Shocking ATM Encounter at AlpineRanger – EP 1!

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What is up good people we are back we’re going to be playing some all the mods n on Minecraft and I say we have got a buddy of mine playing parichu he’s also making some content I will drop his YouTube channel somewhere in the description so go and check that out not

Sure how long the series is going to be or how often I’m going to be posting videos but let’s just going to have some fun I haven’t I haven’t watched any videos on all the mods 9 so I’m not very experienced on what we’re going to be

Seeing in here um we’ve done a little bit of like a test world and looked around in there just to make sure our audio was good you know like opened up some stuff made sure our lag wasn’t too bad we’re going to have some frame drops here and there especially when we’re

Loading new chunks but it’s really nothing to need to worry about uh at least not for now so but yeah I’m uh currently deafened and uh we’ll see when he’s done with his intro but but yeah we spawned over here looks like we got a wizard tower over there and

Then massive Cave System probably what we’re going to do like right off the bat is go down there but um I think first things first we grab some wood so I’ve got 33 wood should I come down there to you and we just like build a crafting table grab some Stone start

Mining absolutely all right feel like we should just get the Minecraft portion out of the way we are not in a team so let me set that up for us real quick oh yeah yeah yeah Dov oh I’m open in my inventory so bit of lag I open mine at the same exact

Time that’s funny there’s wood right here guess I can grab some wood as well you know all right I made you crafting table on Stick nice thank you all right all these glowing ores let’s find some iron what is this over here that’s disgusting oh yeah the spider I hate

Spider webs I’m I’m not scared of spiders but I hate spider webs it would be cool if they did something but like you can just walk through them like nothing o do they give us string that is a no no that’s a big fat no but I think these do this webbing oh

Maybe not oh not at all nope that looks like it goes pretty deep I’m going to I’m going to follow it down a little bit go oh I clutched that like the last second there’s some iron right above you ex exp petrified ex petrified holy crap that just gave me six levels

What did uh a piece of expi ore or something oh oh dude there’s scul down what yeah yeah there’s there’s yeah I want nothing to do with that I don’t see any you kidding me I don’t see any shriekers but I do see I see the iron no is that iron that other

Things none of this is iron this is all just nickel what do we got on this side somebody give me some loot remember those uh skull repeater things called that detect your movement skull sensors oh yeah that’s what they’re called yeah yeah some dry ice Sate

Nickel what the crap is that you oh yeah IR up here we got a little bit of resources probably not spend too long down here but turn my sounds back up uh everything’s so quiet oh we got a uh we got a spawner over here spawner

Yeah noral spers normal ones oh my God they do a lot of damage there’s two spawners zombies hold on I have to I have to make a I have to make a sword yeah for backpacks eight obsidian oh maybe we should let those spawner spiders go for a little bit then di oops

Diamonds oh did you die yeah I died damn that’s funny says prepar to expl with the help of a creeper that is a spider egg egg that’s so gross yeah don’t step on it definitely don’t step on it oh God I’m dying hang on a second

What happens if you step on it what if I slash it oh there just a little spider hello that that happens well I’m glad you got the ench what what I just got like 14 iron from that one piece of iron that’s a zombie one I’m destroying

It what that was a normal chest with another enchantment table nice a two blocks of iron uh should we make some armor yeah probably probably be the best uh yeah I’ll I’ll make some I’ll throw it at you just protect me real quick yeah here’s some extra uh what enough for two chest

Plates let’s do that there’s a chest plate on the ground oh thanks then um here’s some more raw or uh cooked iron oh okay sweet that’s 15 left you want to keep that or do you want to or silver let’s see does silver make anything nice yep it’s spell that silver

Makes a chest plate with six armor armor which is the same as iron ow oh my God that did a lot of damage I don’t have the food for this I’m coming protect me where is he he just stepped on that Redstone over there yeah see see do you any

Food I have rotten flesh and a golden apple I have a golden apple and spider eye uh I’ve got a tea leaf which will give you uh one chicken wing no should I just I don’t know what to do here oh there’s some more shul stuff over here

Yeah there’s a bunch of skull up here I I don’t know what the Wen looks like is it the glowing glowing thing no so to the left and down oh I’m standing on top of diamond ore would you look at that um just rush it no I’m just

Kidding I think this is the way we came from the other way oh I got two hearts do something there’s two skeletons two skeletons I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I have half a heart they’re dead oh I got an enchanted one are you dead dead yep oh there you

Are where’d you go I am up right here can you see me me yeah can you kill that skeleton oh yeah where he’s up towards the iron yeah uh actually let me eat some rotten flesh I’ve only got four Hearts left oh wait I got more Hearts than you

Let me do it yeah where’s he at oh I’m I’m poisoned don’t throw him at me you I don’t want to hit you I don’t want to hit you I’m not trying to hit you oh my God I might die from this uh you shouldn’t fully oh it’s hard

Mode it’s hard from Poison yeah I have two hearts left are you kidding me yeah yeah you eat food it was rotten flesh [ __ ] oh ow ow hurt me too I’ve got one heart I can eat the humanoid flesh oh if you pick up any of those red

Hearts those refill your health back up the full oh yeah I haven’t picked up any of those yet uh it’s a Hulk zombie I don’t here we can grab string from you don’t think oh there’s a villager around here zombie ow is that me yes we run away there’s a

Pillager oh we shot him running oh turnning around he’s going to beat he’s beating up the he’s beating up the Pillager I want to get out of here I’ve got literally half a heart um what’s your food at uh I’m two and a half from Full here eat that a

Sapling I now two from Full all right uh yeah let’s uh maybe we should maybe should step back and uh get some food first and then re attack after that yeah I mean we we came down here we got some morees I feel like we’re pretty good yeah we can head back

Up I’m grabbing the saddle only because it’s not a it’s not as wintry in this direction over towards the wests the West yeah it’s goes into Extreme Hills which I’m actually a big fan of are you I love Extreme Hills oh yeah feel like everybody does yeah I don’t know I’ve always been

