Sneaky Minecraft SHARK FAMILY Parody

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Oh wo oh my goash I have a fish ta no oh I don’t think she wants to do that Luka then what did you come here for big sis yeah big sis Oh yay let’s go wa where am I I was just born in I’m in a really

Really spooky cave and oh gosh is that a person with a fish tail hello oh my little bro was just born what little bro what are you talking about how do you have feet and for a second ago you didn’t have feet what just happened dude we’re mermaids wow what are you talking

About whoa you have a mermaid tail B I’m not a mermaid I have human feet brother who is now named OHS you are a mermaid wa what now named OHS that’s kind of a goofy name but you know what I like ohms okay everyone call me OHS but I don’t

Have a tail I was born in land I’m a land dweller not a fish boy no dude mermaid trust me dude I was born the same way W okay I guess I’ll hop in the water and wo oh my gosh I have a fish tail yes sir and you’re also a prince

What wow who are you hello who’s talking wait w it’s it’s is that oh my gosh wo your tail is awesome what type of mermaid are you I am not a mermaid I’m an octopus wo she’s an octopus that’s awesome not awesome why why is that not awesome mermaids and octopuses are evil

Enemies oh my gosh awesome so like you came together so you could like make peace and we could all be friends right oh no oh I don’t think she wants to do that LCA then what did you come here for big sis yeah big sis are you here to to

To say hi to me cuz I’m your new brother what you’re not my brother you don’t even look like man hey we look we look kind of similar okay yeah I guess we all look alike but how about we go be friends and whoa oh your house is super

Awesome yeah I built it all by myself this is so cool is that a working bathtub oh my gosh can I sit in it oh my gosh guys I’m taking a bath look at me I’m bathing wo this place is awesome I know right is this a toilet oh my gosh

So cool and the sink this is awesome oh my gosh and wait is this like what type of fish is this this is a deadly dangerous octopus that will eat your face off what oh my gosh oh wow this place is awesome SAS I want to build the

Place like this you’re a mermaid that’s never going to happen wait what hey I can totally build something way cooler than this that is never happening buddy how dare you at wait I’m going to build it right in front of your place so you can be jealous how dare you I’m going to

Destroy you wait what um Luke I think she’s planning on destroying my build what then we could destroy hers back yeah yeah good idea but this is the perfect spot we should make a mermaid house yes and there’s so many cool items we could use and wo this is awesome

There’s treasure chests there’s ship cannons there’s even chairs I love this so much I need to get a building material though what should we use my favorite block is the Pearl blocks look at them wait are they these bad boys y they are super duper pretty oh my gosh

They’re like light blue I’ve never seen this block in Minecraft before and wait there’s even more this one’s called Pearl bricks oh my go these are so cool and wao what are these ones these are called Pearl skirtings let’s make the basee out of these blocks oh yeah that

Would be awesome okay Luke you’re going to be in charge of making the floor and you can make them out of these Pearl skirting blocks okay and I’ll make the bricks the side of the house like that and then the base of the house is going

To be made out of the normal Pearl blocks ooh great idea so I’m going to put the four quarters over here like that and wait I have an idea we could make our house a ginormous mermaid tail that would be perfect I know right so okay okay okay that’s still going to

Work with the design we have so far so let me throw down some more blocks on each corner just like this and boom fill up the floor all right on it and the way that our mermaid tails work it goes from thicker to skinnier so what we can do is

We got to make it go one block inwards like that and we have to make it become skinnier so let’s place it on the inside like this and then place it a couple blocks higher like that and do the same on each side for the first layer of the

Skinny Mery tail oh my gosh this house is going to be awesome how’s the floor coming along W mermaid tail housee base is complete that looks so good from the outside I’m going to work on the walls oh yeah yeah cuz um it only looks good

From the front oh gosh yeah yeah Luke work on the walls I’m going to work on the interior decorations what blocks can we use there’s so many awesome blocks dude oh yeah I see all of them oh my gosh these are actually crazy awesome I’m going to get the coolest ones that I

See we’re going to need a really cool sofa a cool chair a dining table a towel rack oh my gosh this is crazy let’s just grab the living room stuff since that’s what we’re starting off with over here and for the living room we’re going to

