Sneaky Halloween Town Build – Minecraft Madness

Video Information

Hello everybody welcome back to another live stream once again we’re live on a Saturday tonight oh hello neor hello Ned hi Deo and hello Stumpy welcome to the stream um yeah so I did mention I think I when did I last stream hello Joe I can’t

Remember uh I think it was Monday oh yeah Mandy hello uh first a Monday stream now Saturday stream I know uh Max Aloha weather hey um it’s because I think I said this that I was probably going to stream on Saturday this weekend because there was a bit of a um JFS

Thing planned where we’re going to start building a spooky Halloween Town or I don’t really know something for Halloween I don’t even know if it’s going to be a whole town I don’t know how many people are going to join in um but I was kind

Of in the mood to do a Minecraft stream anyway so it kind of all lined up so we’re going to I’m going to stream tonight rather than tomorrow and we’re going to do some Minecraft so yeah at some point I’ll probably hop on the Discord I know redstar J is

Streaming right now so I can I can join them um but for a little while at least it’ll just be as usual just me and my own um at least you can be here for this one yeah good I’m glad you are how is everyone by the

Way how are you Max weather how are you well listen listen Max we’re just preparing because if we’d actually start this around Halloween then we wouldn’t get it done in time so we’re just being very organized okay we’re just been very organized for once although that does make me realize

I could have at least put on some spooky I think I do have a spooky background like an orange one that I just completely forgot to do to to use and put on oh well shut up ner ban you hey Tom um by the way everyone Tom uploaded a

Fantastic video today not just because I had a slight amount of input into it but very good very good time Splitters uh glitch video I don’t if this is this isn’t going to work but I want to do it anyway cuz oh wait is it even still going to

Work oh it does okay so Tom doesn’t actually stream currently but you know you can get to his YouTube from there um we charge extra to have company um I would not pay that I will not be paying that doing great just having dinner good but yeah I should have had the spooky

One on but I forgot um and also I don’t really have any clue what I’m going to do for this stream I think the first bit will just be collecting some resources and then heading to wherever this Forest is uh where the community Project’s going to

Be and then I do have one idea actually CU When people were talking about Halloween Town oh you what just let’s just get into the game let’s just get into the game and I can talk about this later on videos are more enjoyable when they’re hard to find is about the journey yes

Exactly hidden gems hidden gems also if you saw any of my messages in my Discord um recently you’ll know that I’ve been having another another session uh looking at audio this happens quite regular regly now it’s happened at least once the past 3 years uh cuz I’m still not happy with the

Acoustics and everything in this room ever since I moved um and I I kind of explained out my messages but I’ve tried I’ve at least bumped up the audio for this a little bit I I I didn’t really know what to do so I literally just put on a gain filter

On OBS just to make it louder and now I don’t know if that’s going to mess with like the game’s going to be too quiet I don’t know I guess we’ll see won’t we let me know if Minecraft is really loud or well it’s muted at the moment so you

Can’t even hear it at all there we are um okay let’s see oh I’ve also got some music it’s not spooky though I should have put on some spooky music okay there we are it’s just the same old same old same old Who’s online red star what what is this okay great

So here we are I’m in my skin Halloween costume that’s still too loud uh it’s on one okay I can’t actually lower that anymore there we are uh yeah so I got my my Halloween costume on now I feel like a bit of a phony because there was a little bit of

A running thing going on in the Discord about dressing up a Star Trek characters and I’m very much into Star Trek now I talk about it all the time on stream and kind of waffle about TNG episodes but that’s the thing it usually is TNG however Asus who I think is joining

Later um is going to be Spock so I was like well if you’re going to be Spock then I suppose I need to be aora from the original series so listen I’d rather be Beverly Crusher or Dan Troy or even what’s her face from the season 2 when they replaced Crusher

What’s her name name Oh damn it what was her name it was like a a temporary doctor which no one really liked although I thought she was quite good I’m going to have to find out now hang on season 2 TNG doctor palaski yeah even her but now I’m going to beora and actually it does fit

With my Consuela skin as well so there we go um by the way Joe have you seen the TR oh yes I did see that and I forgot to reply trar Brook trailer now I will have another look at it but I did see Dennis I did see Dennis said that he

Thought it wasn’t very good and I trust Dennis with my life so I’ll see I’ll see but Dennis is a quite a seasoned pointand click player so I I think he would I believe what he says basically okay so what are we going to do first of all

We got to find out where we need to go hey red what are the coords of the Halloween Town Place and then we need to get some supplies I think oh yeah that’s what I was going to do I I started talking about what my plan is so

So I’m thinking keep it simple stupid I’ve got no preparation so whatever I need to do has to be quite easy and not too tough in terms of um resources and stuff like that probably just going to build a graveyard and one other thing one other thing we keep calling it

Halloween Town so I’m thinking Halloween Town Nightmare Before Christmas the curly worldly Hill from Nightmare Before Christmas seems like a quite simple iconic thing to build just dirt basically so I can do that I’ve Got Dirt marry him Mary or Mary I’ll marry Dennis if he wants

To I mean I didn’t divorce him and get half of his money but I’d still do that I don’t mind I have no shame okay where’s my dirt oh something’s wrong hang on controls it’s just too sensitive I’m an old man I can’t handle to things going too fast on the screen

Sad but true I don’t mind I have no shame so would you write your own vows yes yes I would I would I mean don’t get me wrong it’ be a beautiful ceremony open bar nice cake bit of nice drunk dancing everyone’s invited you’re all invited everyone in the JFS is

Invited um we got on our honeymoon obviously that would be a around the world cruise with a sweet has to be a sweet um we come back from the hon the honeymoon season will be over everything would look a little bit less Rose tinted we start to argue

Um I not going to say that um we start to argue um the relationship starts to free Dennis leaves the toilet seat up I am spending too much money um we start to get abusive and we realize actually we don’t love each other anymore and time for a

Divorce good timing with the music and then yeah then I get half of his money so that’s that sorted anyway hey weather again I see we have some fans of uh Nightmare Before Christmas yeah sorry I mean it is it we’d be better apart so it’s a it’s a happy ending in the

End we’d have a great time we’d realize we’re not compatible we’d go our separate ways and we’ we’d have grown we’d have grown older and wiser I would have grown richer he would have grown poorer [Laughter] that um that hits a bit too close to home Tom yes

Okay right that’s all the dirt I’ve let’s take some Co dirt actually good lord it’s hot in this room okay maybe I’m just thinking about Dennis too much right Dennis is going to Japan I saw on Twitter I’m very jealous I’d like to go to Japan

Um oh I hope that isn’t too far away of just because I don’t have an elytra everyone else has an elytra oh it’s three that one’s near 4,000 blocks away oh oh that’s so far that means I can’t really keep doing any return trips that’s a lot of crap on screen

Um what am I going to need so Stone metal bars for the for the railings um saplings for well no I don’t need saplings bone meal oh someone’s flying in is that weather don’t know Dennis has become a Weeoo now you may not realize this cuz I know Dennis

Doesn’t make as many videos anymore Dennis is probably a bigger weoo than NAA which is saying something he he is big into that I mean he got he made videos a long time back with like Japanese candy and sweet like a Loot Crate but for Japanese

Stuff he’s got posters on his walls he’s honestly he’s he’s already a full-time one now this is just going to send him he’s going to get too excited but I hope he has a nice time I don’t know what he’s got planned apart from becoming the new

Voice of Mario I think well this house looking nice yeah well this house is looking nice I mean it’s it’s always looked nice however let me show you something else this literally has been done probably in the span of a couple weeks um this was by Asus by the way I’m

Looking down cuz you’ll soon be able to see it it is crazy it is just crazy ready now you you might think oh Joe that’s a nice castle and it is a nice Castle right I’m not going to beat you around the bush I’m happy with how this turned out I’ve now

Got a competitor on the server in terms of castles look oh you can just see it there look at this thing W mom what on Earth what on Earth Asus how dare you how dare you in fact I think we need to go blow it up or Siege it no it’s really

Cool it is really cool obviously using a lot of Granite it’s it’s a very different style because you know mine’s all white and kind of um pure looking and then this is a lot it’s all like the red Castle well red Brown they get the

Idea it is really cool though I mean he hasn’t finished oh what the hell is weather G what is that oh it’s armor trims I I forgot that was even a thing in this game nice eyebrows eyat nice yeah so the inside isn’t finished yet but it’s got it all mapped out like

Look at this this is where the feast tour is going to be the quarters the storage room The Vault the throne room with an ocean view just like my crew coming up uh talk about crew is way too much um it’s quite funny actually there is the whole stigma about cruises being

For old people which I was like no I mean yeah but you don’t have to be able to enjoy them when I’m at work and people ask oh Joe what holidays you got coming up and I say oh I’m going on a cruise it’s usually always the old women

Don’t want to talk about it or older women anyway I should say um yeah those are Towers oh is he going to start doing things in cherry bossom wood that’s cool is this Castle a Lord of the Rings reference I don’t know I think it’s just his own design unless it looks like

Something from Lord of the Rings I wouldn’t really know okay so let’s go some Stone and stuff like that and then we’ll head off and I guess that’ll be it unless unless red star wants to very quickly make a tunnel or a portal nudge nudge wink wink okay

Anyway we’ll head over there well uh I wonder if hang on let me just check Discord is weather in no poor old red stars all on all on their own I’ll join them soon let’s take some Stone oh dear oh dear oh dear okay we have not got much Stone

It’s probably all at my other base oops oh no okay that’s fine we’ll take some iron the very least take that we got the dirt wood I can make signs with um and that’s kind of I’m not going to go crazy with this I just kind of wanted to stream tonight

And uh yeah just relax to be honest right here we go let’s find the right in fact 3,000 is the is there an overviewer map still up I want to say no because it kept on crashing the server but let me just double check JFS I don’t know what it was I don’t

Even know what the URL was okay we’ll just go the long way it’s going to take us forever so minus and then plusus let’s just say minus 4,000 plus 3600 okay so that’s this way no minus that’s that way it’s this way all right I’m I reckon I was

Watching a bit of Red Star Stream the last place I saw them was at uh Dean’s place so I’m going to head to Deans and hopefully that will get me a decent amount of the way there there he is there’s the man let’s just Rebrand to the Dennis fan club honestly honestly

