Skip the Tutorial – 63 Minecraft Features that Need to Come Back

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This is every feature we’d love to see return to Minecraft how do you craft a golden apple well that’s true but that’s not how it always was since when the enchanted golden apples were added back in 1.3.1 you could originally craft these out of eight golden blocks in an

Apple now In fairness there wasn’t the kind of gold Farms that we had now back then so they were renewable but they were still ridiculous to get there even used to be an achievement for this when you crafted it you know back when they were called achievements it would give

You the overpowered achievement but as soon as the snapshots for 1.9 rolled around this feature was removed which was pretty big bummer especially because it was bundled with the fact that regular golden apples got a more expensive recipe as well going from nuggets to ingots and for a while that’s

Just how it was this was supposed to be one of the rarest items in the game but with things like ancient city chests you’re able to find quite a lot of these so if they were meant to be rare and now they’re not as much I don’t get why the

Crafting recipe isn’t there anymore it’d be a nice feature to return especially since people go out of their way to download this through vanilla tweaks it just seems obvious what happens when you take a screenshot in Minecraft you’re probably expecting something like this or more like likely some mistake one

Like this but for a brief time during the inev phase of Minecraft there was actually a way to take an isometric screenshot that would look like this and when you press the F7 key it would save the current location of all the mobs and then show any alterations to the map

That you had made and while there are some mods that let us do the same thing like the isometric renders mod it would be really cool to see this come back into the base game especially since we’re able to build way more impressive things than we could back in the inev

Phase and also there’s a lot of function keys at the top of the keyboard that still aren’t doing anything in Minecraft seems like a good EXC used to bind it to one of those on this channel we’ve often talked about how lame The Cauldron is and I’ll still stuck by that but what

Makes this even more hurtful is the fact that the cauldron could have been so much better since one of the features that Mojang removed from Minecraft was the plans for an advanced potion system and with this idea we could have made a lot more modifications to the potions

That we’re used to instead of just adding red stone for duration and glowstone for potency and until we see changes like the ones that were shown off in the combat test snapshot I think the best we’re going to see for a while is just changing the potion colors like

They did in the the last update which is nice but it could have been so much cooler and hopefully it still will if you look at the original Sprite file for the items. PNG that used to be in Minecraft I notic there quite a few items that were textured but never added

To the game fully and among those was the quiver which had its origins in the legend of the chambered game that Notch had made prior and more interestingly is that this wasn’t just a forgotten thing since on the 22nd of January in 2010 the texture was actually flipped to a BM

Mured version so they didn’t forget about it until of course they switched the way that Minecraft worked entirely with the resource pack update and that meant we lost the quiver that was until dinnerbone tweeted out these two screenshots one showing the quiver being used in survival and another one showing

In the creative inventory so it seemed like they even plan to add it in with the new tipped arrows but again after 1.9 fully came out there was no mention of this anymore but with inventory management being such a big problem for Minecraft having a different way to hold

Extra arrows on hand without having to clog up your inventory I think that’s still worth exploring you ever realize that Minecraft used to feel quite a bit scarier well that’s not just your imagination and Nostalgia blindness but part of that could also be features like void fog getting removed in recent

Updates truly the lower that you got down to the world when you eventually reach the Bedrock floor you would have this huge dark fog clogging up your vision which created a really great spooky atmosphere when you’re down there Branch mining but in 2014 Mojang removed the void fog in that was supposed to

Help improve performance but now that there’s a lot more people to help out optimizing Minecraft and a lot more performance mods even if they don’t I think it’d be nice to see this return in some official capacity even if it’s just an option that you can turn off in accessibility speaking of removing

Features cuz they caused a lot of lag should that mobs used to be scared of creepers sure enough when there was a creeper that was ready to explode early versions of the game would see other Hostile Mobs run away from the creeper which was a fun little detail but the

Way they went about implementing it was a little silly since the way that it was coded each mob would be checking for an exploding creeper near them every single tick which is a lot of updates to send out and really I’m surprised there wasn’t a simpler way to do that just

That the creeper when it’s ready to explode send a tag out to other nearby hostile mobs in a certain radius and then they can get scared that way it’s reactive instead of proactive but apparently it was just easier to remove this entirely though I would still like

