Shocking! Speaker Family’s Minecraft Movie

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Today we’re doing a movie theater build battle we’ve each got 10 minutes to build the most epic movie theater and at the end we’re going to rate each one oh I’m an expert at movies this should be no problem for me speaker woman didn’t you cry last time we watch the scary

Movie uh what no no I didn’t all right well anyways let’s get to building I’m going to build the most epic movie theater no you’re not cuz mine’s going to be the best uh I think you guys all got it wrong because my theater’s going to be better than everybody’s and uh

What do you guys even know about theaters all right guys I actually studied theaters before doing this challenge so I’m an expert now well I’ve been to theaters like every day of my life ever yeah I’ve seen so many movies uh speaker man I highly doubt that that

Is true I don’t think you’ve been to theaters every single day of your life that would be like an enormous waste of time no I have family that live there what you have family that lives in a movie theater okay that just doesn’t sound right I’m literally a speaker dude

Oh oh oh I get it okay wait actually that makes sense now okay I didn’t think about that but anyways here I’m going to go ahead and grab a magic wand really quick and I’m just going to go ahead and use some commands to clear out the basic

Area for my theater so let me just select this this position and then let me go all the way over here and then go all the way up here and select this position and let me set this to Air Boom there we go now I can start putting down

The walls oh yeah I’m also clearing out an area so there we go and oh wait I think I did too much and waa wait okay you’re building a very big theater and wait guys it looks like we’re all building like different designs speaker man you’ve got like this design going on

Speaker one you’ve got like that small one and then I’ve got this one over here hey it’s not small it’s functional and uh yeah but you’re only going to be able to fit like what one theater room in there I’m going to be able to fit so

Many out of my theater yeah well luckily uh I’m actually building a a good theater so uh you guys don’t have to worry about building a good one and uh what are you trying to say by that uh I mean just don’t worry about it I’ll

Build the good ones you guys can build whatever trash you’re going to build what mine is obviously going to be the best one here I just got to go ahead and put down the floor really quick let me quickly set this to some H let me see

Stone bricks I think those should be good sorry not stone bricks uh I meant to write smooth Stone there we go this is going to look sick uh this might be a bad time to ask but uh what even is a movie theater and wait what you don’t

Know what a movie theater is uh no I’ve never even seen one oh yeah that’s right we never took you to a movie theater oh well this challenge is going to be a bit hard for you and wait what he’s never seen a movie theater before uh okay this

Is going to be interesting I’m curious to see what he makes but anyways looks like the entrance of my movie theater is now complete here I guess I should probably add in a roof next so let me go ahead and do that oh it would be really

Cool if I just put lava on my floor what lava in a movie theater how does that make any sense don’t worry about it uh you know movie theaters are supposed to be like public attractions right uh I’m not sure if lava’s going to be very safe

No you guys will see yeah they’re supposed to be comfortable so you can like relax and watch your movie and yeah exactly you’re not supposed to go there and like fall into a floor of lava that sounds kind of weird it’s not weird you guys just don’t get it you’ll see when

It’s done and okay okay I guess we will but anyways here I’m going ahead and building the front countertop for my movie theater now you guys know like how movie theaters have that countertop where they sell the popcorn and snacks and all that so I’m just going to go

Ahead and build that real quick right now they sell popcorn in movie theaters oh my gosh I have so much to learn and oh yeah right you’ve never been to a movie theater before well um I’m sure you’ll get the basic idea but anyways

Here I guess let me go ahead and uh grab some glass really quick and I can go ahead and put this little glass stuff over here just to make it look nice oh yeah and wait what movie should I have playing in my movie theater this is

Going to be so awesome and wait wait what you’re already trying to pick what movie to play how are you that far already because I’m better than all of you and I told you that uh I’m building the best uh surely can’t be that good if

You built it that fast yeah no way you can build like a crazy good theater in that amount of time that was like we barely even spent any time yet well maybe you guys just aren’t as skilled as me okay what in the world I guess we’ll

See but anyways here I’m going to go ahead and start putting down all of the snack soaped here I guess over here I can put down the first snack which is an enchanted golden apple and wait hold on do we have popcorn as well oh we do okay

We’ve got normal popcorn and we’ve also got golden popcorn what in the world is golden popcorn I don’t know but I guess I’ll go ahead and put the popcorn over here and I’ll put the golden popcorn over here I’ll have the snacks going in order from like uh the worst the best uh

Guys how flammable is concrete uh it’s not at all why are you trying to set Concrete On Fire what no no no no no it’s the opposite uh just don’t worry about it oh don’t look at that and wait what uh why did you just get the Hot Stuff achievement are you really

Building a lava floor okay well uh I’m curious to see what that’s going to look like when it’s done yeah wait what theaters do you go to that have lava floors you’ll see you’ll see it’s going to be great okay okay I guess we will but anyways here I’m almost done with my

Snack area this is going to be so sick I’m going to have a bunch of chests filled with all of the snacks wait hold on how are customers supposed to actually like grab the snacks if there’s no one working at the theater um H how’s that going to work and wait a minute

What if I have like an automatic dispenser thing that just gives people snacks hey wait actually hold on that is a banger idea let me fill up all of these chests really quick first and then I can go ahead and have an automatic snack dispenser wait you said you’re

Putting dispensers can’t people just steal from it then and oh yeah you’re right people can just open it up and steal all the snacks um well H what can I do about that wait a minute okay why don’t I go ahead and put the dispensers

Like all the way up here in the ceiling that way no one’s going to be able to reach them and steal from them wait you’re putting it on the ceiling can’t people just place blocks and then go up and what who’s going to place blocks in

A movie theater no no no no one’s going to do that trust me it’s going to be just fine uh yeah if you say so well I mean uh if anyone does try to place blocks then uh the security guard’s going to come out yeah because uh my

Theater is so epic it’s going to have a security guard and a whole security team it’s going to be sick wait what a security guard okay that does seem kind of cool if you have like a whole team of them but whatever mine’s also going to

Have a whole bunch of security stu okay okay well I guess we’ll see who security team is better but anyways here I just got to finish putting down all of these fences really quick and then I can go ahead and put dispensers on top of them and these dispensers are going to go

Ahead and drop down the snacks whenever a customer like tries to buy them so they going to be epic but um wait okay now I need to make a way for the customer to actually like pay for the snacks and I guess I can just go ahead

And put down a hopper so let me put down a hopper uh right over here and then I can go ahead and make this Hopper go down like this to a barrel down there and then through another Hopper and then using this one item called the comparator I can put this right over

There and then let me also go ahead and grab a piston for demonstration purposes I can go ahead and detect whenever something falls into the hopper so here let me go ahead and drop that right over there and did you see that the Piston push okay that is perfect that is all I

Need now I just got to connect this Redstone signal to the dispensers up there and I making the area where you buy the popcorn and stuff right now this is looking sick and wait wait hold on you’re making a popcorn buying area as well wait how are you doing it are you

Doing another like Redstone automation system like me what no I’m going to have uh workers here that actually you know like take money oh oh I see you’re going the traditional route but wait what are your workers even going to be like villagers uh I don’t know they’re going

To be workers that’s what I know uh okay okay well uh I guess I’m excited to check them out once they’re all like fully set up but anyways here I just got to go ahead and finish connecting all of this Redstone and wait actually hold on

Let me go ahead and replace that block over there and boom there we go now this disconnected in wait what snack is this for again oh yeah right it’s the popcorn so let me go ahead and grab some popcorn from over here and fill up this

Dispenser with a bunch of it just like that and uh here uh what should I make the price for this I guess I can just go ahead and make it like I don’t know one gold nugget so here let me go ahead and grab a gold nugget really quick and I’ll

Just go ahead and put down the price over here in front of the hopper just like that and now whenever someone wants to buy some popcorn all they have to do is just drop a gold nugget in over here and then the popcorn should come right

Out of the dispenser wait why didn’t it come out see I told you where life workers were better and wait wait no hold on hold on hold on for a moment I’m pretty sure I just forgot to put a repeater here all I have to do to fix

This is just put a repeater down right over here and wait hold on let’s face the wrong direction just like that there we go and now it should actually work so here let me hop back up over here again and grab another one of these gold

Nuggets and here we go let’s see if this works and oh my gosh that worked perfectly although it kind of landed on the roof uh that’s a pretty bad system how are people supposed to get their food uh it’s fine it’s fine don’t worry

About it all I have to do to fix this is uh just go ahead and put some stone bricks over here just like this and in fact here I’ll go ahead and replace all of these fences over here with some stone bricks so let me go ahead and

Select that position and also this position and then let me go ahead and set this to some stone brick just like that boom and now none of the stuff can get stuck so this is perfect uh why does your build look like a gray mess and

