SHOCKING: TV Woman Gets Drunk! All Episodes of Baby Mikey & JJ and Bad Family in Minecraft!

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Hey everyone Mikey and I are back from our walk and heading to our house hey hey I love going out but hanging out at home is so much cooler I agree with you there are so many fun things to do in our room then let’s waste no time and go

Already what if our parents make us do something around the house maybe we could go for a walk no one’s going to make us let’s just go in and go about our business don’t talk too much you’ll see I’ll be right you never believe me and I’m always smarter what I’m willing

To bet even I’ll bet you two c C bars that will do whatever we want then let’s go check it out easy two candy bars for me how are you even talking to me do you think you’re allowed to do anything what’s going on Mikey why are our

Parents fighting so much I don’t know let’s go find out mom dad why are you fighting what’s wrong with you go upstairs to your room and don’t ask any more questions you better ask less questions what are you so angry about let’s live friendly you’re told to go to

Your room then go there we’re not going upstairs go to your room or you’ll be punished I’ll make you do all the dirty work if you don’t go all right we’ll go let’s go Mikey what happened is Daddy hurting mommy I don’t even know JJ they’re just swearing at each other they

Won’t even tell us what happened I hope everything goes well and they make up I believe that too as long as they don’t get into an even bigger fight let’s go watch cartoons let’s not think about it I agree with you JJ let the two of them

Work things out let’s not lose our good mood all the more reason to watch what’s on TV it’s our favorite show we got here just in time right then let’s watch it let’s let not think about bad things especially since the show is so much fun

Are you watching Mikey of course I am I’m going to go over here to get an even better view no Mikey get down then I can’t see anything don’t be a brawler I’m getting off now the two of us can watch all right kids come over here

Quick did you hear that JJ or was it just me looks like daddy’s on his way up to us can’t you hear anything at all I called you come on we have to go to the basement wait what why would we go there what difference does it make why it

Needs to be cleaned up let’s go but we’re watching TV let’s go now can we at least finish this episode and go after it so you don’t want to do this the easy way if I tell you to go now you have to go now do you want to watch the rest of

It then I’ll break the TV oh my God the TV why did you break it it’s expensive you should have listened to me and not offered your options now go run to the basement I’ve been standing here for so long with you guys jeez Mikey Stop Standing There let’s go I’m scared JJ

He’s very angry let’s hurry up and do what he said I agree with you Mikey what if he beats and abuses us like he did Mom are you really moving just took and ruined more moods just like your mom you don’t want to do everything in peace

You’ve got something to say why is he so angry with us I don’t really want to go after him but I have to do it we’re almost there now you’re going to clean up I wonder if it’s just going to be the two of us cleaning I don’t even know

What’s better Mikey the two of us or with him we did it now you can fall down and clear out should we jump but it’s high up there I don’t really want to jump let’s jump or have you forgotten en what happened to TV okay I’m jumping so

High oh I’m okay I’m fine why did you push me I’m flying you okay Mikey yeah but it was scary very high and where’s Daddy so you wanted to argue with me now you’re in the basement you’re sleeping here tonight you can do whatever you

Want but if I hear a single scream I’ll be very angry and what was that we were just locked in the basement what do we do now why did he do this to us we didn’t do anything wrong I know Mikey but they don’t seem to care it’s sad

Look at how dirty it is and we have to clean it up yeah it’s not a comfortable place to sleep they left us here without food and water that’s right and they made us clean places we haven’t cleaned in a hundred years wonderful attitude towards us well let’s get cleaned up so

We don’t get scolded do you really want to clean up no thanks I won’t I’d rather sleep but Dad told us to put everything away he won’t let us out if we don’t clean up no Mikey I’m not cleaning all this up you can clean it alone but I’m

Not touching this cobweb so that that’s what you’re saying fine do whatever you want but don’t take offense when I say I did it alone and you’ll be punished you can say whatever you want but I’m not cleaning it up go to sleep already I’ll clean up alone well clean it up yourself

If you have nothing to do and you’re afraid of being punished I’ll clean up don’t worry but then I won’t be standing in the corner being punished I’ll be doing my own thing and you’ll be sorry if you’re having fun go for it less talking more doing I’m going to take a

Rest I’ll wake up and they’ll let us out of here good luck and good luck cleaning out your basement from the piles of cobwebs and unwanted junk I hope you have an enjoyable time and I’m getting really sleepy good night to me the next day JJ wake up stop sitting

In the basement I’ve got good news for you Mom hi you came for us I’m so glad it’s so clean did you clean it up Mikey did it he was afraid daddy would punish him wake up Mikey Mom’s here for us she’s got good news oh I fell asleep

After cleaning up hey Mom you’re so good Mikey you cleaned up it’s clean now I told Mom you did it all thank you very much is Dad going to let us out of here now now here’s some good news for you he won’t hurt you anymore I dumped him

We’re going to be a threesome now well done Mom this is really great news now we won’t be permanently grounded and no one will lock Us in the basement anymore it’s true let’s get out of here that’s so great it’s all good finally let’s

Hurry up JJ I’m in a great mood for a walk great idea Mikey we can go out in peace now and the best part is our mom’s happy too it’s true kids I’m so incredibly excited we’re going to go for a walk mom yeah you go ahead I’ll go

Home and make something to eat all right thanks Mom see you look how happy mom is I’m so glad it ended this way even though it’s just the three of us we’ll live in joy the evil is finally gone let’s go to the playground Mikey we’ve got to play while Mommy’s cooking okay

Let’s go then we can come back and watch something on a TV that doesn’t exist you here we are at the playground aren’t you tired weakling you’re one to talk look how nice it is here what are we going to do here just having fun Mikey there’s so

Much to do JJ look to your left see who’s sitting there it can’t be what’s he doing here can we leave before he sees us hey did you miss me oh my God Mikey he spotted us what are we going to do you kids don’t even want to come say

Hello to daddy he’s coming at us Mikey are you here to play on the playground let’s play together no we’ll play alone you hurt me and Mikey now you want to play with us no we’re against you JJ stop it I didn’t want to play with you

Stupid kids you’re so funny all I can do is beat you up you’re bullying us again that’s why Mom left you so that’s how you talk to me I’m going to get you you stupid little kids leave us alone leave me and Mikey alone you’re a monster you’ve ruined my life just like

Your mom did now you’ll pay for it you’ll get your punishment stop no get it I’m your father ouch you’re hurting us I I know yeah looks like he’s stronger than the two of us but why bury Us in the ground it’s humiliating this drunk thinks it’s fun hey I can actually

Hear you what else are you going to do to us you freak dig us out right now why would I do that you two funny sticking heads you’re a terrible father and you’re both naughty kids you should be punished more you don’t love anyone in this world except your bottle of beer

What do you know about love you’re too young for that beer is the best thing mankind has ever invented hey don’t walk away get us out of here he can’t hear anything he’s too drunk when we grow up we won’t drink alcohol I don’t want to be like him hey

It feels so good to hit my own kids time to go to the store for a new bottle of beer good afternoon man I have a few questions for you hey what’s up are you the husband of speaker woman yeah that’s me oh I’m so glad I met you I’m Sheriff

Michael White your wife said you beat your children I’m going to have to arrest you what arrest me this is some kind of mistake M AK no mistake you’re coming with me to the police station no you’ve clearly made a mistake I love and care for my children you smell like

Alcohol I’ve also seen you hit them you’ll soon be rotting in jail looks like I won’t be having another beer Tonight oh how tired I am of counting my money in the bank I have so much money I could buy a hundred more cars like this red Ferrari it’s a rich man’s life you know it’s not easy to live like this but it’s much harder for the poor to live eh

I’m finally home and can relax in my rich Mansion friends would you like to live as rich as I do write about it in the comments it’s not so easy to live like this all at once my money doesn’t fit in my pockets this whole car is

Filled with my dollars too I don’t know where to put it anymore I made myself a baby corner just in case I have kids I also bought the world’s most powerful computer and then there’s this TV it’s almost worthless to me yeah that’s how

Rich I live all the money I made with my own hands all it takes is a little effort and everything will work out friends study hard in school and you’ll live the same way oh who’s ringing the doorbell do I have company coming to my

House JJ it’s me Mikey open up what my brother came to visit hey how are you long time no see JJ hello Mikey you don’t mind me parking my helicopter in your pool do you it’s all right you can park it anywhere you want I haven’t seen

You in so long let’s go inside tell me how you’re doing okay let’s go tell me how you’re doing first I see you’re not poor yes as you can see I’m a real rich man yeah you’re just like me I see you’re making trillions of dollars Mikey

I make millions and trillions of dollars the entire home is built with the most expensive marble in the world and my house is made of gold hi I’m JJ and I’m Mikey and I’m their father TV man we’re all watching SpongeBob together our dad still loves cartoons it’s so cool I

Didn’t have cartoons when I was a kid and SpongeBob is an interesting little guy I agree with Dad look at that a whole man indeed SpongeBob is Holy that’s funny I wouldn’t want to be Unholy well well well are you sitting around doing nothing again are you okay

Yeah we like it I think it’s all unhealthy we all need to take care of our health but we’re already healthy I don’t think so what do you suggest we do I suggest we all get a medical checkup at the hospital I don’t like hospitals

They give you shots oh my god you’re an adult and you’re still afraid of shots I’m afraid of those too oh my God you guys are so difficult we’re healthy and simple guys hurry up and get ready we’re going to the hospital right now oh my

Gosh my mom found a little sore spot and is dragging all of us to get treated that’s not true your mom just got a zit on her butt hey don’t tell the kids about this let’s go already let’s go JJ we’re all sick we need a miracle cure I

Still think we don’t need to do that tried to tell that to our mom that’s it stop whining you need to check your health at least once a year get in the car already why do we need to check on him so often something could happen and

You don’t know I’ve lived my whole life without checks and I still feel fine because we’re still still young and my parents are old they need to get checked more often oh that’s right old people worry about their ailments all the time friends are your parents making you go

To hospitals write about it in the comments and I have to go to the hospital oh my God Mom I’m in trouble what’s wrong I have a rare disease an acute candy deficiency in my body I need to go to the store and buy a couple

Pounds right away oh my God Mikey don’t be ridiculous you really scared me with what you said 2 hours later here we are at the hospital it smells like pills in here it also smells like old people in here why do you two have to whine all the time it smells

Fine in here it smells like alcohol and ammonia in here I don’t like this place I’m so sick of these kids Mikey we’re too nasty where do we go from here to these Medical Offices I don’t know we I don’t know we’ve got a doctor coming to

See us I wish I could get out of here sooner it’s so boring hello I’m your doctor which one of you is the sick one hello I’m the sickest treat me quickly he’s not sick we’re here for a routine health check you’re kidding me kid yeah

I’m a real Joker H Mikey’s The Joker and I’m Batman you’re coming with me alone to my office but I want to go with my mom or JJ Mikey it’s not going to work this office is for boys only don’t worry it’ll be fine you have nothing to fear

In my proctology office and who are proctologists JJ it’s too early for him to know that what are you going to do with him I’m going to check out his little hole that’s great no one’s checked Mikey’s In There Yet now come this way this is the women’s room this

Is where you be getting your medical checkup Mrs speaker woman that’s great all right I’m out of here don’t miss me we’ll wait in the hallway with JJ yeah I hope we don’t fall asleep out of boredom okay go to your office and wait for me

To come to you first up is Little Mikey all right bye everybody I’ll be back soon good luck to you Mom okay don’t yell in the hospital apparently this is a library since you can’t yell here we’ve got a lot of sick people sleeping in here wait here while I check out

Mikey’s young hole what kind of hole is he talking about you’ll find out soon enough for sure JJ okay never mind what are we supposed to to do all this time I’m hungry why don’t you hold it until we get home it’ll take forever for Mikey

To come out of his office and mom hasn’t even been checked out yet there are vending machines in there oh what’s there to eat uhoh this place only sells drinks but I’m hungry it’s not a big deal I’ll buy sodas for myself and you’ll continue to starve oh really all

Right I thought you were going to help me oh my God not again my Coke bottle is stuck I paid $2 whole dollars for it don’t get stuck please that’s it now I’m angry JJ we’re going to break that machine let’s break it n nah nah you

Stupid machine give us our sodas back that’s my soda what are you talking about don’t you want to share of course not I paid for it hello looks like that vending machine chewed up the soda again let me help you uh who are you I’m a

Nurse I work in this hospital I’m here to help people woah wo woah what a pretty lady to help us we’ve got a bottle stuck can you help yes now that’s it wow you’ve really helped us out here’s your bottle don’t hit that machine like that again please okay okay

Okay you are so kind and beautiful you know uh what you’re actually married Dad one doesn’t preclude the other boy you know JJ I thought you were thirsty here’s a Coke for you you can drink the whole can I actually wanted to eat all right JJ stay out of the way these are

Grown men talking hey cuttie why don’t we get away from here we’re being overheard what are you guys stupid I can hear you from here listen that’s my nephew I don’t have a wife or girlfriend at all I like you so much oh you’re so handsome too you’re so funny and

Hilarious TV man oh that’s good to hear baby maybe we can have some privacy just the two of us huh that’s a great idea patient let’s go to The Pantry for a thorough health inspection oh I like that oh my God what are they going to do

In there but it doesn’t matter friends what do you think which tastes better Coca-Cola or Pepsi Cola write about it in the comments oh my God that was really painful Mikey what’s up you look tired you have no idea what they did to me in there they were sticking sticks in

All my holes JJ oh my God Mikey that sounds awful I don’t want to go in in there don’t go there JJ I’m burning up after that doctor wow if you got something on fire here cool off fresh and cold Pepsi Cola thanks but I like Coca-Cola better there was no other

Drink what you’re given I have to go to the doctor JJ be careful the doctor is very cunning and dangerous okay I hear you I’m not going to let some Doctor Hurt Me Mikey where’s he hiding out here hello I’m your doctor the patient before you was so squeaky it was horrible what

Did you do to him doctor I did to him what I’m going to do to you son um I’m getting a little scared of what you’re saying what is that stick there’s no time to explain quickly take off your pants turn around and bend over I give

You my word it won’t hurt just a little bit a little bit ow ow no horrible doctors I will not go to them again you guys didn’t even tell me what was going to happen I almost died of fright come on JJ at least now we’ll

All know about our health it’s not funny at all it’s better to know nothing than that calm down son we’re going home now it’s okay that’s great mom let’s hurry up I’m tired already then go to the car guys all right let’s get the hell out of

Here for being brave you get to choose what to buy for yourself yeah you guys are great so while we’re on the road think about what to buy that’s great it’s true thank you so much Mom and Dad you’re welcome even though it was scary we’ll get a present for it there are

Upsides to everything JJ let’s get in the car let’s go get some presents you know what though kids let’s go home we’ll get presents next time and we were already so set on it almost picked out a gift even though we don’t have a gift we’re on our favorite playground maybe

That’s even better I like walking around here it’s true the grounds are beautiful what are we going to do here I don’t care what to do we can swing on the swing we can just jump and run do whatever you want you know I can’t get

In there with you yeah I know but it’s so much fun to mock you JJ oh is that so get downstairs and run I will wo you hear that JJ I hear that Mikey what’s going on out there what’s that noise we’ better get inside and see what’s wrong

Come on Mikey let’s not waste time in case it’s robbers then let’s go quickly although maybe we should wait in case we’re in trouble we’ve got to run to help our parents are in there it’s true then let’s run to their aid brother I wish everything was okay in there how

Could you do this to me what is it JJ that’s mom’s voice she’s not happy let’s go see if it’s the parents fighting aren’t you even ashamed to say that to my face what kind of person are you I’ll be better than you that’s for sure they’re fighting really hard Mikey I

Don’t want to live with you anymore children come here we’re going to Fig F this out now kids listen up who do you want to live with me or her although who would want to live with such a hysterical woman don’t lie to the kids shame on you Mikey what do they want

From us you’ve been told everything choose who you’re going to live with don’t yell at them do you really want to live with someone like that don’t listen to him just make the right choice what are they even saying how can we choose I don’t want any part of it what

Have you done Mikey don’t cry please I don’t want to be here I’ll get out of here myself is there an election here crazy Mikey please don’t cry don’t run away from me we’ll get through this together don’t listen to them why are they doing this I don’t want to be here

I want to run away the next day let’s forget yesterday let’s just eat JJ I agree with you why don’t we get some more refills there’s a very large selection here it’s true I would like to thank you JJ you helped me a lot yesterday I’m your brother Mikey oh my

Stomach’s acting up it really hurts what are you Mikey overeating I don’t know but it feels like I’m about to burst let’s go to the hospital they’ll help you there where shall we go where we were yesterday let’s run there already come on but be careful otherwise I won’t

Make it you’ll get there don’t worry let’s not waste any time wait it’s acting up again the food’s coming out now just hang in there Mikey we got to get to the hospital there’s no point in standing around and holding on okay I agree with you just hurry up or the

Doctor’s going to have to come here oh don’t exaggerate come on you glutton well we’re finally here now where do we find the doctor who knows where he is now we have to look for it or wait for it someone opened the door it’s a pleasure to spend time with you Madame

You’re beautiful oh thank you let’s go back to the room Daddy’s hitting on the nurse it looks like come on in quickly let’s not waste time afraid I’ll run away from you I’m afraid we won’t have time to enjoy each other what’s going on now I guess that’s why they were

Fighting so hard yesterday how could dad do that to Mom and to us it’s very ugly what are we going to do running and telling our mom about what we saw of course but what about your stomach does it hurt yeah after I saw that all the

Pain went away then let’s go tell Mommy that daddy’s bad the important thing is to hurry up JJ I’ve never run that fast in my life we’re already outside the house hurry up and open the door and we’ll go tell mom how do we tell her

That straight up Mikey as it is there she is Mom we need to tell you something urgently we’ve just seen that wait what’s your emergency what’s wrong with you we were in the hospital right now as Mikey had a tummy ache and there and there’s Dad flirting with the nurse and

I knew he was lying to me the whole time oh no mom’s upset but we’ll be with you Mom isn’t that right guys we don’t want to live with a liar and a scoundrel you’re so good I love you so much Mikey and I love you so much too thanks for

Telling us right away how it was thanks to Mikey’s belly for that let’s go sit together on the couch and sit together as a family I very blessed to have such beautiful sons this is a happiness for a mother so glad our family is now peaceful and everyone loves each other

We can watch our favorite show now yes you’ve loved this show since you were a kid I remember too we used to watch it all the I hate being a policeman there is nothing worse than working in this horrible Place helping people I don’t

Need it at all I hate people too I wish I had a beer right now I can’t wait for this day to be over hey speaker our boss wants to see you she also said you don’t do anything go to her office right now what do you mean I’m not doing anything

I’m actually working don’t at least lie to me okay you haven’t solved a single crime this month you stupid lazy speaker the boss is office is over there she’s already waiting you could be a little more polite I don’t care Jesus everyone here is doing a better job than me

That’s why I’m disrespected here good afternoon boss you wanted to see me uh what who’s talking it’s me speaker man you called me to your office did you want to tell me something oh yeah I mean you’re doing a terrible job you play on the computer all day you don’t catch

Criminals at all you’re a horrible cop you’re fired and you’re pissing me off you smell like beer all the time you’re a disgusting alcoholic your presence in the police is unacceptable I’m not drinking any more beer don’t fire me please go away now I don’t want to leave

I have a family I don’t care Go away You’re an embarrassment to the entire police force all right then if no one wants me I’ll leave get out you’re a drunk well things are not going well where am I supposed to find a new job I

Need to make money for my family I also need money to buy beer I can’t live without this wonderful beverage I hate my boss so much maybe I should go work in a beer factory it would make it easier for me to get drunk oh my God

This is so bad what am I going to tell my wife I don’t know I’m so ashamed don’t pass by come and buy fresh and cold beer at low prices wo new beer are you sure it’s good is it good it’s the perfect beer I pour this beer for my

Whole family buy it fast okay you talked me into it I can’t stand this stuff what kind of bottle do you want the leftmost bottle it looks really good here’s your beer now the money there here you go everything I’ve got I don’t spare any money for beer oh thank you come again

Bye-bye I’m going to get drunk 2 hours l too hey JJ how you doing hey Mikey I’m doing great school’s cancelled we can play and have fun all day oh that’s awesome let’s play catchup if you catch me you win okay let’s go now I have to

Hide Mom hi Mikey shouldn’t see me I see you I got you you catch up with me first you can’t do that you can’t hide from me I’m faster than you Mikey try and get me inside the house you can’t run away from me I’ll run away I’m a parkour Master

You can’t jump on the table like that yes I can Mikey you broke this laptop oh my God I don’t care at all I’ll get nothing for it but you’ll be punished by Daddy it was his computer you smashed it to Pieces don’t scare me like that he’s

