Shocking Encounter! Bannith Spotted Outside! | Minecraft

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Everybody how you doing today I’m back and happy Halloween it’s spooky out there and I don’t like it there there’s there’s demons wandering around in the on the island the heck is that is that just dirt moving around in the water is that a fish and it’s gone oh hi

Skeleton I don’t like you either I left the gate open perfect fantastic hey pomy hey Scythe how are you guys doing I’ve already made mistakes let’s close that go back in here there’s a lot of mobs out there so I was constructing hey budy why are you

Cheesing your way into my actual home I don’t appreciate that what the heck was that oh that’s my blood buddy how you doing get out of here go away I don’t like you especially you actually I hate you more man figures the stream would start

As soon as I hit Nightfall which is just going to be 20 minutes of darkness and death the I I think the disgustingly High number of creepers is the heart oh my God I can’t tell you how many times that I just see an absolutely insane amount of creepers and for some

Reason they keep exploding over there which is why that particular part of the wall looks different like I’ll be nowhere near there and they’ll just go and I’m just I’m I’m upset with it I don’t appreciate it I think they should have more respect for my construction work thunderstorm spooky scary

Thunderstorm what the heck is that oh I’m dead I have no idea what knocked me off but it definitely got me good um oh no leave me alone stop I hate that who who thought giving spiders ability to spit web at me was a good idea

Awful going to be six years before I can get my equipment back huh all right I guess hey Herobrine how you doing buddy get I hate that that that’s actually stupid that is genuinely a stupid thing to give a spider that how you get all this effort I put forth to make

This place creeper proof and the creepers get it anyway I’m so upset ah leave me alone and there’s a literal why why did that open that all I’m going over here for a while that poor dolphin right on the spikes I don’t think he learned this

Lesson how did that creeper get in I literally blocked the only point they could walk up on I hate this I hate this place I hate I hate everything happening here I hate the creepers the most of all and I kind of wish I could just delete all of

Them need a actually hold on I just got box here yeah die pay for your crimes I want you to know how ugly you are filthy creeper I appreciate being able to just sit here stare at my window and laugh at them as they slowly die to

Spikes if they’d only touch them I I don’t know what it is sometimes they just like outside of range of it hey Ivy oh that’s awesome do I have any rail gun why why did I get cheese there I don’t appreciate that oh not a fan you think maybe I can

Get a chicken out of this ah I got a chicken hey buddy how you doing you live here now in this nightmare Escape that I live in I know you’ve only been alive for a hand full of seconds but I want you to know that

When I die you inherit all of this and then when I respawn you de inherit all of it simultaneously so you get control of the base for maybe like two seconds yeah that’s right how why are you in here what happened H H how the doors are closed bug bugs bug shaped bugs

Stop everything’s sealed up that’s some voodoo magic right there I have to have food I don’t want to eat those rotten apples they scare me it says please and I don’t trust that that feels like it’s going to like in inhale my soul or something I don’t know

I don’t know what what what do what do those do I’m going to eat a golden carrot I don’t care this is mine the TA the TCT what the tacti you like how they work you like the feel the clickity Clack is that it that’s why I always

Like mechanical keyboards it’s not just because they typically work really really well for gaming I I like it I like the sounds Ivy I need you to make it Day Kevin key Kev on Cluckers perfect that’s Cluckers I don’t have a name tag so we’re just

Gonna have to remember that I expect you all to remember that for me I’ll forget it in like two seconds but Cluckers works hard Cluckers clerson does a good job at things and stuff my hair is trying to get into my eye okay forbidden magic mahogany log mahogany log iron inot

Refund obtain a bucket of water yeah gives me another bucket obtain a bucket of lava I have to make bottles of blood herb jars a coffer a broom waterproof ancient manuscripts I find one and I get four I can appreciate that obtain Satchel craft infused fabric craft witch set broom netherite tip a

Dipper craft another Dipper that’s a candle fun I want the flute so I can summon crows for no other reason than to summon crows and regret my decisions about summoning crows as the crows constantly eat my corn I guess that does nothing the spider High becomes nothing

It doesn’t dry out it just exists in a vacuum until I take it off that clerson stop I just want to go back back over there and get my stuff honestly but they blew a giant hole in the wall because I didn’t make it all out of stone and here we

Are wish it work that way if I could just be like solve all my problems I don’t have any stone available to me I have charcoal does charcoal count does charcoal count as Stone there’s some iron bars I could go I could go full iron now

I can make full iron set I can I can actually make some progress dude whatever’s going on over there is definitely making the server lag a tiny bit though and that’s a helmet leg boots I got me some boots for walk for walking yeah I survived the night no

One no one could say otherwise I totally didn’t die sh you’re seeing things I need to make a standard traveler’s backpack and then I get 200 experience What’s Happening Here what was that menu fading out like that oh it’s just like that they’re spooky ghosties I don’t know if you guys can

See them very well but if you look at the screen the way it is there’s like this weird little overlay where there’s like spooky ghosty faces in there Lobster I think you’ll be fine down there man honestly think you got a pretty good setup going I got to make an iron door as

Well iron Doors I’m clad in steel well the closest thing to steal that I have available in minec I really don’t care about these levels make a flesh Spike requires chapter two or is that 11 are we doing this Roman numeral style uh Engineers manual what what are what are what are

Discs I need a book and a lever I can I think I can do that um Cluckers stop you’re being way too aggressive right now I need this I need one of these I need a stick do I have a stick I have exactly one stick I’m prepared I

Knew exactly what I needed no one can say otherwise because it was right there and here’s the leather that I need all scattered about in random locations because I plan stuff oh Lobster I don’t know if I told you but I got the proximity chat working so I’ll be

Screaming at you the entire time you’re anywhere near me be like Jaws music going on do it I want an apartment building in the mines I wish these like missions gave me supplies I think that’s the one thing that this is missing every single one of these missions to get basic supplies

This m this mod this mod pack is very difficult like very difficult just by default so having basic supplies given to me to make things a little bit easier to get set up I think would help the uh the rest of the people get get used to

It you know uh this looks absolutely terrifying flesh plunderer do I want that I I where what bones goat loin sheep rack a primordial core raw meats a spider eye and ender pearls okay I’m making a demon sickle to Ren the flesh from my enemies okay sure oh yeah I’ll do do that

You can’t just add core to something and it becomes atheistic what you’re right it just glues some some flesh and orbs together in a spider’s eye and that’s how you make everything is it morning yet sick of this place what’s this engineer manual good for actually updates oh review and

Resources what is this From treated chemical Redstone acid mineral the villagers during your travels you may come across various Villages and their and their studious inhabitants some of them in fact qualifies as Engineers R of Trad CH metal PL Engineers Hammer silver plates so this is just immersive engineering right yeah okay this is just immersive

Engineering I know how this works it’s ARS it’s slow it requires so much stuff I hate it I hate it so much I’m kidding it’s not that bad it was one of the it was one of the mod packs I was playing way back that made

It so awful so there was this one mod pack that I was playing and the way that the materials work hey blett what’s up the blue llama monster I I I I don’t know how I feel about that is that the one from My Singing Monsters

Oh yeah yeah yeah okay yeah yeah I hate it it makes good noises though it’s very musical I’m not wasting the enchants on that sword sorry Cluckers stop you’re being way too aggressive right now I mean if you want to you skeletons want to just burn I appreciate

It run ow my spine my my skull my spine skull what is that in there oh my God you’re huge you’re ruining the farm hey Herobrine how are you doing today stop that’s a really Ked zamble Lam or something can you guys stop leave me alone something hey buddy how you doing

Bye he’s gotten very aggressive a tomatone are you an automatone don’t be an a tomatone can I like lure y’all out here into into the void world or something yes of course they’re they’re literally everywhere get me out of here my spikes my Spikes have failed

Me I’m going to beat them to death with a book herob why aren’t you out here helping why are you being a dick right now he’s so rude about this he never does anything he never helps with anything just he just just hangs around he eats

The snacks he he doesn’t he doesn’t help with the farming just I here being a minice complete Menace hey look my stuff man it didn’t even put my armor on right this is busted has like negative durability now Lobster where are you and why aren’t you helping

Me I got my stuff back at least where’s my sword can I can I can I beat down the big guy this this this thick monster of a skeleton has he G you anything stop stop moving how much health do you have are you like a boss or something like that got

Him and I got a piece of dark metal and that that that’s that’s basically it all right time to fix these walls Yay I hate it I I hate it so much oh my God man one creeper is like the bane of everyone’s existence in this in this world I’m hoping that the changes that are coming are just you know fixing that reducing the creeper spawns by a good margin or something you know so

That there’s not a creeper every point two seconds I don’t even have any dirt I don’t even have any dirt didn’t give me any dirt my window’s gone I went right onto my own spikes that’s just destroying my armor hate it hate it with a passion boop boop boop boop boop beep boop

Beep beep beep beep beep beep okay that works I’m going to make that double thick that’s going to be a double thick layer of wall right there maybe not ah that’ll work still technically double thick ethereal Workshop I was working on that hey Maddie wait what increase

No there will be no increasing of creepers not on my watch I’ll remove them from the files if I have to there’s way too many of them like there shouldn’t be like four billion of them a night I I I feel like that’s way too excessive all right well besides not having any

More glass for that mahogany window to match the other mahogany window I’m going to have to get some sand some snad I don’t know what you’re talking about I have a Luigi hat I can’t be moist critical I’m Ouigi Ouija board Mansion you know that one place with the ghosts in it

Look look Bro Look Herobrine I don’t know what you’re choking on but I can’t help you if you keep teleporting away snat snat snat collecting all the snat those are Sandstone they’re snad on the bright side we got a good 40 minutes before you know night falls and death happens Lobster Lobster proximity

Chat Works Lobster Lobster the proximity chat works it works I promise I fixed it ful and I tested it it actually is really good so I wandered off at one point and we we were having like a conversation but I wandered off in a random Direction because I was looking

For some stuff and and he stayed where he was or he he like looked around in the small area where he was lost him we got lost and it was super spooky it’s like where’ my buddy go you know one of those like those those uh freaking creepy stories where you’re you’re out

There exploring with your friend and one of you just gets lost in the void oh that was an actual creeper I thought that was just the game messing with me for a second snat Sandstone can you can you stop dude do you skeletons have to me the most

Frustrating things on the planet you guys are constantly just like out out of out of everywhere doing doing weird creepy skeleton things and I don’t appreciate you I don’t appreciate you I don’t appreciate appreciate what you stand for I don’t I I I I appreciate your armor if you’ll give it to

Me you should give me that armor dude where from what I hate skeletons it’s like rlcraft all over again these skeletons are way too accurate there’s two what happened to my floor here did someone just like take exactly four blocks oh there’s like 70 of yall here huh

You shouldn’t yeah there we go thank you die pay for your crimes get out of here get off my lawn instead of zombies and skeletons now I ruined part of your farm we’re not back in the mine what are you talking about there’s no mines here there’s only death death destruction and Endermans

That will invade your home it won’t do anything bad but they’ll invade your home they they just that that’s how they are don’t ask me I have no idea how to control the Ender population he does lobster needs the mines can I use this garbage is that Herobrine sneaking up

Behind me for the 50th time time I wonder I have some seeds some weird seeds I’m going to put all the stuff in this backpack in in one of the other containers and just just call it good I I don’t want to deal with the shenanigans that I have here right

Now let’s see flax pumpkin bamboo I’ll take these I have spider’s eyes to make that weird thing of a bobble doodle that I need to make I have any trees here I do there’s my trees Industrial Hemp that I’ll never use until I’m forced to use it by immersive

Engineering see piece of dark metal these things I don’t know what they do I I’m scared of them I feel like I’m just going to grow some kind of demon and it’s going to murder me it’s just going to rip out my face like my entire face it’s going to rip

The whole thing out the grave Metal’s growing and that’s good because I need the grave metal like tool like not tools the grave metal armor I’m going to put this away for when I butcher some animals I don’t know why the Copper’s over here that belongs

In one of these chests I have to store things properly if I don’t then bad things are going to happen which they’re already happening so fantastic I’m on point I know what I need to do I need to suffer more uh it’s a piece of dark metal I

Don’t know Cluckers what are you doing you need to behave you’re over here being a weird freaking chicken he’s probably a demon too knowing my luck Cluckers just a an abomination hiding in the GU of a chicken spider eye engineering my extra Sage bones string bones and

Str oh yeah my pumpkin seeds which I dare not grow because they’ll probably just get boomed Arrow Aros I don’t need those I’ll take these he extra coal I can put that one of the thing save an inventory slot oh No you poop out an egg did you did you poop out an egg or something what was that what was the was the poop pop is that here pooping out eggs telling me nothing I have another corruption I can make darking gets with this for some reason I don’t know what

Darks are good for what does that take tough fibers flesh bits sharp Fang yeah okay all right sounds good I’m just GNA be like dismembering demonic creatures to take their bits and turn said bits into into other things I guess it’s glorious perfect definitely normal that def we’re

Definitely not doing anything gross and scary here I swear I don’t have any more snad do I I do I have four snat that’s not quite enough I was trying to perfectly use each piece of coal that I’m going to burn there I don’t need these on me right now

Either andesite can go in there I’ll keep the the freaking 8 billion fences that I’m carrying at this moment because they’re they’re helpful they’re disgustingly helpful like unnaturally so you would never expect fences to be like the the savior of your existence no no no no Lobster I need you

To carry me in this I’m going to die I’m GNA die again he’s coming for you huh I forgot the most important thing out of that pile of garbage that I had collected my backpack and well my gold bars too I need to put those away before I die a

Horrible death and lose them torches my one stick because having exactly one stick is exactly what I need to do I need these here spikes extra bones I have Redstone Dust apparently that’s that’s lucky I wasn’t ever expecting to find Redstone Dust at the rate that I die fence fence Cleaver another Cleaver

