Secrets to Minecraft Animal Farming Revealed

Video Information

Hello everyone I’m M Andrea welcome back to the Minecraft howto series episode two so first of all thank you for all the love that you gave us on the first episode I really appreciate it I tided up this area a bit kind of like sealing off the area that we’ve been working on

With some fence posts and everything and just setting everything up so it looks nice we’re sharing some leaves from the trees just you know um keep it preserved for the future but before we continue we need to look at the poll that we did for our first episode so we asked you what

Do you do in the first night in your Minecraft world and a 56% of you all came out saying that you would focus on getting a bed and I was surprised to see that 31% of you said that you would go exploring but I think that also makes

Sense sometimes you don’t like where you spawn in so you want to do explore a little bit and set up in the world in a place that you’re happy with you don’t want to be setting up in a bad space after after all so thank you for

Everyone who voted in the first poll I hope you vote in the poll that will come out later on this week in the next video but today’s episode is all about animal rearing animal breeding and also of course all the items that you can get that are associated with them so today I

Want to be focusing on cows pigs sheep and chickens we’re not going to look at the mushrooms for now that will be something for later as we haven’t found any yet but we can at least focus on the four main farming animals that you can get in your Minecraft world and like I

Said we’re going to be looking at what you can get from them but also how to you know catch them in the wild so first we’re going to set up a little bit of crop farming um we do already have some wheat seeds so what we’re going to do

When we head on over to the closest patch of water it can be Oceanic rivers or even a small pond we’re going to use our Stone hoe and set up our first first little bit of farmland and right clicking on the soil is going to turn it

Into farmland and the reason we want to do it near a body of water is because it will ensure that the land becomes irrigated and therefore will stay as Farmland if it’s not near water it will return back to its dirt state so being near a plot of water will actually

Ensure that it stays as a farm land and so right clicking we can place down our wheat seeds and that is going to gives the advancement a seedy place and over time these plots of land will also turn a darker brown as the water becomes irriated if you also want to get some

More wheat seeds which are going to be useful for chickens sheep and cows you can just go around hitting some more grass that will give you a chance of dropping some more wheat seeds and then we can just use our hoe again and plant down all the new wheat seeds that we’ve

Just picked up I should also say I’m currently recording this as a voice over after the fact as for some reason my mic settings change during the course of this video so I’m trying to figure out as I go I hope you don’t mind too much but right here we’re just talking about

How when you do create farma next to a body of water it will only irrigate up to four blocks away from there so don’t try to make Farmland that is five six or more blocks from a piece of water heading on over to the village now the

Village that we found in the previous episode uh after I arrived did remember that there is no Farmland actually in this space but there are a few pieces of wheat lying around which we can gather up and that is going to be used for breeding the cows and the sheep and we

Do seem to have a rare World Generation where we had a piece of grass forming on top of the wheat there but those few bits of wheat are going to Kickstart our breeding of the cows and sheeps later but as it’s now coming closer to the nighttime probably best to head to sleep

And then try and find another Village nearby if we’re very lucky to do so as we’re in a plains biome and that one may have a farm and we were lucky enough to find one very very close by just around the corner on the cherry blossom

Mountain and it seems to have a very big cave system which we can use for our how to find iron episodes coming very soon and by the looks of it this Village also does have a random pieces of wheat that have spawned in but it does appear that

They do have their own plots of farmland and we can use these to potentially get extra wheat seeds but also beetroot seeds carrots and potatoes so let’s see what we get and breaking apart all these plots of land we already have our first potato and carrots and carrots are

Definitely going to help us with breeding up the pigs later but so far it doesn’t look like we have got any beetroot seeds however we did just pick one up and we are very fortunate to have gotten even one beetroot seed as in the plains biome villagers there is only a

5% chance of these actually spawning and growing whereas in the desert Villages they are a high slightly higher chance of 20% but now that we’re holding on to the carrots uh you can see that when we are holding a specific piece of food that the animals like to eat they will

Start following you and that is how we’re going to capture the animals we need for our Farms later assuming of course they don’t fall off a ledge and die as you take them home but if you are holding on to a piece of food that they

Like they will follow you and it will make them much easier to get back home and similarly for cows and sheep you can do the same holding wheat and for chickens you can just hold the wheat seeds in your hand and they will follow you home as these pigs are kind of far

From our home we will find some that are much closer so we can just collect up this wheat and then head on home okay so now that we’re back even though it is raining we I have cleared a little air area where we can set up our four pens