I reckon this will actually get us pretty close I just need to get an elytra I just need to do it maybe what maybe I should do it right now maybe I should just go kill the Ender Dragon right now and get an elytra I’ve got mending books I can

Already do all that crap oh maybe I should no I’m not I don’t I don’t know actually know this is going to sound this is going to sound embarrassing but I actually don’t really know oh you scared me oh my god that actually made me jump a bit

Um I actually don’t really how to kill the Ender Dragon I know you got to get rid of the the beacons but I just feel like I die I kind of want to try it now though it would be nice to have an elytra that’s true that’s true the uh

Hoglin was just doing its job um I’m going to do it I’m going to do it I’m going to do it let’s fight the dragon first let’s just do it what could possibly go wrong I’m saying that so I can edit that later on um wait I didn’t like that take what

Could possibly that was too forced okay let’s just do this I’ve been meaning to do it for so long now and actually I um I was actually going to talk about how I’ve sort of I’m in a bit of a Minecraft lull currently I I’ve just not got I mean I’m

Playing this here tonight because it’s a bit of a group event well meant to be um and I feel like playing Minecraft but that hasn’t really been the case for a while and that’s that’s kind of normal to be honest um I’ve been playing as I I

Said on Monday playing a lot of Starfield recently and even before then I kind of just wasn’t quite there the um the passion for it how long have I been playing Minecraft 13 years yep not actually that long really so Step One is I need to know how to summon the

Ender Dragon which I think I know what to do you need to make end crystals place it around the portal and that summons it step two is how do you actually kill it oh know what I don’t care I don’t want to I don’t want to overthink this all I’m going to do

Is I’m going to Google um end Crystal recipe so it’s Eye of Ender with a gas tier and then glass okay so I think I need to make four of them oops the question is do I actually have any of that stuff it’s Dean the deciding chicken everyone remember

Him okay there’s three that’s a good stuff oh I need more blaze rods let’s go back to the main base I think I’ve got some more there oh and this hang on there’s a little of junk in these ones take the glass oh no oh there’s more dirt there though

I’ll take that there’s loads of glass there that’s plenty okay right whoever is listening and watching and works for Mojang I’ve got a little request for for you you should be able to lock signs you should be able to lock signs so you can’t edit them cuz this is just

Stupid oh I’m going to take some apples actually oh and potions potions going to be key I should definitely take some potions uh you know what I was thinking you should have saved CF the use the legend of Monkey Island for spooky wean it makes perfect sense skelet p i mean

That that’s that’s fair but that means I would have had to wait and I wanted to play it I want to see what it’s like it’s all good though I actually I mean you’re not you’re not wrong about C THS being a spooky game so I might I might play it

For Halloween on a live stream just a regular mode I played some more with um uh ner and lemons last uh a few days ago and that was fun fun but also uh at the end we decided to try and take on another team like an actual

Team oh oh there’s a modern that does lighting I didn’t even know that was on yeah we try we’re trying to fight another ship and it just went on for a very long time like it just kept going cuz you just respawn and as long as the ship is still

Intact uh you just respawn on your ship so they’d kill a couple of us we’d kill a couple of them and then they chase us a bit more and oh no okay I don’t like this mod cuz oh no okay I thought it was messing with arrows I might turn it off actually

Yes I don’t want Dynamic light I don’t actually like that oh that just broke the Game okay um let’s not do that then anyway just do just to wrap up yes I think I think you’re you’re right I will play some CF thieves closer to Halloween Maniac Mansion well I have now finished um I have now finished voodo detective so yeah maybe how do

I can I turn off a mod no I can’t do anything right it’s got to stay on apparently how I weird okay just pretend that never happened well it it would fit in with my uh um I hate portals they’re so loud I always have to stop talking when I go through a

Portal it’s actually not that loud but still um it would fit in with my rough plan to sort of alternate between newer and older pointing clicks uh Voodoo detective being a very new one and then Maniac Mansion being a very very old one is there a remaster I don’t think there is

Actually I know it’s in it’s inside day of the tentacle so I’ve already I already own it which is good is there a remaster is it remastered in the day of the tentacle or is that just the original one there’s a fan remake called meteor

Mess oh no no no no no just give me the original there’s Maniac Mansion Deluxe which is a 2004 remake I don’t think there is okay well I will keep that in mind put it on the on the list that I I blogged about the other day

Right I’m sure I have a thing for oh I don’t have a thing for gas tiar that’s right cuz I I thought to myself I’m never going to have a crap ton of gas tiers so I don’t need a whole chest for him oh well now who’s the fool well I do

Need this though right we can make three anyway um where might I have another one so uh c MC so uh Mandy I got to ask obviously without spoiling anything think what makes Maniac Mansion so good why why is it a must play for me sell it to me even

Though I’m going to I’ll play it anyway I’m just curious like what people think I don’t have one do I oh I’m going have to go and kill an A Ghast quickly oh bugger oh unless wait overflow chests maybe no no I’m really not prepared for this why

Did I even say why why why did I do this stupid cuz now I need to make potions as well which I’m not I’m not prepared for this all right so I’m going to need regen which is another gas here Minecraft potions yes that’s right I’ve even forgot how to make

Potions it’s going to be give me full size will you swiftness no slowness leaping strength would be another good one oh that’s just that’s just more blaze powder and then a potion of healing um I don’t think I need healing I think regen would be

Nice oh and and and potion of the turtle Master as well yeah definitely no we’ll make strength we’ll make strength definitely strength two strength and regen or maybe just healing got to go kill some Ghasts uh it’s just really special to me personally because I grew up playing it

With my brothers it’s the very first point and click I ever had an experience with and honestly it’s just a classic H help you with several of the references that are in thimble Park oh yes and it’s not a super long game oh brilliant I mean all the pieces are

There I do love a nice succinct game I do um now there’s a way oh can I remember how to do this I think it’s just switching so if you kill a GH or if you shoot a ghast and then switch to your sword which has uh looting then it works

On killing the ghast which is kind of cool so maybe we’ll do that I mean listen listen to me say oh I I love a succinct game when I’m playing bloody Starfield like I got sidetracked the other day um because I’m going to I’ll repeat

What I said uh on Monday but I’m playing Starfield I’m sort of I’m basically Picard John Luke Picard I have my Enterprise I’m kind of hard and hard and straight with most things um as he is however I’m playing my Picard where all that respect and playing by the

Rules and you know staet Federation it all builds up it builds up in him he sort of has to repress some maybe darker thoughts or more immoral thoughts and so how does that come out well maybe he likes to steal a few things every now and then um maybe he likes to just

Once say the wrong thing shoot first ask questions later um see yeah I was playing the other day I started to I was in this fancy restaurant in the game and I started to steal all the nice fancy food and then I got caught and that just led me down this

Whole Rabbit Hole of another Quest so it’s like I’m just never going to get anywhere with this game basically think think uh Patrick Stewart in extras when he’s talking to Ricky jaas and he’s like I’ve seen everything it’s a bit of that a bit of that as a John Luke is there any

Ghs have I ever played any old Mac games no can you give me some examples that’s just a disaster I might have to steal speaking of stealing let’s just steal um how do I get out of here oh it’s literally there I’m not going to bother with regen potions

Now the question is who can I steal from at the very least I’ll try and steal from a community is place so let’s see if there’s any down here maybe n killed some while he was doing the The Hub oh my God come on oh that was the top one

Right than you’re still here go away we not meant to be watching this now like old shareware games from the late ’90s and naughties the sent Aries Escape I’ve never heard of them that sounds like the sort of games that um ashens I’ve watched a few ashens live streams where he plays weird

Games has he seriously not got a single gas here pathetic sorry these chest noises are very annoying I know I know I know no God n is very angry too late I’m a silly B that’s fine that’s fine would a silly bent would a silly bent pause keep pausing would a silly

Bent do this yes Panda doesn’t even play anymore this is ripe for the plucking oh yes oh wonderful okay in fact let’s just make it right now there you are all right so brilliant let’s um let’s head back make some potions go to the end

Kill the dragon get an elytra fly to the Halloween Place meet up with Jay start to build stuff Bob’s your uncle than up you are so silly you know you know that you’re just so silly we honestly stop being so silly that’s all I have to say I’m cringe well

Duh I’ve of course I am okay have I still got yes I’ve still got some Blaze let’s get some another W and then we need some glistening melon which is going to be I really need to finish this I need as I said earlier I need to get

The I need to get the motivation back for Minecraft to be honest though this is something I wanted to talk about as well I do sort of feel like Minecraft is just sort of well first of all I’m not really saying this is a bad thing because Minecraft is a game that

Has been worked on for like 13 years right I’m kind of happy with how much content I got for the money I paid they don’t need to keep adding stuff um obviously a lot of people are happy that they do that but I don’t really care by this point I don’t really

See it where like they’re going to change something or introduce something and it’s going to be mindblowing and get me back into the game I think at this point it’s literally just little bits here and there kind of quality of life things they change or a random little new block to use or

Something you know it’s not it’s not like um whatever they come up with next is going to make it like a whole new game why doesn’t this work all right yeah it’s this I need one more but having said all that having said all of that I don’t I just don’t really get

What they’re they’re doing like what what what is their plan with Minecraft now they’ve got another Minecraft live coming up and is it just going to be more of the same another mob vote where a mob gets introduced that has one use and people just sort of forget about it um a slight

Upgrade to a biome that already exists I don’t know I just feel like no not shut down they can just leave it going that’s fine leave it going but I know it sounds kind of cheepy but start a Minecraft 2 or something like really really do something different I just

Think yeah I don’t know I don’t know what I’m really trying to say here but I just lost a bit of um ex I lost a lot of excitement but then I’m also very much aware that this is coming from someone that has played the game for thousands of hours someone that

Has uh probably you know it’s not nothing’s really that new or exciting anymore um I sound like I hate this game I don’t I love I love Minecraft right I love this game one my it’s one of my favorite games of all time but I’m just saying

That I don’t have much hope for its Future Okay so one’s going to be um yeah one’s going to be Health the other’s going to the other’s going to be what do I want the other one to be oh strength an end update I mean that’s the thing everyone wants updates for certain

