stampylonghead – Minecraft PS4 – 20 Block Challenge – Rainbow Collection (17)

Video Information

Hello this is stampy and welcome to a minecraft let’s play video and another video in the 20 block challenge and this is the challenge where i need to get every single trophy on the playstation edition of minecraft uh while only placing down 20 blocks uh you can see

I’m here in my uh balcony being joined by porter who is my my new doggy one of my three new doggies but unfortunately the only one that has a name yet i think i like i’m gonna name them by just like i’m not gonna name them as soon as i get

Them but once they do something noteworthy i’m gonna name them after whatever they do and teleporter teleported to me no sorry porter teleported to me so yeah i’m now calling him porter and he can live on my balcony which is looking pretty good you can see

That i’ve tidied up the area a bit i kind of broke away this section here because that was kind of all over hanging i also dug away uh the the mountain there was basically all like that and i dug all of that away so i think i’m gonna do because kind of

Digging away the mountain takes so long i’m kind of just going to do a little bit between episodes because otherwise that would take me like literally three episodes just digging that away which would be really boring so yeah kind of in between every episode i’m just going

To dig away a bit of the the mountain and kind of continue shaping the uh the house but when i’m doing any like proper decoration and making things like my feature wall in here i think yeah then i’m going to do that inside of the videos as you can see

There’s still like um some mountain there which i’m probably going to get rid of it’s a bit of a mess there so i’m going to go and dig that away so yeah i’ll probably do that in between this episode and the uh the next episode but overall

I’m pretty happy with how my bedroom’s looking doesn’t that look okay that actually doesn’t look too bad that actually probably looks better than if i had actually kind of planned exactly what i wanted it to look like it just looks like like a really nice piece of

Art wool so i am very happy with how that ended up especially in this texture pack i don’t think it would look so good in the uh the default texture pack about this section back it actually looks pretty decent anyway we have a plan for today and i’m going for a trophy it

Feels like absolutely ages since uh i got a hard-earned trophy uh so that’s what i’m going to be trying uh to do uh today and here are my other dogs that are just just staring into the hello hello just looking at the wall are they tell you what these can be the wally

Twins okay we got porter and then these are the wally twins hello hello wally twin one hello wally twin two no not interested in me that’s the shy one wally twin two’s the shy one yeah so the uh the trophy we’re after today is the uh the rainbow collection

And uh to do that i need to get um uh colored wall uh of every different color uh so the first thing i wanna do is i wanna sort out the the sheep situation oh hello good morning wally twin too uh yeah so what i need to do is i need to

Build a pen for the sheep and you might think that i already have a pen for a sheep and i do but i’m gonna build another pen for the sheep inside of the pen for the sheep that i already have and the reason for that isn’t because

I’m crazy the real reason for that is because uh basically the the dogs uh the wolves that’s right you guys have been able to to get the sheep through the fence basically if a sheep goes next to the fence the dogs can kind of get and kill them uh through the fence which

Isn’t very helpful because i want to try and get as many sheep as i can uh just to make this uh this trophy easier so the trophy says the literal description says gather all 16 colors of wool and so i don’t know if that means i need to

Have all 16 in my inventory like whether i just need to have sheared that at some point like i have no idea what that means like can i shear white wall and then diet later on so i’m going to have to just kind of experiment and uh play

Around a little bit uh to work out exactly what i need to do for the uh the the trophy look at this i think the uh the sheep pen is actually kind of going to be bigger than the uh the rest of the the animal’s pen from the the middle

Here oh well to be fair the sheep do need more room uh only because they they’re the ones that need to um uh eat the the grass in order to grow their uh their wool back so all right then let’s um let’s go let’s go make a lead i got some

String on me and i also got a slime ball from a slime i found in the cave so let’s go make her myself a lead and let’s just try and get a few sheep in the pen at first which i think is just going to make the the whole thing much

Easier because that way like i don’t need to wait as long for them to grow the the wool back if i have some more and then i’m going to go and start focusing on trying to to get all of the the different dyes so i got one i got

One sheep and they’re already and i can’t see any dogs around here so hey it should be relatively safe there for now uh but luckily there’s kind of a nice big grass patch over here so hopefully uh fingers crossed we’re gonna find some sheep but there we go i found one

