Shocking group meet-up in Vasten – Survival!

Video Information

Hello everybody welcome back to the realm of ass and I’m standing here episode 20 what 29 I think 28 29 and we’re about two weeks left of the season so I’m here with some of my friends the Great Lord night the great the Great White Nights – and the great Damon

What’s going on guys hey yeah nothing much all right okay We’re very smooth we started using push-to-talk I think I said some background noise issues and we’re not that great at it yet so you’ve got to bear with us just a little bit while we go here but guys I want to gather around everyone who’s available this afternoon

Which you know in my normal time of recording is is pretty pretty odd for most people but and I wanted to talk about we have about two weeks left at the time this video is going out of this world I love this city and I thought we

Should maybe go around and talk about like what could be where and how we could fill up space and kind of kind of quote-unquote finish the city and if that’s okay with you guys so I think we need to finish it finish the buildings I have not talked to

Jackson in a while I don’t know if he’s planning on coming back to finish it but uh the other thing is around if you go up and take a look around it there is a lot of dead space like on the ground below it and of like you can see

Hovering walkways and stuff so I think that that’s probably pretty critical and that kind of flows too into the front of your Explorers guild do you have any plans or any ideas so I do I have because of this stuff that was going on

In life I thought I was not going to get to it but I have like signs of what needs to go where kind of and I just haven’t had the inspiration to come in and do them yet okay that’s what are you talking about the outside or the inside of the explora

Scope well the signs are on the inside but they do talk about plans for the outside okay cool if we have time to at least address the outside I’m less worried about the inside as much as is like like say this big flat area here I think we could do

Something to make that look a little bit more done like outside the fountain kind of area you know and then behind here behind Jacque sees builds I think I don’t know what do you guys think like a cliff like a cliff that goes up to the

Brick walkway sort of area I think a cliff might work a little bit better so the so the facades are just finished off kind of and then that leaves room for the back there and it does not look as empty right exactly well I don’t mind

I’ll talk to jock see and if he doesn’t I’ll take over finishing the back of his build if he’s if he’s not able to does anyone want to volunteer to maybe just build up these looks I don’t think that’s a real big project just just to sort of cover these floating facades

Don’t all volunteer at once I don’t know if you’re talking to the terraformers on the server here or the air deformers I’m my section of theta double meat okay make sure do but I might well you know you can always you can always if you want taken on you can always recruit

Someone else to like hey chaos you want to team up on this or something you know if you always drag another soul into yeah the the the trouble with you here you know exactly define the conquer you know exactly yeah yeah now the the biggest thing that we have to address

Probably is the train station because I know that Nemitz had talked about doing it and and I think I don’t want speak for him but I haven’t seen a Minecraft video go out from him in a long time I think he might be burnout or taking a break or whatever from Minecraft so

Yeah so we need to either either not build one or do something because that train station it’s it you know we have giant trains going all over the city it’s it’s it’s important to have a train station I would think one thing I thought about for a while when we first

Introduced the idea of the string the train station was what was the full reasoning behind it because I know we were having a run to yours your place for picking up like the Rockettes and stuff but as a question where else are they going other than the rocket Factory

Because we can have a train depot to store them cut like what you’re kind of thinking of what I think with the train station cuz there’s not a lot of need right now with how the city is cuz it’s kind of small to still walk around

There’s not a real need for the Train a huge train station so it’s that whole like like war versus sort of Minecraft II thing you know it I think all of our all of our cities in this whole world aren’t really cities because they’re actually all pretty small but you know

There’s a lot of you use your imagination like you imagine okay realistically how many people would live in this city graven wall like I mean like 50 maybe I mean but we got a we’re kind of imagining this like a thousand right we’re kind of imagining that

There’s a lot more houses because we’re all playing on a survival world right well yes but the one thing that Iowa’s if you doubt as we do got all these airships around here and like Morgan built this airship depot yeah and travel station what is the real

Benefit of using these trains for not anything else other than traveling huge loads of rockets and bringing that this stuff to there so a little bit more wise book would be the benefit over up over using his rocket his station which is kind of close to where we have the train