Bits you know they updated the nether now the ne’s better they updated uh the ocean now the ocean’s better but it’s one of those things where nothing there’s nothing really fundamental that they’re changing about the game by this point the game is locked in uh they were going to introduce

Archaeology and then they dro that so now we just get some pots which are I mean I forgot about the pots to be honest with you um I think that’s why some people looked forward to that uh high high pixel game no not high pixel High Tail cuz it

Looked like a Minecraft game that was built differently from the beginning um God knows what that’s going to be like now though like what the status of that is okay so we need a couple pieces of red stone oh and caves obviously that’s one of the things I mentioned for years and

Years is that I want better caves and you know they did oh that’s not there we go okay uh they did do that so great I mean I don’t I think I said before that actually I like caving less now um but you can’t withn them all healing is just glow stone

Okay I don’t I feel like I’m feel like I’m being really negative I don’t mean to be I don’t mean to be negative um where is my glow stone that’s a very good question is it this one why is it not got a thing I should fix that

Cool right so we’ve got some potions we’ve got our and crystals let’s put our stuff away cuz I don’t I don’t want to be losing all this set our spawn which I think that’s done that we’ll keep that I’m getting nervous now I’m getting nervous all of a sudden uh need

That take as many unnecessary tools as possible uh in case I do lose them oh my goodness why am I so nervous um let’s take some blocks wait should be dirt Y and now we take some strength and some healing oh okay here we go am I forgetting

Anything beds no we’re not doing any bed bed tricks no way let’s go oh buckets don’t need them the only other thing I could maybe think of is uh a Jacka Lantern so I don’t get caught by any Enderman but it’s kind of annoying kind of annoying I don’t really want to do

That which one’s the end is it this one no that’s the desert hence why it’s Sandstone here’s the end also any Mojang staff that are watching fix the Minecraft being too loud and having to do that friendly sounds thing every time why why why are you making me do

That I don’t know like for go just going back to the Minecraft stuff Stumpy you’re you’re like relatively new to Minecraft aren’t you so I’m sure what I’m saying doesn’t relate to you at all cuz to you the game is still exciting to explore and uncover the you know

Mechanics of it all and stuff so it’s definitely not not the way for everyone okay God there’s a lot of Enderman oh I need to I need to do the button I need to do the button to stop damage uh where is that how do I turn that off there’s a button

Somewhere Nexa are you still here can you help me where is that oh is it down here no now I’m trapped is it over here no it wouldn’t be here cuz this is what Regens so they wouldn’t pull it where it’s going to get replaced red star do you know

Where the button is for dragon fighting to stop mob grief I think that’s what it is it’s so that the dragon doesn’t just destroy everything around here oh damn it damn it under yeah I mean that would make the most that would make the most sense oh that’s just a way

Out oh under the exito okay thanks all right okay mob griefing off right we’re set okay question number two yes they go on they go in the middle of each side I was just checking where the end crystals went here we are I’m ready oh baby whole baby oh

Yeah let’s go let’s get me an elytra can I start can I start killing them now does it let me oh am I too early I’m so bad at this there we are nice whether you’re not allowed to be mean and also Stumpy I will I will read

Your message soon I asked and I didn’t even see your reply I think there’s still one here no I’ll come back to that one I’ll come back to that okay great oh gool yeah that one there oh no yes oh my God there’s still one up there why you stop

Oh okay I don’t think I got that one there’s still one there as well okay screw this screw this I’m just going to Tower up get the water on the hot bar in case I get knocked off see I know what to do no don’t do

That oh my God I’m still not high enough I don’t want to be too close to it cuz sure that’s just going to blow me up that’s going to blow me up oh that’s fine I thought it did more damage than that okay what we got left I think

There’s still yeah still one there and then one over there I will not forget to turn it back on I got all Dazed and Confused damn it this is a tall one oh bugger okay I just set myself on fire somehow with my own Arrow I think that was

All right so just one left now I think it’s just this one can I really not get this from here that would be such a good shot oh that’s so close oh come on now yes wait no that was a dragon I just hit although I think that no I think

That actually exploded and got the dragon cuz it was close to it I think anyway yeah that would have got it there’s no thing coming from it all right let’s get these on the bar potion strength die oh yeah look at that damage oh it’s going into crazy charge

Mode can I hit him with a sword here sorry her oh I can oh here oh okay it’s all good come here you no I’m panicked oh okay nearly I thought that was going to be it Then come on one more hit come here how exciting don’t land in the lava or the fire hey ah I did it everyone that was actually really easy why is I so worried about that that was so easy I didn’t even have that like good as stuff

Anyway um great okay we got an elytra got stick mending on it and we’re set okay I’m just going to hide away thank you thank you everyone thank you very much thank you thank you in fact that [Applause] deserves Louder thank you okay let’s check your message out now now correct I’ve only been about a year I’ve played other single games for 15 plus years so I get that I can simply I can get they can simply be a bit Bland after a while yes ex exactly what you’re

Saying stpy about more Community stuff which is why um I’m going to go join uh red star is red star yeah red star’s still here okay oh no the chicken why is there a chicken here right let’s go turn it on see I’m not going to forget I ain’t going to forget

Haha definitely got everything yeah got our ender dragon head home sweet home oh this is brilliant I feel so great at the game I am Invincible right so let’s um let’s grab a book will you be quiet in here oh man did I not get any Unbreaking I didn’t get any Unbreaking oh

No wait what was that oh never mind I thought I had an Unbreaking one but I guess not sharpness five efficiency five that’s a great one look at that they’re going to change these soon going to make them less um overpowered which to be fair they kind of are

So I guess we’ll leave that for now I’ll stick it on there afterwards okay you what I’m going to eat an apple another one in celebration um oh we need to go back to the end actually that stupid what are we going to call it I don’t know H what should I call

This uh got to go but it was fun hope you find your Minecraft spark again oh well thank you I’m sure I will I’m sure I will I hope I will thanks for stopping by Stumpy let’s call this let’s call this um uh something to do with wings

Um uh I’ve got an idea let me just double check something I’m going to call this Paul McCartney and Wings great okay so let’s head to Let’s head to the end again just to heal this thing up man how long have I been streaming oh

My God an hour I’m not even going to get a chance to do that much stuff at Halloween Town that took I’ve been farting around for longer than I thought I would but no surprises there so that’s all right we can go and do the

Um we can go and do the hill at the very least the Force Unleashed oh why’ you bring that up for I don’t want to think about that I don’t want think about that terrible let’s play that’s the example of let’s play where uh I don’t really know why I did it mhm

Fun all right where are you where are you Enderman come on uh oh what is it turned off I don’t think you could turn this off oh Joe be careful do not die now with your elytra why is this not working does anyone know disaster disaster has struck all right then

Well so much for that plan I’m going to have to go to the guard Farm I guess cuz I’m not going to fix that I don’t know how to fix it I’ve never ever built uh an Enderman farm in Minecraft never not once I think the most I’ve done in terms

Of farms is I’ve built I built the guardian Farm in season three and that was just following a YouTube video to be honest with you I could probably do the same for an Ender Ender Farm but eh absolutely right Max ain’t nobody got time for that die everyone

Die oh I should have I know I keep going backwards and forwards I know I know I know well it’s fine actually I’m going to come back this way this is why you need an Electra cuz then you can fly everywhere and it doesn’t take you half an hour an hour

Come on little guys here they come there they come all right let’s turn these down cuz they make a horrible noise yes yes let’s let them build up for a bit in fact I’m going to be right back I’m going to go grab a drink whilst they

Build up and I shall return in just a moment in fact there you go for okay I’m back hello right get back into that let’s see how we doing with our ugly little things not that many actually I don’t know things feel weird in terms of

Uh like mob spawning and stuff like why was why is the end farm not working why are there not as many yeah usually there’s a lot more I feel like these are just like a constant flow ah no actually that probably is how it used to be maybe the Ender Farms just

Broke with the uh the mechanics of it okay anyway we’re done we’re healed excellente cool where’s the oh oh someone moved the portal I just hang on someone I I didn’t even wow that’s so bad of me I didn’t even realize that someone started working on this Guardian Farm holy

Crap that’s good finally someone’s doing it look at this it’s actually got walls now the portal is not just this ugly portal there it’s got a little how is that not even wow so oblivious sometimes I truly am oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait speaking of oblivious don’t want

Them um so we have an elytra we do need one more thing to actually make an elytra work and that is Rockets I’ve just this whole stream is just going to be there’s been nothing spooky about this stream it’s just been me just doing Minecraft stuff I wonder if Dennis sells Rockets

Dennis sell some interesting things he might do I mean it’s Danish Dynamite for goodness sake come on yes four sacks for one four stacks for one Diamond bargain does he sell Rockets no but that’s a great deal that’s a fantastic deal eight Stacks yes yes Dennis

Okay I’m so excited this is a momentous occasion everyone this is the first time I’ve been flying an elytra I will be flying an elyra um on this season now bear in mind this season started in December 2022 no 20 2021 when did this when did this map

Start no it was 2022 it was 2022 cuz it was it was four four years after season 4 which was 2018 okay so I’m hoping I’ve got loads of paper right here and surely I do oh pumpkins I should take some pumpkins to the spooky land with me yes Obviously going to be flight duration duration 2 the superior length for your Rockets there we are I’ll save a little bit as well oh Jo I can’t be bothered with the pumpkins I haven’t got my axe on me uh I just want to to go over there I just want to go over

There right here we are everyone our first flight on poor McCartney and Wings oh it’s beautiful oh it’s wonderful oh yes look at my earrings everyone ignore that why am I so close my fov has been 50 this whole time oh um right I changed it for I

Lowered it for uh for the screenshot for the tweet and then I forgot to change it back okay well if you wondered why it looked weird that’s why all right let’s go oh is that the playist over no still going oh look at this it’s just instant I’ve still got the

Skills I’ve still got the rocket skills everyone I’ve not lost that Mhm right all that can go in there why I’ve got so much copper in there I don’t know that’s just going to go here for now let let’s use the handy Handy Dandy Auto storage system get rid of this stuff great let’s take this stuff and we’re good to go that’s

It this sounds like a Christmas song weirdly so like an hour later than when I walk down here to begin with we’re now going to go to the area um I can’t believe that that’s great though that’s great what a productive stream tonight has been maybe

