“Slender’s Reign of Terror in Minecraft!” 🎮🔥 || Minecraft Story Mode

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Welcome welcome good to see you this is a game that I’ve literally never finished so I’m going to play this apparently it has DLC what n I’m Dey one second oh yeah whatever it don’t matter where everyone what you Meano I get to choose my character I think I went with her last time so I’m choosing her again and when I mean chose her last time I mean it was years ago this game series adapts to the choices you make the story nothing built can last forever and every

Legend no matter how great Fades with time with each passing year more and more details are lost until All That Remains are myths half truths to put it simply lies and yet in all the known universe between here and the farlands The Legend of the order of the stone endures on a

Bridge as self-evident fact indeed it is only a troubled land that has need for Heroes and ours was fortunate to have so long ago four Heroes such as these Gabriel the warrior before for whose sword all combatants would tremble elegard the red stone engineer whose machines would spark an era of

Invention Magnus the RO who would Channel his destructive creativity for the benefit of all and sa the architect builder of Worlds and leader of the order of the stone these four friends together would give so much to gain their rightful place as four Heroes their greatest Quest would take them on a dangerous

Journey to fight a mysterious creature known as the Ender Dragon in the end the order of the stone emerged Victorious and the dragon Was Defeated their story complete they slipped away into the pages of Legend poor Dragon why would they do such a thing that’s so cruel why why kill an innocent

Dragon but when one story ends another one begins would you rather fight a 100 chicken siiz zombies or 10 zombie siiz chickens just to be clear you wouldn’t have any weapons or armor so you’d have to fight them with your hands that’s easy I’ll take the little tiny

Little zombies a hundred of them crawling all over you with their tiny hands all I need is like a shovel I’m telling you way too easy so I’ve got a daylight sensor on the roof and if I did this right these lamps should turn on once it gets dark I

Didn’t want to just leave Reuben here with nothing while we’re at the building competition he’s coming with us really what kind of question is that of course of course he is okay I’m not saying he shouldn’t come I’m not but don’t you think it’s a little weird that

You take him with you everywhere you go not at all he kind of makes us look like I don’t know amateurs Reuben’s my best friend I thought I was your best friend both of you are I didn’t mean anything by it I’m glad he’s coming I just don’t

Want to give people one more reason to call us losers I’m getting tired of it we are not losers Olivia yeah we lose all the time it’s what we do okay that might be true I can’t remember the last time we won anything but if that’s the case it

Means we win at being losers all right do you hear that oh No man man you guys totally freaked out that was Axel what’s the matter with you great now I’m going to smell like a pig in endercon cool mask it is isn’t it yeah very convincing very look on your faces did you bring the fireworks of course I did

I even brought something for the little guy nice you brought Reuben a disguise um we’re going to a convention somebody’s got to wear costume as long as Reuben is happy I’m happy happy well Zippity Duda okay relax it’s fine you definitely brought the fireworks right yes I’m ready waiting on

You guys if he was really your best friend you wouldn’t let him go outside dressed like that the only thing more dangerous than putting a costume on a pig is trying to take it off hurry up and grab your stuff we’ll meet you downstairs okay okay chest shears definitely taking these

Never know when I might need to Shear some Sheep I got this stand as a gift but I don’t have any armor to put on it maybe someday give me a dragon war r Reuben that’ll do Reuben that’ll do all right Then uh who’s this Gabriel the warrior you think we’ll ever get that famous it’s not impossible maybe I’ll get famous for my sweet poster collection even he’s just like nah we we’ll never get that famous give up one of these days we’re going to win the endercon building competition and when

We do people will look at us and say Hey There Goes Jesse and Reuben winners of the endercon building competition cool okay how do I get out oh there’s another chest Here flint and steel not too shabby welcome back okay let’s Go man I want to live in a that’s everything let’s roll yeah dude roll let’s go I heard a pretty juicy rumor about the building competition but you guys have to promise not to say anything okay also with in two parts each part more exciting than the last spit it out

Axel part one the special guest at this year’s intercon is none other than Gabriel the warrior him freaking self whoa what’s part two part two according to my sources the winner of the building competition’s going to get to meet him it doesn’t mean anything if we lose but

If we win oh man this would make up for all the losing meeting Gabriel would be a dream and an honor totally he’s awesome it would be amazing to meet him Reuben better be careful in that costume the last time Gabriel saw a dragon it didn’t end

Well so does this source of yours make posters for a living huh yeah my uh Source uh doesn’t exist you guys are my only friends guys let’s stay focused we have a competition to win we never win and this year we’ve got Reuben with us we basically have no

Chance Anything Can Happen we’re going to win because what are you talking about because up to now we’ve hated losing but today today my friends we’re going to start learning how to love winning that didn’t sound as good as it did in my head no no I’m with

That wait a minute wait a minute we’re thinking about this all wrong the point of the building competition isn’t just to build something you have to do something to get noticed by the judges okay then so how do we do this we don’t just build something functional we build

Something fun after we finish the fireworks machine like we planned then we build something cool on top of it you might be on to something if we want to get a reaction out of the judges you build something scary so I say we build a creeper wouldn’t an Enderman be better

I’m more scared of Endermen than creepers they both have their moments both pretty scary then again you scared the crap out of us with a creeper today let’s build an Enderman Olivia’s thing are you whining no I was saying a awesome yeah I think this is the first

Time we’ve decided on something before getting to the competition think we’ve got everything we need it wouldn’t hurt to grab a little more but get to grabbing then we’re so prepared we can’t lose cannot bring it in Dare to prepare on three nope preparing is daring nope that’s the same

Thing forget it team on three 1 2 3 we’re going to we’re going to build the best Ender Ever really a train Montage wait why is Reuben not wearing his Uniform standing here I Real yeah great great training montage we know what we’re building we’ve got all the stuff for it we are so ready this year it’s going to be different I’m not just ready to build I’m ready to win nice Pig losers oh great there’s Lucas and the ocelots the Rival re

Continues man they’ve got matching leather jackets and everything so cool no well well well if it isn’t the order of the losers great the fail squad’s here we guess get a load of these losers let’s go guys name please Axel and uh how do you do no your team name team

Name we are not ready for this uh so much for losing anonymously we’re the order of the pig really is it meant to TI us to Reuben or are you making fun of me okay order of the pig you guys are in Booth five don’t make fun of my friend oh boy

Okay I have to nope to look around cool it’s like everyone in town is here well I mean yeah oh I’m not even going to look around is that a freaking Beacon they have a freaking Beacon freaking Beacon that’s stained glass they aren’t just building a beacon they’re building a rainbow

Beacon we’re going to lose what are you worried about we’ve got this who are we kidding we’ve got nothing we’ve got a mascot we should probably stop staring at them look it’s the order of the losers again good one Gil we’re just looking there’ll be plenty of time for you all

To look at it after it wins and gets shown at endercon you’re being unpleasant maybe not all of you endercon doesn’t allow outside food or drink I’m talking about your pig shut up what’s that Jesse said shut up do you need to hear it again yeah I don’t know

Maybe stop wasting your time Aiden we’ve got work to do you’re lucky I’m busy hey Jesse guys are you hey Petra how’s the build going only time will tell but we’re optimistic hey Petra I forgot to thank you for that NE star hey Lucas not a problem you help these tools

For the right price I’ll help anyone if you need anything you know where to find me fair enough none of us know where to find you exactly no hard feelings guys if you’re cool with Petra you’re cool with us so why don’t we just forget about all this and

You know make this about how cool our builds are May the best team win careful what you wish for we’ll see about that ladies and gentlemen welcome to the endercon building competition the winners of this year’s competition will have their build featured at endercon the winners will also meet in person Gabriel the

[Applause] warrior aot whoa handshake we don’t have a handshake we’ll just make one up we’ll call it the uh the Builder bum and just like that I’m nervous again don’t talk like that we can do this just stick to the plan and everything will be fine this year the order of the pig

Can’t lose your let’s do it building Starts Now oh no a fireworks dispenser I’m so scared you worry about your build and we’ll worry about Ours hey we would have taken fall damage um very Inaccurate and now the Moment of Truth here goes nothing this looks so cool we’ll win this for sure I got to admit this Enderman is sweet good call Jesse guys people are looking at us good bills man what no way it’s just a bunch of dyed wool

Whoops oh no Reuben’s on fire Reuben no come back it was Aiden that pun the lava’s getting closer ruin the build Reuben’s going to get lost not Ruben we’ve got to do something but our build is about to go up in flames you guys stay and save the build

On it we’ve got it cover Jesse be careful we’ll meet up with you at endercon why would she just standing on him Reuben where are you fa story just give me an oink if you can hear me pig tracks pig tracks Reuben I don’t want to be out here in the

Dark there’s a carrot hey Reuben I got a carrot for you where are you buddy Reuben are you in there probably not stupid pigs Reuben no not you guys pigs all pigs but Reuben shut up I don’t think that’s how uh that works Reuben where are you buddy Reuben it’s getting scary out here is it though because I can see just fine reuben reuben oh no you in there buddy oh jeez please don’t be toasted Reuben that was a cool costume too I’m going to I’m going to kill that guy I hope PVP is turned On dark hole I like dark holes Yes okay that wasn’t that wasn’t Minecraft accuracy no I’m just kidding what is behind Bush number one I can’t like get anything out okay probably going to be like a rabbit or something no Reuben there you are hey buddy you want a carrot oh I’m so happy to see you

Ruben and the zombies actually sound scary I think we’re good I think we made it I have time of es G back get back stay behind me I’ve got you yay okay this is actually kind of Co Yeah a my sword broke that’s not stupid wooden sword I guess they still last I know it’s bad I’ll think of something you’re going to have to make a run for it okay I’ll meet you back in town promise get out of here now get off me Goodbye oh thany I already forgot her name let’s get out of the open it’s like Pedra Pedra I don’t know I want to show you something not that this isn’t a really cool dimly lit tunnel but how far away is this thing you want to show me

Careful Jesse you don’t want to get a reputation as a wimp this isn’t my first time in a cave Petra yeah but have you ever seen a Wither Skull wa fresh from the nether you’re the first person I’ve showed it to you you risk your life for

That Dusty old skull no I risk my life for the thing I’m going to exchange for that Dusty old skull there’s this guy I’m meeting up with at endercon he’s going to trade me a diamond for it being a resident goget pays off every once in a while the guy

You got the skull for what’s his deal he’s kind of strange I guess but hey everybody’s got their thing and you never thought to ask him hey what’s with your whole totally normal not at all weird skull thing as long as this guy is willing to pay I earned that

Diamond wow a single Diamond though wow what in a single day you went to the nether you killed a wither skeleton I mean I did build a super cool statue but still it’s pretty sweet being you huh you know you could come with me I mean if you’re too nervous I

Totally get it but I wouldn’t mind a little backup I’d be honored to be your backup you don’t have to make such a big deal out of it I just you could come with me I know I was there it was amazing kind of starting to have second thoughts

Here you just keep a crafting table down here comes in handy since that wouldn’t sort of yours got busted you’re giving me a new one even better you can make your own one stick plus two stones equals one sword but but but I don’t want just grab

What you need oh okay thanks hey is all this stuff yours no we’re just stealing from whoever was dumb enough to leave this here of course it’s mine just making sure here we go jackpot I’m going to do this wrong because I think just place the pieces on the table

I don’t think I can do this wrong can I oh Jesse ol’s not going to do you much good in a fight is [Laughter] it it’s like this is your first time crafting or something hey hey hey be be quiet put the stick at the bottom and then the two stones above it

I I don’t I don’t know what I’m doing okay fine fine I don’t know anything else that I could make that would be funny see isn’t it better when you make it Yourself I remember seeing a video where you check it out end’s all lit up I can’t believe it we won the Enderman was the right way to go good for you Jesse it’s about time we beat Lucas and his gang of jerks what kind of stupid name is the ocelots anyway you know

Lucas may be kind of arrogant but he has come through for me in tricky situations you might want to get to know him just in case he’s good at building that’s for sure it’s always useful to have a guy like that around no matter what you might

Think of him personally hey I’ll be a gracious winner but that’s it he’ll get one handshake and one good build good build nothing more nothing less fair just think about it come on let’s hurry think about remember what anderon was like before it was cool remember what we were like

Before we were cool some of us will never be cool haha creepers crap they just want to be your friend this doesn’t look good well there’s only one way off this bridge whatever we do we do do it together all right let’s jump Wo too many creep A poor creeper I don’t care about the chicken Poor po B that that not didn’t deserve Anything it burns it burns don’t you know you dived into the water you don’t land on top of it pull yourself together and follow me no I go my own way just let me know if you see Reuben anywhere he’s got to be here somewhere I hope you’re

Right so when we’re making the deal I need you to let me do the talking okay I just don’t want anything to screw this up sure I’ll let you handle it and if you want to be really useful try to look intimidating like this I’m less scared of you than scared

For you Jesse and Petra hey you all know Petra my my new super close friend we’re super close now we ran into each other while I was looking for Reuben couldn’t find him huh he’ll turn up sooner or later I just know it I saw him but before I knew what

Was happening we were under attack by a zombie horde I told him to run it was for his own good what were you doing in the woods Petra nothing just drawn by the sound of Jesse’s high-pitched screams I would have been spider bait if hadn’t found me sorry we didn’t come

With you Jesse but hey we won looks like abandoning friends in their time and need paid off yet again our Enderman is so lifelike I don’t even want to glance at it we did okay didn’t we is it I still wish I’d gotten that part in the

Back to look better I could have fit more fireworks in there somewhere we deserve a victory party who’s in I like all kinds of parties but especially ones where I get to celebrate winning about time will be the guest of honor at something hey Jesse it’s time to go see

About that thing oh right the thing subtle yeah as a punch to the face Axel and I were going to head into endercon anyway see you in there I heard somebody saying there’s free cake by the map Booth hurry we’re supposed to meet in the alley over

There dark dark very dark in here that’s weird he said the dark creepy alley close to the gates but he’s not here maybe he’s late are you sure this is the dark creepy alley he meant h i was okay new plan you stay here just in case this

Is the spotty meant I’ll look around I guess I could have heard him wrong then again I’ve never gotten a Meetup spot wrong before okay I’ll hold down the fort thanks Jesse I’ll be back before you know it if he shows up while I’m gone just stall for me I’m going to

Steal from that CH and just who are you uh I’m waiting you know you really shouldn’t creep up on people like that it’s creepy don’t test me I’m supposed to meet with Petra not whatever you’re supposed supposed to be give me one good reason why I shouldn’t walk out of here right

Now well I’m with Petra I de this with her not her partner she’ll be here but we can get started without her do you have the skull uh well you do or you don’t Petra has it and she’ll be back any minute now well as long as she’s

Bringing it I suppose it wouldn’t kill me to wait a minute longer good boy uh well Ivor a here she is sorry I’m late but good things are worth waiting for I’ve got what you ask if you have what you promised us you didn’t say anything

About an us when we first met and I don’t like surprises if these are the sorts of people you associate with perhaps we should call all the whole thing off my friend is fine right Jesse there’s no problem here let’s not be too hasty okay this is just a little

Misunderstanding let’s just do this thing that’s what I thought proceed then a singular I’ll take that diamond now take it you’ve earned it empty uh this isn’t a diamond no it’s lapis of all the dirty underhanded tricks to pull I can’t believe that guy got one over on me let’s go after

Him I’m either getting that diamond or I’m getting my skull back or you’ll make him pay right right come on okay do you see him anywhere we lost him then we’ll just have to find him again go is it explore time yep there he is Gabriel Gabriel step aside I have just one

Question hold all your question question until after the keynote but the keynote sold out all your questions anyway donkey oh it’s Lucas su su nothing what’s up with you nothing what’s up with you I just said nothing hey uh congrats on the win I mean I still

Think our Beacon was amazing but you guys did a pretty good job too I mean I I thought the whole monster theme was plenty cool but fireworks too your beacon wasn’t too shabby you don’t have to do that okay you guys won fair and square hey you didn’t happen to see a

