‍”Shocking Guerilla Stream: Goose Goose Duck, Cocoon, Minecraft!”

Video Information

Wow hello hello I’m on the screen already why is one chat broken I can see you on the other one but it’s the one that doesn’t show 7 TV hold on I’m reloading it there we go okay I’m I’m live uh I saw so so I was

Invited to play some games and then I also wanted to maybe go through and play cocoon after and uh I said why not stream it cuz [ __ ] nobody’s On it’s a Saturday and usually like everyone’s on but instead everybody was on yesterday on a Friday and then like nobody’s here today so I was like I might as well stream it then why not like cuz then Zen’s attending a wedding holy [ __ ] my bgm is loud Zen is

Attending a wedding um mouse was streaming earlier I didn’t see what happened though she like ended early or something I don’t know yeah c yeah Kuro is doing a a weird like super late night stream for him right now and I was like huh it’s weird he’s like the only one on

Cuz I saw I saw that he went live so I clicked and then I looked at the sidebo and I was like who else is on cuz usually like every member I’ll just sit in there chat and like he was he was the only one

So I was like okay iide a medical thing okay okay yeah I was wondering cuz I was messaging her and then um she didn’t say anything after that she like just kind of went went and streamed and then and then um usually she DMS quickly so I figured she was taking care

Of something which it happens often enough so it’s good for her to just go do what she needs to do but yeah and then and then yeah in the end I saw like nobody was Al so I was like huh okay well I’m going to be collabing for some

Games anyway and then I wanted to maybe play I we didn’t finish cocoon yesterday um I wanted to but it just I I spent enough time playing little nightmares you know going through the DLC and everything and I was like I don’t know how long this will take and I

Didn’t want to stream too long yesterday so I was like well okay so here we are here we are I almost never go live outside of schedule um I don’t think it matters if I do or not to be honest so I was like why not let’s [ __ ] go also thank you

For the hype train I appreciate it but shto sho’s 2-year anniversary is happening like right now um and he is doing Goose goose duck so I was like you know what a hop in but I just I didn’t know who he dm’d me to invite me um so I didn’t know who

Was going to be in but I was like that’s fine I couldn’t mesh with anyone but I’m looking at stream right now and I see a bunch of names I haven’t interacted with so see blow and fosle and Jaden I’ve never talked to any of them but that’s okay sha will be there

And I can bully him so let’s do that I think I was going to I was going to chat for a while I thought he might be starting later but but he like sent the room code so I was like oh [ __ ] all right maybe um maybe I will just hop

Right in and and we can do the thing oh yeah have little guy with me Look I forg he was here he kind of jump scared me I I saw him in the corner like oh God hope you’re doing well today General G hello I am doing well today I am I was um today today was an off day but I was

Just going to collab and work on some video stuff and I I got through watching a lot of the video stuff for review quickly but there was so much to watch through and I have to do more of it but I didn’t want to do it all once cuz my

Brain is a little fried from it I got tired out from it like sitting there watching all these things that are semi- edited writing all the notes out of I want this and then I want that and this should go fast here and this type of

Edit here like I need to break that up so I said you know what I’ll just stream the collabs stuff in between and then do more of that later so I’ll do this instead of a YouTube stream I was going to do a YouTube stream later but I didn’t know about

Like what time anything was happening so maybe maybe another day maybe another day maybe Monday because I’m supposed to do a thing with Joel and some friends so maybe I’ll just stream that on YouTube since I don’t usually do twitch Mondays I don’t know I’ll figure it out I think

I think all the collabs that I do where I’m not streaming them I should really just stream them on YouTube so you get my POV um but I I don’t have to like a full length stream for all of them because I don’t have the hours for that

But yeah that’s what I was thinking okay let’s go um let’s go here let’s go right here yippe we’re going to hop like straight into games because I don’t want to I don’t want to be the [ __ ] that’s like keeping everyone you know waiting on me all right Goose goose duck Lily joined

Yay yippee okay I hope this game is updated it’s not it’s okay my my ready starting download I’m hit right now and it’s going to be done in like 3 minutes maximum sounds fun yeah I I love Lily we were talking um and Lily was saying it

Would be nice if we did a thing with the three of us again me her and sh she was like Hey I want to do stream you guys want to join will there be a gorilla in this stream yeah there will be a gorilla in the Stream actually it’s Boris we’re

Putting him in a little outfit but Lily was say she wanted to play a game she wanted to do like a just chatting segment I was like do you guys want to join me for this do you guys want to do this and I was like yeah hell yeah let’s go like

It’d be fun so and I will tell you what it is cuz I don’t know what she said wow I have to reinstall Goose goo stuck cuz it’s [ __ ] up all right well that’ll take 2 minutes that will be fine that’ll be all right but it was like it

Was like a just chatting thing that was kind of like it’s the stuff that I want to do a lot more of too where we play games during just chatting but we’re not gaming gaming we’re just playing little you know games you can play with friends

While talking so um yeah I like that kind of content I don’t know it’s like the stuff I did with Mel we weren’t really playing games but we were sitting around just chatting we’re talking about like Reddit stuff right yeah just chatting with buttons right like a few a

Few little things you could do together that are kind of like mini games ice breakers those sorts of things I want to do more collabs like that cuz I feel like um as cool as video games are it’s really nice to just sit and talk with somebody and like really be able to

Focus on chat while you’re collabing so do a little more of that also yeah I have the absolute complete brain rot playlist like the horrible brain rot playlist it is so [ __ ] because my my I am not caffeinated I am just oof it’s one of those days it’s

1M okay okay okay let’s see if I can get in in time let’s see if they’ started their game yet I don’t think they have goo duck is now opening yippe who’s in there yeah I see Lily see Leslie I see Jaden I see Sho uh blow who

Who else even I don’t even Know I can’t even tell man I can’t even tell open up the stream with gaming yeah I always I always chat first I was thinking about this in the future about swapping around sometimes just starting in a game category and then chatting later chatting afterward cuz like for

Real this is what happens my my EU audience shows up at the beginning of my streams and they see me chat and then by the time I start the game a lot of them go to bed and like the na audience sees me gaming and not chatting as much and I

Was like that this means that a lot of the EU viewers like never get to watch me play games depending on the time they go to bed so I like maybe maybe um I’ll just swap it sometimes maybe I’ll do like gaming first and then chat after I

Don’t know if people are chill with it if they’re cool with it I don’t know we shall see okay okay let’s do bgm bgm down a little bit custom game join game room code I don’t know if I want to push to talk hold on wait let me check hold on a damn

Second push to talk mouse mouse three okay okay I hope am I push to talk properly oh Aura hello I was just about to the perfect timing cuz I was about to jump into a room where people could talk talk to me and then I would I wouldn’t

Be able to thank the raid without my brain dying because there would be the voices but thank you hello you me aa and two other friends are going to do a collab at the end of the month it’s been a while we haven’t been able to do anything so I’m glad but

We’re going to do something at the end of the month did you drink pilk I hope you drank pilk pil is just a glorified float it’s just a it’s just a glorified float that’s all it is man I’m making sure on push to talk okay there we

Go push to talk chat mic on yes do not silence farts okay I’m about to play Goose goose duck for sho’s anniversary thingy I normally chat a lot longer before gaming but it’s it’s happening and I don’t want to be the [ __ ] that holds them up so I’m going to jump in

And do that and there’s a bunch of people I haven’t talked to except shto and Lily so they’ll probably think I’m just nice or something maybe maybe I’ll make some friends maybe I’ll be the the person standing in the corner going they don’t know if I’m a vtuber how much you want

To bet they’re going to look at my name and pronounce it like like JGA who knows but again thank you for the raid get out get cozy guys we’re going to do this and then after a few games um however long we end up doing this I want to finish the game cocoon

We’re at the ending so I want to finish cocoon I wanted to do it yesterday but I didn’t get to so I just went live to stream whatever the hell I’m doing today okay let me hop in let me hop in game capture stuck there’s a little Harmony

Heard I forgot I look like this how it feel being too stop Whispering stop it stop it I forgot I looked like this or howdy Duty oh do do you guys think I’ll make friends today send Sho feet pics all right here we go what who just said that what

Um yeah those lesli okay do they all have their own Creator skins these people are in the damn game oh my God they’re crazy with it they’re crazy how how do they how do they do this [ __ ] how do how do they get their own these people are so fancy imagine

Imagine being like um they’re kind of famous now no no no no no no no no no I don’t know I don’t know oh my God imagine imagine I got a Creator skin and I just went like this anyway you know that s socks General now General is she talking to

Herself now here’s the thing they’re all in some VC in some like friend server that they have so I was like he like dm’ me the code and he was like oh here you you know you could still join I was like yeah yeah that’s fine that’s fine I

Don’t mind so I think it’s like just her talking occasionally and it’s so funny because I just hear her so she so like from this POV she sounds schizophrenic yeah maybe she didn’t mute in G I wonder if they hear her twice your ankles are really wide like a tree

Trunk yeah it’s it’s like a pointy and then it goes like dab oh my God I can’t even hear the other s literally just start talking someone’s ankles that’s so [ __ ] funny oh my God I crying look can I sell them I don’t I I

Don’t want to tell her I have a nice point I don’t want to tell anyone that I’m just because this is like it’s so funny I’m not going to say a word I’m not going to say a word I forgot the MS again what what it it sh be your ankles are really

Wide it’s been too long you can’t admit it now hello hold on uh I just hear move I I hear talking to the yeah yeah no it’s really funny move from the Discord over to the game yeah yeah yeah yeah all good all good damn it I was enjoying

That it was funny like that though oh my God the voices the voices what if you never join VC I could just I could just never join game chat anyone guys guys guys H hello hi how do I know anyone here Ray no one yeah holy [ __ ] race so loud so who is

Who is giga hi hello that’s me G I’m a vtuber can they hear me do you hear me do I sound good is my volume noise swag you want me a swag you just say swag out loud swag great that’s good you Tred to bring back swag hi Hi hello do I tell Ray that I was the one that um bombed her ass during fortnite so uh who else are we waiting for um um he says you so quiet s wait just no l you sound so good you sound so good oh that’s gold sound

Incredible here here okay Ray Ray is like 500 too high is a little high sh’s a little low he’s always I already turned him up from Another Game Boy too soft man look at their levels oh Jaden hasn’t played some do these people play professionally 18 oh my God they’re nuts oh my

God they stopped talking what hello guys also joining okay this dude really said swag out loud oh yeah me’s late why is everyone so late no one’s ever on time come on let me tell you something sh didn’t tell me what time this was happening I wonder if he told everyone else classic

Streamers am I right and I’m still on time you didn’t say a damn thing here I’m going to turn them all down just a little bit more oh my God no no it wasn’t it was you wait why do you why why are your farts cute oh oh oops my

God you have a little heart pretty cool little heart that’s cute farts in in the closet wait is a closet fart closet F closet sounds what’s what’s wrong with the fart closet how do I oh away oh this one’s good guys you know the devs gave me a

Bunch of currency while back actually maybe oh you’re trying to get a new roll aren’t you yes yes look at it what is it it’s called CID oh my god get little pets we’re going to do this one okay okay change your eyes oh is that good love beautiful the voice of

Ano oh my God they’re screaming okay here we go you’re late h hurry up she’s in the back’s coming I for they all live together she’s coming she’s coming heard about you from BL BL said he muted your your you respond thata yeah yeah sh

Show I don’t have enough SC for life my condolences Chad I don’t have enough I feel so bad devs devs devs can you hear me devs can you hear me I need I need currency it’s very important I’m a streamer please I need the have lemon A Little Susy sprinkle

Some a Sprinkle a deps please a Sprinkle dish of s salad these are so good I love having Lily snorting in my ear by the way I have everyone so loud in my ears compared to like how loud they are for you guys but I hear Lily full

Volume crank her up up well it’s more like cuz I I just want to pull like I pull po poke poke poke that’s crazy we have the same idea it’s poke man guys is this the suing ritual C of you almost losing my bird it was so freaking funny bird from

Minecraft I really thought you would hear forone for me dependent L I was so relieved that I caught it God bless okay okay were you like in a death Loop yesterday I notic you died quite a few times I don’t want to turn down too much you you died has

Spoken anyways this one about me it’s about sho’s second birthday okay so old happy happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday De happy birthday running away running away from us stop running away holy [ __ ] incredible it you can never sing it too many times for you that’s what I say be ungrateful already that’s why we’re playing this game get him ly get him get him damn niceic all day every day I know I

Know deserves I wish I could hear Lily Phoenix oh my God me so loud oh my God it’s so good to see you okay I’ll throw that for you guys oh well actually not that much there we go oh the name turns yellow when someone talks ites last night and it wouldn’t let

Us why did you B me young well if I’m B I have the raving I’m raving it makes sense want me to she kind of got there you think they can see that yeah I mean I’m I’m not going to argue it I’m not going to show without sound okay so

Mouse is on her way and Peter’s on his way let’s go it’s time to get Goosey M my beloved this is the outfit I had on I remember This H hon hon oh sorry guys feeling good yeah I’m feeling all okay Okay okay she sounds she sounds all right she sounds okay I’m going to turn her up Finding Nemo seagull she’s doing all right here we go oh Jesus Jesus what if I just B up to 100 grandma that’s it man oh God why am I what was that sound

You s like a dinosaur who did that what the [ __ ] bro I didn’t hear that one okay wait you can do a good dinosaur S SC I I can I can do the Tyrannosaurus re bird it’s kind of like a yell like guys this is this is going to be the most brain rot stream holy [ __ ] I can feel it already I’m like have the goofy playlist did you did you

Tuck your arms up like a T-Rex as well when you did it I you did yes yes yes yes man oh my God she looks you begin verbal stemming all of us well well you guys convinc people that my birthday I have people coming in here

And saying happy birthday to me it’s not true happy real birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you you birth happy Birthday birthday dear Happy Birthday to you to you got to hit the O at the end man it’s really important that was beautiful we dude we always hariz at the end it’s great guys right we’re getting better at this just just five more rounds and yeah just a

Few more few more times guys and we’ll be there happy birthday surely the next one will be best right hi Peter oh Peter of course say like that click you’re not ready oh there we go come on come on give me a good number D it I just

Want Cupid okay number one let’s go yes exactly the number I wanted all right Chad if anyone doesn’t know it’s like among us but it has a lot of different roles that make it actually interesting actually number three that’s pretty good for me okay so they have to

Eat dead bodies to win number number three for me number wa I’m a three who you’re a three okay pigeon infect every player in a single round to win yeah guys it’s his birthday stop taking all the good rolls hey can I get p no no I’m going to be the Pelican man

It’s it’s my time it’s my time isn’t that the pregnancy one yes is that how that works oh yes and if you kill them everybody like plops out oh oh the word did not need to be used yes so the Pelican roll guys that you can eat other people and they’re in

Your stomach you carry them around and then like if you kill the person they all pop out like they’re still alive it’s it’s like [ __ ] it’s so funny know how what that stalker this one can see other people through the wall they can like pick someone and then like always see where

They are directionally MIM can become other people visually oh my God these random Pickers oh my God yeah you can hear them too their voices if if they’re in you if you Vore them you can still hear them so like you can drive the person crazy I click random and I got something

Oh that man he player 10 real or six no he’s not oh my God everyone’s speaking random who just went nuh infect all of them okay okay I think I have to touch them or I have to like oh hey oh hi I don’t know this

Map where do I hi hi are you okay yeah um I have never been on this map so so walk around been on this game so oh welcome we had something together before but I cannot remember hey what it was I think it was the Mr Beast

Thing your button makes so much money I lowy wanted to buy myselfe near them I did the you like how much I think that it does run for 20K so whoa I could spare a little can they hear the sound when I go okay okay some

Perfume on it I kind of want it to smell like you yeah oh yeah yeah I use hatsun Miku perfume no they can’t okay okay I’ll just stand around awkwardly so they think I’m like super super super awkward but I’m actually inting get ready I’m ready to kill you you

Should okay I sneezed there K Les come on guys I’m the M I don’t think they can hear me I don’t think they can hear this I know Mouse isn’t saying anything just Mouse bouse K C could I uh could I discuss private Chanel privileges can discuss with my you oh I

Don’t hear you are you saying words M just are you saying words is mouse here or is mouse kill mouse is there is is the mouse that you’re speaking of in the room with us right now but like we’re playing phasmophobia but I can see the ghost the whole time

Oh my God Mouse oh my God are you where where is she you’re not going to kill me right I mean you’re not going to I I don’t see her who are you talking to oh I can vent in this Ro Mouse it’s not that way that’s like a wall or

Something I’ve never been on this map Mouse oh well well well looks like it’s so good to see you again I missed you man I missed you what are you what are you doing smoke signals to communicate doing it right now show are hitting the button right

Now man right this second going to hit that button him and he’s now just going to hit it okay you dead oh all Right well guys I did this because shto told me to I don’t I don’t know why but he told me to hit the button so I did now Sho take the floor man take the floor their entire house I was say with Jaden but we all stood up

Never mind guys I saw blow with not only me young but also foole do anything guys dead which means it’s got to be BL you guys think that I could kill mang and F there’s no way yes you’re sick and twisted man you’re sick and twisted actually that is fair you are

I think think one of them killed the other and was like a sheriff or whatever that Sher you’re a genius blow you’re a genius we have being the sheriff and killing two of them oh there’s cannibal I also like that idea as well I think y That’s what

I think it is have enough info Ys every year we I voted don’t get it twisted I I voted oh uh sh I did this for you though man it was your birthday gift this is insane is oh no I I I I smell something going on right yeah that’s just my the

Foot pick which I already sent you man I’m sorry about that oh don’t say that right there hey stop pretending oh no you stop pretending dude P all right well well well if it is an iron Mouse oh look my friends H is is mouse is mouse back is have we

Move there we go she did move a few pixels I told her to use smoke signals if she can hear me yes yeah Mouse you Mouse you could just do one step to the right if it’s a yes and then two steps to the left if it’s a no uh we can we

Can communicate this way oh sweet God please please mouse mouse you don’t need to do this dude saying so many words it’s so funny to see her just standing there I guess I’ll go to the lights now good luck with your microphone I need to find I need to find

Peter I need to sneeze on Peter I know I didn’t get him yet and I don’t know if it’s one sneeze per person or what so I guess I have to just keep sneezing on everybody okay I don’t see anyone here I have fake tasks I care about doing the

Fake task I don’t think I need to fake them I’ll just stand in a room and exist that’ll be believable enough right all right all right um oh hey I start walking in that outfit oh hey okay oh oh it works like that huh it’s the same it’s the same system

Okay I wonder if people can hear that sound I don’t know how this game works oh hey oh no what do you mean oh no it’s you I’ll never do anything to you sh everyone here get a I think need get are you Whispering about you kind of

Sound like what you look like if that makes sense please don’t do that to me please Pok no I’m just a British I’m just a British Goose poke man please don’t do this to me guys you’re not going to you’re not going to like a like a like a is that

Fish and chips I think it’s fish and chips dud is all right I still Peter’s dead I found Hep and not the good Kind the bad kind cuz he’s not wait a group of us are me Jaden Elum yes yes then G yes no that’s who I would like to um interrogate questions G because gr blast I left and found this body g g where were you I was actually

Walking right behind Sho the whole time and he was walking through the hall going oh no oh no oh no roll the clip roll the clip 4 seconds were you C slash heard from everyone except Abe ab ab has been quiet I saw BL sorted I also agree with something I

Would do but I did not do that I was with Peter for most of that round deflecting oh he was with Peter round and we split I ran to the left and saw a lot of already so I’m pretty sure was so sus right now I’m I’m going to

Pick dud dude yelling dude saying so many words ate I’m not voting to vote Mouse has been chilling yeah Mouse chill has been chilling yeah chilling big chilling I definitely oh no blow’s gone guys we’ve lost good night didn’t we all surely not goodby no but we don’t get to

See good night I think I feel good about that one he he was saying too many words you know he was saying a lot someone had to just kick him out with no reason at all yeah oh hey guys that his mistake oh hey oh we got the gang all back together

Now guys do the kill all right do the kill someone do the kill right here it’s a chicken nugget it’s a godamn nug Fe you want me to you want me to feed you sh yeah would you like to just do one little stab okay okay the tiny one just

One just one okay I’m ready I don’t want any of that come here okay that would have been real awkward go ahead okay I’m ready what do you think of that oh it’s okay nerves huh I’m sorry I just it’s our first time meeting so oh God

I’m sorry I I get a little nervous you know it’s just sometimes when when when I meet new people I just some evil farts you got just yeah oh just yeah walk right back into it about about a hit an egregious one you know oh yeah yeah yeah

I could see that one yeah I got those strong bowels you know up okay we were talking about um puppies yeah yeah yeah and saving them yeah he doesn’t get it dude just walked he like didn’t even say anything he knows know no questions oh sh did you did you do all

Your tasks or have anything left I don’t even know if I’ve done one task I had one task where I had to turn water on and then I don’t it didn’t even go away wait how did you still alive Circle you run fast dud each other yeah

I know but I thought they I want some toxicity oh oh I see I mean this you you went to the wholesome Zone okayy I see how it is guys I see how it is is it this way oh nothing oh oh what guys I’m the mimic and I baited

Pokem man to do the kill on our beloved Mouse send her to the shadow realm proof huh send her you actually sound like a crazy person I might be crazy but I’m telling you guys it’s poke D been hearing voices this whole time guys what does the M do wait what

