Shocking! Beating Minecraft instead of Baldur’s Gate 3?

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Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Huh did it work hey it worked cool hi what’s up how you doing hi hello hello it’s I it’s boar um I wasn’t going to stream on YouTube I was going to stream on Twitch I want to listen to music while I play because look let me

Tell you right now I’m not this I hope you not com to the stream expecting me to be [ __ ] like a wild crazy man wow wow wow cuz I’m not I’m tired I’m tired I just want to be [ __ ] Minecraft I need to test something though so hold

On can you guys hear the music besides the music that’s playing from my background that’s important like like is the music getting picked up oh [ __ ] Ellie’s microphone is picking me up no that’s beautiful okay all right I’m happy with this I’m happy with this this

Is good so I can listen to music you guys can’t hear the music but I can hear the music that’s that’s that’s good that’s okay that’s the trick that’s how we do this that’s the that’s that’s the the winning game plan cool all right yeah not nice booster good see you hello

Dether how how are you I can kind of hear well yes well because it’s coming through my speakers thus getting picked up by my microphone but like you can’t actually hear it Bas not playing Baldi goat 3 look I’ve be I played so much baldy goat

I got sick of it I I did not want to do it anymore but your voice is my music it’s a beautiful voice and I can’t even [ __ ] deep talk today I’m so [ __ ] tired look all right all right we’re we’re just GNA oh W yeah okay well that doesn’t

[ __ ] count does it you [ __ ] [ __ ] uh okay hold well you guys can see my [ __ ] is there porn up there okay no good oh thank God imagine if there was just like pornography in my in my taskbar up there imagine imagine the [ __ ] you would have had to have seen

Imagine how little I care like like think about how much you think I care and then divide that by zero because that’s how that’s how much I care I don’t oh man that that video that we’re going to do soon that’s going to be a fun video it wouldn’t be too too

Bad all right well anyway uh what are we doing what are we doing we’re we’re playing video games guys we’re we’re video gaming it up but okay don’t expect a whole lot from me I am ju I am I I am I am just going to beat this game um I don’t know

Like like yeah just don’t just like just don’t expect a lot like I decided against mod the game I was going to I was going to put voxel map on here but everyone was just like no booster that’s cheating and I was just like okay sure if you guys think that’s

Sh does anyone need some je some pants does anyone need some pants I have a lot of pants well we’re off to a great start aren’t we ch yeah mhm amazing a [ __ ] amazing you can’t make this [ __ ] up you cannot make this [ __ ] up why is

It that there isn’t a way to uncraft huh oh oh that’s cool I didn’t know you could do that everyone has done this at least once okay but let’s be honest how many times has booster done it how many times has booster done it many people have done it many times but

How many times has booster done it that’s the real question and the answer is too many to be funny too many to be be funny um I’m trying to decide what I want to take with me to the nether Mount Mor yeah I mean yeah what if you step outside the house

And immediately get blown up I will un alive I will I’ll be like I it will not be a fun time in the Philippines I’ll tell you what all right you’re going in there why literally why you cannot make this [ __ ] up God damn it all right I’m

We’re we’re we’re prepared we’re we’ve got this right I think we got this we got this right guys we have this we have this we have this um how will this work the [ __ ] did the Philippines dud you booster I I don’t know I’ll let you guys have

The music that’s fine uh where’s my hole here’s my hole I’m very bad at finding my hole oh I almost did that thing again oh God it’s like I’m learning oh God it’s like I’m learning what to do did did you guys see that I almost went into the nether without any blocks

And I left and I came back to get blocks boxs thank God thank God I am actually capable of learning really goony goonie you’re like seven stop why are you this way um food food yes yes we don’t have any food haven’t you been 17 for like 7

Years now when the [ __ ] are you going to be not a child okay that’s all right no it’s okay cuz look I have a shield I’m safe because I have a shield and in May okay oh that’s going to be [ __ ] I’ve oh man that’s [ __ ] weird

I I don’t know how to feel about knowing that one of the the the true necro n hold on a sec okay hold on a sec right hello I’ve returned all right so we found Corky so that’s good so we oh God it’s right behind me isn’t it yep sure is no

Yes okay cool so far so good we have two Port can we get more Port oh gosh okay I’m also going to like constantly look at the ground like I do in real life that way I know I won’t fall and die Does anyone else actually do that

Like while they’re walking around they like just stare down at the ground while they walk I don’t know it’s it’s very strange to me that I do that but anyway yeah I uh oh you know what I’ll do that for you guys hold on that way you guys get some music in

The game oh but anyway we just how many what do you guys think there’s a good amount of food to oh you know what else you guys told me and I had forgotten until just now and that’s to not use a sword but to use an axxe instead use an

Axe I started the ground when walking around when there were loads of people yeah that’s usually that’s where I started doing it that’s when I started doing it um let’s see no because then I’d walk into things no see I like gained a seven cents for it I don’t walk into things

Anymore is that zombie just looking oh no the zombie found me I heard that there’s like really easy ways to make like enchantment tables and stuff but I don’t know what it is is that a [ __ ] witch or is that a pig or is that a cow or is that a

Horse it’s all of the above it’s a horse cow pig the best of the Both Worlds anyway the goal here the goal today the goal that I’m doing today the goal that I’m doing right now is heill like get as far as possible um we need I need to get

The the um Manar Pig oh super seral guys but um um what ah yes that’s right um I’m going to guys my brain is off today Jesus I told you that was going to happen we’re going to get all the nether Rod blaze rods that we’re going to

Need however many that is which I don’t remember you guys are going to have to remind me but after we do that after we get all the blaze rods then we’re going to make Nethers I don’t remember what we have to make next you guys are going to have to

Hand feed me but um yeah as per the rules of my 100 Game Challenge I will allow myself one more um cheat so whatever that may be but we only get one more one more going into creative mode and getting whatever we want but it can’t be like what’s the

Word it can’t be something that I haven’t already gotten right or can’t be something that I haven’t gotten yet rather so like I’m not going to go in there and get eyes of nether because that’s cheating I’m not going to get a command block because that’s cheating

But I will get like you know if I need like a stack of food because I can’t get any food or or something like that um that’ll be fine or like if I need to get like a stack of iron or whatever or like a bow and crossbow or

Some [ __ ] like that I’m okay with that but I don’t want to like go in there and just get cheaty cheaty stuff I feel like that’s that it’s not in the spirit of what we’re doing yeah ender eyes is probably going to be the the one that I’ll use that

On I’d suggest you raid and get potatoes uh where is the village I I I also suggest I go get some patat I’m so happy that the wait once you get a single diamond the based on the rules you can get a stack of diamonds I’ve actually already had an entire Diamond suit

Before um but everyone like as I was playing the game literally everyone told me to stop worrying about diamonds diamonds are not important for beating the game like at all um so I didn’t so I just stopped caring about diamonds everyone said The only things you need to beat the game

Properly really truly is iron and a crossbow or iron and a bow that’s really the only things I’m focusing it’s still good to have yeah yeah but I I feel like I feel like waiting and doing it for the eyes of the Ender is it will be

Better beds do oh beds help in the in the beds help in the end which we will get to I don’t remember how the beds things work but uh I I have been doing some lookin um that’s cool oh I should have built a bridge I um oh

If you guys are in the Discord server we have a Minecraft server kind of um it’s interesting so one of our members found a server which is kind of like it’s not like it’s not like a live server like okay so it’s a it’s a server that’s not our own

Obviously but the thing about it is it’s like a civilization server and so when you join a civilization it grows in power etc etc and so we made one um in in Ellie’s name uh and we just keep screaming for The Necromancer while while killing stuff it’s fun it’s good

Stuff it’s not our server it’s someone else’s but we’ll say it’s ours if we well no no no well yeah I mean yeah it’s someone else’s server but by the time we’re done with it it will be our server we’re going to take over that server everyone will know our name it’s going

To to be great w w wow pick pck oh you know what I got to make an axe I need to like get a a list of stuff that I need to make before going back into the nether I do know that um but yeah I didn’t see your challenge you’ll have

To post it again I I didn’t see what you said this is genuinely me relaxing today cuz I I could be playing more balers gate I could be playing more um cyber Punk which I probably should be playing cyber Punk but I need a break from everything I just need to turn my

Brain off and uh play Minecraft you know what you could be playing I swear to God if you say cry my if you say cry my China I’ll uh I’ll scream at you well I mean why would you why would you wait on me and also that’s a really

Stupid bet do you want to know why that’s a really stupid bet goon I mean look like done like I bet like bet taken do you want to know why that was a dumb [ __ ] bet to make would would you like to know the secret of why that was a stupid ass

Bet you slow as [ __ ] yeah hey goody I’m on the final mission of the game legit like legitimately like I just have to beat the final boss of of the game and I’ve won and it’s not hard and I’ve already beaten him multiple times I just keep

Going back because I want to do some other stuff first like game’s pretty much already beaten so uh good job champ well done if you will now you got the dream so GOI can build a t well no she said if I beat it before she turns 18 which like bet like

Okay silliness what are you doing to these sheep you poor you poor sheep all right sweet uh sweet sweet dreams or what the [ __ ] ever I don’t I don’t know oh no get the [ __ ] back in there um hello I’d like to kill your animals please uhoh well maybe maybe you’ll know that

That was just an accidental just like me okay I’m going to kill this thing and it’s going to get mad at me and and that’s how I die to that silly iron golem are you homeless yeah you’re homeless I didn’t spawn an iron golem that was already in

There please no I’m not that stupid oh I didn’t mean to reset that respawn point I don’t know why I did that what are you okay green shirts are lazy people I thought they were homeless people legitimately I thought they were just homeless people what the what what is a rat is

Why is radish in here I didn’t know there radish is use lava so you don’t anger the wait explain uh Stupid use lava so you don’t anger the rest what were you referring to I I didn’t I wasn’t sure what you were referring to okay I’m aware that I asked what is a

Radish instead of like realizing that of course booster it is a radish but look sometimes you just say things that are on your mind without really thinking about it and that’s okay lava to kill villagers so the oh well I didn’t mean to kill I don’t want to kill

Anyone why would I want to kill someone that’s not very nice they’re just existing living life I think we have enough food oh wait really they just take up space you can’t force them to be like good Minecraft supports Eugenics well that explains a lot well they are

Swedish I stuck jobless that’s so useless knitwits really geez okay well [ __ ] um yeah so the goal of the Stream and and where I want to go with it because I don’t want to stream forever and I don’t want to talk forever and there will be plenty of periods where I’m quiet probably quiet and Silent um the goal of the stream is to just get some blaze

Rods and what do I do with the blaze rods exactly I I forgot I know you guys kept telling me but I forgotten what they are uhoh well I’m just going to assume that it’s up the top of the mountain but I don’t see my little my little sticky stick

You grind them up with your hand into blaze powder and combine them with ender pearls okay and then you throw the Eyes of Ender and the Eyes of Ender um you need 14 14 Eyes of Ender how do you find a fortress because I know that’s something that you have to do

And I know that there’s a way to do it I’m just not sure what that way is walk around the nether no no no we have a nether fortress I’m talking about this oh Str strong holds they’re called strongholds oh but like does it does it

Waste an ie of Ender to to find it or no they’ll get get a bit more to be safe all right so I’ll probably get 16 or so I’m trying to get back to our home okay sweet RNG chance to break every time you throw one I see I see a there’s my

House you need at least two to triangulate the stronghold okay did I put a bed in our house I forgot I have totally forgotten let’s worry about that minute I’ll tell you what I [ __ ] hate being on adderal I hate ADHD it’s really rough sometimes I had such a rough day because of

It it was so bad I just I couldn’t focus on any one thing today it was just it was just a nightmare oh you does um does um cooking potato do better for you than like not having potato potis if you will um well I’m not going to have

Enough to do an arrow or anything like that I also don’t have have any gold but that’s okay we won’t need the gold now that we’ve done what we’ve done um let’s see I’m thinking I’m thinking I’m thinking just before to keep like four oh well we’ll see if we need them but

