Spooky Minecraft Firehouse Build

Video Information

Hello there and welcome back to 80 craft today i’ve got the second part of my two-part series on building the headquarters from ghostbusters now today i’m going to be covering the full interior decoration piece this is going to be a combination of block by block and just running you through showcasing

What i’ve done where it’s easy to see exactly what that is just by looking at it and this is based entirely on the first and second ghostbusters film and is as authentic as you can achieve i believe at least in in minecraft so don’t go anywhere and let’s get on with the video

The first thing we’re going to do is we’re going to build the iconic wooden lockers that they have in this corner so what we’ll do is we’ll come into this block and we’ll shift click two trapdoors and we’ll shift click onto the next one two trapdoors as well

Then we’re going to come to the other side and shift click two trapdoors in this side once we open all of these up we will get three lockers now above these we’re going to place a shroom light here we’re going to place spruce planks here and here

And we’re then going to come inside each one and start placing some doors on them and we’ll do this for all of them you can place the doors either way or all the same way if we place it this way then we might be able to place them all the

Same way there we go and so you’ve got those now we’re also then going to cover these up with some more of the dark oak trapdoors and on this side like so and then you’ve got the basic design here so this is what it looks like when it’s

Here right next to this now you can either have three or you can have four if you want to have winston’s one as well personally i’ve just gone for the three uh because that’s how it is in the first film and next what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna place facing this way

A loom so it’s facing into the wall it looks like a just a storage box on top of this loom we are going to place uh ourselves a trapdoor we’ll face the place a chest here and then we’ll just place another dark oak trap door on top there and that

Gives you the first bet the other wooden structure that we have is in this corner and in this corner we have a little toilet so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna place three trapdoors up this way and make sure that those are all closed like so we’re gonna come inside

We’re gonna place three this way like this and then we’re going to place a door here sorry the door needs to go that side so you’ve got one there now we need to come inside the build and using a uh an oak trapdoor this time we’re

Gonna do this and this is again the little open section that we’ve got here uh and what we will do is pick up one of these because in this corner we need to place some hidden lighting now in here you can either have a sink or a toilet but what i’m gonna

Use is probably some quartz and just pop that in there and place an upside down quartz stair here and on top of that generally for toilets what i tend to use is they have a heavy weighted pressure plate and there you go you’ve just got your little toilet in here

Now for this alcove here we’re going to build a little shelving unit first of all which is going to be two of the uh darker trap doors and then two shift clicked here so that we’ve got a bit there and then two on top now these ones need to be

Just above these because what we’re going to do is shift click down here and put a brewing stand and then just an item frame with some paper on here now what you can also do and i tend to do every time i use night and frame like this

Is then shift click next to it and you can put a birch trap door there and it completely takes away the item frame it’s just a nice little touch and makes everything look nicer when you want things that are sitting on the sides now we’re going to do the only redstone

In the entire place which is we’re going to place a bell here we’re going to place a redstone torch here i’m replacing the redstone torch mainly for the red light we’re going to put a lever here now you can put something a bit more complex in

If you want behind this because there is a bit of a cavity but this just allows you to ding the bell and call the ghostbusters from wherever they are last thing to do is we’re just going to put an end rod here for a little bit of extra light

Now we have the iconic piece of janine’s desk uh now this is the first the only time that i’m gonna this trick’s been is used a couple of times in this build but it’s the only time i’ll show you the full detail of it and what we’re actually gonna do is

We’re gonna take out this we’re gonna place in a stone cutter and what we’re then gonna do is we’re actually gonna start by placing a stair over the top like this and we are going to place an armor stand on here in this kind of a direction so that when

We put the skeleton skull on which is going to be the computer monitor then it faces a nice angle we then break this block and it drops down what we need to do now is get a block in here like so facing this way and upside down stairs against this

And we are going to be using a piston to move this into the right place so we do that once we can then put a block there and do that again and then we take out the blocks and as you can see you’ve got a nice computer monitor

Here against this desk we’re going to place two more of these like this so she’s got a nice desk here we’re also going to uncover this now with this we need to be a bit careful because as soon as we if we place one on this side it connects up which

Connects to that pillar we don’t want that we need to place a block to place against and then coming around here place on this side just like so then it doesn’t connect to the pillar and when we surround this with some dark oak trapdoors all the way around you get a nice desk

We’re gonna use some nether brick stairs then to pop down here uh as a seat and on top of this we’re just gonna use a stone pressure plate and a stone button to show a keyboard and mouse very very simple design but yeah there you’ve got her computer from

That first first uh film now i’m going to show you a couple of different designs of filing cabinets that you are going to find again later in the build as well so i’ll show them this one time and then you’ll see them uh before so we’re going to come level

With this edge of the desk and we’re going to jump up and we’re going to again we’re going to need to shift click we’re going to jump up and shift click and put two of the the looms in there on top of the looms we’re going to place