For our animals I do want to separate them out for this episode and to do this probably early in the game you’re going to focus on building a enclosure using wooden fences and also wooden gates if you so wish and so to do that you’re

Going to need to pick up some of the wood that you’ve already collected of course it can be any type of wood and you’re going to be needing a mixture of planks and sticks to be creating the fences and the gates to make the fences you’re going to need uh two sticks in

The middle flanked by the four planks and to do a gate you basically flip it with the with the planks in the middle and the sticks on either side and as we are of course going to make four enclosures for the four animals I will

Make four fence gates and quite a lot of fence po so that we can make the enclosure for the animals now when you’re setting up these initial spaces they can be as big as you want but just for today I’m going to be setting up a

Small space um the inside of it is only going to be a 3X two which is very small for the animal enclosures but just for the demonstration purposes today that’s what we’re going to be going with and there are different ways in which you can gain access to the enclosures using

The gates or if you want there are various other ways you can do it which will make it much easier for you to go in and out so one of them is course is to go directly up to the gate and by right clicking the gate you can open and

Close it to easily get in and out but one of the other possible methods you can use to easily gain entry is through the use of an pressure plates which use two um wooden planks or you can also invest in creating some carpet if you have any wool left over from killing or

Shearing some sheep previously so first we’re going to focus on collecting in some sheep so let me just go out and find some and we can start bringing them back to base and now that we found the Sheep as you can see now that I’m holding the wheat in my my hand the

Sheep are going to start to slowly follow me back to base and then we can place them into our first enclosure however you have to make sure that of course you don’t walk too far away at any one point as they will lose interest in the wheat that you are holding and

Start to WAND off and now that we are here you can walk in with the gate fully open and the Sheep will try to follow you in however of course as you can see because the enclosure is rather small the Sheep are trying to p find outside

Of the fences to try and find you so there are other ways in which you can get the animals into the enclosure one of them would be to put the dirt on the side of the fences this will allow them way to step up and get into the

Enclosure and they will eventually fall in once they get off the fences and of course they can’t get out of the enclosure as the fence gates and the fence posts in Minecraft count as a block which is one and a half blocks high so the animals can’t actually jump

On out and they will stay safely inside the enclosure for you and right clicking on the animals with our wheat we’ll use it one of the pieces but it will finally breed our first animals giving us the advancement the parrots and the bats and of course when you’re going in and out

Of these enclosures you do have to be careful when you open the gates as the animals may attempt to pathfind out so sometimes you do have to be rather quick in opening and closing those Gates which is why instead the carpet can be quite useful it negates the 1 and A2 block

Height of the fences and allows you the player to jump over into it but still stops the mobs inside from being able to get out themselves so it does make it a little bit easier for you alternatively you could use the pressure plate we already made which when you get close

Enough will activate the gate for you and it will automatically close behind you however of course you will still need to manually open it to get on out and the Animals might try TR to escape when you do so and so now that we have our first sheep in their enclosure I

Think it’s best that we set up the final three enclosures for our animals and then we start finding them out in the wild and bringing them home okay so we have our pigs time to get you on home pigs safely in breed them up and get our first little piglet onwards to the

Chickens chickens found the chickens in let’s make our first little chick and finally we found our cows now these cows were a a little bit hard to find I think I killed off too many in the local area when we first started so but we finally

Now have them all at home and safely in their enclosures and now we have our first cough breed up now as we’ve already said when you are breeding these animals for the sheep and the cows you’re going to be using up your wheat but for the pigs you can use the carrots

Or beetroot if you have it and for the chickens you’re going to be using the wheat seeds I also placed some torches down uh on each of the ink closures just to make sure that they stay safe from Mob spawns during the night time and quickly checking on our wheat FS to

Check that any of the crops have grown you can see that they are starting to get closer to being finished but while we are here we can plant down some more wheat seed as well as the carrots we’ve got so that we can start consistently breeding up the pigs that we’ve also

Captured and it looks like we’ve been a bit lucky this evening as a patrol has spawned near our base now the patrol is kind of useful as it’s going to show us one of the uses of the cows so we’re going to try and kill them now and get a

Special effect I suppose in the game and we can demonstrate its use and as you can see from killing the the Raiders we get the advancement of voluntary Exile which was to kill a raid Captain but we also picked up the monster hunter achievement which was for killing our