How many CLE I have two Cleavers man my inventory is just wrecked give me my my sponge pack pack literally if you’re wondering this is this is a sponge pack it’s a sponge pack pack it collects water apparently I’m absolutely terrible IFI to drop it in the ocean near my base cuz

I feel like it’s just going to like go and then I just won’t have an ocean there anymore and I I would not appreciate that I actually would not appreciate that I need that ocean there it’s like one of the few things that stops creepers from blowing up half my base

Tools good old tools take Cobblestone we’ll take these to turn into stick sck and we’ll make some basic tools and then I can’t complain about not having basic tools anymore uh pickaxe axe put that backpack over there where it belongs and then I’ll make a I’ll make

Another sword like as a backup because this one’s about to break I should have made a grave metal one I have enough grave metal actually why have I not done that so grave metal is weird hey Bobby four grave metal right there look at that I have four grave metal in gets

Now I can make terrifying things that there I can’t make the armor and if I can’t make the armor I guess I’ll just make the sword cuz the grave metal weapons are better like by a huge margin they’re they’re so much better uh you know what we’ll go down the line we’ll use

The we’ll use the stone sword up then we’ll use the iron sword up and then we’ll use the grave metal sword up that way I’m I’m just like keeping my stuff and and that that stone shovel legitimately just looks like a spear it doesn’t look like a stone shovel it looks like a

Spear so I like the I like the feel of the voice chat that it has in the game I think you’ll like it too like it’s it’s it’s very immersive it’s like um I think it’s picking up my air conditioner though oh why was that disabled now it’s

Not I had that enabled the entire time I don’t know why that got disabled oh maybe I hit a hotkey I didn’t think about that yeah once you get on I completed the basic structure of the of the the little support house for people

Who get in it has some good tips in it at the very very start and I think it’ll help out a lot just to you know help you get your bearings and stuff like that also I’ll be like super nearby most of the time so it’s got that helpful thing too you know

Ah totally did not explode multiple times before you got on you didn’t no one saw that that didn’t happen the there anyone who says so is who says that it did is lying nothing exploded everything’s fine this place is in perfect shape there there were there were never any creeper

Problems whatsoever and there wasn’t a gigantic buff skeleton in this area at all either you’re all you’re all crazy I don’t know what you’re talking about anymore man just Halloween I know it’s spooky but relax guys are scaring me put that there I need more

Wheat I have 22 bone meal 22 bone meal equals wheat Not as much as I was hoping but still what do the signs say so this is the spawn community base the this base is just that’s just basically telling you what it is base is here with some basic info and setup so it has the crafting tables a little storage crate

With some random supplies in it that I just don’t need uh campfire so you can fix your sanity it has four tanning racks two drying racks it has the the information that you need to utilize both of these things with the drying racks just automatic but the tanning

Rack it doesn’t explain this very well the tanning rack requires shears you need to use shears on this cow hide that I’ve got on here and that will turn them into thing the problem with that is that means you have to have two iron ingots to actually utilize the thing properly

And it doesn’t tell you that initially four furnaces with some charcoal in them uh wheat Garden we have more bamboo the only thing it doesn’t have internally to to to do a basic setup is uh a tree which I can’t really fit into how small this area

Is another benefit it has is I have glowberries on the side which I need to put a glow Berry Farm inside as well but I haven’t done that quite yet my leg I had to fix this because they blew open that wall yeah it’s a community base happy Halloween

Sarah and it’s got some basic tips here too don’t go out at night I think that one’s been shown multiple times already not a good decision results in death fairly quickly uh make spikes be careful about creepers and make fences both of those things are very very helpful this

Fence right here completely keeps the creepers at Bay completely keeps the uh the skeletons at Bay helps out a ton and you have the other side of the tips Stone plus spikes equals a safer base as you saw this base because it’s made out of wood it kind of got damaged

Pretty bad there for a bit it it just you you take so much damage and then the base I have over there almost never gets breached anymore because it’s made out of stone and it has spikes along the entire outer area of it preventing the creepers and stuff like that from

Getting close without taking massive amounts of damage uh and if they do get close they usually one tap or you can just hide inside ignore them and then to let people know that campfires restore sanity if you’ve ever played Don’t Starve this uh Minecraft server actually

Has a bit of a feel of Don’t Starve it’s based around your sanity it’s based around not getting caught out in the middle of the night because the knights are super dangerous it’s and the more insane you go the worse things get for you all that kind of stuff and then at

The top here you break you fix it you take it you replace it the just a general rule that I’ve started enforcing when it comes to community bases so if someone causes a bunch of damage to the base via leading a creeper into it and just not escaping in time when Mor comes

Around they need to fix it stuff like that and um if you take supplies from stuff like that at least replace some stuff there you don’t have to replace the exact thing but little bits of stuff here and there helps out and helps newer players who may join the the server and

That’s just a thing saying that that’s just to keep the community base running exactly a wall a day keeps the creepers away it protects us from the nightmares that come along and eat our face creepers are bad creepers gross the server you have to download

The mod pack that I have Linked In the description as for the um as for the server itself I will get the IP here in just a bit Insanity oh cuz I was in the water that’s right keep in mind this is a very very difficult mod

Pack like this isn’t some super easy mod pack like you’re you’re not going to have a good time if you want this to be a more casual experience there’s the IP yeah is that you Bobby you won’t have a good time if you want this if you want this to be a

Casual experience and be ready ready to die a lot I’m usually pretty good at Minecrafting can get myself out of a lot of situations but this this pack nah not happening need more bread but yeah I’ve been putting just little bits here and there you know what that might not work

Uh I can try it well at least try it maybe I’ll reinforce this area it might be better to have it reinforced I’ve been thinking about creating like little gaps to where creepers can be fought through but it’s becoming very very clear that they also occasionally will explode through walls

They’ve got like this weird chance to to do so and I don’t I don’t know like it they occasionally they occasionally explode also Herobrine will follow you around and he’ll gargle stuff and it’s gross don’t worry about him he ain’t going to hurt you much maybe apparently he gives

Lobster Redstone torches I don’t I don’t know hey you got another like 15 minutes or so we’re just a little bit past noon it looks like unless the sun’s Rising I can’t remember what cardinal directions are on this map and I’ll also be building some random structuring and stuff like that

Just to help out a little bit especially for the newer players I don’t want this to be an impossible scenario basically but at the same time there there’s there’s not much I can do to make it make it easier if you have a if you if you con constantly get caught out

Or injured or anything like that there’s not really much I can do to make it easier also I saw that Foy Foie jumped on so I’m gonna have to scream at him in proximity chat ah here we go so I set this up because I thought

This was cute and also these count as a light source so they help out a lot where are you Bobby what happened oh yeah you told me you held up you held up in that area over there if you’re in that weird that weird um like I don’t know what wood this is

If you’re in that Hut over there on on the water that belongs to a couple of the the people who join the server but the sign in there basically says if you need this as a safe as a safe place for the night then buy all meets so you’re all good

Oh one big rule on my server I don’t know if I said this already or not anyone who plays on here if you’re a griefer honestly this is foly server and one big rule on foolie server if you grief if you cause people problems if you constantly cause damage I will not

Hesitate to ban you fully will not hesitate to ban you so just show respect to the other players basically and you’ll you’ll get respect back and if you don’t like somebody and you want to fight them set up a duel or something I don’t know do it right hey hey guys it

Going hats I that was close hold on hold on my voice chat if you grief I will not to tell on you yeah do it that’s better wholy where’d you go he abandoned us yeah I wanted to make sure that everybody who started would have would have some good stuff

What like hold on hold on Echo you stay over there wow that’s that is pretty cool yeah that’s what I was saying it has this really nice feel to it and honestly The Clarity on it so much better than what you get from even I don’t know how good Xbox is right now

But I just remember the old days that was awful where everybody you couldn’t even understand yeah standing in the corner and it having that that reverberation is really crazy I love it that’s all I know oh this will look pretty all right I’m going to go out and see if I

Can punch down some trees go for the Goldman don’t get lost hey you get lost out here you might die this place is awful like in every way hey pomy what’s up I I wish Lobster were here so I could cause him problems I think I’m just going to fill

That up I think I’m just G to fill this up reinforce it put a nice uh gated Zone and then spike it spikes spikes everywhere I have plenty of sticks I can make more pickaxes if I need to that’s cool how’s Australia doing you’re like exactly 12 hours difference

Right would it be like 9 a.m. for or is my timing if my time zone thing wrong I got to go down here and mine all the value ore before Lobster does I should also probably label this particular area so that I don’t get lost

Like I did before I walked down here at one point and I got lost in the void so fast it was awful I I was running around in circles for a large amount of time and um there was some weird noise going on that was like wandering around in a cave next to

Me and the only thing I could think of is there was some kind of demon out there waiting to eat my soul and I didn’t like that I didn’t appreciate that I I really did not so I pretty much left let’s see well I wandered around I tried to

Leave I guess I should say let’s mark that that’s perfect oh hold on Scythe download uh version 4.0 there isn’t a server file for 5.0 that’s my bad so 5.0 is the current release and the one that’ll probably default you to download change your version of the game

Down to 4.0 I forgot to mention that um they don’t have a server pack for 5.0 or at least they didn’t before I started the stream so I wasn’t able to actually set that up with version five yet so there’s just no the server is not running version

Five let’s see maybe they have it now which I I won’t update it until after the stream but at that point Fear is this it’s a featured it’s doing good it’s doing real good yeah the server Pack’s still not out so once the server packs out then I’ll be able to actually like put that up we might have maybe I don’t know would they do it that

Way I feel like a lobster is going to make an apartment complex down here I should just clear this area out for and then it can make set apartment complex okay are you on um uh you’re on you got it on curse Forge correct so what you’re going to do is

You’re going to look at that um you’re you’re you’re basically going to right click on it and you’ll have the ability to change the version so find that in your mod packs list right click on it click click on click on change version which should be

Just under play and then you should be able to just choose whatever version of this that has ever been uploaded which in this case would be four not 4.5 but four and then once four is done because I have I had the fifth one downloaded

Too but I had to create another file so I could actually run this I was being dumb about it and I didn’t uh I didn’t mean I forgot to mention that you should have that option on curse Forge are you playing on PC I mean I’m assuming you are because

You wouldn’t even be able to download the mod pack then right oh there you go okay wonder where Bobby went I’m concerned and confused he’s going to sneak up behind me one day and just stab me in the kidney he’s just waiting for an opportunity in in my existence four

Version four not 4.5 but four my pickaxe no oh I’m GNA have to go up there where Lobster at I’m GNA have to go back to his thing go for the Goldman pickax seven no that’s way too many I think three will be plenty for the amount of materials materials I

Need hopefully I’ll find some coal down here too so I can light this area up a little bit better I’m absolutely petrified that something’s just going to spawn in the darkness and and delete me it’s like rip out my soul or something like that also I really wish I could find

Some more Ores they seem so rare I need a mess of iron like I need a massive amount of iron uh keep in mind though if version 5 ends up with server files tomorrow I will be updating it to version 5 so I I don’t know when the server

Files will come out I I can’t really say anything on that because I’m not the mod developer they’ve been working at a Breakneck Pace though so I would not be surprised just heads up on that if uh you have version four I’ll be making an announcement in the Discord about it

When I update it to five all that kind of junk that shiny Jazz that applesauce I don’t know I’m just I’m just saying words now it’s so peaceful right now and I don’t appreciate it and then when it’s not peaceful there’s a horde of monsters outside the base D D yep I need I need more I I need I need more iron so bad there’s like none down here none at all there’s like nothing oh I remember this so on this little spot I just found this out here I don’t know what happened there was just like a skeleton in this

Little box bro was just there I probably shouldn’t be going towards the zombie noises but I’m going towards the zombie noises I need to know if I just went into one of my tunnels what are they like above me or below me or is there like a Cave System nearby

That I’m not I don’t know about it’d be freaking hard to to find it that’s for sure especially with the the way that this is set up there’s also this weird area over here that leads into a small Cave System but I don’t know what I can

Get away with in this small Cave System iron chains I thought I’d leave most of that just intact that way a lobster could find it and maybe turn it into a small house or something but I went this way and I found a cave and I

Don’t I don’t know if I want to explore it or not what the heck is that well that didn’t work I guess I need an iron pick for it least there’s a little bit of iron down here before the cave dwellers come and rip my face off just tear me to

Shreds the moment I go into a real cave and there’s just iron all over the place I guess I should have expected that I was blocking no oh my iron armor did nothing it did nothing it was useless I get back down there before Night hits and I die horrible

Death just get stuck out here in an infinite death loop again I’m going to have to fix the staircase too everybody just making these Jank staircases where I constantly bash my head on there and it slows me down bothers me to no end like I always I always go in there

And then I I cut it in a way to where it just doesn’t do that because it it annoys me for some reason that’s not the right way it’s this way I just want my stuff back hopefully that that skeleton despawned or something like that so he’s not there

Just to insta kill me anymore this is just a weird network of nightmares that I’ve created for myself we oh I want whatever that is I I don’t know what it is but I want it a tiny Moon has appeared maybe I should just line everything with glowberries that’ll work right

Spikes actually hold on you know what I’m gonna make a checkpoint real quick I’m gonna make a checkpoint right here I don’t have anything for a door I didn’t think about that I’m completely lacking wood how’s my sponge backpack looking I EMP it right I put a skull in

It uh actually hold on can I I can all right there’s a use for those the good old glow Berry combo creating food in the middle of nowhere just needs a little bone meal ah there’s more iron I don’t like that that’s suspicious that’s super suspicious like crazily suspicious awful

