Sorbxs – Ultimate Minecraft Modpack Madness!!

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I should be back oh wait where am I ouch all right everybody except for Garrett is so now they’re all back at the regular house area got a mining here I guess meet up with them perhaps got as much iron as I could holy already have

Lot I should probably do I have I have a lot of wood all right perfect I can live down here now they have that much wood probably make a f there grab that I’m just going to quickly make a Furnace put four coal in there but IR actually gun smell all my iron oh my that make some iron armor there we go enough to make lot of sticks out of that here hold here wait how do I make a shield again I do not remember how to make a

Did I not do exactly that that is hold on build what’s the difference uses way more iron oh my God my game is is Bam Bam Bam s right here and Bam Bam B all right well that’s okay Oh perfect well wait an apple pie oh that’s cool should have placed a was Stone base I don’t know if we want to use the way points in game kind of teleport to your dead body and it’s basically except for the XP it’s like keep easy way to lose your stuff I wouldn’t

Think but what gold I don’t think gold oh wait I have an iron perfect Hello Co I don’t even know why I’m smelting all the iron I don’t really need I am also all the garbage rabbit want to test something a way to kind of just

Barely I thought there was a way to kind of just like cook it somehow I’ve lost both my work maybe I already have it holy oh wait I accidentally turned on my shaders okay well I have shaders On oh wow shaders really make it so that TCH is way brighter definitely lowers my FPS I can it um wait oh Chase is gone how do I turn off these shaders dude gosh oh hello my chat is so huge on my other monitor that I did not see the first

Text I have no idea when not early enough for the stream delay to catch it um ouch this cave is super deep I really hope I find diamonds here I am now stuck in a hole cool would like a bucket why is this in this place that is that made out of

Twigs other qut oh wait that’s the mod Twigs oh oh never mind need to find a lot of diate I think that’s what I’m going to want of need to figure out the shaders later because I also it to this is such a big cave I had to really look at my monitor

To see that was closer to it redstone now I am covered in so much iron this oh wait is that water it is not water this is there are creepy things in the caves oh there’s water right here I haven’t run into anything except for regular vanilla mobs skeletons oh my hold

On is a start take it oh there it is Hell chase you when did you stop or leave oh you Rage Quit got killed by a zombie and crazy game volume is lower off I think it’s low can’t hear the game see 8 minutes Okay um well I think um like tell me add a gain filter to this oh if I go like this know it’s going to be a little delay listen to me breaking like the blocks sound better isn’t I don’t think chat’s showing up at all for some reason I know it hasn’t

Showed up once don’t know why hold on quickly go into my overlay and see if I can fix it somewhere in there activity feed um overlays I go like I think that that should work yeah now if you type something I’m assuming it’ll if not um

Going to do a bedw Wars spe build tactic but it didn’t work at all suck at it very cool God gamer that’s what I’m talking about there’s simply nobody better at this game than me just waiting to see if that chat appears thing if not save that go back here overlay exct

Same that the right I don’t know how big this cave is or how many circles I’ve went in but I keep finding iron much iron I’m full of iron today iron and coal well just stole my whole cooked chicken rough the t is rough laa I didn’t want it um what in the

World are you zombie villager well these sounds aren’t that why does it look like that oh I’m just too good that’s why I didn’t die this guy how delayed is the actual stre like to when I read your chat say like minutes when I was looking at your

Looked like it was like two minute delay or you were just reading the chats race oh blow ink sack I don’t know what land’s talking about no no it’s not okay don’t know what land you fing how deep am I 22 I think this is the best cave I’ve ever uh found never mind never mind I spoke too soon okay it just goes even deeper I get to the deep dark pretty soon goes any deeper hold on okay so what can I drop that I don’t need I don’t need that

Arrow I don’t need got enough while now got to make sure if I find a diamond it doesn’t fall in lava before I can pick it up well that didn’t work thought I was going to be cool oh I’m scare I’m leaving um that was terrifying not cool at

All I think I would have died if I didn’t have that Shield pretty sure pretty confident in the fact that I would have died without this Shield Elbo shut on me what what Co yeah Chase get a shield I haven’t even been here I don’t

Know how many times he’s died but I can read one and when I started watching his stream he was going back to get his stuff wait is my stream loud or quiet like my game I mean oh rappers uh okay hold on I haven’t been reading

This chat cuz I almost died okay I don’t know what land you’re talking to I don’t know where that is why you need the island to the Chase’s home right now it’s like three times the size of that so the island actually isn’t that big I think I almost died to a creeper

Trying to read his chat earlier no then perish oh oh There was a cool down that is a creeper I thought that might have been diamonds I don’t know why chat is not showing up don’t know if my I would get that quick okay the gold is shining bright like gold okay fix

That chat not working okay so if I save that if I emulate a fake subscriber thing that shows up thing uh it’s not working on Discord or not Discord I’m just going to delete that overlay thingy I’m copy this and to browser overlay and then I do that I go 1920 by

1080 do this and if I emulate another fake subscriber thing oh it works cool all right now now it’s working or where where do I go cool now it works I don’t really know what I did but I it’s working no no no don’t worry I got it I do not need your

Help I Mr Mr stream overlay that’s what nobody calls me that’s what they nobody calls me oh wait did the cre did he just shoot a creeper ah hey man hey back up back up hi back up hey buddy back up come on now what’s down

There oh look at this hear this peaceful music Apple over oh cool diamonds it’s probably smart to like stop these mobs from like after me I might die if I but like I’m not smart so oh now they’re fighting each other cool that looks like that was all the

Diamonds I know that there probably is some under but I’m not in a situation to really do that oh lag so if I go like that them oh that’s my pickaxe that’s probably pretty useless in this fite you cannot hear game audio I guess I’ll try and fix that second um maybe just

Maybe by do that you should be able to hear hopefully game Audio excuse me where is this guy oh they’re right here oh yeah I I each other Actually oh right that is smart I don’t have the audio tracks on I don’t think for mying I didn’t I I just put on desktop audio hold on oh wait we might be on to something chase I can’t change I have to I have to go like

This or I have to go down to here I think and I have to make these two number one as well and then I remove that and then you should be able to hear it but tell me if it’s too loud cuz it’s increased by 10 DB yeah I was fighting a little bit it’s a big cave you know I’m out of food though so going to be hard to fight everything now oh I would love to um I don’t have much food I’m going to have to leave soon I want slime balls thank

You exactly enough for four of those door thingies all right and I just go like that I can where the hell did the it is what can I do with this of course I’m right duh oh so is that b is that too loud now like the game audio

Like you can hear me Mining and stuff here that too loud game’s too loud okay hold on let me just let me just go here filters let me just delete this filter now tell me if that is too loud like compared to my voice is it too

Loud or should I just turn everything down okay I haven’t been reading anything but these guys have insane oh my um probably not here in America Apple cream apple and past with apple and cream pain oh an apple turnover um oh yeah probably not here in

America this is the land of the Big Mac I sound normal to me human volume’s good not too loud not too quiet perfect Ro’s learning what are you talking about I know nothing and everything like that bam bam bam bam bam bam bam oh what do I need to get rid of I

Don’t need the extra three I don’t need that spider eye don’t need those 22 I’d like that I don’t don’t need that um guess I’ll eat these all right maybe I should get out of here now I don’t remember the coordinate it was oh that’s an Enderman I don’t want to see him

Uh okay there’s a thing Mission fairely successful I only got two diamonds got a hell of a lot of iron though oh maybe I’ll uh maybe I’ll explore this part of this cave here first before I get out of here um okay nothing here at all I don’t see anything here man Um okay maybe if I just uh is it day Mark maybe if I I’m just going to craft all these into things and then just use These My Stream Oh w w get a way of my diamond Finding the amand I feel like earlier there was another entrance to a cave just over ooh ooh um there is a slime arm either sweet now I have eight slime balls actually I think you can get slime balls from or from what no you can’t get slime balls never mind you can make

Leads out of rope I think unless that isn’t in here this mod anymore it was in the 1.6.5 mod pack the chaos of my Apex games I can hear all I can hear is Minecraft music and Bros conv Bo W massive W hear me fighting mobs casually

Speaking well I’ll just do this so that it’s morning I’ll wait like 4 seconds and then I joined back wait hold on more lots of talking or seeing what I’m typing is that iron not sure I’ve gone through three shovels digging a hill he is Excavating an entire land an entire Island

They’re both digging a hill I haven’t even gotten started on like where I’m going to live need flat ground for my mega mansion um may be perhaps I try and get up I’m sure there’s like a lot more of this cave to explore but also like I’m going to die

If I keep going and I’m just going to lose everything that I’ve gotten my two entire diamonds um I need it for my church I should make my house pink that would be funny yes make my house out of like oak wood or something all

Right I was going to do mang girl but I’d rather die than our mang gr for the next 40 hours grab all this gold here allart as well where am I minus 2 damn I was not that deep probably only likeus 20 or something down there I found diamonds cool pretty sure

Diamonds are like negative 56 and 57 or I don’t want to suffocate okay oh I’m getting back up to the regular Stone instead of of the um bble deep slate of the deep slat never mind deep here oh never mind I lied to you again there we Go oh thank goodness I didn’t go up that way oh oh bubble deep my [Laughter] good that’s not what I said I am coming out of this cave Victorious oh wait is that did is is that just regular Cobblestone no that’s diorite never mind why does diorite look so weird right

Now I do need diorite but I don’t want to mine all this right now looks like there’s a lot here too damn and I don’t want to mine it that’ll be another day day I go back I’ll build first part of my house and then maybe change the floor later on change

The floor later on with diorite if I feel it needs it I’ll make a cathedral out of copper floor that’d be so hard to mine all that honestly in that cave um well iron was much more common than the copper uh Scot is a sister language to English

Cool oh wait how I’m at 47 I just realized I the coordinates are under the map I don’t even need to look I don’t even need to pull up F3 that is cool I’ve been pulling up F3 the entire time oh my thing just broke cool meow meow well that I’m never going

To find that cave again it’s underwater but this is a nice land up here um oh hold on question think we should use way points that we this mod pack because there is way stones also the way points let us de to where we died I think W Stones require XP

To Way St or not way stones uh way points I like or middle of nowhere you can just hold on what if I like do a dream speedrun tactic here and I try this out hold on I want to what garb do I have I don’t need that

Leather I don’t need that I don’t need that copper let me throw this all in the lava I don’t need that copper I don’t need that leather I don’t need that the bones I don’t that Cobble desolate don’t need those arrows uh I think that’s good okay um can’t TP the way points

All right we don’t have op true true did you want me to keep it like at or everyone level through up I need food I need food do these trees give me will I get apples what are these green te Lu cool he Le AV I cannot do the skull

Emoji okay oh wait um remember at work when we could yeah you mean oh which day okay hold on go like this um oh hello there okay perfect um oh right my pickaxe just broke that’s right that’s right oh I’m just waiting for that number to say two Um going to join back see if they done it or not and now perfect okay go like that is this too small no that’s not too all um okay so gravel that’s Ash wait what oh if I go like this put one right here but this right here I think that should start

Burning I want to see what these are get lucky using a knife on any leaves block um te what can you do with think you can do anything what R it out then the those two dirt and then I need to find some food I don’t know where you can

Find oh me pick up the flame um maybe oh okay um hold on I go like that that put that there that’ll catch that on fire War cave I forgot I don’t think I’ll ever find a g a gave a cave as good as that one that I

Was come on man I wanted that one to I wanted that one to Break burn this one I for Gore I kind of just want to go to the nether to get the achievement and come back anyone have home yeah I don’t have a oh I don’t have do oh

Thanks wait does this fall it just reloaded oh that’s what R does I know it’s somewhere this way is that it right there no that’s not it that’s the Villager Thing I have no idea oops I am spending so much time just trying to get that to work Um going to break trees and hope that they give me apples oh my God oh my goodness oh all these trees are trying to kill me holy got te leaves oh Apple I’ll just let all that fire spread I think eventually that will light that right there

An uncrafting table but I won yeah there is I think from Twilight Forest oh I think that uses XP to uncraft something though oh hello there now have a turtle I’ve stolen a turtle I’ll keep the stream on so you get watch hours okay that is cool um Eyes I holy crap that is a big hole oh my God what did he just die on water take damage hello oh it’s a Terrain whatever that is oh my seventh iron shovel perished I haven’t even had one iron shovel man I think that I’m doing this wrong cuz this is not working it burnt oh wait no I think if I do

That if I if I go like that then it’ll probably do something oh no right we’re going to ignore that that what does that do cool now how quick does that twig burn this music is so Majestic especially for what I’m doing trying to start an Ender portal an end port another

Portal I’ll try continue trying and getting food food cool um I wonder if those would actually like kill me this iron taking forever to deep hold on I need the I need this 400 – 9 trying to get the ick I am trying to burn wood

Go okay well it didn’t even get into the lava to leave or um oh hey look at that oh be 400 minus 9 throw that out oh it’s Sliding Away throw that throw that getting on stuff that I don’t need or don’t I don’t even know how to turn on shaders

With the key bind I can’t preinstall uh hold on I want to see what those ones are like it came with pastel Universal shaders uhoh didn’t just crash my game did I okay no I didn’t how good do these work honestly they look all right out holy they don’t work good they

Look all right Creer option um Graphics oh 512 that’s per um collections Shadow distance oh oh oh oh oops I just took a screenshot hey oh get down here I suck at hitting them um Phantoms down here there we go oh shoot hold on let me just like table shaders man that was

Useless that did nothing can’t believe it cannot believe it okay I am far from Bas very far he in the tree oops ouch ouch oh hey look at that definitely like me some hay bales and I can now make bread what’s kind of weird um if I go like I don’t remember okay

So like that bam damn oh hello Z how’s it going I got to make an ax again and what am I good to get rid of all these Twigs I don’t want those there we Go now I have a bit of food Perfect all right now I’m just got to make my way home what was it again 400 – 920 okay so basically it’s like it’s like this way I guess on the way home by like I don’t know 1,000 2,000 blocks almost damn all

Right we got to travel quite a ways okay so wait oh then did I live over here that’s where we spawned And where did I live if it’s this way oh wait no it’s not this way it’s about it’s just like this way I guess then kind of like right here I’d say so then if I’m going this way then I lived over here oh wait 4 400 20 oh I lived right

Here didn’t even know you could see that on the map cool there’s a crow funny oh wait actually need to kill you I’m sorry oh you didn’t even drop me rabbit hide I didn’t need to kill you trying to make a backpack so I need rabbit hide ouch ouch ouch okay that

Hurt I don’t know if I really do need this oh wait you can make more than just repair your elytra Phantom trophy do I get I just need any type of thing I don’t know what Peg deaa is but okay yeah I’m Bas just basically going this way then dolphin here and

Wait where was it again I lost it yes it was right here so then basically I just got to like go up a little bit that and eventually th blocks or so away I should be home and from there I can go and find where I want to live need my bed

From Oh Way Stone awesome activated Way Stone that over there a bridge or is that a structure what is this there’s a chest in it oh there is cool potato I’ll take that cabbage seeds I’ll take those exchange hold on let me nothing great what is that ter cotta

Cool oh my house is paid off no mortgage Minecraft house or real house okay look there’s a fox am I still going the right way basically this is go like that about exactly the right waying to the thing under my mou okay somebody already got stuck in here wait was this me earlier

Probably I went this way to get to that cave and disgusting it massive W hello Mr Crow be pastel pastel pink and blue awesome building a chch is what are you a g a i n really forgot how to spell again o that didn’t help huh big

Cave I love that echoing sound from all the everything even in the voice chat you can it echoes oh beautiful ouch I build a proper Village on this island though if that was loud that cough I thought that this house here had like some oh those oh bense I Am got to go down this way now I guess so I ended up going way up I guess then should we home excuse me and hey I remember all that long grass oh that’s it right there I muted no I’m not hello hello hello I’m just doing Bank stuff right now okay sounds

Good are you living in the walls yeah she’s doing syy the hermit game The Hermit what the hell I can hear myself through the stream delay oh yeah I’m streaming I oh smugg is watching I’m going to say slurs I guess I’ll go out a little bit you built a garden very

Cool wait what this is me and Chase’s bunk bed very cool I have to find my house I saw you guys build it on his stream earlier um what the hell where did all my stuff go wait was this not my house no this was my house never mind that’s where all

My stuff went abolutely nowhere it stayed right in this chest do you know how what you sound insane what do you mean oh wow look at the rainbow Birch did you get any Spruce no I got Maple saplings what the hell nobody asked me for spruce I as you

In no you didn’t oh in like in like M Minecraft chat no I didn’t see that I was probably fighting like a thousand zombies or something what is this is this like a makeshift home I don’t know look safe up there that one yeah one where

It’s ah I see I have to go and find my house in the morning not my house where I’m going to live this is temporary living this temporary living I don’t know what well my bank stuff is done now I can play more Minecraft you physically they’re all going to sleep

Yeah probably the oh yes I have no idea what you said this is not my house this is my house like can now get rid of all the Phantoms that are after me yawn sleeping time h what the hell did I just do there we go I’m back

Now daytime perfect oh did it turn daytime or did it just go through the night wonderful these guys are dead I can have their bones cool now I must find where I going to live set down a small little like indicator that I’m um I mean if we use wayist Stones

Doesn’t really matter how far we live apart unless they do use XP then you’re use every time you want to go somewhere to someone’s house quickly at unless you just want to walk all the way over to their house and I don’t know if there’s much nice in this direction doesn’t have

Anything the same direction I took earlier over here is the nice area but it’s all the way over here so wait if we are living here uh how far is this okay so this is 400 1,000 that’s like 600 blocks away that’s not awful CU like I’m going to go and check

Out that area I think that’s a nice area I like the maple trees and stuff down so be Mr Mr buz no Mr Bug Those hi dreams down here crazy I just got home I sleep and then I leave what is this daffodil hi what are raccoons on this map must just like up in this area perhaps and that’s the biome there that I’m going to probably live in excuse me SE Shell Shell sh

Me who’s going to pick him up okay so let me find a good part of this I think maybe right midle here the best part of this here to live in just a possible base that I’ll live in I don’t know if I will end up actually living here or not

But we will see here we go okay let’s just build a temporary Hut see how that looks plausibly here oh ex am of dirt don’t come I’ve literally just built an outline but I but I like the color palette uhoh got to kill some pigs for food here we [Applause] go H not

Cool wait maybe I can actually just make this Forest even bigger like have a lot of these saplings at home doesn’t need to be oh perfect that would and let’s uh get rid of this one as well Place that there Place damn all right now Place more later on but right Now or ouch oh that’s the wrong Log and then we’ll go over like this to say that’s big enough I’ll go out like this guess we’ll just over like that’s there there okay oh hold on going to oh well we’re just going to quickly try and grab little of dirt right here probably be better to have a shovel but

Also I don’t I don’t even have the materials for right now I can make a wood one but no I don’t care enough cuz it’s barely any dirt anyways so going to okay like that one uh I’m just going to do this as think and perfect that hey B