A PLS ples guy oh vanilla flat yeah I know I like the flat what is this build stuff I got a big old Cavern huh yep another big old cave system I can’t run anymore hold on there’s some iron over here go slurp this up real quick I’m looking for a structure or

Something on the mini map but we have a no structure so far which is kind of weird is that an emerald oh yeah getting a bit of frame loss loading in some new chunks but yeah it’s to be expected feel it you got any iron uh I’ve got 10

Ingots can I get three of those just broke my pick thanks oh more emeralds there’s so much iron oh my God it’s just exposed iron oops I’m just run around with half a heart this is uh interesting yeah um wait a minute this is hard mode you

Can starve to death yeah you can I I need some food andap all right let’s make it to the other side of this mountain so we can get back in the woods to try to find something oh structure uh little house oh yep I saw it on the mini map oh Some

Coal let grab that I really want that coal all right oh some of these villager some of these blue skies uh Gatekeepers oh gotta gotcha what he has a really good stuff upstairs oh this dude’s got a shade monitor he’s got a dragon in his backyard um he also has nothing he quite

Literally does he has nothing up the stairs there is not a single chest up there oh up here yeah in the Attic is the good stuff am I done probably hey we got two looter barrels let’s go nice breaking oh a piece of bread I never thought I’d be so

Happy oh my God I’m so sorry I was trying to pick up all right hey I found some iron boots oh another piece of bread oh roasted monitor tail oh yeah I got four of those got four yeah how much’ you get got one one uh wow holy

Saturation yeah that’s good stuff let me put that away and eat the bread that be that’ll be good for B do you have any uh do you have any Wheat I have five well that’s two more pieces of bread hang on I feel like if we kill the monitor we can get some

More there’s a piece of bread right there for you thank you grabbing some string all right uh let me he’s only got one bed we’ll leave it oh dude I got curse of Bones enchanting book which one’s that do um chance to apply a bone Shield when hit oh nice so much exposed

Iron um this is wool right here we can just pick this up make two beds okay I see an emerald I’m going to go for it broke my pickax for you that was a blast furnace with an iron in it did you put that in there

Cool so there’s the first one right here there’s so much raw iron up here wow skeleton slime iron here’s some gold and we switch and then there was one on the right side down there and one on the left oh yeah gold two anvils and a

Bucket uhoh okay that froze a little bit that worri is worried we were going to crash yeah oh there’s another one right there yeah Iron oh you know I’ll take that oh nice nice um you have diamonds I do there’s iron and diamonds right there for sweets fire aspect one not um actually you know what hang on hang on hang on I’m going to go to the next one what does that cost fire aspect on

Two levels yeah oh this one’s got crap for me where at oh further further away further down that that tunnel The Way We Were head yeah you want a creeper no you’re re time was terrible stuck you ran through him hey okay okay let’s see how it

Is what are these trees right here we got a walnut tree a cashew tree that’s what a cashew looks like what in the world we got nut trees you eat them uh I don’t know Walnut not nourishing enough and I’m sure they have a crazy ra crafting recipe okay I fell

Like two blocks and actually had a panic attack oh man we’re chilling oh these are just like all nut trees holy crap look at that almonds hey a mini melon that’s cute hey cows I see cows I see cows cows on I I see cows in the mini map they’re Chi

East chickens right here oh yeah West never mind I know my lefts and rights give me those cows give me those cows about to Shear them of their leather oh you know you know what’s funny you can actually Shear chickens what yeah does it change their

Visual uh is that fig a it is horrible here watch this I don’t know if I want to watch this I’m watching watch just watch that was cool okay never mind never mind different mod P different mod P do you have you space for these okay uh you space for that at

Least there’s another cow right here oh hey let me let me let me hit him I got fire aspect on my sword well he’s dead now okay I swipe over well those were the only two cows and only one drop leather nice makes sense you know not all cows

Contain skin I guess that is concerning all right oh my what the world you did that didn’t you uh was the rotten flesh able to make leather yes you turn five rotten flesh into one leather I’ll keep it then one one rotten leather do you have more zombies eggs no that was last

One and I think with the um the sophisticated mod sophisticated backpacks you can either use all rotten leather hey there’s a cow go beat him up with your fire aspect going I’m going yeah speaking of eggs remember remember dying in that cave to a creeper [Laughter]

Uh hey hey hey hey wait a minute hey wait a minute how it seemingly came out of nowhere that’s cuz it did wait a minute oh it was entertaining it’s going to be K those blue JS for you okay you didn’t need to do that is that there something in the sky right

There bears have meat right they got skin oh [ __ ] oh my God he moves Bear’s mad Bear’s mad Bear’s mad there’s another one down the hill too yeah they’re not dropping anything no they’re not we got to find somewhere to like camp set up a base you know yeah oh

There’s more cows to the Northeast Northeast yep all I said Southeast Southeast Southeast Which Way boss there’s a Pillager there’s a Pillager Outpost or something to the uh there’s also a massive meteorite right beside that Circle you want to hit up the Pillager one there could be like custom loot in

There um yeah yeah me it’s like sish so it should be like right here I think some of the uh Pillager dungeons are pretty cool oh Yep this is one of the cool ones is it yeah this is not a Pillager Tower oh you want to sleep first yeah

Yeah where you go is that a witch it’s not my oh can we SLE well no but this dude is just standing on the fire what a knucklehead I’ll see if we can sleep nope oh I fell in and I’m getting my booty cheeks wrecked coming I died oh

You died oh yeah oh I died oh yeah they hurt H good thing the bed will put down there’s a bear there’s a bear behind it okay well I think they’re friendly unless you touch them all right I cannot reach my grav you can reach yours are you able