That looks like it just goes on and on and on into the void I don’t like it that’s that’s not much but it’s better than nothing all right I have I have a Lapis I need an iron pickaxe now I’m going to have to I’m going to have

To do something to get an iron pickaxe I was hoping I could find some coal down here but I haven’t even seen any coal yet there’s plenty of iron now that’s good that’s awesome actually but where the heck is the coal I don’t even think I can mine that lapis Right for

Me Maybe I can’t I feel so alone down here like I briefly saw Bobby and and Foie and then there’s just there’s just nothing this I’m just out here all by myself waiting for the nightmares to sneak up on me and eat my face let just

Gravel I don’t like that I don’t like any of that and I wish it would stop that makes me feel like something freaking evil is approaching and I don’t I don’t appreciate it they need they need to go away they need to stay away and what what is with the torch

What what’s the torch why the redstone torch in the middle of nowhere what what is the point in this why is it here I hate that other big issue I didn’t bring a freaking crafting table I’m going to have to leave I’m going to have to I’m going to

Have to leave I’m going to have to bring some a whole I’m G to have to bring a whole tree down here and then maybe we’ll be able to get some stuff done I need some charcoal too am I getting stuck what’s happening oh that’s a dead end that’s also a dead

End where did I get get in here did I get in here from down here no that’s the I can’t I make that jump oh there we go was it this way I really wish I knew the way out I don’t like this situation at all I keep hearing noises that I don’t

Appreciate and the music keeps getting louder that needs to stop what what what is this over here too like hold on I don’t have any more that’s that’s not good either how how do I get out where’s my exit where’s my freedom him that’s not the right way is

It no I didn’t come in through here oh that’s just pitch black darkness there’s no way I came in through there is that oh oh man I’m so dumb it’s right here let me Mark it with glowberries that’s the only way to know you got to Mark everything with glowberries why is

There pure darkness that way I feel like there are tunnels that are just appearing that I didn’t do anything with that I didn’t make that just are there they came out of nowhere and I don’t like that I don’t appreciate that and I want to stop and I want it to go

Away oh yeah I forgot I made this no give my glowberries back those don’t go in there all right I could make a furnace I don’t have any fuel though that’s the big issue yeah if I don’t have any fuel I might as well just go back to the

Surface grab the fuel I need that’s where I tried to dig through there so this way this way around Here I feel like Bobby’s doing good right now I feel like Bobby is doing real good right now he hasn’t gotten caught and eaten by demons and the night’s like half over I thought you’d like this one Bobby hey Jordan ow my brain oh oh all right all right okay I’m

I’m going I’m going to go over here I’m going to live over here for now by which I mean I’m back in my own house yeah they’ll do that I haven’t been able to perfectly fortify That Base sadly I fixed the wall though that’s good that’s

Good I see I see where they’re at yeah I don’t know where you are and hear your voice if if you look out the window behind you you should see me yeah and a chicken behind yeah that’s Cluckers yeah get trees a cut yeah I mean that wheat should be

Growing you might have some wheat in the in the Box too that you might be able to turn into it you’re right hold on do I have a bunch of Bones I Do that’s all I hear in my brain right now is just the nightmare fuel that is this game that’s not where that goes I’ll take these give me me that stuff opens for the glass Jordan creepers are trying to explode the bases I don’t appreciate them Anymore sorry I can barely hear you they are really trying to get in there yo oh you’re right there all this Blood I’m leav behind the more injury you are the more you bleed in this it’s actually quite crazy but here you go I want to make sure there was enough

A I love how this turns out ah I should have kept a few of the of the of the bone meal for that dang yeah that should be enough wheat for a little bit he potatoes the rest in there I’m G to bake me some potatoes on this campfire yeah just bake

Me God there’s so many of these Critters around here it’s causing minor lag actually hold on let me let me let me go my B video settings Quality fancy Graphics that’s fine actually let me put this in performance mode before I start reducing Graphics or anything of that wood there oh yeah that’s already better oh yes oh that was almost driving me insane what the thum the uh almost being dead my heart thumping oh yeah no I

Don’t get you there’s so many like noises in this that are just designed to make you uncomfortable after a while though they just get insanely common I think that’s one of the things that they they should probably uh adjust a little bit is if you just hear these things constantly

And stuff like that I know I’m I was sorry to see that too honestly yeah I was standing right here and as you can tell this wood is a bit different than the wood you built it with uh yeah it’s ruined a creeper exploded on the other side of the wall

And I almost died it’s ruined All Is Lost said this was a safe place I also had to board up the top here where the stairs laid to CU I went up to see what was up there and a skeleton riding a spider so I quickly ran back down and

Barricaded both entries no I I feel you I feel you on that um some stuff will spawn up there the lighting’s just I don’t know I I’m going to have to fix I’m going to have to finish the Walling and light it all up and everything That ivy are we there yet there’s a witch out there yeah that was a yeah that that was a little bit far honestly what for the the bed see no no no no no so if you hover over to the left of it there will be like chapters and stuff that you can

Do what happened why I don’t know what happened I want this Stone to finish cooking so that I can make a WR with it oh man as because I rabbit like yes yeah yeah oh animals will fight back I forgot to mention that um chicken i k no

Chance the the cows are actually pretty dangerous and they’re usually in like a herd so you know spider I was trying to see if I can pick up that Arrow I didn’t know if that was oh no sadly most of them we can’t if you could see some of the

Things that I’ve seen Jordan you would understand why this always sounds intense I love when they just pushed each other into the spikes I don’t know it just amuses me there’s a lot of zombies I don’t trust them I don’t either no they they will go off through

Like if they see you through a window they will still explode if you’re within range it’s almost daylight though is there somebody in that house no that’s your chicken yeah there is somebody in that house Cluckers ferson spider here’s spider spider spider spider spider here spider how are

You doing spider they’re in the tree with a sword that’s that’s nice so not all they actually they actually can get some pretty good equipment and we can take most of it have uh bow and arrows yes I absolutely love the fact that not all the skeletons have bows and

Arrows the ones that do have the bows and arrows are the bane of your existence that makes me Les terrified of all skeletons although I probably still should be ter you got him all right you know what I actually kind of like the trees they where they’re at they’re they’re doing good oh

My God how did you get past those Shard of the pth oh dude no way a grape metal axe yeah free free grape metal axe oh it’s buff bro how you doing big guy what hit me oh he gave me a concussion there’s a big dude over here he’s being he being thick

Creepers yeah the creeper spawn rate is way too high there’s just like 40 of them at all times you see big guy over there oh drowned nice he should drop decent gear oh it’s in the water I can swim around to it maybe oh be careful there was a lot out

There for the biscuit skon that should be drowning what happened oh oh Foy why why foly why oh he can’t hear us we’re too far away I don’t know if I got anything from him maybe we’ll find out yeah that’s one thing that sucks about the spikes is they’re always in the way

But I don’t know it’s they’re really helpful yeah after tonight the caterpillar stays on my face for the night Jordan oh that’s good Jordan I feel like you’re hating on Minecraft a little bit though we’re just trying to be spooky for the spooky day did you spawn lightning I don’t know

That sounded like you spawned lightning oh they they blew a chunk out of my thing on my Bobble dude I worked hard on this is so pretty they killed it oh that that’s been like that what have you done I don’t I don’t I didn’t do you’re cursed or something

Uh that that that never happened this often till you got on here I’m running away hey dolphin oh I’m going to die I am I am doing the die stop regenerate Health become immortal absorve the essence of my enemies I don’t like drowns I I hate them with a

Passion no the dolphin took that hit why’ you protect the skeleton stupid dolphins making terrible life decisions oh I’m so sad now I just murdered that dolphin for no reason is that a bat what is there a bat out here that bat needs to stop I’m oh I’m half insane

Nice Cluckers you’re going to have to keep that language to to a minimum what ding oh yes that is such a beautiful a fire it’s such a beautiful site what is this ash what do I need Ash for shouldn’t I be training Pokemon five metal things nine gold nuggies nine gold bar

Something something where am I that’s a chicken Eggy grave metal there are weird creepy noises around me and I don’t appreciate it appreciate it I don’t think it should be happening I’m sad that I got the crap beat out of me there but I’m happy that I survived so I guess that’s a plus I have

Seven spider eyes I’ll take this rotten flesh and I’ll I’ll put it up here I move that leather around too there we go go golden golden first oo I’m going to keep that I’m going I’m going to keep that right there I’m going to leave the grave metal axe

Here it’s a 82 but maybe if I get more I can just glue them together like normal you know Minecraft rules you get them you glue them together they they go back to full durability and problems are solved it’s a beautiful cycle of Minecraft life didn’t I have two things of stone or

Three oh all Right perfect that’s beautiful now any repairs that I need to do can actually be done properly instead of out of garbage material like wood useless wood I’m so mad these creepers just destroying the I try to make something pretty I try to make something pretty in

This nightmar land and they blow it up they just they just blow it up they destroy it today is a literal day what do you mean today isn’t a day it’s a night where’ Bobby run run off too disappearing into the void sneaking around collecting tree being spooky oh construct a better

Pickaxe I should go steal F’s mine I should just take all his stuff I wonder how far he got down it’s a literal knif don’t ask me what’s wrong with me today I don’t know all I know is that it’s Minecraft and it’s spooky and there

There are things in the darkness and I don’t appreciate them I need them to stop need them to behave and that’s a bat you just flew into a dirt block started taking damage and I’m sure that you think that I’m the threat these bats do not learn their

Lesson get away from me stop it you carry diseases filthy creature yeah look at that that’s that’s beautiful I think probably give the bat pumpkin pie no that pumpkin pie is mine the bat can starve like that bat can starve that’s my pumpkin pie hey hey sometimes when your bat is running into

A freaking dirt block and suffocating itself you need to know that it’s time to get a different pet I’m just saying just for clarity sake there’s like a demon elephant down here I also forgot to bring the one thing that I need to bring down here wood I need wood

Wood should I steal wood from Lobster storage he wouldn’t mind he came in here to harass us and hasn’t even been on the server even though it’s been up every day since it started I am displeased no oh that poor bat I wasn’t going to call attention to it but I guess it

Doesn’t matter now oh man take one of these these will work if only I had like a bow or a crossbow right now what’s up what do you think you’re doing over there I just found some Stone time I just some Stone first I’m just murdering trees and then I’m going in a

Cave if you want to see how wonderful the underground is feel free to come with with me uh sure yeah and just got that stupid violin sting just out of nowhere breaks a tree dud come on Bobby what what what just happened oh fish hooked me I’m surprised this doesn’t do damage

Well I mean it does a lot of damage to the rod but you were like y me that’s a way that I used to transport uh Villers bed I wouldes go flying in the a oh no no no no no uh yeah I know that you could do

Damage to the falling I’m just saying a fish hook in the face you think would do at least a little bit of damage yeah I’m fishing for friends I need friends Jordan welcome to the maze fly no he’s nowhere near us that’s where Lobster lives is in this in this

Cave this reverberation nightmare that we’re in right now if you can’t find your way out of here don’t worry about it cuz I can’t find my way out of here either I made amazze of this I already know ion be able to but it’s so straightforward I don’t know the

Last just go to the wide areas like uh any area that’s not like a small tunnel like this is probably where I’ve been and just been making a mess out of things was this it yeah yeah what happened oh you fell spooked me thought our lives were already

Forfeit I was about to be upset well that works that’s fine till the baby zombies show up but you know how many logs I only got 22 logs oh I guess it’s better than not having any logs lets me make doors too Doors Doors door door door door doors do door doors do

Doors that’s not where that door was supposed to go that was completely wrong uh that’ll work I think yeah door magic perfect Bobby are you dying down there why can mine lapis with an with a stone pick I couldn’t Remember spooky scary skeletons shivers down your spine That sucks I think I’ve had a fish hook stuck in my hand like three times and I never want it to happen again oh I can only imagine just like I’m always like there’s one thing I’m always freaking out about when I go fishing is uh just like blind paranoia

About it when I’m like if I make like a mistake and I fling the um footsteps behind me and I fling the fish hook and I like catch myself or somebody else in like a really tender or dangerous area and I hate that thought like I hate

It but it’s something that I always think about it’s hard to get in there yeah that that that’s got to move may maybe I’ll put those to the side instead of directly in front of that what I thought that was going to go on a lot further than it did I

Guess hello how are you are you in this cave with me you why do you hate fish why fish you hate what do the fish do yep torches doing do I have torches yes I and my Infinite Wisdom have forgotten that torches exist apparently way oh well thank you sir I’m Oh there’s darkness in this this tunnel this terrible terrible space in the ground why do you hate fish what have fish ever done to you besides be delicious that’s why you go after perch our catfish actually works too so the thing about catfish is you basically

Just leave the rod there for an extended period of time and then when they bite that’s when you do Something I have I have to say I probably hate this one the most it is one of the more unnerving like audio files and it just is uncomfortable I hate it I hate this one I’m G have to go get Bobby I found a good cave here it’s Spooky Spooky

Dookie Spooks uh actually there’s no coal anywhere at all can Bobby hear me through the stone Bobby Bobby Bobby Bobby can you hear me Bobby oh hey coal well that’s a sight for sore eyes take this I’ll take this one too oh that one’s good oh shiny coal it’s

Perfect I’ll be able to see for days this is going to be a nightmare network of caves nothing’s going to happen good it’s all going to be ARS it’s just it’s going to be a mess well I can get up there wait what spooky scary skeletons

If name tags were hidden this would be perfect so I found a Cave System over on this way oh did you yeah oh [ __ ] oh nice oh yeah this just leads into where I was okay I’m on go back over here oh oh hey oh who whoa whoa whoa

Woo that’s not what I wanted to do at all o I don’t like this that bat’s being stupid again what was that why did that happen skeleton I actually probably need Bobby’s help with this one this this is big this is big spook and for good measure location that’s perfect the