Wait who are you talking to oh hi speaker Owen wait what are you talking about who do you think I’m talking to look at this wait what what are you talking about they just a start of my movie theater and wait yours literally looks like a pink box yours doesn’t look

Any better uh yeah but at least my box is pink your box has no redeeming qualities yes it does look it’s we got a whole snack dispenser area here check this out speaker one all you have to do is go ahead and grab a gold nugget and

Drop it in this dispenser you’ll see what happens okay there you go and look you got popcorn yeah I guess this is pretty cool but the Redstone does look really ugly and uh oh wait actually yeah you’re right I guess it’s not good to have the Redstone just out in the open

Like that well uh it’s fine I can go ahead and move it actually here let me go ahead and get rid of all these chests since we don’t need them anymore and I’ll just go ahead and move the Redstone all back here yeah you definitely need

To to do that I’m going to see what you guys are building because I have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing oh you should definitely come check out my theater it’s perfect and you know you’re going to get great ideas from it and wait what no you should come check out

My theater my theater is way better than his I’m sure you’ll get better ideas from checking out my theater you know what I’ll check out both of yours and okay well what is this there’s just a bunch of TVs and some cash registers what is this supposed to be wait are you

At mine U um yeah this is like the star area where you get like your popcorn and your snacks and your candy and then over here I’m making an arcade oh an arcade sounds super cool I’m definitely going to use that and dash I guess I’ll check

Out yours and oh yeah you got to come check out mine now I just finished repairing this Redstone now I have it using some of these Redstone torches and I can just go ahead and put like a little box around these to cover it all

Up it’s going to be perfect okay what is this supposed to be and wait what’s that up there and oh wait you’re here speaker all right well I’m here check this out why don’t you go ahead and uh grab this gold nugget and just go ahead and toss

It in this Hopper right over here okay and here we go it should work and boom there you go look you just got some popcorn oh that’s actually super cool but this is what a movie theater is and uh well not quite I still need to build

Like the actual theater rooms and all that and I’m probably going to steal speaker’s idea and build an arcade as well but uh yeah this is like the start okay well I guess I’ll use this idea then uh thanks yeah no problem oh well I mean you know you can take mine right

You know if you actually want to build a good one oh don’t worry I’m getting ideas from your theater as well hold on I just realized why am I building all of these snack dispensers with by hand I can literally just go ahead and select a position over here and just like copy

And paste this one and oh no wait hold on I accidentally broke it I need to fix this oh my gosh you’re messing up your Redstone again and what no no no no no I mess it up it still looks like so much better than last time now you can’t even

See the Redstone it’s all like hidden away mostly I still need to like fix some stuff but yeah yeah I don’t think you’re very good at Redstone what what are you talking about it takes a redstone expert to do all of this but anyways here let me go ahead and select

All of this and now I can just do the commit SL slash stack and boom there we go now all of my snack dispensers are done in fact let me go ahead and SL SL stack it one more time boom and and oh wait actually uh that’s not going to

Work let me slash SL undo this really quick and boom there we go all right this should be fine oh that Redstone should be be fixed by the time I come over there again otherwise it’s going to be really disappointed and yeah don’t worry it’s all going to be fixed I’m

Pretty sure it’s all done now so here I guess let me go ahead and test all of these things out so if I toss something here it should drop a thingy yeah there we go what about this one does this one work and okay perfect it looks like

They’re all working excellent all right now I need to put different snacks in each one of these so I guess let me go ahead and put some golden popcorn in this one and then in this one over here I guess I’ll go ahead and put down a

Normal Apple actually let me take all this popcorn out first I’ll just fill this one up with a bunch of normal apples and then in this one over here this is going to be the prime most epic snack ever it’s going to be an enchanted golden apple let’s go here let’s go

Ahead and put this inside of here replacing all of this popcorn boom and there we go all right now my snack area is almost complete I still need to put like item frames here to like show what each snack is oh yeah my movie theater is coming along nicely after I finished

With this arcade I’m actually going to start building the places where you watch the movies and wait didn’t you say you already started building the places where you watch the movies why don’t you just talking about like trying to choose a movie to play yeah I want to figure

Out what movie I’m playing before I build the movie theater of course uh okay that’s kind of weird but anyways here let me go ahead and grab some of these item frames really quick oh wait I need to grab some from my inventory just like that and here let me go ahead and

Grab one snack from each of these dispensers so I can just display it on the item frame just like that and boom there we go my snack area is complete this is sick wait since we’re building movie theaters guys what’s your favorite movie and uh wait favorite movie let me

Think actually that’s kind of a tough one m I don’t know but I really like the SpongeBob movie oh yeah the SpongeBob movie is all right but I like the new Five Nights at Freddy’s movie and wait the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie hold

On I haven’t seen it is it a banger yeah it’s awesome I loved it so much yeah well that movie was way too scary for me to watch I really just like SpongeBob it wasn’t even that scary what are you talking about it was totally terrifying

What do you mean no it wasn’t the only scary part was balloon boy balloon boy is terrifying and wait who’s balloon boy oh wait you don’t know balloon boy is we’ve definitely got to show you the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie and yeah I’m not going to lie I haven’t watched a

Movie in like uh several years so I have no idea wait if you haven’t watched a movie in several years then I think you’re going to be pretty bad at this Build Challenge at the what no no no I don’t have to watch movies to know how

To build a movie theater right I’ve seen a movie theater before so there should be no problem I don’t know Dash my movie theater might be better than yours wait what did you never even been in a movie theater okay there’s no way and wait what hold on yours is actually looking

Pretty good is yours the orange one uh yeah of course it’s the best color oh gosh oh gosh all right well I got to pick up the pace um well okay I just got to quickly finish building up like this little admission area let me go ahead

And grab some gates and uh here let me go ahead and also grab a villager this guy can be the guy who like checks your tickets and all that wait checks your tickets what do you need tickets for at a movie theater oh uh they like take

Your ticket so you can actually watch the movie cuz you have to pay to watch the movie and yeah yeah that’s kind of how it works you have to like buy the ticket and then like they check it if it’s like correct and valid and uh yeah

There we go I got my villager oh wait he’s also a chef okay well the two jobs in one let’s go wait you’re getting a private Chef for your food and wait no he’s not a private Chef he’s the ticket guy but he looks like a chef I mean he

Could be the private Chef actually you know what hold on I’m going to go ahead and spawn one of these guys over here in the snack area I guess um it can make it look more professional and wait what oh there we go okay that’s the one I’m

Looking for Mr Chef wait what what kind of theaters have you guys been to that has private Chef I don’t know I thought maybe like one of those fancy theaters could have a private chest there’s fancy theaters and wait that gives me an idea I’m going to make my theater the most

Fancy and epic VIP movie theater you’ve ever seen mine is going to be the nicest one you guys might have like you know nice theaters for like average people but mine is going to be the most epic billionaire movie theater in the world uh no I’m already building that and uh

There’s no way you’re going to beat me I’m building the richest movie theater in the world and oh okay I see how it is now okay so now we’re all competing to build the most expensive movie theater but okay mine’s going to be way nicer let me go ahead and just uh quickly

Install the wall made out of gold really quick there we go wait what a wall made out of gold and oh yeah it’s about to get crazy in here my movie theater is going to be the most epic one yet and anyways I guess now that I’ve got like

The outline of my theater done it’s time to actually start building like that individual theater room so here let me go ahead and start by building out a little box over here and wait hold on these blocks over here are not that expensive enough I need to find

Something fancier and better wait a minute hold on what about this stuff over here this looks pretty fancy I guess I can go ahead and build the first theater room out of this all right and actually I kind of want to come see what

You guys have been up to uh let me come over here and see what’s going on and wait speaker woman what in the world are you building wait hold on what is Speaker woman building I want to check this out and I wait what in the world

Okay I see your movie theater hasn’t gotten any bigger hey this is a very cozy and compact movie theater and these posters are going to draw in all the people uh I’m going to be honest I would not know if this was a movie theater if

I seen this and I yeah what in the world this looks like a house or summoning uh why are all the seats like so close together that seems pretty unsanitary and wait you don’t even have any movie playing on the screen what is this hey hey hey well it’s not ready yet okay

Things are still under construction you guys just clearly don’t know the vibe I’m going for I’ve never even seen a movie theater but I didn’t think it would look like this what Vibe are you going for not a movie theater what no it totally looks like a movie theater and

Uh wait speaker baby hold on let me give you some advice uh this does not look like a movie theater don’t take any inspiration from this thing over here or else uh you’ll end up like like a like this trust me I wasn’t going to that’s why I’m only taking inspiration from you

