Sjin’s Epic Adventure: Enchanting the Twilight Forest

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Hello Med welcome back to enchant the world all the mods 9 magic mods playthrough this episode we’re going to be exploring the Twilight Forest there’s a whole bunch of materials we need from there so it’s about time I haven’t been there for years by the way so I’m

Chomping at the a bit to explore it and see what it’s got to offer there’s loads of cool materials there there’s also some crazy creatures so we’re going to make some preparations and jump through the Twilight portal now we need to actually have a Twilight portal to get

To the Twilight Forest so check this out in the fairy tale style there is this awesome beautiful amazing decoration that comes with a Twilight portal and that kind of makes sense right because the fairy tale style is very Twilight Forest in inspired and you need to go

There to grab certain blocks to build the buildings now building this building was relatively simple because all we really needed to do was get one Mossy block once you put a Mossy Block in a botany Hopper pot you can have infinite Mossy blocks and you can use those to

Make mossy stone bricks and mossy cobblestone and that was the only real tricky material for this build but yeah it looks really cool and I wanted to build this right in the middle of our compound because when it gets to level two it looks really impressive I think

It’s very nature inspired so if it’s perfectly on our nature magic inspired compound oh yeah now it comes with roads as well so we’re going to have to decorate around the compound now and maybe start to think about decorations between the buildings that we’ve already established but this looks perfect as

Soon as I can get a diamond inside the water in the middle that’s going to turn it into a portal and we’re going to be ready to explore the Twilight Forest so absolutely fantastic let’s take a closer look so yeah the water here once you put a diamond in here it

Becomes a portal all you need is flowers around a 2×2 water block so we’re looking pretty good absolutely fantastic job Jordan B now you guys are probably wondering hang on a sec why is he got two spell books and why is one of them Brown well don’t worry I haven’t been wiping with it basically what this is is I decided I needed two spell books one for offensive

Magic and one for utility and to that end we’ve kind of arranged the green spell book and ened up our spells so we’ve got touch dig long dig for those projectile digs Hammer dig for digging a big hole smelt ball now this is an interesting spell basically what this

Does is this will smelt whatever I shoot and then in theory after a delay it will dig it up and it’s a weird spell but I think this might be a good way of getting Stone let’s give it a try so here we go I buy a whole bunch of stone

If we go to smelt ball that turns it into stone and then oh yeah smelts it up digs it up and we get ourselves some smooth Stone pretty cool but certainly in theory we could turn a tree into charcoal as well no yeah no we can look there you go a

Load of charcoal and graphite oh interesting graphite we’ve also got the old favorites Mage Light self glow and then of course wizard Bridge which I’ve augmented now to be AOE this will make things easier to manage and as you can see yeah this just makes the bridge a bit bigger so it

Don’t fall off it so much pretty cool so our diamond seeds have been hard at work and we’ve basically filled up all these pots now with insanium farmland and diamond seeds plus we’ve also got some extra Surplus Diamond Essence over here that we’re going to pick up and see how

Many diamonds we can Get so not a huge amount but honestly 32 diamonds just from nothing Well actually 33 is a pretty amazing feat so a couple of things to prepare before we go to the Twilight Forest number one we’re going to fill our major spell book so what kind of damaging spells do we

Want well basically at tier one the best damage spell you can get is harm with a bunch of Amplified glyphs pretty much what you’re locked into but at tier 2 we unlock some interesting things so basically there’s two really important core spells that are going to n you lots

Of damage number one is flare what this does is if a Target is burning it will will deal static damage to them and likewise there’s cold snap which does the same thing but if an enemy is slowed wet or freezing they’ll take a burst of damage so basically what we want to do

Is well first up learn these Cliffs powder snow bucket water Essence and ice I’m fairly sure we can get those things got the water Essence at least there we go a powdered snow bucket in you go and Ice how do you make ice ice charge ice Essence oh how we can