Let me go see if I cook them all ah I kept I I I bit late for that um but that’s okay cuz we have we have all this other food we have food so we’re we’re we’re good on that um we don’t need I wish there was an easy way to make

Arrows in this game I wish there was yeah I wish there was an easy way to make arrows like I know I could probably go back to the first Village and talk to a Fletcher but I don’t want to do that because that’s a that’s a lot of work oh

Ellie I I don’t think you can hear me oh someone isolated your clip that you said the other day yesterday where you were just like I Love Weed and 420 it and it was really funny smoke weed every day kind of a thing good stuff man I made chickpea Curry and it’s

Delicious and I keep thinking about how good it tasted especially since I [ __ ] it up did you guys know you’re not supposed to use the entire box of vegetable stock I didn’t I thought like one serving of vegetable stock was the whole box I felt really stupid when I poured

The entire thing in the skillet and I was just like this is too much is this right and then I looked at the recipe and I was like no no this is vastly incorrect I am stupid I don’t know how I I managed to do that but I fixed it so it doesn’t

Matter okay uh should I leave some I I’ll leave some I’ll leave some I think we’re ready to go into the nether there right we have a pickaxe what do you guys think should I just get a bow and arrow to be safe I feel like I should I feel like I should

Um what’s it called is it like a Fletcher what what was it called Target Block Minecraft Fletching the Fletching table yeah hi I’m a big fan hey what’s going on how you doing welcome in that name that’s pretty good that’s pretty good um oh I need Flint though oh that’s Frustrating booster can’t say that name anymore after the yahi incident shut the [ __ ] up there is isn’t the yahi incident yahi is just better written than Yuri so like if someone was going to be like you have to pick one I’m going to be like give me that yahi [ __ ] all

Day I’m not going to [ __ ] read handholding cute girls kissing each other that’s no no that’s gross a St hey what’s up Vash no shut up you know it’s not fair to bully me over something like this okay it’s not my fault okay what did you come into they’re

Making fun of me because I think yahi is better written than Yuri and thus I like yahi more than I like Yuri shut the [ __ ] up m shut the [ __ ] up I’ll I’ll summon Ellie on you and like [ __ ] shut up my friend was offline for seven years okay the [ __ ] does that have to do with the stream shut the [ __ ] up I hate when people do that God it’s so [ __ ]

Annoying aren’t they pretty much the same wait yahi and Yuri God no yahi is usually way more DED than Yuri like Yuri’s always very sweet and cute and like happy and Yuri or and yahi is like I’m going to tire up this straight guy and mind break him while I

Completely destroy his family and then he’ll fall in love with me ha which is like what like what was it that I was reading I was reading something what was it was it pumpkin Knight I don’t remember there’s a there’s a hentti it was it a hentti it might have been pumpkin night

No it wasn’t whatever there was a horror manga that I was reading and the um the Brother character was kidnapped and forced into like slavery for some gay guy uh and just like completely broken um but in actuality he was playing 5D chess while everyone else was playing

Checkers uh um and was just merely pretending to be mine broken you see merely merely a Gest merely a joke uh in the moment he had a chance he he turned around and bit off the gay guy’s dick but you know like effed up is better absolutely I’d much rather effed up than

Um handholding cuteness I don’t know what that says about like about me that I’d rather watch someone get like mentally destroyed over like cute girls kissing yeah it probably says more about me than it does anything else but hey you know what we have fun here it implies you like spectacle

Correct correct correct at the very yes I’ll take that I’ll take that oh my God I just I I just need one more it’s fetish Friday after all oh man I’m so excited for this video it’s going to be such a fun video my friend um a friend of mine is

Like do putting in the work fighting some of the like when we when we reveal what the video was going to be and everyone in the chat was just like oh I’ll pass on that we were like okay well that sucks to hear thanks guys but then

We decided all right fine in that case what we’ll do you [ __ ] is we’ll change it from being the most disturbing [ __ ] that we find to just the most ridiculous [ __ ] that we find so it’ll be the most ridiculous hentti scenes uh available and I think that’ll be a lot of

Fun I think that will be a lot of fun and uh we already found some absolute Banger choices absolutely bang your choices they are very funny [ __ ] that we found why do your graphics look like that oh my Minecraft because I’m using a Shader I’m using a Shader and it’s cool

This makes me feel conflicted why why what it’s pretty have you never seen a Shader before Pepsi sounds like you’re into gay yandere no no no no no no no no no I’m not going to be able to explain this okay hang on a sec this guy

Oh put you you in time out so you can think about your actions anyway don’t say stupid [ __ ] that’s unrelated to literally anything in the Stream if you’re new here just so you know I don’t tolerate that [ __ ] um anyway what was the question mark for what what are you questioning me

Are you questioning me what’s that from oh are you threatening me what is that from I don’t know I don’t know what is what is anything anymore what is what is life what is my life anyway um gay ywi gay yandere gay ywi isn’t that just straight at that point anyway no I’m

Uh I I don’t it’s not like I’m into it like it’s not stuff that I seek out for for any any like well just for that really period Point Blank it’s not like I seek it out but like if I come across it while I’m looking for a new manga to

Read I’ll read it and whatever if it’s good but it actually has to have a decent storyline which doesn’t happen very often but when it does happen it’s really good isn’t yahi already gay yes thank you yes it is in fact already gay um what am I doing here I was doing something

Here I remember technically there is gay yahi and straight ywi the plan’s on the right explain yourself I’ve never heard of this how can it be gay and St how can what does that mean I I’m actually genuinely curious how can you have gay yoi and straight yahoi what a concept this

Is like what what constitutes straight yahoi isn’t it at that point just a story gay yahwe appeals to gays straight oh straight okay now call me ignorant and I mean this like like maybe I’m just being ignorant but aren’t they the same demographic like what would appeal to a gay person

That wouldn’t appeal to a fujo clearly it’s fboys you think Bara oh okay all right that makes more sense that makes more sense what’s the term for males isn’t isn’t it bar oh sh B in Bishi yeah no that makes sense all right we need to make me a shopping

List because you you hey what’s up cach um my brain is it’s not great today I’m having a really rough day mentally and I don’t mean like I’m sad or anything I mean like my brain is just not able to function correctly today so I need you guys to kind of keep

Me on the straight and narrow I need an axe I need a crossbow I need arrows and I have food is that everything I think that’s everything I think that’s the only thing I said Mass I swear to God shut the [ __ ] up you know I have a wife where’s your

Wife you [ __ ] I win and to confirm you guys still can’t hear any music that I’m playing right right it should still be working and you guys should have music and stuff sweet sweet this is how I’ll do Minecraft streams on on YouTube then I will just I

Will play my music on one channel while the rest of the game is in the other channel uh speaking of let me switch it over to my Russian music my wife is in Elden ring my wife is Elden ring imagine imagine having a wife who is just Elden

Ring play Quake Play Shut the [ __ ] up and don’t tell me what to play you [ __ ] I’ll [ __ ] slap you right right in right right in the [ __ ] just like that is that like does that mean I’m calling her old no of course not what my wife is not old she’s younger than

Me right yeah she is did I really have to [ __ ] think about if my wife was am I okay do I need assistance today he don’t listen even if you think he like the game who are you talking about Quake I know quake Quake I’ve beaten Quake many times Quake is not a

Hard game to get into no but you need to thank you that’s what it was that was the thing that I was forgetting I needed to do that was what it was I kept thinking what was it that I forgot it was eating it’s just like real life

Oh yeah I was going to ask what do you guys think what was your game of the year this year like I mean we all know what my game of the year was but I want to know what everyone else’s game of the year is I

Think I want to ask Ellie because I thought she was going to say that her game of the year was Hogwarts but I I don’t know if it is or not bg3 fair okay I actually need to know if you’re serious is cry Machina really your game of the

Year is is it really your game of the year I yeah M mine is 100% um 100% D um gracious me I really cannot what was it atomic heart was 100% my game of the year I love game of game uh I I love atomic heart it is I I don’t

Think I’ve Loved a game like atomic heart um quite as much as I do like it’s been a long time since I’ve been super into a [ __ ] game it’s the only game I’ve like started playing a second time which if you guys know me you know I don’t do

That I don’t play games more than once but like for some reason I want to keep playing Atomic car as much as I possibly can maybe it’s cuz I waited for 8 years Li of PE really Li of I mean hey nothing wrong with li a

PE wait are you not are you not accepting my business oh okay all right we have what we needed from the Fletcher man we have a bat we have a shield we have arrows it took eight years to make and it’s a goddamn Masterpiece though like I

Was talking to some people in the play Asia Discord about it cuz some people were voicing their their problems with the game right oh is that Todd Howard I see in our chat hello Todd Howard um so I found out that a lot of the reason that people don’t

Like no that’s not how that works you fool anyway what was I saying oh yeah people were saying that atomic heart was falsely advertised and that’s where they have the problem with the game and so I’m just like I don’t know cuz I understand what they mean like anyone who played atomic

Heart or anyone who was looking forward to atomic heart probably didn’t expect the game that we got people who were playing atomic heart probably did not expect the sheer super horny game that we got because every piece of marketing that was atomic heart made it seem like a horror robot

Game when in reality it wasn’t a horror robot game it was just a very strange game that didn’t really have a normal genre you know what I mean because like yeah it’s scary but like like there’s scary parts but for the most part it’s just it’s just an oddity

Like the like the Galaga style boss battle halfway through the game the firsters platformer that it becomes um at the weird dream segment the over sexualization of of everything like it’s just a horny game um and I don’t think anyone was expecting that um and in fact no no one was

Expecting that and then what else happened um just the whole story I don’t think anyone was expecting you are over sexualized correct correct I am um would I still love Ellie if she was a worm no no why would I love her if she’s is a worm

Like if she was a swarm of worms that shared a Consciousness if she was a worm girl uh is she still my wife like is she still Ellie but now she’s just a worm girl you know I you I’m going to go ask her that hold on

Okay I don’t have a straight answer for that I don’t I don’t I don’t have have a straight answer for that no I asked her would you still love me if I was a worm she shrug and shook her head at the same time and then I said okay all

Right and then she said I’m watching Apothecary Diaries go away and I was like okay no the answer is no I would not still love her if she was a worm like she Shrugged and shook her head I don’t know how the [ __ ] to take that hello what

Weird wait is this is this the right hole yeah it has to be the right hole there’s no other hole that it could be this is the only hole we have we’ll just keep going through the hole I guess would you sh would I still love her she was an Airbus

A32 yes yes I would would I still baiting too hard okay would you believe me if I told you that I actually am not baiting I didn’t realize what I was saying until after I said it and then I just said [ __ ] it and kept going someone broke up with their boyfriend

Because they would not still love them if they were a worm do they understand the implications of loving a worm like that’s not a fun time for anyone like how is the worm how is sex with a worm going going to work huh a [ __ ] look at me [ __ ] playing the game

The way it’s meant to be played all right we’re going to wait till we get to a safe area this is probably a safe area oh you know what I should have done you know what I should have done and I didn’t think about it until just

Now I should have left some of these arrows behind shoot my wife already two worm Behavior okay fair all right where’s the gas I’m so proud that I built this path too warm Behavior what a thing to say is s yeah my wife’s already a worm she she’s worming it up 24/7 worm

Nation what a [ __ ] thing to say anyway so if I fall in lava I’m going to un alive I’m going to self exit I will perform control alt delete on my own life okay so far so good you’re going to alt f4 but don’t actually alt f4 correct so far we’re

Good okay why would I want you to drop draw me with a holding a super CRA why why would I give you two dblo to do that even just like [ __ ] do it bro you won’t no balls I’ll give you a two Dallon Dallon ha all right so we’ve done it we’re back

In the nether castle we’ve got some some wither skellies we don’t like those so what we’re going to do is we’re going to go here see I was practicing this [ __ ] on another server it’s not perfect oh wow they just keep spawning huh they just they’re just going to keep spawning

Huh put a block below for a shield oh my God there we go oh my God how the [ __ ] there we go oh can you like die bro whatever toip whip that is essentially what [ __ ] happened here huh ah [ __ ] [ __ ] okay oh [ __ ] okay okay let’s eat booster falls into lava no

