SHOCKING LuckyZVT Revelation!

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N No no reason to be Mad oh my god did it just it didn’t Oh M For D D Grab the new chat hi Square got to go in here the dogs going to make the thing and the new link there now we have the proper chat and we can close that God damn I did it again what’ you do I was supposed to stream today oh my God I even did all my [ __ ]

Early I had nothing I was waiting on got home at like 5: today all right well I did a lot of work also Minecraft decided to reset all of my sound to 100% yeah and now I’m semi de no no okay I think it’s fixed why am my computer melting

All right oh yeah I tried to play Arcane and something stupid happened so I just closed it again oh my God what’s in the black s and when I say something stupid I mean I was fishing I had captured an island so he’d be getting infy I decided I wanted to break from

Fishing went to sail my boat away and for whatever reason the boat had glitched into the beach and I took like 910 my ship’s damage Jesus Christ so I was just like yeah okay never Mind if m c craft to capture please come on played a bunch of Destiny today why you playing so much Destiny now all of a sudden cuz I like the PVP I never stopped like making the PVP and I decided I’m just going to play the

PVP and now I have 400 kills on my wish keeper and it’s like level 43 and also I’m apparently a menace and iron Banner I don’t know I saw Okay game’s capturing Now I’d like to say I suck but I was top score on my team almost every match I played but I feel like half of that is just I was playing BRD Weaver you use your ult as a brood Weaver you get like or super not ult use your super as a

Brood Weaver you get at least three Kills aren’t you popping up as joinable because I have to actually invite you oh It’s still not showing up might just watched you invite me maage you launched the wrong mod pack no I’ve got ice and fire and everything you just restart the game let me apparently I thought a client side mod wouldn’t have caused issues but apparently it

Is which mod is it I can just get rid of it no I downloaded one so I can see light levels what’s it called light level overlay for loaded [Applause] I’m not seeing it may you sure you launched the right mod pack I’m 100% sure that I only have two

Mod packs and one is the origins pack and one is this pack and also it’s the only only one that’s in 1.12.2 oh that’s still open yeah that would cause problems [Laughter] Fop D Hey Shuy Can you try inviting me Again [Applause] You oh so I can’t stay forever that’s okay Sharky post game mopia I have that’s not h CU you’re offline and I’m still not able to join you cuz there’s an update that I have to do I didn’t do the update oh that would do it oh

I have to the update in mod what do you mean hi steamy O M thank you for this S I am bra melted and I have to fix to and I don’t want to do it I guess I will [ __ ] be back Jesus okay really hostile why is it saying T but I have to or it doesn’t work oh hey we’re at 195 that’s nice

Five away from 200 on YouTube that’s kind of fun so I have to load it on and then I have to figure out what’s wrong Do update confirmed Channel growth is always nice Yeah Like what what would I do for 200 songs Oh Than c mouse for the K Some what a bean that’s funny God damn it where is it saying that but I don’t know where that’s coming from so is essential updated great question oh my God quit and update the game bro Jesus Christ recently updated today Okay why would I uninstall Mouse you don’t know what I’m looking at you you don’t know what I’m looking at did you try turning it off and turning it back on that doesn’t really help right now doesn’t stream there’s nothing to intrude I’m just was upset I he um very disengaged just let me play the goddamn game I want to play the game please M Okay finally it’s good though I fixed no I I set auto up things I don’t know if it’s what I don’t know if it’s working or not he’s not here to make sure if it’s working that’s one and a half blocks tall never I just remember thought you still

Link to my Chanel you remove macaron I don’t really care it doesn’t bother me at all you can actually change the way shaders look wait ow oh wow it looks no different but apparently it all has changed weird Pillow what the [ __ ] ah well pillow redeemed it I guess we’re doing him huh I’ll get my water what do you mean good night you [ __ ] you don’t redeem that and then Leave cha Oh by sh so I can do a lot of things right now what do I want to do there Sher boxes that means there elytras M what’s the matter tabs in YouTube chat [ __ ] where am I going I need to go to the portal I need

To grab some cob balt cuz we’re at of cob balt and we have none God damn at the top and one to keep old Trends alive any fortresses on the map oh whoa wait this looks sick it looks awesome when it’s like this what the [ __ ] I don’t want Ardine I need cobal

Ow Jesus Christ I have 17 durability left I need Cobalt oh I love this shovel so much it’s such a good shovel it just tears through everything oh pickaxe gone I think I got plenty of Co oh there’s Cobo right there yeah I don’t have another Pickax O look keep I’m being on it oh that was the lava why mine one block at a time when you can mine nine true that just making sure I can’t smell this though oh every single SLE one of those just went in let’s go look at the Cobalt whoa that looks cool

[ __ ] the Torches away That was my deforestation EGS when I need to chop trees down that was the clay shovel wait a minute could I put fortune on This oh that’s ready to travel through look at it go it’s so fast and it’s done you need three blocks and then make a sharpening kit I’ll make a few and then check this we can make a single Ingot bam [ __ ] MS all right dump the rest into

There all right we have a holy sharpened pickaxe we’re going to put fortune on this can I put Fortune oh I can oh now that just changes everything I got to see modifiers I got to see those huh That’s kind of cool oh reinforces multiple levels seriously oh wait no I don’t want to do reinforce on this armor cuz I’ll probably end up replacing it with something else because nothing beat straight dragon armor Dragon steel armor yeah Manan has the highest defense St O wood armor that’s funny God that’s really goofy all right oh yeah back to it reinforced I probably want that is that extra PL oh [ __ ] I got to make a new one I [ __ ] W make an plate I don’t give a [ __ ] M Wait what how do you make impossibly hard wheat sticks wait what huh there’s a drying rack what the [ __ ] oh there’s W zones I forgot there were was zones how do you make look at this um where do I get where do I get spaghetti from oh Where do I get the spaghetti From milk okay where do you get this from why can you put water in the [ __ ] why what the [ __ ] why I mean let’s try it let’s try it let’s try it no can you just do it let you cook wheat no how do you can I put water

In here let me try putting water in so don’t put water in the furnace my game crashed got it don’t put water in the SM how how do I get in The I’m look h oh apparently you can loot spaghetti so um make a note don’t pour water in the smelter CAU him so you apparently loot the weed which just seems wild to me anyway what was I doing it’s obsidian got it all right we go just [ __ ] the water Away my soulmate mutopia is princess galaan you have that’s I feel like that’s just word spaghetti mom spaghetti God Dam it luy scy what does that even mean I need this I need to make this I need to make this oh my God that’s perfect I need that [ __ ] my frames are

So high right now welcome back back I learned a bunch of stuff and also crashed my gameo you’re muted [ __ ] welcome back so how do inventory pets work do they have to be in my hot bar to work or I wasn’t asking literally I’m asking metaphorically what does that

Mean cuz that is some real bad implications He looks down upon all of us who’s talking [ __ ] got it all Right all right I guess I go mining I’m not really sure oh right I want to make Nest Dragon Nest oh it’s just hayal all right well that’s really easy there’s a weave farm right there welcome in green army as well so oh I have to get rid of my fing

No I don’t want to get rid of my Cump is really good cuz it has fortune on it and I have a loot pet that does that does cool stuff I want to use my loot pet this one I need to make signs you know what I’m getting kind of tired of this

Um of this Cobalt Cleaver I might give it to me May might like it it’s a good Cleaver I want to make a sign I just want to I want to make something funny I have to rebuild my pickaxe no dude does at least not have a diamond on

It I hope it doesn’t I mean I guess pillow would like that Mouse the joke the joke was fine don’t worry about it there’s nothing modded in here there is why do I have wooden shs get this [ __ ] out of here wait I have a [ __ ] trash can for that God I’m stupid what so let’s see damn what a great loot God damn it Can you like huh I mean I I wouldn’t mind a clear item frame that’d be fun let’s say that to to make it you just so there’s all the glass I left it in there oh then I could hang it up oh it’s like the wall of weapons oh that looks so

Cool it’s like a wall of weapons so this is my Cleaver oh wait and then I can keep making them all right so we’ve got the frying pan very awesome frying pan got that pickaxe I’ll have to re and I’ve made nothing else like worth showcasing but that’s really annoying no the loot

Pet doesn’t work when something has fortune and I’m I’m kind of ready to make a new weapon anyway so chat um do I make a poll hey may are you still there are you muted sorry parents for being loud yeah it’s all right um can you like set up a poll on

Twitch do you want me to Al I still can’t join that’s it’s probably because I’m not hosting nope that’s the wrong one all right I just put the whole thing in there so what am I doing uh my next weapon cuz I have no clue what I want we’ve got a sign a

Rapier a long sword that’s a I should make a shuriken I can make it a dragon bone now how long do you want the pull up like 10 minutes maximum amount of time oh really yeah oopses no worries it’s one two three 5 10 I thought there was a knife what

Happened to the knife wait actually I thought there was a knife where to go a knife oh the that’s not what I wanted but that’s funny pickaxes Hatchet what the [ __ ] actually let’s go for iron as a baseline what doesn’t there’s so many different irons why are there so many irons can you stop eating [ __ ] stop [ __ ] quit it so the iron Cleaver does 10 damage [ __ ] battle sign the battle sign makes me so happy it’s so Dumb the [ __ ] is pig iron that’s a very fair question that I do not have an answer for wait there’s like a chest with a B There It Is crafting table I must be going insane I don’t know what’s going on I Anything depending on what they pick I can actually make a I can make a dragon I can make a dragon form of it apparently it’s sign winning what does the sign even do hold on I need to figure out what the sign even does it’s a sign of their

Doom oh it’s a shield it’s also a [Laughter] sh it’s a [ __ ] Shield that’s Amazing you know I don’t think I want to use this with my dragon steel but that’s [ __ ] hilarious actually no do I do I I think I I I dare I that’s entirely up to you I need to make a few casts I’m just going to dump golden oh I never moved

The Cobalt over I was going to make a new pickaxe God this looks so cool two blocks when get well we’re fine let’s just uh So Cobalt’s the fastest when it comes to pickaxe heads so we’re going to grab the pickaxe head What have you got there a knife no [ __ ] I have an idea that’s going that’s funny oh that’s [ __ ] raing mate can you join I have still not been able to join me it must be on your end I don’t know what it could be on my end because there’s nothing I can

Change did you redo the mod pack yes and I deleted the old one so I couldn’t have picked the wrong one maybe you need to reinstate yourself an essential if you’re if the mod pack reset you might have to reinstate yourself I’ve tried it I I open it

You’re there I can send you a message oh now your invite comes I had to send you a message apparently that’s what fixed it nice I was just [ __ ] around in my own world built a tiny little Hut mate do you want to replace your Cleaver with mine I don’t

Know what do you mean you don’t know it’s a stronger Cleaver do you want it or not I don’t know what it does differently it’s a Cleaver what do you think it could have different stats mine’s self repairs yes this one hang on let me make sure what insatable

Ones does more damage on Long staining combat it has a useless modifier that does nothing it has beheading it does more damage it does more damage it swings faster and has loading one I suppose I’ll take it it does 20 damage so one person voted and it was for the