What does it do guys I’m a fake I’m a fake imposter guys and I just saw the one the only Pokemon man do the kill are there the uh mutant thingies that pretend to be someone else cuz you sounded like a cookie Bean I’ve done no such

Things wait isn’t that did you just isn’t that like play record scatch uh just play scratch the mic really Qui oh I mean I mean guys you believe me right am I crazy prove just killed and selfreported guys what if he is like the one that

Wants to be voted guys I wouldn’t like you though the do yeah the Dole I don’t think we have a yeah like they would to be voted they like do sassy stuff to get voted to win the game I mean we don’t have a doo in this game guys believe me right soul

Thiso my heart and soul into you fools I’m the doo I won the game wait was no Doo the doo there ain’t no way ain’t no way there was no doto oh my God hi Jaden okay we just infected him oh wait it’s here oh oh it’s in the Next Room over it’s

Here pause and be careful cuz they’re might but they’re still going to vote him out in the end because it’s ellm and I did all of this while while I had the game deafened called it perfectly my God she stack killed me oh she’s the p what does that one

Do listen I haven’t played this game in so I missclick killed I’m going just be honest I thought space was the interact button I forgot it was the kill button anyways I’ll be well on my way I wish everybody good luck but I wish the impostor better luck man I almost I

Almost had people too oh yeah who are they oh no I like to not [ __ ] be spell oh I was wondering why she killed me I was like there’s no way she’s that bold laugh like a crazy person yeah Blau was imposter too I mean

I figured him cuz he was saying too much but Lily the can I was actually worried too interesting lm’s just not believable true he always sounds s like he’s joking let’s see who we got well still taking Strays right killed me and I was like there’s no way she’s killing me

Here honestly I really didn’t even mean to I was trying to fix the lights and I just pressed p i mean space By by reflex it was it was a weird interact button yeah yeah I was like there’s no way she how do I spectate people again um oh my

God a button says R I’m so dumb yeah let’s spectate let’s spectate show oh [ __ ] he’s talking to himself I kind of do like just being a little oh hello I like that in this game spectate makes you hear their audio and it turns off the dead people

Audio so you can like watch it from their perspective it’s cool quiet you’re fine you’re doing your tasks talking to himself okay okay I shouldn’t even be right now I keep forgetting it’s so funny seeing the stupid Goose face with the Sho hair on it the button I’m going do it he’s

Going to do it he’s going to do it scared she hasn’t killed anyone okay wait die die what is he try okay okay I like to I like to um AE I think you’re chill I think you’re chill with me right between I’ll go with your judgment I I I

I trust you I trust you how does how does he know he’s chill wait what happened I didn’t do anything he’s so defensive why is yelling you’re going to look sus I could have killed you they’re going to suspect you now they’re in that room no well why are you clearing

Me true I I’m why I trusted you I think he was playing the record what happened you the thank you would be funny what happened that would that would not very not be what happened [Laughter] sh hear there’s something so funny about her is like shy ly catable what happened

Shout out why are we here like a crazy person she’s derin DED what I’m so confused why are we here we have to spectate her we have to for real Ry for Real about it for me all right goodbye everybody cutting me off all right I should have voted for

Cutting him off birthday boy evil oh my God all right let’s let’s spectate what did I do it’s between okay okay so she can kill people but what am I going to do oh she has to eat the bodies at this point my goal is just to

Find the person just just to feel alive and to maybe not get lost for once I’m so lost you can just hear people going crazy this point I think it’ll be fine yeah [ __ ] eat his body eat it Lily to be oh no Jaden’s see it oh [ __ ] where Jaden turns oh

Gosh oh she just stopped and she just sabotaged there maybe Jaden didn’t go that way o oh who found it shut up no Abe found it I should have believed all right you twoo all right you my defense is I didn’t do it and I hid in the corner when the lights turned

Off because Lily popped up believable yeah but I was with AE and you were the only one gone I was doing my water great defense Lily interesting I think it’s awfully convenient that the lights turn off and reported dead I wouldn’t that be so conv where was he though he

Was near so someone someone killed him you could tell for the Le Li cuz the way she talks she sounds so evil she I did run I’m in like the middle coming down I did but I with a and the lights turned off why is she doing ASMR to defend herself I’m crying

L please I calm down but but no that’s you no you can’t do this you you’re no what happened to the defense no the lights turned off and no what happened oh oh she voted for Jaden oh no Lily good R oh no she tried her best she really did goodbye

Lily she’s a goodbye Liber she’s a vtuber she’s a vtuber well well well someone confused shy Lily with Lily Pichu I was like no she’s a YouTuber the other one sorry I uned I unmuted a little too early okay blow that was great were you really like you

Know what let me kill that whole house first and then go actually disgusting behavior that get him the first on the hit now guys yeah if BL dies first I did it first on the no I did like God race man it’s a we to kill first I’m evil I have to

Ellum ellm just realize every threat that they put on me that’s also to you they kill me then they get bored and then they think to kill you use me as a shield man I’ll run in front of the knife I’ve got you I’ve got you check see if Mouse ready ready

Mouse mous mouse basement I new map I haven’t done any of the other maps in this game I’ve only done the the one I don’t think I’ve ever been here oh it’s spooky here never been here as a new or what I don’t know yeah I’ve

Never been here before either oh my God he’s dead just kind of clicked dead oh my God that’s going to be blow all right packed packed if you’re evil heal him first sorry I’m full of resentment all I do I’m just playing the game and then all of a sudden now you’re

You’re bringing resentment it’s a new game this is a new existence okay You ready up ready up ready up ready up get mouse are you here hon Mouse if you can hear me oh we’ve lost Mouse we’ve lost Mouse mous I know she was she was a little ill earlier computer yeah I think she might be under the weather she is a

Little bit kind of fed Too whoa hey the world let me I’m sensitive girls is crazy W give me a good number come on man no whammies no whammies oh yes all right three yes all right that is let see we get random oh my God these people they keep picking random and then

I don’t know what they random for first guys okay everyone random we’re all piing yeah everyone pick random want to pick random third person third person oh they not following the rules guys hey guys choose random come on guys guys wait random what but what if there’s a really

Good rooll you pick random that means raise play a Five Guys raise the ra donut what if there’s a really good roll huh m H you’ve been found out Ray you’re no out after the other dodo dies to win I’ll have you know I haven’t actually

Yes you’re the doo bird we know do engineer I can see where people sabotage from She’s the dodo not dooo guys uh come on come on no one said Doo with me and it’s messed up it I thought it was Blau you you were trying to talk do not me I’m

Inoc I don’t know what it is oh God what do you mean finally are you Player 11 he’s he’s the Canadian [ __ ] man [ __ ] man no I’m not he said that with weird timing he thought he was muted guys he thought he thought it was muted oh no my

[ __ ] do we believe him or do we think he’s acting I think there’s a good chance show was just acting I don’t know he would he would okay what does this map look like lab boiling room study foggy cave sacrificial altar what okayy hey what’s going on in here what are these

Uh uh align plant mix mix chemicals oh I did it wrong I have to press the button for what I see white green cyan all right I have mixed the chemicals race de first I’m I’m going to guess it was Blau cuz she was trying to get him killed first if if he’s

Evil who aat out that is a flat on her body say nothing say nothing I believe it why no no guys I mean sad R asked me to be her buddy and then Ellum just [ __ ] kills her right in front of so mess up why would you do

This I’m so sorry up why would you do that I mean guys I I didn’t do that I last Sho could have been the one that killed her but always knew it really wasn’t oh the body was near them oh it was one of themes anyone here the

Canadian was RA the Canadian because maybe this was an auto self-report because if you’re the Canadian and then get killed at Auto self one of them everyone should talk the same time Canadian surely notan Leslie why do you care because could if Ray is would it would it would

Make Peter theost that’s why everyone vote Peter please cuz Ray shout at me otherwise guys she’s going to shout at me I’m not prepared for it I not prepared for it Ray please go easy on me wait a second wow yeah which is exactly what happened very close and very interesting

Well then that well that was weird that was wait Peter you’re alive actually crazy that you guys were able to swing that one I literally saw ellm kill her in front of me but I mean I just said in the situation that was the Canadian good job I’m proud of you that

Was a great cook you did there all right you know what screw you Peter I’m killing you yeah get his ass do it do it do it I [ __ ] literally nothing okay here let’s figure this out okay so while the count of three let’s all spit our R share our

Roles with each other okay no okay I am the okay I mean how are we going to figure out anything tasks mean nothing in this game guys you realize it it means nothing no one will ever get a task task wait what is the point no one does task

One be a task win I will gift you a thousand Subs if we get a task win that that’s where I am so true not with this number of people no way not with this this will never happen so so that means tests are kind of fun like you learn how

To play the game I like them too but it’s just not how to this game okay but also Leslie I’m doing the actual test so that shows that you were wrong oh my God it’s a party what we’re all here guys oh I don’t know if I trust like

This okay you’re fine down here how did you do that you’re fine you have an your I like your C I like your Cod Jaden it looks nice on you crazy if I took it I got to go I got to go wait how is Peter alive too many people around me

Scared dist from you’re scared me then what are you scared of a little Goose a little duck I’m I’m inspector Blau I’m trying to figure out who the sussy ones are I see I see I I can investigate dead bodies to learn information interesting my role is the engineer I can see where

The sabotages come from don’t tell us all I think I hope you can hide and we can lure people you hide and then I’ll be bait and then you jump out and be like true true I don’t know where the hiding spots are INF it but it resets

That blow and I can conspire well well well I love when someone opens with well well well it’s just no information well hello um is there even a pigeon you just just get like baited us no no there’s a pigeon for sure you can see it in in the

Information pig a pig goes around and like infects everybody like but it resets at a meeting but they’re W they win if they like they go around and touch everybody basically many people have been touched a lot of us way I killed valky guys I did it okay

I did it guys don’t say that that’s something the Killed buddy the I did it guys no I’m not the killer I didn’t do that guys inter you should all vote me it’s the right decision to make here you should all vote me I think it’s Jaden what haven’t seen J but guys you didn’t need to do

This I think show might be sus because why would he say that oh she hasn’t been around that’s like such a such a light reasoning right wait am IAD I have to find blow we have to do our funny little funny little thing ew hell was that Crow crowbar Crow crowbar

Crow crowbar I did it I don’t know what the [ __ ] that task was but I did it so that’s great okay oh I freed them okay okay let’s see if I can find him we can execute our master plan I’m going to assume he knows what the hell

Oh my God I didn’t realize this y man I can’t kill you I didn’t see a thing I’m going to let me see oh is that me I can see through here why can’t I see through this corner okay I’ll keep that in mind I’ll keep that in mind hopefully you’re just

Not trying to get free meal hello M went down there and so did uhoh mhm okay I see I see mhm very interesting mhm down here guys guys was it was it Ellen did Peter murder you I think he’s I don’t I think he I think

He’s the Avenger maybe I just saw him sitting and talking to a what you doing he’s Batman what happened FY tell us oh my God what are these hallways what is this room oh I was in here what the hell is this place well well well okay so me young BL went that

Way Pokey was down here I don’t know where Sho went I think Show’s actually sus because he was like casting blame out of nowhere hell what the hell is going on in this room what are you guys doing freaking well this isck crazy right now I’m on my

Way I’m on my making my do it do it that’s that’s what me I can’t wanted to I couldn’t wants to die I need the sweet The Sweet Sound Of Death come on anymore I won do it The Sweet Sound of death is cooling me guys is falling it’s it’s cooling me

Someone poisoned my hash brown come on man please are you sure that isn’t fishing ships wait that’s actually a you guys actually called a hash brown it’s called a hash brown I thought you guys would call him I saw him earlier hobin hobin schlop or something like that yeah the

Chil oh God that’s hopping yeah want me to press this button to vote him out I don’t know why that’s why she pressed it how is no one dying living this dude in chat says it’s cool that Lily and Giga are wearing their model outfits thanks so much Stephan

Thank you was the Killer and she killed herself anymore guys I’m telling you I killed Ray i’ I literally killed Ray guys I’m telling actually play and start killing people yeah yeah I would love to see some deaths happening yeah please please yeah I’m going to start killing sounds good sounds

Good ass invisibility weird chance I’m just telling you facts right now guys I killed her dude the pigeon’s going to win whoever the p is us huh well I can’t guys I can’t he can’t he can’t everyone’s calling me a [ __ ] a called me a [ __ ] pokey’s calling me a

[ __ ] it’s never end it’s never be careful I really do think he’s dooing yeah yeah that’s such a strange strategy we can keep him last oh my God must find the bodies yeah yeah hi heck are the monster like it’s me I psychopath I swear swear me I just I

Just um I can’t even think of an excuse I just um say no do you also feed these guys coins huh what kind of sick are you doing I I throw pennies at them but the the glass it blocks them so they can’t absorb that’s cool do they seem to Giant

Are they like I I hope so I hope it’s not like the you know tap the the aquarium and get scared loud yeah they might I should probably stop this one they might not like the the pennies are you talking about the things in the tubes yeah they’re her pets apparently

Pennies Atari pennies that’s nice someone just died what how do you know though I can’t say you can you can smell it how do you know to find the body we got to find the body might be Leslie oh actually yeah I haven’t seen Leslie

Around what the hell is this room oh God find it can’t find it how the [ __ ] do I get out of here oh my God pleasure to see you guys please guys make him what what do you mean me what do you want me to do show I can’t kill

Anybody you make him stop you could kill him oh blow two two he killed two people we watched okay oh right wait guys what happened what happened guys talk to me I know BL there was a morling of you it wasn’t you I know it wasn’t you wow yeah it was aing

Of me for sure get away it’s of them it’s us report there we go I knew it was going to happen thank God was I’m so sorry I’m so sorry right I felt so bad I felt so bad actually actually killed right I was the Vigilante

My no but he did it in front of two other people show he killed me first I died first both games I’ve been AFK for an hour oh my god when called you a [ __ ] I thought I was in the heavens I holy be [ __ ] you know oh you could kill

Anyone cuz I was dead like what’s up what’s up I knew I couldn’t trust him in that little hoodie I knew it my assassin Scopes I had sused out two rolls I was going to kill them during the meeting guys guys car just shouted on the hway saying you

Are hey Ellum ellm I really I want you to know if anyone I appreciate your presence the most okay you know thanks man Tak a lot of heat off of me I know compliment or not well this is taking a turnning okay I I’m so sorry that was my fault run it

People ready up ready up ready up oh oh mouse mouse oh she coming back yay let’s go a problem yay okay yeah her mic wasn’t working before she wasn’t talking so she was just stepping back and forth she was trying to communicate like this thank

You I just got like a bunch of money and I’m my we can hear you we can hear you thank you thank you very much look at Jaden s s my my go FL cable oh God okay two two all right oh well now I know you’re

Lying I’m Number Two yeah you’re three Mouse you three three baby I’m going just say this right now the devs are [ __ ] me over I’m calling it right now I’m years old what oh oh being manipulated I’m going to do demolicious I can put bombs on people I

Kind of want to party cuz it’s funny for stream but yo can we be friends demolitionist thank you sure what does the demolicious do ohow oh no you see fun roles look at all this fun guys what does a falcon do that sounds pretty cool Falcon wi is the last survivor geese

Only win by task and Ducks only win by sabotages while you’re alive always skips voting tasks are fake wa this is a weird one I haven’t seen this one what the hell does and I’m going to plant bomb some people’s threatening me interesting we have a doo you have a

Cannibal celebrity oh that’s right we see when they’re killed all of us okay okay okay I think demolitions will be fun poison I think I think I like I walk past someone and plant a bomb on them and then walk away so people won’t be

Able to tell that I did the kill unless they saw me like like tap somebody like walk past them and then they die a little bit after they might be able to like guess so if we’re just standing in a group what is this I can just plant it on them

Easy what did he say what is this for all right guys what is this if you get a bomb you hear a ticking sound oh oh well well well foan Elum all right me Leslie and Ellum we will do this okay so I got to put bombs on

People I’m going to do it so fast before people found each other if I can my friend welcome anyone I haven’t seen anyone it’s uh not a damn Soul oh God okay we’re freaking out oh there we are we were just saying have you seen anyone

M great to see you Mouse you look beautiful tonight see you it’s great to see you I like what you did with your hair Peter Peter always together it’s so great to see all of you guys this is incredible Hello which one um shout out okay okay buddy system yeah buddy system body system I got your back why body system oh my God I bies do you think they noticed that I came from there oh [ __ ] I oh uh oh justce heads up did I see that line at

The top bar that means only the person that reported the body can speak during that time and then it unmutes here for everybody but um I through the wall it kind of flickered and I saw two bodies through the wall and there was a group

Of us and then I went around and then I reported it two bodies so I feel like it could have been a Sher that was like a lot of words and I didn’t pick up on of okay who is the [ __ ] [ __ ] up in the head to kill mouse

Wow I don’t want to say any names guys but pokem man pokem man for sure wait she was us what do you mean I don’t want to say no no I’m joking it was actually Li guys no definitely me report we were in the I have a bomb I’ve been given the

Bomb and passed to it by Ellum himself the demolition this will say it now I’m going to die say guys you don’t need to do this I’m so sorry you’ve given me the bomb and killed me making [ __ ] up I have to kill you you have to kill him you don’t need

To do this guys goodbye she’s power hungry she’s power hungry I tell you power hungry disgusting how do I’m not the demonologist guys I’m innocent why would she do this oh my god um well we’re now down one with our lovely killer team that’s cool

Um up far away from us who was that huh blue up guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys oh my goo there you are um Leslie blew up over here she was huh her her little feet are right here she oh my God they

Are I was just invisible and you framed me man framed me after all was she the Vigilante or bomb okay hear me out so remember when we were all hanging out like me Ray show whoever and then we saw a bunch of other people join and to the room to the left

Of us was a double kill I knew for sure it was a double kill you know someone was like it might be the sheriff No [ __ ] I’m the sheriff so Gigi came from that direction and I was just 99% sure I knew someone would be sus even though I didn’t even do the

Kill she she sounds so true and so real right now you know what I’m saying thank you I trust I trust yeah I should have walked with the other guys when they went out to the left to do that yeah she was I got this let me explain okay that’s I’m voting A hold on hold yeah I think I did get f i I didn’t realize it carried over like that yeah but she could just she could just be L idea she soest yeah oh yeah you didn’t you didn’t hear you didn’t hear and you didn’t see at the beginning who can win

When the double kill happened Falcon the do pre they could have been the sheriff when is the last survivor think poke interesting yeah Falcon Doo or are the free factions right now basically right anniversary with two Fe okay you know she there are none of us left as a demo

You can give your duck teammate the bomb as well thanks oh wow new information to me oh my God is he dodo oh I hope not oh my God he is the dodo these fools he’s done it let’s go I knew it damn that’s crazy oh my God happy for

You so funny how did you know I would instantly accuse you smokes so funny start talking they could be The Imposter I love how just you know what’s so funny pokey pokey I didn’t do either of those kills they weren’t me the other two double killed and I walked in the wrong

Direction that is a very good rooll for you oh the doo roll was made to buff AB beefing someone fault oh my God just toxic I know I know I never I’m never gonna vote for AE again I formally apologize for accidentally bombing you I was going to out either way okay

Okay don’t sorry my bad okay a number three slot two let’s go I got number two truth if there’s a pigeon I feel like the pigeon win every time IM uh random what who picks random in the first slot who does this kind of sicko guys I’ll do random and let his Pelican

Psychopath no you [ __ ] off with my pelic wait didn’t a funny one though guys demo okay okay well I guess I God damn it you know you want to pick random you know you do do not the doto again okay okay okay we just got to hope for the

Best I want a chance of being an evil so I’m going to pick random Sheriff you can kill anyone but killing Goose has fatal consequences okay so if I think someone is evil I can kill them I don’t have to convince anybody I Could Just Kill Them does it reveal that

I’m the sheriff if I do a kill like like if I kill someone evil does it reveal to everyone else that I am sheriff or they just have to believe me no oh okay okay okay I have to be very careful with it then oh hey hello hello hello Hello hello the foggy cake I see I see where you come to die yes oh [ __ ] wait your voice please what happened to it I think you sound beautiful thank you now if one of you is the Imposter we can work together here I see I have the power to murder but I

Don’t know which one of you is going to tell on me you know what I mean I too can Mur I’ll never tell never tell all right never your last words um uh hi Mom I’m on TV um Last Words thank you they were and now it’s time to die Goodbye

Oh hey a come here did you guys hear come here come here look look at this do you see this this is two people dead I one person I’m going to tell you something right now Leslie killed Leslie killed and then I am the sheriff so I killed Leslie all

Right let’s see if they believe me okay wow that’s a lot of dead people um I thought the Bell was a task so I rang it hi my bad I have something to say sick he’s sick I tell you he was laughing I was let me tell you something

I was just showing off two bodies to some people um two lovely bodies so so Leslie killed Jaden Leslie Jaden and I all spawned in together right and Leslie was like doing a whole bit and killed Jaden and then I’m the sheriff so I killed Leslie and I was just showing

Someone else the two bodies oh wow because I wanted to prove it wasn’t me cuz how would I kill two people I was the sheriff wait wait wait wait wait go back Leslie killed someone in front of you and then yes and then I killed Leslie cuz I was the sheriff so I

Brought someone with me I didn’t want to report I didn’t think I would get believed so I was showing off the two bodies just before this that makes sense guys Ray Ray randomly blew up in front of me I was saying it’s so great to talk