Put the first chair right over here and oh my gosh wao look there’s a fishing he’s chilling I know right and wait a minute there’s a style tool what do we do with this oh my gosh check this out we could change the colors wo infinite decoration uh-huh I’m going to make it

Like this light bluish greenish cuz it’s like both of our colors combined good thinking thank you then I’mma put a chair over here and let’s color at the same color scheme and we could throw a dining table and oh my gosh there’s so many plates and even a ginormous cake

This is delicious and that looks really good now let’s grab some blocks so we can throw up a ginormous TV and we can put it right over here on this side then throw up a painting here and no that’s not a good show no oh oh this is my

Favorite show kung fu OBS yes we’re going to be watching Kung Fu OBS right over here now we’re working on the second layer we’re going to make it like a bedroom area where we could have super duper lit sleepovers it’s a sensitive topic why is it sensitive um I didn’t mean to say

Sister bet the whole family what why did you say that before um um um I don’t know I don’t have a sister what oh my gosh what’s her name is it something crazy oh stop talking oh okay sorry sorry Luke um sorry Dad um yeah I don’t

I don’t know her name we just like said hi change the topic Ms so Dad how do you like the house so far we’re adding beds right now let get some and what there’s custom beds oh my gosh I need to see this bad boy right in the ow what the

What this thing is awesome okay and wait a minute I have an idea this could be like the bed we bounce on and then we can each have our own separate bed homes how do I bounce we’re mermaids oh wait wow we could totally bounce right we

Could like kind of like go like this check it out I’m bouncing yep sure I guess this is our form of bouncing the bed yes let’s do it okay okay okay let’s grab a red bed for dad because he’s red we could get a pink bed for Mom a light

Blue bed for me a green bed for you and finally a purple bed for our sister Noe no no don’t see that I’m going to place one over here another one over here and one more over here okay rainbow beds oh yes yes yes make them each color a

Different color yeah perfect and what else is in a bedroom we need drawers oh yeah yeah yeah check it out so we can do our makeup and perfume this is really girly yeah e grow change the color oh yeah yeah yeah that one’s good no no I

Like the dark purple one so it makes me look really cool all right there you go what that’s the pink one that’s the girly one put the boy one I want the purple one so I look cool HS you’re matching with the bottle W oh yeah I am

Check me out I look super awesome but we need to add the final layer I don’t know why mom’s using new words what what what does it mean it means be right back she’s going to go get Dad oh okay okay really cool and wait I’m going help you

Out with these walls over here at oh my gosh this actually came along really really well but oh gosh wait we did make a way up here here from the second floor so let’s just break this over here grab some ladders and then we could throw

Them all over here like this boom set and oh come on Luke how are you doing on the fins they’re basically done yeah they’re done but we got to put the walls Silly Billy and if we don’t then it’s not a house sorry I’m on it right now

Thank you very much LC and oh my gosh this about to look so cool we just have to finish up the fin out over here and this wall is incomplete here so let me throw down some blocks to finish it up put this layer here then this one over

Here then place it all down now let’s just finish up this wall and the kitchen area is now all good what should we eat sweet pies are the best wo seea sweet pies look delicious let me see what other Foods there are seash shakes seash shakes all right all right I’m grabbing

Some seash shakes ooh clam cupcakes that sounds very edible and wo fish popsicles that’s delicious sounding all right I grabbed a bunch of fish Foods now let’s grab a chest and we could put the food chest right back over here so when it’s time to serve up the food we can give it

To everybody so let’s throw it all in like this and boom it’s all good and wait I actually want to try one of these I’m going to try a clam cupcake and that kind of sounds gross trust me it’s the best oh that’s really really delicious

Everyone’s going to love it and luk you didn’t finish the finit nope it’s done what it’s literally not done it’s halfway done oh my gosh luk Come on silly this is a group effort you have to help me oh fine I’ll help I know you just didn’t want to do it all by

Yourself cuz it is kind of hard to place all of these blocks not when you’re a professional builder well I’m the professional builder I was borned a professional even though I was born 5 minutes ago and wait a minute Luke when were you born I was born like 10 minutes

Ago wait what I thought you were like way older than me we’re like the same age basically oh wait no I’m like 5 years old no no no you just told the truth Luke you’re literally the same age so I can’t even call you my older brother you’re just brother whatever you