Already is there any are there any more around here that i can grab quickly there we go there’s another one uh down here as well and i think did i yep i saw another one down that way well there’s loads of them there’s sheep all over the

Place right this is perfect so i know obviously i can um breed the sheep and there’s some more over there as well wasn’t there yeah i know i can um uh breed them anyway and where did that lead go down here uh yeah so um it

Doesn’t matter too much but just for now just trying to get this trophy it’d be better to to bring them in because you can’t shear the baby sheep as much as i wish you could because i wouldn’t it would be cool if like you could shear a

Baby sheep and you’ll just get like a little tiny block of wool that you could just make little tiny things out that would be so cool but sadly you can’t do that so yeah it’d be good just to grab a whole load of sheep and get them inside

For now and then i can start going for the the dyes and i reckon i could do this today i reckon i could get this all done in one episode i know there’s 16 different dies but a lot of them are like a lot of them are quite similar

Aren’t they it’s like blue like wall and then light blue wall you know like then there’s like magenta and purple you know and red like a lot of them are made out of the same things so obviously green won’t be a problem because there’s green cactus i’ve got lapis as well so that

Won’t be a problem um i can’t think what the hardest thing would be i guess the the most difficult thing would probably be ink sacks you know just for the the black and gray wool but even even that’s not going to be too difficult is it

Right let’s see if we can get the sheep in there is one uh there is two let’s just try and get them all um at least inside of this main pen for for now and then we can go and try and get them into the into the other pen i can’t

Believe i’m building a pen inside of a pen and no you stay there sheep right let’s just go and try and get at least two more of these uh uh the the sheep that are around here in and then i can probably go and start breeding them but

There’s one down there and one right here as well so i think this will be okay i think this will be more uh than enough uh just because they’re going to be eating the the grass and kind of growing their their wall back anyway now look there’s one in the tree actually

I’m going to grab this one because i’m going to keep that gray one because that’s going to be one of the the the colors i need to make anyway so that’s kind of just like one done like it’d be really nice if i just found like a

Random pink sheep somewhere and one of the other cool things is um there’s more flowers in this world than i’m used to like one of the things with my lovely one i don’t like is i only really have the um the the red and the yellow

Flowers and like a few of the uh the blue ones but they’re kind of ones where i put down the bone meal myself but this world has kind of all of these different uh bright colors all over the place with either flowers so a lot of them i might

Not need to kind of make the the dye by mixing things together i can kind of just use the uh the the flowers all right then let’s go and try and get the the sheep inside of this pen here i guess it doesn’t oh there’s another one

There’s another one right there that one wants to join it look at it it’s coming straight towards us right let’s go and let this uh that sheep go and join in on the other party as well then shall we i’m getting confused of all of these different gates for all of

These slightly different pens and don’t run away no don’t you dare right i’m going to get you you’re my lucky gray sheep you are not running away all right let’s try and get the muller inside of here so i’m just going to leave them inside of this pen

For now i can’t see any wolves anywhere and if i do see one i’m just going to oh there’s another one right there oh forget it it’s fine there’s one up there there’s just sheep everywhere i guess i can kind of use those wild ones for this trophy uh uh today anyway

Uh because i’m not really gonna need sheep for really anything else in the future all right then let’s go start making dye so we’re gonna need yellow let’s grab a few of them so i’m going to need that to uh to make the orange as

Well and let’s go see if we can find a um a red flower oh yeah i planted all of the sugar cane down there as well by the way uh just because i needed i was going to go and put all of the sugar cane away in kind of my storage temple

You know what i might as well just go and start it growing down there so yeah i’ve started that uh growing down there and oh there’s a weird type of flower here is this gonna allow me to to make any dyes uh so there let’s go make the

The yellow i don’t know there is a wolf there is a wolf no i’ve got to tame it i’ve got to tame it i’ve got to tame it i can’t use all my bone mill though so i’m going to need some of that no don’t don’t kill the sheep don’t do it don’t

Do it don’t die i can’t feed it i can’t give it oh no it’s going after a rabbit it’s going after a rabbit come back oh no it is going after a sheep don’t do it well i’m going to kill it i know it’s okay it’s going after the rabbit that

