Solve the POKEMON Mystery – Can You Guess? (movie)

Video Information

Welcome to Pixelmon Jeopardy today my friends and I answer difficult Pokémon questions for epic Lucky Blocks play with us and comment your score down below welcome ladies and gentlemen to pixel mod Jeopardy we got five categories on the board and three brand new contestants we got be bro Jack yay the

Siren and arpus yes sir I’m your host dirt boy are you guys ready for some Jeopardy yes yay hey hey hey hey get back get back where you go ah I’m down I’m down what are you doing since jack is all the way to the left he goes first Jack you

Have five categories I want you to pick a section and the amount of money that you’re going for thank you so much Adam for introducing welcome ladies and gentlemen to Jeopardy I am going to pick uh what is Emoji for 200 what is so we got the Emoji section down at 200 okay

So I’m going to put the Emoji on the big white board over here and whoever Buzz in first gets the first guess wait wait wait wait before we start everyone needs to have their own buzzing noise as well so every time they buzz in they got to

Make a noise so Jack what’s your noise okay arus what’s your noise a woa okay that was lame mine will be all right that was good that was the best one yet mine would be all I’m the host here you shut up for the rest of the episode I’m going to put

It on the board this is emoji number two in three 2 1 get your buzzers ready no met no oh Alec buzz in first Alec buzz in first what’s your answer Mar who is Marowak who is Marowak that is incorrect no looks like arpus buzz in second arpus

What’s your answer uh what is Hound do that is incorrect you guys are trash we’re going to go over to Jack here Adam I got it what is Cubone ding ding ding ding ding Jack is our Jeopardy winner woo he wins the $200 that goes to Beck bro I pretty much said

That dude you guys stink hey get off of me referee hey hey hey hey hey hey get back in your spot wait do you get something yeah he gets the uncommon lucky all right since you won the $200 Jack you get to open an uncoming I can’t even say

It sh up I’m not since you W Emoji for $200 you get to open the uncommon locky B uncommon Lucky Block oh my God you guys will be battling with your teams at the end of today’s video so make sure you get these questions right okay a goth the tell not bad Jack

Since you got the question right you are up again please pick your category we are going to go with who’s that Pokemon for 200 okay sticking to the 200 I’m going to put this on the board in 3 seconds get ready with your buzzers in three 2

1 blorp oh oh Jack buzz in first what is your answer toiss that is incorrect crap arpus you’re up next who is togga tick that is incorrect okay we’re going to go over to the siren here who is Togepi D ding ding ding ding you got it right yes

No that’s why he is the god of Pokémon congratulations you get an uncommon Lucky Block I got Anar I’ll take an Omar who this is looking like a great game so far nice and even arpus you’re falling behind but that’s okay we got a long

Game ahead of us it’s okay Cen since you got the question right you get to pick the category I’m going to go for generation for 400 please generation for 400 okay yeah go big or go home this is a tough one that’s a lot of money whoever gets this question right will be

Getting a Master Lucky Block oh sit in your seats it’s going to get rough here we go the God of all Pokemon was revealed in arus oh generation who what is generation five no that’s wrong that’s wrong he guessed the wrong answer Alec that is incorrect you said arus arpus

TAPS in next arpus you have a chance what is Generation 4 that is correct yeah oh he nailed it let’s go what an absolute goat and that is a $400 question so you actually get a Master Lucky Block Alec he said three words and then you jumped on it well he said the

God Pokemon I figured it was arus and then you got it wrong let the man speak let’s see what we get you ready ooh U okay wow and I was saying he was falling behind don’t count me out big dog and since you got that answer

Right you get to pick the next category arpus the choice is yours let’s do uh generation 300 oh so he gets one right he thinks he’s going to get them all right now same category I like it you got the 4 00 you might as well get the

300 let me see if I can clean sweep it this Pokémon is Generation 2’s blurp you blurped Generation 3 that is incorrect gosh can you finish the question now I will I’m going to keep reading the question uh this Pokemon is Generation 2’s what what is generation 2 no that is

Incorrect oh my God it’s going to be like this is Generation 2’s version of this this Pokémon is Generation 2’s Pudo legendary wait who is Tyranitar that is correct what w I thought we have to guess the generation so did I that’s what I thought as well but he got it

Right so you get to open an ultra rare Lucky Block wow arpus is skying ahead of you all right what do we have here he’s going to smoke you too he’s going to absolutely smoke you too hey get back to your spot I’m in my spot broa ARP is got that question right

Again which means he is up arpus the board is yours who’s that Pokémon for 300 wtp for 300 yes sir put the Pokemon on the wall I’m going in three 2 1 oh oh sorry ding ding who is Vaporeon ding ding ding ding ding that is correct

No I I knew that one I knew it boo yes no wa we got an orus let’s go cat since you got it right the master of God Pokemon you’re up I will go for decription for 100 please it’s decription the description yes here we go it wears a rag fashioned into a

Pikachu costume oh ding oh arpus dinged in no who is mimiku that is correct no I knew that one woo guys you’re good though it’s only worth 100 so arpus gets the common Lucky Block let’s see oh my God it’s a milkery oh my God arpus

I’m not going to lie that Pokemon is almost as trash as Alex new haircut all right let’s move on arpus the categories are yours typing for 400 okay here we go in generation one there were this many typings of Pokémon in the game ding Jack dings in uh 12 that is

Incorrect okay okay what is 14 typings that is incorrect I’m so sorry C okay we’re going to move on to arpus here you have a chance what is 17 sorry guys that is all incorrect we’re going to go right back to Jack Jack you want to give an

Answer what is 13 that is dog water trash that is incorrect what is 15 ding ding ding ding ding yes and that one is worth 400 so he gets a master lucky block all right here we go baby upgrade yeah okay dude sh I need reg just steal I’ll take

It all right C since you got the question right the board is yours okay let’s do Emoji for 500 please oh wow yes this is where I shine so whoever gets this question right will get the first God Lucky Block I am ready Adam this one’s going to be tricky so get ready

First one to dig in okay I’m just going to go I’m just going to go go oh go that was so close okay who went though I’m going to give the tie to the runner which is Alex since he won Alec what’s

Your guess uh who is is applon D D D D D D wow that is correct no oh baby you guys see this you seen this yeah hey hey go open it go open it got you luy B stinkers stinkers y spetus yeah oh wo

Two three so in the god Lucky Blocks you can actually get multiple Pokémon Galaxy genis a shadow Zan and a shiny tapoo Genie let’s go baby all right Cate the board is yours I will do generation for 100 please this generation 3 Professor shares the same name with a dting oh

Darp stings in okay what’s your answer Professor Birch who is Professor Birch you’re a genius I don’t know what to say man you’re so smart you got it w you have unlocked The Uncommon Lucky Block congratulations these two didn’t even know didn’t even know what absolute dummies Kadabra there we go nice arpus

Look at him he has Smash in the generations you might as well go for that 500 arpus generation for 500 this is jeopardy baby guys this one is worth a godl Lucky Block so sit in your seats this is going to be a rough one yeah I’ve been hitting this is the

Name for the upcoming generation 9 game oh no Jack Jack they made first cool all right what is Pokemon sword Alec you ding in second oh gosh what is Pokemon scarlet and violet wow he got it right yes no he’s not even going to play it he’s not even going to

Play it woohoo so he gets a god Lucky Block oh my gosh he’s so hot I honestly wasn’t too sure about that one but I will take it let’s go oh oh my gosh a curum a shadow zeram and a shiny zygard let’s go baby my team is

Crazy let’s go over to the siren you have two God Lucky Blocks yes sir you are way ahead yes sir and you have any choice that you want on the board uh let’s do Emoji for 100 please Emoji for 100 so this this one should be easy get

Your buzzers ready all right here we go who someone clicked arpus clicked arpus clicked whoa whoa all right arpus what’s your guess dude that that is no way no shot what’s your guess arus I got it I got it don’t don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry um

I’m going to guess Charizard that is incorrect oh no now arus can no longer buzz in so dumb that is so stupid that’s Jeopardy baby I don’t know what to say 3 2 1 I got it oh Jack things in Mr M you didn’t know you had to say the question

What is Mr mime who is Mr mime you know I I would have skipped over you because you didn’t ask it in question form but I feel so bad I feel like I’m almost crying of how bad you’re doing I’m going to give you that one you got Mr M for

100 congratulations great job Jack boom baby give me five upgrades in a row wow this dude looks powerful doesn’t he yeah bar barle dude all right Jack Jack the board’s getting smaller and smaller you want to pick your next choice wisely what do we got we we are

Going to go with who’s that Pokemon for 500 oh who’s that Pokemon Alec you should be excited it seems like you are taking over this section favorite category like I’m most excited for these ones here we go oh got it a oh Jack who is drowsy he got it

Wo I wanted to add some suspense there yo Jack just got a god Lucky Block he’s right back in a baby looks like arpus has falling behind a little bit here we go oh oh we got a Mewtwo oh my gosh are you kidding me that’s why I love

Jeopardy Anything Can Happen ladies and gentlemen all right jack you got the entire board what are we picking we are going to go with who’s that Pokemon for 400 wow keep it on track here we go who’s that Pokemon for 400 here we go in 3 2

