Shocking Ceres Fauna Hololive in Minecraft Fishin’ Frenzy

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Do Do Hello hi yay attention please it is raining and it’s raining raining it’s a little bit gloomy in the server right now it is it is kind of like do you want to just go and go in and like sleep somewhere else yeah maybe actually do you want to see my house i

Don’t think you’ve seen it sure sure yes hello everyone welcome welcome hello it’s fun and rainy yes um minecraft time again it’s been a while since we collabed it has been a while it has been a while wait wait wait over here i have a hobbit hole a hobbit house

I’ve never been to your house i am excited it’s not finished uh there’s parts of it that are finished and parts of it are not finished oh wow that’s so oh that’s so nice this is this little kitchen i like this ooh fancy brick oh i like the vibes that you’re going

For and there’s a tiny flower i love it here’s what is this my room and there’s this chicken i have two chickens in here that’s cute why are they like this i don’t know they like to climb the walls I have no bgm on right now because i wanna like i wanna you know hear the rain i don’t know if you guys can hear the rain i hope you can and oh very nice oh so this is the okay this is all very nice can i sleep uh-huh is

It is this we have one bed so i have to share there is only one bed there’s only one bed oh my [Laughter] yay good morning um let me turn on the vision because it’s the morning already let me try hold on let me try let me try uh

Oh give me a second give me the chicken buy an egg yes oh there’s a fresh egg for the morning that’s that’s our breakfast taken care of yes that’s our breakfast taken care of okay let’s go i have bgm i think and then this is my fancy bathroom when my pets So like you shower like hey hello they have names hello um they do have names i think i might have forgotten their names you can’t see them through the wall hold on can i break in to see them this might be a bad idea oh maybe maybe that’s okay

Wait um you have to break the glass though um can i break this to the top maybe i don’t know i don’t know i need to remember their names they’re my beautiful pets but i forgot their names i think that makes me a terrible terrible owner

Oh you can try name tagging but i mean if you name it [Applause] wait what they do they do but you can’t see them through the glass oh well that’s so i think i’m destroying my bathroom you have to like put up put up oh it’s water oh thank goodness okay now

You should like put up a sign that says this is the the pets are named so-and-so so i don’t bring it hold on surely i can see them from up here right do you have like a do you have like a ladder so you can climb back up oh no i

Don’t we know i can get out oh but then like um i think because it’s water you can climb back up i think so strawberry milk is the white one and then this is so cute here we see fawna and her pets in their natural habitat

And yeah okay okay you climb back up now let me try to to fix this i don’t remember how i had it uh this and then wait what sounds that i think i did it wrong I don’t know okay oh wait do you hear the llama maybe i don’t know no i think i was hearing i was hearing this i think the the vine climbing sound oh oh cause i have a llama upstairs and it’s always going i know i know that’s not yet

Yeah that’s pretty much it i have storage down here but it’s not very exciting okay oh you guys actually arrange your stuff that’s cool i just have like a bunch of like chests under my fishing hot and i just don’t label them they’re filled with the same things anyway fishing stuff

I was it’s hard to organize everything i need more chests but you need more chips yeah and then i have a spooky mine down here although the world height got increased i think so down here there’s probably there’s probably like more stuff like i think they added new stuff down below

Yeah the new update i haven’t really played them like at all so i’m kind of excited but also i don’t know what to do also i’m kind of scared i’m scared of caves are you scared okay yes i played the new update a little bit and it did not go very well oh

Oh okay [Laughter] yeah i think they also added mountains and there’s snow and if you’re not wearing leather shoes you can fall in the snow and die and be crushed what what yeah i didn’t know um well actually my chad told me they said be careful of the powder and snow and i

Didn’t really know what that meant and i just i just fell in and died oh what is that that’s We don’t need shoes right oh wait i’m wearing shoes actually i’m wearing shoes i’m going to take it off i’m going to have my shirt off too let’s go nice taking everything off yeah it’s because i look the best that way with no armor on in your sports festival uniform

Sports festival uniform hey wait what team were you again we were on the same team did you already forget don’t you marry this will draw your memory oh yes definitely definitely you mean you’re uh you’re on the best team the cheer team cheer dance team the cheer dancing team let’s go um

Where are we going what are we gonna do today i don’t know what do you what should we do well we thought actually actually i have i have a gift for you oh you did but what are we doing well i was wondering if you can look at my stream for a minute

Oh look at your stream um okay cool wait hold on let me let me do that let me do that uh-huh well i think my audio levels are messed up maybe i’ll have to i’ll have to mute my game first though hold on oh you don’t need to listen to the audio

Of the stream or anything but okay okay okay okay yes i’m looking at your stream what is that okay hold on one second okay here’s what i prepared this is now i’m nervous i’m nervous i brought a present okay okay i’m gonna put it on the screen but um

Oh my god can you read it yes that’s awesome oh my god rest it out that’s so cool oh my god that’s awesome i mean i made hats for us i can send them to you as well yes that’s so good oh i was so excited

In case we want to go fishing we’ll be prepared yeah we’ll be prepared you want are you gonna yeah yeah do you want to like take the hats off for now or should i um oh um either whatever is fine whatever it’s like wait like give me a second give me a second

No problem i think you tweeted about this hat once the yeah the women want me fish fear me yes yes yes yes oh that’s so awesome wait let me let me just like put them on my screen real quick um oh my i’m so excited um um um image yeah i’m sorry

To your chat if they can’t see them yet hats fishing dad caps okay this one is rainy here and where’s where’d the fauna hat go it’s gone no more fauna hats wait wait wait please wait wait hat hat too no no there’s surprisingly a lot of fishing related hats that you could have

A lot of logos or phrases you could have nice okay now okay now you are wearing a hat too yay yay i think the sun is already setting again okay okay okay um um oh do you want to go back um and then wait oh we’re gonna go to the bunker

Onion maybe oh sure yeah we could go um real fast i’m lost hi this way i am lost in the sea of fish I don’t actually have a fishing spot on this server well i don’t know where the good the good fishing spots are well you know what to do now but then um but there is a me and eno we made a fishing hut before but that was um near the uh pvp oh

Yeah i could have gone by yeah sure sure i’ve never been in ages too because um i would go to the server and just like literally not go out of the It’s bunkeroni it’s made for right i’ve been doing that for weeks like i would just like stream for like hours and never step a foot outside oh do you want to look at the christmas stuff oh [ __ ] yeah yeah i haven’t seen it it’s pretty cute it’s um there’s some candy canes

And this is a little gingerbread house There’s um maybe a lot of are there did all the snowmen die oh i think they might have all died they do what is happening why are they dead you should have seen it in their prime there were a hundred snowmen but i guess these two are the last survivors

Oh no wait why did they die what is the lifestyle i don’t know they were immortal i don’t know they’re all gone i made a million of them out here i don’t know like how does them do melts if they’re outdoors but since this is indoors oh most of them around here oh

Well i i guess okay they were killed by a single spider wait really a spider killed them all crony watched oh my gosh we really so sad that is so sad a spider climbed the wall and then stuff happened oh no no really we needed to spider-proof this place

Like with just torches i think you can make a ledge maybe like that they can’t climb i think they can climb a straight wall but if you put one block out i think they can’t climb it oh i don’t know i don’t know how to make things spider-proof yeah in the id

Server too we were like building like a like a tower thing it was the first thing we built when the server opened and it’s funny because like on the first floor it essentially became like a semi spider farm or something oh no like this one i’m like yes living string