To you again and then she just blew up and I don’t really know why I started laughing cuz the timing the community timing was great I don’t know laugh and you were laughing pretty maniacally I know the great whoever did it but I don’t really know how she died

She kind of just she kind of just died I there’s a demolitionist right someone passed me the bomb Oh you it to oh no I’m going to be honest I pass it to sh I’m not going to vote yet on her she said too many words sh was quiet going

There why’d you laugh like that Mouse why’d you laugh like that huh what was that yeah yeah what is up with that huh whoow what interesting interesting where’s me young where why why are you trying to kill her huh why you want to know I need to help

Her I need I’m going to let him go I don’t trust him BL just went South he went through this hallway oh now I can bro did someone make me a chipmunk no do mean no no I’m going to go this way I don’t know if I trust pokeing

Either I can’t trust anybody yet I don’t have any proof of anyone doing anything good in this damn game okay wait I have a task up here I don’t think we’re ever going to get a task win but you know what damn it I will try snip snip snip cuts off all the

Flowers ship ship snip okay let’s go around the right side wait oh what a beautiful orange R okay there’s no one here where is everybody I heard a bomb I heard a bomb I heard a bomb I heard a bomb I heard a bomb I heard I heard a bomb I heard a

Bomb okay did you hear it I heard the in the background killed El and he said I did it in a really happy voice well yeah I’m the Vigilante interesting Mouse what do you think of this situation I would love to know I ran away I ran away from all of them from

Everyone me said you keep be safe but I I don’t know I felt I I felt the oh my God I know who it is it’s mang because when I play his party I purposefully party someone then try to keep them alive so I can listen to them in the

Lobby because it’s really funny therefore me saying that she’s trying to keep mouse alive means that she partied Mouse so she can hear the funny voice lby which honestly is a good reason so I’m voting meang thank you you’re saying M would kill anyone this yeah but I’m the

Vigilante duh all I know is that I heard a bomb go off right at the end and someone died someone someone died to a bomb though what do you mean kill I killed Abe with a bomb someone passed me the bomb and then he came up walked up to me

So I passed it to him and he died I’m so sorry I love you she’s the party she’s the party Goose or party duck oh wait oh that’s close I’m just the Vigilante yeah but that last death was from a bomb cuz I heard it I heard the bomb

Interesting I bet it was Mouse I bet Mouse is the demolitionist well hello there no no NOP not today Satan no oh my God why am I so popular all of a don’t you want friends literally trust both of us yeah she’s evil get away from

Her are you just nice people here I’ll Stand away from you guys listen G there were two kills one was the bom and one was Elm I killed yeah the bomb I passed the bomb to him because someone passed me the bomb yeah and you couldn’t you

Couldn’t tell who it was young is evil she’s doing exactly what I would do she partied Mouse and wait so is the bomb a delay thing like they could put on you and they walk away and then you geted on me yeah yeah yeah so when they place it you’ll hear

It ticking and then you can like pass it hot potato it oh yeah yeah I’m sorry Abe I’m so sorry guys I’m telling you Mong is the party duck dude why are you so obsessed with me man I mean she does look ready for party look at heren

She does look ready to party doesn’t she ready to party come on six feet apart Mouse six feet apart you want to kill people someone here no no mouse I would die for you kill me not Mousee something freaking out when I say that the door open Oh who how you moving like that oh I came here to party Mouse come here it’s a party dance Mouse dance my son I love Sandstorm I getc I love thank you thank you thank you I’ll just sing it so we don’t get dmca

Ready see there we go I want to get now oh [ __ ] was it too was it too good no no no one’s getting dim C today it’s just yeah I don’t know if it’s like indistinguishable sometimes where everybody was Jesus Christ welcome we’ve just one time oh do do you remember the time

Z I sang a Shakira song Oh [ __ ] Shakira Shakira yeah I was like oh baby will you talk like that oh baby will you talk like that it was just like that that’s good that’s good do you guys know that Shakira found out her husband was cheating on her with a bottle of

Jam what the [ __ ] H or yeah so apparently only Shakira eats Jam in her family so she came back her Jam what is this what is this what is this I don’t know what this feed Fe yuck who who is that what was that wait what huh that what you pick up

You what did you just grab e where did Mouse go I see oh I see one above us too oh we like find food and hand it to W okay how much does it need to eat where the oh oh it’s down there is it saded wait someone gave me the bomb wait

Oh I I I hit the sheriff kill button um I have the bomb here I’ll just Die okay well even though I pass you the bomb I wanted to report so you could defend yourself I just saw Giga kill I did um I am the sheriff and I fat fingered space and I killed someone I take full responsibility also there’s a bomb on me so I’m going to die

Anyway goodbye world go away uh I I think it carries over round so I’ll see you I think think Whoever has it is [ __ ] for next round yeah yeah yeah unless I spawn next to someone um you know what if I’m next to you I’ll

Gladly be the to Target I’ll bomb on me no I’ll gladly take it no I’ll gladly no I’ll gladly take it I would like to say that I think maybe Peter did give me the bomb and I don’t know if it originated I did give you the bomb but someone gave

Me the bomb which that’s what you said last time too that’s what you said last time partying us it’s like a that’s literally what you said last time so it’s a little s you know it is what I said that last time cuz it whoever the [ __ ] demolitionist hates

Me for some [ __ ] reason yeah it’s real convenient or you really are one okay okay fine I don’t care anymore kill me I don’t care Oh almost J all right if you spawn next to me it’s over for you oh yeah well take the wheel stupid oh [ __ ] wow oh [ __ ] here we

Go Goodbye cruel world oh my little legs oh my little feet oh let’s see who we got why you laughing why you laughing funny it was Sho wait why is it funny that’s why you read with me so quickly dude you’re [ __ ] up you’re [ __ ] [ __ ] is I thought mouse was the

Demolition this whole time cuz the was acting STS I did almost kill a Canadian okay okay okay there are portals on this map what and now we wait he just came here to watch the body and laugh what a sicko oh my god did you hear that he the dead body floated

Across he just went right at it oh you’re sick sha you’re sick I cannot believe this hello we have to kill him next round we have to theater kid villain this this shit’s [ __ ] oh my God I can’t believe it whoa can we go he’s acting scared look at him listen to him

Oh he’s looking for someone he’s looking for someone kill okay Peter if it was you well they all played but go ahead and yes it’s Sho dare you on your birthday okay what do you mean on my birthday D you [ __ ] let’s go let’s go [ __ ] you were

You accidentally killed po like she killed you yes yes we even that [ __ ] was unironically funny okay it was a little bit funny it was a little funny was the so we actually could believe in that time canle he was feeding I did end up killing the dodo

Yeah I fed the thing too so at least there was where were you this round when to be away from the bomb Oh my God they locked so fast see you in hell on yours holy [ __ ] the way they it’s so over for him it’s so over

Remind me when sh kept messing with henya right right right trolling damn it wait Did I guess wrong yeah got Got Victory yipp I was playing so oh wait a was an imposter oh I feel bad killing your ass what is I have 30 minutes left I’m switch map I’m going switch map okay new map can I buy cosme quick oh all right all right oh my

God keeps dying yeah they keep you I don’t know what just leave her alone guys let her live how it do be I can’t believe Ellen ruined Ray’s day guys I’m not streaming just kill it was I didn’t I didn’t kill I didn’t kill I’m not streaming just just just kill me

Yeah now that you said that no who star smitten and star smitten I don’t know their name name I just know them as star smitten oh look look it’s right There up fast hello Seline that was their name yes Seline I always forget names always oh my God I thought you hated games like this [Laughter] hi I do I don’t know why you said I’m sorry I’m so sorry that’s like me a homie yeah she is a homie she’s a homie

More the marer oops sorry yes sir okay oh if you guys see the mummy remember the mummy oh mmy it’s a mummy that kills you guys it’s like a bigy a big mommy big old Mommy that chases you yep Mommy mommy what if I want to yeah sh sh I have to leave in 30 minutes I don’t do should I find a Phil or like do you have me too Leslie and I have to go at in 30 minutes I think we can play with with

Less right people fine too no we can still play another with less people like I still have okay cuz I think there’s 14 people so yeah I think you’ll have like 12 then 11 that’ll be fine oh my God these first slot people keep picking random they’re crazy Counter Strike

That’s when you should lock in one you want yeah Counter Strike serial killer what is this Counter Strike I keep calling it CS kill your target reduces your cool down C kill others increases it your Tas they have to kill in a certain order oh I’m victims are invisible and they uto report

Wow hey Sheriff they can kill anybody hard can hear tiny Mouse noises has anyone played it yet by the way it’s really good if you guys haven’t played yet it does look it does look dope it does look do I highly recommend playing it it doo bird oh [ __ ]

Okay Avenger be rolling for for knives and feel sad when I don’t get one the number of ghosts see through walls investigate see if they’ killed no we have a vigilante so I don’t want to do that I’m going to do medium if you want so I’ll know when someone

Dies they all want party but end up going random because it doesn’t shop as one their options probably they want the content roll broke speed let’s go Canadian okay w oh we have a pigeon okay I may know the number of ghosts for this round so if someone dies I will

Know immediately which means I can tell somebody else and then they can Bouch for me knock out Mouse oh oh the game wants me to knock out my friend easy oh do I have to is it down there where the hell is this task what was is this task left shift Z

14 okay oh it’s the rug ew ew oh so dusty hello there we go hello well the hell was that and where did they go hi there is no one dead at the moment how do you know I’m the medium I have special powers don’t even

Know what that means but I’m happy for you thank you thank you I’m very Excited how much what level is pokey how much has she played I think she knows see she just went up there please do this why is what’s going on over here this is madness oh Jesus W it looks like we we’re being infected we’re all being infected right now oh my

God oh my God yeah there’s a pigeon some we being someone’s a p oh God no please I don’t want 29 Co 29 oh oh These Hedges are so these Hedges are so messy come alone into a dark room with me oh sounds so fun no hello wait why I got you’re super

Intimidating man can’t be staring at cute isn’t it cute is this the eyes are a little unsettling not going to lie yeah just just a little bit you could blink every once in a while I don’t get much sleep okay even if you don’t have

To Blink just blink for us you know I can’t blink guys it’s a problem help I can’t oh my God oh my gosh he’s in the desert like windy twice if you need help sand in his eyes and he’s still not blinking he’s just the strongest how do I fart I

Wonder wait there’s a button for it yeah there’s a fart button a there it is f oh I just checked in it said zero that means that person died and immediately reported I saw it with my very own eyes it was Mouse I think we let it Slide doing God’s work here so we’re sking it wasn’t me it wasn’t her now turn up your voice changer you weirdo anything not a voice Cher I think the party whoever’s the party person made my voice there’s no party AB there’s no party there’s no party oh AB went through anti

Puberty who said there’s no party first it was Leslie all right interesting interesting this round never happened I’m keeping notes I’m keeping notes Move Along Move Along [Laughter] everybody let me check something Pokey said she like didn’t know what the medium meant but she’s

Level nine so I think she might be sus I think she’s trying to marinate me a little bit potentially W are these two I like the stunner on the left we oh my God there’s so many of us dude it’s so much more peaceful off a sudden much more peaceful suddenly so quiet

Yeah you know I think I’ll actually do my tasks this time oh no oh no don’t get me out down together man oh hello expected I mean they always it’s always us Man Poor Poor El blow innocent El blow is what I say I was just murdered in Cold Blood by

Peter tried to trick me will do that Peter will see how it get you when you least expect it he followed me around went I’m going to get you you know and I thought maybe he’s joking no he was 100% serious he wasn’t joking so do also I haven’t I

Haven’t officially introduced myself but I’m blow is it is it Gigi is how we say your name it’s actually Giga but a lot of people say Gigi because they see my name and get confused so I just tell them gig cuier which would you prefer yeah what I don’t care whatever you like

All right GG it is then all right I I mean like I call ellm dumb [ __ ] but he doesn’t prefer that well right but you know is that really his choice or or you know well it’s the group’s decision is kind of all that cool yeah kind of the

Grp deis to right right anyway two months you could you could GG you could make the change you don’t need to call me that oh oh my hi Lily hey oh Li oh we’re dead next to each other that’s cute look at that oh that’s so cute oh even in death wow that’s

Adorable wow yay oh they killed the vtubers in the hallway with a knife oh goodness so they were both what what were they what what happened who who was it that killed you for me was beer corpse sisters I found a body um it’s by the Bell you

Know what did I say I was I was like she’s she’s trying to say there is no party which is sus and then I thought she was marinating me which was sus so I knew these two were sus so I was right on that it’s sh man sh and shyy was

Standing on gig’s body and it was very she she was trying to say that she tried to report it but she couldn’t find the report button and I didn’t believe that for a second right but then someone came up and went and then I I tried to look

And then was in the sandstorm came so I didn’t know there’s a killer that killed the killer that’s a long story wow always astral I think it’s Leslie do you hear yourself no I saw I saw overselling it right right came from too many words I walked up well that

Would but I told you I mean already I was s from the beginning because they both gave themselves away directly to her so Lily killed Giga right but then someone came and killed Lily that’s where the two bodies were and then I didn’t see who cuz the sandstorm came at

The exact same time and went and lie that part okay saying I’m voting guys I’m voting yeah it came to her a dream I listen thank you Mia I didn’t even get the vote what the heck you sickos wait no one yeah thanks guys look at the drip though I want this

Mouse just needs to when someone dies she needs to find a body and just stand near it and then and then have someone walk up on her W guys AB or were to tell the story that Leslie gave we would all be voted out instantly she said so many

Words I’m going to be honest if if if we said that we’d be gone right she the same thing to you guys oh my God she came up to me she’s like guys guys someone there’s a body here someone kill and then she killed me wow no I was killed by

Peter Well guys I think they’ve won there’s three killers still alive oh a one kill just happened they’re about to double kill oh they didn’t get the double interesting I thought they were going to get the double right there oh I I don’t what what just happened he’s at a loss

I on God on God on jaw I did not kill them on God it was Peter and then somehow I reported it even you’re going to try this on Madar they did double kill I saw the one real that’s [ __ ] crazy you think turn this

On I he start y like it’s just funny J I don’t even know what’s going on a boat ride they are literally just sitting there on jaw I swear on God is Peter or Leslie on jaw it’s Peter or Leslie birthday he’s he’s right but he has no

Way to prove it so you’re the liar [ __ ] someone lied to me then my guess is a Canadian was murdered here to on this day if I die here then Mouse should incriminate herself she’s playing it too easy say is the funniest most fitting thing I’ve heard all we bless her heart

It was not me goodbye I I Canadian wow what the sh sh tries hard but ends up sounding deranged I know I know he goes what it was it wasn’t me it was know he starts becoming a rap on wait why the birthday why someone D oh my God they took him

Out they’ve done it they knew it I knew it personally holy [ __ ] osar though godam I voted for [Laughter] Peter was Peter said so many words someone vot her out that was crazy I realiz what youning into three other imposters up up up up up up ready up I got ready ready ready ready ready ready oh wait Pokey says her audio isn’t working but she has to go no it was working that bye

Poke bye bye Pokey bye bye Pokey miss her already one yay me too me too I knew it we all have we’re all number ones yes that’s cute I’m number seven what a spy being the only person to vote for someone reveals their role your tasks are

Fake that’s a that’s cool that’s cool okay two killers are spy and invisibility what is that they mute people during meetings that thing do what’s what silencer oh mute people during meetings oh you yeah so someone can’t talk stay the hell away from me ready to cat a killer

Interesting the art for that is vile I thought that was a fart I hate looking at the art dude it’s God so wor gross man it’s like FSH art like an accident you can’t look away either though just I’m laser focused I’m going detective I’m not going to tell anyone that I’m

Detective I’m not going to do it God not at first not at first yeah Pelican vores people it eats people Pelican can then hear those people’s voices in it head so if I get eaten I’m going to go [ __ ] crazy on the mic um and then if you kill the Pelican while

They have people in them the people pop out and it’s [ __ ] disgusting it’s nasty as hell all right so I can investigate it’s on little timer to see if they’ve killed that round so I have to not tell them cuz then they’ll Target me they will know let’s do it like this uh

Oh okay I saw a here can I take the little boat there’s like a little boat that passes is by boat no oh hey hey if if you’re the Pelican can you Vore me real quick how you doing I’m good I’m good thanks ly thank you so

Much thank you it’s for my lifelong dream the weather’s great today yeah hey if I kill Lily gek will you tell oh never I just think you would be funny okay look away okay I’m I’m not looking I’m not looking Lily it won’t hurt Lily just lay down just lay down

Just sit it’ll be fine it’ll be fine I want a lot of people crowds are safe right Crowds Are uh there’s no pige a thing right crowds are good right everybody I love stacking with everyone so fun okay I’m going to do tasks don’t kill me okay okay

Okay that’s the task I open it what the [ __ ] I was like oh let’s figure out this task but it just go oh oh my god I’m an artiste oh pee pee died and blow found him blow is he silenced is he silenced or pretending I saw I saw blow do it in

Front of my eyes oh my God let me killed he said he said look look Leslie look and then boom killed and then that was it and so I just want to say so sad right there do you think he’s pretending to be silent is he pretending to be Sil silencer imposter right yeah they are no

No no oh wa silen yeah silencer can kill does that mean he’s not a killer guilty if you’re silenced I think you’re but I saw him kill in front of me so he could be the silencer and then he’s pretending to be silenc so people think he’s not

The Killer oh you know what I mean are we foret about the last game yes I have forgotten everything every game’s a new game what happened what Happened’s like a little triggered from the last and guys we’re fooling for it again you singlehandedly damned them yes you exactly what you would do you’re sick Leslie sick I have confided in blow my role he could tell you himself I got him killed I think if they vote for him oh

Uhoh got vot that was close that was close oh he did not get killed oh thank God okay we need we need more evidence on him you sound a little sussy it’s Leslie it’s Leslie oh my God I was screaming please it’s Leslie it’s Leslie I’m sorry for calling out fact

That you could have been pretending again I I have to wait I have to wait please don’t stack on him don’t stack on him leave alone she’s going to silence me again ring the bell I didn’t siling the Belling the [Laughter] Bell it’s lesli it’s lesli it’s lesli is having

A oh my God the dud School literally you said explain right in front of me and I was screaming and I couldn’t say anything guys please please Jaden I think it might be all right all right we K I saw where you getting from why you AEP

J I’m voting right now I’m voting Hering behavior How dare you oh man meetings I you guys just voted for him like that BL kill blow kill blow thank you so much interesting I will oh hey M well hello hey um he’s trying to do the Bell again oh there it is oh as agreed we will we killed ellm good

Job everybody Justice for Jaden and now it’s time the people have spoken goodbye blow skip ahead everybody well goodbye blow that’s crazy this guys this psychopath killed in front of me I didn’t know why I was talking to you guys and then I realized I couldn’t you

Weren’t hearing anything I said I was screaming I’m losing my Voicee please it’s Les kill right in front of me going to lose r on me still the blood yeah I kind of believe him but like I I kind of just want to vote him

Out after you if you really want to if the most I think that’s a good call yeah it is lesli breath man breathe they’re doing for the content they are they are they are last words oh okay goodbye we’ll miss you all right goodbye everybody goodbye bye see you bye oh wait You oh [ __ ] swing Bo blow was the silencer oh my god well played she won lesli that was she play Leslie you’re the greatest doo bird ever well played well played oh my God it wow in front of Leslie and then he pretended to be dude remember when I

Said he could be pretending I knew it I should have voted for him I knew it g how’ you know G’s great J guys okay who’s still who’s still playing though who’s still playing I’m still down I’m still down I can play G all right I can play some

More okie dokie cuz those guy guys has with you what was that what the hell was that me neither crazy the whole Strat is like the silencer you can kill right in front of someone have them silence and then they won’t be able to so I was like well what

If I just reversed it what if I kill in front of someone but then just silenced myself and then everyone’s a genion that that was the person that actually it’s a genius cook and I even said it in the beginning I think it was kind of smart

Yeah [ __ ] you get mad okay are we good yeah let’s call yipp yipp I called it we should have voted him out we should have done it give my favorite number his acting was too good Leslie her acting was too good don’t worry about it man worry

About now now worry now you got You’ saved a picture of my foot man you’ve definitely got to know me what do you mean no it’s not you say these things you change your Discord picture to my foot man come on I want Pelicans so bad people just

Keep gra you want a war wait you you want Pelican no I want to eat I want to eat yeah that’s that’s what you like Undertaker you’re sick what Undertaker whoever got that role you’re going to know like can drag bodies that are reduced speed the best whoa well Jaden was going

To and P Doo Oh yeah you swallow them and then you can hear do I’m going to get myself voted out easy so T to you easy you’re can so T to so T you it’s it’s kind of crazy I find a body and I stand near

It and then I go it wasn’t me and then I act poorly I like it was them no I come on man it was them right the person who like went went and did the thing oh okay we could do it we could do it easy I just have to

Not get killed that’s the thing is like someone could just murder me if they want cuz they think um all the bad guys think that I am you know just another another one to kill um um uh you’re following me now this way oh [ __ ] get dusted get crop

Dusted that’s an idiot just a little one you know you know as it pass by you know they’ll never know they drive by oh my God you like that okay Jaden was running around I should just run around and like not stick with people so I look

Sus I can’t pass through those foggy Sandy hallways though because they’re uh Killers only right something like that we’re just going to run around try and find somebody maybe find a a body body to wait what holy smoke I didn’t know what I was doing what happened did we

