Shocking! Nyanners’ Epic Minecraft Journey FINALE

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Welcome everybody to Twitch Rivals the show about streamers and the games they love today is day three of Nana’s longest alive ever we’ve had two incredible epic days of betrayal and nuttiness in Minecraft and it’s time for the final day of action I’m your host wife Punk and I’ve got two people here

That no one love this community and this game as much as I do at this point uh welcome back lord ethelstan Indiana’s nanners it’s day three are you ready yes I am so ready it’s the final day and I’m ready to see hez roll how about you guys

We have seven uh competitors alive there’s gonna be one left at the end we will see six heads roll before the end of the day here also I can’t help but notice Bradley has been possessed uh over the course of the evening uh Ethel I believe I believe you are muted on broadcast

Then yeah they need you can you is there a mute button well he looks for that I’m gonna talk through the format here chat because we got a crazy show for you guys in store we started off two days ago with 18 players here and we have now

Narrowed it down to just seven we got three days of event this is day number three those three days have concluded 12 challenges eight of which have been done we’ll have four more today which are all followed by rounds of elimination and voting we’ve had three teams at the

Beginning but now we’re down to just one here with Team chaos and Friday December 16th we’ll feature four challenges and then all the players that were eliminated yesterday and today will be featured in our panel at the end which will determine the one winner of the

Three so this is a big deal we have thirty thousand dollars on the line 10K go into first place 3K going to second and third those pan that panel at the end will literally decide a seven thousand dollar vote on who will win it’s gonna be wild I cannot wait to see

Where this goes so we’ve got uh some craziness in store for us we’ve got seven players left we start off the den years with eight with 18 players we’re down to just seven now yeah it’s down to the wire for sure uh there are a lot of

Twists and turns last episode I was not expecting some of the people who were voted off to leave and it was definitely surprising and yeah it’s it’s been weird to see how uh Mouse has completely taken over the island with her Mafia and I wonder how that’s gonna turn out for her

But we might see some scheming on behalf of the the other half of the players is it is it is it weird or was it inevitable that mouse was gonna just control everything I I will say uh I guess it was inevitable because she she does have an iron grip

She’s very she’s very very good at this stuff folks let’s take a look at the list of players who have been eliminated there’s been again so many players we started off with 18 rounded to seven nine players knocked off the board here I mean who who are you most surprised to

See on this list uh definitely uh the Double Elimination of Fillion and Tom’s last episode that was quite the turn I was not expecting them to all turn on tops like they did but I feel like that might come back to to bite them in the butt but who knows

I feel like she just just didn’t get in line gotta get in line there you see sleepy was the last player eliminated their chat uh surprised to see him last this long to be honest uh but also it was a valiant run from Sleepy so this leaves us with just seven players left

Here on team chaos you can see the players Giga tops and sleepy that made it to team chaos but they are now eliminated left with them also filling it up there also eliminated here uh as is there anyone you’re surprised to see have made it this far

Um um I will say us I want to say like alfina is a quite the like surprising contestant I believe she was voted like the the most dumb during that the question uh Challenge and that was surprising to me because I feel like she’s been playing extremely smart very

Strategic with all of her choices in the game I feel like she’s actually one of the strongest players if they think you’re dumb ethyl that means you’re doing well in this game yeah yeah I I think so too and guys I think I’m back sorry the the powers of

Dark Bradley leaked into my wires Bradley uh a little confusion here as the chaos gate has opened uh as I was saying Bradley is the overseer of life and reality itself uh he’s probably gonna be picking today’s winner he’s he’s a man of his word so he hasn’t told

Me who’s gonna win today but I do have some predictions but I I couldn’t agree more if you’re playing a a quiet game you might make it to this end game but at the end I think it might just be a popularity contest who’s who’s not burned the most bridges uh might come

Out on top so it could be anybody’s game we’ll have to just have to see this is gonna be crazy chat you’re not gonna want to miss the action here so if you missed the action yesterday it was a crazy day Naomi are the fourth member of

Our broadcast team is standing by with more thanks Wei Punk day one of the competition was a blast but day two was when we really got to see alliances being made and betrayed as players schemed and strategized to get themselves ahead in the game the crown of certified challenged beasts currently

Belongs to Snuffy who won back-to-back safety in our last two challenges of the day meanwhile iron Mouse has been getting ahead on the social side of the competition operating from the shadows and using her alliances to lock down boats and eliminate threats with these two currently running the show the other

Competitors are going to have to make some big moves to stay alive and prove to the panel they deserve to win 11 players have been eliminated and our final seven remain who has what it takes to outplay and Outlast the rest of the competition it all comes down to this

The third and final days about to begin and I can’t wait to see who comes out on top as our longest Survivor back to you it does all come down to this and everything every day so far has had a moment of drama a moment we did not

Expect will there be another one today I sure hope there will be and uh unfortunately folks here’s the list of players we have played here’s all seven of them CPK feeling a little under the weather today is not able to make it which does mean he is the first player

Oh eliminated rest in peace he he falls valiantly in the field of battle but obviously we hope he feels better tomorrow um and we it makes sense that he he shouldn’t be pushed himself uh you know to for the sake of the show here we’re glad he’s taken care of them

Absolutely absolutely the challenge will be played anyways we just won’t have the council um and stuff like we usually do here there won’t be any uh Camp life after that either so I think this works well for the competitors who are still left as well a they all get they all know

That they’re they’re gonna survive one extra round and B like another warm-up round yes as we Trail off throughout the mid game uh of this competition CPK not showing up today is quite possibly the best thing that could have happened for the mafia boss iron Mouse

Um he was a guaranteed vote against her uh along with I believe Hannah uh those are the two votes against iron Mouse now she has a confirmed one vote against her unless her friends backstabber I think she’ll survive at least until the end game so huge huge move for mouse

That’s it’s a big one there for sure especially given that this next challenge is I believe a pretty mechanical challenge here let’s talk about it this is Trident toss everybody Okay so the player with them he has the most targets wins this is the sort of thing I feel like CPK could have easily actually won and gotten himself safety yeah yeah uh definitely this is I mean you have a few tries uh to hit the mark

It does tally up your score after those three but as long as you have a general understanding of how aiming and how uh like bullet drop Works in Minecraft it’s it’s not too difficult so I think Minecraft pros shouldn’t have a problem with this yeah once you figure out the trick to it

As long as you stick to that you are pretty much golden did you did you hear both eyes in there and yeah I think you’re good right yeah I did yeah yeah you gotta line up the shot in a very particular way but I guess I’ll wait to see it until they get

Into the game but yeah when we play tested this it was pretty fun yo yeah yeah it’s okay one of my favorites all right now harika’s a pro so I’m expecting big things she’s aiming up nice and high now to hit the bullseye I will say for our viewers you want to aim

Towards the bottom of the Rope they’re sitting at the top of the Target and a little bit to the left and you should be good Howard might be able to nail it right here actually yeah a little bit higher a little bit higher right at the end of that top of that

Rope oh I think she’s figuring it out a little bit higher oh wow she also stepped closer yeah Now if you hold it all the way back right at the bottom of that rope you should be able to hit the bullseye every time oh alfina lining up the shot that has the right idea uh it looks like she’s right clicking her Arrow There we go there we go wait for it it might be it a little bit lower you want to hit that right at the top of that into that rope let’s get that sweet spot [Applause] in the center oh here she goes again 24. that’s actually the square that I got in the play test oh yeah I remember we’re on your right side Rose maybe she can’t hear us he’s counting the blocks it’s going a little bit low this is if she goes full force it might be a little bit High here

Never go full force I was close yeah did you get the Red Dot name high but not too high I’m terrified Mouse is 10. all right let’s see if she has oh she’s not stepping off the edge oh she’s a little too far really high oh that’s irrespectful five not bad not bad that was oh I like the subserver cam oh okay see she’s aiming a little bit lower now

She’s about what seven blocks back from the edge Yeah she might want to get all the way up to the edge and then go full force hit the end of that rope if she moves it’ll throw her off yeah yeah right there we go yeah not that not bad all right Hannah you’re a pirate

She is a pirate so she should be skilled with slaying uh large tentacles okay that’s way lower than I thought her hat is looking even larger today could grow a little bit she’s a playing on a pretty wide fov2 which probably makes this a little bit

Harder oh true the rope that might mess with the aim a little bit that’s very true I think that’s a perfect throw right there actually oh wait is that it so close just a little bit to the left and she’ll have it Yellow Block hit a little bit to the left

To the left oh I gotcha I think she’s almost got it boom that’s it a little bit too too much yeah I don’t know if I got it but I’ve never even I’ve never even fired the whole learning from the other players because everyone’s sharing so much information yeah yeah yeah I’m

Surprised they’re all giving it to the pointers and stuff they all forget that they’re enemies oh no oh no oh no straight for the bullseye she forgot about it our little friend gravity Snuffy apologizing to herself whoa and she almost glitches the redhead she might have it

That’s actually a really good score yeah very nice it’s always nice to use that first Trident as reference and then move on from there and hopefully you can tweak it to hit the bullseye at least one one time thank you all right yeah nice That one is that is that is the safety for elfina now obviously there’s no actual voting so because we have already eliminated CPK from this round that’s right alfina’s starting the day off strong it’s gonna feel good yeah we’re all done well done indeed that’s it’s it’s it’s we saw yesterday Snuffy

Get two of the three possible uh safeties uh one one of the team environment and one by herself so uh that is a that is a big uh winning safeties here very very important alfina uh starting off the day and the strength here we’ll see if uh she she probably I

Think she probably went home and studied neanders after uh being called the dumbest streamer in the competition she showed up with the brains this time nah doesn’t need to study anything I think honestly she only got voted that because she’s just pretending you know she’s trying to put up the front so that

People don’t suspect her if not that’s true I mean if I went home and studied every time someone called me dumb I’d be Albert Einstein by now oh man maybe that’s the winning move I don’t know Chad all right we are back and moments away from getting into our Second

Challenge of the day only three challenges left for players to be eliminated into Narrows down to the top three I’m way [ __ ] about join with Lord athelstan and yanners we have again on the board here CPK taking off we now have one person who’s not in the club

Does this mean that Hannah is just next on The Chopping Block unless she can somehow achieve safety in this round what do you think babe Hannah has something first leave because it’s not looking good for her honestly I’m really gunning for alfino or one of the the

Mouse Mafia to turn against all the others and you know have some kind of a major twist yeah uh if I’m Hannah uh you gotta realize number one you’re screwed okay you have to start forming an alliance I would maybe pick off Rose doodle I would definitely go after

Alfina uh maybe Snuffy try to talk to whoever I can talk to to make an alliance and get mouse out of there as soon as possible um because if she doesn’t and if she doesn’t win safety I think Hannah’s the next to go out okay well folks is it gonna be Hannah or

Is it not let’s find out what mode she needs to earn safety in this is called x marks the spot Okay so this is an interesting mode this is like hide and seek but uh there’s a slight variation on it so everyone is going to be put on their own like a a a different iteration of the item we’re in a split reality into six different realities and everyone will hide the I

Hide the statues individually and then we’ll put them back on the same island with all those statues in those spots and they will go hunting for him here this should be crazy yeah this one was a lot of fun when we play tested uh uh he made the horrible

Mistake of going for the out and the open Strat thinking it would be too obvious to be found uh horrible Strat hopefully no one does that I thought I was gonna be big brains but uh alas that was the first one out so hoping to see some better gameplay today so one thing

That’s really important is that make it sort of sounds like this would be a mode where if you find the most you win I’m scared uh safety but safety is actually won by the player who’s idle or statue is found last yeah yeah so hiding it the

Best much more important than all of our fiends going underwater sneaky I like this a lot what a masterful plant okay I cannot I cannot hide it in the water it doesn’t work that way oh I’ve been I’ve been corrected that the other that they have not split into

Six realities they’re just hiding which is probably honestly easier anyways and it looks like alfino was having problems she couldn’t put it in the water I’m not too sure if that’s true or not well we did see alphina Elfin didn’t know how to throw the Trident so I’m not yeah

That’s true that’s true it might be a bit of a skill issue yeah let’s see if uh heart kit can maybe do it may be thinking about hiding it amongst the spider worms yeah if you were doing this where would you go for it where’s your ideal hiding spot this is actually

The same exact spot where I hid mine when I was doing the Playtime oh really and you can’t find it no no way okay great that’s actually a really nice spot right there off in the corner now I wonder is is it a good Strat to go vertical on

This like get to the highest point so it’s not eye level with anyone oh yeah because most people will probably be looking around on the ground uh right only 20 seconds left oh Mouse has to place it somewhere come on please gotta go okay there she goes

Okay I thought so I thought so right there that’s ballsy I’m confused that’s actually a really good Strat because most people they would probably think like not think that’d be right there I I don’t think they have it equipped you can see Harker right now she can’t place

It down it’s not equipped on her hot bar it’s right there in the middle wait equip it to her hands oh does he not know because he’s not actually equip it yeah her hand is empty all right I’ve been told that three people didn’t successfully Place their

Totem so we’re gonna restart okay and uh we’ll we’ll we’ll run this again everyone everyone now is a little more familiar with the mechanics okay that’s smart okay I thought okay they’re restarting the game guys Chad if you haven’t already make sure you go and uh get that twitch Rivals

Extension see a list of all the streamers competing in the event and if you’re the if you’re seeing alphina for the first time here and you’re like wow this seems like a really fun place to go it’s like it’s two clicks away it’s so easy to go and follow afina

Yeah I really like how fina’s model uh Mouse said that their YouTuber relatives yeah they’re the same artist I think it’s a really cool style yeah who is alfina’s artist is that twin Tales or uh twin size is all let me use the chocolate I’m sure somebody in chat knows Dude oh the artist says Okay cool cool I love that art style that’s beautiful okay all right it’s time for them to place their totem okay they’re real this time surely they’ll get it this time Rose doodle is going in the back of the cave I wonder how many of them will stick

With their original hiding spots wait oh yeah I feel like I would have like fomo and I would want to place it somewhere else yeah I’ve been given the second chance I would I would like take that as uh the universe trying to tell me dude that was a horrible hiding spot because

Well yeah she can get up oh right back there right there in that corner yeah right there right there right there okay not bad not okay yeah oh wait a mouse is going vertical as well it looks like here she’s not in the same spot as she

Oh I can’t see the other side of this okay then Rose noodle oh my gosh that’s so oh that’s so good because whoever I guess it doesn’t matter because they’re all going to be looking at different places but if someone finds roses they’re not gonna be like I should

Go back and look on top of that exactly exactly holy oh my goodness they got so much better in round two what happens if none of them are found wait I need to read the rules again I’m glad I’m glad I’m not too sure how that works maybe

They’ll go another round I I I don’t quite know yet I didn’t I didn’t come this way you can go inside the hoods oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you could have also put it in oh my God oh my God oh there’s so many good hiding spots in here all right time is up

And hurricane still couldn’t hide hers in time oh come on oh no they bug out for her again I think that’s what she was saying I don’t know hi what else it looks like she’s not highlighted on the hot bar either yeah I don’t think she has it equipped look

I still don’t know if uh I don’t know I don’t know if we’re gonna read there’s two right there oh yeah oh my gosh oh my goodness she’s picking a b line so many in this cave I hope no one alone but her time ran out and now it’s on his

Turn oh my gosh they do take turns okay Hannah’s looking around looking around did I search in my spot that is a good idea to search in the same spot that you hit everybody hide theirs here oh my gosh look at all these oh there’s no way

