i need leather boots you may be wondering well all will become clear we’re gonna be putting cursive binding on all of them which is really gonna make a big dent on my xp levels but that is where powdered snow will be coming in i’m gonna grab a single bucket

Of that as you can see i have plenty there i didn’t unfortunately break an anvil and this one is very close to being broken you just can’t see it let’s grab the items to craft a new one like so and i can go back under there it’s

Not like i’m struggling for iron or anything like that is it so i’ve got all the boots i’ve got the powdered snow let’s go back to the piglens now if i mess this bit up it will it will break the slice portal but we’re gonna have powdered snow

Right here there we go that works fine and then all around it like so now me because i don’t have any any leather boots on i’d fall right through this and that is what’s gonna happen to all the items of the piglins barter but because they’ll be wearing leather boots they

Won’t fall through and the reason all the boots have curse of binding is otherwise the piglets will decide to upgrade to the iron boots when they barter those i got this design from not j hill and whilst it is a bit more complicated than it needs to be it’s

Also a very cool way to do it i’m also making a nice safe shoot for the piglets to fall down so that i can safely lure them all the way to this hole i have no idea how well this is going to work but i’m hoping for the best in order for

This to go as smoothly as possible i’m also going to use armor that doesn’t have thorns on it but it’s still the very very ob armor and now i’m going to start supplying you guys with your very own new and improved boots come on put

Them on don’t don’t be shy there we go he’s got him and don’t they just look great all right you’re all getting a pair since i don’t want you to despawn i’m also going to give you guys name tags let’s let him out of the boat okay

Guys welcome we’ll come out of this of course he just walked into another boat and they’re really hard to get out when these two of them okay you know what let’s just learn one one guy all right just one of you okay let’s see if this

All works mate i’ve put the gold helmet on why are you still mad there we go he’s calmed down now he really is just going to wander off into the void of nothingness don’t worry mate i’ve got a place for you to go just need you to

Walk down here stop being so good at pathfinding come on that’s oh no oh no oh and i’ve got no uh i forgot i have yeah let’s just do that there we go you’re trapped and we pushed you down there all right see you later buddy i’ll

Be back when i’ve got more of these guys we’re trying to use hitboxes so i don’t actually hit the piglens i think yeah that works there we go let’s get you out of there that’s it right you guys follow me that’s it two of you good morning fellas

There we go you win as well you two can be sent down the ladder i realize that getting them to go all the way to the bottom of the ladder is a bit of a nightmare i mean look at them they’ve managed to climb all the way up to the

Top what’s that all about but they won’t have to do this but it’s time for plan b and what is plan b you may be wondering well i’m going to go to my chest room grab some slime blocks and also a single piece of glowstone so a mob cap spawn on

The slime block a little bit of a risk but i’m going to try and learn five of them in one go okay they’re all currently chasing me okay this is why i’ve got the good armor on though there we go let’s just keep moving also for some reason these two

Don’t seem to care about me guys you need to be angry come on all right fellas catch me if you can now this bit is going to be a little bit more tricky than uh than the other times oh and there goes the totem all right now i’ve

Got to be really careful all right we don’t want to do anything particularly stupid here otherwise this will be the end of sb737’s hardcore world so we don’t want that to happen turns out just standing up here was the easiest way to do it anyway let’s put some a gold

Helmet back on so that they are no longer angry and i’m going to move away a little bit and open an ender chest and with that i can get myself another totem three in one episode what’s been going on today and i can hopefully float down

This ladder if i can get past these guys anyway there we go i got down somewhere i don’t know how i did it but anyway we’re past all the way at the bottom we’re going to change this glass to instead be a slime block let’s put a bit

Of glowstone next to that for safety and i’m going to attempt to break all the ladders i think doing it like that might be the best option oh they’re going they’re going past me now oh you guys ain’t coming back up this whoa oh i forgot about that some of you guys

What do i do here you know what let’s put a slime block there just you and me buddy don’t walk into my ex it will be painful for you now we’ve made it to the bottom am i going to get stuck here there’s a chance

Say can i break that i can’t yes we’re out okay good stuff guys welcome to the bottom and you know how you guys like to get angry at me for absolutely no reason well this is going to be one of those times all right fellas straight in that’s it push it

Wait you lead the booth why did he fall through the powdered snow that guy’s not coming back i should have tested this properly but it turns out that if they fall more than two blocks onto the powdered snow they’ll just go straight through that poor piglet now he’s he’s a gunner

That’s gone through there but anyway what’s gonna happen is if i go and mine away this yeah once they’re all there i will mine this piece of glass and then they’ll just all go on the snow i guess this is why i should really test these

Kind of things what about you you’re not gonna get mad there we go you guys just wait there i’ve got to retrieve my boots from this piglet looks like the piglet didn’t make it because yeah there’s actually nothing below here so yeah i found the boots though so in my opinion

That was a successful mission so now i have to fly up this shoot and when i get to the slime at the top if i just break it there we go we should be pretty good and push these guys straight down now i need to just check are we surviving at

The bottom of it oh look at that we’re having a good bounce and we’re having no problem at all that’s good to see all of them have been successfully sent down so it’s time to go and get more i also need one of you guys because uh don’t ask what

Happened to the last guy that said that you’re replacing you’ll be fine i mean seriously what’s the worst that could happen to him all right mate here are your boots you’ll be named trader and this time i’m gonna really push the boat out and just bring all of them this guy

Already has some boots on are you going to upgrade if you don’t you’re staying here you know okay that’s it yeah you’re going to go the same way the other guy did now some of them are starting to wander off a little bit so i’m thinking we maybe just take what

We’ve got and get out of here all right mate there you go you’ve seen whoa they’re everywhere let’s release you as well oh my goodness i’m pretty low there’s an army of them after me now have i got time to wait look at that loads of time tweet that guy guys at the

Back are getting lost come on guys don’t lose focus the finish line is in sight and it seems the best way to do this is what i did before just to build up a load of blocks and they soon all just wondering and i wonder if i just break

This block here oh that’s it all of you just go down that’s it you’re all going on the slime just get ready for the ride of your life i would go down there as well but i feel like it’s just gonna be a bad idea so i’m instead going to do something

Like oh are we going to do this now if i go like that no that didn’t work take two nope didn’t work again different idea we go like that we place the block there we go we’re gonna fly on down yeah so i kind of want to blur them

From this side all right guys catch me if you can oh my goodness they’re all coming this time that’s it all going you two as well oh no all right mr piglet you are the final one you guys sit tight all right i’ll be back let’s grab the

Rest of the boots now i’m sorry to do this in front of y’all but this guy will not put the boots on so he’s he’s got to go and you could sir with the shiny sword shall be his replacement if you want to be anyway all right we’re going on down there’s some

Boots a name tag and i give boots to all the rest of you all the boots have been distributed and the boats are getting broken follow me guys to your brand new home all right fellas in you go that’s all of them sent down now i’ll join them

Down there and get them to come into the machine that’s it fellas all of you in hopefully if i’ve done it correctly when i break this glass they’ll all stand on the powdered snow the moment of truth there we go look at work don’t know what i was afraid of okay worked perfectly

All these extra bits of glass can be removed you guys can be welcomed to your new home all of the excess glass is now gone so i think it’s time to fly back home and get a bunch of blue ice and also some pistons i don’t know what to

Do with all the boats so i’m just going to show them into a shulker box and put them into a chest i can also put my good old armor back on that has all of the fancy stuff and the backup armor can go back into the shulker box pretty sure

Everything i need is right here except for one item that i need a lot more of and to get it we’re going to be heading over to the iceberg since it’s pretty much the only place to get it it’s the fastest way that i found to get it much

Faster than farming and crafting it anyway yes i have come to collect blue ice now is this blue ice or packed ice okay it’s packed dash never mind that’s what i’m looking for yes the blue ice i’ve already mined up quite a bit and there’s another big deposit

Right here so once all of this has been mined up i’ll probably have more than enough yeah i’ve got two stacks and four and i’ve also got a bit more packed ice which can be crafted to blue eyes so yeah i’ve got plenty first of all i’m

Going to build a blue ice pathway all the way to the piglens and i’m hoping that if gold lands here they can grab it i better just test it out so if it’s there can they get it yes they got it okay what about if it’s all the way over

Here though i guess they can’t quite reach that oh they can’t okay perfect so right here i’ll have a couple of pieces of obsidian gonna be a slime block on the end and then i need an obsidian bit right here i also need to spawn proof

This blue ice before i forget and i’m thinking if i do something like this when i go ahead and stand there okay it kind of works just needs a bit more delay on the repeater and now if i was to throw items in i missed the string

Yeah this isn’t quite working instead we go string observer and redstone like that throw the items at this angle and they get sent off now is it going to reach yes they’re battering it okay so i’m like oh i just want to barter my gold that gets sent all okay that didn’t work

It’s gone down there you can always tell when i’m making something up as i go along because it always goes wrong a few times but this time when i send it through okay it can get stuck but in the end i decided to completely change the design

And just use a lever it is much much easier and it works fine and now that that’s done we need to go through this portal so that i can build the auto sorter on the other side probably gonna be best if all of this floor is blue ice

And for this i’m just gonna have water like that which is gonna go all the way to the edge and from here it will hit a row of ender chests which will make the items be aligned perfectly to go in the hoppers i also want to grab myself i’m

Trying to look for the walls there we go we’ve got the walls they’re going to come along here as well just to keep stuff like this water in place i went quite far in this direction then i realized that these chunks well this trunk here particularly wouldn’t be

Loaded by that portal so i’m going to have to mine these ones up and that’s why i’ve instead decided to turn a corner let’s add some more ender chest to this end and continue with the walls and to separate the water so that you know it doesn’t flow backwards we’re

Just gonna place some like that we’re gonna do the same thing here just so that it can go around the corner and with this one it should take us all the way to the end and i’m just gonna go back through my portal if that’s even possible there we go did

Make it through and then i’ll grab a single piece of magma which i’m gonna light on fire so that it burns all of the books the fire resistance and the boots so let’s test it out with a bit of string okay it comes through the portal

It goes through there it goes all the way around and look at the speed that it’s going and then it gets burned but to make sure that everything else doesn’t get burned let’s make the storage system and to do that it would actually be helpful if i had a load of

Blocks so jungle wood is going to be the answer these are just going to be temporary blocks all the way around the outside and then they’ll have hoppers pointing into those blocks and these blocks can be removed and we can have blocks underneath instead if you love the comparators you’ve already seen me

In this episode build an auto sorter so i’m just going to get on with it normally i wouldn’t like to build a jungle wood but since we are in a jungle i think it actually looks quite good and this first half of the storage system is

Complete although i do want to just add an extra row of chests underneath just to make sure that i don’t run out of space and i’m now creating the floor that i shall stand on although to extend these extra chests out a bit more i’m going to need more wood because we’re

Yeah we’re fresh our chest in fact we have actually got more wood will it be enough to make the chest that i need not quite it looks like it’s time to begin project deforestation although calling it project deforestation might be a slight overstatement considering i’m only mining one tree i’ve got plenty

More and for now it should hopefully be enough i think i might get rid of all these chests and hoppers right here so that i’ll have room for the ones on this row because i’m not using that corner bit i’ve had to extend this a little bit

Further it is going to go into there i don’t want it to uh well i need to make sure i get that right so obviously let me let me change this up you don’t forget it i’ll just put water there actually that should work fine and i’ll

Throw a single plank down just to make sure that it does go all the way through and get burned once again i’m gonna need more chests and i’m also gonna need a load of hoppers which is why i’m gonna keep mining up lots of wood and all of a

Sudden project deforestation is is actually becoming a deforestation but as long as i’ve got enough resources to finish this build i don’t mind building is going well but sadly i didn’t quite bring enough repeaters but it’s nothing to worry about because i can simply just head back home and craft plenty more

Repeaters and they can all be placed down with the redstone on top next i’m going to place blockers into each of the hoppers to filter the items and once i add in these final chests the full system is completely finished the only other thing i really need is an easier

Way to get backwards and forwards because that paul’s not very good so i’m thinking i should make a portal right here let’s light it up and then if i try and build one on this side that will correspond to it looks like right about here should be a good place let’s spawn

Proof it with glass on top and see if it works okay so it did bring me to this one here and if i go back through it also takes me to the correct one let’s now check that these ones still work properly and look at that no problem

Whatsoever and since this has all worked so well i’m going to get rid of this tree and also this tree up here and then i’ll build a massive glass platform that connects to that one i think i got a little bit carried away in placing loads

Of glass but all in all i think it looks great so let’s go ahead and offload all of these items and next i need to head to the old and inferior bartering farm which is all the way up here and grab a bunch of each item apparently i’ve got

No crying obsidian and i’ve got no gravel by the way so i’ll have to sort that out in a moment in fact the easiest way for me to probably sort it is just go into here and grab myself some gold and trade it to all of you guys and from

That i got plenty of the gravel look at that loads of it and enough crying obsidian all the rest of these items aren’t going to be needed at the moment so they can just head on through now to grab this shulker box of all the stuff

Fly to the gold slash bartering farm and add items to these hoppers this is also why i named the items because eye nuggets have to go through but they don’t stack with the blockers just temporarily i am going to turn off this fire and do a proper test on the

Bathroom farm and hopefully see if it’s working correctly in here i have loads and loads of gold so let’s just go and craft it all and then i’m just going to send it all through to them like this it’s all sat there ready flick the lever

Okay and it’s going to be sat there and they’re just going to start battering it and when they barter look at that item yeah okay i thought i thought the item didn’t go through for a second there but they are all going through absolutely fine look at that it really is kind of

Cool to watch as it all just drops through and i kind of want to see what’s happening on the other side if we can quickly will we’ll be able to see any items come through probably not because yeah it’s not going to work like that they’re not

Going to be battering anymore maybe if i throw an item through like that they’ll trade and i can load it there we go look at that we can see it in action so they are bartering as we go and it looks like yeah the only items that aren’t getting

Sucked up are the books fire resistance and the boot so i can actually set this back on fire because it is working as intended and whilst i’m here i’m also going to put down loads of item frames which will correspond to what is in each

Chest they’re all now set up i have to say i’m very proud of this bartering farm and it is a really cool meme way to do it as well using sliced balls and those guys have still got loads more gold to barter and as i’m studying my

Gold farm is still working and getting me loads and loads of extra nuggets might as well craft all of these and send them across to the piglens and for my next project even though i am losing all my gold to those guys i actually

Need quite a lot of gold so i’m going to spend a bunch of time afk at this farm so i can have enough gold for my next project so quite a bit of time has passed the metal look like there’s not much in this chest but that’s because i

Have been trade i turn it all into gold blocks i’ve also been bartering it with these guys if we go and send some of it down there but i have realized in the battering system that when he’s at that corner these guys on the left don’t get

It so i need it to be on this near side so i’m gonna take all these gold blocks home with me which will be very useful for the project and then i want to get a block that’s not a full one that can’t be pushed by a piston i’m thinking a

Grindstone might be the ideal one there’s my grindstone whether or not it’s going to be the correct size it remains to be seen so my plan is to put the grindstone right there and throw gold like this then when i push it okay that did not work i’ll try putting the

Grindstone the other way but it seems like that is that is not an answer to the problem so it’s back to the drawing board to try a different item the grindstone was useless i’m gonna burn it in the lava and rather than going all the way home i’m gonna make a little

Detour a detour that takes me to a bastion and out of this bastion i want one very specific thing a lantern i reckon a lantern will solve my problem and i didn’t even have to go all the way back to my house for it so if i place a

Lantern right here and then throw a bunch of items against it like that i don’t want to pick them back up but for demonstration purposes there we go they get pushed all the way along and the piglens can grab them let’s send the rest of the items down as

Well yep absolutely perfect that is problem solved i’m also curious to see how much stuff i’ve actually got at the bartering farm quartz is looking very healthy generally speaking it all just goes into the first chest lots of black stone which is great same for gravel and

The best thing is i haven’t even used up most of my gold because obviously i’ve got that for another project so i am very happy with this new farm and you may be wondering what on earth have i got all of this gold for well it is

Going to be something to do with my next build and for this next build i’m going to need quite a few grey items i’m also gonna need about six stacks of some coloured terracotta i only have about five do i have any in here at all

Nope i’ve got none so that leaves me with only one option to head all the way to the fortress farm and then go through this portal which takes me straight to a lush cave and i would say that lush caves are the place for getting all the terracotta but it seems that i’ve

Already mined most of it up not to worry those there’s still quite a bit to be found over here and i seem to have found an extra area of this cave as well which has even more clay i think the nearly six stacks that i’ve got should be

Enough and i’m pretty sure if i dig in this direction i should get back to the main cave hey look at that we found some more clay and it’s led to water yeah it seems like a lot of the time there is water above the clay oh my goodness

There’s a creeper in here as well i think it blew up so i know the one what is going on yeah things really are getting a bit crazy i should just turn my mob switch back on here is my portal and here are the furnaces ready to be

Filled with clay now let’s make some cyan dye and then we can make loads of cyan terracotta and there’s a bunch of other grey and black blocks that i’m going to need for this build and since i am now going to need in quite a bit of

Concrete that means in order to craft it i will need gravel which we have enough of but also sand which we we don’t have enough of let’s grab a bunch of shulker boxes as well as some tnt and head to the desert to collect lots of sand

Pretty much just going to be continuing my massive destruction of the area by placing down lots of tnt in a row i’ve nearly got two shulker boxes worth of sand which in my opinion should be more than enough that should be all the gray concrete powder i need i believe i’ve

Already got white concrete right here and i will need some black concrete and also some black concrete powder and now with that i’ve got everything that i need so let’s go ahead and get on with the building it’s going to be on this mountain over here and before i start

The sun is going down so i think i might make a really quick trip to spawn and get this mob switch turned back on sick of having to deal with mobs all the time now sat on this mountain right here i want to have a giant sb seven three

Seven statue let me turn the helm off you can see what i look like properly yeah this is this is what it’s gonna be looking like and i’m gonna try and get it here to sit on this mountain should have more than enough items to do this

But it’ll be very interesting to see how it looks at the end it’s really hard to differentiate all the different items in your inventory but when you actually place them down you can see there is a big difference and right here i’m just creating the actual thing you know we’re

Going to start at the bottom work our way up absolutely anything could happen with this one but the good news is that it is kind of a mirror on each leg so i can kind of use the other one to help this is what i’ve got so far

With the bottom of the legs and if i take off my armor i can’t really show you very well but you can see yeah we’ve got something like that and i’m going to try and add a bit of a bend in the knees

Now as we get a bit higher up so i think i’ve sort of managed to do the top of the legs what do we reckon yeah they look like knees to me if i’ve ever seen these before and i’m going to be trying to use the mountain to hide my terrible

Sculpting skills let’s also change this stone to be dirt i think it looked a bit better that’s not what i wanted i’ll just make a piece of dirt from here and uh stick it in the wall and now i can begin building the torso better make

Sure i get that six pack in there no not really i’ve got a massive onesie on so you’d never see the six-pack that hides beneath it and operation do my torso is now complete yeah you know what it’s starting to take shape although i think

I should work on some arms it looks a little bit strange at the moment and i’m sure they won’t be too difficult to do and that is shoulder number one complete i’ve looked at it from a distance you know what i’ll take it it’s actually you

Can’t really see it for the beacons well yeah i think it looks like a good looking arm you know like i said the rest is still to come it’s not gonna be the world’s best building or should i say it’s not gonna be the world’s best

Build but i’m gonna do my best and that is arm number two complete yeah it’s definitely starting to take shape like it’s not a very 3d build but minecraft skins aren’t aren’t very 3d anyway are they yeah they’re quite blocky so you’ve got to expect this build to be a little

Bit blocky i’m sure once i get my head added it’s going to look amazing i’ve got to use string there to hold up the concrete powder let’s do the exact same thing on this side and add white concrete in the middle let’s get the beak on the front

That’s a that’s a pretty crooked beak if you ask me i’d like to think mine is a little straighter than that let’s move that down to where it should be and fill all of that in along is that right i think this n1 actually needs to be black

Concrete powder same on this side there we go if i’m unsure i just just got to look at my face and then i can go around the entire outside of this with grey wall which is going to kind of create the hoodie you can’t really see it with

A helmet but yeah i’ve got a hoodie on so let’s bring that round like so and now comes the fun part of adding my sunglasses if i kind of go like that do the same thing on this side where i reckon how’s it looking i think they’re

Looking good we go like that should we get a little look at him oh yes it’s really coming together let’s continue adding things on to the face the top of the head is now complete so yeah it’s definitely looking good i’ve just got to do the hood a little bit higher and

There we have it the build is now complete although when i compare to the top of my head and look at this one i don’t know i almost feel like it looks a little bit flat i think i’m just going to bring this front bit up one more layer something like this

With wool all the way around the outside but not like you know what i mean kind of like gradually built up a little bit so it’s a little bit curved and i reckon with that we are definitely done yeah i think i think that looks better look at

Him he’s he’s sat on the mountain is the uh the big the big penguin himself sat on the mountain looking over the world i’m actually really pleased with that i think i think it looks good i think i’ve outdone myself there but i’m not done just yet

Oh no no no you say peasants would sit on a normal mountain but i am no peasant play like me deserves to sit only the very best of the mountains so i will be sat on a mountain made of solid gold yeah this might take some time and it’s

Going to use up quite a lot of gold but when it’s complete it will without a doubt be worth it well although it is still early days it is starting to come together i will also need to add snow on top of all the gold as well unless

Unless the sky could do me a favor for once and snow when i actually want it to but yeah with snow on top it does help it to look a little bit more natural i’ve got a decent sized area i’ve still got loads of gold left so i’m confident

I can get this done and after lots and lots of placing i have now run out of blocks and perfect timing i’m not saying i’m gonna have to cover it in snow but well the snow has come to do the job for me and difficult to see it probably

Through the snow but you can see like most of the mountain is now covered in gold i mean it would be cool if i could do all of that mountain and all of it behind and stuff but that would take a lot of gold and whilst

I have got the farm for it whether or not i have enough gold for that remains to be seen so whilst it’s snowing i’m gonna leave it to do that and i’m gonna grab a load of string from down here because whilst i do want all of the gold

Blocks to be covered in snow i don’t want my penguin to be covered in snow no he should not have snow on him at all you know my original plan for this was to actually build the statue out of gold but after testing it out it looked absolutely terrible which is why i’ve

Decided to do it in my own original colours but if anybody is a really really good builder and can make a gold one feel free to tweet me a picture or something like that and i believe that is all of the snow now dealt with oh not quite

It’s going on my sunglasses i don’t know what it looks like it looks like i don’t know it looks like i’ve got grey hair or something the term white eyebrows springs to mind yeah we’re not going with that let’s put those so we need it on yeah basically all of the sunglasses

And now i think it’s definitely uh completely snow proofed i’m also going to add snow to all these areas that are underneath the penguin since they can’t get snow on them that includes this big area underneath the arm since the snow has done most of the work for me i’m

Just going to do a few extra bits here and there and all of the gold should more or less now be covered so yeah i’m very happy with that i would like to add a few more gold blocks here and there but to do that i’d need more gold which

Means another trip to the gold farm is going to be necessary probably shouldn’t have given so much of my gold to you guys i could have used that to make a lot more blocks but anyway have we got any nuggets here we’ve you know we’ve got loads here already that’s fantastic

Loads of gold ready and waiting here for me and i didn’t even have to afk for it i think i’m now going to take all these nuggets and leave i don’t want to run out of time we we all know what happens when i go over time in this series so

For once i’m actually going to try and finish on the day i’m supposed to let’s use these 81 gold blocks that i’ve got to change a bit more of this mountain and i have run out of gold blocks that’s as good as the gold mountain is going to

Get in this episode but yeah it does look pretty good i know the sun is setting i better get a move on i just want to place down snow on top of all the gold blocks that i’ve placed there we go that has been done successfully

And penguin mountain which i am i am sitting on has now been completed and i have to say i really really like it yeah i think it looks good what do i need to do first i need no chapel number 35 for this wall and you know what i fancy

Mixing things up and activating the nether mob switch so that i can hunt for bastions using the entity counter i’ve also decided that i need to get to new chunks and it’s going to be easier to do that by just going above the nether and i’m about 7 000 blocks away from spawn

That that should be far enough but how will i get down from here if i’d have been smarter i’d have brought the items needed to break bedrock but instead i’m going to go through a portal grab some clay from this lush cave because it could be useful i can have probably

Managed to get enough clay now to get out of this cave fly a few hundred blocks in this direction check out the jungle pyramid on the way which doesn’t really have anything that i want and then build another portal and there we go i’m not on the roof anymore not found

A bastion yet but i have found a room portal with nothing in it and bastion number one has been tracked down and even better it is a treasure one i’m just gonna make sure i don’t i don’t die let’s play for you guys and in this oh my goodness the first one

Okay i’ve just got to get the same chances of that as i’ll take the diamonds as well you know what do i take the diamond i i think clay’s worthwhile it’s not worth dying in there last two episodes my not chapel look has been so

So strong i think it’s a one in eight treasure bastion so yeah that was that was pretty good but because that was so quick i think it’s gonna be worth it that i searched for even more this is a pretty big room portal no not chapel but

You just never know another bastion has been okay well i’m gonna say it’s gonna be loaded in i’ve found it it’s basically spend the whole time flying around looking at the e-counter so the safest place with these is above the lava because these guys they’re just

Useless you see you get rid of that spawner that’s that’s out of the way spleef any brutes i think i can even reach the chest i can okay no not chapel this time and sometimes you do get two chests but in the last two we’ve had

We’ve got only one so let’s dig out and carry on searching looks like there’s another bastion somewhere up ahead and here it is and it’s another treasure one oh my goodness i keep finding them okay and i went straight into a brut i should be a little bit more careful now

What has this just got to offer i tell you what a bit of ancient debris is useful i’m gonna stick that obsidian in there and then grab the nether right and gots and get out of here now this bastion is one that will not have a nut

Chaplain so i’m not even looking instead i’ll just keep exploring and here’s another useless staples bastion after finding all the treasure ones i can’t seem to find any more now finally i have found another one let’s swoop on down spleef the brutes and there’s two chests here okay anything

Nothing that i really want except another right stuff okay yeah that was a little bit of a stupid situation come on speed don’t die you know no not none after all these world these days you can’t let it slip in a bastion you know what i should do i

Should put some clay in here and then carry some actual blocks in my inventory because that was way way too close for comfort maybe some would be put off by that but not me i’m gonna keep searching get another treasure bastion i’m just going to go in gung-ho as usual anything

In the chest not what i want and i’ll be a little bit more careful about leaving by actually placing some blocks behind me and since my electra are nearly broken i’m going to put all the clay in this shulker box grab this pickaxe and gather up a bunch

Of quartz and already they are nearly completely mended such a renewable system nothing useful in this bastion or this one or this one either maybe this one will have a bit more success it will okay perfect that is that is fantastic we’ve got another one and i

Have added up oh my god don’t die now oh my god no no no come on speed just hold it together okay just just keep moving there’s a magma cube after you as well i could eat the notch apple to be safe but you know what i ain’t wasting that let’s just

Build up here block myself in and get another totem and i could fly all the way home but i just think it’s going to be easier to build a portal come out into the most beautiful cave i have ever seen with diamonds waiting on the ground

And i’ll grab a few of these spawn blossoms whilst i’m here then i can grab some eyes of ender track down the stronghold turns out strongholds stop generating after 24 000 blocks and i’m a hundred thousand blocks away so traveling to the nether is actually the best option and i’m going above the

Bedrock roof to do it and here we are home sweet home let’s grab two item frames and add two more notch apples to the walls and now i’d like to show you something in my bedroom look what i’ve added i have added a penguin plushie i

Can even twirl them around if i want to and if you’d like to own one of these little fellas for yourself like i have right here he lives on my desk could just go to and for this weekend only there is a 10 sale on all plushies the

Link is down below in the description also you’re gonna have to get off my shoulder i’m trying to play minecraft i was thinking for the next project i have the sonic statue and i really really like him so now i think it’s time to build a tail statue right here anything

Could happen with this but i’m gonna do me best i don’t want to be too over confident here but i think maybe just maybe i’ve outdone myself just gotta somehow create the tails and then i can reveal it and i think that should be the tails done and guys please don’t

Laugh but there he is you know what i think he looks kind of cute i i think he looks very very good indeed with mr sonic tails is smaller than sonic in the games which is why i’ve tried to make a bit smaller here and you know what i like it i’m

Just gonna do one final thing and that is to grab some string and cover his head so that he doesn’t get snow on it and there we go those of you have been asking for a tail statue as well i’ve now got your wish next thing for me to

Do is head through this portal and take a trip to the old gold xp farm that way i can mend my elytra now to sort something that i’ve been meaning to for quite some time it’s going to require a bunch of renamed blocks and a trip to

The raid farm from there i need to grab one of each item and then load up these hoppers right here what i’m creating is the shulker box sorter so instead of every single shulker box going into this one chest they will now sort themselves into the correct ones and i will test it

Later to see if it works and for my next project i’m going to expand this tunnel all the way to the eol farm look at that i found some ancient debris and now that the tunnel is done i can decorate it And that is everything place down the only one thing i do still need to do is grab these torches craft loads of lanterns and also some chains now to place them all down and add the lanterns below i’ve also integrated this portal into the wall and if i go through it

You’ll see that it leads this one on the desert much better than it was before anyway let’s get to placing these last lanterns down and it is now complete i can fly all the way through it no problem at all it’s very very spacious and in my opinion it looks very very

Epic and the four directions will go to different areas but that’s for another day instead i’m gonna grab some sand gun powder and craft some tnt now i can take this tnt fly through this fancy new tunnel which has taken me to the desert and then i can continue utterly

Destroying the landscape here goes explosion chain number one and all of this sand has filled up nearly two shulker boxes with that i can craft loads of tnt because i want to get another 10 blocks of netherrite to get a step closer to the netherright beacon

And in order to do that i’m going to need to dig a massive long tunnel grab more sun so i can craft loads more tnt and then place it all down to get 10 blocks in the other right i need about 5 000 tnt sword i’d better get to work

I’ve dug a massive tunnel laced these walls with tnt and now it’s time to blow it all up so that lots of ancient debris can be collected just from doing the tunneling i already had 42 pieces and to get the 10 netherright blocks i’m only going to need six stacks in total and

Already the first stack has been obtained and there’s still plenty more to be found and that is 100 pieces now obtained and there’s plenty more still to go that is two stacks obtained and now i’ve got three stacks and i’m only halfway through all of the tunnel and

With this i’ve now got four stacks so there’s just two to go and now that’s five stacks down one to go and that is six stacks obtained which is going to be 10 near the right blocks it looks very nice indeed but we’re not stopping there

I’ve still got about 400 blocks left of this tunnel and the end of the tunnel has now been reached i have so so much ancient debris and another i just found another one as i believe that i just can’t do any wrong there’s two of them here you’ll make that three sometimes when

It’s going for you it’s just going for you all of these can go in here i’m also going to need quite a lot of gold what i’ve got in inventory should be enough it’d also break my silk touch pickaxe before whilst mining the tunnels so let’s grab the necessary things to make

A new one that’s all the books let’s craft the pickaxe use the anvil and use a precious ingot to upgrade it and whilst i’ve been doing that my ancient debris has nearly fully smelted i also should have been using the xp to mend my pickaxe so that’s that’s a little bit of

A waste now the grand reveal how many ingots do we get okay look at that how many stacks okay we got we got six we got over a hundred in gots and we got 11 blocks of netherrite that’s one more than i was intending to get which doesn’t sound like much but

That’s an extra 36 ancient degrees word so it is quite a lot now for the satisfaction to place it all down it’s not actually that satisfying at all but we have almost on the bottom layer 16 blocks to go i might be able to do that in the next episode even though it

Would take a lot of tnt i also think i’d like to add a little bit more gold to this golden mountain yolks it’s not quite finished but to get the blocks for that i’m gonna need to go to the gold farm i’ll be glad when i’ve mined a

Tunnel straight there but for now i’m gonna have to manually fly through all these nooks and crevices here it is now to afk here and watch the magic happen i got loads and loads of nuggets from that which is gonna get me loads and loads of

Blocks and if you ask me four and a half stacks of gold blocks is pretty good and because i’m feeling kind i’m going to send some gold down to those big ones don’t spend it all at once fellas and with these gold blocks i can add a bit more to the

Mountain and that is quite a bit more of the mountain done really i’ve more or less done all of this side just don’t look at it from the back it exploits everything and so in this video i do want to build a super duper new and improved super smelter but the first

Thing i have to do before that is to sort out my fuel situation i could use lava i could use coal i mean i’ve already got loads of coal anyway but i think the best thing that i could use is blaze rods and i do have a blaze farm

But it’s just based off one spawner it’s way way way too slow i mean just look at that i’m getting like one mob every 10 seconds so it’s just it’s no good so i’m thinking instead i create something much much more powerful some sort of fortress farm in the nether perimeter but the

Important thing is i need it to not interfere with the gold farms rates so i’ve actually designed my own farm that i can switch on and off i’m very much looking forward to building it but because it is my own design there’s always a chance that it could go very

Very wrong so first things first fortress mechanics as you can see there is a fortress right here and it does go into the perimeter i i just destroyed it when i blew it up unfortunately made up of bounding boxes and in certain areas of that bounding box you can place any

Block and a mob will spawn on it and in other areas you can place nether brick and a mob will spawn on it so even though the fortress didn’t originally come over here the massive bounding box around the entire structure did and if i build over in this direction these

Blocks that i’ve placed can now spawn fortress mobs and so this is where i shall build the farm although all these bricks right here aren’t necessary at the moment look at that a blaze did spawn okay i’m so glad to see you you have no idea it means my planet is

Actually working sorry guys but all three of you are gonna have to go and i’m instead gonna start placing pistons along here and on this next layer is where the portal is going to be and it’s going to be the maximum height it can be

Now the next task is to light it spawn proof it with glass and i can continue with the redstone these observers along here are going to detect if a mob spawns that will then trigger the redstone from behind and extend the piston as you can

See they uh they will push them in when they spawn so now i’m going to do the exact same thing on this side for now this portal doesn’t need to be let it just just kind of annoy me but i did say i wanted a way to turn this farm on and

Off so that if i want to use the gold farm the fortress farm doesn’t affect the rates doing that is going to be very very simple we’re just going to use redstone lamps you see for mobster spawn they need light level 11 or less and so

When the lights are on this farm can’t spawn anything magma cubes can spawn in any light but they need a three block high gap so yeah it’s completely foolproof it’s been planned and so all that leaves me to do is just keep repeating this over and over again and

This farm is gonna have multiple layers so i can also layer it up like this and repeat everything above whilst of course remembering to spawn proof the stuff below whilst fortress mobs can’t spawn on these blocks i think general mobs that can spawn this biome can so i

Can’t forget about anything it is coming along nicely i’ve linked the redstone up using glass like that but i’m now out of redstone lamps so because of that i’m going to head back home buy a load more redstone and then i can craft plenty more i’m also spending a bit of time

Mining up some glowstone which is more interesting than just afk and get a raid farm now with all that extra glowstone i can make way more lamps i don’t know if it’ll be enough lamps for the entire build but it’ll get me well on the way

Layer two is complete let’s get on with the next one i’m just going to test out all the redstone connects to the lights to see if it’s working looks like the signal does kind of run out when it gets higher up added in some torches like

This which i think i’ve extended it if i turn it back off it’s all working as intended just wiring the redstone up for the lights on this side and that is everything now wired up and now i can start building another of these towers and i am now starting to run out of

Resources for this such as observers which i have now run out of so you can see how it is looking so far pretty good and now i’m gonna fly back home to get all of the other needed resources and that will also include spending a bit of time afk

At the raid farm i spent a bit of time getting loads and loads of resources and this is absolutely everything that i’m gonna need to finish the build this farm is actually a much bigger project than i first expected it requires a lot of resources and the width of it is going

To be all the way to the edge of this second chunk it’s just high enough so it doesn’t interfere with the farm below because i’ll be afk up above the bedrock this farm won’t be working while i’m up there since it’ll be too far out of range even though this portal is right

On the edge of the trunk it will still just about be in range and so this will be the farm’s full length but i’m also going to recreate this well blazers are spawning along in this direction as well which means this pillar right here is going to have to go

I also maybe shouldn’t have built so many spawn platforms i’m not gonna get performed with blazes on it but just to stop this mob spawning i am gonna place a bunch of lamps and light them up and that should be enough and rather than building all of that floor i’m just

Gonna work on building up these platforms more i can continue getting rid of this pillar and continue building up the farm it is pretty straightforward the only bit that’s a little bit annoying is building up the redstone on the side but because i’ve already got it

In the middle here i don’t actually need it on that bit i can just place the lamps across the top and hook it up to the redstone that’s already there unfortunately on this side i don’t really have that luxury but i can still do something like well not like that but

Rather like this and then i can continue building up and that is yet another layer complete just one more right here to go and that is all of the layers on this portal done so now it’s time to rinse repeat and just keep going it’s been an absolute grind but

I’ve still not finished it as you can see it is absolutely massive and it is not far off being done but i’ve completely run out of glass so because of that i’m going to fly all the way back home grab some gunpowder and also trade for more redstone whilst i’m in

The area next i’m going to head back to the nether fly down this very long tunnel and go through this portal that takes me to the desert and now i can mine up a bit of sand craft some tnt place it all down and blow up the area

But not this rabbit run little rabbit run and now that i’ve got a shulker box worth of sand i can set it all off smelting buy even more redstone and then i can go back to collecting even more sand all of this is going gonna be

Enough and i’m just gonna put it in storage for now since there’s already more than enough glass that has been smelted so i’ve topped up on plenty of items which means it’s time to get back to work and that is yet another column complete just one more to go once you

Activate this farm it is gonna run pretty fast but if i wanted to run even faster i can build more portals on top of these ones and repeat everything and make it go even higher this is roughly another 16 blocks until i’m out of the fortress’s bounding box i will of course

Be testing the farm out before i even think about expanding it but it’s just good to know these things for future reference there we go we are now on to the final layer this has been a pretty massive project but i’m very glad that this part of it is at least almost

Finished i was so so close to finishing but i need like six more redstone lamps my goodness if only i was in a place where i could get glowstone oh wait i’m in the nether you can get glowstone anywhere so let’s get mining i only got six pieces it is the

Bare minimum of what i got i couldn’t be bothered to mine anymore i’m just excited to finish this phase of the farm it has taken hours and hours to build i completely underestimated how long it would take to make it i wasn’t going to try and do a slice portal design but it

Was too complicated getting another another brick underneath the slice portals instead of obsidian i was like oh it’d just be faster to do this design instead yeah i was i was very much mistaken not to worry though i could just now light up all of these portals and then i can begin the

Next phase of the farm first involves getting rid of this portal and then flying about 100 blocks in this direction i’m in a pretty precise location and right here i want to build up about 75 blocks this right here is the very precise location that i will be

Building the portal and there’s going to be another portal directly on top of it let’s light them both up and also place glass behind this one and build a little bit of a platform now when mobs come through this portal obviously they’re gonna gotta be just standing chilling

And once enough have come through they’re all gonna start to push each other along and that’s the mechanic i’m gonna use to get him up to that portal i’m gonna now bring it around like this and now i need the stairs yes to get over to this portal the mobs are gonna

Push each other up these stairs and you remember once a mob has gone through a port actually i’ve done this right i was really in full flow there wasn’t that i think it’s gonna be a good idea to extend this by one and then move yeah

Just move the stairs like that and as i was explaining earlier before i started to doubt myself once a mob has come through a portal so once they’ve come through this portal they can’t go through another portal for 30 seconds so that’s why they’re slowly being pushed

Along it’s gonna take it’s gonna take like one to two minutes so by the time they eventually do get up to this portal they’ll be able to head back through all of that should now be perfect i’m just kind of conserving the glass that i can

Keep let’s place a few more right here and head back through now i seem to be trapped in my own device so many guard is my only option and now i need to go above the bedrock to build the other portal it’s day three four five six

We’re gonna add one of those since two three four five five anyway let’s just build the portal that the mobs are gonna return through and because we’re all the way up here the gold farm is now no longer working which is how i will successfully split the two farms and

Just to finish the chamber underneath that i am gonna head back home because i’m gonna need some chests and hoppers and you know what whilst i’m here let’s also go ahead and grab four slabs and a few trapdoors will be useful as well i’m just gonna bring the lot i think you

Only need two but you can never have too many i always say you know getting rid of this big tower seemed like a good idea at the time but now it makes it really hard for me to spot where the bedrock hole is so putting some sort of

Tower back in is probably a good idea i’d also like to spawn proof the top of this land on this single piece of glass build this a little bit more and then the chest can go like this with hoppers into that slabs on top of the hoppers

And if i block that up and put a couple of trapdoors that will make me completely safe from any of the blaze and stuff like that then i’m also gonna put another chest underneath and then hoppers into that just as a little extra storage and i think it’s ready to test i

Don’t know what else could be done but to make the farm work i need to flick this lever which is in a very very awkward place i will move it when it’s uh when it needs to be but you know what do we just extend this platform a little

Bit hopefully that should make life a little bit easier so if i do that the farm should now be working i can get up here easily because i can see the glass so now whenever a mob spawns the piston will push it straight into the portal

And in about one to two minutes it should come through here so as i’m waiting here and the mobs are going through the portals i’ll show you in replay mode what’s happening on the other side the mobs are spawning in this portal and eventually they all pop out

And as more and more mobs come through the portal they’re slowly going to push each other along and eventually they will all go up the stairs and start going through the portal and that’s where i can take them out on the other side and you can just see from the speed

Of it look like mobs are constantly coming through like i’m never really now it’s probably a good xp farm if i just sped it up a little bit more as well and i’ve only been sat here for about a minute taking out these mobs i kind of want to see

Just how much stuff we have already got look at that nearly as over over a stack of blaze rods obviously i’m going to be getting gold swords and stuff like that i will make a proper sorter to deal with all the items but i’ve well we’ve been

Looking in those chests loads and loads more mobs have spawned which has led to me getting a second stack of blaze rods nearly already so my plan is to just afk here for you know i don’t know 20 minutes half an hour maybe a bit longer

I just get millions of millions of blaze rods this may be one of my most favorite farms that i have ever made quite some time has passed and as you can see i am now completely overrun with items i’m pretty sure that’s kind of what yeah all

These gold swords are kind of blocking things up a bit but on the positive side look at all the blaze rods i have got i could make it so the pigment don’t come through here but i feel like it’s worth keeping them since it is just literally

Extra free gold i might work out some sort of uh design with it but anyway that is yeah that is what we have got and when i want to go ahead and turn off this farm i just fly onto this platform flick this lever and that will mean that