Go it’s also night time now so is it yeah hang on a come come on me out oh yeah it’s really don’t there’s a bear there’s a bear at your toes oh is there yeah oh hey buddy he is uh actually we should probably keep the beds

Down yeah I’m I’m not I’m leaving that down there I do hear a witch oh there is a witch she’s locked in the she’s locked in this container over here is there spawners I see spawners I don’t nobody seemed to spawn back after we killed a few uh there’s a big

Downstairs is there really it looks looks kind of big hold on I really want to use this on the witch poison immunity hang on hang on hang on that also did not do what I thought it was going to do some raw muton don’t really need it maybe you can carry

It oh cook steak can you cook can you carry cook steak I can there you go uh do you mean a big downstairs uh there’s a staircase right here oh not a staircase but yep I was like what um you raw pork chops oh it goes in water I’m also stuck that’s

Cool you stuck yeah hold on hey do you still have that um cooked calamari yeah you need another one oh there I got I want to break in and kill this witch yeah yeah hang on hang on I got I got poison Immunity on on a

Ring I’m just going cook some food real quick oh well poison got me so y I heard it I’m going to pick up some some perk chops a lot of oh wow we got two lader chests in here with absolute garbage in the first one and more absolute garbage in the second

One I got uh I got an efficiency one stone axe yeah this is a infernal stone sword of slang bane of aods one uh XP boost one oh maybe maybe you come here for the copper maybe I’m going to go dive under the water see what that has

To offer all right I I’m going to cook up rest this food I got Qui right here oh yeah the water ends and oh it just ends yeah you’ll like go through the water I think it’s messed up I think it collided with something a that’s oh my God it just

Oh my God there’s like this looks like there’s going to be a you know what oh hey what happened what happened be careful he just beat me with his axe got him ni uh three looter chests in here two gold blocks iron block oh you got the TNT for

Days what is that a blank run Stone interesting um hey over here I got you block of iron oh yeah well you could have destroyed the iron I now I have to do that give me a second I I don’t I don’t have any space I don’t have any space

Either oh my gosh There are 16 blocks of copper hey bookshelves we need bookshelves um I guess get IR rid of the iron pick I don’t want to get rid of the iron pick can you carry string I can can I give you string yeah of course it’s

Unique oh oh he hurts oh he hurts oh he hurts uh oh I’m coming I’m good I’m good okay hold on I want to look through the rest of these chests oh look I got bone Shield nothing nothing another one of these I want to test this oh trap chest chest trap

Chest oh my God that is exploding like crazy yep yep yep I’m okay well there goes the loot uh that was unfortunate uh I don’t even want to know how good it was I I mean I didn’t have that good of a time to look at it

Um so I I don’t think there was anything of value in there uh safe to say that that’s that’s the the fact there was there was nothing we’ll just go with that yeah yeah where are all these skeletons coming from you hear them all

Yeah um do do you have any books no I have I have five bookshelves oh oh okay and you got to jump from here yeah um well that probably could have been a lot better uh are you sure Al uh did that do any damage yeah it did

Three and a half hearts why that’s a healing spell I hit you with so much health it hurt I wanted to test it that hurts so much what I was like cool healing spell with the power of health and you’re like ow I think it hurt I couldn’t really

Tell I think I healed you cuz it said Health missile I’m dyslexic it may have said something else so watch this say like heat missile heat missile or hurt missile oh that’d be so funny whoa that meteor looks cool I actually kind of want to mine into that see what it

Has yeah is this one oh that’s not a normal meteor that’s no that’s fell so is that is that all crying obsidian jeez I’m going to get some blocks to uh I I goofed accidentally right clicked the bed uh oh well it’s a good start

Yeah does it mine faster if we both both M the same block no no oh I didn’t know you were doing that yeah I figured it would be easier build oh L chest good stuff okay two diamonds some nether quartz gold iron golden nuggets nice lot of gold nuggets yeah

Well wait a minute did you I thought gild to Blackstone dropped gold nuggets definitely did not drop any for me I’ve got okay thanks but no no no no no no no for real for real look I’ve got I still have yeah I I have two stacks oh

Okay he well there’s a structure right here pick up my bed hey it’s one of the ones that I know what’s that the spiral staircase down one oh is this like a a dungeon dungeon thing yes yes I forget what this is called ow ow ow

Ow you in the way of my to and I was beating you with calamari it did not hurt that bad I was like maybe if I just scoot him gently with my fist oh jeez all right this this actually has so much good loot in it so much loot yeah yeah I

Don’t know if you’ve done one of these before I I did a part of one um this was before I knew what backpacks were m yeah it’s going to be all crap because it’s the first level yeah oh actually fermented spur spur spider SP is that a redstone block you

Said spur spur I’m sorry I’m sorry what wait let me go back in that chest what you got what you got what you got I got that is that an enchanted stuff what is it enchanted with temptation that that hoe got temptation what a decent Shield hey I can use your

Backup with these armor and zombies oh oh yeah yeah I’m coming yeah yeah that was all you ow uh we break it hey I got a shield let’s go nice oh more torches look at my shield look at my shield yeah mine’s cool too oh wait I want the Torches actually uh let’s

See I’m going to take this rotten flesh don’t want that don’t want that you want the rotten flesh from the other one too yeah cuz we can we can use it to make you a backpack a music disc and that’s about it hold let me throw some

Of this crap in there uh do you have more room in your backpack for stuff cuz I’m full again yeah absolutely I’m going to just I got all the room look at you do we need a 60 Flo crying obsidian do we I don’t know um hey do you want a instant health

Potion true it’s yours okay we need to look for the staircase down all right hang on hang on try oh I found it manage this oh this one’s got skeletons and somebody just poisoned me I think that skeleton has poison arrows oh you have poison resistance so

I need you to I have poison resistance which way back the way we came yep back the way we came and then right oh they all have poison oh I withered help I had to drink your instant potion already it’s fine that’s there