Want to hope that everybody is sleeping whilst I go and do absolutely nothing there just got to wait hope it’s day Perfect all right and that is good for think let’s see what this looks like like a crafting table Qui go like do I want a roof like this

Wow I really love this mod for um finding trees o imagine just breaking one of these and it everything right there okay so just like this those there that there that I will go and place a lot more of these saplings go Place some around the outside I have 52

Still don’t want that there it oh well that broke don’t have any more iron now I guess I’ll make a pit stop back at the base raccoon and oh okay I guess I’ll just make a boat there a way this mod pack longer long boat look like there is okay make a regular

Then in there okay oh B A oh wait oh wait hold on L okay so this Lake it leads most of the way back big portion of the back I just go all the way this way I can just like get back kind of a little bit

Quicker Plus have a straight line back though so maybe it’s just r we will see I’m going to have to make a dock then if that’s the way from these bases here to my house I’ll have to make a nice dock little Portage there um okay we just

Go I’m going to have to break a bit of that there go over here then all right and have to go over here now that too for dir I think it is yeah I don’t want that on and this rain is really loud um weather 225 what over this Ravine nobody home

Oh nobody’s home I don’t know where they are Jord what well I wrong house then I thought this one was fine this one was chases but I was wrong okay take a away Stone going to try and test them out actually Le one right here um name it ABA and hes

Abandoned ruins I don’t know and I also got to make new axe Bam Bam Bam cool all right now let that going quick where’s my yeah you can see it on the map so let’s just go over here and then get into the water wait what is this e now we just go this way all right now I’ve just got to

Go over to my this base here see if it requires a lot of levels get a wiener achieve little hot rod red melt raw Venum into an Ingot what the hell is Venum the modded it’s hot okay hold on so I go like in here I say this block here

There and then I just do house um what does it oh it didn’t use anything what in the world is that oh zombie villager cool oh wait no I kind of okay um um do I know yeah it just okay so I guess you can use these unlimited times that is

Cool that’s really cool put that there that probably lights up the whole thing and I think that over by the actual base there is s what oh there are monsters makes sense damn oh hey look at that w w a love game w okay um I’m just okay so

That I can’t oh I start respawn oh be right back all right I will be right back as soon as I can just enjoy the chats that everyone is Saying and I’m am back was gone for a little while longer than I thought back um so wait what’s been said that’s winter oh wait yeah there’s seasons on my head to ice there is he I don’t even know where the go up though that is the okay I guess I got to

Go I got to go and okay oh no I’m going to grab one more piece of oh one more piece of iron I think carrot going and there go oh it’s turning night you kidding me oh oh wait that’s no that’s her Hill I guess I could sleep wait when did Binky leave

Um I hear someone hello what hello find me I saw you on the map I don’t uh if you look in my thing right there actually you never clicked on the one at my actual base but I have a way stone in there that connects over there to my base where did I

Open uh I don’t know where Binky went I just came back he was gone I mean I if you press tab I think oh B’s in you can see people on the map if they’re close by like I can’t see uh Binky yeah I I was just down there

And I saw you on the map and I I was wondering what you were doing up here for so long and then I remembered you said this is your house a village down there I found like a bunch of crops and a you can see it from

Here that square wooden thing down there um I that’s how I live I render distance found so many carrots wait carrots grow oh carrots grow in Spring and Autumn and they do not grow in winter I don’t even know where it says it’s winter win time I’m going to need a lot of

Rock I have like two stacks he where was this there ouch that was not MLG water bucket excuse Me okay um so sand is right over here I’m hoping that’s the right sand cuz I think there is multiple kinds of sand like yeah I don’t know if it all does glass Though what what it’s gone Oh that’s not how you spell you wait do these hurt me bro um that’s probably good yeah that’s probably about good I’d say now I will just all main base here there one I can make them into glass P Reg here we go home sweet home where’s my other furnaces there they

Are actually you know what I will take this here and I will put right here and right here and then I have uh here with this all the teleporting is my so that in there that in there put this we go perfect perfect now that should smell really quickly

Kind all I wait put this all in here I’ll grab those and a little bit more saplings here none of them have grown wonder if they will grow in the winter though not year round is that that’s biome so plenty and then it doesn’t tell me the actual farming

Season maybe it is biome so plenty well grow on course dirt I have no idea if it grows on that ODS Bam Bam buam buam buam bum bum b b um bam what button am I clicking that doing but I know in a raccoon a raccoon what did the Tea Leaf

Huh oops oh well I’d get the shovel out of my next I start doing that with my house hey get out of there I didn’t even know they could do that oh wow oh big of a window do I want here that looks like a good S hey dude get out of my Chest hey There I know I kidnapped you and brought you to my to my house oh perfect now grab a does this door look like okay door looks like that and Bruce Logs that is not how you build a door looks nice in AO the screams was inside and Far for ready by About You is that why he left Dam I already put one under right I might need to get some diorite soon unless unless I actually different kind of wood cuz I could technically I think that this should be enough wood to also like that yeah that looks good um okay uh that should be uh that was

More very perfect very perfect oh oh wait hold on Pi the last bit of that rose bush in there yeses okay oops hello hi you know that raccoons open your chest to take your food yeah I learned that when I put one in Chase’s house yeah I learned one that one I put

One in my house yeah I want to just leave it in there for Chase to find but I started eating his carrots oh the chicken yeah oh my shields in my hand this way I wonder if this bananas have to figure it out got it I think there’s bananas I hope so

Yeah there is nice of Alex mobs breast I found out that the um way stones don’t require XP you just okay you have any rabbit hide I have like one trying to make a backpack yeah your thing is either muted or oh right cuz I clicked M yeah yeah I

Have one I’m trying to make a backpack with it later damn I was trying to do the same thing yeah if you uh I know rabbits I’m pretty sure spawn in the snow I haven’t seen a snow snow biome yet yeah I hav’t yeah that was actually a biome

Change we’re about to get um winter soon actually I just looked on my map I’ve traveled far enough and I have seen this no i’ seen a bit of snow there’s a field of of snow that generated somewhere over by a big hole and there’s a cherry biome I

Really want to go check out what that Temple was there’s a giant amount of snow that way oh yeah I found lobsters I want to breed lobsters I got some blue lobsters do it I want to bre AEL almost eventually what mugus did you know that raccoons take stuff from your chest yeah

And they’ll eat it they eat it they take your food anything just food just food yeah so don’t leave them in your house I I had to shoot one cuz I went to Chase’s house I stole one from the wild and put it in my house and it started eating my

Apples yeah I just executed it yeah if I get one I’ll put it in a hole outside yeah disgusting I’m want a parrot have you seen a jungle yet damn I wonder if other birds Can Be Tamed might as well keep some seeds on me to check right Egg actually I just grab this that is not a lot thought I had a lot more maybe it’s in the other house I think I brought it over What the heck oh I’m going to look at your house oh you haven’t done nothing how the hell did you get up here I have I have this Cobblestone that is nothing I have to smelt a lot of cobblestone stone brick this isn’t based off of my own imagination

Unfortunately mine is that’s why it’s going to be terrible perfect Cloud every time I do that um need I left all my wood here gra that wood too that grab that I’ll grab that I’ll grab that I’ll grab that and I’ll grab that then that maybe that as

Well but nothing else maybe that crash again then I am going to build another chest I do not have and like to see what this wood looks like that looks kind of terrible I will just be using just like thing there I’ll all those I’ll make lot of stairs I hope you went

AFK excuse me Uh oh what got rid of my bread um okay so I think go like that maybe holy I got snow on it immediately that is really cool I can get um staircase this uh going through like five stacks of both lavender wood and cherry wood a wait of both h bro what what

Oh that’s why thought that was tag was there we go now that is technically all sealed off I’ll put these up hey um go hide in here I Bam Bam want to oh hello there good oh that there is awesome um wait hold on take this I go go out here that and

I think I just need logs Here once these are all done should be able to make that this good like that I wait I can put these looks all right what maybe if I go around the house with aha damn on I guess I’m that strong horrible keep it a little consistent got a bone put all in there

39 cool put that in there back in 18 that’s not okay fishing hey wait this is a little less mods than the last one that I played or maybe more but took out some I don’t know other one had like a lot of fishing mods that I really liked on the 1.6.5 better

Minecraft guess this one’s a little different oh that’s why it looked like weird now I don’t have water Fu It Whatever see anyways right back in here go find something I’ve built that got a quest I guess look Overworld um we got to defeat all these other things I won’t be

Doing and a village from a raid craft an aquarium do you do that oh man that looks difficult right um so wait am I able to go this that there grab three of these oh that there I grab a this that there wait hold on is there a slab that

I think that if I I know how you feeling find out fish in talking about yeah fish disappear over winter uh wait what you put aquarium Aquarium cool it’s just ohep when when I don’t know if you put fish in the I’m going to I’m oh

Rick that’ll be the name of the fish if I fine man are you okay oh wait if I can put a fish do it this way pick it up f with my go in the over to oh on dude hey hey get up I have raw catfish that’s not what I wanted also

Don’t want you near my door is open now that shouldn’t happen again um I want to grab you Turtle oh you’re good at the water oh okay done a horrible noise I need to go mining diamonds bring that Sure also going to want let’s get 24 sticks back in 37 he only appear wait what could be G man sure I saw the in the I wouldn’t think that it’s in I’m pretty sure I can search up uh tlight all these that is not all that

Is oh right we still got to make that Twilight for or diamond actually quickly gra a St I find a giant entrance to a big cave I will place the wa Stone down right big cave that’ll be the big cave that should I don’t know where your house oh so I’m going

He haven’t been oh wait I just realized yeah I haven’t even even know how big this this biome part here is was looking 26 blocks thick what okay 37 blocks Longs wide my base is L shape make it I want to find more way stones sh we go I think that it

Should all it’s really snow this is called the seasonal Forest that’s cool it’s got like all different kinds of colors and Le is cool what the hell is that wait what is that hold on this is big cave massive cave oh I can go wait what are those vegetable four per

Serve I’m roster penalty minus 20% overcook penalty wait you can overcook stuff maximum stir interval dude what um okay wait I just want to grab more ringing cobweb okay M shaft Okay I can name seeds Okay this is a good cave or if it would be a good cave but it just massive so far first impression for the cave gave me blueberries good oh that’s Minecart with TNT cool Ah hello Rascal I do not know what Rascal is but that is cool I know R is just disappearing Rascal where are you rascal is out of here didn’t want to stick around come here this is all Cobblestone thought maybe all here out are you kidding me I only just got the

Knot today thank you achievement now what it’s whatever is whatever are you the one who created all these cobwebs hey that’s Diamond wait why did I do that I needed that to get back up get back up the easy way okay well that was a single Diamond diamonds is this maybe

One a single diam I to do that out forgot about my driver update all right yeah I told you to do that one where where do the diamonds come brings them down here what did I take damage from oh don’t knock me into the lava go down there you’re sleep

Oo those are a couple pretty Diamonds oh beautiful right perfect should be rainbow is this music and this is not regular cave music I like it Oh did I get a stack of torches or another stack of does everyone I live in a maple Oak biome I haven’t seen Binky’s house yet I don’t where he lives he lives on an island close to the coordinates I gave you I’m pretty close to the coordinates

I gave you it’s really quick to get to me by water um I just finished building a small house like before that I mined I got enough for I got like a stack or two of iron um Binky and Jordan and me are on and now I’m back in the mines mining

Again find Diamonds oh okay are you getting back on Chase cuz I think Garrett’s getting On oh hello there uh for a little okay oh shoot enchanted golden apple Oh yay rope disc want all that I definitely want those tomato seeds I want those I’ll grab that uh maybe you’re for 15 to 20 before you’re lady and I you play Apex so I’m

Assuming you’ll just get on you won’t stream left I don’t why the server has been kicking uhas a little what a cockroach this a cockroach that is gross um oh Shoot um guess I’ll grab another one of these that wait what was that that was cabbage seeds W almost called a blinkroot cuz of Terraria um that’s so cool a skeleton head love the cave music I know dude it’s not even scary uh driver’s done W Banner oh what the

Hell guys uh you’re interrupting my banner taking that came after me cuzz I I stole their Banner they worked hard to make it there another spawner over there like I want the banner where’d it go oh I already have it there’s a spawner over here isn’t

There oh I found a m shaft that’s what I’m in right now it was a m but seems as though my supper is ready I’m going to have to uh box myself in here and then I will be uh actually such a nice chain that’s what I’m talking about I like the cave

Music St in the VC but he is going going for a bit AKA person just got got home and also back five 5 to 10 all right I’ll be right back once I’m back exploring this cave for for for for for I E all righty back um pe oh [ __ ] you Owen I don’t know if it even shows you but I left the group like a little oh [ __ ] oh my God gen oh why are there so many creepers here can we I’m in a cave but I can leave what did do

Thought he was doing F I know um he put a raccoon in your house and then it started eating your carrots what the [ __ ] I found that out as well I like I put a raccoon in my house and just started went in my chest and started eating my

Apples no he he took it out he took it out because he saw that it Wasing oh oh my God what a quiver emth this Shard that’s cool quiver dude oh Man damn yeah guy you believe this guy do you hear this guy oh my goodness I am Mr hiccups today Hiccups [Laughter] McGee BR did not like me before dude I literally I hated you beforehand I hated you before I knew that you watched the movie Grown

Up where this Garrett dude he finished his Drive years ago yeah she was on mountain now a bed yeah she has two beds oh oh my God don’t step on spider eggs well she was living in there I I have one viewer you better hope it’s not it’s me oh

Man I thought I was famous I like how you’ve been watching me you’ve had my stream open this whole time it says the average viewers only watch for 11 minutes what hear things sorry what is that yeah I have five why are so many thought you were like very excited of this no

I 31 break cake I got a golden an enchanted golden apple a regular was cool everybody in the world knows his name yes no CU scar that for me and then Markiplier copied him got like 20 million a that guy man love him when I started back in

1987 when The Bite of 87 happened and the rest is [Laughter] history yeah the the raccoon also stole those from my chest no f [Laughter] b yeah my house is also 600 blocks away but I’m like I am a thousand blocks away from you also underground I did send the coordinates

To where you live uh Chase it wasn’t even like I wasn’t even playing it dude it’s just Minecraft yeah it does still play some of the regular one um yesterday I got on setting up the server and dude the the music was crazy like it was actually the best

Music I’ve heard like music I haven’t heard it yet but whatever you do don’t don’t break my way Stone A Way Stone there CU it’s how I teleport between my a oh no that was a while ago that was like 10 seconds ago like the wood kind of color mine is very

Small like 10 10 by like five I don’t know how to get out of Chase man I’m not going to lie I’m a little stuck here I hate [Applause] youu on crafting table you kill you kill rabbits for it no no no oh shoot I was

Digging up to get out of the cave and I found diamonds that’s amazing need a blank maze map the fu make a blank maze map click on it this [ __ ] blank maze map okay I need something called a maze map Focus how do I get that so

Stupid say like a not so good I would have been banned for life oh I would have been are you streaming right now Chase or no no start saying slurs you know how quickly I’d leave this group chat probably hope hopefully really quickly um should I really just like hello hi human

Being wait is that who the [ __ ] is oh that’s an En that’s not a [ __ ] oh is that Garrett are you talking to Garrett wait hold on I got to leave the group because we found Garrett dude cool g found little raccoon walked in a

R for real look at his I cck tab hold tab look at his icon him little would you know that he’s actually a knight he is yeah like that’s a it’s a knight with a raccoon head what why is he not a raccoon I know why isn’t he a naked

Raccoon dude I Lally want these balls literally I like how it doesn’t show the 3D part of the of your characters when you hold Tabs are you just a white face yeah IR okay I little do you guys know I had a map this entire time H the M

Button no no no like a it’s called a Bastion remnant map oh yeah I saw those in your chest buddy why you try to steal my map bro they wouldn’t be in your chest anymore if IED do okay so I need to look on my actual map okay well I’m the best

At finding diamonds five about six oh [ __ ] what the fluff oh wait that’s that’s every time I find diamonds dud there’s one diamond and that’s it I haven’t found a thing if I oh yeah yeah oh hello loud as [ __ ] I turn guy down good start talking hello all right good all right

Goodbye I’m I’m venturing out all right are you leaving the group thing no okay I’m uh I just I ventured out from Binky’s house oh okay I would like to rip this [ __ ] apart or like I just we just heard Binky in the group and we just heard hello human [Laughter]

Being oh it it’s been a little bit since I’ve played Minecraft it’s been about a month or so since I’ve last done anything on YouTube yeah you know well prob you know you know I did get 10 hours of watch time and uh like three subscribers and freaking 500 views in that

Time yeah that’s good yeah for doing nothing damn did I ask oh my god grow up what a what a silly fellow what a silly fellow what a guy can we kick him from his own [Laughter] group I gotta find out where everybody is I know where Binky is now but I got

To find out where everybody else is don’t know where B is well I I came across him I was just I was going um I was taking the water as per your suggestion and I saw this house and I was like hm I can’t tell if that’s

Like autogenerated by the mod pack or if somebody made it but it looked a little bit it didn’t look autogenerated so I went to confirm and a man appeared yeah I would like to move away from Jordan I want I want to give him the

Thing I I want to start fresh I don’t want to like um I don’t want to like live in a pre thing like a preu build yeah that’s why I moved away immediately moved in and he immediately got kicked out wait um yeah but she also moved into his wall

Yeah all right I’m I’m almost at these coordinates oh you’re going to be at my house Garrett can you help me pack up uh I suppose you can take everything outside T need we’ve got some what is this like tomatoes or something what are you farming here your cabbage oh watermelon

That’s like not a tomato I think we already went through one whole season like a whole year in this you have a lot of chickens yeah that’s Jordan’s doing oh I’m stealing the eggs hello that’s okay G’s literally a raccoon second ago a second ago I was a th uh me

Away okay seeds and wheat very interesting I’m just going to be exploring for like ever yeah so G we’re not we’re not using way points there’s these things that you place called way stones we’re using those I want to sh taking with myself [ __ ] food cuz way points you can just

Teleport to where you there oh that’s smug smug that’s okay yeah yeah and then you guys live here right now very interesting I can’t you can’t hold on uh over here uh oh I’m muted yeah if you can I actually is that a can we rebind that is

That something we can do I needed to do that still M where is it where do you rebind it settings options controls keybinds and then I just scroll down till I find the first thing that’s connected to the m key okay and then I change mystery things over here oh those are lobsters

Mystery things they look like question marks on the map r c IO R you R there’s a lot of stuff found to R I made it minus I made my mute minus mute microphone find it oh click R it reloads your shaders I don’t know why I don’t

Have shaders all right I’ve also made it minus perfect I did have shaders but then I started streaming and also didn’t want to figure out how to make it so that they worked better oh it’s getting dark that’s a little bit spooky scary you oh I found a desert I’m

Uh somewhat near you my house is so pink that you inside my house right there follow me if you didn’t already have I can’t say this is my house cuz I don’t live here fair enough click on that okay done is there anything in it like or is it nothing it says abandoned