Wasn’t nice but it’s okay oh no no don’t do it leave it alone no i’m gonna have to kill the wolf for now just because otherwise it’s gonna kill all of my sheep and that won’t be uh that won’t be very helpful all right then let’s go and

See can i make magenta oh i can make pink okay there we go i can go and uh dye this one pink and let’s get started i don’t know i haven’t got my shears on me i left my shears at home i’ve just made a random pink sheep

Down there are there any red flowers where are all of the red flowers i think i saw some over in the the other direction so i’m sure i’m gonna be able to to get them and if not i can just kind of use some some bone meal to get

Some that way there we go there’s some red flowers up there like that’s never that’s never normally a problem it might be a bit more of a problem in in this world compared to normal as soon as it’s kind of desert everywhere and actually i

Might as well go and start some of this um uh this cactus melting as well as i’m going to need that to do green and like lime green and i think cyan as well as let’s go and start uh all of this smelting away there you can see i have

Been smelling some more iron and i do have some shears in here anyway and let’s go and grab the the lapis because i’m going to need i’m going to need that as well uh so yeah once the i’ve got this green uh i i think i’m gonna get a

Little bit more just uh just so i can make it so let’s go and let’s make let’s make the bow mill and then let’s make the uh the lime green and then there’s that done then let’s go and grab a little bit more of this and then i can

Make the um uh the cyan as well and then i can have the other one just for green i think it’s called like cactus green isn’t it so there we go there’s the the cyan and then there’s the uh the green here as well you know what i’m actually

Like not that far off just kind of having all of the the colors anyway it doesn’t take that long like when you think 16 different colors it seems like a lot but it’s actually not the the world’s most difficult thing to do so before bed let’s just go and dye these

Sheep and kind of get the colors we need and then we can kind of you know they can kind of start growing it back and then hopefully by the the morning i’ll be ready to dye them again so there’s lime green done let’s go and get a

Cactus green done as well then that’s all of the the greens done so let’s go inside of actually i can get the uh uh the grays where is that like gray or like dark gray okay that’s light gray uh let’s go and get the the cactus green uh

Then i can go and get the um let’s go get the the cyan and blue then that’s like all of the the greeny and bluey ones are already done and i don’t need to to worry about them and then let’s go and grab let’s just go and grab

Yellow as well uh while it’s here and go and share that and then yeah then i’m gonna go to bed before all of the the googly spawn and i reckon i’ll be able to get the final ones in the the morning so i still need to get a red flower and

Then i need to find a few um ink sacks uh to make the uh the black of course as well as the the other gray ones and you know what this feels exciting now because i’m going up to my like almost finished bedroom to sleep which is

Exciting because at the moment i was like well leading up to now i was in the other house which was only ever like a little temporary house and then i was kind of just sleeping in basically the hallway to my house downstairs but now i have an actual bedroom it’s not the it’s

Not the most detailed bedroom it is a bit bland at the moment but the good thing about all of this wall is i can start making some paintings and even putting down like a cool carpet of all of these different colors is going to be something very handy as well so i always

Like it when um the the trophies i’m getting kind of tie into the kind of things that i’d want to do anyway to to decorate i kind of like it when i’m kind of doing two birds with her with one stone in that way all right

Then let’s go let’s go and get that red flower that we saw over here and then we can go and try and get some uh uh some ink sacks uh from hopefully some squid that are gonna be in the water down here there’s a there’s a chicken in the water

Sadly sadly no squid down there are there any squid around here i can’t see any like there might be some deep down there but you generally don’t want to to get the the squid when they’re too deep because oh is that a creeper there is a creeper you don’t really want to get

Them when they’re they’re too deep uh because then oh whoopsie uh yeah because then like the the ink sack drops like all the way down to the the bottom and then you have to swim down and get it so it’d be good to find one and a little

Bit more of a shallow area uh let’s try and jump up here of course i can’t pile up to get it because i can only place 20 blocks yeah let’s go and grab these flowers and are there any ink sacs down here this is kind of where it’d be

Most handy to be one down there let’s go and check the uh the water around here as well any near this this swamp you can kind of like go aha there we go like what i do is i kind of just go right on the surface of the water like that and

