SCARIEST Nether Moments in SteamPunk Minecraft EP11

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Oh no I’m going to run out of ammunition oh got him now between between episodes I’ve done a little bit of work actually a lot of work but also I’ve technically taken us back a few steps and for good reason now essentially me and Chad here have

Been going through the entirety of the base clearing more things out uh and then also copying over and kind of changing a few of the uh current things that I had had built um so all of the designs that we set up last episode I’ve essentially used the schematic Cannon to

Somewhat pce them into position uh another thing I did was I went through and I also made all of the things that we were using regular Oak for and uh I kind of made it fit in but I’m still not utilizing those water wheels and I also

Went ahead and added the other water wheels but I added myself a cactus farm which I noticed these things are going insanely slow and I don’t know exactly why uh the cactus cactus farm is pretty slow and also the sugarcane Farms are very very slow like these are in

Insanely slow as well um and it may be the seasons uh that could be potentially why um but yes these Farms are going just fine you can see definitely the rate they’ve been going about the same Pace I think I started them I also made a cocoa uh Bean farm and this one

Actually seems to be working just fine as well and it may be something to do with the quality crops uh as you can see it does give the quality crops and I don’t know if that takes over a regular one uh but the regular ones are definitely more useful to me because the

Quality crops really don’t help me at all uh yeah for the most part um but this is how I’m Farming and I just have uh them stacked on side onto the jungle logs the cocoa beans and then I’m just using regular Harvesters to harvest them

So I thought this was a really cool idea now um these other two Farms are what we’re going to hopefully be working on today because this is going to kind of require me to go to the Nether and well I’m a little bit scared of that place

See now up until this point I have basically been fending off a ton of random monsters but I fear that most of the monsters that I am going to encounter reside in the Nether and also the end uh and and possibly other dimensions now the other thing that I

Fear most is the heat of the nether uh and this actually requires a very special item that we have to hold while we are in this Dimension now in the quest book it does give give us some of the resources that we’re going to need to refuel this special thing which is

Going to be the soul spearing lamp um yeah soul spring Soul spring lamp this thing right here uh and apparently we get that as soon as we go into The Nether for the first time now I’m thinking for the portal I want to put it down this back Alleyway here uh that is

Going to be connected near the place where we’re actually going to be farming the stuff and yeah this place is probably going to be the best like we could probably just put put it right here and fit the portal in in some way I can extend this up to make it look a

Little bit nicer but yes having it in this like back alley I think will be the best and this is the good old standard portal just like you see here now I’m hoping I can just go in and then pop right back out let’s go ahead and try this oh wow

Something I noticed just standing by this portal Heats us up quite a bit Into the Danger Zone nearly okay and since that’s going to be definitely an issue we should probably use some of the chameleon malt that we have we have quite a bit of this but this is going to

Require another table that we’re going to need to place down to interact with and that new table is going to be the sewing table so yes just like Grandma used to do we are going to be using this okay so the way this should work is we

Should be able to apply this to our gear I’m not able to see the stats unfortunately but can we apply more than one okay we can at what point does this like stop letting us apply okay so I’m assuming like at some point whenever it’s fully equipped it just like then it

Won’t let me put any more on and I’m assuming that once we have everything maxed out then we’re probably wearing the max amount oh this we can actually see the level on okay so there is a level bar we just couldn’t see it on the helmet okay so the back tank definitely

Has a level ooh and the pants don’t show the level either that’s interesting that like some things do display the level but some things don’t even my copper boots don’t display this level interesting but now we should be thermal maxed out and I noticed that like our temperature down here seems to be

Different okay let’s go ahead and stand by the portal now and let’s see how does this actually work this mol is supposed to adjust to the temperature and and adapt to the temperature while we’re in here right now I think it’s like neutral but maybe the longer we stay in this

Area the the more likely it is to resist the temperatures I don’t know this just seems really really convoluted all right I’m definitely just taking too long let’s just go for it I’m just going to go for it we’re going to go in I’ve got

I’ve got my pistol ready to go and we just got got to walk in technically and hope for a good biome a manual C what is this oh at least we spawn in like a relatively in the air sharp SC of burnt Rock and flesh this place is oh my gosh that was

Horrifying okay we are somewhat surviving the temperature here but the sounds of being in this Dimension are also quite terrifying I just want to grab a little bit of this while I’m in here all right we are starting to take like damage I’ve got to head back we’re starting to take like

Heat issues I don’t know it was stuck at 40 so I don’t know if 40° cus is like where it’s just like permanently stuck at but oh we Noti I noticed here the chameleon malt on our back take it actually was changing color so I think

It might have been adapting us for this Dimension but even still we definitely need to be carrying that uh that special item that we should now have access to which is the soul spring lamp Okay soul of the sea and now that we have that we

