Shocking! I ThorneBear shoves Lilla off boat

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PC to not walk near you cuz it was creepy oh cuz I said hello and he didn’t respond and then he just slowly walked closer to me buzz off yeah Stick it to him Stick it to the Man Stick it to the Man and the screwed you and punched you

In my goal is to always be your first viewer huh chat is disabled for this live stream apparently never mind no it’s not it’s not I was going to say it I’m going to always be your first chter it’s my goal the day that I don’t

Manage to do it is the day that you know you’ve made it I want to meet more people wait dear’s already here hello hello dear you almost beat Me how are you oh take God I like how I like this map I like yeah yeah yeah I was going to say I like the Christmas one this is the Christmas one I do like it’s really cool it’s also you can practice in F you can practice in R

F5 a a how do I get the point of a chicken tornado CU it didn’t really do anything I don’t get the point of any of these things we just kind of have to accept them true except they have these in actual MCC no oh it’s cuz this is

Supposed to be like more fun I guess it’s not fun though it’s not fun they might have like in wall not chicken on the floor yeah B in your face and you’re in space or whatever what so cuz you get low gravity and and then someone shoots you with a

Levitation arrow and then you go fly oh I hate this one I hate this one or the Villager one cuz the Villager one is so unnecessary what game are you playing dear if you can respond I want to get Star Valley as well also Tommy in it just posted a FNAF

Video playing with his mom people are going to think we’re copying that one with the oh forg I saw that out the corner of my screen you face planted into the side of It is genin impact good is that how you say I don’t know genin impact yeah so com posted he did like a stream I watched that happen he watched he did a thing of playing FNAF with his mom and we’ve done that as well no we’ played f with our

Mom we did it with I don’t know with another person we’ played FNAF with another person which means we must be copying him I mean obviously holding the floor literally on the W like hold in the floor hold in the flooor ho in actually come to think of

It it doesn’t make sense to have a hole in the floor when it is ho in the it’s I guess cuzz I feel like if it was just holes in the wall then it would be kind of easy and then they added a hole in the floor for it to be fun

Yeah like they did all the other stuff like the Matrix I hate that stop it they could at least change some of the stuff to be like Chistmas thing imagine if they had like snowball supplies and then you get launched you get snowballs thrown at you there is a sow one

Oh but I don’t think it’s like for Christmas I think it’s just just general or like if there’s one that makes the floor turn to ice oh yeah that would be good very difficult but good yeah Christmas I can confirm it cre creative gambling is that what that

Says I can’t read it creative gambling change the sound to slow I can’t read it I hate this one yeah but what there are jokes about gam are you addicted to genin impact D cuz you’re gambling I’m don’t worry I’m addicted to uh parkour Warrior she is she’s got like

Five times the points I have I’m 100 and everyone else is like 10 in the T I don’t know points work statistics no it’s so bad uh hole in the wall and the floor yeah but it could have just been called like hole in the floor hole everywhere or something like that

Infrastructure that’s the game you know the thing we about the other day where we said like hole in the wall but in real life where I just burst through a wall yeah I think that would be so funny both I got better this time oh so you just like gamble people’s

Lives that wait did you get thatd fourth that’s so good we would love a game called holes everywhere he would make so many oh that would be unhealthy some’s called Sprite cranberry which I think is hilarious it’s just an old Meme and you wouldn’t expect it to be someone’s name

But here you are with the real Sprite cranberry how is Sprite cranberry a meme it’s it’s um an advert with a singer and I can’t remember his name sings about like wanting a Sprite cranberry and it’s really funny or just really weird which is why it’s funny okay you want Sprite

Cranberry he goes like that and SS about wanting Sprite cranberry and the effects is sp cranberry on Christmas you want cranberry yeah basically was right cranberry a Christmas drink cuz cranberry is Christmas you know I don’t get why Christmas sorry who decided brussels sprouts for Christmas food what

Brussel I like brussel sprouts but I feel like it’s really that’s like a really odd Choice only in bubble and squeak is no bruss Sprouts are so good it is it isn’t it tastes like dirt the vegetable you taste like dirt vegetable shut up sorry I’m sure you

Don’t okay well how about we both find something we both like vegetable well no we should find one we both hate uh I hate um rocket rocket oh whoops whoops sorry I accidentally hit it and we hit it into you you’re yeah I like flew into a wall and

Then it hit me and then I flew into a wall and then I landed and then I flew into the wall again it’s all right it’s not your fault well oh it is I punched a fireball into your face or into your back and you flow off

Sean what are you asking for for Christmas BS is that as specific as you’re going I can say more specific but you’re not going to be any interested more interest ah mango pretty please I want I want Demon Slayer and I want Finland s mainly because they haven’t come out

Like the parts I’m going to read from are the parts that haven’t been animated yet so I’m just going to read the future oh okay that makes sense I it is disrespectful isn’t it dear I I don’t know how he would dare to do it uh for Christmas got tickets for Taylor Swift

Which is part of my Christmas present but so I’m going on the 22nd of June which is really close to my birthday my birthday is the 25th of June so I’m going and then like three days later it’s my birthday and I’m so excited and then apart from that um books

Clothes wool all like the regular stuff really the regular what are you asking for Congrats why are you saying congrats pretty pretty please don’t you ever ever feel did you say you were grabbing your iPad yeah so I can look at chat I’m so annoyed my iPad like it sometimes it just randomly asks for like a oh thank you that makes

Sense are you joking what was I’m the first out cuz a hoglin spawn next to me and hit me off Karma that is karma oh you know you know who made the song Karma Taylor swim wow oh no I don’t want to be the Hot Potato I know I’m hot but like seriously

Stop you’re the only one with hot potato oh no now it’s two people or is it one person no it’s two two is it two or one it’s two it’s two I think I know what that is oh it’s paint I thought it said plant I thought it said g plant like oh

My God that guy that won um parkour is here did he yeah the the oh the KE keyan guy Kean born in 1947 as by his uh player name I mean same so like you know twins I’m going I’m going to Google this this

Type of paint hold on I think I is it one that takes quite a while to dry you know what I hate I hate oil paints they take literally years to dry goo paint oh my God I just I just all these look nice I think we have them

On our skin one uh skin school school ones not our skin we have on our skin you’re second am I uh-huh oh tied for first oh little no no yes let’s go actually I’m going to we’ll take a screenshot of you being in first cuz that such a

Good Li Bella first let’s go in the Christmas skin you made thank you very much sponsored not by me and not even sponsored it’s just I made the skin thank you opaque watercolors basically they can be reactivated with water and like acrylic Oh okay that’s cool when I

Searched up have you ever painted in school and they bought out the like it’s not watercolor paint but it’s like little Paints in white and like plastic tubes I don’t know how to explain it but I recognized it it was watercolor but they literally gave us like PS pots of powder

And P P expect us to know how to do it from year seven gave you the pigment they just gave us pots of um powder pots of powder and then it went Everywhere you know there was a point where we had to buy our own um aprons and goggles to do DT like a term not even a term no a term and I still have it and what am I supposed to do with just an apron and a pair of goggles like

Apron for cooking in the goggles through science experiments obviously oh yeah the science experiments that I do so often because as we all know I’m a connoisseur of science I love it so so much why these hoglins they’re after my skin who of them spawn in and try to get me are you

All right with the wall yeah it’s coming oh it’s coming back we’re not very good at calling out the walls no we we should just leave I think when we call out it becomes more confusing so you won last time and I’ve been getting fourth consistently so I

Think if we just didn’t call out maybe we’ll do better when I call out for you I call out the wrong way you trying to kill me off earlier no I don’t do it on purpose I say like behind you when you’re literally not even looking the

Way I I I’m facing like the complete opposite way yeah and it just it’s so unhelpful Prett pretty please imagine we could we both get B no we’d have to like draw if by the time time but then I don’t know I don’t think

I think we just get put on a Podium but I don’t even know what depended on I did die so it’s not going to happen yay I think not yay because you died but yay because I have a better chance at winning now wow thanks you’ve given G me a

Better opportunity than I could have asked for yeah that’s what my goal was I thought everyone was going to fall off then so did I aside from yours true though yeah o oh come on I can hear your your um keyboard Like you can do it damn it no eggs how did this guy keep okay I just no you did you did so well that was amazing ping second that was so good you lasted so long wait a minute I lost wait how long do we start wait get a

Screenshot get a screenshot oh right no got it I got it I got it I got it thank God I would have got one but um Leon does not work Leon isn’t that Leon does not work bon bon um no B like like can you stand on the opposite side

Oh oh I didn’t mean to make friends but I’ve made and they wearing cuz you’re wearing Christmas stuff and it’s all help me I made friends I I was working Twerking really does make friends FAS I don’t think anyone’s ever said that before no I I love said oh after Christmas we have to do a hall stream everyone wants to see the hall Hall stream we should try and do one for January the