She misses this yeah they’re all honing in on this spot there’s three in here yeah oh she sees it seriously did you guys see that yeah she saw it she’s saying it right now oh they just need a little bit more time okay Snuffy’s going back into the cave I

Mean she has to see these they’re they’re so obvious now and she doesn’t even look around and walks right out Snuffy she didn’t even look around who trained her the the grunts for Metal Gear Solid one must have been the win what is this all clear huh what was that

What was that so just to be clear for everybody there to keep doing this just going one at a time 20 30 seconds at a time until all the idols until all or at least one all but one of the Idols are found oh that’s so cool that’s awesome

Okay so they only have these little bursts of time to go to go Scout things out that’s really cool and we could be here for seven hours also yeah we couldn’t Also to clarify um on Haruka basically her Idol just counts has already been found okay so

You won’t get safety on this round all right let’s see if Mouse can find it no one I’m so surprised no one has found the ones in the cave but hopefully alfina and Hannah will make a beeline I don’t think anybody put the cave on their next round

Yeah they know exactly where they are so just a matter of getting there in time yeah doesn’t look like Mouse is gonna find one on this run I guess I guess we’re rolling and now harka all right the timer has now increased to 60 seconds okay looks like

They’re gonna get more time every round oh boy oh sure I didn’t even get to place mine down Oracle you just had to flip it like Breaking Bad meme where he’s like yelling in the car like nah [Laughter] the corner oh oh I believe that was Venus or she found that oh wow yay oh wow she found alfenas nice was found uh I know that there’s one here I don’t

Know if that one was the one that oh okay there’s three up here that’s right that’s right oh there’s one right there and then roses is right next to that one now does she have the parkour skills to get up there come on a little flower wouldn’t it oh

This is the Strat to get up there but just not executing it quite well enough to get it on top Minecraft Parkour skills yeah yeah I don’t know if she’ll be able to do it 10 seconds left not enough time to get up there oh wait oh oh she knows it’s there she

Knows it’s there as long as she stays quiet now Hannah’s gonna make a d line straight for the cave she saw at least one up there oh there’s blood in the water and Hannah’s going right for it now again is she is she gonna get filtered out by the parkour

And get up there right there right there right here right here come on yeah I’m just running and jumping oh at the right moment 10 30 at first it scared me and you gotta Sprint and then jump right at the end grab that corner it’s even up there anymore our chat’s

Freaking out oh oh oh he’s giving up she said and I quote I don’t think it’s even up there anymore no Hannah oof [ __ ] oh I didn’t come on guys Go in the cave Buffy the cave I remember Snuffy hit hers Snuffy’s was in the water I think right yeah it was like right next to where they start right yeah and I don’t think anyone has found that that’s actually a really good spot so so we can show again the fact that

Idols are up there means it is possible to get up there we can show here again we saw it on stream but this is how Iron mouse got up there yes yep nice get in from the back Elfin was so close mouse or something back to our Shenanigans hey well it’s possible yeah

It’s possible it’s possible and you could probably jump down from that way oh stop you found one oh wow oh it still says just one totem found oh wait never mind that’s total totems found ah I thought it was I thought it was per player I’m silly no worries no worries

Good call could catch and it looks like rose has given up on the cave and is looking in the water maybe she’ll find Snuffy’s I I really like Snuffy’s placement here I think it’s it’s so ingenious is it in the same spot oh [ __ ] [Laughter] Snuffy’s was the one that’s uh like

Right in the water right next to spawn I think that’s just so smart I thought that would be something back there but no such luck it was kind of like my idea when I did the play test except for very well executed and actually a good placement hidden hidden directly under your nose

Yeah yeah no totem for Rose okay Mouse if I were a totem placed in a place where would I be hmm so do we have two left in the cave and then Snuffy’s in the water is that I think that’s it yeah yeah there’s well there’s six players

So there should be five hidden but I guess it’s okay because and this only shows four Once those four are filled up there’s the one that’s left and that’s right that’s right that’s right that’s right toe Tam potatoes stick them in a stew oh and mouse is getting closer to snuggling

Did you see it so close I don’t think she saw it but I saw it on her stream it might be oh Mouse’s chat is oh God yeah they would have seen that right away it sticks out no Chad what happens is I’m already I already lost there’s no

Point right well you can still find those longest totem standing wins right I already lost so shoot where would it be much better is gonna be waking up at night thinking about how she didn’t quit the time the main thing Harker needs to do is just find a Hannah’s totem yeah

They can vote hand off that’s right that’s that’s so true so there is a huge incentive for ARCA to to find these totems definitely yeah this could change the game um oh oh I couldn’t find it in time they they always get surprised when the timer

Oh she’s going back for the jump she is come on alphina oh not there not there then you’re not gonna fit you’re not gonna fit that’s only one block tall she’s doing the jump the jumping click as you as you go by drive by oh I have

To jump guys because I can’t like oh go from the front go from the fronts or this back entry this country is a bit of a tight squeeze but will she be able to maneuver it what if you don’t know unless you try and she

Is trying very hard you love to see it oh come on just get up there oh get up there come on come on I’m gonna do this without being honest oh alphina I’m rooting for you yeah I can’t she knows exactly where it is all she’s gotta do is get that jump

Come on come on come on now you’re not gonna make that it’s only one block tall Minecraft Parkour is a very delicate thing all this effort for nothing she’s not gonna make it like that all right new plan new plan oh is she gonna try at the front oh

That’s her that that okay so do you see how she can’t see the one that uh Alfie oh Hannah’s right that’s right that’s right dude what the hell I didn’t even get 60 seconds I got 30. well wait but if it’s hers then how does

She not know how to get up I got 30 seconds oh that’s so true yeah does she not remember well Snuffy very focused and quiet who knows what’s going on inside of the head of hers like hanging from things oh if we could attached to the ceiling oh could you do that

I don’t know Tails wagging with Focus yep they’re kind of going over the same spots not finding anything okay now we have Rose I’ll continue and look in here I suppose oh okay Rose is back in the secret cave he’s going to The Sweet Spot if anyone had any uh

Nice thinking oh she sees it she sees it and she knows how to get up there she knows how to go she’s going straight for the front tactic okay she’s gonna try and probably peel it from the back and realize that it’s not possible

How do I go from the front rows you know how to do it you know how to do it you know how to make that jump mine was in between the gold oh Rose come on do the same way she’s doing it you literally you’ve already done this oh she did The Impossible

From the back and that was Hannah’s that was Hannah’s dream perfect win right there guys Hannah is not gonna have safety in this next Council vote Hannah could definitely very possibly be going out this round oh no oh my God Rose doodle may have just secured her

Spot in the final five oh my goodness and I better think of something quick just gotta get into the good Camp life is gonna be insane who would have thought that just like five five girls would have so much power who gets to stay who gets to go kind of

Reminds me of high school but you know what Rebecca uh look who’s hosting a Minecraft tournament right now okay right that’s right that’s right that’s right right Rebecca I have a theory here I have a theory here no one is going to see mouses in the back Mouse is going to end

Up finding the one in the water spot which is uh alfina is going to go in the back and see that Hannah’s is missing and then probably give up on the cave it looks like no one unless you jump up there you’re not going to see mouses yeah that was a very

Good hiding spot because you have to get in a very specific position to even see it yeah oh my God that’s a good hiding spot could hide right there I’m a disappointment okay this might be a long game chat we gotta strap in those those two on top of the

Idol now that because he’s like pretty much everybody had found yeah Hannah’s but just couldn’t reach it and so now that they’ve all seen us gone they’ll be like all right let’s go look elsewhere exactly exactly that’s why I think mouses might be the one that stays to

The end yeah but it’s either either mouses or roses one of them has to get got yeah that’s true actually that’s true she’s leaving the cave she said thank God I don’t have to go after that one anymore mouses for the time being is safe in the back oh my God

So it’s just mouses and snuffies well Mouse isn’t it it’s selfies and roses Snuffy Rose and mouses oh I believe which I think Snuffy is going to be the most in danger at this point because she’s not in the cave I think so too yeah I think so too they’re gonna start

Looking elsewhere time’s gonna expire man okay next up Hannah my hand is going back okay now let’s see if the same process happens one of them has seen mouses I can see mouses right there oh my gosh yes you can see it clear his day oh Hannah come on

That’s one that’s perfect oh she’s jumping way too early Sprint got a Sprint plus sprinting she sees it she sees it she sees mouses oh come on Hannah that’s how you do it though that’s [ __ ] oh what are these jumps what are these jumps [Applause]

She sees it at least that Mouse is in big trouble now it’s grueling ruling my entire life okay goodness someone in her chat reminded her that there is a sprint button it’s okay we’re not here to make relationship are here to break them yeah double double click W Snuffy was the

First person on her first run she walked into the cave like just like stuck her nose and went yep nothing here and then left and yeah and the other two totems on the cave yeah yeah yeah Snuffy’s only chances in the cave and she on she really didn’t even go inside

Oh someone in chat says she has emo only mode turned on for fairness so no one from her chat can remind her there’s a shift button respect respect that’s very honorable yeah very honorable it’s a good spot to look okay Rose is up next now let’s see if

Rose can uh spot that last one in the back oh my gosh this is madness this might be the most electrifying event so far oh my God I’m my blood is boiling give me the controllers chat after this round the admins are going to start dropping hints help them

Narrow down where their trophies are where the statues are no they’ve looked there already I’m gonna look in here I can’t wait to see their reactions when they find out there’s two in the cave I know I know oh wait parkour promising no no okay she has a good idea film

Oh they put they put the text in chat oh here’s your two two hold rooms are in the cave one totem is underwater Oh My Gosh pulling in on the cave oh is mouse gonna find Rose doodles yeah the ones in the cave are in more trouble than Snuffy’s honestly because

There’s there’s quite a bit more ground to cover underwater than in this cave oh exactly yeah more surface area with the water the cave is easy you just have to oh what’s that the problem with Snuffy’s is once someone sees it it’s over that’s true no there’s no parkour to get to it

That’s true yeah there’s no barrier to entry I mean surely you would if you’re in the cave you just gotta think I have to get on top of this structure what are they even supposed to look like it looks like yours let’s see if oh he’s going for the water Snuffy’s in

Danger here Snuffy is in big danger big danger and harca is very observant the minute she sees that is done oh my gosh she’s gonna find it this round there’s no way she misses it she’s getting closer she’s gonna find it don’t tell me oh my gosh she’s getting closer she’s getting closer

Oh harka will she see it Jesus Snuffy has lost safety oh no it is up to Rose and iron Mouse if mouse gets safety in this the mafia still stands this is massive but nobody has seen roses nobody’s seen Rose that’s true Hannah Hannah it’s all down to Hannah Hannah has to clutch this oh and there are

Multiple caves that’s true that’s true oh she realizes oh wow yeah yeah oh my gosh Hannah you have to make this jump let’s see if Althena can even find one in the cave first somewhere come on alfina you gotta make these jumps does alfina okay she doesn’t know

There’s one like red at the top I think so no this is the Run guys this is a run this is Hannah she knows exactly where it is she has to make this jump she has to make this jump dude oh my God what is she oh she found it

She found both I see it I don’t know if she’ll be able to pick it up from here I don’t think so no it’s not yours Hannah Rose has the same question when she saw Hannah’s Anna Hannah Hannah the other one would be easier oh my gosh what

Hannah you know you can make that jump you know you can make it not from there though not from there oh Hannah press W really fast Hannah come on yeah go from the back go from the back come on come on come on a million times Hannah go from the back

Oh come on come on come on I can’t look rest in peace okay now Snuffy’s on the hunt all right Snuffy’s going back to the cave for the first time since she didn’t go in the cave Snuffy was pretty good at the the parkour challenges oh yeah yeah yeah

So this might be a walk in the park for her if she knows where they are good yeah they keep trying to jump into the side right there oh oh oh look down stuffy no look down this is Iron Mountain safety got it oh my God

Her friend iron Mouse is safe in the next Council and will this be Snuffy’s undoing oh my gosh yeah I think we could share now that it’s over where’d you put yours oh my gosh Hannah Hannah Hannah I have no words uh Hannah is probably

Gonna be out this next round she has no one to blame but herself I’m so sorry what an incredible play I I don’t know if Snuffy realizes what she’s just done this is huge huge this is worst case scenario for Hannah she didn’t get safety and iron Mouse did if there was

Any chance of betrayal this round when there was the most people to vote against Mouse it can’t happen yet oh yeah if Hannah has anything up her sleeve she better pull it out now because she has the biggest Target on her back mine was right behind the gold pieces

Yeah you have to think if Mouse didn’t get safety here Hannah could have gone to these girls and been like hey this is our one shot to turn on Mouse our one shot to take down the mafia boss let’s all work together then after this it’s everyone

For themselves I could see harika and Snuffy be down for that but now that Mouse has safety that is not an option and they have to go for the easiest option which is voting off Hannah Hannah has sealed her fate their numbers down one by one if they

Can ah they could they could if if Mouse just uh here’s what I would do if I was Mouse one switch probably with rose doodle I think Rose doodle has been kind of puppeted by Mouse this whole tournament would probably go to Rose and be like hey it’s like one block let’s

Blowouts nothing uh everyone’s expecting Hannah let’s go Snuffy I think if Mouse just pairs up with one person she has enough power she could take out anyone that is terrifying oh yeah I I wanna I wanna freaking uh we’re listening to Hannah here but she’s just kind of I don’t think she realizes

The danger she’s in I know I know no way I’m seeing in chat no way Hark and Snuffy would ever be down to vote out Mouse then they deserve to lose if they’re not willing to backstab that they deserve to lose yeah the name of the game is backstabbing and betrayal it

Is every man for himself out here on the island friendship does not exist as far as I’m concerned I don’t I don’t think it matters anymore honestly if Hannah can make her way out of this that would be probably one of the most triumphant moments of Minecraft ever

Oh wow I think we’re seeing maybe Hannah giving up here she she might have realized what has happened oh she’s gonna safety Idol oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that is smart that’ll be huge it’s probably the best option trying to try my best okay I tried my best

What were they saying were they laughing yesterday oh I was crying Hannah I was crying my head was in my hands and I was sobbing he doesn’t know I was crying no I thought the hints threw me off that our first day because I was like

I was like what are these hints for I thought the totems are just gonna be like out yeah I’m right here well you need to get your eyes checked because I obviously jumped bro I don’t know what to tell you this is there’s so much riding on this

For Hannah right here she needs to find anything to help her move on a double vote a safety anything anything she is in serious grave Danger she’s she’s running with other people which I feel like is um yeah I’m just see what Rose has to say

Now one thing I’m not seeing is any dming going on between combatants didn’t somebody say there was like I’m curious if Mouse is is working up anything uh in DMS but usually this was the time for everyone Rose Mouse be sending some uh maybe some strategy back and forth we’re not doing nothing

What we’re doing you know the plan the plan is she becoming a masking pin also in addition to be a bomb boss going bald and growing a goatee and wearing a fedora yes I’m breaking the bed so to speak she is channeling the mob boss energy of

I’m on top but I can just sit over here and laugh would be able to do anything yeah she is the one whose dreams [Laughter] mousy whites Sea Dog we have to cook [Applause] Sea Dog would be Jesse Pinkman he would oh yes [ __ ] laughs no Snuffy’s not immune it’s uh Mouse season