And speaker man yeah whatever speaker woman is building do the opposite of it and then you’re golden yeah as long as you do that you probably won’t come last place you guys are just mean you don’t understand my Artistic integrity Artistic integrity you’re literally building a pink box uh yeah and it’s the

Best pink box you’ve ever seen and uh actually I’ve got a purple box right over here you know purple pink kind of similar this purple box is nicer than your pink box uh purple is a way worse color than pink first of all and my pink box definitely beats out yours and okay

Okay whatever you say but whoa wait hold on I just installed like a really big door this thing looks sick okay this perfect um and I guess this can be like the uh actually wait hold on this area is kind of small for a whole theater

Room I’m not sure what should I do in this room H I don’t want my movie theater to end up like speaker woms I don’t want to build it too small so I guess I can make this area the arcade room here let me go ahead and grab some

Arcade machines oh so you’re copying my design is that exactly what you’re doing and no no no I’m not copying Your Design you didn’t invent arcade rooms first of all and mine is still going to be so much better than yours uh no but I kind of did invent arcade rooms because I

Built mine first that doesn’t mean you invented it did you come up with the idea uh yeah right now I did no no no I mean like were you the first person ever in the world to come up with the idea of an arcade room uh no I wasn’t the first

Person but I was the first person to build it and what the heck are you building uh this looks horrible what are you doing here hey go back to your theater okay it’s not done yet all right I’m just I’m putting down all the arcade

Machines now uh okay and oh my gosh I I I totally won this no way your thing is better than mine here I just got to go ahead and finish putting down all of these arcade games and wait hold on I’m pretty sure you can actually play these

As well oh wait hold on we got Pac-Man over here yo let’s go wait you can actually play the arcade machines I didn’t even know that yeah I’m playing Pac-Man right now this is why my arcade room is way better than speaker I bet you can’t play the games in his arcade

Room yeah you can you I have pong Tetris Pac-Man uh I have snake and then uh yeah I have Dance Dance Revolution I have everything and what the actually I’m pretty sure I have all those games as well I’ve got Pac-Man I’ve got Tetris I’ve got snake yeah yeah you know the

Games are the same but uh you know my building just looks cooler no way it does mine looks so much better than yours well my theater is the prettiest of them all so mine looks the coolest and wait hold on did you change anything since last time we checked uh yeah wait

You did hold on I’m coming to take a look right now and oh okay wait you didn’t change anything never mind uh what are you talking about look at the roof it’s still a pink box it doesn’t matter how many decorations you put on it but no everyone’s going to come into

My theater because of how cool it looks yeah yeah yeah sure whatever you say but wait hold on speaking about like you know attracting customers and all that I should probably build a sign on my theater and whoo okay yeah I’m not going to lie the one thing you have going for

Your theater speaker woman is like these cool Builds on top of it I’m not going to lie they do look pretty cool H see I told you but that’s only good part everything else is up not good but here I got to go ahead and build some signs

As well I think that’ll actually like help my movie theater a lot are you going to name your movie theater what are you going to name it oh yeah that’s a good idea I should probably name it something uh let me think let me think oh what about the prune theater uh

That’s it well I mean if you’re naming it that well then I definitely win what are you talking about that is such a good name uh no it’s not at all no dude it literally is a banger name look the sign is going to look even cooler I just

Got to go ahead and finish building it really quick and hold on this is actually looking sick I’m pretty sure I can actually like finish writing all of this text out okay wait the end looks a little bit weird I just need to type out

The E now over here just like that and okay wait hold on my e looks a little bit r Wait actually hold on can I use a slab over here let’s see I can go ahead and grab this slab and just put that there and there we go now it’s an e yeah

This looks pretty good oh yeah well why don’t you come check out my sign whoa wait you named your movie theater the best movie the dude this sign isn’t even like good like half of it isn’t even on the movie theater hey wait your side is like almost interfering with my movie

Theater almost but it’s still on my side look it’s still on my side but still it doesn’t tell a lie though and he wait that’s another thing that’s false advertising right here since this is not the best movie theater obviously mine is uh you haven’t even seen the inside of

My movie theater the how do you know it’s not the best it obviously is and uh dude I don’t even have to see the inside mine is obviously going to be better but anyways now that I’ve got this little arcade room down here done I’m going to

Go ahead and build the like actual theater room the first theater room at least I’m going to have multiple so here I guess let me go ahead and grab some black wool really quick since we want the inside of it to be like super dark so people can enjoy their movies and I’m

Just going to go ahead and start by building a basic outline of our room over here this is going to be the main movie theater room uh why is your roof uneven uh because it’s part of the design uh it’s complet un symmetrical this is clearly the worst movie theater

Ever I think you made a spelling aor and wait speaker man your roof is uneven hold on let me take a look at this really quick oh yeah wait it is uneven wait what the why do you have like the green blocks here but not here that

Looks kind of ugly because it’s part of the design you guys wouldn’t get it yeah sure part of the design I think you just made it really ugly you want to talk about ugly what even do you have at the topic here you have a heart a star and a

Flower what in the world is this pertain to a movie theater look at this you don’t even have anything playing on your screen and oh my gosh look at these chairs they’re gross uh I don’t know what you’re talking you should worry about your own theer clearly has a lot

Of issues oh my gosh can you two just stop arguing I want to get back to building and it’s distracting hearing you two scream well she needs to mind her own business and stay away from my roof uh you’re the one that needs to stay away from my build and guys guys

Yeah stop arguing okay there’s no point in the pointless arguing because obviously my theater is going to be the best but anyways here now I got to go ahead and put down some stairs over here because for my theater I’m going to have like a bunch of seats and there’s going

To be rows of them so there’s going to be like a top row and then like a middle row and then a row so you can like choose what level you want to go on well I’ve already beat you there I have multiple rows of Awesomeness yeah but do

They go up in height yeah they do um okay well mine’s going to be better U yeah I don’t know about that you can try and make yours as good as mine but I don’t think you’re going to be able to okay buddy but here let me go ahead and

Finish putting down all of these stairs and as soon as I’m done I’m going to go ahead and start putting down all of the rows for the seats oh Dash did you add anything new to your theater cuz I kind of need another idea and oh wait hold on

You need some more ideas um well pretty much what I’m building right now is like the first actual theater room before I was building the snack area and all that but now I’m building the actual theater room so this is going to be sick oh yeah

I see and wait it’s very dark in here and yeah I’m pretty sure movie theaters are supposed to be really dark so that the movie can like be brighter on the screen but yeah okay so make a movie room super dark okay thanks for the idea

And yeah no problem wait what super dark that’s the opposite of what people want they want it to be super bright what why would people want super bright movies what movie theater have you ever been to where the room is super bright it’s always super dark so that you know the

Movie is brighter on the screen yeah well most movie theaters suck that’s why mine is going to be the best one and wait so you’re going to have light in your movie theater yeah of course I don’t think you’ve ever been to a movie theater then yeah that sounds like a

Very bad viewing experience for whoever’s trying to watch a movie you just don’t understand movie theaters yeah I think that would just give me a headache no it wouldn’t it would make it 10 times better haven’t you ever seen a movie while it’s daytime no I haven’t

It’s always been you know dark so it looks better that sounds very painful trying to watch a movie when there’s like a bright sunlight going in your face you should probably yeah get rid of that nope you just don’t understand okay okay whatever you say I guess your movie

Theater is just going to get like a one out of five stars wait one out of five it’s going to get a 10 out of 10 100 out of 100 uh you realize 10 out of 10 and 100 out of 100 are the same thing well did you realize that your theater looks

Stupid you haven’t even seen my theater yet okay you only saw like dispenser area and I I thought you liked it guys guys calm down you’re not going to be able to beat me so stop the arguing and oh my gosh whatever all right but anyways now it’s time I actually go

Ahead and start putting down the screen for my movie theater so here let me go ahead and start putting down some of these screen blocks over here and the best part about my movie theater is that it’s actually going to be able to play a movie it’s going to be so epic I’ve

Already beat you on that oh yeah well what movie do you have playing in your theater at nine but I have two theaters with uh automatic displays that play everything that I want to make okay okay well I mean it’s not that difficult to like actually build the display but uh

My movie is going to be like way better than yours I guarantee uh no no way yours is going to be better than mine I think I’m doing this right I just finished up my first movie room and oh you did perfect well I’m almost done as

Well I just finished building the screen here let me let me go ahead and just select all of this really quick I’m just going to go ahead and move the screen down one block really quick just to make it look a little bit nicer there we go

And now let me go ahead and just quickly turn on my screen there we go and here now let me go ahead and actually start playing a movie and boom now I’ve got an actual movie playing in my movie theater this is sick oh wait what movie do you

Have playing and oh uh it’s quite a banger I’ve got a spinning monkey the sequel sequel there there was an original spinning monkey oh yeah yeah there’s like multiple parts to this it’s like the the most popular show I’m surprised you haven’t seen it I’ve never

