stampylonghead – Minecraft Xbox – Exploring The City – SPANKLECHANK’s World Tour – Part 8

Video Information

Hello this is stampylongnose and welcome to a minecraft let’s play video and I’m in some familiar territory here you may recognise where I am this is me here inside spiral shanks world we’ve spangled shank himself and this is a world which I featured not too long ago

And it’s been a few months and they’ve carried on building and now the world has got a hell of a lot bigger probably about doubled in size so I’ve come back here to go and do another video having a look around what’s new and first off I’m

Gonna warn you I’m not well at the moment I’ve got a horrible cold and I’m sneezing and coughing and I got a headache and overall I’m not a happy stampy so I’m I don’t know I might sneeze my throat might sound a bit weird I might sound a little bit nasally so

Hopefully you can put up with that and I don’t like recording like this and I remember last time I was in this world I wasn’t very well either and so I don’t know maybe I’m just allergic to this Minecraft world but I really did want to

Record today so I decided to give it a go and so if you are listening to this then that means hopefully I did OK and managed to keep speaking for the length of the video anyway so this is the first things that new this is the the

Planetarium the hood is a bit of moon dirt here that sir I don’t know maybe that was from a crater or something that crashed or they went up and got some moon as yeah this is kind of like a space like Museum I guess this is some

Kind of like shuttle or something that was supposed to have landed on the moon and if we ever really did land on the moon conspiracy theory conspiracy theory as this is kind of cool um what’s this oh this is this is a meteor fragment looks very similar to so sad but I’m

Going to take his word and say there is a meteor fragment kind of cool little bench sitting down there seems to be another kind of shuttle thing all also tell it there’s a meteor there’s like a model of a meteor up there nice to meet you haha that’s kind of cool actually

The way I sell does look like it’s crashing down but it’s only a model don’t worry don’t start panicking I’m absolutely safe here and yeah there seems to be some sort of other sort of lunar landing shuttle thing in here I’m a nice little brooding stand down there

And yeah looking up we got some glowstone and stuff and just quite cool little rumor was an end a ender portal thingy majiggy there so yeah that looks pretty cool um yes they’re going to start off in the modern world here and then we’re going to move

On I believe there’s a theme park which we should be seeing in a future video as well as well as a bunch of new buildings and stuff so yeah hopefully you did see the past videos I made in Spanglish thanks world and it seems to be like one

Of the space mooncalf thingies like the space buggy type things looks kind of cool there for lugging around all of the heavy moon rock and I can hear a pig just through there for the dirt wall I believe inside is made out to kind of look like space like a proper

Planetarium I don’t if we’re gonna have like a voiceover going like in the beginning of the universe the world was a void and something like that I don’t know maybe and this is old sewer access lovely I really want to go down there well we have pleased to have sewer

Access and I think that’s supposed to be a Saturn I assume seems to be some sort of planet there and I can we go inside now can we look on the inside as getting dark let’s go inside oh we are on creative mode here so we are gonna be

Safe and look at this how cool does this look it actually looks like we are in space whoa it looks so cool just because it was built as like a massive dome like the last time I was here we sort of came in here and we didn’t know what they

Were going to build out of and you can see that there used buttons to make the stars kind of got some Sun looking type areas with the glowstone that just sort of lights up the whole area there’s the earth I assume that’s probably Mars there and

That’s the Sun we have a Pluto anywhere which isn’t technically a planet I don’t know maybe that’s Pluto over there I see yeah this just looks really cool and oh no maybe this is supposed to be the Sun in the middle here this is really cool though I’ve never actually seen a

Planetarium built in Minecraft this is a really cool idea and they’ve done it really well especially the the earth as well definitely does look like the earth and you can see the moon there as well that’s the moon next to the earth unfortunately that none of the planets

Do look very round which is kind of more the limitations of Minecraft rather them like they’re not being able to build very well and I believe we’re now going to move off over in this direction just to see some of the other stuff and I haven’t looked around

And this is all as new to me as it will be for you I’m I’ve literally just joined into the game I had a little wonder around just so some things could load in but apart from that this is all completely new to me and all of this area if you’re

Thinking why am i explaining what this stuff is and that’s because I did show the stuff off in my past videos and I think I did like seven videos or something like that in this world before so I definitely recommend you check them out before watching this video to see

