Simmer’s Epic Comeback in Minecraft Championship 35

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All right we should assuming everything has gone right be live hello welcome to those of you that were waiting early thank you thank you for being here welcome welcome welcome to MCC 35 it’s it’s behind me can you guys see it we’re going to play the whole MCC

Just like this so if that’s good with you guys I guess I’m going to get straight into it all righty here we go yeah let’s go you you got wait you you don’t want oh look at my jumper sweet uh yeah I I’m probably actually

Going to take this off but I thought you know it’s kind of got the Christmas Vibe also me and my son match so you know had to wear the the Christmas sweater I would wear a a Santa hat as well or I guess this but I don’t have a matching beanie

Um and just yeah you know anyway it’s uh it’s 6:50 a.m. I went to sleep about 3:00 a.m. I haven’t played Minecraft since the last time I was in MCC which was a Christmas one last year so you know this is going to be a good time

It’s going to be a good time all around hope you guys are well looking forward to it all right let me uh CH be oops sorry I don’t know if you heard that just had to close the other tab um yeah so it’s going to be fun if

You guys have never seen a Minecraft championship something that myself Dr Glen vixel and Zeus have done fairly well I was going to say fairly often not that often anymore but we’ve been doing the last few years on and off basically a collection of Minecraft mini gamess with like professional Minecrafters that

Are really talented at the game and then us so you know it’s a good time we’re just here to have fun we you know we’re not expecting to win I think gl’s already in the Discord but I I’ll join that in a bit so we can hang out first

Yes that’s right # notl last that is our motto that’s what we aim for uh also we’re streaming here on YouTube for the first time for Minecraft cuz every time I’ve done this before has been on Twitch um and I know when I’m streaming now I

Stream on the main Channel but I figured this would be uh a little weird to stream on the main channel so I figured we do it over here so that’s why we’re here on the the more James Turner Channel cuz you know sometimes you just

Want a little bit more and to be honest I think me having played Minecraft for the first time this year probably not main Channel content no offense to my main Channel but you know yeah we’re back doing MCC I actually missed out on cuz there was one

I think well there might have been a couple where glan Zeus and um vixel have done Minecraft championship and I’ve not been in it and that’s mostly because I’ve decided and no offense to Minecraft championships but the 500 a.m. wakeup call Cuz so at this time of year when

The clocks were in this time zone it starts at 7:00 a.m. and like that’s that’s early but it’s not that bad in the other half of the year it starts at 5:00 a.m. and that means I have to get up at like 4:00 a.m. and I’m just like

Uh I’m not I’m not a pro Minecraft player so I was like it’s not really worth it so that’s why I missed some of them which is a shame because it is so much fun playing with the guys but um anyway so I thought I’d explain that now cuz you know it’s it’s

Always a special time when the simmers get together so I’m going to jump on Discord see if GL can hear me you like the um the last one hey man hey man how you doing I’m good how you doing I’m doing really great I was just saying how

Uh the last MC I think you would have really enjoyed it the uh the party one I was just saying to my chat that like I was explaining why I’ve missed a couple of them because they start at 5:00 a.m. my time I’m like too early yeah yeah that’s fair enough uh I

Might just at least walk around game a little bit there’s a couple people hanging out here now oh actually I’m not oh you know it’s one of those times uh volume chat we need the volume discussion oh right yeah how do I sound yeah I don’t know if gl’s too quiet also

I heard a little bit of my voice coming back through your mic oh if I turn my head then it definitely will hear that oh okay so if I don’t turn my head don’t GL one don’t move okay don’t move I also did just hear the little uh subscribe

Sound yeah I turned my head for a second there don’t turn your head I look sorry you have to you when you when we play Minecraft you have to like walk forward and never turn I thought these headphones would be like not bleed like not bleed sound too much but apparently

They do so you don’t know how many headphones I’ve been through with uh with YouTube and and microphone especially cuz I use like a boom mic if my headphones don’t like completely block out the sound you just hear it through the microphone yeah apparently mine all sounds good on this

End which is good just uh how does James sound on a level of like amazing being amazing I just had amazing on a level of uh 7 a.m. morning voice to you sound great man thanks man it was actually funny um well you mentioned in your stream a

Little bit earlier glan but glan and I were we were talking last night like we had a phone call on the phone yeah yeah and and we were going to bed at the same time which funny cuz you’re in the US and I’m in Australia we’re like oh I got to go to

Bed MCC it was I think like 6 o’ in the morning my time hey man yeah you and I were jetl this is not the normal time that we’re around yeah I so yeah’s like you you just woke up Clon but here I live on

Sydney time when I went to Sydney I did not suffer jet lag because it’s like that’s the time I live on yeah I can go to Sydney have no problem really it’s just cuz I work at night I I work at night and then I end stream and

I just continue working and then I sleep when my kids are at school o much yeah MCC dostar let’s go a lot of chains James since the last time you played this game yeah I stream on the more James Turner Channel now you’ve always that’s what changed

It’s funny literally the last time I played Minecraft was MCC I think 28 The Last Christmas one I don’t think I’ve played Minecraft at all in the last year so I’m going be great at this this is going to go really well but we were talking we are going to

Do some Minecrafting we’re going to do some MRA Minecrafting yeah it’s just the problem the problem is we had four rent and then now it’s the holidays and yeah yeah yeah we’re going to we’re going to do and then there’ll be another MCC so we won’t have [Laughter] time the talks are there the we’re going to do it we’re just got to figure out the timing yeah yeah exactly just hasn’t been the greatest times Well you say Burger Minecraft boys but you know what the Burger Boys we were born in Minecraft we were the Minecraft boys

Actually we were the BSL boys we used a mod to make Minecraft look and it was called the BSL shaders and we called ourselves the BSL boys so Burger boys were born in Minecraft actually we were the know that we were the Dewey boys too yeah actually I think that was

First to be fair it was born okay it was born a s you know there was probably something before that too but I think it might have actually been s Valley I I forgot about that oh wait we might have been were we the cuz we did uh Euro Truck Simulator

First I don’t know if we oh Trucking boy we might have been someone have to go back in the archive for that I don’t think we ever call ourselves the trucking boys though well you don’t know GL we might have hello we call ourselves the chucking men whoa yeah so true am I’m

Yeah hey what’s up are you in a cathedral yes I am so get a nice little Reverb in the room today we have a service of dude I had to restart my computer my mouse was glitching oh that yeah that BS all for us don’t worry I haven’t played

Minecraft and since the last time we did uh Christmas MCC so we were like we were like joking like uh is are they back from Disney World yet are they just going to be streaming from Disney World so like now the echo is like are you like yeah streaming from the castle Yeah

Yeah Mickey not right now Micky guys I just get an autograph from goofy yeah Zeus hey Zeus no goofy get away for me please hello hello oh no I can’t hear any hey s uh oh hello testing hello test hello Sasha Sasha Sasha you on the other side of Bell’s

Castle hello hello oh Sasha sound on here I hear you hello oh all right I hear you how yall doing we’re doing okay I guess uh I’ve got a really good morning I’ve got a terrible cup of coffee but it’s my only option cuz coffee shops aren’t open you didn’t

Just make I didn’t make one I didn’t make it but it’s it was it’s bad I didn’t really I didn’t really have time to remake it again so just have to deal with it it’s not good it’s not good I’m so sorry it’s okay if it makes you feel any

Better I literally just remembered that MCC was going 30 minutes ago I had to get ready in awesome um light speed yeah me yeah me too I just rolled out of bed and I was like oh MCC wow at Leist you’re up yeah well I went I well you know I

Was good I went to bed at like 1 I was pretty tired I nearly fell asleep and then my mind was like I got to be up early and then I didn’t fall asleep till 3:30 so you know oh no yeah so I’m a little jet lag

Uh from my trip to bed yeah fair enough fair enough fair enough wait oh yeah say we’re all matching and you have the old skin oh wait oh you all you all did the new one yeah oh that’s right that’s what I wanted well I didn’t I didn’t have my

Old one cuz I I didn’t actually have this is a new computer since the last time I did it so I didn’t have that skin anymore oh yeah yeah yeah uh oh Sasha my my stream went down I don’t know why things are going well

Today I think Glon was having lag and G oh actually speaking of issues sometimes my ethernet just drops out so oh sweet so that might happen just so everyone knows get a picture real quick yeah where do we want to go back this way in front of the merch shot

Sign okay yeah I like that who’s echoing uh probably sorry I looked over I looked over did you look at the the side cam I looked at the side cam get in get in get in sorry sorry sorry okay Ollie can you leave here’s the whole gang everybody we have Dr

GL there we go and James nice good job everyone good job I mean that look so great yeah well I think Zeus looks the best to be uh how was Disney oh it’s so fun and the weather was so nice and chilly oh no oh that’s nice speaking of

The weather horrible oh my God don’t don’t even get me started I almost took a photo of like the stroller gridlock it was crazy my go yeah here you go Sasha you got to put the cats go with your ever had you know what if you once you experience Disney with

Kids it’s it’s a different experience okay I think we have to do it we all have to go with your yeah you see Disney Through The Eyes of a child you know it’s different I like how he’s not really answering yeah yeah be good no you’re very welcome

You’re very welcome and the thing is you’re welcome to come and then once you get tired of it you can just like split like all right we’ve had enough we’re leaving we’re going to go over the we’re going to go back to Space Mountain oh we we rode Tron twice [Applause]

The story of what happened was that the second time okay so there’s like virtual cues and the lightning Lane that you have to pay for and those like the only ways you can ride Tron right so I wake up early in the morning at 6:45 7 a.m. on the

Millisecond I get the virtual queue okay we’re one of the first groups we’re actually it’s so early we miss it we’re not even in the park yet when they call us oh so by five minutes it was actually really sad yeah well we weren’t there

And so then I was like well okay I’ll just pay for it so so we can ride it because my family hadn’t ridden it before and I was like they got it it’s so fun and um we get it we go right on Happy Days they do a second virtual

Queue at one so where am I at 1259 boom got it again nice and then it they called us right at the same time that I had purchased a lightning Lane for the Seven Dwarves M so we get on Tron first this was a big mistake there was the longest line of on

Earth on the virtual queue we missed the lightning one that I paid for by like two minutes but the lady let us in anyways oh nice Disney Magic everyone I feel like you underplayed that so okay we went to the I I said a really long story Zeus doesn’t Mak like 30 seconds

Longer yeah no no no I was like like okay we can go to either one it’s the exact same distance and I was like let’s go to Tron let’s go to Tron first it’ll be really fast it was not it was like it took us 40 minutes to get through I

Thought it was going to take us 10 it was and the whole time you know when you’re like rushing against time you’re like am I going to miss something we’re so stressed but luckily we made it nice yeah oh God it was so bad I I sash was

Like I I feel I’ve let my family down I felt like I’ve let everyone down we had fun though right yeah it was good it was how long we there for was it like a week then or four days four days four days yeah nice so did you do like

Each park each day then no no no no so we only did Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios mhm but then we spent a day with uh Kayla Dan and the other times were travel days nice that’s cool see I want to take I want to take

The F there we we haven’t taken a family to Disney World oh you went to Disneyland I’ve already been to Disneyland yeah you got to go to the world man you got to go Disney World Disney World is such a different Beast though it is yeah it

Ser I feel like that your kids maybe need to be a little older like the youngest yeah cuz I feel like that would be a lot of work for you guys let’s go oh my God what are we going to do four now oh God we should probably thought about this introducing

Today’s competitors you guys ready for this no way how about we just like leave we run off we just get out of there we got a we got a tree we went the tree we went the tree we have to we have to build a house okay we build a house we

Knock the tree down okay and then we build the house out of the wood wait can we can we all punch the Snowman yeah we we punch you you want to punch the Snowman uh so closer okay we punch the snow out okay okay fine I feel like the

Tree we may not be able to get to right okay yeah we punch snow I’m just saying I’m just they went the corners okay yeah it’s not gonna be as good as our snowman punch no I agree oh everyone left JoJo wow oh we’re coming up be

Close here we go it’s our time guys I think it’s our P oh punch it punch it punch itch break it break it go I think we get extra points for that yeah I think so too I think so too that was really good guys we did great there

Was a little Panic where I couldn’t find the Snowman but I think let’s go go let’s go it’s so cute look at the B oh that cute really get a chance to look yeah it’s not the sapphire Sanders are out this is actually Perma death this

MCC canet this is MCC hardore so you guys are actually gone oh my gosh this is so loud it is so loud I for I always forget how loud this is oh the TS did you see how I found that per oh my gosh W woo it never gets old a

Merch dang oh let’s everyone go in here oh we can’t they blocked it off lame what the heck they’re so lame all right so we’re just going to have fun today I did a I did some calculations off off stream and then you realized I’m that sure there is like no chance wait

Did the M wow yeah you crunch the numbers of all we lost what did you really need to crunch numbers for that I no I looked at the team and I was like oh okay I mean you just have to look at the fact that I

Haven’t played in an entire no no you’re fine like looking at the board going like like 15 minutes in he’s like a whole spreadsheet I have he’s like he’s got like a cigarette half coming out of his mouth he looking at Sasha like were you watching me how did you know I do

That you know what it’s not going to look good for us this time around smok cigarettes this beautiful vape pen e what are we where are we dropping uh I don’t know what what what are you feeling James which one do you like yeah what do you want to do James

Let’s do the one we like the least whatever I don’t even know what games there are anymore rocket sple rocket one rocket sple okay let’s do rocket that one park war I’ll do rocket Rush have fun go little chicken uh my chicken got stuck up there yeah my chicken stuck up

There is that good what out well yeah I think the I think the numers Zeus crunch were really necessary to there a lot of stuck up there I can’t even throw my chicken so you know not looking good do have chickens count the man oh so did you want to not come

Last yeah hey won we won well no thanks to me all right what are we doing rocket SP Rush okay is this the one where it’s like a map and you kind of like fly through it or something yeah yeah it kind of keep keeps moving right I’m

Going to be so good at this you guys that’s why we got to learn how to do the we gotar J I love them every time we just have to learn in MCC you know amongst all these like Pro Minecraft players there’s just us like oh how do you play Minecraft again

Oh my God you know I love it I love it it’s I’m doing it I’m doing it I’m Sasha I’m doing it yay guys have fun have fun fun have fun I’m having I’m already having fun so so glad to have you James oh my gosh I went to

Thank you guys thank you it’s good to be back I I just had a story about Ikea I went it’s not really a story it’s just a an anecdote I went yesterday sponsor actually and as I was walking out of the exit there was this influencer her boyfriend was there

Taking a photo and he goes oh it doesn’t look like you’ve bought anything and then he like Wheels in a trolley that has like a big box in it and puts it next to her and he’s like okay and then he’s like taking photos and um and they

Were just like blocking the escalator in the stairs down and I’m like God I hope this is not how I am cuz this is you’re good it was so cringe oh we’re dropping that was the whole story it was just so cringe I had to share it

That’s okay all I got to do is stay in the air and never drop right up so I got up DRFT and I got a rocket okay am I supposed to like shoot people though is that like the idea I don’t remember how this works oh gosh

I’ve already drw I don’t know why I can’t hear anything but I can’t hear anything okay well this worked well I Ed my up and I hit the roof you know I’m just going to stay here this is not going well what are you doing I already

Died I’m just do I have to move or move on move onve rush I forgot about that I don’t have my blocks on or my music on so curently confused James yeah what’s up doing great thanks there’s nothing I can do at this point cuz I I Ed my

Updraft but I hit the roofs earlier so anyway oh how do up graft uh there’s you have a couple items in your hot bar so like the second one well that was fun you got move on now let’s I I don’t think I was last was I I think other

People you lasted longer than I did oh sweet I got more points [Laughter] great I think I shot I think I shot someone Sasha welcome to the club Sasha I was doing so bad to be honest no I did great no you don’t great forgot how to

Play this game yeah you’re fine this is why we pick this game first well this is why well this is why we play it at least once a year in MC wait I can make it potentially wait hold on go go go go wa wait hold on if I just keep going

Down I might survive a little bit longer I mean you are outting other people oh you did you did get a few places so I did Sor I got to turn all my blocks and stuff on why can’t I like kind of forgot how to play yeah yeah no

Me too it’s all good yeah me too guys we need to play sky yeah I I forgot too oh is that even in this one was it I didn’t see no we need to play our own yeah we’re going oh right yeah yeah we GL and

I are well GL mentioned it earlier that we had spoken about wanting to do that but then this like whole like for rent thing happened and yeah yeah yeah but and then like Christmas that it’s time for uh it’s time for some Sky Block I can’t play The Sims for for for

Rent with my friends you know well you can with the multiplayer mod I don’t know if it’s up with the multiplayer Mod Multiplayer mod awesome I would take that yeah seriously who do you think is going to win uh not the sapphire Santas it’s because they didn’t call us the sapphire simmers I know that’s where they went wrong yeah do you love the music though let’s Pump It Up

Yeah I guess I could turn the music back up no I want that I want your chat to be able to hear me oh hello Sasha’s chat can you hear me Sasha chat I don’t can hear me CH hello she she pumped up the music un this all dang it what I just

Deafened you know what I don’t blame don’t def then don’t unde for the rest of the game the whole MCC just the whole MCC somehow we do better dang oh this is this is the very first round of the very first game so if you’re just joining now

You haven’t really missed anything and to be honest if you join at any point during this MCC watching us you probably haven’t missed anything so wow who is this person like way way way way way over here oh I don’t know I couldn’t even see who it was Pete won

One three rounds yeah 37th that wasn’t last let’s go let’s go I nine coins oh did you see at the end of this MCC they’re going to have like a a little summary of every player in the season yeah this is I think myc this season so

That’ll be good I should use my updraft I didn’t use that last time cuz I got to use it when I don’t have blocks above my head so yeah good yeah good point oh God mine like didn’t even really work that well yeah that was weird so I don’t

Really know how I can like see where the blocks are below me oh God someone hit me without like looking down oh am I supposed to be in third person is that thing I’m supposed to be no no you’re not supposed to be but oh

Go put the TNT in here is that bad is that bad for me oh my god oh gosh okay see I can do that I know how to do that thing oh God oh God good someone hit me that’s good I use my updraft when is the next round or the

Next where is it thing oh jeez here it is where is it oh gosh oh oh no you doing oh Jesus oh why am I going so fast what is happening what what is happening to me you’re zooming you’re zooming my my screen was like glitching in and out I

Don’t know what what was happen I was like way below it oh gosh fly fly I was like way ahead of this now dude I’m smashing this I’m such a pro MC so high wait where do I go where do I go no I was so Pro up until that very

Moment that I said I was Pro no dang it oh no oh no I’m not going to make it I was so Pro until I said I was Pro really oh my God that sucks uh no where is everyone oh look at this little menu this is cute go to Zeus oh I

Died yeah okay we’re all dead I just died too yeah that sucks I I hate when like everyone fires on the same area it like really messes me up I don’t know how to not like deal with that you away from flying above all of them for so

Long until I wasn’t so Zeus H as an MCC Champion yeah what uh what words of wisdom do you have for me going to the third round oh just have fun I what it’s all about I can do that play this correctly Ze is just like

I can’t help these guys I can’t even help myself you know like that attitude you can’t have you ever seen the uh the Mighty Ducks or any other Disney sports movie I’ve seen this is like the beginning of any of those movies Zeus is like the coach coming in going like I

Can’t help these kids these guys are us listen here everyone there’s no hope for you so just hash have fun I mean look let’s be real it’s true so I’m not like I’m not good at this like you can this team around quack quack quack quack quack quack quack

Quack qu but usually glan the thing you’re missing about those movies is they don’t start in the championship oh right that’s true they kind work their way yeah actually practice and play duck we’re going to smash that in the go you know so who’s setting up and organizing

The simmers Championship that’s what I want to know GL said he wanted to do that someone need to do that cuz that I feel like we could do well in we’ve got a good chance how are there still so many people left crazy I don’t know how the