Heard of it ever and oh okay well I guess you’re in for a treat when you come over to my theater but anyways now I need to go ahead and like actually put down the seats and you know what here let me just go ahead and turn off the

Screen really quick I I don’t want to be playing the movie too early I’ll wait for you guys to come but now I’m just going to go ahead and start working on the seats for the actual theater oh yeah well I’m sorry you guys lost uh my

Arcade has a second floor and wait what you built two floors on your arcade wait what why does your arcade have two floors because I told you it’s the best theater in the the world it’s got to be awesome and uh wait speaker man I think you need to renovate your theater cuz

You don’t need two floors cuz your movie theater is never even going to have that many people oh yeah that’s what you think just wait until you see how awesome it is no no no it’s actually not what I think it’s what I know because everyone’s going to come to my theater

No one’s going to want to go to yours uh yeah yeah sure buddy whatever you try and say you can you know you know feed into your mind but uh there’s no way anybody’s going to go to yours yeah and plus look at yours what in the world is

This out front that is this supposed to spell prune what in the world is this oh are you talking about my sign yeah dude it spells prun can you not read or something dude I I see that this is a p that looks like an R that’s a u I have

No clue what this sign is and what is this a c and what no dude it’s an n and then an e okay I I didn’t really have much room so I had to put a slab over here and you know it kind of looks out

Of place but it works and wait what in your thing literally looks like a barn yours doesn’t look any better yeah it may look like a barn but this is the best movie theater Barn you ever see and don’t come near here you’re not allowed

To see how awesome it is inside oh my gosh whatever but wait speaker and are you putting lasers around your theater what in the world yeah can’t you see how modern and futuristic my theater is you know that we’re supposed to build movie theaters and not you know like build or

Survive uh well yeah this is a movie theater can’t you see yeah but wait what’s the point of the lasers are they like are you trying to stop the birds or something from landing on your ceiling but no these are just decorations can’t you see all these bright colored blocks

Yeah it’s actually giving me a headache uh what in the world is this uh you need some building classes and uh yeah wait why in the world is all this different color stuff oh wait is this that lava floor you were talking about if you look

Inside you can see that I made some changes and wait the what did you change it looks the same uh no I changed the lights duh and the why do you even have lights in here I told you they’re supposed to be dark I told you they’re

Supposed to be bright don’t touch them I think that’s just right I mean I’ve never been to a movie theater but I’m pretty sure that that’s supposed to be dark uh since you’ve never been to a movie theater how would you know if you was right or not clearly you guys don’t

Understand anything all right well uh you have fun in your bright movie theater room but I’m going to get back to building on my theater and here I need to go ahead and build a second movie theater room because cuz you know one isn’t enough what if there’s like

Two movies playing at the same time so here I guess let me just go ahead and select this theater right over here are you actually trying to steal my idea with two theater rooms I said I was doing that and I’ve already had it done

So you can’t copy me wait wait wait what you did not invent two theaters okay the arcade it kind of makes sense but like every Big movie theater has multiple theater rooms I don’t know what you’re talking about yeah but exactly too you’re totally copying me uh okay well

What am I set up to I’ll build four yeah I’ll make mine even better than yours uh yeah you can have four very cramped uh theater rooms where I’m just going to have two very awesome ones and what D they’re not going to be cramped my theater rooms are actually ginormous do

You see how many seats there are in here and I guess you don’t but there is a lot of seeds in here I can confirm yeah yeah whatever well I told you that mine’s going to be the best so I’m going to live up to my word and yeah yeah we’ll

See about that but anyways now that I’m over here actually hold I need to go down to the bottom floor there we go just like that and now let me quickly go ahead and run the command Splash slash paste really quick boom there we go okay

I think it worked now I should have a second theater room right over here did it work wait where’s the the entrance out hold on oh there it is all right and now let me see did it paste the theater room and let’s go with did all right now

I’ve got two theater rooms all I got to do is just extend this hallway over here cuz I was not expecting my movie theater area to be this big wait Das you only have two theater rooms I have three and oh wait you do well I’m about to build

Three as well in fact I’m going to build four but here I guess I should probably put the other two theater rooms on the other side of this so let me go ahead and SL slash rotate this and here let me go ahead and quickly SL SL paste it in

Now and boom there we go my third theater room is complete Al the wait hold on these stairs look a little bit messed up I need to fix these and there we go I have all of my movies picked out you guys are going down wait what you

Already picked out your movies what did you choose oh well that’s a surprise you’ll have to see whenever you guys do the tour h fine whatever and oh yeah I’m not going to lie I can’t wait to see what movies you guys all picked out I’ve actually got quite a few bangers picked

Out U you know I’ve got a spinning monkey on a piece of steak over here in this theater but I’ve also got a few other ones which I guess you guys can see once you check out my theater yeah well I bet you’re not going to be able

To beat me after I build this final floor boom there we go and wait what final floor for what and whoa wait did you just make your movie theater a double decker oh yeah I’ve got some bangers as well this is going to be awesome and here let me go ahead and

Paste in my last theater boom there we go now I’ve got four movie theaters it is actually awesome but here now I actually got to make it look nice cuz uh three of them are kind of out in the open right now I got to go ahead and

Like enclose them with the rest of the movie theater but way you guys are working on all your separate movie theaters I got my one and it’s going to be awesome and whoa whoo wa wait hold on who said anything about separate movie theaters my thing is still one movie

Theater it just got multiple theater rooms yeah same with me uh wait do you think we’re actually building like separate theaters for theater rooms uh no I I knew what you guys were talking about and wait you thought we were like building whole new theaters for each

Room no that’s not how it works I thought you said you’re an expert at movies I am an expert at Movies don’t question me wait when was the last time you actually went and seen a movie uh many of times all the times actually uh that doesn’t answer my question when was

The last time you went and seen a movie yeah like like like right now I’m watching movie right now the second actually and wait hold on you are what movie are you watching I want to come check it out and wait are you serious your screen is literally still off well

It’s not working progress I’m watching it on my phone just go away go away uh okay whatever you say yeah I think she’s just lying to us so she could say that she’s been to one but I don’t think she’s ever been to one and yeah that’s

What it looks like but anyways here I think all of my theater rooms are completely set up now oh wait actually hold on I need to go ahead and make the interior look nice as well let me just go ahead and slash slash stack this a

Few times there we go and oh wait actually hold on I need to do it one more time just like that boom and wait I need to get rid of all of this stuff over here there’s a lot of dirt in my movie theater wait dirt in your movie

Theater that’s kind of gross uh what no no it’s because uh I was I was renovating right so I had to uh clear out some land yeah sure yeah totally why else would there be dirt in my movie theater uh I don’t know you are dirty

And no dude but anyways it’s all cleared out now but anyways now that all the dirt is cleared out I do have a lot of extra room over here I’m not really sure what I should play and wait actually hold on I know what I can build in this

Empty space I’m going to build a VIP room for all of the very exclusive VIP people that enter my movie theater oh so for nobody and what no dude everyone who enters my movie theater is going to be uh extremely important VIP person so uh yeah it’s going to be very important oh

Yeah well does your VIPs get their own gaming Lounge didn’t think so and what no dude it’s a movie theater why would I need a gaming launch for the VIPs because I have one and I’m awesome like that okay okay well my VIPs are going to

Have the much better stuff than a gaming Lounge okay here I just got to go ahead and build the room first let me go ahead and SL slash walls this right over here boom I guess let me go ahead and put down a door first I can go ahead and

Grab oh yeah okay this big Birch door is going to be perfect that looks pretty good and let me also go ahead and grab a sign I’m just going to grab this over here and put it right there and I’m just going to have this sign say VIP only

With a bunch of exclamation marks there we go that’s going to make sure no non VIP people can come in but anyways H now that I’ve got this VIP room set up what should I put inside of it I’ve never really like built up the VIP room before

And boom there we go my gaming center is completely done and hm I could build a gaming center in my VIP room as well but I think that’s kind of boring wait what if I build like a whole epic Feast room inside of here because you know normal

People They can go like to the snack area in the front except the VIPs are going to have their own exclusive Food Lounge area oh wait that actually gives me an idea for what I could do up top here oh yes this is going to be awesome

And wait wait wait hold on just a moment are you trying to copy my food lounge idea no gives me an idea though I would never copy you because you build bad stuff and I want to build good stuff all right I guess we’ll see once we start

Rating each other’s movie theaters but here I’m just going to have this big table in the middle of the room and let me go ahead and grab some chairs as well this is just going to be like a giant Feast it’s going to be so epic well now

