Secret Minecraft Game Revealed! 🎮 | Multi-stream Madness

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Is Now the f hey Josh I’m back are you still there Josh don’t if he is hey guys hey pyro long time no see all right hey a Josh I better come on voice chat in case I can hear his family be randomly talking in the background I’ll just wait a minute

Oh all right I’m going to use the they G to see the event probably not ohello hey Josh can you hear me yeah I can hear you oh yeah okay yeah no Worries tempting to work on a panel for my nether portal I’m still working on this giant game which is way bigger project than I thought have you seen it ends up being that way have you seen what I’ve been building no it’s pretty yeah oh yeah I

Saw it in your stream all right okay yeah it’s getting quite big the Project’s getting quite big P I’ve got a YouTube Auto translating it by the way so every time you type something in another language it switches it to English for me just so you know just there we go right I love my gold Farm oh oh that’s what I was going to do let’s go and check if the um so I think I fixed the uh Enderman farm so let’s go and just check it’s still working uh Rich how many degrees are the in in us oh do you mean how warm

Is it I I’m in England I’m in uh the UK but it’s about I’ll tell you how hot it is here it is uh let’s just see just updating the weather at minus two degrees here it’s 45 degrees fenhe here which is uh close is that close To like four or five degrees there you like it’s similar isn’t it it’s not far off yeah so 32° would be 0 degrees so 45 is 7 7.2 de it’s colder here than there that’s strange is it usually you’re the one you’re the one who saying it’s like minus

20 yeah yeah usually it’s holy moly I went from six levels to 28 levels I think this thing might be a little overpowered uh hopefully this end Enderman Farm is working let’s see it is still working so what I did did was I um just raised the endite one block higher

That’s it and it fixed it they must have updated the line of sight for um the Enderman yeah I think so or something was happening where the Enderman were able to just just well kill it well yeah that’s a similar thing isn’t I suppose yeah right f

See what my levels jump to this time I’m at 28 it’s crazy that farm I mean I thought the on Enderman Farm was overpowered yeah this thing is definitely doesn’t seem like the oh boy that’s not good right uh we need to go to the

Nether oh no I just went all the way to the end and didn’t repair me pickaxed I’ve lost another pickaxe somewhere where is that pickaxe G I can’t believe we just done that in there I just went all the way to the end and didn’t even get a new pickup 28 to 38

Levels you just stand there is that it you just stand there and yeah you hit one of the piglins and then you stand stand in the the AFK spot and you just let it run oh yeah cuz it it arrs them doesn’t it and they all walk towards you

And die don’t they or something yeah they all walk to one block and it uses entity cramming to kill them it sounds like fortnite’s getting quite uh logged up someone saying in the CH sure it is they’ve been queueing for 40 minutes try and get not surprised I’m not surprised at all they’re

Probably I mean mem doesn’t do many concerts anymore so I bet he’s making a pretty penny off that oh yeah yeah I mean the last concert he did that I know of was the Super Bowl concert and I mean you know for a fact that he

Made a lot of money doing that oh yeah but they kind of screwed the pooch the year before I know Odin’s probably one of only a handful of people that actually liked the uh the concert they did during Co hey Ryland yes I wasn’t hitting on

The the it wasn’t that good of a performance I’m not saying that he’s not a good artist or his songs aren’t that good I’m just saying for the Super Bowl usually they go over the top and the weekend it was one artist he’s he’s waiting for fortnite it was really a weird

Performance I’m not saying that he’s a bad artist or did he take that personally then I’m just saying usually with the Super Bowl they’d go over the top look at it last year they had Dr Dre Eminem Missy Elliott Kendrick Lamar and 50 Cent and 50 Cent wasn’t even supposed to be

There I mean if that’s not over the top then I don’t know what is like I’m not I’m just saying that a lot of people were not happy with that Super Bowl half time show he wasn’t happy with you think it when he thought you criticizing Eminem by the sounds of it

Then oh Eminem it I am a big Eminem fan sounded like he was he thought you were criticizing him then no he thought I was criticizing the weekend which I’m not I’m like I said I’m not saying saying that he’s a bad artist I’m just saying that like Ryland no one with criticizing

Eminem Joshua’s talking about the Super Bowl performance sens topic that is it for the weekend I’m probably one of the biggest fans you’ll ever meet but I’m not a massive fan but I don’t mind his music I like him I like him you know it depends on a lot of things with

Him because I mean he’s gone through so many stages in his career yeah and I mean you can tell when he’s clean and sober and you can tell when he’s not to be blunt because there are times that he’s clean and sober in his music and there are times where he’s Not there you go totic you have refold did you I’m I’m really uh Missing OptiFine I’m missing the feature where you you hold a torch and it lights up the surrounding area I didn’t realize how much I was relying on it it’s really frustrating everything’s the dark all the

Time y you should just add that to Minecraft though is a feature I can’t see why they wouldn’t do that they should they absolutely should really good as well is they if they if they created a mining helmet where you got iron and you made it with like a lantern

And you and you put it on your head and you and you wore it for mining that would be so useful [Applause] is that no what that pigling was walking around with a netherite sword then it’s not I make make any torches think I’m full I need to make an ice Farm some

Point ice Farm yeah what do you need ice for uh the windows of the buildings um uh so can get some variation in how the windows are designed because they’re all just looking the same so someone suggested it and I thought oh yeah that’s a good idea

Actually the only problem is of course you can’t light them up cuz they just melt but you got to do is find a uh ice biome well yeah there’s that there’s that yeah I mean it could that’s probably maybe even be easier and it just replenishes itself doesn’t

It as you uh as you harvest it yeah going to turn the heat down back in a second didn’t you just turn it up I’m back didn’t you just turn that turn the heat up yeah I I don’t don’t use my I use a tiny little like um you know one

Of those blower heaters that you plug in the tiny little ones because it oh y uses a space heater yeah it uses way more less electricity than my normal heating but the problem is is the thermostat it’s it’s a bit unreliable so it’s either too cold or too

Hot but the uh the energy prices are so high at the moment I’m trying to avoid using my proper my proper Heating yeah cuz it’s still they’re still double what they normally would be here so it’s really Annoying oh no I needed a torches don’t I actually I could like I’ve got an idea steel I still can’t quite so people are playing fortnite and there’s a concert at the same time that’s what I can gather about it from the chat yeah but the the launch though isn’t it it’s

Not till tomorrow is it I thought it was tomorrow tomorrow morning it comes out what’s that the the launch of the new map is that tomorrow it comes out oh oh no actually some some of them might be playing this evening because it’s the last time they can play on that map

Maybe R know the answer I’m Sure no it’s night at about 7:00 p.m. all right Okay so they’re launching a new map tonight as well where’s My right I need to get some oh thank you uh Muhammad m is that Muhammad Muhammad yeah thank You hello I played that horror game the other week Among the Sleep I don’t know if you saw me playing it or not um I made a bunch of shots from it and nobody watched the shots they were got it’s the lowest view shots I’ve ever made cuz CU

It’s not a well-known game it’s like an indie game so no one was interested at all my channel took a hit last week I didn’t get anywhere near as many Subs as I normally get because of playing that game it was no okay game as well it was weird though did you watch