Sign God damn it who voted for the sign think it’s just a sign of things to come I’m going to kill you wait did I just oh I did something can’t see well nine seared stone is fine oh yeah I learned how to make seared Stone without [ __ ] clay and sand and

Gravel so all that stuff you struggled to get earlier yeah I don’t have to do it anymore I can just throw Cobble in and I can the smeltery and it’ll make a seared thing good know back to the pickaxe what am I putting what am I making the pickaxe out of wait a

Minute I’m keeping an eye on you but that’s something to look into anything go anything anything anything anything Anything all right where to begin ch chck chck chcken may you like the size of the smell tree one second okay you should you should take a walk around my uh my my space I’m learning to make a mortar and pestle and Crush flowers and stuff right now did

You make your Daisy not yet this is all stuff I supposed to have already done a while ago that probably builds up to the daisy do you need your distracted sir going to be in your chest I need I need to put signs on

Chest hang on I need a bowl how do I make a bowl there’s only two sign times this is cringe the smelter is kind of of imposing and terrifying honestly is it is it the is it the is it the skull or is it the is it the sheer size the sheer

Size the big the taller it is the more can do it once I think the skull really adds to it the the the the heads the multiple heads like strung up like trophies and then the cyclop skull I’ve now learned mortar and pestl what do I do with Mort

Pestl wait isn’t there a [ __ ] ton of planks somewhere did I use them all I have they are house I’m I’m fine I need need to go find some botania flowers that aren’t at my house to break ow there were so many of them that is tough I got a few petals

Though let’s go okay so what do I do with petals little book of mine all right God the carryon mod is so weird I can just pick up random make a fertilizer specifically to grow the flowers I need to make more of these petals oh thank God I don’t have to go

Searching for mushrooms and Chin oh thank God I actually don’t have bone meal and I’m not sparing any bones I have oh I have a spar dragon skull I got you bone meal or botania powers and a bone meal makes one fertilizer hey may may may I got you I

Got you I got you come here come here come here come here come here four regular D come here come here come here coming I was reading my book look bone meal fresh from a dragon skull what do I make the sign handle from dragon bone probably

Yay wait what oh I shared it and no I could even do that what do I need for the [ __ ] sign I need a tool rod and a sign plate this is [ __ ] stupid is there a batania specific table not that I know of may have you have you done all done

The the full run through you [ __ ] a another head to add to the collection nice [ __ ] all right chat what should I do I use my dragon do I use my fire dragon steel to make the sign or is it a waste goary what I need an apothecary okay I have

Stone I think I make it out of dragon steel it’s only three it’s only three ingots to make the sign plane oh so I give it fractured on the handle and then it’s Inferno 2 on the head and it’s just [ __ ] amazing oh hell yeah this going to be

Awesome do you have just basic [ __ ] resources anywhere like what I’m taking a stack of Cobble okay be sure to go mining some I used like half of the Cobble that was in our chests to make a bunch of a bunch of um seared bricks that is stage J right

There well damn I [ __ ] up first that you dumb dumb I got to put four ingots of um or however two ingots of cobalt and no so I put what anything can go anything can go anything can go how do I do this fire dragon steel sign plate I am a [ __ ]

Idiot this is the this is going to be the dumbest thing ever do I use that poet car oh no no no it doesn’t it does not oh my God it actually is a shield it’s a [ __ ] Shield this is stupid it reflects projectiles oh that’s dumb oh this is this is gross this is just disgusting hang on I’m going to put a d I’m going to do some I’m going to [ __ ] do some

[ __ ] to this we’re going to put a diamond on it we’re going to reinforce it okay the taller variants of mystical flowers require shears and oh give twice the pedals Jesus Christ you got really close to the m sorry I accidentally muted it I was adjusting

It it kind of gets loud after I mute it it’s not that I really got closer I’m so glad I learned how to make Ingot casts cuz now I can just pull ingots out of the thing and if you bury a petal and then bone meal it you can get a flower

Or four of the petals also seems to make a tall flower I can make them into blocks for some reason so I’m going to need iron and uh the knowledge that I might be consuming buckets okay what do you mean consuming I throw in a bucket full of

Water to fill my petal Apothecary and I don’t know if it’ll consume a whole bucket like throw the bucket itself that’s what it says it’s throwing a bucket full of water are you sure you don’t are you sure not pour the bucket I’m going to test that first and if that doesn’t work

I’m going to throw it in and see if it consumes the bucket fortunately I already had a bucket okay yeah just dumping it in works it’s weird phrasing then well no that that’s how you’d phrase it that’s how I’d phrase it you you you took it too literally that’s why you got

Confused can also turn it into a trash by dumping lava into it all right reinforce oh no reinforce the sign with a diamond [Laughter] right oh that’s awful oh that’s and you said you gave me a p Daisy already no I didn’t give it to you but if we need I

Have I have one flower which gives two petals or unless you have four of the white mushrooms I’ve got nine regular mushrooms is that it oh the shimmering mushrooms you mean yeah no I don’t have that do you have a mystical white flower mystical white flower see that’s white shimmering Mushroom that’s yeah that literally is what you have well I only have three of them and then I’ve got mystical white flowers over here yes yes you need two of those because if you cra you can craft them into two petals each I have two petals on me now have four petals

Where are you mate mate behind you mate behind you mate behind you all right now to read on about how to make this thing use some Weird thingy I don’t know I just throw four of them into the Apothecary and then some seeds to finish it off I need an

Apothecary I need [ __ ] quarts God damn bro and Redstone a lot a lot of redstone I need Redstone for the pickaxe put Redstone haste one on the pickaxe I don’t want to reinforce these with diamonds the [ __ ] it’s so it’s so dumb the sign is so stupid what does this thing have on

It oh okay what does it mean by throw some seeds in to finish it because I’m throwing seeds at and it’s not working well let me look look let me let me look it up let me let me look here did I put too many is that what it is four pedals I

Six God damn it I thought it took all six no it’s four you got you you can’t just willy-nilly you got to be exact with this [ __ ] okay how do I clear I think you just lose all those resources that [ __ ] it’s pretty unforgiving that shit’s pretty [Applause] unforgiving yeah was very D no wait no the petals are still in it I don’t right clicking with an empty hand try that on I got to make an empty h in [Applause] first nothing well let me I want to let me look at it I don’t know what supposed to look like oh what the

[ __ ] oh shift right click there it is May R’s ready you just shift right click yay thank you always try always try the usuals either anything that is placed next to it would turn into living stone or Living Wood well may that’s up to you just

Don’t put it near my ship and also it’s in a horizontal space is it not I think it’s in the same amount of space as a tree no it’s a horizontal space really just these eight blocks you see it’s working I mean you can try and go higher but I’m pretty sure it’s

Contact and even in the book it just shows like this so I don’t want a chance It oh you like my Sign hold on I’m really quick moving around hey you Laugh I just wanted to see if my plock had changed yet I’m sorry you’ll know when it changes it makes very obvious change it’s going to oh now it’s [Laughter] changing holy [ __ ] I need that dirt and put it you got the dirt put it

Back I end up with the dirt what the [ __ ] because you were on top of it I was going to break your I was going to break the wood for you and then the wood disintegrated I’m sorry that I have a Hest Cobalt mtic so it chews through

Dirt it chews through dirt like a wooder now oh we all have a wand now I hate what color do I want my wand I’ll go with green green one sounds nice I’m just going to dump a bunch of gold and make a bunch of [ __ ]

Casts that that are purely used to do Reinforcement looks ridiculous having a bunch of [ __ ] knife BLS W of the forest two ped oh this is [ __ ] stupid three Twigs the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] why I’m going reinforce it cuz it’s funny oh my God it actually does more damage yeah we’re doing it what I have a pickax may you want to see my new

Toy NE I need a pickaxe oh yeah I was going to give you that hold on I can give you a cool oh [ __ ] M M M I’m sorry May I’m sorry M I’m sorry don’t look at them they’re very very aggressive stop calm [Applause] relax he chill oh it doesn’t work with

Cobblestone it needs to be regular Stone well I’ve got plenty of that are they going to follow me hang on I can fix [Applause] them God damn it I’m sorry fine I don’t know why they get so aggressive with range damage but if I punch it’s fine I’m bringing the posy

Back oh [ __ ] that’s my bad bro you heal you heal them here here oh I healed him he’s good now me do you we potatoes pure Daisy God that’s so cool that’s actually really cool I like that that’s so cool I’m Sor time just reading right

Now oh that’s going to be difficult how do I make you wait do I not re what I make this reinforcement for okay that’s separate stuff you said you’ve got just regular Stone oh there it is I’m taking one stack oh yeah I need the pickaxe to

Continue well do you want the mega pickaxe or do you want a normal one uh I’m probably going to have to mine a lot of living rock over time May that’s not a s that’s not even a comma what happened to the comma I was I accidentally J on of block

So I have a regular ho for re oh telling yeah I have a I have a mic cuz it’s just awesome m m come here you can just hold on to that it’ll regen over time okay I need to empty my inventory in a second here you should just empty

It anyway yeah well I’m going to place down these stone blocks first what do I put on this pickaxe now that like Fortune isn’t a thing on it what do I want to put on the pickaxe no clue Okay you’re very specifically going to be a Bania Chest here my non botania Stuff I guess I do want a diamond on the pickaxe do I want a diamond on the make it faster I don’t think I want a diamond on the pickaxe okay what is it talking about it wants to eat stone is it like

Um is it like I can put it in the hot part with Stone What wait wait a minute hold on what I got to look this up For H okay that’s what I thought it did I just didn’t understand and I believe this also needs to be filled with water okay maybe I’m not well not that I washed away all the flowers in front of my house I guess I need c

What do I do with you now that I’ve me You Oh yeah I need wither skeletons I should do that what the [ __ ] okay so you can now make Mana Steel and Mana pearls and Mana diamonds and Mana powder and Mana glass and Mana string so Mana steel isn’t actually a terrible material um it has Mana repairs modifier I don’t know what that

Means it repairs with Mana oh I don’t know how to get Mana I’m still trying to figure out how to fill my pool with water or if it just fills over time okay so I can check it with my wand I got to figure out what I’m doing quarts I want quartz

First do you have an iron ingot I can grab test Sure oh my my God this looting Pen it you like need Mystic flowers around you is this what makes you charge all right I love shredding through I love when the Netherrack gets deleted so quickly that it just comes it just doesn’t need delete it All what what huh what a Mana spreader why huh why is it doing that holy [ __ ] what is going on God damn it I need a gold inot do we have a gold inot yes from those Dragon hunts we have plenty M why don’t you look how much gold we have well how many can we afford me to take cuz the more of these I make the

More I can may we have 28 blocks that’s a that’s a lot of blocks I’m going to take one turn it into get and probably only make like three of these each one only takes M and get so oh my God me what I have this loot pet right mhm this shit’s [ __ ]

Stupid okay it’s literally just fortune and auto smell that sounds pretty useful but it’s working on like normal ores what the [ __ ] what the hell are you what is with this pet I have 30 Cobalt ingin wait this pet actually kind of sucks maybe I don’t want it to do