Got plenty of money and he’ll buy another one no Mikey it was a very expensive thing God what am I supposed to do now I think you should tell your dad he’ll forgive you okay I’m going to tell him hello family Daddy’s home I’m so drunk father hi hi Daddy I crashed

Your laptop I’m so sorry yeah that was an accident no how dare you touch my stuff who’s going to pay for it now are you Dad we’re so sorry yeah I didn’t want that I’m so sorry maybe you did it on purpose all you can do is break

Everything in this house what’s going on are you drunk again don’t you dare hit our children oh my God Mikey our parents are fighting again shut up stupid I’m in charge of the family don’t you dare yell at me hey stop stop hitting our mom oh my God you’re hurting me please stop

You’re a drunken monster shut your mouth she’s in pain oh my God you’re awful that’s our mom I’ll protect her from you you shut up too well who’s next I’m the strongest you stupid alcoholic I hate you you’re all pissing me off so much now you’ll be walking around with black

Eyes huh now I got to finish my beer oh my God he knocked out mom and Mikey I should stay away from him friends are you going to drink alcohol as adults write about it in the comments Mikey and Mom are lying unconscious I think I need

To call an ambulance Daddy hit really hard I never thought that my father was capable of such actions now I’m afraid of him and now it’s time to call for help I am completely disappointed in my father I couldn’t just watch him beat our mom Mikey we’re not going to let

This go so easily yes JJ we have to kick him out of our family we must make sure that he does not even dare to raise his voice against us however I do not know how to do it yes Mikey it’s unpleasant when people scold you and my dad didn’t

Beat me that’s lucky for me hey kids Hi how are you you look too sad today what happened hey neighbor things aren’t going so well our dad beat me and our mom he came home drunk and immediately started yelling at everyone and then he started beating everybody up oh my God

That’s awful you should go to the police I don’t think that’s a good idea he’s a police officer himself yeah that’s not going to help hey neighbor kids what are you guys talking about um nothing we were talking about a new computer game GTA 6 it’s a very cool game yeah we play

It together you should be doing your homework go home now okay bye-bye yeah we should go home we’ve got a lot to do okay see you later hey something fell out of your pocket pick it up and don’t lose it again okay bye-bye JJ goodbye I

Hope he realizes we all need help what is this you’ll understand we should go home I hope he realizes that we really need help I wonder how such a thing could have fallen out of my pocket oh that’s right JJ texted me oh my gosh I

Should call the police they need to look into this he was just saying that his mom and brother were being beaten by his dad it’s time to call the cops the speaker must pay for his evil Deeds moments later I love drinking alcohol there’s nothing better in the world

Especially when no one’s stopping you from doing it I love my life H the neighbors drinking again how much of this crap can you drink doesn’t he feel sorry for himself I’m bored just sitting here wife come here can you walk faster when I call you what’s wrong did you

Call me and you’re hard of hearing or maybe you think I’m going to put up with it come here you’re going to get get your ass handed to you for your behavior don’t please don’t hit me you’re hurting me did I tell you to act normal and you

Keep getting on my nerves I’m sorry I won’t do it again oh Lord that Monster’s beating a woman again what am I going to do I have to call the police let the authorities deal with him properly he should be in jail if he can’t behave

Himself all he knows how to do is drink and beat up defenseless people JJ Daddy’s hitting mommy again let’s go help her dad stop touching mom why are you doing this I’m scared children please go to your room stop hitting her how dare you come here and talk to me

Like that I’ll give you one too you insolent kids please don’t hurt the children they’re still little don’t hit them I’ll decide whether to hit them or not you all decided to go against me now I’ll show you what happens to those who oppose me Daddy stop hitting everybody

Come to your senses what the hell happened to you it’s just that you all annoy me and for that I’m going to beat you up JJ what are we going to do I can’t take it anymore what happened to your faces who is it A call came in

About a man beating children and a woman don’t move you’re under arrest hey you cop who am I beating up I’m just reprimanding them what the hell is going on here you don’t talk to me like that everyone’s standing there scared because of you you’ll be in jail for a long time

What prison what are you talking about I don’t want to go to jail did you hear that they’re taking him away now let’s go drunkard we’ll find you a new place to live how did the police even get here I’m very happy about that though he

Could have killed us with his punches we got a call from your neighbor he told us that there’s there’s a drunk here abusing you you got here just in time police officer don’t worry he’ll get his punishment you can live in peace now have a nice day thank you Mr policeman

You’ve been very helpful it’s my job it’s my responsibility to help those who can’t stand up for themselves goodbye goodbye Mr policeman it’s finally over I was really worried sick I’m very happy too finally we can now live normally without the fights and arguments every day it’s true I’m glad too the important

Thing is to get the smell of alcohol out of here now we can finally breathe normally we just need to get that poison out of our apartment that’s right we need to completely forget it exists that’s real evil kids please don’t ever use it don’t worry Mom JJ and I would

Never do that yeah well done kids you’re the best let’s throw all this poison in the trash now and forget about it forever yeah JJ I’ll help you with that we’ll do it all together let’s not waste any time more moments later ah this is

The life of a criminal this is fun free food free water safe and warm it’s a great life although it’ll be cold in winter why don’t they put a proper window in here by the way we should find out if they serve fresh beer for dinner

I think all kids should get a mug of beer every day or even two mugs of it it’s a good thing dad’s in jail yeah JJ you can watch cartoons all day not have to do homework and not worry about somebody punching you in the face and

It’s all thanks to our neighbor he’s the one who helped us get rid of the stupid alcoholic yeah Mikey you’re right oh I think mommy’s home is our neighbor with her hey kids how are you doing our neighbor will now be living with us you don’t mind do you of course we don’t

Mind he’s such a cool dude oh I’m so glad you liked him yeah I’ll be on my best behavior is our father going to be in prison forever he’s never going to be here again yeah Mikey you’ll never see him again now our neighbor is your

Father you can call me that if you don’t mind of course well that’s a little strange that’s cool JJ we have a new daddy now we can forget about the old one let’s go back to watching cartoons come on Mikey hopefully our new dad won’t be so strict he’s also Adept at

All the new computer games he’s a really interesting guy yes not all adults are good at computer games oh hi everybody my name is JJ good to see you all back on our Channel and this is Mikey my little brother hey everybody I’m not much younger than you by the way it

Doesn’t matter let’s go watch cartoons at our house cartoons again but we’ve seen them a thousand times we’ll watch it for the thousand and first time what else do we do besides cartoons I don’t know maybe do homework read books do something useful you’re such a joker JJ

Yeah read books what kind of stupid idea is that hey Mom hi we’re home and where are you hiding I don’t know maybe she’s busy with something mom where do you go your kids are home meet us wo kids hi I’m making dinner for the whole family I

Totally missed you guys I’m just really hungry let’s go find out when lunch is how are you doing Mom we’re so hungry please feed us oh kids don’t worry dinner will be ready soon now we should wait for Daddy to come home from work then we’ll all eat together it smells so

Good in my Mom’s Kitchen I want to eat right now yeah JJ our mom always makes really good food oh what flattering compliments from you don’t worry father will be here any minute why would we wait for this Dad let’s eat right now no we have to wait for our favorite daddy

He’ll come home drunk again no our dad is very good he stopped drinking a long time ago hey family I’m home meet your father ha is he drunk again ouch I fell on the floor quickly ran over to me and picked me up what is he drunk again we

Have to help him quickly oh my God no way I don’t like it anymore JJ what are we supped to do with him he’s drunk let him lie here and we’ll go eat but it’s cold on the floor we should put him on the couch I think he’s feeling pretty

Good right now no he’s very sick why did he drink again because I got fired from my job you stupid woman you don’t know anything about life and why you were fired from your job because you can’t drink on the job what a stupid rule oh

My God how are we supposed to live now it’s going to be fine you’re whining again you stupid woman I’m going to punch you in the face so you’ll calm down hey Dad you better calm down honey don’t yell what nah shut your mouth you don’t understand me you’re all so stupid

Oh my god daddy got drunk and Rowdy again what about you you think I’m a drunk don’t you do you want to get punched in the face too no no no we don’t want that it’s okay Dad okay I got fired that’s not okay at all get over

Here JJ run away from him stop right there you stupid little kids Mikey run faster otherwise he’ll beat us like he beat our mom you stop right now JJ he’s so slow when he’s drunk stupid drunk we’ll notify the police Mikey only the sheriff can save

Us I think our dad is going to jail for hitting our mom I hope so too hitting people is generally prohibited by law I don’t want to be friends with our dad anymore and where is the sheriff sitting here who will help us I do not know we

Need to knock on all the doors maybe he’s sitting in that office I’m guessing that I don’t know and what should we tell him our dad got drunk again send him to jail that’s what you’ll say the sheriff open the door we have a problem it looks like it’s open JJ hello Sheriff

Help us hello children what’s wrong again an army of scabi toilets invaded your house again no our drunken father hit our mother what a horror is she okay no she’s unconscious that’s a terrible thing to do let’s hurry back to your house I have to arrest your dad right

Now you work fast of course we’re the police our father is very dangerous is he dangerous I’m the dangerous one I have a gun and handcuffs and I have every right to shoot anyone I want oh that sounds too serious so let’s go to your father stop wasting time yeah JJ

Let’s go let’s show our daddy that drinking too much alcohol is Bad come quickly children your mom’s in danger yeah he’s right let’s go Mikey 2 hours later and this is our house dad’s probably asleep right now after a drunken binge okay I got it let’s go and

Arrest him kids stay away from me there might be a shootout wow so our dad doesn’t have a gun that’s not the point I just want to shoot shooting him is not a bad idea are you ready kids yes Captain sounds like you like to watch SpongeBob too wow our Sheriff watches

Cartoons too hey darling please forgive me I’m sorry for this it won’t happen again oh my God my mom has such a big black eye what’s going on here arrest him right now that Dad stung our mom a couple hours ago I’m going to cuff him

And put him in jail that’s what’s needed I’m sorry there’s been a misunderstanding what what is he talking about right now don’t arrest my husband I’ve already forgiven him he won’t do it again did our mom forgive him he was beating our mom how can you forgive that

So I came here for nothing it goes like this I’m sorry sheriff it won’t happen again you have my word okay I forgive him thank you Sheriff you’re going to be okay okay kids if Daddy fights again call me I’ll be here to help you okay thank you for your help and remember

Fighting in the family is against the law good luck with your family life goodbye Sheriff thank you for joining us too bad he didn’t shoot dad what are you doing have you all lost your minds how dare you complain to a policeman about me you’ll regret it how long has it been

Since you’ve been hit with a belt what you said you wouldn’t fight you gave your word dad stop did you call the police you idiot no I didn’t no you’ll know how to cross my path stupid woman you promised you wouldn’t fight oh my God mom’s unconscious again I’m going to

Punch you too no oh my God that really hurt where did I wake up that’s our basement under the house looks like Daddy hit Mikey too get up Mikey we got to get out of here looks like he locked the basement from the outside wake up already uh what where I

Am right now our daddy put us in this basement we’re hostages now he threw our mom in here too what a bad father he is I hate him oh my God Mom wake up we have to get out of here oh what my whole face hurts I’m so sick you already have two

Black eyes he punched you in the face again hitting women isn’t cool you know I should have listened to that policeman I should have put dad in jail yeah Mom you shouldn’t have trusted our Dad how are we supposed to get out of this basement I don’t want to live here all

My life we don’t even have the tools to open that door and run to the police station I’m getting scared what if daddy beats us again and he can do it he’s got a lot of alcohol left in the bottle oh my God I don’t like this hey family how

Are you guys doing are you comfortable comfortable until you got here oh my God he’s come to beat us up again take cover take it easy Dad we’re not going anywhere now you will sit here you don’t love me I will make you love me with Force stupidest idea ever you know let

Us out please get away from me now you’ll stay here as long as I want you to haahaha you’re all stupid and don’t understand anything why do you need us all you want is booze the police will find us sooner or later is he going upstairs okay you can talk all you want

In here there’s no way you’re getting out of here I’ve got to go get another vodka only a bottle makes me happy these days bye-bye losers what we’re the losers we’re just small and we can’t fight back we need to see if he closed the door after him come on Mom try to

Open the door maybe he forgot to put the lock on no JJ he Clos that door solid we can’t just open it we have to find another way out of here Mom think of something you’re an adult yeah all the adults are smart except for our dad our

Dad’s an idiot there’s always tools in the basement that’s what we’ll use a shovel we’re going to dig a tunnel from here yes we’re going to get out of here that way here’s a smart person’s thought we’ll dig a tunnel and go to the police yeah then the sheriff’s going to put our

Daddy in jail stop talking let’s start digging there’s a reason we live in the world of Minecraft any block can be broken wow and I thought adults didn’t play Minecraft JJ every single person on this planet plays Minecraft it’s the best game ever don’t talk nonsense okay

Here we have already dug down to the surface it’s time to get out of here we were finally able to get out of Daddy’s trap it’s all because of our smart Mom oh thank you so much kids now we need to call a cop to come to us yes except the

Phone is at home we’ll call him quietly and discreetly are you sure our dad won’t notice us we’ll quietly see if he’s asleep now that’s a good idea mom what if he wakes up he’ll beat us up again if he wakes up we’ll run in different directions he can’t catch us

All okay just don’t scream JJ who’s yelling oh my god did he fall asleep what a drunk that’s good for us so I can yell all I want and no one is stopping us from making a call to the police what happened to the phone it’s not working

Why isn’t it working oh my God he cut the wires to the phone what do we do he’s going to wake up soon we don’t have a second phone at home we’ll have to go to the police ourselves we don’t have any other options oh how did you get out

Of the basement you want me to beat you again you’re so stubborn hey husband calm down the police are on their way here you’re lying you couldn’t have called them I cut all the wires in the house hey take it easy don’t touch the kids they’re my kids I can beat them as

Much as I want and I’ll beat you too you filthy drunk oh my God kids run away from here I’ll hold him off what did you say nah take that oh my God Mom are you okay now it’s your turn Mikey we got to run run stop right there you’ll regret

This oh my God stay away from me Mikey run he’s behind you you know where I’m going to put that bottle I don’t want to know let’s get away from him I’m going to put you on that bottle oh my God that’s got to hurt Mikey close the door

Behind you open the door quickly we’re not opening that door for him we got to figure out a way to get out of here we have to come up with a trap for our dad what do you mean what kind of trap I don’t know we should find something

Heavy and hang it over the door would an anvil work I’ve got one in my chest Anvil sounds great we’ll hang it here and it’ll fall right on Daddy’s head yeah that’s a great plan now it’s our turn to punch him in the face Mikey you and me we’re such pranksters how those

Kids piss me off I should have put them in an orphanage I hate my family oh my God we turn this lever and then the Anvil Falls right on his head this is going to be so much fun we just have to wait for him to finally break down that

Door and he’s so angry I can hear him threatening me from here oh he’s going to break the door down I’m going to get you kids nah here’s Johnny that’s where you’re hiding from me this is going to hurt you so much Mikey pull the lever

Now hurry up he’s going to beat us okay okay okay don’t yell at me what is that over my head surprise baby how about that you old drunk our plan was perfect Mikey we’re two little Geniuses we were able to beat such a big strong adult yeah the

Anvil punch is much harder than the daddy punch I agree with you he’s still out serves him right he’ll know how to raise his hand on the week by the way where’s our mom oh my God our mom’s passed out on the first floor too we

Need to help her oh my God we totally forgot about her what kind of day is today our house has turned into a fight club what do we do JJ she is still not awake mom wake up daddy will be back soon we have to go oh what is Daddy

Coming back no way where is he by the way shh Mom calm down we knocked it out in our Nursery our Anvil trap hit him in the head oh my God that must really hurt but that’s what he needs he totally deserved it I want to see it come with

Me I wouldn’t go back there he might wake up and start hitting us again even though he’s got such a heavy anvil on him I don’t think he’ll be able to get up nice work guys he won’t be waking up anytime soon now we should call the

Police to arrest him and we’ll never meet him again yeah I don’t want a dad like that hello what’s going on here uh the Anvil fell by itself yes it was hanging there and fell on him by accident and my dad also beat us up and locked us in the basement please arrest

Him yes he beat us a second time he lied to you Sheriff JJ is completely correct ukie I’m arresting him I’m arresting a man who’s ready to go where was the Anvil the ceiling is that where you always kept it yes it was always hanging there it was hanging there for a pretty

Interior okay I believe you don’t worry you’ll never see your daddy again cool thank you kids can you take a walk outside we need to talk to the sheriff this won’t take long let’s go for a walk JJ there’s some grown-up stuff that adults need to talk about I found some

Diamonds while playing Minecraft can you believe it let’s not distract them this is a very important conversation yeah and then I tell her hey baby why don’t we get to know each other and she says I’m sorry but I already have a boyfriend so I had to punch that that guy in the

Face to keep him away from my girls wow Mikey you’re so cool hi everybody I’m JJ and I’m Mikey his little brother Mikey what are we doing today not too long ago a new part of GTA 6 came out we bought the disc and we’ll be playing it all day

Yes we’re Gamers we shouldn’t show this game to our parents it’s age restricted yes and we’re too young to play Such grown-up games rules are made to be broken JJ I felt like a mega adult for a long time Mega adult Mikey is still begging for candy from our mom you don’t

Have to talk about it in the video JJ okay don’t talk about the disc and everything will be fine okay I won’t Mom Dad hello did you know I want a new TV on my head we’ll buy it later oh hi kids hey Mom how are you doing in school yeah

What’s new we don’t have anything ordinary I’ve even behaved today it’s a very normal day it’s like you’re hiding something all right mind your own business yeah don’t distract us we have our own things to do we’ve got our own thing going on too huh okay we’re off to

Do homework JJ let’s go to the computer already yeah Mikey I’m on my way Well you certainly made it up he’s doing his homework that’s funny let’s set up our game already I can’t wait to play it Mikey how long before it’s installed about 5 or 10 minutes oh my God my

Stomach hurts I want to poop a lot oh really go to the bathroom while I need the clay you’ll play the game without me I think you’ll have time to squeeze the slop out of yourself while the game installs on our computer okay well I’ll try to make this quick don’t start

Playing without me okay okay hurry up oh my God I can feel the biomass pressing on my valve it’s a good thing the porcelain chair isn’t occupied by anyone oh my God that feels so good 5 minutes later it stinks so bad in here I don’t

Envy whoever comes in here next now I can play a new game I hope Mikey had time to install it and didn’t start playing this without me Mikey I’m done with my business are you done with yours yes the game is already installed on our computer now you can play it all day

Long come on Mikey get it going it’s G GTA 6 the game that every person on the planet has been waiting for oh my God she’s perfect it’s the best thing I’ve ever seen oh yeah this is the best game ever uh who turned out the lights why is

It so dark Mikey what happened to your face I can’t see anything what’s going on are you blinded by such a perfect game JJ this isn’t funny anymore am I really blind oh my God how am I supposed to play now ouch yeah Mikey you’re really blind time to call our parents

You don’t need to call anyone it’ll pass they can’t know about the game Mikey stop you’re going to fall again ouch you can’t even see the doors in front of you oh my God this is a serious case no JJ don’t scare me I’m getting scared already just don’t go anywhere you’ll

Fall or bump again you’re blind ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch oh my god you’re an acrobat Mikey not bad for a beginner I fell down I saw that Mikey I’m not blind oh my God what a rumble Mikey are you okay they’re just playing don’t worry Mom Dad just don’t swear

What are you talking about what happened to your face I played a new computer game and went blind oh my God how can you go blind from that I don’t know I’ve never had that before looks like he needs to go to the hospital yeah we’re

Going to walk him by the hand but I’m not a kid anymore you are blind that’s why we’re going to hold your hand okay whatever you say Mikey I think the doctor can help you get your eyesight back let’s go to the hospital already stop wasting time talking there’s no

Time to lose Mikey might go blind forever oh my God I don’t want to be like this forever don’t be afraid Mikey well that kind of blindness sometimes happens when one is too enamored of something it’s a temporary effect soon he’ll be able to see again thank

Goodness Mikey will be well soon yeah games don’t lead to good things I agree with you man well I hope I don’t have to wear this stupid bandage for too long it makes me so sad to see my son disabled stop being sad already the doctor said it’s only temporary yes stop whining

Already you need to keep an eye on him as long as he’s blind he can go anywhere he could fall and hurt himself or his eyes again okay we’ll make sure he doesn’t go clumping around again that’s great then everything will be fine glad to hear it doctor I promise Mikey won’t

Fall once and he will be fine then you can go home yes thank you very much doctor you’ve been a great help there’s an upside to everything now Mikey can relax at home all day and not have to go to school wow that’s awesome yeah you’re

