shadowstudios – You’re A Wizard! | Minecraft Sorcery Mod [Koala Tech 02]

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Okay guys welcome back to uh just kind of getting up out of my office here let’s see what jacob’s up to over in his little uh insane asylum oh my goodness um well welcome to my office i’ve made it i mean when i said you could tap into

Some of the leftover budget i wasn’t expecting you to use all of the budget in getting one meter by one meter gold and diamond blocks most of the money was spent on the pants what are what are those pants they’re like a they’re like a glowing purple

Um yeah okay well did you at least get the memo this morning about the uh the new mod we’re checking out i did not no you didn’t okay well that’s fine we’ll just well we can go in blind you don’t you don’t need to know anything if you didn’t get the memo

Probably wasn’t that important anyway since you’re apparently the ceo of koala tech as a panda and number one boss yes no of course yeah no i don’t uh did you even have like a board meeting about this sign on your desk later um so today we are coming in here to take a

Look at the sorcery mod now what do you you just run over and start looking into chess it’s like clearly there’s an organization plan laid out here i don’t even just just follow along with me just come on we’ll walk and talk okay so this first little brick thing here is the forge

You use it to get some castings and some of kind of the basic items you need to start making things in the sorcery mod next what is the tinker station it’s basically the mods crafting table next to that we have the mixer now the mixer is where we start getting into

Magic the mixer is where you make liquid mojo and the liquid mojo is what you use for infusing things with magic and you need to get these elemental ores to get little pieces of well elements basically to infuse rooms with what do you even why did you

Put a sign on it do you have to like get it at the exact time that it changes the color no it’s random okay yeah it’s round up when it drops just changing the colors fantasy and then over here we have the runa confuser which is where you use the stuff you get

From the uh the oars to actually start infusing runes and if you look in this chest here i have a bunch of all the different runes um it’s a lot if you’ve ever played runescape it’s a lot like the room system in there you you can actually take all those

We’ll be needing them but each of the runes stands for different elements basically and you need different amounts of different rooms to be able to use magic all right uh also this mod has a couple of mobs it has unicorns phoenix’s and uh the shade disappeared again

One second and the phoenix just looks like a giant toucan uh yeah pretty much um and then there’s the shades in the nether and the shades help give you some like elemental crystals and stuff that help you what are you doing oh my god is it is he tough

No he’s crazy what you broke the sign i got the sock though so it’s okay just put the sign back up thank you all right so the shades will drop crystals which will also help you making runes and i know we’re not we’re not to the boots yet

Come back come back to me over here yes um and when the phoenix the phoenix can actually lay eggs like a chicken and you put those eggs inside of this incubator to hatch them that’s pretty cool yep okay so now we can actually start getting into like

Some of the wands and stuff you need for casting magic so if you come over here um you can see we have the wand which you use by a stick and a wand hilt pretty simple little thing but you also have to go around the world adventuring

And training with villagers to get these magic magical pages which have spells on them and here i already have a spell book that has all the spells on it so you can go ahead and grab the wand and spell book here so you can start casting some magic

And then what you want to do is just open the spell book and we’ll have a list of all the spells and then to set a spell to be casted you just pick the spell um and equip it yeah and then you choose up down left and right

To equip and equip and then when you switch back to your wand you’ll notice there’s like little arrow keys that have the various um spells on them and then you use the arrow keys to switch your spells and then so and then you just have well

For me i don’t have to charge because i’m in creative mode but normally in survival mode you’d have to charge your wand like a bow well how do you shoot it you you hold right click the bow that was a bad spell hold right click hold up yeah it’s like about now

Again someone what do you come back over i don’t think you can kill a phoenix with fire anyway so also there are these staffs of the different elements and those staffs will give you an infinite amount of the room type they belong to so you can just go ahead and take a

Staff they actually look pretty fancy when you look at them like when you hold them yeah i will say i’ll just get a few and then sample them um yep and they they are the exact same as a wand except they give you an infinite amount of

Rooms of the type you have selected there they are oh like a little transparent um it’s very nice you still have to hold the right click to cast spells with the wand yeah with a staff so yeah the staff will cast spells too you just have to re-equip the spells