Dude is too crack at killing confirmed I was trying to the bodies and I could BR I don’t know what I did did you do that so fast can you a kill this game yeah I killed on us or something yeah like I I like did storm on both of you he was

Hiding the Imposter inside of his body and then he jumps out oh my God that’s crazy that’s crazy that’s the fastest round I’ve ever seen in my life yo that’s CRA what smokes okay okay it’s time that’s crazy all right guys I’m going to turn my brain bgm back on you

Ready holy smokes Now give me the damn Pelican man please please no I want the pelan a PE I can’t take it anymore man I can’t take it anymore keep getting away can talk to and kill players remely oh that’s right me on myth on his birthday Troll bir it’s your birthday yes indeed I just going to run around and hit everybody I don’t know about your true you shut you shut the [ __ ] up it’s allegedly shut your [ __ ] you call me a [ __ ] little SL well tried to talk to me in I didn’t well Mouse

I don’t know if he’s imposible all be good guys this time okay okay how do you tell if they’re infected if I go up to them the cough button won’t be active like I can’t cough on them or or a chew on them that’s the only way for me to know

So let’s I got to I got to remember okay we have to remember okay I got snars Stars you’re disgusting you’re disgusting guys oh yeah there it is that for you you don’t want to do this me guys you little old I where you going where you run I

Run I got Jaden I got Jaden Jaden has no clue I’ll protect you King I’ll keep you safe you looking at you will you will oh it was l no oh [ __ ] oh my God I just died ellm Just Killed Me In Cold Blood dude oh my

God it’s me J and kckm out of here I enough of this guy he’s the Vigilante grief and pain he suspect me but Sho hear me out oh my God there’s so many dead vtubers who hates vtubers the most there was there was no I don’t I

Love YouTubers no guys guys guys okay she can’t be us guys guys there was there was a second Elum and then I chased them down and then I killed them because I’m Batman and then and then Seline walked up to me and said wow ellm you did so good and then

We had a moment and it was great right Seline wait wait what is this he he saw this in a dream yes man they were Mor saw this in a dream wouldn’t that be a crew mate no that would be a morphling man a moring

Be oh no no you’re right it would be a yes yes I believe speaking this up what I was the pict oh my God we don’t vote show so the only one who can win now is the Pelican I got my friend killed V show

Guys V when is the last survivor so the Pelican just has to eat everyone blow has to walk around and V everyone in the game to win no but but guys or they vote him out you’re sick you’re sick I’m just going to oh my God oh my

God I love vtubers guys let it be known let it be known I love vtubers okay well um very interesting Elum I’m I’m curious to know why you uh why you killed me there there huh what’s up with that huh well cuz you morphed as

Me you were morphed as me I you down yeah how could you how could you be oh Jaden was you were morphed as me damn it I saw it with my own two eyes I got War interesting you got Ved oh yeah I got Ved blow wared me oh [ __ ] I’m going to

I’m going to spectate him cuz he the only way he could win is just War everyone we we just died [ __ ] you help she scares me let me find let me find uh pelan here we go oh there was a body there was a body what does mortian

Do I was running her I can’t see what anyone know what morti does I was with mouse and PE what the [ __ ] happened I left you with her how did they find another body there no Killers left back and I saw her dead body she was with you you were the last

Can dude that’s crazy I just can’t wait is it because he tried to eat the Canadian at Canadian okay so even if she’s VOR it doesn’t necessarily have to be you because could see okay okay okay where wasone else body bullet Auto self-report where was everyone else oh

My god dude I just want I’m about to kick him coins like Z Link from Zelda Peter struggling at that I believe what the hell are you saying you are so quiet I was with Camina yeah K Camina I was that’s all I saw I have to

Vote you sho I’m sorry all right so if they don’t fine if they don’t get blow see what happens this is like an easy win right is see Happ see we see what happens blow blow goes and eats someone and if that other person doesn’t go and ring

The bell and like realize that there’s no one around like they just get eaten too that’s not what was supposed to happen oh my God it was even oh my God that’s not what was supposed to happen oh my God that’s Mouse’s laugh now all right all right we’re spectating

Blow you can do ity oh he just said out loud I’m gravy do you think blow heard it or he’s over with you what is with he needs to be alone with people uhoh uhoh why is it always blow every time hi ipn it’s cuz he’s a

Character he should go up to Mouse she was right there did you see her I oh eater eater eater eat me young you sick [ __ ] you sick [ __ ] he’s iny my child of course of course you of course your [ __ ] pelican get I’m going dude I’m about to burst the blood

Vessel like I can’t believe this more join you soon my child oh my God all right all right you know what I got for you I got something special for you I got something special for you hold on give me a sec Fu God oh

No if I were Sho I’d just be talking so much that blow couldn’t hear a thing he’s killing everyone bed [ __ ] you you son of a bit I swear to God you sickle you sick freak you sick freak my God is heart God let me out of here I

Swear my God oh my God I can’t believe I’m [ __ ] crying oh my God please make this end I’m tired of this [ __ ] I don’t want to be in here please just let me out how’s that your just one work not killing your ears man oh my God

You’re a psychopath brow you’re a [ __ ] psychopath you freaking freak oh my God psychotic how are you okay with this that’s happening right now find me oh my god oh [ __ ] oh my Jesus Christ hey sh you see my roll Sho you see what I got man I don’t give a [ __ ] I

Don’t give a [ __ ] oh my God this [ __ ] I [Laughter] can’t vord blown how does this guy get in a Row it’s like all of your dreams out he’s cheating he’s cheating I run again run again this is [ __ ] run it back R back okay okay we’ll run it back we’ll run back back back okay just make sure you pick P can before shoulder

Can if I see it I’m taking it oh I think we all the best the best [Laughter] yeah give me pelicin ooh n is this game Inus like yeah but it’s so much better it’s so much more fun can get it P can pick it don’t let him have

It morling okay Mor probably Jade and then ninja ninja you can kill two people he’s not in fortnite in range simultaneously that wasn’t funny why if I see someone in Forbidden passageways they might be in shape shift I’m a good sport yeah thanks interesting man no one’s

Grateful God I want Pelican I’m about to snap y’all I’m about to snap get it he got the mimic guys he got the mimic okay well I’m player 10 um so just waiting for eight and nine to pick and then I’ll pick my RO all right I’m

Going for Pigeon again I’m going for Pigeon i’ I played pigeon with this is my third time let’s go what’s the difference yeah this game is like among among us but everyone gets rolled way more interesting it gives you reasons to break apart from each other like in amongus in amongus everyone can

Just follow each other round and it’s like solved amous so the rolls like you know balance that out a little bit so it’s not boring well hello there well well well see my friend my friend Hello friends you say friends I seem to remember that

You kill me last round oh I would Gigi I would never I would never look we got to move we got to move past man there’s no point living in the past right right we can we we got to move forward guys I don’t want to hear

It I don’t believe you Mouse can’t Mouse it’s so good to see you this guy murdered us everyone why why did it have to be you always him it’s always isn’t it every time I’m innocent but just know me if you kill me you’re not only killing me

You’ll get a two for one deal she moved you’ll get a two for one deal she’s already yeah she ran I saw that I saw that I saw that oh I saw that look look look there’re two Lily Lily Lily lily look there two here did Lily also

Kill um so who was the ninja I could see [ __ ] but app there’s a body me let me tell you a story let me tell you something I saw I saw a ninja double kill and walk North from the Bell up I could not tell who it was and then

I walked into Lily and there was a body on the floor and I think it was the Ninja’s body cuzz I think think I I think I think let go as soon as in I heard it I heard it interesting this is a Slaughter yeah

Yeah I I think Lily sus because I did see her next to body oh yeah defend yourself been stalking pee PE yeah yeah my interesting interesting I was I was trying to be intimidating and I just I was I was I don’t know if good definitely a pervert

Yeah little little weird ly like L you know around i k correct right now H interesting okay so I think the ninja was Jaden right so I think I think Lily I think I think Lily killed Jaden interesting more information required are you laughing I think she ate the body cuz

The one of the bodies was gone right she’s the vulture H I think Lily’s the vulture because when she there were two bodies here and then when we walked down there was one so I think I think she ate it yeah I saying I was saying I think Lily’s

Vulture it would make sense to me what happening I’m stressed I don’t know either I I’m TST I’m yeah Peter are you good yeah I’m good you’re going to kill me I’m going to die here I’m oh good luck I hope you don’t die yeah you’re both imposer aren’t you

I’m about to die right now I would never uhhuh just prove it I’ll leave I just heard something they were farting in the other room they were farting all over each other it was weird what’s happened so easy thank you for the double kill easy

Oh my brain is so messed up like like what how did you walked in the thing and how does that mean how does that mean you’re what Al why the [ __ ] did you got do is give a bad explanation okay look I’m going to tell you right now I took a

Blood sample from a random person I didn’t see who I thought it was Peter but apparently it was Lily and I got panicky so I was like oh God I got to kill somebody immediately and then you just it wasn’t me it was I know I know

You just walked into me and I felt so bad because I was like oh [ __ ] Ninja talking about guys finally and then you killed me cuz I was lovers with mouse and that means you killed Mouse with mouse didn’t really it sucks right M up I can’t have that run

It back run it back all run it back run it back mad I’m mad run it back then guys run it back run you went first sandwich and you missed the whole game it was quick all I had to do was uh sneeze on him easy wait here did she

Leave oh I think she DC oh yeah where she go yeah hold on come back come back SEL back come back come back so if your lover dies you die yeah yeah it’s a two for one deal man two for one deal do do you pick them

In game do you like walk up to them and you’re like this person is now my lover I know actually I don’t know belong to me their name will be purple and then and then um you’re like oh look it’s my I remember faded there you are hello there

Oh that was uh wait that was that was her LG that was her LG apparently oh okay okay got it so should this be our she got a win and jumped out Co man yeah whichever whatever okay okay okay and then B Coss El K was so unfair

That time I know Minecraft Minecraft I want to play Minecraft too but I have a Minecraft Fe man it’s the time of the year where you have like the Minecraft fever for the weekend you drop it oh no my fever lasts maybe a couple months and then it goes

Away yeah actually what the heck okay let’s just be real my fever never goes away now I’m fumbling so much yo I [ __ ] love Minecraft so much like my life she falls asleep in Minecraft what do you do in Minecraft for to like drop the fever after like a week build stuff

Andm are building an anti-bullying lab where we research all things to stop bullying an anti-bullying lab created by two of the biggest bullies ever known to man what the [ __ ] wow we’re finally getting you think me and if you think that me and ellm are bullies then you

Are a bully because that is there never you’re a part of the damn problem dare you are literally part of the problem you’re part of the would never bully anyone actually the biggest problem in no no people people but my my honest H take on how you keep Minecraft and keep

The he got cut off the time my honest opinion on Minecraft it that’s so unfortunate I hope he planned that I hope oh win how the [ __ ] how how do I do I just hold it oh oh I hold it I see uh no one

Is what the hell is going on come come with me come with me come with me down here down here leave us alone all right you can have a long time okay guys not yeah we are we are uh guys do not touch my dating oh my God

You’re lovers I will end your life that’s cute I think I think like when she she’s going to kill me yeah you like what you see Mouse you like my haircut you like what I did with myself what the [ __ ] Mouse uh Peter just killed me but he

Wasn’t near me the [ __ ] is this was he was he like the the sidekick or whatever it’s called I don’t even know all right I’m going to spectate listen to them they were working oh my God they were working together oh no she’s the Avenger what is happening she killed the person that

Killed me I I think so we just all dropped so fast oh yeah Peter’s the espert he killed me from afar yeah I just like dropped dead next to Mouse oh my God so she thought one of you guys killed and then she killed them I oh my God no I

Think I understood oh my God we all got dropped immediately lover strategy worked no we did it ell we won we won guys we were lovers me and bl were lovers guys no way that’s why you were laughing I did not to K you well Peter

It’s I can’t help you guys alive so that’s my bad guys no pet it was good when you killed me they they were like oh my God who killed her and they started killing each other it was good just save me from The Killers two

Alive can’t be with you that was so fast that was so fast LG LG LG for real this time LG part two sa forever in the grave six feet under six feet under underneath ready up moose ready up it’s time to get goose my God Peter forgot to monologue he should

Have he should have talked to me first short or long that’s what they okay okay okay okay okay God I want Pelican man God w wow I don’t like those combinations of noises and words who took it someone took Pelican wait the CH actually get his rooll for once he

Didn’t come play and someone took yeah this time he didn’t go come on he’s the Pelican finally got it guys no no no no he finally got it it’s all right hold on give me a second let me open this stream real quick it’s not

Me I’m going to take I’m going to take lover so I can see open yours too moose who else is safe a stream sniper actually will that’s I’m going to say I got done dirty same be so elated if I gu eat people I think it might be sh I think he

Might have gotten it I don’t know hard to tell Maybe not maybe we’ll see who is my lover who’s the lucky gal what what am I doing here pot smashing nice who was that hi peee there’s sha she listening who’s listening per doing what what are you

Doing over here huh per me the bomb I hear it oh my God someone gave shot of the bomb oh did you just give it s get the [ __ ] away from me get the [ __ ] away from me get the [ __ ] away from me it’s not on me you don’t hear the ticking

Oh oh would I hear it yeah they just died dude you’re [ __ ] up that was you wasn’t it it was not me died they died up here hereb I heard the ticking so I started running let’s see where where are the feet oh my

God did you pass it this Mouse oh no I passed it oh no that’s fine that’s perfectly fine I’m okay I’m over interesting um well none of you could be trusted I guess especially not you me no no no no no get the [ __ ] away get

There smon it’s time oh mang give me a name mang give me a name if we hear a bomb it’s give me a name mang give me a name neither of them neither God You’ got to give me a name man blow blow blow it is where is he come on come

With me we’ve got to find him my guys my blow sens is a tingling he’s he’s got close he’s close oh they’re tingling through the roof now where is he oh legs which means there’s a demonologist in the game uh that yeah that’s that’s word yeah no no shut up

You’re the bomb no you’re the bomb haven’t heard it in a bit anyone seen BL anywhere because it’s him he went inside did you inside God what was that oh my God it actually blow hey blow kind of weird kind of weird you would K like that guys guys here’s why ask

Yourselves yes I killed Ellen yeah Adit it and you guys can vote me here that’s fine but yeah you hear me out ell’s not alive I think that gives me at least listen vote me up round ring the bell I think that gives me one round

Of a skip because it’s Ellen and he’s not alive so I I took him out of this so you know you guys can give me one round I think that’s only fair um otherwise totally respect and listen I respect your decision either way I’m going to skip vote you guys are totally welcome

To ring the bell vote me next round just give me one round that’s all but it was Elm so I’m going to skip vote you know just consider that thank you that’s my case thank you vote this guy right okay I think it’s a pretty good I think it’s

A pretty good case we’re going to vote this guy right I think it’s a good I think um I think demolitionist is either Peter or Sho likely Peter also pointing that out I think it’s worth AIP because it was ell I wish it was me yeah you would wouldn’t you it

Is worth a skip I guess not oh oh you zers oh preserved for later ew um well that was weird hello awward are we we have something to give us is there any way to do a task victory for once is it possible um just this thing that would be great for

You if we all did things together and you were just passing the bomb around right yeah evil isn’t R yeah it’s really interesting from Peter oh see I hear it I knew it I knew it I knew it he actually gave me the bomb Oh I’ll take it if you

Want I’ll die for you she she ran away she ran away I can’t even take it from her what happened wait what happened what happened did you pass it did you find it and pass it backb yes you did it in the last second let’s go let’s go [ __ ] crazy

Dude oh my God my partner also just said hey I killed Elum give me an extra turn like what the [ __ ] is that true true I work a wrong I can only kill with bombs you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] blow wow wow hey you know what you go with

Kindness too but you chose not to do that that’s that’s L not a mechanic game not a mechanic in this game one more for the RO LG for real right there last game last game yeah last game can come on yeah yeah last game yeah let’s go My favorite number yes oh yes oh this is going to be my pel time I can feel it I can feel it God guys I want Pelicans Chad I want Pelicans so badly I never get it buto the Pelican hasn’t been chosen yet there’s a chance man there’s a chance there’s no chance

What if seral killer okay okay you still okay what no no no you’ll see you’ll see does that mean you’re one of the earlier ones I’m picking up where you put down he’s the sheriff he’s the sheriff send your spirit through walls mtig do random just in case Canadian oh

My God that’s that’s amazing oh my okay Canadian my body will Auto self report noted so if there is a pelican hates me dude I’m out it will be so [ __ ] funny it will be so funny okay guys we’re going to win I can’t do anything to game this as the Canadian

Hey hi guess what what um leave me alone um don’t interrupt yeah can can you have some please W this girl time who whoa we got we got something going on here exactly there no boys allowed oh wait let me let me just crop out these help me help me she’s crazy

She’s crazy what oh I see you have a good taste in farts it was Ella oh she Wasing there too is he just not saying anything well well well guys it was in the sandstorm and not only Mouse but also someone else was there who I don’t

Remember who it was but mouse was definitely that which means it’s most likely Mouse it was not me you freak well I I literally left Giga a second ago and she’s dead wait wait what Giga dropped dead in front of me and I saw you underneath me so it had to be you

Elum wait so it’s it’s it’s Li choked me out with her farts was up in the building so the sandor it was so messed up it was so messed up but guys I it’s Mouse guys it’s not me okay guys hear me out it’s me young using an invisibility cloak

She’s she’s she’s gone she has taken over and is now accusing honestly let her pop off honestly herp you know she so right you pop off bro I got you on Giga you crop dusting the stairs but you know what you do it to do I’m voting LM well guys it looks like

I’m the so I’m going to vote for myself your boy is going to get oh no she’s going to be alone oh yeah yeah they can they can because I’ve already won the game I’ve done it I’ve oh wait oh yeah yeah okay well um they all have to

Play with each other this next round now okay oh uh all right then I’m just gonna so messed up all right let’s spectate hey man I hope you had a f FC birthday thank you so much for the invite man I’ve had a I’ve had a I’ve

Had a lot of fun man a lot of fun you know you’ve got a foot pick out of it of please don’t do the thing please you don’t need to do this you well well well interesting the [ __ ] you need oh well well [ __ ] youit you’re still alive after killing

Sho you are I knew he was going to kill sh oh my God special ability allow to invis but it’s a crewmate ro guys it’s called invisibility cloak and it means I can spy on people as a ghost which is exactly what I did and it looks like Sho

Died just behind me where me young and mouse were is he just giving himself away happens that you were there there is mouse guys there is there is it’s okay what is it it’s the astral mang it’s the astral I tell you it’s you talk to him that he’s dead yeah yeah that’s

What just happened he could hear me it’s how it work please I’m willing to skip please see when blow is not one of the killers he’s so much quieter to let him get yeah Mouse can shoot next round she could find ell but he could also kill her you remember that

I they have to do it fast you know Mouse has to snipe him as fast as possible yes my friends my friends that’s exactly what you needed to do perfect perfect she can kill Jaden since she ate the myself true but it it’ be good to leave

Her alive for a bit oh God help me oh my God can we [ __ ] talk can we [ __ ] talk you just you just broke my brain there you honestly broke my brain we me well well well do huh no you didn’t do anything [ __ ] out of you just tiled me I heard

You losing your mind did something I did like you like iuck did something I’m just gasing taking the piss what a weasel oh well well well did Mouse get you well well well okay oh guys it’s so good to see you here welcome to where you belong ellm dead

Club good to see all of you guys here oh no you [ __ ] I knew it two of them oh my God no so fast go bro I’m actually about to go insane from this game like I I don’t feel like like this is so terrible who who killed Jaden man oh my God

It’s I win W let’s go Lily holy [ __ ] oh my God I mean I was the sh mouse mouse I can’t I had to kill somebody Jesus up up I hear up he’s he’s tilted ready up ready up somebody he’s going insane guys should have so tilted from that one oh my

God holy [ __ ] good job thank you high five how dare you I was just a bird I was just a harmless bird oh my God wait a warlock what the hell is that what the [ __ ] is a warlock it summons the Locust summons Locust what mosquito Army and a vulture oh my

God it’s um the warl if you click info I think it’s a map specific one environment can’t kill you okay warlock cannot kill me a deadly swarm heck SS it’s the Swarm so to prove to other people that I’m innocent I could during the locust swarm go outside and live

Through it right I think he was going to say LG until he until he gets the Pelican I just want him to have it at this point like please oh I don’t if that counts as envir what what is what is an environmental kill then if not that not sure

I don’t know but it’s a safeg guard so I’ll take it all right guys all right I’m Invincible the environment cannot kill me okay God where the [ __ ] is he tell me where he is don’t say what you better if you just walk up to sh and say

Well well well he’ll start crying it’s what I’ve realized here we go I found coins what does this mean is that how you get currency I need one up here yes you’re better than this so mad no I’m know I’m better than this but you won’t be able to sleep at

Night so well tonight I sleep so well knowing I’m the one That inoc means the sabotages that the Ducks do can’t kill all right all right what the [ __ ] did did we just what what just happened explain Jaden what just happened know of course he’s dead who Ked him who losing it Jaden killed PE and I’m pretty sure

Mouse just ate the body of Mouse has two bodies I will say she no but she’s eating them she he’s vouching for her that’s no that what count do a kill no I can’t eat but if she gets three then if she eats three bodies she wins I’m the celebrity guys