That maybe I do wanted to do that I mean that is a lot better than Tinkers do we have the garden of glass yeah oh I may only need no well depending on if it is there or not affects whether I need the gold or not because with that mod it’s just an

Extra piece of living wood without it it’s an ingot maybe I do like the P I don’t know I should have made a baseline I don’t know how much ore I’m mining I’m [ __ ] I’m confused why are there missing textures they’re like that in the uh item list

Too what are I don’t know I didn’t look at what they were I just saw that some items were missing textures there it is what are you what but we have this mod why is it not working I don’t know that’s [ __ ] Weird this [ __ ] stupid all right let me let me mine this 10 ore and see what I how many ingots I get nope wait I don’t I didn’t put I didn’t activate the pen boom boom boom okay what my Mana spreader Chad you see this [ __ ] why is

It what the [ __ ] why is this pet goated it’s literally just as good as the smel Tre this is stupid I’m mad this pet is D you need quartz I got quartz I have no clue I need a [ __ ] nether fortress I’m about to use the loky command I’m so far away

Oh that’s so far away I think that’s a death drw it it was not no I’mma TP back to the portl and use the command there so that Mana spreader is now shooting into that Mana spreader so angle matters so what if Oh my God that zombie pigman has an enchanted sword so is this now filling up Jesus Christ h Y my God bro actually wait I’m hungry That works I have food nice I’ve yet to try my battle sign I’m just trying to figure out this Mana pool Oh well I made It this what gives Mana Do I I like Metals around it that do something [ __ ] help bo bo okay so now you’re shooting into the Mana Pool Jesus Christ I’m op why am I so strong Magma Cube some of the Mana spiders not getting Mana how do I get Mana Bam Bam [ __ ] and the manab is Cool Okay what the [ __ ] is an endo flame okay so I need brown red and gray all right now I just got to get some Nether wart I need flowers I don’t even have where do I go wait this Fortress Is Tiny wait no it’s not why is it look like That then walk straight W wo eat [ __ ] I found some more Scrolls [ __ ] Are you serious this is a full surface nether fortress I’m kind of Mad back the [ __ ] up back the [ __ ] up oh wow yeah know there’s just nothing here But I actually hit the gas what the [ __ ] one in a million shot why it’s so many flowers there’s [ __ ] nothing in this Fortress this is [ __ ] well you’re we’re not getting potions because [ __ ] me I guess I’m Unfortunate that the really that’s the Fortunes this has got to be the shittiest Fortress I’m not even I’m not even giving it the respect of leaving Normally oh [ __ ] I need water too right I’ve got some it’s a blue blue we got a necrotic [Laughter] Shar oh that’s gross that’s disgusting this is nasty 10% life steal on a 20 damage battle sign is [ __ ] gross that’s just rude why are you not working mystical

Blue did you just put a blue flower no I put a blue I put a light blue petal okay I thought it was a blue petal do I have any blue yeah I do oh I have Canon yeah I very specifically need blue for uh I need orange

Brown light gray blue and cyan make the two different flowers to make Mana to make Mana pool have energy yeah that makes sense so I’m going to try making some of that fertilizer what squid why a Squid so it made it looks like four random flowers What’s wrong with this spell why can’t I use it so I’ve got bookshelves in my house if you’ve got like spells and books you want to store oh I can take all the books and spell books that people didn’t want last time what I’ve got bookshelves that like

Actually fill the books I put them in or put in them like books I use spell books and Scrolls I just want to fill my bookshelves I’m sure I’ll find More turn all these flowers in the pet Les What may can you come here Yeah I don’t know what this [ __ ] a God [ __ ] damn it that’s not what it does what does this spell do what if I drop something on the ground can can you I I can you like move let me [ __ ] what’s going on okay really may walk over the snare Woods do oh

[ __ ] look so scary why are my cockatrices at your door because they were fighting a zombie that was attacking me and then they attacked me I don’t know if I like smacked one or what happened I think that’s what you did all I know is I was fighting a

Zombie that jumped me and then suddenly they were there I think I got to reset their home I got [ __ ] up I need to go find more batania flowers why do I hear something very large and very [Applause] angry May where are you uh slightly south of the

House well stop wandering let me let me like move I’m moving my birds away I’m not really wandering I’m just dodging this skeletons oh it’s a troll troll I want his weapon me wait I can fight it I’ll fight him right now I’m fighting off the hord of varied

Enemies I’m at 92 74 76 where the [ __ ] right next to you stop running he’s right there oh hey big gu where is your there it is got him all right back to hunting for flowers man I got his I got his tree log nice you dropped a lot of

Stuff I just want flowers to do magic with brown flowers I need you trolls tree Trunk tree trunk I found Shimmer Leaf whatever that is nice Is oh this is where that first dragon was I found a few ingots and Nuggets you missed nice is this still on fire why is there loot here um I really [ __ ] still can’t ride You for ah there we Go y a blue flower I can make one now I need more bones [ __ ] bones are hard I like how I’m essentially just doing Alchemy I need to make a nest for Lucy I don’t know where I would make it a big open space between our houses yeah but lroy is using that and I just made a big open space so that he can

Infuse I guess it could be right here I could put it in a big tree I’ll put it in a dark oak tree some great wood saplings now oh I know exactly what to put her in now I want to I want to I want to plant

A Greatwood tree and have one over here I’ve got two saplings it might need four it’s a pretty big tree I don’t even know where I got these saplings it’s a very big tree but the issue is that that entire area was burned down so I don’t know

What the tree looked like cuz it was gone it was extreme it’s a very very very big tree me this is a big Tre I see is oak trees it’s a really big big tree M it’s not some weird pink color it’s brown and green bles it’s just really

Really really big I’m just literally in the vastest Oak Forest possible yeah but I’m telling you what the tree is because I want to plant it why why are you like restating it because you’re saying you need [ __ ] four of them and I’m saying I don’t know

Where I found it cuz all I can find is Oak that’s all you’re just restating it and I’m giving the same response why is R staying in again going to give it get a [ __ ] restating it and that’s what’s making me feel like I have to keep

Answering you keep making feel like I have to repeat you don’t give the same response if you’re getting the the same answer that’s on you f you bully Me what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] for for morning fire dragon why you dragon I’m a wizard motherucker I don’t know what one good Dragon way way over the [ __ ] Narnia this is great me are you going to be in a bad mood now I’m just doing stuff yeah you’re in a

Bad how was me focused on doing stuff being in a bad mood no your response God [ __ ] it’s I got so defensive about it I me not want to [ __ ] Where the [ __ ] am I where is those oh my God yes please I’d like to just go around Oh I’m real high up hi shy welcome byang this is literally I am strong I have cool Shield ow [ __ ] Jesus [ __ ] oh hi okay I see hey your place seems a little oh why is it a Boss B okay so I can’t hit him this place is [ __ ] flooded

Why is it so intimidating do this guy do a lot of damage probably hey there big guy um H hi wait do I wait how do I hit him ow oh he does like no damage okay hey in there Big Guy Ow Ow got him mommy hi hello yes what’s up oh I made this mod time I I put it together how you even come on there we go back to what I was going to cuz I need bones to do anything thank you for the follow good job I I don’t know why it

Say why Is Hi okay [ __ ] you [ __ ] you taste my Spells so loud they died No you don’t run away from me get back Here I’m just going to keep spellcasting and hope it’s Fine [ __ ] [ __ ] I did I killed him is the room [ __ ] dragons Bro battle sign was definitely the play I narrowly escaped them oh my God bugged up BL are you [ __ ] kidding me what are you [ __ ] what happened a creeper just blew up the front of my house and pretty much all of the stuff I’d made today oh my God

Oh my God mate what did you lose um my Mana redirector all of my Mana flowers my fence my edges oh I do have cheats turned on for everybody by the way oh and apparently he blew up my chicken I do have cheats turned on you

Can just go on a creative mode and I wouldn’t bad an ey about yeah I totally even know how to do that or would bother too what do you mean would bother it would just get you all your stuff back my I do not have permission to use that command I thought you

Did oh there we go God damn [ __ ] 12 diamonds feeling pretty good oh wait the way Point’s the other way oh sh it is wait there are two Dragon duns here cool uh drop the arrows arrows are not valuable you know me cheese another dragon fight oh I did it

Nice guys the [ __ ] there’s another one why why okay teleport back here get a water bucket okay hello ow ow ow ow [ __ ] what the hell I just I can’t catch a break here okay very bad very bad very bad bad bad not good bad bad bad no come on back to my

Check ow what the [ __ ] why dude I I I just I can’t walk out I can’t walk out Bush I’m getting I can’t hear [ __ ] right now all right cool awesome dude I can’t I I like I can’t he’s just Spitting Fire he won’t do anything else what the [ __ ] dude do something

Else all right cool I’ve been sent back through the hole and now he’s spting fire gu like can I just catch a break for once am I am I done is it over what the [ __ ] what I found Weezer I and a quest to find more bones I found more bones

99 dos and a win I play my My a double Spellbook what the [ __ ] they’re the same Spellbook why are they the same B there a diamond in here cool cool cool cool I found another copy of Weezer M you are you happy are you happier now now you do you have your stuff back because I still can’t even figure

Out how it works I’ve tried placing it I’ve placed every object it tells me to I’ve got it directed the right way maybe in different perspective well hope what do you what you trying to get you to do I had to make these specific flowers to generate Mana to have them generate

Mana into the Mana spreader that is the only way to get Mana into the Mana pool which is where you craft anything none of it’s filling with magic even the [ __ ] flowers don’t seem to have magic even though they’re supposed to okay thank you feed the beast would you

Like to tell would you like to give me a picture no because your website’s for my nana got me naughty and nice Tic Tacs for Christmas that’s just funny all right grab my grab a DE all the work oh that was a fire Stage 5 well I

Don’t any any more fire eggs so I don’t think I care all right I got a a ton of blood so we can make a bunch of fire steel stone now I go home because everything’s lagging and I don’t have the time to walk over all right now can I look at the

Book I want to look at the book The Bania book yeah I can just make you one sure I just want to read it now do I make you again a sapling in a book I need a book I I dropped one I just came back

From a dunge I just came back from my dragon then I have a bunch of [ __ ] anything can go anything can go anything nope it’s telling me to [ __ ] oh my God oh my God oh my God I don’t want to I’m supposed to be able to share stuff with You is it a mystical flowers no is a petal apothecary spreader tablet Man Star other spreader that’s way past anything I’m at this is too long I don’t want oh there’s an entire section of [ __ ] different generating Flora hello world and welcome back to a new Minecraft series book and this will

Give me p and flowers flower Pouch p of pure Daisy of the forest Mana pool and man we’re going to cover a little B more about the of the forest soon but first okay so one makes Mana Out of Water one makes man out of coal are you want are you just rereading

It now and understanding no I unlocked a section that I didn’t have before after I crafted all these that didn’t show up when it should have which is kind of annoying but now you have it okay so God damn it I got to place these one by one don’t

I anything can go anything I even got you more skulls for bones thanks for getting me more bone meal oh thank you sorry I’m focused on trying to figure out this stupid plant okay so now that should be B that what the hell this is a CD wait a minute I need to make a