Oh that’s fine yeah and then over here um we have probably the fanciest addition to the mod wizard hats so if you open this chest here i have some a hat and some dye for you so you can just make a custom hat for yourself

Very cool i will go ahead and put one on for me i think i’ll how do you make how do you mix guys again what just put them in the crafting table very fancy looking the proper pointy hats like any wizard would have dude what are you doing just throwing items around now

Perfect yes it’s it’s quite nice isn’t it yes it is these are these are great i know right this alone makes the mod worth it you just need the hats and unicorns and you’re good and the giant robin are you going to kill it doesn’t even do anything it just looks at you

It’s a phoenix it’s supposed to be regal you let it out non-regal looking bird i think i’m going to admit it looks a little bit obese it probably goes to mcdonald’s too often it’s like it still has some toilet paper okay yeah i mean i’ll leave eventually

That egg’s going to hatch and maybe we’ll get like a cute chick i’ve never actually seen a phoenix baby so i’m having some like the green wand is not shooting anything you have to re-equip the spell okay so uh did you get your uh staff working correctly

I did indeed what are you doing with the garbage bin oh what the whoops the storm spell is not very effective don’t die okay yeah this this smell is terrible what are you trying to do i think it is actually causing a storm but because we’re inside it’s

Just not doing anything at all that’s probably true um okay well additionally this mod adds uh three new wars it adds another right onyx and infernite you’re actually wearing the netherright right now and you can just make uh tools and stuff out of them just kind of basic

Minecraft doors you can do minecraft ori things and then another really cool thing this mod adds is like power boots so there’s a couple of different boots there are the boots of energy that let you run faster the boots of frost which freezes water around you

The boots of the wind which lets you jump higher the boots of fire which understandably sets the ground on fire around you and the boots of phoenix and the boots of phoenix are a mix between the boots of energy and the boots of wind so you jump higher and move faster

But they also make you like glide to the ground so you can go ahead and select some boots to wear so the water basically lets you walk across water or the ice one or something oh yeah basically you could use it like that yeah what are you doing i’m trying to go find

Water what do you you’re like breaking out into the sewer system of the factory what are you doing oh my goodness it’s not a sewer system uh you know what what are you doing allow me to walk on water you’re not even wearing them oh hold on explain it

Lots of people and now you can put on the boots of the wind to jump up here okay boots of the wind yep there they are whoa not quite enough but um oh wow those boots are just oh oh oh good okay so go ahead and equip a boot of

Your choice and what’s actually going to happen because what better way to test out a uh a sorcery mod than to have a wizard battle oh well one second let me get some better so let’s go ahead and choose the spells you want to be battling with i’ll go ahead and equip mine

Very well okay let’s see i’m just saying my styles here okay what i don’t think that was a spell which one the 64 tnt one second oh hey look there’s a baby phoenix oh it hatched yeah look at it looks like a chicken yeah it looks yeah

Not like a phoenix jacob come on let’s let’s be honest here it’s very phoenixy okay um i think i lost my spellbook somewhere um what i think i might have exchanged it from boots oh that ain’t there it is okay and uh don’t forget to set yourself back to survival

All right you are on survival okay one second i still need to set my spell okay oh my goodness 64 tnt wasn’t enough well the storm isn’t going to be very effective i don’t know what you’re talking about it’s like the most effective spell in the book rock toss that sounds really scary

I basically only have one attack spell so this will be interesting oh wait no i actually i wanna no we’re not attacking yet no no we have an arena we haven’t stop it oh no well i didn’t do anything so well that’s because you don’t hit me

I don’t see any arena that’s just give it a second you kids should get out of here go okay all right no come on come on we’re going to the arena um difficulties i don’t why is it not working oh you know what i’ll just uh teleport to stay over manually one second

Recording all right are you ready for this wizard lee fight jacob i am ready indeed all right let us go okay i’m like stuck in a tree this is okay there we go oh my goodness um it looks like you had a small failed um spell over there yes that would be

A very interesting spell um almost got you nope oh geez all right this mod is officially awesome and not just because of the hats by the way jacob you’re shooting fire at me in water what do you think you’re going to accomplish okay apparently this disarm spell doesn’t do anything