1 oh or is stung done first who is I actually don’t know pass what no you had it Alec buzz in second who is loud dread that is incorrect wow that is actually a terrible guess Jack you have an opportunity here um who who who is uh corvite you guys are trash arpus

I’m coming back to you what is blp buug that is so far okay that’s not even close siren what is Scatterbug no no no no no no no no what what is what is weile oh he got it no that’s not it that’s not wee that is not weile this is

Jeopardy baby let’s go I’m taking it let’s go what boom baby wow what a snag from Jack oh my God it is it’s like that gold thing on his on his forehead congratulations Jack you’re goated all I get to go yeah uh yeah just pick something here we’re running out of

Who’s that Pokémon but I’m going to go with who’s that Pokemon for 100 okay if if if it ain’t broke don’t fix it I guess that was almost suspiciously good of a guess yeah that’s what I’m thinking too it was really good wasn’t it wow almost as if someone may infed him an

Answer what what you trying to say here C that you fed him an answer what are you trying to say what are you trying to say hey don’t hit me I didn’t say anything I only implied that I may agree with him you’re lucky I don’t know what words mean here

We go who’s that Pokémon for one oh I clicked it auga auga oh s clicked in first who is Dragonite no bing bing bing give me my money yes my should give me that slack King boy let’s go he got an exact sired copy okay bro

Siren the board is yours uh let me get decription for 300 please it is said that it quietly spends its time deep at the bottom of the sea because it’s oh Jack Clicks in okay uh who is Kyogre that is incorrect oh s Clicks in who is relamp

That is also incorrect oh let me just hear the whole question it is said that it quietly spends its time deep at the bottom of the sea because its powers are too strong who is Lugia ding ding ding ding ding ding woo let’s go let’s go so

You get the ultra rare lucky block all right let’s see what we get come on big money I know I’m supposed to be on your team arpus but that’s trash that’s trash I’m sorry that hurts that that honestly hurts I’m not going to lie all right um

Description 400 the flame on its head keeps its body slightly warm this Pokemon takes lost children by the hand to guide them to the spirit world Jack things in uh spe spear flame that is incorrect it’s not even a Pokemon that’s a madeup name okay let’s move on who is

Litwick nice is that it what a solid guess yeah you got it wow you get a master lucky block now congratulations come on we need something big please upgrade please upgrade okay ooh that thing looks cool shiny volcania I will take that while you’re up there you

Might as well pick the next category and I might as well go decription for 500 oh my God this one’s worth a god Lucky Block it’s skilled at both offense and defense and it gets pumped up when cheered on but if it starts showboating it could put

Itself in a tough spot uh oh arpus thingss in who is piman that is incorrect I’m sorry arpus blorp Jack dings in Machamp that is incorrect I’m sorry C who is slacking that is also incorrect Jack who is cinderace that is correct Jack gets the god Lucky

Block oh my god dude wow that is amazing all right jeez this is so bad all right jack pick the next category uh typing for 300 typing for 300 all right we’re getting Saucy with it okay okay all right get your buzzers ready this is the only starter Pokemon that begins with two

Typings after generation one who’s RL let arpus your answer is correct let’s go thank God all right come on please please please please please please here we go big money big money big money I’ll take it all right arpus pick the next category let’s do generation for 200 oh

Okay Jack if you got that one you would have had Connect 4 I just want to say oh that’s true and that would have been worth a extra God Lucky Block I forgot to mention that sorry Jack oh wait so if I get this I get a god lucky that’s

Still on the board oh let’s make it interesting this question is worth a lot more now this generation introduced TRS oh everyone dinged in at the same time oh God Alec okay what do we got what is Generation seven that is incorrect I’m sorry no ARP

Is dinged in right after you have the chance to steal what is Generation eight oh we got it let’s go so you not only get a common Lucky Block you also get the god lucky block all right let’s open up this one oh my God I got an OS all

Right let’s get it let’s get it God Lucky Block oh wow I’ll take it all right arpus next selection you know what I think I got to do it description to hundo let’s go baby this is all me all right here we go when expelling a blast

Of Super Hot Fire the red flame at the tip of its tail burns more intensely Jack dingon first uh we are going to go with who is Charmander oh no no Cen who is Charizard oh he got it yes so not only does he get the $200

Uncommon lucky block he also gets the God one oh It upgraded let’s go Yus oh a mcna I mean okay Yus mcus woo referee hey hey I got you referee he’s stealing my Pokemon referee he steal my Pokemon all right Alec pick the next section here let’s do Emoji for 300

Please we’re going Emoji for $300 in three 2 1 they’re all thinking oh arpus TAPS in what do we got who is a jinx that is incorrect C or Jack the board is yours come on who is whims cash that is correct wow no way yeah come

On yo that is crazy what a great guess hey Alec Alec you ready for this yeah oh got a man they ask you how you are you you just have to say that you’re fine when you’re not really fine we are going to do Emoji for 400 Emoji for 400

You have the chance for a god Lucky Block here we go in three 2 1 oh oh arpus stinks in who is CER that is correct let’s go and you blocked Jack from getting the god Lucky Block no watch this oh oh he got a legendary

Upgrade he’s got the god Lucky Block oh oh let’s go and I got I got two M two MCAS oh my gosh arpus next category as much as I want to hit the 500 let’s do typing for 200 the Eevee Lucian have this many different typings ah C what do

We got what is nine that is incorrect Jack what is 10 that is also correct arpus what is eight easy money for arpus let’s go oh you like that like that Alec you see that see that congrats bro you got a crappy Pokémon arpus what have we

Got he I turned my switch off arpus pick something on the board here I’m going to be extra ambitious here and go for typing for 100 typing for 100 okay we’re getting down to the bottom of the barrel there are this many typings in generation 8 of Pokémon ah ah what is 17

Incorrect and you took way too long arpus what is 19 oh so close what is 20 I gave you the biggest hint too what is 17 incorrect incorrect arpus what is 18 ding ding ding ding ding ding ding W hello hello sir guys we are down to the

$500 typing question and I didn’t want to mention this but there’s only two people fighting at the end of today’s video and right now in the finals arpus has already set his Mark in the finals but it’s now between the Cen and Becker Jack whoever doesn’t get this question

Right is not going to be battling at the end of today’s video I’m sorry guys up until Generation 6 this typing combination had no moves that were super effective against it go arpus what is dark ghost that is correct what oh my gosh Jack is eliminated the final battle

Between the siren and arpus Alec he saved your little butt I made him to the end I was that close W come here Mar Shadow come here the grand finale yes get confused no yes Fury swipes and it missed yeah did I just get crit yeah crit baby let’s go Evel

There’s no way okay you ready yeah you’re not ready for this dude and I can’t hit mine there we go big money yes the Thunder boom baby I’ve got like I’ve got nothing for this bro I’ve got nothing for it yes this is looking real good for

Cude yes and here’s arus let’s wrap this up with the God of all Pokemon now I need to go for a zap Cannon get a paralyze and then get a full parah yeah yes congratulations siren you’ve won the first ever pixel mod Jeopardy I’ve been your host dirt boy XD and we’ll catch

You guys all next time welcome back to Pixelmon Jeopardy I’m your host dirt boy XD let’s make this quick cuz I got to pee who’s ready for some pixelon jeery yeah let’s go baby all right boys let’s see who we’re working with today we got arpus we got the siren let’s

Go and we got Becca bro Jack on the board we got 25 questions we’re going to see who is the most knowledgeable Pixelmon Creator on the planet whoever captures this Pokémon gets to go first go where is it wait wait wait wait wait is there even there’s nothing even in there all right

Another one go go go go go no no no I got I caught the first one I was too late yay I got it baby oh okay nice okay s up first I want to see no foul play between any of you because I have a stick called dirty and it’s going to

Make you guys hurty play oh hey I just said I just what did I just say I’m sorry okay uh C you’re up first okay I will take who’s that Pokémon for 100 please that is wtp for 200 he said 100 I said no 100 for for

100 he’s going to take who is that Pokémon for 100 just in a second we’re going to have it magically appear on the board but before we do we have to know your buzzer sounds okay C okay that that one sucks all right Jack please top those two it doesn’t going to take

Much all right on the count of three I’m going to give some magic everyone look to the wall on your right in three 2 1 okay uh arpus counted it arpus what is Pikachu that is correct oh my gosh yes I knew it was Pikachu too I knew it that

One’s the easiest one of today it’s only going to get harder all right let me get my lucky block oh it’s a common block hey come on upgrade upgrade ooh Espeon that’s trash guys that was only a common Lucky Block at the end of the video some

People are going to be getting fusions Master’s Ultras and even my number if they play their cards right I already have that all right question number two arpus since you got the question right you get to pick the next one keep it still on the simpler side I’m going to

Go Emoji for 100 yes it’s good to answer all right with my magic I’m going to make it appear on the board are you boys ready yeah let’s do it all right here we go in 3 2 1 Alec calls in early Alec I don’t know

I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know what it is I don’t know oh my gosh hey no no that doesn’t count that doesn’t count he’s disqualified okay okay he gets a Spanky for that one he gets a Spanky for that one you don’t call it ever again unless