Should also be able to go into this and is this supposed to give us this okay so we have to make a hearth first and then we can make it apparently way while I’m waiting on this to cook I just wanted to point out how many IRL days I have

Already put into this now on episode 11 190 days of actual playtime and just to put that in perspective it takes a lot to get through packs like these and uh just kind of proving a point actually good old Chad buddy gets it look at him he’s he’s absolutely adorable now

Something I want to kind of point out as well I just charged my back tank and it looks like it might have removed the whole mols that I had just applied to this and all this while I’m waiting for stuff to go it did oh that’s that’s actually kind of

Kind of frustrating okay so yeah the there are some inconsistencies with this mod I mean it has a good like idea but maybe it’s integration with other mods it’s just not there this being one of them eventually we will actually no we’re always going to need to charge our

Back tank cuz it’s fundamental part of this pack oh no that’ll be interesting Eon you better get to work because you’re going to be used quite a bit apparently did everything else settle or yeah okay everything else is still normal so it’s just this back tank which

I guess we could eventually just have a permanent respirator and then we wouldn’t have to worry about this now speaking of heat and stuff we needed to make the Hearth The Hearth if I could say it right and a hearth is going to make the conditions where you live

Livable uh once it is ignited uh it’s also kind of a nice little decoration piece I actually kind of like it might even put it right here right now uh I don’t need to ignite it or anything like that because where we’re currently at is actually relatively habitable but if you

In a inhabitable area this would definitely be necessary but now that I have that we can go ahead and select the water or lava and then I can get my soul Sprout and it does tell me here that uh this can this needs to grow in hot biomes and temperatures the easiest way

To grow is to place lava by it and is does that mean that other crops potentially need warm temperatures in order to grow for example like these maybe or it could be that we do need to get the glass above them I I have no

Idea I could try putting lava in here um our area should be protected but putting lava in here is going to be a bit more challenging but right now I’m going to go ahead and try and plant this so we definitely got to get this up and

Running and I’m assuming it’s going to work just like Nether wart um so some Soul Sand and just to put this underneath our farm here we’re going to need these up and running ASAP now it’s said to put lava in here to increase the temperature of the area and then we put

These in oh interesting they’re like bulbs okay so do I harvest from the bottom or from the top that’s that’s going to be something I’ve got to figure out cuz this Farm might not work for them well I guess for now I’ll just let them hopefully grow

And we can take our current spring lamp and I guess take it into The Nether and hopefully not lose everything that we’ve currently obtained up to this point Ah that’s not going to be fun now as I go back into the nether I now have my soul

Lamp and I’m assuming that I just keep it in my hot bar or something and that will hopefully work oh it is just horrifying sounding in here here okay so our temperature does go up and while I’m holding this it cools me down I should have gold

On okay does it not think I do I should have gold on my glasses actually count as having gold on so these guys shouldn’t bother me and how quickly does this deplete I guess doesn’t deplete that fast okay so we have to hold in our off hand that’s

Interesting and I don’t want to break any I don’t need any quartz or anything like that cuz we can just make it what we need to find is a fortress okay so on the mini map I can actually see there is something right here that looks very

Ominous but I don’t see a fortress just immediately in the vicinity nor would a fortress be the the safest place in the world but I did want to see can we use this oh we can oh I just got to be prepared I just going to be prepared for gas potentially and blazes

Okay it’s super slow getting around but I noticed on the map there’s something over here this thing right here is this what I think it is no way there is one right by the portal oh this is a Boss Arena oh also I’m I’m being attacked I think am I being

Attacked I swear I was just being attacked now the one thing I really need is glow stone and and we’re also going to need oh what is that an acknowledgement unlocked oh because we picked up a a gas here o Darude Firestorm strange biomes I’m there’s

Just so much happening right now we need glowstone cuz that is one thing I do not have is glow stone the fact that we can use this is kind of helpful now how quickly oh I can’t see how quickly my Lantern’s depleting while I’m in here oh this is

Just horrifying cuz any moment I I feel like I’m going to I’m going to to die oh there’s another one of those uh those shrooms down there also the random sound is just terrifying I should be able to just hover down here and and just oh not

Shoot just grab it okay at least we have some more on us just in case while we’re here now I’ve got to be super careful careful cuz reload for my weapon is also the Dismount for my my uh glider here and that would be very unfortunate also getting attacked by

This I’m going to get you back oh God the range is awful oh no I’m going to run out of ammunition oh got him got him oh and I got two more gas tiers oh that’s perfect well I mean technically I got one more gas here oh there’s some glowstone right

There maybe I can get another one or am I pushing my luck I’m definitely pushing my luck oh I’m pushing my luck okay it’s too far away oh we got it okay woo oh there’s there’s stuff shooting at me okay yeah let’s let’s just make it to