For I have I have I got to back off all right we’ll switch I’m good I’m good I’m going to place some torches and then I’m going to use my shield nice okay breaking this so break I’m going to die where is he stop moving freak it freak

It you Destro torch we go oh oh oh there’s more there’s there’s more there’s more there’s someone behind me yep I got it I need to eat do you have more food I’m about to run out an idea yeah yeah yeah got some pork chops um pork chops you’re hilarious uh cooked mutton

Sure hey I got a fla this one and I got some of that zombie flesh and more arrows all right uh let me more arrows you’re covered in arrows and then there was a chest over here and loot did you want that leather cap or did you drop that I dropped that on

Purpose how do you feel about uh a stack and a half of stone bricks I grabbed all the stone bricks for both chests here’s three WRA and flesh oh I’m getting beat laid into that guy um here take this creeper uh did you pick that up what did you

Give me I give you a golden apple I had a golden apple and I don’t see another one so oh he destroyed it oh no I’m sorry I tried to push him Away okay I’m coming I’m coming where is this spawner where did these guys keep coming from okay I’m going to go back into the regular structure I don’t feel like yeah light this area messing with all that dude bro right here bro dude it’s a it’s a skeleton so I’m going

To shoot his legs out ow is he mad damaging uh yeah I mean oh oh oh oh oh he’s got an enchanted sword what you should be at the meteor right so you’re not too far away yeah so um you’re right I wouldn’t be too far you mined the bed didn’t you

If I left the bed where are you ah oh thank God Enchanted uh key nice yeah I’m here well I messed up the dude let me I got to clean this I think this is a secret room they have them sometimes okay I’m putting my bed down cuz there’s no way

We could have seen this oh this is definitely a secret room it’s got nice stuff in it all right which way are you this way um want three more rotten flesh I wonder if it’s because the this boss room spawned over top of it this wouldn’t be here normally I don’t think

He was a boss I think he was just one of the dudes that awaken right cuz he had the green oh dude I got to Trident again yeah wow this one has a lot of stuff in it yeah this this is yeah so this isn’t part of this dungeon this is something else

Yeah do you have a do you have room for four stacks of stone brick uh T Mery oh more zombie flesh giving that to you ooh O Music tests books lapis cobwebs oh books emeralds lapis oh here’s my ring no blocks press Iron oh there a worm virus uh interesting sorry I was raing stuff no worries I too am doing a little bit of the reading um looking at all right let’s do little bit IR redstone did oh this is better actually get rid of that where gloves go again in here yeah

Uh yeah yeah yeah yeah I found it I’m smart oh no string oh this has you don’t crazy stuff in it you don’t have your music on do you no why oh no I have I have music on I just don’t have game music yeah yeah yeah so like people like

If somebody plays a music disc you can’t hear it I think I can are you playing one not yet okay hang on hang on oh I see what you’re doing I see the achievements you’re doing music backpack yeah I can hear it good sounds sounds awful oh dude smithing templates

Whoa okay I got to turn it off cool plus 18 Arrow damage plus speed that’s speed and velocity we’re going to get rid of this one we’re going to take up that one oh I got the Ender cool oh smithing template did you just say that yeah I got two wild armor

Trims uh yeah wild armor oh wait do you have diamond armor no you don’t here you should probably take that then oh yeah I was just about to put my armor they same yeah I think what is that six yeah this better you still got room uh let meop some of

This oh I got 12 zombie flesh tell me that’s enough to make me a b bag oh that that should be hey two baked potatoes we’ll split them nice I got a trident did you yeah I did nice and some Phantom membranes if we need to repair an

Elytra is all right we need oh hang on hang on hang on hang on this is it please tell me it’s it string and a chest string and a chest I have no string got all of it yeah I gave it all to you chest string string leather leather

Boom Oh my God meang let me iron it up uh do you have enough gold or yeah okay iron and gold finally o I got I should say I should this nice we’ve got 12 Diamond oh that is enough to upgrade a backpack that is enough to upgrade a backpack and

Uh my backpack’s uh you kind of full you know I get it I get it I see you I’ve been I’ve been muing your stuff around you know it’s that’s that’s a good point I just you know kind of thought that I I say go for it take the

Liberty okay if it was your ideas okay right that’s crazy oh look at all that space Oh it’s beautiful you could throw back that stone brick and anything of mine that you don’t want to carry oh okay hang oh hey did I show you this did you see what I

Found I don’t know what this is going to do so let me let me let me me go in an open area is this a scroll no better what yeah it’s a little companion you made a dude bro what that’s super cool he’s got two hearts hello iy I

Don’t don’t you you’re oh you’re a monster you’re a monster you’re evil OH Ivy we living his best life the downwards over here this way okay oh books books books books and the mobs in the spawners get harder per level I’m going to rush the spawner that was a bad

Idea only one spawned which is pretty good so definitely start getting diamonds pretty soon why were you swinging dude man was just behind me [Laughter] Swinging I I actually didn’t swing at all so I wanted to make it look like I was trying to help oh come on where’s the diamonds at you

Spawners um I thought there was going to be something under there was not oh this is the downstairs that’s where the Juke Box apparently I can’t walk straight is there anything further definitely something further is a drown half of this half of this cave got destroyed by the ravine

Yeah well nothing else in here yeah were the stairs down this way is this the stairs yeah okay good good good good good good good good good good good okay all that’s important is we found the next level did you get the chest over by the skeletons that kicked your butt nope what

Regen and a potion of poison you going to take your bed take this Brewing we’re going to the next level I was going to say I was like maybe I should leave it up you know I might I might get hurt all right this is where it starts getting

Crazy are these cave spiders oh I think I was still using an iron sword me too here’s just Enchanted yeah but I mean it’s it’s almost broken hold on I think I have an yeah I have the Ender let me use that all right mess him

Up is it normally all broken up like this uh usually you find them like that yeah it’s not like uncommon oh dude another backpack you got a diamond backpack uh is it no it says iron and normal backpack that was loud oh Flint heck yeah give me that