Okay that was a poor idea um are you alive for now yes yes the okay what is going on now i’m winning this is what’s happening are you on me yeah i’m on you technically i was defeated by my own creepers actually it said you burnt to

Death why fighting a creeper and i am the one who burnt you to death but the creeper’s bite is what finished me in the end no the burn was what finished you i will not admit defeat it says right there conroy was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting a creeper

Okay so what is it that you want me to um what am i looking at oh my god so you’re wearing a phoenix on your head i know they get on look at this how do you do you just do they do that automatically or can you

Like right click them and pick them up they just click they no they just randomly hop on i think they are what really gets me they’re just so terrible looking oh you have a little bit of toilet paper stuck to your to your behind exactly my oh my well

I cannot wait for the next installment of koala labs i like how you keep calling it koala lumps yes koala labs the number one panda company in the world oh my goodness yes you might have had a i had a branding mix up there you know i don’t think i did

No i don’t think you did either because i i don’t i don’t think this is your company well i think that in order to create a strong brand you have to have a certain degree of separation from it um oh that was a mistake oh my goodness let’s

I just i want to want to redecorate your office for you real quick there we go don’t worry it’s very stylish you’ll thank me later office of panda oh no no no no no oh no this is the worst day that i’ve had here since i started as president

Of course um number one boss and ceo yeah no no this is your five o’clock meeting yeah they’re just i mean who else would i meet with you’re not very important even the factory workers are more important than you why do you have a christmas tree it’s like july

That’s a christmas tree i thought that was a fern like a little it has presents under it well it could be like um what are those things that chia pets what no it has ornaments and a star a chia pet with hair clips or something it’s a christmas tree i think it’s even

Called a christmas tree yeah it’s called the item is called a christmas tree is it what is it you want to show me this time what am i oh hello why hello um i’m not sure how i feel about this yes i’ll join you okay that’s quite enough

I thought this is what this was for you can you get me can we get these these uh workers out of the out of my office can you just remove them uh now i have i have some more important things to do like actually running the business

Um last time i checked your janitorial duties did not cover running the business so i’m pretty sure this is uh i i am the koala and this is right yeah we’re gonna have to have a talk yeah no okay no yeah definitely um i think you’re fired

So are the walls made out of silver now or are they made out of okay really out you ran away oh they’re all in the employee hallway yes what are you stealing in your office i can’t have any birds in here that is final especially not the phoenix’s

Oh my goodness they’re wandering into my office well good night

This video, titled ‘You’re A Wizard! | Minecraft Sorcery Mod [Koala Tech 02]’, was uploaded by shadowstudios on 2013-07-23 16:36:45. It has garnered 1092 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:22 or 1222 seconds.

Today koala & Panda check out the might and magic of the sorcery mod!

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Keep calm and koala on mates!

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    😈😂 CRAZIEST MINECRAFT MOMENTS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Devil Gamers on 2024-06-08 03:00:18. It has garnered 1728 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft minecraft,マインクラフト,anime,animation,game,shorts,tiktok,parotteru,parotteruanimation,funny,funnytiktok,funnyvideo,meme,memes,mostfunny,compilation,fyp,fypシ,gamer,tiktok compilation,michazike,witzke,2d animation,cartoon,cartoon animation,minecraft parody,minecraft animation,minecraft meme,minecraft tiktok,spider on the ceiling,minecraft spider,spider,spider song,giant enemy spdier,youtube short,minecraft shortminecraft,shorts,shortfeed,shortsvideo,gaming,viralshorts,viral,jj and mikey,techno gamerz,mr beast,roblox,noob vs pro vs hacker,red minecraft,herobrine,granny,skibidi toilet,roblox,sonic Hashtags- #shorts #minecraft #shortfeed #shortvideo #viralshorts #viral #gaming #mrbeast #technogamerz Read More