Let’s go because i don’t want to go to caves right just to get string it’s so dangerous yeah it’s like yay spider farm question mark but not really a farm it’s a little bit scary though in the id server well spiders aren’t predators they are prey oh i see

We are in need of a lot of strength so oh wait maybe we should go to sleep in the onsen there’s a lot of ah yes yes okay guys out here okay okay it’s a little scary did you have you seen the onsen since it was finished too

Oh yes yes uh i’ve actually um yeah i’ve seen the onsen because i was also like oh my god guys it’s so late like where do we sleep i couldn’t find any bed and i was panicking and they said onsen like okay i think there’s also i saw this one beige stream there’s

Um over here oh there’s a sign whoa oh 2022 oh that’s so nice the new year’s side i don’t know how i made it i just noticed that it’s the ponzi express well this is this this is such a nice view it’s like oh it’s like we’re

Having a new year vacation and we’re like um not drinking what would we call this um not swimming but you know just in the tub and we’re just like looking at oh it’s so beautiful the sunrise of 2022 nice in the the beautiful army statue yes they are statues in the haunted house

Oh wait i’ve never no wait i’ve never been to the haunted house but i’m scared i don’t think we’re allowed to go yet i think oh gura is saving it for next year oh wait next year because i think it’s not finished so we have to wait until halloween i guess this is

For the haunted house okay nice yeah i’m really scared i don’t like i know the the haunted house can be scary so i want to go if if it gets finished i don’t want to go alone yeah that would be fun like a test of courage in minecraft

Although the caves are already in test of courage yeah it’s like the thing is like at least you can’t die in the haunted house i mean maybe i don’t know yeah i don’t know maybe there’s spiders in there i feel like you should see in the new caves i am really cool

And scary i mean i mean i know they’re cool and scary but at the same time i want to see your reaction wait where’s the cave i mean i don’t no okay i don’t mind but first then i gotta store like some of my stuff oh yeah well

I don’t actually know how we can find one um we might have to i don’t know if we have to wait i’m lost oh i think i went too far if we’re going to buncaroni um because i think that it only generates on new terrain or it

Will generate under but i don’t know if there’s enough room under for the biggest caves i see i see i see so we might have to to venture out this is my um this is my bunkeroni not my bunkeroni but you get the idea you’re a mongrel my house is part of bunkaroni

I have okay yeah i haven’t been here too much when is this i think so i think this is moomey’s place what is that okay oh there’s like oh there’s like a whole cajun i mean they’re having a party in there they are with the berries uh-huh

They’re eating them as soon as they spawn i know like the bear is for them not for us i think like movie did movie make these stores yeah the movie made me source yeah i think so i think there was some accident with the fact that you know that i um

Turned off mob noises because i live right across the fox i see why it’s so loud oh it drives me crazy it drives me crazy this sounds like you know after a while i’m just like okay you know what this is what i’m insane i’m gonna like mute mob sound

It’s so loud in here it is loud it is low i would recommend turning it off maybe this is my room you just have to suffer yeah and next door is iris’s room this fox is eating the berries too yes that’s so cute it doesn’t have a name yeah that’s so cute

And this is my also there are books like yeah stuff have stuff have been happening and this is my oh yeah you want to read it maybe i should read it i’ve seen some of them i’ll admit i’ve seen some of them but i haven’t read all of them i think oh okay

Should i should i read it oh we can we can read it together okay we can read it we can read the first part together but wait this i want to show you my bathroom but maybe it i mean there’s also a book in the bathroom so i mean

This is my bathroom it’s not really finished yet but i kind of don’t know what to put it’s nice yes it’s like very nice but like whoa what’s this oh there’s like a mirror yeah that’s so smart yup yup yup i like how there’s different routes yes so like yeah

Crony route exactly like the the start the actual beginning is like this and then gore started guru i made a route and then everybody else made a room before i knew it amazing noise ow okay Is this your warning voice enemies yes there’s no patch i don’t know it’s supposed to out it’s supposed to be for decorative purposes but i feel like it’s not working and it’s just there to like annoy people well your fox seems to like it so yeah it’s it’s food for the fox

Doesn’t have a name yet but yeah see what you mean about the mob noises [Laughter] i don’t hear it anymore i have muted them sleep peacefully you know the thing is like um i would spend three oh my god the ceiling is not done yet i forgot i totally forgot about that but

Yeah i would be just like building stuff and concentrating and i would like hear noises of screeching and it’s like you know they’re foxes but they sound scarier than hostile mobs sometimes yeah okay your house looks beautiful it looks so fancy in here thank you so much i stole the materials

From the i the jp the id side of the jp server now that is oh yeah that is why that is also why the uh the fanfic not the fanfic the this story is called noise complaint because it’s based on like how noisy everything is is he yes yes

Read the iris fanfic no i haven’t read the iris fanfic yet maybe we should read the iris fanfic we should oh you should um you should read this first as um background story i can i can be whoever you want me to be in this story well it

Makes sense for you to be renee right oh yeah sure okay okay okay cool i mean yeah of course i’m rainy i mean i can be reina if you want uh hello uh okay get your rain a voice on get my rainy voice on okay noise complaints

Wait i need to turn off the vgm okay to make it dramatic oh should i also also pause the bgm oh my god wouldn’t we just hear the foxes in the background for for the sake of immersion wait i’m gonna wait um should i turn on mob noises yes you should suffer

Suffer together fine fine final music and sounds music hostile creatures or friendly creatures a hundred oh my god oh my oh the noise is in my ears it’s like fox asmr fox fox eating berry asmr okay [Laughter] it’s beautiful oh no okay noise complaint that is the title reina what

The heck is that noise what noise ever since you moved in i’ve been hearing strange noises all the time hey wait i don’t know what you’re talking about don’t lie you’ve been sneaking the foxes again haven’t you i i did plant a very farm they’re very good shut up let me see wait

Wait you trip on the berry bushes and magically accidentally surprisingly land on rainey’s queen-sized bed why am i pinning you to the bed i don’t know i can’t move how to be continued amazing what a slip hanger what a cliffhanger okay done and i don’t know who’s okay there’s gura roo

There’s a mummy and there’s olly i’ve never i haven’t read ollie’s yet and there’s cronies i don’t know where it’s beerus is it here [ __ ] sounds like they’re dying do you hear them screaming yes fox squeaks barry’s root on long well i guess this is part of my house then

Um yeah which one do you want to read maybe we should read one of the new ones okay okay okay um and put them on the lecture i like turn i think okay so we can so we can read together oh i think like oh if we put this book

On the lectern like Wait how do i why do i take oh i’ll take book okay let’s go uh i think only one person should turn the page yeah do you wanna you can be in the page turner okay sure sure oh my god this stupid phone they’re not they’re not stupid they’re cute but also

Okay bearish world premiere let’s oh 12 pages 12 juicing pages 12 oh my gosh wait wait okay um i’ll i’ll be god uh but who do you want to be bear iris um i don’t know who do you want to be wait let’s chat decide let’s chat this up okay chad can decide

I’ll be god oh you need to read guru and mummy first wait really is this like this is the continuation of the um rainy is iris rainy is iris okay rainy is iris and what okay okay i think my chat is very conflicted so that works yeah okay

Okay let’s go okay a night light should we read the other one first do you think um all right oh they’re nice but not a big deal okay okay it happens as guru rainey is happening okay then it doesn’t matter right it only revs the og okay bearish root and god