Actually dig up ice I mean outside of silk touch on a pickax I’m not really seeing a good way of doing this maybe ice Essence uh are we going to make some ice seeds yeah you know what why not we got some spare Prosperity seeds anyway no wait hang on

A sec to make ice seeds we need ice itself oh so to get ice we are actually going to have to invest in some silk touch and you know what silk touch or the extract glyph is to too so it’s entirely possible this applies a silk touch effect to break

Amazing and it only costs one Emerald so I think we can even for that right now oh yeah amazing should have done this way earlier so in spell slot number eight we’re going to go touch we’re going to go break and then we’re going to also add extract makes it a little

Bit more expensive but silk touch is pretty impressive and there we go silk dig now we’re going to have to actually either find ice or we can freeze it ourselves using a freeze spell and here we go freeze is only tier one we’ve got all of these bits I grabbed some snow earlier

Oh yeah so again going away from the compound just to get like an area that we’re not going to ruin temp freeze there we go oh yeah now that’s the good stuff ice oh now some of this is ice some of this is blue ice it’s a bit too powerful

This spell anyway silk dig on the ice and we’ll grab this up never know when you’re going to need some packed ice and some blue ice as well so we’ll just grab that just in case for the future so one more time the cold snap glyph we’ll select

It Chuck the things we need over in here and over they go we also need the ignite glyph which we have and and flare a little bit more expensive this one but I think we can get all of these things maybe not the fire charges how do we get a fire

Charge and there we go the glyph of flare very impressive so these are going to be the most damaging spells we can possibly do we’re going to do projectile we’re going to do harm and give it loads of amplify and this is going to be harm

Ball at spell slot number one then on spell slot number two we’re going to go projectile and this is going to be the fire spell so projectile ignite and then flare now do we have to add a delay before flare I don’t think we can but what we can do is add loads

Of amplify to the flare and this should be a pretty damaging fire spell so we’re going to call this combust and even though we’re green Wizards we’re going to make this color red cuz that makes a lot more sense Maybe orange actually orange is a bit

More fire then on spell slot 3 we’re going to do the same thing but it’s going to be freeze if we can find it there we go and then cold snap with a bit of amplify on that so if the fire spell is combust we’re going to call the ice spell

Shatter oh yeah amazing and likewise this is going to be a bit of a blue color now because these are much higher damage spells we’re going to put them on our bow as well so the bow on the enchanting bench and I think most mobs are more kind of fire immune now I’m

Wondering what if we can do both for this spell that we’re going to put on our bow what if we do it what if we give it freeze then shatter cold snap then comes a delay and then we’re going to give it ignite and combust

Where is it flare and then give it a couple more amplifies and then for the final effect we’re going to give it another freeze because this is going to help slow down the mob because while we’re shooting at something we want it to stay pretty still so there we go

We’ll give this a try I’m not exactly sure if it’s going to work but we’ll know pretty soon now what’s really cool is the gem on the bow changes color depending on the kind of spell you’ve got in there so we got like a fire spell so it’s kind of like a

Ready but while I had like the cold snap spell on there it was blue that’s pretty cool we’ll have to wait until we get to the Twilight to test this out we’ll make some arrows using the Wilden spikes we got upstairs in the no kill mob farm and

We’re going to need loads of arrows cuz we’re going to go crazy in the Twilight forest and there we go I Reon six Stacks is going to be plenty speaking of the no kill mob farm though let’s go and take a look I’m curious to see what this thing has

Gathered now that we’ve left it to its own devices oh yeah oh my God 140 leather 92 feathers ender pearls on Farm blaze rods on Farm raw beef well beef’s a bit of an upgrade from bread so let’s take some of that we’re also going to bring along some experience gems because

We might actually want to get some mob yink is Mob yed anyway I’m going to go around gather the bits we need because we need to get into the Twilight Forest enough enough faffing around okay so once the beef is cooked we’ll have loads of food we’ve got three gold backpacks