All right was it no yeah iron backpack and normal backpack yeah no this is just a normal one my backpack’s a diamond back speaking of diamonds we haven’t found any other diamonds yet no um T you invisible are you invisible oh okay I saw you disappear I was like oh no

Teleported I am invisible he’s just looking at it oh my God hey that hurt me it hurt that zombie that was down there too that’s what I did it oh there’s there’s so much what is that oh my is it a a stray oh there’s nope nope nope too many Strays to many

Strays too many Strays please help me where are you I’m still back at the main hallway oh I’m hiding there’s like eight Strays down there oh my God they’re withering yeah here I’ll see if I can see if I can tank the shots if you want to shoot back oh I messed

Up I apologize in advance I’m out I moved out I moved out oh my God the frames the frames I tried to eat what was that that’s an earthquake spell oh I think I killed them did it yeah I killed them all nice oh there’s a b of skeletons help I walked right

He’s he’s focused on you I can’t see anything okay he’s below us um one on one on me one on me fell oh no but I have no blocks I’m eating a golden apple no I did put my bed down okay you still alive uh yeah somehow oh there’s so many Strays

Here oh man oh that sucks all right hang on your beted is down right yep oh thank God that’s crazy I have not gotten anything besides Enchanted keys this whole time that’s weird yeah it’s crazy how it happens you know when you make the server yeah that’s crazy that’s that’s

Crazy you would think that what is that what are you doing over there creeper there’s creepers over here oh my goodness okay let me I need to come back I need to I need to figure out where are you think this might actually do more damage oh my God being like quadruple

Teed where’s the where’s the spawner we got to find the spawner yeah it’s down that hallway that we were going I might die I might die I might die all I hear all I hear is uh I need blocks I might die I might die oh my God

I might die this guy’s after me he’s so quick why are there more no [ __ ] off eat my other Golden Apple all right I’m pulling back I’m pulling back I’m going back to the main room placeing a bed down oh come on I was mid jump oh dude look another Enchanted key

All right which way do I need to go hey enchanted bow where are my blocks gets a little intense yeah this is uh oh there you are all right oh here’s here’s the I’m G open this up all right I’m going torch up this area real quick are you [ __ ]

C oh my God these guys with their freaking Aimbot I might die [ __ ] all right they’re fighting other now so I’m going to let them do what they’re doing guess who didn’t have a bed down and did not get an enchanted key no yes no where are you where are you are

You at spawn yeah no did you just use an ender pearl to teleport right there yeah you were right there I didn’t know that hey Diamonds oh nice like in the ground yeah yeah um here let me if you want to grab them or do you want me to grab them I

Got it’s three of them how many do you have uh four ah man one more okay I’m so starving okay just reorganize some of this inventory stuff but besides that everything looks pretty good 50 I need to eat all right right around this left corner is a

Spawner yeah I already torched it okay it’s torched okay me loot these real quick we don’t need rat flesh for anything so no I can hear the bones rattling which makes me think it’s wither skeletons next oh yeah oh my god get off me get off

Meoo that was a that was a chunky dude do you want a protection to golden chest durability why all right hang on com com just trying to organize oh here here get rid of some stuff do you want true side on uh like night vision yeah yeah

This is why I got the flint and steel oh tired of picking up all this crap um all right night vision and then purification uh we’ll save that for the withers save these two for the withers okay oh my God that is so much better yeah so there is a spawner in

Here there’s one on the other side too I have my shield why are you hitting me am I dumb like do I not know how to block what’ you get Titan forged you got one of the good ones yeah Flawless natural gem nice yeah 4% nature spell

Power don’t know what I’m going to do with it but okay um got some arrows for you if you want them uh yeah yeah I’m actually getting kind of low where’d you go uh oh I got okay oh wait I lied here you have food uh yeah uh I got cooked pork

Chops just kidding uh here I’ll give you half the steak thank you oh wow that’s that’s plenty yeah I’ve been I’ve been finding in these chests all right so I’ve got also got here here here here do you want this too I got two golden apples if you want I’ve

Got two I’ve got two I’m good well I meant I meant I have five uh but I was going to give you two oh oh there’s a there’s a wither skeleton that is a wither skeleton all right hang on let me let me do this real quick

This should help one more hold on oh I killed him might help mercy and purification behind all these quarts there’s spawners oh and chests oh just go crazy just go crazy oh my God there’s so much Golden Apple Golden Apple Golden Apple oh oh did that happen to you too bro oh

It’s not even wait what what just happened I died you [ __ ] you kidding me no way and it gave me an enchanted key but there’s like hella mobs down there is there yeah I’m going to wait for you to load in oh I’m in I’m in I’m in I’m beat

Him up beat him up do something Place torches shoot him with a bow oh there’s so many there’s so many do I even have a chance if I use this key I have a half a heart I have a half a heart I’m surrounded oh wait let me use the key

Let me use the key yeah baby I did it my shield is definitely going to break here in about 12 seconds I de oh no okay oh look Enchanted grave key how are you get so with those I have no idea oh opening up my inventory lag

Okay I’m going to block myself in real quick block myself in here real quick yeah I I’m Shield is almost broken both of my Shields are almost broken okay I’m going to eat this golden apple and then I’m going to run in there do it oh uh I got blocked

Off oh my bad you yeah my bad which way okay not in there where are you there left yeah I’m been looting yeah that’s yeah that was a mess I place torches down in here so we’re good oh Diamond uh let me backpack yeah my backpack just got full

So let me get your backpack and your diamonds or you can just give me the diamonds yeah that works too yeah that’s probably a lot easier nice is this is this guy down here man he’s chilling um oh that’s some space oh my goodness that’s that’s it right

There yeah have we found the staircase down to the next one I I haven’t I don’t know right here I was going to say like we could just walk through the floorboards yeah that one looks fun we’ll have to destroy that cuz that’s just going to keep spawning stuff right