Win wait a minute that means I’m about to become 15 I want to build with with dark blocks what oh my gosh Luke is becoming a mermaid teenager so that means I’m like 10 minutes old so what does that mean I want to do oh yay let’s

Go and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye a few moments later e red guy red guy my brother’s trying to put my head in the toilet oh gosh my sister does that to me all the time wait what you

Have an older sibling too no older siblings are the worst they never just leave us alone you know why they’re the worst um wait what’s your name red guy I’mma to name you Roxy your name is Roxy what that is my name how did you gu I

Don’t know I just took a guess but you know why they’re so mean it’s because they’re jealous because older siblings have L creativity you heard that you guys have no creativity cuz you’re old and soon you’re going to be like having a job and stuff come with me Roxy cuz I

Need to use all my creative juices over here me and you Roxy we’re going to make the most litty sauce playground park in the world this is going to be sauce yeah I agree it’s going to be sauce and why why are you guys over there on that side because you really

Think your playground is going to be better than ours what bro Roxy are you hearing this that’s going to be so easy peasy yeah we have all the creativity in the world yes sir check it out we’re now in creative mode and what the what why’

You put lava on the Ground Luke what are you doing this playground is going to be lit oh my goodness oh wait a minute Roxy how old is your sister he’s 13 and oh my brother is 13 as well oh gosh they’re teenagers they’re doing evil things teenagers rule no no teenagers

Are evil Roxy teenagers are evil we have to make a way better Park okay okay Roxy take with me what do we do for the par we obviously need an awesome sauce slideer oh yeah you’re right we need a lest slide ever and oh my goodness

Gracious I’m going to make it so much fun follow me Roxy we’re going to make the slide over here so every slide needs yellow Roxy cuz it’s like super bright and kids like that yeah I love yellow and we’re going to make it go all the way like a bajillion blocks high all

Right Roxy do that side make it come all the way up over here now we got to make it go down this way so make the railings go all the way here okay all right on it let’s go our teamwork is so good I bet the teenagers are o what the what is

That why is there lava and Ice Luke what are you doing this is our slide and it’s over lava oh my goodness gracious these teenagers are crazy bad Roxy did you hear what Luke just said that is so bad I know right that John is diabolical but Boom

The slide goes all the way down now we have to make it slippery and I’m going to steal something that Luke did I’m going to use blue ice that’s a great idea it’s going to make you go faster I know right so let’s set the blue ice

Like this all the way up to the top and Roxy can you test it out if the blue ice makes you slip down fast all right let me go down we perfect that John is making Roxy Zoom okay okay let me make it go all the way

Up over here like that and wo aaz balls wait I want to go down with you Roxy oh my gosh this is awesome sauce wo that was so cool wo that was amazing but how can we make it even faster W Roxy you are crazy but I do like the way you

Think we need to make this slide a lot faster and I know exactly what we could do we could put a command block on the top over here so let me give myself a command block and let’s make it so it’s going to do SL effect give at P which is

The nearest player and we’re going to give the effect speed for 5 seconds and we’re going to give us speed 10 wao that’s a lot of speed I know right it’s going to be brazy so look when we stand here I’m going to put the button down and then boom

Aage wow Roy this is crazy SAU and wait a minute should we turn it up that would be awesome litty sauce all right I’m turning it up I’m going all the way up over here and oh goodness Roxy what do you think about 35 speed oh no that’s

Awesome let me do it and no my go that is literally crazy W we’re speed sters and hm there’s a big problem Roxy look what happens when we go off with our speed we get yeated over we have to make it so we keep our body down so maybe we

Could put a roof on the slide wo awesome ideal thank you let me try it out hit the button now go Roxy go go okay you it’s so hard oh goodness wait wait let me try let me hit the button and up up up oh my gosh that is painful H I feel

Like we need to make it so that maybe we should change these blocks into stairs w I didn’t even think about that all right all right so let’s go down here and let’s replace all of these bad boys with stairs like that and does that make it

Better Roxy let me test it out and d d d oh gosh okay that’s really painful you still hit your head that’s a big problem ooh wait a minute I have an idea we should put glass on the side so we don’t go flying off oh yeah that’s a great

Idea let’s do it set the glass down I got this side you got that side we are literally making the best slide in theit Universe I can’t wait to ride me too okay the glass is all set now I’m going to test it out to see if all of these

