SHOCKING! Kirin Unveils Amazing Lighthouse!

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Hello ho for now do i have a guest with me today hello dangerous april fools sana bana i mean is back Hello hello welcome welcome everyone um i just had to put this lightning rod here because apparently lightning has struck okay okay there’s a lot yeah no i’m phil there’s a lot happening suddenly we have a donkey i don’t really know what’s happening yeah i don’t know i don’t know

I have a donkey okay yeah so um right right or no yeah right or fauna we have a destruction yeah the girl is little yeah oh no oh no the tree lightning keeps hitting these places with trees hopefully the lightning run fixes it but we have a donkey

Where did this donkey come from he’s just here when i told you about the when i told you about the lightning strike so donkey just happened to be here are donkeys new or have they been in the game because we’re on 1.19 now and also optifine has not updated so we have no

Shaders we’re on default minecraft but how do we tame a donkey i don’t what do donkeys like to eat carrots maybe oh they’ve been here do you have carrots i’m not sure i know that macaroni would grow carrots yeah oh should we should we infiltrate bungaroni for some carrots

If she left that um she left the entrance open so i can get in and steal stuff well you can probably leave the donkey here for now really tie into the defense i think that’ll be fine if you’re gonna lead okay do i have any carrots

Oh yeah by the way guys the sun is rising uh hopefully you can maybe minecraft will make you sleepy if you can’t go i don’t like yeah your voice is just exactly what i need for a good night’s sleep yes work and good morning good morning sleep there’s no night anymore no

The donkey just did you see that the donkey just oh my god behind the legs me that’s more like a horse how do donkeys sound Um should we go to the bunkeroni i’m a little scared to take the donkey there i’m a little scattered like um isn’t there a saying about donkey in a china shop that it will break everything okay take a donkey into the bunkeroni and it will smash

Oh a bull in a china shop i mean a donkey a donkey is probably just as clumsy in the right circumstances right okay if we bring the donkey knot to the oh i’m in the water oh you have to parkour donkey if we just go this way you’ll be fine

That’s true this one is pretty safe yeah you were talking about a pillager there’s pillagers too oh yeah for some reason i worked a little bit on my house right and um pillar just went donkey nice oh [ __ ] you oh no did the did the lead break it

It did it’s so slow okay leave him here i think you can just tie them up here and it won’t be okay yeah that can’t be good oh oh no but will you be good it’s like um you’re here i just worked on it a little bit oh it looks so good yeah

Oh you have a spiral staircase and everything yahoo wow i need to work on my house too i’ve been watching a lot of minecraft building videos i want to learn to build we can’t go this way oh yeah um i saw your lighthouse so that looks amazing i have no idea

You’re able to do the fancy lights oh yeah i had to mess around with it for a while it was it was a process yeah it’s not done yet i want to finish it today i just have some final touches to put on the lighthouse Yep i miss andy i feel responsible i didn’t why did they um i still you know i still hear andy from behind the walls like around here oh so they’re still here somewhere are there carrots here oh wait does cronie have glow berries i think she does do you think i can have

Some oh my gosh how do you harvest these i don’t know i was like i want clear berries for myself but then when i tried to get it i couldn’t um like do you have to hear them oh you just click them i don’t want to shoot blueberries

Do you can you plant these it’s so tall oh you can climb them oh this farm was made for tall people i just destroyed a pet but oh i think click your other mouse button oh can i plant it back sorry granny was in there i think you can agree

Oh i see just like that oh no i’m making a mess oh no 168 centimeters and taller only 164 centimeters is not tall enough to reach yeah i um i am debuffed right now you have to take off your limiter just to harvest these bearings just to hold

I will not let these berries defeat us do you think we should grab some from mermaid oh does she have some more she should i’m not sure if she has clay berries i think this farm was made for me it was it was like their their honeymoon

Gift cronies honeymoon gift to mummy oh and i just destroyed the plant no no no we can we can partake in there in their honeymoon gift as well i’m sure please put that hotel potato oh here’s carrot carrot how many do you think we need you know i’m not even sure that the

Donkeys eat the carrots i just felt like you they must eat something right i kind of want i need to make i want to make my own farm oh no my inventory my inventory is very sick oh no why don’t you try kissing your inventory good workforce inventory come here um

Where’s the carrot scenes oh wait no you just plant the carrots back don’t you they don’t have seeds oh yeah if they don’t have seeds and you’re supposed to use seeds i just ruined everything oh you just can plant the carrot back because it gives you more than one white yeah okay

Very nice um do we need anything else yeah did we eat anything else while we’re here can we pill into the bungaroney anymore Whoa where would we be hmm oh yeah i don’t hear them they’re hiding from me because i always look them in the eyes and make them upset um i stole i stole chickens i stalled rice with chickens roasting chicken salt baked potatoes so thank you cronie oh should we take a nap

It’s nighttime yeah boy let’s go we can sleep in gardenia’s bed together this isn’t uh oh i thought about going to the guest room but show me carney’s bed yeah we can it’s pretty comfy all right which one is cronie’s room Oh yes the one that says do not entertain anyone it’s a great view it smells like watermelons mmm melons Ah nice and refreshed I wonder if mimi is ever going to be able to move all of all her babies oh yeah i wonder how didn’t they wasn’t there some tragic event where many of them were were killed i didn’t actually know there was just so many of them around like free the ones that escaped oh

I know they’re talking about like a tragic event quite a while ago yeah yeah that happened but which one which one the one with the fox i just which one with the fox okay um let’s see it you are it’s so pretty your towel thank you wow even without shaders

Oh are we going ow my knees my ankles but it was worth it you can like you can rest your knees while riding on a donkey can you ride the donkey i don’t know it’s like Apparently i’m causing destruction by putting the lining rod on top of this gazebo sorry i just saw that apparently i’m about to light everything on fire so i should put it on top of a stone oh no my inventory is very simple i don’t think he is going to eat the carrots really

Where did they what did they do can i okay can i put put the put it like this is that acceptable will this cash on fire are they like wheat or hay blocks um i’ll just like grab some wheat from here higher it’s going to look silly if i make it higher

Uh oh it ain’t delete oh nice Is this okay um make it flowed but that’s not realistic my really funny if like it caught on fire and it goes along this wooden path and right now oh and it burns down the entire tower is it really okay now i’m scared now that this idea has been implanted in my mind

That’s why it’s like yeah once it catches on fire or gets hit by something it’s like straight b-line to the top of the tower i’m going to fix it this must be good right wait wait are you going to get down i think i have a i made a pillar here

That will work for sure and she doesn’t look silly at all okay is is your donkey safe now it just keeps eating oh very hungry these are some interesting sounds it doesn’t sound like a donkey it kind of sounds like a drain hmm it does maybe it is just the garbage oh disposal

Doesn’t want to eat anymore i think am i friends did he have hearts no oh maybe he wants to eat a whole hay block if you craft nine weeds together Maybe he’ll eat that oh sit on him you have to put a saddle on him oh do you have a can you make a saddle i don’t know do you have to buy them oh it seems kind of cruel to put a leather saddle onto a donkey the skin of his brethren

Well i got a hey there bail well maybe he’ll like that too oh wait can you just pet him yeah wait i don’t want to tame it you should tame him he’s yours i think you can pet him right click him with an empty hand oh okay oh oh you can’t ride him

Oh he loves you am i friends not your friend oh yes he loves you i love you too you i’m gonna make you live the happiest life out here i’ll like lock you in the i’ll lock you outside mimi’s house i recently made a stable for my alpacas

Oh i should show them okay i’m gonna go to my house um uh i wanna call them i’ll just put your and uh do i need to name no no only if you want to you know won’t suddenly disappear right one of the horses out there actually the stables just disappeared i

Think because he’s tamed he won’t right or do you need to name him wait a second chats that you can breed the donkey with a horse yeah can you make a mule make a mule doing do i need a name tag i don’t have one um oh yeah he doesn’t need to go

Okay he’ll be okay because he’s tamed okay i trust you let’s go oh you shouldn’t really try your teeth i’ll drop ert and then stables i guess and then okay visit your house show me around yeah i’ll show you what i’ve built also as soon as i started well i loaded

Up minecraft before the stream and there were like 20 animals outside my house so i kidnapped them and i put them they wandered in and wait what’s this pig doing oh it’s just playing parkour that’s fine well there weren’t really 20 animals but there were a few also um

Say the saplings haven’t met the animals yet either no they haven’t i guess i have four cows and a pig and two alpacas they’re pretty happy i think i was not one to go through this skinny gate oh he might need two two one he’s a big boy you ate so much hey

Did he did he are you right you were healing then but did he eat the hay bale um he is about to because i made it especially for him he’ll eat it whether he’s full or not okay don’t mind me i’m just planting trees in a very straight line okay bye y’all

There’s like an end to you right under the um animal staple oh there definitely isn’t andy there now that okay i’m calling we kicked them out of the the front door and they have spread everywhere just getting some vlogs don’t mind me not chopping down trees thank you It looks really good at night when there’s well if you haven’t seen it yeah although i might need to redo the light because i kind of did it in a bad way but it’s okay oh is the sun setting yeah this is my farm although i want to

Replace these with glowberries i think my inventory is so full though oh i got blueberries you want to put here oh i think i can put it on top of um i think i want two blocks to replace the leaves but hold on i need to clear out my inventory do we have

An escapee there’s one of my chickens left my my bedroom um i don’t have scenes i have a lien bow come here come here would you like to stay the night can i yeah wait of course i kind of i kind of want to oh this sunset’s pretty

Though should we watch the sunset oh oh that’s so dangerous beautiful is there anything inside the lighthouse not yet i want to work on the inside too well imagine if we had shaders i know i was like yeah that’s pretty good it’ll be it could it could be uh i know optifine

Oh come on where’s your update for 1.19 i’m doing the best they are shouldn’t rush them oh okay Oh my goodness you have a file yeah it’s kind of dangerous with the chickens but mommy you have like oh maybe looks like i’m just saying mom and i’m just saying mom mom but british how do you spell moom Meme Leave Good morning again your i don’t know if you can name him eeyore though we are going to get sued that’s why we can spell it different oh how would you spell it oh i oh [Laughter] oh i meant to dump out my inventory getting distracted Legally distinct you’re i love your entrance yeah thank you oh my moom is that you’re in the flesh it’s only i’m somewhere oh i don’t know where oh hello hello hello good morning good morning good morning what’s happening um we’re kind of just running around oh i want to run around yeah

Where are you running we are calling oh my gosh that dot oh that’s why you’re saying oh yeah unreal and we protected the we lightning proofed um the headphone area yeah hopefully we either line or proof it or we rigged it up to explode into flames at the next thunderstorm um if it

If it decides to explode and catch on fire it’s going to be lined right to my house and ride up the tower and all my hard work is gonna go up in flames um i’m a little lost i’m gonna have to see this uh where are you guys near where are you

We are by my house right now i’m so pretty oh okay find my way oh shoot how where do i this way that’s what clover says that’s what animal says oh they’re speaking the same language Well we still don’t know what kind of animal animal is so anything is possible have i not said she’s an animal oh right makes perfect sense like the default you know oh yeah yeah yeah like when you just load into the world but i really i really like it when you scratch animal

On the belly oh yeah well her belly’s dirty this isn’t her house we i was misled why did i think this was your house it’s not whose house it’s no one’s house who is that wasn’t even anybody’s house i think i i i see a lighthouse oh my gosh that’s pretty yeah