Creepy guy with long hair and a beard roaming around did you I don’t think so why he kind of scammed Petra out of a diamond earlier everyone knows you don’t mess with Petra not if you know what’s good for you I’ll keep an eye out okay thanks I appreciate it

So uh we’re cool yeah we’re cool cool cool cool beans cool beans cool arama see you later Lucas yeah see you okay that was that was awkward anyway thought you could just wiggle right out of that trap didn’t you well wig as much as you want you’re not going

Anywhere Axel listen up any chance you’ve seen a creepy looking beardy guy anywhere no Petra told me what happened I’m keeping an eye out for him how didet okay so I got a little distracted it’s just this machine presses all my buttons unnecessarily complicated mean to birds for no reason

It’s just when something like this calls you got to answer but I swear as soon as the demonstration is over we really need your help Axel if we don’t find this guy soon we might never find him I was looking I just got distracted have you seen Reuben I was

Hoping he might have made it to town while I was distracted I haven’t seen hide nor hair but I’m sure he’s fine he’s a tough little ham Axel all right all right I’ll look after I watch one more chicken get owned okay h i see you now weirdo do you

Though well if it isn’t team trash bag how was your stupid Pig I hear intense heat causes brain damage Aiden you idiot hey who are you calling an idiot you now move hey and he’s gone oh nope hey where do you think you’re what do you think you’re

Doing oh I’m sorry get away from me I said I was sorry Reuben is that you get your pork chops here Fresh Off The Bow nothing sticks to your ribs quite like your juicy pork chop Reuben what’s a big idea I’m trying to run a business here that’s my pig oh

Really well I found him out in the woods so I think that makes him my pig not the fattest pig I’ve ever seen but he should cook up real nice anyway please he’s my friend to me he’s inventory I might be amenable to some kind of trade

Not that you look like you got much of value I got to get some kind of return on my investment all I’ve got is the sword o that’s very nice this I could cut my butcher in time and half nice doing business with you come on Reuben I’m sorry Reuben I never should

Have let you run off in the woods let’s get him I I can’t move there we go remember that thing I had to go do with Petra long story short we met up with this guy he cheated me and Petra on a deal and now we’re trying to track him

Down you in oh I’m in all right any sign of of him I thought I saw him earlier but it was just a false alarm wait there he is looks like he’s heading towards the hall we’re going to have to get past that Usher to follow him let’s

Go so yeah hey what would it take to get us inside tonight uh tickets here’s the thing we had tickets but we lost ah man I hate it when stuff like that happens me too I feel like such an idiot I’m sorry but no tickets no show chicken chicken chicken

Chicken it’s gone you’re totally fine you’re a totally cool dude we have to do something like what the show has been sold out for ages it could bust right through I just need a little wind up room any other bright ideas we need a distraction a lot of chickens running

Around might be a distraction Sho Sho get out of here the Usher is afraid of chickens what would you say if I told you I want to break this guy’s Chicken Machine to create the mother of all distractions but you have to break that pain of glass how are you going to reach

It let’s look around there has to be something we can do I’ll figure it out there’s a slime B I need to reach that window but the fence is in the way and I don’t think I can mess up the fence if he’s around it’s easy

H I bet I could reach that glass with a slime block oh hey we made again again one slime block please we don’t give out slime blocks here just slime balls we’ve got a limited Supply today and we’re only giving out two per customer you could craft your own slime

Block if you had nine slime balls I’m really sorry about earlier I honestly thought you were someone else apology accepted round of slime balls for everyone please wait this is only eight SL slime balls we need one more to make a block okay we need to find another way to get

Some more slime and quick on it where’s Lucas I guess I’ll use the machine I don’t know hey what are you doing sorry sorry just your a regular everyday chicken Enthusiast here don’t make me call security oh hey it’s Lucas I knew he was uh Lucas can you do me a

Favor anything’s possible I need slime balls I swear I have a really good explanation whatever you guys are doing Count Me In thanks Lucas told you he was useful a man this guy isn’t actually cool is remains to be seen it’s crafting time so you guys been building together

Long you’ve got good chemistry are you jealous I’m just saying I think it’s cool you have a team that works so well together you’re totally jealous how’s it going yay taada one slime block gross I’ll take that right there it’s all you Jesse give me a

Boost if you miss you’re going to break your legs whoa whoa whoa whoa W you know what that works my poultry my precious poul Tre your eyes close they pack at Rock now’s our chance oh no bro this A get me out of here bro where’d he go there through that door what do we do once we catch him there are a million ways to play this but considering this isn’t my fight I’ll follow your lead whatever we have to you’re way more intense than I gave

You credit for Jesse ready ready yeah I love how the torch isn’t even on the wall he must have gone out another way the bottom is like missing what is all this looked like it used to be the basement weird place to have a hideout I bet you anything I’ll

Find my Wither Skull here and if we find anything else cool to steal along the way so be it right Axel that’s not what we’re here to do I did say we should do whatever we have to and if this guy’s not around what we have to do is steal I

Don’t want to stoop to his level but isn’t that the best way to get back at him Ivor could come back back any minute there’s no time for looting there’s always time for looting Jesse always the faster we find what we’re looking for the faster we can get the heck out of

Here a but I want to loot I want to steal stealing is for cool kids you know mostly stuff about Brewing oh hello too heavy and too soft but super flashy yeah I don’t think this guy does much fighting hey you still have that

One stone sword right N I had to give it to some jerkwad butcher to save Reuben’s life jeez oh well I guess that was a pretty good cause here yay golden now that’s two you owe me thanks again you’re welcome don’t lose that one all right I have a golden sword now

Cool find anything I want to steal that and that I just want to touch that bruh bro Axel you need to calm down ooh take a look at this you’re not going to believe me but I swear I had a dream about this okay potion I know this is a big step but

It’s yours if you want it that bad I’ve never wanted anything bad there’s no way he won’t notice his fancy potion is missing a good thief always covers his tracks fixed it oh yeah The Perfect Crime okay what the heck hell is all this stuff Soul wow she actually said it it

Was everywhere in the nether what about that block in the middle I’ve never seen one of these before I wonder if I just take a closer look do you feel that it’s almost pulsing I don’t like the look of this something about it just feels wrong don’t forget what we’re here for find

That skull so good news weird news I found the skull but what the hell why’d I risk my neck for that skull if he’s got two of them already he was in such a hurry to get it too there’s got to be something bigger going on here this has got to be

Connected somehow the chest with the skulls was hidden back here with everything else that’s got to mean something but what I think I know what’s going on here Soul Sand plus three wither skulls that’s the recipe for a Wither but a Wither that’s one of the worst monsters

There is we came down here to find the skull well we found it they haven’t met the maybe we should just grab it and get out of here while we still can the Wen is far worse guys scatter Yeah you don’t you recognize me oh wait surprised to see me no that’s not good thought you were rid of me didn’t you that’s better hello light engineer welcome to the stream e hope you’re having a good day my friend what’s up what was that who’s there how about

You over here jerk what are you doing here what did you see leave her alone yeah back off pal you two did you follow me here you thought you could just screw us over and get away with it didn’t you we’re here to prove you wrong what are

You going to do about it I have what I want and you have exactly what you earned now get out before I put you out we know what you’re doing down here Soul Sand and three wither skulls you’re building a Wither huh smarter than you look hey

Nobody talks to my friends like that now shut your mouth or else enough you’ve wasted too much of my time already hey where’d he go if you won’t leave of your own valtion I’ll happily remove you Myself show our friends the door will you they F me Iron Golems work like that oh oh well I got distracted indeed I have failed oh man this is so exciting it sure is and now for the first time ever here at endercon we are very proud to present the one the only [Applause] Gabriel I feel like he not actually Gabriel please please thank you are you with me everybody okay you are um guys where’s Lucas I thought he was right behind me well if he’s not here the only place he could be is he’s still down there ior’s got an

Iron golem and all the ingredients to build a Wither down there if he were to unleash it in this crowd of people we have to act fast it just so happens that The Greatest Warrior of all time is in the building built a lot of pressure Gabriel for help this is the smartest

Way to help Lucas he’s tough I just hope he’s tough enough to hold it a little bit longer we need Gabriel to get Lucas back and to deal with everything else we saw down there we’re doing the right thing Jesse I just hope Lucas can hold out against that Golem long enough for

Us to get help come on then let’s crash this party with the right training and guidance anyone and I mean anyone can become a hero you just have to believe in the being a hero I want to know that I’m looking we’ve just got to push through this crowd to get to

Gabriel keep it orderly folks right there in the front row you know when uh elard and the dragon um like what was her favorite food next question dude man come up come on yes next what question do you have for the mighty Gabriel well need your help every person

Here is in danger now hold on just a minute if this is a joke it isn’t funny I’m not joking somebody’s been building a monster in the basement H perhaps we should have this checked out I have a question for you excuse me sir you’ll have to wait your turn just tell me

First do you really believe anyone can be great with enough hard work yes was that where I went wrong I simply didn’t work hard enough ivore is that really you they know each other okay how dare you interrupt like this that’s the guy who attacked us in

The basement I wish I could say I was surprised if it’s surprises you want you’re in for a treat when why don’t you tell them the real story Gabriel I see time has made you bitter and it’s made you an even bigger fool now these people were promised greatness and I’m ready to

Deliver I’m sorry this is how they had to learn the truth what’s he doing well too late nothing built can last forever Gabriel I will no creature Attack I just need to keep I missed Again by the way hey that’s not how the window everyone stay calm this foul Beast is no match for me creature attack I think done Gabriel no stay away except for me nothing that was an accident look at him the mighty G

Looks like true greatness is out of his real he may not be able to defeat this creature but I can creater retreat no creature Retreat Retreat I said Retreat that’s not working oh no need to be alarmed my my friends I have an Elixir that will destroy this creature that potion is that

Uh-oh I wonder what would happened if I did take it should have worked I took such care Axel the potion Axel you’ve got to throw the real potion but finder keepers you thieves you’re ruining everything Axel come on Jesse throw it I have to too late it’s protecting itself now

The command block exposed the potion is useless it wasn’t supposed to happen like this I you coward come back here Jesse help me thank you Ivor was right about one thing I can’t defeat that thing not on my own everyone’s running away except for

You will you help me I must get to the temple but what needs to happen next I can’t do alone of course follow Me woohoo out of my way chicken ow wait hey I’m up here somebody help me guys his animation didn’t change Lucas you guys just left me down there abandoned me no we were trying to warn Gabriel and get him to help Jesse wait we have to stay together Jesse help Me you can’t hold on hey G do we still have everyone we must set out for my Fortress you’ll be better protected there thanks for that just now yeah well now more even right [Applause] incoming woohoo Stay Together everyone we’ll be safe as soon as we get to my Temple everyone keep going we’ll meet up on the other side The temple is just up ahead follow Me hurry inside the temple the inner chamber is built entirely of obsidian we should be Untouchable in there hurry if you can get through the portal you’ll be safe Uh something’s not right here it’s not lit hurry up I got it everyone get in now Gabriel there are so many of them I I can’t save them all I can’t stop this by myself we need to find the others others thoren’s been missing for years but the others you must seek them out take this amulet and guard it with your life you can do

This how am I supposed to find Magnus and elegard the amulet will guide you take it through the portal and then okay goodbye Gabriel thank you for The you two go through the portal and meet up with the others stay here and do whatever I can go on Jesse go get through that portal now I’m not leaving without you the gang needs you Jesse go through the portal if anything happens I’ll meet you guys at the [Applause] temple look it oh no uh I I’ll sa her thanks Jesse Gabriel’s still up there Jesse go no ow well I couldn’t move the Crosshair so uhoh where’s Petra we did everything we could what are you saying Jesse what is he talking about because it does doesn’t sound it

Was chaos there wasn’t much I could do Jess’s right Petra is still up there rip I got scared just for a second you got scared it wasn’t my fault you got scared and it’s not your fault back off Axel we got to go back no we just have to wait think about

What you’re walking into there’s nothing you can do you’ll just end up getting yourself killed you don’t know that you don’t know hey there she is it’s going to be come on oh my God you Again ow I keep Miss ivore you ruined everything don’t pretend you don’t know Thief you took my most valuable potion this it’s all your fault I had a plan and you interfered your plan was to set off a Wither in a theater full of people wither I could control that is until you

Showed up there’s no way to come back there’s nothing left up there we’ll find a way nothing but that wither storm why are we wasting time talking to this jerk we have to go and get Petra the girl I saw her what well I was running toward

The portal I passed her she was running in the opposite direction such bravery of course there’s a fine line between bravery and stupidity and your friend has crossed it you’re a coward maybe but I survived and that’s what counts there’s more to life than survival without survival there is

No life through that tunnel is a network of Minecarts built by the order of the stone it’s your only way out we should go that way time’s wasting let’s go what about you what about me how will you get out of here I’ll use my imagination okay

What was that I would wish you good luck but luck won’t carry you through the nether you have my sympathies honestly he’s right the nether is very dangerous oh dear let’s get out of here Run of course this must be what ior was talking About everybody hold on my ass it was not nice knowing you wow the nether yeah that is a lot of lava and fire and other things that could burn you to death oh no oh that’s a drop that is very very much a drop about new guys what drop oh

Crap you weren’t kidding here we go oh no watch it I love how she okay so I’m not the only one seeing that we’re running out of track right no good Jesse that’s switch now do it oh arms don’t feel me now yeah wow wow I thought something bad was

Going to happen there but hey I guess everything’s going to be wa Jess no oh man uh Axel Olivia Reuben anybody I’m stuck with h hang on Reuben Reuben okay Reuben remember when I said everything was going to be just fine before I know I was wrong then but I

Have a very good feeling about whoa you need to quit talking stuck that would have killed ow well gas are officially crossed off my to list done with the guests never need to see them oh crap this is bad this is bad this is bad the way hello is everyone

Okay I mean I’m not dead I guess that’s pretty good ditto ditto the not dead I just can’t believe that Petra comes down here all the time this place is awful your throat’s going to be sore later Axel why I’m just saying wasn’t that you doing all that screaming before

Sounded like you were really shredding your larynx we were just lucky to make it out alive that’s more than most people can say their bones are probably still sizzling away in that lava down there wow morbid sorry but correct how else do you think people became withered skeletons

H can you throw up like inside your body uh-huh I I know because I just did about five times wow look at this place all these tracks converge at this point you could probably get anywhere in the world from here there’s the portal this is what Gabriel was talking about that’s our way

Out it must lead back to the surface the surface is also where that creature is he’s right we have no idea what we’re walking into it could be dangerous dangerous not thanks for being so brave Axel cares all right I’m going to go I’m going I’m going right

Now like right right now I’ll go first that’s not what I was saying I’m going well if you absolutely insist well see you guys on the other side I guess be careful thanks Jesse I’m the one with the sword anyway so very epic transition okay okay not what I was

Expecting oh man that was close there was a zombie oh is it dead I mean you know dead dead yeah you know I’m did Story Mode come out the nether update in the middle of nowhere maybe we should bed down for the night it’s dangerous to be out when it’s

This dark I thought we were headed toward a temple we’re looking for a giant building it should be pretty obvious ior said no Ivor said well then maybe this is the temp I’m being sarcastic Axel come on we have to build a sh shter I thought that was what I

Said but uh you’re right we should hurry I say we build a tree house that’ll take forever and we’ll be exposed while we do it we just need a quick and dirty Hut whatever it is we got to do it fast what in a hut we won’t know what’s

Coming until it’s knocking on our door a treehouse is going to be spider town I hate spiders let’s go with the Treehouse it’s functional it’ll keep us out of danger it’s not a bad idea all right fine let’s get started then it’s okay Axel you don’t have to beat

Yeah if I wake up with a spider on my face I’m going to expect you to deal with it lower your expectations Axel well maybe if we’d built into the tree a little bit more it could have never mind it’s this is fine it’s good looks good

