Secrets of the Cottage Witch Temple Revealed!!

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Hello and welcome back to Cottage witch last time we set up a whole Farm we did some landscaping and then we got the crows to automatically pull the crops from that farm this time we’re going to do some adventuring and then I’m going to redo that farm because I don’t like

It I know I woke up the next day and I was like I could have done this better here’s how in my brain so I’m going to do that instead but first my friends get comfy get cozy and we shall get right on into it Okay so this is the farm that we were working with also uh just before I started I made these These are Wayward lanterns and they mean that um if you have a pet and it gets lost while you’re adventuring it will find its way back to

These lanterns so I made these in um in preparation for taking Chicken on chicken’s first Adventure right additionally I put one of these in the nether just in case we lose someone in the nether because it could could happen you know um but yes this is the farm we

Set up last time it’s fine it’s it’s oh we’ve got an an overweight onion block oh it’s so cute and an alium Bush on top it’s so cute look at I’m going to have to get rid of that soon but and look as soon as I put these Wayward lanterns up tree

Trunks teleported over so I popped tree trunks in the little well area so that tree trunks could like pick up the water and experted everywhere um but yes it’s fine it’s a fine Farm it’s it would it’s functional it’s fun but do I like it no so we’re not keeping

It I’m going to move I think to like teered pretty little grow beds and like pathing through it and then like a little uh garden shed or something uh I think that’s how we’re going to do it and then we can have the plan is cuz I

Don’t need this many crops I’m reing like I’m realizing as well I don’t need this many crops like um I don’t need I don’t need this much I can just do with like two per little grow so we could have like little grow beds of like um of like four maybe or

Something we’ll figure it out but we don’t need this many crops we just it’s not who am I kidding who am I kid anyway anyway before we go anywhere let me just go ahead and check in on my little Dy buddies and see how the the

Getting of things is going oh look at that isn’t that gorgeous look at all that stuff look we there’s so much stuff there’s so much stuff I I know I still need to change these guys over as well but look at that there’s so much we’re even getting um we are getting spider’s

Eye but what we need is witch’s eye we need witch’s eye from The Witches so hopefully that’ll that’ll come eventually I need you to give us some more but for now um before we do any of this redecoration in Rel Landscaping here into like the grow beds like in on

Like tiered little levels little paths going between them I’m thinking could be quite cute we still want a well I think that would still be cute uh we are going off on an adventure aren’t we aren’t we chicken yes yes we are and what I have

Done in preparation for that as well is I have resettle bagged my new broomstick so that it replaces the the broom brushes and I also added some more broom brushes into it so we won’t run out on our adventure out and about um and we are going to go and look

In our deserty areas right so let’s just have let’s pop outside a hot second and let’s have just a quick little luk see at the map here so the most desertous area that we have found is like way over here as you can see now I have not seen any kind of

Desert temp Temple over in these parts but that’s not to say that it doesn’t exist somewhere over here and we probably just want to come down to this area and see if we can find it there so the best port of Co I think is going to be not there

There’s a there’s like a village down I’m pretty sure there’s a village somewhere around here that we have access to that will be nice and easy for us to get to from there so let’s just hop on Via our little Way Stone over here Um let’s try this one right where are we where where is this are we nearby wait did we actually end up nearby is that super useful oh look at that we did ooh this is not the desert I was thinking of but I will have a look

Around in it as this is probably one of our good bets as well I’m just having a look now if I can see anything that looks remotely desert temple like but I’m not seeing anything babes I ain’t seeing anything I don’t know if we can search for structures I

Feel like people keep telling me I can search for structures with the thing with the uh with this bad boy right can is it doable is it doable info no sort by name s Source wait rainfall temperature wait no no no no that doesn’t work wait what about tags

No uh anyway so if we can’t use that that’s fine let’s just go off find what direction we want to go on in the map prob just North yeah North from here exactly the direction we’re in let’s hop on our broom and get to the desert and have a

Little look around isn’t it so cute that the crow just stays on my shoulder with me as on the Broom I bet we look so cute right now oh look at us look at us my little buddy oh that’s so cute okay all right I’m going to fly over to the