What i’m like a lighthouse has fancy lights as well no i want to see hello it’s not done yet but hello hello sorry i’m gonna i’ll say hi to you guys soon i have to look at it i need something yeah i’m instead in your in your third travel oh no

It’s my concrete mixer what how’d you do the top the ring i gotta look at it it’s kind of messed up though i need to fix it she goes in a circle yeah it does Oh it’s all good converse through each other wow that’s so cool a safe glass i want to see it at night i’m going to go somewhere far away to look at it although we don’t have shaders anymore we don’t know shaders yet we won’t be able to

Not be able to see the light we can see it but it’s just like all right it doesn’t have the physics i see but still let’s yeah let’s uh let’s stick around till night time okay um yeah oh this is gonna Like okay wait did i pick something up nope oh maybe i’m just making it turning into bossy candy cane can you do this no no mossy slab i i think you can do a musty get a musty slap because i have one i think i have like a few of them from

Just like a mossy stone brick slab um i think what you do is you make it out of the bricks first and then turn them into slabs i don’t know oh oh i’m not sure it works i want to see it far away but i think i might get lost though oh it’s

I’m pretty sure i might have one in my chest oh i might have a few in my chest oh wait you need three next to each other never mind right it’s not two i forgot i’ll just get like a bunch of them because i got them left over oh thank you oh

There’s a forest here waiting to be destroyed to the top um the hill and then this one how oh my gosh a lot of cows and chickens chickens oh yeah um beautiful a lot of those are cats cats are chickens chicken with a cat they’re well they’re both white they’re both animals

The bicycles yeah chicken do you guys want a yellow or a white cat which one oh that’s chicken that’s a chicken egg cat oh oh my god quite a few stone slabs i get it chicken attic yeah what do you think the cat hybrid new animal created why about it come on

Kitty come on kitty oh don’t die kitty oh i’m scared oh i it won’t die like this right if it’s hanging um i have water no no no no what is what is hanging okay i’m scared um from the the welfare of this cat chicken it’s a lie oh that was on the

Floor all right well i don’t know when when i had the uh merchant visit me with his llamas he went into my tree house and he hung his llamas and they both died oh no why would he do that right did you punish him for his crimes i

Think i did i think i did kill him actually because there weren’t any llamas to spit on me he deserved it i didn’t come down yet i’m gonna come and give you some messy uh slaps i’m not lost because i can see the lighthouse i’m coming with a present see

It’s so it’s a waypoint now yeah oh yeah why are you up there can you see um like a pillager i don’t know um i don’t see anything it might be closer to you like a bee do they hurt you or are they just cute they’re just cute unless you that’s a

Slow attack then i picked it up again oh it’s getting dark thank you thank you oh these lights are like a disco oh Where are you guys we are at the rave party oh on top of the world i have a gift but i don’t know what to do with it should we come down yeah okay and then you can actually see the lighthouse it looks pretty cool thanks like the light even without shaders yeah

No oh look Where are you what is what do you think chicken cat yeah i stole it from its mother oh oh how’s that yeah now it’s yours really yeah are you the model i’m giving her away i don’t want her well she was an accident um that’s right

Do we have any fish i don’t have any i don’t think i have any easel yes i don’t think i could tie her to something for now Sure to eat creatures flavia you can put her over here oh animal collection let’s see um Go through here come on all right get in there this is sad i can’t catch you belong on a leash um oh i have to make a i have to make a fishing rod do you guys want to go to sleep oh sure do you have an extra bed i feel

Like i might want to go to sleep for real oh no it is all morning i’m going to i’m going to use your room for 4. okay i’ll go to boom is going to sleep outside yes stargazing the sun will rise with me going to sleep

Oh yeah i think i’m gonna go to sleep all right thanks for hanging out Yeah he’ll be okay as long as he’s okay How do i make a fishing rod i i assume that it’s a string and a stick straight ah i don’t have any string on me better find a spider oh oh okay i might have some inside okay yeah i might have used anything um sure like well i want to add windows

To the lighthouse and i also want to work on the base here and on stairs this is going to be the front door oh and then i’m like inside i went downstairs inside oh right that’d be handy yeah it could be in permanent construction because the government gave up on it

I decided lighthouses weren’t necessary anymore oh well they’re especially probably not necessary like in a river in the middle of well you know the purpose of this lighthouse is um moomin doesn’t get lost yeah not about people on boats you know oh well that’s nice of you to go through the effort

Yeah don’t get bring so lost animals what do you do to so many animals i can bring them to you i can take them out of their natural habitat and uh give them to you wow because it technically wouldn’t it technically still be natural habitat if it’s with you that’s right

Yeah anything i say goes yeah you can keep them in cages and stuff yeah it’s still with nature yep just like the cat chicken over there yeah the cat chicken oh i need to get you fish so then you can be off your leash and more free but not completely never completely

Too dangerous It’s kind of a big staircase uh should i get you stuff um want me to fill in with dirt underneath sure okay yeah although i might i don’t know maybe it’s better if we like end it earlier and like just make the dirt flat you know no i don’t understand um like fill

This part in with dirt and make the land flatter here yeah like on this level in this level i want to get you dirty after i don’t have dirt i’m gonna get you dirt okay thank you i think i have dirt okay let’s go on a journey you’re going on a journey

Yeah to get dirt when look pretty sure from around here what do i even have dirt i probably have dirt in my house oh that’s a that’s uh that’s a better journey okay i’m gonna look i’m gonna look through your drawers uh yeah go ahead and have anything to hide oh real okay

Um you actually keep fruit inside inside the kitchen oh that’s so cute why do you have an egg though what yes sis the chickens my my chickens from the bedroom blamed them i see but i found another one wait what are the move positions it’s standing in front of the fireplace did

You see this that’s a little bit dangerous wait because before they both were just you know you know how they were yeah they’re not like that anymore only one is like that they fighting i think they’re they’re having a fight To look at look at the other one yeah they’re like that very moody you know yeah you thai chickens where is your storage oh i’m downstairs oh these stairs oh oh oh i see Ah that’s granny oh you’ve labeled it not as organized as crony but cobblestone stone organics it might be in the organic spin i don’t see dirt in the organic mind on that’s polish that’s stone oh oreos no oars oreos mob drop no no you don’t have any dirt how do i have

No dirt there’s no dirt i mean all right i’m on another journey if all else fails i’m sure crony has dirt i’m gonna go to my tree house because i might have dirt there uh there’s no dirt there then i’ll just dig uh i’ll just take the dirt from the earth

Yeah oopsie no wait i i threw an egg in it it broke did it become a chicken no oh it disappeared i accidentally threw it i didn’t know you could even throw the eggs that’s okay that’s actually really good to know i’m gonna sometimes they turn into chickens is that an oh

Is that new that you can throw them no you’ve always been able to throw eggs uh-huh you can throw them at people us and laugh at them about that just like snowballs but um more more yolky Oreo more gooey more fluid yeah more stinky yeah um okay doctor let’s see i have dirt wow okay i’m gonna go back now um can i just break this scaffolding okay i can ah wow did i i did not get it all at all oh no oh yes you have to make stairs

Um i feel like i had more scaffolding than this oh there’s some it’s everywhere uh-oh I’ve been thinking about well someone did fan art of me pirate me so i’m playing assassin’s creed oh they did fan art of me with the jar of dirt oh you know i have not actually seen those movies really we should watch them i want to re-watch them

I want to watch them i was i was turned off by them because of a one character who made me feel very uncomfortable because i can’t imagine what his skin would feel like um i feel like i know who you’re talking about and when he talks he looks kind of gross yeah

That’s like a lot of the characters i think oh oh well this one like not cause the teeth i think he had did he have teeth yeah okay yeah the texture his texture may be very uncomfortable that’s understandable i think that’s that’s the point that’s the point

They have a female version of him davey wait he’s chosen people wait no they’re different he’s spoiled his own like he has friends that looks like coral yeah he’s about a hammerhead whoa probably but why is he oh he’s covered in barnacles what yeah cause he lives at the bottom of the

Ocean what is oh gosh i didn’t even look at me and listen it’s okay what did you find something beautiful beauty is uh subjective that’s right everyone is beautiful to somebody yeah even davey jones like their mom maybe do you think david jones has a mom or was he just like spawned

I don’t know what does he have i could look on his wiki yeah do you want to go to sleep sure can i sleep next to you this time it’s too cold tonight to sleep outside understandable you can sleep with the chickens wait oh there you see

Yeah he still used to live on the edge good night good night good night good morning wow good morning after oh let me show you what i’m thinking of with the blade okay i took on string uh i’ll make another journey later thank you for running errands for me welcome um

Um can i see the dirt for a sec or some of it uh yeah all of it um that’s all i have i have three more but so i was thinking that we can kind of just make it blend in like this sort of just i think you’re gonna finish yeah i might

Just finish it um i see okay right yeah yeah maybe maybe there yeah yeah right okay i’ll do that and yeah yeah wait wait let me help you here you go oh it’s it’s floating away although maybe it could look more natural maybe you can make it look more

Natural you’re very good at making things look natural you know how what do you mean how you know like maybe like you’ve made like skyscrapers and you know like um the pyramids those look pretty natural oh i i yeah i should get the credit yeah i totally did that stuff yeah yeah

Okay what do you think of that no i do i am i’m gone but i’m sure he’s not good okay um well this one i chose this i made it look suspicious as it seems it seems like it could be man-made but it’s not perfect so it leads you to question yeah

I mean that happens in nature sometimes you know I know um i’m just kidding this looks weird oopsie landscaping is is hard in minecraft yeah because everything in minecraft ready kind of looks perfect because they’re all perfect blocks there’s no rough edges it’s all straight Perfect have you seen the mod for minecraft that makes things not blocks i don’t think so it’s very weird it’s like smooth minecraft but like the engine is still blocks so oh This turret this looks like um it looks like a tycoon yeah landscaping oh what the heck it’s especially weird if you’re like playing with it i think that would throw me off so much uh you want you want more stone stairs um i have quite a bit if you want you can

You can try like randomly replacing um so in this chest in the lighthouse i have some cracked stone and some mossy stone you can like randomly replace the blocks with with these oh oh so you want them to not be actual stairs um oh no there’s like some stairs some mossy stairs

Oh i like the other box as well all right yummy let me take a look see oh i see okay uh do i have yeah okay i don’t have a normal axe right i guess that’s okay so maybe um oh wait there i only grabbed two uh one more oh

I think so uh what are you seeing oh you named vines i see my guns um just put it away do you need to make it from the mossy bricks all right i took some and then i put these back i think i have enough okay got it let me know

Okay if you need more um then do i do i um do i remove the dirt blocks um you can leave the dirt blocks but the stairs what about the stairs they can oh they can end right here i think i don’t think they need to go all the way down oh

Like i was thinking we can try to like blend it out into the environment you know um maybe i can show you the picture oh picture yes please this is using for inspiration was looking at like a few different ones what about so much iron oh this one’s kind of different you see

Um oh so oh wait that’s the same lighthouse i just posted the same one twice um uh but there’s no no no no i’m saying uh sorry there’s no stare there yeah there was another one i wonder if i can find it there was another one i was looking at that has stairs