First I don’t know if the one if this is the best time to I assume people will be away true I mean if you can on yeah guess who’s coming to mine on New Year’s not me oh I would invite you actually don’t know what I’m doing

The is Sor is coming over to mine after work yeah and my brother’s going to get drunk which is legal cuz he is 19 yes you’re going oh Yeah second isn’t first though I’m for the top I did get second I am happy with second second is really good and like it’s only because the that the person that you lost to has probably played this game 24/7 like you without the parkour the H wall uh you have to be 18

Here there it’s 21 isn’t it yeah but here it’s 18 but you can drive your to drink alcohol but yeah I think you can still do it there if because if you’re like coming from England oh okay but I don’t know but you guys can drive

At what 16 we can’t can’t drive until 18 but we learn to drive at 16 so I don’t know what yeah you learn to drive at 17 you can do your theory test at 17 and then you start driving lessons once you passed that just don’t look at

Me turn you turn around and stare directly into me oh okay I didn’t mean to you which one is it no have you seen like the amount of quests there are now there’s so many just for Christmas the Christmas Quest yeah it’s the we supposed to have done

One a day but we have well you is that how it work I assume it’s 20 yeah 25 and there’s one that unlocks in 12 hours one that unlocks in the day one that unlocks probably on Christmas day oh that’s actually so smart I don’t know why I didn’t think about

That oh look yeah pretty pretty please I’m starting to dislike this map more and more but I like how it’s christmy look at the builds look at the build I know look up that is so cute I’m stealing that sorry not sorry build still Ste build Ste that’s what they call me

The build steel the play yeah as long as it’s not in uh my bingo at the old people’s home it’s fine yeah I don’t know do I sound like a do do I look and sound like a 90-year-old woman do you Think you’re young you sound younger like you’re still in your 20s wow thank you that’s the greatest compliment I’ve ever received how do I sound you do not sound like you’re in your 80s you sound just a little bit younger oh did you I didn’t

Oh damn I meant to watch it I forgot about it’s really it’s good I the acting is okay could you have done better that’s the question I mean I it’s not bad it’s very same Samy like but I’m sure it’s good I I think I need to rewatch it though just a couple

Times but it’s very good I think I’m just a bit salty cuz I didn’t get a respond when I auditioned that’s fine so you were going to who would you have audition or who did your audition my audition for anabas but I was like three years too old and Too

Tall and also British and British I did have blonde hair is which doesn’t it literally doesn’t matter the thing I don’t get about people is when they complain I didn’t realize the floor was getting removed believe me the thing I don’t get is when people complain when a character doesn’t look

Like uh the character the person the actor doesn’t look like the character like the description of the character I don’t get why people get so mad I don’t get it like cuz for person action they got really mad and I don’t think it matters because isn’t it a

Child’s a book series I it’s a child’s book series whatever and the author picks the people so obviously there’s a reason he picks them yeah like I don’t get it it’s this map again I’m actually can’t like can we play din okay yeah after this after this c c oh Spiderman’s in our

Oh my gosh and that’s my Spiderman star platinum and Spiderman lill is also in my game oh really oh my God iphon B guys I’m playing with iPhone oh my God wait is supposed to be link from brother I think I might cry I think we’ve got Spider-Man link from

Breath of the world and star plat I actually think going cry playing with my hero God is that a terminat or is it a cat I can’t you think you how do you not know the difference between Terminator and Cat well I’m only seeing the back of

Their body and it’s completely gray so I can’t tell what who are you talking about the one with the wizard hat um I’ve not seen their face oh it’s know I just crit one of them you crit them out good job I did I’m practicing battle

Box I can’t lie the only things I can kill in battle battle boock the people that are AFK it’s quite sad oh remember that we’re playing a game wall mly four ha haa can you laugh like a Sim laughs as you made laugh like a Sim can you laugh in Sim oh you

I Shao shoea Lou w Grover a stu loo I don’t really know how the Sims laugh I don’t know you play The Sims more than it’s my guilty pleasure you can hold a candy cane have you got the candy cane I think so I have an elf

Hat you should equip it cuz I’ve got the SP you should the cand you wait you have the elf I think so how many of too much oh right so if you can so you got the Alp hat so you’ve done at least 10 so you definitely have the candy cane I got

Thir equip the candy cane we can is it okay wait give me a second got badges to claim uh I’ve got is it there I’ve got it I’ve a quick yeah yeah let’s get a screeny screeny where should we take a screeny yeah I really hope you’re taking the screeny oh yes doesn’t

Work candy canes in my face sorry l i I hate to think what we’re going to see if we turn around oh no one okay I was worried people were just going to stare at us um where are we going cuz we’re cuz we’re we’re sitting in a corner crouching

Staring in front of us yeah the gig chat is here and a pirate e you do you not like the sound of the is here the Giga Chard is here I don’t really want the Giga chard to be here to be perfectly honest what’s wrong with the Giga

Chard a lot okay all right so are you going to Wills at 11:30 and then we’re meeting at 1:3 I think so gorgeous oh there tomorrow is a famed Zs SMP me up of three people this map again Sean are we on opposite sides turn around oh hello hello turn around can

You see my sparkler cuz I can’t see oh I put it away oh I’m an I think I’m enough candy cane okay okay three whole people are going to this Meetup it’s mental it’s insane we’ve never had more quite frankly you know the first one we had like 12 how many people we

Had like 12 15 people and now we’ve got three everyone was there and now no one’s available cuz it’s the season time no but every no one joins anymore so the most we have is like eight which is still quite a few people but it kind of quickly turns into like

Six cuz two of them go off and then it’s just us true little behind you oh thank you oh that’s un lucky you’re not even going to levitate me oh I can’t reach what useless potion oh pillar up a bill pillar oh yeah yeah yeah yeah

Oh I got it on his head oh come on oh I gave it levitation off oh that’s gone over my head apparently a shot I know I mean same but like there we are oh that was cold cold moments oh I got them oh yeah oh come on

That is so lucky I think I’ve had better set I think I’ve had similar set all there but that should have been one of our kills that was a Terri it got stuck on the back of a block sorry I had people keep apologizing Sean I was standing on this

Block I hit someone right before the thing ended wait are you about to get hit off I no I was standing here and the block got destroyed make it why it make it wide oh oh we’re getting shot by G oh I’ve got a skeleton spawner need to get closer to the Giga

Chads thing but that entire bridge I just built got knocked away please stop saying Gad sorry but oh he died okay oh l oh I someone Li I’m alive what what kind of plot armor there I don’t know oh okay I killed someone as I died that was

Brilliant um I got plot armored I thought I was safe and then I got plot armored I don’t know I’m do watch out if you go to the next Island you can get an extra bit of TNT You got this you got this we got this together I think it’s a 2 no it’s a 3v2 today is to be perfect it all comes down to me I don’t know if I’m ready for all all the things they need me to be I am the princess of friendship but that

Is more than just a crown it’s a promise to bring ponies together and never let any Pony down that was from My Little Pony can tell with the use of ponies together I’m going to whisper in your ear oh okay never mind you just knocked

Me off I didn’t knock you off I got knocked off myself and I think I’m going to die on this island if I get shot too many times mil a pony is incredible I forced my dad when I was like 10 I forced my dad to go see one of the films

At the cinema he hated it I was the oldest kid in the cinema but I’ve never had more fun uhoh oh that poor person okay well that’s unfortunate now you’re the poor person that went far too high that was so too high okay getting closer oh wait there’s three people on

Our team and there’s only one on oh did it go off oh we’re crying out loud oh I I don’t have any music playing neither do I but I’m not going to put any on not going to bother with it unless Like oh no stop it off come yes let’s go this day is literally the perfect song I’m not kidding my friend and I do that as a karaoke song and it’s literally the best thing ever oh wait should I put in my idea list karaoke Lia we came with and forth did we

Yeah yay I’m going to put karaoke on on the list cuz we said karaoke we said we could do karaoke once we get 100 I remember that Yeah so bring all your friends and you can watch us do karaoke in a karaoke bar I don’t know how we’re doing it no one runs oh have I told you what I’m doing MyQ on no you haven’t 1940s murder mystery like 1940s Mur murder on the Orient Express in sh the oh

Okay I love M on orent Express the film is so good Haunting in Venice which one is not very good I hit Someone um I don’t sh look turn around hello know okay when we get enough blocks will bridge over when the next peace period is if we don’t die we’ll build over okay oh I’ve got a chicken a strike oh Lilla no oh I could have gone over there no

You don’t you don’t have enough time to make it that was so I I think I would have I think maybe yeah but no not now no well I’m on the floor behind you oh oh come on stuck floating I started floating as I was falling that is literally the

Best oh you’re down there now I see how it is you didn’t do it on purpose I know I know I Know no I have three blocks to stand on I’m dead me too I wrote on no no no no let me get to the no there’s another one oh you’re the only one alive on our team Lia why would you say that oh my God there’s eight of them and one of