Ruins waystone okay follow me okay we’re going to go to my actual house so that you can get a waist Stone like so that you can just teleport between okay that’s cool yeah I thought it would use XP but it doesn’t so that’s cool that is cool especially because I

Got a level from doing that yeah you get an ender pearl what the [ __ ] there’s a wallrus you got an ender pearl I didn’t get an ender pearl with the quest like go into the quest thing I killed a walrus there a quest thing like click e

And go to the top left remember the look okay I’m going to get revenge on these Buffalo [ __ ] C their ass so good yeah this this does mainly like the river leads mainly to my house from there who’s iron hold on the excitement in your voice iron well okay I just started okay

Have diamond armor yet you’re have iron buddy come on now why did I get hurt I have n diamonds pretty cool you want to die okay okay what does this guy think he’s Mr mine or something [ __ ] up oh you know why what are you doing here my bad my bad there’s

Three of there’s four of me what is up with this grass oh my god oh holy crap there’s a lot of uh daffodils I that’s what they’re called I just want to die flowers a lot of dood but like not in the way that you guys

Think I want to like die so I can like restart like brand spank don’t believe it wild carrot I just took your carrots I was going to plant those where do you live holy crap you live pretty freaking far away I have 600 block hole dude you made us walk yeah you can’t

Tele I can teleport you can’t well okay fair walk in here so you can get the thing I don’t know who I also have another wayist Stone but I won’t make you walk to that one okay thank God cuz it’s just it’s to a giant

Cave what is that a seashell oh you can I found a little grass Hut oh W grass like I lowy little grass um gett watch out put a creep in my base oh I see that whose little home is this I swear if you blew up I swear

Don’t worry don’t worry I’m a professional Owen you want me to show you snap what oh my God how do I leave your house now you can click go to the waone and go to teleport other oh yeah all I’m going to go off and adventure and stuff okay

Uh how do I teleport to the way Stone click on this W St on the called okay uh goodbye bye diamonds of enchanted golden apple it’s a vegetable Owen I found another sign oh you know how I found a sign which led to those broken runes like early on I found

Another don’t know where my tortois went but it has two things now you left your inventory here with me you teleported ah oh he left the left the chat bro is starting fresh out is slumping right now I have to walk 1,300 blocks in One Direction says the sign I will do

That is not complaining fine I guess you’ve convinced me of course I will I like tread through all the water through all the mountains through everything just to get to like a [ __ ] like secret mushroom yeah it’s just a singular mushroom that’s a different color on the

Ground wow nothing else there you know what I will say the world’s or this world is so [ __ ] magical yeah what are you laughing at oh God did I just dive you know what I’m just going to grab a raccoon and like walk yeah yeah let go of Garrett like yeah let let

Him go put him down what’s that one meme you need to stop I’ll just eat cockroaches and Fish on the seaside and do absolutely nothing with my Minecraft life real oh I think I found something everyone needs to find Way Stone so that we can teleport to each other’s

Bases suck on my peeee no God buddy got me no um oh Rick the roll said hello in your chat acknowledge them Owen before they’re gone well they Rick the roll dude I think they just sent that yeah well never too late to say

Hello to Rick the r God so rude God Rick this guy right why do you even watch sub to eer sub to the Eerie son honestly [Laughter] bro I’m obviously cutting butt if you want [Laughter] to dude I’m not against it it we’re Owen and I are having a sub War

Okay first person get 100 Subs gets a has to look the other one’s PP I’m just kidding that’s not I didn’t agree to that I don’t I don’t really remember that oh my god oh you suck he’s getting a fresh Start I’m back at home though the freshest of starts you know what I’m just going to I’m honestly going to grab my my gold my diamond I’m just grabbing everything my kimon I’m just going to grab proceeds to [ __ ] on the floor oh God wa that’s enough for Me all right okay never mind I just saw a icon of a raccoon and I thought it was Garrett but it doesn’t not it was just now I got to figure out what I would like to do now just stop back from mining I could I might just go search for was

Stone CU too bad I would I would really like another way stonee everyone else I don’t think as a the monster hun and now if I get another one or multiple place them and everyone everyone’s or around or swimming there who know um I I don’t know where everyone anyone

Is I even think it shows me on the map where everyone is they’re not what excuse me oh seagull oh wait no get away from me you’re going to steal like my food I oh wait that’s my next adventure quest whatever oh oh my last bread

Go at least I ate my food most of my food before St it um that is that oh is that a crab oh it’s a lobster oh I can’t I can’t steal him the lobster oh that’s why ah you you’re coming with me now Chompy counter a crocodile damn I

Haven’t even seen crocodile we just joined the server that that’s a nice place actually a good way to go what is that kind of structure is that going be like silverfish it’s just nothing maybe I guess if I want to get oh okay I guess I can’t break that whole

Tree that would be really overpowered that’d be so much wood I’d fill my inventory what are these wait antalope Antelope oh wait they give me resistance oh they’re dangerous if I walk into nothing you left what well I guess I guess have cantaloup now hey didn’t just steal one of my cantaloupes did

You didn’t I have 33 what the hell oh now it’s rain not cool oh good jump join Binky left Jordan joined now we are missing two people 2 three 4 have six people that’s everyone oh uh look on the way Stone in that house there unless you also just found a house

Like this this is pretty cool book PaPeRo perfect um I don’t need that I want that what are these yeah for cooking those thoughted blo what does this Moonstone even do who killed the pigs who’s killed the cows where are they oh oh oh what I don’t know what this

Is if I if I put broken and Chase had to go and break Kill Them All anywh or else I pop on house for the one I opened honestly this thing isn’t bad the cantaloup said creeper did it um there just like saying everything else except for what he except for him

Well I need to find food I don’t I don’t know how to check what season is I’d like to know not doing that come on now don’t stay up don’t stay there what what is this Inventory open ingredient to bookmark it come on now or what is that on my screen get rid of that that is annoying I hope it just like Just it does not look like it’s going to vanish oh wait what thought I had a thing my Moonstone ore Moon shards huh um oops Oh shoot I’m on a swamp now got fish oh look I’m looking at Water blocks dude how do I get rid of this thing works um oh it’s water is very blue dark blue an excessive amount of blue in this water um okay Um well I’m pretty far away from everything now much further than I thought I was go I’m pretty sure if I just take the pork chops and cook with them I think I can cook with these well I think I think there is um cooking in unpack um people

O is this a village oh that’ll be sick I think it is awesome perfect a village wait is this a village he’s leaving whole campire um oh wait yeah way Stone’s right here all right hold on I’ll this fix that because I don’t like that um men

There if I can get rid of it that would be also awesome I cannot get rid of it wait how do I get rid of this um how do I do like HUD do I um hold on inventory HUD on I okay I that’s cool cool um is Everyone or no actually does who slept up W all right um that is the village hello silus oh actually do I want those I guess I’ll take beetroots I don’t think bad seed what is that wait what is this bounty board dude wait what that is cool uncommon Bounty three leather rewards turtle

Shell um I’m I’ll be right back got to go find the cow or two dude wait there is bounties that is super cool awesome uh but am I going to even find a oh what the hell that’s a whale hey where did my axe go there it is

But um oh is that a crocodile no those are wall aren’t they they are hello seals never mind I do know W says hold on let’s that I like these I don’t really know what they are actually I can’t say I like but there’s a lot of stuff oh wow regular frog 15

Minutes I’d like a turtle shell I don’t know what it’s for or I have no idea what it’s for sounds cool I could see what it’s for right now but I’d rather just like find it out find out what it’s or later 15 minutes and 26 seconds or whenever I get that

House what am I doing I don’t need to be out here I can go back to base where I actually have leather grab that then come back here I can cheat why am I not cheating but I don’t need to go through the extra oh I don’t know why I’m making

Myself go through the extra effort hello think I have leather right in here just found out I don’t have leather that’s sucks I have cows near actually I can just look maybe there are Cows oh I see cows the mini map those are reckon right over here that see them wait Hello juking me out he broke my ankles what um wait what AFK damn right 12 minutes easy Bounty look a matter of almost no time I’m the best at collecting bounties that are EAS I already had an emerald right over here Dam what wait how do I do this

Oh like that oh wait turtle shell is just that oh okay okay cool I need 11 rabbit hide no I’d actually like one that gives me rabbit hide I don’t think there’s any of those though it seem like they’re is any dude wait well I can just do bounties and

Then get these your horse arm battle cauldrons cauldrons what well The Cauldron thing’s gone they really want rabbit hide I don’t want to give him that okay hello Mr villager with a diamond helmet like that helmet nothing useful at all a big villager house there hello onion the onion GR

Just get the heck out of here little dude oh yeah Bingo perfect ex actually what I wanted Col uh it could be useful to just keep um pleas don’t cuz if I ever want Village or if I ever want to go to a village like say I want to do a bade here The Villages have Rog what row no it’s still winter time and this music goes Crazy yeah get away from me me lily Pad Oh wait what’s that Goat Dude wait whoa this is a nice like big land um I don’t know A h all right um cool that Platinum um okay cool cool now I got to find a cow and drink milk before I can even go back to that St that is going to bad how’s over here perfect I should probably go back to the cuz I am full My The Music oh so relax so relaxing Wanted Birch Sapling Right think that’s enough I don’t want to break my ax While the music I love it I love the Music yeah I thought he was coming after Dam I would have loved to break this entire Forest think I’d break like two trees in My What the hell are these log what the hell can I get rid Of um I need Paper is that a witch hut it Is Motion of water Breathing righty Now s oh wait what’s that a random like yeah want that was my Bo go there we go oh ouch Jee give you wither effect wither Road like make them into 700 blocks that way way is that way that is West ouch okay 100 blocks 12 that just about guessing wait pH keeping

On um is that a boss that is a boss oh wait I don’t want to be close to it oh wait is that a that’s not a boss never mind that’s a tus cool hey man back up I thought that that was a boss what is this that is just

A Le I do it because he punched it but they are friendly they are good Soul oh it’s an it holy crap guys man um I should be almost at the 200 BLX thing sign Point hoping it’s very Bible what it actually otherwise I will have walked in this direction for reason not

Find he I’m just I didn’t even notice that that it said to because there were creepers blow me up wall I I am getting trapped help help he we are getting to the scary place what is down here not nice and eh well maybe hello cool that’s

Cool how do I have 13 emeralds when did I get oh wait yeah cuz I killed all those other guys completely forgot those guys like gave you stuff and I’m in a humongous gape again cool I don’t remember what the sound that that thing was making the other

I don’t want to go in there that is scary I don’t want to go in that okay B will take 12 emeralds to ouch okay finding diamonds now holy am I in the nether like that is crazy that’s insane looks like oh that’s deep dark too never mind I thought maybe that was

Diamond cuz going blue how you down here dude I have no room hold oh um I could have passed a lot of diamonds cuz there’s a few mobs there trying to hurt um not going to look at you sir Co oh oh oh oh thought it was him that is one is

Up my ax is broken the plan was to have that creeper blow everything up and that zombie like knocked my shield down he’s big gaming apparently that spider didn’t hit me now that I have cut off the vision of the skeleton oh never mind holy crap that was scary what I was done

For okay okay now figure out how I’m going to get out of here okay so I don’t need everything here I guess I can sacrifice that I don’t need those they not required that um I don’t need it I have this Riptide using water pickaxes I water Brea I should able to go there that was water breathing oh oh maybe not I early you brought me over oh over here oh hello hey inventory’s been full for such a long time y why are you still down in the m i uh broken my pickaxe my my sword

So really fight oh yeah just been trying to find my way like maybe a way up yeah it’s winter where I am I don’t know about you winter everywhere on the cave I don’t know yeah it’s getting hard to cook crops so I moved away

And I I didn’t want to build or I didn’t want to live in a random structure but then I found a nice cute little house that I’m going to expand him and then I I saw it looked like a village or a Pillager um like Outpost but it turned

Out to be an a Pillager camp and and then whatever whatever any turns out there was a building that had like a rock bottom and a wooden top with a smoker in it and it’s kind of nice I think I’m going to make it like my my

Place for food storage and food cooking yeah um yeah it’s pretty sweet and it already had a set um thing for you to like spawn oh like a Way Stone yeah mhm like I found another Village um that had a w and just like it it also

Had a like I don’t like a little door Hut thing that had a bench thing on it that you can just like get Quest from I I did one of the quest and I got a reward Turtle helmet oh that’s amazing it lets me breathe a little longer at under

It’s nice though um there’s a [ __ ] Crow eating my crops yeah I’m actually going to have to make like a shelter for my crops anyways uh I was calling you to tell you that um long story short a um in the winter the corner of like you

Know how you can go um like corner corner and then it like attaches what you mean like the um the yeah okay um for some reason in when winter hits they kind of disappear and your animals can’t go through them anyways yeah I think it’s just like a glitch in

Um in like how it it’s a visual glitch I believe but it’s very unique nonetheless um and it doesn’t look too terrible I’m in a group chat in the game so I can’t hear now that I’ve left the game forgot that if I left at the game I

Wouldn’t for you yeah I know it’s pretty clear but anyways I wanted to tell you that oh God in case you wanted to possibly say hello and stop by yeah with eight left with eight torches left well just hold it in your hand you don’t need torches hello there that was Co

What happened Sor I was watching oh I Amed to B oh nice oh yeah I’m watching right now instant replay oh yeah that was Clos I decided not to eat beforehand that’s okay I almost lost my sheeps again um Jordan join and he was like who killed the

Sheep yeah oh my god dude there’s been like three creepers oh it was a creeper it was a bear man oh that’s weird no no no but like actually I don’t know why there’s so many creepers yeah there’s a my favorite setting or a game rule is

Um make it so that the creepers can blow up damage you but they can’t like break your property and stuff cuz I hate it when they do that but usually people don’t want yeah wow I honestly like I don’t know why this happens like I can walk through my fence

But it shows my animals can it’s rather interesting Weir oh but the baby sheep can what the hey what the heck is streamer friendly SM GL yes I am still streaming did you not hear me when I said I was going to be streaming for 24 hours Today you weren’t in the call when I said yeah that’d be cool though I didn’t work them all dude I will destroy you little crow oh damn Crow trying to eat my stuff oh hey I’m getting out of the cave almost my know it’s I’ve been getting super

Sick lately like and I have no real idea why mhm it’s good um I should expand but don’t know How making this Shield was kind of weird why didn’t make it regularly regularly 6 this time it was like uh four wood four iron inot H weird um I think I know how to expand how many viewers did you get on your first stream oh like seven actually I think I

Got three sorry okay I was going to say bro bro like is already doubled me no but like frequently like now sorry type of thing like I get not like a crazy amount you know but like an amount where I’m not a bad amounty get better amount mhm mhm no of

Course they’re all like consistent people yep no they all uh they all know like everything about me and where I live and my mom’s middle name it’s bit weird but you know I’m kind of like chill specifically your mom yeah not mine oh God I just [ __ ] failed um I feel that was

Appropriate I got to do face cam no why would you have to do that I have to people usually like on Twitch at least like on your thing just like mhm YouTube obviously mhm but also eventually I would like to get into a face cam say I do get big I

Don’t want it to be like oh yeah I have a I’ll do a face cam at one mhm dissipated and then disa yeah well see that’s why I I kind of started early off cuz I knew I wanted to do like in real life cont yeah I was just like I don’t want

To be like held back by being shy or whatever not being shy for me it’s just like I don’t want to go to school and people are like hey man you’re yeah oh you’re oh dude don’t be a dream that’s what I’m yeah literally just don’t on you

Know age I mean I’m playing Minecraft so how I have to no I’m just kidding um oh I don’t dude how big is how big is this cave I am 72 blocks up I’ve dug like 200 blocks in I think I am going up a mountain like would it would it be so

Bad if I said hi to a bear I’m going to give him one an acorn I’ll probably if I do do face cam might be I might end up being like I mean like shut up oh my God this bear is so mean yeah true that’s also another reason I’d like

To do game oh um but like if I do do it like I might just end up being like screw it I’m going to do it before over um cuz if I do though I’d like to have like a like I just shaved and I feel like a

Million bus looking live I look I look I’m not even in the mountain why did I dig so high up I like a clean shaven face it’s uh I I would to call it like professional but it certainly just makes me feel like a lot more fresh than I usually do with

Like my scruffy well scruff am 4,000 blocks away from home I need to look up like a basic model for a house cuz I don’t know how to [ __ ] build anything I’ve looked so many up that I kind of just know just shave smugg just shave

Two damn bro I didn’t know yeah I just trimmed my beard last oh Subs love it yeah iron iron gloves wait what what you have gloves yeah what the hell oh gloves oh my God look at my stream dude what is it wait whoops hey silverfish oh gloves is it the gloves or

Sorry oh oh cloves wow That’s Unique yeah gives me a bit more armor too mhm I don’t really know what I’m in but uh okay so I kind of understand what I’m going to do for a house kind of yeah I hope so kind of it’s where kind of if you

Baby oh my go you’re going to get copyrighted so here’s my number oh my goodness don’t call me maybe hey man you’re going to copy D we’re too late it’s too late you just blow up for some reason for some reason mean for some reason be perfectly understandable God SK that’s what happen

When you got copyrighted you have not been copyrighted you have not lived hey man ah no wonder it’s not working hey get away from me um I got get some wood now excuse me I’m sorry know I should probably mute or stream but just seconds what happened I’m just coughing

I feel bad I’m like on your stream oh I’m coughing on my sweet you want to cough in my mouth [Laughter] okay I’m just like so sad okay okay I’d never hear you speak again you left I just like leave the group for some reason you just leave the

Channel mute everyone like just ghost never see you at work again like quit God this guy doesn’t want to cough in my mouth oh embarrassed alive in is that what the smug said no oh I said why do zombies have like a point of armor what is are there pants that can

Get out of [ __ ] like what I don’t know Harden leather do they have like a joog strap or something that aware why do they have extra armor I have to make more doors real quickly D what what yeah you know what SP this why would I say

That say what me oh she said why would I say what I don’t remember what we were just talking about um dude I actually can’t minut ago about live oh yeah embarrassed live what is this oh gosh dude my girlfriend and I were supposed to play games she just has not

Messaged me in like an hour oh you could have streamed I know I know it’s okay okay okay I don’t really mind kind of just doing whatever like I have all the patience in the world type thing like no not obviously probably going to do everything everything as in what every

Like every time I play the server I’ll probably oh yeah something about cough uh Chase things from disgusting gener what’s godamn right something about coughing in a mouth damn SM didn’t know you were quirky like that oh my God I couldn’t even say that with a straight face I like instantly

Started coughing didn’t know you were we can’t smell burn down pardon got a C that you C place the [ __ ] do that oh yeah watching his bro is not him they watching his I mean oh yeah I knew that oh okay I thought I thought you meant like baby

What oh Gear’s just gone bro watch the seed grow and then dip bro finish watching the oh maybe he’s also getting kicked cuz this is you have one bar of ping dude me is it still winter in the game I don’t know I’m in a win I’m in a snow