Not huh huh huh huh huh what what what watch watch what what what what what what okay I need to I need to think of what I’m doing here because I’m not quite sure what the best course of action is to take because maybe this I forgot to look Down I’ve always got to be looking down okay I would like to get over to there but there is no safe way to do that so what is my what is my course of action here that we can take CU we really don’t have a whole lot my gut

Says my gut says to just [ __ ] run just [ __ ] go for it maybe not kill the Magma Cube but we’re going to anyway okay oh yep they they they multiply okay oh boy oh boy I don’t think I’ve ever actually killed one of these in my life so I had

No idea that they actually multiplied I assumed they would but I wasn’t sure if they actually would that’s okay we’re doing you know what we got this so far we’re safe we’re doing good that’s not going to attack me right okay okay all right so far we’re good yep yep yep yep

Yep [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] we’re just going to heal up for a little bit we’re safe here I think this is nerve-wracking because I’m like I’m really trying to like not [ __ ] suck snipe snipe ah [ __ ] we’re okay we’re okay we’re okay we’re okay okay we’re good [ __ ] oh that’s a spawner

Huh [ __ ] yep yep yep yep [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] eat eat eat eat okay ah louds this shit’s not easy this isn’t good stuff what’s the drop rate on the blaze rods okay we have a blaze rod how many do I need okay where’s going to stay here why am I not healing anymore

Okay all right oh [ __ ] okay I not not the ideal situation of which I’ve just done that was stupid I wish there was a way to like not [ __ ] eat [ __ ] and die [ __ ] that Skelly bro is coming to get me all right well I got

Withered and I know that wither is not great 50 chance for a blaze rod and I’ve got one how the [ __ ] do people do this I don’t understand this is [ __ ] crap this is garbage are you [ __ ] kidding me this sucks this is this is actually [ __ ] this is not

Fun like I’m doing it but I’m not having fun doing it who the [ __ ] thought that this game was good un no no I I like there was a point where where that was a funny joke this is just not fun like I don’t think you understand Mass just how tedious this [ __ ]

Is maybe I’m just bad at video games I don’t know but the fact that like they’re harder to kill than they should be and they have seemingly like [ __ ] endless sight that’s just annoying I know you’re not [ __ ] attacking me I didn’t even touch you you are you [ __ ] kidding

Me you got one with an arrow oh sake why did I build it like that what the [ __ ] is wrong with me I’m going make a wild guess and say that aggro doesn’t go away for a while while yep [ __ ] knew it all right fine eat [ __ ] yeah that’s exactly what I’m doing

Goody Hey Russ what’s going on I’m coming to the very clear realization this game is kind of [ __ ] so I like out side of build just having fun like your way like play it your way I don’t see why people enjoyed the whole [ __ ] going to the Nether and think I don’t

Know I may be a we bit salty right now because this game is literally driving me up the [ __ ] wall it’s going I don’t have to go find [ __ ] what human plays the game for but I mean seriously like unironically I have heard go out and get

Snow balls makes the game super [ __ ] easy but like I don’t want to go [ __ ] find it you know the children Y for the mines true if you can’t hit them it doesn’t matter what the [ __ ] are you talk MK don’t don’t don’t don’t just don’t uh don’t like don’t um don’t Riff

On me while I’m trying to play this [ __ ] game like it was funny in the first few streams where it was just like I was obviously being bad at the game um but like it it’s gotten to a point where like I’m doing it more for my

Pride at this point than I anything else and so it’s just the like extra riffing is not helping me I mean I know it’s all in good fun obviously [ __ ] off no I don’t care [ __ ] off stupid cat now that I’m realizing that it’s dooo I’m just like I’ve never actually

Tried to sit down and play it and all my friends have been able to beat it they like uh make it you know make it a point haha you can’t be Minecraft I’m just like shut the [ __ ] up use the blocks for covering blocking path oh that makes sense oh that makes

Sense oh you know what why don’t I play it like Steve from Minecraft or Steve from Smash Brothers Minecraft actually actually why don’t I do that actually why don’t I play it like I do with m craft or uh [ __ ] so water doesn’t work in the nether for [ __ ] anything is this is

This the correct assumption since that can’t be gas exploded oh I didn’t know that water doesn’t even work to like keep you from [ __ ] watering that sucks also backtrack to store your iron before you hate yourself again you know well you’re right you right you right

You right also I’ll go get that stack of Cobble co wait why do I not have full ah because I ran I know not to use the bed and yes I know to get more food that’s why I saved a stack of food I did not make the best pathway but

Whatever I guess it works I’m literally watching you gas do Not the blaze Strat is to find a spawn room preferably a covered one and use blocks of cheese farm oh that makes sense make a little like make a little place around them yeah yeah yeah yeah okay getting there is going to be a pain in the

Ass but I did find a spawn room didn’t I [ __ ] do not I am not in the [ __ ] mood also isn’t like jumping in a hole like really fast or is that is that not true that didn’t really seem very true to me that seemed like a falsity is it

Okay also consumes three times hunger okay a my out is Sprite good luck on your uh on your thing do well I I believe in you is there any purpose to the Bone but it is bar Faster by spamming space Oh so it is oh bone meal yeah yeah yeah that

Makes sense that’s how makes so the sense so well yeah I I can’t run them I’m out of food ain’t it uh okay well that’s going to be fixed right now there we go would you guys ever want me to play rumble on stream that’s the earthbending

Game I had so much fun with it it was really really good it was really fun only if you get good first it’s really hard it’s very hard but like I’ve been like actually practicing all the Motions literally all day like not even playing with the game just practicing the

Motions I guess we’ll go mine some Cobble real quick wax on wax off that it’s right oh so carrots are really good okay I didn’t realize carrots were so good um okay I don’t have any um Cobble so let’s go ahead and get some Cobble that shouldn’t take too long

Yeah I could make an infinite generator oh you know what I can actually just do that actually actually actually I will I mean yeah like booster you’re literally in a mountain why do you need a CO a cobblestone generator because I’m [ __ ] lazy you know if I can remember how to make it

Plant the freaking carrots okay okay okay well now I got to make a hoe oh you know what here we go just call her over you’re so funny what a hilarious and original joke you’ve made 3 by3 there that’s good all right I’m trying to remember how to do this I

Haven’t done a like proper Farm in Forever This should irrigate everything right yeah it does well I need to make sure that those ones do the thing too did you bring any bones I do have bones yeah okay cool I was right hey what’s up jukks how you doing loud nice nice though

Nice there we go now we have food do you see how that works nice good goodness goodness me we have made a renewable source of energy um all right let’s go let’s get the other bucket huh let’s get that thing going can remember how to do this I think it goes like

This and then like like oopsy whoopsy oopsy sopsy and then no God damn it yeah I knew that was not right I did it and I was like something’s wrong here it’s the other way isn’t it it’s running lava oh [ __ ] I knew that was going to

Happen I [ __ ] knew it I [ __ ] knew it good thing we’re going to the lava land huh I did it and I had a feeling it was wrong but I wasn’t sure pppa moment yeah did pppa do the same thing again at least we’re in lava land where there’s like [ __ ] lava like

[ __ ] everywhere [ __ ] twice in a row amazing [ __ ] amazing good Joba and you had a good laugh yeah sounds about right I I [ __ ] I can’t get over the hole the insult I hope you’re you’re [ __ ] huh huh what no I didn’t break my portal okay it’s not too far away

Liquids can break portals my liquid was nowhere close to my portal I don’t think that’s what happened I don’t know what happened I mean I’m not too beat up because it’s just down the street essentially but like what the [ __ ] why why would why why would that

Happen to me why do I get all the luck in these [ __ ] Minecraft streams ah you know what else we’re going to store the single Blaze Rod that I have okay but wait how the [ __ ] do I get all the ender eyes that I need is

There a way to spawn in [ __ ] Enderman or do I just have to get lucky I actually might get the [ __ ] um just the the necessary Blaze mine for gold mine for gold mine for gold trade it with piglins oh for ender eyes got you for obsidian okay now you know

What I’m not going to do that I I I I may actually just uh not do that anything that’s like I don’t I skip anything where it becomes outside of my ability right like if if what I need to do is outside the scope of ability and become

Based on luck I won’t do it that is that has become like a a soft rule that I’ve been doing yeah [ __ ] you how the [ __ ] get out of here with your [ __ ] garbage your [ __ ] garbage day yeah I don’t know how that happens

Uh yeah no I may I may just I may just I may just I may just get the necessary blaze rods uh and then cheat cuz [ __ ] everything else a and Bo there we go oh I I went too fast what whatever whatever whatever okay sure I don’t even know what the [ __ ]

Just happened well I’ll tell you what will happen we have a single Blaze Rod water flow too fast also why are you trying to make a cobble gen you know because sometimes just my like literally just mind the [ __ ] Mountain Lab you’re in a mountain your your your life is a

[ __ ] yeah I don’t know I think they quick and easy way to break it yes there is the [ __ ] wait it lava huh was it lava I don’t know what you’re saying I don’t know what you’re referring to is a better way of putting it four water on the inside of

Okay there you go won’t that just like there you go I saw you creeper oh that’s three skellies oh there’s another skeleton right there oh there’s another one right there [ __ ] jump jump run run run run run run run Dodge Dodge right left left left left jump in the way oh man

What what’ I do Boomer what make sense you fool I have no [ __ ] clue what you’re referring to I hate when I don’t know what the [ __ ] you guys are talking about makes me feel so old also you can’t call me a boomer you’re like the same age as

Me you’re a [ __ ] you’re a [ __ ] older Boomer the [ __ ] Boomer OK okey doie Boomer wasn’t that a g song I don’t remember I feel like it was a gur song but I don’t remember you’re also a Gro lover I don’t know what that is what is Gro what is a what is

Gro I hate how Boomer became this is Boomer just old now is just is just if you’re old you’re a boomer is that what it is now if if you’re an adult you’re a boomer oh what’s that you’re only [ __ ] 18 Boomer oh s Zava okay so I mean I wasn’t

Wrong but okay um where axe um I’m just going to dig into the hole here I’m just going to dig dig into a line I want to listen to music of a decent variety is that too crazy to ask did I miss anything no not really can’t say you’re

Dead I’m just I’m mining for um stuff we’re going to get um but where I’m I’m going to cheat I really like I’m going to get 14 for every Blaze Rod I get I’m going to get an Ender eye cuz I’m not going to [ __ ] deal with grinding

For uh Ender or okay that’s enough for ender pearls I’ve decided I don’t care enough I spent too much too many [ __ ] streams on this game and I’m ready to call it beat so that that is the cheat like yeah I could probably like yeah I’ll be cheating

Myself but like at the same time I need to ask myself how much do I really care which like enough to try but not enough to like really try you know what I mean does that make sense I feel like that makes sense like no one can see my playthrough

Like ah you didn’t you didn’t do good yes I did [ __ ] you I did great I did great you just don’t know because you don’t you don’t see the true vision that I have what is a grot rocker boy I’ve never heard that term and I’m curious as to what it is

Also the H the yeah I don’t know he said I was a grot lover and I don’t know what that means and if it’s what I think it means I’m going to be really angry but it doesn’t sound like that’s what that would mean so I want to clarify

Groot do it [ __ ] do it come at me I [ __ ] dare you broughts our Warhammer goblins oh gross I hate goblins imagine thinking that I love goblins I [ __ ] I hate goblins goblins are gross I think what builds up your toes when you eat fatty stuff yeah that’s that’s

Grout that’s grout that you’re thinking of and that’s what Dark Side Phil has a lot of I’m dancing but no one can hear the song I’m dancing too all right I got to stop [ __ ] Dilly [ __ ] around what is a Dilly [ __ ] around what why do I make up words

Grout is also a type no you are correct but it is also uh yeah no it it’s both it’s actually seriously both I might need to make this bridge not one by one but I guess it works for what it is so why does German music go so

Hard because German music can go really [ __ ] hard sometimes so from what I’ve read this is this is the way to win yeah that’s not what I meant to do nope not this way this way [ __ ] I have made a gra [ __ ] miscalculation well if I die it’s my own fault yeah