Je are you [ __ ] kidding me oh that’s going to be annoying what okay so for starters I need even more water which is annoying in itself they Decay after an hour so I’ve got to make more of them constantly wait what these hydranges they Decay after 1 hour what H

What what do you mean has a unique Banner pattern how do I use it in a banner let see come here get in the [Applause] horn yeah that should fix my attention and it’s some nice Minecraft music mus got a lot of dragon SKS okay so now that’s all still

Water so now you should regenerating Mana stage three dragon yay it strik expanding this outward again well after the amount of Dart spells I casted how Much I have to hit an Enemy ah [ __ ] I don’t want it here [ __ ] stop spawning may I need to test something you mind go what did that do took away like half my Hunger okay well here’s a book to fill out your here’s a book to fill out your bookshelf cuz I just got the same book

Twice I just can’t figure this out so wait what’s happening what are you trying to do so this I need to push this forward another block or move that back block and move it again but this hydrangea pulls from a 3X3 source of water on the same level as

It and that’s supposed to generate Mana which then goes into this that’s supposed to go into this 3×3 on the same level as do you think the water needs to be on like up one but then that drowns the flower and kills it seriously well I mean it doesn’t kill it

But it gets rid of it CU it have you tried there’s no way to there’s no way to have it in the water and for this to be on the same level would put it in the water it does it like say that in the book or

What oh it doesn’t say that in the book I just have tried to plant it in the water like what do you mean would Define 3×3 because this is offc Center they will suck up any still water in a 3X3 area around it on the same height creating Mana from

It the amount they produce is comparable to the other flower you start with blah blah blah can we move the man it’s really close I want to I want to try something just keep in mind it has to be still water oh yeah my button I have a water bucket all right that’s

Righty sorry it’s not you this thing is just not wanting to work it has to be pointed at the Mana pool right I yeah and usually I right click it then right click the Mana pool and it’s fine um is it in a different it was in a different mode oh

Mana spreader would you not want to point the spreader at the plant no because the Mana spreader pulls from any Mana sources and then shoots it out you don’t see the line cuz you don’t have a wand but it’s shooting energy at this pool to fill the

Pool it doesn’t fill with water it fills with man I was I was trying I wanted to try okay I’m sorry that’s how half the flowers got got a BRAC from the yard well honestly good it looks cleaner this way I like it this way and then and then

You can and then you can um you can fill it with like actually good plants and stuff you can make it you can make it look like it naturally spawned this is still just not getting Mana let me let me look at that video that I was watching

Essentially going to be a way of flame and get these are the two stars first we’ve got the endoflame the endoflame and the hydrange yeah I’ve got end flame but they run on coal need another seed let’s cover over the end of flame first it’s the simplest one

The best way just sounds good now this is going to actually suck in any water level as these ones it’s a little simpler the Mana spread is too far away it’s supposed to be like one block away how far can it shoot though uh who knows but it’s supposed to I don’t this

Isn’t dirt it’s supposed to be like right there but also this is still just not filling with Mana wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no I see it I see it I saw the video I saw the can I just plug this up sure right okay

Cool this is how it was like this and then the pl in the middle see now the hydrangia has water around it yeah damn it [ __ ] function mode is it too far can I like pick this are you able to pick this up I have no clue and I frankly don’t

Want a chance it oh it it’s able to be mined with a pickaxe do I do it I can just shoot a Mana spreader into the Mana spreader into the pool that’s kind of stupid but okay is it working um damn it keeps switching to function

Mode I have to link the hydrangea to the Mana spreader oh it’s doing it it’s doing stuff yay it’s doing Stu there zomb me in my pool is finally getting anything I don’t know is it shooting through Mana sprins Oh yay y mana and then for this one is stupidly

Simple you you want to know how you this one coal yeah you shove coal on the one no you drop coal and periodically it consumes it so realistically I’d want droppers and stuff see look at that it’s working now so how Falls it still doesn’t properly oh no it

Just holds a lot of Mana okay I’m getting why they say to make a little weak one too well look I I did it that consumes it yes I appreciate it I suppose now I I did I did tell you on the same level it’s going to be a

Little [ __ ] about it I just didn’t know how to do that without killing the flower you just put blocks easy actually we could probably get some some grass in there just let that grow and you can break the dirt afterwards that’ll grow it a bit oh look there is yay it’s

Working okay and if this isn’t burning it needs a new one oh my God the shaders are bugging out over here I was so confused on what was happening no Lucy is burning everything oh my God she’s shooting the [ __ ] Forge it’s really loud uh I thought you meant like the

Entire Forest I planted here was about to go up in Flames no Lucy is just really loud in using the dragon forge that I set up Jesus gr you don’t need to Roar it’s so loud oh Luc is a friendly creature I can turn her down now realistically I can do

This I bring a gift for you to update some recipes what do you mean I mean come here oh my god look the cocka trees are trying to trying to eat the chickens like they can’t reach them oh because they’re trying to heal so if you want periodically run up

To the [ __ ] Tre with rotten flesh they’ll eat that [ __ ] up they love it okay I kind of want to get a bunch of dye and dye my carpet but I don’t know what color I’d make it the big deal with these with these little chickens is they’re all they’re meat

Eaters they eat meat first I’m glad I have this carryon mod it it um it debugs them and it and I can move them oh yeah if you want to make Mana steel it’s literally just go over Chuck an ingot in and it makes it as long as

There’s Mana in it I don’t think it even requires that much all right do you want anything made out of Man of Steel can you make armor out of it yes actually no I should look up the first wait do you have a [ __ ] ton of string uh ironically that is the one

Thing I have all of I have a bunch of cobweb cuz I can make magic string and then I think I can make myself robes out of that hold on let me use my inventory pet to get a bunch of string check this sh oh wait and that diamond sword will

Actually be useful here wherever it is there it is I’m just going to see if I actually write about that real quick may do you mind mining all the cobweb yourself or do you want me to do go for it I want to see if I’m even right before I even

Ask oh Elementium looks cool however the [ __ ] I make that um if you want to go through the resources the material and you book will tell you everything you need to know about what resources is do want I can make a special bow out of Living Wood that’s

Neat I swear I saw like actual robes in here for Bania but I can’t find it oh Mana weave there it is okay so it requires Mana wave cloth and each cloth requires four Mana infused string so it takes a lot of string I got you a lot a

Lot well I don’t even know how much that’s going to be and I need to go empty my inventory I already have 53 I need to go empty my inventory actually I should plant all these non do you have somewhere I can burn flowers bottom of my stairs into

The end of the furnace room okay so I can make gear out of Mana steel if you want an unbreakable pickaxe or if you want like a weapon made from Man of Steel cuz it could you you can repair stuff with Mana you could make me a rap

Pier out of it I like rap piers all right it’s still probably going to use something else because Mana Steel’s attack damage is super low but it would be making like the handle oh no squirrel around look at the resources you can make they’re very cool oh I’m still just getting started

Out and first I just want to get all this [ __ ] out my inventory you never took the mine actually I’ll just there one book in your bookshelf mind string Pi is not one of those shitty bushes oh wait I see the progression now hold on you’re also not one of the shitty

Ones you’re a cool mushroom and neither of you are particularly offensive hold on oh I think Lucy’s done doing that oh someone zombie is bigger well how how much does snare go a let’s go get rid of all these shitty flowers I’ll keep my hranger all right all those shitty bushes are gone

I had to kill your zombie cuz it attacks me oh that’s my bad oh hey I remember Gathering all of these yeah I turned them into being used yeah I made them did you see I found a receptacle and brought that I didn’t know what it was I don’t know how to use

It but it’s there wait the book says something about it you could bring the bookshelves down here if you want to move your bookshelves is fine they just didn’t match my bookshelves so I just brought them over for you they didn’t match are yours like vanilla bookshelves or mine

Are dark oak ones of these oh yeah I just stumbled upon them you you took the receptacle and left the dir I can put something in this I don’t know what it is though [ __ ] this is like old school Wizardry mcraft integration th craft some boty artifacts mied with

Thury Mana homes with a set go protection and regenerability of the armor Works alongside the goggles abilities it loses its viz discount though you can make scribing tools they can use my Mana pool oh wait that’s so cool wait the bookshelves interact directly with the workbench so I can pull the books off

The shelves and put them into the wand that’s so cool oh you’re welcome d uh you can also make a brew of sane thoughts wait can I put any book oh no only Electra bot books make a tiny potato a potatoo wait I think it makes the potato alive oh that’s [ __ ]

Terrifying hold on I need a potato oh Lucy fell asleep my dragon’s adorable and you can’t tell me otherwise I’m going to throw this potato see what happens she made 19 ing she’s still not done though she just went to sleep also did you enjoy how loud she was Christ very

Loud oh my God lucky do you want to come see the tiny potato oh my God what am I looking man I’ll Farm in a minute oh it yeah it it just bounced it oh M um grass doesn’t travel diagonally yeah I’ll need to get a dirt block and fix

That that’s that’s also a me thing what the [ __ ] he’s got a stick a stick he can hold items wait give him a r FL give me that bag that’s Lucy’s spoon you could probably like give him a sword or something I think I’ve got an old stone sword here that’s

Better oh it matters which side you place it on R all right so my potatoes ready for war that’s [ __ ] awesome okay so that’s the true power of boty did you did you do you like what I’ve done with the farm it’s [ __ ] massive and there structure and

Everything it is definitely good it’s what I was kind of planning to do minus the sugar cane things I didn’t know about that oh yeah no um so here’s the deal I put trap doors on literally everything so that items don’t fall in the water but the water is still there

Why are you giving me a tiny potato I have a tiny potato what the [ __ ] fine I I literally just have to throw a potato into a thing and it makes it so why not he’s floating I wonder if you can give him like armor and stuff like just

Over time he becomes the most decorated potato wait wait wait wait wait wait I have the perfect armor damn it I mean it’s Enchanted it’s funny on his face oh what a what a funny guy I love the potato potatoes great what a funny guy to learn how to

Make I’m glad I did he’s wearing the enchanted chain mail or at least trying and stuff natural apparatuses may you didn’t take my cleer did you want it uh you want to give it to me or do you want me to make a raper out of the with the

Mana I I did want the Mana Raper I think do you want the Raper to set people on fire I don’t think fire fits well with the nature Mage all right then it’ll do less damage not on purpose it’s just fire dragon steel is all I got Dad I’m not

Looking to be the most damaging I just want cool got 21 Dragon Ste that’s awesome all right um I can make a gun M if you want to just scroll through oh it’s just a portable Mana spreader oh my God I can make a rod that contains the essence of Burning Flame

And creates a circle of fire that burns anything inside of it okay that’s kind of cool it’s called where are the other materials in you books I can make a livingwood avatar what the [ __ ] is that the avatar see I told you your [ __ ] mod is awesome

Man you made a good choice I can make a Golem I told you your Mod’s awesome you have the big you and lacroy have the two biggest mods besides ather itself oh Lucy’s making ings again it’s morning you realize this means that we’re going to go to the ather and we’re just going

To destroy everything take that book scroll through the materials anything before let me I don’t even know what the jungle myrix kitan is what the [ __ ] I don’t don’t have so which materials tool materials literally yeah tool materials so basically anything that’s not doesn’t that has doesn’t have like the little