That I have all these flowers I know what to add next I’m going to add some animals and wait what you’re adding animals in your movie theater why yeah I don’t think you’ve ever been to a movie theater what in the world are you building uh you realize it is a movie

Theater Build Challenge not a zoo Build Challenge yeah obviously but everyone is going to want to bring their children to a movie theater that has a petting zoo and wait actually hold on that is a pretty good point that could be a good way to attract more customers oh gosh I

Might have to copy that no that’s actually not a good idea at all you realize if they’re coming to a petting zoo and then watch a movie they’re going to stink really bad uh no I don’t know what hygiene you have but it’s perfectly fine no animals stink and if you’re

Watching a movie with animal stench then uh you’re kind of weird well my animals are going to be super clean so that makes no sense and uh actually I’m starting to agree with on this one but wait a minute what about like an aquarium room that could be super sick

Because fish like they can just be like in a glass area and like you don’t touch them anything oh yeah that’s actually not that bad because they also don’t stain yeah wait okay I’m definitely going to do that but first I need to finish building my VIP room so here let

Me put down all of the plates and chairs just like that and I’ve also got these chandeliers up on the ceiling right now they look pretty sick but okay well we’re actually going to need some food next I guess we’ve got these empty plates here but hm what food do we have

Do we have any turkeys and oh wait Coke turkey all right this is perfect I’ll go ahead and and put some cooked turkeys down over here and oh my gosh this is actually going to be the fanciest movie theater ever I’ve never been to a movie theater that serves you turkey and stuff

Out of plate what the heck yeah me neither that sounds horrible no dude it doesn’t sound horrible all right it’s going to be very nice and fancy and oh look there’s also cookies here we can have some more cookies over there and some cookies there as well okay wait

Actually why are all of these plates cookies we need some real food uh okay let me see what other types of plates are there um what did you just say cookies are real food uh they’re not real food they’re like dessert you know you’re supposed to eat them after food I

Can eat cookies for every meal of the day I don’t know what you’re talking about uh that doesn’t sound very healthy oh yeah well your movie theater doesn’t look very healthy oh he got you there how can a movie theater not look healthy no my movie theater is Lally the most

Healthy we’ve got turkeys and actually yeah you’re right I need to get rid of these cookies it’s not healthy no no no no no don’t break them don’t break them I’m I was going to eat those during the tour oh wait I I already broke all of

Them I guess I can place a few more down then okay good and do not break them okay fine fine fine I guess I’ll just leave them here there we go now we’ve got cookies and stuff but anyways now that my VIP room is complete it’s time

To build an aquarium because uh why not all right uh we need this to be the most fancy movie theater ever all right and boom there we go I have a bathroom now and wait you added a bathroom to your theater okay that’s actually a pretty

Good idea I didn’t think about that oh wait a bathroom I should get one of those uh wait I am I the only one to come up with the idea for the bathroom and uh wait speaker baby did you build a bathroom no I kind of ran out of space

But I’m going to make some more and uh yes speaker man it looks like you are uh okay I think I’m definitely going to build a bathroom that sounds like a very important thing for a movie theater but first i’m going to build an aquarium because as we all know that is more

Important than the bathroom uh I think you need to get your priorities in order okay okay super you cannot be saying anything about priorities you were literally going to build a zoo inside of your area and wait what did you actually build a zoo why is there trees

Everywhere you do make a good point hey stop looking at my build mind your own business what there’s horses and stuff you got like a whole petting zoo going on in there okay well I guess I’m going to build my aquarium in here yeah my

Petting zo is the best just wa and see okay okay but here I’m just going to go ahead and finish up this aquarium area this is going to look so s here let me put down all of this sand on the floor for the fish to swim on or something I

Don’t know and then let me go ahead and select this position and this position over here and let me do SL slash set water boom there we go now the aquarium is filled with water all right I need to go ahead and grab some kelp as well just

To make this area look a little bit nicer and let me put some down over here on the floor and now it’s time to go ahead and spawn in the fish and whoa wait okay actually hold on there’s a lot of different types of fish which one

Should I go for oh wait is there any cookie fish wait cookie fish what is a cookie fish uh what you’ve never heard of that uh no I’ve never heard of a cookie fish uh I mean I’ve got some puffer fish in here and some tropical

Fish and like you know the normal types of fish oh my gosh you’re so uncultured okay fine fine fine I guess I can like look for some other fish but whoa actually hold on there’s some pretty crazy fishes over here I guess I can try spawning some of these in oh wait you

Actually got a cookie fish let me see let me see let me see no I don’t have a cookie fish I just found like these weird spawn eggs and they look kind of interesting and whoa what in the world is that oh it just died and wait what in

The world is this one oh look at that that looks pretty nice that is not a cookie fish you lied to me I didn’t lie I just said I got some interesting looking fish spawn but whoa wait hold on these fishes actually look insane where

Did the other fish go oh they’re up here but these ones are like way smaller than compared to these ones I need some more of these things out here let me go ahead and spawn in a few of these and wait are they fighting what in the world okay

Well I guess this area is also a fighting arena for the fish and here wait I also want to go try spawning in some of these ones over here and come on just like don’t get stuck in the wall and you know what never mind here let me

Go ahead and finish up this aquarium and hop out now and oh gosh wa one of my fish escaped oh no oh no well uh the rest in peace Mr fishy I still think the idea of putting animals in your theater is kind of weird but I I don’t know how

You’re losing fish aren’t they supposed to be like in an aquarium yeah but like um some of them came out but it’s fine it’s fine all right the the sacrifices has to be made but anyways now I need to go ahead and find out what movies I

Should play in my other three theaters I’ve already got a movie selected for this one over here but H what should I play in these other three I guess let me go ahead and put a movie in this one first all right all right and here I

Think I know exactly what I should play in this theater so here let me go ahead and turn on the screen really quick quick and here let me go ahead and paste in this URL and boom there we go we’ve got our second movie playing we got the

Spinning monkey V2 this is like part three of the movie I’m pretty sure what is your entire theater a monkey spinning uh no dude that’s just the movies that are on today okay the movies are going to like shift each day but at yeah today we got the uh spinning monkey specials

That’s so weird why would you put monkey spinning videos on your theater like isn’t that just not entertaining no dude they’re so entertaining I don’t know what you’re talking about but anyways I think I’ve only got uh wait hold on do I have three theaters or four wait what

Where the other oh right I have to put a movie in this one right okay now let me hop over here and honestly you know what I guess I can just go ahead and play the same movie in this one you know these monkey movies are like pretty high in

Demand right now but you’re playing the same movie twice that’s kind of weird and no dude it’s not weird this is the most hyped movie ever right now all right I bet you there’s going to be like millions of people trying to rush to my theater to see this movie I’ve never

Even heard of it yeah I haven’t either yeah I don’t know what you’re talking about yeah yeah well you guys just have bad taste in movies but anyways it looks like all of my theaters are now playing movies let’s go here I should probably go ahead and put some posters up here in

The front to like you know show what movies we’re actually playing oh yeah I need to put some posters too let me go grab some yeah posters are going to be really important cuz you know we got to like advertise the movie so here let me go ahead and grab some paintings really

Quick and whoa wait okay there is a lot of good paintings over here let me go ahead and grab like one of each of these and wait hold on a zoo painting what is this wait a minute hold on can I get a monkey from this Zoo painting if I can

Get a monkey that’ll actually be perfect come on come on come on and wait was that a villager what in the world okay well here come on I got to keep trying to get a monkey no that is not a monkey that’s a rhino come on and okay maybe

These paintings are just really bad and they don’t want to give me monkeys okay well here let me try using this one is this one going to give me a monkey no that’s a bull come on I need to get a monkey wait why are you trying to get

Monkey posters for your theater dude did you not hear what I said I’m playing monkey movies so I need to have monkey posters to advertise all right oh yeah I forgot yeah exactly so here come on just give me a monkey painting why are the paintings so annoying they don’t want to

Give me monkey what paintings do you have and whoa wait okay you’re just putting like all the posters on your thing uh yeah I’m putting all the posters here so they know that they can watch any movie at any time W okay yeah that is pretty cool but my theater is

Exclusively only playing one movie today and okay let’s go I got a monkey okay that is perfect that is all I needed wait hold on can I go ahead and select this with my wand no wait I accidentally broke it oh my gosh I have to get

Another one now I can’t believe you do that oh my gosh I was going to try to copy and paste it but it didn’t work here I guess let me just try to get another one manually here come on give me another monkey painting and oh wait

That that’s a monkey over there okay that’s good and here I want to get the other one as well I’m pretty sure there’s multiple monkey paintings come on just give me another one and oh wait there we go okay that’s a pretty good one we got a pretty nice selection of