Again shift clicking and jungle pressure plates and just very simply shift clicking again some birch some birch buttons on the front so those look really really good next we’re going to come here level with the desk and we need to make sure that we’ve got the middle of the build here

And what we’re going to do is we’re going to place three blast furnaces facing this way and three like this and then we’re going to cover those from this side in some dark oak trapdoors now most of the other ones of this design are against walls so you don’t need this back part

But then coming around to the front we are going to place some item frames on all of these within the item frames we’re going to place some gray stained glass and get that last one and then in each of these again we’re going to take a birch button

And place that in the middle and you just need to click around the item frame so you miss the hit box for that last thing for these again making all of these things spawn proof is one of the key things is to come on top and just place some stone

Pressure plates on top now we’re going to start on peter venkman’s office which sits here in this lovely alcove and the first thing we’re going to do again for its decoration only we’re going to place an observer up this way we’re also going to place two observers this way

Now ideally we want them with the sides if you’re visible you can switch these out if you don’t particularly like the look of these so uh next to those we’re going to place a little seat here in this side seat here a double seat here then we’re gonna get a stripped spruce wood

To put next to this and a trapdoor at the top level with these two these trapdoors running around the edge we’re gonna put a couple of white stained glass panes here and then we are going to need to mark this off so that we can

Get a one by one space and we’re gonna put the picture in and we’re looking for a specific picture and it is that one a black and white one just because that looks exactly well pretty similar to what is in the film we also need to

Put in a little seat here for peter itself we’ll put the desk in the second and for this stage we’re gonna put a fence and this is a spruce fence with a fence gate here because he does have two swinging doors into this place and one which is a

Fence gate here and then three fences to bring us around here to finish off the structure of this what we’re gonna do is we are going to start by placing his desk and what we need to do is make sure that we put an upside down stair there

We’ve then got a slab and these are both the spruce again for the the furniture here uh wrong one and then if we place a stair again we can place an upside down stair here and just get rid of that that gives us the nice desk

He’s got two seats in front of it so we’ll have two birch seats like this we’re also going to because again this is something that’s in the film we’re going to place an end rod here and an end rod here with a mushroom stem with a mushroom stem block on top

And that looks just like the lamps that he has in there now there’s various other little bits of decoration that uh i’m gonna run through here but i won’t show you the block by blocks for those what we do have though is we have a door on this side and

If we come around the other side we’ve got and that’s an oak door we’ve got a nice oak trap door on top of that and the same on the other side here so this one is a inlaid back just a little bit here so let’s bring it do it from the right side

And then put the trapdoor on top so that gives you the basic structure as you can see even without any other decoration that already looks just like the ghostbusters uh main just like the films so i will show you in a second once i’ve filled in all the other little bits

What to do on this we’re going to add a banister as well just going up here using some of the oak trapdoors obviously we can’t put one here because there is the fence but we’ll continue this up like so just so you’ve got a little bit of the banister going up and then

We will place two here and here and that will give us just like a nice banister going up this stairs now what i am going to do is fill in all of the other little decoration pieces in this and then just give you a quick run through

So now i’m just going to run you through some of the the details now all of these obviously i just think i’ve put in some of them are in the film some of them i’ve just put in because there’s spaces to fill basically so for example this room is never shown

In the film so i’ve just put some various different bits and bobs in there so just always pause the video to check out what i’ve done here we’ve got a lectern with a sign and we’ve got a birch trapdoor on top just a little seat again some table area here another little

Table area these are two cones uh in i believe in the film um and ecto one comes up to about here so you can build the ecto-1 it does fit in this gap it has been designed to fit in this gap from my previous video so i will

Uh put a link in the description to that here again we’ve just got some stuff there’s a blue barrel here just got some other bits and pieces and yeah do whatever you like in these bits here we’ve got just a little plant and as we head over here

We’ve got some stuff on the desk again just using things like the like the brewing stand and just putting some things in the pots and using some of the the plant pots as uh cups really then coming back here we’ve got a little bit of storage and just yeah that finishes this level

Next i’m going to take you downstairs and we are going to do the at the basement the only bits i’m going to show you how to do specifically down here are the ghost entry uh bit so what we’re going to do is use a crimson trap door here

Then we’re going to have a lever here and again you can use that lever and put it whichever way you want then there’s just a sign here that you can put something on if you want to say ghost entry and then we’ve got a couple of buttons

There is a yellowy button and a grey button on there now the other thing we’ve got the scalp block from before so we’ve got an item frame on there and we’re just going to put a piece of white stained glass if you have got the pack on or a way

As an up to be able to make the item frames on all of these things invisible that always looks good as well we’ve also got a button here a black button that’s going to be on this machine and then next to that again we have another lever

And we have a redstone torch because there’s a red light so again those are the only specifics i will now fill in the other detailing bits and show you the finished version so now i’ve put some decoration in here and one of the things is i’ve just because we’ve got a stone floor

I’ve just put some oars in to look like things have scraped the floor or have been dropped mainly the iron but i did put some redstone here in front of the machine we’ve got some shelving units just with some bamboo and some some barrels just some bits and pieces