I’m so I just inspected M and said she’s innocent L’s talking like that again she’s doing the thing again it said she was innocent I can I can feel it in my Jaden she’s vulture she’s a killer one of these other people is L is not the detective we vot li is

The detective is so people ask Jen we literally saw mouse eat two bodies I didn’t eat anybody she got I didn’t eat anybody Mouse I respect it not just anybody just those two bodies in particular huh mousee is just as as and Jaden are under are no no no

No no they’re they’re [ __ ] around for no reason I didn’t I thought we had something when we stared at the tentacle monster what no the what the huh the who in this game all right all right Lily okay I know you’re sick I just saw a

Mouse I just saw I heard blow and I saw a mouse noted as you sick oh my God mouse ate a body didn’t she oh my God who could have thought who could have seen that one coming my God I the SP ability I was too

Slow one guys we got to do one more for it’s birthday guysbody ready up guys we got to do it for Sho surely surely elg elg let’s go either gets pan or dies I told you if I killed you that Sho would play one more you can’t be serious you actually can’t be

Serious I’m being held hostage how many games are we going to play keeping you is your hatred towards oh God oh God you better hope I don’t get the sheriff man cuz I’m coming for you I’m coming for you just so tilted I’m crying

Okay are we up to 10 last how many last games has been so funny synch he I don’t mind no no no no okay we only know invisibility in detective [ __ ] [ __ ] GG protect me please please what you what if you from sho I’m just I am in

Fact my my role is called the stalker which means I can track one player for the rest of the game and ideally I need track him yeah oh I could track Blau Blau I’m tracking you now forever yeah yeah what was that what was that guys guys guys please guys

From you piece of [ __ ] guys he’s invisible he’s the Imposter show please what do you mean I I about to plant it on him I was going to do it very fast I was going to do it so he didn’t hear the ticks no they’re going to know hey I’m a

Goose how you guys doing hi Goose hello Goose having a lovely day I’m having a great time today this a wonderful I think s’s losing his mind a wonderful celebration just a little bit I’m remember a great day guys if Sho went to the gym even more he’d be show bro so

True can we can we vote when Sho when Sho asked to pee he asked to shog go oh can we double can we double show I I don’t someone when he’s been studying stuff then he’s show no with like a okay yeah uhhuh yeah that wasn’t even good

When he raps he’s got show flow and when I say pick he said show Mo show show Mo like show show Mo like okay anyway guys thank you for the explanation thank you thank you hey guys the game now guys let’s uh the anyway guys when show toes [Laughter]

Yeah yeah you just [ __ ] my J she got bars you like my bars where is he where is he we got to find him we got to find him where is he where’d he go where’d he go I I know he’s [ __ ] hiding he’s got to be hiding from you he was running

Before what the [ __ ] got to find him I’m a goose got him just I’m a go he’s just about he’s about to get jump jumped where’s he at where’s he at you don’t have to do this again there he is happy I’m so happy I’m so [ __ ] happy

Okay goodbye guys we didn’t see a thing wow oh oh wow he oh my God he just went ghost everyone birthday as give me the bomb give it to me give it to no it’s not me was that taking for the community who is it someone has

It just about to blow up and Sho came and sliced him oh my oh my God he’s I sacrificed myself as the bomb is ticking and should just like slices them walks away wow he can’t even sacrifice himself do we just do we just let him have it

Yeah maybe yeah yeah no he you know what I think he has earned it yeah he has my God I heard I heard ticking I heard ticking I don’t want to be in that in the group I heard ticking up there scary stop [ __ ] on the stairs what God

They’re my stairs now go God damn it oh God I didn’t know YouTubers had so much [ __ ] inside them okay I planted it on like Lily or someone nothing hey I almost killed you because I didn’t see the red name oh [ __ ] no i’ I’ve just been planting moms

I planted another one on Lily just now plant another okay Okay finally done it guys let’s go he no it doesn’t know it doesn’t feel the same because he was giv the win he was given the win guys he’s we got to do it again you pied me y’all me I can’t believe that good

Job okay if you have one more F this one will Beck it’ll be so fast it’ll be so fast LG yeah when sh leaves until sh has to take a [ __ ] all right let’s do this exactly me to you have so much money dev’s hook you up

Wait did I have more I didn’t look at my currency did I have more I had 11k last time I looked I’m about to be [ __ ] over no of course not 111k devs devs devs at this point now I can buy the the horrible sling Keeny I really wanted it

Interesting thank you thank you I really wanted to wear it so it would cover my balls that was in shat was that um was that the one that came in used the emotes I’m so sad I was trying to not talk over everyone at that

Moment but I saw them I saw them use a goo was it them it’s not going to be okay Um let’s do random let’s do random oh Sher yeah Canadian Thor yeah yeah yeah oh okay I can kill anyone huh it would be so funny if I just went killed jto right now I’m just saying I just think it fun and also there I do I Do’s here this is fantas oh

He’s already left guys can I tell you something can I tell you all something real quick I’m I’m the sheriff and I Could Just Kill shto and it would be so funny like no matter what his role is I could just I could just grief him right

Now I have to fight him I have to fight him has anyone seen Sho it’s really important guys guys guys I have to tell you something guys guys I I am the sheriff and I can kill shto right now and it would be funny where is he where is he Shi wants F

Him where the [ __ ] did he go how much want to bet he’s camping in the middle to me right please don’t please don’t show do you know what would be so funny what the [ __ ] no I didn’t get so close I was I was lining up I was lining

Up but Jaden was so close Okay let me uh explain so first I found ellm and uh kadam and I tried to bait them into killing each other by like okay just do it just do I play normally or do I kill him around his pass it’s

Not I ain’t even mad that was so good I ain’t even mad I I was like oh my God yes perfect let’s go oh my God I’m so sorry look I’m anyway I you can have you know what the other ones I don’t know about that one

This one you can have that one you can have that one all right Lily if you tell us who the other impostor is we won’t kill you you can save yourself Lily that’s a good deal I can’t [ __ ] him over like I mean oh ly Li yo yo if I get voted out

I easiest Goose Victory ever we better skip we better skip oh my guys easiest Goose Victory ever Lily then we Bell and vote out Sho we go on to the next one I can do them one better I could do them one better they’ll see they’ll see

If I can find sh and kill him it be so easy so funny guys we got to just try we just got to test if it’s him all right where is he where is he where’s Sho I can kill him right now okay hear me out guys if it is

Sho we another game but I think we know I would be fine with that as long as he won’t go you know insane okay you know what we want Bell him [Laughter] yeah okay listen if it is you sho we’re gonna do another game don’t worry like

This won’t be LG but you know we got to like listen we got to you know let Lily’s Gaff you know go go through there so sorry uh you guys already know who to vote um yeah I know exactly how do you feel about this really doing

Iter right here in a b we don’t let him kill one person I didn’t even get to do anything this are we going to do seven LG no way no way we’re going to get to Seven it’s a new [ __ ] record well I think just

You have you have some you have a way of of really my buttons when when other guys in around I’ve been I’ve been crying this whole time I can’t why they call me V we’ll miss you that just feels so sad good night sweet this can’t be LG

Though we we have to play another game if it’s actually shut out though okay my God he’s whispering to himself he’s going crazy he’s going insane oh you’ll see what if he’s the dodo oh my God you’ll see oh you’ll see we have have a Toto we don’t what the the [ __ ] goodbye

Goodbye Rest In Pieces okay okay it’ll bug and show that wow Lily G I know who the last person is you’re the sheriff right are you ready yes is it you no it’s uh iron Mouse and here’s how I know this because during all the voting she was the very

Last to vote and I do this all the time when either I’m either the Pelican or the Falcon because the Pelican or the that’s so cool that’s that’s great blow that’s [Laughter] great but you I had to do it for the comedic timing I had

To it’s Jaden what it was so good I’m killing from Beyond the Grave I’m a genius ly you’re you’re nuts with it you’re insane it wasn’t even iron Mouse it was so oh my go why people listening to you why are people listening To that was oh my God no [ __ ] way oh my God manipulated did as so I thought I was so POG I was you know what I was thinking I was thinking toast thumbnail three years ago 500 IQ attention attention yes attention sorry attention attention yes I can no longer mentally bear this

Game anym of tonight I’m going to go to bed I’m going to SLE you day you guys have a thanks sh I had a great time for for like seven out of eight of you so you take I see what the people thank you for com love thank you thank you for

Inviting what a wonderful happy birthday I can’t believe it holy [ __ ] this most while we still can start it up get him out of here get him out he’s still here I feel like we should just ready up oh well thanks for the game guys thank you so

Much was wonderful playing with you guys it was appreciate it I appreciate you all conspiring good job done thank you see you all G’s GG’s everybody I’ll see you around bye bye bye bye bye bye well now it’s just a vtubers huh no no it’s just the poop tubers

My chat when when we’re sitting here just farting my chat the whole time was just like Drop dusting crop dust a little driveby for just a little something you know little something something oh my God I love you so much a I love you li I’ll see you bye bye Lily bye bye

Oh my God I’m so excited we’re going to do mean l we going to do a chatting thing she invited me to do a thing next week maybe maybe sh will join we’ll see she asked like just in our little group chat with the three of us if we wanted

To do it but I want I want what do I want to do what I don’t want overwolf I want what do I want to do what are all these things I want I know what I want I want what I deserve and it’s this outfit it’s it’s this outfit it’s so

Important um I I I need it I need it what goes well with it though I mean this this this hair is you know like horrible and Suits it really well but like can we do better can we do better what what would oh oh no oh the man

Bun I got to I got to pick one that for next time I am like suited the [ __ ] up you know oh I I I think the king crown might be really good actually it kind of goes hard what the [ __ ] hold on hold on the west coast bro like

Cap okay man bun crown baseball cap are the top contenders right now Whoa man bun crown baseball cap oo oh man oh some of these are like horrific with this outfit I don’t want to do any of the helmets it’s got oh oh my God the banana head goes a little too

Well okay okay but number one Contender right now is banana head I don’t think we’ll beat it I really don’t think we will Jesus I could be Wukong oh my God I don’t I don’t think it gets better I really don’t think it does yeah no no that’s that’s the

One yeah all the wait okay hold on YMCA hold the [ __ ] on I have seen this person on the beach this person right here the beaches I go to hold on the Banana’s really good but like if you know you know right if you

Know you know oh we have to do it we have to do it you’re under arrest sailor here we go all right next time I play this game I’m going to let myself forget about what I just did I’m going to let my brain throw it

Away and next time I open this game I am going to be so pleasant surprised okay that’s what’s going to happen all right let me close this game let’s go let’s go okay I wanted to finish another game while we’re here I don’t want to end stream or anything

Like that I wanted to can I am I allowed to force close the game there we go I wanted to finish cocoon because we’re like right at the end and I think it’s just combat like a fight that we have to do or something I don’t know how much is

Left but I don’t think it’s much yeah cocon we’re going to finish coocon and thank you for anyone who’s been watching along with it if you haven’t been and you’re like I don’t know what the game is about I will catch you up so quick so quick oh it is sorry

If you have an Amazon device Alexa turn on triple it got dark okay EST moment all right let’s go into cocoon this is going to be a a a whiplash in Vibe a change up from Goose goose duck as you can tell by the Ambient sound but we’re going to play

Coocon right now there we go okay so it is a puzzle game cheer 100i hey hey har uh is a puzzle game with combat and we did a lot of the big puzzles and things we are a buggy boy holding in orbs when I hold certain orbs they let

Me do certain things so if I hold the green orb I can go up and down these oo and they change States blah blah blah we did a lot of the puzzles already uh I don’t know where the [ __ ] I am I don’t know where the hell I am

Actually but we’re near the end of the game is what I know where does this send me okay okay I don’t even know where the white orb is where am I who am I oh I have a little I have a little guy with me I have a little robot guy with

Me which means we could probably go up to the Overworld here we go it’s throw up simulator and uh yeah if I can make my way out of here and find where wherever the [ __ ] the white orb is we can do the thing oh okay okay so I need to bring

Him here but this thing will catch him got it got it got it how how how do I do this I pass him I pass him pass him over here this thing moves down past that yes okay okay okay okay I just need to grab the orb and go into

It grab it put it on the little pedestal that turns it into a puddle go into it and we go I’m getting my bearings cuz we just jumped back in okay that’ll pop me out of that uh that portal that we just moved boom and I can open

That and then I can grab the or and bring it with me from from when it came wait a minute wait a minute but this thing is still here it’s going to catch him and bring him where there up there yeah it’s going to put him there oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ]

Okay pass this already before I think but it’s the latest checkpoint there is for you yeah I think so where am I going then let me grab the baby come here come on okay so we opened we opened the thing below so I can walk through there with

The orb um I’m going to need to bring this little robot somewhere with me okay let’s see let’s let him get caught and then bring the orb down here and see where I can go I can go back this way ah I need to bring him

Here okay I need to bring the little robot right here so let’s do this let’s do this yeah title of the game is cocoon um so I can move it back and take him through there easy bring this portal back up bring my little robot baby friend

Thing here it’ll pop me out of the puddle that I just set up boom okay open the way yes yes all right I could go across that bridge there maybe can I go out this way no can’t activate that all right all right we have to swap this

With the orange orbit and then we can uh we can go out to the South do do I should I put the green orb in here so I’m bring it with me I’m carrying both at once I’m going to do that it’s a little weird we’re creating all

These paradoxes right cuz now green is within orange but orange is within green right it’s like very the the worlds are getting very mixed up by this point in the game but uh it doesn’t seem to like break SpaceTime so I think we’re okay all right so now this was a weird door

That opened that linked oh God okay yeah it closes when I’m done with it that link to purple here yeah yeah yeah yeah so now that we can open this upu we just we just take him with us and we just backtrack all right going to bring that

There so we’re inside the purple ore but we’re going to go here he’s going to follow us uh he needs to open that yes yes okay okay okay okay it’s all all coming together need bring my other orb with me no orb left behind so I have

This okay so now I can bring them all outside right yes yes yes yes yes yes you can go and take white out so I can have I can have all of them outside on the Overworld there and I have my little Robo friend and then I think that’s the final fight potentially

A fragile little mind it’s okay if you don’t remember anything I’m just going to run through all this stuff quickly so you don’t have to worry about it okay he can open this now I think this is the is this going to be the final boss feels it feels like it

Oh I have to put them on there in order oh my God I think this one’s orange then white then purple then green okay so I have all these except I need to take green out of orange so that they’re all separate and then and then we

Go can’t wait to see what’s on the menu yeah I don’t I don’t know uh what the last fight’s going to look like cuz we haven’t seen anything okay uh all right I got it sure will do most definitely it Roger right away you so I got off the phone

With Boris and he said to say that it’s busing in here okay I see I see wait does it want me to Nest all of them in this order does it want orange within or green Within like it’s top down like it’s like green is inside purple is

Inside white is inside orange is it like that or is it like orange is inside white is inside purple is inside green I’m going to assume oh I don’t know I don’t know I’m going to assume since it’s top down Green is outermost orange is innermost like green outside then purple

Inside that then white inside that then orange inside that so orange inside white to start so we’ll Place White here so we can go into it bring Orange in and drop it in there so we’re going to like stack these inside the Little Worlds so oh I can’t drop it on that pistol

Okay where can I drop it oh [ __ ] oh God can I put it anywhere oh I can I can I can I can okay okay orange is inside white okay and then white white goes inside purple oh my God my brain is like I’m going to stack at this way and

If it’s wrong I I will just cry you go there actually these aren’t that far it won’t be too bad and then I’m going to put purple inside green and I’m going to hold green as I walk up and place it on there and if it’s correct it’s correct if it’s not

Then we have to do this the other way around and shouldn’t it shouldn’t be too bad to figure out okay they’re all within one does this work that was it ew ew bug legs oh Jesus Christ hello thank you Archangel for that three months Also earlier calry thank you for the tier

Three for 14 months thank you so much okay okay this is the weird void creepy ending I guess where’s this go all the orbits are there it’s a gateway to something where is this where is this yeah the Omni orb uh I feel like we’re

In the [ __ ] Zone I don’t like where we are right now but where is this going uh it looks all like infected it changes Vibe so much right we’re in this like white void here glunch and then this is all ew it looks like the same Zone but

Infected right doesn’t this look like it was once uh White this black tar like stuff it has red in it now never read before and it was making up like the bodies of every evil thing that we fought so far oh it’s a green top then purple

Then it shows orange and white at the bottom Green Top purple second but these two look to both be fourth no no no white is third it’s third it’s just foggy okay okay okay no no it’s correct I was like wait a minute yay stairs oh what is

This oh oh we’re going to go flying with no orbs oh my God we’re going alone bug moment oh God Birds oh oh looks like we’re inside Orange this is the beginning this is where we woke Up this is where we woke up at the beginning of the game inside the orange orb this was where the the there was a door here I didn’t even realize it cuz like I hadn’t played through the game you know didn’t realize it was a door first zoom in of the game I’m

Ascending oh oh oh [ __ ] e ooh that’s so cool the mega orb oh my god oh they’re like little planets now they’re breaking off into their own planets I guess that huge thing was representative of the sun yeah they look like planets oh [ __ ] is this oh I kind of get what’s

Happening I kind of get what’s going on ooh did we uh did we like save these planets bring them into existence by pulling out of like this weird puzzle like thing they were in what the [ __ ] what is this oh no yeah the microcosm of life is that

It I told you we were so close to the end wait is that you yeah yeah oh I like that think okay okay okay that’s why I said I wanted to just like end the the game soon because we were like so close to the end yay I just

Wanted to see it I just want to see it okay so I guess that means the the whole thing we were doing this whole time in this game was going around and grabbing these worlds and kind of breaking them out of where they were so that they could exist as proper

Planets but also we’re like we become basically God because we went and we did that and we defeated a lot of things that were holding them down right the each boss was holding one of those orbs down so that it could not be moved around be

Grabbed off of a pedestal and and you know whatever basically tldr we pondered the orbs yeah and we took them out of storage that they could be real planets and because we did that uh we are the god of that world essentially right cuz we we did the whole creation thing

Therefore we’re super cool yay thank you for essentially watching the like the end of the movie with me cuz um it wasn’t really much gameplay it was just we just had to we just had to do a thing to see the end that game was cool as [ __ ] though I

Was I was figuring there would be some sort of paradoxical twist at the end for sure yeah that’s that’s like the third game like someone said it was like the third game in the row where we become the anomaly right like little nightmar we also end that game and like we become

The thing um what which game do we play before that there was another one before that that we also played where we become oh deer simulator deer simulator right it comes full circle we’re just I guess it’s orb month we’re playing games with circular plots but I like it a short hike you

Become the hike um I don’t know if I would say say that I don’t I don’t I don’t know if I would say that I’m not sure but all right well let’s let’s go into just chatting for a bit we can talk about these games we can talk about them I’ll get

Rid of the weird Ambient sound if it scares you if it’s scary oh I’m still here okay okay let’s get the the head the bgm going and go to just chatting we just chill for a bit just chatting boom there we go Tada Tada yippe there we go all right

What do we think for cocoon heads for anyone who liked the Cocoon playthrough and was invested in what was going on what do you think of the ending now that we’ve actually seen it I know it’s so brief well what were your thoughts what your thoughts of the game

Overall I feel like the second stream of it was a little maybe a little hard for people to watch if they weren’t like totally on board with the first one and hadn’t seen the first stream because it would be hard to figure out like what what was going on with some of the

Puzzles but if you just see it a couple times honestly it’s not too hard to grasp I think I think the game was fun I think it was um I think the puzzles were nice because the game design was really good because as I was playing through that whole game

I feel like they didn’t have to explain anything to me they just set up the puzzles in a way where you learned the mechanics of the game which is very much so why a lot of people like like for example Mega Man X right and they’re like oh it’s the best

Mega Man game ever because there’s no tutorial you just learn how to do everything because they hand it to you right and that’s good game design and I feel like um I feel like this game did that really well as well like you could tell they put their whole ass into

Making sure it was really polished so I liked it yeah tutorials hit in the first stage well this this game every orb that you go into like you start in one and you do all the mechanics in that one and then you go to the next one you do the

Mechanics in that one and then you figure out you can Nest them in each other and you’re like oh my God world within a world oh wow right and and then it gets deeper from there so every single time go to a new orb there’s a

New gimmick and new things to learn so they embedded the tutorial in the game yes but not in like the first level like the whole thing was like that right and it’s very easy when you make the whole game um learning new stuff to like have something be really

Confusing and I think I think they like they gave you the answers without it being too easy I don’t know I really I really enjoyed it I feel like puzzle games even though you just saw the anari um do play it it was really cool I I I

Picked it up because I saw that it was published by anap Perna and I like a lot of the stuff that they publish I believe they also did neon white um they published outer Wilds like they pick up just really cool projects and um actually I tweeted at them wait let me

Find it I don’t know if you guys saw this they they answered me they were very nice or at least their intern answered me or whoever whoever runs their account let me see let me see oh my God they’ve been tweeting so much about their damn game I’m glad

They’ve been pushing this game really hard on their social media and um you know the amount that they’re they’re trying to get people to play it I was like well surely surely that means they believe in it they like it you know yeah here I [Laughter]

Oh they they gave me like the simplest answer it was really funny and it just it just made me laugh if you watched the part where I was in the purple orb you know I’m playing your game I like it a lot but why is the purple orb so gross and they