I can look it up too lighthouse minecraft lighthouse um this one has this is uh this one stairs are perfect perfect stairs um you want it not to be perfect it can be [Applause] somewhat perfect that would make it not perfect though wouldn’t it um how do people do this um Uh maybe um i need more stuff uh you don’t have a lot of mossy stone bricks Um but you can you can make them um have you ever used a stone cutter before yeah so in my house you can put stone into the stone cutter and make stone bricks and then you can combine it with vines okay do i take these vines um yes you can take the vines

Off the vines sure can get more easily and then i take stone yeah but there’s a stone in my house oh you might have to cook some more okay Stone and stone in your house Okay um i don’t even know if this will look good what i’m doing i saw someone do it and it looked good maybe i should put glass in should i put glass in the windows I’ll google it yeah you can you can figure it out oh what Oh why don’t cobblestone with the vine in the crafting table but do you want it to be the stone brick yeah so you can do it with bricks too okay so i’m going to cool and the oh there’s gold in the first okay so burn some stone

I see i remember i remember yeah i got it whoa whoa you can break the scaffolding really fast but you die it kills you What compelled you to make a lighthouse i wanted something to look at from my front door it was like lighthouses are pretty man-made structure yeah well i mean if i wanted natural then i would just not play minecraft i would just sit and look and then not build anything right i see right

You have no choice right if people try to this is a thing to build your own forest in minecraft yeah you can do that a natural park is that a thing sure why not oh there’s my scaffolds oh oh it sucks it has trains and stuff

Fine oh i should put lights should i put lights on the side of the lighthouse does that even make sense i don’t know it’s on the side yeah i mean yes yes i think it makes sense yeah for the people to on the ground that makes sense so you can see the lighthouse

Yeah in the dark so yeah and to keep the creepers away right oh true yeah true i might need more lanterns or iron yeah for lanterns or also if you make windows the inside can have light and yeah i’m making some windows oh like if you make light on the inside

It can shine out through the windows yeah yeah yeah that’ll look cool oh my gosh this burns so slowly yeah patience patience do you want to go to sleep again maybe when you wake up it’ll be burned does it skip time like that no i don’t

Think it does but it should imagine it should that’s silly okay yay good morning oh look i might oh wait never mind i thought they were making up i mean it’s kind of closer but yeah maybe do we need to just give him a little nudge the last time you did that no

No neither sorry i don’t know good good good but i don’t know okay all right gosh it’s so slow okay yeah let’s take some all right mossy a door to her all right ah too many steps um there you go okay through the windows it’s not a lot of vines though um

Oh yeah um you could always harvest some from cronies tree farm i think oh oh yeah she has some okay okay okay i think this should be good for now it’s probably gonna look really bad but i’ll try um I have some things i also i was watching i’ve been watching minecraft building videos because i want to learn to build and i watched one that said some tips and tricks for a staircase they did it like this first i think i’m sorry i need wood oh

You can you can chop the trees i have a line of trees oh i have a sapling you can replant that one if you want but i have a line of trees back over here oh this way piggy over here you know it’s a line over here these trees so these ones

These trees i you have a feeling towards yes you can harvest them and replant them i see as you wish okay they’re not wild trees they’re invasive i planted them there so you have to get rid of them oh my goodness you’re doing a great service you’re becoming more and more oh what

Um more what i’m saying is planting an invasive species on purpose does not sound like something nature would do well or like something that’s why we we destroy them let’s see oh my goodness are you gonna chop the trees with a shovel no i have to make a shovel that’s

Why i chopped that one tree oh i see you see now i’m gonna make us this and then i’m gonna make a stick okay and then i’m going to do the best part and that’s making the shovel okay and it’s done great thank you face oh my goodness

Supposed to be the end of it i’m sorry how you accidentally commit murder i’m sorry for the accident that happened but not what i meant to do oh what are you doing this is what i saw in the video i said to make a grand staircase you can do this it’s like

More stuff i don’t know it looks kind of weird though i see uh Might be too grand for these stairs what if you did something such as uh what if uh don’t be afraid to say that looks bad um me at first please this is Is there an iron pressure plate wait what does iron pressure plate do can that one only be opened by a human heavy weighted can can you only open this one if you’re if you are heavy weighted a heavy-weighted individual maybe this looks stupid uh-oh moment of truth

We’ll make i’m standing on this pressure plate why what are you wait what are you saying it’s it’s a test just me i already stood on it if it works it’s because i’m holding a lot of rocks right right you have a whole set of diamonds oh my gosh

Yeah i’m i am heavy because my choice um it’s right right right all right what about you maybe not work for you because um well i’m i’m also holding a lot of rocks oh i see they’re just in your pocket yeah yeah yeah yeah i have a lot of wrongs

Oh yeah and i have like one one wheat that’s like just pretty heavy right that adds that adds some weight one wheat oh for sure fauna yeah don’t worry about it yeah yeah maybe this doesn’t maybe this looks not good um i’m gonna remove everything

Did i it looks i don’t know it doesn’t look how the picture is well it’s okay if it doesn’t i don’t know how the picture is the fish looks cool Oh the picture didn’t have stairs at all right not a staircase oh but um oh my head are you okay yes i just don’t understand how minecraft oh build and make stuff look so nice me neither i need a step-by-step tutorial i know usually i just look at pictures and

Take a lot of inspiration from them but i want to learn to actually build things yeah i guess it’s like drawing yeah it is not muscle memory uh i don’t know expand your visual i don’t know yeah i feel like you just have to do it enough and then you learn the different

Tricks i don’t think i can okay i’m just gonna do this staircase perfect and maybe from there oh no Okay can i go like this oh oh oh oh i don’t know how to use scaffolding oh it’s okay what is minecraft i’m in so much trouble just trying to get a scaffold to work no no it can be dangerous oh it is dangerous i will build this lighthouse one way or another

No oh it wouldn’t be a real lighthouse without bloodshed that how that works yeah is that why what you used to dye the sides red yeah yeah and then uh the white is just bleached fat oh or bone it actually is made of bones oh right

I thought maybe that was taking too much from the people but okay the people the skeletons when you break up bones you have to throw it away um these are the throwaway bones throw away bones isn’t it kind of wasteful to throw them away shouldn’t you like yeah suck out the marrow

The repurposed to be the lighthouse yeah exactly It means you can lick the walls for a tasty tasty protein snack yes yes yes that’s what this smell is i wasn’t going to say anything so don’t want to be good oh yeah i mean it’s it’s just the natural oh oh my god i mean pressure please We should probably go to sleep again i had okay i’m gonna sleep outside okay weather is nice again bye okay i’ll go inside run all the way in um be careful out there mommy don’t get don’t let any any creepy crawlies bother you you need to to roll over to your side

Oh sorry sorry yeah then i’m sure all the pollen was great for a year your size yeah i feel great you want me to continue this uh is this what you were doing oh and upside down staircase we can try it and see okay that’s not correct Hey how do you do this i did it once that’s not correct Oh you need to go from a low angle low that’s not correct um i did have one and now now you can’t do any more correct Um um oh no i did one okay that’s correct look this is also part of build training right yeah we both learned to oh no to build things yeah that’s correct oh good job that’s correct i figured it out okay you did it oh i’m not a stone oops oh

Doing the windows is going to take forever how come that’s wrong um it’s very precarious i’m like leaning outside the windows on my little pillar my plank like oh i see what you’re doing i see the windows oh yeah the vines are so cute yeah the vines are growing that’s cute

Was they doing ugly more stone oh yeah that’s don’t finish burning I know it’s like have you ever played creative mode in minecraft i tried once and it gave me a huge headache really and things are flying around oh mess with me Wait what am i doing that’s not what i wanted to do wait is this what i’ve been doing with the oh it is okay never mind it’s fine windows building windows very good good wait how did i do that no Can you do a tarzan call but instead of ah you say ooh what does tarzan say ah yes perfect thank you exactly Ah i thought you were going to bait me into saying something weird no i truly just wanted what you did that’s all i wanted that time it was just wild wild news i’ll give you like a vocal oh like a bird uh like practice oh right

Maybe i don’t know like it was like a bird it sounded like a bird well you do sound like a bird but you’re right it could be that’s kind of what i do with my vocal teachers sometimes oh really Yeah exactly we have to do the like the minor scale ones those ones are always hard for me oh wait okay listen my inner scale George of the jungle what what’s the difference between george and the jungle and tarzan george george george watch out for that tree didn’t he have a family did he tarzan was raised by by apes yeah one was i don’t know george is a parody of tarzan oh really that’s why you’re chat saying

Why would they make a parody of tarzan there’s nothing funny about tarzan’s situation seriously tragedy right uh oh my god we just said that he had he had no family yeah the apes the greatest but do you want to be raised by a gorilla or they realize no i don’t know what

Kind of ape their apes they were what apes were they i think they were gorillas i’m actually wait what species of primates was tarzan raised by great ape great ape just the generic a great ape the default great ape they’re not gorillas what are they orangutan mangani a what this is what what

Oh it’s a fictional species of ape oh and they invented whoa because great heaps that literally look like gorillas that’s weird it would be too scary if it was a real girl this is weird if you had to be raised by a an ape which species would you choose

You can pick monkeys too if you want orangutan i think i would too they’re really good moms yeah they raised their children for like how long like 10 years is it that long oh i didn’t actually do that i think it’s one of the longest alright i guess you can just choose human

Without humor no human allowed i would still prefer being raised by an orangutan yeah me too that’s crazy though that it’s a fictional species of great because i always remembered hearing yeah they always said they’re apes but they look like gorillas They’re fake gorillas they’re fake gorillas but they’re called apes where they’re just called ape just they are they’re just a fictional name they’re called mangani it says because someone said gorillas are copyrighted maybe they are not ah are they oh yeah actually they are nevermind who’s the great they weren’t gorillas they’re greedy

Human you mon bonable oh there’s a wandering traitor over here he only has one llama sorry i’m still stuck in the in primate lore that’s okay a mangrove propane goulet i kind of want that is that new mangrove mangrove proper goulet wait what this guy is selling a little mangrove proper propagulate

Uh my stomach propagates great and from proper goulet New tree new sapling but why would i place an invasive mangrove tree here no he’s invisible oh he’ll still trade with me do i want anything do i want podzol i don’t know the apes they grow in water Give it to cronie as a gift that’s a good idea in return for everything i stole from her in the disney movie are they gorillas They’re you know i like when people i think we talked about this before actually um it might be kind of cursed to talk about on stream though wait what you know like the when people they they make up their new species on like deviantart yeah yeah that’s that’s what disney did

They have a close species yeah yeah they’re closed species guys can you imagine how much the adoptables will be and you know they’re coming after you if you if you draw your own without paying for it i guess you have to prove it’s not actually another species oh my gosh

Wow even goes yeah because it’s not disney but d isn’t he doesn’t even claim it no they can’t claim it can they what if you make your own tarzan oc does disney have any original species um wait isn’t is that one not their ape well i don’t know if they’re i don’t

Know if it’s disney’s because it’s it’s tarzan the original story isn’t by disney so is a species what about yoda baby yoda that’s a species oh was an asian and shrouded in mystery if it’s a mystery oh there’s a creeper should we go to sleep i’m scared i’m

Sorry very scared i’ve been on google uh stitch stitch would be an original no he’s an alien you can’t own aliens what about a type of alien right okay i guess he’s a species of alien what if baby yoda was before disney i thought baby yoda was from the mandalorian