Every single redstone lamp will turn on and now nothing can spawn there i’m very very happy with that design indeed and so now we will have all the fuel we need for a brand new super smelter that’s right cole soon you’re gonna be old news let’s fill some shulker boxes and then

They can be put in the blaze rod chest and now i need to start thinking about a place for the new super smelter to go because i i don’t want it to go in my house instead i want to build somewhere really really hot for the super smells

To go because you know it’s a hot place is a smelter so i’m thinking a volcano in my world could be perfect and you know what i reckon right here could be the place for it it’s quite a big area it’s not too

Far away from my house if i get rid of a couple of these trees it’ll free up a little bit more space i’ve also got to make sure that i don’t go too far across and then take over the ice farm we need to leave that and the area is also going

To need to be flattened off a little bit and all of that should be enough mind out for now i’ll just get rid of this little platform here too so operation flatten the land is complete i think the next task could be to go to sleep because those guys are absolutely doing

Me editing before i go to my bed i’m going to chuck all these items into here and this is a special moment i can sleep right next to my i’ve never been able to do this before good night good night sp mini sb now in order to

Build that giant volcano that’s gonna be there should probably see if this village is okay with living right next to a volcano guys just to let you know there is gonna be a volcano right next year very soon okay do not be alarmed but no the actual problem that i need to

Sort out to build a volcano is i’m gonna need so so much basalt so i think it’s gonna be a good idea to build something that i kind of forgot existed in minecraft and that is gonna be a basalt generator i don’t know how i forgot

About him but i guess it’s because i never thought i’d ever want a load of basalt i suppose it’s been building this entire massive tunnel that is probably moving what’s used up most of my basalt and most of my blackstone i mean it’s very very cool and we’re going to be

Building loads more of them so i have sorted out a way to get how did you guys spawn you’re not going to build spotlight i guess they can but as i was saying i sold the blackstone issue by building a bartering farm and i will solve this issue by building a basalt

Farm here’s all of the items that i’m going to need and this farm is one of the ones that’s actually a lot faster if you build in the nether rather than over here what is the reason for that well lava actually moves six times faster when it’s in the nether compared to the

Other world you’ve probably seen that in action if i place this down look at the speed that it moves it’s not that fast otherwise and before i forget i want to get a bit of polish black stone i’m going to need a button and i feel like polish blackstone looks nice next we’ll

Fly up here i think above the bedrock will be the safest place for it such as right here next to the hogland farm so for the storage system we’re going to go ahead and have loads and loads of hoppers like that now i’m gonna need a few chests here as well because i’m

Gonna have hopper mine carts and the chest will just align them i need to place rails facing this way on each of these i’ve realized that normal rails will just make it very very hard work so instead it would be much better for me to head back home and use powered rails

Because with regular rails if i go like this can you see they all connect up like that and yeah that’s not what i’m going for but with powered rails i can just do that and they’ll be like that and i can get exactly what i want clearly i’ve played way too much

Minecraft to know all the little ins and outs and mechanics of rails although i pretty much learned all of that from the amount of update suppressors that are built so very simply we can just do this and then place them like that break all of these did any of them go into the

Chest yeah there we go we’ve got a culprit there but not anymore and now for the next job grab all of the minecart hoppers and start placing them along and we’ve got to push them up okay when you go up you stay up that’s that’s

The rule and the reason for that is then they will kind of go into both chests like if i just chuck let’s put a block of quartz in like both hoppers will be taking the items and it will do it faster than it normally would have done

And that’s how the storage will keep up with the sheer speed of this basalt farm also i think before when i tried to show you the double speed probably didn’t work because i hadn’t shown done that with the powered rails i think now is that faster you know what i can’t even

Work it out at this point so if i if i you know what just take my word for it guys it works now if we go ahead and put the soil above like that then i’ve got pistons facing into it which i can push down like that now any items that go on

Top of here will be picked up now to remove all these chests place blocks above here and use these pistons to push them down thankfully if i come around on this side i do not need pistons to place these blocks the blue ice above this is what’s going to generate the basalt some

Nice glass walls and a roof will make it so we can see what’s going on better now for some of the most complicated redstone i’ve ever done a button there a bit of redstone here and then repeaters coming out like that on both sides we’ve got dispensers facing downwards with

Lava inside let’s set a sign there so i don’t get cooled in lava and finally put a bit of glass along here for spawn proofing unfortunately it’s still not quite ready yet because uh well it does work as you can see the salt is getting generated but i can’t mine it very fast

At the moment it’s it’s very very slow so we’re gonna need something very very useful a if i can find it a beacon and i also happen to have loads of blocks of iron which is pretty useful so let’s just go and do that let’s go ahead and i’m

Trying do i want an iron ingot let’s use nine ingot and let’s build a haste beacon right here that is two layers successfully built two more to go now to chuck the beacon on top we’re gonna go put an iron ingot in there put haste two

And once that activates you can see it can actually go through bedrock and a bedrock gonna be convened but we don’t have bedrocks to go through so that’s not a problem now we have haste two i turn on the farm you will see it it works pretty fast doesn’t it guys

I mean this is a pretty good farm you would have to say the speed is beautiful but why why have i got the repeaters up there what is this all about well it’s actually a really cool design by eagle eye and it uses a really useful mechanic

So if i just go ahead and mine all of this okay if i press this button and start mining before uh the lava comes down you’ll see what happens oh okay let me just get this icing try that again my goodness i have i have

One job and i messed up if i press this button and start mining the basalt actually generates faster i don’t know if you can actually tell the difference i should do a side-by-side comparison really shouldn’t i too prove it to you but trust me guys this is working faster than it would be

If i wait and then go like that at least i’m pretty yeah it does generate faster okay i don’t know if you can tell or not but yeah that’s that’s why we’ve got that that mechanic like that and look at all the basalt we’re getting as you can see

Plenty of stacks already i need 3 000 which isn’t actually that much i should have it done in like probably 10 minutes so there’s not much else i can do but sit here and wait i’m hoping that’s going to be enough because my pickaxe is pretty much broken nearly so

Yeah that’s that’s gonna that’s loads that’s plenty that should definitely do it very conveniently i’ve got this black shulker box which had all the the items for building this i don’t really need that anymore so we can put one there that’s one done and i can head back down

Here grab a couple more shulker boxes trade for redstone with these guys which will also repair my pickaxe and now i can fill these boxes to my heart’s content as it happened i didn’t really have enough room to carry all the basalts so i’ve filled up this yellow

Shulker box let’s add all these into here empty this out and whilst i’m collecting things up with shulker boxes i’m gonna fly through this empty bedrock void till i reach the fortress farm i can take all the blaze rods and put them into shorter boxes whilst i’m at it i

Can be crafting gold ingots which has given me quite a lot of ingots then if i swoop on down past the great fortress farm i can throw all of the ingots out and send them to my piglin friends since me volcano he’s going to need loads of

Black stone and i’m not entirely sure if i’ll have enough and whilst i’m still here that farm will be working i must have already taken the gold out an earlier date and whilst i’m here these hoppers need to be swapped around with the chests to create something like this

It’ll just make it block up a little bit less even more so now since i’m going to add even more chests and hoppers now then how much black stone have i actually got from these guys i i shouldn’t you know what i’ve got a decent amount 42 stacks in total will be

Needed for the volcano and i bet i’m not too far away from that yep i actually have way more than i need that’s another good step in the right direction and i’m also going to add slabs going all the way along here that way in the future

I’ll easily be able to find my way back home and also to the farm there’s the great magma cube farm which i never ever use i’ve been building this i’ve realized i’m i’m a little bit off track with me lying here you know what i’m

Only going to make this once so i might as well do it right there we go this line is looking much much better i’ve got completely distracted from what i’m actually supposed to be doing but let’s get this black stone into shulker boxes the correct colored shulker boxes i mean

And that’s pretty much the two only main items that this oh my i use the wrong shulker box anyway it doesn’t whatever oh yeah that’s mainly the two items that i’m gonna need for this farm basalt and blackstone and i just realized it’s not a farm it’s just a

Volcano build although is it the super smell that kind of glasses the farm probably not i’m gonna stop looking into technicalities and get the rest of the items that i need it does actually involve five shulker boxes of lava buckets thankfully i have got an incredibly fast way to get lava if i

Just swim on down here and go through the hyper speed tunnel it will take me to the lava farm and i could use it but instead i might as well just take the lava from these shulker boxes like i seem to be doing every time and the only

Thing left that i need to okay well maybe i shouldn’t bring that many lava books to the car can’t bring back the shulker boxes but yeah the only thing left for me to get now is a bunch of glass and thankfully my old super smelter has been very busy with that so

Getting the few stacks of glass that i need is not going to be a problem and before i start building the base i’m just going to get rid of a little bit more terrain kind of circle around the edge of roughly where it’s going to go so let’s mine out everything in between

Because if i don’t get rid of all this now i’ll only have to get rid of it later and that’s that all nicely sorted i wouldn’t mind just nipping down here and grabbing a shulker box or two and just gather up all this extra dirt and grass which does sometimes come in handy

For terraforming i might even end up needing to terraform that very volcano i’ve also realized that grabbing four shulker boxes for those few measly items was a complete waste of time because yeah there wasn’t as much i thought i think a lot of it despawned and some of

It yeah obviously there just wasn’t as much as i thought but that’s enough of that let’s grab all the items that we’re going to need and start building a volcano trying to terraform this bottom layer to kind of be in line with the banking so it’s you know it’s kind of

Seamless onto the terrain and that’s the kind of size of the bottom of the volcano that i’ve got so far nice and random but also fits in well with the terrain and the next layer is just going to be a continuation of this as i terraform it upwards and that is two

Layers complete it is now just starting to take a little bit of shape but i may still make little adjustments here and there as i’m building it and something tells me that building up this entire thing would make a pretty good time lapse okay so and so that is the outside of the

Volcano complete i have to say it’s it’s looking like a pretty good shape but it’s missing something very very important to a volcano yes lava it wouldn’t be a proper volcano without some lava so i’m gonna quickly nip back home and grab some dirt okay now okay let’s just

Get a little bit more space in the inventory if we go like that i’ll do the same with the black stone as well and basically the idea of the dirt is gonna it’s just gonna be temporary blocks i can place the lava on to make everything much much easier we’re gonna put the

Snow in there now i can grab as much dirt as i need and before the dirt gets placed i am just gonna make a bit of a glass roof so that when you’re stood inside the volcano because you will be able to go inside this volcano you will

Look up and see a load of lava above you which i suppose you’d expect to say you know walking into a burning hot volcano and that is the glass floor fully done and now this is where i am gonna place a layer of dirt there we go that is complete i bet

It doesn’t look very good from down below and if i just get myself loads of lava buckets we’ll just chuck anything we don’t need out and then i’ll mine me way into here and start placing lava down which is yeah just gonna cover all the glass you actually come in here so

It doesn’t matter how the lava looks as long as from the bottom everything is fully covered now to try and get out of here without jumping straight in the lava there we go we can block it back up and then begin placing lava like this

And as you can see the lava is also gonna start going down there now hang in a minute is it actually ready for lava down there you know what i better go and build a barrier i could build a barrier you know what i’m just gonna see what

Happens i’m just gonna see how it looks it could end up going into the river it could do anything well that’s also what would happen with a real-life volcano so you know at least it’s realistic and as i place the lava i do also need to get

Rid of the dirt underneath in fact here we are with plan 2.0 we’re going to make a barrier so that it just makes life a little bit easier i know exactly where i’ve placed the lava then as well and there’s no problems removing the dirt below there

Oh and i’ve broken some glass i just heard it break oh no well there was a problem i’ve got some spare glass here let’s try and place it down i think that that should do it let’s have a little okay we’ll see yep the lava has been blocked up so that’s

Good news i’ll have to start being a little bit more careful there’s something that very few people are going to see because it’s actually at the top of the volcano i sure am putting a lot of effort into it i was like the way i’ve got to get my dirt back look at

That living on the edge of danger just just to get out of the lava not many layers left to go now but i have almost run out of lava good thing i know a place where i can get plenty more and now i am officially all out of land no

I’m not officially at all out loud one bucket left no i’m out of lava all of these buckets can go into storage and it’s time to make another trip to the guardian farm even if the guardian farm is currently quite useless the lava farm is very nice indeed the machine has

Finished running let’s put the buckets back in well the buckets don’t look uh supplies look like they could be better don’t they anyway we’ve got plenty of lava which is the important thing let’s just gather up the glass and i’m going to fill all five of these shulker boxes

I think which is hopefully going to be more than enough i say it’s hopefully going to be more than enough i think it’s definitely going to be modified i think you’ll need like one shulker boxes worth you know what i’ll take a full inventory of lava buckets with me as

Well we’re leaving nothing to chance so with a full inventory let’s go back into this now it’s weird is this because ever since 1.18 came out it ruined my hyper speed tunnels because i think i actually travel faster than the trunks can load so sometimes i just get stopped see look

At that i get stopped and and then my dolphins grip well thankfully this one it didn’t run out but going to spawn it’s really really bad and unfortunately nothing seems to fix it oh well not to worry let’s just focus on the tusk in hand and get more lava down

That is the risk of trying to do the lava strap sometimes you do get burnt at least never come from that let’s get back to placing lava with that we are on to the final layer which means things are going to be a little bit more tricky

Because i’m kind of stranded here now we’re going to do a little head hit okay well didn’t make the head here also we do have this one to make as well let’s just fill that in all of it is successfully down so now we need to

Extend it up a layer and that is going to make some lava flow down backwards off here as well i might before i do that just fly down here because i do want to sort of terraform this into the mountain so something like that should be good

Because lava is going to be coming over here so let’s fill in this gap seems to go all the way around i don’t know if it should be stone maybe i don’t know but once there’s lava over it there’ll be snow around it’ll be fine and from there

We can fly all the way back up to the top and because i do a lot of flying in the world that’s why i want the top to look good because i’ll probably end up being able to see it and i’m just going to add some lava around these edges to

Add a little bit of i don’t know could you say 3d to this to it i don’t know it’s just going to it i’m just going to add it around the edge and the snow is now coming again i don’t mind this time because it was kind of getting in the

Way before but since i’m nearly finished i’m in a a red hot volcano i don’t mind there being snow i think it will look good i was telling with the idea you know do i cover it the whole thing in string i think just leaving it to

Naturally let the snow cover it will make it fit in better to the area also this is not how i had in mind to be placing down some of the lava yeah sometimes you’ve got to get into the lava to place the lava you know it’s

Times like this that i sometimes think a fire resistance may be useful but look at that i can hear the lava flowing down it is it is on its way and i’m just going to carry on filling in things around these edges sometimes you’re just in a situation where you think i’ve got

No choice but just to get a little bit get my hands dirty as it were and uh just jump in the lava okay it’s certainly easier when i’m in the lab oh i’m going all the way down now um but i just kind of want to keep going around like that filling

It in yeah what’s the worst that could happen okay i need a little bit more lava this sugar box has a couple in but probably not enough and this shulker box definitely has enough everything on this side is done if i just go and put my

Lighter on i can fly to the side there’s a bit of a bit of safe area for now but that too is now going to be covered in lava and with that i think that should do it you know it’s a little bit extra flowing downwards i think the snow is

Doing a fantastic job at bringing it to life but that is generally my volcano i think it looks good i i really like the look of that oh yes the snow is perfect as well it’s really just made it look like it’s part of the terrain because

Even though you think of volcanoes as being very hot you do get them in snowy places you know in real life so it makes sense to be one in minecraft and the next issue for me to solve is how am i going to get into the

Volcano where do i want the entrance i kind of want it right where the lava is which as you can imagine might be a slight problem i reckon my best option is to grab some black stained glass i just heard the goat screamer here and for a second i thought it was somebody

Screaming outside yep maybe having a screaming goat in your house is is not the wisest idea it’s 11 pm right now for me and i was just thinking who water fish screaming at this time and that was a goat actually so never mind glass is going to

Be quite a big feature of this build but not the normal glass if i can grab a bit of black dye i’m going to need a huge amount of black stained glass so let’s not go crazy but let’s let’s just go so if we got ourselves nearly three stacked

No two stacks like two stacks that’s enough yeah so indecisive and how much to get me i mainly need red stained glass that’s what i’m gonna need loads and loads of let’s go back and actually grab more out of this chest as well i’ll just grab you know let’s grab two more

Stacks and that should keep me going for now maybe a little bit more that definitely should do me and and for the first time ever all this netherrack that i have uh collected over the uh i suppose the last year is actually going to be useful i’m

Going to be able to use it for something i’m happy about that have i got loads of magma that is the other question i have a magnet you know what a stack should be okay the final thing i will want is some black stone stairs and i think my best

Option is to use a stone cutter i’ll go with two stacks for now that should be good because the stone could actually get you more than a crafting table woodward stairs and i’m all about that efficiency life with all that done let’s build an entrance i’m not entirely sure

How i’m gonna do this all i know is it’s gonna be too high and i need to start getting in there and locking up some lava without getting burnt if i can help it the idea of the entranceway is that it just needs to be central nothing else

Really matters to me i just i don’t want it to look stupid you know what i think that works i think that’s central enough it’s kind of hard to see because it’s on the glass let’s go and add some walls to the sides and once i’ve built this wall here i think

The lava should no longer snake round now to try and do the same thing on this side now then have we got a bit of a we’ve got a leakage no we’re good look at that it’s working against all the odds i’ve successfully done it i didn’t successfully do it without getting

Burned but hey oh you can’t have everything now let’s open this very very dark place up look at that it looks really eerie up there doesn’t it i like it this might be shaping up to be one of my favorite bells also i’ve got to be a

Little bit careful it let’s let’s put some glass yep that worked i was going to say let’s block it up with glass yeah you know what i think i’m gonna move this pillow backwards on second thoughts let’s do unlike does that work and then and then that could pillar down

Like so couldn’t it then underneath the glass i’m gonna go with some black stone that bit can go as well let’s just place all this is this working out hold on a second i’m not too sure now that is starting to come around i don’t like

That so i’m going to just make this one block longer now for more black stone underneath there i’m also going to remove this wall very carefully without letting any lava come through in fact we can just go look at that speed on second thoughts if i remove that some lava is surely gonna

Flow through there yeah that’s perfect and then i will have this like that let’s move this side back one as well i’ll terraform it a bit more just so it looks more natural and a black stone in the wall just to vary it this is very quickly becoming an absolute masterpiece

And now for my entrance way that’s where i’m going to need loads and loads of lava all over again probably even more than i needed up there crazy thing that there was just one flat ground along here now it’s a massive volcano this is gonna be the kind of

Shape that the lava is gonna go in i mean this this above here is also gonna be going and that is all of the dirt grass and stone removed although i do just wanna kind of extend everything out by one more okay now i’m definitely happy with it i’m not changing anything

Else around the edge there is going to be stairs so i’m just going to kind of mine this layer above very annoying when i get to the stone so i’m too far away from any haste beacon but not to worry i’ll just have to be patient my

Inventory is a bit clogged i think all of the stuff on the floor here well it’s still spawning right before your very eyes but it it is just gonna get burnt with lava let’s drop off a few items into here and all this spare stuff i’ll

Just put in the shulker box for now so i can get to the fun task of placing all the lava as we all know there’s never an easy way to do this but it would probably make sense if i started this far end so that i’ll be

Able to get out of the volcano and actually get to my shulker boxes otherwise i’m gonna be trapped so yeah we’re just gonna have lava like this yeah i’m just gonna accept that i’m gonna get burnt a bit but hey i didn’t get this super amazing armor not

To use it so let’s let’s get in the lava and uh once again get our hands dirty or should i say get my feet burned it’s also nice to be inside for a change and not have phantoms swooping on me there were so many of them when i was actually

Building the outside another layer is done and i’d be lying if i didn’t tell you that this is a little bit painful in more ways than one and that is me already fresh out of lava that happened a lot quicker than i expected it to so

It looks like it’s time for yet another trip to the guardian farm and this time i’m bringing a lot more shulker boxes let’s top up all of these buckets in here since yeah this chest is looking very depleted and i think i will also use this farm to get some lava just to

Keep things nice and renewable that should top up lava supplies nicely in how to fill all these shulker boxes in hindsight i’m wondering did i get carried away with bringing so many you know what we need the lava we’re just going to go for it that should be my new

Catchphrase you can never have too much lava but i feel like in my case you kind of can i also need to get out of the habit of just chucking all my items on the floor when i need more inventory space imagine if i accidentally you know

Got carried away for five minutes and let them all despawn there’s some good stuff in there like me chest plate that i can’t get any other way well other than downgrading my world and i really don’t fancy doing that one again and it’s every single one filled up i don’t

Need my pickaxe i was trying to break it i was like where’s my pickaxe oh yeah it’s over there don’t quite have enough space to carry them all because i picked up too much lava so there we go we just need to do that and now let’s get out of

Here and continue placing all of the lava and i have also just realized that there’s a much easier and much less painful way to do this i’ll just grab a load of stained glass place lava as i go and then just put the glass on top of it

And that will completely solve all of my issues i’m no longer getting but why didn’t i think of this earlier probably because i never do things the easiest way first time i always always make it hard work for myself now if i put glass on top of it can we still see

Oh we can see that yeah we don’t want that so to solve that problem the black stone is going to be very very important and you know what let’s not take the easy way let’s just go for it let’s go and break that and place it down like so

We’re gonna have to do this all the way around the border i just can’t stop myself from jumping into lava today and that is all of the black stone down i think yeah we can just bring that round like that so all i can do now is

Continue placing if i can actually can i get out of here now am i am i indefinitely trapped now if i go like that yeah if i just continue placing lava down and then follow it up with glass as i go yeah nothing could go wrong i don’t have

To get burned it should all be very very straightforward as you can see and that is the floor completely finished next thing to be done is come over to here and grab the blackstone stairs and then we’re just gonna make a nice little border around okay well not like that

But instead a nice little border all the way around the edge it just kind of gives it a little bit of definition because it’s you know it’s a stairs it’s not completely flat and really just breaks things up nicely although now that i’ve got to this part i’m gonna

Have to change things around the floor because i haven’t really left enough space for me furnace array so i’m going to move it yeah this floor a little bit so you know how i painstakingly place loads of lava along here well it’s it’s getting filled and yep it’s it’s got to go

It’s going to be the biggest waste of time in life no but all the rest of it which was the bulk of the time is still to stay it’s just along here the furnace array is thin enough that it could fit on here but it’s quite wide and i want

It to be wide so that it is super super fast and because of that i have i’ve got to move the floor i’ve got absolutely no choice can you tell that i’m pretty much just making things up as i go along with this it’s also my best interest to get

Rid of this glass and if i continue mining out this floor because it’s not here to stay then it’ll give me the blocks that i need to fill in this lava now to continue placing stairs along here everyone out but i think i should just about have enough to do the entire

Things i’ve got two stacks and one stack gummy all the way around well pasta halfway so this stack should get me all the way back there we go and look at that i’ve got nine to spare and it really is starting to come together isn’t it well the next thing i need to

Do is mine out this entire floor of grass it doesn’t need to be here instead it is going to get replaced with a different block a block which i don’t think i’ve ever used in a build before that’s like going to stay but i think for the first

Time ever it’s actually going to fit into place nicely and there we go that is the entire floor mined out and the block that is going to be used is not in here i’m just going to shove all this in here now instead welcome netherrack to

The team you are actually going to be used for a build it really just does fit in well with that molten rock volcano kind of vibe this does actually make me wonder if one shulker box of netherrack is even going to be enough because it’s it’s quite a big area although you look

At my inventory i’ve still got loads and loads left so hopefully we’re going to be okay but then again if i’m not okay it’s not like it’s a long way to my house just over the river and there we go well that is half of the floor done

And i’m starting to think we’re going to need more netherrack yep i am now on to my final stack and it has all run out not to worry though if i go to the shulker box i have still got a few stacks left it might not quite be enough

But we can see how far we get well would you look at that against the odds i almost had a full stack to spare very nice indeed and i think i’m going to make a little minor modification to the entrance here because my furnace array is actually going to be

Off center i’ve done a bit of testing stuff and it’s it’s an even number this is an odd number door it’s just going to be off center and i really can’t be having that so i’m going to uh place down some blocks i mean if everything is not symmetrical in minecraft then what’s

Even the point yeah we got hold on a second we’re going to get a little bit of a leakage here if we’re not careful um have we got any blackstone there we go no on that speaking of stone let’s mine up this and then change all of this

Under here to be black stone and i’m also going to need to i suppose i could have done with that lava that was over there i would have to make this wider with lava as well i don’t want to use the black lube the black stone so i’m

Going to go in and be a little bit risky there we go we’ll say oh my gosh it’s just lava everywhere i look but that includes in here there’s also that lava everywhere i look so we can easily fill all of this in like so also replacing the black stone where is it

There it is along the bottom and then putting the glass back on top and whilst the entrance will now be symmetrical there the circle isn’t and you know what i can’t live with myself if i don’t fix that let’s get to work on it at least on this side it’s less difficult because

There’s a list of buttons inside i moved everything along all of this just to have everything perfectly balanced and there we go operation symmetry is complete so next i’m going to grab the magma and just go around and randomly dot it in the ground like this there’s

No specific pattern to it it just breaks up the floor a little bit there we go although it does look a little bit patterning but anyway not to worry it does kind of light up the area but i feel like i should come up with a way to

Light it up a bit more so let’s grab up all of these shulker boxes although before i do i am just going to move this along one more i just don’t want the lava to be flowing like into it if that makes sense which i suppose it does mean

Extending everything actually i didn’t think about that so that means a little more lava is going to be required although being needed that i am i i put it in completely the wrong place let’s actually remember to mine out the floor and that is much much better now i can

Fly back home offload everything into the storage room and then grab some glowstone and red carpets and so the plan for these is just to put the glowstone in the ground i think you see you’ve got that actually i’m gonna move it across one but i reckon just sticking a carpet over it

Yeah it just makes it look a little better and as long as everything is lit up enough so that mobs can’t spawn then i am happy with that alrighty that looks good enough to me let’s build the furnace array and this is going to be completely different from the one in

Here it’s not going to involve a hopper minecart it’s going to distribute it much more evenly which will ultimately make it perform much much better one of the main items i’m going to need a lot of you guessed it cobblestone i don’t need cobblestone well we’re going to

Have 46 furnaces so that’s quite a lot but we’ve got 48 there that’s that’s actually more than enough once upon a time i did have a chest purely for furnace oh look at that we’ve got loads well those two spare ones can go in there red near the brick is also well i

Was gonna say it’s gonna be an out and we need but we definitely need it we don’t have any apparently we’re just gonna have to craft it all which means i’m gonna need quite a bit of nether walk now my nether what farm has never

Really been a super op one it’s just one of those ones you just you just casually use it every now and again and then have to replant it all like it’s yeah it’s not the best farm in the world it’s not the biggest one but i have plenty of

Netherwart for the things that i need to do and do every crafting table we do we can make yeah we can make quite a few stacks i think it’ll be four stacks which i’m gonna go for then the extra nether water could all be replanted let’s also re-grab glowstone and i’m

Also going to need 92 normal nether brick stairs and i’m not entirely sure i’m going to have enough now i think i overcrafted the red another brick oh it’s close but not close enough i’ve only got 88. see this is one of those moments where it would have been really

Good to have my new super smelter done but it’s not done so instead i’ll have to use this one it’s also going to be one of those builds that requires a ridiculous amount of hops well not already a kiss map but it’s going to require four stacks of hoppers which

Means i could probably do with grabbing a bit more wood what’s the best place for me to find wood i reckon spawn will be a pretty good option oh my goodness what’s been going on here why is there millions of columns again yeah the iron

Farm is gonna have to be changed up we have also yeah got the tree farm i really want to make a proper storage system for this but i’m thinking it might be the best option to just use this one i’m guessing it should have a bit those hoppers those things where’s

The lever to turn this off either i broke the on off switch i’ve completely forgotten where i put it i’m gonna guess that i actually broke it because you know i do stupid things like that all the time to turn it off and on i think

You just go like that don’t you never mind that is completely wrong you actually put it right here i believe that should do it just seems that the machine is permanently broken that’s why it wasn’t turning off okay anyway i didn’t come here to fix my dodgy

Redstone i came to get some wood which you know i’ve got a decent amount it’s mainly getting me the warped wart blocks more than anything but i’ll take it and i also think it is in my best interest to spend a little bit of time at the

Tree farm i’m gonna need a supplement to do that got plenty of them here let’s put them in the off hand jump in and uh well we need to turn it on man i just can’t remember how to turn on anything nowadays there we go now it’s working i can place that

And mine to my heart’s content and you know what i think enough time has now passed using this machine we’ve got this guy in here you know what i don’t see you but yeah i know you’re here blue ice could potentially be a good trade but

You know i’m not too bothered about that the main thing is that i have managed to get plenty of wood now if only i brought a shulker box i could actually transport it all home not to worry though i’ll just take what i’ve got fill up this

Chest with it then grab a shulker box and fill it up with all the rest and with this i should be able to craft the remaining hoppers that i need because that is all of the chests and getting the iron is well that’s definitely not going to be a problem mission

Accomplished i think that’s probably everything that i need except for one thing one thing that i have forgotten and it’s something that i don’t think i’ve actually ever built with before yes this furnace array is going to include gilded blackstone i don’t really know where the best place to look for it is

Because like i said i’ve never ever bothered with it before but i think yeah down below seems like the best although down below is covered in lava it’s actually quite a hard thing to get a lot of isn’t it i you know i’m gonna need

Quite a bit of this 46 pieces to be exact and i feel like i might need to visit more than just this bastion i think it is one of those things you can kind of strip mine for so maybe if i got tnt and blasted up okay we found some

Exposed yeah i think there might be some hidden in the walls but i don’t think i really have time to spend ages looking for it lauren said that oh there we go oh of course we found lara as well to room today but yeah actually finding

That is good and getting the black stone is also useless useful not useless so i’ve got eight pieces which i’m pretty happy with no make that nine so i reckon my next option should be to go into this place yeah look at that i can

See i can see what i can see one piece one piece is better than not there’s another one up there yeah there’s quite a few dotted around and there’s still some angry piglets that live it i didn’t even know that i thought i’d wiped out the entire species this is definitely

Making me realize the reason why i never normally build with this it is just so much hassle to get and as far as i’m aware there’s absolutely no way to farm it you’ve just got to go out and look for it which does make it kind of cool

In its own way do we get oh look at that it’s in the chest as well you know what i’ll take the quartz sp from the past didn’t think the quartz was worth anything back then but hey i’ll tell you what it’s a useful commodity

Oh no why did you have to jump in well there goes the last piglet i was wrong this there’s one left he must be protected this is for your own good mate oh wait there’s two of you okay that’s it just just get in there there you go

Safe as houses and i think i’ve more or less got all the gilded black stone that i can see oh there’s just one up there it’s a little bit awkward to get to i have to like mine through and jump after it head towards lava then we fly up and

Go in search of another bastion although not before checking these chests because i get a feeling like they’re there look at that there’s a great amount in there will this chest also do it okay you know what bastion chests are actually the best way and bones i’ll take bones and

If i’m not mistaken i do know the location of another bastion well actually i know the location of quite a few of them but let’s see if i can correctly find this one look at that i managed to find i actually didn’t think i’d find it that easily i thought i’d

Have to fly around a little bit but look at this this is probably a much better one for finding the gilded blackstone as well because it’s just everywhere i’ll hold a second i’m not falling for that one yeah let’s just block up the lava first and i can safely mine it and it’s

Not going to get burnt and with this we’ve got 33 so we’re not actually that far away i wonder if this chest does anything in it oh there’s a load you know what a loadstone is like another right ingots word so it’s worth taking never really done a good job of looting

These bastions ever what about this chest right here ah no not what i wanted for a bastion that started off with so much of it i feel like it’s mainly higher up once you get lower down to the brick sections it’s kind of hard to find

But there’s a bit of black stone here with one in there i’ll drop down yet another level there is piglets roaming about here i’m gonna be careful i don’t really want to get into a battle with them just feel kind of evil of me to come into their home and murder them oh

Look at this right on the side of the building let’s just do some are you know what we’re just gonna go for it there go i’ll try to do some fancy flying but you know what sometimes you’ve just got to go for it just seven more pieces

Required now six and i think i saw some on the pillars yeah look at that there’s a little bit here oh there’s loads on the side when you have a proper look mining for this has definitely been an interesting experience but that is piece number 46 so i’m out of here assuming i

Can successfully find my way home anyway here we are back safe and sound it looks like the nether brick has been well the netherrack has been smelting so i’ve got plenty more nether breaks another stack which i will turn into stairs i’m also gonna need four red nether brick stairs

Very good stuff let’s get to work so these nether brick stairs are all going to be placed along like this and right in the middle here there’s going to be a chest and then there’s going to be red near the bricks like that there’s also

Going to be a repeat of the stairs on this side and then the gilded black stone above now there is one issue with this entire thing the volcano width is a little bit smaller right here like it would have fit if i built it right in

The middle but it would look a bit strange so i’m going to end up having to expand out into the wilderness at some point but we’ll leave it closed for now i’m just going to continue to do as much as i can such as placing down lots and

Lots of hoppers and these hoppers are going to be under the furnaces so they are what are going to carry the items out of the furnace and speaking of furnaces huh i might as well place them down now there we go they’re all in but

The real question is what on earth did i do with the the four red nether brick stairs okay for some reason they managed to work their way into the under chest i’m not sure how that happened but at least i found them and they’re gonna be

Placed over the top of this chest that way i can still open it and let’s also begin adding a little bit of redstone along the back of here and this redstone that i’ve done here is just going to be repeated on the other side and this is

Where i get to the issue of running out of room in this volcano i’d better start doing some mining now let’s add all the hoppers which will supply fuel to the furnaces and even more stuff can be added to the redstone i didn’t really think about what building block i was

Actually going to use so i had nowhere near enough black stone not to worry though there is plenty more in here and now these hoppers are going to supply the furnaces with everything that’s going to be smelted and it should make a nice even distribution of it as well

More hoppers are going to run all the way along here and because this side is a mirror image of that side everything is just going to be the same and this is probably going to be the most complicated part of the redstone and it’s not even that complicated at all

Just repeaters with the correct delays on all of these hoppers will be transporting the items to be smelted along this chest right here is what you will put the items in that you once melted and i’m going to add a bunch of stairs that will hide all the hoppers

And make it look nice and unfortunately the redstone isn’t nearly done this still quite a bit to go this top part is probably the most complicated bit of it all but it’s still not too bad at all and that is all of the redstone down i misspoke before by the way this chest

Right here will be for the fuel and then the chest up here is what is going to be the items that you want to smelt so if i’m not mistaken it is now done i’m just going to decorate it with a little bit of glowstone which can be on both sides

And then more redstone bricks on top although in this middle section we want upside down stairs so we can still open the chest then there we go so i think the next thing i want to do before i test it out but you look at that it

Looks pretty good but yeah the next thing that i want to do is repair the outside of the volcano shouldn’t be too difficult for this bit i can just go something like that cover all that in black stone and then yeah we can just kind of terraform it up yep i’m happy

Enough with that i know i’m not happy to put it hold on we’ve got a few uh a few strays i i wouldn’t mind a bit of assault if i’ve got a basalt shulker box let’s dip into that chuck that there yeah i think that looks pretty pretty

Well hidden and that is the thing about terrain it can just be random anyway and as for this side it’s going to take a little bit more expansion to hide everything but you know what as long as okay as well says as long as i don’t cut

Off any redstone it should be mission accomplished in fact i can cut that bit of redstone off and with that it should be fine i do kind of want to be using basalt here and there as well but you know what yeah if we just fix that a

Little by adding way more black stone around and there we have it operation terraform a volcano oh how’s that gonna work is complete i think i’m up with that i don’t really need to change anything now i just need disguise to do the rest of the work and cover that bit

In snow oh yeah there’s not much more that i can do in here i mean i might kind of you know what yeah i’m thinking if we kind of we could kind of blend the terrain into the edge a little bit as well just to make it that little bit

More seamless just with something like that it just needs a little bit of a doing on this side as well and there we go mission accomplished i think it’s time to test it so let’s say the blaze rods are going to be the okay let’s try

And actually pick them up but yeah the blaze rods are going to be the fuel and i want to smelt a load of sun now if all the blaze rods are fuel and we’re going to empty the entire shulker box you will see that although don’t start

Distributing yet sorry once i put the fuel in though they should so that’s well stocked with fuel and what i mean is once i put the items to be smelted in oh all of a sudden i’ve just got this completely all wrong i need to label it

Up really but yeah the items to be smelted go in the top one and they start distributing this is the output chest yeah blaze rod should be in there laser trip are here and you’ll see they also start distributing and all these furnaces are getting filled up

As you can see because of the fuel there we go and then they just all switch on together on the right side they should do as well unless i built something wrong no okay not sure why you two aren’t working something’s gone wrong there it’s entirely possible that

The hoppers are clogged up or something like that although they’re all working now so i have no idea so yeah all of my sand could go in there we’re gonna go and empty this shock wave i’ve emptied them both already yeah look at that just goes through that first as you can see

And the output this aha okay yeah so there was some basalt that snuck in that is why that was happening but you can see look how fast it is coming through so so quick and every time fully smells look it instantly well it doesn’t need to get instantly topped up there but

Once this one fully smelts you must actually it’s going a little bit faster on some of them anyway point is it’s it’s melting them all it’s distributing them all very nicely there’s one to two in all of them all of the blaze rods are also distributed really evenly and

Smelting is happening really really fast and the next thing i want to do is to create a simple way for the items to get all the way to my chest room apparently i did forget to empty a sugar box actually i’m just an idiot sometimes so i want some hoppers underneath this

Chest but i want a way to lock them and the lava makes it slightly more complicated i don’t want to get burnt but i’m thinking if i can just get down here there could be repeaters going into the hoppers then simple redstone going around here which will just connect up

To i think a lever and this lever i don’t think it will affect any of the hoppers around it otherwise it will be a problem but i think all the other hoppers should still be unlocked oh no that one’s locked okay that’s that’s a problem is it is it unlocking now yeah

Okay that is the problem but i wonder if i instead make it glass does that then solve the problem and there’s no items to go through it right now because we’ve we’ve we smell it all already oh my goodness that was quick then clear yeah i’ve got another shulker box to go out

So go on get back to work now let’s test this out is it still okay it’s still blocking and the signal doesn’t go downwards i think my only other option is to actually move these hoppers instead they can just go around like this which i i don’t think should

Have any effect these can be turned on and none of them are then going to get backed up and the chest is nicely filling with glass so next let’s start adding hop and see this is where got a bit careful of the lava but let’s just

Add the hoppers going down like that i also reckon i should modify this little stair system create a nice little staircase around the edge down here should be low enough so let’s start adding hoppers these hoppers will be going into a dropper which will be right

There it’s going to spit the items out and now i need a big water stream managed to end up in a mine shaft as i’m digging this tunnel oh well straight through we go these items have got a chest room to get to and now that i’ve

Reached the area where haste is in effect this is much much faster there we have it we have made it into the chest room instead of this composter i’m gonna have a double chest that is gonna have hoppers i don’t know how do i want this thing something like this i’m just

Trying to make sure like it’s gonna be able to keep up but i reckon it should do fine with something like that and in case then you get missed we’ll just go like that on the edge now it’s not gonna be a problem where’s the the yeah the

Items are gonna go right that’s not gonna work instead i’ll just i’ll just go like this and yeah it might make a bit of a backlog but it should be fine because it’s yeah that i’m just thinking out loud here guys but the water’s gonna

Come along here so i want a drop down i’ll make it drop down i think this should be perfect so this is the system i’ve got there’s gonna need to be some water i could do some ice as well very conveniently i’m right by my chest room

Now how are blue eye stocks looking yeah we’re gonna need to go on a bit of a mining session for that but i can at least place down these first few bits and this entire water tunnel is gonna have blue ice on it that’s gonna make the items travel as fast as possible

Looks like i’ve run out so it’s time to head to the icebergs could use me i spawn but the fact that it’s something ridiculous like 72 ice just to craft one blue ice it’s probably just not worth it and i also can’t count it’s actually 81 ice for a blue eyes

That doesn’t matter the main thing is that i have reached the icebergs and at the bottom of the icebergs are the best place to find blue ice i was gonna say having said that i can’t see anybody i can see some so let’s get mining i’m not

Entirely sure how much blue ice i’m gonna need but i’m gonna guess it’s gonna be a couple of hundred once i’ve got five stacks i’ll be happy and i think all of this should now be enough blue ice once i’ve mined that bottom bit i think there’s none left right there

Holding a second there’s a few uh hidden in the roof which i definitely want to grab yeah one or two at the surface as well you don’t want the waste blue isis it’s actually 81 normalized sitting right there there we go we’ve got it all

Uh if i can just get out the water please and as you can see loads and loads of stacks a little bit of packed ice there i’ll take it back with me anyway so that can go in there i also do have a few spare stacks of blue i don’t

Think i’m gonna need all of it so i’ll go with something like that water is going to be very very important and also a load of iron trap doors that’s not how you make iron chocolate i’ve got to say that’s not quite right is that it there

We go iron trap doors an entire stack would be nice so i’m just going to keep going there we go that is 64 obtained let’s put some water right there so yeah that’s what’s going to push those items along and now to mine out all of the

Floor from there it’s going to be filled in with blue ice and the good thing is if i’m quick enough to add all the water and all this leftover stone will get pushed along i love the speed that i can go down here it’s like a super fast

Highway anyway i still need to do a little bit more ice placing and then right here is where there’s going to be a water bucket as you can see the water should flow down absolutely perfectly picking up all of these items as it goes and to keep things moving that’s where

We need water and trap doors yeah just so it keeps the flow and since i am going to need to keep refilling my buckets i’m just going to make a nice little infinite water source and if we take something like oh okay there goes me water buckets as well now and the

Trapdoors just make sure that the water doesn’t flow backwards it’s a massively long ice stream but we are getting to the end of it now i think maybe we’re gonna be close now then how do we do the end bit wait is this gonna be perfect

It’s not gonna be perfect so we probably want to have a trapdoor like that and then oh and another one here as well so that doesn’t go backwards we place the water it’ll stop there perfectly and now that means i can chuck a bunch of items that i don’t need down and we

Should hear them let’s listen now yeah yeah the piston’s working it’s pushed them up i can hear it next question is how on earth do i actually get out of here without breaking this tractor yeah i didn’t think of that oh then we could go no that didn’t work

What about that yes that did work and then if i go and break it on my way down perfect and now to get the items they’re gonna power the dropper so i need to find a place to empty these buckets because i i don’t really need them

Anymore so there’s only two of them yep and they can go in here along with a bunch of other random stuff and let’s get this smelter fully fully finished glide down carefully now this is yeah this is where the redstone could potentially go a little bit wrong but it