It did you see any of it no I didn’t you play a toddler and and like there’s monsters and stuff and you’re toddling around with this Ed bear but it’s really really creepy and you know as you probably won’t play it so I’m sure you won’t mind

Me giving you a spoiler but it turns out the monster it is mum and at the end of the game you find it like curled up in a ball in the kitchen crying and like I think like Social Services always dad comes around or something it’s really

Dark yeah that’s weird it is it is it is weird it is weird it’s about him being frightened of his own Mom it’s it’s really really really odd one these got uh thank you thank you very much uh Muhammad thank you very much I got Flint somewhere around here I

Don’t know where it is where is the white concrete concrete powder what’s in that where else have I put that no that was Stone is that I the Box a flint somewhere and I don’t know huh that’s not a sugar box no why St right and I just can’t see it oh that’s St how have I not got flint and steel oh a toate one that’s unexpected that’s weird anyway where are you from I’m from

England where are you from what country are you in that we go uh right here we go again 16 minutes let’s do I wonder why it’s different for different time zones you quit was it still loading is it just overloaded with people is it Ryland I’m sure their servers

Probably yeah not handling very well that’s one of the things that put me off uh streaming it cuz I thought you know what it’ll just be chaos can I get to that assuming you even could get on the server oh this is bad this is bad this

Is bad this is bad yep no no no no no no okay yeah it could get me a lot of views toxic but that well I’ll play tomorrow and it might have calmed down by tomorrow the problem is though there’s lot you might get you a lot of views but

There’s also a lot of people streaming it as well so it might actually be that it doesn’t because CU so many other people are streaming it cuz they have the same idea so sometimes it can be backfire yeah no worries I stuck in here now okay well I like you can I get

Out no torching here so nothing Spawns one minute a Hennessy Ford Bronco Raptor interesting what what uh isn’t that one of the fastest cars in the world um I’m sure I’m sure I’m sure one of the Hennessy cars is one one of the fastest so the Ford Raptor is a very popular truck oh it’s a pickup truck

Right yeah yeah and the Bronco is well is a bronco although the newer Broncos are ugly as Sin I mean some people like them but I’m not one of those per people you guys have that um crazy F pickup in America don’t you that’s really powerful and not that expensive

Is it yeah we don’t have here they’re expensive they’re just not sorry expensive compared to the engine they’ve got in them sorry I should say yeah I mean when you’re paying almost $100,000 for a pickup truck I mean that’s expensive oh I I’ll I just I just just

From Top Gear I’m sure you mentioned something on Top Gear that there’s a pickup in America with oh maybe maybe may I don’t know that maybe have misunderstood no one really drives them here you see oh pickup trucks no not really uh ran said because Brits like to walk more

I don’t know if it’s because we like to walk more I think I don’t know if they would they they work well on our roads possibly might be the reason Str uh our roads are probably smaller than the USA roads yeah probably and our roads as well they’re not as straight in

In America they tend to build roads and grids in cities and towns and stuff that’s right isn’t it Josh of yeah yeah you don’t get that in the UK at all it’s just maym it’s just random roads just yeah sneaking around and yeah don’t really get that in the UK

You’re probably right actually our rods probably are smaller yeah actually thinking about it all I can see in the chat is people counting down to fortnite Second by second updates I’m getting right now ceiling I can make a ceiling now finally missed any uh Nope Josh have you you heard the rumors about them making a Harry Potter series like TV series yes was it for Netflix or something like that HBO HBO Y is it are they redoing the whole thing from scratch or they is it a separate is it like a prequel or

Something they are so basically it’s a so each season is going to be a year and it’s going to cover all of the major events that happen in the book more so than the movies could oh that in a in a way I know people criticize that

But I think that’s actually a good idea there’s so much cut out of the movies that I think oh absolutely uh the movies I thought were good but there was so much like the uh spew uh the society that Hermione the house house and was there a

Bit go on sorry that was completely left out of the movies complet 100% And and wasn’t I mean what stuck out for me is that in is it Order of the Phoenix where they go to they see Neville long button’s parent is it in the hospital yes yep oh that out

Yep all they showed in the movie was Mr Weasley coming home yeah I think I think I think I mean it’ll be it’ll be criticized but I actually think it’s a good idea them doing that it’ll be criticized because they’re completely recasting oh yeah yeah and I mean I

Think they could do a better job than the movies to be honest with it because they could be better than the movies oh absolutely I think so too the way the TV series goes T like the way TV shows are these days they’re amazing some of them Yeah hey DM yes I know I know I’m missing the fortnite live event that’s what they’re chatting about on stream yeah I’m not massively bothered about it I I like you like you guys are with fortnite that’s what I’m like with Minecraft live so I’ll s I’ll sit there

When Minecraft live comes on sitting there counting down but not not for fortnite yep yep same although the last Minecraft live was a little bit I don’t weird but usually they’re really I I don’t think I even watched it it was really odd it was really

Bizarre like the it was dead short I’m sure they’re usually longer and it was just a little bit rushed like you just it was really really bizarre it was Minecraft live the last one was about six weeks ago I think Ry I think it’s like about six weeks ago it was when

They did the Penguin and the crab vote announcement which people are getting crazily angry about for some reason yeah did you see it oh yeah right yeah that’s that get problem is we building builds like this I’m making lots of Chambers and they’re all sealed in so I

Need to loads of little exits to get out of them I’m stuck now I don’t I don’t know how to get back into what I’ve just built um I’m going to get back in here I need I need like an access door or somewh yeah is that oh that creeper is still in

Here somewhere there’s a dark spot in that room girl really is that what you wanted okay just land would be good if we just oh you’re in the nether uh no I’m sorry yeah I’m building um gotcha I’m bu it’s part it’s one of the rooms in the in that game thing I’m

Designing it’s NE another themed I got to mute your um stream yeah stream that was the word I was looking for I really like this design are you are you in are you at my base no you just looking on the stream you mean yeah I’m in the nether building um a

Tunnel oh oh are you are you doing the nether Hub and stuff like that yeah I’m building a tunnel to my nether portal yeah it’s using a lot of crying obsidian now ouch that’s a you can’t make that cane I don’t think no you can’t yes I will take her out take the Oh streaming’s crazy really you know so in the chat we’ve got someone who’s English someone in South Africa and someone in South America all chatting about fortnite it’s just it’s so Random literally all over the world Odin are you on the on fortnite see anything uhuh that’s

Better they’re using my uh live stream chat to this to arrange their own fortnite game they’re all in the lobby in fortnite talking on my live stream chat it’s giving me more watch hours though so I don’t mind hey that’s all that matters right where’s the way in here me all

Well we have to go pick up the uh small child and go to the the Christmas parade in town so oh I’m going to set my guy to AFK and go take the dog out and then we’re leaving yeah no worries oh maybe I’ll try and set up a age

Vampire stream for next weekend or some or in the week but more likely next weekend isn’t it yeah yeah because by the time I get home you’re exhausted I imagine you’re already if you’re not asleep you’re pretty close to being asleep oh yeah yeah yeah it’s the middle of night basically yeah yeah

Very much no worries catch you soon see you mate talk you later see you just switch me voice chat off there guys oh toxic I’ve just seen your message on uh Discord what do I do waiting for Q 25 minutes wow it’s not the best is