People stay alive they sit and they practice a lot there’s like a to like how to play thisly I I I don’t know what who would have thought that professional minecra could actually be good at this I didn’t think that that’s new to me yeah but can they build a house of

Sims that’s my question probably not going to be real probably not they actually probably do they know how to make a residential rental I don’t think so oh he went there he went there wow you know what James I think I’m going to watch your hotel video cuz I’m like

Trying to figure out how to make that work I was like oh J video yes I I had a video today that was like sort of more tutori too so o I will be watch that be useful James I figured out that you were the grandfather of Sims content creation

I’m pretty sure everyone who’s top of the game is literally they’re like I used to watch James when I was younger yeah I got then then I got Bor of his content cuz it got it got old well no no it didn’t everyone watches your let’s play everyone loves the big wallet

Family no actually that’s funny you mentioned that cuz I don’t know if there’s anyone else still making Sims content that started before me that’s true I don’t think there is there isn’t cuz there was definitely people that started before me but I don’t think they’re still making

Content uh that’s true where’s the map I’m going to try doing a new Strat where I just like don’t do anything but we all go in circles like a toilet ble there’s a thing over here right here we go we look like a tornado yeah I don’t like when I’m going faster

Than the map cuz I can’t see it that’s all right you’ll be fine like where am I and then I there’s so much Spade what why do I just drop down like a no go up go up go up go up oh jeez oh jeez updraft dang it didn’t want to use that

Oh gosh I’m so far behind now I’m too and I’m not going get I scking like a locker I know same someone somehow boost me up boost me up shot me boosting someone shot me okay well I beat ant venom so that’s good and you kind of need to beat someone other

Than suck like a rocker oh yes I beat Sasha that was my worst one yet don’t worry that was about the same as all of mine I think I did pry good beginning I was like I landed on like a little block and then it disappeared immediately so I

Fell sad I just fall out of the sky are we all out then is still no I got out and I I your voice the one person I’m not allowed to kill in Minecraft I killed what fruit there rules in Minecraft Championship wait what there rules oh crap you killed

Scar yeah I committed a cardinal sin what happened what who’s this dud that’s like good times this scar always brings the good times you know he would fit on this in this team very well yeah he always hashtag has fun yeah that’s kind of energy we need here mhm what are we not

Enough am I not having enough fun for you right now you want me to have more fun more fun hey James we’ve been reviewing some of your videos and we just don’t not been fun anymore we just don’t think you’re having as much fun as you’ve been playing Sims too long and

You’re not now James you’ve been having 10 fun and I know that’s like required but see um GL over here has been having 20 fun Um no what I was going to say is I really hope our cards like the the you know MCC recap stuff it just has us all saying we had fun that would be amazing if they do that be really cool that would be cool although I I’m not really

Expecting a lot for mine cuz this is my only MCC this season so I blame him if there’s nothing in it the Christmas cheer you’ve done have I done this year three three maybe yeah you did scuffed there’s at least two that I was in I think this this year did

I do um Pride this year too yeah that was with ant Frost yeah yeah yeah yeah I miss I miss all like the midyear ones cuz they’re 5:00 a.m. and I’m just like yeah mhm I think I played one more than you guys so obviously a lot more than James

But yeah yeah we get we get like an MCC wrapped at the end of this uh MCC that’s that’s exciting but all the all the players in it we all get our little like stats card so mine’s going to be like last I want to see James so bad how many

Did you play in one this one what position to become 40th we can sing Christmas car someh James get higher than me placewise no I don’t think at this point you’ve played Minecraft at least like three times more than me this year so ain’t no way they got 1500 coins in

That game well we got they had three of their team members get to like the finals twice oh yeah right oh find a little bit well we had how many of you you you’ve been in the finals as well Sasha haven’t you I have how many times one just once

What do you mean oh yeah just once yeah all the times I’ve been in the finals okay yeah rub it in well and wait what are us how have you been in a couple or I’ve been in a few two three so I mean you’re saying

Those that team had a few in the final so have we okay yeah but which team had the most fun that’s so true oh let’s go find presents go find presents oh yeah oh yes we have to give presents I think oh okay where is he go go

Major where is he present pile present pile present pile so this is like in between the Min games um and we have to find other players come back here does it point me to them or I just have to go find see okay okay I got a yo-yo get

Back here see the problem is oh y y the problem is like I’m chasing like Pro like parkour players so kind of hard to catch up to them yeah I know if they do any sick parkour you’re like get them where the heck where the heck are the presents oh over

There oh I see some wait no not over there I would like a gift someone give me a gift where are they they’re every on the thank You okay I don’t know where they are oh there they are I think they might have been too far away maybe seven presents left okay now it’s really quiet the music was music was so loud cross map I can’t find them either I didn’t get a present I think sometimes

If they’re just out of VI distance that doesn’t highlight yeah I got a oh my God where is BS B is running away from me uh okay oh that coming how much time we got we a minute 20 this is a long intermission it really is it is Maybe

Isues or something I don’t know I’ve got Christmas music lined up you know for the emission what’s your favorite Christmas song copyright music from epidemic no like if you had to sing a Carol would it be would you choose one of them copyright free epidemics absolutely could you imagine everyone’s

Favorite I think mine is specifically It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas from Michael blé his voice is like butter I think the bells this is not really it’s kind of related it’s about music and royaltyfree music I was looking for new tracks to

Put in my videos and I I was like on one of those sites where you buy licenses specifically for the songs not just like the epidemic thing and one of them get this was called beet story there’s no way I wait let me just double check but

I’m pretty sure that was the name of it and I cuz I favored it cuz I was like oh my God I I wanted to buy it but I didn’t actually like the song so I was like not really it my God Ze did you make that if

You yeah I did no if you um if you just play the I can’t find them the audio of it to test test it out see what it sounds like jungle it’s not it’s not bagette story that that’s pretty good but this is still very good it’s called

Baguette swing and I was like that still works cuz it’s like is swinging anything more I carry yeah I mean more I carry guys I have a fox launcher oh yo-yo a pot of slime have a chocolate B present you know what just so I don’t accidentally where we dropping could you

Take a step back well we’re playing Ace race I guess Zeus could you take a step back you could ruin everyone’s day and throw it into Ace R I’m going to just throw it over there I can’t even throw my dang chicken where did my chicken go

Why isn’t it moving where did my chicken go where’s this chocolate but can can you can you stop I can’t okay you meant to get to the chicken where did my chicken go where did I fall chicken glow on his feet I don’t know if that’s your maybe that’s

Mine sorry oh my God who I didn’t think it would actually hurt it stop stop stop it stop it oh God Invincible alone oh Ace race okay Ace R is fun I pretty much always come very dead l in Ace race but it is fun Ace it’s fun this

One is fun this one is definitely fun fun but this one this one is you can only win if you know all the shortcuts if you go the route the normal route you’re going to lose not good at Minecraft you also have to be good at

Minecraft but if you want to have fun it’s going to be fun yeah you run around for four laps and it’s pretty fun you like fast and Fly and You’re jumping it’s kind of fun woohoo it’s like a you know even if you’re coming lost in Mario Kart you’re having

Fun probably having more fun than that’s the game we’re playing oh my God GL we were watching the game awards and every time Bowers skate won something I go that’s the name of the game oh how was that I didn’t watch that it was good they won a lot of awards

Yeah how many did Game of the Year yes they did I heard that I told everyone that it was it was because of Bibble and vantaso yes I that is very true yeah yeah so you’re welcome we really yeah yeah we really push that thing out to a new audience balers sweep

Three said my chat bald man’s gate did you see uh did you see that uh the devs for Call of Duty asking um Christopher Judge to apologize for his really short joke about their campaign I don’t know who that is or what you’re talking about soop the show

Later 9 minute speech should I’m not doing anything and he said um he said this my speech was longer than the Call of Duty campaign I’m not busy I mean he’s kind of is this a little joke no but yeah I I’ll have a look

Later oh gosh okay oh did I just try to do a shortcut what thank oh gosh got this go this way oh no I have done this map before I guess this was the same one as last you oh jeez but I am not good at this holy

Moly oh gosh yeah this is not going to be good guys maybe we check out that thing you’re talking about right now I don’t know where I’m going I’m in 40th is that good how many point great I think just like being positive and helping each other through positivity is

All we can do to like help out now mhm yeah wooo let’s go let’s go everyone I rended the same thing there I am trying not to shrimp shrimping helps you go faster okay my posture is actually like shockingly like I’m straight up okay but like very close to my monitor

Okay so uh you know I’m not I’m not doing much back here so how’s everyone doing in chat today watch videos J got I like the other Ace race map that I know cuz I know that one you know we I feel like I run so

Slow yeah me too it’s weird should have done that should oh there’s like walls and stuff oh come on H the ceiling oh we’re moving walls that’s not fair James I can’t get through a standard non-moving [Laughter] wall really my goal is to just be side

By side with glow on and then overtake me no I want to be Side by I mean you’re right behind me if you cuz I was just at that wall like 5 Seconds you’re just ahead of me oh jeez come on get out the wall and GL on it’s okay I’m the

Same I just accidentally did a shortcut whoa should back no shrimp no shrimp let’s go Chad did you see that that’s out of my mind right now God where do I go over here um what was that okay missed the shortcut that’s okay didn’t want it anyway I’m cured now James has now

Overtaken me so that’s perfect take care I’ll mess up again I’m so close to my monitor my vision’s getting worse by the second Char Char is back upright everybody no I can’t play like that true I going to be honest I this moments like

This I kind of wish I had a uh standing desk it’ be be good for the mood you know yeah so true okay this time you could really get the energ Pumkin that was a lot better I’m having the most fun though you know what I mean yeah are me too no

I like ice R I don’t care how bad I’m at it this is fun oh this is this is kind of like the like it’s not parkour I feel like that gets frustrating this is just kind of you’re going fast and being like I think

It’s going to be in here by the way the parkour I feel no I did see it in the in the lineup I’m just saying like this is this is fun you know go go go got to have a good time and it oops that’s a wall yeah oh got

Lapped dang it moving wall okay you know what let me just stay here why am I trying to go side to side hey James hey man I was like I kept trying to go side to side no oh I don’t know if this is a good way to go feel like

No the best thing about ice race is once everybody finishes they get to watch you like struggle yeah they get to see how good I really am CH up oh it worked I don’t know okay now I’m shrimping I’m back to shrimping shrimp land oh a that’s like a shortcut

Oh well I’m not going to go there got lapped again oh got lapped again that’s cool okay yeah that’s oh see okay okay you know what I don’t know why I the shortcut that they do that’s very exciting come on eyes you can do it I

Don’t even know it’s on the other side I refuse to go over there too scared Bo oh yes split of 1 second faster let’s go I’m improving oh dang it don’t to go in the water I don’t know do that oh gosh okay whenever get stuck in the water that’s a bad

Time yeah I agree the water is really annoying how are you guys doing I know how glow an eye are doing 25th should have done it the thing is I mean CLE I’m doing I’m doing terrible cuz I’m 40th Place but I’m not like you know I’m not

I feel like I’m not doing 10 okay I’m like 2 seconds slow that time but I’m not like go dang it that bad no let’s go for for you know simmers who play Minecraft like twice a year I’m not making huge mistakes that’s good everyone else is

Like super pro as oh doing really well I I got a whole another lap to go oh I see how I did it before my last and they all taking shortcuts too I’m not taking any shortcuts oh in the water oh gosh and it’s second to take the short cards oh

Go how much time is left I’m not really looking at it four you more time okay yeah that’s good I just kind of want to finish you know just makes me feel good to to complete something for once in my life mom says I never finish anything so glue

On we don’t know anything about that we finish the game of Our Lives we are finishing bonus’s gate Sasha yes we are we’re going all the way chapter one W oh we’re going all the I didn’t say the whole game Chad the water get out of the

Water okay we’re good okay I think I’m about to finish what there’s another lap there four laps are you done what I thought I was done I was just like lolly gag you finished you you finished four out of four already what you talking about yeah

You’re done yeah I’m done too I’m 39 so you’re 40 oh I was running for my life thinking I was still doing the heit James you’re not done yet oh I thought I was done I thought left four full okay well then I’m not done

Never mind oh am I not done yet so am I not going to finish I thought oh wait did I already the thing when it said four out of four oh come on do get out of the way oh see now I’m 13 seconds behind okay I might not finish those no

You got this okay Wall go go go go go the end right there okay that’s it got this the end is right here go you know yeah cuz I stopped before and you know what I thought where I was was the end for some reason I don’t know

Why oh you stop me before yeah well you actually you know what it was the music changed and I I passed that bit and I was like I was like that’s the end and obviously it wasn’t I mean I don’t care it’s fine that’s fine

He like cool I’m done yeah I was like yeah sweet I got confused all right all right so good you know what Jam we had fun I did it for you GL I just didn’t want you to feel bad I appreciate that man I apprciate hey that was F you you put

Build mode in Sims in front of me I’ll finish that house so dang fast okay you know the problem is that I I will not finish it fast I am slow Builder another three minutes these are like really long breaks in between yes to give all the presents how quickly can

You build a house James uh it depends some of them take forever well for me it’s like finding all the dang objects I want to use that’s the problem I have I agree you know what I started doing is just pulling debug rooms from the gallery that’s a good idea yeah

Mhm cuz all the They people will put together like the plants and stuff in one room so I don’t have to look for them it’s like Lily could you just make a room that has all these cool items thanks L you’re amazing poor Lely best she doesn’t get paid enough it was L

Sure all right where are more presents why is there no music in this section yeah it is a bit strange there there should be like kazoo music I feel like there’s probably supposed to be but maybe didn’t work it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas I just got a

Copyright flag cuz that was really good oh sorry oh yeah that was really I sound so much like my they couldn’t even tell the difference all right I’m I’m there’s like so much Echo from your thing glowing by the way yeah really I’m surprised yeah it’s been there like the

Whole time but I didn’t want’s say oh my gosh okay better thought one’s given me a present I can still hear Sasha coming back through oh not your fault s it’s clone’s headphones can you just Like actually that’s turn down a bit well whatever you did I think it worked I can’t hear any Echo so T heard I heard that too you heard that too Tes oh that’s that’s gone wait I heard it a little bit but it’s a lot quieter

I don’t know where the rest Sasha is Extremely Loud on my end is that talking loud loud Sasha yeah woo good wo is that better James uh hey it’s not just me there’s like there’s three other people here too okay he’s like yeah James is that good enough for you is

That good enough you James first you come last in the Ace race now you want me to fix my volume wow James I’m just checking you’re the one who mentioned it no it’s good it’s my God I’m going to the Dome I’m going to my Angry Dome angry

Dome oh I’m at the te bar let’s see what’s at the snack bar Today oh the drama ooh Sims drama yeah I have a pot of slime I have a chicken oh throwing this at a small chicken into our own channel I’m we want to do grid Runners yeah maybe we should get that out of the way all right what is this uh are people

Going to vote for grid Runners toy chicken do that good thing or bad thing they’re pulling chickens out of the grid Runners what I I made a chicken big you know I’m just going to go in the middle I I don’t want to I don’t want to upset anyone by

Voting the wrong thing you know yeah oh my God I got the big pink chicken I made our chicken big what where’ it go let’s go what’s happening to it no big chicken big pink chicken what the heck are you doing yellow Chicken Go dang we might be doing to get

To the other side and whack a fan that’s fun no you know what how’s every in everyone’s chat doing how’s chat doing across all are other NCC players are focused on the game about to play a game so then I don’t have to read it cuz I’m going to be busy playing a

Game just just write out full essays about how you’re how your weak is and we’ll read it later yeah we’ll get to it later I’ll I’ll read it later guys we’re doing grid runers yeah we know that do you remember okay but you guys were thought we weren’t going to do

It oh yeah happy now this is well I don’t know you guys were trying to vote for this and there was like no reaction when we got grid Runners I said Woo oh woo Gunners said I said Woo um oh wow he just said it just like

That too he goes I don’t know I just saw you guys wanted this I thought you’d be happy about it but okay okay viella and yeah is Glen next to vixel okay why are you why are you using my legal name okay um can you you’re going you’re going to

Be facing known as fancy simmer Lane divider cuz you’re going to like aim forward and like try and go at an angle for that and then James you’re going to go on the far left and I’m going to go on the far right and just jump up you

Want me to walk on top of the lane divider thing like kind of Aim so you’ll land on top of it otherwise I got you I got you I got you oh God what just jump up and down jump up and down who oh oh

No I missed it I got I have no idea what you’re talking about okay it was just saying to land on those blocks in the waterall I’ll try get up top to shave Santa oh okay shave him oh okay I fell that was nocking uh I don’t want to get the block

At your F so middle okay he’s got hair at the back as well is it do we have to get that oh no I can try and get there just the beard just a beard just the beard let me know if there’s anything up top that I really

Need to get to yeah there’s um kind of below is uh on underneath his nose I think oh yeah Zeus just there’s like one block right there I’m just going to leave it to you guys let’s do it good job go how do you get up H you go

Uh to get up there communication at its best communication get you just go up light the L the lanters all right uh okay man I am oh there’s one up there there’s one up there oh okay well I fell down so is that cool I don’t know how to get back

Up I’m be honest I’m trying tr get go this way go this way this way I can go this way find a way out there’s a lamp over there I can probably do that one uh can’t get up still yeah stuck in the corner can

Get back okay dang it um oh God okay I didn’t mean to do that well I’m here now okay okay okay all right okay we get this over there how I get up out of this place there you try going up James yeah I Need A christm Mir oh we got to go

This way okay now you might be thinking you can’t go up there can you okay can’t go go up up here oh can someone come down here beneath me and there’s there should be yeah Sasha go right beneath me under behind the red wall oh yeah and

There should be little uh thing above you to turn on is there not a lever or something wait what am I look up is there not a Le there’s not a lever there should be wrong lever all right well I’m going to try this wish me L I’m just trying to

Get back up I got it I got it I got it there’s one more missing somewhere oh I see it it’s up there um like on the where James is to the right you see it okay well I fell anyways so all right how do I get

I’m just to over where I am right now yeah how the heck how do you get up there we jump I’m just going to wipe by the exit got to jump from there where is it where is it where is it it’s like a parkour thingy yeah oh there’s one on

This side as well there’s one over here how do you get up there guys over here you got to come up on the I see do you see the other one got it I got it yeah cool cuz I was like I’m not going to be able to get that

From here over there there’s a I am useless good job two and two oh no one in each one one in each one oh one in each one I’ll just go this one I’ll go over here all right I’m going back yeah usually on these ones you go to the

Where your original location is well P pull the pork off just pull them off aim oh oh okay pull them off is is cute yeah okay missed okay okay all right well done team I did it now what now we go down and look at the Green Arrow all the way down and

Then we go up the bubble elevator that was a good one I feel like I really help all in the middle all in the middle I love pulled pork unlock the exit I’m not the ex all right I will tell you when to push wait what is this

Okay stand there James stand stand on the very far one got down yeah oh God on the pressure plates yeah on the there we go stay there s can you go over here uh can you walk on the two yeah yeah yeah should I walk on no no no no you’re on

The pressure plates you’re not on the pressure plates you got be stand still there we go all right GL can you come over to where Sasha is yeah and can you can you like stand on the next pressure actually you know what yeah yeah that’s perfect thank you and then um I’m going

To walk with you at the same time just yeah okay and yeah Sasha thank you Glon can you come and help Sasha on this side so you push me a little bit further stand stand no no no no I need you to stand like you can yeah okay just per oh no no

That’s my bad that’s my that’s my bad it keeps looking like I’m on it but I’m not yeah there we go okay here oh sorry I need GL can you stand on these yeah just you just you just meant to stand on the pressure PL press you’re sending too far

Forward backward oh I’m sorry I’m sorry yeah okay can you want to go back want to go back make sure it’s all there before you jump can you come over to next to Sasha please okay go yeah uh y thank you just stand just stay still stay