First mob now unfortunately we didn’t get the bad Omen effect which I was looking for as we didn’t actually kill the captain they died from Fall damage however we can still talk about it in terms of this episode so crafting up a crafting table and using three pieces of

Iron in a triangle formation we can craft a bucket now the bucket can be used on the cows to get a bucket of milk and if you have the bad Omen effect on you you can use the bucket of milk to negate that effect and you don’t want

The effect if you are going into a village as it will trigger a raid unless of course you wish to try and do a raid and complete it for the herir of the Villager achievement however early on in the game these are quite challenging so if you do get that effect it’s probably

Best to drink some milk and save yourself from an attack by ragers but also to save a village from an attack by ragers so drinking it up will get rid of the negative status effect so when it comes to cows uh they are useful at in

The start of the game if you are not too focused on getting iron armor straight away as you can turn the cow leather into a full set of leather armor you will need a total of 24 pieces to create the tunic trousers helmet and the shoes however if you start breeding up the

Cows that is something that could be quite easily achievable rather quickly and early on in the game or if you don’t want to wait for them to breed up so you have enough to kill you can of course go out exploring and kill enough cows until you have enough to craft the leather

Armor additionally if you are struggling for food early game to breed up your animals any of the hay bales that you find in the nearby Villages you can craft back down using your hand or the craft bench to turn one hay bale into nine pieces of wheat which you can then

Use to start breeding up the cows and the Sheep at a much faster pace and as you can see now with a little bit of a Time Skip and editing magic as I switched around some some of the editing and recordings I did because of the

Messed up audio we now have a lot of cows and we do have 47 pieces of leather now with the leather we’re going to use these to get our first pieces of armor little bit of defense against mobs but also the Raiders that we fought earlier

And as you can see now just from equipping a full set of leather armor we have an armor rating of three and a half out of a total of 10 Additionally you can also use the leather armor to craft leather horse armor should you have domesticated a horse while you are out

And about but in addition to that one of the more useful items that you can also make is an item frame using one leather and eight pieces of sticks now these are useful you can place them on walls but also on the floor and you can use them

To place items inside which you can also rotate by right clicking them and these can be used for labeling up your different storage systems so that you can remember what is inside and of course don’t forget the other use for the cows is the fact that they will give

You food you can turn their raar beef into cooked steak which is a very good early form of sustenance when you start your new world now looking at the into the Sheep uh from our first episode we do have some wool from killing the sheep

That we found out in the wild when we crafted our first bed however now that we have captured them um we can Harvest their wool using a set of shears now the shears you will use two pieces of iron in a diagonal formation you can place

Them anywhere in the craft table as long as they’re in the correct shape and that’s going to get you a set of shears which you can also use to cut cut down leaves from the trees but right clicking on a sheep is going to Shear off the

Wool for you and now you have a infinite supply of wool as when the sheeps do eat a block of grass in front of them it will regenerate their Wool with the wool of course course we said last episode it will be able to craft your first bed

Which you can dye with the various different dieses in Minecraft and using six wool and one stick you can also craft a banner which you can put many different designs on to decorate your world and one of the other additions that you can make are paintings which

Will help in decorating your world and your builds as time goes by now the paintings are randomly generated when you place them down as you can see here when you break them and put them down again you get a different design and also depending on the surface that you

Place them on you are going to get different sizes and like I said different designs of painting and that is pretty much it in regards to the sheep and of course we also have the addition of the cooked mutton which is going to provide you again with some

Sustenance in the early game of Minecraft when it comes to pigs however they are not as useful as others they only really provide uh the pork chops which you can cook up for food but if you do happen to have a saddle on you

You can place them on the back of a pig and ride them around if you so wish and as the wandering Trader is here we can quickly look at his inventory and the wandering traitor is useful if you have some diamonds early game as it might give you access to items that you

Haven’t found yet for example we haven’t found a jungle biome so we could buy jungle saplings from him now when it comes to the chickens there are a few things as well that will be of use to you and one of them will require the use

Of a piece of flint and you’re going to get a piece of flint by breaking a piece of gravel and there is a chance for it to turn into Flint when you break it and as a quick deide here it does look as if some of our sheep did Escape thanks to

The wandering Traer which is why sometimes the use of a trap door might not be too useful as it looks like the wandering Traer and his llamas open the gates as they were walking around so so we’re going to get rid of this and rely

On using the carpet to get in and out of the pen the Flint is useful for the chickens as you can craft four arrows using one Flint one stick and one feather the feathers being gained from killing the chickens and they of course are useful as as it will give you a