It right I need to get blint and steel I need to book it to Lava I need to set out some things um I haven’t listened to some of this music much because it’s right at the very end of the playlist so it’s quite strange hearing it okay so that’s

That uh now I need to fly out of here can I fly through that oh no that’s bad oh that was was bad no we’ll have to get a doorway I need a Better Door uh let’s put in now this is May behind here I’m really

Going to have to uh sort some of this area out are you guys that have you made into the game oh wait a second actually oh yeah right so lava buckets I’ve just realized I’ve got a lava Farm which I completely forgot about about here it is merily just endless supply of it

Uh glowstone did Josh I think he might have sorted that out let’s just go and have a look another quartz has he collected any glow stone yet I don’t think he’s stop the shop up yet now uh oh i’ got to now try and land on

This perfect so I thinking if I put some just like lava there don’t have to have these torches uh no actually stop look right some lava in just so we can start removing some of the Torches I can stay there for now that’s all going to be Lava how can I can

I they grow I think they will grow w’t They the Torches around the size now I need to think about there’s actually a gap there as well we need to plug somewhere around here there it is No just Alex hello good evening how are you everybody’s playing fortnite and watching the fortnite live thing so I’m just on my own plooding around on Minecraft why Rich my phone’s about to die no worries no problem I’m good what about you I’m okay thank you just blooding away on this

Build which is taking an Eternity it’s there oh I was looking for that Sher box it’s right there how annoying couldn’t find that before um how’s your day been Alex been up to anything interesting been on a boat been up a mountain uh pretty good cool some fires burning so this will solve all the

Lighting issues down here anyway we need like I think we need a tree in actually it’ll solve all the lighting issues of the whole building won’t it just just put a few these little uh stack things I’ve made that’s quite NE a doesn’t it no have you’ve been kicked out

Toxic oh you have such bad luck with that game you have oh I you know I’m not surprised at crash to be fair I’m not surprised really to be fair it’s it is quite overloaded today though toxic I wouldn’t I wouldn’t stress too much can’t really be avoided I don’t think you Know okay let’s use this to just get around that’s a problem never think about this stuff when I’m actually building it and can I get that no can I get there’s a torch up there we can do is get rid of oh no we get that we get that

Torch no but we could block it in okay that kind of looks stupid there doesn’t it really don’t think that one through is this a private server or public it’s private got to get that go go oh no can’t even see you here can I get on the side I wonder it’s just

Frustrating we sometimes let people join if they’ve been around for a while but uh we like to just get to know people a little bit first so they don’t cause us nightmares because we’ve let people on too quick in the past sometimes and they they’ve just not been particularly Pleasant

So yeah we the the the the most of the people who are on it at the moment I’ve I’ve I’ve been around the live streams and stuff for a while and we uh did they joined after just watching streams for a while that’s a problem in it we know to

Do okay so we need to get off of that torch I think kind of just found your stream through a Discord bot to find lonely streamers yeah a bit lonely there’s people watching on YouTube as well there’s no one on troo but there someone watching there’s people coming and going on YouTube

They’re all um watching that fortnite thing so they’re all like they’re watching me whilst also following what’s going on on uh fortnite live event yeah yeah I mean I don’t mind fortnite but I’m not so bothered that I’d watch a live you know the live event but

Uh that’s what they’re doing now and they coming onto the chat and talking about it and then going again I only recently got into it uh I just uh I just play it I’ve just been playing it recently for a bit of fun your sad toxic what’s the matter is

That cuz you can’t get on it yeah see someone’s someone’s come back now can’t get on it the game so toxic what content are you going to make now for your YouTube channel then if you can’t get on Ro blocks and and have you got any ideas what you’re going to do

I hate all right I hate activity in Creative to be honest when I play fortnite I um I play with viewers of my channel and they I close the chat off the you know the invites and the The Voice uh chat so it’s only us so I have

No idea what goes on if I’m honest cuz I don’t really uh I don’t really I want anything to do with any kind of toxicity that but people have warned me about the toxic in that game before uh you don’t know do your parents know about the RO roadblock issue toxic as

Well it’s not bad as gorilla tag card yeah I I just have no it yeah I I can kind of imagine it gets really horrible uh in fact just part of me wants to go on and be rubbish just to annoy everybody because because it just it’s so childish being horrible on computer

Games to people uh yeah sorry um someone’s sorry I should clarify um there’s someone chatting to me on YouTube about Roblox yeah so there’s one person chatting on Twitch one person chatting on YouTube and the person chatting on YouTube has got a Roblox Channel but he’s struggling to log into the game

That’s what I was talking about then so he’s trying to find the game to make for his uh so he’s trying to find a game to play for his YouTube channel he’s been he’s been asking his parents of Minecraft for months and months and months and he still hasn’t

Got it but he’s strug he’s been he’s been locked out with you Roblox account and he doesn’t know why uh blade ball is nice I I’ve played a little bit of Roblox as well I do that’s that’s it’s okay yeah Roblox is okay uh what am I doing now uh I

Need glow stone so I just going to get some glow stone and we could do with getting some of the wood from the nether as well I I don’t know I’ve got any in my base let’s just check actually No one oh what fungus ah yeah let’s go and get a load of Shrubbery to decorate it by the way I’m I’m creating a game in this building this this massive blue building here at the back I’m creating a game in there at the moment so that I’m just decorating

It all it’s it’s taking a few a few weeks to work you know of work I guess you’re wondering what I’m doing the nearest nether portal is is all the way over here keep having to fly here every time I want to except I have destroyed all this area from

Uh this might give us a bit more light as well if we get this oh we need this I’ll decorate that it’s very dark around here cuz I’ve destroyed all the stream lights uh I need what I’ve chopped all the wood away from here this is so bad isn’t it just floating trees

Everywhere where’s all the wood you can tell you can tell up in here cuz there’s no light oh there some here yeah is that that no it’s not that’s Bassel I’ve absolutely destroyed this area 11 like this wasn’t me here this was someone else I think let got true lights over

Here right we can go back oh magma CU might be good as well got loads of them though I’m a bit lost oh let’s get some uh uh where that’s in the ceiling it’s really just at my level I could just mine easy let’s goose right we can go

Back if we can find a way back oh that was close somewhere around here uh I’m going to get lost here if I keep doing stuff like this I think I’m going to run the wrong way I I’m going the wrong way and now I’m totally lost any familiar any familiar sites

Please I I am to so lost no this is not familiar but I think I’ve gone the wrong way now if I’m lost in here this is really really really bad it’s it’s really bad where where is that biome or was just in at least I can

Find me back from that biome I just flew through a gap and it was here how did he end up here yep fortnite what what’s that does not want you to see it it could be worse you could be now lost in the nether having no idea where to go

Like me it was just stupidly FL oh we need to find trees that have been shot down so we can get out of here oh oh oh no no I think it’s in here right okay yeah I’m lost I’m actually lost I was too I was too overconfident then but

I’ll be fine I know where I am no I don’t know where I am it’s in this biome though isn’t near where any where Roblox is not working oh toxic right I am I’m lost I am totally lost how I’m going to get out this is a silly silly thing to do I