Bat why why does she get frustrated with you were playing Minecraft together what do you do what have you done skeleton did I just get a bow well I’ve got my shield I I need to fill up my backpack with garbage that’s right that’s what I’ve forgotten to

Do save those save these that one stays out extra wood can go in here and decide to garbage garbage site five six seven eight n string door I I never remember to use my shield but I do need to use that more often fishing rod can go on here so I

Don’t waste it I don’t need my Atlas I’m literally underground in a nightmare Zone extra sword bamboo that I brought down here for some reason glass that I brought down here for some reason an iron ingot that I have on me for some from that from that mob

Actually never mind that had a reason I want to dig for coal and lay 10K torches on the floor so nothing spawns anywhere near I mean that’s fair enough though that’s perfectly reasonable I found a huge cave over there I need your help all right uh uh

Can you give me like two seconds to run to the bathroom no oh I did just make all iron tools you have to pee on the way let’s go I will be right back all right I don’t like how he’s just staring at me she hates it but I mean you’re just

Trying to protect the base you know you just you just want everybody to be able to live a little bit longer wait is this a bro this has been a crafting table the whole time I didn’t realize that that’s straight up been a crafting table the entire time uh and aite that’s fine

Though one thing I want to do in this one is I want to put like um torches or not torches uh campfires I know you just said torches and that’s why that’s stuck in my brain I want to put campfires everywhere and the reason I want to put campfires everywhere is

Because campfires in this restore sanity and Sanity good sanity great I need more sanity that’s a that’s a skeleton archer I’m just going to put that there I don’t want to deal with that is that is that something coming for me cuz if it is I want no part that

That was awful that was awful that sounded awful I hate it I want that to go away whatever that was I want it to go away I want it to stop where’s my backpack at I can’t believe this has been a crafting table the entire time and I didn’t know that that

Means that I can just jump in here get all my stuff I thought I was about to get mugged via that sting what was it this is the gate right no that’s the fence I got it backwards you just got to be like all right I won’t put torches everywhere and then

Immediately start putting torches everywhere baby spooked her blood would boil like all right I won’t do this immediately does exactly that oh Critters oh wow he dropped a lot what is this it was some grave metal you’re fine it’s fine if you had it in your off hand

Sometimes when you do open stuff and things like that it will do you have a glow Berry on you a what a glow a glow Berry well I just needed one so I can start this mess again are you what am I doing generating glowberries you are hacking

Sir I used a bone from the skeleton well I used multiple bones but bone from the skeleton Zach has your Xbox was it he going to get one though evil spirit what’s happening I feel like foly might need help also night nightmares lie Beyond this door just the just the head up

That’s got him ow skeleton above above it it it what’s the word egress run heets heets where’s my shield you can’t stop me skeleton I have the power of brick Walling myself that’s a creeper he’s luring us I hate that he’s like straight luring us no he’s dead his budd’s here

Oh nice I think you just got armor we need foly on this journey unless do you have to pick it up oh I just saw you get chunk of something you got grave metal fragments probably they’re really helpful yeah that’s fair that’s that’s fair enough Jordan I

Mean sorry what I didn’t want to hit you oh no you’re fine and if you need any like it like iron or anything like that you let me know I mean we’re all we’re working on this together we’re a team here and you’re gone I don’t know if you heard me

Probably didn’t through the stun I said if you need any like metal or anything like that let me know that’s what’s scary about this I think that’s what’s scary about this I like fall in a hole or something like that and all of a sudden you just stop hearing me okay yeah is

I’m going set up shop here that There I should have saved some of that coal what is wrong with me oh I have 10 coal never mind I lied I saved it watching dork and dorker it it’s more like um oh I didn’t mean to do that it’s it’s more like uh what’s the game called uh

Don’t Starve with the sanity mechanics and stuff I that that’s kind of what this seems to be based on I’m cooking some irons wait do you have a wheat seed on you no dang I was well we can live off glowberries at least be food and a light source you

Know how to do that I’ll give what do you mean you’re quick at it I I don’t know what you’re doing I just right clicked oh just right click with the bones on it yeah no no no no no no here here it’s bone meal they work like other

Plants yeah you just you just take the bone meal in your hand and you there you go infinite food it’s crap but you know food’s food no what okay we’re sa by no we’re Not kill it kill it kill it I’m blocking help oh my God that’s what killed foly when we were just playing last night oh my God I just pooped through the Cor apparently they’re three blocks tall good to know hey herob how you doing buddy yeah sorry no that that that that was perfect that that I mean that creeper went off and I thought that was going to be the end of me it saved my life I’m so glad those things only

Targeted like that thing only targeted me that just made it so much easier to deal with I did run I know you ran you came back that’s all that matters I turned around and I didn’t see it popped up and said that you died yet I just

Turned around because I wanted to see what was going on just blocking the entire thing was amazing oh what happened to the pares for playing the T-Rex right at that time was terrifying that was perfect it was awful in every way I thought that sound it it makes a terrifying scree it

Really does maybe it was a combo I still have your not fully [Laughter] mut oh Dude that was a trip that took half my shield do you have any furnaces yes I think the C I think the coal that I had is gone I got you I got you and the iron I was trying to cook some iron I had 19 in there so that we could get

Some bars going for like better equipment and stuff like that put I don’t know if the creeper destroyed him or not it’s a b go now did that thing drop anything I don’t think I have anything you know what just because Ju Just Just for for good measure I hate that apparently those

Things just like I I don’t know if that just like it stalks you for a while and then it comes by or I I hated that hated that with a passion oh my God hold on here there’s like one fragment of hair that keeps trying to get in my face and

I hate it and this is why you make outposts in the middle of the cave that thing scared the crap out of me how it got over that though are we recovered I feel like running it was my only chance I didn’t well what mustache there’s no mustache on them so

I think those things like have a Target and that’s it and because the one that killed foly after it killed FY it just poofed out of existence so if one of those comes for me again then uh we can kill it I like I can kill it while you run or hide

Somewhere or something like that if it comes for for me then I can block it or you know what I mean yeah yeah do we not have any iron Uh Oh I thought you said you had okay sorry my bad my bad I got

IR no no no no no you’re good I just but I put like 19 ore in there and it didn’t do anything did yeah if there’s no bars on ground no I put it in the furnace before it got exploded so it might be gone no I I I

Must have picked it up when I picked up for as well oh that’s fair no no worries creeper I I closed the door in time that’s though I well I don’t need this I was just putting it in there as a as a thing so that we’d have it ready to

Go hold on I have an idea o that creeper is going to be a problem though here we go there’s all the uh I put the iron in the box and I’ll put the grave metal in the box and might be a bad idea I’m going to do it anyways

Just and there’s my spawn yeah now I have a spawn point here too oh we can both use the same point yeah so on This Server you can’t sleep the day night cycle is a is a permanent thing that we can’t I didn’t know if could it was worth

It so I wanted to do a run through trade so it just damaged me instead of actually destroying anything anything of value I should I should clarify this place sucks skeleton magic F skeleton no luck you got two bones though that’s bone meal that’s free

Food man if only I had a wheat seed down here I hate the zombies that spawn with like pickaxes and stuff like that more than anything they’re awful in like every regard irons dark caveness nness cave demons live here somewhere dude coal seems s of scarce I don’t like this

Situation I should take I should see if I have enough grave metal I could make uh start making grave metal equipment I need that need all the grave metal equipment all the shinies the durable stuff you know the things that’ll last cuz everything else I have is just

Getting deleted what the heck is that black aroly that looks cool I could probably use that for decoration oh it’s a bat thought there was a demon flying by me okay that’s good hey skore how you doing that’s bad that that’s that’s bad I don’t like no

Bomby I see you found a friend want to play game skeleton dude I hate how they constantly run that’s so annoying I’d rather them just sit there and take a beating beating they deserve stupid skeletons you have to check the walls and stuff like that too hopefully find

Some good stuff here I can’t M that well thank you I appreciate that did you enjoy I probably have something randomly garbage in there in a few areas I should no wait do I need leather gun my leg where’d it go where’s the iron ore there it

Is I’ll put that in there too that’s good beautiful powerful stuff gunpowder don’t spook me like that you get stabled what you don’t like the The Vines where ah oh I think that spot works well the song music is playing oh you got the song music I’ve got nothing it’s nothing but

A Dark Void of silence and echoey voices there’s a lot going on down here and I hate it I I’ve been trying to like light the area up though oh hi I’m feeling a bit uneasy do I want to go down here you trying to murder

Me I didn’t do that I really don’t believe that oh God gravel I’m not doing that I don’t believe you I don’t believe you for half a second I get I fall down here and immediately gravel starts falling on my head that makes sense did you just open a chest getting those weird

Audios no there’s like like the more insane you get the more random like sounds happen so you can end up hearing weird stuff that makes no sense like footsteps underwater and stuff I can’t I can’t mind that that’s gold or that’s all that seems to be down here

Besides a freaking pile of lava yeah right here gold how we going to handle this lava herob brain he’s just doing herob brain stuff it’s fine he’s hanging around he’s being friendly he’s doing stuff oh hey bro how you doing oh bye he abandoned me he had a stick and

Everything or an axe or a pickaxe or something I don’t know he was just hanging around and then he decided he didn’t want to be here anymore you’re getting shut down Autumn tick tick tick talk tick tick tick talk oo oh well I can go down here now that sir is a

Skeleton where’d Bobby go where’s Bobby oh no I hope Bobby’s somewhere safe that sound means that there’s a there’s a cave dweller on the way Bobby there’s a cave dweller on the way Bobby there’s a cave dweller on the way you know the weird elephant like noise that we hear in the

Background oh maybe it’s isolated to the player that’s about to get mauled I I I didn’t I didn’t catch that cuz the music was like oh you found the deeper oh okay I’ll have to check that out I don’t know maybe we can kill it maybe we can teach it a lesson

Again that did you hear that I heard it I heard it I heard it I heard I like it yeah I don’t like that either it’s like there’s a demon elephant in the basement or something you want to go down there where that thing C in one of us

Yeah there he is there he is you suck so it’s like shy guy I guess so he’s trying to follow you oh he despawned I guess he’s on a timer too he ran away what a coward that guy sucked okay I have to like I need to recover after that one

I need to make me an iron pick pick pick pick pick pick pick ding pick is done I can mine the good stuff there’s this weird like fossil ore stuff that I want and I I I don’t know what it is I have no idea what it is or what it do skeleton

Ah stop running spider oh I’m going insane that’s good this is how I die never mind I’m still alive somehow I thought that creeper was going to explode me and I was just going to delete there’s demon footsteps behind me I don’t appreciate that did you find deeper I did not I

Went chasing a skeleton into the darkness nice also I’m half insane uh me too all right as long as we’re on the same page we’re good all right he right hey what up bro stop gargling whatever you’re gargling uh it’s gross right the deeper is it literally called the deeper what the uh

No deeper than where we are right now fair enough are there demons down here hey look iron probably did you hi no that’s your Insanity ohoh that’s so pretty right I hate it though it’s like nightmare land down here there’s got to be something terrifying in the soil oh yes

The amethyst is so pretty though I think this is just what is this oh it’s so grayed out because of my insanity this is essentially a why no it’s mine no touchies how do we make a campire what are you mining what is this grossness I think it’s iron Bass

I’m like leaking in I’m leaking my sanity right now oh dude over here the deeper the deeper deeper uh yeah yeah that’s probably a good survival idea everything’s starting to like same gray color and I can’t see yeah hey this gray rock looks gray and you think oh man that just

Sounds like you’re you’re whining about it cuz you don’t like the color of it and then you look at amethyst and that amethyst looks gray and then you’re like well that’s supposed to be Purple Creeper Creeper my limbs I haveth been torn aund oh hey me bye me have a wonderful

Time dude this amethyst is so purpley purple purple purple purple purple purple purple you listen to this beautiful tone you guys hear that is that loud enough I can’t hear it at all I don’t think you’d be able to hear it my screen is no fire good my screen is just saying

Leave me alone you probably can’t hear anything but the Demonic Whispers in your soul that’s fair and apparently me screaming at you I wonder how fool is doing die in a minute or you g he probably like chilling in his mind he had a mine that he really wanted to go into

Still this is my therapy why Jordan why I just want to hear the beautiful amethyst it has such a nice molic tone to it and I love it it brings me peace in these terrible times hey herob bro oh bye is that something you’re doing to make your sanity inrease so much I

Died oh I guess that helps oh also I’m losing sanity right now I’m not gaining my sanity back for some reason even though I’m on the campfire it takes forever if you’re sanity is really low see backpack backpack give me my swamp my Sharp object please I heard a

Zombie I hope that it fle oh hi buddy you coward you zomb coward he tried to run from me a zombie of all things door door door yeah I tried to run it was scared of me I don’t know I is Minecraft noises you can hide behind

Fences with that too so if there’s like creepers trying to murderfy you and stuff you can hide behind stuff I remember before they released it the uh one way to do it with a trap and then oh I’m gaining sanity now maybe that zombie was affecting my

Sanity that’s perfect you’re safe we can go into that death cave now no that’s probably a terrible decision honestly we’d probably be better off if we had at least one more person light it up up up you want to go try and kidnap him he may say yes or no who knows we

Know how to yeah I know where he’s at well I know where he lives so unless he’s just like AFK on us then do you hear the the dig my leg my leg uh I think we can go quicker through your pathway anything in here I’ll take the uh B no

All right I’m happy that was my one goal oh yeah I forgot I brought Windows just just the magical just like cheat door something like that we should probably make a staircase for actually nope I don’t oh it’s Park Hardcore Parkour and I believe the pathway leads this

We will be lost no I think I know where I’m going look I built this place the shenanigans mean that I know where I am and what I do the banig the banigan that’s that’s not it that’s just where I was mining some more you okay you have problems you fell in a