Biome so always win dude the winter that’s what it Does oh no God no I didn’t want to be stinky oh God apost me I just I just meant cuz I started sinking in no you know like how the snow like grabs you and thenm yeah that’s crazy CH my dick yeah but I have notin oh my God

I thought I was about to have one of those moments like where you just like die that’s crazy I’ve never had that no I have not my MLG [ __ ] buckets are always good with the sauce oh oh wait there’s a snow temp there’s a there’s

Um God D I’ve never heard you stutter so bad there’s a sow I had it right the first time it was kind of cute oh look at the look at the stream you should see why I was scream in a second that kept happening to me no

Biome what happened what was it I it should oh I’m watching oh oh yeah yeah yeah he just sinking oh my God that’s terrifying um I think I’ll go like that this oh shoot oh shoot who the [ __ ] Is mind looking at my my screen Pro a second stream I mean Hello FES oh hello there hello this guy this [ __ ] guy God that was terrifying dude I didn’t think that that was going to blow up like that what happened uh uh watching did

You did like is there a big hole there for you or yeah there um so I was in a snow Temple there’s four chests with a lot of good loot in it but if you step on the pressure plate usually that’s what it is is a pressure plate it blows up everything including

You unless you’re quick enough oh yeah and I was quick enough but I wasn’t quick enough to save the loot oh now all of it’s gone that sucks excuse me did not mean to just burp up Bel I didn’t even hear it bro Um I picked up the wrong chest um I need to make a stone cutter how do I do that need is that you can make a sawmill wow yeah you um how do I just get regular Stone um you put it in a furnace but you can’t that’s that’s the thing like I

Tried cobblestone in a regular pH oh okay I don’t know why it wasn’t letting me before I’m just insane iron wood any good that really sucks dude I I wanted all the loot from that I was so excited to see that ice temple he cries every time every

D I want to see if there’s emerald armor I want emerald armor there is swort of it’s like emerald netherite armor oh shoot yeah nice a lot of variants like that I think the emerald netherite isn’t the best one yeah I’m going to take a look at these extra tor variant oh

Yeah one the diamond one makes it so like 40 blocks wide and 30 blocks high Jesus I need a fire charge I don’t even have been to the nether yet I don’t know what that is but that’s cool I squirt it the nether you don’t know what the nether is no not that

Looking at an enchanted bass person no I hate this winter biome C you a I’m going to go pick up a big black guy yeah you pick one up I want to try at least there’s no reason not to As Long As I don’t look them in the

Eyes just going to pick up okay yeah maybe if he teleports I’ll teleport with him that’d be Hy ass yeah I found a blue J by the way I was going to get a blue J and a raccoon and be like dude I’m like I’m losing what you looted loing against

This now lose it of enchanting wait what is this Alchemist yeah I kind of moved why I’m pregnant God damn it I’m taking over your house all of your [ __ ] is still here it’s okay I know okay I’m keeping it literally that frog hey did you geted No thanks sow dude maning so hard they’re coming for your cheeks I can’t trust the snow F the flies in this game are kind of hype like on God yeah they kill zombies yeah it’s kind of sweet hey did you get those photos printed oh did you get those photos printed what

What hey did you get those my God oh my God you know what oh I just set my mod makes no collection so [ __ ] nice oh why click or I’m sorry wood collection okay always like that but I’m not getting wood is super sweet in this update I fix up this

House so I’m thinking my does not look too good how do I fix it I just got Ash what the heck yeah from yeah don’t worry producing as later I don’t know oh if if like fire burns down something it’s pretty fun but I never had a fire

Strange sticking out your cat for the wrestler oh I’m falling through the snow I didn’t even see if my alert worked that you just uh subscribe to me Jordan yes thank you the alert did not work I heard it I just didn’t it’s in chat but I don’t hear it does it show

Up uh it’s in chat yes not supposed to oh [ __ ] to also show up on screen oh like my my test alerts I was doing earlier while trying to fix my chat those worked oh okay lucky so no one lives in the town anymore I think so no I live near it

Dude oh yeah well wait I’m a little bit like where the hell do you live live 600 blocks away that makes sense um from the oh my God oh man how even Binky lives here anymore I just realized that damn if you go like East and tiny bit South very

Very slight bit Southeast 600 blocks and you’ll get to me or I guess I can just like give you the coordinates cuz you’re able to do that it is 1,36 833 Oak biome a minute oh I muted everybody why I don’t know I don’t know what the button is oh El

Nerd I’m sprucing up the house since now I live alone so then that’s what I have who put oh it kind of goes he’s coming oh that was terrifying what’ you do ah I have a charm of life it’s like a totem of undying I fell into a cave and I would have

Died if I did not oh yours popped too so is that essentially a totem of undying yeah it is it might be even better to be honest cuz it gives you some different debuffs oh wait I need to Lo Jacob Among Us Among Us oh um asking

If what wait what what are you going to say to Jacob mongus said right away so no I can’t why is it SM I don’t know watching well if we just let anyone join it’s it’s like it’d be different but like iation would be lot I don’t

Know I don’t want to just be up to me I have trust issues but I also have yeah especially on Minecraft yeah get some yeah CU everyone can just like break everything yeah and claims are kind of weird yeah cuz you can’t actually claim yeah the what the plots oh I forgot I’m

In a cave now because I fell and almost died I was looking at chat and wandering recklessly and it just like fell into a massive hole I did that and I would have died if I didn’t have this uh charm of Life yeah sounds about right oh smug I

Live alone in the town now yeah he lives right beside you on the freaking yeah dude I look out the [ __ ] window and just see people building yeah hilarious Binky left a while ago to be honest I expected that I think he said I think he yeah it’s late very much yeah

No 5:00 p.m. would have been 10 it is 7 now what is it like 12:00 p.m. for or 12:00 a.m. sorry something like that I don’t know for why the hell was I going to say how old he is I was like where does he live

Is he like in Australia brother he’s in Scot he was talking about it in the Minecraft chat earlier oh what Scottish I’m making a cool basement for Chase to live I don’t want to well no you you have to now smug said I don’t care how far you are smugg lless every

Time my god dude I I literally can’t even take myself serious like why um I just literally cannot me neither don’t want I just I laugh like halfway through everything I’m saying boy I have lava and chains my God okay now I have to live

There I was going to say now you got to live there it’s kind of hot like look lowy um TBH I have a dog lowy you have a dog named loky yeah she’s no like not L like low key like Loki l oh okay l k i

Okay I was like l k Why weird this [ __ ] gu imag n like low key low key like oh my God every time I all right um Jacob manous I checked my alert does work thank you for subscribing nice dude I fell I fell right in the snow

IM villager I I I saw that and heard the the alert and then I fell right in the snow that was me earlier I was reading chat and I literally fell into dark I was like hly yeah no for real I was like yeah let’s go chat let’s go chat that’s the second

Time that’s happened now I’m running I I check chat and then I just like fall into a giant hole earlier and now I’m suffocating in snow oh my God we are we’re just using the Minecraft boys chat like thing right now the group chat because I am like

7,000 blocks away from everyone I don’t know where everyone else I know where um Jordan is have very snowy you don’t I do aren’t you at the Town mind I have no idea where are for all you know I could be in Iraq maybe maybe even further than me you’re more than

7,000 blocks away uh what the hell is oh my God my voice cracked shut up shut up you guys are mean I’m ween hurts oh my God I’m getting all sh I’m getting [ __ ] I my voice just cracked again I’m going to crack I’m God oh name tag hell

Yeah I saw your house wait what give him the tag also how do we Tel oh I have three can’t you need up yeah no we don’t we can’t teleport because s is just broken what’s that Sor uh Binky also didn’t want to be able to teleport and

I’m fine with that that’s why we just have the um the the way St chase that let us teleport yeah yeah that’s fine that’s fine yeah also smugg list I don’t know if you’re still here I’ve got you um what are they called Birch Birch saplings [ __ ]

Real um what the hell can I get rid of pants on all you’re that’s true wait no I can’t even check your inventory because of the stream delay God damn oh my God um I would like this Barrel my God whyp is cheating yeah P the paper yeah it

Broke Jord you like that no Broan cracking up he breaking character he breaking character what character do I haveo I don’t know but you’re breaking it literally is breaking Transformer Mony no Optimus Prime what the hell we needed oh smug needed Spruce not Birch wait what ah

I have Spruce saplings I have Bruce saplings too I have the gay saplings well I can now I can throw out these Bruce or the spruce ones then Bruce this guy bur saplings out even um I don’t have I don’t have any tools by the way oh I ran out a while ago

I didn’t see that creeper he was about to blow me I like this house I just wish I could see from a different angle um wow bro what what going on dude I um I don’t know how I’m going to get down you get down oh my God

D just get down bro it’s a building get up get up get down build stairs down bro um I don’t I’m breaking a piece of stone with my fist actually I’m holding my crafting table because why don’t you have a pickaxe it broke I had three why did you have a

Sword what the [ __ ] it broke I one well you need better tools on God they were iron and it broke right I’ll get netherite tools yeah get netherite bro I’m already on netherite been in the town all day what he’s got netherite well for all you know I have

Netherite I have I have diamonds already yeah I’ve got couple I’ve got about 11 so far you have more than probably fighting off people think I think I think that it is wise for me to not dilly dally any longer Dilly yeah you need a house you

Homeless boy oh I need to get to my house that’s what I need to get to I just have a shield um might you guys sleep sorry CU then uh once you guys are both sleeping I need to leave the game so I it’s morning so that I don’t just get stuck

But you’re sleeping no I still not ever get in bed homies fine a all right yeah we’re in the game group chat so they are longer hearable Minecraft 1.20 um oh it’s I’m it’s literally a tall black man bro what end pick him up yes sorry sir uh I

Can’t pick you up sir sorry I can’t lift you up what the hell I zoomed out too far I went to Narnia um I catch an alligator and bringing it to bringing it to and killing I wonder if I can tame a tiger you heard me you know I want to

Catch a tiger and you know use it as a weapon I mean I almost let um raccoons rampant and Chase his house until it started eating stuff yeah I I heard about yeah I told him yeah oh well next time there’ll be C4 on the house the only reason there wasn’t is

Because you also live in the house yeah no that he’s moved away yeah especially now not cuz now there will be landmines all over town I just need gunpowder yeah you know where they all are we don’t actually I know where smug is I think I might be losing it like I’m

Trying to my house and I’m like just fighting with myself like smug mostly everyone moved yes I’m the only one who is in town aside from technically you uh I am exploring I live like I live semi close to the house like to the town you live in Narnia I don’t

There yes you do I see villagers I have slaves what is that is that a catfish oh I want to catch it Kitty oh yeah by the way I found a village I don’t know you’re the one that asked I do yes I was I have a Way Stone goes towards

It oh I found another Village as well but it’s also like 2,000 blocks away this one’s like really close like it’s like 400 blocks and like you know is it like smugg Us’s direction or no it’s a different direction oh these are alligators wait a minute you can

Be everyone should live closer how to make content well I I’m I’m making that’s what my adventure was was to get food and also get Wast on so that we could teleport to each other’s houses I’m also going to get wasted don’t you me you bastard all right he’s going to be the

First slave wait can I pick up villagers I haven’t tried that would be really good no I wait hold on my Shield’s my hand oh I can’t I feel too much 9 for easy um oh my God punch my yeah I heard that did you what the [ __ ]

Was that [ __ ] one just right hooked us across the room it’s not gar my haven’t been I have I have I I did a Roblox recording with him really early on and he destroyed all of my eard drums rip ear drums w huh rayar a that’s a terrible name it

Yeah it’s a name of a village this chest is empty I thought there was like someone in my chat name that like man I hate your name I hate your name change your name even the name yeah [ __ ] you I hate your name that’s not vill just made why does

This villager have chain maill on his face bro oh that’s a blacksmith Jordan no his name is Leela like one [ __ ] yeah well apparently yeah I don’t care I don’t give them rights villagers are people too now for all I know they’re just a number what is this possible Enchanted

Basin my I found Bears cool bears tigers andar you punched the bear cuz I’ve walked by many bears i f do like C my ass well he fought a bison he just you know well I guess it fought him I won I won I remember seeing that got sling by

By my body is still there yeah I won I W yeah my body is still there yeah winning means I have lost many times can these villagers like shut up may it shut up I have a gun I just heard a cat get squashed oh that’s why it’s an alligator ate it

Awful gun shoot awful gas Fireballs I have to drink some water I’m actually dying of thirst right now you’ll drink some water I I’m dying of alligator help hey you got the chomy achievement at least okay that’s my first death I still haven’t died yet oh oh where did I

[ __ ] God Dam I don’t think I’ve died yet I have not died I don’t remember yet okay buddy okay Chase you’ve done like six times how do I check the death the death um thing I don’t know there’s usually a plugin for it I should have shot that thing in the

Face why didn’t I I have a crossbow what I was like where did bro get a gun oh there are guns in this hold on there’s a gun’s a gun no no it’s a it’s a gas ball firing gun yeah called awful gun it does damage it doesn’t explode [ __ ] but it does

Damage oh my God I just made a what is this music iname music I don’t have bones the one time I don’t have bones yeah the endg game music really nice I was going to tame like three dogs I was going to just kidnap a dog that’s cool

Too I heard a cat get eight and then I got eight so this is [ __ ] think I know one ate it yeah did you eat the [ __ ] cat no it was an alligator idiot oh my God I figured it out Jordan ate the cat ID I had chicken in my inventory

Dude I was like piecing it together it’s like Jordan eat the [ __ ] cat I can’t believe God I can’t this guy it was so low energy a second ago and then did you yeah my brain was just [ __ ] loading slowly and and then just God oh my

God all right does anyone have a rifle I need to shoot these alligators I saw an alligator earlier I just watched it it didn’t touch me I watched it and it came towards me and bit my leg oh did you not did you like hit kidding I didn’t even no I just

Stared at it and it just [ __ ] bit me likeu an Ender I guess but I didn’t look actually I looked it in the nose I shouldn’t have done that probably in the nose I was just looking in his yeah I could have been looking at his nus no no

Comment okay okay the Iron Golem is [ __ ] useless it’s standing right by my corpse yeah Jesus yeah me no can I break my corpse I’m 18 4870 netive 1,600 dude I am i500 and then 5,000 oh my God I’m pretty far is bro I got to get the [ __ ] out of this

Marsh that’s why [ __ ] off you hairy bastard hairy yeah sorry I meant scaly something something oh wait oh the squid game thing I’m not racist does not know it yeah he’s racist too what the hell is that my attemp was definitely better than yours no something something

Something my God I’m not even going to try cuz I’ll get hit I went I went to the grocery store the other day and I saw you ow oh yeah I feel like I remember that yeah and my mom was like who’s that short guy there who’s the [ __ ] [ __ ] I was like

That’s that’s my that’s Mom that’s that’s Owen that’s the guy do content with and she’s like oh I’m so sorry I was like no it’s okay I’m going to go tell him that now you should have band him her from [Laughter] no like you can’t you can’t say that Mom oh

Man they’ll get on again for a bit in a minute okie dokie I’ll get on again in a bit for a oh damn there’s an alligator behind me I see it on my [ __ ] radar um so I think I’ll go like this that is not even close pretty close blood Even Jord just like what the [ __ ] is that in the water is a whale is it a whale no it’s like a person a humanoid thing in the water I hell it is is oh is it a drown no it’s like scale it’s like skinny and it looks like a

Warden yeah call me a oh yeah the thing with like the Trident no not that guy God damn it a he just said that really thin I’m staying the hell away from that before I get raped oh my god dude there’s another one my friend

Is streaming my guy and oh my God I almost drowned oh wait where are my shears uh you ate them oh God I don’t have a bed oh my God I heard myself through Jordan’s mic sorry nice I did not you know you got to be quiet and I have a

Headset not even a mic mic what is that it’s like glowing it’s blood I swear to God if I get blown up right now and sent to the I will literally punch ho through my [ __ ] mon are whales hostile well lucky for you you you shouldn’t get sent to the go

Lo guys are whales hostile you’ll just be dead um no I don’t think so that’s a giant squid huh give me out shat no are you streaming no dude I I [ __ ] slept in it I started texting when I tried to get out my bed the [ __ ] creeper ran up on

Me I started pooping my pants he was about to ride you oh my God can we all go to bed really quickly this creep I am 7,000 blocks away from home I’m in the middle of the ocean I can’t do anything I’m also in the middle of the ocean I’m

Done not actually I put down my bed holy I’m done yeah [ __ ] he got D oh I have to rebuild my [ __ ] though that’s kind of do oh yeah hey I’m ready to sleep is just here now that you’ve died fornite Chas did you get S

Theog I did dude I [ __ ] capped that guy in the butthole what the hell is why is there an item frame in the middle of the water and a banner I find R random stuff like that too sometimes I don’t know why I’m taking the item frame [ __ ]

You br head shot the respawn button right I [ __ ] capped his ass cap cap cap cap why these fish flying yeah I’m actually him you again I’m going to see if these guys are H uh those are definitely hostiles coming right towards me [ __ ] that yeah

Uhoh this looks like they would grab me and touch me oh that’s a that’s another squid [ __ ] creeper oh my God guys are whales hostile I don’t know I’ve never seen one I’m afraid of water so I try to stray away from it I’m afraid of water now I’ve seen two whales

And they’re all [ __ ] what the hell is this it’s a chot whale or something um oh my god dude I’m L I’m looking on my mini map let me count you want me to count the creepers Owen yes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine 10 coule more [ __ ]

10 I’m just sleeping in this bu Villers house get the hell out of the bed witches at me [ __ ] wiches okay witches the Widges get out of bed you bastard I’m I know right you buy get out of bed IRL content and get like lowkey demonetized no you’ll get arrested oh never mind not as bad then okay okay oh that’s fine I’m pushing this villager into the wall cuz he won’t get his [ __ ]

Bed does any have any rope oh my God another creeper man this is name dir ask remember how I was minus 6,000 earlier or not 6,000 5,000 9,000 7,000 oh my god dude whose boat is this what is is it a chest boat no it’s

Just a regular like like a surf coat on the re did you see that glowing thing in the water I see that what the hell what are those I don’t know if you guys know but the reason why the the umies the zombies get attacked by the

FES is cu they like the dead flesh yeah that’s boat interesting yep pretty cord cool oh shoot there’s a floating island there wait no I really hope that’s got like water coming wait a minute I think I just you passed you passed me cuz I swear to God I saw an

Island when I was coming over here a floating island yes uh look at my stream is it that oh wait no you’re way too far like 8,000 block away from me pretty far I keep thinking like I should turn back and then like I don’t know yes go home get distracted considering my

Inventory is very full I have like emeralds I have name tags I have enchanting books wood tools have wood tools shut [Laughter] you know you’re right though you might be right listen I had iron tools when I left yeah when you left seven years