Just said fair enough they just yep fair enough that was all and it was like if you watched me play through that part it was okay when you’re in the purple orb and you’re running around you figure out after a while you’re like oh it’s all like central nervous system theme so

Everything looks like nerves and synapses and and you know looks a bit fleshy like you’re clearly inside of a body or or that’s the theme or something right but when we first dropped in you couldn’t tell that everything was like a nerve at first so it just looked like

Flesh and it was purplish and weird and everything just looked like weird foreskin everything it was so odd it was so strange but it was funny so I don’t think um I don’t think I uh I minded in the end you know I was like it’s kind of funny it’s whatever you

Know it was so glumpy yeah it was just it was just H you know everything yeah the five skin level but it was cool um I liked the mechanics of the game I think I don’t know I I’ll show this list people I will I will absolutely penis

Level most things didn’t look that F like there was just like one there was one tube that you drop an orb through and then it comes out like the end of it and that looked so phallic and I was like oh come on man but everything else

Really wasn’t that bad it just looked like weird skin Gem and ylex thank you for the subs you know what while we chat how about this let’s do Minecraft Let’s do Minecraft Bob chat let’s do it instead of just just just chatting because it’s going to be

Essentially the same damn thing and I haven’t been on the V server for like a couple minutes you know hen’s on there Henry Henry Minecraft boom Henry Henry I’ve been looking and I’ve been seeing what she’s been um doing she she built a thing for the Halloween Build

Contest yesterday I was watching her do it she built a little Hut that has a witch hat on the top it was cute she did her best with that and then um I have to pick what I’m building I had an idea and I started like I I like wanted a thing

Hanging from a tree and I started on it and I was like do I want to do this so I’m still thinking on it but in the meantime I was um I was afking near the Sheep the wool Farm a while back so I could actually get enough wool to do the

Logo and I was properly working on the logo cuz really all I needed was lots of wool um so let me go here let’s go right back here right back here Minecraft Minecraft let’s go in and then um oh you know what I was doing I was working with tofu and he has

A version of the mod pack that I can finally test for the mod pack that I wanted to build wow that’s a lot that I wanted to build out for everyone so we can um we can do the thing soon we’ll be testing and making sure that everything works

With everything else um does it feel right does it feel like it’s too much do I think you know things will lag stuff out all of that before we apply the mod pack and we’ll have to build it’ll take a little time but we’ll have to make a

New world so generate a new seed probably um I wonder if we could maybe we could grabb the seed of this one and just start right here but it would be different because with the mods it would it would have different biomes so I don’t know if this

First chunk would be the same would it I don’t know I have to ask tofu but but I’m sure like one of the admins can just be like slash seed and figure it out but this is literally spawn we’re building right around it so if this would be the

Same biome and this would generate in the same way that’s enough and then we can bring everything over and if not if it’s a different one it’ll just take a little more work but we can we can take all of our builds and Port them into here so um

We’ll see we’ll see what happens um but yeah I was working on I have to stand so far back from it so you can see it it’s backwards from this view but it’s the v logo it’s the V but I made it I put it here because you’re

Supposed to view it from the other side from over that way so I could I could work on this um are you working on your Halloween B or doing your house I’m going to assume she was working on her house cuz I saw her doing it last night let me put this

Away did you know the Twinkle Star song and ABC song is the same song yes I did yes oh I’ll say no way are they really the same I’m going to let her have this one okay I’m going to let her have it I know right oh my

God oh my God a b c d e f g shocking new oh henya oh here I don’t know if she’ll be in VC but I’ll hop in in case she wants to hop in I will just sit in the collab anyone can join on stream chat okay Mouse is here hi Mouse

Where am I going where am I going I’m coming here to get gray and then I’ll go check the Halloween area oh my God she was in here the whole time mousy let’s go see what what henya is building she left a sign in front of her

Oh my God G come come ride the rail there’s a rail is this oh oh oh I See they added one we don’t have to walk it anymore yippy we she started singing a song with the melody babyc song which saying Giga oh oh so uh it’s a bit dark in here it’s um uh is this black concrete or like black wool why is it so

Dark yeah black concrete it looks like it oh God okay this is spooky as hell yeah my my sound is down on this I could turn it back up I turned it down um or not I turned it down the other day because it was just so like

Insane while I was just leaving this idling so I could be in the wolf Farm I was he like behind me oh boo oh Mouse mousee wait wait was she trying trying to scare me was she trying to scare me or like or like she lost do she didn’t

Help oh my God so scary I love it I love it I love it I love F Railway expansion coming soon have more scary stuff to it but I’m making an all black concrete it’s nice and spooky it’s very cool let’s see what’s going on oh my God so much has been

Built go staff Island oh yeah we’re going a whole Railway a whole Railway it’s going to be so cool okay these are the graves oh is this one ready for a new body was this a mumum for home the Bell TOS I like it when I die bury me here being alive

Alive you guys know that song from Company I want my favorite Chong oh this is the one that henya was working on I saw her cute look at little witch’s hat Henry made it yesterday stay off though let me go in I’m going to STI in she said stay off but I’m going

In oh oh oh we can go we can go up here oh cute cute I like this oh a floating pumpkins ooh so spooky chain pumpk oh oh she has some hanging I see I guess they would break if you didn’t do that right maybe that’s cool I like that witch she says

Witch I I like it I like it a lot oh my God oh my God let me in I think it’s nice let me make sure all of these work yeah seems up to code seems up to code that’s good that’s good I proove I proove no stuff huh no stuff

Huh now what I was going to build over here guys this was going to be mine I was going to I just had the tree here I was going to build a thing out and I was going to build like an acorn hanging down but then the more I

Thought about it I was like is that Halloween enough I will soon answer her I think that’s more fall so I like that’s why I didn’t like work on like I started I put this out I was like this is where the bottom will be I was measuring and then I was

Like is it enough what if you built Dracula flow I don’t think that’s possible this is my stuff here I was like this Spruce Wood in the oak planks oh someone took all my stuff that’s cool um hold on hold on I had so many things here to make the entire Acorn

What can’t trust none of these people none of them oh my God but anyway I was going to do an acorn and then I thought maybe it wasn’t Halloweeny enough so that’s why I was like I’ll just work on the logo for a bit and cook on it cuz I we it’s we

Don’t have wait or we don’t have to do it now rather we have until Halloween so I was like M I’ll work on it next week the latest been in the tunnels for days she yearns for for the mines probably Zen I don’t know I don’t think Zen was doing any Halloween build

Just yet you’re coming for me hiya come here sky is so clear she hasn’t seen the sky in months come here little guy come on come on hya oh hya oh hya hya nice easy easy win here guys what should I build I was going to do a corn and mushroom houses

But it might be to fall themed and not Halloween yeah it’s hard it’s hard to it’s hard to decide I could do like a hanging Jacko Lantern instead a corn oh God one giant corn I don’t think I would yeah Jackal Lantern house would be cute like a big old pumpkin a scary

Nether portal o I could do that I could do that I could do one of the ones where it has like a whole border around I’ve made those before or I could do like a giant skull imagine but is is this going to be like oh we’ll ignore him what is this going

To be this isn’t going to be skull themed in anyway is it I could do big skull with the portal in the mouth too I’ve done things like that before a big pumpkin Mel’s making a Dracula okay okay okay that’s I was going to say

I was like it looks kind of like a head just without the eyeballs oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] look at her look at her go I’ll let her do it she has the better sword I’m here with iron still she’s cracked holy [ __ ] she just did 5 billion damage what

The [ __ ] well I have light gray white and black wool right here I can make any wool color easily oh my God it’s so shiny but I have these skull themes Port that’s the other thing I was thinking of since my spot here is right near the water it’s

Like uh uh spooky Boat House sort of thing right like theme it pumpkin on the water you know ow there’s a lot though I don’t know big black cat with yellow eyes I could do it cat I could do a kitty spooky ship oh ghost ship that could be cool that could be

Cool I could do it oh my God there’s another one yeah I could do ghost ship out on the water that’s not bad I have S on Tower but the ey is your little imp guy I could I did want to make something maybe like really hellish with like a

Lava M or you know what I mean like every was doing stuff that’s mildly spooky but I was like what if my theme is like hell but is that Halloweeny enough I don’t know I don’t know it’s hard spooky petting zoo no that’s that’s cute no matter how hard you try to make

It spooky it’s so cute yo she she just rocked that thing an abandoned dock that’s any dock that doesn’t have people in it though technically another thing I was thinking of is um a big train it won’t be functioning cuz this is not one that has we have like

Create mod in or anything oh my God Mouse you’re getting [ __ ] up by this zombie baby why can’t I hit it I’m I am I okay um but like a big a big train perhaps I think I’d have to make it out of Black Stone Black Stone oh

Deep slate Cobble deep slate deep slate tide whatever you call it bricks things like that you train mine carts together yeah no no no no no no I was I was thinking one that looks like a like a big old boy a big old train kind of like um like an old steam

Engine but it would be huge I think to get like the right like circular shape for the front for that front Barrel I think I like the idea of a creepy nether portal I like that what if I do like nether portal here and then The Edge oh a

Wolf I like twisting Vines and stuff and I just make it uh look like it’s overgrown a bit I think that could go hard I remember looking up a design for one a long time ago hi doggy and I had um built something like it so I can kind of do a similar

Thing I think it go hard like the nether slowly consuming the Earth sort of like like imagine someone made a huge nether portal and then Vines and things overgrew it branches I think that could go hard let me take these back these were mine um I won’t need this

Tree I won’t need it at all so maybe maybe I’ll just take all the wood from it maybe do spruce wood like these logs or just or just normal Spruce Wood actually for the vines okay well that means I need obsidian and you know where I can get

Lava obsidian is under hena’s house she’s one of those dripstone thingies that spawns in lava so let’s do that oh god oh Jesus oh oh let’s just run ahead a little bit okay okay ooh okay bye uh see you okay there we go you could do an overgrow Nether

Portal Temple I could do like a temple I feel like that’s bigger than what I’m intending to build I didn’t want to build something huge for this cuz I still haven’t finish my house but I like the idea I do oh I like it like this where she’s like the the differ colored

Pedestals or do I like the all dark hallway I don’t know this is kind of cool cuz it’s all black and spooky goatsy hands the portal okay while we’re traveling on this hold on hold on let me see if anyone’s ever done this hold the [ __ ] on I I hate this but

I am Google image searching Minecraft goatsy I I am seeing things I can’t build this on a server that henya exists in oh my God guys please go search it for yourselves oh I can’t even begin to describe what I’ve found oh my god well anyway anyway I’m going to I’m

Going to well anyway um maybe maybe maybe I’ll um include some some design design elements into this uh nether portal design but for now maybe we’ll do something a little more normal you know just a a little a little more um simple let me find one that’s got like

Branches swirling I’m going to look at someone else’s design and not do it exactly I’ll just do something similar um Portal sign overgrown oh yeah people have done really really cool nether portal signs okay okay okay yeah yeah maybe maybe I’ll do um I like it I like It we’ll get obsidian in a second they’re so out man you know there’s just so much Minecraft content like such a huge volume that when you search for anything and you’re like um has anyone ever made this or that in Minecraft or one of these you know I guarantee you like eight

Different designs for that thing minimum that are really good exist I’m going to the nether I can go with you if you need if you want a bodyguard it’s funny cuz I’m using like [ __ ] [ __ ] armor thear Soul Sand okay okay all let me drop stuff off

I’ll go in with armor that I don’t care about cuz none of my armor is stuff that I care about all right I have an upgrade about nether update about nether can you updated dude she’s been playing so much Minecraft it’s not even funny honestly someone has probably made a girlfriend in Minecraft

Dude I wouldn’t doubt it I wouldn’t doubt it at all imagine you like build an NPC mod that’s like put a girlfriend in Minecraft move the nether portal to above the ceiling in nether oh the ceiling ceiling she meant that ceiling yeah oh she moved that’s cool

Okay okay let’s put these here these here um I don’t have a good dump chest other than this one can you tell this is my dump chest I need to make my uh automatic storage when I can my storage is lacking it is very much so lacking what [ __ ] iros swur

Arrows let’s do like half of you keep those I don’t have any any gold any gold armor let’s make ourselves gold shoes or something so I don’t get [ __ ] up look at that the drip butter shoes okay that is beautiful I have these put my IR boots away whatever where is my

Bow there we go okay I am so ready with my incredible amazing beautiful armor and weapons gold in the nether bold yeah a bold choice I just heard something what did I just hear what did I just hear is that this thing working oh it was that

Okay we need uh some more of these you know let’s just do all of them why not um that’s pretty good I’m ready whenever go go in is it is it still the same Portal let me see let me see diamond pickaxe for obsidian yeah no I’m not grabbing obsidian from here oh my God she did move it up wow henya look at you wow Lee oh mushrooms grow up here that’s right I forgor I completely forgor you know when

We did the last not the current iteration but like the the original iteration actually I don’t know I don’t know if it if it exists in the current one but when we did an iteration of our community server up here we actually built like a a castle and a cathedral to

Me it was cool it was cool BB thank you for the seven months thank you thank you oh yeah she punched through all of this wow wow look at that she’s been going to work okay okay here we are oh and then it would used to be right here cuz she moved it

Up I see I kind of want to make this area better at some point I’ll build a a lot of like nice stuff here I’m going to do the logo and my Halloween build first and then work on my house but I will fix this up if no

One gets to it before me but it works for now sea Temple that way I hear I hear the piggy I hear him up there all right I I need to wait for him out so we can go get Soul Sand Shrine thank you for the tier two

Thank you oh my God my cat just licked my toe hi Wolfie that freaked me the [ __ ] out Wolfie thank you Jesus Christ he like he like rubs his head on my foot and you know cats rub like the side of their mouth on you

If he like does it a little too hard he’ll just start licking and I’m like okay buddy all right all right friend you Bann that cat yeah he’s a little freak now he’s just staring at me hey Wolfie hi okay I’ll be in BC if anyone wants just

Chilling I didn’t say anything to them before when I joined you get headbutts to the face that’s what Wolfie usually does when he tries to wake me up in the morning he um he just jumps in oh hello hello hello I’m in the nether I’m on the

Ceiling I’m on my way I think it was cute that she spelled ceiling with like with an S she spelled to with an S she did s e a l i n g and it’s very cute that is so cute I was like yes um I was going to stream but I’m I

Got streaming today so I’m like really [ __ ] up yeah you can just chill I am streaming by the way oh well good thing I didn’t talk so much [ __ ] about everybody it’s time to let loose oh yeah we’re up here you broke the ceiling yeah she got through it and

Then this is the same spot before how did she break it I don’t I don’t know how it works I don’t know how you do it actually did she [ __ ] use TNT I don’t know Chan how how how do you break the ceiling how do you do that

Away yeah n TNT oh I [ __ ] knew it hya loves Minecraft so much I’m so happy she likes Minecraft so much I’ve used chorus fruit to go through [ __ ] oh all right do you know where the biome is for it I don’t know this way I knew from the

Last way okay oh I should have brought a but maybe see it oh I see it you have your map the Soul Sand Valley it’s this way this way it’s in this direction okay this way what going what the Soul Sand Valley I’m wearing my butter uniform I

Like it I’m just have butter shoes on I hope it’s enough but it’ll be fine they won’t bother you not while I’m around I’ll kill them we’ll kill them all we’re in the s valy how do we get out um go up here oh yeah are right

Here um the night will be the night that I will fall for you oh oh oh there’s all this stuff here okay going to torch this up so we can find it so sand oh my God there’s a guy no I did here oh I Poison by my consti want oh no

He got you with the with the beams with the Rays oh there blazes over there they’re inside this thing we got a whole Fortress well you better stay inside this damn Fortress you know what I mean I know what you mean I’m going to kill him from

Here I will not tolerate any funny business none of that none of that none of that funny business over here yeah I don’t see a way in over here oh my God I I love and hate the noise that Soul sad makes when you break it it’s it’s really sad

Satisfying I like that it looks like a bunch of screaming heads yeah so when you break it it’s like the people going it’s morbid I like it I like it it’s like uh it’s like gigus at the end of Earthbound just a bunch of weird faces

Gus oh my god oh she loves to play my favorite game she loves Earthbound oh no not the big cat oh I [ __ ] it up you spit and [ __ ] at me holy [ __ ] it’s dead oh there’s a blaze over there blazes they’re coming out oh um yeah it’s way on that side

Y I got him I just want to get as much as I want now as much I can now cuz I’m going to make a bunch of Soul torches and a bunch of Soul lanterns and I’m going to put them inside the thing oo I’ll take some to I didn’t bring a

Shovel though so I’m just just going to hit it with a stick I take some I take some wait your fire is green how come your fire looks green it’s just it’s just the way this mod pack is it looks more greenish than bluish it’s cuz the lighting is so

Warm yeah a cool I think I like I can’t tell I I like it yeah I think I like it I think I like it I like it a lot here we go yeah I love when when you walk around this area and you just hear in your ears I think that’s real

Cool where the Hound did you go where did she go where is she she’s gone I’m here where did she go Mouse oh you’re there did you take out this you took out a line I see I I’m just diing I’m just digging should have brought my I I

Should have brought my [ __ ] shovel my my diamond shovel I I thought I had one on me I did not you’re like no I don’t think I’ll bring it and now I’m like [ __ ] I think I should have broughten it regrets it’s okay this is so close to

The portal that we could just come here in time yeah why is chat screaming chat I feel like we’re so chilling and you guys are Like they’re going crazy is our Cannon event what are you what are you talking about sh what is happening Jesus Christ what is going on been watching too much Spiderman it’s all that Spiderman it’s getting to their brains we are chill oh my God you’re not it’s Canon

Event this is what made me who I am you don’t understand you understand man it was this time that she was streaming Minecraft and like it just made me who I am I wouldn’t be where I am today without that it wouldn’t be the same couldn’t be calmer oh my God

There’s epic Minecraft stream I know guys it’s a it’s a really epic stream I know but like calm down like chill the [ __ ] out actually it’s kind of nice cuz I was like I was laughing so hard earlier at like shto losing his mind yeah go stuck

So I kind of needed something chill for my brain oh man I was going to try to stream but I feel like yeah no just chill just chill I feel like I get you feel like I I went on Twitter oh my God I know people going be like

Why you got to read [ __ ] Mouse why you got to do that don’t what’s some freaking weirdo like responded to my tweet of me going live and it’s it’s like these two people and they’re like just going back and forth in the most oh my God are they having a whole conversation ridiculous

Conversation about how I I I just wish I could like dramatic read it cuz it’s just yeah the most I’m just like I can’t believe what I’m reading and and and I know I know I shouldn’t but you know what it’s amusing to me and very comical when people start back seeding my

Illness dude yeah and it’s just like uh okay okay so I I I abruptly ended stream early today I only stream for 30 minutes cuz uh I started feeling sick and then um I had a little bit of an issue with a medical device and I called a medical professional and they

Had to come see me and um you know it’s it’s it’s no big deal it’s no big deal it it’s it’s normal and then I deal but I had to get my stuff today you know I had to sort out my stuff for today and I

Was just like oh man sucks I wish I could have stayed streaming but it’s like I really don’t feel comfortable streaming when I have yeah uh people around you know I I I wouldn’t yeah so it’s like uh okay so I ended early and like this this person like had a

Meltdown why aren’t you streaming through everything that ever happens I’ll melt on because I only stream for 30 minutes oh my God let me let me just say this another person proceeded to say that I’m over exaggerating my illness and that I’m taking advantage of my viewers no like what

The no one in their right mind would choose this [ __ ] no people really say that when there are so many days where you stream for literally like 10 plus hours I’m literally streaming like 10 11 12 hours a day I know I know for a fact those people did

Not watch every hour of your vods for the last two weeks I’m sure there’s content that they could just go back and watch in VOD form I’m so sure it was just like so bizarre to me I’m like what the fck oh like damn bro yeah that’s

Crazy it’s I I I feel you though after a point it’s just amusing to like to read it this is funny oh my God just like I can’t believe like those people are real people exist like that people like that exist yeah my shovel is broke now I want more you want more

Specifically Soul Sand so guys look I’m using a pickaxe on sand and soil quick tell her that’s not the right way to do it in Minecraft oh no guys look my favorite thing when streaming Minecraft is when you are using something that isn’t the right tool and

You’re just doing it because you know in the interest of time you’d rather punch some blocks than like run back make tool comeb back cuz you’re not getting that much you know and then um someone in chat is like you can make a shovel with two sticks and an iron

Like like I don’t know the shovel recipe gee thanks mister I didn’t know yeah like no way did you know that if you point an observer at a block it actually triggers when um it the block changes like while I’m making a whole sheep farm I’m like okay yeah don’t say thank

You it comes from a good place so I don’t get mad at it but I’m just like you just sigh do you hear him baby baby I got to feed him soon he lets me know meow you can press space to jump thanks for telling me Oh my God I can’t believe

It changed my life it changed my whole life changed my whole life there’s a lot of that you better not take 10 minutes to go to the bathroom because that’s way too long and you’re taking ADV Vantage of your viewers by making them wait while you go

To the bathroom oh the blaze hit me I am Blaze he made his way back out oh was two ow oh God excuse me you’re fine holy [ __ ] I’ll come over there and punch you in the back real quick that’ll show her I like it I like it H me in the

Back I’ll make those coughs stop if it’s the last thing I do the last thing you’ll do cough while I’m around I’m going to punch you in the throat there was one time I made a joke about how I would actually IRL throw you down the stairs because I like morbid