You I’m there’s no chance there’s zero chance oh oh Yeah that was that was no chance no chance you want to do one more or should we play something else uh should we do one more and then do you want to do do you want to do SkyWars no or build battle do you want to go on Hypixel and do build

Battle okay y or do you want to do murder mystery C I’d rather do build battle but we can do murder mystery as well okay cute I was thinking we should do a bit of everything on here and then go and do build battle and M yeah that sounds

Good as long as we don’t do to get to the other side and wack a fan I be can we do one to get to the other side okay so I just want to try and it’s your fault you’re wait I just yeah you’re right ahead of me I’m with nobody I’m last

One you got the best place to shoot from though Sorry L shoot me first you little Jesus Christ oh that poor man he jumped up where my TNT was and it got put on his head oh we’re doing far better than that we are we’re doing far better better than we were last time oh a box landed on my head oh thank

You oh that’s sweet someone like stole the thing that I was trying to get and then gave it to you and then they gave me like half of it a that’s the spirit that’s the spirit where are the chickens going oh oh no don’t worry sorry there are so many zombies on

There there’s so many creepers on there I just got a dino ball badge congratulations thank you din amazing it is it is dinal amazing you’re right look at how many don’t look below you there’s like 10 billion zombies I know I know I know oh the guy on their team is

Literally on one block I’m aiming too high well I don’t know what just happened hello hello hello stream oh we’re on stream hello stream I’m feeling this is like you ver the other team but the other way how’ it go how’ what Go the video oh it’s good it’s looking good

I got lonely a how sweet take that back say that in who dear Oh I thought you meant your dog hello dear yeah my dog is called dear we appear to be on a first name basis now hello well what are they what what’s she G to call

You you know what she calls me will inde that is my first name yes I got him that was brilliant oh did you not die oh he’s floating yeah let’s go he always does I outlived 10 and eliminated one guy right at the end I don’t know if that what have we been

What have we been talking about today what have we been talking second to I know we but what have we been talking about on stream um a few different things give me a rundown um I’ve got an Elsa chat got an ala to call well no Wily D is my first

Name I’ll let you think about that all right now do we want to do to get to the other side sky battle battle box if you can recommend any ulcer creams this is not okay okay if there’s any ulcer creams chat that you can endorse I know I can’t there’s any Ula

Creams that would like to sponsor the channel yeah we’ve got sponsors rolling in don’t we I do zsm products it’s coming Ula cream I wouldn’t take money from ra Shadow Legends but they’re selling Ula cream any company that big has done too much bad stuff ra Shadow UL ra

Shadow shut up Sean I’m self-conscious about that pal I’ve clicked on the stream TR dma trma I have triera good job how do you know about triera L dear said it oh dear you beautiful man we’re on a team it’s l b there Mr bur and gibi

Asaurus I love gibi asaurus a Wily add a willly D in there that’s a dream Squad where would we put I don’t even what is is that the thing on around the mouth no that’s herpes I don’t have an STD no like willly STD oh willly STDs that’s very good

That’s very CL I what is it STI Thorn bear I get it um me write down in your chat your what can what can Lia B uh I don’t want one there’s no assigned mail by Willie D’s am bwd that’s very good that’s very funny everyone’s being very funny today

I’m Post Restaurant outing and I’m post nap today so I’m fragile and I’m quite giggly I’m Post Restaurant as well yeah well you didn’t hello I’m coming up with a thing for Lilla um laia no laia bill doesn’t really that doesn’t work laia evolver lades bades I don’t

Know St uh um long balls nope what’s my favorite streamer long balls this not sound like a condition yeah that’s what it is I’m going to look up STG starting with l no I don’t want one please I’m going to read them everybody no this is not good human Poma virus

Infection that doesn’t work LFE biny Li you l oh I’ve got this is a great joke liy for granuloma Venum mosos think that’s a place in Wales I don’t know why it’s turning into that and I don’t want it to micro cuz Will likes STDs if you can come with a

Pun yeah facts if you can come up with a pun for l B and STDs that can go with Willie STDs and STI Thorn bear he’ll make stop the bit no we won’t U Can we have power oh I do have that oh oh no I can

Hide the user I can report can we have another go please can we have another go please I’d love another Go Daddy I’d love another go daddy daddy that man’s not letting me have a go and I want to go does he he wouldn’t go out on a date

With me anyways I need to help you I need you to help me hide the body well now you’re just stealing a joke from that Tik Tok I sent you Lilla Lilla and daddy Li Bella is coming with me to Camden tomorrow no see if he makes

It he gets lost I’m not going back for him like a door you you guys have to see me on the train you have to watch me get on the train no no dear please no no this that’s quite good it’s got to be a full name l lades l balls BS L

Bad you’re not buing you’re not beating L’s ball John this balls to you you might want to get shine down here with you I stuck in my head m oh I could love is mine nothing else belongs to got the most kills on our team so far if I don’t

Know the words did that guy get an ace they did who they killed all four Professor M mother profess I want to go in the Tardis to Professor well when are you doing a a mitsky cover oh I’ve been forced to listen to that by a lot of sad

Lesbians are we making a Christmas album next year just we can do Christmas ALB Sean can do that one and nothing else can I do a bit of Sabrina Carpenter yeah sure we’ll do that tomorrow is going to be the year of the Willie somebody write this down

The year of oh will midia no CL willia I’m working on it I’m working on it I’m working on it I ran around like a headless chicken and then died and that was my life you always run around like a headless chicken Sean headless [ __ ] that’s what

Happens in circum we’re gonna win we’re gonna win let’s go Sean I’m watching your stream I just want Sean Sean I’m watching your stream and I’ve just seen you potion of harming yourself I know you think no one saw but I saw well no I know I saw

I do I like a bit of mitsky a bit of washing machine I understand I know I’m hip with the kids I know boy sound I know TV girl I like the one genius song how the one that’s like always an angel never a God I like that

One oh you’re basic not like me I’m a basic he’s a basic bit that’s what they call me that is what they call you just on the street on the download she Gets heckled what does that mean again I’m running like a headless chicken and I’ve died because I died

Like a headless chicken my love is mine all doing really good this one nothing else Bel to me yes let’s go uh will what are your opinions on Lemon demon I’ll NE Neil Sara I love a bit of that that’s a banger do the thing

One that you know do the one that you know that’s not the one that we know it’s the ultimate Destiny that’s what he did that’s him I know yeah but that’s the best one I know it’s not the best one I’m not doing the some k n people

That’ll be on the album that’ll be on the Christmas album you did her go she’s slay I I become a proper little teenage girl which eill but no I love I love no wait no I was about to say I love being a teenage girl but I’m not I’m 72 she

Loved when she was a um teenage girl yeah I love I loved it during the war I’ve been listening to ol liia Rodrigo recently D is so good I’m going TR I’m so excited once we did you start singing two trucks having sex why did you just start singing Dear said you’d

Like that oh I do oh chat you know me so well that’s not true you don’t know anything about me you wish you did but you don’t love M Extreme llama and Viper that’s what they call that’s an STD is it oh my god I’ve got a bit of cognitive

Dissidence here I’m watching The Stream and then Sean’s responding to things in real time happy crisp happy crisp respond what what what what help help Sean I just want you to put SL Merry Christmas in I know cuz that’s how I do it cuz I’m used to putting in um commands more than

Um thingy parasocial relationship it me parasite facts I only don’t like I’m I’m a fan of a parasal relationship with only but only with women that I’m trying to manipulate that would be funny if you guys knew what that was it doesn’t matter parasocial what is parasocial uh

It’s when you feel like you oh [ __ ] hell you don’t know either God it’s when you feel like you know somebody but you don’t like if if I was to if I was to watch my favorite content creator of all time dream and I thought

I knew him but I didn’t why is he your favorite oh you know why no look mr8 is back chat if you’ve watched our yesterday stream on the WhatsApp stream we’re calling it we’ve started calling it I’ve heard can you like um what hello I missed everything went silent

What happened um can you can you um un that one cuz at the end we start talking about where I live no but I muted cuz we for we know everyone knows where you live we’re there now look outside I still I I’ve dropped my

Spinning ring oh no oh dear God no go you slay my skull ring see he’s so mysterious he has a skull ring that means he’s definitely I bought it on a canal boat yesterday’s stream wasn’t particularly exciting I can’t lie oh yeah it it was it was was nothing happen stopp

Right that was funny I met a guy in the summer and I left him in the spring he argued with me about he had an ego and a temper and a Wandering eye and I’m like dude nice tribe but he was so much he had such

Weird friends and he would take us out to parties and the night would never end another song another bar another club another dance and when he said something wrong he just find me with the friends and I’m missing something don’t like when you go American I don’t do that I

Stay I stay uniquely southern English when I sing you go like proper I have do France give me another song uh let me check the playlist can you do Matt Smith’s 11th Doctor theme song I meant sing noop what do you mean stop stop playing it why that’s