That glowstone over here which I think is is fine oh there is some glowstone right here that’s all I need is just a little bit for right now perfect and I should be able to silk touch this oh man eventually I’m going to have a much much better way of harvesting this

Stuff oh and I can’t wait I can’t wait to get like a a boomerang from Cork oh it’s going to be so nice okay should I grab some of this possibly so we can grow some of these materials oh see things like that down there are things that I want to avoid oh

Goodness oh no there’s there’s a crimson night mosquito after me No can I shoot it oh I got it oh okay I hate those things I did notice over here though that we should be able to actually walk through here comfortably for the most part but this guy I I need a couple of things from you cuz I could get some fire protection

That’ be really nice okay we we did get some oh that’s good let’s reload Ando think we almost got them all there we go perfect now as far as that boss goes I am not ready for that guy there’s no way I don’t have fire resistance or anything necessary in

Order to defeat that I mean maybe we could defeat it with this long range gun but I I doubt it oh God this guy a flame breather no no no I can’t I can’t oh my gosh oh it does shoot fire what do you drop though I’m just

Going to unload oh okay yeah we do definitely get set on fire okay that drops ghost peppers oh that’s why oh poor guy he just ate some just ate some ghost peppers that’s that’s the reason okay I mean he’s not he’s not so bad I mean shouldn’t attacked me though now there there’s

Some ore here oh it turns into lava I guess some of it turns into lava oh it explodes you know what this is why I have trust issues I I cannot trust mods or mod packs I just really can’t oh man there’s another one of those guys over here but also an

Enderman and I actually would like to take on an Enderman if I can now this is a this is a challenging task and it and the last time I fought an Enderman oh whoa what are you this is an elemental wait whoa he just did so much

Damage oh I’m going to I want to die okay I got him I got him I got him well I dropped some Elemental stuff oh I am not prepared for this Dimension at all okay but yeah there’s a guy over there but I want to see if I can’t get

This Enderman over here and I can use my axe to hopefully get another ender pearl because I’ve been really lacking on ender pearls this would be super nice and no ender pearl I’m looking at you dude I’m coming after you next oh God there’s just so much after me oh God wait he can fly okay I’ve got to go I got to go I got to go where’d he go yeah I think I think we should we should oh man there’s one more Enderman let let’s just get the Enderman over here oh God get the Enderman over here

Just maybe get one more ender pearl if I can this is actually a pretty decent place to get ender pearls if I can get incredibly lucky oh there’s a there’s a good chance is there another oh we got one is that another fire okay it’s behind me yeah I

I better get out of here while I can also grab my copter no way when I get back an Enderman just happens to spawn in the portal or teleported through the portal I don’t even have a place to really go after this guy okay I want to

Get this one too if I can might as well maybe I’ll get another ender pearl let’s see can I stare at you oh it’s not going to look at no it went it went straight through the portal now looking at some of the things that I

Ended up getting a demon horn it’s used to make a trident but also some bone Mill uh there’s also the ghost pepper okay and then we got some more of the Sprouts I want to get those planted uh how does this actually consume them do you like refill it like

This do you shift right click right click I don’t even know how this goes into it oh you right click it into it okay that’s interesting and it shows you how much it’s going to fill oh and also look at these Sprouts okay so maybe they’re not going to be farmable

In the same way they don’t like have a rightclick harvest it doesn’t look like like you just let them grow up to a certain point and then you break them interesting like these are a little bit taller than the prior so these might not be as farmable by the

Way the ghost pepper apparently we can eat this yeah I oh it gives you fire breathing okay that’s pretty cool okay now as much as I don’t want to have to go back I we still don’t have the Nether wart that we actually need in order to start brewing some really nice potions

And I really want Nether wart but uh I’ve got to go back and we’ve got to continue searching for a fortress so this time I’m just going to focus heavily on the quadcopter itself and hope that we can oh hopefully that we can make it there I I have I have High

Hopes I have High Hopes now back into this hellish landscape looks like we got a little friend here that apparently sells us a few things okay interesting H oh this guy sells us Nether wart no way way we can just go back and we can okay this is perfect so we just

Need to grab a couple of emeralds and we can just buy our way to potions okay emeralds yeah I only have a few but still we can get him from this guy that saves me so much time but I still probably want to go to the Fortress

Anyways even after getting these uh but yes let’s definitely buy these and then we can equip some potions um also this seems like a pretty good deal let’s convert those all into that awesome and we looks like we can trade Netherrack and everything with this guy okay so I’m going to get these

Planted and I’m going to brew up well we still need blaze powder oh yeah we don’t have blaze powder but apparently we can crush with a crushing wheel we can Crush down a uh a blaze burner for the blaze powder oddly enough by the way I wonder if this sort of trading

Right here is is is a bad thing I I I have no idea like just keeping them inside of a Quantum catcher I mean that’s one way to do the trades interesting also by the way I know this is tremendously slow for right now as I still haven’t reset up the