All of the other stuff that we’ve seen and this is lion’s pride investment firm okay I like the fact that they do all of the buildings that you don’t normally see like people normally build like buildings like I don’t know like lighthouses like I built or like windmills you don’t see many people

Building investment firms and as you can see as we’re pretty much all of their buildings it is fully furnished and he did say that there are a few buildings that have been built but the inside hasn’t been furnished yet and he said that for them and he’ll just sort of

Show me on the outside and we won’t go inside and they will be finishing them all off but they just haven’t got around to it yet and this looks like where they have all of the board meetings they kind of got like high chairs that’s kind of

Cool then a bit like an office chairs like swivel chairs there’s a big good place to just sort of slide around on the floor here and a nice little water fountain and a really cool star on the ceiling there looks really weird it kind of looks a bit like an optical illusion

If you turn like that it’s like I keep myself amused oh no ok well let’s let’s go and to be honest michael Shank this building is really well built and I can build it it’s very impressive but I want to go to the theme park to be

Honest I mean there’s only a certain amount of buildings like investment firms you can look at I want to go and ride on the roller coaster and apparently yet this is spanking shanks word so don’t blame me if it isn’t apparently this is like one of the best

Like roller coasters ever built in Minecraft apparently it’s just insanely mental I think it’s called something like dragon’s breath or something and yeah he’s really been building up this rollercoaster so and I can’t wait to go and check that out but first more buildings I’m here in the modern world

It’s just funny when when you’re in a world that is built so well like this just you walk past so many just amazing things without noticing in an aside we’re gonna have a little nap here a little lie-down extra spangled shank like any of these buildings like if I

Built them in my world I would have been so chuffed and proud of myself if I just took any one of these buildings but because they have so many like awesome like and well built stuff in a row like it’s going to be it’s like the really

Exceptional stuff is the stuff that like stands out and the stuff that you really notice and but yet every one of these buildings is a very well built as you can see they’re not all completely furnished yet so I took a little a little sneaky glance there through the

Window to see that it’s not completely built yet but they’re still working they’re working hard and you’re going to remember that they haven’t had actually that much time with creative mode to build this like while of it was built before creative mode but I believe everything we’re gonna be seen in this

Video is post creative mode and this is the the Federal Reserve Building okay let’s go inside the Federal Reserve Building I’ve got a em they say a metal detector through here dudududududududud uh of course like metals cuz all my gold there go it’s only gold don’t worry

Stubbing dangerous oh this is the this is the vault room this is where they they store all of their gold and stuff just so if there is an economic crisis then there won’t be too much fluctuation or anything so you can see here and the bow all of this just gold stack

Look at those massive gold blocks apparently like if you got all of the gold in the world and like put it in like one place apparently you couldn’t even fill up like an Olympic swimming pool if something is something like that I might have just made that up but I’ve

Definitely heard somewhere that if you took all the gold together and put it into one block the block wouldn’t actually be that big that’s like how rare it is and so yeah so this is where the security guard I guess would sit and guard all of the gold there’s worse jobs

To do in the world and to be honest I don’t think anyone’s gonna steal it so I’m pretty sure no one could come down and just carry one of those gold blocks away although I would expect there to be a little bit more security around here rather than just being able to simply

Just walk down and explore around it but yes really cool I’ve never seen anything like that in Minecraft and it’s good to see that this world hasn’t been affected too much by the recession and everything and it’s still a very prosperous Minecraft world and that is dangerous

There should be a railing on the other side I could have seriously hurt myself there and luckily cats do always land on their paws so I should have been fine okay so I guess these are just more kind of offices they’re sort of like little boobs another office up here I’m

Guessing these are all kind of the same it’s kind of like a little town up here these are kind of like their own little buildings I was a little tree with some glowstone in it as well and you can see here spank or shank is dressed up as

Steve but he’s wearing a kind of festive Christmas jumper as well and as I’m recording this it is the 3rd of January so I’m not entirely sure when this would have been uploaded but this is still just after Christmas and New Year’s Eve and all of that exciting stuff so that’s

Why he’s there wearing a nice Christmas sweater and this is the the monitor room as we can see a lot of monitors is this like for security is this when they sit here just checking that no one’s stealing their gold I don’t know maybe as always I’ve had very little like

Explanation about what I’m seeing in these videos like I could have asked him about everything or like been speaking to him as we’re doing the video so he can explain everything I kind of like just wandering around by myself and trying to work things out by