Fragment icon we have besides ice dragon steel and the kitan I don’t know what the [ __ ] that is let me really quick see how I make terce steel and Elementium oh yeah terce steel is awesome oh my God what the hell the only reason I’m not

Even going to take that is because my dragon steel does more but holy [ __ ] Terrace steel that’s still awesome elementum as man repair and then Mana eater oh my God I can’t figure out how to make this yeah honestly keep that book I will do whatever you want with

It I will do everything in my power now that we have the mega fore I need a special plate to turn Mana steel into Terra steel and it requires runes which I have not learned how to make yet uh I don’t remember all the mods yeah I need to learn botney Rune

Crafting to be able to make these stronger ones okay is it a mod pack it is a bunch of mods that I chose personally and and I went for a fantasy theme so there’s not a single mechanical mod in the pack what can I go up

To um so I don’t know how to get firewood I don’t know how to get the kiten and we only have a select amount of dragon steel and we don’t have ice dragon steel gotta everything else is like the fragments is all you you got to figure

Out how to get them I also don’t know where Sapphire is [ __ ] is where is SE it doesn’t even have a it doesn’t even have a secondary modifier it’s just fast the [ __ ] oh Sapphire from the cold caves R I know it’s not the most powerful but I’m

Tempted to just do Mana steel till I learn how to upgrade okay so the deal with this stuff is you can mix materials so like you can get like a Mana steel handle so you get the Mana pair but you can make a head out of like manolin so you get more

Damage out of them I I think that the head is going to look cooler in the Mana steel it’ll just be blue it it it it gives you the weapons on the side of the page so that’s the color it’ll come out as that’s a bowm that doesn’t help me

How did I end up in Bow lims and bow strings good question I tried to get these materials into the armor but the armor is its own extension so I couldn’t get them onto the armor section so armor is just useless after a certain point once I get the the dragon steel

Armor it’s just it’s over fantasy NS SC once I learned how to make terce steel and then Gaia Spirits we are set for life do you know what a Gaia Spirit does what 1,600 durability the mining level of cobalt a mining speed of 14.5 attack of 19.6 that’s just the head stats ter

Steel and what steel can be combined with stuff to make a g Gia Spirit Ingot oh however it does seem like these stats are randomized oh it’s an Ender oh it’s using wait aliens from the endstone that’s interesting it’ probably make a good frying pan honestly you you laugh but I mean it’s

True so maybe not Gaia steel I mean just look at the dragon steel that that’s that sets me up bro that’s what I that’s what I live for that’s what my my Ste battle signs made out of 17 I wish we had ice dragon steel I

Know I haven’t found a we I need so I have to go to an ice biome to find ice dragon steel I don’t know where the ice biomes are so it’s all fire dragons until I find an ice a snowy biome like cuz even though one the Extreme

Hills yeah we have that it’s a good one could I do Mana steel hilts and then man man and blade yeah that’s what I said that’s what I started with so manan’s really good for weaker weapons so a Rapier would actually be perfect for him because it thrives off

Of multi-hit attacks so you hit once hit again how many Mana steel ingots are you going to need let me look let me look what does it mean what do the rap here need it needs a sword blade a standard sword do we have that do I have that as

A no so I have to make it as a cast I have to grab the pattern this is the first time making a normal sword blade string so it’ll cost is there gold in here mate can you put gold in the smel Tre just in amount I don’t care yeah I

Wish I could specifically search for mods do I put just put in like two blocks I’ll just leave it in there for forever and I just put it right in the smeltery yeah nice boobs Jesus Christ sorry B I’m not going to ban you over complimenting my tips what the

Hell all right so compliment is a compliment even much armor but I imagine that it gives like oh 35% less Mana costs on tools and rods and increase proficiency with them so I do want Mana weave stuff this is going to require Mana steel helmet over oh Mana steel helmet

No I was looking at Mana weave Mana weave oh that’s a lot we it’s the ropes I mean we could do Mana steel but it’s going to take a lot of ingots well what what ingots are we talking about I’ve got to go throw a [ __ ] ton of iron

Ingots into my well how hang on so do some math how much per inot it’s a 1: one ratio oh that’s easy then so you just need like how much is verles set let me let me do the math let me do the math a K throw the [ __ ] into a bench

So s I’m going to go resupply my Mana plant hold what I’m thinking 15 20 24 you need 24 ings oh that’s not too bad yeah man you just got to do math Qui 24ot should be right how many do you need for the Raper oh the blade

Is I said two I want to say two you put the gold in right is is the gold yeah good yeah I’m going have to I’ve managed to make three whole blocks but I’m going to have to wait a bit cuz you know Mana generation casting Channel honestly if

You wanted you could you could totally just take like five blocks of iron and make it all into Mana St I just took a stack of iron ingots that works too so you now have four Mana steel to work with but I’m going to have to like figure out how to increase Mana

Production here um I do have two more Endo Flames I was going to say you could totally use more of that pond oh like um [ __ ] you can you can take this dirt out keep in mind I the get a [ __ ] ton of P to craft each of these flowers true that’s

Fair and the hydrange just die after an hour I don’t think the endoflame does the endoflame does not I don’t think I don’t it’s the easier one I know that that’s a fact someone while someone was explaining it they said it was easier I should go get Lucy she’s

Probably just been shooting in to the Furnace my life is sorry I can’t laugh I’m depressed so you’re chill bro what the [ __ ] I meant for you to get in the horn not ride you oh my God she’s gotten big enough scared me wasn’t ready it helps if I bind these so that they’re actually like spreading Mana

Lucy’s gotten big enough that once I get on her she breaks all the blocks around her nice big dragon I need a pet she’s not my pet she’s my friend I need a buddy I assume you don’t want to claim a [ __ ] Tre why bro slayer’s going to get me [ __ ]

Banned me I can’t get rid of that I don’t have a twitch tab open I need to remember how to even get this working why is mod view turned on there we go honestly just do a do a timeout because it’ll delete all of his messages Fair I’ll give a minute yeah

Give a minute all right like that’s that’s not cool I especially don’t take kindly to that word I’ve made three whole steel ingots this is horribly inefficient oh my God I didn’t expect it and I I don’t know why I didn’t expect it but I uh I I tore through the

Um what am I stuck on that there we go I tore through Sandstone like it was butter happens God damn it the [ __ ] potato’s dancing with his armor so weird see we’re having fun Mana infused string is like the main thing for artifact making you you might want it anyway and

Um is it is it one to one for string as well I genuinely don’t know but I think that pretty much everything is all right then you also need 24 string which we have plenty of but this Mana making process is very slow yeah but I have a lot of resources

So we’re fine going dragon hunting gave me so much I’m not joking cuz I I was picking up cobwebs out of the chests and I was also picking up armor untouched armor so if you if you have an untouched piece of iron gear I can throw it into the smel

Tre and get those ingots back I do not my armor is pretty broken yeah I’m just I’m just saying because you know oh I’ve now got five ingots to give you okay just throw it in the chest it’s going to take a while to do this I’m going to start looking at other

Mana generating flowers I will make your weapon at the least you wanted the help and I think it was just a ton oh wait you want double up on hill or do you want me to find something that will also give you more durability I just want it to look cool

Okay so probably just the blue and purple you can find Blends them well oh a Cobalt mle and it would make it lightweight so it it’s Mo faster yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay so Cobalt does not have a good modifier for handles but Mana steel has

An amazing one no I know yeah manast steel has a really good one so I can make a man of steel handle uh that sounds like a terrible flower to go for it’s a flower that explodes with Mana using TNT I mean it’s one way to do

It yeah but my Mana generator is literally at my front door and you wanted a Rapier not a long sword right yes cuz a raper is back pedal a long sword has lunge for its right click ability I could make a flour that consumes food I constantly using meat for Dragon meal

Any food item potatoes carrots wheat okay if you want to start farming carrots and do that go for it I don’t I don’t know where the carrots are the amount of time takes it to digest depends on nutrition so a steak takes 4 seconds an apple takes two bread takes

Two and the Mana depends on what you used which is probably true for the fire thing too I’m not allowing you to use um Lava Lava is my only s food each time will reduce how much it creates oh with with decaying return you can just use the

Coal one the only thing we’re using with Co it just used leaves hey how much can you get for 22 block of coal I don’t know it can only use up to a quarter of a block of coal a quarter of a block what if I just

Throw a block yeah if you throw one block one of them will eat it and it’ll use up the amount of energy equivalent to one quarter of that black of coal I’m just going to throw a bunch of coal right coal there we go all right there’s just

Coal sitting in the middle of your there’s one that consumes slime oh wait no it requires a power that makes slimes slime chunks oh it uses slime chunks uh I don’t want to look for a slime chunk that’s hard enough as it is this one feeds on experience

Uh if you have experience to spare go for it though you can’t enchant without experience it’s specifically pulls experience points from the ground around the world I don’t like that it also does not have the best production and then the last one is a lava consuming flower

No I will not give up any of my lava [ __ ] you it is all important because with no Lava no smelting no Lava no furnace hear me out if we can figure out a good source of lava at some point this thing with one lava goes for a full minute of

Just constant Mana creation Now now I’m not going to tell you you can’t go to the Nether and get your own lava but I’m not sparing any of my lava that I got myself fair enough because I I sto I stored my Lana lava under the SM tree

That’s what the gauges are for they can hold manage to make three more Mana steel because in all that time that’s all it’s made that Mana takes a while okay so oh right yeah okay okay so I think I see about Bron crafting cuz it looks like the flowers required

Too why am I throwing these at you you said put them in the chest oh right to make manelin I got to put them together so I need two of each inot pump it in put an extra Cobalt in L and then or

Out okay so oh M look at the look at the man Steel in the um in the tank that looks gorgeous that has a gorgeous shade of that’s why I wanted the I was originally thinking of making the blade out of it cuz it it is a very

Pretty blue that is a very look at it in the smel in the tank it’s such a good blue maybe I should make the blade out of it I know it won’t be a strong it is a very it is a very muted blade it is a

Very muted color when it’s used in the okay so it’s pretty looking yeah that’s why I’m going with a Cobalt Hilt to add to it I just accidentally jumped over the chicken pen don’t mind me are you having fun over there I forget I have the Slime

Boots all right now this is going to be cool I can pour all these out separately so we start with a give you three more hel Man of Steel handle Manel and blade supp once I have the armor I’ll get the pretty blue on my armor so that’s probably going to be better

Any this the wrong sword help God damn Dam it which one is that it’s this one the cross guard I’m [ __ ] stupid I made the wrong one God damn it functional Flora what is function there will be a point where the tinker’s construct stuff becomes irrelevant but I

Don’t think it will but for you yeah know for me it’s going to be my best friend because the stronger I get the stronger it’ll get yeah because I got a mod that pulled I I downloaded a mod that pulled all the Bania resources and put them in a tinker’s construct

I can make a plant that literally uses Mana to just slowly harm any enemies that wander near okay now what does that mean by eneme anything that’s not a player or an animal what constitutes as an animal my cockatrices technically can be enemies under the right circumstances it’s doesn’t specify but