Means of doing ranged combat should you have also made a bow using sticks and spiderwebs of course the chickens will also provide food in the form of raw chicken which you can cook up but they will also randomly lay eggs as time goes by and you can use these eggs in some

Cooking recipes such as cakes but if you also right click while they’re in your hand you can throw them at the floor and there is a 1/8 of a chance of a chicken spawning from the egg so that is a different way in which you can breed up

Your chickens if you don’t necessarily want to go around Gathering wheat seeds and using them on the chickens for breeding now the next item which we can use for the chickens is going to be a book and quill so we’re going to need a few different things to make this first

Of all we’re going to need to turn our sugar cane into paper and using one piece of leather from the cows and three of those pieces of paper we can craft a book and I’m going to make two of those now so we can place one of them with all

Of the items that the cows provide for us taking this book and also combining it with a ink sack which you can find from killing squids in the rivers you’re going to be able to make a book and a quill now the book and a quill can be

Useful if you want to keep a records of your coordinates of where certain things are in your world you can also use them to create stories for building lore and histories as well in your worlds if you’re playing single player or even with friends and then the next thing if

We take a single copper Ingot by using a single piece of copper or in a furnace we can craft a brush using one feather one copper Ingot and one stick and these are going to be useful when you are out exploring the world if you find suspicious gravel or suspicious sand in

The trail ruins in the underwater ruins and also the desert temples in all of these items the suspicious sand and suspicious gravel you can potentially find very good items like Pottery shirts armor trims but also more generic items such as glass and different colors dies and there you have it everyone that was

Our howto episode two looking at the four different types of animals that you can get in Minecraft and all of the items that they can provide for you I do apologize if the voice over seems a bit hectic and sporadic uh I really don’t know why my audio didn’t record properly

So I’m having to figure out after the fact what I actually said after editing thank you so much for all the love you gave on the first episode and thank you for all all the kind comments I was I was really unsure when I started doing

This series how well it would go I know that there are already other series on the go out on YouTube already so thank you for everyone who has found it useful so far and I do hope that going forward episodes 3 and four and of course onwards from there that the editing

Doesn’t go arai and that everything does go to plan so thank you very much everyone for tuning in today I do hope it was useful and I’m probably now going to quickly DEC at this all off screen but I think as well going forward from now on we should probably finish

Decorating up each area at the end of each episode before we sign on out but again that’s everything for me thank you so much for tuning in today and I will catch you in the next one bye for now guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To… ANIMAL FARMING – Survival Guide #2’, was uploaded by Mycenria on 2023-12-07 12:30:16. It has garnered 110 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds.

We will be looking into how to gather and breed the chicken, pig, sheep and cow in this episode of the survival series. As well as looking into all the useful items these animals provide for you. —- Check out our streams every Sunday 22:00 JST. —- Hope you find it useful and enjoyable to watch! —- Minecraft 1.20. —- If anyone is interested I can give you the seed for the world. —- Other series to come soon! —- Follow me and find me other places if you want to! -Japanese History Podcast: -Japanese History Database: – Instagram (Minecraft): – Instagram (Japan): —- #minecraft #minecraftguide #howto #survival #minecraftsurvival

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    1000% Lifesteal Cheat in Public SMP! Join now!Video Information This video, titled ‘New Lifesteal Public smp Join any version java {DeadPlayz}’, was uploaded by DeadPlayz_ on 2024-01-13 13:36:50. It has garnered 29 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Today im playing Minecraft, But It’s Not Minecraft and it i’s Minecraft, But you can’t touch any colors, Minecraft Challenge on the shorts with the gaming Minecraft, But this challenge is the funniest Minecraft Lifesteal SMP Letsplays I’ve ever seen in my life! I don’t really use Minecraft Mods. But I do like minecraft challenges on Minecraft 1.19 and Minecraft 1.18.2… Read More

  • Dino’s EPIC Prank: Becoming OP Bosses in Minecraft!