Add-ons made it better all right ready set go I’m going it wait wait wait oh my gosh yeah I think it works we just need to make the stairs go all the way down Mission put the stairs down is a go yeah Roxy you should put the wool and I’ll

Put the stairs down so like put the wool down please all right do I put the wall right here no no put it down put it like behind the stairs that exist yeah yeah right there sorry I broke it put it down thank you thank you and now do that for

Every single one and I’ll put the stairs down oh now I get it nice job Roxy oh my goodness our teamwork is so good oh yeah and it’s all good the stairs are all made yes let’s go all right let’s test it out I’m going to fly all the way

To the top and Roxy go I’m going to test it out now okay Roxy now test it out go down let’s see if it works and oh my goodness gracious is the slide lit yeah it’s litty sauce all right let me try it oh gosh wait I just slipped off oh gosh

This is not a very good safety hazard let me hit the button and W wa oh my goodness gracious I’m zooming down the ice that was Saucy look at those babies still working on their first thing oh my goodness gracious what the what Roxy why do they have so much things at their

Park cuz we’re the best du oh my goodness gracious Roxy check that out they have a super Saucy roller coaster and a trampoline how can we beat That by adding a roller coaster trampoline in one oh my goodness gracious Roxy you may be young but you’re literally a

Genius that is so smart we can make it so we have a roller coaster ride that falls into a trampoline Okay okay let’s do it now and we’re going to make the base of it out of redstone blocks what go red stone wait is red stone your

Favorite or something no it’s the best so that literally means it’s your favorite oh my goodness gracious Roxy that’s exactly what I just said oh yeah I love it oh my gosh awesome and check it out I’m making our roll coas are way higher than theirs and now we have to

Get some powered rails so let’s grab these bad boys and check it out when you build a redstone blocks it instantly Powers the rails let’s go Redstone is the best I know right and check it out we’re going to have the ride go down here and then we should make it drop

Down into a blue trampoline wo that would be awesome so let’s grab some trampoline then throw it down over here and Roxy we need a test so let’s grab um mine cart thank you very much and let’s y that John over here and then boom push

It up and oh go Roy okay well you got on it and wow we completely missed we missed wow that was embarrassing okay okay break the minecart Roxy it looks like we have to make it go all the way down over here so let’s expand this and

Let’s set it all down with trampolines like that boom Perfect all right all right test number two is a go let me push this mine cart down and hey Mr mine cart yo get on the rail oh my gosh Roxy it’s not working I think you should just

Go from here what oh my gosh yeah you’re probably right I’m going to start from the top and let’s see if this works y I’m going and what really bro oh my goodness what the trampolines don’t work oh my goodness gracious Roxy we need another way to make

Trampolines kids are babies na boo boo no don’t laugh at that yo yo yo oh my gosh he’s literally talking trash it’s not funny at all but I know exactly what to do we got to get rid of all these trampolines like this then we’re going to need to grab the sticky pistons

Wo you know how to do sticky pistons well of course Roxy you do know that I am 2 years old and 2-year-olds are geniuses man they’re probably kind of not smart what Roxy you are a I’m not even going to say anything Rox you are a 2-year-old but whatever let me grab the

Mine cart again and let’s try this ow I’m going for a Roxy Y and what nothing happened we need to wait for the Slime to push Roxy why is your butt on my head right now dude really bro oh my goodness gracious look at these kids farting on

Each other what are you guys doing hey hey don’t look at us l oh my goodness Roxy making us a laughing stop this needs to be serious but don’t worry I am a professional at being a professional what we have to do is we have to activate all the blocks underneath with

A block called redstone blocks o I love that we added it for the roller coaster yeah but it’s multi-use Roxy check it out if I set it on both corners and then y ye it all right guys for this round of hide and seek you two are going to be

The Seekers and me and Roxy are going to be the hiders this is going to be so easy we’re going to find you right away what no way Roxy come on hide with me we got to hide right behind that Bounty house or never going to find us go go go

5 4 3 2 1 oh gosh coming Roxy hide sh sh they’re never going to find us here a boys help me wait what um Roxy did you hear that is Lily screaming for us oh no it’s Lily all right um H probably yeah I

Think she just wants us to get out Lily we’re not falling for your prank babe it’s not a prank help um wait a minute um Roxy that was crystal do you think Crystal’s okay oh no they’re in danger we have to save them Lily Crystal oh my gosh where did