Was just flying around and I thought I was going the right way and then I just ended up totally lost need to get out of here this is is this the way I came in there is yeah it’s definitely near this biome so I can’t it’s definitely near this biome

Which just I don’t know where I’m going to do something crazy here okay we’re looking for cheese trees that are chopped down cuz that will be my doing right oh no Rockets are running out as well oh this is getting worse it’s getting worse he says using his Rockets oh oh oh

I know where he am I know where he am I know where he am oh thank goodness oh oh no there’s oh no there there are bad things around here right let me just get me bur I fly up here and just look at where the uh this way is it this

Way is it this way what where’s the way home I can’t remember the way home right let’s just land all right I know where this it’s this way is it it’s somewhere around here the the way back four Rockets oh no no no no no no no this is so bad

Oh who who who insane idea was it to come here two rockets I don’t know where we are I’m so Lo so Confused it’s not this way and it must be the other way it must be the other way does it I put markers down and I can’t remember where the markers are oh oh I know this bit I know this bit I know this bit just keep flying I

Know where I am I know where I am oh thank God oh oh there’s the portal oh no Rockets left last rocket last rocket and I’m home oh oh get out of here get out of here don’t die now oh the event ended oh no toxic you had so much bad luck don’t

You maybe I should just do a Minecraft giveaway on my channel oh just give away Minecraft to people I can’t afford it though unfortunately that will cost me a lot of money oh that was just a the disaster how do you give Minecraft away easy you just you can buy you can you

Can have a competition on the channel and then just give it away as a prize unfortunately that I haven’t got the money to pay for stuff like that yet eventually I will do though get some paper oops oh come on this class this class has been broken

For like weeks and weeks and weeks and I just keep forgetting to fix it just just a random hole in the Window hello Levi hello Judo dudo did you do the fortnite live event no I didn’t no no kind of think I should now though the amount of people have been talking about it what’s going on there oh that’s annoying thank you very much Qatar can just get rid of there just so can

I don’t give out the IP Sorry maybe I should do the next one everyone keeps talking about that um alln night thing I feel like I’ve missed out on somewh now let’s just set that off again is that working yes it is uh to be fair though I only just started playing fortnite so I’m still getting

Into it a bit anyway now oh how do I get there just land let to land in that window and good right now um you’re my favorite streamer thank you very much much appreciated wondering where I could put the tree um would it been easier to just grow one of these a Wonder

Day just think that’s po polish is online look that it’s not really very good tree that is it like That does look a bit weird doesn’t it um I think just one in this corner actually just trying and see my red Farm Works uh I’m playing Minecraft right now cool what are you playing on are you playing on PC Uh it are you playing Java bedrock Around this isn’t particular right I need more of those blocks uh let’s get them them them and them that that come I feel like um probably we should have more of this Yeah no worries toxic my sister is get getting cut bald now guessing cut Bal now what you mean what it’s not the best but is that all I wanted to do uh I was going to put some Quartz in it wasn’t I your sister’s getting C W that was Okay this room’s almost done anyway not it’s a bit crazy oh right anyway let’s go and have a look at his raid Farm see if I can help him I don’t know why ever be able to because I just don’t know enough about Redstone but let’s go and have a look

It’s over here Somewhere somewhere over here somewhere hey dude do you remember me yes I definitely remember yeah yeah I remember cuz I was I could I was didn’t want to pronounce your name with where is Levi or Levy so I definitely remember you yeah I remember most people who come on

My stream to be honest with you that’s my farm isn’t it I remember most people come on my stream to be honest with you you know um this looks very complicated okay oh no okay so he’s in there oh I’m just okay it’s it’s a bit dark isn’t it

Can we not get some light on the matter h stuck in there H does you know what just struck me hey dude I remember you played fortnite yesterday uh uh where did I play fortnite last was it yesterday Thursday I think I played it on Thursday yeah I’m new to it though

I’m still getting used to it I I’ve not I I think you need let me just uh I wonder if you need an extra bed in this what is a cat what are they doing they’re pushing that what’s this Village you doing here I don’t know the mechanics of this this

Farm you stood in a h let me have a look at his so I’m trying to fix his farm he’s put let’s find the link to the farm he’s copied let’s just see if I can see anything obvious he put it on Discord let’s open it in YouTube

Actually first I’ve been C time pause it my sister is listening to Jazz all right what uh what Jes you listening to right let me just look at this person’s raid F Right blinking it that was a hard tutorial to follow Lots could be wrong with this raid Farm it’s going in like super fast motion he’s done well to follow that tutorial it’s quite hard to follow let’s have a look at what he’s done that’s that’s in insanely difficult

To follow it’s not a very good video oh we done looking he it’ll take me forever to work out I wouldn’t even know where to begin who’s your favorite hey anasa I have from a deep sleep hey anasa who’s your favorite horror character I’m not

Sure if I really have one I suppose it depends depends what your class as horror I suppose it might for me I don’t watch much horror really but I like stranger things does that count as horror you still Online um I realized I added rich on Xbox not Nintendo that is my Xbox gamertag though Rich day turn my Nintendo one this is different CU I don’t I don’t even want I don’t even know what my Nintendo tag is to be honest does I don’t know if the one at

The bot oh hell oh well there you go there’s nowhere to land on this Farm it’s dangerous dangerous that’s absolutely Lethal have no idea I don’t there’s no point in me looking at this I just have no idea I just have to sit there going frame by frame through the tutorial I’m not sure if I’ve got anything to bring to this really no he needs to job um my name is Jason hello

Jason can I get I just don’t know about nothing about Redstone here to all I’m doing is falling off this repeatedly I think I’m more of a liability than help I’m not helping at all can’t even land properly come on land I’ve landed probably there where

Is he now is he gone off the where is he is he G this guy’s got a job he’s got a job uhoh um I’m stuck in here now um this is a problem um we’ve got a problem I’m I’m trapped in with the Villager because I

Flew in I’m gonna get out you’re not GNA go oh no no oh I’m got a minute should that block be there I have seen Frid at Five Nights at Freddy’s if this fixes it that’s Nots okay uh how am I going to get out I’m

Going to have to I’m going to have to I’m going to have to do something here I’ll clip I’ll just and then put that back and no one will ever know that I just did something stupid no hey Ryland I give what I have no idea

But I’m I to fix this I would all right okay to fix this I would have to not I would have to go all the way back to the begin of that tutorial and watch it step by step that’s the only way I’d be able to fix it because I just don’t know

Enough about the raid Farms to be able to do it sorry I’d have to I’d have to it take me a long time what’s your favorite game I’ve got lots of favorite games uh quite a few um M Minecraft Halo Skyrim Zelda Ocarina of Time um sorry just a sec um what else

Um Portal 2 Um uh what else golden eye on the N64 although prefer the remastered one cuz the N64 one’s really hard to play now Horizon zero Dawn um uh Splinter Cell the original Splinter Cell just goes on and on and on oh I didn’t even get any oh I didn’t get any

Close don’t to the nether right we’re going back to the nether oh long in a minute I hav got any Rockets well I’ve got 30 but I’ve run out of those you not like just burn through them insanely Quick what’s your favorite game uh Levi or Jason should I say I think toxic got kicked out of the fortnite event Ryland I think he other his usual uh internet issues sadly oh poly said it was so good see that on the screen so what was it what did you do