You can kind of just see underneath right there is one but it is quite deep hopefully i’m gonna be okay uh going and getting this uh it’s not too deep actually this should be fine let’s go and take it out i can hardly see anything down here actually there we go

I got i got one ink sack i don’t think that’s gonna be enough though because i need one uh black one obviously just for the uh the the black dye uh but then i need to do a dark gray one as well so i’m going to need another

Ink sack for that soon but let’s go and uh uh get the the other dies that i can get now so then we can have time for all of the uh the wall to start growing back and then yeah hopefully within that time i’ll be able to um

Oh yeah all of the uh the the wool would have grown back so i guess i can just kind of use this sheet for now uh to get the black wool and i also want to be really careful not to to leave any of these blocks in my inventory because i

Could really easily easily accidentally die like a place a block sorry like if i’m trying to open a door or a chest or press like left trigger for any reason i could very easily accidentally place a block so i’m going to be really careful that’s kind of like the biggest

Challenge with all of these trophies is not to get the trophies but to do about placing a placing a block all right then so i can go and get the uh the red block now i don’t have a uh that one yet so let’s just go over this green one and

Grab the uh the red block let’s make sure it’s out of my inventory and i can make i can make purple as well now let’s go make purple then i think i can use that to make magenta i think is it um i wasn’t you combine oh do i normally i

Need to make some more red yes so you need to combine i think it is it like bow mill and purple to make magenta maybe i’m not entirely sure there’s purple and then oh no it’s um it’s purple and pink makes magenta all right then i can go and get uh purple very

Easily now let’s get these blocks out of my inventory straight away and then let’s go and get the uh i go and get the magenta from uh from this one down here like that and i think i’m almost i think is it is it just dark

Gray left how many do i have i got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven oh no we’ve only got eleven okay we’re definitely not there yet we’re definitely not there what am i forgetting oh i’m forgetting about brown ah i didn’t think about records you i

Always forget about brown because you don’t see it on the um the uh the list of the uh the different um dies you can make because obviously you can’t make it it’s just cocoa beans isn’t it but what i am going to do as soon as my inventory is getting really

Full up let’s put all of the ones i do have in a row along here so i need to have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten then eleven for the the white wall and then what else do i need then apart from

These ones so i know i need the the dark gray i need to get that as well i got the the lime green let’s have it just a little okay oh orange i haven’t got orange yet i’m gonna have to to get another red flower in order to do that

So tell you what i think i saw some red flowers over in this direction and while i’m over here i can also go and grab some cocoa beans because i do have a jungle but it’s all the way over there but i’ve been there before so i have

Grabbed some of the other cocoa beans and they should be uh down here in my storage room so while i’m on my way over here let’s try and get the uh the red flower uh and then also uh try and get the the cocoa beans and

There’s also a long river here and this might be a good place a good place to try and find some more squid as well so let’s kind of go along the the river looking in the the water and see if there’s any squid lurking underneath then what else am i forgetting let’s

Have another look so orange uh magenta i got oh i haven’t got light blue yet either okay so that’s another one i can do then white wall orange magenta apart from that i think where i think we’re we’re almost done uh so let’s go and get the the cocoa beans uh then hopefully

Get another uh piece of uh of ink sac another piece of ink sack that’s a weird way to say that i think we’re done and then i think we’re done getting the uh the trophy because i do miss the early days of the challenge where i’d start up

A video and by the end i’ve got like three or four trophies because i was getting i was getting all the easy ones you know there were things like you know punch a tree open your inventory you know turn to the left turn to the right

You know blow a raspberry you know there was just these ridiculously easy trophies and it kind of made me think whoa these are really easy but now they’re gradually getting harder and harder and harder anyway there is some um there is some red flowers over here so

Let’s go and uh grab i think i only really need one of these uh so i can make red and then i can go and make orange and there’s a sheep right here as i might as well just go and uh shear this one straight away uh oh no that’s a potato

Here’s my tip never try to shear a sheep with a potato it won’t work it will be very unsuccessful right then let’s go down uh down here and let’s see if we can um let’s see if the cocoa beans are down here i’m pretty sure they are i’m pretty sure i did

Leave them uh in here somewhere so let’s go and head down and see if we can uh we can find them there we go oh that’s melon seeds where are the cocoa beans are they anywhere around here oh i did put them down here didn’t i