Should be okay we just have a dropper like that i’ll put black stone over the top so that nothing you know the items can’t go the wrong way and i want an observer like this and then i want a comparator detecting if anything goes in

Can we can we do that on the same why don’t we just keep it simple and go like that but yeah if something’s in here then this will power the comparator which will power this piston and it should make the dropper work so we’re just going to hook

It up with some redstone like that do i want i said i might even let me think about this i think i’m gonna go with a repeater that should work should we should we test it out let’s put in some cola look at that very nice indeed yeah because these two

Hoppers go into it that should work as well let’s try it with i don’t know what to try let’s go with stone yeah so it stays they’re all dispensed they should be going to my chest room i reckon we just stopped messing about i reckon we go big

And we we release all of this glass which is that all gone through wait what’s going on here what oh no we’ve jammed it up just when i thought i was finished a hopper why is that hopper jammed up oh because of this repeater because i moved

Him along uh well that was a bad idea wasn’t it give me a couple of minutes i uh i will fix this you know what the effects could be way easier than you think it could just be like that i reckon that might solve the problem i

Flicked this don’t wait they were going down for a second are they going down yeah i’ve all flicked and looked they are emptying out pretty rapidly let’s just move all this glass across and that way we don’t really make a mess and a hopper can go there

This hopper can go there and these ones can i think can they all be broken yeah they can all be broken in theory if i now put this in here it should yeah looks like it’s going in there then if i unflick that the items are empty now oh it’s it’s

Working fantastically guys i’ll block that back up yep all right the system’s working now then all of the glass should be heading at a rapid speed i run out of food but it should be heading at a rapid speed to my chest room let’s see if

That’s actually the case well i can hear it is it glass yeah look at that glass is going up and what’s going on with it’s this chest so it should be going yeah you can see it’s rapidly going through that chest and getting emptied out and going through so

The system works perfectly look at this they’re dropping through like flies i know i probably sound quite surprised but my machines never normally work so well let’s not mess about let’s get this super smell completely filled with fuel i reckon we could do with more nether

Breaks so let’s grab that and also smelt more sand it’s a little bit of a bigger journey to travel and i do want to just sort out like the entrance way a little bit but the main thing i want to do is just see it in action once again every

Single one of these blaze rods is nearly in the system they should last for some time so let’s start adding the sand look at that they just all flicked all together it’s it’s so good the design is by ill mango and it really it made it years ago and it’s still a brilliant

Brilliant design and the way the items flow along it’s it’s just so satisfying i’m starting to think now that only been able to smell a double chest at a time it’s a bit of a problem though some sort of expansion needs to be in order an expansion that would involve hoppers but

I’ve no idea where those hoppers have gone well no problem there i can easily craft a few more it’s not gonna be anything too special it’s pretty i’m gonna stack up my chest who uses chest to stack up i’m just thinking add another chest at the top and then more

Items can be put in there that way probably not necessary to do the same thing with the fuel since you know fuel is worth a lot more blocks than what would be in the chest what it does mean is that i can put in all my netherrack

Now as well the machine can even differentiate between them so look at that it’s now switched to doing netherrack like they don’t stack them i suppose that’s because the netherrack is going through in the top slot here if i change that to be sand i suppose we’ll

Start seeing sand go through again oh look at that yes we will it’s switched to sand okay i love playing with this machine but you know what let’s just leave it to do its thing and lately my newest issue has been not having enough space for all

These choker boxes every time i got a shulker box i just put one in there so let’s make another chest for shulker boxes but to make it look right i’m gonna go and split this into slabs and put one underneath like that do the same thing

On this side you know nothing like a bit of symmetry and then craft two anvils which can go below each one it won’t be able to go below this one but i’m an idiot and place the slab in the wrong place so there we go take two on that

Now it’s better to avoid an overflow all of this extra glass that’s starting to come through can be put into a shulker box and it’s snowing that is absolutely exactly what i wanted for once because now it will cover up these edges as well make it all look nice and

Speaking of making it look nice let’s grab some netherrack out of here kind of place it around the entrance a bit even though you won’t be able to see it because it’s going to be covered in snow i still like the feel that it gives and where there’s lava yeah we’ve got it

We’ve got to have it down because the lava you know melts the snow you know what i’m trying to say guys yeah that’s definitely much better and just to add it a little bit more i’m going to put a bit of lava i’ll probably end up not like that but i’ll probably

End up accidentally wait what is this ice i’ve got to get this right here that needs to be blocked up probably going to end up walking the lava by mistake but i think it’ll just bring it to life a little bit more and it will stop everything from you know not being

Well being covered in snow a little bit as well there we go very nice indeed and then the items i want to send down to the auto storage well we just we can just chuck them in here very very nice indeed and since all my tools are

Looking a bit worse for wear i should head to the brand new xp farm the one that also happens to get me blaze rods if i could actually make this bigger and remove the pigment so that it was only blazes coming through and then get a

Constant stream of blaze so that i can keep the xp it would actually be as fast as an xp farm as my guardian farm was but it would have to be expanded and modified quite a bit for that to work i think i’ve spent enough time with this

Farm i’m completely overrun with blaze rods plus all of the chests are really really full up as well such a fantastic farm i have built so let’s follow this trail that i uh very specifically built not the straightest line i’ve ever made but you know what it seems to be doing

The job and it has successfully led me all the way to the base i still think the volcano looks so so cool maybe the engine sway looks a little bit strange but you know what it doesn’t matter since there had to be some way to get into an entrance

And now i can go ahead and put all these blaze rods into here it’s still smelting away all the netherrack yeah this this is absolutely loads about has it filled everything up it’s probably like maxed out all the hoppers behind maybe it would be a good idea to build a chunk

Loader that way the farm will keep working even when i’m not in the area so loaders are pretty easy to build i’ve done it many times before and i even know all of the items that i need off by heart now the first portal needs to be

In this chunk but it means i need to be below that lava and i ain’t digging down through it so instead i will go down this way a little bit place that back above my head and then i can mine underneath this is where me portal is

Going to go with the droppers like this and a couple of hoppers rails on those and minecarts on top of that and then we’re gonna do a little comparator system trying a slightly different design that’s gonna be a little bit more consistent but it’s also making it a bit

More complicated so i’m thinking when i put an item in here it should go all the way around and just keep going actually i think adding a slight delay will help and it’s working perfectly and now to build a portal that perfectly corresponds on the other side

That is all of this bit of redstone built let’s slide it and make sure the link that one has brought me here i think it’s the right place i’ll have to see yeah it looks like it is and let’s make sure it works going the other way

No problem whatsoever so now i’m going to clear a bit of space to do some redstone i want it to be some sort of redstone clock but i’m going to use a hopper clock because it’s a little bit more reliable it has a very quick and

Easy design or if you put some items in here it will keep moving back and forth i want the place to turn this on and off to be right here and a redstone lamp okay well maybe i’ll put it in the wrong place because the lamp shouldn’t be on

All the time yeah that’s my mistake let’s move it across by one something like this should make it work correctly and an item should go around every time as you can see that’s perfect so i’ve messed around with the timings just to get it right the trunk loader should be

Working perfectly i’ve also hooked the lever up so i can easily turn it on and off instead of using a single piece of netherrack we’re going to grab loads of nuggets and shove all of those in and that should come back up to 64. there we

Go so it is working it’s been sent back through everything’s going to plan whenever i want to turn the trunk loader off i can just flick this lever and that piston will stay extended so that the clock will not carry on and i can turn it back

On with the flick of a switch so now i need to just test out and see if it actually does work correctly and i suppose that would mean giving it some items to smelt so let’s grab some tnt as well as gunpowder and shulker boxes and

I’m sure you know what’s coming next i’m gonna fly all the way along this tunnel to go to the desert and then completely obliterate the land an operation get loads of sand is complete so we shall fly back home and it really is something amazing it is desert now look at it it

Actually looks so so cool i need to finish the whole desert to look like that wow i love it yeah the whole desert should allow that it’s something special about it i don’t want to smell every single piece of sand that i’ve collected but still enough to know that the trunk

Loader definitely works should be more than enough blaze rods in every furnace let’s go ahead and chug all of this sand in there i like to watch this bit just watch everything suddenly turn on at the same time every single furnace more or less any second it’s gonna happen guys i’m sure

There we go they’re all coming to life perfect now it’s up to the junk loader to do the rest and i am going to fly far far away because if i’m too near i’ll blow in the chunks it would just completely defeat the whole purpose of

It and whilst i’ll leave that to see if it’s working i’d like to do my own little test i’m going to put 60 minutes on the clock and see just how many diamonds i can find in 60 minutes should be an interesting experiment what sign

Of the kind of cave i was looking for but you know what i’m gonna dive mine along and as soon as i come to a cave i’m gonna start the timer look at this on me away i’ve i’ve discovered an amethyst geode well that’s kind of cool i don’t really need

Anything from it but the calcite is kind of useful is it calcite or is it called kai i can’t remember i remember getting told off by you guys but pronouncing it wrong and can’t remember what’s right oh my goodness i found diamonds whoa do they count you know what the time starts

Now 60 minutes on the clock okay i’m not sure if it’s that messes up the experiment but i’m going to spend some time strip mining now to find a cave okay mission accomplished as well to find a cave i should have brought night vision didn’t really think this through did i

Do i have any night vision no okay well we’re just gonna have to use my eyes good thing i ate plenty of carrots today they should help me see everything including the diamonds oh my goodness didn’t expect to be lava there already up to three no make that four okay yeah

We’re not building with diamonds we’re not we’re not going that route only if i can spot any others underwater and then that would be no i can’t but i can spot some over here finding diamonds in minecraft it just is easy peasy but until i have a ridiculous amount of

Diamonds how can i truly say that for peasants and i’ll clarify as i’ve always said diamonds themselves aren’t for peasants it’s people who are still wearing diamond armor and haven’t managed to get netherright they’re the peasants okay very very important not to get that confused this was like a great

Game do i mine redstone a bit of time on the clock but redstone’s redstone way way more precious to me than diamonds because you use so much for things like pistons and observers so it’s definitely worth grabbing the odd bit what have we got here a mine shaft this is prime location

For diamonds and anything else you know you never know a gonna but i want a notch chapel if i got three in this episode that would be a pretty good achievement also the lower you are the better the chance of the diamonds so dropping down and looking here isn’t a

Bad idea but it didn’t pay off this time seem to keep finding amethyst geodes more than anything and would you look at that even more diamonds and after digging around a little bit more there was a third one there so that’s why i always like to do extra checking with

That i have got diamond number 10 and that was in less than 10 minutes my goal is to get an entire stack within the hour i’m sure i can manage it when i eventually find some of the massive caves and just whilst doing some strip mining i found a big deposit of damage

That’s brought me back on track because i was i was kind of fallen off the average about 17 no 18. fantastic and we’re in another cave as well that’s great i wonder what secrets it will bring now this is more like the kind of cave i’ve been looking for and it’s a

Cool way to use the f3 menu you can use it on the right and look and see what block you’re actually looking at and you know you never know you might see some diamonds underneath lava no success in that lava lake though but even better there’s some over here and there’s a lot

Too there’s at least four looks like five that means i’m up to 23. and this cave is beautiful it is massive just what the doctor ordered and i am determined to try and find some diamonds by doing this method it doesn’t seem to be too effective but you know i’ll just

Keep looking i’ll do that and they’re like oh i wonder if there’ll be any around here i’m literally stop looking at the f3 menu and start using your issb because there’s some perfectly good diamonds right in front of you and not just one two or three nice doing my

Best not to burn them it’s easier said than done sometimes i was another yeah you see if i mined that they would definitely burn let’s grab that yeah look at that beautiful and looking through lava strap yeah it’s i mean it does work but it’s just so

Rare i guess for it to work i think it’s just quicker to keep exploring the cave or to search underwater for them and it looks like with these two up here i now have half a stack of diamonds never gets old walking around the corner and seeing

A couple of diamonds but in the smaller caves it is definitely harder to spot them but still very very doable and that is 40 diamonds in less than 27 minutes from very very good pace at the moment okay look at that finally my plan for deep slate diamond or i think there is

Some right here using the f3 menu it actually worked all that for one diamond but hey we’re up to 50 diamonds now with 37 minutes on the clock gone and we have opened up into a decent sized cave i’ll keep searching for the elusive diamonds and that is 60 diamonds found make that

61. that is diamond number 62 6364. yes we have now got over a stack of diamonds with nine minutes still to go we’re just three minutes left i’m still going strong on a grand total of 69 diamonds and that’s it it’s all over well it’s just got an hour and i’ve found it

So 69 diamonds is how many i managed to find in an hour but in one hour and one minute i managed to find 72.73 oh this would have been great in the top as well i guess i kind of found 73 but they don’t count 69 is the

Official total and there’s another one round here of course just at the aft after i finished it now i can’t stop finding them yeah either way it was a pretty successful mission and oh my goodness look at this cave i can swoop out of it so well and dig my way up the

Rest of the way now let’s hurry up and fly all the way home because i want to see did my chunk loader work is my super smelter in action well we’ll soon find out here we are home sweet home let’s drop all of these items into here we’ll

Go and find out if we’ve got good news or bad news all the furnaces have stopped the items aren’t there yeah it looks like it should be good news the question is where have all the items ended up i don’t think enough chunks were loaded for them to actually go

Around the you know into the sorting system yeah they’re not here and they’re not showing just yet let’s add in the deep slate diamond circle okay we’ve got a pretty good collection of diamonds going haven’t it and this is where all the glass has ended up as you can see so

It did go through the system and it’s reached here but of course it can’t go any oh what’s going on there oh there is a backlog okay that is good to know so if i’m using the trunk loader there will end up being a backlog and that’s because these chunks aren’t

Loaded so the items will just be stopped somewhere on the water stream when you know they’re at the trunk loader’s distance they’ll come along here well when i reload the chunks and they’ll suddenly all all of them you know entire shulker box worth just ends up on top of

There the hoppers can’t pick it all up in time which leads to a massive backlog so i’m gonna have to do something about that on the other side shouldn’t be too difficult i’ll just have to add a little more hoppers you know what time it is

Guys it’s not chapel time so i’m going to fly far far away build another portal and start searching a desert has been located with a ruined portal right here nothing too interesting here we have pyramid number one and this is also a great way to collect sunstone and

There’s nothing of use in this one i better be careful that i don’t i took a little bit longer than i should have done that here is the second one and this time i don’t think i’ll blow it up just for safety reasons and here we have the classic desert pyramid inside a

Village this has happened twice before and both times there’s been a notch apple will it be three for three it looks like the entries sadly no as we’ll get some use out this village so i’m gonna sleep in your bed and now the search can continue and in the fourth

Pyramid i once again had no success oh and the fifth one though we’ve had success that was very very quick indeed so i’m just gonna search this desert a little bit more because there’s still more of these pyramids to be found although the sixth one didn’t have any

Joy and the same result with this ruined portal and look at this one very hidden underground sadly nothing good hidden in the depths and what about this one had some diamonds and nothing else good at this point i’ve kind of lost count of how many i’ve actually searched and

There’s not too much of this desert really left but despite that there’s still another up ahead my memory served me correctly this is the tenth one 10th one that once again had no joy i almost didn’t see this one it is so well blended unfortunately doesn’t look like

There’s anything to be fine i don’t know why i’m picking up emeralds because i’ve heard raidfall that gets me millions of them and it’s the same with my gold farm it gets me way way more than i could ever get from these pyramids i feel like i’ve searched so

So many of these and i still don’t seem to have had much joy but i didn’t give up in searching and i’ve been successful has to be said this has been a very successful mission i’m gonna sleep before i go home and carefully navigate through the nether

And in a 200 iq move the way i’m going to get all the way home is by digging a massive tunnel which can be there for the tnt another right when i do it later nothing like doing a bit of multitasking is there after all this time this is the

First time i’ve actually come across any ancient debris look at that it’s three pieces i now seem to be finding loads of it in a short space of time i think the tunnel i’ve dug is now long enough i’m gonna fly up a little tower so i can

Find this place again and fly the rest of the distance home using the elytra all of this can go into the auto storage and the ancient debris can be smelted now to grab two item frames and two more nut chuckles can be added to the wall

And that means i have 38 in total and i’m going to try to do something where every time i do it it usually goes wrong going to require a few stone cutters glass water and grindstones plus the materials to spawn the wither i’ve got

39 of in here now i’m going to set my spawn right here and head on through then i need to build a spot for a wither to go right here there’s going to be a stone cutter here and a wither like that it’s going to have water above its head if i

Can do that correctly as you can see everything is working as it should it’s this next bit where i usually end up having to battle a wither that i’ve got to be prepared for i’ve actually realized a better way to do this without the wither completely breaking my farm

And everything if i actually get rid of this weather okay don’t be angry at me please i don’t think you can see me good okay we can get rid of it oh well it’s super simple then at least it was simple until the bow stopped working now

I’m actually gonna have to hit it and yeah it’s gonna start shooting me and stuff which is not a good news if we can just keep it flying up though it shouldn’t really be able to break anything too much that i can’t easily fix there we go let’s replace

Glass and change these to the end stone next i’ll grab a few extra bits of redstone by nipping back to my house now i’ve got everything that i need when i flick this lever you’ll see the snow golem starts shooting snowballs so i want this to be on a timer timer which

Can be set up using a hopper clock this redstone will connect all along here like well not quite like that it’s going to go all the way this isn’t going to work i put a block there and go like that that will be better now the pistons push down in fact

Let me get this right we do want the redstone there we don’t want this i’ll put five stacks of items in here and i’ve got till this empties to spawn the wither because when it does that will retract upwards so let’s head on through this obsidian will be broken followed by

Stone cutter and spawning in the wither there we go i’m gonna just put that like so that’s all working correctly and now we just wait two minutes for the snow golem to be able to start throwing snowballs and the obsidian farm will work just realize i messed up with the

Redstone that’s another weather i’ve got to get rid of i think that should fix it let’s mine this block and try it all over again and it now looks to be working as intended with the chest nicely filling up with obsidian next i’m just gonna chill in a hole right here

And wait for loads and loads of obsidian i made myself invisible and took off all my armor but i’ve realized that the withered apparently can see you no matter what the golem of salad being defeated and it is wreaking her back on the rest of the world which means i got

To take it down wasn’t too hard so the issue with this farm is as you can see the obsidian has backed up because we have completely filled up the storage but when i tried to go and empty the storage the wither then detected me and escaped so i’m

Gonna fill up loads of these shulker boxes that’s nearly ten shulker boxes worth filled i’m gonna gather these up and then i can take them home these extra ones can also be dyed to be purple and now i want more glass so that i can fix the problem with this storage system

So what needs to be changed is that all of these chests and hoppers are just too close to where the weather is so they’ll all be mined up now when i break this glass and the items will flow all the way down here and all the way over here

Should definitely be far away enough so the wither does not see me i’ve really increased the storage so that it definitely doesn’t overflow this time and now i’m going to dig a staircase leading out of here all of its mined out and i’m just removing a few extra blocks

So that i can better place these stairs very nice indeed this chest here can be full of shulker shells just in case i want to ever transport stuff and now this is all completed i guess we’ve got to test it and we’ve also got to get the iron golem back that was brutally

Murdered by the weather to do that i’ll need to make a trip back home grab a pumpkin and some iron then he can be spawned right here and hopefully pushed in this trap door will make sure he can never leave and you’ll be completely safe here mate don’t ask welcome to the

Last guy though now we put a couple of stacks of netherrack in there and set the farm off hopefully for it to work perfectly the safest place for me is to be all the way down here look at that it’s working perfectly the obsidian is now flowing down really really fast has

To be said that is a job well done a lot of bit of light in here so the endermen don’t spawn let’s just wait to collect up lots and lots of the obsidian enough time has passed let’s go and see how much obsidian we’ve got you know what

Look at this it is working very very well indeed and there’s absolutely no backlog up here because all i can do now is start filling up some shulker boxes and as we said that all of this is a pretty good haul of obsidian in order for me to be able

To safely come and go from the end i will have to get rid of the wither i just have to get it down to half health from a distance and then do the rest from up here with my sword now let’s gather up as many of these as i have the

Inventory space for which turns out to be all of them so that is a job very well done and i’m gonna do something about this piston constantly moving backwards and forwards for sorting the items because it’s kind of slowing it down i instead get a repeater and then

Break this oh it’s lovely to have some pace the comparator goes like that which will then go into a repeater piston over here the observer like that and that’s kind of the speed that i guess it should be yeah doing the dispensing or even better something like this which i don’t seem

To make much difference but it’s still much better than having a piston moving in and out as you can see it’s a lot more i don’t know constant i think maybe if i add a bit more delay to that it’ll be final design i’ve had a load repairs as

You can see this one stays constant and then this one’s flashing on and off when the items stop it’ll or the piston will still retract it is much more peaceful if i do something like this and put items in there it should make this fill up a bit faster

Because now these items coming from two angles next i just need more hoppers along here like this now the item sorter has been improved let’s grab some eyes of ender and then head to spawn and from here i’d like to try and find a brand new stronghold i think i have

Been to this one before but it was so long ago i come to life may remember where it is so the stronghold is roughly right about here and i’m pretty sure digging down here should be the perfect spot there we go mission accomplished and now to find the portal room

Admission to find it has been successful i’m going to light this spawner up because i think it might be a cool thing to actually keep it now to add in all of the eyes and in this hundred days i’m going to create an epic portal room for

This m portal and it will become the main one that i use there’s the other stronghold there’s all sorts of stuff in it like they’re set up for the obsidian farm and yeah i don’t want to ruin all of that but i don’t want it here either

Apparently torches do not stop you guys from spawning now let’s head through this portal remove this one and i’ll build one here that’s going to line up perfectly with everything let’s just double check i’ve got this right and not built in the wrong place yep that looks

Good to me and now to build a massive long tunnel that will connect to the nether hub and this full tunnel is now complete with all of the bridges as you can see it is very very long i didn’t realize it was going to be this long it’s going to take

Some time to put together it it’s completely dismantled the old creeper farm and it comes all the way to here now i just need to dig this roof so that it is six high in total and whilst digging out this roof i found a very rare piece of ancient debris next i’m

Gonna fly all the way back home get rid of all of this stuff and grab lots and lots of black stone and next i’ll be placing all of this down all the way along here already a big straight of slabs has now been done as you can see

My pickaxe is looking a little bit worse for wear so i shall get it repaired at the gold farm and that is all of the slabs placed down and now to begin with the basalt pillars starting with this beam all the way along is probably my

Best bet that is both of the beams done all the way now to add all of the pillars in between and that is all of the pillars done as well next i’m gonna need loads of these warped wart blocks they’ll also be adding slabs along like

This and now that all of those are down let’s start adding this and that is one side complete now to complete this one and this side is now complete as well next i’m gonna place netherrack all the way along here so that i can put stairs

On the side and that is the stairs down which means the warped water roof is the final thing to be added and that is the roof also now completely done let’s just add a load of chains with lanterns underneath and there we have it it was a bit of a

Mega project but all of it is now done i think it’d be cool to make this portal look a little better which will involve placing obsidian around the edge like this also going to be digging out behind this and placing warped wart and finally some slabs along here just to cover it

Up now let’s light it up and head through connects up perfectly to the stronghold and once this whole place is transformed it’s going to be amazing but before i can do that i do just need to finish the front of this tunnel here why is there always a chicken the amount of

Chickens i get in this nether it’s just absolutely unbelievable not to worry though we’re going to have something like this all around i’ll use slabs to fill in the gaps i mean it is technically meant to be four blocks but it does work as full blocks anyway

Finally i’ll add a trap door on there that is looking very very good so two of the ways in this nether hub are now complete and eventually these other ones will be done let’s drop off a bunch of this stuff and now i think it may be a

Good time to fly up here head to the fortress farm and start collect up a load of xp to mend my pickaxe and i have now made it to level 350 i’ve got loads of blaze rods quite a bit extra gold this can all be dropped off into chests next i’m

Going to grab lots and lots of gunpowder and in fact i’m going to grab so much of it that i have 30 shulker boxes worth this year will farm really has been so so useful in my netherite beacon quest and now i have already completely destroyed this particular desert so i’m

Flying out in search of another one that i can ruin we’re in a savannah so i guess a desert won’t be fun in fact it looks like one might be loading into view i’ll quickly check this rain pool nothing of use there and now to find a

Good section of desert that uh isn’t too close to a mesa nice to find a pyramid on my way i wonder if ever been to this one looks like the answer is yes is there any desert temples i haven’t been to at this point i’d say this desert

Right here probably looks like the best place now to gather up a little bit of sand craft tnt then i can start blowing this place up And that is all of the tnt crafted about six shulker boxes worth and now i just need to fly all the way home and then i can drop off all of these empty shulker boxes put the spare sand in here and here is the hole that i took earlier

Where i can begin placing loads and loads of tnt and i’ve got over 10 000 pieces that i want to place so uh this is going to get me a lot of ancient debris and that is all of the tnt placed let’s light it up and start collecting up the

Ancient debris i placed enough tnt to fill up my entire tunnel but i’ve still got like three shulker boxes worth so i’ll probably save them for a bit of a later date i would have liked to get 18 blocks of netherrite today but i think

That might end up being a little bit too time-consuming so just getting nine or ten blocks is fine with me also guys we are on a quest for four million subscribers this year and it’s not gonna be an easy quest but if you are new and enjoy this video then please don’t

Forget to subscribe and i’ve managed to get 36 pieces which is one entire netherright block just nine more to go that is an entire stack of the ancient debris and if i do something like that those are all the ones that are going to be filled i also find it useful to pick

Up quartz while i’m doing this because it’s a great way to get loads and loads of the ore and then if i go into my ender chest and get this magenta shulker box i can go ahead and put it in there and this will be very useful if i ever

Need xp when i’m out and about for example when i’m traveling really far in my electrical brake it’s just useful to be able to break out another quartz or and get the xp from it also as you can see i spent a bit of time going through a basalt delta unfortunately not a

Single piece of ancient debris in there which is a bit strange but we’ve got some up here i suppose because the the size of the blast is smaller than this compared to where it’s the netherrack that’s why you can’t really find any at the very least that’s why you’ve got

Less chance of finding any but in this area there’s lots of it to be found and that is stack number two complete with loads more ancient debris to be found there’s few things more satisfying than exploring these massive blown up tunnels and finding loads of ancient debris some

People in the comments can believe that i just take entire cuts until i get to the next stack yes there’s a lot of me just painfully running through these and just looking for ancient debris and manning it up that you don’t see it’s both satisfying and painfully repetitive

But when that netherright beacon is finally finished it will definitely all be worth it and that is stack number four and also the fifth one oh my goodness look at this i have never seen five together although they are in two different chunks which makes a bit more

Sense this is a great little boost though and the end of the tunnel has now been reached with a fantastic amount of almost six stacks i’m going to dig me well i’m gonna attempt to dig my way out of here probably not in that direction

And the best thing is i’ve got loads and loads of spare tnt for the next episode and here we are home sweet home and i reckon the best way to deal with all this ancient debris is flick this lever so that okay i don’t know what happened i’m pretty sure

Yeah nothing can come out of this chest then i took all of the ancient debris to be smelted now yeah it will be slowly using blast furnaces if all these are blast fences but because there’s so many of them just wait a second and you’ll see every single one of them

Comes on together look at that beautiful and they’ll all be simultaneously be smelting this ancient debris and it’s all just filtering into this chest so so fast and whilst i wait for that i’m gonna grab the ancient debris that i put in here earlier as well as a little bit

In this shulker box let’s fill this one up with all of the spare quartz i’ll take the the loose quartz out though just the ore in there and then all this can be sent down to the chest room if bow and arrow can go back i should

Probably at some point repair my bow since you can’t put mending and infinity on the same boat which is kind of annoying instead the way to repair it will be to grab three bits of string combine it with three sticks and then fix it using a number 33 what a ripoff

Hour we might as well do it i mean i did have 350 levels after all now then looks like this is all finished oh look it just looks beautiful doesn’t it then i’m going to unflick this lever which will unlock the chest and i’m going to fill

This with netherex i’ll just get a load of nether bricks from it could be useful and whilst i leave those cooking i’m going to need a lot of gold now do we have a lot of we do have a lot of gold this is the exciting part put it

Together for ingots look at that over it just it looks looks beautiful doesn’t it we’ve got loads and loads how many blocks are we going to get 11. that really is fantastic now we’ve nearly run out of gold which is a bit of a problem

But not to worry we’ve got a few sparing dots for next time as well let’s place these down yeah this is the very very satisfying part and there’s just five more to go to finish the bottom layer and once the bottom layer is done it will near enough be halfway which is

Exciting my goal is to have it done by 4 500 days that’s that’s the day that we’re shooting for although that could be quite the challenge and you’ll also be able to see that uh both my pickaxes do need repairing especially this one and also it’s flint and steel that’s

Seen better days doesn’t it so to do that i’m going to fly all the way to my nether perimeter where i can get lots and lots of xp and from this i have got more than enough xp to heal all my items i’ve got so many blade rods yeah there

Definitely needs to be a bit of a storage system here at some point it’s just clogged up with so much random stuff as you can see so if i forget if i could have a system where like all the gold nuggets go down to the gold farm

And the blaze rods you know like going to another thing it would be amazing hopefully i’ll get that done in this video but right now i’ve got all the stuff to be getting on with such as putting all of these blaze rods into here to be the

Fuel even though the furnaces are pretty full okay they can always be topped up more and the next thing to be done is sort out this ax as you can see it is not maxed out every other tool and armor that i have is completely maxed but yeah

My axe for some reason is not i even maxed out the front and still so yeah we need to sort this out the upgrade that is missing is sharpness five i think the reason for it is probably because mac’s broken and i just never got around to

Putting that one on as well so we can buy sharpness five from one of these guys and this is the man for the job but it needs 64 emeralds and i only have 57 okay well that’s a slight problem hopefully i have got some at this

Redstone farm oh look at that indeed i have perfect that’s the exact right amount i’ll take a couple of extra stacks down there anyway buy the book and add it to the axe that’s more like it and now i want to build a new farm

You think at this point i’d run out of ideas for farms but today when i build a brand new end portal room i’ve been eating quite a few purpur blocks how do you craft purple blocks well you need chorus fruit so yeah we need a way to

Farm them it is one of the simplest farms that there is you know it’s not really a way to make it a complicated one but it should still be a great farm nonetheless and the next question is where do i build this i’m thinking the lava farm you know it was good when

It was built but since then i’ve made a much bigger and better one at the guardian farm so in my opinion this has got to go and now i’m starting to think that if i make it so that this staircase goes down a bit lower then i’ll be able

To have it branch off at different angles and i’ll be able to get quite a few farms down here somewhere through here there is the aquarium can i even dig to it at this point yeah there you go you can see this so i’ve got to make sure that i don’t go

Too far well i’ve got to make sure i go down far enough in fact yeah make sure i go down low enough otherwise everything could start to get a bit tangled up and since i am pretty much out of cobblestone if i go into my other chest and grab this

Pickaxe now when i start mining i will be getting cobblestone which will be very very useful no point collecting loads loads of stone because that doesn’t grab quite as many uses as cobblestone so i reckon right about here is a good place to dig a room for this

Chorus fruit farm and apparently i’m just a little bit too far away from the beacon to get haste now i can’t have that since haste is going to be very very important to me so get myself a brand new beacon and i’ll build one down underground here i might as well be

Really really low down with it since they give the effect upwards all the way up to sky limit now this full room is dug out i’ll grab the iron and build my beacon now that that’s all done let’s go and give myself haste two swim up and

Out of here and just to make the beam look a little nicer i’ll grab some light blue glass and use it to change the beacon’s color now that that’s all sorted i can get back to mining out this massive room in fact i want to be doing

It with getting cobblestone at the same time don’t i’ve also discovered that chorus plants can grow to be up to 20 blocks high so this is going to be a much bigger room than i realized and i reckon this is going to be a big enough

Length and width for the room but i am going to want the roof to be black concrete i want this kind of room to look like a massive void if that makes sense it’s gonna be much easier to burn the roof while i have this floor below me

Rather than me mining out and then try and do the roof later and that is all now mined out we’ve we’ve ended up connecting up to a mine shaft and i also want to make the room a couple of blocks wider on both sides oh well we found the

Beacon beam you know what we won’t be making it a couple of blocks wider after all and that should now be enough dug out which means i will now fly all the way up to go all the way down to the chest room so i can get some black

Concrete now will i have enough blank concrete possibly not so that means grabbing a bunch of sand as well as gravel it looks like black dye is in a little bit of short supply for now i’ll just put this concrete powder in okay i’ve done that wrong that was the actual

Concrete now the concrete powder is in and poor people they use insects if they want black dye but rich people like me that have spent 3500 days in the world well we use wither roses if we want black dye yes that’s that’s the way to

Do it in a way it’s still kind of crazy that this is the fastest way for me to get black dye although i suppose my newest guardian farm does also give me ink sacks and now that it’s all been crafted i can begin turning the powder into concrete and that is now all

Successfully done and it is in here so next i’m going to take this and fly all the way up look at this you know i may have taken a bit of damage but some pretty good piloting skills and then this roof can be filled in as well as

The walls i have already run out of concrete but you can probably see just how much of a black void it is going to create when it’s done very strange it’s interesting that i’ve actually never done something like this before i’ve got loads of spare sand for concrete but i’m

Worried i’m not going to have enough gravel for the entire project so i think it might be my best interest to grab two or three or even four of these and then i’m gonna head to the bottom of the ocean to mine up lots and lots of it

Yeah day three five five eight feel like i mined up loads of lows and picked up so much of it but didn’t even fill a full shulker box so it looks like i’ll just have to keep on mining and i think i have enough gravel i’ve also got a shulker box that’s

Nearly full of it i know i brought these other three ones i don’t know if i can really be able to fill them as well and there is also a bit of an easier way for me to get gravel anyway only problem is it’s also a little bit slower but if i

Just fly up here and head down through the bedrock i can send a little bit of gold down to those guys and i can collect the gravel from it actually well i have way more gravel in here than i realized i’ve been mining it off the

Ocean floor for the last 30 minutes i should have just come here good thing i also brought so many shulker boxes because well they’re all nearly filled let’s also take out these extra items they don’t really need to be there anymore yeah look at that every single

All four shulker boxes full of gravel and a little bit of an overflow in these two as well black stone seems to be something that’s a little bit slower to get i’d also like to bring as much quartz as i can i can’t bring the

Whole lot but that will do for now and now to go all the way back home by following this beautiful blackstone slab trail that i very cleverly made and with that i can drop off this quartz shove these items into the shulker box and craft plenty more black concrete powder

And once again all of the powder must be converted to concrete and that is all of that done the only thing i can think of before continuing that down there is to head to the nether and fly all the way up here and use my gold farm to repair

My pickaxes because there is gonna be quite a lot of mining involved so two fully repaired pickaxes will be very useful now that everything is mended i am almost ready to continue working in this room i am just going to finish the walls yeah this room is going to look

Insane when it’s done it looks so strange but in order to build a chorus fruit farm you you need something very specific let’s just put those in there and yeah you need chorus flowers unfortunately i have plenty of the fruits but not the flowers so i can use my brand new

Corridor to go all the way to the end this really is a great way to travel yeah i don’t know if i’m gonna keep or get rid of this spawner still but i feel like we could make a cool feature with it now i must head through

A gateway and the chorus flowers are these bits on top so these are the bits that you can plant so i believe i can just mine as you can see it’s a chorus flower if you plant one of these on the ground or in stone it will grow into a

Chorus tree but if you break it like that you don’t get the flower it’s a little bit of an annoying thing to have to mine manually it doesn’t matter too much because once i’ve got plenty of these i’ll be able to farm them manually from my house anyway like accidentally

Upset and enderman what’s your problem mate and i have now got an entire stack of these little chorus flowers it’s made me realize that if i really did want loads and loads of chorus through i could just go and run around do something like this and then go and pick

It all up but me being may have of course i’ve got to turn it into a farm it’s more fun that way and i’ll have to bother going to the end these seedlings can go in the sugar box for now and the courage fruit into the storage system

And now that i’m thinking about it i think i am going to need quite a bit more black concrete powder what i’ve got in there is it’s just not going to be enough and i’m starting to worry that i’m actually gonna run out of black dye

You know for all what i was saying you know got loads of weather roses yes i have got a lot but they will not last forever crafting all these will make an entire shulker box worth and yeah the wither oh supplies are not looking too good i know i’ve literally just been

There i think it’s in my best interest to go all the way back and then fly to the wither rose farm which as you can see it even says it at the top all you have to do is rename a wither for that to happen then i can afk up here on

Well up here a little disoriented in the void but yeah on this glass platform watch the enderman run through and turn into weather roses i’m just curious i’ve actually got any wither roses to start with i’ve got well i’ve got four in there so i suppose that’s pretty

Good we have got a lot of ender pearls in here as well why what on earth has gone on here somehow the bottom of this did break i think do i need to put one like that and then will that get him no i’m telling you

It’s been a while since i built this farm and i’ve just realized yeah i put a block believe this for some reason when in reality yes i’m going to need a hopper thank goodness there’s one in that chest if i break that block put a hopper right there

It should now be pulling any items in for example those weather roses and they should be turning up down here let’s see if the plan works perfectly yep there’s plenty more in here so there’s operation fix the wither rose farm complete and i’m kind of sick of flying

Up and down here i’m gonna go on this glass platform and stay there i think i’ve waited long enough and i’ve got plenty more wither roses to make it a bit more effective i should probably like cover that entire island in double carpets or something then they definitely can’t teleport because some

Of them were just teleporting out all water water is another option these will no doubt be very useful later and i’m going to get all of these converted as well we shouldn’t take too long just uh quite a bit of mining and that is every single one of them now done as well

We’ve got them all in here so now it’s time to crack on in mining out this room and turning it into a dark void Now this is done i have to say it’s a very very strange room to go into let’s drop off a load of items and i also want some yellow concrete for this build so now let’s start placing all of this down and now that that is done let’s add

Dispensers all the way along here with redstone on top and then i want to place end stone where i’m actually going to have the chorus fruits grow now to make a little infinite water source fill the dispensers and finally i’m going to need a button right here so this is how i’m

Going to work out how to move things i’ve realized all of this will now need to move down one layer i’m going to mine out this bring the concrete all the way across and this is the design so far so everything should all flow if i go ahead

And push this button let’s watch it go look at that beautiful just going straight down all the way to the end where it’ll just stop let’s turn that off play up this very long staircase and i’m going to grab some glowstone as well as hoppers you know what a few ladders

Might be useful too so just to give a little bit of light to the area i’m going to change this look at that that looks better it’s so cool is the black round i still can’t get over how cool the black room looks but yeah adding glowstone around the outside just gives

Us that little bit more light and i can’t place i got both of those wrong for the hoppers i’m just gonna have all of them going into this end one in the corner if i need to get up and down then the ladder will help me out also cover up these sides

And if i craft myself a load of slabs they can go underneath here sorry bats you’re gonna have to move that’s all of them placed i’m just gonna remove these little corners and put slabs there instead let’s plant all of these chorus flowers grab some end rods and i was

Going to place them underneath but you know what i i don’t think it really works but what i know does work is having shulker boxes either side like that they kind of look like sharks as well don’t they then we can put the chorus flowers these are all growing

Nicely and then if i mine out the middle place n rods along like this with glass above and we’ve got this this kind of cool thing i don’t know whether it should have slabs underneath but i think leaving open looks good i think we can deem that chorus fruit farm

Complete so now i just need to extend this staircase and add all the blackstone stairs going down and whilst i’m in my storage room i think i’m going to remove the brewing stamina because why do i even have an auto sort for bro sound it’s not like there’s someone i

Use a lot and dispensers would be much better for it if i just go behind here and get to the inner workings of this i think the filter for bringstones yeah there we go we’ll put dispensers in instead and spare brewing stands can go in here whilst i’m here i might as well

Grab loads of string along with loads of sticks buy loads and loads of redstone next i shall craft lots and lots of bows and then craft dispensers and now i have an entire stack of them so i’ll shove them through the auto sorter system which means they’ve then filled up this

Hopper and will be going into the system there we have it 35 dispensers ready and waiting after all that i’ve actually forgotten what i came down here for i think i came for some stone brick stairs and i have one okay well that’s just brilliant thankfully i i have plenty of

Stone bricks so we can go ahead and just craft them using a stone cutter of course way more efficient to use a stone cutter then to use a crafting table and i can place them all going all the way down there and now that they are all placed down i need blackstone bricks

Which i don’t think i’m going to have enough of as you can see i’ve not got loads and loads but i shall fill in as much of the walls as i can i’ll just be mining out this i kind of don’t want to break all this you know it’s a bit of a

Memory you know what i created here the old lava farm so i might just leave it up here hidden behind the walls and that is the roof completely done i’m going to make the floor to be stone brakes and somehow somewhere along the lines i completely

Messed up the roof what am i doing look at that it’s like really cramped in here now i feel like i’m back in the head right we need to sort that needs to be higher up by one entire block and now i can get on with changing these walls goodbye chest

Of lava you will uh you will never be forgotten well i actually have enough black stone to do the wall all the way on this side i don’t think i’ll have enough for the other side though yeah i completely run out while finishing the corridor i’m also curious to see if i go

And take a trident oh it breaks them and then it comes back to me oh look at this it’s beautiful it is probably faster to maybe use a crossbow i have a quick charger on there i have the multi shot to us i’ve never needed to use the

Multi-shot one or i i crossbow in general for anything but this is just a great way to like harvest multiple ones at the same time as you can see all i need is to get enough of the flowers so that i can redo the farm i’d have to get every single one but

These them out can we get all three of them we got one in the end nice as long as i get a minimum of ten flowers it will keep the farm renewable all right i think i’m happy with that i can just reach a few of these by my hand as well

You know we’ll just get rid of these final ones here there we go now we can harvest all of it beautiful it looks absolutely beautiful even some i’ve got some glowing sacks in here what where where on earth are glow squids coming from i have absolutely no

Idea but let’s just grab everything out of here replant the flowers and then shove it all into the shulker box i think i’ll leave this crossbow and the arrows here as well although that does mean i’m now going to need some flint and i would say along with feathers but

Look at that completely out of feathers so that means it’s probably not a good day to be a chicken you know what you guys have been here for so so long we’re starting again with the population this will be your fate pretty soon guys don’t need them don’t need them at all we’ve

Got a ridiculous amount of eggs we’ve completely you know maxed out on all of our storage space somehow you are the only surviving chicken i don’t know how but we’re going to leave you and then just spawn in loads and loads more of you guys yeah all of you guys

Should definitely be enough how is there all just chickens everywhere where did you come from i’m not going to ask questions i don’t know what you guys are all doing in there let’s just get on with making these arrows and i can also use the super smelter to cook all the