Great put my head conrete reward do I love him do I hate him I guess it’s up and down if I had to choose I would say it right Now Li’s never had a boyfriend you go British when you sing six honestly face no I will not be colonized I do the no can’t will what did you just say colonizes nothing about no about you said Lila doesn’t have a said L’s never had a boyfriend when she s well

Don’t it’s going to be in near six or something no it would what it was the two- day one or three oh oh well that doesn’t count I can make it two days and half a thought the hardest person it wasn’t at Park it was after that mate

Orange is going to be the hardest I thought it was before no it was after that it was before black Park not before the infamous black Park that was a black that day it was good you meant my dog gave me a dog massive one of my mat one of my mat’s

Dogs has just eating a lot of cannabis what is that how did he get his hands on that how he get his mouth on it and he doesn’t have hand but it fell out and he just snuffled all of it I’ll have a whole tray of cannabis thank you

Out oh Sean I’ve just W witness to take a beautiful little double kill thank youill beautiful perform no this is I’m this stream’s very delayed but it’s very good I no no no spoilers no spoilers do we want to try and get some cute Artic pictures to post on Instagram tomorrow

Sure oh chat follow the insta I want get him back I want to make I want Sweet Revenge I want him again I don’t like how it’s left in the cold there to sing on my own didn’t appreciate that you just didn’t even mean to shoot that guy she’s just too good shot the wrong guy oh oh wait they’re all dead

Yep man don’t really want to walk to the ends or jump on the train cuz the ends got pension sorry I was doing some drill um so we’re fighting orange now we have to be very worried about orange cuz orange is very what did you say that butter his

Cat licked an entire stick of butter how is that what eight or there’s a difference we talking like ice cream like licked it to the bones or like like talking proper short more deep throating kind so many times I’m not kidding he’s been to the vet so many

Times for eating chocolate oh your dog’s got big enough B not my dog um my Godmother’s dog my dog’s never eat been chocolate you would never that’s quite sad he’s too cute for that dogs die chocolate it’s not sad it’s a safety precaution yeah well I eat my dog is

Really cute and he’s really sweet and he’s never done anything I’m on half a heart you were my human shield and you died they just killed all of us at least he admits women are human better than me oh you no we were so close I literally did nothing that

Round I think it’s time for another song which one can you not chat should I release the official wiie D music playlist with 500 songs on it I don’t think so that’s very personal oh I swear when I drive oh i s when I Drive how am I get to Canon tomorrow guys and then do you want to do build battle what one is it the last one this to get one and then we’ll go yeah yeah yeah can we do one murder mystery and then can we do build battle Yeah Yeah

Okay a weird mind do you have I get oh we can do CM Punk no who do you see no I think we should do it for next year so we can actually make we can’t make music I don’t know how you think I once I made a playlist that was

Like 48 hours actually he favores the videos and puts them on my playlist yes we’re talking about your play and keny the count of Personality count of Personality count of personality I play it I can play guitar do you know this I really I have seen you

Years know for about about eight of those years I learning the years that I have tried to ask you right now I’m quite I’m quite sensitive about it can play piano I’m worried about my abil I’m quite good I know all the things but I I I

Know I know cords I know wow you can play cords I can play all of the cords in all in different orders and I think that’s music I can do scales I’m almost certain I was the first one to die I just watch you jump lav that was really that was

That wasn’t great another person spoiler someone else does the exact same thing that’s on stop spoiling it seanad next song I don’t have a choice yeah no you don’t you’re just going to lose it oh l surrounded what to do I get up when I wanton except on Wednesdays when I’m

Awoken by the dust man I didn’t know what to do do you not know that song hello Sean oh let’s listen to a song about the Patriot okay everybody strapping for my opinions I was a man i’ be the I’d be the man that song’s not not

About it’s the history of man oh he fell in lava I love this song this is a very good Song GH I’d be so pissed all the time if I was a teenage girl I would shut up about it no no no come on he’s so okay oh I can I can go off about being a teenage girl if you want me to I don’t

Want you to I’m just saying I would I’d kill someone but I’m not a teenage girl but if I was I would if you were if if I had been in some distant reality it’s some long far time then I I would I I feel for being a tun I’m a I’m

An empath and I’m an empath and I understand that women go through things that men don’t what a crazy what a crazy concept chat I’m tired are you teenage gold rise up yeah just assume all of my political opinions go all the way to the

Left if I were a teenage girl I would agree which I could possibly be possibly her menstrual cycle was still going yeah still flowing oh wait sorry wait I accidentally left I’ll join back no there was a rapper that only ever we’ll just go in thingy don’t mind no no I’m

Not that I was about I was about to tell a pun here guys please are we still in the party or yeah please can we can we all prep for my can we all prep for my pun please yep there was a rapper who only raps when she was in her period

They said she had the best flow in the game I don’t know if that picked up but I made that noise where I inhale just assume that it was funny don’t like that ooh I I I listen to my playlist and I’m like whoa these songs are good and I’m

Like oh yeah it was oh yeah oh yeah don’t do That why is there a cricket Emoji was a do you guys play Super autopets I play Super autopets no can we do a sap stream a what why you told us to download ages ago oh lethal company do we still need to yeah we can play that’ll be fun that’ll be fun

Terraria yeah Terraria would also be fun I love Terraria I like I’m a lot better at it than you you’re what I feel like I’m a lot better here than you then teach me that’s the that’s what we we could do oh okay why do all our videos include you

Being just a bit thick I don’t know these games I play The Sims I can teach you the Sims if you I I can teach you Planet zoo if you want will always cry herself to than you are can you be better at The Sims yes I want to make our families

Fight to the death that’s not a thing you can do leer ler in breeding falling in love is rad the best terrari or NPC bad opinion I like the goblins I like the Goblin King or the goblin tinkerer no Goblin tinkerer because he’s silly and he looks a bit like me I think

Sorry falling in love girls we’re Unforgettable on I thought it was bikinis on tap and I’m like that’s a better line what does that mean I’m watching some gameplay here this is is a bit of inbred I tell you who I do like I like King Slime I like King Slime he’s not he’s a boss he’s a boss not on NPC but I like him that was my revenge for when you hit

The fireball at me what’s my least favorite boss I don’t really like Skeletron I just think it’s a bit yeah neither yeah I don’t dislike this one I just like all the bosses it’s very welld designed game my slap stick’s gravitation to you don’t ever say that again don’t be

Slapping your stick nowhere near me b Sean yeah thanks Li you took a left and last left lane you want to go you want to go huh you’re coming back again oh you didn’t hit me thank you oh you’re welcome you punched me you didn’t even

Whack me with the stick i h a not even just a a slap it was just just blocks me around the head huh oh wait I am Princess Diana except I’m not slightly inbr and a monarch but you know yeah whatever before I think you mean oh yeah drink is very

Big thanks babe you’re welcome they are not coming back this is this is the round where you let everybody do the work John Let’s truce yeah let’s truce well you see here’s my T sorry here’s my tactic I let everyone do the work and then come up

For 10th place and win it’s not exactly a it’s my favorite song everybody everybody every unless people die that that would be a bad thing I don’t know if this is coming on the mic I’m not playing it near the mic intentionally so AFK why I’m Not did you just do that look back and look down away someone pushed me did you fall or what she pushed pushed noil I’m not going to finish I am oh good for you second second what you could come third if you were faster it’s not my fault I got pushed to the

Bottom oh he’s really just called you Mrs jump he’s just called me Mrs slow how could you call her that Sean I didn’t you know she’s sensitive about that you know the rules party leader I know I’m I was party leader last time yeah because you made it while I was

Recording and why wasn’t I party leader CU you hav joined you haven’t played that makes sense you were to join I’d have to give you something please not on the stream please wa until after the stream I told about it you don’t know yet but you have something he’s going to assault

Me no it’s cute he’s going to send me his dick welcome to infection oh L you’re home yeah I love infecting people Alpha chance what is the alpha chance I have a 6% chance to be an alpha oh King it’s so much lower than that L what’s your Alpha oh wait no no

It’s 2% you’re right two minus is minus two alpha she semi she semi skimmed Alpha I said mine is two Sean mine is I thought said minus two your balls are so small minus two don’t have any so yeah they areus two balls sorry bro taking your ball not a

Mystery but it’s infection what is in oh right right yeah okay I understand what infection means infected with the Mind virus no so like if someone kills someone then they get turned into another one and you go around like a plague well Sean is not the alpha I’m

The alpha I’m the leader reading the chat have I just seen an alpha and omega reference in my chat an alpha and omega reference in in 2023 and my Al and Omega Alpha and Omega of course you did I had the disc but I don’t have any memories of watching it

And I I had a disc on I had it on DVD Med bro last medor I have never watched it I can watch it on um don’t remember what it’s about I’ve read the fanfiction I just remember I thought the wolf design that’s not true that’s all it is all