To see it return and hopefully better coded before the so-called flattening there are ways to give yourself special six-sided blocks through give commands in Minecraft some of these have been added in official capacity such as the six-sided logs of the smooth stone block I think it’d be great to see something

Like the six-sided piston return as an official capacity maybe it’s a crate block or if you want to add in extra Redstone functionality you could use this as a way to extend the Piston push limit past 12 blocks I don’t know I just think it would be cool to see these

Features that were historic in some Minecraft players Journey return officially especially if they’ve already picked a few of them to do this with it’s only in recent years that twitch and Minecraft have become a lot more synonymous at least in a cultural sense because really back in 2013 there was a

Native way to integrate your account directly into Minecraft you could literally broadcast out of your Minecraft without the need for OBS and have your Twitch chat show up as if it was a regular chat message it’s a weird idea to say the least and I can get why

The feature was removed back then but with things like Minecraft championship and the dream SMP really making twitch and Minecraft more of a household thing together I think it would be a fun idea especially if they do something like this game called choice chamber where your chat can actually choose to summon

In things through the game there’s been plenty of unofficial mods that have done this so having an official way to do this especially if they already have some of the code that would be awesome in a brief period between Minecraft 1.9 to 1.10 there existed a bug called

Piston translocation which is that if the Piston arm extended into you and then retracted it could pull you up through the piston which when that existed allowed for some incredibly fast and impressive elevators I mean really the ways that this let you manipulate entities was pretty impressive but now

It just doesn’t work the same Not only was the bug patched out but now if you have a piston push you down it pushes you into crawling and I think having some way for this feature to return be really cool maybe even taking after this Reddit post and saying that it should be

A translocator block I don’t know I think it’d be neat creative Mode’s supposed to let you do anything in Minecraft but even then there’s still been some features that we’ve lost along the years one of which was the ability to have Nether and End Portal blocks inside inside of your inventory in

Creative mode I mean you’re able to do a set block command and summon in another portal like this without the actual portal frame so why are we not then allowed to place down that same block if we had it in our inventory and to make matters even funnier through the use of

A glitch like this that we’ve shown off in the past in Bedrock Edition you’re actually able to get a portal block as an item in survival and that seems a lot more broken than this fix that they added then so I think at least seen it

Come back to creative would be a nice middle ground when I say the phrase audio Loops what do you think of well probably Tik Tock but these actually exist in Minecraft well before Tik Tok was even a thing see if you go into the game’s old files you can find these

Dormant sounds that exist in the folder and these were meant to play as Ambiance in different locations some of which that will’ll play here those being things like birds chirping Chimes that would play when you were in caves and even adding in specific sounds for something like a waterfall which makes

It a lot more exciting than just seeing a one block water source hanging out of the side of a cave especially with all the changes that we got to World Generation and the Wild update in the caves and cliffs and honestly I would much rather have caves sound like this

Than the spooky cave sounds that would get otherwise I’m not past substitution Zombie Pigmen are gone because these mobs that we find now in the nether they’re zombified piglins which I know seems like splitting hairs but it is unfortunate for how iconic this original design was to have no way to actually

Put it back into the base game and maybe having a way to put one of these properly into your world would be a nice touch kind of like using a name tag on a rabbit to get the special toast variant if we were able to name a zombified

Piglin the same way that’d be a good chance for us older players to experience the olden days without having to look at the old nether texture might at because that should definitely stay dead and with all the changes that Minecraft’s got into its World Generation it’s odd that they would

Remove this one see for a time if you were to create a new world in Minecraft then mixed in there with the Amplified and super flat world types there did exist one called customized and this gave you a lot of variation to how you made your world generate being able to

Change things like the ores the sea level and even what structures generated where so you got some really crazy results and honestly it wouldn’t be Mojang’s first time adding these back since while they were initially added for 1.8 they did get removed in 1.13 that was until snapshot 20w 21A where

They were added back in except for now we’ve got no in-game way to actually modify the world menus and the only way that you do it is by importing a custom Json file which if you’re going to add it in that much why not just give us

Full control in the game I don’t know I think it would make it more accessible this isn’t Steve but rather it’s the old human mob that used to exist in Minecraft and folks used to is an understatement this was in the game a long time ago which means that it also