Going to have to put your homework on hold until Mike’s better yeah let’s get out of here I’m sick of this Hospital Mikey let’s go home no more lounging around let let’s go Mikey not so fast Mikey another fall you’re going to break something again n I’m fine don’t worry

You’re clumsy don’t make any sudden moves Mikey that way you won’t fall anywhere and don’t run around too much okay I’m not going to do it from now on you will only walk in the direction of our voice Mikey wait I can’t hear you where are you stop stop right there

Where are you going good thing I caught him honey you’re right on time as always yes he needs to be watched closely Mikey follow our voice okay okay okay I was flying here and now I’m standing here this is so cool how you love to cause trouble Mikey’s been a walking problem

Before now even more so yeah Mikey you’re a walking blind problem I love that nickname let’s go home it smells like pills in here and there’s a bunch of sick people who stink too one sick person won’t get away from us yeah let’s go home Mikey needs some peace and

Comfort right now yeah you’re going to fall again where am I supposed to go now go ahead there are steps watch out okay I’ll be more careful so we’ve been walking for 5 minutes and Mikey hasn’t fallen down once I consider that a success he’s already used to walking

Around blind it’s just a short walk home yes I don’t know where we are right now Mikey there’s just a little bit left follow our voice you all have to keep talking about something so I can hear you and know where you are okay everybody let’s start talking okay I

Recently bought such a beautiful purse by the way where’s Mikey we’ve been talking too much where did he go again I was just talking you’re all so stupid he couldn’t have gotten far he’s out there I see him he’s over there he’s going to the Lava Lake where are you all I can’t

Hear you Mikey stop Mikey don’t go in there looks like it’s time for me to rescue him again I told them to talk non-stop I can’t hear anyone once again you’re meddling where you shouldn’t if you can’t hear us stay where you are okay okay just put me down

I forbid you to go any further away from us how did he even survive the lava I don’t understand why you had to go there in the first place where did this Lake come from I am so pissed off where were you going explain I was just walking on

The smell of delicious food what kind of food is in a lava lake what are you talking about I don’t know but it sure smells like something delicious in there oh my God there’s a roast Pig drowned yes it really does smell good all you

Want to do is eat Mikey I’m tired of saving you already that’s it I won’t go far anymore let’s go home already I hope there are no Spike holes or anything else dangerous on the way I’m tired of all this let’s go Mikey I’m going to

Keep my eye on you from now on where do I go lead me with your voice I can’t hear you go forward to your parents come here Mikey we’re here keep up this way I can hear you I’m coming for you that’s it we’re finally home JJ watch out for

Mikey I’m here I’m not going anywhere don’t worry we’re all worried about you you could have gotten hurt twice today I’m afraid of what will happen to him if he gets his sight back I’m used to walking around blind it’s fun come on in the house Mikey don’t fall down oh ho

Ouch that’s the 100th fall of the day Mikey you’ve blown your head off it’s already Rock Solid it’s okay he’s so funny there’s nothing funny about it I’m tired of bailing him out of all sorts of dangers Mikey you’re pissing everybody off at least my mom thinks it’s funny so

I’m not falling for nothing you’re going to grow up to be some kind of clown now Mikey needs to get some sleep yeah let him get some sleep that way that little Splinter won’t bother me okay where do I go will you walk me to my bed yeah we’ll

Walk you to bed don’t worry everything will be fine come on follow me I’m coming right now and there are many blind people in the world who live like this all their lives yeah it must be hard on them I wouldn’t want to lose my sight ever get in bed Mikey where’s my

Bed over there Mikey right in front of you thank you so much for taking me to the doctor and helping me get home I would have been lost without you good night that’s it his road has been traveled that must have been hard on him yeah JJ will follow him and we’ll get

Some rest too we’re so tired you follow him and we’ll go sleep with your daddy what could possibly happen to him whatever just be here I can put a blindfold on you too I assure you you’ll love it oh that sounds very interesting J J you can watch TV now oh really thank

You yes and don’t come into our bedroom yes of course I didn’t want to I hope Mikey recovers soon so we can play the new GTA 6 together and while he’s sleeping I’m going to take care of some very important business we usually watch cartoons together not this time oh man

These are old episodes okay I’ll watch it again 2 hours later yeah it’s not so cool to watch cartoons alone I’ve been staring at that stupid SpongeBob for 2 hours now Mikey’s been asleep too long it’s not even night yet I got to wake him up plus I’m really bored Mikey wake

Up stop sleeping rise and shine Mikey it’s not healthy to sleep so much what’s going on who wakes me up at night like this Mikey it’s me JJ it’s still daytime that headband is covering your eyes oh that’s it I got it now I can see again

Oh really you can see everything again yes of course I’m not a blind invalid anymore now I can see your disgusting face again wow there’s my old Mikey it’s so good to see you again since you can see again let’s go play GTA 6 uh trying

To run it again I don’t know let’s play we’ve been waiting for this for so long you know JJ I don’t want to play computer games anymore but it’s GTA 6 you know JJ I realized something when I was blind and what did you realize it’s better to play with regular toys I

Realize this game is blindingly good but I don’t want to go blind a second time who needs the street or those baby toys the computer is so much cooler I like the street shall we go for a walk well come on let’s go for a walk JJ sitting

Around your house not going anywhere is not that cool you know Mikey you sound just like my mom maybe she says the right things sometimes yeah you’re right though Mikey it’s way cooler outside than it is in my room yeah watching hours and hours of the same cartoon can

Be boring totally agree with you I don’t like cartoons now you know cartoons are fun too but if you watch them a little at a time totally agree with you Mikey hey everyone on this sunny beautiful day Mikey and I are playing on the playground hey hey we have a new

Playground at the orphanage yeah our Center has repaired everything and they also bought a lot of toys it is so much more fun to be in our orphanage now they also grew a new Forest where we sometimes go for walks with our group too bad we’re not allowed to go there

Alone guys come here who’s that a teacher at our orphanage is calling us it’s time to go eat you’re already playing and you’re late for lunch she’s calling us into the building to eat eat Mikey I heard that JJ you guys have been playing outside for a long time we have

To go eat don’t worry you can play again later then let’s go eat quickly yeah and I’m already hungry and don’t mind getting some extra energy I hope there will be a delicious lunch today and not like yesterday’s brll soup rol soup is very healthy JJ come on in the other

Kids are long past lunchtime as long as those kids don’t eat our lunch what are you talking about JJ there’s one plate for every two people no one’s going to eat your lunch that’s what I believed are you guys joking around again he let’s go eat before the food gets cold

We’ll eat and go about our business sure we’re right in the business Mikey there’s your table over there you can sit down enjoy your meal thank you very much it smells really good let’s go eat I wonder if everyone here has the same food or do they give someone else

Different food I don’t know JJ look at that they’re all different but our food isn’t lamb poop let’s eat already do you like being here JJ yes of course I do it’s beautiful and the food is delicious I would eat here more often I meant at

The orphanage do you like it ah yeah I like it here the people here are nice they treat us well too the food is good too on the whole I agree with you JJ guys let’s finish eating we’re scheduled for an afternoon nap oh no what daytime

Nap we wanted to go for another walk yeah and I haven’t finished eating yet but on the other hand I don’t mind lying down and resting for a while I agree with you Mikey let’s go get some rest can we go to our playground again with

JJ after the day’s rest yes after your vac you can go play cool Mikey let’s stay in bed for an hour and go play thank you orphanage teacher you’re welcome go to your room bye how lucky we are that she is very kind let’s go get

Some rest JJ yeah that’s right I have heard that many teachers are cruel and unfair to their students that’s awful it shouldn’t be like this write in the comments if your teachers are good and if you like them this is our room JJ we can come in and relax how convenient

That we have a room for two with no extra people it’s true what a beautiful and cozy room too I love it here I love it here too and the beds are comfortable let’s get some rest JJ nice I just have a favor to ask of you can you go to the

Store with me I’m a little undernourished we’ll go back and forth quickly and rest all right Mikey let’s go just as long as nobody sees us thank you JJ let’s go see if anyone’s in the hallway you just have to be quiet as a mouse or they’ll scold you I’m out JJ I

Don’t think anyone’s around so let’s take it slow that’s great everything’s going according to plan let’s hurry up and go before anyone sees us I love what we’re doing I got a little adrenaline rushing through my body take your time Mikey there might be people here who can

See us don’t be so hard on yourself I’ve been through everything no one’s here we can go cool Mikey I have a lot of fun doing that it adds a new emotion to ordinary life here we are this is the closest store and it’s also a good store

There is a very large sele ction he also works all night we can come here at 1: in the morning what do you want to get for yourself at the store something tasty we should go look that’s right hello we’re here to buy groceries hello guys sure come on in and buy whatever

You want thank you we’ll quickly buy everything and go let’s go this way JJ let’s see what we can buy there’s a huge selection of what you can buy Mikey and t-shirts and trinkets you can even buy fruit yes it’s a very nice store JJ I

Like it we should buy one already and go to our orphanage cashier Now give me all your money look at Mikey it’s a robber with a gun oh my God JJ what are we going to do I’m scared let’s run away no Mikey we have to stop him hey you robber

Stop doing that have you lost your fear get out of here boy or I’ll shoot you no we’re not leaving here you don’t have to do this put your gun away and stop scaring ordinary civilians you think you’re the bravest then take a bullet in the head Mikey it’s okay I’m

Alive is that me lying down am I dead Mikey I’m here look over here can you see me have I become a ghost did I really get killed I should have listened to Mikey JJ why did you even go to him I told you to run away I wanted to save

You I thought he wouldn’t shoot me hear me Mikey we should run to the orphanage and tell them what happened how am I supposed to live without you JJ I’m right here Mikey 2 hours later I don’t know what’s going on but I think I’ve become a ghost hey Mikey stop where are

You going so fast stop crying already I’m not completely dead yet please calm down you’re such a crybaby oh my God he can’t even hear me Mikey you have to tell the teacher she should call the police over there stop whining and start taking action so you want to adopt Mikey

That’s a very good option who there he is a very obedient and handsome boy he’s in tears but that doesn’t matter kind of people are these they’re here to adopt Mikey what about me he can’t be taken alone we’re taking him yes a good worker I don’t agree I’m not going anywhere

What how dare you talk to Dad like that do you want to adopt him yet take him now okay pack it up we’re going to be great parents let me go let Mikey go now he’s my brother I’m not going to let you just take him away it’s not a thing come

Again we have a lot of unwanted children you are always welcome one is enough for us for now what why so fast you guys are weird I’m not leaving you Mikey 3 hours later stop don’t go away you’re not taking my Mikey away from me he’s my

Brother give him back to me it’s not your toy we’re finally here darling this little guy screams so much on the way you’re bad I don’t want to be your son shut up you little baby let’s go inside we need to find a normal place for him

Let him go right now you two stupid adults they’re treating my brother too badly how can I help him I’m just a ghost Shake him up okay ow ow ow ow ow ow that’s it he needs to be treated better he’ll work for us without rest

What kind of work he’s just a kid friends do you also think it’s a bad idea to work as a child write about it in the comments it’s a time for fun and relaxation it’s against the law to work at that age we’re too young for that

Where are you taking him I think you’ll be comfortable in this basement that’s where we’re going to keep that stupid kid it’s not a dog people don’t live in a cage now you’re going to live here you have a lot of work tomorrow what kind of

Work you adopted me I don’t want to live here now you sit there kid I’m not some animal I’m a human being let me out please you’ll get out of here just to get a job no one will come and help you I’ll help you can’t do this to me you’ll

Be deprived of your parental rights we don’t care no one will find you you are the worst parents ever Jesus Mikey hold on I’ll never leave you here alone I’m going to find a way to get you out of here please don’t cry how could our

Teacher give you away so easily to these freaks we just have to not give up yeah sleep is what we need right now the greates here are too strong I don’t know how Mikey can break them with his little hands there’s nothing I can do to help

Him the next day oh my God can ghost sleep too I didn’t know that hey wake up there the prisoners starved give me some soup lots of soup yeah Mikey’s pretty pissed off today I’m hungry I’m very hungry I’m going to chew on these bars who was yelling at me this morning I’m

Going to punch you in the head I forbid you to make make that kind of noise I can’t live without food for long oh you’re hungry huh we have jobs for you around the house you get it done you can eat come on get out of here and go to

The first floor how vile you guys are come on come on follow me baby okay I’m on my way I wonder what kind of job awaits him oh my God there’s so much garbage they’re really dirty pigs here’s a rake for you go and clean it Mikey’s

Going to take forever to clean this place alone there’s no way I’d clean this place up get started now oh my God why did they bring the trash cans in off the street don’t even think about running away from here kid we have huge locks on the main door you’re going to

Stay here forever it’s a good idea to adopt you isn’t it also all the windows have bars Escape is impossible it’s not a house it’s a big prison come on do some janitorial work and we’ll go have fun while they’re laying there Mikey’s going to be working here alone how am I

Supposed to get out of here there’s no way out if JJ we’re around right now maybe we could get out of this place Mikey I’m here why can’t you hear me JJ are you here or am I imagining things I’m here I’m in ghost form you can hear

Me but you can’t see me oh that’s awesome I knew you wouldn’t leave me my brother Mikey you need to get out of here right now we just have to find a way to do it I have no idea where the weak spot is in this house we need to

Look this house can’t be perfect in terms of Defense but Mikey I don’t see any way to escape at all JJ you’re a ghost you can walk through walls fly through that wall behind the painting uh really I’ve never never done that I don’t think I can do it so try it right

Now we don’t have any other options okay okay I’ve never done this before it’s even easier than I thought so what do we have here some old garage and an exit to the street but how do I get Mikey out here friends would you like to be able

To fly through walls write about it in the comments and I still don’t know how to get Mikey out of here Mikey there’s an exit to the street behind that wall I can’t break down walls or carry you through them uh so there’s an exit

Behind this wall all we have to do is break it down yeah but Mikey how are you going to break down that solid wall I don’t know maybe I should try to break it with my rake a rake but you need them for leaves and trash JJ that’s a very

Sturdy rake plus the wall here is pretty rotten perfect place for a hole seriously you just break down walls like that you’re a genius yeah I’m surprised at how easy it was and they spent a lot of money to buy locks and install bars on the Windows yeah they obviously

Didn’t expect this from us now where do we go we’re going back to the orphanage that’s the only place where we can have a normal life uh-oh I think I’m disappearing what’s going on oh my God where am I you’re in the hospital kid we were able to save your life before that

You were in a coma now you are back in the world of the alive wao cool and I thought I was completely dead but I’m still going to make it through this life hey we managed to get you out of that world don’t risk your life like that

Again okay I’ll try my best thank you Doctor that’s my job glad you’re alive again I’m actually surprised a man survived a bullet to the forehead you’re a very lucky man nobody would have survived but you now go home I have a lot of things to do thank you again

Doctor you’re the best bye-bye JJ Mikey you’re alive I’m so glad my little brother is bulletproof but what are you doing here Mikey I didn’t tell you I was in the hospital I didn’t realize I was here myself JJ I’m your brother I would never leave you your voice is gone and

You thought I’d wake up in a hospital that’s smart yeah where else would you I don’t think you’d still be lying in that store you know anything can happen it’s good to be back you know darling the day I met you was a very lucky day to meet such a

Beautiful charming and good woman like you is a great blessing oh honey it’s a great blessing for me too to have such a good and loving husband we’ve been married for 10 years those years have flown by so fast it feels like I met you yesterday yes honey I enjoy spending

Time with you so much that I don’t notice it passing I’m so glad to have you in my life I hope we continue to be together for the rest of our lives yeah that’s a good idea oh are we filming already hi everybody as you know my name

Is JJ and this is my brother Mikey hi everyone it’s our parents wedding anniversary we want to congratulate them yes we’re very happy for them 10 years of marriage together is not easy oh hi kids happy anniversary to you oh thank you congratulations to you too Dad

Thanks JJ you two make a great married couple we wish you to continue to be so good yes you’re the best we’re really lucky to have parents such beautiful kind and loving parents are very rare you know ouch oh my God what is that a soccer ball in the restaurant who’s

Playing in the restaurant huh that’s us we kicked him good hey let’s keep being naughty let’s go what a bunch of annoying little kids yes it’s unpleasant I’m so sick of little kids like that good thing you’re not like them yes we are older and smarter why don’t we go

Home already yes it’s long overdue plus it’s so much Cozier at home yes you’re right as always it’s a good thing we don’t have little ones in our family like those yeah that’s right good thing we’re all adults here I don’t think Mikey as an adult would want to have

Kids no children are good it’s good when they grow up I hate babies that are too small I’m going home let’s go kids you know Mikey you used to be so little too I don’t remember that I was already smart and grown up from birth you’re

Funny Mikey I’m older than you and I remember when you were just as annoying woo we’re finally home yeah it was a good day yeah we had a good one it’s already cold outside come home already I wanted to take another walk walk but okay let’s go home I was just

Remembering how cute you guys were when you were little we were very happy when you were born yes put all the love and care into you you keep on loving and caring for us don’t you uh sure but in a different way what do you mean different

Because you’re adults you can’t be Babys sad anymore and sometimes we wish we could dad I give you permission to babysit me and carry me around in your arms I want to do that too kids we love you but babysitting is different now than it used to be all right then I

Didn’t really feel like it the most important thing is that we love each other no matter how old we are huh Mikey I imagined you as a 40-year-old man how would our parents love you they would continue to buy me candies bedtime candy is bad for you it’s time for you to go

To bed how about we play some more yes I don’t want to sleep I want to play with toys no no no that’s out of the question you have to sleep at night not play it’s too early for bedtime is it too late it’s midnight you should be asleep by

Now so go to bed quickly and without any toys before bedtime all right well we can sleep if that’s what you want Mikey good night to you sleep tight and may you have very good dreams oh thank you same to you hey can you say good night

To me too yes of course JJ with wishes like that I will sleep very deeply good night anyway yeah get a good night’s sleep there I hope you enjoyed it good night to you too Mom and Dad yeah good night to you yeah let’s get a good

Night’s sleep we’re all very tired this day yeah go to your bedroom already oh that was rude yeah that was rude but I don’t take offense to my kids because I love them bye-bye see you tomorrow you know JJ it’s a good thing we get all the

Love from our parents I wouldn’t want to give it all to anyone else good night JJ yeah I agree with you Mikey good night to you too yeah I’m getting a little sleepy too the next day it’s a nice day outside it’s a good day to do something

Outside the house huh yes we obviously need to do something kids bye-bye we’re going out don’t miss us although I don’t know if they’re awake this early at all what are we doing today we just went out for a walk and a break from our kids you

Know I was thinking last night about what we discussed after the restaurant what do you think about that I do miss when Mikey and JJ were babies yes those were good moments I agree oh who’s the Cutie honey come here look at that little girl isn’t that a little miracle

Sitting there oh you’re right that is a very cute little girl she’s very nice I’m AA it’s so sad and lonely to play alone in toys I wish I had a family of my own what a shame I’m an orphan honey did you hear that she’s an orphan we can

Take her in she’s so cute are you sure you want to adopt her yes I’m sure of it she’s absolutely wonderful I want her to be my daughter if you’re so sure of that then I agree she certainly won’t be lonely in our family especially since we

Already have kids I’m sure they will be friends with each other we need to meet her we have to get her to like us just try not to be rude to her oh hi there you two are so beautiful are you here to adopt me are you my new parents cuz I’m

All alone um hi there we’re really thinking about being your parents yes we’d like to adopt you if that’s okay with you we really liked you woo I agree to be your daughter that’s great then let’s go to our house yes you have my word you’ll love it here you’re part of

Our family now wow that’s awesome now I’m going to call you Mom and Dad yes now we have a little girl I’m so happy me too 3 hours later hello again everyone Mikey and I decided to play outside while my parents were out yes I was thinking how nice it is that this

Playground belongs to just us it’s so cool we don’t have to share it with anyone yes we are owners of this place but I’m sick of sitting here for hours I suggest we go to our room and play with our toys yeah I’m bored here too let’s

Go play at home and no one will bother us there it’s so nice to live like this let’s build a castle out of cubes that’s a great idea you build a castle and I’ll build cars to park there we’ll have a castle to store our cars in we’re going

To have a big parking lot that sounds really cool let’s go build it what who is she how cool is it to play in your own room who’s that girl this is our room I live here now too Mikey she threw away all of our toys who would let her

Do something like that it’s just awful some strangers girl invaded our home yeah we should call the police to get her kicked out of here but I live here too who gave you permission to break all of our toys mom and dad are going to