Chicken let’s get a stack of arrows crafted they can go back into the shulker box and the choker box can go back into the ender chest loads of these items can just be shoved into here for some reason i don’t have a chicken chest but i have a

A tropical fish chest why would i ever use tropical fish congratulations it is now a chicken chest at least it will be once i change the inner workings of it tropical fish out chicken in and all these fish because they don’t really have a place to go they can just go in

There and now the next thing i’m going to get is more black stone there’s a little bit in that choker box but you know what it’s not enough i’m going to fly all the way in this direction to this basalt delta then i can mine up

Lots of black stone much much easier and i’m pretty sure let’s uh try not lava myself but i’m pretty sure that all the black stone that i can i stop doing that all the black stone that i’ve got should be enough it’s definitely a lot easier just using

The battering farm for future i think but maybe not quite as fast let’s now create some bricks leave these millions of buckets behind it yeah if i ever need a bucket i know where to go and i’ll also continue mining out this wall and there we go walls are complete and i

Reckon putting some ender chest into the wall might be a good idea like i’ve got on that side it’s just it’s just really helpful to have them you know nearby you instead of me having to come up the stairs and then walk all the way over

Here to your under chest now i’ve just got one right here but for symmetry purposes we’re gonna need two aren’t we and then i am actually gonna have to walk all the way downstairs because i actually want a couple of polished black stone brick stairs that can go there and that can go

There then i can grab myself me torches and i need quite a few of them to place them on the wall as we go downstairs because at the moment it’s it’s just a little bit too dark yeah that’s much much better loads of spare black stone

For future use as well and now since i’m going to be needing quite a bit of pepper let’s take the cause fruit and harvest some extra ones down here then all of it can be taken to the super smelter in the volcano and be cooking away now i also wanted to stay here

Because i don’t have a place for pop chorus fruits in the storage system so any moment now all the furnaces will turn on look at that it just looks so beautiful they are now doing their cooking i’m gonna get some sleep right next to my little bedroom plushie

Available at sb737.stall and now i want to build a bit of a contraption that will fix a problem on my gold farm i think all these items should be enough let’s fly on over there so the main issue for this farm is that if i go through one of these portals does

Connect up fine for some reason this pulse is always stopping even though let’s say if i flick this lever you’d think there’d be a pulse all the way going around but it always breaks so i need to create a new and improved clock system it’s gonna be a pretty straightforward one using

Hoppers as well as sticky pistons redstone blocks and comparators yeah you’ve probably seen me do these many times before then if i just put a bunch of items in here you will see that this will move every time a hopper ends this one’s about to run out and it goes back

So i probably don’t need that many items in it’s probably a few too many but then i’m just gonna hook an observer up to that so that it will send the pulls every single time it needs to so i’m just using five or six items and i

Reckon this is a pretty good speed for it to be going around we don’t even actually need that there either and that adjustment in redstone should completely half a half oh my goodness but yeah it should completely solve the problem so now i’m going to switch off the fortress

Farm and i’ve just realized things aren’t quite working as expected i must have done something stupid and there is water now flowing down here best way to stop that from happening again is going to be to make some sort of sign i tell you just when you think you’ve done

Everything of course something has to go wrong couple of signs here will mean that no water can flow through you’ve got a fish down here that’s how that is what do you do yeah get out of here and then i can fix the broker not like that

I can’t oh yeah i can fix the broken redstone okay look at all those items i’m about to go through i always have to make things more hard work than they need to be don’t know but now it is all working and items are going into here and whilst

I’m here i want to get something else that’s kind of going to be useful and i can actually grab it i think from one of these shulker boxes yeah we’re just going to get one of these lanterns there’s a long way to travel just for one little item hunter i’m just going to

Place that there and then if i was to get some gold it’ll be much easier to sing down to these guys because i’ll have two to aim for i can go like that and they will be very happy to barter all of it i’ve just been looking the

Farm is working fantastically loads and loads of gold which i might as well give to those guys down there and now i want to make a few adjustments to the storage system or so say lack of storage for this fortress farm at the moment it’s just a complete and utter mess all of

This looks like it’s going to be good to me let’s now make a storage system well the first issue i have is i’m going to need to empty all these chests so i think if i you know i’ve got to get organized here let’s shove all of these

Items i’m going to be building with into here grab as many blaze rods as i can drop them off and grab a bunch of shulker boxes to fill them up with all these items as we’ll take these nearly four stacks of gold and send them down

To you guys and that is the storage successfully emptied we just got loads loads of gold swords everywhere gold swords that are all going to be burnt now i can have another full shulker box of blaze rods dye it to be orange and put it in here with the rest of them i

Think i can now at long last get on with building the new and improved story how on earth did you guys master sneak in there these hoppers are gonna go into two different droppers and the droppers will send the items down this shoot but to do that we’re gonna need observers

Connected to pistons and comparators coming out of the droppers quite like the redstone i’ve got here so if i just put some items like that i think that look at that dispensing beautifully all the way down here and that’s where the next storage phase can begin got my item detection system although i

Probably need some string so now it can detect when items fall down i’m actually going to want all the gold nuggets and ingots to be able to drop straight down here into the gold farms storage so you know we’ve got one storage but the problem is there’s an entire fortress farm in the

Way to go there so i’m thinking if we have it drop right here that should be a good spot and the block that i need to break to get down there is right about i think it’s i think it’s this block right here never mind it’s not it’s that block right

There okay so yeah i need to break this bedrock under here i also need a way for all of those items to be sent all the way over there first things first let’s nip home and grab the materials for breaking bedrock here are all of the items that i’ll need plus the obsidian

In there and now i can get busy breaking it and that should be piece number one if i use a pickaxe to be good but yeah piece number one is broken and i’ll also have to break quite a few of them around it to be able to break the one below it

And now i can break the piece of bedrock that i need to and the hope is there’s no more bedrock below and we can just if we just get the shovel oh no there’s another piece great that means i’ve got to break way way more bedrock now and i

Have now broken up bedrock to be able to break the final piece that will allow all items to come on through there we go i think i might add a little bit of glass around here as well and when an item falls through it’s going to come

All the way and it should land bang on the only issue is that yes at the moment there’s gold coming through because the piglet farm is activated but if it normally won’t be activated so i’ll need an observer probably just above yeah i reckon if i do something like this and have an

Observer right there then it should all work perfectly just to make it extra safe there’s one more item that i want to get and that is a couple of cobwebs now right here there’s going to be a cobweb just to slow things down and then the same thing at the top whatever i’ve

Got to build it first so the observers here it’s got a string next to it so it’ll detect more items and then we’re going to have a couple of repeaters i think this is quite nifty redstone really we’re going to just go like that that like that’s when it

Detects it should extend the piston below me spawn proof the quartz with some glass on top if all’s gone to plan i can go like this and look at that there we go they’re getting pushed out so next the blue ice pathway is needed needs to be some ender chest right here

To align the items and an observer with string like this and so now when an item goes through it gets pushed out i’m hoping the items will be able to reach all this way so this shoot goes up all the way and it’s going to connect i’m not going to go all

The way down i’m going to you know have a gap so i’ll just come loose but i think i’m gonna have a cobweb going down as well it should just help with items not flying off the way they’re not supposed to and now the big question is

Will it reach with a single piece of string through the machine come on please just get all the way no it’s it’s not this would be so much easier if i had access to water but not to worry i can still make it work and that should all connect up nicely i just

Need to spawn proof it with glass above as well and there we go the only thing i really want is maybe a little bit of glowstone and to also break the last of this blue ice but the bit that will send the gold down should be working

Perfectly and all the useless items like swords and stuff will just be getting burnt so i’m gonna go on a quick mission to try and track down glowstone and the mission didn’t take long there is some in the roof i don’t need that many pieces but i’m just going to get as many

As i can there we go i have got loads 41 now to use them to spawn proof it just makes it so the obsidian’s lit up so nothing can spawn on there same thing for this one if i actually go like this i can test it out is that glass is that

I don’t know well i hear things going on but i guess it went through i’ll just do another test with a bit of redstone see what happens and it has managed to get stuck on top of here so all that needs to be done for that is i

Need to just open it up i’m gonna think go like that let’s also put the glowstone right that yeah i think that i should still be spawn proof that’s probably where the issue was but that is still spawn proof to make extra certain i’ll put some gloves down there this bit

Of clothes done it’s probably not in as good as position as that one and that should do it if i go ahead and put let’s i don’t know what to do whatever i put in is going to burn so you know what i’ve got loads of

String let’s put all that in it is going down now let’s see is it going to fall through i’ve got a bit of time actually because it’s going to be going through the cobwebs first so i’m going to have to just kind of keep an eye out here

And watch the items coming to this cobweb there we go we’ve got some string that is falling through is that all of the string it could be i don’t know but that is yeah gonna slowly come down and then land in the system and it should

Yeah it’s going along and it will get burnt see you later string but the main thing is it’s working as intended so now i’m gonna build the part that will collect up the blaze rods i’m gonna have four hoppers worth which is gonna be more than enough those comparators will

Go into the redstone and then repeaters will take this signal send it into these blocks which will have torches on the side these hoppers are all going to face downwards with hoppers going into the sides of those and for easier access i think at this point it just makes sense

To me to put the blaze rod chests all the way down at bedrock from here there can be something like this and that should be a fully working storage let’s go ahead and just put all the missing hoppers am i gonna have enough hoppers oh the perfect amount these will soon be

Full of blaze rods which is pretty much the whole reason i built the fortress farm but because it gets gold i might as well make use of the gold it’s the last thing i need to attempt to try and do is i don’t know how i’m going to manage

This actually if i maybe if i fly in here i can then break yeah just want to break the quartz oh perfect look at that brilliant maneuvering we’re going to break all of this quartz all the way down and then i just want to test everything out so first things first in

Order to test it i need to fly underneath here can i okay that didn’t quite work but i need to fly underneath here land on there i need an easier way to do that i need to put maybe i’ll put it so the lever goes all the way there

Maybe i’m over complicating it i don’t know either way we flick the lever so the machine is now switched on and from up here i’ll be able to chill take out blaze and look at that they’ll go down and that should go with oh no right i didn’t

Make the item filters don’t panic but this is definitely a time to panic i need 20 different renamed items that are going to be the fill now wait do i need 20 or do i need 16. 16 was the correct answer since there’s only going to be four in each proceeds to accidentally

Put five in a hopper and i could also probably do with a few more blaze rods yeah that would definitely help thankfully this is absolutely look at it there’s loads of them oh my goodness they’re all taking each other out stop well i mean they’re entity cramming

Anyway well let’s see let’s take all those out i have got myself plenty of blaze rods that can then go into these filters oh look at that beautiful they’re all fun up no we don’t want you philip you’re not welcome but yeah once these fill up i get to about 40 then

They’ll start letting items pass through so let me just take out a bunch of you guys looks like the system down here is having no problems with keeping up it’s all look at that it’s just it just looks beautiful to watch or go along ice and

And see it going through the system now that if everything has gone to plan there should be yeah look at that blaze rods are filling up this chest one hopper would probably be enough but i always like to have spares we can go ahead and fill oh what’s going on with

You guys what’s going on with all of you guys this is why we test these things all right bit of a jam in the old machine i reckon the fix for that is to have glass blocks on both sides then nothing will be getting caught part way

Along plenty of new mobs are here ready and waiting and in order to make this completely safe for fully afk use i’m also going to need to get a load of iron blocks and then build a beacon that’s going to give me regeneration because sometimes when you’re using the farm you

Can end up starving if you’re there for ages you run out of food and then you would die but if you have regeneration then you regenerate faster than starvation can kill you and since i do have such an abundance of iron blocks i’m gonna make this pyramid a little bit

Bigger so that i can put four beacons on top i don’t need four beacons but when you’ve got as many other stars as me you might as well just use it the beacons have given me a lot of very useful effects now i just need to spawn proof

It simplest way to do that is just cover it completely in glass and can mobs actually spawn on top of beacon blocks i don’t think so since it is a light source but just to be safe let’s put four glass on there anyway the area

Really is looking good i think i can now pretty much put this entire project to bed and say it is now finished maybe the only other useful thing to be done whilst i’m here is just make this platform a bit bigger because it’s a little bit tight for space and difficult

To land on and put the crafting table and the ender chip oh look at that picked up as well that’s a bonus but i can put those in a bit of a better place like just on the edge something like that and just looking and it seems that

My problem of things getting caught is now no longer a problem this platform will be more than big enough to land on let’s just double check that everything is reaching down here okay i’ll know if it’s working so i’ll have golden guts okay well i’ve got none

So is it working i don’t know we might be having an issue here and yeah i see the issue didn’t think about it but when these items are landing the cobweb they’re not lined up against the ender chest so they’re just going straight into the fire there’s no particularly

Simple way to fix it but my method will be to push them using a slime block and just a little do i actually will i don’t know if i need ice maybe not maybe i don’t need the slime block i will too late now but then if we have a load of

Ender chests all the way up i think i’m gonna break this one and place an extra one here but if it works then it really doesn’t matter i think once i put the string there it it should solve the problem but the cobweb to catch the atoms right

There yeah let’s let’s go and test it i’m pretty sure that this will be the final test and in order to properly test it i’m going to take seven golden goats send them through the system and hopefully they get all the way there so far so good they are in the cobweb and

Now they are in the second cobweb they didn’t take long to go through it goes to there lines up come on surely did it pick them up if they’re in this chest it worked what wait hold on a second there’s a chance there’s one tiny chance that it

Worked yes it did because this hopper was not full of golden guts thank goodness for that i thought i’d somehow messed up again so let’s fill this up put all 28 of these through the system and we see them all show up in the chest i’m very glad that that is properly

Working so now we’re going to test it out for a bit just see how much we get make sure the storage is all good yeah i’m just going to going to fk here for a bit well i spent lots of time here and everything does seem to be working as

Intended the amount of blaze rods that i’ve got from this has been incredible look at that a double chest and a half this just gets a few in this one doesn’t really get any in these two end ones i also got quite a decent amount of gold

From it but i’ve kind of been bashing it to those guys so there’s not much in here at the moment but i might as well send that along to them as well because again all the gravel from these guys is going to be useful for me i could

Probably do with even more than that but for now i’ll just take what i’ve got and get out of here i also think it is probably time to start thinking about creating the end portal room i’ve done loads and loads of other little projects but now i think it’s time we started on

The big one and once again i am going to need even more black concrete unfortunately i’ve got like a little bit it’s just it’s just in a powder form in fact let’s convert it seems to have done nothing but city remind lately yeah one

And a half stacks is good at all but i’m gonna eat 60 sacks in total and that doesn’t mean getting a little more diet and i know i said before that my withers farm is is the way that rich people get die but i’ve realized you know maybe we

Should embrace the actual fastest way to get die yes it is time for me to build a super powerful and fast squid farm that way i’ll be able to get loads and loads of ink sacs i’ve got all the items here except for a couple of stacks of eggs as

You can see all these chickens have grown up they’ve grown into lovely chickens that are just absolutely everywhere once again and now i need to find a suitable river i’m thinking if this is a river this is it this is this is massive okay is it all river or is it

Partly forest haunted f3 menu a lot of its forest which doesn’t really make sense but we’ll keep looking and i actually had an even better idea of where to look in 1.18 rivers were made much much bigger so it makes sense to me to look for one somewhere where there’s no chunks and

This stronghold is in new chunks so from this portal room i shall just dig my way out you know what i’m kind of sick of silverfish i have decided that they are no longer part of the framework so goodbye spawn now let’s get myself dug

Out of here come out into a cave it’s like i’m outside but i’m not like even there’s like lava lakes under here and stuff it’s really weird and i’m super high up so i think i could actually yeah i can actually just fly out but yeah

I was about to dig all the way to the top of a mountain this is what i meant about the rivers being bigger they are just yeah just generally a lot wider in this version i reckon this is the area for me look at that we’ve even got squid

Already spawning here i forgot biomes changed based on the y level so if i’m actually jump it change from darko forest to river so yeah this that’s gonna be interesting because if i’m actually just down here i guess this is all clusters river now this farm is going to require draining a

Bit of the water although at this point i am a bit of an expert doing that now this is the part where it gets fun all of this needs to be drained but then also all the areas around this as well so that we get squids only spawning

Where i want them to and doing something like this is the best way for me to dry all of my sponge now let’s get back to draining i think i need to drain this cave really it depends what y level is at okay yeah maybe i will need to drain

Look at the squids that i support all maggots yeah suddenly i didn’t choose such a good location and whilst it’s a bigger project than i initially expected it also won’t take me too long i don’t think and why won’t it take me too long because i’m gonna head back home grab

Plenty more sponge which should speed up the process a lot of time has passed and i have been doing a lot of draining much to dismay of these poor fish and i have a drain this entire river as far as it needs to to be out this ball distance

Well i would have done see look at this you can see it’s working because there’s loads of squids in it well you guys won’t be spawning here for much longer and there is this cave that goes underneath the river but i don’t need to drain that because squid cannot spawn

Below level y equals 50. and then all of that water down there isn’t in the river biome so i also don’t need to worry about it might as well only get rid of the water that i actually need to get rid of and the same was the case with

All this water here it looks like it’s in a river biome but it’s actually part of the dark oak forest i’m doing this isn’t really necessary but i think i’m going to block up the holes on the side i know squid can’t spawn in there but i

Just feel like it’s tiding up the landscape a bit same for this one right here and finally this one there so i’m almost done but i need to drain a load of this river as well unfortunately because squids can spawn in it but once i’ve done this i

Will be ready to build the squid farm the fact that squids are actually one of the hardest mobs to farmers kind of caught me by surprise it doesn’t help that this river is just so so deep but on the plus side at least it’s not as

Wide as the other one and according to my calculations i need to drain the river as far as this because yeah this is all still river i suppose does drip stone caves not counters river which might be useful i don’t know it’s all a bit of a mix of different biomes so i

Think just to be safe i’m going to drain it yeah all the way up to here that’s quite a lot but there’s only one way to put your well there’s only one way to do it put your best foot forward i have now successfully marked out the entire area

Where the river needs to be removed all of this over here is drip stone caves although i haven’t fortunately run out of sand i’ve got this that i can mine up but i doubt it’s going to be enough for the project so i’m going to place down the sand that i have

Available and then i’ll quickly knit back home to get a new shulker box worth of sand everything in there should be enough let’s also dry out all of the sponge and let’s hurry up and finish draining this river and that is now all of the sun down everywhere is marked out

I just need to get my sponge and get draining and finally i have drained it all out i think this is this is too low yeah it’s below white 50 so that is good and it’s even that way anyway so yeah that was a that was a

Crazy crazy project it better be worth it for this squid farm i do not have to dig out a massive hole here and i’ve come to realize guys that if i continue this squid farm there is absolutely no chance that i get around to doing the

End portal room and and that is more important to me and yes having unlimited ink sacks will be very useful in the future but i think i’m gonna have to just try with what i’ve got otherwise i’d be pretty certain to be going over time in this one and

Something tells me my editor definitely doesn’t want that so yes whilst i’m gonna need a lot of black concrete i’m hoping that i have enough wither roses here to do it and you know what i probably do you know maybe i have just been wasting time i do i’d like to

Say i do want to squid farm it will be faster than a with a rose farm but for the current project this is probably going to be enough for me i’ll start by crafting as much as i can there’s already one shulker box filled up and i already i’m starting to think i’m

Probably now going to run out of sand because i used it all in draining up that river didn’t i although hang on there’s still quite a bit left we might just be okay and i think with that i’ve probably got enough yep making a squid farm is completely necessary for this

Project but yeah like i said it might be useful for future projects nice every bit of concrete sorted look i’ve got gravel and sun to spare and it will also need a load of other items which i will proceed to gather up and i’ve pretty much got

All the items we’re now going to need to do this end portal room as you can see it’s uh it’s a lot of items the only issue is that the oh the black concrete is not yet converted you know what i should probably do that easiest way will

Be to load up this machine and then get mining and finally everything has been converted which means i can grab all of these shulker boxes and also a bunch of blaze rods from there i’m going to see how my popped chorus fruit’s doing look at that looks beautiful it’s all ready

That’s the main thing that this room is missing is a couple of crafting tables so let’s put one there and the same thing on this side and now i need about six stacks of end rods we’ve already got four another two stacks there should be perfect and finally some purple blocks and purpose

Stairs and the only thing i can think that i’ll probably need is something to break the end portal frame yes we’re going to be breaking it you just use the same method used to break bedrock but i am very very happy with everything i’ve got although i’ve just realized i can’t

Count and actually need 23 stacks of n rods not six tax doesn’t look like this farm he’s gonna be quite fast enough for all the course for it i need to it’s all unraveling fast so i’ll have to harvest the extra bits from the end which shouldn’t be too difficult there’s

Literally chorus plants everywhere all of this will definitely be enough although i can’t for life may remember where the gateway is i’m a little bit lost now turns out my problem was i was flying in completely the opposite directions very easy to find i can set all of these off cooking and whilst

That’s doing that i can be off working on the m portal room well guys in classic sb 737 fashion i was not recording as i’ve done all this but we’re nowhere we are above the end portal room and we’re just we’re just blowing it up okay as you can see very

Satisfying we’ve found loads of diamonds from doing this as well i will try not to die as you can see though very very good method for making a very very big hole these seal fish are also getting on my nerves so you guys well let’s just say it’s not going to

End too well for you that’s right get blown up whoa i’m getting blown up i’m okay though i’ve got good armor but yeah whilst i was forgetting to record i basically just said that i have got a a lot of i need a really big hole

And i don’t have time to manually mine it all and i’ve now laced the entire outside of this with tnt let’s see what happens as the chain goes it’s just going to blow up and we should hopefully see some some areas revealed this is just basically the border there

We go it’s going all the way around i think i should do another one above it just so that we can reveal the aerials in how many silverfield oh my goodness yeah i’m just going to proceed to drop a tnt on all you guys yeah watch this are you ready good night vienna

Uh oh i still loads of it so this is about the size of the room i’m gonna need i just need to take out this entire middle bit with tnt and i’ve placed down so so much tnt let’s blow it up and uh watch the magic

Happen i’ve got to get to a bit of a safe distance as well oh my goodness i could have died there but wow we’ve really made some good progress with that one so whilst i have dug out an absolutely massive room it’s still not actually quite big enough for

The entire importer room because it’s going to be a big thing it’s going to look amazing but i i’m going to start building because if i don’t we’re definitely going to run out of time and the first thing to be done is to remove the end portal frame we’re

Going to do that using pistons and tnt if i just go like that you’ll see that the first bit of frame has been removed basically works exactly the same as breaking bedrock does let’s get all 12 of them removed and that is the entire frame removed looks pretty cool

Doesn’t it because i’ve ever done anything like that before and now around this frame i am going to be adding these purple stairs which creates a very cool looking end portal each of the corners are going to have slabs like this and then stairs either side facing that way

And therefore in the middle you can see it creates like that effect and i’ll do that on all of the sides and then the next thing i’m going to need is quite a lot of black stained glass so we’ll grab loads and start to build a bit of a

Floor with it it’s now day 3601 oh dear and yes i made technically i’ve run out of time in this episode but um i’m not stopping just yet i at least want to make some half decent progress on this room and each of these four sides are

Going to branch off into a different color using a mixture of glass and also concrete and i have made a bit more progress you can see it is starting to take shape and it will look really good when it’s finished i’m kicking myself that i thought it was a good idea to

Make a squid farm when i had this massive project i don’t know why i thought i would have time for all this but we have completely run out of time i can’t keep going it’s getting late if you want to see this video then you know

I i i won’t have time to finish this today so the only option is that we finish this portal room in the next episode which which isn’t a problem but i would just love to keep going with building this but but i’m not going to guys okay this is this is what we’re

Getting so far okay yeah it looks like great doesn’t it but yeah it will look good i mean it’s a cool custom portal if nothing else did you win over time in the last episode i’m already three days into this one and that is all because of this project at

The end of this corridor let’s head through this portal and yes it takes me straight to my soon to be finished and portal room but before i can work on that i actually need to go to the end and i need to go out in surge of end

Cities there’s a couple of them up ahead and why am i going out in search of end cities well quite simply it is to collect these dragon heads i also wouldn’t mind getting a few more elytra i’ll also take diamonds and there’s no not really a point taking gold or any

Other stuff let’s just keep searching i am finding end cities all the time but if it’s not got an end ship then i’m not interested it looks like that one ahead actually fits the quarter that’s two heads down and two to go the third one has also been obtained along with the

Elytra and with this i’ve got the four that i wanted let’s get the fourth one of this as well and then realize i i forgot to bring my under chests not the best news since i am completely out of firework rockets although there’s no need to worry is i’ve got one right here

At the end city and now thanks to that i can head back home and i might as well grab a face under six one while i’m in the area can’t seem to stop finding them now end gateway spotted let’s get back home turns out i had loads of these in

This chest already along with an entire shulker box velocity forgot about them but these four heads will still be very very useful and now i’d like to get an unbreaking and mending book these guys are probably the cheapest way to buy it and put it all together with the anvil

Just so i’ve got spare wings in case my original ones break and speaking of original ones breaking the ones i’m wearing right now don’t look too good but they can be repaired at the pigment farm and now that’s sorted let’s have a timer on the screen and see if i can

Track down a notch apple in under 10 minutes this will be quite the challenge the good news is i’ve managed to find a desert as well as the world’s smallest swamp but tracking down the pyramids seems to be a bigger challenge although the first one has been found and it

Looks like i’ve never been to this desert before thank goodness no success in this first one and time is already ticking maybe this was a bit of a harder challenge than i first thought second one was also no good and there’s only seven minutes left there’s another one

Right here but it too was also no good well i am finding these pretty fast is literally one behind me one in front of me just four and a half minutes to go i should probably stop grabbing regular gold apples and but you know what i just i can’t say no

You know speed things up we’ll blow it up like that i’m getting a lot of pyramids but not the rng i need to get the notch apple maybe this one will be better nope it was the worst one yet maybe the mineshaft carts will will help

Me maybe not are we setting up for yet another failure yep yes we are just two minutes to go oh here oh dear well you’d have to say like for the amount of time i’ve spent i have actually been finding a lot of them which is good it’s a

Massive desert and this pyramid is the last chance it’s in a village which is always a good news there’s nothing in here the 10 minute dream will be over and it looks like so yeah that’s not good today ruined portal saved the day nope no it doesn’t nothing in that one either

Just use the totem yep great work sp try and be more careful tell them rambling fast guys i wasn’t really counting on how many have searched but hey we found it already perfect that is more like all right you know 14 minutes 38 or whatever it was

That’s not too bad especially since it looks like the desert’s starting to turn into ocean yeah i’m very very happy with that just checking room portal to be sure nothing there and i would make that into a portal underwater but with too much hassle let’s just build one manually it’s a few thousand

Blocks of a journey back home apparently not the first time i’ve been in this area on the way back i’ve come across a bastion just interested to see if there’s a nutshell three nether iron goats that’s pretty good what about this one nothing else good but definitely

Worth a visit now to continue the journey back home here we are let’s grab an item frame and add it to the wall look at that i’d say it’s nearly full now i can give my plushie a little twirl and get some sleep and as most of you

Guys know i did build a working teleporter in minecraft and i’ve had a new destination bedrock yes and what happens when we press this button it teleports me to my world in bedrock edition a lot of people have asked me for this so i’ve made it possible i have

To modify a few things here and there just to make it work because on java my world is massive and uh some things would break it if i carried them over got my whole house here complete with the goat of minecraft and there’s so so many other things to see it’s available

In the bedrock marketplace so that any device can access it and i’ve made it as cheap as the marketplace will actually let me make it the link is in the description or just search sb737 in the minecraft marketplace there’s also eight pluses to try and find the world and

Spoiler one of them’s in here and now if i press this button to teleport i’m now back home and now i should probably finish what i meant to finish in the last episode this end portal room put the dragon heads in here for later

And i found out where i put all my under chests but i’ve cleared that mystery up let’s grab these diamonds as well as these ones over here and then continue working on this outer rim i seem to be creating a similar black void as the last episode basically i’m just bringing

This down and down into sofia and i need to keep mining out the floor it will be a lot more colorful when i add all the quartz and color decorations but for now the priority is complete in the bottom half and i’m too scared to use tnt down

Here just in case i damage everything that i’ve done up there it’s a little bit dark to see but i’ve almost dug out everything and filled in this black dome that’s another layer dug out so i’ll add a load more blocks and let’s dig out

This final layer and i also have to say looking at the important from below will look so so cool that’s all dug out let’s place the concrete there we go and at the moment this just looks like a massive black void but if i just fly up

Here grab black stained glass and place it on top of all the concrete which will make things stand out a bit better although since it is so dark down there i’m going to start grabbing end rods and place them all the way around and also

On top of these there’ll be quite a lot of them down by the time i’m finished and i’m going to be building these n rods and glass panes all the way up to the top where the portals will be but you can probably start to see how the

Colored theme of this build is it’s all coming together and there’s anybody else stressed that i’m doing all this without holding my totem in hand yet this is where i could die although my mob switches on so another good spoiler i’ve got nothing to worry about and it looks

Like i’ve now run out of end rods so i’m going to knit back home i think using the nether portal will be the best way if you’re wondering why i managed to run out it’s because i apparently had an inability to count properly in the last

Episode so i’m gonna need to nip down here to harvest more of these chorus fruit and get some glowing sacks while i’m at it i still don’t know how the glow squids are getting in here but it’s not too much of a problem next all of

These can be smelted have we gotten in here oh i’ve got loads in that case i’ll just grab all the blade rods i’ll probably leave them i guess there wasn’t enough for them to go into this side and that did not take long at all there’s a couple

More coming and whilst i’m at my base i’m just kind of curious to see how the amethyst farm is doing i kind of left it alone for ages it should just be running on a continuous clock and filling up these chests and oh my goodness look at that

That’s pretty good you know that’s uh i’m not used to get that many amateur shots in fact it looks like it was just harvested like two minutes ago as well when i finally want to make tinted glass that will be very useful now let’s get back to work on building this and that

Is all the panes and the end rods down underneath and now to grab a few different materials and build the structures on top of these tiles there’s gonna be upside down stairs like this then quartz stairs all the way around and upside down ones on top of that and

Grey concrete above that with grey glass to fill in the gaps now to do the same thing in the other three corners and that is the entire underneath now done and so let’s start now building up the next few parts there’s gonna be walls built up here and they’re gonna be made

Out of glass panes with more end rods being added as well i’m also going to start building up this top side of the dome with black concrete and now i’m going to start to build the areas where the four portals are going to be going the portals are now starting to take

Shape as you can see so i might as well grab some clinton steel and light them all up it’s starting to look good but there’s still plenty more work to be done above them it’s a way bigger process than i realized because of all the glass and the end rods and stuff but

It is starting to take shape i’ve also now run out of n-rods so i can craft a load more and top up on supplies and we are now starting to get quite close to the roof here it’s starting to take shape even more now i’m just building

Those beams which will all connect to a part don’t go through the portal as i was saying those beams will connect it to some pillars in the middle which are connected by end rods and the purple blocks like so and that is all of those done now to connect everything up good

Progress has been made up here just need a few more of these purpose slabs to go like this and like that i also need to finish all of this concrete but i’ve completely run out i thought that’d be impossible with the sheer amount that i

Brought but it looks like i am going to need to go and get a little more if i can remember where the original portal was i think i should break it as well with a parkour needed here to swoop back in and it looks like the yellow one is

Gonna be the closest one to connecting to the portal it worked perfectly now to grab some sand gravel and wither roses to make black dye i should give me loads of concrete powder which i can then turn into concrete and now that i’ve got all

Of this let’s get back to work the top is completely done so i just need to cover it in concrete and i think the room’s finished i’m also glad to see that i brought more than enough black concrete and the only other thing i do

Need to add is a beacon beam let’s grab 12 of these as well as blocks of iron and i’m not gonna have just one beacon beam which i just realized these aren’t gonna work yet but instead i’m gonna have three on each oh that’s not quite three on each side basically wherever

I’ve placed the blackstone slab is where it’s gonna go so i think in this position right here and those two bits i’m gonna have to dig a hole all the way up to the surface that’s the first one doug and of course it’s it’s at the top

Of some sort of mountain 114 blocks in the air okay i’ve got a lot of digging to do it but that is the first one successfully dug and there goes the beam for the next one it’s kind of easy to get the position of that and then fly

Straight up and then dig back down again in the exact same location that’s the second one done and the third one as well that is all 12 beacons placed now to continue digging the holes also whilst i’m doing this mining i’d just like to say that i’m on a quest for four

Million subscribers this year so if you enjoy my videos and like my channel don’t forget to subscribe and that is every single one of these now successfully dug i’ll add a bit more of a border around the beacons and a couple of m rods should be added

Underneath stuff as well and with these final ones in place i’ll break all the stone and that is mission accomplished this entire build is now finished although i should also grab the dragon heads because i want them i think where do i want them to go actually

Something like this is so weird placing them down isn’t it but it just adds a l you need to move but it just adds that little bit extra decoration what do you think guys it’s it’s a pretty different looking build isn’t it kind of epic i

Can put some stuff in these chambers if i want to no idea what maybe you know what why don’t you put some ender chest in something like that and then change this to be a crafting table all right that is all of that done don’t want to

Forget to grab my tnt and also any diamond ore that’s left in the area there’s actually quite a lot of them dotted around and guys don’t look so scared yes my pickaxe is so so close to breaking but i’m keeping an eye on it so don’t worry now with those extra 12

Let’s not waste any more time i need to get it repaired at the gold farm and now that everything is fully repaired i can begin the project of completing the bottom layer of this netherite beacon i need just five more blocks which involves finding ancient debris straight away

I just started my tunnel literally from there i got three pieces already well yeah i’m going to dig a long long tunnel and then place down loads and loads of tnt i decided to try spacing these out a little bit more than i usually do see if

It’s actually more efficient or not with my tnt and that is all of them placed down let’s light it up and start collecting up ancient debris because i’ve spaced them out more the chain will break quite a lot but that’s why i’ve got my infinity flame bow and whilst i’m

Mining it up the chain keeps on going and that’s why i usually do so much tnt close together because then the chain never breaks it does make a bit of a bigger hole but hopefully being able to reignite it with flame will make it worth it because these are not very long

Change some of them i also got like over 50 ancient debris just from mine in the tunnels so that’s quite a big success so spacing them out more i didn’t really find much on this first tool i made maybe six or seven pieces and i think that’s probably because the hole is just

So much smaller but i’ve got some much much bigger tunnels to blast up i’m gonna put a little ender chest here just so i know where like the corner point is that tunnel is the longest one let’s start off by going down this one yeah i

Think next time i’m to place way more tnt down i just feel like this is such a slower way to get the ancient debris hey when you get a massive chain like that it’s actually a lot better that is my first stack obtained i need about three

In total seems to go through an area where i’m getting quite a bit of ancient debris now which is good maybe i shouldn’t write this method off just yet looks like another tunnel end has been reached almost missed a piece of ancient debris just saw it as i was flying back every

Piece counts and the beauty of flying back through the tunnels is that i will spot pieces as i’m going and it’s also good training for me elytra as well i’m back at the origin because i found the ender chest and of all three tunnels this one should be the longest and now

I’m up to two stacks of ancient debris let’s just keep going and it looks like i have now reached the end of another tunnel i have 171 ancient debris and as i fly back i’ll keep my eye out for any more think i’m back at the beginning didn’t manage to

Spot any let’s fly up this hole and head back home although whilst i’m in this neck of the woods i might as well come to the blaze farm and gather up xp to mend my pickaxes and now everything is repaired except for the bow because you can’t put both infinity and mending on

It i’m curious to see just how many blaze rods we have now got looks like plenty plenty more what about the gold supplies but it’s also looking pretty healthy indeed for now i shall fly on home and see if i actually got enough ancient debris to finish the bottom

Layer of the bacon i’m going to quickly smelt it all using this super smelter whilst i wait for that i can drop off all this black stone and grab some gold this actually just made me realize i need a bit more gold kind of annoying

When i was literally just at a gold farm but not to worry i’m sure there’s going to be plenty at this one up here yep the chest is pretty full four and a half stacks will be enough looks like all of this has finished smelting and i’ve got

A little bit more in this sugar i’ve actually some to smell as well we’ve got ingots what if i could just put them directly in there how many can we craft oh quite a decent amount you know now then it’s just gonna be enough all the

Rest of this can just go into the shulker box as well as these two extra pieces and look at that the bottom layer is now complete it looks amazing i’m so glad i’m finally making some decent progress on it one more near the right block and the beacon will be halfway

Done and now i can crack on with the next project which will be to finish the squid farm that i started last episode and the thing that i need to do right now is dig out quite a big hole so i’m gonna set up a haste to beacon and then get mining And that is everything dug out i’m gonna grab a load of obsidian and then i’m gonna start building some portals plus i’ve also realized i need to make this whole one block wider kind of makes me wish that i hadn’t broken my beacon and all of this has now successfully been

Mined out loads of spare blocks on the floor not gonna worry about them instead i’m just gonna start placing obsidian gonna be a 17 high portal and i’m gonna connect it up all the way to the other side hopefully not fall and there’s only gonna be two of these portals anyway

Which isn’t going to be too bad so let’s go ahead and take a little bit of full damage but i’ve got portal number one actually our live there’s gonna be two more portals not one more and now that they are all in let’s grab a few stacks of gloss and

Fill in the gaps in the middle as well as the sides too and apparently for whatever reason i have not brought enough gloss don’t know how many starts but it doesn’t mean that i’m gonna have to go all the way home grab plenty more drop off a load of this junk and then

Continue adding these glass walls i’m also gonna cover the tops with gloss light the three portals and i need water thankfully this is not a river biome so i didn’t have to drain the water so i can fill two buckets and then go along and fill in the whole thing with water

Source blocks this is probably gonna take quite a bit of time and that is this one now completely filled in with water time to do the same thing on this side and this side is also done now i’m at the middle point and i’m going to

Build up 10 blocks and dig a tunnel to where my afk spot is going to be this block right here is where i should stand and right here is where another portal is going to be let’s remove this portal from up here and now when i go through

There’s a chance well upgraded with an ink sack i think i’m going to be greeted by a few squid okay not just a few what have i done they’re everywhere what a mess you guys are making get out of here well at least the farm seems to be

Working but now we need to make it actually fit correctly into place my first portal will be in the wall right here this lantern can be removed and i need to get some slabs for in fact no actually do we just remove the slabs completely and yeah i think that works

Doesn’t it i’m hoping this all links we’ve just got a lot of portals in one area but this is where the squids should be able to come through let’s just light up this one yeah we’ve got the problem is we’re lighting it that squids are going to start coming through

But i need the materials to build the rest of the palms are got no choice yep well it’s working look at them all in this area ready to be removed now i’m just decorating the area to make it look a bit nicer this is my version of decorating a room just basically filling

It all to the same block the chest that will collect the ink sack is going to be there and then we’re going to have hoppers going in it’s also going to be a row of glass in front which i think well actually i better not fill it all in

Because i need to place a boat which contains a baby chicken then if i give okay i don’t want to be in the boat with you the idea is if i give the chicken some seeds it’ll grow faster but it’s hitbox is too small so instead i’m gonna

Break the boat give the chicken it seeds and then lure it in there we go fully grown chicken we can send you theoretic okay but i know i need to break this block you can go on down then we need to do the same thing and get another chicken

There we go don’t get in the bag are you just doing this on purpose went straight for the boat every time and now that you’ve grown up i’ll send you to go on top of the other one there we go chicken number three and i’m gonna have to nip

Home and grab another boat for the last one just five spruce planks will be required hopefully in the next 13 eggs i did get a baby it always seems to want to run over there i’m guessing because there’s an adult chicken or something underneath that’s all i can think of

Don’t you dare run outside now now who are blocking this up final boat down definitely had enough of dealing with these chickens but now that it is done the portal can be completed and then lit up with me clinton’s if i can find it i

Think if i just do it there that works let’s patch up the roof and in theory well it’s almost done we’ve got a hole there i don’t want that are we okay on the other side i think we are so in theory it should be completely done the

Only thing that could possibly go wrong is if the squids come through this portal but i’m confident if i stand here the squid are now spawning so let’s head through and and see if it’s working no squids why are just none spawning whatsoever although we do have one little link sack

Okay well um you know we’ll put it in there it makes me feel like it’s working so the first fix for my farm will be to move this portal and move it one slot along to be further away from the other portal that should solve the problem of

Squids turning up in there and now they will be in there and now if i go back through stand here for a short amount of time and then go go back through again some squid have come through so i am technically getting ink sacks but i’ve

Also discovered an issue my arms are a bit more 3d in 1.18 so under here there is like it becomes a river biome it’s slightly at certain points in the drip stone caves here we are as you can see if i go down in the perch voice if i

Swim up it becomes a river and goes back to a birch forest well that’s a problem so i think my best option rather than cutting corners like i did before is to instead drain out a lot more of the river so that we do not run into any

More problems and and efficiency is as good as it can be the mob cap for squids is really really low so even if just there’s a few spawned in here you know only takes like four or five to spawn and then my farm won’t work so i kind of

Have to make sure it’s fully working perfectly and there’s no water well there’s no water in a river biome at the very least anyway never really a fan of doing this but let’s start placing down sponges i think i’ll also find it very useful to grab a hoe there’s no point me

Draining all of in here because that is literally just all gonna be drip stone caves i’m blocking it off with sand so i can get back to getting rid of look at more gaps they’ve all got to go and that’s one compartment down many more to

Go and i’m happy that over this side i have definitely trained enough this time and i’ve had a really good look on this side i think it is all either birch voice or drip stone cave so i’m not gonna worry too much about draining it here and i’ve discovered that a squid

Has spawned underneath this river i think there’s like a water cave underneath the river where squids can spawn i really chose the worst place ever for this farm but i’m gonna drain out as much of it as i can and i think i’ve pretty much drained

Everything that needs to be i mean down here i can drain if i want but it’s probably too low for squid to spawn anyway so now after making all these little adjustments it’s time to see if it’s making the farm actually work let’s head on through the portal and see what

Happens okay no sign of squids being everywhere except for everywhere in here oh look at this we’ve got an egg as well brilliant an egg farm we’ve created and a salmon as well but in a very very short amount of time we’ve got we’ve got so many intact this is fantastic i think

My best option now is to fly back home dry out all the sponge and then dump it into the storage and now i want to grab plenty of shulker boxes which will be ready to be filled with ink sacs and then i’m going to go through this portal

Add some torches and afk right here for quite a bit plenty of time has passed i have still sometimes got the problem of squid connecting to this portal and when that happens inks axle then go back through but just look at the success of this every single shulker box has been