I remember i they weren’t in the the house at home were they or did i leave them in the the old town hmm where are my cocoa beans because that might be one of the the last missing ones that might be more difficult to get let me just really double check that i

Haven’t missed them they’re definitely melon seeds they’re not cocoa bits i definitely cover them are they at the the chest at home anyway if they are that would be very convenient if they’re not that means we might need either a long trip back to the uh the other

Village or over to the um over to the the jungle again i actually wouldn’t mind going to the the jungle again and the reason for that is i really want to find a jungle temple and the reason i want to find a jungle temple is because there’s a dispenser

And you might think well you can just make your own dispenser i can but i won’t be able to place it because that would be one of my 20 blocks gone and it would be a waste and so the reason i want a a dispenser is because one of the

Other trophies i want to try and start getting soon is to to make an iron golem and iron golem is actually one of the uh kind of one of the uh the more stressful ones to to do just because i’ve got a place like what’s it um it’s like five

Blocks i think uh to to make the iron golem so that’s like a quarter of my blocks that i can place in total gone just from that but you can dispense the pumpkin rather than placing it so if i go and um

If i go and do it that way if i kind of build the iron blocks underneath it and kind of take the uh the blow placing those blocks then i can dispense the pumpkin on top and then that way i’ve saved myself a block which might sound

Like absolutely crazy that i’d go to that length just to save placing one block but it’s that important that is just how important it is i also want to start exploring further that way because it looks pretty cool over there looks like a pretty nice area and i kind of

Just haven’t been in that direction at all so at some point i do want to head there i also want to finish off my minecart track because i’ve been putting that off forever i basically just need to add some power rails uh to the the track i’ve already built but i also want

To build another track uh leading to the um to the uh the temple over there uh just to make it easier to get back and forth there because that’s basically become my storage room now and so of course every time i want to go and grab something i

Have to go and head all the way over there which is a bit of a pain having to go all that way you know just to kind of like dispense a few items or pick some up and so yeah what i would like to do

Is eventually be able to just to have a minecart track kind of leading straight from where the the other minecart track uh over to to there and then that way it won’t seem like such a big deal uh to to go and head over there every time i kind

Of need to to get uh something out of one of the uh the the chests over there all right then so i got the i got the orange let’s go and make the uh the gray wall then so i got light gray cav i got

Everything i need there we go i can make the uh the gray waller as well and then i think then is it just the the brown one left let me go and kind of count them up again after that and i should probably go to to sleep again soon as

Well because it is becoming nighttime don’t you think like just days just go really quick in this series for some reason is that just me is it just me that that thinks that i know for some reason like the days just disappear i mean the whole episodes disappear for

Some reason like these episodes kind of kind of keep going longer than usual but they don’t feel longer than usual i don’t know maybe i’m just being really slow or something but for some reason uh these episodes kind of they just disappear all right then let’s go and um

Arrange all of these two together and let’s kind of count them all up so that’s obsidian let’s not count that as we got one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13. we’re missing three there’s three more that we’re missing so i know there’s brown but then

There’s two other ones we’re missing so i’ve got magenta oh light blue i’ve got like did i get light blue in the end uh no i don’t have light blue so let’s go and just get that now because that’s gonna be a relatively easy one to to to

Get so let’s go and grab where’s my lapis am i holding it there okay there’s my lapis there so how do i is that just um lapis and bone mill i would assume to to make light blue as let’s go and make that that’s one that i can make for oh no

I still lay up do i need to get that particular type of flower maybe i thought i could make light blue by um combining lapis and bone mill but maybe i need to get that particular type of flower now okay right that’s going to be something

That’s going to be a bit of a challenge then i think i’m missing one other one as well so i did have white didn’t i because that might be an easy one to miss imagine if i got every color apart from white i got black did i got red do

I have i got red i definitely have red um let’s kind of keep going up i got green i do have green don’t i got green and lime green they’re all good uh brown i need to get uh blue purple magenta i got the two different grays uh pink do i

Have pink i don’t have pink yet either oh yeah i dyed a sheep pink but i don’t think i sheared it so that’s another one that i’m missing okay that’s fine i think i should be uh able to make some more pink dye oh that doesn’t matter