Come and kick that bully out but I only played a little I don’t want to live on the streets again did you play a little you made a terrible mess yeah you tell that to the police you go to jail for that what I don’t want to go to the

Police why you won’t fix the situation with your tears JJ is right you need to clean up here and then leave our house what’s going on here why is our daughter crying who is she anyway this is our new daughter amou we took her from the orphanage what aren’t we enough for you

Yes what about us don’t you love us anymore don’t be silly but she broke all our toys how did she even dare to do that she’s still a little girl be gentle with her that’s it I’m here calm down AOW mom and dad are nearby and who will

Fix our toys go play in the yard we will raise her and protect her um are you serious yes don’t bother us it’s kind of unfair you are already adults go play by yourself yes go already they dragged some girl into our room gave her all our

Toys and we are to blame yes you are to blame you brought her to tears get get out this is my room let’s get out of here JJ no one loves or respects us here some kind of adopted girl is more important to them than their own Sons

You’re right Mikey I was offended by our parents how could they do that now they will forget about us forever Mikey and you started crying too God you’re a grown man adults don’t cry God our parents will play with her a little and give her back to the orphanage don’t

Worry so much take it easy oh my God 2 hours later why didn’t parents even do anything when they saw her break our computer I don’t know JJ maybe this girl is more important to them than us now I don’t want to believe it Mikey it’s too weird

We’ve been with them a lot longer it just doesn’t work that way let’s go see what they were doing without us maybe the parents realized their mistake look at that a girl sitting alone on the floor crying what happened to her Mikey e it smells awful too look at that she’s

Pooped now I know what that smell is we need to change her diaper yeah I can’t feel it only I’m not going to do it let you change it I certainly can’t do it this is disgusting please JJ change her diaper I’m begging you so much why me

Okay I’ll do it come on roll over I’ll change your diaper thank you so much you’re very kind how awful it looks you just need to stop breathing change your diaper quickly and forget about it well done JJ you will do great I believe in you that’s it I’ve done it now you’re

Clean and there’s no bad odor thank you so much you were able to help me only now you’ll be changing my diapers all the time every time you do it what what did she just say did I just hear what she just said you heard right my friends

This is totally disrespectful come on Mikey we’re going to punish her for this what what are you going to do I agree JJ it’s time for her to realize a little bit that she is a nobody in our family let’s go Mikey how can you be so

Insolent now you’ll know what it means to be rude to us go on your way our parents can’t help you now now you’ll have to live alone on the street what are you guys doing maybe I’m too mean to them I think I need to apologize and we

Can live together we finally did it now we can live in peace without the cheeky little girl let’s go to our room Mikey let that girl learn to survive on her own what is she back with us again guys let’s hug it out I realize not everyone

Wants to clean up after me but you’ll get used to it I believe in you is she doing it again I don’t think she realizes her mistakes at all she came in again and continues to be rude to us again what did I say wrong look she really doesn’t know what we’re saying

Let’s get her away from the house maybe then she’ll figure out why we don’t want her here why is that cheeky girl go far away from here and don’t even think about coming back come on JJ we’ve got toys waiting for us have fun staying Outdoors I’m so tired of walking already

It’s horrible so much trouble from that little girl the main thing is that we can go play in our room in peace I agree with you JJ let’s not waste any more time guys I realize my mistakes let’s not fight anymore let’s go hug and live together again I will not be bullied

Didn’t act like a boar anymore she came again but now she’s apologizing to us Mikey I’m not exactly apologizing of course you heard that JJ people don’t change she’s at it again I was just kidding Let’s be friendly boys don’t get mad at me look at her she’s very sweet

Maybe we should forgive her forgive all right let’s forgive her let her be part of our family you guys are very kind thank you very much I am very happy to be a part of your family cool Mikey let’s go upstairs to our room that’s a

Great idea now the three of us can play there’s enough toys for everyone it’s so wonderful when people change and realize they were wrong now we can all live together and never fight again I agree with you I’m glad it ended so well I’m very excited too the three of us will

Have fun living together I agree with you Mikey the important thing is that now we understand each other and forgive each other and then we will live together for the hey everybody friends subscribers and viewers glad to see you on our Channel I just woke up I’m going to get

Breakfast what a wonderful morning how do you start your day write about it in the comments I wonder what my parents cook this time I have a friend and he has a son he’s doing so well in School Mom Dad good morning oh good morning JJ good morning son Mom did you make

Breakfast yes of course the table’s already set let’s go eat together oh that’s awesome I’m so hungry right now I’m tired of waiting for you to wake up I’m going to eat yeah JJ let’s eat already okay enjoy your meal everyone thanks you too the food’s already cold

Honey stop grumbling already let our son eat in peace thank you by the way Mom your food is delicious as always yeah your mom knows how to make a good breakfast by the way JJ how are you doing in school uh it’s fine that’s great then bring me your grade list yeah

Go get it now maybe I’ll bring it back a little later I’m eating now JJ are you hiding something you have an exam tomorrow I need to know how you’re doing in school I hope he’s ready for it but still please bring the sheet okay let me

Get that for you we just want to make sure you are a good and smart son you know I’m starting to doubt that oh my gosh they never checked my grade sheet what’s gotten into them guys do you have good grades in school write about it in the comments I’ve forgotten what my

Report card grades are are oh my God I got the worst grades in every subject my parents are not going to be happy about this I don’t know what to do in this situation maybe I should call Mikey he’s an excellent student I think he might be

Able to help me okay I’m calling Mikey hey I’m in trouble can you give me some advice hey JJ what’s wrong I have the worst grades in all subjects on my grade sheet and now my parents are asking me to show it JJ this is bad try erasing or

Correcting the grades on the worksheet just do it carefully that’s right thanks for the advice come on good luck to you study harder next time I’ll do my best Mikey bye-bye bye JJ this could really help me it’s worth it to just erase all those grades and say I forgot to get

Them I don’t have a rubber maybe I could use a regular finger like Mikey said I got to be careful oh my God I made a hole I’m so sloppy God what am I going to do what are you doing here we’ve been standing here for a minute uh nothing

What’s that you got there those are my school grades that’s great then let’s have a look at them I think it’s a bad idea get out of the way let’s see how you learn oh my God woman look how dumb our son is that’s horrible worst grades

In every subject our son is an idiot Mom Dad please don’t swear I’ll fix all the grades it can’t be fixed I’m disappointed we shouldn’t have such stupid people in our house you’re right what what are you talking about pack your things and get out of our house

You’re not living here anymore I’m your son please don’t do this not anymore now you’ll live on the street get the hell out of here I’m ashamed to be your father are you stupid get out of the house just because of my grades you’re so angry what’s wrong with you what’s

Wrong with you we don’t want a son like that in our family either you leave on your own or we’re calling the police get out now oh my my God is this some kind of prank please let me fix my grades just don’t kick me out no there are no

Second Chances God taught us to forgive please forgive me you’re starting to annoy me get out of our house homeless people don’t need school you’re going to love it daddy please I’m going to be an honor student I don’t care we don’t care about you from now on you’re nothing to

Us but your family to me bye-bye I love you both oh my God what am I supposed to do now I’m only 7 years old where am I supposed to live friends do your parents scold you for not doing your homework write about it in the comments and now I

I need to figure out where I’m going to find a place to sleep tonight it’s not cool to be homeless guys this is so bad 3 hours later I’ve been wandering around the city for half a day I tried asking for food from passers by because I was

Hungry but nobody helped me I feel so bad my parents did a terrible thing to me I think I should spend the night at this bus stop at least there’s a roof over my head I’ve seen in movies that homeless people sleep here but it looks

Like the roof is leaking in here where am I supposed to sleep tonight oh I love walking in the rain oh Mikey hi JJ hey hey what are you doing out here in this weather uh I got kicked out of my house for bad grades in school my parents only

Want good grades they’re disappointed in me now I live on the streets oh really kicking me out of the house for something like that that’s awful Mikey can I ask for your help if I fix my grades they might have me back help you sure the matter is generally trivial oh

Thank you I will help you improve your grades at school and prepare for the exam can I learn lessons at your house sure come to my house I’ll help you with your training there Mikey you’re the best friend in the world thanks JJ we are friends and friends should help help

Each other let’s get out of here otherwise you’re all wet okay Mikey let’s go how lucky I am to meet you right now I will do everything to make my parents believe in me again good mood JJ we will succeed with you I really hope so Mikey wow you have a nice house

Like this it must be cool to live here yes it’s great here my parents won’t mind if you stay with us for a while you have kind parents not like mine yes they are too strict with you but don’t be offended by them so much I’m more

Offended at myself for not doing my homework oh and who is it that came to us hi Mikey did you bring guests home yes it’s his friend JJ good to see you buddy oh JJ I’ve heard of him hi Mom Dad yes this is my friend hello maybe you

Are hungry after the street I’ve set the table here no thanks we are not hungry since you don’t want to eat you can play on the second floor no we’re going to study for tomorrow’s exams with JJ yes we have a lot of work to do yes we need

To prepare for all subjects at once okay you can go we will not distract you Mikey you have such nice parents yes because I behave well and study perfectly you should do the same JJ I will try wo Mikey you have so many diplomas and cups you’re so cool and why

Were they given to you well I just enter all kinds of contests from school Mikey you’re a real straight A student yeah we don’t have much time let’s get ready for the exam wow you have a computer why don’t we play a little Minecraft or something JJ you got bad grades we have

To study otherwise you’re going to get another bad grade tomorrow yeah you’re right Mikey I’m trying not to do my homework again let’s start with the math there’s nothing hard about it I don’t like this through and through JJ open that textbook okay let’s get started let’s do the first example the next

Day Mikey I’m nervous I mean we learned everything overnight but what if I screw up again take it easy JJ this is the first time you’ve studied for an exam yeah I’ve never prepared before you’re going to be great let’s go and take that exam and pass it with a perfect grade

Let’s go Mikey I like that attitude I’m going to make it perfect all that’s left is to figure out where our classroom is let’s find it maybe it’s in there no JJ it’s a movie theater that shows our videos wow like And subscribe guys don’t forget to subscribe to the channel JJ

These are your favorite words of course let’s go to class already the exam hasn’t started yet and we shouldn’t be late I was getting worried again Mikey I’m not your mommy to keep you calm uh okay JJ you’re going to pass this exam I believe in you we didn’t study all night

For nothing Let’s Go and show everyone that we are the smartest in this class let’s go Mikey we’re the best here Here Comes The Moment of Truth JJ and here’s that teacher who gave you bad grades I hate her so much dear students today begins a very important exam are you

Ready children we are always ready teacher that’s the spirit I love it I’ve always wanted to repeat the captain’s words from SpongeBob now let’s get out our notebooks the exam is about to begin nobody cheat this is very serious JJ good luck to both of us thanks Mikey you

Too I am confident that I will pass this exam perfectly me too I’ve been preparing for this for a month 2 hours later oh my God that was so hard but I wrote that exam by myself no sporks JJ how did you write it what grades did you

Get Mikey I have the best grades I acce the exam that’s great I have perfect grades too Mikey you are the best and smartest friend in the world thank you so much for helping me without you you I never would have passed this exam you’re welcome buddy I’ll always be happy to

Help you out now with these grades maybe my parents can forgive me they obviously don’t expect this from me good luck with your family bye-bye Mikey thank you again you’re the best bye JJ now learn to do that always friend see you tomorrow bye-bye thanks again well now

I’m going to run to my parents house I hope they’ve calmed down a bit after yesterday at least that’s what I’m hoping here I am at home I feel like I’m a stranger and I don’t belong here but I’ll prove I’m a good son hey Mom Dad

I’m back open up I’ve gotten better at school and I can live here again open this door already your son is back who’s knocking like that I’m going to knock that guest on the head oh hey Mom Dad oh it’s you you stupid child why did you

Come we don’t want to see you go away no wait I passed the exam I got good grades a very implausible lie go away what but I did my best and passed the exam my parents need to see this grade sheet I’m so sick of him I should have put him in

An orphanage why don’t we just make a joke about him being adopted hey Mom Dad I’m here don’t pretend you don’t see me I’m not that stupid JJ anymore these are my grades look at this all the subjects are a plus I’m the smartest in my class

Look at me already and then we’ll throw all his toys out of his Nursery oh look at his grades this is just amazing you see this am I a good son now do I deserve to live in this house please take me back I don’t know if I should

Let him in I have no place to live he has nowhere to live can’t we forgive him yeah let’s go talk to him oh my God will they forgive me hey son we saw your grades let us see them please yes of course you can even have it framed he’s

Got a pluses everywhere you’ve done impossible JJ learn everything in one day you did great now you can live in the same house with us again oh really you forgive me yeah yeah sure get in the house already you’re boring me okay I’d be happy to JJ we are very proud of you

And your grades yes we’re very proud also we’re sorry we did such a bad thing to you yes what we did was wrong it’s okay now I’ll always do my homework glad to hear it son and Daddy and I have very important things to do in the bedroom

I’ll be the best son for you friends I’m not homeless anymore I’m so glad being an excellent student isn’t that hard I’ll always learn that way oh who’s here to see us I should open the door hey JJ open up it’s Mikey Mikey hey hey I see

Your parents forgave you for your good grades yes of course we made up and now I’m living in this house again that’s great I’m happy for you get inside Mikey it’s so good to see you again what do you want to do we can go play outside or

Go to my room to play Minecraft what will you choose I don’t know all the options are interesting why don’t we play a game of Minecraft in your room oh that’s what I wanted we’ve got to take a break from exams yes such exams should be properly rested from you’re

Absolutely right Mikey and you know how I’m taking a break from exams nah I don’t know I immediately start preparing for the next exams what you’re kidding me I don’t believe it of course I’m messing with you JJ you seem a little tense today huh am I the annoyed one I

Got kicked out of the house yesterday of course I’m a little stressed out you can turn on Minecraft on my computer for now but it will take a long time to start up yeah JJ your computer’s a little weak I got a powerful computer for getting good

Grades do your best in school and maybe you’ll get a good computer cool let’s go to the balcony while the game loads let’s go you know I feel feel so much better after that exam for the first time in my life my parents respect me yeah that’s a cool feeling hey everyone

Mikey and I decided to play on the new one at the new playground hey hey look where I’ve gotten myself into you JJ will never get in here you’re too much of a coward stop showing off get down and let’s go play something else okay okay so what are we going to play

There’s tons of stuff we can play before the parents get here let’s try everything nice uh no we won’t make it children come here let’s go home it’s time for us to go home let’s go JJ that’s what I thought we didn’t finish the game hi hey Mom hey guys so how was

The playground how did you play did you enjoy it a nice playground has finally been built we would have had time to play everything if it weren’t for Mikey what happened JJ just chickens out I thought something was wrong come on let’s go home we have to go let’s stay

Here some more Mikey and I haven’t had enough no JJ we’re very tired let’s go home and eat they think they’re doing well in life I have a plan to disrupt their lives their dad will be less tired in prison enjoy your dinner kids did you

Like it all it was great mom yeah I’m very happy okay guys it’s time to go to bed tomorrow’s a big day we need to get some sleep oh what look at the time JJ you should be asleep by now wow let’s go to bed then let’s go that’s great then

Let’s not be long and go to your room we’ll take you to bed come on Mikey let’s not waste time let’s go JJ I’ll be the first one in our room you just want to play around you can go first I’ll be in bed too let’s calm down and go to bed

Come on kids get down your daddy and I want to go to bed too all right we’re on our way let’s go let’s go that’s it I’m here I’m on the bed good night Mikey sleep tight good night Mikey good night to you too good night JJ see you

Tomorrow morning good night JJ and good night to you Mom and Dad get some rest we’ll wake you up tomorrow let’s go to bed already bye just get some sleep don’t talk don’t play you need to be strong for tomorrow of course we’ll be resting we get it go to bed already okay

We’re leaving goodbye see you soon good night Mikey I’m already sleepy I’m falling asleep too I’m so tired today I agree with you you completely it’s getting pretty dark already I need to get home soon before someone attacks me it’s so nice at night though it’s warm come here civilian I

Need to talk to you what what is it oh my God who are you what do you want you can’t know who I am come here and give me all your money otherwise it’ll end badly no please don’t touch me please the next day bye see you tonight beautiful morning beautiful weather it’s

So nice when everything is beautiful time to go to work in a good mood got to make more money today that’s what people say if you sleep well the day starts with a good mood and how could it be without a delicious breakfast wait stop

I need to talk it won’t take long don’t worry I have a gift for you what gift who are you what do you want don’t worry about it it’s just a gift consider yourself lucky today today’s your day here you go all this money is yours you

Can have it use it however you want just be careful with it even though it’s a joke never mind ha what why are you giving me money for nothing what did I do you gave me so much money for no reason why don’t I just take them and

Not think about why I got them for free that amount of money can’t be passed up I don’t even want to think about that man I’d rather take it and buy presents for my family it’s rare to get this much money for free so we should take advantage of this opportunity what are

We going to do today maybe go for a walk we can go back to that site where you were yesterday and walk around there longer that’s a great idea Mom all right then let’s let’s go get ready let’s go what why is Daddy back so early guys I

Have a surprise let’s go get ready and go buy you anything you want we’ll go and get you some new toys and your mom some new clothes what what happened I was given a little gift now I have a lot of money so I can buy anything wow cool

Let’s go get ready no way thank you kids go to your room and get ready let’s go Mikey wow that’s great and think about what should I buy go think in your room but hurry up I can’t wait to go to the store hurry up hurry up let’s go JJ we

Have to get everything done I have so many ideas of what we should buy hi since Daddy can afford to let us have a party today let’s not be Petty what’s on your mind JJ what should we get at the store I’m going to ask my dad for a new

TV and more new toys great JJ and I’ll ask my dad for some new and interesting books did you think it through of course I thought well I’ve already read all of them I can’t get enough of new books show of hands did you hear that Mikey

What’s going on out there yeah I heard looks like the police broke into our house oh my God what’s going on in there we got to run and see what’s going on get down on the floor now hear that of course I did let’s hurry up it looks

Like one of our parents got caught you are detained on suspicion of assault and theft of property against a civilian did you rob someone what’s going on here what are you in there with him for somebody tell me what’s going on Mom do you know what happened I don’t

Understand anything it’s a mistake let him go please he didn’t do anything yeah of course he didn’t do anything he’s going down for a long time for stealing from a man it’s kind of crazy we’re here this is where he lives he’s already been apprehended that’s great let’s go tell

Me if it’s him who the hell is that guy did this man steal from you yes it’s definitely him he’s the one who came up to me at night and stole from me policeman explain to me what’s going on yes of course your father robbed this civilian last night and took all the

Money wait what but sir he was home last night there’s a witness here who saw his face last night yes I remember his face exactly it was him let’s check what’s in his pockets you have no right to search me don’t touch me you’re so busted

Here’s your money oh my God he brought them today he said it was a gift of course it’s a gift liar calm down hold your money you can be free thank you officer holy cow all the money’s here well thank you I’m going to go home guys

Don’t worry so much my dad’s not a thief you’ve made a mistake he couldn’t I realize this is a shock to you all but we have to get him wait where our father’s going to jail get this criminal carefully into the car this speaker man will get what he deserves we’ll get it

Done sir you will be punished for your evil Deeds no tricks dad tell them it’s not true JJ I don’t have a choice they won’t believe me anyway but you know I sure as hell didn’t steal the moneye did you hear that all right we’re out of

Here Daddy don’t go we’re coming with you no no no no you guys can’t come with us he’s a dangerous criminal move it family forgive me farewell what he’s got a lot of crimes on his record so forget about him mom do something about this situation where are you taking him we’re

Taking him to the police station for processing oh my God thanks for the warm welcome goodbye you all took our father and now you’re making jokes mom and Mikey what are we going to do oh JJ I think the cop is right wait what he was identified by a resident and they found

Money in his pocket I don’t know what to do yes Mom the evidence dad’s up maybe you’re right I can’t believe our dad would do such a thing go to your room both of you JJ this can’t be happening our dad’s the kindest dad in the world I

Don’t believe it Mikey you need to calm down I don’t want to calm down you don’t understand anything JJ viewers am I missing something write in the comments is our dad good or bad now I got to go get Mikey and try to calm him down Mikey where are you Mikey

Why did this happen dad I miss you already oh my God 3 hours later how could he do such a thing he’s a good man oh my God he’s my dear husband who’s going to raise the kids who’s going to go to work I can’t live like this yeah

It’s all too sad I don’t know what we’re going to do without dad you’re right JJ I don’t even want to play I know what you mean we don’t want to have any fun with this kind of grief it’s not our father’s fault he’s a good man he would

Never cheat or rob anyone he must have been set up yeah you’re right Mikey I think so too our father is a role model for all of us I won’t say he’s a saint but at least he’s a good one he couldn’t have done this we’re going to find out