Monkeys here now and wait actually hold on I’m I’m about to risk all of my monkeys let me go ahead and try selecting them with the wand except I’m not going to select the paintings themselves I’m going to select these blocks around them and now let me try

Running the command SL SL stack and oh okay it didn’t work I can’t copy and paste my paintings but anyways I guess in that case my theater is done let’s go yep mine is done too it’s about time I’ve been waiting for you guys to finish

Oh uh let me just put down one more flower and okay I’m done and okay wait it looks like everyone’s movie theaters are complete now should we all go inside of each theater and have a tour oh yeah I definitely want to save the best for

Last so uh let’s start with yours Dash wait wait what no mine’s the best we have to go into mine last wait no mine’s the best and that’s why we’re saving it for last uh whatever guys we should just see mine first mine’s already the best

So you guys can just lose now and what uh okay I think yours is far from last but here yeah I guess let’s go in all right so here you can put your tickets everything’s all virtual and very modern and electronic and if you’re waiting in

Line then you can use the petting suit and oh yeah you’ve got a petting suit that’s pretty nice a wait that horse just tried to like eat me oh ew these guys stink they don’t stop lying there’s literally chicken eggs on the ground yeah well that’s what chickens do they

Make eggs there’s so many eggs on the ground this is so gross and wait um okay well I mean I guess this pening Zoo area is pretty cool but wait where’s the snacks area oh well just come inside oh wait you actually have a snacks area and

Waa wait okay I’ve SE you’ve added some stuff you have paintings on the walls that’s kind of interesting yep and if you just open one of these chests you can look at all the snacks and wa wait you have some of that golden popcorn as well and you’ve also got some of this

Normal popcorn what else do you have and oh wait I see there isn’t much variety yeah I’m noticing a lack of cookies yeah and wait that’s literally all of these chests that’s all they have is the popcorn and the golden popcorn do do not have you know anything else everybody

Knows that all the movie theaters have popcorn and Candy uh I don’t know about that part but look I spaced out the seats so everybody has super VIP seting and wait are these couches what what the I’ve never seen couches in a movie theater before but all right well I’m

Ready to start watching the movie yeah I have to look so far up to look at the movie hey don’t complain I’m right everyone the movie is starting and wait is that your movie just like a a cookie cat thingy what the it’s Nan cat wait

It’s just a repetitive Loop of the same thing this isn’t a movie this is like weird wait a minute is that a Cookie Cat come here I want to eat it wait wait no no no it wasn’t it was just a movie hey you broke my screen well uh here we can

Just uh fix it there there we go just fix it oh that that is not fixing it stop that and okay okay guys I think that was enough for this first tour and you know um honestly it wasn’t that bad you know like the whole experience um

And this stuff over here looks pretty cool so I think I’ll rate it a solid wait wait wait oh wait you have more you haven’t seen the bathroom wait you have a bathroom where it’s over here and wait it’s outside of the theater and wait did you just break the mushroom to get

Inside of it and wait this isn’t a bathroom this is like an ouse e Tada isn’t it the best ever oh gosh there’s literally green stuff growing on the walls there is a disgusting no no no no no it’s just natural yeah all right well after your bathroom I think I’m going to

Rate your entire build of three out of 10 this is this is bad uh yeah I was going to rate it a three out of 10 but after seeing this I think that’s going to have to go down to like a 2.5 yeah I didn’t like it at all I think I’m going

To go with Dash and give it a 2.5 as well W everybody knows the lower numbers are better so that’s amazing what no speaker one you want to get the higher number what no that’s totally not how it works every everybody knows that one is number one so you guys giving me low

Numbers means that I’m winning uh okay I guess if you want to think of it that way I think she thinks it’s golf rules yeah that’s not how it works but uh who should we go see next what about you speaker baby oh yeah speaker baby I’ve

Barely seen your theater this whole time but it actually looks pretty cool from the outside oh I don’t know I thought we were saving the best for last guys yeah I’m saving mine for last so we’re going to start with yours next and no we’re going in mine last because it’s the best

No mine’s going to be last because you Sav The Best For Last of course all right well let’s go see your speaker baby fine okay let’s go okay well it won’t be as cool as mine but let’s see it okay so I kind of forgot to put a

Name on my theater but here you walk in and you get your ticket from the Villager and I actually forgot to supply him with tickets so we’re just going to have to sneak in and whoa wait hold on this area actually looks pretty cool it kind of looks like a real movie theater

W there’s actually a pretty good job for never seeing a movie theater before it’s actually pretty nice wow oh well I had no idea but thanks guys and then over there’s the bathroom so make sure you go into the correct one and wa wait these bathrooms look so much nicer than

Speaker woman there isn’t green stuff growing on the walls oh yeah we make sure to maintain them uh I don’t know why it’s all orange where’s the green stuff come on every bathroom needs to have that e uh anyway uh what what else do you have in your tour well over here

Is all the food stuff that you get and I stole this idea from Dash so thanks oh yeah no problem all you have to do is just throw your money in here and then you could take some food and wa wait yeah this actually pretty awesome there’s a lot more choices than a

Speaker woman’s food area uh yeah but where’s the golden popcorn hm I don’t see any you need golden popcorn when you have regular popcorn and Cake yeah heat does make a good point I don’t know about this these food choices seem a little bit weird okay well whatever

Right here we have the gumball machines just in case you want to chew some gum during your movie who wait yeah that’s actually pretty a good idea yeah that’s awesome I never thought about that gum during a movie that sounds awesome wait what chewing gum they’re just going to

Be chewing their whole movie and then we won’t be able to hear properly well I’m sure people can learn how to chew with their mouth closed but anyway here is the arcade that I stole from speaker man and whoa wait yeah this looks pretty sick and wait who’s this guy oh I think

He’s our first customer and he’s just been here all day I don’t know where he came from well wait you actually got a customer but wait hold on what games you got you got Pac-Man you got more Pac-Man and you got Tetris and well yeah okay

You got a bunch of cool games you got pong and oh he’s hogging the other one I I wonder what G that game is I don’t know but he must be pretty good at it because he hasn’t lost yet oh Well that gaming room was pretty small but let’s

See how your theater is and wait waa what is that a bear carpet yeah this is a bear carpet my theater is actually upstairs this is a little Lounge where you can hang out with with your friends when you’re waiting for your movie wa wait this actually pretty nice you don’t

Have to like go just deal with animals when you’re waiting yeah this actually looks pretty nice but wouldn’t like it’d be too loud down here to read a book I mean I don’t think so I can’t hear the movie from down here whenever they’re playing your weight times are that bad

That you need a lounge to keep people entertained that sounds like bad service wait don’t you literally have an entire petting zoo to keep people entertained while they’re waiting uh but there’s like no weight lines I don’t know what you’re talking about let’s continue I think the reason you have no weight

Lines is because no one wants to go to your theater oh you just got burned that’s not true at all let’s just see this okay so now we can go to my theater rooms and wait I think there’s actually a movie playing right now if we come in

Here oh wait you do wait what is this paint drying the movie wait what I’ve never heard of that before wait what the oh I love this one yeah me too so when’s it going to change what do you mean it’s playing right now it’s the good part

Wait what it’s just paint what are you guys looking at can’t you see it’s drying oh dude that was the best part of the entire movie oh my God plot twist can you believe that crazy uh I think they’re cuck and yeah what wait what other movies do you have I saw that

There’s a few other doors do you have like other movies playing at the same time oh yeah yeah here we can just pause that for now let’s hope the next movie is better than watching paint dry oh I love this one grass growing the movie uh

What is this can’t you read the title it’s grass growing the movie wait what why do you have like the most random movies first paint drying and now grass growing what this is the best part oh dude I love when he says that yeah yeah I can’t believe he said that this makes

No sense yeah well uh do you have any other movies there is one other movie oh wait is it the final movie in the trilogy oh no we didn’t get sent that but it’s just through here wait the best movie the movie okay wait hold on this one sounds interesting what’s this one

Going to be oh my gosh let’s go check out this movie I want to see it yeah wait what’s this one going to be in wait it’s not grass growing or paint drying and wait what is this wait who’s this guy this is my favorite YouTuber this is

Fine I guess better than those two yeah I think you should keep playing this one this one’s a lot better than paint drying and grass growing I don’t know this one’s not my favorite I definitely prefer the paint drawing but anyways this is actually really good I think I’m

Going to rate this one a seven out of 10 this is a really good movie theater no it’s out of five you can rate out of five stars uh I think I’m going to rate this honestly like a four out of five stars it’s pretty good oh let’s go yeah

I guess four out of five works as well um I’ll read it a three out of five I mean that’s not too bad I’ll take that and yeah wait that’s actually not bad I think your total score is 11 out of 15 which is actually the highest score so