Still uh is that it is that what we need to do okay open that yeah come on just continue continue continue to the door I got it I got it let’s go all the way forward yeah we’re really good at this great good job what okay all right okay

Shoot the targets you got to slide down on this and then oh gosh yeah you got to go on the um the honey you on the honey yeah don’t worry yeah it’s okay and then you go up the elevator you just keep doing it it’s fine I know it’s difficult dang don’t

Worry I got like one as oh as well I mean I’m happy with one that’s what I got so you know I’ve completed everything be tricky this one okay I got one oh someone got the top one there I got a couple good job how

Many is is just um is is just um oh those over the buzz hang it a Buzz Light your game is this Prett oh dang it a little high are you serious oh come on yeah I got that one okay I’ve got hard to get that one I

Can’t get it where’s the other one how many arrows on this come on okay this one let me try there’s one behind this log that is annoying me so in there maybe it’s in the middle it let’s go drop all the way back down finally

Good down oh oops I to go up and then original yeah two and two I’m going to the right I’m on the left yeah one go to the right one go to the left see I just watched hunger gam so it’s a fresh my mind yeah okay copy the SC SC where is

It oh okay okay okay which where is it where are they where are they okay okay so you need uh what is this you need wool I’m assuming you’ve got iron and blue wool or something you can collect okay how do you turn on the Block thing

Does that work in here um so if we’re going from yellow can you like look at the Yellow Block in your where you’re supposed to make it I can’t what am I supposed to be making I can’t see okay you can’t see it we’re supposed to describe it okay so if you’re facing

Yellow concrete right in the the thing yeah yeah yeah go up one block and then Place blue above that one so it’s in the center so it’s blue in the center there no blue on the ground on the ground the like in the in the very

Middle of all four color blocks on the ground yeah there you go get rid of all the extra stuff yeah Shear them you can Shear them it’s on the floorit so I need two do I just one just one in all four corners on the ground as well okay James

You’re probably better at this yeah get rid of the blue one on top of the middle one there shouldn’t be yeah on top of all four corners iron okay wait is this supposed to be wool or iron blue I don’t know the whatever the white block is I don’t know

Yeah iron the blue okay the blue it’s right it’s right it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine okay and then going forward from like yellow to Red like that that direction okay you want to connect the each Corners so does that make S con blue connect the like the left corner

Bottom left will meet up with the the top left of blue on the top like this no no no no on the top iron block iron blocks yeah connect the iron blocks no no other way other way front to back front to back not side to side yes yeah

On both sides exactly like that and it’s the opposite the same on the opposite side exactly okay and then white then on the ground you want to do next to the Blue Block in the middle iron going left and right to both sides so like on the

Floor here yeah from the middle block the middle block from the middle block side left yeah yeah yeah like that and on the other side and on the other side yeah hold on sweet that was hard that was confusing I don’t know what BL I’m looking at with this texture pack yeah

Yeah yeah yeah dig down to find find emeralds all right use shovel to mine the snow by the wayal okay yeah that help going to get out of here I’m assuming there’s there’s a way down you have to build is it not going to be in the there

Should be an emerald in each one yeah there will be I got one just one so go yeah just one emerald in each each one I found one oh shoot I found one then do I get out of here yeah yeah go down and there’s a bubble elevator out oh top oh

Wait there’s more there’s a bunch things I thought there was only four no no no no no there’s more oh we got 2 minutes left for the whole uh grid Runners just so you know fine where the heck no one in here so there’s bubble elevators at the bottom

You said yeah just all the way down once you find it go all the way down uh wait where the heck oh like there’s got to be like one more or do we have to deposit them I have two two yeah same do we have to put them somewhere two no I don’t

Think so I can’t see I don’t have two it’s oh no there might be one in here make sure you’re like digging up all of it what about the one at the entrance does this count yes I got one I got three now oh what the heck hang on oh

What the heck do we put it anywhere what is this what is this block block ofs you put here we need to make a block of emerald oh here let’s just give it all to someone then someone whoever’s got it yeah I’ll just I’ve got one more there that’s

Pretty funny we like uh well to beir there was a sneak one tiny I need one more I need one more one more does anyone have one on them I don’t know nine right nine make is there another like fake one okay I guess I only have

Eight there should be one in each but I couldn’t find one in in one of mine oh then you weren’t look enough literally dug all of it up what about down in this basement area is there one down here two that I went down I found one in each interesting okay so

I went in the top 20 seconds right I go down one oh my God I found it you got it it was like two blocks down that sucks yeah it’s like the one block I didn’t Prime simmer moment I love it quick quick GL go go go oh that’s funny

The in the one block I didn’t that’s so fny so annoying no no it’s not annoying it’s just how far do we go uh two more rooms after this is it is that what that means the ti it was yeah that’s pretty good I’m happy with that I want to see what it

Was I like that game it’s fun it’s hard to tell how far how far we’ve gone with the texture pack I’m like I don’t know what blocks I’m looking at so yeah yeah yeah I was like is that iron I don’t know yeah guys we’re so close on the more

James Turner Channel we’re like a few hundred Subs away from 100K just saying damn another silver play button yeah I mean if you guys want to hit subscribe on this channel or anyone watching on the other three twitch streams you know I’m just saying hit sub on the more

James Turner Channel help me out it’s fre okay it is free subscribing on YouTube is free unlike twitch I mean it’s just like following I mean no it’s subscribing it’s like I mean membership is paid well there’s no memberships on this channel so it’s fine okay hey thank you

For subbing I appreciate it someone’s like I subbed all right it’s present time a love fruits spectating all right I’m getting some presents came over to sub as well a thank you well actually no actually thank you if you are actually subscribing I appreciate that that is

Nice all right let’s get some presents okay I really need some intermission music or something here it’s like this so quiet I finally got a present quickly go to um go to epidemic and download a bunch of no Eric come back wait can oh Eric gave me the present My Stream can

You hear the Crickets I don’t know where these sound bites play where all right uh presents what am I doing finding presents that’s what I’m doing okay good my stream could hear the Crickets that’s good you just have crickets playing yeah I had a cricket sound by I just playing

Like let’s get some let’s get some music rolling yeah there you go almost spite the situation there’s no music playing here oh get back you where are they I actually dang you Pro Minecraft players stop being too fast for me to catch up to can’t even see their

Glowing you have to be hovering over the Pres you the Pres yeah had the Pres selected I think I mean that yeah I made I realized my mistake early on come here stop running don’t you want a gift I wish that real Christmas was this violent it’s like here take a present

Run from you’re filthy for my life you R clicking uh I did actually oh my God they’re running it was very loud why don’t we give the cat a present that’s my question I have three chocolate bars beper have a chicken trait and that’s all I got I should have brought

Chocolate with me upstairs mhm mhm I have the Reese’s trees best I already have to do enough running around on the mini gam I have to run around here in the dome as well mhm yes what am I some sort of running around guy I don’t know yeah am I some sort of

Guy that runs around it’s a very running around Christmas James let’s see hey new achievement Let’s Go YouTube said my Channel’s birthday on the M James Turner Channel I don’t know how true that is but uh let’s go good I’m going to pull up my live subscribe

Account let’s go oh I’m like 300 away from 100K let’s go dang dang I’m going to put it here so you I’m I’m putting it like right below my Minecraft I know like stream can’t see it but so I can get distracted while we’re doing a mini game let’s go all

Right what do I have I have a toy chicken I have a chicken treat so I guess I’ll attract the chicken I have eggnog what a waste of an egg and I have a chicken treat I got Chicken Treats these are I have three chocolate bars

Chicken Treats will grow grow one now I have got oh wait little simsy is live I got to go watch sorry guys see you later where we we voting for snow of time nothing obviously according to me I mean are they just are these just the games

There’s no other ones dropping in later uh there might be one two cuz if that’s the case I don’t really I think that’s the this is it yeah yeah cuz I I watched the little um oh do you want to do Bingo the thing what’s that s what my chicken on

The back wall next to the lime people I yeated it so hard oh that were but they didn’t they didn’t put it in the update video oh my God bingo bingo but faster oh no oh no this is the only one where we have to actually play Minecraft oh no no

No I knew that these were happening Jam Sasha we counted wrong no we count counted wrong um okay BL do you want to make a bunch of snow like fly off into the the direction this way make a bunch of snow and then I’ll teleport to you with a crafting table and then

You can craft a bunch of you have to craft a bunch of snow block I feel like I just need a job to do yeah um James there’s a redstone repeater do you know how do you remember how to make that not do you need like a furnace and stuff or

Do they change CH watch your video now you might need a you might need Stone so you might need a furnace to craft that so that might be good and do you need quartz no that’s a comparator isn’t it just stone and you need Redstone torches

As well right yeah yeah yeah so you need Redstone it says fill a composter give give another player coal oh oh James can you travel 100 blocks in a boat uh fly down mine a tree and then it’s the it’s five five there’s water over there like straight line distance

Or I can just like go in circles uh I’ll just go straight as much as you can but it goes stra I’m going to go for chicken and carrot you know what um Can people kill us this or is that not a thing anymore no no you can’t oh

Good okay good cuz otherwise I’m going to die I might uh I’m just trying to think um actually okay I’m going to try to do the boat thing this hang on I’m going to pull out my Redstone tutorial from you ready I’m going to go grab you Tut go go

Go go go go go you can die if you land too too hard oh really oh wait where did the tree go it’s already gone yeah someone would have taken it um no no no like it like knocked down the whole tree and it just goes in my inventory yeah that’s what

Happens how many snow you want that’s not how Minecraft works just as much as you possibly can get okay here GL behind you people already doing stuff what the heck and then just take all the Snowballs into oh God what is happening to my camera wait

I found some coal I’m going to teleport to one of you guys oh go uh can I not place a boat when I’m already in water Zeus here I think I’m lagging here take this what how do you make a snow take this take this it’s just four it’s just

Four oh just sorry okay I’m traveling in the in the in the boat I’m going in the boat I’m boting I’m boating I’m boating I’m boating I’m boating yeah we did it that it did you get it yeah yeah yeah let’s go okay okay now what I need another job the Redstone

You want me to do the Redstone thing yeah do the Redstone go find the Redstone glue and go find iron uh what the heck is this map by the way snow block done done you did it you did it oh click wait what teleport to the name painting campfire

Oh okay like that Emerald chap trest where do I find Redstone is this like a regular mcraft map or is this like iron okay like if I just Dig Down will I find Redstone or is this like a weird custom map no you no no no you’ll find Redstone

Yeah yeah if there’s a big hole near Chi do chickens spawn in the snow uh no I don’t think they do uh I’m trying to find a chicken if I’m trying to find a chicken as well should I have gone the other way you can always spawn

Back how do I go back how do you do that um if you use the end Pearl cuz like maybe if I go back down to this thing cuz there’s a big cave underneath that might be a bit to go also remember if you see oh you know

What actually I should do this oh oh gosh oh gosh oh God it’s so dark I can’t see this sucks where the heck am I I hate not being able to fly like do I just go here I don’t know how Minecraft works anymore have fun I dig down or I

Feel like there’s a better way to do this I found iron do we need iron yes we need lots of iron yeah we do oh like how much iron I didn’t I didn’t get much just to get as much as iron as possible okay um

And then look at what is best cuz you can get a milk bucket and then you can find uh so we’ve got 30 coins we how much stuff have we doing I’m trying to find a chicken so we can cook it where my Redstone at okay I got that

Find Redstone IR um no I’m just playing Minecraft here this is great I’m just playing some Minecraft too dude I going does anyone have a bucket James how much iron do you have I have none can you make a bucket I have uh eight can you make a bucket and then

Teleport I don’t have a crafting table you don’t oh are they ingots yes oh shoot okay you don’t need a crafting table for teleport to Sasha for a bucket I do well I’m trying to get redstone do you want yeah um I’m just trying to dig down I

Don’t know if this is a good way to do this but it’s what I’m doing someone just killed the cow oh my God okay oh yeah probably they made you know what what am I doing why I just this is so easy I just need iron

Well I’ve got iron do you want to come to me uh I can’t I won’t be able to find this cow again oh dang it that’s annoying I’m in a campfire you know what I’m I’m just going to teleport I’m teleporting do you have a furnace milk

Um I don’t have a furnace but I can make lap do we need lapis emeralds hello I’m here make one very you should CRA table thank you uh what do you need I need I’m make I’m getting raw chicken I’m cooking oh Tores on us just kill

It sing down what is this oh there’s bunch of iron right here what is this thing oh god let’s see if I get some EMS what is this place I don’t even this is there skeleton down here I don’t have any what is this place I’m in like some

Weird red just put wood yeah you’re good how much redone get ready to click it spam it spam it spam it spam I have 17 that’s probably enough I need to get out of here how do I get out of here got it be more likely to find three I need

Three okay I need a more iron and I’m where are you that’s true did you take did you take it oh I have to wait I have to wait 20 iron inot oh no I see one I see one okay okay how do I sorry that’s my bad oh I need coal

Though cuz I need to make stone right for uh repeater yeah yeah snowballs wait wait what have you got you got Redstone yeah I’ve got Redstone okay I’m going to grab a bunch of uh Stone and I’m going to come to you I keep picking up my stupid

Snowballs get rid of these stupid snowballs I need a little bit more iron I wood I’ve got wood uh I’m coming to you James I don’t know if it’s a mountain though uh a village yeah yeah I need three stone stone and I’m good or

You can make it if you want there we okay I’ll make I’ll make I check the torches on the table yeah so I’m just going to get the trying to kill iron gum catch a fish light a candle pretty you need a lot bucket emerald block of lapis block of lapis

Yes no I can do activate a rail potentially yeah you’re welcome I why I came down here this is probably a bad idea to come down here is I need aie of redone James I need a piece of redstone oh uh I’ve got it I’ve

Got it I’ve got it dropping there you go I came down here cuz it’s pretty I don’t think I need to come down here you guys see a cow anywhere I’m here with a bucket activator rail mushroom stew tined glass I’m going to try and find find one or do

You want to go into it yeah look for cow look for trapped chest how do you make that that can’t be hard you need um you have R oh no you don’t need that you just need to make a a trap a trap oh my

God a trip wire trip wire go um you need a piece of oh I can make it I can make it I I can do it I can no I’ve already got it I’ve got it you’ve already got it yeah I’ve got it I got it I got

It feel like I should probably like teleport back up to the top huh so no cows huh I can’t find any by the way you’re better off going to the start and like using your um hey Zeus how do I teleport um there’s an end pole in your you right

Click it and then click in chat yeah oh uh no don’t you have it yep Oh you yeah true true true I don’t have I need okay I need a redstone torch I clicking sh oh okay at this point I’ve kind of just stopped doing stuff cuz I don’t know if

I can do anything else got one oh wait wasn’t there a wall somewhere just here uh I think I there right there right there maybe there’s cows can I make a painting he they got okay they got the chicken so maybe there’s we keep looking for carrots maybe sticks sticks sticks we keep

Looking for a v I’m going to look for a cow I’m going to look for a cow yeah keep looking for a cow tell me if you see one okay right um I’m going to grab some sand Y how to make tinted glass can you

Look up how to make tinted glass oh you got to you need to you need to find a um uh oh uh you need amethyst shards and so it may have already been rate it but I will go look yeah what’s happening I’m just going to go to where the Sasha

Is about a carrot you’re good it’s been yeah I feel like everyone’s already probably done everything terata as well if we find a I’m just hanging out I got like a cool 2 minutes to chill you know I’m good I’m done I think else doing ter mushroom mushroom stew oh also

Um berries what that gold block on top of a tree does anyone have gold I got a carrot let’s go good job the berries in that in area Maya here trying to free now oh God cre oh sorry I’m just blowing them up they not in this biome El elector you think Should freeze don’t you have to make it though would I thought they might be one bad lands out bad lands we can get the terado have this hello can I freeze thank you actually if there’s books but I guess they probably already been raided right might have already been raided there we

Go look at us go um my terra cotta is still available okay I’m going to do ter say we found a bad lands you can find the Terracotta also the berries are still available I’m trying to find those oh I think I saw some earlier I didn’t realize that yeah I’m trying to

Find some and they’re in that like one biome with the foxes find any though the place of the berries that’s where they are anyone seen some mushrooms not I haven’t seen a single mushroom doing the Mushroom Kingdom Mario and good job on terraa good job I’m helping okay no you’re doing a good

Job you’re doing a good job don’t me chat people are finding terra cotta I found it is Terra cot in this cave we already found it hey good job hey you know what that’s a lot on this board I feel like I helped you did you

Did a good job you did wasn’t bad yeah that’s solid last but got last place but still you’re fine dang but the thing is like the people that take MCC seriously right that’s great I’m happy for them but if you’re taking something so seriously that you want to do well there’s just no

Way you’re having as much fun if you don’t come first you know like if you want to win and you don’t win your fun level is inherently lower but if is already trying to have fun it doesn’t matter that’s all I’m saying I didn’t realize that it was not

Lockout bingo so I didn’t realize that we could have just done everything I didn’t even know there was a lockout thing oh well we got like ages now we got like six minutes oh I could have got like 20 carrots if anyone needs toilet break it’s toilet break time I

Don’t think there’s any present break chocolate break time for me yeah I’m going to have to I’m going to have to go to the bathroom I’ll be right back I feel like I should go to the bathroom but I don’t really need to go you should prob tinle

Maybe I do need to no I’ll be fine we’re at uh 9971 subscribers now 299 to go um yeah well uh yeah well um that’s so great you said said that because um I’m currently sitting at um so close at 6,8 seven subscribers nearly 7,000 yeah so is it wait on which

Channel where on the CL streams channel oh oh okay well what about okay but the Dr glan channel is gonna have oh the Dr GL Channel yeah yeah that’s true BRB making 299 accounts oh thank you so we’re going we’re walking it mhm you know I’m having fun I’m having fun

That’s what’s happening right now now you know what James I’m having fun too a really that’s so nice what about you chat what is chat doing is chat having fun and you know what I’m having fun because my best friend James Turner is playing Minecraft with me well it’s

Because it started at 7:00 a.m. and not 5: so okay said because it started at 7:30 I only play Minecraft oh the chat is having fun there’s so many funs in chat right now I’m loving it yeah yeah yeah yeah absolutely I’m just going to post a

Little sneaky little Tik Tok video right now okay I’m actually going to go to the bathroom I’m going to try to go anyways I’ll be back in a sec yeah yeah all right bye don’t worry we’ll entertain everyone oh we have to vote thanks man no

Problem yeah do you want to hear any other uh cool and fun stories from uh from Disney world I do I’m going to also use the bathroom though just so that way but I do let me let me be right back okay okay hold on I’ll eat the Christmas

Tree did you get my surprise you put it there I thought Santa did cat said Paul R did it they’re so good so so thick so this year at um Disney World we chose the worst time to go well theoretically we chose the best time to go

Cuz it was really good weather and it’s also meant to be like off peak like people don’t go there that often usually we can like ride rides back to back good fun anyway we chose the greatest days in Florida’s history and it was cold and enjoyable and you could walk around without

Sweating so everyone decided to take off work and go there including taking their kids for some reason and we had it was the great stroll leing there was so many strollers I don’t seen that many strollers you took a picture I should you want me to send it to you

Yeah yes please it was crazy I just assume that if we saw something I have a photo of it because I have Tak pictures of literally everything I’m back okay I’m back oh that was so nice we’re back at the same time my God same time did you pe we

Actually went to the bathroom together having a little chat it was actually it’s actually a really big urinal there was like a whole room but we stood next to each other so you know oh that’s cute I love it when you like the all the Stalls are free and then the person

Decides to go next did I going be really embarrassing if I actually didn’t oh I’m good oh I got a drink I it’s been really hot in Sydney dude yesterday was so hot it was like 46 or something like hot in America uh yes what is that like it’s like