Who set him up then we’ll tell the police who did these crimes but how do we prove it the crimes took place on the street we can look at the security footage and see who did them Mikey you’re a genius just how do you have access to the cameras on the street it’s

Simple JJ I just hacked into the surveillance system Mikey I didn’t realize you knew so much about computers wo JJ I found the very same security footage this is unbelievable what did it get on you’re going to really like this let’s take a look at them well let’s

Take a look hey you give me all your money right now if you don’t you’ll regret it money on the barrel now what my money I’m not giving you anything then get it you stupid citizen you stupid idiot hey man what’s up uh it’s okay you want money get it I’m generous

Today is that for me really take as much as you want oh that’s so nice of you yeah sure take it don’t be shy treat yourself right it’s all a bit suspicious but why not I’ll take the money maybe I should spend that money on my family buy

Them all kinds of goodies and fun stuff oh my God Mikey this comabi toilet did it all yeah JJ he framed our dad he did it on purpose now we show all these tapes to the police and they’ll release Dad yeah that’s what we wanted they’ll realize he’s innocent and they’ll find

The toilet scabi and put him in jail in his daddy’s place our daddy will come back yeah we’ll show the cop that camera disc and he’ll realize how wrong they were by the way we should tell Mom about this yeah JJ you’re right mom’s going to

The police with us I don’t think the cops are going to talk to little kids like us I hate that we’re being disadvantaged because of our small age oh mommy’s still sad about daddy we should cheer her up Mom we have good news for you what happened our dad’s

Innocent he was framed he didn’t commit a crime uh what what how did you know about that we looked at the footage from the cameras on the street the skibbidy toilet did it all oh my God are you serious yes we have a CD of the recordings records that’s so cool so my

Husband’s not guilty of any crime we can show them to the police of course we can hurry up and go to the police station we have to get our daddy out as soon as possible you are so good for both of you you hear that Mikey we’re good you guys

Are just the best I thought my husband was really a criminal but you were able to talk some sense into me again yeah I’m the best I hacked the cameras I made the tapes yeah m let’s go to the police and show them everything children let’s

Go quickly we can’t wait a minute while our dad’s in jail you see I did a better investigation than those stupid cops you’re the best Mikey by the way it’s very strange why didn’t they look at the security footage themselves I don’t know they’re really

Bad at their job now we’re going to show them they’re incompetent yeah they’re pretty stupid just don’t say it to their face okay okay or they’ll put us in jail too is that possible going to jail for insults JJ they can put you in jail for

Anything okay kids we need to find an officer in and talk to him he usually sits in the room on the right no JJ it’s in this room on the left I’m sure of it I’m sorry may I come in I have an urgent matter yeah come on in I’m listening hey

Kids hi I missed you guys so what brings you here another crime talk to me your crime you put dad in jail without evidence here it is yeah our dad was framed you didn’t look at the security footage cameras we forgot all about them give me the disc I’m going to

Investigate oh and now you wanted to see them okay here you go get them in here already I can’t wait to see it awesome goodbye to the life of a thief hello free world yes the inmates are starting to speak the language of the prison hopefully this will pass soon so let’s

See what you’ve brought here oh my God skidy toilet he was robbing passers by Daddy is innocent that’s horrible we put an innocent man in jail I apologize for our incompetence yeah you guys really screwed up we will release your father from detention right now they’re going

To set him free I’m so excited I won’t have to eat bread and water anymore should I open the door open it up already okay okay don’t yell at me Yeo Daddy’s out of jail finally my dear family thank you for getting me out of here I’m very grateful to you daddy’s

Not a criminal we’re so happy we are all very happy what are you going to do with the real criminal we’re going to take him to jail I gave the order for his arrest wow now that’s real Justice catch him quickly you’re all doing a great job

I thought you’d forgotten me long ago how could we forget you we all love you together you’re our father we love and appreciate you oh that’s so cute I love you too and who came up with the idea of looking at camera footage oh I did that

Mikey you’re a genius thank you let’s just go home and watch cartoons I don’t want to stay at the police station much longer okay let’s just go home I don’t like being here either you know I’ll never take money from strangers on the street again there’s no way it’ll be

Another setup from another bad guy yeah looks like Daddy learned his lesson he won’t do it again oh look that’s gabii toilet he’s already been arrested yeah guys I didn’t do any of this I was set up God he’s so mean he says he’s being

Set up he can talk but he can’t do anything against the evidence from the cameras yeah he’s definitely going to jail he’s so good at lying I think we’ll see him again soon I hope that doesn’t happen yeah and his plan is bad he just put on a speaker’s mask when he’s a

Toilet and he’s human how could anyone believe him trust me I’m not a criminal yeah he’ll do anything to make sure his lies are believed come on let’s go home we’ve got a lot to do while Daddy’s away yeah there’s a new season of my favorite cartoon that I never finished watching

Wo cartoons I missed them so much they didn’t have a good TV in prison our dad is definitely not a criminal that’s right when someone’s watching cartoons someone’s mugging people on the street we’ll never be as mean as that scabetti toilet no we won’t maybe just a little

Bit just a little bit yeah a little bit I think it’ll make life more fun everything in proportion hey everyone to today my brother Mikey and I are picking out toys to send to the orphanage hey hey we choose to help kids who don’t have toys yeah we have quite a lot of

Toys so we decided to do a good deed we’ve seen in our whatever series SpongeBob does Good Deeds so we wanted to bring kindness to the world too yes we don’t even feel bad about giving any of it away we want to be kind like SpongeBob I agree we wouldn’t be poor if

We gave a couple of toys to charity I’m sure of it too we were left with absolutely no money the bills came due a very large debt we won’t be able to close these debts we simply don’t have enough resources I think someone’s here let’s go see who it is hello hello who

Are you and what do you want why have you come to us we don’t have the money we can’t help you if you need it I’m here to tell you about the fact that you haven’t paid in over a month for your house in that case I will have to warn

You that if you do not pay by tomorrow we will have to take away your house and all the property in it you have exactly 24 hours to solve this problem time’s up good luck what but once they’re taken away we don’t have a diamond to pay look

Let’s just drop everything and get out of here what let’s leave our kids Behind let them know the news tomorrow and we’ll just pack up our stuff and go somewhere far far away all right let’s do it our kids can do it alone I’m sure

Of them hurry up hurry up wait do you remember we have an unfinished game of dods of course I remember we played for almost 2 hours and couldn’t find a winner so let’s find him wait what what the sound of a car engine parents are going somewhere maybe it’s not them

Let’s go look out out the window and see who’s coming if it’s the parents why didn’t they even say they were going out something weird JJ look it’s our parents’ car they’re going somewhere and they didn’t even tell us could something bad have happened JJ they always warned

Us if they were going to leave look they took the road they take to the store they want to surprise us that’s awesome we’re getting new toys yeah cool I really love surprises me too Mikey our parents are beautiful maybe they’ll donate a new pool or a PS5 or something

Even better Jesus Mikey why would you wish or even more of the usual toys we can give more to the orphanage 3 hours later JJ it’s almost dark and the parents are still gone maybe there’s a line at the store look outside what’s the line it’s true it’s too dark already

Look at the time we should be going to bed very soon what’s wrong it’s very late our parents never came home this late I’m worried let’s go to the first floor and call them that’s a great idea JJ we need to make sure they’re okay let’s go make a phone call Mikey why

Didn’t we think to call Sooner we’ll call them now and make sure sure everything’s okay and find out what kind of surprise they have in store for us it’s a good thing phones were invented we’d be sitting around worrying and waiting for our parents to show up yes

Let’s go make the call hopefully they will take our call of course they will don’t delay make the call I pressed it already now we’ll find out where our parents are and where our surprise is oh no holy Turtles JJ they’re not picking up the phone why maybe something

Happened to them they always picked up the phone don’t worry Mikey they probably just can’t hear Too Many coincidences JJ never happened before I’m sure something happened to them let’s go to bed Mikey we’ll wake up tomorrow and our parents will be home let’s go JJ better to sleep than sit

Around worrying don’t worry so much there’s no reason to get so upset okay JJ you’ll see Mikey we’ll wake up tomorrow and our parents have prepared a gift for us that we never dreamed of I sure hope so JJ not for a surprise but for our parents to come home safe and

Sound good night Mikey everything’s going to be okay the next day huh what’s what’s that sound it’s the doorbell apparently our parents parents are back Mikey get up our parents are back Mikey stop sleeping come on get up yeah yeah I’m up I’m up I’m up what’s wrong JJ

Can’t you hear it our parents are ringing the doorbell they’re back it’s true Did they really come back it’s morning already let’s hurry up and open it they’ve been ringing the doorbell for a long time they’re finally here I’ve missed them already I missed them too Mikey let’s go open the

Doors what who are you we’re law enforcement we are here with two policemen to repossess your house for non-payment of debts what come inside occupy the place wait what here’s the receipt the amount owed is 32 diamonds we came and talked to your parents about it yesterday by the way where are they

We don’t know they left yesterday I’m sorry but this is no longer your home what what the hell happened our parents abandoned us where are we supposed to go now I don’t know JJ let’s get out of here I’m really sad to be here I’m going to cry don’t cry Mikey we’ll figure

Something out what can we come up with we have no home we have no money our parents have left forget about us look at that they’re taking our stuff out oh my God they can take anything all our stuff is now their stuff our house is

Not our house anymore there are so many of my toys in there Mikey don’t cry please the important thing is that we have each other what a lot of stuff they have all right Mikey get over yourself and stop crying only girls cry now we’re going to go into the woods and survive

There okay JJ the important thing is that I have you the two of us will get through anything let’s go to the woods before it gets dark we got to figure something out soon I’m scared JJ are we going to be okay I don’t know I hope so

Okay Mikey let’s build a house in the forest it’ll be cool we need resources to build it resources how are we going to get them it’s simple here’s a tree break it wood will fall out of the tree we’ll use them to make planks we don’t

Have an axe to cut down a tree Mikey you can do it with your hands that’s right we live in the world of Minecraft I completely forgot about that come on Mikey you’re doing great a little more Yeah I broke the block I got the tree

Look JJ I got a block of wood in my hand and it doesn’t hurt my hands at all Mikey you’re a real Minecrafter you’ve played this game half your life for a reason now we’re going to build our own house yeah Mikey it’s not what I imagined I wanted to build a huge

Mansion but it turned out to be some kind of barn but at least it’s something JJ we have no experience in construction at least now we have a roof over our heads and we’re not homeless yeah you’re right the cool thing is that we didn’t

Give a dime for this house we don’t owe anybody here we have the beds where we’re going to sleep they’re not likely to be as com able as the ones in our old house Mikey but I’m hungry where can we get food we usually buy something at the

Store but we don’t have the money to pay for it we have to figure out something to get food I’m hungry too I could use a Juicy Hamburger maybe we should start shoplifting no Mikey stealing is wrong I got an idea we can hunt in the woods like real Hunters Hunters sounds like

Fun I agree let’s hunt we’ll shoot some animal and roast it over a fire but what will we hunt with with this one I had time to make a bow on the workbench the arrows will get us some meat wow Mikey this is so cool yeah JJ we’re like

Primitive humans Let’s Go Hunt mammoths come on Mikey but all mammoths are long extinct or maybe they’re hiding in these Woods imagine how much delicious meat they have in them oh meat I think Mammoth meat is delicious it’s very tasty 2 hours later Mikey we’ve been looking for mammoths for hours I told

You they were all extinct a time ago there’s no one in this Forest but Us JJ we need to keep looking we need food there’s no food here everything annoys me I want to eat JJ we don’t have any other options for finding food you told

Me not to steal food I don’t know what we’re going to do hey there’s a guy behind you calling for us what are you guys doing here you shot me in the soft spot with an arrow I thought we were alone in the woods what are you even

Doing here you shot me have you ever been shot with an arrow it really hurts by the way oh I really shot him in the buttocks please forgive us we’re in accident accidentally right in the buttocks by accident yeah we were looking for the Beast what kind of Beast

We hunt in the woods because we have nothing to eat at all nothing to eat you’re two little kids yeah our parents left us now we’re hungry oh my God that’s awful you know I can help you I’m inviting you both to my house we have so

Much food I’ll feed you will you feed us that’s cool we haven’t eaten anything all day that’s great I’ll introduce you to my wife she’s very fond of little children we’ll be happy to help you aren’t you going to grab us no come with

Me JJ Nice Shot you got us a lot of food with that shot yeah Mikey I didn’t expect to hit anything at all but I wouldn’t turn my back on food wo this is your house it’s pretty big yeah this is my house it’s not big and it’s not rich

But at least it’s something you know this house is so much cooler than our parents hey guys what are you standing there for come inside yeah yeah we’re on our way you know it’s been a long time since we’ve had guests you can make yourself at home here it’s bigger than

Our barn okay let’s go guys here comes my lovely wife speaker woman I hope you two become friends here I am hi honey oh you brought guests home hey kids you two are so cute oh thank you you’re very pretty too yeah she’s pretty cute they’re hungry hungry then come to the

Table we’ll feed you we are so hungry do you have Mammoth meat Mammoth meat they’ve been extinct for years oh Mikey now we’re pretty sure there were no mammoths in that Forest yeah kids you’re so funny even if mammoths existed now you couldn’t bring them down because

You’re kids here’s your food you can eat I think it’ll be delicious thank you so much it really looks and smells delicious look at you guys eating what I made my husband doesn’t like my food you probably haven’t eaten in ages oh that was really good thank you for feeding us

Oh kids we’re glad you enjoyed it I wish there were Burgers it’s already night outside why don’t you stay with us tonight yeah that’s a great idea yeah Mikey I don’t really want to sleep in that Barn either since you don’t have your own house you can stay with us

Longer yeah I don’t mind why not so do you agree yes of course sleep sing in a barn is cold and not cool how lucky I was to shoot that man’s buttock you can call me the best sniper in the world and there’s your room our private room with

A TV and a pool and toys yes you can use it all we are very hospitable to guests yeah I hope you guys like it here of course we like it here you remind us of our parents when they had money oh that’s nice to hear well you guys have a

Good night yeah good night both of you you must be exhausted from today good night thanks again for helping us out good night to you too JJ now we will have a new home new parents and new adventures life is getting better now good night to you too good night to you

Too Mikey see you tomorrow I stink dumps aren’t that good smelling where am I going to find a place to spend the night I think this Barn will do for me now This Magnificent Palace will belong to me from this day forward I am no longer a crazy homeless person my house only

Mine JJ do you remember when I spit in the teacher’s coffee yeah Mikey I remember that JJ do you remember when I slapped my literature teacher on the buttocks with a wet Blackboard rag yeah Mikey I remember that too and you argued with me about who’s the biggest bully in

School okay Mikey you’re the best now let’s go home I’m tired of our school you’re tired because you’ve been studying I was having fun you got your priorities wrong bro your priorities may get our parents called back to school it’s not a big deal so what if a teacher

Wants to stab me with a knife oh I don’t want to remember that horrible day just don’t tell your parents about your exploits okay okay otherwise you’re the one who’s always getting punished imagine that just the three of us you me and the sea and no one else around what

About our kids and here we are we’re back from school oh hey kids we were just discussing something don’t tell them what do you want to tell us is this some kind of surprise we have a hot ticket to the Sea and we wonder if you

Want to come with us but I wouldn’t want to take them imagine the sea the beach lots of fun all thanks to this ticket wow that’s awesome really cool don’t you want to come with us I want to go to the seaside yes I want to go to the sea too

Oh this is bad then pack your things we’re leaving soon what kind of things do we need swimsuits t-shirts we’re going to the Sea go get ready we’re wasting time okay we get it I’ll take my favorite life preserver don’t forget to deflate it Mikey of course I’m going to

Blow it off you think I’m that stupid let’s go pack already I think our parents would like to go as a couple yeah I heard them talking before we got here dad’s obviously not happy that we’re going with them Mikey I hope you’re not taking your toys to the

Seaside no of course not we’ll take only the Necessities for this moment I already have suitcases of clothes ready for me and you wow Mikey you’re so thoughtful uh sure if it comes to the Sea I’m ready any minute there are a couple toys here of course but it

Doesn’t take up much space swim trunks inflatable lap t-shirts and shorts I don’t think you need any clothes at all at Sea it’s always hot there JJ I didn’t think you’d be lying on a new dis speech it was a joke Mikey at least I have enough clothes that I’m wearing JJ look

Our parents are already packed and waiting for us at their car children let’s go quickly Mikey let’s go we might miss the plane there’s no waiting for latecomers at the airport Mom Dad we’re ready to go that was fast we wanted to go without you dad’s always joking

Around get in the car and let’s go I wasn’t joking where should we put our suitcases I think there’s still space in the trunk for your stuff oh that’s great we’re waiting for you in the car it’s nice not having to go to school tomorrow the teacher will be jealous while she’s

Puffing at the Blackboard I’ll be splashing in the sea Mikey you like school don’t you between school and the Sea I’d choose the ladder get in the car already we’re going to the Sea cool everyone is so excited about the trip and you guys have you ever been to the

Sea write about it in the comments JJ who were you talking to on the street I was talking to my favorite viewers oh you’re making a video for your channel again yes just like always 3 hours later there’s always something weird going on in your videos what could be so strange

About it I don’t know something bad could happen honey you’re being too pessimistic we’re going to the Sea smile more often okay okay I hope we’re going to be all right we arrived at the airport we’re not even late yeah that’s cool but where’s our plane JJ this is it

This is the wreck we’re going to fly looks like a nice airplane to me it’s a beautiful airplane yeah it’s so big I hope we are being driven by experienced Pilots oh I don’t know who’s even going to be there here come our professional Pilots hey guys hey what’s up behave

Yourself trainee what you have a trainee pilot actually we’re both trainees what do you even know how to fly an airplane no but we’ve read the instructions don’t worry I think the flight will be a success I think so don’t you think that’s strange don’t worry about it we

Passed our pilot’s license on a computer game we are true professionals I don’t know I don’t trust them it’s late JJ this trip is too expensive to be cancelled but they’ve never been on an airplane JJ they said they were flying an airplane in a computer game they know

What they’re doing we trust them yeah JJ you’re the pessimist here not your father that’s right JJ don’t be afraid the airplane is safe but I’m still scared anyway you’ll fall asleep and you’ll be on the sea okay says board 22’s 1 18 flight stable the landing gear

Is loose but it’s not critical the flight is organized by the airline company jik airlanes have fun flying you know it’s like a famous Airline I’m not scared to sit here anymore here we go JJ and you were afraid the plane doesn’t even Shake yeah kids we’re going to the

Sea yes I can’t wait to go to the Sea it’s good that everyone is in a great mood it calms me down I wonder if I could survive if I jumped off an airplane into the water from that height I think it’s a bad idea Mikey it’s too

High but the water’s soft I can’t break we’ll have to try it on the way back you’re kidding me again Mikey hey what does this button do oh I don’t know let’s press it and see what happens okay let’s give it a try oh my God what did

You do we’re falling oh my God this didn’t happen in the computer games what’s going on idiot we’re going down run for your lives oh my God what was that button what’s going on why is the plane tilting looks like we’re going down we’re falling children we’re

Falling oh my God we’re all going to die die what are we going to do I don’t know maybe we should just buckle up and wait and you all called me a pessimist quiet everybody maybe the pilots can stabilize the situation there’s no way they’re

Fixing the plane I Can See Fire from the Window oh my God my leg looks like it’s twisted it hurts so bad oh I think I survived the plane crash yeah the plane broke down pretty badly I don’t think it’ll ever take off again shouldn’t have trusted those traine Pilots two idiots who shouldn’t have been allowed on the

Plane okay we got to get out of here my get up Mikey what’s wrong with you are you even alive please wake up Mom Dad please wake up don’t leave me alone please don’t die in front of me it’s that stupid airplane he’s not taking my

Parents away from me dad wake up please don’t die oh who’s coming it’s an ambulance they’re just in time they’re going to save my family I hope they at least know their jobs unlike those two pilots God please save my family I don’t want them to die I’m starting to feel sick too

Oh my God my head is cracking kid wake up Woo you’re alive you’re a miracle survivor man what’s going on where am I you’re in the hospital you’re being treated for a plane crash just don’t make any sudden movements we’ve worked hard to revive you where’s my family are

They alive I’m sorry to say this but we couldn’t save them they’re all dead we tried to save them what how come you couldn’t save them you’re a doctor you’re saving people’s lives I’m sorry boy not all lives in this world can be saved but how am I supposed to live

Without them you’re a strong boy surviving an accident like that is a big deal by the way do you know what this says I’m in trainee at this Hospital oh my God why am I surrounded by idiots no one can do their job friends can you