Well that’s quite right [ __ ] won the mini game someone said science governor oh my gosh I’m I’m not seeing any strategizing going on for these Council votes I I is it an unsaid reward did they already decide I haven’t seen any messages between people maybe they’re acting purely on Instinct

You think so yeah it seems like things have gotten so heated on the island that they’re starting to revert to prehistoric times oh wow they’re regressing I wonder Summoner chat said no rats oh I see that’s why you kept voting for Clems oh yeah yeah yeah yep rest in peace rest in peace

That’s gonna be so scary if they if they then totems get placed today do we have an answer on that I’m not too sure we’ll see ya can’t reveal it you’ll have to figure it out on your own that sounds like a yes to that sounds like a yes 100 yes

Should we all like look separately I don’t know I don’t I’m nervous to be alone and like worry I’m missing on like potential plotting it looks like there’s might be an alliance forming with Hannah and Snuffy yeah okay I’m just gonna say before honestly I

Think that’s a smart play I I would go for alfina if I was Snuffy I think this is smart stick with alfina and Hannah and they have three votes right there they could take out anyone they want they don’t really need to worry about mousers anymore I think that’s just such

A smart play yeah if they go for it either Rose or Haruka because you got to think Hannah knows that she she’s a straggler in this situation so she’s so easy to influence snuff if I’m Snuffy I could get hand on my team easily and then use that as

Leverage to go to alfina and be like hey I have Hannah on me that’s three votes we could get on it across everybody I’m trusting them like it’s a smart plug I don’t have any reason not to trust them I’m I’m the type of person that like

Tells me a thing like I’ll believe them like I’ve got no reason if anyone tries to vote you off ask them would you still vote for me if I was a worm um asking the important questions here that’s right that’s right because I don’t know like I whenever whenever someone asks

You’re a worm no you’re a worm why you’re a word that’s a good good answer do not suspend your disbelief yeah I don’t have any more very important strategizing right here first things for the better I just said to change them yeah that’s fair I mean even if they’re worm they’re

Still inside of that worm right like they’re the spirit their personality is still inside of that worm body same yeah I mean God I guess it’s kind of like the boat fallacy if you take one board off of a boat one by one at what point does it stop being a

Boats humans have personalities and like Souls oh yeah I’d hope so scientists have been trying to figure that out for years perform V tubers are crying right now glazed terracotta you as a worm for like you know like a month so it’s like yeah and you die oh it’s like

And then just like just for a month just love them and then you know mourn and go on with your life guys yeah it’s probably smart damn worms don’t live that long so you don’t have to worry about it for too long put them out in the soil and let nature

Take its course you won’t have to love the Worm for what a week maybe well I mean it’s just now nature Works hopefully God well at least put them in an apple or something so they can enjoy their last moments just yeah just have a gluttonous

And oh my goodness his mouth’s gonna get the idol too no wait wait this one’s still up it’s still there oh Mouse this is this was the one that billion and Giga were going after I thought somebody grabbed it yeah me too is it still there go to practice Yeah

It’s got the practice do they not know oh is it I guess it’s not there and she’s just practicing her parkour okay okay okay okay I see it oh yeah Rose got it earlier okay oh my gosh well Camp life is over we did not witness anybody

Getting a totem or an idol we didn’t witness anybody strategizing either no I mean we saw maybe a small line between Hannah alfina and Snuffy but outside of that Mouse with solo Rose was solo what the heck’s gonna happen here Yeah it’s a uh I’m not sir I’m not sure about this one also like the fact that you can’t vote out Mouse right now oh my God if you I guess I guess if Snuffy Hannah and Alfie all vote Haruka or Rose and then the problem is if Mouse Harker

And Rose vote Hannah then it goes to like a runoff between the two yeah and it I don’t know now Mouse knows that people are betraying her yeah if if I was Snuffy uh I would use Hannah and alfina to vote Out rose that is Mouse’s second-hand man I mean Snuffy had a

First first person a witness to Rose kind of doing Mouse’s bidding I would go straight after Rose uh and then use Hannah and alfina to go for Mouse the next time well the sun has set on the first day of day three and it’s time for the council iron Mouse has safety

Who will be voted out let’s go down to Naomi all right welcome team chaos to your first cancel day three our final day and if I do say so myself that was a very intense last challenge uh it had me hanging on the edge of my seat it was wild

Um and as you know as you guys saw iron Mouse is safe this round uh but I do have a question here for Haruka you didn’t manage to hide your totem in the last challenge but uh you found Snuffy’s underwater uh totem and and cost her safety so do you

Think that these that those things make you a liability in the minds of your fellow contestants uh well I do think I might have a chance of being voted out this round considering I did lose immediately so does that make sense I don’t know I am a little worried for this round

This elimination but we’ll see hopefully all right and Hannah uh for you you knew where the totems were but just couldn’t get there with that parkour that you were trying what do you want to say to your fellow contestants to convince them to keep you around I will say that I tried

My best I summoned my b-hop powers I tried to open my chakras but I definitely found it that is for sure I definitely I definitely found it I saw it it was in my peripherals but yeah I tried my best it was just one of those things where I had to one block

Jump and it just couldn’t I couldn’t get it to go yeah you tried your best like you said um now if you have any safety Idols for the whole group here or advantages Now’s the Time to use them or to play them so I’ll give you a few moments for that and

I’ll give a totem but I won’t just to be safe I don’t even have my emotional support to see you go here with me first monkey a funky monkey she’s saying she won’t yeah I wish we had our sequels too oh wait I do have one I have five oh all

Right it’s time to vote you guys remember iron Mouse cannot be voted for so cast your votes right now 60 seconds on the clock I’m sorry a snuff and mouse and Rose are apparently gonna vote for Hannah this sucks so much I hate and everyone has voted no matter what

Happens you guys all did great I’m so proud of you yeah I have to go today I love you all I agree yeah same yes oh they’re great we’re all great competitors yeah yeah this is definitely not a battle of a battle of Love and War no this is a painful painful battle

My heart’s just like a big pile of like tenderized meat I don’t have anything going on today so we can last as long as we possibly can we can’t right guys yep I agree Friday night pumpkin yeah [Laughter] that gives the motivation to be a joker thank you

I love you oh my God this is so handsome oh my God my my heart’s about to like burst out of my chest right now we have a verdict you guys listen up it is a two-way tie between Hannah and Rose doodle so we’re gonna run another vote

And Hannah and Rose both cannot vote for this round so we’re gonna start the voting here in a second with 60 seconds on the clock oh my God I just want to say my piece up and you can only vote for Hannah or uh and Rose sorry Dan trap go ahead more

Pieces or I don’t know I just wanted to do that all right about you guys they only vote between Hannah and Rose Hannah and Rose are out of this boat here we’ll hug each other rules yeah come on I’ll hug you yeah no matter what happens we did our best

That’s true oh we have one thing to say yes you must not cross me oh God goodbye chat what Hannah to have another shot I’m sorry I I one-handed have another try you guys see the thing about Ash and Pikachu all right all participants have

Voted oh my Lord we had to have voted for each other you two so much all right the contestant vote the contestant voted off of longest saliva is Rose noodles noodles oh man what oh my gosh live on Lucy you can do it I you I do it go [ __ ] ape [ __ ]

Survive and demolish them all I believe in you right yeah I’m ready oh my gosh oh dude Snuffy is playing the game of her life the the biggest backstab I’ve seen on the show thus far I mean that is insane babe how are you feeling oh my God

Absolutely beautiful I am so proud and you know what this is exactly what I wanted I wanted Bloodshed in there and delivering it’s incredible oh my gosh Mouse’s right hand man from the original four big guys her evil doer the Worm tongue the hurricane of Rohan is now out Mouse

Is on The Chopping Block she might go out next oh this is a this is enormous this is the biggest exit interview of the day Naomi is standing by with rose all right Rose Doodles he made it this far congratulations on at least making it to

This point but sadly we are seeing you go uh any final thoughts before we send you out and don’t don’t forget you will be back in the panel later on today oh oh that’s right I will yeah okay okay uh honestly I think that I probably got

Voted out because they know that there’s clicks and uh yeah I’m pretty loyal to the people I want to be loyal to and that you know they gotta divide up the group if they wanna if they wanna have a chance you know that’s right do you

Think that’s why you got voted off today yeah I think that’s why I leveled it out yeah set the world on fire so yeah I’m rooting for it I’m rooting for my girl love to hear it all right iron Mouse for the win and we’ll of course see you here

Right after uh for the panel at the end yeah yeah so stick around and thanks again for participating you did awesome yeah it was great I had so much fun good all right guys sending it back to you on the casting desk oh okay folks the power Dynamic has

Shifted Hannah Snuffy and alfine have eliminated Rose and you’ll notice there is now only two names not connected by a lime mouse and Haruka are on a team against Snuffy alfine and Hannah this is this is so huge and this is quite the upset this is the perfect play by Snuffy

We were talking about it at Camp life if Snuffy would recruit Hannah and alfina that is three confirmed votes against anyone that’s more than enough to win majority and take out anyone they need they could easily get mouse this next round if Mouse just doesn’t win safety

Uh Snuffy’s playing the game of her life amazing plays I have so much respect especially for hark of flip-flopping harka originally voted for Hannah flip-flop saw the majority backstab Mouse and took out Mouse’s right hand man beautiful plays all around I’m losing my mind yeah that was incredible

To watch I was not expecting that at all and like I’m super surprised that Hannah made it out alive and I’m really looking forward to seeing the the next challenge this is Chris crazy because we know we know that Haruka was the one that flipped the vote

But they don’t know they don’t know who voted who so right so Mouse right now is suspecting Snuffy hurricane Alfie then she knows that two of the three have snaked here actually it was it was all three in this situation have have abandoned her does she find who who

Tries to go back to the way right because Mouse and Snuffy are currently at the top there’s nothing now has a Target on her back as well right so like they both know that those are the two leaders but the the others how did they finagle know their way to the top three

Only three only three people out of these five can make it it’s gonna be crazy stuff folks but if you’re if you’re having as much fun as we are make sure you hit the follow button this is a development the Sheep is super easy you can you can get access to these emotes

You can spam some pogs spam some sages I saw I mean has been uh talking about Rose is going to be dead the whole time and he’s he’s got his status out right now because he knew it well done all right we’re gonna go to a quick break

When we come back Challenge number three of the day oh my goodness it keeps heating up don’t go anywhere all right we are back and there are two more challenges before we are crowning a longer Survivor here on the energy live we’re featuring Minecraft The Last

Twitch Rival show of the year so hit the follow button folks we’re we’re almost done it’s almost time for the end of the season here it’s gonna be a lot of fun and uh my goodness the landscape has changed dramatically in the last 10 minutes here Nan yeah I think we’re watching the

Beginning of the the crumbling of Mouse’s Empire the the mafia that she formed on the island and man yeah I I was on the edge of my seat through that entire thing that was absolutely crazy I mean this this is mouse doesn’t have anybody there’s there’s these three

Harga is a question mark and the mouse out there by herself what is she gonna do that’s right this is just like in The Godfather when uh the dawn gets shot is in the in the hospital Mouse is Michael Corleone she has to Rally up will we see

That final scene uh during the baptism where she goes off and murders literally everyone at the end I don’t know if she’ll be able to pull it off we’ll just have to wait and see all right folks time for the next challenge hope you guys are ready this

One’s this one’s a bit tricky it’s called some motion Okay so this is a standard puzzle game with a timer element the purple blocks gotta connect to the purple block the yellow Block’s gonna connect the yellow blocks so on and so forth on the ground but if your chickens die if a chicken gets roasted your board resets

Be don’t be the last one to complete your board yeah that’s right this one’s really tough uh you definitely have to have a puzzle based brain for this uh I don’t know who would be best cut out for this I mean maybe maybe Haruka maybe Snuffy

I’m not sure I don’t know too much about uh Hannah and alfina’s gamer skills when it comes to games like this that aren’t so mechanical uh but there is a mechanical element because you have to go fast as well babe what do you think I

Mean you play tested this one who do you think has the best shot oh man I gotta say most likely hardcore might be one of the the fiercest competitors in this one this is tricky because it’s not just puzzle solving you have to be quick you gotta remember that your chickens there

Are always on their way down into the flames and you gotta keep going back and forth between solving the puzzle and making sure your chickens are safe yeah it looks like Mouse is maybe just now figuring out how this works basically you push up your chickens and they

Slowly float down and that’s your time to work on the puzzle when the chickens come back down to the fire it resets boost them up go hit the puzzle wait for him to fall restart so you have to be fast okay pink blue for someone like me I’m pretty easy this

And I don’t think that’s gonna connect for harka I don’t believe you can connect diagonally I think it has to be an adjacent piece yeah and yeah like all sides have to connect yeah so she’ll have to put down another one yeah I was I was absolutely God off with this uh

I’m gonna blame it on my color blindness um but I could not complete it this is the first challenge we’ve had where it’s possible for No One to complete it oh um I believe I don’t know it’s possible for no players to win this game the puzzle is completed I think that that

Would mean that they would go to a double Council oh you might be incorrect on that so let me let me get clarification uh it looks like alfina has just made a diagonal I’m not sure if she’s understanding the game quite well harka seems to be faring a little bit better though nothing

The pink right here uh yes the pink definitely not a light gray but yeah it looks like she’s connecting the even lighter gray marker and Snuffy has this figured out it looks like well she’s almost amazing how the puzzle works for sure yeah yeah yeah I think she gets it

But this is hard how can you tell which one is the original black oh it’s a good question oh it’s probably indestructible I I would assume they couldn’t rip it back up so maybe they could test that way that’s what I would do at least oh this is tough I I have no

Idea how to do anything yeah yeah yeah yeah I think hurricane might take this man yeah she’s getting it oh yeah oh my chicken burden reset okay but she she knows what to do this time yep yep there you go that’s the beauty of the chicken Strat yeah nice you got

Whatever color that is I believe that’s pink maybe I think yellow has to go around the outside the long way because otherwise purple can’t connect I think so too yeah I think Haruka had it right Mouse looks like she’s figuring it out making the connection right here nice

She’s remembering her her Fallen brother Rose doodle um um there’s a lot on the line for Mouse basically if she doesn’t get this I I wouldn’t think she’s out yeah she has got to go beast mode this is a Do or Die situation it looks like she has the chicken

Mechanic down she’s got to go around with this one right here it looks like she’s about to get it Mouse might actually take this oh Jesus the purple this corner is oh in the middle you’re right you’re right okay it is hard to have it

Oh wow I think oh get there very cool she saved it food for harka if she gets this okay that’s the indestructible one she got it what the [ __ ] she’s gonna have to go around maybe the other way with the pink nice chicken oh she’s so she’s oh the blues have to go

There oh hard puzzle pink on the other side I don’t know chickens chickens oh chickens very good chicken management here okay those hands very good chicken management maybe if she doesn’t isn’t cut out for Minecraft maybe she can get a job at McDonald’s down the road very good at uh operating two machines

At once this one looks fun actually I I wish I could get another try this this is a really fun puzzle really well made there we go at least I figured that the blue is needs to be fixed I don’t understand the blue oh yeah that blue yeah what did you do

With that one shatter an egg Maybe Pink around that way oh does she have it look at this yeah yeah we have just figured it out yeah okay okay cool cool but don’t forget nice to trap is Red Red Stick the quick the quick connection but that’s bad yeah

Yeah how does she get around that oh she’s so close how do you get around that come on come on right goes over the top of the top oh I don’t get it what about the blue though what about the blue no no the blue the blue the