Ago I left a bit ago how many how long have I been streaming okay I left like over an hour ago I’ve been streaming for almost six hours now ago yeah and that’s only this stream I streamed earlier for an hour and like 40 minutes why do [ __ ]

I’ve been streaming for a little amount of time today still there’s like well they stare and they come towards me and would grab me in my sleep wait are you are you able to sleep or no uh no the guy in the bed won’t get out I wish I could there’s like 7,000

Dead people outside oh are you able to sleep and me like two black people do it then wait for you I need to [ __ ] eat some food before I die don’t die okay fine I’ll [ __ ] guys fck and that guy there we go should be morning now yay hello hello hi

How am I going to get up there hold on let me just place this down here oh aoes AO ladies I said not ladies oh [ __ ] I need some hell no was moving I get excuse gosh shoot me again see what happens I double dare I am Mr hiccup oh my goodness make

Interesting uh how do I join well right now this is just a server that we got going for I didn’t think this build would have been so big but SK SK what the hell is this wooden wall There was absolutely nothing up top of this island is this a Pillager concentration camp sorry but that’s what it looks like I see pillagers and big wait a minute oh my [ __ ] God got can’t break the okay it looks like it like come on there’s pillagers there’s seemingly no

One around here oh no only of wooden tools and I found diamonds on this up on this island I think I found diamonds your what are you oh you’re there diamonds up here dude nice but I can’t get them because I don’t have I don’t have this is someone’s base whose base is

This okay I don’t know okay this this is this is not Binky’s base who the [ __ ] is it do anyone work with like Spruce and like dark oak M oh maybe is it out in the forest like red trees and stuff around it Mediterranean you see that

Chese I’ll send a picture in the Discord if if you guys know notice it like send cuz I’m going to loot it otherwise okay wait let’s seey cuz if it’s someone’s then I’m not going to loot it but if it’s not then what the [ __ ] is going on here that’s probably

That might be Garretts all right I’ll just put it as Garrett question mark on my way points okay are you able to teleport to your waypoints or no I can’t okay you just have them set up for like places around the map yeah I’m collecting a fart monster hold On don’t show me that you gross bastard okay wait where is home home is that way home is where the heart is not going there you have no heart a disease have wooden tools yeah what the hell is that hellish noise being a cave no oh I’m in a forest jump in water

Wait can you hear Owen for like a very brief bit no I can hear Owen yeah you can why can’t I cuz you may have muted him on accident I don’t know this a sheep hello hello sheep I can’t hear you I don’t know why you’re just want to

New one sec Jo This Racist two two hello racist yeah I still can’t hear Owen I don’t know why oh dude joke I’m not aware of no no no I I really don’t hear maybe you’re slowly growing de I guess so the de the decb is base dropping yes dude

There’s so many floating islands and they all have diamonds on them I should probably invade those yeah I can’t get them cuz I all I have all wooden pickaxes I mean they’re like I don’t even know how many thousands of blocks away from think I should do what for like

Check if you have a big busy oh a jungle I don’t think it jungle jle I’m oh hey I I just had to mute and unmute okay good to know for if that happens again sometimes oh my God they’re ugly as hell dude Chase there is a lot of

Floating islands here and they all have diamonds on them oh I can’t get to any of them well I can get to them but I can’t get the diamonds cuz I have a wooden pickaxe cuz I do not want to go home uh where I found a third one

Dude God I wish I had iron pickaxe bird I punched a bird they’re all way out in the ocean too so I think like be the wait a minute do you think there’s going to be like some weird like Cat Mobs in the jungle maybe I haven’t seen

A jungle yet I have it’s right in front of me yeah I hope there’s some parrots cuz I’m bringing like 60 and then following your asses yeah and they’ll all say bad words oh I’ll teach them words we’ll teach them is that [ __ ] I will don’t worry what the [ __ ] those are

Fire ants step why are those ants like the size of me just a regular Ant Man oh why are they making me do the gritty that’s what ants do what kind of why is there watermelon here bro in that right foot Creek right now like a hate crime [ __ ] those ants

Imagine well they’re big enough so imagine draging these nuts on your forehead a Imagine Dragons I do whatever it oh pillagers you fat bastard what that’s a Pillager Camp hell no I’m not getting involved with this [ __ ] y’all can fight yourselves [ __ ] you Greg Greg do he’s a war War crime and apparently

Can’t shoot a [ __ ] crossbow nerd sucks he he missed me from 2 feet away is that a gorilla it is can I tame it we’re just going to beat my cheeks can I tame it you sounded so innocent can I I’m going to trck the um the pillagers into shooting one God

Damn it there’s an alligator where am I save me gorillas you know these planks I mind them thinking maybe they look want to get rid of the saplings yeah do you want to find me [ __ ] you how far I am at this point I’m actually just

Trying to find another way Stone cuz I’d like to be able to teleport way back over here I did no what is that noise that’s get a Fric or is that like a monkey above me just get please tell me that there’s a was Stone at this dude’s house that would be so

Poggers and getting a w Stone just makes you go home right yeah that’ll let me go home like it let you teleport to multiple places it’s like now I’ll be able to teleport all like 9,000 blocks out to this W Stone mhm which is going

To be nice for like don’t hit me I mean you guys won’t be able to unless you travel to this 9,000 block away waystone dude I already have already traveled I’m just kidding obviously I’m better not be hearing monkeys I have nothing to tame them with but it

Is that’s a crow why are there so many crows puning these [ __ ] Birds my gosh I like for a second though I’m in the middle of what the [ __ ] oh a skull sensor nice what the hell are these oh they’re seals can I pet it are you sure it’s not

Walrus I saw walus earlier no these guys are seals they’re barking and sneezing at me I saw steal thought it was W yeah they’re pretty fat they keep going egg I don’t want one yeah yeah no what fell into the snow again Satan’s [ __ ] skin walker on the water yeah

Yeah oh I wish I could put the boat and just steal it okay I can I’m not stealing this fish sir I don’t want to know what that purple thing is get get away from my bed Wonder sharks I I’m I’m able to sleep now guys

There’s sharks in this game no way yeah I just looked it up there’s definitely hammerhead sharks at least that’s [ __ ] oh yeah don’t go in the Water I God I have a boat just in case but that’s not going to help if like Moby Dick comes and attacks me what the hell is that is that a whale mug when you no that’s even worse what is that oh I don’t like the ocean there got chill down my spine

Uhuh that’s scary as hell uhuh [ __ ] that [ __ ] is it night God damn it I have to stay in the water Minecraft has RTX what is that R tracing oh okay do you want me to leave so you all can sleep uh maybe yeah Chase are you in bed no get in

Bed okay that’s a threat I’m [ __ ] oh yeah gett said that’s his base that you huh the thing that um like Jordon said mhm wait where’ Jordan go he’s left oh did he just like oh he left so we could sleep I forgot no he Rage Quit

For I made the achievement light up the world and then he left how did I get up that M Moon get moon Obama Obama there’s another whale it’s fat as hell hi Moby Dick hey man there’s two of them my is joining no oh there’s a lethan lethan leviathan Google it

Apparently that’s in the game Great from the C great I just [ __ ] myself what is that is that a cat I’m stealing it I really like this house it looks nice how far away am I from home never been one for my own houses but this doesn’t look terrible like 35,000 blocks

Away hey I need to get the hell out of these snow biomes dude the Leviathan is Jordan’s mom said smug in chat shut up you fat bastard a snow liard is he’s doing the hon literally has a snot bubble holy [ __ ] can can can can I pet it he growled at me it’s

Annoying that’s so cute I don’t want to touch it cuz I feel like it’ll mul my ass oh me again I’m avoiding homework and watching your stream instead oh no not at all the [ __ ] is a homework Hallmark like Disney Channel he’s avoiding Disney Channel he’s about to get kidnapped

No damn snow dude sexy oh [ __ ] I totally forgot about that I’m going to get sunken over here in the snowy plans the last time you were on my stream I was also getting trapped in snow I was like 4,000 blocks away from home at that point now I’m like freaking

10,000 blocks away from home man I have to keep a gun out cuz I don’t want to get shot by a cat by a cat I thought you were in the jungle no I’m in a snowy Plains I found a snow leopard and he had a big hon Sho

Nose are you your home or no no I’m like 4,000 blocks away none of us are home this where the hell supp my friends you left shut up we were home when you left I just killed a hog shut up meat dude I had to it

Was dude if I die I am too far away I would actually be like yeah screw all that stuff yeah like it’s not even that great of stuff but like I have I have wooden tools I definitely want to get those back [Laughter] dude it’s the um the King Penguins Hur

That’s I need to zoom this in WoW G says I don’t even like animals like that what does that mean like oh wait did you say that in like Discord chat or something yes there’s another kitty cat I want to see if I don’t get [ __ ] by looking at

It I hear it where is he that’s one two two three four how’s that look I got to be careful there’s goats up here more dude I’m going to be this far away and I’m just going to make a base this far away it’s just going to I’m going hi all my valuables

Here yeah I’ll get them later and never comes back no like I’ll have a Way Stone though I would never otherwise yeah I would not come back is that a raccoon what the it is a raccoon yeah why is he all the way oh a village a village I

Might it might be a was Stone there might be a was Stone nope um I’m roasting babe in Discord No One Is Safe uh you were save him there’s two moose and it looks like they’re kissing I don’t want to get anyone near them [ __ ] oh god dude this might just

Be one of my favorite houses I’ve ever made like I I I’m not good at all is it like also your only house You’ ever made yeah bu’s very first house this might be my favorite house ever made it’s either your favorite or your least favorite and also your only fa

Mhm I see bunnies I no oh I oh oh my God I need bunnies I need need need bunnies oh yeah bunnies are in the snow biome dude God yeah that’s why I have a cross I’ve I’ve actually been in the biggest snow biome ever oh my God snow biome little

Plane water ice snow biome and I still it still hasn’t ended so far but I’m yet to roast safe not roast that’s what I’m talking about um need to find B Stone because this is the second village I’ve been to where there was no way Stone am I I muted I can’t hear

Anyone okay I was muted you hear me talking or no no what happened the snow oh it sunk me again I got frostbite one of these times dude you’re going to die one of these times bro yeah I’m I’m really lucky I’ve seen so many videos where people just fly through the um

Like they go fly into a cave have you ever seen undertale yeah that’s what happened I hav’t I haven’t seen that TV show yet oh my God I know no what oh my God so much snow just [ __ ] trampled me holy [ __ ] I just got like 20 saplings

From one [ __ ] tree dude it was a massive goddamn tree yeah yeah girlfriend went to sleep oh my God there’s no more [ __ ] bunnies are here I shot the only two yeah I see two moose but those don’t drop bunny hides moose might be cool you can probably

Make a code or something out of it yeah if I get a 12 gauge moose you can get moose and which uh you can make an antler headrest with two moose antlers two string and one iron ingot which is better than an iron helmet this bastard is about to charge

At me don’t you come near me or I will shoot you me to the homeless man what trying to figure out any me to what me to the [ __ ] guy with a white beard comes to my house for some reason once every year very descriptive me to the

Also I need to kill two rabbits For snow Kitty bro found a [ __ ] snow leopard and it’s like oh it’s a kitty well it has it’s asleep no what I’m going to steer clear of the snow now I’m actually going to like I’ve passed so many biomes that weren’t snow and I didn’t go into

Any of them this time I am I don’t know I just risking death I guess bro has a [ __ ] death Kink I guess guess I’m literally just like touching this cat it’s not that’s not good we like to see it can I feed him chicken I’m going to find a wasone I’m

Going to name it far far away you know why you’re far far away oh this guy gets it that crabs what hey did you get those photos printed printed what the hell is a cold desert that’s like a [ __ ] that’s a weird name you something it’s kind of cool I

Think I found Spruce I’m not picking it up an emperor penguin I’m not picking it up with my stone tools use so Jordan is the furry I guess so he’s touching the kitty shut up says you Mr Fe and I’m literally a raccoon that wasn’t even Garrett who said that for just hates

Garrett okay now I feel yes clear my name Garett says as the stream delay he’s going to hear it in a second too funny dude we’re so special I feel bad I am so lightheaded I have to pause game this [ __ ] Jordan is [ __ ] losing

Hly [ __ ] oh I almost died to a creeper while laughing whoa who the [ __ ] is that what who there’s like some scared guy who look who’s that big I just like looked to my left there’s CH it was very far away bro just jumped on my [ __ ] crops

You’re dead cannot stop laughing there’s another whale God damn it and there’s a creeper God damn it car it’s going to go cry now [Laughter] no I feel bad but I kind of don’t dude I just found the biggest structure ever you better have a waist on I don’t

No I found uh snow and rocks muskeg what the hell is that don’t get tears on your homework yeah don’t this is probably really bad to go into this this oh yeah it’s very bad idea I’m not going in I was going to go into the giant structure but it is

Covered in enemies yeah they probably have guns to be honest maybe not even part of it I I didn’t realize you were smoke damn it I didn’t see it was smug I like God damn it oh why did I just get a critical hit when I blocked my [ __ ]

Arrow about to log on W even though I thought you said that like I don’t know oh my God I almost just had a [ __ ] heart attack why creeper just about exploded all of my [ __ ] work that I was just doing like for the last 30 minutes found a Charged Creeper what did

You place like four blocks no I I’ve been placing so many shoot me again try me bit oh that’s an orca that’s another Orca hell no I’m back in the snow biome what happened help they’re oh oh help me there are four around villager base I’m going to kill them all I am

Lagging I am too but I’m being chased by four whales I think it was a server thing then oh it’s good smug joined why is this boat so [ __ ] fast wait are these orcas giving me superpowers L let you see through I got four of them homies don’t eat me

If it said that to your homies you have a problem yes sir friends don’t eat me guys please stop eating me brother I’m literally one of you I’m not food I’m not [ __ ] food you idiots um mugas you can join the group chat just click G uh v g um actually

Oh my God axes are kind of cracked for like fighting I know just realiz yeah you were fighting with your fist earlier oh my God what is that please tell me it’s a waste no keep asking it will never be a what the hell so many times I get my

Hopes up CU I’m like oh a village a village they always have waste and what what heard me no le chats in this you didn’t uh why is it called Ben to well CU Ben so good oh Ben didn’t work so now it’s Ben too yeah we executed him we fired his

Ass okay shoot me again double dare you [ __ ] Minecraft is z be saying Ben Bro I got to Swatch my crossbow [ __ ] y get switch plade [ __ ] crossbow like no one nearby yeah I went like 4,000 blocks away Sor I don’t need that I’m like 10,000 buing why are all the snow leopards asleep like seriously goat horn I found a goat horn guys racist or something

It’s nice though it’s really nice actually like I feel like you would like it I mean I’ve been chased by four different [ __ ] kinds of whales so wait you can see my house from it no but I still feel like it would be a nice place for like all of us honestly yeah

Well I’m not going over there I’ve built my house already yeah I don’t know where anyone lives yes you do get your front door I evicted chase by you not see me so you own the house yeah you own the Airbnb basically I shot the owner that makes him yeah he kind of

Busted my ass that was only really delayed I don’t know if you guys heard it but I like I [ __ ] I took a big breath I was like yeah I of did Jesus yeah Jesus indeed yes yes God damn it these ice is too fast what the ice is too fast oh I’m

Using a boat on ice and because for some reason my boat is like super fast for some stupid reason it’s even faster change my map ke I need a shot ouch for a rig oh this is super nice dude what can I live here instead this is really

Nice n it’s got bed oh it’s got It’s for villagers oh my God is on the map you will not see where I am I see someone’s house outline you want to know what my coordinates are no 564 – 12,24 oh yeah mine’s netive 3,500 uh NE

4,26 whose house is on the planes like is in a plane H I don’t think so they like it’s like a really weird shape we should have slept like 15 minutes ago I’m going be real I’ve been playing like dying light for the past 15 minutes my God I mean

There’s beds in this house that I’m at I can’t this bed no I mean this I can leave the game though I can I mean in theory I can sleep I stole this other dude’s bed dude shot the guy in the bed yeah it’s basically day right now yeah but I’m

Sleeping now I’m sleeping because you know lazy I swear to God if I see another orer I’m going to strangle someone yeah you can sleep yeah there was four of those [ __ ] smoker killer the killer whale thing they weren’t very killer to be honest they broke a lot of ice for Me there are four moose over there mes moose cu no oh something me out I’m taking it where’d it go I have to grab it it wasn’t me oh I Ain gra come here kitty you can take it if you want I’m grab it from behind no it’s killing the Villager dude

Hey here you fat [ __ ] hey dude why did that villager actually just stand there he’s suicide he’s like oh I want to I’m getting killed let me just stand here I was going to try and kitty kitty you I [ __ ] I just I nearly threw a snowball out of [ __ ]

Moose oh dude over here is really nice so I’m a little bit far but I think it would be nice um so it’s 1,800 and then 73 and then 16 18800 let me CH oh my God you guys are all so far away oh that’s a moose 1800 I have a waypoint so once you once I discover it as long as you have another one discovered then you can get back to your climaxing uh sorry

1,00 uh and then ignore the middle one and then 16 like negative 1600 that’s why I asked you for the last one Chase can you DM me the cords uh I know how to play Minecraft God damn it thank you I have to grab a cat how do I walk oh it is

As use your arrow keys what the hell is that are you coming now who us Arrow no so I can go there okay brother this guy s It’s A Wig look at the I’m going to make a lobster farm so no one can get lobsters of this I’m calling lobsters

I’m make a snow leopard f a potato there you go it’s it’s just in the normal one Jordy all right bet I’ll I’ll commit crimes oh this place is so green and grassy place is super green and grassy my ass grass land ooh what’s this

What is this place is kind of Al so beautiful must be a sign 700 blocks that oh they oh it’s a signed to a village it’s a um so if you find signs out in the middle of nowhere um if you go in that direction that it’s talking about 700

Blocks a certain way you can find a village oh well how did I not find this Village when I went 700 blocks I also sunk in the snow many many times I’m just using the number as like a example Chase you’re 6,000 I mean like I found I

Found a sign that said go 700 blocks uh like West and I went like 700 blocks and then I kept sinking in the snow but I didn’t find anything it could have been buried baby I sunk in the snow and then like fell into a cave died and then

Undertale get over here you fat [ __ ] sand while I’m here I’m going to tackle [ __ ] cat I haven’t seen I need to play aain yeah for Minecraft no for a cat been chasing this cat for like 10 minutes God damn it you leave that cat alone no taking at home I don’t have

Fish what you do that wonder wonder [ __ ] hates me I like I’m going to beat someone like me does anyone have a lead no I do you do mhm all right we have to kidnap some snow cats oh you know traveling this far would be a lot less interesting if I was just

Like not in a group chat here oh yeah I would have quit [ __ ] cat wow I threw snowball it and immediately turned around can I just not pick it up you got offended Jordan like what the [ __ ] are you doing I don’t have fish I don’t have a fishing rod I don’t

Even have a rod damn yeah pan oh I got it for a second I got it what did he say this guy I caught the cat yes caught the kitty you know it’s going to be a pain they ask to carry this to your new spot Chase what is the