Desert and we will take it from there okay so we’re looking for anything remotely Temple esque she said hopefully and then like appears to be some interesting things around here what is that what is that hello what are you oh it’s like a little Thermo vent how cute is

That and we’ve got this little town over here but that is not helpful in terms of finding a temple oh oh well this is an interesting space why would you guys have just like this up here like that curse of afterlife pet returns as a hostile

Zombie pet no bucket of tadpole I will take yeah give me the cookies as well thank you you know what I’ll take the fish and uh you know you can keep the carrot but thank you that’s one fish I don’t have to get I was talking to a h friend of

Mine who’s also a streamer hi hey if you’re watching hay is currently working through the recast version but was discussing with me how there is a the the fish the the fish quest line that you have to do catch all fish and there’s like 999 of them that’s going to

Take some doing I’m not going to not going to lie that’s going to take some significant doing anyway um I don’t think we want to go this way I don’t think we’re going to see any Temple structures over here this is all village Village village Village blah blah blah

Blah blah I’m not seeing anything temply really you know so what I think we’ll do before we go any further this way is let’s turn around and explore this way right past we want to go past this big old skeleton doad so let’s go back down this

Way um and get to that skeleton shall we what’s this it would be rude okay it would there’s ruse hi hello kangaroos how sweet it would be rude it would be honestly so impolite if I didn’t come here and uh and take what you got to

Give you know so you know free gunpowder as well thank you can keep your Flex I’m not really bothered uh I’ll take the leather what’s in here a free Emerald thank you you and keep that honestly I don’t want it seed pouch I’ll take the clay we need some more clay I’ll take

The bones as well actually and the gold you can keep your seed pouch don’t care about that don’t care about that do you have anything else underneath that could be of oh little cheeky waist Stone you know what you’re lucky that I bought my own but I will activate you this is just

A cute little area huh this is very sweet I have to say also this is sus looking this looks like though yes think you could get away from me hey oo honeyed Apple I will take that’s that’s just good scense I’ll take these as well what is this wheat

Flour we can make wheat flour a milk bucket what’s in you I’m going take these I’m going to take all of this should I take the glass take a flower pot tell you that for free should I be taking the glass I’ll take it I’ll take it just in case

Thanks thanks game that was cute that was a cute little area I enjoyed that oh what is this oh I think that’s just like Crystal stuffs yeah oh here’s the skeleton we wanted to look at in all of its Glory right look at you looking magnificent have I already been to you

Have I had a look in ins side of you no by the sounds of should we just hop in just have a a cheeky look see what’s in the big skans hello oh it goes down but it also what no wa it goes down what’s oh is this like a whole

Dungeon oh it is do I have time for this uh let me put this here hold on um you go there and then let me oh what do I do okay okay okay okay let me put the Coffer down and let’s put some stuff in the Coffer and then we’ll

Have a cheeky little peek down there okay give me one second all right let’s go let’s have a little look see shall we hello psychic wall is so good honestly yeah get them chicken this is chicken’s first like fight how exciting how do I get down from here is my question this

Is this is an interesting place huh how does one oh I see okay and then we go down here yes oh don’t hurt my chicken don’t you hurt my chicken oh chicken chicken’s such a badass look at you go go chicken go oh my God the psychic wall is so good

If you’re looking for something to give to your pets for fighting purposes go with the psychic wall because it’s it’s fabulous ooh oh no is this another creeper Hall are we good there’s no more creepers unless there’s a bunch in here there’s got to be more to this though

Right oh it’s full of emeralds let me up let me up no that’s not what I wanted to do let me up let me up oh wait is that Emerald or is that diamond no it’s it’s copper I was so excited how disappointing all right is there more to you than oh there

Is gold in there mind you I’m so mad that that’s that’s copper I was like diamonds big blocks of diamonds no oh I didn’t mean to do that no no I’m so sorry chicken I’m sorry can you forgive me I’m so sorry I’m just trying to make my way through

This okay chicken you’re back on my shoulder so that’s awesome okay um can I just like get you through there that’s Lush thank you what else do we have in here huh you know I’m going to just like get off for a second Oo oh uh that’s fine looting yes the rest can on honestly I don’t care about it uh there’s got to be something in this though right like if if it were me and I were making this I would put something in there you know oh there’s even more to