Myself and I don’t know like when you’re seeing everything for the first time I think it’s just a bit better than like showing off stuff that you’ve seen those of times before or like you’ve gone round and looked at everything and then you’re just going through all again just

To show someone else and I’m gonna pick my gold back up as I leave and I throw it through here just so there doesn’t set off the metal detector I totally not fit through there can I get through yeah I’ll just take it fruit dude this is the the carpark I believe with

Some iced window whose why not um probably not a long-term solution it might be fine for winter but not sure if that’s a good idea for summer are we going inside you see me he seems hesitant so we can see here some more of the the awesome cars that he’s built

Here a and of a motorbike here a nice lime green card which I wouldn’t want to be seen in a bright pink er a random jukebox just hanging out there a little orange band type thing and it doesn’t seem like he actually wants us to go in

Here properly so I don’t know maybe the tops not built or something or you can’t go up higher but it looks like we’re moving on this is Stay Puft Marshmallow z– what Stay Puft myristic her like a marshmellow factory and entirely sure i was was on the floor is that like a

Smiley face I don’t know if like that is a a brand which is an America benign England that I don’t know about but I don’t know maybe this is a marshmallow factory I’m sure some of you might be a bit more informed I’ve never heard of Stay Puft they’re not in Britain anyway

If they are real if you’re under there’s a helicopter in the sky there’s a chopper how exciting and we got here is this like a bus is this kind of like a school bus or something before their likes like completely yellow in America like the school buses oh no there’s a

Dog it says our wild dog so wall dog I’ll quick I gotta get it I gotta get it got some bones here come here come here boy come here boy oh no don’t save the game but save the game just as I’m trying to tame a dog okay well I’m actually just gonna

Quickly cut ahead in the videos you’d have to wait for this to save oh yay yeah he’s friendly like I guess I must have given him the bone just before he went to save right I’m gonna call you Jeffrey you can be Jeffrey the wolf and

You can come with me I hope you don’t mind me just stealing one of your wolves bangle shank I don’t you hope you don’t mind yeah sorry about that I just had to cut a head while it saves because this world is so massive and had so much stuff

Built in it it takes ages to save and what’s this is this miked micked more surely were they is em iked is there kind of like graffiti I think I mean there might be like graffiti on the wall there or something I’m not entirely sure it’s my uncle Jiang if you’re watching

This video back feel free to leave comments down below to explain what things are because I’m sure you can do it better than me and okay I guess that place isn’t furnished because he just sort of shut the doors I tried to go in the lofts luxury apartments mmm sounds

Sounds expensive sounds fancy and almost this I can see it an a ah a one I just like a pawn shop this racket I can go and trade things in they don’t seem to have much stock I don’t think many people have traded stuff in we buy old jewelry electric electronics and

Antiques okay right I don’t need this gold anymore that gold er is of no use to me I’d like to trade it in for something else please I also don’t need this tea and tea either and yeah and I got diamonds for it I love the exchange

Rates here I’d also like to trade in this dog he’s called Jeffrey and I thought I’d like him but he keeps wetting himself and he’s making a mess and he’s got fur all over my sofa and my couch so um yeah conducted a plea trade

Can i trade in this dog okay I guess they don’t accept dogs here kind of a cool little shop though I could just I could just trap a bit I’m so I’m so happy that I got a dog coming round with me now I’m always happier in Minecraft when I

Got like a dog friend with me I think me and Geoffrey are gonna get on just grand and now like any time I join this world the dogs is gonna be there like waiting for me you know like with dog owners like when they leave the house and then

The like they come back and the dog goes mental as if I get hasn’t seen them for years even though they’ve been out for ten minutes it’ll be like that with Geoffrey okay well what’s this building oh this is the police department okay well um maybe you could get a job as a

Police dog Geoffrey I can see a whole new like career opportunity for you you could become like a sniffer dog and okay I can’t even get in okay so this is the the reception desk of the popo station are these like some cells surely these aren’t cells sure I was just like an

Interrogation rooms that’s supposed to be like one-way glass like one-way mirror or something I’m assuming that isn’t a cell because it looks just a little bit too luxurious and if I know spank will shank I’m assuming he’s gonna change into a policeman or maybe not maybe he’s just gonna stay in this

Christmas that oh here we go oh this is a lineup room oh okay so we will stand here like holding like information about ourself and then they got of trying to say which one is which one is the person that robbed them I like that that’s kind