Guys does it though no it really doesn’t oh man what I’m going to tell you something you have to promise not to freak out what is it I have cookies one for me one for Olivia one for Jesse thanks Axel and one for Reuben sorry Lucas I only have four oh

No it’s it’s all right I’m not that hungry anyway here have my cookie take it Lucas no no I I I can’t do that I insist thank you Jesse that was for you Jesse not him we are all friends here trying to survive if you had to which would you rather

Fight 100 chicken siiz zombies or 10 zombie sized chickens Choose Wisely uh that’s a good one let me think how can you guys joke at a time like this Petra is still out there she’s all by herself there’s nothing funny about that we can’t just mope we got to keep

Our Spirits high no we should be moping that’s exactly what we should be doing Axel I’m right right maybe but she’s going to be fine what makes you think that she has to be fine then uh we should get some rest I got to start looking for this Temple

As early as we can answer question now my guess is if we start at the portal and kind of split up oh what are you doing did I do something to you I’d really like to know because you keep getting on my case for what seems like no reason

He’s just trying to help see I’m sorry Jesse I’m not going to sit here and listen to this guy telling us what’s what I’m just trying to get ready for tomorrow you’re the only one wearing that stupid jacket don’t tell us what to do take that back can’t wouldn’t you

Know what I get to wear this jacket because I know how to build but that doesn’t mean I don’t know how to break things your threats don’t scare me now that we know how you really are Jesse your friend is way out of line I wasn’t

Going to bring it up but I can only take so much let’s just drop it don’t be like that Jesse just drop it haven’t you done enough damage for one day Petra might be dead because of you you’re taking this too far Axel I don’t have to take this

Listen why don’t I just leave and let you guys hash this out you can’t leave it’s dangerous out there I can take care of myself it’s what Axel wants right let him leave if he wants to leave you’re not going anywhere but Jesse that’s enough we’re all on the same team now he’s

Staying zombie siiz chickens that’s what I would fight why is that because I’m starving you know what fair enough of course rain is better than monsters thanks for keeping me around Jesse Yeah we have to stick together the more people the merrier didn’t if they make a second one story mode or something Sorry about all that business last night honestly I’m just I’m more embarrassed than anything else see anything hey there there’s something over that way what is it some kind of building I think let’s get a closer look I get to climb I’m a climby boy also why do I still have two

Str this has to be the place what is this place that’s what we’re trying to figure out it’s the Temple of the order of the stone Lucas are you sure he’s right look it is the same color holy crap do you think they’re in there let’s go in and find

Out let’s just all be careful okay if you spot anything call it out we don’t have a lot of time isn’t it weird how dispensers are carved to look like spooky little faces what do you dispense little guy I get the feeling that we don’t really

Want to find out get behind we’re about to find out it’s going to drop from above it’s a spider or not okay what was that that’s probably not a good thing oh come on dis spensive bases I thought we were brown Run ow ow ow ow uh so so it wasn’t working um what was that that’s probably not a good thing oh come on dispenser bases I thought we were friends Run we’re trapped we activated the dispensers with that pressure plate if we can figure out a way to trigger it again I bet that’ll shut them off there’s a crafting table maybe we can make something useful how to what we don’t have anything all of our tools and materials are back

Home all right everyone empty your pockets let’s see what we’ve got to work with I have a few sticks left over from building the shelter last night I’ve got some flint and a piece of string all I have are some chicken feathers I picked up after that chicken machine exploded

Let’s see I’ve got some flint and steel a sword oh and some string from a spider that I fought in the woods earlier string sticks flint and Feathers all right how how does one make fishing rod uh I actually don’t knowbody do uh you know what let’s make an arrow

Oh that’s actually what I’ve got to do anyway isn’t it okay or you can do the arrow first hold up I actually think it’s like something like this no okay I give up I wanted to do the joke but I can’t make fishing let’s do This I’m a great shot all right the order of the pig’s luck is changing this must be their enchantment room it must doesn’t this look like ivor’s creepy basement talk find anything useful not sure about useful but definitely interesting there is a lot of history in this room

Look the battle was fierce but the order of the stone emerged triumphant saving the land and ensuring that peace and prosperity would ra forever well not exactly forever these five members five friends together would give so much to gain their rightful place as five heroo they would author their own

Ends they would slay a dragon Ivor was a member of the order of the stone the stories never mentioned him this is so hello crazy I’m not really sure how to say your name but well to us crap they lied to the whole world hope you’re having a

Good day why would they do this this is so crazy the order might not be what we thought they were but Petra is still out there that monster is still out there Jesse’s right we need to focus on what we came here to do where do these stairs there’s

Go uh someplace safe I hope only one way find only one way to find out now this is cool wow what happened to the walls more like what happened to this whole place this must have been where they met so where are they then Gabriel said that once we

Find the temple The Amulet would lead us to the order of the stone well what are you waiting for pull it out then is something supposed to happen well that was a let down there’s got to be something missing look around and see if you can find anything

What you looking at nothing whatever Axel I was just trying to figure out where Petra might be I mean I know she’s going to be fine but I was just curious we’re going to find her somebody have a crush on her she’s find anything interesting in

That book the only thing I found so far is that the amulet was used to track the positions of the members of the order and does it mention how it’s less Technical and well more historical what’s this oh she was holding it upside down I just I’m just now realizing that it’s

The same as the amulet help turn it it’s a map of the entire world this is way nicer than the one at endercon it it has to be flipped you [ __ ] I’m going to go talk to Reuben he’s my pig my piggy best hey Reuben find find any

Clues you’re useless to me Ruden I’m going to quit talking to you we’re in the temple of the order of the stone the order’s actual Temple who’ have thought it huh a bunch of small Towners like us wrapped up in an adventure like this yeah pretty

Insane I just hope we all come out the other side in one piece all right now what not really much more I can do it seems oh oh oh oh here we go I need to quit saying oh so much oh no not a puzzle No I’m getting close this one doesn’t even do anything okay it did something that Time no I hate puzzle these are the worst kind of puzzles I just want to point that Out all right what does this one do Again uh oh wait wait yeah wow it’s absolutely incredible how did they build this again the UL let not fa now I’m impressed what do you think the colors mean the different colors repres represent the different members it’s the order it’s showing where they are right

Now look we don’t know enough about how this thing works maybe the amulet only tracks them when they’re on the surface or maybe it doesn’t work when they’re in the nether we have to go off what we do know he is right there’s only two lights on that

Map if there are only two Heroes left then we know what we need to do that wither storm is still out there we know that Gabriel was trying to tell us something we’ve got to find the order of the stone but there are only two whites

There are only two members of the order left he said saurin was missing that leaves Magnus or elegard let’s head out I’m not going with you guys I have to stay here if I know Petra she’s probably doing everything she can to find this place she’s still out there she has to

Be but we might need your help out there you should come with us no you don’t need me this is where I should be if there’s even a small chance she’s alive I have to stay go get help I’m going to focus on making this place safe before

Nightfall this Temple is pretty big though if we’re going to have a chance of fortifying it I’m going to need some help if uh maybe one of you guys can hang back with me sounds like Olivia will have you totally covered while me and Jesse are out finding

Magnus finding Magnus you really think that’s how it’s going to go we need elard she’s the world’s greatest engineer she’ll figure out a way to stop that thing we’re trying to destroy it and when it comes to to destruction Magnus is the master you’re a smart person Jesse obviously the smart thing

To do is to go get Magnus I think Axel me elard there Jesse get ready to roll Axel we’re going to go find Magnus let’s do this Olivia you stay here with Lucas and get the place ready for when Petra comes back okay fine but I’m only doing this for

Petra I’ll take it uh guys uh-oh please hurry it’s coming hello menen welcome good to see you my friend I hope you’re having a great day next time on Minecraft story mode Jesse and axel returned to the nether intent on finding Magnus the robe and find

Themselves in a kingdom of chaos full of dangerous people with poor impulse control and some deadly Hobbies while the great storm grows consuming everything in its weake time is running out for our Intrepid Heroes Savage hello bread the stream huh oh I hope you’re having a good day my

Friend yes sir you as well heck Yeah very Epic all right let’s go I’m concept to to huh Heroes can come from unlikely beginnings and broken friendships can lead to dark rivalry when the world world is in danger fate calls on the ordinary to do extraordinary deeds and go on Journeys they only dreamed of Our Heroes thrown together by

Fate I don’t think that would be must now seek help from a legendary Artis of chaos but the question remains will it be enough to save the world no nothing is enough to save the world the world is woohoo oh come on Jesse you’re not even

Having a little fun I mean I I am I mean sure the world’s in danger but this is our chance to be heroes breathe in the sulfur that’s the spirit if we don’t get the order back together the Wither storm is going to eat everything that means we need to get

To Magnus as soon as freaking possible see you later you know what you’re right we’re going to find Magnus bring him back and he’ll totally know how to blow that thing Skyhigh uh Dude of course ow ow hide here we go again why does it hate us so much the mine Cart hurry use something on that gas okay fast Jesse what to choose we don’t have anything yeah just um uh don’t miss okay I don’t want it to hate us even more I miss you word yay give me my arrows back I don’t get my arrows back this is

Sad time to move buddy let’s go you were awesome Jesse with that gas and chasing the mine cart that is like the perfect warmup for when we get to Boom Town Boom Town yeah Boom Town this is it I liked it when you went first last time maybe you should take this one

Again well I’m the one with the sword so It’s definitely Boom Town just be careful okay one wrong step oh no now this is how you do credit everyone well that guy died hey whoa you see that utter chaos man oh hey Cactus wow a cactus you don’t see these back home I take it as a souvenir but I

Don’t want to stick it in my pants I don’t blame it good call Buddy do all these belong to different Griefers Griefers graphic design for some of these is questionable at best yesh let’s go trater wow this explosion looks really fresh smells fresh too let’s go in it your loot is fine

Brig you’ll have to catch me first andle foot well that was hard um I hope they’re okay no if they’re not at least they died doing what they loved that is true you know I’m trying to figure out who Axel’s voice is like I swear I’ve heard that voice acting

Before but I can’t put my finger on I I’m pretty sure I’ve heard in some an dude it’s freaking glowing only the yeah well the green part is that’s weird yeah and look it glows brighter when I move in certain directions Easy Does It Easy maybe to

The left no the right I mean your left right I mean your right about that whoa whoa ding ding ding looks like that Spire is where we’ll find Magnus hey there new people you uh you said you know where Magnus is all the Griefers here in boom toown want

To find Magnus you know I think so you see we’re looking for him yeah we’re on important business I hope it’s not to give a fashion consultation cuz sheesh what’s going on nor found some noobs with a thingy that can find Magnus Jesse you better keep away from us or I’ll

Make you hurt in places you didn’t even know existed that’s a thread I never get back I need that thing come back ohmighty Magnus I have for you this offering no bunch of Noobs see these are the going the same way they’re working together this is just how we do it in Boom Town which one took the amulet uh probably I’ll get the one with the fishing pole you get the little blue-haired creep little blue haired creep think fast W your training is coming

Along just give me the amulet jeez pal no need to shout here a reasonable conversation my turn boy howdy you are one weird cat what of course Axel got distracted hey did nor come this way yeah and she had the amulet again stop right there how about

No I like the how the music is all Western oh ah These Bricks will take forever to punch through luckily I think I found as a punch free entrance sorry guys but I’ve been trying to find Magnus for way too long for you to stop me now o bad Jesse look

Out way too close you know what you remind me of this song I had stuck in my head once I just couldn’t get it to go away oh Man okay little amulet show me the way of course not sure what I’ll do when I get there but that’s give it back my this is more important than you know uh-oh uhoh not Again everything is going wrong ha nice what did I tell you about teamwork what but I’m the one who said we we should work together no you didn’t got it I actually got it quick flush him Out Axel Magnus is somewhere in that building above us he’s got to be close then quick toss me the amulet you’re surrounded by Griefers and they’re going to tear you apart well just don’t lose it hey don’t worry about me I got this you just keep them

Distracted at the top yeah that’s where I saw it I love a good table turning excellent oh no you don’t back here I want the amance no amulet is mine well hello opportunity Yeah how the tables have or how the turn have tables I messed that joke up it’s not funny anymore Jesse you made it you don’t need to sound so surprised do you have the Amulet of course me and the pig we totally rocked it he took an arrow to

The knee that’s not good guys I’m glad everyone’s safe good boy Reuben Magnus here we come also I love how I still have this lever huh maybe it’s I don’t know locked or something that’s a thing people do to important doors right beautiful fine knocking worked for once

So it seems let’s get in there right by behind [Applause] you no the Ambulet you were completely surrounded by hundreds of hidden death traps one step closer and a Bo it’s Magnus we totally got caught by Magnus we’re going to die now did you really think you could sneak up on me H you’re two of the worst Griefers I’ve ever met and a pig really hardly

Stealthy listen hey no Griefers here no way hey we came from way out of town to find you oh really I mean that guy he’s got grief for written all over him man you don’t know how much that means to me yeah well that’s because he’s your

Biggest fan look at him I mean not like biggest fan right so tell me something not Griefers how you find me you working with someone or maybe you bribed another Griefer Gabriel sent us on this Mission Gabriel you’re seriously telling me your buddy buddy with Gabriel you know how

Often people try to tell me that one this is all sounding pretty weird dudes who are you really why are you here I want answers now and just give it to me straight we need the Magnus of Legend the one we’ve all read about we’re here to see if he really

Exists he exists all right you have me intrigued go on there’s a huge monster eating up the entire world and nothing can stop it Magnus you’ve got to come with us you might be the only chance we have Give Me One Reason Why for even a second

I should come with you I am the ruler of this place uh I keep the disorder you were you’re supposed to be a hero Magnus and right now the world needs a hero you can come with us and help Stop This Disaster all this stuff you’ve told me

You expect me to just take your word for it two strangers with wild stories and nothing to show for it are you that paranoid do you really not trust anyone that’s how I’ve survived this long please just trust us just for a minute okay okay okay you sold me I’m in that was

Easy oh but we might have a little bit of a problem getting out of here huh you’re Magnus you can just walk out of here hello I don’t know if you’ve looked around this place but uh it’s kind of full of Griefers but that’s kind of awesome

Right no you’ve heard about the whole challenging the king for his crown thing right it’s like their thing so long as I’m King I can’t leave this Tower I know how you feel no you don’t we could sneak you out we spot me look I’m too good and they’re too eager it’s

Like a vicious cycle that just keeps me here simply put that’s life as king of Boom Town all right not as fun as You’ think just choose a new king and then come with us look I’ve beaten them dozens of times and none are worthy they’ll see

Right through it but you huh you’re the newcomer amulet by now they’ll probably be all sorts of rumors about how awesome you are if you beat me then I’ll be able to leave can’t believe I didn’t think of it before yeah but assuming I won what can

I be stuck here then nah you’re not as legendary as me should be easy enough to throw another fighter just give up the crown with way lower level creepers trick is don’t become a legend but looking at you I don’t think well anyway oh this is going to be good I’m

Actually excited about this but we got to make sure it looks legit the death bull has never seen the Carnage that we’re about to create hey what’s the death bow uh-oh this is the death [Applause] bow welcome ladies and gentle Griefers to the death in one corner we have Magnus your

King of P Town prepare to defend this title and Crown so tiny welcome to the death bow the grief off to end all grief offs how do you want to think this how are we going to fool what’s your uh grand plan better to lay it on me quick

Griefers aren’t known for their patience let’s just stick to eggs okay nothing more deadly than that we can throw some eggs around I can hit you with a few and you can pretend to be knocked off uhhuh I heard something about eggs got it and you what name do you go

By I’m going to need a name come on Jesse I am Jesse and where I come from they call me the ocelot sler you heard the name folks give a big deathful Welcome to the oent [Applause] slay then let’s begin opponents will craft their own griefing Towers which they will then use