You what did you watch something and everyone just got in in the big game something like that right why is glow stone always so difficult to get to it’s really irritating it’s always in the ceiling of the nether is any up there no just need something that’s just a little bit easy

To get to just a big cuty you fair enough I could have reacted to it supp couldn’t I although I I would have got a copyright strike I’m pretty sure oh warning at least I’m just thinking by the way that’s why I’m just randomly flying around I just

Need this will do oh I’ve been here before get this oh let’s not kill ourselves there you just said your m is Jason you said your name was Jason Levi oh your favorite oh it’s your favorite horror character oh oh cuzz you said earlier didn’t you that

Makes sense now I was thinking why why is he randomly saying J oh where did you ask me that oh it was a few lines above wasn’t it I thought you I thought you were saying your names Jason oh makes sense now it’s like why is he randomly telling me his name’s

Jason it the problem I found with the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie is I think you had to be a fan of it to enjoy the movie because I was thinking if you watch that movie and you didn’t know what the monsters were you’d be like oh

This is a bit silly but cuz we knew cuz I knew what the monsters were it was a bit creepier like I don’t think it would have been as good if you didn’t play the games love it no matter what we get there right there’s huge risk here I’m

Going to mess up because I walk off the edge of the platform I still get them no I have to stand up to get them right 27 block that’s probably enough right can go back somewhere over here there you go this is risky around here isn’t it

So reck the did the whole game crash or something is that what happened which five nights of Redd’s game do you want me to play right now I’ve only played the first one and security breach and ruin so I’ve not played two three four or five is it something like that

Hey slacker long time no see there’s nine look neck I play they just don’t stop making them did he I didn’t see the light the fortnite event these guys were just talking about it then a minute ago it was insane oh BL neck I’m about

To go I’ll still be able to watch I bet going watch it as you guys are all saying this now oh no that was bad right we need to um that’s a bit annoying yeah no worries what I want to do is just do you know

What I really messed up here I should have just never mind oh it’s just stacked up from the bottom instead never mind still installing oh no of course you need to do an update right okay see I see what you’re saying see what you’re saying I’ll do that after the stream

Actually we can we can I put a block on there I messed this up a bit didn’t I really get that get just shouldn’t have done that in the roof then I just messed that up really just messed it up uh I I found Five Nights at Freddy’s one

It was okay but it was it was a little bit it got very repetitive uh Halo infinite I’ve only I’ve only that’s the only Halo I’ve not played much of played all the others to Death I should have done more there shouldn’t I or should I have that’s what now this room’s almost done maybe we should put some more Quartz in it somewhere the second game is chaotic h do I like Halo infinite I only played it briefly I’ve only played I’ve not played

It very much Alo Halo infinite uh it probably yeah it probably is fun yeah I’ve not I if I go if I play Halo I go back and just play Halo 1 two three and four and five I play five much yeah play five hello yes I have yes so I play

I play one to five mainly on oh no what a pain oh no oh no this is bad come on I just land on that platform there please let me land on that platform no oh there a tiny platform trying to land on there just to see if we can do it oh

We can land there let’s put uh let’s actually just throw that r with some qus I I mean Halo they they’re classic games for me like I’ll I’ll always go back and play them I need to go and play Infinite though so we put lava down there that

Look all right wouldn’t it it’s a bit boring there isn’t it there’s a lot of toxic people oh there’s a lot of people toxic sorry all right I see I see what he’s saying um okay now let’s go do a little mini trial even though I can’t actually get to the

Game right okay see for once I can actually do the parkour here which I’m absolutely rubbish at is this one I can never do yes there you go right okay so you’re come in here and then you make your way around the game with loads of trap doors that can kill

You you avoid the arrow one which is that one shoot Che see oh um so then you come to here and you take your ender pearls Pyon blinking neck that’s quite an old game that isn’t it isn’t that the old first wasn’t on an Xbox original that’s quite an old game

Isn’t it I if it’s what I’m thinking of and then this way you go here to there and you have to get out through here is it there yes and then you come into this bit you around here through the door and then that gives you getes you to the

Nether room it’s a bit no it’s a bit busy in here isn’t it I’m not sure I I’m not sure I like it basically around here is going to be be full of lava and you have to go like this just run off the edge and it’s a test of

Your confidence in it’s a bit noisy in here I’m I need to redecorate this a little bit uh don’t don’t be for security breach though are those all the same kind of games though oh our no security breaches is boogy as seen from my live streams

Where I’m pulling me hair out every five minutes all the games before security breach though aren’t they the same kind of thing there’s like Monsters you’ve got to stop them coming and you’ve got to close doors is it all the same kind of thing but just repackaged uh what console do you play

On are you talking to these guys on me the Levi sorry they’re not the same all right okay there you go look that took me far didn’t it so I think oh this I think this room needs some work it’s a bit dull I need to maybe just adjust the

Walls a bit and make it more interesting or something I don’t know I need to think about that I need to think about that but it’s it’s close it’s Clos to being done I’m going to fine tune it as a as a go anyway we could do some more W could we

How how the heck am we going to get out of here now uh now wool we can do some wool oh oh I’ve done it again I hate that uh yeah on uh Nintendo switch you can buy it in one package C you is it called Help Wanted or Most Wanted or

Something like that you can buy all the all the games in one on one on one game can’t you on the switch help help wanted that’s it help wanted sorry Most Wanted that’s nether speed isn’t it what nether Speed most want yeah sorry I’m been silly

Don’t um how do I get back in there now uh it’s okay we can go this is getting complicated I need like little access go in some of these rooms cuz otherwise I can never get in we we’ll end the pear up there right okay so there

Oh po she responding to you in the uh Minecraft chat I want to just not too don’t too out cuz I just think we should put oh I’m going have to stack up I think actually that one is going to need one as well stop it from looking silly and

There we go that thus finishes my clouds let’s have a look from over here now oh yeah that’s all right is it uh my nend Nintendo switch name is evil melon I don’t know what mine is didn’t I didn’t even know they had names but yeah so you come through in

This nice Sunshine room and you’re in there it doesn’t quite look good yet though it might look better once to put the lava in I need to do something about those walls they’re too flat but yeah I just got that if you got that wrong though you’re

Dead I don’t know if the I mean we should be okay but as far as I know the lava won’t affect the Slime anyway I’m I’m burning out making this now I think I think I’m done for the you know sorry for working on that and put this stuff I is that full

No now next thing it oh I was going to put some magma wasn’t I let’s do a test actually let’s put the lava at the bottom of that and just do a test I’m less likely to get hurt there Anyway I just got a heart attack I’ve number four yeah I I’m releasing have you have you guys played escape the back rooms by the way I’ve got a video coming out tomorrow of it on Flipping e I I just don’t do I just don’t cope well

With with jump scares at all like at All uh yeah it’s like a little indie game it’s quite popular though it’s quite spr it’s quite jumpy to go all over the place here just to get into that okay so now the lab is going to go in here let’s just see it’s it’s it’s quite cheap as well

It it’s quite cheap it’s quite cheap to buy I don’t think it’s particularly expensive I actually messed up it I can’t actually get to the places I need to it’s just occur to me I don’t know how I’m going to get out of here I’m going to minut it was I going