Because basically what I want to do is go to the Twilight Forest gather everything and never have to come back loads of ammo and in my backpack I’ve got four eight 12 mob yers so we can capture 12 different monsters experience gems I don’t think we’ll ever need Poseidon’s Refuge but

It’s here just in case now why don’t we upgrade our backpack to Diamonds tier now that we got all these diamonds that sounds like a good idea so we’re going to take the backpack off and let’s see what’s required now it’s pretty simple actually just basically oh just loads of diamonds okay

And I think this is probably the best use for our diamonds right now we’re not going to upgrade these gold backpacks because you know what gold is fine for what we’re doing we don’t want to waste our diamonds too badly but put this back on and oh yeah a nice much bigger

Backpack this is going to be great now another use for our diamonds let’s make some more Mana Rings basically I don’t want to have to run out of Mana it’s going to be a real issue if I do and rings of discount actually stack so we’re going to make two rings of Greater

Discount that should reduce all spells by 40 in total all it costs is diamonds blaze rods and Source gems we have those anyway so Four Diamonds two ender pearls and I believe two Source gems the ring in the middle and this is a lesser discount Ring great stuff now to make this better we’re going to use blaze rods diamonds and Source gems two Blaze for diamonds and the Lesser becomes the greater now I was told that these rings do stack but this is not something I’ve tested so it’s the moment of

Truth so here we go with one ring of Greater discount on our person we right click shatter and 1 2 3 4 5 brings us down to the first little kind of golden filigree on the bar okay cool now we’ll upgrade the second ring so now with two rings of

Lesser discount equipped we’ll go back to our shatter spell and 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 it’s kind of there we definitely have seen a lower reduction there I think but what’s most important actually is both of these Rings give us extra

Mana regen and extra Max Mana H so maybe they stack maybe they don’t let me know in the comment section cuz I’m not seeing a meaningful Improvement but you never know anyway I’ll go and cook the steak now we still need a magical way to smelt things we’re still using this ugly

Smelting setup and you know what oh it’s dripping with technology and science all those things I hate I love magic so if you guys can think of a way to do some magical smelting let me know in the comments section because I’d love to up our magical smelting game okay start the

Clock we’re ready to rock I’ve got a stack full of steak loads of offensive magic loads of defensive magic I’ve got my bow of Legends we should be ready to rock I’ve got my inferium sword just in case things go wrong wrong we’ll have to make an enchanter sword at some

Point so here it is the diamond are you guys ready to venture into the Twilight Forest oh my oh we took some damage from that but there we go we have opened the portal to this world let’s go check it out Quest completed the oh my God wait

Why is the portal in the sky is that where you spawn now oh no hang on a sec I didn’t bring a diamond to make the portal home oh my my God and it’s night time here can we sleep through this no oh I should have known right

It’s the Twilight Forest it’s not it’s not the daytime Forest okay well that makes a lot of sense it’s going to be very dark very hard to see things in here but oh man the Twilight Forest this is where the adventure begins now we’re going to have to find some diamonds so

We can get home but I’m confident we will either way self glow is going to be our friend in this beautiful amazing forest now number one we’re going to need all of the trees and all of these glow bugs as well they’re going to come in

Handy now here’s a chicken is it a Twilight chicken no it’s just a regular chicken let’s try our bow on this chicken actually see what it does well I mean it exploded oh my God who oh my God o messy but luckily this fire doesn’t actually spread so we’re in luck well

Okay let’s check the map what’s going on here so we have a L’s Castle over here we have a hill over here which I believe where goblins and things are a frozen area over here a dense Dark Forest aha that looks like the uh the maze with the

Snake thing not the Hydra the other one now the quest book should have us sorted when it comes to the Twilight Forest where are we we’ve done what what quests have we done wow quite a few oh my God whoa zepher wind spirit’s head scrambled eggs oh delicious Wilden Spike and an

Orament uh technology so the Twilight Forest and there is oh my God quite the array of quests to do here Silence of the Forest grab a bug a cicada ramification find the questing RAM for it bestows wealth to those who give it rainbow wool all 16 colors