    Dino's EPIC Prank: Becoming OP Bosses in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Fooled My Friend as OP BOSSES in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Dino on 2024-03-24 21:05:44. It has garnered 743 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:32 or 12992 seconds. My Friend Floki is trying to beat Minecraft! And we’re going to prank him as OP BOSSES in Minecraft! We will use CUSTOM BOSSES like God Hand, Queen bee, Cosmic Fiend and Hand God and ALL kinds op OP BOSSES to prank and troll my friend. Will Floki survive the OP Bosses? Watch to find out! Inspired by Cash, Nico, Maizen,… Read More

  • EPIC Collab with XBEAST_AMMO 🚨🔥💣 #shortsviral

    EPIC Collab with XBEAST_AMMO 🚨🔥💣 #shortsviralVideo Information This video, titled ‘This is A good Collab ☠️😈👮🏼‍♂️#shortsviral #gaming #minecraft #savethedoge #cute’, was uploaded by XBEAST_AMMO on 2024-03-14 16:08:43. It has garnered 6058 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hacks You Never Knew! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Hacks You Never Knew! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘3 Hal Kecil Tapi Berguna Di Minecraft!! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Kentano Craft on 2024-05-06 02:38:58. It has garnered 8235 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Minecraft Tips #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • EPIC SIREN HEAD VS HOUSE HEAD Build Battle – NOOB VS PRO Challenge – Maizen Mizen Parody

    EPIC SIREN HEAD VS HOUSE HEAD Build Battle - NOOB VS PRO Challenge - Maizen Mizen ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘SIREN HEAD VS HOUSE HEAD Build Battle In Minecraft – NOOB VS PRO CHALLENGE – Maizen Mizen Parody’, was uploaded by Maizen Build on 2024-05-30 10:42:52. It has garnered 4030 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:56 or 1376 seconds. Join JJ and Mikey in an epic battle as they face off against the monstrous buildings of Siren Head and House Head in this action-packed video. The two friends must use all their skills and teamwork to take down these terrifying structures, dodging deadly attacks and unleashing their own powerful moves… Read More

  • MyctlanMC

    MyctlanMCMyctlanMC Network Vamos a ir abriendo las modalidad por semana, para ir atrayendo público, ¿qué modalidad quieren que sea la primera en abrir? Survival OP BoxPvP Dragón ball Survival Custom Read More

  • Recently Started a Minecraft Realm! LF Cool people to play with! realms pve

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Survival World! If you’re 21+ and enjoy joking around while still being respectful, we’d love to have you join us! Our world is all about building and creating memories together. Just remember, no griefing allowed – we keep it chill but there’s a line. We look forward to meeting like-minded players who want to contribute to our world! Read More

  • Fishbowl

    FishbowlFeatures:Survival Mode: Test your skills in a true survival setting where you must gather resources, build shelter, and fend off threats.Community: Join a friendly community of players, form alliances, and embark on adventures together.Economy: Trade with other players, set up shops, and build your own thriving economy within the server.Events: Participate in server-wide events, challenges, and competitions to win rewards and showcase your skills.Custom Plugins: Enjoy unique features and enhancements that make gameplay even more exciting and engaging.Rules: Respectful behavior, no griefing, and fair play are enforced to ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for all.Join us and start your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The Blocks of Destiny

    That meme must have crafted a solid joke to score a 33 in the Minecraft world! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Gameplay

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing minecraft :D’, was uploaded by Expslep on 2024-07-16 18:20:31. It has garnered 0 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:00 or 0 seconds. server is called minewind to find server ip go to: Read More

  • Survival Shenanigans: Friends vs Labor in Minecraft Maikuan EP10

    Survival Shenanigans: Friends vs Labor in Minecraft Maikuan EP10 In the world of Minecraft, where friends unite, We gather ’round to survive and fight. But beware, for friendships can be tested, As labor and play become contested. The Wheat Cube is our battleground, Where survival is key, where treasures are found. With Kabird as our guide, we journey on, Facing challenges, obstacles, until dawn. The music of TheFatRat sets the tone, As we build, explore, and craft our own. Infinite power, in every block we place, In this world of pixels, we find our grace. So join us now, in this Friendship Gathering Place, Where rhymes and laughter… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: When Creepers Have Better Aim 💥

    Minecraft Logic: When Creepers Have Better Aim 💥 When you spend hours building a beautiful house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to blow it up in seconds. Minecraft logic: spend hours creating, seconds destroying. Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft PVP Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft PVP Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. While watching a recent YouTube video about a different server, we couldn’t help but think about the unique and thrilling experience that Minewind has to offer. With a focus on PvP gameplay and a cracked server, Minewind provides a dynamic and competitive environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. So why should you join… Read More