Far good job but anyways now speaker it’s time to check out your theater what no don’t you remember me saying multiple multiple multiple mple times that we’re saving the best for last uh you need to go next if we are actually saving the best for last then we have to save mine

For last all right guys we’re going to go see Dash’s theater let’s go oh my gosh all right fine fine fine I guess we’re can see mine next you know uh you know what they say you know they saying how it goes uh the best is the second

Last no they saved the best for last and we’re going to save the best for last and we’re going to go see yours they say that first is the worst and second is the best and oh wait actually I’m pretty sure that is a thing they say uh I’m

Pretty sure they say first of the best cuz mine was first and it was clearly the best no one says that but anyways guys welcome to the prune theater and Resorts wait what there’s a resort where no no no no no that’s just like part of

The name uh because it sounds cool but yeah guys check it out we got the posters over here with the monkey movies and yeah are you guys ready to check out the best movie theater ever yeah I guess in uh what the heck is going on yeah

What is this yeah why is there all wall made out of gold oh well that’s because this movie theater is the most exclusive VIP epic good uh cool and lit movie theater ever so uh we have literal walls made out of gold but but anyways guys um

As you can see you know we’ve got this aquarium over here with a few fish on top of it and yeah you know there is just a nice little entertainment area and then we’ve got our boy Gary over here you know this is the chef SL ticket

Checker you know he checks your tickets and if any of you guys are hungry and you know want to get some snacks hey what are you doing speaker get out of there these guys aren’t giving me any snacks what’s going on no no no dude those are the chefs they’re the ones who

Prepare the snack get out uh fine but wait how in the world am I supposed to get my snacks oh look you just got to use some golden nuggets and then you put them in these Hoppers oh yeah you still remember yeah pretty much what you have

To do is put the golden nuggets inside of The Hoppers and then you’ll get your snack out of the dispenser up here oh wait so if I just grab like a stack and then I just go bang like that I should get like a stack of golden apples and

Why did it only give me one uh that one is just very expensive don’t worry about it oh wait I want one I’m going to just put a dirt in here wait no no you can’t put dirt in there he you just scammed me and oh wait actually I’m pretty sure the

Apple landed inside of the hopper oh okay what no I have it and oh wait okay I guess you sucess anything I I’m just going to throw some wood in here no no no no guys guys guys you can’t scam the theater uh you know what actually the uh

Concession stand is actually closed for today uh no more snacks for you guys and uh yeah yummy golden app are you doing no you can’t fly up there wait can’t we still get in the hopper just by clicking on it and yeah I think we can there we

Go no no no no guys guys guys guys stop trying to scam my snack area but anyways here let’s go on to the next area I you guys don’t have any tickets right now so we can just sneak past Gary over here and anyways guys here is the arcade room

Pretty epic isn’t it what the heck is this no it’s not epic at all uh this is a little small I like speaker babies better yeah and very boring it’s just the arcade machines there’s no fun here yeah at least mine had a customer playing and wait what uh okay well my

Area isn’t open to customers yet that’s why there’s no one here but anyways guys you guys want to check out the first movie it’s pretty epic it’s right over here in this theater this is uh the first theater oh I want to see what movie is this and what is this supposed

To be Dash and everyone go ahead and take your seats this is the grand premiere of spinning monkey on a stick it’s a banger I know uh what is that what do you mean it’s a spinning monkey on a stick that is so much better than you know paint drying and grass growing

And your stupid nian cat thing what n cat was way better than this what even is this what do you mean this is pure entertainment right here I could literally sit here for hours just watching this is actually beautiful uh I can’t because there’s no plot progression this is boring uh well

What’s playing on the other theaters I want to see what’s over there okay I mean I guess it makes sense you know the monkey spinning on a stick isn’t for everyone we do have other options available here everyone follow me over to theater number two this theater over

Here is actually playing another Banger movie doesn’t that monkey get dizzy after a while actually wait that’s a good question I don’t know all right well let’s just go see this next movie and yeah guys get ready prepare your eyes this one’s a banger it is spinning monkey part

Two whoa what the heck I didn’t know there was a part two to this yeah dude of course there’s a part two there’s like six parts but we’ve only got the first two but yeah what do you guys think you know it’s kind of bigger movie

And oh uh don’t worry about the seats here I kind of forgot to flip them when I copy and pasted the rooms yeah th this is this is a better one I like this one much better H I cannot believe you have two different movies about the monkeys

Come on you got to have more than this what speaker you had a movie about a flying cookie cat thingy okay my monkey movies are much better than that these chairs don’t give you a good view of the movie and yeah that’s cuz I said they’re backwards okay just ignore the chairs

You know I can replace them there you go yeah oh there we go and oh yeah this movie is great yeah yeah yeah I know it’s a banger you guys have awful taste and okay well speaker one I know you don’t really like the monkey movies but

I actually do have one more movie which I think you’ll really enjoy well I’m excited to see it and yeah here everyone follow me to the next theater this movie is actually a banger it’s probably the best one out of the monkey ones and I’m pretty sure it’s at this theater right

Over here at the end of the hallway and oh yeah after this movie we can all go to the VIP room but here everyone follow me right this way oh we’re going to be VIPs let’s go yep right after this movie and here it is what do you guys think it

Is called a prun man that’s actually the CEO and founder of our movie theater uh that looks ridiculous what what do you mean it’s so good look it’s like moving and stuff there’s actually a beautiful look it’s the best part wait wait wait Dash stand still real quick I need to

See something and uh yeah okay speaker man do you see this yeah wait it looks like the same person wait what are you guys talking about I do not look like Mr preman 47 dude we are completely different people what are you talking about I think you look very similar I

Think you are prun man 47 uh I think you guys are seeing things but anyways here follow me over to the VIP room it’s time for the VIP dinner I guess I don’t know do we have a lot of food here check it out oh you better still have those

Cookies oh yeah I sure do they’re all here let’s go what do you guys think wa never seen a dinner Hall inside of a movie theater but actually now that I think about it it probably be a good thing and yeah look we got the chandeliers up there and everything and

We got the cookies and steak and yeah but anyways that is my entire movie theater what do you guys rated I rated a uh three and a half out of five stars wait what three and a half okay well okay what what do you guys rated I rated

A four let’s go I’ll take that I give it a 4.5 out of five because I think there’s some room for improvement and wait 4.5 I’ll take it let’s go and that means my complete score is 12 out of 15 which puts me at the top of the leader

But speaker man we got to go check out your movie theater next yeah not for long all right everybody come let’s see the best of the movie theaters I don’t know if it’s the best one but we’ll see it definitely is going to be the best

One you just got to wait and you’ll see my awesomeness uh yeah I mean I don’t know but this one it looks a bit weird like the sign’s not even on the wall and wait what are these are these fountains they’re not even like spraying water uh yeah they’re fountains they’re off right

Now uh because uh the entire movie theater is uh Frozen right now U for for the tour uh and you come inside and boom you’re met with a where you could buy your tickets and you could buy a bunch of candy and a bunch of other stuff and

Wait hold on what are all these TVs over here how are they being held on the wall there’s like nothing underneath them that’s where you see like all the prices for food and like uh you know what’s playing right now this ice cream looks so yummy though and wa wait yeah that

Ice cream actually does look pretty good yeah but we also have our very own Bakery oh wow I want some oh wait do you guys have cookies uh I’m sorry to disappoint you but uh those don’t come out till later tonight okay well average your movie theater is zero out of five I

Said later I never said that there is none I just said that you know they come out later all right all right well anyways what else do you have let’s see the actual theater rooms and whoa wait hold on you got a bunch of stuff going

Here yeah if you want to step into the arcade room there is a bunch of stuff over here whoa wait you got like a whole countertop over here with all the stuff who with is actually sick what the Yeah you could play Dance Dance Revolution you could play uh you could play pool

You have you could claim your prizes or you could play you know some arcade games oh yeah I I’m totally destroyed this AR and wait how do we even play this game you got to hit the Arrows with your feet and you got to make sure that

You don’t miss I’m totally going to beat you no you’re not no you’re not all right well anyway guys there’s a bunch more of the tour left there’s an upstairs to the arcade wa wait hold on I actually want to check out this upstairs and who what the that is a crazy looking

Staircase this actually looks pretty cool I’m not going to lie here let’s go up over to the top and let’s see what this is and wait what where’s the arcade up here just like a room with a table Yep this is the cool gamer Lounge where

You can come up here and chill out with a bunch of your friends after watching a dope movie gaming Lounge I don’t see any gaming stuff there’s just a bunch of chairs well I just use Gamers as like a word for like people but uh you want to

See a gaming Lounge I can take you to one and oh yeah right you said you had a gaming Lounge right here let’s check it out I’m pretty sure I saw the sign for it over here and yeah there it is whoa wait you have so many computers and