  • SolarionSMP- Whitelisted SMP, Java 1.20.4, Adult, Community-focused

    SolarionSMP- Whitelisted SMP, Java 1.20.4, Adult, Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP ━━━━━━━━━About Us━━━━━━━━━ We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base. Our goal is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives. Join us on Java 1.20.4 for our new season! Our Vision: Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay while preserving the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Some of our noteworthy plugins include: Drop Heads – Decapitate players and mobs to get their heads. SinglePlayerSleep -… Read More

  • The Phoenix

    The PhoenixNow on 1.21!Version 15!SOFTWARE USEDThis server is running using Spigot for Minecraft 1.21.XThis allows us to use an assortment of different plugins to change or enhance game play. PLUGINS USEDHere we use plugins such as:Towny, Vampire, LWC, World Edit, Chest Shops and a custom one for crafting extra items like Saddles! HISTORYThe Phoenix has been running since 2012. It used to be a private server by the name “Phoenixcraft”.The Phoenix is currently on Version 15. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Trail Update: Spice it up!

    I guess you could say this meme is blazing its own trail with that high score! Read More

  • Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies

    Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies In Minecraft, we build with glee, Creating homes for all to see. Starting simple, step by step, With blocks and books, we never fret. Night falls, the moon shines bright, We work through the dark, no need for light. Placing blocks with careful hand, Crafting a home, oh so grand. Mistakes are made, but we persevere, Fixing errors, never in fear. Left, right, up, down, we place with care, Our Minecraft creation, beyond compare. Thank you for watching, before we part, In Minecraft, we build with heart. With a sword in hand, we bid adieu, Until next time, our… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7

    Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7 Minecraft Animation: “Desire for Love” – A Unique Story Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with Martin in his captivating love story, “Desire for Love.” This series delves into LGBT+ themes, offering a unique perspective within the Minecraft community. 🌈 Exploring the Storyline Meet Martin, the protagonist of this tale, as he navigates the complexities of love and relationships in the Minecraft universe. Follow his adventures and encounters with various characters as he seeks to find true love amidst the pixelated landscapes. 💖 Engaging Characters From Martin himself to his friends and acquaintances, each character brings… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “BOB Roast by Jackbhaiya 😂 #gamerfleet #shorts #youtubeshorts.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community like Minewind? Imagine the thrill of exploring a vast virtual world, collaborating with fellow gamers, and embarking on epic adventures. Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on end. Whether you’re into survival mode,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Shaders for All Devices

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Shaders for All Devices The Latest and Greatest Minecraft Bedrock Shaders Eternity Shader The Eternity Shader is a stunning addition to Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.21 and above. With beautiful sunrises and sunsets, realistic water effects, and vibrant colors, this shader is a visual treat. While it may be high-end, the visual appeal is worth it. Solar Shader Although the Solar Shader is only available for Android devices, it offers a unique visual experience. With updated support for version 1.21, this shader enhances the game’s aesthetics with impressive lighting effects and realistic water reflections. NewB Dragon Shader Designed for low to mid-range devices, the… Read More

  • INSANE! JKPlays Builds EPIC Penguin Habitat

    INSANE! JKPlays Builds EPIC Penguin HabitatVideo Information all right y’all welcome back to episode 29 of the moded Minecraft Let’s Play Quick recap from last episode um we got a portal area set up for our nether area I think we did pack up a couple wardens or attempt to I don’t remember 100% but I know for a fact we did set up our nether portal area which is this area and we did get pyro which is a fire dog pretty cool yeah with that said um I think today’s episode we’re going to be doing two different things one is the portal… Read More

  • Unbelievable Giant Husk Discovery in Minecraft

    Unbelievable Giant Husk Discovery in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found Gaint husk 😱 #minecraft #shorts #trending’, was uploaded by Dyno on 2024-04-05 12:10:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I found horror villager #minecraft #shorts #horrorshorts minecraft shortsminecraft funnyminecraft butminecraft horroranshu … Read More