120 oh my God hang on let’s see it was 114 oh there what’s the difference today is like 28 no one that’s funny it was nice here today today will be 8 here today better well that’s nice 25 kid it snowing here today yeah yesterday what I’m going to come visit

Come did I not take a picture of this did I lie some chips I’m going to look 63 them no I was trying to post a Tik Tok video when I tyed the stroller on my phone it brings me pictures of um James dressed as worlds Waldo in Disneyland m

Yeah every time I’m in the center of of a Magic Kingdom in Disney World it it’s like the exact same at Disneyland it’s like it looks the same and I feel like I’m gonna see James there as where’s wer you you always have to check you know

Yeah yeah yeah yeah always just keep an eye out you know one day one day it was a popular outfit you know I had quite a few people come up like just random people being like found you I like this is about bringing magic to Magical Kingdom you know that’s so

True that’s so weird cuz I know I took a picture but where did it go you didn’t no I did I remember because I go oh my God I took a picture oh where did it go they don’t want people to know you know what’s really

Sad what after this MCC I’m probably not going to play Minecraft again till the next one I’m in a also I just I do want to say a general thanks to the MCC team for like letting us simmers like partake in this cuz I know like there’s a lot of pro

Minecrafters that would be happy to play that’s really nice that they let us you know have fun and play well they know how how dedicated you are to the cause of having fun yeah you know me guess I don’t have a photo no it is really nice I really appreciate

It cuz we get to have fun and hang out yeah back in the DM all right back uh rip sapnap finally he I don’t know where it is the decided the fifth game through a Twitter poll oh we’re still using Twitter for that Oh’s going to take a I

I deleted Twitter like a month ago James yeah I haven’t used Twitter in a long time so yeah my my brain has been so much better since I deleted Twitter how much better do you feel not using Twitter so good actually yeah but I mean what about you

Got to use TW you got to use it for sponsors sponsors demand you use it no I tell them Instagram only spons want people to use Twitter now cuz honestly they probably shouldn’t no you should just tell them that’s not an option I just don’t get sponsors

Yeah Rush this is important no it’s not war wash it’s a simmer Strat it is the simmer Strat build a okay but Zeus was telling me that this map is bad for that W but we did it last time in literally my thumbnail of this stream is US

Rushing the wool on this we’ll do it we’ll do it we we will die on we literally did it on this map okay hold on hold on hold on hold on so let’s let’s think so you have to run across the top drop down just drop down quick

That’s all you got to do just as quick as possible okay so usually what we do is we assign Lanes but it’s hard to do cuz we’re just dropping okay here’s the thing every time we try to figure this out and then two or three games in we’re

Like let’s just run it and we just run yeah let’s not have a strategy players are very good they’re going to Deni annihilate us no do you want to try to do Lanes or just go for it just go we just go for it people are very good at

This game Lan teach teach everyone how to do it put your wool in your off hand and put your wool on your off hand and what you want to do is you want to hold yeah you want to hold the iron picka CU it’s it’s actually um it’s

Not yeah cuz not wall it’s cement yeah concrete so just hold it always both no no it’s usually wall but because of this one yeah so for Rush hold hold both mouth buttons at the same time yeah that’ll work cuz you’re basically going to be hitting it and as

Soon as it opens up you it does work is is holding the placing like is that quicker than clicking it like if you hold it down hold it down just hold both is that quicker than it does work literally once it opens up it will place it immediately

Yeah okay we did it last time it was yeah no no no it is goed are we going left or right just whever don’t don’t worry don’t plan it just don’t plan it okay Phil just believe oh I got shot I gotot they know we’re doing this I’m dead I’m dead I didn’t

They know they know what we’re doing they know what we’re doing they know what we’re they don’t know what we’re doing I’m my life dang it dang oh my god well that was a good team not all teams are that good they knew what we were

Going to do they were waiting well yeah I think everyone knows what we’re going to do let’s be real on our first rodeo we we could maybe have Zeus shoot back just to kind of that’s here’s now you’re trying to deviate from the plan and create a plan

And that’s not going to work it never no I mean having Zeus shoot back at them to kind of keep them their heads down a little bit while we rush is not a bad idea but the thing is they’re just still going to shoot us anyway cuz the

The ones going to the the middle it will distract them it will distract them at least we think that we’re not doing it in three games time when you come back to me and say hey James you’re right that didn’t work I’ll just say I told you so

I I I have no idea what I’m talking about by the way I’m with you man see this is how you know we’re all very close make sure your Sprint is back on by the way I just hold down turn it off I never turn no it it sometimes

Turns off I don’t turn it off oh gosh careful hey they’re doing our trap oh I’m dead how they get there way quicker than oh D I’m trying that’s pretty good though we got four that was good that was good how did they get to the quick

They were like strting over us there’s a jump boost does anyone have the jump boost uh I don’t know I got change flight speed no no no are you collecting the the objects at the start I’m pressing buttons but I’m not looking at what they are while using okay so

Whoever gets the jump boost can go straight down and jump up okay all if they want to try that does anyone want to volunteer for the jump boost or should I just try it there’s no way I’m taking that jump boost Sasha did you

Want to try it um how does it work you just drink it Splash it or drink it no drink it you drink it and when it says 32 like 3 2 1 you start at 3 just drink it at 3: cuz it’ll give you just jump

From Spawn like you do jump over this little platform you you can’t jump you got to be like next to it down at the bottom and then jump up from there next to that you try and jump down who took it okay good all right just double

Checking yeah give it a go I’ll give it a go yeah give it a go cuz then they’ll be distracted by Zeus and Sasha cuz Sasha will be going in there quick Zeus will be firing glow and I will Flank In yeah we’ll Flank In Boom I up it didn’t it didn’t work uh-oh I can’t I can’t jump oh they how they already got this many in there they have so many in there already work what the heck I was going to fly in F up in it I can’t get there by the time I got there

It was like half go Sasha go you got this it was literally half pig before we even got there what is the jump Boo supposed to do I’m serious I I literally jumped normal want to try I feel like you know how to use

It it did not work at all Sasha you had a you okay so if you come down next to the Santa slay there’s like a a slab of wood go up there and then you should be able to jump up okay from this what do

You want to just try it Ze s slay’s where the you try it you try you try it I can’t do it all right yeah well yeah I thought I was going to like I thought I was going to pretty much bounce all the way onto the so I guess Zeus is saying

You have to go onto the little slabs on the ground to give you the extra height to be able to get very rude for them to take our strategy and use it against us I honestly feel like that’s that’s a one thing we have it’s a one thing we have

Like go back to just killing each other like they used to do like this is do our thing they just used to just kill each other until we came in and said actually you know what we’re just going to rush the dang thing and not worry about Killing the Sim has told them how to play and now they actually using that Strat against us don’t shoot me don’t shoot me oh I didn’t even reach the ground and I was dead I I can’t I can’t do nothing I falling in the air they really quick

There’s going to be another way that’s what I’m that’s what I’m saying is they’re there before like it’s half done before we get there no yeah they’ve got and I’m not able to even dig up their bricks fast I didn’t even land on it I

Was in the air and I died before I got there so the elevator getting there’s no on this platform oh okay so if you start at the start like go back to where we were if you go left and if you go on the yellow platform down there then the blue

One across you don’t go up the bubble elevator and then continue across the parkour and then jump into the middle that’s how you do it oh you oh even without jump boost are you saying yeah oh okay let’s try that let’s try that oh poor chat they’re having lag oh

Or you can go right through the stairs and then jump to it that might be don’t pause the event no I think the stairs is going to be exactly the same as the uh the elevator no but the says might be less you can definitely Sprint jump like

Across this and then jump in so that be better do you know do what you feel like if you can’t do that then don’t do it okay but I I’m going to try the jump cuz that definitely seems quicker for me yeah um they posted an alternate IP in the the Discord in

Case if if you’re lagging you don’t have to use it but yeah if you’re lagging I mean I think I’m fine claim that we’re lagging that’s why we’re losing well remember that time that they like reset the entire game when we were winning we’re like oh now it’s lag cuz we’re

Winning no need to switch if you’re not lag yeah if you’re if you don’t have lag you don’t need to switch but they did post an option for people yeah but yeah I mean I’m always lagging because I’m in Australia so it’s it’s fine you can practice in the meantime

Just practice I was practicing yeah how how do you practice well you just run around what yeah run around I’m flying though yeah justess okay oh okay but I’m flying how do I get down shut up yeah I can’t jump if I jump I st flying again

No that’s if you yeah if you double tap but don’t do that jump once like normal so don’t jump twice no only one time yeah that is pretty quick actually doing the jumps there that’s way quicker than bubble elevator that makes sense I just assumed you

Couldn’t do that cuz I feel like that didn’t used to be a thing yeah you’re maybe it was you know what I probably should have like looked into this before rocking up today well we can’t we look into it can we is like well no someone unsubscribed

From my channel I went down the O they’re saying you can get in the middle from Spawn but they actually feel like they’re not having as much fun as you were claiming they’re like this guys having as much fun we’re ready right we’re not blaming lag right now I don’t

Think you can make the jump from the Blue Block to the Yellow Block James what just been doing all the job I’m going back to what I was doing um Sasha you’re muted just in case you don’t know oh I wonder how long that happen this

Happens all the time I figured I’d let you know cuz I saw it in the the Discord so thank you for telling me I would have been silent for the rest of the game all right let’s down they’re talking over me again talking let’s go

All right oh God I can’t see oh yes oh they hit me oh good job good job good job got two I fell dang it yeah jumping is so much quicker yeah that is much faster nice Ze oh my God oh my God okay go go go

Go good job definitely the CL that was good yeah yeah yeah the jumping is like way quicker uh I don’t think there’s any hole in the wall in This MC see you know guys yeah i’ like I’d like to just get one you know I mean I don’t really care to be

Honest I just like that we’re improving that’s what I like you know what we’re like an we’re like an AI we learn as we go further you know true we’re machine learning right now yeah oh yes I’m back up at sub thanks guys let’s go they’re like they’re like

Yeah you know what they’re having fun this round you really guilt Tri that person back at the subscriber to you jeez I there probably a random person that saw my stream on their feet and they’re like why am I sub to this channel I don’t sub to

Minecraft no imagine they felt bad like oh actually I’ll go I’m doing jump and Strat yeah good job maybe if you win you get another sub all right guys we got to win this round oh wait okay okay we can do this we this is important otherwise you’re going to unsub o okay

Okay they’re already here oh oh God I fell in I didn’t mean oh that’s pretty good there’s three left oh that was good that was good though well done I feel like going to die that was good that was really good we had three left we got up

To what six on that we’re so you’re so close all right okay okay I’ve got I got to figure out how to distract better I I fell off I fell off before yeah you used to be so much more popular but then you fell off what I

Really fell off yeah I said Z doing a good job oh thank you build to the left build to the right fight fight fight are you how are you doing with the jumping GL if it’s if you’re I was doing okay but that time they were like they

Were right on me and not be okay yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s yeah if they shoot you it’s kind of like H dang it yeah cuz by the if I get shot once I’m pretty much dead because they’ll just knock me out of the way

Yeah all right here we go where are they shooting you from I don’t know uh like the top platform maybe M I don’t know I I’m not really looking to be honest I’m just running let’s get the let’s hit those W’s yeah w w okay okay I’ve been shot there was like one

Block already missing it was like glitched on my end so maybe the other IP I’m trying to distract two I got three I mean I’m already dead three there they’re not up there oh dang we got three they still Haven even done any oh my God Prett good I was

Trying to distract with Zeus I thought maybe we should use more distractions I got two of them you killed two yeah this is a very difficult M for this strategy and these are very good teams okay just throwing it out there chat these are very good teams yeah yeah

These are like the this is the most uh like insane teams we’ve gone up against and then overarching so yeah there’s like people that play Minecraft really really well and then us yeah yeah it’s the most um I think they’re the most like balanced in terms of the teams

Except us which is really funny they’re all really really good we’re here to have fun and I think it’s 100% you know whaton to it’s very honor to be invited they shot me those little rascals I’m in I’m in I’m in I’m in I’m in I’m in uh and I’m dead I’m

Dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m Dead’s on zero oh you got three though well done well done good job if there’s like one person down there we’re all dead okay so I’m going to try and make sure that okay cuz we got one more what one more round

Yeah this is the round we have one how about how about this every single person goes down there yeah yeah I think that’s going to work you know what I’m going to try and do let me let me take the let me take the the axe and I’ll be the body guard

Okay second I put it in chat so I think they’ll let us win yeah I what’s the last who we up against the last one I haven’t been checking yeah I don’t know I’m not been paying attention I know I didn’t resort to begging I asked nicely yeah they don’t

Have to comply I was just I was asking you know if you don’t ask you don’t get that’s all I’m saying true it’s my day slay it’s maybe there be a Christmas hold on she is see at least Scott knows okay this is it this is

It my training has led to this moment oh they’re right in front of me that’s not go I’m inwhere oh oh I got I got four I got oh I got four four oh go hey you’re I’m dead that’s close but we were tried I tried oh my God

God few of them n L’s n L’s only nine only nine L’s that’s pretty good considering 10 easy oh man that sucked we did it for Timmy no I had fun I don’t care how what the result is that was fun I’m going to have like the lowest

Score ever like in this SE of MCC it’s going to be like everyone and then me cuz I’ve only played one game and it’s this one I can’t wait to see the rap I know it’s GNA it’s going to be good it’s going to be good most losses in battle

Box O James ten YT 210 yikes oh boy the only P I got were from 210 more than zero that’s all I’m saying we could have got zero good zero points yeah Ze carry the team on that one was cuz he was killing people and attacking we were just trying to do

Uh the concrete yeah that’s true I guess I have to change it’s a team effort it is and the team wasn’t really doing much of an effort will we whoa whoa whoa you were trying it’s not like you were not trying who glow on let’s have that attitude turn around please thank you

It’s going to be fun and it’s going to Bey smile please oh my God eyes smile I got yoyo I’m happy are you in this time it’s good to remember that it’s all about it’s all about the presents that we get along the way lot of presents that we get so true so

True it’s all about the material Goods that we receive mhm hang on I got to chase this Pro player I got for you yeah hold on I got to go after the pro Minecraft player right now there we go I got two yo-yos I got a pot of slime I got a

Yo-yo and I got a drum and a chicken I got nothing and chocolate and another pot of slime oh and I got another subscriber thank you let’s go I think it’s the attitude I think they love it yeah mhm I have uh a drum a chicken treat another drum a yo-yo an

Eggnog yeah but what I have most of all is the gift that keeps on giving the Christmas per oh I my friends I thought you g to say my friends oh sorry also the friends along the way Sor what about what about your your so true so true so

True was that you like what about the stream chat do you like them oh yeah the stream chat Rec call too good job stream okay well I’m not seeing twitch added to the stream let’s go oh go wait you can get five more five more and Sasha five more for tier tws

And five more for tier 3es whate now he remembers us C whoa so there’s a lot of animated otes this is everyone competing today I’m just pressing tab to show uh all everyone your favorite mcraft is your favorite Sims YouTubers yeah critic Zeus yeah I like how you’ve just been labeled a simmer

Yeah here’s a uh here’s some fries for you anybody want to Spa one for you hold on I’m eating my chocolate bar here here’s a spatula oh I got a little kiss hold on I’m going to drink my hot chocolate do you even like eggn who

Likes eggn you know I my mom I don’t want to be like ungrateful but I feel like they should have sent us the MCC Christmas sweaters to wear on MCC so true just saying would have been great integration also um can I just say I still don’t know how

You eat mince pies James I there’s so good wait mince be pies they’re delicious they’re so good are you kidding me how do you not like them they’re like the best Christmas pies no Pi my dad was making some the other day and they was so good I was like oh my

God wa Min be pies yeah like the Christmas ones yeah yeah they’re so good they’re the best yeah Zeus is crazy I hate them oh my God I also don’t like I don’t like Christmas pudding as well oh come on oh get out of here I’m deafening Zo

Seriously what okay I guess we’re going for this one over here I guess I’ll uh throw my stuff over there I guess fruit you don’t like fruit you don’t like sandwich you don’t like fruit does anyone want to swim swimming doesn’t like fruit what we dunked ourselves yeah I

Asked if you wanted to go swimming and no one answered me so I just thought we did like well I didn’t want to be mean you know like where the Sim is I don’t want to on anyone El want to go swimming you’re right and also cuz then they can

All joke be like oh the Sim is missed but I did it on perect so it’s okay yeah so it gives all the other creators good content you know really thinking about yeah it’s a good job J yeah thank you thank you wait what are we doing oh GL going

Go great this is going to go glan your job is to just go straight through this do not do any of the side paths just go straight through this and at the end do the easy path because finishing is bigger than doing any of the side paths

Oh I think you can do the first side path uh should I you think that’s a good idea I’m playing I think you can do it and then and then go and then Sasha you’re pretty good at this so I I’ll leave it up to you try not to get stuck on something

Too long if you’re there more than a minute just leave use finish knows my skills he’s like GL just stick to the hand I might do like an easy one and then just I want to get to the end cuz last time I didn’t finish yeah yeah yeah

Being able to finish is very very like it’s that’s very important if you can do that that will be that’s my goal yeah Jam I would try and do the my best okay I don’t even know what that means is it is it going to be obvious what I have to do yeah

Yeah yeah so you just head off to the right so like you’ll go off and then there’s like a I think I remember yeah there’s like a yeah yeah you can go like yeah okay I remember this is like literally go straight right don’t don’t go left or right just keep going

Straight the um the sapphire Santas today Deli cuz it’s the Christmas MC Yeah Christmas see look I gotas I got my Christmas outfit on okay I got to I got to I got to go oh gosh oh they put like actually’s oh there’s too many feet I’m the only one

Going straight look at me I mean already ahead well you might do better cuz if I fall oh okay the ground oh God I don’t like the pressure this even though it’s like so easy I’m like I’m the only one who did go like the

Only but this is our Strat we got to they do different strats we got to adapt and be become the simmers you know this is how the simat was developed I know I know I just and survive I find that a little funny I’m all out here by myself

Oh my gosh I hate this I I don’t you know they’re going to loot me too but they’re going to like oh jeez that’s not a thing okay right we know that now those disappear yeah okay dang it oh okay this is just about confidence if I

Think I can I can oh gosh okay I like that okay yeah I can and I think I can I oh oh that’s embarrassing okay this got to go quick I got to go quick I got to go quick got to go quick but not too quick otherwise I’ll run off the edge

Yeah oh my gosh wait is this straight that was like such an easy oh wait this is a bonus P okay that is the bonus one okay I have what am I doing I got I got to I got to slow down and like I’m like oh God that got hard

Quick did you go down a path yeah I did yeah like uh that’s the bonus path glue on so funny okay let me just this is like the easiest jumps and I’m just falling flat thank you Chad oh jeez oh okay supposed to go down okay oh

God wait am I supposed to go down oh I am take my time not about not about coming first it’s about slow and steady I should have seen that coming let me just see okay Oh okay oh no these disappearing ones make me want to cry oh yeah they are annoying oh like a Mario race yeah oh dang so go here I’m not going to do any more bonus paths I’m just going to do the one the first one I just want to finish honest even

Regular come on even the regular ones are not e easy yeah I don’t think I’m going to finish this right but I guess I’ll Sa oh okay okay I guess this is where like shrimping well you got to get closer to see what’s happening that’s what’s what’s up wait this is oh I keep you know what I got to crouch on that corner cuz I’m just walking off the edge oh come on

Oh oh my gosh what the heck is this and go simple it’s easy oh oh no I made it yeah there we go oh yeah okay so line up on these hey line up on the the this disappears oh dis oh dang it how are you supposed to do that I get

Sweaty hands on this one oh jeez I don’t like this one is this the the glass breaking one come on yeah this middle path is kind of hard oh damn it it’s the second one oh come on oh this gloss thing is annoying yeah it’s very annoying oh oh I landed