Filled this has solved all of my problems wild earth are there pillagers in in the boat i have no idea anyway let’s gather all of these up dye them all black and head back home next this chest can be loaded up what will i do

With all that black dye i have no idea but i’m sure i’ll need it at some point and now to start gathering the materials for a massive new project whilst i did have quite a lot of glass in those shulker boxes i think i’d like more so

First of all gonna fly to the eol farm to grab plenty more gunpowder and then drop that off at home to be used in the future and then i want to continue using this desert right here to collect up even more sand blowing it all up is

Probably the most fun part they can all be easily gathered up and placed into shulker boxes and that is all four shulker boxes filled to the top which means i can once again head back home from there i’d like to fill this double chest with sand which will mean loads

More glass will end up down at this storage and to go with all that glass i’m going to need some hoppers until then try and head up here there we go successful i’m going to put hoppers along the sides and then more along here as well going into these so that any

Glass that’s coming through it will be able to cope with it all and these hoppers need to come down the sides and connect up to those ones and in fact i’m a little bit worried actually i’m gonna just move these so i’m wondering if the items would

Actually get stuck on the hoppers or something if i tried that so instead we’ll do something more like this then that one can go into there that can be changed back to stone and then this can all be blocked up you may now be wondering why isn’t there loads and

Loads of glass coming through and the answer is because i accidentally left this lever flick so yeah this is completely full they’re all going to start filtering out now and go down to the storage the only reason i needed all those hoppers was for the case if i ever

Left all that smelting because of the trunk load and then i went out of the area the backlog of items wouldn’t then despawn to be enough hoppers to pick them all up and now i’m gonna be taking a load of this glass dying gets white and loading up the shulker boxes that’s

All the glass sorted it’s also gonna require a load of warped fences because they won’t burn and the same is true with the gates and i now have every single thing that i need except for concrete i still need 16 stacks of white concrete don’t really have to be white

Concrete but it will make it look nicer coupled with white dye we can craft plenty of the powder and start converting it and these are all now done so i am now fully ready to start the build it’s going to be done at spawn i

Don’t know if i said but it’s going to be like a roller coaster that’s also an iron farm the place i want to build it is going to be right here this time it doesn’t involve portals so it’s not going to interfere with the shulkers like like before they’re all getting the

Wires crossed it was a bit of a nightmare in fact it’s actually because of the shulker farm that i’m having to build a new iron farm and this one yeah it’s gonna be so so efficient and so so fast it’s also gonna be so so stupid

Getting all the villagers in it but i’ll worry about that one when i actually get to it project deforestation has gone very very well now i just need to start flattening out this ground and i can use all the blocks that i’ve got from that

To cover up this ravine and that is all now completely covered up well it is apart from this little hole right here i’m just going to tidy up the terrain a little bit you know terraform it where it needs to be and i’d also like to

Change the stone in this floor to be grass blocks and now that everything is looking good let’s chuck all of this stuff out here and all these extra items i’ve just got an inventory can be taken back to my house and shoved into the item sorter and whilst i’m in the area

I’m also going to take the opportunity to repair all of my tools since they are looking a little bit broken and now that that’s all done let’s begin building right here i’m going to build a little system that will transport items upwards because some of the golems will fall

Down here and then the ice will well and the ice in the water will push them along then water columns will push them upwards let’s box it in so the water can’t go anywhere add gates so the items can get through but the water can’t and

Then add the actual water i forgot to build this in the bottom where water will freeze you know what i’ve got an idea go back home grab some glowstone and place it underneath this part we’re going to have loads of glass and then we just need a little area yeah so it’s

Going to be like water like that and like that and that will flow along i’ve been busy building this shape and created a nice little area where lava can go in obviously these gates won’t burn and it’ll perfectly spread and there’s no gaps for it to fall onto the

Water the lava is what we’ll deal with the golems and so now i can just keep building up these walls this is as high as the glass walls done as you can see i’m also repeating the same thing over there now i need to grab some white

Concrete and build the platform on which the golems will spawn around the edge of all this i’m going to be having these fences and then water in each corner which will perfectly reach the edges but won’t flow down my only issue is that it will freeze as you can see that one is

Literally just frozen right in front of me very eyes so this seems like as good a time as any to fly back home and get some signs then i can waterlog the water and it won’t freeze i can’t really water log it with something like a fence

Because it’ll get in the way i could do a gate i suppose but you know signs just seem like the best option at this point especially when you see just how many signs i’ve got here more than enough for the tusk now placing the sign like that

Will waterlog it and all the water at the bottom of these now is no longer it’s covered as you can see so it won’t turn back to ice so i might as well unfreeze all of that i can do the exact same thing on this side now to place the

Water and add the signs and now let’s get these item water towers built so this is the system that we have got going down here obviously the water is freezing again as usual but every single bit of iron is going to gather up right in this very spot here it’ll then be

Sorted into hoppers but i’ll worry about that later and instead i’m just going to start building a big glass platform that’s going to cover most of the stuff and at the very least it will stop all of the water from freezing i’m also going to add these powered rails which

Are what the pillagers are going to be going on and they’re going to be whizzing around scaring the poor villagers and making iron golems spawn and this right here is a little system that is going to make a pillager stay still he’s going to stay

Still on this not go up there for us for like maybe three or four seconds that will scare all the villagers give them enough time to spawn a golem and then they will go on up and carry on will they the pillager to scare more villagers if it sounds

Complicated it’s actually not that bad and i’m sure you understand when you actually see it just that i’m not the best at explaining these things this minecart track has gone all the way as high as it needs to for this bit so i can begin well i’m gonna be building

Like another one of those and those which will allow more golems to spawn and now two more of these golem spawning platforms have been done and now i’m going to keep building up this track it’s starting to take shape it looks a little strange because it’s all made out

Of glass it’s kind of hard to see in the snowy area but i think it’s now time that i tried my hand at the very tricky task of getting some of the villagers into the farm i have a village right here which is is very useful but that

Village will have anywhere near the amount that i’m actually gonna need so i’m gonna grab loads of hay bales as well as wool and wood and then i can craft a load of beds place them in the village make a bunch of bread and give them the food so that they’ll all breed

And whilst they’re getting me baby villagers i can continue building beside pops the village and look at that we’ve got loads of baby villagers it’s the plan’s working perfectly i’ll leave them all to keep busy and getting me more villagers and i’ll continue building this and two more of these have now been

Done which means there’s only two more to go the farm really is starting to take shape but it’s it’s missing something pretty crucial yep you guessed it it’s missing the villagers so i’m gonna craft 16 beds and then they belong in each of the four corners of all of

These different stations so there’s gonna be quite a lot of beds and they’re basically just gonna be around like this then you’ve got string on top of the beds and carpet on top of that the final things we’ve done is remove all of these wooden blocks and add the same thing to

These other corners although for this one and the one over there it’s gonna be three beds and then that one and the one over there is gonna be four beds so and end roads is gonna be what blocks the villagers in and then we’re just gonna have a bed like that actually yeah

You know what i’m just going to swap it around i think 900 sure if bed direction matters but i definitely know put them in that direction does work next we’ll put string on carpet it’s all up then move on to the other two corners and

There we go they are now all in now i need to make a track to actually transport the villagers so i shall grab all the blocks and materials needed to make that happen i’ve got everything that i need let’s get this first track built pretty sure that if i make them

Drop right here that they should go in but you never can tell with villagers since they usually managed to screw something up there we go this has reached all the way down to the village then we just lure them over here with a jobsite block that’s right

This ain’t gonna be the job that you think it is sunny jim he goes in alrighty no problem yep you’re not having that job anymore if i quickly go like i did nothing to do well you know what it still worked but the real question is how well has it worked

There he goes worked pretty well yes he took a bit of fall damage but he’s not dead that’s the main thing that could actually be a great quote couldn’t he took full damage but he’s not whoa of course something has to go wrong you get back in there

It can never just go perfect can it no he has to fly out onto an end rod like a crazy guy let’s just place a block on top of there so that does not happen again and we can get another villager and look you’re in you’re in prime

Position come on oh he’s just escaped but he’s come back for more come on oh come on he’s so close now they’re all having a massive maintenance spawn so none of them are going to want to come over no problem though i’ll just have to kidnap a child don’t take that out of

Context i’m going to do a little two for the price of one here yes vote in a minecart it’s an interesting idea whether it works remains to be seen if i break this you’re all gonna die let’s let’s find out okay wait they went down i think they’re good look at that three

Feet in a pod all in bed happy as they could be and i’m gonna have the very fun task of filling the entire rest of this farm with even more villagers although it shouldn’t be too hard you just wake them up whilst they’re in bed push them

Along a little bit put a minecart down and uh see you later mate honestly i’m having way too much fun with this i just realized i can actually physically push them out of bed as well i did not know this hook hold on oh it doesn’t quite work but the second

That they get up they’re gonna be transported i know dear oh dear we seem to have had a little bit of a little bit of an issue here okay guys let’s just keep things moving come on that’s it down you go sure that one will

Be back soon here he comes and that is four more all in bed and all i can do now is just keep going i’ve come to realize that transporting villages is uh it’s quite annoying the main issue has been that i didn’t have enough villagers so i’ve placed down loads more beds got

Them all breeding they there’s millions of them now and since over 100 are going to be needed in total it’s it’s just as well that’s four more in here i’m gonna add three to this little compartment i’ve been golem platform number two complete that’s one well you’d think

It’d be sorted yep it is just going the wrong way before nice to drop a baby villager as well i’m sure he won’t mind and finally there’s one more adult to be sent up as well it is starting to look like quite the contraption now isn’t it

Oh no this baby has escaped i didn’t think about that you should don’t go down there no don’t you dare jump down that i swear you’re gonna die in lava if you fall down a little bit no oh no he died that’s why you should never kidnap children ladies and

Gentlemen i really can’t believe what i’ve just done this time we’re gonna send an adult through and leave all the kids here welcome to your new hope careful okay they’re all in bed that’s good news i think it’s best to take a little break from transporting villagers

And instead add in more beds that’s all the beds on this platform added now to add in the final ones on this platform that is all the ones on this side done as well now to grab plenty more white stained glass as well as redstone stuff

And lots of rails and i’m going to complete this pillager minecart track so that it goes all the way up to the top so i’ve now successfully connected this track all the way up to the very top next we’re gonna have loads of glass staircasing above it as well and the

Same thing is also the case above this top track now to also connect this track to go all the way up to that one up there which i have successfully done you know you’d think that this entire design is a little bit unnecessary complicated for an entire iron farm also we need to

Put glass on top of the rails so that golems don’t spawn on there but once you see this entire thing in action i think you’ll just think it’s amazing as far as building is concerned everything is done apart from these water tunnels but by using kelp

And bone mail i can just add in the water right here and you guys have told me to stop placing all the kelp like that and instead just bone mail it i don’t know if there’s an unlimited amount you could if you can look it’s unlimited or is it max height looks like

It’s unlimited so we’ll we’ll do the same thing for this one and hopefully that will keep you guys happy next i will break the kelp everything should work because they’re bubble columns it no longer needs to be covered up in dirt and the items are all gathering up

Exactly where the iron will gather but to say that’s working properly now do the exact same thing on this side you know guys you’re right this is this is so so much faster than placing it all i don’t know why i ever doubted you all and that is the entire building bit

Complete the only thing i would like to do is kind of test it out by grabbing a minecart and see if it actually correctly works so i get here i stopped for a split second that’s so that everything can spawn and then it carries on sending me same thing

Happens at each bit so yeah because these villagers here the pillager will make them spawn a nine golem this is just basically an overly complicated roller coaster then from there i fall all the way down and all i want to do from here is just check that it actually

Works going the other way as well since it’s kind of two different roller coasters in one yep it all works perfectly all need now is two pillagers and about 80 normal villagers so let’s keep crafting bread and giving it to villagers so they will keep breeding oh

My gosh there’s actually quite a lot of villages now at this meeting plate but yeah you know what there’s just not enough i’ve just thrown everything i’ve got them by mistake but guys take as much bread as you want you know you want some pork chops you you have whatever

You like i better get about these precious doors yeah they’re not good enough for villages and this track right here can be removed i’m making another track for the next set of villagers although i have somehow run out of levers started off with over

40 so i’m not sure how i manage that but thankfully levers are probably one of the easiest things in the world to craft and with that i can get back to work in placing the levers and the tracks are set up for the next two platforms so let’s send off more villagers that’s

Three more in there and i’m gonna get this entire thing filled up as quick as i can and that is platform number three filled up which means there’s five more to go i’ve almost filled up every single platform i just need four villagers there and another 14 for this platform

However i’m starting to run out of villages so i need i need to wait for more to be bred in order to breed more i’ll actually give them some bread and because most this village is in spawn chunks they will continue to grow will the baby villagers and everything which

Means i can grab some obsidian make a portal right here and then when i head through to the nether i’m stuck in the shulker farm that’s uh probably the worst place to actually be the completely overloaded shulker farm might add i should probably make a shulker box

Loader for the shulker phone anyway if i build another portal right here in theory it should connect to the one i’ve just built indeed it does so next i’m gonna need to head to a pillager outpost probably the best way to get to one is to go to this particular portal right

Here which brings me to a stronghold and then fly up and out of it there is an outpost and okay i’ll do a bad set i don’t have the mob switch turned off which is a problem because nothing can spawn but that actually might not be a problem so building this portal will

Connect to this one i’m gonna break this boat if okay don’t hit them okay these guys need to be alive for me okay we’re gonna put you good sir into a boat and you are coming with me all right and probably need to take off thorns which

Is not a good thing either there we go he’s gone through the portal i have some non-thorns although i’m out of vendor chests looks like we’d load him all the way over this way i’ll just have to use skill and not get hit which with these

Guys is is not very hard at all oh my goodness okay slight disaster got a pillager following me we’ve got a million of these guys right we just going to suit up get out of sword and uh yeah get rid of all of these without hurting the other

Guy oh no all the all the stupid shulkers have started coming through this is a disaster absolute nightmare all i had to do was just turn the shulker farm off and this would not have been a problem can it be done can we can we can we lure the villager through this

Absolute nightmare no he’s he’s gone he’s he’s dead right we’re gonna have to regroup here guys yep there he goes of course how he’s got him so it’s time for plan b first of all flick these levers to turn the farm off there we go now let’s remember to switch off the mob

Switch and grab an ender chest this is my armor with no thorns on it which i’m going to put on if i can find them all and then we get ready to put on a brave face and take on 60 million shulkers only this time we’re using a bow they’re

All hitting each other and duplicating which is not helping but all of the projectiles come after me that way and i just fly to the other side to get away from them and even when i’m floating i can still hit them this is realistically been a lot more effort than it should

Have been but all shulkers have been defeated now to try and lure two pillagers through and you guys can be the victims okay you just walked right around me paul that’s that’s not the idea and you guys can follow me all this way and now we need to stick them in

Boats so that we can disable their crossbows for whatever reason they’re not very smart and if we’re in a boat together he can’t hit me no matter what so now we just sit and wait until his crossbow breaks really hope he hasn’t got an unbreaking one and i think this

Guy’s crossbow’s broken because he’s he’s no longer shooting let me have a look it’s visually it’s still there but he’s lost the ability to use it after re-logging my game he now has no crossbow so the guy’s taking a bit longer i think he has got an unbreaking

One which was kind of stupid of me to get one of those i’ll just keep waiting and this guy’s has now finally broken as well after a quick relog he’s got nothing in his hands so for now i will leave those two guys right here and i’m

Gonna hope that i now have plenty more villagers bred yep by lots of things there’s quite a few more of you guys there’s more bread for you all as well which i’m sure you’ll all enjoy and let’s send the remaining villagers into the farm that is platform number seven

With all the villagers which means these four right here are the last ones so right here i have got five baby villagers and four adult ones but to finish that final platform i need another 11 villagers so i have to keep waiting for you guys to grow up now and

Whilst i do that i might as well start tidying things up a bit down here since all this stuff is no longer needed don’t ask why this village is congregating that i think because yeah the villagers have been breeding in there yes they’ve gone through the entire system

And got in there in fact those are the final villages i probably need as well you know what if i make a little hole like this and mine out the floor it’s entirely possible that when i block this up okay hopefully they don’t walk off and die

Oh oh that’s one falling off all right well they’re all surviving at least it makes me feel a little bit better you can go down there too and then i might be able to make a minecart track that connects up that’s the track i have set

Up so it’ll just go above there and then they’ll carry on up let’s get you into there and you can then go on up and we can see if the plan actually works yep look at that he just keeps going that means there is just 10 villagers

To go and i think that is the final villager into the minecart once this guy makes it all the way along the track as well as this guy two the farm is now done i really hope it works as intended i’m gonna set a minecart going on here

And i’ve got to try and get these guys to walk through only if crafting some planks and placing them around will help then i break this boat okay don’t you walk it you know what you want to be annoying and i’m just going to put him

In a minecart and send him through that way see you later buddy then we push him into this minecart and i’ve just got one more to go he is being sent through and is also put into place on the farm if i go ahead and replace these the farm

Should now start working and golems should start spawning as the uh the pillagers go around so yeah they stop right here which should give time for a golem to spawn yeah look at that we’ve got two golems spawned here three golem spoiler okay this is

This is going to be very very fast isn’t it look at them they’re just golems falling from the sky like there’s no tomorrow and then all those items should be gathering up at the bottom right here although did i oh we’ve made a bit of a messy i forgot about this i

Open these up is everything going to go everywhere but yeah it is filling up i i need to make some sort of storage to collect all this stuff i’m going to need a bunch of hoppers to make this storage and you know since i’ve got so much iron

That’s going gonna make life very easy now also grab a couple of composters so i’m just gonna temporarily click this lever to turn the farm off because you can see where we’re getting a major buildup of iron and then i’m gonna try and bring hoppers all the way down next

We are going to have these comparators i’m just going to make a pretty simple storage system that will auto sort everything for me and that is the storage completely done as you can see it’s two separate systems it’s the only thing left to be done is to switch on

This lever and watch the iron come pouring through yeah this is all gonna fill up very very fast indeed and that doesn’t mean this old farm can be removed i don’t know if i’ll actually remove it because it’s kind of a memory you know from simpler times but i make

Sure that it doesn’t work anymore i can also spend some time getting rid of all of these millions of golems that now inhabit spawn i think that is all of them dealt with this is working very very well indeed so whilst i let that keep running i am going to repair

All my tools my light driver broken a lighter in a shulker box this is one of the biggest farms i’ve ever made it took so so much work but it’s it’s just amazing and in fact before i do go back and get everything repaired i think i’ll

Remove all this dirt scaffolding of mine cart tracks as well and there we go everything has now finally been removed the farm is still doing amazing getting a little bit of bone meal as well and the great thing about iron farms is they just work 24 7. you don’t have to be in

The area they’ll they’ll work if they’re in the spawn junk so i don’t think i’ll ever have to build an iron farm ever again now to drop all of this off grab the loads and loads of broken items that i have a mass such as his elytra

And i think i’d also like to craft a little more ender chests since i didn’t really have enough but now we’ve got a full stacks worth with all that done let’s get to the gold farm and gather up all of the necessary xp everything’s now fully repaired i’m gonna check how much

Iron we now have at the farm look at that loads and loads more already and it’s not even been a long time i reckon having a couple of crafting tables in the ground will be useful just for getting loads of iron blocks and for now i’m just gonna put these in the bottom

Of the bone mail chest and next i think i’d like to use these last couple of days to go on a diamond mining challenge i’m flying far far away to brand new chunks and even find a room portal on the way with nothing in it but i do now

Believe that the new chunks have been reached so i’m gonna dig straight downwards and attempt to find a decent cave i don’t think i’ve ever seen this much copper in one place you know what just based on principle i’m mining it all up and already this cave has got

Diamonds galore there’s some right here and two more in the floor here as well i reckon in 30 minutes i should be able to get a stack of the diamond door especially when you consider how easy diamond is to find nowadays i mean look at that found even more right here and

It was two three four five pieces oh this is easy already got nine and we’re not even two minutes in and it seems exploring these little caves is is not really the best way to find diamonds however i’ve been proved wrong before because i’ve just found two more but

Generally speaking searching the bigger caves is the way to find the diamonds although underwater seems to be good as well i’ve found so many down here oh my goodness it’s diamond score in this one water cave i don’t know how many i found but it’s been like i don’t know 12 maybe

It really is beautiful to see definitely nicer to be into some bigger caves again gives much more chance of spotting diamonds in just 10 minutes i’ve already got 28 diamonds man i’m on track for like 70 old diamonds in half an hour that’s just completely crazy and look at this one two

Three yeah finding diamonds it’s just so so difficult just when you think you’ve looked everywhere in this particular cave you realize you haven’t and oh my goodness we’ve found yet another massive cave and this one looks so so good the lava under the drip stone i don’t think

I’ve ever seen a cave like this before because everything’s so much lighter thanks to it it makes seeing the diamonds actually much much easier well we’re now at the halfway point of 15 minutes and i’ve got 40 diamonds already in that time and i’m still not slowing

Down i have to say this is one of the greatest caving systems i’ve ever found just keep finding new areas to explore all of the time things have slowed down a little bit in the search for diamonds but despite that i’m now up to 50 151

Got just five minutes left and i would love to get myself an entire stack of diamonds in just 30 minutes although i’m starting to think that that might be a bit of a stretch even for me unless i come across a new massive cave these small ones they’re

Just not very good as i’ve said before not very good for finding the diamonds you know what i’m gonna risk it all and dig down and see what happens well digging down did get me into another cave and a cave with an extra diamond and the mine shaft minecraft seems to be

Something i come across a lot down here doing half minutes to go and i need 11 diamonds more importantly if i want 11 diamonds i i actually need a miracle especially in a small mine shaft like this although you know what despite its size it has found me a few diamonds

Although it’s too little too late ladies and gentlemen we’ve done over half an hour 57 diamonds in 30 minutes i can’t complain at that the best way for me to get out of this cave is just going to be to grab some obsidian make a quick portal and head on through then i

Can fly in this direction i i do recognize the area we’re in might as well nip to spawn on the way home so i can see just how much time we’ve got oh my goodness yeah iron supplies absolutely through the roof and it’s all at the expense of these poor villagers

And these poor golems now i think i should probably fly back home dump a load of this stuff into the auto storage at the deep slight diamond door to this chest look at that we’ve nearly got an entire row of the deepside diamond doll you know what i think i might add the

Copper in there and lapis can go in this one to begin with i’d like to start a challenge and the challenge is to fully fill both of these sides with nut chapels in order to do that i’m going to need just three more so let’s put them

On the wall in preparation i’ve repaired up my electro so it’s now at max durability and now let’s fly far far away to brand new chunks and now to create a portal and track down a desert that mission has been accomplished and i’ve spotted my first pyramid as expected

Nothing really of use nothing to be found in the second one either nor the third one and the fourth one hasn’t been any good either but the fifth one well that is integrated into a village and a lot of times in the past when i go into

One of these in a village i usually find a notch apple will the same happen this time no no it won’t oh well at least it didn’t hurt to dream i’m also actually thinking that every time i come to a village it may be wise to steal their

Hay bales because in the last 100 days i basically used up every single bit of wheat that i own to breed all the villages for my iron farm and now let’s see what the sixth pyramid has to offer once again absolutely nothing considering i’m trying to find three

Notch apples it’s it’s not looking too good at the moment is it could really do with a ruined portal stepping up and giving me what i need well the other positive is that desert villages do give you loads of hay bales so stealing up lots of these is not gonna be a problem

I mean why build a massive wheat farm when villagers will do it for you once again nothing to be found in pyramid number seven and it’s the same case with the eighth the ninth the tenth eleventh never seen a minecart chest in a desert pyramid before that’s interesting must come across every

Single combination possible when i search this many desert pyramids but even after 12 of them i’ve still had no joy 13 might be unlucky for some for me well there was no joy in theory every 10 pyramids that i should find in not chapel i’ve searched 14 and had no joy

I’m also not going to stand on that pressure plate because i had completely run out of rockets and that that probably could have been the enemies there so you know i don’t want to be too stupid it’s amazing that mace is just seemed to be so so much more common

Since 1.18 i think the same thing happened with jungles as well and that is pyramid number 15 that is empty and you know a feature that moyang needs to update yep desert wells put a chest in them just right there it would be brilliant or at the very least it would

Make a useless feature a little bit less useless say i don’t know what my record is for the most searched in a row to not find a notch apple i don’t think it could be much higher than 20. i’m starting to lose count but i think this is the 17th one

And it was not a disappointment we have finally got a notch apple okay we’re on track now things are looking up although there’s still two more to be found and a lot more wheat to be stolen wow i nearly didn’t spot this one it is completely buried underground this has a nut

Chocolate now will be uh it’ll be very satisfying but yeah realistically it wasn’t likely this is pyramid number 20. and the law of averages i should have found two by now if that is not the case although i was supposed to make the law of average relevant i’d

Have to search a lot more desert temple so never mind let’s not bother with any mathematics instead let’s keep flying around it looks like um well as i said i’m about to lose my light ray happened right as i was speaking not to worry though that’s why i always put a spare

One in the shulker box for long long journeys like this one i think this is now 21. and we’ve got another one okay that is great that is absolutely huge look at that told you by the law of averages it all works itself out now on

This very stormy night let’s go and find the last one listen to this one you’ve got a few diamonds from this whole uh journey though i think this is the 25th one that i have searched it was the 23rd time that i had no joy you’ve never seen

One of these inside of a cave before look at this it’s really really cool it’s have to say that the loot wasn’t as cool as the structure and i think that this is the 30th one that i have searched so statistically by now i should have got three note chapels but

Clearly that has not actually happened that is 35 of them searched tracking them down can be a nightmare as i keep coming across empty ones 40 gets closer and closer and i think this is now the 40th one that i have been to my goodness why did i think it was a

Good idea to try and get three not chapels but i’ve come this far i’m not gonna stop now even if all of these are pretty useless and finally i have found the third one okay this is beautiful i no longer have to keep searching these stupid deserts

Although since i am in quite a big desert i might as well search all of it although i’m not holding my breath as to whether i’ll have any more success it seems that we have reached the end of this desert i didn’t find any more notch

Apples so now i’m going to build a portal and instead of flying back home i shall dig a very very long tunnel back home also on this journey i’m going to do my best to grab as much gravel as i can because i’m going to need a lot of

It for today’s massive project well i have dug an absolutely massive tunnel it must be it’s probably about nine thousand blocks long i’m also gonna need a ridiculous amount of gravel today so i’ve been collecting it as i go as you can see we filled up quite a few

Shulker boxes and have i managed to keep my tools from more breaking well any time i’ve come across quartz i’ve just put a tool in the offhand and then mine it up for the xp to repair stuff look at that i’ll just grab a bit of ancient

Debris as well they’d have to make a bit of a trip home to get all of these shulker boxes by the way but this is definitely killing two birds with one stone getting me plenty and plenty of gravel and also lots and lots of ancient debris my goodness it is crazy just how

Much gravel there is in the nether i think my tunnel is now long enough i’ve come into another of my uh blast chambers so i’m going to build my way out i was going to say hopefully avoid lava in the way i didn’t successfully manage that and in fact whilst i’m down

Here i can go around and collect up loads and loads of gravel in some of the areas it’s quite clear to say that the gravel has just been blasted up but in other places there’s quite a bit to be mined it’s a lot better when it’s not

Right next to lava as well look at that whilst mining more gravel found more ancient debris and there was two pieces here it’s just a win-win and another piece it’s brilliant just mine up quartz because i need to mend the shovel a bit the gravel is uh really lowering its

Durability and xp should be enough for me to at least mine up the gravel here another shulker box filled although plenty more gravel is still needed because all the sugar boxes in the ender chest also need filling it’s a massive task and it would be a lot easier if i

Would just dupe the gravel but i don’t know if he liked drooping gravely just cheating and look at this mine in that gravel revealed you and i should continue mining quartz as i see it seem to reach the end of this tunnel i think that’s enough of gravel collecting for

Today well having said that as i’m building out i’ve come to even more oh maybe i haven’t oh dear it’s a good job my armour is so good that lava is literally useless and it looks like this mining expedition is now finally over ah i recognize that portal and i’m now home

Sweet home i was gonna go up there but first i think i should drop off all the gravel it can all go into here along with the other five shulker boxes that i already had and all of these ones in my under chest still need to be filled and

They’re well they’ll be ready to go when uh i’m next there i did also drop some ancient debris off midway through that mining journey i think yeah look at that 28 in there already if we go ahead and split this into eight and they’ll all smelt pretty fast

Whilst that’s doing that i can grab a load of let’s just grab a load of these shulker boxes i’d like every single one to be orange and then i can head to the blaze farm which which is also an xp one before i afk in it let’s go and load up

Shulker boxes with the millions of blade rods i’ve got and i bet you thought eight of these was gonna be a bit overkill it turns out i only needed seven so it technically was overkill but we’ll soon fill those up as i’m gonna go

Afk at this farm and if i put my shovel in my offhand that will be repaired and now that everything is fully repaired i can fill these last two shulker boxes with blaze rods gather them all up and head back home i think i’ve got more

Blade rods than i know what to do with at this point and that means i’ve pretty much got unlimited fuel for life also i completely forgot something i spent that long digging the tunnel on the way back from getting the notch apples i actually forgot to put them on the wall i don’t

Know did i put item frames on the wall already i did so that was a waste of a journey downstairs but if we go into this shulker box we have got the three notch apples let’s put one there one there and one right there look at that every single slot has been filled

Don’t really know where i’m gonna put the rest of them at and i can grab ingot scrap gold all that good stuff combine it with the nether rides in all of these might as well use this hp to fully heal the flint and steel as well from there i

Can craft the ingots make two blocks and the journey of layer number two has now begun adding both of those blocks actually means we’re now officially passed halfway only took me 3726 days to get there and the next thing i’d like to do is turn this very simple yet very effective guardian farm

Into an xp-1 as well it won’t be too hard the main thing i’ll need to do is move this portal for now i’m just going to grab loads of glass probably for the best of us in a shulker box plus i’ll need scaffolding i’m gonna change this

Spawning platform to instead be made of glass and it’s also not really a spawning platform it’s just more of an afk platform then i’m gonna add more glass like this with some around the sides and this is the chamber that the guardians are going to fall down 29 high

In total the portal is at exactly this height in fact i’ll build it up this side first i’m also going to block up the back of the portal this is the drop shaft on all sides so they’ll only be able to fall down a little two by one

Gap then if this pillar and this pillar weren’t necessary but you know what i’m sure it’ll make it look better i’m also going to block it up like that so that it’s only a too high gap they will fall all the way down here where i can add a

Couple of pieces of scaffolding and we’ll also need a bunch of other items so might as well go and grab them she’s going to include hoppers chests iron bars fences and water now with these items i’m going to place a couple of these iron bars and water log them

Not like that waterlogging both these actually need to be redstone blocks so let’s go ahead and replace both of those then we can add some glass like so trapdoors like that and the iron trap doors like that now how do i get out of here that is a good question we’ll just

Kind of i’ll try and get out but it’s swimming in a nice to sneak on under now these ladders are what is going to keep the guardians from entity cramming and if we put a couple of fences here that’ll stop them from escaping let’s go and water log boat

What on earth is going on there that’s not meant to happen should probably waterlogged them as the last thing instead of yeah build the walls first before we do anything else so that’s what we’ve got and then the reason that this is kind of going to be open and

Water can flow out but the guardians can’t it’s because of the item sorters that will exist along here i’m going to use a sea pickle to align up the hole in a second oh it’s going wrong it’s okay meant to be an iron trap door there but

Yeah the sea pickle will align the items so that they will go into the hoppers which will be by the side of the wall i’m a little bit short of water thankfully we are above an ocean let’s refill these and now i can safely water log the ladders like that and the items

From the guardians will kind of float like that and as you can see they will uh they will all work fine although i’m actually going to make a slight adjustment here i think and use glass to be along here otherwise some of the items could be avoiding the sea

Pickles but now they can’t these are going to be placed along like this you know what i’m just going to change things up a little bit all i did was stop it round so that the hoppers are on the outside because i wouldn’t have had space for all the redstone in the middle

Otherwise and now i can be cracking on with all of the redstone just one of those super simple item sorters that you’ve seen me build a million times side one’s redstone is complete well it will be once they get all the hoppers down anyway looking very very good and

Now to repeat exactly the same thing on this side that’s the redstone done and also the storage next i’m going to put the item filters into each and every hopper and next i need to collect up all the different items that are going to be sorted thankfully my old guardian farm

Is going to provide me everything that i need and i’ve actually just had a thought i was going to use some of these hoppers to filter items like code salmon you know those rare items you get but i actually don’t care about those so i might as well just have five filters for

The prismarine shards and five filters for the prismarine crystals and of course that’s going to be mirrored on both sides so it’s actually going to be 10 for each and that will definitely work out to be more than enough space next if i just pop back together quickly

Grab two pieces of magma and add them to the end i need to get that blue ice i say that’s kind of precious but adam to the end and light them on fire that will destroy all the excess items and i can do the exact same thing on this side it

Is almost completely done now although very importantly i need to light this portal and build the other one on the other side right here is the place where the portal will be built and then there’s going to be a platform around it i’m going to make the walls glass

Because even though i will be too far away to ever see this i think it’d still be nice to be able to see the inside the entire thing is going to be filled with scaffolding except for these four areas here because they are going to be gates

Next i can cover up the top now let’s build the hopper clock you’ve also seen me build millions of these before very very simple indeed just goes back and forth and then if i hook up redstone like this we should see that the gates will close every 15

Seconds i’m gonna i’m gonna make you watch until it actually closes just to make sure it’s working because it’s not looking too promising guys there we go they’re closed and then they’ll open again shortly and i’ve been working so hard that i’ve completely run out of food hungry work building this farm guys

Very hungry work now i am pretty sure that the farm is complete part of me feels like it’s gonna be a small miracle if it works perfectly and another part of me is quietly optimistic the only important thing that i’ll definitely need to do is remove these portals then

I can go ahead and switch off the mob switch and hope for the best i haven’t really got an easy way to actually get to the farm but i suppose for now i could just use this portal once i go through everything should work although in saying that it should be working i’m

Actually in the farm which is probably the worst place for me to be there should be millions of guardians starting to spawn below me i’m gonna be stood right here i see them going through that’s a very very positive sign and if they’re going to the right place they’ll

Shortly start to fall down this shoot okay i was getting worried but we’ve got one we’ve got two we’ve got three we’ve got loads they are all now falling down very very quickly oh it’s going to get very busy very very fast isn’t it okay so whilst we’ve got them here they’re

Actually going to stop spawning down there once we reach the mob cap so we’ve got 70. should we just see just how many we end up getting there ended up with about 167 now then how does it work just got this that they all get taken out yeah i

Take a little bit of damage that’s not a massive problem get the xp look at that beautiful xp you get a lot from the guardians or more just going to come it’s actually really really fast the real question is okay i’ve got loads of stuff in my inventory didn’t want that

How’s the old storage system coping five in there 22 7 they’re very random numbers probably didn’t help that i more or less picked up all of the items in the inventory anyway i’m curious to see so obviously they’re burning which is what i want if

I go and go like that is it enough oh yeah it comes with it no problem the xp side this farm is working pretty well items are coming through nicely i put a wall here so that i can actually lodge myself in and be completely safe that

Way my only issue is that some items will fall down through the fence and end up where i’m stood which i should have actually put hoppers where it stood and that would have solved the problem and made the whole storage a bit lower so i think i’ll go back home and

Disable the mob switch and then it’s back to the drawing board for this one also something i i’ve just realized i’m guessing that yeah this farm is a little bit backed up it’s been running for so long yeah we’ve got a massive backlog plenty of bonemeal though that’s nice i

Think i’ll switch the farm off for now just to give everybody a bit of a rest here’s all the items that i’m going to need so let’s get everything added hoppers in the floor will pick up the spare items and they’re going to go all the way around to a dropper which is

Going to be like that and i can have redstone a repeater and a comparator connected to a piston which has an observer that’s it’s going to be facing almost let’s get this right this observer will face that way this observer will face this way and

A glass around the side of this fully so that we can now make a water shoot sign here we’ll make sure the water can’t get down i could have done with some kelp and i could have done with some water thankfully in this box i have enough

Water to at least do something place one two you know what to make this easy i can really fill my buckets and i can grab a bit of kelp so yeah let’s let’s do that for sure i’ll make everything easy as i just put water right there

Fill it with kelp and then break the kelp that kelp is gonna get burnt sadly but that is this side finished so if i go and chuck an item in let’s say i just want some prismarine shards to go in they should go through and look at that they are going through

The system as you can see in the top left kind of now to do the exact same thing on this side there we go i think that should be working remove this menagerie of glass all around here that’s just basically in the way let’s spawn proof these few blocks with pieces

Of glass finally i am going to grab the fence we’ve made a bit of a mess oh yeah the plan is to change the fences to be walls that’ll make less items able to fall through and then we just want a fence there to wedge myself in and to make it

100 afk safe i would next like to have a beacon it’s gonna be one of those massive four-way beacons so i get lots of different powers there we go and the main two powers i’m bothered about are resistance and regeneration strength two will also be kind of useful to spawn

Proof it i shall cover the entire thing in glass i don’t think there’s anything more that i can now do i’ll just go all the way back to spawn once again i am going to press this button dump off a load of items and afk at this phone for

A bit since i’m going to be needing so so many sea lanterns and as you can see the improvements to the farm are working very very nicely indeed and this farm has been working very very nicely indeed i made a few modifications by putting the fences back putting a wall there and

Adding hopper minecarts under this glass so that even more items get collected and it seems that more items sure did get collected we are completely overloaded of almost every chest is full it’s um yeah it’s quite good but the real question is will it be enough because i need 145

Stacks of sea lanterns i’m gonna craft absolutely everything that we’ve got right here and see just how close i get and that is shulker box number one completely filled and we need about five and a half of them as you can see though these are all those prismarine crystals

We’ve got left on this side not a huge amount my guess is that we’re going to have about two and a half shulker boxes worth in total because i still have all of the prismarine shards on this side and as i’m doing the crafting i can keep using the farm as

Well so i’ve still got more items coming all of the time and that is shulker box number two also filled and there we go all of the ones crafted that i can have been done and it was two and a half shulker boxes i can estimate very very

Well no enough for the entire project but it will be a great start for me so let’s now go and gather up all of these items and i need to stop inventory now but we’re going to pick up every single one of these shulker boxes use the farm

One last time for good measure and fly back home let’s put all of these into here and now to deal with my next issue for this massive new base i’m gonna need so much light blue concrete and regular blue concrete and to craft all of that

I’m gonna need so much light blue dye and normal blue dye as you can see nine pieces is just not going to be enough so what’s the answer well the answer is to make a very very powerful orchid farm it’s the kind of thing that

Will require a lot of bone meal also if you’re wondering why i’m smelting stone it’s because i want lows but more smooth stone i have a few stacks of it here but i don’t want to run out so uh more will be coming through the system although i

Can’t remember if the chunk loader is still on so i’m just going to nip to the nether and check the lever it is switched on so that’s perfect so the smelter if i can’t go back through there can i but yeah the smelter will be

Working even whilst i am not in the area the farm will also require quite a lot of grass blocks but don’t worry we’ve got shulker boxes full of that in fact we’re nearly out of space no we’ve got quite a bit of space never mind it’ll

Also require quite a few gates i think 34 is probably going to be enough i’m also going to grab some of these precious sea lanterns i don’t know if that’s a good idea and also a bunch of different redstone items i’ve got every single item that i need well i suppose

I’d better bring plenty of bones as well and we’re going to start with the light blue dye farm which thankfully is going to be really straightforward because the only flowers that can spawn in a swamp are orchids orchids are the only flower that gives light blue dice we’re not

Gonna be getting loads of dyes that we’re not bothered about we are only gonna be getting light blue dye when i build this in a swamp and i wanna be smart enough about this where i build it in a swamp but i also can have another flower farm running at the same time

That will be in a plains biome because we’re gonna need cornflowers for the dark blue dye and i don’t know if you knew this but there’s something called flower gradients in minecraft see how this block has a dandelion if i was to bowl mail this block a hundred times

Every single time a flower spawned it would be a dandelion same with where these puppies are and so i would need to find an area that has lots of corn flowers and you know what this is it this is the area okay if i was to bone

Build this i would be getting a lot of corn flowers from this area so i reckon that’s the perfect plan i’ll build one in the swamp it doesn’t really matter where in the swamp like i say and i’ll be near enough to load in the other one

So that both the two flower farms can be running simultaneously now i just need to clear a good space which can be achieved by mining lots and lots of oak trees i’m also just going to run a little test on the area make sure that orchids are spawning okay but before i

Do that let’s go ahead and fill in a lot of the water gaps i never realized that swamps are two different shades of green depending on the area which yeah i never knew i think the colors based on the temperature but it doesn’t seem to be a

Problem for the spawning of the flowers there seems to be a plenty of orchids spawning in and the rates of them spawning don’t seem to be any much more in this section so i’m just doing all the tests here guys there’s not really much information out there for the

Technical side of flower farms so that’s why i’m testing it out i also thought at first it was a bit overkill to bring an entire shulker box of grass blocks but now that i’m filling in all this water i’ve realized it was actually a great idea i think that should be enough of

The area filled in just quickly tidy up this land over here as well make it a little bit better also apparently we have floating vines you yeah bet you didn’t know that this was possible because it it shouldn’t be apparently there’s been a squid casualty as well my

Goodness it’s all happening here to begin with we’re gonna have some blocks along here with a redstone on top and also a bit of a system here which is going to have all of the bone mail next we’re gonna need target blocks pistons and grass and then we’re gonna kind of

Mirror this redstone on this side but it’s all going to be one block higher and there also needs to be pistons facing upwards next to the target blocks once you see this farm in action you’re gonna think it’s pretty cool it’s kind of like an entire conveyor belt it moves

All the flowers along it collects the items himself it’s very very efficient we’re gonna fill in this entire floor with the black stained glass one of the reasons that glass works well well a we can see through it and b i can still open this chest and on top of it i can

Place down lots of grass blocks as you can see i’ve also left gaps in the grass and what will happen here is these gates will push items along because i can run over them but when they move it will push an item and some items will fall in

These holes and they will still get pushed along if all the items need to get before in the holes and they will get pushed along to the end what happens when they reach the end well they will be in a water shoot right here before i

Forget i will fill that in with water now i don’t really know the easiest way to get in and out of here actually maybe if i just go and grab the second bucket of water and then it’s gonna take some good flying in there we go without killing

Myself that would be nice we’ll add both of these that stops right there and here is where i can build a collection system and now to start adding more pistons and also a load more redstone stuff the lever on the back of this piston will be

The on off switch although yeah well you can see how it’s working it’s a bit more redstone to be done i shouldn’t turn it on just yet since i first need to add more glass grass and redstone all this grass up here is going to be part of the