This place this was not what I was looking for today oh there’s not this is just no chicken I’m sorry I’m so sorry chicken no come back I’m so sorry please chicken I’m so sorry oh I didn’t mean to oh no speed ster linked inventory I don’t really care about either of

Those I’ll take that though you can take these these yeah mhm uh so we might have to visit home before what did that do nothing it did nothing suck it enjoy my psychic wool babes enjoy it I did actually pick up the gold blocks right yes I

Did psychic wall is so good honestly get yourself some psychic wall and do yourself a favor okay good good good good good oh do you want to go is that what you wanted you wanted to go I don’t recommend it you guys are dropping like iron blocks and stuff oh

Hello don’t touch my chicken okay don’t you touch my chicken how dare you um waxed copper those can go in and then let me just throw some stuff out that we don’t want over here get out of my inventory we don’t care about you come with me thank

You uh of course of course I want that’s copper again isn’t it just just to clarify that is absolutely copper yes is there more to it though what did that just do is that lapis up there oh and there’s a chest oh this is so cool that is just big old blocks of

Lapis babes yes it is ooh rabbit hide I will take give me some of this as well this is fine what is that just sand diamond horse armor I’ll take that as well that’s fine Y and that that’s good I’m so upset I wanted that many blocks of

Diamonds I was so ready uh but that’s okay all right I think we’re pretty much done here there’s a couple more rooms actually let me just finish up with these hello ah don’t touch my chicken oh you know what I can’t even go past my own little psychic wall

Huh we got anything in here what do you do oh that’s not not do that shall we let’s not suffocate ourselves that seems like a bad idea blast protection tethered teleport pet will teleport with its own and even across Dimensions that seems like it’s going to

Be nice and useful I’ll take these as well okay and then one last little room is this it there’s not nothing else in here no sus that’s very sus there must be something under here no ah I thought you were smart did you no I am the smart one okay no there

There’s nothing here though okay well this was fun thanks a bunch was not what I was looking for but was fun thoroughly enjoyed was a nice little detour listen we came here with a goal and that goal hello oh you’re so cute hi the little waddle um we came with a

Goal and that goal was to find ourselves a desert temple if we could so I’m just going to hop back on this broom and I’m going to have a little look around and then we will assess yeah babes okay cool let’s do that I got so excited because I

Thought I found one and it’s just a village it’s just a village it’s just a village the search continu with okay oh there’s a couple Villages around here we may have to do some looting what the hell is that it’s a little Posh for a village what the heck is that that’s

Just like a big old Bell room is it well that’s quite cool I like that I like that I may keep that in mind when I come to making my own Village for my villagers to exist in alas the search must go on came across this cool looking look it’s a snake

Statue and there’s Loot on it by the looks look how cool that is just generating in the world that’s so pretty that is so cool I’m a bit nervous about the snakes I’m not going to lie so we’re just going to hover going to hover near the snakes

This is a terrible idea can I reach that I know I’m sorry hello it wasn’t worth it you can keep it thank you I’m sorry snakes goodbye sorry goodbye that we have found one baby and what we’re looking for is an eye we want one thing

One thing today and that thing is an ie and I hope that we will find it how do I approach this how am I approaching this let’s let’s just set our butts down right here right um I’m going to eat this cuz I don’t need that and I’m going to yeah there we

Go um and I guess we just wait where are you chicken chicken come sit on My Shoulder Buddy chicken chicken where did you go there you are there you are on my shoulder on my shoulder please that I don’t want to lose you yeah come on there’s my buddy there’s my favorite

Buddy there’s my buddy oh oh don’t you look magnificent oh hey listen I really want that do I have oh I do I really want that elephant my friend so I might have to take it from [Laughter] you I’m so sorry but I want that elephant and I won’t get it

Otherwise so I don’t maybe I shouldn’t that would be mean right okay let’s uh let’s break in over here shall we uh and let’s just eat any things we don’t want right so this can go this can go this can go let’s pick these up and

Eat those as well this can go this can go and let’s just keep as many slots as we’re willing open right and then we’re just going to very delicately staircase our way down and not set off any TNT is the plan okay and it’s a good