  • Village in Minecraft 🔥 Watch til the end! #gaming

    Village in Minecraft 🔥 Watch til the end! #gamingVideo Information [ਸੰਗੀਤ] ਜੇ ਕੋਈ ਸ਼ੱਕ ਨ ਕਰੀ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਬੀਬਾ ਜੱਟ ਦੀਆ ਚੱਲੇ ਸਰਦਾਰੀ ਲੱਗੇ ਜੈਕ ਨੀ ਵੱਡੇ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਉਤੇ ਆਲੇ ਨਾਲ ਲਾਈ ਬੈਠਾ ਯਾਰੀ ਜੇ ਕੋਈ ਸ਼ੱਕ ਨਹੀਂ ੱਕ ਮੇਰੀ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਬੀਬਾ ਜੱਟ ਦੀਆ ਚੱਲੇ ਸਰਦਾਰੀ ਲੱਗੇ ਜੈਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਵੱਡੇ ਚੈਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਉੱਤੇ ਆਲੇ ਨਾਲ ਲਾਈ ਬੈਠਾ ਯਾਰੀ ਰੱਖੀ ਅੱਖ ਨਹੀਂ ਵੈਰੀ ਕਖ ਨੀ ਗੇਮ ਘੁੰਮਦੀ ਆ ਬੈਠੇ ਫੋਨ ਚੱਕ ਨੀ ਪਿੱਛੇ ਜੱਗ ਨੀ ਲਾਈ ਲੱਗ ਨੀ ਲੱਗੀ ਕਈਆਂ ਦੇਆ ਉੱਤੇ ਤਾਕ ਅੱਗ ਨੀ ਥਾਂ ਕੌੜਾ ਲੱਗਦਾ ਸਵਾ ਪੁੱਛੀ ਜਰਾ ਜਾ ਕੇ ਨਾਮ ਚੱਲੇ ਥਾਂ ਥਾਂ ਜੱਟ ਤਾਂ ਪਹਿਲੀ ਮੱਲੀ ਬੈਠਾ ਥਾਂ ਅੱਗੇ ਕੱਢਿਆ ਭੁਲੇਖੇ ਕਈ… Read More

  • Join The Bozo Squad for Crazy Customs & Laughs!

    Join The Bozo Squad for Crazy Customs & Laughs!Video Information I’m going to play the intro [Music] St [Music] CH what’s good what is up fellas um second stream today cuz I’m bored whoa I know so Chatters today actually let me put this light on who crazy um I’m alive again I’m alive I’m streaming I know I know kind of crazy um but I’m going to go in here screw that dumb song it’s actually not a dumb song It’s a sick song but we got we we we’re gaming here we’re gaming here Momo raid no way yo Momo thank you for the raid W… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Tech Revolutionizes Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Tech Revolutionizes Minecraft!Video Information cette nouvelle technologie va révolutionner les serveurs Minecraft ça faisait un an que je n’avais pas rejoint un serveur multijoueur et j’ai été choqué par ce que j’ai découvert Minecraft a autoriser les serveurs à utiliser des packs de texture grâce à ça il y a des nouveaux objets incroyables comme ce multitool qui permet de casser des blocs à l’infini ce boss est ultra stylé mais un petit peu dangereux ah on peut même avoir des pets celui-là est vraiment trop mignon pour jouer lance Minecraft clique sur multijoueur et rentre d’IP This video, titled ‘Cette… Read More

  • Darkest Gamer Tricks: Age-Specific Minecraft Traps 💀🕹️

    Darkest Gamer Tricks: Age-Specific Minecraft Traps 💀🕹️Video Information [музыка] в лес приходит сказка снег как чистый лист но цветных кра искупалась ми начинают ики рисовать дала не спрятать не потерять моё зание справляюсь ятим с нами немножко пока Да это не забрати не справляем ничего не хитрого ло не чудес Я даю поила смея нет Потому что дети три собак Y This video, titled ‘Minecraft traps at different ages 💀#viral #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Black Devil Af Gaming on 2024-07-04 04:55:54. It has garnered 10593 views and 413 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. minecraft but minecraft minecraft animations minecraft… Read More

  • Shocking Sights at Sinj’s 2024 Minecraft Art Show! #OMG

    Shocking Sights at Sinj's 2024 Minecraft Art Show! #OMGVideo Information [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] derivative that I love I absolutely This video, titled ‘2024 annual Minecraft Art Show #memes #minecraft #greenscreen’, was uploaded by Sinj on 2024-06-04 15:52:36. It has garnered 608 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More