Infrastructure yet so yeah just bear with me apparently we can though toss this into the crushing wheels and we will get a couple of things as a byproduct it’s probably just going to take a little bit to to process it but it should eventually bring it down and

Yeah oh wow that was actually really fast and there we go so now we have some blaze powder that we can make some potions with now with the brewing stand to found at the local church we should be able to now hopefully Brew ourself up a potion um so

We need a Nether wart so that way we can make fire resist now thankfully we had that Magma Cream we got just one magma cream from that magma slime that is going to be incredibly helpful especially when we were just being constantly set on fire and that was the

Main source of damage that was coming in and with a dab of redstone we can take our 3 minutes into 8 minutes so now with a little bit more equipped we should be ready to Adventure a little bit further into The Nether now off we go and I

Think I’ve already found one on the map it’s actually right down here so we do have access to a fortress and it doesn’t look like the normal one oh there’s a okay there’s an elemental after me this thing is super slow so oh I do need to

Stay away from things also I wonder does my height my y value matter for my breathing in this Dimension or is that just exclusively the Overworld I don’t know these are things that I must find out eventually but I’m heading that way it’s just going to take a moment to get there

Okay so I have made it here and this definitely seems like a pretty pretty scary place for myself to be in uh and I don’t know if I should even Venture into this place but I mean blaze rods raw blaze rods is something that we absolutely need and I have yet to drink

My potions so think now would be a good time to do that also maybe Landing might be a good thing to do okay let’s grab this woo so we should be a a little bit more protected but let’s see what this loot ooh Pedro Shield hold on hold on hold

Let’s learn this Obsidian Shield unlocked okay we also got some blank runes oh we’re going to need that ooh more fire resistance ooh and a schematic and some bones oh there’s a lot of stuff I should have upgraded my backpack but this is a blaze or this is a blaze spawner right here

Okay I’m noticing I could probably be overwhelmed pretty quick oh especially when I got a double tap oh man okay so how is going to work against a blaze pretty effective actually I just need a blaze rod that is oh I I did get a blaze rod

Let’s turn a magnet on oh perfect okay so we’re doing the thing we’re getting it done so I guess now we just need to Adventure on a little further I knew he was going to jump I knew you were going to jump okay so there is a button here oh that’s TNT oh

No what is even happening right now was that intended for us to break oh I think so cuz this is the door oh and there’s the there’s the crank oh that’s sick okay I think up here though is like the main i’ I’ve been in this Fortress in the

Past and I’m pretty sure up top is where I’d want to go but it’s so dangerous up there it is so dangerous so very laggy as well for whatever reason in here this is the door that opens it all oh it’s so cool when the doors like open like this

Okay I I can’t I can’t we got to continue to loot these chests and I also want to find a spot for a moment to just just peek at her skill book and learn what this is decreases the fire and lava damage of a player oh yes let’s just

Spend every point we have into that uh that helps reduce the damage overall from fire that sounds like a plan but I’m still super afraid of the Wither oh we got a wither skeleton skull too look at us wither bound oh I see another chest over here I definitely

Want to go check that out I need to avoid all of these guys man I can’t believe we turned Minecraft into Call of Duty oh there’s potion Scrolls In Here Also I might want that more fire resist and a saddle okay I’ll take that these can be converted into

Iron ooh there is an underground what could possibly be down here oh just okay I thought there was like maybe more under here ahuh there’s another chest oh we just got a another eye okay that’s one of the eyes that allows us to get into the end oh and we

Got a better backpack possibly just another backpack I think our backpack here is doing okay for what it is we’re finding these good Scrolls too and I’m happy about that just going to keep these guys away oh I got skeletons shooting at me

No no this will not be the end of me not dying to no lousy Skelly oh I just found the motherload of blazes okay this gun makes it so nice for taking out blazes and getting blaze rods oh it’s so nice so with that I think I

Am ready to launch off with my copter and potentially head back but at least now we know where this is is at I’m just kind of bobbing and weaving away from these guys I’ve got to get away from them and hope that we can get back home

Safely nice heading back home I have found this but I think more in importantly outside of just finding this on the way back we’ve stumbled upon this rose quartz biome and this is rose quartz that will straight up work I believe as rose quartz like these things

Right here if I if we break them down turn into rose quartz shards and then actually can be turn into rose quartz okay I’m going to grab as many of these blocks as I can because rose quartz is probably one of the most painful things

To make it costs so much Redstone and we just have blocks of it right here I’ve just got to be careful that guy right there you don’t want to mess with him oh and he’s he’s waiting for me it’s a drop bear oh the worst oh my God he jumped oh

They can jump from really far by the way this is the netherite monstrosity boss that we will not be fighting today but good to know that it’s right here oh that guy by the way we have a visitor oh and I don’t have my fire protection on that one had a red effect