You have an answer you hear me got me all right all right I’m sorry I’m sorry d boy I’m sorry all right jack you called in next um what is Electabuzz that is incorrect you idiot oh my God that’s so dumb no bing bing bing bing arpus you have it

What is elid oh my God he’s a genius arpus is taking over this competition it is elid no way come on there wow fell play Yo well you guys are distracted I just pulled a ni Lego from a common Lucky Block that’s so lame o okay I got

An idea let’s go with generation for 100 I’m going to keep it a little simple still this generation one Professor sent Ash out on his journey to become a Pokemon Master who is Professor Oak oh he danged in and he got it right away yeah let’s go oh okay but here’s my

Lucky block yay o oo colossal okay all right I’ll take that let’s go baby I would like typing for 300 please ooh spicing it up I lost my button I think Jack broke my button what are you talking about Jack stole my button are you kidding me no it’s right there the

Button was there the whole time idiot just stop stop both of you all right I’m sorry I’m sorry Genex signature move can be this many different typings oh oh we dongy dongy dong it can be up to three different typings oh Jackie Jackie Jackie Jackie

That is just that is that is just so wrong you idiot no come on all right RP is dinging I can name three drives off the top of my head I’m going to go with what is five oh that one hurt arpus I hate to see you lose but you’re a loser

Okay uh C 18 18 lock it in 18 you guys are getting Dumber this is Pixelmon jeopardy with the best Pixelmon players in the world and Jack was the closest all right Jack’s up let’s go with two you’re wrong no you’re making me mad arpus you’re up four bing bing bing arus

Has taken a further lead he’s got it correct ladies and gentlemen that was my next guess come on that was my next gu that means he gets to open up a rare lucky block all right let’s go 3 2 1 no way no way dude let’s go dude let’s

Spice it up let’s go who’s that Pokemon for 400 ooh in 3 2 1 magic Alec danged in first who is lud Jack you’re lucky didn’t thing in first because that is incorrect I got it what is Magikarp are you dumb bro all right arpus I’ve got one idea here so I’m just

Going to I’m just going to spit it out and dirt boy you’re just going to tell me straight up you’re going to tell me face to face is this right or not okay I’m going to whisper it to you though what is Togepi that’s an interesting one

Oo that’s incorrect I’m sorry arpus now that we made it one full round I’ll give everyone a Hint it starts with the letter c Alec you have 5 Seconds oh wait I know it I have no idea kelder I don’t know all right Jack’s up jack up Jack’s

Up dude I just caught it I literally just caught it in like one of our last videos it was the a Cacnea Cacnea what is Cacnea oh we got it Jack’s on the board Jack let’s go Cacnea Jack has made the biggest comeback of all time that

Means he gets a master Lucky Block the best one of today ooh shiny tapu tapu all right jack since you got it right you get to um I guess pick the next thing on the board I I I’m really done with this game at this point all right

Well I feel like we’ve been doing pretty huh uh I’m going to go for 300 decription since we haven’t touched that category okay we’re going decription Boys Round of Applause we have a new category all right let’s do it it’s sturdy wings look heavy but its bones are Hollow and

Light o that was very close but Jack buzzed in first I’m going to go with the heaviest bird I can think of Skarmory oh my gosh Jackie is on a roll he got it right again he got it right again I was going to answer that thir boy you didn’t

Let me I definitely was first that’s ridiculous no way let’s go you got a buzz it quicker than that buddy let’s go oh we got a spectator all right jack you’re up you’re the winner dang bro I think I have the most points by far we’re going

To go with a with a big one here we’re going to go with Emoji for 500 oh my gosh Emoji for five oh my gosh whoever gets this right gets to open the first Fusion lucky block of today are you boys readyy yeah let’s do it let’s do it

Let’s do it 3 2 1 what the heck this one it’s it’s worth the fusion Lucky Block it’s going to be hard all right jack Buzz is in with the first answer what is Lugia why isn’t everyone laughing and making fun of him that was so wrong okay it’s between the siren and

Arpus if you guys don’t buzz in I’m just going to pick someone at random uh all right C uh who is uh who is Talon flame okay arpus who is bravi okay all right time for a hint you boys are far off okay this Pokemon starts with the letter

N Jack you have 5 Seconds what Is all right s you’re up who is Noivern oh I don’t have a guess who is noi bat oh back around am I given the second letter you might have to bro I have no idea what that is it’s type is psychic and flying no don’t don’t call in it’s

Jack’s turn oh sorry oh what’s the thing um no Fatu uh 5 Seconds no who is natu who is natu oh he got it yes he got it the first fion Lucky Block the first fion lucky block of the day oh my gosh let’s go 500 baby

Puty in the bag let’s go siren everyone watch everyone weep and watch and cry as I get myself a fusion Pokemon Z is oh oh I was going to get that that is so sick oh my gosh all right sir you’re up all right I’m going to go back to the

Simpler days and give me a description for 200 please 200 200 okay all right this is where I shine it has sound generating organs all over its body oh Jack calls in who is loud sorry Jack sorry Jack that I don’t even I had to check if that was even a

Pokemon arpus you’re up next what is xloud oh my gosh I didn’t even finish the flipping description you got it yes let’s go let’s go wow let me get my uncommon block come on baby upgrade all right what is that all right I’ll take it I guess I’ll take it I honestly don’t

Even know what that is that is horrible all right arpus you’re up let’s take it up a notch let’s go generation for 400 oo he’s calling you boys out he’s saying you guys don’t know nothing about Pokemon you going to take that well I’m the only one that has one of these

Rights in the generation category so I’m feeling pretty good ow Foul Play just just grow up dude F play F play all right this generation introduced the physical oh Jack called in first what is Generation 4 how did he get that no way I play Generation 4 that’s when I

Stopped playing tell me what the rest of the question is no tell me what physical special split is I have no idea what it is is it doesn’t even know what that means jack how did you get that that was huge no way no there’s some colluding

Going on he’s just better that is ridiculous dude something’s going on herea we look take a look at the board Jack is way ahead yeah you guys suck all right jack you’re up um let’s go with uh what’s that Pokemon for 500 oo what is that Pokemon for 500 this is the

Second Fusion lucky block of today oh my gosh okay okay all all right with my magic I’m going to spit out the biggest fart in three 2 1 ding D ding ding Dingus what is your calling who is minino not even close check bro you’re second uh no Alex’s up actually Alec

You’re up oh no wait wait wait wait I’m up oh Jack is off actually what is Pia it’s Pia sorry who is Marowak oh no sorry this Pokémon weighs 175 lb come on man that is not hit he is psychic water uh I don’t know 5 Seconds sling oh I was

About to H him he got it he got it let’s go yo that was huge all right come on Fusion Lucky Block baby oh lunara oh dude he keeps trying to touch me no he’s touching me here Jack Jack Jack Jack take take dirty oh no no no foul play so

Much power so much power so much power oh I have the power drop my stick now pause all right arpus you’re up I mean I’m the only one that’s won in the typing so far let’s do typing for 200 W burning hot this is the most common secondary typing of starter

Pokemon’s final Evolutions s Alec buzzed in what is fighting type he got it he got it what I thought you had to say firefighting yeah eat that eat that orus eat that you have to say the full thing don’t tell me what’s up shut your mouth let’s go let’s go enjoy

Your shiny cluncher all right I will take I will take a description for 100 please we’ll keep it nice and simple nice and easy come on Alec that is very simple and very easy I got to get in a Groove after I get this one I’m going to go for a big

Money one I just got to get on a roll you know all right everybody shut it give me some dramatic music it was created by a scientist okay okay he buzzed in early who is Mewtwo oh what how did he get that yeah let’s go yeah hit on Jam baby not

Bad that might have been the quickest answer of Jeopardy history that’s right give it up for the kid let’s go baby wow s is making a huge comeback Okay and like I said if I got two in a row I would I would go big or go home so we’re

Going to go emojis for 400 please let’s go oh I got to crack my knuckles for this broo oh this one’s going to be pretty much impossible I have my cheats I mean brain power ready oh yeah W waa waa waa Jack got to sent you the answers okay in three 2

1 oh wait oh yo dig dig dig dig dig dig oh Jack buzzes in first what do we got let’s go ahead with the infer what is uh Sim sear he got it he got it oh I did I actually got it dude that is not funny though that is

Not not funny stop laughing how is it sere so so arpus arpus on the on the left is a fire emoji and on the right is a monkey that’s not a fire guys come on that’s not funny all right s just open a block oo little bit of Zapdos let’s go

Baby I’ll take that dude that’s pretty sweet there since I’m still on a roll I may as well go for one of the 500s here oh wao let’s go typing for 500 typing for 500 what typing combination has the most things super effective against it

Two Alec boxes in first go I’m going to say ice and Bug oh you didn’t say what is so that is incorrect arpus you’re up second what is ice and bug that is incorrect as well I tricked you both oh what is sence Googling I hear you typing

Are you serious what is let him answer guys let him answer what is okay sorry you ran what is ice and rock he got it Rock yes oh wow Ty has been on a roll Jack cannot type fast enough baby all right Fusion