This is the kick that will get me back into Minecraft it’s just being able to fly everywhere and it it’s not it’s not going to be this but it’s going to help anyway it’s definitely going to help now my other question is what um is pro chat in this I don’t think it

Is I don’t think Pro shat is on this oh no lemon said it was working I don’t know I don’t know man right it’s fine I think people are in Discord anyway so here we go so it’s minus 3,000 no- 4,000 3,600 off andway look at that we’re we’re so close

Already seconds how long would this have taken before make sure I’m going the right way can’t see it anymore it’s now off the chat but I think this is still the right way okay it’s roughly around here hopefully just the next Forest oh this looks promising do I see any

Players it’s going to be here hey Dennis oh ha haa oh yes it’s all going on over here skip that get this is now real spooky yes let’s spook them yo so Red’s there there is this Asus what’s Asus making it’s a oh I know what this is

Wait let me double check something don’t worry hang on is it a shuttle pod yes it is this must be from the original series is that a type 15 shuttle pod by any chance Hello darling let’s get a screenshot let’s get a picky wait let me get out my hand ah beautiful

M oh this is great very happy with this okay there we are that’s going to go on my Instagram beautiful that is logical okay so in character and everything uh okay okay so um I’m going to find I think I’m going to do the the hill I’m going to do the

Spooky Hill so I just need to find the right place for it and then absolutely you’re smart I trust you okay so we need a good Hill position can of high out with nothing below it that I can Branch out from and do the curly worldliness curly wh not in the sense of

The chocolate bar which gets stuck in your teeth Cur C oh this looks promising curly worly in the sense of oh this is this might be it this might be it right here I mean it is going to be over the sea do I mind that also oh if the moon hang

On is it going to line up with the moon cuz that would be perfect if it does where the the hell is the sun yes it will it will it’s got to be here it’s got to be here it doesn’t match the film in the sense

Of it’s not you know in the film it’s not over an ocean but I I think it’s still going to work I’ll have one little SC out around just to double check but I think this is going to be my spot oh actually but here won’t have the moon

Cuz it’s going to be the other way oh that might actually be even better though which way am I looking North you’d have the h yeah that would be better actually we’re going to do this all right and I think with that I’m probably going to this won’t take me

Very long but I’m probably going to join Discord for the last little bit of the stream because I can see that um Heist and special are on the Ser yeah on the Discord so let’s do this it wouldn’t be a very good Community event if I didn’t actually talk to some of them

So let’s join them uh July and August hello hello hello I got a fiddle with you hang on we just about the Irish we okay um I am streaming just let you know hello stream but I thought because this is the Halloween Town Event I should actually join the Discord cool it won’t

Be incredibly racist or something don’t worry yeah please try and avoid your usual stuff Asis save that for off camera I realize I have to run of headphones plugged in oh hello I’m here I think oops I just heard you say that a second time hello hey hello hey yeah I I I

Should probably remember to like plug into right headphones before I begin doing stuff nah nah do it on fly Just Wing It wing it to be honest that’s that’s my life story it’s the theme of tonight’s stream for me I got my first elytra I have W yeah I I I remember you

Said you needed one it’s finally happened did you solo the dragon of course cuz I’m great because you’re great took no damage barely also helps it’s very easy did you do that speed running trick where you can kill it in one Arrow Oh I thought it was the bed

Thing was the speed run is there an oh no it it’s it’s shame really there’s a new thing where you can do like special thing with an arrow and it kills it instantly it’s a like 20% chance though I think no idea have or even like a lower

Chance than that how do you make it do that or is it random it’s on a Pacific Seed that you need to stand in like a very Pacific like in between two blocks basically all yeah it it’s it’s complicated wait so does that mean that all the speedr

Runners now are using the same seed yes oh there there is unless you do like any percent in which case it’s just whatever seed I think okay well I’m going to try it see you try it you’re gone live stream changed we speed running speed running now I did

Try and speedrun Minecraft a couple times did not go well I thought about it did not go well at all I think I would rage too much I just couldn’t do the bed trick back when it was the bed trick I just killed myself I to the the

Nether portal where they just they just throw the water around the place and then swish swish swish swish swish SSH and suddenly they’ve got a portal built and I’m like oh no I need to put blocks down first and put the water in the block or the lava in the block the water

On the lava scoop it up quick put more blocks around it takes me about 15 minutes I actually learned that how to do that and then I’ve since forgot but at one point I could do it at one point at one point I think I’m where the cords are

But I’m not seeing any sign of you guys um that did you go positive maybe no I went negative I’m hovering around negative 4,000 mhm positive 3 800 hang on up I’m going to fly I’m going to I’m going to do a Recon you can

You can fly now I can fly so I’m going to use every excuse to fly a crashed shuttle down here oh I I see I see Mark special could you send up a flare yeah y I mean I could take to the air too no only I’m I see I

Think I think there’s another flare no that’s mlck no I’m not flying okay let’s give a let’s give an an exact coordinate of where we are so we are yes just typ in well what the exact coordinates should lead to my house or build 388 36

70 okay so you should be straight in this direction I’m standing on a pillow of dirt yeah I’m a couple of hundred blocks so I can um there’s also a lush cave like underneath this place anyone needs like Lush cave material I need I did bring I did bring a little

Bit of that dirt I should have brought more by the way did anyone bring an Ender Chest yeah I have one that would have been nice I see a build I’m I I’m just standing on a pillar right now I see you oh I see yeah yeah

Here so anyone have any plans for Halloween now no at the moment as in actual Halloween day yeah well uh it could be leading up could be actual day do you know what I’ll be doing on Halloween day down here I will be on a cruise really it just happened to fall over

Halloween wasn’t planned but what where you going for the cruise I’m going to uh the Mediterranean oh enjoy yeah I’m going to be there hopefully I do I’m going to be in a a spooky Halloween party surrounded by old granny’s on their Cruise oh you you’re going to be the

Life of the Granny’s oh honestly they loved me before they loved me you’re going to make all the in fact some of them got a bit inappropriate with me oh I spoke about this on a stream before but let’s just say they like to touch old

Granny’s yeah I i’ I’ve heard I’ve heard stories it doesn’t surprise me yeah it doesn’t surprise me really doesn’t no I trusted them uh how how how long are you on for uh about a week it’s not a not a huge one but so yeah I I want to go on a cruise

There’s one Pacific cruise I want to go on it’s by a wrestler but the wrestler runs the cruise yeah so you get like wrestling on the cruise ship what if it’s like really like the water is really rough when it’s like get thrown around I guess that just add

To it yeah that just add to it um people have gotten throne in a pool oh yeah so oh cool times good times up this for me I’ll be going to an engagement party on Halloween not on Halloween on like the weekend before oh okay

It’s like o Halloween but no but it will be a crossum party oh that’s cool um but yeah my friend well he he he he was my neighbor for like oh over 15 years mhm maybe even longer than that and yeah he’s get he’s getting married oh he’s getting engage he got

Engaged wait so this this will be another wedding you’re going to go to well who know who knows when his wedding is going to be oh okay so there’s not one that they’re going to get married straight away no this is just an engag rant party yeah and we’re going to dress

Up anyone got any Halloween costumes planned yet what a real life one yeah real life no but but I do have a Star Trek science officers uh uniform ready a I I did I got it as a gift actually for my birthday so I’m going to use it yeah nice I

Should yeah might as well some good use out of it sadly I threw away my I used the same Halloween costume two years in a row I was just no that was a few years ago although similar and it was just a granny um oh but I figured two years that’s enough

Granny now enough granny yeah rest in peace granny you know if any anyone’s worn tights highly recommend tights are very nice to wear they feel great I I can I can totally understand Leggings no I’ve no worn leggings just the tights for the granny costume but I couldn’t stop stroking my own leg wait wait until you leave them and put them on oh my that’s an [Applause] experience okay right so what’s everyone building apart from the sh pod I I got

The shut pod I I don’t know a house that’s supposed to be magical but it it looks weird right now I think I’m going to change the roof was going to build a tower with spooky uh lanterns what are they called Jacka lanterns but I do think I’m going to

Build like a giant pumpkin oh yeah you should you should build the giant pumpkin out of little pumpkin I that’s what I was thinking or like use some acacia wood or something yeah I think this um B it’s going have some leaves over so it’s like for a long time I

Think I think it be good did you put these bat heads here he just good oh right okay it’s like oh they bats decapitated bats everywhere ah spooky flying bad hats would be spooky wouldn’t they we do have the armor stand um books so if anyone’s good with like armor stand stuff

We need uh we need weather weather or n can do that I’m going to attempt to learn I think it’s better because didn’t it get improved where I don’t know it kept there’s one really annoying thing with it before where the page kept on resetting so it’s always click through

Every time or something like that I’m going to be honest with you I’ve never like used it oh yeah so first time for everything what what are you planning MK on building mine’s a very simple build it’s the swy Woody Hill from uh Nightmare Before Christmas and then I think in the film

There’s a a graveyard underneath say well that’s another thing I was thinking of doing is uh building a graveyard somewhere nearby yeah so somewhere first box de crew members yeah you can put in the head of the gamer what’s up guys oh no we somehow revived them zombie the

Mer gamer zombie the mer G not so merry gamer not so merry gamer wait I’ve got scaffolding yeah scaffolding would have been a good idea okay so let’s get this curve right yeah it’s pretty [Applause] good bro I can’t see anything racist um depends who it’s against

Freck the brown people I say as a brown person well knowing Asis it probably going to be about the French in which case I don’t really mind actually the parisians okay like it’s it’s everything worse oh no with it what did they do to you now well I mean so

The not girlfriend but like it it’s complicated situation of of like one of my friends she moved to Paris and now they want to do like a New Year’s party there or soon to be apartment in Paris and I don’t want to go to Paris I like

Paris wait you like Paris I I don’t like par oh good yeah all right yeah thank God yeah I agree with you there yeah Muk has bad memories of Paris Paris is just a a dirty smelly unattractive apart from the very few specific landmarks dangerous feeling

City um and I don’t like it and I think it’s very overrated did did you go for Minecon there or no that was just the London one just the London one was there one in Paris yeah I think it was the like yeah there was wasn’t it 2014 one oh didn’t