Unless you two reconcile you may never leave this position meanwhile next door why is it me again and you want me to be the hater no man bae this pajama party is a blast man can we go to sleep how do you be big i can’t beat me where’s base on like

Can we go to sleep already i’m getting it’s not bad at all i’m feeling ashamed poor bae i’m sorry bae it’s okay you can be [ __ ] no no no i’m close i don’t know yo how do what does she’s how does the accident sound like oy bruh man can we go to sleep

Babe you’re watching this i’m so sorry i’m getting tired you thought you were going to sleep tonight i don’t know how iris sounds like okay that’s that’s fine sorry iris we’re not doing the best job that’s fine um what are you what are you talking about it’s iris am i doing a great

Job great job what do you thought what is i can’t try to do aussie accent i’m embarrassed i’m embarrassed no don’t be embarrassed what are you talking about i thought brought monopoly just for tonight what were you thinking about nothing i i just oh forget it did you perhaps think

I was going to monopolize you what no forget it i’m leaving Wait if you leave now what are we going to do about next door oh oh me again i hear sounds of a fighting couple i don’t care about next door i don’t care about monopoly i only care about you But but the monopoly was 29.99 wait what i’ve had it with you i’m leaving um suddenly a booming voice echoed through the room startling the both of them what do we have here weren’t you weren’t you busy with next door yeah we were in the middle of an anime

Fight can you leave us alone yeah no third wheeling [Applause] Yeah get the boob out of here you are not wanted you are never wanted you have never been wanted go back to the hole you came from and never come back i’ve had it with you everyone try and interfere with our relationship i can’t take it anymore [Applause] i didn’t know i meant so much to you bae by the way do you want to play monopoly i mean if that means spending the night with you then we can play monopoly in bed bae’s face turns bright red she could feel her ears getting hotter and hotter by the second

Oh my spicy in bed iris jumps on the bed and beckons bay to come on over and join her where’s the bed she doesn’t even have like a marginal bed she passed the spot next to her where the floor a seductive gaze panning over to bay making an offer that she couldn’t refuse

Uh okay bay cautiously inches her way over to the bed her heart thumping out of her chest with every step she shakes her head trying to get trying to rid herself of the ever-growing blush on her face you can read the next one iris sees and bae

Has gotten into position and slams her monopoly down onto the bed both preparing their heart for one spicy game to be continued oh my goodness that was spicy that was spicy that was a spicy one that was spicy spicy spicy let me read them and i’ll be not reading let me return this

Wow i love how the monopoly was 2.99 i feel like that was unintentional but it was funny Yeah and then i don’t know which one do you want to read the new one there’s like yeah let’s see the new one oh censored pov or wait which one chat oh censored what is ff oh i think fanfic oh both no but which one first oh crony

Please oh somebody requested cronie but maybe we should read ollie first left one first okay okay left one first oh my god the screaming of the fox i know it sounds like a baby what oh that blue bells for raining wow story this one is romantic the dlc so we always here

Wait ollie which one do you read first Only which one do you which which which one do we first the dlc or like the censored one 16 pages that’s so long but that’s fine no it’s great it’s great it’s great uh oh the blue belt censored she says read the censored for lolz oh

Oh read the censored okay i’m gonna take this book and then i’m gonna here we go wait ollie’s root censored version by crazy ollie okay i’ve never read this one this is my first time reading it uh on stream so okay let’s um all right wait there’s oh there’s ollie and rainy

So do you wanna be all you’re doing i can be ollie i don’t know if i i don’t how to how do i be ollie i can be olivia maybe olivia okay no no but it’s it’s all you heart god ollie just sounds really energetic i think yeah

Okay okay i’ll do my best well you heard the god themselves renee unless we reconcile we can’t ever leave this position not that i mind but what if i don’t want to reconcile rainey said in a cutesy voice oh yeah what do you mind spying on place pollution alone oh god [Laughter] With that single line of ubudness ollie flipped them around ollie is now on top of oh it’s working did you do that on purpose you know i love my use oh my oh this one says oh no i’m not doing just don’t publish i just feel like oh you know

That is the hottest thing anyone has ever said to me ollie started to unbuckle her non-existent belt you know what i love how to do i’m oh leave you and be here thank you when you’re on this bed until sunrise and then make you and give you [Laughter] unholy

What i’m just saying that i’m gonna snuggle and cuddle with renee on this bed until sunrise and then make her breakfast and give her kittens And be continued [Laughter] wow that was amazing that was amazing [Laughter] Yeah this is my first time reading oh god even god was speechless oh my god okay let’s read ollie’s fan fiction because she lost the best the whole one story of this is um so what was the background story oh it was mario kart practice we were like whoever loses

Uh has to do something something something and then um her bad her controller battery ran out in the middle of the race and i’m like oh no okay wait uh let me just skim through this oh my gosh this is actually this is actual stuff with actual narration i love it

Oh my god cute okay okay do you want to read this we can read the narration um we can switch i guess we can keep taking we can take turns reading the narration just want to say so oh my gosh let’s go um okay blue bells for rainy dlc story by couragey ollie You can go first standing in front of the front door ollie started to fission nervously she took a deep breath as she grips the bouquet of flowers in her hands despite always being energetic ollie felt weak and just couldn’t bring herself to knock oh she’s been staring at the wooden car

With pavoli on the door for a quarter of an hour now yet she just can’t bring her body to cooperate come on ollie it’s okay you got this she said to herself It’s not the it’s not her first time bringing rainy a gift though it is her first time bringing her something personal ollie and reynae would often gift each other though mostly in forms of edible goods whether they’d be a little snack or a box of pizza

So for ollie to bring a bouquet of blues for rainy it’s a little embarrassing for the little zombie she took a deep breath and waited for an answer if she was still human ollie’s face would be flush the same color of her hair right now Cute spicy she curses the fact that even though she’s already dead she still has a functional heart a functional heart that’s a lot noisier than her own loud voice and what about compared to foxes out of the box nothing’s louder than the boxes soft footsteps can be heard beyond the

Door and that only made ollie a lot more nervous oh my zombies like the main senses that a normal human has but for some reason all he’s hearing became sharp at the thought of rainy nearing the door not turned oh my gosh the fox eats ollie gulped at the side of her gen

Mate’s pearly white silky hair he never ceases to put an awe in her mouth rain is deep blue then centered and focused on ollie she smiled oh hey oh no that’s you sorry oh that’s okay oh hey i wasn’t expecting you to visit oh how ollie melted at the sound of her

Gentle voice it was like a double combo having most of their conversation in discord ollie would always somehow make it through without dying twice but seeing rainey right in front of her talking in the soft way she always does oh really it’s enough to drive ollie and

Say what’s up do you want to come in me no um actually always stuttered i was just planning on dropping by to say hi real quick There’s no way on earth that ollie would say that she purposely bought flowers for the peafowl princess oh how nice of you thanks for dropping by it’s good to see your face after a while and it’s a blessing for me to see your face ollie silently thought to herself

So um on my way here uh i walked past a flower shop and i i i got these for you ollie exclaimed shoving the flowers in front of renee’s flowers flowers for me rainy aston surprise eyes widen bewildered yeah they have your color and it reminded me of you they’re called bluebells

Raining flushed and smiled smelling the flowers as she brings it close to her nose they’re lovely ollie the end cute ooh a n oh my god it’s got an author’s note this is serious business serious blue bill is a symbol of humility constancy and gratitude and everlasting love whoa spicy