Station marked out to be well that’s all true I think I think that that just building the tracks I think okay so I think that in our imaginations the train tracks wouldn’t be nearly as small as they are like they’d stretch a lot further but then again there’s the realistic how much

Train tracks are we gonna build in this world right you’re like it you kind of hit the hit the end of it so I think that the idea was maybe back in a long time ago people used to use those passengers to zip around from like

Home to shops and to work and all that kinda stuff and it would take the goods from all different these in factories to the ship you know which used to maybe float further than it did or something like that we could just say that these train tracks predate the the removal of

The ocean or something it could also be very interesting if we combo like the train station with maybe some sort of loading dock for all the propellers that we have floating around that way you get the train station carrying rockets like the rocket factor carries them to the

Train station which is also combo’d into how do you get all of these little propellers actually powered stuff has to come down and get loaded back up with rocket stuff again that’s true that’s a really great idea yeah good idea and that that would be better for maybe some things like if you

Think about the brewery I did the small one form entry it holds huge cakes that don’t always need can be loaded up on a whole bunch of ships to be sent out so I think that I guess I guess what we need to do is just figure out how to kind of

Connect these train and let alone all the supports I will take on the supports I know that’s a grind I’ll take on the support some of the things so they’re not just floating but yeah at some point we need to sort of sort of connect the

Train station I guess or the trains in the train station to the rest of the world because right now it just kind of it just kind of goes yeah yeah the other little thing I’m thinking about is like for example spaces like this area right here like I think we

Could fill up we should start filling up these spaces these type of spaces I mean there’s like a thousand of them out there with either gardens or trees or little mini farms or whatever because one of the things that I’ve noticed when I look at a world especially outside of

The very center of the world is these faces take you out of the immersion you know yeah you know and I think I think filling them up it would be a really positive thing for us yeah there’s like there’s some nice examples I think of like some good man-made terrain

Underneath the ship we’re like yeah it is all technically a marketplace and there’s some road stuff for like there’s just some cool random little things floating around through here which is I don’t know it’s it’s kind of nice like you get the coral kind of used to be

Water effect and maybe just terraforming stuff like that into just all this blank spaces could be nice because it’s not like the water would have all dried up at the bottom it could have had little pools elsewhere – exactly that’s a great point and the other you know another

Point is this cliff over here sort of to the which were east toward the east of the ravine calais did a little cliff that’s that’s perfect and the difference between it and of vanilla naturally pre Jen you know it vanilla generated cliff is not great really it’s it’s it’s pretty minor but

You look at that and you’re like oh that’s that’s amazing but if you really look at it it’s just some problems and I rate with a couple slabs you know it’s not a huge project but yeah but it’s clearly been done and that’s something that I think we should try to do where

There’s it would like within the city limits where there’s like minecraft terrain is try to do something like this like I tried to do a version that over there you know it could be anything it could be custom custom trees it could even just be big oak trees with them

With a improved base or whatever you know doesn’t have to be houses just marking the empty spaces us intentional with like just a little something exactly yep exactly right yeah and you know small like small little stuff but I think that’s kind of where we’re at now

I know the the big project that I still have remaining is here is a the Saigon for Dynasty castle and the toxic waste dump that is just gonna be a massive project Oh Damon anger and an Enderman and a scone you bet fly fly fly don’t worry yeah I’m running I’m like oh

I do not have my sword out this is a Yeah same yeah also the benefits of not joining the leather crew is I can murder them without much difficulty hey I’m gonna be the the nether right crew soon enough so the other thing that we’re gonna do as soon as this season ends is I’m gonna take the tour server and put

It in the latest snapshot whatever that is so we can go to the nether and start finding locations for uh for the base that sounds like a good idea now ideally lore wise ideally it would be kind of close to monument the fallen because that’s where the people went through to

Break the under the under portals also from an overworld standpoint that oh nice nice achievement um I’m pretty good shot nice well apparently not good you just got it now so yeah I had that achievement a long time ago on bastard dimensions someone dragged me over here

Oh sure yeah sure yeah it sounds likely it’s so you know if we can have it near the area morning if all in that area is very underdeveloped part of our world too so it’d be nice to sort of you know hit that hit that part and so a little