Plan I didn’t mean to do that just going to put that back down there that’s good yeah we don’t want to set anything off at all in fact let’s stop from being able to trigger it now okay no IE we do get a cool disc though so

That’s nice I’m going to take that that’s lovely and I will take this uh and I’m just going to put the Cofer down we’re just going to colate any coppery C Cofer copper cofy Co words you know words are hard words are hard and I can’t say them so let’s just leave

It at that shall we babes yeah take some more of these golden apples sure take that can I put anything else away oh I could that’s nice cool give me that back lovely okay so I don’t care care about any of that that’s fine um what have you gotten

You no I again couple warp Scrolls though so that’s nice potion of Manor regen another Diamond horse armor I will take the rest can oo a saddle I’ll take the saddle you couple of emeralds another saddle what do we have here warp impact I’ll take it the rest can I don’t care

About this is the last one this is the last one so it’s either in here or it’s not and I weep because the game just does not want me to have the eyes please pretty please oh pretty please of course it doesn’t why would it that would be that would be so helpful

And useful thank you Game thanks for [Laughter] that why why why is it so hard why has it been made so difficult like the extent of difficulty at which is being heralded here just to find just just to find just to to find these eyes I know it’s supposed to be

Difficult I get it okay I’m aware it makes sense that’s not what I’m arguing here does it have to be so difficult though you know just going to make sure I’m not missing anything up here there’s no like sneaky chests that I should be looking for no good oh goody

Gumdrops oh fa fabulous oh fantastic where did I come in from why why you can keep your elephant I’m too upset why what what did that look like okay just like a couple little maybe we could find another one maybe we could this looks like an interesting little hole doesn’t it can I

Just go have a look in it just for curiosity sake it looks like a cool a cool little little Eco system down there now look at that how pretty anyway I’m going to have another little look around the desert and then um if we find something we find something and if

We don’t we don’t okay and then we’ll take it from there but that was that was cruel and unusual thanks thanks a lot thanks a lot game did find a little interesting looking Pillager Tower though maybe we’ll get lucky and one of the the Pillager eyes will be in there

Right wouldn’t that be nice can I just uh can I scooch could I just like scooch could I could I I’m so sorry please it’s not in there no I was excited I thought maybe maybe this was our chance but no there’s just a few little bits left of the desert that I

Need to explore uh and then I think I think we’ve got to call it there with the uh the desert exploration for one day cuz it’s not looking promising babes it’s not there was one there was one one whole desert temple in all of all now

You think this is it no no no no no in all of this there was one there was one desert temple got to find another desert another one there was one there I’m going to look for another one I don’t know where else I’m going to

Find it um was this where I got the mahogany down here yes it was wasn’t it I’m I’m just going to try something really quick just bear with me work let me just hop over to Mahogany jungle right real quick nice and smooth like if you will yes I’ve still got my stuff

Maybe I should go home actually desert please just regular Minecraft desert if if I were going to go there where where would it’s 5,000 blocks away is where it is babes in um in that direction are you telling me it’s that one no absolutely not there has to be a closer

Desert serious I’m never ever going to find all these eyes it’s an impossibility how am I ever going to find these eyes I am begging you Compass to like take another look yeah please please I am begging you take another look it’s leg minus 18800 minus 2600 – 1800 – 2600

Is is way up here yeah way way up here where yeah mhm uhhuh so that’s the closest desert in like all the Far Corners of the reaches of the map that I have explored and then there there isn’t one there there just is simply I don’t um where’s Isa Faith okay we tried

I tried so hard to get um oh see look chicken found its way back home via Lantern because it doesn’t teleport chicken doesn’t teleport with us when we go through here chicken goes through the lanterns which is nice that means I don’t lose chicken right that is what it is

I didn’t think the eyes would be this hard but they really are oh I’m getting some iron from this that’s pretty cool that is pretty cool I’m not going to lie also I need to um I need to turn one of these into a bin into the you know that

You can get the star bunkle bins because Lord knows I don’t need any more sauce berries I have so many let me show you how many SAU berries I have where are they s like over nearly 2,000 Source I don’t need that many I don’t need that