Conveyor belt and it’s going to be spawn proofed with black glass and also sea lanterns around the outside well say around the outside they’re actually just the corner pieces of this machine and i could put black stained glass across the top of here as well but i i didn’t

Actually bring enough for that and i for some reason put me normal glass back which is what i was going to use there so that means a pretty quick trip back home to grab a stack of glass which will be placed right here now i just need to

Add a few blocks along here with the redstone on top and that should be it the farm should be 100 complete let’s test it out by flicking this lever okay look at that the conveyor belt is moving swimmingly as you can see so this will be getting a

Lot of flowers yeah it’s also very very noisy if i also go ahead and add some bone meal that will make it so that we actually get some flowers there you go you can see orchids are spawning there’s absolutely loads of them okay we might run out of bone heal pretty quick but

You can see when the gates come along the gates actually collect it and pick it up and it all comes flying down here so from 57 bow mill let’s have a look see how much we’ve got we can’t have much bone meal left yeah we’ve run out

Of bone meal now everything has been collected and we have got ourselves look at that over two stacks already this is fantastic and now i’m gonna once again nip home to grab a few extra redstone items since this machine is gonna need a very nice little storage system i’m also

Trying to put more effort into actually making storages instead of just placing the chests and it being awful i usually end up making a nice storage for stuff in the end anyway so i might as well just do it straight away i already did this for the guardian farm with similar

Kind of things it’s just gonna be comparators and hoppers i’m confident that four will be enough to deal with the amount of orchids let’s add the repeaters underneath with a little bit of glass because i like to be able to see what’s going on sometimes also apparently ran out of redstone but don’t

Worry i have plenty of redstone blocks why is always after rain at least we’ve got a little bit of shelter under it next i’ve got my chests right here hoppers going into them i have like a pixel to aim for it it helps if i uh actually zoom in and then torches

Underneath the hoppers i’ll name these to get my item filters which will all be going in here if i do something like this it’ll actually take more it’ll take more orchids if that makes it like about no way unless i could spill it to filter through i know what i’m trying to say

And the orchids the farm gave me before i did send back home so we’ll just have to collect some up from this swamp this will be the last time i’m ever farming these flowers by hand and then a singular orchid can go into every single hopper glass can go around the outside

I’m going to go to sleep because i’m sick of this rain i’m also going to need a bit of this wood to craft some composters which you don’t craft composters like that everybody knows that spade come on basics i’ll get it right in the end so there’ll be three composters here with three

Hoppers and this will just be for any excess flowers but hopefully not for any orchids but it will be for seeds i’m actually gonna move this chest to be on the other side it’s just gonna make life easier because then i can have droppers going up into it if i can

Actually place one like that hopper’s going into the droppers my goodness this is getting very very organized isn’t it i’ve never never been so organized in my life and i have a couple of observers like that which is going to be doing this this is going to be a noisy farm

That is with all the pistons so i suppose a little bit of extra noise doesn’t really matter i think something like this okay i don’t know what’s going on there but yeah i think if i go and put a torch here there we go that shuts all of that up

And then if we go and put let’s just you know i need to get some actual bonemeal not like i’m short on bones or anything so if i go ahead and turn all that into bone meal put it into this hopper okay this is kind of working it is filling up

But then that’s going to go in i guess to the entire system made a few adjustments to the redstone i’m pretty sure now it should work pretty well okay i think i’m just going to add a little bit more delay oh that works because i don’t know that one ticket was

A problem but now on two ticks it’s staying like this as you can see if i go and take that out it’ll stop and then i can go ahead put it all back in and yeah it stays the piston’s not moving in and out loads so storage is

Almost complete we’re just going to need some water to go at the edge of here now i’ve just got to once again work out i’m going to add the water i’m going to try and fly in there we go that’ll work i also better add something here but otherwise the water

Will go and break all my redstone which i most definitely don’t want to do after spending so long on it so we go like that look at that stops at the end okay now i’m stuck have to break this bit of glass they both need replacing

That is going to go like that to stop everything you know what actually let’s let’s forget that let’s go and change okay this could be it could be a mistake here so i’ve just got to make sure i don’t do anything too stupid but i’m thinking just at the end here

Why would we put a couple of hoppers okay and then if there’s any extra items they will still manage to get composted as well you know what just to push the boat out why don’t i instead just have five composters are they all going to get used probably not but you know what

That doesn’t matter actually remove one of the composters because otherwise i have no way to get to this chest to fill it with bone meal speaking of filling with bone mill i think there’s no time like the present to start uh doing in fact can we just start the machine as well

Yeah it’s gonna be work it’s already got bone mail in it let’s just see if this collection system actually is all as it’s cracked up debate so the items flow along yeah look at that the orchids are all getting picked up and it’s just the seeds that are going to be composted

Okay where are you what is on earth i haven’t seen hostile mobs in ages i need to turn that mob switch back on a few things have gone wrong with my system unfortunately as you can see this one for some reason there’s nothing in it and then this one well

It’s that one’s okay but this one’s letting seeds through somehow and that’s all because i took somebody’s advice in the comments where they said i could put more of the filters in and it would make it work better because you get more items you can’t though because if you

Pick up a load of orchids it’ll give too much power to one of these comparators and it’ll power other hoppers and mess it all up so you know i was always right all along which i i guess i knew hope you guys haven’t got any more

Bright ideas i’m just kidding i i’d love to hear your guys ideas in the comments most of them are very helpful now let’s actually get on with adding the bone meal which would be a fairly simple thing because yeah the eol farm gives me so so many bones which means i don’t

Think i’ll ever ever run out of it everything has almost been filled up to that in fact it has been filled up to the max so i’ll turn on the machine once again and watch all of the orchids come flying in i’m also going to make a

Slight tweak to the design and mine out this the water should yeah just staying there perfect and i think i’m going to remove this water source and do the well do that kind of all the way along i’ll be very careful over the redstone that i i don’t let it

Flow down in time the reason for doing that is because the items were kind of just sticking to this side missing this hopper out completely but now that problem should be fixed or not i think i think i might have created a disaster here guys yeah the orchids they’re just

They’re just straight up fall out of the entire machine that’s my bad now they should all go into the storage system and all of the chests are getting used and next i’m going to slightly expand the storage and declare the light blue dye farm to be fully complete and as fast as it

Goes through bone mail it then i can go through it the farm is almost working perfectly although i do have the one issue of this hopper being locked a lot by the the redstone torch which is a bit of an oversight i i don’t think it matters

Too much it just means that we end up with a bit of a a build-up of seeds in there and every now and again it’ll let some through but since this end hopper isn’t getting overloaded it’s not really an issue to worry about and the only

Other tiny thing that i think i should do is let’s just make a hole that is i’m going to waterlog this slab right here because sometimes items are just landing on it and getting stuck inside the hopper that will stop that if it’s a slab’s a bit big isn’t it nice little

Trap door will probably work a little bit better so let’s break that up put that there and then we can put the glass like so i think i’m fully happy with it i don’t think i can do much more i mean it’s already got me plenty of orchids as you can see and

Being realistic it’s probably already got me all the light blue day i need anyway for now i’m just going to stop this farm running then fly to spawn so that i can actually turn the mob switch back on instead of constantly forgetting over and over now the quickest way home

Is going to be going through the nether where i can gather all the resources to build another of the flower farms this time for cornflowers also you know how i smelted all of that stone well as you can see none of it went into the chest

And i was trying to work out why and also where did it actually go well it turns out it all went in here for some reason what was that reason i don’t know when this happened or how maybe from a water leakage a bit of redstone broke so now

The uh smooth stone one will work again as normal i’m gonna have to transfer all of these can i can i reach it from here i’ll look at that beautiful i can reach it through the gap there’s a much more healthy looking supply of smooth stone

I’ve got every single item that i need now i’m also going to grab a couple more shulker boxes of bones i’m going to switch this on so it can be running in the background and i thought i had my spot but i’ve now just realized that just because a flower naturally

Generates there doesn’t mean it is actually part of that grain as you can see we’ve got a yellow one what do we call a yellow flower so i’m gonna have to do a little bit more work than i first thought to work out where the gradient of corn flowers

Is all right guys uh it turns out i’m gonna do it well i suppose you guys already knew that flow gradients are really really simple in planes biomes i don’t really exist generally speaking any flower can spawn on any block which would be good for like an old ice farm

And stuff it’s in flower forest where the gradient is much more active and i guess it’s not gonna be a problem that i’m gonna have to go a lot further away to find a flower forest because this orchid one has done everything that i needed it to do thankfully i do happen

To know where there are a few flower forests so we’ll be going to one of them here’s one right here it’s uh it’s a pretty small island but this this could be what i’m looking for you can kind of see how the gradient thing works because they’re all in little patches together

But the gradient is also not the same as what was naturally generated i don’t know if that’s because that’s this was generated these chunks were generated at 1.17 so the gradients change because now we’re in 1.18 by the way you’re probably sick of me telling you about flowers i

Just need to find a place where bone meal will get me some corn flowers i’ve done even more research and come to a conclusion that the best thing i could do is find a 1.18 biome because that was that generated 1.17 was that terrain i’m gonna find a flower forest

In 1.18 i have an idea of when one or two of them are and then the cornflowers that naturally generated those ones were more likely to generate with bone meal there as well you didn’t expect to have a flower education lesson today did you know my troubles to find flower forests

I’m coming across ruined portals apparently already been here though i’ve built a massive tower and mission to find the flower forest has been successful this hill has got quite a few corn flowers all around it so i’m going to build upwards to feel to make a bit

Of a flutter platform next i’ll build a platform and make sure the gradients match up i’m going to be careful i don’t think i’m quite going to that but it might be different flowers at this end so i just have to get the platform’s position in the exact right spot if i do

This correctly only cornflowers will be able to spawn on my farm although i’d like to put a lot of emphasis on the word if first glance with the testing it does seem like i’ve got a pretty good spot over even though on this side in line with there the gradients don’t seem

To overlap we have got one road lily of the valley which which definitely well i mean it’s not a massive problem if it’s a few of them maybe maybe if i move the whole platform this way one and this is basically where the whole trial and error situation

Comes in doing it block by block now just by breaking the grass and then until i get a flower like that this method does use up a lot of oatmeal but hey i’ve got plenty to spare i’ve managed to grow a flower all the way around the border so this strip along here

Won’t even be part of the farm anyway so that doesn’t matter it’s gonna be cool yeah this is how i’m gonna make a cornflower only farm so with my grass block platform sorted i’m gonna build the rest of the farm around it the easiest way i can think of to do that is

To create a platform below it that’s gonna be like the scaffolding kind of thing just so i can place the blocks easier it didn’t have to be made of grass blocks but that’s like the only block that i have loads of spare ones off since i did bring an entire shulker

Box and now that that’s all done let’s get down to business and build this thing and i’ve completed yet another of these farms just need to somehow fly my way into this little gap there we go place the water and then items can come down through this gap into what will be

Storage system 2.0 because i’ve got all the items falling down so so far down here i’ve realized the best way to get them back up for the bone meal is to use a uh a water column so the water will come up here and connect up to this hopper like so

I’m just gonna need a few extra little blocks just to make i mean i’ve run out of glass but yeah basically the water will come up here and it’ll flow all into that hopper and i am gonna slightly adjust the design so it’s a little bit more consistent there needs to be a

Block next this up otherwise items could have got stuck in the side anyway i need to go home i need to get some i think i need yeah all sorts of soul sand kelp water and of course plenty more glass i’m not flying all the way home we’re

Like 4 000 blocks away i think just going through the nether should be fine yeah we’re only about 500 blocks away it’s a pretty short flight in this direction i’ve got the remaining needed items so let’s get back to this portal and get this build finished i’m going to

Place that water like that and then let’s just plug that before i can get round next i’ve got to somehow get in here without making a massive mess to all the redstone so i’m thinking if i do that look at that beautiful that’s that’s still okay then we add this

Followed by loads of kelp on top and when i break it i’m probably yeah i’m gonna be stuck can i actually swim back down sometimes you can swim against the current but this is not one of those times i think i’ll block off this water

Then i can mine my way out break that place that beautiful somehow did all that without making a mess the redstone is still in one piece and i reckon this farm is now done and we can start adding loads of the bone meal all this should

Be enough just to get it going starting to realize that i should probably make this platform a little bit bigger so that it’s easier to get to the awkward things like this lever all right machine cornflowers are all well i’m gonna say spawning but they’re growing now the

Machine is pushing them through and they are going down look at that beautiful heading on down into the system and if it is working then these composters will fill with bonemeal which will go up there and my chest will fill with cornflowers i’ve got even more bonemeal added to the

Machine and all of this really is just beautiful to see they said that a cornflower only farm couldn’t be done like maybe nobody said that but anyway i found a way to do it which which i’m very very pleased with i need just over a double chest worth of

Cornflowers which it shouldn’t take me too long i think maybe you know half an hour and we won’t be far off so i’m gonna leave this machine to keep running i might give it a little bit more bone meal just to keep it nicely chopped up

Then i will hide myself in a nice little safe hole like this i’ll be back very very shortly plenty of time has passed and i have got all of the cornflowers that i could possibly need i’m not going to take all of these home for now since

I need a bunch of shulker boxes but let’s just turn off the farm for now and continue with the big item collection job so i’ve got the blue dye i’ve got the white dye i’ve got pretty much all of the gravel so what’s the one thing

That i’m missing lots of well i’ll tell you once i’ve fully mended up my elytra and also once i’ve looted this little ruined portal sand i need lots and lots of sand and i reckon i can get plenty of it by tnting this massive area i’m going

To initially have to grab a bit of sun by hand so that i can craft loads of tnt and blow up the area 31 shulker boxes worth are going to need to be filled which is of course going to take quite a bit of time but i get large amounts of

Sand like that all of the time Well i have uh i have completely destroyed this desert and i’ve also filled up so so many sugar boxes this three in the inventory let’s look at the destruction it looks amazing doesn’t it i’ve ruined the land so much good thing i’ll never be coming back here again and

There you have it 31 shulker boxes all filled with sand i’m going to craft a couple more of these boxes though and then show you the faster and improved metal that i found to tnt the desert i also happened to use pressure plates now because my front is still broken i

Didn’t have another one so basically i’ve realized that if i just go along and blow it up as i’m going that then because before i was placing all the tnt then running back and lighting it all and that was like an extra journey so this is like 33 faster isn’t it for me

To light it up as i’m moving along gets me the sun so so much quicker so once i realized that very simple tweak things move so so much faster i end up getting so so much sun so i’m going to collect all of these final bits you also do get

The pressure plates back because they get blown up so they just add one of the drops and now for the slight issue of how am i going to get all of this sand home i’ve got all of these shulker boxes filled to the top definitely not gonna

Be able to fit all of these in the inventory i can put all of this stuff into this shulker box and then put some of these into an ender chest the rest i can get him inventory we can come this is actually gonna work somehow guys

Because i can put that in there i can mine up these chests i don’t have my axe anymore it’s stored away in one of these shulker boxes so they go in there i can pick that one up pick up that one go on every single one come on charlotte yes

We’ve got a slot to spare anything else that i can take but on principle i uh i take some sticks just kidding they’re not even worth bringing now i think the best way home for me is probably to head to the flower farm and go through the

Portal that way otherwise i’d have to fly seven thousand blocks to get home think i’m in the vicinity i am in the vicinity i see up ahead and whilst i’m here can i also bring back a load of cornflowers let’s just took all this stand out here imagine if i accidentally

Burned them or something appointment lava or all the last like two or three hours i’ve spent collecting up sand would just be completely wasted couldn’t quite bring back every corn flour that i wanted to but we’ve got a decent amount now let’s just get back home and so first things first let’s put

All of this sand into here i don’t know why i’m trying it’s an organized way let’s just chuck it all in now the real question is which one did i actually put my tools into yeah i don’t know i’m gonna have to search every single one until i find it

Yeah i didn’t really think this one threw off there’s loads of them you just know that it’s gonna be the last one that i come to it’s just it’s just the rules of nature the rules of life that it’s the last one look i only got seven left you know almost no

Six left now and with five to spare i have found the item thank goodness makes me want to double check all the other ones just to make sure that i didn’t put any other items into him but i don’t think i did i think the other one was in a grey

Shulker box so whilst i’m here why don’t i go and grab the sand out of here and then combine it okay well if we could actually get to it we could combine anyway combine it with that so that is another completely full one that sand

Can fill up there and i can line up all these millions of shulker boxes and add them to the chest got worried for a second because i was like well there’s only 28 in there i should have more than that then i realized i have loads of

Them still in the sugar box as well thank goodness for that i thought i’d misplace the load of sand at some point this joker box can be dyed blue for all the cornflowers i don’t think i actually have a cornflower place do i have one for something pointless like lillypads

Yeah that makes sense not to worry those are gonna be used as blue dye anyway so you might as well chuck those in there and i might as well craft all these now because they’re gonna have to be turned into the blue die eventually there we go

That chest is looking very healthy and now five of these shulker boxes are going to be needed to turn to be turned into glass let’s grab a couple more hoppers place them on the side of this chest and this bottom one can be filled with sand as well as this double chest

And finally these two shulker boxes can be placed on top like that when these create glass it’s all going to be going down it’s going to be heading to the chest room and eventually i’ll be reaching the glass chest now i need to make sure there’s enough room in here

For all this glass to come through so i’m going to fill a couple of sugar i probably don’t need to fill a couple of shulker boxes there yeah that’s fine if i look at that already it’s coming through so that’s just great news it means it’s working i do have a slight

Worry that it’s going to kind of get stuck when it comes along because if there’s too many items that come through basically i’m using a chunk loader to load the chunks but not these chunks so it might all come in one big go let all the glass come flowing along and then

I’m worried that somebody’s gonna get lost anyway i’ll worry about that when i actually need to and whilst i’ll let that smelt in the background i’m gonna turn the mob switch back off and then i can fly back to the guardian farm and watch them as they all spawn in an afk

To get loads more stuff for sea lanterns i’ve also realized that this i don’t know if this is the most efficient place to be i wonder if if i was actually a few blocks lower would it be more efficient i’ve no idea i’d have to test

That some time but anyway that’s a lot let’s just uh get loads of stuff this the prismarine crystals will be filling up and yeah they’ll have all the sealants that i’ll need for the build and we’ll almost have everything we need to get started spent a decent amount of

Time here again and got loads more xp as well as plenty of crystals fairly confident that with all this i should have all of the sea lanterns that i need and that is shulker box number one filled and also the second one and also a third one for good measure and that’s

Enough time crafting them i don’t really need any more let’s just fly on back home and whilst i am now very close to having every single needed item there’s one thing i haven’t got enough of and that is gravel we’ve got about 15 shulker boxes worth but we still need a

Few more if i can fill up all of these i’ll have everything i need and we’re going back to the best place to find it yep all i really need to do is just find one of my tunnels that i’ve blasted before and i mean you’d think maybe not

Digging into lava’s a good idea but i don’t mind you know we’ve nothing to lose actually with 3762 days to lose so maybe i’ve got a lot to lose but here we are well we’re going to find one anyway didn’t expect to dig straight down in

One to one i thought i’d have to strip mine but now that that’s sorted let’s just go and get mining it does definitely make it much easier to spot these gravel areas but a lot of the time most of the gravel has actually been blown up although not this one this is a

Very very big deposit i don’t want the lava to ruin my day whoa it’s coming through oh no lava has no business being in the nether ruining my gravel collecting spree look at this found a bit of ancient debris that i missed on a previous journey and there’s another one

Just floating right here my goodness i must miss a few more of these and i actually realized although in my defense when i built this tunnel i don’t think i’d even got to 1000 days so i’m gonna let myself off two shulker boxes have now been completely filled and i have

Reached the end of this particular tunnel although i’m sure it won’t take me long to strip mine to another one and on the way i’ll find more gravel too and a nice bit of ancient debris as well oh and and actually whilst digging through for the ancient debris

Look at that we found another tunnel with gravel ready to be mined look at that was mine up a bit more gravel covered another piece of ancient debris you think it’s oh it’s a double as well no it’s a triple well that is very very nice indeed isn’t it came for the gravel

But i stayed for the ancient debris speaking of gravel i now have four full shulker boxes worth but i think i’m still gonna need to get another four more just been happily mining away at all this gravel and i’ve just realized miss shovel is nearly broken now i do

Not want to let my shovel break that could have been a nasty disaster and i reckon my best option to stop it from breaking will be to pull out a fortune pickaxe put the shovel in the offhand and begin mining up all sorts of bits of

Quartz i’m also going to be careful i don’t do anything stupid because i’m still holding my totem so yeah yeah i like walking to larvae and have piglets attacking me brilliant little tactical switch to the totem was was probably wise in that situation but now let’s return to mining the quartz that’s

Shulker box number five filled up and another bit of ancient debris spotted very nice i just can’t stop finding it at the moment and that is the shovel completely repaired as well shulker box number six has almost been filled just need a couple more pieces there we go if

I can fill up one more box i’ll probably have enough and look at this mining a bit more gravel if i can just find a way to actually uncover this lava which is causing me some problems once you disappear two pieces of ancient debris nicely waiting for me to be mine got 10

On my travels here which isn’t bad considering i’ve really been oh my god just room stop ruining this moment for me yeah considering i came out here for gravel coming away with 10 ancient debris is not half bad and yet another one look at that that’s base number 11.

Sometimes the best way to find ancient debris is to not look for ancient debris i’m serious guys i’m serious i cannot honestly i’m just looking for gravel just a humble guy look at me and i just okay every block of my mind it’s like oh yeah there’s another piece of asian

Debris for me we know you’ve spent countless countless hours getting another right beacon so we’re going to help you out a little bit and there we go i have i’ve got all the gravel that i need and so now i shall dig my way up

And out of here it will involve a bit of a swim through lava which is nothing i can’t handle to go home i need to fly in this direction now that i’m home sweet home i’m gonna load up this chest and i also need to check oh my gosh yes there

Is a build up of glass as i was worried about yeah i need to do something about this then um how are we there’s a lot of glass here let’s fill up one shulker box and i’d better grab a few more to uh to

Be able to deal with the rest of it i suppose nice to pick it all up very nice i will come up with some sort of system to stop that problem but the priority now is well not priority but we’re going to get that smelting as well grab a few

Light blue shulker boxes and then i’ll fill them with a bunch of orchids although to fill them all we are going to need quite a few more which means flicking this lever and uh yeah running the machine for a little bit left it running for a while

And we have got plenty more of these orchids which means every shulker box can be filled now let’s get them all gathered up okay okay just fly away from this guy oh my goodness millings are in the sky also don’t forget to turn off the machine and let’s now get back home

So i’ve got the sand i’ve got the gravel and i’ve got the dyes however i’m gonna need to craft 75 thousand concrete powder and convert it to concrete foster just use this little contraption right here we will be here till next christmas guys we’ll be about five thousand dead

Before i convert it all so it’s time i built a bigger and better concrete machine it’s gonna require quite a few different items to build this but it’ll be so worth it when it’s done and i now have every item that is needed for this build in the shulker boxes i also want

To make this somewhere kind of out of the way i don’t want it to be like in too much of plain sight i don’t think i don’t really know where i’m going with this don’t worry it’s been too near the millions of ghosts that i for some

Reason have been uh in boats i’ll build it right here it’s kind of out of the way enough but not too far from the house either we’re gonna start off with a row of chests along here to collect the items with hoppers going into those

And then ice behind it and this is where we can use a few items to align things properly so when an item is going to flow around it’s going to hit this and so it doesn’t get stuck we’ll also have glass panes all the way to the end let’s

Get a slab right here then we can put water like that we can have some more here so it will push the items all the way i need to get this platform above built before me water freezes this is going to be a pretty massive platform

And it’s going to act as the collection system for the concrete that falls down ultimately it’ll push all the items into this hole right here that is why i haven’t been able to cover it up eventually it will be covered up though so it will be under sunlight and it

Won’t freeze once i finish the build and that is this massive platform fully filled in and there will be a lot of water all the way along these edges but i don’t have to worry about it freezing because there will be sea lanterns all along the side that’ll nicely stop any

Ice from forming since they’re all down let’s now go and do something like this we can use the old infinite water source system to very easily cover the whole okay well not very easily if i do that but yeah to very easily cover the whole thing in water one second guys i’ve

I’ve completely got this one wrong sometimes my own stupidity really does surprise me now i’m gonna have to head all the way down to the storage system to grab some sponge to clean up this mess that i’ve made and now that that’s all gone let’s go we take two and this

Time yeah not quite so crazy you think by now i’d learn wouldn’t you but yeah the corners needed to be raised and that was where i was going wrong and now all of these bits could save for me water sources and it won’t all completely fill

With water and that looks so much better everything flows perfectly to the middle and now the next part of the build is going to be quite a bit higher up and it’s going to consist of an obsidian platform and on this part there is just

A bit of redstone to be added i think that’s all of it and now this is where the redstone starts to get a little bit more complicated and this is where the area that the tnt is going to go i’m not going to place it just yet because i

Don’t want it all too or to go wrong basically it’s starting to take shape we’ve got another water bit of collection here as well that’s going to yeah just keep pushing things around the water did freeze but you can easily do that and then cover it up like so just

Gonna add these hoppers into here yeah it’s it’s all coming together everything that the way it’s ever you know it’s all gonna get pushed i am now covering up the sky route from uh from this bit so that can also become water again then i can add chests that all the concrete

Powder is going to be put into and once i place this piece of tnt right here operation concrete farm is complete at least i hope it is anyway let’s go and turn on this lever see what happens so we flick it as you can see pushing stuff very fast the tnt is being

Lit and there’s yeah i think it’s i’m not sure if it’s meant to do that actually hold on a second pretty sure something isn’t quite right down here yep turns out i’m an idiot and i forgot to place a waterlogged trapdoor in here so let’s go and uh add that now

The farm should be working as intended at least i hope so i know i’m using a tnt jupiter i don’t usually end up using for farms but i feel like i’m not farming some i’m converting some i’m just defining it in my head somehow but yeah let’s have a little look see the

Tnt should just blow up just below the obstacle there we go that’s working perfectly which means all i need now is all of the powder to turn to concrete before i craft and bring all that powder i am just going to add a few more chests

I think because i’m going to be doing so much i definitely don’t want to run out of space here the design is by ill mango and pixels by the way it does 72 000 per hour which i suppose means it’ll only take me about an hour to convert all the

Necessary concrete whilst i am in the area i’m also going to turn more of this glass well more this sand into glass because i think all of the squads have been done so double chests can be filled up that’s four shulker boxes worth into the system and now to craft a whopping

45 000 light blue concrete the shulker boxes are laid out ready and the dye is here to be gathered and now to get crafting and all the crafted dye has been used up so now we have to start turning the orchids into die again which is a bit of

A slow process but it’s not that bad and that is a lot of shulker boxes worth of this crafted i reckon i get these mined up and then begin adding all of these items to the chests and that is 12 shulker boxes worth added to the system

Although i’m gonna need 27 of them all together so yeah i’m gonna have to keep going with the crafting but you know what let’s test this machine out let’s see how it works first of all i need to grab a few items to fill up my image so

Let’s do with under chest because we can only have one available slot then i need to rebind my right click to be a keyboard key that will make me click faster i will place blocks faster so yeah you can place blocks so much faster you can see

We’re just we’re going to extreme space and it seems to be working correctly i think actually maybe i’m not too sure is it working correctly let’s just temporarily stop the machine see what’s going on here okay we’ve got a lot and i mean a lot of uh concrete here more than that

My inventory can well i guess i can’t hold it i’m trying to do that let’s pick it all up okay yeah i’ve got a few stacks here let’s just put those back into the system i’m not convinced it’s meant to look like that guys i’m really not convinced this is

This is how the farm is meant to work so i know that you guys know that i am at times a bit of an idiot and today well it’s been no exception i need to very very quickly grab myself four water buckets then mine up all of this spare

Concrete powder hopefully having all this come around hasn’t broken the farm and then i can rectify my very very stupid mistake forgot to waterlogge these stairs didn’t i yeah it all went wrong from uh from that moment forward because believe it or not if you don’t have water you uh

You can’t make concrete let’s now go with take two and i think it’s working better it definitely looks like things are are going as they’re supposed to anyway the only real issue i see here is that it is dispensing me concrete powder way faster than i can place it as you

Can see well that means that maybe just filling two of the double chests is better than having all four of them running but on the positive side i have managed to get quite a good amount of concrete through here not quite the hundreds and hundreds of stacks that i

Need but it’s a very very good start for now just a little experiment where i dropped the render distance down to two and i think the increase in fps has slightly sped up the speed of the pistons move which makes the farm a little bit faster so i’m very glad to

See that this is working so well more than enough concrete is going into the system and i’ve also got the glass melting so i want to grab a couple of shulker boxes just to fill all of that in i don’t want to oh look how close my

Chest were to get overflowed i had that realization while i was up there that i’m gonna make it i’ve got a lot of glass on the way i need some storage for it and thankfully i managed to get some sorted in time plenty more space there

Ready to be filled and i’m gonna now get all the concrete converted that i need i’ve been busy and i’ve turned every bit of concrete powder that’s light blue into the concrete that i need i’ve also been to ibiza for ten days mid video so

Yeah this this one has taken me a while to do but all of the blue concrete powder is almost crafted i just need to make a few more i’ve got 16 shulker boxes worth right here we do still need about 17 in total but i have made a

Little adjustment up here i’ve realized that there should only be three of these droppers in use for it to go at the right speed and i can also place down a bunch of shulker boxes up here and blue concrete will start filtering into the machine and whilst that does that i can

Craft these last few bits of concrete i think what i’ve got here is actually gonna be enough and i’m also gonna need to make a few modifications to the uh the concrete machine pretty much all the items i want are there except for an iron trap door that will also be very

Useful and so all i’m gonna do here is just extend the storage system because i’ve seen a problem where this machine is so fast if i run it for quite a long time you just end up with a build up of concrete at the end which we don’t want

That because then it’ll despawn so instead it’ll be much better to do something like this and i think this might be an opportunity for a sea pickle the water will flow to here and then we’re going to put some more water oh let’s just put these paints in first so

Now we can put the water here we’ll put two sea pickles like that and add a few more chests trap door there bit more packed ice and now this machine will never run out of storage space or once i have this final bucket of water it will

Anyway so to stop this freezing as well we need to put glass above it and then i’m just gonna do a little test by uh i don’t know why i’m doing it like this but you know i don’t know what i’m doing let’s just chuck down a load of random

Items that’s probably a smarter idea oh no that’s not gonna help though is it i’m just gonna have to temporarily break these hoppers and now when i send a load of items down they should reach the sea pickle and they go oh they’re going past

The sea figure oh let’s instead see if a wall will work nope it did not and i’m not messing about this any longer we’re just going to place some chests and put all the hoppers on the other side and now that i’ve moved it to this side as

You can see it all works perfectly now to put back these hoppers i can place down more shulker boxes to fill up the machine and manually fill up the rest as well and there we go that is all now sorted i can drop these into here and

With that i can begin using the machine and it looks like i have now run out of concrete powder which means it’s all converted i’ll mine up these six shulker boxes and the easiest way to get them back is to literally just turn on the machine and look at the old come through

Meanwhile at the bottom i’m gonna see which chest is actually my speaker concrete it looks like it doesn’t even come all this way around which is good news there’s just a couple of bits in these ones at the end and so the overflow system has worked perfectly

That is all shulker boxes filled up with a bit to spare i’ve also got some of this light blue concrete that is now filtered through the system let’s gather up the shulker boxes and i’d also like to dye all of the sugar boxes so the correct color just to make life a bit

Easier for finding stuff later on and now that i’ve got the concrete that’s the hardest part out of the way next i’m just going to need a bunch of glass which will also be dyed light blue but because i’m using less ingredients i don’t have to convert it from powder to

Concrete it’s so so much faster and that is all of these turned into light blue glass now i’m gonna make sure all of these are dyed white just so i can differentiate them from the light blue concrete ones you know if it didn’t both the same it would be kind of pointless

Next let’s grab some cyanide i don’t think we have enough there but we’ve got loads of blue dye and plenty of green dye and this shulker box worth of glass will be turned cyan and they’ll also dye the shulker box itself and with that we are pretty much there with all the

Materials that i need except for one last thing sea lanterns i can’t forget all these sea lanterns that i spent ages getting and the next biggest challenge is probably going to be getting all of these shulker boxes to where we’re going to build the farm so

Yeah i’m not entirely sure what my best move is here i think i’m just going to go ahead chuck that in there and then break this chest with me here my pickaxe don’t get angry but once that’s done we can pick everything up and i’ll grab a couple

More chests just to be helpful and then i can fly over to spawn chuck down a chest and fill it with shulker boxes and now i can go all the way back grab the rest and add them to the collection so most of hard work is done because i have

Gathered up all of the resources but to build this megabase at spawn i’m going to need to clear quite a big area because this is going to be a very very big base and so to clear that area i’m going to put my best foot forward and

Mine out this entire forest not only will that include chopping down trees it’ll also include mining away at this mountain and i’ve absolutely got no idea what a snow gum is doing up here but i’m just gonna leave him to it Turns out that mining out an entire mountain area it took a lot longer than i thought i’ve spent hours and hours mining all of this out i’ve almost took a big enough of a space but i need to remove this entire mountain so it’s the same level as all of this i can’t

Believe it but the sun is setting on day 3800 already yes i’ve spent days and days doing this but i’m still gonna keep going through the night and as much as i was hoping to build this entire megabase in this episode it will take a long long

Time to build will you guys leave me alone i’m trying to talk here yeah it’ll take ages and ages to build so i think it’s definitely something to save for the next episode i guess i don’t really have much choice anyway there’s only like a few minutes left can you believe

It 15 days of minecraft mining that’s basically five hours straight and i broke my silt touch pickaxe in amongst all of that oh well not to worry because my other pickaxe has almost broken 4000 days draws closer and closer i have a megabase to complete but before i can

Build it this mountain has got to go already got rid of most of it in the last episode but it needs to be flattened so that is down to this level in a very short amount of time i’ve already filled my inventory with cobblestone and it’s probably going to

Be useful for me to keep as much of it as i can even though i have got quite a few shulker boxes of it i could always do with more let’s grab a few of these and a few of these i don’t know if i

Have much gray dye oh look at that we’ve got loads so i want four to die all the red ones these two light gray ones are going to be used for gravel because that still has uses for stuff like concrete but that won’t be my main focus instead

It’ll be to get as much cobble as i can and that is another layer completely mined away not too far off from finishing it but my pickaxe is nearly broken so i’m gonna fly up to the gold farm get it repaired and then get back to mining and now all of this is

Completely mined away so i’m gonna head back home to drop off stuff like all of this cobblestone that i’ve mined and now i must do something about this pickaxes hue see i did break my silk touch once i’ve just got that fortune one there if i grab three diamonds two sticks and a

Netherride ingot and i can create a brand new netherite pickaxe and add the necessary upgrades and now that that’s sorted i can begin to mark out the area that this megabase is going to go also just to clarify this megabase is not going to replace my actual home that’s

You know thousands of blocks in that direction but instead it’s just gonna be a basic spawn that i can use whenever i might need it and one of the redstone contraptions that’s gonna have to be moved because it is in the way is this daylight cycle stasis chamber the redstone isn’t too ridiculously

Complicated so if i did want to build another one that wouldn’t be an issue but now it has completely gone i finished this bottom layer here and it might just give you a glimpse of how big it’s going to be because there’s going to be eight of these all in a circle

This may be the biggest build that i’ve ever done so i shall grab a load more resources and continue on this building project and the base of this is almost done as you can see it’s uh it’s very very big but we have a problem and that problem is that this wireless redstone

Machine is now in the way when i first built it this machine was very very useful but since then the designs have been modified and improved so i should probably build a brand new one anyway which is why i don’t mind breaking this one completely and there we go this is

All now being removed so let’s now get back to building everything and there we go everything is now connected up and next i think i’m going to work on this middle section which involves removing this beacon and with that now removed i can begin work on this middle section i

Have to say that snow is very very annoying but i’ve created a bit of a pattern down here of different concretes and in all these gaps where i haven’t placed anything i’m going to put sea lanterns and then on top of all of that i’m going to place light blue stained glass and

Whilst it is difficult to properly see because of the snow that section is finished and i can do the same thing on this area and that is another section complete so i’m going to take this opportunity to go to sleep to stop the snow and then add in all of the other

Sections i have now almost done all of these sections i’m just gonna do this final one in here and then i’ll be finished and there we go that is now all done from the top angle you can see it is it is starting to take shape it’s

Starting to come together but i do now need to mine out this middle layer of blocks and there we go next i’m going to add light blue concrete under all of the edge of this border and the next thing i’ll do is fill in this entire layer with glass and i have successfully

Placed all the glass okay well i was about to say on this outer layer but now i’ve successfully placed all the gloss however i also need to fill in the bits inside of this blue concrete as well and there we go and now to add another layer of concrete and another

Layer of glass and there we go that is a there’s a lot of glass i think i’m about to cry guys but um i’ve i’ve just realized something it was not meant to be light blue glass it was it was meant to be cyan glass just give

Me a moment while i fix all of this and that is now fixed that’s an entire minecraft day that i’m i’m never getting back and now to add another layer of glass and this time it’s definitely light blue i’ve got the right color now i don’t have to add any more glass

Instead i’m adding a bit of a raised section here that’s going to be over the top it’s just going to kind of add a bit more definition in a pattern and then all of these will connect up to this part in the middle the base is really

Starting to take shape now i’ve built up these bits quite a bit they’re connecting to the middle i’ve just got to carry on doing the same thing over here and now that i have completed all of this middle bit you can get a view of it from the top it is definitely looking

Pretty good starting to come together that is for sure the actual base part of this megabase will be underneath here i’d have to dig all that out and sort it out but uh for now we are working on exteriors but for now i think i should

Take a bit of a break from building that and instead focus on getting yet another notch apple right now i’ve got 42 and the goal is for me to eventually get a hundred put up there i’ve already filled up the wall completely so i’m trying to

Think where i should put any new ones i could put them on the roof but i don’t know that just seems a little bit strange to me or maybe along here but again i don’t know if that works instead let’s do a little bit of mining out here

Fill behind it with black stone and the underneath with some bricks and then we can have a display set up like that and i can also do the exact same thing on this side now i’m trying to decide which i think looks better either like that

With a bit of an indent or this on glass so it’s more like that one and i’ve got to be honest i think indent looks better when i filled up both of these two ones with the 18 notch apples i can do the same thing on this side but it’ll

Probably be quite a while before that happens now to give all of my tools a quick repair and i also need to craft a brand new flint and steel and give it mending and unbreaking and now with everything that i need i can fly far far away and search for notch apple number

43. look at that it’s taking me out into a hush cave this is an interesting place always nice to find one of these underground but when you’re looking for not chapels you uh you actually need to be above the ground also a little experiment let’s put a time on screen

See how long it takes me to find one my goal is to try and find one in less than 10 minutes although being in a jungle is uh probably not the best place for me to be i’m going to admit it this jungle was connected to a desert the first of the

Pyramids has been spotted and sadly it had nothing in it now we’ve got another one here let’s see if this one is going to be any better the answer is no rng wasn’t on me side well the 10 minute mark is just about to pass a nightmare

I’m not having much fun in actually finding these pyramids i can’t even find a desert at this point oh i’m gonna make it with someone and there’s one right on the edge now that i’ve got we’re already over time but tell you what if we find

It here then we’ve done pretty well but it’s only my third one so i highly doubt it highly doubt it doesn’t mean impossible though oh my goodness it didn’t make it possible whoa i did not expect that i was just kind of hoping for the best but let’s go ladies and

Gentlemen not chapel number 43. it was only like 20 seconds too late and getting it that was that was a pretty valiant effort and whilst there is still quite a big bit of desert to explore i think i’m gonna go and head home means that these ones can be saved for another

Time if i can remember where i’m like 40 000 blocks away but let’s not worry about that let’s instead just fly back home also guys if you are new to the channel are you enjoying the videos 4 000 days is so so close so make sure to

Subscribe i am on a quest for 4 million subscribers and i can’t do it without the help of you guys and so this could be the first one to be added to the wall looking very good indeed and apparently these are gonna be much easier to find

When ancient cities comes out so uh that’s another cool feature but i’m still very proud of all the hard work that i put in to get all of these and now after that short break i can go back to spawn and start working on one of these massive towers that are going to

Be part of the base as you can see it’s got the dark blue on the outside and the light blue on the inside and then the glass in the middle and then we’re going to kind of build this upwards so it goes at a bit of an angle so that it’s like a

Diagonal upward building same thing on this side it’s going to come out one like that and you can probably start to see how the curvature is taking shape as you can see yeah it’s like daggingly going upwards and there’s different pillars and stuff and beams as we go up

So whilst it is taking shape it still has to be built up quite a bit higher it’s only now that i’m starting to realize how big of a project this is actually going to be as you can see it’s like it’s coming together it’s looking good there’s some random pillages on my

Base i don’t know what it’s all about but yeah it is it is definitely getting there but it’s going to go so so much higher and so with that in mind i’m just going to keep on building and i’ve now successfully placed down all of the

Light blue concrete and that is what the size of the building is going to look like it looks a little bit strange to top out i’ll admit i still need to add all of the blue concrete with the glass and the sea lanterns on the side though hopefully that will make the building

Look a lot better and that is one of the corners now complete as you can see just three more to go and that is one side finished i’ve done three of the corners and now you can you can start to see how it looks from the side i think it looks

A bit better now it’s got the dark blue on it as well and all that is left for me to do is finish this corner right here and then i can finish the top bit up there as well and there we have it mission accomplished that building is

Complete it looks pretty amazing you can see how the whole thing goes look i’m gonna build that though seven more times yeah this is slightly bigger project than i first realized but i’m not gonna be building it seven more times right now instead it is time to

Grab some tnt repair my items and i was gonna look for a desert but this portal that i’ve made has spawned me in an amazingly massive cave so i think the best thing i can do is put 10 minutes on the timer and see just how many diamonds i can find

Already i’ve found more than 10 and it’s not even been two minutes the diamonds are literally everywhere and i’m just jumping into love like an idiot let’s maybe not do that not that it really matters this armor is uh it’s pretty op with that we have reached 15. also it’s

Times like this i must clarify that diamond armor is for peasants but diamonds themselves are not it’s a pretty common misconception that i get whenever i go mining for diamond five minutes in and the diamond total is sat at 22. if i can make it to 30 then i

Will be very very impressed with diamond number 26 being found and 27 oh it looks pretty likely doesn’t it there’s another one i am struggling to find some big caves though which is a bit of a worry but you’d think that i can find just two