On it what was this the border of Life light sensitive what I have no idea I just want to get back I want to get out of here I don’t like this place it’s absolutely horrifying and how much time have we put on this so we used about half of our

Allotted time in that whole process there we also ended up getting a geode which is kind of interesting oh and he followed does here oh that’s kind of cool okay so apparently we put this geode says right click holding a pickaxe in the off hand but it has to be a vanilla

Pickaxe uh all the jankiness of the mods and I think if you use a fortune pickaxe maybe it’s even better oh we get Glowstone we got some basal and maybe a little coal out of that now after that Adventure we ended up getting the poison scroll and a

Burning Dash scroll the burning Dash scroll is kind of cool uh once we get into iron spells that is we’re going to have to dive a little bit into that mod we also got a blank Rune which is kind of nice for changing your enchantment glint color um and then yeah the nether

Eye which is one of the eyes I think we’re going to need in order to open the portal from the end remastered mod by the way look who decided to show up and apparently has a pretty insane map here this is the castle map and we haven’t gotten that map yet so

I am kind of interested in that let’s go ahead and grab this and some of the emeralds thankfully we looted a little bit and let’s get this map the castle map oo this sounds very interesting that to me sounds like another adventure but it’s going to have to be for another day

Because today well we’re sadly all out of time but if you did enjoy today’s episode and you’re loving the progression of the base be sure to click that subscribe button if you haven’t already especially if you learn something new and uh guys well it’s now time to thank the amazing supporter of

Today’s episode and that amazing thanks is going to go out to Jonathan over on the Discord becom a Discord premium member and supporting me in one of the best ways possible and guys thank you so very much I’ll see you in the next one and of course as always thanks for watching bye


This video, titled ‘SteamPunk Minecraft Modpack EP11 Nether IS SCARY’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2024-03-24 16:00:09. It has garnered 36130 views and 1776 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:40 or 1960 seconds.

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    Tiny Japanese House Build in Minecraft Exploring Japanese Architecture in Minecraft Embark on a creative journey as you learn how to build a small Japanese house in Minecraft. Whether you’re a novice builder or a seasoned player, this tutorial will guide you through the steps to construct a beautiful Japanese-style home in the virtual world of Minecraft 1.20. Building Walls Start by laying the foundation of your Japanese house with sturdy walls. Use a combination of wooden planks and paper walls to create an authentic Japanese aesthetic. Experiment with different textures and colors to add depth to your structure. Building the Floor Next, focus on… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Farm Builds

    Ultimate Minecraft Farm Builds Unleash Your Creativity with Minecraft Build Ideas Get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft with our latest build ideas! In this video, we’ll explore the best farm concepts that you can implement in your world. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, these ideas will help you create efficient and beautiful farms. Essential Skills for Farming Success Ever wondered how to make smooth stone in Minecraft? Or perhaps you’ve been curious about how to make a map or how to make paper in Minecraft? These essential skills will not only enhance your farming projects but… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft Beta 1.8: Adventure Update

    Unveiling Minecraft Beta 1.8: Adventure Update The Adventure Unfolds: Minecraft Beta 1.8 Exploring the Minecraft Universe In the vast world of Minecraft, Beta 1.8 brought forth a wave of new adventures and features that captivated players worldwide. From the removal of certain elements to the introduction of exciting biomes, this update marked a significant milestone in the game’s evolution. Biomes Galore One of the most notable changes in Beta 1.8 was the addition of various biomes, each with its unique characteristics. Players could now explore diverse landscapes, including the Ocean, Plains, Desert, Extreme Hills, Forest, Taiga, River, Swamp, Village, and Canyon. These biomes added depth… Read More

  • Hardrada Worldbuilding: Factions, SMP, Towny.

    Conquer the World with Hardrada Worldbuilding Unleash your creativity and explore endless possibilities with us! Why Choose Us? Unmatched Freedom: Build and rule your empire as you desire. Fair and Supportive Staff: Dedicated team for a balanced experience. Player-Driven Stories: Shape the server’s history and create legends. Community and Collaboration: Join like-minded players for epic adventures. Dynamic World: Your decisions shape the environment. Features: Economy and Trade: Custom shops, currency, and trade opportunities. Quests and Events: Regular challenges with unique rewards. PvP and Warfare: Test your skills in battles or focus on diplomacy. Join Us Today! Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Cave vine’s vengeful transformation

    I guess you could say the cave vine dug itself into a hole! Read More

  • Nurse’s Minecraft Check-Up: A Shocking Surprise!

    Nurse's Minecraft Check-Up: A Shocking Surprise! In Minecraft, a nurse examined me, what a sight, I was shocked, feeling quite a fright. But in the game, anything can happen, you see, From crazy nurses to adventures, wild and free. The Smoothie Team, a group so grand, With Oops Hiha and Yummie TV, hand in hand. They bring the fun, the laughter, the joy, In Minecraft world, where dreams deploy. So join the fun, the gaming spree, With Super Ngáo, full of glee. Crafting stories, in every rhyme, In Minecraft world, where we spend our time. Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi, Hot Dang!

    Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi, Hot Dang! When you accidentally hit a Minecraft villager and they start chasing you with their “Oi Oi Oi” battle cry, you know you’re in for a wild ride! Read More

  • 10 Features Mojang Won’t Add to Minecraft

    10 Features Mojang Won't Add to Minecraft Minecraft: Features Mojang Will Never Add While Minecraft continues to evolve with new updates and features, there are certain elements that Mojang has decided will never be added to the game. Let’s explore some of these intriguing choices that the developers have made. Furniture and Decorations One of the features that Mojang has decided not to include in Minecraft is extensive furniture and decoration options. While players can create their own furniture using blocks, the game will not have dedicated furniture items like chairs or tables. Vertical Slabs Vertical slabs, a highly requested feature by the community, will not… Read More

  • Discover the Magic of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Magic of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a truly mesmerizing YouTube video titled “🌟Get Your Wish by Magpipe🌟”. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what if you could experience that same level of emotion and beauty in a Minecraft server? Imagine immersing yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds, where you can explore, build, and connect with like-minded individuals. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With its vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind… Read More

  • Escaping the Floating Minecraft Village

    Escaping the Floating Minecraft Village Exploring a Floating Minecraft Village Imagine spawning on top of a floating village hut in Minecraft, with nothing around but void and a tiny island. This unique scenario offers a thrilling challenge for any player brave enough to survive in such a precarious setting. The Challenge of Survival Surviving in a floating village presents a myriad of challenges. Players must navigate the void below, carefully gather resources, and build structures to ensure their survival. The lack of solid ground adds an extra layer of difficulty, making every decision crucial for success. Resource Scarcity With limited resources available in the… Read More

  • Survive the Undead in Minecraft’s Closed Tunnel!

    Survive the Undead in Minecraft's Closed Tunnel!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLOSED TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-06-17 13:00:47. It has garnered 2710 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:52 or 2332 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLOSED TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Building Battles

    Insane Minecraft Building BattlesVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft #minecraft #minecraftbuildingminecraft #gaming #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-09 22:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More

  • Insane 28 Hour Minecraft Marathon! New vs Old!

    Insane 28 Hour Minecraft Marathon! New vs Old!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new vs old – Nostalgia #bnl #craft #games #minecraft #oldisgold #old #ruokff’, was uploaded by RAUNAK 28 HOUR GAMER on 2024-05-11 09:53:28. It has garnered 11857 views and 378 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More


    INSANE GAMER MUST COLLECT ALL DOGS!!Video Information This video, titled ‘i must collect every dog in minecraft’, was uploaded by Skippy T on 2024-06-16 14:03:00. It has garnered 37897 views and 2143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:21 or 1401 seconds. i must collect every dog in minecraft 1.21 Edited by NOOBster —— Featuring: @branzybits @JayMojiDeluxe @FailboatsDinghy and me 😀 —— Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms. All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2024, by the Skip the… Read More

  • Endorwitch – Secret Decked Out in Minecraft!

    Endorwitch - Secret Decked Out in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft? Decked Out? Time to die!’, was uploaded by endorwitch on 2024-05-20 09:04:41. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:38 or 7058 seconds. FYI there’s a little bit of swearing in this. Etho’s fan community hosted a Decked Out event this past weekend and you can watch me be bad playing co-op with my Dogcraft buddies. I found the compass and got out ONCE! haha. Also I still sound very sick lol! Thank you to the SLABS folks for hosting this and letting us play! It was… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Mods: Can I Survive 100 Days Hardcore?

    Terrifying Minecraft Mods: Can I Survive 100 Days Hardcore?Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving Minecraft’s Scariest Mods for 100 Days in Hardcore’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-07-03 16:31:58. It has garnered 365402 views and 10813 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:43 or 2503 seconds. The man from the fog and herobrine are in my hardcore world. My goal is to survive 100 days in hardcore Minecraft while every 10 days I add another one of Minecraft’s scariest horror mods. The world will become unbearable very quickly so I have no time to waste but most importantly… can I survive the entire 100 days? This is… Read More


    MonkeyDFNAF - 🐒 CRAZY 🔥 ROBLOX /MINECRAFT STREAM 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴ROBLOX /MINECRAFT +MORE,STREAM🔴, SUB AND GET A SHOUT AND A SUB BACK🔴,SubGoal-900’, was uploaded by MonkeyDFNAF on 2024-07-10 05:00:05. It has garnered 59 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 05:28:01 or 19681 seconds. #stream #gaming #roblox #fortnite #entertainment #comedy #funny #chill #🔴#stream #gaming #roblox #Valorant #fortnite #entertainment #comedy #funny #chill #🔴#chill #roblox #fortnite #gaming #entertainment #stream #comedy Read More

  • EPIC Fox Vs Wolf Fight in Minecraft! Watch Now!