On the wall one thing you’ll notice is because we’ve got hay bales and the lights in the roof i’ve just covered them up with some iron trapdoors and then just put this little desk in that you can see here so again just pause the video or check out the

The video several times to to see where things have gone but yeah this again is film authentic and now we’re gonna go up to the first floor and start working on that so coming to the front of the build first and this is the bedroom that we’ve got

Just off this side and again as film authentic as i can make it there are three sets of beds here with just a bedside table and a lamp another bed on the other side and then i’ve just put some uh fill-in blocks basically here so some some little storage blocks uh with some

Chests and things and then there is a lamp on the floor here so again really really simple nothing major in here now let’s go into the bathroom in here in the bathroom we are gonna put some uh some walls up so what we’re gonna use is some of the birch trapdoors and we’re

Gonna build a three high wall here so we’ve got a full block in this site then we’re gonna place a toilet which is the upside down stairs uh with a heavy weighted pressure plate in here now what we need to do is obviously put some doors on the front of this

Um and we will do this from this side facing out place the door and then come up we need to come from the other side to put the trapdoor on top click on that there we go now we also need to put a door here on this side

So we can do that like so and here again we’re gonna place some more of the trapdoors to build another fake wall just like this and that gives us the two little cubicles now this is going to be a shower and if we come up here and into the shower

We can turn it into a shower by having a lever and then an iron an oak trap door there so it looks like a shower head we’ll have also a little towel rail in here some end rods they’re just going like this that’s a little towel rail

Also gives some nice lighting in here the last thing to do in here is we are going to come this side and place the shape for a sink fill this up with some water now because we’ve got the uh double thick floor beneath it doesn’t give any drips or anything

And lastly just put a tripwire hook as a tap and that’s your bathroom finished we’re now in this big area and there’s a couple of bits i’ll show you and the first of these is how to build this arcade machine that we have in the corner over here

Now first thing we’re going to need to do is we are going to need to break this block here and then place a slab in the bottom we’re also then going to need to place a slab here so that we can dispense the armor stand onto this

Come onto here and place a dispenser facing onto this so we get the armor stand nice and straight next we put the armor stand into this and grab ourselves a button uh we’ll plonk the button on there and then we’ll dispense the armor stand we

Can then get rid of these we don’t need them i’m using then another right helmet so it is important the dispenser faces this way so the helmet’s the right way round we then simply break this block and that falls down now all we need to do is push in the shape

Of here we go the actual machine itself and to do that we’ll need to fly up or in your case not fly up necessarily uh and place some pistons just so that we can get that bit here pushed in could really have just opened the the doors but

Live and learn so we push those in we can break these and get rid of that and then we’ve got pretty much our arcade machine all we then need is the fence gate there like that and then you’ve got a full arcade machine now while we’ve got an arcade machine

Over here we actually have a pinball machine in this space so what we’re going to do is i’m going to be using glowstone any glowing block that’s just basically to light up some of this area because at the moment this is quite dark then we’re also going to use a redstone lamp

Next to that now using again some blocks to stop things from from getting in the way we’re gonna choose what we want the background to be by placing a painting here and let’s get the one there we go that one looks like a nice pinball machine uh sign that

So on top of that we’ll place ourselves a trapdoor on top of this we will place a detector rail here and an activator rail here just because they’re nice and colorful then on this side and on this side we will place ourselves some buttons which mean that when you press them

Things light up now it does obviously cause that trap trap door to to get activated as well but i mean it’s yeah can’t be helped ready then we’re gonna place uh wrong one on this side start placing and trying to get ourselves a nice um there which one should we go for

Um yeah that one will do uh trying to get ourselves some nice paintings to go on either side of this and actually get that creeper one because that looks a bit more there we go and do the same on the other side um a bit more like a pinball machine

There we go then on the front again you can put anything you like on there and that is basically your finished pimple machine now there’s a bunch of shelving and some pillars that go around this wall here so i’m going to show you where those all go

Now what we’re going to do first and foremost is i’m gonna be placing this block here but we are actually gonna be uh doing the arm stand thing that we did with the skull to make another computer facing out this way but i’ll just show you where the pillars go for now

There is a red terracotta and then there’s a gap because obviously the skull and the top of the item stand need to be visible here and then going up the rest of this wall we will have some warped some warped planks we can take this block out so it goes into the ceiling

Like this on this side of it we’re gonna have a couple of crimson trapdoors and then if we just fly up and shift click we can use some warp trap doors going up the rest of the way of of this right the way to the the roof or

Just as close to the roof as we can get basically and then when you’ve got them that’s one edge of this then here we have another divider that goes up and this is the red terracotta this time equally we bring this into the roof here between these we will have some oak stairs

That just sit at either side and then just some slabs again i won’t show you the decoration necessarily what’s on them um in this bit and we also have an oak plank in each of these and then just some slabs connecting them up so that shows you where the basics