Okay we’re good okay steady does it you like move when you’re on it it’s so hard okay oh dang how how are you supposed to do that I genuinely don’t know how to do words said a lot I’m very close I think I did maybe oh oh that was I totally made

That I made it okay got this good job oh my God I saw that oh I jumped too early no how do you make that you kind of have to run from like the left over to it oh no when the glass breaks okay where am I supposed to go from

Here you can see at the top of the screen how farther the map I have to go and I don’t think I’m going to make it oh gosh okay oh yes I made it oh yes okay I’m POS gloss oh my gosh oh yeah me too good job proud of us oh

Okay okay okay 5 minutes left I don’t think I’m going to make it Zeus this is really hard yeah I I’m I’m pretty sure I’m not going to make it like the main path is really hard okay I think I’ll go back to okay so which one of you on so I can

Try and help you I don’t know explain it’s a one that has jumps that you have to go see candy canes now uh you have to do stuff you have to jump between jumps yeah you got to jump between things at this is the one where you have to

Drop the Dr down one is down done I’m done with that one that was a while ago it’s like slabs it’s like little slabs like white it’s it’s trap doors back to back it’s like iron trap doors I think yeah looks of it oh damn was so close

Jump jump and then hold shift yeah that’s what I’m doing oh I didn’t I didn’t jump before I went over the edge wait try I just want to Zeus down that’s problem you know a no the only thing you should be worried about is having fun don’t worry

About Zeus he can be let down you let me down oh oh I I wish I I wish I knew which ones you were on cuz then I could try and describe it a little bit better this is really old I mean it’s not I know the how do

It it’s just doing it you know oh yeah I know how to do everything it’s just I can’t do it yeah I mean Like oh this I I like this still other color boots around me you know not just blue bats but I guess cuz I do the bonus and then this so yeah oh I can do that one I hate myself oh no you’re having fun okay one more try you don’t hate Yourself I did this in practice today chat this okay I’m not going to do it then Zeus is practicing that was cheating prce okay so true I did oh gosh my hands are stupid disappearing blocks ones oh the which are you doing the orange disappearing block ones I don’t

Know it’s candy canes is what I’m saying no okay take your time oh that was close that’s there a count come on oh gu slid off the side I was crouching as well okay yeah I can do that one oh yes okay come on don’t inside oh yes okay Good you know I feel like I’m doing pretty good happy with this oh I did the same thing m41 I got like little flower pot things now I didn’t even jump that time NOP I I didn’t run that time I jumped I didn’t run yeah oh we got a minute and 44 left

There’s no way I’m finishing this I don’t even know if I can do this one oh God that was a that was a people finish the entire course oh I didn’t see the last one no oh dang it every time James compliments himself he falls well you know it’s about positive reinforcement so

True okay well now I’m just falling every time so okay let me just pay attention I can doing okay over these are annoying I’m on the Little Flower okay I’m on the Little Flower Pot things okay you’re close start cramping up fingers start cramping

Up all right let me come let me try and help you guys okay James yeah you’re good go across there go to the top and then you’re good go AC where I know where I need to go okay so this one try and look at the lines where try and

Stand in the middle of the lines oh gosh so can you jum on there’s a line like a block where they they they meet in the middle so try and line up on that yeah yeah hang on so that one’s yeah yeah I know what you

Mean yeah nice nice well done oh come on I over jump it every time every time just be patient I don’t like this finale music yeah you got this you got this okay oh yeah just I’m not going to finish oh no no no no just just you’ve

Got an extra to I reckon I’m going to finish the entire course it’s fine you got this just be careful the stuff in the middle yeah you got this I don’t have it Ze oh okay decid to run for it over time fell is that a problem I just said

It yeah don’t tell me not to fall cuz I’m going to fall it that’s pretty good I I didn’t get to the end but I’m pretty happy with that like you can see the progress up the top I fell right when said overtime so I didn’t get to keep

Going that’s so annoying that’s pretty good oh you know I’m happy with that I’m happy with my progress on that Prett wait that’s not what I was in the air sorry I didn’t finish you’re fine you’re fine thanks have I I did I got the I got the medium bonus part so at

Least we got some extra points on what’s going on now yeah me to me too I did that too you know I did I did the expert bonus but you know do we get any points for de doing anything you cuz you get medals yeah oh okay okay so I got never

Finished 900 coins let’s go let’s go yeah P’s definitely not my thing parkour is my thing you know I think that was my thing that’s it you are better than par for me for sure I’m not that good though I I feel like if I practice I better

Me the longer I do it the worse I G if you look at the graph it actually probably gets a little bit better hurt and then and then it gets worse then you get demoralized and then you’re like I’m not going to try anymore cuz I’m not

Doing well and then you can’t let that wind glow on you got to have the fun and the positivity there yeah I know thank you thank you I could have used that like two minutes ago but that’s fine James you can pull that earlier is that James that’s James Turner the park the

Sim Supply parkour Supply the SIM Strat Supply yeah i’ Supply those Sim strats whenever we need them PR run PR run hey Deli Del’s popped into the room the heck hey D good luck oh we’re not in we’re in in between again we’re just in the lobby no we can still use some

Luck thank you back here let’s go everybody yay I got get I got a drum Sapphire Sanders I mean sa sers let’s go I have these gifts for you there up in my bum um we have a PG streamer with us I said bum it’s Zeus yeah yeah fruit

Did you see fruit he’s he doesn’t have a skin on where is he dark mode Zeus hates right here in the lobby spawn go to spawn oh yeah oh my gosh can Deli make me a better coffee no but she could proba well I mean yes she could sorry I

Didn’t mean like no that she can’t I mean I me I meant no she didn’t have to but I was to say she couldi update just to be clear she definitely could make a better coffee oh yeah I made a terrible coffee earlier Deli it was so bad but I didn’t

Have time to redo it so I was like H oh well he’s in his don’t worry I made a really bad coffee this morning as well so you how I went I did that coffee your emo trying stuff yeah the cost yeah and like they split up the coffee and it’s

Like really like the first part’s like super salty that’s what it tasted like today and I was like you’re like oh God but I have to drink it no I just chucked it out and redid it oh who gave me gifts soone just yoyo him in the face fire breath man and

Jojo and [Laughter] Michael I deserve these there we go I asked something in the game chat yeah R our team for the last two games we can at least have a chance yeah we should do that maybe we can have the biggest comeback of all time yeah yeah this is

It so true like I don’t think people going into the last two games in last place would come quack until now let’s get some quacks in the chat everybody uh supposedly people want meltdown well what’s left and what’s the other get to the other side s Snows of

Time yeah oh wait so we have three games left I don’t even know what we’re up to I’m not really paying attention yeah no no we we have two games left but we have to choose two okay right right right right why are we quacking so

Much because of the um because of with the Mighty Ducks nice walk with the might duck we’re got to have a massive comeback quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack have we not seen them why are they all getting

Special items oh my gosh well it’s from the I didn’t really give any presents I got one thing Zeus what we doing watching Duck and I oh nice all I caught I’m going to do I’m going to put a sticky on one of the ones that aren’t available cool right there

Well I’m hoping that if a chicken walk across it I’m hoping if a chicken get the other side fun oh I missed what you say way just interrupts me makes me want to I literally just asked what you wanted to do and then as I was talking

You you talk before I could finish my sentence uh should we give you get too worked up you need to stop no we’re going to do Snows of time aren’t we GL on should we should we leave the I guess we’re doing snows yeah we should

Probably we do quack quack quack BR snow time snow time is fun I like that yeah but get to the other side it’s funner that is more fun feel like we’re probably going to play meltdown though surely at the end’ll be the final finale which I still actually understand

Or know the rules of that game at all so it’s uh listen to Zeus so Zeus tells us what to do this what the game is is this is also this this game I don’t even know what they do in this game Sasha is the

Snow keeper snow mommy do we put in our off hand again put the the carpet thing in our off hand no we put the Torches in our off hand cuz then when there’s a mob spawner you right click Oh that’s thinking with your noodle that is thinking with the noodle um just choose a path you guys are on the left just bumble around have a good time don’t get the snow from in here get the snow from uh on on the paths that’s true and don’t try to do

Any parkour that you if H bomb is watching um can I just say this probably just watch this if you’re watching can you subscribe to the more James Turner Channel on YouTube I’m nearly at 100K thanks yeah yeah you could do that actually you know what that would you

Don’t have to watch this skip it saves you 10 minutes and and uh you can go and subscribe to more James Turner thank you thank you James turn and uh check out the the Burger Boys uh content over there yeah there you go there’s a good playlist of Burger Boys on yeah it’s

Great else is good I’ve heard Bella’s Barbie Legacy is popping uh is that on the mo James tun uh it’s actually on the it’s on the big sell Channel but in my La hold on can I that’s cross promote that’s self-promoting right there all right let’s go let’s do this

On my lap there’s peanut but on my lap coins coins coins coins if someone finds the blue Vault can you let me know yes oh wait wait hang on I’m going to go and get the uh the puzzle thing I’ll do the puzzle thing yeah you can do the puzzle hang on oh

Gosh you got a puzzle I mean you no and by we I mean you do it okay ow okay now break don’t do this again don’t do this fake out there it’s that it’s starting you know we know that God I hate that stupid thing okay I’m going

To get some snow I got a bunch of snow when should we return again Sasha will stay by the thing um well this is not the puzzle room P me once shame on I found the Green Door oh that um I have a ton of Rusty keys if

You need them by the way like tons yeah I I got some rusty Keys too okay uh there is a way in here there’s a zombie over here I’m not sure where this uh room is oh yeah make sure to look out for the snow cuz I know for a fact that

The snow is like really hard to see yeah blending in yeah oh gosh okay there’s a lot of monsters coming out of this hole a lot of monsters in my hole guys oh a lot of monsters in your hole oh my god there are a lot of Monsters

The whole monsters I’m just going to run away from that cuz I’m ink Oh I thought that uh wait wa I’m going to get Sasha I’m coming to you oh there a bunch of moners might as well just give you these now while I’m here oh there’s a zombie behind you

Sasha i s i kind of brought them out here oh I guess I have a key don’t I so I I guess I could open that door up and see what’s in there okayy looking oh my gosh there’s more zombies coming towards you uh Sasha just to be

Careful oh there are oh they’re chasing you now okay that’s fine then don’t worry about it snow snow snow oh go so these guys are coming okay I’m going to back Out get these guys I need a rusty key I’ve got three oh I have ay here mind I got one destroy the spa I’m going to need a lot of Rusty keys in a minute okay where I have a bu yeah I’ve got some oh I have n

N Rusty ke nine Rusty keys if you need more you can come back is that good oh oh god oh gosh this okay oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh bad area oh gosh there baddi’s in here go oh jees there bad in here die

Okay got those okay can stop coming so far away from me another one can I just have coins or sand oh my God can kill you I only have like two I only have oh gosh hang on I got to back get in there okay I have to

Come back anyway well come over here so I can kill you they never spawn does anyone need anything sand and Rusty keys I need Rusty keys for sure Sasha there’s still a lot of snow around here um yeah wa where are you but I can come then don’t worry wor

I can’t get in there a bunch of dudes there’s a bunch of in there close the door what door Oh you mean like this how many do you need that’s enough that’s enough okay byebye where did you see there was snow oh at the top yeah the

Top here there’s like three I can see from here it doesn’t go the other way I’m out maybe I should oh go no no no James you okay yeah yeah just a creeper spawn upbe leave then run okay I just leave I give give s the snow or keep moving the other direction

Maybe maybe go the other direction if I could close off the um oops oh they follow me out here AR they I can kill these guys I’m pretty good at Minecraft right yeah you’re great at Minecraft we oh hello oh my gosh see this is why

I’m with these guys these guys are so so supportive oh jeez I’m about to die let’s get rid of this do I have any bread with me heal yeah uh I don’t know if I should just go back cuz I feel like okay I just I just

Um I just turned it off okay I’ve got three three sand left so okay and how much longer full is it full I just I pretty much filled it up already I found I found some more I want two more s I’m just casually on fire that’s

Okay don’t die just cool yourself up in some water okay I’m going to come back I’ve got five snow let’s go and I’m not too far away snow not sand that’s all right we we know what you mean okay so I’m snow Mommy I should know better guys I’m looking for for sand

There’s no sand on the map there s Sasha Sasha uh I’m actually also going to give you the rusty Keys oh whoops someone needs them Okie doie there’s also money in there too maybe someone want to come down and help me with the killing and stuff uh just try going somewhere else

If you can’t do it huh just try going somewhere else if you can’t do it okay okay cuz I’m I’m just in my my place at the moment thank get out of there okay there’s like two there’s like two spawners and and some gold in there yeah

If you can’t do it just just get somewhere else oh okay yeah there’s some def there wait are you using mods no mods can you lock it down gl’s using mod Lo I’ve got five sand oh sorry oh God okay that should get that right okay I got a gosh hate

Silverish that’s so annoying let just come back a little bit thank you mods thank you mods that leads to absolutely nothing but how am I supposed to know the the riddle no uh I have five I have five snow for you rid the zombies okay I will take it you you there is

None oh was all right Sasha um can you tell me loation I have zero this I’m coming with five hello thank oh thank you has anyone seen a blue Vault oh this okay here we go we can do this thing here chat here we go okay so we

Got um I can’t hit these dang silverfish oh can they uh can they talk now are you doing the letter puzzle yes but I don’t know if if CH can talk oh I ran out of arrows dang it um maybe uh they can talk on on other platforms I don’t know can

Other people talk uh why can’t they talk cuz we had some issues the one’s chat is being naughty they’re saying naughty words they’re on the naughty list wow they wer they weren’t being naughty the people were being we we had I’m going I have to find some more torches

Or stop using so many oh gosh are you serious it was in okay help me out coin we got D something something n something R dinner okay that makes sense yeah no thank you I don’t like this tiny maze it’s scaring me is there I’m out of sand just letting youall know

Uhoh I don’t have any we’re at uh 90 seconds okay well I don’t have any more I Keys yeah thank you rude maybe no see you oh do you want me to figure that out what James chat um uh dinner Vu y dvx okay does anyone have uh oh I

Got I got one block of snow cuz Sasha needs some yeah I have zero you got some in here I’m out of here dancer Dan could that be it oh Oh Donna Donna 60 seconds sow Sasha I’m having a look to see if I missed any but I don’t think I did it’s

Quickly checking some other rooms while I’m here Donna and then um vixon okay I feel like oh it’s the the the the the Reindeer reindeer reindeer reindeer oh not that it’s going to help because we don’t know where red vault is yeah yeah yeah oh got gold okay guys it’s

Going down yeah we 30 seconds 30 seconds left let’s just I feel like we we can’t I have one block go put it in if you have one block um have a look as you can uh I was going to say if you can figure

Out did you put should we leave or yeah we need to leave we have like 10 seconds yeah 10 seconds 20 20 seconds just leave just leave yeah I’m Le okay cuz I’m like why am I not leaving oh I’m looking some else’s perspective good okay we like the weird

Extra thing like sometimes it’s like the extra I know that was the worst part that was that was so scary okay okay the um I I think like a lot of the time Lo it down I need I need to figure out like how to get the

Confidence to do some of the lava parkour or find it first you’re just very shy Zeus I think you need to come out of your shell a little bit sometimes that’s so true you know what you don’t need to come out of your show nor you Dar no you’re

Fine I know Green had a bad time supposedly great I shot like at least one fire guy and I killed a few monsters and got rid of some spawners you know no vaults though died to me yeah well you know I still fig Okay this may not been

All one but the next one we’re going to destroy and I think we’re going to get first place well maybe not first place but at least second place oh actually you know what is fun no matter what at the end of this there’s like the the the

20 v20 uh snow bolt or whatever it is wait did you see what Joel said do you yeah that’ll be fun I’m looking for to that we’ll all be in the snowball or whatever it’s called and I’m over here throwing Tomatoes at Joel’s face yeah just was kicking him while he’s down I’m

Talking to myself over here but it’s fine I’m listening to you I was listening to you thanks man thanks man I mean everyone’s listening but no one’s responding yeah that’s true I wasn’t really know what to saying you should be like oh yeah that’ll be fun we’re going to be in the

Snowball together yeah cuz 20 V 20 I’m so happy for you or I’m sorry that happened you know that’s actually happening like like that’s not a joke yeah there’s a 20 v20 at the end oh oh last time yeah you were like in it at

The very end so wait that was that was last year then yeah so we’re doing that again that’s what I’m saying but I feel like no one heard me say it and you’re like oh yeah that’s cool James yeah we’re going to be in snowball okay dude

I didn’t know that I’m sorry that’s what I was trying to tell you cuz I said no matter what we’re going to be in it and it’s going to be fun guaranteed last time that’s right Del beep chat’s very impressed you watched the uh the update video

James Sasha got it um yeah I always watch the update video if the MCC I’m in I watch it but it’s funny sometimes when I watch the update video and they’re like and we’ve updated this game and I’m like wait what is this game I’ve never seen this

Before it’s like an update to a game I’ve never played I’m like okay yeah but they updated it so that’s cool sweet I’m glad you know I feel like it really needed an update so I’m glad it got one yeah so true being practicing damn all that practice and he still sucks

Wow yeah see I don’t practice at all and I suck so that’s fine you know like no no no I practicing and sucking no I know I know but I’m saying I suck and I don’t practice so imagine practicing and sucking so you technically saved time

Yeah exactly I was going to suck no matter what so I sesai went all the way to the end last time all the way with Jacky all the that was so funny I’m telling your wife what the heck we got we rock yeah let’s go we not do so well what happened so

Well we’re we’re not even we almost came first pretty much at this point yeah basically honestly I’m I’m willing to accept first if you’re not last you’re first so true so true and this game alone not last imagine losing to the sapphire Sanders am I right I I so

True let’s get some presents oh smallish beans I just threw a bunch of tomatoes at and now I have to give him my present it it knows it know ites I wonder what happened though what what happened happen to them worlds uh they just got 67 coins that’s crazy though but like how

They died though they probably died a lot thanks imagine dying so such jokes we are well when we get one ounce of like success then it goes yeah we become we become our yeah goes straight to our head imagine coming last oh good except for the next eight games that we

Play except for every other single game we’ve ever played oh my God hey you you got to you got to take the winds while you find them it’s so true oh thanks okay getting some good presents you know said the same thing well because this is like the last game right

Come yeah this is the last game and then we all play dodgeball together we Dodge what they is it called snowball or is it called something else snow snowball oh is it just is it just called snowball no that’s not called snow I think it it’s called snow bolt I

Think snow do you reckon we’re going to get to get to the other side or melt down I like that one I want to get the other side that’s fun yeah yeah I agree all right let’s let’s I have a feeling it’s going to be thank you Del thank you

For letting me know it’s going to be the uh get to the other side right turn to a diva yeah we get one little ounce of win and we just become like yeah all right let’s check the standing that’s why we have to be like low to

Keep us humble just to keep us little guys we’re only like only a few thousand coins behind Ninth Place just just a few Thousand like eight yeah we got 3,700 and they just a few GL just a few don’t worry about it if if you knock off the last number on Ninth Place and we’re actually ahead of them yeah serly if you just get rid of that n ignore that then we actually

Got more yeah we’re actually technically first but there’s a there’s a technical era where it adds a zero to the there’s a lag in our coin number so I don’t yeah yeah yeah yeah if you have an Australian on your team that adds a lag to

It ask ask in chat if this is going to be like Mario Party the end where they add like most fun player at the end get a bunch of points yeah that’ll be us you you had so much fun during the last one I think yeah that was some fun rules I

Always have fun all right to get to the other side come on to chickens do those do anything what we do we we got to go to get to the other side yeah V for get I don’t even know what meltdown is you know what I mean do we does anyone know

What is no okay oh we got people oh I can pull I don’t know what that does I put some toy chickens in there okay I’m going to try and um missed again aome pull them out ofelt down pull them out they’re stuck oh yes ni hold on I’ve got chicken yes you’re