It is said that if you turn a blue bell inside out without tearing it you will win the one you love spicy [Applause] so spicy oh ollie hey what’s up that was so cute look you’re right here so cute so cute oh that was so wholesome it was wholesome i’m gonna that’s wholesome

Man ollie is a good writer she could write a real fanfiction ollie contributing to the pavoli library yeah this basically is the library library filled with with spicy fan fiction like across like cronie actually made like some sort of like library thing but i guess like all the books are here

I guess all the books are here sweet and spicy just like your indonesian sambals yeah and i guess i don’t know um we can read one one more which sure which one should we read have you read all the other ones oh yes what do you recommend then

Um ask uh let’s ask chad let’s that’s your chat okay okay hello my chat saplings what do you want to read what are they guru movement crony um yes mumei is mostly like a lyric book though and then crony oh i’ll make a cronie and girl a pole Rainy how about you make the fanfics real what do you mean they are real they are real they’re not real they’re they’re books they’re not really fanfiction Okay i think uh did i make a poll where’s my pool there’s my pole time to add a blue flower um wait do i have one in here i might not they really sound like they’re dying why do they scream like this imagine like streaming like building

Your room for like four hours and then like listening to all this is that what happened to you yes that’s what drove you to write all these fan fictions no no no that’s what drove me to finally mute them so sad poor how about reconciling reconciling

We love peace okay i think guru is winning sorry what the poll who’s winning guru gara okay The foxes makes me crazy chad says well same gora root um let me take this book noise complaint and put this book Okay so do you want to be rainy or gura uh up to you if you’re tired of being rainy but it does make sense for you to be raining whatever you want I don’t think fonda realized it was you well what do you mean it was me are you even tired being yourself yeah okay let me let let’s switch for once let’s switch for once you can’t be you i don’t think i can do your voice no that’s fine you can be um

It’s it can we can make it rainy and fauna just like you know a different difference your fox noise was so realistic wait what yeah i did make like one fox noise and you didn’t say anything about it we really wait yeah i made like a really annoying screeching noise

Was that before or after i said they’re screaming um i forgot oh but you oh we were like over there oh my gosh i don’t think i noticed i think i thought it was the box oh i don’t know if it cut off in your stream because sometimes it does that

When it’s when somebody screams it off okay gura rude well not anymore it’s gonna be rainy route in this case um wow thanks for breaking my fall fauna i could have had some more brain damage from that i can’t know this is so mean i can’t damage what doesn’t exist now

How’s about we get to that reconciling how do you propose we go about doing that well for starters you can keep your hands to yourself oh right sorry rainy repositions herself removing her tight rip from fauna the silence grows as does the lingering tension between the two

Nice big day is that how i pronounce that oh thank you oh yeah i just had it installed can you show me how to use it ah they don’t have those where you’re from do they rain no fonda softly chuckles and scrunches right near his hair

The pair of the hair no no you’re going to bear hop off the bed and head to the bathroom oh that’s me okay boy sure is moist in here the air is real thick oh yeah the bath has been full for a couple minutes by now hop in if you’d like suddenly [Laughter]

The two are ripped from the moist bathroom and flopped down on the mattress this time god has decided by the power vested in he almighty godly restraints of godliness shall be applied to the pair as so thou they shall them not be undone to this mattress until they that how have reconciled them

So is this when we kiss i don’t know i don’t know reina i can’t think straight i can’t think maybe a foot massage would help we can’t do that we’re restrained remember okay can you do something about it well god says we have to care okay mummy watches instantly in the closet

But nobody realizes yeah that’s why roommate’s root is like um over there like [Laughter] they stare into each other’s eyes as if they’re having a staring contest but the difference is they are both blushing right in his face inches closer and fauna closes her eyes until oh wait that was me [Laughter]

Suddenly the room gets flooded by four nine oh three two w seven eight four nine zero two three a four nine fox is that pro cap of the room across one of the foxes hopped onto rayna’s head surprising fauna and making her accidents away cold rain is hell no sorry

Tightly their fingers interlocked spicily at all immediately renee and fauna are free from their restraints they look at each other in disbelief speechless suddenly fauna steals a glance at renee in their eyes meet once again renee looks like she’s about to say something ah whatever she says gets drowned by the fox’s screeching

Think again before fauna and rayne can say anything they get teleported into the fox room your next task is to be continued a cliffhanger another cliffhanger okay let me turn okay i’m gonna put noise complaints back here let’s go yeah that is it that’s amazing you can you can write an

Addition if you want or we can do something else um i have prepared a fishing rod and there’s a lot of stuff we can do today can we fish in the bathroom can we i don’t know wait i think you can can you i don’t know can you Can you because like it’s bubbling because like back then you can okay i’m gonna try will i disrupt the fish if i get in the water no no no no it’s fine i’m the fish glove grub oh you are the fish you really reeled me in

You really wait do you do you have a fishing rod i can’t lend you one no i don’t have one here oh thank you We are worried we’re pushing at the same spot i think the water i think like the water is like secretly like going there i need to fix that it’s okay let’s see who gets the fish first fishing in the bathtub wait isn’t that a saying like catching fish in a barrel or

Something as easy as fishing in a barrel or something wait wait no that’s you why did you get it did you i did you reel it in and hang on it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s a oh my god oh no i messed up the thing i missed the toilet

Wait let me see if i could like pull it back oh i didn’t even know that’s how you do it ah um okay you know what it can be you know you know the it looks like it’s like overflowing it we need a plumber in here oh no we need a plumber

Let’s make a sign we need a plumber is there a sign okay later i’ll make it later all right and oh no it’s overflowing so sad Okay let me let me get one more fish okay anna would you like to eat your um the fish that you personally caught yeah i should bathtub fish oh you won’t even delicious me eat it do i have to cook it no but you oh my god oh no anna

Do you want to eat your prize oh i’ll eat it if you eat it let me eat it wait why if you just oh it’s because i’m full hold on hold on i just need that you have to be hungry right right right let’s run around get some jumping jacks in

Wait wait wait i know the toilet leak arena x fauna fix so sad maybe that’s that’s perfect it’s not very romantic though it’s not very we can we can eat in the bathtub it’s kind of like you know if um oh you’re like on a vacation yeah and like drinking

Wine in the bathtub exactly okay are you ready yeah okay okay three two one oh delicious delicious oh my god i died here eat potatoes potatoes it’s okay like if i guess if i’m poisoned like i won’t really die i think i will oh my gosh i’m almost dead

Oh can you not die from it yeah i don’t think you can die from this is yeah we gotta wait until the effects are an experience how long oh 22 seconds it’s not done yet oh wow this is it’s like we’re at a fancy new dining experience yeah he’s in the

Bathtub and it hurts no it’s like um a diet a culinary sensation that you cannot experience with other food yeah exactly you stay like that Great experience exactly this is my bed oh it has a sofa that you can’t really sit on well i mean you guys can yeah you can see it’s like this very nice yeah [Laughter] fishing wait where’s your fishing rod do you not have one it’s here oops oh it’s here [Laughter]

This is the most productive fishing i’ve done like in probably like three weeks i saw i was looking on your channel to see when you last went fishing it was i think it what i don’t know if this was the last time the last one i saw was two months ago oh oh

Well things did happen yeah this past few weeks i was um doing stuff doing other things my new my newly established yes i love writing i’ve reawakened my passion for writing it’s great that sounds great that’s why i asked you though before the stream i asked you do