There’s a dispenser above your head in the ruins where the ram is it might prove useful oh man we did not bring all of the colors of wool what we did bring is the mob yinka so we can take the quest Ram home and the first boss is the Naga

Okay but oh man the Twilight Forest has a lot going on I’m not sure I’ll be able to do this in one episode this could be a couple of episodes exploring this sucker but the bosses are the Naga then onto the Lich then to the swamps to see if we find Shrek

Sure then we kill the minor stroganoff then it’s onto the Hydra in the fire swamp after the fire swamp it’s the Dark Forest where we kill this weird guy the Knight the the nature Knight sure then tears of fire Dark carmonite Tower and some weird kind of Beholder

Then into the snow biome where we attack the frost Queen there’s Giants then there’s a final boss I have no idea what that is and then the real final boss growing trees okay pretty cool oh wait so you’re supposed to find a raven get the Raven’s

Feather and he’ll help you to build a map okay so let’s see if we can find a raven aha there’s a raven do you this way is it you it’s you so do we kill him we need a raven feather well it might actually be worth

Capturing this guy so we’ll get the mob yinka and grab him up just in case there we go got ourselves a raven amazing the first Twilight creature captured now we’re also going to have to kill a raven to get a feather there’s one so a bit of shatter on this guy we try

Flare oh my God whoo so now we have a raven feather and this is used here we go a magic map Focus so we need glowstone dust torch berries and a raven feather so we got to go and find are we going to find some glowstone what are

You oh it’s a Ram oh a big horn we definitely want a big horn bam yoinked ah cicas oh my God these things are noisy but but we do want these guys so let’s just shoot them off of this tree boink not the easiest way of doing this

But you know what if it works it Works o a squirrel let’s yoink this sucker if we can catch him come here you lucky for me I’ve got where’s he going up the tree come here bam a squirrel boom yoinked oh what’s this aha this is a maze a hedge maze now at the middle of

The Hedge maze there is something pretty cool I believe oh my God wolves uhoh this could be bad well let’s try our new spells we try shatter is this going to kill these wolves oh my God whoa we just destroyed those wolves so easily this Spell’s pretty nuts it’s AOE

As well which means it does crazy damage we’re going to use our silk dig to get the mob spawner nice and bit of shatter no we’ll try uh no we’ll use shatter because we’re in a hedge Maze We do not want to set fire to all these Hedges even though it

Shouldn’t set fire to things you know I’m always going to be nervous of That boom boom boom Oh my God shatter is so good we’ll get this other mob spawner as well so what kind of loot do we have in the in the Twilight Forest uh nothing crazy now I’m going to start picking up these gems because I do want to go into apotheosis gem

Crafting enlightened Ironwood pick of the serendipitous oh hello how you doing friend riperoni and pepperoni cicadas Saddles kind of trash loot so far okay we’re done we’re done with the Hedge maze time to get out of Dodge whoosh so while the magical map focus is cool we don’t have any glowstone I don’t

Really want to have to go and find it a magic map is a great way to find your way around the Twilight Forest but we don’t need to we can instead just go straight to the naga now also we better keep our eyes peeled for the questing

Ram cuz I’d love to put him inside a MOBA and take him home with us what’s this tree this looks pretty cool now if memory serves inside really big trees there can be loot so we’re going to see if we can use Hammer dig oh my God

What’s this what’s this Haze I believe this is the effect that happens when you go to a biome that you’re not supposed to be in yet biome locked yeah check your advancements so we can’t go in there yet we got to wait until oh now these jars are

Pretty oh I like these jars Firefly jars yes please long dig should get these down from the trees that they’re hiding in oh wait a minute look over here there’s dwarf rabbits now that sounds like some something I could use where are they yeah let’s grab one

Of these oh my God these look way cuter than the Minecraft rabbits so YY yink uhoh the wolf’s chasing them as well come here you boom a dwarf rabbit and I’m fairly confident we’ll be able to get uh if we put this inside a containment jar maybe some rabbit’s feet