Lucky Block 3 2 1 y o zuses let’s go all right sir you’re up again all right uh Let’s do let’s do uh generation 300 please this generation introduce hidden abilities to the world of Pokémon oh oh Jack buzzes in first uh generation five oh my gosh it seems like

He’s guessing but he’s getting him right all the time gosh are you kidding me dude no way don’t you’re mad don’t you’re mad we add another legendary to the be bro team I need like a sweat check holy crap this suit can’t even contain me I’m sweating like a

Ridiculous amount too holy cow it’s burning hot in my room all right Jack just please get the next question going quick okay all right all right we’re going to go decription for 500 ooh okay okay big one big one brutally vicious and enormously destructive known for totally destroying cities in ancient times

S all right Alec buzz in first who is Groudon right there s you’re right there me kiss I want to kiss it was wrong it was so wrong though all right arist what is eternus it’s not right is it it’s so very wrong jack you have 5 Seconds what is uh

Arus oh it sounded like you were going to say it but you in but you got it wrong dude you had it all right Sor 5 Seconds uh who is gutina oh it’s not it what does that mean dude it’s not it I don’t know sashan ooh

The shot clock almost ran out but that was incorrect what is Gyarados oh I didn’t just just go to the next person that’s not it that’s not it he got it he got it he got it he got it wait actually no it’s not I swear get

His f I’m getting your Fusion set up there’s no way stop playing with me like that look it’s right here Jack just grab it wait really that doesn’t make any sense at all I feel like he’s going to like kill me as soon as I open this he

Actually got it I’m being serious let’s go that wasn’t a joke he actually got it let’s go it was gados all right Jackie Bo let’s go decription for 400 since that’s my best category oh you think you think you’re top dog now a rare Pokémon discovered during a deep sea exploration

That was like a three-way tie all right I’m going to shoot this air in the air whoever it hits gets the first guess please hit me hit me in the face hit me hit me no no way hit him right in the head all right all right all right all

Right uh what what is or who is Kyogre oh you did all that Jack just to get the wrong answer all right arpus you’re up next what is my loic I was ruin free man but you got no I’m just kidding okay I can think of his name but but I I

Don’t know his name what okay all right I’m going to finish the description now a rare Pokémon discovered during a deep sea exploration it has not changed in over 100 million years uh who is uh starts with an r no I don’t know out of time arpus what is Relic that’s what it’s

Called let’s go finally finally finally arpus let’s go you got it all right I got my master block what we get oh I’ll take that I will take that any day of the week shiny teron baby let’s go AR is making a crazy comeback let’s see what

He gets next I don’t want to give you go I’m let’s just do typing for wre let’s just finish typing off there’s still is 400 left somebody left their brain cells at home there are this many types of RCs plates D what is 18 that is incorrect arpus

Buzz in second arpus what is 17 oh he got it he got it I got a Fusion from a common lucky BL block let’s go hey what that is so ridiculous anything can happen in Lucky Block Jeopardy all right generation actually actually typing 400 there we go

Wow oh he’s really finishing off typing now dang bro this is the only move in the game that deals du type damage oh that was a tiebreaker between the sir and arpus but since the arpus got it right last time he gets you go

First are you D you never give it to me oh my gosh dude I can’t I can’t what is flying press he got it he got it what is flying press I’ve never heard of that before that’s a h luchas it just upgraded to a fusion block oh my god

Let’s go this board’s getting thin boys we have one more Fusion Lucky Block left arpus what is it going to be it is going to be generation for 200 this is the only Pokémon Generation with two pseudo Legendary Pokémon oh Jack calls in let’s go generation three how is he he get it

Every time bro oh my god dude what is going on come on man okay what are the two pseudos though what are the two pseudos literally no idea I’ve guessed on every single one this is ridiculous oh It upgraded oh my god dude are you serious oh Alec ah

Type null anyway oh all right Jacko these 200s are treating me real nice we’re going to go Emoji for 300 in 3 2 1 oh what who is Reggie ice sorry let’s just laugh and move on all right arpus you’re up next what who is Ice Q oh incorrect this is I know

It’s not Obamas snow it’s not Obama Snow you already know it’s incorrect I know it’s wrong all right can we get a hint we need a hint this is ridiculous since Jack knows everything about Generation 3 you should be able to get this one oh it’s Generation 3 uh what who is frost

Glass oh oh I just know I figured it out wait no it’s not it’s not froslass oh oh it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s who is glay yes arpus got it let’s go I got a shaman you got a shaman arpus you’re up all right I’m taking wait where’s my where’s

My button I can’t even buzz in there’s a button stealer going around my button’s missing too stop Jack Jack I know that was you Adam Adam look who has a button wait wait wait everyone’s got a button but the siren are you kidding me right

Now look how Adam and Jack is at making this happen like you know it was him and just for that Alec will not be able to buzz in first this is ridiculous it wasn’t me the button stealer gets his button stolen I’m picking who’s that Pokemon 200 with my magic I will make

This appear on the board in 3 2 1 Alec buzzed in first Alec what do you got who is wailmer which one is it though Alec you really need this one is it wailmer or wh Lord who is whail Lord is my final answer it was Wilmer but he

Just changed it oh he changed it no Adam no that’s not funny Aris what’s the what’s your answer no seriously no seriously if it’s wmer that’s ridiculous he it was wmer all right that is ridiculous I can’t believe you almost just did that all right all

Right open your pity block yeah oh pity who pity what pity this a all right C since you got it right who’s that Pokemon 300 who’s that Pokemon 300 on the board now who is incinerar how is he getting me so quick Jack is cheating come on come on this is ridiculous S all right Emoji 200 we’re saving generation 500 for last let’s do it this one’s going to be a little tough even though it’s only 200 all right we’re going to have that plop on the board now all right Alex’s really loud I can’t hear anyone else who is Teddy Ursa how

Is he getting all of these bro what oh oh my gosh oh give me that this just in I just received a phone call guys the scores are so close that whoever gets this last question right will win the entire Pixelmon Jeopardy it’s all on the

Line oh my God this generation 2 game introduced the very first playable female character to the Pokemon games Jack buzzes in oh Pokemon Emerald I appreciate you for taking a crack at it but is it is very wrong little little little arpus you just buzzed then you have 5 Seconds okay uh

Pokémon gold and silver it’s got to be one it’s only one what do you mean it it’s they’re both the same game it’s Pokemon Gold I don’t know incorrect they’re both the same game it was neither you fool all right C you have 5 Seconds answer now uh guys I’m holding a

Block to see who gets to answer the question next you either have to say yellow blue or red okay I can see it just so you know blue I can see it oh oh wait all right I’m holding another block blue red yellow it was blue it was still

Blue uh Ruby Sapphire all that time for nothing so it’s not gold or silver so it has to be what is Pokémon Crystal I just one victim my Jeopardy season two oh let’s go arpus and I are taking an impossible Pokemon chist quiz and for every Pokemon

That we guess right we get to keep it in Minecraft these first 10 questions are generation one that sounds like a nean okay wow that is not the answer I am going to say Scyther I feel like this like cry it’s doing this to me it’s doing which gives me Scyther Vibes so

We’re going to go for that honestly I’m feeling pretty good about this I’ve got some decent knowledge on Pokemon cry so let’s let’s just see how it goes and that was really loud yeah it’s definitely like a smaller Pokemon and this is all from gen one I’m thinking

Neidan I think it’s like neidan male or neidan female that’s what I’m going to put my money on but let’s scroll down and oh I think that’s neoo that’s got to be neoo man ooh ooh I know that I’ve heard that before that is a pony tell me

That’s not a Ponyta oh a rapid Dash let’s it’s got to be rapid Dash or is it my joke no it’s I’m going rapid Dash I said Ponyta it’s got to be rapid Dash let’s see our next one oh I’m pretty sure I know this one I’m pretty sure

This is Lapras like come on right show me Lapras it’s right there I didn’t even need to see it question number three I was thinking exeggutor but it’s not exeggutor I know it’s not it’s it’s a funky Pokemon probably a psychic type if I had to guess what are my options Stu

It’s got to be Stu or Star me I mean yeah okay I feel like it could be amasar but I’m going to go Star me I said psychic type it’s got to be moving on to round three I’m pretty sure we’re two for two right now I don’t want to get too cocky

I think I know what this is as well I’ve just played Generation 1 so many many times I’m so familiar with the Pokemon I’m pretty sure that this is vile plume show me yes vile plume is right there okay this sounds like Charmander does this not sound like

Charmander ooh okay I was way off there’s not even a fire type Pokemon here I’m thinking Gyarados I could see this being all three except for V plume but I’m going to go with Gyarados what is next let’s see ooh wait oh is it Tauros is it Scyther oh wait no is it

Arcanine I think that might be Arcanine oh wait y okay wait it’s definitely not Arcanine but it’s not slowpoke it’s not Doo and it’s definitely not Staryu I’m pretty sure it’s ryhorn oh this is a grass type Pokemon it’s definitely it’s got to be a grass type Pokemon I’m confident it’s a grass