Anyway I’m going to put some stuff away and then we will reconvene and we’re going to redo those little grow beds I think I’m sorry about the eye disappoint I’m disappointed too babes I wish we could have got like why why is it so hard it’s so hard to get the

Eyes good grief okay let’s put some stuff away thank you for coming with me today chick in you sit right there and I will see you later now to deal with beans and Basel in this whole operation because it’s ugly and I hate it so what I’m going to do essentially

Is I’m going to take all of this down I’m going to pull up all of this Cobblestone cuz I don’t I really don’t like the Cobblestone I don’t I don’t like it I might change all of this padding to not be Cobblestone because I really just

Dislike it and I might just make it a a continuation of this wood potential I think that would be nicer Maybe I don’t know I don’t know what to do with the pathing I don’t like anyway I’m going to dig all this up we’re just going to make

Some nice grow beds cuz you know what I was thinking look this is nice we get a nice little grow bed here isn’t that lovely but we’re going to do it with um dark oak as um the trap doors so it looks like you know those uh those cute little

Little barrels people make grow breads out of that that’s cute yeah we’re going to do that so I am going to dig all this up and then we will we will make it look we’ll we’ll make it look fancy and pizazzy and Jui okay uh but first it’s got to get ugly

So I got to dig it I just took out the uh the big old onion and we got an achievement for that so let’s have a look at what that is oh is that not what we got that for oh I’m so excited I was like Yay giant

Onion U but we did get for the Leviathan which is pretty cool um these dungeons had to say this ancient skeleton can be found in deserts and hides a secret beneath explore the Ancient Temple andite the Treasures lie within Legend has it that this is where the Leviathan blade

Resides along with treasure the husks that spawn here are capable of dropping s with them there’s a blade that I didn’t find or did it just not spawn in there cuz I didn’t see any I’m going to go with the fact that my luck is so bad

In trying to find specific things in this game that the blade just it simply wasn’t there babes I don’t think it was there you know anyway more digging okay now the space has been flattened out and we’ve gotten rid of any of the current farmland and I know I’m sorry I’m

Redoing this I’m so sorry please forgive me but I couldn’t sit God damn it get you know actually the last time I met one of you guys you were super helpful and my opinion of you has changed so what do you have on you today cocoa

Beans melon seeds goat horn melon well I don’t need any of this realistically but um you know stick around have a have a little I made all of this so it’s a pleasure to have you I’m going to be nice to you um so I’m going to keep the well here

But I’m basically I’m going to have little fake flower beds here or perhaps hex aray ones maybe up here or little little pots essentially I think maybe pots will go over here quite nicely maybe like Little Pumpkin Patches or something but the Crux of this is having

Rich soil because rich soil is magical and you don’t need water water to grow crops on it which is absolutely fabulous of course so that’s what we’re going to try and aim to do and essentially we’re going to use this organic compost to figure out where we want these beds to

To sit um if we were going to have like a little path around maybe Um maybe like a a 2 by two path maybe so we could have like one one one one yeah and Then again like one one one one maybe and then another one no we can’t do it that way it can’t be done that way unfortunately it cannot be done that way because I’m not going to have enough space to do what I need to do so

Let’s reassess this let me get this up as well actually this is going to take some doing it just takes a little bit of like messing with you know we could Do maybe something like that that oh oh you know I like that let’s do one two and then one two one two and we’ll just do little groups of four and then that keeps a little path that way and let’s do the same over this side and it creates like a little little

Circle around it right let me just keep doing that a second and then with the spruce trap doors around it like a little like it’s one of the this is cute okay I’m I’m loving it and we’ll make a little path where this is going to be

Really cute let me spruce up the rest of them okay and then to make it rich soil basically you need this organic compost and mushrooms Thyme and water and like regular daytime essentially with those things they will make the rich soil from this organic compost the problem is it

Grows really big mushroom trees so now I’m just going to spend a little bit of time every now and then taking them down I’m hoping this will be quite fast I’m hoping it will be a fast thing but so far this is cute and I can’t add

The plants in yet obviously as the mushrooms are here but until then this will do we get some cute little grower beds right I this is look this it’s already much nicer it’s already so much nicer I just need to figure out what we want to do with like the floor around it