To grief each other the Only Rule is there are no rules no I poking other than that no crazy seriously oh a lot Slayer it’s your building material and Magnus you nah I’m good brought my own Supply let the griefing Begins wood and stone um pink pink it [Applause] is since Ruden wanted me to I’m a great Builder H not bad not bad guess it’ll have to do Axel what are you doing over there on his side yeah thought you might bring that up it’s just that Reuben wanted to

Take your corner and I didn’t want to crowd him or anything so I thought I’d um watch from over here take your best shot Well that was and that’s how you shouldn’t throw an egg H you grief with me you grief with the best ocelot Slayer huh that’s what you’re famous for slaying little K kitty cats yeah but not before they told me that they think you’re a total wuss a you are but a student prepare

Yourself for I am here to give you your final lesson wait wait wait what happened to only throw eggs that was just a warning what a warning that you need glasses it seems the student has become the teacher and you shall be added to the list of ocelots that I have slain I

Don’t know what that means but I love it I want to put it on a t-shirt you want to put it up though Goodbye Oh Nobody messes with the boom Master uhoh Jesse Jesse you okay had enough yet all righty I think nuke time is over Lux sometimes visits the most

Unskilled of us but it never lingers skill Mastery these are the things that will see you defeated Magnus crack the cannon yeah fin finish him with a cannon if it’s a cannon you want it’s a cannon you’ll get yep no he’s completely lost it dude’s going for the kill Jesse You’

Better craft the I don’t know greatest thing of your life like right now wait there’s still some material in the chest Stone that’s it Jesse go hey Axel check get out H that should hold him yeah it’s yeah um yeah it might do but Jesse look oh no but you were supposed to

Throw the fight oh I didn’t Jesse look out oh you’re going up against the king of the Griefers and you pick W ha that’s hilarious and thematically appropriate with your training by Barnyard animals get off no pigs allowed stop I got cool stuff coming your way I got you an arrow

For your bow I think it’s Enchanted or a bow in a cannon fight Axel there are all sorts of cliched lines about this yeah but the TNT inside the cannon TNT plus arrow oh yeah time to see how well you fly pig boom I got you I got you man you smell

Delicious right now so hey Magnus yeah short stuff flying pig jokes are totally played out woo oh Crap I win we have a winner the aot Slayer [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] going to say something there champ it’s just the winner sometimes I don’t know gives a speech hello Boom Town how are we all doing huh hey that’s awesome that’s awesome I’m so proud to standing in front of all of you today well you guys ready

Then yeah this will be a way easier Target than Magnus wait what’s going on oh well that’s not good holy crap is that your wither storm how are we what do we let’s oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no stop eating my ker Magnus come

On you’ll regret messing with boom toown go there’s just a Leever floating there what uh Minecraft watch hey there’s a creeper okay just a little further did you have to scream that someone really went Bonkers with the defenses huh who goes there oh Jesse is that you let us in Lucas hey we’re

Back I’m so glad you’re back and we brought Magnus fantastic quick come on you guys are never hold up I don’t want to miss anything and by that I mean like U you know story progressing um yeah also I’m hungry so I’m going to cook some Pizza pizza and bread sticks from FIS oh well I guess I have three bread sticks That did that did not go well at All you know what I’ll be right back actually I got to go do something real Quick Yo welcome to the stream my friend good to see you it’s been a while yeah that’s good enough I just made Miss some food is All all right let’s continue going to believe who showed up while you were gone Petra Petra hey guys how’s it going Petra you made it it’s good to see you too Pig guy and it’s really good to see you Jesse back there in Gabriel’s bunker it got

Pretty dicey I don’t understand how did you escape you pulled me out of that wither Storm’s crutches and I ran and ran andai for the temple nice if you hadn’t saved me whoa I owe you everything Jesse I’m just glad I heard Gabriel telling you where to

Go I’m so glad to see you wow did Gabriel get away too did you see it’s all a blur but the weather storm left almost nothing behind everything everyone was just gone it even got Gabriel uh-oh wow it’s been a while since I’ve been here

Whoa what is she doing here call us a hunch but do you two not like each other right um I forgot to mention Olivia went on a little expedition of her own while you were gone and this Olivia person came back with her did you know about

This did elegard put you up to this you think you know a guy and then bam Olivia’s a friend of mine I didn’t know that she was going off to recruit elard Magnus you got to believe me well I certainly don’t have anything to say to her Jesse Jesse look I found elegard

Just hang on a sec okay I’ll go figure out what’s going on good you do that is this the interactive stuff try cool so who are you now this is a and why did you bring him with you the Minecraft story mode game um we’re reuniting the order of the

Stone it was kind of crazy actually I went to red stonia and there were all these incredible engineers and inventors it was a little intimidating actually but El guard’s made me her Protegé well assistant for now I mean after what happened I know I’m sorry so sorry I’m

The king of Bo now you’re ard’s what assistant Protege well I tried to get into ard’s private Chambers to talk to her and long story short it didn’t go very well she might have well embarrassed herself a tiny bit Yeah but after I pled my case she agreed to take

Me on as her assistant and come back to help not bad right Ray it’s Ellie and here I was just starting to enjoy myself hello Magnus your voice is exactly as pleasant as I remember which is to say not at all a my feelings is that the same wit you’re

Going to use to save the world why you’re here to tell me how to do it better oh I would never dream of doing that unlike you I actually do things instead of just talking about them hey that’s elard you’re talking to show her some respect wow you finally found yourself

Alive one hey your little devotees are usually a little more on the bookish side would you all cut it out holy crap you’re all acting like crazy people uh people can we please focus on the bigger picture we have a very hungry wither storm in the process of turning

The whole world into its dinner yeah I’ll admit that thing looked real nasty and I’ve seen some nasty stuff in my time too much for you was it your usual brutish approach didn’t cut it hey you weren’t there all right you didn’t see how this thing just tore everything up

Would you too stop fighting whoa yikes Jesse’s right we need to find some way to stop that thing I don’t know if you’ve looked around yet but this place isn’t nearly the stronghold it used to be most of our supplies are gone it would take a mountain of TNT to kill

That thing I hate to say it but you have a point this is amazing I know are they getting along you’re members of the order you can’t handle this whoa give us a minute all right we just barely got here we’ll get it but even if

We had all the TNT for miles around I don’t know if it would be enough if only saurin were here he might have something we could use oh Ellie not this again you know I hate when you brag about you and sain’s little brainy club I’m not

Bragging I think I got a legitim idea here there’s something stronger than TNT saurin had a kind of super TNT stronger and more explosive than anything else in the world forid bomb yeah yeah yeah I’ve heard all about the f bomb before F bomb fomb some claim

That dropping the f bomb could destroy anything this thing sounds impossible how could it even exist impossible objects were sain’s specialty we don’t know where saurin is but you found us do you know where he is no you can’t see comments our map could locate him unless he’s in the nether or

The end but it’s worth a shot um he wasn’t on the map oh I’m playing crap I got to put my pizza down hey Axel how are you doing I’m hanging out with Magnus I’m doing awesome glad to hear it buddy are you the only one commenting yeah got got to talk to

Her how are you Petra fine you okay we can talk about it later let’s just do this map for now okay if you insist hello eligard you said you know how to activate the map I’m very curious to see it I’ve never actually seen it work before please don’t tell me

Hey small fry no shame in admitting you can’t turn that thing on it’s very very sophisticated I’m going I’m going I know what I’m doing hi Lucas how are you holding up Lucas I’m all right this has all been pretty intense I feel like if I think too much

About what’s been going on well I’ll just think I’m completing us well CRA keep it together okay I can’t afford to have you cracking on me hey I’ll be okay can you mod games on your PS I wish I really wish oh I got to do the puzzle again No oh oh never mind I’d like to see you play forest or I don’t know what any of those are oh hey that’s new there he is saurin had his Fortress deep inside the mountains after the order broke up that’s where he went to keep doing his experiments look he

Invited me there a couple times but it always seemed a little weird right it always seemed a little weird glad we can agree on that at any rate I mean I never actually went there with him then let’s stop hanging around here and go get us some super TNT oh

Wow it didn’t do that before are you sure it’s working who is that I bet that’s uh I it’s that’s Ivor yeah I iore is going to saurin we need to move it’s not too far we could probably make it on foot perfect we can wait till

Tomorrow morning and travel with a full day sunlight uh and risk that thing catching up with us I think I’ve had enough wither storm for one day H thank you very much great because getting caught out there in the dark is so much better trust me if you had seen this

Thing you wouldn’t want to stick around yeah I don’t want the Wither storm catching up with us we should go now Jesse here is talking a lot of sense let’s just go with that plan you’re just saying that because it’s your plan but fine I don’t like eligard she’s kind of

Yeah she seems controlling in a way excuse me I I apologize for that okay everyone let’s get moving Jesse right oh hello we haven’t had the chance to acquaint ourselves properly I hear that you saved your friend Petra from this wither storm sounds like you’re a pretty impressive individual

Pick fights with lots of monsters always defending the weak and defenseless I’m just doing my best to keep everyone safe I can always appreciate humility I like you in any case I sort of wish that you had taken my side earlier but water under the bridge and all

That she’s so controll deal with your friend Olivia I appreciate her enthusiasm but she can be a little much sometimes she’s always very eager to jump in and help which is sweet of course though sometimes I wish she would think a bit more before jumping in

Olivia is one of my best friends she’s smart and she always has a plan oh wow interesting so why didn’t you listen to her plan to come and recruit me not to make it awkward or anything or to demand why didn’t you want to recruit me I figured that we needed Firepower

And no one knows destruction better than Magnus man does know how to blow things up with Reckless abandon that’s for sure I’ll do my best to not let it hurt my feelings oh it’s a Minecraft joke scary mod that was a joke uh FNAF movie one out of 10 what

Uh-oh yep exactly what I worried about and exactly why we should have waited till morning at least the Wither storm isn’t tearing us apart right now all right well we can hash that out later because we’ve got some monsters to fight here people do we yeah on God

By all right I used up my last Arrow it’s going to be light soon we’re going to be okay man I missed daytime how far is s it has to be close right not much farther we can make it hey it’s a it’s shiny oh it’s gold

Cool saurin really live down here so far from anyone enchanting isn’t it uh-oh she’s sick yeah and I’m really not feeling those columns a come on it’s fine [ __ ] woo don’t fall okay oh that is deep that is very very deep oh oh no oh no oh god oh man we got

Enderman just look down hi Lucas I heard your voice and thought I would come down to help so you body slam yourself there so many I didn’t think they ever came in groups that big big thanks for coming back Lucas I mean that he immediately ran away R oh well crap [Applause]

No M jump we’re safe that would hurt but at least we’re safe rip I’ll be quiet it’s just a pointless building that’s all I’m saying I mean look that’s it I’m going once again it falls to me to take care of everything I’ll find this super TNT myself oh no no

No you do not get to be the one who walks away that’s it I’m going okay see I’m walking away too now super TNT here I come it’s hard to pick glass half full when they keep kicking the glass over and I thought they were doing so well

Yeah I wouldn’t go that far they’ve definitely got issues to work through but hopefully they’ll work things out and get on with the important stuff what are we going to do now where should we go let’s figure it out um personally I kind of want to go with magius there’s an invisible wall

If they made a statue of me I wouldn’t choose that pose I’d look like this okay I’m glad he came along even if it did take a bit of persuading hey Petra hey you okay could be better oh I can’t I can’t interact with her anymore

Oh I should have looked I should have looked place the dream come true for Lucas look at him he’s loving it Grace still plays plus Slender The Savage Master equal equal Ami day what does that mean also love still plays Gabriel the warrior Jesse isn’t this incredible I can’t believe we’re actually

Here big cool place like this Underground weird hey Jesse Yeah it’s Petra she I don’t know doesn’t seem right I tried asking but she well maybe she’ll talk she is being with this super TNT thing feels like such a long shot well we’re trusting eligard on this one

So maybe our chances are better right all right goodbye maybe it would be better if I went this way but honestly I don’t think it matters either way h n I’m going for magius goodbye Petra are you okay I’m sorry I don’t mean to worry you I’ve just got something I want to

Discuss with you in private okay but let’s split up private talk let’s go I feel bad about ditching everyone else but I just wanted to talk to you about this alone it’s a little tough to talk about hey whatever it is I trust you you can tell me thanks for being so

Understanding you got me away from the Wither storm but I’m worried that I didn’t get away soon enough what yep she’s being withered it showed up not too long after you saved me what happened the Wither made you sick do you know what wither is the Wither a of course we’ve been known

Jesse just wither or wither sickness I guess it’s not fun I feel like it’s just going to keep getting worse well we’re going to go back and tell the others we can get help you can’t tell anyone about this ah creeper grab my hand I have no idea what

Counts as a view or not wow you let me fall How Could You Jesse I just couldn’t I’m sorry Jesse don’t worry I’m fine withered 19 oh my God okay I got this stay safe I’ll find a way down to you no hey at least it glows in the dark so I am

Robot anybody home also I love how the amulet clip through the wall there this is a pretty place though diamonds can I steal those no okay I guess I won’t steal the diamond sadness he must have something useful in here he has to why would he have so many books stupid I hello

There y you trying to interfere with my plans again I see your tenacity is commendable yet misguided what are you doing down here being rudely interrupted by you clearly I’m here with the order to find saur and Super T and we are going to take down your wither storm the

Order believe me that plan will blow up in their faces in more ways than one they cannot help you but me I choose not to out of my way you donated 12 cookies sorry Ivor I’m oh you’re not going any Petra you escaped foolish girl shut up I don’t care what

You about to say I’m just going to take you down we should let the order decide they’ll know what to do that kind of justice is too good for this monster I’m the only one who can stop the Wither storm not you got the order don’t make yourselves the villains in my

Story but you’re the one that created it so you’re not going anywhere this could have all been avoided old man if you want to stop me go you have to catch me first Jesse look out you’re not getting out of here that easy Ivor I’m like the

Wind I’ll C through you if I had to don’t D your but I will my imagine using gold I know right uh you know that guy made Minecraft videos didn’t have to go this way Jesse you couldn’t just let me go Now You See Me Now

You he could be anywhere stay on your guard vanish all you want slime ball you’re still not going Anywhere end of the rail ivore we’re not letting you get away with this this one’s on you you puffed up fool okay there’s no time for this hello even more of you will this parade of useless babblers never cease hope you’re having a good day what’s going on we found

Ivor we stopped him Jesse did anyway false you have stopped nothing the query have you ever seen the effects of a splash potion of slowness what you talking about you okay Magnus and inard may think they can stop me that they can destroy the Wither storm but they are mistaken and it will

Cost them their lives next time on Minecraft story mode mode no I don’t want to be spoiled don’t spoil it I guess I have to be spoiled huh okay in purs all our heroes found in sain’s Armory was deceit and treachery locked in a dark chamber deep

In sain’s Mountain as the order of the stone rides off towards near certain Doom our heroes must ask themselves would they find a way out of this dark tomb is there any way to cure Petra’s wither sickness where are you would they find a way to Def the Wither storm or

Will they remain as it continues its ravenous Rampage across the entire world only child will tell where are we going I’m curious sure assembly required episode three the past the last place you look previously on it is said that within every loss every challenge Lucas and every failure there is a

Gift when revered heroes are lost we find new ones in our friends yeah when we’re given grief we find a way to give it back and when our band of unlikely adventurers are tasked with saving the world from the coming storm why’ The Voice get so loud they will

Bring together the bravest and the brightest to stop it but finding the last and most elusive member of the order of the stone and his legendary formid would prove their most perilous Mission yet not anymore but it has been for some would rather Our Hero’s story end

Here help shutting the door on their Adventure forever but like all doors when one closes another is bound to open no stop him you won’t get away with this the classic movie troph [Applause] what out of the way couldn’t you just punch through the bookcases though everyone