Know that I think it was the one where they met up with din bone for the first time oh I think it was Disneyland they did it yeah all my French viewers on Twitch have gone oh well G Ian who needs them anyways only see the positives only see the positives oh yeah

Hooray all my French it’s okay I didn’t have any anyway that’s what you think one French viewer yeah I don’t know if twitch has analytics like YouTube does where you can see countries but um you you would probably have the more viewership to know I’ll have a look maybe yeah have a

Look I don’t think it does though okay hey does anyone here have a fortune pickaxe I do yes have it for a minute yeah I’m going to get some iron I forgot to bring some I got some iron you yeah want some sure here I’m going give you your pickaxe back yeah

There I’m I’m I’m at the shuttle oh hello how much do you need that should be enough okay I was going to use some for for rails for decoration but actually I can also use iron blocks so thanks anything what what what rank is Spock uh well he’s his first officer

First officer yeah anything for my first officer thanks it it’s been a it’s been way too long since I’ve watched the original series to give a proper uh Spock answer well here’s the thing this is where I feel like a bit of a phony I was saying earlier I’ve actually never watched the

Original Series so I’m I’m a hor but I actually don’t know nothing about her oh oh phony I’m a phony big fat phony there’s a fun um Deep Space 9 episode don’t wor time travel back into a original series episode oh yeah like themselves into like the like the scenes and stuff and

Like I know it is kind of fun Alo that my an episode for you to watch I’ll get round to it in goodness knows how long two years I’ve been quite slow I’ve not been wanting to rush it cuz I want to you know you can only

Watch these for the first time once so I want to be in the right head space like I want to be in the right mood for Star Trek I I always wanted to get into it just I don’t know it just doesn’t like you would think it would Peak my interests but it

Doesn’t what did you try I did I I I like try watching like old stuff new stuff it’s just not for me oh oh you okay Stargate was interesting that was up my alley I was very naive and a way that I thought I’m I’m just going to watch Star Trek

First and then I’ll watch Stargate that’s probably a bad idea year in I’m still watching Star Trek there’s too much of it oh no I didn’t bring and I don’t think I own any cobwebs did anyone bring cobwebs I have a couple yeah like two or three is all I

Need need yeah just um you can take them from any of these shock one of these shock boxes I don’t know which one did you see how I put the ender chest down uh where did you put it at the end of the Sher boxes oh cool cool found

Your cobwebs thank you is that two or three I can’t See doesn’t look great I’m going to be honest I feel you it’s hard doing a spiral in Minecraft that gets smaller I mean it looks like it yeah it looks like the Helix all all praise Lord Helix yeah I I I think I just need to

Clean up actually yeah okay is that this can work I mean are you building it out of dirt or are you going to replace the dirt with like the spruce I’m G to kind of put bits of spruce to blend it in to the rest of it but it’s going to be a

Mixture basically are you going to put a lantern somewhere um could do good do how about of no no no no none of that you go back from when you came okay okay I think your swey H looks beautiful oh thank you so much thank you I’m glad it’s not

Hideous it’ll get there it just needs a bit of think of it as a bit of clay and I’m just ref defining it know just smoothing it out modeling it it’ll be great okay my inventory is teken full oh mck I know exactly what to place in there oh on the

Hill no in the spiral oh in the spiral oh there you go actually that does work really [Laughter] well sure there you go I like it oh God that’s well there’s a spooky now now it is hideous now it’s spooky now it’s yeah uh should we burn it blow it up where

Is um be like directly behind my place that’s a pretty good spiral yeah yeah oh thanks I’m just kind of deforesting ays to give some room so you can see builds yeah B yeah it need some Co it does why I keep doing this eventually also someone those roots

You know oh yes I what I even I forgot they were even a thing that would be good do you have any roots with you oh no like I said there’s a lush cave underneath us there’s a lush cave and it is quite easy to get him so also if I think

What is it if you have shares like underneath these AIA trees there’s the roots of dirt that you could get the things from I think I think you Ed shares in that oh this is just like where I think the path should go I’ll probably make it like better

Later I mean no pressure I think okay right there’s like somebody screaming I know talked about the French right but let me tell let’s tell you about the spard oh no super loud oh no Mark uh I you what you know what I will

Say this I will say this um when I was in let’s going back to Paris again when I was in Disneyland Paris a couple years ago uh it wasn’t actually the French that annoyed me there most it was a Spanish it was a Spanish tourists in Disneyland was Spanish yeah

They were they were loud they were loud and just kind of a bit obnoxious and like you’re on a train and everyone is being quiet you know all people reading books people listening to podcasts and then you just have like a few Spaniards or a single one that just

Comes into the cabin he just talk you know starts talking and talking and talking and talking it doesn’t stop I’m like you don’t get the social CU but you should be quiet in the train even though it’s not a rule Mar is that anyone you know oh yeah

Oh yeah oh yeah Germans as well oh no the D oh Noy just respecting my spawn I’m joking or am I are you listen I’m allowed to dislike other other people on because everyone dislikes the British cuz we’re all so terrible so it’s it’s it’s it’s all fine

Everything’s I mean we dislike the British because they took people oh okay well I mean they took people they took people that’s all I was just talking about like uh drunken drunken The Lads The Lads on on tour and malag oh The Lads you always got to be where ten

Reef yeah I do have a stone cutter if anyone needs it too late I’ve made all SLS and things Okay so so what’s everyone’s like worst Halloween costume the D like a ghost what was it like a bed sheet ghost it was pretty like essentially of like a like robe a black

That’s that’s just kind of like you know had like a hood that sounds like death now another ghost it it it it’s I guess but I guess it didn’t really realize difference time true true I’ve never had a bad one never that’s not true I think for the most

Part they’ve been pretty good Verma was good old lady was good I remember when I was like 10 and I went to a Halloween party and there was a prize for the best costume and I won cuz I was a skeleton and actually because I got

Uh the kid the kid’s parents like who was hosting the party they didn’t pick their own kid obviously I think that would have looked a bit unfair but then yeah that means that the kid hated me CU I won his birthday uh his Halloween party prize that we’ll get a better uh costume

Then sucker I mean I I I bet you the parents wanted to teach a kid like humility yes humidity is that here I am yeah sure yeah and there was one time it’s all coming out now there was one time where um me and my mom we were coming back

From somewhere and it was Halloween time and we found so cruel we found a pair of like Dracula plastic teeth fangs that you’d wear the other ones that are really uncomfortable and actually make your gums all bleed um we found them just in the street so we picked them up and we

Took them home where my cousin was my cousin was staying and my mom was like I know for a fact that when your cousin walks in they’re going to see those teeth and just put them straight in their mouth they’re not even going to they’re not going to question it and

What do you know she came in she’s like oh fangs in they went hadn’t washed them or anything straight from the straight from thear no Mark that taught her a lesson not just to go around and you know putting things in her mouth how how old was

She um older than me actually I was probably like 12 she was probably like maybe 18 oh yeah no that’s yeah it wasn’t yeah I think it would have been cruel if it was someone younger but if you’re dad age and just putting random things in her mouth that you

Don’t know yeah she only had herself to blame yeah I mean I I guess there there was the assumption that at least it was clean You’ have hoped so yeah but you I mean you don’t put random teeth in your mouth yeah it’s quite sad then she got really sick no

Not really oh no did you learn her lessons I I’d like to think so I’d like to think so I don’t know okay since we’re having this scary discussion I got a question yes what if if you watch them what are your favorite horror films that’s a good question I really

Dislike horror films all right then yeah I don’t really do them as a kid um my babysitter was watching amital horror 3 I think it was oh yeah two or three and I came downstairs and I was like oh I can’t sleep whatever and she’s like I’ll

Sit down I’m watching a movie and whatever you’d be fine and it ter terrorized me and I could sleep for8 months oh my God I had to sleep on the couch every night while the parents were sat there and then they’d carry me off to

Bed so ever since then I’ve been kind of like no to horror movies I mean that’s that’ll do it yeah that’s fair what about you mark well I don’t know why I asked because yeah I’m also not a massive horror fan I will say um the it’s not it’s not horror film but

It’s it’s the spooky thing that Terri terrify me I was younger is uh it was the cover of one of the Goosebumps books oh no it was the one with the the Night of the Living Dummy or whatever that one was called with the vent dummy oh okay

Yeah yeah and you’re talking about it actually wasn’t the book itself it was my friend had um oh no no it wasn’t my friend we had it we had this Goosebumps board game for some strange reason and there was like a set of cards in there and one of the

Cards had that vist doll and that was enough just a thought of it in the Box in the house oh no So eventually they just Chuck the ball game out which they should have just done way sooner but yeah yeah and actually I know why I was saying about friends as well because

Linked to that it was just that stupid triloquist do because I was at a friend’s house for a sleepover and she had the that book with the cover on and oh I just couldn’t sleep so I remember staying up the whole night pretty much the whole night whilst they went asleep

Because I was too scared by the book it happens yeah I’m like trying to think like my favorite or the most scariest which most scary most I don’t get scared I I could tell a funny story about like scaring one of my friends while watching Paranormal Activity oh my

God my mom is obsessed with those films yeah go on they’re hilarious films by the way um but yeah we we’re all in like a dark room watching Paranormal Activity I’m I’m like calm because I I wasn’t scared I guess guess because I knew it was just the movie

Um but yeah so during the movie um another one of my friends decided to turn on the lights in the room mhm one of my friends screams and jumps out of his chair like fall his face first into the ground in a panic because of the light because of the light turning on

Right uh he didn’t expect it but ah scary like the scariest movie probably any of like like the old school like Halloween movies that’s show what that’s I really want to get into those sort of films like the classics slashers and stuff Friday the 13th Halloween I want to watch The

Nightmare on Elm Street films something I’ve never got around to this is rather stupid but I remember being a scared at Happy Feet what okay you have to explain that one yeah I was quite small and I think they were like in the snowstorm or something

And I was just scared of it oh okay like a scary situation right you’re not actually scared of penguins no well you don’t Al it was a weird movie I think Mandy in my chat has said the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie they’re excited for I thought they already made that but

Then I think that was that one with Nicholas Cage I’m thinking it I I don’t remember what it was it was like some fun house or something yeah this up Nick but but I know what you’re talking about why is that one taking why why is the