You still like fishing in minecraft because i got these hats and i was scared that oh well i was like what if reina had a moment where she was like i hate fishing now no i don’t hate fishing and then i bought brought this hat

We can’t we can we can we can we can we can go we can we can go fishing no no no i think we should we should write a fan fiction honestly i just wanted the hat because it’s funny okay i will i will treasure this hat i will fish with this

Do you want to write um ray niffana root with the fishing and the i don’t know what the bathroom the bathroom route this is so sad look at mine look at this guys do i have to remake this do i have to remake this this is so sad oh god

I mean that’s i mean that’s great this is fine it’s fun it’s perfect oh wait let me write let me get a book um let me make a book leather what do you need to make a book like through paper and book right and not paper and leather right yeah too

Wait we need the chicken we need the chicken feather do you have chicken feathers oh i can go get some okay do you have um i’m just gonna look over here oh never mind here we have chicken feather oh you have okay look oh shoot we no never mind we need the

Ink sack we need to kill some squids i think there might be some ink sack somewhere okay yeah because sadly i don’t have one it’s probably fine to borrow yeah almost house has like a lot Wait wait where are you i went in the room that said do not enter oh but but i left i’m i’m looking for for ink sack okay residents can take do i count as a resident i mean i mean you do have a fond land for us oh or

Does that just mean an animal what i have i don’t know there’s a room that’s called fawn land for us there is yes what is this and it’s just filled with like oh shoot and it’s just filled with animal oh these are my sheep wait don’t leave oh it’s one of my sheep

Is this my room four it says four yeah there’s three other sheep somewhere that are also numbered but i don’t know where they are it’s a challenge to find all four sheep in the buccaroni oh okay no one has completed it so far wait fine is that real

Yeah i led loose four numbered sheep one through four oh maybe one of them died or something it’s possible it’s possible they died also i got the ink sack if that’s all oh you got it yeah yeah yeah that’s all we need i borrowed it i didn’t steal it

Okay they said well chad said one and two died well three must be out there somewhere you can go looking for number three um chad said you did chelsea you never made a three though is that true no of course why wouldn’t there be a three there’s this one through four

Can you give me the ink section please thank you [ __ ] quote and book and quill let’s go nice okay we made a new we made this one and okay guys how do you do collaborative writing we have to decide on the theme the theme would be fishing in the bathtub

We can write a steamy scene in the bathroom oh a steamy a steamy situation a steamy situation that’s the title that’s the title situation that’s perfect okay um i’m gonna write wait what big book oh i can’t write on the lectern okay oh you can see a steamy situation guys how do

Berries write the fig do they just um Oh they and iris just had irish screen share base wait what i don’t understand like on discord oh they alternated lines oh they wrote and iris pitched in ideas oh they alternated they wrote it while iris stream based perspective well i don’t understand someone dictates oh They took turns with their lines ah i don’t know we can Okay first we can decide on the ideas um what do you want in i think well do we have to start off from the from the bed oh oh okay cool does it have to no no it doesn’t at all like we can start literally anywhere i think we should

Start in the bathtub and then um we can fall in the bathtub maybe oh oh wait or wait i don’t know do they do we have to start because cronies like cronies root is completely different i think crony’s root didn’t start in the bathroom yeah yeah so you don’t have to

So you want to start where um where should we start we could start we could start where we’re fishing in the bathroom okay oh wait what if like one of us falls in and the other one has to jump in to rescue them oh oh cool cool from the bathtub nice nice

But then the bathtub is slippery on the bottom oh my spicy okay i’m gonna write um a steamy situation um so i’ll write uh the first like just the first party rain and fauna um i don’t know rainy um oh my god the [ __ ] this

You can turn it off now i think you’ve suffered enough okay yeah it’s okay i’m i’m fine i’m fine rainy um how do you like the new fishing rod bona says what do you say um fishing run can be a little bit okay no don’t worry so i don’t want that

I’m just i’m just thinking out loud i’m trying to um not write something to yame okay about the fishing rod um [Laughter] you see the situation um we can i’ll say um thank you so much for letting me borrow it ah thank you so much for letting me borrow it say so say

So far and um and then so what happens um what we could maybe puffer fish can be involved somehow oh yeah yeah oh rainy oh hey i got a fugu this bathroom fishing is um amazing smiley face And then oh we can um somebody can accidentally fish somebody and then cause them to slip into the wall yeah yeah and we can put fishing puns in there oh yes i’m not very good at them though so you can help out you really revealed me or something

Oh yeah make it essential as possible but could be very yummy if you think hard enough somebody said ah that’s difficult we’ll try our best wet and wild okay okay yeah reina says oh hey i got a fugu this bathroom fishing is amazing i can screen

Share it to you by the way okay sure there we go it’s okay if i put this on my stream oh yeah sure okay i’ll show my chat bathroom fishing is amazing oh wow i mean the good thing about like staying in the bunkeroni staying indoors is that

You know no matter if it’s like nighttime or daytime you know you’re safe i guess although you’re not safe from the foxes you’re safe from threats that can take your life oh hey i got a fugu bathroom fishing a bathtub fishing bathtub fishing is amazing that rhymed bathtub fishing is amazing smiley face

Um okay then maybe fauna can say um wow incredible wow incredible you have some serious skills renee to catch a fish in a bathtub to catch a fish in the bath tub rainey says why don’t you try it Um oh really you think i could i don’t know if i’m as skilled as you are but i’ll try my best if i’m as skilled as you are but i will try my best okay time for some narration i guess um fauna fauna what do you call that verb pess

And then cast her line um um on a cast her line so properly or like did you accidentally fish me oh yeah casts her line but as it travels through the air it catches rainey’s clothes and pulls her in and pulls her into the bathtub baby and

Pulls her into the bathtub but where where even are we we’re in the bathtub are we fishing yeah we’re fishing in the bathtub i don’t know okay question mark and then oh oh no okay oh no and then wait so what happens after this um uh oh oh no fawna help me

Help me i can’t swim lie [Laughter] uh fauna says oh no i’m so sorry and then and then she jumps into the fauna jumps into the bathtub to rescue rainey rescue raining or how about this but as she lands um she left she’s oh yeah they sleep on

This on the bathtub on the the slick bathtub floor on this lake bath tub floor um i’m gonna do a forced cabin on here yeah perfect and uh um dentally um what do you call caberns rain okay i think everybody understands what’s coming perfect um rayna says oh oh god god god says

It is my time to shine is god the wingman this whole time i don’t know rainy what’s that sound what’s that sound and a foul now uh okay nobody cares about what fog is doing but radio’s like what’s that sound okay and then um i think fauna doesn’t respond to that

And she says renee are you okay rainy are you okay question mark Okay and then hold on fauna doesn’t realize that she’s pinned raining against the bathtub wall oh fauna doesn’t realize that um she what pinned right hey to the bathtub wall rainy to the bathtub rainey however um is a uh her face is as red as the blood of her enemies okay um

Somebody says tangled in the fishing line oh my um oh it’s time to rainy um fauna uh um um what should i say uh what should rain is because rain is like uh oh fauna what are you doing um oh i’m okay okay i’m okay i’m gonna stutter i’m okay But maybe you should um but oh but you’re a little too close you’re a little too close um um fauna looks around and realizes how close they had become i realized how close they had become and brushes herself and blushes herself okay and then then and then and then um