Okay I felt all of that that was one heck of a landing Axel not that I’m aware he mostly used his face we need to find saurin yeah I still can’t figure out how Ivor made the door close maybe we should focus more on how it opens that’s basically

What I said guys sure maybe it was a pressure plate are you okays why are you asking me that just checking up on you everything’s fine all of it are you okay wait are you are you Look at this I’m not trying to freak you out but I’m a little bit freaked out right now it’s starting to feel stiff and my vision’s all jittery we have to tell the others this isn’t a weing yes it is we’re a team and they all deserve to know maybe look I’ll I’ll

Tell them eventually you have to I have IDE CA panic and we can’t afford that right now if it becomes more of a thing I’ll tell everyone but let me do it hey guys I have an idea okay Magnus help all right but I have another idea is it yelling for

Elard yeah not anymore but they aren’t coming back okay that’s fun we have no idea where they are they couldn’t abandon us if they wanted to as long as we have this flint and steel I don’t get it oh no he stole it that’s not what I meant to pull out

Hold on H okay never mind looks like it might be broken here let me see it maybe you’re just holding it wrong or maybe you just have to jiggle it a little what’s your problem I just want to see it you can see it without touching if you can’t get it to work

It’s working fine oh sa okay that was weird find him Jesse maybe he can help Us well if I was in first person this is the spot it has to be maybe this is definitely it get ready to D dig people who knows how far down that goes we might end up digging until we hit Bedrock guys we’re not really equipped for this anyone else have a better

Plan Jesse’s talking to you Lucas I know I I just need I go okay let’s get to it then standing here hi real uh are we cool it’s a hole does that mean we’re cool yes I’ll find out I guess that makes sense you dig you get a home oh bats looks pretty

Good it’s dark but other than that we’re okay heading down don’t look up I’ve got to work up the nerve wait you have to say that now something’s not right that why are we screaming oh get away I touched it it touched me oh wait I missed something oops all right it’s safe

Now uh we’ll see I have no idea what that is but if I remember to I Might H everyone okay I just slipped what’s that smell just breathe through your mouth Axel already does that hey let’s get out that was UN called For stay close boy Dude this looks like something you see in Minecraft dungeons whoa we have to get out of here what we have to get out of here we just got here you don’t understand this is a grinder oh they’re meant to kill monsters trouble is they can’t tell the difference between monsters and people

This can’t be good but there should be a loot room down there right just saying not all bad left hand Lake all without the creepers I have no idea what that means but okay Yar Yar y yar hey we found our Escape there he is he’s right down no was that the ambulet

Yes wait are you going to jump you’re going to jump aren’t you just tuck and roll this one is mine oh No Goodbye Jesse get down who wants more you’re asking for more yes Jesse St ugly watch out no man she do a lot of uh hey bonad I’m talking to you anytime now Jesse And It’s hold on I love how some of these things actually don’t even matter if you press them or not Pretty sure there was another creeper behind her or something but hey Jesse Incoming okay thanks for telling me when I ow oh that hurt the amulet it’s over there up there go I got to help them what about the amulet you go get it I’m coming Ruben get away from my pig got it Jesse behind you woohoo oh this is going to

Hurt have you seen the FNAF I loved It back to the gro A hi guys is everyone okay we all good well I am definitely not thirsty anymore we’re fine dude everybody’s don’t wor I’m totally fine why oh crap I’m sorry I knew you’d come for us I just knew it Ruben has doubts I owe you and if there ever comes

A time when I can pay you back for that I will pay it back with interest you don’t owe me anything the r there’s something different about you Jesse you’re hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on this is where all the loot gets sorted right

That’s exactly what it is see that things are starting to turn around uh it was cool what you did up there we stick together and we’ll be fine it’s good to know you’re not letting all this get to your head you feeling any better what’s up with her

Eyes a little bit and now I’m wet everyone’s looking at you to lead well actually that’s actually kind of creepy looking I’m not even going to lie looks like it’s still working I’ll just be real careful with it hey thanks for grabbing that up there

Can I have it back not a problem hang on a minute he’s close sain’s close by he’s got to be this way look how bright it is sounds like the grinder is backed up with wood with their night go go go go go I I have no idea what you say wo keep

Moving oh well I missed that Axel look out Ki that ugly oh you want some too I’m coming buddy I have had enough of this take that in your face spider I love how they just go there’s two things I hate it’s running and monsters holy crap an End Portal that’s

The way out wait what look oh no Petra get away from them in your face monsters I think I’m starting to get the hang of this here we go wohoo jump nobody follows okay I see how it is wow oh great just keeps getting better where’s Axel he was right behind

Me there it is again oh my God see I told you I’d pay you back get off oh jeez oh man I there there luus it’s okay let it all out what no I’m not crying just look hide so uh what do we call that a herd

Of Enderman a a flock of Ender a haunting a swarm a crap ton a crap ton of Enderman we might want to hold off on the grammar lessons until later which way are we headed Jesse stuff like that doesn’t work in the nether probably not the end either

Great man so we were trapped Char and now we’re lost so we go from uh a death machine that almost drowns us and and we land here in the end which is the right name for it since now incredibly we don’t even know where we’re going at least we’re alive and

Well yeah we just have to keep on trucking till we get to saurin face it Jesse we might never find this guy there he is well that was easy did that just happen I can’t believe that just happened that’s where we’re headed that’s got to be him hopefully we got to go everyone

Follow me I’ll get us to the other side will you though just stay behind me and we’ll we’ll be fine that’s not a good idea Jesse’s right actually you know what I’ll just go give me a chance everyone follow Lucas and let’s pick up the pace okay come

On so nothing happens if you look at them in the eyes okay missed opportunity wither nice moves back there Lucas thanks and you too Jesse thanks for giving me a shot of course you’re my friend now let’s go saon the eye of soron where are you help please

Anyway I I hope that someday I love something as much as saurin seems to love stairs yeah she’s not doing okay Jesse can you give me a sec need a hand need a hand oh no I can manage thanks really I’m fine no I’m good I’m good keep moving Lucas knows something’s

Up so many stairs there’s a ladder of course better not be a long one a world of pure imagin looks like that’s the way in after you dude here goes wow I am Minecraft Steve guys did he never leave the end it’s beautiful please don’t say more stairs it’s the most beautiful place

I’ve ever seen have you heard of mat Pat Uh or about him yeah I Did why does that tree have brown wool oh come on that’s my body AEL my broken battered body oh my God poor ground is almost dude squishy what in the it’s made of wool this tree the grass it’s all wool you’re telling me that we’ve been resting all

Our hopes on this guy and the whole time he’s been building some totally artificial Happy Land well it’s real wool could it be that he just missed home if you miss home you go and visit you don’t build an exact replica we came here for nothing you know Lucas does have a point

What are we even supposed to do now hey Lucas are you okay man just look around Jesse if the greatest builder of all time has spent years working on this what are the chances he’s even going to have that bomb huh I’ve had enough crazy for one

Day what’s his problem he seems pretty upset maybe he’s allergic to wool I don’t know what feating him hold a group together and find a way out hey Petra this place is crazy where did saon go how scale of ug to how bad are you feeling somewhere in between but I’m

Holding on for now how do you think saurin managed to get out of here without leaving any clues behind he is the greatest builder of all time if anybody knew how to put in the secretest of secret doors I mean I saw it’s him so I’m probably looking for

Well to open a secret door you need a secret mechanism have you ever seen anything weirder than this place actually yeah I once saw a villager do a huge trench and fill it with like a million carrots why I guess I’m going to keep looking around Look Away what is that

Supposed to be in reference to hey Reuben high five Reuben you doing okay buddy I know I’m supposed to be looking for something Reuben any idea what what’s that boy you see something over there well I’m going to keep looking I see a button as well thought you could trick me huh fake

Son Well it’s not going to work what’s up Jesse found anything interesting just that button doesn’t really seem to do anything though you both doing okay could be worse could be better either of you guys know what’s eating Lucas well as a longtime Observer of human behavior we have no

Idea try you know talking to him okay I’m going to keep poking around right all right where’s Lucas it’s a Falcon well at least that’s not made of wool must be all sorts of hidden Water Systems in this place hi Lucas what do you want what’s your problem

Lucas listen I know I and prickly okay but Jesse I think something’s wrong with Petra I mean you have to have noticed the lack of energy the labored breathing I I wish I could tell you but I’m not supposed to talk about it wait talk about what Jesse

If I’m right about this you have to tell me it’s not fooling anybody at least not me yeah I’ll tell him look Lucas Petra’s sick how long have you known a while but she asked me not to say anything the wether infected her with something so everything I was worried

About it’s true this is my fault Jesse no it’s not you big Cry Baby Petra’s wither sickness it’s because of me there’s no way this is because of you if I hadn’t choked you would have been able to pull Petra out of that tractor beam sooner for all we know Petra didn’t

Get sick until way after that maybe you’re right if one of our best fighters is sick do we even stay in a chance anymore not like we haven’t dealt with some grade A problems before but I just can’t help feeling kind of hopeless if we stick together we can do

Anything even something that feels impossible it just feels like save extra impossible now then we stick together extra hard okay I just kind of wish Petra would tell everybody it would just make things easier hey Jesse let’s talk some more you haven’t found a way out of here have you

Honestly I haven’t even been looking I just I just need a little alone time right now how are you holding up I’m not the one you need to worry about man they really like showing her never mind all right goodbye I’m going to go push this

Uh button and also flip this lever I want to flip the lever first though cool oh I get it oh I got to go flip that other lever now okay I cannot flip that other lever what is this hey there’s another lever here though hey Lucas knows something how much of

Something he sees you’re not feeling well I’m trying to hide it as best I can but you take care of you I’ll take care of Lucas I’ll be back I’ll be here okay uh anyway lever time neat and now when I push the button all

The lights will light up see I know how Minecraft logic works it didn’t do anything never mind maybe it is all about this lever over here then hey Jesse I uh kind of need to get to that lever you’re blocking thanks yep all right and now I go push the button that’s

Weird hey everyone I think I found sain’s way out way to go Jesse that’s awesome nice sleuthing Jesse sorry I wasn’t more help back there when I think back to how I ran all over endercon looking for Ivor don’t even worry about it Petra and don’t apologize I uh

Thanks y let’s go we’ll check out the rest of the house see if we can find saurin before he finds us guess the water system isn’t just for the outside not that the outside was actually the outside you watch Eddie watch scary videos I don’t I have no idea what that

Means you could fit hundreds of people in here but it doesn’t look like it’s being used for much of anything I don’t think you could fit a 100 people in there I mean well I guess you could if you cut him up but well the music’s louder but I don’t hear anyone talking

In there open let’s see what’s going on behind this door I’m just waiting for the game to crash at this point and I call that one Symphony in e a new composition to celebrate my newest Discovery that’s him this time I observe one place a block on top of another

Block the riment Yes But A Sign intelligence I hope I’m not imagining things after all that she not even here I better eat something positively lightheaded with excitement we came all this way and for what we can’t give up now saurin has to have been here at some

Point right which means this place has got to be crawling with Clues we literally is crawling with something maybe there’s something useful on this record if I can figure out what he’s talking about I’ve worked up a simple set of building instuctions to inspire them I will disguise myself and hide among them

In order to observe them more closely huh oh hide among composition coming on hide among who uh Jesse do you think saurin is talking about them yeah then again everything else about this guy is has been pointing to crazy but even if you could why would you want

To you think he’s actually training Enderman to build stuff I think he thinks he’s training Enderman to build stuff let’s look around see what we can find out oh I get to play records cool totemic constructions of peaceful Enderman h could Enderman be implored to work

Together or are they like sheep and pigs wandering randomly and doing things based on whim rather than higher thought processes I’ve already decided that only Enderman at peace build structures when agitated you find anything useful don’t seem to have only worth asking with their fists repeatedly meanwhile peaceful Enderman

Will move blocks from place to place on and on on see INF check it out ACH Su satisfaction what would sain need this for in order to walk amongst the Enderman you have to become an Enderman you mean this is the disguise he was talking about

Interesting I can put it on I I’m putting that on I’m not going to say no to this kind of stinky but it fits more than kind of stinky I’m sorry to say it’s so weird I know it’s you in there but I still don’t want to look at you

I’m keep I’m leaving the song There Is Nothing up here oh wait I can look up it’s a good thing they can’t see me through this glass wait I saw somebody else in a costume down there what and it wasn’t her reflection unless if they just didn’t animate her reflection moving

Hang on a second saurin in Disguise looks like any old Enderman and so will you how are you going to find him walk up to every Enderman out there and say hey are you saurin the whole point of the disguise is to avoid that kind of attention we

Just need to stand out without being seen like a shadow in the night what try not to die okay I’d really hate to have to watch that from behind this protective glass thanks for the vote of confidence you’re welcome okay we’ve just got to get thoren’s attention Pretender definitely a Slender Man reference Okay looks like a building grid I have no idea what I’m supposed to do with it though I don’t think there is anything I could do with that even if I wanted to uh can I go this way oh yeah you’re okay I can’t go that way

Okay I guess I have to do something with the grid I don’t I don’t get it can I not do anything yeah I have no idea well I can go back inside iron door not yet but I’m getting closer no I don’t think you’re getting closer at all

Huh yeah I have no idea what to do here this doesn’t make sense oh hey there’s a chest found something what you got it’s definitely some sort of crafting recipe but why would someone as brilliant as saurin need a recipe for a shape that simple because they’re not for saurin

They’re for the Enderman this must be what he’s trying to teach them to build okay so if saurin is using those blueprints to teach the Ender to build and there’s a disguise missing from the stand he must be conducting his experiment right now of course missing

Disguise is the one he had to put on before going outside that explains the I would be if we want to get to saurin we have to go out there to do it I’m no art snob but okay all right back out and go okay let’s try this again I ender man buddy

Please um please Uhoh uh I’ve really made him mad uh bye oh god what have I done those instructions called for clay blocks just like this one they are not happy that’s three I’ve grabbed so far uh I need six if I remember right I’ll take this one too um oh hey what’s in here

Nothing you know that’s really creepy right huh the Ender suit I keep wanting to not look at you it’s so disturbing sorry you go ahead and build with those Enderman outside I’ll just wait here I need more blocks also I don’t think they like me right now so I’ll take this one

Too right I need one more there it is I knew it had to be back here somewhere looks like this is the last block in here hey guys I’m back one block down five to go I just watching out because left the gate open fair enough false evidence of Enderman intelligence

Accomplished uh nothing to see here guys just walk away okay they’re not walking away definitely not walking away I am sorry about this but it has to look real okay I I don’t think it’ll bruise your face these suits were built with durability in mind you must be

Saurin I am but must I be I’m not sure if I want to sometimes sometimes I’d prefer to be anything but saurin like a donkey for example where are the others your friends are stomping around Uninvited making a mess I’m sure by the way as far as introductions are

Concerned this is not going very well no we’re in danger oh what else is new whatever your issue is whatever your problem it has occurred before and has been solved before even so what do you need me for I’ve gone out of my way to avoid these types of

Problems I don’t even remember what it looks like up there I need you to be a hero h i see what do you think a hero would do in this situation a hero would give me his formid bomb there’s a Wither storm on the loose

And it’s eating the world ah I see you misspoke you don’t need me you need my stuff I found that when you give people what they want they turn on you they become resentful I won’t do that it’s only natural it’s why I prefer Enderman they

Always do what you expect almost to a fault you’re a stranger and what you’re asking for is too dangerous I have a pig right I was wondering about that my guess is portable meal he’s my friend of course I used to have those Gabriel asked me to reassemble the order of the

Stone the order of the stone they asked for me I’ve always known they needed me but I was never sure if they wanted me Gabriel is your friend H I don’t know does he ever talk about me uh sure what kinds of things do they say specifically give me an example that you

Were the best of them well that’s very nice to hear but what about you are you my friend as long as we’re on the subject I suppose sure that’s the best thing I’ve heard in years admittedly it’s not a very high bar don’t worry I’m going to help you because that that’s