Type I’m yeah um I’m not as confident as I thought we’re going to go with Clefairy we’re going to go with Clefairy cuz I think it might be Poliwag but I feel like I know Poliwag better than that question five that almost sounds exactly the same I know people joke

About the Gen one cries being the same but that that sounds like identical to the last one I don’t know what this is it’s a little higher pitch so I’m thinking it’s a more like nicer Pokemon but I I don’t really know let’s take a look at our options real quick ooh okay

Well I’m pretty sure it’s not Mew it sounds a little too nice of a cry to be Scyther I think it’s either Rattata or Charmander and wait no Rattata is like it like it it’s that was the worst impersonation of the Rattata cry but yeah that’s pretty

Much what it is I think it’s Charmander question number six oh oh I know that that’s Pidgey no it’s not I feel like this is a bird though this is definitely a bird okay this is uh it’s every time I scroll down it gets more and more awkward

Doesn’t it I don’t think it’s pincer Machamp I think it’s it’s got to be Magnemite it has to be Magnemite so Magnemite is our answer for that on to question six hopefully we’re five for five so far that’d be great I want to catch all of these

Pokémon and if this Pokémon is what I think it is this is a great Pokemon for our team I I think I know what this is it’s definitely an eeve Luan I think it’s Vaporeon but will I be correct and it’s right there let’s go baby Vaporeon

Also guys feel free to play along in the comments comment down how many out of 10 that you guys got right but here we go question number seven oh this is so annoying cuz I know that I’ve heard heard all of these before like I’ve heard that that to me sounds like

Another nitan oh gosh let’s see oh yes that I nailed it I literally nailed it that’s the first time I actually nailed it watch it not be that though and it’s like Porygon that’d be so funny next round ooh I actually have no idea what that is I’m guessing it’s probably a

Rock type though that’s what it just sounds like that it sounds The Rock vibe to me so let’s scroll down and o no Rock Pokémon at all to me it’s between tangler or slow bro I think it’s I it’s got to be tangler or slow bro dude I

Really don’t know I I think I’m going to go with tangler here I have to do it first thoughts Dragonite but it’s not Dragonite he’s likeo I know it’s not but I’m getting like the more legendary like the it’s like a a strong Pokemon it has

To be a strong Pokemon I don’t know I I think it’s a a strong flying type Pokémon if I had to guess Dragonite is there I feel like I have to pick Dragonite now but I swear dragon is like oo I have to click it okay let’s go

Dragonite what do we get for round eight oh I think that’s like a flying type is that like Pidgeot or Pidgeotto one of those I swear it’s a flying type it’s at least a bird I know this is a bird Pokemon and look Pidgeotto is right

There I know it’s not Zubat it’s got to be Pidgeotto right question number nine this is a really weird looking sound wave that’s another nitan that is another nitan I don’t care what anyone tells me that is nitan it is oh my God I’m why am I so good at nitan

Why do I know them so well okay I I I have to go for that question n out of 10 two more and then we get to see how many we got right I’m feeling really confident I don’t know about the wait no I do know this one I think this is

Chancy and I’m I’m just too icy bro I’m too good okay that’s one that that’s like the first one that I’m like really feel like I have no idea I really don’t know I’m just going to scroll down I have no idea there’s two there’s nid Queen and

Naran here too but I don’t think it’s them because I I’ve been nailing these nitan and I’ve already picked Magnemite so I think my last option here has to be Vaporeon so let’s do it let’s go Vaporeon and see what our results are moving on to the final round for this one generation

One oh come on man I feel like we’re 9 for9 right now I need this I need this I have no idea is that exeggutor oh it’s not wait oh this is tough I don’t know if it’s Muk Onyx or Scyther I don’t think it’s I think it’s it’s mck it’s got to

Be Muk man five out of 10 are you I was so confident on like nine of those answers I actually can’t believe that we only got five right okay so we smashed the first one with Scyther and I was really confident with my rapid Dash

Because I said Ponyta and we got the sty let’s go we got the Gyarados Persian it was Ditto are you serious and then we nailed the Nan let’s go and I know if I didn’t say I feel like this is a Dragonite I would not have picked Dragonite cuz he goes like Boo

No he does not he does not do that at all and then we go we smash that needan and the last one was needle Queen why do they give me three of the needs in one round that is ridiculous so question one is correct we got that question two we

Also got correct question three V plume three in a row question four rle we got that one right too can we get five in a we can get five in a row Charmander easiest one in my life question six there’s The Vape Port can we get the

Next one we can it was tangle it let’s go can we do it question eight no question n we did get question nine right so so far only one wrong for the final question do we go 9 in one let’s see no and look I just loaded in and there’s

A Neo Reno chilling right here what’s up man and here we go here’s a Scyther let’s go we got tangala as well oh and there’s our Gyarados let’s go and yo we got a Lapis who is just chilling on the water and there is our lovely princess

Neeran hey and we got ourselves a Charmander as well and there’s the prince neeran male oh a let’s go okay so there’s ryhorn as well honestly guys our team is looking pretty solid after the generation one round let’s move on to generation 2 now I’ve played generation

2 but I’m not like 100% familiar with all the cries that’s for sure my best Generations are definitely Generation 1 and three and we’re going to be doing three next so I’m excited for that one but without further Ado let’s see what this first one is okay okay okay okay no

No no no that’s easy I got this it’s a normal type Pokemon it’s not a normal type Pokémon that is a I think it might be KRA there’s no way that’s pineco I don’t know let’s go Kindra I know a little bit less from Gen

2 so we’ll see how this goes and right off the I don’t know what that is I’m going to say right away I don’t know what that is I oh my gosh I think this is snel it just sounds like you know I was saying it’s an intimidating Pokémon it kind of

Sounds like a dog as well like growling I this has to be snub bro it’s not a freaking reindeer okay question number two I know what that is that’s a legendary that’s that’s is that like Articuno that wait please tell me Articuno is down here all right I’m

Going to stop guessing any strong Pokémon because it’s always so underwhelming every time okay I’m going to go Espeon because honestly if I don’t get any of these three Pokemon I don’t care but I would use Espeon in battle moving on to round two I think that’s it

Come on that’s got to be one for one oh oh wait this one I know I’m going to as soon as I see the Pokemon I’m going to know but I’m going to try to guess it without it I thought this was manectric but that’s a gen 3 Pokemon what Pokemon

Is this is it like KRA that’s definitely like a late game Pokemon like right I don’t think that’s something you’d find early game I don’t know I really don’t know what this one is I’m I was going to try and guess I’m going to guess Heracross maybe but ooh okay well I’m

Going to use my educated guessing skills here I’m going to say it’s probably not CL it’s probably not Merl so just because I said it was a manectric this is like the closest Pokemon to manectric I got to go with Raichu I know like I’ve heard that before I’ve I know it’s so

Annoying because I know I’ve heard these cries before that’s a bird 100% that’s a bird what bird I couldn’t tell you but it is a bird no it’s not it’s giraffe rig it’s 100% giraffe rig I forgot that Pokémon existed that is giraffe rig for sure that is the dawn himself Dawn fan

It might might be FY but bro I know that cry like the back of my head that’s like one of the like that does something for my ears bro that just makes me happy it’s donfan actually wow I would have put my money on famp if it was just

Between the two so I’m glad famp isn’t an option we’re clicking Don fan okay I’m thinking like a simple Pokemon like a Whooper almost it’s like a simple kind of stupid Pokemon that no one really cares about like fan except fan is really cute that’s that has to be fan

Like it sounds like a baby elephant yeah okay and that’s literally what famp is let’s go let’s see question four okay that’s like a jump scare just cuts off it sounds oh my gosh I don’t know I have no idea what type it is I just know it’s

A small Pokémon what are the small Pokémon in this game sunkern I think it’s sunkern right y I’m going to scroll down right now show me sun show me a grass no nothing’s grass oh okay well probably not slow King andp I already know what that one sounds like all right

I think it would sound more like a bird if it was hoo hoot that doesn’t sound birdie to to me like I’m picking Centric okay that one I have no idea um maybe if I become the Pokemon I will know what it is Meganium I have become a Meganium I

Can feel it wow okay um that sounds like it’s an AOS or Blissey to me no way poopy tar is going I’m going to go Aeros here that’s noct towel that’s got to be noct towel it’s either noct towel or zatu I would almost put money that this

Is a nocti I’m going to scroll down let’s see am I rich all right well I would have lost like half of my money cuz ho hoot’s still an option I mean I was thinking knct towel dude it’s got to be hooo duh that is a water type that’s

A water type I’m like so confident yes Marill Marill I the thing is like I hear something and I’m like I don’t know exactly what it is but I just feel it I can feel it in my heart I feel it in my heart that that’s a water type Pokémon I

Have no idea what that is I’m going to be 100% honest with you guys I have absolutely no idea what that is what the heck okay okay okay let’s let’s reason this my okay my money is on the left too it’s either Hound or swi up and I am

Thinking SW up it’s swi up it’s got to be it’s got to be swi up okay that is a slow normal type Pokemon probably fat you know it’s not Snorlax because Snorlax is Gen one maybe like a like a licky licky okay these are not the four Pokémon I was expecting at