Official one taking so long though I I think there’s there was like a lot of changes is or something a lot of like delays and stuff like re-shoot Will’s Wonderland they said Wily’s Wonderland yes that’s what it is the bootleg Five Nights at Freddy’s pretty much um Alien movies out there what Joe

What I was thinking about uh scary video games as well and I was thinking of uh Alien Isolation I have yet to play it I’ve never played it myself but that was one of those good uh series that I was just addicted to I love that series you did

Wow you’re not watching Weather Master play it well it was too late I’d already watched it all by then GG weather sorry weather oh yeah apparently the script wasn’t up to scratch so they had to reite it is Scott the maker of the games someone Scott Scott someone I guess

That’s what they are no clue all I know Markiplier made the game like he he was the one that got it known I guess uh Scott games Scott call Caron callon yes yes I don’t know is that his name yeah his name is Scott SPG yes I just realized who you’re talking

About remember them uh I think they’re dead too no I’m kidding inside everyone is just skeleton that’s true true that’s really forestation deforestation nah it’s fine for succeeding I do do you remember uh I don’t know whether it’s the case in other countries but a couple years back

There was this game that was just everywhere for a while one where like you know there’s things in dentists where it opens your mouth like it keeps your mouth open oh though I know it just yeah and it was a game where you had to I guess

Say words or something but obviously you couldn’t close your mouth um that that made me realize like oh man there is really is just a skull inside us cuz it’s like when you see the teeth like that you’re like yeah that’s that’s literally just a skull well what’s the

Only part of skeleton that you could clean yeah your eyes no I I understand but it’ll hurts fck don’t worry Masterpiece is take a while that’s why Minecraft movie is taking so long says Dennis that’s true that better be damn good what is Dennis doing he’s going to Japan he going to

Japan yeah do you not follow Dennis on Twitter or X I honestly the only time I log on to Twitter is to announce when I’m streaming that’s fair it’s just like horrible I wonder if the uh the Minecraft movie whenever it comes out is going to be

Kind of like the Mario movie like that sort of style is it going to have like songs in it and stuff thring crisr yeah that too um how was The Lego Movie I have yet to like watch that um yeah I feel like however the Lego movie was would be

How the Minecraft movie would be I think the first one was good I don’t know if the second one was as good for The Lego Movie I didn’t even know there was the second one yeah not just during it his spiral yeah it’s not much but it’s my spiral

Also the the path I I don’t know where like you wanted to go but I was assuming like up this way this is this is good yeah and then map around here the hill and then I guess special you could Branch off like like this way from the back I’m

Finished I buil a box yeah you built a box let’s have a look at the also finished actually it’s got cobwebs on the inside cob and a chest oh you can use anything you want I didn’t even put a floor in my left we can get this shutle started again

Oh I can do some cooking here as well yeah yes you do some cooking oh wait where’s the replicator did they have the replicator in the original series they didn’t actually oh did they not a I think they did but I did think it tasted horrible because it couldn’t do

Like organic stuff very well one day one day What’s around here oh no what they died in the shuttle crash we survived that’s also Sulu is still alive somewhere area oh thank goodness oh my oh my actually re recently he watched an episode of a voyager where their T who served with Zulu had like a

Flashback so you know it’s a nice little Cameo oh Dennis says that you would make a good K Asus if you know what who that is I don’t know all people language Oh no I got the joke oh isn’t it yeah yeah it’ be a good K

Kroer oh have any of you guys watched a new like um series no still not still not yet I’m going to be honest with you it’s not the same no I don’t know if it’s because I’ve like grown up or something oh Dennis is saying it’s not

Good either oh dear yeah it’s just like it didn’t have the emotional feel of like the last couple Seasons had yeah that’s a shame but I’m not surprised at the same time like I don’t really even know why it came back again but yeah because to get cancelled and

Then get and then come back again Sur surely this has to be I mean they’re all getting quite old now as well they sound different where the thing is uh Bender wasn’t to come back yeah yeah he wanted more money for like at first it was only him but then he’s

Like no the whole cast should get more money which yeah I agree on that not similar note as well oh yeah has anyone watched the new series of always sunny and Philadelphia if you watch that show Always Sunny oh I I have yeah kept up with it it’s in the UK it’s just

Appeared on Netflix finally um and it’s also not great it’s like 16 seasons in and it’s just they all just seem very tired which is understandable it’s like the same thing with Sal Park Dave like 20 something seasons in I think South Park is like still going strong to be

Honest does anyone have any um more pods out um check check in one of my sh boxes I should have grow some pel by planting some trees yeah that too oh yeah all over the ground true no do you mean you don’t have pootles it’s everywhere yeah it’s everywhere Mark I can’t

See can’t see my glasses my glasses glasses jinkies did you did you watch VMA no no apparently apparently it was bad yeah and then um the actress just tried to blame like we were racist if we didn’t like it oh my God yeah okay I know you’re a fan Mark have you been

Keeping up with Simpsons oh no oh I no no you’ve completely given up I first of it just takes ages for the episodes to come onto Disney plus now like so long um which is fine I suppose I don’t want no rush to see him but I did start watching some of

The new ones or new newish ones maybe last season not the most recent one and I read all these things about oh they’re finally getting their groove back it’s actually getting pretty good again and I just don’t see it I’m just like are we watching the same show it

Like it it may be good compared to the last 15 years but that doesn’t mean it’s good overall it’s still it’s like it’s the best of a bad bunch sort of thing yeah um no I’m I’m quite snobbish when it comes to Simpsons now and it’s like I

You can say it’s good now but I don’t I don’t believe you and if you say it’s good then you don’t really know what made the classic ones so good you don’t appreciate them correctly see I’m I’m such a snob it it all went down H after the

Movie the movie would have been I mean I actually didn’t like the movie a huge amount but it I mean it one long series or one long episode I think they’re probably going to do one more at some point before they all die before literally the voice of Marge just loses her voice

Completely how old was she like 60s she’s got to be in her 70s now I know the Mr Burns one is is probably nearing his 80s God Harry Shir is name name the house okay it’s 79 oh God Julie kavner if I can spell her name

Right she okay she’s 73 but she’s just I think cuz her voice she sounds so much worse MH God damn well to be fa do do you think they’re going to cancel or they’re going to replace that voice actors once they ai go AI oh true they could do they they

Honestly could do I mean some of the mods I’ve played for the Hit and Run game they’ve used like the crappy AI voice things you can get online um and some of them actually been okay so you have to imagine what Disney can do with all their Tech they could probably do

Something oh my God way better ESP a few years well they they’ve been really good at like doing the daging stuff yeah exactly um are any of you guys fans of Adventure Time is that the one with the dog the guy and the dog I think the dog been the

Human um I think I watched one episode many years ago but no I’ve never really properly watched it just say here they they just had a spin-off um Series where has the fandom if he so stay at home yeah stay at home wait wait that’s not what it is

Right what no I I said iffy right but but I was just joking like if if one Ser Adventure Time and the other one just like oh we’ll stay at home oh that’s a really bad joke I know I’m I’m I’m very confused it is

Midnight for me no I’ll tell you what my favorite show is at the moment um although I haven’t watched it in a little while because again I’ve been waiting for it to go onto Disney plus Bob’s Burgers I love a bit of Bobs Burgers such a it’s just com a very comfortable show

Comforting you just feel nice watching it and that’s what want when I’m eating my dinner watch a nice TV show I’m happy honestly speaking I like American Dad yeah American Dad is okay as well yeah better than family guy anyway oh yeah I mean anything can be better if

I’m the guy I used to love Family Guy though he used to be really good yeah to be favorite episodes were always like the brain Ste episodes yeah the road to episodes they were good or they go traveling or something um any ideas where the portal could go

When we do it um I I do have a bunch of obsidian and stuff so we could do it I’m kind of feeling like over like glass like into the ocean or something like in the air like it’s a cloud that’s not very spooky okay never mind perhaps in the hole

That’s how about you come out of a grave a grave yeah okay um let’s see where where should the grave go if you think like on the other side of this maybe well the pumpkin yeah like somewhere back here maybe or thereby F I think let’s try yeah I

Think let’s try and keep things relatively close cuz then it looks more full maybe there could just be like a grave here I you can just like a spooky unknown grave yeah yeah this might be quite good graveyard area cuz this is almost turning into here like a bit of a hub

Yeah cuz the specials there’s yours down here is the pod that’s the hill I’m building it so it’s not like coming out of a grave um the grave could come after or it could be a cat it could be a catacomb no what am I trying what’s the

Word I’m trying to think of yeah get catacomb no what is it it’s uh catacomb mosum a mosum oh okay that’s what like yeah I’m going to do I’m going to Deforest a bit more bye Forest goodbye I do not have a flinton SE by the way so think I might have

One one of you guys you’re still watching the first few like you know seasons of The Next Generation right yep I’ve almost finished season four so in those first few seasons did you notice people wearing the the scans the the skirt you know yeah yeah I saw there’s a

Video being recommended to on YouTube about just about like yeah all the it reminded me of it and I was like oh I love how hey some of the choices are you know in the future who says who says dresses are going to be limited to women that’s part of Roden Berry’s utopian

Outlook also be a bit clearer yeah exactly but just you cutting that tree down I feel like there should be a decrepit like tree right there I brought a bunch of Co blocks that Tre yeah yeah like a petrified tree a petrified yeah the salt um I have a flint you have the

Flint um Muk has iron I think I do uh somewhere I’ve got like the most iron of anyone on the server and I have none in my Ender Chest I was going to say this is probably your iron that I bought from you yeah I I’ve been buying like so much

Iron from you my yeah the amount of gold that was in there the other day I was like wow yeah that’s probably all for me okay Portal’s lit is lit I’m not going in I’ll go in too scared look oh it’s not it’s not that bad actually this is probably good Sand

Valley oh there’s a portal nearby oh oh I just got it yeah there’s a portal right there speed I I kind of want to see who I think that’s charon’s um Pokemon gym I’ve got cell speed I didn’t realize that got put that um in a tree in a

Forest oh it’s in a tree in a forest that is here I’m not going in there I’m too scared just I got time for that I really want to know what is oh we should make sure that links back up MH by the way it should yeah it does oh yeah this