Where do we go from here i don’t know yeah i’m gonna i’m gonna do like a god filler i i feel like god is becoming like more and more [ __ ] posted by the yeah perfect the morphic is it reconcile time and then um okay listen so that and

We need the fishing ponds we need the fishing ponds but okay the caved on Guys help me help me help me um they could become tangled up the fishing oh yeah they tangled in the fishing line oh yeah yeah yeah uh rainy tries oh for our father maybe in front of yeah tries to aunt tries to take a step back right take a step back uh

But she realized uh she realized the uh that what’s the word when they’re like all tied up with the fishing line oh what’s it called sarah looks like you got quite the catch oh god should say that looks like oh yeah perfect the god says looks like you got quite

The cat and then they’re like huh but then try and swanna tries to take a step and realizes that um the fishing rod the fishing what do you call that mine uh er me realize that they were tangled in the fishing line oh they were tangled okay they were tangled in the

Fishing line okay okay finally she realizes oh no rainy you you’re a god aren’t you oh god god has to be in all caps you’re god aren’t you i’ve heard about you oh no oh please help us oh i’ve heard um you’re good aren’t you um it’s like

It feels like it feels like i’ve known you somewhere but i can’t recall when it’s like maybe it’s like in an alternate universe raining oh because all the other books yeah there’ll be other books oh when help us oh god help us god’s like help us oh fishing for Ow um shavana make a move yeah sure maybe if some of the fishing light is tangled and found on his horns when trying to untangle it might actually pull into a kiss a kiss is still say so holding hands however Okay reconciliation oh wait yeah how about how about it goes like yeah maybe fauna’s antlers are tangled and she pulls her head or i pull my head back and then um gets snapped forward and there’s accidental kiss and then fauna can say you really reeled me in there oh nice okay um

You can only the choice is yours uh but and then okay just fine does fonda did only do the narration does she not talk okay oh we can say yeah yeah Fun or what fauna tries to lean back yeah but the fishing line tangled in her horns pulls her face forward towards very nice towards rainy oh it’s raining leaving the two leaving leaving the two inches away from one another sorry can you spell that i don’t english yes yes hold on

Please send me a message and then i’ll rewrite have mummy turn on the shower head what so where’s rainey leaving the okay uh so it’s raining leaving the two inches away from one another Wow spicy i mean oh no what do i do okay and then maybe pano says looks like you reeled me in this time and then kissed chew real good me in this time and and kisses raining too oh no there’s no not enough um so i’ll write it on the next page

And she kisses raining two to god oh my god okay omg nice um but then what is accomplished from this um um um omg fish pun we can put here can he say another fishing fun yeah um um that was what’s a good fishing pod what’s a good fishing um guys what’s the

God says poggers oh omg gotta book light and sinker yeah perfect They took the bait yeah he could say gotham hook line and sinker they really took the bait they really took the bait perfect nice do you wanna should we end on a cliffhanger here as well maybe um both of them are going to eat the fugu but it ends right before that

Okay okay um rainy um omg um uh wait so way after the kiss so the everything untangles right the fishing line magically disappears and now they are safe however they will need to buy or get a new one rainey says oh no my prized fishing rod but oh oh okay um

My prized fishing rod but at least um what should i say aliens we have this fugu to eat but at least we have this food to eat i love how like we both just like ignored the kiss food to eat okay let’s sit sit in the tub

And eat together on the count of three you can count [Laughter] oh oh oh oh oh no my friend but we have suspo to eat rainy oh well cause rainey is too embarrassed to um rain is too embarrassed to talk rain oh okay makes sense so she tries to avoid

Uh she tries to avoid or change the subject i change the subject yeah okay fauna okay let’s sit in the tub oh eye contact oh that’s so spicy that’s so spicy okay i’m gonna i’m gonna save this one she um she accidents you know she makes she unintentionally Makes eye eye contact eye eye contact and immediately what would you what do you call it uh-huh oh what are you what are you what’s she doing i don’t know and immediately wait let me let me look for inspiration oh nevermind we can we can just um

Yeah it’s okay we can just wait i can’t press undo oh no it’s okay they can ignore it because i don’t know what to think okay let’s um eat the fugu uh oh let’s sit on the tub and eat the fugu together on the counter on the count of three you can count

I know i can count on you Oh and then more fishing um more fishing more fishing um maybe yeah maybe fauna fan on blushes and it looks away looks away Rainy fauna uh um this is my first time eating food um i don’t know i don’t know i should be like this um and then raining blushes rainy eating [Laughter] Fauna makes eye contact once more and says mine too okay once and says mine too Goddess god is we have to insert god somewhere maybe for the potential if we can’t put like a fish pun here we can okay um are they still talking two inches away from each other no um the fishing thing they they’re finally they’re finally what do you call it i can’t

English they’re not talking to winches away anymore yeah they are sitting on the side of the tub Uh is dropping in the closet best catch of the day You should make it so that rainy is smiling and blushing okay rainy smiles and blushes fine oh yes okay well smiles then there we go the best catch of the day god responds to me no debate there debate no debate Okay okay itadakimasu maybe maybe they’re about to eat and the someone burst through the door the fox oh but then it said to be continued a cliffhanger yeah okay oh all right here we go Oh my gosh the foxes are screaming no they sound like babies suddenly a voice what do you call it a voice a voice like a voice was heard or something how do you how do you like a voice yeah that works from outside mystery character stop to be continued perfect perfect

Probably more fishing puns but yeah we can do that when we when we read we can we can read it together and then we can And then we can decide if we’re going to add more sure sure are you still screen sharing do you want to read through here or oh i might turn it off for now okay cool okay then i’m gonna like done okay yeah we can read it on the the leg turn

Let’s go wait let me slurp some water Let the cringe flow to you oh my god a steamy situation Rainy how do you like the new fishing rod thank you so much for letting me borrow it oh hey i got a fugu bathtub fishing is amazing wow incredible you have some serious skills raining to catch a fish in a bathtub why don’t you try it

Oh really you think i could i don’t know if i’m as skilled as you are but i’ll try my best fana casts her line but as it travels through the air it catches rainy’s clothes and pulls her into the bathtub oh no fauna help me i can’t swim oh no i’m so sorry

Fauna jumps into the bathtub to rescue rainey but as she lands she slips on the slick bathtub floor and acts to drown away cabins raining it is my time to shine what’s that sound reynae are you okay vana doesn’t realize that she pinned rainey to the bathtub wall rainey

However her face is as red as the blood of her enemies I’m okay but you’re a little too close my god the [ __ ] rona looks around and realizes how close they had become in bushes herself looks like god quite the catch fauna tries to take a step back but she realizes that they were tangled in the fishing line You’re god aren’t you it feels like i’ve known you somewhere but i can’t recall when help us help us only you can help yourself the choice is yours vana tries to lean back but the fishing Flying tangled in her horns pulls her face forward towards renee leaving the two inches away from one another wow spicy i mean oh no what did we do looks like you reeled me in this time and she kisses renee [Applause] the fishing line magic oh it’s sorry you

Can go and that is fine the fishing line magically disappears and now they are safe however they will need to get a new one oh no my prized fishing rod but at least we have this booger to eat rainy is too embarrassed so she tries to change the subjects

Okay let’s sit on the top and eat the fugu together on the count of three you can count i know i can count on you bona brushes and looks away vana this is my first time ready smells and blushes eating fugu fauna makes eye contact once more mine too