Hole incidentally that you’re speaking of holes oh fine I won’t fix it I live there now that’s reasonable I live down here too Lobster says he’s going to make an apartment complex and he better I’m holding him to it this apartment complex has right amount of rever feel like he would be

Robed maybe we can use wool and it’ll absorb the the the the noise you know maybe I think I think it’s just because it’s so long that it acts as a large building so it’s long and straight like I don’t know I don’t know what would stop that from

Being it does I’m not sure I I don’t know how the the reverb system works in this it could just be um I know in the in the building it only really happened when um one of us was standing like corner of a building like it did act as

If like it would actually be you’re hearing it bounce off the walls but only in the corners of the room see I had an issue with uh well it wasn’t really an issue it was just interesting to me all like clerson back here I’ll yes yes we should definitely go

Grab food like we we should prep up actually if you’re going to do that we’re like I think it just turned day actually so if it just turned day then I’ll go hunt some cows come they’re dangerous dangerous they’re they’re actually like violent they will kill

Us oh he’s not at home so I guess he’s out in the mines yeah I reinforced his base hey sh what’s up buddy what are you doing here get out my we need your help why how how can we hear you where are you get off my

Lwn we found a huge like cave system oh did it lead into mine ow no no no no no it’s just mess Creeper Creeper Creeper scary yeah you just keep dragging balls there that’s fine um shark go to uh right click on your your file of it and

Then change the version to 4.0 so the server files for 5.0 aren’t out yet which is the problem right now and that that happened earlier hey we got a wizard oh he messed me up he he actually really messed me up hold on I’ll let you guys handle

That b which is it four or 4.5 four four yeah it’s just it’s straight four 4.5 is the um is the one in between so I’m just waiting for five right now I’m also going to hunt cows while we have daylight going so I’m going out randomly hello hello

Hello guys can you hear me I’m across the river no oh okay bye I can hear you just fine I’m gonna go hunt some cows I gotta show I gotta show Bobby how the the the the preparation systems work he’s going to love that that’s good that lets you know that you’re a

Safe oh that’s that castle thing I don’t want to touch that if I were a cow where would I be I just saw Herobrine just like take off mock chicken towards Foie I don’t know why that amuses me so much but it does it just like goes as

Fast as POS possible just Sprints dead Sprints at somebody and then poofs out of existence so like the first time or two it’s spooky and then after that it’s just like oh it happened okay bye have a wonderful time Herobrine pigs pigs work too not as good

As cows but pigs work is FY here I don’t know he was with you wasn’t he he was maybe he’s across the river we will find him we found him once we we summoned him he’s by his house he’ll be fine fastic Pig they’re dangerous re can you hear me oh no no

I’m down here now why why did I trust Bobby and his strategy of putting a bed in the cave that’s not what I needed to happen close that book get that book out of my face let me out of here this place sucks it’s garbage there’s there’s there’s

Dead stuff everywhere it it smells funny I I don’t know anymore I don’t want to be here how do I get up that is not right this is the wrong way uh This Way ah yeah there’s Outpost too I I got creeper hard there I don’t appreciate it Undead creepers cheat I’m

Calling it right now they have like double the power that doesn’t make any sense maybe it’s because they’re dry regular creepers are wet gunpowder and the oh and the uh the the non in the skeleton ones are dry gunpowder there we go that explains it there’s just a better explosion or damp

Gunpowder hey sometimes man you just got to go and then your problem solved you know if your death doesn’t sound like a cat hissing at you then what are you doing with your life did I go too far no this is right I’m almost home I mean I’m almost to the

Surface Bobby is probably out there just raiding my corpse collecting all of my things also I saw that shark I saw you join don’t worry I’ll just take me 20 minutes to get to the surface this has to be turned into an actual Staircase oh I heard Ben whoa EO whoa whoa whoa whoa oh he’s like around under me I’m in your walls it’s weird cuz I can’t I can’t tell like I see you wait really you’ll never find me this is so trippy cuz I can’t I can’t like see

You but I can tell directionally where you are by your voice shark I’m in your walls run ha you Played you going to follow me out into the woods it’s picking up your uh stuff by the way you may want to turn on the the noise filter thing if you hit the tit it’ll have noise suppression there you go better yeah I just didn’t want it to pick up anything

I didn’t know if there would be like a private conversation or anything for you uh should be good let’s go I’ll lead you to everybody else so you can steal their stuff okay I don’t even have a bed ke like I don’t even have a

Bed I can’t set my spawn it’s just I’m I’m I’m left with whatever I have I was that’s why I built on spawn because I was like oh man I’ll just I’ll just be here this will work night Jordan freaking sharks defaulting over here forever be Steve default dancing on everything wait

What shark shark sh they won’t know we’re coming they’ll never find us we got to hide in the weeds right oh my my psyche is declining echo echo ech get him get him run no I got stuck it’s a pig in the air it oh god oh that’s going to be a

Fun one for you I got to go get my garbage if I end up in the cave again I think I’ll be fine I just want my stuff I didn’t think that skeleton creeper would do that much damage why did that screen shake like that I hated that now where is my SK

Skeleton I never realized it but this mod pack feels so sad and spooky when you’re just like wandering around alone it just there’s just like nothing nothingness all right I’m kidding sheep he’s on fire they’re like protecting me to a small degree I really just wanted to kill that

Sheep and there’s a small army out here yeah I just I don’t have the um I don’t I don’t have the thing for that I I just I do not have the food for that that particular fight which sucks but you know but you see that those

Creepers the most damage I took from one of those creepers was like three that skeletal creeper took me down from like six hearts to zero this nasty gross blighters I’m coming home I’m coming home I have a pig and I’m coming home I’m coming home I’m

Drowning that would be a pitiful way to go I I come all this way I do all these things and then I just get myself drowned you got another hook uh I only have one hook currently you got a Cleaver I do have a Cleaver beautiful do

You have a drying rack anywhere I do not wait do we complete stuff as a group together or no do what I mean technically it’s all like individual based but I guess you could complete stuff together yeah so if the way it’ll work is it’s just like a check on if you have

That item in your hand or or at the time or in your inventory so if you pull out your book and you give somebody um an item then you can you can get it that way right click it ah right click the crap out of it Bobby shark you need to

Watch this too you watch that pig you look at that pig you look deep into that Pig’s eyes [Laughter] I’m there you go oh no I need to get rid of more things my Envy is full you’re fine here’s another Pig don’t bite me I’ll murder you that Echo fully I’m watching you

Sleep I’m just laying here to it’s draining my sanity wait so how do you get your sanity up uh campfires uh sometimes eating food gives sanity uh there’s really not much else what I can think of echo whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Meats Barbies where’s that where’s that

Campfire gonna going to fry up these meats for Arby’s reasons perfect okay that’s a meaty oh here you go so we could either choose to do butchers forbidden or Sinister engineering you can do all of them it’s just whatever one you want to go with uh butchers is helpful for getting the

Meats that you need getting the food that you need easier uh forbidden magic is the one I’m trying to go on right now I still have no idea what it does and sister engineering is basically immersive engineering which can get you some cool machines and stuff like that but it’s also a little

Tedious and then there’s biomancy once you get through chapter one and that that’s honestly kind of creepy I need food now and then scen Ms on my screen that just says someone is behind they are it’s Meed outside and saw the scary man and walked back

Inside you see a shadow person yes best of luck man you better get that sanity back I’m gonna go hunt the cow hello all right where are the moo cows at we have an army now we’re prepared we have all the power what the bamboo forest I think usually has

Cows maybe I can lure a pack out here and take a all out with cactus I know that sounds very odd but this is Minecraft a cacti will kill anything give enough time moo cows moo moo where are the mumo are did did we extinct them I don’t

Think that’s possible but did we extinct them I feel like we get armies of mobs every single night but we don’t get any like cows whoa what is this oh dude that’s cool oh I almost fell into a Death Pit oh my God this is a whole ass

Rine it’s got the crystals in it too bro I’m G have to lead everybody over here hey rise happy Halloween even the witch said happy Halloween oh great now it’s going going to be wet I’m so glad that that wasn’t some like super deep hole that I just couldn’t

Tell I I might have to make I might have to go make bread I don’t know how actually I have like 20 something bones that might be worth it I’ll go back and make bread broken house that’s what I meant something like this gloriously safe oh I think I looted this actually I

Lied I really lied holy crap that’s free food right there oh no all right that’s a good one that that that’s actually a good one I I can see that too oh man I should have I should have dressed up as Luigi when I went to when I went to the thing

Today I don’t know why I didn’t I I I I’ve had the this whole whole set up the entire time and I haven’t gone anywhere with it I haven’t gone anywhere with it at all you know what would be a really cool Minecraft mod being able to throw torches to start

Fires just because I would love to be able to throw my torch to start a fire just so that if I’m dealing with a bunch of mobs or something like that and I make my house out of stone I throw a bunch of torches and I light everything outside on fire

Right guys it’s wet outside yeah I thought you gonna die out there n I’m going back to make wheat fo is just being cooked alive over here or something I don’t know what’s going on well I don’t know what happened since I left I’m gonna go make wheat go make

Wheat go make bread need some dough I need some foods man I need more like like yeah like a mini Molotov Miss Frizzle from the The Magic School Bus I don’t like that that needs to stop they didn’t stop like opening things and closing things around me that’s illegal

And I’m displeased by those actions wait what I’ve read like I’ve I was delayed on a couple of those those statements I don’t know what the heck’s going on here and yeah like a mini Molotov would be great it’d be really really nice for like lighting fields on fire and stuff

Like that to to get rid of mobs cuz you know the is just going to go with the grass right I feel like I get more seeds than I actually get wheat that’s Cluckers Cluckers you didn’t throw parties while I was gone did you you better not have we’re going to have a

Problem if you did you were told only seven parties per day and this would be your you’re eight you got to behave being a bad chicken I’m gonna have to just like murderfy a ton and I mean a ton of skeletons do we have the composter can I get rid of these

Seeds that’s normal that’s fine that’s not creepy at all I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m GNA hang out like up here I’ll be back I’m G to take a really quick break I will return and freaking I’m tempted to be gone for 20 minutes so I could ignore the night that’s not

Going to happen anyways I’ll be right back what For don’t mind me I’m just going insane it’s fine this is normal this is every day this is normal everyday things I’m not sure why this isn’t helping campfire I guess I’m just going to just like be insane oh yeah you’re right I’m blind leave me alone no one saw that that didn’t

Happen I have the doggo treats what are you looking at me for what choco what do you want you want this yeah it’s one he’s not even moving today come on come on don’t look at me like that you get up you use them legs you use them Dogo legs

You got to go high in the sky this time come on that lack of they taste like bacon come on you got to work for it come on right there come on good puppy I don’t know what you’re stiffing my hand for there’s nothing there I’m just getting dog slobber

Everywhere here you can have it back choco being a lar is what she doing where am I I’m insane are you okay there you the SNES the sneezles you sneezing everywhere take that as a yes look my nightmare friends are outside I’m don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t

Don’t how why are you in here go away mind your own business I don’t care if it’s Community House demons are allow doggos are nice am that right chocolate are you going to talk up your species no I hate that absolutely hate those guys the way they just like stare around

Mouth of gape sharp teeth the demon eyes glowing everywhere I hate them they’re really hard to kill by the way so if I pick a fight with it I’m probably going to die can I have my sanity back I like I paid extra for that

Right the campire is so slow is there a sanity juice potion a what is that set you on a rampage uh Frozen Slaughter I don’t know what that is frozen Slaughter lingering potion a potion of Frozen Slaughter spikes potion of Frozen slauter bucket of thick potion yeah oh I didn’t know fishing affected

It it’s not like quite night yet there’s a deepling over there and I hate it do I just get a chunk of Sanity back for fishing cuz if so that’s really cool I need to turn the light out I I Mis time that because I was

Looking at wait this is what I get that’s Karma sanity sanity give me back my sanity stay away from me you deeping scum come on come on come on now come on come on what is these weird swirls around yeah that was me I’m making weird demon noises oh

I’ll take whatever I got and I’ll go back inside you’re right though I should probably set up a fishing spot somewhere nearby ah what did I do with my bucket I think I lost my bucket rude I didn’t know that I could do that though that’s interesting I’ll have to

Set this up I’ll have to put signs everywhere to let people know yeah I’ll set that up in here they’re being gross they’re making weird noises I have an idea that that’ll do yeah I can I can work that see so if we craft

Here I can make I don’t have any iron on me though so I won’t be able to make a bucket although I can’t get rid of these These are in my way leather ah it’s not night yet never mind it’s wet the rain well now that I’m at my actual base

I can probably just go fishing off the off the side with no risk uh that’s a lot of weird looking fish are those puffers shark no what have you done hold on what happened here I don’t have a a there we go clerson I’m going to have to ask you just

Stop your terrible language is a problem they didn’t learn from me it’s just the time on the water they swear like a sailor maybe I could like fortify a strip of like land here or a strip of ocean here and set up a few things as like one is a fishery

That would work yeah are they going to bite it I don’t know what these weird demon swirls around me are they bother me don’t don’t no don’t don’t don’t don’t do that creepers can actually get over here that’s that’s the only problem this does work pretty quick if I

Had a better fishing rod this would be great I mean I could make a mending fishing rod like right now and it supplies food as well is the sun going down or is it coming up where have I been what have I done and where’s coton Joe Cluckers you better

Behave yo hey Bobby he what’s up I found this fish that you threw inside it’s a tropical one eat it you won’t you’re scared that’s what I thought that could have tamed a cat get played apparently this restores sanity a lot faster than I didn’t know that it it

Wasn’t daytime yet until it turned daytime so I ran over here during the night is it the night though or is it like dusk yeah something like that are are are we like going into the night or is the day no no no no no it’s going in to day now