All I guess poly toad is like a frog so frogs are slow no one thinks frog ooh super fast that’s my logic it’s either poly toad or Lantern I’m going to go poly toad question seven it’s like cluer or Igglybuff it’s one of those early like baby Pokémon it’s Magby elid one of

Those Smoochum could be even Smoochum or Togepi oh sometimes I see the Pokémon and then the noise just makes sense with that Pokémon I am going with Leba for this one that’s Leba that’s so Leba that’s a bird that has to be a bird that is for

Sure a bird but I don’t think it’s like a legendary bird oh knock out if that’s if if that’s right I’m a genius I’m literally a genius it has to be question eight what are you that squeak in the beginning listen very carefully I remember that I remember like playing

This game and being like what the heck I think it’s Sun FL dude oh honestly I don’t I don’t remember the stared cries off the top of my head this is either Tyrogue or Meganium 100% sent what if it’s just mystrious why do I want to pick mous and

Not look back I want to do it I’m doing it I’m picking mous let’s go baby question number nine electric type I’m feeling like it’s electric type yeah I don’t know uh Electabuzz but no it’s not Electabuzz is way cooler than that it sounds like there’s some like clinking

Going on as if it’s like a Steel type Pokémon let’s see what are our options here I feel like that test me out I’m not going to lie no no no I think that’s yanma right in the beginning you could you could kind of hear like a bug like I’m going y

Oh bro this is one of the best cries in all Pokémon this is my boy the ray the manate not the manatee this is not a manatee at all Stingray Mantine is what I was going to say not a manatee I’m picking that this might be a 10 out of

10 guys I think I literally have gotten all nine right okay until now until now this is a weird Pokemon I’ve never heard this in my life I’ve never heard of that in my life if the results are four like common Pokémon that I know that I’m

Going to be very confused oh no oh my gosh it has to be unknown dude I am nailing these predictions this is actually crazy if it’s not a 10 out of 10 I don’t know moving on to question 10 the final one on give me ente give me Lugia

Hoo I know I also know this one dude the water Pokemon I know like the back of my hand I swear this is none other than the boy the homie the Super Mario Galaxy villain Octillery it’s Octillery all right seven out of 10 I mean it’s better

Than the five that we got I’m honestly very impressed with myself oh they got guys even told me I have good ears let’s go yes we got King J right I thought that was going to be Houndoom and we got the Espeon 2 and the giraff rig oh my

Gosh we are on a roll and the Fane and it was blissy not Aeros oh that’s so upsetting oh that’s that’s that’s embarrassing by me that’s honestly embarrassing you guys are probably screaming at me for that one we got the Marl right let’s go we got the poly toad

Right and it wasn’t knocked out and it was Don fan the Yano was right I think the unknown was the one I was most confident in in that entire round why does chincha make that noise let’s go ahead and see how good we did looks like

We got question one right so we get snub on our team and we get to catch a Raichu that is so beautiful let’s go man question three also correct we got donfan four for four yes five for five we got ho good as well moving on to

Question six come on come can you blame me for getting those wrong can you blame me 5 and one right now six in one okay no why did I pick mous I should have just done Ty Rogue we’re 6 and2 7 and two and it’s got to be 8 and two cuz I

100% got this one yeah there we go all right so 8 and two again not too shabby at all here’s the hoot hoot we found ho hoot and here’s the Cent we can also catch all right sweet oh yeah baby and here’s the Espeon let’s go there’s a mom

We need Don get in my box oh and let’s go there’s the Raichu we need too and here’s the kingro with a giant whail Lord that spawned in behind it yes bro level 70 get in my Poké ball bro and now take a look at that team we’re looking

Really strong going into round number three which is what I think is my strongest generation let’s do it all right here we go generation 3 my favorite gen what is this first one I know it I feel like it’s like a harama no that’s Duskull that’s got to be

Duskull unless it’s matang I’m going matang I feel like it’s got to be matang it’s not Duskull that is a tough start come on oh oh wait I that’s it’s got to be tropia show show me tropus dude I’m telling you I am going to be so good at Generation 3 this

Is mine this is mine okay I thought I was going to be good at this one dude what is that I I uh I’m thinking a grass type Pokemon but honestly I have no idea okay it’s not C it’s not Zigzagoon I don’t think it’s Beldum it’s got to be

Spoink it kind of sounds like an oink it’s got to be spoink it sounds like an oink it can only be hopefully we get some legendary Pokémon in here I think that’s 100% Duskull I’m not going to lie this one I don’t have much to guess about oh it wasn’t dusol it’s dusclops

Okay I’ve never heard that sound in my life I’ve never heard that sound I don’t know what that is I literally have no idea it’s not Altaria it’s not Mudkip I think it’s leip because kleon I think is a longer cry it’s like but I don’t know I don’t know I say

You know as if it’s common knowledge but I don’t even know I’m going leip I’m not sure let’s go I’ll feel good gen 3 this is my favorite one next to generation 5 first of all what a great cry I think it’s gorbis I’m saying gorbis it’s right there it’s definitely not

Kyogre it’s it’s definitely not Feebas I’m going with gorbis water type Pokémon no it’s numl no it’s toal it’s not Feebas it’s not is it gr vile why is this so much harder than I thought it was going to be it’s numl I’m going numl let’s go baby let’s go okay

Come on on dude this is one of the funniest cries I’d be lying to you guys if I didn’t just say the name of this Pokemon right now it’s it’s barbach I have literally zero clue what that is okay I’ve seen all of these I’m going to rule out Kyogre on this one that’s not Kyogre that’s I’m so lost um I think I’m leaning cact turn here boys oh I feel like I’m about to get smoked in the comments I’m going CA turn

Oh it’s Metagross I’m pretty sure I think that’s Metagross it’s definitely the Metagross line it’s just not hard is it it’s just not hard all right so we’re picking Metagross I know that one I think it’s like ncata or something okay I said ncata ncata is a bug illumis is a

Bug beauty fly is a bug oh it’s Trio why have we gotten two Gro miles and AO the thing is I literally never picked Trio I either picked torick or Mudkip I’m going too I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I feel like I’m making so many people angry

Right now I’m really I’m trying my best I’m trying my best all right I’m trying to think here all right so this is a fat man right this is definitely something fat on the last question wall rain was one of the options and that is sounding really good

Right now oh of course groudon’s an option here I’m pretty sure it’s Groudon it it’s got to be Groudon here it’s not Swamper that’s like the only other feasible option not Swamper here so going gr on that to me sounds like a legendary Roar this has to be a strong

Pokemon lidios that’s not lattos is it oh my gosh I’m going lidios cuz I just feel like it’s a legendary cry but I don’t know oh I know exactly what Pokémon this is I know exactly what Pokémon early Game dord Cave baby Sabai 100% this is Sabai I don’t think there’s

Anything else that this could be yep Sabai right there ball toy is that ball toy that’s got to be ball toy okay Nuzleaf it’s got to be Nuzleaf it’s not Ral it’s not hard that’s that’s Nuzleaf all day okay that’s the one I’m I probably most confident in so far

Question eight they’re feeding me these guys you don’t even need be a Pokémon master you don’t even need to know Pokémon just look at the images which one do you think it is oh I don’t know probably the one that’s literally a bell I mean come on guys this is Tri Meco

Plain as day any day of the week I’m clicking that that’s Rayquaza or Kyogre or Groudon that’s a one of the three that’s interesting are there more options down here no there’s not okay I am just stupid um I’m thinking Exploud because of how like like it sounds angry and I

Don’t think septile is an angry Pokemon no I’m going septile I’m going septi moving on to question nine come on I want this 10 out of 10 I want I’m going to be so upset actually if we don’t get 10 out of 10 oh come on it’s either Wailord or

It’s relicanth or something yeah those are my answers I’m just going to scroll down let’s go man okay it’s not why not I know that cry let’s be realistic is any one of these Pokémon making that noise I I don’t think so so I’m picking wh Lord

All right okay that one whoever this is is a loser Pokémon I can tell you that oo that’s swbl that’s got to be swab BL I’m going swbl all day 10 out of 10 wo look at the audio pattern here that’s weird let’s see it sounds like you’re

Just laughing oh my God too easy bro too easy this is SE dot 100% let’s just let’s just get this over with oh my God are you I got all 10 are you serious oh my I should win the whole challenge right now are you kidding me

There’s no way I was so uncom confident on so many of those oh my gosh I don’t even know what to do hang on I’m going to do the Jack we’re doing the Jack question one we get correct so we are one for one question two also correct let’s go dusclops let’s go

Question three gorbis it’s just not hard four four in a row baby five in a row six in a row and we get to catch a Groudon so oh my God and we get a medic gross guys we just win Sabai is also correct so we are 7 for seven yes 8

For8 yes come on there’s a chance there’s a chance if this is 10 out of 10 everyone watching has to like the video right now support my boy scude 3 2 1 I’m the Gen 3 wizard absolute wizard let’s go all right here is a septile

Let’s go ahead and catch him there’s a dust clops right here dude chilling right next to a hoo and of course just pre- evolution Ino then we have cact turn and there it is right there dude that is sick right next to this pool of lava what’s up buddy he’s like spit it