To do this different no I’m going to put that on there I think it look good if we just put our lava there is it going to flow oh it’s not floa very well is it it’s cuz it’s flowing down from there is it oh actually should we just do it like

It’s flowing out of oh this is why I didn’t put this in till now let’s see what that does oh that’s that’s not good is it I’m going to need to go back and get some more lava for that annoying spec There yeah no wors Ryland thanks for watching I’ll catch you soon mate see You hey dude what are you trying to do on Minecraft right now I it’s this I’m just not working on the game I’ve been working on but the lava is a trap so it’s to increase the risk of people dying while we play on it well that fills up fast doesn’t it

That’s filled up there quick that is it perfect let’s go Back we just squeeze in here thank you oh the goat thank you very much the goat with many numbers after your name oh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N9 okay hello right we got can we go down here right we need one it’s you toxic is that you

Should I try and flatten some of this off what server are you playing on toxic is that you if it’s it’s the it’s the super crft server it’s a server playing with my friends anyway can we get can we get oh no I thought all right okay sorry I I was I

Didn’t know what was going on then sorry toxic now can I get over there I shouldn’t lit these fires should make life worse we don’t really need a fire there anyway I put in could do with one there that just kind of flatten out let’s just see how

That looks let’s give it a time to just work its way through I think I’d like it flat you know I think I’d like it flat we got a lot better Some more lava going back through the maze at some point I’ll make little access panels to get into all those rooms rather than just randomly breaking down holes in the sides Oops ah don’t mean to do that fill up my Beauties fill up with lava as much lava as you can muster that’s to wait a minute they’ll F they fill up pretty quick to be honest with you hopefully probably probably do come on Bill I got any no No that’s going to be full of oh there’s L there’s some here well that’s weird I thought that automatically be stock does it not automatically be stock that’s an iron isn’t it well I don’t know where on Earth I’m going to put all this green dy I should sell it really shouldn’t

I maybe we should sell it let’s do this and then go put it in the shot Right now carefully land on the landing pad just here let’s give that a second to just settle to see if it’ll settle oh don’t think it’s going to settle any more than that like was a nice flat surface enough it’s enough I know that’s okay perfect perfect perfect perfect okay so now Can we oh no put me end pearls back never mind oh should we just drop through the back um I just squeeze through here you know what actually I just had a thought why not I just do lava pouring down one of the sides of the and let’s do going to do it

Here whatever we just did it here should we just do it what happens if we do that who knows who knows actually oh no pleas give me oh no just not got enough blocks let’s leave that for now come on back here no okay that’s what that’s quite

Cool so now actually is dangerous to do that which is what I wanted what you have to go just have to run straight ohwi you die oh no I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying right that’s supposed to be easy oh maybe it wasn’t sprinting well at least we know there’s risk to it

Anyway anyway it’s not quite finished but it’s almost finished now H could have been better but it’ll do it’ll do it’s only for a game I keep to remind myself of that there lava dripping down there now what was going to do was going to do

Something at them wasn’t I what did I say I was going to do I’m making a tree house in Minecraft right now and I’m going to live in it why not go for it I can’t remember what I said I was going to do that oh yeah fill fill the

Chop up with the green Dy what I was going to do so uh we got a Sher box of course I haven’t cuz that would be too easy chest I haven’t got one of them either right next let’s go get the green Dy you know I’m going to take some

Cactus as well cuz I reckon that this is full of cactus yeah it is is there another one there yeah there is don’t know who’s going to need this much Cactus but I’m going to sell it anyway right okay that’s good nothing is organized in my inventory at all what’s what is going

On uh ax there you go I’ll do for now oh oh oh oh oh oh What are we doing chop we got any Empty where did I put my I’ve got black dye down here I think okay right not let’s take that out actually no let’s keep that let’s put them in another one uh have I got any let’s put uh this in here we actually probably will be better let’s just change that uh one

Conduit and one stack of G RM green I’m going to put B up for that as well rcks because that is a a bargain otherwise one cont one and one stack of prison bricks 20 diamonds uh like no oops good evening JM DX how are you that’s good

All right I need some prismarine let’s go actually you know what I think I can make another conduit just for that Uh how do we one of them I think I’ve got enough I do I’ve got 55 naral shells I think it’s just this isn’t it I think is that right yes it is uh I could do with a Sign if you need totems I think there’s something my shot thank you y probably watching the stream anyway uh next Rich how long you stream I don’t know really I don’t know not not mega long I’ve like I streamed that other game for two hours already before I came on this one it’s

Just one of them we need some leather Le and then we need cows anywhere brutal and then we need c die and then we need glow more glow grid actually uh well I need to go almost getting late oh yeah for you it’s uh

It’s nearly 10 is it 20 20 past 10 isn’t it is that right for you toxic 20 10 no it’s okay toxy please go you know if you need to go go it’s okay like don’t stay up late push yourself push yourself you know push yourself to hard just to watch the stream

Um let should make another one just in case now Spruce sign I should have loads of them huh I did have let’s try up Top C die in is there C die Spruce sign Spruce sign anywhere spr wood Though there’s no crafting tables in here crafting table put it down craft away and signs right let’s go o that’s some crazy flying Discord is on the what’s going on on Discord now Um right first this sign need to go here um green d one Diamond per four oh no oh oh one stack done hey puppy hey dude what’s your fortnite name my fortnite name is everybody’s on this evening py orangutang hey za my fortnite name is that a fortnite name is

That everybody’s just randomly coming online Tonight right green Dy sorted ooh someone’s bought some uh got to wait 78 minutes just to play for fortnite just let you know I can’t stay long now that’s okay no problem at all now the conjur just made can go in that that sorted out now where did I put

The where did I just put those in here where did I just put all that cactus in here yeah that’s in let’s go get some more yeah everyone’s been talking on this talking about it on the stream all evening uh and he’s online en is online hello Uh let’s get some more can we just get access to the oh no uh did I not put 205 did I not put 20 can’t remember what I may have I may have uh I is it a typ it there may be a typ in it it might not that might have

Been a mistake that might have been a mistake let me just go and have a look you should stream the event oh that’s what everyone keeps saying but uh people keep tell me they’re struggling to log on cuz it’s so busy I don’t really uh what’s going

On 15 all right no no 15’s all right 15’s all right for for elytra I’m not really to be honest everybody’s got them on the server anyway so it’s not really a big deal that’s cheap she’ll do more 20 should go 20 they are a pain to get to

Beer I’ve only got one left actually people have bought them all I put two totems instead of diamonds is that okay uh diamonds please you’re probably right you’re probably right it’s a bit cheap well that’s good I think we’re all doing there that’s I need I need to uh restock

Some of this it’s getting uh oh they all empty as well AR any bought any of this no no no is the game finished uh not yet no which can I join your server have you got Java oh no what was that then are you are

You in a minute ah I’ve not got any food of me oh come on you don’t know it um if you’re playing on Console it’s Bedrock so unfortunately it’s a Java server oh thank you very much big big ball out that might be a from from uh I need

Oh thank you H going a b I’ve just realized I already got steak on me I already have steak oh you’ve only got pocket it’s uh it’s Java I’m afraid is that working yet he’s still not took that job what he’s going on he I don’t know what on Earth is