Of cool it’s just all those those extra little details that just make make the world that bit cooler isn’t it just like everyone does the same things in police station it’s just cool when they add something like that that you wouldn’t normally see and sorry my mic is just

Slowly falling forward onto my lap right now so if I suddenly got a bit louder they’re like I got a new microphone quite recently and I don’t know if you can hear the difference but it’s like heavier than my old one and it’s basically too heavy for my mic stand so

Whenever I have it on for a while it starts like really slowly just moving forwards towards me and I got to keep poni upright so sorry about that anyway moving on this is the evidence room so if there’s been some sort of crime I can look at all the evidence in there

And I’ve just got myself stuck in oh come on don’t go start lagging now let me out let me out I’ve got stuck in the police station in the bloody evidence room can you help me out Spanky shake there we go thank you very much I’m not evidence okay this is the

Armoury then I will pass anything else no I think that was it I’m sorry I just gonna have to readjust my mic one more time sorry about this this is pretty like the most unprofessional video I’ve ever done right there we go I think I’ve now sort out my microphone stand okay

Carrying on with the tour and anyway to be honest guys I don’t think you come to watch my videos for production values and for being professional I’m a self-confessed idiot that loves to play Minecraft a burglary okay these are like the different departments so like these people the people that investigate

Like burglaries I guess okay let’s let’s see what all the other different departments there are is there a sign anywhere does it not say maybe not there’s just so much detail everywhere vais oh okay so this is where we have meetings it just reminds me of like American cop shows because I’m assuming

Like police stations in like Britain where I live look kind of different so all this does is like remind me of what I see in like American TV shows not that I would know what a British police station looks like anyway not that I’ve ever been in narcotics this is where

They deal with all the people that have been taking too much medicine Arsen therefore of everything they do the different departments in it a homicide this it’ll get a bit depressing in here to be honest they were should come in here and put up a case about the

Skeleton that shot Gregory there’s been a murder I’m actually quite happy that I’ve been able to speak for this long like I really wasn’t sure whether I was going to be able to do a video just because I wasn’t feeling very well but I seem to be able to to carry on talking

Well enough hopefully I don’t sound too nasally I really didn’t want to go and like introduce a video going like analysis not be long nosed and welcome to a minecraft let’s play video I sound like at annoyed oh no I sound like a supermarket like this is a customer

Announcement could Betty please come to the customer services station to repeat that’s pity to the customer service station thank you dude oh my god I shouldn’t have squeezed my nose now now it’s made me want to sneeze quickly I need to look at a light to help make me

Sneeze I stand behind the yellow line for mugshot no smiling so this is the camera then I take a picture of me what have I done why have I been taken to the police station I guess I’m there taking a picture of me I hope I can get that developed a little

Bit later on ah the fingerprint station well my poor print I’ve just destroyed it oh dear I’m already breaking things yeah if you remember in the last video um let me let me just put this back as it was I am in the last video I didn’t

Have permissions but he’s been nice and giving me permissions now I guess I’ve earned his trust so hopefully he won’t he won’t learn to regret that as I say walking around holding TNT this is the drunk tank I guess this is where they leave everyone just when they first get

Pulled in and all the criminals hang out in there and this is another monitor room so I guess this is the security again when they check in everything and my microphone is once again really slowly dropping down and it’s kind of like just landed on my chest now I’m in

Like the weirdest position position ever like my microphone is just resting on my belly and I’m like kind of looking down so I’m talking into the mic but like my eyes are looking up so I can still see what’s going on in the game I so wish I was doing like a

Webcam recording and you could actually see me as I was doing this because I must like look so totally ridiculous right now I’m gonna have to sort this out in a sec well actually what I think I might do is I might end the video here

And I might Slough my mic stand I’m gonna have a glass of water and then I’m gonna carry on this tour in the next video so yeah we just seen some of the cells here so that’s the end of the video here thanks for bearing with it

And watching to this point and hopefully I see you in the next one bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Xbox – Exploring The City – SPANKLECHANK’s World Tour – Part 8’, was uploaded by stampylonghead on 2013-01-06 21:57:33. It has garnered 400478 views and 1721 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:13 or 1273 seconds.

Part 9 –

Welcome to my tour of SPANKLECHANK’s world on the Xbox 360 edition of Minecraft. Everything you see in these videos was built in just 5 Months by SPANKLECHANK, midnighthoss, the comedian23, dudeyoudied, ihalozone, madgod 117, brut buckeye, bhl zzirgrizz, kamakazicow69r, str8xupxtrolln, broskiifx, scar gaiden, x id1pgrizzly x and xbw hazard.