Did he exist before I could google this for you baby yoda baby yoda origin story what’s up This thing i was wondering you would have existed wait you’re telling me baby yoda is the same species as yoda that’s like a beautiful if there’s baby yoda then that means that yoda Never mind oh i don’t see any original characters for little species interesting oh is that one that looks like a that’s just a person what about like the people from avatar the blue people oh oh i i don’t even need to google it i know people made i

I’m gonna google it anyway uh avatar original characters i guess your avatar persona oh wait it’s giving me it to me yeah but these aren’t even original characters my original character is married to zuko and no one else can be married to zuko um mine is mine’s a flying bison

Mine is also married to zuko and is also the last airbender because um they killed aang and took his powers yeah well mine mine uh is also an avatar and is more powerful than yours but mine’s the most powerful mine can bend not only air earth fire

And water and blood but also plasma um well mine cannon can airbenders manipulate gases that’s a good question what can water well i guess water benders do manipulate blood can they manipulate other liquids can i make a hydrogen bomb oh no yes okay so my his mind can do that so

Thank you thank you who might win the the true the true winner in the world of avatar is the avatar who doesn’t care about peace and love that’s a hydrogen bomb i’m just saying that mine could um but they’re very kind-hearted yeah they’re the nicest person in the

Yeah fan fiction yeah so they would never yeah they would never they just could uh they also um are really pretty yeah you’re the prettiest person well mine is the first beauty bender i can take other people’s good looks away from them and make it to enhance our own beauty well um

Mine can still uh make hydrogen acid kill you before you do that okay well mine is still married to zuko even in the afterlife so that’s fine oh i didn’t know that was what we were fighting about okay um well that’s like the ultimate right right for everybody in the avatar yeah everybody

And goes to bazooka mei who but it’s all it’s it’s not actually about zuko it’s only because then uncle iro becomes your uncle-in-law so you have the best character as your uncle-in-law oh yeah that’s the true the true end game you also get the fire nation which is still

The most powerful and you can go back to war when sukko dies but only until the plasma nation rises up oh right okay um because there’s there’s really nothing more it’s okay we’ve exhausted the fan fiction this is after 200 no like 500 chapters when it just spirals out of control um And even the guy do we have the budget for that yes this is like once you have a million readers and your your patreon is make a hundred thousand dollars a month on patreon but then but then in the tragic end you get shut down by nickelodeon yeah

So then you make a gofundme too for your own original series yeah know how to fight them in court yeah yeah go fund me for legal fees please yeah um yeah then we can’t see what happens afterwards Yeah if you lose if you lose there are ways but we can’t discuss them all right i’ve been watching breaking bad recently so i know all about yeah all about these these have you seen that before no i haven’t so oh how far are you i just finished

Um i forgot to say the new ones the second to last season i think the big season i think everyone says that’s the best season that’s the one with uh wait never mind i think i know which one is yeah the one with the chicken man

Oh yes chicken man sorry every time i’m watching i don’t know all i can think about in my head is like gus freeing but chiara yes it’s like all i can think about it’s just in my head like what if what if what if what if what if Has there not been any i’m sure so they have to have and that’s reminding me i thought just went i remember the chicken man yeah oh freaking bad i was actually thinking about breaking bad the other day i was thinking to myself about the whole airplane thing oh yeah

Wow that was very random wasn’t it it was very random that was pretty like extreme consequence of a series of actions like wow could it have could things have gone anywhere wrong no no no Um Okay i have to make stairs um just been hopping around that’s the true the true minecraft experience yeah but how do i make stairs if they need to i don’t i don’t know whoa I’m just gonna go for it the whole building is gonna be stairs nothing else will fit in here there’s all around All around me are familiar staircases we’re now faces worn out worn out cases yeah looking back at i’m looking at my tabs i said i i googled was tarzan raised by gorillas and it gave me a movie poster and i don’t know what it is but since i’ve

Gotten older looking at disney like body proportions is so interesting i don’t know how to explain it like the shapes how’d you get like it’s so weird like the art styles that they choose yeah especially in dining [Applause] yeah like i’ll show you like what about like elasti-woman what’s her name

Yes oh she’s a wonderful example yeah oh my gosh awesome outside with me we should go oh it’s at night sorry okay back back to minecraft is the toes toes yeah chat look up uh uh if you if you’re curious look up uh tarzan look at his toes i want to see

His toes i sent him to you right okay oh wait did you like yes let me check and i don’t know the arms like he looks like he wore flip-flops his whole life since he was born out the womb that’s what he looks like actually like a gorilla

But he never wore shoes oh because gorillas right because grill cause gorillas feet wait gorilla feet yes gorilla feet are similar to like hands because they do that opposable toes do they if they had opposable toes wouldn’t they have taken over the world by now it’s

I think he’s he’s he’s trying to be gorilla but not a gorilla just oc ape do not steal oh you know something i used to see a lot actually we’re tarzan original characters of the gorillas or i’m sorry the great apes whatever they are but Okay it’s either girls making their own tarzan oc or oh i fell into the floor there’s just something so so sweet about making your own tarzan rape oc right I don’t like trap doors My oc is tarzan’s mom his new mother’s mom his new mom not the one that died wait um no and not the other ape the actual ape that was his mom yeah i gave him up left him at the orphanage orphanage and then my oc adopted him because she’s the nicest one and

Everyone else had abandoned him i see mine is the twin brother of the baby that was killed and it’s really tragic because he also died but an even more gruesome death oh no is he like a ghost now no he’s just dead yeah oh that’s really sad did you ever like

Oh my gosh oh my i mean you have to give them a like sad backstory right yeah that’s just the way it goes you know when i was younger like very young i learned how to uh like draw injuries mostly scratches so my characters or whatever creature i

Would draw would be covered in injuries and scratches and you needed to everything your artistic skill oh my gosh i have to show you they have chains too i think one had like wings torn off its back oh yeah that’s a classic one yeah wait i forgot to build these windows i just

Realized Um no I definitely had an oc that was like an orphan a sad orphan yeah and she of course had like magic powers and she was also a cat girl of course i think everyone had one of those though right yeah oh i think she had like an eye

Patch over her eye too you know of course yeah of course the eye patch of course to conceal the heterochromia yeah yeah she takes it off to use her magic powers yeah she says she wouldn’t be bullied by the other orphans but of course she was bullied anyway despite being like you

Know beautiful and kind they really bullied her because she was just so beautiful yeah she’s just so pretty and oh yeah they bullied her because she had like cat ears and that’s weird oh so weird and creepy not cute at all enough cat ears what a friend i believe

Her because she had four pairs of ears or does she not have did you i probably never dreamed of the human ears because okay she checks out i feel like every time i learned about a new thing in this world that’s horrible i would just apply it to my kids oh no

Oh no like whoa that’s a thing that’s messed up okay i’m not didn’t write about it for myself oh no new backstory you’re backstory oh gosh that point never mind i don’t know the saddest stories are the most interesting well that’s this is like a thing right there’s so many movies about

Orphans you know yeah actually um one of my favorite movies i know you’ve seen it it’s called moonrise kingdom do you know what wait yeah oh yeah it’s a that’s on the minion right yeah yeah yeah yeah i saw it that movie and yeah one of the characters they’re both

Kids and one of them um is an orphan and then the other kid is the girl who reads a lot and she tells him like i always wanted to be an orphan because it seems like your lives are more interesting and he was basically he like put her in her

Place you know was like that’s messed up man like my life’s hard oh my god yeah you don’t want this yeah that’s it reminds me of that actually yeah that’s hard to make the characters that’s one of those i like thought about the characters that’s messed up i’m gonna make her deathly sick

Right that’s interesting oh why is it yeah why why must ocs suffer can’t we let the ocs be happy it’s because at the time we just didn’t have uh maybe i don’t know we are lacking in maybe storytelling yes storytelling yeah lean on yeah the only way to add anything interesting or dramatic

Oh man i need to see if i can find this hard drive that had all my old stories and stuff i want to see they’re sick my god i remembering them oh you know what’s horrible too i used to like if the teacher gave me an opportunity i’d read them

To the to the class to the class you’re disturbing but it’s just stories yeah they always start out super strong too i never finished any i’d always just start new ones yeah ryan that’s it with the sims yeah it’s just start uh maybe do a chapter or two and then i get

A new idea right i want to restart it i’m better at writing now so i can i can make it better uh-huh oh my gosh you know what makes it worse too is my teachers would say wow she’s really good at writing and i don’t think they’d even process

Like what the heck my stories are about oh no sentences good sentence structure wow colorful vocabulary and this is like first scene is like uh some type of baby animal watching its mother die oh no i mean that’s if disney can do it then if disney can

Do it like in like every movie too i don’t know i was always traumatized like the land before time the only other time still makes me cry i know it’s so sad i know it’s the worst it knows it knows how to oh yeah and people always talk about bambi

But i don’t know if i ever watched bambi the thing about bambi is you don’t like it’s sad for a little bit but they pretty much just skip over you know the morning process but in the land before time you actually see yeah little foot super sad oh it lingers little foot

Little tree stars um the trees this yeah the yeah that movie well there were a few movies they were all kind of sad like they had no food so they had to yeah they were just little kids in our store yeah oh you’re like i’ll remember sarah yeah and then

Triceratops yeah the triceratops sarah that’s an oc right there a brat she’s just a tsundere oh there’s a cow that wants to go in your house let him in hey come here all are welcome molly okay now you wanna Wait i know my dreams i’ll never die should we go to sleep again Yeah good night that song makes me cry which song is that is the ending song for the lamb before time i don’t know if i remember it if you hear it you might remember it yeah sing it for me oh don’t lose your weight i don’t all of it i shouldn’t do it

With each passing day You’ve come so far don’t throw maybe i just remember this one was my jam it’s still mine jam the one that goes big big big big water For dinner oh it’s from an oh it’s from us a different one yeah that’s the one with the the baby t-rex who like wants to eat them but they have to make him nice oh oh i remember this big big big big that was maybe the movie i watched the

Most the one with the this one yeah big big water okay i can’t oh okay oh boy i can’t figure out how these trap doors work It sounds like you were singing from very far away it was beautiful beautiful bird beautiful bird Thanks oh my gosh had an itchy throat ever since i returned home i’ve had an itchy throat too lately I think it’s allergy season everywhere yeah probably igc’s i keep telling myself to get allergy medicine but oh i have not is it is it allegra a lego wing is it i don’t know it’s used to treat allergy symptoms ah it sounds like something someone would name their child

But not a very good name you know My darling allegra what if someone’s actually named that though then i’ll feel bad someone probably is this sounds like an old-fashioned name it is a name you know an allegra oh no i’m sorry to on the allegra’s out there my dear allegra i’m sorry allegra you’re gonna be trolled too

The handsome prince nyquil no music it’s not that your fault that some company named their prescription non-prescription over-the-counter medicine after your name allegra you did not still sounds like allergy oh my gosh i’m sorry allegra it’s okay in when the company goes bankrupt people will no longer associate associated with you

Or they will associate you with a bankrupt company in 200 no two to two thousand years you’ll be okay so don’t worry about it i don’t intend on being guardian civilization for that long much longer oh so does that mean that we get to all return to nature um it means that

There will be There will be no one to name allegra which means we all become great ape ocs right Sure yeah perfect google something i like the frantic typing yes apparently there’s a a new holo fan game that tests typing oh yeah i saw that what was it i want to see i want to play i think everyone has really fast typing yeah but mine’s like not that fast