Mummy keeps dropping in the closet best catch of the day god all suddenly a voice was heard from outside stop stop [Laughter] to be continued oh my goodness this almost turned into a romeo and juliet situation [Laughter] nice i feel like we need to put like a 999 pun here

It disturbs me that the bearish one has nine nine nine with mine but ours don’t happen you’re right right well i thought about making fauna say to god are you zero wait where where can we put where did we put that um um it could be maybe um after

Renee says i think i think you can edit i think you can edit i don’t mind i think you can edit oh i see As long as it doesn’t design you can i don’t know how to edit it though if we cannot add anything oh really or we’ll like if the page is full you know oh i guess so um i can try um maybe um i

Can try here wait i think i can do it i just have to make something a little smaller okay Maybe and that question mark person has to seek away in So sad a fishy i just woke up or they’re creating fanfic yes we are we’re creating we’re creating oh give spare paper no i don’t think you need paper i don’t think you need paper at all oh no wait let me know if this works it’s not perfect but

It’s only a small reference maybe we should have seek a way out in there too somewhere oh yes Wait where is it um are we hearing some here oh what’s that sound is that zero Is that zero rainy are you okay hello i’m like fond of photos like hey by the way rain are you okay oh crony interrupts rainey gets flustered and breaks the toilet on accident which explains why the toilet is broken oh this take it so long though stop um oh oh okay the person

Oh the voice on the person like the the sound waves like reached the bathroom and broke the toilet so dumb that’s so dumb but we gotta make this fit or else people will be like why oh we could continue it we could continue it right now we have

Some more time sure yeah we have yeah yeah i noticed we do have time we could um yeah should it be is it crony who breaks it oh um it could be crony or who did who did you say who should break in oh the question mark person oh chad said crony

But i mean i think like cronies like an alternate universe this is why you don’t wear clothes in rainey’s room because like if you wear like somebody wore shoes i think and then they their shoes got eaten by the berries oh no take your shoes off at the door the

Price fishing rod was 9.99 oh my god okay um okay let me add that oh no my oh no my um my 999 okay 999 dollar price okay yeah nine nine or nine dollar nine cents which one’s more uh i think it can be 999.99 that’s fine it’s expensive

Yeah it’s expensive because it’s a prized fishing rod yes either works nice and then should we change the ending look out i’ll share it on my stream again just to let you know okay okay the most deluxe we should put like we should put more zero escape references to okay and then itadakimasu

And suddenly um Suddenly i wonder because we can’t really add a new character i was thinking well what if like a character like emerged from the toilet and accidentally like broke it and then now that that person is has to seek a way out wait you know in how 999 starts

Yes yes everything is flooding one of the toilets starts overflowing and they have to sleep oh yeah before they could eat like the toilet starts overflowing the bathtub yeah the water level in the bathtub bathtub starts to rise rainy and fauna they try to open the door but realize it’s locked

Rainy tries okay funny funny thing is the bathroom doesn’t have a door but this happened in the other fanfic rainy tries to open the non-existent door but it’s locked oh fauna fauna oh no no rainy fauna the door is locked and then maybe you can like notice like a mechanism or something

Yeah fana fauna looks to the wall and sees a puzzle so whoa somebody says today is 120 2022 and the digital route is 9. and c is a puzzle and do you want to say something um should god say seek a way out oh yeah god is like

Wait does zero say anything it’s just they say nothing right they just say nothing like the character just like wakes up and be like oh yeah it’s just the ui yeah it’s just you seek out and this is the reel to be continued perfect oh my god oh no no no it’s like

Um i was gonna say like we we should have like an end like fishing end or something oh yeah yeah Fishing and unlocked prologue fishing end perfect perfect perfect seek way out i love it oh my god this is awesome yeah it explains the toilet okay this is the masterpiece i am satisfied with this are you satisfied yes very satisfied okay well okay what else do you want to do i mean

We have a little bit more time i think we can read the final version right before we end the stream yeah is there something we can do with art you know with what we have um i don’t know i don’t know We could fix the toilet no no we have to leave the toilet broken yeah we need the cloth oh um we should uh where to put oh yeah we should like put it all right we need to find a place to put it yeah find a place to put it like neither

Here is fine oh here like here like literally here oh yeah it does have a funny renee cam now because i’m not there oh wait uh let me just get a chest um do i help um do i have something in my inventory i’ll just make one oh

This is great it explains everything it explains why is this yeah and we get to involve zero escape okay let me make ah let me make i want to make a chest let’s go oh is this iris’s bed what yeah yeah this is iris’s room yeah okay like this makes sense because

It’s like from the pov of the neighbor it doesn’t make sense oh so this is technically not part of your house yeah this is not part of my house this is irises my house is like only this part i see wow oh wait where’s the book i forgot where the book is um

Um uh oh oh it’s in the lecture it’s on the leg turn maybe is it yes oh yeah oh but we don’t need it because we’re gonna read it anyways later oh i need a sign i need a sign give us a sign sign please give us the sign

How do i have 51 berries i don’t even know when this happened oh is it because i jumped in the berry bushes really does it give you i think the fox is removing the berries from the bushes and i fell in or something it must have been the closet moment okay and

Should i put this like here uh what do you call it fauna roots is this fauna root i don’t know yeah or is it the bathtub the bath fishing route the bathtub fishing route okay the the the the bathtub fishing route the foxes sound like dinosaurs i feel like i’m in jurassic park

The best at fishing road 999 out of 10. perfect perfect yes okay well five minutes we can we can read this one more time and maybe i don’t know because i feel like there’s not much we can do yeah we can just read it again i think

We let’s we didn’t change that much but that’s okay we didn’t change that much but we’re gonna okay this is the last time we’re gonna we have to end the stream with it oh rainy you can make the content in the chest and the shape of the number nine um oh

Like various no we can’t make nine because we need oh it can make seven or wait one one x is like no roman numerals nine oh like yes Like this yeah i guess so that’s the closest thing we can do because normal nine doesn’t work okay and then we can like put the book like in an absolute middle okay and then okay i guess we can read yeah let’s read it one more time seek a door with the number ix

Perfect a steamy situation wait should we change the title i think like stevie’s situation is nice but it doesn’t like yeah it’s not very steamy because it’s not very steamy it’s like we never even said if the water is hot or not i know um um what could it be

What could it be uh guys any suggestions for fishing for an opportunity fishing for love or fishing for retention a fishy encounter hooked on a feeling it’s tangled what a slippery situation really reeling and feelings efficient situations how i like i like the official route official route let me know your feelings

Oh my gosh very real feelings these are terrible oops there’s so many good ones uh-huh which one will it be um That’s kind of good bait and switch kind of describes what happens too cause we start off fishing and then it turns into 9.99 [Laughter] bait and switch okay fan switch is a good one so who was the one that got baited was it really us or was it god

It was god it was the readers yes okay let’s read all right how do you like the new fishing rod thank you so much for letting me borrow it oh hey i got a fugu bathtub fishing is amazing Wow incredible you have some serious skills raining to catch a fish in a bathtub why don’t you try it oh really you think i could i don’t know if i’m as skilled as you are but i’ll try my best bonner cast her line but as it travels through the air it catches rainey’s