They go Lily Crystal wait Lily’s right there and wait what she just went down in this hole wait that was an orange person and they were carrying Lily so that means crystals down there we have to save them jump inside let’s go and wait w I never knew that this was

Underneath the playground wao Where Are we more importantly where’s Lily no more importantly where’s Crystal wait a minute who’s that wait what oh my gosh evil Ms what are you doing here so you really thought I was going to let you keep all the hot babes to yourself wait

Well all the hot babes um who are you talking about dude Lily and Crystal the hot babes oh yeah Lily is a hot babe what oh my Roxy stop talking please stop talking well where did you put Lily and Crystal it’s finally my turn to be with

The hot babes me and Crystal and Lily will live happily ever after and there’s nothing you can do about it hey give me Lily back now now I’m saving Crystal and wao where are we wait a minute Roxy look there’s parkour I can’t make it to the

First jump how do we get there but Ms I can wait what you can where are you right now but there’s a button over here on my side wait what a button wait hit the button see what happens all right Kaboom did anything happen H wait a

Minute W wao that button activated a walkway but wait Roxy are you able to go anywhere from there no I’m stuck over here H if you’re stuck over there and a button helped me when I was stuck wait a minute what if this button activates something for you all right and did

Anything happen yeah look this pillar spawned wo nice and look there’s a button up there parkour up to the next button I think that one’s for me because I can’t go anywhere from here okay I hit it Kaboom nice let’s see did anything happen look you got a new block so I

Could just parkour over let’s go but um I’m stuck on this pillar H let me see it yeah look Roxy over here there’s a button let me hit it did that do anything yeah a platform spawned in wo awesome and wait Roxy look there’s another but button down there on the

Glass jump down all right I made it and I think yeah that button should make it so I can move on hit the button all right bow nice and wo yes a block spaed in and there’s another button over here I think this is for you to go on and

Boom wo it worked nice job and I see a button over there parkour over and hit the button all right I hit it and wow check this out Roxy I can parkour H Roxy we’re right next to each other so close but so far Hi H and wait there there’s a

Button right over here and it’s on my side I’mma hit it did anything happen yeah look a platform spawned in wo nice how far can you go I can make it to the end wo do it Roxy do it yeah yes you made it but wait I’m still so far away

Is there a button over there yeah there’s a button on the wall oh hit it hit it hit it all right here and wao a platform spawn let’s go Roxy B wait a minute where are we getting led to at wait what what the heck is this why

Hello there wait Roxy um Roxy Roxy there’s like a weird guy right here oh Roxy I found a secret chest with 15 blocks of diamonds and six pieces of wood yeah that’s exactly what mine has o okay okay okay perfect all right describe to me the bottom row what do I

Place you have to place Three diamond blocks all right one two three and then what’s on the second rounde it’s five diamond blocks five diamond blocks all right do they start like from the middle and go out yeah exactly all right so let me put one two three then I could put

Four and five so it like goes out a little bit right yep now the next layer is seven wait seven oh that’s perfect that’s exactly the amount I have so let me put it up and wait Roxy it goes up right yeah o okay perfect let me put

Them all on top like this and boom now I only have six pieces of warped wood yeah it looks like a little diamond heart what like a diamond heart what does that mean Roxy explain it better it’s three on each side in the middle is empty oh

Wait a minute I understand but um I can’t reach out Mr Sir can you please like give me a laugh or something yes sir climb up right over here the ladder Express oh thank you Mr Sir wow you’re very nice normally the people in these builds are terribly mean so now I could

Just climb up and then Roxy you said it’s three right yeah in the middle is empty all right 1 2 3 perfect now let me go to the other side and let me put the three down one two and three boom wow I did it it looks like a diamond heart you

Are right Roxy congratulations you guys completed the challenge here is your lever let’s go Roxy I got a lever now I can go to the iron door and I can open it but I don’t have a lever oh my gosh oh no wait my door just opened wait w oh

It must be because I activated it let’s go and wao where are we now what is this and Roxy hi I’ve missed you so much I missed your face so much me too oh my gosh it’s been so long but wait w there’s a glass in between us but Ms who

Is that wait what oh my gosh it’s evil Ms hey give us Crystal back forget Lily oh yeah man Lily where is Lily and Crystal and wao this is a ginormous it looks like a rock climbing area hello Ms oh my gosh I see you we’re so close but