In this video I continue exploring the modern area of the world.

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  • 🚫 How to go BROKE on Minecraft SMP! 🤑

    🚫 How to go BROKE on Minecraft SMP! 🤑Video Information This video, titled ‘How to become poor on this Minecraft Smp’, was uploaded by Bartol on 2024-07-21 07:10:46. It has garnered 2255 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • Yoeurn Mutta’s Massive Space Adventure

    Yoeurn Mutta's Massive Space AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘He’s better off to space ( on IG)’, was uploaded by Yoeurn Mutta on 2024-08-25 12:30:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraftmeme #minecraft. Read More

  • 10 CRAZY RED FLAGS in Mofutari Megumi’s Minecraft Adventure! 🔴

    10 CRAZY RED FLAGS in Mofutari Megumi's Minecraft Adventure! 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】anyone got any red flags | #Fantasia_SEA’, was uploaded by Mofutari Megumi Ch. もふ多里 恵美 on 2024-09-07 15:12:18. It has garnered 82 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:55 or 8695 seconds. -: ❁ :- 『NEW COVER RELEASE』 – ≪ Giga – Ch4nge ⨠ -: ❁ :- 『Memberships』 Join memberships to get access to emotes, badges, and exclusive members-only content: -: ❁ :- 『Support Me』 ※ Tips are voluntary and nonrefundable ! Please make sure you’re prioritizing yourself first and foremost! ※ Majority of the funds will… Read More

  • EPIC SHIZO REALMS – Thagnogs vs Viewers

    EPIC SHIZO REALMS - Thagnogs vs ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realms With Viewers Episode 5’, was uploaded by THAGNOGS on 2024-05-04 19:28:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Bedrock Realm that anyone can join! The code / link to the realm is in the description below. Read rules before joining … Read More

  • EPIC Marble Minecraft War – Z-Marbles Showdown!

    EPIC Marble Minecraft War - Z-Marbles Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marble Minecraft Territory War 2’, was uploaded by Z-Marbles on 2024-06-01 10:47:32. It has garnered 354 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:22 or 622 seconds. Marble Minecraft Territory War 2 this is the second video of my marble minecraft territory war series, hope you enjoy it! songs: Song: JOXION – RPM [Arcade Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: Watch: Song: JOXION – 094 [Arcade Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: Watch: Song: Cake – Cereb [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream:… Read More

  • SwipeSMP – smp, Mostly-Vanilla, 1.21, Whitelist

    Join our SMP Server Community! If you’re looking to join a mostly vanilla SMP server on version 1.21, we’re in need of more players to contribute to builds and shops. Join our community by adding me on Discord! My Discord: ihben Server Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Haters Gonna Criticize

    Minecraft Memes - Haters Gonna CriticizeWow, that meme must be criti-seeming pretty good with a score of 105! Read More

  • Crafting Worlds: D&D in Minecraft | Ep 1

    Crafting Worlds: D&D in Minecraft | Ep 1 In Minecraft, I craft my D&D world with glee, Nature is Dicey, a place for you and me. Building block by block, a tale to unfold, Adventure awaits, in stories untold. With Tabletop Audio as my soundtrack, I dive into creativity, never looking back. Join me on this journey, as we create and explore, In this Homebrew world, where magic galore. Stick around for the ride, it’s bound to be grand, As we shape this world, with a steady hand. ANemeanLioness, the name I go by, Creating wonders in Minecraft, reaching for the sky. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper’s Mixtape Drops!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper's Mixtape Drops! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #gaminghumor Read More

  • LEGO Minecraft: Epic Stop Motion Kill

    LEGO Minecraft: Epic Stop Motion Kill Epic Minecraft LEGO Stop Motion Animation: A Blocky Battle Welcome to a world where Minecraft and LEGO collide in an epic stop motion animation! In this intense crossover, crystal minifigures and blocky landscapes come together to create a thrilling battle against an adult adversary. Get ready for heart-pounding action, lightsaber mayhem, creative storytelling, and stunning visuals! High-Octane Action Experience the adrenaline-pumping scenes filled with shooting sequences and dynamic sword fights. The clash between the worlds of Minecraft and LEGO brings a new level of excitement to the screen. Lightsaber Mayhem Witness the dramatic lightsaber duels and head cuts, along… Read More