Stuff yep and you can play any game you want there’s triple monitor setups with the best computers ever wao three monitors that is kind of cool yeah that is a lot of monitors you must get a lot of customers to afford all of this yeah this is the rich movie theater this side

Of the island and hey no did you not see mine mine had an entire wall made out of gold blocks that was not cheap uh yeah but you didn’t have a gamer lounge with very expensive computers but uh there’s more to this tour as well and U if you

Need to go to the bathroom it’s up here who wait you have a bathroom as well I forgot to build one I said I was but then I forgot and uh wait what the where’s the doors how are you supposed to like close the door when you’re you

Know doing your thing this is the door you just move these over here like that whenever you’re in there and boom there you go you have to move an entire brick wall to close the door uh that seems kind of inconvenience well at least they’re cleaning this is the the girls

Bathroom actually uh over here’s the boys bathroom and wait does it look any different and wait they look exactly the same and well wait do these mirrors actually work and oh wait they don’t uh no they just got installed they haven’t uh put the mirror uh reflection

Substance over them yet and oh uh okay but anyways let’s go check out the actual theater rooms all right that’s the most important part that you know it makes or breaks the movie theater so here let’s see if there any good all right let’s go into theater number one

Wait uh you might want to uh make sure you have your socks off because if not this is going to blow them off okay my socks are off well I didn’t actually mean like that but all right just follow me all right let’s check this out and

Whoa wait okay you’ve actually got a really big screen what the what in the world are all of these you actually have people here yeah they’re waiting for the movie come here and sit down they better not talk during this movie wait are these pillows you don’t have chairs yeah

The pillows make it more comfortable look you can spread your legs out and just relax uh your legs are literally going through the floor dude don’t worry about it just pay attention to the movie sh it’s about to start shush and wait it isn’t oh wait it started and wait what

Movie is this oh this is the brand new movie it just came out and it’s so popular this is a bang I remember hearing about it wish I could hear about it but all these people keep talking yeah oh wait uh these villagers are pretty loud uh I’m not sure if you

Should allow villagers in here oh yeah well I’ve got a solution for that uh just come over to this uh soldout movie theater that uh I bought just for us and wait you have a whole empty theater just for us all right all right just come over here and this entire theater is

Rented out just for us whoa wait let’s go there’s no villager SS whoa wait actually I think I’ve heard about this movie this one’s a banger wait I saw the trailer for this wait I also can’t hear this one did you put speakers in your theaters oh uh yeah I forgot about those

I’ll have to have those installed next week oh wait you forgot about speakers well for that reason I think I’m going to have to rate your movie theater uh 4.5 out of five honestly it was pretty good but it was missing speakers yeah I

Think I’m going to read it a 4.5 as well all right well I think I’m going to rate this movie theater a very good solid zero what why didn’t have cookies I told you they’ll be done in a bit wait a minute so that puts your total score up

To 9 out of 15 which means I win let’s go I mean I get second place and first is the worst and second is the best so that means I win uh I should have won but I guess this is fine that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next

Video then click on the video on the screen right now

This video, titled ‘Speaker Family made a Movie in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Dash on 2023-11-01 20:17:09. It has garnered 467101 views and 4472 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:05 or 3605 seconds.

Speaker Family made a Movie in Minecraft…

This video Dash and the Speaker Family are building movie theaters! Who will build the best one? Watch till the end to find out!

This video was inspired by Aphmau, Maizen, Cash and Nico!

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Disclaimer: “Dash” is a parody channel that creates gameplay style videos and is in no way connected to DaFuq!?Boom! – owner of the original Skibidi Toilet series. This transformative parody work constitutes a fair-use of any copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US copyright law. No videos are meant to offend, harm, or upset any parties.

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  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

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  • Minecraft Memes – pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)

    Minecraft Memes - pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)Looks like your friend is about to learn the hard way that diamonds aren’t just a girl’s best friend, they’re a Minecraft player’s best friend too! Read More

  • Cave Craze: Minecraft’s Dark Daze

    Cave Craze: Minecraft's Dark Daze In Minecraft, fear of the dark, we delve, Exploring caves, finding treasures, oh what a spell. From planting fences to mining coal so black, Every adventure, every challenge, we never lack. With each swing of the pickaxe, we uncover a sight, A giant cave, a hidden gem, shining so bright. From finding food to battling foes, In this pixelated world, our journey grows. So let’s craft, let’s mine, let’s build with glee, In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, you see. So join me in this blocky land, where dreams take flight, And together, we’ll conquer the day and the… Read More

  • Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme

    Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme “Why did the Minecraft pharmacist go out of business? Because all his potions were just water bottles with food coloring!” Read More

  • Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6

    Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6Video Information सो हेलो नमस्कार सत श्री अकाल केमच कम ऑन अच्छे तो क्या हाल चाल है मेरे बा आपका स्वागत है एक और ब्रांड न्यू वीडियो में आज आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने जा रहे हैं आज ज्यादा से ज्यादा इंटरटेन करने की कोशिश करेंगे हमें अभी बहुत कुछ करना बाकी है जैसे हमें स्ट्रीमिंग करना बाकी है मेन तो हम लोग को स्ट्रीमिंग करना है और आज जैसे कि आज हम लोग चैनल के डिस्क्रिप्शन में डाल दूंगा और क्लिक करके प्लीज मेरे पुराने वीडियोस पुराने मा के वीडियोस में भी एंजॉयमेंट करके कमेंट करके प्यार बरसा… Read More

  • Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1

    Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1Video Information This video, titled ‘mincraft scary Freddy story part-1 in Hindi #viral #trending #youtubevideos #mincraft’, was uploaded by Evil gaming on 2024-03-23 13:14:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. credit-deffused devil mincraft haunted car, minecraft haunted carnival, minecraft haunted cartoon, minecraft haunted car part 5, … Read More

  • “Minecraft Lover’s Insane Railway Track Build” #clickbait

    "Minecraft Lover's Insane Railway Track Build" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] open with that This video, titled ‘Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #shortvideo #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT… LOVER.. 111 on 2024-04-29 16:56:16. It has garnered 46 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #minecraft #minecraftshorts TOPIC :- ❤ Minecraft is a popular video game where players explore a blocky, procedurally-generated 3D world and gather resources to craft tools, build structures, and survive against monsters. The game offers different modes, including survival mode where… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach Only

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach OnlyVideo Information This video, titled ’30 Days in Minecraft Beach only world — I lost 18 diamonds.’, was uploaded by Y Pixelrator on 2024-01-03 10:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 30 days In Amplified world: In this 30-day Minecraft Beach only world video series, we built or … Read More

  • Axminer 1M – Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viral

    Axminer 1M - Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viralVideo Information हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम सब लोगों का स्वागत है आज की स्ट्रीम पर कैसे हो सब लोग ड्रीम माइट वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम रणवीर ब्रदर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम साइट गेमर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सब लोग डीवीएस जट ब्रदर स्वागत है ब्रो आपका आज की इस नई स्ट्रीम पर न वाटी लकम कैसे होती गाइस सब लोग एली वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम ब्रो आप कैसे है मैं मस्त हूं यार सब मौज में वीडियो देखा कि नहीं आप लोगों ने शॉर्ट वीडियो के लिए मैं टाइम लेट हो गया गाइस शॉर्ट वीडियो अपलोड… Read More


    🔥 ULTIMATE TNT RUN IN MINECRAFT! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-08 16:50:07. It has garnered 4889 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Get Beyonce’s Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin Tips

    Get Beyonce's Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin TipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘skin girl beyonce skin girl for minecraft skin girl gta sa android skin girl minecraft aesthetic لا’, was uploaded by Goloving skin tips on 2024-07-04 03:02:18. It has garnered 545 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • "Get RICH in Skyblock on OPLegends"

    <p>"Get <em>RICH</em> in Skyblock on OPLegends"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2024-07-04 19:49:25. It has garnered 527 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4 💙 SUBSCRIBE: 💀 Discord! ✨TikTok! 👻 Twitter! 🚀 Embark on an Unforgettable Skyblock Adventure with Riverrain123! 🌌 🚀 SERVER IP: (JAVA & BEDROCK) IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Release info: Get ready to soar through the skies of Minecraft with this Top 5… Read More

  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

    John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!Video Information This video, titled ‘John Paul Jones is a Pirate – The Longest Johns (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-29 20:00:22. It has garnered 57 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. Lyrics: minecraft steve is a griefer (craft pick, dig!) some TNT does he possess (craft pick, dig!) Keep it up we’ll catch the griefer (craft pick, dig!) And ban him along with the rest (craft pick, dig!) Oh! Born the son of Notch, he was (craft pick, dig!) Born the son of Notch (craft… Read More