Yeah I [ __ ] hate this game gravity op please Nerf I’m just trying to decide what the smart what what what my next option is I don’t like I don’t care care about any of that stuff that I just lost because we’re smart and I made lots of pants so like

Whatever I lost those arrows but whatever that’s not a big deal I have food we have renewable resource but I’m not concerned I’m not upset because we’ve future proofed ourselves so that’s not the problem into my problem that I’m having is it feels a little hopeless because I’ve been stuck on this particular

Issue for a while now now like we’re talking at least eight streams and so I’m trying to decide like at like what to do like go would be the best course of action to take okay I think I have an idea let’s get okay we get that and

That well there’s the fast and easy way there’s the fast way and the easy way tell me the easy way [ __ ] it let tell me the easy way what’s the easy way because I honestly never want to stream campaign of this game again uh because wof yeah it’s been a while hasn’t it

Did I die does this mean that like T torch out the whole Fortress does that work I had no idea that worked huh why is it getting me even further away unless that is actually a benefit hold on have you been visited by the shredded cheese band at any point oh that’s

Actually really nice oh interesting uh no I haven’t what are you talking about slab out the Fortress Oh yeah cuz I didn’t think torches would have worked anyway this [ __ ] game did it again yeah I’m not going to do out the whole Fortress that I’ll do me a [ __ ] room to where I I I can go you know like I I’ll do it enough where it’ll get

Me close to where I want to get to like I see the [ __ ] room that I need to get to let’s put it that way so once I get to the spawn room that I want to get to right I’ll be solid to do everything else I need to

Do do not I do not have the patience for your [ __ ] right now oh God damn it D I always like worry that drowning the drown are going to spawn in the [ __ ] water while I’m swimmming I mean I guess it’s a very possible situations you know other place I’ve never

Done oh they don’t spawn out of nowhere really oh do they have to be a zombie well that makes sense kind of hard to see when it’s raining a [ __ ] ah double [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] that was [ __ ] I think I’m not prepared for your

Garbage game I know what you [ __ ] do to me I know how you play your [ __ ] skeleton game with me you think I’m [ __ ] I’m not vulnerable like I once was you’ve hardened me like War changes a person yeah I [ __ ] hear you zombie what’s worse is like this game is like

This campaign that we’ve been streaming is doing to me what my time on 2B 2T did to me which is needless to say very sad I I did not it was not a good time in the club my dudes um I don’t have enough I don’t have it nearly enough you

Know maybe it’s time maybe it’s time maybe did you Joel I’m so glad that you shared that you [ __ ] no no I won’t I won’t let my Anor get a hold of me today there’s wood in the nether right I’m not crazy there is okay cool all right then we’re going to we’re

Going to do something different it’s the blue stuff from that one okay yeah yeah yeah okay I know I actually know what you’re talking about nope not [ __ ] with you I do not have time or care to [ __ ] with you be gone for me you [ __ ] we are making a [ __ ] nether

Hole I didn’t mean to say it that way but okay I’ll take it funny joke funny joke nether hole like a butt so funny oh [ __ ] all right all right all right so that’s bass Sal isn’t it yeah oh boy run run run run run run run ah

Okay back to what I was Doing before the [ __ ] gas that is right around the [ __ ] Corner gets to me cuz I can [ __ ] hear it a another busy oh great gross why is like why is that term a term that like got popularized what is B like I’ll tell you what I

Thought busy was like a like like you were you were like uh like you know like you know how there’s a I don’t know how to explain this actually like when you like clear a table like a bus boy I thought bus like busy and and busing I thought that’s what that meant

Like I’m I’m busting the table does that make sense or is that silly and I’m a I’m a goofy boy it you could say but it’s a banned phrase post it in the Discord yeah I had to ban a bunch of words because of something that might be happening in the

Near future and I just I just know the groups of people who will show up if that actually happens that’s a a lot of [ __ ] blaze rods okay all right we got to think we guys guys it’s it’s I think it’s about time it’s about time it’s about time to

Stop being [ __ ] at a [ __ ] child’s game I hate everything about life I hate it all I just I [ __ ] hate this game you know what literally am done literally am done that is like am I wrong like tell me like someone in chat say that I don’t deserve to do that

Someone in chat say that I’ve cheated myself honestly you have watched me for 15 [ __ ] streams and the luck that this game has given to me like tell me that I don’t deserve this I have tried so hard and this game has constantly [ __ ] me over I am done

Trying game has been really mean to me Christ like I feel bad for cheating a little bit but like at the same time I have put in the [ __ ] work oh yeah but booster you cheated yourself how will you ever get better I don’t and I am okay with that look I’m

Going to beat the [ __ ] Dragon like that’s the [ __ ] end goal isn’t it you oh I am not happy [ __ ] the nether now I understand why people dunked on the nether when it when it came out and why people bitched about it so much I didn’t actually get it I I

I didn’t get it at first I thought people were just being a baby I get it now now I [ __ ] get it now I [ __ ] get it now what a shitty [ __ ] [ __ ] mad [ __ ] mad I’m [ __ ] mad right now I [ __ ] whatever the nether is a tough biome the

Nether is just flat out [ __ ] unfair like call me a baby I know I’m I’m probably bitching really hard but like I I I don’t know I I don’t mean to be that guy but I’m going to be that guy so how does this work huh wait so how does this work

Throw one and follow it like I just got to keep running after it how many of people how many of you guys thought I was going to [ __ ] now I tell I’ll tell you I’ll tell you though there’s an ultimatum here I need everyone to know this there is there is

A there is a uh huge butt to what just happened I just used my last wish we are now in hardcoree mode and here’s why if I die again I have to either get my [ __ ] backat right or that’s game and and Minecraft goes on the Shelf my Minecraft will be sheld

Indefinitely as far as the campaign goes like I mean I’m not saying I’ll never stream it again because I play this game so much but uh the game will be sheld unless I decide to like mod it the [ __ ] out and then beat it but like the the vanilla like vanilla

Beating m Minecraft will be sheld there will never be another vanilla Minecraft stream ever I will not do it so if I die uh barring getting to the Ender Dragon if I get to the Ender Dragon so be it but like if I die from here on out

And I lose all of my stuff that’s it game over okay does that does ever does everyone does everyone understand I just want I want to make sure you guys understand that I’m so dead ly serious when I say this will be the last Minecraft stream like either because we beat it or

Because I win is correct I’d rather chocolate Minecraft and before he dies on the way I’ll actually cry you will hear a grown 30-year-old man cry it will be a weird like it will be freaking like it’ll just be depressing to listen to me cry because of how much I’ll

Cry uh so let’s not let’s hope I don’t die on the way all right it’ll be like sniveling like like the like the ugly crying where you’re like dry heaving in the middle of crying that’s what will happen if I die on the way to the [ __ ] uh Village that I’m trying to

Get to quickly without dying as fast as I possibly can [ __ ] go oh thank God I made it oh thank God I made it oh thank God I made it oh we’re good yeah okay I’ll take that you know what game I can’t stream it cuz I’m not will you be playing new

Lego fortnite Minecraft yet yes yes I will yes I will correct I will absolutely be playing that I play like I play fortnite people don’t seem to realize or want to believe it but I do I play fortnite and I quite enjoy fortnite too which I I maybe that disappoints

People I don’t know but like Ellie also liked M uh Minecraft fortnite she was also pretty good at it well sh it’s a she’s a [ __ ] game Savon isn’t she [ __ ] game Savant what a term who came up with that term one of you guys did oh

No I think it was Seth if I if I recall correctly I just fed this [ __ ] guy one of my carrots what a [ __ ] how dare he steal one of my carrots my Kats if you will it’s a stick I don’t care about the stick I want the Fletcher man hello Fletcher

Man oh no I didn’t mean to do that [ __ ] oh you know I’ll take that did I get any arrows okay okay whatever all right so let’s throw an eye um okay so I don’t know how far out I have to go so the moment it becomes night

Time I’m going to sleep fair fair I think that’s Fair it may be a good distance away okay did I get a bed I didn’t why didn’t I thought I picked up a bed oh I didn’t cuz I had a full inventory [ __ ] oh that’s okay well we’ll just go back to my base then steal the bed there I made another

One uh another respawn point at the uh Village which was uncharacteristically smart of me I’m listening to K-pop right now it’s that is that one Cupid song that has John Cena dancing in it or no not John Cena dancing in it but everyone put John Cena dancing to it it’s really

Addicting I don’t know what that says about me liking K-pop that John Cena dances to I think it makes me Chad right like that’s Chad Behavior I think so at least okay I gotta I got to put the question out There when is it okay to cheat like obviously in this case today where you guys watched me cheat because [ __ ] this game like but what like when when when is it okay to cheat and when do you when do you become less of a gamer I want I want everyone’s opinion on this

Actually cuz like I have my own you can cheat at any time okay because so you have two you have two schools of thought resorting to cheating to beat Minecraft you are less of shut the [ __ ] up mous I don’t want to [ __ ] hear it from you come back to me when

You have like something better than [ __ ] cry mackina all right all right come come talk to me about being less of a gamer when you like better games okay [ __ ] yeah doesn’t matter doesn’t matter still [ __ ] still [ __ ] like better [ __ ] huh huh loser I’m not going to say anything else

I’ll beam the words to you telepathically cuz you know what I’m calling you okay all right unless that’s the point of the game right coio because like Monster Hunter well then again that’s not boring is it that’s that’s fun that’s what that that’s like what makes Monster Hunter fun is the

Grinding um and like I don’t cheat in the only time I ever cheated in Monster Hunter was I got a mod which allowed me to see the monster’s health bar cuz to me that wasn’t cheating I didn’t think I didn’t I didn’t think that was cheating but I had a conversation with a

Friend and she was like well I feel like that defeats the purpose of the game because the the purpose of the game is to learn you know tells and I agreed with her and after that I took off the mod look it’s been a h dozen and a half

Streams it’s cool right yeah no I know it’s it’s more of like a question I’ve had for a while because I like I don’t mind cheating in games um I don’t don’t but I do know like if someone cheated infinite health in ninja giden after like four boss

Battles I would not respect them I don’t think because at that point you don’t try yeah Mass good point good point very good point it’s sort of like saying I I like to hunt deer so it would be unsporting to bag a deer if it’s caged

Exactly yeah you know what that’s a good point that’s yeah oh boy we’re going to be going for a while huh do those float no okay good thing I got a stack of them huh good thing I thought I hadn’t got a St stack of them I don’t know why I grabbed

The bed oh yes I do the bed isn’t here for uh oh they do float they do float you guys lied to me man are we is is this is this what we’re doing now are we is it just the boat siming away sorry I’m not sorry but you know the

Fact that I knew that entire song simply because of South Park simply because of Cartman spoiler you actually have to go do you have any idea how unfair that would be huh oh surely not huh wait are we that close to one already what that would where where the [ __ ] is it

Going you are you you no no no no for are you [ __ ] kidding me are are you m [ __ ] kidding me what is that I didn’t even think that was possible oh a is a a thing what the [ __ ] what kind of [ __ ] Tom Foolery is this garbage

So good news is I was really close to a fortress the entire time this is the game really said hey what’s up I heard you wanted to beat me is that right [ __ ] you wanna you want to go you want you want to play this game

Huh well we have ender pearls because we all got sick and tired of trying you can’t create dive suits can is di suits actually a thing so I have to make a door all right well [ __ ] first off all right well okay guess we’re making a [ __ ]

House hey what’s up Ajax how you doing welcome in how how is your life my life is well we’re [ __ ] here aren’t we what is this [ __ ] I just wanted to [ __ ] play Minecraft I did not expect it to be what it is this has been a [ __ ] Stream do I have water bre how how does how does the door work okay all right we don’t need water breathing potions we’ve got everything we need what we do need to do though let’s get that and that we get this turn it all into planks that should be

Good um let’s make a shovel and an axe X I cannot say that at all I don’t even know what that is where did this where did it even go oh oh wait a sec no that doesn’t work the way I thought it would okay okay man I am using every bit of