Is just a random thing I I I know where our thing is though from here pretty sure it’s over this way yep okay hello yeah that that portal just leads over there to that island so it’s quite simple to get back yes great this a orange orb it’s going to be a pumpkin

Yeah yep yep yep yep yep that would make sense wasn’t true it’s actually going to be a Christmas bble yeah um I should bought yellow wool I’ll use this special Spooky Box of [Laughter] Terror I got to get out I got to get out I can’t handle it don’t get stuck in the

Cobwebs is kind of claustrophobic I kind of I kind of like it’s something about it’s almost giv me the same sort of fear of like the back rooms where it’s like so simple it’s like is there going to be more to it you know like true like it’s just a few

Pieces of cobwebs in a chest but what’s in the chest do I look you know what I mean and then you get blown up well I still oh no I still don’t understand I’ve never been able to see it the whole you can see a chap a trap

Chest from the outline or the ring around the thing yeah yeah I still can’t see it I’ve never been able to SP it no no maybe I just it has a little bit of red yeah in I actually think I am I think I am cind that so pity

Me you kind totally made floor like protract and then yeah I was thinking I could uh make a little hole that opens up I need a trip wire hook don’t I oh you know what we should we should get as well uh what are the ones is it the

Skull shriekers I guess that would make makes a horrible noise yeah yeah we should put some of those in the ground so as you walk through it just screams I wonder if there’s any like down in here oh do you think there might be a a deep dark somewhere it does go deepish

Oh careful oh this is probably a bad idea don’t die don’t die oh I found some diamonds hey guys hey guys guys I got married I actually watched some of good the other day and his saath on yeah I’ve been watching it quite a

Lot well I say that I watch some of the clips people have made of like important moments when he caught a fish or stuff like that yeah yeah did you see him throwing the block at the snake yes yes I did as well that was not nice yeah

There’s a giant snake it was a huge snake awful they threw a rock at us or a cinder block and uh it kind of coiled up and was Agro back yeah it was not happy mind you I wouldn’t be happy either I’ll take it it wasn’t in this

Boot no it did go in his tent though I think oh God that’s kind of mean isn’t it Ro what a snake like that oh oh yeah I mean I wouldn’t have found it funny I think they were just trying to scare it away more than anything didn’t

Work I guess here can be an entrance if if good through brick at me be scared hug you just go imagine if like yeah at the angry at the mine crack party it’s just like Good’s just there ready to throw a brick I would be angry you would be

Angry like I wouldn’t run away scared there how does how does this pumpkin look kind of cute kind of cute that’s angry he went to the dentist and it’s like the dentist spells radioactive fluid over his teeth it’s kind of angry it’s kind of like when a little Chihuahua or

Something gets angry and you’re like oh you’re so small you’re not scary well that’s a mascot got look a colar oh you know what you should do dripstone to make spiky spiky teeth oo I think I have some can you put that on pumpkin I don’t know that’ll make it scary

I have a few a planks maybe you can like picture that’s why I was thinking to use some Acacia too like little this is in the center is it uh yeah like this maybe and then I’m doing a bit of a gaug or something oh yeah oh it does work cool yeah that’s

Great oh yeah I like that angry man okay um is that meant to be a rib cage yeah but brother I don’t like it I’m going to remove it looks like a little toed in a few minutes it looks like his arms and and legs so it looks just like a little baby

Or something now I like it again okay well yeah that’s fine baby Jacko Lantern so okay here here here’s another question for you guys have you ever done a Jacko Lantern or made one yeah once yeah I made a a creeper face on it cuz I’m so cool you’re so cool

Marck your next live streams should be pumpkin carving I I actually quite like pumpkin carving except for uh I don’t like the smell yeah and the texture creeps me out Scoopy out part is probably the worst bit do you guys like eating pumpkin I don’t think I’ve ever tasted pumpkin anything oh my

God pumpkin I what have I had pumpkin in I definitely have had it before uh well pumpkin pie is like the basic pumpkin soup I’ve had pumpkin pumpkin soup is thing yeah pumpkin seeds yeah yeah toasted or whatever um where’s this iron that we had

I’ve got it do you need some got it uh yeah oh I got some from you that I’m robbing that’s fine make some of these oh iron bars yes yes yes yes yes I I I do have um some Mossy stone that we create some Mossy walls yeah that sounds good oh

I going to go all right thanks for Joining a good evening bye live long and prosper live long and prosper long and prosper good Night yeah I’m probably going to end off soon anyway but I just want to finish a bit of this yeah honestly I think I’m going to come back to the house yeah just I’m not feeling it I put like some chains underneath the where the pumpkin is oh chains I forgot about chains

Yeah I like how my dude has like a lot of stuff that he just leaves a bunch of Black Stone yeah he’s got tons of stuff in his spawn oh really yeah I’m getting it my blacks on now find us Keepers okay yeah oh what we should do before we

Leave though we should put a sign yes we should put a sign for posterity as sure St would say I’ll probably work on getting a tunnel going eventually okay so uh so is this the graveyard that’s over here yeah yeah um yeah somewhere we can put maybe

Maybe around here could be the big spooky tree kind of leaning over yeah what I’ll put a sign petrified spooky tree here and then where should I put the sign for like dating people and everything should I put above the portal um portal pumpkin actually yeah the

Portal we might change a little bit P portal might move yeah okay can you go inside the pumpkin not at the moment okay I’ll put it at the base then yes put it here so you know Mark uh you can make hanging signs no got it no I fell down

Anyway right where should we hang them um probably just on the bottom of this oh sho you do it on a chain ooh one okay I don’t know if we’re all going to fit on but I’ll try yeah Mar by the way you also got to create

Them you oh right they’re not just normal signs are they okay I I think I know this game logs I know this game I know Minecraft two more you need six yeah these are expensive yeah and I think you need uh chains oh remember I tossed them in you

Ah thanks thanks your inventory is full great oh you do get six to be fair okay yeah yeah so that’s the plus okay actually because I think I’m going to need two and I want it to be symmetrical so I’m going to do one there and there okay so J JFS Halloween town

Established 30th the 9th no okay no JFS just Halloween Town Halloween Town established 30th was the 9th 23 founded by star J Asus M and special yeah R oh they they one key oh well oh well they can they can stay like that for now works it looks like they’re blowing in the wind oh yeah exactly I like

That remember you also put stuff behind aigns too you got to put something sneaky sneaky secret message yeah Dam very nice okay then that was nice yeah good start everyone I’m going to end off my stream here too yeah I’m probably going to head off now and go end my stream as

Well but um special take the last words goodbye everyone tuned in to the streams thanks to Asus oh okay yes and having fun quite right right all all right I’m I’m I’m probably going to take off so yep I’ll talk to you guys another time cool okay see you later see you good

Night all right well there we are that was actually quite a long session on the JFS turned out to be we we did so much we fought a dragon we came here we founded a new part of the map it’s all spooky it’s you know it’s not much at the moment humble beginnings

But we’ve got all month to get this going and then we can have a trick or treat party here or something I don’t know um but yeah that is going to do it for this stream I’m just going to end off back out so I don’t

Die um yeah so I won’t be streaming tomorrow obviously this was kind of this week’s stream here on Saturday instead I will be be back next week instead for I don’t know what to be honest it might be time to start a new kind of series ah actually probably not

Yet we’ll probably play some more kind of one-off games until then maybe some spooky games because by then it’ll be kind of partway into October um so yeah maybe some spooky ones in fact Dennis suggested a spooky game to play for Halloween so I might do

That next week or if not the week after yes that sounds good okay I’m going to stop round ring now uh thank you everyone who came by and chatted this evening uh I know it’s a bit of a different stream kind of the second half

Cuz I was on Discord but still hope you enjoyed it and I’ll be back next time until then take care bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Building Halloween Town – Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by More Muckluck on 2023-11-09 21:12:23. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:02 or 10502 seconds.

Streamed on 30th September 2023.

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  • Termina – Towny Raiding SMP, Raiding, PVP, Crossplay

    🏰 Will you be the hero or the villain?! 🔥 The choice is yours on – SMP Towny, Community, and Adventure! Java Port: 25565 and Bedrock Port: 19132 Please take a moment to learn about us. We welcome all players! 🌍 Decide your path: Termina is more than just a survival server – Will you build a peaceful town, supporting others in the community? Or will you rise as a fearsome leader, declaring war and forging a nation built on conquest? 🏙️ Build towns, create nations, forge alliances: With Towny, you can make your own town or nation; working… Read More

  • ⥈ MineCuby | (1.16.5/1.21) | ⥈ Discord ⇴

    ⥈ MineCuby | (1.16.5/1.21) | ⥈ Discord ⇴ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: My opinion vs yours

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: My opinion vs yoursWell, I guess we can say this meme is a 102 out of 10! Read More

  • Crafty Cuts: The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Video Edits

    Crafty Cuts: The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Video Edits Welcome, gamers, to Scarlett’s domain, Where Minecraft videos are edited with no strain. I’ll spill the secrets, make your content shine, With tools and tricks that are simply divine. Cut and join scenes with precision and grace, Add effects and transitions to elevate your space. Music and sound effects, a vital touch, To make your videos pop, oh so much. Whether a beginner or a pro in the game, These tips will surely bring you fame. Subscribe, like, and ring the bell, To stay updated and do oh so well. Share your thoughts, your own editing flair, Let’s build… Read More

  • “Tiny Holes Challenge: Mobs Edition” #minecraftmemes

    "Tiny Holes Challenge: Mobs Edition" #minecraftmemes When you realize the smallest gap test in Minecraft is harder than trying to navigate through a crowded mall on Black Friday. #minecraftproblems #watchoutforthatcreeper Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mining Guide! – REACT

    Ultimate Minecraft Mining Guide! - REACT The Best Way to Mine in Minecraft When it comes to mining in Minecraft, players are always looking for the most efficient and effective methods to gather resources. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, knowing the best way to mine can make a huge difference in your gameplay experience. Strip Mining One of the most popular mining techniques in Minecraft is strip mining. This method involves digging a series of parallel tunnels at different levels to expose a large area of blocks. By systematically clearing out these tunnels, players can uncover valuable resources such as diamonds,… Read More

  • Levitating Washing Machine Prank!