Because i do have a pink sheep out there that i can go and get i wrote them it looks like we’re gonna go and uh have a trip to the uh the jungle then for two reasons i want to get the cocoa beans also those um

Those flowers that i saw those um uh kind of light blue flowers i’m pretty sure that they uh spawn in the in the jungle and so i think that that might be a good place to to kind of get them as well and hopefully we’re gonna run

Across my uh my lovely pink sheep on the other way as well so i can go and share that all right then let’s go make a um a couple boats and let’s go and set so it’s not too far away the the jungle and if i ride there in the the boats i’m

Sure i’ll get there pretty quickly you may remember a while ago i head off there just to um actually let me just let me just make sure i don’t have cocoa beans inside of this chest here do i have any cocoa beans no i think it might

Be at the old house um it seems like i’ve got to go and get those um uh those other flowers anyway i might as well just go and head this way right where’s that pink sheep is he still wandering around down here i can see a lime green

Sheep there’s just like colorful sheep wandering all over the land now there’s a chance it might have them have despawned uh and i think pink wool is going to be one of the the easier ones to get anyway so it’s not a it’s not a

Big deal but uh yeah it would be handy just to kind of run across it again and who knows you might be able to find out a random uh ping actually i think i can use this to make more pink dye anyway can’t i there we go so i can use that to

Make some more pink dye so i’ll be able to get the uh the pink sheep no problem at least yeah let’s go and head to the uh the jungle and uh grab literally one cocoa bean so i’m gonna be able uh to to get some uh some brown wool something it

Doesn’t say about is whether you need to like dye the wall or whether you can just grab it and oh look i can see one of those blue flowers can you see that there it’s it’s right over that i think that’s one of the the

Ones that i can use to to make the uh the the light blue so let’s go and head there i think this is kind of like a swampy area which is handy it’s always good to have a swamp because finding um slimes in the caves can be pretty rare

Uh so it’s always good to have the swamps let’s go and grab this and let’s see if that’s gonna allow me to make light blue i think it should do there we go so that’s a light blue done as well so i think it’s literally just the um

Just the the cocoa beans left i have actually got this done in pretty record time to be fair like considering i am you know i started off with nothing like i didn’t have any of the dyes you know just from like kind of hanging out around my um

Around the the home that i was at i’ve been able to pretty much get every single thing there that i need which is a very handy so of course i don’t know whether i need to to be holding them all at the the same time or whether if i

Just go and grab these cocoa beans now if that’s going to count and actually there’s a there’s a snow biome over there uh one of the um the trophies is to explore i think it’s to explore 17 different biomes and so yeah remembering that there’s kind of that mountainy like

Tundra area over there it might be handy in the future uh to go and head there and i do want to explore the the land a little bit more as well it’d be good to maybe find like another village or i don’t know just to explore the uh the

Place around my home a little bit more just kind of out of idle curiosity i am a cat after all so i am supposed to be curious so yeah i think at some point uh it would be nice just to kind of have a little bit more of a look around the

Area uh just to kind of see where where exactly i live because i know everything in this direction i know it’s just kind of desert as far as the the eye can see uh but kind of in all of the other directions like over there and over that

Way that i showed you earlier i really have no idea what’s going to be um what’s going to be over there anyway let’s go and see where is this um where is this jungle i thought it was going to be over to the the right somewhere in that direction and oh look

I can see it i can just about see the the first giant trees coming in on the horizon so luckily i did make two boats uh because of course i wouldn’t be able to to craft another one now so does this all link up yes i should be able to to

Ride this boat to the jungle then if i kind of ride back this same way i can basically just go and switch boats again and go back and go back that way so i’m hoping that i’m just going to be able to get the cocoa beans and just shear a

Sheep over here and then that’s going to be enough to get the the trophy if not i’m just going to go home and like hold them all in my hands and then that way it should make the other trophy pop like it doesn’t say as i said it just says

Gavel all 16 colors of wool but it doesn’t say like whether you need to be like holding them all at the other the same time or not and this is a bit of a weird jungle it’s like a desert and then there’s just like one jungle tree around

There that’s rather odd but here we go like there are some cocoa beans over there and there’s a sheep there’s as well there’s a sheep there exactly where i need it to be which might become a very handy so let’s go and uh grab some