Got removed pretty early on on to the game’s development and while I’m not saying that we should have to encounter these in survival I do think that having one of these accessible through creative commands could be a really nice way to open up map makers to some new

Possibilities what I’m saying is that I’ve played way too many custom maps that use armor stands for basically the same thing so if we could instead use NPCs that actually look like players I think that would be a welcome change but if you bring them back also make sure

That they move around less janky cuz if they look like this I’d rather stick to the static statues this is dirt and this is grassless dirt but that’s actually the point since while there’s no way to prevent a regular block of dirt from getting grass grown on top of it the

Special grassless dirt variant allows map makers to actually have a variation of dirt that they don’t have to worry about keeping it separate and quarantined from the other grass blocks and now I know there is coarse dirt but that itself has a different texture which doesn’t so much solve the problem

As it does just brush it under the rug and since this version of dirt already existed with old commands I think adding it back in with the help of NBT data would be a nice middle ground for the more recent versions in 1.72 Mojang added in the super secret settings to

Minecraft and I guess they were so much of a secret that they would go on to remove them in 1.9 but what did this do well when you press the button it would actually put different Shader effects onto your world and while a lot of those were pretty trippy and far from usable

What this did hint at was the idea of having actual Shader support built into Minecraft which would be a really nice option to have especially for players on consoles so while I don’t think we need all the super secret setting filters added back in I some of them just look

Horrendous I do think that if mojing was going to add proper Shader support then that’s worth r visiting especially when Bedrock Edition has proper Ray tracing come on that would just be so cool on Java this screenshot is illegal in modern Minecraft and it’s nothing to do

With what’s in the picture but rather the picture itself since for only a brief time during Minecraft’s history there was an implementation where you were able to take 645 megapixel screenshots and as Mumba put that into perspective a 1080p screen is 2 megapixels an 8K screen that would be 33

Maps this $50,000 camera that would be 400 maps and my craft still 245 bigger that would have been a resolution of 36,45 by 17,700 pixels and why you could only do this back in the beta versions that might have been for good reason because most one of these screenshots could take

Up 1.8 gbes of space and most of the time that didn’t even work and I’m not saying I want to take screenshots that are that big I do think that having the opportunity to take super high resolution screenshots in game would still be an awesome feature we just

Being able to change our screenshot resolution anyway much of the same same way you can do with replay mod that would be a welcome return that puts the power back in the players hands instead of accidentally filling up their hard drive when you press the F2 key with

Five leather and three iron ingots you can craft a saddle or at least you used to be able to and the same was true with being able to craft horse armor but while those were added into the game for a brief time they also were eventually removed which is just unfortunate the

Horse already feels like a feature that doesn’t get a lot of love especially since elyas are added and this just makes it even tougher so seeing a way to craft this would be really cool in the newer versions especially if we could add armor trims to our horse armor that

Would just be awesome Minecraft’s textures have changed a lot over the years but one of the most noticeable is when you look at the old wool colors now well the dies that we use on these pieces of wool haven’t changed as much we have had three different variations

To how our wool blocks look it looked like this before 1.4.2 this before 1.12 and how they look today and while I get making the change of the other textures I do think that some of these colors should still have their chance to shine and who knows maybe if we had a feature

Much like how we dye our leather armor that would be a good middle ground to add these back in that way we still keep the colors that we’re used to and we gain the colors that only some of us are used to the farlands is one of the most

Famous bugs in history or I should say glitch I guess the most famous bug would be like a bee or a mosquito or something but for how short of a time this was in the game it’s amazing how much of an impact it leaves on players even to this

Day and so while it’s not possible to have the farlands in your recent world you can go out 30 million blocks and be greeted with nothing I think the opportunity of having farlands added in intentionally would be a great thing for us to see even if it was just a world

Type that you could choose that way you don’t confuse new players who happen to stumble upon this in their survival world and it would let a lot of fans experience the far lands for themselves instead of having to watch a YouTube video to get the experience Minecraft Villages today look very different from

How they have in the past and while a lot of those changes have been pretty good improvements I do think it’s weird that gravel roads were taken out entirely from Villages now don’t get me wrong in some cases the path block can fit just fine but in a desert or snowy