The its counterpart specifically only hurts adult animals and nothing else so I assume anything that is labeled as animal and not specifically enemy oh wow wait that looks so good what the [ __ ] wait that looks so good what modif gives us regen uh I don’t know I can make a portal to

Alheim the Elven world of alheim okay I just need a Gateway core which requires ter steel okay I need to learn how to make ter steel so I will hit you up with tier one sharpness do you want tier two or do you want looting or something I can’t get

You Looting right now but or do you want me to go sharp you think would be whatever you think would be best I don’t know all that stuff that well oh I forgot it changes the look of the weapon I mean you could like it looks like a toothpick the weapon looks

Cool 6.9 damage nice yeah me what do you think looks all right I’m God damn it I forgot I’m so sorry oh hey they stopped why you do this yep there it is you’re just going to have to die why is the why is that one the only one

Attacking I don’t know he just hates me God damn it I forget all the time and then anyway did you give me the sword no it’s only Shar that the quartz does Slowly cover it that’s that’s the only point of the quartz that’s it’s covering that that won’t go any

Further come on you damn [ __ ] holigans C with it I mean the quartz still looks really good on it honestly looks it looks better than mine man look at what mine look what quartz did to mine just not a corner ow I’m not hitting you with this

Oh sweet my hydrange just going into overdrive wait God you sounded like a turbo nerd oh my God may I can put life steal on it I think it will make it look that bad uh let me try let me just look at what

It does let me just look at it I think I can look at it without making without putting the bone on it oh there you are hold on going to put these other ingots on the chest you might be able to make me a piece of armor at this point oh I definitely

Can we’re almost at like the full set already literally six more let me look at it and then I can start on string oh May the Heil becomes black that’s not terrible kind of sucks that you spend all that time finding the Cobalt to make it look nice and match and then you’re

Just going to turn it black but like the only complaint I have well the what do you mean the co okay may look at my stream and look at it let me what you think I’m sure it looks fun I’m not complaining about I’m just saying that the only disappointment is you spend

Time very carefully looking at materials to decide yes I spent time carefully looking at it but Cobalt was in my ear because lightweight is a really good modifier okay because it it cranks up its attack speed I’m satisfied by the fact that I’ll still get the blue out of my armor

No matter what so all right well now you have 10% life steal on your rier I’m slowly going to become a battle mage I guess because I just get progressively more powerful armor Because of You me me me turn around oh I I can’t give you armor because armor tinkerers is a different

Mod but I can give you weapons look how this is how fast the sze it’s pretty solid oh that looks so sick that looks really cool ah why am I taking damage um Manel and armor ah wait did they react no they didn’t okay I love when I go over there later

And they just kill me I haven’t switched to Dragon Ste armor yet I’m wait wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute one two wait why did I do that okay well I guess I’m waiting longer because

It just did that to me actually you know what no it didn’t I say it didn’t do that to me I’m here to have fun not deal with bullion fair enough wait oh my God me I have something to I have something I want to I want you to look

On I’m really slow without my Speedy armor me I have the armor oh I don’t see it on you what yeah I don’t visually see oh now it’s loading what happens if I do this now I did a heart and a half that’s not bad let me let me also why’ you deal

Damage to my armor I just wanted to see how powerful the armor was and how good my sword was against it seven armor 12 armor nine armor six armor six toughness six toughness six toughness six toughness I see I don’t know how good that is honestly everything has like multiple

Durability points how many more ingots did I need to get wasn’t it six I’ve got three now I need to get the [ __ ] Scythe I need to make a scythe what do I make the Scythe out of uh you want Mana steel I I don’t I don’t I don’t have mana on

Me unless you give me a Mana band you could repair it probably using the Mana pool I don’t think that’s how man it it’s mana on the player so it uses like the your Mana band your band of Mana I don’t have one of those I didn’t even

Know that was a thing hold on okay so I need a Mana tablet and four ingots for that what do I need for you need man yeah Mana taable I need Mana tablet which the living Rock’s not an issue but the Mana Pearl kind of is or a Mana Diamond

What’s a Mana Diamond you make a Mana Diamond you throw a diamond into a Mana pool oh okay and use a lot of Mana to do it oh okay hey hey guess what I I know you’ve got diamonds I need two if you also want one oh yeah and also I don’t

Know how much Mana that uses more Mana I gave you a bunch of coal in your chest yeah I’m working at it I don’t think they work in the rain they keep going out super fast that would make sense I could spread the water it’s it’s in a 3X3

Right yeah but I don’t know how much it needs specifically for it to activate what like could I just diamond pattern the water and just have flowers like this periodically through oh your flower’s gone oh yeah man you need you need to put a new

One yeah you know now I don’t want to do that because cuz the it’s going to cost a lot of petals I don’t have diamonds I wonder if it like says in the book how much I Need uh floral obedience stick the [ __ ] did you just call me I need to wait I have a ton of sugarcane grab the leather grab the sugar cane gotcha it’s just to mass link flowers to your Mana pools there’s a lot of Silverwood in here yeah I brought another stack at

Some point oh I can be done with the [ __ ] dragon scale I should give you back your gold blocks that I somehow ended up with so for [ __ ] sake don’t take all of them damn I took out two put two back and kept 23 that’s so much don’t take all of them

I didn’t mean too when do I put my Scythe I put it in my bedside table I probably did what potato God damn it it’s funny I need where’s my glass there it is if you don’t have a need for a weapon do you mind putting it in the tank on

The uh glass frames that I have set on Okay I’m putting another one down right now it’s so I can look at all the the gear I’ve made God damn that’s a lot of food what is I harvested the Farms oh [ __ ] I was going to do that I I kept trying to make a sight just so I could Harvest it

Faster because uh um my loot Pet’s funny look at it we got the tree log we’ve got the frying pan and we’ve got the mega Cleaver armor sets on the bottom I see it looks cool cool it’s the Hall of weapons it’s the Hall of gear [ __ ] I hate these slime boots

Sometimes I got to go get the hoe and fix the farm again wait done make sure to replant after the S sometimes it rips out the seeds anyway yeah the may I already did it I already fixed it oh uh this entire row wasn’t because of me

Though I know that’s I forgot to put seeds on it done nice Three more Mana steel it’s going to take a while I’ve managed to make one because the only thing that can generate In This Storm Is My Water one I like that I essentially had to make myself a pond just to make Mana that’s for uh level three Unbreaking three enchantment hold

On let me get the lapis oh [ __ ] la the [ __ ] is Magic protection [ __ ] it I’ll use it to protection against magic prop four I’ll do prop four prop Four’s good Enderman obvious for telling me what magic protection does why would I want magic protection I genuinely don’t know

Exactly uh Wizards Wizards cast spells at you okay but I can also just kill them okay but I I thought of a legitimate reason someone would use it yes but why would I need it what if L gets like a really big AOE spell that hurts both enemies and

Players I don’t know if that counts as magic cuz I don’t know what the magic protection is tied to fair enough I didn’t even think about that part I now have two ingots hey I’ve got three more saplings I can plant these that’s me that’s for me funny potato potatoes great I love

Them what does Electro Bob even have a [ __ ] of spells oh no of all this is looted that’s why reduces fire damage by 30% that sounds useful a ring of attraction yeah I’d have to [ __ ] loot everything God damn it you could also just look at botney

Stuff and tell me if there’s anything you want me to craft you once I can I don’t [ __ ] know [ __ ] is a vball that [ __ ] zombie was wearing gold armor and was Tiny ring of Correction what does that mean oh there’s Cosmetics that’s funny oh my God you can get cat ears that’s hilarious oh yeah if the sound of my uh manic shooting things ever gets

Annoying uh right clicking on them with wool puts a sheath on them that’s muffles them it’s more than I there’s a fourleaf clover takes floral white powder what the [ __ ] is that oh that’s super easy to make I just Crush white flower petals you give me some white flowers I’ll make you

That what the [ __ ] is the star called oh my God a teror plate St Ste living and there’s not 24 ingots you can just make that that’s just normal crap thing I’m going to do it anyway and not [ __ ] get up boots helmet pants chest P I guess it’s finally time to say

Goodbye to the uh slime boots oh what the [ __ ] why do that armor look cool it’s Mage Armor it looks cool I’m even more excited for the uh elementum one but that’s a long way off I might just make like hypers speed armor cuz it’ll be

Funny so I can get around the place faster I’m not sure I like being fast that’s funny it’s understandable there’s also probably bobles for him can make a flower ouch you see I can’t find you white flowers cuz I’m not bad I’m not good at finding flowers I just

Need wool and flower petals okay ow fall damage wait I can just leave the Slime boots on unless I’m fighting I’m dumb mystical flame oh a Mana Pearl is just throwing an ender pearl in the man yeah I just haven’t found any what the [ __ ] oh a serious

Amulet it doesn’t tell me what they do [ __ ] botanium forcing me to read a book just so I can figure out what the things do oh wait I’ve got seven of them hey where’d you put all the weed I Made bread with some of it and put the rest in my

Chest why in your cuz I was at my house oh my God the amount of cows this required specifically powder so I need to get my pastl two three four five six eight punkk Punk punkk there’s a chicken in here bam oh my God oops I keep accidentally clicking the wrong Arrow can you like leave the how do you I’m trying to like how I drive a dragon well can you not fly yet you [ __ ] Lucy get the [ __ ] off the ground you lazy pinch shut up how to drive my dragon is it cuz she’s sitting

Down or is it cuz she’s asleep cuz that’s definitely what it is okay so if I put you in oh my God I’m destroying trees go through oh my God uh the four leaf clover seems to be a cosmetic item what do I just oh so it would just be a fourleaf clover

To put on yourself yeah I know do you still want it yeah um do you mind looking up how do you how do you how do I descend may help how do I go down me help believe the opposite of how you went up I press space

How do how do you go down I’m scared help oh okay it’s it’s X it’s X T I need like a landing pad can you give me a landing pad for later here’s the problem I look at the tree behind you or what’s I did that on accident no

Dead what a good girl anyway Clover yay I can put it on in bubbles wait wait how do I get it oh it goes under the Hat layer that’s kind of wag that’s a little weird I’m show figure it out oh no it’s because it’s 3D rendered so it’s supposed to Dragon

Gun how do I make Rune uh I need a third Pearl Andor Diamond okay just go grab one you have third one I have like I went mining okay I don’t think you understand okay so I got this loot pet I made it earlier right guess what it does

It’s basically Fortune three on everything I do well then do you have more coal I can take yes take more please take more coal pillow kept mining more coal and we don’t use coal for anything because everything uses lava well guess what my flowers use coal yeah no please

Go ahead the only thing we use coal for is torches and I made like five stacks of torches thank you for the Hy dream there’s like an open chest I think I can make too oh what open crate that’s probably what it is right open crate accepts items from hoppers

And the outfit very nice I suppose what do you mean I didn’t choose this outfit Dan did Dan made a redeem and I haven’t changed it back because I’m not L I don’t remember how to make droppers and dispensers or how to use them properly you have an interface

That would love to tell you all of that oh it can hold fuel equivalent to that of four times a block of coal I miss red so I could just you don’t want to leave deal with creepers just put even more torches on a further perimeter I didn’t have a lot of