Please like this video I feel really bad maybe this will help me now I should get out of this Hospital oh my God there’s our house we never got to go to the Sea as a family I need the sea badly I want my family back the house seems so empty

My parents were here to greet me they were always happy to see me and Mikey was always sitting at the TV watching his cartoon for days on end now he’s gone just like Mom and Dad oh my God I miss them so much they were so good why

Did they die and not me I can’t live alone without my family we were so happy together back in the day I’m lonely friends treasure your families they are the most important thing you have 4 to 6 days later mom you were the most caring and loving mom in the world you’ve always

Loved me Mikey without you my life will be miserable I can’t imagine my life without you Dad you’ve always been a wise and just father your admonitions will not pass me by I will always love you all I will never forget my family you’ll live alive in my heart yeah well

JJ’s been pretty upset about our deaths well what did you think people feel bad when their loved ones die but still I’m sorry to see him suffer too I actually thought he’d be happy because he survived live and enjoy life don’t mourn what I heard a noise no one’s in the

Cemetery maybe it’s the ghosts of my family I don’t believe in ghosts but I definitely heard a noise maybe I’m imagining it um it looks like he’s guessing we’re here yes he suspects we’re here in ghost form but he can’t hear us it was Mikey who broke the grass

And scared him with it did I scare him that’s funny I’m going to scare him again even in ghost form I can still mess with my brother not another russle around only the sound of rain dripping on the graves can be heard I guess I was imagining things I’m going to lose my

Mind uh what I heard that it’s the ghosts of my family they’re giving me signs that they’re near yes it’s definitely them I can’t see them but I’m sure they can hear hear me if ghosts exist in this world then I can resurrect them raise Mikey mom and dad from the

Dead friends have you ever seen a ghost write about it in the comments I didn’t see them but I heard them I think I know who will help me there’s a strange Shaman sitting here somewhere who talks to Spirits oh my God what a weird dude it’s definitely that crazy Shaman uh

Excuse me I need your help you can talk to spirits right talking to ghosts boy I’ve been in contact with them since birth I know everything about them oh that’s awesome I heard my parents ghosts in the cemetery I need to resurrect them resurrect I haven’t done that in decades

It’s a very dangerous shamanic ritual boy are you sure you want to do this yes of course I’ll do anything to get my family back ooh I like that attitude for the ritual we need to come to my church of Hell the Church of Hell really yeah

That’s what it’s called on Google Maps it’s just a church to me all right let’s go here’s the one the Church of hell it looks like an ordinary unpretentious building but inside it’s pretty scary are you trying to scare me I survived falling out of an airplane nothing

Scares me especially some church of satanists boy you’re confused satanists are one thing but spirits and Shamanism are something else entirely behold the Church of hell wow the church looks really creepy yeah I love that style come here don’t be afraid I’m going to prepare the resurrection ritual yeah

It’s a regular set like in some movie you don’t understand I’m the shaman here it’s all about communicating with the spirits you want to resurrect your family don’t you of course I want to then step back I must set up the fires of spiritualism they will create a

Thread between you and the spirits of your family oh my God soulmates of this boy come to the world of the living may they return by lightning to their physical bodies may they come back to their living form May the other world give them a second chance there’s no

Place for them in Heaven or Hell come back to life for I need you here alive Here and Now rise up everyone what where are we weren’t we in a cemetery are we in a church what you got it already JJ hey Mommy Daddy Mikey you’re alive hey

JJ you brought us back to life I’m so happy to see you all I had the help of this Shaman here hey everybody a true genius thank you so much yes thank you you’re the best Shaman in the world yeah you’re very cool thank you all you’re

Welcome it’s just my job you’re a true professional not like some trainee bye-bye everyone goodbye bye thank you so much bye-bye well I thought I was dead forever yeah me too we’ve all been dead but if it weren’t for JJ we’d still be lying in our Graves yeah you’re right

And we’re going home children catch up with us JJ you’re the best kids what are you standing there for let’s go home already yeah we’re going to go now well JJ we didn’t go to sea but we went to heaven it’s it’s so boring up there you

Know yeah Mikey but here in the world of living people we’re going to have a lot of fun all right and then you stuck me in a cage over a lake of lava it wasn’t very cool you’re kidding I couldn’t do that hey guys good to see you all back on our

Channel again Mikey and I have been watching cartoons for 15 hours Mikey aren’t you tired of watching cartoons for so long yeah JJ I could watch them forever why don’t we change the TV to another Channel that’s a great idea maybe there will be other cartoons instead of SpongeBob oh it’s not a

Cartoon it’s a show in the woods JJ let’s see we’ve never seen anything but cartoons okay but then we’ll look for normal cartoons all right hey everybody this is the Bear Grills show today we’ll be surviving in a Boral Pine Forest and today I’m going to teach you everything

Will I survive in the woods or not we’ll find out at the end of the episode the first thing you do in the woods is light a fire fire will keep you warm boil water and scare away the animals around you you can light the fire with a

Lighter or matches it’s not that hard to do tadam the bonfire is ready if you know how to start a fire you become the coolest Survivor in the woods you can be proud of yourself a bonfire will always help you every home should have its own

Fire don’t you have your own fire yet so what are you waiting for Mikey we need our own fire I want to be as cool as this Bear Grills yeah he’s really cool you need a fire like this in the woods so we’re going to make a bonfire yeah

Let’s do it we don’t want to go to the woods we can make it at home yes we survive in the city just a little fire everyone survives in the woods and we’ll be Urban survivors okay let’s go build our fire do you have matches for the

Fire no matches but I have a lighter wow that’s awesome where are you going to make the fire you’re not going to burn down our house are you what’s the big deal we’ll have time to put it out I think it’s a good idea this is a bad

Idea Mikey oops it’s late there’s our bonfire just like you wanted JJ no I didn’t mean it like that put it out our parents will scold Us JJ we’re surviving in our house surviving what we’re going to burn put out the fire quickly oh my

God what’s going on what do I do moments later Mikey you idiot why did you burn down our house we could have had a bonfire in our yard and nothing would have have burned it was your idea no it wasn’t my idea I didn’t want to burn

Down our house we couldn’t survive in an urban environment what survival got to do with it our parents would kill us for all this yeah Mom and Dad wouldn’t be happy to see their house on fire are you just now starting to think about the consequences are you out of your mind

Mikey well I’m sorry about all that I set that fire without thinking I’m so sorry what am I going to tell my mom now Mikey calm down they’ll punish me very badly where are we going to live now I’m scared JJ we’ll have to confess to our

Parents that it was just the two of us our parents are already here oh my God what are we going to tell them kids what happened to our house why is the house on fire what happened who set it on fire don’t swear we’ll explain everything to

You care to explain did you both do it I’m very angry it’s all JJ he set the house on fire he saw a survival show in the woods and wanted to make a fire what how could you do that JJ you’re so dumb JJ you can’t play with fire indoors I

Didn’t do it it was Mikey he’s putting the blame on his brother it’s horrible JJ I don’t want to see you around here again yeah get out of here now get out of here JJ you ruined our house house you can’t even admit it I’m sorry I

Didn’t do this Mikey you’re going to have your own room now you’ll live without your brother and he’ll be living on the street he’s so stupid we hate him so much why is it always such a problem with me I didn’t do anything did I did

They take Mikey’s word for it I’m so hurt are you still here get out of here I don’t want to see you get out before you set something else on fire but I didn’t set the house on fire Mikey did that’s not fair what am I supposed to do

Now my family disowned me I’m alone on the street again is there no one to help me oh my God maybe in the dump I can make my own house friends please support me with likes under this video it’ll make me feel so much better 4 to 6 days

Later oh my God sleeping in this stinking tent is so uncomfortable it’s so cold and dirty in here friends I hope you’re not playing with fire it’s not a toy write about it in the comments living in a dumpster isn’t easy I’m running out of food and the Rats around

Me scare me oh the parents are out there with Mikey where are they going they look so happy I see a box in my mom’s hands what is it a gift a present for Mikey he burned down your house and you’re giving him presents when I eat

Off the garbage cans he gets gifts and kisses and love it makes me sad to see that thank you for the gift I love you both very much and they hardly ever gave me gifts even before the fire do you guys like presents what kind of gifts

Would you like to receive at least I have my viewers it’s the most valuable thing I have but I’d like to go back to my family I wonder what they’re going to do now Mikey let’s get you on the swing it’s so much fun to play with our

Favorite son yeah Mikey get on the swing and I’ll swing you it’ll be fun okay I’d love to oh that’s great mom dad I love you I feel so good with you guys apparently they don’t even miss me I’m even jealous of that green TV so I was

Really redundant in the family all right then if they don’t need me I don’t need them if they don’t love me then so be it I’ve got better things to do I’m out of food I need to start begging people for money or food otherwise I’m starving everyone needs food not some stupid

Bonfire I hope this box will help me at least that’s what I’ve seen in the movies now we just have to wait 2 hours later guys I have some very bad news nobody let me eat my stomach’s ruming ling a lot he wants to eat too and it’s

Getting evening there will be fewer and fewer passers by on the street looks like I’m going to be without food tonight oh is that Mom coming maybe she’ll have food you is that you JJ you live in a dumpster you stink you’re disgusting how could you set fire to

Your own house you’re so stupid I didn’t set the house on fire you’re the one who stinks not me is this your trash is there food in there just dirty leftovers from the table you’re awful I hate you I hate to see you outside our house if you

Set fire to anything again I’m calling the police I didn’t say fire to anything you stupid woman you’re all stupid stupid family I hate you all too and now we’re going to have a nutritious dinner from what’s left at their house that’s how you survive in the city thank you

For that at least it’s so nice to sit in front of a computer all day you don’t have to share it with any brother I’ll be installing all the games now but I wonder how JJ is doing my mom said he was living in a dumpster I miss him a

Little bit already still it was fun to play together besides he’s my brother he’s not responsible for the arson but he’s the one who got beat up it’s my fault he’s living in a dumpster right now now it’s always my fault and he’s trying to save me and understand me I

Should check on him oh my God he looks so lonely and pathetic and Sullen I have to help him why didn’t I help him beforehand when I put all the blame on him I’m so stupid Hey somebody get some food I’m really hungry if I bring him

Home my parents will beat me up too there’s no way they want him back in the family but I have to do something it’s already night time outside and it can be chilly at this time he could get sick out here I need to hurry up oh hello

Again everyone I have good news I learned how to catch rats and eat them alive it does doesn’t taste good but I won’t go hungry this note hasn’t helped me once yet JJ please forgive me for lying to my parents I’m so embarrassed I’m the reason you’re here asking passes

By for help thanks for the apology Mikey but you can’t put them on bread it’s not going to solve my problems it’s really hard to find food in a dumpster but I’m surviving it’s just like that TV show no no JJ it’s not right you don’t have to

Live in a dumpster you’re my brother come home I’ll feed you and keep you warm Mikey are you crazy my parents kicked me out on the street they won’t let me live in their house again that’s too bad but I can sneak you in unnoticed secretly while they’re busy we’ll go to

The second floor and I’ll put you in the pantry they don’t go in there at all in the pantry you say hey that’s a good idea I’ll take it let’s go oh that’s awesome let’s go just be very quiet they can’t see you otherwise they’ll kick me

Out too okay okay we’re like two Ninjas I’m the stealthy one going on a secret mission at night this is so cool I love ninja cartoons remember when we used to watch them all day long it was fun Mikey don’t get distracted we have an important Mission okay okay okay you

Just keep your head down so you make less noise with your shoes anyway I’m telling my boss he’s a complete idiot don’t make a sound JJ and then I got demoted it’s a shame oh darling that’s all right you didn’t have to say it to

His face yeah I didn’t think of that now I have a smaller salary and we’ll be poorer JJ get up here quick before they see you okay I’m going up they didn’t seem to see me all right uh-huh go upstairs and sit in the pantry and I’ll

Come and see you soon well they didn’t seem to see us hey Mikey what are you doing home so late are you okay oh man looks like we got a problem uh hi Dad hi Mom I’m good I just wasn’t looking at my watch uh I’m sorry okay don’t stay out

Late like that again okay Mom I won’t go out like this again all right son you can go to your room brush your teeth and go to bed okay Dad whatever you say good night love you good night Mikey wo I think I’m fine they didn’t suspect a

Thing I got them talking Mikey that was close they almost saw us yeah but they didn’t notice that’s cool and here’s your closet this is where you’re going to sleep and hide from your parents well it’s certainly not my spacious room but it’ll do thank you Mikey you’re welcome

JJ you’re my brother again I’m sorry I messed you up with your parents Mikey I forgave you a long time ago it’s okay good night to you you’re the reason I won’t be sleeping in a garbage can with rats in my arms good night JJ sweet dreams to you good night Mikey well

Things just keep getting better and better friends outdoor survival is smoothly transitioning into Pantry survival my TV show is cooler the next day oh this is so good sleeping on a warm bed in a cozy house that’s what happiness is all about of course I was

Nicer in my room but thanks for that now I got to wake up Mikey hey Mikey wake up anyway I tell him at school get out of here hurry up get away and the teacher ran out of class in fear wow Mikey you’re a brave kid you’re just like me

Oh my God I almost got caught I shouldn’t let my parents see me honey did you hear the sound from the pantry yes I heard everything perfectly what’s going on in there uh maybe it’s the mice in there screaming let’s not open it mice we need to see oh my God JJ what

Are you doing here we told you not to be here get out of here now okay okay I’m going to go now we hate you so much are you going to set the place on fire again get out now stop that’s your son don’t kick him out it’s not his fault whose

Fault is that yeah Mikey you’re the one who said it was J J who set the house on fire it’s his fault yeah that’s what I said and I lied I set the house on fire so you wouldn’t scold me I didn’t want to end up in a dumpster like JJ oh my

God did Mikey do it oh okay we forgive you then JJ you can live here again yes we forgive you you can sleep on your bed and in your room again do you forgive me I’m the one who should forgive you you should be on your knees apologizing to

Me well we’re sorry we kicked you out on the street are you happy now don’t yell at your mother you’re still our son okay mind your own business we don’t care if he lives here or not it’s good to have a full family again I don’t care at all

You know okay thank you for welcoming me into your home I hope we don’t fight again yeah thanks for not scolding me yeah I love you Mikey it’s a good thing I didn’t get punished at all and you can live with me again everything worked out perfectly how come you didn’t get

Punished and I got kicked out of the house I’m just the favorite kid in the family but most importantly I love you like a brother now we have a shared computer in our room again JJ I’ll always help you out in tough situations no matter what happens I’ll be on your

Side oh Mikey I really appreciate it thank you for everything you’re the best brother ever oh JJ you’re the the best brother I’ve ever had too oh that’s so hi guys I’m JJ and here with me on the playground is Mikey my little brother hi friends I’m Mikey by the way don’t

Forget to like this video Yeah Mikey that’s a great idea by the way JJ what are we doing today first of all get off that rung and on to the ground okay whatever you want JJ so what do you want to do today I want to do something nasty

Some kind of nasty thing why would you do that because it’s fun you’re just going to make someone else uncomfortable again that’s not good you’re so boring Mikey oh our parents are here hi kids while you were playing around your mom and I decided to give you a little

Present a present yes a gift we love you so much we thought we’d treat you yeah you’ve been on your best behavior for 2 days 2 days we’ve been out of trouble Mikey that’s a record for our family that’s why we’re going to get you a radio controlled car oh that’s so cool

Thank you so much I hope you behave and stay out of trouble for another day of course dad we’ll be good boys here you go play and have fun we love you both there was no red car thank you Dad and Mom yes thank you so much we’ll be good

Kids oh by the way I completely forgot here’s the remote control for this car until you’ve played it yourself you wouldn’t give it to the kids that’s great we’ve never had a car like this before thanks again you are the best parents ever okay have fun thank you you

Kids play we’re going to play with Daddy too bye-bye play nice with Daddy there all right JJ if I’m the one who gave me the remote I’m the one who owns the machine I play first okay Mikey I’m not sorry look how fast it goes yeah JJ the

Car is very fast just need to fully understand the controls there’s nothing to understand you just press the forward and down buttons only a baby wouldn’t understand it’s not as simple as that JJ oh yeah you’re a baby baby too your car keeps crashing into walls give me some

Time and I’ll learn see I already know how to drive it properly uh sure in an open field with no walls you’re not going to hit anything and now you’ve hit the wall again just let me drive already no JJ I haven’t played yet just a little

More and I’ll let you drive you’d sooner break the car than play with it and give it back to me I’m fine driving the car it’s going to be okay okay what did you do Mikey it fell in the hole I told you to give me the controls you don’t know

How to drive a remote control car what are we supposed to do now it could have broken from that height I know JJ maybe you can reach in and get it no you dropped the car you get in that hole no I’m definitely not going in there I’m

Scared you go first I don’t care it’s your fault you go I’m not going in there do whatever you want okay then I’ll go first but you’re coming with me okay okay I’m on my way to get you oh there’s a door with a bunch of forbidden signs

Warning danger stop and so on that sounds kind of scary maybe we shouldn’t go in there forget the car it’s a gift from my parents we have to find that car so what if it’s a gift we’re going to get in trouble again why are you always

Afraid it’s your fault for for dropping the car you have to fix your mistakes as my big brother you’re supposed to help me go over there and get the car you make me so nervous you’re always afraid of everything stop talking JJ start looking for our car okay okay this room

Looks like some kind of Vault of books and chemical potions and there’s the car that Mikey dropped but it’s not the car that interests me most it’s this potion it’s the most important thing here as I see it I might be the smartest and strongest person in the world if I drink

It it’s kind of tasty I want more guys I don’t advise you to drink unknown liquids it’s okay for me I’m strong and smart now we have to take this car and go to Mikey and I’m already feeling energized I want to do something bad

It’s going to be fun you want to do something nasty I do okay let’s go hello again Mikey I found our car we got to get out of here okay where’s the car itself show me that here it is you don’t believe me oh cool I believe you JJ

You’ve been in that room for a while I was worried now let’s get out of here now I’m going to play with this car yes of course only now it’s night time and we have to go home you can play tomorrow if you want of course I do I’ve never

Played it let’s hurry home to to our parents I hate them okay let’s go home why do you hate them uh what I didn’t say anything you imagined it 5 minutes later okay we’re a little late don’t say anything about the car or our parents will get mad we’re not going to tell

Them anything they’re stupid and won’t understand you’re kind of rude but okay let’s say we just played a long game and didn’t realize it was dark it’s going to be okay yeah stop talking and let’s go home Mom Dad hi we’re back from our walk

Hi Mom and Dad hey kids how’s your car did it break down no here’s the car nice and clean it’s all right that’s good it costs too much money try to treat it with care all right Dad this car is awesome yeah the car is great I haven’t

Played it at all but it’s really cool and the fact that I haven’t played with it is a shame it’s because of Mikey that stupid TV that almost ruined her it would be nice to kill him so I could play with the machine more what what are

You talking about JJ he’s just tired so he says he doesn’t have to okay whatever it’s getting late go to bed both of you I hate sleeping let’s go to sleep JJ you must obey us why don’t you both go to bed and I’ll keep playing no that’s not

Going to work okay we’re going to bed don’t fight you two stupid adults it’s okay I’ll get you soon enough JJ they heard you did he call us stupid what happened to him I don’t know maybe he just overheated in the sun okay they’re not mad at you it’s so great that they

Didn’t find out about the car we won’t get punished which means we had a good day we’ve also been in that weird pit I’ve been wanting to go there for a long time yeah that’s cool Mikey why don’t we kill our parents what what are you even

Talking about let’s kill them they annoy me and they keep ordering us around I don’t like it no that’s not good that’s not the right thing to do these are our parents we love them and they love us too you’re as dumb as they are you can’t

Kill anyone I could kill you you’re crazy what happened to you I’m not the crazy one it’s the whole world around me is crazy you too Mikey looks like I knocked him out that’s all right we should kill him first then the parents you should have listened to me Mikey we

Could have taken over the world this TV man is so heavy he’s been eating his burgers and getting fat but it’s okay I’d love to fry him up maybe he’ll come to his senses and take my side or maybe he’ll die the main thing is that no one

Will see me and my plan will be perfect it’s very strange where’s JJ dragging Mike we told them to go to bed and they went back outside they’re not supposed to be out at night at this hour look they’re just kids they’ll play they’ll settle down it’s no big deal I was the

Same way back in the day just trying to have fun when I was a kid it was impossible to keep track of Me no darling it’s not okay anymore JJ’s been acting really weird today he was saying things to himself his head was all Smoky we should follow them okay let’s go did

You even hear what JJ said about us he called us stupid he also wanted to kill Mikey I thought he was joking let’s go get them and take a look is he joking or does he really want to kill him okay whatever you say I gave them a car to