Cat yeah bro’s going on a [ __ ] bro’s going on slowness one this cat does not want to be here it hasn’t made a noise so I picked it up is everyone just like abandoning where we have originally set up Place well I live I still live

There I like my house it’s pretty close there’s no W there’s no wa Stone here I have house I see blink’s house this is blinky’s house no it’s Binky not Blinky brother I still haven’t seen blinkies blanket I still haven’t seen blankie W blanket come rag what what what dude I’m

Stre God who said that God this guy I can’t take this guy anyway I might have to drop this cat off a cliff cuz I’m about to get [ __ ] charged he’ll survive leave me alone I have a cat in my hands oh suck my meat oh

What what oh I found a stone I found a sign it’s a sign [ __ ] not following it cuz I just came from that direction why did it get so dark and ominous when you did that but I’m not following it but I’m not following this cat is not [ __ ] happy

I do find I did find some other structures big structures uhoh uhoh me I’m going to have to okay in the back man bless you sorry guys I can’t you Snee shot I just heard uhoh uh oh some Zeus [Laughter] sorry just kidna this cat please stop how do I make a [ __ ]

Slap oh God are so smart dude why is there a a hoe here what’s she doing here don’t call me that no there’s a wooden hoe here but it’s like you my feeling there’s a used ho here not even Diamond ho you would be a wooden hoe I can be a diamond hoe

There’s a used hoe here guys this time ho there’s a very a hole here why is there a used crossbow here too oh talking about my other side oh my God I’m laded I can’t use crossbow that’s like oh Stone it’s like damn bro I say that again why is this B

Yeah it’s a Way Stone I haven’t found one fart fart away oh my God that’s so funny I’m almost there I’m home that a is that a seag it’s been such a long time mine oh wait that’s a be never mind yeah that’s not me did you loot this chest on the way

Over there yeah I did you say did did you say spy glass or smugg remember he said smug clothes he thought he thought I was a bee I don’t a bee bro is not a bee the Eerie sound is white yeah yeah dude really I haven’t even seen his face

Cam no I me just profile’s white oh yeah yes he’s white like oh guys no no racial talk on stream okay you can get Bann oh you can get banned connection lost no that server crashed did the server crash it did brother oh brother this guy stin um hold

On oh uh put that right there I really hope it saves that I’ve got that wayist stone what the heck what hey what’s happening here oh you went on my stream and said bro did you guys hear that I was like don’t say that you guys can get ban and

Talk you can get banned and I I laughed I was like dude and then my game crashes I was like in a way like that’s too [ __ ] ironic yeah all I want to finish my [ __ ] house I’ve been actually building it for the last two hours it’s up let’s get a thing

Cuz if I got glasses um yo what the hell yo what the hell where am I okay no racist talk you can get banned it didn’t go that far back I don’t have a pickaxe right that’s just cuz I don’t have one ra Like a

G6 like a g let’s talk about race again no please I don’t want to all right let’s be Ben sh hero what race is Shapiro blue ugly oh Chase do you have a waist on at your base or he’s not even in yet God damn it it’s a hummingbird it’s so cute

Um die by the way guys there’s a such thing as a golden tree golden Freddy tree no it can actually actual gold tree I can drop gold apples oh what oh yeah there is yeah I got a tip on the main menu wow those tips really coming through

God my best oh I don’t have oh God it’s almost night God by the time I get to this area I’ll will be 80 years old are you still carrying the cat yes okay you’re lucky it didn’t just no he’s about to get shot with a skeleton though oh

Shield me Shi Super Boat time holy [ __ ] I’m like going MOX six I just went outside of the chunk render distance with this boat what the [ __ ] Chase Chase where did he go where is why is there a random villager here I summon them this snow leopard has been following

Me there’s nothing you can do to stop me uh I will call the IRS inside hurry up um right uh hey oh are we going to sleep guess so I am back home are you or are you not I’m back home I’m fine okay going right back boo boo F join the

Thing join it leave the game then just [ __ ] don’t moo at me you bastard said Moon up meow it’s been like two two and a half three hours Chase could have been streaming me up we’re just enjoy should we’re enjoying it no I mean like Chase I chase

Would have but he he thought he was going to be leaving like soon after joining the server he didn’t think he was going to play for long his little girl thing his what calling Chris handsome little girl thing yeah little she’s probably liter than me maybe age wise you got glasses 3D

Glasses it’s like three something yeah mom what are we sleeping I am I have I don’t want to go outside I have been like Drop kicking zombes IES and [ __ ] all day this raccoon wants my carrot what oh I just got under tailed are you kidding

Me I about to get under tailed I swear to [ __ ] God I don’t know what that means means falling through a hole and then hitting the ground very hard that happened to me earlier right I almost died but I had a armable life I us said chicken charm of Life chcken

Chicken I got a big cheese oh the zombies dying of frost bite is everyone else sleeping oh nobody leaving no I’m going far far away again guys there’s so much snow around me that I literally can’t move through it I get frostbite as soon as I try yeah

That uh that you have to build on top of it I’m I’m not a fortnite l am but I don’t play build you don’t what what was that I won I beat Minecraft you beat people beat Minecraft who’s Minecraft who is he that’s some explaining to who is Minecraft know that

Guy okay I’m be a hoe real quick okay punch a [ __ ] spider I your fertile season do you know what it’s your fertile season I don’t have a season I’m going to [ __ ] Drop Kick the spider I slap this [ __ ] call me op Prim by the [Laughter]

Way all time to go mock six and exit the [ __ ] server’s chunk R distance I slam into a wall I will die oh if we go through the E glasses that was a terrifying noise me biting my nail no yummy crunch crunch is that skull cursed crunch

Crunch they call me that’s good [ __ ] off creeper am I just abing my house now I work so well it took you 20 years it took you 200 million days y Chase if you’ve been watching my stream this whole time and I’ve been streaming for six and a half hours you

Could have stream I haven’t dude then oh that’s pretty good Chase I’m still 4,000 blocks away from your area and I’m almost out of food oh it’s uh it’s pretty cool okay I’ll leave the house and I’ll come to you Woodward’s house God it’s still night time guys and I’m still sleeping

Sleep harder I don’t know I abandoned the sleeping I just took a screenshot for some reason I almost died getting to this house so I I went to bed okay I like don’t have a proper place to put down my bed yet it’s fine I got up put down bed think anyone can

Actually can I sleep in your walls nope again I’m being chased by got a question for you can I sleep in your walls perhaps oh I almost fell in a hole sleep in your floorboards sleep in your ceiling I hate snow biomes shees yes you um that

[ __ ] what kind of biome do you is it possible that I’m in a snow biome right I am too but I’ve fallen through several undertale holes I hate snow well it’s winter it’s I don’t live in a snow biome it’s just winter right now oh I don’t have the

Shaders on I’m in a tundra I don’t have torches at all excuse me do you live on a mountain no Liv in Iraq lives in Iraq what is with you and Iraq well they committed some crimes but so did we everyone’s committed some yeah you and you I have not I’m in bed

I’m in bed go to bed go to bed go to bed go to bed sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep so I can disconnect guys there’s like eight [ __ ] creatures come touch my ass help me there’s a zombie villager zombie villager can you should trap him nuh [ __ ] you mean nuh-uh

Well they always spawn near by me so I’m going to up shut up maybe because you’re a zombie villager I’m actually a devil what actually because you’re yeah e son is a devil I’m just his Persona no fur oh see I have gloves have gloves for what

Gynecologist oh I just I just have iron gloves why the person thing that comes to mine with gloves well I would have said robbery but that’s a better answer uh what the hell I can’t climb this hill what the hell just grow some legs I need a wheelchair

Bro a grappling hook in a wheelchair when are you going to add Wheelchairs and disabilities to Minecraft they already did they already they did Phantoms exist oh yeah called abusive Deads and ABS dude there’s mimics and you can get items from them yeah you have to throat them oh um like the

Chest yeah have to throat the chest what the hell is this light source wrong with you lots of things but want to be specific ooh I’m still 4,000 blocks away God damn it Chase why did you have to go to Narnia he’s still he left for a moment God damn

Hi I’m like doing the Hokey pokei trying to get over here cuz I’m almost out of food me too I have six chicken [ __ ] you you Goblin Goblin go Goin what is that that’s a big cave why is there like weird tummy things hanging from the ceiling uh not a cave

That’s not a cave leg tight stringy and white oh those are cobwebs yeah they’re SK where the hell oh they’re stringy in white oh oh [Laughter] e okay I made it to the coordinates that he said and there’s nothing over here that’s cuz he lied to you God

Troll that would be awful I just hunt his ass to the end of the Earth you guys both got different underground he said 1800 16 what’s your height right now he said like 77 or something for the height wait s yo the cords are likea 800600 I’ll at you

Okay he didn’t send me them -600 yeah you went to the entire wrong area oh my God I get to go more this way apparently wait you wait did you go to negative did you go to six I went to 1800 toga 16 I didn’t know there was an 05 at the

End I think we were talking over him when he was time or at least maybe me I can’t hear jack [ __ ] I’m def oh okay place the boat holy [ __ ] place the hole I have a boat with a uh chest in it me too I have a big chest why do

You guys say boat weird Boat Boat you guys want to say the N Bo Constructor you say boat I say boat Constructor bro Bo boat I don’t even know how I say yeah that I think the server is about to take a [ __ ] probably I sure Hope’s happening it’s fine for

Me well the chunks are not very chunky oh I broke a block and it broke IMM why do I have an item called The Crab oh it’s an item you eat it eat crab no thank you I’m getting in a boat I ain’t eating the Crusty oh hey I found two SOC

It is a skunk look like that yeah just like poisons you it poisons you it shits in your face and walks away basically yeah I punched one [Laughter] and only in Minecraft can you punch a skunk do it in real life it’ll just like yeah terrible [ __ ] on you maybe I mean

Not not if it’s cool like that if if it was okay with being punched it’s probably a mocus and also concerning it’s not it’s a man dress like it’s aili D did that just so that he could like f on everybody he’s not even here to defend

Himself I still feel bad about Garrett not really that’s funny [ __ ] yeah that wasil just a tower shut up you like feet it wasn’t even Garrett shut the beat smeller says shut shut you smell like Fe you’re literally a raccoon oh I feel very very bad get ear full

Later mind it’s all good [Laughter] guys was so quick I I was falling all of a sudden I was falling and then I landed and it was okay I’m still waiting to be approved to be streaming so oh yeah yeah yeah that’s going to take 24 hours streaming that’s

Stupid YouTube or like YouTube [ __ ] twitch there’s no audience there very tiny audience you get the one guy right away that’s like hey would you like me to be a manager for you yeah I got that I got that guy and I was like no I’m doing perfect L fine right

Now I don’t need a manager and then like I was at zero viewers for the rest of the yep the rest of the 5 Hour stream the kid that wants to play on the server one it’s uh on it was on Twitch forever ago when I

Valer no I’m on a seven hour stream about now been streaming for almost 9 hours today cuz earlier I was streamed for an hour and 40 oh nice yeah what Way Stone he just Creed found a way Stone guys heard oh I just under tailed myself I like this Forest I

Don’t chase goes I will follow like the crest station that I am get inside walls I’m talking about like the snail I guess the snail is a gastropod my bad what sna you guys know about the like meme ond where it’s like the snails chasing you forever if it catches up to

You it would literally take so long for that snail to catch you you would be 80 by the time it moved about 5 miles but what if you live at the same location for like your entire life then you’re an idiot yeah then once he catches up to you you have to

Move yeah true oh [ __ ] I gotta move seven feet sorry no I mean FS could be ever see tur Sor something name a deep just GBL me never see that movie T turbo I’ve never seen that movie and I don’t want to see that movie why you’re not from the Golden

Era no I’m not I don’t want to be a part of that oh [ __ ] that I’m not [ __ ] that boat in the golden area just before I am a Pirate I will pirate more oh oh yeah you found the big giant boat yeah I’m not raiding that I would get merked

Immediately yeah I know that you got a lot of emeralds if you pass yeah a whole three I got like 13 earlier from just like killing like seven Villers I don’t I got 32 from two outposts and that was easy as [ __ ] I just got hit in the face with the fish

Yeah I just waited at the stop of the top of the stairs and yeah I usually have a shotgun dude I feel like I’m in Terraria the Terraria jungle biome right now actually that might be a thing because some of the Jungle weapons look like Terraria weapons yeah I have found

A second Way Stone God now that I’m not trying to find them man I’m 1,600 blocks away from Chase or wherever he’s supposed to be I found I found his ass isn’t there yes he is Mr if he’s not there I’m going to shoot him where’s my gun yeah yeah

Actually I’ll copper his house in TNT a the server man what the do what the hello [ __ ] B hosting my ass this is some [ __ ] said anything racist not no not this uh that was just pure coincidence what happened the world got I banned everybody bro so do we know why it does that no [ __ ] yeah just ch it up the [ __ ]

So do we just try to rejoin every time I guess well I just have to restart the server every time okay so we have to start from from new now right so 100% yeah to restart so I’ve been streaming for seven hours in this one stream that’s insane yeah I

Have fun downloading that for one clip that that I I was thinking about it for that one clip nice 40 gig file uh oh 110 views in the last 48 hours butt cheeks oh wait hold on is there a dashboard oh hey my dashboard actually does say something now says two

Subscribers cool wow oh very sick I think it looks great like that server up yep yes I’m not far away to create Ben for let’s create bend after hello Game hurry up this is if mby dick and his friend [ __ ] comes up here I’m going to be screwed those attack you oh my god gorillas dude oh you’re you were in this kind of jungle yeah ah like those one and the vanilla one yeah that one too yeah it’s

Just they happen to share the same spawn you’re Rock Lobster oh Family Guy Rocker have a ringtone for that I should set my ringtone for that yeah if I could hit in the face with a fish I’m going to be angry Rock Lobster I’m a thousand blocks away in counting this is something oh you’re kidding me dude I I got two way stones

Right but the server thing did that thing so I only have one a cuz I didn’t notice in time so I didn’t end up looking for it for that second nerd real I don’t even think I want to get my stuff from the old spawn if I’m being honest

Yeah I’ve been traveling for over like an hour I mean I know that the server is definitely good because it’s using 4,000 megabyte or gigs of or 4 gigs of RAM and it’s an 8 gig server and it’s a premium so it should good what is it a month

Like how much is it a month you don’t mind 30 bucks that’s that’s it could be a lot worse I was thinking like 60 oh yeah no actually I’ve used This Server host for pretty like for a while it’s pretty good B uh no I don’t this mod pack sponsored

By but it is uh T hose I came man like why did Chase have to send me through like the Vietnam jungles to get to his house I don’t this he lives what the hell was that noise [ __ ] off wolf I’m going shoot you with a gun oh it’s

Chase he’s not even in the group chat he’s still talking to someone in a all what a weirdo hey you made it is he there yeah he’s just standing here menacingly Sho no I’m not going to shoot him shoot him yo he lives out in the middle of nowhere where it’s

Cold it’s a snow field did you know that deserts at night are extremely cold no I’m not I’m not muted you’re just not in the group chat idiot hold on won’t hear you cuz you’re in the group chat that [ __ ] left the creeper damn that’s kind of Chase better

Feed me when I get there yeah hello hi feed me asley watch your butt your butt zombie I am at another Village why’s your house outside I don’t I think this is actually a snow biome no cuz it uh it wasn’t when I got here it wasn’t okay well I don’t like the

Field I don’t like the field I’m going to live in the I love you I’m getting [ __ ] asy God stop it you flirt ow excuse me what the actual [ __ ] are you doing I’m going to live in these uh red forests these little I think these are Japanese

Mels oh they are are oh so you’re living nearby you’re Japanese I I guess I’m pack you up everything I’m not going back okay wait Ashley you want to know what else I saw so when I got here I thought oh wait that big building the big Ashley yeah I’m just

Bu are you [ __ ] me why can’t I open this chest you’re like my girlfriend Ashley you get into this gamer mode is what I call it where you like go [ __ ] dead silent for like a while it’s just called gamer thing does I do I don’t

Really I will say right here and right now I [ __ ] do it distance traveled how do I distance walked I’ve I’ve traveled I’ve I’ve walked 11,000 or I walked 11,840 blocks and I’ve sprinted 17,350 blocks man that’s a waste of food honestly put my over here because I’m

Going to die I’ve jumped 15,000 times already dude Ser started today God damn did it hey you’re being attacked oh you’re about to be attacked all right oh gosh mostly Chase but how am I supposed to have bunk beds you sent me to Vietnam to your new house I didn’t not do

Nothing yes you did I’m literally trying to build my home golden gloves what the piss what the freak a Flip you I could have got some bamboo for scaffolding I should have I didn’t really think about it it’s okay oh that’s sick that does oh so it makes it so the tools lose less durability that’s nice I wonder where Blinky is so far away now the

Monster he wasn’t too far at first so far yeah now he’s farther away uh I’m still over here guys I’m still standing dude what are you kidding me I’ve traveled so far that it doesn’t let me see the amount of map that I’ve been on no it doesn’t do that you need like

An actual map for that that’s weird that shouldn’t happen like when you click M mean yeah that’s a bug I think what’s all the snow H what’s with all the snow I don’t [ __ ] yeah I put it there guys that’s [ __ ] you guys able to sleep all

Right I have my rifle on though to invade your house huh you heard me Ashley what is I like it the FL it’s just temporary temp I nearly shot you right in the head actually excuse me the one oh so I’m going to I guess I’ll head to

You guys in the morning also no one no one’s claiming that building over there that’s [ __ ] smoking building h it’s just smoking building yes it’s where I smoke my food [ __ ] what it y Garrett only just started building his house here and then now we’re all gone yeah actually well he’s not well

Garrett’s like how far away was about 3,000 blocks this way oh you need some why is oh my God you terrorist Ashley was that my house no my oh my God my sheepies the creeper was in the pen that’s what happened earlier with

Jordan no oh you did that no I did not I just realized for no reason I fixed that I wasn’t even online I will knock you off this roof buddy where did yall move to I don’t I don’t really know yet I’m still at the same spot they are gone though was that

Excuse me that’s Garrett ow supposed to have a Church on the Hill Albania I don’t know I cannot believe I moved all this way and I have no way to get my stuff I’m a you saying creep Creek bro said I’m a creek freak hey guy this guy sorry someone’s

Moaning what the hell is going on how much arrows do I have I can dude when they play the Guardians of the Galaxy 3 I honestly came my pants a little all dude I can’t be in oh I’m sorry I’m sorry yeah keep a PG chase keep a PG

Money a g are you do you guys have beds perhaps I have a bed for guys want to um I’m living on the ground shut up perhaps it’s almost day yeah but sooner we it’s day I can start traveling to you guys Phantom it’s basically day send me coordinates it’s

Yeah it’s in the group chat it’s in the group chat1 16 good luck getting here by the way so do you have a waypoint Stone when you’re here can you place it no no no I have one I have one look where where I got to touch it where’s