How we’re going to set it up um we’ll put like a little little pumpkin patch somewhere maybe maybe up here as I said we’ll get some planters going shall we should we can we make planters actually cuz I I know we can make them but do I

Have the stuff to make them is the question no I need some more bricks where’s my clay where is the clay the clay balls where’s them clay balls at there they are all right we’ve got to go clay hunting evidently eventually let me let me destroy some of these mushrooms so

That we can continuously grow more of this stuff so give me a second tell you I never need mushrooms again in this game this has given me so many mushrooms I added these little bits here these water bits because this speeds up with water oh there’s one

That’s just gone as well and it’s slowly all becoming rich soil which is fabulous um but until then I need to figure out like what path I want and if I’m going to change this to be something different we need to figure out what it is so maybe

It’s time we go with a brick or I don’t know something let’s sleep on it and let’s have a look at some some block options shall we uh let’s have a look at like some paths if there are some paths that we could use to make it look nicer

Um I’m just going to have a little Deep dive I think I think the kind of vibe we’d want to go for is something that looks natural it kind of weaves in a little bit with nature because that’s the whole vibe that we want to go for

Right something that’s kind of weaved in with nature so there’s there’s paths if I’m aware and then there’s also pavings and something like these could work quite well if we like mix them together something like um the the the dumble paving mixed in with some like Square

Paving and then buttons maybe is what I’m what I’m thinking we could go with like a deep slate and Cobblestone potentially so let’s have a look at getting some some of that going shall we how what what will it take to make this I need a stone cutter okay so I’m just

Going to need to take all of my Cobble and I think I want to go half with this kind of dumble Paving or do we want the The Weave B get God this is so difficult how do you ever decide on anything ever let me let me try a little bit of

This let me try a little bit of this yeah and let me also try just a little bit of the B cuz the basket one’s quite nice it’s just not all that natural looking right so let’s have a little look shall we let’s get away from here

And let’s pop a couple of these down Um oo ooh ooh okay let’s not use the dumbell I don’t like I’m not a big fan of the dumble one but these two kind of mix together create kind of like a Stony mismatch kind of pathway that I don’t hate so let’s do that with those and

Let’s do that with the Cobble and let’s reassess making our little pathway okay so so far so good so far so good it doesn’t look terrible with just the wood right I’m going to keep this little thing in here I don’t hate that just like a little Stone inway and then this

Looks quite cute like it’s falling from the flowers around I love that and then I I listen I found these I’m curious if these stairs would look potentially slightly nicer so let’s just have a little o babes oh now doesn’t that look cute okay hold on

Say no more say no more fam oh isn’t that lovely isn’t that just magnificent and then let’s get rid of this we don’t want that we just don’t want that so then we start in with the pathways right that’s what we start in with babes that’s how this goes okay

So oh I need to to dig all of it up first and there’s a creeper I need to dig all of it up first and then replace it with dirt and then add in the pathways and then we’re going to jij around it okay I’m just going to like interspersed add

These right and then let’s go in with some of the the Deep slate some like some of this right wamp and then W oh not you a little bit of wage there some wamp in and then oo look at that a little bit more wamp in and then let’s come back to

The Cobblestone basket weave right um put that there little bit there little bit there little bit over there and there some of it here little bit here and here okay but what if we teared it down with like stone slabs would that look terrible and then maybe just

Occasionally we have like a stone slab in the middle here just to add some like Dimension to it I don’t like the different color of the the deep slate so I’m going to take that out it doesn’t work there’s enough difference between the Cobblestone and the that’s not one I

Meant to pick up there’s enough difference between the Cobblestone and the stone I think the Deep slate just is too harsh it doesn’t doesn’t sit right with me um I don’t hate the stone the stone slabs kind of work they do kind of work a little bit uh what I need is some

Like a other options do I still have Cobblestone slabs is my question cuz that could work still let me see what I can do okay so this might be a bit busy and I might need to refine it as time goes on but I think it looks better and

Way more natural than the pathway we had and will allow me to to get some nice results around here I think but additionally let let me just we’re going to add some flowers around it right and and some some like bushes and some some grass and stuff so before we make any