Around and here’s a aank and last but not least we have the lattos oh it’s right there we got ourselves a medic Dr level 60 as well oh that is so sick so now I just got a few more Pokémon to catch and it’s time for the battle all

Right let’s do this we’re both to start with Gen 3 so that’s kind of cool oh the leaf blade you don’t have to burn me though I think I do bro I think I do honestly that was the right play o wait gain hit kind of hard though Shadow

Sneak damage off dusclops you did your job buddy let’s go se you know what I’ll take that though septile staying in strong um what do I do against this there’s a forfeit button I don’t think I need to Forfeit just yet I got a plan here please don’t have anything set up

And you do this wh Lord is going crazy I’m just Pokey killing bro this is insane dude he was cheering you on please paralyze it dude you’re not going to paralyze me get over it yeah no yes espia let’s go I flinched oh the Flinch the Flinch

Let’s go we love the Flinch are you actually kidding me yeah oh wow okay yeah that was that was a little bit uncalled for actually I don’t appreciate that no no no no no no no uh-oh I got the dance off you got to chill bro you

Got to chill so that that’s a cool legendary got there but uh I got one too baby let’s go oh okay okay okay O A dawn fan okay yeah yeah let’s go you have two legendaries are you kidding me King TR wait no yes sir rain dance oh and we

Have and it misses bro that is such a throw yeah and the hro B finishes it today AR I are playing Pokémon guess who each of us are on opposite sides of a wall and morph into a Pokemon from generation one then we take turns asking questions until one of us guesses who

The other one is first first person of five correct guesses wins all right Mr arpus since you are the guest you get the first question what do you have in mind all right um so for my first guess I’m going to say is it an evolution it is not an evolved

Is your Pokemon a starter Pokemon my Pokemon is not a starter Pokemon it is not gosh dang it okay that’s a really good question I might just steal that is your Pokemon a starter Pokemon what we’re stealing questions now is your Pokemon one of the first Pokemon you get in the

Game uh yes okay okay okay okay would you say your Pokemon is rare yeah I would I would say it’s pretty hard to catch I’m not lie all right okay okay is your Pokémon part of an evolution line that’s dual type no it is not I think I

Know what it is I think that you think that you know what it is but you really don’t know what it is okay is your Pokemon um one of the three legendary birds it is not all right I’m going to use a guess I’m going to use a guess

Here oh you’re guessing okay oh my gosh all right so I know you’re not evolved I know you’re probably a starter Pokémon and that you’re not part of a dual type I’m going to guess Squirtle no it’s not Squirtle no it’s not it’s not Squirtle I have two Pokémon in mind and since

You’re already guessing I feel like you’re also on the right track I think I have to just make a guess here I am going to guess Mewtwo oh yeah it’s meww is it really yeah it’s Mewtwo oh my gosh no way so you win the first round what were

You though I need to I need to know I’m Pikachu this one is sick I really like mine too I feel like you could have picked mine cuz I love mine mine is so cool so I guess since you won do you go first yeah no I like that no yeah I’ll

Go first sure is your Pokemon in the first 100 deck numbers no it is not so it’s in the last 51 all right that eliminates a lot because I do have the entire generation one Pokedex right next to me is your Pokémon a water type it is

Not a water type no that eliminates a lot a lot of water types that is true that is true does your Pokémon have two feet Yes does your Pokémon have wings no it it does not have wings does your Pokemon have any yellow on it at all any

Yellow coloring I would say yes but in Pixelmon it doesn’t really look yellow okay that is throwing me for a loop okay all right does your Pokémon evolve by evolution stone or it’s in a Evolution line that evolves by Stone no no no so there goes all the

Evolutions is your Pokemon a legendary Pokemon no it is not a legendary okay are you in an evolution line that evolves by trade nope oh you know what I’m going to take one of your Evolution questions cuz they are good questions does your Pokemon have more than one

Evolution in its line no so it can evolve once okay okay is your Pokemon dual type no can your Pokémon evolve at all no he cannot I think I’m starting to get a little bit of an idea all right I feel like you really do know it so I

Feel like I have to make a guess here I am going to guess Snorlax no way are you serious did I get it right yeah let’s go I I just looked through the decks with based on the stuff I knew and I was like

Oh he’s a he’s a big fan of Snorlax so dude are you kid I thought you were going to be way off there’s I had no idea you had that much information are you Magmar let go no I’m Kangaskhan oh Kangaskhan all right round number three

You won that last round meeting you get the first question for this round first things first I think such a good question is it dual type yes it is dual type okay is your Pokemon single type yes is your Pokemon within the first 50 of the decks no no okay would you say

That your Pokemon just in your personal opinion would you say that it is a cute Pokémon that’s tough man I would say no no it is not a cute Pokemon I would say no okay are you a legendary Pokémon um no I am not are you a normal type

Pokémon no sir I am not I am not not today is your Pokemon from an evolution line yes is your Pokemon strong like would you say you would be confident taking this Pokemon into battle confident handling this Pokemon in hand toand combat this Pokemon is not very

Strong oh like you could destroy it there’s a few are you ghost type no I am not a ghost type had to rule out Gengar is your Pokemon a bug type yes yes okay all right all right and I think Caterpie is pretty cute beauty fly is pretty cute

Or Butterfree is pretty cute oh so that means I’m definitely guessing on this turn um 100% And if I get this it’ll be hilarious I’m going to guess kabut tops in core act amundo okay okay okay okay is your Pokemon Metapod yes yes let’s

Go I am most definitely met oh yo I’m a Gyarados that’s sick yeah you are you definitely are a Gyarados that’s sick let’s go baby all right since I won that round I get the first question for round number four I am up two to one my

Question is can your Pokemon fly so not just does it have wings but like if it can levitate you know and fly away I’m picking up what you’re putting down Pi what you’re putting down I’m going to say no can I fly dang it I wish you said

Yes because that’s that would eliminate a lot more it makes it a lot easier yeah last time your deck question didn’t really get me anywhere I’m going to guess are you fully evolved I am fully evolved yes is your Pokemon Blue yes ooh does your Pokemon evolve by level up and

Is not Vaporeon o are you dual type yes are you a starter Pokémon no what okay now I’m getting confused is your Pokémon poison type no oh okay that knocks off so many options okay is your Pokemon a water type no no Ooh oh I know I just I heard the gears click I literally just heard the gears click in your head all right I got this this is the ultimate big brain if you don’t get it here are you a flying type yes all right I think I know what it is

I think oh no no no I still not very confident that you are this Pokemon but I think I have to make a guess again here are you Dratini nope are you Charizard yeah let’s go oh we’re in this baby two to two no stop picking metal EV middle

Evolutions since I won that last round it is my turn to go first Mr syud is your Pokemon quadrupedal no has Ash Ketchum ever owned your Pokemon that is a great question and no don’t believe so do you evolve by level up yes uh is your

Pokemon not the type dark but is the color of it a dark shade ooh no it is not is your Pokémon poison type no I feel like that’s just a good question is your Pokémon a popular Pokémon I wouldn’t say so okay are you dual typed yeah is your Pokemon something that is

Attainable early in the game no it’s not is your Pokémon fast I wouldn’t say it’s fast that is not a characteristic that I would describe no is your Pokemon a fossil Pokémon no it’s not a fossil is your Pokémon tiny no does your Pokémon have a tail yes okay a lot of Pokémon

Have tails now that I’m a lot of them a lot of them do have tails I think oh are you a middle Evolution no do you have any blue on your Pokémon any of the blue color yes ooh hey I got a guess you have a guess

Oh my God no I’m like finally just starting to figure out who you might be I’m starting to narrow it down my guess is Magnemite no dang it dude that I was so confident there is your Pokémon a water type it is not a water type okay

That’s what I was hoping for oh I’m just going to guess I’m going to guess Gio dude Gio dude wow that is such a good guess bro wow you’re really getting close really getting close jeez yeah keep guessing bro keep guessing no the answer is no dang it I’m going to guess

Are you Porygon yes yes get in the bin line all right since I won that round it is now 3 to2 and I get first question my question is going to be is your Pokemon a strong Pokemon I don’t think I would consider it strong

I’m just going to start it off bro if it ain’t broke don’t fix it are you a dual type yes I am okay there we go there we go is your Pokemon more on the early game side of a Pokemon yeah I’d say this Pokémon is on

The more early game side are you one of the last 75 in the decks the last 75 yes are you a final evolution great question and yes can you evolve no does your Pokemon have wings yes o Are you a water type no are you a

Poison type no what are you psychic type no is your Pokémon a bird no what it is not a bird does your Pokemon have like a different form from like a different region like does your Pokemon have like an alola form or does it have like a

Garian form that’s a great question that is a really good question yes I think that your Pokémon and this is my answer my question I think that your Pokémon is Butterfree it is not Butterfree I know it’s the wings all right whatever is your Pokémon one of the legendary

Birds yeah it is I I have to start taking shots cuz you you have you have two you have two potential things here is your Pokemon Clif a is that yes what it has wings it has wings oh my gosh do those count as Wings though all

Right I’m up it is 4 to2 my question is is your Pokemon a dog or a cat no the answer is no are you a popular Pokémon I would say yes is your Pokémon based off of a real life animal dude that’s a good question yes all right wait wait wait