Biome not as much and really I think bringing back the gravel roads for cases like this would just make more sense and it would help to give a little bit more variet to how these generate which with how much more often villagers generate since 1.14 it’d be nice to have a little

Variation so they don’t get old as fast did you know the chests used to be a full Block in size which not only looks weird to see today but it also meant that we could place things like Redstone and torches on top of the chests and

Having the ability to do that in recent versions would be a really welcome change for Redstone and while barrels do serve as a middle ground for this let’s face it you also can’t use those for double chests the only time you he a double barrels on a shotgun so being

Able to mix all of this storage with all this functionality from the past I think that’d be fun to explore for a brief time mojing added in the pickaxe block to Minecraft and I mean really brief it was an April Fool’s joke but while it

Might have been added in as a gag in the vote update the idea behind this feature might still hold some water and being able to use a redstone block that could actually break blocks in front of it that be something that The community’s Wanted for years and the same also goes

For its counterpart with the placing block which if the pickaxe block was a left click function this one function as the right click and while they probably need to be rebalanced so that they weren’t so crazy I think that if Mojang ever decides to get rid of TNT

Duplication throwing both of these in could be a way to ease the blow the morph mod is one of the most popular Minecraft mods in history and for good reason shape shifting is fun and Mojang must have known that since they added in the potion of the entity in snapshot 23

W13 A or B yeah that’s literally the name of it it’s an APR Fool’s joke just stick with me and well I think adding back in this potion and survival would be too much just having the ability with commands to turn yourself into any other mob that would be great for vanilla and

Particularly great for all the channels that do 100 days of living as a mob though if they do that please just don’t add any the buff versions of those mobs those should only exist in YouTube thumbnails back during the development phases of Minecraft notch originally added these giant zombies to the game

And the idea is that these would function as some kind of Boss when you saw them in the game but that whole idea fell through though they weren’t properly removed either since according to notch they were just too cool to remove and honestly I disagree considering the only time I’ve ever seen

These in the game they’ve never had AI so they’re basically just a big statue not to mention the fact that they only have 100 hearts of Health Heth which did seem big at the time but that’s the exact same amount of Health as the Iron Golem which when you do a size

Comparison is not nearly as impressive Don’t Go Near this chicken because as of the 2.0 update chickens were a neutral mop and they would even attack the player if they started to look at them almost like an Enderman would but even if that was the case the chicken still

Seems like a pretty easy mob to deal with so what’s the problem well the issue is that much like Zelda these could spawn reinforcements to come after you which is simultaneously horrifying and hilarious you’ve heard of hardcore mode but what about super hostile mode strange as it may seem this is actually

A difficulty that Mojang made themselves and in this it would spawn several charged Creepers full arour zombie and even skeletons around you just as soon as you took a chance by punching wood or crafting and honestly this sounds to me more like the custom game modes that

Funy makes than anything we’d ever see in the base game but if you were able to play this version of the game and get to the end that’d be more than impressive are Minecraft bundles extinct we honestly don’t know I mean sure they were added into the game in 1.17 but

They still don’t have a proper implementation I mean you can’t even craft them and now that we’ve gone to Minecraft updates since the future that’s still the case and while this item does still seem useful with the ability to let you stack up 64 items regardless of the item type it was

Ultimately removed from the caves and cliffs part two so is it extinct who knows but is it forgotten well not by the community but maybe by Mojang now when you break glass with your fist it’s supposed to drop nothing so why does this work well that’s because using

Chemicals we were able to create hardened glass and with this it’ll take longer to break than normal glass but it’ll drop it s when broken by any tool or hand and folks it isn’t just us who has trouble breaking this glass but the creepers have issues too since even

Though a regular glass block has a blast resistance of 0.3 when we use aluminum oxide and Boron trioxide to make Harden glass now it’s got a blast resistance of nine which just for perspective makes that harder than any building block that isn’t made out of obsidian if you were

To put ammonia and phosphorus inside of the lab table then you can get this new item called super fertilizer and from the name you can probably guess what it does what we’ve got here is a special kind of bone meal and the easiest way to visualize it is that this works like

Bone meal used to back in 2012 because if you use the super fertilizer it’ll instantly bring trees and crops to maturity so you don’t have to worry about a random chance of jumping up a stage and also if you were to try this on a grass block then it’ll grow more