Decisions let’s have a little look at what that could look like for us about how we could beautify this um as time goes on I don’t know I this could this could be looking cute potentially so listen I’m not good at building so if this

Looks like a pure and utter ass then I’m going to need your opinion on it don’t be scared to tell me friends okay it’s like it’s okay I can understand when things don’t quite look right um get rid of the poppies maybe we should add some other flowers in here as

Well right I do quite like this staircase the staircase is very cool I like that a lot and I like this I wish I could just bone meal that right um I think it needs to be a little less busy so maybe I need more of like these

Blocks with these blocks interspersed a little bit more maybe unsure and then what I wanted to do was kind of do some of this around around the front porch right get some of that going that can stay that’s fine that’s pretty flower we like that that’s cool of that one let good

I think that’s looking quite nice I think that’s looking quite nice let me grab some other little bits that could make it look a little bit better and we will assess the ho as it is shortly you know so far I think we’re on to something doesn’t this path look cuter

With the flowers around it and I put some tea trees up around on these little layered sections as well as some pomegranate trees so that we could have just other little bits grow in just like kind of as a natural Vibe you know and then what I want to do I don’t

Know what I need is anyone who’s played this thoroughly enough before to know what happens if I put a tree sapling in there is it going to grow like a regular large tree or will it be like a smaller cuter tree I’m hoping for the cuter tree

So if you do know do please let me know if you do know um but I think we’re on to something I think this is looking loads cuter especially with kind of like the flowering around what I might do is add some like bushes or or some walls or

Something again if you have any ideas ignore these I was trying something it didn’t work uh if you have any ideas do do let me know but I think it is looking cuter and I really do think the grow beds are a better a better fit and I finally got tomatoes

Excitingly I finally got tomatoes so now to end the episode beautifully let’s claim our reward sh look at that oh I can’t carry any of it I think this looks a lot nicer and once we’ve got like the pond going and some other little bits going around look

The the pomegranate trees is all growing up and stuff that’s quite cute ooh there’s avocados we could grow we could grow an avocado in one of these plants and avocado tree that could be quite nice um it is looking much cuter isn’t it thank you so much for watching today

I really appreciate it I hope you stay fed I hope you stay watered and I hope you stay rested I hope you have a cracken time zone and I will see you in the next ones lovelies Goodbye

This video, titled ‘There’s no I in temple…~ Episode Thirty-one ~ Cottage Witch Minecraft’, was uploaded by Faithful Familiars on 2023-12-13 13:00:37. It has garnered 84 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:55 or 2875 seconds.

End remastered will push the last crumb of sanity I have over the edge Grow beds and new path look better right? I still need to add more! 💜 CREDITS: -Remember to check out this beautiful modpack right here and support the creator HeyKatu: -The music in this video is made and produced by Nolan Pilgrim and is GORGEOUS so please go give them a look! You can find the music in the following links: 💜 Enjoying the content? Consider subscribing here! You can also find me in these places: Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok:

Have a crackin timezone!

  • Minecraft’s End of the World?

    Minecraft's End of the World? The Mysteries of Minecraft’s Far Lands and Sky Grid Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead players to discover some truly fascinating and mysterious elements within the game. Two such phenomena are the Far Lands and Sky Grid, which have captured the imagination of players worldwide. The Far Lands: A Glitch in the Matrix One of the most intriguing aspects of Minecraft is the existence of the Far Lands, a bizarre and glitchy terrain that appears at the edge of the game world. These distorted landscapes are a result of a quirk in the game’s programming, causing the… Read More

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  • Jay’s Wild Minecraft Adventure Begins

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  • Unbossable Mob in Minecraft!

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  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Dance: A Blocky Romance

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  • LangStride’s Epic Revenge for Kids!

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  • Syfadles: Anarchy – No Mods

    1.21| Java No Mods: gives you the best survival Minecraft experience, prioritizing the open world aspect with no teleports, plot claims, or economy. No Permanent Bans: will not permanently ban you for hacking. You may receive a short temporary ban if caught. Play Right Now! IP: Website: Discord: Server Trailer: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – STEVE’S SAVAGE JOURNEY

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  • Crafting Kingdoms: The Hunter’s Quest

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  • Memory Challenges in Minecraft

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  • LEGO Minecraft Baby Pig Birthday Build

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  • Insane Minecraft Craziest SUPREMIUM ARMOR Crafter!