Blue Block is the middle one the of the top three that she’s got the blue ones it’s the lowest one that is the starting point oh let’s take off those topics just Reach Out up oh she’s so close oh my gosh you’re right oh don’t forget your chickens though

Yes you can just go around oh my gosh yeah I see it I see it I see it I see it she goes around up and around with the red around the blue oh that one has to be blue you know that one has to be blue the pink food

Oh my God okay yeah that has to be blue come on got this article come on harca up up up no [ __ ] Chicken management Chicken management Chicken management don’t forget honestly it might help it might help her I think she was getting lost on which wood block was the one

Yeah she’s she’s gonna have fresh Eyes For This up and around Tarka up and around come on you got this oh Mouse nope nope nope nope nope at least for this run Mouse is not on the right track yeah you can’t have that yellow on the inside it has to go on the

Edge and this is Harker right here uh that’s not the Strat oh oh she was so close I need to focus just focus so I’ve so clarification yes it will not be a double Council okay either way it will be which there were there the there

Was a Dev who will judge who was closest okay okay I I think right now it’s probably Haruka she was a few blocks away I agree oh Snuffy is this she’s taking the the Observer approach [Laughter] she’s got it she’s got it yeah Massive massive win for Harker she is extremely huge brained and we saw that right oh my goodness I am so proud of harca that is an unbelievable play probably saved her in the game more than likely determined the fate of this game how do you guys feel this is

Unbelievable I’m so proud of her and after that the first challenge where she couldn’t Place her totem she seemed to be feeling pretty sorry about that and gosh it must feel great to get that big dub just now now she has a shield she’s safe that’s right it’s gonna happen right who does

He vote for she can do whatever she wants that’s right yes she’s feeling pretty right now yeah yeah yeah she is she is she can kind of dictate and kind of filter around uh who’s going home if I was her mouse mouse is the only option

In my opinion too strong is the biggest threat too strong uh and remember at the end of this game you’re gonna have all the council members come back and vote who wins in my opinion you have to get mouse Are any of these people thinking about how do they get the others vote on the panel is that too big that is the tough part I I you kind of just gotta hope for the best without backstabbing too much I don’t know if Mouse knows that Snuffy and hard

Could backstab them I don’t know if Mouse is the type of person to take that to the Grave uh and not vote for them to win at the end in the panel yeah I feel like she’s gotta know it’s one like Snuffy hark on alfina two of those three voted she probably assumes

Hannah voted for Rose yes so if if heart could well let’s let’s just listen yeah yeah yeah the red kept screwing me too every time I had I felt like I was onto something I would just be like where does red fit in I didn’t realize I had

To go super super long way pink yeah you did so good I wasn’t anywhere near like even being close to it I literally had just restarted like four times you you were so far ahead I know you guys could hear that oh my God I was like thank God I’m not the only one the whole time I was too I want to like

Fake myself into feeling smart by like focusing like hacker mans [Laughter] I’m so cute I have to look in the vods later after this event I’m so curious I was channeling the kid energy of like where do you put the square shape that’s right in the circle hole in the triangle

Shapes that’s right very smart are you supposed to figure that pattern out if you’re a gig of marine like Haruka wow that is absolutely unbelievable wow we’ve given him a name tag I don’t see anyone going for any uh immunity any safeties anything like that it’s awesome

I’m not seeing a lot of intrigue maybe it’s an another unspoken thing everyone’s gonna vote for Mouse burp are you my son you can turn once if that’s yes oh [ __ ] maybe he’s sleeping maybe he’s sleeping it’s okay I think so without Rose my my my uh

Idols but I swear I think I think probably somebody got the last one yesterday I’m just not telling them does it does it I found them she made she might know her face she might know her fate that’s the problem with this type of game is if you have too much

Influence people get scared and when they’re scared they vote you out but does she have that influence anymore is she the strongest player I think in like overall my Minecraft ability she’s definitely one of the better players she’s won a lot of competitions and they have to start

Thinking like when they get to this final panel they nailed it question marking and maybe they’re maybe they’re a little worried if they go up against mouse in a huge Council and people vote for who the winner is maybe they’re afraid they’ll lose the mouse excited to see you go further but you

Might lose so much but I’m very terrified of her I love everybody everybody I’m still thinking of them fondly even deal I just hope I don’t know I hope he’s cheering us on I’ve missed him I feel like we were team underdogs team fire yeah absolutely I was really

Thinking the same I feel like I don’t know maybe it’s embarrassing to say that I feel like nobody was rooting for us I was I was rooting for Snuffy this whole time this is my prediction baby the original team fire Bond coming out here are still my top picks to win this whole

Thing I love them too but I’m still rooting for one of our underdogs alfina oh I’d love to see that too actually I mean any of these last people would be an amazing winner I think they all played a group yeah yeah they all made it this far what’s going on here

Really glad I got to meet everybody everyone’s really great a collusion I’m just straight up telling it okay yeah deal oh she’s trying to rebuild looks like Mouse made her an offer she couldn’t refuse yeah I’m just sick just sticking because this whole game is like extremely nerve-wracking yeah when we did that today when we did the

The memory game I had like a panic attack after oh the game I just I just don’t do good under pressure so I feel that yeah so like I guess like I got like a really big rush of adrenaline and it freaked me out [Applause] yeah no I absolutely

I was like that during the like obstacle course that you had to shoot a crossbow at the end oh God I messed up big time on that one oh my gosh yeah it was hard it was so hard too hard for me too hard yeah I’m horrible at parkour the fact that you

Manage is to like put your little totem like on top of a thing uh during the like x marks the spot challenge I was like oh my God I cannot get on it my ass off I kept falling and I was like I don’t think I made it I’m like oh crap

Yes no I could not get it I’m hiding in a little hole and I was like I’m trying to get it but I can’t I hid mine with the spiders and mine was the first one found yeah oh my God I went in there and I didn’t see anything for real okay

So I wasn’t too bad a spot it’s okay I thought that I couldn’t put it down in the water that was my first thing that I wanted to do but like it wasn’t working is this one and so Snuffy and Haru sounds like they’re going for Mouse yes alfina males

Are just not going from us yeah and Hannah Hannah if if if she wants I was like I’m sure that everyone’s gonna like climb up places I think so it looks like it listen but it’s fine I’m gonna level it oh here we go yeah I don’t know

Cool voted out rows but I have a suspicion yeah I think the person who wrote about Rose is coming from me uh I mean it’s possible it sounds like the logical thing to do like probably because like you guys were like very very close from the get-go that’s true yeah

So I’m trying to decide who I should vote for there we go you gotta pick a Target yeah at this point because like we’re at the end right and we’re only five people it’s really hard to like see who’s an alliance with who at the moment it’s true

Yeah it’s like a hyena circling its prey look at this circling I survived you gotta pick a Target okay thank you yeah oh I’d say say a name say your name Nice there we go it’s so hard it’s so hard to like pick because um I really genuinely enjoy everybody here everybody’s really really great uh I think Snuffy is the strongest one out of everybody oh like she’s I would be smart really really good at the games so

But I I I don’t know I really don’t know that’s true I don’t think alfina’s gonna do it I don’t think she’s gonna do it yeah I think she knows like What’s Happening Here Yeah I think Elfin is smart enough to not [ __ ] you do you have anyone in

Mind she has an easy vote out here dude okay Camp life has ended okay all right okay oh my gosh okay we gotta watch that I gotta watch the comms do any messages get sent during votes oh yeah let’s see oh my God and where does Hannah go what

Does Hannah do she wasn’t part of any of those conversations I think Hannah’s still gonna go for Mouse because I mean you have to think okay Hannah new mouse was going after her so let’s see pee all right welcome team chaos uh only one more Council until the big one and

Remember Haruka is safe you cannot vote for her in this round uh but yeah we do have I do have some questions here iron Mouse uh We’ve watched you kind of Wheeling and dealing in your DMs during Camp life uh a fellow contestant actually described you as quote unquote a mob

Boss are you concerned that they’ll try to take you out now I’m pretty sure they will but if they don’t then it’ll make me so happy yeah you want to stick around huh Snuffy uh that last challenge gave you a lot of trouble uh so make your case to your

Fellow contestants for why you deserve to stick around if you can this is your chance to do it I think she went to the bathroom she is not currently in Council we should wait for her to make sure her vote counts yeah but yeah what did you guys think of

That last challenge you guys have a fun time was it stressful it was hard it was tough it was panicking yeah I personally can’t say I understood completely was going what was going on but it seemed really challenging so I was not envious of being in your position

It took a while to figure out I didn’t you couldn’t diagonal so I had to like go back and change that I was solving it twice but then those [ __ ] chickens I swear to God they’re like and they died and I’m like are you kidding me set to go back and redo

Everything and I’m like okay I gotta remember how I did this oh my gosh yeah well how do you how do you guys think how do you think uh some of your teammates did in terms of Chicken management who is the best one you think

Who did the best on that side I I think I murdered the most chickens in time um you can give me that reward yeah well I was I was watching those chickens I had two popped out of chicken so I think murdered the eggs I up like twice are they [ __ ] eggs

While I’m trying to punch them to safety oh my gosh so I might have accidentally also killed uh the little the little ones I guess yeah okay we have Snuffy coming back right now I’ve just been told so let’s uh have her join the council oh

How was the P did you make friends no it was awful I wish I could explain in grave detail but that was not the pun welcome back Snuffy all right so we got the questions out of the way uh it is now time of course if you have any

Safety Idols or advantages to play them now remember you only have one Council after this so use them or lose them best day ever Oh she’s talking like she already knows she’s gonna explode at all the great work that’s the totem I have to say this is a little worse than considering remember Naomi at the beginning of all this we had yeah 3 000 people and now there’s five

So it feels so quiet hey it’s yeah yeah we’re a tight-knit community I don’t know I don’t know I I didn’t I didn’t hit enter you were great oh yeah thanks guys all right so if you have a safety Idol now it’s time to play it we’ll just uh have that section

Yeah time to vote Inc is happening soon just play any totems or safety Idols you have what was my papa Boo and my mom they were measuring the door I missed their phone call like awards at the end like fattest ass and yeah I would like uh [Laughter] where’s my reward At the seagull home that I’m befriended at the beach I want to take him home Haruka is it like messed up that you have like kind of like mutilated bird that you’ve just been carrying around the island voting is open so now’s the chance to do

We got 60 seconds on the clock and remember Haruka is safe you cannot vote for Haruka that is so weird oh it hurts oh it hurts things okay I love them all but I I can’t imma wants a new pair of shoes you think you’ll be okay chat 30 seconds

All right everyone has voted it looks like we’re just telling at the vote standby Hannah however with four votes and the person eliminated from longest saliva is iron Mouse yeah yay I’m out of here I love you too I did what I had to do it no my plan my plan was to have uh you had a gun rolls and then I would eliminate myself in the fourth round yeah I’m gonna be straight up I’ve been honest about my choices this whole time

Not nothing against guys I love you guys oh no you guys are great yeah oh it’s okay I’m really sorry that was my plan the whole time yeah you you and she almost got away with it too I know planning to eliminate herself whether it’s a an attempt at a last minute pity

Or or a genuine strategy there the mouse has been eliminated from along the saliva couldn’t say it it was a very honorable sacrifice that’s right I I just I cannot give Snuffy enough credit uh amazing plays I cannot give harca enough credit uh amazing win right there everything kind

Of fell into place perfectly for them to take out Mouse who is arguably probably the strongest player uh in this whole competition amazing Cutthroat plays and I can’t wait to see what’s next it’s anybody’s game now well iron Mouse has been eliminated Naomi is on the island to do her exit interview

All right iron Mouse uh hi wow you you got outed I mean what what do you have to say about your experience on the island I had a great time I had a great time uh I did what I wanted to do I originally wanted to get Rosen to the

Top uh and get eliminated like as like the fourth one so that then three can make it but it didn’t work out as planned but I’m just still happy because two of my friends are still up there so oh that’s good at least um there’s odds

Of at least one of them making it up right well they were your friends I I gotta say some Tides started to turn uh in that last round who do you think did you dirty like was it one of your friends or was it someone else you know what if it

Was my friend I commend her because she didn’t do it and I’m so proud of her deception oh that’s great well I’m glad you’re plasma okay yeah I’ve done that before it’s pretty tough really yeah thank you so much for your service I appreciate it of course well

Uh we’ll see you later on the panel and thank you so much for your exit interview uh stick around we’ll be right back and guys right back to you at the Caster desk let’s see what you have to say oh wow so much and we’re taking mouse

Off the board folks it’s been a crazy day here in nanners but there’s only four left now that was big ball but also Strangely Beautiful to see it it was like kind of lost in the nature documentary you know yeah the Lions tearing into each other they’re

Finally playing the game and I love to see it you know and you know even when she falls she falls gracefully Mouse took the the loss like a champ commended the backstabbing the Intrigue the powerful gameplay by her two friends uh uh Snuffy and harka I think uh she

Played an amazing game maybe she played a little bit too strong and that was her downfall but an amazing game nonetheless that should be commended as for our last combatants this is anybody’s game this next competition is gonna be huge massive Mega you’re not going to want to

Miss it anyone can take it now anyone can take it if you make it to the top three you’re guaranteed three thousand dollars you get safety in this final challenge you’re already guaranteed into the top three one of mousey’s friends definitely guaranteed to be in that top three as well and then

It comes down to the panel vote so much in store so much left to be played for in this final round but first we have the Capital One Community Quest so we’re gonna take a quick break we’ll come back through that and then get right back to

Longest alive or don’t go anywhere but anyway so ten thousand dollars is a lot of money I mean I’m saying that’s what I’m saying streaming is Oh oh mousey gives him the cold shoulder on her way out the door folks welcome back to as long as the library there are four remaining folks and it’s it’s time for the finale you know hashtag just fleshy things right oh man there’s gonna be such a big one it is

Getting really good it is definitely popcorn Worthy it’s all right I’m so ready for it folks it’s time for the final challenge this one’s simply called the finale foreign [Applause] Foreign so this is essentially an obstacle course the first is to fall down the into the middle of the lava then to fly through the electric course then to win the trivia round if you’re the first person to conclude it all to complete it all you win safety the final round and

Are automatically in the top three that’s right this is probably the most fun events I’m so glad that this is the last one I love this one uh the falling and then falling back up and then the flying there’s a little trick with the flying it took me a while to figure out

And Yan was able to figure it out way faster than me uh it is really fun I’m curious to see who’s gonna be the first to kind of figure out the the technique with flying um this is gonna be good this is a mechanically based one

Um for the most part for the for the first couple rounds so we’ll see who takes it this is a huge huge safety yeah I love this one this is definitely like a good send-off to all the challenges that came before it and it will test like pretty much every skill

So far and let’s see how everyone fares in this one man who do you think is the strongest Minecraft player uh left um I gotta say oh like she’s definitely gonna Excel on the the trivia part and also the the part Rings oh the Elijah Elijah bar yeah

There we go here we go here we go so you don’t want to hit these balls Wow way down as you can see you hit one you restart oh you gotta go all the way you have some ability to control your wow wow beautifully done by harka now she has to

Go back up so you can look right back up you can use that jumps there you probably want to line it up with your Crosshair first yeah you gotta thread that needle oh this is so much harder you might be able to do it never mind we know that clown counter that counted

I think it says she completed the dropper yeah I think she’s going the wrong way that was right there we go there we go she’s in the flying portion now someone else has the electric too oh my God she’s already flying oh did she hit the the ring rocket yeah