    Levitating Washing Machine Prank! Levitating Washing?!? – Minecraft Create Mod S3 #3 Introduction In the latest episode of Minecraft Create Mod Season 3, Zedaph explores the fascinating world of levitating washing! Why wash items on the floor when you can wash mid-air? Let’s dive into the exciting features and events of this episode. Levitating Washing One of the standout features of this episode is the concept of levitating washing. Zedaph showcases how to wash items in mid-air, adding a unique twist to the traditional washing process in Minecraft. This innovative approach not only adds a fun element to the game but also demonstrates… Read More

  • Insane Shizo Clickbait: Telos Realms Pro Guide Mid Game

    Insane Shizo Clickbait: Telos Realms Pro Guide Mid GameVideo Information This video, titled ‘Telos Realms – New Player Progression Guide Part 2 – Mid Game’, was uploaded by cebmofroz on 2024-09-21 19:00:07. It has garnered 1626 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:17 or 1457 seconds. Yoooo what’s up guys been a long time huh? Anyways if you wanna play this server its vanilla minecraft newest version of minecraft (1.21.1). and the ip is If you enjoy make sure to like and subscribe! I stream daily on twitch for 10+ hours a day so come check me out there! This will be… Read More

  • Unleash SonicGlare: Ultimate Herobrine Mod-Addon!

    Unleash SonicGlare: Ultimate Herobrine Mod-Addon!Video Information This video, titled ‘This Is the Best ” Herobrine Mod/Addon” For Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.21.20+!!’, was uploaded by SonicGlare on 2024-09-01 12:30:56. It has garnered 2174 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. This Is the Best ” Herobrine Mod/Addon” For Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.21.20+!! DOWNLOAD: Credit: @CloudLightning …_…|..__________ __________, , ……/ `-___________– _____|]THANKS FOR WATCHING …../_==o;;;;;;;;__ _____.:/ SUBSCRIBE 🔴 …..), -.(_(__) / ….// (..) ), –” …//___// ..//___// -Chapters- **Tags:** mod top minecraft pe modpacks minecraft pe 1.20 popular mods mcpe must-have addons best minecraft pocket edition modpacks mcpe… Read More

  • Unreal Duping Hack on | Mod in Comments

    Unreal Duping Hack on | Mod in CommentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to DUPE on Minecraft server! | Mod in comments’, was uploaded by RealDuper on 2024-08-23 17:21:59. It has garnered 2333 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:40 or 100 seconds. Link in the comments! ► VIDEO INHALT 00:00 Intro / Showcase 00:50 Block Break Dupe Methode 01:05 No Remove Shard Dupe 01:18 Showcase Tags(ignore): DONUTSMPDONUTSMPMCREKRAP2CPVPDUPEDUPING1. pvp,crystal pvp montage,crystal pvp texture pack,crystal pvp server,crystal pvp bedrock,crystal pvp guide,crystal pvp texture pack 1.19,crystal pvp mods,crystal pvp texture pack mcpe,crystal pvp practice server,crystal pvp packs,crystal pvp asmr,crystal pvp addon mcpe,crystal pvp advanced… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! NEXUS NOVA: MINECRAFT'S 1.19 BEST SEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEST SEED 1.19 #minecraft #gaming #trending #short’, was uploaded by NEXUS NOVA on 2024-05-10 07:16:58. It has garnered 484 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. MINECRAFT BEST SEED 1.19 #minecraft #gaming #trending #short #minecraft #minecraftmod #minecraftmyanmar #minecraftanimation #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #minecraftbuilding #minecraftroleplay #minecrafthorror #minecraftsmp #minecraft #animation victor #minecraft #pvp #shorts •артемчик – мкпе• #minecraft #shorst x_ cyber samurai _x #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraftsurvival #kids gamer pro 2015 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #jump #gaming #running #drama pixelmon #minecraft #shorts #minecraft #evulation bencosme #minecraft animation #minecraft #fantasy #story minecraft the quest… Read More

  • INSANE Twist in Minecraft SMP #77 – Iron Everywhere! 🤯

    INSANE Twist in Minecraft SMP #77 - Iron Everywhere! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘This World Is Full Of Iron 🤯🤪!! Minecraft SMP #77’, was uploaded by Blitz Byte Play on 2024-05-29 15:00:50. It has garnered 249 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:38 or 278 seconds. This World Is Full Of Iron 🤯🤪!! Minecraft SMP #77 share, support, Subscribe!!! follow me on Instagram : business Email: [email protected] About:this channel is made for gaming videos comment me the game which you like to watch. Thank you so much for watching❤! #shorts #minecraft #gameplay #bgmi #gta5 #freefire #residentevil Read More

  • Secrets Unveiled in Minecraft with Ray and Friends

    Secrets Unveiled in Minecraft with Ray and FriendsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Start of a Whole New World | Minecraft with Ray, Chibidoki, and Nagzz21’, was uploaded by BraggAboutIt on 2024-04-28 17:00:03. It has garnered 14216 views and 468 likes. The duration of the video is 06:58:08 or 25088 seconds. Recorded on April 10th, 2024 at Crew: Ray: Ray: Chibidoki: Nagzz21: Follow Matt Bragg on Twitter! Join the Mage Discord! Follow the Mage Community on Twitter! YT Team Sky: ArleyDino #minecraft #multiplayer #twitchvod #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Launda LIVE | Join Public SMP 🔴

    Insane Minecraft Launda LIVE | Join Public SMP 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Minecraft Live | Join My | Public LifeStael Smp | Java+Pe 24/7 Online’, was uploaded by Insane launda on 2024-07-07 23:24:33. It has garnered 224 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:07 or 2107 seconds. Hello Everyone Welcome to my stream … Enjoy!!! If u are new here and wanna support me do Like share and susbscribe and don’t forget to click on the bell icon.. for more ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________ For Business and Brand Deals Mail✉️- [email protected] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ✅️ Old Device 🥵viovo Y20g 4|64 ✅️ Current Device 🥰 IPad… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Design! 🌸 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Design! 🌸 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Cherry Blossom Nether Portal Design! #shorts’, was uploaded by GGnxtz on 2024-03-08 07:18:13. It has garnered 6216 views and 193 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. How to build a Cherry blossom Nether portal in Minecraft! #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial #minecraftshorts Read More

  • ANUJ GAMING 43: Insane Witch Battle – Who Will Win? 🔮🪄 #Minecraft

    ANUJ GAMING 43: Insane Witch Battle - Who Will Win? 🔮🪄 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob Vs Pro Vs Hacker Witch 🧹🪄 #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by ANUJ GAMING 43 on 2024-02-22 11:52:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. subscribe to my channel for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro … Read More

  • SSMP Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 no grief no whitelist

    SSMP: Survival Multiplayer with no Limits SSMP takes survival multiplayer back to the fundamentals. Enjoy creating large scale builds and redstone without limits. Features: 2 /sethomes + bed Easy /spawn access Developed server infrastructure Rare head drops Player-based economy Permitted: gravity, TNT, rail, and string dupe Join IP: Active Discord Server: Type /discord in-game to join. Supports bedrock connections. Use port 63809. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ultimate Minecraft 2022: Hilarious Livestream Moment!

    Minecraft Memes - Ultimate Minecraft 2022: Hilarious Livestream Moment!“Looks like this meme really mined its way into people’s hearts with that high score!” 😆 Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: The Short That’ll Have You Crying… With Laughter!

    Minecraft Mayhem: The Short That'll Have You Crying... With Laughter! Welcome, gamers, to a tale so divine, A short that will make you laugh, it’s time to shine. Grab your snacks, settle in, hit play, For this Minecraft adventure will brighten your day. With humor and wit, this short will amaze, Bringing joy and laughter in so many ways. From FNAF to Sea of Thieves, the fun never ends, So grab your friends, it’s time to hit send. Watch the chaos unfold, in this epic delight, With characters so bold, it’s a pure gaming sight. So don’t miss out on this hilarious creation, For it’s a must-see for your… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: When Steve Meets Brawl Stars! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: When Steve Meets Brawl Stars! 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? She kept blowing up at him!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #lol Read More

  • Becoming SenpaiSpider in Minecraft

    Becoming SenpaiSpider in Minecraft The World of Minecraft: Becoming SenpaiSpider Exploring the Minecraft Universe SenpaiSpider, a popular content creator, has captured the hearts of many with their entertaining videos. In this Minecraft adventure, the player takes on the persona of SenpaiSpider, recreating some of their iconic moments within the game. Embracing Creativity in Minecraft Minecraft offers endless possibilities for creativity and imagination. From building intricate structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can truly make the game their own. By embodying SenpaiSpider in Minecraft, the player dives into a world where the only limit is their creativity. Unleashing Fun and Entertainment With no… Read More

  • Sneaky Sister Returns Home – Minecraft Ep. 1

    Sneaky Sister Returns Home - Minecraft Ep. 1 The Tale of Minecraft Zła Siostra – Episode 1 The Story Unfolds In the western part of the Azylu realm, resided the Royal Family, including the twin daughters of King Harold IV and Queen Elisabeth. When the king fell ill with a mysterious disease that could only be cured through special magic, Victoria, one of the king’s daughters, sought to save him. However, her desperate attempts led to a curse that ultimately destroyed the entire kingdom. Veronica, the other daughter, managed to escape with survivors. Now, 11 years after the catastrophe caused by the cursed Victoria, Veronica returns to… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ EXPLORE Creepy Titans at 3am in Minecraft

    Mikey and JJ EXPLORE Creepy Titans at 3am in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ GET INSIDE Creepy KISSY MISSY and HUGGY WUGGY Titans at 3am ? – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Raizen on 2024-09-16 20:05:54. It has garnered 2307 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:52 or 1852 seconds. How Mikey and JJ GET INSIDE Creepy KISSY MISSY and HUGGY WUGGY Titans at 3am ? – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality,… Read More

  • VR Minecraft Madness

    VR Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in VR is TERRIFYING’, was uploaded by Plooshi on 2024-09-14 20:04:27. It has garnered 490 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:48 or 1608 seconds. Continuing with the Minecraft vr series I went mining and finally created a nether portal to continue our journey This is also the 2nd episode so check out the first one as well follow me on twitter: mod used: Vivecraft Some of the background music was also from doki doki literature club, Undertale and Animal crossing go check that out Read More