Knowledge that I’ve ever gained about Minecraft to do what I’m doing right now okay like this is the true [ __ ] like this is the true final boss I should have done more than one pickaxe it’s okay oh hey Russian guy I remember you I’m learning Russian by the way I’m

Literally listening to Russian music as we speak why is Russian music all so [ __ ] depressing Russian music has to be some of the most depressing music I’ve ever listened to and I love it I mean it’s Russia I mean it’s Russia that’s true I [ __ ] it but like I love it I

[ __ ] adore it I like I don’t know why I’m learning Russian okay I’m not going to [ __ ] how many do I need for the Ender for the thing oh you know what I didn’t get [ __ ] I did forget Something wait what the this is really difficult like I don’t know how to triangulate this position at all or like where it’s going as many as 12 some block okay but I need at least 12 huh oh oh it makes me it wants me to go

Down it’s really hard to tell where it’s going right that means that I need at least 12 with me right so that at most if I need at most 12 then that means I need to keep at least 12 with me does that make sense oh my God are we doing it

Are we are we are we making it I’ll make a little Al Cove oh okay does that mean that like I’m sitting right over the [ __ ] stronghold oh yeah I see what you mean I see what you mean I see you know what you’re right you’re right I dumb wait

What how the [ __ ] does this work now I’m out of [ __ ] am I just stupid I feel like I feel like I feel a little dumb right now like I don’t actually understand how the [ __ ] these eyes work because I thought I was going in the direction that it was telling me to

Go but I don’t actually get it now yeah that’s okay certainly I’ll find where I [ __ ] went went right certainly Sweet I can’t believe it boys we actually somehow managed to find it okay well now look at me being smart I know it’s rare when it happens but it does happen from time to time please clap I was going to have a I was no I was

So not happy for a second there um okay clap thank you thank you all right so the eyes Point towards the portal room not the portal itself okay what I’m using two of them what am I not understanding here hold on dig down up yeah I I [ __ ] I

Guess I guess I’ll just big a giant [ __ ] like 7 by seven you say this is a waste of time okay so what is it saying to do why are they just floating here dig up oh my goodness Dig Down [ __ ] are you kidding me use trigonometry what the [ __ ] is

Trigonometry doesn’t that require three I don’t know trigonometry I barely barely pass Algebra I don’t math are you kidding me I’m white why kids can’t do math turn the brightness up I think it’s all the way up I just realized that yeah no you guys probably can’t see [ __ ]

Huh can can you see better now quality performance Advanced Gator packs oops no I don’t want to buy you a coffee yeah that should be as bright as I possibly can go is it is it too dark uh too dark okay um fine okay yeah I’d have to make uh I I can’t

Make any torches so sorry wait where did they go it could be Shader [ __ ] even though I turned off the Shader there you go I just had to look at the settings for you guys but okay so Boop okay all right no now we’re going in a different direction

Yeah sorry about that guys I I didn’t even think that you guys could see it CU I have really good monitors so my bad I feel bad now because you guys have just been dealing with that all right I I have to be close all right so here here’s our

Here’s our [ __ ] okay so let’s let’s do one okay it’s it’s telling me to go here so just like dig up living in a dark worldle reminds me of my real life here’s your f3s more down okay I guess we’re going down minus three what am I at right now minus 9 [ __ ]

I hear spiders which is more than I’ve heard at all hey guys hey guys I think we found it so on a scale of one to you’re [ __ ] how hard is this going to wait this is a m shaft welcome to the pain Zone yeah [ __ ] cool okay okay we have some iron

Oh [ __ ] yeah that’s right what’s up buddy all right Cas spiders can fit in one hole okay no food no water no future no not necessarily look I’m I’m going to be honest all I needed to do was find the stronghold so this is the stronghold yeah

Like this cuz this looks like a m shaft so th this is no okay it’s not the stronghold okay well you know we we we’ve made it somewhere so now we’re going to do this I had a plan this whole time I’ve had a plan I

Was going to find the M Shaft or the the close to the stronghold and then I was going to build a hole back up to the surface I’ll take that this is why I built two pickaxes I actually thought aead Who Am I who am I I thought aead

I was so happy that I saw andesite as well because uh I can I can use that watch out for gravel yeah good point oh oh that’s annoying yeah that’s a good point I will watch out for gravel watch out for Falling Rocks in Minecraft I’m being overly careful now

Well like I said if I die that’s it game over and I won’t be able to find my [ __ ] if I die from here right so like we have to be as careful as possible look at that some [ __ ] gravel if you die in Minecraft you die in real life absolutely

I [ __ ] love that guy I can’t believe like okay so I didn’t know this but he’s trying to beat the entire game in zero a presses like I feel like obviously like yeah du booster what the hell did you think he was doing I just didn’t think about it what a [ __ ] Chad

You’re [ __ ] me you are actually [ __ ] me right now come on are you that’s not the stronghold that’s just a is that wait is this the stronghold huh oh I should be really careful right okay yeah yeah yeah we’re we’re going to go back to what I was doing

Then like it it’s cool that I found it but uh no that does that does help though no you do not play that game with me you [ __ ] main threat right now is starving and creepers got it no way okay okay okay oh my

God oh wait we got to be careful I don’t want to lose it nice I did basically just do a y AIS U-turn okay nice okay okay all right is that my stuff is that my stuff from when I died earlier wait where’d he go what is that what was

That why did that just dip under the [ __ ] water like a spooker run wait why what the [ __ ] is a kelp oh you don’t understand the flashbacks I just had do do you have any idea the flashbacks you just gave me oh [ __ ] I was hoping I’d be able to find some dirt

[ __ ] oh The Flash the worst kind of flashbacks the flashbacks of the [ __ ] um server that we used to play on with the monster girls all right well oh nice what was that I don’t have theophobia surprisingly all right this is what I wanted I don’t have long okay all right that’s

Good run go go go go go go go go go go go I’m actually going to do it well too early to sayfe for sure but we’re doing okay for once you’re going to need a bigger boat what’s that from what is that from oh Jaws that’s right I don’t think

I’ve ever actually seen Jaws what does that say about me right that I have no that I have not seen Jaws that’s what it says about me um okay I don’t want you I do need you I don’t want you I do need you uh I’ll keep you don’t need

You don’t need you don’t need you don’t need you don’t need you want you want you want you want you keep you keep you nope get rid of that get that don’t need you do need you yes uh o don’t need you don’t need that don’t need that

Okay do I have a door I do Okay almost Almost no too much almost there almost there almost there okay cool that should be everything oops okay okay cool um sure let’s let’s not get ahead of ourselves shall we we have we have a place we will we will we will make ourselves a little hubby

Hole which is why I brought my [ __ ] bed down here look at me being smart and thinking ahead look at me learning how to play boom [ __ ] I know I shouldn’t be like proud of myself for this but I am so shut up it’s been a long time coming

Also how the [ __ ] do people play this game without like no little little little hubby hole yes I meant that I meant to it’s not you know what there’s no [ __ ] defending it like Hobbit like a hobbit hole little hobby hole but like no matter how I’m going to

Word that it’s going to be like you good champ you know what you’re saying right yes I know what you’re saying but it’s not coming out the way I want it to come phrasing again all right we’re going to take a quick quick quick break I’ll be right back with you guys that

I am back I had to get me a little munchie because I’m hungry can you actually made it to the for yes I cheated but yes I did so I don’t know I I don’t know I don’t know whatever thank you I anyway all he needs

To do now is stay alive and not die to find the end portal well and then beat the Dragon oh right um where’ my pickaxe go oh I did forget one thing shoot brick well it shouldn’t be too hard hold on nice easy oh fiddle sticks yeah really um anyway H I like I’m very happy that we’re here like I’m very happy that we

Finally got here but like at the same time I’m just like I’m scared as to what’s to come though like everyone I’ve talked to about this game like the nether is the worst part of the game and once you get past the nether it’s fine I don’t think the creeper could jump scare

Me yeah that’s blocked off by Granite that’s a door and that’s a door that’s a door oh wait what no way did I just find it nope I didn’t that’s a silverfish thing no I did are you kidding holy [ __ ] [ __ ] finally they throw me a bone yeah no no not rip not

Rip I think we’re okay okay all right well we’ll make this our little base then um how am I going to do this why don’t want put this we’ll put it here does I’m going to ask a really stupid question and feel free to Dun pan me does they don’t Farms don’t need

Um sunlight do they no okay good you can use torches okay okay cool okay okay nice look at that aren’t you guys proud of me look at me learning reverse D and D you live in the dungeon yeah okay hold on cuz we got to make sure

Okay I’m make me a path so I don’t get lost yes I’m I’m I don’t I don’t believe in myself that much I mean if I die though I’m not it’s not like I can die and be away from my stuff in any in any capacity Johnny booster seed what I’ve done it

Oh I see I was like what okay so now what like what what do we what what’s what what do I do do do I need to prepare do I just go do I just go for it okay so I have never ever done the uh the end before in my

Life I don’t actually know what it looks like get arrows beds and Pearls well I Have Eyes of Ender the one in the loot chest I guess we can explore this area a little bit again like I I can’t die too hard I just I might get lost is my problem okay um

Um oh okay those are so that if your platform spawns s oh in midair you can teleport to the main oh okay cool I just want to see if there’s anything worth grabbing in here do I um oh nice oh Golden Apple those are those are good if I recall

Are golden apples really good or something cuz uh it seems like I can get a lot of them uh my gut says to leave my gut says leave right now all right let me go put some stuff away real quick bonus hearts and regen okay so I’m going to take food with

Me well I don’t have an enchanted golden apple just a regular one I don’t have any beds how do you beat the game with beds do I need to be making beds right now or is that unnecessary beds are tactical nukes so what do you guys think I should do you tell

Me cuz we’re here we’re at the end of the game you guys you guys teach me teach me your ways as I don’t trust my [ __ ] self you know what let me let me let me let’s just go do it one time let’s just go do it one

Time how hard can this really be amazing so how do I how how does one beat the end I I don’t I see the Ender Dragon do I just like attack it with shoot the Crystals shoot the crystals okay wow I needed a lot more arrows than this okay that’s fine why is that one blocked in done it babe she gave me the thumbs up this is the highest praise she’s ever given me you’re going bad okay I love you right

Babe are they mad at me are they trying to attack me what’s happening why are they running away from me and if I leave this world so that shooting is hard oh okay no the dragon can aggro them oh so they’re they’re on my side they’ll still kill you for staring good

Thing I I I wondered that oh so that does hurt me I didn’t know if that was going to hurt me or not what would now be time to use the golden apple or not yet no don’t do it yet what’s up all I didn’t even know

Was oh oh no no no no no what happened what happened what happened oh God I probably shouldn’t have used it but I decided it was it was worth it no whoa whoa whoa who why you attacking me bro [ __ ] you [ __ ] you no yeah Fair yeah Fair yeah okay all right Fair

Okay so uh arrows okay so what happens when you die though that’s the question does like everything respawn bring water bucket to deal with the Enderman of course of course of course that makes sense that makes sense yeah nope crystals are gone gone okay so this now is just a war of

Attrition guess what I’m stubborn did you guys know that I’m stubborn if you didn’t know that I’m stubborn by now what’s wrong with you okay V we do have the problem of arrows how am I going to get arrows creeper jump scare nope the big nope for me

Dog uh you guys remember that thing I said I was going to do if I wasn’t careful I’m lost damn it I knew this was going to happen why do I have such terrible sense of direction seriously that’s just rude um is this is this my door no [ __ ] just remembered a cobblestone

Bridge to main island what are you referring to main island Oh right how did I get lost I knew this was going to happen time to employ the whatever no I was right all right fine I’m going to do it I’m probably going to regret doing this but I got to I got to you have some strange her to eat some

Nugs that’s not bad it’s not a bad urge worse urges have been had I need food all right there’s not like an easy way to get arrows and that sucks yeah but I don’t have any eggs and that would take way too long you think I me oh did I not me [ __ ]