What friends do before we leave I’m going to give my old friends a gift the gift of song okay you’re kind of a Gary may seem scary but he’s a Sally dilly d give her credit she tries they might look the same to the untrained but that’s a li so I say

Wait is that are are are you saurin whoa nice to meet you saurin you look terrible it doesn’t take much to get past him oh dear God seems a bit odd they’ve never been inside before Look Away you’ve upset them you’ve altered their behavior hey let’s go you know what

Sure when a plan comes together and the hits just keep on coming huh I wasn’t expecting so many house guests there’s no way I have enough seashell soaps for all of them seashell so how are we supposed to get out of here we need to come up with a plan and

Not our usual we come up with a plan when we have to oh wait now we have to kind of plan let’s break that Fountain back in the Maze when we fell into the water the Enderman didn’t follow us well naturally Enderman hate water oh if we could force the fountain to overflow

Somehow Jesse you still have the Enderman suit put that on and you’ll be able to safely reach the fountain yay Enderman just when I thought I’d never have to smell this thing again good luck dude we’ll um all watch from here then where it’s safe try not to

Die hey you know as a friend he’s just giving you encouragement come on what are you waiting for plan was great the fountain so make it come on guys it’s clear oh no we’re going to die nobody’s going to die because I’m going to break that other

Fountain I guess the water doesn’t taste good wait there’s already water on that side what wa why Fountain number twoy you meet your doom it worked okay everybody let’s go what’s the hold up oh dear they’re everywhere how are we supposed to get through this I mean physically and

Psychologically everyone just hold on to me I’ll guide us through them I guess if this is the only way we’re going to make it back to the trap door I have no idea where the trap door is so okay calm down Ender dude maybe we should have turn around or not

I’m expecting one of them to right in my face quick in the water oh when I constructed this place I worried about how planable my building material was so I installed a fire suppression system to prevent the whole thing from going up in Flames so there’s more water much more

If we activate it it could disperse all these Endermen while we swim to safety can we reach the control the lever it’s right up there right yesh I don’t know how much water this thing is going to kick out so everybody just it’s working well done Jesse now time to swim

To that trap door quick come on hurry Jessie Jesse hurry yay A ow we made it making it is relative come on why is it blurry not that this isn’t a ton of fun but let’s grab that perit bomb and get out of here one small problem tiny really you all see them I haven’t actually built it yet

That’s a small problem you seem like a person who appreciates cool stuff that’s cool for no reason thanks go ahead and throw that lever behind you Jesse hold on to your socks cuz they’re about to get blown off go to work boys know what that was for

Okay that did turn out pretty cool well I wouldn’t lie to you Jesse oh no wait a minute I would I didn’t lie to you that’s right okay okay fears the fathom I actually don’t like that you guys hear that hear what all that stuff Whispering take me take me

Now I think it’s saying Olivia should get to take more than Axel but why because she’s cooler come on guys don’t touch anything I know all the stuff is pretty awesome cool the greatest the super greatest but it doesn’t belong to us I’ll just fetch the super TNT it’s right up

There how are you going to get up there I have my ways okay oh and feel free to help yourselves how you doing just make sure you keep an eye out for the gunpowder we’ll need to make that formid are you in Paradise or what honestly I’m

Moreing what right now all this power went straight to my head and then I got a Head Rush and now I’m too overwhelmed to take anything stay strong Axel I’ll try hold up guys I got to get a water I’m thirsty doing great just uh cold right now

L what what temperature is it for you right now hello otu says you both doing okay it’s gotten really bad part of me is hoping that when we bomb the Wither storm this sickness will just dissipate sure would be nice huh well it makes sense doesn’t it I had

The same thought well fingers crossed right toes to toes too Okay gunpowder more gunpowder this is awkward 48° with humidity at 68 no idea what that means so I’m just going to assume that it’s cold mine is 11 I mean it would be really handy to have CL oh wait no but it would be so cool to

Finally have my very own spider eye big decision I’ll leave you to It see anything you want rube just because everyone else is grabbing stuff doesn’t mean you have to too all right let’s go for push this button yeah mountains are cold during winter I bet cool hey saurin Jesse I think I’ve almost got got enough gunpowder now glad

To hear it and Jesse I am sorry for not keeping this place as organized as I should it’s very embarrassing and this is my super TNT the f bomb wait but I thought super TNT was the FID bomb of course not they’re two completely different words aren’t

They let’s build us a formid bomb yes let’s build away for now how do we build this met a bomb exactly do we just combine this with the gunpowder well the crafting recipe is quite simple really super TNT in the middle and gunpowder all around guys oh

Okay no no no no the ingredients are highly unstable even putting them in close proximity to each other is a risk okay well we may not have the formid bomb yet but at least we finally had the ingredients to build one progress and now that we have them we

We I literally don’t remember you’re going to have to help me out a little Jesse uh any information here now we just need to find a way to get it inside the Wither storm to blow it up oh oh dear oh I was afraid of this with the end underwater the Enderman

Will try to escape maybe we should wait before any more of them show up of course of course to the mine carts everyone let’s go woo I’ve waiting ages to say that to people I mean Blockbuster incoming uh-oh oh there you are so glad you can make it I could have used you

Earlier showing up just in time to hold up the trophy huh I’m glad you’re okay this looks like okay to you I thought Ivor was coming to get you Ivor we haven’t even seen him okay uh what’s going on you don’t have to worry about the monsters they’re running

Away worry about what they’re running away from feel like that got bigger it did this is going to suck saurin it’s him it’s You hello old friends it’s time to go we only get one shot at this remember once the perid bomb is crafted it’ll explode in a matter of seconds it means whoever is doing the crafting will be in great danger I was hoping well perhaps we could draw straws I’ll do

It don’t look at me I think I may have tweaked an ankle earlier so I never wanted to be a hero that’s not how it works I never wanted to be a hero but I’m willing to do the heroic thing yay I’m going to set off the formid

Bomb that’s what I was hoping for at least he’s on the rest of us will build distractions in its path hopefully it will buy you some time you should be ashamed of yourselves yeah Jesse take my armor it will help n you can take mine it’s gotten me out of a lot of

Gems I insist I double insist I triple insist you know what I’ll take hers Jesse you deserve this what you’re doing means we’re all all going to die Jesse you’re going to have to set down a crafting table out there and make that formid everyone else grab a buddy

And split up we need to keep that wither storm on track so build build build Jesse don’t forget super TNT in the middle and gunpowder all around I wonder if I can mess this up I hope this works all right made of or super TNT in the middle no no no not

Yet got it that’s a tree please don’t blow up watch out noard The formidable AK F you wither open up and stay up a yeah well didn’t go inside so who’s the real failure here there’s no way that actually killed it is that it is it over I can’t believe it’s actually dead nah there’s no way it can’t be that you

Did it Jesse you actually did it handled like a champ look I know it wasn’t easy but about time we got a real win thank you for saving my life back there happy to thanks buddy hey not to put a damper on the party but anyone seen saurin or Eligard oh no you fought valiantly my friend you and I both know my fight is over stuff and nonsense stuff and nonsense save your strength elard we’ll take care of this we’ll take care of you oh Jesse alard my armor really Suits You Jesse I want I want you to keep it

Okay it’s certainly not going to be much use to me now thank you elard for everything I’m just glad I got the chance to go on one more Adventure sorry that I have to take off a little early well sorin at least I finally got to be a real hero right All those people they’re alive the weaer storm didn’t kill them Jesse those people you have to help them all of them make sure they get out don’t leave anybody behind I’m not going anywhere not without you too late there’s no way that the in storm is

Act or the Wither storm is dead we’ got a job to do it it can be that would be way too you guys help the survivors I need to make sure we find the people who might be trapped get to safety there are people over there who can help you thank you thank You you’re going to be okay I promise I thank you don’t worry it’s all over now my friends are going to help you I hope you’re right thank you don’t eat it now no the command block that’s impossible I don’t understand saurin said the perida bomb would destroy it but it looks

Fine yeah I knew it guys overhead no no somebody help K hold On hey Gabriel H but I thought you were dead I saw you what happened here I’ll explain everything just not right now yeah I knew it it’s not come on we’ve got to get out of here Gabriel let’s go who’s Gabriel oh dementia has kicked in I

Guess next time on Minecraft story mode next time on Minecraft story mode faced with a devastating defeat Our Heroes will have to search deep within themselves in order to rise above tragedy heal broken friendships untangle bitter rivalries and find the strength to make one last stand against the Storm I don’t want to stand against the storm is it rude to say I mainly watch you to get you views ah so how many chapters are there okay there’s eight all right I’ll do this one and then um I guess I’ll do the last for tomorrow previously on Minecraft story

Mode everything in the universe starts out as just a block what comes of those blocks is up to those who wield them and in every block there lies the potential to create or destroy our friends have traveled far and wide in search of the order of the Stone

And a way to stop the Wither storm for good but even well-laid plans can go aride the strong can grow weak and beloved Heroes can fall wo it’s and though some glimmer of hope May Remain the threat to this world to its very existence is far from over oh

Where am I what’s going on what is all this what’s that awful smell are you okay I I have no idea who are you Jesse Jessy where are you say something Jesse we’re over here no way no way you found Gabriel who’s Gabriel we need to get out of here now

Head Jesse you made it and Gabriel did you say Gabriel look out What those Endermen are running the wrong way they’ll be killed saurin I Can’t Stand By and Watch stop staring and get a move on I can’t just abandon them not after a lifetime of study your head’s going to be abandoning your body if you don’t turn around and run Jesse they’re falling

Behind Axel you got to move faster she’s too sick this is the best we can do qu they’re not going to be able to outrun it not on foot we got to find a way to move faster or we’re all going to be caught in the tractor beam we need

Transportation anyone seen a mine cart I think Axel still has one from the nether but it won’t help we need to lay down too much track then we’ll have to use the next best thing everybody get on Slow down hey what about us come on Jesse we got this we’ll take the Reigns and they can just hang on I’ve got Petra then on I’ll take Gabriel hold on this might be a bumpy Ride come on horse lie this is making me whatever you do don’t look back I look mcraft when’s the Wither everyone follow me wooho this is awesome Axel stop backseat steering I can’t help it I’m getting horse sick eh I’ll leave it it’s gaining on us

No offense but you can use a little practice first time on a horse here watch it I’ll let my dog you trying to knock me off this thing Jesse sorry turn around to see if it’s gaining but it’s all I can do to hold on I won’t let you touch me

Tentacles there we need to ride over that Noe Bridge oh no Jesse look out the Enderman they’re slowing it down am I seeing Ender attack the Wither storm Enderman move blocks it’s what they do guys come on we got to build a new one like right

Now come on faster we need more blocks I can I love silly that did they make that out of F I don’t how that a you’re screaming in my ear Sorry we made it we actually freaking made it Jesse Gabriel was saying some pretty weird stuff back on that horse he might have wither sickness I don’t know you never acted the way he’s been acting I’ll go talk to him hey how are you feeling I I’m afraid

I don’t feel much like myself at the moment Gabriel it really is you they told us you’d kicked it who are you people it’s me Magnus old friend don’t you recognize us it’s saurin he doesn’t recognize me either well he only just met you but for him to forget

Us you you’re the one who rescued me tell me please what is going on I remember only Blackness and then suddenly you were there you were caught in the Wither storm trapped for how long long enough that it did this to you is it just me or did the voice act like an

Eternity it was dark and foul and I was sure I was a goner Well you aren’t you made it back alive which is more than I can say for some of us oh man Ellie for a second I almost managed to forget you guys talking about elard I just

Can’t believe she’s gone doesn’t feel real how how could this have happened to lose not just a friend but a member of the order of the stone guys it was my fault I’m the one who took allard’s armor but you couldn’t have known what was going to happen she’s right don’t

Blame yourself kid I am yeah never blame myself for anything being emotional is getting us nowhere what I want to know is what happened out there today why is that thing still alive my instructions were simple you were the one in the middle of everything what went wrong all we

Managed to do is make things worse the command block is still out there saurin blast and now to make matters worse we’ve gone from one way Storm 2 three our plan was a total failure I should have cast the foul thing into the abyss why didn’t I destroy that cursed

Block ages ago so is the command block controlling all three wither storms why are you asking me am I expected to know every last thing in the universe I need a moment to think what do you mean is he always like this you have no idea that jacket I recognize it

F Lucas always wears that jacket no there were other people wearing that very same jacket when I was thrown from the monster it hurts just to think about hey hey it’s okay Jesse if what Gabriel said is true I mean do you think I thought for sure they were gone but

If they were just trapped in the Wither storm Lucas your friends could still be out there I know and that means I I got to go after them they might need me Jesse whoa I suddenly feel really dizzy easy easy I got You hey buddy are you doing okay of course you are wish I could say the same for everyone else Petra how are you doing hey you feeling any better better is relative if I just sit here and don’t move or breathe it’s almost beable man it wasn’t for ior she wouldn’t even be

Like this no kidding that’s not exactly true Ivor built the Wither sure but he couldn’t have done it without that skull I gave him if I’d just taken a second to think about it this isn’t all on you and you know it I was an idea

Too but I brought that skull back solo I was ivor’s henchman well I was your henchmen So based on the transitive property of henchmen just know I’m going to do everything I can to make this right okay Petra I know this isn’t easy to hear but you too sick to be going

Anywhere I’m not that sick maybe you should rest in this cave for a while I mean it’s safe defensible if I say I’m fine then I’m fine if you try to keep going I’m afraid you’re not going to make it no no way I’m not a quitter Petra you need to

Keep fighting there’s no time to sit around relaxing in some cave Jesse thanks Jesse no you’d understand just she’s the catch my breath and I’ll be fine this is a bad idea Jesse Yeah well it’s Petra’s call to make gravel no dirt don’t think So a mod is basically Li Authority in pulled through worse right have we how’s it going tell me Jesse who is this person he keeps insulting me one minute I think I’m talking to a friend the next I’m being made fun of that right there is Magnus everyone

Knows Magnus Magnus H and how do I know him exactly I sense we have a history but I feel I need a little reminder you’re both members of the order of the stone and what’s that the order of the stone it’s the greatest band of Heroes ever

Assembled really really you go way hey hey back it isn’t working he doesn’t remember talk to him about your past something only you would know about like what it’s been so long since we’ve seen each other talk about fighting the Ender Dragon no no no no anything but that

Come on that’s what you’re famous for well all right then the Ender Dragon you see it was huge and dangerous and for a while there it looked like we were goners but you know who stepped in and killed that thing um was it Jesse huh no it was you man you killed it

Oh oh thank you for sharing that with me and Jesse thank you too you’ve been a big help here I uh I need to repay your kindness I’m not sure how exactly but I want to express my gratitude you can thank me by watching out for me and my friends this fight

Isn’t over yet very well now then tell me more about this inder dragon man I don’t even know where to begin I hate questions because you have to understand might come in handy what will come in handy oh Cobblestone okay Lucas what are you doing I told you

I’m going after my friends I thought the other ocelots were dead but if they’re not I need to go find them look I am grateful to you guys for bringing me this far but I can’t leave them alone out there you’re right they do need you

And the best way to help them is to help us beat that monster that sounds right but it just doesn’t feel right Jesse Lucas look you and me we’ve made a pretty good team so far i’ even call us friends so I hope you’ll understand why

I need to go help my old friends they do it for me me same way you’d go back for any of your friends I can’t believe I’m saying this but if your heart’s telling you to go then you got to go otherwise you’d be heartless or something thank you Jesse I’ll find them

And then I’ll find you again too I promise thanks he’ll be fine sorry Reuben I don’t really feel like Company Reuben not again Reuben it’s snowing wait where did uh s don’t run off on me like that okay I don’t want to lose you you understand what yeah I know you’ve run off before but things are different now we’ve lost too many people already the world needs us

Reuben so much of it has already been reduced to bedrock and it’s up to us to save the rest of it well maybe that is a lot of pressure for just a person and a pig but we have to find a way that’s what I said isn’t