If you don’t get a I also have to restart yeah that’s right oh my God she’s flying right through it she already figured out the technique you want to control with your mouse not wasd I was an idiot I used wasd and I died on the first ring every time when you use

The mouse it’s not too hard to control but it is moving pretty fast burp we got together you and me bro you can slow it down oh my God another trivia place the heads on the golden blocks in the order that they were eliminated oh oh my gosh it’s a callback

This is very good at memory challenges first it was Dio then it was Project Melody then she going the wrong way well I think she might be going the wrong way I remember this Ross was there yeah right I think number one is the first to be eliminated number two is the second

To be eliminated I think I think yeah is that how it goes well I’m pretty sure because this happened on oh wow alfenas go the right direction is working the opposite way of harka I think that is the correct way if I’m not mistaken perhaps where she’s working from number

One to number 14. sought away okay are we is it is it or yeah it’s bad man yeah we have clarification that alfina is the one doing the correct methodology in here and it looks like harca may have just figured it out oh yeah okay she’s restarting oh this is huge in order

First if she can get this out fast enough alfina’s already halfway done a little bit more than halfway this could secure alfina in the top three my hands struggling to find them yeah okay okay confirms her spot in the top three you have to be very very blind if you’re

Snuffy or harca they were probably the top two players going into this they’re gonna have the biggest Targets on their back going into this last Council oh my gosh alfina with the win of her career unbelievable you love to see amazing work from alfina she has just confirmed a three thousand dollar payout

If not more oh my gosh oh my gosh do you need popcorn I need popcorn Bradley saw the popcorn and you know how he gets when he gets hungry oh yeah I don’t want to put my hand anywhere near that mouth oh yeah I’ll bite it right off that was insane alfina

Has secured a top three position uh who do you think’s going out now I mean it’s got to be Snuffy or Harker right they’re the top two competitors yeah I think it might be uh alfina and Hannah versus Snuffy and Aquatica they’re probably going to I feel like

Something hard though are trying to go for one of those other two and Ellie we got like two separate alliances here with two people each and it looks like uh I don’t know I could go either way we might see like a stuffy might actually betray Argon

That’s what I would do yeah that would be the smart Mill would grab alfina and Hannah and just say hey come with me and let’s vote him out I don’t know but how do you separate them now this is so awkward they might knowing them they might just not say anything

By technicality did you have to put her down yes you did so it was fruit that would have [ __ ] me wait sorry wait then one’s really close at the end there it was it was it was a huge win for alfina that makes it think if Harker

Didn’t mess up the original order maybe she would have won that one I’m not too sure but nonetheless an amazing win by alfino yeah that messed up at the beginning really cost her a lot of time oh man Chad pointed out that if harica gets voted out the shojo’s out of the

Finals yeah last remember that would be spicy that’s a good idea jeez well I also read in chat too that the best Stratford alfina is to leave both Snuffy and harca to split the V Shoujo friendship votes you know Snuffy is V Shoujo adjacent a lot of friends could could split the

Vote there Um oh the timing that was amazing are you okay snuff hurts you slapped you are you okay he’s literally like the ghost of a dead friend here I’ll give you a healing kiss [ __ ] [ __ ] bird I hate it wait Bert can you write Oh bird kid oh my God broken right burp can you place a sign down and write to us can you use this sign to talk oh yeah can you type on that side puppy actually cool stuffy it’s not fruit I love you yeah all right do you want to apologize to

Burp no all right that’s kind of [ __ ] up oh he said yes dude this is oh my god well this is the final Council lifetimes and we’re discovering the bird is sentient instead of any sort of strategizing or backstabbing we’re talking to a bird I really think they’re just gonna wing

It I I don’t think they’re going to say anything about who they’re going to vote for I think they’re probably too nervous yeah the bird will probably tell them to wing it yeah he posts it or or seven TV or BT TV any of those that count too oh people said people

Said that’s a good one Christmas hat on the paper there’s enough Hugo she’s over there I think everybody stretch oh Snuffy is off on an Alone song oh yeah I think stuff is going on for awesome to hope that someone will come over there and she can convince them to

Vote oh smart smart she almost got it she just has to hang back a little more that that’s a risky strike because if she wanders off and no one comes out after her then they could just pick him up oh true you kind of don’t want to leave anyone alone you

Know they just get done talking with the bird like ah the bird’s grape so we’re all voting for stuffy right so all right Snuffy’s kind of opening herself up to be backstabbed right here they could maybe just do a quick little whisper fun for Snuffy right yeah okay and

That’s it that’s all it takes she could be banking on them just still playing around with the bird that is probably a smart gamble I wonder what they’re saying what do I do I you know what I started this I put it all into her head

She was only listening to me and I I started this I I resent my own creation you know what I mean holy [ __ ] like a proper confessional that was beautiful she I mean if Snuffy still has influence over harka I feel like it wouldn’t be that hard to go after Hannah

You know I would send a quick DM to Harker and be like yo let’s just ride this out me and you let’s vote out Hannah nothing he’s our song look at him she was talking to them let’s see what these girls are talking about oh I never made

It to idle jump puzzle today Snuffy and Hannah are talking oh make it over LOL Burpa nowhere there was a jump puzzle okay [Laughter] I’ll use the certified lifeguard okay Snuffy and Hannah be trying to get noon yeah I mean she just needs two votes uh

Alfina is a wild card who knows who she’s gonna vote for but as long as Snuffy has one other person to vote for her she’s safe she’s safe her son didn’t go to college he’s a lifeguard yeah give him a better chance or Harker could be teaming up with

Hannah and go for Snuffy I mean Snuffy is from Ohio they could get the Swing Vote there honestly the worst things nothing can do right now is antagonize this bird that will the other three will vote her out on principle that’s actually very true I’m not seeing any strategizing here I

Mean this is a this is a huge opportunity you just say one word I’m voting for this person one quick message that’s all it takes can I ask who is your top streamer of the year can I ask oh [ __ ] is that too you better say nanners

Cancel so soon you want to come with the council man oh is that Calvin hey boy he went on maybe Calvin said Win longest yeah we did the play time such a great guy friends the people the people who Snuffy’s on her Joker completely on the hinged no strategizing

Here I mean guys this is ten thousand dollars [ __ ] up it’s [ __ ] up and I admit it I would be oh my God you know what I would do for ten thousand dollars I don’t even think I can say it on Twitch rivals you can eat a Klondike bar you need some

Trouble Klondike bar I didn’t even know there was I’d eat a lot more than a Klondike bar oh no Minecraft is a job he’s talking about his vegetables it’s just a freaking always one specific vegetable okay blocks wait all right so Camp life is over I’m almost out of popcorn

Chad if you’re not following already I mean it’s what it’s free like this shows the show is not worth no money like just just just hit the follow button and then you can get these cool emotes it’ll be great it’ll be wonderful neander’s you got your corn okay release popcorn

I’m not done yet you need to get a can of soda next to it make some pop um uh you’re gonna combine if you combine TWR fire and TWR water you might be able to make popcorn here folks uh just make sure you hit the follow button

So you can get all these emotes the final Council of the day is next don’t go anywhere we’ll be right back the big win that secured alfina with the shield in our Big Field of what is gonna happen also what is going on with you two uh I got clothes I got popcorn

It’s corn Pig lumpy nuts he’s got the juice all right folks if you haven’t got your popcorn I know what you’re doing right now or gotten your your top musical Act of 2001 um folks it’s time for the final Council of the day this is it folks we’re going down to

Naomi last time for the players to decide who is left to determine the top three All right rights team chaos just four people remain this is of course the big one you made it to the last Council are we excited or what yeah no no nervous maybe a little nervous yeah yeah well uh you guys know how this is going to go we’re gonna finally find out

Who will be crowned the longest a liver and we know alfina you’re safe you cannot be voted in this next voting round I do have some questions for Hannah you shocked our casters uh after you survived a couple rounds ago um are you confident that you’ll make it

Through to the panel portion of this Council I cannot say that I am confident but I can say that I have tried my best and I may or may not have been compared to Jack Sparrow and that’s okay because he’s he’s a fan favorite you know but I

Will say if I do make it I will be happy to see everybody again and I’m excited to either way I’m excited to see what they say uh but return the returning a lot well not live Earth but the people who are the final final round here we’re going

Into another question Haruka some confusion there on the last challenge costume safety make your case right now if you can if you feel like you can do that why why you deserve to stick around and not someone else well I may have gone crazy talking to a seagull which I

Swear he is Ascent verb verb this is my son he’s the very same team I want to win this so I can res you know so I can help my son like God of this island um yeah see look he’s so happy look at him see I’m doing this for him all right

Well now it is time to uh play any safety Idols or advantages that you have in your possession this is literally the last chance for you to use them if you got him so time to play them now we’ll do a quick little countdown for that herb do you have the totem

Do you have the idol why did we let her bring it in here [Laughter] I feel like I’m in an Olive Garden he does what he wants he may be listen I’m the seat of life and burp it’s just my familiar you know so I just recruited them can’t enough

Voting is open 60 seconds on the clock your last chance to vote here let’s go Haruka Snuffy and I talked about Hannah I I think that’s what they’re all gonna do and I feel really bad Crazy so crazy you guys are crazy one crazy decision keep the clock everyone’s voted it’s time to tally up to see who won’t make it through to the panel section even if I had another inkling I still don’t know what I would do [Laughter] quickly sacrifice

Well it depends if I if I survive this road you are going all right with one vote Haruka with three votes and the person eliminated from longest alive or is Hannah it’s because I have negative three Karma on Reddit isn’t it that’s what it is he posted forever forever team fire forever

Love you so much go forth go forth Fight Win I’m gonna say bite of burp before no matter what we win together five verbs who goes on to win And Hannah is the last streamer eliminated from longest alive or we have our top three the thing is Hannah’s not done for the day immediately things turn the tables here in the end everybody who has been eliminated since the swap is a member of our panel and they will decide

Who is the longest Survivor yeah the the ghosts of the Fallen are joining us today and we will see uh how they will slay things because all the people here I think they made quite a few enemies going through each of the eliminations so far I guess the the question then becomes

Who’s voting for who yeah it’s it’s really tough here because alfina is kind of almost like the underdog you know she’s horica and Snuffy were very very good friends before all this uh so they might they might yeah you made it this far you’re still a winner in some cases uh how do

You feel about your experience like how do you feel that you made it this far were you expecting to get so far into the competition well Eileen’s back on wall pushes up glasses smirks they’re scared of me I know it I was the best player I clearly won all the mini games

Um but for real I I kind of expected it but I I don’t have any hard feelings I don’t have any hard feelings at all uh it was really fun and uh neander’s I hope you remember that the crinklers meet on Tuesday and thank you very much

For having me and I hope to get invited again all right well you will be in the panel later so don’t you’re not saying goodbye quite yet um any final thoughts before going into the panel um I don’t really know I think I think it’s up to fate now but we’ll see

Perfect words to end thank you everybody of course all right guys that was Hannah we’re heading in Back to the casters before we head into the big finale okay and now we have our top three Snuffy alfine and Haru will be one of them will be the winner of longest alive or

Um also did did you need that reminder for that meeting neon oh yeah I I added it to my Google Calendar yeah big shout out to Hannah I love her huge hat she played amazingly and she’s a fellow wrinkler so I’m glad I’m glad it’s good

Good to start so so now everybody who has been um who has been eliminated since the swap is eligible to be on our panel obviously a few of them probably not going to show up because streamers don’t wake up at all the times I’ve been talking to the admins in the back I’ve

Guaranteed or we’re pretty confident that we’ll see Mouse Rose uh clamps tobs CPK and Absentia top CPK and sorry I think are all going to be voting but they’re not gonna be here um and then Hannah obviously there’s three people they can vote for who do we think is is got the favorites

Here who who’s voting for who ah like I was saying earlier I I think alfino might be able to pull off some crazy Victory uh she’s not uh like I said Snuffy and Harker are really great friends people might think well I can’t decide between Haruka Snuffy I’m just

Gonna go for the wild card and go for alfina she might be able to pull it off okay I just want to draw a line maybe maybe maybe Mouse will vote for Alfie folks we gotta go to break we don’t have time to do the rest of this as much as I wanted

To we’re gonna quick break we’ll be we come back we’ll talk to one of the people who’s in the top there and then get over to the panel the big conclusions right around the corner don’t go anywhere this is it this is this is where we’re finally here Nan I

Can’t believe that this is actually happening like the last few days I have gone by In The Bleak of an eye and so much has happened it’s been a crazy ride and I I can’t wait to see you walks home with that 10K today I mean we

Can take a look here I think this is a if you guys have just now joined us you’re wondering how we got to this point there have been so many eliminations many of which filled with tons of drama let’s take a look and the next player being voted off is

Is that right yeah I knew it Clemson so good giga wait what it’s billion tabletop oh it’s so sad yeah yeah yeah yeah I know you guys voted me out sleepy ah this was a shock oh oh Rose Doodles oh man what what hey Hannah I had a real it’s because I have

Negative three Karma on Reddit isn’t it that’s what it is all of these players you could feel the emotion in their hearts some of them are hiding behind a fake oh it’s okay I don’t mind you know it’s gonna be all right I knew it was gonna be me but you

Know they wanted to win and now Ethel they’re coming back and they can come back with a vengeance they could come back with with happiness in their heart we don’t know but one of them they are as a group going to pick the winner the longest alive ever yeah that’s right

Honestly I I love the way that the game was played uh with a game like this you’re always a little bit scared that friends might stick with friends I don’t want to vote for them because I love them so much we didn’t see that and thank God we didn’t chaos Reigns blood

Is raining from the skies and we are here to witness it this has been an amazing competition it’s anyone’s game and let’s see who they decide here’s a list of all the people who have been eliminated and I think this I just trying to remember back on like who got

Eliminated where who would possibly vote for who it feels I feel very blind right now in the end I feel like I have no idea what’s about to happen yeah it honestly could end in any way like I said I couldn’t be happier with this outcome

I I love watching the the blood fall and yeah all the people who are returning on the panel will they hold a grudge in their hearts and will that affect you know who they’re gonna vote for I’m looking forward to seeing it there’s one key member of this panel that I

Think is really important to highlight and that’s Mouse yeah Mouse has a way of working the room right ethyl and that’s right this is going to be a discussion we could see Mouse rallying votes especially for Haru for you know another visojo member here yep this does Haru

Have an advantage you think uh I definitely definitely everyone loves harka I have never met one person who doesn’t love harka I would love to see Harley Quinn uh it’s gonna be tough to beat her and I think if you have Mouse’s backing too it’s gonna make it even tougher but

Haruka backstabbed Mouse I think we’re all forgetting this guys oh and Snuffy backstab Mouse turned her around ripped a solid steel knife right in her back and pulled out her heart now his Mouse get the type to hold a grudge I don’t know she’s Satan you tell me I don’t

Know I could see Mouse voting for alfina oh you make a good point there yeah Haruka was uh instrumental in getting rid of Mouse’s right-hand woman Rose doodle which caused me the complete like demolition of her her Mafia that she worked so hard to build up

I think that we could see Rose going with mouse too so that’d be two or else you know if you’re there what about our boy Clems what about Clemson wow where does Clems go how did he get eliminated like what was that vote like it was kind of just a majority thing I

Don’t think he has any stake in any of these these final three he might just be swayed now does our final panel do they get to discuss with each other before they vote I believe so I believe there will be um some speeches there will be uh some some