Don’t you and bae have really fast typing yeah i think based slightly faster when we did tests well now you can see for sure if you play it oh that was loud i wanna i wanna play it Words per minute should we test right now sure which type test do people recommend words per minute test i don’t know there’s different somebody really don’t like but i’m gonna be slowly hyped in a while i have an issue if i make a mistake i don’t know if you’re supposed to go back

On your mistakes but i always go back too much Monkey type monkey speak of the monkey speak of the primy see all right should i do it yeah i’ll do it too at the same time it probably doesn’t matter yeah we can go at the same time we’ll both be very focused okay when do you um

Just start as soon as you start yeah okay as soon as you started yeah yeah okay i’m ready ready yeah you can count down okay three two one go you’re so fast Here we are How how how did i get 20 words per minute this is this is this is not a fair test how did i get 20 words per minute did you misspell it says my test was invalid for accuracy do you have to correct all of your mistakes i

Don’t know i’m going to try again i’m going to create my mistakes this time i want to try again too Oh i was like why is everything red That’s impressive are you going again oh shoot sorry i distracted you it’s okay Restarting what why was that wrong i’m okay this time i knew a lot better [Applause] Wait what’d you get second time i i restarted the first one i got 121. 120 that’s pretty fast I think this one is not good i think we need to do the ones that have like sentences this one’s just words it’s harder when you have sentences i think i think having words you know sentences helps because then you can kind of you can get like it makes sense i don’t know

You probably got a different website what’s english 1k type racer oh or switch it to quote The shift key i got 130 this time that’s so fast you can change at the top change it to quote oh No i need to restart no don’t mute Oh gosh [Applause] What is this Huh oh no mine went down so much i have to restart i don’t like the the the commas yeah it’s harder i know [Applause] I’m worried can i do it like this Okay i got one on one that time but it was kind of an easier one oh let’s hear you do the same one over and over oh yeah really fast yeah [Applause] okay i’m i’m taking 100 i’m content with that Follow me oh i got 136. that’s so fat how fast is this bae type uh i don’t know what test she did but i don’t know um this is addictive it is isn’t it we should play this we should play the halloween Sorry i’m gonna mute i’m gonna try to get 140. god speed so i’m eating grapes now um Um i kind of want bricks for in here look at the vines they’re going crazy um i don’t want to make so many stairs i need to fix the windows why have i done this i can fix one window i’m probably distracting mummy right now unless she also deafened boom you can deafen

Up otherwise i’ll distract you forever by rambling i could really distract her by just saying random words why was the first random word that came into my head vehicular manslaughter mummy might like that word you know it’s kind of hard to just come up with random words on the spot you know

Oh no my chat crashed come back do you think she got 140. do you think she got 200 no no was i distracting you no the highest i got was 137. oh that’s that’s close enough you can round up no close enough i feel good to be lucky with the words

You get too soon as you get really short yeah yeah and sometimes you don’t get a lot of like comments or anything yeah i think that is the fastest typer i think i give up okay you can round up what does that mean shift enter to finish

Oh you just write whatever word you want what what can’t you just write out like fish fish fish particular manslaughter manslaughter manslaughter wait why is it how do you shift entered oh dang it uh Vehicular inhibitor you can just do the same word over and over that’s feels like changing over over over over over you can get to 200 if you just type la la la I could write a story yeah oh then i have to think about the story Just write whatever comes to mind once upon a time there was a long song and she was playing oh my god hold on i won’t start again okay once upon a time there was a beautiful lonesome owl she was playing playing minecraft with her friend but then she got distracted and started

Doing tithing she loves me she’s still doing it and she is typing words in this test and she is thinking about monkeys wait no sorry i meant to say the great apes and about tarzan but not really tarzan she’s more concerned about the species of monkey no no no not the

Monkeys the species of great ape that raised the raised tarzan and she’s she smelled too much wrong okay okay okay did you do it no but that was a great story except for the part where mumei was lonely even though she was hanging out with her friend fawna what’s up with that

Uh sorry i was just thinking about words it’s all just meaningless words yeah no meaning behind them yeah yeah like when she said friends [Applause] I deserved that one Still not as bad as when you push me downstairs though But i did that as an accident let’s see what the court says about that we’re going to court didn’t we just talk about manslaughter oh you’re just okay i need to set up a gofundme Oh if only i was streaming i could stop i’m at a disadvantage here yeah if i’m not i can’t say anything Movie has berries yeah berries you know what i do with them i give them to people but you know what i’m not going to give you what it does what would i draw only shovel wait why did i drop them a skeleton stole your shovel they can steal stuff from you well actually

I think the piglens can this baby penguin stole my whole armor once wow that good taste oh thank you nice staircase thank you it looks kind of weird just kidding this is this is asha osha um i see that there are no railings here there’s the railings

I see that the railings are not complete and this is open to the public as i am able to get up here who said you’re the public um i came in as the public it turns out i’m not the public but you let me in assuming i was the public because i’m an

Online lover yeah like when you’re like undercover boss or whatever no i haven’t no i’m not your boss i’m just undercover friendly when you’re pretending to be my friend but you don’t really mean it that’s horrible oh sorry am i am i reaching too far is this my insecurity showing

You know what this is like it’s like shutter island which was not a horror movie i think so i haven’t finished it don’t spoil it oh is it is it a show or a movie it’s a movie i thought i just haven’t finished it you just stopped watching halfway

Okay i get like 30 minutes in that’s fine sometimes you have to is there a lighthouse in that movie yeah there’s a lighthouse oh and shutters like this actually i think it’s just called shutter oh yeah exactly like this wait mummy stand stand here no you’re gonna betray me because i

Think that’s what happens i don’t know stand here you’ll be fine it won’t hurt you look great under there how do you feel i’ve never felt like i belonged anywhere until now look you can hide under there and the monsters won’t won’t find you like a dog in a dog house

Yeah this is like harry potter right he lives under the stairs did you hear that what i think there’s an enderman nearby i heard it well he can’t find you under there how do i look at myself uh if i see oh dang it do you wanna go back under

Yeah i felt safe great you’re kind of doing a pose under there wait i want to join you together together turn around i i don’t know how oh there we go oh oh oh i want to see your face but i only seen the inside of your head you see i see oh

Fancy meeting you here come here often i do now you live here now this is yeah it was my berry do you want it wait i can give it to you oh no no wait i have something for you oh here ah berry oh they’re berries what’d you think they were

I don’t know whatever a keychain a keychain yeah they could be the last maybe a couple days before they get moldy i saw something like this on a car before like like on a truck um like on the back of a car the back the back part of a car a truck

Yeah yeah yeah like truck berries is that a common thing i was really little i saw it once everyone was laughing i didn’t understand it’s just it’s just kind of quirky you know barry is on a truck what’s funny who would do that you eat these i don’t want

How could they look so wait i didn’t know this was a common thing i thought people would be like what are you talking about i kind of thought they would be like that too i i i i’ve only seen it once before everything people will be like

Be like what because i was like what when it’s raining it’s kind of peaceful wait is it gonna thunderstorm do we get to see the lightning rod i want to see lightning strike this would you say truck truck truck toyota i don’t know i’m bad at cars do

You just have trucks don’t they sure what about like a chevy those are trucks the chevys look like again i don’t know but don’t they sing about them and country songs yeah yeah i have i think of trucks i think a ford oh yeah that’s right ford ford truck

Yeah you see truck commercials and they drive through dirt oh yeah and they’re like so manly and there’s dirt on my truck with our truck you will be able to drive No one will question your masculinity as long as you put some berries on the back of your truck yeah yeah yeah oh i see it a new berry okay i wear the berries in this relationship i have berries too though my berries are glowing oh is that normal

Should i go to a doctor what is that do you think it’s okay to eat them oh no they’re villagers hold on hold on i’m doing drunk first wait i showed you my berries please respond okay where’s the villagers i’m over there are those pillagers oh yeah they are but

They’re stuck haha they’re so dumb look they got stuck look they’re stuck but they do have crossbows so be careful okay look they’re so dumb they’re stuck do we kill them i don’t know if we kill them we’ll get a raid right uh can we keep your back teabag he pulls he

Poses back they’re mad they’re so stuck oh my gosh look how dumb they are they can’t oh my goodness we want something something’s changed in you what they’re trying to kill us i think if someone’s trying to kill you you’re allowed to make fun of them okay at least a little bit

Um what should we do well we could kill them and then we have to drink milk if we don’t want to get raided is it just if they die we get raided or um they get like a revenge quest against us but what if it’s an [ __ ] oh

Well i don’t want to burn the forest down because i kind of live here now we could plant more but but what if what if it all burns i’ve learned from what happened then let’s get water i gotta i’ll i’ll make a bucket water can we drown them do you think oh

Was that an axe that yes an accident i wonder if we can drown them what if we put blocks around them and then try to drown them oh we can do that i have a bucket now here’s this do you want a sword so i guess maybe we okay another bucket Okay let’s drown them okay can we sleep well maybe still be here if we go to sleep oh i don’t want anyone to interrupt us you know right okay let’s go sleep oh so let’s uh let’s build a pool yeah just like the sims yeah we’re gonna build a pool and

Accidentally forget a ladder yeah we just have to be careful not to free them from there they’re prison right now they’re still there see what i mean so how would we uh i’ll make sure i don’t look and get out i think we need to build a little cage for them right

Oh careful hit me um ow oh yeah they hurt oh they do hurt this is why we’re drowning them yeah some of them go red i think are they killing each yeah they’re killing each other oh now you pee you peek oh they’re hit killing me oh wait uh

Retreat for a second i got this oh yeah i got it wait is the other one dead no they’re still shooting okay oh ow how’d they get me um um oh i learned themselves one all right so now what do we do about this guy because he can’t drown himself kenny

Okay this guy drowns all right i’ll distract him oh thank you for your great distractions he keeps breaking my block oh no he’s oh gosh oh gosh uh okay he’s distracted again okay all right okay can we drown him now so i’ll get a bucket of i’ll get some water

How’s he still shooting okay so where is he under here you remove the block i can pour water into it maybe um i think the block has to stay there else oh open fruit oh dear i didn’t think about it um please don’t die oh you go back into his prison

See pick it up i can’t get out oh he’s he’s not free anymore he’s in prison still i think we can drown him from here where is he gonna drown do it do you think he’ll drown um is he he’s in there oh oh he’s gonna do it oh he’s dying he’s dying

He’s dying he’s drowning he died yeah no that means and it was an accident yeah we didn’t kill him what a tragic accident that’s sad oh man hold on i say we keep it quiet and don’t go to the police or report the body uh just in case what body hey yeah hey

Yeah i’ll help you wait thank you my axe broke i should probably make a new one i only have this baked potato whoa oh careful thank you do you want this system well it might be evidence but if you hide it and the police don’t see it then it should be fine oh

A trophy we just found it while we were hiking in the woods yeah how straight yeah You know what what just as a reminder to something we don’t know about it’ll be hidden oh perfect no one will see it i want to look into its eyes I don’t even know what else to do with this lighthouse uh this used to serve its purpose yeah i could put more vines on top well the inside’s still not done but but if there are vines inside nature was taking control yeah like um an overgrown lighthouse oh wait i

Remember what i wanted to do i wanted to find azalea Does anyone enchant know if there is a known like azalea was it’s like an underground lush cave right but the azalea spawns on top she’s australian i think no not iggy um you know had lush cave inna’s house in his yard does she have some bone meal the moss blocks