Okay we need to consider our options and what is next to do could Farm skellingtons I could uh is so are arrows the only way to win or can I just go up there and bunk them but don’t like what would you guys recommend you are are obviously better at Minecraft

Than bum rush the dungeon the oh bum rush the dragon when it Punches oh that’s so annoying bombs are not easy to do though like how I don’t I would have no idea how to even begin to use them because if they explode when you hit them or when you place them how the [ __ ] do you know when to place them where do you place

Them right now I’m going to [ __ ] die yep oh well that actually works oh [ __ ] wow the generation in this game is not the best huh geez Louise okay a lot of dead [ __ ] ends the dragon has a move where if it gets close to the ground and breath dank breath oh I

See is this okay so this is a chest I’ve already been in oh [ __ ] you I blocked that I wish I could pick up his arrows that would be cool I don’t know why they don’t let you do that but you can pick up your own arrows it doesn’t

Really make much sense to me man all right fine against literally all my better judgment I’m wow why does this [ __ ] take forever to grow I’m so dumb playing I just want to beat this game all right um all right I bur did I lose all my apples I did

[ __ ] I blocked that every s well look I’d rather that than the dsb joke that someone made recently I was so mad about that oh I’m like give me a little bit more credit than that geez calling me dsb [ __ ] off that’s mean I’m better than him in every

Way can you imagine someone called me DSP [ __ ] [ __ ] what do I do to deserve this this [ __ ] disrespect all right where did I see the library anyway I’m just I’m just uh oh there it is all right well surely it’s not going to be too bad in the library right

Surely it’s just me being a baby tell me right now if me being in the library is going to be a mistake spoter Central yeah I had a [ __ ] feeling I had a [ __ ] well then again I’m not hearing any which is kind of weird to

Me like I thought there would already be some spoter but I haven’t heard a single one so interesting so it’s just lots of books isn’t there well I guess you need that for the Bruh Bruh what bruh what what oh okay you cheekies why are you trying to

[ __ ] me up huh scare me a little bit why would why why would you do that haven’t I suffered enough haven’t I suffered enough do I really need you guys making me suffer too haven’t I suffered enough well this isn’t really giving me what I want

Though oh did it really I’m sorry I’m sorry to hear that uh my Fortress was underwater yeah yeah [ __ ] this game the bat what is this oh it’s the ocean oh oh it is the oan okay that’s kind of [ __ ] rad looking all right I don’t know if we’re going to do

It but but by God we’re going to try all right let’s get some Cobble oh oh my God that would have been nice to [ __ ] have I don’t know how to use those books though I do I just don’t have the obsidian you needed to make the thing to

Use it to make it to yeah anyway um okay so what have we learned absolutely [ __ ] nothing um is any of this ready yet why are you guys taking so long to [ __ ] cook just [ __ ] grow [ __ ] God like like like at this point it’s not a

Matter of if I win just when I’ll win oh iron huh oh [ __ ] well whatever let’s just go do this let’s just [ __ ] do this but I never have to stream Minecraft again Pap okay what is endium what is this is this just like a cool little thing that I oh that

Is a scary dragon more like Dragon these nuts get it ha oh is that fire should I not jump into that he he is angry oh oh oh okay well that answered my [ __ ] question yeah don’t touch that that’s bad that’s stank breath okay I’m just going to wait for that

Stank breath to go away well that lingered huh wow that that does certainly linger okay don’t stare at any of the Ender people I was going to say something very different than that oh my God my shit’s still here not what I was expecting to didn’t [ __ ] look at

Something we didn’t even look at something hate it hate it [ __ ] super frustrating okay just going to get back to my little like safety room oh wait is this like infinite okay cool okay how annoying well good news is I have my arrows again I have my bucket I have some end excuse

Me um I think I should be okay right so there they’re attacking the dragon yeah I I think this is that I need to kill I’m like I’m like I’m like no okay I’ll take that death that was that was that was a [ __ ] calculated death I would rather have died there

Than literally anywhere else at least there’s some of my [ __ ] got C dude almost did fall into the void somehow I managed to [ __ ] redirect my death to where I wasn’t going to [ __ ] die die oh I would have been so mad I’m not quite sure where my ship fell though

So that sucks at least it’s a small little Island all right so that guy shot me I had it had to have been like over here yeah it sure did fall into Oblivion but I’d rather some of it than all of it well this sucks okay here it

Is how much of it fell into Oblivion none of it none of it fell into Oblivion cuz I managed to get it right there oh sweet oh no I did lose some stuff because I don’t have any arrows I have the important bits though well only kind of lucky I don’t

Have any arrows so that does suck but that’s okay that’s okay do I have my wood okay I do no I didn’t know if they were attacking me or not so we got to make this fast okay all right so like the the the the concern I’m having right the concern I’m

Having it’s after I beat it as far as like getting everything down then what then then I just got to figure out how to attack the [ __ ] and how that’s going to be fun nice I’m not going to survive it there’s no way I’m not going to be able to survive

This goodbye goodbye forever oh is that numbers is n numbers I’m with the Endy dragon unicorn destruction like always I want to be with you forever and ever like a rer he’s doing it he’s finally going to be Minecraft God I [ __ ] so hello everyone hello hello hello my

Name is booster I do video game music with my wife here on YouTube you should totally subscribe because we do some cool [ __ ] here sometimes no no no okay that’s okay that’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s

Okay it’s okay I’ve done it I’ve done it I’ve done it I’ve done it I’ve done it okay uh don’t expect me to talk a whole lot this stream it’s kind of a weird stream where I’m like not talking a whole lot because I’m trying really hard to beat this

Game I’m a little quiet how long have I been a little quiet no you know it’s cuz my microphone wasn’t in front of my face I mean it it’s literally because my microphone wasn’t in front of my face I’ve been so focused on like beating the game that I haven’t been like oh

Boy I got to be careful careful careful careful careful [ __ ] got yeah I knew it that’s okay that’s okay that’s okay because again we we we knew that was going to happen we we prepared ourselves for that you’re doing this T’s bow it’s not on purpose it just happened

Bro this whole [ __ ] Minecraft this whole [ __ ] Minecraft run has been like the game being like oh you want to beat Minecraft let me show you what it really likeed you guys want to know what the Fortress was it was under [ __ ] water I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up

Yeah I [ __ ] up [ __ ] oh God please let my pickaxes Fallen please let my pickaxes Fallen oh God that would be lovely yeah okay yeah okay yep all right well look good good that like it kind of happened the way I wanted to oh God however oh you know what [ __ ] off

[ __ ] you you want to you want to [ __ ] fight me oh I will [ __ ] you up yeah okay who are you ghost hi I’m booster I’m a ghost who does video game news here on YouTube you should totally subscribe because I’m rad can confirm is a rad

Person anyway I’m I’m I’m I’m [ __ ] focused right now I’m like I’m I’m tuned the [ __ ] in here’s how tuned in I am I’m listening to Sonic music does that mean I’m cool no but it’s happening oh boy okay oh boy oh boy when YouTube feels like it I’m I’m

Sorry about that I you’re not the only person that that has uh has mentioned that like like Ellie and I have a really like tinfoil hat theory that we’re since they demonetized us they’re like throttling us really hard and we really hope it’s not true but we’re beginning to really

Believe that that’s the case and it sucks because some people didn’t even see the Andrew and lelay video like it would look like you’re wearing cool shades yeah baby all day every day cool shades for life [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you

Okay give me my water give me my water give me my water yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay we’re good I’m clicking as hard as I literally [ __ ] can right

Now oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I’m safe Christ this is [ __ ] terrifying the the dragon deletes normal

Blocks oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I didn’t know that oh God okay no we’re okay we’re okay we’re okay no nope no not ideal not ideal not ideal not ideal but that’s okay that’s okay we got this we got this it’s going to be okay it’s going to be okay because I

Said it’s going to be okay oh my God I can do this I’m going to beat the [ __ ] Ender Dragon my God where’s the last [ __ ] Orbee there’s two wait I thought there was only one do they they don’t respawn right the orbs do not respond

Okay so I just don’t know how many there are he’s going to blow me up yep yep I’m going to die I’m going to die there’s no way I’m not going to die wait a sec wait a sec wait a sec is this stupid is this stupid this

Might be really [ __ ] dumb this might be really [ __ ] stupid boy this might be the dumbest [ __ ] thing I’ve done look if I die because of this it’s okay it’s okay if I die because of this because you know it’ll have been my own decision oh my

God okay that’s okay that’s okay that’s okay I’m weaponizing My Own Death it’s okay [ __ ] dude I’ll tell you what weaponized immortality is one of the most baller [ __ ] things I’ve ever seen in an anime and I [ __ ] love it weaponized um immortality is like the coolest [ __ ] thing

Ever like I watched some guy like the the anime in question is called ien um and it’s about guys who are just literally [ __ ] Immortal um but like they use it to like fight and so like what one guy did was he um oh my God

Yes hold on hold on oh my God I died in the best possible place is that is that everything yeah yeah yeah if I’m in the water am I safe you surely won’t warp up into the water right you’re not dumb okay so how do I okay so we we’ve done it okay

Well now now we play The War of Attrition now we play the war of who’s more [ __ ] starborn guess what it’s me you don’t get through this much [ __ ] Minecraft without being as stubborn as I am yeah okay okay okay okay all right [ __ ] you megalovania starts playing yeah

Let’s see who’s really [ __ ] determined oh good your health continues oh I’m just going to win by bashing my head against your [ __ ] face until you’re dead oh if there’s one thing if there’s one thing I have it’s [ __ ] stubbornness and you are [ __ ] you stupid [ __ ] Dragon oh I’m going to

[ __ ] your day up oh I’m going to [ __ ] your day up so hard I’m G to [ __ ] your day up so hard your mom’s going to [ __ ] kill you stupid [ __ ] Dragon yeah yeah you’re going to [ __ ] blow [ __ ] at me I’m going [ __ ] you’re so [ __ ] dead you are so [ __ ]

Dead by the time I’m done with you you’re going to be calling me dad do you understand me [ __ ] I am so not [ __ ] around man you know what’s harder than fighting the dragon not staring at these [ __ ] freaks okay I just need you to Purge

Come down no come down no get down no come down no come down no get down here no get down here oh you’re going to [ __ ] stanky ass breath on me like a little [ __ ] oh [ __ ] just like six seven more times yeah I can do that here he Comes oh my God water yes no [ __ ] okay you know what that’s all right I forgot the stank breath came with the fire oh booster please come on like be better than what you are is that a second round of stiny breath all right well this stiny breath dis dissipated so that’s

Okay a [ __ ] quick Strat there I didn’t know if that was going to work yes the bed b the bed strategy does still work apparently so does the duck in [ __ ] water to get really fast to dodge that was so cool more damage all right I think I

Knew that that’s why I made it no a booster booster you [ __ ] you got this you got this you got this you got this you got this come on boy come on boy you you be ninja giden why has why is this even you know what cuz you’re streaming so sorry guys

I’m not streaming anymore I may look like I’m streaming but I’m not streaming so uh sorry if I’m completely [ __ ] silent for the next like 10 minutes cuz I don’t care you can just watch me streaming got I’m so bad at not streaming where are you [ __ ] oh you coming oh you coming

Get my [ __ ] heart is racing are you going to [ __ ] swing down [ __ ] come on come on kick his trick ass that’s right come on come on oh here we go here we go okay do not use the golden sword that sword does [ __ ]

All I do not have TNT to blow up the dragon I simply have my sword which apparently is making up for the fact that I cheated to get the ender eyes because [ __ ] the nether this is my compromise all right this this is my compromise I’m not

Allowed to use TNT and I’m not allowed to use a [ __ ] bow I have to fight the Ender Dragon with just a sword [ __ ] I feel like that’s a fair compromise end without food that’s right this is this is how I’m going to do it oh you broke my bridge you [ __ ]

Where is my [ __ ] depressive Russian music here he comes here he comes yep he’s swinging he’s wiggling he’s waggling oh he oh oh oh oh oh oh step away there huh what [ __ ] was that I don’t know why my attack didn’t hit him but that’s