    EPIC Fox Vs Wolf Fight in Minecraft! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fox🦊 Vs Wolf🐺 Fight||#shorts #shortsfeed #viral #minecraft||’, was uploaded by HAPPY KING 67 on 2024-03-12 07:00:04. It has garnered 479 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. build hacks,minecraft build hacks,life hacks,build,hacks,easy build hacks,101 build hacks,build hacks and ideas,build ideas,simple build hacks,bloxburg build hacks,15 summer build hacks,security build hacks,minecraft: 30+ laboratory build hacks!,build hacks minecraft,build hack,minecraft hacks,minecraft building hacks,minecraft bomb build hacks,how to build a,simple redstone builds,minecraft redstone build hacks minecraft build hacks,minecraft,testing minecraft build hacks,what to build in minecraft,minecraft build,cool minecraft builds,minecraft build tricks,build hacks,minecraft building hacks,minecraft build… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days As KING In Minecraft?! 😱

    Surviving 100 Days As KING In Minecraft?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days As KING In Minecraft’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-07-22 02:54:25. It has garnered 28779 views and 1508 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:46 or 2446 seconds. I Survived 100 Days As KING In Minecraft Buy My Shirts: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe Or Caveman Jerry Will Cry ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Roblox – Gaming – Real Life – ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: Follow My Instagram: Like me on Facebook: Check out my… Read More

  • Olympians Network

    Olympians NetworkWelcome to Olympians Network! 1. Custom Gamemodes: – Immerse yourself in our handcrafted custom gamemodes. Whether you’re battling fierce mobs, exploring mysterious dimensions, or solving intricate puzzles, there’s something for every player. 2. Survival at Its Finest – Brave the wilderness, gather resources, and build your dream base. Our survival world is both challenging and rewarding. Team up with friends or go solo—the choice is yours! 3. Skyblock Adventures: – Start your journey on a tiny floating island. With limited resources, you’ll need to be resourceful. Expand your island, create automated farms, and unlock new challenges. Skyblock is all about… Read More

  • Aurora SMP 1.21 Hermitcraft-inspired Java Whitelist Bluemap 18+

    Hello everyone! Are you ready to embark on a journey like no other in the enchanting world of Minecraft? Look no further than Aurora SMP, where the possibilities are as vast as the starry night sky ⭐ A World of Imagination Survive and thrive in our season 3 world. An engaging multiplayer experience awaits where the community matters. Join forces with friends or go solo; the AuroraSMP realm is yours to conquer. The only limits are the ones you set yourself! Community: Join a warm and welcoming community of fellow adventurers, where bonds are forged and friendships blossom. From sharing… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Reality is the ultimate shitty joke writer

    I guess you could say that innocent gift really set off a “trans”formation in that child! Read More

  • Trade Mine for TF2, USA’s Minecraft FOMO

    Trade Mine for TF2, USA's Minecraft FOMO In the world of TF2, where the battles rage, Players from USA to trade, turning the page. But anger arises, homophobia in the mix, A problem that needs fixing, not just for kicks. Join the discord, share your thoughts and your voice, Together we can make a change, it’s our choice. Minecraft and TF2, games we love to play, Let’s keep the community safe, every single day. Shoutout to Shiny for the gameplay shared, In the world of gaming, let’s show we care. With music by Kevin MacLeod, setting the tone, In this montage of TF2, let’s make it… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftrelationshipdrama Read More

  • DadMeene’s Epic Fireball Showdown

    DadMeene's Epic Fireball Showdown The Unforeseen Demise in Minecraft When diving into the world of Minecraft, players often encounter unexpected challenges and surprises. In a recent gameplay session, a player faced an unforeseen demise that left them reeling. Let’s explore the events that led to this unexpected turn of events. The Setup Equipped with a powerful gaming setup, the player delved into the virtual realm with high hopes and grand ambitions. Their PC boasted impressive components, including: CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600H with integrated graphics GPU: AMD Radeon 6500M RAM: 16GB DDR4 SSD: SAMSUNG MZVL25 12HDJD-00BH1 The Fireball Fight As the player navigated… Read More

  • Sneaky Sewer Block Tricks 1.16.5

    Sneaky Sewer Block Tricks 1.16.5 The Sewer Block Tutorial for Industrial Foregoing in Minecraft 1.16.5 Are you ready to dive into the world of Industrial Foregoing in Minecraft 1.16.5? This tutorial will guide you through everything you need to know about the Sewer block, including automation options that will take your gameplay to the next level. Tested Versions Before we get started, let’s ensure you’re on the right track. This tutorial has been tested in the following versions: Minecraft version: 1.16.5 Mod version: Video Breakdown Here’s a quick overview of what you can expect in the video: 0:00 – Device Purpose 0:30 -… Read More