Now thanks for walking in front of that oh okay spiders so glad those are gone oh oh so dumb I’m so dumb what I repaired all of my armor we’re going have to repair my enchanted sword oh did it break oh yeah oh man yeah o two more apples nice ficiency Three Buck

Take oh man this is doing good we’re doing good I want to know where those wither skellies are got a iron door that leads to nothing an iron door leads to nothing some odd for oh you’ve been down here no I this is where I hid this is where I climbed back up

Oh oh that’s a regular one oh my God how much health does he have a lot oh look Enchanted iron sword look a trident wow a blue blue Triton actually that’s pretty good 12 damage oh another one of these coming I placed some torches I got to

Eat where’d he go oh he’s on that side behind you yep a they fling it right at me yeah behind all these white ones oh oh I don’t know if you looted the last room yeah yeah yeah behind every chest is a or behind every spawner is a chest yeah o Diamond gloves

It’s all kind of crappy yeah unless you want a shield with curse of Vanishing why is that so loud oh my god oh we got a dude broke we got a dude broke dude bro oh one of those dud bro oh you blocked the freaking block you block my my

Bad mess him up mess him up yeah he’s spaw in there oh I got shoot his feet I killed him dead he’s dead my bad good try to yep yep mhm yep I need to leave I need to leave I need to leave I need to leave

They’re all shooting each other in there okay um here need that what is that oh it’s instant Health nice oh oh diamond sword let’s go big plays oh same Diamond gloves here give you these where why does that sound super close what are you giving me I’m breaking two Diamond gloves oh nice

Thanks uh wrong one go over here oh yeah that increases the attack all right the nether one oh jeez wait wait wait did you get that you didn’t oh no oh no okay so we got three rooms but there’s like a hole right here it’s goes

Super low yeah um Let me let me read through my rooms real quick uh see what I got um unless they got it please don’t blow up the chest oh oh first Iron inot oxidized copper pickaxe that’s yeah I got one too gem uh what Splender gem I got no I got

A micro missile just leing those I have no purpose I don’t even know how to use those I I want it I want to launch it you’re supposed to like craft something but I have no idea what it is uh maybe it’s like the flance mod oh there’s definitely a chest back

There hold on floor is Broken there’s two chests that was kind of crappy oh CRA aqua infinity been a pretty good enchantment book we’ll take that one stone bricks for you if you want uh I will pass some more stone bricks for you if you want them I we’ll continue to

Pass is there a path this way yeah there is dark why didn’t that go off that’s weird I was going to say did we like break spawners or something oh Enchanted Blue Diamond sh oh that’s way better I got a diamond mending Unbreaking 3 Pro 3 chest

Plate it’s so good it’s so good okay oh Game Changer right there yeah that’s that’s huge yeah what do you what do you got on you got it compressed okay yeah um I I found a a diamond helmet with uh unusing I don’t know what that is I

Assume you can’t use it yeah so it doesn’t break it’ll get down to wonder ability and you’ll just lose the armor but you don’t lose the armor physically are you trying to just avoid that oh the the stuff you threw on the ground yeah Stone my my tomb my um yeah that’s

Exactly what it is uh hey you want some diamond boots uh they got mending yeah yeah you don’t want yeah here I would rather the ones with Pro three so they’re right behind you I do you want a diamond helmet with mending uh do you have a diamond helmet I just

Picked it up yeah yeah I’ll take the Diamond Helmet hel look at us diamonded out this is ridiculous I think there’s another chest over here right no I’m crazy I’m crazy it’s cool and there wasn’t anything else that way so then oh something there uh wither no never

Mind he was wearing a black helmet that’s funny wow 47 ingots of uh gold oh yeah mhm 11 golden carrots um Unbreaking Three diamond pickaxe and uh Unbreaking three iron sword all right this would oh we just walked right into that that’s cool I don’t want towi I don’t want to

Hit you yeah I can I’m tanking him he’s chilling right now I need to eat though oh we have not been down here whoa oh what the crap run they’re behind you oh oh Shield broke I’m sniping oh dude dropped his diamond boots oh I don’t have room for

Anything probably because I have 16 things of uh Unbreaking three and they have four durability left oh it’s kind of crappy there’s a chest right here with a diamond in it I got to switch my shield what is that oh that’s you I almost swung at you oh man

I’m in pain I’m in pain okay okay I’m chilling chilling oh here we go ooh ooh what’ you get what you get okay okay uh Fortune One efficiency two diamond pig nice and efficiency 2 Nature’s men diamond shovel some arrows for you how many torches do you

Have uh 30 can I have like 10 yeah I only got six left uh hang on I got oh do I have any wood good call yeah I got I got wood and coal yeah never mind never mind I’m I’m big dumb sitting over here thinking I’m in poor you need

Torches uh nope about to make some okay I was like I made too much so oh uh if you made too much yeah I’ll take was waste of stuff before I waste and beuse um yeah let’s see come on no none of these guys are armored they’re just regular [ __ ] m

Okay never mind few guys oh few of these guys are armored I’m coming I’m coming hang on coming oh that was you who’s got Diamond axes fell down oh the boat goes hard I think there’s a chest right here yeah it was cool well there’s more there’s more

Loot down here oh down here not down there like down tunnel shaft yeah yeah yeah yeah my bad okay there a skeleton spw where was the other one one of them was spawning zombies like crazy right there no that’s a skeleton oh they’re both skeletons all right

See kind of Awesomeness I get 40 yeah I just got the 44 gold ingots as well jeez don’t need zombie flesh that’s pretty cool that I even grabb the bad gems cuz you can grind them down to make the gem dust so yeah yeah I keep forgetting about that

Yeah yeah oh there there’s nothing up there oh interesting oh I got some death markers I need to take care of it’s cool seeing them from the from up here it just shows you how far like we were going uh what is that J yeah so these structures are always that these little