Clothes and pulls her into the bathtub oh no fana help me i can’t swim oh no i’m so sorry vana jumps into the bathtub to rescue rainey but as she lands she slips on the slick bathtub floor and accidentally came down’s raining It is my time to shine what’s that sound is that zero renee are you okay fauna doesn’t realize that she pinned rainy to the bathtub wall rainy however her face is as red as the blood of her enemies i’m okay but you’re a little too close anna looks around and realizes how close

They had become in blushes herself Fauna tries to take a step back but she realizes that they were tangled in the fishing line you’re god aren’t you it feels like i’ve known you somewhere but i can’t recall when help us help us only you can help yourself the choice is yours fana tries to lean back but the fishing

Line tangled in her horns pulls her face towards rainey leaving the two inches away from one another wow spicy i mean i don’t know what we do looks like you reeled me in this time [Laughter] and she kisses her name chew [Applause] the fishing line magically disappears and now they are safe however

They will need to get a new one oh no my 999 dollar prized fishing rod but at least we have this figure to eat reinis is too embarrassed so she tries to change the subject okay let’s sit on the tub and eat the fugu together on the count of three

It’s been real fauna been real man i wanna i wanna put that but like i don’t know but but it doesn’t fit the mood you can’t count i know i can count on you one on bushes and looks away bona this is my first time rainy smiles and blushes eating fugu

Fana makes eye contact once more mine too mummy eavesdropping in the closet best catch of the day god all right here we go suddenly the toilet starts overflowing the water level in the bathtub starts to rise rainey tries to open the non-existent dorm but it’s locked Fauna the door is locked fauna looks to the wall and sees a puzzle [Laughter] beautiful beautiful should we add it’s been real somewhere ow i’m going to that phone i’m going to ah what do you mean you need food yes yes yes i have food i just haven’t been eating

Yeah we should add it’s been real let’s add it’s been real oh where should we add it um let me see it’s been real Oh eating fugu oh what about like rainy rainy says rainey says all right it’s been real and then radio and fonna says itadakimasu it’s been real and then r and f itadakimasu okay perfect perfect yeah i don’t uh we don’t need to we don’t need to re-read this because

It’s just like a mine just the one liner yeah this is the one line see the bathtub fishing room okay let me just put this book and coil over here i’ll leave the fishing rod here oh you okay okay yeah okay okay yeah sure it’s for for the immersion if like the

Reader wants to fish up a fugu yes okay um and let me put this book on the lecture okay now we’re back yay thank you i don’t know like we ended up writing only we should do something else next time yeah yeah you made a very nice hat for me i’m happy

Yeah i’m glad that you like it so that’s why you were asking it’s okay don’t worry i still like fishing guys we have to fish more now that we got this hat you can go on fishing adventures sometime yes i want i want them i want

To give you a gift too what do you like to do lately oh you don’t have to give me anything ah all right it’s okay i’ll ask chat and chat will give me suggestions even if you say you don’t need to it’s i will find a way you will seek away

Out yes i will sneak away out seek away into my heart spicy Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah thank you yeah thanks for playing i’m glad we got to crab again and i’m glad i got to contribute something to your library of fanfiction whoa yay we should play we should play again sometime yeah yeah last time we did it

Was like what clubhouse i think yeah we didn’t clubhouse okay yay do you have any um announcements you would like to announce the chat um do i i don’t think i do do you have any announcements i have an announcement my announcement is i think fauna is amazing hey you guys should

Think so i think renee is amazing and if anyone doesn’t think bad then they’re going to get fed to the wolves to the foxes to the foxes i was gonna say no the uh you’re not gonna be fed to the foxes you’re gonna be uh locked in the

Fox room and you will have to see we’re cheating you have to take a whale except there’s no way out exactly all right should we say goodbye to everyone yay thank you for watching yeah thanks for watching see you next time Bye-bye Do

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 minin, craftin, n fishin WITH REINE #holoCouncil’, was uploaded by Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN on 2022-01-20 07:17:06. It has garnered 108611 views and 11068 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:24 or 7704 seconds.

Playing Minecraft with @PavoliaReine! 💙

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  • 🔥Epic RTP Command in Minecraft! Only Commands!🔥

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  • Placeofwar

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  • Fractured SMP – Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 – Bedrock & Java – Dynmap – Discord

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  • Minecraft Memes – “HeroPrime’s Epic Minecraft Adventure”

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  • Mutant Souka Showdown: Minecraft’s Secure Base Battle!

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  • Minecraft MEME (Part 3) Spicy AF 🔥

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  • Unlock 3 Minecraft Capes in 1 Minute

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

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  • 15 Year Minecraft Browser Game Surprise!

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  • BATHTUB Clickbait: JAX VS POMNI! EVIL OR FUN? Minecraft EP2

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  • 100 Days Surviving SONIC.EXE in Minecraft Challenge

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  • DannySharma beats Minecraft in 100 days?!

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  • “Mind-Blowing Minecraft Secrets Revealed!” #MinecraftMadness

    "Mind-Blowing Minecraft Secrets Revealed!" #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Facts #Minecrafter#BlockCrafting#MinecraftMagic#PixelatedAdventures#MinecraftBuilders’, was uploaded by David toys review on 2023-12-19 05:21:08. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. 🔒 Ready to embark on an epic journey through the blocky realms of Minecraft like never before? 🌍✨ Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft adventure! If you’re a true Minecraft enthusiast or just getting started, this channel is your gateway to unlocking the game’s most intriguing secrets, mastering its complex mechanics, and experiencing jaw-dropping builds that will leave you in awe. 📌 What You’ll Find Here:… Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: Playing OG Bedrock Minecraft HCF 😱

    Secrets Revealed: Playing OG Bedrock Minecraft HCF 😱Video Information en el video de hoy vamos a jugar hcf de los viejos tiempos sí como estás escuchando el hcf de los viejos tiempos estamos hablando de casi el hcf de 2020 o 2021 actualmente en Infinity sacaron una nueva upd cual vendría siendo el hcf viejo Así que si quieres saber cómo me fue jugando hcf de 2020 2021 por favor quédate viendo el video y suscríbete así que sin más nada que decir empecemos jugando en la nueva day de Infinity buena gente como vieron en la intro este Infinity sacó una nueva update cual vendría siendo… Read More

  • Insane Custom Armor Upgrade in Minecraft by Henwy!

    Insane Custom Armor Upgrade in Minecraft by Henwy!Video Information today I’ve added five brand new custom armat trims that give you upgrades and special abilities some of them being pretty op I’m going to grab some friends to try them out and see if they can help us beat the game all right boys are you ready to beat Minecraft yeah I’m ready I’m Yeah man so I’ve added some special things to this world let’s go beat Minecraft there’s a village over here is that where the cool stuff is this is where some really cool stuff is as you can see a villager ah no… Read More

  • Unbelievable Bedfight Secrets Unleashed – Grotex Revealed!

    Unbelievable Bedfight Secrets Unleashed - Grotex Revealed!Video Information for [Applause] This video, titled ‘The Art of Bedfight:’, was uploaded by Grotex on 2024-03-22 05:47:33. It has garnered 918 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin pack: in the middle above Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Redragon K552 red switches Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz… Read More

  • “INSANE CLITCH! Minecraft Hive CTF – VIRAL VIDEO!” #MinecraftHive #clitchng

    "INSANE CLITCH! Minecraft Hive CTF - VIRAL VIDEO!" #MinecraftHive #clitchngVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft hive capture the flag. #minecraft #hive #clitchng #shortvideoviral #shortvideo’, was uploaded by Clitch on 2024-05-10 04:42:52. It has garnered 55 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More