Maybe some rabbit hide so let’s go inside one of these big trees and see what it has to offer us yeah here we go so can we climb our way to the top okay but no dice in this tree nothing going on no secret loots it seems like

So okay we’re kind of messing around a little bit but the first thing we want to do is track down this Naga this is exactly where he is that’s Jun North let’s go and grab him take him out now we can fly through the Frozen biome I’m

Fairly sure without any real oh no no no oh we’re freezing ah okay so don’t even go into the Frozen biome you will die yeah a word to the why stay away from the Frozen biome until you’re ready so instead we’ll go around the Frozen biome on our way to

The hydra’s layer now can we go through the Dark Forest oh my God this thing looks crazy yeah it’s a short kind of flight I reckon if we spam Mage leap we can zip straight through oh okay yeah we made it right so the hydra’s player where is he no the

Naga he’s somewhere in here oh my god there he is oh he’s huge he looks amazing now how badass is our bow going to be versus this dude let’s try it wrong time for self glow to wear off there he is he sees us uh-oh oh my God he does a lot of

Damage oh my God oh my God he’s quick he’s so quick okay yeah so every single Arrow we do takes off basically one bar of Health oh my God what’s going on why why are the blocks breaking around me oh he’s here so that’s the bow let’s try some

Basic spells I reckon this guy might be weak to fire so we’re going to try combust on him where is he oh no it’s Hannah the most annoying boss mob in the game now we can kind of spam this a little bit at least oh he sees me

Oh no oh yeah so he breaks the blocks that we’re standing on which means we can’t cheese this guy okay stalking through the n’s maze where’s he gone oh H oh my God yeah when the spell hits it does so much damage who he absolutely destroyed him

That’s incredible oh my God this bow is the bow of Legends now this is a floating nuger head oh no it’s gone so what’s this now canopy chest ah this is where the loot appears so we got the trophy cuz we killed the Naga we got some SC

These are used to make some prettyy sweet armor but there we go now one of the things we’re going to need to make some of these buildings that we have in the fairy tale style pack is all of these blocks from the Naga stronghold look at this they’re very cool looking I love

The patterns so we’re just going to grab a load with hammer dig and take them home now I know what you guys are thinking why did we mob yink the and get all of his loot forever in a containment jar and well that’s kind of because the

Way the Twilight Forest works is if you don’t kill the Naga you can’t really progress so it had to be done so the first boss has been crashed that means we’ve got access to the next boss let’s check the quests to work out who that is get some free Naga scales

Why not and yeah here we go bring out your dead it’s the Necromancer he lives in a castle very nice castle one like this one I guess I think this could be the one we’re looking for so let’s float on over there and see if we can grab it

Yeah now we can kind of make a shortcut all the way to his room I think at least we can just fly to the top of the tower use Hammer dig and yeah there he is the Lich inside his house right here so we’re just going

To clear away some of this wood cuz it’s in the way oh watch out wait who’s shooting us now oh my God the L is here how’s he got to us so quickly get out of here right so where’s he gone oh there he is okay let’s get

Him oh my God now something’s going wrong our arrows are not really damaging him he has taken some health damage but there’s some kind of trick with the Lich we don’t use conventional Weaponry to kill him so how does this work it’s a three-phase fight but only one phase is

Unique he surrounds himself in Shields attacks you with ender pearls that shoot out like gas Fireballs reflect these back to break the shields as his Shields break he’ll send out duplicates to distract you but yeah we’re going to need our sword to I guess shoot back his

Attacks like that is that an attack it looks a bit weird okay be ready yes okay we broke a shield and again yes another shield down oh my God oh my God yes okay now he’s done he’s done he’s done now he’s on his Undead phase

This is where we can shoot him with our bow so bow at the ready yes now he’s weak where is he gone he keeps teleporting around though he’s very difficult to track every time he takes damage almost it seems but I got this i got