Of these cocoa beans if you get to maybe bring them back to the house so i can kind of start planting them uh them anyway right then sheep are you gonna be the the final one well i guess i need i guess i need two sheep donuts i need

This one then i need the the light blue and where did it go i think it climbed the it climbed the the tree all right let’s go and do this one uh this one brown and go and share that then immediately get that out of my inventory and then i

Also need the uh the light blue wall as well so are you are you gonna be a friendly sheep and are you going to to eat this uh this grass for me are you are you a hungry sheep are you let’s just see are there any more any more

Sheep around the the area anyway that i might just be able to to head to like it’s mainly just kind of sand all over the place and of course uh sheep like most of the animals need grass to spawn on right i’m not just gonna stand there

And wait for that one to uh to eat the grass i might as well go and head back i think that’s gonna be a quick way oh was that a sheep there did i see another sheep over there i think i might have just seen like birchwood through the gap in the trees

And got to kind of uh got my hopes up and that that’s another sheep but i think there is a good chance that i need to i head home anyway to to pick up all of the wall it does it just say like gather it so i i just don’t know whether that

Means whether i need to actually be holding it or not so if my calculations are correct i think this should be all 16. i do think that the uh the final one is just going to be this uh this light blue wall and then that’s going to be

Another trophy so i need to start kind of planning what i’m going to do for the the future so one of the things that i’ve been talking about a lot is starting up my uh my enchanting ex that’s going to be another easy trophy to make the enchantment table and i’ve

Got a bunch of lava and water as well so getting obsidian won’t be a problem so yeah i think i’m gonna i think i’m gonna build another room in my um in my house and then also uh kind of put an enchantment table in it and have that

As my enchantment room so i gotta be really careful because like when i place my enchantment table like that’s going to be another block placed so i’ve got to be really careful that i place it in the perfect place because yep i’m not going to be moving it again so

Yeah i’ve got to be really careful with where i kind of end up placing everything so i think having a own special room for the the enchantment table so what i reckon i’m gonna do with the the series uh from now on soon as i

Kind of have a home so i’m pretty gonna pretty much alternate between having episodes like this where i’m just like a hundred percent focused on trying to to get a single trophy and then kind of ones where i’m basically just you know either going mining or improving my

House and kind of you know just doing a lot of the uh the small and menial tasks that you uh you need to do in order to in order just to survive and minecraft like you might go you know you might play minecraft with a specific

Goal you might say right i want to start a new world and i want to defeat the ender dragon but it’s not like that’s all you’re going to do you know you need to build a house you know you need to do a storage room you know there’s all of

These other things that you are you need to do before you actually go and battle the uh the ender dragon and i know there is a sheep there by the way but i might as well uh go back to the other house now and use one over there i say yeah

Like that’s kind of what i want to do here and i actually really enjoy building in this way i mean it’s not i know i keep calling it building but it’s not even building like like as i said when i started the series the whole idea

Was to do a series where i don’t do any building because that’s what so many of my series are and i do want to kind of keep to that but just the way you have to build like chiseling away the the house it’s just i know it’s just so

Interesting to to me and i don’t know it’s just more it’s more exciting because it feels so risky because if you make a mistake and something goes wrong then that’s it that is a mistake that you’re going to have to live with because you can’t chase it you can’t

Place those blocks back down and so i don’t know it just makes it as somehow kind of more fun uh just to kind of work with you know what you have there and as soon as i found that really cool mountain i think it

Would just be a shame to uh to not like uh build a proper house to live in and some of the the later trophies are um quite difficult and uh may take quite a while as well and so it seems i’m probably gonna be spending a while in

The series you know i want to i want a nice place to to live in anyway i think we should now be about to get the uh the final trophy so let’s go and uh dye this uh sheep let’s go and shear it and are we gonna get the trophy three two one

And nothing okay right this doesn’t mean this is a failure this might mean that i’m just i either i’ve even missed one or i do need to be holding them all so let’s go and get rid of that block so i don’t want to leave it in my inventory

That’s my that’s my rule no blocks in the inventory and let’s go and uh just pick up all of these um these uh these different colored wool i’m gonna have to empty out all of these these dies and then i’ll have a room and to be able to