Going on here yet do you reckon it’s cuz he’s not got a bed he should be taking that job when he’s not I don’t know why I don’t know I don’t know guys right I need I need food proper food don’t not steak my inventory is

Full uh with pocket it could be he could be playing on bedro rock or something I thought they discontinued Pocket Edition actually they not discontinued it uh what am I doing you the dogs are attacking me don’t attack me I’ll kill you they’re attacking me they’re attacking me stop them

A that’s cuz you hit me that’s cuz you hit me you know cuz the dogs start were attacking me I it was selfdefense can you heal them with that no can you heal with them that how did that get there sorry I it was self-defense I had no choice um all

Right put that in there I’m going there too I can hear them growling at me they’re growling and they growling at Me I’m going to sell this m what are the who who I don’t know I don’t know what he’s up to uh you can hear that from Miles Away can’t you collecting so many weird random mob heads let’s organize them a bit who’s is that donkey’s head Fleet your villager evare cows Elder

Guardian could go and collect some more could What’s he up to what what’s he doing what’s what else he doing how strange is he trying to work out where the Bell no is coming from weird I feel a bit bad about killing that dog I think one of them was one I named as well never

Mind uh okay what do we need to do now what do we need to Do it’s like having a toddler on the game right you just carry on doing that I’m just going to go away somewhere where I can’t hear it it’s like having a toddler on the game I know what I can do that I need to

Do I need to collect some ice so we can do that um bin that and that and that just do a little of inventory sting don’t want any of that that’s just an empty Sher box just run out of food now that ice hasn’t sealed back up it makes me

Wonder so I’m just going to could end up lower in the whole water level I think by looks of this it takes it away is the Water Source block looks of it is that loud probably as loud isn’t it takes a while to come to the

Surface so guys do we not do if I’m playing do I need to go and like download the update for the fortnite now is that what I need to do after the stream is that what I need to do uh if you log on there will be a q for

Like one to two hours some players online they can have all right all right okay so so okay I’ll do I’ll have a look after the stream go I’ll just go and have a look I’ll be I’ll be streaming fortnite tomorrow though at 1:00 hello there so hello there hey hi there

Sorry that wasn’t even funny I’m sorry hello there hello hi there there sorry I’m just being stupid probably been streaming for too long I don’t know we’re at four I I streamed before this I’ve actually been streaming like four and a half hours a day so collect all the

Nice ice ice ice ice ice yeah actually it’s quite quick doing this e all right need to collect this up let’s fly back now and just see what we can get done with that because I might need not need to make any kind of complicated Farm if I can just get away

With doing That is it what do we need com Com why is it saying I can’t make that blue ice compressed ice oh it’s blue ice in need then is it blue ice no compressed ice ice what what on Earth am I making Here compressed ice yeah compressed yeah okay I can make it why is it why is it why is it saying I can’t so annoying look at all that whole stack gives you like seven oh all the that work it’s painful let’s just do it all together as I’ll just be there

Forever which where am I box building oh one two three four five six right okay D I need to get up there now so all that work has got me a stack and a half of this block that’s what I’m that’s why I’m reluctant to uh just pay in the backs

Side oh you I’m going to kill him I’ll kill him where’s where where did the rest of that uh this is going to take forever to build this is this going to take forever oh that what does that even look like I could make I can see you I can you wa here

You’re literally right here Z have I killed you I haven’t killed you have I no if I shoot you I’ll do loads of damage cuz my bow is amazing where is he you can’t I can’t see him until he like the last second he doesn’t R he doesn’t he doesn’t render in until like the last

Second where is he Oh he’s there he doesn’t he’s not rendered in but that’s probably because of the settings we’ve got I imagine might have to change that where’s this is the secret room let’s go into the secret Base Disappear disappears after like a couple of chunks oh what is that is that is it oh it’s a zombie villager it’s like what on Earth is that hey villager head let’s get that might collect heads in the last bit of the game oh was that

You if I hit you with my bow it will do so much damage let’s put that me zombie head zombie head sty sorry me head sty uh I haven’t got any food I can’t heal hang going a minute right I G do what I was going to do

Before going do what I was going to do before and get some uh carrots that’s what intended to do before [Applause] okay now what what on Earth are you what [Applause] [Applause] what I don’t understand oh sorry Levi I’m done with Minecraft at Tre house took me a million hours you’ve had

Enough I don’t know what’s wrong with this Farm here I don’t I don’t even know what’s going on that guy keeps getting stuck and this guy isn’t even accepting his job and he’s just trampling all over everything and ruining everything is he still stuck under there no he’s

Not is he I don’t even know that’s still working oh I don’t know uh sorry Muhammad uh it’s a private server we’re going to have to remove this cuz he’s trampling all over it and ruining everything let’s fix This Disaster some did I just pick up some carrots then hello bionic

Grease on Twitch 1 million hours oh is that what that is all right okay very this villager will not take that job it’s driving me mad I don’t understand why he’s not take he should be able to detect this here I just don’t understand these are all completely mixed up as

Well these are all supposed to be carrots in here as well and they’re not I don’t this is just biz ah just gone into chaos this this and he’s just stopped working all together I don’t understand what’s going on oh I’m going a minut you know what I could

Do break it and then I’m going to shoot him in a minute he just come on he’s just logged on to annoy me I’m sure he has I’m sure although I think he might have just been going through the door there so I’ll let him off He just like it’s like having a naughty kid it’s like having a naughty kid Uh um I think I I’m going to I don’t know what to do now now shall I become the villain uh please don’t we’ve had enough villains on this server to last a lifetime as you well know Z I assume you’re still watching my stream as you

Well know we’ve had enough villains on This Server how many people have we kicked one two three three have we K three or four people off uh now so I’m just thinking about my shop uh is there anything else I can sell I’ve got some

Available oh no I didn’t put a sign on that oh no right oh no we’re going to have to go back and please tell me this water is receding can you can you clear this up please right I Need uh wood wood right that um that San D did I put that in here yeah brilliant actually you know what I’m going to need more that I yeah put put somewh now I can’t find find it thank you very much bionic grease thank you very

Much I may have to I may have I may have on to annoy you I may have not but I can assure you I am a bot okay pre preprogrammed bull bot um of uh Cactus one Diamond I’m going to oh right okay we’ve got we’re selling bones bones that’s

Empty while we’re here let’s put oops that on it it’s right um T so I can come back later and edit it got any food as inspirer beat lettuce brains tomato her or broccoli what this is the what what just what right uh and the chests they’re all full and

Good that’s done that’s done that’s done that’s empty we got spray one there that’s empty that’s empty let’s do Oops right I’ll do for now we’re going to need signs on all these anyway so I might as well just get rid of them while I’ve got them in my hand Mankey a utensil I I don’t don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t know what’s happening I don’t know what’s happening

Say I don’t know what you’re doing I also highly suspicious as to why you keep walking into my base random L uh uh amazing world thank you I’m going to shoot you in a minute thank you it’s inspired by Future armor the TV show The out the outside buildings are anyway C