Flowers in a bigger area than regular bone meal which makes bone meal seem pretty lame by comparison if you play Minecraft on PC you’re probably not familiar with this but for those of you who played Minecraft on Console this is instantly recognizable as the Minecraft tutorial world and it’s probably a bit

Nostalgic cuz this hasn’t been in the game since but in this iconic World you’d find the classic Minecraft logo built across the sky with a whole bunch of tutorials underneath and teach you the details of Minecraft but as Charming as this was it was removed from the game

Eventually and now the only way to get it is by downloading a map and I guess if anyone should be happy this got removed it would be me but I’m a little sad to see this piece of Minecraft history go to the Wayside ever since Minecraft’s Wild update this popular

Feature no longer exists but before 1.19 it was possible to upgrade your brightness from Bright to super bright considering that you could go into the game’s files and just manually change the gamma settings but I guess it does make sense that the same update that they added in the deep dark they would

Also remove this insane brightness option it kind of removes the fun and nowadays the only way they’re going to pull this off is by using one of the many mods out there that exist for a third party alternative now from afar these look like villagers but up close

You can quickly realize these are the new NPC mobs and yeah they’re literally called NPCs and here we have the ability to customize these new characters in some pretty neat ways such as giving them a custom some name choosing their appearance out of 20 different skins and

We can even let them create these dialogue Boxes by using attached commands and luckily for us and for the NPCs they’re invincible so they’re not going to take any damage from any mobs or players that decide to get a little Rowdy and honestly this is a feature

That map makers in Java would kill for and for that matter they look a lot better than armor stands so I hope we get them in the base game too every classroom’s going to have its own rules and that’s where they allow and deny blocks come in now as you can guess by

The name these are blocks that you can set up as an educator to play specific areas where players can or cannot build think of it like selective spawn protection and that way a teacher could set up a plot for the class to build all without getting the classroom griefed I

Think that’s a fair trade-off If You Were Somehow able to beat the one block at a time update you’d find out that after breaking all the end crystals in the game or by resummoning the dragon you’d be able to ride the boss just by punching it which was capable of letting

Us do some pretty wild things over here in the Overworld which is good because normally when you ride a dragon in the Overworld it doesn’t do much so this is a welcome change of pace and if you were to ride the Ender Dragon down into the

Void you’d find that in this update it’s a lot more forgiving now it teleports the player right up to build limit in the Overworld which is still going to be hard to clutch but you have a much higher chance of surviving if you’re not instantly deleting the black abyss

Minecraft’s pigs have never been particularly fast but that’ll changes when they get in the mud see taken after Minecraft Earth this Muddy Pig variant loves to roam around in the mud found in swamps and lucky for us it moves pretty fast when it does which means we can

Ride them for a new form of agile Transportation or if that’s still not cool enough for you then just know that you can sheer its tulip for some extra die as well giving us both a new farm and a new ride this here is the camera

And what’s unique about it is that it works as both an entity and an item in your inventory and talking about the ladder first if you use it inside of your inventory you can take a firstperson screenshot as you expect but when you place it on the ground then

It’ll become an entity and start to take photos from the camera’s perspective and it even tracks the player while you’re walking around for the perfect shot and I know it does look intimidating considering that it plays the same detonation animation as the TNT but don’t worry it’s completely safe and

Once it gets the perfect shot you can look inside your new portfolio item and see the different photos that it takes which considering Bedrock doesn’t have a screenshot functionality I guess is the best we got while Minecraft’s textures have famously changed a lot the game doesn’t just look different but it

Sounds different too and nowh is that more noticeable than if you take damage whereas now we’re familiar with this damage sound effect in the past there was that classic sound effect where Steve would say and is charming as that is it’s easy to understand why it was

Eventually removed this here is an ice bomb and while it sounds cool it’s use is even cooler since with one of these you’re able to freeze water on impact and since you can throw this like an egg projectile you can even start to use this for your own kind of ice bomb

Parkour though be careful when you try this because it does have a cool down like an ender pearl and what’s also interesting is that this is the only projectile that’s capable of hitting an Enderman but the reason that it does is because there’s no effect for getting