Fine he kind of doesn’t have a head hit block who the [ __ ] said aim for the eyes who whoever said aim for the eyes needs to get [ __ ] smacked in the face whoever said aim for the eyes [ __ ] you [ __ ] you not death was your fault you [ __ ] how dare

You aim for the horn no I won’t how about I just aim for his [ __ ] [ __ ] I feel like that’s a better use of my [ __ ] aiming me man you [ __ ] [ __ ] the Ender Dragon is female then I’m punching it in the [ __ ] uterus what do you want from Me yeah you [ __ ] deserve to be snitched on do you realize how hard this game has been like do you realize this is like feeling like the hardest vanilla Minecraft I’ve ever seen the [ __ ] that this game has put me through has been unfair don’t try to [ __ ] get in my

Line of sight you [ __ ] hello oh here he comes oh he coming oh he waggling oh he’s wiggling he’s squiggling he’s waggling he’s swling he’s lugan yeah ell when when when Ellie came in here to tell me go he gave me a thumbs up and a little clap he clapped oh you Bit excuse me sorry that was a very unattractive noise I got this oh my God I’m so close I can [ __ ] taste it leave before the last hit seriously just like throw [ __ ] wait come back oh my God please drop down thank you oh here he come booster punch the

Dragon imagine if I had actually done it I knew it wasn’t going to happen [Laughter] but you know what [ __ ] you you know what [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it we’ve made it this hard right like this far having the hardest

Run of Minecraft I’ve ever seen in vanilla Minecraft like of all time I’m still pretty [ __ ] sure that that’s not a lie I have not seen someone go through the [ __ ] that I had to go through the fact that the Fortress was under [ __ ] water is ridiculous I still can’t get over that

[ __ ] you better [ __ ] believe I’m going to do it you better [ __ ] believe it he won’t let me have it immediately he’s going to make me work for my punch yeah one punch Dragon yeah let’s [ __ ] go probably a stupid idea yeah I knew that was going to happen I knew it oh

Man I threw I threw a [ __ ] thing at the last moment and I knew it was going to happen where all right all right all right all right all right you know what I don’t even care about my [ __ ] cuz this this world is doomed as soon as this Ender

Dragon wins this world is over cuz [ __ ] this just evil world world that’s not entirely true I mean the world is gone that’s true but not that I’m not going to pick up my [ __ ] use the gold sword for silent [ __ ] it all right fine I was going to punch

It for Stylin but this works too oh God ow we’re just playing the waiting game with it right now here he comes here he comes oh that okay so that does actually matter I didn’t actually know if that matters God damn it this is taking too

Long God no it’s okay no it’s okay no it’s okay no it’s okay no it’s okay no it’s okay I I know what I know what the situation is now I’m getting too eager to get in front of it I need to be getting behind it oh my God come on

What it really is trying to Edge my skib I didn’t mean to do that wouldn’t that be funny if the [ __ ] ender dragon respawned all his [ __ ] health because I did that I’d [ __ ] cry could you imagine what it would sound like to hear me cry over that oh thank God

I was so scared I there there was genuine Panic covered in a veneer of humor but there was genuine [ __ ] panic I refuse to let this [ __ ] not get punched in the head [ __ ] you [ __ ] what is that oh it’s my shield what’s that It is like it is like it’s a it this is a feeling I haven’t had in quite some time Yeah Euphoria is a good word for it 67 Minecraft oh my God Oh my God I feel so good right now what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] oh this is the end poem I remember this I’ve read this originally yeah it’s so weird why did they do this I mean why didn’t they do this oh my God I’m more happy about the fact that I

Punched it to death that was cool punching it to death and all it took is us to cheat the [ __ ] out of the nether because the nether is garbage I don’t care who you are the nether is crap nothing about the nether was cool I’ve never liked the nether that was hard to

Say p p what what is pita leton yeah that’s right it really isn’t Fun it wasn’t fun like I got to the Fortress I found the blaze rods but like every yeah it was it oh pain in the ass yeah yeah guys I feel so good I didn’t actually think I was going

To be able to do it you felt you heard me I felt like at the beginning of the stream when we kept dying in the nether I felt like this was not going to be obtainable I felt like it was like it was me and then the player was me

Okay that that has the same like that has the same like um feeling as and we thank you for playing like yeah no problem I feel really [ __ ] work right now I haven’t had the sense of like accomplishment in a really really really really long time like I’m just basking in it right

Now it is it is such a good feeling to just get over a game that you have been trying and like what what makes this special to me is you have all watched how hard it’s been like that that might be why this this one particular win this year out of the 67

Games that I’ve beaten this year this game in particular really feels like despite the fact that I cheated to get the the nether eyes right despite that I I feel like I’ve earned it because of the sheer exhaustion that we’ve dealt with not going through one but two

Different worlds because one of the worlds got uh lost and God that was a [ __ ] pain in the ass too it just yeah this game just did not like me it tried really really hard to fight me huh but we did did it we persevered I

Got the [ __ ] over it we did it I cheated I but I cheated but I stuck true to my word I only cheated three times throughout the game as as I do any other game and I only beat the Ender Dragon using a sword and my fist no

Food it was a fair chi I think that’s the one that everyone agrees with was fair and and I I I would almost say that every cheat that I’ve done yeah no cuz there was that one time I kept losing my iron so everyone was just like yeah just get more iron bro

You you mined this entire area so I don’t feel too bad about That like I like this poem this poem is very cute and poetic I I also feel like this is AI generated though does that does that sound rude I I know it’s not I know it’s not I remember when this poem was written nope just pretentious I remember however this seems really AI

Generated like it’s not and I know okay all right yeah this went from being cute to pretentious very fast [ __ ] you don’t tell me to wake up do you know how much hell you [ __ ] put me through you shitty [ __ ] oh I love Minecraft wake the [ __ ] up player wake the [ __ ] up

Samurai head of Stockholm syndrome oh my god I’ve done it oh Man booster ghost player of games yeah that’s me booster ghost the player of video games oh I’m basing what God do you guys actually think I could beat hold on I have to math um so 33 games before the end of the month do you I think it’s possible

I think it’s possible I know that there’s at least three games that I can beat this weekend I can beat cyberpunk this weekend I can beat Evil West this weekend and I can beat um knuckle sandwich I can Peete guided fate Paradox that’s five games right there there’s so many games in my

Library that are half completed is that like that that that might be what I do that might be what I do because I have so many games that I started and then stopped lost planet’s only like four hours long I might just beat Lost Planet

Too I have so many games that are like four hours in length play some basic ass Nest games no they have to be games that I’ve owned like that’s that’s my stop like that’s my that’s my what’s the word rule is it can’t be a game that I don’t

Own so I have to own it um oh you know what I could beat a bunch of my [ __ ] VR games because I think I think halflife Alex is only a few hours long and that’s and that game’s almost half beaten as well I’m on like chapter

Eight of that oh [ __ ] okay I guess I’m playing a lot of that I could beat desolate hope that’s almost done there’s a lot of games I could beat very quickly because they’re half Done I don’t think that’s cheating either booster getting greedy booster is not getting greedy booster wants to prove to himself that he can do 100 games in a year which people think it like a lot of people said that’s crazy I don’t think that’s crazy 100

Games in a year that shouldn’t I feel like that’s not like if gaming is your like true and actual hobby I don’t think 100 games in a year is a lot is it is it I don’t think so like assuming of course you actually play more than just one style of

Game like if you play one style of game that’s it’s one thing but like I play everything so oh my God I guess those weirdos with x000 game yeah I mean that’s me not really know it might be a stretch if you only play triple play stuff yeah yeah

Exactly oh man I feel really good right now like I’m I’m sorry I’m still basking I don’t need to explain how hard this journey has been for me you guys all know you guys all saw it just I I just feel great and hearing this song right Now I feel maybe I’m just being really stupid really sappy over my Minecraft but like it’s it was a hard game for me it’s cuz it my luck is so bad but like I I guess I [ __ ] did it yes yes we were there were very many

Near gamer moments there was one today where if Ellie actually wasn’t in the room I would have gotten us cancelled I’m pretty sure of it I fairly very very sure of it I am very sure of it because the word was coming out of my mouth and then she showed up and it

Stopped oh Ellie just messaged me shh you’re loud Chia games are short and there are hundreds of those H Ellie with the save seriously Seriously oh god oh gosh I have to do all of the necro news tomorrow Too no I will not yell I enjoy no she’s got work in the morning bash we want to be careful and respectful to her she works her ass off thank you guys for hanging out with me while we beat this [ __ ] I really appreciate you guys hanging out with me while we did

This I did I actually seriously didn’t think I was going to be able to beat this so I’m like really happy it was fun I’m glad I’m really I’m really glad Um let’s see what’s happening next week there might be a few streams I don’t know how many more streams there will be next week cuz we’re still doing this like kind of like a a break on streaming cuz Ellie’s pretty burnt out on streaming and just in general so we may

Do a few streams we might do Boulders gate if it works if not we’ll do Grim Dawn I might start um a game I don’t know I don’t know there’s a few games I I do want to do a rumble stream next week but I need to know that people will

Want to watch a grown ass man huff and puff while he pretends to be an Earth Bender for like an hour maybe two hours cuz VR streams are always is very awkward cuz some people really like them and then other people are just like I don’t know if I want to watch

That so I don’t know it’s got to be something everyone’s into so you’ll be there for that I mean yeah we’ll figure it out um and then what is next week the the week of the 23rd hold on let me see no on Saturday the 23rd you should

All be in the Discord because we are going to do my yearly Christmas tradition of watching excuse me of watching all three of the omen movies because that’s my Christmas tradition because nothing says Merry Christmas like killing Satan and ushering in Jesus Christ except for that second movie that

Movie is garbage but no it’s it’s something we do every year and I really enjoy it so you all should be there and then uh again on the 25th which is a Monday we’re not doing an necro news it’s going to be the one week out of the Year where we’re not

Going to release an necro news there will be a video that week however which is uh going to be about hentai the the the the it’s going to it’s going to be uh us reacting to the uh most ridiculous hentai scenes um which is different than what

It originally was we had some friends pop in and say maybe not do just that make it the most ridiculous hentai so that’ll be there and then there’ll be an uncensored version of that video on coffee or patreon I don’t know Ellie’s figuring that stuff out but anyway next

Week we’ll have some streams but not many oh man guys I’m sleepy I’ve been up since six I’m probably going to end stream I try to let the credits play through but these have been going on for like 15 minutes now it’s just [ __ ] Minecraft these are going so slow oh where’s my

Egg of course I didn’t get the egg okay it will have appear it will have appeared at world origin good thing I don’t know where the [ __ ] that is that’s okay well again thank you everyone for actually beating Minecraft with me you guys have been the most amazing thing I could have asked

For all year I’m leaving now because I’m [ __ ] tired I’ll talk to you all later go goodbye n

This video, titled ‘BEATING MINECRAFT BECAUSE I DON’T WANT TO PLAY BALDUR’S GATE 3 ANYMORE’, was uploaded by Necro News on 2023-12-09 07:03:57. It has garnered 111 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 04:24:53 or 15893 seconds.

He lied as easily as he breathed

【Livestream Rules】 ► Be respectful to others in the chat ► Do not mention the viewer count ► If you see spam or trolling, ignore them ► Tips and hints are fine if Booster and I are having trouble with a game, but don’t take the backseat gaming too far unless we ask. ► Try not to mention other streamers unless we mention them first.


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Credits: Loading screen/pfp: music: Live2D model/rigging: 3D model: arkit tracking: @fofamit Booster model: @doqmeet Background: Editor: Thumbnail art made by our friend @nanisohrei

#minecraft #challenge #stream

  • Infinity Gauntlet: Boat Build Battle!