Keep them out of trouble and now trouble is happening to them again 3 hours later JJ this isn’t funny anymore please let me out I’m your brother I’ll give you this car forever but please don’t kill me you think it’s the car come to my

Side help me kill my parents I won’t do it I love them why do you want to do it I’m the one asking the questions here either you come over to my side or you’ll be swimming in this hot lava I’m not going to try to kill my parents they

Love us and they love you too they gave us a car I don’t want to hurt them so that’s it if you won’t pick a side then you’re against me no JJ don’t do it too late Mikey you made the wrong choice JJ please don’t I love you pull the switch

I don’t want to burn in the lava in 5 minutes the cage will sink into that hot lake and you’ll be fried like a steak on a griddle fried Mikey that sounds delicious please brother don’t kill me I’m so young and handsome I haven’t accomplished anything in my short life

Yeah your life’s really going to end quickly why have you become evil we were playing so well I hated playing games with you you’re so annoying always taking away my toys now you’ve become my own toy and you know what I really like playing with you now how good I am how

Smart I am I’m getting hot already standing in this cage is torture God why do I have to do this that’s the kind of stupid death I’m going to die today oh I hear some rustling in the bushes is someone coming to rescue me who would

Even be out here at this hour we thought we’d follow you around thought you were playing like this but they didn’t play JJ’s crazy and messing with Mikey like that you and I have been talking a long time maybe we should hurry before Mikey gets fried in a cage yeah that’s a good

Idea we need need to get him out of the cage let me out of here already the SES of my shoes are starting to melt from this temperature and yes I’m very happy to see you okay I just need to figure out how to get you out of here maybe we

Should pull these levers up no you just have to open the door to this cage oh really I could just open the door to this cage and walk out of here okay thank you for saving me you got here just in time but what could have

Happened to JJ to make him so crazy I’m sure it’s all your computer games that have that effect on you yeah I think it’s the computer games we should take away JJ’s console and computer yeah that’s a good idea yeah I’m glad you ended up here but now we have to catch

JJ before he comes up with another trick he was going to kill me and then he was going to kill you he’s very dangerous so think about what to do about it you’re adults you’re supposed to be smart we’re not that smart your dad’s still watching SpongeBob so what it doesn’t make me

Stupid we’ll all go into the bushes and call the police they’ll decide what to do about JJ what if he goes to jail maybe he’ll go to jail or maybe a mental institution it doesn’t matter 5 minutes later hey guys this is going to be a

Good video today huh I got to go check on Mikey he’s probably cooked to medium rare or maybe well done I know how to roast meat what the cage is empty how did Mikey get out of here I thought I locked the cage or I didn’t lock the

Cage he just opened the door and walked out of here how awful I forgot to lock it I also told everyone they were all dumb when I’m not smart myself what a shame yeah JJ you’re a complete idiot not locking the cage was really really stupid what parents how did you get here

We just followed you yeah your plan isn’t that brilliant yeah JJ you screwed up oh now that you’ve all come to me it’ll be easier for me I’ll kill you all at once let’s see who stupid calm down kid I’ll put you all in the same grade

And believe me I’ll have a lock on it for sure oh what’s that the police did you call the police of course so what you didn’t expect us to just call them and have them grab you you’re not such a genius oh no I didn’t think of that what

Do I do that’s it you’re going to jail no I’m your son help me I was kidding all right who’s the criminal that red boy is a criminal he wanted to kill us all right hold it right there hands up or I’ll shoot you don’t make any sudden

Movements I’m going to kill you too what did he say he wants to kill me you’re going to jail boy you’re a criminal so uh is this your son yeah but he wanted to kill us all kill how about we kill you would that make you feel good oh my

God looks like it’s over I’m not going to be able to take down this stupid family shut your mouth right now how often did he threaten you he does this a lot that’s not true shut up you have the right to remain silent so be silent all

Words spoken by you will be applied to you in a court of law yeah and then they put him in a hey everybody good to see you all back on our Channel we have some big news today today is the best day ever it’s Mikey and me’s birthday today yay Mikey

What do you think our parents have in store for us maybe a lot of gifts yes I’m sure they will give me lots of gifts wow I’m going to have a lot of gifts then too it’s a birthday I wish I had lots of presents more than you but Mikey

Let’s go to breakfast it’s probably ready by now Mikey wait it’s not just your birthday it’s my birthday too which means we have to have the same number of gifts so you’re saying you’ll have as many gifts as I do of course you and I are on an equal footing that’s not going

To happen JJ I’ll have 100% more gifts our parents love me more than they love you come on Mikey come on let’s go to breakfast yes I agree I’m a bit tired of arguing about this topic and very hungry let’s go there’s no point in arguing

Because I’m just as loved as you are Mom good morning good morning wow our birthday boys are awake of course it’s not your birthday today but we thought we’d treat you now anyway we’re all going to the toy store together tomorrow this is going to be fun we’ll get you

Both all the toys you want cool now it’s time for breakfast yeah I’m hungry are we going to have cake yes there will be cake but tomorrow I made the best breakfast ever for you let’s go eat I’m so hungry wow Mom the table is full of

Food thank you you’re welcome it’s all for the both of you so enjoy yes bonapp oh Mom that’s just beautiful your mom spent hours cooking wow good for Mom I’m already looking forward to tomorrow H my time has come he he he JJ has no idea what I’m up to JJ argued

With me that he would have just as many gifts but that’s not going to happen today I’m going to make sure you don’t have any gifts at all you can sleep well tonight all right but this is your last good night brother because I have one thing that will help me change

Everything wo ha now we’ll see who won and who lost come on Jean come out of your lamp and make my wishes come true uh I think I saw a guy do that in a cartoon hm rub the lamp with your hand and Jin will come out come on I need all

Your magic power so where’s my score where’s my Jean my dear little friend you got me out of the lamp so I will fulfill your three wishes wow I was beginning to think it wasn’t all true nice Jean listen to my first wish I’m listening I

Wish I got more presents than my brother JJ okay what else would you like and I want to be loved A lot more than JJ lately he keeps saying we are loved equally H oh well uh you have One Last Wish left so think twice before you make

It h okay I’ll think about it this should be something that’s good for you oh right I want my own room oh my God I want this whole room to be just mine and let JJ live in the pantry all right little boy I’ll fulfill your wishes tomorrow you’ll have another life

Waiting for you oo um I thought he was going to do it all at once but come on if it’s the way I want it tomorrow that’s even better I’m already interested to see JJ’s reaction tomorrow I think he’s going to be so jealous after all tomorrow is the best holiday

For me and the worst holiday for Him ah I slept so well tonight uh where am I wait wait this isn’t my room why am I here is this some kind of joke I’m in our closet but why I remember falling asleep in my room can’t parents make a joke like that but it’s my birthday

Right uh where’s my bed anyway and why does everything look like Mikey’s room oh my God this is all very strange I’ll have to ask Mom and Dad what’s going on here wow they’re almost all set for the party just a couple more details mom why

Did I wake up in the closet oh what’s that is this some kind of joke I woke up in the pantry and my bed wasn’t in the room not fly and our you have no right to sleep with our favorite go finish cooking Mikey’s cake this cake right

Here see this is your only assignment for today so don’t mess it up but Mom it’s my birthday too oh hm oh who’s awake uh where are my presents oh my favorite I didn’t sleep very well so I hope you prepared a lot of presents for

Me sure here are your gifts look over there uh oh my God uh this is kind of weird what do you mean how many presents are there there are exactly 36 gifts here just for our favorite son Mikey what I mean 30 six last year you got me

37 presents H what how can you explain that huh uh oh Mikey we’re all going to go to the store together right now and buy you another gift isn’t that too many gifts for him alone only for you all right I agree wait what’s this all about

Have you figured out what you want to buy yet I want a $1,000 toy car cool let’s go to the store wait what about me don’t even think about coming with us dad you belong here finish cooking the cake and clean the house but I want to

Go are you stupid Mike you can’t come with us you have no right to even talk to me stop go make me a delicious cake clean the whole house and then go to your pantry did I say that right Mom and Dad yes you did the right thing well

Then shall we go to the store yeah let’s go I don’t understand what did I do JJ stop following us you heard everything you need to do but mom we’ll be there soon so finish cooking the cake get the house sparkling clean come on JJ uh okay it’s so strange and incomprehensible why

Our parents’ attitude towards me has changed so drastically it’s all very strange I’ll spit in the middle of the cake to show my displeasure 3 hours later hello again friends I’ve been here for the last hour finishing this cake I’ve never made a cake before I put a

Bunch of pepper and salt in it I think it’s going to be good of course I’m not going to eat it I don’t understand why I didn’t get a single gift and Mikey was given such a mountain of gifts it’s not fair oh they’re here already thank you

For the 37th gift now I’m satisfied anything for you Mikey now you can eat your birthday cake yeah it’s ready you can try it I’m sure it’s delicious yeah JJ did his best here at least you can do something silly I can do a lot of things

Let’s get to the cake Mikey take a bite okay okay we’re tasting it now what’s this I wanted a cherry cake and this cake has some kind of pepper and it stinks it doesn’t stink I don’t know it looks like a normal cake no that’s not

Okay JJ screwed it up again this cake is terrible but I tried it’s a good cake no you ruined the cake no one’s going to eat it you must be punished go to the closet and stay there for the rest of my birthday Mom am I right JJ must be

Punished yeah Mikey’s right JJ you’re grounded get in the closet and stay in there you ruined Mikey’s birthday party what Mom are you serious we don’t like you get out of here go away we don’t love you JJ you’re the worst son in the world okay whatever you say it’s a shame

You know go away you’ve ruined my favorite son’s party go away we don’t love you you’re disgusting your cake stinks and you stink too go away already I don’t want to look at you all right I hope you all choke on this cake it was all so good yesterday oh what is that

That thing looks like a gin lamp and why is that lamp by Mikey’s bed I don’t believe in magic but my parents have been acting really weird lately I should take that lamp back to my closet maybe I can take it all back so my parents will

Love me again guys if you had a genie lamp what three wishes would you ask for write about it in the comments and I need to take this lamp to my place so Mikey or my parents don’t see me I’m going to get punished again okay I read

A story that you have to rub a lamp three times to make it work a genie will come out of there and he’ll help me okay let’s get started 1 2 3 so where’s that Jin I’m coming out now you don’t have to hit the lamp so hard what kind of habit

Do you all have oh my God a real Jin yeah I’m a real in and I will grant you three wishes that’s awesome okay my first wish is that I want Mikey and I to split gifts gifts okay you’ll get an equal number of gifts it’s done oh

Already okay cool for my second wish I want my parents to love us equally as much doesn’t it feel good to be unloved I understand you got it now tell me your third Last Wish H let me think about it Third Wish I want to share a room with

Mikey again do you still want to live with him after everything he’s done okay all your wishes are spent and now it’s bye-bye forever I can’t believe all the wishes have been granted but I’ll hope hope for the best hopefully our parents will love me again and Mikey’s wishes

Will stop working the next morning oh it’s so good to sleep in this room on my own bed again it looks like Mikey is still asleep and hasn’t noticed me I’ll have to wake him up and make him happy that we are now living like we used to

Okay Mikey wake up good morning my dear brother oh what who’s waking me up JJ why are you in this room and now we can this is the common room what are you out of your mind go sleep in your closet this is my room the closet no I don’t

Sleep there anymore I’m sleeping next to you in that bed over there now now but you can’t sleep here your parents have forbidden you to be here you belong in the closet I’m going to tell them go ahead try it so I’ll go and tell them you’ll be punished again go and tell

Them I’m never sleeping in the closet again what makes you think they won’t beat you up they banned you in front of me yesterday what’s going on you left the Gin lamp by your bed Mom Dad JJ’s disobeying you again he slept in my room tonight punish him sleeping in your room

What’s the big deal but you said he should sleep in the closet what we didn’t say anything like that you and JJ share a room you two sleep there together what’s the problem I don’t want to to share a room with him tell him to sleep in the closet what in the closet

Are you crazy it’s not going to happen no Mikey it’s your brother apologize to him right now okay JJ please forgive me for wanting to move you into the closet I’m sorry for what I did I won’t do it again okay Mikey I forgive you you’re my

Brother I love you that’s it from now on live peacefully okay Mom we’re not going to fight anymore that’s great it’s so good to see you two being friendly again yeah you’re both good we love you equally children don’t think we have a favorite you got us yes of course we

Love you guys so much too love you too oh that’s great and my dad and I have to go to the store I hope you don’t get into any more trouble while we’re gone okay we’ll try not to screw it up bye-bye mom bye-bye dad goodbye get some

Burgers bye okay we’ll get burgers cool I’m getting Burgers they love me more bye JJ bye Mikey we love you both did you hear that they love us both I think you imagined it JJ let’s open our birthday presents there’s an equal split between you and me oh that’s awesome

Let’s open them but you have 18 gifts and I have 19 so I’m really loved more oh Mikey one gift doesn’t count it counts but you better never forget about it let’s watch cartoons oh cartoons that’s a great idea Mikey I love cartoons Patrick and SpongeBob are so

Funny and friendly just like you and me Mikey yes I agree you’re like Patrick because I’m red no because you’re as stupid as Patrick hey hey everybody good to see you all back on our Channel Mikey what are we doing today JJ I want to play with toys all day it’s the weekend

Wow what kind of toys are we going to play with I would love to draw and play with my dinosaur and I’ll take the cart and uh oh H JJ it looks like our daddy called us kids come here oh and that was already our mom they’re calling us let’s

Check to see if anything serious has happened huh what could possibly go wrong JJ just considering even the bad options kids what took you so long to come down all right it’s not that important we’re going to the store now wow that’s so cool are you going to buy

Us some goodies H well I guess so we’ll get you something delicious delicious and healthy cool can we come with you huh why well we’ll go away for a while buy some groceries and come back we’ll be fine we’ll be back home soon okay oh

Mom and Dad come back to our house soon we’ll be here waiting for you byee Mikey do you realize what this means we’re going to have fun and do whatever we want what yay I want to break some vases no Mikey wait why calm down JJ I’m not

Going to break anything really let’s go upstairs and play uh okay so JJ remind me what toy were we discussing hm I remember what you said about the dinosaur and then I said I wanted to get a red card and play with it 5 minutes later JJ why is SpongeBob square and

Patrick not uh well Mikey Patrick is a starfish so he’s not Square then what about SpongeBob he’s a sponge I don’t know Mikey but I like that he’s squ like us uh but it’s so weird isn’t it Mikey didn’t you hear that oh H have our parents arrived already but it was like

10 minutes tops how did they buy everything so fast I don’t know all right let’s go see what’s going on outside hurry up hurry up holy Turtles JJ be quiet please and look out the window uh oh my God JJ who are those people Mikey I don’t know and we weren’t

Supposed to have guests then who are they oh my God those aren’t people they’re skibbidy toilets find them all and Destroy them hey let’s recap oh my God Mikey we got to do something those toilets are are hunting Us JJ they’re on their way to the house what do we do oh

My God we don’t have much time where are our parents Mikey we need to hide somewhere and wait for help what if he finds us first very very scary all right Mikey I’ll run to the police and you try to hide somewhere good all right come on

You got to sneak in the back door yeah that’s right before they go in the house I have a chance to get outside try not to break anything uh what do you say we split up and go looking hey I’m in charge here but your idea is a JJ go

While they’re distracted Mikey come with me JJ you know one of us has to stay it’s okay come on hurry up I’ll hide upstairs you run for help oh my god wow boss there really isn’t anyone in the house but those kids wait what they came

Specifically for me and Mikey I have to run as fast as I can Mikey’s life is on the line oh where am I supposed to go where can I hide think Mikey think fast oh closet that’s right I’ll hide in our closet I’m sure no one will find me here

He so let’s split up we’re not stupid enough to go together good plan boss I’ll go check the kitchen you go upstairs with your headphones on what about me the white toilet will be watching TV oh I don’t mind if you all understand let’s go oh I’m going to find

Everybody so where could these kids hide in such a big room God bless you oh no oh who’s hiding in the closet no no you didn’t hear anything go away oh how did you see me what did you think I wouldn’t see you behind that door yeah it’s a closet

You’re so funny stop now come here phw I don’t know how long it took but I managed to get here it is now my responsibility to find a police officer to help me this is his office oh I want to eat donuts hello officer I’m in an emergency my brother’s in danger our

House has been invaded by a skibbidy toilet I am very scared and don’t know what to do help me please I beg you oh my God for starters you need to stop talking so fast uh okay I’ll help you you’ll be fine come on really what do

You mean really are you kidding me no then there’s no more time to waste let’s rush to your brother’s Aid yay cool 2 hours later a I’m so glad we were able to get these fruits they are very rare Mikey and JJ are going to love this kids

We’re here uh where are our boys maybe they’re sitting in a room and can’t hear us didn’t they hear us come in honey don’t you think it’s quieter than usual that scares me oh my God what’s going on where are our children I don’t know but

We have to find them maybe they’re just playing hideand-seek with us what oh no Mikey what happened here I don’t Know oh thank God he’s breathing we’re very lucky but what’s happened that he’s in such a state honey for what it’s worth where did JJ go ah Mikey is unconscious and JJ is missing what a horror boy this is your house isn’t it yes officer my brother should be on the

Second floor okay we’ll go in carefully follow me and don’t make too much noise kid uh what well what happened to the toilets they were right here they were here they must have gotten to the second floor by now hurry up let’s go all right let’s go check out what’s going on

Upstairs hurry up hurry up I hope Mikey is doing well uh Mikey what’s wrong with you oh my god oh JJ you’re back what’s wrong what’s wrong with Mikey we don’t know he doesn’t want to wake up oh no you have to help him are we writing a

Report my brother I tried so hard to bring help why didn’t you come with me oh oh what’s up JJ was supposed to bring me juice while I sleep uh JJ don’t you want to explain yourself what happened to the toilets I don’t know what you’re talking about it’s clear your kids just

Decided to play that way I have work to do goodbye everyone goodbye excuse me goodbye uh what do we do now well we bought a lot of yummy stuff so so we can go make dinner and you guys can fun oh I love that idea okay we’ll call you when

The food is done oh and I’m already so hungry bye-bye huh we’re not saying goodbye because we’ll see you soon Mikey oh what are we going to do my brother Mikey please explain to me what happened here where are the skibbidy toilets I don’t know what you mean Mikey the next

Day this cartoon is so stupid I never liked it but Mikey earlier you said you like this cartoon time passes and taste change brother uh JJ what we’d like to ask you to go grocery shopping okay we need some groceries uh just a little bit uh okay let’s give you some money and

You can go uh what’s going on I’m going to the store yes we are missing a few products okay I’m not going going well I guess $5 is enough for you take the money JJ please buy vegetables fruits and cereals not Burgers okay I’ll be back soon you won’t even know I’m back

JJ don’t be long we’re waiting for you okay bye-bye I run to the store and back it’s quick and lightning fast I’ve noticed that Mikey is kind of weird don’t you think yeah the only thing you can watch on our TV is SpongeBob dad SpongeBob is awesome I’ve been watching

It my whole life how nice it is sometimes to get away from the domestic routine and just relax in front of the TV with the whole family or better yet that family with a knife it’s much more pleasant yeah that’s some joke you got there Mikey yeah he’s a funny guy but

They’re not always funny is this kind of post ironic I don’t know maybe it was sarcasm I don’t know his jokes now they will realize this is no joke at all but I’ll definitely have fun when that knife puts a bunch of holes in their bodies

For them it will be more of a tragedy than a comedy it’s time to get to my Mischief huh that’s where the Patrick fell funny yeah we should watch more cartoons together now you’re all going to regret leaving your knives unattended too dumb parents Mikey what’s wrong what

Did we do to you why did you tie us up where for your parents untie us I want to kill you all at once and to do that I have to wait for the red TV you two stay here until he gets here it’s so convenient when the victims come to you

If I could handle two adults I won’t even try with one child it’s so easy for me 5 minutes later and here I am finally came home from the store with the purchases my mom asked for there’s all sorts of vegetables fruits and cereals no Burgers I don’t know who’s going to

Eat that Mom Dad meet me I’m back from the store where are you all oh JJ hi it’s good to see you again your parents fell asleep while waiting for you from the store let’s watch cartoons together there’s a new episode of SpongeBob just came out a new series is it today that’s

Great let’s go watch it sit down on the couch relax it’s just watching cartoons together nothing suspicious I’m not worried you’re kind of weird today Mikey it doesn’t matter just watch your cartoon okay stop so this is an old series I saw it a long time ago have you