Diamonds in two minutes at least i hope so anyway one minute to go still no sign of them and this looks like the original cave i was in now did i miss any diamonds in here oh no i did look at that perfect right let’s just quickly

Land it take two we’re trying to land there we go that was better please be two it’s two okay perfect we have got 30 and it was in less than nine and a half minutes and in the remaining 20 seconds i have actually managed to find

One more i think it’s like 31 is that the grand total it looks like it and if you ask me that was a very successful spontaneous diamond mining session and now my priority is to track down a desert and now the mission has been successful let’s start placing tnt

And blowing things up i found this to be an extremely fast way to collect sand and even though i get loads of comments just telling me to dupe the sand as i’ve said many times i i will not have a dupe sand or gravel might as well just droop

Never right if i’m gonna do that already got two shulker boxes from that one journey and now it’s time to blow up another strip i have collected up so so much sand i’m just gonna use up these last bits of tnt there’s about 36 of

Them left now and once all of that has run out i will go home with almost 20 shulker boxes worth of sand if you ask me that is not a bad day’s work and that is 15 shulker boxes worth of sand collected up gonna turn all this spare

Sand into gunpowder and i think we can now safely go home i’m not sure the word safely was the one i’m looking for we could happily go home with everything that we’ve got and as usual the fastest way to do that will be to make a portal

And fly home through the nether one thing i didn’t tell you is that i already have four shulker boxes of sand waiting for me at home let’s place all of these down and get crafting all of the tnt and i’ve now used up all of the gunpowder that i have in crafting tnt

And we’ve got three shulker boxes worth so far but there’s still quite a bit of sun left to go at so i need more gum powder and the best place to get that is from the eol farm although i mean said that there is there is not a huge amount

Okay maybe in this chest there is i’d be a little bit worried for a second but yeah we’ve got absolutely loads of it i think i’m gonna take every bit of gunpowder so i know that i have now got none left here although having said that

My inventory is not big enough to take a dog so we still got quite a few ones left and really that can only be a good thing and that is absolutely all of my sand crafted into tnt and that’s give me a grand total of 8 326 tnt and very conveniently in the

Last 100 days episode i dug a massive 10 000 blocks long tunnel the entrance to it is right about here and i can now use this massive creation to place down so so much to yente i want to obtain at least 18 blocks of netherrite today that

Is that is the goal to keep us on track for the netherright beacon and as people tell me all the time i could space the tnt out a bit more but it kind of it doesn’t make too much of a difference in the sense that if you space it out more

The tunnel will be not as big more tnt together will make a wider tunnel meaning you’ll expose more blocks and see more ancient debris maybe use a bit more tnt but as you can see i can craft it so so fast that it makes no difference to me and that is every

Single bit of tnt place down as i took a load of this netherrack into a shulker box and then we light this up grab a bow with flame on it and some arrows that way i can keep the chain going if i need to and i can go ahead and collect up

Lots and lots of ancient debris and already i have got one netherright blocks worth and there’s still a long way to go and exploring this tunnel that is now one stack of ancient debris progress is going very nicely indeed and now i have two stacks of ancient debris

And now also a third stack a fourth one a fifth and also a sixth one all of this ancient debris will get me over ten netherite blocks ten and a half to be precise and there’s still thousands of blocks left in this tunnel to explore so i’m starting to become confident that i

Won’t be far off those 20 netherite blocks i’ll just have to keep exploring and mining the ancient debris and i have now reached the end of my tnt tunnel that didn’t quite get the amount of stacks i thought it would but eight stacks and three is a pretty good amount

And now to get out of here there is a hole somewhere up here actually the exact same one that i came down i’m just going to try and find it there it is let’s fly on up and i can begin the smelting project of all of this ancient

Debris using the super smelter just bounces it out so much look at that there’s just one in each and it fills this chest up very very fast i believe i might also have a bit not in that one but in this one i might have a bit of

Yeah look at that bit near the right scrap near the right ingots and we’re going to need quite a bit of got a lot more gold yep whilst i leave all that to smelt i’m gonna make a trip to the gold farm now i’m gonna start with this one

Up here because it is closer have a look at what we’ve got okay well is it gonna be enough gold i’m gonna guess no but there is quite a few ingots in there as well we’ll get in there with the gold and whilst i’m here i might as well

Repair my pickaxe as well and i can fly all the way over somewhere in this direction that’s it just follow the blackstone slabs and i will come to this farm although the place i really want is the farm down here the gold farm which has got so so

Much got i did not realize i had this much gold waiting for me let me start crafting these into blocks and putting them in here and i think all of these should be enough they don’t need to go into a shulker box really let’s just fly

Back up to the top and then we can go back home from there i can grab all of this netherright scrap took a bunch of these items into the sorter and make all right where on earth is this slab got okay did i break that once upon a time

Let’s let’s put it back there we go and now i can craft all these nether angles oh look at it two stacks two stacks three step well two stacks and four that’s insane and then we can make the blocks it’s 14 blocks with three short

For the 15th but i tell you what that is still some very very nice progress because the layers are smaller of course it’s going to speed up it’s it’s really taking shape and whilst i’m doing stuff with the beacon might as well grab a bit of string and put it on

These blocks so that snow does not go on them and the same thing can be done on these outer ones as well i really can’t wait until that beacon is finished it’s been going since the beginning of time what an achievement it will be and i’ve

Only been working on it for 7.5 million years and whilst i’m doing stuff in this chest room i might as well grab three stone because if you notice i think i took the stone cutter when i went to the end for the the wither farm or the

Obsidian farm rather and i never made the stone cutter again so we’re gonna go and put one back because it’s just annoying there’s a random hole in the ground at some point i should make a better solution for this water as well it’s like i need an infinite water

Source but it could be better that couldn’t it anyway now that some beacon progress has been done i’m going to head to spawn and begin work on a second tower of this mega base and this time it’s gonna be a diagonal one i have no idea

If that’s gonna be easier or harder than the uh the one i did over there only time will tell well i’m already starting to realize that this is gonna take a little bit longer than uh than that one did but not to worry i’m just gonna

Crack on and get placing as fast as i can and it has taken about 40 minutes but i am now working on this roof as you can see the building is it’s very very tall but it still needs the blue border stuff to be added as

Well so the work is far from done just yet and that is all of the light blue concrete placed down and now let’s add the blue concrete the sea lanterns and also the glass and once i place down these four blocks another one is now complete oh my goodness here the

Massive megabase is coming together and i have to say i think you can see how it is gonna look really really cool when it’s finished obviously there’s still six more of these to build but i am i am very very impressed with how it’s looking each of the towers does seem to

Take a couple hours to build but i’m fairly confident i could get it all built at this episode i said that to me that was coming i could do in the last episode and we know how that one went but this time i’m sure things will be different and speaking of things being

Different i’d like to fix an issue with my storage system basically if i have this big super smelter working and i’m using it with a chunk loader so i’m not in the area then once i load the chunks there will be a big buildup of items in

My storage system you probably saw it in the last episode if you’re watching basically all of the items will get clumped up here because the hoppers will be full and they can’t hold any more items so i’m going to attempt to fix that using hopper mine carts gonna take quite

A lot of them my only hope is it doesn’t cause this area to be too laggy to help me with this i’m going to craft a stack of hoppers and for now i think 15 hopper mic i can fit a few more in the inventory we’ll we’ll do as much as we

Can now to turn all of these into hopper minecarts and choke them in this chest because i i don’t need them right now instead i need to run some tests by using dirt so i can safely break this block i can now the issue here is this

Double chest is kind of in the way so if i just break that okay that’s gone off into the system forever but now i’ve got a hopper yeah if i just place a hopper here and then i could just put a load of hopper minecarts on there or at least i

Could if there wasn’t a flipping redstone torch that needed to be here so instead i’m gonna have to block up the water remove this hopper and remove this chip okay see this is where it’s starting to get a bit complicated i think from here i can then begin if i

Maybe place this like that now i need to get my hopper minecarts can we just mine on through we can let’s start placing them all down okay what this works is gonna be a miracle but now i just need to i need to break the rail there we go

If i have a block right here there we go that now they can’t move is that gonna work there’s gonna be water on those though and i need to do a sign or push a block into those and i reckon we’re doing the risky thing of pushing a

Block into it by grabbing a piston let’s make the block a piece of glass so we can see what’s going on so the block will start there then i need to somehow just make it so i don’t fall all the way down then i can place a piston upside down followed by

Like we didn’t want to do that but anyway that that’s worked so that doesn’t matter if i break this does that look that into the system just send it all through now i can break this look at that i’ll add a couple more pieces of glass to protect everything

Then i think i just need something like that does that oh okay we also need a block so that that can power that there we go that’ll be better perfect that like that seamless now i want to test this out by smelting a vast amount of items and just see how it

Copes with everything let’s check all of that into there and you know what that wasn’t enough items to really test this out because all those hoppers can hold 115 stacks worth of build up so i’m going to go all out and pushing that to its limits there we go all these shulker

Boxes have successfully filled it up these are nicely smelting stone i’ve just realized it’s been a big buildup already without me even mean to but now they will all be released and i can just leave the area leave that to it to actually correctly test out those

Hoppers i am going to have to leave the area and let the trunk loaders do the work so i i mean what can i do well where can i go that’s far far away and and actually do something well there’s always time for another notch apple so

In in in the name of science i’ll go and find a notch apple just to kill some time or alternatively i could build one of these tunnels because that kind of needs to be done as well doesn’t you know what yeah i need to build a tunnel to spawn

But in reality i don’t really have enough of the materials here and i’d have to go back through and then that would mess up the experiment so you know what we’re just going far far away i have successfully found a desert and look at this the first of the pyramids

Like wasn’t that long ago since i was doing this before but let’s just keep searching see we can find hopefully it doesn’t take too many attempts overhead is the second one with no not chapel and whilst i’m near a village might as well grab a hoe and take the opportunity to

Steal their weight because they’ll probably come in hyundai further down the line and these deserts sure do have a lot of villages look at this there’s like a mine shaft connecting up to this one some of the things you see when you explore minecraft really are crazy all

Seems to be getting from these diamonds i’ve got more than two diamonds in every single one room portal ahead i’ll take the obsidian that’s about all that’s useful to me and over here another village let’s just keep mine in the hay but me stealing this doesn’t mean that little timmy

Doesn’t have anything to eat tonight once again not good loot in the fourth although considering i got one in the third one early today i’m probably due to search about 17 before i find another one this is gonna be the seventh one that i search and the seventh disappointment seems to having more

Success at just grabbing hay bales and in the eighth ward we’ve got it okay perfect kind of caught me by surprise there but there it is not trouble what’s that number 44 something like that the desert temple odds have definitely been in my favor in this episode and i’m just scanning the

Rest of the desert to see if i can find any extra ones or if nothing else i can grab hay bales and i think i’ve searched around enough now so let’s go ahead and build a portal so that we can go back home and see if the new hopper system is

Working as expected well look at this we’ve come across a bit of a treasure bastion these are a place where it’s very easy to die but it’s also a place where you can get yourself not chapels yeah all these guys are the reason it seems to die but they weren’t hard to

Deal with with it same with you get spleefed let’s go mine away this spawner even if there’s no notch apple we could well we’ve got diamonds that’s that’s kind of decent i suppose we’re glad we can get netherride stuff as well and since i’m in the area i’m just gonna

Grab a load of gold okay this is gonna get a lot of angry piglets on my back but i’m just gonna risk it all grab as much as i can and get out of here there we go okay no problem whatsoever pretty sure if i keep mining out eventually i

Will find a place to go let’s just block that up so we’re safe and there we go we can carry on flying back home found another one i can’t remember if i’ve been to this one before although considering that that is uh is like that let’s just split you let’s have a little

Oh you just dodged it wow okay try and dodge this one as well then yeah not so good now are you although the fact that this terracotta in there would indicate that yes i have been here before i think i’ll just concentrate on flying me way

Back home and i have made it back and in theory there should be a big influx of smooth stone coming through it’s even possible that is already come through and i’ve missed it although that would then be doing that so i don’t know i

Think i can hear it there it is okay yes it’s all flown through oh my goodness so i don’t really want to be picking it all up now then i think the hoppers picked all of it up though all those 23 hoppers managed to process it because you’ll see

Yeah there’s none left here and and i guess i can throw that extra piece down oh brilliant look at this yeah so this hopper you can see these hoppers did grab some of it but not all of it and oh that’s brilliant okay it works so

He can take a massive backlog all those hoppers okay whoever somebody gave me that idea in the comments and it works perfectly so whoever you wear thank you so so much it looks so cool to see it all come through together but yeah whilst doing that experiment we um we

Managed to get another chapel as well which is nice as well as some netherride items for the purpose of symmetry i’m gonna get that added onto there there we go so both of them now have one in it i mean elijah as you can see are all but

Broken at this point so i’m gonna hope that there’s enough durability in them for me to make it to the gold farm up here how far or off away we’ve got oh we’ve got we’ve got enough we’ve got plenty of time here okay now that i am

Up here they can be repaired i see over 450 levels which is pretty nice and now i wish to get a new pet you see over the thousands of days that i’ve spent in this world i’ve uh i’ve amassed three little doggies here we go my buddy

Junior and britney do you believe they never see the light of day i’ve got all sorts of animals in this farm area built amazing buildings for the villagers even made an enclosure for the pandas i still don’t know what happened to the black panda but we do have a brown panda and a

A polar bear in here got three different foxes down here that have apparently eaten chickens and rabbits but there’s one creature that i’ve never got a pet version of and that is the ocelot now they did remove it so that cats do not well slots do not become cats if you

Tame an ocelot it stays in ocelot it doesn’t really work like a cat does so i think i should go out tame one and bring it home that means that the first pot of call for me is to try and find a jungle so i’m just gonna fly very very far in

The rain and see what is ahead i’m pretty sure there’s one somewhere in this direction there we go questifying a jungle successful look at lava in the mountain doesn’t that just look really cool not cool to uh to find wait is a question so if i burn myself and i go

Into the rain it puts me out doesn’t it yeah i knew that i just wanted to test it anyway i’m sure somewhere near there will be an ocelot the next thing is chickens everywhere apparently well the next thing i’m going to need to tame this ocelot

Is fish and salmons will do just nicely so we can take those out and we can collect a raw salmon and of course one is not going to be enough we’re gonna need plenty more than that and i can’t use my sword because it’s fire aspect

It’ll cook the fish these have to be raw fish i’m also sick of this rain so i think i’m going to go to sleep and i can get back to hunting salmon being a penguin i am uh particularly talented at catching fish that’s what that random backstroke thing i’m doing is either oh

My goodness the more i search the more fish you’re spawning in this is ridiculous i don’t need all of these i just can’t stop myself it’s so satisfying all right 40 fish to tame an ocelot if that’s not enough then nothing ever will be also don’t really need this

Bone male so let’s just use it on the land there we go that looks better doesn’t it now let’s see if we can find an ocelot so far it’s just been chicken chickens and more chickens i know what i’m gonna grab as well while i’m here cocoa beans because i don’t actually

Have any way to farm cocoa beans and sometimes i will need a lot of brown dye and i’ve just just not got the means to get it so i do think it is in my best interest to grab some anyway stop getting distracted you’re here to find

An ocelot all i’m finding is things like ruined portals i’ve been here before well can you wait is that normal there is a 1.5 percent chance for bell being in it’s just as rare as a notch apple i don’t think i’ve i don’t remember anyway seeing a bell in a room portal before

Pretty cool indeed but also not really relevant to the dusk say what quest to find oscillate is is really not going well i wish i’d called this quest to find coco beans it would have been much better well i haven’t found oslob but i have found a parrot now i don’t know if

Only the ogs remember this people have watched that all the episodes do you guys remember i used to have a parrot that looked exactly like that and then it just it just kind of disappeared at some point and nobody knows where it went well i’m pretty sure i killed it

And didn’t tell you guys like let’s just get this straight i remember going to hit someone with my sword i came before his break in summer and i’m pretty sure it swiped and i accidentally killed my pirate with my sword i i don’t think i could have it on video i i can’t

Remember i don’t think i was recording the time also something like that so yeah i’m pretty sure i killed my last parrot i think we i think we get another one i think i think we get runner 2.0 don’t worry because you know what cool little thing and yeah i finally

Come clean that’s a real weight off me chest guys that’s been on my conscience for some time come on let’s get some seeds let’s tame you come on don’t let me down accept accept the offering come on what are you doing oh oh you you only took one okay well done then um

Right runner we are uh well this is this is runner two okay that’s that’s the name of it okay we’re we’re going to get you home don’t feel upset you just you just you weren’t the one that was chosen i’m sorry about it but yeah let’s try and

Get uh running two home and i can come back for the ocelot later let’s just give you a proper name as well where have you gone okay you’re on my shoulder that that doesn’t really help me i’m trying to trying to give you your names there we

Go runner 2.0 okay that’s a blast we’ve not seen them in like 2000 days or something but you come with me runner 2.0 pretty sure it was a light blue one i can’t was it a dark blue one i can’t remember actually i’ve looked and i can’t find any footage of the

Parrot maybe maybe runner 1.0 didn’t get much screen time guys whoever in the comments find find the episode find the time stamp of where we can see the parrot what kind of parrot was it have i got this right or wrong because i’m starting to think that it was a dark

Blue one better it doesn’t matter okay i mean runner 2.0 is still going to be chosen oh my goodness a drip stone cave that is not in a cave and a forest fire whoa i will get out of it no no i ain’t losing you as well all right i may have

Killed one i ain’t where are you okay you stay on my shoulder where we know where you are in a 2.0 yeah one died to me i don’t want one to die to lava i get distracted very very easily don’t i and now i remember why i called him runner

Because after a lot of running back home i can’t fly because otherwise it won’t teleport after me yeah i just have to do a lot of running back home and in this minecraft world because of my electronic i’m not very used to having to use my legs normally i just fly everywhere even

Using a horse would have been better than this and do i know the best news guys it’s really really good news just check the coordinates and i’m actually going in the opposite direction i should be going that way are you kidding me oh well there’s a room pull the top of that

Hill hopefully this makes the ruined journey at least a little bit worth it not really okay whoa no lava again i need to stop taking you near lava runner he says as he flies past another pool seriously if i get this parrot home in one piece it will be a miracle but on

The positive side we are at the very least now going in the correct direction i mean would you look at that i’ve even found the jungle again and now that i have made it to an ocean i’m gonna craft a boat grab my parrot and if i get in

The boat are we are we in we’re off it’s working look at that me and me parrot sailing across the seven seas i feel like a proper pirate now and here is the guardian cactus farm so here we know we’re getting close to home followed by

The good old raid farm side on that somebody has actually released a way way better raid farm that would take so long to build and would be way better than that but i don’t think i’ll ever bother building it because just too much effort

You never know if i get to like 15 000 days or something i might change it in like a few years time but for now i built two raid farms i don’t really want to build another one and here we are well runner 2.0 when you when you’re

Ready to come in it’s coming under my shoulder it’s going to make everything much easier there we go we can now go up the ladder and this is your new home okay i will i will try to not give you the same fate that happened to the last part don’t ask what happened

To it yet you just go over here buy the old plushie we can give the plushie a little twirl and yeah all is well we’ve got runner 2.0 successful mission do i want to go back and get an ocelot now i tell you what i want to do i want to

Make a coco bean farm because let’s just go and have a look this is the current state of brown dye as you can see only got 21 pieces now do i have a cocoa bean chest i’m not even sure if i do turns out i do

Indeed as you can see we’ve got 68 cocoa beans which is barely anything so it’s definitely time that i solved that problem also i don’t really know what to do with this bell but i feel like the dogs are a little bit left out that i

Have i have a bell and they don’t so how about we go like that and if somebody comes around because nobody ever comes to see them but you know what day with the dogs all right that’s what we’ve decided day three eight six two is day with the dogs they’re probably just

Gonna cause a lot of trouble but you know what doesn’t matter and so i need to grab jungle wood 64 should be fine and of course the cocoa beans all right everything we need is right here and it’s gonna be built down at the bottom of these stairs opposite to the old

Chorus fruit farm you know what whilst i’m here i might as well harvest this you get some free glow squigged ink in the process by the looks of things that thing’s not going to survive too you know what all right you know last time i did that

Near me pets yeah it didn’t end well for the parrot so yeah gotta be careful when i do that but uh plenty more chorus fruit right here i can send all these items into the auto sorter and now that’s enough with the destructions let’s get this farm built not gonna be a

Particularly big farm i’m just gonna have a well i don’t really want the log that way actually i want the log facing like that and then the cocoa bean is just gonna be right here and we’re gonna be using bone meal and stuff to replenish those supplies so we just have

A dispenser there and a dispenser here i’m actually going to move everything back by one block just i just feel like it’ll be better actually i could do something like you guys just you know stay calm miss me guys take your dog to work there apparently so

We’re going to do that we’re going to have yeah that that’s basically how the farm is going to look i kind of probably want to dispense there but i think in reality i’m going to end up with like a lever here maybe that might be a better better option something like

That and some observers right here are going to be powering these dispensers very fast and then just to turn it on and off we’re going to have a piston like that i think that that should be fine there we go so that’s off whoa what’s going on

Right this is why we don’t bring dogs buddy what are you doing in the machine will you just get out of that right i want all three of you sit sit sit okay all right buddy you can have a bit of pork chops since you’re not doing too

Well my goodness if something’s gonna go wrong it’ll go wrong won’t it from there i can have a chest i think i’m just going to put cocoa beans in the chest and maybe like the bone meal shulker boxes we can always have a shulker box on this side so we do need

To fill okay there’s a lot of bones in there but yeah we do have to fill these up i could attach these to hoppers but i feel like it’ll just make it messy i think it’s going to be nicer to actually just have the dispensers on their own

And just kind of manually fill them every night because i’m going to need that many cocoa beans that i’ve got to do that so i think using this method shouldn’t be too much of a problem we’ve actually got a bit of spare bone meal anyway so that can go let’s just have it

Along the bottom like so and then if i go like this okay well don’t go like that but you can see the method for this is very simple just hold right click and left-click okay well not like that but there you go that’s it it’s working perfectly now we

Are getting all the cocoa beans we could dream of actually going to move slightly across so that i okay well you can see we we’re starting to lose a few here and there though they do tend to go flying out a little bit and i’m thinking we

Just laced the floor with hoppers so that that does not become a problem then let’s get back to using the okay well i’ve got to turn it on that would help as i was saying let’s get back to using the farm if i press f3 and t no hands

The farm will run itself and the farm has now run out of bone meal so i’m going to switch it off and okay we’ve got a bit of cocoa beans everywhere but we’ve got uh some that i put in here from before loads more there as well

Looks like these this hopper right here is also full there’s a few here a very very successful farm indeed if i do say so myself it’s also a ridiculously simple one too thanks all these coco beans i can make brown dye and then i can make brown sugar boxes for it to go

In that that makes the most sense color coordinated these things and now that that side project is done that completely distracted me i can get back to the main purpose which was to find and tame an ocelot this time i i won’t get distracted i’m gonna once again go

In this direction to find a jungle once again jungle successfully found although it’s it’s a very very small jungle a sparse one to be precise and sparse ones do not spawn ocelots this on the other hand is a proper jungle which should have a better chance of sporting them

Nothing found in this little jungle let’s see if this jungle is gonna be any better as i explore this place in my opinion it is a prime place to actually find ocelots but i’m starting to get a little bit suspicious of the reason as to why then there is none seemingly

Spawning if you didn’t know ocelots for some reason do not spawn in peaceful mode i don’t know why because they’re not a hostile mob and whilst this wouldn’t make sense i am wondering if my mob switch is stopping ocelots from spawn i feel like that shouldn’t be the

Case but i’m not finding any ocelots and i’ve explored three jungles so i reckon i first make a trip all the way back to spawn because yeah there’s no ocelots here anyway and now that i’m here let’s turn the switch off fly all the way back

To a jungle again and now we shall find out if my ocelot series corrects i’ve been to this jungle before so if there’s miraculously ocelots here now then i can i can guess i can put it down to the mob switch which will be pretty bizarre although in reality it’s not

Looking very good for the ocelot i don’t see any anywhere i want a minute i do wait you weren’t there before is my theory correct does the mob switch stop ocelots from spawning that would be crazy if it’s the case now we have to tame it you

Don’t really tame him you just kind of make him trust you if it would stop walking away i might stand a chance with it come on else a lot this is your favorite thing you’ve got to turn your head slowly do not stand in the grass

Please okay there we go no give you one more chance and i’m just going to put you in a boat that’s it now take the fish that’s it wait did you trust me now that’s it we’re friends there you go i mean there’s a slot best of friends will

Not run away from me anymore it trusts me which means i’m now going to put you on a lead and uh take you home as well the best thing about our slots is they don’t take 4 damage i can craft loads and loads of planks filled up very very

High into the sky now that we’re up here we can glide on home okay little slot do not be so terrified okay this is this is nothing to worry about i still looks like this is the last place it wants to be doesn’t it no we’re we’re going home i did say all

Slots don’t take any fall damage but it looks like we’re gonna land in water anyway so it doesn’t really matter from here i’m gonna drag you underwater sorry about this don’t uh don’t drown please we just need to quickly grab a boat now let’s get you out of the water i don’t

Think cats can swim very well we shall put you into said boat and sail home for the rest of the distance glad to see familiar fans we’ve not got far to go and i’ll let you guys come up with a name for this little ocelot okay whatever you want to name it guys

Just say in the comments and i will i will choose one of those names benedict since i’ve got a new pet so it’s kind of cool to do this now we have made it to to the homeland for some reason part of me wants to do something evil here and

And put it in with the creeper because then the creeper’s gonna be scared for the rest of his life but i’m not gonna be that mean okay let’s just put you with the goats for now we’ll sort out a proper home for you when you’ve actually

Got a name you know you’re a bit more established screamer and uh the goat of minecraft have got their names we’ve got two random endermen that have been here for for years for some reason i’m gonna drop all this off to the uh down to the

Storage room i’m gonna think of the name of it there for a second and now i’m going to continue the hard work of this megabase and build some more of these towers well building these three towers took an absolute mega effort it took so so long

But there we go we have five out of the eight done i’m sure i can get the other three done before the end of this video at least i i definitely hope so for the first two i did all of the light blue concrete and then i added the blue

Concrete around it and all the glass and stuff but for that last one i just did it layer by layer and i think it was faster it took about two hours on that last one so i’m gonna probably try that for the three ones but before i finish

The megabase i’d like to take a small break you see with 4 000 days coming soon and possibly a world download if you guys behave i feel like i should spruce a few things up in the world like for a start this pathway this pathway is is just the worst thing that i’ve

Created that i mean this way doesn’t even go anywhere and this one just looks bland it just doesn’t look right you know it there’s work to be done i think we get the old pickaxe out remove these slabs bold move i know but i’ve uh i’ve

Got a plan i really hope this plan works because i’m i’m running out of ideas of what i can do for this pathway the only thing i certainly don’t want to do is accidentally break the ice as i am minding these slabs which is apparently a slightly bigger challenge than i first

Yeah definitely a bigger challenge than i first thought now that these have all been collected up i think i will leave this staircase i don’t know if i should modify that as well you know what i say go big or go home i’m also going to grab

Stone brick stairs we don’t need these stone brick slabs anymore see you later guys and this staircase right here is also getting removed which may be for the best considering it’s all covered in snow all righty all pathway gone fresh new start and coming and i am going to

Take a bit of a risk and i’m going to do something like this we’re going to see if it lines up well i feel like staircase into the side of the mountain does have quite a bit of potential oh look at this it’s gonna it’s gonna fit

Very very nicely indeed if i do do we just uh do something like yeah look at that and do we put us we’re not gonna go slabs we’re gonna go full blocks i think here something like that what do we reckon it’s different okay it’s uh it’s gonna

Take a little bit of getting used to then rather something on top of the ice we’re actually gonna have the pathway integrated into it yeah this again this this could go very very wrong but i’m determined to commit and see what happens first problem i just realized

It’s not going to actually line up correctly oh my goodness i just can’t do anything right kind of let’s redo this pathway place ourselves down these bricks there we go in a slightly regrettable move we are now filling in all of the ice back that i’ve destroyed and then removing

More i’m gonna slightly move this staircase to be like this and i think i can kind of modify the terraforming of this as well just bring it down a little bit that’ll make it a bit nicer maybe that could be moved a little bit as well

I think i’m pleased with the way this is going so far let’s just get all of the stone bricks down oh my goodness i’m just trying to build a pathway and we’re being invaded i don’t know where they’re going but they look like they know where they’re going there’s literally eight of

Them is that eight is a nine i mean somebody pause the video and count but my goodness they’re going for the nether right bacon you guys stay away you know i’m just gonna leave them to it that they’re obviously nowhere they’re going i don’t know where they’re going as long

As they’re leaving me alone i really don’t mind i also sadly do not have enough blocks for this but not to worry i can just grab a bunch of stone and turn it into bricks then this can be completed now does it look better integrated into the ice you know what

Guys i’m sick of changing it so maybe we’ll just stick with it i think we’ll also turn like this direction and oh let’s go and put that back as well but let’s go make a pathway that kind of leads to the teleporter all i’m realizing is that minus ice is that i’m

Probably not gonna have enough stone breaks once again for this we’ll make it so that a corner gets turned right about there and let’s carry on digging out we’ve only got a stack left so yeah we’re definitely not gonna have enough you know considering i demolished about

Four mountains in the previous episode i find it difficult to believe that i have now run out of stone i don’t know why i didn’t at least collect some of it like stone is the one thing that i should never run out of yeah here we are

Completely out of stuff well not quite out of stone but more or less so the plan is to go uh to something that i i don’t use that often foreign i don’t use that very often you know i can’t get my words out a farm that i don’t use very

Often at all there we go yeah the uh the cobblestone farm but i guess i can do something like this and will that work no it needs to be it needs to be more of that no it seems to be working actually yeah it’s working so yeah it generates stone for me

Which yeah apparently i i sorely need and i also need to anger the aggressive man so that i will get xp from those pigmen when they fall down i just remember the fastest way for me to collect stuff is to go like this i think i’ve spent enough time here to get what

I need yeah there’s nothing crazy but there’s a decent amount of stone in at least some of these not all of them from there i’ll make four stacks of stone breaks that’s definitely got to be enough mine out this final bit of a gap

If we just can there we go and we can be adding all of the stone bricks carry on adding them all the way along here definitely gonna have enough which makes a change there we go so yeah we’ve got a pathway going over there we’ve got a

Pathway going to the village it goes to my house it would probably be a good idea to add something that connects up to the pans as well and it could also go all the way you know what we’re going all out on pathways today guys yeah i

Could have this three white look at this is gonna fit perfectly you know if i just go ahead and put myself down something yeah i think this works anywhere since the old bear enclosure’s got some tender loving care so i think i might even add some stairs as well just

To really give him a nice six bit okay well not in there but yeah just to give them a really nice experience let’s go ahead and don’t do that michael’s you know what he’s sometimes it’s just a pain because you can’t you can’t like just mine like one block although even haste wouldn’t

Make a difference on dirt i suppose so i should just get a little bit more controlling of my actions that would be a better idea we’ll go ahead put the staircase down and then we do the same thing i think i’ll put some staircases here and we’ll kind of have it staggered

Down along with the mountain i think this is what i’m going for at the moment i think i think it is working from here i can dig out a straight line that will then connect to that stone pathway in the distance look at that perfect it’s all working already ran out of stone

Bricks maybe my uh my analogy that i will definitely not be running out is it’s gonna be slightly wrong at this point i’d also like the pathway to go in this direction so it’s a bit of a crossroads maybe this is a good time to just get rid of these random rails they

Were for transporting more villagers into the trading hall which to us it probably could do with more villages going down there at some point but that some point is not at the moment so we’re just gonna tidy this up a little bit and this stone brick pathway can connect up

To the grass path i’ve no idea if this is gonna look a little bit strange but time will tell a little bit of terraforming just to make it integrate in a bit nicer oops okay i just dug down and it’s amazing what you’re finding out a flower

And everything okay this is why i tend to just stay above ground because there’s all sorts of rubbish underneath my world i can’t even seem to build this in the right place am i just an idiot you know what i’ll do this pathway and i’ll see you when i’ve finished the

Struggle or maybe i won’t because it turns out that i have once again run out of stone bricks so it’s it’s back to the old cobblestone farm to keep mining and this time i’ve got i’ve got plenty of stone all those stacks and i’ve successfully filled in this path if i

Clear the snow away from the front of my house i can also build a pathway going towards the volcano let’s just destroy this bit of mountain probably the world’s smallest mountain if i’m calling it one but anyway we’re just gonna uh we’re just gonna allow it and dig this

Trench going all the way through and that is volcano pathway complete as well yeah i think operation add better pathways to my world is is kind of getting there but there’s one thing that’s missing firstly chuck all this stuff into a chest and then grab fences and lanterns

And these can add a little bit of decoration to the area and make the pathways not look terrible i’m pretty sure the lamps at that height won’t melt the ice i suppose we’re gonna find that out one way or another anyway hopefully without melting everything well i went

Pretty crazy with the uh the old lamppost maybe it looks a little strange you know maybe i’ll just never get this right but you know what i’m happy with it okay well that’s it we’ll revisit this in another thousand days and maybe change it up again oh man okay

Apparently uh apparently we can melt the ice as well if we do that and now let’s chuck all of these things into the storage and i need to mend my electro if i if i want to finish the mega base a lighter need to be fixed i can be done

Very quickly and easily up here and it’s also going to fix my pickaxe at the same time as well with that mission successfully accomplished let’s fly down this particular bedrock hole all right watch out for that well i will have to take it by ugly now it’s going about 50

Miles an hour past it just punches me on the way or whatever hogwarts do i suppose they don’t really punch they can’t just snout yeah i got snouted by a hogwin that’s lovely but anyway more importantly we are now back at spawn and just look at it just look at it okay yes

That obsidian tower you know what i’m saying his tower is definitely in the way and this tower has been here for way longer than it ever needs to be although apparently mining it is it’s going to take a little bit of time now that’s all

Gone perfect i feel like i could have a proper look at the megabase i am wondering whether to cover it in string so it’s not got snow on it i don’t know if i’ve got the willpower too that’ll be a lot of string but um

Yeah imagine this look at this okay i do need to put string on the glass down here at the very least but imagine coming to this this is the area and i can actually make it so there’s tunnels going into all these buildings having

Stuff in there if i want to i mean i don’t know exactly i’m gonna use this megabase for because i’m still gonna live at my house but it needs to be finished okay and then yeah underground here is where the base is actually gonna be you know in the in

The glass down there i’ll have to chisel that out at some point but yeah i just want to get these towers done it’s it’s gonna be a big a bit of a graft okay i have all of the did i put them all into this choker box i did all

Of the items perfect look at that ready to be placed we’re gonna need a lot of light blue concrete it’s yeah it’s gonna take a while but i am getting faster at building them now i think the whole uh layer by layer thing has come in and these these ones that aren’t diagonal

Are a bit easier so i’ve got two of the faster ones and then one diagonal one which will take a little bit longer but it’s also not too bad so yeah i’m gonna just do as much of this as i can i mean i’ve got

You know very few days left 11 to be precise but it’s time for me to build as fast as i can And it took a little bit longer than i anticipated yes we had we had past 3 900 days but look at it the mega base has been built at least the exterior of it is completely done although there is a bit of a problem obviously it is covered in snow

A bit which which doesn’t look the greatest but i’m not going to worry about that for the moment i’m more worried about these bits down here being covered in snow because they just don’t look very good so i’m gonna pack up all this stuff ended up with quite a bit of

Spare light blue concrete which is nice then i will very quickly go back home to grab a load of string when we’ve gone this far over time and of course i’m not going to cover the entire thing in string probably take me up until 4 000

Days if i tried something like that but anything on this bottom layer where snow can form i am going to place it now where this sea lantern is nearby i don’t have to worry about that because it lights up the area the main place that i

Need to be the most concerned about is this area in there and then also that big one just about show you that big one in the middle i’ll just place this down wherever this snow cause i’m guessing if there’s no snow then it can’t develop there because of the light all snow on

This outer edge has been removed now to put some around this bit and over all of this almost all of the string is down and it kind of looks bad when you’re up close and you can see the string like in this bit but when you look over there

You can’t really see the string it doesn’t look as bad when you fly on up you can’t see it full stop and it it definitely looks a lot better so yeah this is uh this is almost the finished thing i’d love to add string all on here

To get rid of all this snow but like i said i think i’ve gone on long enough i would love to add the inside of the megabase which as i said is gonna be under that middle bit four thousand days in hardcore minecraft i almost die multiple times and on day four thousand

I take on a skyline emoji without a totem then in hindsight i i i wish i hadn’t done i also threw a load of netherite into the void yeah you’ll soon see why and i build a very cool custom portal room and a new and improved dragon farm that can defeat the ender

Dragon instantly they’d have to use up a few days from this episode to finish the last project which is why we’re starting seven days in and i would like to make things a little bit more interesting i’m gonna give myself 20 minutes on the clock and

Those 20 minutes start now in this small amount of time i have to try and find a notch apple if i’m successful then it’s happy days but if i fail this challenge then i will force myself to do a water bucket mlg from sky limit oh and when i do that mlg

I will be able to use a totem so yeah there’s quite a lot riding on me actually finding another chapel in the next 13 minutes and in this first pyramid we have had no success i better keep searching as fast as i can on average it

Should take 10 of these to find one i don’t expect the second one to have anything but i can only hope third one has also had nothing maybe a ruined portal can save the day no no it can’t but the fourth pyramid is here and the fourth failure i have to

Say it’s not looking good we’ve got about five minutes left no joy so far i’ve only managed to find four pyramids which is a bit rubbish two minutes left i’ve found another room portal but can i find the chest oh yes finally i can nothing in it of course

There isn’t there’s a pyramid up this way less than two minutes left it’s got to be in here come on game don’t let me down please just when i need it no okay come on come on let’s just keep searching there’s got to be a savior somewhere none of that room pool though

40 seconds left i’ve found the sixth one sure this is going to be the last one and there is absolutely nothing here but i see one down there i’ve got i’ve got 19 seconds 15 seconds coming sp this is it we’re swooping in we’re not messing

About let me in please quick don’t blow the place up though come on come on yeah i think we’ve failed the mission which means the skyline mlg with no totem will soon be happening but before that i am going to still try and track down a

Notch apple and i’ve now searched ten of these without finding anything the odds are not in my favor what an interesting temple we’ve got ourselves a dungeon right by it does it oh it does connect as well but it’s got one chest well nothing useful and that is 17 pyramids

I’ve searched i’ve still not found anything and i’ve spent 40 minutes looking this is really not going to plan and this is the 20th one can’t believe i’ve searched so many without success and nothing has changed finally after searching 23 of these stupid pyramids i have found the not chapel it took just

Less than an hour 59 minutes and 50 seconds just in the nick of time and i am most certainly now going home and look at this giant bastion with another right in god and there’s another one here with another nether writing got and it is now very nice to be back home i

Can get all these different items repaired and add this notch apple to the wall although despite that i did fail the challenge so i can no longer hold that totem and last episode i got so many suggestions for the name of my new ocelot but i’ve decided to call him leo

Yes leo the old slot i thought that’s a really good name and what are you what are you guys all looking at the new poster for 4 000 days is here looks like you guys aren’t too happy that you’re forced to stare at it but i personally signed each and every one of

These which took a very long time on the olympic edition which means once they’re sold out they are gone forever just like all these other ones you got to get them for your collection and i’ve also signed one of them with a special gold pen and the one random lucky person that gets

That poster will get a free nintendo switch with minecraft as well they’ll probably run out in less than a week so get them whilst you can at sb73 the link is in the description you may be wondering why have i come to the end portal room well

If we hop on through apparently my game is frozen okay i’m not sure what’s going on here i don’t know what’s happened it’s it’s frozen if i tried to move around but i can pause the game i’m gonna try and lower the render distance or something yeah for some reason being

In third person is okay wait we’re okay now it’s i don’t know did that did what happened here did the wither escape or something i don’t remember i think maybe tnt went through the portal or something that was the problem with that i don’t know why everything went like it but

We’re okay now i decided i’m gonna do the toneless water book getting old at the end of the video so i actually have a video for you guys to watch in case i die because there is a there’s a decent chance of me dying i don’t want this

Video to only be about three minutes long bro what is going on why is it updating so slowly it’s weird this is so weird oh my goodness what is over there there’s just like a million i can’t even see it but i’m gonna die here if i’m not careful it’s like i just

Flew over towards the end of my farm okay come on i speed don’t die don’t fall on the boy to lag i’m just spamming rockets here ladies and gentlemen okay so over or in that direction okay they all despawn were they what were they were they particles it was the tnt i think

Not detonating this is crazy but everything is now absolutely fine must have been the tnt back from when i blew up the importer room area i was very worried for a second but anyway i’m going to remove all of this old dragon farm that’s broken and ruined because of course

We’re gonna need the space to make a bigger and better one and there’s no time like the prison so let’s get busy clearing everything off and now that this has all been removed i should also destroy this contraption all the way up here and before i’m ready to

Do any building of the new dragon farm i’m gonna need to collect quite a few resources and what’s one of the main ones gas tiers i need lots and lots of gas stairs 43 isn’t going to be enough and before we start that quest let me grab a hoe

And then dry out all this sponge and then it is time for a little bit of good news earlier in those two bastions i found two ingots and if i put that with the seven that i already have in this shulker box i can craft a block of

Netherrite and add yet another one to the near the right beacon hopefully i’ll get a few more than that today but but for now that’s good progress i know that a lot of you guys would love an up-to-date world download for 4 000 days well if this video gets 250 000 likes

I’ll release one in the next episode if you pull it off it will be my most liked video ever which which would be insane now in order to solve the gas tier situation i’m gonna need lots and lots of items and that is every resource gathered up although i should also grab

Some obsidian that up it’s kind of important we’ve got a lot of obsidian and glass whilst i’m here i’m grabbing a glass and now some of you may remember i i actually already have a gas farm it’s this very nice big farm right here and i’m gonna go and head on through

Because this is where the gusts will teleport and i believe the gas tiers go into one of one of these as you can see we’ve not got much that it’s slow that’s all i can say it’s slow so the plan is to first break this portal and then i’m

Going to build up way higher into the sky look at that i can build the scaffolding as i’m climbing and now that i’m up here i can begin building a portal now my portal can be created these walls will hold in the gust and the composters are very important to

Make sure it doesn’t escape and now for a bit of fancy redstone like so this is what’s going to turn the portal on and off which is going to teleport the gas back through and will allow me to use the looting on this farm and that is

What will quadruple the speed of the farm now i shall create a hopper clock and that is portal number one complete and then above it i’m pretty much building the same thing as what i did down there except i should probably have that composite to be one higher there we