Oh yeah so I I came here before it was daytime okay it just wasn’t like in the dead of night who’s on the roof did you all come over here did all y’all come over here or is Herobrine messing with me again sh sh where are you sh oh um sh

Died um and then I came over here to try to help dork get back to uh fo’s house but then I I never found shark oh okay so that’s no that’s Oh weird spooky sounds where did he go maybe he knows where he’s going it’s like you just died on the on the

Thing no such thing there are no such things as mustaches mustachio I don’t have one of those they don’t exist what is there’s something weird and glowy down there in the water I’ll go see I wish you the best of luck don’t get eaten what you’re talking about I don’t see nothing we

Glowy it’s right there were you trying to drown me no it’s like right here look oh oh I think it’s just glowstone is it oh here being super loud out of nowhere um okay I’m not doing that terrify welcome to theophobia no yeah honestly million are

Are you sure this is a Nightfall that doesn’t look like a sun to me you’re right uh that very foggy day than I suppose uh uh I’m kind of spooked by that I don’t like that yeah my insanity is plummeting right now because of what I just did you’re

Fine I’m I’m I’m not I’m not going to hang out here that think that’s a bad decision that’s like a blood moon or something um what what what what I didn’t mean to do that I was trying to open it you walked in front of me and it blocked what I was doing

Yeah that’s a moon it’s it’s like gone though hold on I can do some construction work while we’re here EG chicken yo I did it B we have more chickens now you can live off eggs just like Garling something I don’t know what this means it means I’m a wizard egg spawning Wizards

Yeah how much does that pay um how much are you paying me it pays you a chicken see oh wait oh wait oh you’re making oh you have bricks my bad I’m sorry you failed me All Is Lost you’re there’s literally things set up in there

For you to make these all I can do all I can do is spawn chickens I’m sorry oh I mean that’s a fine enough Talent just they’re violent apparently shark did know where they were going shark’s a champion shark knows Minecraft shark do the Minecraft good his name shall be

Chuck I’m getting like mauled by webbing here and I don’t like it back down no Chuck is going to die they’re going to get eaten I was really hoping to keep this like in here a little little bit but I feel like it’s going to cause problems if I

Do yeah like because it’s it’s neat looking around it just because yeah those things are everywhere man the a oh that’s really good to break it’s yeah it’s the sword seven yeah that’s a demon Spirit down there that’s a zombie hoglin I I really like but also really hate the fact can’t stand

On I I well it makes sense though it makes sense 100% but I’m so used to them being actual blocks that I I don’t know anymore I have given up on understanding the situation what is that no over here I went too far out oh please yeah that thing down there

You see that right I don’t know what they are but there’s two of them that weird giant thing there’s three of them wait now there’s two of them there’s an echoey chicken in the basement I hate it I hate whatever that is they’re killing each other good oh it hit me something hit

Me they died good oh I only have six torches good dead I’m dead you’re up there all I I’ll stay up here too I don’t want to deal with whatever the heck that is Pay-per-view oh man I can’t get up there now oh no oh I’m dead I’m in the basement again no

Oh glorious wait where was that exit it’s right here yeah I’m safe I think probably not really I don’t know what that is it’s goop on the walls yeah they’re busted dude they hit hit so freaking hard I think the base damage in this is

Set on uh hard base damage so you get you get deleted by pretty much anything especially if you’re unarmored so the creeper is just hit you for a effect ton just getting run over by a train which makes sense they have the power of TNT injected into their creeper form

Nothing happened no one saw anything I’m alive I came down here with my own valtion I feel like the people who made this music really enjoyed it just the way that it feels I know I would really love making this song now how can I get up there and get my stuff

Or should I just hang around in here for a bit that’s the question oh man I’m swimming so fast you have fun there oh no Shadow Demon is behind you my Shadow Demon so I’m kill it trying to I can’t even hit it it’s instance to

You I hate it he just wants a hug I think think it’s G if you’re sanity’s climbing that’ll disappear eventually yeah yeah I had a panic build over this again um there’s a bunch of creepers behind that behind what uh this pile of wall that I buil bu

Here because when you died uh the creeper that exploded and killed you oh yeah it blew up the wall blew a hole in the wall so I had to when I came down here to keep them from coming into the building that’s that’s a yeah I think I’m going to reinforce

That wall tomorrow and then put a disgusting amount of spikes on it sounds good I have 54 ready to go oh hey hey BS hey hey hey hey hey BS wheat glorious wheat I found this delicious wedy Splender I got weedies you have what what’ you find what are you doing

What are you getting into that can be there for the new arrivals oh what you found a cake cake I found a cake I killed a skeleton that was laying on the ground and I got a bone and a cake off of him hold on maybe this is a magic

Cake hold there there that is a mod no okay no it’s just a normal cake good oh okay okay okay there there used to be like teleport cakes and stuff like that and that would that would be interesting to say the least I would not want to do

That to new arrivals they just get teleported to the nether or something like that just out of the out of the blue that would have been cruel and unusual punishment for noobs no obviously you wouldn’t do it on purpose so funny how I just look like I

Just dropped dead next to the fire on your screen you’re fine you’re just you know that happens sometimes you just die sometimes the world explodes around you Sometimes some guy standing over you with a sword and a shield just pokes you in the face sharp objects do stuff man I’m just

Saying I I’ve actually died with a string in my hand a good few times don’t goag ivy a c Ariz te I love these things I’m addicted to them right Come Day fall I need to start building the house the homestead your house yeah I’ve been uh I’ve been living

In the community center and other people’s houses for like three days I think it’s about time I put some fooing down I’ve got like got a couple 64 I could put something together [ __ ] hey Maddie welcome back welcome cat don’t worry I’m just reinforcing the wall probably

To I could just see you just laying there not even moving just refuses to to do anything whatsoever man I like how I went out there for cows and it turned into this whole mess it’s fine they’re all dead now that’s one of the reasons that’s oh bye have a wonderful time here

You go up upes up please up up upper does UPS upper Doodles I don’t have a hoe oh no hey we need a hoe it’s the only way to solve the wheat problem that one wheat block means that we starve to death due to bad weather

The effects of the Crimson Moon has been cleansed please there’s so many of them is that good oh no wait a minute don’t don’t say that autum Chu oh no I heard a chicken a second ago that’s fire I think I think he’s on the roof I blocked him out well you died

That’s Bandit that was a bait that was a bait that was a bait Jed got to keep them Allon that Ked you well oh didn’t technically kill you but it caused you to get killed there’s only one of those up there right now from the last

Stream no from this stream so okay so you know how you fell down yeah that’s what happened because one of those pumpkin things pushed you off the oh yeah it came up like it it flew right behind you and then I ran off of the roof into here and that’s when you fell

Down there and the creepers blew you up and that’s what actually killed you that’s fun hit you and you off that’s fine those pumpkin things drop good loot by the way fully and I killed one that’s why he has that magical sword is it do you think it’s

Doable oh you’re laughing I’m sorry I’m reading chat the argument happening is that Herobrine no I killed it oh it’s uh it’s teita in this I’m Anonymous yeah there’s rights up there yo oh oh oh I hate that don’t look outside keep your keep your eyes closed I don’t

Know I didn’t do anything I don’t want to way they’re trying to get Nikita I can get over here no the spikes are doing work oh that’s bank I don’t know Bobby look out I know I was late but Bobby look out if we could trap one of those in

There spikes for the win there’s so many of them they’re disgusting I think I got some of the items from them oh yeah I got two corruption that make dark inot I think darking I got four bones man if daylight comes soon we can steal all this stuff there’s a lot of XP

Over there they hit the wall over here somehow Creeper Creeper Creeper cre creepers crappers they’re crapping watch out for the crappers whoa what is this I want that skeleton sword sorry your name tag wasn’t popping up where it was the I was just scared cuz all I saw was

Just something in the wall oh my God I said whoa what is this I’ll take it that was a nightmare to be sure take that I’ll save the bone meal we might need that that could be useful useful if I could talk get him buy get

Him what the heck is that it’s a twoed skeleton thing there’s a knight out there what creeper I broke his shield watch out for the creeper there’s so much stuff out here now oh that’s a dark metal inot I want that so bad Spirit demon ghost I hate

Phantoms oit stop it my limbs are not for being nibbled on where is this skeleton that’s like 60 miles away sniping me source of evil oh you got all the good stuff nice I will there’s a ton of stuff everywhere I’m just glad that we got it I thought

It was going to all despawn oh dark Metal Ingot oh that’s a zombie pig man that one has a fishing rod I guess they ruined the boats I don’t know why the boats are like sinking ah I didn’t catch it in time I’m so slow at those Phantoms

They’re not supposed to spawn I don’t know why the Phantoms are spawning like they’re not supposed to spawn from what I was told yeah see that’s what I thought so I don’t know if that’s bugged or what when you read the uh forbidden to it’s like Phantoms suck so we didn’t spawn them

Duh but they’re there corruption night curse per insomnia means you cannot sleep at all will not Ser points and Phantoms do not exist so they lied to us we’ve been lied to I feel cheated I de okay I am I could see it Ivy spikes are beautiful SE of chaos uh

Corruption yeah corruption can be used to make dark Metal Ingot up I believe let me let me double check that ah yeah deals increased damage to Undead it’s like high quality armor it’s like it’s like diamond armor actually it’s kind of there is something that I’m keeping to put my

House I want this sword so bad oh that’s busted Dark Ritual dagger you a nightmare claw a seed of chaos and a bone handle nightmare PS I picked up a skeleton skull wait dark iron dark iron dark dark Metal Ingot what’s the dark iron ingot then can that be used Grave I make how no that’s that’s different so there’s dark metal and then there’s grave metal but what is the how do we make the dark metal then okay I need a bone handle and two dark metal ingots to make the sword which deals increased damage to Undead and has

A disgusting amount of durability so maybe that’s just it smithing table ah so that’s what it okay so the dark metal stuff you take a nether RI equipment and then you put the the dark dark metal in armor plate onto it and that’s how you make the dark metal armor so that’s like

Late game armor that’s like that’s like ingame stuff sharpet so we got daytime now delicious delicious daytime got a lot of bread it’s a lot of bread I don’t know what to do right now my own little world for a moment disgusting snack yeah get old puffer

Fish I’m so glad that I set this up it seems to be doing good it gets exploded a couple times a day but I mean what doesn’t anymore that’s right I promised to reinforce the stone the wall with stone no I’m shaving it after tonight it’ll be gone tomorrow there’ll never be a

Mustache again I don’t have mustaches mustaches are a lie they never existed they’re an illusion ow my legs ow a skeleton ghost it’s a spook all right I feel like those only give a lot of XP and nothing else so I wanted to set up a farm over

Here like I wanted everybody to have like this farm setup going on for sugar cane that’s clearly not going to happen no oh I think that wave of water will actually what is this cursed cloth no idea what that is spikes I was hoping I could avoid completely spiking this because it makes

Expens expansion more difficult but please don’t slide me into the spikes of death I have enough problems all right that should hold hopefully that that hopefully that’ll hold all right I don’t know what that was why it despawned I don’t know if that’s friendly or evil ah it’s just a gold

Sword I thought he was following me for a second I was like did I just get a minion spikes Montage you start building giant letters made out of spikes all right that’s solved I kind of want to go back in the cave now but at the same

Time uh I do need I do need iron let me put this garbage away real quick I could make progress instead of being an idiot that’ work that’d be great that away I have food I have animal fats delicious delicious animal fats that this that Scooter’s

Eyes I remember what I need to do now I need to Murder Moo house Bobby is building this house uh clucker’s fine I I left him chicken feed on the desk and like 50 bucks in case he needs to buy more you know normal stuff like that I can go hunt cows a

I’m well I guess it’s the mtic at least for Halloween yeah he’s over there with uh sh I wonder I wonder what they’re up there I imagine he’s giving sh the ropes and then sh’s going to die from terrible terrible things you know what I want I want a

Potion that lets me temporarily turn into a ghost so I can haunt my friends and just go at all at all times and I need to hunt down uh good old animals to be shredded in the the foods yeah I’m gonna have baby face it’s

Gonna it’s G to be fine I guess actually I don’t I don’t really have a problem with baby face I don’t know I just don’t like the mustache okay excuse me it’s just the mustache I don’t know don’t know why a loves it so

Much if I were a moo cow where would I be what demon cow rituals would I be performing right now at this time of day allergens they’re coming back they’re in style right now I wish there was a moo Island I wish we had the mushroom

Biome oh man that would be perfect right now it does doesn’t exist though it’s it’s an illusion it it’s it’s a false reality something I don’t know that could Do that’s a pickle yeah yeah you want to fight they really do want to fight I’m insane well I guess I don’t have to worry about my sanity how do I kill you I don’t like this I got cheesed so hard monsters can be you’re not wrong uh

And oh yeah that’s that’s that that is that is that is something else uh makes me feel so safe maybe I can cheese fish my way out of this mess leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone go away go away go away

Go away keep your Spooks away from me you guys suck all right I don’t know how I’m going to get away from this I just wanted to hunt cows and pigs I that’s all I wanted in life is the hunt and murder large numbers of cows and pigs and this is what

Happens please please bite please please please please please please please please please five six 78 yeah yeah I’m losing the sanity that I just got it’s gone fishing Rod’s useless I just threw it on accident ah why does picking flowers not help one two three four demons are at my door help that’s a moo that’s a moooo yeah come on I’ll take you all

Down I’ll take you all with me can you stop sir whoa whoa I’m surrounded help eat it eat it eat the bread I feel so cheesed why am I not ging any sanity why is one of you spawn every 2 seconds how am I supposed to even stand a chance here