Torches especially considering I’m spending all my coal burning to make Mana I did just say I made like five stacks of torches while I’m torching up the place around your just say that and I appreciate it okay so the open crate drops items placed in it periodically and you can

Make a limiting or time based mechanism like pressure plate or a timer and just a the entire space around your house was a low light level H meaning zombies could have spawn and do did my hydrangea die again no is my hydrange actually so how are you

G I’ve made my first Mana diamond it’s a glorious day for mage kind you’re not a mage you’re a botus there’s a difference I am a mage that uses nature so you’re a druid not a mage to sh Mages Are wizards and Sorcerers traditional magic okay so I’m just essentially

Tucking this diamond in for a nap got it and also most nature nature loving um spellcasters do not like to associate with Mages in the first place it’s beautiful I’ve made a rune crafting altar I have no clue how to use it there me I there your place is not

Going to spawn a creeper behind you appreciate it I also love that it’s just an open field it’s nice to look at you know though it’s not nice to look at is the broken Shadows okay so how do I make runes apparently you can Farm the flowers but I don’t understand How try right clicking with shears or something oh there’s a specifically a challenge in your thing listed as an easy challenge for creating an automated Farm of all 16 colors of Botanica flowers why are there numbers in the grass okay so I wanted to download a mod

That tells me the light overlay which basically is the light level for each individual block and when the number is red that means monsters can spawn in it because spawning is Di ated per blog that’s how you can get a that’s how you can get a zombie in your

House even though you have torches everywhere maybe you’re just missing that one block staring this in case you ever want to help me make runes because it does require more than just flowers for this what do I need for Rune of Mana what do you what do you

Need I’m looking at Rune crafting now there’s a rune of lust that’s concerning wait does the Ric alter also require Mana I’m going to have to move this gu right there oh Cobalt core that’s not terrible I can do that [ __ ] this pixie house the Pixies don’t even move

In that’s cuz you got to befriend them we talked about that yes but I’ve got like 20 of these houses and this one’s in my way so I’m moving it I also don’t know how to make a cake I should look that up too at some

Point why are you just putting iron in the smeltery because I mined iron so I threw some in oh fair I’m like where is this iron coming from what the [ __ ] just iron teleporting into my furnace and I’m confused okay so I need one more of these and then I need to make

A Mana tablet the wall of weapons which requires living rock and a Mana Diamond so I do need more Stone I can put my pestol away gunar do you not know what a night count is or like a night shirt there a shirt that comes around to your

Thigh to mid thigh that’s the usual place for for in and yes I do like to go pantsless what’s the problem pantess is the bomb all right someone tell someone like do a redeem or something when the Cobalt’s done I’m going to the bathroom see FL pedals can go into there

I need living rocks I’ll keep that you can go into there merge these strings Together the cob that was dumb see [ __ ] chair there we go see Mouse is still Here I have to wear the full armor set for the Boost got it okay no slime boots then is two blocks even enough I’m thinking about it um no I’m missing a singular Ingot I’m man how goes the Minecraft it’s going great we’re doing fun stuff using the power of nature to turn

Rock into living Rock that’s nice sweetie I’m sorry that was mean yeah wor you doing playing with your dumb smelly Dragon again my dragon can fly my dragon doesn’t exist exactly shut the [ __ ] up I’ve got sleep instead my dragon is awesome okay so I probably want to make

It I probably want to make a piece out of wood because that’ be a good idea oh lucky can I try something what are you what are you going to try I’m going to take those blocks of coal since it can handle a source up to 4 times the

Block of coal and see how long a block of coal Burns for on those flowers okay I mean I gave you 19 blocks of coal in your chest I didn’t even didn’t see that okay I took a couple out of that St cuz I didn’t

Know I’m sure we’ll find more as we M more so I make a cobal it’s a featherweight set which means that it’ll be fast BL you oh [ __ ] oh I could give it slowfall oh but slow falling you a St buing the traits but not the stats interesting

So if I wanted to oh my God I should have done that with the Claymore I could have given it writable thank you ch well the trim could be a bit more precise let’s take those okay but that doesn’t tell me how to fill my Ring me you’re trying to get filled kind of sucks I just want to know how to fill the magic Ring I thought you were going to continue it I just want to know how to get filled I just keep equipping it instead of filling it with Mana how do i f you hey I’m not trying to get filled that’s weird I don’t understand the wolf has appeared a

Wo how the [ __ ] do you oh [ __ ] do this hi lucky hi May that you both have matching colors or well some matching colors hers is purple yours is green but that’s adorable they’re chokers Not collar okay collar Chuckers are the same thing to

Me oh I can okay okay yeah they both go around your neck so they’re the same thing for me oh I’m not talk yeah no I’m not talking about I’m looking at this I’m trying to figure out what modifiers and what materials it need to use I see

I like the outfit lucky when did you make that one this since old oh really yeah I just i’ I guess I’ve just never seen it redeemed it doesn’t get redeemed very often a shame it’s beautiful this funny earlier I my dad came home from uh work or whatever and

Then I I asked if we could have a going away party because I’m moving tomorrow and so he got McDonald’s for me and then got KFC for everyone else and I ate like half my hamburger I was like okay I’m full I’m going to bed and then sleep because my mind was

Racing about the move tomorrow and I was I called my dad while in bed I was like hey can you bring me T melatonin please after I took the tonin after after I took the ton my ass was out I I was dead asleep nice

And then I woke up like five hours or four hours later here I am let me take you and now I throw you in so is this a heavily modded Minecraft or something cuz yes interesting very nice very nice okay a blocks of coal very much more efficient I would hope they still

Burning whereas coal I would have had to refill like 20 times by Now should I make something out of wood to give it ecological I mean I don’t don’t see why not oh okay so it removes the modifier and just replaces it entirely that’s good to know heyy yeah I’m going to be busy most of the evening or most of the afternoon

Moving but later in the evening if I’m settled down and everything you want to do some uh finals with me in the evening when is that like I don’t know when I’ll be done unloading and rebuilding everything but I’d say around 9ish 9ish what time zone my time it’s currently

10:57 that’s really late oh okay well then what what time is it for you right now going on one one oh well then how about I’ll try I can try 7 p.m. i’ make it 10 what am I even doing or Thursday I want to do balers game

Friday which I need to actually tell people I want to do do this thing I have haven’t told anybody about I’ve played a couple hours of B it’s pretty fun oh me um it’s at the server closed well it didn’t but all I did was spawn one chicken by throwing an egg and

Everything just went to [ __ ] I don’t know how much longer I’m going to play it though yeah I’m just making this RS on so I can maneuver I can make your thing in a second here what thing I was going to make you one of the Mana rings

Too then you’ve got access to anything that uses Mana yeah if you ever happen to be out adventuring and you happen upon some batania flowers wouldn’t mind more I’ll look up how to farm them later right so right now it’s an empty Banda Mana uh it’s going to be empty for a

While cuz there requir is taking all of the Mana out of my pool but there you go ow fall damage I’m going to have to like not use batania flowers as decorations aren’t I cuz I need their for [ __ ] unfortunate lightweight only applies once that is cringe I’ll emboss paper onto one of

Them all of them well I guess un bossing wood wouldn’t be a terrible idea hi home look you like fastpac action game right yeah I I I if you do and you like slashers try ghost Runner I’ve been playing it lately it’s really fun it was free on epic games store not too

Long ago it’s not though but it’s got a good story so far so okay I’ll think about it okay just figured I’d give you a game suggestion you know as a friend but it is 11:00 I am going to go to bed so I have energy for tomorrow so

I will talk to you ladies tomorrow good night hi I’m just going to break down all of these flowers into petals hey I’m running going need Them I have 39 in a chest over here I need to make a a cool sence okay I am now a little bit more well off on petals got a [ __ ] ton of orange ones it’s Sayan GL tough tool RS [ __ ] me bro you know what an orange carpet could look Nice yeah I just want high level magnetic honestly I’m going to need more orange flowers I do like this shade of orange though that is nice trying to get like level four magnetic for this stupid weapon the stupid s oh my God forever I’m going to start stockpiling Mana steeling gets cuz I

Need them for Rune crafting and stuff think I need R crafting to make hais steel too yes all right let’s try this thing out damn 17 potatoes from this small Harvest that’s [ __ ] awesome h there we go oh another rotten egg right I’ve got to make one of every Rune a block of

Mana steel and lap blocks and then I need both Mana pearls and diamonds and that’s how you make terce steel I made a SI nice wait does the loot pet work with the I think it only works with things that already get affected by looting so that’ be

Potatoes cuz wheat doesn’t seem to be getting affected wait you can what huh good to know I’m just stupid why can’t I scye my [ __ ] sugar cane I’ll just punch him where’s the blocks of coal you gave me they were in your they were in your double chest I didn’t see

Him the one to the right no this one I already [ __ ] dropped them thank you what are we going to do tomorrow I don’t what do you want to do tomorrow I don’t Know I have a lot of feathers you do kill a lot of chickens Another rotten egg was just HED I’m [ __ ] [ __ ] my chicken Army no I can’t see how much is in the pool not a lot can I just drink hey runic alter I’m going touch it what do you mean just drink probably not and if you me can you throw your Mana ring in it I’ll please don’t no I just want to go

I don’t know what that tastes like cuz I don’t know that it’s actually liquid why you just making a bunch of Mana steel I need it for Rune crafting and some of the stuff that I need to craft requires blocks of it what the [ __ ]

Why I need to make an altar out of a block of it to make the stuff needed to make the next ore huh there’s an alter in one of the main Bas ingredi you just call me I called you an or why’d you call me a [ __ ] that’s just rude

N you know I think that I think that I think that just means that it’s time to I think it’s time to end the server has been open too long yeah what am I doing tomorrow I don’t know I know I work tomorrow but I want to do something

Fun sure will think of something I did just buy us a game oh yeah and nobody else is around so it’ be a perfect time for it it’s a really big game too I mean it is a Borderland Sure bye Sharky there you go now we’ve got a plan for tomorrow I’m going to uninstall Apex to make room for it I installed Apex a while ago yeah and then I reinstalled it to solo it and you reinst play with me yeah and I uninstalled it day

One is my Minecraft crashing are you okay is it [ __ ] I don’t know it already kicked me is my Minecraft [ __ ] if it were an ai’ be going all right okay I think my Minecraft is [ __ ] itself so that’s fun guess I’ll have that install while I

Sleep yep Noe my Minecraft [ __ ] itself it’s not it couldn’t handle all of the plant magic too powerful well I do have auto save on 6 minutes so anything the past 6 minutes will have been saved even if it doesn’t yeah know it crashed yeah autosave is on 6 minutes by

Default so if anything 6 minutes ago we is gone I might have to remake every pedal and my carpet what do I uninstall uninstall craftopia I installed that on a whim and I have not played on it happens um my God I want to uninstall Destiny but I feel like I’m going to

Find a reason to play it again and I’m going to have to reinstall it you wanted to play at the end of the season to get all the catalysts for the bow yeah cuz the bow is that is the bow is good it’s just inferior to other options