Hold all of the blocks and uh hopefully now uh once i pick up this final block i need one more it’s just the white wall left and three two one trophy and trophy ah okay i’m obviously missing one right how many have i got i got one two three

Four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen oh fifteen i’m missing one i’m missing one block somewhere which which block am i missing that’s the uh that’s the question of the the the day

Right try and remember all of the other blocks that are there then let’s go and have a look through here again so oh actually i can kind of i can see them i can see them all down there so let’s just go one by one and check them all so

We got white wall uh we got orange uh that’s magenta we have major oh pink pink pink the final one is going to to be pink right let’s go and get some uh some pink ball i do have the um uh the dye on me here as well as here this

Shouldn’t be any problem i can just go outside and die one of these uh and yeah and uh get the uh hopefully the final sheep and then i’m gonna do my countdown three two one and hopefully actually get the the achievement this time right let’s share this three two one trophy

Yay i actually got it this time the rainbow collection oh dude that was actually good fun now that’s actually good fun and now i have all of these uh different color pieces of wool i can go and do a little bit more decorating now and i can start

Adding down some some carpets and paintings and things as well because at the moment the house looks pretty cool from the outside despite the fact it’s kind of coming out of a giant mountain uh but yeah the inside is um looking a little plain for a stampy cat built

House so yeah i do want to i just start sprucing it up a little bit in here and um yeah doing what i can to make it look better without placing any blocks ever sadly uh that is the uh the end of this episode here hopefully uh you all

Enjoyed it and there’ll be more uh 20 block challenge videos coming soon and there’ll be a link in the description uh down to the next episode once it’s online but for now i wanna thank you all very much for watching and i will see you all later bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft PS4 – 20 Block Challenge – Rainbow Collection (17)’, was uploaded by stampylonghead on 2017-01-10 20:00:05. It has garnered 378037 views and 3826 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:19 or 1999 seconds.

Part 18 –

Welcome to the 20 block challenge. In this challenge I am trying unlock the platinum trophy on the Playstation 4 version while only ever placing down 20 blocks.

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    Axminer 1M - Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viralVideo Information हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम सब लोगों का स्वागत है आज की स्ट्रीम पर कैसे हो सब लोग ड्रीम माइट वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम रणवीर ब्रदर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम साइट गेमर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सब लोग डीवीएस जट ब्रदर स्वागत है ब्रो आपका आज की इस नई स्ट्रीम पर न वाटी लकम कैसे होती गाइस सब लोग एली वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम ब्रो आप कैसे है मैं मस्त हूं यार सब मौज में वीडियो देखा कि नहीं आप लोगों ने शॉर्ट वीडियो के लिए मैं टाइम लेट हो गया गाइस शॉर्ट वीडियो अपलोड… Read More


    🔥 ULTIMATE TNT RUN IN MINECRAFT! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-08 16:50:07. It has garnered 4889 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Get Beyonce’s Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin Tips

    Get Beyonce's Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin TipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘skin girl beyonce skin girl for minecraft skin girl gta sa android skin girl minecraft aesthetic لا’, was uploaded by Goloving skin tips on 2024-07-04 03:02:18. It has garnered 545 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • "Get RICH in Skyblock on OPLegends"

    <p>"Get <em>RICH</em> in Skyblock on OPLegends"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2024-07-04 19:49:25. It has garnered 527 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4 💙 SUBSCRIBE: 💀 Discord! ✨TikTok! 👻 Twitter! 🚀 Embark on an Unforgettable Skyblock Adventure with Riverrain123! 🌌 🚀 SERVER IP: (JAVA & BEDROCK) IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Release info: Get ready to soar through the skies of Minecraft with this Top 5… Read More

  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

    John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!Video Information This video, titled ‘John Paul Jones is a Pirate – The Longest Johns (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-29 20:00:22. It has garnered 57 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. Lyrics: minecraft steve is a griefer (craft pick, dig!) some TNT does he possess (craft pick, dig!) Keep it up we’ll catch the griefer (craft pick, dig!) And ban him along with the rest (craft pick, dig!) Oh! Born the son of Notch, he was (craft pick, dig!) Born the son of Notch (craft… Read More