Fanfiction and Pa well you’re a beta I’m okay with that yeah you’re both betas and I’m the alpha yeah they’re actually feeds us yeah I do apparently I’m your mother I’m F that I’m not you’re more like a sister you’re a brother to me you know a you were going to say

Sister getting to a game do we have to play infection or is it just uh no it’s different when compared to me and Sean who have clear raw sexual tension yeah okay I’ve now got 5% chance Alpha I know babe I know why are you dying I’ve got 13%

Chance Alpha now why is your Alpha chance R rapidly increasing cuz people are leaving it me I’m you say that what why did you say that I don’t even remember what you said I just remember all sexual tension yeah oh well it’s undeniable you’re both my

Brothers no I don’t know I don’t know about that you’re both my sisters I I think we are I don’t know where Sean slots into the family Dynamic I’m friend I’m the next door neighbor’s kid his uncle fesus very similar haircut am I not Cousin It is it cousin it oh yeah cousin

It snaz cousin uncle f joh is it you who Al question you I’m not an out I heard a d I’m assuming Lia died cuz I heard L screaming I hit get hit well it wasn’t me pal I know I’m sorry everyone I’m sorry parents someone just I was hiding in a

Room Sean run Sean run Sean run Sean run Sean run s can we play again did you say a swear you’re the party leader no oh can I find your body where’s your dead body in a building I’m not kidding I literally I walked into a room to hide

Ask Sean if it was him and then I literally like immediately died someone and someone followed me in the room literally pulled out their sword and who killed me and I screed and my parents definitely heard I mean my roommates oh oh sorry keep going that’s live my bingo

Buddies oh Mom sorry I mean sorry sorry loua Lou Bera there’s a hyphen in there Lou Bara you get to back on top I’m in the you see that pisses me off cuz the foot my footsteps are the ground is just a better line okay that’s just such a better line and

It’s just not what it is cuz my footsteps are the ground it’s just a better line oh I’m not explaining the metaphor too now but it’s just a better line I don’t I need you to expl then on the ground I need you to explain the metaphor because it’s Wherever She Walks

Is the ground and the ground is everywhere so she’s everywhere ground but on the ground is just sort of statement I got another curse the footsteps are the ground is just a b line right oh that wasck nothing happened should I release my EP pleas he will can we can we feature

More of an LP can we feature no why would you be on my EP uh cuz we’re a band Sean and I were in a band I know you weren’t invited I know cuz we didn’t know each other that well oh you keep tell what Li what are we playing Li what kind

Simulor stop projecting Sim remember this oh can I play grin simulator with you guys you can can I can I can I play guys join the game join Hypixel Daddy lill and daddy sea can I play grin simulator with you join Hypixel my dear go all right daddy

Chill oh Mr oh my God what a match oh I’m so excited Mr far is fighting uh what’s his name I’ve lost his name already I knew it it was a dream match I’ve been talking about this so much recently uh where is he where is he where’s my boy

Mr far is going against Mike Bailey That’s so exciting that’s going to be a banger I’m going to please don’t do that while we’re here well the match hasn’t started yet so watch out but Mr far’s just been released by WWE like a couple months back and now he can go wherever he

Wants what do you mean released into the wild I’m in the game me I will over oh add me to the round no I’ll only play one okay I’m back on we don’t deserve to see him for more than five seconds facts back on to oh my God can we do an

IRL stream tomorrow that’ be funny can’t what how can you not just stream from your phone I mean if you guys want to do that can I don’t I don’t actually know I’m just saying I mean probably I assume you can stream from your phone chat Google that for

Me dear if we did deny stream tomorrow would you watch probably be too early probably would be too early if it wasn’t too early I could turn it into a video it’s fine turn it into a video where would we even do it though just in the streets of

Cden what like walking around yeah okay you do realize how busy it’s going to be I’m so excited I love C Camden is my favorite place in London my favorite place in the world is Brighton in the world yep you chose Brighton yep why I like Brighton I like Brighton

As well but it’s not my favorite place in the world you would set an alarm to watch an IRL stream no oh good girl that is as it should be thank you as it was should we plan a time where did you come from with that sha Mo little Harry Styles Clash No we are not becoming a Harry Styles household I come to think of it it reminds me of Christmas now cuz there are like at the same time why cuz he’s receding hairline like you our hairline is not receding it’s not going regressing it’s regressing guys should we set a time surely

Regressing means it’s going back or like a retreating retreating can we set like a rough time uh well sean gets to my house at sometime 11:30 we’re meeting at 1:30 in the station it’s probably 1:32 p.m. stream and it’s not come honestly if if we have fans I’ll hit

Them oh that’s sweet don’t that come up to me in the street I’m busy we’re eating our pizza as we stream my time is terrible mukbang mukbang in candom I don’t want to bang anyone take a go eat taking a bite and then talking do one of us not

Have a GoPro I feel like one of us has to have a GoPro do not but he’s not coming he busy oh no steal it good point if we say like two no guys I’m not being added to the game right now and I’m thinking about because it’s just

Ended well how that would make sense but you know it’s not good enough is it wait what what time should we say I don’t know probably 2 p p.m our time 2 p.m GMT okay 2 p.m GMT don’t say that like I’m in the he he isn’t in the game

You didn’t even add him to the party entire I’m in the party pal we’re in another one though slub slub 2 we’re do it like around 2m we going to do it walking down the uh what’s it called I don’t know babes oh I’m on a oh I’m on a I was

Going to say let’s play party games this isn’t what I wanted look at my oh like a you look rather naked babes I’m wearing more clothes than usual the white bits are very skin the white bits are very skin color it was just the okay you guys are gonna have to

Tell me the rules of these games okay you know this one just Dig Down oh of course I know this one I love digging down suicide is my favorite hobby pogers what I said digging straight down is typically a Bad Thing [ __ ] that’s why he said suicide because suicide it would be

Like I’m watching this is a very hard topic is it people kill themselves all the time and rightly so top it topic chat if you’re thinking about kill killing yourself think don’t well I mean it depends if you’re in like a Nazi concentration camp and you’re going to be extorted for

Information about the alliance then maybe why did that come from past experience it was a dark time this is taking ages this is boring yeah the whole point is you m out yeah second I’m in between I’m disabled this isn’t fair I’ve been in between two VIPs before in the club

Oh in the club you’re saying it wrong it’s in the club in the club now why do you go low I don’t go low it’s just in the club in the club oh I’m overwhelmed oh how do I get wood oh I’ve asked myself this question so many times my footsteps are

Emergency Olivia Rodrigo what I can’t craft my inventory I can’t craft in the crafting table Yeah you can it’s not letting me pal I might just have to kill myself Diamond how do I craft how do I craft oh I just have to do it the table

That would make sense wouldn’t it you see oh I don’t like this game it’s too hard I thought this was your favorite game I take it back to play the grin in the club I want to play the Grinch in the club do I go American grinching the club no

It’s more imagine you’re from Liverpool oh I keep going to use mypool Liverpool neither of those were Liverpool [ __ ] Liverpool lipo list to me you Absol I’ve been in I’ve been in the [ __ ] club do you not understand who I am CL I’ve been clubing I’ve been out clubing the whole day where’s Liverpool are we still good to okay guys we we have to do the rest

Of it in an American accent I can’t do American accents without tearing up I actually Irish am I I don’t think mine is very good I think that uh as a community we need to push past these uh stereotype that Wily de cannot do an American accent I don’t have another

Thing like that’s not didn’t have another piece of coal that was not that was not fair I think that uh for this one basically the anvils are going I know this one I remember of course I remember this one you dumb [ __ ] I’m just making sure

Sorry I bet you’ve not even been in the club recently I’ve been in the club okay I’ve been in the club you’re saying it wrong it’s the club the club why hav you been in the club recently bab oh i’ oh I’ve lost it I question to ask for you

Um ask you well um what are we still going to do the karaoke thing when we get to 100 and the Monopoly when we get to 100 we can do that I don’t like you in American you sound not Li it’s fine thank you I like I I I hope it’s good

Because I kind need Sean best P oh Sean you let me die he he lets people die all the time it’s like he literally when we were playing hole in the wall earlier he like um hit a fireball at me and just let me that was an accident know I know and I’m

Sorry there always accidents yes no one’s ever died on purpose well that’s not true but it sounded good whoa hi Sean guys I don’t want to play this anymore I wanted to play Grinch I want play grin simulator in a minute I wanted to play Banger simulator I literally

Flipping jumped and it like can we play TNT run I used to be fourth best in the world I know we can play TNT run if you want I don’t want to play TNT run cuz what if I’m not good anymore no because you will be good because we believe in

You I had to quit we do believe in you to be fair we do believe it’s the same reason I had to quit 2048 and snake oh 2048 Taylor Swift was really good actually 2048 do who is even better pal 204 alive just the better version you

Know there’s a Wordle there’s a Taylor Swift Wordle and it’s like they play the bit of the song and patriarchy oh that was my guess for the word that no that’s not six letters guys what’s your favorite patriarchy um I don’t particularly have one I can’t Indonesia’s got a bit of a