So far I miss you Ms we have to climb up all right climb up climb up climb up let’s go parkour Ms I can only make it up one block what what do you mean you can only make it up one block I made it

Up all the way here check if there’s a button on your side well I see a bunch of buttons but wait a minute this one looks special it’s behind a diamond block did that do anything wait it spawn in a bunch more blocks oh nice and wait

A minute Roxy I’m stuck as well I can’t go anywhere do you have a button on your side yeah it’s right here oh hit it and wo a diamond block spawn now we can parkour up let’s go M there’s another button over here oh wait really yes

That’s what I need cuz I can’t get up here can you please hit it all right I hit it and wow a diamond block spawned here and wait another one right here so I can parkour up let’s go I’m zooming but wait a minute Roxy there’s another

Block Cade over here I think I’m supposed to go inside this wall is there another button on your side yeah I see one oh hit it hit it open it up all right I hit it and wo it opened up my area but I’m stuck over here wait a

Minute there’s a button right here boom did that do anything yeah it’s spawned in a bunch more blocks let’s go but wao the parkour is starting to get crazy wait a minute Roxy I see you hello oh we’re so high up oh my gosh you’re right

At wait a minute Roxy I can’t go anywhere do you have a over there yeah I’m going to hit it all right hit it Kaboom and wao nice Roxy had spawned in some blink so I could parkour it oh my gosh I’m so high but I’m stuck do you

Have a b wait yeah I do right over here Kaboom did that do anything yeah it’s spawned in the blocks to get to the end nice but wait Roxy do you have a button on your side yeah I hit it w Roxy it spawned in a staircase I’m park or it

Over let’s go and I made it nice job Ms keep going all right I’m going and these jumps are actually super dangerous they’re head hitters don’t fall all right I’m trying my best F I made the head hitters now I just got to do the normal jumps all the way around and up

The ladder keep going I see you I’m going as fast as I again oh my gosh that was crazy and oh my gosh I almost just fell again Roxy how are you doing these jumps so easy just don’t him off don’t worry Roxy I’m a pro here and wo I made

It to the ladder and oh my gosh there’s more Neo jumps yes do it all right I’m doing it and yes I made it all the way to the top and wao where are we now this looks like a ginormous playground yeah and my side is a playground too W wo

This is so cool oh my gosh this sign is so weird does it say the same thing on your side it says save the babes oh my gosh why do they call them babes and wait Roxy there’s glass can you see me Ms hello I see you wait what where are

You jump on the first block okay Kow hi I see you now wo this is scary I know right but wait I’m a professional I’m made it I’m going to the second one nice one and then wait um Roxy I can’t go anymore my block is gone I can go and I

See a button right there o go over and hit the button all right I hit it and wo look a platform spawn I can continue and wait I got to another button do you need a jump you have to make yeah I can’t make the next jump oh wait let’s see

What happens if I hit the button did anything happen w a platform spawned in nice go go go and wait a minute Roxy I can’t go anymore do you have a button on your side yeah I have one right over here oh nice hit it all right I hit it

Nice and wo it spaed a platform for me and wait you need another platform right yeah I do and luckily for you there’s a button right here Kaboom nice I got a new platform nice and yes I made the jump and wait a minute um Roxy are these

Head hitter jumps yeah it looks like it and wait a minute look at your side you have four blocks of the head hitters and I am missing two but I have a button over here let me hit it and wo wait Roxy work two new blocks spawned in but oh

Gosh this looks really really difficult go quick all right I’m going for it oh my God just one more and I made it f that was a close one I made the head hitters too wait what you did nice job Roxy and oh gosh there’s another one I’m missing

Over here and I have a button right here oh hit it all right B wo nice job and wait do you need one too yeah I do all right Kaboom I hit it let’s go I made it nice and so did I oh my gosh and wait

Roxy I have one final one I’m missing hit it all right come boom and yes it worked now I can parkour and wait I made it to a ladder and wo where are we now we got to climb up the ladder oh yeah I

Made it all the way to the top now let’s jump over and yes I made it I made it too nice job Roxy why all see wait a minute oh my gosh it’s Lily boys over here help us wait a minute if Lily’s on your side that means Crystal you’re on