    Infinity Gauntlet: Boat Build Battle! In Roblox, I crafted the Infinity Gauntlet so fine, With all the powers, like in Marvel’s design. Each jewel recreated, shining bright, In Build a Boat, a true gaming delight. From Discord to Instagram, I share my creation, With each update, sparking imagination. Join the empire, be part of the fun, As we craft and build, until the day is done. So come along, on this gaming quest, Where creativity and fun never rest. In Roblox world, where dreams take flight, With the Infinity Gauntlet, shining so bright. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video featuring Skizz and Impulse getting Taco Bell. While the video may not be directly related to Minecraft, it got us thinking about the importance of finding a fun and welcoming community to enjoy the game with. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience for players of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Minecraft: Sly Country House Build

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

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  • Strong Allies for Herobrine: Minecraft’s Mightiest Fight

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Safe and Secure Gaming Experience

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  • Mine for Laughs: Golden Shovel Shorts Go Viral!

    Mine for Laughs: Golden Shovel Shorts Go Viral! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Updates and news, in every rhyme arrives. With a golden shovel, we dig deep and explore, In the gaming world, we always want more. Our gear is top-notch, our setup is prime, With HyperX headsets, we’re always in time. Recording with NVIDIA, our gameplay shines, In the realm of gaming, we draw the lines. So subscribe and share, join us in the fun, In the world of Minecraft, we’re second to none. With rhymes and updates, we’ll keep you in the loop, In this gaming world, we’re part of the group. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Castle Builds!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Castle Builds! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “I MADE ULTIMATE THRONE IN MY CASTLE | (Don’t Miss) |MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #18.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what if you could showcase your creativity and build the ultimate throne not just in your castle, but in a whole new world? Imagine a place where you can unleash your imagination, collaborate with other players, and create something truly unique. That’s where Minewind Minecraft… Read More

  • Survival Twist: Minecraft’s Delightful Flight

    Survival Twist: Minecraft's Delightful Flight In this Minecraft world, survival is key, With a twist that will set you free. Watch till the end, our hard work you’ll see, Playing on mobile, editing with glee. Like and subscribe, show some love, Share with friends, rise above. Minecraft facts, in every rhyme, Survival with a twist, it’s our time. Read More

  • Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality!

    Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Players explore, build, and survive. But when they venture into the realm of Identity V, The fifth personality adds a new level of glee. With fans urging me to give it a try, I jump in, ready to soar and fly. Choosing the cheerleader, a popular pick, I motivate him with passive skills, quick and slick. As the heartbeat pounds, I encourage him on, Stacking up his strength, until the fear is gone. But when he falls, I boost him up high, With 28 layers of health, he’s ready to defy…. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival Series Live EP-1!! #shorts

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  • Minecraft Madness: Chipi Chipi Papa with Crazy Sounds! 🤯

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  • Spork SMP – 1.20.4 – Semi-vanilla – Whitelist – Modded terrain

    Datapack Driven Custom Weapons & Modded Terrain Generations Our server features several server-side terrain generation mods including: Tectonic Yung’s Better Minecraft These mods are server-side only, allowing you to join with a vanilla launcher. The datapacks, in combination with the resource pack, introduce custom combat features and weapons of varying rarity and powers inspired by other games and media. Discord: Join our Discord server Read More

  • NZNetwork Minecraft – Online for more than 13 years.

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  • Minecraft Memes – u/EntrepreneurUnusual6 predicted it: Epic meme material!

    Looks like this meme is really mining for laughs with that score of 66! Keep digging for more humor! Read More


    TENGE TENGE vs GEGAGEDIGEDAGEDAGO: SPAWN SHOWDOWN! 🔥 #shorts #minecraft #meme When you can’t decide between fighting ALL TENGE TENGE or GEGAGEDIGEDAGEDAGO SPAWN, just remember: it’s all fun and games until someone gets a block to the face in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraft #meme #scary #tengetenge Read More

  • EPIC Lucky Block Tower Race in Minecraft!

    EPIC Lucky Block Tower Race in Minecraft! Exciting Minecraft Adventure: Lucky Block Tower Race! Join Sand and KAYDNN in an exhilarating lucky block tower race in the world of Minecraft! The duo will be breaking random lucky blocks on their towers, with each block holding the potential for amazing treasures or unexpected challenges. The stakes are high as they compete to gather the best gear for an epic battle at the bottom of the tower. Who will emerge victorious – KAYDNN or Sand? The excitement is palpable as they dive into this thrilling Minecraft challenge! The Lucky Block Tower Race As the players take turns breaking… Read More

  • Exposed: Minecraft PvP Truths

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  • EPIC Minecraft FUN: Pizza n’ Goat – DO NOT SAY STAL 3 TIMES!

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  • I Played Minecraft with Jake Webber

    I Played Minecraft with Jake WebberVideo Information This video, titled ‘I played Minecraft with Jake Webber | VOD’, was uploaded by HansumFella VODS on 2024-02-14 20:00:02. It has garnered 219343 views and 4351 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:37 or 6397 seconds. This VOD is HansumFella playing minecraft with Jake Webber! Twitch: This is the full VOD, not cut up into funny moments however sure does include a lot of them, as seen on tiktok for funny moments and the full youtube video “I need your help (ft Jake Webber)” on the HansumFella channel! #HansumFella #Minecraft #Livestream Read More

  • “Nabi Gaming – Mind-Blowing Minecraft 2024 RTX 4090!” #wow

    "Nabi Gaming - Mind-Blowing Minecraft 2024 RTX 4090!" #wowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Extremely Realistic Minecraft 2024 RTX 4090 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-04-18 18:07:20. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray Tracing Minecraft REAL… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Redstone Door WOW 😱

    INSANE Minecraft Redstone Door WOW 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hidden Redstone Door 😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by xperia_minecraft on 2024-04-09 16:00:43. It has garnered 1083622 views and 29192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Moments You WON’T Believe!! #minecraftparody

    INSANE Minecraft Moments You WON'T Believe!! #minecraftparodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mine craft Funny Shorts #minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftmeme #minecraftparody #meme #craft’, was uploaded by DRK FLAME on 2024-01-09 11:26:33. It has garnered 2444 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing AI Memes by Gav!

    Mind-Blowing AI Memes by Gav!Video Information This video, titled ‘You Won’t Believe These Hilarious Mind-Bending AI Meme Transformations #funny #memes’, was uploaded by Gav on 2024-02-17 17:50:08. It has garnered 479 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #memes #music #fortnite #funnyanimals #comedy #minecraft #animals #cats #landscape #nature cats, slow mo video, funny animals, manchester united, man city, shorts, roblox, slow motion, the last of us, fortnite, the last of us reaction, family guy full episodes, cats, elden ring, velma, minecraft, world cup, slow mo, funny videos, funny video, funny animal videos, besharam rang song, overwatch… Read More

  • BECOME A SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🚀

    BECOME A SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘I became SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🗿’, was uploaded by Ayush More on 2024-05-29 11:18:15. It has garnered 222057 views and 4150 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:41 or 1121 seconds. Roblox NEED MORE MEWING | SIGMA MALE in Roblox (FULL GAME) | ALL ENDING 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie ____________________________ 🎯 Subscribe to my other YT Channels: HORROR GAMEPLAY: @AyushMore2 ➤ REACTION Channel: @AyushMoreReacts ➤ 🎥 WATCH FULL SERIES here:- MINECRAFT STORY Series ▶️ ➤… Read More


    🔴EPIC MINECRAFT GIVEAWAYS - LET'S CELEBRATE 15 YEARS ON STUNNING SERVERS!🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT CUMPLE 15 AÑOS Y REGALA COSAS !! VAMOS A JUGAR EN SERVIDORES GUAPOS !!🔴’, was uploaded by HandroH HH on 2024-05-19 06:12:18. It has garnered 1406 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:04 or 6844 seconds. Hello, I’m Handro and I bring you a new video, I hope you like it!!! Comment and Share This Video if you liked it and comment on how I can improve and what game you would like me to play. ^^ ======================================== ►VALUE MY EFFORT BY LEAVING YOUR “LIKE” ” 💚​ ►SHARE IT WITH… Read More

  • Mind-blowing Hololive Minecraft 2024 Reactions!

    Mind-blowing Hololive Minecraft 2024 Reactions!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hololive Hardcore Minecraft 2024 Clips Reaction Stream (Pekora, Marine, Miko, Kaela, Subaru, Nene..)’, was uploaded by ExoticBankai Reaction on 2024-05-30 12:34:48. It has garnered 214 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:41 or 12881 seconds. Support me monthly and get access to blocked reaction and more: Donate and request a video reaction: 00:00 Start 6:35 Nene’s Adventure After She Become The First Person Who Dead In Hardcore Server 19:20 Shy Ina doesn’t realize that Pekora-Senpai can hear her desperate voice 29:35 No One Save From Uncle Marine… Read More

  • LittleDigPlanet – Vanilla 1.20.2 Whitelist – Age 25+ – No Claims – Smaller Community – Max Render Distance – 10+ Year History

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Community! If you are 25+ years old and looking for a vanilla Minecraft experience with a mature community, you’re in the right place! We started a new world on June 9th, 2023 with the 1.20 update. Here are some key details about our server: No ranks or moderator positions No area claim plugins World border currently set at 10k blocks from spawn Average of 8-12 players online at peak times Hard difficulty setting Maximum render view distance of 32 Chunks To join us, please introduce yourself on our Discord server before we whitelist you. We aim… Read More

  • Daddeln MC

    Welcome to the Ultimate Minecraft Server!Immerse yourself in a world full of unlimited possibilities and experience Minecraft in all its diversity. Our server offers you a variety of features and game modes that leave nothing to be desired. Whether you are a creative builder, a passionate fighter or a skilled trader – with us you will find exactly what you are looking for!Freebuild + FarmweltExperience the freedom of building in our freebuild world! Here you can let your creativity run wild and build impressive structures. If you need resources, our farm world is at your disposal, where you can collect… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My first meme – hope u like it! 🔥

    Wow, looks like this meme is really mining for some laughs! Read More

  • Crafting Laughs: Minecraft’s Best Timing

    Crafting Laughs: Minecraft's Best Timing In the world of Minecraft, challenges abound, Inventory depleting, lightning striking all around. Trying to keep up with the chaos and the fun, But sometimes the unexpected can leave you on the run. With comedic timing, you faced each twist, Turning mishaps into moments that can’t be missed. But in the end, it’s all about the joy you bring, To your audience, who loves to hear you sing. So keep on crafting rhymes and sharing your game, Your unique style and humor will always be the same. And as you navigate through challenges galore, Your fans will be cheering,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes: Spicy Edition!

    Minecraft Memes: Spicy Edition! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Forever Frozen Night Finale

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Forever Frozen Night Finale Conquering Minecraft’s Forever Frozen Night: The Epic Finale As the sun sets in the world of Minecraft, Coolguyapf embarks on a daring adventure into the End of Minecraft Iceland, where darkness reigns for 24 hours straight. Armed with determination and skill, he faces the ultimate challenge of defeating the fearsome Ender Dragon in this thrilling conclusion. Episode Recap In this heart-pounding finale, Coolguyapf navigates through the treacherous terrain of the End, facing off against hordes of Endermen and other dangerous creatures. With the help of powerful mods like Cold Sweat and Sanity: Descent Into Madness, he must maintain his… Read More

  • Diving into Minecraft’s Iceberg

    Diving into Minecraft's Iceberg Minecraft Iceberg – Unveiling the Depths of Minecraft Mysteries Embark on a journey through the enigmatic world of Minecraft Iceberg, a realm filled with theories, hypotheses, mysteries, and unexplained phenomena. As we delve deeper into the layers, we uncover a plethora of intriguing discoveries that challenge our understanding of the game. Exploring Layers 0-1 At the surface of the Minecraft Iceberg, we encounter a myriad of fascinating elements that pique our curiosity. From hidden secrets to cryptic puzzles, each layer holds a unique story waiting to be unraveled. The Author’s Insight Probot748, the mastermind behind the Minecraft Iceberg, has… Read More

  • 24 Hrs with SCARY Mods: Will Lonox Survive?

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    INCROYABLE MOD CHIENS pour MINECRAFT! 😱🐶Video Information This video, titled ‘ce mod pour les chiens dans minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by royal Natoux on 2024-05-29 16:52:41. It has garnered 1633 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Read More