Deliberation I feel like we could see tops with Snuffy Maybe um you think I I could see Todd maybe going for the for the under Indie uh V tuber Underdog Indie uh you know Fina I think that could be you know maybe some camaraderie around there uh it’s really really tough to call

What about Hannah Hannah just got eliminated now she has to turn around to the players that eliminated her and vote for one of them to be the winner what do you think babe she might have to think back like throughout the competition like who is on her side and

Who backstabbed her the hardest who is among those three I’m wondering what’s that Snuffy where’s it you’re trying to remember all the stories but like you you best rest assured Hannah remembers all the people that backstabbed her so well they won’t have any problem ironing that out as it moves

Forward here also can the bird win production can can they vote oh please no like I’m getting where the bird cannot win bird cannot win okay all right that’s fine yeah I I think this might be the most opportune situation for alfina to be in because Snuffy and

Hark are such great friends I think it might actually split the vote and people will just be like I don’t know who and just default to alfina I wouldn’t be surprised you know in here that’s so crazy you know it’s it’s funny because I was sitting there bless her heart when we

Were playing the team based challenges I was like alfine is going to be short for this world there’s no way she’s making it out of there and somehow she avoided the elimination of the team rounds where you needed your team to carry and now the underdog play all the way up you

Heard her in the interview saying like I just flew into the radar and then she Snipes she’s snipe safety in the final round it was incredible and now here she is that’s right and I want to remind you guys I believe she was voted by twitch chat as the dumbest player dumbest

Competition and she might win it she won the one game that was the most important and which one is that that’s the last one to get safety and move on to the final three look who’s dumb now I can’t believe it I can’t believe it the winner of longest alive ever voted dumbest

Player by twitch chat selfina how about how I can Naomi if you’re listening if that happens you gotta say it that way because it’d be so funny yeah that’s right what a situation we’re in here we’ll see CPK it sounds like uh again there’s some players you know the players that have

Been across all the day they are welcome to be a part of the panel but obviously some of them have obligations now that they’re not here um we haven’t heard from sleepy I believe uh or rubber Ross but we have heard uh the CPK will be voting uh and absentially won’t be in

Obviously he’s feeling sick but he can you know he can pull up Discord and send a message of course the one fleshy do we feel like he’s gotten the legions towards one of these three oh what do you think what do you think I think he hit it off pretty well with a

Heart attack because harka as he said like she gets along with everyone like fleshy and Vita were alike so she might be a favorite of his that’s a good point that’s a good point and it makes you wonder too how the trajectory of the game would have been

Changed if CPK was there because he was he was in that sort of Alliance that you saw with Hannah and alfina so I feel like the game could have went in a completely different way I honestly think it would have been an easier game for Mouse uh because they would have had

Uh with more numbers against you I feel like rose and Snuffy and harca would have been more scared and probably would have stuck together and voted all of them off um so I a lot of a lot of weird changes to the game as for who he’s gonna vote for

Um I’m not too sure maybe Haruka it’s a tough call I don’t know how flesh people think I really don’t I can’t make my brain ER it’s got the bird oh geek is up there so giga’s here there’s monkey man for but I mean I think internally and indebted to

Haruka I would be surprised if Giga doesn’t vote for harka oh that’s sleepy sleepy is here oh sleepy is definitely gonna side with snow for you okay yeah yeah he bass boosted Snuffy twice to 300 if you guys forgot and they won the challenge together too yeah okay but Haru is

Making the like the sky pull on the emotional strings by bringing her cute child that’s right it’s like you know the guy or the girl or whatever takes the dog to the dog park oh exactly nice to meet you oh is that your dog yeah it sure is oh

Great to meet you let’s go out sometime do an apology video on YouTube you know I mean why did you have a dog with me you know about that play yeah yeah it’s pretty good for sympathy points yes yes yes oh Stuffy’s got the sunglasses on oh is

This an indication that her future is too bright I just have to find out I’ve never heard uh uh Queens We Will Rock You sung as a funeral dirge there all those folks so they’re still waiting to get all the players in so we can get as big of a

Panel as possible I believe we are ready now cool so it is time for the panel it’s time to find out who the longest alive or is strap in chat let’s get down to Naomi all right welcome to the final stage of niana’s longest Survivor you made it to

The final stage uh your fate in just a few moments will be decided by the panelists behind you um I’m gonna open the floor up to speeches I’ll start with you alfina if you’d like to stake your claim stop talk to your fellow panelists and give a

Speech this is your last chance to do so I am not good at speeches I like I’m sitting here and I feel like I’m in court and Chad is telling me to plead Insanity um I I’m I’m I’m just really really happy that I made it this far I didn’t think I

Could make it this far and honestly I went in here just like really hyped to meet all these amazing people like every single one of you even the ones that are not here today like I’m just really really happy and and proud to just be here and yeah I

I I don’t have anything to say to like stake my claim and try to have you guys like you know root for me or anything but I’m just really happy to be here no matter what win or lose I’m I’m happy to have met every single one of you so yeah

That’s that’s my speech thank you perfect and you pass it on to Snuffy what about your uh what do you have to say to the panelists here behind you it is your chance to say some final thoughts all right what’s up panelists many of you and I have spoken today this weekend many

Occasions I think I’ve made a lasting relationship with almost every single participant here and I think that’s worth mentioning everybody here we’ve come to know each other I worked hard we all played a tough game but honestly I played real hard I played my cards right everything was smart everything was calculated I

Sweated for this I bled tears for this I bled regular blood drops for this it worked really really hard now everybody else they played a tough game too I’m very proud of them they’re all hard working but you know what they’re Loki a bunch of pansies so

You know I think I have really big balls and that’s really worth something here because it’s kind of a rarity um complimentary they’re flowers and they smell really nice Haruka literally is like covered in flowers so it’s like it’s like on it’s on it’s on brand

Anyway so yeah so like uh yeah I worked really hard for this you guys please please please please I’m begging you I’m really like I’m gonna like I’m really like okay all right with that Haruka it is your turn now if you want to speak to the panelists

Let them know what you’re thinking and try to convince them to get you to win oh God I’ll keep her push me luck um I’m also pleading for Insanity I’m not very good at speeches but I just wanted to say the thank you to I I’m just really happy to hang out with

Everybody it was been really fun I didn’t think I would get this far I thought I would die in every round so to be here really it means a lot to me um I don’t know if win or lose I’m just really happy to be here and meet so many

New faces like sleepy and then hanging with Hannah and then meeting Alf and then hanging with old friends and also Clancy as well and so many new people and it’s just been a really fun experience you know just lots of this is a very good memory that I’ll take burp

And I will take them hopefully if we leave this island but yeah this was really fun and I love you guys um just this has been really fun and thank you for including me on something like this so I love you I’m bad at speechless but what win or lose I’m just

Really happy to be here and I appreciate you guys all right with that I would like to pass it on to the panelists uh starting with clemsy you can ask any one of our final remaining contestants uh any questions or thoughts that you want to share whoever you want go ahead maybe

In chat you can share something yeah because we can’t hear Hello clumsy says I can’t speak right now apparently oh no this is from clumsy here but maybe you can share some final thoughts in one or two sentences nothing too I just wanted to say

This has meant a lot maybe if we bring them back to life oh that was sleepy actually sleepy get out of chat since he’s here but does not have is currently muted all right uh let’s go on then to Giga Giga any thoughts you have two minutes you can speak to any

One of our finalists here I sadly can’t hear you also can’t not hear Giga I also cannot hear Giga I don’t think we can hear the dead people yeah it’s probably because they’re dead yeah it’s all good giga’s just gonna dance for us nice all right

And tell no Tales you thought it was a pirate saying but there’s violence no we’re gonna have to surgically put their tongues back in because actually we didn’t think this through we I was actually the one me and Bradley we took their tongues out oh I forgot that they’re gonna have to come

Back and talk so while we do that yeah I’m a little sad because I was kind of like stringing the tongues together to decorate my Christmas tree this year and I’m gonna have to take those all down now yep I know they look good they look

Good but we gotta give it back David just for a few minutes it’s not gonna have them back when they’re done when they’re done talking yeah yeah we’ll take them back yeah of course all right all right cool cool cool I don’t even know about this okay

Um yeah okay if you’re just walking into the room as you’re as a neutral party you heard those three speeches who uh who who won I didn’t turn my brain neutral like my my brain is in drive right now and I I can’t like separate myself from all my memories with like

The people that I know the most but as a neutral party I will say like alfina like her Underdog victory was very inspiring and I would be very moved by that I’m gonna disagree with you babe I thought it was [ __ ] can I say that here what you certainly can I thought it

Was [ __ ] oh I’m happy to be here a Harker did the same thing oh I’m happy to be here no you want ten thousand dollars we’re Cutthroat I think Snuffy’s the only one who played into the game in that final speech she set out her game

Plan she she broke all the rules it was calculated Snuffy to me is the number one winner all the other speeches oh I’ll take it you don’t have to pick me if you don’t want [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what you make a pretty good point there like first Impressions uh yeah

Both of those like they’re pretty you know kind of weak like just like oh yeah thanks thanks everybody but like stuffy went in for the kill and she’s really carrying that like ruthless energy that she’s been displaying today into the the jury I think overall Snuffy played a really

Great game so I I I I I really respect her her final speech for sure um you know we’ll we’ll see is anyone gonna fall for uh the other speeches I’m not sure we’ll just have to see I think Snuffy probably played the best game we’ll see folks we’ll see we’re gonna go

To a quick break while they figure out how to put the tongues back in the mouths of the dead people when we come back we’ll hear some speeches and then get that final vote don’t go anywhere folks it’s time it’s time they got the tongues back in the mouths it’s time to

Get down to the panel so that they can make the speeches Bob can’t win chatting maybe win next time I believe someone should so there’s burbs to start streaming as far as I’m concerned it absolutely does folks all right we are ready I hope you guys are ready it’s

Time to try this for a second time the panel has formed we’ve heard speeches from the contestants it’s time to hear it from the eliminated Players let’s get down for Naomi and the council all right we are back the final panel the final portion of our great Endeavor is here finally we

Have fixed the audio issues the unalived have been alive again we’re gonna throw it to our panelists we’ll start with clamps clamps if you cannot come on up here oh boy okay share some thoughts ask some questions to the remaining contestants anything you’d like you have two minutes all right

Let’s go uh I guess I’ll start with what I was saying in text this has been a really really great memory for me um I wasn’t expecting to get as far as I did honestly and I think uh what’s really difficult for me right now is that I

Feel like every single person who is up here deserves to win um I mean that genuinely as well not just some like you know sappy thing um also when the whole thing wasn’t working there with the uh with the speech running a very bad memory I had

Just this week where I fell asleep in court that is not a joke um that happens foreshadowing it was it was incredibly embarrassing and I thought the same thing was gonna happen now so it was very very it was unfortunate but anyways uh sorry I’m getting distracted so what uh can we can

We talk about like who we want to vote and stuff uh you can ask questions and share anyone share any thoughts and yeah if you want to share your strategy here’s the problem I feel like uh I’ve got to cause a bit of drama but

At this point in my in my life I feel no Venom in my body yeah just uh more than anything I think ah it’s it’s so tough man like 45 seconds left 45 seconds oh man okay uh if I have to cause drama uh [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you especially

You guys in the jury uh absolutely [ __ ] you now I have that now I have the stage I I can say I can say whatever I am nah you guys are so good okay you got 20 seconds left 20 seconds [ __ ] oh [ __ ] uh okay I gotta start more drama all right

Oh man I can’t do it I can’t do it we love you crazy I love you guys too and this is Memphis I love you thank you so much big kisses mwah all right nailed it yeah let’s have you up here for two minutes you could do anything you’d like in terms of

Questioning the remitting contestants so as you choose sharing some ideas some insights some advice go ahead I don’t have permission to speak yeah we hear you we do hear you oh okay they turned it on yes I saw the thing all right I have one question for

Each of you uh we’ll start with Haruka hi uh out of everyone here who least deserves to win uh me you yeah why because I think Alf deserves the win so it is Snuffy for me I’m just here for the experience right I’m I have my birth

I’m really happy you know it’d be cool to win right but I want to see my friends with being nice who do you think Lee deserves to win Um police deserves it yeah why Uh too nice good answer I like that okay uh Snuffy if you won uh what would your first tweet be epic what would you tweet 45 seconds left on the clock uh why are you asking me why are you no no that’s my tweet that’s my tweet why okay what would you

Tweet if you want a picture of my burp okay and lastly to all three of you do you pledge your Eternal loyalty to the Church of gigas Christ opher loyalty yeah I’m on the financial support team I I have I have stocks in the church thank you thank you for your

Tithing time everyone thank you bye-bye guys this is not the time to be nice your head is on the chopping blocks we can be nice thank you nice all right we’re going to sleepy you know the drill two minutes oh we’re waiting for sleepy hold on I guess you could say he’s sleepy

He’s sleeping maybe clumps was right maybe he was dreaming about sleepy yeah he’s older oh they’re sleepy I’m getting right into it we’re turning the time front foot one question open answers to any of you what’s my cut if I vote you what what’s my cut if I vote you to win

The 50 tip you gave me for saving your life you can have it back all right any other answers We got money on the line I know but like I’m giving you your money back I bet all right last question Snuffy do you attest to your sins during the event I did nothing wrong with you those that you wronged those that do you apologize to them

I told people I told people when I when where I went wrong and why and I was always honest with it respect then same question to you question test to your sins and those that you wronged that may spite you on the jury yes I I feel bad like I felt genuinely

Bad every single time I I wronged somebody like I I like for real do you have any names uh yes literally every single one that I voted for understandable last question to you as well same question yep there yeah good question do you doesn’t matter I know but listen you can

Still do the same thing I didn’t do anybody wrong oh sure but I also tested I was affordable I was a part of alliances I was just a drama queen 15 seconds I was a drama queen I was in every Alliance okay fine you know

I also test my sin so bad that’s why I have an emotional support burp I’m going crazy but you spin the bird before I die before I die spin the bird spin the bird thank you I know I know it’s I know pressuring is awful but you did it hello

Oh hello testing testing is this working yes we can hear you well yeah I have the same questions for everybody someone asked about who you think Lee deserves to win but I want to know aside from yourself who you think deserves to win and why starting with Snuffy going to

The other side not me I definitely think Alf she’s the underdog from the start and I was always rooting for her we were together from day one she’s an epic team leader and she’s also very good at the game yeah um I mean it’s really hard because like I I

Believe that both Haruka and Snuffy deserve it deserve it especially since Snuffy told me she she owes money now I feel really bad and it was the truth it wasn’t the truth truth no it was it was okay well yeah I think so Snuffy doesn’t make my car it’s not a joke

I think both of the girls deserve the win I also want elf to deserve the win because she’s worked her hard here and and you know we’re all underdogs together right yeah yeah cute my next question for everyone again starting with Haruka this time how many

Times did your chat help you in this in this game 45 seconds I made sure to turn off emote mode and I and it was on I made sure to avoid it completely and I told them to never tell me anything yep same for me I asked my mods to turn

On emote only mode uh and uh well looking at chat stressed me out more than anything so I barely looked at it during challenges gotcha it’s not 20 seconds Chad never knows what they’re talking about they’ve got no [ __ ] clue they’re not funny I never look at them anyway uh yeah I understand