Hit by this but it is worth mentioning that if you throw one of these while you’re underwater it’ll collide with a water source block and encase you inside of ice which might just offer you some readymade protection while you’re hiding away from a drown did you know could

Ride a ghast well kind of since in 2015 Mojang made it in such a way where you could get on a ghast but you couldn’t control it and the same could be said about pigs since there was no more carrot on a stick so you couldn’t choose

Where the pig wanted to go which is a bummer but it turns out that without it they’re able to climb walls now giving us the kind of spider pig that even Homer Simpson can appreciate this is the deadliest rabbit in Minecraft or at least was the deadliest rabbit in

Minecraft but ever since 1.8 the killer bunny variant no longer has a chance of spawning and the reason for this according to Jeb is that the joke’s already been made to death so it was then removed or should I say the spawning was then removed because if you

Use the summon command it is still possible to get I just wouldn’t recommend that you stand too close when you do Minecraft dungeons added in this mob called the enchanter and now we’ve added them to the base game here this guy enchants nearby mobs to make them into more powerful versions which is

Intimidating for sure but I think it also adds a fun challenge to your next raid and since they’re not that threatening by themselves it makes sense that they try and buff the nearby vindicators to give you some more trouble and I think that’s a welcome

Change of face for the next time you get the bad Omen effect this here is a balloon but what might shock you is just how powerful this thing is because even though we can tie this entity to a wall or a fence to keep it grounded it’s when

We tie it to a mob that it really starts to get silly see in the education Edition you can get these guys to lift right off the ground but unfortunately you can’t attach these to monsters so there goes the killing method but if it means anything you can still pick up an

Iron golem so that’s kind of funny in its own right and if you have yourself a bow and arrow or a trident you can even shoot down the balloons to pop them when dolphins are first added to Minecraft they came along with a buck which is that through special methods you

Actually able to equip armor onto Dolphins granted you wouldn’t be able to see it since it didn’t render on top of the mob but if you tried to hit one of them especially one with thorns you’d notice that they’d actually have the armor in its effects and then if you

Killed the dolphin it even dropped the armor as well but this was eventually removed and it hasn’t been in the game since which is maybe just to keep us from doing a cruel joke of giving a dolphin Frost Walker and uh watching whatever kind of horror unloads and on

Top of modifying the building permissions there’s also a way to modify other permissions using the new slash ability command with this an admin can give players certain permissions just to that player whether that’s the World Builder permission so they can build wherever they want or you can give them

The ability to fly with the mayfly command and finally you can give them the ability to mute another player which might be helpful as someone’s talking during the lesson and with the way these work these abilities end up being similar to game rules except they’ll only apply to one player instead of the

Entire server though even if you do get the ability to fly from your teacher that’s not going to help you out with these border blocks since these blocks are capable of preventing in a player from leaving or entering a specific area and unlike the barrier blocks in Java

These have a range of influence that extends both up and down infinitely so you can’t just dig under them but it is worth noting that even though you can’t dig through or under these if you have yourself an ender pearl or chor fruit you can still teleport through them just

Don’t get suspended if you try that okay Minecraft’s villagers used to look like this see back in 2010 a player suggested adding in pig men as NPCs into the game and for a time these were the things that were planned to live in The Villages instead of the Squidward that

We all know today but even though that got sheld the idea of a zombie pigman did make it into the game and so we got these instead though even those mobs were removed to make room for zombified piglins instead so it seems like Mojang can never quite decide what to do with

Them which is a shame since the idea was that you could even hire these pigment as bodyguards which is something Mojang even refuses to do for villagers by building a structure made out of gold blocks cobblestone in a nether reactor core you could build yourself the so-called Nether Reactor which was a

Feature that only exist in old versions of Bedrock Minecraft and once you went through all those steps building it then what would happen is that you get this message telling you was active for generated this massive structure of Netherrack around it called the nether spire and in a version of the game where

You couldn’t go into The Nether Dimension actually this was a solid substitute now we’ve already seen the ice bomb which was possible but how about the inverse of that the heat block after putting a mix of iron water salt and charcoal into the lab table we get

This unique block which when placed down will melt snow layers in ice within two blocks of it but again gives off no light itself and funnily enough the reason this is in the game at all is because it’s a reference to the same elements that go inside of the hand