All right I’m just going to guess this again I think this is a great question does your Pokemon have any Regional forms yes it does yes can your Pokémon fly no does your Pokemon stand on the ground yes is your Pokemon a water type no is your Pokemon single type yes okay

I think I might know what it is just because of how you reacted to that last question I feel like I have to make a guess here is your Pokemon Arbok no it is not our dude when you pause like that I feel like I get it

Stop doing that is your Pokemon the first in the evolution line no I’m just going to go and guess R Rattata Rattata is my guess just tell me now bro the answer is incorrect I am sorry Mr syud but I do have a guess all right I’m have

A guess um and my guess is Arcanine I knew it dude I like I knew you had it oh and of course since I won the last round I get to go first I’m just going to guess dude this this never let me down do you have any Regional forms no okay

Is your Pokemon a poison type oo Coming Out Swinging no it is not it is not a poison type does your Pokemon evolve no is your Pokemon bipedal yes ooh wait does your Pokemon have a Mega Evolution yes when you asked about the like Alternative forms I was thinking

About it but I didn’t think that that counted so I said no that does not that do not is your Pokémon monotype yes is your Pokemon poison type yes uh is your Pokemon Marowak oh no it is not is your Pokemon Gengar really I got it I got it

No you didn’t no you didn’t it’s not Gengar okay okay okay okay is your Pokemon Cubone it is not Cubone yeah you know why did you you react like that you knew what you were doing that’s so annoying um is your Pokemon Venusaur yes dude let’s go let’s

Go come see what I am come see dude pick a singular popular Pokemon just pick one time for the final round it is 4 to four all tied up I don’t know why I just put a sign down but all right let’s see is your Pokemon single type no does your

Pokémon have yellow on it yeah it does can your Pokemon evolve this I’m just going back to my roots here I’m not losing this I’m going back to my roots bro you can evolve okay my Pokemon can evolve is your Pokemon what is so funny it’s so funny walking around all right sorry

Interesting your Pokemon walks around I mean it’s funny and it’s funny I think I’m not this not my guess I think your Pokémon is HP now or Rousy interesting is your Pokemon fast is the Bas at over 90 oh I guess I can’t you already answer

That so never mind just don’t I think the answer is no anyways but you evolve by level up I believe so is your Pokémon psychic type no are you grass type yes does your Pokémon have legs yes are you grass and poison type no I don’t know

Who else to guess I think I could narrow it down more but I’m also nervous that you’re going to guess me soon so I’m going to guess are you sand slash I’m not sand slash so I know you’re a dual type Pokémon I know you can evolve

I know you are grass type you evolve by level up and that you are not grass and poison type so if I go through all the grass and poisons that rules out Bellsprout line that rules out Venusaur line that rules out the Oddish line and that obviously rules out all the Dual

Type grasses but here’s the thing only two Evolution lines aren’t ruled out execute which evolves by Stone and Paris my guess is Paris you are the biggest nerd let go of all time let’s go who are you let’s go my brain is expanding well GG’s you are the Pokey wizard man

This video, titled ‘IMPOSSIBLE Guess The POKEMON CHALLENGE! (movie)’, was uploaded by Sirud on 2023-12-03 17:00:31. It has garnered 16590 views and 418 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:59 or 5219 seconds.

Welcome back to another minecraft video!




I hope you all enjoy!


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    Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6Video Information सो हेलो नमस्कार सत श्री अकाल केमच कम ऑन अच्छे तो क्या हाल चाल है मेरे बा आपका स्वागत है एक और ब्रांड न्यू वीडियो में आज आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने जा रहे हैं आज ज्यादा से ज्यादा इंटरटेन करने की कोशिश करेंगे हमें अभी बहुत कुछ करना बाकी है जैसे हमें स्ट्रीमिंग करना बाकी है मेन तो हम लोग को स्ट्रीमिंग करना है और आज जैसे कि आज हम लोग चैनल के डिस्क्रिप्शन में डाल दूंगा और क्लिक करके प्लीज मेरे पुराने वीडियोस पुराने मा के वीडियोस में भी एंजॉयमेंट करके कमेंट करके प्यार बरसा… Read More

  • Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1

    Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1Video Information This video, titled ‘mincraft scary Freddy story part-1 in Hindi #viral #trending #youtubevideos #mincraft’, was uploaded by Evil gaming on 2024-03-23 13:14:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. credit-deffused devil mincraft haunted car, minecraft haunted carnival, minecraft haunted cartoon, minecraft haunted car part 5, … Read More

  • “Minecraft Lover’s Insane Railway Track Build” #clickbait

    "Minecraft Lover's Insane Railway Track Build" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] open with that This video, titled ‘Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #shortvideo #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT… LOVER.. 111 on 2024-04-29 16:56:16. It has garnered 46 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #minecraft #minecraftshorts TOPIC :- ❤ Minecraft is a popular video game where players explore a blocky, procedurally-generated 3D world and gather resources to craft tools, build structures, and survive against monsters. The game offers different modes, including survival mode where… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach Only

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach OnlyVideo Information This video, titled ’30 Days in Minecraft Beach only world — I lost 18 diamonds.’, was uploaded by Y Pixelrator on 2024-01-03 10:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 30 days In Amplified world: In this 30-day Minecraft Beach only world video series, we built or … Read More

  • Axminer 1M – Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viral

    Axminer 1M - Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viralVideo Information हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम सब लोगों का स्वागत है आज की स्ट्रीम पर कैसे हो सब लोग ड्रीम माइट वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम रणवीर ब्रदर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम साइट गेमर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सब लोग डीवीएस जट ब्रदर स्वागत है ब्रो आपका आज की इस नई स्ट्रीम पर न वाटी लकम कैसे होती गाइस सब लोग एली वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम ब्रो आप कैसे है मैं मस्त हूं यार सब मौज में वीडियो देखा कि नहीं आप लोगों ने शॉर्ट वीडियो के लिए मैं टाइम लेट हो गया गाइस शॉर्ट वीडियो अपलोड… Read More


    🔥 ULTIMATE TNT RUN IN MINECRAFT! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-08 16:50:07. It has garnered 4889 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Get Beyonce’s Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin Tips

    Get Beyonce's Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin TipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘skin girl beyonce skin girl for minecraft skin girl gta sa android skin girl minecraft aesthetic لا’, was uploaded by Goloving skin tips on 2024-07-04 03:02:18. It has garnered 545 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • "Get RICH in Skyblock on OPLegends"

    <p>"Get <em>RICH</em> in Skyblock on OPLegends"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2024-07-04 19:49:25. It has garnered 527 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4 💙 SUBSCRIBE: 💀 Discord! ✨TikTok! 👻 Twitter! 🚀 Embark on an Unforgettable Skyblock Adventure with Riverrain123! 🌌 🚀 SERVER IP: (JAVA & BEDROCK) IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Release info: Get ready to soar through the skies of Minecraft with this Top 5… Read More

  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

    John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!Video Information This video, titled ‘John Paul Jones is a Pirate – The Longest Johns (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-29 20:00:22. It has garnered 57 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. Lyrics: minecraft steve is a griefer (craft pick, dig!) some TNT does he possess (craft pick, dig!) Keep it up we’ll catch the griefer (craft pick, dig!) And ban him along with the rest (craft pick, dig!) Oh! Born the son of Notch, he was (craft pick, dig!) Born the son of Notch (craft… Read More

  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

    When you’re busy fighting off creepers and skeletons in Minecraft but also trying to protect your personal information like your score of 273, priorities can get a little mixed up. Read More

  • Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet Showdown

    Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘CARRI CARARI MARE NAAM KARDOM @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-05 15:54:54. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. gamer fleet Jack bhaiya minecraft fleet smp #minecraft Read More

  • Chad’s Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze

    Chad's Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze In Better Minecraft, Chad’s on a quest, 1,000 days of building, he’s truly the best. With tall soul lanterns and spruce logs in hand, He’s crafting and building, his skills in demand. Chad’s looking for friends to join in the fun, Subscribe to his channel, a journey begun. With Better Minecraft mods and Sildur’s shaders bright, Chad’s world is a wonder, a true gaming delight. Follow him on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and snapshots, his journey well-spent. #1000daysinminecraft, a challenge so grand, Chad’s creativity, we can’t help but stand. Read More

  • “MrBeast’s Hot Portal Survival Challenge” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "MrBeast's Hot Portal Survival Challenge" 🔥 #minecraft #meme When you choose “Help MrBeast portal” in Minecraft, you better hope he doesn’t show up and challenge you to give away all your diamonds for charity! #MrBeast #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Kak Ros (Upin & Ipin) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Kak Ros from the beloved Upin & Ipin series! Join the fun and explore the magical world of Minecraft with these exciting portals. Donation Opportunities Support the creators and their endeavors by donating through Saweria. Every contribution helps in bringing more amazing content to life! Community Engagement Connect with like-minded gamers and fans on Discord. Share tips, tricks, and experiences while immersing yourself in the Minecraft universe. Customize Your Experience Personalize your Minecraft gameplay with the UzeMing skin. Stand out in the virtual world… Read More