Thank you I have no further questions thank you Rose noodle all right we’ll take it to iron Mouse iron Mouse if you can come up on the podium we will have you speak to the finalists let’s see what you have to say well well well look

At all these traitors in front of me yeah but you know what I have to hand it to you the wonderful game and I just have to say even though you all backstabbed me yeah I’m proud of you guys yeah my question to you is out of everybody who played in the game

Who do you think you’re better than the whole time what did you not see as a threat to everybody sleepy Jesus I open up uh I genuinely I I don’t play Minecraft so what I was the one that was the least threat so seriously I don’t know I do

Play a lot of Minecraft but I mean I think I didn’t win a lot of mini games uh I don’t really have any more questions questions that’s all I wanted to say oh good thanks iron Mouse we’re gonna take it to our last panelist here Hannah

Hello yes hi hello all three of you hello hi and also hello burb I just wanted to say firstly the same thing as the mousey you played a wonderful game and there is no shame up in this game however I will be asking you all the same question

Um first I’m going to go to Haruka who do you think should have gone home earlier but did not if I’m truthful I I was thinking every single time the council was happening I told Chad and friends this I legit thought I was gonna be sent home last

Like the first one gonna be eliminated genuinely be because I am a social wreck I don’t know what I’m doing I’m just vibing and I’m not very good at the Strategic stuff so I generally thought I was gonna be sick what about you what about you

Uh I I feel like like home earlier I genuinely feel like Haruka and I like um share the same brain cell like yeah what is it yeah give it to me Who herb you see this [ __ ] 45 seconds 45 who should have gone home earlier but they did not oh uh honestly yeah me me 100 and three questions but the last one goes directly to you Snuffy I just want to know [Applause] but I [ __ ] love you bro I I’m sorry I

Played you so [ __ ] hard dude I was so [ __ ] sorry you trusted me you trusted me so bad dude I’m so [ __ ] sorry dragons If I win you win if I win come on come on zero time thank you Hannah it was scary yeah all right okay uh yes I gotta say my heart’s pumping a little bit it was a little terrified uh the devil somehow teleported into Hannah’s body

Um okay so I will now give you guys the panelists 60 seconds because the timer for the boat the final vote here to decide who will be the winner is only 30 seconds so 60 seconds on the clock to think through your answer and to decide the fate of our finalists today

Our longest Survivor who will it be I’ll be the most iconic guys time to think burp do you think what do you think it’s All or Nothing dude team Snuffy 45 seconds yes love you too Haruka I’ll go tell Snuffy I’ll go tell Snuffy Snuffy Snuffy

Thank you I love her too tell her tell her we’ll start the vote oh [ __ ] I’m just gonna come over there actually wait wait I’m free she broke free the rules [ __ ] the rules this is this is what a winner does yeah 15 seconds to think through your answers

Who you will vote for got this 10 seconds I’m getting in here okay five four three two one all right voting is open you got 30 seconds to cast your vote all right come on look at me breaking boundaries you’re voting for the winner of the whole thing keep that in mind

Haruka and Albert are they’re really cute you guys they’re really cute you guys but like me I really I seriously need that money though that wasn’t a joke like like that’s it’s a good cause it’s not I I’m working for a good cause you know Robin Hood I’m like Robin Hood

You guys a [ __ ] Robin Hood you want some of the money when I win it with two votes alfina with three votes and in second place or Roku oh haruku which means our winner winner with five votes is Snuffy congratulations Snuffy you are the winner of Twitter congratulations [Applause] Good job Snappy you did it thanks thanks everybody thanks team team fire team fires team fire if you can hear me this is the first thing I’ve ever won probably all right congrats again Snappy we’re throwing it back to the casters final final thoughts oh [Applause]

I’m so proud of you bro you were ruthless out there you went in for the kill I could not be prouder I am just completely taken aback by that oh my God oh my God I mean she played the best game I I knew she had it in her she but

She pulled off the amazing backstab uh she probably had the best speech at the end she was my prediction today I thought she would win and lo and behold she did I I can’t believe it I’m so proud she probably played the best game up until the end amazing work dark

Bradley has worked his magic again um amazing amazing wow what a day what a series of actions you can see how much it meant to her it broke like the the model broke and everything she popped out of her chair she was she was feeling the hype on that one a ten thousand

Dollar victory for Snuffy and the celebrations from everybody else involved as well and thrilling stuff Snuffy congratulations and we’ll we’re gonna we’re gonna do our best to get Snuffy in here to talk uh get an interview uh on the show she’s the Naomi he’s been doing all of our interviews

Big big claps and shout outs to Naomi as well putting in on the island um we do hope we can get uh get Snuffy up here to talk to uh talk to to the two of you as well so what a day though what a day gosh it was a crazy finale

I’m just so proud she she was probably the most Cutthroat I mean mouse was very Cutthroat but was kind of ended up being a one-trick pony you know to relying too much on One Singular person Snuffy relied on Mouse then turned the tables on everyone went after alfina and Hannah amazing strategy

Um and and probably gave the best speech I’ve ever heard in longest Survivor history yeah to secure the factories amazing amazing run by Snuffy 100 deserved man the the longest alive or Community is going to be discussing this win for years this is this is Monumental folks

Let’s bring her in let’s talk to the winner the longest alive are here welcome Snuffy what’s up what’s good guys let’s hear it I wanna I wanna come to you I want to ask you about the moment before the votes were revealed when you when you

Didn’t know you had won you were sitting there what thoughts are running through your head as you’re as you’re waiting to find out if you’ve won uh I I just knew honestly I just knew I didn’t I didn’t really have a doubt it just kind of news like inevitable just

More time to pass before the uh the Big W ow that’s the confidence I love to hear Snuffy what are you gonna do that’s 10K big boys right there what are you gonna do uh well I told everybody it was for the IRS for the sympathy vote but uh

That’s going right into the bank dude Investments you know big Investments very very good choice though you’re still after me after all these years so I I know how you feel man uh yeah exactly so when you started pulling all those strings and like getting in there getting really Machiavellian and

Ruthless what was going through your head were you worried that you’re gonna create too many enemies uh absolutely yeah I just really had to just like cut my losses at the end there I really just thought like everybody knew what game I was playing right I pretty much I stabbed everybody in the

Back so like I wasn’t gonna try and convince them that it was like JK so I pretty much just rolled with it and owned up to it because yeah I don’t know I just figured that they you know I thought I was gonna get caught uh because I did multiple times but other

People had worse excuses thankfully so you know [Laughter] it’s been three intense days of action you’re finally here as the longest alive or any shout outs you want to make or or you know thanks thank yous you want to make here before we let you go the floor is yours

Uh thank you so much honestly man and athel for like setting this all up uh the the devs who worked on the Minecraft server and stuff like this has been one of the funnest events I’ve ever been uh proud of to be a part of it’s been like

An honor it’s been super fun super unique Super Creative everybody has been a huge like super super fun to participate uh you know everybody else was super awesome I definitely think that any viewers should uh check out everybody who participated because it was awesome thank you for playing and competing

Today congratulations again on the win and good luck of future twitch Rivals thank you dude so proud oh my gosh great job wow and that there she goes folks be going be sure to go check out Snuffy and give her some love and chat um if you get to

Twitch Prime it’s literally free like you could just just so it’s right there anyway you guys know the drill there folks and here we are it’s the end of the show and we know who we know who the little it’s nothing Out of like anyone there like she truly knew how to play Survivor and she wasn’t there to make friends and she is going home with 10K today and I love her so much she’s very talented be a Machiavellian but also a big shout out to like all the

Participants today they all they all played great but Sophie is the MVP the Envy pizza if you will look at the money yeah it feels super big for Snuffy there and she’s going to walk home with the ten thousand dollars everybody though walking home with at least some money in their pocket here

Um you see Hannah there only missing out on 500 by being the last player voted out and iron Mouse make it into our top five a very strong top five here Rachel yeah yeah absolutely uh you know it was kind of the top five I had predicted a

Little bit in my head I I knew some of those big players like malice and harca were gonna be there I’m just so proud of alfina and Hannah stepping into this it’s got to be so scary with mouse Harkins Snuffy they’re great friends in

Real life uh so to step in and make it to the top five a huge clap up to those guys they did amazing let’s take a look at the rest of the board everybody walking home with some even Dio who showed up played one event and then

Walked home uh deal gonna take 200 just for being here and you know it’s just this is such cool events twitch Rivals such a fun experience here in Anders you get to you get to uh stream and you know do your normal bits and donos and follows and is talking to the community

But also get to compete for a prize pool where you’re guaranteed cash out it’s a great opportunity for everybody yeah I’m so glad that like everyone so well it was so like fun and like so many twists and turns everyone did such an amazing job like the production all

The devs worked on the Minecraft stuff like that side of things and all the like Minecraft creators everyone like I I want to give a big round of applause to all those people and of course like thank you so much to everyone who played

It means a lot to me and I’m glad that everyone had such a good time because that’s above everything else that’s what I wanted I wanted it to be really fun and have everyone get super invested and yeah I got really invested along with everyone else it was it was so fun thank

You chat I wish you guys could have heard our reactions to the votes because obviously we’re there with Naomi and the council but we were freaking out in our calls every time the votes that went different directions I mean Ethel this was the first time casting first time on

Twitch Rivals I’m sorry that it’s kind of all downhill from here like this is about as good as it can get yeah well hopefully we can do another win of these in the future hopefully we can do a season two I think everybody had a great

Time great job like she said all the Minecraft devs did amazing the games were so fun there was so much Intrigue and drama and I think it’d be I mean kind of crazy not to have a season two am I right we gotta take the few things we learned

From this that honestly went really really smoothly for a first show here Nan uh I’ve we got to have another longest saliva yeah I’m hoping that we can because man like yeah for the first so this one did go like amazingly well and yeah I want to see more drums

Indeed indeed folks thank you so much for being here and chat thank you to our partners for making this show possible it’s been a great year of twitch Rivals this is the last show of the Year well we’ll be back in 2023 with more crazy action for me Ethel me and all the

Competitors thank you for watching have a safe holidays we’ll see you guys in 2023. thank you see you guys why wasn’t it I’m sprinting Rose Doodles oh man what what do you think is the most scariest Oh the chickens are cooking not even Da Vinci himself could figure out this yeah yes I did I did it yeah yay if it was my friend I commend her because she didn’t do it and I’m so proud of her deception burb we got this together you and me burb tccpk

Uh Rose and mousy Hannah I had a real it’s because I have negative three Karma on Reddit isn’t it like I’m just really really happy and and proud hell yeah just be here and yeah I bled tears for this I bled regular blood drops for this oh God okay bro wish me luck

Um I’m also pleading for Insanity I’m not very good at speeches which means our winner with five votes is Snuffy congratulations Snuffy you are the winner of Twisters well I told everybody it was for the IRS for the sympathy vote but uh that’s going right into the bank dude

Investments you know big Investments foreign I’m gonna like throw up from uh how exciting that was like I can’t even like process that that was crazy I am so happy I’m so happy that everything went so well everyone did such an amazing job big shout out to my co-host Ethel he did amazing and he’s a natural uh

Commentating and everything so I hope to see him get more uh opportunities like that in the future because he is just like he excels at that and he helped make the event so much more hype with all this uh really good commentary and yeah Big Sean also tell wave Punk uh for

Helping us with all that he was also a very good commentator and I was laughing so hard when he pulled out that popcorn it was a pleasure working with him would love to work together again and also a big shout out to Naomi for handling all the the on island interviews and

Everything she did a great job as well thank you so much Naomi thank you to uh everyone who organized this event and help me with it it was just like an amazing experience and I’m really thankful and I appreciate everyone’s hard work uh thank you to production the

Dot wave and to all the Minecraft creators and all the developers thank you so much I know that so many like months of hard work went into this and I I saw a little bit of the behind the scenes and everyone was so passionate about it everyone had a fun time working

On it and I’m really grateful to all those people so huge shout out to everyone who helped make this event happen thank you so much to Twitch Rivals especially thank you and thank you to all the participants everyone did a great job it was so fun watching everyone rooting for everybody

And yeah I really appreciate everyone taking like time out of their schedule I know it was like a pretty pretty girthy event like three days in a row you have to like carve out a lot of time and your busy schedule for that so all the people

Who who made it to this I I’m really really thankful and it was really it’s really great watching everyone like betray one another and of course like it’s just a game so hopefully there’s no hard feelings but yeah it was uh it was a spectacle for sure and I hope maybe

Someday that could be a season two and we could see some more some of my longest the library in the future but for now uh season one it went amazing and I’m so thankful that everyone got to watch it and have such a fun time well thank you raising Terry thank you so

Much to racing today for helping organize all this thank you so much they’re one of the people who helped make this happen thank you so much I’m glad you guys had a good time I’m so happy that was my main goal my main goal

Is to blow up and act like I don’t know nobody but uh yeah I I wanted I want everyone to have fun so I’m glad I’m so glad that everyone had fun thank you for watching longest Survivor goodbye everybody goodbye

This video, titled ‘Nyanners’ Longest Aliver (ft. Minecraft) – Day 3/FINALE’, was uploaded by Nyanners on 2022-12-17 15:00:25. It has garnered 17080 views and 669 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:05 or 9905 seconds.

We’ve reached the end, and someone is leaving this island with $10,000! Thank you to everyone who participated and made this event possible! ►WATCH LIVE: ►SUBSCRIBE: ►Full Stream VODs: ►Twitter: ►MERCH: ►Tiktok: ►Subreddit:

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  • Tri-Wood Tricks: Minecraft’s Triangular House Quick Fix

    Tri-Wood Tricks: Minecraft's Triangular House Quick Fix In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re building a house with triangular vibes. Wooden planks arranged in a unique way, Creating a structure that’s sure to stay. With each block placed, a story unfolds, A home for our character, brave and bold. In this virtual world, the possibilities are endless, With each design choice, our creativity transcends. So grab your tools and let’s get to work, Crafting a home that’s sure to perk, Up the spirits of all who pass by, In this Minecraft world, where dreams can fly high. Read More

  • Unbelievable Build!