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  • The Dame of Amel: Seeds of Survival

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    🔥  MINECRAFT 1.21 BEDROCK OP GLITCHES! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ALL OP GLITCHES IN 1.21 BEDROCK! DUPLICATION AND XRAY GLITCHES (WORKING)’, was uploaded by ItsTrey on 2024-07-18 06:03:55. It has garnered 16718 views and 553 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:41 or 461 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftduplicationglich #minecraftbedrock I will show you a duplication glitch for the latest edition of Minecraft Bedrock being 1.21. To ensure this glitch works for you, please follow each step carefully. I really do hope you enjoyed this video and if you did a sub or a like will be greatly appreciated – sub to see more useful… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival with Primordial Team ft. Drehmal

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  • Surviving ONE Night in Horror Minecraft?! 😱

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  • Insane stream server in Minecraft!! Join now!

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  • SHOCKING: Minecraft film stirs controversy! New revelations for Gamers | Rk News

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  • “Master Builder Reveals Insane Minecraft Hack” #minecraft #shorts #gaming

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  • Insane! Kanye West’s Carnival in Minecraft!

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  • The Bob SMP

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  • Minecraft Memes – Meme: Jack Black dominates Minecraft

    I guess you could say Jack Black is really “rocking” the Minecraft world! Read More

  • Lost it all, Minecraft brawl: Hindi gameplay uproar!

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  • Hot diggity Minecraft memes!

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  • Block Exploration: The Ultimate Guide

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  • INSANE TWISTS in Ninwiindo Minecraft PS4 Ep 2!

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  • Survive RL Craft with Lion LIVE!

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  • R1ckson’s Insane 2b2t Base Hunt! 🚨 Live Minecraft Madness!

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  • Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.21 on Extreme!

    Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.21 on Extreme!Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai passé Minecraft 1.21 en difficulté EXTRÊME !’, was uploaded by Myrolame on 2024-03-21 18:37:04. It has garnered 15241 views and 1071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:41 or 761 seconds. 10th episode of the Skyblock Hardcore adventure on the latest Minecraft 1.21 snapshots! My goal is to reach 100 days of Minecraft while staying alive! If I die, the adventure ends! This series aims to create a video: I survived 100 days in Skyblock on Minecraft Hardcore #minecraft #skyblock #survival Datapack: Skyblock – Recipes+ – Resource pack: none Shaders:… Read More


    24/7 SHIZO MINECRAFT MADNESS ON HEADSTEAL SMP LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 247 ON HEADSTEAL SMP LIVE @YASHGAMERYTYOUTUBER@GamerFleet’, was uploaded by YASH PLAYZ on 2024-08-24 18:50:01. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:30 or 2190 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft is a sandbox-style video game that allows players to build, explore, and survive in a procedurally generated world made up of blocks. The game offers a unique blend of creativity, adventure, and survival mechanics. Key Features: – Blocky World: Explore and interact with a vast, blocky 3D world made up of cubes, which can be mined for resources…. Read More

  • EPIC Waterway Infrastructure Build in Minecraft!! 🌊

    EPIC Waterway Infrastructure Build in Minecraft!! 🌊Video Information This video, titled ‘Constructing Waterway Infrastructure in Minecraft — Upon Further Survival Ep. 8’, was uploaded by orrenlane on 2024-08-24 19:48:11. It has garnered 53 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:37:15 or 16635 seconds. Upon Further Survival is a live Minecraft SMP hosted by @LucidMakesVideos featuring a bunch of YouTubers and content creators, such as Zesty Jesus, Technicals, Lon’qador, and More!! As determined by the rules of the SMP — All participants are able to perform “hits” and pranks on other players via donation. You can request a hit or a prank by… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft temple build! MUST SEE!!!

    INSANE Minecraft temple build! MUST SEE!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 1.21 construção do templo dos inscritos pt2’, was uploaded by Tallezx on 2024-08-27 13:50:24. It has garnered 68 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:24 or 8484 seconds. live de minezinho 1.21 #minecraft #minecraftlive Read More