Die actually let just take that stack of the there um have I got here I have wonderful music Rich please not shoot it is highly illegal and we’ll get you in a 20 minute detention what shoot shooting you just gets me a 20 minute detention so i’ say that’s worth

It how long did it take to build I’ve been working on this um since uh June this year so June July August September October November uh we’re in the sixth month we just started the sixth month there’s M there’s there’s there’s stuff inside some of them as well so my super smelters in

Here um and then there’s a there’s a sugarcane farm in here which just fired actually I should can Farm one here uh I’m working on a big game in another I’m okay I just uh there’s a big game in this building I’m currently working on let’s

See if I can land here just land here you can just see it through the window it’s I’m I’m working on it it’s all yeah and then he is just empty that’s what the building I’m working on at the moment uh it’s this is also our shopping

District as well so I’ll let people build the shops in the in the in the uh bottoms of the building um oops there is three iron at spawn yeah so people are just building the shops in the shopping district around here so I’ll let them uh I’ll let

Them use the I’ll let them use so this is the start of my game that I’m creating so this is the entrance but it’s not married yet so nothing happens when you go in there and then someone else’s shop is there my Shop’s there and then someone else’s shop is here they ‘

Got a gambling machine here as well I didn’t I didn’t make this shop I built this building but it’s it’s they’re just like empty shells and people have been turning them into shops on the inside this this shop’s closed at the moment I think he’s going to restock it right

Now gambling is illegal it’s not a Minecraft thankfully I’m the only one watching the stream there’s somebody watching on um twitch uh Levi uh so I’m still I’m still deciding what I’m going to sell in the shop so hence why sorry I’m annoying you I shot you her 20 minutes detention

Nope blah having fun joke I’m in a silly mood are you drunk you sound drunk right okay cool so I can see where uh things are empty anyway now what I could do with making is some more let’s make some more glow signs hi don’t know you could be you could be Drunk take someone out sorry for ya where did I put that uh I just had oh there it is five item frames I still need to put like vehicles and stuff on the road there so this I’m nowhere near to to any point where it’s like close to

Finishing there’s a lot I’ve still got a lot of work to do oops oops that’s done that hard um oh they they are glow frames them AR they yeah okay that’s okay good anyway I’m going to go offline in five minutes any advice for streaming uh yeah I mean I I

Um advice so I mean I’m not a big streamer really most of most of my followers are on YouTube by the way so there’s someone chatting on YouTube at the moment as well but um stream things you enjoy don’t stream for the sake of streaming um it gets really boring and

Frustrating if you stream things you’re not enjoying um the first three months of streaming probably only like you probably won’t be streaming to anyone on the other occasion someone might drop on your stream but don’t be too disheartened because uh it just takes a while to build up a community

Um so the the first couple of months of me streaming literally nobody watched me I was streaming to no one and like I used to get people some people are new sometimes would come on the stream and chat with me just so I wasn’t streaming

To nobody but now I I I pretty much never stream to nobody there’s all almost always someone on the chat now um and it’s taking me it’s taking me so so on Twitch it’s quite small but on YouTube I’ve got 1,000 uh 600 followers um but it’s taken a it’s taken

A lot of work to get to that point uh it’s just consistently stream every week yeah consistently stream every week you know get to know your audience always chat to people always chat to people on stream and and the reason why I’ve been I’ve been doing fairly well on YouTube

Is because because I just I talk to people while I’m playing the games um and always look at ways of improving it a little bit at a time so you know make the quality a little bit better tweak things improve things and just change one thing at a time

But I mean I’m not huge big but I’m close to getting partnership on YouTube but I’m not I’m not huge but um it’s taking a lot of work and just I would get really like low um sometimes and be like they’re disheartened and I just kept going and

Kept going and kept going and and put out more content and and chatt it to people and and and it started taking off then um yeah I’m uh Levi I’m outside right now and I’m watching the stream on the swing oh that’s very random Levi trying to afford another monitor

One for chat and one for game playay yeah do you know what you can do as well if you can’t afford another monitor and get get it up on your phone get the chat up on your phone and put your phone below below your monitor and just read

The chat on your phone is one option um I think um the guy who were run the serve with I think he he used to do that until he got a second monitor um and it um yeah also know your audience as well right um is a big thing

So so I realized that um cuz I stream a lot of Minecraft my viewers they’re not adults and and because of that they don’t go on Twitch to watch games that’s why I stream that’s why YouTube is my main platform because no one really watches me on Twitch who who who is

Interested in what I’m streaming uh sorry I didn’t see that what did Za say then Rich I have a good question for the chat go for it go for it oh oh oh is there a bed in here I’m going to go offline in a minute anyway but yeah there’s there’s there’s

Not much point of me trying to build Twitch up really because because because all my viewers are like 12 years old so they just don’t watch Twitch um so so it depends on what games you’re playing depends on um what platforms best to use twitch is

I found twitch much harder to build than YouTube to be honest with you I’m not I’m not 100% sure I’m going to stay on Twitch I may I may I think I need to think about it I may play I may keep it and keep play different games on

Twitch and keep YouTube for like more familyfriendly stuff and maybe play games that are a bit or grown up yeah I didn’t know you were still there toxic yeah there you go he’s they’re chatting on YouTube now responding to what I’m saying he’s saying he’s 12 years old it’s difficult for YouTube to

Settle yeah I use I I use streamlabs OBS but you can use OBS Studio as well so I use streamlabs OBS and it’s streams to YouTube twitch and troo at the same time but um you can’t uh once you get affiliate on Twitch you can’t mul your streams they don’t let you

So yeah my YouTube is my primary thing and and someone on YouTube just said rich is a billion years old you’re bored of sleeping toxic I use twitch or or streams yeah yeah and also as well like if you think about branding So like um think about

Look look at if you know about business oh no it’s just okay they always make fun of me it’s calling me an old man now it’s okay it the person chatting bionic GRE is one of my oldest viewers is is one of the ones who has been watching me for

Quite a while so he always Tak to make up me it’s fine he’s calling me old man now to be fair I am old so well middle-aged yeah uh I’ve already streamed for two hours before I even started this stream so I’m I’m I’m almost ready to go guys

Rich tell toxic I said hi to him and also 30 to 40 isn’t old it’s young 70 to 90 is old that’s great Za except I’m older than 40 I’m 41 oh well that’s still that’s I get your point I get what you’re saying anyway guys I need to go I need

To go I need to go and update fortnite as well anyway they’re saying they’re saying a old still they’re still they’re still going on about old DM guys I’m going to be streaming fortnite at 1:00 tomorrow afternoon assuming it’s all working because it sounds like it’s just been chaos this

Evening um well thanks for watching Bion gree thanks toxic Z Levi I think that’s toxic Z Levi yeah that’s all of you I think take care guys have a good evening and I’ll catch you tomorrow take go byebye la

This video, titled ‘Working on my game on our Minecraft server! | Multi-stream YT Trovo Twitch’, was uploaded by Richjturn (aka ‘History’) on 2023-12-02 21:22:02. It has garnered 57 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:53 or 10973 seconds.

Pottering around, doing some building and some adventuring on our survival server. I have been working on a Futurama inspired city since we started this new world so most streams I’m plodding away at that and some community builds too.

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  • ModArchy

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  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

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  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

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  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

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  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

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  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More