Doing so good who’s on me there we go someone’s pulling me glue on so I can’t get out of there no I want to do to get the other side my last chance to have fun s wa Mega chicken’s going in the other one no Owen’s in there looks like it’s

Going to be melted cuz that’s like me chicken go the other way drop it oh dang it no this game sucks no we’re going to have fun very competitive andol PVP of course they got to want notown no it’s GNA be fun what do we do in this game I still

Don’t actually know what we’re supp follow Zeus and Zeus shows us that’s all I know about this game I don’t actually know what you put the heat down as a team you must capture coin crates an enemy eliminate enemy snall that’s cool yeah crates must be mined with a Telly

Picka what’s a Telly pickaxe don’t worry about oh you’ve never played this you but every time every time I play this I I don’t know what it is okay so just there’s one pickaxe between the four of us bows will fre enemies I don’t have a

Bow you do it’s a snowball it’s a glove yeah it’s a glove well don’t say bow in the text how do you expect to know that a glove is a bow just like don’t I wouldn’t even worry about the Ty like a just let Zeus have it yeah but but they

Said bow in the text they should said glove you know what I mean you can you can let them know just let them know complain in the chat you to read you want to change to get to the other side cuz it saids bow in the description but you have no

Bow how do we play this I don’t have a bow say that that would be pretty that would be pretty epic Sima moment yeah that’ be so good that’ be so good okay so we’re do I need is just spinning around in circles we’re not sure what he do I like the

Glove we do I need to do anything it’s kind of like there’s a there’s there’s kind of like um it’s a big old map and we’re going to follow Zeus I get that and we have to kill people but that’s not going to happen so well if they if

They hit us we turn the Snowman but if we have a heater down the heater will like unfreeze so if we see a plays we want to put the heaters down basically yeah let’s go thank you so if we see a play put some heat you know put the

Heaters down to keep us like protective a little bit wait yeah does that make sense James uh what I’m just cuz if we get Frozen you’re going to want a heater to unfreeze you so make sure you preemptively put one down if you think you’re going to get shot right you don’t

Die when they shoot us we turn into Snowman when do I use the air conditioning there is meltdown not um I’m just being dumb it’s not an Australian version of this game careful just be careful I’m not going to be careful cuz no matter how careful I am I’m going to die

Okay that attitude yeah with that attitude you’ll die well let’s come on let’s be real you know I’m going to have fun I’m just going to run around and jump I going to run around to jump yeah he said I love to jump we want to find where like so like there

Going to be big Pockets do we need a he or got one yeah nice are they coming behind us at all oh behind behind behind behind behind I’m frozen it should be good cuz there’s Heroes oh I’m f yeah I’m froz I’m frozen I’m make sure to cover

Everybody cover I FR someone IO someone nice nice nice you got this I just want whoa it oh you got this oh a good try was a good try wait they can break out her though yeah yeah you can try and do that that’d be good dang it I did freeze

Someone J can I say something real fast no what with the glove I don’t to hear it it’s really kind of yeah it’s kind of freaking me out cuz I’m I’m not clear how the bow like with a bow like you hold it back you let go also I agree and

Also I’m just going to put out the lag card especially with a bow a glove yeah no no no with yeah I I totally understand I don’t know what is happening with it I was just clicking it and hoping something happened animation is weirding me out

Like I’m like oh coffee orders you can just Spam it GL by the way flat white please Del I don’t know if you’ve already ordered or not I wish it was just a bow cuz I my brain understands that you know what I mean though oh yeah yeah

Just Spam it just literally spam it I’m watching people do it and they’re like getting multiple people at once okay I’ll say where is everyone who should just go to purple yeah just right click it just right click it okay I’m on whoever this team is oh yeah that works

Good I would watch uh red if you can I’m watching um all I’m watching red yeah yeah wait kind crazy what’s going on here I’m watching still okay let’s have a look oops damn they’re keeping them is oh it’s multiple rounds yeah yeah there’s three rounds yeah we got a

Few but we didn’t wipe them out so that was it yeah cuz we uh well I didn’t do any of it but you guys froze a couple of them but obviously they come back like we do as well so and then they froze us all and I didn’t realize they could

Break out heer so I guess it’s important to know as well so we should all plop our heers down no uh if if we’re about to if we’re engaging with people people putting more around where we’re hanging around yes we get Frozen you get like thought out

Faster if there’s more things in your area get thought out faster oh it’s kind of going on here now purple and red going crazy over God they’re right next to everyone jeez they’re kind of getting closed in on it’s a fun game it’s very oh it’s m

Which is definitely not our they lock F they got locked in dang who did both of them red and purple no they oh wait no no Red’s good Red’s good purple just fell to their death I re this game would be fun if we played with

People on our no no look there’s the last one die oh okay okay oh yeah pink is in pink is in the middle we di just to give you an idea of who we went up against that who is that Hannah Hannah’s being on the grind it it’s kind

Of annoying it doesn’t show their names and hit Hannah hit oh my God I know I can’t see their names it’s kind of yeah I don’t know who I’m looking at but they did something that was shovel that wasn’t Hannah oh that’s Shelby oh shovel it’s annoying without

Names sh’s insane let’s go shovel see who they are all right yeah so telling me that my glove is a oh that’s what we think let me get this straight there a map too James you can put the map in your off hand too if you

Want to have a little cheeky look at it do I need the map I don’t need M am I going to use the map GL on am I going to use the map I’m just saying okay okay you have to hold it down at least a little

Bit I’m shooting them I’m clicking and nothing’s shooting out peeps I need to get I need to get that you got to hold it down for like a second oh yeah there we go hold it down got yeah just practice practice here yeah I practiced

It okay okay can we freeze each other no okay good okay I got to catch up I don’t I like that you you tested well you could have know cuz if you’re sh B I don’t want yeah exactly no totally it’s exactly what I’m saying I the middle if

That’s happening we’re going to go this oh no we’re going to go this way cuz there’s a shorter I’m look the map open so I feel like a big um it’s a bow yeah I know it’s a bow and I understand that but like not seeing it as a bow is

Flowing my brain up a little bit like it not being oh there there a over here Ze Zeus back and I was told that there would be a b in this game mode so it’s throwing me be careful there’s another one down the bottom just be careful here watching

Watching okay I found the other one don’t split up you know you know what this game would need it needs the uh golden eye music The Golden Eye speaking of wi you guys saw how I got like the CRT with the N64 I I don’t have gold KN

For some reason but I I order you got to yeah I ordered it the other day don’t worry and I also ordernow come come come come come come oh yeah let’s go you you know what about oh gosh oh go uh put the thing down uh where are they where are they

I’m frozen what don’t worry stairs stairs yeah really dark come Frozen Frozen is that close enough oh I’m frozen oh oh gosh oh gosh be careful be careful just Spam spam spam spam spam you got this how did not a single one hit them I was so close to being above us

They above us you know what I kind of like these times that I don’t have to do anything it’s kind of nice um it’s like it wasn’t going far enough what’s that game where you play as a car and you just got to like blow up shov around that truck around the

Truck it’s like there’s a there’s a truck with like there’s a you’re a truck simulator no oh wait I just three you’re the oxd I just got disconnected did you no no one it’s okay I mean it’s fine cuz we’re already dead so okay good you installed the hacks let’s go wall hacks

Enabled clearly they’re not working are they um destruction Zone maybe or destruction basically it’s a 64 60 Nintendo 64 game and it’s this big truck with this like um blast core yes have you play that game no I don’t think let me cuz I’m not doing anything not doing anything that are you

I’m not busy I way you said that you’re like what else is I’m not doing anything Blas that was a classic images no I don’t I don’t recognize this it doesn’t look familiar basically yeah you had to like clear a path from this massive like truck if if this nuclear um

Truck hit a building it would explode Lo and game over so you have to smash up all the buildings along the path oh no they should put that in MCC seriously that’d be fun they should just recreate old N64 games in uh MCC put it in behind the that was

Dumb you get get into vetro games now James start collecting uh probably not uh but the reason I did it is cuz so my sister uh and her partner they play so much Mario Kart 8 and for right way I got DC oh you well oh really I’m back in

Now Scott also did it uh if it happens again maybe change to the other IP look it says they’re going to pause after this round oh okay yeah obviously you’re having issu I say cuz we have the other IP that we can try they might might say

I don’t I don’t think I’ve ever really just like that dang yep hey we got eighth yeah that’s pretty good go I don’t know how 2th Place Mario Kart the way God exactly yeah I finished in 30th Place how is that possible I didn’t do anything let’s go I feel like I helped

Cuz I found the the they said is it crashing getting DC you guys just face nice good job just let them know you you were dcing oh it’s that you DC Sasha and I didn’t I know I don’t know what’s going on there did it give an aror or

Anything just disc uh yeah I did I don’t remember what it said I just tried to get uh yeah I do say two I think that’s why the sapphire sat uh didn’t win like um consider actually it actually happened after you already died uh I don’t think

So you’re like actually according to my calculations according to Zeus’s calculations that he did you can you can you can trust my calculations don’t worry don’t don’t double check them though please just do not check my work we do not use an AI uh checking tool on my work who whoa whoa

Whoa just late night Sasha comes into uh Zeus’s office Zeus is everything okay I’ve won the numbers 25 times my not going I just backed away slowly oh you’re in one of those moods again you switch to the see if that Chang yeah they said you can switch to

The other IP if you want or you can just stay on this it’s we’ve got one more game in Ian it seems okay I mean I’m just gonna stay I’m gonna stay too let’s just risk it for even if we disconnect in the middle of uh yeah not the game it’s like eh

I found another one Deli that was like uh 10 and something for Majora’s Mask that I guess it was probably a good quality one I’ve had a good quality one that was like $600 I think I’ve never played M’s mask it’s so good is it it’s my favorite one because it’s really

Creepy I think is it like time limits yeah the gameplay aspect of it is kind of like it’s really dated like if you play it now for the first time you’ll be like oh this is like really clunky but this whole story are we all ready by the way

Yes yeah we’re ready um the the whole story is it’s such a a creepy story it’s so good like gives you the chills and it’s not like terrifying but it’s just creepy I really like it because of how creepy it is yeah it’s just Eerie it’s very eerie I like

It h H all right we’re going to be careful players coming from the left you know if there was a round of this game where we they were doing like best imitation you guys would win 100% you guys would win that no problem without a doubt oh look at all these crates go

Zeus yeah Pro Minecrafter yeah thank you I’ve been practicing getting them crates my qu my crate collecting skills have really gone up since I started practicing and it show team team team team team oh God oh God God I don’t know where to go hide hide hide

Hide I think this is it to be honest so I don’t I didn’t know where to go cor out there where was I supposed to go it was nice knowing you KN you are they chasing see you man Chase they stopped they stopped this is how we make our money Ze

Is alive no they’re camping us they’re camping us they’re camp camping us I I can’t go back to you guys well have fun Ze we really going to Camp us seriously yeah yeah cuz they want that the cuz if they get the kills hold on I’ll tell you I’ll tell you if

They leave they’re still camping they’re going to have to leave eventually yeah by the time they have to leave it’ll probably be like locked off so think they’re still here so I can’t even see Zeus anyway out of range uhoh we’re going to melt left they melt they left

They left come on you looked that’s so unfortunate I not melted anymore I’m flying is that good uh Zeus fine now by the way we’re in a Ze don’t worry about it now we’re in a better place it’s okay Zeus you did a good job you don’t have I

Had a good MCC that was fun we do still have the 20 v20 yeah we get to do dodgeball yeah that’s going to be fun that’s going to be fun that’s going to be a lot of fun yeah you know what it’s all been fun oh but can I say this can I

Say this um because I did this last time I hit two of your own players you can hit your own team W but GL and I shot each other before or we miss that’s how bad we were no I shot I definitely shot you I I remember being like I got

Someone my own teammate oh do you mean like lost MCC or yeah maybe they this one last time was it scuffed maybe oh maybe that’s why maybe maybe that might I don’t know maybe just read the rules cuz I was killing my own team and well

And I shot each other today and it didn’t freeze us so yeah that must have been maybe thing or an old rule or something oh no damn pink almost got locked in oh no oh they’re oh wait might be okay actually be okay out there my it’s so funny how that became a

Meme and you and Isa Zeus would always make fun of Deli for it years ago well the origin of it you know you guys really watch they watched it’s a very like Melbourne accent to to say it like that yeah that’s what has told me so

Many times yeah Deli always had that it was funny that’s true cuz like you you guys don’t say that you say no n we don’t nor you don’t n cousins at Thanksgiving if I said no they’d be like no yeah they would they would make fun of him like he doesn’t even say

It yeah like to think he has like a like a really like strong accent but he doesn’t look at least we got the coins that’s all the you know what you know what Zeus does instead of saying idea he goes idea oh okay he also says M yeah I do

Milk milk that’s that’s because I have a a a and go on I don’t know what I was going to say say you have like a disability I thought you were going to say a speech impediment no no I was going to say have like a bunch of different accents melded

Into one well actually it is funny you say that cuz like Deli and I we often get asked like where are you from like just when we’re here in Sydney or Melbourne yeah because I guess we slightly speak different because of YouTube oh that’s true Del gets a lot

More influence accent yeah that’s shocking to me like your both of your accents seem pretty Australian to me yeah definitely to you but I guess to other Australians it is less strong you know they’re not as strong as some other people I’ve heard like Zeus’s parents are like their a are so th

Excuse me well they are yeah it’s true well done well done everyone that was really 35th place I was I got 33rd got 69 coins this round let’s let’s go nice what we G ninth what not not last losers oh wait what that’s right thanks this round what that’s

Crazy yeah they yeah I don’t like meltdown because the of the points disparity like they got 6,000 coins yeah same I don’t know dude yeah the witch get Witcher so true yeah this is such a capitalist game MCC this such a capitalist Society MCC all right we’re

Going coins get it’s not because they’re good at the game everybody knows and then all right I’ll go for p oh yeah oh are we going to get sick bait here yeah me PP the music HG 37 there’s no music yeah there is music got to turn it up oh the

R the final game in 36 seconds I don’t hear any music who was it between i’ uh Pink andan it’s the first two if you press tab it’s the stick around because we’re going to be in the 2020 as well that’s so true we made it hey hey James we made

It to the 20 v20 yeah hi GL yeah woo yeah I don’t know sometimes the Sounds in this game is super loud and then this one’s like really quiet yeah I hear nothing well there’s no mus I don’t have any music now I just have fireworks yeah

Yeah two one zero thank you coffee time coffee time snowball let’s go this is the uh Final Duel between the two finalist teams the pink presents and the Cerulean canes you know what I’m on team Deli I know I can’t believe we didn’t make it but we will be

In the 20 v20 where everyone participates so yeah yeah yeah y oh no we just made it in gosh she does it so well thank you it’s like it comes naturally to her yeah that’s saying it comes naturally to you what Minecraft no your accent oh definitely not Minecraft Minecraft

Doesn’t even come naturally to me so it’s the Melbourne yeah the melbour mbour N Nar can we get a Nar from Delhi they wanted to hear another n what team are we cheing on natural one yeah I know no what team we cheing on I know that was natural that was good I

Know I know I don’t know who we’re just busy right now please sorry I’m just we’re talking about nose over here got it so we’re going to go pink should I leave are we going pink who are we going for I’m going to go pink cuz I have a giant present on my

Head where where do I oh over here hang on I got to get the merch okay we’re going pink Deli woo pink pink pink a could be a back to back win for Hannah knows we’ll find out there’s two um two uh snowballs pump the music get back and

Forth I do still wish we could fly in this mode to be honest and actually get a better view supposedly up in the stands is really good all right if you say so if you say so I’m going to go up there I mean now I just feel like I’m

You got to get uh you got to pay VIP for that though I feel like I’m really far away cuz my feel of view oh I fell off oh all right oh my Lord I’m going for pink because I like pink let’s go pink what happened I’s go I was

Climbing up to the SS oh what is shun doing trying to show up to the crowd a 1v3 incoming look how happy they look their smile now later on there’s be a 20 by 20 so we go Anywhere pink pink wieding there best out of three here I can’t wait for the 20 v20 we’re going to dominate oh we’re going to totally dominate I hope you make it to the end again that was amazing last time yeah yeah that was so cool we need someone to represent the Sapp that’s

Actually funny enough that’s my um that’s my best game we just never got there yeah it’s so true we win it like they no one have would have like a chance against us let us get there oh oh my God double kill wow that was tactical they line it up they didn’t get

Taught by the master Dr Glon they missed so close to train they would have got a win they shoot they score oh the old off that should be on the Bingo board will someone fall off in Dodge bolt that should that should have been in the bingo game we played earlier that’s so

True fall off in Dodge when you get you get your points back yeah yeah hopefully I don’t hit my teammate they got control both here we go it’s going to be a One V one let’s see you won witch bolt once but you’ve been too busy playing Pokémon

Oh he doesn’t know who to shoot oh God went for the AL tuur but didn’t quite get it yeah dang shovel on fire well done well done well done let’s go ladies all right right one more for pink and they could win this potentially yeah pink could win the whole thing if they

Take out this round go go go is this going to be a 3 sweep let we’ve been the last ones we’ve been in it’s been like every single every single one it’s gone back and forth Hanah already W bear missing TR they tried and they failed the map could get

Small the map gets smaller fing I’m going to bring out catniss for when we’re in there oh oh my God I thought oh my God look at look at fruit where’s fruit oh my God monomatic man oh what Isen no no one V4 oh oh my God they got rinsed that

Round I’m I’m blue rined and repeat I’m switching teams no I’m not I’m not actually just like me Super Ball dang all right well if they if they take another round then we’re going to go a big Showdown they get two balls again because they’re still behind two

Balls oh Zeus one two oh yeah one two one two one two checking the balls one two one two one two what’s that oh not a good start for pink here one two one two yeah supposedly when you take your boy pet to the uh vet they check one two

One two okay they’re seen how many things are under the hood yeah hi Deli hi Deli oh Ollie going for the shot again on Wally bear has he learned from his previous mistakes on firing too early no he has Leed the way of the ball this is tense for pink yeah pink

Are they going to claw back claw back from the hell was that oh you’re on fire get can win this right here they could or it could go to a big final game five Oly and Callum using the power of friendship to fire the time looking you know out of these uh these

Groups I went to two of their weddings Shel if you get both of these shots right now and uh not Ollie I’m talking about CPK and Joel oh wow this could be on fire okay she believe void Two Shots Callum has been to movie premieres nonstop if he hasn’t had any alcohol in

His system he might miss come on he fued he has not a drink this going into a big Showdown this always always happens you couldn’t write this guys you could not write it every time yes you literally write this every for every time it happens it goes the the whole

Thing all right okay they’ve already whoever wins this wins it all oh they both both missed their first bow but Hannah’s got a second bow in her hand ready to fire like a got James come on it’s with a blue hiding in the corner for my camera

They’re hanging out having a tea party it seems look how big my freezer bunny is okay pink team has got The Yips at the moment they haven’t really been able to connect this could be a reverse sweep on our hands and Tak unfortunately stepping up to the table also missing

They’ve got the case of The Yips who would have seen this I did not have this on my bingo card this year y yibs now I look like a bunny y all right here they go can take him out and we got one down now it’s a 3v4 3v4 I’m seeing some

Movement now now they’re now they’ve got fired they’re fired up alen [ __ ] are there going add Venom giving him the strength required to fire upon their opponent missing coling Dave Zeus yeah what’s a Yip hey Zeus like the episode of how at your mother yeah you can’t like

Perform like what do you mean like perform oh my God oh my bingo card is that God away well done pink you could get that done like 10 minutes ago honestly heck are you guys ready oh my God joking I’m ready I’m ready to go crazy oh yeah

We’re do 2020 after this oh they only got a bronze coin that’s embarrassing wow Han getting two wins what the coin it says third place and it’s bronze Dave getting another season three season three but why is it fny would that be though if it’s like third