It oh just as you once helped us why is Ivor here about the it’s about the future there are three of those things now you say that like it’s my fault it is your fault oh take responsibility for once Saurin saurin you need to listen to me oh what good has ever come of that haven’t you done enough Ivor like say single-handedly destroying the entire world well technically i s in motion a series of events whose end result appears it’s the same Thing what you don’t understand is you are all in very grave danger obviously no I mean specifically this group the Wither storm isn’t acting randomly it’s following Gabriel Gabriel why you see I may have programmed it to follow his amulet Oh you mean the orders amulet yes

Sain that amulet that explains why the Wither Storm’s been following us I don’t understand Gabriel only just reappeared I have the amulet Ivor I have all along what I I didn’t know ah ivore you fool you’ve created a monster that’s following Jesse and it’s only getting stronger you don’t think I

Realize that nothing can stop those things nothing even hurts them well except Enderman Enderman yeah Jesse’s right the Wither’s gaze passed over them we actually just saw a bunch of Enderman pull blocks off of a Wither storm so so enough of them working together might be able to

Destroy a Wither storm entirely it’s a promising concept at least in theory if I’m seeing all the pieces correct could you coordinate the Enderman somehow make them attack all at once if I know my Enderman all we’d need to do is get them into the storm’s vicinity in fact

There’s probably more than enough of them still in my Fortress an unintended side effect of you flooding the end this is just like the old days saurin you and your crazy ideas iore for once question is how to bring the storms and the Enderman together Enderman aren’t pets they don’t follow orders at

Least not from mere mortals the Wither storms are already chasing us if we just get them to chase us to your Fortress again yes yes that’s it they’ll be caught between a rock and a hard place if we can’t bring the the Enderman to the Wither storms we bring the Wither

Storms to the Enderman just one problem you’re forgetting about the command block yes it’s clear now that no weapon can destroy it not even a formid bomb actually I may have a solution to that you see when I first took possession of the command block you mean stole it yes

Well I created a fail safe a backup plan just in case well I’d say just in case is here and I’m inclined to agree and what is this fail safe exactly an enchanting book one that contains the power of the command block itself use it to enchant a weapon and you’ll be able

To smash the command block to bits forever yes yes that’s it it could very well solve all our problems then what are we waiting for let’s go get that book just one problem it’s at my secret lab which is sort of far away how far could it possibly be

Let’s just say it’s the farthest place a person can travel before being utterly oh dear you B lands I’ve been there that place ain’t fun I can’t believe it found us so quickly it just keeps coming for us well we can’t stand around and wait for

It so what do we do guys there’s a reason it’s been following us Ivor says it’s because of the amulet that Gabriel ivore it is you good to see you too Magnus hello my name is Gabriel somebody pinched me anyway ior figured out the Wither storms are drawn

To the amulet so we’re going to lure them back to sain’s Fortress and destroy the command block with an enchanted super weapon you figured all that out just now the point is we need to get moving we aren’t safe not as long as we have that

Amulet I’ll take it you can’t I can and I have to Axel are you sure of course not but you’ll have three wither storms was chasing you wherever you go yeah if things get too intense I’ll duck into The Nether or something you know fair enough tired of always being the selfish

One you just go make that super weapon I’ll meet you back at sain’s Fortress well Axel shouldn’t have to do this alone I’m coming with you man nice Jesse I’m going with him too like you said I need to keep fighting well I’m going with Jesse I

Play pledge to help and that’s what I must do but Lucas is out there all by himself there’s nothing you can do for him everyone take good care of yourselves you Too hey Jesse let’s try our handshake again just once for the road the Builder bump you got it hey Fair I’ll see you at sord all right not if I see you first Is it much further not too much Further I’m getting major uh Minecraft dungeon Vibes also did dungeons come out before this or after I don’t remember I I’m pretty sure it came out before but I don’t know the music’s pretty good Though many sleepless nights that’s for sure I’m enjoying this inventure music it’s really good We must be there now right no no we’re not even Close and a land far away oh we’re in a swamp Cool my rear end is profoundly sore feels like we’ve been riding forever I am telling you we cannot go to the far lands they’re not just the edge of our world but the limits of our comprehension oh please the farlands are a happy accident Nature’s Way of keeping

Life interesting no no no they are perilous and unpredictable pearing noise floating points these are not matters to be toyed with why are you so down on the Farland sauren they sound cool see Jesse thinks the farlands are cool the farlands lie at the very edge of all

Things where logic gives way to chaos they’re a dangerous place to visit and a ridiculous place to construct a laboratory just wait until you see it do those two never stop arguing I don’t know I’m too hungry to care no kidding I’m starving maybe we should turn back this

Isn’t the time swamps are too dangerous you never know what might be lurking around what was that my stomach let’s look around see what we can find out we mustn’t linger long the far lands are just beyond this swamp so this could be our last chance to find food swamp Land oh hey care Oh potatoes sweet a potato potato you’re coming with me it’s not not much but it’ll help like they say two potatoes is better than one I think they say that I don’t think they do have you found any food I should probably take what I have back to the

Group No No in fact we’re not going back yet we got to go to the witch hut A Witches hard we should steer clear of it nothing good ever happens when witches are involved look a cake that’s enough to feed everyone it isn’t worth it Jesse witches hate trespassers besides there are plenty of potatoes around you know he does have a point Jesse we shouldn’t be here witches

Are very strong let’s get out of here good idea I’ll listen to him Jesse did you find any food actually yeah some potatoes but you’ll have to wait there’s a witch nearby we saw her creeping through the swamp and she’s here oh no you don’t watch out for her

Potions why do I have a stone sword ow goodbye see you later you nasty old thing oh no Skeletons witches and skeletons that’s a deadly combination her potions combined with their arrows we need distract them and get out of here fine but how the rest of you go I’ll hold them off what ior no there’s no time to argue just head for the corner of the glitch

Wall the what wall glitch wall hey you witch you’re not the only one who can throw a potion come on hold on to your potatoes guys I think we lost him for wow you lost them for wow what is that oh wow yep it’s exactly what I thought

It was going to be it’s like we’re at the edge of the world actually we seem to be at the corner of it welcome to the farlands my friend I’d feel a lot better about going into this crazy wall thingy if I wasn’t still hungry but at least Jesse found those

Potatoes that might be the saddest sentence ever uttered by the S side isn’t it stretching Skyward in all its Glory like a monument to chaos itself so what am I looking at here exactly this is a natural phenomenon the intersection of two of the Great Walls that form the

Boundary of our world very few have seen it in person incredible you can say that again incredible my fault should have seen that coming how can Ivor live here I mean it’s one thing to build a war world inside the end but this oh I doubt he

Lives here he most likely comes here only for his most secretive research whatever Ivor is hiding in here it will be extremely well guarded this way I suspect I’d feel better about this if the rest of our group was with us man you like complaining Is this a maze it would appear so a massive one from the looks of it if Ivor used the command block to build this it could hold unspeakable Peril why do I sense that entering this so-called maze would be a grave mistake mistake because some part of you still

Knows ivore fortunately this seems to be the only way forward there has to be another way a secret door or I don’t know some way around there’s no way we’re going into some crazy maze that Ivor built to keep people away we’ll find some other way through

Best decision you’ve made all day why does no one have a pickaxe we could just mine through flowers flowers all right we’re definitely climbing the Tre guess it’s a farlands thing ior needs to take better care of this place all right let’s go huh looking proberbly climb these

Everyone on guard there’s too many we can’t bite them all what a bet guys climb the vines well that worked I suppose yeah I guess but now what do we do we’re all separated no only I am let’s just head that way and find a place where the paths

Connect sure hope they don’t get lost in there I hope I don’t get get lost in there can I jump no what if I keep going this way nothing yeah they don’t really want you to explore that much what the why did you guys go down wasn’t

The whole point of us being up here bruh what kind of moronic play style was that I first met ruing near waterfall like this hope the little guy’s okay something tells me I’m not supposed to be that way zombie uh I’m guessing it probably wants me to go left what’s this broken wall

Okay very Cool I’m assuming I’m heading in the right direction I have no idea this place just gets weirder and Weirder hey that must be ivor’s lab wish it was a little closer don’t we all and the spiders really like pouncing on us shoot you yeah I knew that was going to happen at some point but hey it lasted longer than the wood uh the wood sword even though that’s not how that

Works Man this is more of a maze than if I would have just went down below hi guys okay really I have no idea if I’m heading in the right direction or not anymore I think I am I think I see which Way oh what’s this floating land okay I guess I didn’t want to look at it oh my chat has died oops hey Destiny welcome it’s been a while uh this is Minecraft story mode what’s that yay I found my way out Wooho look like iore kept some Redstone Dust handy cool yeah and a slim ball I have no idea what she got okay I don’t see a way across why not build a bridge you’re good at building huh redstone blocks some Pistons wonder what this thing’s supposed to be hello anyone Olivia is

That you Jesse There You Are I thought I’d never find you am I glad to see you guys us two I thought Reuben and I would be lost in here forever where’ the others go exactly this maze we don’t have time for this who even knows where the others are by

Now I mean the clock’s ticking here Jesse yet we’re lost in some elaborate puzzle well well at least we are back together to it looks like Dream Team reunited but I don’t know now the dream team’s just got to find a way across this gaping bottomless

Pit we’ve already been to the end it’s fine what about this thing could it get us across it’s some kind of flying barge it would probably get us to the other side but it’s in really bad shape and it’s really complicated you can fix it though right I don’t know

I think it’s out of my league I wish I’d had more time to study with elegard come on I’ll help you how are you going to help me when I don’t even know where to start this layout doesn’t even make any sense what was Ivor thinking he was thinking of or something

That’s for sure or maybe it’s just me I mean elard herself said I don’t have what it takes to be a great engineer she was right I just can’t hack it I might as well be a carrot farmer so prove her wrong show the world What

You’re Made Of prove her wrong Jesse she was the greatest Redstone engineer the pig is so cute you think so she was in the order of the stone he became the order are still people just like us right just like us I mean how are we the

Ones saving the world when even they don’t have what it takes saurin and Ivor are always at each other’s throats The Greatest Warrior in history doesn’t remember his own name all I ever SE Magnus do is argue and we both know what happened to elard we don’t talk about her no

More I’m totally not wearing her armor or anything order can’t do this how are we supposed to how are we supposed to do anything we’re nobody you know what we’re better than them better than the order I don’t know about that I mean they defeated an ender

Dragon can you name even one thing we’ve done right and I don’t mean managing to stay alive something that actually matters well for starters We rescued from the Wither storm you did that Jesse not me we were all there together we protected one another the whole thing has been a group

Effort yeah I suppose that’s true all right I’ll try it one more time Olivia is so negative yeah she really is wait a second I think I see what he was trying to do Jess take this piston craft it into a sticky piston then place it on

The other side of the barge along with a redstone block you got all that also hello ok3 welcome to the stream I hope you’re having a good day my friend wait what am I doing hey Olivia you put the block and piston on the barge yet no well this

Thing won’t start without them then I’ll get right on it uh what am I what am I doing I don’t know am I making a sticky piston or something I don’t know how to make one of those the sooner the better uh now what I don’t know what I’m

Doing oh I need a redstone block you know what that makes sense also I still have this lever and I don’t know why okay a redstone block yo Menan so what have you been playing lately what do you mean okay let’s put the Redstone Block where it’s supposed to go and place

These Pistons I don’t I don’t know okay it does it for me automatically good holy cow we did it we need blint and steel to get it started I’m proud of you Olivia ow thanks Jesse and thanks for everything you said just before it really helped no problemo it must be this way

Run Hello hey over here quick onto the barge that’s funny that was close everyone okay for the moment I remember something didn’t elard build a machine like this once yes in the Nether and you were terrified of flying on it what stuffing nonsense saurin is that true of course

Not well I suppose I might be mistaken I liked you better when you had Amnesia no that’s mean don’t make fun of the dementia Guy well that was exciting by exciting I assume you mean absurd and unnecessary let’s go see what he’s hiding in there he has Bedrock how did he get bedrock you can’t break Bedrock this game is inaccurate unplayable this game is bad n I’m kidding so many books we should be careful this place

Could be booby trapped let’s just start looking for the enchanting Book bookshelf a brief history of cubism crafting for noobs revised a collector’s guide to precious gems none of these are enchanting books how to train your slime the various uses of mushrooms too oology volume 24 oh none of these seem to be enchanting books either Olivia any luck not really I’ve

Wor has too many books and there’s too few of us looking how did we end up all split up like this I feel like we’re spreading ourselves too thin I miss how things used to be look we might be spread thin but we’re all still a team

That’s how teams work you need to calm down a little you almost said teamwork see we’re so funny and we can still get things done I guess being split up just means we can be in more places at once right kind of like the Wither storm let’s just forget that

Metaphor find anything yet huh in this mess it’s as though Ivor learned nothing from my lectures on organizational methodology if only he hadn’t tried to fight those cursed witches he could just tell us where the book is coming here was his idea he should be here for it he

Was just doing what I asked it wasn’t his fault we got separated not really is that supposed to make me feel better yeah there’s neither rhyme nor reason to how these books are stored finding anything here is impossible tedious maybe impossible no way fine I will continue this monotonous

Search but I reserve my right to grumble about it it’s a deal all right soron Reuben you’re not looking too what are you doing yeah well you’re going to get yourself cooked I’ve told you before stay away from lava don’t got to be rude about it jeez this cyborg

Character I’m recalling that he knew something about potions could one of these stop the Wither monsters I’m remembering correctly am I not that’s what started this whole mess actually a potion then perhaps a potion can end it his potions just aren’t strong enough why are these people so whiny

Rben is doing better than potion dness potion of none of these will help me Jesse am I going to be all right or is this just who I am now always struggling to remember what I was don’t worry we’re going to find a way to fix

You you and Petra and everyone else the Wither storm affected but to do that you’ll need to destroy the command block will you not so that’s exactly what we’ll do you never stop fighting I admire that Ho Hey Olivia I think there’s some Redstone over here looks like a circuit we probably

Just need a lever to power it well it’s a good thing I still have one from like really [Laughter] ago oh my God that’s that’s funny what I built this lever as a joke was made for it let’s see what this sucker does serious I literally built this Leever as

A joke and I’ve just had it ever since really it’s one of the only things that I knew how to make why would you build a secret passage in a house that nobody ever visits more like why wouldn’t you secret passageways are cool good point what the oh

Goodbye are you guys okay we’re fine but the isn’t working anymore hey don’t break my lever stay there we’ll head down and see what we can find whoa what is all this incredible he’s gathered them all in one place gathered what exactly the Treasures of the order of the Stone

Stories I could tell about these Dusty old things what is a guest here I don’t see any enchanting books though maybe through there uh locked of course there must be some way to open it these gas tiers they’re super hard to get you don’t know the half of it it was

Our first official mission as the order of the stone we fought those GS for hours and these tears were our reward wow oh you can get them from witches though can’t you Jesse what are you doing uh no they’re not that far taking this really cool rare item we

Might need it to unlock that door uh very well just be careful with it see a sea lantern light can I crazy or is this a sea lantern ah the very same one the order built all those years ago we were so green back then it looks just as

Bright as on the day we crafted it a them Lantern huh prismarine crystals you’ve got to be kidding me These are prismarine crystals you can only get these underwater right precisely we nearly ran out of oxygen getting these elegard had to use a spare bucket just to grab a few extra breaths we use most of these to craft a sea lantern this is all that remained prismarine is such a cool word

Pris marine okay Jesse ice oh packed ice so where did this packed Ice come from we brought it back from the ice plane spikes biome it was colder there than anywhere we’d ever been but Magnus slipped so many times our laughter kept us warm after that we knew we were ready to

Face the Ender Dragon cold and slippery no it’s almost like people used them as fast boat travel saurin is this the actual Ender Dragon egg huh alas yes the only thing that remains of our final adventure together no way I’m leaving this behind I shouldn’t have done that I’m