Jokes you know so I like said something about it and I was like I don’t we were playing some game and we were pvping each other and I think I said out loud like I don’t care if you’re sick I’ll throw you down the stairs I said

Something like that and someone in my chat had a [ __ ] meltdown they were like you cannot say that she is ill I was like I was crying I was like first of all I know throw me harder down the stairs now fres fres I was like it’s a bit and I can do

This bit it’s a bit but they were they were were freaking the [ __ ] out I think they thought I didn’t know Conor used to joke around about like pushing me into a lake with my wheelchair all the time exactly like I know how to stret you up I see a downhill

Ramp your biggest enemy ramps oh God not the ramps I I have another friend who’s she’s she’s completely wheel TR bound and has been for a long time and like we would make those jokes all the time it’s just like me into a lake yeah you just

You just get used to them and then like you forget that sometimes maybe people aren’t used to them so they say it in public and people are like it’s true it’s true they get really weirded out and they’re like what the how could you say those things that’s not [Laughter]

Nice mousy you shouldn’t joke about those things aren’t you serious about your life no no now once you’ve been through it you’ve been through it and you can say what you want it’s true it’s true simple as oh my God my fingers honestly my index finger is

Going to fall off with all the Minecraft have been there was a couple weeks ago I like wanted to finish Doom but I couldn’t because the back of my hand like right right where you get carpal tunnel you know at the base of your hand I was like that nerve was feeling a

Little not good it was cuz I was playing a mixture of so much Apex and Minecraft so my index finger was going hard dear God I was like okay so I for a week I just didn’t play anything that was like rough on on my index finger it was cuz of

Minecraft Minecraft how you [ __ ] my life up e yeah I know I know that pain your hands Mouse your hands i b hands I get like random bouts of like horrific carpal tunnel pain and then like just goes take a rest and then it goes away and I’m like I’m in the clear

Looks like I don’t have a problem and then like a week or two later it’s like it just comes back I was like ah [ __ ] you thought I left I didn’t that’s how it goes I have um what’s the name of it parap foris syndrome so it’s like a similar thing

Where you have like a very normal muscle that like presses on a nerve if it gets even normally inflamed like normal mous just from regular use but it’s in one of my ass muscles cuz the paraph foris is like a small a small ass muscle small ass muscle yeah it’s like

Under your glutes so it’s like close to the pelvic bone or like like the back of the femur kind of top of it it’s near there and um instead of my my sciatic nerve going like like behind it like it’s supposed to it just goes through it so I just my

Leg normally yep I get sciatica it’s technically not real sciatica but still it stinks stinky poo poo I get ass pain I hate I hate as pain I hate this ash pain I’ll just be sitting around Midstream and I’ll just like start sitting up and like adjusting

Occasionally you feel the pain in your ass yep I sure do it doesn’t it doesn’t come up too much anymore but when I was working out more it was like I would feel it constantly my ass pain my ass pain my ass would be hurting I hear oh no we have to amputate

Amputate my ass just cut it off just get rid of It I don’t I don’t know how to aim in this game oh just fell where the hell am iy uh-oh got to use some of my Soul Sand okay where’d he go oh he just he just disappeared did he despawn or is he just out of my distance he’s out of

Range but I wanted to shoot him he deserves to die where’d he go he’s gone all right I need to I need to feed my cats right let’s run away yeah cuz he’s he’s doing his Circles he’s running around and he’s like running between all his little scratching posts and scratching them and then staring at me like to make sure I saw that and I’m really impressed oh that’s what he does when he’s hungry Wolfie he’ll like run to a scratching post scratch it and stop mids scratch

And stare at me and be like like did you see it did you like that I bet you’re pleased that makes you want to feed me doesn’t it can’t you see I’m Hungry he’s crazy he’s nuts um oh here oh yeah this way I was hon ly memory of us getting here was completely wiped I was like where’s the portal to me all the time mhm oh man maybe I’ll uh I think my order of operations is finish the logo finish my Halloween

Build finish my house and then if no one’s done it by the time I do those things I’m going to build us a little base at the bottom bottom there that is not like exposed and open and skiy yeah it’ll be nice it’s going to be nice

Be real nice I really just have to do a little interior and a roof for my home so it’s not too far off and I I afked at the wool farm so we actually have wool oh nice because I would I would walk past it and like two

Would get generated and I’d grab them and that would be it I would like place them and then go okay well until next time I’ll see you later wool it was getting sad okay I’m going to feed my cats I will return okay BEP she’s running away she ran away he ran away what is a skeleton’s favorite snack ribs spare ribs oh hello it is I Satan I’m on a ton of medications I am Satan how’s it going guys how y’all doing having a good day Lord have mercy I’m about to bust uh oh [ __ ] I need a bunch of coal got to make all these Soul torches to then make Soul lanterns to put them inside the thingy you know what I mean the

Thingy the thingy the thing a thing you got really drunk what day is it for you more oh my God I I might need to go to the iron farm guys I totally have to go to the iron farm Country music makes me so mad because it’s just a guy listing stuff I love I love my wife I love God I love my country I love Ma I love crank crank I love my I love my grand good Saturday right what a day oh I wasn’t around today sorry I didn’t

Stream much it was a tough day for me but I’ll be back tomorrow bright and early and bushy tailed Maybe or not who knows binocular I just sat down they’re playing loud sounds oh my God I just saw that I saw that butek booty but Che

Man flash on the screen I was like who Congratulations by the way the I have a lot of stuff set up where um people can use specific amounts of bits to make [ __ ] happen and that’s one of them I love creativity me too is is that creative I

Don’t know if I would call that creative ass is always creative so true M it’s so C they sure did they made many in fact exactly the ass is the muse of many a person throughout history people start wars over ass I think that’s very very very

True it’s from the since the dawn of time you can’t escape it it’s just the way things are it’s just how things be that is how things be that’s just the way it is if I you know if I were a man and it was 1250 the year

1250 um and I had any power I would probably start a war over ass yeah you know in another timeline that’s valid a likely story a very likely in another life in another life one of my mom says I just know hel in of Troy had a dump

Truck there there are modern women too you don’t got to do this oh Helen of Troy oh Helen how beautiful she was with her delicious dumple big dumple so round so [Applause] beautiful actually huge dumpy actually abandon all hope you who enter here all right I’m opening my I’m transplanting lanterns o

Okay I need I need obsidian I’m going to grab it from Henry’s house lava from Henry’s house rather and make obsidian obsidian obsidian whoops here we go her house is I was looking at um how much she dug out in the bottom and she’s going crazy with it

Just hollowed out like everything oh my she’s done so much and the interior looks so nice I don’t know why she has she doesn’t want to build much for an exterior but it’s okay cuz the rest of everything looks so good yeah yeah H little building I’ve been liking it more and more

Yeah it’s fun it sure is a fun Pas time all right how do I do this should I just uh does it only work on a source block water onto oh yeah it does make water into wine I say that’s what I say Okay okay so I should find a p of

Lava and throw water on it instead of grabbing hena’s lava and stealing it I’ll leave this for her as a gift I need my diamond pickaxe I need it do I have one Anymore I don’t even know I can’t remember if all my stuff got burnt or not oh God I hate it when that happens like did I lose everything yeah it might have happened I don’t remember did I dream it I may or may not have lost everything very recently so

O everyone’s telling me to take it from the end Towers no no no I want to leave them intact I want to leave them just as they are oh yeah my diamond stuff is gone one of these days I’ll put mending on my tools you should what if today is not that

Day that day I don’t think I’ve done anything with enchanting in so long because every time we play on a modded server it is just just like everyone makes like super fancy tools yeah and I end up buying those and I get involved in like the economy part of the

Game and then I for how to do everything else yeah story of my life I do the same thing but IED this time yeah yeah cuz I I I was like man I’m doing way too much building I got to have [ __ ] on here are you crazy all that [ __ ] Mining and

[ __ ] without efficiency or like are you crazy it would take me even longer it’s nuts it’s nuts making Black die I had to have looting on my Sword I couldn’t do it without him man I don’t know did all the hard work for enchanting yeah she she put so much effort in and I’m glad she chose to do a people Farm cuz I was thinking about it I was like oh yeah maybe I’ll I’ll do a

Villager farm and do all that and learn how to do it but I knew it’ be slow so I was just hoping someone else would like feel inspired to take it on cuz I was like if it’s up to me oh it’ll take forever it’s never getting done

Yep all right one of these 24 24 24 okay I’m going to make him some paper yikes yikes I’m going to need so much paper oh yeah it’s time it’s time to harvest the paper or you know what I didn’t cuz I got really desperate and I couldn’t wait

For the paper to grow I went to another Village to see if there was another another guy with emeralds and there’s a village like to like the east of here where some guy was like offering emeralds for clay and I just went all crazy I start doing sh a ton of clay I

Start going around one way to do it finding anybody who would take my junk mhm anybody please somebody anybody anybody help it’s all right I’ll do it bit by bit we’ll get there one of these days yeah I’ll take my time should have set up a bamboo Farm oh yeah bamboo

Farm it’s actually it’s actually nice to have them because you can use the I’ve seen a lot of people do bamboo or kelp for um fuel instead of like oh yeah I’ve SE people do kill for fuel mhm that one’s apparently uh one of the more efficient

Ones maybe maybe I’ll do a kelp farm at some point it’s probably worth it oh yeah I’m going to need so much paper well we’ll get there I guess I guess I’m trying to decide what order I’m going to do things in I guess I’ll work on the

Logo time to get to work I’ll work on the logo and I’ll Harvest sugar cane in between get paper when all that’s done I’ll enchant my pickaxe and then I’ll go on my obsidian journey and then after that then I’ll build all my Halloween stuff yeah it’s the order of

Operations I’m going go to bom be mm go right ahead all right chat it’s the fabled the fated thingy that you’ve all been waiting for the logo the Logo it’s time Yippe I don’t know if you guys particularly wanted to watch me build it cuz it’s literally just me um Counting blocks and putting them down but a lot of people were like I like the wool sounds so I said all right you know what you know what let’s just do

It let’s just do it I’d watch you watch paint dry let me tell you something let me tell you something I I filmed um you remember the show I did with mouse on my YouTube uh I have a second episode with mouse that should come out at some point

Because we just had so much that we talked about so much footage um but I filmed with car the other night one of the things we did talk about was how he said it was fine for me to mention this a long time ago I

Watched him do a stream a very long time ago where he watched paint dry for like he wanted to watch paint dry for 10 hours and a few hours into the stream he had this he had this YouTube video of paint drying for 10 hours he realized that it was just a

Loop it was just a short Loop and it wasn’t it wasn’t actually paint drying like a full video and I got so upset and I was there I was watching it this was so long ago oh my God we talked about it I was like I remember that stream oh my God

So I was I was I told him about the the game paint drwing simulator and I was like think telling him that I was legitimately going to play it at some point and I was like what if we play it together what if we sit around and we

Just like talk and we just have an open call and we watch paint try we just have paint trying behind us and we just sit there with like music and talk all right let me open my uh logo reference yeah it’s a podcast that’s what I’m saying

I think it could go hard is all I am saying all right let me open I had like a figma document that I placed um I placed my stuff in so I could actually like drag around this rectangle so I could keep track of where I was on the logo uh

Dness okay so let me see I’m here so this is pink one two and this this side should be even with the block below it let me see one two okay yep yep so now this should be uh black part is here it should come

Out one for this for this route and then the pink should start here no no it shouldn’t there should be a bunch of oh wait no no no yeah yeah and then it’ll come out to here and it’ll go out one more me fill it in I’m trying to not

Count how many blocks there need to be and instead just reference the line below it wherever I can and then this should be even and even okay I see progress is being made yeah yeah the issue was that I had not just sat there and idled at the wall wool

Farm so I did not have enough wool to sit here on another stream and do it but now now I do okay this should be even this should be just a white block and no black block here this goes up top and then we are adding

One there and then one pink here and it ends right there okay okay and then I have to drag I have to drag this line up I’m like covering the spots that I already did with this rectangle every time so I don’t lose my spot or I [ __ ] lose it

If I had to sit here and count all the blocks cuz I’m just doing this off of an image which is a little scary okay put here this is even oh my God I’m doing it I’m doing it the APR looks so pretty from up here yeah it’s a

Really nice view I was thinking about making um do not I definitely didn’t forget to R up my Prime for months squiver squiver thank you for the 15 months of very real Prime real and true thank you thank You okay here and then wait wait no no no not this wait oh no no this was a black one yeah okay there we go and then this is all even yay squiver how are you how are you doing hope all is well hope all is great should be even with one below

Yes okay and I move it up that’s it that’s the process okay row by row bit boy bit here we go um like that and one of these and then at the end of this it will be one in what was that biscuit hello than you for the raid

Welcome I’m doing the most riveting thing I could do the content everyone was waiting for it’s me building the logo me getting this damn logo done so that people can actually uh see it when they’re running around in Minecraft I hope stream was good okay now I move my line up cuz I

Finished that one pada okay now next this is the sort of thing I was like is it okay to do this on stream but every time I’ve asked everyone’s like hell yeah cuz we could just talk during it so I said okay where did the name Giga

Come about was the first words I spoke when I was a baby Real and True actual Cannon therefore it became my name or something um are you the same you are the same there we go we undertal and I died to stupid fish like 900 times oh

[ __ ] the game pisses me off you know it game’s a real piece of work real piece of work some of the fights are just like ass to your difficulty Absolutely okay I move my thingy over like that oh I have to count now we have to place a a middle part of the V oh my god oh no oh guys we’re at the part where I have to count indeed I do in a sec though once I get

Here okay this should be even should be like this this is one over okay uh 1 2 3 four five 6 7 8 n 10 no [ __ ] hold on I have to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 blocks I think so one 4 7

10 12 and then boom right and then let me count the other side and see if I’ve got it right uh one 2 3 4 five 6 6 7 8 9 10 it should be it should be 10 here if I counted that right four 7 10 let’s

Go let’s [ __ ] go there should be one two oh yeah I can only count to four dude it’s hard someone’s saying they watched an entire stream of just 10 counting wait let me turn I realized I have no bgm again there we go you’re saying you watch an entire stream of henya

Counting what does that mean can I please be informed what the hell was the hen counting stream what’s going on with that my God I need more wool oh no oh no this will be like that and then this will be like that and like that and then this we’ll Go well it’s technically there so like that no fear no fear okay let’s go back down and grab I need white wool H I should have thought this thr huh uh uh I can’t place it like that okay whatever there we go oh you know what I could have just

Jumped I could have just done this the whole damn time she took over an hour to make a circle trying to build a circle for a Halloween project oh oh for the the base of the home I I get it I get it it Minecraft circles

Um it can you have to learn how to do it you have to learn how to do it just doing a problem solving is not uh for most people I would say okay here you don’t have to be like a a crazy insanely smart person to do it

But when you’re sitting there and you’re streaming and you know you’re like in front of people and your brain is cooking on that and and then also you have to like picture stuff imagine things spatially or calculate like most people just their brain just farts

Out it just farts out I was hoping so hard you would die right then the comedy who do you think I am who the hell do you think I am huh smaller you make one the harder it is to make a circle look right uh may

Maybe maybe I don’t know I don’t know it could be it could be very annoying can’t be hi piku hello I once built a pair of nuclear reactor cooling towers in this game that was Omega circles what what why were you building those huh you

Have something you got to say to us is there anything you want to tell us H actually that could look really cool though I think it could look neat okay let’s see I just I just I just fill these in yeah I just fill them in there we go uh like

That and then these and then these I’m purposefully not filling my inventory so I have an excuse to go back down occasionally okay then we did that line so we move it up boom okay this will be even go this way you want built a quick

3 Logo what’s like the most insane thing you’ve built in this game I feel like for me um I haven’t really done that many crazy builds to be honest I’ve never been enough into building where I’ve done like um anything nuts that wasn’t without uh that wasn’t with rather a guide I always

Used a guide because I felt like when I did it on my own I just like I didn’t know how to make things look good and then over time I started grabbing up other people’s builds and and as I did them I was like really understanding why they

Were placing certain things a certain way or how to make certain details I just I just retained it and now when I build stuff on my own it’s like it’s not hard for me to remember like oh yeah I can make a nice window like this I can

Make a nice doorway like like this and and my brain just kind of does it now 1 2 3 okay I have to move this out one just one and then I go up to up to that black one again and just make it taller like

This and then this will go out one there we go t hi Misha hello spiral drag Towers two of them holy [ __ ] that sounds like a lot once once things so I’m so used to building like rectangular stuff right like look at all these it’s it’s all rectangular right

And then you just have like here like oh oh it’s a little round it’s a little diagonal it’s not crazy the thing I’m building now this wagon is rectangular you know when people start building very rounded builds I I have zero experience with it it it

Like hurts my brain to look at when I try to think about uh planning that out no way okay move it up oh the logo doesn’t get wider than this we’re at the widest point it just goes straight up for a bit ooh all right go here the the V gets

Wider but the Outer Circle does not let’s go circles circles or you know what’s crazy to me is people building um buildings that are diagonal diagonal in this game instead of building a damn rectangle they make a diagonal Street and then on that diagonal Street they have a diagonal house and I’m like

What are what how and it’s not it’s not that complicated but I just when I see it I’m like yeah I would never choose to do that my brain looks at it and it’s like nah nah let’s not let’s just not okay here boom boom boom

Boom there we go you only think it’s squares yeah every time I plann out a house it’s been it’s been like this where it’s like straight line straight line straight line you draw something on the ground and then you’re like okay I’ll fill it in like look Mel’s house

Perfect rectangle beautiful home but that’s a damn rectangle and that’s how I build man I feel like I can make things look rounded without too much of a problem if they’re if they’re huge right but when they’re smaller I don’t know I don’t know man brain hurt on that

One just a little bit oops oops Diagon Alley yeah yeah yeah Diagon Alley is a good example of like the buildings are wonky they’re all purposefully diagonal right it’s it’s literally called Diagon Alley because it’s a joke it’s supposed to sound like diagonally you know it’s the whole point let’s move this up

One and now we’re doing this and this how many of you did not realize that no weighing is this your first time realizing that it’s called Diagon Alley for for that reason I remember the first time I I realized I think I was reading the books and I was looking at

It and I was like no [ __ ] way oh am I going to die here no saved I was like no way no way she just wrote that out like that no way she made the most like lwh hanging fruit easy pun in the world haha totally knew that honest nocturnal is nocturnally yeah

Yeah yeah yeah exactly exactly diagonally ha much much of the writing in those books is very um unimaginative for the naming especially but you know what it’s cute it’s cute I like it I didn’t but the pun didn’t get localized oh that’s so fair yeah yeah

Yeah if you I mean what she’s a UK writer so it’s only going to make sense if you are in the UK or the us or you know primarily english- speaking place okay it’s looking pretty good there are a couple spots here where you see like how this is Too

Tall some of these they actually advise placing like a red block there to kind of soften it give it a mild gradient I don’t know if I’ll do that I’ll do it without them at first and then maybe add it later maybe maybe it feels weird I kind of

Like the idea of just doing it three colorcraft playr turns out the same I find a tall mountain chop off the top and build a castle whose layout is roughly based on the topless mountains outline looking back it’s kind of nuts I always built I did the same thing

But I would find top of a mountain or a snowy biome I would also do the same thing always a snowy area usually spruce trees I would always go into an area with spruce trees because I liked the um the grass color where it was a little desaturated slightly Bluer on the scale

Than um than like a greenish yellowy grass and I would build there and I would build a huge castle that was it so like the I don’t think you could see it from here we have like normal Green Grass and then when you go this way it starts to turn that

Into that slightly bluish grass but you will not be able to tell from here but I would do it every time I would build the same [ __ ] constantly what’s up with mouse she’s in the bathroom or doing whatever she needs to do and that’s fine it’s my stream she

Could do what she wants reminds me how a lot of the English names in anime sounds the dumbest are because their names are turned into direct translations yeah that’s what I was saying um Mega Man everyone’s like oh these names are stupid cutman blast man Airman but that’s that’s that’s how the

Game works I mean that’s the naming scheme in in Japan as well there’s nothing uh there’s nothing revolutionary or new there it’s like it’s like the same so people are always like I don’t I don’t get why the names are so I’m like no no this is normal I think we talked

About in stream another day but you never watch Naruto what do you think um Orochi Maru means what do you think that means what do you think Orochi means what do you think Maru means like think for a second you know and if you don’t know do look it up cuz I

Promise you’re going to you’re going to have a a Brain Blast moment yeah snake man his name is just Snake Man G and it’s funny how on the nose it is this up okay next row that’s just really common though I mean we also have my favorite we have Ultram

Man cuz he’s big and cool so his name is Ultram man like it just does not get simpler and I like that you know Dragon to thank you for the cheer 200 did you mean to send a message thank you for the bits oh my God a rare pink Block in the middle Ooh ooh okay the middle is starting to to really come together starting to look noce do you think I’m within range for this to be like working if I could see it it’s it’s it’s working right right I I want to say yes but I I don’t

Know I don’t know how it works in this game absolutely it’s working 128 blocks okay okay okay yeah I had that random shower thought like what if it’s not running while I’m here do I have to stand next to it again I left myself next to it for hours

The other day just to make sure that wool built up um okay so we’re going to do pink on top of pink and then this is pink this this is one that they recommend could be red as well I’m not going to do it though I’m not I’m just going to leave