I can do that do you want to go on a field trip yes to inna’s house yes taco bell let’s go okay i’m ready um i have so many water buckets now Um okay are you ready i’m ready okay let’s go oh yeah yes from inna’s house why for decoration it’s pretty oh okay okay i know what they look like in minecraft um they’re like trees but also they’re like little bushes and also flowers you know i’ll see

Yeah i have a lot of bone meal so Oh oh oh oh wait i guess not um should we just walk yeah it’s not that far not too bad it’s good for you you know i think they maybe have all aggregated to one of the other stations actually it’s because you can’t really get out at that station anymore i think

Oh yeah i just saw there’s something underneath it when did that happen um when we made the hyper loop so it’s all connected now and it goes to ppp oh wait has that always been there is that a battery huh what is this new what well you see muna mantis well no robocall

Robocalls house is it new oh i think it’s been there for a bit really i never noticed yeah i never stopped to smell the battery acid months ago oh no i never noticed those parts often yeah i don’t leave my house you only come here to take that just sounds sad

But it’s kind of true i thought about kidnapping some villagers and making like a mini villager trading post because i get stressed out every time i have to go to phoenix dinner i always get lost yeah i thought about trapping them in like individual little stalls oh here is azalea

Where oh i think i’ve seen the s notice this how do i how do i take it can i duplicate this Wait is this just gonna grow into a tree oh is that okay those ones aren’t trees up there they’re like bushes oh it’s a tree and now we take the leaves oh i don’t know sheers do i think we just break them and then they give us hopefully they’re like saplings right

I hope so uh i hope it drops it didn’t drop not for me at least oh well it might be kind of rare but when we have the moss block like this whoa oh whoa oh like this oh can i have these did these just grow am i causing chaos again um

I want one of the flowering ones maybe do they grow flowers later um you have to no i don’t think they do oh i have two of the flowering ones i’ll replace the one that i broke oh mermaid since you have an axe can you chop it down the wood

You are asking me to chop down the tree yes it’s okay we’ll we’ll replace it it’s the natural life cycle was it a flowering one or a regular one flowering maybe can i like take this oh do you have do you have dirt still yeah can you replace this with dirt

Yeah so can i like take this moss home with me and then make this biome i think so do you want to go to bed on the omelette omelette oh yeah yeah yeah yeah good night do you snore you tell me i don’t think you snored

I hope not but what if you snore occasionally i’m a side sleeper if you sleep on your side oh yeah i’m a side sleeper too he slept on our side yeah but it wasn’t but it wasn’t like sleeping facing the same direction or sleeping facing opposite directions i don’t remember but

I don’t think it’d matter because i wouldn’t i would be totally blind i wouldn’t be able to even tell what’s looking at your face or the backs of your head i always flip around what do you want to get a card sure well actually i don’t know if we should

Because we’re just maybe we shouldn’t because we shouldn’t be able to stop we should oh johnny i’m at the right time well the cars will be lost maybe how do we jump i left shift left oh yeah you do how come this side of luna doesn’t have the munas do you have

Munos on both of your sides she had okay she had eyes on both sides oh so why not why not why not eyes eyes are up here where are you looking jump ah oh good job we did it did we get a card back or are they both gone forever

They’re gone oh you only got one you can put it in here i didn’t realize i was holding it okay oh good that you reminded me i was out there i was looking elsewhere okay now we need to go somewhere where we can create an invasive species of moss they will slowly

Overtake the whole natural environment yes um so i don’t know should we just like walk somewhere that’s sort of far away oh wait i was walking back to your place what where are you um oh i’m where’d you i’m by where nothing happened earlier okay you know

I don’t know but yeah what what a strange banner that’s weird i don’t know what that’s about i don’t even know what a banner is me neither yes where are you closer than you think um only you ramuna with eyes in the back of your head um earlier not now

Oh earlier oh i see you Was expecting to see you peeking out from behind a tree okay let’s go this way baby we will desecrate the natural landscape for the sake of creating beautiful flowers like yeah oh yeah yeah yeah kind of a hill in the way though destroy it too just dig right through Oh it’s kind of a forest over here we could destroy yeah right here is probably okay are those berries oh oh yeah if you want any so yeah basically you can use a moss block and then use bone meal on it to get this Oh i like it oh oh and it makes like a moss carpet too oh oh oh why i want to get leaves too soon i must go to take the animal out oh yes understand there’s a sheep over here there’s sheep there’s cows and then there’s chicken wow wow wow Wow should we kidnap them yeah yeah yeah i’m out of stuff so we might just i have some nut needs and some weeds i’ll be able to take them alive oh wh why wouldn’t we because i’m lazy but but that’s okay we can just let them live wait where are the animals

The animals oh oh oh is the sheep okay sure sure sure do you want a moss block so well if you have one moss block then i guess you’re good to go the sheep come here there’s an azalea block here oh you can’t have it oh thank you There’s also they have okay you use these the weak i’ll use the sword to threaten them oh okay you don’t have to actually use the sword though right well i’m using it to threaten them but don’t worry just the threat of violence not that actual execution of violence yeah oh they’re so cute

Yeah right too cute to murder look at them go wow after this i have to take the animal out though okay thanks for joining me yeah i was waiting to play minecraft yeah i’ve been really into minecraft lately i want to build more stuff i don’t know what to build so that’s why

I didn’t play when i came back yeah i got i don’t know i kind of want to build like a village like a cute um like fairy tale style village i’ll help by talking to you distracting you making you that’s that’s the best kind of help

Come on animals use this way this way stop this i think i will leave now okay thanks for hanging out maureen yeah i have a good rest of the stream yeah have a good day bye bye everybody see you later me Is she bye movie she’s gone goodbye movie i need to get these animals in here come on okay sorry kitty don’t have any fish for you okay i miss her already oh is the sun setting too i don’t know how much progress we made today on the lighthouse i don’t know i mean

It’s basically finished right ah except for the inside plant the mangrove tree do i still have it i think i put it away but won’t the mangrove tree look weird here because it’s the wrong bio i should give it to cronie it’s like mummy is still here um

I have these azaleas too i really like them you can also do this right yeah you can make like a big a big bush cute i’ll just put them around i guess i don’t know i’ve been watching like i said a million times i’ve been watching a lot of minecraft building videos and

They like use these as hedges and it looks really nice um but you can also use these these make great decoration too if you just like put them around i don’t know i like the glowberries a lot too i have to use them somehow spread azalea to the whole world good night

Oh has it been three hours already i that went so fast i didn’t even realize oh i will probably wrap things up here and read the chats i can talk to you guys because it’s been a while been a few days i was spending time oh this is on me

I was hanging out with my mom with mama karen we had a good weekend together it was very fun and good to see her um i want to get shaders back i hope they’ll update optifine soon i hope so so we can see the lighthouse and all its glory

I don’t know i kind of want to do you know when you use campfires as like a little like a roof or a terrace i wouldn’t do that here somewhere i don’t know maybe not here actually i could do it out the back oh I could put a roof on the back or even just a partial roof anyway we have a lot of animals in here now maybe oil wait try the mango here should i but what if it looks weird is there a zombie in my house let’s give it to cronie grab a chest

And sign let’s give her a gift just like the good old days when i would write her 50 page peace treaty I don’t know what the zombies are doing maybe they took my message of all are welcome to include them Which is fine as long as they don’t try to eat me but I don’t have a great feeling about that This is minecraft music this one is so somber there have been some banger minecraft tracks today though a cute tree house oh this is somebody’s house oh is this sana’s animal shed oh it looks really good i want to do something like this too it’s like the

The fence gates look really good up there oh the donkey oh yeah the donkey oh no i think i i messed that up oh wow and look at this fox enclosure it’s not depressing at all um bunkeroni what’s this what’s in there how come i don’t know what all this is

Part of the buncaroni a green prison her prison for whom who goes in the prison ouch cow prison moo moo prison man i do need to leave another 50 page letter i see okay we’ll put it right here Maybe we should give her this too Does she have these yet maybe not it looks very very green very nice for crony love Fauna she will be very suspicious It’s a good gift though okay Yeah i know she’s gonna be scared to open it one day i should rig one then when you open it it explodes no but that’s too mean i don’t know oh i saw her make these they look so good i wanted to make a banner too but

Yeah i wasn’t sure of any designs though actually that’s a good idea if you guys have any banner design ideas for me feel free to post them in my tag on twitter because i tried messing around with the the banner maker a little bit but i don’t know Let me know if you have any ideas because i want to make banners looks so nice it’s like marking our territory Golden apples uses can you put a golden apple on a banner or will it just be like an orb oh danger danger looks so good i love the texture sauna puts here map art is good too map board is so hard to make though right don’t you have to

Put down like a million billion blocks i don’t know do i have it in me also because i don’t know if the wool farm is even working still i tried to fix the one with the red sheep but i don’t know if i did it right

128 by 128 that doesn’t sound like that much but that’s like a lot of blocks that’d be cute though i like the glowberries these are nice okay nice cute area what should we build over here we should make this pond better i want to put like some lily pads on it

How do i get lily pads can we grow them Does this work Uh wait what’s that that’s just long grass i don’t think this works can you duplicate them only in swamps what if i go over here Music’s so sad is it time to cry was there fire was there lightning we need more lightning rod oh there’s not a lily pad over here Time to cry Oh this looks really cool too What are they doing down there oh it’s polka’s house oh cute oh wait there’s lily pads in here too can i duplicate them no do i have to go into the swamp maybe i have to go to the swamp I can steal them i can’t steal them i shouldn’t steal them that’s not good Fish for them maybe should do a fishing zatsu stream this is cute too um i don’t know where the swamp is though but anyway we’ll worry about that on another day um I want to play lots more minecraft i’m kind of into minecraft right now i want to keep working on my area because i think it’s becoming prettier and prettier but anyway i need to finish my house to the inside anyway let’s read super chats thanks for hanging out thank you for the warm

Welcome back after my little break i appreciate it thanks for hanging out and thanks sana and mummy for hanging out with me too um let me go over here oh wow oh wow Um this is not true anymore i wish i wish hello bing nebu should we keep listening to the minecraft music why not i guess it’s kind of somber though okay Let me smile being nemo i want to go back to skyrim again too it’s been a while i’m still i was trying to get to smithing 100 but i’m still not a smithing 100. Let me grab is there another off collab happening oh there’s one happening super smash bros oh Um do this And grab the super chats i will read them because we got caught up before i left and i will stay caught up for at least one day after that i can make no promises okay i have my climber too hold on number Okay there were like three new urban rescue ranch videos while i was gone i think well it felt like that anyway i was living it up i feel like my whole life is just waiting for the next urban rescue ranch video to drop I need it i need to know how they’re all doing okay i put up how about at the after party you and all your friends yeah you love to get naughty 1942 i take you back in that rory no that’s not how it goes sipping on the hell i know you love that

Bacardi 1942 and take you back and don’t worry okay i put up you’ve been binging them ever since you mentioned them right they’re so bingeable i just like started at the beginning and i love how you get to see the evolution of of his his crack house into the crack home

It’s so beautiful yeah kevin two is growing so fast he is he is he’s a big boy such a cool channel Okay okay let me read the super chats thank you guys for such a warm welcome back um this week it might be another gorilla week i’m sorry we’ll have a schedule again one day we’ll have a schedule again one day but we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see who knows

Who knows yes another gorilla week another legally distinct gorilla great ape oc do not steal weak um thank you misery welcome back love the fun i love the saplings true words have never been spoken thank you misery carols thank you i hope you like the archive drill thank you so much for very