Are for for these and then whatever you choose to put on these shelves is up to you but i’ll show you the finished detail in a bit and i’ve just added this computer in here to show you what it looks like again just put the armor stand in there on

Uh on a slab just to make that work now the last bit i’m going to show you in detail on this before running through all of the other decoration is we’ve got a little stove that comes over here so what we’re going to do is leave one gap

Next to this and then on the second we’re going to place ourselves a campfire now on the front of that campfire we’re gonna place an oak sign we’re gonna place upside down oak stair on top of it to catch the smoke and then either side we’re just gonna place two of the oak

Trap doors like this and above it we’re going to run up some underside walls right the way up to the top and then for this top block we’re just going to replace that with a piece of underside like that and there you’ve got this little this little stove in the corner

As per the film uh just pumping away and that gives out a bit of light as well so i’ve now finished the decoration for this area now it seems like a lot’s been done but they’re all relatively simple things so we’ve just got a little bookshelfy type thing here

A lot of these are just decorations in the film there is this fridge which is just some quartz with a door on the front there’s this table again just very simple cement rods as the legs and then some iron trap doors with some seats around and these are oak

Again another little lamp here just the same design as before some other little side tables and things and here we get to the basics of just reusing the same block so things like repeaters things like some daylight sensors just any blocks that look kind of technical and stuff and i’ve

Even thrown ender chest up there so there is one in the build again i just put another little computer here i think there’s one of those in the film as well um these uh these honey um what these called these beehives couldn’t even think of the word there make absolutely brilliant storage crates

So yeah get yourself some beehives and just just fill this area up with stuff is basically what we’re doing and again you can copy exactly what i’ve done here so i will run across here we’ve got again some redstone lamps we’ve got various different things here on these shelves just put

Some more shelves in with the iron trap doors and some of the oak trap doors as well and just yeah this is what we’ve got here i did also just because there isn’t masses of storage in here i’ve just taken this little space that we’ve got and just added

Some some little there’s no point having that one there because it won’t open um but yeah some more storage in here and just also the other thing that i’ve done is added uh some various different bits of hidden uh lighting under the floors you don’t actually need it but

Personally i get a bit paranoid when you’re a level eight light level uh just in case a creeper kind of sneaks in because that’s the last thing that you want so yeah another little filing cabinet is the other thing here but yeah this is this is the second floor and this is

Ass with all the other bits uh film acura so the colors i’ve tried to match as much as possible they’ve got different seating colors uh there we’ve got some jungle we’ve got some sandstone and here we’ve got some polished granite so yeah just check this out these are the bits one

Little extra bit of lighting up there just to make sure everything’s lit um and now we go up to the final floor coming upstairs now to the second floor of the build and the top one before we get to the roof we’re gonna come through here into

What is the kitchen and the first thing that we’re going to be doing in here is we are going to be knocking out these two blocks and there’s a reason for that which is we’re going to be placing a couple of redstone torches here and then placing some furnaces

Now against those furnaces what we’re gonna do is shift click some iron trapdoors and the reason that we’ve got the redstone torches is so that those cha those trapdoors stay closed we’re then gonna again shift clicking on some activator rails detector rails rather and these are going to be the hops here

So yeah that’s the start of the kitchen we’re then going to place some quartz blocks right the way around to here and those are going to be some units we’re going to place another quartz block here and then we’re going to get ourselves a sink going on here so we’re going to

Place one block this way come around here and place one block just there over the top of the sink we will have a little tap there like so and then we’re gonna also place some more blocks so we’ll place four more blocks here as some more kitchen cupboards

Place on top of them just some iron trapdoors that makes them spawn proof not they’re close enough to the lights anyway that they wouldn’t be there is one dark spot in here so we’re going to use a oh not that one get rid of that next one along a couple of the uh

We’re gonna get a couple of the end rods and just have a little strip light going on here then on top of that strip light we can place and carry on this detail here so we’ve got this this little light showing down in the corner we’ve got some of the hobs

There and the last thing that we’re going to do is we’re going to get some of the signs and get some birch signs for this and just start placing some of the birch signs here as some drawers against these cupboards just to give a bit more depth and a bit more interest

And then one over here as well and then basically you’ve got the the details of the the kitchen done obviously you can put things you’ve got a one block gap so you can put things on some of these sides and i will do add some things in onto the various

Different sides around here so as you can see i’ve now finished off the kitchen i’ve just stuck a cake here which is always good for decoration then just some chopping boards with some bread and some chicken on there some sea pickles i’ve put a little table here with some end rods

That’s the legs and just some birch trap doors and some little seats here and the other main thing that you’ll probably notice if you’re eagle-eyed is that i switched the floor out for just this classic uh black and white kitchen style pattern uh just with some some concrete and some smooth quartz

So coming through here there’s also just showing you the other bits up here just a bit of chest storage in here now you can have a couple more of these in if you wanted to make this a bit more practical coming through here as well there’s just some