Out of a c with wait what I’m gonna be honest with you if Ashley Graves was left to her own devices and she didn’t have um no Bobby and she didn’t have uh her brother she she’d be probably be dead like all he had to do to get rid of her

Was just not constantly help her with things have you seen the thing she does though the decision she makes she just doesn’t care and it’s just like in that situation to where she’s just going to she get herself killed like constantly like she would just she would

Die Ashley Graves would die hands down I’m sorry that’s how this works I guess I can’t have enough sanity to what the heck said me why you faster than me what I’m I’m glad so so they that’s uh that’s not something I wanted to hear so they nerfed um

Sanity so I’m wondering if sanity is going to be a lot easier to deal with when we upgrade it to to 5.0 we’ll have to wait for that but still bananas oh oh oh oh let me up help I can’t climb I don’t know how to use my

Feet I’m actually surprised that he trusted her with the gun like ever I am totally surprised that he would ever trust her with the with the firearm I feel like Ash is the the kind of person to try and like spin it with her finger on the trigger and then accidentally kill

Everybody you stop your addiction to insanity is showing I think you might need to get that taken care of do it I believe in you I think you’ll be able to pull it up thank you bunny I’ve been I’ve been working I’ve been trying I need more

Give me more feed me subs and watch time yes funnel it into my soul enhance me something I don’t know sounded a lot weirder than I intended don’t mind me I’m just drinking Arizon te I need to find shark and I need to find Foie I need to attack

Them with a torch or a fishing rod a fishing torch there we go that’s an item we need a fishing torch need to teach them a lesson let them know they pick the wrong fight not 10 million that’s the next goal right a million not 2k not 5K not 10K no just a

Million that’s the next goal guys don’t break stuff why would I is that me I was so close to survival I was I was on the edge of survival and I died just a million I would love if I had a million Subs that’d be crazy I

Would definitely be doing this as a living though at that point the bot the people who bought to a million Subs that still can’t do it for a living just imagine that you get ah I find that so crazy that people even do that because when you bought that much I

Know this I know no one say anything about this but it’s always interested me because if you bought your subs then you don’t get actual views you don’t get actual stuff going on there so you’ll get like a handful of Real views you just have all these subs and you’re only

Getting like 10K views per video the amount of money that you make is awful in that situ situation and I think the logic that a lot of people have behind that is like oh man but if I do this now it’ll help me get a lot of real viewers

And I don’t I don’t know you’re right biggest channel on everything 8 trillion Subs those that’s the goal more people than are on the planet that’s a good old Moo Cow where the rest of y’all does that sheep have weird eyes it does it’s like a ditto sheep I hate

That maybe those ones I shouldn’t mess with maybe that’s what it’s telling me it’s like this sheep ain’t normal leave it alone stay away from it you touch it it explodes into death and then you lose all your sanity and then you spend all your time pretending that you know how

To escape shadow people that’s a horse I can’t eat that or maybe I can No I can’t eat horse hey sometimes you got to weigh your options just to survive that’s uh that’s one of those moo cows that I was picking a fight with I saw a demon fish at one point they seem super rare I mean I wouldn’t be surprised it happens a

Lot like it happens a lot more than I think people uh I think people realize like if you just see a channel and that channel is just like shooting up like mad out of nowhere that that’s like usually a red flag that something something sketchy is going on in the

Background it’s not all always sometimes a person just has a lot of luck it’s a crow it’s a pretty Crow how you doing I have a flower BR buddy you want a flower you you want a FL no sadness they were kindness flowers because I like you you’re a good you’re a good

BD I want him as a pet didn’t I have a hun thing to tell me what this was I don’t know what those trees are whoa hold on hold on hold on hold on oh oh that that that that’s not what was in that skeleton that that that has that that

Was not associated with that what chicken can I uh probably shouldn’t I probably shouldn’t take that risk that seems like it’ probably be a bad idea if I if I tried to go down in that well I don’t know there’s a lot of things about this game that are just outright

Suspicious in this mod pack like straight up I’m like nor I would probably do something like that but here no no no no no no no no no no no why are you not burning it’s daylight bro zombie bruh zombie Bro it’s sunshiny maybe the fields will have plenty of uh mukow I need more so for me to progress this nightmare I need more what am I looking at what is that in the water is that just like a no that’s actually something oh it’s one of those

Shrines I I’m G I’m gonna avoid that I don’t know what those mean I don’t know what they’re about and that’s what scares me like they they could kill me or something like that maybe maybe if I start breaking them too much then I get like backlash from some evil God or

Something you know no no but you were the only place we could get that you had you had access to the ones that I couldn’t get every time we carry them here and then then the in the Walmart around here they get taken like they get they get

Like not I’m not even talking about stolen they just sell out like instantly it’s like people have memorized Walmart’s like restocking cycle or there’s probably some insiders who are like ah yeah I I I I know I know when we’re getting the next shipment of Pokéballs in bro and they just let their

Friend know and their friend’s like oh okay cool and they buy a bajillion of them do are you all just that ugly I don’t think sheep are smart enough to pack up like this no you’re fine dude you got to keep in mind too this this particular mod pack

Has a lot of effects so if if if it’s messing with you a little bit I suggest going into your um was it an accessibility yes here we go so Distortion effects and field of view effects and stuff like that might help out a little bit there’s a lot of

Weird effects that happen with the um with the with the the insanity they that kind of mess with me too they don’t make me sick straight up but I can definitely see how they would make people sick and you’re fine dude you you play whenever you want you play as often as

You want you play as long as you want now as long as you can handle you do your thing the server should be up at any point in time time it’s it’s just there if if you want to play on it if you can’t play on it because it

Makes you sick or something like that then that’s that that’s reasonable take care of yourself before worrying about this oh no oh hold on hold on hold on hold on let me let me uh do something real quick and then I have to show you guys

Something was that the only cow there oh there’s two pigs here I don’t like how the Oh demon eyes no sanity’s gone no I’m sorry cow I can’t kill you I have like three sanity left in my name sploosh you pay me to open the packs

Oh man I’m I’m I’m making it now I’m opening packs you I don’t think you’d like if I open the packs I’m going to be honest not because I’m like anything against MTG or anything like that but because I wouldn’t know what anything is I wouldn’t know how valuable it is I

Would know nothing about anything I opened I would just be opening random packs and you’d be like oh dude that’s so good and I’d be like what is that what does it do how is this valuable I I I I I think you missed the

Mark on that one I’m gonna be honest my luck is abysmal when it comes to anything that doesn’t matter at all me me win me win immediately when it comes to me trying to do something that I actually care about or that is valuable in any way instant failure how it happens every

Single time I have I have to win through pure uncontained effort and in the case of MTG trading cards that would just be uh hoarding enough packs to beat the probability but I have to show you something real quick chocolate what are you doing what are you doing chocolate’s not

What I need to show you oh my God that is super lucky no but guys check this out chocolate do you want your fan Onan one I got this from a GameStop 16 billion years ago two I have the master sword so Link’s not going to beat Ganon next time

Resistance the pile that I’ve been collecting for opening on streams so as you can see over the course of time that I have existed more recently I should say I have collected many a thing sadly most of the pokeballs are damaged but yeah I was heavy into

Yu-Gi-Oh you’re not wrong uh shark and Foy got me into um one uh one piece as well I was only able to get one crate I just don’t have the money for more cards right now at least not very much but I think on this box I actually broke

Even not in broke even on the expensive cards so I actually did really good on this one uh two more pokeballs I love the pokeballs because they’re actually just like these cool metal tins and I don’t know it just I really like them so I already opened one

Of them and I got a Del Fox V but I’m pretty sure that one’s worthless but they’re nice little things and I don’t know I also have a bunch of like random Pokemon plushes and stuff like that I don’t know if you guys have noticed in the background and thing I

Know they’re like just like hidden there I have like a ton of these one of the things that I really like collecting as well from the Pokémon sets are these ones right here because they have the tokens with them and I love the idea of the tokens as well it’s just like when

It comes to collector stuff and things like that this these are things that I’ve always been into I have like a bajillion of these heck where’s that one thing that I had oh yeah back here I have one of the tins like The Lunchbox tins as

Well uh one of the other things that I have that’s a collector’s item that I got when I was a little kid is the Princess Diana beanie baby so so I had this one for literal years and it’s still in basically perfect shape I even have the paperwork that came with it

When I got it from the contest that I somehow won um so my my grandfather was a volunteer at the uh at the school that I went to and uh the parents like got into the actual contest for the kids and we won somehow so I ended up with a be

Baby I also have my plushy master ball and this rainbow chicken that I got from one of those slot machine things or not slot machine the the the the claw machines but yeah I just want to show you that real quick there’s a huge amount of cards in here like there’s a

Disgusting amount of cards in here but I’m not going to pull them all out that would be that would be a pain but yeah I do I do really like cards I have so many of these and I don’t know when I’m going to ever open all of them

Or anything like that but I have a disgusting amount I also have a few very rare cards oh that’s cool Ivy I’m not gonna open them all shark that’s way too much oh I left one of the Pokéballs out my Premier Ball you want me to open

One okay what do you want me to open I’ll open one what do you want me to open I’ll open one either a pack or one of Poké Balls or something hey my sanity is going up just saw balls there’s so many balls on the screen

No oh hey before I do that let me give everybody nightmares it is Halloween after all you think it’s fair I left out the Premier Ball you want me to open the Premier Ball all right I’ll open the Premier Ball hold on I got to I got to take care

Of this mess first though I got to make this thing suffer yeah dude I mean uh be careful about grading things like that though it depends heavily on the like for some reason they charge based on the actual like value of the card so when you’re grading things like that it’s

Always best to grade them because you really really like the card and you want to keep the card and everything like that as a collector’s item and stuff like that cuz I I I I think gradings a scam personally I feel like grading is a scam

Not because I don’t want people to be like oh yeah my card’s in extremely good shape and stuff like that but it’s just they charge so much much for basically holding on to your card for a significant amount of time and just looking at it and someone who by someone who’s

Supposedly a professional and it’s like okay you’re gonna take my card you’re going to look at it probably temporarily display it as something to encourage business to be brought to you and then charge me an exorbitant amount of money because I got this card graded banned by PETA I need raw meats I

Need Arby’s all right now that everybody is Thoroughly horrified by the the sheep that I just butchered in front of everyone’s faces I’m sure we can come to an agreement on this uh Premier Ball I’m sad about that Ding it’s got like the perfect little ding there I

Could probably fix that with a light Hammer tap but I’m scared to I don’t want to like damage it more oh there’s the te here didn’t want to peel why do you me oh come on now I don’t even know what the actual value of any of the cards out of these packs

Would be are well I yeah out of these packs there’s packs inside the case but I don’t know what the actual value is I don’t know what the big thing I want out of a Premier Ball is because it just depends on what thething with excitement it depends on what packs come

Out of this particular ball oh there’s also this right right here oh that one didn’t pop like the other ones usually do oh this one’s dink to hell in back so you always get you always get some stickers with it too I’m I’m trying to show it to the mic

You guys can see that right see this the thing over here not not facing the camera so you always get you always get stickers which we got the little mouse one from one of the newer sets I think that was sword and shield I can’t remember what

They’re called and then we got this like chest one as well that I also have no idea what it’s called because I haven’t kept up with Pokemon all right so okay all right give me a second here so we got a lost origin actually let me let me change this all right

So we got lost origin we got Fusion strike and we got silver Tempest I’m just going to die in the background of Minecraft what pack do you guys want me to open First lost origin Fusion or silver Tempest hand cam I don’t have a hand cam

Sadly I’m gonna have to show them to you individually you want me to open silver first Bobby got me to pull these out so we’ll we’ll go we’ll go with Bobby’s choice they’re walking around me I don’t appreciate that you no Pokemon all right hold on Silver Tempest C

List so we’ll at least know what we get right silver Tempest all right I’ve got it set so I see the the best cards at the top so the top card out of this pack is Lugia V alternate full art whatever that one’s going to look

Like I need to pull this over to the side so I can still read chat while we do this that’s fair that’s fair but yeah I’ve never played I’ve never played MTG so because I suck at this and I don’t have a hand cam I’m going to do

This one at a time through the through the camera obviously that’s looking at my face so first off got to pet a lily why W you focus focus on the card focus on the card focus on the card I will delete you there we go that not that anyone cares about that useless

One we have a spooked Linton why won’t you focus why why what is my camera doing right now I’ve made a mistake I failed I’m doing with uh freaking why why won’t you why why I can’t get like the right distance going on with this focus on the card ignore me focus

On the card my face doesn’t matter right now you suck I quit I could see it I could hold I could hold merro oh it focuses on merro why do you hate me why won’t you just focus on the card that I put up in front of you I feel betrayed a

Swabl there a BB it’s a very blurry BB I’m sorry I blame the internet there we go a Rotom this this weird looking energy ball thing I like turning this one into a lawn more in one of the games I can’t remember which one it

Was we turn it upside down you guys see it now see it now that actually focused a little better for a second oh it’s stupid and a shiny fungus amongus fungus F I can’t even hold these straight that actual pattern and everything like that might mess it

Up fungus and knows RAM and that’s literally it that’s a really dumb mushroom and a shiny one here the Earth and seal Stone I guess I just don’t hold these still enough or something that one actually looks super cool I wonder if that one’s worth anything let me check the fo uh the

Earth and seal Stone it’s probably worthless but still maybe it looks like it has a very very long effect which usually results in something being capable ah it’s it’s it’s under a dollar it’s like under a dollar I’m already down past the things that are that are worth anything of

Value oh the code card for this pack is actually worth 20 28 cents we got a fighting energy not that that needs explained a braian focus focus for me please please 4 for four why do you hate me Focus focus focus focus focus focus focus the focus sucks I’m too