    Unbelievable Build! Minecraft Madness: Exploring the World of Build Battle and Lucky Block Skywars Unleashing Creativity in Build Battle In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Players like 3omry_ on Twitch showcase their building skills in exciting challenges like Build Battle. In this fast-paced competition, participants have limited time to construct themed creations. From fire engines to intricate scenes, the possibilities are endless. The thrill of the clock ticking down adds an extra layer of excitement to the gameplay. Victory in Second Place Despite the pressure, 3omry_ and their team managed to secure second place in a recent Build… Read More

  • Town Center Construction Chaos

    Town Center Construction Chaos Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: Town Center Construction Begins Welcome to a daily Minecraft adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG (PowerChordGames) on YouTube. In this vanilla survival let’s play series, Solomon embarks on a journey to build, explore, and collect all 145 trophies available for the game on PS4/PS5. The twist? Natural regeneration is turned off, adding an extra layer of challenge to the gameplay. A Relaxing Escape Unlike many high-energy gaming channels, Solomon’s approach is refreshingly calm and laid-back. Each episode offers a chance for viewers to unwind, chat, and enjoy some relaxing gameplay. The… Read More

  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

    Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, A motor gang movie, a tale to be told. With Kare Kafa leading the way, Entertaining us all, every single day. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t be late, For Minecraft adventures, we can’t wait. Support is key, so don’t hesitate, Join the fun, let’s celebrate. Kare Kafa, the master of Minecraft lore, Bringing us joy, always wanting more. In Turkish, he shines bright, Entertaining us all, day and night. Let the game begin, the fun never ends, With Minecraft facts, and rhymes that blend. Kare Kafa, our favorite guide, In… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

    Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work! Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks with Unspeakable Unspeakable Minecraft Build Hacks have been taking the gaming world by storm, offering players innovative ways to create and customize their virtual worlds. From intricate structures to hidden passages, these hacks provide endless possibilities for Minecraft enthusiasts. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Build Hacks Unspeakable’s latest video showcases some of the most creative and mind-boggling build hacks in Minecraft. Players can now push the boundaries of their imagination and construct awe-inspiring creations that defy the limits of the game. Breaking New Ground with Minecraft 1.20 Build Hacks With the release of Minecraft 1.20, players… Read More

  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

    Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes The Diverse World of Minecraft Versions Explained In its 15-year history, Minecraft has seen dozens of different versions, allowing players on various platforms to unleash their creativity in this unique, blocky world. While many are familiar with editions like Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Pocket Edition, there are some truly peculiar versions out there. Have you heard of all of them? Exploring the Unusual Versions Aside from the well-known editions of Minecraft, there are some lesser-known versions that offer unique gameplay experiences. From educational versions used in schools to specialized editions for virtual reality, Minecraft has evolved beyond its… Read More

  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

    Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft Recreating the Star Wars Tatooine Cantina in Minecraft Are you a Star Wars fan looking to bring a piece of the galaxy far, far away into your Minecraft world? Look no further than this step-by-step tutorial on building the iconic Tatooine Cantina from Star Wars in Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, this project is sure to delight fans of both franchises. Getting Started To begin your Tatooine Cantina build, gather the necessary materials such as sandstone blocks, wooden planks, and glass panes. You’ll also want to choose a suitable location in your Minecraft world… Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update

    Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, rejoice! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, and with it comes a host of exciting new features and changes. One of the most significant updates is the overhaul of how Identifiers are defined, bringing a fresh perspective to the game’s mechanics. Additionally, enchanting has undergone substantial modifications, adding a new layer of depth to gameplay. Understanding Minecraft Update With the release of Minecraft 1.21, players are eager to delve into the world of Fabric modding. The Fabric mod loader has been updated to accommodate the latest version, offering developers… Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

    Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch Introduction The Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch has been making waves across all platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, MCPE, and PC. This glitch allows players to duplicate items in the game, providing them with an advantage in their gameplay. How It Works The Duplication Glitch is a fascinating exploit that players can use to their advantage. By following a specific set of steps, players can duplicate items in their inventory, giving them an edge in crafting and building within the game. Step-by-Step Tutorial The Hook: Players are drawn in by the allure of duplicating… Read More

  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

    Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft! Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock In the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock, the adventures never stop! PlodPlod, a dedicated player, recently embarked on some exciting new projects and challenges with the TB crew. Let’s dive into the action-packed episode! Automatic Sorting System PlodPlod showcased their engineering skills by creating an automatic sorting system for storage. This system not only streamlines the organization of items but also adds a touch of efficiency to the gameplay. With this setup, managing resources becomes a breeze, allowing for more time to focus on other exciting tasks. Triple Ender Dragon Battle One of the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – It’s time to mine!

    Minecraft Memes - It's time to mine!Score of 228? More like score of too late to be relevant! Read More

  • Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled

    Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled In this video, a new adventure unfurls, Starting my FIRST Minecraft survival world. Inspired by Technoblade, a legend in the game, His legacy lives on, forever the same. Crafting tools, building shelters, all in rhyme, Exploring caves, dodging creepers, every time. Gathering resources, mining for gold, In this blocky world, stories untold. So join me on this journey, comment for more, As we explore Minecraft, to its very core. Techoblade’s spirit guides us, never to fade, In this world of blocks, where memories are made. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy’s Farm

    Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy's Farm Descubra o mistério: Quem é o vilão na fazenda familiar Bem-vindo ao canal ‘Brincadeiras com Nickolboy Games e Jogos’! Prepare-se para uma jornada repleta de diversão, risadas e aventuras no mundo dos games. Além de explorar jogos incríveis, também compartilhamos brincadeiras divertidas que vão garantir momentos hilários. Acompanhe-nos em viagens emocionantes, descobrindo lugares incríveis enquanto mantemos o clima leve e descontraído. Se você busca entretenimento autêntico e uma mistura única de jogos, brincadeiras divertidas e viagens legais, você encontrou o seu lugar. Inscreva-se, junte-se à diversão e vamos jogar e explorar juntos! Minhas Redes: Instagram: @nickolboy Blogspot: Nickolboy Oficial… Read More

  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

    Uncovering Pharaoh's Curse in Minecraft The Curse of the Pharaoh: Searching for the Scattered End Eyes in Minecraft In the latest episode of the Minecraft series, our protagonist embarks on a quest to collect the scattered special eyes from around the world in order to journey to the End. Exploring the World The adventure begins as our hero sets out to locate these mystical End Eyes, each hidden in a different corner of the vast Minecraft universe. With determination and skill, they traverse diverse landscapes, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles along the way. Unraveling the Curse As the story unfolds, the curse of the… Read More

  • INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!

    INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!Video Information This video, titled ‘sub-Crystl PvP with the Motion Blur gameplay -(pojav launcher) #cpvp #pojavalauncher #minecraft’, was uploaded by NEAR25⚡ on 2024-05-20 16:12:41. It has garnered 40 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft pvp montage, minecraft hardcore, minecraft crystal pvp,minecraft shorts, #minecraft, minecraft pvp tips,minecraft sumo pvp,sumo pvp minecraft,cpvp, smooth minecraft pvp,minecraft combo, minecraft hacker, minecraft smp,minecraft pro, minecraft 1.20,minecraft mods, minecraft sumo, sumo minecraft, minecraft combo lock,minecraft combotage,egirl minecraft, minecraft video,minecraft short,best minecraft combosminecraft, minecraft pvp,minecraft shorts, minecraft god,minecraft memes, minecraft pvp tips,minecraft the boys, minecraft… Read More

  • Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFC

    Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft McDonalds vs. KFC Challenge 😂🍔 (WHICH RESTARAUNT IS BEST?!)’, was uploaded by PixelPals on 2024-02-27 18:30:41. It has garnered 74 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:56 or 476 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft fast food showdown! In this video, I’ll guide you through constructing iconic restaurants: McDonald’s and KFC. Whether you’re craving golden arches or finger-lickin’ chicken, these builds will satisfy your virtual hunger. ——————————🍔 VIDEO DETAILS 🍔—————————— SHADER: BSL RESOURCE PACKS: Default AUTHOR: PixelPals Shaders Configuration: (Post Process) = Bloom OFF ——————————⏰ TIMESTAMPS⏰ ——————————: 00:00 – Introduction: Let… Read More

  • SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeper

    SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper 😓😭 #minecraftcreeper #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Reedop Gaming on 2024-04-22 12:00:10. It has garnered 43219 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!

    EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft small building #build #small #explore #fun #tutorial’, was uploaded by VINU on 2024-05-21 17:19:50. It has garnered 550 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:25 or 325 seconds. Song: AXM – Sunlight Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: Song: Thomas Gresen – Elevate Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: #build #small #explore #fun #tutorial #funnylogic Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft SMP Server IP & Port! Join Now!” #Clickbait

    "Insane Minecraft SMP Server IP & Port! Join Now!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft New survival public smp ip and port 24/7 online server #video #minecraft #server #public’, was uploaded by Atifgamer on 2024-01-14 12:47:10. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Guys you guys always keep showing me this kind of support and please like, share and subscribe because I have to complete 1k subscribers as soon as possible. Read More

  • SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shorts

    SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Breed “With” Villagers 🤨 #shorts’, was uploaded by wige on 2024-02-26 09:00:41. It has garnered 493 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ✅ BE SURE TO LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!!! 🎥 Welcome to Wige’s Cinematic Minecraft Let’s Play Modded Survival Series called Spoils Of War. Let’s rediscover the joy of playing Minecraft together. Taking things slow and documenting every step I’ve taken within the world. 🤍 Check Out My Main Gaming Channel @wigemojo Hey! Any Feedback & Criticism is much appreciated and… Read More

  • Insane New Minecraft Gameplay You Won’t Believe!

    Insane New Minecraft Gameplay You Won't Believe!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft new video cool video’, was uploaded by Jasus Gamerz on 2024-01-16 01:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft new video cool video #minecraft #trending #viral #gameplay #jasus gamerz #gamergirl #gamestagram #video #winning … Read More

  • “Insane Blox Fruits Gameplay with JB! LIVE” #roblox

    "Insane Blox Fruits Gameplay with JB! LIVE" #robloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘Blox Fruits [Playing With JB] #live #roblox #bloxfruits’, was uploaded by RomeoGotGame on 2024-04-20 18:12:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Im RomeoGotGame But You Can Call Me Romeo & Im 12 Years Old & I Play Videogames Such As Sonic, FNAF, Minecraft, … Read More

  • Insane Piano Prodigy Teases Epic Minecraft Song!

    Insane Piano Prodigy Teases Epic Minecraft Song!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft song teaser!!!!’, was uploaded by Piano Kid on 2024-06-03 03:53:18. It has garnered 10 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Gaupa

    GaupaFactions server under development. Some of the stuff is not finish, but come and join and build your empire and be the strongest faction in this world PvP Just have fun 1.20.1 Read More

  • DQX Semi-vanilla SMP 1.20.4

    Welcome to DQX Online Community! DQX is a thriving online community that started in 2020 as a name for a DnD game and has evolved into a place for people to relax and play games. Key Features: Active staff members ready to assist Regular events like building and drawing contests Unique role system with perks Cozy spawn area created by staff Economy system for money, shops, and item selling Villager shops with a variety of items Player Market for buying protected areas Quality hosting for a smooth experience Bedrock integration for mobile/console players Discord server with EssentialsX integration Join Us… Read More

  • Crazy anarchy Minecraft server(1.10-1.21)

    Crazy anarchy Minecraft server(1.10-1.21)This is a anarchy Minecraft server but it crazy:/Join discord for more information server don’t have any anticheat but I will add anti fly and speed walk because it make the server run out of ram Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Speedrun to da crib

    Minecraft Memes - Speedrun to da cribJust call me the Usain Bolt of block-building! Read More

  • Minecraft Map Madness: Review #1 Unleashed!

    Minecraft Map Madness: Review #1 Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, a map review is due, For the anniversary, let’s see what’s new. Exploring the realms, with blocks and mobs, 15 years of crafting, no time for sobs. Asele’s channel, bringing the scoop, With a cloak in hand, ready to loop. Nerkin and Matzncraft, in the mix, Celebrating Minecraft, with tricks and kicks. An anniversary card, a creeper cloak, In the world of Minecraft, it’s no joke. Twitch streams and updates, all in sight, Minecraft’s 15 years, shining bright. So dive into the game, with joy and cheer, Minecraft’s anniversary, let’s all be near. Asele’s… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Viral Shorts Edition

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Viral Shorts Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #memes #viral #shorts 😂🎮 Read More

  • Sneaky City-Building Shenanigans

    Sneaky City-Building Shenanigans Embarking on the Journey of Building a City in Minecraft Survival Mode Welcome to the first episode of our Minecraft series, where we dive into the exciting world of building a city in survival mode. In this adventure, we will witness the challenges and triumphs of creating a bustling metropolis from scratch. Let’s explore the essential steps and strategies involved in this epic undertaking. Gathering Essential Resources One of the first tasks in building a city in Minecraft survival mode is gathering essential resources. From wood and stone to food and ores, every material plays a crucial role in… Read More


    INSANE MODDED MINECRAFT - EPIC CAVE CANNONS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cosy Modded Minecraft – Caves and Cannons’, was uploaded by Chris Deals Minecraft on 2024-03-09 02:27:12. It has garnered 346 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:03 or 1863 seconds. Epic Minecraft Adventure with Create Mod, Ars Nouveau, and Cave Exploration! Watch as I harness the power of Create Mod to construct a stunning house, utilizing its intricate mechanics for ultimate creativity! But that’s not all – dive deep into the magical world of Ars Nouveau as I craft mystical spell books, unlocking ancient powers to aid in my quest! Then,… Read More

  • TERROR SHOWDOWN: Marvelous vs Superstar in Minecraft!

    TERROR SHOWDOWN: Marvelous vs Superstar in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘All Creepy SUPERHEROES vs MIKEY and JJ ESCAPING Underground ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-06-04 17:00:29. It has garnered 13315 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:09 or 1809 seconds. All Creepy SUPERHEROES vs MIKEY and JJ ESCAPING Underground at 3:00AM ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to… Read More

  • “Dronio’s EPIC Love Story in Minecraft – FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!” #MinecraftLove

    "Dronio's EPIC Love Story in Minecraft - FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!" #MinecraftLoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Любовь в Minecraft – алмаз: красива, неповторима. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-09 12:30:10. It has garnered 1317 views and 144 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More

  • “EPIC FAIL in Minecraft – DARK Gaming Gone Wrong!” #clickbait

    "EPIC FAIL in Minecraft - DARK Gaming Gone Wrong!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wrong Turn #zocken #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #spielen #dunkel #gameplay #game #funny #fun’, was uploaded by R&R Production on 2024-01-10 15:36:22. It has garnered 99 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate WinterMap Server Madness #916star!

    Ultimate WinterMap Server Madness #916star!Video Information This video, titled ‘WinterMap Minecraft Server #916star #minecraft’, was uploaded by Timself on 2024-01-11 14:46:12. It has garnered 112 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. TLX Network: ➞ ➞ Founder: Lexo und Timself WINTERMAP: ➞ IP: ➞ Version: 1.20 – 1.20.4 ➞ Discord: GamingEcke: ➞ ➞ I thank everyone for your subscriptions and your support! Read More

  • EPIC Dream Minecraft TikTok Video! #Shorts

    EPIC Dream Minecraft TikTok Video! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft viral tik tok video dream on #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MR More07 on 2024-03-02 11:30:02. It has garnered 461 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Mr More07 ============================== Instagram➡ Facebook➡ ============================== Please like the video Please subscribe the channel Share the video for your friends ============================== Thanks For Watching ============================= #shorts #minecraft #mrmore07 minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house, minecraft music, minecraft civilization, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft 1.20, minecraft mods, minecraft survival, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Bestie! 🤯

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with Bestie! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with Besto Frendso :)’, was uploaded by Sarang Ram on 2024-03-28 20:57:38. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:29 or 9809 seconds. Thanks for joining in. Valorant grind later tonight. Stick around if you like the content. Leave a like and Subscribe as well. Thank yaaa. Read More

  • “Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯” #shizo #clickbait

    "Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯" #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Golden Apple VS Minecraft Foods #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Not Royalblade on 2024-06-13 10:35:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Golden Apple VS Minecraft Foods #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #viral video minecraft in tangent minecraft … Read More

  • 💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥

    💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Toph033 Talks Racing To 100 Kills In Sky Battle | InsideMC 107’, was uploaded by InsideMC on 2024-05-22 15:00:10. It has garnered 323 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:20 or 3320 seconds. In the 107th edition of the Inside Minecraft Podcast and thirty-sixth edition of MidweekMC, Orbitzz & AJX sit down with Toph033! Someone who is amazing at Minecraft, someone who places very high in tournaments, someone who is good at speedrunning and someone who has a bad KAD ratio in Valorant, wait what!? To kick start the podcast the… Read More