The where is it wait is there a way Stone back at the old days I I have one yeah I don’t know if you guys clicked on it I think I yeah it was in it was in my house originally hold on Mr President Mr President there’s a creeper

There’s a creeper oh no the house oh Jordan you’re a legend what if it almost destroyed the way point that would have been bad I still need a Way Stone yeah you [ __ ] how much xp is me you know I had another Stone it’s like said the SL they do this every

Yearz I had another W Stone then the server crashed and then I lost it nerd Ashley I take offense okay so I’m going to setup shop so yeah I’m going to wait I have been going the wrong direction this whole time idiot I’m moving the waist down I’m

Picking it up you guys are going to have to click on it again why does it look like this they usually look different in it racism I don’t know where you put more pointy and like a cable place it like you sit on it a one of them sbles that’s a wreckable like

Sit call the beer of meat it how are we going to get food I have a bunch of nipples what wait can we not change this I’ve just always had breading bread right there I like it it looks actually pretty good like that like really good that’s like an actual like Courtyard or

Something and move it eventually you guys aren’t do you guys I don’t know if you guys want to make a home here but like I think we you go I go yeah ashy here no no look at Ashley do you see this ladder up here like you can get this chunk here

If you want chunky I can upstairs oh wow I like the way you went up up stairs yeah you like my dumpy I’m a nonbinary so like when there’s a hole there’s a goal you know this is like a little Shack yeah yeah I’m extending it up a little bit ho

There a shack and look I have uh your commoda you’re wearing my clothes yeah they like your laundry soap smells good I don’t know if that’s weird to say the [ __ ] dude oh God oh my God I actually hit Jesus no no no you scared the [ __ ] out of

Me um trying to kill me not really I’m just shooting okay I just need to make some more um I would have aim for Chase but I don’t know if you had armor I don’t I I have nothing I literally everything dipped Jord can I have one of those rabbit

Things uh 400 bucks dude I have like three I have one yes yes now you must find a way to get my stuff from home no way Stone that’s what I’m doing I just have a Way Stone right beside my chest a [ __ ] I need five more yeah for

What are you talking about for a backpack Chase yeah you [ __ ] I have hey whoa I didn’t do anything the [ __ ] will three shot you I’m aware yeah and I’m pretty sure Smoke’s much more aware cuz I’ve no sculptor twice no sculpter I need sand does anyone have

Sand have glass I I don’t think um I just wanted for the windows in the house I have glasses my house my windows wait I have extra glass in my house oh one minute guys I’m just going to call my God all right I’m building my house

Go okay I found you it was a really short distance shut up I had to go 7,000 blocks for this [ __ ] place I just was sted back to my house and then came here oh I’m sorry magic man oh oh right that CH and stole

It like the Communist he is I want to live in this Forest over here but I need a hill where is this called it’s by the chest have here oh I found it yeah I know uh who what the [ __ ] are you want right now back at live here B

Over oh my gosh oh yeah I remember to place my boat hold on Don’t Touch the boat chest it’s my only source of [ __ ] storage right now uh you should tell me the coordinates for G’s house um five 30 iron three though uh I don’t know how you drive a hard bar hold

On sorry I don’t know how to open my w my Waypoint things okay Garrett um he lives at the United states2 she doesn’t uh here I’ll send it DMS it’s going down in the DM it’s processing give it a month or two image.png I don’t know if that sorry I

Don’t know why it’s like that all it’s fine I clicked it I found it I think are you doxing him yet right now that I am heading towards this guy’s current location steal his coal steal his and his land does not help I should not be over at my house

Cuz it’s a little further away from where here it is he lives here this place then here go need to keep away shut up my lady Lady Gaga pretty sure that’s not Lady Gaga shush I don’t know her uh I know her name my God that’s the most dead person

I’ve ever heard of sh she’s like a skeleton onic anymore yeah I’m not surprised it was probably a very short music career you talking about one good song oh I’m not going back on that so Russ she hasn’t made a good song since 1962 1962 yeah when we deployed people to

Vietnam this a guy hey I had to go through the jungle or jungles to get here to go through m jungles I wish I was kidding and lots of ice shame shame it was brief but I going to leave again what what why spend time with my

Py never say that that doesn’t sound like Minecraft to me py my all you can leave now you you can leave now yeah amplification negative 100 you have to give him Sound wow so whenever Chase does it it’s fine but whenever I do it it’s not fine he’s gone to Albania like six times this is so much faster than using a shovel to push all the snow away goodbye yeah goodbye C Albania I need ice not ice

[ __ ] what’s the other glass glassy [ __ ] yeah have some uh how much uh I think it’s like glass panes though oh uh I I don’t really care to be honest oh probably had to go to Albania I don’t know I can get you that stuff oh he’s playing Apex now this

Guy we moved to Albania for him in the middle of Nebraska and now he’s playing Apex this is some [ __ ] so [ __ ] dude Garrett is like patient like across the ocean yeah he’s literally in like the middle of like no ain’t my fault I’m going there to place a was

Stone and then blow up his house we’ll see what happens when the time comes it’s almost night yeah I’m dripped out I have big ass [ __ ] to how many days has it been we’re on day 39 of the in in Minecraft this was 100 days we have done very

Poorly yeah I haven’t died one time that’s that’s a lie no almost died if I didn’t have that uh one I died to a [ __ ] alligator and that was it funny thing is I didn’t even cross an ocean to get there damn bro just traveled even

Further oh yeah I was I was exploring it first not trying to go to Alaska no I Garrett sent in chat that he didn’t even cross the ocean to get to I traveled like 800 blocks on the ocean to get here I don’t know where you want this way

Stone but if you’re in chat somewhere tell me before I just place it somewhere you just place it place it on your bed yeah just place it it doesn’t really matter where to be real cuz I would place it somewhere and then be like yeah you can move it later

But if I did that then I wouldn’t be able to teleport to it because he’ moved it yeah true that’d be annoying cuz then I have to cross the ocean again to get to him yeah so have you found more Medusa a my house doesn’t have walls there’s no Windows no lights no

Music I don’t have a regular furnace do I I do excuse me I am autism Prime oh now my coal for now we’ll place it where this torch is oh sir Ste key sir feet I have one that is 13.5 kilomet away wow BR has the go to Planet get there

The in 1962 didn’t even cross the ocean to get here he came all CH for Columbus be like my map is crazy a buy I need a chest I need wood I need a lot of things why didn’t I make this house any bigger God damn it I already hate

It I’ve been I’ve been from zero a negative 15,000 oh wait hold on God damn Negative there we go dude mobs just not spawn in this biome because I’m I Oh no that is is hook everything from my chest oh [ __ ] arms you have any uh sleeping okay good okay good now I need glass I must create my farm oh right yeah yeah I’ll grab that ass lick some cheeks over here you oh thought you what the hell’s

Wrong with me thanks probably more let’s go make a farm now yes I must go Bust It Down yes okay whoever made op the Oculus should do the glass combining thing yeah it looks weird like that that iron hole good good I will take these and then I will Bring wait hold on uh let me me actually other bucket [ __ ] It these gloves are like so busy make sure they’re actually like getting used out of these [ __ ] tools I wonder how you get the other variants of tools or the gloves sorry I’m [ __ ] you can’t craft them there’s no recipe I checked maybe you have to fight Zeus for or Gon

Do Gandalf the White Gandalf the black gandal the stupid I am digging straight [ __ ] down cuz I am never going in a cave from the’s Grandpa murmur ass [ __ ] I ain’t touching that [ __ ] oh sorry I to leave the the screams with the damn noral oh hell no I’m going to wreck

Where the [ __ ] okay I’m closing this [ __ ] off oh here we go you get bit The oh my goodness that this hole oh holy and this is where I will place my sword my ass where am I great I ended up in [ __ ] Satan’s basement oh I think I might have actually did

It looking kind of silly right now uhoh I’m getting the [ __ ] out of here before I get Gangbanged perfect don’t sh perfect oh it’s turned ice yep H we have a problem you [ __ ] spice you need a torch next to it to keep the ice away I need torch who hell me a little Michelangelo is put slabs down to prevent I need to fight

Gon wait a minute wait a minute oh never mind I’m too [ __ ] [ __ ] for this I’m too beard what do rings do do I have to like [ __ ] some what do they do me ready and then I think somewhere I have toad still outch year round Jesus yeah punched up just [ __ ]

Punched that [ __ ] Fist and then okay I apparently only have three cabbage seeds luckily for me though I do have don’t look at the 39 what what the hell dos doing like turn into brass kns what the [ __ ] and just keep planting okay where are the bones grab my bone my

Precious if I go Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam now I go like this I want to beat a guy named Fred Fred oh that’s perfect not then if I put that in there there put these garbages right in here I don’t know if it’s just be tired that sounded funny as [ __ ] what cabbage I’m going to put these cabbages right

Here I’m actually going to put these PES right yeah put these pickles over here I’m making my slave dungeon well not really sex but it’s more like just dungeon 57 bones hell well now I’ve made a small beginning Farm because I’m not sure if I’m going to live here or if I’m going

To go and live by them who the [ __ ] is them racist those guys racist you racist you right R [ __ ] okay man it’s so dark in here that my monitors off oh can I can I put anything in here not really how am I going to get those villagers here I just realized

That Dam that’s like I think are you able to carry the villagers or no no damn that way home is at least home isn’t actually that far it’s only 1500 blocks Huh I’m like that one cat I cannot access my chest there we go holy crap I have a big ass chest You mother basically actually let me look how seriously anly difficult would it get uh realistically it’s not super far [ __ ] my map is broken push to Nether Nothing I can I filter players is this racism h I think if I’m going to transfer my stuff I’m going to wait for everyone to get offline because I would rather be able to sleep whenever possible oh yeah and just carry my chests all the way yeah that’s the funny thing you like

Carry the chest yeah true it’d be super [ __ ] easy D well actually the route is like mostly like mostly grounds but there’s a bit of water oh I hear skeletons dying it’s my job get the hell out of there you bastard oh where did all my arrows go I need

Those to the [ __ ] terrorize smug I’m getting flame arrows soon you need coal Coal I don’t want to look for that I have a metric fuckload of ton coal a ton why is there like two different kinds of [ __ ] oldak wood here or Woods the snow has physics too [ __ ] my Screen I have 27 Oh I have nine 27 just proves that I haven’t died yeah yet yeah that was malicious I hate let or pirate you like that me yeah it’s only good me real oh my gosh what fell in a hole but luckily I

Landed in water why I I need to like pay attention like the 14th hole I fell in and I’ve survived every single one and some day you’re Luck run up prob going to carry my water bucket in case I need to like try an MLG water

Bucket I failed main all of those but like it works I’ve survived a couple I’ve survived a couple but they weren’t far dropped yeah it’s likly they wouldn’t kill us hey wait a minute are you back at that area where or were back at the area

Where I was in the hole no I’m 14,000 blocks away oh back to the Far Far Away God damn it I’m going even further Why Try oh my God damn my ball Hurt what the hell a Venum Venum oh it’s a very shitty or does like nothing oh God damn oh I can make a Venum block yeah or Venum shears for whatever [ __ ] reason gives you like a lot more I wish let’s see there’s veridium there is steel

Leaf which requires steel leaf which is from a block of steel leaf which is made out of steel leaf from a block of steel leaf D don’t you dare touch me you Bastard a fish pick a Nick basket who’s Nick and why did you pick him I’m shooting a bear in the face yeah dubs in the chat I only have like four arrows oh wait what the hell is this Oak support wait what is that I killed the bear I feel manly oh I

Had one Arrow left what the [ __ ] [ __ ] hell Falcon R glove does that mean I can get a falcon wait I haven’t even checked how much distance I’ve traveled by boat cuz probably traveled quite a lot six yeah yeah it Distance by boat zero cenm bro I’m not too sure if that’s true

Game um actually actually probably 17 billions my God I have seen a grand Holo four [ __ ] or trying to [ __ ] me we have a food problem out here I’m going be real yeah I have because you have a house the garden and I travel a lot maybe too much break his

Leg wait a minute but then how will I ever do anything you can make a grappling scook hook it’s like a grappling hook but not what the f title claw how do you get that oh great it’s kill the Lev Abyssal egg music disc if you ever

Get a music disc from a boss and it’s like super difficult I would cry I have three music discs all terrible ones but I have them average Minecraft [ __ ] music discs know there is a boss in here that gives you really cool music disc music no what the [ __ ] that play

Zan I do not know his name his name is Jeff yeah that’s why his name is Dark Soul yeah Sun alter what the [ __ ] oh Sun alter that’s the a b oh great oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot what I was stealing everything from just yeah that sounds about white a lot of

Stuff yeah me too what the [ __ ] incomplete wither spawn egg what the [ __ ] yeah that’s scary for real five attack damage six what the hell is the point of a machete slightly faster like infused Hatchet yeah MLG Bucket from like four blocks in the air You’ have only broken your toes not even

Probably oh all right I gotta get off CU I got to go take a nap all right peace we’ll see how long I can all right but peace why all righty oh my God oh my gosh oh now I can just sleep through the night night dude I’m sorry if that was

Loud probably very loud that is this is where you just oh my gosh righty just searching for like absolute if I can get a lot of um stone that would be great but I’m mainly looking for villages they usually have W or they possible for them oh I have given a raccoon bread

Hold on get back here I need you for the thumbnail all right that’s perfect good job I don’t think I’ll ever use that hey if I do it’ll be for like the next stream I have been streaming for um eight No 9 hours and 20 minutes today 7 hours and 43 minutes

7 hours and 43 minutes before the stre bad did yeah I also got a picture for the thumbnail your thumbnail your thumbnail and title I found me in Minecraft I do not know what there might be up I know in the last time we played played um better Minecraft the older one

There was like there was structures left and right now But what is is that wish I could zoom but there’s no like mods or anything that let you zoom in in this can’t do OptiFine and I couldn’t do uh XI Zoom so was mods or anything well doesn’t even matter man if I zoomed into it I would have found out that it

Was just three any melon I’ll just grab those decoration they’re good cuz you get a lot of them but they’re also not oh raining oh brother guys stins wa on cool now I have a waist Stone in case I need to get back right now is that a waist Stone over

There God I wish I could zoom I can’t tell what that is over there got a glimpse at it and was like that’s a waste on that looks like a could be a waste on I don’t think it is Stone yeah it’s just Stone of stone and me think you’re a away Stone

Like that that’s crazy oh brother um I am going to be walking a long time I F but got to make new iron arm or I got to go mining later and get diamond get diamond like my set get what is the best armor netherite there’s iron gold emerald

Diamond I thought there was even better um okay so that’s four that’s seven oh wait no okay that’s that’s nine that’s nine all right so like wait okay so the diamond one is better than the okay cool water my stomy is crumbly C maybe maybe if I stream couple hours

Maybe I’ll get some after that and there’s still nothing woo what is that oh it’s a skunk oh brother you smell but was right in my way you walking they walking funny oh W Stone oh brother oh I didn’t mean to do that ored brawler oh elephants hello they called rles

Are they are huge and they are called elephant elephant awesome why are these everywhere dude I keep finding those random oh brother this guy stinks right there’s a parrot here oh shoot notice that I’m getting hungry like that even know was hungry like that I kind of wish I had a

Bed or hold on Big Brain move here w oh I go like oh oh okay go like this and I sleep and then I go back to W daytime oh brother it’s lagging I teleported here okay I keep going up this way Oh there’s kangaroos here oh I know that they Dro meat back back what is that armadillo you’re in your show buddy but you’re coming with me are you voting for 20 that’s the mod H good okay goodbye Mr armadillo l pretty fast B oh Prett hold on let’s see this or call alone there we go ouch oh wait bone blocks that’s perfect or yeah bone blocks bled Perfect Dude these bone blocks have so much bone meal like per one nine bone meal I am fishing and swim bone meal 25 bone blocks

D he bone blocks gives you back okay hello wow quite a bit up here or big this is a big mountain how do you tell ele oh hey they well just by my hey what massive PL biome if I find a good structure in here maybe I’ll place a Was oh are those rabbits those are not I was about to be very EXC excited cuz I’d love the backpack rabbits are so rare to finding the snow cuz that’s where I found them but like I could holy what’s that what is that oh it’s just a soul campfire

Okay like is that a diamond block what is Shrine I could put a waste on there or something oh excuse me but hungry hungry this stream is about to be eight hours eight hours long wow so cool maybe this is a that is a big cave yeah cool y let all

A lot of an there’s a lot of animal see them all up here oh no I can sheep they’re all sectioned sheep pigs cows cows fish why are they so sectioned negative – 20,000 is where I’m at that is crazy lie I have no idea how I’m going to turn this uh eight

Hours of Minecraft into a video if I do decide to turn into a video if I don’t I’ll have no trouble there is so much here I need to kill them all oh but I do need to Get Ready Pig time time to get pigging around we don’t Pig around with pigs here where’s the other pigs oh any of that actually I EGS are over here it like just this Forest that got so many animals in it like happened what Just Happening Here Um and over here now I think I’m going to have to they keep respawning I like I have to put a waist on and of the food or look at that there’s still food like animals now that I’ve back here there hey get over here hey you Pig well I will keep going this way land saved I’m ever in need of like that guy let’s just get going Then doie me there’s still a lot of animals over here too holy crap is it this biome lavender field that why wait what can other can make whatever that is awesome awesome awesome if everybody’s ready tomorrow probably go toight Forest tomorrow oh wait no never mind

Not on GAR is home schol I will be at Work I get home it’s only 1 hour oh well good now discovered that seab beats exist I don’t require your wool do wor don’t threet you as a yeah I just keep coming across a lot of bread need a bread bread naturally attract oh stream keeps kicking me out dude

What I’ve seen the viewer count just going down and up and down and up something like that shouldn’t if it’s from the if it’s on YouTube’s end or if it’s like friender I don’t really I know is that the connection’s pretty all right here I think except for the fact that you said

YouTube said going to dude that’s a giant hole that hole good a lot of diamonds least one but that is not my focus current oh oh I didn’t know what that was we so Freddy Fazbear me a let eat help more and more that wouldn’t be great would it be good

Stream still just kicking you what the hell oh be hello oh Freddy Fazbear good me oh big out of this biome of old growth Pine tiger into River where oh now I’m in the field am I just going right back in there cool oh oh that was

That was a quick Ravine or a quick M shaft red my bread is but if you are a wheat breeding bread found pretty useless to think about but Hey Hey sir how’s it going oh shoot oh oh crap he’s using his combos on me back up you back up he’s trying to combo

Me I was going to go down under the water too but now I can’t because this guy’s using spamming all of the buttons oh there’s another one oh there’s another one over there dude he is not going to stop following me deep old oh look at that

I would go over there but I got company cuz like there’s chest under there too so oh crap you’re not coming after me now are you okay good hello going cool good job Buddy brother is still following me no way that’ll be terrible if it like um like the server crashed but it’ll be terrible if um what’s it called oh yeah if I just spawn there and then that guy just kills me that’ll be hor cuz then then I’m just I’ve lost a