Shaky it’s that extreme lack of sleep it’ll do that to you you’ll never see it you’ll never be able to read its name it just didn’t happen QR cards so I think you take them to the site and use them there and this one a low buny the

Classic the one that totally wasn’t based on a Playboy bunny dude this really does just does not want to focus there’s something on my LDS look at that now it’s focusing better maybe there was something the lens and then we got Serena and it’s stop focusing again there we

Go and then the uh the freaking this card thing these things so you redeem this and you just get a digital Pokemon card pack or something like that so I don’t think we got anything cool out of that actually whoa wait no wrong one apparently there was a

Full art version of Serena that was actually worth a lot and by a lot I mean 23 bucks Serena secret is that the one we got no we didn’t dang Serena was actually worth a good amount had we got any other version of her this version’s

Worthless I think the rare card for the pack was the earth and seal Stone which is uh also worthless if we would have got the forest seal Stone it would have been 13 bucks that sucks all right I’ve got them just lined up here no no what no no I’m going to

Save the one with Mew on it for the last one I I don’t know I I feel like that one’s special so the next pack we’re going to open is lost origin let me pull up lost origin real quick I like how we got sidetracked super hard on this loost

Origin Why didn’t it switch over all right top card out of this is gutina V alternate full art and the sell price for that one is $256 7 next down is Aerodactyl V which is 85 and then it drops off a clip to 25 and then 18 and blah

Blah you know they’re they’re they’re slipping they’re slipping I’ve never understood Pokemon when it comes to that there’s like one card in every Pack set that’s worth a disgusting amount and then usually it’s like usually it’s like a just drop off a clip you know what I

Mean I am sorry about the clarity of the picture I know it’s probably super annoying just me having these and then then not focusing so you guys can properly see them we got a seal a seal that won’t focus not happening not happening it doesn’t like seal seals are gross

SE oh hey we got a zor the bab Zar oh that one Focus for a second I probably need a new camera I’m going to be honest with you guys so I’ve had this camera for literal years I’m surprised it still functions and it’s it’s probably dying it’s always weird

I’m like looking at you guys and I see myself looking up the camera but when I look at that it’s like it’s looking at me directly from this side of the screen it’s weird yeah that’s Serena that’s Serena with her bra I don’t I don’t remember watching most

Of the stuff there hold on what did I do what have I done what have I broken oh yeah that’s right there was just Minecraft anyway snow whoa I have to get like a hand cam for this kind of stuff there we go I found the

Spot so we have a snow here for for our fourth card third card third fourth card our third card I’m Machop it doesn’t help that I keep putting them super close to the screen too I’m learning guys hold on an absolutely adorable Pikachu I have to get this one to focus look at

It focus focus focus focus focus focus pretend it’s my face come on camera it hates cute Pikachus I guess Look at its blurry cuteness there we go that’s all I got for you I can’t fix it I’ve been trying that didn’t work either like that that that literally just does not did not work I can’t like get I can’t like get it to to focus at all

There we go it’s want it wants to do it now Pikachu oh we got lady here let me try again I get this there we go it’s super shiny I’m sorry that’s reflecting really bad I don’t know this one actually might be worth something we’ll look that one up real quick lady probably not much like a few

Bucks oh no wait is that’s not her secret no the Secret’s a rainbow lady full art I don’t think that’s lady full art it might not be worth anything sadly no that’s a different pose Lady Lady Lady where you at what you doing you know why am I what am I

Looking at these like this for like I should I should base these by yeah there we go all right next we have maybe a Goodra V get you guys a good look at that one I don’t know what this one is but let’s look it up go all the way down here wait

Huan Goodra V uh no I think we missed the mark yeah we missed the mark That’s 54 cents well 68 cents in full in in perfect condition what was the summary of The Scream Scream the stream is Happy Halloween we got a good old energy that

I don’t need to show you guys anything because there’s nothing written on it a value we have a doler I can do this the doler uh that actually works really well now feel lied to by the thing and now it’s stopped it like determines if it wants to work or

Not work for me please why why do you hate me it’s not my fault I blame the internet it just doesn’t like certain cards or something it’s a cedra you know what a cedra is everyone knows what a cedra is and then it’s a Viper you can’t win there we

Go sucker punch and Turn no luck so far honestly we have one pack left I do actually really like that Goodra though I’m surprised it’s completely worthless but then again this is Pokémon and every other card is shiny heck they have the one the freaking bmax ones with the giant cards yeah everyone’s dead everyone

Exploded yeah I was hoping that I got like the alternate version of it because the alternate version of the the gooda would have been worth a little bit Good Start Good Start we got a we got a freaking shelder God level God level Pokemon right there oh we’re set I have a

Shelder with rapid strike on it I don’t know what that means I also forgot to pull up the thing for the fusion strike pack that’s right Fusion strike I would not be surprised if there was a gold or a diamond plated Pokemon card that was worth since actually you

Know one that’s funny that is worth like nothingness is Um freaking what’s it called actually let’s see what the heavy hitter in here is Gengar Vmax alternate art secret is 202 the Espeon Vmax alternate art secret is 132 and the new Vmax alternate art is 6182 so those are the three Heavy Hitters of this one and then we get

Celby another version of Mew and the other version of Mew so I guess all the versions of Mew are worth money out of this one are like in the 20s the 20s range except for me V full art is worth seven so I guess Mew is just worth a ton

Just regardless because of what it is maybe it has a really good effect or something like that I don’t know how it plays in the in the thing what does that Rapid Strike thing mean for that sheler is that like some special thing that I should be worried about

Or if I get a Mew of any kind it’s worth a few bucks at least apparently let’s set that up in alphabetical Order we got us an eeve that doesn’t want to focus I don’t exist hand block me out block me out some of these cards just do not focus no matter what I do I can’t I can’t get it to Work is it 151 uh I don’t think so they’re trying to kill me and we have the offbrand Pikachu the most powerful Pokemon in the game the Unstoppable Juggernaut of the forest the good old Caterpie that does not want to focus Caterpie Focus Focus P Focus pie cater pie cater pee

Pie cater cater poo I hate you we have a bule bee another rabbit the one that’s not based on a Playboy bunny a very Shiny Goodra that is probably sadly worthless but looks absolutely epic and will not focus for my life why why why do you hate

Me is it my face is it my hat is it the mustache I know I’d hate me for the mustache too please Focus oh my god dude did that work there we go I know that’s rough and I really feel bad showing you guys these cards like this but

Still and next I didn’t look at this one yet so Deoxys I’m going to check this gooda and this Deoxys after this Photon boost Fusion strike single strike Rapid Strike I don’t know what those mean Minecraft music’s just going hard all right so Deoxys first Deoxys I don’t think that’s the same

Deoxys no it is that’s the same Deoxys fion Strike uh yeah Hollow rare okay that one’s worth 18 cents and the Goodra is 14 cents next we have taser energy and then we have a Garbodor the literal trash literal unfocused trash unfocused trash focus on the trash thank you it’s like after it focuses it doesn’t

Matter how I move it or anything like that it’s just happy with it cross switcher honestly these last cards don’t even matter the the one in the middle of the pack is the only one that’s ever a value and a broom so no luck this time that was a bad Premiere ball

I mean if I sold every single card in here I might make profit they’re like 15 bucks a piece if I sold every single car there’s a good stack there so I don’t know I probably get like 50 cents a piece for them I’m sure somebody would pay 50

Cents a piece for them and for the shiny ones if I felt like being a dick I could probably find some kid who doesn’t know the value of these cards and sell them to somebody for like you know a few bucks a piece but yeah it’s just kind of sad

That all these cards even the rare looking ones are just basically worthless oh well no not the broom it fell on the floor it’s got to be trash now have I been checking the symbols of the at the bottom what do you mean let me

Let me switch back to the thing of ab Bobble doodle the stuff the the actual stream that we’re supposed to be doing here the moon CFT not the shenanigans that I have done upon this here stream here like I don’t know what what symbols are you talking

About like the Goodra has a star 197 264 what’s the three to the front thing are you telling me to pull the three cards in the back to the front is that it boom cuz if so that makes a lot of sense and that was fun I need a better

Camera setup before before I start opening packs though I’m just murdering butchering the the corpses of animals that I murdered what time is it oh no we’re over the mark ah flash mutton chicken pork chop beef mutton chicken pork chop beef mutton chicken pork chop beef mutton chicken

Pork chop beef spider eye spider eye ender pearl done all right that’s going to be it everyone get out I’m done I might murder this chicken for the chicken I need Cluckers it’s you not me you’re the fault you’re the problem here that’s how it was I’m completely sane

Right now too so I just know that you’re the one who cause the problems uh circle is basic diamond is mid star is rare ah okay that’s that’s fair I I I forgot about that system that they had going on anyway anyways I do need to call it here

So thank you all very much for watching take care stay out of trouble don’t catch anything on fire if you enjoyed your timer don’t forget to like comment subscribe have a good night and B

This video, titled ‘Their Outside Your Window | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bannith on 2023-11-01 06:04:52. It has garnered 313 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:29:47 or 16187 seconds.

The Modpack being used in this stream! This one feels like a lot of love and care went into making it so please consider giving it a go! –

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  • Limber Labrash Mines Mischief: Sin of Suspicion EP.4

    Limber Labrash Mines Mischief: Sin of Suspicion EP.4 Labloush, the Minecraft news reporter, with a twist, Bringing updates in rhymes, never to miss. In Sin of Suspicion EP.4, Labrasi takes the lead, Shutting down the Mafia’s money printing greed. Labloush, with eyes sharp and keen, Describing each move, in a rhyming scene. Labrasi’s mission, to end the Mafia’s reign, With interrogation and twists, in the game’s domain. Labloush, the narrator, with a playful tone, Engaging the crowd, never alone. Crafting Minecraft news, with a grin and a spin, In every update, let the rhymes begin. Labloush, the favorite news reporter, in the gaming land, Spinning rhymes that… Read More

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  • Ultimate Guide to Creating BoBoiBoy Blaze Portal in Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

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  • Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft

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  • Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11

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  • Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack!

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  • Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 – Fay Kuroda

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  • Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7

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  • Minecraft’s EPIC CowAxe Event!

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  • Minecraft Madness – Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Build Stream – You won’t believe what happens!

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  • “EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral” | MR_CHAMAN

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  • WeeklySMP

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  • MasterRealm Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.1 Land Claim Discord Slimefun Custom Items Crossplay

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  • Elesta

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Git gud, noob – can’t craft a pickaxe!”

    Maybe because you keep trying to use feathers and dirt instead of actual materials? Read More

  • Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition

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  • DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft!

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  • EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Build: Blaze Trap & Ruins Excavation!

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  • EPIC Hogwarts LIVE Tour Build Progress!

    EPIC Hogwarts LIVE Tour Build Progress!Video Information [Music] hello and welcome I’m Prof and Prof gaming and uh this is a live uh tour of the Hogwarts build so far uh hopefully um you’ll enjoy what you see uh so please ask away ask any questions I’m here to well I’m here to answer it okay uh so first off um uh if you’ve been watching the series you’ll be aware that the first thing we built was the boat house and uh volume down a bit there we go um and here it is uh took a bit of planning in the planning phase… Read More

  • Pennywise Titan Attacks Mikey & JJ in Minecraft

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  • Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi – #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩

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  • INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in Minecraft

    INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in MinecraftVideo Information hey Kibbles I got something to show you if it’s another horse I swear to God no it’s got nothing to do with horses are you familiar with the video game Minecraft uh yeah of course it’s Legos but on a computer yeah yeah I was on Twitter and I saw slippery T had a new animation in the works um slippery te slippery tea give me a [Music] second oh God oh God oh come on you know him he’s the Jenny guy uh ah hold on I got to call a friend um yeah Andy’s making… Read More


    ULTIMATE FIRE CANNON DEFENSE REVENGE!!Video Information welcome back to Squid Island the server in which me jelly and crina are stuck on an island with each other in Minecraft and we’ve got to be friends in reality that doesn’t happen that much anyway it’s just me on the server today and oh we have an action packed episode of things we’re going to do I also wanted to give you an update on the bco tower look at this thing it’s looking good okay we are going to make some progress on that today we’re also going to build another Factory we’re going to… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥Video Information my are you okay my feet okay well listen we’re we’re very much closely approaching that time yay the new Minecraft update tricky trials it’s about to go down can we kick squeaks from this Discord why what happened um I can’t I can’t actually we you’re going to have to RP this out Leslie’s the judge go ahead um squeaks Che in a game of One V one valerant and he also griefed Ellum in he’s a better player than you you have to accept it no he’s not he’s not he’s better than you in val… Read More

  • Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮

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  • Unbelievable Win in Bedwars – No Idea How!

    Unbelievable Win in Bedwars - No Idea How!Video Information This video, titled ‘I won this bedwars game without knowing how to play’, was uploaded by HBU mine on 2024-03-27 19:04:31. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:59 or 419 seconds. 1. Join me on my gaming adventures as I conquer the Minecraft world! Watch my YouTube channel for epic gameplay and exciting challenges. Let’s play together! 2. Get ready for non-stop Minecraft action on my gaming YouTube channel! Join me as I explore, build, and survive in this virtual world. Subscribe now for the best gaming content! 3. Dive… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Funny Chai Wala 😂 #shorts’, was uploaded by Adi Bhai Gamer on 2024-05-29 06:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Funny Chai Wala #shortsvoice credit @NOTYOURTYPE video credit @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft minecraft funny … Read More

  • Garrettmc Network

    Garrettmc NetworkHello and welcome to the Garrettmc network :). We have a variety of games to choose from, we have Minigames, Murder-Mystery, Skyblock, Classic smp, Smp, factions, creative, and an anarchy server as well. We know that the server wasn’t the best in the past and we are actively working toward making a higher quality server experience. We hope to see you on the server :), have a good day. 🙂 Read More