This there he is gotcha gotcha son oh my god when we hit him he does crazy damage okay now he’s using his sword that’s only a problem if he can get to me which he can’t cuz he’s a massive scrub wait no we killed him oh my God he he died so

I believe the chest should spawn in his layer down there yeah it has and let’s see what the loot is oh yeah scepter of fortif what the hell oh it’s a book well these look really cool so I’m going to grab one death Tome so the loot is pretty

Cool some golden armor an ender pearl a lich trophy which we’re going to need and a scepter of fortification don’t know what that does but it sounds pretty powerful we got a reappearing block okay interesting some golden apples lovely stuff and oh acceptor of fortification that’s giv us more golden apples next up

To the swamps and we got to find Shrek in the swamps a maze breaker trapped H right yeah so we’re looking for the underground Labyrinth which is where the minor lives yeah here we go we got two lumps here a small lump and a big lump here we go this is the big Lump only one way to find out what’s at the bottom of here and that is with my friends a bit of touch dig okay where are we now oh get away from me creeper oh my God spiders loot chests though what kind of loot are we finding down here oh

Stalwart fiery leggings steel leaf Ironwood pickaxe pretty good stuff let’s keep going oh my God oh my God what is that oh oh my God I got to capture one of these Goblin dudes just because of the way they laugh honestly okay yoinker at the ready we’re

Looking for one of these weird little Goblin dudes where are you my friends now while we’re here actually if we get very lucky we might find a diamond oh my God I want one of those a fire Beetle lovely next up we want where is that Goblin oh a diamond

Amazing now we can get home my boys there he is little Goblin dude got him a red cap okay oh my God there’s so many monsters down here it’s crazy so one of those green slimy scorpion things yeah gotcha slime Beetle and we’re free so we have raided

One of those weird big mounds looks like there’s goblins inside loads of loot loads of ore a great place to loot but it’s not where the minor is what’s this over here there’s a couple of houses I didn’t even know people lived in this crazy Dimension let’s go

And find out who these guys are hello my dude nice house oh it’s a who are you what are you I want one a skeleton Druid okay interesting and silk dig up his spawner just in case so what kind of stuff does this guy have in his

House and a lot golden Apple’s good now the Twilight Forest is much more dangerous than I remember but while we’re here let’s grab some of these trees as well Mangrove Roots these are also required for our build style so a bit of long dig another bit of long

Dig so I am woefully underprepared for the Twilight Forest that much is evident to me now while our weapons can deal with these guys pretty simply I don’t think I have enough protection I need more Health more armor more backpack space more mob yers but before we head

Home we’re going to get the basic materials we need to just plow through with these fairy tale buildings and also I want to bring home the questing ram so the RAC is on to find the ruins where he lives oh man yeah so much easier to find

The questing RAM and the ruins we’re looking for in third person with my UI turned off now what’s that down there is that ruins are you a questing ram no O A what hog though no I’ve got one more mob yinka I’m going to have to breing home the questing ram in

It now if you guys look there is a pattern to the Twilight Forest basically special structures spawn in a grid-like pattern you got a castle here the Frozen bit here a castle here and the mound here so basically if you follow these grid locations you’ll always find something interesting like for example

The Hedge maze over here there’s a small Mound here so by that logic there’s something interesting right about here so there is another way that we can track down the questing ram we’re going to have to use this raven feather to make a magical map of the Twilight Forest and honestly I probably

Should have done this before I started zipping around looking for all the stuff that I was going to need a man I wish I had more mob yers there’s so many interesting animals over here crazy now we have almost everything we need for the magical map which just missing one

Thing now globies are not hard to find basically if you can find a little kind of Gap in the floor like a ravine just like this one there’s nine times out of 10 going to be glowberries just glowing inside them or sorry not glowberries torch berries there we go so we got the

Torch berries now we should be able to make this magical map the magic map Focus boom here we go now we use this with a whole bunch of paper around the edge to make a blank magic map so paper around the edge the magic map focus in