Bit to actually like near multiples of monolith of the following they’re like oh quests will recently holy cow the biggest the biggest pillager attack ever I I’m in the biggest poser attack ever I’m literally washing could some fly in there no I can do it no utter destruction that was utter destruction

I hope you all I hope you all saw that I hope you all saw that that absolutely ace pro minecraft play we are out here in you have to excuse my voice we’re on the road between white sand and monument to the phone because I have a quest

Because I’m an idiot I mean let me just show you what kind of an idiot I am it’s a big one this right here is my new unbreaking 5 pic remember that so on a live stream over on slash fix at 4 1 2 I ran and I got the other

Enchants for it and also in addition to getting so much bending in efficiency 5 I grabbed unbreaking 3 well I’m breaking three over right unbreaking 5 so yeah so I lost my my special pickaxe from doing the last quest so I’m here to do my next quest

And it’s to build a ruin along the road between white sands and mana and so on I found this really cool little place here that is in need of something cuz it’s just along the road you wouldn’t even really know where this is necessarily but but there’s a nice

Bridge over here you can kind of see the bridge I think you know that we’re really out little nowhere but there’s a nice bridge right here and white sands is I don’t even know maybe 800 blocks over that that direction to the east and monoliths falling is probably another

Couple thousand blocks this way to the west and south so I remember when I built this road I thought it’d be kind of cool to look like this was dug out to make a road I kind of thought that was fun it’s okay

But I think what I want to do here is I want to do an ancient and ancient ruins of an ancient castle that’s like been completely decimated maybe by a zombie pigman or maybe just by time I’m not really sure yet but I think well first

Thing I need to do and I didn’t cut down all these trees in a bad way and then just to create some space so I’ll cut down all these trees and they’ll come back with us some of the building process I’m back I’ve done a whole bunch of building tonight and yeah

I know it’s like one of the things like hey I’m gonna start this thing and then I cut away now it’s all about well look this is pretty boring building so now I’m just doing some final touches there’s a little bit more final touches

That I want to do but I don’t have the materials to do it right now and one of those things is let these farms grow a little bit so just kind of as they’ve been going I have been harvesting them this is the best one because you can

Actually tell when it’s done the other ones I can’t I have no idea when they’re done I just I have no idea I like some I break the carrots and potatoes with a fortune pickaxe I only get like one back because I think I’m prematurely breaking

Them anyway yeah so what’s the deal with the farm well the deal with the farms is that that at one point these were like well manicured nicely done farms and then at some point everyone moved out or died or whatever or something so these farms sort of ran

Amok so I just kind of picked up a few little places okay let’s go cut down one more tree I see that this one has not been leaped over so we’ll get down one more tree together so yeah so you know the deal is that these people for

Whatever reason don’t live here anymore and in in the meantime these farms they didn’t you know they didn’t take all the seeds with with them or whatever if they last met an unfortunate end they probably would have had that opportunity so yeah so the farms just kind of went a

Little bit crazy and yeah okay it’s a nice excuse to add some different sort of looks to things oh my goodness this is ridiculous I absolutely know I just want the leaves as always so yeah so I think I think it’s kind of cool I think works really well I’d really really like

To have more more room for more boat meal here but I just I don’t have more bone meal unfortunately so we’re just gonna roll with it the way it is and that’s fine I think it’s okay it’s okay the way it is this guy here is our the smallest room probably of them

All and it’s okay there should be some small ones as well I think that I I lean towards grandeur as you probably know from from the channel and sometimes it’s nice to pull back just a little bit so yeah let’s take a little walk through here so like little places like this can

Just a tiny little bit of overgrowth there really makes a and they again I probably ideally like to have maybe some dark oak leaves to mix in here but you know there aren’t dark oak trees here so why would we have any and I think it’s

Okay it’s okay I did go mining quite a bit let me show you let me show you the spoils of my mining here uh pretty good right I was here I need some materials and something that well I really need lapis stone for the end which were you

Get to in a future episode but I’m collecting lapis like crazy so uh yeah you know it’s um it is what it is I I really need a lot of lapis I need just a crap-ton guapa so I this stuff is probably just gonna stay here forever