Lot of stuff actually I don’t have that much I just have I do have a was on but I should spawn at my house anyway all L is like 27 levels or however many I had which I wouldn’t be super happy about but it is what it is it is up let’s just

See it goes I’m pretty sure I respawn in the boat anyways um I didn’t on that close to where I thought how far back am I I am over here brother this guy stinks okay well I was I guess it saved what I what I did on the map but like

Weird okay I guess I’ll just go like this way and hope not to run into that guy then I can’t do anything that guy was over there I’m going here if you know what I’m wait a minute that this look there’s a guardian right there Buddy he’s not trying to kill me is he I hope not Wick as hell well I’m not getting out of the boat now I wanted to go into that okay second plan is ruined again because of an ocean um hold on okay good nothing faing me otherwise that would have probably been pretty

Bad that could have sucked that ready already how far I don’t want to go that way back those guys stuck Bumble you until they crash your server we old h right wait I completely blanked out there for a while said zero words up on the stand give me one moment

You know maybe we should stop at this island place a Way Stone go home sleep in back that I don’t I More 22,000 col or two k blocks go onward again what are those oh those are bees oh that’s a village over here see it on the map like all the villagers oh and also I can I guess I can see that’ll be perfect I really hope it has a wasone uh this

Nice Village of that part is that oh brother thanks there’s the waist Stone perfect wait hold on did that the Animal Land already traveled 3, 141 blocks put a Razor what is in here why is there always just used like things is a nice roof though I like the I like that black brick or whatever is where the hell is well that did not look like an MLG bucket yeah I’m getting to the point where my inventory is pretty

Full my inventory is quite full oh Wow big hole oh wait what oh wait is this hold on I need to those there I put there now I have this is a deep hole I don’t even know where I was on the like how high up was this is insane holy you son of a

Gun you son of a gun that scared me dude we live down here um um um you’re weak okay okay okay I can work with this they are really weak really really weak don’t want oh wait actually thr those there there there that twig there that there okay never mind oh that was

Useless because uh that there put that there there I’ll want to need them later take This thunder strike guess I’ll take coal maybe now I want the I want the sticks that’s what I Want thing is crazy this like oh yes I can light supplement I don’t Wait oh this is like Terraria don’t need that though to But oh hello grab those these let this this perect now oh right down this wonder if I’m actually going to find something down these I found something down this one paths what is that is that is that the guy from earlier where are you my friend where’d you

Go this music dude I love It ouch um hold on that no no no what’s his name where is he where are you Friend No hello no no no No no No no no no no I remember the name of them they’re super Cool where are you Now oh hey why are there so many emeralds down here what the hell I have never seen them this far down far down am I I’m at six dude it’s like ho but for emeralds wait bro what why is there so many emeralds there’s diamonds here now too wait no

Those there still emeralds never mind never mind all just Emerald cool if those dude that is 31 emeralds I don’t know if that’s tell me to get out from that I had before but that is crazy I’ve never seen that many emeralds all up together I’ve only seen like maybe two at the most I Mr n where is he though like I’m hearing bro but bro is not here no no where bro no no no no no No no no no no no oh wait I haven’t been up this way have I oh no I have no not find bro now I put a was Stone um I only have One and I now now no no Dam I don’t think there’s much of a away because I have um like I think I explored the whole for all of the mine mine cart uh parts of it but you know what I am going to

Do oh no I don’t need a was on it’s right over there maybe I sleep okay now I go back to one break one now I have one I won wait oh I don’t remember what that thing was I saw one of them earlier Crile that all now I’m in The wait is this oh this is a new one oh wait I wonder if this one freck bro no hey got cooked rabbit what an idiot see oh shoot curse of Vanishing umit think I should put it on just for the protection do like my uh hat but

Three diamonds dude that’s crazy that is crazy talk that I found three diamonds that um the beatroot the one Co everything Up good like that oh great that’s only the basement of the house dude my adventure on forever now actually these things that are three it’s probably better to plus one here maybe I’ll take that take that as well for sure good is in there’s no chest up okay right oh hey there’s down

Here gra it here Oo huh h you could kill him for leads but also like the rope in this gives you lead I Don’t I think my saddle’s at home that’d be great to continue horse It’s right here perfect perfect perfect what are these no wait wolf uh no it only gives me bone meal though so little wa what are these oh wait wait wait wait oh wait I did get that rabbit high water breathing cool my the delightful mod I guess they give you half a

Thing why the heck oh wait no I don’t have my turtle helmet on anymore oh now that pop Up’s gone because of that cool all right whatever whatever wait does this have protection no Fire Protection One and breaking cool think I’ve ever gotten chain maill not like uh in survival though I don’t

Know if they do give you it in vanilla’s I think they do in the D not the dunge the um the mob spawn areas by moss and just cave I’m not too though I might be part of the song Oh is see cuz I’m further away from that oh my gosh

Hey I didn’t even know that could happen I thought you just went up waterfalls if you did that weird that’s kind of cool though I don’t even know how I even if I did grab a horse I don’t know how I’d ride it at all a bow and arrow skeleton somewhere or things

Hopefully there is an skeleton I’m not hearing things 2. 8,23 uh which one am I the furthest away from uh M from massive cave massive cave 24.2 cool how very excuse me cool oh hello Turtle I guess I will end stream once I finish this journey here I was thinking of just staying up for a long time more but more point in continuing get insanely ahead of everybody I will just like cool cool Ow oh wait oh hey look another one that’s probably not smart at all if I messed that up I would definitely die and I wouldn’t find my stuff for a long time hey come on now R up here they in my way okay oh oh Skillet although I think I could easily

Craft one of those keep it in my inventory while I have room for it boop boop grab this and feel I hear him I heard him go this way for now Buster if I actually even find one oh cool torches perfect oh there’s actually coal here a good amount of coal Sweet oh that water driet in my right ear wow making me feel some kind of way uh whatever that water drip me T me what oh oh okay this guy ouch ouchy this way CU it seems as though there’s about nothing there okay that’s only I no oh bit up I see him hello what is Up Rascal that’s your name does rascal cause this music I love your Ras I think last time I tried picking up Rascal and it did not Work uh earlier when showed up I tried to Pick Out as showed me his appearance once and then left never to be seen again now hey man what I can’t get Out hello no I tried to give you bread my friend my friend Rascal my friend Rascal who are you wait Rascal trying to give him Bread now what is down There who the heck knows anyways get the heck out of Dodge if we see Rascal we give them Up a piece of bread entire loaf of bread actually oh hello Rascal oh what I didn’t know that he did that that is cool dude what hold on Oh rascal you silly Rascal wait I want to see him again I want to give him a diamond what do he give me raskull I’m on a mission now I have to test out a diamond my mission my final mission for tonight is to give Rascal a

Diamond if he gives me something R Gordon notan cuz rasco is the best he did poof that time I don’t know on if if now all he thinks he’s worth to me R I hear Him then I give him a diamond if I see John I’m not looking for rasing or nothing sure would you sure would suck if rasal appeared right in front of my face and accident J across everything hey face oh I heard him heard rascal Pascal my friend you deserve a

Diamond let’s call him I’m out hello SCH you just can’t find Rascal anywhere holy CRA me out Oh are you oh that does hurt quite a bit friend Ras where dude is man rasal rasal wait so find a rascal three times game oh wait did I did I get something from getting that get something for finding him three times Oh I guess I guess that probably was it though cuz he didn’t take my bread that second time that third time the bread didn’t even touch him but he gave me some so I assumed he took the bread but I guess he not oh well oh well oh well I guess I’m

Just going to have to go and uh find some place that I can place a waste on maybe even find oneor what is that and a slug Co well I guess I me meow yeah oh what perfect perfect do this like that Do rasal lighting spot and now I got to test what it’s like go back there okay okay good good and then probably tomorrow or whenever I stream next probably tomorrow for a little bit before I got to leave Oh my goodness yawn o how far away is that 24 km away oh that’s not pretty far but like going to quickly check this place Gordon’s Gordon’s Hut Like M like M yeah uh it was a quest to make my aquarium so I did it and I made three of them I have two more of those right in here but they don’t connect why I don’t I don’t know what you can put in it part okay so it is

A a 47 that is how many days that this was up for so far go if that would Awful okay oh my goodness not working work okay okay that fixes it for that I’ve definitely un that um that is a lot of walking today holy crap um and the fact that this map is completely endless too like that’s crazy oh wait uh okay back but oh that it’s broken now

Again is it building might in it is okay oh Weir anyways think I’m going to end the stream today today I’ve been streaming for 9 hours in this one and then hour and 40 other one earlier today that it’s 10 like 10 and a half over 10 and a half hours

Of I don’t know about you but that’s pretty crazy but I’ll probably stream again tomorrow I will probably stream a lot of this Minecraft server I don’t know if I’ll make any videos on it but if I do that’ll be a lot of work but other than

That guess I will see you all in the next stream probably

This video, titled ‘Better Minecraft Modpack Streammm!!!’, was uploaded by Sorbxs on 2023-12-07 04:34:33. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 09:06:03 or 32763 seconds.

Im backk #minecraft #mods #modpack

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  • INSANE GAMER BUILDS HOUSE WITH SHIZO – MUST SEE!! #minecraft #demonslayer

    INSANE GAMER BUILDS HOUSE WITH SHIZO - MUST SEE!! #minecraft #demonslayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘how girl build house and……….#minecraft #demonslayer #shorts’, was uploaded by GAMING WITH SADDIN on 2024-02-17 12:23:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Shocking Noob to Hack Master in Minecraft – Omz Roblox Exposed

    Shocking Noob to Hack Master in Minecraft - Omz Roblox ExposedVideo Information today me and my friends are going to be trying to beat Minecraft but what they don’t know is I have access to all commands like game mode creative and I’m going to be pranking them with all of these awesome items they’re going to have no idea I’m cheating so are you guys ready for this awesome survival Minecraft enjoyable experience sersi I’m already on my grind getting some wood yeah everyone we have to get some W Heather buy the wood Alexa buy the wood I’m going to go into this villager’s house and see if… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Transformation: Woggy Man 2012 vs 2022!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Transformation: Woggy Man 2012 vs 2022!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2012 VS 2022’, was uploaded by Woggy Man on 2024-03-24 15:41:07. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, bluexephos, uberhaxornova,… Read More

  • Pvp Legends

    Pvp LegendsWelcome to our Minecraft Factions server! Immerse yourself in a dynamic and competitive world where alliances are forged, battles are waged, and land is conquered. Build your faction, strategize with allies, and engage in epic PvP encounters. Join us for an exhilarating experience where survival depends on both skill and cunning. Will your faction rise to dominance, or will you succumb to the challenges of this unforgiving landscape? Join now and embark on an adventure like no other! Read More

  • Deep Season SMP Semi-vanilla Java 17+ Whitelist Proximity Voice Chat

    Welcome to Deep Season SMP! Hello, Deep Season is striving to create a hermitcraft-like SMP, with a community of active players of all types. We are creating a chill environment where people have the opportunity to create cool things and have fun together. About the Server: The 1.20.6 server officially launched about a week ago on a fresh map. Our shopping district is still in its infancy and the end is locked until next Saturday, so there will be plenty of time to catch up. The server is mostly vanilla, with just a few additions: A few vanilla tweaks datapacks… Read More

  • Bucketry Minecraft 1.21 🌟 [JUST RESET] {Pyro Mining & Pyro Fishing} {Dungeons} {Ranking & Prestiging} {Quest System} {Land Claiming} {Over 200 Unique Enchantments}

    Bucketry Minecraft 1.21 🌟 [JUST RESET] {Pyro Mining & Pyro Fishing} {Dungeons} {Ranking & Prestiging} {Quest System} {Land Claiming} {Over 200 Unique Enchantments}🌐 Server IP: play.bucketry.netDiscord: to Bucketry Minecraft, where the most epic Minecraft adventure of your life awaits! 🌟🌍 Explore a world filled with endless possibilities and challenges, where survival is just the beginning. Here’s a taste of what Bucketry Minecraft has in store for you:🏰 Progression System: Ascend the ranks, conquer challenges, and become a legendary player in our immersive world.🛒 Shops Galore: Build your empire with a plethora of server and player shops, where treasures and riches await your discovery.💼 Jobs & Skills: Take on thrilling jobs and refine your skills to stand out in the world of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 64 TEXTURES!! TOO SPICY!

    Minecraft Memes - 64 TEXTURES!! TOO SPICY!That’s a lot of textures for a game where everything is made of blocks! Maybe they should add a texture for every type of dirt block too. Read More

  • Mob Mysteries: Minecraft’s Savior Lore

    Mob Mysteries: Minecraft's Savior Lore In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of ancient Builders and their trials bold. The trial Chambers, a place of training, For soldiers to fight, their skills attaining. The breeze, a mob with wind charge might, Designed by Builders, to train for the fight. Illagers, allies in this grand scheme, Providing magic and items, like a dream. Crossbows and axes, rewards to gain, From completing trials, a victory to claim. The illagers, a crucial part, In creating the breeze, with a magical art. From Gail Sanctum to trial Chambers deep, The collaboration of friends, secrets to keep. A… Read More

  • Minecraft meme on fire!

    Minecraft meme on fire! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Revamping the Farm in Better Minecraft

    Revamping the Farm in Better Minecraft Enhancing the Farm: Day 10 in Better Minecraft On Day 10 of the epic 1,000-day journey in Better Minecraft, our intrepid explorer set out to improve the farm by adding a touch of natural beauty. Armed with a variety of materials and a creative vision, the farm was about to undergo a stunning transformation. Materials Used: Spruce Fence Dark Oak Fence Ancient Ochre Froglight Crop Heater Crop Chiller Season Detector Redstone Dust Magenta Flower Birch Leaves White Flower Acacia Leaves Apple Acacia Leaves Charcoal Block The farm was about to receive a makeover that would not only enhance its… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle: Ghost Armor | Dungeons & Dragons #3

    Minecraft Battle: Ghost Armor | Dungeons & Dragons #3 Minecraft Dungeons & Dragons Adventure: Fighting a Ghost Armor Introduction In the world of Minecraft, Lennert and BearSpirit embark on an epic adventure in the official Minecraft Dungeons and Dragons DLC. They navigate through the sewers of Candlekeep, facing off against a formidable foe – a ghost armor. Join them as they encounter challenges, puzzles, and more in this thrilling episode of Minecraft D&D. Exploring Candlekeep As Lennert and BearSpirit venture deeper into the dungeon, they come across various obstacles and enemies. From battling janitors in the sewers to discovering hidden treasures, every step brings new surprises. The duo’s… Read More

  • Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!

    Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!Video Information all right y’all what is going on everybody and welcome back to my channel you feel me or if you’re new welcome to my channel you feel me so we’re doing Sky Block again and this is Hypixel Sky Block so it’s like very complicated and [ __ ] from what I from what I’ve noticed let me make the chat smaller actually uh chat settings chat size turn it down to 50 turn this up because it looks weird yeah that’s better that’s better so um I actually tried to play this before with Dennis and my… Read More

  • Ultimate Aquatic Adventure: Season 5 Begins

    Ultimate Aquatic Adventure: Season 5 BeginsVideo Information [Music] iwhere find with you Lon strikes or any shade of blue the J the best part even when the RO is hard I Anywhere [Music] With You This video, titled ‘Minecraft Aquatic Survival Season 5 V2 Intro’, was uploaded by Golden Primvally on 2024-04-20 03:17:39. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. ***************************************** Theme song Credits: The Glitch Explorer’s Theme by Dalekium: Intro & Outro themes: GP: Brand New Journey By Brian Skeel: GP: Journey Into The Haunted Manor: GP: Journey Into The… Read More

  • PurpleGecko’s Insane Deaths in Minecraft #memes

    PurpleGecko's Insane Deaths in Minecraft #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Worst Ways to Die #minecraft #mc #memes’, was uploaded by PurpleGecko on 2024-04-29 14:40:04. It has garnered 4508 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed – Modded Minecraft

    Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed - Modded MinecraftVideo Information greetings humans it is I Bay zipster and today I’ll be showing you how to get to the Aether dimension in modded Mindcraft without the need to find diamonds or mine obsidian step one your typical start punch trees for wood make a pickaxe mine Stone mine coal step to find iron three minimum for one bucket but I recommend finding as much as you can to make more optionally find flint but I forgot to this run so instead you’ll me try a different way to ignite the portal step three find a lava pool preferably on… Read More

  • “SazerStreams: Join Now for Nonstop Lifesteal Fun!” #minecraft #smp

    "SazerStreams: Join Now for Nonstop Lifesteal Fun!" #minecraft #smpVideo Information कैंडल लाइट हैज गन आउट सम वे विन एंड सम वल लूज नथिंग मच एल्स टू से थ आ सर्चिंग फॉर समथ डर क्लोज न साउ टेक लक ए आ एला स्ल आ प् स्लो ड स्लो डाउ स्लो डा [संगीत] स्लो कैंडललाइट है गन आउट सम विल विन एंड सम ल लूस नथि मच एल्स टू से थ आ सर्चिंग फॉर समथि क्लो न साउ टेक अ ल आ [प्रशंसा] स्ल प् स्लो ड से उ से उ से [संगीत] उ कैंडललाइट हैज गन आउट सम वल विन एंड सम वल लूज नथिंग मच एल्स टू से… Read More

  • Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster 😱

    Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster 😱Video Information लोगों को बताऊं यार ये वीडियो एंड ही नहीं हो रही है मैं कर ही नहीं पा रहा यार ये भाई पागल भाई पागल पागल पागल ओके हम आ चुके हैं एंड पोर्टल में एंड पोर्टल में आ चुके हैं हम पोर्टल में घुस तो गए थे मुझे लग रहा था हम दूसरी विलेज में आ जाएंगे लेकिन इस बार हम अलग ही एंड पोर्टल में आ चुके हैं एंड पोर्टल में हम यहां पर आ चुके हैं और यहां पर मुझे कुछ तो गड़बड़ अब यहां पर लग रही है वेट व्हाट यहां पर गाइज एक घर… Read More

  • Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON’T Mine at Night 💄🌙

    Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON'T Mine at Night 💄🌙Video Information don’t mind at night I know you’re looking at that cave and you’re feeling kind of Brave go to bed you’ll be all right don’t mine at night there’s nothing This video, titled ‘Don’t mineee at nighttt #makeup #makeupartist #viral #fyp #minecraft #makeuptutorial #meme #funny’, was uploaded by PorcelainxDoll on 2024-05-25 01:30:52. It has garnered 332 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!

    Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!Video Information [Music] good morning Mikey how did you sleep what are you doing there good morning JJ I thought you’d sleep the whole day as usual I’m just looking at what we can do with our resources and what can we do let’s take a walk around the village hm what is it there there seems to be a seller selling something let’s go there soon and see what he sells mhm Hi man we saw your poster there what does it say here buy a plane hi guys I’m selling a plane that you can buy and fly… Read More