Warmers though I don’t think I want to put any of these blocks inside my pockets just saying before you head to the nether write out a written book and toss it through first since that’ll create this new funky portal this feature being part of the infinite Minecraft update allowed players to

Create portals leading to 2 billion New Dimensions per seed which sounds like a gimmick but if you go through you can actually find some really cool portals through this and I’m kind of disappointed that those biomes don’t exist in the game even if it means you

Have to sift through a bunch of them that just look hideous ever since Minecraft 1.7 you haven’t been able to get a rose and vanilla Minecraft but the reason isn’t all that serious it’s really just because the rose was eventually replaced with the name poppy instead and while texture packs like

Vanilla tweaks let you change this back to the original name I think it’s still a bummer for our Iron Golems I mean they don’t even give out villagers flowers anymore did you know that you can craft netherite into stairs well sure enough if you go into the missing dimension of

The infinite snapshot you’ll find this secret item hanging around and this very item will have its special name the swaggiest stairs ever which I’m inclined to agree and really it just goes to show that while building netherite Beacon is a flex having a staircase out of these

Is a whole other level what you’ll notice is that in the education Edition we’ve got two different kinds of torches and the first one to talk about is these new colorful torches which you get by adding these different metal chlorides into the torch crafting recipe letting

Us get a blue green red and purple variant but unfortunately they don’t give off any kind of colorful light source which I think is a shame considering that is possible with the RTX features in Bedrock Edition and instead if you want light underwater we’ve got to talk about our second

Variant the new underwater torch now this is something that we obviously can’t do in vanilla and the whole reason it’s possible is because we add magnesium to a torches recipe and with this we get a new silver and blue variant of the torch and that’s capable of lighting up as much blocks underwater

As a torch does above ground which might be handy for when you’re looking for a place to explode the new underwater TNT now the way that we get this Blue Block is that we add the sodium element with a TNT crafting recipe and then once we do

We’re able to ignite this TNT underwater much like we can above ground and the reason this is is because pure sodium has a reactive element with water to say the least as of 2022 there’s no longer an inventory in Minecraft or at least that was the case in the one block at a

Time update and now instead of having to worry about Inventory management all of your blocks and items were turned into physical things that you could interact in the world but blocks weren’t the only thing that we could pick up since if you got up close to a mob you could also

Carry one of these around as well and folks just about all entities in the game could be picked up whether that was friendly neutral or even hostile and you could find that even different mobs would have special abilities depending on which one you’re holding almost creating its own meta to which one that

You want to have on hand this Mob Could Have Been in Minecraft but now it never will see from the 2017 mob vote Mojang showed off four designs with only the Phantom being the one to make it into the game and according to the developers the other ones that got outvoted are

Doomed to never be released in game so this Kraken mob will only exist in this mod the monster of the ocean depths as it was called there a hostile mob that chases you down whether you’re swimming or in a boat and if it gets close it’ll

Pull you in like so which sounds scary but how much worse could this be than a drowned Trident that’s true fear now this might look like a tiny Iron Golem but don’t get it twisted this here is the new agent mob which is a special entity meant to teach players how to

Code because if you use the new implemented code Builder tool you can actually give it different sets of commands of what to do so for example we coded in this Loop of text so that it now builds a bunch of these Rings inside of the world and you can even have it

Break in place blocks since it has its own 27 item inventory and while you can see by this list that there’s so much that this can do unfortunately it can’t interact with levers of buttons so it’s still not a replacement for the copper Golem which honestly just feels like a

Slap in the face for Mojang but with how many other things you can use to code from this I guess that makes up for it stop making your boats out of wood but instead make them out of obsidian no joke since Mojang thought wood was too fragile they added in this new obsidian

Boat instead which now has the capabilities to withstand anything that comes in its way though when it comes to buoyancy it’s not the best the price you pay for safety I guess this is the rarest structure in Minecraft and not just because it doesn’t exist anymore

But even when they existed in the game these giant brick pyramids were rarer than Woodland Mansions are today though you would have only found them during the inev phase of Minecraft which alone is tough enough to boot up that version but lucky for us they did have a

Specific location that they spawned in so as soon as you found one you were still able to share with your friends this is a sign and this is the chalkboard or rather chalk boards since we have three different sizes to choose from we’ve got the one by one slate the

2×1 poster and the 3×2 board and what’s interesting about all of these is that they let us put more text on a board instead of a regular sign and if you have the largest size you can type up to 15 lines of text on the same board which is definitely helpful for given

Instructions but besides that they work like regular signs you can walk through them water lava doesn’t destroy them the whole N9 yards and with that folks YouTube thinks that you might like this video so see if they’re right and have a good one all right

This video, titled ’63 Minecraft Features that Need to Come Back’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2023-10-08 13:03:00. It has garnered 695020 views and 16632 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:23 or 1823 seconds.