Place bronze yeah they just made a mistake yay did I get 40th player I mean probably if it’s not me then it’ll be Glon no offense GL W bear they said they asked if I got 40th and I said if it’s not me it’ll be

Glon it’s one of us but it’s probably me cuz I I I lost over let’s have ay there’s more there’s one more thing can we see who’s the ranking before we do that is it like is Tim Apple going to come out and be like good morning uh James congratulations you are

Not 40th Place oh wait really how do you know how do you know GL GL on is you Che also live the is used a lot in like baseball if you can’t like yeah Mega snowball let’s go Mega snowball and also not last does that mean I’m

39 I mean I don’t know probably okay after this we should all go look at our wraps 40th cuz that’s well they said in the teaser video that the website might crash so we’ll take we get priority right first team to three total wins will win I don’t think that’s is there Friendly

Fire I would hope not with 20 people on each team well that’s what I did last time well let’s test it I just yeah let’s test it now let’s just figure it out I’ll test it I’ll test on you [Laughter] on I’m first if you invert the list

That’s true in golf walls I’m first place so oh yeah let’s go y so true we’re getting holes in one all the time m hm oh there’s no well but we if we win this we take home the entire show I feel like this is just the same text as uh

God I cannot see I cannot see let me ask is there Friendly Fire okay here we go third person I’m assume we on the same team right hello okay it’s starting in 10 seconds okay no one’s going to what you say no I’m typing in the chat there is friendly

Fire friendly fire I’m going to go to back then how about really good at firing upon her own people no one shoot me please how many balls are there two same with like two yeah I don’t know but I don’t want it oh we’ve got sapnap on our team where we’re

Going to win oh I have I have one wait hold oh God people are floating they’re going to I’m floating I’m floating they can’t catch me they can’t catch catch me yeah if whoever hits the uh don’t fall snowmen that are around yeah don’t fall

Off oh someone fell off yeah oh God I can’t see there’s so many people I’m doing a great job by the way I’m doing great I feel like I haven’t died yet so I’m happy with that this is my Game oh my God someone got a a shot off I still think they should just put this in the regular game take out battle box make that the final game make put this in the regular game I haven’t got a snowball yet I want one I

Haven’t either and I don’t want one I shot one I do want one yeah give it to Sasha Zeus are you okay oh I’m flying I’m the other one down here what the heck wait what’s happening oh my God wa what why am I the only one here how did

No one hit me what was that all about I don’t know was it like a lag thing or is that a it’s it’s the Snowman if they get hit they do special effects ah okay I got this I’m So Pro all I have to do is keep going back and forth and not

Do anything else B up thank you just going to fly under the radar that’s right are you guys still alive oh I got a ball yeah you got to keep the blue bats Vision alive because I fell off the map I know how to throw it it won’t

Throw how do I throw it no you got to you got to put it in your bow you got to like do your bow it’s a glove that’s not a bow it’s like a bow it’s a oh it’s too hard it’s like the it’s like the other

Game that you can’t give me a glove and it’s cuz it’s a snowball too go if you I thought I just throw it cuz it’s a snowball no you get what is this speed snowman I don’t understand what jump do it close everyone hide behind you can hide behind the

Sowman died they go was that it was oh no no Sasha Sasha is still in it come onha go go go let’s go Sasha the music ends when you die kind of sad no it’s I don’t hear anything I got it’s just really quiet for me I

Think it’s super quiet yeah it’s music when I was playing cut yeah go shoot it go I miss that’s okay okay my one chance I just shot I’m so quick with it cuz I’m scared someone’s going to hit me I know same I know how many snowballs are there

Is it just two like normal game okay so you should be okay then just to stop and shoot theoretically look at this oh I have a snowball oh yes let’s see what’s going on there dang it so close close there’s not as many people now what does the EG do oh

No oh no h this game’s over I don’t care about this any anymore I only in it that’s fun make a sh make a shi yeah make a shield oh no that’s so funny they should add this more often yeah I I feel like there should be

More of them like just at the end so funsies oh oh oh all all like this round should be not just for the two winners 44 now is it yeah up there Go’s too busy copying me and they have both the snowball so I think we could get T get get I

Think we could be decent at this game if we had play if it was just a regular game in the rotation M you know damn Harvey wow that’s cold that’s that was insane they tapel hit Captain Sparkles oh my god oh okay it says 2v2 now yeah oh no okay

You know they’ve got one h on Teal turkeys nice put up a yes put up a shield okay they both they’re going to both have it come on you got this go shun go oh win it for us come on get them sweat n you just R

Get’s the edge of my seat over here hary’s going to shoot down be careful oh no hide behind the Snowman grab they’re going to break him they’re going to break him oh gosh they’re going up who shooting in the air are they going to no they

Didn’t oh no oh they going up going what is going on I don’t know that was weird what happened there what’s going on someone’s going to have to betray their other teammate oh let’s go okay if the teals can get this come on teals I out team if we win

This we win yeah you get an egg in your inventory oh I got too put on the teal quick put it down put it down I don’t know if that’s a good spot but that’s where I put it that’s a good spot broke it’s gone now come on I got

One I threw it down oh No One V one that he’s yeah we won that means we everything else doesn’t matter we won we did it we won we win all thanks to us yeah we basically won that yeah that was us that was us right Sim win even the W

Yes okay don’t walk off S don’t walk off it’s a Christmas miracle this the first one I’ve ever been up here in my life let’s go yeah wait let’s go get a let’s go get a screenshot let’s get a screenshot back here yeah wait where where are you going

Just back up a little is back up a little we did it the Sim has made it Ze where are you I’m here okay there’s too many other people in our Sim shot there our names are so close together JoJo okay uh okay everyone else get out of our shop please

This is our one moment it’s our one moment please get out of the way okay I got got we’re going pretend like we really W this it’s okay I can use Photoshop to remove them it’s playing Christmas music oh Pump It Up yeah or’s that New Year’s all I’ve wanted the whole time

I’ve played MCC I love you guys the CR we finally did it after all these years of not practicing we did it that’s funny can I collect this coin like Mario W wo so should I just send Scott my address then so that way the the coin

Will come us uh here’s my address can you send it here please express okay get ready go in general go in general go in general check um the text cuz hopefully they’ll put the link oh they they should was there in the announcements or no it’s one of the

Announcements wait are they actually going to send us a coin no no no no the the uh thing the cods the wrapped thec wrapped oh I was like I was like oh I’m getting a coin I was likeo okay guys we have to stick around

For my WRA we can see how I want to say I want to say my you rapping tonight yeah yeah well oh don’t kind of rap uh theying yeah they said they were going to post it MCC General is that your saying they’re going to put it yeah

Yeah yeah yeah okay that’s where I’m looking I’m not seeing a whole lot in there not seeing a lot in there that was loud rap time patient I know I’m like let’s get it going I want to see my w let’s get this W going I want to see W it [Laughter]

Up on it yeah exactly I want to I want a wrapped I like that YouTube music had it wrapped but it was like really bad I clicked on it and it’s like I clicked on it it’s like you haven’t listened to anything I was like cool great thanks

For letting me know I had a WRA that has nothing in it I thought it’ be like what YouTube videos I watched or something cuz it popped up on YouTube I was like that’ be so cool that would been so cool but it’s like it gave me a blank YouTube

Music wrapped I’m like cool thanks do you know what I see I have the issue is I have like a ton of like YouTube channels like other channels and so if I’m logged into that channel it will go to that YouTube music channel so I had like all my technically YouTube wrapped

Stuff was across four different that’s so annoying I was like oh this is so annoying I uh yeah where’s this yeah everyone’s trying to figure out where to see it Yeah uh speaking which I will go to MCC live because I want to see how I did there uh how do I share this let me zoom in on this page and then I’m going to do this can dark mode oh yeah I can uh I’m not sharing

Anything weird on my screen am I you don’t know what’s there oh boy whoopsie I think I was 38th Place every a brag not a brag let’s go to the bottom I got 420 coins let’s go let’s go so wait what’s happening with the WRA uh I don’t know

It’s going to take a few more minutes why is my face grayed out what is this yeah yeah yeah I think it because of like the YouTube thing oh YouTube’s not good enough to have a colored face are you kidding me yeah everyone that’s streaming on YouTube has a black face

That’s rude um yeah I guess because it’s like they don’t have like a live page so they can’t just like detect if it’s live or not cuz every live stream has a different URL yeah oh fair enough oh that’s weird yeah there’s got to be a way to

Detect if you’re live you can if you go to your channel SL live if you’re live it will go to whatever stream you have if you’re not live it’ll just go to your live tab so you can do it that way but is there a way to like check like is live yes

I mean if you just go to SL live and it has a stream on it then yeah you could do it that way oh okay there’s no like easy API though which is annoying oh just twitch have an easier API yes for that so what is this WAP thing is it

Going to happen or okay they said we can leave Minecraft we don’t have to be logged in you’re doing it right now yeah okay well I get to yeah do we have want to go back to the game real quick yeah I might as well just hang out in here yeah it’s it’s

It’s a specific URL how specifically specific specific they said we were preena things and making sure they’re correct okay but there’s no music I need to put on some Christmas yeah there’s like i’ got silent in here the silence is deafening as I say on Twitter okay sorry about That excuse me Cassy sorry I thought it was going to be silent look look at you know you know like I swear I heard someone cough then fart I’m pretty sure like they they saw the like no it wasn’t me it was me I I I

Heard a friend do it once yeah a friend of a friend once do it no because I feel like so many people have been like oh that’s what you should do to try a cover r f but I thought you know what it does it just attracts attention to you so

What you should try and do is you should just wait for someone else to off link here and then you triumphs wait where is it mc. live triumphs let’s go I’m going to put wait are you uh excuse me where’s mine search I’m not in it

Oh no way click on the cards oh uh where is my I’ve been in onecc this year yeah I’m not five events of 10 team no they don’t have mine I guess I coins okay rap time superu I look at glow on so I played Four events this year our

Supercomputer has been analyzing every move in this season and to find every place I played Four events I’m just going to one if you narrate yours I’m going to go okay archetypes you could be fighter Mastermind an allrounder I’m an allrounder period that’s what I got what

10 teams nice GL well done 90% of my coins came from s of time 4,717 coins along the way yeah oh nice archetype our super computer has analyze every move the season of fin night wait do they mean Zeus has crunched the numbers cuz he’s a

Hold on I’m going to do it wait sorry what is this your best event was MCC AF yeah scuffed oh which which archetype is Dr GL what is AF all around just think about what everyone says AF wait you’re a mastermind oh yeah but I don’t is a mastermind I’m a

Mastermind April fools I mean oh I was like as figh no April fo MCC as whoa whoa whoa who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa 21% of Dr Glen’s coins came from Sands of Time nice good one GL yeah who each player has given wait each player has been given one of four arage

Based on this season uh Sprinter fighter Mass and all around it click through Discover the architect which fits you oh okay you a mastermind masterminds might not have the brawn but they have the brains they organized their teams through the toughest teamwork challenges yeah I am kind of The Mastermind yes yes

I’ll take that I’m always one like coming up with the ideas I’m not the one doing the stuff I’m always like hey we should try that out I came up with the SIM strats I’m the one who came up with that only a mastermind would

Come up with that idea you are you are an ideas man though that’s that is exactly so the simp the best game 20% of Z’s coins came from sanss of time second best Bingo but fast damn you’re good at bingo dude probably that one time third hey there we go

Simrat cool this is neat I wish I had one I’m sorry sorry man played one of and it was today I wonder if today’s even was calculated into this then wait I don’t know oh Zeus is a def the most similar place to Dr GL is a Veller what yeah

Apparently you’re in mine but you’re third on the list well you’re third onist I’m I’m just viewing this as like I’m Glon because yeah that’s all I’ve got yeah that’s all I got well basically we’re the same person only I wear fairs and you do your best

Event C AF what does that mean I don’t know what that is is that SCU one yeah but what does thatan what is that that that that’s the scuffed one I believe right oh Zeus April Falls I muted myself on accident I muted myself I went to go

Press this button and I muted myself okay the April fo one yeah the scuffed one yeah yeah who do we play with on that one who was with us on the that was that was water breath man okay good I wasn’t in Dodge bolt this

Year was it last year no we didn’t no yeah we got that was in with fruit and alumina that was mine cuz when I was looking before it was also um glue on I didn’t say it when I said they’re saying you know if I was wearing a fez they

Wouldn’t be able to tell us apart yeah exactly yeah yeah yeah yeah if you were Fez yeah like what would be the difference if you had a beard at a fez you’d basically be me too pretty much we are we are also exactly the same person that’s the name of the game we’re

Playing that’s the name of the game oh if I type in if I type my name in the URL it comes up but it’s not in the list all right here we go let’s go season 3 triumphs one event I wonder what one that was go I played one out of 10 teams

Let’s go I earned 420 coins let’s go uh let’s see oh what archetype Sprinter fighter Mastermind allrounder what was I today everybody place you back how did you get yours I just typed in my Ur the URL like sljames toel I’m not in the list for some reason

So I guess maybe the list isn’t updated but it it’s from today you hacked into the system yeah he hacked into the main frame Mhm so good 420 that’s so good all right what am I I am Mastermind thank you yeah thank you thank you um best game 28% of my coins came from Sans of time I mean that is kind of a coin game so that makes sense I guess

Cuz I don’t kill anyone in any other you’re so good Bingo b fast the other 18% that also makes sense let’s go thank you thank you um meltdown yeah oh yeah I mean what how many coins came from that like five uh most similar okay I don’t know

Any of those people people but cool I feel bad for them funny because them being compared to me is probably bad for them B and Jerome are OG Minecrafters they play with like and stuff I played Minecraft before as schol too yeah they didn’t use your original your head from

Today which is kind of funny but it was my I I changed my skin like literally this morning before we started so I guess it but I did too but what was your skin before you changed it the the last the one the one I used is

Your is yours is your skin The Last Christmas one no oh my best event was MCC 35 no way let’s go I didn’t see it coming um events played one total coins highest placement 39th Dodge excuse me I had one I had one Dodge B okay thank you that’s

False um this year in MCC we completed 12 events 29 creators that’s pretty good good stuff what else good job that’s a lot of eggs 2,600 eggs cracked meet thec Team uh like the the chicken eggs you know when you oh right obviously I think it’s just a fun stat noide Avendale

Organized by smjor we love Scott wait really this is this is cool I like that they did this if I was actually like in a lot of M and good at it this would be very cool to see yeah but from the one just good it James

Sasha Sasha yes um do you want to guess who is closest like you notice it’s like just the most similar players to Green is vixella huh yeah grean Green is the most similar to you it’s weird it’s not on yours but it is on his yes we I’m really

Good I thought that really funny it’s cuz I’m really good obviously a lot of people are not as good so that’s weird well that was cool I like that I hope he’s not insulted I guess I’ll go yeah maybe oh my gosh oh my gosh Sasha you

Can do you can do try you can find blue blue bats hold on oh blue bats let’s go what do you mean uh like you can typee in like I don’t think you can search it but you can look at Blue like you know how Shane made his

Name blue bats yeah oh yeah wait hold on I’m GNA tell him um all right well I guess I mean I I’m I’m done here that’s it you done James out I mean not doing anything else though are we like I mean we did MCC we looked at the

Wrapped so am I I might say goodbye to you guys and then I’ll talk to my chat a little bit yeah sounds good but as always it’s been fun playing MCC was a it was a very fun time thanks for playing with us yeah thanks for waking

Up early as well to play with us oh you know it was tough until next year everybody was tough yeah until next Christmas I’ll see you then you know what there might be some more Minecraft with all four of us wait I have wait before I go I must update oh true cuz the event has ended I did I don’t know if anyone noticed but I did update it before this event oh that was just before uh so now I say complete are we last yes tell me when you upd should be updated now yeah yeah if you

Go down now yes we came last but we had hasht fun so true yes we did are we everybody hit it up so true yes there we go all yes all that was fun guys I will talk to you later all right bye bye goodbye bye everyone bye bye bye

Bye bye all right hey chat it’s just you and I now going to have a little private time together the sub server do I even have a sub server I don’t know what that is if I have one I don’t know I I don’t play M

This is literally the only time I played Minecraft was this and then the last time was the last Christmas uh MCC Discord dude I just quit Discord I don’t have I don’t have a sub server if I do I didn’t set it up so it ain’t mine

But no I think we I think if you’re on Discord you can join it maybe I don’t or is it YouTube members how does it work I don’t know I don’t know how it works anyway thanks for hanging out guys and coming to this stream I know it’s not um

Not like Sims or anything you know Minecraft’s very different but it was fun we do this well at the moment once a year sometimes I do more than one of these a year so apparently there’s a m server for my YouTube members I guess I think

Through the Discord uh make sure you hit the Subscribe button here on YouTube though because nearly at 100K only a few hundred away that’s pretty exciting have I done the Christmas Lego set yeah we did a few of them we’ve got one more to do I think wait is it one

More let me see maybe it’s two more let me see uh yeah we got two more I’ll show you whilst I’m here we got uh this one still to do got to do this Christmas Lego and we also got this little one that we’re

Going to do at some point I I don’t know when we’re going to do it hopefully soon so that’ll be fun we did the uh which one did we do we did uh we did the little Christmas trees and we did um was the other one we did I totally forgot Christmas trees

And something else I don’t know I’m tired guys okay I had like I had like three hours sleep and now I’ve been streaming for 3 hours so I’m tired you love the Lego members video thank you thank you so you know uh oh uh I was seeing as

We’re here we’ll talk let’s talk about Sims too you know this is a secret stream now for for all my uh subscribers I was going to have part one of the let’s play out tonight for me but I don’t know if I will because I haven’t really

Slept so I don’t know if that will be today it might actually be a day later just because of that but you know to be fair we’ve been doing daily videos so it’s been pretty good and also I’d rather part one be as good as it can be

Rather than recording it when I’m tired you know what I mean so we’ll uh we’ll see how it goes I mean I might have a nap and then record but I don’t know it depends I want I definitely want part one to be as as good as it can so it

Might not be tonight it might have to be the next day I mean the original plan was I was actually going to record it yesterday but then that didn’t happen because I was busy doing some other stuff but that should be fun I’m I’m very much looking forward to uh part one

Though it’s going to be good and if you’ve seen if you are a YouTube member you would have seen some behind the scenes but don’t worry the behind the scenes stuff if you’re not a member is just we’re sort of just setting stuff up moving Sims and all that and of course

We’ll go through that in the regular video but if you remember you would have seen some little inside stuff so it’s been fun excited to see as a landlord I am excited to play the pack a lot because when we did the hotel video like as the first video we did for rant

Playing that with the chaos of the other like tenants in the building and in the sort of common area I think that was really fun so I’m really looking forward to that aspect and also playing from a tenant aspect at the beginning should be fun and we’re going to combine that with

The homef hustle selling table or I guess we might use the new uh Market store I think was there one that we could sell on in the the new pack I can’t remember I know there was a new there’s a new night market once but is

There a new selling table as well I don’t know either way either way we’ll do some selling we’ll do some crafting that should be fun um become a member awesome BTS content thank you yeah actually if you so the cool thing is now that it’s been like

It’s been like a year since we’ve had the membership so I think it was January this year we started it so now there’s and cuz I’ve done a few extra videos I think there’s Now 52 me only videos and if you become a member for just one

Month and then cancel you can just watch all 52 videos and get out of there actually I was looking at the other day the um the length of all of them I was adding it up let me see how long it is cuz I was like I wonder how how long if

You watch all the members videos it goes I think it was like 27 hours or something so it’s a good chunk you’re going to get good value if you want to if you want to jump on for a month and get out of the let’s

See and I try I try my best to make oh there’s 53 videos actually by the way so I also try my best to make them like extra videos like none of them are like replacing like I wouldn’t most of these no not even most of these I don’t

Think any of these really would be a regular video just because some of them like making Cc or that kind of stuff oh 28 hours and 14 minutes of content it’s pretty cool so that’s been fun it’s been fun year doing that I wish YouTube did like a YouTube rap that’d be fun