Seen a knife in your stomach lately you’re about to see it oh my God Mikey what are you doing Put The Knife away this isn’t funny anymore no JJ the Fun’s just beginning don’t run away from me let’s play together I don’t want to play with you you’re crazy am I crazy I’m

Your brother Mikey we always play like this with you we’ve never played like this before you’re not my brother you’re wrong come here now I’m not coming to you I got to find something to fight you off this is a pan I could use hey what

Are you looking for come back to me I think if I hit him on the head he’ll pass out what are you going to hit me over the head with I’m your brother let’s play put that pan down Mikey please calm down I will not rest I’m

Going to kill everyone in this house nah who are you here to kill you’re out of your mind with your cartoons you should go to the looney bin with games like that you’re a schizophrenic oh what where did he go he just disappeared who was it then then where’s the real Mikey

I don’t get it at all hey help us somebody we’re in the pantry tied with ropes get us out of here oh my God that sounds like my parents upstairs what did that Phantom Mikey do to them I got to help them there’s my parents thank God

They’re alive and well I’m tired of sitting here and I have to pee how long can this go on we’ve only been here 10 minutes be patient Mom Dad are you okay did Mikey tie you up yeah we’re fine untie us please I’m going to release you

Now sit tight ouch that hurt be gentle with me JJ ouch uh I’m sorry I don’t know how to untie a rope properly that Mikey who tied you up is a phantom I killed him but I don’t know where the real Mikey is Phantom Mikey you say yes

That’s him we might know where the real Mikey is it’s in the den of scabi toilets we have to go there now ski Bey toilets okay let’s go we’re going to get my brother back JJ let’s go we’re going to punch their faces in we’re going to

Flush them back into the toilet they’re going to regret taking my son I’m coming for you this is their Lair can’t they find another home it’s not the the first time we’ve been here yeah scabi toilets aren’t exactly smart we’ll take advantage of that yeah we’re going to

Save Mikey and how are we going to do that just punch them in the face they don’t have guns and won’t be able to fight back yeah it’s going to be easy okay I hope we can do this we can do it let’s go all together let’s go we’ll

Take them out and then I ordered him to kill the entire speaker family who were you trying to kill in there filthy toilet we wanted to kill you why did you survive your Phantom is too stupid and so are you now I’m going to kill you all

Don’t tear yourself up daddy I’m going to take care of your son come on Nah Get Your Head kicked in Well Done son you’re doing a good job finish the last one please don’t I didn’t do anything ouch that’s it they can’t do anything in a real man’s fight dad you’re so cool

You’re the one who took down this Den yeah he’s very strong and cool yes thank you all it’s my pleasure but we got to go find Mikey they’re probably holding him in that basement okay let’s go we need to check it out I hope Mikey is

Doing well I’m so worried about him oh we found him Mikey’s in the cage he’s like a monkey in a zoo you finally found me yes we’re glad you’re safe and alive yes the skibus left a phantom in your place let me out of here already okay

Okay one moment that’s it you’re free Mikey it’s so wonderful to have our family back together yeah that’s awesome then let’s get out of this basement it’s damp and it stinks I don’t want to stay here for long yeah we should get out of here before the new scabi toilets come

In yeah I’m sick of sitting around here too yeah Mikey we’ve all had a tough time today you for instance attacked me with a knife I didn’t do any of that I was just behind bars that’s all kids come on hurry up we don’t want to stay

Here too long let’s hurry yes we have to go now but first we have to say goodbye to the viewers guys thanks for watching this video don’t forget to subscribe to our Channel also please like this video write comments under the video if you liked it bye-bye everybody Goodbye

This video, titled ‘TV WOMAN is DRUNK?! ALL EPISODES of BABY Mikey & JJ and BAD FAMILY in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mynez on 2023-12-10 19:36:49. It has garnered 46877 views and 509 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:15 or 9555 seconds.

Today, we’ve compiled all of our best work into one video!

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day

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  • Alabasta SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Java 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to our Hermitcraft Inspired Minecraft Server! Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds and community is everything. Join us for endless adventures, epic builds, and friendships that last a lifetime. About Us: Hermitcraft Inspired: Embrace the spirit of creativity and camaraderie. Toxicity-Free Environment: Join a positive and inclusive community. Community Events and Projects: Participate in exciting events and build monumental projects. Zero-Tolerance Policy: No griefing, stealing, or disruptive behavior allowed. Long-Term Sustainability: Dedicated to providing a stable Minecraft experience. Active Player Interaction: Collaborate, embark on adventures, and engage in lively conversations. Mature Atmosphere: Mutual respect and friendly… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting with clout

    “I guess you could say this meme scored a critical hit on our funny bone!” Read More

  • Modding Mayhem: Blue’s Minecraft Mod Mysteries!

    Modding Mayhem: Blue's Minecraft Mod Mysteries! Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Yo, our Minecraft news reporter, always in rhyme, Crafting updates with beats that ignite. Icing every detail with a grin and a spin, Exploring the world of mods, where the fun begins. Playing modded Minecraft with Blue, a VOD to see, Streaming on Twitch, where the action is free. Join the discord, chat with friends off-stream, Get live notifications, for the… Read More

  • “Hotter than Nether: Mining for Surprises in Minecraft” #shorts #meme #memes

    "Hotter than Nether: Mining for Surprises in Minecraft" #shorts #meme #memes When you finally reach the highest level ores and all that awaits you is a creeper ready to blow you up and ruin your day. #minecraftstruggles 😂 Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft 1.21: Diamond Mining Tips

    Mastering Minecraft 1.21: Diamond Mining Tips The Ultimate Minecraft 1.21 Diamond Mining Guide Finding Diamonds in Minecraft 1.21 Diamonds are a rare and valuable resource in Minecraft, found underground in the Overworld dimension. They are most commonly found below y level 15, in veins of 1 to 8 diamond ore. To mine diamonds, you’ll need an iron, diamond, or netherite pickaxe. Using the Fortune enchantment on your pickaxe increases your chances of getting multiple diamonds from a single ore block. Effective Methods for Finding Diamonds In the Minecraft 1.18 cave update, diamonds became less exposed to air, making regular cave diving less effective. Two methods… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft for Minetest Blocks

    Unveiling Minecraft for Minetest Blocks Welcome to the Minecraft for Minetest Mod Pre-Update! Exploring Common Blocks and Exciting Additions As the Minecraft for Minetest mod gears up for its pre-update release, players are in for a treat with new items and features on the horizon. While this is just a taste of what’s to come, the mod creator has hinted at some exciting additions to look forward to. Notable Features: Fireworks: One of the upcoming additions to the mod is the introduction of fireworks, adding a festive touch to gameplay. Players can expect to light up the skies and celebrate in style, with the… Read More

  • Insane Horror Modpack in Minecraft?! FoxyApproved LIVE!

    Insane Horror Modpack in Minecraft?! FoxyApproved LIVE!Video Information e e e e all right greetings everyone we are back I am back and today it’s going to be a little more different since of a popular request from yesterday in another stream ago we were been saying I could try from the fork I thought why not let’s see is it a m back no it’s some so I spent yesterday 2 hours I went to to am and created a mod pack by myself I scared myself I’m been sleeping and I will show you today I will warn you there’s different stuff shaders it’s… Read More

  • The Diamond Beacon: Hardcore Minecraft Day 200+!

    The Diamond Beacon: Hardcore Minecraft Day 200+!Video Information so we’re going to be having a chill stream tonight because I’m tired oh I’m not even on the right Minecraft right now very prepared look at this uh so here’s a little bit of a teaser for the next Redstone Showcase Video I guess uh you got all these lovely different worlds the the number is the the submission number we’re nearly at 100 submissions so the Redstone Showcase Video will be out probably sometime next week I just got to edit it down but yeah it’s basically all recorded now a couple things from part one… Read More

  • DlsGrowYT – Insane Sword PvP Hacks!

    DlsGrowYT - Insane Sword PvP Hacks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sword PvP Montage (Hacking)’, was uploaded by DlsGrowYT on 2024-06-01 15:37:02. It has garnered 21 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:40 or 160 seconds. #minecraft #anarchy #hackedclient #mcpvp #minecraftcpvp #pvp #swordpvp #mcswordpvp Context (if anyone even reads this) A tiny anarchy server almost got rules that would’ve turned it into a non-anarchy server or a factions server. That is why the start says Speedrunning naughty list and the song is Breaking the law. Thank you. Read More

  • Aleh’s Baby Flies to Sky with Fish! 🛫🐟 Extreme Homes

    Aleh's Baby Flies to Sky with Fish! 🛫🐟 Extreme HomesVideo Information rositos Nosotros hemos intentado superar y recorrer todos los mapas con distintos objetos con Jetpack con esas cosas de que dicen stop con con carros con cohetes con con naves alienígenas con Botas con superpoderes volando solos porque somos super bebés pero no lo hemos intentado con el objeto más raro y más extraño para ustedes con un pescado y el día de hoy vamos a recorrer todo el mapa de domicilios extremos con un pescado así como lo están escuchando ositos ahora qué Qué necesitamos para poder recorrer todo el mapa de domicilios extremos primero que nada… Read More

  • ☠️ EPIC Minecraft Dungeon Adventure LIVE 🔥🎮🔥 | ArCh #2

    ☠️ EPIC Minecraft Dungeon Adventure LIVE 🔥🎮🔥 | ArCh #2Video Information Aduh testingtesting cck sound check sound Apakah sudah live eh aduh mana nih aman Oke oke aman ya aman ya oke semuanya Selamat datang di ar channel Selamat malam semuanya Selamat pagi siang sore malam Entah di mana pun kalian berada gitu kan jadi di malam kali ini di live kali ini Minecraft dungeons press any button to start oke eh apa lagi ya ini ya Oke jadi kita akan main sama anak-anak discord ya testing halo misi Om jadi kita akan mainin game lagi apakah bisa online mana nih Sin nih si beliau nih kita akan lanjutin… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: INFINITE WEAPONS MELTING in MINECRAFT 🤯🔥Video Information olá olá como é que vocês estão hoje estamos aqui pra ver um Adon onde você funde armas eu não quero enrolar eu acho que vocês vão gostar eu acho que eu vou gostar também e é basicamente isso cara a gente vai fundir coisa aqui e falar que isso é uma arma basicamente belezinha estamos aqui dentro do jogo já E bem né bom esse aqui é o lugar iniciado Deixa eu tomar meu cabelo pelo amor de Deus Pronto acho que agora tá melhor né vamos lá olá meu parceiro o nome dele é professor fala… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Material Grind with Towa – HoloLive Server Madness!

    Insane Minecraft Material Grind with Towa - HoloLive Server Madness!Video Information [音楽] よ [音楽] N [音楽] あ [音楽] [拍手] [音楽] N [音楽] の [音楽] H [音楽] [拍手] [音楽] あー ヤッホーこんやっ ぴー父様ですなんか鼻声だ [音楽] わ よしということでホロライブハードコア サバああれえホロサバハードコアマイクラ やってきたいと思いますでも予定があるの でねちょっと短めにはなるんですけれど もていうかさ夜間 夜 [音楽] だるあれしようかな [音楽] と素材でも集めようかなていうか明日ウ ザって言ってたんだ けどウィザーって何 あウザー今日なんだあじゃ今日は別にあれ か関係ないか あれ来 [音楽] たよし [音楽] よしポーションってかあれ かまず は えっとあなんか報酬が入ってるんじゃ ない来たダイヤモンド だ初めてな [音楽] ちょっと待ってねこのダイヤモンドを持ち ながら 鉄鉄が生成される場所の近くに行って鉄を 生み出してもらい ながら生きると いうえどうしよっかなダイヤゴリしとこう かなダイヤゴリ かなんかか えめっちゃ悪くねポピーはいいかポピー 邪魔 [音楽] かなんかゴミ多い なてか日を日をどうにかしなきゃいけなく て [音楽] すごいこのポピーはさ上にえゲーム音入っ て ない本当 だ本当だ ていうか体いらなくねあいる かじゃああれするか掘る かちょっともらってって てポピー邪魔だ から開始し てここに鼻だけ入れとい て よしダイヤ集める かこれ弓はあるから大丈夫 でだから [音楽] あれしよっか [音楽] なピグリンブルート3体 倒す歪んだキノコはもう手に入れた からガスト1 体7 でしょソウルサンドってなんだ古代の骸骨 残骨 [音楽] 残骸じゃ一旦あれ [音楽] かえ何これ [音楽] すご体いらないもの島に行く かとりあえずダイヤ使ってピッケル作っ てわでもトラップ タワー行ってあれしないとだめ [音楽] かなんだ これは何 だご飯ってどこだっけ… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Transformation Timelapse – SR Exes

    Ultimate Minecraft Transformation Timelapse - SR ExesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Transforming a Plains Village in Minecraft | Part 2 |Timelapse’, was uploaded by SR Exes on 2024-01-06 15:34:11. It has garnered 556 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. have transformed an entire plains village in vanilla Minecraft. #transformation #Minecraft #Village #shorts #shortvideo #minecraft #minecraftshorts Read More

  • INSANE Gaming Trivia: Guess the Minecraft Art #shorts

    INSANE Gaming Trivia: Guess the Minecraft Art #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Can you guess Art? Minecraft PE 1.20 Pixel Art #shorts’, was uploaded by Gaming Trivia on 2024-02-13 06:23:11. It has garnered 1 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Can you guess Art? Minecraft PE 1.20 Pixel Art #shorts pixel art minecraft big , love pixel art minecraft , pixel art minecraft fnaf , pixel art minecraft hard , pixel art minecraft logo , pixel art minecraft meme , minecraft ruffy pixel art , pixel art minecraft steve , lucario pixel art minecraft , pixel art minecraft skibidi… Read More

  • CoraliaMC

    CoraliaMCWelcome to CoraliaMC, a Towny and USW paradise for players! Compatible with Bedrock! Port 8036 for Bedrock. Get started and get $2000 in-game currency on request! Admins and mods are usually online from 4-6 pm central, and you can find them usually all day on the weekends. (and oh yeah we have a buc-ees) Read More

  • PokeClash Cobblemon Modded – Custom Plugins – NOP2W

    Welcome to PokeClash! Welcome to PokeClash! A small-time server just looking to have fun without everything locked behind a paywall! We try to keep things as simple as possible for anyone who joins. We may not boast some of the features other servers have, but we try to be as fun as possible! Server Features: Non-PTW Dex Ranks Custom terrain gen for all worlds Rotating Cobblemon Competitions Skills, Catch Combos, Mega Evos Land Claiming, Pokehunts, GTS Player Warps and Player Chest Shops and more! Server Links & Info: IP: Cobblemon Version: 1.4.1 Fabric Discord: Join our Discord Mod Packs:… Read More

  • ArchMC | Rule Your Own Game

    ArchMC | Rule Your Own GameArchMC is one of the biggest servers in North America with gamemodes designed for every play style. Founded by a team of Minecrafters, our server has become the go-to for anybody seeking a new experience and a fresh breath of gameplay. Whether you’re into Minigames, Hardcore Survival, or Creative plots, there’s something for everyone here. Join today and Rule Your Own Game. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft perfection, defined

    This meme is so relatable, even the Endermen are nodding in agreement. Read More

  • Cottage Chic: Minecraft Decor Tips (E06)

    Cottage Chic: Minecraft Decor Tips (E06) In this Minecraft world, we craft and build, With rhymes and beats, our creativity fulfilled. From cozy cottages to gardens so green, Every detail in rhyme, a sight to be seen. Campfires on roofs, and barrels for decor, Pathways of stone, leading to the door. Melon seeds planted, in soil so rich, Hydrated with water, a garden to enrich. Andesite and stone, textures so fine, Mixing and matching, in every design. From fireplace to flower box, every detail refined, In this Minecraft world, our creativity shines. So join us next time, for combat and more, In this Minecraft world,… Read More

  • “Hot Portal Dilemma: Nether Survival Edition” 🔥😂 #MinecraftMemes

    "Hot Portal Dilemma: Nether Survival Edition" 🔥😂 #MinecraftMemes When you can’t decide which Nether portal to choose, just remember: it’s like picking the lesser of two evils…but with more lava and pigmen. Choose wisely, my friend. #MinecraftStruggles 😂🔥🐷 Read More

  • Space Jump Shenanigans

    Space Jump Shenanigans Minecraft Bedwars: A Fun and Exciting Gaming Experience Introduction to Minecraft Bedwars Minecraft Bedwars is a popular game mode that combines elements of strategy, teamwork, and creativity within the Minecraft universe. Players compete in teams to protect their beds while trying to destroy the beds of opposing teams. It’s a fast-paced and thrilling experience that requires quick thinking and coordination. Features of Minecraft Bedwars Team-based Gameplay: Players team up to defend their beds and eliminate opponents. Resource Gathering: Collect resources to build defenses, weapons, and tools. Bed Protection: Safeguard your bed to prevent respawning after elimination. Strategic Planning: Develop… Read More

  • Thali Gamer Breaks World Record in Tower Building 🚀 #shorts

    Thali Gamer Breaks World Record in Tower Building 🚀 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Made a World Record by building a 🗼Tower #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Thali Gamer on 2024-05-25 11:30:23. It has garnered 1029 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Made a World Record by building a 🗼Tower #minecraft #shorts minecraft tower tutorial,minecraft tower,how to build a tower in minecraft,minecraft build,how to build a medieval tower in minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft tutorial,how to build,minecraft mage tower,stable minecraft,minecraft ship,minecraft wizard tower,how to build a wizard tower in minecraft,how to build a fantasy tower in minecraft,minecraft ship tutorial,how to build a small medieval… Read More

  • Unleashing “The Curse”: Minecraft Adventure Map Part 4

    Unleashing "The Curse": Minecraft Adventure Map Part 4Video Information a loyal buler go back to serving team hey Mr werewolf hey Uncle Uncle Wolfie where’d he go well he’s gone over there now just keep bading him places we just keep sending him off the edge oh sorry I didn’t mean to hit you is it finally over am I free it’s a his powers were supposed to be sueme I many all right I’m going in since I have like no Health we died at the exact same [Music] time welcome back mother time for you to die I’m using the emergency axe now since I… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC MCPE 1.17 SEED REVEALED!🔥 #mcpehindi #minecraft

    🔥EPIC MCPE 1.17 SEED REVEALED!🔥 #mcpehindi #minecraftVideo Information वेलकम बैक टू द राज एपिक गेमिंग और आज हम लोग अपना माफ्ट का फर्स्ट पार्ट स्टार्ट करने वाले तो गाइस आज हम लोग अपने माफ्ट के प्यारे से वर्ल्ड में एक प्यारा सा घर बनाएंगे और एक प्यारा सा एनिमल फार्म और आयरन की माइनिंग करेंगे यही सब जो नॉर्मल बंदे करते हैं मा में ही करेंगे बेसिक नीड कंप्लीट करेंगे उसके बा फिर हम लोग लास्ट मतलब लास्ट एपिसोड में एंडर ड्रैगन को मारेंगे विदाउट एनी [संगीत] चीट ंग [संगीत] रिसोर्सेस जनरेटिंग वा बन जा यार और चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिएगा यह ग्राफ दीजिए देखिए… Read More

  • Duck Transforms City in Minecraft! Watch Now!

    Duck Transforms City in Minecraft! Watch Now!Video Information in this video we’re going to be transforming Seaside City Seaside city is one of the largest urban Minecraft cities that have ever constructed however I built it in 2019 and 2020 and as you can see it’s looking a bit old and outdated so in this video we’re going to be transforming Seaside City and giving it a major [Music] overhaul [Music] all right so the first thing we need to do is build the roads in the city so as you can see here I’m going to try and do that but what I realized is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Beat the Game with Half a Heart!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Beat the Game with Half a Heart!Video Information J Leute was geht hier ist der zweite Part von meiner halben Herzen Challenge etwas verspätet aber er ist hier es ist leider etwas Aufnahme verloren gegangen weshalb ich jetzt ziemlich am Ende der Challenge bin und den netherp auch schon geskippt habe aber es ist alles live passiert alles legit und ja viel Spaß mit dem Finale ALR wir haben glaube ich alles oder kürbischnitzen w vielleicht nicht schlecht fürs end okay nachdenken wir haben mehr als dre ST pile sollte hoffentlich reichen für den Ender Dragon F wenn nicht dann kotze ich mache ich auch nach… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT HORROR WORLD - MUST WATCH!Video Information before the video starts I just want to say thank you everyone for 1,000 subscribers I know it’s not something too crazy but it’s a little crazy for me because like two months ago I just hit 200 subscribers and like now I have 1,000 so that’s like like I’m a little speechless right now I don’t really know what to say other than just thank you I do want to say I don’t plan on having an upload schedule because I want to take my time in editing these videos trying to come up with other video… Read More