Banger that’s not true I know nothing about Indonesian politics what whoa whoa whoa you [ __ ] I’m about to establish a patriar in your on your ass in the club don’t do that in the club I do whatever I want in the club you can’t oh I was just oh in

The oh I was going to ask what do you what egg game no don’t you dare hit me don’t establish a patriarchy right here right now oh okay I thought I thought you won that you didn’t I thought cool I want to win I want to Daddy I

Want to win I don’t like when you say you say Daddy too unsa you just go you’re like fully you put your out of the no I don’t want a fan out of the I don’t want that either I just want to guess I’m not doing but I’m so good at

This game I play game all the time in the club in the club why did you say it’s so sad cuz I’m sad cuz I’m not in the club and I want to be in the club love be shadow lady you do not understand what you whoa who said that I’m in

With thought you going to say Ny I really thought you said I’m quitting no because we’re going to play Grinch simulator in a second I rage quitted he Rage Quit a quit on your ass I really hate to tell you this but quitted is not a word a quitted is though a

Quited my defend got quitted well oh I might Auto remind you oh you’re nothing without Washington behind you daddy’s you need to stop saying Daddy at every chance you get I know this is a fetish for you but we’re on stream I can’t get this one Pig

In that’s no no way to about Lia it won’t go into my net why won’t it go in the pig won’t go into my net can we kill it and roast it for dinner that’s how I feel when I’m trying to get an ugly girl in the club in the

Club like that yeah there are no ugly who said it’s just like no ugly woman I like I like how you said that and she went uh Act not really yeah is it just an opinion isn’t where something is based on opinion so they are there are but know my footsteps are

The ground and fo steps oh second let’s go there are only four people in this game and I came fourth everybody’s left aside from you the two people that have VIP and us two my foot steps the ground I’m here there why have you gone for that

One CU I didn’t want to go on the you guys seen have you guys seen have you guys seen Percy Jacks I have I haven’t yet don’t say anything it’s okay well you see there’s a boy called Percy Jackson and Jackson is it better than the musical I

I no whoa that’s because expected a bit too much I can’t lie oh you shouldn’t you shouldn’t they only they only they’ve only ruined one thing but I won’t wreck that for you and you’ll only really notice it if you’ve read the books how you think I haven’t read the

Books no I’m just saying if you if like audio books what do you think I’m doing in the club in the club are you reading fzy with my spectacles with your spectacles in the club with specs in the club spec Club spec Club I had my grand I Grand red to me

For a long time that’s why I’m so you know don’t you tell I’m going to tell you said that in the club yeah when I see my grand in the club I’m going to go you know a little bit about you I I got hit and I got rubber banded oh

I I HTE you and I’m sorry I didn’t are you I’m very sorry I chat who I I assume are watching would you guys say that sha Moore is submissive and breedable I thought we were done with that I thought that was over I never done with that once you’re in the club

You don’t leave that club in the club I love being in the club you say it wrong pal in the clo shut up I love the clo what I feel like you’re making fun of me in the club right now I’m being hit even then he knocked

Me I they’ve teamed up because they’re just keeping us off oh never mind no they’re not they’re not I yeah I’m I’m pushed by this person can I get some fan out of us in the club in the club I get some Club fan art not even fan out of us

Just found out the club but they had the chance to just knock that redhead person off just then and he didn’t I mean I feel like if that’s true actually in the club you should ask him in the club what am I asking Sean in the the club if

He’s say it with chest no when when you’re in the club there is no shame you’ve just got to save that is shame in the club there’s no shame in the club that’s what the club’s great there appears to be shame in the club then maybe you’re not a good fit

For the club I’m a good fit for the club maybe the club’s gonna fit in you wait well join back the game and we’ll play Grinch simulator I don’t want to do that anymore I want to go to bed oh okay no more CL oh no when I say I’m going to

Bed I mean I’m going to the club I mean I’m going straight to the club I mean I’m already in the club I brought my PC to the club that’s a bit uh that’s a bit sad from the club no no everybody’s watching me all the [ __ ] don’t say that in the

Club what does the club have very strong feminist values the club does I think you’ve got a different interpretation of the club than I do Club you’re wrong in the club I’ve never nothing’s wrong in the club there’s a lot of things wrong what happens in the club stays in the club

What happens in the club why are we the only people you to do the normal one this is two player oh she’s given a list of teammates in the club I’m going to go to the lobby I’ve broken l so we’re on Christmas mode I don’t know what that means supposedly

He goes to sexism blood mode teams mode solo do the minion I joined the would you want to do solo yeah okay we can do Solo in the club the club I’m never Solo in the club you know I’ve got a [ __ ] or two don’t be sexist in the club that’s a

Good whoa [ __ ] aren’t sexist you are though yeah in the club don’t agree to that mate I already agree to it pal completed it mate I have an issue now you’ve made me say this too much I won’t Force anyone to do anything they want to

Do all yours my friend if you have ropes we need to make a sign for tomorrow P look bab you don’t have Christmas themed Christmas themed I will I will I wonder if I remember tomorrow cuz I’m not doing it now whoa what if I made the sign then but I don’t

Know what we put on it we can make individual signs no no but me it’s so I can find you in the station then when I find you you just look really embarrassed map Hammer Treehouse boat I don’t want to do anything makes me happy boat guess we’re doing boat but I

Want to do H boobs I love boobs boat stress b a little joystick in the middle up I actually just stopped talking you actually like you give me brain damage every I’m Banning her you know what why is there a water bucket chat what’s your favorite boobs

Actually just stop it’s a good question now what are your favor Bo can you like leave no no it’s a good question why you favorite boobed just I have an answer we know you’re a little creep do you know do you know my pick no we know you

Have a favorite boobs cuz of course you do oh we cuz they they they were friends before I met them and then I don’t live that far away so we’re just meeting in the middle but what what what what no what what what is this what’s going

Wrong oh okay what still what okay that’s a weird but we are we are quite lucky that we get to meet but we don’t meet that often we meet like once a month if maybe once every two months well they meet at school every day

Work the home the club the club the club doesn’t want you we’re all Club friends yeah we met in the club oh that’s where I meet everyone in the club I’ve never left he don’t leave no Club I don’t leave no club the club leaves me

I don’t leave no club the club is in yourway it’s just like Sean no no I think you’ve actually like got brain damage or something I do we’ve had this discussion I’m missing white matter on my brain I might not still be but I was when I was born and

Twitter and Twitter yeah I blame Twitter yeah you’re like chronically online I don’t yeah well now I’m going to go but now that seems like quite sad are you going to miss me I’m going to see you tomorrow but you’re going to miss true yes don’t appreciate you how you said

That I just said yes all right so say it to me how you’d say it in the club in the club I would say it yeah would you no Sean how would you say goodbye in the club the aome E go Sean’s in the racist club I’m in the

Sexist club that means Lila must be in the homophobic Club no why doesn’t make sense why am I in the RAC Club the rules I say a racism we know why you’re in the racist Club did I say a microaggression can we stop making these jokes they’re not funny to anyone except

You yeah they are that’s true no they’re not that’s why I make any jokes that’s how I that’s how I that’s how I roll in the club I don’t want to be a part of this club no more whoa you don’t get to choose the club

The club chooses you well the club can back off the club is a little bit handsy the club needs to shut up the club needs to go to a re-education program that’s right my boat is a oh I want to but you’re going to have fun without me and I can’t deal with

That you’re very mean to me very cruel I don’t appreciate it I don’t know going to leave though then I’m going to leave I don’t know if I’m going to be able to finish mine in time can everybody wave me off please bye Willie I I don’t hear any waving I

Want to hear the swishing in the Wind swish swish swish swish swishy sashy swishy SSH throwing it back in the club in the club in the club in the club that I have left you know it’s right cuz she said club the club which now sounds like a weird

Word I don’t have enough time na there’s no time I don’t have enough time to finish this everyone subscribe and tell me what your favorite pair of boobs are L she stop or or not not even not even pair single some people don’t have some people have three

Boots did he just shut up you’re giving us all like I’m being body inclusive you’re giving us trauma fine [ __ ] off all you one boobers that wasn’t the issue I was you the issue with it understand my issue was you talking about it in general oh

I’m not finished if we wipe the one boobers under the rug they’ll never feel accepted in society and we can’t have that oh this is good F naad oh you did answer you’ve got an answer will oh what’s the answer why did you say it like I what is

This what’s the answer uh someone from genin Impact I’ll have a look in the chat navias from genin I’m down with the times I’m not down with the time on that if I look up navi’s genin impact boobs is am gonna get I don’t know what’s up

With the side of it though it just didn’t oh that’s a very white woman it’s pale than sha I didn’t think they came like that chat if I was a teenage girl that was also harmed as a child I would agree with you this is what I would this is what