  • Experience Lag-Free Fun on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Lag-Free Fun on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we’re diving into the world of Optifine for Minecraft PE 1.21. If you’re looking to enhance your gaming experience and fix any lag issues, Optifine is the way to go. But why stop there? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server for even more excitement and adventure. With an active community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your skills and creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. So why wait? Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and let the… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Pale Garden: The Silent TERROR

    Minecraft's Pale Garden: The Silent TERROR The Silent TERROR of Minecraft’s Pale Garden… Introduction Frostbyte Freeman delves into the mysteries of the new Pale Garden biome in Minecraft, hinting at the potential for intrigue and terror lurking within its boundaries. Exploring the Horizon The Pale Garden beckons players with its eerie landscape, promising new adventures and challenges to overcome. Traversing the Woods As players venture deeper into the Pale Garden, they encounter dense forests teeming with unknown dangers and secrets waiting to be uncovered. Entering the Garden The transition into the Pale Garden marks a shift in atmosphere, with the environment taking on a foreboding… Read More

  • Galactic_RoGamer LIVE: Roblox With Viewers! What will the wheel decide? 🎯

    Galactic_RoGamer LIVE: Roblox With Viewers! What will the wheel decide? 🎯Video Information This video, titled ‘Roblox With Viewers!! LIVE!! #spinthewheel’, was uploaded by Galactic_RoGamer on 2024-07-25 21:18:32. It has garnered 582 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:18 or 9798 seconds. Roblox With Viewers!! LIVE!! #spinthewheel #fyp #viral #gaming #hypixel #hypixelskyblock #minecraft #roblox Like and Sub if you enjoy!! Discord: Keywords (DONT WORRY ABT IT): roblox roblox story roblox brookhaven 🏡rp roblox doors roblox bedwars roblox storytime roblox gay story roblox song roblox memes roblox the hunt roblox edits roblox horror games roblox avatar ideas roblox anime games roblox asmr roblox animation roblox adopt me… Read More

  • Explosive Minecraft TNT Showdown with Green Monsters in Zooflox Games

    Explosive Minecraft TNT Showdown with Green Monsters in Zooflox GamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘🧨MINECRAFT TNT BOOM vs GREEN ZOONOMALY MONSTERS in GREEN WORLD 🟢 #shorts #zooflox #game #minecraft’, was uploaded by ZOOFLOX GAMES on 2024-06-05 22:41:41. It has garnered 3131 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. 🧨MINECRAFT TNT BOOM vs GREEN ZOONOMALY MONSTERS in GREEN WORLD 🟢 #shorts #zooflox #game #minecraft scary,horror,nightmare,cgi,creepy,cursed,shorts,meme,jumpscare,terror,,lights are off,3d animation,zoonomaly,horrorgame,game,video game,horror game,8bitryan,8-bitryan,8 bitryan,zoonomaly all jumpscares,zoonomaly game,zoonomaly full game,zoonomaly ending,zoonomaly horror game gameplay,zoonomaly horror game,zoonomaly all monsters,zoonomaly jumpscares,zoonomaly all bosses,zoonomaly horror game full game zoonomaly, zoonomaly horror game, zoonomaly trailer, zoonomaly song, zoonomaly horror game 2,… Read More

  • Gingershadow Strikes Gold in Minecraft One Piece Mod!

    Gingershadow Strikes Gold in Minecraft One Piece Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘IM RICH! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 5’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-07-31 22:00:10. It has garnered 3585 views and 259 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:56 or 2696 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – IM RICH! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 5 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon… Read More


    GET SCARED IN MINECRAFT - ONE LUCKY BLOCK SURPRISE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft First map scared map then doing part 2 on one lucky block and come and join :)’, was uploaded by trill_smoke2002 on 2024-02-19 00:35:52. It has garnered 158 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:11:34 or 18694 seconds. Making Gaming live streams And small video (first time trying tho) Read More

  • Unleashing the Ultimate Minecraft Beam: XerxesTexasToast

    Unleashing the Ultimate Minecraft Beam: XerxesTexasToastVideo Information This video, titled ‘blasting you with the minecraft beam again’, was uploaded by XerxesTexasToast on 2024-08-13 06:19:46. It has garnered 21 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:44:38 or 17078 seconds. Support: Check out the playlist section on my channel to view whole series! GROUND RULES – No racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any other flavor of bigotry. – No sexual harassment. This includes both lewd jokes directed at me or another chat member and unsolicited confessions. – Don’t ask for personal info. I will not tell you real names or locations,… Read More

  • Minecraft FreshSMP: DUMBO Goes Insane?!