Chests there that you can have next to this little window and i’ve just put a lintel on top of this door so that’s all of these bits done uh pretty simple design as you can see through here but now we’re gonna move on to this bigger area

Through here now to run through the rest of the upstairs here so it seems like there’s a lot going on but i will run through and show you each of the different uh components in the different areas so over here we’ve got a couple of chests just above the door height here we’ve

Got some filing cabinets over here in this corner and yeah just some some more storage here a couple of places around i have hidden some flooring uh hidden some flooring hidden some lighting in the floor even uh and over here just in in most cases it doesn’t actually need it but just

Again it keeps me feeling a bit happier there’s a little desk over here a couple of beds we’ve got a crafting table just hidden back here we’ve got an ender chest hidden back here so i’ve tried to make this floor as much as probably more than the others because there’s less

Of it shown on camera i’ve tried to make it a bit more practical for using assay as a base in minecraft so we’ve got another crafting table over here for example uh we’ve got some just decoration around here we’ve got some carpets here and here again just hiding some some lighting

There’s a seat here in the film this is actually the chimney that goes right the way from beneath and what i’ve just done is i’ve taken out one of these stairs that sat here and put those other two stairs back so they curve round so that this

Chimney stack itself can go right the way along up to the roof just to keep it consistent through the build itself and then we’ve just got these little uh yeah these little shelving areas so this is the bit next to the dark room and there’s some lighting up here as

Well just to light things up this here well that’s the sign suggests the dark rooms here this here is the fire extinguisher that winston uses to put out the fire in the second film in the dark room so that’s there ready placed for you to use

And then coming over here we’ve got our main seating area with some lamp designs here now this is another practicality piece where i have hidden an enchanting table and this is if i just grab anything that’s less enchanted diamond ho shall we um and you’ll see here is a level 30

Enchanting table so there’s some bookshelves going right the way around through here i’ve got more storage by putting some barrels right the way around the edge and yeah the last couple of bookshelves that you needed just here so that does work entirely as a level 30 enchanting

Setup as well so you’ve got one of those in the base and it doesn’t look too out of place i don’t think you can put a um i don’t think you can put a thing either um i think that yeah see that removes some of the bookshelves

So you do need to leave that uncovered going in here now again just a little potted plant um going in here before we look into the dark room it’s just really a simple toilet so we’ve got a either that’s a flush or a toilet roll

A little sink with a tap and then just some some strip light in here through on this side we have uh just a little storage cupboard again with two double chests here and just some lighting so it’s spawn proof and last but not least on this floor we have

This the dark room so this is the room you see more of in the film in the second film than anywhere else on the rest of the floor there is one long shot down this way once in the film and i did did watch many many times just to make sure

And so what i’ve done is i’ve taken the walls and i’ve kind of filled in and blacked out the window here so this is to represent the blinds that you see in the film and then there’s just some machinery some scan some scanners and some trays here that they can do the

Developing of the photos and as you can see there we’ve got just a little hanging area for uh for one of the pictures there and just some shelving and these just uh lights they don’t actually give the light out the light is this in the floor here

But they do look quite nice up there just dangling away so yeah that is this room’s a little bit smaller just because of the thickness of the walls in minecraft you can’t have it quite quite to scale but again it’s a pretty good representation they have got like i think

Something in the middle of the room in the film so if you did want you could expand this over but then of course you get the problem you cover a bit more of the window so entirely your choice on that front but yeah this is

This is the the rest of the detail in here we’ve got the little um yeah we’ve got the air conditioner coming in here we’ve got this which is probably my favorite lamp design which is using the polished basalt looks brilliant as a that’s a little uh lampshade especially with some end rods

So those work really well and this is of course the last of the uh the last of the fire poles and the one that does connect up here so all of these work and go right the way down if you so wish to at the ground here where you’ve got your hay bale

So let’s just head back up if i can do it in one go which i can pro skills there we go uh so coming through here um back through the kitchen the last little bit that i will be showing you is again just an entirely optional bit you’ve got the roof access here

But i’ll just be doing some decoration on the roof just to make it tie into the rest of the build and then showing that off so up here on the roof the first thing you’ll notice is i’ve hidden some lighting in under here the roof is like three blocks thick i

Think before you get to the next floor down so you’ve got plenty of scope to put some lighting in here and what we’ve got here is a whole bunch of just little touches like these which are some blast furnaces with some rails on top to get these lovely air intakes

I’ve used some blackstone or some real nice industrial looking cable going all the way around going through to a generator here so you need some way to power power these of course to suck the air into the building into any air conditioning that is going through the building so

Again this is just some iron blocks with some things so this whole area is now spawn proof here the we’ve got the little chimney stack that comes through from the layers beneath so you can dig down and that is actually directly in the right place

So yeah if you want to look at where that is it’s you can pretty much just dig up through the ceiling when you get to the right place you can just replace that with the underside blocks and things the other thing is just a little antenna