That side bab help he’s going to teleport us away wait what who’s going to teleport you away evil Ms they disappear wait what oh my gosh evil teleported them away we have to save them and wait a minute Roxy look who it is yo what’s good my boys wait w

Um evils we are not your boys the only boy I have is Roxy yes sir we’re boys oh yeah we are but um evil obes on hand the girls you mean the super smoking babes oh my gosh can you not say that that’s like really weird I could do whatever I

Want cuz you’re never going to get to us all right see you nerds later oh my gosh Roxy he disappeared we got to do the parkour jump down and oh my gosh there’s so much lava around quickly we have to save Lily no we have to save Crystal and

Yeah we should save lily as well Lily one party oh my gosh all right well just save both of them together and yes I made it and Roxy did you make it too yeah there’s a button wao it says press the button all right hit it yeah and

Whoa Roxy did you just get teleported into like a cave thing yeah it looks so cool and wait I got a boat wao Roxy I think this is like a ginormous cave water slide ah OMG this is crazy I know right oh gosh I’m trying to avoid all of

These obstacles I’m going down and it’s super deadly dangerous and wait do you see the emeralds wo I love it me too this is awesome but oh God I’m drowning why is my boat sinking what are you serious right now my boat sunk too oh my

Gosh give me my boat back and I just got to place it right over here I brought my boat back me too I’m going down I’m speed running this and wao we’re going in different biomes wo awesome I know right at wait a minute Roxy do you see

That it’s the exit wow wait I think I’m behind you wait what Roxy Yes we finally met up I missed you I missed you too let’s go and wait a minute wao where are we it’s a ginormous pink area what is about to happen let’s find out go go go

Oh my gosh it’s EVS yeah what’s up bro I’m not your Bro Roy help me wait a minute oh my gosh Lily’s in a cage we have to help Lily oh my gosh wait it’s Crystal babes help oh my gosh evil SS I can’t believe this unhand them right now uh no they’re

My babes I’m not going to unhand and them du let Lily go at least what no no Roxy we’re not leaving with just one of them we need both oh okay oh my gosh evil Ms please just just let them go awesome jump Landing w why did you just

Say that wasn’t that super cool you saw the way I jumped from up there no that wasn’t cool at all I hand them so you want my babes huh yeah yeah I guess yeah we want Lil and Crystal back please you’re going to have to fight me for the

Mo wow W how am I going to fight you you have a full set of diamond armor can I have some diamond oh yeah for sure here you go take a full set oh what really and what what is this what this isn’t diamond armor oh no M he Che what this

Isn’t diamond armor evil MMS gave me real armor bro are you questioning me right now no oh my gosh I’m not questioning you oh gosh Roxy what do I do good luck what what what what oh my gosh Lily any advice you’re like the smart one don’t die what oh my gosh yeah

That’s good advice no that that’s yeah I guess yeah that is is actually good advice all right I’m putting on my diamond armor and oh gosh uh this is not going to end well babes come over here really quick wow um all right evils one second I need to talk to Crystal what

Why do you want to talk to one of my babes whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I just want to hear what she has to say maybe she has like a secret or something what’s up Crystal hey you go babe isuse this wait what what is this wait is this

A stick what what is this stick doing wow it’s a knockback stick H what was that um nothing um are you ready to fight yes sir let’s do it count us down babes wait me yeah Lily I’m sorry I don’t know why he keeps calling you that

Okay 3 2 1 go no oh gosh Roxy do something Roxy

This video, titled ‘OMZ Having A SHARK FAMILY in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Roxy and Lily,Crystal)’, was uploaded by Omz Fan on 2023-12-10 13:00:31. It has garnered 18049 views and 190 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:08 or 2108 seconds.

🥰This video is a parody of the best minecraft YouTuber! Please do not write angry comments, because this is a video of an Omz FAN!😍

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: OMZ Having A SHARK FAMILY in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Roxy and Lily,Crystal)

🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Omz or Roxy or Lily? 😅

  • 50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21

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  • Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed – Modded Minecraft

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  • AND Factions

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  • Minecraft Memes – Which one have you tried tho? 🔥

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  • Survival Minecraft Server Sneak Peek: MineCity

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  • Join Minewind: Where Starter Houses Become Epic Builds!

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  • Minecraft PS3 in 2024: What’s New?