    🔥GOLEM STEVE vs. MINECRAFT MOBS BATTLE - ULTIMATE VILLAGE SHOWDOWN!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MOBS BATTLE : BABY MUTANT ZOMBIE CREEPER ENDERMAN SKELETON IN VILLAGE HOW TO PLAY My Craft’, was uploaded by GOLEM STEVE on 2024-07-10 14:00:45. It has garnered 1240 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:06 or 1806 seconds. MINECRAFT MOBS BATTLE : BABY MUTANT ZOMBIE CREEPER ENDERMAN SKELETON IN VILLAGE HOW TO PLAY My Craft #minecraft #howtoplay Read More

  • Mystery Revealed: Minecraft Iceberg Layer 3

    Mystery Revealed: Minecraft Iceberg Layer 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Iceberg – Layer 3’, was uploaded by marlboroluvur on 2024-06-19 10:15:14. It has garnered 2286 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:04 or 1864 seconds. Any feedback or changes I should make? Lemme know down below 😀 Read More


    STRIVERSUMIT - SHOCKING NEW REVEAL! 😉Video Information This video, titled ‘New Episode Out 😉’, was uploaded by STRIKERSUMIT on 2024-07-10 13:30:31. It has garnered 4201 views and 151 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #gaming 🎮 Welcome to STRIKERSUMIT ! 🕹️ 🚀 Dive into the ultimate gaming experience with STRIKERSUMIT , your guide to the vast world of virtual adventures! 🌐 🔥 Immerse yourself in a universe where pixels come to life, as we explore the latest and greatest games across genres. From heart-pounding action to mind-bending puzzles, this is the hub for all things gaming. 👾 What… Read More

  • Minecraft Kids Song: Crazy Tricks with Siddhi and Babu!

    Minecraft Kids Song: Crazy Tricks with Siddhi and Babu!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft song for kids | New Generation Rhymes | Kids Cartoons | Kindergarten Songs’, was uploaded by Siddhi and Babu show on 2024-07-09 08:03:55. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:00 or 120 seconds. Newborn Baby Songs | Newborn Baby Songs & Nursery Rhymes | Popular Collection Of Rhymes | Popular Collection Of Newborn Baby Songs| Collection Of Rhymes For Kids | very special compilation of Nursery Rhymes | New Generation Rhymes| New Generation Poem | New Generation Kids Song | New Generation Music for Babies |… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Minecraft Challenge | PietSmiet

    Unbelievable twist in Minecraft Challenge | PietSmietVideo Information This video, titled ‘Damit hat keiner gerechnet. | Minecraft Challenge’, was uploaded by PietSmiet on 2024-02-29 19:05:00. It has garnered 141234 views and 5959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:15 or 2955 seconds. That’s bitter! You can find our merch with shirts, hoodies and caps on Don’t miss any livestreams and follow us on More videos from Minecraft Challenge can be found in the playlist on YouTube: More videos from Minecraft Challenge are available earlier on This is a multiplayer Let’s Play gameplay of Minecraft. We played the game on the… Read More

  • Unveiling Demonic Secrets in New Town | Minecraft Roleplay

    Unveiling Demonic Secrets in New Town | Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Demon’s in a New Town – Demons Life Trailer MCTV//Minecraft Roleplay’, was uploaded by Night_Films on 2024-03-31 06:41:42. It has garnered 147 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:08 or 308 seconds. A Demons MCRP ROLEPLAY thumbnail by @JackHeptic #mctv #minecraft #minecraftroleplays #roleplay #mcrp #minecraftrp #demons #supernatural Cast @MrMatrix69 Read More

  • 🔥ATS MAXXA LIVE – JOIN FOR FREE NOW!!🔥 #minecraft

    🔥ATS MAXXA LIVE - JOIN FOR FREE NOW!!🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PUBLIC SMP LIVE HINDI | JAVA + PE 24/7| CRACKED SMP|FREE TO JOIN| #minecraft #herobrinesmp’, was uploaded by ATS MAXXA LIVE on 2024-07-13 04:43:32. It has garnered 98 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:52 or 8932 seconds. public smp,public minecraft smp,minecraft smp,minecraft,minecraft smp servers,public minecraft,public minecraft server,public java minecraft,minecraft public smp,minecraft server,public bedrock minecraft,join public smp,join minecraft smp,free to play minecraft smp,minecraft public smp 1.19,minecraft public cracked smp server,smp,survival minecraft server,minecraft survival server pe,minecraft hardcore,minecraft survival server,minecraft server ip ⭐️──────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──────⭐️ ✨ Connect with me on social media! 📸 Instagram… Read More