Because I’m a only have one shocker to transfer everything back yeah it’s okay it’s okay I think we did I think we did a pretty cool like yes I got a big one I was so hoping for a big one awesome look at that look at that oh my goodness look

At these ruins are these these are nice right I think they’re really nice ruins honestly I really do okay so that’s gonna do for me though that’s gonna do for me I will see you all next episode from the realm of Astin thanks so much for coming by and hey we’re gonna be

Doing a lot more collab stuff we’re in the process of working out how that’s gonna happen so I want more stuff coming with our friends so you can look forward to that I will see you all next time bye everybody

This video, titled ‘A GROUP MEETUP! – Vasten 5: 29 [Minecraft | Survival | Lets Play]’, was uploaded by Fixxitt 412 on 2020-03-14 14:30:00. It has garnered 219 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:29 or 1109 seconds.

The Realm of Vasten 5

In Realm of Vasten Survival Minecraft SMP Season 5, Episode 29 Time to check in with the boys!

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Thanks for checking out my Minecraft survival let’s play! The Realm of Vasten is a collaborative world where me and my friends build amazing epic huge builds together, using collective materials that all fit together to form amazing cities and kingdoms!

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This 1.15.2 Minecraft Vanilla Series will be my LAST world! A few friends and I are setting out to design a collaborative medieval world on hard survival mode. The goal will be villages and kingdoms throughout the world, all interconnected, with lore and story-lines going along with it.

Inspirations from Kingdomcraft, Hermitcraft, Welsknight, Bdoubleo100, JermsyBoy, FWhip, Jansey, GrumpyOwl and many, many other amazing builders!

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    Insane Minecraft PS5 Preview - Mind-Blowing Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Preview PS5 Gameplay’, was uploaded by ictio on 2024-07-18 20:10:34. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:57 or 297 seconds. donate Amazon Affiliate #tiktok #shorts #ilg000 #comedy #funny #fun #funnyvids #satire #plush #oleg #animals #tiktoks #tiktokvids #lol #cats #dogs #squidgame #nintendo #gaming #xbox #playstation #peppapig #youtube #kids #family #pg #watchtillend#shotoniphone#movies#boss#power#travel#wonderfull#likeaboss#Monarch#my_great_respect #superman #boss#carzy#shorts#viralvideo#trendingespect #respecttiktok#relaxing #tiktok#freefire#pubg#smile#shots#meme#tiktok_respect_video#youtubeshorts#favorite #videos #number #Mygreat #duetto#CruelSummerConfessions #funny #coment #idea #home #pageforyou #page #crazy #amazing #fyp #fypシ #dueto #friends #tag#respect #foryou #tag #friends #dueting #power #fypシ #fyp #goviral #viral #viralvideo #amazing #crazy #page… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cactus Farm Hack! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Cactus Farm Hack! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Make a Cactus Farm in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Gamever_io on 2024-06-06 06:44:38. It has garnered 457 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Need a steady supply of cactus in Minecraft? Look no further! In this video, we’ll show you how to build an efficient and productive cactus farm. Whether you’re looking to use cactus for green dye, as a defense mechanism, or for other crafting recipes, this guide will help you create a sustainable cactus farm in no time. 🔧 What You’ll Learn:… Read More

  • EPIC Hanuman Ji ART in Minecraft! 🙏🔥 #shanumanji

    EPIC Hanuman Ji ART in Minecraft! 🙏🔥 #shanumanjiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hanuman Ji Art Surya Uday In Minecraft #hanuman #jaishreeram #ramji #suryauday #hanumanchalisa’, was uploaded by ANYTHING on 2024-05-28 15:43:54. It has garnered 88 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. Provided to YouTube by TIPS INDUSTRIES LTD Hanuman Chalisa (From “Hanuman”) (Telugu). Sai Charan Hanuman Chalisa (From “Hanuman”) (Telugu) 2023 Tips Industries Ltd. Released on: 2023-04-05 Actor: Teja Sajja Producer, Studio Personnel: K. Niranjan Reddy Producer: Primeshow Entertainment Music Publisher: Tips Industries Ltd. Composer, Arranger: GowraHari Auto-generated by YouTube. Music SONG Hanuman Chalisa (From “Hanuman”) [Telugu] ARTIST Sai… Read More