Apparently the best pair of boobs are which I don’t know if I agree Dad okay I’m gonna go now bye see you tomorrow good Sean I’ll see you at my house sharp I am always sharp don’t worry he’s never Square we went from six viewers to one I’m a

Triangle Tri to finish it and I couldn’t someone’s voting at poop I like Sean I liked your one Sean I liked your one how does anyone okay goodbye I’m gonna go sleep and edit and also I don’t know do other activities that I do in my oh okay

Well you know who’s not winning this anymore this one got legendary is this Terra cot or he’s always he just always insults people don’t worry it’s his love language that’s a submarine it’s cool though what’s every everyone what’s your love language okay obious where did you

Come uh eight okay who can so this is obviously first but I’m surprised this he I don’t know how build this far um fifth oh okay just saw a Peter Griffin skin do we want to go again I am well I’d like to fishing Rock sword Cloud parachute

And ant want ant why are these all so bad sword why not go ant I know they’re always terrible you go with an ant cuz it’s you could do so much stuff with an ant you could build a little colony and now we’re doing sword yeah but sword you can

Build like The Sword and the stone thanks l uh don’t copy my idea I’m going to do it better L Sean yeah don’t you dare I’m kidding do whatever you want we can just have a little competition okay yeah who can build the better sword it will be you but that’s

Fine well you might be better people might vote for you depends what the public I’m not good under pressure oh neither am I I make it work and I think you can too I run I’ve got a message it’s from Tik Tok I’ve just wasted about 10 minutes looking for iron iron blocks

Yeah I’m not going be to I can remember LD shadow lady playing build battle I remember she was always used to do these Kawaii animals I love them they were so cute I’ve literally I’m Lally an ELD shadow lady St it’s not healthy have been since yes four three BC BC it’s not

Healthy oh this is so bad I’m sure it’s okay at the very least thank you thank you it’s not it it should be it should be okay it should be no it is it is okay my bad um I don’t really know how to build a giant

Rock oh also when you do watch py Jackson the guy playing Luke castellan just let me know what you think of him when you watch it okay de are you going to watch um pery Jackson I think you said it wasn’t you you never got into it or something like

That but I don’t remember I don’t know how to do like the handle like the pommel or just like the handle in general the handle in general oh fair enough it’s really really good I would definitely recommend watching it and reading it I would offer you to borrow the books but I don’t

Really think that’s an option my I was with at my grandparents today and me and my granny were like looking for books to help with epq and we left the house zero books came back we had one for me and she had four and I was like you are

Me you are so me you can’t use smooth Stone why not no you can’t oh my God this is the worst thing I’ve ever seen Stone I need more more detail than that I need what what are you going to use what the hell is this Coral so I need

Good Coral please dig help me win this it’s not that bad it’s just not very bloody good sure um like that yeah there’s no Dimension to this it’s so so gorgeous when I went on like a school trip to Normandy I made my friend uh watch the old films and he fell

Asleep yeah the old Ty Jackson films I’m happy with mine I think mine defines the defies the laws of gravity is this yours no defines the laws of gravity this is not mine people just all went why is the S so small why okay it’s a classic but it is

Quite easy to do cuz it just picks lot they didn’t even change the floor oh I think we need to actually do that build battle this is okay you can tell what it is but I couldn’t I thought it BL is this yours it’s yours yeah this must this is a

Cutless it’s actually really cool um I really want to um I really want to do that build battle thing so we actually have time and that we can pick the topics and not literally do sword yeah the only thing is we have to give ourselves more time cuz they have um

World edit and stuff yeah well yeah but I think in the beginning they didn’t so you’re basing up for okay this is that is sick that is good it’s a flaming cutus in motion I can’t tell it’s like a dagger I like how it’s so stubby that is really

Cute okay ooh this is so this is like my one but they did the stone smaller and they did the the stuff better like the golden bits and the Thunder and the snow I like yours thank you I like yours a lot I saw someone vot epic yeah let’s go that’s

Brilliant rate this theme five stars I’m going to build this again 25 who came up where what is the actually I don’t know do you want to do one more or do you want to leave it can we do a different game yeah yeah I got my I’m happy

Now is that the first time You’ won one of these maybe I know I won a lot on the Bedrock version but I don’t know if that’s because everyone was really bad at game or or what um do you want to do a a jewel and

Then a different game and then okay yeah we Jewel je you’ll win I doubt I will I’m terrible at PVP I think I’ve gone down in PvP prowess I’m I remember you you were very good was I yes everyone was scared of you no it was Raina not me

No it was you trust definitely definitely what Five Arrows a sword and a okay you did a classic jeel I did oh don’t do that stop it oh it’s just spamming okay yeah right then yeah I don’t get the point of the fishing rod I think you you’re supposed

To reel them in and then hit them again but I don’t know must be reel them in yeah you have to you knock them away and then you roll them in evasive maneuvers where are you don’t don’t do that you’re literally almost dead just let me have the kill

Pleas can we do the fun one where you can choose kits yes after this best of three I’ve already won this oh wait you want to do Duos Duos that was wa can I I can’t pick your arrows up okay Jesus Christ I would not be good at Dodge Bol don’t

Don’t you’re better at Battle box than I am I think if we had a crossbow you’d probably be better yeah okay what’s um I think you have to have to leave it and then a different one um let’s see uh Bridge play yours I mean we could

Do bridge if you do you want to do bridge I’m trying to remember what’s Bridge your thing oh this thing we have to go through the other persons but I remember playing this I think where are all the people it’s just us oh oh I thought there were more people okay

Okay I don’t think this is going to work oh okay oh okay one Arrow okay well oh oh so you you don’t even get to retaliate if they okay you get one arrow that went through your head are you joking I was so good oh oh no I saved my I’ve never done

That before no okay oh yes oh that was so embarrassing come on going to go fast come on you’re going to win yeah okay it’s over for you it’s over for you oh come good yes no hint oh okay so okay have a nice dinner we’ll

Hopefully see you tomorrow if we do the IRL thing what if well we will we will yes no we will no oh come on pingpong you got Arrow no oh yes yes why have we got a Diamond oh don’t you’re a little weasel something okay I run off the edge I didn’t mean to call you a weasel I’m sorry oh gosh come on no no no yes my gosh oh okay why did you do that I was going to try and shoot you before you

Got here I didn’t oh I jumped straight down so is this best to five best five okay I actually quite like this it is quite fun but I I don’t know how I feel about it if I’m being honest wait can I put my blocks in my off hand quickly

No I can’t put things in off hand Oh I thought you were just genuinely saying no well I was and then I was so confused I I was I was saying give me a second yeah I was going to I was I was going to say it as a joke and

Then I realized that no you can’t actually s oh I didn’t hit you yes L you fool oh okay you had a bit of a head start there how did I knock you into the thing no no no Panic no oh you’ve won this haven’t you thank God cuz otherwise you would

Have won if I hadn’t panicked I would have been able to clutch it gone back up and done it oh [Laughter] Vault do that again please yeah okay okay I Prett good okay and then after this we do a different game and then I think I’m

Going to go okay you know we had seven viewers at one point I know I think it’s now just us though oh oh no no oh you’re so annoying you should try to blocks and try hard Str bye-bye I you don’t have a chance okay bye hello Hello I was using my boat and that was really stupid an idiot oh no yes no no no no oh my gosh thank god oh okay no no oh we still have only one Arrow I know okay well that was terrible no no that was close that was

Close oh my gosh I’m on one heart pill one heart I Oh I thought I died to full damage no bye I think you probably got this though no no I got caught I got caught yeah almost I was about to jump in oh no no this is bye hi

Squidward I keep getting caught on your block please oh you you why are you knock me off no yes come on can’t get over I fell off okay yeah you have fallen off I I got had seven stream viewers and now it’s only one h two even we going to do this oh

No oh you stumbled on my stairs no I was about to shoot you and then you stopped on the stairs and I didn’t hit you you only get one Arrow by the way oh oh you killed me oh okay oh oh come on you’re one heart oh

Gosh oh okay go Lily go go Lil go yes L die okay Y what was that it’s a new method of transportation I hate that You’ built on the bridge I really hate it oh so if you eat one apple you heal just immediately oh you’re so dead oh uh-huh uh-huh

Uh-huh oh you can’t go any higher are you joking you went to the build height of course I did I’m so low eat another Apple Keep Calm no don’t cheat You’re such it’s not cheating is it part of the the stuff you’re going to win and it’s all your

Fault no I was going to do a cool ending okay I was going to let you hit me in and I didn’t he what’s one more what’s one more good game what’s the best game bedw Wars but that would take a long time it would yeah maybe tomorrow maybe

Tomorrow this one what’s on the Sky Block Hypixel bedw Wars wait Hypixel oh SMP bu it’s the dropper the blinking dropper L is the The Dropper sant okay if it was that blooming dropper I was I was very close to picking not going to lie blooming dropper blooming dropper you were going