Sorry aha a hopper why is iore hiding a hopper in his basement four no five he’s hiding five any idea how this Hopper thing is supposed to work I have no clue ior can be very confounding when he wants to be all right well let’s look at this door first Locked looks like a regular Hopper that’s who hooked up to a bunch of fredstone circuitry man Ivor sure does love his puzzles H five slots okay so he said after he got this packed ice let’s put it here because I I’m assuming that this is going based in order of their Adventures

No it would go there Ender Dragon egg the Ender Dragon egg so cool let’s try it here Gast tiar let’s try them here sea lantern in you go holy crap I actually got that but how in the world did you know what order to put them in there were 120 possible

Combinations everything I needed was in your stories nice work Jesse you know I often give Ivor a hard time but for all his complaining his time with the order clearly meant a great deal to him yeah I guess so anyway let’s go get that enchanting book dude I’m I’m actually surprised I

Got that first try holy crap Stars the Ender Dragon with replica ender crystals and all wow I always wondered what it looked like sometimes I’m good at puzzles sometimes I’m not no way out saurin what’s this thing supposed to be it appears to be an homage to our

Battle with the Ender Dragon despite his anger ivore never stopped being fond of us he was a big part of our team after all are these supposed to be the ender crystals scale models of them they were the secret to the Dragon’s demise the secret huh maybe you should tell me the whole

Story huh if only you’d been there it was a fight for the ages oh back we spent weeks preparing for our greatest battle ever but even so Ender Dragon was stronger than even I had imagined I realized that it was drawing strength from the ender crystals and

That the crystals had to be destroyed I hit the First with a perfectly placed Arrow the second I destroyed by launching myself on the shock W of magnus’s TNT using only my strength and my Wilds I steered the foul Beast toward the third crystal I flew the dragon directly toward the final

Pistol he would take D only then would Gabriel deliver his famous final [Laughter] blow we became and eventually Legends the greatest the world has ever known you did all that indeed I did they didn’t call us the order of the stone for nothing I don’t wonder if that story will help me

Solve this puzzle I don’t think that’s really true Ro the dragon huh okay here we go so first he trick shoted H interesting and then he went on to explode um and then it was red stone and then he blew it up with his melee aha there’s another

Door yeah some how we have to get up there now I bet see I’m I’m being observant give me a boost will you it’s okay you guys apparently don’t take fall damage so aha Bravo you did it there’s the book oh wait aren’t those the ender

Crystals like the real ones it it can’t be stop here not after all this time but those things were destroyed in your big heroic battle with the Ender Dragon right saurin he kept them the fool actually kept them he looked me in the eye and swore you was going to dispose of them

Sa you said destroying these crystals was the key to defeating the Ender Dragon you did Kill the Ender Dragon right Jesse this isn’t this isn’t what it looks like our story the story it’s it’s mostly true I swear I swear it whatever you’re thinking I promise I can

Explain sorin I want the truth and I want it now I I can’t we swore never to speak of it I don’t care I’m afraid I haven’t been honest with you J you didat the Ender Dragons but it wasn’t exactly like I said how not exactly we got rid of it

But we didn’t kill it per se fact we didn’t even fight it we didn’t even try so what did you do to it we didn’t do anything we used that damned command block oh you used the command block to defeat the Ender Dragon I’m afraid so understand when I

Found that blasted block we were nobody’s but with its help we became stronger faster we could do so much more the others had no idea what I was doing if the more I used it the more we came to depend on it I knew it was only so long before someone would find Out So I concocted a plan I would use the command block to Blink the ender dragon out of existence poor Ender Dragon so they’re not even real heroes securing our status as Legends forever I think I see why Ivory hates them now we told the world we defeated the

Dragons and the rest is history saurin I looked up to you the whole world did nobody is more ashamed than me so you finally admit it saurin how could you Ivor how long have you guys been standing there long enough that they heard the whole thing so we’re

Liars all of us you didn’t think you could keep it secret forever did you saurin the truth hurts doesn’t it but Ivor why is this why you left the order because saurin lied because they all did saurin Gabriel Magnus helard they agreed to keep this a secret how conniving of us

And you you agreed to stay quiet too in exchange for all of our Treasures I’ve technically never told anybody Jesse discovered the truth on her own so this whole thing the Wither you Unleashed it’s all been to teach the order a lesson to teach the world a

Lesson to show you who the order really are liars cowards and now they know yes I suppose they do and how is that any better you reveal their lies at the expense of the world itself look my wither plan obviously backfired you think I didn’t know we’d end up with

Three of those things tearing the world apart for a moment I nearly forgot which brings us back to why we’re here we need to destroy that command block like now Jesse’s right destroying the command block is all that matters anymore how ironic that the best thing

The command block gave us was the very means to destroy it spare is the Poetry it’s not your strong suit I’ve had this book for years let’s just get on with it and put that enchanting book to work agreed just follow me I’ll show you what to do Ivor I’m sorry about

Everything yes well it doesn’t matter now grab some ingredients and craft a weapon I’ll show you how to enchant it sweet I4 when his Comm block powder Mega weapon isn’t destroyed by a single po let’s see crafting stuff and diamonds score diamonds score can’t enchant the weapon until I

Craft the weapon I have to craft so I can craft whatever I can guess I could a pickax shovel a ho you know what I’m doing it awesome I’ve never owned a diamond weapon just wait till you enchant it is he not going to question it let’s

See what this enchanting book is made of is he not going to question that I made a hoe in instead of an actual weapon the my enchanted diamond ho yes that should do the job nicely I guess he doesn’t care monsters head on you’ll want better armor too I Enchanted

These for the order they’re about as strong as it comes even able to withstand TNT any preference uh I have eight different sets to choose from and believe me they’re all excellent uh you know what I want to keep the armor I’m already wearing really I mean elard died so I could have

It you know come to think of it she would have liked that that’s true but at least take some for your friends sounds good to me nice weapon Jesse thanks now let’s get back to st’s Fortress and see how the Wither storms are the funniest thing is in actual

Minecraft the hoe has absolutely no damage multiplier at all you’re basically just beating them with your fish with something that has teril my poor Fortress I see Enderman so this means the plan’s working right shouldn’t the Enderman have dismantled those things by right now or am I just

Confused it’s not just you something’s wrong Jesse over here Axel Petra you’re okay you guys made it whoa nice freaking armor hey Petra are you all right no I’m barely hanging on I should just stayed in the cave except you saved my butt like a dozen times he saturating found a couple

Potions to keep me going yeah but I’m all out do you guys still have the amulet safe and sound that’s not the problem then what is the Enderman they’re not angry enough I mean some of them are but a lot of them are just standing around moving blocks you know being

Enderman blast they kept the main wither storm busy but one of the smaller ones started attacking us yeah so so Magnus ran out to fight that thing all by himself he’s fighting a Wither storm alone yeah kept saying something about paying for the mistakes of the past

Whatever that means if a fellow member of the order of the of the uh order of the stone is out there fighting then I belong out there too Gabriel no no I told you you’re not who you think you are my name is Gabriel the warrior and he’s running the wrong way

Oh for goodness sake I’m not letting that idiot get himself killed Gabriel come back here without the command block none of them stands a chance say what now why do they need the command block they’re frauds the whole order what it’s kind of a long story one we

Don’t have time for right now fine Gabriel devour not Gabriel Jesse guys I can’t do this anymore you need to go on without me what no I fought as hard as I could but this is where it ends for me Petra I shouldn’t have pushed you you needed to

Rest and I didn’t listen it’s not your fault I want it to come please just destroy that can block for me believe me I will so what’s the plan I mean I know we got to go in there but we just go for it or what we need to

Find a way for me to use this wa that is without question the coolest thing I have ever ever seen me too nice Jesse is it though oh and I brought you some armor axel here nice I was feeling a little left out okay I wouldn’t call that a weapon Jesse

But you got let’s go keep some command block but oh this is going to be Hilarious and that’s the end of that does anyone see the command block we need to get more Enderman focus on the Wither storm how do you make Enderman Focus I can’t even make myself Focus we we shouldn’t be here none of this is going according to plan saurin what are you

Doing I uh you know I’ve I’ve really enjoyed meeting you all But coward saurin did saurin just run away saurin you coward I can’t believe you so much for the mighty order of the stone it doesn’t matter we have have work to do we need to get those Enderman to attack it the tractor beam Jesse that’s it make them chase you into the tractor

Beam hey hi how do you like that you purple eyed Freak No don’t pull me the in yes they’re falling boards a snowball yeah I found him near the cave here all right let’s see how how you like this shoot that’s right come and get me Ruben can you give me a little

Help nice Reuben these poor Hindman why did he go into the Traer be Stupid Jesse look it’s working that hole’s big enough to get inside of now we just need to find you a way up or build you a way up that’s it everyone empty your pockets let’s see I’ve got Redstone and Cobblestone from ivor’s Armory TNT from Boom Town I’ve got Pistons repeaters

Some wool some leftover slime oh and I still have that mine cart that’s got to be enough to make something right I mean if we use the TNT on say the mine cart guys check it out we use the pon and some Redstone to build a flying machine

It will be just like ior’s BGE except vertical then when I’m high enough I ignite the TNT and blast myself into the Wither storm yeah that work yeah I love that idea so what are we waiting for let’s hurry up and oh look out Axel W leave my friends

Alone K hold on I got you Lucas yo we are here ocelots distract that wither storm hey you get a load of this Lucas thank you anything we’re AF right now let’s hurry up and build this thing I’m almost out you guys done yet just need a few more seconds okay it’s

Finished quick climb on and Jesse I know you can do this we all do thanks guys it means a lot now go demolish that command block Ruben this is no place for us hey wow worked From Rin you shouldn’t have surprised me like that on the other hand I’m kind of glad not to be alone right here just stay close okay that is creepy looking W I recognize these people Do you though no he Reuben wait up Ow wa there it is we meet again command block now it’s time to destroy you what the Ruben I think we made it Angry no really great Reuben whatever happened we have to destroy that command block you understand wow this hoe is actually pretty good why didn’t I always carry an

Enchanted weapon I’m coming Ruben it’s doing everything it can to protect the command block which means I have to do everything I can to destroy it awesome weapon don’t fail me now Uh holy moly this thing won’t die all right new plan I’m going to climb up there and use one of those tentacles to swing toward the command block stay here Ruben I mean it this time yeah you’re not very Helpful Oh that’s not right where did that come from rben I thought I told you to stay push got to move you saved my bacon wait a second I know exactly how to get up there the tractor beam hey you just watch my back Ruben if anything

Goes wrong I’ll be counting on you that you can’t catch me haha get bre why’ I have to look down Ow no my ho no no no no no Ruben I need your help remember how we used to play fetch it that’s it come on Reuben I believe in you jump I’ll catch you you did it I knew I could count on you all right it’s time to put an end to

This thing once and for Ruben oh move on Buddy Reuben by Reuben no A h there you are Jesse are you all right we thought you were I mean I didn’t think You’ made it guys I did it I destroyed the command block I know we saw it was so freaking awesome they’re going to be talking about you forever seriously a real hero

Guys look my sickness is gone oh Petra I’m so happy for you hey hey do you guys hear something open oh is he going to die oh no Reuben you’re a hero you know that you just helped save the world come on rubbe say something no he’s done it’s okay boy I’m here I’m here bye little Piglet oh he actually did die Okay Jesse I am I am so sorry he was a great will be remembered Okay hey anybody going to eat that or One week [Applause] [Applause] later [Applause] people used to look at me like that once Jesse having my memory restored has been both a blessing and a curse perhaps they deserve to know the truth about the order all those Lies We Told him maybe I should finally come clean you’re right they do deserve to know they

Do we all owe a great debt to Jesse and her friends but I owe a debt to you people as well which is why there is something I want to tell you about the order the order of the Stone own is not what you all believed we were frauds we

Used the command block to falsify our Legacy we were no Heroes so it is time for the world to celebrate New Heroes real heroes thank you thank you everyone I know you think I’m up here because I saved the world or something but the truth is I didn’t do it alone far from

It you see see I had my friends with me there was Olivia Axel Petra Lucas they believed in me right from the start I mean they also set me straight when my head was getting too big but that’s because they’re good like that yeah they really are it’s crazy to

Think my friends and I started out in a tree house and now we’ve been to some of the weirdest places in the world the nether I mean come on we traveled through the nether by Minecart how cool is that but when all was said and done you know what really

Mattered finishing what what we set out to do cuz there’s no way we were going to let a world this cool get torn apart we did [Applause] It Jesse this is the nether star that dropped when the Wither storm was destroyed you want to do the honors oh man this is going to be so cool let’s do this wow [Applause] my friends I am now pleased to introduce to you the new stone of the New Order of the [Applause] stone and so it was that a new order of the stone was born one whose Adventures were only just beginning for though the world had been saved and the command block destroyed there are many more worlds than just this one woohoo episode five which I will continue tomorrow I think

So I wonder what the next Adventures are going to be if we don’t have a major threat like Uh uh you know the Wither but anyway uh that’s going to do it for this stream today I’m very curious on uh what’s going to happen in these roomes but for now um that’ll be it thank you to everybody who came through today this was a lot of fun and I hope

To see you all tomorrow goodbye everybody

This video, titled ‘Minecraft campaign 🙂 || Minecraft Story Mode’, was uploaded by slender the savage master on 2024-01-16 21:14:51. It has garnered 98 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:41:29 or 20489 seconds.

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    Minecraft Memes - Where's that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?It looks like Bryan is really slacking on his supervillain game if he can’t even keep track of his creations past number 303! Read More

  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

    Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, a giant mushroom grew, Secretly raised by a player, a sight so new. With zombies and plants, a battle ensued, In the realm of gaming, where fun is pursued. Subscribe to Z_Phragmites for more gaming delight, Updates on Plants vs Zombies, a thrilling sight. With each video, a new adventure takes flight, In the world of gaming, where dreams ignite. Read More

  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

    Villager's Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme Surprising Villager Logic: "I’ll trade you 20 emeralds for a piece of rotten flesh!" Oi Oi Oi Sleep Reaction: villager falls asleep standing up Minecraft logic at its finest! #shorts #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

    Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters BONUS REMATCH Join Dream in his latest Minecraft adventure, the BONUS REMATCH of Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters! This thrilling and unscripted video brings together Dream and three hunters in an intense chase through the Minecraft world. The Minecraft Manhunt Series Dream has dubbed this series “Minecraft Manhunt,” where he faces off against multiple hunters instead of the usual one or two. In this video, the hunters include Daybroken, Harvey, and Galaxy, each bringing their unique strategies to stop Dream from completing the game. A New Challenge This time, the challenge involves Minecraft version 1.20,… Read More

  • Maizen’s 3D House INSIDE Mikey’s HAND?! (Minecraft)

    Maizen's 3D House INSIDE Mikey's HAND?! (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Maizen 3D on 2024-06-13 18:10:50. It has garnered 2698 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:25 or 2305 seconds. How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ TV on 2024-02-15 12:01:44. It has garnered 4691 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:26 or 926 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of… Read More

  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

    EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arceus FF gaming is live!minecraft survival island’, was uploaded by Arceus FF gaming on 2024-06-23 18:38:42. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:37 or 2557 seconds. Iam not a youtuber but we will try #videos #games @arceus ff gaming Read More

  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/rolfeey ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ62eviBm92rz20hE1IIIXQ/join My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vinceyreads/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vinceyreads TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vinceyreads 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – https://memealerts.com/HaYaRy&ProSha ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – https://www.donationalerts.com/r/hayary_and_prosha 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – https://goo.su/i7ss 💵TRADE HaYaRy – https://goo.su/XEuTm6Q ✅VK GROUP – https://vk.com/club_hayary_and_prosha ✅TWITCH – https://www.twitch.tv/hayary_and_prosha… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More