  • PlasmaPR

    PlasmaPRPlasmaPR is a Custom, Unique OP Prisons Server, with daily updates, frequent events, various unique features, and PLENTY of new features planned to come! Check it out today @ Read More

  • Hardrada Worldbuilding Factions SMP Worldbuilding Towny

    Welcome to Hardrada Worldbuilding A newly formed worldbuilding server where players have almost total freedom in determining the history and politics of the world. Will you forge an empire, become a merchant, own a bar, brew alcohol, or live as a bum in the city? We promise minimal admin intervention, an unbiased staff team, and fair rules. We are open to community suggestions. This is pure vanilla worldbuilding without any unnecessary rules or plugins. Notable Plugins: Towny Dynmap Brewery Join us on Discord: Read More


    AXOLOTL LANDWelcome to our Minecraft RPG, Roleplay and Hardcore server! 🚀🌟Dive into a world full of **adventures and challenges** like never before. Whether you’re a fearless explorer, a brave warrior, or a cunning merchant, our server has a special place for you. **Java and Bedrock** come together to offer you an unparalleled experience, with epic quests, dynamic events, and immersive roleplay that will make you feel like you’re part of a living story. But be careful, the Hardcore mode will test your skills and your courage!### Server Features:- **Epic Quests**: Embark on unique adventures and discover hidden treasures.- **Dynamic Events**: Participate… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft night vibes”

    Looks like this meme not only survived the night, but thrived with a score of 1498! Must have been some epic Minecraft adventures happening. Read More

  • 🔥Hot Stone in Minecraft🔥

    🔥Hot Stone in Minecraft🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! 🗿😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #therapytime Read More

  • Ultimate Automatic Door Hack

    Ultimate Automatic Door Hack Exploring the World of Minecraft: Underground House Tutorials and More! Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Tutorials In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity. From building intricate structures to surviving in challenging environments, the possibilities are endless. One popular trend among Minecraft enthusiasts is creating underground houses. These hidden gems not only provide a sense of security but also showcase the player’s architectural skills. Building Your Underground Oasis Creating an underground house in Minecraft is a thrilling adventure. With the right tools and materials, players can design a cozy dwelling that blends seamlessly with… Read More

  • Top Secret Enchanting Table in 2024 Minecraft!

    Top Secret Enchanting Table in 2024 Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘2024 Minecraft But The Enchanting Table Is Hidden!’, was uploaded by 99 Builds on 2024-07-17 17:18:38. It has garnered 580 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Embark on a magical journey in 2024 Minecraft where the Enchanting Table is cleverly hidden, adding a new level of challenge and mystery to your gameplay. Uncover enchanting secrets, learn invisible crafting techniques, and delve into the world of wizardry wonders with this sorcery tutorial. Discover crafting tips, witchcraft wonders, and spellbinding DIY projects as you explore fantasy creations and witchy… Read More

  • Nighttime Fairycore Mining Adventure

    Nighttime Fairycore Mining AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Mine!!!! (at night) ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Live’, was uploaded by Luvstar on 2024-04-15 15:10:44. It has garnered 1590 views and 123 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:16 or 4336 seconds. Haii everyone! Welcome to my live stream! Let’s play some fairycore minecraft together! 🌸Leave a tip to show up on screen here: 🌈Become a Channel Member: 🍑Music by Chillpeach ==================================== 👾My Website: 💜My Etsy Shop: 🎧Request an Art Commission: 🐈‍⬛My Art Channel: @luvstarkei2 📷 Viewers can contact me through email: [email protected] 🖤 For business inquiries,… Read More