To pick the blooming dropper there’s a there’s a um is it a priest priest priest no gradate no oh no it is we’ve also got from Monsters a Christmas person another Christmas Christmas we’re Christmas people we are Christmas people I actually really like this skin I can’t lie thank you it’s

Very very cute thank you very much this is your secret Talent what skin making yeah five four three two two one one how do we play this How is someone still burning cuz the AFK no then well they W oh how I do it so F I forgot how to oh how do you do it Sean to do an Arrow oh Oh I don’t get it oh I got thir okay oh wait what okay well I just jumped off without knowing we were running Around Sor all of them AR I came for sheep sh let go oh come on uh okay so bottle now for strength what are we putting in for strength carrot mag I made healing by accident I I didn’t even make anything I was just Like I came third I think can we do it again that was actually third you did came third I said that wrong I just said you did came third I did come third I did you did come third all right I think after this I’m going to go

And I will see you tomorrow thanie dokie I hope you know we kind of do have to do a live stream tomorrow in real life have to in real yeah but we de’s gonna wake up early to to well I didn’t say welome stream oh yeah I never made such a

Promise where’s Santa’s hat am I not wearing It what how did I fail I think it’s cuz we equipped it and we didn’t um we equipped it and we didn’t put like it on with our Mouse we have to from your Inventory what Oh I don’t think anyone knows how to pick these up I do I punched them I did not fail the game you failed the Game oh cry out loud I keep failing keep over scrolling eight out of 10 Succeeded wait I drink oh that’s okay it’s the I’m so annoyed cuz it’s the one start Yeah I came I don’t know e wait eth I can’t tell I canot tell but I will see you tomorrow bye stream see you later see you

This video, titled ‘Pushing Lilla off a boat (Christmas edition)’, was uploaded by IThornBear on 2023-12-22 12:45:30. It has garnered 16 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:13 or 7753 seconds.

We push her off the boat guys. . . #minecraft #anime #hermitcraft #mcc #anime #christmas #reddit

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  • Villager’s spicy oi oi meme 🌶️ #lol

    Villager's spicy oi oi meme 🌶️ #lol Why did the villager go to therapy? Because he couldn’t stop saying “oi oi” all the time! #villagerproblems 😂 Read More

  • Creating a BoBoiBoy Topan Portal in Minecraft PE

    Creating a BoBoiBoy Topan Portal in Minecraft PE The Exciting World of Minecraft: BoBoiBoy Topan Portal Creation BoBoiBoy Topan, the second level of power that emerges in the Minecraft universe, brings a unique twist to the game. Among all the BoBoiBoys, BoBoiBoy Topan stands out as the only one equipped with a hoverboard for transportation. When BoBoiBoy Topan first appeared, he lost control, leading to a fierce battle with BoBoiBoy Halilintar. BoBoiBoy Topan’s Unique Abilities BoBoiBoy Topan’s hoverboard adds a dynamic element to the game, allowing players to navigate the Minecraft world with speed and agility. This unique mode of transportation opens up new possibilities for exploration… Read More

  • Experience the EPICNESS of Minecraft’s Mega Base! 🤯 #JustCallMeCat

    Experience the EPICNESS of Minecraft's Mega Base! 🤯 #JustCallMeCatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mega Base!!! ( LIVE )’, was uploaded by JustCallMeCat on 2024-09-05 01:41:17. It has garnered 101 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:17 or 8897 seconds. Its what you think it is… I Have Merch? Discord: #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #streamer Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Trick

    Ultimate Minecraft Diamond TrickVideo Information This video, titled ‘Diamond 😂#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Koobra Arvind on 2024-04-22 13:13:40. It has garnered 8518 views and 187 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey and j, monster school, tiktok, obit, mikey and jj roblox,… Read More

  • EPIC Indian Survival Series in Minecraft Pocket Edition!

    EPIC Indian Survival Series in Minecraft Pocket Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘New survival series minecraft pocket edition indian’, was uploaded by Lankesh gaming 777 on 2024-07-07 15:59:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 1.12.224/server 32 bit minecraft free 64×64 minecraft server icon 6700k for minecraft server 60gb minecraft server minecraft server … Read More

  • Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!

    Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘The BEST Ways To Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.21!’, was uploaded by Marcor on 2024-09-16 17:12:03. It has garnered 35673 views and 2636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Here are the best ways to find a ton of diamonds in your Minecraft world with ease. From the good old strip mining method, to dive mining, there are many ways to find diamonds and they are all in this video! Hey, thank you for checking out my channel, I really appreciate it! Consider subscribing while you’re here. If you enjoyed… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT FLY THROUGH!! 😱🚀 #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘FLY TROUGH #minecraft #gaming #memes’, was uploaded by MrKanto on 2024-05-24 21:02:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. gaming #minecraft Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or … Read More

  • “Minecraft’s Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!” #minecraft

    "Minecraft's Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Moment(steve never dies) #minecraft’, was uploaded by HRZ YT on 2024-09-03 09:02:24. It has garnered 1851 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Anime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditAnime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditdream clutch is fake(i have proof) #minecraft #dream##viral#shortsfeed#urcristiano#‎@cristiano  Tag’s #freefire​ #freefireindia​ #status​ #viral​ #trending​ #alokikgamer​ #headtored​ #illegal_moon​ #durantoofficial​ #sabbiraa​ #shorts​ #shortsfeed​ #bestediting​ #colouring​ #capcut​ #alightmotion​ #kinemaster​ #kidsvideo​ #freefiremax​ #deshigamer​ #yotubeshorts​ #totalgaming​ #tgrnrz​ #tondegamer​ free fire edit #freefire #alightmotion #presetalightmotion #presetff #ff #headtored #durantoofficialPRESET ALRIGHT 😈🤯 MOTION FF🤡Panda🤡 – DESIIGNER II DOWN FF🤯🤯 VIRAL! #ff shorts #music#totalgamingminecraft,technoblade never dies,technoblade minecraft,minecraft technoblade,minecraft shorts,legends never… Read More

  • EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!

    EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【VCR MineCraft β】ボス戦があるらしい、、、【5日目】’, was uploaded by Axel Syrios Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-09-20 12:41:28. It has garnered 5151 views and 658 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:49 or 12169 seconds. SUPER EXCITINGGG!!! Read More

  • EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2

    EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2Video Information This video, titled ‘SUMMER: BOXPVP @ Season 2 | ZenithNetwork’, was uploaded by Zenith Network on 2024-08-06 12:55:55. It has garnered 137 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:57 or 177 seconds. IP: Discord: Tags: minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,,,hypixel,livestream,mc,riverrain123,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video gaming,bogle hypixel,gaming,the god pickaxe,vanitymc prison,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,pickaxe (product… Read More

  • Conquer your Minecraft territory with Carpyy

    Conquer your Minecraft territory with CarpyyVideo Information This video, titled ‘CREIAMO IL NOSTRO TERRITORIO SU QUESTO SERVER MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Carpyy on 2024-09-22 16:03:46. It has garnered 3200 views and 357 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:57 or 5757 seconds. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – • all my socials ” • Client I use » LunarClient • Songs I use » • Donations Link: ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ Read More

  • Pandamium Snapshot Server: Vanilla SMP, Experiments & Snapshots, The Creaking & Pale Garden, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Discord, TPA & Homes, Cosmetics.

    Welcome to Pandamium’s Snapshot Server! Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends! Server Features: TPA Homes Mailing A Discord-to-Minecraft chat link Ranks Mini blocks Mob heads for every mob in the game and all of their variants Snapshot Highlights: Experimental features like bundles, 1.21 content, and more Monthly End resets for new players Enhanced dragon fight with a dragon egg prize Connect with Us: IP: Version: 24w40a (Latest… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “It’s Crafting TIME!”

    Minecraft Memes - "It's Crafting TIME!"So dangerous, this meme could give you a virtual paper cut! Read More

  • Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun!

    Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun! In the world of Minecraft, a player launcher was born, Using fishing rods, players were sent to the morn. With eight accounts in hand, the Backyard was the stage, Sending friends to space, in a daring rampage. The Backyard crew, with their antics and fun, Creating moments that shine like the sun. From 10minutetimer to DrawnbyCC, Each member adding to the glee. Special thanks to plazmahero and JampottBong, For helping with the intro, where the fun belongs. Join the Discord, where the community thrives, Sharing Minecraft tales, where creativity thrives. Fishing rods as rockets, who would have thought? In… Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME MADNESS 🔥😂 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft

    Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft Minecraft: Discovering a Cute Little Creature at Block Pavilion Welcome to Block Pavilion, a channel dedicated to providing child-friendly content while avoiding any elements that could potentially harm their health and safety. Hello everyone, I’m Block Pavilion, a creator in the world of Minecraft. I produce funny and humorous Minecraft animations to spread joy. This channel is the only official channel for Block Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are pirated and unauthorized. Every day, a new exciting original video is released, so make sure to follow and subscribe for some fun content! Let’s spread happiness… Read More