Generous unlike you my birthday always falls on the first of the season that season is summer though was the solstice yesterday anyways welcome back fawn it’s impossible to quantify your impact but these past 10 months have been magnitudes better than the previous thank you for being such a joy thank you

Drill i appreciate it let me sing you a birthday song where is today wait today is the 21st i said was it on the 21st ah it’s because my my computer is sent to japan time i’m living in the future but not really i’m like i look at the clock it says the

22nd i say oh it must be the 22nd what’s today happy birthday drill and happy solstice happy summer solstice we should have celebrated the summer solstice i mean minecraft just says good um a way of celebrating summer as any i suppose I can enable multiple time zones on my clock is that when i will finally be able to become the master of all time zones and put them correctly on my schedule actually i figured out why i was having so much trouble with my schedule time zones it’s because i use this website to

Convert the time but like you know when you type a url into your google chrome bar and it like it pulls up like a recent web page you went to well sometimes i would like search for the time converter website and i would i would go and i would see the link of

Where i had been on the website before and i would click on it but it like it was weird because they like i realized that that link was like saving a cached version of the website from when daylight savings time was not happening or was happening so

So it was like incorrectly correcting me to daylight savings time or not daily savings when it shouldn’t have been and i it kept being like time has been automatically converted from blah blah blah to blah blah blah because of daylight savings time and i didn’t realize

Why not just do the math yourself oh my goodness if i do the math myself the times will never be correct i don’t know it’s imagine you have like your schedule you put four different time zones on and then maybe your stream is starting at a

Different time every day that’s a lot to keep track of it’s better if i let the website do it for me but i have to make sure i’m on the right version of the website i don’t know it seems i know what you’re thinking because i thought it too you’re

Like how hard can it possibly be to get it right but i don’t know until i tell you until you start making schedules yourself you you don’t you underestimate how how easy it is to to miss a an error Um let me let me play you happy birthday trail happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear stop playing happy birthday to you happy birthday thank you very much it’s stella thank you very much fawn is back i’m miss fauna i miss you guys it’s

Good to be back i might play a lot of minecraft this weekend ah i’m addicted to those building videos and i want to build my own things that are good thank you stella Katie be quiet thank you very much welcome back thank you Thank you i appreciate it i’m glad to thank you very much i did have a nice relaxing weekend snip thank you very much glad to see you back thank you thank you all for being so generous i appreciate it And ryonan welcome back i missed you so much thank you echo sounds thank you very much welcome back mama finally i’ll miss you lots don’t miss me too much though don’t miss me too much only miss me a little bit i don’t want you guys to be actually why didn’t i i know

You know i want you to feel perhaps only only mild disappointment i don’t want you to feel genuine sadness just just to be like oh fonda not streaming oh i will watch something else time to turn on the urban rescue age hey i feel genuine bae i feel genuine sadness bae

Let’s hang out Two two choo choo um final told me thank you cyano thank you casual vader thank you margin dean thank you slice brandon thank you mr arvi thank you mr reach thank you zoice thank you oak carding outside but i’m not an oak tree i’m not even a tree at all

Oh and i hope you had a lovely break even though a short me and the saplings missed you to fit so enjoy all the big soft leafy welcome back hugs we can provide that’s so cute i want to hug a tree i want to be a real tree hugger

Soft soft leafy hugs thank you zoies thank you These are not branches nor are they tr twigs they are horns horn they grow out of my skull they are not branches dark eco-freak thank you mr empty block thank you revlon thank you i shine in thank you wait who is this i don’t think i’ve seen this person streaming before i

Think i’d remember them if i’d seen them in the last few days welcome back for now your memory your long-term memory thank you Consume me thank you zero chroma thank you majesty fair song thank you happy solstice i haven’t been able to watch much because i got a job congrats on your job i go around killing mosquito larvae using bacteria interesting i noticed you sending me allied forces in the form of

Dragonflies thanks for that shame i can’t catch many streams anymore oh i appreciate you dropping by i hope that you enjoy your job and congrats honestly mosquito killer yeah right mosquito killer my hero right thank you for your for your service cool thank you i appreciate it nazario thank you life swordsman thank

You boy we’re camping in the mountains that sounds nice i want to go to the mountains i want to go into the snowy mountains in the winter time and drink hot chocolate black armor thank you oh i’m sorry thank you thank you again thank you so much you nearly froze at

Night got to do a lot of fire grilling for lunch and being disconnected from the internet was a nice bonus i want to i want to do all that with with all yen i really want to have like a i don’t know i’ve said this before i don’t really like camping that much

I i would love to stay in a cozy winter cabin in the mountains though and drink hot chocolate and watch movies together and play games and get snowed in that sounds really comfy fake nature me tuber i mean i love nature but do you really want to sleep with bugs i don’t know

Stephen adams thank you revlon thank you peg arranged thank you they’re fun in the aftermath of the match or baby instead can we count on you to call crony sugar more often should i do you think it would bother her maybe i should hey sugar

Is the gut i don’t know what it reminds me of this like what what uh southern belle say howdy suga can i interest you in some iced tea Something like that glass is good thank you just in time thank you fresh thank you whoa thank you scream for fried rice thank you very much hi father welcome back i missed you and i hope your break was relaxing i went to support for my birthday but you’re gone sunday well i’m

Sorry mr birthday happy birthday thank you for always keeping me company during long work days of course thank you guys for keeping me company happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sorrowing happy birthday to you happy birthdays from fried rice i appreciate it

Anthony thank you good luck with work i’ll let you know saplings kept the forest clean and safe and nemo slept all weekend and didn’t help namu it sounds just like her but you know you know she’s so cute so maybe she deserves to just sleep you know

She helps in her own way i’m sure she she keeps the morale high right is rhonda thank Thank you welcome back i hope you had a great relaxing break i always miss having you around around the end of my day but there were definitely a lot of interesting streams to keep a person visiting over the weekend right there were guru’s birthday was so good

Still it’s really great to have you back i appreciate colorful and on thank you Thank you zoinks thank you daisy james is the woman david jones isn’t daisy jones a real person well there’s probably like a million people named daisy jones okay thank you i have not watched lighthouse with william defoe and robert patterson that sounds what a cast though what a cast

Ever since i had that dream about robert patterson wait patterson pattinson patterson are these different robbers hold on which robert pattinson wait who’s pat her son is this a different robert i don’t know Pattinson is edward yeah and um though the one that lapped john interviewed ever since that happened that interview and it’s batman right he’s batman he’s the batman ever since that happened in my weird dream about him i don’t know he’s like in my mind he’s my oc yeah

Robert patterson is my oc do not steal he’s married to bella after edward dumped her robert came in and and cheered her up and is the best gentleman you could ever ask for oh creepy music evan thank you oh have fun with your mom for your birthday dinner cute have fun vp thank

You selena gomez these selena gomez oh my gosh funny movie it’s me international pop sensation and waverly wonderkind selena gomez i’m in talks with cover core and our rule to make a vampire themed spongebob movie aiming for a 2035 release however we’re missing a catchphrase it’s sponging time it’s

Bobbin time any good ideas oh my goodness i i wish to be part of this i feel like oh i don’t have any good ideas the catchphrase it’s sponge and time is pretty good this bobbin time is also pretty good how do how do you do the spongebob lap

Isn’t it actually damaging for your throat are you supposed to like push your finger on it amazing thank you selena Gomez yeah did i become a dolphin I didn’t even know i could make that noise ninja thought thank you but how is tarzan situational tragedy he returned to nature just like you wanted us to yeah but but which nature did he go to because it’s not mine because what the heck is this knockoff gorilla ape

They took my oc and they stole it rosa thank you tapioca senpai thank you spurious notion thank you selena gomez thank you again it’s your oc like kombucha not only does she like kombucha she bruises herself is there a lot thank you yan way thank you date the wise thank you very much

Welcome back fona and i’ve always wondered if you have healing powers because i entered my wrist while typing this oh no were you typing at 200 words per minute also the comedy with movie is the best thing i’ve seen today thank you i appreciate it i do have healing powers

If you can just hold on don’t worry i’m just under the table for a second here just take a bite on this and it’ll fix you right up so i leave my golden apples under the table so i had to go get it you know thank you jade Don’t worry we can we can wash it off before you eat it i mean i mean the floor is pretty clean just have some cat hair on it it’s fine mr vega thank you jayveen thank you great billy mays thank you psych chaos thank you thank you thank you cool thank you

Grateful man thank you as wings thank you viper thank you margin d thank you you know it thank you right i love i love my gen mates they’re great but this is very a very there’s much halloween love going around right now love is in the air the power of

Friendship is in the air margin thank you sandia thank you eric thank you i hope you had fun hanging out with mama karen on father’s day right we wish to papa karen a happy father’s day as well yucky girls thank you very much for now you are missing the chance to

Put the gift cronies slightly off center within the bunkeronian to arrange the contents of an asymmetrical fashion for maximum emotional damage oh we could have done that we could have done that um but you know are we trying to get on her good side thank you thank you Salty thank you no easy way to get the pads the lily pads other than the swamp i will have to venture away into the swamp and collect a billion of them because i want a billion of them colored sugar will rearrange their bankroni poor cronie she’s become the target for everyone in

The whole server luke thank you i would like to build a boat dock by the lighthouse i think that’d be good i don’t know i want to make like a cute like you know like a european fairy tale town kind of i don’t know i saw someone made a

Castle in minecraft it looked kind of like a versaille And i don’t know i kind of want to make that but i don’t know they have like this beautiful manicured garden out front it was quite beautiful but i don’t know straw thank you and miss robbie thank you you mispre-recorded fauna well then actually i do have a i made a video

I don’t know i always spoil these things well i’m not gonna tell you what it is but it has to be approved by management and i made it before i left but it still hasn’t been approved yet so well you’re just gonna get this it’s not

Like a long video either sorry it’s not asmr i should specify that it’s just a a meme it’s like a tiny video but i don’t know i guess i’ll just put that out sometime whenever it’s it’s approved but yeah you’ll see you’ll see yes it’s less than a minute long even

Perhaps one could even call it a short perhaps anyway i don’t know when i’ll release it i wouldn’t release it on a day i’m not streaming because i don’t know but well whatever but now like i kind of just want to post it when it’s approved because i’ve been

Sitting on it for a while and i want to see what people think about it they could take dogs out it’s not a tick tock but you could put it on i mean i could put it on tick tock i don’t have a tick tock account It’s just a a youtube short a short video it might even have a vertical aspect ratio i don’t know who knows who knows maybe it’s optimized to be viewed on your phone out to all the mobile viewers right now kill compilation to my song okay now

That’s a good idea but i need oh my god i wish i could do like a pokemon unite kill compilation to my song that’s what i would want to make but i don’t think i can do pokemon unite but but i don’t play any other games it’s really skyrim

Someone made that wait really did they who made that who made that a kill come to my song already but did they which song skyrim bug compilation i have to see it i have to see it i did i saw that someone made them a kill calm

But i i was actually too scared to watch it because i was afraid to hear myself singing the song but i should be brave and watch it because i’m sure it’s hilarious but i’m scared to hear myself singing i’ll cringe i’ll cringe even though i asked for it

Killing faint all compilation oh my gosh yes that’s the one that’s a good idea i’m gonna make that the feigned all kill cam the fandom kill compilation perfect perfect okay okay that’s all i have for you today thank you for welcoming me back um i will see you

When i see you i’m sorry it’s a gorilla week who knows what’s happening i sure don’t but um i had fun today i want to play more minecraft i don’t know i just want to make an empire in minecraft right now but there are other games we can play too

Like metopia and skyrim in south korean Horror games anyway thanks for hanging out i’ll see you again soon at some point so take care until then and i will see you later bye bye fun well and thank you bye bye Do You

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 Kirin Builds A Lighthouse’, was uploaded by Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN on 2022-06-22 02:11:02. It has garnered 195975 views and 15656 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:03 or 12843 seconds.