Here um in case they wanted to monitor some radio signals and or get a tv signal there so yeah just as another little touch there nothing too invasive because again you don’t want that to detract from the overall view of the build itself so yeah that’s the last the last little

Bits of course here we have the way to get up and down uh we’ve just got some concrete some grey and black running around the edge of this with some folk trap doors on top and then we’ve got these spruce trap doors to the sides even a little bit lighting

Under here just in case that allows us to come up and down from the rest of the build into this roof space so yeah it’s nice nice way to shut things off and from aerial photographs of the actual number 8 hook and ladder which is the building that this

Was all based on then of course that is kind of what it looks like for the roof access as well so i’ve tried to keep all authentic so yeah one final look up here through into the room really really happy with how this has turned out as well

Obviously if those are the things that you wanted to do to you could just leave the um the spruce logs in there rather than the barrels but i thought the barrels gave a nice nice little touch there well let’s drop down now right the way to the ground floor

Ecto one like i say i will it would look good here and in fact i will go and show you in the other version that does have ecto-1 in place so now coming into the version of the build that has got ecto-1 on the inside that’s the one i rebuilt

For the purposes of the tutorial and here we have ecto 1 so if you haven’t seen the tutorial there is a a full block by block build of this and it is as close as possible to the actual size and scale of the car in the film

So go and check that out if you haven’t already and everything else here within this building is exactly the same and also matches up with um with the film so yeah hopefully you’ve enjoyed this if you have then please do make sure that you hit that like button

Uh that you do leave me a comment and let me know and above all hit that subscribe button so you can see other videos showing uh shows on various other builds in there also in the comments let me know of any anything else from films or otherwise

That you’d like to see me build and with all that being said all that’s left to say is thank you very very much for watching and i will see you next time on 80 craft bye You

This video, titled ‘Ghostbusters Headquarters Minecraft Tutorial – Interior – How to build the Ghostbuster Firehouse – 2’, was uploaded by AdieCraft on 2021-04-08 17:00:02. It has garnered 13275 views and 300 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:27 or 2307 seconds.

The interior build for the Ghostbusters HQ is now here. I run through the film authentic interior of the Ghostbusters Firestation. Make sure you check out the first part including the build and also how to add Ecto1!

If you want to learn to be a great builder then this channel will show you how. Building tutorials from basics like a Minecraft house to Epic bases. Minecraft terraforming, decorations, building basics, redsone builds and more. Before you know it you can be building with the likes of Grian, Keralis, Goodtiemswithscar, Mumbo Jumbo, EthosLab and Bdoubleo100.

Comment and let me know any future tutorials you’d like to see.

Check out the Adiecraft Discord: https://discord.gg/HBnFPcK

Follow me on Twitter: @AdieCraft

Alternative titles Minecraft Ghostbusters Ghostbusters Minecraft Ghost Busters Minecraft Minecraft Ghostbusters Fire House Ghostbusters Firehouse Minecraft Ghostbusters Base Peter Venkman Ray Stanz Egon Spengler Winston Zeddemore Slimer Ghostbusters Ecto 1 Ecto 1 Minecraft Ghostbusters Car Ghostbusters Hearse Car Ghostbusters Ecto 1 Ghostbusters Ecto 1 Ghost busters Minecraft Car Movie Car Minecraft

#minecraft #ghostbusters

Texture Pack: Vanilla BDCraft Shaders: BSL

Music: https://www.purple-planet.com/

Cinematics provided using: https://replaymod.com

  • Minecraft Village Night Secrets: Lofi Ambience Unveiled

    Minecraft Village Night Secrets: Lofi Ambience Unveiled In the Minecraft village at night, lofi beats take flight, As the sun sets and darkness covers the sight. Join us on this journey, relax and unwind, With calming music, let your worries unbind. Explore the hidden gems, secrets to find, In this tranquil world, let your imagination grind. Study, work, or simply chill, Let the peaceful ambiance give you a thrill. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your love, For this Minecraft village, peaceful as a dove. Lofi tunes, chill vibes, gaming at its best, In this serene village, let your mind rest. So dive into the night, with… Read More

  • From Rags to Riches in Minecraft

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  • Sugarcane Shenanigans: Minecraft PE 1.21

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  • FAIL: Trying to Touch Grass in Minecraft

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  • Fortify Your Craft: Minecraft House Defense!

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  • Medieval Mod Showcase in Minecraft Java

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  • Firey Minecraft: 24 HOURS STUCK with My CRUSH! 🔥🔥 (ft. Firey Minecraft)

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  • Unbelievable Bedrock Bridge in the Shadows 😱

    Unbelievable Bedrock Bridge in the Shadows 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘BEDROCK BRIDGE 😮‍💨’, was uploaded by sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ ! ! ! on 2024-07-07 06:20:33. It has garnered 29 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Tags – minecraft,minecraft mace,minecraft update,minecraft 1.21,minecraft facts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft speedrun,minecraft challenge,minecraft seed,minecraft how to,minecraft rarest,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.19,mace minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft 1.20,minecraft 1.18,minecraft memes,minecraft but you,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft manhunt,minecraft tutorial,how to edit,how to edit videos,how to edit youtube videos,how to edit videos for youtube,how to edit like a pro,how to edit faster on console,how to edit… Read More

  • XYZ Servers – Vanilla Skyblock

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  • Legions MC – Factions

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  • Minecraft Memes – New Minecraft dash funny haha

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  • This spicy nether portal leads to…? 🔥

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  • Pig Prank Gone Wrong!