The middle and we get ourselves a blank magic map let’s take a look okay okay what does this mean ah so we can see on the map now well not a lot we need to explore more let’s go and expose some areas for this magical map now on the magical map the Enchanted

Forest which is where we’re looking for the ruins that could have the questing ram is teal now I don’t know if this is teal or not this looks more like a swamp than a place where a questing ram could be is that teal what color even is

Teal oh my God my dudes at long last we have finally found the Enchanted Forest Now look for on the map it’s going to be a teal color it’s going to have I don’t know if these rings are supposed to happen but yeah this looks like exactly what we’re looking for an enchanted

Forest biome with a structure in the middle now I’ve looked far and wide like all over the world oh my God I had no idea what I was looking for but yeah look for this magical teal color on the map these biomes are very rare very very

Rare oh wait there’s another one over there well they’re quite rare and this is where we’re going to find the questing ram I hope at least so let’s Mage leap over here and fingers crossed this guy is knocking around come on Mr Quest hello is it you yes it’s you oh my

God this is the dude this absolute Legend This absolute unit of a ram is the questing ram now the idea is you give him one of every single type of color wool and he gets longer and longer and longer and when you give him every single type of color he’ll give you

Something special now I don’t know what that’s going to be but we’ll take him home and I’ll do that at home basically I can get all the wool at home I’ve got dye I can make some dye seeds even from mystical agriculture now there is one

More thing we’re going to be looking for basically we need to get a tree of Time and to get a tree of time we have to look inside these trees basically these massive big trees sometimes have in the middle a loot chest with a bunch of random items and that is where you will find the different types of trees that are in the Twilight Forest now luckily

With Mage leap getting around through these trees is very very very simple because more often than not these trees are totally empty and don’t have any loot now if memory serves one way you can find out which trees have Loot and which ones don’t is the ones that have

Loot will have a kind of monster spawner at the top for spiders so we’re just going to fly to all of these trees and see what we can find because fingers crossed will find one pretty soon Honestly though I don’t know how you would do the Twilight Forest without

Mage leap or some kind of travel spell like we have because it’s insanely huge and getting around this area is a nightmare but you know Mage leap makes everything better oh hang on a sec do you hear that I hear a spider yeah that means I think somewhere

Around here let’s just use ultim mine to get rid of some of these leaves yeah looks like inside this wood it could be aha yes so we’ll deal with these rude dudes silk dig up that spawner cuz you never know and fingers crossed let’s see if we

Can find a tree of time inside this chest wait who are you there we go ah yes amazing perfect we have have a tree of time sapling that is lucky there’s also a mangrove a Darkwood which is also from the Twilight Forest could come in handy the rest is junk though

Now as far as loot goes that’s not a m oh these guys are hiding in the corner didn’t think I’d see you eh well time to combust dudes so usually loot is a bit better but yeah look out for these big old trees keep your ears on alert for

The sound of spiders and if you can hear spiders there’s a good chance there’s going to be loot inside them let’s see if we can find another big tree though I want to find another big tree and time to loot the chest what’s inside this one okay ooh a music

Disc and wait what these are head fireflies I can wear these and I get maximum Mana that sounds pretty cool all right well it’s time to build ourselves a Twilight portal and find our way home we’ve got the tree of time time we got the questing

Ram so a diamond into a pond and we’re home the fairy tale style from mine colonies is a real pain in the beeswax so only jump into this style if you’re prepared to go to the Twilight Forest and have to hunt around for ages to find the right materials but now we have

Everything we need to get the initial buildings to level three but some buildings could still surprise us I do like this guard Tower though I love how it looks like like a big old magic mushroom and there we go the building is complete now let’s get back to business

Oh man yeah so this building is finally level three but this is great news now that the guard Tower is level three we’ve got all of this area around us and I think what I can do is expand lasting Integrity we’re going to build a garden

Down the bottom and a bridge that goes over to that’s right a second tower and I’ve also probably got the materials to get the town hall to level three so I feel like things are going pretty good but before we end this episode we cannot end the episode without checking out the