63 Minecraft Features that Need to Return

Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial Character drawn by @MagnaGallina

Produced by Jonah Walters Edited by Daiku, BBelle, NOOBster, Jeenneette Wolfe, and Brennan Moore Research by Jonah Walters and MonocleMC Footage by Frankie Mundo, MonocleMC, Samcraft, Abelardo Robles, Jordan Cross, and Jonah Walters —— The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @GeminiTayMC let’s play series. —— Some of the maps used in this video are modified versions of the world downloads from BlueNerd Minecraft’s channel, which you can watch here: @BlueNerdMC —— The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @Antlerboy —— Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at @Mewmore —— Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms. All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2023, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved. —— Other Credits:

  • Crafty Artemia: Ship of Robbers in Minecraft

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  • Rosefall SMP 1.20.1 Survival Dungeons & Bosses Custom Special/Event Items NO Whitelist

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  • Minecraft Memes – 2012: The Movie that Minecraft Deserved

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  • Minecraft Logic: Villagers be like “Trade or Die” ๐Ÿ˜‚

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  • ๐Ÿ‘ปBlack Magic! Ninja Gaming 9018 Subscribe Now!

    ๐Ÿ‘ปBlack Magic! Ninja Gaming 9018 Subscribe Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ‘ปblack magic please subscribe like for more videos#minecraft #YouTube short ๐Ÿฅบ’, was uploaded by #Ninja gaming 9018#FF on 2024-08-28 13:10:11. It has garnered 513 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Ninja Showdown: Mikey vs JJ in Minecraft

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  • INSANE IRON LUCK?! Minecraft Hardcore S2 #4

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  • Insane Minecraft House Build ๐Ÿ”ฅGyan Warrior vs TechnoGamerzOfficial

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    xMagicyMC EXPOSED - CRAZY SECRETS REVEALED ๐Ÿ‘€Video Information This video, titled ‘True right? ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ‘€’, was uploaded by xMagicyMC on 2024-03-05 13:27:34. It has garnered 5284 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Java: Bedrock: Port: 19132 #minecraftserver #minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftsmpservers #publicminecraftserver #minecrafthardcore #survivalminecraftserver #minecraftshorts #minecraftsmp #smpserver #lifestealsmp #minecraftearth #minecraftshorts #minecraftmeme #minecraftsmp #minecraft #lifestealsmp #smp #minecraftserver #minecraftsurvival #dreamsmp #minecrafthardcore #minecraftlifestealsmp #minecraftserver #server #minecraftsmpservers #publicserver #publicminecraftserver #schoolminecraftserver #survivalminecraftserver #servers #minecraftshorts, minecraft server,this minecraft smp wants me dead,school minecraft server,this player,it took months to kill this player,smartest player,if you see this player,on this smp,if you see this player log off… Read More

  • Insane RLCraft Challenge – Day 3.5 LIVE with BlankGuy

    Insane RLCraft Challenge - Day 3.5 LIVE with BlankGuyVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 3.5 – Hardcore RLCraft attempt’, was uploaded by BlankGuy on 2024-09-14 04:40:39. It has garnered 107 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:30:01 or 16201 seconds. deez nutz #minecraft #rlcraft #gaming tags: touhou,touhouproject,touhou project,2hu, 2hujerk, 2hu project, touhou fans be like,touhou memes,touhou meme,touhoumemes,hong meiling, meiling, eosd, sakuya izayoi,touhou fans, touhou funny, touhou shorts,fumo,fumo memes,ๆฑๆ–น,ๆฑๆ–น project,็ด…้Œฆ,zun,zun memes,team shanghai alice, embodiment of scarlet devil, touhoujerk Read More