Kills it is almost caught up to Monarch I don’t know why you always feel like everything is in such a Negative light and I when I say the bow is good it is just inferior to the other options AKA Quil silver it’s just inferior to Quicksilver I hate using Quicksilver why

Cuz it’s that good cuz it is it feels fine it’s such an annoyingly stupidly simple weapon yes it’s simple and stupid effective in the best in class for strand look I clearly like to suffer considering I take either aidian aspect or stag into 95% of what I do yeah I’m not taking anything

Beneficial I’m giving myself tiny little niche boost and then you [ __ ] why you fail in PVE I [ __ ] dominate in PvP though you [ __ ] why you fail in PVE and you can’t even build you take the most basic [ __ ] exotic you take aidian aspect into a goddamn raid if you could have would yeah and then you’d [ __ ] while you’re failing when you’re

Exotic is a fit and aspect okay what is an exotic going to [ __ ] change when I’m getting killed by the instakill mechanics that don’t matter what you’ve got equipped May that’s not the issue you’re dying to the ads in the corner you you say you say you’re mad

About the white mechanic your deaths are maybe a quarter of the white mechanic and everyone’s dying to that so even the person that doesn’t die ever is having eight deaths you’re having like 30 um I’m not just talking about the raid mechanic wipe I’m talking about stuff like freezing to

Death which is what I died 95% of the time to in that entire encounter in that dungeon yeah and then you were tilt dying in the final boss [ __ ] boss just [ __ ] sucks yes the final boss was dumb you were still tilt dying in the corner like a loser

Are you even carrying a shotgun to kill him from that close or are you just up the enemy’s ass I had a shotgun the entire [ __ ] time except for that last encounter when I switched to a sniper for damage I also had a sword I did everything I could to try

And not die to the ads anytime I Wouldn’t Die to them I would die to the freezing and when I was dying to them it was because I was trying to get to the torch so I wouldn’t freeze to death what am I downloading Tiny Tina okay I have assault on Dragon Keep

And Tiny Tina wonderlands that that’s explained to me never mind that answered its own question also I did get us the full version even though every single DLC DLC has very negative reviews okay well the whole thing is negative reviews cuz people are losing there is a world from what I understand

It’s a different company that handled it because Borderlands got bought out and so that’s probably like 90% of the gripe cuz it doesn’t feel the same cuz it’s not the same people no it’s still gearbox in 2K so I don’t know where I heard that from I think people are just

Coping uh this the big deal is I think the big one is that the enemies are largely the same and that’s because that’s just how DND D Works you’re fighting your fifth 5000th Goblin there’s not a lot of minor enemies to fight in a D and D Style game so the

Enemy types are not going to be lot of the negative reviews actually are is stuff like it’s not worth the $60 but it’s a fine game a lot of repetition in enemies once they started doing side stuff yeah one person’s complaining that melee doesn’t do the same amount of

Damage as guns in late game which is understandable considering the theming and the fact that some of the characters are melee based uh this person makes a good point that the entire development was done during Co when everything was [ __ ] well okay now hold on

A you can’t just say it was done during Co while everything was [ __ ] you you can’t just say that because during co could have been a year into Co you know where and everything was established very specifically quarantine when everything was [ __ ] yeah but things were still established during quarantine like

Halfway through systems were established not that far in like yes it hurt in the first few months but after that it it kicked back in at a slower Pace yeah but it’s still kicked back into gear because most designers have a usable rig at home that they can work with it’s not their

$5,000 company- made rig but it’s still obviously going to be a good gaming rig that they can design with or we or or they were told to get the rig from the office which in theory you would be able to do I suppose so yes the pace would slow down

The quality would not be slowing down that much I still feel like especially AAA companies really did just crank out nothing but [ __ ] during that period though yeah cuz they couldn’t get their [ __ ] together because they were just not bothering yes Activision is a pile of

[ __ ] thank you for leading the world in game development I’m ending stream wait which one of these companies is owned by Activision what no Activision leads the world in what game development looks like oh yeah no I get you know sorry I was think you were saying they owned one

Of these which I wouldn’t be Surprised oh I have no one to read [ __ ] it’s already 1:30 all right everybody thanks for watching I’m going to

This video, titled ‘what?’, was uploaded by LuckyZVT on 2024-01-04 06:43:18. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 05:24:55 or 19495 seconds.

I played a lot of minecraft today I’ma play more Minecraft! 1.12.2

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • Crafting a Cherry Blossom Home in Minecraft

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  • Pranks & Shenanigans: PondFairyVods Variety

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  • MineLove Rewind: Part 9 – Remember Me?

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  • PondFairyVods: Pog Games Galore

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  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Logic Meets Fun!

    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Logic Meets Fun! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “Minecraft Logic🤔 (はいよろこんで) #minecraft #shorts” that got us thinking – why not join the Minewind Minecraft Server and experience a whole new level of fun and excitement? With features like Minecraft shorts, animations, mods, memes, updates, challenges, and so much more, Minewind offers a unique and immersive gaming experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. So why wait? Join… Read More

  • Glitchy Goodness

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  • Craft a Thorny Portal: BoBoiBoy Style in Minecraft PE

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  • EPIC Minecraft Fail on the Other Side

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  • Stalks in Blocks: Minecraft’s Cube Xuan Score

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  • Breaking Mojang’s Rules: New Minecraft Update Leaks!

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  • 🔥💵Minecraft Survival #2: INSANE RICHES Await!🔥💵

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Collab: Z-Club Hangout Part II

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  • Unbeatable PVp! SHOCKING tactics 🔥

    Unbeatable PVp! SHOCKING tactics 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘𝐏𝐕𝐏 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐄 🔥’, was uploaded by OP GOD YT on 2024-08-11 07:30:06. It has garnered 405 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #minecraft #pvp #video #lifestealsmp #trending DISCORD:- INSTAGRAM ID :- tags :- minecraft 1v1, Niz Gamer, Lapata SMP, Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Smp, Minecraft in hindi, Minecraft Live, Technoblade, Indian dream, Smarty pie new manhunt, Dream, lifesteal smp, Minecraft pro player, pvp, savo demon, ,, youtubers pvp, youtuber pvp minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft, senpaispider, senpai lapata smp, senpai spider, senpai vs savo, pvp show ep 2senpaispider,… Read More

  • HEROBRINE RETURNS?! Deadly encounter in MinecraftPE! #minecraft #herobrine

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  • EPIC PvP Showdown: Our Bed Destroyed! 🚨 #minecraft #skywars

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  • EPIC One Piece Mod Update: NEW Gingershadow Adventure!

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  • Insane ARKE deal! Kangaroo for sale? #twitch #minecraft

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  • StreetBallNinja Destroys Ender Dragon with Friends!

    StreetBallNinja Destroys Ender Dragon with Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Insane Minecraft Ender Dragon Fight With Group Of Friends “Destroyed The Ender Dragon”‘, was uploaded by StreetBallNinja on 2024-04-20 15:37:00. It has garnered 61 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:10 or 970 seconds. Hello everyone I know it’s been a while since I’ve uploaded a full YouTube video but I’m back and am going to show you guys this crazy ender dragon fight in my Minecraft world with my closest friends and show what I’ve been up to lately. Discord server: Instagram: TikTok: Twitch: StreetballninjaMusic⬇️… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Finding Legendary Resources! 😱⛏️💎

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  • HypnosMC

    HypnosMCWelcome to HypnosMC (Minecraft 1.21), where your adventure is only limited by your imagination! Our server is designed for players who enjoy a rich and immersive PvE experience, with a host of unique features to enhance your gameplay. Key Features: SpawnerMeta & Mineable Spawners: Customize your mob farms like never before! With SpawnerMeta, you can modify and upgrade your spawners. Plus, all spawners are mineable, allowing you to relocate them as needed. Custom Datapacks: Collect mob heads and trade for mini blocks with wandering traders, adding a new level of depth to your building and decorating options. GriefPrevention: Your creations… Read More

  • Melio SMP Whitelisted Trust-based Java 1.21

    Welcome to Melios SMP! We are a whitelisted survival Minecraft server on JAVA 1.21. Our focus is on providing a vanilla Minecraft experience with a strong community emphasis. Here are some key features: No teleportation or warps No land claiming system – trust-based Custom world generator: TerraformGenerator Diamond-based economy and shopping district Long-term world without resets Regular events Our philosophy is to keep the core experience vanilla and prioritize community interaction. If you’re interested in joining our active community, whether you’re a builder, technical player, explorer, or a mix of playstyles, you are welcome to apply through our Discord: Join… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where’s that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?

    Minecraft Memes - Where's that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?It looks like Bryan is really slacking on his supervillain game if he can’t even keep track of his creations past number 303! Read More

  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

    Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, a giant mushroom grew, Secretly raised by a player, a sight so new. With zombies and plants, a battle ensued, In the realm of gaming, where fun is pursued. Subscribe to Z_Phragmites for more gaming delight, Updates on Plants vs Zombies, a thrilling sight. With each video, a new adventure takes flight, In the world of gaming, where dreams ignite. Read More

  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

    Villager's Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme Surprising Villager Logic: "I’ll trade you 20 emeralds for a piece of rotten flesh!" Oi Oi Oi Sleep Reaction: villager falls asleep standing up Minecraft logic at its finest! #shorts #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

    Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters BONUS REMATCH Join Dream in his latest Minecraft adventure, the BONUS REMATCH of Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters! This thrilling and unscripted video brings together Dream and three hunters in an intense chase through the Minecraft world. The Minecraft Manhunt Series Dream has dubbed this series “Minecraft Manhunt,” where he faces off against multiple hunters instead of the usual one or two. In this video, the hunters include Daybroken, Harvey, and Galaxy, each bringing their unique strategies to stop Dream from completing the game. A New Challenge This time, the challenge involves Minecraft version 1.20,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations Minecraft Mob Transformations: Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft Creatures 🌟 Welcome to Villager’s Craft! In this video, we delve into the captivating realm of Minecraft mob transformations. Have you ever pondered under what circumstances a Zombie Villager can revert to a regular Villager or how other mobs evolve in the game? 🤔 From morph mods to in-game transformations, we’re exploring all the ways Minecraft creatures can undergo changes. Exploring Minecraft 1.21 and Beyond 🚀 In this video, we’re immersing ourselves in the world of Minecraft 1.21! We’re delving into everything from constructing the ultimate Iron Golem Farm 🛠️ to… Read More

  • Maizen’s 3D House INSIDE Mikey’s HAND?! (Minecraft)

    Maizen's 3D House INSIDE Mikey's HAND?! (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Maizen 3D on 2024-06-13 18:10:50. It has garnered 2698 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:25 or 2305 seconds. How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ TV on 2024-02-15 12:01:44. It has garnered 4691 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:26 or 926 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of… Read More

  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

    EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arceus FF gaming is live!minecraft survival island’, was uploaded by Arceus FF gaming on 2024-06-23 18:38:42. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:37 or 2557 seconds. Iam not a youtuber but we will try #videos #games @arceus ff gaming Read More

  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – 💵TRADE HaYaRy – ✅VK GROUP – ✅TWITCH –… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More