Um yeah cool well thanks for coming to the Minecraft stream if you have any last minute questions about Sims or about Minecraft I can answer Minecraft questions actually I can’t I also got um Deli was mentioning yeah this this bear here his name is uh buzzle because Deli has a bear called

Basil and this is my bear and I called him buzzle and I don’t know if you notice but we have matching sweaters so there we go what do we get bows for Christmas we got him some treats and I’ll get him uh probably like some beef as well or

Something for Christmas that’ll be nice we’re going to spend Christmas this year with my family CU we we haven’t had Christmas with my family before we’ve done it like the week before but this year we’re spending the day with them so that’ll be nice I think we might spend

The night there as well like on Christmas Eve and Bowser will come with us of course so he gets to hang out there they have a nice garden and all that for him which would be good uh you tried to do it now but iTunes won’t let me because I’m in Ireland not

Australia what I don’t I don’t know what that’s in reference to yeah so that should be nice I’m hoping it’s not going to be too hot because if it’s really hot on Christmas that’s kind of that’ll be tough for Bowser mostly because he likes to go outside there’s a plan stue

Update think uh you can glue on Deli will do another Co-op F that’d be fun uh I feel like we’ve got a few things in the pipeline though like we wanted to like we’re talking about earlier today we wanted to do um like Sky Block in Minecraft and then we’ll

Probably also do multiplayer Sims again when they when it’s updated for for rent and probably works that way so that’d be good uh yeah there’s like a little kids pool that Bowser can use I don’t think he would like it though he just he’ just

Stay inside if it’s hot I just like it if you can go outside but if it’s h it’ll be inside what about Super Sam that’ll come back that that’s just one of those series like I think it’s good in between like kind of when we’re not doing Daily Four

Rent videos you know what I mean so that that’s why that one kind of stopped just cuz I was busy doing cuz I was doing Super Sim and then I started doing a whole bunch of builds which those builds sort of replace the super Sim and the schedule and then obviously for rench

Come out so now we’re doing a whole bunch of that and then Super Sim will come back in I I kind of see that as a series that will just sort of come and go with the flow you know would just sort of pop in pop out be like you know

That kind of thing that’s the idea anyway that’s what I was thinking about it uh was about becoming a member my iTunes are set up for us okay well you can become members on iOS but you should be aware if you become a member on iOS it’s more

Expensive and that’s not me or even YouTube That’s cuz of apple apple adds like 30% tax on it so it becomes well not tax I add 30% to the cost so they take a cut so it’s more expensive if you do it on a computer uh it’ll be

Cheaper uh will Burger boys come back probably not we’re going to do we’ll do um like we’re done with I think we’re done with din out we we did the last thing when Glen came and visited in person and that was fun uh but we kind

Of don’t really have anything to do in it unless KL does another big update but we want to do like being landlords at multiplayer I think that’ll be fun so that’s why I said once once they the multiplayer mod works work with being a land that would be

Fun uh have you made a decision about the lot you were thinking of changing do you mean in the members video I was talking about RP Burger Boys the burger boys are dead they’re not dead they’ll just be renamed and we’ll just do the same thing

But do doing another I mean we did what how many there was like many many episodes of running the restaurant so I think I think we can have fun doing the landlord stuff too we’ll yeah we’ll be the no we’re going to be the landlord Lads that was what I figured we’d

Be but we’ll probably be like the I don’t know Hotel boys I don’t know not rent boys mm not that one though what about cities well I was okay so I was so City skylines 2 I was really planning on playing that earlier on but then it came

Out and there’s just been so many like it was like really buggy there’s like things that it was just the performance was rough I think they’ve been doing a lot of patches so it’s getting better um so I just kind of waiting and then so CS

2 came out and it was they sort of been patching it and then for rent came out and you know that’s I’ve spent spent all of my time doing that pretty much like we’ve been working so much uh doing for rent and Early Access stuff and of

Course now we have like Christmas and the holidays coming up so there’s not really extra time in between preparing content recording to also then do uh cities and also it probably better just to wait for it to be a little bit more patched cities 2 is boring right now

Says Zoe so there you go I haven’t really played it so I did I did play it a bit but not a whole lot I don’t know I’ve just yeah I was just like well if it’s the performance is not great and there’s a bunch of like and certain

Things are not working I was just like might as well wait also they said there was going to be modding like a week after launch and then that just hasn’t happened so I think people are just making are they like making mods now not even using the modding uh system that they were

Building like people just making mods outside of that because they just haven’t released the modding platform so I don’t know what’s going on with that like I get that they probably want to fix the game and performance but I feel like if they did the modding thing as well that would probably

Attract a lot of people back to it again have I been playing any games off camera no not lately I’ve been I’ve been way too busy with um for rent and all that and doing all the new pack stuff the last thing I was playing was what

Was I playing probably cities I I was playing a bit of cities and Dreamlight Valley and all that kind of stuff I see the new let’s play with the big wallets yeah that’s going to be fun I’m looking forward to it any plans to do more regular streaming nope it’s

Nice idea in theory but I just don’t have time for regular streams as much as I want to it’d be fun but there’s just not time because like all the videos that I record uh and post they’re all just full like I’m the only one doing it you know recording editing thumbnails schedule

Etc etc you know that’s pretty much all my time that’s all the time I have for work and then I’m out so I want more streaming would be fun but it just it doesn’t happen and the other thing is cuz I wake up pretty late in the day which yes is my fault

But it also means I have less time in the daylight hours so then I end up working at like 600 p.m. not finishing till really late so not great I mean that’s my fault that that’s kind of unre related to that but no I don’t I don’t have a lot of extra time

Unfortunately will max power go to bat he will one day and it’s going to be a good day it’s going to be rough oh you know that’s actually what I did as a members video we did like one hour of gameplay doing bat and normally I wouldn’t just do like

A Let’s Play video as a members video but I’m like no one is actually going to watch this if it was a real video on the channel it would be a 10 out of 10 which means it would have the lowest amount of views

And would would not do well so when I do when super Sim gets around a bat you know those are going to be poorly viewed um but it should be fun it’ll be fun especially cuz the super Sim all the like boosts that he has like teleporting infinite needs like everything it’s

Probably just going to make it super easy so it should be pretty quick actually will I ever play Zoo again I mean probably not I I get questions about that a lot but probably not I mean I just don’t think there’s not wide enough appeal for that game for me to be

Able to then post a video on the channel about it and then I would so I’d post it on another Channel but then there’d be even less people watching that so just as a like I guess if I was doing regular streaming then then it would probably

Make sense to do that but as a video probably not um I’m hoping at some point I have I don’t haven’t really been following what frontier’s been doing for a while but surely they’ve got to have like Planet coaster 2 or something in the works right cuz that game came out in like

2015 so I feel like that’s going to be coming surely in the next like year or two cuz that would play I feel like there’s a lot of potential with Planet zoo and Planet coasa like that whole thing but I still feel like there’s definitely refinements they could make

In both those games at least when I last played them I don’t know about Planet zoo anymore but I feel like the second versions of those games could be really good I think there’s been news but I don’t know what it is there’s been news

But I can’t say what it is or if there was any news at all uh any plans other than new big wallet or super Sim in the works I mean in terms of Let’s Plays no um but just we’ve been doing a lot of builds uh probably going to do some more

Builds soon I was so in a memb video I was talking about potentially turning the loung lot or or and or the National Park Lot in the new world into the community space Lots where they have the four different versions where it’s like the maker space the community garden the

Market stall one and whatever the other one is so you have the four different versions on those lots because I thought that could be good in um tomang to have four different versions of those lots that we could like vote on and change so

Those if I I think I want to do that those will be a build video coming up probably next week or two so I think that’ be fun Prison Architect uh probably not when I played that a little while back it was so buggy already and I feel like they’re adding

More more well I don’t know if they still are but when they’re adding more DLCs it just added more bugs and it’s just like it’s kind of ruining the original game so yeah I kind of stopped Interest being interested about that are we close enough uh Reddit followers

To Hotel build I don’t know where is that at it’s been close for a while um let’s see let’s see where where’s the Reddit at people try to trick me that they every so every couple of days they’re like oh we hit 25,000 it’s like

Still a few hundred off I’m like come on guys we are at 24832 so when we get to 25,000 we’ll do hotel build part 4 which let me see when the last one of that was when was the last part if when I do this video no

One’s going to know what part one was let me see tell uh part four let’s see part one part two someone actually I saw a comment the other day that was like that there was they’re mentioning that uh part four would come out if we hit

25,000 and they’re like yeah it was a video from 2 years ago you know what the video was 6 years ago so feel old yet let me uh let me pull it up so you can see it uh let me go here and go uh that’s okay here we go Hotel Bild

Part three from 6 years ago 2017 but if we hit 25,000 on the subreddit we’ll get part four so get excited for that oh there’s a big spike here what happened here let’s go you know I went back cuz I I’ve obviously I’ve been looking at the Save

And I have I’ve done a little few things here and there I’ve been chipping away at it not much though I’ll probably honestly redo it but when I went back to look at the actual Hotel I’m like man I feel like I want to completely just redo

This thing because it’s so old there was so few packs back then compared to what we have now like I mean also I me it just why do you guys even want part four of this it’s not even that good like I looked at it I have to fix

The entire downstairs because it was built before platforms exist and I did like a weird I can’t see it in this video let me see if I can um I want to see if I can load it in the in my game so if I can do a sneaky

Little retrospective on the hotel let me see if I can load up SIMs real quick cuz yeah the whole downstairs was like uh I used the sort of split level Foundation trick and it’s like the lighting is all terrible it looks so bad and then I guess now as well we can

Actually use it as a rental lot which would be pretty cool so it actually will have a function instead of being completely functionless The Three Brothers house yeah that’s probably never going to be finished I have looked at that in the I mean maybe at some point I’ll go back and finish it

But we’ll see I’m just loading up SIMs let me uh game I just need to select Sims as my game instead of Minecraft and then all let me see if I can I know it’s in the background at the moment uh don’t worry about that I just want to see if I

Can find the save I’m pretty sure it should just be called Hotel uh Hotel perfect build ni build I don’t know how far down it is now maybe it’s higher up actually Hotel here we go let me go let me swap over to uh this let’s see oh we I didn’t even have

Seasons when I was playing in this save game okay so it should be in Magnolia prominade there it is Hotel build it’s an art center a lot episode 4 is restarting most of honestly yeah episode 4 is going to be a lot of fixing oh wait I already did oh

Wait I thought I did I think I already did this oh this is like a little spoiler I actually changed all of this wait I already fixed this yeah okay this is actually something I already did and to be honest I don’t know if I have this footage anymore so I

Might have to redo it let me see if I have the footage of it this is spoiler a lot uh let me go back I don’t think I have footage of this so I think I actually deleted the footage I don’t know how long ago I did this

But that’s okay because this is like a separate save I have the original build anyway this is something that I’ll probably do I’m going have to do it again so it’ll probably be different yeah all of this was like a foundation I had to turn it into a platform so it was

Actually properly functional and then all of this was kind of weird there was a bunch of user space I I thought about turning this area here cuz this is all I I kind of wish I had the original one to show you to compare it with but I

Thought this space would actually be more useful as like computers as like almost like a business center in the hotel so you can go in there have the computers there and then this I can’t remember what I was thinking of doing in there but it was going to be something I

Guess now that we have actual rentals we could think about doing useful activities like maybe cuz we don’t have a pool we could probably do a basement pool or something oh wait we do never mind sorry I thought we did but I was like it’s not here it’s down here no we

Could do uh like a games room or activity room or something like that because down here yeah we got the gym we got the pool and then how many rooms do we have there’s a lot if we turn these all into units how many would we have 1

2 3 5 6 7 8 9 and nine there right and then those are all empty which I did on purpose because it like it was getting so laggy we had to leave them empty and then we had the bigger rooms up here which to be honest I kind of

Want to redo these CU I don’t like them I only started on this one and I didn’t like it so I think I might just redo that entirely hotels usually have conference room yeah but that’s boring though what are you going to do in that like I want

To if if I’m going to finish this I want to actually make it interesting to play in if it was like a a rental like a conference room with a big table and that’s it that’s kind of boring you’re not actually going to use it you know we

Could do like a big TV so it’s like a conference room but you could watch TV or movies in there yeah I I’ll make it like a not Apartments it’ll still be like a hotel but it’ll be like a rental residential rental um anyway when we how many people

Join the sub after I mentioned it just before let’s see anyone join still not 25,000 still a little way away but when we get there we we’ll do it anyway that’s the hotel from I did an update recently I think I think I also rotated I think it

Used to face this way on the slot but anyway anyway Let’s uh let’s leave that there thank you so much for coming to the stream and hanging out for this little end bit we did a little bit of chatting here at the end hope you enjoyed it hope you enjoyed Minecraft

Championships thanks again to the uh MCC team for having me I know I don’t really play Minecraft obviously so I really appreciate them letting me in and and playing with my friends it’s so much fun and thank you guys for watching thank you for your comments and feedback on

You know the stuff I just talking about I appreciate it and part one of rag no I want it to be rags and rentals but it’s not part one of what is it called rent to riches will probably not be tonight’s video probably tomorrow we’ll probably

Have a night off from videos and then it’ll be the next day so thank you so much I will see you next time bye

This video, titled ‘The Simmers are back in Minecraft Championship 35!’, was uploaded by More James Turner on 2023-12-09 23:57:41. It has garnered 9617 views and 539 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:56 or 14036 seconds.

We’re BACK for MCC 35, @Vixella @DrGluon and @kryticzeuz, aka The Simmers! MC Championship is a Minecraft event that brings together 40 contestants to compete in a series of mini-games that test the core Minecraft skills! Watch my other teammates here: Vixella: DrGluon: KryticZeuz:

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🕹 My Other Channels James Turner: In short:

  • Crafting Iron Armor in Hardcore Minecraft

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  • Survival Minecraft Server Sneak Peek: MineCity

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  • Cave Craze: Minecraft’s Dark Daze

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  • Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded

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  • Minearchy SMP Minigames 1.21 & 1.20.6

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  • Minecraft Memes – Symble Raid on June 13th. Intentional?

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  • Minecraft Hide and Seek: A Pixelated Peek-a-Boo Adventure!

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  • Gamers uncover shocking threat in Minecraft world #viral

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  • Castle Build & Spooky Moments! | Minecraft SOS #18

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  • Insane 50-Hour Skyblock Minecraft Survival Movie

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  • EPIC Minecraft Duel: NGUYEN JD MC vs Yoizol #insane

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  • Insane Minecraft Server 24/7 Stream + Giveaways!

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  • Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! – BoomMC SMP – Minecraft

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  • EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯

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  • Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock Action

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  • VoidedMC

    VoidedMCWelcome to VoidedMC, we are a brand new 1.20.4 server with a friendly player base offering semi-vanilla survival, by merging McMMO, GriefPrevention, Essentials, and many more plugins! We are working on expanding the server currently. We also plan to bring a creative world where you can show off your amazing building skills! Feel free to join! Our staff is extremely nice and always willing to help. So if you have any questions please reach out to us! Have an amazing day! Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants Pets

    Java & Bedrock IP: Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): Online In-game map: Features: Running with backwards compatibility on the latest Minecraft version: 1.21 Tricky Trials Bedrock and Java cross-play (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Put a lead on mobs to teleport them Free fly in the overworld every Sunday ProtectionStones for land claiming Bartering economy system No grief Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation allowed in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging, homes and player to player teleportation Minecraft-Discord integration to interact with the community even when away… Read More

  • Authentic Vanilla

    Authentic VanillaAboutAuthentic Vanilla is Java Edition Minecraft in its purest form. It is a “Vanilla Anarchy” server, meaning pretty much anything aside from hacking or exploits are allowed. The world, which will never be reset, is whatever you want it to be. Anything you can do in Mojang’s intended vanilla is fair game, you need not be bogged down by landclaims or building requirements or suffocating world borders. But be ware, the freedom to create also comes with the freedom to destroy, so keep what you make safe.VanillaTo keep the server as authentically vanilla as possible, the server will be running… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t touch this, it’s OP 🙏

    Please don’t nerf this meme, it’s already at level 309 and ready to take on the Ender Dragon! Read More

  • Crafty Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Alarm Charade

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  • Minecraft Tutorials be like: “How to Die in 5 Easy Steps” 😂 #shorts

    Minecraft Tutorials be like: "How to Die in 5 Easy Steps" 😂 #shorts Minecraft Tutorials be like: Step 1 – Punch a tree. Step 2 – Build a mansion. Step 3 – Get lost in a cave for three hours. Step 4 – Accidentally blow up your house with TNT. Step 5 – Cry. #minecraftlogic 😂🏠💣 Read More

  • Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay

    Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay Exploring the World of Minecraft Embarking on a New Adventure In the realm of gaming, Minecraft stands out as a sandbox game that offers endless possibilities and adventures. The thrill of starting a new world in Minecraft is unparalleled, as players dive into a world of creativity and exploration. Roohsclues: A Gaming Journey in Hindi/Urdu Roohsclues, a YouTube channel dedicated to gaming in Hindi/Urdu, has embarked on a new series featuring Minecraft gameplay. Episode 2 marks the beginning of an exciting journey in the blocky universe of Minecraft. Immersive Gameplay and Entertainment With a disclaimer emphasizing the entertainment nature… Read More

  • Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!

    Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘Expanding my Elden Ring inspired Kingdom | Minecraft Creative 1.20 LIVE’, was uploaded by JermsyBoy on 2024-06-21 22:07:38. It has garnered 5715 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:47 or 16967 seconds. Subscribe! Donate to the channel: Become a member to join us in building up this giant city!: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Our build server has been generously provided by DedicatedMC. Get your own server today by using code “JermsyBoy” for 15% off your first month. Valid for normal plans, excluding Dedicated Servers and Discord Bots. Check out DedicatedMC:… Read More

  • Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!

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  • Dronio In Minecraft – Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shorts

    Dronio In Minecraft - Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но Я Не Могу Касаться Зелёного Цвета 🟢 ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 10:30:07. It has garnered 979 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE MINECRAFT AGAIN…’, was uploaded by Mythbustingnoob on 2024-04-15 14:00:38. It has garnered 136507 views and 2526 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:44 or 5564 seconds. I survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE AGAIN . All The mods 9 has had Major Updates. So in these 100 days I harness the souls of a Warden and Make supercharged Farms to try and Get The ATM STAR. If You’d Like to Subscribe: —————————————————————————— Surviving 100 days like forge labs, lukethenotable, suev,… Read More

  • Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho’s Wizard Tower!

    Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho's Wizard Tower!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mysterious Wizard Tower! [Minecraft: Let’s Build Together Ep 02]’, was uploaded by Koffizinho on 2024-04-08 18:00:07. It has garnered 76 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:20 or 1100 seconds. SERIES SUMMARY Welcome to Let’s Build Together! A Minecraft series where your ideas get built in my survival world! With a fresh start we go into a survival world in 1.20.4 exploring for resources and building your wild ideas and themes inside Minecraft! How does it work? Glad you asked! A theme is chosen for the world and your job is… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai – Gilthunder’s Hidden Powers!

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai - Gilthunder's Hidden Powers!Video Information This video, titled ‘NANATSU NO TAIZAI ADDON SPOILERS!!! Gilthunder’s abilities’, was uploaded by Ric4rdo G4m3r on 2024-06-16 23:41:33. It has garnered 364 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:01 or 181 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftadventure #minecraftbedrock #minecraftaddons #minecraftarcane #minecraftbuilders #addons #nanatsunotaizai #anime Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!

    EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-02-29 16:50:25. It has garnered 2483 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle|| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy diggy hole… Read More

  • DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel Skyblock

    DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & UPDATE GRINDING TODAY! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:51. It has garnered 1543 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:45 or 6525 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️ #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ Discord ➡️ Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – Swurv – Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More