Go that’s much better then i can add the portal walls and the mission has been accomplished but i’m i’m missing a very important item and you guys you just missed me a bunch of iron is required and also a load of flint although we haven’t really got much

Flint however if i grab some gravel i can then break the flint using fortune 3 and guarantee myself to get one every single time i don’t be fast with the shovel but i am going to fortune 3 one of them and now with mission accomplished i can craft a bunch of

Flint and steels and fill up this chest there we go these need torches on the end so that the hopper clock is going to actually work but i’m also going to need to actually put items into the upper clock and look at that one of the

Portals has been lit as well at any moment now there we go look at that swaps perfectly i think my work here is done right here is the very middle of this part of the farm i’m gonna grab a bunch of scaffolding again and stack it up right here although i’ve said that

There is already a platform up here anyway although it’s a little bit higher up than i need for the portal to work so you know what let’s just go back to the scaffolding idea oh my goodness what’s going on why did you guys not teleport is it

Could you oh my god it’s carnage here guys we’ve got gas everywhere you guys get out of it come on you’re meant to be able to teleport i think they’re coming through and then they’re coming back through it’s carnage guys it’s absolutely carnage that i’m getting probably should build that top portal

Before building the overworld ones i’ve made it to the height i want to be gonna have the portal right here this platform is it’s kind of in the way now now to build a bit of a collection system which will make use of these hopper minecarts

And now i’ve built this little area that will trap the gas when they come through they’ll get stuck thanks to composters i’m going to light the portal and in theory if it’s correct if it’s working gas should already start to come through i don’t know if it will though because i

Think there might be an overload of gas maybe i need to fly up first just to unload those ones and now we wait okay something’s happening because gas is spawning and and things are coming through but the gas aren’t getting teleported back oh my goodness

What is going on here this is this is a disaster i’m pretty sure i’ve now got the farm working again so i’m hopeful that this time we can wait and and everything should work there we go wait a gaster’s come through so i stand here and i take out the gusts and these

Chests nicely fill up with loot i’m very pleased with how well this farm is working which means i can grab obsidian and also a load of stone bricks and now i can expand this farm to add even more portals this layer has been completed now that i have obsidian farm i could

Just make so so many of these i might i might try and go as high as i can look at how there’s a lot of gas there as well but yeah i think i’ll go as high as i can go without messing up all of the portal connections and i’ve now successfully

Added many more layers i just need to spawn proof these portals then light these final ones and the farm should run so so much faster it’s absolutely massive there’s already a bunch of gas up here which i can easily take out in one fell swoop and more keep coming

Through very very quickly this is definitely the new fastest way to get plenty of gas tiers the loose effect really makes this so so much more profitable and now that i have more than enough gas tiers i can focus on the next project which is it’s a bit of a mini

Project let’s check all that in there and then i’ll grab this string and the shulker boxes and get busy covering this entire mega base so that not a single piece of snow can spawn this is gonna take a lot of string and for once i’m actually very

Glad that it has started snowing because it means i can see any bits that i might have missed with the string where snow can fall and i believe every bit is now covered there’s no snow that can form anywhere that’s uh that’s another job checked off might as well get all these

Resources back home as well as most of them as i can can’t quite fit all of them in inventory for this next project i’m going to create something that won’t be able to be made in 1.19 so i want to do it now it’s going to

Begin by me digging a tunnel down here in the treasure room yeah we’re going to be expanding into this area now i’ll have some stairs like this i can use this extra stone that i am mining to make more stone bricks because stone reserves as you can imagine are a little

Bit low at the moment but we can easily now do something like that and now that i’ve dug this down far enough it’s time for me to create an update suppressor you’ve seen me build this many times before but it is the last time i’m gonna

Make one so i shall grab all the resources and get cracking and the whole thing is is now complete it took a lot more money out than i first thought and next my vision for this room is to have quite a lot of white on the walls and i reckon white

Concrete may be the answer but as you can see we need way way more of it which means grabbing a few stacks of sand as well as some gravel crafting it and adding it to this machine where it will all be placed down and in a very short

Space of time all of it has been blown up by that tnt and filtered into these chests before i could actually do anything to the walls i think it’d be a good idea to mend my pickaxe i don’t really want any more to break in my

World so this gold farm will solve that problem next i should also grab the materials that i’m going to make these fancy i’ve even told you guys what i’m about to do i guess you could probably tell from the update suppressor but i’m going to be using that to build a room

Full of really cool custom portals what’s the point of these portals well for now there won’t be too much but once they update to 1.19 i won’t be able to make these so i’m going to take the opportunity whilst i can first things first i will switch the update

Suppressor on break this bit of obsidian and also this one then they can be changed to diamond blocks and then i need to raise up this slime a little bit so that i can move the rails up without the machine like connecting on the slime

So there we go then i can break these because it’s once again all suppressed now i need to do some more modifications up here which isn’t quite as straightforward as it was for the last one but something like this it works okay that’s that’s all i was

Hoping for if i can then move these to be all the way at the top i think i think it’s yeah i can’t believe this is actually working guys it’s gone very very dark in it you can’t see the portal but look at that nicely

Exposed and i can break all of this look at this it’s oh it’s definitely coming together now it’s gonna move downwards which i think if i just do something like this and maybe not slightly modified it does does this work i have no idea i’m going to find out the

Hard way if it doesn’t work because it’s all going to break but if i break this little bit of obsidian look at that update suppression is still working so this is this is the way to do it because i can do that and i can also

Do these bottom ones there we go and just like that we now have ourselves a diamond portal i think it looks very very cool but uh we need more and now i just have to extend this line so that i can make the second portal got a bit of

An issue putting the longer one without getting in the way of this diamond pole if this works it would be a miracle or not i don’t think it’s quite quite there and after a few more adjustments the update suppressor is working and extended but i would like there to be an ancient debris

Portal right here i mean we’re not really rich enough to uh to afford another right portal although having said that we are technically rich enough and after this episode i’ll never have the chance to make a netherright portal again so you know what as much as it

Pains me to do this we’re mining up this netherright this is like 10 hours of work down the rain but you know what i don’t care that was actually a bit of a lie i i do care very much about what i’m doing right now but i’m sure it’ll be

Worth it when the project’s finished as always we first start with the obsidian light it up and then begin mining those two are gone so we can add in the two nether eye blocks and this is where i’m going to start to get a little bit stuck

Because i’ve got to actually extend this rail to now go upwards which means moving all of this up by one and it wasn’t just as difficult as i thought it was gonna be because now it’s footed and when i break this look at that it still

Works perfectly and then i need to raise everything up by one block again after using pretty much every single brain cell in my body i have come up with what is actually a very simple solution i have worked out a solution which should work perfectly okay it didn’t quite one moment i just

Need to do something like this and there we go update suppression is back on i just realized i could you know what that’s what i did all right if you get that well done if you don’t most people don’t i don’t sure even i do let’s just get on with this netherright portal

Oh my goodness i messed up and for some reason i thought i could just break that block oh no now i’ve got start all over again i really can be a stupid idiot sometimes i raise it up so that this time when i break the top one

It won’t be a disaster as you can see the portal’s still there and i can place these netherright blocks on guys i’ve just realized something i’ve duplicated right i’ve i’ve broken all my principles update suppression allows you to duplicate blocks and i accidentally duplicated another because i started

With 14 and one two three four five six now i’ve got 22. what what do i do i’ll tell you what i’m now going to do there we go that is now completed and i now understand what’s going on look if i go ahead and mine this block watch what

Happens okay we don’t pick it up but then if i go ahead and place a block and then i click on the inventory it comes back and then and then and then if i stopped update to press in i could then break the block like so he’s probably going to go through the

Okay well for demonstration purposes but i can see how he’s duplicating at this nether right paul what the heck what why is every time i redo this poll i’m just duplicating more and more netherride this time i’ve done it no no more mistakes netherright portal is complete let’s get those

Blocks down i built it in the wrong flipping place i don’t know what’s wrong with me today but i just cannot do anything right and now just look at all these nether eye blocks i’ve got i came with 14 now i’ve got 62. this time there

Will be no mistakes and this time the portal is finished and it is in the right place thank goodness for that well my next issue is i have these 61 blocks of netherride that are all duplicates i i shouldn’t have these i also have these 10 blocks

Of diamonds which i think i also duplicated them by mistake and what am i going to do with all of these duplicated blocks well of course i’m going to finish this nether right beacon don’t know why i didn’t think of this sooner this is way better than mining for

Netherright you know who cares about duplicate you know you guys always tell me to duplicate sand and i always say well i might as well jubilee guy never right if i’m gonna do that and then i’ve only gonna do it so i i might as well duplicate sand as well i’m actually

Kidding by the way i i don’t plan to use this this duplicated together right that’s cheating and i think i placed way too many other right blocks for that joke because now i have to spend ages mining them all up could have just placed three of them down and called it

A day also did you notice how i cleverly kept all those ones separate from the ones that are not duplicated because you know i like to keep the originals separate and now let’s head to the nether and burn all the nether i oh there it goes we’ll burn the diamond

Blocks as well uh what a shame burn i load another i didn’t need to do that and meanwhile i shall build the next of the custom portals this one’s gonna be an emerald one and this one is now also complete which means i need to burn these emerald blocks as well we don’t

Allow duplicating in this world and i’ve also created the gold portal and i’ve wanted to make one out of redstone blocks but i think it updates something so yeah it doesn’t work instead i’ve done one with amethyst five custom portals have been created and i do want to do five more on

This side but first i’ve got to get rid of these blocks i accidentally duplicated and the lava has got to be the best place but not oh look at that my nether right still here i guess i’ll have to keep it yeah all this lovely near the right we’re not getting rid of

It like i can only make that joke so many times you know i wonder if it’s these snowballs that caused all the lag for me before if that guy’s throwing snowballs for hours yeah and then they all just kind of get thrown at once when i load

The entrance that’s the problem and so that means i should turn this chunk loader off and place a redstone block here so that that guy stops throwing snowballs look at that look at that you see them all they just they just came through that was the problem that was

What caused the lag i saw the snowballs okay i nearly died because of a million snowballs that’s interesting anyway we’ve got all this netherride it’s going in the void guys okay that that is that is where there will be no issues okay i i will not be going after oh i’m jumping

In africa now just kidding look watch it watch it get destroyed there we go it’s all gone i’m not going to get destroyed with it like let me fly back out of here yeah that was a little risky me like dropped plenty of durability i’ve got plenty of rockets maybe not that risky

And now i should get back to creating custom portals this one’s been lit and the sandstone’s going to go along here and i believe to turn a corner i’ve got to do so i’ve never really done this before so yes this this might not work but i believe something like that is

Needed and then i can can i go in this day this is how it works if this works it will be nothing short of a miracle and after a lot of trial and error i’ve managed to send it around these two corners when i do this everything gets update suppressed and

I’ve also realized it makes the most sense to do the end one first and then work my way that way so let’s get creating the portals i want the end one to be made out of beacons although i’m gonna need a few more for that so let’s

Craft all of them together then i’ll place a bit of white concrete behind where the beacons will go and then we do something like that the reason the white concrete’s behind is because you can see through beacons and that is the beacon portal now complete the duplicated ones

Can be burnt and next i want some glowstone for custom portal number seven and now this one is done as well and i want this one to be made out of mushroom blocks but i don’t think i’ve ever got any of them in my world it’s one of

Those things that i’ve never felt the need to collect or there’s mushrooms up ahead which i can mine with this silk touch pickaxe and now that i’ve got 14 i can chuck away that spare glowstone okay i’ll block together yeah when i i’ll explain a story i have been doing more

Netherright block duping because when i was trying to get this update suppressor to go around corners i i did accidentally briefly break the netherright portal so it had to be redone so i better chuck all these into the void and the mushroom portal can now be created there we All right well go do it again and there we go although mushroom falls a little bit more complicated because if you break a block next to a mushroom block it will break the portal but i think this one it’s okay because it’s update suppressed i don’t know if i break that one it

Won’t work though but i need the white concrete in between so i can’t place white concrete there unless i suppress yeah okay mushroom bottles are weird so we’ll placing this breaking no okay maybe i don’t quite understand the mechanics of mushroom blocks as well as i thought anyway that doesn’t matter

Because it is time to do the next one i think i’ll grab the materials for the final two actually pumpkins is something i shall need and they also need to be carved and i can craft them like that very nice and continue the building work bit difficult getting all this machine

To work but i have now finished this one i’ve got one to go it’s gonna be made of magma hopefully it goes to plan kind of against the odds it is going to plan oh and i spoke too soon i am now so close to finishing this it’s been a very

Very awkward one but once i place that it is all done now we can put that there don’t have to worry about it i can now break the rails no problem and the 10 custom portals are complete do just want to add concrete all the way around the mushroom one to

Make sure nothing breaks that might break but i think i think it’s all okay yep it’s all completely fine i don’t see anything that can go wrong anymore famous last words i reckon i can safely remove the entire contraption things are starting to look a lot tidier i can start removing all of

This as well and i can go around it with the white concrete everything is starting to come together next i will need some sea lanterns which apparently have loads of in there plus i’m thinking prismarine bricks which can be turned into stairs i am blocked because i have

A ridiculous amount of iron and if i had to spawn i can grab all of this spare light blue concrete that i didn’t use on that mega base and then i can use the concrete to fill in the floor the room’s really starting to come to life and i

Want stairs in front of each portal which is why i haven’t filled in these edges so we’re going to do something like that which goes all the way around and then in each of these gaps is where the sea lanterns are going to go it’ll just nicely light up the room currently

Working on the walls which involves a lot of iron blocks and this is sort of how it’s going to look it still looks a bit uh a bit rubbish maybe with a bit more white concrete i can sort it out it maybe helps a little but there’s still

Work to be done i was going to make this back wall to be only white concrete but it’s going to look terrible so i’m adding a bit of decoration to it and in order to do that i’m going to need quite a bit of glass and also some lava and so

The glass is going to go in these gaps that i am creating very nicely done before i add the lava i’ve just got to make sure that it it won’t go everywhere you know i don’t want it to go into all this machine i’ll get these walls all

Filled in and also the roof and i’m pretty sure it should now be well enough didn’t expect to fly all the way down now as i’d say i’m pretty sure it should now all be fine if i just do something like that yeah look at that the lavas flowing it’s it’s working

Perfectly and look at that i had enough lava buckets as well i didn’t expect that to be the case that means i can fill in all of the white concrete as well i was going to say look at that it’s really coming together but for some reason something didn’t work

Probably can’t count or something like that but yeah one more lava bucket will do the trick i like the look of that and i didn’t accidentally get lava everywhere either and now to get this left wall done i almost finished the wall but uh then i ran out of concrete

I’m gonna need quite a bit of concrete for the entire roof so i might as well craft a load more oh there’s one slight issue with that not enough sand so i’m gonna craft a bunch of tnt and grab some impression plates i can never remember where i put

Them okay i do put them in there and then i just need to find a desert that i can demolish kind of already ruined this desert but you know what i’m i’m gonna just use this little area left and finish the job not done too much blowing

Up but i think i’ve got enough for what i need for the time being that’s the shulker box full of sand plus the inventory yeah that’s that’s absolutely perfect and i can craft plenty more of the white concrete convert it with the machine next i can finish this wall and

Get the scaffolding out to begin work on the roof which is going to be completely made out of white concrete and that is all complete the scaffolding can be removed which is it’s just satisfying to watch because you just kind of break them and you just look at it it just all

Collapses right in front of your very eyes like i like that and that leaves me with one wall left what am i gonna do with this wall i’m gonna require quite a lot of obsidian for the project and then i’m going to create some art you never know

There’s a chance that you might work out what it’s gonna be i’ll give you guys a guess i’ve barely placed anything any ideas if you did have an idea then uh you’re pretty much just a genius oh now you know don’t you i bet you can tell

What it’s gonna be now unfortunately i have once again run out of all the concrete but it’s finished this is uh this is what it will look like yeah i need a bit more to go in that corner but what’d you think for that is a pretty uh pretty nice

Design still not quite finished but but it’ll get there so it’s back to converting more concrete and so that is all of the white concrete pretty much placed down and next i’m going to go around this edge with obsidian very bizarrely i can hear shulkers what on earth the shulkers living

In here okay well uh you guys sorry to disturb you i am very very sorry i’ll leave you guys alone if i ever need another shulker i uh i know where to find one anyway the full obsidian border is done but i am not done because i’m

Also going to have obsidian at the back of it which is going to require quite a lot did i bring enough possibly not but either way we are soon going to find out and that is mission accomplished that way did i place that final one maybe it’s not mission

Accomplished we are about to find out i think it was wasn’t it i never missed why would i think that i missed anyway let’s mine back out as you can see it’s it’s probably looking a bit worse right now what’s that it looks like some weird sonic exe thing or something no instead

I need to grab myself some flint and steel light that up and when i turn and look at it it it’s going to look like a sonny the hedgehog portal look at it it’s amazing part of me would have liked to use an update suppressor to get

The portal blocks to be in like in between the opposite inbox you saw how hard it was just to do somewhat simple like this that would have probably taken me about 20 hours so i you know i didn’t fancy it but yeah the portal room is now

Complete i hope you guys like it i think it’s a a very very cool room and i won’t be able to do this in 1.19 wouldn’t be able to create it so that’s why i’ve done it now oh my goodness we haven’t even finished these walls whilst i fill

In these walls could i maybe just ask that you guys could subscribe you know i worked so so hard on this series it takes so much work i basically have no social life because of the series and i’m really trying to hit 4 million subscribers this year so if you could

Help me out and subscribe that would be amazing the brakes have been filled in but i could definitely do with some torches a nicely light everything up and now everything’s definitely finished and i’m very very pleased with it and now i think i shall take this moment to repair all of my

Different tools and whatnot you know my electric could do with a little bit of it and the best place for that is of course going to be this gold farm everything repaired and i’ve gained lots more levels and now it is time i gather the materials for my machine

That will one shot the dragon this is gonna be very very powerful and require a lot more red concrete than i currently have at the very least it’s not going to require more sand or gravel than i currently have because well actually are we gonna have enough gravel maybe that’s

The missing thing yeah we actually do not have enough gravel now there is two ways to get the gravel i can trade it with piglens but that would take quite a few hours or i can go and search for one of the ancient debris tunnels that i’ve

Made in the nether i happen to remember the exact location of one which is right down a hole here and in this tunnel there’s loads of gravel for me to find and this tunnel is thousands of blocks long so i don’t think i have to worry about running out anytime soon managed

To fill up my inventory once i didn’t actually realize i brought this many shulker boxes i almost feel like i’m obligated to fill them all now but that it’s going to take a bit of mining but it’s all here to be gathered not sure i need all the gravel for this build but

It will be useful for future projects and filled up all the shulker boxes but i filled up two i’ve got a load of inventory i think for now i’ve got enough gravel well i think i’ve got lost in these tunnels and i’ve randomly come across loads more gravel so maybe it is

Worth grabbing at this point i’ve just decided to dig my way out but even doing that means that i still can’t stop finding the gravel oh my goodness look at that a little bit of ancient debris as well for my time and not just one piece

Like if i can pick up it pick it up at least two pieces could it be three it could be three well that was a very nice little find indeed and now i’m just gonna risk everything and swim up through the lava i think i might be able

To even fly upwards maybe okay i don’t know what i’m hitting some sort of roof is it a bastion or something above me all i know is that it’s impossible for me to die so you know i say look i am in some sort of bastion i mean

Totem is not close to it’s not far off being used okay i’ve actually got to be a little bit careful i know someone just comes and grabbed me have i been to this bastion before i don’t even know what what a cool thing that’ll be if it’s just a random bastion watch this

Oh look at this more ancient debris oh wow this is this is really cool could there be another chapel in here i do what i’ll take the diamonds okay and watch out for that big guy but whoa okay now i’m gonna be careful now okay we’ve got we’ve got fire resistance i actually

Do not want to die i’ve almost died okay hold on don’t panic oh my goodness what am i doing with my life in a bastion right get myself another totem asap that was way more stressful than it ever should have been okay let’s put all that back in there we’re okay

I just want to go home what did i say before i can’t die yeah well those were famous last words weren’t they well they were all most famous last words anyway what are the chances of digging up under a bastion have i been to that bastion before as well well i guess not

Considering the loot those are let’s not worry about that let’s just go ahead and get home and find another bastion on the way is this is this a similar size one i think is it you just don’t know what right let’s just stop being in lava but

Yeah you just never know what you’re going to find in these bastions i think it is another treasure one by the sounds well by the size of it okay well we’re straight to love oh yeah it’s a treasure one i think yeah all right let’s um

Let’s go ahead and see if there’s any loot here to be grabbed have i been here before uh i i guess possibly but i think i think is that just yeah this is whoa where did you come from only one chest nothing worth grabbing let’s keep going home and i’m

Glad that i finally made it back and before i craft the rest of the necessary materials i’m going to once again repair my items i’m particularly talking about repairing my shovel and is everything repaired so now i can happily craft the 2100 red concrete but all the necessary

Materials which i can craft like so and add to this shulker box and now i can take all of this once again to the concrete converter that did not take long at all however there’s still many many more items to get so i don’t think we’re out of the woods just yet for

Example i require 20 stacks of black stained glass which makes me glad that i built a squid farm not that long ago that’s definitely gonna save me a load of time i’m also going to grab a load of these emeralds so that i can get a lot

Of redstone with the amount of emeralds that my raid farm gives me this is the fastest way that i can get quite a bit of redstone that is more than enough for the task at hand although they have all just restocked again so you know it’s worth just buying more when they’re

Willing to sell it i’m willing to buy it slowly but surely i’m getting all the needed items but i still need quite a bit more sand so i’m going to blow up the area around this poor village that will allow me to craft all the tnt i

Could possibly need and i can get back to collecting up everything else which includes getting plenty more redstone wide a few items that i need are actually oh look at this i love this room just nice to come and see it again but as i was saying quite a few items

That i need are actually still here on this update suppressor which you know i plan to destroy i just haven’t got around to it yet so i’m gonna break a bit of it i don’t know if i’ll bother breaking the whole thing just yet well you know what i decided there’s no time

Like the present i need a few shulker boxes for the materials and i’ll get busy mining everything’s been removed i’ll probably the last time i ever make an update suppressor in my world since it won’t be in 1.19 definitely the end of an era and the helpful thing about

All that is i definitely have enough powered rails now for the machine i will build and also redstone blocks could also do with a few stacks of spruce leaves which the tree farm can easily provide it would probably be even easier if there wasn’t snow everywhere and i

Might as well mine up all the spruce wood whilst i’m here as well and if you ask me that’s been quite a successful harvesting session got lots of leaves and lots of logs quite a process to get every single item that i need but i will get there eventually and i now have

Every single item that i need in all of these different shulker boxes well i’m not sure i quite have enough redstone because i had to use quite a bit of it to craft other things that i needed no problem though i’ll just do a bit more trading and get loads of it again

Perfect i will not have to worry about redstone anymore today now all of these shulker boxes can be transported to the end in fact before i go to the end i’m going to grab a bit of wood and i was going to use that to make a chest to put

Everything although to us that that chest is kind of otherwise engaged so i think i think i made the right the right call in having this so we can just put a chest somewhere over here that’s got all my shulker boxes in and i’ll continue this project in a bit as

I’m i’m still not quite ready to be making the dragon farm because i feel like in this episode rather than make progress on the nether right beacon like i want to i have unfortunately regressed so that i could make another right portal which is it’s a cool flex and i

Suppose i’ll never be able to do it again so now my goal is to not only make another right beacon it’s making another right beacon and another right paul this is this is getting out of control but anyway because of that lack of progress i’m going to go on a tnt collecting

Spree and i’ve tracked down a desert it has a pyramid right here which is nice so this is where i shall set up camp and destroy an entire desert although it might not be the entirety of it this right might just be some of it the plan

Is to craft tnt as often as possible rather than bring back loads of sand i’ll just kind of craft it as i go before i do another row i want to check out what’s inside this desert pyramid you never know there could be something special although i’ve searched so many

Of these that we do know the answer you know what we’re taking gunpowder and morgan powder and sand because that’s what we’re on a mission for at the moment and i’m going to take this 19th it’s usually not really worth it but i feel like i don’t know principle i

Should and now to get back to blowing things up well mission two filled three shulker boxes was successful so now i should gather everything up and create another portal and it’s probably the best idea for me to first go home and drop off like all these millions of

Shulker boxes even though i literally have millions and millions of shaka shells i i’d still feel bad just discarding these empty ones but for some unknown reason although we’re at the perimeter now so we uh we can’t be too far away all of this can now be dropped

Off then i can dig a big massive tunnel that’ll be ready for lots and lots of tnt i’m also grabbing as much gravel as i can because it’ll just come in handy whenever i run into it although maybe it would have been a good idea to bring a

Few extra boxes anyway i’ll grab as much as i can let’s just get mining then i can place the tnt the tunnel has been dug and all tnt placed so now i shall light it up chuck away load another ax i don’t really need it and then see just

How much ancient debris i can find already got over a stack just from mining the tunnel and i have to say there’s already been a lot of ancient debris that has been revealed hopefully it continues and it probably will do when i keep finding these veins of three

You know what sometimes when you see gravel you just might as well grab it and i’m now up to two stacks under this mining trip with plenty more ancient debris in sight it’s not often you see six ancient debris all in an area this close in fact it’s it’s seven eight

Ancient debris because uh this is a vein of three that could still be a vein of three but no it’s actually a veiner too look at that we’ve got some more over there things are going very very well that is stack number three these trips now are not just searching for ancient

Debris it’s also a great way to get so much quartz and also lots of gravel that is stack number four oh my goodness i don’t think i’ve ever seen that much ancient debris that close together five pieces all next to each other yeah you know you never really say that let’s go

Ahead and grab them that makes stack number five progress is coming along nicely and that is the sixth one and now i shall fly back home grab a load of dirt that i can use as temporary blocks and then i can begin work on this machine so i will first grab all of

These then build a dirt tower going up really really high and now that i’m at the correct height i’m going to build a fairly large dirt platform which can have all of the shulker boxes on it and i can also mine away at this tower and

So the first thing we’re going to build here is the part that is going to shoot out the arrow that will one hit the dragon so we’re gonna have something like that and then i want dark oak fence with nether brick fence on top and then the

Same thing here which might be a little trickier so i’m just gonna do something like that and from there i build up with blackstone walls things are coming along very nicely and this is the point where we need to create some headless pistons i’ve made these before when i made a

Raid farm so it shouldn’t be too difficult there’s just going to be a little bit of mining to be done as we replace things i’ve also noticed this platform is absolutely full to the brim within the money i guess it’s because they can’t spawn anywhere else so

They’re just all spawning on a tiny little platform so i need redstone dust with a lever like this then i need an end crystal there bit of fire on top of that if we can just move away from the increase enough we can set it on fire

Perfect and then if i just stand back here flick this lever we’ve got it well i accidentally fell but we have got ourselves the headless pistons and now without depowering these i need to well first of all i need to put these redstone blocks and then i can

Remove the stuff behind because if i unpower them then they’ll just go back to being normal pistons now let’s continue building this as i build more and more of this it is starting to get more and more complicated and this is just the beginning of the redstone i

Feel like at this point i should probably explain exactly what i’m doing basically higher up there’s going to be loads of tnt that’s going to come down and through a load of mechanisms it’s going to all converge here be sent all the way down here and you know you can

See some some movement will happen if i do something like that you can see loads of there’s a redstone happens and an arrow is gonna come down and the tnt is gonna blast the arrow there’s gonna be so much of it it’s gonna blast the arrow

To go so so fast that it one hits the dragon but all this involves is just basically me doing lots of complicated redstone it’s really starting to take a bit of shape now that doesn’t need to be there let’s spray that but yeah it’s starting to take shape but this is where

It starts to get really really complicated i’m getting closer and closer to the top i’m optimistic that i’m going to finish but we need a boat here and this boat is kind of kind of bitter thing if i can place the boat it’s going to be the thing that detects

If it’s not far enough in the corner but yeah it’s going to be the detection system for when there’s an end crystal in that little hole right there basically how it works is gonna be a piston there and then fences either side and then i use those other

Pistons to push this down into the boat like so it can all be mined up no problem and because of that pressure plate there if something activates it it activates the piston activates everything well the end crystal blowing up will act will make the boat wiggle i cannot can i can i uh

Okay well anyway it will make it’ll make the boat go on the uh the pressure plate one way or another which will activate this piston and activate the entire machine and so now i shall get back to building i’m also going to break all the concrete above this dirt because it’s

Going to have to have tnt put there anyway so it might as well be removed then i’ll be able to place it in once the tnt has been added and i have now nearly reached the top of this as you can see it’s taking shape so i’ll give

You a little bit of a look at it yeah look at that that looks like it could take out an empty dragon doesn’t it very very nice indeed i thought the red really fits well i can’t find my favorite rockets there we go so yeah i’m

Just kind of covering up the top now just to really bring everything together and once i place down this bit of redstone i do believe the entire thing is finished except for the tnt so the key to adding the tnt is that you cannot place a

Single one wrong if i place one above like like let’s say i place one there by mistake the whole thing blows up any wrong one wrong placement with the tnt and the last however many hours four hours whatever i’ve spent on this it’s all going up in well it’s all gonna

Blow up so i’m just gonna take my time you know i’m not gonna rush we’re gonna be having red concrete on top and then there needs to be glass on top of that and i am just being so careful so slow and steady mainly because if

Something does go wrong i i can’t really like carry on the video because if you know we’re on day four thousand we’ve got to get this finished got it gotta get wrapped up as soon as possible and that’s one of the tnt sections done just

Five more to go bit of a disaster i seem to have run out of red concrete i don’t know how that happened and the sun is setting on day 4000 we don’t have much time i bet the missing concrete is stuck up there in the machine okay i know what

I need to do i grab a few stacks of sand and gravel craft it all together and send it through the machine now to grab it all get back to the end and back to placing tnt and i have now done five out of the six ones so i just need to

Carefully do the final one on this side without misplacing any tnt and there we go everything should be absolutely perfect i think i am ready to take on an ender dragon now before i do the test shot i uh need to go to this platform sorry enderman you thought you could

Live here but the answer is no you cannot let’s go and get rid of all this and we’re gonna make sure it shoots this arrow directly downwards so it’s it’s all doing its thing okay and it needs to land this arrow right down the middle

Although i didn’t i didn’t do it i need to manually fire it along i’m not summoning any dragon just yet okay manual fire that that should set it all off okay it should be happening and an arrow should land don’t fall in the thing but an arrow

Should land down in the middle let’s let’s just go and get in position yeah when it when it works an arrow should should come flying down right about here would have been cool to stand underneath and get it by an arrow that’s going a million miles an hour but um

We’ll have to just forgo that unless i’ve got an idea right we’ll go like that okay arrow aligned perfectly then we go and put this in right which which should make i guess once i break that that should that should now be setting off the mechanisms to shoot the arrow

Down i i want to just get hit by an arrow i don’t know why so if i stand right here i’m i’m right in the middle i’m gonna wait up so i’ve got my full health i’ll make sure tom’s in hand because this is going to hurt okay i think it’s coming

An arrow should have been fired down if if everything’s going to plan i didn’t miss all right time for take two this time i know exactly where to stand here it comes oh look at that there we go we got one shot by an error and use

The totem that’s cool i hope another hour doesn’t come flying down now but how cool is that from full health to nothing in one quick shot i’ve also got a little mod that lets me see what’s inside shulker box if i hold shift because i was just getting annoyed at having to

Open each one manually stuff so anyway that that’s that but i am so glad that everything is working so now i think we we do this properly the new machine that is going to one shot the ender dragon and i haven’t got what i need i need a

Piston and a lever and also a bit of obsidian so we place that there and then we go ahead and get rid of this next i can add a piston that will push that on but the game doesn’t kind of register that all four end crystals are there

Until you place another encrypt in the world and then it realizes so i’ll fire my arrow place that in crystal and you’ll see something is about to happen there you go ender dragon is beginning to be spawned the timer is starting i want to get a good spot to watch the

Show here okay so you can see yeah it’s happening all right the ender dragon is spawning in where do i stand to watch this uh this beautiful beautiful thing i don’t want to miss it okay here we go wait don’t stand here and speak no no no get out of there

That was a bad place to stand right here we go here we go it’s starting ender dragon spawns in there we go and it gets defeated in one shot that’s it you think you’re so powerful enderdragon no you gracefully land right there and it’s defeated i can’t even see the

Machine up there because of the fog but what an incredible machine this is such a much much better dragon slayer thing than the last one that i built also kind of a penguin slice it did hit me but anyway so i we’re on day 4001 now and i’ve got one

Last thing that i promised that i would do in this world yes i i’ve got to do a jump an mlg from sky limit and you guys don’t know if i survive or not because i still have technically survived 4 000 days in hardcore minecraft i just might

Not survive four thousand and one days this is the bucket that i choose this is the water that needs to say now why am i even doing this is it worth it some of you are probably saying no it’s it’s not worth it to the screen hey i’ve been

Doing this world foreign spice it up one way or another and i’m not just gonna do sky limit to the the top of the world no no we’re going all the way down to bedrock the stakes have got to be high here okay there will be no totem in this

You can actually feel my heart start to be beating it’s going a little faster than it was before farms are getting sweaty i didn’t think i was gonna be this nervous bite so i’ve done this mlg before but i had a totem in the end so

Totem you go there okay i cannot equip me electro we we’ve got to be electroless i think it’s time to stop stalling the the sun is going down it’s gonna be the day end of day 4001. let’s just do it here we go all right the

First question is do we make it through this hole i hope so i lined it up correctly yep i did okay now there we go thank goodness i couldn’t really see the ground as i was coming down and i started to get a little bit nervous

Because it’s too much of a small hole to see where i’m gonna land i don’t know why i haven’t decided to ever do that i’m never doing that again but there we go ladies and gentlemen i’m a daylight finishing but that was four thousand and one days in hardcore minecraft thanks so

Much for watching and being on the journey and thank goodness the journey is still gonna continue

This video, titled ‘I Survived 4,000 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by SB737+ on 2022-07-04 11:08:18. It has garnered 380125 views and 6000 likes. The duration of the video is 09:27:35 or 34055 seconds.

Ok… this might be my longest video ever…

This is all the last 10 of my 100 days Hardcore videos put into one for the ultimate fans of the series!

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    Welcome to CoreMC! I started CoreMC about 2 years ago to create a simple Minecraft community for players of all skill levels. The server runs on stock vanilla .jar with minimal addons, allowing for a true vanilla experience. Our rules are based on respect for others and the server. Key Features: No PVP/Griefing/Stealing No item dupe glitches No excessive lag-causing builds No discrimination or harassment No hacking, but some mods are allowed Alt accounts allowed with permission Join Our Discord: If you’re interested in joining, please apply through our Discord. Server Info: Server Address: Specs: Ryzen 5 3550H, 32GB… Read More

  • Glorp Junior High School

    you need the modpack SteamPunk LPS on curseforge and 12gb of ram dedicatedage requirement is 18+⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions & 5 NEW Planets to Explore!⚙️ Skills, Magic, Tetra & most importantly Steam like Tech⚙️ NEW Game Mechanics such as Thin Air & Cold Sweat⚙️ NEW Game Features… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting OG Hoodie”

    Looks like even Minecraft mobs are trying to get a retail job to make some extra emeralds! Read More

  • Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed

    Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed In Zonbili Village, the adventure unfolds, With each new episode, the story is told. Exploring, crafting, building with glee, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity is free. Join us on this journey, filled with delight, As we explore the depths, day and night. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your support, As we continue to play, in this virtual resort. So come along, let’s dive right in, To Zonbili Village, where the fun begins. With each new video, a new tale to tell, In the world of Minecraft, where we all dwell. Read More

  • Tax Time in Minecraft, Let’s Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes

    Tax Time in Minecraft, Let's Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes “When you’re trying to enjoy building in Minecraft but then remember you have to pay taxes in the real world #adulting #minecraftwoes” Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft 1.21 Update Facts! Exploring Minecraft 1.21 Update: What You Need to Know! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft 1.21? This latest update is packed with new features and enhancements that will take your gaming experience to the next level. Let’s take a closer look at what’s in store for players in this thrilling update! What’s New in Minecraft 1.21? The Minecraft 1.21 update brings a host of exciting additions to the game. From new biomes and mobs to enhanced gameplay mechanics, there’s something for every player to enjoy. One of the standout features of this update is… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft gameplay videos like “I MADE A SUGARCANE FARM | MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #21”? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of passionate gamers who enjoy Minecraft, Evil Nun, Gta San Andreas, Minecraft mods, horror games, and more! Experience the thrill of building your own sugarcane farm in a multiplayer environment. Connect with like-minded players, explore new worlds, and showcase your creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the Minewind server IP:… Read More

  • EPIC Cinematic Edit!

    EPIC Cinematic Edit! Exploring the World of Minecraft Cinematic Edits Step into the mesmerizing world of Minecraft cinematic edits, where creativity knows no bounds and imagination reigns supreme. From stunning visuals to intricate storytelling, these edits take the Minecraft experience to a whole new level. The Art of Cinematic Edits Creating a cinematic edit in Minecraft is no easy feat. It requires a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics, and a whole lot of patience. But the end result is truly something special – a masterpiece that showcases the beauty and complexity of the Minecraft universe. Key… Read More


    INSANE MUTANT ADD-ON! MINECRAFT LIVE w/ THE BOYSVideo Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] MINECRAFT w/ THE BOYS – MUTANT ADD-ON + MORE!!! (5/3/24)’, was uploaded by calebsmyth TV on 2024-05-04 05:35:38. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:38 or 7478 seconds. Yooo, these Add-Ons are insane! Read More

  • LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDarius

    LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDariusVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Party 2! LIVE’, was uploaded by NekoDarius on 2024-02-17 17:14:27. It has garnered 66 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:38 or 13178 seconds. Read More


    AnshStrive - ESCAPE THE BUTTON IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT , BUT I HAVE TO FIND THE BUTTON TO ESCAPE’, was uploaded by AnshStrive on 2024-05-18 04:46:54. It has garnered 999 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:28 or 448 seconds. I have to find the button to escape this trap for which I have taken some hints and find the button if if you enjoy my video and find my video interesting subscribe to my channel Read More


    DEATH TRAP IN MINECRAFT?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Worst Minecraft Saw Trap Ever?’, was uploaded by Harsh_ on 2024-07-04 01:06:46. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:37 or 157 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, procedurally generated world. Here are some key features: Creativity: Players can construct structures, mine resources, and craft tools, weapons, and armor. Survival: The game includes day-night cycles, hostile creatures, and hunger mechanics, challenging players to gather resources and protect themselves. Adventure: Minecraft offers various biomes, dungeons, and hidden… Read More

  • Unlocking Cosmic Power – Is he creating an animal jail? #Minecraft

    Unlocking Cosmic Power - Is he creating an animal jail? #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help #Minecraft’, was uploaded by CosmosMC – Power on 2024-01-11 00:09:43. It has garnered 3941 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay” #minecraftsurvival

    "UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay" #minecraftsurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Day7 (11k special live) #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #day7’, was uploaded by 𖤐Ɲ𝖊𝖼r̴o_𝑆ϯor̴m𝚆𝖎ŋ𝗀🪶 on 2024-05-17 16:43:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Dangerous Muslim Kid’s TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥

    Dangerous Muslim Kid's TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Muslim dhamaka short #mmuslim #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv ❤️👈’, was uploaded by Muslim dhamaka short on 2024-04-05 01:06:51. It has garnered 837 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #minecraft #music #muslimkidstv #mela #motivation #m #motivation #love#muslimkidstv ❤️#music❤️ #minecraft❤️ #mela 🌍#mMuslim dhamaka short subscribeMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #music #minecraft #motivation YouTube#music #minecraft #mobilelegends channel video #comedyvid #music #minecraft , #muslimkidstv z #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #memesMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #comedyvideo #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #muslimkidstv… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥

    Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Junkie SMP S4 | All Hail King Funkie! [Part 1]’, was uploaded by Xman 723 2 on 2024-06-17 19:00:06. It has garnered 4492 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:20 or 4580 seconds. *_Make Sure To Leave A Like And Subscribe!_* *_SMP Owner!_* @FNAFJunkie *_SMP Members!_* @Alextheunamazing @AsenEye @deadchannellmaooooo @CFMeibo/@CFMeiboVODS @ChevilFNAF @ClapzFolded @ConnerTheFozhead @DravenJV01 @EmmaTheTransFox @fnaf_and_the_gang @Foxy-Boy @FuntimeGmod @GJ_XD @inkmangmod0813/@inkmanlivestreamschannel662 @jakub_the @MimikTheRatRabbit @MrWarriorOffical @navilingyr @ofek105 @peggo_delego666 @Prowler18 @REDACTEDVODSANDCLIPS @SoraHeals @ThatOneFearMan *_My Other YouTube Channels!_* @Xman723 @Xman7233 @Xman7234 @Xman7235 @ToyFreddyPlaysGames @TheFazbearBand *_Become A Channel Member!_* #minecraft #survival #smp Read More

  • Chest Speedrun Madness in Minecraft

    Chest Speedrun Madness in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SPEEDRUNNING Minecraft In A CHEST’, was uploaded by SwapFlip on 2024-03-05 17:41:28. It has garnered 62 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. NEW BEST Hosting – –~– DONT CLICK THIS – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST SPEEDRUNNING MINECRAFT IN A CHEST #speedrun #minecraft About this short – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST Hashtags:- #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftspeedrunning #speedrun #minecraftchest Keywords:- Chest speedrun,Chest speedrun Minecraft,Speedrun,chest speedrun,dream speedrun music,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrun in the chest,minecraft speedrun seed,minecraft speedrun world record,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft speedrunning,minecraft speerun,minecraft swapflip,speedrun,speedrun in chest,swapflip chest,swapflip minecraft latest,swapflip minecraft,swapflip latest minecraft,swapflip… Read More

  • XGaming

    XGamingJoin us at for an unparalleled gaming experience! Dynamic Gameplay – Endless Possibilities! NPC-Crafted Quests Tailored Rewards Multilingual Interaction Personalized Trading Magic Spells in Any Language! Refer code: /refer xgaming Website: Ready for a gaming revolution? Join and redefine your adventure! Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP – McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets – 1.20.4

    Join ExeosCraft: The Ultimate No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQ+ SMP! Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win schemes? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where your experience comes first. Donations go entirely to charity. Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been up and lag-free since June 2020, with a massive map that will never reset. Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players. Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: A safe space for all, no hate speech tolerated. Custom Plugins: Enhance the vanilla experience with hand-crafted plugins. Cross-Platform: Optimized for Java and Bedrock, with unique features for Bedrock players. Our Features: Permanent World:… Read More