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  • Granny dominates Minecraft with insane mod pack!

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  • 24 Hours in the SCARIEST Minecraft Modpack!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Hardcore Survival – AkaNumbers Ep. 49

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Cafe Experience! #shorts

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    PRINCESS LOOLILALU KIND TO POMNI in Roblox 🥺🥺Video Information This video, titled ‘PRINCESS LOOLILALU WAS SO KIND TO POMNI 🥺🥺 #roblox #pomni #robloxshorts #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Ash Roblox on 2024-05-05 13:00:12. It has garnered 23032 views and 737 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Ash Roblox Is the best channel for you to watch roblox content 🥰🥰🥰 #roblox #shorts #robloxshorts #robloxobby #robloxtrend #trending #robloxeditstrend PRINCESS LOOLILALU WAS SO KIND TO POMNI 🥺🥺 #roblox #pomni #robloxshorts #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Dansaurus hits 16K storage in Minecraft!

    Dansaurus hits 16K storage in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Overhauled Episode 67; 16K Storage!’, was uploaded by Dansaurus on 2024-03-24 20:00:01. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:17 or 437 seconds. Hello everyone! Welcome to MINECRAFT OVERHAULED 😀 This is a modded Minecraft let’s play recorded to be similar to the old-school let’s plays of the 2010s! I’ve always wanted to try and recreate the content that I grew up on for a newer generation and this is my attempt so I hope you enjoy!!! 🙂 Here are the mods I use! 😀 The Aether… Read More


    "INSANE SURVIVAL CHALLENGE! DAY 2 LIVE!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴DAY-2 HARD CORE SURVIVAL CHALLENGE IN MINECRAFT [LIVE] #minecraft #livestream’, was uploaded by BLAZE OP on 2024-01-14 21:07:57. It has garnered 64 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:17 or 16097 seconds. Open Description First…. 🔴 ♠Helloo Welcome To BlazeLobby…. 🔴 I Play Games With Pro Players Just For Entertainment Purpose…. ♠ Channel Overlay Credit ♠ https://instagram.com/d.i.s.h.a.n.t_018?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== ♠ In Video Songs Credit To Their Owners.. ♠ 🔴 My Pc Specs… Processor- i5 11400F Motherboard- Gigabyte B560M H V2 Graphic Card- Rtx 3060 12GB Ram- XPG 8×2 Cooler- Air Cooler AG 400… Read More

  • Epic Fail: The Worst Minecraft Deathrun!

    Epic Fail: The Worst Minecraft Deathrun!Video Information This video, titled ‘The WORST and FUNNY Minecraft Deathrun!’, was uploaded by ItsFunneh on 2024-03-24 20:00:26. It has garnered 1514197 views and 30180 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:55 or 1915 seconds. We play Minecraft Deathrun! Who will survive all the CRAZY TRAPS? Subscribe & never miss a video! http://bit.ly/Funneh Watch another video! https://youtu.be/mTzR_GzHt0w?si=CoD0V9Z9f7UxNglI *VIDEOS!* ✦ Gaming / https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfjWV0CFo_5xJh_HJZ4MSMlZc14zy4vZ4 ✧ Vlogs / https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfjWV0CFo_5x2pQyKh4agInDxRxgYzagl ✦ Live streams / https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfjWV0CFo_5wTzNpvLPqDHq9psMdibAum *KREW!* @PaintingRainbows @GoldenGlare @ItsFunneh @LunarEclispe @DraconiteDragon *GAME!* Minecraft Second Deathrunner https://bit.ly/3veqqqE If you enjoyed the video, like & subscribe to show your support! Thanks for watching! :]#Minecraft #ItsFunneh… Read More

  • SLAYER KING: Ultimate HT4 Weapon or Scam?

    SLAYER KING: Ultimate HT4 Weapon or Scam?Video Information This video, titled ‘The Best HT4? | @Slayer_xD226’, was uploaded by SLAYER KING on 2024-03-12 05:55:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraft #pvpmontage #montage #bedwars #montage #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin #mmc … Read More

  • VampireGaming Community | 24/7 | NoPVP

    VampireGaming Community | 24/7 | NoPVPVersion: 1.20.4 & Below VampireGaming community is a soon to be a whole network of games from V Rising to Minecraft to Valheim but mostly is focused on community gamers / streamers and including engagement. VampireGaming MC is purely survival based PVE with the option to toggle PVP, there are also options for bedrock players to be able to use most if not all features(Banking, Wild Teleporting, Bank Upgrades, Auction House & more!). Beware: Some players occassionally come from MineHut. ogvampirepve.minehut.gg Read More