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  • Insane Minecraft Bom magic tips! 😵😵 #viral #shorts

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  • Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft Seeds

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  • Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱

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  • Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viral

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  • HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥

    HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥Video Information Minecraft wir haben Minecraft Chat gehen wir gerne rein so ich war hier im Haus W geh das habe mich erstmal bedient dass ich nicht verrecke me ich komme auf den Server und sofort B be me wichtig aber ich werde ganz normal anfangen ich werde mir von von von kein irgendwas holen geh den Talk ja ich w irwohl kommen muss jetzt V drücken hallo hallo hallo B aber Luft hallo hörst du mich war hallo hört mich nicht muss in die Gruppe kommen oh kracht hallo hörst du mich ja hörst du mich gut den ist… Read More

  • Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!

    Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!Video Information what’s up everyone it’s JT GT here and I am back hopefully for a while school and work has been a lot but I’m here to bring you guys 10 mods because I felt like I haven’t done mods in a while and let’s just get right into the first mod so as I’m walk into the area for the first mod uh my world got corrupt I tried to fix it for 2 months and I could not get it to work so sadly I had to go through and I’m just rebuilding everything but it seems… Read More

  • Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlock

    Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlockVideo Information [Music] feel it rush through me [Music] we feel it R feel it through me [Music] [Music] oh honey [Music] in there you know to kind of be like yo serious [ __ ] being in Japan at that time right like people weren’t messing around you know that’s the vibe that I got wait sorry I think I need to do a quick intro cuz I just switched to the gaming uh screen go for it K you guys may have already been seeing me on on K’s stream I was just you know chilling and uh… Read More

  • Insane Game Hacks 😱 – Add Blocks in Minecraft #shorts

    Insane Game Hacks 😱 - Add Blocks in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts#herobrine #tacnogamerz #minecraft #minecraftenderdragon’, was uploaded by Unlimited Gaming 😎 on 2024-07-05 10:30:19. It has garnered 8211 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts Cradit : @ORANGEEYT 🗿 video made by – @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft but,beating minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft manhunt but,manhunt minecraft,minecraft op,minecraft mods,cursed minecraft,minecraft hardcore,minecraft but every block multiplies,minecraft challenges,insane minecraft,minecraft uhc but,blessed minecraft,op minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft uhc,minecraft funny,tapple minecraft,minecraft speedrun Read More


    INSANE ROBLOX GAMING: Spider Man 3 SHORTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marvel’s Spider Man 3 #roblox #gaming #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #gameplay #games’, was uploaded by Robokidspk on 2024-06-05 17:36:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello! Welcome to Channel ! I decided to record my gameplay. I hope you all friends will find this relaxing and enjoyable. I will try … Read More

  • LacoCraft

    LacoCraftServidor Nuevo! de 1.8 en adelante! Modalidades: SkyWars: On Practice: Off BedWars: off Proximamente mas modalidades!! Entra ya con tus amigos!! Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information Java & Bedrock IP: Default ports Discord Join our Discord server with voice channels Online In-game Map Explore our world: Features Backwards compatibility with the latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java Hard difficulty and custom enchantments Unique gameplay features like teleporting mobs and free fly on Sundays ProtectionStones for land claiming, bartering economy, and no grief Main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in overworld and nether In-game messaging, homes, player teleportation, and Minecraft-Discord integration Responsive staff, voting ranks, rewards, server shops, public market, and tutorial warps Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)

    Minecraft Memes - pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)Looks like your friend is about to learn the hard way that diamonds aren’t just a girl’s best friend, they’re a Minecraft player’s best friend too! Read More

  • Cave Craze: Minecraft’s Dark Daze

    Cave Craze: Minecraft's Dark Daze In Minecraft, fear of the dark, we delve, Exploring caves, finding treasures, oh what a spell. From planting fences to mining coal so black, Every adventure, every challenge, we never lack. With each swing of the pickaxe, we uncover a sight, A giant cave, a hidden gem, shining so bright. From finding food to battling foes, In this pixelated world, our journey grows. So let’s craft, let’s mine, let’s build with glee, In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, you see. So join me in this blocky land, where dreams take flight, And together, we’ll conquer the day and the… Read More

  • Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme

    Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme “Why did the Minecraft pharmacist go out of business? Because all his potions were just water bottles with food coloring!” Read More