Castle looking things if they well so not the castles so castles there’ll be like brick buildings there’ll be like Sandstone structures there if you have a spiral staircase going down it’ll almost always be mapped the same way downstairs where it’s where it’s three where it’s three gates that you go through to find

A staircase down to the next one and it’ll always end in either nether or end so oh okay I I think I’ve seen I have seen this this structure before um I think I got to like maybe the second layer and my bag was full and

I was like I can’t really do anything yeah oh man my bag is crazy right now I feel like hang on wait wait a minute wait a minute I’m I’m being selfish here I forgot about that oh you have a second backpack I have three backpacks

What the world oh my god well I’ll trade you that so thanks um now I have two of those oh can I open it I can so yeah open your backpack with whatever hot key you have and then highlight the second backpack and hit the same

Hotkey what what yeah what so you open your backpack right yeah with B with two down yep and then two down yeah two number pad wait a minute don’t you play WD yeah do you hit two with your mouse hand yeah how often I in combat while I need

I need my mouse when I’m opening a backpack almost never true true true all right and then highlight the second backpack with your mouse okay and then hit the hit two down again oh yeah so then instead of putting it into your hot bar and having to right

Click open it you just use the hotkey again cool thanks for that yeah I found that out by accident I’m like why is this what is this backpack coming from oh that’s so nice that actually emptied my inventory to make it look a lot better all righty guys thanks for

Watching hopefully that wasn’t too terrible I know there was a bit of lag Spike definitely down in that dungeon now that we’re back up top hopefully we can start just exploring blocks and not having too much mobs and everything like that um we did crash there’s going to be

Like a random cut probably not explained you’re going to be like what in the world just happened we were in the middle of combat everything’s calm now we crashed we crashed for like 15 minutes um the server was like yeah it’s it’s on and we couldn’t find it anywhere

It just disappeared uh so we had to restart what little portion of the server we could find and thankfully it didn’t run us back um but sadly I died and so you’ll probably see that of me just joining the world and then me instantly died yeah that was that was coming back from

There um but yeah if you’ve enjoyed and you want to stick around for episode two make sure you like And subscribe until then I’ll catch you good people later bye

This video, titled ‘ATM EP 1’, was uploaded by AlpineRanger on 2024-01-11 04:17:50. It has garnered 7 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:05 or 5885 seconds.

What’s up good people!?! “All The Mods 9” is the pinnacle of modded Minecraft. It’s a comprehensive package that includes a vast array of mods, ranging from technology and magic to exploration and building. Whether you’re a seasoned mod veteran or a curious newcomer, this modpack promises something for everyone. We’ll be exploring new dimensions, constructing mind-blowing machines, and unravelling arcane mysteries!

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  • Thrusters and Tables: April Fool’s Potato Update!

    Thrusters and Tables: April Fool's Potato Update! In the world of Minecraft, a new update has come, With a Poison Potato that’s no longer just dumb. Now it has hooks and block thrusters, oh my, Even the fletching table is functional, give it a try. Join the fun, download the resource pack, Explore the new features, no need to hold back. Become a member, get rewards galore, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more. For more games and vlogs, check out the channels we share, For questions or queries, we’re always there. So leap into the verse, let your creativity sing, In the world of… Read More

  • “Blow me up, creeper daddy” 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Blow me up, creeper daddy" 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes Imagine telling a creeper to “arise” and it just starts breakdancing instead of exploding. Now that’s a party I’d like to see in Minecraft! #creeperdanceparty #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures! Are you a fan of creating unique portals and exploring new dimensions in Minecraft? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and immerse yourself in a world of excitement. Forget about the ordinary and step into a realm where the only limit is your imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From epic builds to thrilling PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on this dynamic server…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Unlock Your Creativity with Minecraft Crazy Build Hacks Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting out, this video is filled with mind-blowing build hacks that will revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Discover Innovative Building Techniques From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, this in-depth tutorial will guide you through a variety of creative strategies to make your Minecraft world truly unique. Learn how to incorporate secret tricks and innovative building techniques that will set your structures apart from the rest. Enhance Your Structures… Read More

  • Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon Break

    Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon BreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-12 20:00:11. It has garnered 10363 views and 479 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:55 or 1855 seconds. Solo Leveling Dungeons & Dragons (On Vod Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2 #SoloLeveling #MinecraftSoloLeveling #SoloLevelingMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft… Read More

  • Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZ

    Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZVideo Information This video, titled ‘never try this game💀(@badxwarriorZ6526)#yttrending #horrorgames#viral #moyemoye#minecraft’, was uploaded by BAD X WARRIORZ on 2024-04-18 05:14:10. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:50 or 410 seconds. #yttrending #shortvideoviral #shortvideo #minecraft #viral #carparkingmultiplayer #howtoviralshortvideo #memoryreboot #moyemoye #myyearonyoutube20 That sounds thrilling! In your game, are you exploring haunted locations, using ghost-hunting equipment, or solving mysteries about the spirits you encounter? Ah, I see! So, you’re looking for a game that combines the intensity of being an exorcist with the atmospheric fear of phasmophobia. That would make for a truly spine-tingling… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!

    INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!Video Information This video, titled ‘15000 Days Minecraft World Tour’, was uploaded by Hoef on 2024-03-14 17:00:06. It has garnered 11009 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:04 or 2344 seconds. We finally did it! 15000 days in my Solo Survival world! With entire towns, massive decorated farms, and much more, all in one big video! I hope you enjoy! Build inspirations: Villager trading hall by fWhip: Custom birch forest by fWhip: Austrian village house by Bdouble0100: Hall of fame by linkzzey’s hardcore world: Build designs: Custom oak trees by MrMattRanger:… Read More

  • Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShorts

    Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tiktok hacks 😱| #minecraftshorts #shorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by Lemon OP on 2024-01-06 03:07:02. It has garnered 8 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. 🔸ABOUT ME :- Hi Guys! This channel is made for gaming 🎮 In this channel you’ll be able to see gaming videos and so much fun too 😄 Subscribe to see all of this 😊 💠 Instagram 📷 :- Your quires minecraft build hack, minecraft build hacks on bedrock, minecraft create mod above and beyond, minecraft mod create above… Read More


    EPIC FREE VIP SKYBLOCK SERVER with CHALLENGES & DUNGEONSVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT: SERVIDOR de SKYBLOCK ONLINE com VIP GRÁTIS, DESAFIOS e DUNGEONS para MINECRAFT PIR4TA’, was uploaded by Alisonsz on 2024-04-24 16:19:02. It has garnered 587 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:34 or 214 seconds. #skyblock #minecraft #minecraft server the server recently opened has several active players, sweepstakes and events every day! MINECRAFT JAVA – VERSION: 1.8 to 1.20 IP: DISCORD: video recorded and edited by: @MrLuizBR1 Tags: skyblock server, skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, pirated skyblock servers, skyblock br server, brazilian skyblock server, pirated skyblock br… Read More

  • Insane Fireboost Viper Gameplay! 🔥🎮 #Shorts

    Insane Fireboost Viper Gameplay! 🔥🎮 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘#Shorts #minecraft#mine #valorant #subscribers #minecraftmeme #punju #fyp #bgmiindia #pubg#viral#bts’, was uploaded by Fireboost_viper on 2024-05-04 06:32:58. It has garnered 407 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, #Minecraft, #Cute, #Funny, #Short, #Videos, #Daily, #minecraftdeutsch, #deutsch #funny #minecraft, #minecraft #hindi, #minecraftespanol, #espanol #mrbeast, #top10, #hot #minecraft, #cute #minekraft, #cute #minceraft, #2b2t, #gommehd, #minekraft #shorts, #minecraft #shorts, #gaming, #fortniteminecraft, #minecraftfortnite, #warzone, #Monsterschool, #Enderman, #creeper,#pig, #nether, #sky, #beauty, #crafting, #cutebuilds, #Minecraftsongs, #Cuteminecraft #Cuteminecraftsongs, #Minecraftbetterfortnite #hola #minecraft #minecraftmemes… Read More

  • Jurard T Rexford: EPIC Minecraft Reveal!!!

    Jurard T Rexford: EPIC Minecraft Reveal!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】It’s been a while’, was uploaded by Jurard T Rexford Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-04-30 12:06:38. It has garnered 18505 views and 1760 likes. The duration of the video is 06:46:24 or 24384 seconds. WE’RE BACK IN THE MINES!! AGAIN!! Thumbnail art by: Thank you for the Minecraft skin!! This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions ( Big thank you to Xwitter user Beeturle for the widdle gremlin animation! BECOME AN HONORAWRY SORAWRITY MEMBER NOW!!! JOIN JOIN JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Birthday Merchandise can… Read More

  • Tornn – Insane 360 Combo in 500ms! 🔥 #PvP #Minecraft

    Tornn - Insane 360 Combo in 500ms! 🔥 #PvP #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘360 Combo On 500ms #mcbe #minecraft #pvp #mcpvp#zeqa #combos #bedrock #freshsumo #shorts’, was uploaded by Tornn on 2024-05-13 23:00:25. It has garnered 473 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Song: I dunno it’s non copyright Kb: Wooting 60he M: Kone Pro Dpi: 800 Sens: 30 Cps: 14-16 butterfly Fov: 80 altered on Keybinds in bio sub Read More

  • Ultimate Lamborghini Showdown – Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!

    Ultimate Lamborghini Showdown - Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!Video Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs Pro vs hacker Lamborghini 🚗 #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by JCB AGRI TECH on 2024-02-20 10:03:36. It has garnered 167 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. subscribe to my channel 👍 for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short @TechnoGamerzOfficial @Technoblade @nrVids @minecraft… Read More

  • Nebula Wars Semi-Vanilla – LIVEMAP ANTI-P2W SMP

    Welcome to Nebula Wars! Tired of overly-complicated and Pay-To-Win Minecraft survival servers? Well, Nebula Wars is your best bet! We are a Semi-Vanilla survival server created to bring the feel of classic survival servers, taking a step away from the nonsense of most modern-day survival servers. Features: Skills you can level up, and achieve powerful stats and abilities! Jobs you can gain money from participating in! Create Player Shops with the ChestShop and plugins! A real-time map of the server world you can view! Bounties you can claim from killing other players! Obtain Spawners with a Silk Touch Pickaxe! …and… Read More

  • SpeedwaCraft

    Plunge into the world of legendary anime “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure” in an equally legendary game Minecraft.- They’re waiting for you here favorite characters, unique stands the number of which continues to increase.- Incredible story mode line with voice acting and exciting battles, as well as unforgettable atmosphere.- Explore Features of the art of jamon and become a master of this technique, or go to side of vampirism and gain easy-to-learn but useful skills for survival or battle.- Unique achievementsthe ability to create any outfits for your character and more, the ability to upload to records any music and even create… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Plop Goes the Creeper”

    Minecraft Memes - "Plop Goes the Creeper"Looks like that meme made quite the splash with a score of 906! Plop! Read More

  • Hardcore Farming: 5 Farms for the Ultimate End | TRONY

    Hardcore Farming: 5 Farms for the Ultimate End | TRONY In Minecraft Hardcore, I’m on a quest, To create the ultimate end farm, I must confess. Five different farms, each with a unique twist, Building and crafting, my skills put to the test. From sugarcane to iron, all resources in play, Every block placed with care, no time to delay. The end farm awaits, a challenge so grand, But with determination, I’ll conquer this land. Join me on this journey, as I build and explore, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity soars. Subscribe for more hardcore gaming delight, And together, we’ll conquer every fight. So come along, let’s… Read More