  • Hardrada Worldbuilding Factions SMP Towny

    Welcome to Hardrada Worldbuilding A newly formed worldbuilding server offering players almost total freedom in shaping the history and politics of the world. Whether you want to build an empire, become a wealthy merchant, own a bar and brew alcohol, or live as a simple citizen, the possibilities are endless in Hardrada Worldbuilding! Our server ensures minimal admin intervention, an unbiased staff team, and balanced rules. We welcome community suggestions and offer a pure, vanilla worldbuilding experience without unnecessary rules or plugins. Notable plugins: Towny Dynmap Brewery Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/YD7TbkM569 Read More

  • MysticSMP

    Welcome to **Mystic SMP**!**Server IP:** mystic.minemap.club**Version:** 1.20-1.21**About Us:**Mystic SMP is a mostly vanilla survival multiplayer (SMP) server designed for players who enjoy a classic Minecraft experience with a touch of magic and adventure. Our server promotes a friendly and respectful community where players can build, explore, and have fun together.**Server Rules:**1. **No Griefing:** Respect others’ builds and creations.2. **No Hacking:** Play fair and keep the game enjoyable for everyone.3. **Respect Others:** Treat all players with kindness and respect.4. **Have Fun:** Enjoy your time and make the most of your adventures!**Features:**- **Build Anywhere:** Feel free to construct your own houses, structures,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting chaos: when creepers strike”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting chaos: when creepers strike"Looks like this meme is as popular as a dirt block in the Nether! Read More

  • Crafty Creator: Minecraft Fan-Song Rhyme

    Crafty Creator: Minecraft Fan-Song Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Updates and changes are like a dream. New features and mobs, all to explore, The community thrives, always wanting more. Your creator, the one who crafts the tale, Bringing new content, never to fail. Dancing with death, a risky game, But in Minecraft, it’s all the same. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, In this pixelated world, let your creativity flow. With each new update, a new adventure to find, In the world of Minecraft, let your imagination unwind. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition!

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Mutant Canavar Saldırısı! 😱

    Mutant Canavar Saldırısı! 😱 The Adventures of Efekan in Minecraft In a thrilling Minecraft video, a wicked sorcerer transforms Efekan into a Four-Armed Mutant Monster and commands him to attack the city. Get ready for another action-packed adventure! Exciting Minecraft Content The YouTube channel, filled with entertaining Minecraft content, showcases the transformation of characters and their epic battles. Viewers are in for a treat with each new video! Join the Fun Don’t miss out on the exciting Minecraft series! Subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications to stay updated on the latest episodes. Engage with the community and be the first to… Read More

  • Snitching on Chicken Madness

    Snitching on Chicken Madness i’m TELLING on you (Chicken Madness Episode #19) Exploring Chicken Madness Minecraft 1.20 In the latest episode of Chicken Madness, the talented Minecraft player Dasanye takes on the challenge of beating the game using only chickens in her own mod. The video showcases her speedpainting skills while navigating the unique world of Chicken Madness Minecraft 1.20. Speedpainting Amberlynn Dasanye’s artistic abilities shine as she speedpaints the character Amberlynn, all while strategically utilizing chickens to progress through the game. The combination of creativity and gameplay makes for an engaging viewing experience. Community Engagement Viewers are encouraged to subscribe and comment… Read More

  • My Daughter Betrays Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31

    My Daughter Betrays Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31Video Information This video, titled ‘My Daughter HATES Me in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.31’, was uploaded by iHasCupquake Minecraft on 2024-07-07 17:15:00. It has garnered 328 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:02 or 1682 seconds. Welcome to Paradise! Minecraft Oasis REMASTERED. I am raising my daughter in Minecraft Oasis and she HATES ME! – NEW Merch in my shop! ► http://bit.ly/iHCStore Music Credit ——————————————————— Starlit Everglades “Sparkling Zebras” Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown

    The Ultimate Minecraft ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 🤬part-2😠wait for part-3 next video 🤢#minecraft#gaming#shots’, was uploaded by A_R gaming on 2024-03-08 08:35:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts Minecraft part-2 wait for part-3 next video #minecraft#gaming#shots minecraft but minecraft mod … Read More

  • Unleashing your inner creativity in Minecraft

    Unleashing your inner creativity in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft Experience’, was uploaded by flowstate on 2024-07-05 16:00:42. It has garnered 60611 views and 3607 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:44 or 3524 seconds. FlowSMP: https://www.patreon.com/flowstatevideo Discord: https://discord.gg/7kndwK3FxK #flowstate Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: Ivan Griken’s Wooden Mansion

    Insane Minecraft Build: Ivan Griken's Wooden MansionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wooden House in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Ivan Griken 26 on 2023-12-24 17:00:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hi everybody. In this video we will watch a Wooden house in minecraft. Subscribe to the channel, put likes and write comments. Read More