    Minecraft FreshSMP: DUMBO Goes Insane?!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft freshsmp’, was uploaded by dumbo on 2024-07-08 01:20:54. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:22 or 5302 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on BANZOUIN Hakka! You Won’t Believe Her Reaction!

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on BANZOUIN Hakka! You Won't Believe Her Reaction!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】HONEY WAKE UP, IT’S TIME FOR YOUR MINECRAFT SESSION ! ! !’, was uploaded by Banzoin Hakka Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-10-02 05:05:39. It has garnered 5561 views and 843 likes. The duration of the video is 04:31:59 or 16319 seconds. MINECRAFT TIME BABY. ✦•······················•☼•······················•✦ CUTE AF ART, THANK YOU SO MUCH KIIRU ! ! ! SUPER ADORABLE DANCING HAKKITO ANIMATION cool custom chat CSS by chroneco! Awesome captioning & translation by Jimakuchan ✦•······················•☼•······················•✦ So much to explore, it’s dangerous to go alone, take a subscription! Make sure to ring the bell,… Read More

  • INSANE Eggwars Gameplay with Subs! 😱🔥

    INSANE Eggwars Gameplay with Subs! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Jugando EGGWARS con SUBS en MINECRAFT BEDROCK – Ciktro’, was uploaded by Ciktro on 2024-09-02 23:48:14. It has garnered 40 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:11 or 5291 seconds. Playing EGGWARS with SUBS in MINECRAFT BEDROCK – Ciktro —————————————– ———— SOCIAL NETWORKS ———————————— —————– TIK TOK: TWITTER: DISCORD: INSTAGRAM: ————————————————– — CHANNEL INFORMATION ——————————————– ——— As you know, my name is Ciktro and I really like talking to you and entertaining you. My main content is based on Minecraft, where I usually do tutorials for both… Read More

  • Deadly School SMP in Minecraft ft. Shabirzzgamer

    Deadly School SMP in Minecraft ft. ShabirzzgamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You SUB I die school smp | #shabirzzgamer #minecraft #livestream #shorts’, was uploaded by Poki Mine Gamer on 2024-10-02 12:12:03. It has garnered 2903 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:38 or 7598 seconds. Minecraft But You SUB I die school smp | #shabirzzgamer #minecraft #livestream #shorts 💕💕😍😍 Minecraft Live is an annual online event hosted by Mojang Studios, designed to showcase major updates, features, and upcoming content for Minecraft. The event is packed with exciting reveals, including the announcement of new game mechanics, mobs, biomes, and collaborations. Viewers… Read More

  • Dragon Shield Modded: No Client Mods-Modded Survival, MMORPG, Backpacks, Magic&Custom Weapons, Quests, 500+ Dungeons, 300+ Custom Biomes, New Ores, Custom Ore, Whitelist

    🐉 Join Today 🛡️ Hello long forgotten friends! I welcome you to Dragon Shield, a server filled with custom ores, over 700 hours of content, 500+ dungeons, backpacks, over 100 custom biomes, furniture, and souls-like boss mechanics—all without needing any mods! Joining is easy, simply load a small resource pack when you join. Explore the vast world of Dragon Shield and experience all it has to offer. Contact me for our wiki where every custom detail is explained. Whether you’re new to minecraft or a seasoned player, this server is designed for everyone to enjoy. For casual players, there are… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Newbie baited!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Newbie baited!"Looks like the noobs aren’t the only ones falling for traps – this meme has definitely caught some unsuspecting victims with a score of 21! Read More

  • Corn Cannon Chaos: Gou Xiong Ridge’s Minecraft Mayhem

    Corn Cannon Chaos: Gou Xiong Ridge's Minecraft Mayhem In the land of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of Gou Xiong Ridge, where the story molds. The corn cannon army, a strange sight to see, Attacking with kernels, setting the mobs free. Warwick & Huayi Games, the blogger in the know, Sharing updates, with a playful flow. Mini world explanations, brought to light, With authorized content, shining bright. So follow along, with a click and a bell, For Minecraft news, that’s sure to compel. In rhymes we speak, in rhymes we play, In the world of gaming, where we’ll stay. Read More