Wa hang on a sec let’s go and kill Daryl I’ve got my bow of Legends now so this should be no worries one two oh is he casting spells at me I didn’t know they could do That he is oh my God it’s a it’s it’s a weird casting dude either way is he going to drown I think he might drown oh who look the summon Undead spells really Cool oh I feel sorry for these guys man my freeze arrows are really messing up this River okay time to make this guy combust come on Daryl I don’t think you’re very legendary oh he’s underwater so we can’t freeze him well I guess it’s arrows Then yeah oh man our spells are crazy nice bit of loot Daryl’s Windswept legs so I’m going to go out to my computer get the wool get all of the dyes we’re going to need and uh let’s feed them to the questing R so here we go sometime later and I

Have all of well one of each of the different color walls except white wool which I got 7 off because well I made too much wool but yeah we got the mob yoinker here let’s put him down and I think the quest round probably wants to live near the Twilight portal a little

Taste of home for this dude oh he’s a real unit so what we’re going to do is we’re going to stretch this guy like Stretch Armstrong kind of by giving him all of the different color walls every time you right click on him he gets a different band

Corresponding to the color you gave him now unfortunately it’s in the order that you give it to him so if you want to make him a proper rainbow you have to do it in the right order which we haven’t done but St as you mean to go on we’re

Just going to give this to him in a slap Dash order there we go and also it looks like he’s attracted to wool so he’ll kind of come closer if you got colored wool yeah how’s it going bro a this is a very happy dude indeed

Come on let’s give him all of this wool does he want a white one yeah it does apparently and finel Mo the brown wool oh my God this is a long boy oh my God every time he turns he kind of tail swipes you but there we go

We’ve done it every single color wool and what has he given us oh so he’s given us a crumble horn which is used to what is what is it used to do oh it cracks bricks deep slate tiles into cracked deep slate tiles under brick into cracked under brick that

That’s going to be really good and also a bundle ah well I mean it’s okay it’s an okay reward but yeah here we go oh we got a quest Ram walking around town so my dudes thank you for watching this episode of enchant the world this episode we went to the Twilight Forest

And honestly I don’t know what I was thinking imagining we’d get through the whole thing in one episode that was nuts there’s so much to the Twilight Forest it’s huge it’s complicated and most importantly we got the materials we needed to upgrade our fairy tale style next episode EP we’re going to be

Upgrading the base now that we’ve got the colony boundaries expanded we can get some more gardens put down oh yeah and we’ll go from there but until next time a massive thank you for watching make sure you hit like And subscribe drop your comments in the comments box

Below if you got any tips or tricks advice suggestions or comments at all I love to read your comments so keep them coming in but until next time my dudes from me and the questing ram who we’re going to have to give a name as well oh

Yeah in the comment section drop a name for our questing Ram he this guy needs a name but until next time my dudes take care

This video, titled ‘Enchant The World – #11 Into The Twilight Forest’, was uploaded by Sjin on 2024-03-25 17:15:01. It has garnered 10787 views and 656 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:03 or 2643 seconds.

Modded Minecraft: All The Mods 9 (atm9) 🏰 Magic Mods 🏰

This episode we craft the best tier 1 and tier 2 damage spells in ars nouveau and take these weapons of destruction to the twilight forest to gather materials for our minecolonies buildings and fight bosses for loot!


Submit your colonist names here: or

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All The Mods 9 – 0.2.51

World Seed: feedthevoid

Minecraft version 1.20.1 Shaders: Complimentary Shaders

Subscribe for more lets play and gameplay videos! Thanks for watching!

In this short video, I’ll be talking about the new ATM9 mod for Minecraft. If you’re a fan of mods for Minecraft, be sure to check out this new mod! This mod changes the way you interact with ATM9, adding in new features and gameplay tweaks that you won’t want to miss.

#Sjin #AllTheMods #ATM9 #Minecraft #Minecolonies

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  • Elysian SMP

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