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  • Recreating Epic Minecraft Manhunt Moments

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  • Interstellar Minecraft Shenanigans

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  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Unite!

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  • Dino Invasion at Bear Hill – Minecraft Mobile Game

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Fun!

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  • Crafty Morning: Epic Tree House Build

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  • Jagatbhaiya’s Gamerfleet: A Short YouTube Hit!

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  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Madness: Animation Extravaganza!

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  • Free Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock

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  • The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide – EP. 3 – Making EPIC Progress!!

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  • QUEEN ELSA Faces Shizo Nightmare in Sand City Hideout SMP

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  • Insane Tiny Hide and Seek Challenge in Minecraft!

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  • Insane Cirno Gaming Monday with Sky Papus Block

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    🔥I AM GODLY OP IN THIS LIFESTEAL SMP!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became OVERPOWERED In This LifeSteal Minecraft SMP🔥’, was uploaded by Blazeonix on 2024-07-04 10:30:00. It has garnered 161 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:00 or 420 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #viral #trending I Became OVERPOWERED In This LifeSteal Minecraft SMP🔥 FireMC Server IP – Port – 19132 (Java/Bedrock/Pocket) Game – Minecraft IGN – Blazeonix Music – Crock Pot Indian Fusion Make Sure to Like the video and subscribe to the channel💖 Tags Ignore: Tags Ignore: minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft memes,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft but challenge,shorts minecraft,types… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC MINECRAFT MONDAYS: Yumiko Neko Takes on the Mines!🔥 #NekoVLive

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  • RLFactions Season 1 PVP MODDED FACTIONS

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  • Minecraft Memes – This ain’t the full Minecraft update!

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  • “Blaze it up in Minecraft!” #minecraftmemes

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  • Soul Juice in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate TNT Cannon Ship Tutorial

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Transformation with Create Mod!

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  • Breaking the Law: Minecraft Pranks on Girls

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  • “Watch Scar Get Wrecked on 6b6t in Seconds!” #minecraft #clickbait

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  • 🔥 INSANE ChaosKraft 2 Gameplay – EP21: Gheilath

    🔥 INSANE ChaosKraft 2 Gameplay - EP21: GheilathVideo Information This video, titled ‘ChaosKraft 2: Lands Of Legend (CTM Map) – Episode 21: Gheilath’, was uploaded by Anistuffs – The Indian Let’s Player on 2024-03-11 12:31:01. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:41 or 7901 seconds. 🔻Open video description for more information🔻 ChaosKraft 2: Lands Of Legend is a large open world CTM map for Minecraft 1.15.2, made by Lylac, the mapmaker formerly known as BenplayerX, as the second entry in their CTM series ChaosKraft. Check out the map: Minecraft is a sandbox videogame developed by Mojang that lets… Read More

  • 🔥 NEW Minecraft SMP Server IP! Join now! 🚀

    🔥 NEW Minecraft SMP Server IP! Join now! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new public smp ip port 🥶| 1.20 minecraft server | 24/7 online | public smp | @Not_Barkeep’, was uploaded by Bar_keep_brO 0.2 on 2024-03-18 09:30:07. It has garnered 1751 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:02 or 422 seconds. minecraft brand new public smp || for java + poket + pojav || 1.19+ free to join || 24/7 online minecraft free public SMP || for java + pe + pojav || 1.19+ 24/7 || free Best smp server mcpe 💗 1.20+ Survival Smp java + mcpe 24/7 ✅ free to… Read More

  • EPIC Advancement Hunt in Inselphia – LIVE🔴

    EPIC Advancement Hunt in Inselphia - LIVE🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Advancement Hunt – EP10 | (LIVE🔴)’, was uploaded by Inselphia on 2024-07-26 20:53:31. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:04:16 or 14656 seconds. Welcome to the tenth episode of the advancement series! Today, we’ll be trying to get even more advancements so make sure to come join and have some fun!!! LINKS: Check out the whole list of advancements I have to complete and make suggestions for ones I should complete (may be outdated) – Read More


    CALLI IN DANGER! WHO'S BEHIND HER? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘CALLI THERE’S SOMEONE BEHIND YOU 【Hololive EN】’, was uploaded by Zuzu Ch. on 2024-06-16 18:39:04. It has garnered 44218 views and 2500 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. Don’t forget to subscribe 🗿 My Twitter: – Source – 【HOLOMYTH MINECRAFT】5 refined ladies 1 block! (part 1) – Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN @GawrGura Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN @TakanashiKiara Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN @WatsonAmelia Ninomae Ina’nis Ch. hololive-EN @NinomaeInanis Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN @MoriCalliope Nanashi Mumei Ch. hololive-EN @NanashiMumei Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN @CeresFauna Hakos Baelz Ch. hololive-EN @HakosBaelz Ouro… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Hole Survival with Maizem!

    INSANE Minecraft Hole Survival with Maizem!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive INSIDE HOLE In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-06-01 13:01:01. It has garnered 1412 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:16 or 2416 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive INSIDE HOLE In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have… Read More

  • “Fairy Craft: Ultimate Mob vs Dropbear Battle!” #minecraft

    "Fairy Craft: Ultimate Mob vs Dropbear Battle!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft all mobs vs dropbear fight finally revealed #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Fairy Craft on 2024-10-01 22:30:09. It has garnered 200 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:39 or 159 seconds. The Minecraft all mobs vs dropbear fight finally revealed #minecraft #viral minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraf, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon, mincraft mob vote 2023, minecraft mob battle, minecraft mob vote, minecraft mob farm, mimecraft mob vote 2023 winner, minecraft mob mod, minecraft mob… Read More


    Welcome to our SMP Server! If you are 18+ and enjoy being active, we invite you to join our LGBTQ-friendly and welcoming community! Our server features: Homes/waypoints/Claims New biomes New dungeons Shops/Currency Pets/Plushies New decoration blocks Pokémon Holiday Events Events Requirements to join: Must be over 18 Must have discord and join our server Must be active If you are interested, please fill out the google form here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft community torn apart!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft community torn apart!Looks like Minecraft players are more split than the blocks they’re building with! Read More

  • Mine Me Sanpai SMP Part 3: Minecraft Mayhem Unleashed!

    Mine Me Sanpai SMP Part 3: Minecraft Mayhem Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We dive into adventures, like a wild dream. Sanpai SMP, part three in the mix, With twists and turns, and surprises to fix. Join us on Discord, for chats and fun, Instagram for updates, when the day is done. Promotions and collabs, email us quick, For partnerships and projects, let’s make it click. Telegram for more, from the Bad Ultimate Boys, YouTube channels for shorts, with gaming joys. Viral trends and videos, we’re on the rise, Minecraft peeks and updates, a pleasant surprise. Chapati and Hindustani gamers, in the mix,… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: The Joy of Every Player! 🔥😂

    Hot Minecraft Memes: The Joy of Every Player! 🔥😂 When you finally find diamonds in Minecraft and your happiness level goes from 0 to 100 real quick! 😂💎 #minecraftgoals #diamondsareagirlsbestfriend #gamerlife Read More

  • Norik’s Wild Minecraft Hardcore Adventure

    Norik's Wild Minecraft Hardcore Adventure The Exciting World of Minecraft Hardcore Survival Embark on a thrilling journey into the world of Minecraft Hardcore Survival with Norik as your guide. Witness the challenges, triumphs, and close calls as they navigate through this unforgiving game mode. Day 1: The Beginning As Norik spawns into the world, the adventure begins. With no prior knowledge of what lies ahead, they start exploring, gathering resources, and building shelter to survive the first night. Day 2: Progress and Exploration On the second day, Norik delves deeper into the world, uncovering hidden treasures, encountering hostile mobs, and expanding their base. Each… Read More

  • Aldatılma Hikayesi: Minecraft Skyblock

    Aldatılma Hikayesi: Minecraft Skyblock Welcome to AsenaCraft – A Tale of Betrayal in Minecraft Skyblock AsenaCraft is a vibrant Minecraft server that offers a unique Skyblock experience to players. With a dedicated community and exciting gameplay features, AsenaCraft has become a popular destination for Minecraft enthusiasts. What is Minecraft Skyblock? Minecraft Skyblock is a popular game mode where players start on a small island floating in the sky. The goal is to expand the island, gather resources, and complete challenges to thrive in this challenging environment. Features of AsenaCraft Skyblock Server At AsenaCraft, players can enjoy a variety of features tailored to enhance… Read More

  • Unbelievable Potions Menu Revealed in Astreterre!

    Unbelievable Potions Menu Revealed in Astreterre!Video Information This video, titled ‘Astreterre // Récap’ #114 – Menu des potions !’, was uploaded by OraNN on 2024-09-04 13:00:44. It has garnered 50 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:48 or 168 seconds. Astreterre // Recap’ #114 – Potions menu! #gamedev #Minecraft #godot #GodotEngine Short video summary of what we did during the last streams! spell icons mod: Electroblob’s Wizardry ••► Join me on the new Astreterre Discord: Trello to track upcoming releases: ••► All my networks: ••► Twitch : ••► Follow me on Twitter: The playlist randomly contains… Read More

  • Encounter with a Panda in Minecraft!

    Encounter with a Panda in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘AKU BERTEMU DENGAN PANDA DI MINECRAFT! – Minecraft Indonesia #3’, was uploaded by TheCozyTea on 2024-04-11 09:30:03. It has garnered 370 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:31 or 2071 seconds. Hello everyone, welcome to the TheCozyTea channel. In this Minecraft gameplay, I went on an adventure far from my house and met a panda! Indie horror game playlist You can support this channel to grow further via: Subscribe: Saweria: Discord: Wait for 20 thousand subscribers first, hehe. Don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe because that is… Read More

  • Philippines’ Top Minecraft Server! PM for Facebook Group

    Philippines' Top Minecraft Server! PM for Facebook GroupVideo Information This video, titled ‘best Minecraft server in the Philippines PM:Navulia Frostine in the Facebook open the link pls’, was uploaded by John_bryle_gamer on 2024-06-12 14:16:15. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:41 or 701 seconds. server RULE 🔰 POLY KIMCHIS SEASON 1 🔰 is now Looking for Active Players! ✨ 🎗 SERVER RULES 🎗 ✅ ALLOWED ✅ ✅ Java / Bedrock ✅ Teams (Maximum of 3 to 5 Members) ✅ Trade ✅ Farms (Any farms) ✅ Building Multiple Bases ✅ Building Shop (Located at Shopping District with Admins Permission) ✅… Read More

  • BlitzKreke’s Insane Minecraft SMP Adventure!

    BlitzKreke's Insane Minecraft SMP Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP Maybe – A new beginning’, was uploaded by BlitzKreke on 2024-09-01 04:18:34. It has garnered 64 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:37:37 or 16657 seconds. Discord – Read More