It that’s pink and ooh ooh and I’ll go f fix it later if I feel like it needs fixing let’s go like that here and then that and then this and then we go to the edge and we move the line up like that guys that’s

Beautiful why do I feel like this should be more one two three four five this feels too wide I feel like I added an extra one somewhere did I maybe I made this wide I don’t know I’ll go in and fix it later if I need to that’s a problem for future me

Not the current me I’m sure I’ll Stand Back and something when I look at it we’ll be like whoa but you know what the current me is just vibing she’s just vibing you know future me can get pissed off at current me later this like this yeah okay and then this is e

Even there we go feels too wide it does it does it’s odd it’s weird it’s it’s definitely um I I have some extra blocks sticking up I think it’s just the pink section or maybe maybe the black wool needs to be moved over a little bit but we’ll

See when I step back from this and look at it next uh I’ll know I’ll be able to look at it and like tell cuz I have the logo up on my other screen in figma and it is huge over here and if something’s wonky I will know I will

Know let me see this and then that’s the same okay and then this one is not the same same this one goes over by one check it one nice colors remind me of neopolitan ice cream I consider doing the like a lighter pink but that’s not that’s not visha pink visha pink is

Is absolutely like a a hot pink insanely saturated kind of color but I like lighter pink I don’t I don’t love the color pink to begin with I don’t I don’t like it but if I had to pick one I would pick a light pink all right I need to go grab more

White wool and let’s let’s look let’s stand back and stare at the logo and figure out if it feels like it’s too thick in one spot she hates me so convert yeah you know I don’t really love the logo color so um that means I hate the whole company guys it

Doesn’t it just it just over here looks a little too round like I think I could shave a few blocks off maybe I think I added one extra here and then it’s a Cascade of one extra oh go that off later or will I honestly if I didn’t say that out loud

Would you even notice you probably wouldn’t I really I really don’t think any of you would have if I hadn’t said it oh well good enough for me maybe I’ll do it and then what I’ll do is I’ll wait around and see if any of the other members notice or like a staff

Member maybe they’ll look up and be like you know now Kea I don’t know that that shape is quite right so something about it is off right the repeating pattern is correct yeah yeah that’s that’s what I’m saying like the the number of blocks being added to the outer edge this is correct

But I think it all starting from this second row needs to be moved in by one block to be the right slope or the start of the right the the slope is correct it’s the wrong starting point that’s what I’m trying to say you know tomorrow on fals this video yeah go

Report to him right now tell him you have crazy breaking news I just learned of the most insane news ever about one of the members of this group she hates pink I think I think most of my friends know that though I don’t like the color what if it’s

Like a light one it’s not bad or I think pink looks nice in all monochrome like like Mouse’s house where it’s all pink p and purples with each other and not many accent colors I think it looks really good that way I think that’s the best

Use of pink is like you know completely monochromatic pink or like this Forest right everything is pink even this outer part of the wood is pinkish reddish this really dark color that looks nice to me but if you had this and then you had like other

Colored trees in here I’d be like ew what’s with the pink trees you know Hi H go I like it on others or if it’s mixed with a lot of good colors then it looks good that way too yeah I like it if it’s um when it’s springtime and you see like

Light blue flowers light pink flowers light green leaves right like like it’s all within a pastel palette I’m like okay it looks nice but for me it’s very it’s very like hit or miss it really depends you know Barbie Vibes yeah oh my God I saw I saw

Bits of the Barbie movie and I was looking at it and I was like oh God terrifying terrifying for me I think it’s CU it’s one of those colors when when I wear it I feel like it looks like [ __ ] on me it looks like [ __ ] every

Every single shade of pink looks like [ __ ] on me horrible and I think that’s part of me hating it okay boom no wait no no this one was supposed to be white wait wait wait boom ha look I’m doing it wait I have to move the thingy up like that I’m making the

Logo Haruka yeah this is too many here I can feel that but this is correct okay okay well future me will fix that and she’ll be so happy to do so she’ll be like wow yay I love all this extra work to which I say that’s right you’re welcome you’re so welcome

Oh my God the be sh sign yeah yeah it’s coming along finally I just needed the wool for it let me think oops I didn’t to place that it should be above a white one yeah no wait no wait we did that with the one below so

It should be straight up yeah yeah yeah okay no no it’s correct it’s correct it’s right and then this one is the same but check this out we just do one one the circle’s starting to move in up top wowe okay I scroll up I scroll up oh my God we’re

Like we’re like 2/3 of the way way done or a little more almost almost 75% of the way holy [ __ ] right this here this here this here and this bits all even remind me got get to bed for Kuro for the visha Mansion yeah yeah

Yeah we have to we have to give him a bed is it weird if we put it alongside all of ours I never once considered that I don’t think it’s weird but like do you think anyone else would think so for me I’m just like yeah he’s one of the

Girls that’s been the joke we’ve been making internally all the time we’re just like well you’re one of the girls anyway so cuz I’m so used to referring to everyone in the group as the girls I’m like oh yeah let me ask the girls let me see what the girls want to

Do wow I am so off here actually let me do the the right number here it should be like This um um we’ll just do that for now we’ll pretend it’s Right nobody saw anything nobody saw nothing no snitches the chicken nugget chicken nugget King do you do you like that for him I like that for him I think it suits him he seems like the type of guy to order chicken tenders at a restaurant I mean that in a non-derogatory

Way I just think he knows what he wants and he’s not embarrassed to order it you know what I mean genuinely and if you went to him like and you were like oh chicken tenders huh he’d be like yeah whatever yeah I like him just like me for real for real yeah I

Wanted the chicken tenders whatever that’s that’s how I would describe him as a person does not care not one bit uh this should be what oh yeah there we go he’s a chicken nugget kind of guy I order chicken tenders they’re busting that’s what I’m saying get what you

Want I don’t know my my mom was always like that she’ be like you’re ordering this we could have this any time should get this other thing instead cuz but but I completely understood for her it came from a place of being Frugal right like like we’re

Out at a restaurant this is rare you should get a thing you could normally never have and get good value out of it if you’re at a meat restaurant they do some sort of beef and that’s their main thing get the beef it’s going to be good here so it’ll

Be good value for you you know she would always be like pushing that so if I did go someplace I was like I’m going to get chicken tender she’ be like what the hell are you doing this is not the place for that but you know genuinely that’s cuz

We the growing up I never went out to eat ever I never went to restaurants I did not get that experience cuz it was uh it cost you know more and we had food at home quote unquote we have food at home moment oh my God I hate when that happens oh

Scary but I just I just uh when I started being older and I finally had a good job and I made enough money to go out and eat sometimes that to this day is the only thing that I can like let myself spend money on I do not buy

Stuff items and material objects that I keep I like I don’t do that I just buy food cuz to me that’s Health rated right having a bigger food variety I can justify it oh my God we need more white wool is there going to be enough I can’t justify like the other

Stuff I don’t know I don’t know it’s very hard for me and that job is being Zen’s manager dude I who who timed out oh I see um no I I I was um what was my train of thought holy [ __ ] oh yeah for for Zen for managing

Her it’s so funny cuz um the other day Zen was planning or wanted to plan a group collab and she wanted to include kurl right so she makes a oh my God I have no M no she makes a group chat for said group

Collab and she puts me c Mel Mouse and I want to say henya in it I think that’s who was in that chat and she was like okay let’s do a group collab and I was like okay this is fine but let’s start with the first question at hand which is

Like how are we going to do these schedule kind of things because this will be outside of the time you know Zen usually streams maybe outside of mine um so we want to plan this in advance to figure out if we want to like if someone wants to stream a little later than

Usual you know so let’s use a when to meet right so so the site when to meet you can make a link that everyone can click on they could type in their name and then it’ll give like you give a date range and a Time range and they can

Select everything within that that they’re available for for and then leave off everything that they’re not available for right so you get this heat map of like the the list of names when you hover every 30 minute block to see who is available during that block and who isn’t so it’s really really

Convenient for like big group collabs and then you can very easily like get people’s availabilities so I set it up and Zen was like what the hell is this and I was like what it’s it’s a when when to meet link what what do you mean and she was like this is confusing

And I was like just you click on it she was like it says I have to log in and I was like it says optional and it says just enter name um I had to I had to walk her through how to use S to me and I was just

Like it’s not hard I swear it was funny as [ __ ] she was so confused hold on I’m accounting um I did one and then this is supposed to be the same there we go so I walked her through it but before she actually filled it out she called me on

Stream and she she messaged me this too and she was like are you taking my job and I was like what do you mean and she was like I was setting up a collab and then you started uh you started uh you know trying to do like all this time

[ __ ] what’s up with that I was like I was like bro you were streaming during this I was just setting it up it’s fine if I didn’t set it up you wouldn’t do it anyway so [ __ ] funny so stupid Oh wait I see I see I’m on the wrong R it’s like

That is this the same I’m off by one I’m off by one oh Danger alert okay hold on one two one two one two oh one of these should be one hold on hold on yeah off by one somewhere okay did the funny L shap and I go up here and then

Here oh my God where am I o what do I have here this will this will tell me where I am I have a space and then we put in one two and then one so this this here is incorrect one two one two oh no no it’s right no it’s fine

Wait where is it I made a single block error somewhere on this logo now I have to stand back and look at it oh no no not an error an error it’s all over oh oh you teleported to me she’s on it she’s on it let me see one two one one

Two that’s correct so if I go across one two oh boy my favorite oh Minecraft this is fine this fine I think the error is actually fine and looks smoother so I’m going to leave it I want to I want to going to go and

Be quiet for a little bit and lay down go rest if if we still here later I’m might come back I’m feeling better okay up to you up to you I won’t I won’t stream for like too many more hours but I might hang around love you bye rest you hear mey

Feel better mouthy taking bets on how long it’ll take for the logo to catch fire dude it probably will at some point uh before I log off today I’m going to make a lightning rod and I’m going to just place it somewhere else kind of nearby because I do not want this [ __ ]

Burning down henya henya what was that huh what was that what was that hm I got my bucket of water out I was ready to push her off M I see I see m okay okay interesting very very Interesting all right hold on what is going on here this is as it should be this is correct but then above here there should be okay okay there should be a different one coming out oh wait I could just I could just do this to get up hold on hold on professional

Minecrafter my God H what are you doing Anya I should go chase her down I should go chase her down and take all of her stuff kill her and take everything look at how nice it looks I wonder what they’re going to put over there I don’t

Know she she took all of this way and I wonder if she has plans for it or or not CH oops CH smug oops oops all right well I think I think I can’t do too much more on here until I get more uh white wolves which means I

Just need to I need to AFK over there I need to actually just oh it’s still going I need to just AFK in the barn and and let it go I me thanks she’s making a farm there what kind of farm ooh we’ll see there’s there is a

Spot where she said she was going to make some sort of set of Farms or a big farm I don’t know we’ll see for now I got nothing but I I need to actually just AFK in here and let the white W build up but I think that’s good

Uh I’ve been on for like 5 hours and I’m chill with that cuz I need to go eat um and I’ll still play some more I’ll still I’ll I’ll go double check if I need to like adjust any of those blocks but I think the error that I made actually

Looks fine when I stand back so I’ll leave it um and just make sure that I’m in the right spot for the rest of the build also I will make a lightning rod because I do not want this [ __ ] burning down so I’m going to right after I end

I’m going to do that um because I think that would be the most tragic [ __ ] in the world if it just burnt down it’s wool you know it’ll burn so fast too okay let’s go let’s Go Zen is on this is strappies again please I’m not saying like it has to be like oh for like six months to the so I’m just talking about like a little doing a night stream today such a weird Day first first C did like a super late night for

Him stream so it’s like what 300 p.m. for me and I was like oh holy [ __ ] he’s he’s on and then and then I did like a gorilla stream cuz I wasn’t planning on streaming today and then and then I decided to because I had a collab and I went why

Not stream this and then and then now Zen is on like late like today such a weird day it’s yeah there was a fruit stream in the morning too fruit came on and did ASMR I was like what what is happening today it’s just such a weird day but

Like it’s good cuz there’s so much extra content you know and it’s I kind of like it because you know yesterday everyone was streaming it like the the same time and so many people were saying it they were like they’re like oh God everyone’s on

Like who do I watch you know but today everyone’s just been like spread out it’s kind of nice it’s kind of nice but okay let’s uh let’s read Zen cuz I honestly whenever I see her on I like to rate her cuz I never I never get to cuz she always starts before

Me and ends before me so let’s go let’s go RA in um henya is also streaming Minecraft so I suggest if you want to watch that you can also go over and chill with hen up either one either one good but we’ll read in cuz it’s so rare um I think maybe this

Upcoming week I will start doing the occasional stream that might start earlier and just see if I like that I want to do at least one stream that’s just like out of the time slot I usually do and I was think I was thinking earlier like my 11:00 a.m. start or

Something like that maybe even my 12 I don’t know I could do even earlier but I feel like that’s pushing it for me cuz I’m up at that time but I’m like doing tasks at that time you know what I mean so we’ll see maybe even a night stream

Occasionally but who knows but I I’ll try that PD life yeah yeah I wanted to do a really EU friendly stream and just see just see uh how I feel about that because my schedule I’ve been waking up a little earlier and earlier and earlier here and there so it might be

Comfortable for me we’ll see but just just like one one in the middle of the week somewhere um but that’s it that’s all I got I’m tired so I’m going to go eat some food build this lightning rod while I wait for my food to get here

Um and that’s it have a good time with Zen she’s drinking a little bit and hanging out so go be nice don’t don’t do anything I wouldn’t do wash your ass call your mom join the Discord watch my YouTube videos new ones soon woo bye-bye

Woo wo woo if R didn’t pop I’ll put the link in the chat bye-bye

This video, titled ‘GEEGA plays Goose Goose Duck, Cocoon #3, Minecraft | 👻 OUGH 👻 OUGH 👻 OUGH 👻 GUERILLA STREAM👻 #VSHOJO’, was uploaded by GEEGA VODs on 2023-12-10 21:45:29. It has garnered 188 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 05:17:36 or 19056 seconds.

VOD from 10/7/23


Catch GEEGA GEEGIN’ here: 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/GeneralGEEGA 🎮 Twitch: https://twitch.tv/GEEGA 🎬 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA/ 📱 Discord: Discord.gg/GEEGA 🎵 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@geegach

00:00 Stream Start 10:36 Goose Goose Duck 3:03:59 Cocoon 3:20:03 A lil’ chatting 3:26:33 Minecraft

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  • Crafting Iron Armor in Hardcore Minecraft

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  • Gamers uncover shocking threat in Minecraft world #viral

    Gamers uncover shocking threat in Minecraft world #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is my world in danger I Here what’s happened #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by This is gamerz club on 2024-05-11 10:11:42. It has garnered 31 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:23 or 1343 seconds. So this is me a.k.a GAMERZCLUB from this side you usually know me i try to make best content as possible in my reach so i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please make sure to like and subscribe and BYEEE Is my world in danger I Here what’s happened #Is my world… Read More

  • Castle Build & Spooky Moments! | Minecraft SOS #18

    Castle Build & Spooky Moments! | Minecraft SOS #18Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Build a Castle & Scary Moments!!! [Minecraft SOS – Ep.18]’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2024-05-17 14:00:41. It has garnered 42662 views and 3411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:49 or 1909 seconds. In today’s episode of Minecraft SOS, a Hardcore Minecraft SMP, we’re taking on the great hole challenge!!! The First TEAM to dig up a chunk wins…but then CHAOS HAPPENS!!! After the events of the hole, we’re building up a brand new Small Castle in our base!!! ==================================================== MY LINKS BELOW: ►Twitch ➜ https://www.twitch.tv/mythicalsausage ►Youtube Member ➜ https://www.youtube.com/TheMythicalSausage/join ►Patreon. ➜… Read More

  • Insane 50-Hour Skyblock Minecraft Survival Movie

    Insane 50-Hour Skyblock Minecraft Survival MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS In Skyblock Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Moguin on 2024-07-04 15:30:10. It has garnered 49227 views and 764 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:29 or 9809 seconds. Social Media: Discord: https://discord.gg/WueYfurEDv Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/moguinyt Twitter: https://twitter.com/MoguinMo Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moguinyt Music provided by: @lowresbones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoGKcAvlhH0 @epidemic sound https://share.epidemicsound.com/tqbrow #minecraft #100days Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Duel: NGUYEN JD MC vs Yoizol #insane

    EPIC Minecraft Duel: NGUYEN JD MC vs Yoizol #insaneVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me vs Yoizol (minecraft skills)#shorts’, was uploaded by NGUYEN JD MC on 2024-01-15 14:03:09. It has garnered 763 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Me vs Yoizol (minecrft skills)#shorts =============================================================================== Discord: nguyenjdmc Donate: https://playerduo.net/64f4146f14e5671a9f380c0a Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nguyenjdmc Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086377661135 IGN: NGUYENJD1234 =============================================================================== Pack: Dewier 5k =============================================================================== Recorder: OBS 30.0.2 (60FPS) Video encoder: x264 Rescale output: 1280×720 (720p) Rate control: CBR Bitrate: 30001 (my setting) =============================================================================== Edit: CapCut (mov) File video: 0114 – blur ~ 60fps (1440, 1.3).mp4 =============================================================================== Specs: Windowns 11 Version: 10.0.22000 Build 22000 SSD: 137 GB… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server 24/7 Stream + Giveaways!

    Insane Minecraft Server 24/7 Stream + Giveaways!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 24/7 Online Server | Turnip Live Stream |’, was uploaded by Dolt on 2024-04-05 20:09:03. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:37 or 7117 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip @Dolt_601: https://profile.turnip.gg/BMNi4UxVRETRcMLfA Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, Become a… Read More

  • Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! – BoomMC SMP – Minecraft

    Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! - BoomMC SMP - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft’, was uploaded by BoomMC on 2024-03-25 14:59:13. It has garnered 126 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:30 or 5850 seconds. Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft Thank you for viewing. It is an honor and a blessing to be part of Slackville.  I wanted to livestream a little bit on this server as I try to get my mojo going! Free for everyone,  is my Thank… Read More


    🌱 EARTHLING PROBLEMS - STOP BULLYING ME 💔😭Video Information This video, titled ‘WHY IS EVERYBODY ALWAYS PICKING ON ME 😥/Gacha trend//’, was uploaded by Earthling🌱🐌 on 2024-07-06 10:35:52. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. TAGS:gacha,gacha life,gacha club,meme,trend,adopt me,dance,girl,boy,gender reveal, robot,fortnight, Minecraft, Royale high,battle Royale,brookehaven roleplay,Brookland,role-playing,rp,preppy,emo,scene,outfit,trendy dance CREDITS: Credits for sound:WMG,RHEI MUSIC/REHI MUSIC and Credits for original creator sound of their video Read More

  • EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯

    EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz’, was uploaded by Demon Playz on 2024-03-28 12:02:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz HELLO GUYS😃, In This Video We Made An Enchanting Area So That We Can Enchant Our Tools⚒️ And Can Get Overpowered In Future Episodes And We Also Made A Small Beautiful Mine⛏️ To Collect Underground… Read More

  • Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock Action

    Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock ActionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing on Cubecraft Stream :3 Come & join! Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by TheOrderOfSapphire on 2024-02-14 16:03:57. It has garnered 171 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:09 or 8709 seconds. Texturepack/skin made by Lillvy: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/sweetin-in-pvp-16x-cute-pvp-texturepack-minecraft-bedrock-noraiy/ Be sure to subscribe to her channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@Lillvy. My discord server: https://discord.gg/d2pF3s7SyV My second Channel with other games: https://www.youtube.com/@UC62sXHjU8ZANvGQuCWGOYeQ Become a member here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF-kZ-Lic3CSQ5KZg0y_L9g/join Donation link: https://streamlabs.com/pinkman294 Subscribe for more videos of games and if you really want you can donate to give me support! Become a Patreon member here: https://www.patreon.com/TheOrderOfSapphire?fan_landing=true #skywars #blockwars… Read More

  • VoidedMC

    VoidedMCWelcome to VoidedMC, we are a brand new 1.20.4 server with a friendly player base offering semi-vanilla survival, by merging McMMO, GriefPrevention, Essentials, and many more plugins! We are working on expanding the server currently. We also plan to bring a creative world where you can show off your amazing building skills! Feel free to join! Our staff is extremely nice and always willing to help. So if you have any questions please reach out to us! Have an amazing day! Voidedmc.net Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants Pets

    Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): https://discord.gg/qbdA4Gs3f8 Online In-game map: https://map.broomstix.net/ Features: Running with backwards compatibility on the latest Minecraft version: 1.21 Tricky Trials Bedrock and Java cross-play (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Put a lead on mobs to teleport them Free fly in the overworld every Sunday ProtectionStones for land claiming Bartering economy system No grief Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation allowed in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging, homes and player to player teleportation Minecraft-Discord integration to interact with the community even when away… Read More

  • Authentic Vanilla

    Authentic VanillaAboutAuthentic Vanilla is Java Edition Minecraft in its purest form. It is a “Vanilla Anarchy” server, meaning pretty much anything aside from hacking or exploits are allowed. The world, which will never be reset, is whatever you want it to be. Anything you can do in Mojang’s intended vanilla is fair game, you need not be bogged down by landclaims or building requirements or suffocating world borders. But be ware, the freedom to create also comes with the freedom to destroy, so keep what you make safe.VanillaTo keep the server as authentically vanilla as possible, the server will be running… Read More