  • INSANE! kpx’s Epic Minecraft Stream Debut

    INSANE! kpx's Epic Minecraft Stream DebutVideo Information and drop a link okay did you get the link nope all right hang on I’ll just go to the we’re good all right we’re we’re live but um chat’s not up chat’s not up no oh there they are hello everyone ZN M hello if you can hear us it’s not showing off on my side can you hear us everyone triple are you seeing the chat man nope oh that’s weird okay hi Zen oh the chat overlay is working oh yeah it’s oh you know why do you have it exporting to an overlay yeah… Read More

  • Exploring the Final Place – Minecraft Story Mode Ep. 3

    Exploring the Final Place - Minecraft Story Mode Ep. 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Story Mode – El último lugar donde buscas (Ps4 2015) Primera Temporada – Episodio 3’, was uploaded by Sephyrot69 on 2024-05-29 13:49:09. It has garnered 1184 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:50 or 5030 seconds. “Minecraft: Story Mode” is an animated and interactive series developed and published by “Telltale Games”. It is based on the world of Minecraft. It is a graphic adventure video game or interactive movie very similar to other games from the studio: “Telltale Games”, It consists of two seasons: The first season was released on… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Challenge: Re-Building the END with Woodchucks 🐲🧱

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Challenge: Re-Building the END with Woodchucks 🐲🧱Video Information This video, titled ‘Re-Building the END in MINECRAFT 🐲🧱 #builder #minecraftbuild #buildchallenge’, was uploaded by Woodchucks on 2024-06-20 01:24:05. It has garnered 11088 views and 418 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. In this video, we will be Re-Building the iconic End Dimension in Minecraft. Stick around to find out how it will look! 🧱🐉 #minecraft #build #gaming #minecraftshorts Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft History: Speedrunning Blocky World 2024

    Unbelievable Minecraft History: Speedrunning Blocky World 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘The Blocky World A Minecraft History 2024 02 24 2’, was uploaded by Sped on 2024-02-24 15:38:33. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:17 or 137 seconds. Once upon a time, in the pixelated world of video games, there was a magical realm called Minecraft. Created by a clever wizard named Markus Persson, also known as “Notch,” Minecraft first appeared in 2009. It was a game unlike any other, where players could explore endless blocky landscapes, build magnificent structures, and embark on thrilling adventures. At first, Minecraft… Read More

  • Join Wolfy’s Live Minecraft SMP NOW! #24x7Lifesteal

    Join Wolfy's Live Minecraft SMP NOW! #24x7LifestealVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE LIFESTEAL SMP | ANYONE CAN JOIN | 24×7 ONLINE @godgamerprabhu2431 | #lifestealsmp’, was uploaded by WOLFY IS LIVE on 2024-01-13 20:38:36. It has garnered 109 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:05 or 10745 seconds. Welcome to WOLFY IS LIVE, the prime hub for Minecraft enthusiasts worldwide! Dive into a pixelated universe where creativity reigns supreme. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to Minecraft, join me as we explore vast landscapes, conquer dungeons, and construct awe-inspiring structures. Discord – Discover innovative building techniques, redstone contraptions, and secret… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Sword & Gems in Stoneopolis | Minecraft #25

    UNBELIEVABLE! Epic Sword & Gems in Stoneopolis | Minecraft #25Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Stoneopolis | SENTIEN SWORD & TARTARIC GEMS! #25 [Modded Questing StoneBlock]’, was uploaded by Nik & Isaac on 2024-06-01 19:00:21. It has garnered 2588 views and 109 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:05 or 3245 seconds. Minecraft Stoneopolis | SENTIEN SWORD & TARTARIC GEMS! #25 [Modded Questing StoneBlock] with Nik and Isaac ★Minecraft UniversIO | CRAFTING THE SUN, THE EARTH & GRAVITY!?! #1: ★Join the Nik & Isaac Discord: ★Watch Live On Twitch: Stoneopolis- Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound #Minecraft #Stoneopolis #Modded Read More

  • ϟ SHOCKING Minecraft Xbox360 ERROR! #mcpe

    ϟ SHOCKING Minecraft Xbox360 ERROR! #mcpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤓☝️MAIOR ERRO DO MINECRAFT XBOX360! #Minecraft #mcpe #games’, was uploaded by ϟ Major_Zapper on 2023-12-30 11:00:08. It has garnered 50067 views and 5312 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Minecraft Bedrock, Java and Xbox have many similarities but Xbox 369 ended up being one of the most questionable, and you who forged my words, it is a very nostalgic and fun game that united the world💛 but it is still limited compared to today! #minecraft #bedrock #mcpe #games Read More