  • EPIC PvP ACTION! Join the Minecraft realm now 🔥

    EPIC PvP ACTION! Join the Minecraft realm now 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT | JOIN THE REALM | PVP IS ALLOWED 🔴’, was uploaded by Lazy on 2024-07-18 18:23:28. It has garnered 255 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:04 or 13444 seconds. Today I will be playing Minecraft! Make sure to join the Discord and my Minecraft Realm! — JOIN THE DISCORD — Discord Server: — JOIN THE REALM — REALM CODE: By4vxuw58BA — SUBSCRIBE TO MARZIAN — Marzians Channel: Lets see if I can get 800 subs by the end of this livestream!!! Day 43 of Daily Livestream!!!! Read More

  • Insane Horror SMP: Defeating All Players in Minecraft

    Insane Horror SMP: Defeating All Players in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘the Horror SMP: How I Defeated Every Player in #Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr RDX Gaming on 2024-01-12 18:06:34. It has garnered 51 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:05 or 1265 seconds. minecraft shorts, minecraft challenge, minecraft but, Minecraft Minecraft Event Hidden Treasures Legendary Boss Battles Gaming Adventure Minecraft Loot Secret Dungeons Pixelated Surprises Minecraft Gameplay Epic Boss Fights Minecraft Secrets Enchanted Gear Gaming Strategy Minecraft Community Adventure Gaming Gaming Tips Minecraft Artifacts Gaming Surprises Minecraft Exploration Gaming Strategies Subscribe for More #YouTube #trending #Minecraft ——————————————————————————— For more Hollywood movie explained… Read More

  • Unreal zombie detail in RADIUM’S ZOMBIES! 🧟‍♂️🔥 PT.-2 #mods

    Unreal zombie detail in RADIUM'S ZOMBIES! 🧟‍♂️🔥 PT.-2 #modsVideo Information This video, titled ‘RADIUM’S ZOMBIES y su nivel de detalle!‼️😳🧟‍♂️ PT.-2 #mcpe #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shorts #mods’, was uploaded by JosSs Team on 2024-01-04 17:00:23. It has garnered 2787 views and 139 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Read More

  • Aphmau Fooled Me! 😱 Calico Mack Reacts #shorts

    Aphmau Fooled Me! 😱 Calico Mack Reacts #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aphmau Fooled Me #shorts’, was uploaded by Calico Mack on 2024-05-19 15:13:45. It has garnered 10652 views and 316 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Monster School : APHMAU FOOLED ME – Minecraft Animation Calico Mack content includes Shorts, TikToks, and YouTube videos related to Minecraft Challenge, Minecraft Animation, Minecraft But, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Custom, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Stories, I Fooled My Friend, Monster School, Minecraft INSANE Moments, plus other topics. Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but video like that. This is… Read More

  • Insane Bike Stunts Battle: Girls vs Boys! #viral

    Insane Bike Stunts Battle: Girls vs Boys! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Girls vs boys bike stunts #short #viral #shortsfeed #viralvideo #viralshort #viralshort’, was uploaded by PDT Patil on 2024-07-19 02:02:00. It has garnered 103 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Girls vs boys bike stunts #short #viral #shortsfeed #viralvideo #viralshort #viralshort minecraft cash nico cash and nico maizen omz family friendly aphmau no bad words minecraft mods no cussing nico and cash no cursing minecraft funny johnny johnny minecraft minecraft challenge dash dash minecraft minecraft mod boys vs girls roblox here’s johnny girl hunters vs boy speedrunners in… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks!

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: 10+ VIRAL Build Hacks!’, was uploaded by Ender Hacks on 2024-03-09 12:00:19. It has garnered 934 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:01 or 301 seconds. Hello builders! Today I’ll be showing you 11 awesome and viral build hacks! From a pasta, to a fish aquarium, to a mini tank, to even a fedora. I hope you enjoy the video and learn some new build hacks! All of these builds are 100% survival compatible. Just follow after me and it should be easy! All these builds are done in Java… Read More

  • 🐷 SAVE PIG FAST 🚀 Nikhil Minecraft 🎶 Viral Music

    🐷 SAVE PIG FAST 🚀 Nikhil Minecraft 🎶 Viral MusicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Save Pig #matteo #song #music #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by NxT Nikhil YT on 2024-02-19 09:14:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Save Pig #matteo #song #music #viral #shorts tiktok, StevesWorld, satisfying, minecraft but, minecraft meme, gaming, … Read More